------------------------------------------------------------------- A TTTTTT A A TT AAAAA rrrr TT oooo nnnn eeee l ii cccc oooo A A r TT o o n n eeee l ii c o o A A r TT oooo n n eeee llll ii cccc oooo Walkthrough By sanosukelover (calloxus@yahoo.co.id) ------------------------------------------------------------------- First of all, this is my very first walkthrough. So, if there's any thing wrong, please forgive me... And the directions I give to you could be irrelevant because there is no mark like compass to show u the directions, so maybe I won't give you directions in some place. OK, on to the walkthrough... ------------------------------------------------------------------- Walkthrough ------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------[PHASE 1]----------------------------- To start this game, select new game from the main menu. Some scene will occur (Yea, it's common when you start a new game..).After the scenes, just follow the road out of the forest. It's not too branch ing. You'll encounter the first save point soon. It's like a circle shaped thing. You can rest, view your current objective, save, and load. Do whatever you want. After that continue to the exit of the forest. Some tutorials will follow. Go to Karulu Village after that ___________________________________________________________________ Karulu Village ___________________________________________________________________ In here, just enter every place that available. In General Discount Shop, chat with the owner of the shop. In the Inn, you can rest and save your game. After that, go back to the world map into the Viola Forest. Go to where your airship crashed (Just go W twice). A scene will occur. And you must go to Cello Forest to defeat Blue Wolves. Jack'll join you. Go back to Karulu Village. After the scene, go to the world map to Cello Forest. Oh, you can buy something in General Discount Shop now. But I think the products the owner sold is kinda useless... ___________________________________________________________________ Cello Forest ___________________________________________________________________ Just follow the path. A scene will occur. You must fight the Blue Wolves but your attacks aren't affect them. Go back to Karulu Villa ge afterwards. ___________________________________________________________________ Karulu Village ___________________________________________________________________ Go to Tower Inn, then go to Tower Guardian. Talk to the girl behind the counter then talk to the old man. You'll learn how to Grathmeld (Actually Grathmelding is like Alchemy....). Go to Tower Inn, talk to the Inn Keeper & create at least 2 Missiles. Go back to the old man (Mr.Pochoma) and talk to him. You'll receive 10 red stones & 10 blue stones as reward.Oh,you could buy some new recipes from Noelle After that,go to Cello Forest again. When the path branches, choose the lower path (Upper path to get item) and soon, you'll encounter the Blue Wolves. Your attacks can hurt them now.Just use Missile on it. After that, go back to Viola Forest and go to the place where your airship crashed. Now, go to Cello Forest and go to where you fought the Wolves and just follow the path. Some scenes happen. Af- ter that, just follow the path until you go out to the world map. Go to Nemo. ___________________________________________________________________ Nemo ___________________________________________________________________ In Nemo, enter Hoshinose Avenue & you'll fight a boss. This battle is easy.Just command Aurica to sing when your HP is low. After that go to Elemia Church then to Singing Moon Inn. You'll get enhancing tutorial. Keep it in your mind. Talk to Aurica, then talk to Jack. After that, go outside. You will fight Bourd and you must lose this battle... After the scenes, rest at the Save Point (you'll get con- versation tutorial). Just follow the path out after that (the paths here aren't complicated). Soon, you'll encounter some guard and you need to fight 'em. With Misha's help,this battle is a piece of cake (Just use Misha's Energy Ball)... Follow the path then. More tutori al and scenes will take place. In the end, you must fight a boss... He is easy. Just use Energy Ball until the gauge is 5000% and that will deal 2000+ damage to the boss (more than half of his HP).After that,you can go to the west path of the stairs (stairs before Lyner feel there is something suspicious). You'll reach Firefly Alley. ___________________________________________________________________ Firefly Alley ___________________________________________________________________ In here, grab the sparkly thing. That's Misha's conversation topic. Then go out from here (not from the stairs where you come from, but from the western way). Go to Seagull Port. Then, go to Karakola Ave and go to the stairs where you came from before. In there, just go straight (don't go down the stairs again where you fought the boss) and you'll know that the path is blocked! Wasting my time... Anyway go back to Firefly Alley to Firefly Main Street & talk to Spica (a girl who's standing near the stairs). After that, go back to the po wer generator. After that,go to the Dive Shop (it's located at Kara kola Ave and there's a huge sign titled "DIVE" on it). Go in & talk to the person that standing there. A scene'll happen. Talk to the shop owner again.You must pay some money to Diving into Misha's Cos mospheres. ___________________________________________________________________ Misha's Cosmopheres ___________________________________________________________________ After the scene, walk into the place with a big star symbol & enter that place for Thunder Shot Green Magic. It cost you 50 DP. After that go back to the reality by pressing O & go back to the blocked door. Use Thunder Shot on it (press square button). A scene will ha ppen soon and you must fight 2 guards.Then,just follow the straight path ahead. Some scenes happen again and Krusche'll join you. From there, go north then go east to take an item and go north again to continue. Just go N until you reach a save point. Go W to get item, N to continue. Go N (if there's a branching path west, take that path, there's an item) until you reach a save point with Misha's to pic. From the save point, go N, you'll fight the tower guards. Go N and from the shuttle go west. Then, go N to get item, W to continue Next, go W, S, W to get item, N to continue. A scene will happen.Go N and use Thunder Shot on the machine. Now, go back to the shuttle, you can ride it now. Go S afterwards. Go W then S to get item. Go S from the save point to continue. Go E, Radolf'll join you.Go inside the airship then (I suggest you to save first because you'll fight a boss). Also, you may want to buy many healing items like Healy C/ other healing items because the boss will do over 500 damage to all party members (except Aurica) in his every attack. After the battle Krusche and Radolf will leave your party. After then,talk to Radolf and select yes. You'll see some scenes. Damn that Bourd,using dirty tricks. After that, you'll be at Falcon's Claw. ___________________________________________________________________ Falcon's Claw ___________________________________________________________________ In here, there is save point at south.Go E to get item,go W to con- tinue. Go W to get item, go N to continue. Go W and W again to get item, go N to continue. Go N to get item, W to continue. Go N three times and go inside the ruin. The way in Ruin is one way path, so just follow the path & eventually you'll reach Godess Tyria Statue. Go out from the ruin and go to your crashed airship.On the way back you'll see some scenes and you'll be back in Nemo. There's a new we apon and recipe in Singing Moon Inn. You should buy it. And talk to Claire here. She will ask you to search for Fragment of Yuteria for her. Go to Church after that, then go to Inn. Go to Church again. U can go to Dive Shop now. You have to go there and get Fire Shot be- cause we'll use it in Singing Hill. ___________________________________________________________________ Singing Hill ___________________________________________________________________ In Singing Hill, just follow the hint. Use Gale Shot on Wind Crest, Fire Shot on Fire Crest. At room that you must open with Wind Crest you can go up to activate the device by jumping through the stones. When the device is activated, go back to the device and use it (but you must fight a boss before). After you beat the boss, go to North and then go W and use fire shot to get item, go E and use Gale Shot to get item. Lightning and Ice Crest can't be opened for now. Conti nue to N, Go E and W to get items, N to continue. You'll fight the same boss like before and receive Fragment of Yuteria which Claire requested. Go up now by using the device. Go N. There is a save po- int, Go N to the yellow door and use gale shot or else on the door. Go inside and... boss time! This time, we'll fight A.B.R Gamma. Be- ware! The boss has ability to drain all Reivateils songs and use it to recover his health! So, don't use Aurica's songs in this battle just use physical attacks on him. Yeah, it'll be long and boring. After that, go W. You'll end up fighting the boss again. After you defeat him, go out to Viola Forest to where your ship crashed... ___________________________________________________________________ Viola Forest ___________________________________________________________________ A scene'll happen here. After that, go back to Nemo... ___________________________________________________________________ Nemo ___________________________________________________________________ Go to Church. Go to Singing Moon Inn then and talk to Claire. A sce ne'll happen and because of Jack's big mouth, we have to Grathmeld Yuteria String for Claire.Go Grathmeld it and talk to Claire again. Long scenes happen. Go to Hexagonal Plate afterwards. ___________________________________________________________________ Hexagonal Plate ___________________________________________________________________ Go inside the entrance. Go left until you can't go left again,go up then. Go straight, there is a crack and a door.Use gale shot or el- se on the crack. Go inside and take the item. Go back and use gale shot on the door.Go in. Use gale shot again at the door in front of the save point. Take the item inside. Go back and use gale shot at the other door ( right of save point ). After the scenes, you'll be back in Nemo. ___________________________________________________________________ Nemo ___________________________________________________________________ Go to church. Go to Silvaplate. ___________________________________________________________________ Silvaplate ___________________________________________________________________ Climb up the stairs. Use fire shot when you see a BBQ and use gale shot when you see some fish.Climb up the stairs again.Use gale shot on the fruit.Continue to go up.Go to the Blue Building. Go straight for item, go left then. Go up for metal frame,go left then. Go down for item, go left then. There's a path that goes up and down. Go up first for item, then go left and down. Grab the chest,take the path near the chest and get the item. Take the lower left path.There's a save point. Go up. You'll fight Bourd and his cohorts. Continue to go up. Use gale shot on the fruit.Go up.Go inside the Blue Building Follow the path. When the path is branching, go left to get item,go down to continue. Go left. Go left then down. Continue to climb up all the way and we'll arrive at Em Pheyna. ___________________________________________________________________ Em Pheyna ___________________________________________________________________ Go to Temple Grounds then go to Temple.Go straight up. Go left. Use the purple circle to go up.Go right.Go down 2x. Go left and use the circle. Go right & up. There's a save point. Continue to go up. You will fight Flute. Use the general strategy. Command Aurica to sing her strongest magic and Lyner to attack / use his strongest skill. Heal yourself when needed. He'll go down soon. After that, go out & go to Restoire & now you can command Lyra to search for item (which cost you a Grathnode Crystal). Go to Temple Grounds. Go to Temple again. Go left and up. Press the X button at the end of the road, you'll get Fertilizer Recipe Card. Grathmeld it now (at the inn or at the save point). When you done,go to the save point at the first floor. Go right, use the device. Go up & left,open the box for Yula strino. You can explore here to get items, but you'll need many fer tilizer (you can buy Thundershroom at Magecure though). Now, Grath- meld the Invert Hook then Grathmeld the [Circula Teleporter]. Go to Temple Grounds. Go to Pheyna Gate then. Climb up again. Go into the Building. Follow the path until the path's branching.Go left & down Just follow the path until you get out from the building. Climb up again. *Sigh* I'm tired of this tower. Go into the Blue Building, & just follow the path. The paths here are simple. When you're out,go left and keep on climbing. You'll reach Frozen Eye eventually. In Frozen Eye, talk to Tastiella and choose "of course". A new path is revealed. Just follow the path, Lyner won't permit you to take ano- ther road, so you won't get lost. You'll reach Platina eventually. ___________________________________________________________________ Platina ___________________________________________________________________ Go out from the park (go right) and go to Platina Great Hall. Note that you can buy new weapon here.After you finish your business, go to the Dive Shop & dive into one girl (Misha/ Aurica). Then,talk a- gain to the Dive Shop owner and select the girl that you know the Hymn Code. Go to Platina Great Hall again & go to Apsaranika Park. Go down the stairs. And search for the Altar of Apostles. After you beat the virus there, go up, go left. You'll fight a boss ELMA-DS. Protect you Reyvateil. He has much HP,so it'll take quite a time to beat him.After you beat him,go to Dive Center and talk to Lady Shu- relia. Okay, you'll fight ELMA-DS again. Just use the general stra- tegy. I use Gaia Bombard magic until 20.000% and the boss is dead. ------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------End of [PHASE 1]----------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------[PHASE 2]--------------------------- ___________________________________________________________________ Platina ___________________________________________________________________ Go to Apsaranika Park and you can buy Recipe Card from a man who is standing behind the maid. Go to Department. Talk to the Shop Owner, they'll give you something free.Some new Recipe Card (RC) available at Fancy Shop. Go to the Inn. Go to the Great Hall then. Go back to Department. Go to the Park. Go to the Inn. Go to the park again and go downstairs to go back to the tunnel. Go to the Hangar (after you go down, go up and take the most door at your right). You'll be for ced to choose to join the search party or not. Personally I choose to join the search party.Choose whatever you want because it'll af- fect your ending. If you join search party, you'll get Ending with Misha. If you don't wanna join the search party, you'll end up with Aurica. It's up to you,but I will only give walkthrough for Misha's Ending. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Misha's Path ------------------------------------------------------------------- Go to Apsaranika Park and go downstairs. Go straight and follow La- dy Shurelia.A scene will happen.Radolf & Aurica will leave your par ty. After the scene, go down. Go right then down. Go down all the way until you get out to the world map. Go to Em Pheyna. ___________________________________________________________________ Em Pheyna ___________________________________________________________________ Go to Temple Grounds. Go to Crescent Chronicle. ___________________________________________________________________ Crescent Chronicle ___________________________________________________________________ Go up. Go inside the door. Go inside the door. Go straight & go in- side the door. A save point. Go inside the door. Then, go back all the way and go out.You will not get lost because all the wrong path will be blocked. Go to Nemo. ___________________________________________________________________ Nemo ___________________________________________________________________ Go to Elemia Church and talk to Falss. Go to the Inn. Go out after scene. Go to Hoshinose Avenue & talk to the Shop Keeper. Go to the Inn and go to weapon shop.Talk to Claire afterwards. Talk to Bishop Falss again. Now, go to Silvaplate. ___________________________________________________________________ Silvaplate ___________________________________________________________________ Climb up the stairs again until you reach the Blue Building. Go in. Go left. Go straight after the scene. Go left, down, left. Go left, down, left again. Climb up the stairs again until you reach the se- cond Blue Building.Follow the path and a scene will occur.Enter the gate. Go straight up. Go up. Go right for item, go left to continue Go straight.Go right, up, left. Go up 2x. Go left for item,go right to continue. Go right.Go up,right,up to get item,right to continue. Go back to the save point and take the upper right path for item. Go back to the save point.Go down and take the item. Go back to the save point and take the lower right path. Go right,down. Go down, right. Go down to get item.Go back to the branching.Go up for item, go right then. Go right, down. Go down all the way. Use the shuttle Go up all the way. Go up, right, down. Go down 5x. Finally, a save point! Take all the items and continue to go down. Go down 4x & use the door. Go up. Go to lower left path and use thunder shot on the device, go to upper left path for item. Go up 2x. Use the shuttle. Go up, left. Go down. Go right. Go up for item. Go right. Go up for item. Go down 2x. Go left for item, go right to continue. Go up for item,go right,down to continue.Go down 3x. Go right,down. Go right, up. Go right 3x. Go down all the way until you reach save point at FPG (place where you met Misha for the first time).Go down.Go right destroy all the obstacles and continue to go right. Go up,right. Go down 2x. Go left all the way. *Phew*, we're back at Firefly Alley.. When you finish your business here (resting, shopping, etc) go back to Tenba's Lab through the stairs at Karakole Avenue.Go right 3x.Go down. Go right 2x.Go left as Jack says. After the scene, go back to where you were before (a door which locked by Symphonic Power). Af- ter the scene,go to [Power Generator](place where you fought Ikaru- ga Mk. I before). When you reach the reactor, go down, go left. You can save here. Go left. After the scene, go to Seagull Port. Aurica will join you. After the scene, go to Hexagonal Plate. ___________________________________________________________________ Hexagonal Plate ___________________________________________________________________ Go in. Go to the first right path you see. Go straight. Go left,up. Go up,right,up. Go to the door. After the scene, go out from Hexa- gonal Plate and go to Firefly Alley. ___________________________________________________________________ Tenba Laboratory ___________________________________________________________________ Go back to Tenba's Department Power from Karakola Avenue and go to the place where we must attach the power cylinder. After the scene, go back to the door which is locked by the symphonic power.Go down. Go left. Go up 2x and break the door. Destroy the lock panel. Go up and destroy the lock panel. Take the item and go up. Go left. Take all the items and go to the other door. Go down. Go right.Go up un- til you reach save point. Go left. You'll fight some Tenba guards.. After the scenes, go to Seagull Port. You'll be back in Nemo. ___________________________________________________________________ Nemo ___________________________________________________________________ Go to Elemia Church and talk to the only knight that stands there. Go to Em Pheyna through Silvaplate afterwards.After the scene at Em Pheyna, go to Crescent Chronicle. ___________________________________________________________________ Crescent Chronicle ___________________________________________________________________ Go right 4x. Go up, left and break the door with gale shot.Go left, break the door again. Go up, break the door again. Go left. You'll fight Bourd. Use your strongest magic (probably Void Slasher if you dive often). He has much HP so the battle will be quite long.You'll be back at Platina then. ___________________________________________________________________ Platina ___________________________________________________________________ Go to Platina Great Hall.Go to Department.Go to the Park.Some shock ing scenes happen. Go to Altar of Apostles afterwards.You'll engage Lady Shurellia and Type 48 monster. Just beat the Type 48, then you win. It's easy. After the fight,go to Crescent Chronicle. ___________________________________________________________________ Crescent Chronicle ___________________________________________________________________ Go to where Misha is singing.Misha'll join you party.Go to Platina. ___________________________________________________________________ Platina ___________________________________________________________________ Go to Platina Great Hall. After that, go to Viola Forest (where Ly- ner's airship crashed before).After the scene go to Tail of Reminis ce. You can explore Skuwat Village to if you want. You can get some items there. ___________________________________________________________________ Tail of Reminisce ___________________________________________________________________ Go up.Go right.Go right for item,go to upper left path to continue. Go up. After the scene, press X at the memorial stone to get Soleil Stone. Go out to the world map. Now,Grathmeld the ?Sharing Core? at the Inn or save point.Take care of everything you need to take care of (shopping, resting, etc...).When you're ready, talk to Krusche & choose "yes". You'll fight Slepnir. Use Thunder Magic on him and he will fall asleep.While he's asleep,beat him with your strongest at- tack. He's easy. You'll arrive at Blast Plate. ___________________________________________________________________ Blast Plate ___________________________________________________________________ Go left. Climb the stairs and go up. Go left 2x. Go down. Continue to climb up. Go left. Go up for item, go left to continue. Go down. Climb up again. Go to the door near south. You'll meet Mei-Mei. You can also dive with Mei-Mei services. After that,go out and take the upper left path. Go up. Go left, up. Go up again.Press X at the red column. Go down 3x. Go left & use the lift. Go up (there's a recipe card at south of you).Go left.go up. Go left and press X at the red column. Go back to the lift and use it. Go down 2x. Use the shuttle Go right. Go left for item, go up to continue. Use the lift at cen- ter to get item. Go up. Go left for item, go up to continue.Go up 2 times. Go back down 4x. Go left. Go back down with the shuttle & u- se the first lift you use. Go to the most down left door. Use right lift for item, left lift to continue. Go right. Grab the chest at center. Go up 3x.Connect the cable by pressing X at the red column. Go left. take the lift up. Go left and down. There's a save point. Go left. Connect the cable. Go out and go down. Press X at the red column. Enter left door & use the lift. Go down 2x. Go left and use the lift. Go up.Use the center lift.Go down 2x and use the shuttle. Go right. Go up. Enter left door and use the shuttle.Go down.Climb up the stairs. Go inside the northern door.Go left.After the scene, go back to the room where Leard was before (SPU).You'll fight ELMA- DS and some of his guard.Beat him with your strongest magic & skill After battle continue to the room where Leard was before. Go to the only door there. Climb up the stairs. You'll fight Ayatane soon.Use the general strategy (strongest magic and skills). Be careful!! His attack is over 1500+ and he blocks often. After battle, continue to climb up. You'll fight Shurelia. Beat the guardian first then beat her when her guard is gone.Keep your HP full every time because she can use Ar tonelico magic which is hurts. After you beat her,you'll fight Shadow Mir. Use Thunderclap song magic if you have it. ------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------End of [PHASE 2]----------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------[PHASE 3]----------------------------- ___________________________________________________________________ Platina ___________________________________________________________________ After scenes, go to Inn and talk to Aurica. Go to Department & talk to Jack. Go to Park and talk to Radolf.Go down the stairs and go to Hangar. Talk to Krusche there. After that, you'll be prompted to choose: "1. Live happily with Misha/ Aurica" "2. It shouldn't be like this" If you choose the first choice, you'll get an ending with a girl(Au rica/ Misha). If you choose the second choice, you'll continue the story. I choose the second option.So,we can continue the story.It's up to you. If you are bored and want to end this game soon, choose the first choice. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay here's the walkthrough... (Second choice) ------------------------------------------------------------------- After the scene,talk to Leard at Great Hall.Go to Altar of Apostles then go to Temple Grounds at Em Pheyna and talk to Flute. Go to Ne- mo (Elemia Church). Go to Firefly Alley (Main Street). You'll gain access to Tenba HQ. Go to Karulu Village. Go to Platina afterwards. Go to Platina Great Hall then go to Church at Nemo and choose let's go when you're ready. Use fire shot at the candles and explore the library. Read every books you can read.The paths here a little hard to see... In the end,there's a locked chest which need Hymn Code to open it. Just check every room. There'll be one Hymn Code in one of the books. Open the chest now. Go out to Em Pheyna then. Go to Tem- ple Grounds. Go to Platina Great Hall (Platina).Go to Hangar (where you met Krusche before). After that, climb up the tower. You'll get out at Rinkernator. Continue to climb up. You'll get Shurelia soon. After the scene,go back to Platina Great Hall. Go to Crescent Chro- nicle (where Misha's singing). Go back to Platina Great Hall. Go to Temple Grounds at Em Pheyna. Go out and go to Church at Nemo. Go to Falcon's Claw then. ___________________________________________________________________ Falcon's Claw ___________________________________________________________________ Explore the ruin until you reach the Goddess statue. (If you choose to beat Tastiella now at Crescent Chronicle, you'll get bad ending) Anyway, go to Tenba HQ at Firefly Alley. Go to Hexagonal Plate then Go inside and go straight and take the second path that goes right. Talk with the guard. Go in. Go straight until you reach save point. Go right and break the door. Read the most northern file.Go back to Tenba HQ. Go to Hangar in Platina then. You can accross the Blast- line now. Go to Observatory and talk to Mei-Mei.I suggest you to ex plore Dragon's Nest because there are so many items there & you can buy Dragon Heart/ Dragon Liver or else there. When you finish,go to Plasma Bell. ___________________________________________________________________ Plasma Bell ___________________________________________________________________ Go up 3x. Go right & down.Go down all the way until you can't go do wn anymore and use the door at your left. After scene,go up & left. Go up. A save point. Save if you want. You'll engage Ikaruga Mk. II when you go farther. I use Misha's strongest magic Wo Ai Ni (if you get it, use it and wait until the gauge is 10.000% and it will do a round 30.000 damage. After that, go inside the door.Go up for item, there's item also at right.Go right and up then.Explore here to get items. Yes, there's so many paths here, but it isn't too confusing. When you see a save point, go left to fight Child of Light (Kanade) She has much HP.The best magic to beat her is Ar tonelico (Shurelia or Aurica if you get it) and Tower Connection which is owned by Mi- sha. After you beat her, Ayatane will join your party. Go to Silver Horn afterwards. It located at East of Em Pheyna. ___________________________________________________________________ Silver Horn ___________________________________________________________________ Go up, take the first left you see for item. Take the 2nd left path then. Go left. Okay,I'll mark this place as our checkpoint.From he- re,take the 1st down path you see. Follow the road until you get to the valve. Press it. Go back to the checkpoint.Take the second down path. Follow the way again until you get to the second valve. Press it. Go back to the checkpoint. This time, take the third down path. Follow the path until you get to the third valve. Press it. Go back to the checkpoint again. From here, go left. Go down & left. Go up. Use sonic shot at the device beside the save point.Go to the opened door. You'll fight A.B.R Gamma, A.B.R Alpha, and A.B.R Beta. First, cast song magic on them (anything works even Primal Word).Use it on them, they'll absorb your magic but they will transform into Delete Mode afterwards.Attack them with your strongest skills & attacks.Be at Alpha first then Gamma then Beta or beat Gamma first then Alpha, then Beta. If they go back to Normal Mode, cast magic again so they transform into Delete Mode. After you beat them, grab all the items and go up. Go to Crescent Chronicle afterwards. ___________________________________________________________________ Crescent Chronicle ___________________________________________________________________ Go talk to Tastiella. Go inside then to fight Mir. I suggest you to buy many healing items because we're going to face the last boss... When you're ready, go inside the door. Mir is absolutely very tough Okay, here's the tactic. First, destroy her hand, then her head/her leg. How to reach her hand/ head/ leg? She'll use Reincarnation Cir cle every 3-5 rounds. When you can attack her hand, attack it until it gone. When you can only attack her head/leg, use that chance to heal yourself. After that, you'll fight the other version of Mir. BEWARE!!! She can use magic Fallen Sky which will kill your party e asily (Your Reyvateil exclusively) if your HP isn't full. Activate your healing magic all the time and attack her when you can. She'll go down soon. *Phew*, she is definitely the last boss.After the sce ne, you'll be back at Platina. You can save if you want. ___________________________________________________________________ Platina ___________________________________________________________________ Go to Platina Great Hall & talk to Leard. Go to Tenba HQ at Firefly Alley and talk to the receptionist.Go to Temple Grounds at EmPheyna and talk to Flute. Go to Singing Moon Inn and talk to Claire. Now, sit back and enjoy the ending. Oh, you'll be forced to choose: "1. Go out on trip with Misha/ Aurica maybe" "2. Stay here with Shurelia" Just pick anything you like. Enjoy the ending. ------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------End of [PHASE 3]----------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- *********************************FIN******************************* If you have any question, e-mail me at calloxus@yahoo.co.id.I'll he lp you if I can. ___________________________________________________________________ CLOSING ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Thank you for reading this guide. 2. Thank you to God who's let me play this game. 3. Thank you to GameFAQs.com for hosting this guide. 4. Thank you to Neoseeker.com for hosting this guide. 5. Thank you to Super Cheats.com for hosting this guide. 6. Thank you to NIS America for creating this game. 7. I hope this FAQ/ Walkthrough is useful to you.