--- Aggressive Inline Airfield FAQ --- by psxdude2001 of GameFAQs aka. Andrew Menzies Console: PS2 Developed by: Z-Axis Released: May of 2002 Contents: I. Intro II. Challenges III. Outro & Credits I. Intro Welcome to my second GameFAQs FAQ, this time for the Airfield level in Aggressive Inline. This guide will tell you everything you need to know to 100% the level. Now read on, monkey. II. Challenges Get 500 000 Points- As with most 'Get this many points' challenges, just skate the level, completing other objectives and before you know it, you'll have it done. 250 000 Point Trick with 5 Cess Slides- Use the are right by the exits; it's a big area shaped like a 'U' You'll get lots of air, and it follows around a long area that's great to grind. Do the 5 Cess Slides and if you don't have enough points by then, just trick into a grind and mix em' up. Grind the Tethered Plane- Once you get close to the plane, it'll shake like crazy. Keep balanced and just as the plane jolts up, jump, because it will immediately jolt back down, allowing you enough time to land and grind the actual plane. Royale Grind the Tower Base- This is the base with the yellow and black pipe circling it. You just need to grind the base once (using the Royale Grind) and jump off. Make sure you chose a marker and watch for it appear again so you know you've gone around at least once. Hand Plant the 3 Corner Bars- These are the furthest bars to the back of the level. There's a purple juice box above the top one, of that helps. Basically hand plant each bar; order isn't important. Hand Plant the 3 Bars- There's 2 elevated half pipes between a long quarter pipe. Use the quarter pipe to hand plant each green bar between the 2 half pipes. Break the Bomber Turret- Get to the far corner of the level (where you did the first 3 hand plants). Use the ramps to jump high, and grind along the pipes. Transfer over to the large, flat air vent and stop grinding. Look for the best route (from where you are) and keep a good speed. It will take a few tries, as some pipes are hard to transfer to. Get 1 000 000 Points- See 'Get 500 000 Points'. Get 2 500 000 Points- See 'Get 500 000 Points'. 125 000 Point Timed Run- The area right by the little intercom that gives you the challenge works best. It's close, fairly large, and has great air. Cess slide and grind around the whole area and you can easily complete this challenge. 250 000 Point Timed Run- Try mixing more difficult grinds (X, Sole, Mizouzu, hand) on the base area where you did the Royale challenge. Use the same area as with the previous challenge, with complex combos like the Rocket Air Backflip and Misty Flip. Just always be doing a trick- wallride, manual, and grind from area to area. You don't have time to just skate, so always be tricking. Skitch From Plane- Get out to the area where the plane used to be. Wait until you hear it approaching, and skitch with O. You'll get lots of speed, and if you don't let go in time, you'll fly off into oblivion. Skitch the plane and try for the stat icon high above the runway. Hot Flip Transfer Photo- There's two green double sides quarter pipes that allow you to jump over them as you go up. Go up one at an angle towards the other, and do a Hot Flip. Keep straight, and you'll land clean. T-Bone Gap Photo- You know those 2 high pipes near the second 3 green bars? Transfer up to the right one (facing it) and jump the gap, hitting a T-Bone grab and landing clean. Find Boardwalk Key- Ever get really wasted and lose you pants? Well, the same sort of thing happened to me, except I lost the boardwalk key. Actually, I just forget where it was before I grabbed it. It's up in the rafters by the bomber plane, and it's fairly easy to find. If you really can't see it, check the GameFAQs board; those guys will help. Place and Trick 6 Items- These next 3 challenges suck. They're hard, boring, and extremely tedious. With that said, here's what to do: set up the pieces in order that you can do them. You have to do a single trick off all of them, so either place them in way where you can either grind all pieces (pipes included) or manual from piece to piece. I like the grinding way, as it's easier to complete. Either way, it'll take some practice. Make sure to put the horizontal pole last, and have all pipes and small pieces close together. Avoid vaulting, and keep balanced. There's nothing worse than crapping out on the last 5 feet of grinding. Place and Trick 8 Items with Floating Quarter Pipe- Same as above, just se the floating quarter pipe in front of the first piece. Do a simple grab (LK, T-Bone, whatever), then manual into the grind. Shouldn't be too hard, right? Place and Trick 10 Items- This is the only objective I have yet to figure out. It's too difficult to get the right layout. The only advice I can give you is to mess around with piece positioning and take your time. III. Outro & Credits Thanks to Z-Axis, Acclaim, and anyone who has ever broke a bone, cut some flesh, skinned a knee, bruised a limb, or lose some brain cells while competing in the world's greatest Extreme sport. Sorry, Tony Hawk and Dave Mirra, but you got nothin' on Eito Ysutoko and Chris Edwards.