Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits FAQ/Walkthrough Version 2.04 12/8/03 by: Ryan Mack ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Document Copyright 2003 Ryan Mack Unlimited copies of this document may be made SOLELY for the purposes of PRIVATE, HOME USE. This guide may in no way be published, altered, edited in any way, used as part of a public display or distributed publicly WITHOUT my knowledge AND expressed prior written consent. To do so would be a violation of copyright. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ All In-Game Content is Copyright SCEA 2003. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Contents: 1.0 - Intro/Version History 2.0 - Game Overview 2.1 - Cast of Playable Characters 2.2 - General Advice 3.0 - Walkthrough 3.1 - Kharg, Chapter 1: The First Battle 3.2 - Darc, Chapter 1: Awakening 3.3 - Kharg, Chapter 2: Setting Out 3.4 - Darc, Chapter 2: Ambition 3.5 - Kharg, Chapter 3: Conflict 3.6 - Darc, Chapter 3: Love and Hate 3.7 - Kharg, Chapter 4: Rage 3.8 - Darc, Chapter 4: Reunion 3.9 - Kharg, Chapter 5: Truth 3.10 - Darc, Chapter 5: Evolution 3.11 - Kharg, Chapter 6: Rivalry 3.12 - The Final Battle 4.0 - Sidequests, etc. 4.1 - Secret Characters 4.2 - Ancient Tablets/Spirit Dictionaries 4.3 - New Game+ 4.4 - Arenas 5.0 - Lists 5.1 - Item List 5.2 - Shop List 5.3 - Skill List 6.0 - Other 6.1 - Big Owl 6.2 - Pyron 7.0 - Closing 7.1 - Contact 7.2 - FAQ Locations 7.3 - Thanks ********************************************************** 1.0 - Intro/Version History I got rather annoyed at the sudden lack of a complete walkthrough for this game on GameFAQs, and decided to write one myself. I had a lot of fun with this game, so I don't mind a second playthrough for the purposes of writing this. The battle subtitles are my own, added because I felt like being whimsical. Note that I wrote this on my second playthrough, so my levels may be a good deal lower than yours, as I was speeding through the game. SPOILERS ABOUND. I also like to keep my characters' levels even, but you're under no obligation to do so, so level as you'd like. I only provide mine as a point of interest and/or comparison, if you wish. General information (statistics, game mechanics, etc.) is not listed. If you need that, the manual is where you need to go, it describes it all much better than I can. Also, all items listed as loot from stage destructibles may or may not vary: I'm not sure. Here's to putting off Suikoden III for another week. ---------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.04 - Checked my email for the first time in a month. Some submissions... (12/8/03) Version 2.03 - Submitted to Neoseeker. (9/11/03) Version 2.02 - Reader submission! Yay! (8/26/03) Version 2.01 - Modified the closer slightly. Added a reader submission I'd forgotten. Sorry, dude. (8/4/03) Version 2.00 - Skill List done. Pyron section done. Big Owl section done. I'm hanging it up here. There are still a few missing items, but I haven't a clue where to find them. A few figures may be off here or there. Walkthrough's 100% on the money, though. If you know anything or spot any errors, drop me an e-mail. Otherwise, this be the last update. This time I really did submit it to IGN. (8/3/03) Version 1.00 - Walkthrough done! Yay! Shop list done! Yay! Yet more items. Nifty. Edited the disclaimer. Who cares. Submitted to IGN. Added 'Other' section with subheadings. It's blank, for now. Added placeholder for Skill List. I have a little more planned for this one, obviously. (7/31/03) Version .90 - Walkthrough updated through Kharg 6. Just one chapter left. A few more items and shops. Character desctiptions finished. A few other minor edits. Whew. (7/31/03) Version .80 - Walkthrough updated through Darc 5. A few more items and shops filled out. Added the dates on my version updates. (7/30/03) Version .65 - Walkthrough updated through Darc 4. A few items added to the list. Character descriptions finished except secret characters. Getting there. (7/29/03) Version .50 - Orginal version. Walkthrough up through Darc 3. Sidequest section done. Shop/Item list partially done. Intro, etc. written. Outline firmly laid out. Section 2 started. About half done, on the whole. These things are hard. (7/27/03) ********************************************************** 2.0 - Game Overview ---------------------------------------------------------- 2.1 - Cast of Playable Characters ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NOTE: Here's a point of interest for you. We can only pin ages on four characters, the rest are left to guesswork alone. Kharg and Darc are 17, which we glean from Darc's comment in the game that it's been 17 years since he and Kharg were last together. Paulette is 18, since Kharg states she's a year older than him. Finally, Camellia is 200, according to herself. Everyone else is indeterminate, though we can make educated guesses: Volk and Ganz look about 30, Tatjana and Delma are probably about 22, Bebedora is at least 1500, etc. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ = Kharg Meleol Nidellia = Kharg's the first hero of the story, and, like other RPG heroes, he's average to above-average in every respect. Unlike other RPG heroes, however, his attack skills are nowhere near as good as those of the other people in his party until he hits his maximum class level. It's kind of annoying, considering his stats are so good, that he wasn't able to do as much damage as Maru or Paulette until the very end of the game. He gets some nifty healing magic, though, much better than anything else his group will have until Tatjana shows up. = Paulette, Guardian of the Prince = Quite frankly, Paulette's the best character in Kharg's party until the very end of the game. She has balanced statistics just as he does, but her early special moves are much, much better, doing more damage and hitting a larger area. With the right items, she can outclass Kharg in every way (except SPD and MOV) right up until the end, whereupon he'll start getting Special Moves that hit more than one person. = Maru, King of Chaos Forest = Maru is fast. Very, very fast. I've seen him hit 90 SPD at level 33. He'll often get two turns in the time it takes an enemy to get one. His Special Moves are nice, as well, from the early decent-radius plus bad status Venom and Binding Arrows to the late insane-radius Great Hunter. He can often fit several enemies into each physical attack, as well, even moreso if he has the Silk Bowstring. His only real problems are a low ATT and HIT, though the latter is fixed late in the game with the acquisition of the Weathercock. Note that Maru seems to take a harsher SPD penalty for items with them. = Ganz of Isulo Forest = Ganz is the polar opposite of Maru. He has terrible SPD and a tiny hit radius on his attacks, but ridiculous ATT and good HIT. His offensive Special Moves really suit him, as well, since they almost uniformly hit a decent-sized area around him, and he'll rarely find himself without a bunch of enemies clustered around him. He's also got the full gamult of status boosters, but they're self targeting only. Ganz's big problem is that his DEF is merely ok, not great as it needs to be. = Lieutenant Colonel Tatjana = Tatjana has something of an offensive deficiency. When you first get her, her ATT and SPD aren't that stellar, and her offensive Special Moves are limited, despite her extremely high MNT (best in Kharg's group, in fact, barring Diekbeck). She does have the very good Medicial Machine, though. As time passes, she becomes a bit more serviceable, though she'll still be in the Maru range of ATT and the Paulette range of SPD. However, once she gets Sigma Storm, she'll be endowed with a ridiculously powerful Special Move that goes a long way for making up for her faults. And there's always that nifty Mirage Field... = Samson (Wyse), Captain of the Fiona = Well, for the brief time you have him, he's basically a slower, more powerful Maru. He's great at the time, though, since you only have him and Kharg. Sharp Shooter's a ridiculously powerful Light attack.... = Darc the Drakyr = Darc is more along the lines of a traditional RPG hero. He's a powerhouse. Like Kharg, his stats are average everywhere, but unlike Kharg, he has effective Special Moves. At only class level 3 he learns Sword of Awakening, which hits a pretty large area around him for good damage, and it only improves from there. Late in the game, you can start tossing out Dragon Fang Swords and Air Blades (the strongest Wind spell) with impunity. The man is simply offense personified. Too bad his personality sucks. = Delma the Orcon Queen = Delma's got good SPD (not quite Maru SPD, but good) and ATT, but outright horrible DEF. She gets smacked around to no end. Everything else is out and out average. Her main strength lies in her magic. She's got a good variety of damaging, fire-elemental attack spells, and support spells to go along with them. Hell, she starts with Speed Up, which is useful for the whole game. Delma also serves as the party's backup healer, after Camellia. = Densimo the Orcon = For the short time you have Densimo, he's essentially a power tank. High ATT, High DEF, crappy SPD. What can you expect, really? You won't have him for too long, so magic is pretty well out of the question. He's good while you have him, I guess. = Volk the Lupine, the Avenger of Kin = As characters go, Volk is pretty blah. There's really nothing remarkable about him at all. He's pretty solid statistically, has decent abilities, and a good area of effect on his attacks, but nothing really stands out. He'll find himself outclassed by someone else in the party in every statistic. In other words, there's someone who's better than him at everything. However, if what you want is a solid, average character, Volk's your man. Actually, very late in the game, he can get some very, VERY good character specific items that turn the tide for him, but if you don't find those, he remains painfully average. = Camellia Rofeana Semalba, the Pianta Sage = I hate to say it, but Camellia's stats are absolutely horrible. The only thing she really excels at is MOV. In fact, she's the only character in Darc's party with maximum MOV. She also gets some nifty status effect weapon parts, but they either don't work all that often or can be found in items any character can use. However, she is far and away Darc's best healer, and eventually gets Vital Energy, which should be more healing than you'll ever need. That said, she's probably best used running around the battle map healing. = Bebedora the Puppet Master = Bebedora's interesting. Her stats are all above average (except for her sub-par MOV), thanks in no small part to all the good character specific items you can pick up for her, but where she really shines is in her magic. She's got extremely powerful Dark element attack magic, coupled with the ever-so-useful Mind Control ability, which takes control of up to two enemies at a time for a low Spirit Stone cost and with a good success rate. Easily Darc's strongest mage, especially when Dark Extreme comes along. It's a great feeling, Mind Controlling a Foot Soldier and then having him shoot and kill his comrade next to him. = Diekbeck = Diekbeck is a powerhouse, of course. He's got a good range attack, massive MNT, maximum MOV, and ridiculous SPD with the help of the Diek Screw. He's also got a myriad of great Magic and Special Moves to put his MNT to work. If you break everyone down, he's probably the strongest character in the game. = Choco = Choco's hilarious. I mean, just look at her. She backs it up with power, though. Like Diekbeck, she's got abnormally high stats, and can generally lay a considerable amount of smack down if she wants to. What else would you expect from a secret character, really? ---------------------------------------------------------- 2.2 - General Advice I reiterate most of these throughout the Walkthrough, but here's a list of good ideas: - Save often. I mean, seriously, if you die and lose four hours of progress, it sucks. I know. Save points in this game are floating green orbs. - In combat, ALWAYS attempt to attack enemies from behind, while protecting your back from their attacks. You'll do much more damage that way and take a lot less. - Keep a good supply of Herbs in everybody's inventory at all times. This will become less important once you start getting tons of HP and learn Healing Rain, but it could still come in handy. - Talk to everyone whenever possible. You'll get some nice character background and story info that way. Plus, it's just more fun. - Use Combination Attacks. They're really, really powerful, and can often allow you to kill several enemies with one regular attack. - Retreat hardly ever fails, so if you don't want to fight a random battle, run away. Simple enough. - Heal and refill your Spirit Stones before every battle. The game gives you an opportunity to do so, so take it. - When I refer to 'examining' something, I mean running up to it and hitting X as though you were attempting to speak to it. ********************************************************** 3.0 - Walkthrough ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NOTE: Some of the drop data may be inaccurate, as many things may or may not drop a variable amount of gods and Spirit Stones. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The game begins, like so many others have before it, with a confusing cutscene. A girl, dressed in the obligatory Red, White and Blue, sits around playing some strange light-harp, cradling a shining gray rock. She sees three airships in the distance, and immediately flees, but not without her harp. She puts her faith in the Spirits, which, from the title, are obviously the focus of the game. Cue cutscene number two. We pan over a dusty hamlet before focusing in on a sword. A battle ensues between a young boy with pointy ears and an old man with a big scar on his face. Elf-boy defeats scar-face, the nearby girl in red cheers, and the cutscene ends. ********************************************************** 3.1 - Kharg, Chapter 1: The First Battle Elf-boy is apparently named Kharg. He and the girl in red (Paulette) discuss things with scar-face (Lloyd), who happens to be both Commander of the Defense Corps and Paulette's father. They talk about Lloyd's impending retirement as Commander, Kharg's status as a member of the royal family of Nidellia, how Paulette and Lloyd are charged with Kharg's protection and how much Kharg has improved with a sword. Then, a man named Banjo wants to talk to Lloyd and you assume control of Kharg and Paulette. You can examine your characters' statistics if you wish, but eventually you should enter Kharg's house. It's the one closest to you. Kharg's mother does not appear to be home, but Kharg and Paulette hear a strange voice coming from her room. Kharg goes to check it out, but no one is there. You'll see a stone on the bookshelf. Go and examine it, and something calling itself the Spirit of the Wind. It quickly disappears, sparking another cutscene. This one's a flashback, and foscuses on Kharg's mother (Nafia) telling a young Kharg a story about the Spirits. This story is really a very brief synopsis of the first two Arc the Lad games, and explains the origin of the Deimos, whom the humans loathe. With that done, you're controlling Kharg again. Talk to Paulette. Kharg will tell her about the Spirit, but she doesn't really believe him. It was probably an illusion. Spirits only reveal themselves to chosen people. When you're back outside, you should make your way over and talk to Banjo. He talks about a suspicious fellow hanging around Scrappe Plateau, and Kharg volunteers to go investigate. Lloyd consents, gives Kharg 200 gods, and assigns Paulette to go with him. A bit more dialogue, and you have free reign of the town! YEWBELL ------- Finally, no more talking. Wander down the road, and enter the first door you find (the one with the sign next to it). This is the shop. The vendor on the top floor sells items (the obligatory healing herbs, revive items, and status cures) and Spirit Stones (which are used as MP and are expended by casting spells). Kharg and Paulette should have the full amount of Spirit Stones right now, but once you use a Special Move of theirs, the stones will begin to deplete. To refill them, you must either buy stones at a store, or win them in combat. The merchant on the ground floor sells Weapon Parts and Accessories, equippable items which characters can only use three of at any given time. That is, three weapon parts and three accessories per character. My advice to you now is to sell the Bomb in Paulette's inventory and purchase a Thorn of Revenge for Kharg (or Paulette, if you want), but it's up to you. Talk to the man in the brown armor (Defense Corps Member) for a further tutorial on Weapon Parts, or to Banjo for pointless chatter. Now, wander around town and talk to people. A point of interest is the pub, which doubles as Defense Corps HQ. It's the building with the teapot-looking sign above the door. Inside are some mostly pointless people. The lady in white by the door is the healer, who will charge you to completely heal your party. Make a note of her appearance, since all the other human healers look like her. You can ask around the pub, but all they do is refuse Kharg alcohol or chatter pointlessly. The man on the second floor simply refuses to talk to you. A little boy outside the pub will ask you to ask Duncan to give him the key to the Castle Ruins. Duncan, the man behind the desk in the pub, won't, for fear of a green monkey monster who's stealing food from the town. Oh well. Butch, standing in front of the building in the bottom left corner of Yewbell, asks you to go find Banjo for him. If you remember, Banjo's wasting time on the second floor of the shop. Go to him, and he won't move, but he'll give you a Knuckle Guard for your trouble, which is a pretty nifty Weapon Part for Kharg. Wander around and chat more to learn about the game world if you wish, but when you're ready to go, exit Yewbell via the arch to the left of the pub. WORLD MAP, RAGNOTH ------- Take a minute to associate yourself with the map if you wish, but there's only one place you need to go, and that's Scrappe Plateau. Go there. SCRAPPE PLATEAU ------- Upon arrival, you'll see the aforementioned strange old man being mugged by a gang of squirrels. Showing his heoric nature, Kharg refuses to let the old man die, and starts.... ===================================== KHARG BATTLE 1: The Squirrels of Doom ===================================== Enemies: Suskle Squirrel Lv4 (x3) Suskle Squirrel Lv3 (x3) Objective: Get rid of the Suskle Squirrels! Loss: Entire party is disabled. Destructables: None My Levels: Kharg - 3 Paulette - 2 Strategy: This is your basic tutorial type battle. Keep Kharg and Paulette together, attack the squirrels from behind whenever possible, and realize that by holding R1 and moving the yellow attack radius around a bit you can hit more than one target with a regular attack. You're much more powerful than these guys, so you should have no trouble. If you get low on health, use one of the Healing Herbs Kharg and Paulette start with, or use Paulette's First Aid skill. Also be sure to pick up anything the squirrels drop (Blue = Spirit Stones, White = Item, Yellow = Gods). Kharg and Paulette will go out of their way to explain most of the facets of the battle system for you. Be sure to use Combination Attacks to your benefit; always try to target more than one enemy when you can use one. And always, I mean ALWAYS attempt to attack the enemies from behind. You'll do MUCH more damage that way, and your hit rate will increase. The only time when you shouldn't do this is when doing so would expose YOUR back to a large group of enemies. On that note, also try to prevent the enemies from attacking your back, as they'll also do more damage that way. Just remember it. ===================================== Afterwards, the strange old man (Zev) identifies himself as an explorer. He's apparently just poking around the ruins out of curiosity. He also seems to have some odd interest in the birthmark on Kharg's shoulder. Odd. Feel free to poke around the ruins yourself. You'll find a machine that needs a battery and an airship part that's just out of reach. Other than that, there ain't nothing there, so head back to the world map. You need to go to Yewbell and report to Lloyd, but if you want to get some leveling in, check out the Garagne Hills. YEWBELL, PART 2 ------- Head straight into the pub to heal and find that Lloyd isn't there. Duncan says he went to Kharg's house, so head on over there. You'll hear a conversation about some Deimos-like creatures being spotted. Talk to Nafia, and she and Lloyd will hear Kharg's report about Zev, and tell him about some miners being late returning from Plumb Canyon, where the humans mine Spirit Stones. Lloyd says he'll set off to assess the situation personally, and Kharg asserts his desire to defend Nidellia before leaving to talk to Banjo. Banjo's in the refinery, the structure at the very bottom left of the town. There's a brief conversation on the finite nature of natural resources. Leave, head up the stairs, and view a short scene. Lloyd drags a wounded Defense Corps Member (Morth) into Yewbell. The Deimos are attacking the mine at Plumb Canyon. Paulette rallies the Defense Corps, while Morth is brought to Kharg's House. Lloyd and Paulette take the Corps to go reclaim the mine, but Lloyd and Nafia forbid Kharg to accompany them. He is given guard duty. Go and talk to Nafia. She still won't let Kharg go. Head into Nafia's room and talk to Morth. Kharg gets Morth to tell him that Nafia won't let him go because the Deimos that attacked the Canyon were Drakyr. Leave Kharg's house, and see a short scene with Zev. He wants you to get the Gate Key and let him into Yewbell. Duncan has it. Go to the pub and ask him about the Castle Ruins. He'll give Kharg the gate key when he promises to defeat the Wild Monkey Monster. Kharg is, of course, a master of deception. Head to the gate and open it. Zev goes to the pub, and you're free to leave Yewbell through the gate. Before you go, stock up on herbs, as Kharg doesn't know First Aid, and there are a few battles ahead. THE CASTLE RUINS -------- Run up the stairs, then up the left hand side of the spiral stairs. Go right, and down the unblocked set of stairs. Exit through the archway. WORLD MAP, RAGNOTH -------- Head to Chaos Forest. CHAOS FOREST -------- You immediately encounter the Wild Monkey Monster, who immediately tries to shoot Kharg, and misses. Kharg uses his godly strength and accuracy to heave the arrow right back toward the Monkey Monster, who promptly falls out of the tree and reveals that he is just a boy with a green mask. He's apparently Maru, the King of Chaos Forest. When some monsters led by a wild Slothian attack, he bands together with Kharg to fight them. ====================================== KHARG BATTLE 2: The Wild Sloth Monster ====================================== Enemies: Wild Slothian Lv5 Suskle Squirrel Lv3 (x4) Suskle Squirrel Lv2 Objective: Defeat the Monsters! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: Damp Tree (Good Herb) My Levels: Kharg - 3 Maru - 2 Strategy: The same basic rules from battle one apply here and in every battle after here except when otherwise noted. The first thing you should do is bust open the damp tree in front of you just as if it were an enemy in order to get the Good Herb inside. Take advantage of Maru's attack radius of a long, straight line to hit two or three enemies per shot. You shouldn't need to resort to his Venom Arrow here, but if you do, it's got a great hit radius, and does good damage at this point. Watch out for the Slothian's special attack, which turns the target into a Slothing for one turn. It's not that bad, but it stops you from doing anything other than attacking. Just stay healed and you'll be fine. ====================================== With that over with, Kharg and Maru converse. Maru is supposedly a prince of some far off land, which explains the crown around his neck. He wants to one day return to his homeland and become King. It's good to have goals. Despite the danger, Maru tags along with Kharg, seemingly out of pure boredom. They leave Chaos Forest. WORLD MAP, RAGNOTH -------- Head to Plumb Canyon. You'll probably have a random encounter at The Edge of a Sea of Trees. Complete it for exp. Once that's over with, continue to Plumb Canyon. PLUMB CANYON -------- Kharg and Maru arrive to find the Drakyr attacking Lloyd, Paulette & Co. Paulette is in particular danger, so the pair leap to their defense. ================================ KHARG BATTLE 3: The First Battle ================================ Enemies: Wyvern Lv6 (x2) Drakyr Lv6 Drakyr Lv5 (x2) Objective: Defeat all enemies! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: Wooden Box (100g, 11 Spirit Stones, Revival Medicine) Wooden Box (100g, Leather Armband) My Levels: Kharg - 5 Paulette - 3 Maru - 4 Strategy: Concentrate on the Wyverns first so you can group your team together. Don't keep them too tight, however, or else they'll all get hit by one casting of Wind Slasher from the Drakyr. You should be able to gang up on and kill the Wyverns before the Drakyr show up, especially if you use Venom Arrow to speed up the process. Once they're gone, the Drakyr should be simple, provided you use Paulette's First Aid to keep everyone's health up, as the Drakyr have a Wind Slasher spell that should be doing around 20-30 damage a casting at this point. Be sure to break open the boxes before finishing off the last Drakyr. ================================ After the battle, Kharg gets reprimanded for saving everyone's ass before Lloyd and Paulette leave to go scout the Garagne Hills. Once you regain control of Kharg, talk to Maru. Tell him you're going back, and they have a little conversation. They declare themselves friends, Maru joins up for good, and Maru demands food. After that, chat with the Corps members if you wish, and then leave. WORLD MAP, RAGNOTH -------- Head to the Garagne Hills GARAGNE HILLS -------- You encounter Paulette and Lloyd in combat with an Unknown Deimos. The Deimos' wife and child fall dead at Kharg and Maru's feet. The Unknown Deimos flees at the sight of Kharg. Kharg introduces Maru to Paulette, not noticing Lloyd's silence. Lloyd dies, and all of Yewbell mourns. Kharg becomes resolute in his desire to protect humanity. End Kharg, Chapter 1 Save your game at the prompt. ********************************************************** 3.2 - Darc, Chapter 1: Awakening The chapter starts with a long cutscene. It's a flashback, that shows a young human woman (Nafia) and a young Drakyr man (Windalf) running from some other Drakyr, each holding one of their twin children. Each also has a half of a shimmering green stone around their necks. They come to a cliff face. Windalf wants Nafia to take the children and run, but before she can, the Drakyr come. They fire a bolt of energy at Windalf, knocking him to his knees and knocking Nafia off the cliff with her child (Kharg). Windalf keeps the other. Cut ahead several years. Windalf and one of the children (Darc) wander in the desert. Windalf is badly wounded. They make their way to some ruins, where Windalf gives Darc his half of the shimmering stone. He dies. Cut ahead to the present. There is lightning, a house, an old woman cackling, and a man screaming. Inside, we find Darc collapsed on the floor with the woman (Geedo) standing above him, giving him an order. She gives him 100g for Phoenix Blood. GEEDO'S HOUSE -------- Save your game. Take a minute to examine Darc's stats if you like. He can't equip anything at the moment, since he doesn't use a weapon. Head upstairs. You can't open the chest, so don't bother. Geedo will just yell at you, so don't bother. Leave the house, and exit to the map. WORLD MAP, ALDROW -------- Head to The Church Ruins. You'll probably have a random battle at Subnak Forest. THE CHURCH RUINS -------- You'll recognize this as the place where Windalf died. Move up to that exact spot and examine the cairn there. Darc will briefly talk to himself, after which you're free to explore and leave. WORLD MAP, ALDROW -------- Head to Orcoth. ORCOTH -------- Upon heading down the stairs, you'll be forcibly introduced to a pink-skinned Orcon Girl (Delma). She treats you with about as much contempt as everyone else. Walk around and chat and you'll know what I mean. Apparently, you can't buy your Phoenix Blood at present, because the Qurop (Deimos merchants) isn't in his shop. However, the healer Qurop is (blue skin, white hat). They function like the human healer. Mark its appearance, because they all look like that. When you're ready, enter the bottom right door with the clock above it to the Arena. You'll walk in on an old Orcon with long horns (Gorma) and a big one with yellow skin (Densimo) arguing about how Densimo is eating a valuable resource. Densimo asserts his authority violently. Talk around if you wish, then leave the Arena. Head into the train car and talk to Gorma. He's rather informative, but a little crazy. Ask about everybody, and Firbles. Then leave. The Qurop (orange skin, red hat) is back. Talk to it and buy the Phoenix Blood out of the Items menu. Ignore the health warnings (it's for Geedo, anyway). Try to leave Orcoth and you'll encounter Zoram and Zugalo. They insult Darc and demand that he give them the Phoenix Blood. When he refuses, they drag him to the Arena for a battle. ============================== DARC BATTLE 1: The Two Stooges ============================== Enemies: Zoram Lv5 Zugalo Lv4 Objective: Crush Zugalo and Zoram! Loss: Darc disabled. Destructables: None My Levels: Darc - 2 Strategy: Charge straight ahead and pound on Zugalo with a casting of Wind Slasher, then attack him a few times and he should go down. Do the same to Zoram. If Darc falls below 50 or so HP, run away and heal. You should be done in no time. ============================== Delma shows up and tries to recruit Darc into Densimo's army, revealing the fact that she's his sister. Darc refuses, and she storms off. Talk around and you'll mostly meet exasperation at how you managed to beat Zugalo and Zoram. Use the healer Qurop, and spend whatever gods you have left on Spirit Stones to replace the ones you used in the last battle. When done, leave Orcoth. WORLD MAP, ALDROW -------- Head to Geedo's House. GEEDO'S HOUSE, PART 2 -------- Talk to Geedo. Darc gives her the Phoenix Blood and warns her against drinking it. Unluckily for Darc, she doesn't. She dumps the Phoenix Blood in her chest and gives Darc a new task: catch Firbles. Knew they were important, didn't you? You still can't open the chest. Leave. WORLD MAP, ALDROW -------- Go back to Orcoth. ORCOTH, PART 2 -------- Ask around about Firbles if you wish, then head over to Gorma's train car. Ask him about Firbles again, and he'll tell you to find marshlands. Good advice. Stock up on whatever you need if you can afford it and leave Orcoth. WORLD MAP, ALDROW -------- Run, don't walk to Haystir Marsh via Geedo's House for minimum random battles, or via Varam Barrens for maximum random battles. HAYSTIR MARSH -------- Darc immediately spots a Firble. It looks sort of like an albino cross-breed between a seal and a fox. You then face a little minigame. WALK, don't run, up behind the firble and press X to catch it. If you run, it'll hear you and scamper away, forcing you to start over. It's always near one of the pools of water if you're having trouble finding it. Once you catch it, Delma, Zugalo and Zoram show up, also looking for Firbles. Darc, also a master of deception, manages to confuse Zoram and Zugalo and impress Delma so much that they leave without looking for Firbles. Darc takes the Firble with him and leaves for The Church Ruins on autopilot. THE CHURCH RUINS, PART 2 -------- Darc places the firble in an empty nest right before Delma shows up. They chat a bit, as Delma is obviously interested in Darc. She runs away, so follow her up to the right hand platform. She agrees to keep Darc's secret if he flies her around. He takes her in his arms and they soar for a bit, but not before a Drakyr crashes the party. He wants the Wind Stone. =================================================== DARC BATTLE 2: At Least They're Not Flying Monkies. =================================================== Enemies: Drakyr Lv5 (x4) Objective: Do away with the Drakyr! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: None My Levels: Darc - 4 Delma - 3 Strategy: The easiest way to accomplish this is to attack the Drakyr one at a time as they come up the stairs single-file. Don't be afraid to use Flaming Arrow and Wind Slasher if you have to. In fact, using them is a very good idea. Same as before, heal if your HP gets low. And it probably will, given their penchant for Wind Slasher. =================================================== Delma rationalizes her assistance of Darc when he begins to scream in pain. His collar is choking him. Apparently, it's something Geedo uses to control Darc. Delma suggests whacking her, but Darc won't hear of it, because he has a sentimental attachment to her. What an idiot. Delma takes off, and Darc is left alone. Leave The Church Ruins. WORLD MAP, ALDROW -------- Head to Orcoth if you need/want items or Spirit Stones. Otherwise, head to Geedo's House. GEEDO'S HOUSE, PART 3 -------- Upon arrival at Geedo's, Darc is tortured mercilessly for his lack of Firble cargo. Isn't she great? After the beating, Darc has a vision of his father, telling him to save the Deimos from impending doom. After he awakes and contemplates his inadequacy, save your game and head upstairs. Geedo is gone, and you still can't open the chest. Leave. You'll run into Delma, who was worried about Darc. She wants to kill some Drakyr, so she joins up. Afterwards, leave. WORLD MAP, ALDROW -------- Destination: The Church Ruins. Detour through Orcoth for supplies if necessary. THE CHURCH RUINS, PART 3 -------- Walk up the stairs. The Wind Spirit speaks to Darc and Delma from the tomb. Delma comments that Deimos don't build tombs, and goes over to check the Firble. Follow her. Talk to her to see the Firble and its eggs. Delma discovers the beauty of happiness. Oh boy. Just then, a few humans show up to rob the tomb, but one of them leaves for for righteous reasons. Darc and Delma spring to the Church's defense. ==================================== DARC BATTLE 3: Kill the Man in Pink! ==================================== Enemies: Shotgun Hunter Lv6 (x2) Ludhi Lv6 (Drop: Confusion Firecracker) Rapier Lv7 (Drop: Revival Medicine) Objective: Defeat every last human! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: None My Levels: Darc - 5 Delma - 5 Strategy: A quick Wind Slasher + Flaming Arrow should do Ludhi in. You'll then be able to phyiscally attack both Shotgun Hunters at once, since they'll probably bunch themselves up at the foot of the stairs. Once they're gone, Rapier will be easy fodder for more Wind Slasher + Flaming Arrow. If you want Rapier's Revival Medicine, keep a Shotgun Hunter alive while you kill him. ==================================== Darc ponders the greed of humanity while Delma introduces a novel concept: let's steal the dead mens' weapons! Darc refuses out of Deimos pride, so Delma suggests that they accumulate more allies out of necessity. She suggests Densimo, and apparently has a plan, so away we go. WORLD MAP, ALDROW -------- Head on over to Orcoth, double time. ORCOTH, PART 3 -------- Head over to the Arena entrance and talk to Zoram and Zugalo. Delma barges her way in. Go and talk to Densimo. Delma will ask for his help. Though he initially refuses, Delma eventually taps into Densimo's Marty McFly complex enough to spur him into action. He'll help crush the puny Drakyr people provided Darc and Delma help him kick the humans out of the Zedora Abyss. He joins. Most everyone's dialogue has now changed, so talk around if you want. One of the pink Orcon girls will launch into an explanation of the Five Orcothian Wonders. If you hear her out, she'll ask you to tell her how many letters she's used at the end. Answer correctly (600-800) to recieve 10 Healing Herbs. Stock up on anything else you need and leave town when you're done. WORLD MAP, ALDROW -------- Get on over to Zedora Abyss via Geedo's house. It's near Haystir Marsh. As a point of interest, if you take Densimo to The Church Ruins, Delma will distract him to prevent him from seeing the Firble. ZEDORA ABYSS -------- When you get there, Densimo examines the strange behavior of the humans, who appear to be mining Spirit Stones. Refusing to adopt any type of strategy, Densimo charges right in to battle. ============================================ DARC BATTLE 4: Take Off the Silly Hats. Now. ============================================ Enemies: Spear Hunter Lv7 (x2) Cathena Soldier Lv7 Cathena Soldier Lv8 (x2) Objective: Defeat every last human! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: Damp Tree (Reiki Leaf) Wooden Box (80g, First-Aid Kit) Wooden Box (90g, 10 Spirit Stones, Bomb) My Levels: Darc - 7 Delma - 6 Densimo - 7 Strategy: First off, send someone up the hill to knock off the Damp Tree. I suggest Delma, since her movement and speed should be the highest you've got. Put your other two characters in front of the ramp leading to the Damp Tree. As before, take one enemy at a time and keep healed. The Cathena Soldiers do quite a bit of damage, probably more than you're used to at this point, so be wary. Wind Slasher is probably a must use. As always, combination attacks are helpful. Be sure to leave someone alive (I suggest one of the Spear Hunters) so you can collect the loot in the Wooden Boxes. ================================================== Densimo asks Darc to join with him so they can expand Orcon territory, but he isn't interested. He instead laments the stupidity of the Deimos. Whatever. Use the Reiki Leaf from the previous battle on Darc if you got it. Otherwise or afterward, simply leave the Zedora Abyss. WORLD MAP, ALDROW -------- Go to Orcoth. It's a lovely place. ORCOTH, PART 4 -------- Darc and company discuss methods of fighting the Drakyr. Densimo quickly gets bored and suggests an invigorating bout of Firble hunting. Darc is worried about Geedo for some reason, so the party decides to look for her. Stock up if you wish, and talk to Zugalo for a report of a strange, flying, horse-headed Deimos. When you're ready, leave Orcoth. WORLD MAP, ALDROW -------- Take this soul train over to The Varam Barrens. THE VARAM BARRENS -------- What do we have here but Geedo strung up in the sun. Darc and company have little time to wonder what's going on before a posse of very angry Drakyr show up. They try to trade Geedo for the Wind Stone, but Darc isn't buying. Upon your refusal, they sic monsters on you. =========================================== DARC BATTLE 5: At Least They're Not Drakyr. =========================================== Enemies: Wyvern Lv7 (x4) Objective: Rout the Wyvern! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: Dry Tree (empty) Dry Tree (empty) My Levels: Darc - 7 Delma - 7 Densimo - 8 Strategy: First things first, Wyverns do a good lot of physical damage. Lucky for you, though, they're a bit slow and have no ranged attacks to speak of. That said, follow the tried and true pattern of isolating and killing them. Don't even bother with the stumps, as they're empty. =========================================== After the battle, there's a big cutscene. Darc and Co let the Drakyr get the drop on them. Densimo gets knocked out while Darc gets pinned to the floor. The Drakyr rip Darc's wings off for his refusal to turn over the Wind Stone before Delma tells them where it is for fear of Darc's safety. Secure in their info, the Drakyr knock Delma out before Darc faints. While down, Darc overhears a conversation between Geedo and the Drakyr. It seems she sold him out. Densimo wakes up quite angry and forces Geedo to tell him where the Drakyr went. When Darc himself awakes, he finds Delma unconscious and sets off to stop the theft of the Wind Stone. Exit the area. WORLD MAP, ALDROW -------- Your destination here is The Church Ruins. However, I've got to warn you that the next battle is the toughest in the Chapter, and that Darc has to go it alone. I'm sure it's nothing you can't handle, but even so, you're probably gonna want to head to Orcoth first to heal and stock up on items and Spirit Stones. A full inventory of healing herbs for Darc is probably a good idea. If you're really paranoid, level Darc up, but anything beyond 10 is overdoing it. With that, head to The Church Ruins at your leisure. THE CHURCH RUINS, PART 4 -------- Head up the stairs to find Geedo and the Drakyr clustered around Windalf's cairn. They unearth the Wind Stone just as Darc arrives, and say they must inform Droguza. When they notice Darc, Geedo tells him how she sold him out. Densimo, who has also sold Darc out at this point, appears. He's eaten the Firble. Darc gets a brief crash course in Deimos ethics before crashing into the bushes. Darc picks up the human sword and armor to kill his betrayers. ============================================= DARC BATTLE 6: Ding, Dong, The Witch is Dead. ============================================= Enemies: Densimo Lv? (Drop/Steal: Blood Anklet) Geedo Lv7 (Drop/Steal: Life Tree Berry) Drakyr Lv7 Drakyr Lv6 Objective: Defeat the traitorous Deimos! Loss: Darc disabled. Destructables: None My Levels: Darc - 8 Strategy: Before the battle starts, take a look at Darc's skill menu. He'll have Special Abilities that you can learn now. First off, start by retreating from the stairs as far as you can go. If you're lucky, only Densimo will come out of the Church to attack you. If not, you may have to deal with Geedo and him at the same time. Wait for them/him for a few turns. Physical attacks are enough to kill Densimo, though Wind Slasher does good damage, as does Sword of Awakening if you have it. Once he's down, move to the foot of the stairs. Only Geedo should move toward you. Back away from the stairs again and wait for her. If she's already down there, just skip that. Claws of Rage and Physical Attacks are good for her. The choke attack can hurt, so heads up with the healing. Once she's down, the two Drakyr are nothing new. Heal, avoid Wind Slasher, and you're set. ============================================= Following the battle, the Wind Spirit appears to Darc. Darc, a Chosen One, is to find power to combat the coming darkness, and must find the 'one who shines.' Sounds like fun. Typical save the world stuff. Delma shows up a bit freaked out. She almost doesn't recognize Darc, and she certainly doesn't believe him when he says he killed Densimo. Darc then launches into a kind of a mad rant, talking about how there is nothing in the world but power, and how he will become King of the Deimos and wipe out the humans, as the chapter ends. End Darc, Chapter 1 Save your game at the prompt. ********************************************************** 3.3 - Kharg, Chapter 2: Setting Out The Chapter opens on Kharg's inauguration as Commander of the Defense Corps. It's a few days after Lloyd's death, which is more than enough grieving time. Kharg officially replaces Lloyd by being quasi-knighted by Nafia. Kharg then proceeds to give the lamest do-gooder speech in recorded history. YEWBELL, PART 3 -------- Talk to Nafia or Duncan once you gain control of Kharg. They'll clear out of the way, but not before Nafia says she has something for Kharg. Head down the stairs to run into Paulette and Maru. Paulette's donned Lloyd's big red shoulderpads. Since Kharg has pressing business, they can't patrol the town like Paulette wants, so she decides to go chasing after Maru. Run into town, but before you go see Nafia, go around and talk to everyone. They all have new dialog, including the Strange Man on the second floor of the Pub. He has a little (read: big) quest for you. He tells you he hid something in an old pot he buried under a rock at The Edge of a Sea of Trees. File that away in your memory while you finish your round of chatting and head up to meet Nafia. She's in her room at Kharg's house. Nafia warns Kharg about the dangers of unconditional hatred, but he's pretty set on doing everything he can to defend Yewbell. She then gives him half of the stone, tells him she split it with his father, and then is intentionally vague and avoids all of Kharg's questions. The Wind Spirit shows up immediately after Nafia leaves. Also a Chosen One, Kharg is, like Darc, tasked with saving the planet. Leave and go over towards the pub. Talk to Maru outside and he'll join up and tell you to go talk to Duncan. Do so. It seems a young woman has had her engagement ring stolen by a band of theives to the, the north. The Scrappe Plateau. Right. She gives no other details. Accept the job, as you're stuck with helping her eventually. Get out of the pub, and try to leave Yewbell through the main archway. Paulette will come running up, saying Banjo needs your help at the refinery. When you get there, he asks you to go help Butch, who's late from returning from Plumb Canyon. Sound familiar? Accept, and get ready to leave Yewbell. You might want to give everyone an Antitoxic Nut or two to save yourself future trouble. When you're ready, exit via The Castle Ruins (not the main gate). WORLD MAP, RAGNOTH -------- Your first stop is The Edge of a Sea of Trees, UNLESS you want to skip the entire Spirit Dictionary quest. If you do, skip the next section, and head for Plumb Canyon. THE EDGE OF A SEA OF TREES -------- Go and examine the smaller rock in the upper right hand corner of the map. Kharg will unearth a pot and call down a horde of mutant squirrels upon him. ========================================= KHARG OPTIONAL BATTLE: No Mutant Bunnies? ========================================= Enemies: Suskle Squirrel Lv5 (x3) Kuskle Lv6 (x2) Kuskle Lv7 (x2) Objective: Defeat all enemies! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: None My Levels: Kharg - 6 Paulette - 5 Maru - 5 Strategy: They're a lot stronger than they look, but have a predisposition towards clumping up. Use this to your advantage and squeeze two or more targets into every attack possible. Don't go charging ahead at the start of the battle, because they can kill you if you get surrounded. Special Moves are kind of a waste here due to the enemies' low hit points, but if you're tempted feel free to let off a Venom Arrow to thin them out a little. ========================================= With that completed, you're free to take the Old Pot with you and head out of the woods. WORLD MAP, RAGNOTH -------- Plumb Canyon is up next. Go there. Quickly. You've got to eventually. PLUMB CANYON, PART 2 -------- Talk to Butch. He'll reveal a veritable legion of Dancing Shells milling about the Canyon floor. Kharg assigns Butch hiding duty, and charges in. Head down the ramp. ================================= KHARG BATTLE 4: Escargot, Anyone? ================================= Enemies: Dancing Shell Lv5 (x7) Dancing Shell Lv6 (x4) Objective: Eliminate all Dancing Shells! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: Wooden Box (9 Spirit Stones, Anti-Poison Cologne) Gunpowder Can (empty) Gunpowder Can (empty) My Levels: Kharg - 6 Paulette - 6 Maru - 6 Strategy: Maru should move first. Have him whack one of the Gunpower Cans to make it explode and kill the Shell next to it. Maru and Paulette will warn each other about poison. It's a very sensible warning, since poison lasts a good five turns or so when used on your characters. Anyway, pick whichever way Maru cleared by blowing the Gunpower Can and charge down there with Kharg and Paulette. You're probably gonna need a Special Move or two to get through all the enemies that way, so don't be afraid to haul off and use Fang-Breaker Blade or Venom Arrow a bunch. There are 11 enemies on the map, after all. Once all the enemies coming from your initial direction are dead, turn around and face the others. They're probably in a big grouping, so Venom Arrow them before going in to finish them off. Be sure to open the Wooden Box before you kill the last enemy, but don't bother setting off the other Gunpowder Can, especially with a melee character, as it'll blow up in their face if you try. Note that, if you do get poisoned, heal it immediately if at all possible. If you don't have any Antitoxic Nuts and/or Maru doesn't know Antidote Treatment, just keep the poisoned character healed while it wears off. ================================= Apparently, the problem was that the machine was leaking oil. Butch figures to solve the problem by closing the open valve. Kharg assumes responsibility over valve-closing task and sends Butch away. Paulette compares oil to wine. Right. Walk over to the blue cyllindrical machine, and examine it. Turn the handle. The oil will seep into the groundwater before your very eyes. You're done here, so exit. WORLD MAP, RAGNOTH --------- Powerwalk over to Scrappe Plateau. Stop in Yewbell for groceries if you need them. SCRAPPE PLATEAU, PART 2 -------- You'll see some thieves talking about raiding and plundering Yewbell. Typical thief stuff. Kharg shows up, tells the thieves who he is, and they laugh at him for being so young. Typical RPG stuff. Kharg gives them an ultimatum. Someone should tell Kharg those never work. ======================================= KHARG BATTLE 5: Dodging Assault Rifles. ======================================= Enemies: Bandit Lv9 (Drop: Gunpowder) Pugnacious Lv7 Pugnacious Lv8 (x2) Objective: Crush the gang of thieves! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: Metal Drum (Bomb) My Levels: Kharg - 7 Paulette - 7 Maru - 7 Strategy: Thank the thieves for standing in a big group as you lead off with a Venom Arrow. You should be able to get three of them in one shot. That'll most likely knock the Pugnacious' HP down far enough that one physical attack will do them in. So, after all three of your characters have moved, they should be down to one healthy unit and one half dead one. Surround and attack those remaining, and you're set. The Bandit is a tough cookie, though, so you might want to Fang-Breaker Blade him on top of the Venom Arrow. As for the metal barrel, if a melee character attacks it, it will probably explode on them. If a ranged character does, it will take much longer to break, but it won't explode. ======================================= The thieves hand over the Stone-Carved Bracelet they stole, but claim they ain't got no ring. Kharg believes them, and lets them go with a promise to reform their lifestyles. Thick, isn't he? Anyway, you're done here. Exit. WORLD MAP, RAGNOTH -------- Hop the first train to Yewbell. YEWBELL, PART 4 -------- Head into the Pub. If you got the Old Pot at The Edge of a Sea of Trees, head upstairs. If not, skip this paragraph. Talk to the Strange Man (Span), and he'll pull the Spirit Dictionary, Volume 1 out of the pot. He'll read it to you if you wish, and tell you that there are four other volumes of the Dictionary that he'd love to have. You'll, of course, be finding them. I'll, of course, tell you where they are. Span leaves with the book, but gives you the Old Pot as a gift. It turns out that there's also a Stone Holder in the pot. I put it on Paulette, myself. Walk over to Duncan's desk. It appears the young woman (Faora) faked the whole story so that her fiance wouldn't be mad at her. Just then, her fiance (Mutch) shows up and confesses that the ring was just an imitation to begin with. (Quite a web of deceit for such a small town.) It seems that Mutch had been working on a better gift, a bracelet hewn out of some shiny stone from Scrappe Plateau. The bracelet, however, really was stolen by thieves....the thieves Kharg just mugged. He forks over the bracelet, and this weird little interlude ends. Walk over and talk to Zev. He tells Kharg about an airship crash over at Dragon Bone Valley. Kharg wants to set out, despite Paulette and Maru's reservations. He has heroic tendencies, you see. Doesn't really care that it's Deimos territory. Anyway, take a bit to wander around Yewbell. The dialogue's changed again. Heal and stock up on items, etc. as needed. Also, take this time to look at your characters' skill menus. They probably had a class level up in the last battle or two, and have new skills available to learn. I recommend Steal for Maru, Power Shot for Kharg, and Antidote Treatment for Paulette. Get Sling Knife for Paulette as well, if you don't have it already. If you're looking for better equipment, I'd recommend a Thorn of Revenge for everyone and an Aiming Device for Maru. It lowers his speed, but his HIT sucks until you get the Weathercock much, much later. Anyway, when you're good and ready, leave Yewbell via the main archway. WORLD MAP, RAGNOTH -------- Set course for Dragon Bone Valley. DRAGON BONE VALLEY -------- Head up the slope and examine the conspicuously dressed unconscious woman. Maru and Paulette search for other survivors while Kharg and the Girl from another land (Lilia) go over the basics. The crashed airship is empty, and the cause of the crash, according to Paulette, was gunfire. Lilia says she was taking her airship (Big Owl) to The Republic of Cathena all by herself, and was attacked by the Dilzweld Empire. Lilia is cryptic about the reasons for her journey, but Kharg is trusting. He's a bit slow, however, and the Drakyr get the drop on the party. ====================================================== KHARG BATTLE 6: What's With Their Harem Veils, Anyway? ====================================================== Enemies: Drakyr Lv7 (x5) Drakyr Lv5 NPC: Lilia Lv1 Objective: Protect Lilia from the Deimos! Loss: Entire party disabled OR Lilia disabled. Destructables: None My Levels: Kharg - 8 Paulette - 9 Maru - 8 Strategy: Lilia's pretty inept, but she's not nearly as bad as some other NPCs in games like this (read: Rafa, Selye, etc.). The Drakyr are nothing you haven't already handled several times, so you should know the deal with them by now. Proecting Lilia is of paramount importance. Kill the Drakyr FAST, and keep them away from her. She'll charge right at them, so stay near her to distract the Drakyr. Luckily for you, they don't preferentially target her, so there's a good chance she won't be hit with three straight Wind Slashers as long as you keep someone near her. Be warned that she can't take more than a few hits. With that said, just kill the Drakyr the same way you always have. They'll probably even clump for you. ====================================================== WORLD MAP, RAGNOTH -------- The game immediately dumps you to the map. Heal up, refill your Spirit Stones, and set course for Yewbell. You'll be stopped at Isulo Forest. ISULO FOREST -------- You're out of Drakyr territory, but still in the woods. An enourmous shadow coasts along the ground. It's the Dilzweld army, and they're after you. Head across the bridge. A very large and very angry man will come out of the bushes. He's real pissed about someone defiling the forest. Dilzweld troops from across the bridge shoot Lilia in the leg, and the Mysterious Large Man (Ganz) from the woods joins up to help you out. ================================================= KHARG BATTLE 7: You'll Be Seeing These Guys Again. ================================================== Enemies: Foot Soldier Lv8 Foot Soldier Lv6 Attack Dog Lv9 (x2) Attack Dog Lv8 Rifleman Lv7 Rifleman Lv9 Commander Lv8 (Drop: Amethyst Coating) Objective: Defeat enemies and destroy bridge! Loss: Entire party disabled Destructables: Damp Tree (Good Herb) Damp Tree (empty) Rotted Post (objective) My Levels: Kharg - 9 Paulette - 9 Maru - 9 Ganz - 9 Strategy: First, a note about the bridge. You MUST destroy the Rotted Post before you kill all the enemies. Otherwise, once the battle is over, you'll have to fight it all over again from the beginning. That being said, split your party in two. Move Ganz and Maru down to handle the Foot Soldiers and the Attack Dog, while Kharg and Paulette move up to take the two Attack Dogs and the Rifleman. Kharg and Paulette should have no trouble provided liberal use of Fang-Breaker Blade and Sling Knife, while Ganz is such an absolute powerhouse that he can take on two or three enemies by himself. Use Rolling Axe if Ganz is surrounded for pleasant results. Once the field is narrowed to just the Commander and the Rifleman, have Ganz make a beeline for the Rotted Post. Smash it, then kill the Commander to loot him. Knock off the Damp Trees before finishing up the last Rifleman. Of particular danger here is the ridiculous range the Riflemen have on their sniping attacks. They can only use it once, but the attack ranges about 3/4 this map. The attack dogs have high DEF, and the Foot Soldiers have high ATT, so plan accordingly. The Commander generally has high everything, but not so high that he's dangerous. Note that Foot Soldiers also have grenade attacks, but they use them so rarely you'll probably never see one. ================================================= After the fight, Ganz offers to take Lilia back to his shack for medical attention. Have Kharg talk to Maru and Paulette, then Ganz. Kharg will question him about his life, and you can ask for further elaboration if you wish. He's pretty obsessed with protecting the Isulo Forest. Anyway, heal up, fill your Spirit Stones, and leave. WORLD MAP, RAGNOTH -------- Head for Yewbell again. You'll be waylaid by enemies at Scrappe Plateau, and must defend yourself. SCRAPPE PLATEAU, PART 3 -------- Lilia is reluctanct to bring peril to Kharg and company, but he won't hear of it. The group discusses Ganz and his ethics before getting jumped by some more Dilzweld. Oh boy. ============================================== KHARG BATTLE 8: More Frog-Men in Ugly Helmets. ============================================== Enemies: Commander Lv9 (Drop: Broken Sword) Foot Soldier Lv8 (x2) Rifleman Lv8 (x2) Attack Dog Lv8 (x2) Objective: Defeat the Dilzweld Army! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: Metal Drum (Sleep Firecracker) Metal Drum (Super Bomb) My Levels: Kharg - 10 Paulette - 10 Maru - 9 Strategy: Generally, I offer the same warnings as before. Now, however, you should clump your group together to make killing the Dilzweld easier. At this point, they don't have any group attack Skills, so you can form a tight unit to make things simpler for you. There's nothing really different about this battle from the last one, so handle the enemies similarly. The Broken Sword the Commander drops is worth 1200g at a shop, so you might want to keep a Rifleman alive so you can collect it from him. ============================================== After the battle, Maru comments on how all the soldiers look exactly the same. Makes sense. Just then, soldiers start coming out of the woodwork, and surround you. A Female Commander (Tatjana) appears. Dilzweld doesn't seem to care about the rights of independent nations (sound familiar?), and appeals to Lilia's humanity to get her to surrender. She, of course, quickly renegs on the deal, and tries to execute Kharg & Co. As the soldiers cock their rifles, Kharg begins to glow blue, and a big freaking whirlwind erupts from him, blowing away everyone who doesn't have a name. Lilia rejoins the group as Tatjana flees. Paulette concludes that Kharg can use Spirit Magic. Maru concludes that he's a reincarnation of the Hero. Okay. You're free to control Kharg again. Before leaving, take a look at your characters' skills. Kharg can use Magic now, and everyone has probably gained a class level, so take a look at your new available skills. When ready, exit. WORLD MAP, RAGNOTH -------- You can now, finally, get to Yewbell. YEWBELL, PART 5 -------- Paulette seems upset. Go find Nafia, at Kharg's House. Kharg explains the story so far. Lilia claims Emperor Darkham Ekid na Bard of Dilzweld is out to conquer the world and needs a 'certain object' of hers in order to go about it. She still won't tell what it is, though. Nafia wants Kharg & Co. to accompany Lilia to The Republic of Cathena. He agrees, and they all go to bed. Nafia wakes Kharg in the night to tell him Lilia is gone. She sends him to look for her. Cruise around Yewbell if you want. You can talk to Paulette and a few other people. Lilia, however, is in The Castle Ruins. Go there. You'll run in on her playing her light-harp (an ortena) from the intro. Kharg and Lilia bond a little. She reveals that her mother is dead and she doesn't know where her father is. Afterward, she explains exactly what the 'certain object' is. It's the Light Stone, one of the Great Spirit Stones, like Kharg's Wind Stone. When he whips his stone out, the Light Spirit manifests. It wants all five stones to be brought together and saved from the darkness. Then, an infinite power will be born. Lilia reveals that Darkham already has the Earth Stone. For a quite stone recap, this means that the Water and Fire Stones have whereabouts unknown, Darc and Kharg each have half the Wind Stone, Lilia has the Light Stone, and Darkham has the Earth Stone. Kharg pledges himself to the defense of Lilia as Paulette spies on them. When you regain control, simply go back to Kharg's House and speak to Nafia. She gets filled in, but is still intentionally vague on the subject of Kharg's father. In the morning, go over and talk to Paulette and Maru. They take it upon themselves to fix the Big Owl. Head to the pub and speak to Zev. Ask him about the airship, then about the Control Parts. He suggests a salvage job over at Scrappe Plateau. Leave the pub. Take this chance to stroll around Yewbell. There's new dialogue. Buy whatever you want or need, and get out of town. WORLD MAP, RAGNOTH -------- Scrappe Plateau, first and foremost. SCRAPPE PLATEAU, PART 4 -------- Head left and over to the airship. Examine it, and you'll see a part just out of reach. Go over to the control panel with the big red light on it and try the lever. Seems you need a battery. If you recall, there's one in Plumb Canyon, so let's go there. WORLD MAP, RAGNOTH -------- Plumb Canyon, here we come. PLUMB CANYON, PART 3 -------- Go down the ramp and examine the big copper cyllinder embedded in the black rectangle stuck in the ground. Take the battery. Leave the area. WORLD MAP, RAGNOTH -------- Head right back to where you came, Scrappe Plateau. SCRAPPE PLATEAU, PART 5 -------- Put the battery in the open battery case. The control panel will turn green. Examine it, and pull the lever. Examine the now-raised airship and take the Control Parts to end the latest fetch quest. Now all you need is someone who knows basic airship repair. That would be very useful. Leave the Plateau. WORLD MAP, RAGNOTH -------- Mosey on over to Yewbell. YEWBELL, PART 6 -------- Go over to Kharg's House to walk in on another secret conversation. Nafia's worried about Kharg's magical talents. Collect Lilia and leave the house. Buy anything you need in Yewbell right now, because you won't be back for awhile. Once all your pressing business is over with, exit the area via the main archway. WORLD MAP, RAGNOTH -------- Set course for Dragon Bone Valley, but be prepared to arrive at Isulo Forest. ISULO FOREST, PART 2 -------- Notice the lack of Ganz, and the recently repaired bridge. Cross it and leave. WORLD MAP, RAGNOTH -------- Go directly to Dragon Bone Valley. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200. DRAGON BONE VALLEY, PART 2 -------- Apparently, Kharg's going to attempt home airship repair. Brilliant. The team spots Ganz, and moseys over to talk to him. He wants to get to Aldrow himself, so he agrees to help with repairs in exchange for a one way ticket. You'll enter the Big Owl. BIG OWL -------- The open doorway on the Big Owl is the way out. The closed one in the back leads to free healing. The save point is in the corner. Use the latter two, and talk to Ganz. Tell him you're ready, and Lilia will spot Nafia coming up the path. Exit the Big Owl. There's a short and almost touching scene with Nafia. When it ends, you're back in the Big Owl. Talk to Ganz, and the control panel will light up. Go to examine it. Select Yes, then Move, and then Aldrow. You'll see the Big Owl taking off. When you control Kharg again, go and talk to Lilia. She'll talk about her personal history a bit, and Maru makes a snide comment, before the Dilzweld shoot down the Big Owl AGAIN. When you come to, Lilia is gone, but she's left a note saying she fled to avoid bringing Kharg & Co. any more danger. With that, heal, save and exit the Big Owl, in that order. ASHEEDA FOREST -------- No sooner do you get out of the ship than you are attacked by Orcon. ============================== KHARG BATTLE 9: Orcs & Humans ============================== Enemies: Orcon Lv13 (x2) Orcon Lv12 (x2) Objective: Defeat the Deimos! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: None. My Levels: Kharg - 10 Paulette - 11 Maru - 10 Ganz - 9 Strategy: The Orcon can't do anything resembling interesting. The only stat they have a reasonable amount of is DEF. They're slow, weak, don't move far, and have no good magic. Take this opportunity to level Ganz up if he's way behind the rest of the party. If you don't want or need to do that, just bowl them over quickly. ============================== After the battle, head back into the airship to heal, and then go out and bear left and down. You'll hit a new screen. Walk a bit forward to meet some more Dilzweld. Apparently they haven't found Lilia, either. ============================================== KHARG BATTLE 10: From Greenskins to Greencoats ============================================== Enemies: Foot Soldier Lv10 (x4) Rifleman Lv10 (x2) Objective: Defeat the Dilzweld Army! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: None. My Levels: Kharg - 10 Paulette - 11 Maru - 10 Ganz - 10 Strategy: Yay, more Dilzweld idiots. They're a bit stronger than before, but they don't act any different, and you're a bit stronger, too. By now, you should have a pretty solid idea of what to expect from these guys and what you have to do to beat them. Might help to divide your characters to deal with the spread-out enemies. Get to it. ============================================== Heal and recharge. Head back up to the Big Owl, then down from there and to the right. You should encounter more Dilzweld. If not, wander around a bit and get into a random battle before trying the bottom right exit from the Big Owl area. Once you do find the Dilzweld, you'll start... ================================================= KHARG BATTLE 11: From Greenskins to Greencoats II ================================================= Enemies: Commander Lv11 (Drop: Amethyst Coating) Foot Soldier Lv10 (x2) Rifleman Lv10 (x2) Objective: Defeat the Dilzweld Army! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: None. My Levels: Kharg - 11 Paulette - 11 Maru - 11 Ganz - 10 Strategy: This is almost exactly the same as the last battle, only there are fewer Foot Soldiers in exchange for the Commander. Refer to the previous battle notes for this one. The Commander drops an Amethyst Coating, so don't kill him last if you want it. ================================================= After the battle, Tatjana shows up with six armed men. Thwarting your execution for the second time is a Strange Man (Samson), who comes out of nowhere with seven armed men. Tatjana takes a minute to do the math and runs away. Samson offers to send his henchmen (Boomer and Buster) off to look for Lilia while Kharg & Co. get some rest on his ship. When Kharg agrees, you're dumped to the world map. WORLD MAP, ALDROW -------- There's nothing at Crossell Springs. Unless you want to wander about the forest fighting some more, head to Wilbur Shore. WILBUR SHORE -------- Walk up towards the ship. Talk to the guy in front of the raised bridge and he'll demand a password. What you say is irrelevant, so once he drops the bridge, head on over. Admire the scenery and talk to the crew as you'd like. Samson is down the center stairway by the window. Save and talk to him. He knows a whole lot more than he's letting on, so Kharg's attempts to be evasive are futile. Kharg soon sets about trying to enlist Samson's help, but it's to no avail. Boomer comes in, and Samson tells you that Lilia's already at The Republic of Cathena, with Dilzweld in hot pursuit. You're done here, so leave the way you came. WORLD MAP, ALDROW -------- Take a stroll down the yellow brick road towars The Republic of Cathena. Sometimes, it's totally obscured by a cloud so you can't see it, but it's there. THE REPUBLIC OF CATHENA -------- Ah, a new town. The shops are on Kharg's right as he walks into town. Take a bit to check out the new stuff. Charge up on your typical Herbs and Stones, and if you're looking for better equippables, Bone Armbands and Amethyst Coatings all around are a good idea. If you have a lot of gods to spend, get Maru a Napping Bell as well. Take the time to wander about and take in the local atmosphere. The building on the north side of town is World Alliance HQ. Down from there, along the water, is the bridge to the Arena. You probably won't be able to handle anything past the Road of Wisdom in there, but you're welcome to try. When you're ready to get on with it, head up to World Alliance HQ and talk to the guard. Kharg uses his mad skillz to gain entry to the not-as-secure-as-it-looks HQ, while Ganz takes off to look after the Big Owl. Inside, head up the elevator for some more local color. You can examine the telescopes for some sweeping views of the city. When you're ready, head in the big archway up the stairs from the elevators. You'll walk in on something resembling a disgrace to democracy. It appears Lilia really hasn't arrived yet. Samson hoodwinked you. Kharg won't be for for sitting around, and storms out of the council chamber. End Kharg, Chapter 2 Save your game at the prompt. ********************************************************** 3.4 - Darc, Chapter 2: Ambition Darc, newly enthroned King of the Orcon, is holding henchmen auditions at the Orcoth Arena. None of them impress Darc, who is not at all confident in his new underlings' loyalty. He can only trust Deimos strong enough to betray him. Much like Delma, who's now going berserk in the dungeon. ORCOTH, PART 5 -------- Take a look at the new shop inventory. They sell Weapon Parts and Acessories now, but it's all stuff a lot weaker than the things you've seen with Kharg. Don't waste your money, unless you need Herbs, but Darc probably has Cure by now. The Orcoth Arena is now open, so if you want to attempt it, talk to Zoram in the Arena. Talk around before heading down to the Dungeon. Delma's clamoring for Darc, so go talk to her. She still doesn't believe Darc's story, true as it may be, so head on out once she's done talking. Leave Orcoth. WORLD MAP, ALDROW -------- Head for The Church Ruins. THE CHURCH RUINS, PART 5 -------- Go over to the former Firble's nest. Seems one egg survived. Darc will set an annonymous Orcon to guard it for him, and then you're free to leave. WORLD MAP, ALDROW -------- Take the last train to Orcoth. ORCOTH, PART 6 -------- Head over to the Arena. Zoram will meet you outside, saying a large Lupine has shown up in the Arena and defeated all comers. Darc jumps at the challenge. Buy Herbs if you want them, and enter the Arena. Walk over to the center of it to start a conversation. The familiar-looking Lupine tosses out the usual insults, and Darc tries to recruit him. The Lupine (Volk) is way too proud for that, so fighting must ensue. ================================= DARC BATTLE 7: Death to Teen Wolf ================================= Enemies: Volk Lv? (Steal: Balo Nut) Objective: Make Volk Surrender! Loss: Darc disabled. Destructables: None My Levels: Darc - 9 Strategy: Charge straight toward him. He'll probably use his first turn to cast Heated Soul, so you'll get a free hit thereafter. The unpleasant effect of Heated Soul, however, is that it will make Volk much stronger. He'll probably do about 40 damage with a regular attack, so be sure to balance your healing with your attacks. He'll probably cast Water Crash a few times, which is a good thing, as that's a bunch weaker than his regular attack. Darc has a MUCH wider movement radius than Volk, so you can probably run endlessly from him if you need some time to heal up. That said, physically attacking Volk yourself probably isn't a great idea, so playing keep away and constantly casting Wind Slasher may be a good idea. You should be done with him quickly. tells me you're just as well off bumrushing Volk with Sword of Awakening, and Claws of Rage all in a row. It should work. Up to you, really. ================================= The defeated Volk tells Darc his story and why he wants revenge against all humanity. Darc easily convinces him to join up, and Volk pledges himself to serve Darc eternally. Leave the Arena. Talk to Zugalo in front of the dungeon. Delma wants to talk to you again. Head down. Talk to her, and Darc will send Volk away. In an almost-touching moment, Darc lets Delma out, and she joins up. Darc is convinced he needs even stronger allies, so the party decides they need a way to get off the continent. Save and equip your characters as you'd like before going towars the exit. Talk to the green skinned Orcon right in front of it and question him about the strange light he saw crash into Asheeda Forest. Volk will comment that it's probably one of the humans' great flying ships of doom, and must investigate. Leave Orcoth. WORLD MAP, ALDROW -------- Asheeda Forest. You've been there before. ASHEEDA FOREST -------- No sooner have you arrived than you're thrust into battle with the Dilzweld. ======================================== DARC BATTLE 8: I'm Sensing a Theme Here ======================================== Enemies: Commander Lv10 (Drop: First-aid Kit) Foot Soldier Lv9 Rifleman Lv9 (x2) Objective: Beat the Dilzweld Army! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: None My Levels: Darc - 10 Delma - 8 Volk - 10 Strategy: Same deal as with Kharg. This isn't even the largest grouping of Dilzweld you've fought. They just barely outnumber you. There's nothing new here. Commander drops a First-aid Kit. Get on it. ======================================== Darc has no time for talk. There are humans to find. Head over to the right and up. Move towards the Big Owl crash site. Once you reach the big Owl itself, there will be more Dilzweld. Darc discovers they're looking for a Lilia before they attack. =========================================== DARC BATTLE 9: I'm Sensing a Theme Here II =========================================== Enemies: Commander Lv10 (Drop: Stone Coating) Foot Soldier Lv9 Rifleman Lv8 (x2) Objective: Beat the Dilzweld Army! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: None My Levels: Darc - 11 Delma - 9 Volk - 11 Strategy: This is almost the exact same battle as before. In fact, it's easier, as the enemies are weaker and clumped for you. If Darc has Tornado, you can probably kill three of them before they can move. =========================================== Darc figures it'd be a good idea to find the Lilia before the humans do. Bear down and to the right to run into another group of Dilzweld, this one led by Tatjana. Darc discovers the true nature of Lilia before they attack. ========================================= DARC BATTLE 10: It's Not Easy Being Green ========================================= Enemies: Tatjana Lv? (Drop: Gorgeous Ring; Steal: High Heels) Commander Lv9 (Drop: 376g) Foot Soldier Lv9 Foot Soldier Lv8 Rifleman Lv8 (x2) Objective: Beat the Dilzweld Army! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: None My Levels: Darc - 11 Delma - 9 Volk - 11 Strategy: There's really nothing you can do to prevent this battle from turning into an all-out brawl. Go straight in, avoid clumping up, and smack as many enemies as possible with every attack. Tatjana's really not that much more powerful than a Commander, but her Special Attack is a bit better, and she can sleep you. Use any group attack magic you have to your advantage. This battle's really just a bigger version of the last two, nothing too exciting. Note that you CAN'T get both Tatjana's drop item and her steal item. The High Heels increase the attack range of Darc's secret character, while the Gorgeous Ring gives double gold drops in exchange for a speed penalty, and has a 12000g selling price. Up to you which you want. ========================================= Tatjana uses Mirage Field to escape, but Volk can still smell her and gives chase. Darc and Delma see Lilia in the bushes, and follow her to Crossell Springs. CROSSELL SPRINGS -------- Walk towards the water to start a scene. Darc stumbles upon Lilia, but before anything happens Delma comes up behind him and stabs him in the back. She's waited three long days to have her revenge, and leaves Darc to die. Lilia will have none of that. She cleans and bandages Darc's wounds, saving his life. Darc can't believe it, and demands to know why the Dilzweld are looking for her. The Light Spirit appears and gives a speech you've heard already. Darc deduces everything way too easily and takes Lilia with him. They exit. WORLD MAP, ALDROW -------- Go back to Asheeda Forest. ASHEEDA FOREST, PART 2 -------- You'll hang around just long enough to meet up with Volk before you get dumped to the map again. WORLD MAP, ALDROW -------- Back to Orcoth! ORCOTH, PART 7 -------- You'll show up just in time to find Delma bragging about murdering Darc. Move Darc down there. Delma will get scared half to death, and Darc will take her to the Arena. After an odd conversation, Darc makes Delma promise to kill him one day, and she joins up again. After an expected scene with Lilia, she gets tossed into the dungeon. Go down there. Delma and Volk will leave you outside. Lilia shares what she knows about the Great Spirit Stones and about Kharg. Darc leaves her locked up and leaves. For their quest for the other three stones, Darc & Co. need a method of intercontinental travel. Talk around town, they've all got new dialogue. Leave Orcoth. WORLD MAP, ALDROW -------- The Church Ruins, double time. THE CHURCH RUINS, PART 6 -------- Head over to the monster nest. A Firble hatched from the egg. The plan is to raise it into a Pyron, and only Gorma knows how to do that. Leave the area. WORLD MAP, ALDROW -------- We're going back to Orcoth. ORCOTH, PART 8 -------- Go to Gorma's train car and tell him about the Firble. He'll give a basic crash course in how to raise a Firble into a Pyron. He says you need three kinds of feed, a Rebound Fruit, Phoenix Blood and a Fire Fragment. Ask him about all three, exit the conversation, check out the changed dialogue around town, and leave Orcoth. WORLD MAP, ALDROW -------- First, Geedo's House. GEEDO'S HOUSE, PART 4 -------- You can open the chest now. Inside is the Phoenix Blood (which you need) and Ancient Tablet #1. Kirjath the Fallen immediately shows up and begins a short (read: long) fetch quest: Find all the Ancient Tablets! Yay! You're done here. WORLD MAP, ALDROW -------- Second, Tindalos Woods. TINDALOS WOODS -------- Just keep fighting random battles here against Crimson Rhokes. Eventually, after one battle, you'll get a little popup that says you now have a Rebound Fruit. It might take awhile. It only seems to happen with one specific type of random battle, too. You're done when you have it. WORLD MAP, ALDROW -------- Third, The Church Ruins. THE CHURCH RUINS, PART 7 -------- Go over and feed the Rebound Fruit and the Phoenix Blood to the Firble. Leave. WORLD MAP, ALDROW -------- Go to Orcoth. ORCOTH, PART 9 -------- Go to Gorma's house. He isn't home. Wonderful. Ask the girl outside where he's gone. She doesn't know. Double wonderful. Head into the dungeon. Lilia's serenading about half of Orcoth. Darc puts a stop to it. Gorma says he left the Fire Fragment at the store. Talk to Lilia before you leave. Head up to the shop. Gorma did indeed leave the Fire Fragment there, but the Qurop is charging 500g for it. Fork it over, 'cause you can't really go anywhere if you don't. Leave Orcoth after doing any shopping you need. WORLD MAP, ALDROW -------- The Church Ruins, of course. THE CHURCH RUINS, PART 8 -------- When you feed the Firble the Fire Fragment, it promptly passes out. Darc endeavors to go lay the smack down on Gorma. Exit. WORLD MAP, ALDROW -------- Back to Orcoth. Again. ORCOTH, PART 10 -------- You arrive to find Lilia's ortena on the ground and Orcon corpses littering the streets. Head into the dungeon. You find Lilia gone, and Zugalo in her place. Zugalo quickly expires. Head upstairs. Go into the Arena. It seems the Dilzweld raided Orcoth, stole Lilia, and fled to the Varam Barrens. It's up to Darc to give chase. Walk around, take in the new dialogue, heal, stock up, and leave. WORLD MAP, ALDROW -------- Varam Barrens, here we come. THE VARAM BARRENS, PART 2 -------- You'll walk in on the humans just after they've loaded Lilia onto their ship and left some contraption to deal with you. Battle is quickly joined. =============================== DARC BATTLE 11: A Head in a Jar =============================== Enemies: Argewalt Lv? (Steal: Life Tree Berry) Mandrake Lv12 (Summons) Witch Plant Lv13 (Summons) Objective: Destroy the Argewalt! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: Dry Tree (empty) Dry Tree (empty) Dry Tree (empty) Steel Box (225g, 18 Spirit Stones) Steel Box (200g, Bone Armband) Steel Box (12 Spirit Stones, First-aid Kit) Steel Box (250g, Memory Cologne) Steel Box (12 Spirit Stones, Memory Cologne) Steel Box (200g, 15 Spirit Stones, Catfish Whiskers) Metal Drum (empty) My Levels: Darc - 13 Delma - 11 Volk - 12 Strategy: Start by cutting a blazing swath through the destructable stuff in front of you to clear the field. The Argewalt will use its turns when you're not nearby to summon Witch Plants and Mandrakes. They shouldn't be too much of a challenge for you, and they clump, so knock them off as they approach while you move closer to the Argewalt. You might want to have Delma cast Speed Up on the party to prevent the deluge of monsters from becoming something you can't handle. As you move closer to the Argewalt, she'll forego more summoning in favor of directly attacking you with an area-around-it effect confusion spell, and an area-damage spell. Once you get near enough to her, send Darc and Volk on opposite sides of her and start whacking away with your strongest stuff. Keep Delma back to heal Confusion if necessary and to take out the monsters the Argewalt still manages to summon. If they become too much for her, break Darc and Volk off to clear the field a little. Once everything's at a level you can handle again, move them back and repeat as before. The Argewalt doesn't have that much HP, so as long as you keep healed and hit it with a steady stream of damage, you'll be fine. Sword of Awakening does a whole lot of damage to the Argewalt, and you should have it by now. =============================== You defeat the Argewalt, but are too slow to stop the airship. Camellia, the Pianta sage, will pop out of the Argewalt and walk over to the party. They're understandibly suspicious, but Cameilla explains her story. She was captured and enslaved by the Dilzweld (specifically, by Tatjana), and tortured for information about the Miracle Stone. She says it's in The Throne Room of the Coleopt Shrine on Adenade. Sounds like a destination. Camellia kinda blackmails you into coming along. By now, everyone's gained another class level, so make sure you learn the new skills you want. Camellia comes with the very useful Healing Rain spell. You're done here, so leave. WORLD MAP, ALDROW -------- You've got a ticket to Orcoth. ORCOTH, PART 11 -------- Find Gorma. Talk. Darc yells at him before Gorma shares that the Firble was supposed to pass out. Thanks for telling us this now, old man. You're done in Orcoth for a long while at this point, so do anything here you want to do, 'cause the plot ain't bringing you back. When you're ready, leave. WORLD MAP, ALDROW -------- The Church Ruins is your goal. THE CHURCH RUINS, PART 7 -------- Apparently, the Firble is now a Pyron. Head up and to the right to find it. Is that thing weird looking or what? Darc tells it where he needs to go. It flies up into the air, quadruples in size, and comes back down. PYRON, ADENADE -------- Apparently, Pyrons can't stay far from wetlands. Convienient. Darc now has the ability to call down the Pyron in battle. It can only do so a few times before its energy depletes. You can recharge it via the Recover command in the new Pyron section of the menu. The Pyron learns new skills as you feed it food depending on the color of its body, which also changes depending on what food you give it. All in all, it's less complicated than it sounds, but is more annoyance than I care to deal with. Talk to NPCs for better info. Just like with the Big Owl, you can switch continents, heal and save by talking to the Pyron. When you're through taking it all in, leave. WORLD MAP, ADENADE -------- I recommend going to Rueloon first. However, you can go straight to the Coleopt Shrine if you wish. If so, skip the next section. RUELOON -------- This is where you want to blow your money. The little open-air stands to the left are the merchants. Buy up the stuff you need first, and then move on to what you want. If you've got the money, I'd suggest Thorns of Revenge for Volk, Darc and Delma, an Aiming Device for Camellia, Bone Armbands and Amethyst Coatings all around, a Heavy Blade for Darc, a Steel Spike for Delma, and an Armored Swallowtail for Camellia. I doubt you've got enough for that, so pick and choose what you want. In the tend immediately right of the entrance is a snake charmer that seems to serve no use whatsoever. Just past the shops and to the left of the stairs is a little alley. The brown stone in the grass is, in reality, Ancient Tablet #5. Take it, and continue all the way down the path. You'll find a Coleopt Woman who'll sell you Coleopt Froth if you inquire. Buy a few, they may be helpful. Up the stairs and straight ahead is the Rueloon Arena. It's pretty difficult, as Spirit Stone using abilites are banned. Try it, if you want. To the left of there is the pub, where the healer and the save point are. You can examine the statues for a little background. Explore the town a bit more at your leisure and talk to everyone. Leave town when you're ready. WORLD MAP, ADENADE -------- All roads lead to The Coleopt Shrine. Really, they do. THE COLEOPT SHRINE -------- If you were expecting immediate combat, you're out of luck. This is an actual town. Can't buy anything or heal, though. Just wander about to learn and laugh a bit before heading across the bridge. You'll be given an ultimatum. Since you can't exactly continue the game if you don't head on through, ignore it and go. ====================================== DARC BATTLE 12: The Obligatory Bug-Men ====================================== Enemies: Coleopt Lv13 (x2) Coleopt Lv12 (x4) Objective: Beat the Coleopt Army! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: None My Levels: Darc - 14 Delma - 12 Volk - 13 Camellia - 14 Strategy: These guys are just like any other, except for one thing that Camellia will quickly warn you about. If you get ability drained from their special attack, only a Coleopt Froth can fix it. If you didn't get any in Rueloon, the Coleopt here will drop some when you kill them. Other than that, just treat these guys like any other monster. They're rather strong, but you're much stronger. Use Spirit Stones as necessary. Again, watch out for the ability drain, as the battle is much harder if everyone gets hit with it. ====================================== Head back into town. The dialogue has changed, and the woman who was selling Coleopt Froth in Rueloon has returned, with a larger shop inventory. No Herbs, though. Head back across the bridge and enter the shrine. A tentacle will come blasting out of the wall and warn you to leave. Not at all weird. It leaves as another explosion is heard -- apparently the Dilzweld have invaded as well. ====================================================== DARC BATTLE 13: Fancy Meeting You in a Place Like This ====================================================== Enemies: Commander Lv13 (Drop: Broken Sword) Rifleman Lv12 (x2) Foot Soldier Lv12 (x2) Foot Soldier Lv13 (x3) Objective: Beat the Dilzweld Army! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: None My Levels: Darc - 14 Delma - 13 Volk - 13 Camellia - 14 Strategy: The only thing new about these guys is their strange formation. You should have a pretty good idea of what you're up against, so I'll just leave you to it. ====================================================== The Dilzweld Commander flees inside, so follow him. Camellia suddenly comes down with a terrible ulcer and can't follow, so go on without her. As you approach the Dilzweld, they brilliantly trigger a trap that strands you on a little isle. Camellia knew all this previously, however, and used it to her advantage, betraying Darc. Apparently, an ancient monster is sealed in the raised chest. Okay. It soon opens to reveal an oddly-dressed girl (Bebedora) who quickly possesses the Dilzweld officers and forces them to do her bidding. That is, of course, to kill Darc & Co. ============================ DARC BATTLE 14: I'm Bebedora ============================ Enemies: Commander Lv14 (Drop: Super Bomb, 273g) Rifleman Lv13 Objective: Beat the Dilzweld Army! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: None My Levels: Darc - 15 Delma - 13 Volk - 13 Strategy: Oh, please. This is probably the easiest battle in the game. You ought to know what to do by now. Do it. ============================ No rest for the weary. Bebedora springs monsters on you. =============================== DARC BATTLE 15: I'm Bebedora II =============================== Enemies: Skull Warrior Lv17 (x2) (Drop/Steal: Jade Beads, Amethyst Coating) Objective: Defeat all enemies! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: None My Levels: Darc - 15 Delma - 13 Volk - 14 Strategy: Bit tougher than the last one. These guys are no pushovers, but they start separated, have no special attacks, and you outnumber them. Pick one, surround it, beat on it, then move to the next. They're physical powerhouses, so prepare to heal. You should be done quickly. =============================== Fearing mind control, Darc doesn't want to get too close. He talks to Bebedora. Intrigued by his soul, she tells him how to escape. Go and press the lever atop the water-logged stairs when you have control of Darc. Bebedora decides to join up, bringing your party back to an even four. Head down the stairs by the switch. Open the chest. Head back up. Walk past Bebedora's chest, and move toward the stairwell to the right of it. Head down that flight and up the flight next to it. Walk down, away from the door, until you reach the place where you originally entered the room. Head left and go down those stairs. Open the chest. Head back up the stairs and go down the stairs opposite. Pick up the Ancient Tablet at the foot of the stairs. Head up the path. Open the chest. Distribute the Water Balms in that chest. You'll use them soon. Head up the stairs. Save, heal, and enter the door. You'll see Camellia being beaten on by tentacles. She suddenly has a change of heart, and appeals to Darc for help. Just then, the party realizes that they're in the egg chamber where all the Coleopt hatch. Oops. Battle is joined. =============================================== DARC BATTLE 16: Queen of the Obligatory Bug-Men =============================================== Enemies: Selkis Lv? (Steal: Nothing) Coleopt Lv15 (x4) Tentacle Lv1 (x4) Coleopt Lv13 (Summons) Coleopt Larva Lv1 (Summons) Objective: Defeat Queen Selkis! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: None My Levels: Darc - 15 Delma - 14 Volk - 14 Camellia - 14 Bebedora - 16 Strategy: Start off by using the Water Balms you picked up earlier on the people you plan on moving close to Selkis. Once you're done with that, surround and begin to beat on the nearest tentacle. The tentacles will either sit still, attack or summon a monster. However, they've got horrid defense, so you should be able to take them on 5v1 one at a time. As they begin to summon regular Coleopt, take advantage of Bebedora and her new Mind Control ability to steal a few. That way, you can take advantage of the Coleopt Liquid Sphere for your own uses. If one of Bebedora's stolen enemies dies, just take another one. Bebedora's Black Out spell is also immensely powerful at this point, and can do around 90 damage to a tentacle. Take advanatge of these abilities now and in the future. Note that you can't mind control big enemies, which generally means stuff like the tentacles and Selkis here. When all four tentacles are done for, as well as the various summonables assocatied with them, charge toward Selkis. Don't go up the stairs for fear of her attacks. Instead, sit at the foot of the stairs and kill her Coleopt bodyguards just as you need the ones from the tentacles. Once they're dead, all that's left is Selkis. Make sure everyone you're moving toward her either has a Water Balm or Delma's Element Guard on them. She has two attacks; Blizzard and Sleepy Wind. Spread everyone out along her and let go with your strongest attacks. As earlier boss characters, she doesn't have the greatest HP total, so she'll die pretty quickly. Believe it or not, she'll also eventually run out of Spirit Stones and be unable to do anything. As for stealing from Selkis, I took a 74 MNT Darc into this battle and sat there, trying to steal from her. After about 30 tries, I gave up. If you know what she has, email me and I'll put it in. =============================================== Volk and Delma are set on vengeance, but Darc's more concerned with the Miracle (read: Water) Stone. The Water Spirit (of course) appears to Darc. It gives him warnings he's already heard and disregarded. With a grim acclamation, the Chapter ends. End Darc, Chapter 2 Save your game at the prompt. ********************************************************** 3.5 - Kharg, Chapter 3: Conflict Apparently, Kharg and the gang have been wasting time while Darc was off galavanting around the world. They looked for Lilia and......didn't find her. (Well, duh.) After a bit more bureaucracy, you'll gain control of Kharg. THE REPUBLIC OF CATHENA, PART 2 -------- Talk to the councilmen if you wish, then enter the door the Milmarnan Delegate (Savina) did. She fears for her country and, after Kharg's through explaining things, she figures her fears are justified. Savina shares an old legend from Epistia, a continent recently invaded by Dilzweld, about a Flame Egg hidden in the heart of a volcano. A soldier comes in with a report that the Dilzweld airship (the Megist) has just taken off from the Varam Barrens. This should give you an idea of what Darc's up to. The soldier also shares the fact that a girl fitting Lilia's description was taken onto the Megist. Kharg assumes they were headed to Epistia. Leave the room. Enter the chamber to the right of the main council chamber. (You just came out the one to the left.) Opposite the door, on the table, is a small green book. It's the Spirit Dictionary Volume 2, so take it. Leave the room, and head out of the building. The council tries to detain you, but pay no attention. Savina shows up and gives you the name of a contact in Epistia: Spencer. Leave the building. Talk to Ganz by the railing, and head into the arena. Talk to the two generic-looking guys off to the left. Ganz will be informed of the death of his friend, Rapier. (If you have total memory loss, it was Darc and Delma that killed him.) Ganz declares vendetta on Orcon in general, but joins Kharg rather than commit complete hari kari. Leave the arena. Walk around and talk, since the dialogue's changed. The shop inventory hasn't, though. Pick up what you need and head out. WORLD MAP, ALDROW -------- Ganz moved the Big Owl right next to Cathena for you. Head over there. Heal, save, and head over to Epistia. When you arrive, leave the big owl. WORLD MAP, EPISTIA -------- You'll want to go to the Kassim Highway. KASSIM HIGHWAY -------- This is a Dilzweld checkpoint. Not good for you, but Kharg is a master of deception, after all. You should be fine, provided your supply of fake moustaches holds out. Talk to the troops as you make your way up the highway. You'll encounter a guy blocking the road. Talk to him, and he'll rattle off with a few questions. How you answer the first three is genuinely irrelevant. However, you must answer the fourth one correctly to avoid a battle. The correct response is the third one, Darkham Ekid na Bard. (The first, Darkham Entry Forbidden, however, is hilarious). I'll presume you avoided the fight here. Even if you don't, it's just against generic Dilzweld morons, so don't fret. You'll get dumped to the map afterward either way. WORLD MAP, EPISTIA -------- Go to Sulfas. SULFAS -------- You'll show up in time to watch a column of Dilzweld march out of town. You need to find Spencer, and are given control of the party. Enter the building with a flashing red sign and light pouring out of it. You'll see a Dilzweld officer yelling at the shopkeeper. You can't do anything, so leave. The Save Point is in the building on the other side of the large gate, for reference. Talk to the various citizens and occupation forces of Sulfas as you make your way to the upper left corner of the area. Enter the building there. Talk to the bespectacled man behind the counter. Kharg will question him about Spencer, in a very tactless manner. Talk to the guy reading the sign if you want, and leave the pub. Amble your way back over to the first building you entered. The soldier is still yelling at the shopkeeper. To save her from interrogation, Kharg employs his mad deception skillz. Thankful, the shopkeeper (Leonora) tells Kharg how to find her husband, who can help him find Spencer. She also gives him a password that you don't have to remember, 'The Dolban delight in dealing.' Leave the shop. Head down the short flight of stairs opposite the shop Talk to the man standing next to the barrel in the corner. Ask if he's Jaqual, and Kharg will give him the password. You can either buy something or ask about the resistance. He sells the generic Items and Spirit Stones, which have been given a price hike from here on out. If you don't want to shop or after you're done shopping, ask about the Resistance. He'll clue you in to a secret casino under the bar. Head back to the bar. Talk to the bartender again, and he'll throw an insanely easy riddle about dice at you. The man reading the poster conspicuously departs, leaving you an additional clue. Since the back and front of a die always adds up to seven, go over to the poster, and read the seventh rule. If you want, read the others for kicks. Press the button by the seventh rule. Head down the newly created stairs. You'll run into Spencer and, oddly, Zev. Run over and talk to Zev. He'll say he was looking for the Flame Egg, which prompts Kharg to explain the situation to Spencer. Since they can't launch an effective attack on The Mountain Stronghold without first liberating Sulfas, Spencer tasks Kharg & Co. with just that. In order to do that, the Main Plant must be reclaimed, and in order to do that, the Parenz Ruins and Viorav mine must be cleaned out. Sounds like Kharg's got a lot ahead of him. The guy behind the counter in this room will sell you some very good but very pricey Weapon Parts and Accessories. I reccommend Traitor's Souls, if you can afford them. Head out of the bar, and then out of Sulfas. WORLD MAP, EPISTIA -------- Head to Kassim Highway. KASSIM HIGHWAY -------- They dissed the threads, man. They gotta die. ====================================== KHARG BATTLE 12: Them's Fightin' Words ====================================== Enemies: Commander Lv12 (Drop: Rescue Kit) Foot Soldier Lv10 (x5) Foot Soldier Lv11 (x2) Rifleman Lv12 (x4) Objective: Defeat the Dilzweld Army! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: Gunpowder Can (empty) Metal Drum (Confusion Firecracker) Metal Drum (empty) Steel Box (Reiki Leaf, 12 Spirit Stones) Steel Box (Guard Support, 12 Spirit Stones) My Levels: Kharg - 11 Paulette - 12 Maru - 11 Ganz - 11 Strategy: Man, there are a lot of these guys, but they are just ever so clumped. Maru should start. Have him run in and lay down a venom arrow. You should be able to hit six targets with it. After that, lay into them with the Special Moves. Get as many of them in each radius as possible. You should be able to knock off half of them within two turns all around. Don't be too zealous, however, if you want to break open all the destructable terrain objects. These guys are weaker than your average Dilzweld, and are easily breakable. ============================== When you're ready, leave the highway. WORLD MAP, EPISTIA -------- Head to The Parenz Ruins first. THE PARENZ RUINS -------- =========================================================== KHARG BATTLE 13: Generic Drawn-Out RPG Plot Quest Battle I =========================================================== Enemies: Commander Lv12 (No Drop) Shotgun Trap Lv9 (x2) Foot Soldier Lv12 (x2) Foot Soldier Lv10 (x2) Rifleman Lv11 (x2) Objective: Get the Parenz Ruins Back! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: Scrap Mtn. (8 Spirit Stones) Scrap Mtn. (100g) Scrap Mtn. (80g, 11 Spirit Stones) Metal Drum (empty, explodes) Metal Drum (empty, explodes) My Levels: Kharg - 12 Paulette - 13 Maru - 12 Ganz - 12 Strategy: The only thing new here is the Shotgun Traps. They're much the same as Foot Soldiers, only they're slower, have no grenades, can't move as far, and are robots. Other than that, this is exactly the same as all the previous Dilzweld battles. Handle it in the same way as those, and don't forget to leave someone alive so you can get the Commander's drop and smash open all the barricades. =========================================================== Take a minute to check out everyone's skills, since they've all probably hit a class up recently. Feel free to wander around and look at the various broken televisions and refridgerators. You'll probably see something familiar. Before you go, look a little left of the broken television. You should see a big mass of rusted metal obscuring your view of a place you can walk within. Walk around over there pressing X until you enter conversation with Ziekbeck, a replica of Diekbeck, who you may or may not be familiar with. Don't believe him. You'll get a Shadow Talisman for your trouble, before breaking down. It's pretty well useless now, but it comes in handy later. Leave the ruins. WORLD MAP, EPISTIA -------- Next stop, Viorav Mine. THE VIORAV MINE -------- Be sure to heal before starting the battle. =========================================================== KHARG BATTLE 14: Generic Drawn-Out RPG Plot Quest Battle II =========================================================== Enemies: Gun Trap Lv13 Gun Trap Lv12 (x3) Gunner Lv12 (x2) Foot Soldier Lv12 (x2) Objective: Get the Viorav Mine Back! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: Metal Drum (empty, explodes) Metal Drum (empty, explodes) Metal Drum (empty) Metal Drum (empty) My Levels: Kharg - 13 Paulette - 13 Maru - 12 Ganz - 12 Strategy: What you'll probably notice is that Gunners and Gun Traps have very little HP, like the Shotgun Traps. In fact, Gun Traps are almost exactly the same as Shotgun Traps, and should be handled accordingly. Gunners are basically faster versions thereof, plus they have a little long range snipe attack a la the Riflemen. All in all, an easy battle. Just move from enemy to enemy and smush them. =========================================================== No secrets here, I'm afraid. Head out. WORLD MAP, EPISTIA -------- Sulfas, STAT. SULFAS, PART 2 -------- The dialogue's changed, so talk around if you want. The doors to the Main Plant are wide open, so go in there when you're ready. Battle will soon follow. ============================================================= KHARG BATTLE 15: Generic Drawn-Out RPG Plot Quest Battle III ============================================================= Enemies: Commander Lv15 (Drop: Broken Sword) Rifleman Lv14 (x2) Foot Soldier Lv14 (x2) Foot Soldier Lv13 Foot Soldier Lv12 Gun Trap Lv12 Objective: Get the Main Plant back! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: Steel Box (16 Spirit Stones, Rescue Kit) Steel Box (225g, 13 Spirit Stones) Metal Drum (empty) Metal Drum (empty, explodes) Metal Drum (empty) My Levels: Kharg - 13 Paulette - 14 Maru - 12 Ganz - 13 Strategy: Say it with me now. More of the same. Dilzweld must be cloning these guys. Anyway, start with the four enemies in front of you, then move to the four behind them. Use the same methods you've always been using. You can handle these guys by now. Go get it done, I'll be here when you get back. ============================================================= You've freed Sulfas. Yay. Time to go back to Spencer for more plot, but first there's something to do in the Plant. Head through the door to your left. Head up, toward the sparking panel on the wall. Examine and touch it three times. Nothing comes of it, but see how quickly Kharg backs down from Paulette. :) Anyway, head back towards the main causeway. Walk along it toward the left until you hit a wall. Turn Kharg to the left and continue walking. At the end of this path, you'll see a book on the floor in front of some barrels. Take it. It's the Spirit Dictionary Volume 3. Now you can leave the plant. The tool shop in the building with the save point is open for business now. It only has one new thing on sale, Sapphire Coatings. The same is true over at Leonora's Shop, the new thing there being Great Herbs. Buy as many of each as you want before heading down to the casino beneath the bar. Talk to Spencer. It's time to attack the Mountain Stronghold and its three giant cannons, but the resistance members think only they should be allowed to do so. Weird. They leave to go charge into the jaws of death, and Kharg gets charged with saving them. You're done here, so head out of the bar and out of the city. WORLD MAP, EPISTIA -------- Head for The Mountain Stronghold THE MOUNTAIN STRONGHOLD -------- You arrive in time to see the Resistance Members being blasted to bits by the two giant cannons. (Spencer's intel sucks.) Looks like it's time for some heroism. ====================================== KHARG BATTLE 16: Kharg to the Rescue! ====================================== Enemies: Fortress Lv? (x2) Gun Trap Lv15 (x2) Gun Trap Lv11 Gun Trap Lv10 (x3) Foot Soldier Lv14 (x2) Foot Soldier Lv12 Foot Soldier Lv11 Foot Soldier Lv10 Rifleman Lv14 (x2) Objective: Rescue the Resistance! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: Resistance (objective) Resistance (objective) Resistance (objective) My Levels: Kharg - 13 Paulette - 14 Maru - 13 Ganz - 14 Strategy: The corpses, sandbags and giant freaking holes in the ground from before the battle are all gone, interestingly enough. Welcome to the first battle with an objective that doesn't involve killing anything. No, to win this one you need to walk up to and examine all 3 kneeling Resistance Members on the map. Take a minute to find them all. One's way in the back, up the ramp and next to a Fortress. You can't kill the Fortresses. Don't even try. They, however, can blow you up nice and quickly, so you'll have to be very careful about staying out of their range. As the battle starts, stay down the stairs while taking out the enemies there. The Fortresses can't reach you, and they're pretty weak down there, so you'll have an easy time of it. Don't move off of the dirt until you've killed everything down there with you. During this process, try to conserve Kharg's Spirit Stones. If at any point you accidently step into Fortress range, move away. You'll see why. The Dilzweld at the top of the stairs will probably become attracted at some point. Let them come to you, despite the fact that they'll be sniping you and such as they come. It's important to stay out of cannon range. Once they've come down to the dirt, finish them off in the usual manner. You should now be left with just the two farthest Gun Traps and the Fortresses. Once that happens, move everyone up the stairs. Don't go up the ramp, as it's too far around to be of any use. Avoid clumping as much as possible. Your character with the best MOV (Kharg) should make a beeline for the farthest Resistance member as your other three characters absorb Fortress shots, rescue the other two Resistance, and take care of the remaining Gun Traps. Kharg should cast Cure on himself as he runs so he doesn't die in a hail of Fortress fire. Keeping to this strategy, you should get all three Resistance Members without losing anyone. Remember, to rescue the Resistance members, just move up to them and examine them. That is, act as though you're trying to talk to them. Hit Yes at the prompt. This does expend the character's turn. ====================================== You're immediately dumped to the map. WORLD MAP, EPISTIA -------- Head back to Sulfas. SULFAS, PART 3 -------- Back into the secret casino with you. The Resistance Members are now much less snooty and much more thankful. Still, the cannons are a problem. Maru suggests an aerial bombardment, but the Big Owl isn't equipped for that. Luckily, the Dilzweld left a large beam cannon behind. Yay. Ganz takes off to bring the Big Owl to the Main Plant, and you're left to mosey over there. Go back into the room where the Spirit Dictionary was. Head down the main causeway to find Spencer, who must have known a shortcut. The Big Owl lands promptly. The beam cannon looks like it can be attached, but you need a Tele-Op to use it. You don't have one, so you need to build it, out of an Antenna, a Magnetron, and an Integrated Circuit. You also need energy for the beam gun to the tune of 200 Spirit Stones. This calls for a fetch quest! Leave the Plant, and leave Sulfas. WORLD MAP, EPISTIA -------- As before, The Parenz Ruins first. THE PARENZ RUINS, PART 2 -------- Walk clockwise around the ruins. Stop first at the microwave. Examine it, take the Magnetron. Stop second at the radio. Examine to snap off the antenna. Stop third at the computer. Remove the integrated circuit. That's all you came for. Go to the exit to be ambushed by British ninjas. Apparently, you've trespassed on Shinobi Gang turf, and it's time to throw down. =================================================================== KHARG BATTLE 17: Are You a Bad Enough Dude to Rescue the President? =================================================================== Enemies: Supreme Ninja Lv14 (Drop: Stone Crusher) Ninja Lv13 (x2) Objective: Defeat all enemies! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: Metal Drum (empty, explodes) Scrap Mtn. (Super Bomb) Scrap Mtn. (120g, Fire Balm) Scrap Mtn. (100g) My Levels: Kharg - 14 Paulette - 15 Maru - 13 Ganz - 14 Strategy: Bet you were waiting for the ninja to start showing up. Now that they're here, they're pretty much pushovers. It's 4v3, after all. They've got speed on their side, but not power. They're limited to normal attacks and a single Special Move. Nothing fancy, though they do have high AVO. Take them out. =================================================================== Ninja Vanish! Okay, you're done, leave. WORLD MAP, EPISTIA -------- Now for the Viorav Mine THE VIORAV MINE, PART 2 -------- Go to the descending platform oppostie the entrance. Once you're off of it, it's clobberin' time! ================================ KHARG BATTLE 18: Pretty Sparkles ================================ Enemies: Stun Smog Lv14 (x2) Stun Smog Lv13 (x4) Objective: Defeat all enemies! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: None. My Levels: Kharg - 14 Paulette - 15 Maru - 14 Ganz - 14 Strategy: The only thing I have to say about these guys is to watch out for Paralysis. They tend to be liberal with it. Other than that, they have pretty uniformly low stats, so just beat the hell out of them and heal anyone who gets hit with Paralysis. ================================ Head up the stairs after the battle ends, and then up the left-hand ramp. Push the detonator you'll find there, and it'll start raining Spirit Stones. And they say mining is difficult. All you have to do is cause as many cave-ins as possible. Sheesh. You'll come up with 242 Spirit Stones for your trouble. Leave the mine the way you came. WORLD MAP, EPISTIA -------- Walk, don't run, back to Sulfas. SULFAS, PART 4 -------- Back into the beam cannon room with you. Talk to Spencer, and you'll then have a beam-cannon equipped airship complete with remote control. The Big Owl will take off, and you'll be left with a singular destination. You won't be back to Sulfas for awhile, so do all the talking and buying of items you need for the time being before setting off. I recommend Aquamarines for everybody. WORLD MAP, EPISTIA -------- We're going to The Mountain Stronghold, one last time. (Perhaps.) THE MOUNTAIN STRONGHOLD, PART II -------- ======================================== KHARG BATTLE 19: Deja Vu All Over Again ======================================== Enemies: Fortress Lv? (x2) Gun Trap Lv13 (x3) Gun Trap Lv12 (x5) Foot Soldier Lv13 Foot Soldier Lv12 (x2) Foot Soldier Lv11 (x2) Rifleman Lv10 (x2) Objective: Destroy cannons. Defeat stronghold! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: Gunpowder Can (empty) Steel Box (200g, Life Belt) My Levels: Kharg - 14 Paulette - 16 Maru - 14 Ganz - 15 Strategy: This battle is almost identical to the last Mountain Stronghold battle. There are only three differences; there are a few more enemies, they're all a bit weaker, and you can now destroy the Fortresses. You'll notice that Kharg now has a Big Owl Summon command located in his Special Moves menu like Darc's Summon Pyron command. The Summon Airship can hit anything on the map, so have Kharg use it on the Fortresses in his first two turns. They'll be gone after one hit each, and you'll be free to roll over the various generic Dilzweld and friends you've grown accustomed to killing by now. Don't waste the Big Owl's energy until you've blown up both Fortresses. Feel free to do so afterward, though. It's got a massive radius. ======================================== You'll now have an Airship submenu, located exactly where the Pyron submenu was. Use it to recharge the Airship and to affix new Airship Parts to it, in order to make the beam different and/or stronger. Check out any new skills you may have just gained before heading up the ramp walk up the stairs by where the cannon used to be. Enter the door at the top of the next flight. Walk straight ahead and you'll be ambushed. ========================================================= KHARG BATTLE 20: And Now For Something Completely Similar ========================================================= Enemies: Commander Lv15 (Drop: Sapphire Coating) Rifleman Lv13 (x2) Foot Soldier Lv13 (x4) Foot Soldier Lv12 (x3) Objective: Defeat the Dilzweld Army! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: Metal Drum (empty) Wooden Box (90g, Fireproof Gloves) My Levels: Kharg - 15 Paulette - 16 Maru - 14 Ganz - 15 Strategy: Well, damn. You're surrounded. The good news is, these are the same guys who you've been mercilessly slaughtering for most of the game now. The best way to break the encirclement is to kill the four Foot Soldiers behind you quickly in order to allow yourself to present a unified front against the other six. All the old Dilzweld rules apply. The Fireproof Gloves in the Wooden Box are a pretty good Accessory for Paulette, so you might want to take the time to get them. ========================================================= The Commander passes out before warning you of the Deimos in the volcano. Zev shows up to tell you the volcano is about to erupt. Lovely. Kharg needs to get a move on. Head up the ramp and into the elevator. You'll be interrupted by a short scene involving Darkham and Lilia. Darkham seems to have full knowledge of the Fire Stone Shrine that Zev just informed Kharg of, so Kharg needs to be in even more of a hurry. When you regain control of Kharg, head down the path. Go right when it forks and open the chest. Head back to the fork and go left. Follow the winding road until you see an elevator and another chest. Open the chest. Equip the Red Charm you got earlier on someone who's not Paulette. Go up the elevator. ========================================= KHARG BATTLE 21: Ruthless Dungeon Combat ========================================= Enemies: Red Dragon Lv18 Red Dragon Lv17 Lakelta Lv15 (x3) Elemental Lv15 (x2) Objective: Defeat every last Deimos! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: Metal Drum (empty) Metal Drum (empty) Gunpowder Can My Levels: Kharg - 15 Paulette - 17 Maru - 15 Ganz - 16 Strategy: New enemies, finally. These guys, obviously, are entirely fire-based. Equip any Aquamarines you have as the battle starts, they'll help. The enemies really aren't all that dangerous, especially if you've got Aquamarines on everyone. Like most other enemies in the game, they have horrible HP, and are slow. However, you still need to watch out for their super-duper fire magic on your unprotected characters. They can do a good amount of damage if you get too cocky. The Lakelta also have a little circle-effect tech (like Rolling Axe) that you should be prepared for. Also, the two Dragons can do decent physical damage. Anyway, heed my warnings and clean them up as you do everything else. ========================================= Oddly, you'll appear in front of the elevator you weren't fighting in front of. Head down the path to find the battlefield and the next elevator. Take it. Follow the winding path. Take the wood bridge next to the elevator and open the chest, then get on the elevator. =========================================== KHARG BATTLE 22: Ruthless Dungeon Combat II =========================================== Enemies: Lakelta Lv16 (x2) Lakelta Lv15 (x2) Great Phoenix Lv15 (x4) (Steal: Phoenix Tail Feather) Objective: Defeat every last Deimos! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: Wooden Box (90g, Super Bomb) Wooden Box (110g, 10 Spirit Stones, Red Charm) My Levels: Kharg - 15 Paulette - 17 Maru - 16 Ganz - 16 Strategy: Just when you thought they were done with 'more of the same.' The Lakelta are exactly the same as before, and the Great Phoenixes are simply fire-elemental Rhokes. Beware the fire attacks and go for it. ========================================= Bear right and head towards the elevator. Take it. Walk down the path. When it forks, take the fork on Kharg's right (your left). Ignore the elevator shaft and follow the wood bridge all the way to the chest at the end of it. Open it and go back to the first fork. Take the path you didn't the first time. Heal and save your game. Go through the door at the end. You'll see Tatjana's company arrive and get quickly ambushed by some very large Deimos. They're the three Lakelta brothers (Fulkrum, Tsee, Tsaw), who don't hesistate to display their awesome verbal skills. Their intentions are obvious, however. Kharg arrives just in time to see everyone but Tatjana running for their lives. She's pretty well trapped. Though Kharg can easily use this to his advantage, his heroic tendencies kick in. Tatjana must be saved. Walk across the bridge. It's clobberin' time. ========================================= KHARG BATTLE 23: Kharg to the Rescue! II ========================================= Enemies: Fulkrum Lv? (Drop/Steal: Fire Talisman) Tsee Lv? (Drop/Steal: Heat Blade) Tsaw Lv? (Drop/Steal: Silk Bowstring) NPC: Tatjana Lv? Objective: Defeat the Three Laketla Brothers! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: None My Levels: Kharg - 16 Paulette - 17 Maru - 16 Ganz - 17 Strategy: Yee haw. Okay, first thing's first. These guys can do some DAMAGE, and they're all faster than you. You're going to need to adopt a divide and conquer strategy, which is made a whole lot easier by the fact that Tsee blindly charges you at the start of the battle. Lay into him with all your strongest attacks. If Maru's got Binding Arrow you can probably Paralyze Tsee on his first turn. Just keep going at him. Ignore the other's attacks and Tatjana's safety, as the former aren't anything you can't heal and the latter is irrelevant. These guys have some pretty strong Special Moves, so keep healed and avoid clumping if at all possible. Once Tsee's down, the whole process becomes easier. Pick up his drop and move on to one of the others. I suggest Fulkrum next. Do the same to him as you did to Tsee, keeping all the same precautions. Then, move on to the last brother. If you want his item, have Maru steal it from him. If not, just kill him and be done with it. Notice Tatjana has a different character portrait when she speaks in battle. Hmmm....... ========================================= Predictably, Tatjana isn't very grateful. Follow her up the ramp, across the bridge and up the stairs. Go up to her. She can't seem to take the Fire Stone. When Kharg approaches, however, he lurches back in pain, and the Fire Spirit speaks through the stone. Kharg takes it, which prompts the Fire Spirit to manifest. It says nothing too remarkable. Darkham shows up and threatens to kill Lilia if the Fire Stone isn't handed over. Expert hostage negotiator Kharg makes his demands, while we see a Dilzweld Officer plant a bomb on the wooden suspension bridge. Walk down to the bridge. Kharg, in a feat of brilliance, hands over the Fire Stone first. The bomb explodes, Kharg gets knocked out, and the bridge collapses. Lilia is gone, unharmed, but you're stuck in the crater of a volcano that's about to erupt. Go around and talk to everyone, especially Tatjana. Afterward, go back down the stairs and talk to Ganz. Samson will show up and save the party. Go back for Tatjana. Kharg convinces her to come along. Head back to the rope ladder and climb. You'll be treated to a scene involving Darkham and an oddly familiar man. They have plans to acquire the Water and Wind Stones, and set course for Dragon Bone Valley. End Kharg, Chapter 3 Save your game at the prompt. ********************************************************** 3.6 - Darc, Chapter 3: Love and Hate You'll find yourself in Rueloon. Delma and Camellia will squabble for a minute before you're clued in to the fact that the Drakyr have found Darc. Darc gives everyone some R&R time. RUELOON, PART 2 -------- The shops haven't changed, but the dialogue has. Wander around and talk to the citizens and various members of Darc's party. You might learn something. Make your way into the bar when you're done conversing. Talk to the Balar at the foot of the stairs and take him up on his offer of a free night's sleep. Camellia and Volk can't seem to fall asleep. Volk goes to the bar for a drink, leaving Darc alone in his room. Camellia uses the opportunity to steal the Water Stone. She was headed outside. Follow the trail. Take the time to talk around if you want, but she went into the Arena, so go there. Camellia's engaged in a ritual attempting to reclaim her youth. This amounts to the perfect opportunity for the Drakyr, led by a Mysterious Deimos (Droguza), to rob her. When Darc shows up, they decide to make an attempt on the Wind Stone, as well. ==================================== DARC BATTLE 17: The Latest Contender ==================================== Enemies: Droguza Lv? (Steal: Swordsman's Blade; Drop: Nothing) Drakyr Lv13 (x2) Drakyr Lv12 (x2) Objective: Defeat Droguza and the Drakyr! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: None My Levels: Darc - 17 Delma - 15 Volk - 15 Camellia - 15 Bebedora - 16 Strategy: I won't bother to explain the Drakyr. You've fought them before, you know what they do. Droguza is just above-average all around, and likes to cast Black Out. You shouldn't have any trouble with him. Concentrate on him first if you'd like. There's nothing too remarkable about this battle, other than Droguza's sudden appearance. ==================================== Darc lets Droguza escape, predictably. Darc leaves Camellia alone, for he's sick of executing traitors. Walk around and talk some more before returning to the bar and going back to sleep. Camellia explains that using all five Spirit Stones would result in evolution into the Ultimate Deimos. Nifty. Darc decides to head for the Drakyr homeland, on Ragnoth. Sounds like a plan. WORLD MAP, ADENADE -------- Go to your Pyron and take flight to Ragnoth. WORLD MAP, RAGNOTH -------- Walk past The Edge of a Sea of Trees to Drakyrnia. DRAKYRNIA -------- Surprisingly, you're not being accosted by hordes of rabid Drakyr. Head stright forward and into the doorway. This is the shop. The big piece of brown stone over on the right hand side is an Ancient Tablet, so pick it up. At the shops themselves, there are now Sapphire Coatings and some other fun stuff. If you've got more money than you can spend, Sleep Bug Eggs for Camellia and a Rabbit Stuffed Animal for Bebedora are good investments. Save and head out into the beautiful open air. Wander about talking to the Drakyr as you make your way over to the right. Head up the many flights of stairs. About halfway to the top, an Old Drakyr (Sagan) will stop you. He's a former servant of Windalf's, and recognizes Darc. Darc tries to pry information out of him, but he plays dumb, referring Darc to the Drakyr Elder (Williwo). Continue on your way and enter the door Sagan pointed out to you. Talk to the large Drakyr, Williwo. Learning of Wildalf's death, he casts one final insult his way. Darc questions Williwo about the whereabouts of Droguza and the Water Stone. Williwo says he won't tell, and that the Drakyr followers of Droguza had abaonded the Drakyr tribe years ago. He'll only tell Darc if he passes the Dragon Ordeal and becomes King of the Drakyr. Don't bother refusing, you won't get anywhere that way. The cave you must enter for the Ordeal is in Dragon Bone Valley, and the Ordeal is one Darc must endure alone. You're now primed to leave Drakyrnia. Darc really is going to have to do the Dragon Ordeal by himself, if you didn't believe Williwo. Buy herbs if you think he'll need them. WORLD MAP, RAGNOTH -------- I'll make this clear for you. The Dragon Ordeal is really, really easy if Darc knows Dragon Fang Sword. If you want a quick time of it, have him learn that before embarking. To Dragon Bone Valley with you. You know the way. DRAGON BONE VALLEY -------- It's under Dilzweld occupation. Wonderful. ======================================================= DARC BATTLE 18: Every Dilzweld Soldier is Named 'Steve' ======================================================= Enemies: Commander Lv17 (Drop: Broken Sword) Rifleman Lv17 (x2) Foot Soldier Lv18 (x2) Attack Dog Lv16 (x6) Objective: Beat the Dilzweld Army! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: Steel Box (12 Spirit Stones, Revival Medicine) Steel Box (Power Berry) Steel Box (275g, 18 Spirit Stones, Life Ring) Wooden Box (empty) Wooden Box (80g) Metal Drum (empty, explodes) Metal Drum (empty, explodes) Metal Drum (Rescue Kit) My Levels: Darc - 17 Delma - 15 Volk - 16 Camellia - 16 Bebedora - 17 Strategy: Look, I'm not going to insult you by explaining this battle to you. It's more Dilzweld. This isn't the first time you've fought them, and, though I know you wish it were so, it's not going to be the last. Just take care of them the same as you have all the rest. ======================================================= Bebedora offers some cryptic and irrelevant insight as you regain control of the party. Head over to the cave, but don't go in. Look at the ground out in front of it and you should see a brown object. Go over and examine it, it's another Ancient Tablet. Be sure to GET IT NOW, because you can't come back for it later. When you've got it, go toward the cave. Give Darc all the herbs he can carry, and go in. Everyone else will wait outside for him When you're in, walk past the dragons and up the stairs. Take the crown at the top of them. Walk back down and out of the cave.....or not. The dragon statues spring to life on you. They identify Darc as a bearer of the crest of Will, and identify Williwo as the father of Windalf. Parentage isn't enough, though. This test requires a fight. ================================= DARC BATTLE 19: The Dragon Ordeal ================================= Enemies: Gold Dragon Lv? (Drop/Steal: Dragon's Wrath) Silver Dragon Lv? (Drop/Steal: Storm Talisman) Objective: Defeat dragon. Pass Dragon Ordeal! Loss: Darc disabled. Destructables: None My Levels: Darc - 17 Strategy: Though this doesn't look at all good for Darc right from the outset, there are a few things about the dragons that make it easier. One, they're not too powerful, and two, they only have about 150 HP each. As soon as the battle starts, they'll fly straight at you. You're going to want to unload your most powerful attack that can hit both of them (read: Dragon Fang Sword/Sword of Awakening), and they should go down before Darc does. HOWEVER, if you want their items, and they have damn good items, you're going to have to take them out one at a time. And that's not going to be easy. Pick one of them (I suggest the Silver, it's a bit stronger), walk over there, and let your strongest stuff go. They'll probably damage you to the extent that you're going to have to heal every other round, but you've got herbs for that. Once one of them is down, it gets easier, but you've gotta stand next to the one remaining and keep trying to steal from it. It may take a few tries. Once you've got the item, off it any way you can. Now, these guys may be super-difficult if you're underleveled. The key is to hit both of them at once. That'll make life tons easier for you, and they'll die a bunch faster. As I said before, Dragon Fang Sword can work wonders. Two castings of that will likely be enough to take one or both dragons out of the fight. If you're finding this battle impossible, go back and level Darc up to learn that Special Move. You should find it much easier after that. ================================= The Dragon Soul shares some more info with Darc that you already know at this point. Leave the cave when it's done. Darc, as many in this game are, isn't very forthcoming with the info, so beat a hasty retreat out of the valley. WORLD MAP, RAGNOTH -------- Drakyrnia's where you need to be. DRAKYRNIA, PART 2 -------- Everyone's dialogue has changed, so talk all around while heading up towards Williwo. Darc will stop about halfway and decides he wants to talk to him alone. Talk to your compatriots if you wish, but you're needed in Williwo's room. Williwo nearly collapses from sickness as Darc walks in. Go and talk to him. He tells you Droguza & Co. are probably at Thunor Point. It seems they've allied themselves with the Dilzweld. You'll get a popup menu soon. Ask about everything, Droguza, Windalf's past, Nafia, Nafia's other child...everything. Williwo is, as you can tell, grossly misinformed on the whole matter, but that can be expected. Once the never mind option appears, take it and leave. Head back to where you left the party. They'll join up again. Prime yourself to go, and go. WORLD MAP, RAGNOTH -------- Destination: Vayu Dam Ruins. VAYU DAM RUINS -------- Now that's an unholy alliance if I ever saw one. Darc and I agree that liberal stabbage must be applied. =================================== DARC BATTLE 20: Those Dam Ruins... =================================== Enemies: Commander Lv15 (Drop: None) Drakyr Lv15 (x2) Rifleman Lv14 (x3) Objective: Defeat all enemies! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: Damp Tree (Magefoil) Steel Box (275g, Bountiful Fruit) My Levels: Darc - 18 Delma - 16 Volk - 17 Camellia - 16 Bebedora - 17 Strategy: It's your two favorite groups of generic repeating enemies, Dilzweld and Drakyr! They almost rhyme! Oh, the creativity. Anyway, you shouldn't need a strategy for this one beyond the one I gave you two chapters ago. Just kill them. =================================== Out of the frying pan, into the slightly warmer frying pan.... ===================================== DARC BATTLE 21: Those Dam Ruins... II ===================================== Enemies: Commander Lv16 (Drop: None) Gun Trap Lv15 (x2) Rifleman Lv16 Rifleman Lv15 Foot Soldier Lv15 (x3) Objective: Beat the Dilzweld Army! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: Steel Box (Rescue Kit) My Levels: Darc - 18 Delma - 16 Volk - 17 Camellia - 16 Bebedora - 18 Strategy: Heal up from the last battle. Interesting how they hauled those slow-moving Gun Traps all the way out here. Anyway, this is almost a carbon-copy of a few of Kharg's battles from not so long ago, and it's full of enemies he and Darc have already handled. You know what these guys do and how they do it. You should be bored of it by now. Just kill 'em quick to alleviate your boredom. Oh, and move out of that unsightly clump you start in quickly. Might wanna divide your forces to make life easier for you. ===================================== Go across all the bridges and exit the dam ruins to the right. WORLD MAP, RAGNOTH -------- Yes, enter Thunor Point. THUNOR POINT -------- Droguza is stronger than before, according to him. Whatever. ======================== DARC BATTLE 22: Robocops ======================== Enemies: Droguza Lv? (Steal: Bountiful Fruit; Drop: Nothing) Foot Soldier Lv17 Foot Soldier Lv16 (x3) Gun Trap Lv15 (x4) Objective: Defeat Droguza and the soldiers! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: Metal Drum (empty) Metal Drum (empty, explodes) Wooden Box (8 Spirit Stones) Wooden Box (8 Spirit Stones, Bountiful Fruit) Steel Box (Barbed Wire, 200g, 16 Spirit Stones) Steel Box (Romantic Earrings, 225g, 16 Spirit Stones) My Levels: Darc - 18 Delma - 17 Volk - 17 Camellia - 16 Bebedora - 18 Strategy: Make sure you're healed from the last battle. I'll tell you this straight away. Despite his insistance, the only new thing about Droguza is that he has slightly better stats. The same goes for every other enemy on the map. This is a painfully easy battle. However, if you're like me and want to collect all the treasure from the map, it's a pain, since it's all sprawled everywhere. To save yourself some trouble, start by sending Delma and Bebedora down the stairwell to your right and up the lower path, smashing boxes as they go. Darc, Volk and Camellia should be able to take everything out by themselves, save Droguza. Clear everything out from him, and then set about having Darc rob him. Once Delma and Bebedora are done with their business, start throwing Claws of Rages and Black Outs at him and he'll die just like he did the last time. If you're unlucky, he might manage to get two turns in a row and hit Black Out twice for around 200 damage, but that's unlikely..... If you're having trouble, just ignore the treasure. It's nice stuff, but.... ======================== Darc grills Droguza for information. He doesn't have the Water Stone, Darkham does. Drat. The Dilzweld reinforcements arrive, giving Droguza opportunity to escape. Darc invades the Megist alone while the rest of his group provides a diversion. Cut to Darkham and Lilia. Darkham only needs the Wind Stone, now, but Lilia still isn't cooperating. Darkham brings in a new prisoner, Nafia. THE FLYING FORTRESS -------- Back to Darc. Enter the small door next to the large one. Go straight ahead. In the new area, you'll overhear a few Dilzweld cronies having a very typical Evil Empire Soldier conversation. They'll allude to a password that sounds useful but isn't. Enter the door right in front of Darc. Open the chest. Exit. Walk down to the next door, enter it and open the chest. Exit. Walk down to the next door and find it locked. Darc decides to enter through the vent. Darc jumps down into the room, interrupting a private moment. Darc returns Lilia's Ortena, and gives her an urging with a not-so-hidden meaning. When Nafia says something, Darc responds nastily. He doesn't want to listen. An alarm sounds. Lilia assumes it's for Darc. They need to beat a hasty retreat, but Darc doesn't want to take Nafia. Lilia beats some sense into him and you're off. Save your game. Exit the room. Head back out the way you came in to begin with. You'll see some soldiers mustering. Apparently the alarm is from Samson attacking the Vayu Dam and not Darc's little covert op. However, they see Darc, and a fight starts. ===================================================== DARC BATTLE 23: The Second Easiest Battle in the Game ===================================================== Enemies: Foot Soldier Lv14 (x2) Objective: Beat the Dilzweld Army! Loss: Darc disabled. Destructables: Metal Drum (empty, explodes) Steel Box (Gale Headband, 300g) My Levels: Darc - 19 Strategy: None. ===================================================== Apparently Darc didn't kill them dead enough, because the second he turns to leave one of the downed soldiers tries to shoot him. Nafia takes the bullet. Darc is incredulous. You're dumped to the map. WORLD MAP, RAGNOTH -------- Believe it or not, you're headed to Yewbell. I'd advise skippage of random battles. YEWBELL -------- The guard delivers some typical guard lines ('What's that you say!?!?!?'). Talk to the people of Yewbell for some incredibly awkward dialogue on your way up to Kharg's House. Enter and a scene complete with voice acting will start. Darc vents some serious pent-up anger he's had going. Nafia understands, and offers up typical motherly comfort along with a new task for Darc: Go to the Cave of Truth. Darc vents some more, but before he can finish, Nafia dies, and his real feelings on the matter emerge. Darc buries her and erects a shabby grave marker. If you find yourself unable to feel the emotion here, realize that this is the second parent Darc has had to uncerimoniously bury. At Lilia's urging, she and Darc set out for the Cave of Truth. End Darc, Chapter 3 Save your game at the prompt. ********************************************************** 3.7 - Kharg, Chapter 4: Rage Ah, beautiful Sulfas in springtime, when the industrial runoff is in bloom. Predictably, the whole of the city is calling for the public execution of Tatjana, but Spencer is determined to leave the decision on the matter to Kharg. SULFAS, PART 5 -------- Talk to the beautiful peoples, then head into the secret casino. You'll bear witness to some genuine fear and loathing. Run over and stop the impromptu execution. Kharg tells Tatjana he's going to have her imprisoned at World Alliance HQ, but she's still pretty enthralled with his heroism back at the volcano. Spencer shows up and spreads some more liberal bad emotion. Wend your way back up to the bar and talk to Samson. He's ready to vamoose, and as Paulette contemplates her inadequacy, Samson realizes that his cronies, Boomer and Buster, aren't around. Kharg is charged with finding them. Get out of the bar. Talk to people as you'd like. Buster is over where you found Jaqual earlier, trying to pick up a girl. He's woefully bad, but you're there to save him. Boomer's over in the Main Plant, in the top right corner of the room where you fought the battle to liberate it. He's trying to buy airship parts or some such nonsense, and is having about as much success as Boomer was. Back into the bar. Talk to Samson again to start a short scene. Kharg (of course) wants to join forces, but Samson won't hear of it. After he leaves, Kharg & Co. are a bit perplexed on what to do. Get out of the bar. The shops have nothing new, save a few airship parts, so get what you need and move along out of Sulfas. You'll be stopped by Spencer leading Tatjana out of town. After a moment, she makes the reasonably profound gesture of tearing off her headset, and demands Kharg take her with him. Everybody thinks it's a trick, but Kharg just can't say no. She joins up, and with her comes a new lead. Apparently, there's a wireless radio in the Mountain Stronghold that can be used to determine Darkham's whereabouts. You've got a destination. Take a sec to familiarize yourself with Tatjana. Mirage Field and Medical Machine are both great. She's underequipped right now, so you'll prolly want to run into the store to pick up the obligatory Armbands and Brassards and such. Leave town when you're done. WORLD MAP, EPISTIA -------- Just when you thought you were done with the Mountain Stronghold, you've got to go back there. THE MOUNTAIN STRONGHOLD, PART 3 -------- Go in the same way you did the last time. Once inside, you'll see a control panel with a big red light on it off to the side. Examine it, and Tatjana will work it for you. Get on the elevator that comes up. Walk a little to the left. You should see a bright yellow book sticking out from the surroundings, next to a crate. Pick it up, it's the Spirit Dictionary, Volume 4. Once you've got it, head a little bit more left to find a chest to open. When you've got that, go back over to the right. There'll be a metal object with a bright red light attached to a red metal cart. Examine it. It's the radio. It shares little beyond the fact that Darkham's headed for Ragnoth, but Tatjana infers that Darkham may be trying to manufacture a Spirit Stone. Tatjana explains the purpose of Great Spirit Stone collection. According to her, bringing all five together results in the appearance of an Ultimate Weapon, that Darkham wishes to use to control the world. It also appears Darkham is insistant that Lilia stay alive. Odd. Well, we'd better follow Darkham to Ragnoth. Leave the Stronghold the way you came in. Along the way, you smack into Zev, bringing word that Yewbell has been invaded by Deimos. (I didn't know one counted as an invasion....) Well, you've got to put a stop to that. Get out of the area. WORLD MAP, EPISTIA -------- Run real damned fast over to the Big Owl, and set course for Ragnoth. WORLD MAP, RAGNOTH -------- Y-E-W-B-E-L-L. YEWBELL, PART 7 -------- The place is a wreck. Maru and Paulette go off to do a bit of scouting. Kharg goes over to Banjo, but he flees. Odd. Walk around and talk to the people to hear some awkward dialogue. Talk to Maru, in front of the house to the right of the stairs by the shop. He'll share a bit of info, but will ultimately refer Kharg to Paulette. Walk up towards Kharg's house, having more awkward conversations as you go. As you approach, a few women shriek and move away. Go into Kharg's House and talk to Paulette. She'll share the news of Nafia's death, in horribly erroneous fashion. She'll tell Kharg that an army of Deimos held Nafia captive in her house, and that Darc killed her when the Dilzweld invaded. Kharg wants to see Nafia's grave over in the Castle Ruins, so mosey along over. Go up and over to the left to where Nafia's grave is. Walk up to and examine the marker. 'Nafia Yuriel Nidellia, may she rest in peace.' Simple, elegant. Paulette no like. Kharg uselessly second-guesses himself, while Paulette shares the secret of Darc's parentage. Kharg doesn't believe it. Paulette, however, also gives up the goods on Darc's destination and his company. Kharg formulates a theory of the crime. Maru shows up, saying something's up in the village. The party reforms. Attempt to exit the Castle Ruins for Yewbell. You'll encounter an angry mob, and in an insofar as now angry mob-less game, it's a welcome relief. They're blaming Kharg and the recently deceased Nafia for the catastrophe, citing Nafia's immoral relations with a Deimos and Kharg's status as half-Drakyr. Kharg's a bit bewildered, when, all of the sudden, wings sprout from his back and scare away the citizens. (Just what the hell caused that?) Paulette treats him like a monster, prompting him to run off to Scrappe Plateau and rip the wings from his back. At this point, Kharg goes a bit nuts, and vows to destroy all Deimos, starting with Darc. End Kharg, Chapter 4 Short chapter, eh? Save your game at the prompt. ********************************************************** 3.8 - Darc, Chapter 4: Reunion The scene opens on Darc's compatriots wondering exactly what the hell happened to Darc. They begin to make fun of Delma as Volk recalls that something's been troubling Darc ever since he arrived in Drakyrnia. They decide the best course would be to see Williwo. DRAKYRNIA, PART 3 -------- Equip any useful goodies Darc appropriated at the end of his last chapter and check for new skills before moving on. Feel free to walk and talk a bit to delay things. Everyone's got something to say, after all. Ascend the stairs to Williwo's chamber and talk with him when ready. They inform him as to the reason for their presence. Williwo scoffs at the party, and asks exactly what they see in Darc. The response you give affects the item Williwo will give you at the end of the conversation. The results are as follows: 'Because he's our friend.' - Dragonia Ring 'Because he's strong.' - Spirit Windmill 'No special reason.' - Life Tree Berry It seriously suggest you take the Dragonia Ring, as it's the only unique item of the bunch. Williwo tells the whole tale. Thankfully, the game skips ahead twenty minutes in time to save us from having to hear it again. After a bit of commentary, Williwo offers up an item as per the above chart. Leave his room. The party mulls over the new info. Bebedora gives new insight. Reading Darc's residual thoughts, she says he (correctly) believes his brother to still be alive, and the party assumes Darc's gone off in search of him. The party takes the best lead they've got, and decide to go to Yewbell. Popular place, ain't it? Leave Drakyrnia WORLD MAP, RAGNOTH -------- Yewbell, once more, but don't expect to get there, 'cause you're gonna get stopped at Chaos Forest. CHAOS FOREST -------- The party will suddenly realize a key element of the plan is flawed: there is no plan. Volk seems intent on raiding Yewbell, but the others know they'll never get any information that way. They eventually come to the conclusion that a single person must be sent in as a spy, and Bebedora volunteers. The others eventually concur on the basis that Bebedora just looks like a human. Everyone else is to wait in Chaos Forest. Once you gain control of Bebedora, walk left. Right before the exit, in the middle of the road, will be a big brown object. Take it, 'cause it's Ancient Tablet #7. WORLD MAP, RAGNOTH -------- Okay, now you're primed for Yewbell, so go to The Castle Ruins. YEWBELL, PART 2 -------- Enter Yewbell proper. Exploit this interesting opportunity to wander around town and hear some odd dialogue. Enter Kharg's House when you get a chance. Paulette's in there, and she and Bebedora spark up a strange conversation. As usual, Bebedora is oddly insightful and freaks her out. After a little bit longer, Paulette takes off and leaves Bebedora alone. She realizes Darc was in this house not so long ago, and resumes her search. Do some more wandering about at your leisure. Amble on into the pub before too long, and talk to Paulette again. She'll storm off quickly. Talk to the Proprietress to learn the reason why: there have been reports of Chaos Forest. Uh-oh. Leave Yewbell proper, and go over to Nafia's grave in the Castle Ruins. Maru will be there, so talk to him. Bebedora is oddly intrigued by his heart. Maru tells her what he's doing, but she's clueless, so he elaborates on the Kharg situation while at the same time giving away Darc's destination: the Cave of Truth. Maru and Bebedora share another moment before Ganz and Tatjana come running up the walkway. Maru speeds off. Follow. Paulette seems to have sped off to Chaos Forest all by her lonesome. This can't be good. (Though, frankly, she's not all that oumatched.) Maru, Ganz and Tatjana run off to catch up. Tatjana pauses out of familiarity with the name Bebedora, but has more pressing business to attend to. Bebedora makes a quick comment and fades to black. CHAOS FOREST, PART 2 -------- The remaining Deimos wait impatiently, but are soon distracted by a cadre of human bounty hunters that appear. ========================================== DARC BATTLE 24: Hey, (Mostly) New Enemies! ========================================== Enemies: Sword Hunter Lv17 Sword Lady Lv17 Whip Hunter Lv17 Spear Hunter Lv17 Spear Hunter Lv18 Objective: Do away with the humans! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: Damp Tree (empty) My Levels: Delma - 17 Volk - 18 Camellia - 17 Strategy: Wow. New stuff. If you've done any arena battles, you'll be familiar with these guys, but if not, I'll summarize. They're all pretty run of the mill run-up-and-attack-physically types, but each as a Special Move or two to contend with. The Sword Lady and Sword Hunter have little area effect attacks for modest damage. The Whip Hunter has an attack-and-poison one person attack that's extremely annoying. The Spear Hunters can either up their own Defense or stab you. All in all, nothing too horribly threatening, and you've got two people with Healing Rain anyway. They're slow and start clumped, which works to your advantage. My advice is to off that damned Whip Hunter first, since poison is extremely annoying. ========================================== Following combat, Paulette comes charging in to wreak hot vengeance. She recognizes Volk, and wants nothing better than to kill him. The feeling, of course, is mututal. Maru, Ganz and Tatjana promptly show up to reinforce Paulette, and some recognition occurs. Not-so-old grudges are brought to the surface. Bebedora appears, revealing herself as a monster and confusing Maru. Tatjana, however, has knowledge of Bebedora's capabilities, and wisely advises a retreat. Ganz and Paulette are too blinded by rage to care, but Tatjana sets off a flashbang, which pauses everything long enough for Tatjana to reason with Ganz and Paulette. The humans retreat. The clash of the titans will have to wait. A bit later, the Deimos have a little pow-wow. Bebedora informs the group of Darc's destination. Luckily, Camellia knows exactly where it is: Cragh Island. Volk's heard of it, and it doesn't sound like a happy place. They make fun of Delma a bit before setting off. End Darc, Chapter 4 Hey, a Darc chapter with no Darc in it! Save your game at the prompt. ********************************************************** 3.9 - Kharg, Chapter 5: Truth Enter Kharg, lamenting his fate on the bridge of the Fiona. He's enlisted Samson's aid to find the Cave of Truth and, lucky for him, Samson knows where it is. They're a little unsure, but are still on course for Cragh Island. Kharg shares his little secret with Samson, who doesn't say much, and it's plain Kharg is still misinformed on the matter. He now wants to prove himself as a true human more than anything. After a moment, they come upon Cragh Island, and you'll gain control of Kharg. Talk to Samson. He's coming with you, under the pretense of the fact that there's treasue afoot. Equip Samson with whatever spare stuff you have before leaving the Fiona. WORLD MAP, CRAGH ISLAND -------- The Beach is your first stop. THE BEACH -------- The Beach is just that, a beach. Kharg and Samson will see a few Slothians in the distance, and go over to see them. They're carving on a stone, but promptly sit down to take a nap. You'll regain control of Kharg. Talk to the Slothians if you want to before leaving via the nearby path. WORLD MAP, CRAGH ISLAND -------- Now you need to go to the Slothian Village. THE SLOTHIAN VILLAGE -------- Pretty peaceful, eh? You need information, so ask around. The items the Qurop to the right of the entrance is selling are almost all new and quite powerful. Buy the ones you like, and while you're there, load up on Elixirs for Samson (and Kharg too if he doesn't know Refresh). You also might want a Luminous Moss and a Soot of Darkness for each of them, for help in the coming battles. If you walk into the open-air hut next to the entrance, you'll overhear a human and a Slothian talking about fish. You'll discover that the islanders don't use Spirit Stones. With no competition over natural resources, there's no reason not to get along. Go out onto the small dock and speak to the Slothian there. He remembers Lilia and Darc, and says they went to see the Slothian elders. Walk up the path next to the hut where the fish conversation was going on to reach Elder Hill. Read all the monuments if you'd like, then just keep randomly talking to Slothians until one wakes up. Ask him about the New Hero and Holy Mother. He'll tell you a brief bit about Arc and Kukuru (who you may or may not be familiar with), before leading into the New Hero and Holy Mother (Nafia and Windalf). When he passes out, try the others until another wakes up. Ask about Nafia and Windalf. Kharg hears exactly what he doesn't want to, and the Slothian goes back to sleep. Wake up another, and ask about Nafia and Windalf again. He'll eventually tell you about Lilia and Darc showing up and heading off to the Cave of Truth. Wake up another and ask about the Cave. He'll direct you to it. Leave Elder Hill. Save your game and leave the village, but be sure you've got Elixirs for Samson and/or Kharg if necessary. WORLD MAP, CRAGH ISLAND -------- Alright. Before you set out for the Cave of Truth, equip any anti-paralysis and anti-Sleep items you've got on Kharg. If you're like me and don't have any, don't worry about it, just be sure you've got plenty of Elixirs. THE CAVE OF TRUTH -------- Kharg and Samson arrive just in time to see Darc and Lilia surrounded by some monsters. After, a second, they'll charge into battle. ======================= KHARG BATTLE 24: Mudmen ======================= Enemies: Evil Eye Lv19 (x3) Evil Eye Lv18 (x2) Evil Eye Lv17 NPC: Darc Lv? Objective: Defeat all enemies! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: None My Levels: Kharg - 17 Samson - 20 Strategy: These guys CAN PARALYZE YOU. Be prepared for that. Luckily enough, they have rather few HP, and Darc is an excellent decoy, surrounded as he is. This'll be even easier for you if you equip Luminous Mosses on Kharg and Samson. These enemies can't do much damage, but you seriously need to watch out for the Paralysis. It's a killer, since it lasts about three turns on any one of your characters. Be ready to cure it if people start getting hit by it. It's pretty rare that they'll cast it, but be ready. They'll probably begin by focusing on Darc, so use that to your advantage. Don't worry about Darc too much, it doesn't matter if he dies and he's quite beefy. Samson's Special Moves (except for Gatling Gun) are both powerful and Light Elemental, so use them. ======================= Samson will go over to check on Lilia as Darc and Kharg try to kill each other. Lilia intervenes, and relieves Kharg of his misinformedness. He and Darc form an uneasy truce, and Lilia and Darc join up with Kharg and Samson to figure out the mystery of the Cave. (Regrettably, Darc isn't controllable.) Switch out your Luminous Mosses for Soots of Darkness when you regain control. Enter the left-hand tunnel. Walk along until you see a section of the wall glowing orange. Examine it. Say yes, and a battle will start. =============================== KHARG BATTLE 25: Balls of Light =============================== Enemies: Spirit's Servant Lv? (x6) NPC: Darc Lv? Objective: Wipe out the Spirit's servants! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: None My Levels: Kharg - 17 Samson - 20 Strategy: Get those Elixirs ready. These things are POWERFUL, and as if that weren't enough, they'll subject you to an endless deluge of Sleep, Silence and Paralysis spells. This is where the status cures come in. If someone refuses to wake up from Sleep or Paralysis, cure them. It's as simple as that. At the same time, you'll have to keep track of your HP, because these guys do lots of damage. However, despite the ?, they don't have any more HP than the Evil Eyes did. You should be able to kill one of them in one or two attacks, especially with the Soots of Darkness working for you. (I'm almost positive they're Light element, but if someone wants to correct me....) Darc's also a great help, serving as both an attack sponge and a helpful damage dealer. Keep at it, and they'll die. I didn't find any unique items off of these guys, but if you did, drop me a line. =============================== Talk to the little specks of light from left to right to learn about the ancient past. When finished, head out to the right. You'll enter another room, with another section of stone glowing orange. Examine it as before, and start a battle as before. ================================== KHARG BATTLE 26: Balls of Light II ================================== Enemies: Spirit's Servant Lv? (x6) (Drop: Eyes of a Peregrine) NPC: Darc Lv? Objective: Wipe out the Spirit's servants! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: None My Levels: Kharg - 18 Samson - 20 Strategy: This is the same battle as before, but you've got them surrounded this time. Approach this battle the same way as the last. One of them will drop an Eyes of a Peregrine, which you may want. It seems to be the one in the center of the group, but I can't tell, so.... ================================== Talk to the little specks as before to learn about the Divine Ruler and the Deimos. When done, exit at the bottom left. Walk along, and you'll see another part of the wall glowing orange. Examine, and start another battle. =================================== KHARG BATTLE 27: Balls of Light III =================================== Enemies: Spirit's Servant Lv? (x5) (Drop: Crystal Arrowhead) NPC: Darc Lv? Objective: Wipe out the Spirit's servants! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: None My Levels: Kharg - 18 Samson - 21 Strategy: Only 5 this time. Repeat the same tactics until dead. The one in the middle of the lineup at the start has the Crystal Arrowhead. =================================== As before, talk to the specks. They'll speak a bit more of the Divine Ruler. Exit to the left. You'll be at the entrance again. Examine the stone door with the three glowing runes on it, and it'll open. Darc and Kharg don't want to go in, but Lilia does, and the brothers come to their senses and follow. Go in the door, and walk up to Lilia. The Spirit of Hope will ascend from the water. He'll explain the whole deal with Nafia and Windalf, and warn of the coming of the darkness due to the build up of negative emotions surrounding the ongoing human/Deimos conflict. The Lord of the Black Abyss (The Dark One) is set to rise again and destroy the world, and it seems only Darc and Kharg are going to be able to stop it. The party will immediately move to the Slothian Village. THE SLOTHIAN VILLAGE, PART 2 -------- Everyone splits off and muses to themselves. Lilia questions Kharg about Samson before leaving. Cut to nightfall. Kharg can't sleep, and will decide to take a walk. Go over to the dock to catch Lilia singing and Samson watching. She'll tell him about it, but is too tired for an encore. Go and talk to Samson. Kharg figures out that Samson always seems to be around when it comes time to save Lilia. He then concludes (correctly, amazingly enough) that Samson is Lilia's father. He'll share the story before alluding to the fact that Kharg should seek out Darc. Do just that, he's up on Elder Hill. They'll only get a few words in before recommencing with their attempts to tear each other's throats out. Lilia shows up before long and snaps them out of it, and then Samson comes along with news of a Dilzweld landing party intent on recapturing Lilia. Darc, Kharg and Samson decide to cut them off at the beach, and leave Lilia on Elder Hill. Get out of the village. WORLD MAP, CRAGH ISLAND -------- You need to go to The Beach, and promptly. THE BEACH, PART 2 -------- You'll arrive just in time to meet some Dilzweld sauntering up the beach. It's time for a fight. ======================================================= KHARG BATTLE 28: The Return of the Uber-Generic Baddies ======================================================= Enemies: Commander Lv18 (Drop: Steel Armband) Foot Soldier Lv16 (x2) Rifleman Lv15 Gunner Lv15 (x3) NPC: Darc Lv? Objective: Beat the Dilzweld Army! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: None. My Levels: Kharg - 18 Samson - 21 Strategy: Ah, familiarity. You've done all this before and then some. Kill them. Kill them all. ======================================================= It dawns on the group too late that the reinforcements likely circumvented the beach and headed straight for the village. A young boy comes up and informs you of this fact. Exit immediately. WORLD MAP, CRAGH ISLAND -------- You're needed at The Slothian Village. THE SLOTHIAN VILLAGE, PART 3 -------- You arrive to find most of the Slothians dead. Heal, talk to everyone, save, and run up to Elder Hill. You'll find the Dilzweld engaging in a bit of genocide. Lilia's long gone, but there are some pig-headed soldiers to take Kharg & Co.'s agression out on. ========================================================== KHARG BATTLE 29: The Return of the Uber-Generic Baddies II ========================================================== Enemies: Commander Lv17 (Drop: Dilzweld Visor) Foot Soldier Lv17 (x4) Gunner Lv18 (x2) NPC: Darc Lv? Objective: Beat the Dilzweld Army! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: None. My Levels: Kharg - 18 Samson - 21 Strategy: Off them all, same as before. The Dilzweld Visor is a good accessory for Tatjana. ========================================================== Darc's feelings about humans seem suddenly justified. He wanders off, promising to slaughter all of them. Kharg and Samson erect a funeral pyre for the dead Slothians. Chat with everyone before leaving Elder Hill. Talk to Samson, standing by the shore in the village. He'll say that Lilia is apparently a reincarnation of A Friend of the Spirits, and that's why Darkham wants her. Kharg wants to go after the Emperor, but he can't do it alone. He decides to return to Nidellia and rejoin his friends. They mosey on out of town. End Kharg, Chapter 5 Save your game at the prompt. ********************************************************** 3.10 - Darc, Chapter 5: Evolution Darc stands on the Cragh Island beach, feeling genuine hatred for humanity. He will destroy humanity. Just then, the Pyron streaks across the sky, and Darc's friends walk up the beach. He fills them in, and sets a new goal: reclaim the Great Spirit Stones from the Dilzweld. However, they can't just fly there. They're going to have to land a good deal south of it, and walk north across the Kanara Desert. THE BEACH -------- You'll regain control of Darc, so take a minute to reorganize yourself and set out. WORLD MAP, CRAGH ISLAND -------- The Pyron's parked in the exact same place the Fiona was. Odd. Get on over there and fly to Halshinne. WORLD MAP, HALSHINNE -------- First stop, Barbadoth. BARBADOTH -------- This is an extremely odd place. If you need healing, cut into the water line at the front. You can listen to a Deimos orator talk praisingly of Darc and contemptuously of humans by talking to one of the Deimos clustered around the box he's standing on. Walk up the small ramp. In front of the tower on the left, you'll see a vague gray shape. Go up and talk to it. It's Kirjath. Give him the tablets you have so far, but you're short one, so you'll have to come back in a little while. Go into the building next to Kirjath's tower. This is the market. Speak to the first Ogre you see twice. He'll ask for charity. If you give him 1000g straight away, he'll hand over some Romantic Earrings. Pretty good deal, considering you can't buy them anywhere. The Qurop is selling all sorts of new stuff. Stock up on Diamond Coatings and Titanium Armbands and Great Herbs to your wallet's content. Talk to everyone around. The Canidae will tell you the history of the area, from the Saryu tribue to the Niente to the Niente sprits who embody the mummies laying around town. According to him, there's a massive sandstorm that makes travel across the Kanara desert impossible, but that one of the Niente spirits in the mummies may no the secret. One of the Ogres talks about a mummy outside who was shouting all sorts of nonense up until last night. Go back outside. Talk to the prone mummy over to the right of the water line. He'll wake up, and explain to Kharg about the Niente if you ask. When you ask how to cross the desert, he won't remember how, but he will remember who does. He tells you to seek out Fuhstart, the Niente elder, in one of the mummies in town. Go back into the store. Fuhstart is the mummy lying prone next to the save point. Inspired by Darc's vow to slaughter the Dilzweld, he will tell him how to cross the desert when asked. You need the Flutes of the Saryu Tribe (Nahm and Latta), which are ensconced within the Pyramid Ruins. Once he tells you that, exit the conversation and leave Barbadoth. WORLD MAP, HALSHINNE -------- Like the man said, go to The Pyramid Ruins. THE PYRAMID RUINS -------- Go up the stairs and enter. Follow the path, and go up the stairs next to the sealed door. Head left and up the next flight. Continue left. Go up the stairs outside, and go back in. Once inside, examine the sarcophagus-like protrusion. Press the switch. A block will fall from the ceiling. Go back out, down the stairs and then back in. Head right. Immediately past the top of the stairwell, you'll see a brown object on the ground. It's the last Ancient Tablet, so take it. Continue along the path to the right. You'll spot another sarcophagus-like protrusion. Press the switch there. Go all the way back to the stairs by the Sealed Door. Head right from there down the passage you skipped earlier. Follow the path. Open all three chests at the end. (You'll get a bunch of Earth stuff and a few nifty character-specific things.) Head back to the second sarcophagus-like protrusion. Walk past it and down the stairs this time. Walk up the large flight of steps at the end of the walk, and go in the entryway. Walk right, to the end of the ledge, and open the chest. Then examine the framed part of the wall. Press the switch. You'll see some more tile falling from the ceiling. Go back into the Pyramid and down the stairs. Walk back up the bath and turn right. Follow that path, and enter the doorway at the top of the stairs. Follow the ledge all the way around. Examine the framed part of the wall. Press the suspicious looking switch, then enter the doorway next to it. Open the chest for some Thorned Ivy. Turn around and exit. Go back along the ledge and in the door you came out of originally. Don't go down the stairs. Continue following the path, across a few screens, until you hit another ledge. Follow this ledge as it curves. Examine the second suspicious-looking switch as you pass it. Walk down the stairs. Examine the doorway and jump in the hole. Go in the door you just saw open. Walk straight forward and up to the pedestal. Examine the curiously-shaped flutes. A voice will warn you not to take them. Pick them up anyway. Predictably, mummies will assault you. ==================================== DARC BATTLE 25: Should We Be Scared? ==================================== Enemies: Mummy Lv20 (x5) (Drop: Lark Coat of Arms) Mummy Lv19 (x2) Mummy Lv18 Objective: Kill all mummies! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: None My Levels: Darc - 19 Delma - 18 Volk - 19 Camellia - 17 Bebedora - 19 Strategy: Hey, some more generic RPG baddies. Who'd have thunk it. What's next, vampires? Anyway, Camellia's warning against the Mummy's Curse is a wise one. It nukes your stats. However, it's the only thing they can do that's at all special. The rest of their attack strategy is the same as everyone else's; run at you and swing blunt objects. You should be able to Refresh or Coleopt Froth your way out of the curse if they do hit you with it, Just use your powerful stuff to kill them all before they can use it. It's a short range skill, so you shouldn't have too much trouble. One of them's carrying a Lark Coat of Arms. Should be the third one from the top on the left. ==================================== With the Flutes firmly in your possession, leave the area. WORLD MAP, HALSHINNE -------- Make a short pit stop in Barbadoth. BARBADOTH, PART 2 -------- Go back to Kirjath and give him the last Ancient Tablet. He'll prompty ascend, and the words of the Ancient Tablets will be recited in song form. When it's done, you get a Goddess Statuette for your trouble. Buy what you need and go. WORLD MAP, HALSHINNE -------- The Kanara Desert, Entrance is where you want to be. THE KANARA DESERT, ENTRANCE -------- Darc will play the flutes to clam the sandstorm. They work. Volk has a line here despite not being on the screen. You may encounter random battles in the desert, or you may not. It's possible, though. They're mostly against mummies and gargoyles. Imagine your TV screen as a compass, North being the top of the TV, South being the bottom, East being the right hand side and West the left. I'll direct you using this system. Walk north into the desert. Take the northeast exit from this area. Keep walking north-northeast. Examine and enter the whirlpool in the northeast corner of this screen. Exit the screen you appear in to the west. In the new screen, jump in the whirlpool in the northwest corner. THE KANARA DESERT, EXIT -------- Walk northeast and exit the desert. WORLD MAP, HALSHINNE -------- Walk over to Maluise Tower. MALUISE TOWER -------- Imposing, isn't it? Camelia senses a mysterious power radiating from the tower. Delma hears wings approaching. The party hides to see what it is. It's Droguza. He goes around the tower, and Darc decides to follow. Walk past the door, and along the path to come out behind Maluise Tower. Droguza's there, of course. He's talking to some Dilzweld Special Forces. Not much is said before Darc runs up. Droguza claims to have evolved again, and a battle starts. ================================ DARC BATTLE 26: Evil Empire 2.0 ================================ Enemies: Droguza Lv? (Drop/Steal: Mad Warrior's Skull) Sniper Lv20 (x3) Commando Lv20 (x3) Objective: Defeat Droguza and the soldiers! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: Steel Box (225g, 15 Spirit Stones, Titanium Armband) Steel Box (Power Berry) My Levels: Darc - 19 Delma - 18 Volk - 19 Camellia - 17 Bebedora - 19 Strategy: Droguza's stats have been bumped again, making him really, really strong. Take advantage of your starting clumpedness to cast Speed Up, Guard Field and Magic Shield, the whole works. Droguza has a (new?) Vampire attack whereby he'll hit someone and gain some HP, along with his old smack and Black Out combo. With Magic Shield up Black Out won't be doing more than 40, but his smack may top 100 if your levels are comparable to mine (they shouldn't), and the Vampire attack will do around 70. Speed Up should prevent him from getting two turns in a row, though. The neo-Dilzweld are pretty much the same as the old versions, with better Special Moves. The Commandos have two different grenade attacks that they're somewhat likely to use, and the Snipers can use the Riflemen's old Snipe attack with the same power, but multiple times. They're good mind control fodder, but if Droguza attacks them, they'll likely die in one hit. My best advice is to take control of a Commando or two and keep plugging away at Droguza, using Black Out, Dragon Fang Sword, and your other strong magic spells (Explosion, Meteor Fall, Diamond Dust, Earthquake, Blizzard, Fire Storm, etc.) until he dies. Camellia might want to concentrate on Healing Rain. Once he's down, the battle's a breeze, as the neo-Dilzweld are easy. ================================ Darc does not kill Droguza, questioning him instead. It seems they have very similar goals. Droguza wants to unite the Deimos out of pride as the last surviving member of the Niente. Darc sees the similarity of their goals, and lets him go. Darc's friends convince him of the nobility of his pursuit. You're done at the tower, so leave. WORLD MAP, HALSHINNE -------- You have a choice of which way to go, but you should go to Azer Springs. AZER SPRINGS -------- This is the Qurop village. You can shop here, though there's nothing too new beyond Strongest Herbs. Feel free to talk to whoever you want, then leave. WORLD MAP, HALSHINNE -------- You've but one place to go, The Flying Fortress Megist. THE FLYING FORTRESS, PART 2 -------- You'll be treated to a scene of a soldier giving a report while Droguza shows up. Darc proceeds to charge in the main gate. ==================================== DARC BATTLE 27: Of Dilzweld & Deimos ==================================== Enemies: Commander Lv23 (Drop: Nothing) Sniper Lv22 (x3) PA-200 Lv22 (x2) Cannon Trap Lv23 (x3) Objective: Beat the Dilzweld Army! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: None My Levels: Darc - 20 Delma - 19 Volk - 20 Camellia - 18 Bebedora - 19 Strategy: Even more new stuff. Wow. The Commander you know too well by now, and I've already familiarized you with the Snipers. That leaves the new robot enemies. The PA-200 are powerful, have decent MOV and a machine-gun special move. The Cannon Traps are slow, have VERY LOW MOV, and aren't all that strong at all. That said, you'll want to focus on the PA-200s first. They're very, very annoying, and could make life difficult for you if you let them. They're not overly frail, either. Of course, to get at them, you're going to need to off the Cannon Traps as well. After that, you're left with Snipers and the Commander, relatively old Dilzweld fair at this point. ==================================== Heal up. Go in through the side door you used last time. However, unlike last time, go up the ramp and in the door. Saunter down the catwalk, to encounter some Dilzweld turning the elevator off. ======================================= DARC BATTLE 28: Of Dilzweld & Deimos II ======================================= Enemies: Commander Lv24 (Drop: Nothing) Sniper Lv23 (x3) Sniper Lv21 (x2) Cannon Trap Lv20 (x3) Objective: Beat the Dilzweld Army! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: None My Levels: Darc - 21 Delma - 19 Volk - 21 Camellia - 18 Bebedora - 19 Strategy: Now entering more-of-the-same land. These guys are nice and clumped up right in front of you, though, so it shouldn't be too much trouble. Knock 'em off. ======================================= You can't go up the elevator they turned off, so walk right past the viewing globe and continue left. Head up the stairs. Fight. ======================================== DARC BATTLE 29: Of Dilzweld & Deimos III ======================================== Enemies: Commander Lv26 (Drop: Nothing) Commando Lv24 (x2) Sniper Lv22 (x2) Foot Soldier Lv22 (x2) Foot Soldier Lv20 Objective: Beat the Dilzweld Army! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: None My Levels: Darc - 22 Delma - 19 Volk - 21 Camellia - 19 Bebedora - 20 Strategy: Like I said. More of the same. Just be quick with it, you've got pressing matters. ======================================== Walk onto the platform. You'll see a control panel with a red light on top of it. Examine it. Turn the elevator on. Go back to the room where they ordered the elevator turned off. At the center of that room, you'll start another battle. ======================================= DARC BATTLE 30: Of Dilzweld & Deimos IV ======================================= Enemies: Altered Deimos Lv23 (x2) Commando Lv23 Commando Lv22 Cannon Trap Lv22 (x3) Objective: Beat the Dilzweld Army! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: None My Levels: Darc - 22 Delma - 19 Volk - 21 Camellia - 19 Bebedora - 20 Strategy: Well, at least the Altered Deimos are new. They're essentially nothing more than tanks, however. They're pretty big on the offense, though, so keep the healing ready. If you've gotten this far, you can handle it. Just think of them as Spear Hunters. ======================================== Darc & Co. will wonder about the strange new Deimos that are helping the humans before moving along. Go up and use the recently powered elevator. You'll enter an odd laboratory with Deimos bodies floating in large tanks. This area has special meaning for Camellia, since she was held here once. Save your game at the save point in the corner. Examine the glowing panels if you want. Enter the left door. Walk in, and pull the switch on the panel with the flashing red light. You'll be attacked. =============================== DARC BATTLE 31: Altered Beasts! =============================== Enemies: Altered Deimos Lv23 (x4) Objective: Defeat the Altered Deimos! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: Steel Box (300g) Steel Box (13 Spirit Stones) My Levels: Darc - 22 Delma - 20 Volk - 22 Camellia - 19 Bebedora - 21 Strategy: Oh, please. You can take these guys. You outnumber them! Their cumulative HP is probably about 1/5 yours, or less! =============================== Now, enter the right-hand room. A Canidae and an Orcon are being experimented on. Darc doesn't like it, but you're forced to fight the newly born Altered Deimos. ================================== DARC BATTLE 32: Altered Beasts! II ================================== Enemies: Altered Deimos Lv23 (x3) Foot Soldier Lv24 Objective: Defeat the Altered Deimos! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: Steel Box (225g) Steel Box (275g) My Levels: Darc - 22 Delma - 20 Volk - 22 Camellia - 20 Bebedora - 21 Strategy: Same as before, only there's a Foot Soldier instead of an Altered Deimos, and you're on the other side of the room. ================================== Apparently, this is the room where Camellia was experimented on. The machine that made her old is in the center of the room. She wants to go through it again, in hopes that she'll become young once more. Darc concedes. When Camellia tells you, go in the back and flip the switch on the panel with the red flashing light. Camellia will go into the machine. She'll come up and be....different. Very different. Much less head. Many more curves. Darc and Volk gawk at her, and Delma starts yelling. The party reforms. When you regain control of Darc, they'll be a table right behind him with a bright worklight shining on it. Examine the object the worklight is shining on. Take it. Leave the room. Heal. Save. Walk up to the center door. Examine the glowing green screen next to it. Open the door. Walk in. Droguza is demanding that Darkham evolve him again. As he kneels on the platform to accomplish this, he curses Darc, Darkham and humanity in general. Darc enters. Darkham reveals to him that Droguza is, in fact, an Altered Deimos, and that all his memories were fabricated. Darc is incredulous. Darkham leaves, and Darc commits himself to stopping Droguza's evolution. ============================= DARC BATTLE 33: Evolve or Die ============================= Enemies: Shotgun Trap Lv25 (x4) Cannon Trap Lv24 (x4) Objective: Destroy all towers! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: Earth Tower (objective) Fire Tower (objective) Light Tower (objective) Water Tower (objective) Wind Tower (objective) My Levels: Darc - 23 Delma - 20 Volk - 22 Camellia - 20 Bebedora - 21 Strategy: First off, your goal here is not to kill the enemies, it's to destroy all the towers. The enemies here are nothing new, and you should be able to roll over them with little trouble. The real battle is still to come. Just divide your group in two, target the towers when you can, and you'll be done quickly. ============================= Droguza will burst out of the chamber. Different, eh? ============================================== DARC BATTLE 34: The Hardest Battle in the Game ============================================== Enemies: Demon Droguza Lv? (Steal: Nothing.) Objective: Defeat Droguza! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: None My Levels: Darc - 23 Delma - 20 Volk - 23 Camellia - 20 Bebedora - 21 Strategy: Heal up and recharge before the battle starts. Now, at the beginning of the fight, Droguza probably won't attack you for a little while. Take the chance to cast every status boosting spell you have on your characters. Guard Field, Heated Soul, Speed Up, Magic Shield, everything. Droguza is FAST. He'll be taking two turns in the time it takes everyone in your group to move, so watch out. Droguza has four attacks. The first affects a large arc at about the middle of the map, from about halfway across the metal bar to a small length in front of Droguza. When you start moving toward him, he'll hit you with it. It's POWERFUL, so heal up after you get smacked by it. The second is a simple physical swipe that hits everybody in front of him. It's pretty strong, too, but not as bad as the other attack. The third is a little area effect elemental bomb that he flings at people where nothing else can get. It's about as strong as the physical attack. The last is a breath attack he throws out straight in front of him that does decent damage + defense down. Avoid that by moving a little bit away from the center as you approach. With that said, you're going to have to charge him. I know it sounds weird, but stay clumped until you get right in front of him. The reason is that his attacks have such range scattering won't help, and you need to be close to heal. You want to get close to him, and stay in a small group a little off to his left. Delma, Camellia and whoever else is available should concentrate on healing, while Darc, Volk and Bebedora attack him physically or with spells (i.e. Black Out). As long as you stay healed, Droguza shouldn't be able to kill you, though he might pull off some kind of three-turn-in-a-row cheese. Make sure everyone's available to heal if they have to. With a bit of time and luck, he'll go down. Note that if you stick a character next to Droguza and as far and up as he or she can go on the left hand side, Droguza will inexplicably cease attacking them. He CAN hit them, with his orb attack, but he doesn't, or does very infrequently. Whoever kills Droguza will get around 6500 exp. And no, the title ain't an exaggeration. It's really the hardest. ============================================== With his dying breath, Droguza tells Darc that Darkham was headed for Maluise Tower. Droguza asks Darc if he is a real Deimos. Darc lies, and Droguza dies. Darc offers a grim lamentation. The chapter ends. End Darc, Chapter 5 Save your game at the prompt. ********************************************************** 3.11 - Kharg, Chapter 6: Rivalry Kharg and Samson arrive in Yewbell, and Kharg is overcome with a sudden fit of nervousness and trepidation. Samson gives a little speech about why his friends came with him, comparing him to Darc in that respect (be we know he's wrong about Darc). Kharg's gotta believe in his friends more. He still wants Samson to come along, but Samson, of course, won't. YEWBELL, PART 8 -------- Wander around and talk to people. They'll be singing a different tune from when you last saw them. It seems they've come to their senses. Make your way to the Castle Ruins. As you enter, Kharg'll run into Maru. Maru asks for forgiveness, but Kharg deems it unneccessary. Maru says the reason everyone's so suddenly amicable is because Paulette went around and reminded everyone of how many times Kharg and Nafia had saved their collective behinds. It seems she's been eating herself up for rejecting Kharg. When you regain control, go over to Nafia's grave. The memorial is much more impressive now. Paulette's over there. She'll beg Kharg's forgiveness, but he's pretty understanding about the whole thing, and lets it go smoothly. She pledges herself to his defense. Kharg tells Paulette and Maru (who just walked up) about the events on Cragh Island. Ganz and Tatjana, however, are apparently at Thunor Point, interrogating some Dilzweld. Gotta go collect 'em. You're free to leave Yewbell now. Exit through the main gate. WORLD MAP, RAGNOTH -------- To Thunor Point, friends. THUNOR POINT -------- Walk up to Tatjana and Ganz. The Megist is gone, but they found and questioned a few Dilzweld stragglers. They've been informed that Darkham is headed back to the Dilzweld Empire. The party resolves to track him down. Leave the point. WORLD MAP, RAGNOTH -------- To the Big Owl, it's parked in its usual spot. Examine the control panel, and Tatjana will inform Kharg that attempting to fly into Dizlweld airspace is something on the level of suicide. Tatjana suggests an alternate point of entry: over Mt. Lamda. Set course for Halshinne. WORLD MAP, HALSHINNE -------- Mt. Lamda it is. MT. LAMDA -------- You'll arrive to find a monestary at the foot of the mountain. The locals call it Lamda Temple. Since busting in would involve in battle with hordes of warrior monks, Kharg decides to get the head of the temple to allow him passage, which will only probably involve battle with hordes of warrior monks. Head in. Check out the training. The monk off to the side in front of the training square runs the Lamda Arena, if you wish to partake. Head up the stairs the training monks are looking at and talk to the Priest. Answer 'No.' Then ask about getting over Mt. Lamda. He'll only allow passage to those who truly understand the teachings of Lamda. Sounds like a fetch quest to me. Well, there's nothing here, so try to leave the area. Kharg deduces that there must be information about Lamda's teachings somewhere. Tatjana suggests the Great Library at Peisus. Head out. WORLD MAP, HALSHINNE -------- Hop on the bus, and head to Peisus. PEISUS -------- Walk straight up and talk to the man behind the desk. He says they have an old Lamda Sutra, but won't tell you where it is. Great. Walk around this entry room and talk to everyone for a bit of color. One guy's running a shop, and the healer's over in the corner. You can also examine the various artifacts. Go into the back room. The party, except for Maru, will split up to look for the Sutra. You can indulge yourself by looking around at all the bookshelves and talking to all the people, party members included. Span is standing next to Ganz in front of the second set of stacks. He doesn't know where the Sutra is, but if you talk to him, Kharg will fork over the three volumes of Spirit Dictionaries he's been lugging around. When you're done exploring, read the scroll in the middle of the end wall directly opposite the door. It'll say something about dragons. Well, there are dragons flanking the thing you just read. Odd. Head back into the entrance hall. Along the left and right walls are two bronze dragon statues. Examine the heads of both. They have gemstones in their eyes. Take them. Go back to the dragon scroll. Examine and put the red gemstone in the eye of the left dragon, and the blue gemstone in the eye of the right one. A passage will open. The central pedestal in this new room contains the Lamda Sutra. There is only one problem; it's written in Sumlian, a dead language. Take it. Exit the room. The party will reform with the intent of finding a person who speaks Sumlian. Go back to the entrance room. You'll find Maru talking to the librarian, near the right-hand dragon carving. The librarian will suggest having Maru's crown appraised in Milmarna. Luckily, there also may be someone who reads Sumlian there. You're ready to move out. WORLD MAP, HALSHINNE -------- Now you need to go to Milmarna. A lot of work for little return, eh? MILMARNA -------- Maru has a strange affinity for this place. He'll take off by himself. As for Kharg, walk him down the path. The shops are in the center of the map. Near there is the healer, and a treasure chest being guarded by a dog. Follow the path all the way until you hit a small green island with a man standing on it, looking out at the water, and the road turns from wood to dirt. On this little bit of land will be a rock. Examine it and you'll find a bone. Take it back to the dog. Give it to him. He'll wander off, and you're free to open the chest. Inside is a letter. Read it. It asks for you to take care of the dog (Rover). You don't have the time, so tell the boy outside too. Resolution. When you're done shopping, keep following the path past the bone-rock until you hit a big stone building. Enter it. Go down the first staircase on your right. You'll see a circular counter with a few barrels down and to the left of it. On one of them is a book. Take it. It's the Spirit Dictionary Volume 5. Then, talk to the person behind the counter closest to you. Of course, they can't translate the Sutra, because it's illegal. You need permission from Rosanna first. Before you do anything, take this chance to go around and talk to the people if you wish. When you're ready, walk up from the circular counter. There's an attendant at the top of a ramp. Talk to her. She'll say only Milmarnan royalty is allowed past that point. Maru walks up. Luckily, he's Milmarnan royalty. Shocked? No, I wouldn't think so. Maru leaves you to wait for him. Walk a bit left and then up along the line of people. The fortune teller, Foh, will reveal herself. Maru gets the party invited over. Walk around and over to Maru. He'll shortly leave again. Walk back to the circular counter, and talk to Rosanna, and then to the Appraiser. The translation will take some time. Head back up the previously-blocked ramp and into the doorway at the top. A conversation will start. Foh wants Maru (Yumalnoh) to replace her as King of Milmarna. He'll be a bit overwhelmed, and leave the room. If you want to hear the whole story, talk to Rosanna and ask her. When you're done, go back out into the main room. The Appraiser is done translating. Apparently, the text of the scroll is 'Clear away all distractions and keep your mind open at all times.' Walk back over to the line of people. Go past it, and down the stairs to the left of it. The small form hunched over on the box is Maru. Talk to him. Tell him the Sutra's done. He wants to go back to Mt. Lamda. He tells Kharg and Paulette that it was all a lie, and that he was given the crown by the real prince many years ago. Foh and Rosanna will overhear. Foh will storm off. While they prepare to leave, Maru will cast a sidelong glance at a crystal ball, and want to talk to Foh again. Exit the fortune teller's building. Go down the path back towards the entrance to Milmarna. You'll run into Foh, who's preparing to set sail. Maru pesters her enough that she gives up on that idea, but as she turns to leave, the boat she was about to board sinks. The jig is up. Maru's really the prince. However, you still need to get to Mt. Lamda. Exit Milmarna. WORLD MAP, HALSHINNE -------- Take a detour to Peisus. PEISUS, PART 2 -------- Go back and talk to Span. Give him the last dictionary. He'll fork over a Hero Bandanna. You'll notice that the gemstones have been returned to their original locations. Use them to open the back room again. Where the Sutra used to be, there will now be Diekpeck, another Diekbeck clone. Like the last one, he's not telling the truth, so don't believe him. He'll proceed to ask you a series of pointless trivia questions. The item you recieve is dependant on the number of questions you answer correctly. They are as follows: 1-5: Diek Screw 6-9: He'll say it's a Neutrino Charge, but it's really a Clivis's Book. 10: Spirit Amulet If you mess up on one, he'll break down, and you'll get the item for the number correct you'd gotten before that. The answers are as follows: 1: Counterclockwise. 2: A cat. 3: Beautiful stones. 4: Palkia. 5: How much to spend on the entrants' lunches. 6: A pair of dice. 7: The Shinobi Gang. 8: Lakelta Deimos. (Named after a Native American tribe, I believe.) 9: A pipe. 10: Buster. You can only get one and, contrary to Diekpeck's opinion, the Diek Screw is probably the best of them, but only if you happen to have Kharg's secret character with you. Also, before you leave the Peisus area, I'd advise you to purchase a Napping Bell for Maru if you don't already have one. Some Herbs are also adviseable. Maybe even a few Gale Headbands if you've got the cash. They could make your life easier real soon. Once you've got what you want, leave. WORLD MAP, HALSHINNE -------- Now you can return to Mt. Lamda. MT. LAMDA, PART 2 -------- Talk to the same priest as before. Tell him you know, and then tell him it's to 'clear your mind from distraction.' You're right, but the Priests insist Kharg & Co. be tested. He'll pit you against a group of Lamda monks. To be nice, he'll only insist that one character pass the test. ========================================================= KHARG BATTLE 30: These Guys Aren't Very Devout Pacifists. ========================================================= Enemies: Lamda Monk Lv24 (x3) Lamda Monk Lv23 (x2) Objective: Clear your mind. Defeat the Lamda Monks. Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: None. My Levels: Kharg - 21 Paulette - 20 Maru - 19 Ganz - 19 Tatjana - 19 Strategy: This is an odd battle. Before it, a big deal is made about how you need to clear your mind and not allow rage to overcome you, but the goal of the battle seems to simply be to slaughter the monks, which isn't terribly difficult. They're a bit slow, and their Special Moves are limied to increasing their ATT. Thankfully, they've low MOV too. Kill them quickly, but watch out if they up their ATT, since it makes them a good deal stronger (obviously). There might be a penalty for having everyone's Tension Meters max out, but I'm not sure. ========================================================= You've won the fight, but the match isn't over. A strange haze suddenly clouds the area. Kharg turns around, and we see Darc, Delma, Volk and Camellia, accompanied by one Lamda Monk. Kharg, Ganz, Paulette and Tatjana curse at them, while Maru wonders what the hell is going on. The mist disappates, and the Deimos bunch all suddenly turn into regular Lamda Monks. The Priest uses this to determine that all but Maru have failed to understand the teachings of Lamda. The Priest asks that Maru face the five monks, alone. He's not joking. The battle starts. =============================================== KHARG BATTLE 31: You're Giving a Prince Orders? =============================================== Enemies: Lamda Monk Lv24 Lamda Monk Lv23 (x2) Lamda Monk Lv22 (x2) Objective: Clear your mind. Defeat the Lamda Monks. Loss: Maru disabled. Destructables: None. My Levels: Maru - 19 Strategy: Heal and recharge Maru before the fight starts. Give him any spare Stat Up items you've got. It may not look like it, but this battle pretty easy. Maru's a ton faster than these guys. At the start of the battle, retreat to one of the upper corners of the combat square. Use any Stat Ups you've got, then slowly edge your way toward the monk on the far corner. Only the closest monk should activate and follow Maru, though a few of the others may attempt to ATT up themselves. Use Maru's high SPD to chip away at the monk that's active. If you have the Napping Bell I suggested you buy, equip it on Maru. It'll come in very handy, as it works quite often, causing the Monks to lose turns. Once the first monk is out, move close enough to another one to attract it, and then kill it the same way. Rinse and repeat. If you get a whole clump of them after you, hit them with a Binding Arrow (or, if you don't have it, Venom Arrow) or any other high radius Special Move (Great Hunter if you've got it). They'll all drop Spirit Stones (and a few will drop herbs) upon death, to make it easier on you. Whatever you do, avoid letting them hit you a lot. If they do, their ATT Up and Maru's low natural DEF will combine to make your life suck. Use Maru's First Aid or herbs in the gap between attracting monks to heal up. All in all, it may take awhile, but it's easy if you do it systematically. =============================================== The Priest finally grants you passage. However, the man speaks of a strange hallucination-inducing gas infecting the mountain. As we've seen so far, only Maru can endure it, so he'll be forced to guide the party through the area. Proceed left of where the Priest is standing to find a stone path leading to a gate. Enter it. Begin to follow the mountain trail. Enter the first recession in the stone wall and open the chest. Proceed a little farther, and it's battle time. =================================== KHARG BATTLE 32: Red River Mountain =================================== Enemies: Lackey Demon Lv26 Lackey Demon Lv25 (x2) Ogre Lv26 (x3) Ogre Lv25 Objective: Defeat all enemies! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: None. My Levels: Kharg - 21 Paulette - 20 Maru - 20 Ganz - 19 Tatjana - 19 Strategy: Move your characters forward according to the way they're facing. These guys are nothing special, but you should take all the precautions you always do. They're pretty strong in the way of regular attacks, so keep that healing ready and only let yourself get surrounded if you're using Windblade Fury. =================================== Continue along. Go down the first ramp you see. Open the chest for the extremely useful Weathercock, among other things. Continue along as before. Turn left at the next opportunity. Open the chest for a bunch of herbs. Go back to the main path and continue. Enter the next recession in the stone wall. Open the chest for a Tanzanite and Ganz's Ice Blade. Back to the main path and along once more. Battle number two. ====================================== KHARG BATTLE 33: Red River Mountain II ====================================== Enemies: Ogre Lv21 Ogre Lv20 (x3) Lackey Demon Lv21 Lackey Demon Lv20 Objective: Defeat all enemies! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: None. My Levels: Kharg - 21 Paulette - 20 Maru - 20 Ganz - 19 Tatjana - 19 Strategy: Almost the same as the last battle, only with fewer, weaker enemies. ====================================== More walking, straight down the path. You'll encounter an odd mist. Maru's ready. Walk into it. You'll appear in Yewbell, hazed purple. Kharg wonders if it's really a hallucination as the walking dead appear in front of him. ======================================= KHARG BATTLE 34: Here There Be Monsters ======================================= Enemies: Zombie Lv28 (x3) Ghoul Lv26 (x2) Objective: Overcome the phantom monsters! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: None. My Levels: Kharg - 21 Paulette - 20 Maru - 20 Ganz - 19 Tatjana - 19 Strategy: Despite the general freakiness involved, this battle's a cinch. Like all zombies, these dudes are slow, ugly and stupid. You really can't lose. Bash their heads in. Equip Luminous Moss on people if you really want to be sure they feel it. They do have Special Moves, but the one they'll use mostly is vomiting on you to reduce your DEF. Fun. ======================================= Maru, the great navigator, lends a single piece of advice. 'Find the ring of light.' Well, great. I guess we're dead, then. Follow the light. Thanks, Maru. Go down the stairs. Cross the wooden bridge. Enter the portal. You're in Plumb Canyon. Go down the ramps. Cross the wooden bridge. Enter the portal. Yoi're in Asheeda Forest. Go left and down, then right when you have to. Enter the portal. You're in the Parenz Ruins. Walk left and around. Go into the portal. You're at Scrappe Plateau. Walk over towards the fence in the back. A battle will start. ========================================== KHARG BATTLE 35: Here There Be Monsters II ========================================== Enemies: Reaper Lv26 (x2) Skeleton Lv25 (x2) Skeleton Lv24 (x2) (Drop: Shoulder Spikes) Objective: Overcome the phantom monsters! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: None. My Levels: Kharg - 22 Paulette - 20 Maru - 20 Ganz - 19 Tatjana - 19 Strategy: Skeletons aren't new to you. They're strong, but slow. Duh. Reapers probably are. They're a total pain in the ass. They have high AVO, decent ATT and decent MOV, but their real power lies in a bizarre Special Move they've got that can do ridiculous damage, often cleaving your HP in half, or reducing them to 1/4 or some insanity. They've also got Black Out, which is always powerful. They're genuinely unpleasant. That said, focus on them first. They'll clump like they always do, so you'll be able to damage them a bunch before they get to you. Just watch out for the Reapers. ========================================== Walk into the portal. You're back on Mt. Lamda. Next stop is a Dilzweld AAA Installation. Save your game, and head down the path. Leave the area. WORLD MAP, HALSHINNE -------- The Eastern Fortress, my good man. THE EASTERN FORTRESS -------- Kharg'll find the wreck of the Fiona. Better find Samson. Talk to Boomer. He'll explain the situation. Apparently, Samson told the rest of the crew to abandon ship, and he, Boomer and Buster crashed here. Samson was wounded bad, but he went on into the heart of the empire alone. You need to get in there, and Tatjana has a plan. Leave the area. WORLD MAP, HALSHINNE -------- The Dilzweld Empire, baby. THE DILZWELD EMPIRE -------- The guard at the gate will be very surprised to see Tatjana. He leaves to inform HQ. You're given free reign. Up the stairs and straight ahead is the pub with the save point. At the extreme north end of the area, next to the statue, are the shops. You need to go down the stairs to the left of them. You'll see some Dilzweld soldiers manning a roadblock. Go up to them. They'll explain about Darc's raid on the Megist, and give up Darkham's next destination: Maluise Tower. You're actually done here, but it'd be a good idea to go around to everyone and talk. It's part of the game, after all, and they've got interesting stuff to say. There's an odd corner of the city where there's nothing but cats. I couldn't figure it out. Maybe there's something there, I don't know.... Head out of town when you want to. WORLD MAP, HALSHINNE -------- Well, to Maluise Tower, then. MALUISE TOWER -------- You'll find Samson, bleeding. He'll spark a flashback of his attempted assassination of the emperor. He was a bit too slow on the trigger, it seems. It also seems Lilia knew his secret the whole time. Smart cookie, that one. Samson asks you to save Lilia, and expires. Follow Darkham into the tower. Go up the stairs, turn left and go down the stairs. Open the chest for some unremarkables. Walk back up the stairs. Follow the path to the right and up the stairs until a battle starts. =========================== KHARG BATTLE 36: Ascendence =========================== Enemies: Commando Lv24 (x2) Intruder Lv26 (x2) Intruder Lv25 PA-200 Lv25 (x3) Objective: Defeat the Dilzweld Army! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: Metal Drum (empty, explodes) Steel Box (16 Spirit Stones, Revival Medicine) My Levels: Kharg - 22 Paulette - 20 Maru - 21 Ganz - 20 Tatjana - 20 Strategy: Okay. Same old stuff with a new look, with the exception of the PA-200s. You can flatten all this with little or no trouble. They're all the same units you've been pounding for several chapters now. The Intruders are simply souped-up versions of the Gunners you've fought before, much like the Commandos are merely foot soldiers on crack. The PA-200s and Commandos pose the same threat as before. You might want to just let loose with area effect attacks to end this battle quickly, as there are a few more to come. =========================== Walk across the battlefield to the stairs. Go up. Open the chest in front of you for Ganz's Wind Blade and some other stuff. Continue up the spiraling staircase. The screen will change. Keep walking up stairs. Another battle will begin. ============================== KHARG BATTLE 37: Ascendence II ============================== Enemies: PA-200 Lv26 (x2) Intruder Lv25 (x2) Cannon Trap Lv25 (x2) Cannon Trap Lv24 (x2) Objective: Defeat the Dilzweld Army! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: Metal Drum (empty) Metal Drum (Elixir) Steel Box (275g, Rescue Kit) My Levels: Kharg - 22 Paulette - 21 Maru - 21 Ganz - 20 Tatjana - 20 Strategy: Nothing here that isn't familiar. They've still got good damage dealing capabilities, so heads up. Go for it. ============================== Cross the battlefield. Don't go down the first set of stairs. Continue onward. Now go down the stairs. Follow along and you'll find a chest with a Stun Unit and some others. Head back up and continue along. Enter the doorway with light spilling out of it. Wander up the curving stairs and into the doorway at the top. Continue down the path, and up the stairs. =============================== KHARG BATTLE 38: Ascendence III =============================== Enemies: PA-200 Lv26 (x2) PA-200 Lv25 (x3) Cannon Trap Lv25 (x3) Objective: Defeat the Dilzweld Army! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: Steel Box (Snake Wire) Gunpowder Can Gunpowder Can My Levels: Kharg - 22 Paulette - 21 Maru - 21 Ganz - 21 Tatjana - 20 Strategy: Don't freak out. Sure, there's a lot of crap, but it's all old crap, and the more stuff there is the more likely it is to get all bunched up. Let go with your strongest attacks. They'll fall. =============================== Continue down the obvious path. Head down the first flight of stairs. Open the chest for a High Green Lens and Frey's Hair Ornament. Go back up the stairs and continue along. Heal and save. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NOTE: After you exit this area, you'll NEVER be able to return to CATHENA AGAIN. If you need to do something there (get Diekbeck, etc.), leave Maluise Tower and do it NOW. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ That having been said, go forward, toward the light. A scene will commence. Darkham's got Lilia laid out on some weird altar, with five Great Spirit Stones laid into a panel in front of him. He's trying to summon the Flying Castle, and does.....but it doesn't fly. The artificial Wind Stone is to blame, as it explodes within the panel. The Mysterious Man shows up, telling Darkham that it flying isn't necessary. Darkham tests the power of the Flying Castle through its weapon systems. He destroys The Republic of Cathena, and everyone in it. Head up the stairs and around to confront Darkham. Kharg refuses to let him continue. A battle commences. ================================= KHARG BATTLE 39: Fall Like Wheat ================================= Enemies: Darkham Lv? (Steal/Drop: Burst Blade) Royal Guard Lv31 Royal Guard Lv30 (x3) Objective: Defeat Darkham and his bodyguards! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: None. My Levels: Kharg - 22 Paulette - 22 Maru - 22 Ganz - 21 Tatjana - 21 Strategy: Hoo boy. Alright. I'll go over the enemies first. Darkham, despite appearances, is nothing more than a beefed up Dilzweld Commander. He does all the same essential stuff. The only major difference is his Special Attack is a Paralysis Grenade and not a regular shot. He does have a Special Move that does a good amount of direct damage, but he rarely ever uses it. The Royal Guards, on the other hand, are extremely annoying. They have three attacks; a decently powerful standard attack, a beam Special Move that extends forward from them at a small range for good damage, and a phyiscal combo Special Move that's just about the same as their regular attack. Now that you know this, you're going to want to knock off the Royal Guards first to lessen the field. Darkham is fast, but they're not. You need to let off the strongest attacks you've got, one after the other. Do not let up. Heal when Kharg or Tatjana's turns come up and it's necessary. The guards start close enough together that you should be able to hit two of them with every spell. Ignore Darkham for now, you can deal with him later. You need to kill at least two Royal Guards first. Once you've knocked two or three Royal Guards out, the fight's much easier. You can use your superior number of moves to your advantage, and stay healed while continuing to pummel Darkham. You've experienced much stronger bosses than him (read: Selkis, Demon Droguza, Lakelta Brothers, etc.). You can do it. If you're really having trouble, just go out and level. Learn some of the really strong Special Moves (Windblade Fury, Great Hunter, Sigma Storm, etc.), and come back in a few hours. Remember, Royal Guards are regular enemies. You can hit them with Status Down attacks, so Ganz tossing a Skull Crusher their way can be immensely helpful if you find yourself unable to do a good amount of damage. ================================= Darkham reveals his true intent. He doesn't want to rule the world. He just wants to destroy all the Deimos in it (sound familiar?). He tells of Old Dilzweld. It was invaded by Deimos, and Darkham flew to Cathena to appeal for help. They remained indecisive, and wasted time while taking no action. When Darkham returned, the Deimos had pretty much slaughtered the people of his homeland, used children as hostages and other such atrocities. Darkham vowed revenge. This was his way of accomplishing it. Unfortunately, his noble intentions became clouded over time. He let too many innocents die. He flings himself from the tower, falling to his death. End Kharg, Chapter 6 Save your game at the prompt. ********************************************************** 3.12 - The Final Battle You'll open up on Kharg, right where you left off, surprisingly enough. Darc & Friends will run up the walk, leading to a showdown. Words are exchanged. Threats are made. A battle is begin. A choice is presented. Now, here's where it gets interesting. You can either pick humans or Deimos to control in this great struggle here. I'll confess right now that the choice is totally irrelevant. Yep, events will unfold in almost exactly the same way no matter what happens. However, you've still got a choice to make. Pick whichever you want. I'll outline from both perspectives. <!================!DEIMOS!================!> ================================= DARC BATTLE 35: Might Makes Right ================================= Enemies: Kharg Lv? Paulette Lv? Maru Lv? Ganz Lv? Tatjana Lv? Objective: Defeat humans for a Deimos victory! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: None. My Levels: Darc - 25 Delma - 20 Volk - 23 Camellia - 20 Bebedora - 21 Strategy: Sure, Maru's probably twice as fast as Darc, but that's okay. Blast them straight to hell. You know exactly what they're capable of, since you were just controlling them a few minutes ago. Leave no Spirit Stone unspent. Just keep casting your strongest spells until they're goners, and the Deimos stand triumphant. You have the advantage in that they won't use their Special Moves very often, though they do have the ability to cast every single one in their repertoire, whether they've learned it under your control or not. ================================= <!=================!HUMAN!=================!> ============================================ KHARG BATTLE 40: Are You Afraid of the Darc? ============================================ Enemies: Darc Lv? Delma Lv? Volk Lv? Camellia Lv? Bebedora Lv? Objective: Defeat Deimos for a human victory! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: None. My Levels: Kharg - 23 Paulette - 22 Maru - 22 Ganz - 22 Tatjana - 22 Strategy: They're probably a ton slower than you are. Go straight at them and let off all the area effect Special Moves you've got. Don't hold back for anything, just keep on attacking. Kill Darc and Bebedora first, since they're usually the only Deimos who can do large amounts of damage. If you keep at it with strong Special Moves, they'll fall, and the world will be safe for humanity. You have the advantage in that they won't use their Special Moves very often, though they do have the ability to cast every single one in their repertoire, whether they've learned it under your control or not. ============================================ When the scene picks up again, whichever team you chose will be standing victorious over the other. Darc or Kharg will go over to take the Great Spirit Stones, but will suddenly be lifted into the air, along with everyone else. A cinematic begins. Zev will appear, as if out of thin air, and walk over to Lilia. He speaks of acquiring all five Great Spirit Stones, and that his power has returned. He takes off his goggles to reveal empty eye sockets. He is the Divine Ruler. He explains the history behind the process. When the Spirits departed, he fled his prison in the Ark, possessing the body of Zev, the explorer. His immense power gone, he utilised more subtle means, and manipulated things in order to allow the seal on the Flying Castle to be broken. The ark is within the Flying Castle, and with it, the Divine Ruler can become the Lord of the Black Abyss once more. The Divine Ruler exits, taking with him the Spirit Stones and Lilia. When the scene opens again, the winning group from the previous battle will be contemplating their general stupidity. The winning group considers offing the losing one, but quickly realizes the folly in that, and leaves them be. The losers are incredulous. Kharg or Darc will step forward, and declare the best course of action is to enter into the Flying Castle and seek out the Divine Ruler. MALUISE TOWER, PART 2 -------- You're free to do whatever you want that doesn't involve going to Aldrow. But, the plot dictates that you go all the way down to the base of the tower, go around back to where the third Droguza battle was set, and enter the gate. Watch the scene. Go into the Flying Castle. The warning is true, but you know that. Go in. The game will lurch back to the losing party, still atop Maluise Tower. They'll wonder about Lilia, and exactly why the hell the other party didn't take them out when they had the chance. They, too, will resolve to enter the Flying Castle. You'll gain control. You're free to do whatever you want with these guys that, again, doesn't involve going to Aldrow. For your sanity later, I'd advise taking a short trip to Azer Springs and buying up some Black Charms (6-10 or so). A few Luminous Mosses (4-6) would be smart, as well. You don't have to, but it's a very good idea. To advance the plot, you must go around Maluise Tower again, and enter the Flying Castle. The two groups will walk right smack into each other in the entrance. Kharg wants to combine the groups, but Darc won't hear of it. Just then, the Flying Castle takes off, and the floor falls out from under everyone. THE FLYING CASTLE (KHARG'S STORY) -------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NOTE: You cannot retreat from battle in the Flying Castle. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Kharg, Ganz and Paulette will wake up next to a pile of rubble. Kharg wonders about the whereabouts of Maru and Tatjana when Volk and Delma awake on the other side of the rubble. Everyone wants to fight, except Kharg, who won't allow it. He attempts to persuade Volk to join up, when he's interrupted by the enemy. ============================= KHARG BATTLE 41: Hell's Heart ============================= Enemies: Hell Kite Lv27 (x2) Hell Kite Lv26 Lackey Demon Lv26 (x2) Lackey Demon Lv25 Objective: Defeat all enemies! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: None. My Levels: Kharg - 24 Paulette - 23 Ganz - 22 Volk - 23 Delma - 20 Strategy: Easy, easy stuff. Lackey Demons you know, and Hell Kites are just souped-up Wyverns. This should be nice and simple for you at this point, as you no doubt by now have your own systems in place to work out new enemies. I'll leave you to it. There's no great danger here. ============================= Kharg convinces everybody to ignore their personal problems and band together to solve the current predicament. Smart guy. Exit through the doorway. A battle will start. ================================ KHARG BATTLE 42: Hell's Heart II ================================ Enemies: Golem Lv35 Golem Lv34 Golem Lv33 Rognas Gormon Lv31 (x3) Rognas Gormon Lv30 Objective: Defeat all enemies! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: Strange Orb (22 Spirit Stones) Strange Orb (22 Spirit Stones) My Levels: Kharg - 24 Paulette - 23 Ganz - 22 Volk - 24 Delma - 21 Strategy: Okay, kinda new. You'll be familiar with Rognas Gormons from random battles enough to know that they look tough but have inexplicably low DEF. Golems, in fact, are exactly the same way. Both of these enemy types, do, however, have high ATT, with Special Moves to boot, so watch that HP. Shouldn't be too much trouble, as they're all very slow, both SPD and MOV wise. ================================ Head across the battlefield and up the 'stairs' at the end. You'll see a small platform nestled in the corner. Examine it. Touch the crystal. It'll light up. Keep going, around the corner and in the darkened doorway. Follow the path, past the bridge, and down the 'stairs' at the end of it. You'll see another crystal pedestal. Examine it, and touch the crystal. The bridge will form fully. Go up to it and try to cross it. The party will stop. Paulette wonders if it's safe. Kharg kneels down at the edge of the abyss to peer under it, but sees no supports. Delma seizes the opportunity to try to push Kharg over the side. She fails and falls over herself, but manages to reach back and grab onto the side. Ganz marches over and....pulls her up. Ganz has kind of a nifty morality going here. I like it. Kharg doesn't believe Delma really wanted to push him over. After all, she tries to kill everyone she likes. Though Volk insists Deimos are not to be trusted, the group forms up once more. Cross the bridge and go in. Battle number 3. ================================= KHARG BATTLE 43: Hell's Heart III ================================= Enemies: Evil Eye Lv27 (x2) Evil Eye Lv26 (x2) Dark Dweller Lv26 (x2) Dark Dweller Lv25 (x2) Objective: Defeat all enemies! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: Strange Orb (empty) Strange Orb (empty) My Levels: Kharg - 24 Paulette - 23 Ganz - 23 Volk - 24 Delma - 21 Strategy: Hey, these guys again. You know these guys. They can still Paralyze you, so watch the hell out. Other than that, they're weaker ATT-wise, but better AVO-wise and much faster than the other stuff that you've encountered thusfar. ================================ Walk straight across the field and over to the square platform extending from the end of it with the strange symbol on it. All the elevators in the Flying Castle look like this. Examine it and get on. Follow the path all the way to the large door. The party will stop and wonder where Darc is. Volk and Delma want to go look for him, but Kharg insists they all stay put and wait. Save your game at the prompt. THE FLYING CASTLE (DARC'S STORY) -------- Tatjana and Camellia are predictably trying to bite each other's heads off. Maru is the voice of reason, and Bebedora offers a warning. Baddies are approaching. Uh-oh. ======================== DARC BATTLE 36: Bad Moon ======================== Enemies: SA-100 Lv26 (x2) SA-100 Lv25 SA-100 Lv24 Gunner Lv25 (x3) Objective: Defeat all enemies! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: None. My Levels: Darc - 25 Camellia - 20 Bebedora - 21 Maru - 23 Tatjana - 23 Strategy: Hey hey, new stuff. Well, not that new. The gunners are familiar, and the SA-100s are just palette swaps. Still, kinda new. Anyway, the SA-100s are exactly the same as their PA-200 cousins, except the machine gun has been replaced by a self-destruct explosion attack. It does about the same damage as the machine gun, and the offending SA-100 loses its life over it. Good for you. Other than that, nothing new. Smoke 'em. ======================== There's another human-Deimos standoff. Maru is the voice of reason, this time. Darc tells Maru and Tatjana to tag along. Tatjana is suspicious. Maru is happy. The party forms. The elevator don't work, so take the right-hand exit. Combat. ================================ DARC BATTLE 37: Elevator Puzzle! ================================ Enemies: PA-200 Lv30 (Drop: Unit 128K) PA-200 Lv27 PA-200 Lv26 (x2) SA-100 Lv27 (x3) Objective: Defeat all enemies! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: Strange Orb (empty) Strange Orb (22 Spirit Stones) Strange Orb (20 Spirit Stones) Strange Orb (22 Spirit Stones) Strange Orb (empty) Strange Orb (empty) My Levels: Darc - 25 Camellia - 20 Bebedora - 22 Maru - 23 Tatjana - 23 Strategy: Seven enemies who are essentially the same. Tatjana will inform you of things I've already told you. There's nothing special I can really say about killing these guys. Just do what you've been doing. They haven't changed since the last time you saw them. The PA-200 that starts removed from the others and surrounded by Strange Orbs is the one with the Unit 128K. ================================ Walk across the battlefield. You'll find a crystal pedestal. Examine, and touch the crystal, then go back into the broken elevator room. Go in the center exit this time. Battle. =================================== DARC BATTLE 38: Elevator Puzzle! II =================================== Enemies: Dark Dweller Lv27 (x4) Evil Eye Lv26 (x4) Objective: Defeat all enemies! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: Strange Orb (empty) My Levels: Darc - 25 Camellia - 20 Bebedora - 22 Maru - 24 Tatjana - 23 Strategy: Very similar to a battle Kharg and his group just fought. Take the same precautions. They can still Paralysis, but probably won't. =================================== Walk across. Touch the crystal on the pedestal. Head back into the broken elevator room. Go out the left hand door. Battle. ==================================== DARC BATTLE 39: Elevator Puzzle! III ==================================== Enemies: Shotgun Trap Lv27 (x4) Gun Trap Lv26 (x4) Objective: Defeat all enemies! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: Strange Orb (Full Sails Tonic) Strange Orb (First-aid Kit) My Levels: Darc - 25 Camellia - 20 Bebedora - 22 Maru - 24 Tatjana - 23 Strategy: Easy, easy, easy. All old stuff. Hulk smash. ==================================== Walk across. Touch the crystal as before. Back into the elevator room. It works now. Ride it up. Bebedora will suddenly know the way. Save your game. Follow Bebedora onto the elevator. You'll enter a big empty room with no other exits. Bebedora will run off. Darc asks her what's going on. She tells the party that this is a monster box, where intruders are eliminated. Two dragons fall from the ceiling. She's been possessed by the Divine Ruler. You've got to snap her out of it. ================================ DARC BATTLE 40: I'm Bebedora III ================================ Enemies: Bebedora Lv? (Drop/Steal: Nothing) Altima Lv? (x2) (Drop/Steal: Bear Stuffed Animal; Golem Mask) Objective: Defeat the Bebedora! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: Strange Orb (Constantly spawning. Some have Spirit Stones, others are empty.) My Levels: Darc - 26 Camellia - 20 Maru - 24 Tatjana - 24 Strategy: Heal up and get ready. This battle is very, very annoying. Bebedora herself is weak, but the Altimas are powerful. Plus, you can't just quickly off Bebedora to end it, because every time you hit her she warps herself to a different place on the map. Not fun. The Altimas will only fly to the big squares in the center or the corners of the room. They can't stand anywhere else. They have an area of effect good ranged Magic attack, and a Standard Attack. It may not sound like much, but it's enough to put the hurting on you. Lucilky for you, they have poor DEF. Also, the Altimas are weak to Light, so if you've got any Luminous Mosses, put them on. That said, start by having Darc Speed Up everyone. One of the Altimas will probably fly near you before too long. If he hits you, heal up. When your characters start to move again, go over and begin to pound on the nearby Altima. He may fly away; if he does, just wait for him or the other one to come back near you again and commence with more of a beatdown. Try not to let the group get really divided, or they'll be sitting ducks. Don't go too near Bebedora. Stay back, near your starting point. If you go too close to her, she'll come at you, and she's an annoyance you probably don't want, since once you start attacking her she'll begin teleporting around the map and making life hard for you. Take it slow, and go after the dragons when they come near you. Destroy the Strange Orbs that spawn near you. They might have Spirit Stones in them, which you can collect when needed. Once the Altimas are gone, you're left with Bebedora. She's got much better ATT than she had with you, plus Black Out, but she's outnumbered. If you hit her, she'll appear to die, but she'll just have moved somewhere else. She is taking damage, so don't worry about that. When she comes by again, hit her. Rinse and repeat. When she dies, you're done. ================================ Maru kneels over the lifeless Bebedora. The group is somber, and discusses the plan. As they walk away, Bebedora gets up and follows. Puppets are always lifeless. Darc tells Bebedora that she can control herself from now on. She wants to experience every feeling there is, and the party forms. Go down the elevator. Save. Go up the elevator you didn't take before. Go down the path. Meet up with Kharg. The groups stand opposite each other, and despite general stubbornness, agrees that they have a common enemy at this point. The camera slowly zooms in on Darc and Kharg. They forge a truce. The groups. Assimilate. Pick whoever you want to be party leader, it doesn't change much of anything. Walk forward, and down the path. Heal and buy what you need from the Qurops. Save. Go up the elevator, and begin The Flying Castle in ernest. THE FLYING CASTLE (WATER FLOOR) -------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NOTE: Now, these next three parts of the Flying Castle have random battles every other room or so. Despite the fact that they're not story battles, they seem to always have a similar distribution of enemies. As such, I'm not gonna go over it battle by battle for you. Instead, at the beginning of each floor (there are three of them), I'll merely list the enemies you can expect to encounter. It's nearly all stuff you've seen before or variants thereof, so don't worry about it. Here goes. Also, my lengthy directions all entail maximum treasure intake. At the end of every section, however, I'll write a simple 'direct path to exit' set of directions, if all you want is to get the hell out of there. Directions defined as North, South, East or West. This is from the camera's perspective. North is the top of your TV, South is the bottom, West is the left hand side, and East is the right-hand-side. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Enemies: Armored Turtle Lv27 Desert Devil Lv25-26 Ghoul Lv27 Gunner Lv26 Mer Apis Lv26 Poison Slime Lv26 Reaper Lv27-28 Royal Guard Lv27 Skull Warrior Lv26-28 Stone Tortoise Lv26 Sword Master Lv26-28 Toxic Ooze Lv27 Go north from the first room. Fight the battle. Continue along west, then north again. Fight the battle. When the battle's over, check out the room. The little floating spheres that look like Pokeballs are chests. Open them. Notable items are: Satan's Ribbon, Angel Statuette, Steel Ripper, Ice Talisman. Go back to the first room. Exit to the east. Fight the battle. From there, go north, and then continue that way until you hit an elevator. Take it. Walk up north through the big doorway. Go out the west exit in the new room. Another battle. Follow the path to the exit opposite the door. Continue down until you hit a save point and the elevator. Save, and go up. DIRECT PATH TO EXIT: East from first room. Fight. Take north exit. North until elevator. Take elevator. North through doorway. West exit of new room. Fight. Exit opposite the door. Continue to elevator. Take elevator. THE FLYING CASTLE (FIRE FLOOR) -------- Enemies: Cerberus Lv28-29 Elemental Lv28-32 Evil Eye Lv28-29 Great Phoenix Lv28-29 Hellhound Lv28-29 Hell Kite Lv28 Ninja Master Lv28-29 Red Dragon Lv30 Royal Guard Lv30 Sleeping Gust Lv32 Stun Smog Lv32-38 Warlock Lv28 Walk away from the elevator down the path to the exit. There's a battle in the next room. When it's done, head west. Ingore the elevator. Take the northern exit. Finish the battle. Loot the Pokeballs. Notables: Type 4 Ruby Lens Proto, Battle Jacket. Exit south, and go back east one room. Go up the elevator in this, the room you initally entered. Head in South. Open the chests in this room. Notables: Blade of the Giants, Duel Spikes, Light Talisman. Go west two screens, fight in one. Open the pokeballs here. Notables: Superconductor Coil. Leave to the north. Follow along until you hit the elevator. Go down. Exit the new room to the west. Fight the battle, and then leave to the north. Fight again, and leave to the north again. Take the chance to restock on items, save, and take the elevator up. DIRECT PATH TO EXIT: Head south of elevator. Exit. Fight. Exit to the west. Exit to the west again. Fight. Exit to the north. Fight. Exit to the north again. Go up the elevator. THE FLYING CASTLE (WIND FLOOR) -------- Enemies: Cobra Lv34-35 Dark Knight Lv32 Doll Master Lv34 Green Dragon Lv32-35 Killer Gargoyle Lv32 Mage Lv30 Mechanical Doll Lv33 Mighty Fly Lv31-32 Ninja Master Lv32-35 Royal Guard Lv34-36 SA-100 Lv32-34 Sidewinder Lv34-35 Skeleton Lv30 Skull Warrior Lv32-35 Supreme Ninja Lv30-32 Wyvern Lv32 Take the east exit from the first room. Continue east. Fight the battle. When it's over, go south. Open the orbs in here. Notables: Sorcerer Mask, Storm Talisman. Continue south. They'll be another battle. After you've won that, go west. You'll hit a room with an elevator. Go west from there, and continue west until you hit another room with an elevator. Go north from this room. Fight the battle. Loot it once you're finished. Notables: Shiny Nose, Max Green Lens. Exit to the south. Take the elevator and go up. When it stops, walk along the path and exit to the south. Fight the battle, then exit the room to the east. You'll end up in another room with an elevator. Exit to the north. Fight the battle, then loot the room. Notables: Land Talisman, Raging War God's Blade. Exit the treasure room. Get on the elevator. DIRECT PATH TO EXIT: From the first room, exit east. Exit east again. Fight, then exit south. Go south again. Fight once more, then exit west. Get on the elevator in this room. Go south. Fight the battle, then exit west. Get on the elevator. THE FLYING CASTLE (DEPTHS) -------- Alright. Save your game. Buy up whatever you need from the Qurops. I suggest lots and lots of Ancient Herbs and Revival Medicines to fill up the inventories of the six people you're going to be using. Also, buy a Gale Headband for every male character you're going to use, except Kharg, who'll probably have the Hero Bandanna. Take the time now to equip all those Luminous Mosses and Black Charms you've been carrying around. You need one Moss for everyone you expect to be attacking physically in the coming battles (you can use the Crystal Arrowhead if you plan to bring Maru along, instead). You'll also want at LEAST one Black Charm for everyone. Alternatives to the Black Charm are the Shadow Talisman and Frey's Hair Ornament. If someone has one of those equipped, they won't need a Black Charm. If they're not wearing those, you'll want at least one Black Charm on them, but two is preferable. (Three is a waste, don't equip more than two.) Only do this for the six people you plan to use in the coming battles. I highly suggest this six include either Delma, Camellia or Tatjana, for the sole purpose of casting Magic Shield. Once you've done all that, save and enter the big double doors. You know, the ones radiating dark power. Those doors. There's a scene. The Divine Ruler manipulates Lilia into breaking the seal on the Ark. He claims the power within, and again becomes the Lord of the Black Abyss. Kharg and Darc show up, but they're a bit late. The Lord sucks them into the dark world. Whichever character you chose way back at the Meeting Point will wake up in total blackness and wonder what's going on. Walk around. The other party members will appear to be staring into empty flames. When you approach them, you'll see someone important to that character appear out of the flames, and discourage them. They won't hear you if you talk to them, and all the apparitions speak backwards. Go around to everyone, and remember who appears to them. When you get to the flame with noone standing in front of it, someone will appear to Kharg or Darc, and they'll collapse. Just before everyone fades away, Lilia's voice comes out of the void, and helps Kharg or Darc break the illusions. A battle commences. ============================================== UNION BATTLE 1: The Easiest Battle in the Game ============================================== Enemies: Meshimgen Lv? (x6) Objective: Break illusion. Defeat Meshimgens! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: None My Levels: Kharg - 29 Darc - 30 Maru - 29 Ganz - 27 Volk - 27 Tatjana - 27 Strategy: Everyone will start directly opposed to a Meshimgen. The key to this battle is to understand that there's a Meshimgen that matches every character you brought into a battle. When someone attacks a Meshimgen, they will flash the image of one of the apparitions for before. If this apparition is correct to the character that attacked, the Meshimgen will take damage. If not, the Meshimgen will turn the character who attacked into a berserk Meshimgen themselves for a few turns, and make them go around and attack other party members. Don't worry about it, as the attacks will be weak. Just get everyone matched up properly. If you've forgotten the right images, I'll list them here. Just have everyone attack the Meshimgen that flashes the proper image. Kharg - Nafia Darc - Windalf Paulette - Lloyd Delma - Densimo Maru - Foh Volk - Yrena and Nazaal Ganz - Rapier Camellia - Old Camellia Tatjana - Darkham Bebedora - Bebedora ============================================== The party is a bit miffed, and there's another challenge to come. An odd looking eye-thing will appear, with Lilia imprisoned atop it. The Lord claims that, should you kill the eye-thing, Lilia will die, and the party's hearts will be stained in darkness. The only other option is death. =================================== UNION BATTLE 2: The Sons of Windalf =================================== Enemies: Lilia Getmann Lv? (Steal: Nothing) Meshimgen Lv? (x6 + summons) Objective: Defeat Lilia Getmann! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: None My Levels: Kharg - 29 Darc - 30 Maru - 30 Ganz - 28 Volk - 27 Tatjana - 27 Strategy: You pretty much need to brawl your way through this. Lilia Getmann can't do much more than summon more Meshimgens and cast Black Out, but it's fast and good at both of those. Knock out the Meshimgens in front of you and head straight for it. Let loose with everything you've got. It'll die. Meshimgens are really, really weak, except for their area effect special move. Just watch out for that. Lilia Getmann has about 1000 HP. =================================== Lilia Getmann disappears along with Lilia. The party laments their inability to do anything. You'll hear two disembodied voices (take a wild guess as to who they are), and Lilia will appear. She'll give a speech about how, as long as hope is maintained, the party can still win. Everyone else will chime in about how they'll safeguard the future in one way or another, and a blinding light will radiate from Lilia. You'll be back in the room you started in. In front of you will be the Lord of the Black Abyss, a giant eyeball. It'll give a typical bad guy 'destroy all your hopes' speech. Kharg and Darc don't buy it. It's clobberin' time. ============================ UNION BATTLE 3: The Dark One ============================ Enemies: Lord of the Black Abyss Lv? (Steal: Who cares?) Brain Cell Lv52 (summons) Objective: Defeat the Lord of the Black Abyss! Loss: Entire party disabled. Destructables: None My Levels: Kharg - 29 Darc - 30 Maru - 29 Ganz - 27 Volk - 27 Tatjana - 27 Strategy: Before it starts, heal and recharge, and be sure everyone's got the Black Charms and Luminous Mosses. At the start of the battle, have Tatjana, Delma or Camellia cast Magic Shield/ Element Guard on everyone. This is a must, even if you don't have Black Charms. Cast Speed Up and Heated Soul while you're at it, if you can. The Lord of the Black Abyss has three moves. The first is to summon a Brain Cell. The Brain Cells are pretty pathetic, really. As you kill them, the black mist surrounding the Lord will begin to disappate, and his DEF will lower. After you kill five of them, it'll be gone completely, but the Lord will be able to use his third move, which recharges it fully. His second move drains the life from everyone near him and heals him. He'll only use it if someone's in range, so park as many characters as you can outside it's effect area to cut down on the damage to your party. I believe it's non-elemental. He'll only use his third move when the black mist is fully gone. It's a really poweful dark laser beam that he shoots straight out from him. This is the reason you brought those Black Charms. It's Dark elemental. On an unprotected character, it'll do about 300 damage. However, with Element Guard and a Black Charm, it'll only do about 70. With Element Guard and a Frey's Hair Ornament, two Black Charms or a Shadow Talisman, it'll do 1. Also, you can avoid this attack by moving to the EXTREME left or right sides of the battlefield. I suggest planting characters with less Dark res there if you can. That said, your main strategy is going to involve killing 4 Brain Cells, then smacking the Lord with everything you've got until the fifth Brain Cell shows up, at which point you move your more vulnerable characters to the sides and continue to wail on him as he lets his Dark Beam go. Once that's out, move away and kill 4 more Brain Cells. Rinse and repeat. Use any and all healing available to you when necessary. Don't bother using Special Moves and Magic on the Lord, just attack him. He's got about 5000 HP. An alternative to a mad charge at him is to bring two characters with good range (usually Maru and Tatjana with a Superconductor Coil), plant everyone on the sides of the map, kill Brain Cells as they approach, and attack the Lord from the side, out of range of his area drain. If positioned correctly, he won't be able to hit you with anything. Consider this if you're having trouble. ============================ Watch the ending. The Spirits show up and save the day. Kharg and Darc look toward the future and Lilia returns to a solitary life. Nifty. End The Final Battle Save your game at the prompt, after the credits. It's your New Game+ save. You're done. Congrats. :) ********************************************************** 4.0 - Sidequests, etc. ---------------------------------------------------------- 4.1 - Secret Characters ========= DIEKBECK ========= To get Diekbeck, beat the 20 match challenge at the Cathena Arena with Kharg. You should be about level 30 to be safe. ====== CHOCO ====== For Choco, beat the 30 match challenge at the Rueloon Arena with Darc. Level 30 is good enough here, as well. ---------------------------------------------------------- 4.2 - Ancient Tablets/Spirit Dictionaries Since I prefer not to copy and paste my FAQ already devoted to this subject, I'll just lay out the locations in a set of bullets. They're in the Walkthrough as well. Seek out the aforementioned FAQ for better directions. It's only hosted at at time of writing. =================== SPIRIT DICTIONARIES =================== Bring these to Span at Peisus for a Hero Bandanna. Volume 1 - The Edge of a Sea of Trees, Buried under rock Volume 2 - The Republic of Cathena, Capitol Bulding, Meeting Room, Table Volume 3 - Sulfas, Main Plant, Floor near barrel Volume 4 - The Mountain Stronghold, Floor near radio Volume 5 - Milmarna, Fortune Teller's Building, On top of a barrel =============== ANCIENT TABLETS =============== Bring these to Kirjath at Barbadoth for a Goddess Statuette. Ancient Tablet 1 - Geedo's House, Chest Ancient Tablet 2 - Drakyrnia, Shop Floor Ancient Tablet 3 - Dragon Bone Valley, Ground outside Ordeal Cave Ancient Tablet 4 - Coleopt Shrine, Bebedora's Room, Floor near stairs Ancient Tablet 5 - Rueloon, In the grass in the alley behind shops Ancient Tablet 6 - Pyramid Ruins, First room, Floor Ancient Tablet 7 - Chaos Forest, Ground near exit, With Bebedora ---------------------------------------------------------- 4.3 - New Game+ Upon finishing the game, you'll be given a clear save. If you load it, the game will start over as before, but you'll begin with some bonus items. Kharg starts with 50 Rescue Kits, 10 Bountiful Fruits, 3 Diamond Coatings, a King Statuette, 999 Spirit Stones and 100,000 gods. Darc starts with 50 Dilz Bombs, 10 Bountiful Fruits, 3 Diamond Coatings, a Romantic Stone, 999 Spirit Stones and 100,000 gods. ---------------------------------------------------------- 4.4 - Arenas There are Arenas in Cathena, Rueloon, Orcoth and Lambda Temple. Each has its own set of rules and prizes. I'd list them here for you, but CodecX already has a wonderful FAQ posted at GameFAQs and IGN that does all that, so track it down via the links in the closer. Note that you can't go back to Cathena or Orcoth in The Final Chapter, so get whatever fighting you want done there finished before the ends of Kharg 6 and Darc 5, respectively. The Arenas are widely considered the best places to level and, once you get the prize from the longest round in each Arena, they'll start giving you Bountiful Fruits for finishing those rounds again. So, basically, you can level up infinitely. But I don't. ********************************************************** 5.0 - Lists ---------------------------------------------------------- 5.1 - Item List ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NOTE: Some Weapon Parts and Accessories seem to give scaled stat bonuses based on the character they're equipped on (that is + or - a percentage rather than a set number). I've tried to remain as accurate as possible, but don't be surprised if my figures are a bit off for certain characters, because sometimes it's very hard to tell the difference. If this is the case, please drop me a line and tell me. I'll fix it. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NOTE: Item LOCATIONS are in the body of the walkthrough, and in the shop list. If you find an item that's not listed in either of those places, it's an Arena item. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *************** ITEMS *************** NAME (USE) ----------------------------- Accuracy Leaf (Temporarily raises HIT, battle only) Agility Leaf (Decreases enemy SPD, battle only) Attack Leaf (Temporarily raises ATT, battle only) Ancient Herb (Heals about 33% HP, large radius, battle only) Antitoxic Nut (Cures Poison, battle only) Assassin Ball (Kills one enemy, battle only) Assassin Firecracker (Kills enemy, medium radius, battle only) Attack Bottle (Temporarily raises ATT, battle only) Balo Nut (Permanent +5 SPD) Bitter Leaf (Temporarily raises DEF, battle only) Blabbermouth Cologne (Temporarily raises resistance to Silence, battle only) Bomb (Damages enemy slightly, small radius, battle only) Bountiful Fruit (Permanent +1 Level) Coleopt Froth (Cures all status, including Coleopt Liquid Sphere, Mummy's Curse, etc.) Critial Leaf (Temporarily raises CRI, battle only) Dark Balm (Temporary Dark Res +30, battle only) Dark Shy (Decreases enemy dark res, battle only) Deimos Medal (Useless) Dilz Bomb (Damages enemy very greatly, medium radius, battle only) Earth Balm (Temporary Earth Res +30, battle only) Earth Shy (Decreases enemy earth res, battle only) Elixir (Cures almost all negative status, battle only) Energy Cologne (Temporarily raises resistance to Sloth, battle only) Energy Snack (Cures Sloth, battle only) Evasion Leaf (Temporarily raises AVO, battle only) Fire Balm (Temporary Fire Res +30, battle only) Fire Shy (Decreases enemy fire res, battle only) First-aid Kit (Heals 80 HP, small radius) Full Sails Tonic (Temporarily raises MOV, battle only) Good Herb (Heals 100 HP) Great Herb (Heals 200 HP) Greatest Herb (Heals All HP) Green Memory Grass (Cures Confusion, battle only) Guard Drain (Decreases enemy DEF, battle only) Guard Leaf (Temporarily raises GRD, battle only) Healing Herb (Heals 50 HP) Heart Seed (Temporarily raises MNT, battle only) Iron Arm (Temporarily throw things further) Lamda's Wonder Cure (Raises Tension Gauge, battle only) Life Tree Berry (Permanent +5-15 MHP) Light Balm (Temporary Light Res +30, battle only) Light Shy (Decreases enemy Light res, battle only) Magefoil (Permanent +5 MNT) Memory Cologne (Temporarily raises resistance to Confusion, battle only) Mind Drain (Decreases enemy MNT, battle only) Mint (Cures Sleep, battle only) Mint Cologne (Temporarily raises resistance to Sleep, battle only) Monster Medal (Useless) Nerve Stimulant (Cures Paralysis, battle only) Nervy Cologne (Temporarily raises resistance to Paralysis, battle only) Numbness Apple (Paralyzes one enemy) Painful Needle (Cures Silence, battle only) Paralysis Firecracker (Paralyzes enemy, medium radius, battle only) Poison Drug (Poisons one enemy, battle only) Poison Firecracker (Poisons enemy, medium radius, battle only) Power Berry (Permanent +5 ATT) Purple Memory Grass (Confuses one enemy) Reiki Leaf (Permanent +5 DEF) Rescue Kit (Heals 160 HP, medium radius) Revival Medicine (Revives ally, medium radius, battle only) Rotting Herb (Heals 10 HP) Silence Firecracker (Silences enemy, medium radius, battle only) Sleep Firecracker (Sleeps enemy, medium radius, battle only) Sleeping Pill (Sleeps one enemy, battle only) Smooth 'n Dry Cologne (Temporarily raises resistance to Stickiness, battle only) Soap (Cures Stickiness, battle only) Spiked Steel Ball (Heavily damages one, battle only) Steel Ball (Damages one enemy, battle only) Sticky Beans (Stickies one enemy, battle only) Sticky Firecracker (Stickies enemy, medium radius, battle only) Strength Drain (Decreases enemy ATT, battle only) Super Bomb (Damages enemy, medium radius, battle only) Super-Duper Bomb (Damages enemy greatly, medium radius, battle only) Water Balm (Temporary Water Res +30, battle only) Water Shy (Decreases enemy water res, battle only) Yellow Powder (Silences one enemy, battle only) *************** WEAPON PARTS *************** NAME (STATS; USEABLE BY) ----------------------------- Aiming Device (HIT +8, MNT -4, SPD -1; All) Amethyst Coating (ATT +4, SPD -1; All) Aquamarine (Water Element; All) Barbed Wire (Slightly Increased Attack Area of Effect; Darc Only) Black Rose Thorn (ATT +3, HIT -1, Add Status: Poison; Camellia Only) Blade of the Giants (ATT +11, SPD -10%, HIT +3, Increased Attack Area of Effect; Volk Only) Blood Red Talon (????; Delma Only) Blue Wolf Blade (MNT +3, GRD +10, Water Element; Volk Only) Broken Gun (Useless, 3500g sell price; Noone) Broken Sword (Useless, 1200g sell price; Noone) Burst Blade (HIT +5, Increased Attack Area of Effect; Kharg Only) Catfish Whiskers (Earth Element; All) Clattery Dentures (ATT +5, SPD -4, CRI +10, Increased Attack Area of Effect; Bebedora Only) Critical Hit Support (CRI +20; All) Crystal Arrowhead (ATT +10, Light Element; Maru Only) Cursed Doll (MNT -10%, HIT -5, Add Status: Confusion; All) Death Ant Nectar (ATT +2, HIT -1, Add Status: Death; Camellia Only) Diamond Coating (ATT +12, SPD -1; All) Diek Catapult (Increased Item Range; Deikbeck Only) Diek Screw (SPD +40; Diekbeck Only) Duel Spikes (ATT +12, Slightly Increased Attack Area of Effect; Delma Only) Dynamo (MNT -10%, HIT -5, Add Status: Paralysis; All) Earth Blade (ATT +12, GRD +10, AVO -4, MNT +1, HIT +4, Earth Element; Ganz Only) Eyes of a Peregrine (MNT +5; CRI +20; Kharg Only) Guard Fang (ATT +4, GRD +20; Darc Only) Guard Support (GRD +20; All) Gunpowder (Fire Element; All) Hawk Eyes (MNT +5, HIT +6; Kharg Only) Heat Blade (ATT +12, MNT -2, SPD -2, CRI +10, Fire Element; Ganz Only) Heavy Blade (ATT +10%, SPD -2, AVO -2, CRI +3; Darc Only) High Heels (Increased Attack Range; Choco Only) Ice Blade (ATT +12, SPD -2, HIT -4, MNT +5, Water Element; Ganz Only) Iron Skewer (ATT +3; Delma Only) Knuckle Guard (GRD +10, CNT +10; Kharg Only) Luminous Moss (Light Element; All) Magic Shoestrings (AVO +4, CRI +30, MNT +5; Choco Only) Mouth-Sealing Needle (ATT +2, HIT -1, Add Status: Silence; Camellia Only) Mute Stone (MNT -10%, HIT -3, Add Status: Silence; All) Napping Bell (MNT -10%, HIT -3, Add Status: Sleep; All) Phoenix Tail Feather (ATT +6, Fire Element; Maru Only) Poison Apple Essence (MNT -10%, HIT -3, Add Status: Poison; All) Putrefied Beans (MNT -10%, HIT -3, Add Status: Stickiness; All) Raging War God's Blade (ATT +9, SPD -4 Sapphire Coating (ATT +8, SPD -1; All) Shiny Nose (MNT +12; Bebedora Only) Silk Bowstring (Increased Attack Area of Effect; Maru Only) Skeleton Sticker (MNT -10%, HIT -5, Add Status: Death; All) Snake Wire (Increased Attack Range; Paulette Only) Soot of Darkness (Dark Element; All) Sparkly Eyeballs (AVO +3, HIT +2; Bebedora Only) Spirit Windmill (Wind Element; All) Sleep Bug Eggs (ATT +3, HIT -1, Add Status: Sleep; Camellia Only) Star Wing Blade (ATT +3, HIT +1, Increased Attack Area of Effect; Paulette Only) Steel Ripper (ATT +11; Paulette Only) Steel Spike (ATT +5; Delma Only) Stone Coating (ATT +2, SPD -1; All) Stone Crusher (ATT +3, HIT -3; Paulette Only) Stun Unit (Add Status: Paralysis; Tatjana Only) Superconductor Coil (CRT +10, HIT -4, Increased Attack Range; Tatjana Only) Swordsman's Blade (ATT +4, SPD -2, CNT +10; Volk Only) Thorn of Revenge (ATT +2, CNT +20, AVO -4; All) Thorned Ivy (Increased Attack Area of Effect; Darc Only) Toy Heart (ATT +2, CNT +15, CRI +15; Bebedora Only) Traitor's Soul (ATT +6, AVO -8, CNT +50; All) Unit 64K (ATT +8, HIT -2, CRI +5; Tatjana Only) Unit 128K (ATT +12, HIT -3, CRI +5; Tatjana Only) Weathercock (MNT -3, HIT=100; Maru Only) Wind Blade (ATT +12, SPD +2, AVO +4, CNT +10, MNT -5, Wind Element; Ganz Only) *************** ACCESSORIES *************** NAME (STATS; USEABLE BY) ----------------------------- Angel Earrings (Immune to Stickiness, Immune to Silence, Immune to Paralysis; Female Only) Angel Statuette (Immune to Instant Death; Male Only) Anti-Slothian (Immune to Sloth; All) Armored Swallowtail (DEF +8, SPD -1, AVO -3; Camellia Only) Battle Jacket (DEF +10, SPD +5, CNT +10, MNT +10, GRD +10; Ganz Only) Bear Stuffed Animal (DEF +10, GRD +10; Bebedora Only) Bewitching Beads (MNT +12, SPD -3; All) Black Charm (Dark Res +25, Light Res -25; All) Blood Anklet (DEF +8, SPD -1, GRD +15; Delma Only) Blood Tears Earrings (SPD -1, CNT +16, AVO -10, MNT +10; Delma Only) Bone Armband (DEF +5, SPD -1, AVO -1; All) Clivis's Book (Immune to Negative Status; All) Crimson Rose (CNT +30, AVO +30; Samson Only) Crystal Beads (MNT +5, SPD -3; All) Dilzweld Visor (SPD -1, AVO +24, GRD +25; Tatjana Only) Dragonia Ring (DEF +8, SPD +4, MNT +6, Wind Res +50; Darc/Kharg Only) Dragon's Wrath (CNT=100, SPD -1, DEF +5; Darc/Kharg Only) Falcon Statuette (Immune to Silence; All) Fire Talisman (Fire Res=100; All) Fireproof Gloves (DEF +7, SPD -1, GRD +12, Fire Res=100; Paulette Only) Frey's Hair Ornament (Fire Res +50, Water Res +50, Wind Res +50, Earth Res +50, Light Res +50, Dark Res +50; Female Only) Gale Headband (SPD +8; Male Only) Goddess Statuette (MHP +20%, SPD -3; Female Only) Golem Mask (DEF +10, GRD +12, SPD -2, MNT -10%, AVO -9; Maru Only) Gorgeous Ring (Double gods gained, SPD -10; All) Great Sorcerer's Remains (DEF -16, SPD -16, MNT +47; Volk Only) Green Charm (Wind Res +25, Earth Res -25; All) Hero Bandanna (SPD +10, AVO +10, MNT +6; Darc/Kharg Only) Ice Talisman (Water Res=100; All) Jade Beads (MNT +8, SPD -3; All) King-Size Soap (Immune to Stickiness; All) King Statuette (Double experience gained; All) Land Talisman (Earth Res=100; All) Lark Coat of Arms (Immune to Paralysis; All) Leather Armband (DEF +3, SPD -1, AVO -1; All) Leila's Mirror (Immune to Poison, Immune to Sleep, Immune to Confusion; Female Only) Life Belt (DEF +??, MHP +??%; Ganz Only) Life Ring (MHP +10%; All) Mad Warrior's Skull (AVO=0, CNT=100, SPD +8; Volk Only) Pitcher's Tale (SPD -10%, Increased Item Range; Male Only) Rabbit Stuffed Animal (SPD +6, MNT +6, AVO +6; Bebedora Only) Rainbow Charm (Fire Res +25, Water Res +25, Wind Res +25, Earth Res +25, Light Res +25, Dark Res +25; All) Red Charm (Fire Res +25, Water Res -25; All) Romantic Earrings (Special Moves/Magic cost 1/3 fewer Spirit Stones; All) Romantic Stone (Special Moves/Magic cost 0 Spirit Stones; All) Satan's Beads (MNT +15, SPD -3; All) Satan's Ribbon (MNT +100, GRD +20; Choco Only) Scroll of Evasion (AVO +20%; Male Only) Shadow Talisman (Dark Res=100; All) Shoulder Spikes (DEF +10, SPD -1, CNT +30; Paulette Only) Sleepless Guard (Immune to Sleep; All) Sorcerer Mask (DEF +2, SPD -2, MNT +8; Maru Only) Spirit Amulet (Fire Res=100, Wind Res=100, Earth Res=100, Water Res=100, Light Res=100, SPD -1; Darc/Kharg Only) Steel Armband (DEF +8, SPD -1, AVO -1; All) Steel Brassard (DEF +3, SPD -1, GRD +10; Tatjana Only) Steel Turtle Armband (DEF +20, SPD -50%, GRD +15, AVO -4, CNT -10; Male Only) Stone Bag (MMP +30; All) Stone Holder (MMP + 15; All) Storm Talisman (Wind Res=100; All) Substitute Johnny (Immune to Negative Status, MNT -10%; Female Only) Tanzanite (Immune to Confusion; All) Titanium Armband (DEF +12, SPD -1, AVO -1; All) White Charm (Light Res +25, Dark Res -25; All) Yellow Charm (Earth Res +25, Wind Res -25; All) *************** PYRON FOODS *************** NAME ----------------------------- Blue Flower Blue Fruit Blue Ice Waterweed Blue Snake Ivy Deep Green Creeper Droopy Grass Green Dahlia Green Fruit Green Nettle Hungry Red Tendrill Red Berry Shiny Grass Soft Grass Tumble Grass Witch Blood Flower *************** AIRSHIP PARTS *************** NAME ----------------------------- Blue Beam Lens Blue Elec Giant Lens Mod Blue Power Lens High Green Lens Low Green Lens Max Blue Lens Max Green Lens Medium Green Lens Neutrino Charge Noah - Double Amplifier Simple Booster Star Variable Amplifier Type 1 Ruby Lens Type 2 Ruby Lens Type 3 Ruby Lens Type 4 Ruby Lens Proto *************** STORY ITEMS *************** Ancient Curiosity (Ultra-Mech Squad leader, 7-Heroes guard) Ancient Tablet 1 (Words of the first to encounter the Spirits) Ancient Tablet 2 (Words of the first to encounter the Spirits) Ancient Tablet 3 (Words of the first to encounter the Spirits) Ancient Tablet 4 (Words of the first to encounter the Spirits) Ancient Tablet 5 (Words of the first to encounter the Spirits) Ancient Tablet 6 (Words of the first to encounter the Spirits) Ancient Tablet 7 (Words of the first to encounter the Spirits) Ancient Treasure (Magical girl who likes to sit in bottles) Antenna (Was attached to the radio) Blue Gemstone (From the eye of the dragon carving) Card Key (Key to a special room in the battleship) Dragon Master Crown (For he who passes the Dragon Ordeal) Fire Fragment (A crystal of refined Fire Spirit Stones) Fire Stone (Holds the power of the Fire Spirit) Gate Key (Key to the castle ruins) Integrated Circuit (Found in the old computer) Lambda Sutra (Writing about the Teachings of Lambda) Magnetron (Was part of the old microwave) Old Pot (Pot found under a rock) Ortena (Musical instrument of sweet nostalgia) Phoenix Blood (Blood of the legendary, immortal phoenix) Rebound Fruit (Counteracts gravity to allow floating) Red Gemstone (From the eye of the dragon carving) Spirit Dictionary Volume 1 (A book about the ancient spirits) Spirit Dictionary Volume 2 (A book about the ancient spirits) Spirit Dictionary Volume 3 (A book about the ancient spirits) Spirit Dictionary Volume 4 (A book about the ancient spirits) Spirit Dictionary Volume 5 (A book about the ancient spirits) Tele-Op (A remote control) The Twin Saryu Flutes (Flutes that soothe Saryu Tribe's sorrow) Water Stone (Holds the power of the Water Spirit) Wind Stone (Holds the power of the Wind Spirit) ---------------------------------------------------------- 5.2 - Shop List ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NOTE: Even though The Flying Castle and Azer Springs are technically shops for both Darc and Kharg, I put them in the Deimos section, 'cause they're run by Deimos. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *************** HUMAN SHOPS *************** =========== YEWBELL =========== Items ------- Healing Herb - 20g Good Herb - 50g Revival Medicine - 160g Antitoxic Nut - 30g Mint - 30g Soap - 40g Painful Needle - 40g Green Memory Grass - 50g Nerve Stimulant - 50g Energy Snack - 40g Energy Cologne - 320g Stone - 20g Bomb - 120g Spirit Stones - 2g/each Weapon Parts ------- Stone Coating - 120g Amethyst Coating - 320g Thorn of Revenge - 240g Aiming Device - 240g Gunpowder - 240g Accessories ------- Leather Armband - 120g Stone Holder - 240g Airship Parts -------- None ======================= THE REPUBLIC OF CATHENA ======================= Items -------- Healing Herb - 20g Good Herb - 50g Great Herb - 100g Revival Medicine - 160g Antitoxic Nut - 30g Mint - 30g Soap - 40g Painful Needle - 40g Green Memory Grass - 50g Nerve Stimulant - 50g Elixir - 120g Lamda's Wonder Cure - 200g Poison Drug - 80g Sleeping Pill - 80g Sticky Beans - 60g Yellow Powder - 100g Poison Firecracker - 360g Sleep Firecracker - 360g Sticky Firecracker - 360g Silence Firecracker - 360g Steel Ball - 120g Bomb - 120g Super Bomb - 320g Iron Arm - 240g Full Sails Tonic - 260g Spirit Stones - 2g/each Weapon Parts -------- Stone Coating - 120g Amethyst Coating - 360g Guard Support - 260g Spirit Windmill - 240g Catfish Whiskers - 240g Poison Apple Essence - 1200g Napping Bell - 1000g Putrefied Beans - 1000g Mute Stone - 1600g Accessories -------- Leather Armband - 120g Bone Armband - 320g Crystal Beads - 200g Jade Beads - 420g Yellow Charm - 480g Green Charm - 480g Airship Parts -------- None ====== SULFAS ====== Items -------- Healing Herb - 20g Good Herb - 50g Great Herb - 100g (Only AFTER liberation) Revival Medicine - 160g Elixir - 120g Lamda's Wonder Cure - 200g Poison Drug - 80g Sleeping Pill - 80g Sticky Beans - 60g Yellow Powder - 100g Poison Firecracker - 360g Sleep Firecracker - 360g Sticky Firecracker - 360g Silence Firecracker - 360g Steel Ball - 120g Spiked Steel Ball - 350g Bomb - 120g Super Bomb - 320g Spirit Stones - 3g/each Weapon Parts -------- Amethyst Coating - 320g Sapphire Coating - 860g (Only AFTER liberation) Critical Hit Support - 320g Guard Support - 260g Traitor's Soul - 860g Aquamarine - 240g Spirit Windmill - 240g Putrefied Beans - 1000g Mute Stone - 1600g Accessories -------- Bone Armband - 320g Steel Armband - 750g Crystal Beads - 200g Scroll of Evasion - 960g Stone Holder - 240g Airship Parts (Only during/after Chapter 4) -------- Type 1 Ruby Lens - 200g Low Green Lens - 260g Blue Beam Lens - 150g Star Variable Amplifier - 2600g ==================== THE SLOTHIAN VILLAGE ==================== Items -------- Good Herb - 50g Great Herb - 100g Revival Medicine - 160g Elixir - 120g Accuracy Leaf - 140g Evasion Leaf - 140g Spirit Stones - 3g/each Weapon Parts -------- Sapphire Coating - 860g Diamond Coating - 1200g Aiming Device - 240g Luminous Moss - 360g Soot of Darkness - 360g Puterefied Beans - 1000g Mute Stone - 1600g Accessories -------- Bone Armband - 320g Steel Armband - 750g Jade Beads - 420g Bewitiching Beads - 980g Gale Headband - 1200g White Charm - 780g Black Charm - 780g Anti-Slothian - 5600g Airship Parts -------- None ====== PEISUS ====== Items -------- Great Herb - 100g Strongest Herb - 150g Ancient Herb - 240g Revival Medicine - 160g Elixir - 120g Anti-Poison Cologne - 260g Mint Cologne - 260g Smooth 'n Dry Cologne - 260g Poison Firecracker - 360g Sleep Firecracker - 360g Super-Duper Bomb - 680g Spirit Stones - 3g/each Weapon Parts -------- Sapphire Coating - 860g Diamond Coating - 1200g Poison Apple Essence - 1200g Napping Bell - 1000g Putrefied Beans - 1000g Mute Stone - 1600g Accessories -------- Bone Armband - 320g Steel Armband - 750g Jade Beads - 420g Bewitching Beads - 980g Steel Turtle Armband - 680g Pitcher's Tale - 740g Stone Bag - 860g Airship Parts -------- None ======== MILMARNA ======== Items -------- Great Herb - 100g Strongest Herb - 150g Ancient Herb - 240g Revival Medicine - 160g Elixir - 120g Attack Bottle - 220g Blabbermouth Cologne - 260g Memory Cologne - 320g Nervy Cologne - 320g Anti-Reaper Cologne - 460g Strength Drain - 120g Guard Drain - 120g Mind Drain - 120g Agility Drain - 120g Lamda's Wonder Cure - 200g Iron Arm - 240g Full Sails Tonic - 260g Spirit Stones - 3g/each Weapon Parts -------- Sapphire Coating - 860g Diamond Coating - 1200g Aiming Device - 240g Guard Support - 260g Traitor's Soul - 860g Luminous Moss - 360g Soot of Darkness - 360g Accessories -------- Bone Armband - 320g Steel Armband - 750g Jade Beads - 420g Bewitching Beads - 980g Gale Headband - 1200g Stone Holder - 240g Airship Parts -------- Type 1 Ruby Lens - 200g Type 2 Ruby Lens - 360g Blue Power Lens - 280g Simple Booster - 860g =================== THE DILZWELD EMPIRE =================== Items -------- First-Aid Kit - 80g Rescue Kit - 240g Revival Medicine - 160g Elixir - 120g Lamda's Wonder Cure - 200g Nervy Cologne - 320g Anti-Reaper Cologne - 460g Purple Memory Grass - 120g Numbness Apple - 140g Assassin Ball - 240g Sticky Firecracker - 360g Silence Firecracker - 360g Bomb - 120g Super Bomb - 320g Super-Duper Bomb - 680g Dilz Bomb - 1200g Spirit Stones - 4g/each Weapon Parts -------- Guard Support - 240g Sapphire Coating - 860g Diamond Coating - 1200g Aiming Device - 240g Luminous Moss - 360g Soot of Darkness - 360g Putrefied Beans - 1000g Mute Stone - 1600g Unit 64K - 1000g Accessories -------- Bone Armband - 320g Steel Armband - 750g Jade Beads - 420g Bewitching Beads - 980g Stone Bag - 860g Scroll of Evasion - 960g Gale Headband - 1200g Pitcher's Tale - 740g Airship Parts -------- Type 3 Ruby Lens - 680g Medium Green Lens - 460g Max Blue Lens - 560g Noah - Double Amplifier - 1200g *************** DEIMOS SHOPS *************** ================= ORCOTH, CHAPTER 1 ================= Items -------- Phoenix Blood - 100g (Quantity: 1) Healing Herb - 20g Good Herb - 50g Revival Medicine - 160g Antitoxic Nut - 30g Soap - 40g Attack Bottle - 220g Spirit Stones - 2g/each Weapon Parts -------- None Accessories -------- None Pyron Foods -------- None ============================ ORCOTH, CHAPTER 2 AND BEYOND ============================ Items -------- Healing Herb - 20g Good Herb - 50g Revival Medicine - 160g Antitoxic Nut - 30g Mint - 30g Soap - 40g Painful Needle - 40g Green Memory Grass - 50g Nerve Stimulant - 50g Poison Drug - 80g Sleeping Pill - 80g Sticky Beans - 60g Spirit Stones - 2g/each Weapon Parts -------- Stone Coating - 120g Iron Skewer - 240g Gunpowder - 240g Aquamarine - 240g Accessories -------- Leather Armband - 120g Stone Holder - 240g Pyron Foods -------- None ======= RUELOON ======= Items -------- Healing Herb - 20g Good Herb - 50g Revival Medicine - 160g Antitoxic Nut - 30g Mint - 30g Green Memory Grass - 50g Nerve Stimulant - 50g Elixir - 120g Poison Drug - 80g Sleeping Pill - 80g Sticky Beans - 60g Yellow Powder - 100g Coleopt Froth - 160g (Only from Woman in Alley, only before first Coleopt Shrine battle) Spirit Stones - 2/each Weapon Parts -------- Stone Coating - 120g Amethyst Coating - 320g Heavy Blade - 520g Steel Spike - 460g Thorn of Revenge - 240g Aiming Device - 240g Aquamarine - 240g Catfish Whiskers - 240g Accessories -------- Leather Armband - 120g Bone Armband - 320g Crystal Beads - 200g Jade Beads - 420g Armored Swallowtail - 520g Stone Holder - 240g Pyron Foods -------- Red Berry - 12g Green Fruit - 16g Deep Green Creeper - 45g Tumble Grass - 120g ================== THE COLEOPT SHRINE ================== (only after first Coleopt Shrine battle) Items -------- Attack Leaf - 160g Guard Leaf - 160g Critical Leaf - 160g Accuracy Leaf - 140g Evasion Leaf - 140g Coleopt Froth - 160g Spirit Stones - 3g/each Weapon Parts -------- Gunpowder - 240g Aquamarine - 240g Accessories -------- None Pyron Foods -------- Red Berry - 12g Green Nettle - 22g Soft Grass - 240g ========= DRAKYRNIA ========= Items -------- Healing Herb - 20g Good Herb - 50g Great Herb - 100g Revival Medicine - 160g Elixir - 120g Full Sails Tonic - 260g Poison Drug - 80g Sleeping Pill - 80g Sticky Beans - 60g Yellow Powder - 100g Poison Firecracker - 360g Sleep Firecracker - 360g Sticky Firecracker - 360g Silence Firecracker - 360g Spirit Stones - 3/each Weapon Parts -------- Amethyst Coating - 320g Sapphire Coating - 860g Aiming Device - 240g Heavy Blade - 520g Steel Spike - 460g Spirit Windmill - 240g Catfish Whiskers - 240g Sleep Bug Eggs - 860g Accessories -------- Bone Armband - 320g Jade Beads - 420g Green Charm - 480g Stone Holder - 240g Rabbit Stuffed Animal - 1200g Pyron Foods -------- Witch Blood Flower - 32g Green Nettle - 22g Green Dahlia - 34g Blue Snake Ivy - 200g Soft Grass - 240g ========= BARBADOTH ========= Items -------- Good Herb - 50g Great Herb - 100g Ancient Herb - 240g Revival Medicine - 160g Elixir - 120g Accuracy Leaf - 140g Evasion Leaf - 140g Lamda's Wonder Cure - 200g Nervy Cologne - 320g Anti-Reaper Cologne - 460g Iron Arm - 240g Full Sails Tonic - 260g Super Bomb - 320g Super-Duper Bomb - 680g Spirit Stones - 4g/each Weapon Parts -------- Sapphire Coating - 860g Diamond Coating - 1200g Aiming Device - 240g Traitor's Soul - 860g Spirit Windmill - 240g Catfish Whiskers - 240g Mouth-Sealing Needle - 860g Death Ant Nectar - 3600g Accessories -------- Bone Armband - 320g Steel Armband - 750g Titanium Armband - 1200g Jade Beads - 420g Bewitching Beads - 980g Stone Bag - 860g Gale Headband - 1200g Armored Swallowtail - 520g Pyron Foods -------- Hungry Red Tendrill - 50g Blue Fruit - 30g Blue Ice Waterweed - 50g Shiny Grass - 200g Soft Grass - 240g ============= AZER SPRINGS ============= Items -------- Good Herb - 50g Great Herb - 100g Strongest Herb - 150g Revival Medicine - 160g Elixir - 120g Purple Memory Grass - 120g Numbness Apple - 140g Assassin Ball - 240g Poison Firecracker - 360g Sleep Firecracker - 360g Super-Duper Bomb -680g Dilz Bomb - 1200g Spirit Stones - 4g/each Weapon Parts -------- Traitor's Soul - 860g Guard Support - 260g Sapphire Coating - 860g Diamond Coating - 1200g Aiming Device - 240g Gunpowder - 240g Luminous Moss - 360g Soot of Darkness - 360g Poison Apple Essence - 1200g Napping Bell - 1000g Mute Stone - 1600g Accessories -------- Bone Armband - 320g Steel Armband - 750g Jade Beads - 420g Bewitching Beads - 920g White Charm - 780g Black Charm - 780g Stone Bag - 860g Armored Swallowtail - 520g Pyron Foods -------- Witch Blood Flower - 32g Green Dahlia - 34g Blue Ice Waterweed - 50g Blue Flower - 160g Shiny Grass - 200g Soft Grass - 240g Droopy Grass - 420g ================= THE FLYING CASTLE ================= Items -------- Great Herb - 100g Strongest Herb - 150g Ancient Herb - 240g Revival Medicine - 160g Elixir - 120g Dark Balm - 80g Silence Firecracker - 360g Confusion Firecracker - 420g Paralysis Firecracker - 560g Assassin Firecracker - 860g Super Bomb - 320g Super-Duper Bomb - 680g Spirit Stones - 4g/each Weapon Parts -------- Diamond Coating - 1200g Traitor's Soul - 860g Guard Support - 260g Critical Hit Support - 320g Accessories -------- Titanium Armband - 1200g Bewitching Beads - 980g Satan's Beads - 1500g Gale Headband - 1200g Stone Bag - 860g Pyron Foods -------- Witch Blood Flower - 32g Green Nettle - 22g Green Dahlia - 34g Blue Snake Ivy - 200g Tumble Grass - 120g Shiny Grass - 200g Soft Grass - 240g Airship Parts -------- Blue Elec Giant Lens Mod - 1400g Neutrino Charge - 3200g ---------------------------------------------------------- 5.3 - Skill List ========== KHARG ========== Fang Breaker Blade ------------------ Starts Learned; 14 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 1 Damages, Lowers ATT: One Enemy Quote: 'Oh wind, grant this sword the power of justice! Fang-Breaker Blade!' Whirlwind Crusher ----------------- 200 SP; 18 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 3 Damages, Lowers DEF: One Enemy Quote: 'Dancing blade, destroy the enemy! Whirlwind Helmet Crusher!' Power Shot ---------- 160 SP; 16 Spirit Stones/Use Class level 2 Damages, Wind Element: One Enemy Quote: 'Taste the windblade of fury! Power Shot!' Power Wave ---------- 1600 SP; 25 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 7 Damages, Wind Element: Enemies in a Forward Arc Quote: 'Taste the windblade of fury! Power Wave!' Windblade Waltz --------------- 1200 SP; 20 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 6 Damages: Enemies Surrounding Kharg Quote: 'Oh lashing whirlwind, become my blade! Windblade Waltz!' Windblade Fury -------------- 2200 SP; 30 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 8 Damages: Enemies Surrounding Kharg Quote: 'Oh mighty wind, may you consume all! Windblade Fury!' Raise Spirits ------------- 500 SP; 12 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 5 Raises Tension Gauge: Allies Surrounding Kharg, Kharg Quote: 'Alright. Let's concentrate...' Mind-Scan --------- 100 SP; 12 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 2 Raises CRI: Kharg Quote: 'I put my soul in this sword....' One Last Chance --------------- 100 SP; 12 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 1 Raises ATT, Lowers DEF: Kharg Quote: 'Here goes nothing....' Cure ---- Learns automatically after second Scrappe Plateau Battle; 8 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 3 Heals 25% HP: One Ally Quote: 'May a healing wind blow, and rain down new strength! Cure!' Healing Rain ------------ 540 SP; 12 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 4 Heals 50% MHP: Allies Around Kharg, Kharg Quote: 'Let the blessed rain give us new power! Healing Rain!' Vital Energy ------------ 1600 SP; 20 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 7 Heals 75% MHP: Allies Around Kharg, Kharg Quote: 'Gentle wind, ease the wounds of body and mind. Vital Energy!' Wind Slasher ------------ Learns automatically after second Scrappe Plateau Battle SP; 10 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 2 Damages, Wind Element: One Enemy Quote: 'Oh cyclone, mow down the enemies before me! Wind Slasher!' Tornado ------- 580 SP; 20 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 5 Damages, Wind Element: Group of Enemies Quote: 'Behold! The unstoppable tornado! Tornado!' Refresh ------- 400 SP; 10 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 4 Removes Negative Status: Group of Allies Quote: 'Oh pure wind, cleanse this vile place! Refresh!' Resurrection ------------ 600 SP; 18 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 5 Resurrects: One Ally Quote: 'Winds of war, call forth the strength for battle! Revive!' ========== PAULETTE ========== First Aid --------- Starts Learned; 6 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 1 Heals: One Ally Quote: 'To heal your wounds...' Sling Knife ----------- 60 SP; 10 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 1 Damages, Fire Element: One Enemy Quote: 'Once I get you, you'll never escape! Sling Knife!' Fire Sling ---------- 600 SP; 20 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 4 Damages, Fire Element: Enemies in Forward Arc Quote: 'Oh shooting stars, smash our enemies! Fire Sling!' Stinging Rain ------------ 480 SP; 16 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 3 Damages: Group of Enemies Quote: 'I'll show you the dance of shooting stars! Stinging Rain!' Burning Rain ------------ 1800 SP; 25 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 7 Damages, Fire Element: Group of Enemies Quote: 'I'll show you the dance of shooting stars! Burning Rain!' Heat Cannon ----------- 600 SP; 20 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 6 Damages, Fire Element: One Enemy Quote: 'Fly, fly flames of fury! Heat Cannon!' Heat Cyclone ------------ 2500 SP; 30 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 8 Damages, Fire Element: Enemies in a Line Quote: 'Fly, fly flames of fury! Heat Cyclone!' Antidote Treatment ------------------ 100 SP; 8 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 2 Cures Negative Status: One Ally Quote: 'Back to your old self!' Psyche-Up Charge ---------------- 600 SP; 14 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 6 Raises Tension Gauge: Paulette Quote: 'Must concentrate...' Mental Focus ------------ 400 SP; 14 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 3 Increases MNT: Paulette Quote: 'I'll attack with all my might!' Mind-Scan --------- 380 SP; 12 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 4 Increases CRI: Paulette Quote: 'This'll blow your mind...' Interceptor Stance ------------------ 400 SP; 12 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 4 Increases CNT: Paulette Quote: 'Coming back at you!' Defensive Stance ---------------- 1600 SP; 12 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 6 Increases GRD: Paulette Quote: 'You'll never get me now!' Steel Wall Guard ---------------- 600 SP; 14 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 5 Increases DEF: Paulette Quote: 'No getting through this.' Hypnotize --------- 200 SP; 14 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 3 Adds Sleep: One Enemy Quote: 'How 'bout a little nap?' Sign of Silence --------------- 160 SP; 14 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 2 Adds Silence: One Enemy Quote: 'I've heard enough out of you.' ========== MARU ========== First Aid --------- 280 SP; 6 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 3 Heals: One Ally Quote: 'This will fix you up!' Venom Arrow ----------- Starts Learned; 16 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 1 Damages, Adds Poison: Group of Enemies Quote: 'Watch the arrows rain down! Venom Arrow!' Silent Arrow ------------ 420 SP; 20 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 3 Damages, Adds Silence: Group of Enemies Quote: 'Watch the arrows rain down! Silent Arrow!' Binding Arrow ------------- 680 SP; 24 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 4 Damages, Adds Paralysis: Group of Enemies Quote: 'Watch the arrows rain down! Binding Arrow!' Hunting Arrow ------------- 520 SP; 20 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 6 Damages: Group of Enemies Quote: 'We got a big one on our hands! Hunting Arrow!' Great Hunter ------------ 2200 SP; 40 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 8 Damages: Group of Enemies Quote: 'We got a big one on our hands! Great Hunter!' Shuffle Shot ------------ 2000 SP; 36 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 7 Damages, Dark Element: One Enemy Quote: I'll shiskabob ya! Shuffle Shot!' Maru's Story Time ----------------- 180 SP; 12 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 2 Adds Sleep: Enemies Around Maru Quote: 'I feel like talkin'! Everyone gather 'round!' Maru's Big News --------------- 550 SP; 20 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 5 Adds Confusion: Enemies Around Maru Quote: 'When the prince talks, you listen!' Antidote Treatment ------------------ 100 SP; 8 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 1 Heals Negative Status: One Ally Quote: 'They can't keep ya down!' Mind-Scan --------- 450 SP; 12 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 4 Raises CRI: Maru Quote: 'I'll shiskabob ya!' Setting Aim ----------- 580 SP; 10 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 6 Raises HIT: Maru Quote: 'Once it's in my sights, it's mine!' Defensive Stance ---------------- 720 SP; 12 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 5 Raises GRD: Maru Quote: 'Bring it on!' Psyche-Up Charge ---------------- 450 SP; 14 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 8 Raises Tension Gauge: Maru Quote: 'I'm all psyched up!' Steal ----- 220 SP; 3 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 2 Steals Item: One Enemy Quote: 'Give it to the prince!' Steal Lv2 --------- 550 SP; 8 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 7 Steals Item: One Enemy Quote: 'What's yours is mine!' ========== GANZ ========== First Aid --------- 600 SP; 6 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 6 Heals: One Ally Quote: 'No wimping out!' Rolling Axe ----------- Starts Learned; 12 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 1 Damages: Enemies Around Ganz Quote: 'Souls of the land, give me strength! Rolling Axe!' Speed Storm ----------- 480 SP; 24 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 4 Damages: Enemies Around Ganz Quote: 'Souls of the land, give me strength! Speed Storm!' Bone Crush ---------- 100 SP; 20 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 2 Damages, Lowers ATT: Enemies in a Line Quote: 'I'll grind you to fine powder. Bone Crush!' Skull Crush ----------- 600 SP; 25 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 5 Damages, Lowers DEF: Enemies in a Line Quote: 'I'll grind you to fine powder. Skull Crush!' Extreme Grenade --------------- 1600 SP; 20 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 7 Damages: Group of Enemies Quote: 'My steel axe shall smash everything! Extreme Grenade!' Titan Grenade ------------- 2400 SP; 30 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 8 Damages: Group of Enemies Quote: 'I'll smash you to smithereens! Titan Grenade!' Antidote Treatment ------------------ 500 SP; 8 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 7 Cures Negative Status: One Ally Quote: 'This'll do the trick.' Power Charge ------------ 240 SP; 14 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 3 Increases ATT: Ganz Quote: 'Let me handle the attack.' Psyche-Up Charge ---------------- 240 SP; 14 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 3 Raises Tension Gauge: Ganz Quote: 'Now's your chance to run!' Interceptor Stance ------------------ 40 SP; 12 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 1 Raises CNT: Ganz Quote: 'My comeback is your broken bones!' Mind-Scan --------- 800 SP; 12 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 6 Raises CRI: Ganz Quote: 'Taste the edge of my axe!' Steel Wall Guard ---------------- 150 SP; 14 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 2 Raises DEF: Ganz Quote: 'Let's focus on defense!' Defensive Stance ---------------- 700 SP; 12 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 8 Raises GRD: Ganz Quote: 'Okay. Bring it on!' Transfer -------- 600 SP; 10 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 5 Gives Extra Turn: One Ally Quote: 'It's your turn now.' Intimidation ------------ 400 SP; 10 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 4 Decreases SPD: One Enemy Quote: 'Stay back. You're in my way.' ========== TATJANA ========== Medical Machine --------------- Starts Learned; 26 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 1 Heals 100% MHP: Allies Around Tatjana, Tatjana Quote: 'More medical experiments, eh? Medical Machine!' Sigma-Gale ---------- Starts Learned; 16 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 3 Damages, Light Element: One Enemy Quote: 'Magic is no match for science. Sigma-Gale!' Sigma-Storm ----------- 800 SP; 32 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 8 Damages, Light Element: Group of Enemies Quote: 'Magic is no match for science. Sigma-Storm!' Sigma-Revive ------------ 340 SP; 20 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 5 Resurrects: One Ally Quote: 'Feel the wonder of science. Sigma-Revive!' Element Guard ------------- 260 SP; 18 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 4 Fire Res +50, Water Res +50, Earth Res +50, Wind Res +50, Light Res +50, Dark Res +50: Allies Around Tatjana, Tatjana Quote: 'Science, protect us! Element Guard!' Mirage Field ------------ Starts Learned; 16 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 2 Enemies cannot attack Tatjana for three of her turns: Tatjana Quote: 'Just try and find me. Mirage Field!' Hypnotize --------- 600 SP; 14 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 7 Adds Sleep: One Enemy Quote: 'Goodnight, little one...' Sign of Silence --------------- 380 SP; 14 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 6 Adds Silence: One Enemy Quote: 'Quiet down....' ========== SAMSON ========== Light Shot ---------- Starts Learned; 12 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 1 Damages, Light Element: One Enemy Sharp Shooter ------------- Starts Learned; 28 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 2 Damages: One Enemy Gatling Gun ----------- 100 SP; 10 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 4 Damages: One Enemy Raise Spirits ------------- 400 SP; 12 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 5 Raises Tension Gauge: Allies Around Samson, Samson ========== DARC ========== Claws of Rage ------------- Learned Automatically Before First Church Ruins Battle; 12 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 1 Damages: One Enemy Quote: 'You shall know my fury!'s this?' Vampire Fang ------------ 600 SP; 26 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 5 Damages: One Enemy; Heals: Darc Quote: 'I shall devour your soul. Die!' Sword of Awakening ------------------ 270 SP; 24 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 3 Damages: Enemies Around Darc Quote: 'Prepare to die! Sword of Awakening!' Dragon Fang Sword ----------------- 860 SP; 32 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 7 Damages: Enemies Around Darc Quote: 'I'll destroy you all! ...Dragon Fang Sword of Awkening!' Raise Spirits ------------- 200 SP; 20 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 3 Raises Tension Gauge: Darc Quote: 'Kill all the enemy dogs!' Steal ----- 120 SP; 3 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 2 Steals Item: One Enemy Quote: 'I'll take what I want.' Intimidation ------------ 400 SP; 10 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 4 Decreases SPD: One Enemy Quote: 'Come on, if you wanna die!' Cure ---- Starts Learned; 8 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 1 Heals 25% MHP: One Ally Quote: 'Soothing breeze, lend my your strength! Cure!' Wind Slasher ------------ Starts Learned; 10 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 1 Damages, Wind Element: One Enemy Quote: 'Rend my enemies, oh blades of the wind! Wind Slasher!' Tornado ------- 400 SP; 20 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 4 Damages, Wind Element: Group of Enemies Quote: 'Swallow my enemies, oh storm of the wind! Tornado!' Air Blade --------- 2400 SP; 36 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 8 Damages, Wind Element: Enemies Around Darc Quote: 'Ripping wind, tear all to shreds! Air Blade!' Refresh ------- 200 SP; 10 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 3 Cures Negative Status: Group of Allies Quote: 'Oh cooling wind, heal this body! Refresh!' Speed Up -------- 800 SP; 12 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 6 Raises SPD: Group of Allies Quote: 'Oh mighty whirlwind, stand behind us! Speed Up!' Raging Soul ----------- 1000 SP; 16 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 6 Raises ATT: Group of Allies Quote: 'Fiery winds, call up the burning heart! Raging Soul!' Slow Enemy ---------- 600 SP; 12 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 5 Decreases SPD: Group of Enemies Quote: 'May the heavy air embrace the enemy. Slow Enemy!' Pure Silence ------------ 1200 SP; 14 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 7 Adds Silence: Group of Enemies Quote: 'Oh peaceful wind, quiet the enemy. Pure Silence!' ========== DELMA ========== Cure ---- 150 SP; 8 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 2 Heals 25% MHP: One Ally Quote: 'Guess it's time for some healing. Cure!' Healing Rain ------------ 600 SP; 12 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 5 Heals 50% MHP: Allies Around Delma, Delma Quote: 'You're about to die, ya know. Healing Rain!' Flaming Arrow ------------- Starts Learned; 10 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 1 Damages, Fire Element: One Enemy Quote: 'Here I come. Feel my rage! Flaming Arrow.' Fire Storm ---------- 200 SP; 16 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 3 Damages, Fire Element: Group of Enemies Quote: 'Feel my rage! Fire Storm!' Explosion --------- 1840 SP; 38 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 6 Damages, Fire Element: Group of Enemies Quote: 'Taste the flames of hell! Explosion!' Wind Slasher ------------ 400 SP; 10 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 4 Damages, Wind Element: One Enemy Quote: 'I'll shred everything! Wind Slasher!' Tornado ------- 1000 SP; 20 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 8 Damages, Wind Element: Group of Enemies Quote: 'I'll kick your ass! Tornado!' Stone Rush ---------- 600 SP; 14 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 5 Damages, Earth Element: One Enemy Quote: 'I'll pulverize you! Stone Rush!' Earthquake ---------- 1200 SP; 20 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 7 Damages, Earth Element: Group of Enemies Quote: 'I'm gonna smash you! Earthquake!' (Sounds more like 'Arc Quake') Divide ------ 1200 SP; 16 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 8 Damages: One Enemy; Heals: Delma Quote: 'I'll take...your life! Divide!' Refresh ------ 50 SP; 10 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 2 Cures Negative Status: Group of Allies Quote: 'What the hell...what are you thinkin'? Refresh!' Resurrection ------------ 1200 SP; 18 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 7 Resurrects: One Ally Quote: 'What the....why should I have to look out for you!?! Resurrection!' Magic Shield ------------ 300 SP; 14 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 3 Fire Res +50, Water Res +50, Earth Res +50, Wind Res +50, Light Res +50, Dark Res +50: Group of Allies Quote: 'Agh. Quit your flinchin'. Magic Shield!' Speed Up -------- Starts Learned; 12 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 1 Raises SPD: Group of Allies Quote: 'Move your feet, we've gotta strike now! Speed Up!' Guard Field ----------- 700 SP; 14 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 6 Raises DEF: Group of Allies Quote: 'Guard, and counter. Guard Field!' Raging Soul ----------- 550 SP; 16 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 4 Raises ATT: Group of Allies Quote: 'Hey. Watch me kick some butt. Raging Soul!' ========== DENSIMO ========== Flaming Arrow ----------- Starts Learned; 10 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 1 Damages, Fire Element: One Enemy Divide ------ 200 SP; 16 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 2 Damages: One Enemy; Heals: Densimo Guard Field ------------ Starts Learned; 10 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 1 Raises DEF: Group of Allies Raging Soul ----------- 50 SP; 16 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 2 Raises ATT: Group of Allies ========== VOLK ========== Cure ---- 800 SP; 8 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 5 Heals 25% MHP: One Ally Quote: 'Be strong. The battle wages on! Cure!' Water Crash ----------- Starts Learned; 12 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 1 Damages, Water Element: One Enemy Quote: 'Oh flowing water, crash the enemy!' Blizzard -------- 320 SP; 18 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 3 Damages, Water Element: Group of Enemies Quote: 'Oh icy blizzard, rage up a storm! Blizzard!' Diamond Dust ------------ 2400 SP; 34 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 8 Damages, Water Element: Group of Enemies Quote: 'Shatter everything, oh freezing fangs! Diamond Dust!' Wind Slasher ------------ 700 SP; 10 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 6 Damages, Wind Element: One Enemy Quote: 'Storm violently, oh clawed wind! Wind Slasher!' Stone Rush ---------- 860 SP; 14 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 7 Damages, Earth Element: One Enemy Quote: 'Crush the enemy, oh raining rock! Stone Rush!' Refresh ------- 320 SP; 10 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 5 Cures Negative Stauts: Group of Allies Quote: 'We haven't lost yet. Refresh!' Speed Up -------- 800 SP; 12 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 6 Raises SPD: Group of Allies Quote: 'He who strikes first has the upper hand! Speed Up!' Guard Field ----------- 100 SP; 14 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 2 Raises DEF: Group of Allies Quote: 'Like a steel wall, tighten the defense! Guard Field!' Heated Soul ----------- Starts Learned; 16 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 1 Raises ATT: Group of Allies Quote: 'My hot blood and my fighting spirit boil and burn! Heated Soul!' Slow Enemy ---------- 400 SP; 12 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 4 Decreases SPD: Group of Enemies Quote: 'He who is slow is destined to lose. Slow Enemy!' System Shock ------------ 260 SP; 14 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 3 Decreases DEF: Group of Enemies Quote: 'Shiver in fear from my blood curtling howl! System Shock!' Power Loss ---------- 120 SP; 12 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 2 Decreases ATT: Group of Enemies Quote: 'Discourage the enemies, and dull their wits! Power Loss!' Pure Silence ------------ 680 SP; 14 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 4 Adds Silence: Group of Enemies Quote: 'The chatter shall cease. Hold your tongue! Pure Silence!' Sleepy Wind ----------- 860 SP; 16 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 7 Adds Sleep: Group of Enemies Quote: 'For you, an everlasting sleep. Sleeping Wind!' Paralyzing Wind --------------- 1200 SP; 20 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 8 Adds Paralysis: Group of Enemies Quote: 'My foes, stop dead in your tracks! Paralyzing Wind!' ========== CAMELLIA ========== Cure ---- Starts Learned; 8 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 1 Heals 25% MHP: One Ally Quote: 'I welcome you, oh soothing breeze. Cure.' Healing Rain ------------ Starts Learned; 12 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 1 Heals 50% MHP: Allies Around Camellia, Camellia Quote: 'May you be overjoyed, 'tis the blessed rain. Healing Rain!' Vital Energy ------------ 640 SP; 20 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 5 Heals 75% MHP: Allies Around Camellia, Camellia Quote: ''tis my love. Please accept it. Stone Rush ---------- Starts Learned; 14 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 1 Damages, Earth Element: One Enemy Quote: 'Oh rain of stone, rain down on the enemy. Stone Rush!' Earthquake ---------- 560 SP; 20 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 4 Damages, Earth Element: Group of Enemies Quote: 'You shall feel the rage of the land. Earthquake!' Meteor Fall ----------- 1200 SP; 36 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 6 Damages, Earth Element: Group of Enemies Quote: 'Oh stream of stars, hear my call! Meteor Fall!' Divide ------ 1000 SP; 10 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 3 Damages: One Enemy; Heals: Camellia Quote: 'May you offer yourself to me. Divide!' Refresh ------- 200 SP; 10 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 3 Cures Negative Status: Group of Allies Quote: 'Thou livest pure? Refresh!' Magic Shield ------------ 400 SP; 14 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 4 Fire Res +50, Water Res +50, Earth Res +50, Wind Res +50, Light Res +50, Dark Res +50: Group of Allies Quote: ''tis a mystic Aegis! Magic Shield!' Guard Field ----------- 680 SP; 14 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 6 Raises DEF: Group of Allies Quote: 'I have not forgotten. Guard Field!' Slow Enemy ---------- 720 SP; 12 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 8 Decreases SPD: Group of Enemies Quote: 'Slow down a bit, will you? Slow Enemy!' System Shock ------------ 860 SP; 14 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 7 Decreases DEF: Group of Enemies Quote: 'Loosen up, my dear. System Shock!' Power Loss ---------- 860 SP; 16 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 7 Decreases ATT: Group of Enemies Quote: 'Please do lighten up. Power Loss!' Pure Silence ------------ 100 SP; 14 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 2 Adds Silence: Group of Enemies Quote: 'Silence, insolent cretin! Pure Silence!' Sleepy Wind ----------- 100 SP; 16 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 2 Adds Sleep: Group of Enemies Quote: 'May you have sweet dreams of me. Sleeping Wind!' Paralyzing Wind --------------- 720 SP; 20 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 5 Adds Paralysis: Group of Enemies Quote: 'There is poison in this pretty little flower. Paralyzing Wind!' ========== BEBEDORA ========== Mind Control ------------ Starts Learned; 10 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 1 Converts to Your Control: One Enemy Quote: 'My puppet's threads weave a web of despair. Mind Control!' Black Out --------- Starts Learned; 18 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 1 Damages, Dark Element: One Enemy Quote: 'Darkness, lend me your power. Black Out!' Dark Extreme ------------ 1200 SP; 36 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 8 Damages, Dark Element: Group of Enemies Quote: 'Limitless darkness, weave your despair! Dark Extreme!' Divide ------ 960 SP; 16 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 6 Damages: One Enemy; Heals: Bebedora Quote: 'I shall suck the life right out of you. Divide.' Inferno ------- 580 SP; 16 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 3 Damages, Fire Element: Group of Enemies Quote: 'Blazing flames, show them true suffering! Inferno!' Tornado ------- 640 SP; 20 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 3 Damages, Wind Element: Group of Enemies Quote: 'Swirling green, paint all in fear! Tornado!' Resurrection ------------ 160 SP; 18 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 2 Resurrects: One Ally Quote: 'Threads of fortune, spin life back! Revive!' Pure Silence ------------ 600 SP; 14 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 4 Adds Silence: Group of Enemies Quote: 'Curtains of the night, close and bring silence. Pure Silence!' Sleepy Wind ----------- 820 SP; 16 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 5 Adds Sleep: Group of Enemies Quote: Night wind, blow a breeze of sleep. Sleeping Wind!' Paralyzing Wind --------------- 1100 SP; 20 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 7 Adds Paralysis: Group of Enemies Quote: 'Heavy are the limbs that you will rest. Paralyzing Wind!' ========== DIEKBECK ========== ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NOTE: Diekbeck's speech is largely unintelligible for me, I'm sorry if his quotes are off. Same goes for Choco. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Fire Blast ---------- Starts Learned; 16 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 1 Damages, Fire Element: Enemies in Forward Arc Quote: 'Ah, it's hot. Fire Blast!' Divine Judgement ---------------- 700 SP; 36 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 5 Damages, Light Element: Group of Enemies Quote: "Eat this! Divine Judgement!" Diek-Break ---------- 1500 SP; 80 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 8 Damages: Enemies Around Diekbeck Quote: 'Oh....whatcha doin'? I'm fading fast...' Happy Rays ---------- 650 SP; 26 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 4 Raises ATT, DEF, SPD and MNT: One Ally Quote: 'I'll handle this. It's good to be alive. Happy Rays!' Cure ---- 50 SP; 8 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 2 Heals 25% MHP: One Ally Quote: 'Pull yourself together! Cure!' Healing Rain ------------ 600 SP; 12 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 6 Heals 50% MHP: Allies Around Diekbeck, Diekbeck Quote: 'I'll handle this. Healing Rain!' Refresh ------- 250 SP; 10 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 3 Cures Negative Status: Group of Allies Quote: 'How do you feel? Refresh!' Resurrection ------------ 1250 SP; 18 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 7 Resurrects: One Ally Quote: 'I'll handle this. Revive!' ========== CHOCO ========== Flare Up -------- Starts Learned; 20 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 1 Damages, Fire Element: Enemies in a Line Quote: 'Choco's really really gelated! Here I come, dun-dun-dun-dun-dah-dah! Disappear!' Splash Splash ------------- 250 SP; 20 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 3 Damages, Water Element: Group of Enemies Quote: 'Choco trying hard! Here I come, dun-dun-dun-dun-dah-dah! Get outta here!' Swoosh ------ 600 SP; 20 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 5 Damages, Wind Element: Enemies in a Line Quote: 'Choco trying hard! Here I come, dun-dun-dun-dun-dah-dah! Go!' Stone Skewer ------------ 1250 SP; 20 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 7 Damages, Earth Element: Enemies in a Line Quote: 'Choco's really really gelated! Here I come, dun-dun-dun-dun-dah-dah! Hiya!' Vital Energy ------------ 450 SP; 20 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 4 Heals 75% MHP: Allies Around Choco, Choco Quote: 'Cheer up everyone! Hiya!' Thunder Storm ------------- 800 SP; 32 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 6 Damages, Adds Death: Group of Enemies Quote: 'Here goes! Hiya!' Dark Extreme ------------ 1600 SP; 36 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 8 Damages, Dark Element: Group of Enemies Quote: 'Return to the darkness! Dark Extreme!' Resurrection ------------ 120 SP; 18 Spirit Stones/Use Class Level 2 Resurrects: One Ally Quote: 'Come back to life! Hiya!' ********************************************************** 6.0 - Other ---------------------------------------------------------- 6.1 - Pyron The Pyron's attacks are learned by maxing it's Inspiration Gauge. The attack that is then learned is dependant on the color of the Pyron's body (that is, the Energy Meter). The color of its body is determined by the food you feed it. Since food only comes in Red, Blue and Green, there are only a few possible colors. The Condition icon and color represent the area of effect and the energy expended by the Pyron's attacks. The brighter and happier the expression, the more expensive and larger the radius. The duller and more sullen, the cheaper and smaller. The Pyron can only have three attacks at a time. It will choose among them randomly when summoned. Should you learn a fourth skill, the first skill in your list will be erased. ========= ATTACKS ========= Cyclone Ball (Wind Elemental) (Learn Color: Green) Blast Ball (Fire Elemental) (Learn Color: Red) Quake Ball (Earth Elemental) (Learn Color: Yellow) Aqua Ball (Water Elemental) (Learn Color: Blue) Sleep Ball (Adds: Sleep) (Learn Color: Pale Green) Demon Ball (Adds: Death) (Learn Color: Gray) Venom Ball (Adds: Poison) (Learn Color: Purple) ====== FOODS ====== Blue Flower - Raises Inspiration, Raises Condition, Mixes Body Color with Blue Blue Fruit - Raises Inspiration, Lowers Condition, Mixes Body Color with Blue Blue Ice Waterweed - Raises Inspiration, Lowers Condition, Mixes Body Color with Blue Blue Snake Ivy - Raises Inspiration, Raises Condition, Mixes Body Color with Blue Deep Green Creeper - Raises Inspiration, Lowers Condition, Mixes Body Color with Green Droopy Grass - Lowers Condition Green Dahlia - Raises Inspiration, Raises Condition, Mixes Body Color with Green Green Fruit - Raises Inspiration, Raises Condition, Mixes Body Color with Green Green Nettle - Raises Inspiration, Lowers Condition, Mixes Body Color with Green Hungry Red Tendrill - Raises Inspiration, Lowers Condition, Mixes Body Color with Red Red Berry - Raises Inspiration, Raises Condition, Mixes Body Color with Red Shiny Grass - Raises Inspiration Soft Grass - Raises Condition Tumble Grass - Lowers Inspiration Witch Blood Flower - Raises Inspiration, Lowers Condition, Mixes Body Color with Red ---------------------------------------------------------- 6.2 - Big Owl The Big Owl's attack type is determined by the combination of colors of lenses you put on it. Its ATT, however, is determined by the strength of the WEAKEST lens it has equipped, as well as by the add-on items you put on it. The POWER statistic reflects the size of the area the attack will affect. I'll list the results of all possible lens combination types. Combining the same color of lens does nothing. In the equip menu, lenses are listed in descending order of power. ====== BASICS ====== You've only got four equip slots. The first three are for lenses only. The last one is for add-ons. The max Weapon Energy you can have at any one time is 999. You can only charge the Big Owl's Weapon Energy from the Airship screen, outside of battle. You get 5 Weapon Energy per 1 Spirit Stone. So, therefore, it costs about 200 Spirit Stones to fully charge the Big Owl from 0 Weapon Energy to 999. Logically, only Kharg can summon the Big Owl in combat, from his Special Moves menu. It can hit any point on the battlefield. ============ ATTACK TYPES ============ RED ALONE = Blast Laser (Fire Element) BLUE ALONE = Hydro Laser (Water Element) GREEN ALONE = Tornado Laser (Wind Element) RED + BLUE = Paralyzer (Adds: Paralysis) RED + GREEN = Rumble Laser (Earth Element) BLUE + GREEN = Panic Laser (Adds: Confusion) RED + BLUE + GREEN = Hyper Laser ================= LENS COMBINATIONS ================= ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NOTE: When I mark a Use Energy figure with a +, it means that number or more. The listed number is indicative of the lowest powered lens in the second category. Also, for the Hyper Laser, it only increases noticiblty in ATT and POW if the lenses are kept even. Therefore, I'll only list the four possible even combinations. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Type 1 Ruby Lens: Blast Laser; 108 ATT; 30% POW; 310 Energy/Use Type 2 Ruby Lens: Blast Laser; 165 ATT; 46% POW; 340 Energy/Use Type 3 Ruby Lens: Blast Laser; 223 ATT; 62% POW; 419 Energy/Use Type 4 Ruby Lens Proto: Blast Laser; 360 ATT; 100% POW; 490 Energy/Use Low Green Lens: Tornado Laser; 88 ATT; 26% POW; 284 Energy/Use Medium Green Lens: Tornado Laser; 142 ATT; 42% POW; 340 Energy/Use High Green Lens: Tornado Laser; 190 ATT; 56% POW; 419 Energy/Use Max Green Lens: Tornado Laser; 312 ATT; 92% POW; 465 Energy/Use Blue Beam Lens: Hydro Laser; 118 ATT; 32% POW; 319 Energy/Use Blue Power Lens: Hydro Laser; 192 ATT; 52% POW; 330 Energy/Use Max Blue Lens: Hydro Laser; 314 ATT; 85% POW; 424 Energy/Use Blue Elec Giant Lens Mod: Hydro Laser; 347 ATT; 94% POW; 479 Energy/Use Type 1 Ruby Lens + Low Green Lens: Rumble Laser; 101 ATT; 26% POW; 310 Energy/Use Type 1 Ruby Lens + Any Other Green Lens: Rumble Laser; 117 ATT; 30% POW; 340+ Energy/Use Type 2 Ruby Lens + Low Green Lens: Rumble Laser; 101 ATT; 26% POW; 340 Energy/Use Type 2 Ruby Lens + Medium Green Lens: Rumble Laser; 163 ATT; 42% POW; 340 Energy/Use Type 2 Ruby Lens + High/Max Green Lens: Rumble Laser; 179 ATT; 46% POW; 419+ Energy/Use Type 3 Ruby Lens + Low Green Lens: Rumble Laser; 101 ATT; 26% POW; 419 Energy/Use Type 3 Ruby Lens + Medium Green Lens: Rumble Laser; 163 ATT; 42% POW; 419 Energy/Use Type 3 Ruby Lens + High Green Lens: Rumble Laser; 218 ATT; 56% POW; 419 Energy/Use Type 3 Ruby Lens + Max Green Lens: Rumble Laser; 241 ATT; 62% POW; 465 Energy/Use Type 4 Ruby Lens Proto + Low Green Lens: Rumble Laser; 101 ATT; 26% POW; 490 Energy/Use Type 4 Ruby Lens Proto + Medium Green Lens: Rumble Laser; 163 ATT; 42% POW; 490 Energy/Use Type 4 Ruby Lens Proto + High Green Lens: Rumble Laser; 218 ATT; 56% POW; 490 Energy/Use Type 4 Ruby Lens Proto + Max Green Lens: Rumble Laser; 358 ATT; 92% POW; 490 Energy/Use Type 1 Ruby Lens + Blue Beam Lens: Paralyzer; 84 ATT; 30% POW; 319 Energy/Use Type 1 Ruby Lens + Any Other Blue Lens: Paralyzer; 84 ATT; 30% POW; 330+ Energy/Use Type 2 Ruby Lens + Blue Beam Lens: Paralyzer; 89 ATT; 32% POW; 340 Energy/Use Type 2 Ruby Lens + Any Other Blue Lens: Paralyzer; 128 ATT; 46% POW; 340+ Energy/Use Type 3 Ruby Lens + Blue Beam Lens: Paralyzer; 89 ATT; 32% POW; 419 Energy/Use Type 3 Ruby Lens + Blue Power Lens: Paralyzer; 145 ATT; 52% POW; 419 Energy/Use Type 3 Ruby Lens + Any Other Blue Lens: Paralyzer; 173 ATT; 62% POW; 424+ Energy/Use Type 4 Ruby Lens Proto + Blue Beam Lens: Paralyzer; 89 ATT; 32% POW; 490 Energy/Use Type 4 Ruby Lens Proto + Blue Power Lens: Paralyzer; 145 ATT; 52% POW; 490 Energy/Use Type 4 Ruby Lens Proto + Max Blue Lens: Paralyzer; 238 ATT; 85% POW; 490 Energy/Use Type 4 Ruby Lens Proto + Blue Elec Giant Lens Mod: Paralyzer; 263 ATT; 94% POW; 490 Energy/Use Low Green Lens + Any Blue Lens: Panic Laser; 72 ATT; 26% POW; 319+ Energy/Use Medium Green Lens + Blue Beam Lens: Panic Laser; 89 ATT; 32% POW; 340 Energy/Use Medium Green Lens + Any Other Blue Lens: Panic Laser; 117 ATT; 42% POW; 340+ Energy/Use High Green Lens + Blue Beam Lens: Panic Laser; 89 ATT; 32% POW; 419 Energy/Use High Green Lens + Blue Power Lens: Panic Laser; 145 ATT; 52% POW; 419 Energy/Use High Green Lens + Any Other Blue Lens: Panic Laser; 156 ATT; 56% POW; 424+ Energy/Use Max Green Lens + Blue Beam Lens: Panic Laser; 89 ATT; 32% POW; 465 Energy/Use Max Green Lens + Blue Power Lens: Panic Laser; 145 ATT; 52% POW; 465 Energy/Use Max Green Lens + Max Blue Lens: Panic Laser; 238 ATT; 85% POW; 465 Energy/Use Max Green Lens + Blue Elec Giant Lens Mod: Panic Laser; 257 ATT; 92% POW; 479 Energy/Use Type 1 Ruby Lens + Blue Beam Lens + Low Green Lens: Hyper Laser; 144 ATT; 26% POW; 319 Energy/Use Type 2 Ruby Lens + Blue Power Lens + Medium Green Lens: Hyper Laser; 233 ATT; 42% POW; 340 Energy/Use Type 3 Ruby Lens + Max Blue Lens + High Green Lens: Hyper Laser; 310 ATT; 56% POW; 424 Energy/Use Type 4 Ruby Lens Proto + Blue Elec Giant Lens Mod + Max Green Lens: Hyper Laser; 510 ATT; 92% POW; 490 Energy/Use ======= ADD-ONS ======= Neutrino Charge (Energy/Use +100%, ATT +83%, POW +83%) Noah - Double Amplifier (Energy/Use -10%, ATT +20%; POW +20%) Simple Booster (Energy/Use +75%, ATT +35%, POW +30%) Star Variable Amplifier (Energy/Use -20%) ********************************************************** 7.0 - Closing ---------------------------------------------------------- 7.1 - Contact Me The email's, so go ahead and drop me a line for any particular reason. Feedback, omission report, whatever. ---------------------------------------------------------- 7.2 - FAQ Locations If you find this guide elsewhere, that's not a good thing. :) ---------------------------------------------------------- 7.3 - Thanks Thanks to, Holy Swordsman48 and for reader submissions. I'd mostly like to thank CJayC for running GameFAQs and just for generally being alive. Also, all the lurking I did at the FAQ Contributors board at GameFAQs was helpful when I wrote this, so I thank everyone who has ever posted there, since I can't remember every single post I read.... Thanks to the people at the Arc the Lad: TOTS Board at GameFAQs. Thanks to CodecX for his Arena FAQ, which made my life a little easier. Thanks to GameFAQs and IGN for hosting. Thanks to you for reading. Oh, and thanks to Cattle Call and SCEA, of course. Duh. ********************************************************** Show me what ya got, Darc!