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Also, plagiarizers are cretins. :D ############################################ Sites that may use this script: www.gamefaqs.com www.gametalk.com www.neoseeker.com www.cheatplanet.com www.cavesofnarshe.com www.1up.com www.supercheats.com www.honestgamers.com ############################################ Version History ############################################ 6-11-05 - Chapter One (Kharg) documented. 6-12-05 - Chapter One (Darc) documented. 6-18-05 - Chapter Two (Kharg) documented. 7-14-05 - Chapter Two (Darc) documented. (Don't call me lazy...) 7-17-05 - Chapter Three (Kharg) documented. 7-18-05 - Chapter Three (Darc) documented. 7-19-05 - Chapter Four (Kharg) documented. 7-19-05 - Chapter Four (Darc) documented. 7-20-05 - Chapter Five (Kharg) documented. 7-24-05 - Chapter Six (Kharg) documented. 7-25-05 - Chapter Six (Kharg/Darc) documented. 7-25-05 - Closing and Thanks added. 1-12-06 - Updated guide to get rid of all the nasty spaces that augmented the file's size, and corrected grammatical errors as I went along. ############################################ ---------------------- Notes about the Script ---------------------- -Repetitive text-box dialogue is merged into one speech prompt. -Cutscene dialogue has also been merged into one speech prompt. -Cutscene dialogue has no label to say who is speaking, so I’ve added in that part (i.e. Kharg, Nafia, etc.) -Names are not referred to by their real names unless someone refers to them in-game as their real names. In simpler terms, Kharg, for instance, isn’t “Kharg” until someone has called him that in dialogue. -Targets or locations that are highlighted in dialogue are bracketed in the script. -Most silences (...) that are overly long are usually a result of two text boxes formed together. Just look at that as a exceptionally long pause. -Some clarification prompts have been added to show what would be obvious visually (i.e. “to Paulette”, “taken aback”). They usually follow movements the characters do, like contorting their face to show sadness, happiness, etc. -In order to progress the storyline, events that have options are taken in a positive direction. For instance, in order to open up the Yewbell Castle Gate, you need to talk to a little kid outside of the bar. In this guide, that non-mandatory event is crafted into the storyline so that the guide is more fluent. -Spelling and punctuation errors have been changed into what they were originally intended to be. Considering there aren’t many errors except for pluralization (Great Spirit Stone) and maybe a grammatical misstep (dispair), the script itself isn’t very different; at least, not in the sense that the meaning would be changed, anyway. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Table of Contents @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Search for the bracketed letters to immediately go to that chapter. Example: [KC1] 1) Kharg, Chapter 1: The First Battle [KC1] 2) Darc, Chapter 1: Awakening [DC1] 3) Kharg, Chapter 2: Setting Out [KC2] 4) Darc, Chapter 2: Ambition [DC2] 5) Kharg, Chapter 3: Conflict [KC3] 6) Darc, Chapter 3: Love and Hate [DC3] 7) Kharg, Chapter 4: Rage [KC4] 8) Darc, Chapter 4: Reunion [DC4] 9) Kharg, Chapter 5: Truth [KC5] 10) Darc, Chapter 5: Evolution [DC5] 11) Kharg, Chapter 6: Rivalry [KC6] 12) Kharg & Darc, Chapter 6: The Final Battle [KD6] 13) Additional Information / Closing 14) Contributors’ Credit [CC1] 15) Thanks ############################################ ##Kharg, Chapter 1: The First Battle [KC1]## ############################################ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ The “NEW GAME” option opens a cutscene to where a beautiful girl playing a lyre. Tiny animals gather around her as she plays the melodious tones. She sits on a fountain and is absorbed in her music...until she hears a sound in the distance behind her. She leaps up and turns around, sending the birds flying off. An airship convoy is steadily approaching in the distance--four smaller airships on either side of the fifth, a flying warship. Girl: Let the spirits guide me... The girl takes off running but stops. She’s left her lyre sitting on the fountain, so she runs back to get it. The cutscene ends with her running off into the distance. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ A cutscene of a town is now shown, complete with wandering citizens and a few windmills. The town looks like the typical backwoods town, but this looks a bit modernized. Even so, it’s still fairly small. Only one road passes through the town, curving around a few establishments, then up and around them. It stops at a gate, and that is where we find a sparring about to ensue. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Young Man: Alright. Ready? Young Man: Let’s go, Lloyd. Young Woman: Kharg, you can do it. Lloyd: Alright, let’s begin! [The two men clash their swords around, before deadlocking them.] Lloyd: You’re showing a lot of improvement. Kharg: Hey, hang on! We’re not finished yet. [The two step back to regain their poise, before jumping back into battle once again. Kharg knocks Lloyd’s sword out of his hand and into the air.] Kharg: How’s that? Lloyd: Nnf, well done. [The cutscene ends with the sword falling blade-down into the dirt.] Paulette: That was fantastic, Kharg! Really great! Lloyd: Eh? What kind of person is so happy to see their father lose? (He turns to Kharg.) But you certainly took me by surprise! You’ve improved so much and almost without me noticing. Kharg: Ha ha! You don’t think that you’re just getting slower? You should be retiring as Commander of the Defense Corps soon, shouldn’t you? Lloyd: As soon as you’re ready to protect this country, I’ll be glad to hand it over. That’s why I’ve been teaching you to handle a sword all these years. Paulette: Ha, ha. (She picks up Lloyd’s sword.) That’s what you tell him but you started practicing even harder when you knew you would be challenging Kharg. As if you were trying to make sure you wouldn’t lose. Lloyd: Paulette! You must address him as ‘Lord Kharg’! It doesn’t matter that you’ve been friends since you were both young. I’m always telling you not to be too familiar! Kharg: Don’t worry about it. The monarchy was abolished ages ago, and Paulette’s a year older than me, anyway. Lloyd: It doesn’t matter whether the monarchy exists or not. Our responsibility to protect the royal family of Nidellia doesn’t change. [Lloyd breaks the conversation and walks behind Kharg, stopping to talk to Paulette.] Lloyd: I hope you’ve been practicing like I’ve been telling you. Paulette: Father, of course I’ve been practicing! Lloyd: You’re not as skilled as Lord Kharg, even though it is your duty to protect him. That won’t do! Paulette: OK, OK. [No sooner has Paulette returned her father’s sword back to him than a stocky, middle-aged man in cargo pants and a t-shirt comes up the road. He wears leather boots and gloves, suggesting that he works in some kind of hands-on job. His hair is combed back and he has a semi-thin mustache. He looks eager to talk to Lloyd.] Banjo: Commander, could I have a minute? Something’s been troubling me... Lloyd: Hmm? What’s up, Banjo? [Lloyd walks away from Paulette and Kharg, leaving the two to talk to themselves.] Paulette: I wonder what’s happened? Kharg: Let’s go and find out. [Kharg and Paulette go and talk to Banjo; Lloyd is listening intently.] Banjo: Ah, Lord Kharg. I was just telling Commander Lloyd... A short while ago I saw a suspicious old man on Scrappe Plateau. Kharg: Suspicious? Banjo: Yes. He wasn’t from this country. He was muttering to himself and seemed to be wandering around looking for something. He was pretty creepy, so I didn’t speak to him, but it’s been worrying me. Lloyd: I can’t imagine there’s anything around there he could be looking for... Kharg: I’ll go and take a look. One old man’s not something to get the whole Defense Corps out for. Lloyd: Hmm...Very well. We’ll check it out. Thank you. It’s not much, but maybe this money will help you prepare, Kharg. [Kharg acquires 200 G from Lloyd.] Lloyd: Paulette, you go, too. But, don’t get it Lord Kharg’s way. Paulette: OK. Banjo: Right, I’ll be getting back, then. [Banjo walks away.] Paulette: OK. I’ll come along with you, then, Lord Kharg. Kharg: Hey, don’t call me that. I feel so awkward when you’re that formal. Paulette: Hey! Kharg: Ha ha ha. Paulette: But...I really don’t mind, you know. I’ll call you “Lord Kharg” if you like. Kharg: You know you don’t need to. Just because I’m the son of the old royal family...The people of Yewbell all treat me with great care and respect. It’s not that I don’t appreciate it, but I’d like at least you to treat me normally. Paulette: Hmm...Ok then, Kharg. Kharg: Right, let’s get going. Paulette: Wait a minute. Shouldn’t we let Lady Nafia know where we’re going? Otherwise, she won’t know where we are if something happens. She’s at home, isn’t she? Kharg: I think so. But...I don’t think it’s necessary to tell my mother everything. [Kharg and Paulette go to Kharg’s house to see Lady Nafia. A quick scan of the household shows that she’s not home.] Kharg: Huh? Mother’s not here...? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ “.....I.....the wind..... .....new.....era.....” @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Kharg: ...Did you just hear someone talking? Paulette: Yes...But, I couldn’t make out what it was saying. Maybe, it was Lady Nafia? Kharg: Oh, well...Maybe Mother’s in her room. Come on. Paulette: I’ll wait here. There’s no way I can go inside Lady Nafia’s bedroom. Kharg: Very well. [Kharg goes into his mother’s bedroom. He looks around and sees that she’s not there.] Kharg: No. Not here, either... [A sparkling object on Lady Nafia’s bookcase catches Kharg’s eye.] Kharg: Huh...? What’s that shining...? [Kharg goes over to inspect the object. It shines a pale blue-green light onto his face. It resonates as he looks at it.] Kharg: What’s this...? A stone...? Huh...?! [Suddenly, Kharg looks around, sensing something in the room with him. Out of a shining sphere of light, A floating blue creature appears. It is almost a miniature humanoid, but it has a tail and carries a pointy staff of some sort. It’s pear-shaped and has long beard, which makes it look old.] Spirit: .....I am......the Spirit.....of the Wind..... Kharg: S-spirit...?! Spirit: ......For aeons......countless aeons.....A new.....Age of union..... ......Listen carefully......to my voice...... [The Spirit disappears as the last words are spoken.] Kharg: What was that...? Kharg: A “Spirit,” huh...? Yes...They were in the stories Mother used to tell me. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ The flashback cutscene has a young Kharg sitting on his bed, while Lady Nafia is reading from a storybook. Kharg listens absorbedly as his mother speaks. Lady Nafia: (reading) Long, long ago, people live in peace with the Spirits. But a Divine Ruler with an evil power appeared, and he used the power of science to try to rule the world. However, many brave people stood up to the ruler. Borrowing the power of the Spirits, they defeated the evil ruler and they sealed his body inside an ark. [Nafia stops reading for a moment.] Lady Nafia: Do you know what an ark is? It’s like a box that holds mysterious power. Young Kharg: Wow...so the bad guys always lose, right? Lady Nafia: Well, the Divine Ruler came back to life thousands of years later to take his revenge for being imprisoned for so long. Young Kharg: Really...? So then what happened? Lady Nafia: (reading) Coming back to life and escaping from the ark, the Divine Ruler had taken a strange form, one never before seen on this world. And then he tried to destroy the world. However, there appeared a Great Hero and Holy Mother who carried on the will of all those brave souls of the past. It was a long and fierce battle, but in the end they defeated the Divine Ruler and sealed him in an ark once more. However, as a result of all this, the world was badly scarred, and the Spirits disappeared form the world. But something else appeared, beings called “Deimos”. Humans and Deimos loathed each other and this led to fierce confrontation. In time, the world was divided in two, with humans living in one half, and Deimos in the other. And eventually it became strictly forbidden for humans and Deimos to associate with each other. [The flashback ends.] Kharg: Funny how I remembered all that. But, I wonder...was that really a Spirit just now? Why would it suddenly appear to me...? [Kharg runs back to Paulette, who is still waiting at front door.] Paulette: Did you find Lady Nafia...? Kharg: No. She must have gone out. Sometimes she goes off on her own somewhere. Paulette: So, that voice just now was just your imagination. Kharg: No. That was...That was a Spirit. Paulette: What? Kharg: The Spirit of the Wind... Paulette: A Spirit! Like the ones in folktales and legends? Kharg: Yeah... Paulette: Are you all right, Kharg? You sure you didn’t see it in a dream? There haven’t been any Spirits around for years and years. Kharg: Yeah... Paulette: And, in any case, they only used to show themselves to chosen people. Kharg: Really...? I guess it must have just been an illusion. But... Paulette: Come on, then. If Lady Nafia isn’t around, then we should hurry to [Scrappe Plateau]. Kharg: ...Yes. Let’s go. [The two exit Yewbell and head to the nearby Scrappe Plateau. It looks like an abandoned outpost, with rusted-over garages and metal beams sticking out and over mesh gates and overhead scaffolding. An old man is being harassed by animals that resemble kangaroo rats when the screen becomes fixed. The old man wears an odd turtleneck-type shawl and he carries a walking stick. His mustache and hair are very grayed, and he wears goggles with opaque orange lenses on his eyes. He carries himself well and has a good posture.] Caped Old Man: G-get away from me! [One of the animals jumps forward and kicks him in the back.] Caped Old Man: That hurts...! Get off! Where did you all spring from? [One of the other animals encircling the old man kicks him in the back.] Caped Old Man: Uh! Unh...! Someone help me! Damn it! Unreasonable little monsters...! [Another monster kicks the old man. Paulette and Kharg appear and see the old man being attacked.] Paulette: Kharg! What should we do?! There are so many of those Suskle Squirrels...! [Kharg’s left hand touches a mark on his right shoulder.] Kharg: We can’t stand by and let him be killed. We’ve got to help him! [The two run towards the monsters, weapons drawn.] Kharg: We’ll take care of this! Go and hide somewhere safe! Caped Old Man: I don’t know who you are, but thank you! [A battle takes place, and soon Kharg and Paulette have slain all of the Suskle Squirrels.] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ SCRAPPE PLATEAU SKIRMISH: IN-BATTLE SPEECH WHEN THE BATTLE STARTS: Kharg: You can get a little bit more distance with your weapon than I can, Paulette. You should be able to fight from a good position! Paulette: Yes. I’ll be sure to keep my weapon’s range in mind. [You can check your range by pressing and holding the R1 button]. WHEN KHARG GETS HIS TENSION GAUGE FILLED: Kharg: My power just reache its max! My energy is at its peak! These monsters don’t stand a chance now! Paulette: All right! When there’s an aura around you, like there is now target an enemy in my attack range. That way, we can make a joint attack! Kharg: All right. We’ll work together to defeat the enemy! WHEN ONE OF THE ENEMIES DROPS SOMETHING: Paulette: Look, the enemy dropped something! Maybe it’s something we can use? Kharg: Yeah. Let’s pick it up now, while we still can. [Use the ‘Pick Up’ command to pick it up.] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ [After the battle, the Caped Old Man approaches.] Caped Old Man: You can really fight. Thank you. Kharg: I am Kharg of Yewbell. What are you doing in these ruins? Caped Old Man: These aren’t just ruins. They’re the remains of an ancient civilization. I’m just exploring in case there’s anything of value here. Kharg: Exploring...? What exactly is it that you do? Caped Old Man? (shocked) What? Don’t you know who I am? I guess not. You’ll be amazed. [The old man walks sideways to the two and stares away from them.] Caped Old Man: I’m the one who travels the far reaches of the world... in search of treasures left by those of ages past. The one and only... [He suddenly faces the two.] Caped Old Man: Zev! Kharg: Never heard of you. Zev: ............Well, I guess around here it’s possible you haven’t. [He approaches Kharg.] Zev: By the way...What’s that mark on your arm? Kharg: What, this? Don’t worry, I didn’t get that in the fight just now. I’ve had it since I was born. Zev: Since you were born...? Kharg: It’s a strange shape, isn’t it. But it’s just a birthmark. Zev: ...... Paulette: I’ve noticed you always touch it when you’re under pressure or worried. You were touching it when you were fighting those Suskle Squirrels. Kharg: (to Paulette) I feel like I’m under the microscope! Kharg: So then, Zev. What are you going to do now? Zev: Well, I’ll probably explore around here a bit more. Kharg: Really...? I don’t think there’s anything to find. Zev: I’m sure there’s something in this country that’ll be worth my time. Kharg: All right. We’ll head back now. Take care. Zev: Thank you. [He walks away.] Kharg: (to Paulette) Right, let’s get back and report to [Lloyd]. Paulette: Yes. [The two arrive back in Yewbell and ask Duncan where Lloyd is. He tells them that Lloyd was called to Lady Nafia’s house. When the two arrive, Lady Nafia and Lloyd are talking quietly in the kitchen.] Nafia: People don’t live there anymore, just monsters. It’s a dangerous place. I hope everything’s all right. Lloyd: Yes...There have been reports from the last mining expedition of [Deimos]-like creatures there. Nafia: (taken aback) D-deimos...?! Lloyd: Yes. So, I’ve sent some people to investigate. Nafia: I see... [Meanwhile, back in the doorway...] Kharg: (to himself) Deimos? What are you two talking about? [Kharg goes to Nafia and Lloyd.] Nafia: Come in, Kharg. Lloyd: Ah, Kharg. How was it on Scrappe Plateau? Kharg: There was a pretty strange old man there, but he said he was an explorer. He didn’t seem too suspicious. I don’t think there’s anything to worry about. Lloyd: I see...Thank you. Kharg: But never mind that. What were you two just talking about? Something about Deimos? Lloyd: Yes...The workers who mine [Spirit Stones] at Plumb Canyon aren’t back yet. We were expecting them back some time ago now. And, there are reports that Deimos have been spotted in the area. I’m worried something may have happened to them. Kharg: The Deimos are just creatures that talk and use tools. They’re nothing more than overgrown monsters. I’m sure they’re no match for humans! Lloyd: Hope you’re right. But, now that Ragnoth is split east and west, between humans and Deimos, there’s hardly any contact between the two. We don’t know what the Deimos are like now. Lloyd: Lady Nafia, I will go and assess the situation myself. Nafia: Thank you. [Lloyd exits.] Kharg: Mother, I beat Lloyd in a duel for the first time. And, I managed to defeat a whole group of Suskle Squirrels at Scrappe Plateau. I’m good enough now. If the occasion should ever arise, I’ll join the Defense Corps and defend this country. Whether it’s monsters or Deimos, I won’t stand for anyone disturbing the peace in this land. Nafia: (downcast) Yes......... Kharg: What’s wrong? You’re acting a little strange. Nafia: Oh, it’s nothing. I just don’t feel very well. Kharg: You have to take care of yourself. It’s dangerous wandering off outside of Yewbell. Nafia: Don’t worry, I’ll be all right. Kharg: Alright. Well, I’m off to ask [Banjo] at the [refinery] how many Spirit Stones we have left. With the Plumb Canyon miners being late, I’m worried we won’t have enough energy. [Kharg goes to the refinery at the other end of town, entering the refinery with Paulette.] Banjo: Ah, Lord Kharg! And Paulette, too! What are you two doing in this dirty old place? Kharg: I heard that the mine workers aren’t back yet. So, I was wondering if we’ve got enough Spirit Stones to last us? Banjo: No need to worry. Since we found the deposits in Plumb Canyon... we’ve built up a good reserve of stones. There’s plenty of stock here. Kharg: Really? That’s great. Banjo: But...there is a lingering worry I have. Kharg: What is it? Banjo: Well, the Spirit Stones’ve been a great new resource of energy, ever since our other natural resources were exhausted. It’s good that we’ve found the deposits in Plumb Canyon. But, it’s not an infinite resource. One day it’ll run out. And when it does, we don’t have any other energy source to fall back on. What will become of the country when that happens? Paulette: You’re quite right...And just when everything was starting to get better... Banjo: I don’t want to go back to the days when we were such a poor nation... Kharg: Come on, you two! Stop being so negative. Right now, we just have to make sure we use the Spirit Stones we have wisely. Banjo: ...You’re right. The most important thing now is to develop the country. We’ll probably find another deposit of Spirit Stones in the meantime. Kharg: Exactly. At the moment, everything’s looking all right. Come on, then, Paulette. Let’s go. [The two go outside, but at the top of the stairs that lead into the town square, they see something odd.] Kharg: Huh...?! [Lloyd comes into town, helping a wounded man hobble into town. The injured man is under Lloyd’s right arm and is nearly bent over.] Lloyd: Someone give me a hand! [At the square...] Paulette: It’s Father! With Morth! Kharg: Looks like he’s injured! Come on! [The two run to the town entrance.] Kharg: Lloyd! Lloyd: I found him injured over in the forest. It seems like the Deimos have attacked the miners in Plumb Canyon, as we feared. Morth: I’m sorry...Lord Kharg...I’m Defense Corps, and... Kharg: Don’t worry. First we’ve got to get you treated. Let’s get you to my house. Lloyd: Paulette, summon the rest of the Defense Corps! They might still be fighting back at the mine! Paulette: OK! [Morth is taken to Kharg’s house, and the scene cuts to later on in the day. Kharg is sitting in a wooden chair by himself.] Kharg: What’s taking so long...? It’s not fair, shutting me out of there... [The door closes, and Kharg sees Paulette in the doorway.] Paulette: How’s Morth doing? Kharg: Mother’s treating him now in her room. Paulette: I see... [Paulette walks to the kitchen and stands there.] Paulette: I hope it’s not serious? Kharg: No, Morth is no weakling. But...I’m surprised the Deimos are strong enough to take down one of the Defense Corps... Paulette: Yeah...It’s worrisome not knowing what they’re like. [Lloyd emerges from Nafia’s bedroom with Nafia herself following behind him. Kharg gets up to meet them.] Kharg: Mother, how’s Morth...? Nafia: No need to worry, it’s not life-threatening. He’s resting now. Paulette: Thank goodness... Lloyd: Paulette, did you summon the Defense Corps? Paulette: Yes, they’re all waiting in the square. Ready for your...For the Commander’s orders. Lloyd: Right. Kharg: (scowling) Let’s show them...Let’s show those Deimos how strong we humans are...! Nafia: (sidelong glance to Lloyd) Lloyd...What we were just talking about... Lloyd: I understand, Lady Nafia. [Lloyd turns to his daughter.] Lloyd: Paulette, let’s go! Kharg: Mother, I’m going, too. I’ll show those Deimos! [Kharg starts to walk towards the door.] Nafia: Kharg, you must stay here. Kharg: What?! Nafia: You can’t go to Plumb Canyon. Kharg: Why not?! We’ve got to get back Plumb Canyon and the Spirit Stones. Banjo said so. If we don’t have them, there’s no other source of energy. Nafia: You should leave that to Lloyd and the Defense Corps. The way you’re feeling now, you’d just be fighting on feelings of anger and hatred. (motherly) Listen to me. Hatred just breeds more hatred, and the result is misery. It can only lead to a world without hope. A world shrouded in darkness. Kharg: (scowling) So, even though the people of the city are being attacked by the Deimos right now...You’re saying I should just stay here and do nothing? Didn’t you teach me that as a member of the Nidellia family I must be brave...and always remember my responsibility to the people?! I’m sorry mother, but I am going. [Kharg leaves his saddened mother and goes outside. As he reaches the square, he sees the eight-member Defense Corps waiting for Lloyd’s word to leave.] Lloyd: We’re going to help the miners at Plumb Canyon who’ve been attacked by the Deimos! Remember you’re training, and do your best! Let’s go! Kharg: Lloyd! [Kharg runs to the end of the Corps and everyone turns to look at him, including the bystanders. The troops step aside to let Kharg talk to Lloyd.] Kharg: What sort of Deimos is it we’re dealing with? We’ve got to think about how best to fight them. Lloyd: Lord Kharg, you must stay here in Yewbell. Kharg: But...? Lloyd: We are more than strong enough to help the miners. It’s not necessary to have you there, too. Kharg: What do you mean? I should fight, too! Lloyd: (fatherly) I want you to protect the city. With the Defense Corps out on duty, the guard will be weakened. We need you here. Kharg: (scowling) It’s Mother, isn’t it?! She told you not to let me come along! Lloyd: Lord Kharg! One day you will have to carry the burden of responsibility for this country. You will be a leader. You must not take risks. Kharg: That’s a joke! What sort of leader doesn’t help protect their country?! Lloyd: There’s no time for this. Please just accept it. (to the Corps) Right, let’s move out! [Lloyd leaves Kharg to tend to his own troubles as the troops pass by him. Paulette is the last to leave. As she passes by Kharg, he speaks.] Kharg: Paulette... Paulette: (sad) ......I’m sorry, Kharg. I’ve got to go! [Paulette leaves Yewbell.] Kharg: ...... (suddenly mad) Think you can just leave me here like that...?! I’m going to [Plumb Canyon], too! [Kharg runs back to his house to speak with Morth, who is staring out of a window when Kharg arrives.] Kharg: Morth, shouldn’t you be asleep? Morth: I only left them in the canyon so I could come back alone to get help. I can’t sleep. I keep thinking I did the wrong thing. Commander Lloyd...has he already left? Kharg: Yes...And left me here. Morth: Right...Of course... Kharg: Of course? Why? Do you know why? Morth: Er...Er, no, not really... Kharg: What?! Even you’re keeping things from me? Morth: I’m not...! I didn’t mean that...Just something about how Lady Nafia seemed... Kharg: How she seemed? Please, you won’t get into trouble. Tell me. Morth: OK... Well... While I was being treated earlier... Commander Lloyd asked me to describe the Deimos that attacked me. When I did, Lady Nafia’s face suddenly changed color. And she asked that you not join in the battle this time. Kharg: Why not...? Morth: I don’t know. But when Commander Lloyd said that, from the description, they sounded like [Drakyr]...She looked like she was trembling. Kharg: Drakyr... Morth: Er... Lord Kharg... Kharg: Yes? Morth: Please don’t tell Lady Nafia I told you. Kharg: Of course I won’t, Morth. Thank you. Morth: Don’t mention it. [With this new information, Kharg leaves his house, determined to go to Plumb Canyon. However, as soon as he’s outside, he hears a strange voice coming from behind the gate.] ???: Someone...open up this gate. Kharg: Hmm...? [Kharg walks towards the gate, and from an bird’s-eye view, we see that Zev is on the other side.] ???: Hey! Is anyone there? Answer me! Kharg: That voice...Sounds like that explorer guy, Zev?! Zev: Oh! Somebody knows who I am! I don’t know who you are, but please open up! Kharg: Zev, it’s me, Kharg! Zev: Oh, you! You helped me out on Scrappe Plateau! Open up the gate so I can thank you again! Kharg: I’ll open the gate, but what are you doing in there? Zev: Well, I’m not in here for the fun of it! I thought I’d come to Yewbell to relax a bit after my travels...But there’s a blockade, and I couldn’t get in! So, I thought I’d try to get in through the Castle Ruins, and look how far that got me! Kharg: Ah, of course...! That’s the way! If I can get into the Castle Ruins, I can pass through Chaos Forest and get to Plumb Canyon...! Zev: Hey, what are you talking about?! I’m dying of starvation here! Open up! Kharg: OK, but...I would open it up right now, but it’s locked. Zev: How about you go and get the [Gate Key] and open it, then! Kharg: OK, OK. I’ll go and look for it...You’re a bit pushy for a person who’s asking a favor! [Outside of the bar, a kid is standing in the shadows. Kharg talks to him.] Young Gang Leader: Hi, Lord Kharg! Can you ask Duncan if we can play in the Castle Ruins? [Kharg asks why.] Young Gang Leader: Lately, someone’s been stealing food from the town. People think the robber is a wild monkey monster from Chaos Forest. There are even some people who say they’ve seen the wild monkey running away with the food. They say he has a really scary green face! So, to keep the monsters away, Duncan has locked the castle gate. But that was where we used to play all the time! I just know Duncan will listen to you! So, will you please ask him for us? [Kharg promises that he will.] Young Gang Leader: I knew it! You’re the best, Lord Kharg! [Inside, Duncan sits in the far right corner at a desk. This section is the Defense Corps office, and it has posters and books that add to an already informative feel.] Duncan: Do you have any questions for me? [Kharg asks about opening up the castle ruins.] Duncan: So, the children go to you too, eh? Well... Beyond the Castle Ruins, they say there’s a wild monkey monster. We’ve been getting reports that this monster’s coming into town and stealing food. It apparently has a green face, and is quite wily. So, in the interest of safety, I’d prefer that no one go in or out of the Castle Ruins. Kharg: Then I’ll get rid of that wild monkey monster. Can you lend me the [Gate Key]? Duncan: Er... Lord Kharg... It’s just that... If anything were to happen to you, I’d be in... Kharg: Duncan... Lloyd said that in the absence of the Defense Corps, I should protect the city. It’s my duty to get rid of that wild monkey monster. Duncan: Well... Kharg: ...Oh, well, I’ll have to tell you. I thought I should keep it a secret, but...I beat Lloyd in a duel. So, do you really think that I’m in any danger from that wild monkey monster? Duncan: Well... I guess not, but... Kharg: Exactly. So come on, give me the [Gate Key]. I’ll go and get rid of that monster, too. Duncan: Too? Kharg: Er... No... I just mean... I’ll get rid of that monster. Duncan: ...OK. You win, then. I’ll let you have the [Gate Key]. Kharg: Thanks, Duncan! Duncan: But! Just don’t do anything stupid! Kharg: Of course not! [Kharg acquires the Gate Key from Duncan and takes it back to the Castle gate. The doors swing open and Zev walks into town.] Zev: Phew! In at last! Kharg: Zev, thank you. Zev: Sorry? I should be thanking you, shouldn’t I? Kharg: You helped me out. I’m in a hurry so I’ve got to get going, but you just relax here. There are pubs around. Zev: Really! Ho ho! That sounds good. Well, if you need me, then, Kharg, that’s where I’ll be! I’ll be here for awhile! [Zev walks further into town, leaving Kharg at the gates.] Kharg: Now I can go to [Plumb Canyon]! [He takes a look back to his house.] Kharg: Mother...I’m going. I can’t just stay here and leave it all to the Defense Corps. [Kharg enters the Castle Ruins and enters Chaos Forest through the right exit. Soon, he is lost.] Kharg: Damn! Looks like I’m lost... [He thinks he sees something in the treetops and draws his sword quickly.] Kharg: Who’s there?! I can see you hiding! Come out! [Somewhere up in the treetops, an arrow is shot and it sticks in the dirt right beside Kharg.] Kharg: ...!! ???: This is not a place for humans. If you value your life, you’d better leave now. Kharg: A Deimos...? [Kharg sheathes his sword and, with accurate precision, launches the arrow back up into the treetops. Immediately, a green-faced creature falls out.] ???: Uwaa! Ow ow ow! Damn it! Bad! Ahem! Ahhem! You little punk! I guess you wanna die young, huh? Kharg: That green face...! It’s a mask...? [The ‘monkey monster’ starts walking closer.] Kharg: I see...So, that’s the true face of a wild monkey monster. Masked Boy: (angry) A wild monkey monster?! I am the King of Chaos Forest! If you insult me, you can’t be excused with a mere apology, underling! [Kharg walks closer.] Kharg: You’re the one who comes around stealing food from Yewbell, aren’t you? Masked Boy: Uh-oh...! Kharg: (quietly frustrated) Unbelievable...People were convinced it was a monster. Masked Boy: Hey... Don’t make fun of me. [The boy walks off to the side, arms folded.] Masked Boy: Underling! Before I skewer you, tell me your name. Kharg: I’m Kharg of Yewbell. Masked Boy: Kharg...? Oh, I’ve heard about you. You’re the former prince. Kharg: Well, I’m in a hurry to get to Plumb Canyon. If you want to fight, then let’s get on with it. Otherwise, I’ll be on my way. Masked Boy: Hey, wait, Kharg. You may not pass me without leaving an offering. I especially like bananas and apples... [Suddenly, out of the forest comes a white-haired monster and a bunch of Suskle Squirrels. They all stand and look at the two humans.] Masked Boy: Uh-oh! Here they are...! [The masked boy hides behind Kharg.] Masked Boy: W-what’re we gonna do...?! Kharg: You live here, and you’re scared of monster? Masked Boy: I’m not scared of monsters, but those wild Slothians are different. [A wild Slothian is shown swing a hammer windmill-style and getting angry to pump itself up.] Masked Boy: They’re really, really strong. They always take the stuff I’ve worked so hard to steal. Kharg: Come on, then...Let’s fight them together. Masked Boy: (taken aback) Huh...? You...and me...?! Kharg: Yes. If we work together, we can beat them. Masked Boy: (contemplative) Together... (with mind made up) Really? Come on, then! (bolstering self at enemies) We’ll show you! Payback for taking my grub! Kharg: What’s your name? Masked Boy: (removing mask) I’m Maru, King of Chaos Forest! Kharg: Come on then, Maru. Let’s get them! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ CHAOS FOREST SKIRMISH: IN-BATTLE SPEECH AFTER MARU’S FIRST TURN: Kharg: How about it, Maru? You have any special skills? Maru: Well, of course I do! Whaddiya think? C’mon! Let’s show ‘em what we can do! Kharg: All right, but don’t get carried away and rely too heavily on your skills. You’ll use up all the Spirit Stones in no time that way. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ [Kharg draws his sword and runs into battle with Maru. It doesn’t take long for the Suskle Squirrels and the Slothian to die. Afterwards, Maru is ecstatic.] Maru: Yes! Finally beat those wild Slothians! Kharg: Maru...Why don’t you live in a town? Maru: Hmph! I can’t be bothered. Town people are annoying. They’re so bossy about things. “Don’t wark barefoot” or, “If you want something, you have to pay for it.” I’m a prince, you know, actually. They’re all so rude. Kharg: A prince? Maru: Yeah, that’s right. Come and have a look at this. [Kharg looks at the crown hanging around Maru’s neck. It appears to be made of gold, and has purple and green jewels inset in it.] Maru: This crown is absolute proof. You see! Bet you’re surprised! Kharg: (quietly frustrated) Where did you take that from? Maru: (stamping around) I didn’t take it! It’s a valuable treasure, passed down through the generations in the country where I was born! Kharg: And the mask and those shoes? Maru: (quietly) These......well, I did take them, but... Kharg: Ha ha ha. Maru: Don’t laugh! I really am a prince! Kharg: Of what country? Maru: Well...A lot’s happened, and I can’t really remember...I don’t know why, but I was taken away from my country by one of my relatives. He was always saying to me, “You’re a prince, you know.” He died ages ago, though. Kharg: I see... Maru: But one day I’ll find the country where I was born. It’s my dream to become the king there. Still, until then, I’m the King of Chaos Forest. Kharg: OK, then, Maru. All right, I’ll overlook the fract that you’ve been stealing from Yewbell this time...But don’t do it again! Maru: Ha ha...Thank you! Kharg: Right, Maru, I’m in a hurry. [Kharg starts to walk away.] Maru: W-wait a minute...! You said you were going to Plumb Canyon. What for? Kharg: Our Spirit Stone miners are under attack by Deimos. I’m going to help. Maru: Right, then. I’ll go, too! Kharg, you can become one of my followers. Then I’ll come and fight with you. Kharg: It’s not a game. [Kharg starts walking away once again.] Maru: Look, if you become a follower of mine, I’ll show you the way to Plumb Canyon. Kharg: You’d have to fight Deimos. I can’t take you along with me, knowing the dangers. [Kharg starts walking away once again.] Maru: Hey, let me go with you!! Both my parents died when I was young. I’m quite used to being alone. No problem at all. But, when we teamed up and fought together just now, it felt great. I felt what it was like to have a companion. You don’t have to become my follower, just let me go along with you. Please...! Kharg: ............We’re not going up against puny monsters this time. Maru: Great! Fighting Deimos? It’ll help me get stronger! [Maru runs to Kharg.] Maru: Plumb Canyon is that way. Let’s get going, Kharg. Kharg: OK! Maru: Oh, yes! We’re friends now but I’m still your superior, right? [After fighting through The Edge of the Sea of Trees, the two arrive at Plumb Canyon. The player can see two Defense Corps members sprawled out on the ground in front of the wooden arch.] Maru: Here we are! [Plumb Canyon]. (sees the bodies) Oh, no, Kharg! I think we’re too late! Kharg: Damn it...! [The two rush over to the bodies.] Kharg: Good, he’s still breathing...! [Maru looks over the railing.] Maru: Kharg! Look over there! That girl’s in trouble! Kharg: What?! [Kharg runs to the railing, too, and sees two dragon-like monsters and a flying creature cornering Paulette. The flying monster’s label is ‘Drakyr’.] Drakyr: Wa ha ha! Kill them! Kill every human, ‘til there isn’t a single one left! Paulette: Come down here and fight! You’re a coward, using monsters to fight us! Drakyr: Wa ha ha! We Deimos don’t care about being cowardly! The monsters will easily finish you human vermin off on their own! Those that they don’t manage, we’ll have fun with ourselves! [Up at the railing...] Kharg: Paulette’s in danger...! Maru: Kharg, over there, too! [At the opposite end of the battlefield, Lloyd and two of the surviving Defense Corps members are trapped across a bridge at a dead end. Two of the Drakyr are standing on the other side. One stands with its scimitar drawn, while the other stands tauntingly. The latter also speaks first.] Drakyr: Hey, you! Humans! Thought you could escape? This is a dead end for you! [Back at the railing...] Kharg: We’ve been cut off! Damn...! Maru, sure you’re with me? Maru: Oh yeah! Leave it to me! Kharg: (shouting) Paulette, I’m coming! Paulette: (sees him) Kharg?! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ PLUMB CANYON SKIRMISH: IN-BATTLE SPEECH AFTER KHARG’S FIRST TURN: Kharg: (to Paulette) Are you all right?! Can you still fight...? Paulette: Yes, I’m fine! But the Deimos use powerful magic! Kharg: All right. We’d better be careful not to get hit with a concentrated attack! IF MARU GETS IN CRITICAL CONDITION: Maru: Whew...I got hit with a pretty good one...But I’m OK... Little think like that wouldn’t do a prince in, you know... Kharg: Don’t just try to tough it out. Use items or skills to heal yourself before it’s too late and you can’t fight anymore! Maru: Hmph! I knew that...! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ [The battle with the Drakyr and the dragon-like creatures (Wyverns) ensues. Lloyd and the two Defense Corps members do not participate, but it doesn’t matter. The Deimos are easily defeated by the three humans. After the battle, all three are standing around the platform where they fought. Maru is off from the other two, looking at the old machinery.] Paulette: Thanks, Kharg! You saved me! Kharg: You’re not hurt? Paulette: No, but how did you get here...? Kharg: It’s a long story... [Lloyd, along with the two Corps members, walks up to Paulette and Kharg, taking them by surprise.] Lloyd: This won’t do, Lord Kharg! [Kharg turns around.] Lloyd: You were told not to come here. Paulette: But, if Kharg...I mean Lord Kharg, hadn’t come, we’d all have been... Lloyd: You be quiet. (to Kharg) Even if we were to lose our lives, it’s our duty to protect you. But if you put yourself in danger, how are we to fulfill that duty? Kharg: I don’t want everyone to protect me! What was the point in teaching me to use a sword?! Lloyd: So that you may protect yourself. Kharg: (upset) That’s not why I learned! I learned so that I would be able to protect others. Lloyd: ......That’s enough...I’m going back to scouting the area. Some footprints that look like Deimos have been found in the [Garagne Hills]. (to Corps member) You get the wounded back to Yewbell. Defense Corps Member: Sir. Lloyd: Lord Kharg, try to stay out of danger. Kharg: ...OK. Lloyd: Paulette, you’re with me. Paulette: Yes, all right. [Lloyd, Paulette, and the Corps member leave the way Kharg and Maru originally came in. Maru, his curiosity for the machinery depleted, walks back over.] Maru: Who was that scary guy? Kharg: Er...He’s my...He’s like my father... Maru: Like your father...? You don’t have a real father, either, then? Kharg: No, I don’t... Maru: Just like me. Kharg: I guess so. Maru: (mischievously) Heh heh heh... Kharg: Ha ha ha... [After a little laugh session, Kharg walks around and talks to the Defense Corps members who still remain. He returns to Maru shortly.] Maru: Going back yet? Kharg: Yes. Maru: In that case, I have a favor to ask. Kharg: What is it? Maru: Er...I was wondering if...I could come to Yewbell... Kharg: Of course you can. Maru: Really?! Kharg: After all, we’re friends, aren’t we? Maru: Absolutely! Friends! Kharg: Right, then! Maru: So that means... Kharg: What? Maru: Friends...give each other food, right? Kharg: (quietly frustrated) ............ Maru: I haven’t been able to get into Yewbell recently. I’m starving. Kharg: Ha ha ha! You’re a character, Maru! OK, then. When we get back to Yewbell, I’ll ask Mother to make you something. Maru: Woo hoo! Great! Let’s go! [At the railing where they saw the Drakyr battle first take place, three Corps members are talking amongst themselves. When Kharg and Maru walk by, one hails them.] Defense Corps Member: Commander Lloyd may have said those things, but... he looked pretty happy when you turned up. Kharg: Lloyd? Looked happy? Defense Corps Member: Yes. We were trying our best to get in there and back you up...but you looked like you were so strong, we’d just be getting in the way. Kharg: Really...? Defense Corps Members: Lord Kharg, we can manage here on our own now. There’s no serious injuries, so we’ll take it back to Yewbell. You must be tired. Please, go on ahead. Kharg: OK, then...I’ll get going. You people take care. [The two leave Plumb Canyon, on their way back to Yewbell. Instead of trekking through the forest, they take the normal way through Garagne Hills.] Maru: The Deimos are really different from monsters, huh? They can speak and use weapons. They’re a pretty tough enemy! Kharg: Yes. They’re cunning and cruel. Don’t let your guard down with them, Maru. Maru: I won’t be beaten by them! [Suddenly, two Deimos approach them. They are mother and child, and are of wolf-like build. The child collapses into the grass and the mother, after stumbling a few steps farther, collapses as well.] Kharg: D-deimos?! Maru: ...Huh? They’re dead... [A little ways away, Paulette and Lloyd are about to square off against a large Deimos male. He carries a rounded hand axe and by the way he is hunched over, he appears to have been wounded. Both Paulette and Lloyd seem to be in the same condition.] Unknown Deimos: You’ll pay...you humans...! That was my wife and child! Lloyd: You Deimos...You cannot be allowed...any closer to Yewbell than this... Paulette: Yes! Leave or be destroyed! [Kharg and Maru come running up.] Kharg: Lloyd! Paulette! Are you both all right?! Paulette: Kharg...! [Kharg draws his sword.] Kharg: (to Deimos) Now you’ll have to fight me! Unknown Deimos: Grrr!! You humans...You will pay for this...You will pay...! [The Deimos retreats into the foliage.] Kharg: (to Paulette) Not more Deimos! I thought it was only the Drakyr... Maru: They look pretty brutal. Paulette: Say, I was wondering before. Who is that weird kid with you? Maru: W-weird kid...?! Don’t be rude! I’m a prince! Kharg: Sorry, I forgot to introduce you. This is Maru. We met in Chaos Forest. Maru: Hmph. I won’t be letting you become of of my followers. Kharg: What was that Deimos? It looked pretty strong... Paulette: I didn’t fight it. Father and I split up to follow the footprints...and he came across it first. I hurried to help afterwards. Kharg: I see. (to Lloyd) So how did it compare in strength to a Drakyr, Lloyd? Lloyd: ............ [The cutscene begins with Lloyd slumping to his knees, then falling over dead.] Kharg: (taken aback) Lloyd...? Paulette: Father...?! No...No...! [Paulette kneels beside her father.] Paulette: Father!! Father!! Father, please! Ahh!!! Nooo!!! [The cutscene shows the party back at Yewbell, with Defense Corps members and civilians standing around the square. Nafia is present as well.] Paulette: Queen Nafia, I’ll never forgive them. I will never forgive the Deimos...! Nafia: Paulette...I’m sorry...I’m so sorry I couldn’t help. Kharg: (reflecting) Lloyd... [The cutscene continues with a young Kharg play-fighting with Lloyd.] Young Kharg: Let’s go! I’m the legendary hero and I will vanquish the dark minion! Lloyd: Ok, so I’m the dark minion now? Young Kharg: (attacking) Hi-yahh! [With a single swing of his black sword, Lloyd disarms Kharg, sending him to the ground as he runs.] Lloyd: Ha ha ha. Master Kharg! You’ll never be a hero looking like that. [The cutscene goes back to present time.] Kharg: The Deimos...! Damn them!! There’ll be no more victims! I will protect our country from now on! ######################################## ##END OF CHAPTER ONE: THE FIRST BATTLE## ######################################## ################################ ##Darc, Chapter One: Awakening## ################################ [The chapter being with two people--a human woman and a muscular Drakyr running through the forest. Both are holding a child in their arms and both have a gemstone shining in a necklace. In her haste, the woman trips.] Young Woman: Uhh...! Drakyr: Come on...! Young Woman: Alright...! [As soon as she is back on her feet, another Drakyr attacks the spot where she was previously. Gnarling, it quickly takes flight after the two. The woman and the fleeing Drakyr come to a cliff overlooking a ravine, and they stop.] Drakyr: Nafia, I’ll lure them away. I want you to take the children and go another way. Young Nafia: No, I don’t want to leave your side. Drakyr: You must live. It’s up to you to give hope to these children. Young Nafia: Windalf...! Enemy Drakyr: For traitors there is only death! [One of the enemy Drakyr powers up a spell and shoots a green beam of light at Windalf. He turns around to run and catches in the back. As he does, the ground on the cliffside loosens. Nafia and the child she is cradling in her arms falls into the dark ravine.] Young Nafia: Aaaiiieee! Windalf: Nafiaaaaaa! [The enemy Drakyr surround Windalf as he kneels on the ground. Fast forward to years later, now. A young son helps his aging father walk through a barren, desert-like land. The son helps him in much the same way as Lloyd did for Morth, although he is considerably smaller in side and stature. He looks half-human and half-Drakyr, complete with a human face, an clawed arm, Drakyr wings, small horns on his head, and a human arm.] Dying Windalf: Darc...I can’t...go any farther Young Darc: Father, what are you talking about? Dying Windalf: Leave me.... Young Darc: I’ll take you somewhere safe...You’ll get better... [At the forested ruins of a church sanctuary...] Young Darc: Father, you should be able to rest up here. Dying Windalf: Darc....Take this... Young Darc: What is it? Dying Windalf: The Spirits....May they guide you. And take you...down the path, you are meant to go. Young Darc: Father...? Father....? Father!!! [The cutscene continues at a dark and gloomy place. The air is filled with sparks of lightning, and the view slowly drops to a house fixed onto a rock. The area around the house doesn’t appear too inviting, and yelling can be heard. It’s obvious that the person yelling is being whipped by someone else.] Man’s Voice: Aaaagh!! Malicious Voice: Don’t toy with me! You little snot! Man’s Voice: Arrgh... Malicious Voice: Don’t look at me like that! You worm! You little bastard! Man’s Voice: Owwwww!! Malicious Voice: You can’t stand up to me! Haw haw haw! [The man crying out is being continuously whipped, although it is not shown on-screen. The cutscene ends as it delves into the lower depths of the house. From out of somewhere, words appear on the screen: “Darc... Save...the Deimos...” Finally, we get to see who is being whipped. It’s none other than a grown-up Darc. He is laying on his stomach in what appears to be a dungeon. Chains hang from the ceiling and walls, and the interior appears to be made up of tree wood. Finally getting up to his knees, Darc shows some life.] Darc: ...Damn...! [A fat woman appears on screen, though she is only seen from the feet to her arm. She carries a wand and is addressed, in her label, as Geedo.] Geedo: Just how long were you planning to sleep?! [Cut to her face. It’s a cross between a frog and a fish, with ugly ears poking out of her face and a bottom jaw like a humans. She wears a golden broach and she has cold, wicked eyes. From the view given, she’s looking down at Darc.] Geedo: I have an errand for you to run. Get to [Orcoth] and buy me some [Phoenix Blood]! Now listen carefully...If you spend the money on junk or lose it somewhere along the way... [She slaps the wand into the palm of her left hand.] Geedo: I think you get my drift! Don’t you? [Darc, still on his hands and knees, nods.] Geedo: Then get out of here! Stop slouching around! [Geedo gives Darc 100 G and leaves.] Darc: Aw... [Darc exits the house. He walks through Sabnak Forest and finally reaches Orcoth. No sooner has he reached the town square, than a cutscene begins to play. A reddish-pink female Deimos starts to talk and the cutscene ends after she does.] Deimos: Hey! What’s that?! Here comes a strange one? This should be fun, eh? [She approaches Darc and, by her label, she is now known as an “Orcon Girl.”] Orcon Girl: Are you that hag Geedo’s slave? What did you come here for? Darc: Why should I tell you? Orcon Girl: Tut tut! Don’t you recognize the great Delma, the fearful “Red Devil” of the Orcon tribe? Anyway, this is no place for someone like you! Go on home, now. [She starts to walk away, but looks sidelong at him once more.] Delma: Why, you brazen little punk! You with your wings and all. [She runs away.] Darc: What’s up with her? [Rather than hurry back to Geedo’s House, Darc walks to the arena to see what’s going on. As he enters, he sees a old Orcon with extremely long horns talking to a bigger, fatter Orcon in a throne. The old man is given the name “Gorma”.] Gorma: I’m tell you, you’re going about this all wrong! There may be a tradition of eating them to increase one’s strength...But, we have no idea to what extent that’s true! Besides, if one were to raise them properly...we would be able to cross the sea and fly to other continents! We Orcon have always longed for the sky--and now it could be ours! [Gorma turns angry, stamping his skull staff on the floor.]] Gorma: But you...You’re not thinking of anything but how to make yourself stronger! I can’t imagine leaving the future of the Orcon race in the hands of someone like that... [The fat Orcon speaks, and is given the title “Densimo”.] Densimo: Oh, shut up! You just won’t quit, will you? I don’t care if you are the oldest one here. I don’t need any sissified geezer bossing me around! [He rises, and points a finger at Gorma.] Densimo: Listen, I won’t stand for any more of your stupid chatter, old man! How about if I smash in those ridiculous long horns of yours? Gorma: (taken aback) I-I beg your pardon! [Densimo jumps down onto the arena floor, and picks Gorma up by the neck with one hand.] Densimo: Don’t challenge me! It’s been ages since you were our leader! Gorma: H-hey! Th-that’s enough, Densimo! [Densimo throws him to the ground.] Densimo: Tell me, Gorma! Who’s the strongest Orcon now, eh? Me, that’s who! Densimo! And who’s in charge of Orcoth, huh? That would be...me! And who can give orders to the might Densimo? NO ONE!! I do as I please! My life is my own! I won’t be pushed around by anyone! I’ll rip apart anyone who gets in my way!! [Darc goes back to the peddler’s stand, finding the peddler back this time. He approaches. The seller is labeled as “Quorup”.] Quorup: Welcome. What would you like? What the...? Aren’t you the slave who works that old bag, Geedo? I have nothing to sell a Deimos wannabe! Or, should I sell you some human equipment? If you are a Deimos, you look awfully weak. Heh heh heh... Darc: Like I would need that! I’m a Deimos! I have enough money, so hand over some Phoenix Blood! Quorup: Oh, so Geedo’s thirsty for Phoenix Blood again, eh? If she keeps drinking that stuff, she’ll find her way to an early grave all right. It hypes you up in the short term, but if you make a habit of it, it ends up having the opposite effect. But that crone doesn’t look like she’d die even if you killed her. [Darc buys the Phoenix Blood.] Quorup: That’s the last of my [Phoenix Blood]. Careful that it doesn’t get stolen on your way back. Heh heh heh. [Darc heads for the town exit but has his way blocked by two Orcon, one blue and thin, the other red and fat. The thin one speaks first.] Zoram: Hey, Zugalo, look at that. Some human-y thing has found its way into our territory! Zugalo: Th-that’s Geedo’s slave. H-his name is Darc, I think. Zoram: Hey there! You think it’s alright? That a Deimos wannabe like you can just toddle around Orcoth at will? Darc: I’m a Deimos! Now get out of my way. Zoram: Did you hear that, Zugalo? He thinks he’s a Deimos! Zugalo: Th-that’s what he said, all right. A-and then he told us to get out of his way! Zoram: Ha ha ha! Pretty funny, don’t you think? This human, this wannabe Deimos is ordering around the real thing! Zugalo: H-hilarious! Ha ha ha ha ha! Zoram: Heh heh...We’ll get out of your way, all right. As long as you give us what you bought from that Quorup. Darc: (mad) What?! Zoram: Not too bright, are you, kid? What, are you looking for a fight? If you say you’re a Deimos, how about some proof? Zugalo: L-let’s have a little talk! [Zugalo walks back into Orcoth.] Zoram: Come on! Let’s do it! [Zoram walks Darc back into Orcoth and, more specifically, the arena. Zugalo is already here and Densimo is sleeping in his chair. The two guards on either side of him see the fight about to start.] Densimo’s Underling A: Hey, check it out. Zoram and Zugalo are really going to town! Densimo’s Underling B: Idiot! You’re gonna wake up Densimo! Be quiet! Densimo’s Underling A: Don’t worry about it! Once Densimo’s asleep, he’s pretty hard to wake up. Now c’mon, we’ve gotta see this! [On the arena floor...] Zugalo: A-are you ready, you Deimos wannabe? Zoram: (from behind Darc) Well, if you give us what we want, we won’t kill you, you know. Just hand it over! [The battle starts. Although Darc is outnumbered, he harnesses his hard- hitting claw swipes and wind magic, easily routing Zugalo and Zoram. As the battle ends, they’re laying on the floor in pain.] Darc: So, now that I’ve won, you have nothing to say? [Delma walks in.] Delma: Hey, not bad! I see you in a whole new light now. Say...Would you wanna join up with my brother, maybe? That’s him, sleeping over there. My brother, Densimo. Darc: You two are brother and sister? Delma: He’s gathering up some strong allies to chase the humans out. Darc: Sorry, but I’m not interested. Delma: (mad) Why not? Don’t you hate humans? They’re stealing our Spirit Stones right from under our noses! Darc: Spirit Stones? Delma: That’s right! Spirit Stones are life itself for us Deimos. Without them, we can’t even use magic properly. Basically, if we don’t have Spirit Stones, we can’t go on living! We won’t stand for humans just waltzing away with such a precious source of magic power! Don’t you agree? Together we can drive out the humans before they steal any more of ‘em! Darc: Sorry...I have to get this Phoenix Blood back to Geedo. Delma: (mad) Bah! Here I thought you were ready and raring to go! My mistake! I guess you’re just a Deimos wannabe after all. So long! [Delma runs out.] Darc: (to self) No...I’m not. I’m not a wannabe. I’m a real Deimos... [Darc returns to Geedo’s House shortly afterwards.] Geedo: Where have you been? Taking a leisurely stroll somewhere? I’ve been waiting forever for you to get back here! You’ve bought the Phoenix Blood, right? Darc: Yes. But the Quorup said you shouldn’t drink too much of it. He said it would lead you to an early grave... Geedo: What’s that? An early grave, eh? Darc: Maybe you shouldn’t go overboard, that’s all. Geedo: ......You just mind your own business! You don’t have to say everything that pops into your tiny head! Darc: ...... Geedo: But, well...Maybe I should stop drinking it. After all, think of how the world would mourn the passing of such peerless beauty...! [Geedo puts the Phoenix Blood in a chest.] Geedo: There we go. [She walks back to Darc.] Geedo: Say, have you heard about [Firbles]? Darc: Yes. Geedo: Then I’ll sum it up. Firbles...Firbles are incredibly rare monsters. Rare because those damn Orcon are just crazy about them. And do you know what that means? Darc: No... Geedo: No?! Those stinking Orcon will shell out any amount of money for a Firble! No matter what the cost. Heh heh heh! Darc: What do the Orcon do with Firbles? Geedo: How should I know? Ask ‘em yourself! You should worry more about catching those [Firbles] before they do! Got it? Darc: Got it. Geedo: Then stop slouching around and get out there! [Darc leaves and goes to Orcoth to see Gorma about the Firbles. He was the one advocating their safety, so it’s an obvious choice. As Darc enters, Gorma is ranting off in the corner of his house--a subway car.] Gorma: The mistake of a lifetime...! I should never have given up my post to that savage brute...Why won’t he see the possibilities [Firbles] have to offer? [Darc approaches.] Gorma: Hmm? Aren’t you...Yes. Geedo’s servant, uh... Darc: Darc. Gorma: Yes, that was it. So, Darc, what can I do for you? [Darc asks about Firbles.] Gorma: You know about Firbles? You’re smarter than you look! No offense. Firbles seem to be a stage in the life cycle of Pyrons, also known as the “Heroes of the Skies.” Darc: Pyrons? Gorma: What, you don’t know what Pyrons are? Pyrons are monsters with fire inside them. They can fly across oceans, over mountains... ...and complete a thousand-mile journey in a single night. All according to some research I’ve been doing. Firbles can be found here on Aldrow, and look like [white lizards]. There seems to be a way to raise Firbles into their adult form, Pyrons. Darc: Firbles into Pyrons... Gorma: Then again, you have wings, so it’s probably no big deal to you. But we Orcon don’t have wings...We really want Firbles so we can fly! Well, all except for that Densimo, who eats the damn things. Darc: What happens when you eat a Firble? Gorma: According to one theory, they can give you tremendous strength... I don’t know how much that’s true. It’s got to be far better to raise them into Pyrons instead. Darc: You said there were Firbles on Aldrow, but where? Gorma: I don’t know the details, but Firbles need plenty of water and water plants to survive. Apparently the ocean is too salty and thus unsuitable for a Firble habitat. That’s about all I know. Darc: Got it. A place with water, eh? Thanks, Gorma. Gorma: All I can do is share my knowledge with you. And that’s easy enough. [With the knowledge of Firble habitats in mind, Darc goes to Haystir Marsh. It’s in an swampish area to the south of Geedo’s House.] Darc: Haystir Marsh...(looking around) Plenty of water, plenty of water plants. If what Gorma said is true, there ought to be Firbles here... [Out from behind a rock, a white lizard romps past, disappearing into another part of the marsh.] Darc: Huh?! Something white...Could it be...? [Darc hides behind a rock and observes the lizard. It runs off into the marsh when it sees him watching.] Darc: Like a white lizard...That’s a Firble! [After some trial and error, Darc sneaks up onto a Firble as it drinks in a water pit.] Darc: I’m glad I caught you, but if I take you to Geedo...I know she’s gonna sell you to the Orcon...and Densimo’ll eat you............. [Darc looks back to the entrance and sees Zoram and Zugalo approaching, with Delma following close behind.] Delma: Here? Really? Zoram: Maybe, yeah. That’s what Gorma said, anyway...Make no mistake. They’re living in Haystir Marsh! [Darc and the Firble are hidden by the ruins of a pickup, and aren’t spotted by the three Orcon.] Darc: Orcon?! Oh, yeah...! They must be looking for Firbles. (to Firble) You hide here. I’ll do something to throw them off the scent. [Darc walks to the three Orcon.] Delma: Hey, if it isn’t Darc! What the hell are you doing here? Darc: ...Nothing. Just taking a walk. Delma: A walk? You...you came all the way here just for a casual stroll? Zoram: Yo, Zugalo. Don’t you think that’s kind of odd? Zugalo: Definitely. Something’s fishy with this guy. Delma: Well, whatever. We don’t need to know what you’re doing here. But, say, Darc? You haven’t seen any weird monsters around here, have you? [Darc walks past Delma.] Darc: Weird monsters? Hmm...Sure, a few of ‘em. Zoram: R-really?! Zugalo: Wh-what did they look like?! Darc: There are three of ‘em right in front of me as I speak. Zoram: ...What?! Are you talking about us? Zugalo: You got guts, I’ll say that, punk. You’re asking for it. L-let’s get him, Delma! Delma: (to Darc) Hah...Well said! You’re courageous to speak like that when you’re outnumbered. Darc: Because I don’t like being treated like some kind of freak! Delma: ...... (to Zugalo and Zoram) ...C’mon! Zoram: What?! You mean we’re just gonna walk away? Delma: Shut up! IF you two wanna make something of it, be my guest! Zoram: But...If we don’t find any Firbles, Densimo’ll... Delma: I could care less about Firbles! Densimo’s just being selfish! [Delma leaves.] Zoram: Wait! Wait for us, Delma! [Zoram and Zugalo leave, too.] Darc: Phew...! Looks like I got rid of them. But...It’s not safe to leave the Firble here like this....What should I do? [Darc brings the Firle to the church ruins, putting it in a circle of rocks that once was the nest of a different monster.] Darc: You should be safe here, little Firble. This is where my father died. I guess you could call it my secret place. What am I doing...? You could never understand what I’m talking about. [The screen shows Delma standing silently just a few feet away.] Delma: You’re definitely a weird one. Darc: (turning around) Delma! How-- Delma: (walking closer) I thought you might be here. Darc: (mad) Did you follow me? Delma: That’s...a Firble, isn’t it. What are you doing hiding monsters? Darc: Gorma said we could raise it into a monster that could fly. And I didn’t want Densimo to eat the poor thing, anyway. Delma: If my brother heard that, he’d have your head for sure. (walks closer) You really are strange, aren’t you? You don’t seem like a Deimos. Darc: You’re wrong! I’m-- Delma: Look, Deimos don’t rescue monsters. In Orcoth, Densimo’s got everyone running around like crazy...trying to find his precious Firbles. Darc: Are you...looking for them, too? Delma: I told you, didn’t I? I don’t care about Firbles. Zoram and Zugalo insisted I come with them, so I did. That’s all. I was just killing time. Darc: Then go away. And don’t tell anyone about this. Delma: Excuse me?! You don’t’ get to tell me what to do! Darc: ...Are you gonna tell anyone? Delma: We’ll see! It all depends on you. Darc: You just try telling someone! If you do... Delma: Yeah? If I do, then what? Darc: Then I’ll rip your heart out! Delma: Ha! So all of a sudden you’re trying to act like a true Deimos? You couldn’t kill me, could you? I’d like to see you try! Ha ha ha! Darc: What did you say?! [Delma runs away, up to a platform at the rightmost area of the church. It overlooks the sea.] Darc: Wait! [Darc follows her.] Darc: Promise you won’t tell anyone! Not about the Firble and not about this place, either! Delma: You want it to be a secret that badly? Then I’ll keep quiet. Darc: (taken aback) ...Really? Delma: You know...I’ve always thought I’d like to fly...If...if you could make that dream come true...Then I’d keep your Firble a secret. Darc: So that’s it, huh? Delma: Well? Darc: Sure... [Darc takes Delma in his arms, and the cutscene begins. Darc flies all around the place.] Delma: Wohee! This is great! So you really can fly! Darc: Well, yeah! Here we go! Hold on tight! Delma: Whoa! Don’t speed up like that! Waa! Are you crazy? Darc: Ha ha ha! Don’t fall! [They fly around a bit longer.] Darc: Well, had enough? Delma: It’s so amazing! It’s awesome! Thanks, Darc! Darc: Sure... [As they go back to land, a Drakyr hovers in the sky, watching.] Drakyr: Is that? Darc...I’ve finally found you. [The cutscene ends.] Delma: That was great! Totally amazing! Darc: Sure. [The Drakyr who was watching them lands on the ground in front of them.] Drakyr: So there you are. The son of that traitorous Windalf! Darc: What?! Delma: Since when have there been Drakyr on Aldrow? Your territory is in Ragnoth, isn’t it? Drakyr: Listen to me, She-Orc! If you value your life, you’ll shut up! Delma: What?! Drakyr: The search for you has been long and difficult, Darc. Darc: What do the Drakyr want with me? Because of the wounds he suffered at your hands...my father died! Drakyr: It was only fitting. He betrayed the Drakyr, fell in love with a despicable human, and broke Deimos law. Furthermore, he even managed to steal our greatest treasure, the [Wind Stone]! After Windalf died, we Drakyr searched every place we thought he could have hidden the Wind Stone...Alas, we never found it. Now there’s nowhere left to look...except to his son, that is! Just hand over the Wind Stone and no one gets hurt...Well? Darc: As if I would listen to one of the tribe who killed my father! Drakyr: That means...I’ll take it by force. From your dead body, if necessary. [Darc gets in a battle stance. Delma does the same.] Delma: I’m with you, Darc! I’d be a disgrace to the Orcon race if I let this Drakyr outsider escape! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ CHURCH RUINS SKIRMISH: IN-BATTLE SPEECH AFTER DARC TAKES HIS FIRST TURN: Delma: If you’re a kinda Deimos, too, then you should be able to use magic, right? If we get in trouble, go ahead and use it, OK? Darc: Yeah, I will. Delma: I just wanna make sure, but you do have some Spirit Stones, right? That’s where the magic comes from. No stones, no magic! Darc: As if didn’t know that! IF DARC’S LIFE STARTS GETTING TOO LOW: Delma: If you’re getting weak, you’ve gotta recover! Try an Item or some magic. Darc: I’ll be OK. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ [Even though they are outnumbered four-to-two in battle, Delma and Darc manage to run off all the Drakyr. It was a hard-fought battle, but they emerge victorious.] Delma: And don’t ever come back! Darc: Delma, you risked your own life to save me. Thanks. Delma: Y...you idiot! What are you talking about? I...I just...I just couldn’t stand that stupid Drakyr. So I fought him. That’s all. [She walks so her back is to Darc.] Delma: I-it’s not like I was...helping your or anything. [She faces him.] Delma: But what’s all this about the Wind Stone? Are you actually carrying the Drakyr’s greatest treasure around with you as we speak? Darc: Well...I don’t know if it’s the Wind Stone or not...but I do have a memento from my father. I didn’t want Geedo to take it, so I hid it in his grave-- [Suddenly, Darc grasps the collar at his neck. It’s choking him.] Darc: Urk!...Mmf! Can’t...breathe...! Delma: Whoa, Darc! What is it? Are you all right? [The collar stops choking him.] Darc: I...I’m fine. She does it...all the time. Delma: That Geedo, eh? Darc: It was...a warning. Delma: A warning? Darc: Yeah. Geedo uses witchcraft to tighten this collar. She forced me to wear it when she took me in as a child. I kept trying to remove it, but as long as Geedo’s spell is still going strong, I don’t think I ever can...This last squeeze was probably telling me to come back home. She sent me out here to catch Firbles. Delma: Then you were gonna give that Firble to Geedo... Darc: I would never do such a thing! Not to Geedo, not to Densimo. I wouldn’t give it to anyone! Delma: But...if you don’t... Darc: ...I’m gonna be punished. I know that. Delma: Then look at it as an opportunity. Get rid of Geedo! Then you won’t have to be her slave anymore. Darc: I...I can’t do it. Geedo’s too cautious. I’d never been able to trick her. Besides... Delma: What? Geez! Darc: I was lying half-dead in the streets of Orcoth when Geedo found me...and raised me. She whipped me, chained me with this collar, and worked me ‘til I thought I’d die...But still...She raised me. Delma: Oh, come on! Are you nuts? Is that why you can’t kill her? Even though she put you through all that? I just can’t believe you! No way could you be a Deimos! I would have cut up that old bag a long time ago. [Delma starts walking out of the Church Ruins.] Delma: You really are strange. Weirdo! [She runs out.] Darc: Strange, eh?...I guess so. [When Darc gets back to Geedo’s House, he finds her pacing around anxiously.] Geedo: You’re late! Idiot! I see you’ve gotten cheeky enough to think you can make me wait all day, eh? I mean, how late can you get?! [She walks over to Darc.] Geedo: What’s...this...?Where are the Firbles? You did catch some Firbles didn’t you? [Darc hangs his head.] Geedo: You must be kidding! No way are you moronic enough to come back empty-handed. Well?! Where are they? Tell me!! Darc: There weren’t any Firbles... Geedo: WHAT?? I didn’t hear you! Say that again! Darc: I said...There weren’t any Firbles... Geedo: Save the jokes for later! You worthless piece of Deimos wannabe scum!! I bet you didn’t even search properly! You just went off and had a grand old time, didn’t you? Good-for-nothing! Trash! Imbecile! Blockhead! Moron! You still don’t understand what happens...when you make me angry?! Well, I guess I’ll have to teach you and teach you well. It’s time you learn once and for all what happens when you don’t do as you’re told! Oh, yes, I’ll etch that lesson into the very marrow of your bones! [In the dungeon, Darc receives his punishment. Like usual, the torture isn’t seen by the player.] Darc: Gyaaaaaaah!! Darc: Waaaaaaahh!! Geedo: You waste of skin! Just one or two Firbles! Why couldn’t you have caught at least that many? I didn’t raise you to play around all day, or to go on leisurely strolls! Got it? How about if you try coming in handy once in a while, eh? Darc: Aaaaaaagh!! Geedo: Felt that one, eh? Down to your bones? This is what happens when you disobey me! [When Darc finally comes around, he’s lying face-down on the floor.] Darc: Father! Windalf: Darc, listen well! A crisis is drawing near... The destruction of all Deimos... If things go on like this... The Deimos will be destroyed... All Deimos... all will feel pain...suffering... and will breathe their last... Darc...my son... The child of a Deimos and a human... You can surely escape the fate of the Deimos... The power to change their destiny of destruction... ...lies within you! Darc, save the Deimos from ruin! You can do it... [Darc doesn’t know whether that was a dream or a hallucination.] Darc: Father! A...dream... [He stands.] Darc: Save the Deimos, eh? Heh heh...Ha ha ha...Ha ha ha ha ha!! Doesn’t it make you laugh? Damn it! I can do it, he says? What can I do? Me? Ha! I’m Geedo’s slave! Even when I was fighting that Drakyr, I don’t know what would have happened If Delma hadn’t been there...And I can save the Deimos? Ridiculous... I...I can’t do a thing. [After walking into the living room...] Darc: Huh! Geedo’s not here. That’s strange...She hardly ever goes out. Says it’s just too much trouble. I know! I’ll go see how the Firble’s doing. I’m a little worried that Delma might have said something to Densimo. [Darc walks outside and is met by Delma on the stairs.] Delma: Geez, she really did a number on you. Darc: It’s nothing new. What do you want? Delma: (shyly) Nothing in particular! I thought you might’ve been killed by the Drakyr. I just came to see your ugly mug! Darc: Yeah...? Sorry to worry you. Delma: Look, I wasn’t worried! Where are you going? Darc: Do I have to tell you? Delma: O-of course not! But...it’s not safe to wander around too much. Those damn Drakyr...You never know. They might still be after your [Wind Stone], right? Darc: I’m worried that you might have told Densimo about the Firble. Delma: (taken aback) What?! [Darc starts walking out.] Delma: Wait! Where are you going? Darc: Mind your own business. Delma: I didn’t tell my brother, all right? I made a promise, didn’t I? Darc: A promise...It’s not often a Deimos keeps her promises. Delma: Oh, shut up! I just felt like it! I don’t know where you’re going, but I’m coming with you. Don’t get the wrong idea! I just wanna kill some Drakyr! They have to be punished for invading our territory! And...and if I’m with you...They might show up...so... Darc: Whatever. [Darc and Delma go to the Church Ruins.] Delma: You’ve come here for the Firble again, haven’t you? You sure are crazy about those things. Darc: It’s not that... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ I am...of the wind... ...A new...era... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Darc: What was that? Delma: I heard some kind of strange voice! Darc: It couldn’t be...the stone... [The two walk to a rockpile at the back of the church.] Delma: Hey, Darc? What’s with that pile of rocks there? Darc: This...this is my father’s grave. Delma: This? Darc: My father died here. Delma: You definitely don’t act much like a Deimos, do you? Darc: You never quit! I’m telling you, I’m-- Delma: Look, Deimos don’t build tombs, that’s all. There’s no denying it’s sad when your friends and family die. But the only ones who build tombs and sob their regrets over them are humans. Darc: My father was killed! By Drakyr! That’s why... Delma: If you have time to build a tomb, you have time for revenge! A fang for a fang! It’s just common sense. Darc: ...... Delma: Ah, what the heck. It’s no skin off my back if a Deimos wants to build a tomb... (changing the subject) I’m gonna go check on the Firble. Darc: (to self) Revenge, huh...? [Darc stares at his father’s tomb.] Darc: But never mind that...What was that voice? [Darc walks over to the Firble’s nest.] Delma: Look, Darc! Darc: Eggs? Delma: Firble eggs! Man do they look tasty. Darc: (taken aback) !...WHAT? Delma: Please! I was only kidding. Now, what is this? Such an odd feeling...I feel like my face is gonna split wide open. It’s like something that had been strung taut has just come loose... [Delma is surprised at herself.] Delma: I...I’m not myself! Or something. This feeling’s a first for me. Darc: That would be...happiness. Delma: Hap-pi-ness? What the hell is that? Delma: It’s damn weird! Darc: I think all Deimos should be feeling that way. I wanna build them a peaceful world, free of war and strife. I want to save the Deimos. Delma: Hmmmmmmm. You really are strange, you know. I’ve never heard anyone say anything like that before. But...who knows? You just might be able to do it. [Something catches Delma’s eye at the entrance.] Delma: Eh? Darc: What is it? Delma: Shh! Someone’s coming! [Darc and Delma crouch down behind an old stone wall. Four soldiers enter the church ruins. Two are dressed alike, while the other two seem to be of a higher rank. One carries knuckle weapons made of sharpened metal dowels, while the other carries a short sword. As they stop, the first one is labeled as “Ludhi”.] Ludhi: Oho! There was a church here, no two ways about it! I bet we find some real treasure here! [Ludhi turns to the man holding the short sword.] Ludhi: Hey, Rapier! You’re one lucky recruit. Stuff like this doesn’t happen every day, you know. Rapier: Ludhi...Where are you going? The regiment isn’t over here. Ludhi: Ah, it’s fine.This is near a place they used to call Prodias. Do you know it? Eastern Aldia, before the disaster! We should be able to dig up all sorts of great relics! Man, this kind of thing really makes me love my job. Rapier: Wait a minute, Ludhi! We’re supposed to be patrolling for Deimos. If we don’t report immediately to Zedora Abyss and join up with the regiment there... Ludhi: Listen, Rapier...Stop being such a wet blanket. We mercenaries are always first in line when it comes to the most dangerous work. Don’t you think we deserve some hazard pay? Rapier: What are you saying?! Looting...? That’s absurd! Ludhi: Oh, for pity’s sake! This is Deimos territory. Legally, it doesn’t belong to anyone. Therefore, it’s not looting. Besides...the Deimos destroyed your homeland, didn’t they? With a little money, you could quit your job, become a Cathenian citizen, and live the high life! Rapier: Cut it out! I joined the service to fight Deimos, not to get rich! Forget it! I’m going back. Ludhi: Heh heh...poor naive Rapier. Don’t come around later looking for your cut. Rapier: I never said I wanted any cut! [Rapier walks out of the Church Ruins.] Ludhi: (to other soldier) Hey, you there! Split up and look for any items. We’ll divvy up any treasures you find. [Back by the Firble’s nest...] Delma: Those jerks! Rotten, stinking humans who think only about themselves! Let’s get ‘em! If we leave ‘em alone, the Firbles and your dad’s grave will be totally wrecked! Darc: You’re right... [As Ludhi and the two soldiers are about to walk up the steps into the area where the Firble and the tomb are, Delma and Darc appear, stopping at the top.] Darc: That’s enough. Delma: This is Deimos land, you know! Do you have any idea what happens to humans who barge onto our turf? Or maybe we should show you! Ludhi: Damn...! Deimos. [Rapier comes running back into the Church Ruins and joins up with his comrades.] Rapier: Ludhi! You all right? Ludhi: Rapier...you’ve come back? You’d be better of if you just kept running. Rapier: Don’t be stupid. I would never desert my comrades! Ludhi: I’m sorry, Rapier... Delma: Oh, quit your bellyaching. [Everyone turns back to the Deimos.] Delma: Three or four or more...it’s all the same to me. I’ll take you down regardless! Darc: Humans...prepare yourselves! [The humans fight valiantly but are overcome by the Deimos’ fighting spirit and insurmountable magic. Soon, both Ludhi and Rapier have been killed, and the two Shotgun Hunters have followed suit.] Darc: So this...this is a human...Thinking only of forcing his way onto Deimos land and stealing from its people. This blood flows in my mother, too... [Delma runs up to Darc, holding the weapon Ludhi had used.] Delma: Hey, Darc! What the hell is this? Darc: That? That’s the weapon the human was using! Delma: It’s got a sharper edge to it than a Deimos’ natural weapons... Here, you take this one! [Delma beckons to the chest armor and sword Rapier left behind.] Delma: Human weapons suit your hands much better. Good idea, don’t you think? Darc: I can’ fight without using one of these...Is that what you’re thinking? Delma: No, that’s not it. I’m just saying it’d be better to use weapons if they make you stronger. Darc: I’m a Deimos! As if I would ever use human weapons! I won’t! Period! Delma: Look, you don’t have to sulk about it. I won’t use any human weapons either. But listen, what are you gonna do? The Drakyr are still after you...And the humans have already infiltrated our territory. You can’t beat them if you don’t get stronger! Darc: I know that. But...I just don’t wanna use human weapons. That’s all. Delma: Damn it! You are such a hassle! If you’re gonna be that way, fine. Then there’s only one thing to do. You’ve got to get more allies. If you wanna stand up to the Drakyr, it’s really your only option. Darc: More allies, you say...But who? You don’t mean...Zoram and Zugalo? Delma: Oh, you can’t count on them for anything! I’m talking about my brother! Darc: Densimo?! Why would he join forces with me? Never mind that I’m hiding Firbles from him... Delma: Don’t worry about it! Leave it all to me! [When Darc and Delma enter Orcoth again, they head straight for the arena. However, Zugalo and Zoram are blocking the entrance.] Darc: You’re in my way. I have to speak with Densimo. Move. Zugalo: H-hey! Don’t just bandy his name about like that! Zoram: Watch your mouth, you stinking wannabe! What could someone like you have to say to Densimo? Delma: I’ve got to talk to him! Zugalo: D-Delma! Zoram: Oh, well, sure, no problem! Why didn’t you say so? Delma: My brother’s inside, right? Zoram: Yes, yes, of course he is! [Darc and Delma enter the arena and speak with Densimo, who’s still sitting in his throne, watching a fight in the meantime.] Delma: Hey, bro... Densimo: Oh, Delma. Those two told me about you. Seems you’ve been hanging around with this Deimos winnable lately. Delma: Darc’s no wannabe! He’s one strong guy. You just tell me what’s wrogn with joining up with strong comrades! Densimo: Gah ha ha ha! A Deimos wannabe, strong? Don’t make me laugh! Delma: Whoever I choose to hang out with has nothing to do with you! Densimo: Hmph! So what did you want? Delma: We were attacked by a Drakyr. They’re after Darc. Densimo: And? Delma: And we want you to fight the Drakyr with us! Densimo: Don’t be ridiculous! Why should I have to help out this wannabe? Hell, he’s probably some sort of Drakyr himself! Let the two of ‘em sort it out for themselves. Delma: C’mon, don’t be that way. I’m begging you...brother. Do it for your cut li’l sister...? Densimo: Shut up! I’m too busy right no, what with the humans sneaking into our territory. I don’t have time to get myself tangled up in Drakyr quarrels! Delma: Oh, so that’s how it’s gonna be! Well, fine! You stubborn dolt! (to Darc, whispering) He says he’s busy, but you know what? He’s really just afraid of Drakyr. Densimo: Delma! What did you just say?! Delma: Not me! I didn’t say a thing! [Delma starts to walk away.] Densimo: You liar! What were you whispering about just now? Delma: I told him, that’s all! I told Darc! You act all important and puffed-up, but you’re really afraid, aren’t you? Of Drakyr! Densimo: You must be joking! Those flying numbskulls? They’re nothing to me! Delma: Yeah, yeah, whatever. Actions speak louder than words! Densimo: Hey! What are you saying? Come on, out with it! [Densimo rises.] Densimo: Or do you want me to beat it out of you?! Delma: See? This is why the Drakyr are always making fun of you. Densimo: M-making fun of me?! What are they saying? Delma: The Drakyr that attacked us were all like...”You! Move! Orcon wimps! You’re nothing but a bunch of cowards!!” That’s what they said. Densimo: O-Orcon...wimps?! Did they really say that? Delma: You bet! Then they said, “Orcon! Ha! More like Porkon! You fat, stupid pigs!” Densimo: P-p-p-pigs?! Grrrrrrrr...!! Delma: Oh, yeah! Speaking of animals, they also said, “That Densimo’s a big...yellow...chicken!” Densimo: That does it!! I’ll never forgive those Drakyr! I’m gonna kill ‘em! I’m gonna smash ‘em to bits!! Always flapping those wings around! Bah! I’m gonna split their skulls open! I’m gonna tie their bones into knots! I’m gonna make them beg to be put out of their misery! Delma: Of course, you’d have to! That’s my big brother for you! Densimo: Well, in a perfect world, maybe...But I don’t have time for that now! I’ve got to get rid of the human intruders before I start going after any Drakyr. Delma: Well...If we help you out with the humans, will you join us? Densimo: You? Help me? Chase out the humans? Delma: You got it! In fact, we trounced a couple of ‘em on our way here. Densimo: Well, I’ll be damned...The two of you alone took on humans and won? My own henchmen can’t even handle ‘em. Hmmmmmm...(to Darc) All right! You help us slaughter the humans at [Zedora Abyss]. Then we’ll take on the Drakyr. How’s that sound? You don’t have a problem with that, do you? Darc: N-no, not at all...thank you. Densimo: Great! Then we’ll join forces. It’s a deal. Delma: See, Darc? It all went according to plan! Darc: Y-yeah...I guess so. But with you two, I could barely get a word in edgewise... Densimo: Hmmm? What are you talking about? Delma: Oh, nothing. Nothing at all. C’mon, let’s get going! We’ve got to get to [Zedora Abyss], right? [South of Haystir Marsh lies Zedora Abyss. The three Deimos, determined to run the humans out of Aldrow, head straight for there. They approach the area, but Darc holds them all back, pulling them into a rocky alcove.] Densimo: What’re you stopping for? Darc: Shh! Be quiet! Look at that. [In the middle of the ground, across the way, soldiers are pacing back and forth. Others are working at things in the cliffs and out at sea, on the rocks that stick above.] Cathenian Soldier: All clear! [The soldier marches off, meeting another soldier patrolling in the same manner.] Cathenian Soldier: All clear! [Back at the alcove...] Densimo: What are those humans doing? They look so foolish pacing back and forth like that. Delma: W-wait a minute! Look over there! [Over by the cliffs...] Cathenian Soldier: Almost time for a rest. Up the hill! [The Deimos see what the workers are doing finally.] Darc: Are they taking Spirit Stones...? Delma: Argh! They make me so mad! How can they just walk off with the source of all our precious magic powers? Densimo: C’mon. Let’s get in there and mess ‘em up! Darc: Wait. They’ve assigned each other roles, and they’re working systematically. We’ve got to come up with a strategy, too. Densimo: I don’t do strategies! And I won’t copy the behavior of the idiotic humans! [Densimo marches off towards the humans.] Delma: We can’t let them get away with this! [Delma runs after Densimo.] Darc: Damn! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ZEDORA ABYSS SKIRMISH: IN-BATTLE SPEECH WHEN DENSIMO ATTACKS A HUMAN: Densimo: Humans are easy prey! Darc: The fight’s not over! Don’t let your guard down! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ [With Densimo’s power added to their own, the Deimos easily stomp the Cathenian soldiers and the Spear Hunters. Afterwards, the three stand at the battlefield.] Densimo: Wa ha ha ha! That was a cinch! Delma: We did it, Darc! Densimo: Yo, Darc. You’re pretty strong, ain’tcha? How about this? You could be my aide. If you and I combine our strengths, we could expand Orcon territory even further. And we’d crush those who oppose us! How ‘bout we split the land evenly? Delma: It’s no use, Densimo. Darc’s working towards a bigger goal! Densimo: A bigger goal, eh? As if there were something more worthwhile than expanding our territory! You stay out of this! (to Darc) C’mon, whaddaya think? It’s not a bad deal for you, after all. Darc: ...... Densimo: That’s fine. Take all the time you need. Wait ‘til after we’ve taken care of the Drakyr before you give me your answer. Now let’s get back to [Orcoth]! [Delma and Densimo start to leave, but Darc lingers behind.] Darc: The humans...joined forces before coming here. They know that you can grow ever stronger if you just cooperate. The more humans they can gather together, the more powerful they’ll be. And when that happens, the Deimos may just lose to them. Was this what Father meant when he talked about the [Crisis]? [Delma runs back.] Delma: Hey, Darc! What are you up to over there? C’mon, Densimo’s getting antsy. Let’s return to [Orcoth]! [Darc follows her back to the entrance, where Densimo was indeed getting antsy.] Densimo: Grrr! Don’t make me wait! [The party is just getting back to Orcoth when Delma stops.] Delma: So we’ve gotten rid of the humans. Now what? Densimo: Well, hmm...you’re right. We can’t exactly kill the Drakyr that are after Darc if they never show up! Delma: So you’d rather go looking for them? Densimo: Are you crazy? How are we supposed to get to Ragnoth, huh? Maybe Darc could make it, but we can’t fly, can we? Delma: I guess not... Densimo: There’s no need to make our way right smack into the middle of the enemy camp. Delma: Then what should we do? Densimo: Hmm...Well, I’m not hungry yet...And I’m not sleepy yet...I’ve got it! Let’s look for Firbles! [Darc and Delma shake their heads in unison.] Delma: What for? Densimo: What do you mean, what for? Eating Firbles gives you strength, doesn’t it? Delma: That’s just an old wives’ tale! Isn’t it, Darc? Darc: Y-yeah, it sure is. Densimo: Really? I thought it was a good idea. Darc: Actually, something’s been bothering me. Densimo: What? Tell us. Darc: I haven’t seen Geedo since morning. She hasn’t squeezed my collar or anything... Delma: Oh, come on! Are you actually worried more about Geedo than about your own life? Darc: Well, not worried, exactly... Delma: How long were you planning to stay her slave, anyway? Densimo: What’s this? Are you still being used by that old witch? I can’t have a slave as my chief aide! That just won’t do! I’m gonna have a word with that Geedo! Darc: You...with Geedo? Delma: Oh, that’s great! After talking with Densimo, I’m sure she’ll let you go free! Whaddya think, Darc? Let’s do it! Darc: ...Yeah, all right. Thanks. Densimo: Let’s go find that wrinkled bat, [Geedo]! [The party sees Zugalo and decides to ask him about Geedo’s whereabouts.] Zugalo: I can’t believe what I just saw! This winged [horce-faced Deimos] came flying from the [Varam Barrens] in the south! Z-Zoram says it was probably just a Drakyr, but...Don’t you believe me? [They all agree “yes.”] Zugalo: Oh th-thank you, wannab--ooops! D-Darc! Darc, I mean! [The party heads to the Varam Barrens, forgetting about Geedo for the moment. However, when they get there...] Darc: That’s-- [Geedo is hanging from a tree, a rope locked around her hands.] Densimo: What...? That’s Geedo, isn’t it? Doesn’t she do that for fun or something? Delma: You idiot! How could she? Darc: But why? [The party runs up to Geedo.] Darc: Geedo! Are you all right? Who could have done this? [Flying in from the sky, a Drakyr lands on top of the tree. Another one floats in the sky a ways behind Geedo.] Darc: No! It’s a trap! [The floating Drakyr is the first to speak to Darc.] Drakyr: Darc...give me the Wind Stone! Give it to me or this hag is history. Geedo: Darc...save me...! Drakyr: Come on! The Wind Stone...now! Darc: ...... Geedo: Darc, please...I don’t want to die... Drakyr: So she raised you up, eh? I say you owe her your life. Are you saying you don’t care what happens to her? Darc: Owe Geedo my life? That’s ridiculous! She worked me to the bone! If you wanna kill her, go ahead and do it! It’ll be a load off my back. Geedo: Hey...! What are you saying?! Shut up and listen, you miserable worm! Aren’t you forgetting something? You would never have grown up big and strong if I hadn’t fed you, after all! So tell me! Would you rather I’d left you to die on the road in Orcoth? Darc: (to self, friends) She used me. Nothing more. Drakyr: Damn! So much for our hostage.(to Drakyr on the tree) I guess we move to Plan B. Call the monsters! Drakyr: You’ll be going up against these guys! [Four Wyverns appear, arcing around the party’s behind. The floating Drakyr flies up towards the other Drakyr. He speaks.] Drakyr: We’ll just sit back and watch, then, shall we? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ THE VARAM BARRENS SKIRMISH: IN-BATTLE SPEECH AFTER AWHILE: Delma: We can finish these measly monsters off easy! Let’s not waste any time on them! Darc: Right. The real enemy is the Drakyr! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ [The party fights the Wyverns, winning after a short while. A cutscene begins as soon as the focus shifts back to the Drakyr and the Orcon.] Densimo: Piece of cake! Don’t underestimate us Orcons! Delma: That’s my big brother. Darc: Hey...where’d they go? [A Drakyr comes and knocks Darc in the back.] Darc: Whoa! Delma: Darc!! Densimo: Why, you...! [The other Drakyr fires wind magic at Densimo.] Drakyr: Haaa! Densimo: Whoof! Delma: Densimo!! You...lousy...stinking...now you’ve done it! Drakyr: Ah-ah-ah...don’t move! [A Drakyr stands over Darc’s body.] Drakyr: Now hand over the Wind stone! Hand it over or we’ll tear off these wings of yours! Darc: Now way I’ll give it to you bastards! Delma: Darc! Drakyr: A Drakyr who can’t fly...is a Drakyr who can die! [The Drakyr rips off Dark’s left wing.] Drakyr: Give us the Wind Stone or I’ll tear off the other one! Darc: I won’t....ever... Drakyr: You little bastard! [He rips the last wing off.] Darc: Urgaaaaaaaaah! Delma: Damn it! That’s enough! If you keep that up you’ll kill him! Drakyr: If he won’t have over the Wind Stone, he’s might as well be. Delma: Stop! The Wind Stone is under his father’s tomb. Drakyr: Under his tomb? Darc’s father...Windalf? Where is it? Darc: Stop...Delma...Don’t tell them Delma: I’m sorry, Darc. I can’t see you like this. Darc: No, Delma! They’ll kill us anyway! Drakyr: That’s enough out of you! [He hits Darc and he falls unconscious.] Darc: Guurgh! Drakyr: Are you telling the truth, She-Orc? Delma: I’m not lying. Look for apile of stones hidden among church ruins Drakyr: Mwa hah hah hah...finally the Wind Stone! It will be ours once more Delma: Now you know! So get lost! Drakyr: Don’t worry, I’ll be on my way after I’ve dealt with... [The other Drakyr hits Delma with wind energy.] Delma: Aaaargh! Drakyr: ...dealt with a certain troublemaker that is. Darc: Del...ma... [Darc goes unconscious. In the real world...] Geedo: Hee hee hee hee hee! What did you think? It worked just like I said it would. Drakyr: You were useless as a hostage, though. Geedo: That’s not true! It would never have gone so well if Darcn’t hadn’t taken the bait--me! Now, you promised...Where’s my money? Drakyr: After we get the Wind Stone. Densimo: Grrr...you just wait! I’ll attack when you least expect it and make my escape! Drakyr: Oh, you’re still alive? Persistent creature, aren’t you? Sorry, but I don’t have time to concern myself with you. Densimo: C-come back here! Damn it!! Yo, grandma! Geedo: Eeek! Y-you’ve got it all wrong! This has nothing to do with me! Densimo: Where’d he go? Geedo: I-I’ll show you...Just...calm down! [Darc finally comes around awhile later.] Darc: Ooooh...Wh-where...Where am I...? [He sees Delma lying there, not moving.] Darc: Delma...That’s right! That Drakyr attacked me... [Darc stands up and looks at the vacant tree.] Darc: Geedo...Did she trick me? What would be the point of turning me over to the Drakyr? Why go that far...? Oh, no! I can’t just stand here! I’ve got to protect the Wind Stone...! [Darc runs to the Church Ruins. This time, he’s without Delma. He runs up to the sanctuary and finds Geedo and the two Drakyr searching in his father’s tomb.] Geedo: You still haven’t found it? Just give me my money already! Drakyr (standing): What a noisy old crone you are. Be quiet! Drakyr (searching): Ah, here it is! This is the treasure of the Drakyr race! The Wind Stone! Drakyr (standing): Good. Now our business here is done. We must tell Droguza! Geedo: Just a moment! First the money! [Darc runs up to the three.] Darc: Geedo! What are you doing?! Geedo: Oh, well, if it isn’t Darc! So you’re still alive, eh? Pretty hard to kill, ain’tcha? Darc: Don’t play with me! Geedo: OK, you got me! I sold you! I sure did! Just as you suspected! And so what if I did? I’d take money over a no-good, useless snot-nosed brat like you any day! Darc: (taken aback) What?! Geedo: And I’m not the only one. No one is stupid enough to join forces with a nitwit like you! [From over by the Firble nest, Densimo walks to where Geedo is.] Darc: Densimo! What are you doing? Densimo: What’s it to you? We made a deal. Darc: A deal?! What kind of a deal? Geedo: You sure are dense. The Drakyr want the Wind Stone. I want money. Densimo wants Firbles. There’s not a single reason we should fight. If we cut you out of the picture, everyone gets along just fine. Densimo: Well, an occasional tussle can’t be avoided. Looks like the Drakyr don’t plan on battling the Orcon if they have the Wind Stone. And I’ve found a Firble, so I have nothing to complain about! Gah ha ha ha! Darc: Densimo...what...What did you do...to the Firble? [Densimo walks up to Darc.] Densimo: Man, it was tasty...I can just feel the strength welling up within me! Ha ha ha ha! Hic...burp! [Densimo belches and spits out the flower-like object that was on top of the Firble’s head.] Densimo: Ptooie! Darc: You...ATE the Firble?! You horrible traitor! How could you betray a friend?! Densimo: Whaaaaat? Friend? You say you’re my friend?! [Densimo picks Darc up by the neck.] Densimo: Gah! Time to wake up! Deimos don’t have friends! Deimos don’t have relationships like that! What we have is power! Power and nothing else! Only the strong survive, and to those victors go the spoils! Drakyr (standing) : Heh heh heh. Magic, too, is controlled by the strong... Geedo: And it’s a bonus if you know who to stab in the back...and when. Hee hee hee hee! Densimo: Get it, Darc? That’s a Deimos! We don’t care if a wannabe like you lives or dies! Darc: Stop it! [Densimo throws him over the staircase and down to the ground. He lands by the equipment Rapier left behind at the previous battle.] Densimo: You fool! You think you’re a match for our strength? Darc: Ack...These...These are Deimos?! The ones Father told me to protect with his last breath?! Are these...Are these the Deimos I’m supposed to save?! If so...Then curse them! If Deimos only believe in power, I’ll become the strongest there is...and change them through force, since that’s all they understand. [Darc picks up Rapier’s sword and breastplate. Densimo goes down the top of the stairs to attack Darc, but after a short scuffle, the powerful leader of the Orcon slumps over, dead. Geedo heads down the stairs, wand in hand, but Darc, too, attacks her. Within a few blows, Geedo has been killed. The two Drakyr soon fall to Darc’s newly-found blade.] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ CHURCH RUINS SKIRMISH: IN-BATTLE SPEECH WHEN DARC ATTACKS DENSIMO FOR THE FIRST TIME: Densimo: So the Deimos wannabe thinks he can beat the great Densimo, eh?! Darc: You...! You killed the Firble...! Damn you! Densimo: Wa ha ha ha! Now it’s me! I’m the strongest! Darc: You...You’re not getting away with this! (Darc’s tension gauge rises to the top after this.) WHEN DARC ATTACKS GEEDO FOR THE FIRST TIME: Geedo: So you think you can escape from my [Cursed Collar]? Eh? You pathetic Deimos wannabe! Darc: I’ll kill you and then escape from this stupid collar! Geedo: Try it if you think you can! You’ll be strangled before you even get close! Darc: Argh! This pain...I’ll wipe it out with my rage! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ [After the battle, Darc is standing over the dead bodies.] Darc: All because of this stone... [In a manner similar to Kharg’s sighting, the Wind Spirit appears.] Spirit: ...Chosen One...You must awaken...Searching out power...in the dark abyss...The time of destruction...approaches once more...Find the one who shines...in the endless night of despair...We have returned...Chosen One...Call forth...your own power...and save...the world...from ruin... [The Spirit fades.] Darc: Heh heh heh ha ha ha ha! It’s mine...The power of the spirits is mine! Heeeeaaah!! That’s it! Power! That’s all there is! I have to use all my power to save the Deimos from destruction! Voice: Darc! [Delma comes running up the stairs.] Delma: Good...you’re all right. Darc? What is it? [She’s frightened by his new attitude.] Delma: Are...are you really darc? You look like...someone else. [Darc says nothing. Delma then notices her brother.] Delma: Densimo! The Drakyr...did they do this...? Darc: No...I did. Delma: Wh-what are you talking about?! No way! You wouldn’t do something like this...would you? Darc: The one who killed Densimo...was me. Delma: How could you! Darc: So what if I did? So what? What does that mean? Delma: (taken aback) What..?! Darc: I’ll gather power! Power to save the Deimos! I’ll bring them all under my control. They’ll obey me and fight the humans! That power will be mine! And death to all who oppose me! Orcons! Drakyr! Humans! Drakyr! I will become king of the Deimos! [Delma takes a step back as Darc yells out his conviction towards the sky.] ################################# ##END OF CHAPTER ONE: AWAKENING## ################################# ################################### ##Kharg, Chapter Two: Setting Out## ################################### [The chapter starts off with a view of the Yewbell road, with two little kids running up it. The boy runs ahead of the girl, causing her to get mad.] Girl: Hey, wait uuuupp! Boy: Hurry up, would you! We’re gonna miss Lord Kharg’s inauguration ceremony! [The boy walks off towards the Castle Ruins.] Girl: I know, I know. But don’t just leave me behind, OK?! [She catches up to the boy, and they both go to the Castle Ruins. It appears that everyone in Yewbell has gathered at the foot of the castle. Defense Corps soldiers, citizens, children, and even that crazy explorer Zev. Paulette and Maru stand at the front, talking to one another. The two kids meet up with a boy that was already there.] Boy: Come on, you’re late! Thanks a lot! I was hoping to get a good view from the front, too. Boy: Sorry, man. There was nothing I could do. She just had to get all dressed up ‘cause we’re gonna see Lord Kharg! Zev: Hey, you kids there, keep it down. It’s about to start. [The kids quiet down and turn their view up to the top of the castle stairs. Nafia, Duncan, and Kharg stand up there, with two Corps soldiers on either side of them.] Duncan: Ahem! Everyone, could we please have some silence? [Everyone quiets down.] Duncan: Ummm, we have gathered everyone here today in order to celebrate the formal introduction of a new Commander, to take over for Commander Lloyd who died in the line of duty fighting for the freedom of us all. So, without further ado, let me introduce to you the man who will stand up to guard our safety and our independence...the new leader of the Defense Corps! Yes, I am sure you all know who I am talking about. Just days ago, he gave quite a performance in Plumb Canyon, driving back the Deimos forces and winning a victory for the humans. Nidellia’s pride and joy...the noble Lord Kharg! Kharg: Thank you. Duncan: At first, his dear mother, Lady Nafia, hesitated, thinking that Lord Kharg was too young to take on this great responsibility. However, our council has come to the conclusion that for our next Commander, no one matches Lord Kharg in ability or popularity. And furthermore, Lord Kharg himself has said that he would be honored to stand up and defend this great country. Therefore, I would like to have Lady Nafia step forward and make this inauguration official. [Duncan steps back and Nafia and Kharg step forward. Kharg kneels.] Nafia: You have grown up, protect by the love of everyone here. And now your time has come for you to give something back. Kharg Meleol Nidellia, I now pronounce you Commander of the Defense Corps. Make us all proud. Kharg: I will try my best. Thank you. [Nafia steps back and Kharg steps forward to address the audience.] Kharg: We all take pride in our peaceful land of Nidellia. It is a wonderful country and I am proud to call it home. We have discovered Spirit Stones, and we are gradually enriching our everyday lives. However, at the same time, this kind of new-found wealth also invites greedy, foul evil-doers bent on stealing what rightfully belongs to others, just as we have seen with the Drakyr all too recently. But even so, it is impossible to go back in time and change things. If we want this country to grow and expand, in order to keep the peace, we have no choice but to defend ourselves from those who try to bring us down. I’m sure that if Commander Lloyd were still with us...he would say the same thing. I may be young, and I may not have a lot of experience. But I know that no one loves this country more than I do. I know I have some pretty big shoes to fill, but I promise to do everything in my power to make sure none of you have to live in fear! [Everyone applauds and goes back to town. Duncan and Nafia are still talking on the steps.] Duncan: Please, Lady Nafia, Lord Kharg, if you’ll excuse me. Nafia: Thank you for everything today, Duncan. [Duncan leaves.] Nafia: Kharg, there’s something I want to give you. Could you stop by the house now? [Nafia leaves also.] Kharg: You want to give me something...? What in the world could it be? Is there anything at home I haven’t seen already? Oh, well. I won’t find out just standing around here. [Kharg walks down the steps to where Maru and Paulette are waiting.] Maru: That’s so cool. I wish I could be a commander, too. Kharg: What are you talking about? You’re a “prince,” aren’t you? What do you want to be a commander for? Maru: Yeah, I guess...That’s all right> I’ll just keep on being a prince. Paulette: Kharg, I’m behind you all the way. This shoulder armor belonged to my father. I’ll see that I do him proud. Kharg: And I am counting on both of you two. Paulette: Hey, why don’t we get right down to business and make a sweep of the area around Yewbell? Kharg: Actually, uh...My mother’s waiting for me at home. Paulette: Oh, OK...Then I’ll just do a lap around town, make sure everything’s all right. Kharg: Sounds great. Go right ahead. Paulette: (to Maru) Come on, you’re coming with me. Maru: Hey, I’m a prince. I told you, quit ordering me around! Don’t think you’re special just ‘cause you’re wearing special red shoulder pads! I’ll go where I like! See ya! [Maru runs off.] Paulette: What am I ever going to do with that kid...? [She runs off, too. Kharg goes back to his house, finding his mother in her bedroom. She stares out the window as he arrives.] Kharg: Mother, I need to do a quick patrol of the area. I’m worried there may still be Drakyr in the area. Nafia: Kharg...Deimos aren’t the only threat you need to worry about. Kharg: I know that. It’s just that, we don’t’ really know much about the Drakyr. So I think we should be extra careful with them out there. Nafia: In any case...I just don’t want you to go out there looking for a fight, or fighting with feelings of hatred in your heart. Kharg: You told me once, Mother. You said that I’m testing my own strength right now...And that got me thinking. I don’t need to fight to prove my own strength. My mission in life is to help and protect the weak who only wish to live in peace. Nafia: You’re absolutely right...Promise me you’ll never forget that. Kharg: Oh, that reminds me. What was it that you wanted to give me? Nafia: Oh, that’s right. [Nafia walks over to Kharg, holding the shining stone that once adorned her shelf. She offers it to Kharg.] Kharg: Oh...that stone...! Nafia: It’s called the [Wind Stone]. I’ve been keeping it safe all these years. It’s like a good-luck charm to me. Here, I want you to have it. [Kharg takes it, looking at it in his outstretched hand.] Kharg: The Wind Stone...It...kind of looks like it was broken in half... Nafia: Yes, it is. I split that stone with your father. Kharg: My father...?! Nafia: It has protect me, kept me safe. But I want you to keep it now, as you work to keep this country safe from harm. Take it, and let it protect you. [Kharg tucks the stone away.] Kharg: This is the first time. The first time you’ve been the one to bring up Father...What was he like? You two met on a trip, didn’t you? You said he died from an illness. Is the other half of the stone with him? Nafia: The stone has his love inside it, so I know it will keep you safe. Kharg: You didn’t answer my questions. Nafia: May the Wind Stone’s protection be bestowed up on you... [Nafia walks out of the room.] Kharg: Wait, Mother... [She doesn’t answer back.] Kharg: The Wind Stone, huh? [Out of nowhere, the Wind Spirit appears again.] Kharg: What, again? Wind Spirit: ...O Chosen One...awaken, now...The darkness...seeks power...Once again the world...faces...annihilation... ...We have returned...to find the one to shine light... ...into the unending darkness...O Chosen One...awaken... your power...Save...the world from...destruction... [The spirit vanishes.] Kharg: What does that mean...? “O Chosen One, the world faces annihiliation...”? What? Me, save the world? That’s ridiculous... Just how in the world am I supposed to go about doing that...? [Kharg walks back into town and sees Maru standing outside the bar.] Maru: We got another job, Kharg. Duncan’s waiting inside for you. [Kharg walks into the Defense Corps office. Duncan is sitting down at his desk as usual. A woman stands next to the desk.] Duncan: Oh, I’ve been waiting for you, Lord Kharg. Kharg: What’s up? Duncan: This person ran in here. Says she was just robbed. Kharg: Robbed?! (to woman) Why don’t you tell me what happened. Young Woman: OK. Well, I just got engaged a few days ago. My fiancé gave me a beautiful engagement ring, but this band of thieves stole it from me. Kharg: Where? Where did you run into this band of thieves? Young Woman: It was...um...s-south of here... Kharg: South? Was it by any chance down by Garagne Hills? Young Woman: Uh, no. It was...up north... Kharg: North? You mean by [Scrappe Plateau]? Young Woman: Y-yes...I was around there, I’m sure... Kharg: What kind of thieves were they? Young Woman: I, um...I don’t really remember much, it was so scary... (sobs) Please, Lord Kharg, I beg you! I don’t know how I could ever face my fiancé again without that ring! Please, you have to get that ring back somehow! (sobs) Kharg: I’ll see what I can do. Young Woman: Thank you so much! I don’t know how to repay you! Duncan: Lord Kharg, when you have safely retrieved the ring, just bring it back here. I will see to it that she gets it. Kharg: All right, I will. [Kharg heads towards Yewbell’s town entrance, but Maru stops him.] Maru: Hold up, Kharg. You sure you wanna leave Paulette behind? She’ll make a huge fuss afterwards, no doubt about it. [Paulette comes running up.] Paulette: Who makes huge fusses, huh, Maru? Maru: Uh-oh, caught me! Paulette: Kharg, Banjo over at the refinery needs our help. Kharg: Banjo does? Paulette: Yeah, he said he wants us to stop by if we have some time. Kharg: OK. Sounds good. Paulette: Great, let’s get going. [Together, the three head to Scrappe Plateau. Before the three arrive, a thief and his three henchman are inspecting an old junked machine.] Thief Henchman: Boss, you think we could make some money off the parts in there? Ringleader: What are we supposed to do with junk like that, you big imbecile? Just shut yer mouth and keep a lookout for the next sucker to come along! Thief Henchman: But, wouldn’t it be quicker to attack Yewbell than just waitin’ around here for people to walk by? Ringleader: Trust me, I know what I’m doing. You can’t rush these things. Thief Henchman: What do you mean? Ringleader: I hear some new guy who’s pretty good with a sword is taking over as the Commander of the Defense Corps here, man. Thief Henchman: That’s bad news for us, huh? Ringleader: That’s why we can’t just rush into Yewbell like idiots. We need to scope things out from here a bit. And even if he does show up here, escapin’ will be a piece of cake. [Kharg walks up, with Paulette and Maru close behind. The latter two have their weapons drawn.] Kharg: So you’re the thieves out here causing trouble on Scrappe Plateau! Ringleader: And who the hell are you? Kharg: I’m Kharg, Commander of the Nidellia Defense Corps! Ringleader: Y-you’re him...?! Wa ha ha ha! Some snot-nosed punk is the commander? Don’t make me laugh! Kharg: Are you the ones that stole the ring from that woman? Ringleader: A ring? I dunno, maybe we did. We’re in the line of work of stealing things from people, ya know. Kharg: Just hand over everything you stole and get out of the country. Or else... Ringleader: Ooh, you got us shakin’ in our boots, kid! What kind of idiot would give back stuff they stole fair and square? If you want it back, you’re gonna hafta take it from us! [Kharg draws his sword.] Kharg: You just don’t get it, do you? I guess I’ll just have to teach you a lesson. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ SCRAPPE PLATEAU SKIRMISH #2: IN-BATTLE SPEECH AFTER MARU TAKES HIS FIRST TURN: Kharg: That barrel could be dangerous. We should be careful with our attacks. It could explode. Maru: I know! Why don’t I fire at it from a distance? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ [The bandits get trounced. Afterwards, they hand over a bracelet.] Kharg: How long are you going to mess around? Just give back the ring you stole! Ringleader: How many times do I hafta tell you? We never stole no ring! All we ever stole was that stinkin’ [Stone-carved Bracelet] I already gave you. You gotta believe me...! Maru: Kharg, I think he’s serious. Paulette: Right. He definitely doesn’t appear to be lying. Kharg: That’s strange... Ringleader: Umm, I guess that means we’ll be on our way... Kharg: I better not catch you robbing people again! Ringleader: Right you are. We promise to reform ourselves and live good, honest lives from now on. We’re very sorry for all the trouble we caused. [The bandit and his followers walk off towards the other end of Scrappe Plateau.] Maru: (to Kharg) So what are you gonna do now? If they didn’t steal ring, then who in the world did? Paulette: Why don’t we talk to the woman again and see if we can find anything else out? We should confirm exactly where, when, and by whom it was stolen. Kharg: You’re right. She didn’t seem at all sure of herself, either. Let’s head back to the inn. [The three head back to the Defense Corps office.] Duncan: Oh, Lord Kharg, I’m terribly sorry! I’m afraid I sent you on a wild goose chase... Kharg: What...? Duncan: The whole story about the ring, it was all a sham. She just confessed that she accidentally dropped the ring in the river. That’s how she lost the ring. Kharg: So that’s what happened. Young Woman: (sobs) I’m sorry, I’m so sorry! I was just scared that if I told my fiancé I lost his ring, he would call the whole thing off. So I thought that maybe if I said it was stolen by some robbers, he might not be mad at me...(sobs) Kharg: So then whose bracelet did I just bring back...? [A man walks into the office.] Young Man: Please, don’t blame Faora! This is all my fault! Faora: Mutch?! Mutch: Faora, I’m so sorry. I’m afraid I lied to you. The ring I gave you...The truth is, it was just a cheap imitation! Faora: What did you just say?! Mutch: O-of course I didn’t’ want to propose to you like that, with some fake ring. But I didn’t have anything else to give you. I just thought it would be better than nothing at all, you know? I knew you’d just turn me down if I didn’t have anything to prove my love for you with...(sigh) I really feel like the stupidest man on the planet right now! Faora: Mutch...You didn’t have to worry about anything like that. I’m the one at fault here. Even if it was an imitation, I should’ve taken better care of a gift from you. Mutch: The truth is, I already had a present for you. I don’t have money to buy you anything, but I thought that if I made you something and put all my love into it, that would be enough. I found a pretty stone up north on Scrappe Plateau, and I carved it into a bracelet for you. But...it was stolen by a band of thieves before I could give it to you. Faora: Really...? Kharg: (to self) The bracelet was stolen by a group of thieves? Could it be...? Mutch: I’m so sorry. It’s all my fault for not being honest with you. I should’ve told you the truth from the start. Faora: It’s OK, Mutch. I love you! Mutch: Faora...Me, too. [Kharg takes out the bracelet.] Kharg: Umm, I’m sorry to interrupt you two, but is this by any chance the bracelet you were talking about? Mutch: Oh, my!! Yes, this is it! You got it back for me! Thank you, Lord Kharg! Aah, now I can finally propose to you properly! Let me ask you again. Faora, will you marry me? Faora: Of course I will, Mutch. I love you so much. We’ll be so happy together. Kharg: ...Here we go again. Mutch: Lord Kharg, I am forever indebted to you. Thank you so much for everything. Now then, if you’ll excuse us. Come on, let’s go, honey. [The two leave the bar.] Kharg: Is it me, or was it more tiring giving the bracelet back than getting it in the first place? Duncan: Good job, Kharg. [Kharg wastes no time in going to the refinery to see Banjo.] Banjo: Oh, Lord Kharg. There’s, uh, something I’ve been a bit worried about... Kharg: What’s up? Banjo: Butch went to investigate some things in [Plumb Canyon], and he hasn’t come back yet. Kharg: Investigate...? Investigate what? Banjo: The fact of the matter is, it seems those Dancing Shells monsters have been gathering in Plumb Canyon a lot lately. No matter how many times we chase them away, they just come back again. It’s hard to get any work done. And that’s what I sent him to investigate. But he’s been gone a little too long... Kharg: Hmm, I see why you’re worried. The Dancing Shells are one thing, but we’ve also had some trouble with Drakyr out there, too. Banjo: Do you think you could go check on things for me? Kharg: Sure thing. Banjo: That’s great! It’s such a relief knowing that you’re going to check, Lord Kharg! Thank you. I hope to hear back from you soon. [Kharg and company go to Plumb Canyon to check out what’s the Dancing Shells have been up to. They find Butch standing at the platform that overlooks the work area.] Butch: Lord Kharg! You really came for me! Kharg: Yes. Anyway, I’m just glad you’re safe. So what’s been going on around here? Butch: As you can see, this place is packed with Dancing Shells. There must be a reason they’re here, and I need to figure out what it is. But it’s too dangerous for the likes of me. What in the world is going on there, I wonder. [They stare at the Dancing Shells for awhile.] Kharg: All right. Here’s the plan. We’ll clear the Dancing Shells out of the way. In the meantime, you just find someplace safe and stay put. Butch: All right, can do! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ PLUMB CANYON SKIRMISH #2: IN-BATTLE SPEECH AFTER MARU’S FIRST ATTACK: Maru: They’re poisonous. We’ll be in big trouble if we’re not careful! Paulette: If you’re poisoned, your energy will keep going down until you get the poison out of your system. Maru: It’ll probably clear up if you just leave it, but it’s quicker to use an [Antitoxic Nut] or [Antidote Treatment]! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ [The team clears the Dancing Shells out, and Butch joins them down at the battle site. He walks over to one of the machinery.] Butch: OK...Now I get it... [He walks over to the crew.] Butch: I’ve figured out what the problem is, Lord Kharg. All of the machines here are really, really old, right? Take a look over there. Do you see the oil leaking out? Kharg: Oil? Butch: Yeah, it’s a liquid fuel that the ancient civilizations used to use. It seems that there’s something in the oil that’s been attracting the Dancing Shells here. Kharg: So that was it, huh? Butch: If we tighten the handle over there, the oil should stop leaking. And then the Dancing Shells should stop coming around here. Kharg: All right, we’ll take over from here. Butch, why don’t you hurry back and report to Banjo? Butch: OK, will do. Thank you for all your help. [Butch walks off.] Maru: Who’d have guessed that they’d be attracted to the oil. Paulette: This oil must have been here for at least a couple hundred years. Who knows, maybe it’s like a rich, well-aged wine to the Dancing Shells. Kharg: At any rate, we can’t let any more monsters gather here. Now then, let’s get this over with. [Kharg goes over to the machine and tightens the wheel. Kharg: Good, looks like the oil’s stopped leaking. Things should be OK now. [Kharg goes back to Yewbell again; this time, visiting the upstairs of the inn. A strange man there paces back and forth.] Strange Man: Ah! You’re the new leader of the Defense Corps here, right? I’m not from around here, but, actually, I’ve got a favor I’d like to ask. Will you hear me out. Kharg: Yes. Strange Man: When I was little, I came here to stay with some relatives. I was a city kid, and I was bowled over with the scenery here. I spent all day every day exploring the place. And one day, I came across something strange. I should probably shown it to an adult and found out exactly what it was. But at that time, I wanted to keep it to myself, so I hid it somewhere. At last I remembered where it’s hidden, but when I went to get it, what do you know! There are a bunch of monsters around there now! So now I don’t know what to do. That’s why I need the help of a confident commander like you. I wonder if you’d mind going to the hiding place for me? [Kharg accepts.] Strange Man: Oh, that’s great! OK, let’s get started right away! I’ll tell you the hiding place. I put the strange thing I found that day in an [Old Pot], and hid it under a rock at [The Edge of a Sea of Trees]. The only thing is...I don’t remember which rock. It just didn’t occur to me to leave a marker to remind me. But it’s hidden underneath a rock. That’s for sure. Please, I do hope you can find it for me! [Kharg goes to The Edge of a Sea of Trees and finds the pot under a rock. However, he’s ambushed by Suskle Squirrels and a few Cuskles. The group quickly dispatches with all of them and heads back to the inn.] Strange Man: Oh! You found it for me! There should be a strange dictionary inside that [Old Pot]! Kharg: A strange dictionary? Strange Man: Here, I’ll show you. Hmm...Ah! Yes, this is it! There’s no mistake! This is the [Spirit Dictionary Volume 1] that I hid! So my memory served me correctly! Ah, excuse me. I got a bit over-excited. Right, let’s start from the beginning. I’m Span, a scholar from a town called Peisus far to the east. The other day, I suddenly remembered this Spirit Dictionary I found as a child, so I came here looking for it. Back then, I didn’t really have a clue what it was, but this dictionary contains a huge volume of information about the junior Spirits. I know! why don’t I read some of it to you? Kharg: A dictionary of junior Spirits...? Span: Long ago, there were many different types of Spirits. Which one shall I read to you about? [Kharg picks the Time Spirit.] Spirit Dictionary Volume 1: The Time Spirit...A spirit that controls time and enjoys a bit of mischief. Can make passage of time speed up or slow down. If time flies when you’re having fun, it’s probably this Spirit’s doing. [Span continues to read about the Dream Spirit.] Spirit Dictionary Volume 1: The Dream Spirit...A spirit that can enter one’s dreams at will. Likes to enter the dreams of those in distress and know their true feelings. Said to ride on a cloud-like vapor, which, if inhaled, causes strange dreams. [He continues on to the Prayer Spirit.] Spirit Dictionary Volume 1: The Prayer Spirit...Also known as the Spirit of the Heart, as it connects people’s hearts together. Prayers heard by this Spirit will be sure to find their intended destinations, wherever they may be. [Span continues with the Slumber Spirit.] Spirit Dictionary Volume 1: The Slumber Spirit...Spirit that bestows slumber and rest. Its great power enables it to see into the future and predict that which will occur. However, this is rare, as the Spirit itself is often found in slumber. [Kharg stops him before he reads any more.] Span: In that case, I’ll get this dictionary back to Peisus and start studying it right away. If you’re ever passing through, do come and see me. You’ve been so helpful, I’d be honored to welcome you. Kharg: OK. If I’m ever passing through. Span: Oh, yes! Apart from this one, there should be another four volumes to the Spirit Dictionary. If you happen to find them, maybe you could hand them over to me? Kharg: Sure, if I find them. Span: That would be marvelous! Well, I’d like to get back quick and start reading, so if you’ll excuse me. Kharg: Hey! What about this pot? Span: I’d like you to have it, Kharg. By way of thanks. [Span leaves.] Kharg: What would I want with this old pot?! Huh? There’s something else inside...[Inside the pot was a [Stone Holder].] Maybe I could use this. I’ll hang onto it. [Back downstairs, Zev can be found again at the bar. Kharg goes over to talk with him.] Zev: Oh, hey, Kharg. I’ve been waiting for you, ya know! Kharg: Is anything wrong? Zev: It’s a big mess. I just saw a big airship crash! Kharg: Crash?! Where? Zev: I think it went down somewhere near [Dragon Bone Valley]. Kharg: Dragon Bone Valley? Where was the airship from? Zev: Hmm, I’m not sure about that. But I know this place doesn’t have any airships left, so it must be from some other country. That much is certain. And I think it was flying this way from the east, too. Kharg: (to party) People may be hurt there. We better go see if anyone needs help. Paulette: Wait. That airship violated our airspace, right? There’s a possibility that they were on their way to invade us. Maru: Now that you mention it, I heard that Dilzblah or whatever country has been startin’ wars all over the world, trying to get their hands on more Spirit Stones. Paulette: Yes, maybe we should check it out first. Kharg: I don’t care what country it’s from. If there are people hurt out there, we can’t just let them die. Our first priority is to rescue them. Then we can find out what they’re doing here. Paulette: Yes, you’re right. It may just have been an accident. Maru: But [Dragon Bone Valley]’s like totally in Deimos territory, isn’t it? Isn’t this kind of dangerous. Kharg: That’s exactly why we must hurry. (to Zev) We’re going to check it out. Just let everyone in town know what’s going on for me, will you? Zev: Sure thing. Kharg: (to party) All right, let’s head out! [Dragon Bone Valley is far to the north of Yewbell, past the Isulo Forest and the Punoir Ravine. It lies at the foot of the mountains, and that’s where Kharg is found soon after leaving Yewbell.] Kharg: We’re here. This is the place. Maru: Aargh, man it’s cold! Paulette: I imagine it would be, dressed like that. Maru: Hey, does it smell like something’s burning to you? Paulette: Over there! Kharg: Huh...? It looks like someone’s hurt! Let’s go! [They all run over to a woman’s body lying on the snow-covered ground.] Kharg: Wake up! Are you OK? Woman: (mumbling to self) Nnn...Nnn...I won’t give it to anyone...Hurry... Let’s get out of here... Kharg: Great, you’re still alive...! Girl from another land: ...Nnnhh... [She gets up.] Maru: She’s come to...! Kharg: All right, you two, go see if there are any other survivors. Maru: You bet! [Maru goes off, but Paulette lingers behind, staring at Kharg and the mysterious girl.] Kharg: What’s wrong, Paulette? Paulette: Oh, it’s nothing... [She goes off to look for survivors.] Kharg: Hey! Hey! Can you hear me? Wake up! Girl from another land: Where am I...? Kharg: The outskirts of Nidellia, on the continent of Ragnoth. Girl from another land: Ragnoth...? So I’m still...Who are you...? Kharg: I’m Kharg. I live in the town of Yewbell. Girl from another land: Kharg...Thanks for helping gme. Kharg: Are you hurt? Girl from another land: No. I just inhaled some smoke, that’s all. My name is Lilia. Kharg: You’re going to be all right, Lilia. Don’t worry about a thing. [Maru runs out of the airship.] Maru: I didn’t see anyone inside the airship. [Paulette runs out from behind the airship.] Paulette: There are signs that it sustained enemy fire from the outside. And I’m not sure what country it’s from, either...Where did you come from? [Everyone stares at Lilia.] Lilia: From a country to the east. I came here on that airship, [Big Owl]. Paulette: You came here all by yourself? Lilia: Yes. I was heading for the [World Alliance] in the Republic of Cathena. But the Dilzweld Army was chasing me, and... Kharg: Did you say Dilzweld?! Lilia: Yes. I was hit by fire form their flying battleship. And that knocked out my auto-pilot mechanism... Kharg: But why would the Dilzweld Army be after one single girl? Paulette: What were you heading to the World Alliance for? Lilia: I... Paulette: Why were they after you? Lilia: ...... Paulette: Please. If we’re dealing with Dilzweld here, then we need to know what’s going on, or that puts us in danger as well. Kharg: That’s OK. We can talk later. For now we just need to get her out of here. Who knows when we’ll have Deimos breathing down our necks. Paulette: You’re right. I’m sorry. [While they talk, a bunch of Drakyr drop in out of the sky. Maru sees ‘em first.] Maru: Uhhh-oooh. Looks like you spoke too soon, man. Paulette: Deimos! Drakyr: You annoying human scum, who do you think you are, trespassing on our territory? Destroying our land like this, your punishment shall not be light. Paulette: Punishment? Hmph, you Deimos are talking to us about punishment? Bring it on! I’ll fight you! Kharg: Paulette, stay calm! We don’t want to fight anyone if we don’t have to. Let’s just keep Lilia safe and get out of Dragon Bone Valley as fast as we can! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ DRAGON BONE VALLEY SKIRMISH: IN-BATTLE SPEECH AFTER KHARG’S FIRST TURN: Kharg: Right now, helping Lilia is our top priority. We have to secure Lilia’s safe passage and protect her from the Deimos! Paulette: OK, then, Kharg. We have to make sure Lilia doesn’t get too weak. And we have to be ready to cure her when she needs it. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ [The three fight the Drakyr. Lilia is in the midst of the fighting but she comes out unscathed. They all end up back at the world map.] Kharg: Looks like we made it out alive. We better hurry back to Yewbell. [The party travels until they get to Isulo Forest.] Kharg: All right, we made it to Isulo Forest. We’re finally out of Drakyr territory. Maru: Ha ha! Who’s laughing now?! I knew they wouldn’t chase us this far, the cowards. Kharg: (to Lilia) It’s just a bit further to Ywebell. Lilia: That’s OK. I don’t mind walking. Paulette: Hold up. [They all stop talking, and start listening for something.] Paulette: What’s that sound...? Kharg: Huh...? [From the south, a large shadow of an airship darkens the forest. It travels right over the party, heading north.] Lilia: That’s the Dilzweld Army! Kharg: What the...?! Are these the ones that were after you? Lilia: Yes. Kharg: They’re still chasing Lilia! Everyone, we have to hurry and get through the forest! [Everyone runs across the bridge, except Kharg, who stands thinking to himself.] Kharg: Damn that Dilzweld...! What in the world could they be up to...? [As Kharg gets across the bridge, everyone is standing together, waiting for him.] Kharg: What’s wrong? Paulette: S-someone’s coming! [Out of the forest, a large muscular-but-overweight man appears.] Man: The forest is crying...Injure the forest, you deal with me. Kharg: Is he the enemy?! Maru: Man, is that a scary mug or what? [At the other end of the bridge...] Dilzweld Officer: Don’t kill her! Aim for the legs. [The officer shoots and hits Lilia in her leg. Everyone becomes aware of the Dilzweld Army’s presence.] Dilzweld Officer: Good, that should take care of Lilia. She won’t be taking another step! Maru: What do we do? We’re surrounded. Mysterious Large Man: What a cowardly act. I don’t like that. [The large man starts walking towards Kharg’s party. Across the bridge...] Dilzweld Officer: (into a transmitter) They’re in Isulo Forest! Lieutenant Colonel, what are your orders? Over. Wireless Radio: ...zuzzuz...zuzz... Dilzweld Officer: Damn it, this radio’s a worthless piece of junk! Capture Lilia! Anyone stands in your way, you know what to do. [The officers start running across the bridge.] Kharg: Huh...?! Mysterious Large Man: Need a hand? Kharg: What...?! Mysterious Large Man: With this bridge here, they’re just going to keep coming. You take care of the soldiers. I’ll get the bridge. Kharg: A-all right. Lilia, you get back where it’s safe. Lilia: Yes, sir! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ISULO FOREST SKIRMISH: IN-BATTLE SPEECH IF THE BRIDGE IS APPROACHED: Ganz: There’s no time. Leave the small fry! We should all go and deal with the bridge together! Kharg: All right, then! Everyone forget about the enemy for a minute! We’ve got to cut the bridge down first! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ [The three go to the bridge to meet the officers. With the help of the mysterious man, the three succeed in destroying the bridge and all of the Dilzweld soldiers. Afterwards, all of the party gathers around Lilia to see if she’s all right.] Kharg: Lilia, you all right? Lilia: I’m fine. It just grazed me. Oww...! [The Mysterious Large Man starts walking off.] Kharg: Wait a minute. Thanks. You really saved our necks. Mysterious Large Man: I didn’t do it to help you. I just didn’t want anyone spoiling my forest. If your business is done, I want you out, too. Kharg: We have an injured person here. We need to get her fixed up as soon as possible. Can you help us? Mysterious Large Man: ............ Lilia: I’ll be just fine, thank you. I should be able to walk. [The Mysterious Large Man walks back over and inspects Lilia’s wound.] Mysterious Large Man: ......I have a small shack nearby. Don’t have much for medical supplies, but I’ll do what I can. Kharg: Thank you! I’m from Yewbell. Name’s Kharg. And you? Mysterious Large Man: ...Ganz. [Ganz walks back to the shack, taking Lilia along with him. He gets her patched up. Paulette stands inside, while Maru walks outside.] Ganz: Wait there, and don’t touch anything. This shouldn’t take long. Kharg: Around your neck there, those are dog tags, right? So you’ve been in the military before, have you? Ganz: ...... Kharg: I bet you were one hell of a soldier. I can tell by the way you carry yourself. Do you think you’d be interested in joining our Defense Corps, Ganz? We haven’t had much time on the battlefield ourselves. We could really use someone with a lot of experience like yourself. Come on, what do you say? Ganz: No, thanks. Maru: But why not?! Ganz: Yes, it’s true that I was once in the military, but I was never a regular soldier. I was a mercenary. I’ve never sworn allegiance to any army or any state. Away from the battlefield, I’m free to do as I wish. Nobody gives me a hard time, telling me what to do or where to go. Kharg: Then what were you on the battlefield for? Ganz: To live. Kharg: In order to live...you fought? What do you mean? Ganz: You really want to hear my boring old story? Kharg: Yes, I do. Ganz: So you’re a curious one! I was a war orphan. Living in a land where wars constantly raged on, the only way to live to see the next day was to be strong, and to fight. And then, when I got to the point where I felt I was unbeatable, I realized that fighting was the only thing I could do. I started taking jobs fighting, to go on living. For enough money, I’d fight just about anyone. Kharg: So, it was about the money? Ganz: Yeah, until three years ago, that is. I was working this war on the continent of Adenade. I got hurt real bad. That was the first time I ever felt like death was near to me. But it didn’t really matter to me. It would have just meant the end to a miserable life. And when I was about to let go...this rookie soldier in my squad saved me. Said he joined up ‘cause he wanted to protect his country. He told me something out there. He said, “Even you, out here fighting alongside us, deserve to be protected.” Kharg: ...... Ganz: After that I quit being a mercenary. I needed to find something I wanted to protect...And finally, I ended up in this here forest. Sure, there are monsters here, but it’s a quiet and peaceful place. ...All done. You’re good to go now. Lilia: Thank you very much. Kharg: Ganz...Isn’t Nidellia something you want to protect? Ganz: I’m not from around here. And I have no relation to anyone that lives here anyway. Paulette: This forest is part of Nidellia! Ganz: I will protect this forest. Paulette: So you only care that your precious forest is OK?! I can’t believe how selfish you are! Acting like nothing in the world matters except the space around you! Kharg: Paulette, that’s enough. At least Ganz lives here without bothering anyone else, and he doesn’t plan on bothering anyone in the future. That’s the way he chooses to live. Paulette: I know, but... Kharg: I know it’s a shame, but we have to let it go. But, you know, Ganz...Yes, we’ll protect you, too. We’ll fight to protect what’s important. Ganz: ............ Kharg: I guess we better be leaving. Thanks for all your help. Lilia, you can walk, right? Lilia: Yes. Kharg: Good. Let’s go. [The party gets to Scrappe Plateau, but Lilia stops them.] Kharg: What is it, Lilia? Why are you stopping...? Lilia: I don’t think I can go with you, Mr. Kharg, sir. I truly appreciate it, but I just can’t. If you hide me in your town, the Dilzweld Army will just... Kharg: This isn’t just your problem anymore. The Dilzweld Army has already invaded this country’s territory. So you don’t have to worry about what’s going to happen to us all. Do you understand what I’m saying? Lilia: ...... Kharg: Oh, and just call me Kharg. You don’t have to call me “mister” or “sir” or anything. OK? Lilia: OK. Thanks, Kharg. Kharg: Anyway, let’s keep going. We’re almost to Yewbell. Maru: (sigh) I’m so disappointed in you, man. If Ganz had joined up with us, we’d be unstoppable, a real force to be reckoned with. What a shame. Paulette: You just don’t get it, do you? A person like that just plain hates people. He would never be of any help anyway. Lilia: I don’t think that’s necessarily true, though. Paulette: Huh? Kharg: What do you mean? Lilia: If he really hated people, with the way I was hurt and all, he could have just decided to leave me behind to die. But he didn’t. He was tender and kind, attentive to my wounds, helping me as much as he could. Paulette: ...... Lilia: I think his heart is just closed because he has seen so many people die, and it’s too much to handle. Maybe all he’s looking for is just a way to connect with people. Maru: Maybe you’re right. I like being alone. Things are easier that way. Even though inside, I know it’s not enough for me, and that I just want someone to be with. But when I think about what would happen if I were to end up all alone again, I just think that maybe I shouldn’t have gotten close to anyone in the first place, so I wouldn’t have to get hurt again. Kharg: Maru... [Suddenly, from out of the sky, Dilzweld soldiers on hovering vehicles drop in.] Maru: They’re back! What could they want Lilia so bad for? [A soldier approaches.] Dilzweld Officer: We need that girl. Just hand her over, nice and quiet. Kharg: You are currently invading an independent nation! Do you even realize this?! Dilzweld Officer: Hmph. Who cares? If you don’t want to get hurt, just leave the girl and get the hell out of here. Lilia: ......Kharg, I... Kharg: Never! I won’t hand Lilia over to you, you scum! Dilzweld Officer: You impudent little brat. No matter. Get ‘em , men! Dispatch everyone but the girl! We need her alive! [Like a repeat of the Isulo Forest battle, the strength of the three Yewbell residents overpowers the force of Dilzweld. Afterwards, the party talks about the incident.] Maru: Thaaaat’s weird. No matter how many they send in, they’re all the same. Kharg: Yeah, this is strange. Those soldiers were just like the ones in Isulo Forest. What’s the point? They can’t do anything anyway. Maru: They’re nothing! Hardly worth the effort. Those Dilzweld creeps are nothing but talk. Paulette: ...! [A whole bunch of Dilzweld soldiers start surrounding Scrappe Plateau. Some run on the rusted beams, on the blocked off platform, and even around the party at the lower level.] Kharg: Damn it, that whole thing was just a trap...! Female Commander: Yes, I’ve found Lilia. I’m about to secure the area. (to Kharg) Looking to play war, are we? Aren’t you satisfied yet? Just leave the girl there and run on home to your mommies already. Kharg: I am Kharg, Commander of the Nidellia Defense Corps. So you’re in charge, huh? So why don’t you start by giving me your name and the reason you’re invading my country? That’s normal procedure, is it not? Female Commander: Hee hee, that’s pretty tough talk for someone from such a puny little country. I like that. Fine. I am Lieutenant Colonel Tatjana of the Dilzweld Army Special Forces Division. We’re not interested in useless fighting, either. We’ll withdraw as soon as we get what we want. So just hand the girl over, will you? Kharg: Why? Why do you need Lilia so bad that you resort to invading other countries? Tatjana: That’s right, you haven’t heard, have you? She’s smart, your precious Lilia there. There’s no need to go blabbing and bring other countries into this whole mess, is there, Lilia? Commander, I advise you not to ask too many questions. It’s for your own good. Kharg: What did you say?! Tatjana: Wake up and smell the coffee. We are not trying to negotiate with you. We are ordering you. Kharg: I don’t care how small Nidellia is. We are part of the World Alliance. Any further hostile action on your party will constitute a hostile action against all Alliance countries! Tatjana: Ah ha ha! You really are clueless, kid, aren’t you? We’ve been hostile against everyone for a long time now. Your World Alliane is just a herd of sheep without a shepherd. It’s like a big spineless jellyfish. They don’t frighten us one bit. Kharg: You’re the ones that are clueless. This is no time for humans to be fighting against humans. While we’re wasting our time, the Deimos are steadily spreading into human territory! Tatjana: That’s why all countries should follow Dilzweld’s rule! Then we could fight the Deimos, together. Kharg: Nonsense! That’ll never happen! Tatjana: Lilia, are you sure about this? If you resist, we’ll have to dispose of these fools here, and begin a full-scale invasion of Nidelila. So, Lilia, what do you say? Kharg: Lilia, don’t worry. We can handle these guys, piece of cake! Maru: That’s right! Who’d follow that stupid Dilzweld anyway! I’m a prince, you know! Lilia: Wait! ...I surrender. Kharg: Lilia! Lilia: (to Tatjana) However, you have to promise you will not harm Kharg and his friends. Kharg: No, you don’t have to go along with what they say! Don’t do it! Tatjana: All right, I promise. Once we have you in our possession, we have no need for the likes of them anyway. Lilia: (to Kharg) Thank you for everything. Don’t worry about me. I’ll be just fine. [Tatjana and Lilia start walking off.] Kharg: No, Lilia! Tatjana (to her transmitter) We have secured Lilia. Affirmative. Huh...? ...But...Roger. Affirmative. I have orders from His Highness, Emperor Darkham. I am to execute all who assisted in Lilia’s escape. Lilia: No! That’s not what you promised! Please, I beg you! I’ll give you what you want! Tatjana: Of course you will. I’ll be taking it as soon as the execution is over. (to soldiers) Ready! Paulette: Kharg! Kharg: No...! You bastards...!! Maru: What do we do, Kharg?! Kharg: (glowing with blue light) Muuuaaahhh...! Paulette: Kharg...? Tatjana: Fire!! Kharg: Whoooaaah!! [Kharg unleashes a huge tornado which sucks up all the Dilzweld soldiers that were above and behind him. Lilia and Tatjana stand staring at Kharg as he kneels on the ground, drained of energy.] Tatjana: Wh-what the hell was that?! Lilia: Kharg! [She runs to him.] Tatjana: Damn...! [Tatjana escapes.] Maru: Th-that was amazing, Kharg! Kharg: Huh...? Maru: How’d you do that, man?! Kharg: Uh, um...I don’t... Paulette: Hey, I wonder if that was Spirit Magic just now! Maru: What’s that? Paulette: According to legend, there were a small number of people who were able to borrow the power of the Spirits to wield powerful magic. You know the ancient legend of the Hero and the Mother? They were able to use magic, too. Haven’t you ever heard it? Maru: No, I haven’t! Paulette: But when the Spirits disappeared from the earth, so did the people who could use magic. That’s why now the only ones with magic, or magical powers, are monsters and Deimos. But Kharg, you... Maru: Whoah, Kharg, you can use magic!! Man, that’s so coooool! Totally aaawesome!! Kharg: Spirit Magic, huh? But how is that possible? I’m... Maru: You know, Kharg, maybe you’re like the reincarnation of that legendary Hero guy or something! Kharg: (Hey! That Spirit’s voice...It said...“Awaken, O Chosen One.” Could this be what it meant...?) Maru: That’s so awesome, man. A Hero is like way cooler than a prince! Paulette: I’m so happy for you, Kharg! I knew you were special all along. Maru: You did? Paulette: Of course! That’s why the Spirit appeared to you, right? Kharg: Hmm...I’m still having a hard time believing it, but I guess I do have this new-found power. I’ll be sure to make good use of it from now on. All right, Lilia, let’s get out of here! We’re real close to Yewbell! [Together, they all go back to Yewbell.] Kharg: We made it. This is Yewbell. Lilia: Yewbell...It looks like a quiet and peaceful town. Kharg: That’s about all this town has to offer, I guess. We have some nice windmills in town, and over here is... Paulette: Kharg! This is no time to be giving her the grand tour, is it?! Shouldn’t we be reporting to Lady Nafia right about now?! [Paulette runs off.] Kharg: ...What, are you upset or something? [Kharg goes to report to Lady Nafia, finding Paulette already at his house.] Nafia: Paulette told me some of the story, but I’d like to hear the rest from you. [Kharg explains what has happened to them, from Dragon Bone Valley to the present time.] Nafia: I see. So that’s what the Dilzweld Empire has been up to...I’d heard of its despotic ways, but I didn’t realize it had gone to that extreme. Kharg: And it looks like they’re not afraid of the World Alliance at all... Lilia: I’m so sorry! I’ve caused you all so much trouble by showing up here. Nafia: Now that we know what kind of stance Dilzweld is taking against the World Alliance, I’m sure this would’ve happened to Nidellia eventually, anyway. There’s nothing for you to feel bad about, my dear. Kharg: That’s right, Lilia. We didn’t have any clear information on the Dilzweld Army before, but at least now we know what we’re dealing with. We’re grateful, actually. Nafia: Besides, you haven’t even healed properly yet. You need to rest. You’re welcome to stay here as long as you like. Rest up and get better, Lilia. Lilia: Lady Nafia, you’re very kind. Thank you so much. Nafia: If you don’t mind, I’d like to hear more of your story. How did you get into this terrible situation? Lilia: ...... Nafia: That’s all right, my dear. I shouldn’t have asked... Lilia: No, it’s all right. I want to talk about it...The Dilzweld Army is trying to get its hands on a certain object I have. Kharg: A certain object? Come to think of it, Tatjana did mention something like that, didn’t she? Lilia: Darkham Ekid na Bard, the emperor of Dilzweld, is trying to bring every country in the world under his control. And he’s gathering up the things he needs to do it... Kharg: Every country under his control? Hmph. Wants to rule the world, does he? He sure piced his time, with the Deimos being such a threat again now! How on earth does he think he’ll manage that with the energy shortage we have? He won’t be able to rely on technological weapons to make people surrender. Lilia: I don’t know exactly how he plans to go about it...But I do know that’s what he has in mind. Dilzweld is on the move! Kharg: And so are you saying he could carry out his plans if he had this “certain object” of yours? Lilia: No, I don’t think it has that much power in itself. But Darkham needs it for his overall plan. I have to get to the World Alliance in Cathena and tell them all about this! They just might be able to stop him. Maru: So what is this “certain object” you’ve got, Lilia? Lilia: ...I...I can’t tell you any more. I’m afraid...I’m afraid some terrible disaster would befall this country if any of you knew! Kharg: ...... Nafia: Never mind, dear. And I take back what I said before. I think you should leave this country as quickly as you can. Kharg: Mother! That’s terrible! Are you sending her off alone, with all she’s up against? We can’t let Dilzweld get a hold of her! Nafia: Don’t be silly, Kharg! I meant for all of you to go with her, of course. Kharg: Huh? Nafia: I want you to escort Lilia and see that she gets to the World Alliance in Cathena safely. (to Paulette, Maru) And I’d like the two of you to go along. Maru: Wow! Really? That’d be really fun! Lilia: No, please! Wait a minute...! I can’t let you do that just for my sake! With Kharg and the others gone, this country would be in grave danger... Nafia: It wouldn’t only be for your sake. If keeping you safe would put a stop to the Dilzweld Empire’s plans, it would ultimately benefit this country, and the peace of the entire world, as well. Kharg: That’s right. Besides, Yewbell has the Defense Corps. If anything happens, they can take care of it. Maru: Yeah, but isn’t Cathena somewhere across the sea? How are we gonna get there? Kharg: Yes, that’s a good question... Nafia: In any case, maybe we should all get some rest for now. It’s getting late. We’ll take care of the details tomorrow. So much has happened, and I’m sure you’re all tired. Kharg: Yes, I guess you’re right. Let’s talk more tomorrow. [That night...] Nafia: Kharg! Wake up! Kharg: ...Nnn...Huh...? Nafia: Lilia’s disappeared. I can’t find her! Kharg: What?! Nafia: Hurry up and get dressed. Kharg: I hope she didn’t leave Yewbell all by herself. Nafia: I don’t think so. She didn’t leave a note. She doesn’t seem like the type that would leave without saying anything. Kharg: No, I don’t think so, either. Nafia: So she must be here in Yewbell somewhere. I’m worried about her wandering around alone at night, though. It’s too dangerous out there right now. Kharg: All right. Don’t worry. I’ll find her. Nafia: Thank you, dear. [Nafia leaves Kharg’s room.] Kharg: (yawn) I’m so sleepy! [Seeing all the doors in town locked, and Lilia not in the inn, Kharg goes to the Church Ruins. He hears an odd sound playing. Kharg: Huh? [Lilia is playing her harp on the steps of the ruins, but stops soon after with a sad look on her face. Kharg goes up to her.] Kharg: That was beautiful. What were you playing? I’ve never seen an instrument like that before. Lilia: It’s called an “[ortena].” And I’m not surprised you’ve never seen one. They only come from the village I was born in. Now, it helps me to remember my mother... Kharg: Oh, I see... Lilia: My father gave it to my mother as a wedding gift. Kharg: Where’s your father now? Lilia: I don’t know... Kharg: Oh... Lilia: Say, did you come out looking for me? I’m sorry. I meant to come right back... Kharg: That’s all right. My mother was just a little worried about you, that’s all. [Kharg goes and sits by Lilia.] Kharg: Are you cold? Lilia: No, I’m fine. Your mother...Lady Nafia...She’s a great woman, you know. Kharg: Huh? Ha ha ha! You think so? She’s just my mother to me. Lilia: I mean...It takes a special kind of person to take in a guest that’s being chased by Dilzweld! I know that took a lot of courage. And even though I hadn’t even told her the whole story, she asked you and your friends to escort me to Cathena! I want to apologize... Kharg: Huh? Lilia: I should’ve told you and Lady Nafia everything. I should’ve explained what it is I’m hiding from Dilzweld. Have you ever heard of the [Great Spirit Stones]? Kharg: No. Lilia: The Great Spirit Stones are much more powerful than regular Spirit Stones. And their power lasts forever--it’s never depleted. Just one of these Great Spirit Stones is powerful enough to supply an entire country with energy! They’re treasures any country would want, not just Dilzweld. Nations that were once friendly have fought bitterly over these stones. Yes, the Great Spirit Stones throw even peaceful countries into confusion! To tell the truth, I...have one of those Great Spirit Stones. Kharg: You do? [Lilia holds out a rock in her hand. It’s not sparkling.] Lilia: This is it. It’s called the [Light Stone]. Kharg: The Light Stone, huh...? Well, what do you know...Actually, I have a stone like that, too. My mother gave it to me. “For protection,” she said. It’s broken in half, though. It’s the Wind Stone. Lilia: Oh, my! [Both of the stones start to shine in the outstretched hands.] Kharg: Hey! It’s happening again! [Another spirit appears this time.] Spirit: ...I am...the Light Spirit...When all five Great Spirit Stones are gathered together...Earth, Wind, Fire, Wind and Light...an infinite power will be born...You must protect me...from the evil darkness...! [The spirit dissipates.] Kharg: It’s gone... [Both put their stones away.] Lilia: You know, I heard a Spirit’s voice like that before. Kharg: You, too?! So did I! Lilia: I wonder why this happens to us? Kharg: Maru thinks it might be reincarnation...Like maybe we’re the ancient Hero or the Holy Mother, reborn or something... Lilia: I can’t believe that! You might have special powers, Kharg, but I certainly don’t. Kharg: Well, anyway, I wonder what these [five Great Spirit Stones] are all about? There must be three more, besides the ones we have. The [Earth Stone], the [Water Stone], and the [Fire Stone]. And the Spirit said when all five are brought together, an “infinite power” will be born...That must be it! I bet the reason Darkham is after your Light Stone is so that he can get this “infinite power”! I wish I knew more about what this “infinite power” was... Lilia: I don’t know anything about it, either. But I’ve heard Darkham already has the Earth Stone. Kharg: He’s got the Earth Stone?! So that’s how the Dilzweld Army got so powerful! Lilia, don’t you worry. I’m going to protect you. I won’t let Darkham have his way. I’ll get you to Cathena safely! Lilia: Kharg...Thank you... [Down by the pillar, Paulette hides, listening to the conversation.] Kharg: Well, we’d better get back. My mother must be worried. Lilia: Yes, we’d better. [Paulette walks away, unseen. Kharg and Lilia head back to Nafia.] Kharg: We’re back. Nafia: Oh, I’m so glad! Lilia, are you all right? Lilia: I’m sorry, Lady Nafia! I didn’t mean to make you worry. Nafia: That’s all right, dear. I tend to get overanxious sometimes... It must be the mother in me, I guess. Kharg: Listen to this, Mother! I just found out Darkham is after the Light Stone Lilia has! Nafia: What? Lilia, you have the Light Stone? Lilia: I’m sorry. I should have told you... Nafia: No, that’s all right. I understand. You couldn’t risk it. The Great Spirit Stones have been known to inspire evil and greed in the hearts of many... Lilia: Yes... Kharg: If Darkham is after the Great Spirit Stones...that means he’ll come after my Wind Stone someday, too. Mother, you said that you and Father split the Wind Stone between you. But how did you get a hold of it in the first place? Nafia: I...don’t know much about the Wind Stone. All I know is that it was passed down through the generations in your father’s country. Kharg: And what country was that? Nafia: It was...a land far, far away... Kharg: But what was the name of it? Nafia: I...don’t know what to tell you... Kharg: Not again! Whenever it comes to my father, you never want to tell me a thing. Are you hiding something from me? Nafia: I...just can’t remember, that’s all. Come on, now. It’s getting late. No more talk. We’ll continue this some other time. Now let’s get some rest. [Nafia retreats to her bedroom, and the morning comes fast. Kharg gets up and meets his friends at the front door.] Paulette: Good morning, Kharg. Maru: Took you long enough! We’ve been ready for hours! Paulette: Say, Kharg...I’ve been doing some thinking about how we could get to Cathena. And then I got an idea. How about if we repair the airship Lilia came here in? It looked like it could still fly if we fixed it. Kharg: That’s a good idea. And it just might be the only way. All right, Let’s see if we can get it fixed! [The party goes to the bar to see if Zev knows anything about how to fix the airship.] Zev: Huh? Oh, it’s you, Kharg. You want a drink? Kharg: I’m not old enough to drink yet. Maru: Gee, Zev. You drink even in the morning? Kharg: Never mind that, Maru. Zev, I’ve got a question I’d like to ask you. Zev: I think I’d rather have a drink with you. What d’you say? Paulette: No, thank you. Zev: Ouch. That was cold. So. What d’you wanna ask me about? [Kharg asks about how to repair the airship.] Zev: Well, well...So you wanna fix that airship that crashed, do you? Hmm. I took a look at it already, actually. Aside from the [Control Parts] for the auto-pilot mechanism, it doesn’t look all that bad. All you need to do is get some new [Control Parts], and I bet it could be fixed. [Kharg asks about the Control Parts.] Zev: Yeah, the main parts of the airship’s auto-pilot mechanism. Without ‘em, you can’t control the ship’s takeoff or landing. Come to think of it, I saw an old, rotting airship at [Scrappe Plateau]. It’s a piece of junk. Nobody could ever fix that thing up. But with any luck, it just might have some [Control Parts] you can use. [The party goes to Scrappe Plateau to check out the lead. They find a hangar where the airship rots, but a battery seems to be needed. In turn, they head to Plumb Canyon to look at the ancient machinery. Kharg finds a battery in the machine that leaked oil, taking it back to the Plateau. The Control Parts that the Big Owl needs are raised up when the battery is placed, and Kharg takes them.] Kharg: Now we can fix the airship! Paulette: Do you want to go straight to Dragon Bone Valley? Kharg: No, let’s check on how Lilia’s doing first. Maybe she’s feeling better and can walk now. If Lilia is well enough to get around, we’re off to Cathena! Maru: All right! [The crew goes back to Kharg’s house, finding Lilia engaged in a conversation with Nafia. They aren’t immediately noticed.] Nafia: Is this really true, Lilia? Lilia: Yes, it looks like Kharg really has learned to use Spirit Magic. When those Dilzweld troops showed up at Scrappe Plateau, he summoned a great wind and blew them all away. Nafia: Kharg...used magic? Lilia: What’s wrong? Nafia: ............ [Kharg walks up.] Kharg: I know what you’re think, Mother. Magic should be used for helping the weak. Not for showing off one’s power. Nafia: Kharg, do you feel any pain at all? Are you all right? Kharg: Yes, I’m fine. Why? Nafia: Never mind, then. Kharg: More importantly, are you sure you’re all right, Lilia? Lilia: I’m fine. All the time we’re here, the Dilzweld Army is off collecting the Great Spirit Stones. I can’t rest knowing that. Kharg: You’re a tough one, Lilia. I think we’ve found a way to get to Cathena. It seems we might be able to get Big Owl to fly. Lilia: That’s great! Kharg: If you’re up to it, then I think we should get going to [Dragon Bone Valley]. Lilia: I’m up to it! Let’s go! Lady Nafia, you’ve been so kind. Thank you so much. Nafia: ............ Lilia: ...? Kharg: Right, then, Mother. We’ll be off! Come on, Lilia. Let’s go! [The crew starts off for Dragon Bone Valley, but once they reach Isulo Forest, they see the bridge repaired again.] Kharg: Huh? The bridge is fixed...Do you think Ganz fixed it? [The party continues on towards their destination until they reach it.] Maru: Brrrr. It sure is cold here. Hey, Kharg. It’s great we got the [Control Parts] and all, but who’s gonna put them in? Kharg: Well, I’m no expert, but I’m going to try and do it myself. We don’t have any other choice. Maru: This place is Deimos territory. If we don’t hurry up, the Drakyr might show up again. Huh? Somebody’s here... Paulette: Oh, it’s Ganz! I wonder what he’s doing? Kharg: Let’s find out. [The party approaches Ganz.] Kharg: Hi, Ganz. What are you doing here? Ganz: I heard you wanted to fix the auto-pilot mechanism. Did you find the [Control Parts] you need? Kharg: Yes, finally. But why do you ask...? Ganz: Back when I was a mercenary, I did a lot of airship maintenance. Kharg: Then you mean you could fix this one for us?! Ganz: Give me the [Control Parts]. It’s too difficult for an amateur. Kharg: Gee, Ganz...! Does this mean you’re going to join our party? Ganz: Don’t jump to any conclusions. I came to make a deal with you. Kharg: A deal? What kind of deal? Ganz: I just found out that a fellow soldier who once saved my life is on Aldrow right now. I want to go see him. You’re going to Cathena, right? Kharg: That’s right. Ganz: So here’s the deal. I’ll get this airship flying for you. And then you take me with you. How does that sound? Kharg: It sounds fine. We’d rather have you in our party, but even just fixing the airship for us will really help. It’s a deal! Ganz: It’s a deal, then. I’ll stay with you until you get to Cathena. Maru: Great! A new member! Don’t worry. Prince Maru here will whip you into shape! Ganz: Run along, little boy. You’re bothering me. Maru: Yikes! Ganz: Hmph! Maru: Hmph. What a jerk. Just for that, I’m not gonna make him my retainer! So there! Paulette: Too bad, huh, Maru? And here you were all set to play prince with him, too! Hee hee hee! Kharg: Ha ha ha ha! Maru: Don’t laugh, you guys! Lilia: ...... Kharg: What’s the matter, Lilia? Lilia: Huh? Oh, it’s nothing... [Everyone files aboard so Ganz can fix the ship. Kharg talks to Ganz.] Ganz: (fixing) You get everything done you need to before we leave? Kharg: Yes, we’re ready. Ganz: It’ll be just a little while longer. It’s a bit more complicated than I expected. But don’t worry. This thing will be flying in no time. Lilia: Say, Kharg...Isn’t that Lady Nafia coming this way? Kharg: What?! Hey, you’re right. It’s my mother. Lilia: I bet she came to see you off. Kharg: I’ll go see what she wants. Do you want to come? Lilia: ............No, that’s OK. I bet she wants to say goodbye to you alone. Kharg: All right. [Kharg goes outside to see his mother.] Nafia: Kharg! Kharg: Mother! How come you came all the way out here? This place is dangerous, you know. Nafia: Don’t worry. I took a path even the Drakyr don’t know about. Kharg: Then how do you know about it? Nafia: Oh, I’ve been familiar with this area ever since I was young... But never mind that. So you’re off, are you? Kharg: Yeah...You didn’t have to come all this way to see me off, Mother. Nafia: Son, I want you to be extremely careful. Kharg: Don’t worry. I’ve got good friends with me. I just hope the Deimos are quiet while we’re away. Nafia: I’ve told you this before, Kharg. I don’t want you thinking you have to fight them just because they’re Deimos. Kharg: I know, I know. If I fight, it has to be to protect somebody or to rescue somebody. Right? Anyway, after we get Lilia there safely, we’ll come right back. Nafia: Kharg... Kharg: Yes, Mother...? Nafia: No matter what happens, I want you to remember that your father, Windalf, and I love you very much. We’re proud of you. Take good care of yourself, and this earth, too. May the Wind Stone guide you... Kharg: Ha ha ha! You make it sound like we’ll never see each other again! We’ll put a stop to Darkham’s little plot. You’ll see! Get ready to give us a big welcome party when we get back to Yewbell! Well, I’m off! [Kharg goes back into the Big Owl.] Nafia: Kharg...Be safe, my son...! [Back inside...] Ganz: Good timing. I just finished the repairs. Just enter your destination in the control panel here, and you’re all set to take off. Kharg: All right! That sounds easy enough! [Kharg inputs the destination for Aldrow. The Big Owl takes off, leaving thee figure of Nadia to look on from the ground.] Kharg: Lilia...there’s one thing I’ve been wondering about...How did you come to get the Light Stone, anyway? Lilia: Yes...It probably would be a good idea for you to know...In the little village where I was born, the Light Stone has been passed down secretly for generations. My village never thought of the Light Stone as any mere energy source. We always thought of it as holy, something that brought good fortune. We all worshipped it. But twelve years ago, Darkham somehow heard about the Light Stone. All of a sudden he brought his troops down on our little village. We didn’t even have any real weapons! We were occupied before we knew it. The villagers entrusted the Light Stone to my parents, and we somehow managed to escape. But nearly every other villager was killed, and the village was burned to the ground in a single night. Kharg: That’s terrible! Lilia: We ran from place to place, trying to keep away from Darkham. We finally made it to a place where the Dilzweld Army couldn’t find us. But in spite of that, one day my father handed the Light Stone to my mother and disappeared. Kharg: But why? Lilia: I don’t know. And my mother was sick then, too, after living the life of a fugitive for so long...After that, we had to struggle to stay alive, but at least we had a period of peace. But my mother’s health kept getting worse and worse, until one day, three years ago, she finally died. That’s when the Light Stone was passed down to me. Kharg: I see...Yewbell’s always been such a peaceful place...I can’t even begin to imagine all the terrible things you went through... Lilia: I just want to be left alone in peace, but I seem to cause disruption wherever I go. Now I’ve gone and dragged Ganz into this, too. It’s as if I’m carrying some terrible seed of trouble around with me... Kharg: But it’s not your fault, Lilia. You’ve been protecting the Light Stone all this time. It’s thanks to you that the world hasn’t come under Dilzweld control! Don’t doubt yourself now. Lilia: Thank you, Kharg. [Over at the control panel...] Maru: Better watch out, Paulette! Looks like you’ve got yourself a rival! Hee hee hee! Paulette: ...I’m going to give you such a smack...! [As the Big Owl flies, another ship comes up from the clouds behind it, firing a machine gun placement on the outside. The friendly airship slowly sinks beneath the clouds, eventually crash landing somewhere.] Kharg: What? What was that? [Black out. Soon, everyone is standing over an unconscious Kharg as he lays on the floor of the Big Owl.] Paulette: Kharg, are you all right?! Kharg: ...Unnnghhh... [Kharg stands up.] Kharg: Is everbody...OK...? Paulette: At least it looks like we managed to make an emergency landing. But... Kharg: But what...? Paulette: When we came to, Lilia was gone. Kharg: What?! Ganz: She left a note. It says, “I don’t want to put any of you any further in danger. I’ll be all right on my own...” Kharg: Oh, no! There’s no telling what kind of place we’ve landed in! We’ve got to go after her right away! [Everyone runs out of the Big Owl, which appears to have crashed into a large forest of some sort.] Maru: Wow! This continent is a whole lot different than Ragnoth! Paulette: It’s kind of...creepy... Kharg: Lilia’s not here. Let’s go find her. Ganz: Huh? Maru: Something’s coming! [Four lizard-men hop up from a pathway.] Ganz: They’re Orcon. Kharg: Orcon? Ganz: If there are Orcon here, it means we must’ve landed on Aldrow after all. Orcon: Look what we have here! Humans in Asheeda Forest! I thought something smelled rotten. Kharg: We don’t want any trouble with you. We’re just looking for our friend. Orcon: Looking for a friend?! Geh heh heh heh! Well, you don’t have to worry about that! We’ll kill your friend for you, too. Right after we take care of you. Kharg: Looks like they aren’t about to let us pass in peace. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ASHEEDA FOREST SKIRMISH: IN-BATTLE SPEECH AFTER PAULETTE’S FIRST TURN: Paulette: Tell me more about the Orcon, Ganz! Any special traits? I’ll take them out, just like I did with the Drakyr! Ganz: Don’t get too worked up, Paulette! I don’t know much about them, either. We’ll have to figure out the best way to defeat them while we’re fighting! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ [The humans lay waste of the Orcon in a quick manner.] Maru: Darn it all! We didn’t come here to fight! Paulette: Deimos are the same where you go. They’re nothing but savage beasts! Kharg: Anyway, let’s find Lilia. I hope she doesn’t run into any of these guys herself... [The party goes in search of Lilia. After a few battles, they encounter the enemy.] Kharg: What?!It’s the Dilzweld! Dilzweld Soldier: Target located. Asheeda Forest! Kharg: Can’t these guys ever leave us alone?! Dilzweld Soldier: Hand Lilia over. Kharg: What...? That must mean they haven’t found her yet, either! (to Dilzweld) We’d never hand her over to you! And you aren’t getting the Light Stone, either. Dilzweld Soldier: Prepare to die, then! [The party defeats the soldiers with ease.] Kharg: Looks like the Dilzweld Army hasn’t found Lilia yet, either. Let’s hope we get to her before anyone else does. Maru: Gosh, she’s all alone in a strange land, with Deimos and Dilzweld after her! I’m really worried about her... Paulette: She’ll be all right, Maru. She’s got luck on her side. Right, Kharg? Kharg: Yeah...Let’s go. [They’ve barely continued on when another band of Dilzweld attacks. They make quick work of them.] Kharg: How is everybody holding up? Paulette: We’ll be all right. Ganz: Fighting in a strange country takes a lot out of you. Maru: Liliaaa! Where are youuuu?! [Tatjana appears.] Tatjana: Just as I suspected! You and Lilia have gotten separated, haven’t you? Kharg: Tatjana...! Maru: Oops! [The soldiers accompanying Tatjana appear up the tree branches.] Tatjana: If Lilia isn’t with you, I don’t want to waste my time on you. But I don’t want you getting in my way, either, so...I’ll have my soldiers take care of you here. Kharg: Damn! ???: Fighting the Dilzweld? Count me in! Enter Samson the double- barreled gun slinging leader of the Moon Stone Gang of Thieves! You better run, before you fall for me. You okay? Ready for a hole in your gut? Tatjana: Samson...? So you’re the leader of those sneaky thieves that are always stealing our supplies! Those are kind of bright clothes for a thief, aren’t they? You look more like a circus ringleader. Samson: Take a closer look at yourself, sister. You have a lot to work with, but you should dress it up a little more, you know? How about a little makeup? Some jewelry? Or, don’t tell me...you’ve given up on being a woman? Tatjana: (furious) That’s enough!! I’ll get rid of you right along with the rest of this bunch! Samson: Hmm, are you sure about that? [A bunch of Samson’s soldiers are overlooking the entire thing. The Dilzweld soldiers see them, as does Tatjana.] Tatjana: Grrr...! Samson: You were saying? Tatjana: These fools are not the target. This is a waste of time. Withdraw! [Tatjana and the soldiers run away.] Maru: Whew! That was close! [Samson and two of his soldiers approach.] Kharg: Thank you. You really saved us! I’m Kharg, from Nidellia. Samson: Don’t thank me. I just hate Dilzweld, that’s all. Maru: Hey, are you guys really thieves? Paulette: Maru! Mind your manners! Samson: Ha ha ha ha! I only steal from the Dilzweld Army. Kharg: Isn’t that kind of dangerous? Samson: The first rule of being a thief is to steal from someone who’s got plenty, right? By the way, the commander mentioned something about you guys not being the target. What did she mean by that? Kharg: They’re trying to find a certain girl. We were traveling together but we got separated when we got here. Samson: I saw an airship come down on the other side of the forest. Was that yours? Kharg: Yeah, that was ours. Maru: Actually, it’s Lilia’s airship. Samson: Lilia...? Is that the girl you got separated from? Kharg: That’s right. Samson: Why don’t you guys come back to my lair for a while? You never know when an Orcon is going to show up out here. Kharg: But we’ve got to find Lilia...! Samson: You can’t just wander around aimlessly. You’ll never find her that way. Tell you what. I’ll have my men look for her. This is Boomer, and this is Buster. Besides...you guys look pretty done in. Kharg: ......All right. I guess we’ll take you up on your invitation. [Back at the World Map, the crew heads to Wilbur Shore. They board Samson’s boat, the Fiona, and find him in the lower quarters.] Samson: Oh! You’re here. I’m having my men check right now to see if we can get any intelligence on Lilia. They should be reporting back to me any minute. Kharg: That would be a big help, thanks. This sure is quite a ship. Samson: Heh heh. You like it? If you saw everything this ship could do, then you’d really be impressed. So...How come the Dilzweld Army is looking for Lilia? Kharg: Huh? Well... Samson: If they want to get a hold of her that bad, she must really have something valuable, huh? Kharg: I really don’t know...We just came along to make sure she got here safely. Samson: Don’t play dumb with me! It’s the Light Stone, isn’t it? That’s what they’re after! Kharg: How did you know about that?! Samson: Heh heh. I’ve been gathering info on Dilzweld for a long time now. Kharg: Then maybe you could help us. We want to get Lilia safely to the World Alliance. Samson: The World Alliance, huh? Kharg: That’s right. We can’t let Dilzweld get its hands on her! Samson: I think I’ll pass. Kharg: But why?! Samson: I’d do anything to get in Dilzweld’s way, and with pleasure! But I’ve got my own methods...Besides, a gang of thieves isn’t at the top of the World Alliance popularity list. [Boomer and Buster enter the cabin.] Boomer: Captain! A word? Samson: Did you find out something? [Samson walks over to Boomer and they talk in whispers.] Samson: Hmm...Really...? I see... (to Kharg) We got some intelligence on Lilia. Kharg: What is it?! Samson: Looks like she managed to get through Asheeda Forest. Somebody saw her going into the Republic of Cathena. Kharg: She’s in Cathena already? Samson: But don’t relax yet. The Dilzweld Army was close on her trail. Kharg: Uh-oh...We’ve got to hurry and catch up with her! Thank you for all your help! We’ll be on our way now! Samson: Take care of yourselves. [Kharg and company head to the Republic of Cathena, on the southern shore of Aldrow. They quickly head to the World Alliance building.] Cathenian Soldier: Hold it right there. You’re not from the Republic of Cathena. The World Alliance is in session now in the assembly hall. No one gets in that doesn’t belong. Kharg: We’re looking for a girl named Lilia. She should be here at the World Alliance. Cathenian Soldier: Lilia...? Yes, I heard something about her. She’s supposed to testify today. Kharg: My name is Kharg. My friends and I came with Lilia from Nidellia. But we got separated in Asheeda Forest. Now we’re trying to find her. We got word that she came here to Cathena on her own. Cathenian Soldier: Is that so? Well if you came here with a witness, I guess we can’t just send you away, can we? I guess it’ll be all right. I’ll give you special permission to enter. Ganz: Kharg, I’m going to back to Asheeda Forest. Kharg: Huh? How come? Ganz: We agreed that this would be where I left you. But now I’m worried about Big Owl. With Orcon all over that forest, it’s just too dangerous to leave it there any longer. We worked so hard getting it able to fly, it’d be a terrible waste if they destroyed it. I’ll try to move it closer to Cathena and get it fixed up and ready for you. Kharg: Gee, that’d be great, Ganz! Thanks a lot! [Ganz leaves.] Cathenian Soldier: All right. You can go ahead in. [Kharg enters the main hall where the session is taking place.] Epistian Delegate: The Dilzweld Empire is a demonic country with only one thing in mind--to slaughter everyone else! And when you’re righting demons, you have to be prepared to rush in and fight to the death! I say we dispatch the entire Alliance Army to Epistia immediately! Cathenian Delegate and Chairman: Are you talking about all-out war? Milmarnan Delegate: If we resort to such a rash plan, there’ll be nothing left to Epistia! And we’ll end up with a mountain of innocent victims...The first order of business is to find out what Dilzweld’s true intentions are. Cathenian Delegate and Chairman: I see. That’s a good point. Palkian Delegate: I should think even Dilzweld would want to avoid a long war, what with the energy crisis and all. The best plan is to come up with mutual concessions, something that would keep Emperor Darkham from losing face. We should give him every incentive possible to stop his warring ways. Cathenian Delegate and Chairman: That may very well be a good idea. Episitian Delegate: We can’t cut deals with demons! It’s an all-out war, and nothing else! Lamda Temple Delegate: We haven’t even proved that the Dilzweld Empire is a demonic country. Nor do we have any grounds to claim that it would be open to mutual concessions. We must first examine the foundation of these opinions. The Lamda warrior monks will not move unless we have proof of their validity. [Kharg and crew start walking in.] Cathenian Delgate and Chairman: Hmm...Yes, indeed. I see your point. Well, well. Let’s see...Delegate of Milmarnia. The other day, you said a witness was coming here, someone that was going to testify to some secret information concerning Dilzweld. Isn’t that so? Milmarnan Delegate: Yes, that’s right. However, I haven’t received word of her arrival yet. Her name is Lilia, a 17-year-old girl... Kharg: (to his party) Lilia isn’t here?! [The three walk into the session.] Cathenian Delegate and Chairman: Wh-what?! Who are you? Only the countries’ ambassadors are allowed in during deliberations! Kharg: My name is Kharg. My friends and I came with Lilia from Nidellia. But we got separated in Asheeda Forest. We followed her trail here. Milmarnan Delegate: I’m afraid she hasn’t shown up in Cathena yet. What made you think she was already here? Maru: Samson told us somebody saw her coming into Cathena! Palkian Delegate: Samson? Are you talking about that Moon Stone Gang thief? Milmarnan Delegate: No one has reported Lilia’s arrival to me. Paulette: Kharg, I’m afraid... Kharg: ...Samson tricked us...Darn! I was a fool to believe a thief! Milmarnan Delegate: Did you learn anything about Dilzweld from Lilia? If you know anything at all, please share it with us... Palkian Delegate: Wait just a minute. These people showed up here unexpectedly. How can we be sure we can trust them? Can we really take measures against Dilzweld based on the testimony of these people? After all, they admit to having connections with the underground world of thieves... Cathenian Delegate and Chairman: In that case, we should hold a discussion about whether these people can be trusted. Now, then. We open the floor to discuission about whether we should hear their testimony. They will be permitted to testify if we all agree that they should do so. Following that, we will hold a discussion on whether or not their testimony should be believed... Kharg: (to party) Oh, brother! We’ll never get anywhere this way. I’m going out to look for Lilia! [Kharg runs out.] Maru: Hey, Kharg, wait! [Maru and Paulette chase after him.] ################################### ##END OF CHAPTER TWO: SETTING OUT## ################################### ################################### ##Darc, Chapter 2: Ambition [DC2]## ################################### [The Orcon Arena is lively again with Densimo out of the picture. Hordes of the town’s citizens rally outside of the gates to watch two fighters beat on each other.] Orcon Crowd: Get ‘em! C’mon! Now!! Knock ‘em dead! His horns! Break his horns! Smash his head in! [One of the fighters kicks the other in the head, and he falls to the ground, dazed.] Orcon: I...I’m done for! Orcon Crowd: Oooh!! [Both Zoram and Darc stand on the watcher’s platform, but this time Darc is the one sitting in the leader’s seat.] Zoram: Ha ha! What do you think, Darc? Did any of their fighting styles catch your eye? Darc: It’s just more of the same. If that’s all we have to choose from, we’d be better off with monsters. Is there no Deimos left on this continent who’s stronger than I am? Zoram: Oh, you and your jokes! You’ve killed Densimo and have become leader of the Orcon tribe. You’re in charge of all Orcoth! All Deimos for miles will bow to your every whim? Darc: There are plenty of Deimos who would flatter the strong, that’s for sure. Faced with an even stronger enemy, they’d turn traitor in a heartbeat. Isn’t that right, Zoram? Zoram: N-not at all! Never, I say! I would remain faithful to you until death! Why, to betray you would be... Darc: All right, that’s enough. It’s only natural. It’s...the Deimos way. Believe me, I understand. Only too well...And that’s exactly why I need Deimos who are strong-willed enough to defy me. Zoram: But what Deimos would be foolish enough to go up against you now? Wait...Heh heh...maybe the one we’ve got cooped up in the [dungeon]. Darc: That one, eh? Zoram: Heh heh heh... [Zugalo runs into the arena.] Zugalo: Darc! It’s terrible! [Delma] went beserk in the [dungeon] and became completely uncontrollable! Darc: I’ll be right there. [Zugalo leaves.] Darc: Zoram, continue with the sparring. Single out a strong Deimos for me! I have no need for weaklings in my command. In fact, banish them from Orcoth! Zoram: Your wish is my command... [Darc goes into the dungeon and hears Delma yelling at Zugalo.] Delma: Don’t mess with me, damn it! Let me out! Where’s Darc? Bring me Darc! [Darc goes down the stairs.] Delma: Darc! Get me outta here! C’mon, let me out, you cretin! Darc: You don’t have to shout, you know. Delma...Still won’t change your mind, eh? If you’ll only serve me, I’ll let you out of there in the blink of an eye. I need power to unify the Deimos. Lend me your power, Delma! Delma: No sirree! Absolutely not! Who would ever wanna work for you?! You’ve actually hired Densimo’s underlings as your own...And this doesn’t strike you as wrong?! You killed Densimo and stole his title! Darc: How many times do I have to say it? Densimo double-crossed me. He backstabbed us and joined sides with the Drakyr. And my Firble... Densimo killed it. Delma: You expect me to believe all that? How can I believe a single thing you say? You’re my brother’s rival! I’ll rip you to shreds! Do you have any idea how I feel, trapped in a place like this? If you’re gonna kill me, now would be the time! Come on! Get it over with! Kill me like you killed Densimo. Zugalo: D-Darc... Wh-wh-what should we do? Darc: Let her be. She’ll see the light soon enough. Zugalo: Y-yes, sir. Darc: Make sure she doesn’t go anywhere! Zugalo: Y-yes, sir! [Darc starts to walk away.] Delma: Darc... You...you’ve changed. You aren’t the Darc I knew. Why would I ever serve you? Darc: ...... [Darc walks back up the stairs into Orcoth. At the city entrance, he finds an Orcon who’s found an egg at the Church Ruins. Darc quickly goes to investigate. When he gets there, he immediately goes to the Firble nest.] Darc: What’s this...?! It’s alive! One of them survived! Thank goodness. A Firble...still alive. But some animal or monster is bound to eat it if I leave it here. Maybe I’ll have someone guard it. [Darc has an Orcon stand guard over it.] Darc: Got it? Don’t take your eyes off that egg. Orcon: Understood, sir! Darc: No matter what, you hear? Orcon: Understood, sir! Darc: And don’t tell anyone about this egg, either! Orcon: What kind of egg is it? Darc: I could tell you, but then I couldn’t guarantee your life. Orcon: Then I don’t want to know, sir! Darc: Good! [He starts to walk away.] Darc: If you eat it, I’ll kill you! Orcon: Y-yes, sir. I-I understand, Darc, sir. [As soon as Darc arrives back at Orcoth, Zoram comes out of the Arena to talk with him.] Zoram: Darc, something awful has happened! Darc: And what’s that? Zoram: An incredibly strong Deimos just suddenly showed up... Darc: A strong Deimos, eh? Tell me more. Zoram: He’s a huge [Lupine] that’s come over from Ragnoth. Apparently, he was hunting humans in Asheeda Forest...He’s unbelievably powerful. Why, he managed to pulverize all the rowdy Deimos in the arena! Darc: Isn’t that interesting! I must meet him right away. Don’t let him leave the [arena]! Zoram: Understood! [Zoram goes back in.] Darc: If he turns out to be usable, we’ll be one step closer to unifying the Deimos. And one step closer...to realizing my father’s dream. [Darc comes in and sees all the rowdy Orcon lying unconscious on the arena floor. The lupine warrior is standing, yelling at them.] ???: You’re all puny weaklings! So this is the Orcon...I want to fight a real opponent! Hoowwwl! Darc: Are you the rogue Lupine that’s been hunting humans? Lupine: So the great leader shows himself. Oho! I see the rumors were quite right. The Orcon are being ruled by an unsightly human, after all. That explains the smell, too. The nauseating stench of a human. Darc: Is that all you can do, just sniff around? Lupine: What?! Darc: If you’re a dog, then act like one. Wag your tail for your human masters. Lupine: Arrogant human! I’ll show you how I wag my tail! Darc: Slow down, I’m no human. Lupine: You can’t mean you’re a Deimos! Just look at you! Darc: I’m neither Deimos or human. I’m Darc! The ruler who will surpass Deimos and bring them together as one...He who will become the Deimos King. You’re strong, Lupine warrior. Come work for me! Lupine: Why, you...Do you have any idea who you’re talking to? Darc: What’s so hard to understand, dog-breath? I’m telling you to come serve me. Lupine: You must be joking! I refuse! A Lupine is the wind that blows across the field! A Lupine is the blizzard racing over a snowbank! A Lupine is the shadow wandering through the wilderness! A Lupine doesn’t bow down to weaklings! There’s not a Lupine alive who would stoop to serving a Deimos wannabe! Only the strongest can become the [alpha] and lead the pack! Darc: Then I’ll follow the laws of the Deimos and use force until you obey me! Empty words are best left to humans. Deimos speak with power. Lupine: Fine. Darc: Proud Lupine warrior, let me hear your name before I defeat you. Lupine: Volk! In the Lupine language, it means “Avenger of Kin.” A name that seeks out born enemies. That...is my name. I am Volk! Come on, then, wannabe! #################################### DARC-VOLK SKIRMISH: IN-BATTLE SPEECH AFTER DARC’S FIRST ATTACK: Volk: Are you ready? Lupine power, Lupine magic...You’ll get your fill! Darc: Ha! Suits me! Don’t disappoint me! Volk: You won’t be that cocky for long! Darc: Come on, then! See if you can shut me up! #################################### [Darc and Volk have a heated battle, but Volk eventually loses.] Volk: I...I lost?! But...a Lupine...And to a Deimos wannabe...To lose... to a human...Why?! Darc: Anger makes your attacks monotonous. Such arrogance will only bring you victory over weaker opponents. Why do you hate humans so much? What did they ever do to you? Volk: They took away everything that was precious to me. My wife Yrena... ...my son Nazaal...all of my Lupine pack. And then...my pride as a Deimos. I lost...everything. See this? They gave me this scar here. Humans...those damn humans! I must win back my wounded pride. I must restore my lost honor. I must rid myself of my disgrace! I made a solemn oath. On my name, on my guiding star, I swore I’d wipe out the human race! I can’t forgive what they’ve done. I hoped, prayed, begged...For all humans to atone for their sins in blood, to make up for their murders with their lives! While out hunting humans, I found myself here. Darc: You can’t wipe out the whole race just by killing any humans you run into, you know. Volk: If I can have a companion or two, so much the better. This is my quest. Darc: You’ll die, and for what? Volk: I don’t care if I do! It doesn’t matter what becomes of me as long as I’ve managed to kill at least one more human. Darc: You self-satisfied fool. Volk: What?! Darc: So you’ll die, and what about the humans? Can you bring back your dead family? Volk: You...! Darc: Humans won’t change, not even after you’ve gone. Deimos can’t rescue anything. You’re the same as all other Deimos, aren’t you? Just another Deimos who can’t combine his power with that of others, fated to be destroyed by the humans. Volk: Then what should I do? Darc: Lend me your power, Volk! To unify the Deimos and wipe out the humans... I need your strength! Volk: Why not? You won our battle, after all. A Lupine obeys the alpha who leads its pack. I swear this oath unto our divine protector, the moon. Though the world may fall into ruin, and my body decay and crumble into dust...My master, my king! Sublime and ultimate alpha! Darc, the Deimos King! I shall obey you. I am the fangs that shred your enemies, the claws that protect you from their clutches. Darc: Let’s go, Volk! We must bind together the Deimos and crush the humans! This is the road we are destined to follow! [Darc and Volk head out towards the dungeon, but Zugalo stops them at the entrance.] Zugalo: Ah, i-it’s, it’s Darc! D-Delma is asking for you. Darc: Delma? Zugalo: W-well, that is, sh-she’s acting a little s-strange. Please see her as soon as you can. Volk: Darc, aren’t you the ruler of the Orcon tribe? Who is this Delma that she would dare summon you? Darc: Someone I’d like to join us. Volk: Oho, I see. Is she stronger than you? Darc: No... Volk: A weakling and a fool, then, to turn against the strong. Darc: You have a point there. [The two go into the dungeon to see Delma.] Darc: Delma... Volk: So this is Delma? Darc: I’d like to speak with her alone. Wait outside. Volk: All right. [Volk goes outside.] Darc: Delma... Delma: I’ve been thinking. A lot...Ever since. They were broken. Back when I was a kid. Darc: Broken? What was broken? What are you talking about? Delma: My horns...Densimo broke them. Because he was in a bad mood, he said. Doesn’t it just make you wanna laugh? From way back, Densimo always lost his temper if things didn’t go his way. And I...I constantly lived in fear of that temper of his. Darc: Delma...Forget about the past. I’m going to change the Deimos race. Let’s make a world with no strife, a world of peaceful Deimos. We can save them all. Delma: Darc... [Darc unlocks the cell gate and lets Delma out.] Delma: I was wrong, Darc. I’m with you from now on. [Volk walks back in.] Volk: I guess you’ve had your talk, eh? Delma: Who the hell are you? Darc: This is Volk, the Lupine. He’s sworn his allegiance to me. Delma: Wow...so there are others, besides me. Others you can trust, that is. Volk: So now what do we do? Do we sneak into human territory and attack? Darc: Not yet. We need even stronger Deimos to go up against the humans! Delma: So you wanna look for more allies? Darc: That’s right. But there aren’t any strong Deimos on Aldrow any more. I think we’re going to have to travel to another continent. Delma: We need a way to get off Aldrow. [At the entrance to Orcoth, an Orcon stops Darc.] Orcon: Darc? You know what? I just saw a [strange light]. Darc: A strange light? Orcon: Yeah, this strange light was trailing smoke as it landed in [Asheeda Forest]. Volk: Humans! It was a human thing, all right. A human vehicle that brings certain disaster! A ship that carries death as it flies across the sky, ready to destroy all Deimos! Darc: What?! Delma: I bet they’re looking for Spirit Stones again. What are we waiting for? Let’s head to [Asheeda Forest] and get those humans outta there! [The three head eastward, over the Befron Mountain Pass and the Mulmoth Meadows. When they get to the forest, they see humans.] Delma: Look, Darc. Humans! [The humans are actually Dilzweld soldiers walking on the branches a little ways away.] Dilzweld Soldier: Damn it! Where are they? Dilzweld Soldier: They’re definitely in this forest! We’ve got to find them. [The three Deimos aren’t spotted yet.] Volk: Grrr...those blasted humans! The nerve of them being on Deimos land! Darc: Wait, Volk! They seem to be searching for something. I wanna know what they’re trying to do. Volk: I don’t care what they’re doing. Death to all humans! [A soldier one of the branches spots the three.] Dilzweld Soldier: Oh, no! Deimos! There are Deimos here! Darc: We’ve been spotted! I guess we have no choice... [The Dilzweld soldiers are killed within a few minutes.] Darc: What in the world can the humans be looking for? Delma: Spirit Stones, of course! What else? Darc: Somehow, I don’t think that’s it. Volk: It doesn’t matter. This is Deimos territory. They can’t just do whatever they please! Delma: There must be other humans, too! Let’s get ‘em all! Darc: Yes, I suppose so. We out to leave no stone unturned. Delma: Darc...are you nervous about something? Darc: Me...nervous? Where did that come from? Delma: I noticed it before, too. The habit you have of touching your birthmark. Your fingers go right to it whenever things get a little hairy. Darc: And why should I be nervous? I’m just excited about kicking around my first humans in a while. Volk: Ha ha, that’s our Darc. I knew we could count on you. You’re an alpha through and through. Darc: We’ve got no time for talk! We have humans to find! [The Deimos advance into the treetops and come across soldiers searching a big ship. They’re all standing around the entrance.] Darc: There...Humans! Dilzweld Soldier: There’s nothing here! The ship is totally empty. Dilzweld Officer: Hmm...I see. I thought we might leave [Lilia] in the ship as a decoy for Kharg...sort of a diversionary tactic...But it looks like there’s no Lilia here. Darc: Lilia...? Dilzweld Officer: Eh? Deimos?! Get back into formation! Attack! [Again, the soldiers are thoroughly defeated.] Darc: The humans are looking for something called [Lilia]. Delma: Who cares about this “Lilia”! Who do they think they are, bringing this big ol’ thing onto our turf? Volk: Stop! Don’t touch it! Touch the work of human hands and disaster is sure to befall you. Delma: What ARE you talking about? I’m using a human weapon, aren’t I? A And so is Darc. So sop whining about stupid stuff like that! Volk: What?! Y-you’re using human weapons, Darc? Darc: If it makes me powerful, why should I care about foolsh Deimos pride? Now, about this Lilia. The humans are searching for this thing so frantically...What can it be? It might give us an advantage in our fight against the humans. We’ve got to get to this Lilia before they do! Got it? [The Deimos continue on again, and encounter Tatjana and her crew who are looking through the treetops.] Dilzweld Officer: Well? Dilzweld Soldier: No luck, I’m afraid. Tatjana: Why are you having such problems finding one measly girl? Lilia must still be hiding around here somewhere. Find her on the double! [Another soldier walks towards the group.] Dilzweld Soldier: Report from the field! Kharg and his crew are headed for the thieves’ hideout! Tatjana: Ah, well done. That takes care of our interruptions! Now let’s find that Lilia! Darc: Lilia’s...a girl? A human girl? Why are they looking for something like that? [The soldier who just appeared spots the Deimos.] Dilzweld Soldier: D-Deimos! Enemy attack! Enemy attack! Tatjana: Damn! Another roadblock to overcome. Put the search for Lilia on hold for now and flush out these Deimos! [Darc runs down the tree root towards the enemy.] Darc: You really think you can? You must be joking! ######################################### ASHEEDA FOREST SKIRMISH: IN-BATTLE SPEECH AFTER DARC’S FIRST ATTACK: Tatjana: How dare you go against humans? You’re a mere Deimos! I’ll show you the power of science. Darc: Without your machines, you’re nothing. If you don’t wanna die, you’d better answer me this. Who is Lilia? Why are you after her? Tatjana: You think I’ll just tell you anything?! If you really want to know about Lilia, you’ll have to catch me and force it out of me! Darc: If that’s the way you want it! Don’t underestimate the power of the Deimos! ######################################### [Afterwards, with the Dilzweld escort guards dead, Tatjana stands before the party, bent over from her wounds.] Tatjana: Argh... You wretched Deimos! Enjoy it while you can. We’ll eliminate you all soon enough. Volk: I don’t think so. This is where you’ll breathe your last breath! Tatjana: And why is that? Delma: Are you nuts? What did you expect? Do you actually think you can escape? [Tatjana raises her gun and, using some kind of skill, turns invisible.] Darc: Wh...what the...? Delma: She...she disappeared! Volk: That’s one clever human, damn her. Her body may be gone, but she can’t get rid of her stink! [Volk runs off after Tatjana.] Darc: Wait, Volk! Don’t chase her too far! Delma: Hey, Darc? Can the humans make weapons that disappear, too? Darc: I don’t know. But if they’re still invisible when they attack, Orcoth will be done for. We’ve got to get the Deimos united, and fast...With things as they are, the Deimos really are going to be wiped out by humans. [The two look over and see a human girl running down the tree branches. She quickly goes out of sight.] Delma: Darc! Something’s there! Darc: An ambush? Follow it, Delma! [The two run off after the girl. The scene changes to a pond, where the two Deimos finally end up.] Darc: Where’d it go? Delma: That might have been [Lilia] just now! Let’s split up and look for her! [Darc runs to a different side of the pond and a short cutscene begins. Lilia is hiding behind a tree.] Lilia: May he not find me...May he not notice me. Oh! Spirits protect me! Darc: What...A girl....a human girl.... Lilia: Ahh!...a Deimos... Darc: Could you be... Lilia: St-stay away...! [From behind Darc, Delma attacks and stabs Darc with her sharpened claws.] Darc: Argh! Lilia: Oh...! Delma: I’ve been waiting for this! Waiting for my chance...to have my revenge. How I’ve waited! Darc: D-del...ma...Why-why...? Delma: Densimo was a coward...a jerk...and totally hateful. But, even so, he was my brother...and very special to me! Darc: Urk...! [Darc collapses.] Delma: I told you, didn’t I? I said I’d rip you to shreds. That I would never forget! [Delma runs out of the pond area. A blackout scene implies that Darc had his wounds cared for by Lilia. Darc is slumped over a rock a ways away.] Lilia: What should I do? I can’t leave him like this...He should be fine now that I’ve tended to his injuries. But, what now...? Darc: Oooh! Owwww...Where....? Lilia: Thank goodness! I see you’ve awoken. Darc: You...my wounds...? Lilia: Yes, I did. Darc: Why? Lilia: Why, you ask? Because you were hurt. Darc: I can’t believe it. Why did you really help me? I’m a Deimos, you know. Lilia: What does being a human or Deimos matter if you’re hurt? Darc: You...you don’t hate Deimos? You’re not afraid of me? Lilia: Of course I am...terrified. But...I can’t overlook someone who’s suffering. It’s only human. Darc: Ridiculous! You’re the only human like that. Say, human! What’s your name? Lilia: When you want to know someone’s name, you should give yours first. Darc: That’s the human way, isn’t it? Lilia: Yes, that’s right. Darc: Fine. My name is Darc. And you? Lilia: I’m Lilia. Darc: Lilia...Lilia, huh? Has kind of a weird ring to it. (thinking) ...!! You’re Lilia?! Hey, Lilia! Tell me something. Why are those humans looking for you? Lilia: Well...you see... [Suddenly, the Light Spirit appears to both of them.] Light Spirit: ...I am the Light Spirit...In this world are...five Great Spirit Stones...Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, and Light... ...These stones are the will of the Spirits...and sources of tremendous might...When all stone are brought together... ...an infinite power will be born...Guard me from the sinister darkness... [The spirit fades away.] Darc: What’s going on here?! Why the Light Spirit...?! Why not the Wind Spirit? Lilia: You...you know about the Spirits? Darc: They’ve shown up once before. That is, the Wind Spirit has. Lilia: The Wind Spirit? You...you don’t...You don’t have the Wind Stone with you, do you? Darc: What if I did? Do you have a problem with that? Lilia: N-no...not really... Darc: ...It doesn’t matter. This settles it. Lilia: Huh? Darc: I didn’t understand what the Spirit was saying the last time it appeared...But, hearing that voice just now has brought everything into focus! Lilia: Brought what, exactly, into focus? Darc: The Spirits’ [infinite power] comes anyone who gathers all the world’s [Great Spirit Stones]! That’s why the Drakyr have been after my Wind Stone...and why the humans were looking for you. They wanted your [Light Stone]! Lilia: Wh-what makes you think I have anything like that? Darc: Aha! I bet I’m right! When I got the Wind Stone, I heard the Wind Spirit’s voice. And now, another Spirit has appeared! The Light Spirit! Why would the Light Spirit show up when I don’ t have the Light Stone? Because you’re the one with the Light Stone, that’s why. Am I right? Lilia: This happened before. The Light Spirit appeared when I was with a certain someone. Just like...just like now. Could you possibly be-- Darc: Enough talk! Get out of here. Leave the Light Stone behind. It’s the least I can do for someone who cared for my injuries. If you give me the Light Stone, I’ll let you live. Lilia: No! I won’t give up the Light Stone. Darc: Would you prefer I simply take it from you?...Maybe even after I kill you? Lilia: I can’t give it up, even if you do kill me. The Light Stone...My mother entrusted it to me on her deathbed. Darc: Her deathbed...?! Just like me...But you couldn’t be...Fine. I won’t take it from you. Lilia: Really? Darc: Come with me instead! I have questions about the Great Spirit Stones, and it looks like you just might give me the answers. You’ll come in handy as I collect all five stones! Lilia: But... Darc: Or, if you prefer, I could always kill you and take your Light Stone. Lilia: ......One more person with a Spirit Stone...Could the Spirits be guiding us? All right. I’ll come with you. However...that doesn’t mean I’ll obey you. Darc: We’ll see! [Darc runs back to Asheeda Forest with Lilia, and Volk finds them.] Volk: Here you are, Darc. I’ve been looking for you. Darc: Volk! Volk: What’s that? A human girl?! What the hell are you doing? Why haven’t you killed her? Darc: Wait! Volk: Don’t try to stop me! If you won’t kill her, I will! Darc: I thought I told you to back off! Volk: You mean, you’re going to let a human live? Darc: Lilia could prove very valuable to us. Volk: Valuable, eh? Darc: I have an idea. Shut up and do as I say! Volk: ...... Darc: What is it, Volk? Do you disapprove? You can kill Lilia whenever you like. Or, are you, perhaps, afraid of her? Volk: Afraid! Don’t be stupid! Who could be afraid of a human? Darc: Then leave her alone. Volk: All right. I wash my hands of her. She’s your problem now. However...(to Lilia) if you ever get in my way...I’ll kill you! Do I make myself clear? [Lilia nods.] Volk: By the way, what happened to Delma? Weren’t you together? Darc: Delma...Delma attacked me and ran. Volk: What? Delma double-crossed you? Darc: She said it was revenge. Revenge for killing her brother. Volk: Hmm. So, that’s how it is, eh? What do you think, Darc? Shall I handle the traitor? I’d gladly hunt her down if you order me to. Darc: That won’t be necessary. I’ll take care of her myself. I know where she’s gone. Let’s get to [Orcoth]! [Together, the remaining party members and Lilia make their way back to Orcoth.] Volk: Has Delma really come back here, Darc? Are you sure she hasn’t run off somewhere? Darc: I know what she’s thinking, all right. I can practically feel it. Look at that. [In the town square below, Delma is talking to a crowd of Orcon.] Delma: I’m telling you, I killed Darc! What’s so hard to understand about that? From now on, I’m the Orcon leader! Zoram: Darc’s been defeated? By you? Zugalo: Really? Are you sure there hasn’t been some kind of mistake? Gorma: I just don’t think Darc could be done in that easily. Zoram: C’mon, Delma, it’s not nice to lie! [At the town entrance...] Volk: That lying, traitorous, no-good fiend! She’ll regret what she’s done. Darc: Wait, Volk. Leave her to me. And don’t take your eyes off Lilia! [Darc walks down the stairs towards Delma.] Delma: (to crowd) Lying? I’m not lying! How many times do I have to say it? I was in Asheeda Forest...I crept up behind Darc...and I got him square in the back! If you still think I’m not telling the truth, go to the forest and see for yourself! His body’s still there. [Darc presents himself. The crowd sees him first.] Zoram: Ah...! Gorma: Whoa! Delma: Ha ha ha ha ha! Finally you realize the extent of my magnificence! Zugalo: D-Darc... Gorma: It’s Darc... Delma: Eh? What are you talking about?! Didn’t I just tell you how I killed Darc and left his body in the forest? Zoram: Welcome home, Darc. Delma: H-hey, you guys...Wh-who are you talking to? I-is this some kind of joke? I-I mean...I...Darc... Darc: Delma! What exactly did you do to me, again? Delma: Eek! D-D-D-D-D-D-D-DARC?! No way! It...it can’t be! Why...why are you still alive...? I killed you...I know I did...With my own two hands...I killed you! H-how... Darc: Come here for a minute, Delma! [Darc walks into the arena and Delma follows.] Delma: Wh-why did you keep so quiet back there? Were you planning to... ...to k-kill me? Darc: Delma. You really want me dead that badly? Delma: Oooh... Darc: Well? Delma: You...you killed my brother...You murdered...Densimo...That’s why I did what I did... Darc: Then get it right next time. Delma: What...?! Darc: If you wanna hate me, hate me. If you wanna betray me, betray me. I need power to unify the Deimos. I need strong Deimos to help me. I need you. Delma: But why? Why won’t you kill me? You make...absolutely no sense... You’re...You’re nuts! You’ve lost your mind! And now what...what should I...What should I do now? Darc: Well, let’s see. If you wanna kill me, you probably should stay pretty close to me, eh? And when you see your chance, I suggest you take it! If I really could be killed by the likes of you, I’d never be able to unify the Deimos anyway. And saving them? An impossible dream. For Deimos...power is everything. Delma: I understand...I will kill you, one day. Just as you wish...I’ll kill you, all right... [Delma runs out. When Darc leaves, he finds Lilia and Volk in the center square, crowded by the Orcon.] Zoram: Whoa! You really think it’s right for a human like you to just saunter around Orcoth like that? Zugalo: Sh-shall we smack her around a little before t-tossing her out? Lilia: But...but I... Zoram: C’mon! Let’s have a chat, shall we? [Darc runs up.] Darc: What are you doing? Zugalo: D-Darc...! Zoram: What are we doing? We’re just about to take care of this human that’s found her way into our territory! Darc: Mind your own business! I brought Lilia here. Zoram: What?! You...brought that...here? Darc: Listen carefully. Until I say otherwise...harming Lilia in any way, shape, or form is strictly forbidden! Violators will be punished. Got it? Tell all the Deimos in Orcoth. Zugalo: B-but...letting a human girl run free in Orcoth... Darc: Didn’t you hear what I just said? Zoram: Y-yes, sir! Of course, sir. Darc: Now, I have something to ask this girl. Put her in the [dungeon]! Zoram: Yes, sir! C’mon, move! [Lilia is taken to the dungeon by Zoram and Zugalo.] Darc: (to Volk) I thought I told you to keep an eye on Lilia! Volk: I did. I was watching her very carefully. Darc: Are you trying to back-talk me?! Volk: Have you taken care of the traitor? Darc: Yes, that’s all finished. Volk: Paying for your sins with your life, eh? Ah, a foolish girl named Delma... [Delma appears.] Volk: D-Delma! Delma: So who could this “foolish girl” be, hmmmm? Volk: Why did you let her live? Did you--did you forgive her? But she betrayed you! Darc: I need strong Deimos on my side. That’s all there is to it. Volk: You expose your throat to much. And such a throat may be torn out! [Now that Gorma’s back home, the crew heads on over to his subway car.] Gorma: So you’ve forgiven Delma. I expected nothing less from you. That big heart of yours is sure to save Orcoth. That’s as it may be, but...I’m almost ashamed to say this. I’ve never been able to give up my dream of flying. If you should find a Firble, you ought to be able to raise it into a Pyron. I waslooking in Haystir Marsh for Firbles earlier, but I didn’t find any. And just when we’ve finally hit on a good method of raising Firbles into Pyrons, too... Darc: Tell me about raising Pyrons. Gorma: Actually, a traveling Quorup taught me that in order to bring Firbles up to be Pyrons...you need three kinds of feed. The first is [Rebound Fruit]. The second, [Phoenix Blood]...And finally, a [Fire Fragment]. Feed the Firble these three things and it’ll transform into a Pyron. [Darc asks about Rebound Fruit.] Gorma: The [Rebound Fruit] is said to release from the world’s bonds whoever eats it, allowing them to float in midair. It’s the [Crimson Rhoke]’s favorite fruit. You might be able to get a Rebound Fruit if you defeat a Crimson Rhoke. Sometimes you can see Crimson Rhokes in [Tindalos Woods]... [Darc asks about Phoenix Blood.] Gorma: You could buy [Phoenix Blood] in Orcoth until quite recently, but... ...lately it seems to be out of stock. Phoenixes are on the verge of extinction, and it’s hard to come by. [Darc asks about the Fire Fragment.] Gorma: Now, a [Fire Fragment]...You should be able to make one if you have a Spirit Stone. Once you find a Firble, I’ll process a Spirit Stone into a Fire Fragment for you. [Before setting off, Darc decides to see Lilia. Volk and Delma decide that they won’t be joining him.] Volk: If you’re going to see that human, I’ll just wait here. Delma: And so will I! Darc: As you wish. [Below, Zugalo and Zoram meet Darc.] Zoram: I’ve locked up the human as you commanded, Darc. Darc: Good. You are dismissed! Zoram: Yes, sir. [The two leave, leaving Darc alone with Lilia.] Lilia: What happened to that Orcon girl? You didn’t...kill her, did you? Darc: Don’t worry. I didn’t kill her. Lilia: Thank goodness. I knew you were different from other Deimos. You have a kind heart. No wonder you heard the Spirit. Darc: Hmph. What a simple, human way of thinking. Hate to disappoint you, but that’s not why I let her live! I need strong Deimos to serve me. In order to destroy you humans, you see. That’s why she’s still alive. Lilia: ...... Darc: But never mind that. I’d like to talk with you. Lilia: About what? Darc: Don’t play dumb! Tell me everything you know about the Great Spirit Stones. Lilia: I don’t know the details. My mother gave mine to me right before she died...She...she was...gone before I could ask about it. Darc: Uncanny...Everything is so similar. Lilia: Similar to what? Darc: My father gave me the Wind Stone on his deathbed, too...And I didn’t get a chance to ask what it was for, either. Lilia: Say, Darc...Did your mother happen to be human, by any chance? Darc: Not you, too! Are you going to start taunting me for being a Deimos wannabe, too? Lilia: Calm down and just listen. I met someone named Kharg on Ragnoth. He had a Wind Stone, too, just the same as yours. Darc: What?! Lilia: Is your Wind Stone broken in two? Kharg’s was. You might even be Kharg’s-- Darc: Shut up! Stop! Don’t you dare continue! I didn’t keep you alive to hear such ridiculous nonsense! I only want to know where the other three Spirit Stones are. Lilia: I don’t know. And even if I knew, I wouldn’t be able to tell you. You’re planning on using the Spirits’ power to fulfill your own ambition. Darc: And? What’s wrong with that? If you don’t want to tell me where, the stones are, that’s fine with me. I’ll just leave you in here for as long as it takes. Lilia: You wouldn’t...! There’s someplace I really need to go. Darc: That does seem to be a problem. Just tell me where they are. Lilia: ......All right. The Dilzweld Army has the [Earth Stone]. Darc: Dilz...weld? Army? What the hell is that? Lilia: That’s who was looking for me. They’re after my [Light Stone]. Darc: What about the other two stones? Lilia: I only know about the Earth Stone. I’m sorry. Darc: Really? Lilia: Yes. Darc: Well, all right. One thing is for certain. If the humans want the power of the Great Spirit Stones, too...we’ll have to work faster and get them before they do. Lilia: Don’t be a fool! You heard what the Spirit said! The time of destruction is drawing near. The Dilzweld Army is gathering the Spirit Stones...with an eye on world domination. So please, let me out of here. I want to tell the World Alliance about Dilzweld’s plans. Darc: Then let’s do this together! I’ll gather the stones and defeat Dilzweld myself. Lilia: All the world’s people have to come together now and put an end to Dilzweld’s evil ambitions. Darc: All the world’s [human people], eh? I see now, all too clearly. So there aren’t any Deimos worth saving in this world of yours. Lilia: I-I didn’t...That’s not what I meant. Darc: Oh, I get it, all right. You humans think of nothing but yourselves. You have no reason to even consider what might happen to the Deimos. Lilia: ...... Darc: Defending the world, the Deimos world is my responsibility! We need no help from weakling humans. You stay in there for now. I’m sure I’ll find some use for you in my struggle against humankind. Lilia: But... [Darc returns to his comrades.] Volk: You meet with that filthy human quite a lot. Darc: She’s already proven herself useful. Thanks to her, I now know what the humans are after. Volk: And what’s that? Darc: The humans are gathering all the Great Spirit Stones to obtain the Spirits’ infinite power! Delma: Great Spirit Stones? You mean, like your Wind Stone? Darc: That’s right. There are five Great Spirit Stones in this world. I have two of them. Delma: What? Really? Darc: Lilia had the Light Stone. And then my Wind Stone, of course. Delma: Then there are only three left? This is going to be a cinch! Volk: Are we going to get them all? Darc: Yes. We need the infinite power of the Great Spirit Stones if we’re to wipe out the humans. Volk: Aha...I see. Delma: Well, isn’t this fun! C’mon, let’s go get ‘em! Darc: Not so fast. We need some information first. Volk: We’ve got to figure out a way to get off of Aldrow, too. Darc: Let’s go! [Darc goes after the easiest of the ingredients: the Phoenix Blood. He returns to Geedo’s house after remembering that she locked hers away in a sealed chest. Darc opens it and gets the Phoenix Blood.] Darc: Huh? There’s still something in here. What’s this? Looks like writing of some sort. [Darc sees that it is an Ancient Tablet, and reads it.] Ancient Tablet 1: Over The Oceans From Long, Long Ago Comes A Voice In The Wind From An Ancient Soul Darc: “Voice in the wind”? “Ancient soul”? What does that mean? [Suddenly, a voice comes out of nowhere.] ???: Are you the one...Are you the one that has the [Ancient Tablet]? Darc: What?! Show yourself! [A grim reaper-style ghost manifests itself, floating in the air above Darc. His ribcage is visible through the tattered clothing.] Darc: Who are you?! Kirjath: My name is Kirjath...Kirjath the Fallen. Having angered the gods, they cursed my body with immortality. Though I age and wither, though my bones grow frail and shatter, I cannot die. I am but a wandering shade in search of salvation. And who are you, with the Ancient Tablet? Darc: I’m Darc, he who will become Deimos King! Kirjath: Aha. Darc, the Deimos King. Hearken to my words. The tablet... I want that Ancient Tablet you hold. I beg you, give it to me. Darc: Hmph. I don’t care, really, either way. But why do you want it? Tell me. What do you need it for? Is there some sort of secret power hidden in this tablet? Kirjath: No, there is no power in the Ancient Tablet, I’m afraid. Only salvation...words of salvation...Engraved upon its face are the words of the first to encounter the Spirits. It is said these words bring comfort, healing, and salvation to those who suffer. Darc: The first to encounter the Spirits? Words of salvation? Is that so? There’s nothing on here but this random nonsense. Kirjath: The words will make sense as they go on. This is but a fragment. Darc: This isn’t the whole thing? Kirjath: Long, long ago, that tablet was sealed within a holy ark. But then it was broken, and its pieces were scattered throughout the world. If all are gathered once more...even I, having tasted the gods’ wrath, could be saved. Darc: So you’re saying the words on this tablet can rescue somehow? I don’t believe that. Kirjath: Please...Deimos King. Seek out the tablets that remain. Such a task is far beyond my abilities. I am but a ghost of my worldly self. I beg you...save me. Darc: Why should I do that for you? I have my own business to take care of. I’m on a mission to save the Deimos! Kirjath: Please...Darc. King of all Deimos...Do not forsake me. For I have waited many millennia...My cursed body unwilling, unable to die...I have merely waited. Waited for one who could hear the voices of the Spirits. For one to seek out the tablets. For one to save em from my misery. O Darc, Deimos King. Hear my humble plea. Seek out the Ancient Tablets. Gather them from where they lay scattered throughout the world. Cursed by the gods, I have no one to turn to but you. Save me. This alone I ask. Darc: Damn. I guess I have no choice. I don’t need this tablet, anyway. If I find any others, I’ll bring them all to you. Kirjath: I thank you, truly. I will come before you once more. Until then... [Kirjath fades away. Darc leaves and goes to the Tindalos Woods, where the Rebound Fruit can be found. Darc gets into battle with a Crimson Rhoke and, sure enough, he finds a Rebound Fruit afterwards. With all the talk about the Firble, Darc goes to check up on it. When he gets to the Church Ruins...] Delma: What’s that sound...? A Firble? But why? Darc: Actually, I never told you this, but there was a single Firble egg left. Delma: R-really?! Why did you keep that from me? Darc: Because I didn’t wanna be betrayed again. Delma: Darc... Darc: Come on! [Everyone goes to nest.] Darc: Finally we meet, little Firble. Delma: I never thought we’d see another one. What are you going to do, Darc? Raise it into a Pryron? Volk: But it’s just been born. Are you sure it’s OK? Darc: Good question. We should probably ask Gorma. [Back at Gorma’s subway car...] Gorma: Oh, if it isn’t Darc. And don’t you look happy! Something wonderful must have happened. Darc: I found a Firble! Gorma: What?! Really? You really found a Firble? [Darc tells the story to Gorma.] Gorma: I see...One of the eggs Densimo left behind had miraculously survived... Darc: I’m glad we found a Firble, but...can we raise it into a Pyron even when it’s still a newborn like this? Gorma: Hmm. It shouldn’t be any problem. Delma: Hey, Gorma! Why are you so sure of yourself? Gorma: Well, you see...it’s just my intuition! Delma: Intuition! You senile old toad! What the hell are you thinking? Don’t make up answers just so you have something to say! Gorma: Well, what did you expect? No one’s ever raised a Firble into a Pyron. Delma: Darc! This old guy’s no good. Let’s ask somebody else. Gorma: So does that mean you’re not going to raise into a Pyron, then? Delma: Urk! Well, ah... Gorma: Can you hold off on rearing your Firble into a Pyron until it’s old enough? It takes patience, you know. We don’t know how much time the whole Firble-Pyron process requires. Delma: But if we mess up, and it dies... Darc: Delma...Gorma’s right. Delma: Darc... Darc: We don’t have time to sit around waiting for the Firble to mature. We’ve got to get those Great Spirit Stones before the humans do, or the Deimos will be history. And that means we’ve got to get started on our journey sooner, too. Gorma: Good thinking, Darc. Delma: That’s all well and good! But what if we mess up and the Firble dies? It’s not...It’s not just another tool for you to use! Darc: A tool...It may be just that. We need plenty of preparation to save the Deimos. Delma: ...... Gorma: I know I can’t do much, but I’ll help you however I can. Now, a [Fire Fragment]...You should be able to make one if you have a Spirit stone. It’ll take a little time, but I can create a Fire Fragment for you. I’ll let you know when it’s done. Be careful on your travels. Darc: Now to turn that Firble into a Pyron! [While wasting time for the Fire Fragment to be ready, Darc goes and sees Lilia again. This time, he finds Zugalo already talking to her.] Zugalo: S-song? M-music? What are you talking about? Lilia: They bring us great happiness. Zugalo: Happiness? Does that taste good? Is it filling? Lilia: No, no, no. Happiness heals your soul and comforts you. Zugalo: Huh? I have no idea what you’re talking about! That’s the kind of good things there are in the human world? Lilia: Yes. Darc: What the hell are you doing? Zugalo: D-Darc! I, um, that is...I was just... Darc: I don’t remember telling you to talk with the human! Now get out of here! [Zugalo skidaddles.] Lilia: We were just talking... Darc: Humans and Deimos shouldn’t be chatting like that! Lilia: It has nothing to do with race! As long as you understand how each other feels... Darc: We don’t need to understand each other. We’re enemies! Lilia: ...... [Darc rejoins his comrades and, with the Fire Fragment not done yet, heads for the Church Ruins to check up on their Firble. When he gets there, he feeds the Rebound Fruit and the Phoenix Blood to the tiny creature. Nothing happens. The crew goes back to see Gorma, but he isn’t in his car or in the arena. They finally check the dungeon. Inside, they find Lilia singing to a large group of Orcon.] Lilia: Over the Oceans from Long, Long Ago Comes A Voice In The Wind From An Ancient soul. Storm clouds Break Away Reveling A Shining Sun Pouring Out The Light That Will Guide Me. How Could You See And Not Believe? There Must Be A Soul. I Don’t Know When I’ll Leave This Life So If I’m Going To Be I Might As Well Be Flying High. Maybe Soon Will Come A Day, All Things Will Fall Into Place, Holding And Trusting Miracles Teaches Us to Believe. Darc: Stop!! Lilia: (startled) Unh! [Darc comes down the stairs as the cutscene ends.] Darc: Doesn’t this look fun! Well? Zoram: Well, ah...that is...we...uh...It’s just that it’s an awfully nice song, and we don’t hear them very often, so...we couldn’t help it... Gorma: That’s right! She’s playing such a strange instrument, and it’s such a good song...She just sparked our interest, that’s all. Darc: Shut up! Zugalo: D-Darc...did you not like the music? Darc: ......That’s enough! Get out of here! [Everyone starts to leave.] Darc: Wait, Gorma! Haven’t you made that [Fire Fragment] yet? Gorma: Y-yes, of course I have. I’ve left it at the Quorup’s market. Darc: Is that so? Gorma: I-I guess I’ll be going now. [Gorma leaves.] Lilia: The Deimos here can’t even enjoy songs, can they? Darc: Are you trying to be sarcastic? Lilia: I don’t know what kind of difficult past you may have had. But anger and hatred only increase sadness and suffering. They only force sorrow and pain onto others... Darc: Be quiet! Shut your mouth! Lilia: You of all people should understand! You can hear the voices of the Spirits. Darc: Shut up, I said! Lilia: ...... [Darc goes back up the stairs to his comrades.] Volk: Darc. That human girl is...dangerous. She’s breaking down Deimos defenses. They’ll lose their battle instincts. Darc: That’s an exaggeration. Delma: I’m with Volk on this one. Her songs. Her kindness. Her face. Nope, I don’t like her one bit. Volk: Humans must either be punished or banished. Delma: Hear, hear! Darc: When did you two start ordering me around? Delma: We didn’t mean to-- Darc: Then shut up and do as I say! Delma: Fine. [At the Quorop’s vending stand...] Quorup: Ah, Darc. Darc: Do you have Gorma’s [Fire Fragment]? Quorup: I sure do. That’ll be 500 G. Darc: What?! You mean I have to pay for it? Quorup: Well, he said he needed money for the materials, and it all came to 500 G. Darc: Damn that Gorma! How dare he toy with me! Quorup: It’ll cost you some money. Do you still want it? Darc: Ah, fine. [Darc purchases the Fire Fragment.] Quorup: Now, how about some shopping while you’re here? Darc: Forget it. [Darc takes his new buy and goes to the Church Ruins, where he feeds it to the Firble. The Firble falls over and doesn’t move.] Delma: Wh-whoa! The Firble just sort of flopped over! Darc: ...... Volk: If we give it the three Pyron foods, it’ll grow into a Pyron... That’s what Gorma said, anyway. Delma: I think...it’s sleeping... Volk: Has Gorma given it enough? Delma: The stuff Gorma makes has never been what I call decent. Boiled herbs, crushed eggshells...He made me drink it whenever I got sick, but it never worked at all! Darc: That rotten Gorma! Makimg me fork over so much money! I’m going back to Orcoth. I’ll string that Gorma up by his eyebrows! [As the crew walks back into Orcoth, they stop for a moment.] Delma: That’s strange. Isn’t it a little too quiet? Darc: It is...It doesn’t feel right. [Darc looks down at the ground and sees something.] Darc: Eh...? What’s this? No doubt about it...It’s Lilia’s... Volk: I smell blood...Watch out! Something’s happened! [Darc picks up Lilia’s ortena.] Darc: What the hell happened to her...? Volk: Darc! Are you listening to me? Darc: Yeah, I heard you. Delma: L-look! [Everyone looks over the balcony and sees many slain Orcon.] Darc: Wh-what...? What’s all this?! Why is everyone dead? What the hell happened while I was gone?! Volk: Let’s check it out, Darc. This is one serious turn of events. [Darc goes down into the dungeon where he finds a wounded Zugalo crouching beside the gates that formerly held Lilia.] Zugalo: D...Darc...The h-humans...took L-Lilia...I...I tried...W-we fought...so h-hard...B-but we...we couldn’t keep...L-Lilia ...safe...P-please...forgive m-me... Darc: No need to speak now! We have to focus on your injuries... Zugalo: I...I’m so happy...S-such kind words...f-for the first time... urgh! Darc: Are you all right, Zugalo?! Zugalo: I...I’m...a...a goner... [Zugalo cluches his stomach and falls over, flat on his stomach.] Darc: Zugalo! Don’t die! I order you! Don’t die, Zugalo! Zugalo: ...... Darc: Zugalo... [Darc leaves Zugalo’s corpse and heads to the arena, finding the remaining Orcon talking amongst themselves.] Orcon A: Darc! Darc: Tell me, Gorma! What happened to Orcoth? Gorma: The humans came for Lilia. Darc: For Lilia...? Gorma: That’s right...And, they were terribly efficient. They killed a number of Orcon in a matter of moments...and after they found Lilia in the dungeon, they stole her away. Darc: Damn! The Dilzweld Army... Delma: Those wretched humans! I’ll never forgive them! Volk: Darc, we must seek revenge! They need to be punished! Darc: Where did the humans go? Gorma: Well, everyone says they came from the [Varam Barrens]. Darc: The [Varam Barrens], eh? Come on, let’s follow the Dilzweld Army! Volk: Say goodbye, humans! Delma: We’ll tear them to shreds! Darc: Oh, and Gorma? I’ll talk to you later. It’s about the Firble. Gorma: Oho, have you raised it into a Pyron? Darc: What did you have us do!? It looks dead now! Gorma: I wonder why? You gave it all three foods, right? Darc: The humans are our first priority now. We’ll deal with the Firble when I return. Understand? Gorma: Y-yes, I understand. All right, everyone! Darc’s back, so there’s nothing to be afraid of. We can’t go on hiding in a place like this. [Darc and his companions head to the Varam Barrens. When they arrive, they see a large warship parked nearby. Soldiers, guarding boxes and hover machines, are patrolling the area.] Dilzweld Soldier: Good work! Dilzweld Officer: What a pain that was! She actually bit my hand. Dilzweld Soldier: That’s awful. Did you manage to load her onto the Megist with no problems? Dilzweld Officer: We had to drug her, but yes. Now she’s in a cell on board, sleeping like a baby. [The officer yells to a couple of men around a strange egg-shaped machine.] Dilzweld Officer: Is the Argewalt installed properly? [The two soldiers salute.] Dilzweld Soldier: Yes, just now. Dilzweld Officer: Then let’s withdraw. [The soldier the officer was previously talking with sparks up a little conversation.] Dilzweld Soldier: Why set up the Argewalt in a nowhere place like this? Dilzweld Officer: It’s those stupid Deimos. They’ll be creeping out here to deal out some revenge, make no mistake about that. I’d just gotten word from Lt. Co. Tatjana that she wanted some Argewalt data to use in our battles against the Deimos. So I’m putting one here. Dilzweld Soldier: Aha. [Darc, Delma, and Volk arrive to the scene.] Delma: There they are! Humans! Volk: Get ready! You won’t be going home alive! Dilzweld Officer: (to group of soldiers) See? Just like I told you. Darc: Where’s Lilia? Dilzweld Officer: You think I’ll tell you, you miserable Deimos? I don’t have time to waste on such foolish creatures! Delma: Who said you could leave? Dilzweld Soldier: Relax. I’ve got a little something for you. Just try to enjoy yourselves. [The soldiers leave. Darc and his crew try to chase them but the Argewalt splits open, revealing a strange creature floating in some kind of a solution. It’s withered and ugly.] Darc: What...what’s that?! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ VARAM BARRENS SKIRMISH II: IN-BATTLE SPEECH AFTER A LITTLE WHILE: Delma: Isn’t that a Deimos in that machine? Darc: What?! ...... I never heard of a Deimos siding with the humans! Let’s get it! AFTER A LITTLE WHILE LONGER: Volk: That thing just keeps spewing out monsters. This’ll never end! Darc: Forget them! Let’s destroy the source! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ [The Argewalt engages in battle. Throughout the battle, it spews tiny pods that burst open to create new monsters for the three to fight. Eventually, Darc makes the machine malfunction and explode. As they finish the battle, they watch the Megist take off and leave.] Delma: ...They got away. Volk: Humans always resort to such makeshift measures. Darc: Lilia...What is this...this feeling? A sort of pressure deep within my chest...making it hard to breathe...What am I feeling? [The creature inside the Argewalt walks out of the rubble, shaking a tiny flower staff.] ????: Will I wither away in this body...Will I dry up like a fallen flower...The life of a flower is short...Even the most lovely fade in despair. Darc: What’s that? Delma: Are you still alive? ????: I am the Pianta sage, Camellia. Are you the ones that helped me? I thank you. Delma: Eh? Helped you? Volk: Don’t think we’ll make an exception for you just because you’re a Deimos. You serve humans! Camellia: Me, serve humans? What a rude thing to say! I was captured by the Dilzweld Army. They used me to their benefit. Darc: Used by the Dilzweld Army, you say? How so? Camellia: You see...Please forgive me. I don’t want to remember such a repulsive experience. Delma: If you won’t tell us, how can we believe you? Camellia: Shut up, girlie! I’m talking with this fellow here. Nasty Orcon devil girls should learn when to keep their mouths shut! Mind your own business! Delma: Wait just a minute! You ugly, shriveled-up old prune! Darc: Calm down! Delma: But, Darc! She’s way too suspicious! Darc: We’re just going to hear her story. If we don’t learn more about humans, we’ll have a disadvantage in the battles to come. Camellia: Just what I expected from you! Darc, was it? Do you intend to go up against the humans? Darc: That’s right. Humans are getting in the way of peace among the Deimos. Camellia: That’s the spirit! Good for you! I like the way you think. Now listen to my story a while as I explain how things came to be. We Pianta lived quietly in the woods...One day the Dilzweld Army suddenly appeared...We were taken against our will and made their captives. ****************************** FLASHBACK: Dilzweld Laboratory ****************************** Dilzweld Officer: The sooner they talk, the sooner this would stop. Dilzweld Soldier: Look at this one! Its face is all scrunched up! Hee hee hee! Tatjana: Well? Have they said anything about the [Miracle Stone]? Dilzweld Officer: No, not yet...They’re pretty stubborn. Tatjana: This one’s the Pianta sage. She ought to know. Resume the experiments! Dilzweld Officer: B-but...if we irradiate them with any more of the Earth Stone’s energy...I can’t guarantee these Deimos will survive. Tatjana: I don’t care! Do it! If they tell you anything, all we have to do is load the data into the Argewalt and use it against the Deimos... Dilzweld Officer: Understood. (to another worker) Prepare to charge! Tatjana: These beings, these Deimos...When and where were they born? Were they put here for a reason? How are they connected to the Spirit Stones? Heh heh heh...There’s so much I want to know. ********************************** END FLASHBACK: Dilzweld Laboratory ********************************** Darc: What is this [Miracle Stone] the humans are looking for? Camellia: Well, see...The Miracle Stone is a magical item that appears in Pianta legend. They say it emits a miraculous power that grants a Deimos strength and cleverness. Darc: An item that can provide strength and cleverness... Delma: Why would the humans want a thing like that? It doesn’t make any sense. Volk: If the Dilzweld Army is looking for it... Darc: It could be one of the Great Spirit Stones. Hey, Camellia. Where’s that Miracle Stone now? Camellia: In the middle of the continent of [Adenade]...in [The Throne Room] within the [Coleopt Shrine]. Darc: Then let’s go there. Camellia: Wait, Darc. Would you be able to take me along? Darc: Eh? Camellia: I’d like to help you. Delma: Absolutely not! We have no use for a weak Deimos like you! Volk: Your battle skills are wholly unreliable. To be perfectly blunt, you’d just be holding us back. Camellia: Ho ho ho...The Coleopt Shrine is an ancient labyrinth. Without my know-how, you can’t possibly find your way to the Throne Room. And that’s all right with you? Volk: Huh?! Delma: Oh, whatever! You don’t have to act so high and mighty. We can handle it all by ourselves! Darc: Wait, Delma. (to Camellia) ...All right. We’ll use your knowledge. Delma: What-what-WHAT?! Are you kidding me? This isn’t funny! I don’t want to go anywhere with that old thing! Camellia: Ho ho ho...Count on Darc to really understand the reasoning behind matters like this. I guess that’s what separates him from demon girls and pups like you. Delma: You detestable hag! Say one more word and I’ll tear you limb from limb! Volk: You disgust me. Camellia: Ho ho ho...What should I care what you think of me? I have no need to bow my head to the likes of Deimos like you. You’re below me, after all. Delma: Listen to you! You’re practically all head as it is! Darc: Camellia’s coming with us, and that’s that! No complains, you hear me? Delma: Rats! I guess I have no choice. Volk: It can’t be helped. Camellia: Darc...I’ll never forget this. [The four Deimos head back to Orcoth, where Darc still has to have a talk with Gorma about the Firble’s metamorphosis. They find him in his subway car.] Gorma: Ah, Darc. It’s good to see you’re safe. What’s become of the humans at the Varam Barrens? Darc: We almost had them, but they escaped. Gorma: I see...Hadn’t you said you wanted to talk to me about the Firble? Darc: Yes, I do! We gave it three kinds of food just like you told us to, but nothing happened! You tricked us! Gorma: W-wait a moment! Are you sure the Firble didn’t change at all? For example, does it sleep and sleep and not wake up? Darc: How do you know about that?! Gorma: Aha...I completely forgot to tell you this, but...it’s said that during their evolution into Pyrons, Firbles fall into a deep sleep. Darc: What?! So that means our Firble... Gorma: ...will become a Pyron soon. Darc: I get it...How could you forget to tell us such a crucial piece of information? Gorma: I didn’t mean any harm. Lately I’ve become terribly forgetful... Please forgive me. Darc: Well, all right. Once we have our Pyron, we can head for Adenade! Thanks for everything, Gorma. Gorma: Not at all. It’s an honor to have been of service. But one day...I’d really like to ride that Pyron across the skies... Darc; After we wipe out the humans, you’ll be the first to ride it! Gorma: Ha ha! Wonderful! [The four head to the Church Ruins to see if the Pyron has emerged yet. When they get there, the Deimos guard yells to them.] Orcon: Oh, no, Darc! It’s terrible! Th-the Firble...! Darc; What’s happened to it? Orcon: I-it suddenly went up in flames and turned into this huge monster! Darc: I see! So the day has finally come! Orcon: I-I didn’t do anything! Please believe me, Darc! Darc: I know. It’s not your fault. You did a good job guarding it all this time. You can go back to Orcoth now. Orcon: What? Really? Darc: Orcoth is in trouble. Go back and see if you can help. Orcon: Y-yes, sir. [The Orcon guard leaves.] Darc: Finally...We have our Pyron... [Darc goes to check the nest, but the Firble isn’t there any longer.] Darc: Where’s the Firble...I mean, Pyron? [Running to the seaside ledge, Darc sees the “monster” that the guard had spoken of. It’s huge and flaming. It also has many arms on its underbelly.] Darc: So you’re a Pyron, huh? Camellia: What’s this? I can’t believe I’m seeing the legendary Pyron in a place like this. Volk: You know about Pyrons? Camelia: Of course I do. Don’t you know who I am? I’m Camellia, the Pianta sage. Volk: For such a tiny Firble to grow into something like this... Gorma was completely right. Darc: It sure looks that way. Delma: But how are we supposed to ride it? It’s so damn big...Even if we could all get on, we’d fall off! Camellia: No need to worry. Pyrons can change their size at will. It looks like it trusts you. Try talking to it, Darc. It should take you where you want to go right then and there. Darc: Here goes nothing. Pyron...Take us to Adenade. [The Pyron looks like it has a seizure, and spirals upwards into the sky.] Delma: Wh-whoa! What’s going on?! The Pyron took off by itself! Camellia: Don’t worry! It’s probably just flying up into the air to get bigger. It’ll be back. [Right then, the Pyron flies back down beside the ledge, at least thirty times bigger than it once was. Its hands reach over the ledge, now big enough to accommodate all of the four Deimos.] Darc: Let’s get on. [The Pyron soars through the air, delivering them at Adenade within a few moments. It lands near a marshland.] Delma: Flying is the absolute best! Didn’t you love it? Volk: Love it?! I should never have ridden on such a fearsome thing. Oooh...I’m still queasy. Darc: By the way, Camellia...Why did the Pyron land here instead of going to the shrine? Do you have any idea? Camellia: Ho ho ho...that’s an easy one. They say Pyrons die if they’re far away from waterlands like these. Their diet relies heavily on water plants, you see. Rather strange monsters, don’t you think? Darc: Waterlands, eh? Just like back when they were Firbles. Camellia: Darc, we’ve got to head to the Coleopt Shrine quickly, or the humans will get there before us. Darc: You’re right. we can’t waste time here. Let’s go! [The crew heads to the Coleopt Shrine, passing through the Ngai Plains and the Tsatuga Plateau. When they get to the shrine, they see that the people who inhabit there are all insect-like.] Darc: Is this the entrance to the shrine? Camellia: Brace yourself, Darc. The Coleopt who guard the shrine are warriors who are completely unafraid of death. Delma: Hmph! Where can all those big strong soldiers be, then, hmm? They look like they’d be pretty laid back to me. I would trust this one about as far as I can throw her, Darc. She’s never been in battle. She’s just being overly jumpy. Camellia: Ho ho ho...Is the Orcon girl calling me a liar? Delma: Then where are all those strong Deimos you’re warning us about? If they’re here, bring ‘em out! Come out, come out, wherever you are! I wanna see your lovely, scary faces! Volk: Hey, Delma... Delma: Oh, what now? Just shut up! Volk: You should talk! You’re getting awfully hard to work with. Darc: Let’s just go on. [The four Deimos walk past the surrounding homes and approach the entrance to the shrine. Soldiers stand in front of the entrance.] Coleopt: We are the Coleopt Army. We protect the Shrine... Darc: We came here for the [Miracle Stone]. Don’t get in our way! Coleopt: Those who pass beyond this point shall be deemed intruders. Leave immediately. Volk: What can we do? Should we retreat? Darc: We’re going in! You think I’d retreat?! Volk: Right. No point if we don’t go in. If we don’t get that stone, the humans will. Darc: Exactly. Coleopt: Death to all intruders! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ COLEOPT SHRINE SKIRMISH: IN-BATTLE SPEECH AFTER DARC’S FIRST ATTACK: Camellia: If you get his by a [Coleopt Liquid Sphere], your skill levels will decrease. Darc: What?! Camellia: The effects of a [Coleopt Liquid Sphere] can only be neutralized with [Coleopt Froth]. Even [Elixir] and [Refresh] cannot return you to normal. Darc: Why didn’t you tell me that before?! Camellia: I meant to, but that Orcon girl got in the way. I couldn’t. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ [Darc and company face off against the six Coleopt soldiers. The enemy throws gelatinous substances that lower statistics to an abnormal level, but the team gets by with the Coleopt Froth that cures the effects. Soon, all the bug soldiers are dead and the entrance is clear.] Camellia: I think you’ve got to reconsider, Darc. Darc: Reconsider what? Camellia: If you act so rudely, all you’ll do is make the Coleopt angry. I-I mean, I wouldn’t want them to think that I was part of some kind of vulgar, rude group...! I’m sure you understand... Delma: Sheesh! Get over yourself, old woman! I’m sure they already think you’re just as vulgar and rude as the rest of us. Darc: We’re going in! [The crew walks inside the shrine, but stops when a rumbling noise shakes the walkway.] Darc: What’s that sound? [Part of the walkway breaks and a huge horned tentacle emerges, making a slurping-suctioning sound.] Darc: Eh? Is that a monster? Mysterious Tentacle: You intruders, defiling the shrine...Begone! Darc: It...it can talk? [The ground shakes once more.] Camellia: What, again? Are there more troops? [The tentacle pulls back inside the hole it made, disappearing.] Darc: What the hell was that? It left. Delma: Guess it was afraid of us, huh? Darc: I don’t think so... Volk: Wait! I...I hear something! It’s a human! A human voice! Darc: What?! Volk: I hear human voices coming from below! Delma: I don’t think so! This is the only entrance, isn’t it? Then how could they have gotten in? Darc: We’ll soon find out. Come on, let’s hurry! [The Deimos advance into the next room. It turns out Volk’s hearing is dead-on; a group of Dilzweld have emerged from a tunnel, breaking through part of the wall in the process.] Dilzweld Officer: The Miracle Stone is within. Hurry! Darc: (to self) Humans...sneaking in like that! Dilzweld Soldier: A Deimos! There are Deimos here! Darc: Move, you blasted humans! The Miracle Stone is mine! [After the Dilzweld are defeated...] Dilzweld Officer: Is this what it’s come to...? For the great Dilzweld Army to be defeated by so few Deimos? Come on! We’ve got to get to the Miracle Stone before they do! [The remaining soldiers move into the next room.] Delma: Humans are such pushovers! Volk: Something’s a little off! I don’t see their alpha anywhere. Camellia: Maybe...Oh, no! Those soldiers were just trying to distract us! The commander’s gone inside! Darc: They think that they can beat us? Let’s go! [In the next room, the Dilzweld run to a treasure chest sitting on a platform.] Dilzweld Officer: That’s it! The Miracle Stone must be in there. Advance! Dilzweld Soldier: Yes, sir! Darc: What are you doing? Hurry! The humans are going to get to the Miracle stone before we do! Camellia: Ooooh...ow ow ow...! Darc: What is it, Camellia? What can you be doing at such a critical moment?! Camellia: I-it’s just that...suddenly...my stomach...my ulcers... Darc: What a useless old woman. Rest here! [Everyone but Camellia runs to where the Dilzweld are.] Darc: Wait! I’m not giving the Miracle Stone to any humans! Dilzweld Officer: Shut up, Deimos! We’ll be happy to fight you, don’t you worry. After we get the Miracle Stone, that is. Volk: Either way...this is where you die. [The Dilzweld Soldier walks up to the front of the treasure chest, passing over the red tiles in front of it. Suddenly, the red tiles light up.] Dilzweld Officer: Eh? What’s this? [The room starts to rumble.] Darc: What’s that sound? What happened? [The walkway system that the Deimos took to get to the chest’s platform all sink and rise, changing the exit and entrance paths.] Delma: AH! The bridge...it’s sinking! Camelia: Ho ho ho...The Miracle Stone isn’t in there. This isn’t the Throne Room. It’s the Sealed Chamber. The Coleopt Shrine has been a labyrinth from time immemorial. Without my know-how, you’ll never get to the Throne Room! Therein lies the stronges, most evil monster ever made, created by the Divine Ruler who betrayed the gods...The ancient monster [Bebedora]. No one can oppose Bebedora. The Miracle Stone is all but mine now! Ho ho ho ho ho! [Camellia runs off...] Darc: Damn you, Camellia! [The treasure chest opens, and a strange little girl pops out.] Bebedora: Uwaaaa! Uwaaaa! It’s time to get up, already? Delma: What the hell? That’s the strongest, most evil monster? What a disappointement. Volk: I guess even Camellia can’t be right all the time. Bebedora: I’m Bebedora. Who are you? Dilzweld Officer: Now look, I don’t care if you are just a little girl! We’ll do anything to get the Miracle Stone. Get rid of anything in our way! Bebedora: Are you enemies? I have to destroy enemies...Hee hee hee. [The officer starts to move around strangely.] Dilzweld Officer: Urk..! Wh-what’s going on? I...I can’t...control... my body! Bebedora: You’re a puppet. You are my servant. Dilzweld Soldier: Are you all right, sir? [Bededora moves around a bit.] Dilzweld Soldier: Ack! Wh-what now? ...My body is...moving on its own... [The officer and the soldier turn to Darc’s party, weapons drawn.] Darc: They’re acting really strange. Be careful! [The two soldiers quickly fall in battle.] Bebedora: My puppets...They broke. People break easily. My next puppets will be sturdier. [The two skeleton statues on either side of the chest come to life and attack the Deimos. They’re defeated after a little while.] Bebedora: My puppet...It broke again. Delma: She’s all that’s left. Volk: I’ll get her. Darc: Wait! Don’t get too close. Volk: What is there to be afraid of? She just...gives orders, that’s all. She can’t be that strong. Darc: Mess this up and she’ll be controlling us, too. Just like those humans. Volk: Hmm... Darc: Let me talk to her. (he steps forward) Bebedora, you said? We’re not the humans who disturbed your rest. We’re Deimos, just like you. Bebedora: Just like me...? Deimos? What’s a Deimos? I’m Bebedora. A monster made by the Divine Ruler. You’re not enemies? Darc: We just came here for the Miracle Stone. We have no intention of fighting you. Please let us leave. Bebedora: ......Your soul...is the color of the clear blue sky. No lies there. (motioning to block on the wall) Push that if you want to leave. Darc: That, eh? I understand. Thank you. Bebedora: ......A mysterious soul. Flickering colors, swirling shades. Lots of lights. You’re different from monsters. Different from humans, too. Monsters don’t speak. Humans do. But you’re not human. Are you really a Deimos? Are all Deimos like you? Darc: What do you mean? I’m Darc. He who will be king of the Deimos. Whether I’m Deimos or a human...it doesn’t matter at all! Bebedora: Hee hee hee...But you don’t think that. Delma: Darc! Let’s get out of here. She gives me the creeps. Bebedora: Are you Deimos? The fire of battle burns within your souls. Scarlet flames, pale tongues of fire. Vivid yet simple colors. Not like Darc. Only Darc is different. Why? Strange. Not a Deimos. Not a Human. Who are you? What are you? ...I don’t know. Darc: ...... Volk: Don’t worry about it, Darc. Just push that thing over there and get us out of here! Darc: All right. [Darc pushes it.] Delma: Whoa! [Darc turns around and sees Bebedora standing between Volk and Delma.] Delma: Darc! Bebedora-- Bebedora: I’ve decided. I’m coming with you. I want to see more of your soul. Darc: What? My soul? Bebedora: The great power within commands me. I am to be your puppet. Darc: So you’ll follow me? Delma: We ought to leave this oddball behind. We have no idea what’s going through her...mind. Volk: But she’ll be better in battle than Camellia. We could really use her puppet master skills. Well, Darc? Darc: The way she can control people...definitely useful. All right. Bebedora, you may come with us if you wish. Now you serve me! Bebedora: I am Bebedora. Your puppet. I control and am controlled. You are Darc. My master. You control and are controlled. Delma: Man! Another weirdo in the group! Volk: I wouldn’t talk. Delma: What did you just say? Care to say it a little louder? Volk: Heh heh heh...Didn’t you wanna kill Darc? I don’t understand you. Delma: Oh, shut up...Who understands anyone, anyway? I’m not like Bebedora. I have an actual goal... Darc: What are you mumbling about? Come on! Delma: Yeah, yeah, yeah! [The party advances into the next room. There, Camellia is being cornered by four tentacles coming out of the floor, each trying to swat her. All around the room are eggs.] Camellia: Yikes! No! Stop, please! Oh, forgive me! Selkis: Foolish Deimos! The crime of ignoring my warnings and intruding into my lair is a great one! Don’t think you’ll ever escape with your life! [Darc and company run in.] Darc: What is this place? Delma: It’s full of eggs! Selkis: Unbelievable...Another witless Deimos, seeking evolution. Volk: She seems to be the alpha. Delma: You mean she’s the boss?! So that’s what the talking thing back there was! Camellia: Ah, Darc! You’ve come just in time...I was just about to become dinner! She’s got the Miracle Stone, you see. Everybody, band together and defeat her! Volk: You traitor...! How dare you! Delma: You’d be better off gobbled up! Darc: Wait! Something’s wrong! [Four of the eggs behind Selkis hatch to reveal full-grown Coleopt fighters.] Darc: No! This is where she lays her eggs! Delma: You’re kidding! Then these eggs...are all enemies? Selkis: Heh heh heh...Too late to notice that now! My children...My servants, my Coleopt...Defeat the intruders! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ COLEOPT SHRINE THRONE ROOM SKIRMISH: IN-BATTLE SPEECH AFTER DARC’S FIRST ATTACK: Darc: There are so many of them! Bebedora! Can you use your [Puppet Master skills] on them? Bebedora: This I spin, the thread of darkness. Puppets begin, the thread of darkness. Left takes one, right takes one. Work them both, see them run. Darc: You can control two at once? Is that what you mean? Bebedora: But not big puppets. The strings would break. AFTER CAMELLIA’S FIRST TURN: Camellia: That tentacle is an “Ovipositor”! That’s where Selkis lays her eggs from. So you should deal with the tentacle first. Darc: I know that! Attack the tentacle! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ [The four ovipositors are destroyed by group attacks, and the eggs are eventually destroyed on the path to Selkis herself. Together, the Deimos overcome Selkis’ eggs and ice attacks to win the battle.] Camellia: We have nothing to be afraid of if we just work together. Delma: What do you mean, work together?! Don’t think we’ve actually forgiven you yet! Volk: Traitors must be punished! Camellia: N-no, wait! I scouted out this room expressly for Darc! Bebedora: Hee hee hee. Pointless floundering. It’s great. Leaden lies. Tan-colored temporary desperation. And finally? Black, black despair. Everything...returns to darkness. Camellia: This has nothing to do with you! You keep out of this! Who are you, anyway? Bebedora: I am Bebedora. Darc’s servant. Camellia: What? Aren’t you the strongest, most evil monster?! Delma: That’s right. And unlike you, she really is fighting on our side. Volk: Are you ready, Camellia? Camellia: Eeeeeeek! [Camellia flees to the leader, standing on the steps of where Selkis used to be, holding a glowing blue stone.] Camellia: Darc!! Forgive me, I beg you! Darc: I knew it...make no mistake...This...is a Great Spirit Stone! Camellia: Uh, Darc? Delma: Darc, what are you doing? Aren’t you going to take care of this old bag? Darc: Mmm... [The Water Spirit appears.] Water Spirit: ...Listen to the voice of the Spirits...O Chosen One... ...I am the Water Spirit...You must not fight...Nothing comes of fighting...Hatred doesn’t solve a thing...You must not fill the world...with negative intentions...Save the world...from the intruding darkness... [The spirit fades away.] Darc: ...... Volk: Was that...a Spirit? Delma: Spir...it? Camellia: You don’t know about Spirits? Not even about the five Great Spirits of Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, and Light? All living beings are blessed by the fruits of the Spirits! You don’t know about the Spirits whose great power protects and defends this world? It was the Spirits who put their power into the Spirit Stones before they vanished from this world! We can use magic because of the Spirits! And you don’t know anything about them?! Delma: I-I knew that much! I mean, who doesn’t? I’ve just never seen one before, so I wanted to make sure! Bebedora: Spirits...Are they...my enemies? Darc: Heh...Nothing comes of fighting, eh? Hatred doesn’t solve a thing, eh? Sounds like something Lilia would say. I don’t plan on falling for that Spirit nonsense! Relax and you’re betrayed: let your guard down and you’re stabbed in the back...That’s what being a Deimos is all about. I don’t need anything but power! I’ll save the Deimos, and I’ll use strife and hatred to do it! All I want...is power! ################################ ##END OF CHAPTER TWO: AMBITION## ################################ #################################### ##Kharg, Chapter 3: Conflict [KC3]## #################################### [Kharg, Maru, and Paulette are shown in the chapter’s opening, running through Cathena. They turn and go into the World Alliance Building.] Cathenian Delegate and Chairman: And next on the agenda...The issue on whether we should rethink the contri- -bution of each country towards the total food costs of contestants. [Kharg, Maru, and Paulette walk in.] Milmarnan Delegate: How did it go? Did you find Lilia...? Kharg: We looked all over Asheeda Forest, but there was no sign of her. Milmarnan Delegate: I see... Cathenian Delegate and Chairman: Right, it’s Kharg from Nidellia, isn’t it? We have been discussing whether or not we can accept your opinion in place of Lilia’s...And we have con- -cluded that we will grant permission...As long as you bring a personal letter from the Nidellian delegate, Nafia. Kharg: You’ve concluded?! It shouldn’t have even been up for discussion! Paulette: You’re telling us to go back to Nidellia just to get a letter? Cathenian Delegate and Chairman: The Alliance’s decision is final. Milmarnan Delegate: May I be excused, Mr. Chairman? I will leave my vote on this matter in your hands. Cathenian Delegate and Chairman: So, let’s return to the matter of the contribution of each country to food costs. Milmarnan Delegate: Kharg, do you have a moment? Paulette: What could this be about? Kharg: Who knows...? Better go and find out. [In the room adjacent to the Alliance session, Kharg goes to see what the delegate wanted to speak about him with.] Milmarnan Delegate: I am Savina, the delegate for the country of Milmarna. Maru: Milmarna... Kharg: I’ve heard of it...It’s a country with a long history. Savina: Yes, there was a time when our territory was lost and our people were displaced...But thanks to our great Empress and Progenitor we were able to rebuild our country. Maru: What’s a “progenitor”? Paulette: It’s someone who brings life back to a once-fallen nation. Maru: Oh...You’re really smart, Paulette! Savina: But I fear that our country’s fate is once again under threat... The Dilzweld Army has invaded Epistia, and it looks as if they are preparing for all-out war with the World Alliance. I’m worried what their next move will be. I can’t help feeling that Emperor Darkham is planning something really terrible. Kharg: Milmarna isn’t the only country under threat. Darkham is trying to take over the world. Savina: Unbelievable...How does he expect to do that in this day and age? Kharg: That’s what Lilia was trying to tell you all. Let me tell you about it... [Kharg explains in a nice fade-out/fade-in scene.] Savina: If you collect the five Great Spirit Stones, you can gain unlimited power... Kharg: So that’s why Darkham is trying to get the Great Spirit Stones. In fact, he’s had his eye on Lilia’s Light Stone for many years now. Savina: Is that so? Kharg: Maybe that’s the reason why the Dilzweld Army invaded Epistia. Perhaps there are Great Spirit Stones there? I find it hard to believe that he’s just doing it to expand his territory. Savina: But I’ve never heard anything to suggest that there’s a Great Spirit Stone in Epistia. It’s a volcanic land and...Oh...! Kharg: What? Savina: It’s said that there’s a so-called “Flame Egg” hidden in the volcanoes of Epistia... Kharg: Flame Egg? Savina: Yes, there’s an old legend...It’s said that the Flame Egg made a piece of land that had sunk under the ocean rise again. That’s why Epistia is now joined to the mainland, even though it used to be an island. Kharg: That’s it! The Flame Egg must be the [Fire Stone]! There can’t be anything else with such power. The Dilzweld Army must have invaded Epistia to get a hold of it! Savina: The Fire Stone, in Epistia... Maru: Where is this “Apistear” place, anyway? Savina: It’s a place on the other side of the ocean, to the west of Aldrow. It’s on the east side of [Halshinne]. Paulette: How far in have the Dilzweld troops gotten? Savina: I hear that key installations in the capital of Sulfas and all over the country have fallen under the control of the Dilzweld Army. It’s only the Deimos territory they’re not occupying. Kharg: That sounds bad. [A soldier walks in.] Cathenian Soldier: Savina! There’s a report just in from the Varam Barrens! Apparently, the Dilzweld Army’s flying battleship has just taken to the sky! Savina: The flying battleship?! That’s the Dilzweld Army’s [flying fortress, the Megist]. I didn’t even know they had their headquarters stationed here on Aldrow! Do you know any more? Cathenian Soldier: Not really...It just says that they took a girl of about 16 or 17 with them. And that she was dressed in blue. [Everyone is taken aback by the news.] Maru: Kharg! That must be Lilia! Kharg: Damn it! They got to her first! (to soldier) Where was the Megist heading for? Cathenian Soldier: I don’t have that information. All I know is that it went to the west. Kharg: To the west...I’ll be they’re heading for Epistia. Paulette: Yeah. First the Light Stone and now the Fire Stone... Kharg: Savina, we must go to Epistia, too. Darkham already has the Earth Stone. And it’s likely that he now has Lilia’s Light Stone as well. So if he managed to get a hold of the Fire Stone, too, he would have three of the five Great Spirit Stones. Let’s get back to the Big Owl. We have to rescue Lilia and beat Darkham to the Fire Stone! Paulette: Yeah, it’s a lucky thing that Ganz fixed things up for us. Kharg: That makes me feel even more strongly that we need him with us. [Kharg tries to exit the building, but a Cathenian Soldier calls out to him to stop.] Cathenian Soldier: Please wait a minute. The Alliance is holding an emergency session to discuss what to do about Dilzweld. And they ask that you attend, Kharg. Maru: What?! Earlier, they said we had to bring them a letter. [Savina walks up.] Savina: Don’t worry, Kharg. You go ahead and leave the rest to me. Kharg: But, Savina... Savina: The members of the Alliance have never experienced war firsthand. They don’t know how to react in a crisis. You’d be wasting your time if you stayed here. I’d rather that you tried to put a stop to Darkham and his evil plans. It makes me feel terrible to have to ask you to do it, though. Kharg: It’s OK. I would have done it anyway. Savina: Thank you. Oh, and one thing I forgot to mention...When you get to Epistia, seek out a veteran called [Spencer]. Kharg: Spencer? Savina: Yes. He used to hold the rank of “General” in Epistia. He was retired, but when the Dilzweld Army invaded, he came back into the service. Now he’s organizing the Resistance. Kharg: Where in Epistia? Savina: Probably in the capital, Sulfas. He might be hard to find, though. The Resistance has to operate underground. But he knows Epistia like the back of his hand, and you’ll need someone with a good grasp on the war situation. Kharg: OK. [Outside, the crew meets Ganz, who’s staring into the water near the entrance.] Ganz: You’re back at last! Kharg: Ganz, how’s the Big Owl? Ganz: Don’t worry. It’s raring to go. Kharg: Great! Thanks. We have to go to Epistia now. And I was wondering if...maybe you would come with... Ganz: Wait! Save it for later. Kharg: Why? What’s up? Ganz: I might be getting some info on that friend I’ve been looking for. There’s a guy who was in the same unit. Apparently, he’s at the [arena]. Kharg: In that case, I’ll go there, too. And when we’re done there, I’ll tell you what I was going to say. Ganz: Let’s go. [Kharg and Ganz go to the arena, and talk to the first guy they see.] Mercenary: Huh? What do you want? Ganz: I’m looking for a soldier I know. He’s called Rapier. Are you the guys that were in his unit? Mercenary A: Rapier? He died awhile back. Ganz: [in awe] What?! Mercenary B: Yeah, he was killed by some Deimos near Orcoth. Ganz: By the Deimos?! What in the blaze was he doing in Orcoth? Mercenary B: He was a mercenary like us. We go where we’re ordered. Ganz: A mercenary? I thought he was a Rishalt soldier? Mercenary B: You don’t know? All the countries in Adenade have been overthrown by Deimos. Ganz: ...... Mercenary A: He was different from us. He didn’t care about the money. Mercenary B: Yeah. He’d come out with idealistic stuff about how there are other things that need protecting, not just your own country. Ganz: ............Tell me which of the Deimos killed him... Mercenary A: It was the Orcon. It’s their territory around there. Ganz: The Orcon...They won’t get away with this! [Ganz turns to leave.] Paulette: You’re going to get revenge? Ganz: ...... Paulette: I know how you feel. Bu if you go off alone now to Orcoth, you’ll just get killed. What would be the point? It might be what you feel you should do now, but is it really a good idea? I think the time will come when we’ll have to fight, but it’s not right now. Ganz: ............Kharg...Do you have it in you to destroy all Deimos? Kharg: If they’re trying to destroy humans, then yes. We must defend ourselves from the Deimos. Ganz: ...I guess that’s how Rapier felt, too. Even though it wasn’t directly his responsibility, he was trying to protect the human world. And all the time, I was just...Kharg, I’ve decided to go with you. Just like Paulette said, I’ll wait for the right time to fight. Kharg: Ganz...! Ganz: We’re heading for [Epistia], right? Are we ready to go? Kharg: We’re ready. Ganz: Right, then. Let’s get going. Big Owl is at the coast, to the east of Cathena. It should be easy enough to find once you get out of town. Kharg: OK. Next stop, [Sulfas], capital of Epistia! Let’s go! [The Big Owl lands on the Epistia continent and, after passing through the Torey Hills, everyone happens upon the Kassim Highway. Unfortunately, it’s crawling with Dilzweld soldiers.] Kharg: This is bad! It’s a Dilzweld Army checkpoint! Maru: Should we bust through? Paulette: If we cause trouble here, we’ll have problems when we get to Sulfas. Maru: Well, whadda we do, then? They might know about us already. Kharg: Hmm... Ganz: What about just answering their questions? Of course, we’ll have to think carefully about how we answer. But I carried out checks like these back when I was a mercenary, and it’s hard to doubt people if they’re upfront. Kharg: You’re right...Anyway, we have to go this way to get to Sulfas, so let’s give it a try. [The crew passes through the highway until they get to the checkpoint guard at the end.] Checkpoint Guard: Your destination? Kharg: Sulfas. Checkpoint Guard: Epistia is under occupation by the Dilzweld Army. You cannot proceed any further without our permission. If you wish to proceed, you must answer our questions. Where have you come from? Kharg: Ragnoth. Checkpoint Guard: Ragnoth...You’ve come quite a long way then. I don’t even know the names of any countries there. Next, who are you? Kharg: Of course, we’re mercenaries. Checkpoint Guard: Mercenaries? Yeah, you look like them. I’ll be you’re planning to use the Dilzweld Army’s advances for your own gains. You’re not worth worrying about. Right, next question. I want to make sure you’re the kind of people who’ll cooperate with the Dilzweld Empire. If you are, then you’ll know the name of the people on the army’s blacklist. Give me a name! Kharg: Ex-General Spencer of Epistia. Checkpoint Guard: Spencer? That’s right. He formed the Resistance, and he’s still opposing our army. We haven’t found him yet, but when we do, he’ll be executed. That’s the end of the questions. You don’t seem to have anything to hide. OK. Permission to proceed. [Everyone starts to walk through the checkpoint.] Checkpoint Guard: Hold it! There’s one last important thing I forgot to check. It’s quite simple. To show your respect, I must ask you to utter the full name of His Majesty, the Emperor of Dilzweld. Kharg: Darkham Ekid na Bard. Checkpoint Guard: That’s right. Please proceed. [Everyone passes through.] Maru: Phew, that was close! Great job, Kharg! Kharg: They’re acting like they own the place already. Just look at them. We can’t let them get away with this. Let’s go. [Everyone continues to Sulfas. As they arrive, a unit of soldiers stand in formation, ready to be deployed elsewhere.] Dilzweld Soldier: Right, everyone’s assembled. Let’s march to Kassim Highway to relieve the guards! Keep in formation! [Kharg and company move aside to let them pass.] Ganz: Doesn’t look like we can get away with much here. Kharg: Then let’s hunt down ex-General [Spencer] right away. Paulette: But I doubt many people would know the whereabouts of the Resistance leader. Ganz: Even if there was someone that knew, I doubt they’d tell us just like that. Kharg: Well, let’s just try to get as much information as we can. [Kharg enters the first shop he sees, finding a soldier confronting a woman.] Equipment Shop Leonora: I’ve already explained, but you just don’t seem to understand. How could we possibly have anything to spare? All our supplies go straight to you. Dilzweld Soldier: Don’t lie! We’ve heard rumors that your husband Jaqual is selling goods to the Resistance on the black market! Just tell me where he is! Then we can interrogate him! Equipment Shop Leonora: What can I say? I have no idea where he is. Dilzweld Soldier: In that case, we’ll wait! Equipment Shop Leonora: But I don’t know when he’ll be coming back... Dilzweld Soldier: No matter! [Kharg leaves and goes to the pub.] Pub Owner: Welcome. But by the look of you, you’re underage. I’m very sorry, but I can’t serve alcohol to a minor. Kharg: That’s OK, I’m not here for a drink. I’m looking for a guy named Spencer. Pub Owner: Spencer? Well, I’ve never heard of that name. What does he look like? Kharg: You’ve never heard of him? But I thought he used to be a General in this country?! Pub Owner: ......Oh, yes! Now that you mention it, there was a guy of that name around some time ago. Kharg: I’ve heard he’s running the Resistance now. Pub Owner: The Resistance?! Shh, please! Lower your voice! Don’t say that kind of thing in here! You might not think there are many troops around to hear you, but it only takes one, and the consequences would be unthinkable! Kharg: Then maybe you could just tell me who might know something about Spencer? Pub Owner: As I said, I haven’t heard that name for a long time. I’m sorry, but I don’t think I can help you. Now maybe you should leave. [Kharg goes back to the shop he was just at.] Dilzweld Soldier: Hmm...He’s late! He’s taking too long! Hey, woman! Where the hell is your husband, Jaqual?! Equipment Shop Leonora: Like I keep telling you, I have no idea where he is. Like you say, he’s probably involved somewhere in the black market sales to the Resistance... Dilzweld Soldier: What?! So you admit it then! Equipment Shop Leonora: No, that’s not what I was saying. I mean he’s probably trying to catch the culprits. Dilzweld Soldier: Don’t take me for a fool! Fine, if that’s the way you want it! Here’s an idea! I’m taking you with me back to the base! Equipment Shop Leonora: No! Please...! Dilzweld Soldier: When we interrogate you back at the base, you’ll give up your beloved Jaqual soon enough! Ha ha ha! Equipment Shop Leonora: Never! Dilzweld Soldier: Right! You’re coming with me! Kharg: Wait! Dilzweld Soldier: Huh? What do you want? Kharg: I think I saw the guy you’re after back on Kassim Highway. Dilzweld Soldier: What?! On Kassim Highway? Kharg: Yes. He was up to something with a bunch of suspicious-looking characters. Come to think of it, it was probably some kind of black market. Dilzweld Soldier: Just as I thought! Right! I’ll call for backup, and arrest him straight away! [The soldier leaves.] Equipment Shop Leonora: Er, erm...The man you were talking about on Kassim Highway... Kharg: Don’t worry. That was me! Equipment Shop Leonora: What? Kharg: The suspicious-looking bunch are my friends! Ha ha ha! That’ll have the army off on a wild-goose chase! It’ll be great! Equipment Shop Leonora: You really think so? Thank you so much for helping me. But why lie like that? If you were found out, you’d be in a lot of trouble. Kharg: I’m not going to let the Dilzweld Army walk all over me! I came to this land with the purpose of foiling their plans. So now I’m looking for ex-General Spencer, who’s running the Resistance. Equipment Shop Leonora: Spencer? I see...All right, then. I think I can trust you, so I’m going to tell you about my husband. It’s just as that soldier said. My husband Jaqual is supplying the Resistance. He’s the only one that knows where they are hiding. So, if you ask him where the Resistance is, I’m sure you’ll find Spencer. Kharg: Great! So tell me where [Jaqual] is, then! Equipment Shop Leonora: He should be somewhere in town, trading in secret. But I don’t think he’d admit his identity, and I’m not so sure he wouldn’t answer to his own name if he doesn’t know you. Kharg: So how can I get him to talk to me? Equipment Shop Leonora: There’s a password. He deals with people who say the password first. Kharg: Please tell me what it is! Equipment Shop Leonora: OK. “The Dolban delight is dealing.” That’s the password. You only need to say it to him once, and he’ll talk to you straight away from then on. Kharg: Got it! Thanks! [Kharg looks around town again and finds a man standing in a corner, out of sight from the patrolling guards. He approaches.] Town Man: What do you want? Kharg: Are you Jaqual? Town Man: Huh? Who’s that? I don’t know anyone with a weird name like that. Kharg: So I’ve got the wrong man? I heard that “the Dolban delight is dealing,” by the way. Town Man: Ah! If you’re saying that, it seems like you somehow got Leonora to trust you. OK, then. I am Jaqual. What is it you want? Kharg: Tell me about the Resistance. Jaqual: The Resistance...? Those guys come and go in the secret casino. Kharg: Secret casino? Jaqual: There’s a casino under the pub. Or rather, there was. Now it’s being used by the Resistance as a hideout. I’ve heard that there’s a secret passage underground from inside the pub. [Kharg goes back to the pub to look around.] Pub Owner: You don’t give up, do you? I’ve told you I don’t know about this Spencer guy. Kharg: Don’t play innocent. Jaqual from the equipment shop told me all about it. He told me that the Resistance uses the old secret casino under your pub as a hideout. Pub Owner: Um... Kharg: So how do you get into it then, this casino? Pub Owner: Ha ha ha! The secret casino...If you really want to go, then listen carefully...The back and the front together always come to the same number...That’s it. Kharg: What do you mean? [Looking at a piece of paper on the wall, a man motions his eyes to the two talking, inconspicuously.] Young Man: ............ [He then leaves.] Kharg: Just tell it to me straight. We don’t have much time. Pub Owner: You’ll have to be a bit sharper to be a good gambler. All you need to know is this. [Together, the back and the front come to the same number.] Kharg: Together, the back and the front come to the same number... Pub Owner: That’s it! That’s all I can tell you. The rest you’ll have to work out for yourself. [Kharg goes over to the paper on the wall and reads the seventh rule. As he does so, he sees something sticking out near the “The Seven Rules” sign. He pushes it in and a staircase is revealed.] Pub Owner: Ha ha ha! That’s right! Once you realize it’s about dice, it all makes sense. Together, the back and the front always make seven. OK, then, get downstairs, now. If the Dilzweld lot finds you here, you’ll be in trouble. And that’s the last I’ll say on the matter. [Kharg goes down the stairs and is met by a man armed with a rifle.] Resistance Member: Who are you?! Kharg: I’m not with the Dilzweld. The owner upstairs told me about this place. I’m looking for ex-General Spencer. ???: It’s not “ex-General.” (the man walks up) I’m still a General, but with the Resistance now. Kharg: Savina of Milmarna told me about you. Spencer: Ah, it was Savina...I see. Kharg: I’m Kharg from Nidellia. I’m trying to stop Darkham’s evil scheme... [Off in the corner, surrounded by armed guards, someone calls out to Kharg.] Male Voice: Kharg...? Is it really Kharg?! [The player sees that it’s actually Zev, handcuffed and sitting on a crate.] Kharg: Zev...! What are you doing in a place like this? Zev: Thank goodness you’re here! Tell those guys who I am, would you? The idiots think that I’m a Dilzweld spy or something. Kharg: Why in the world would you think that? Resistance Member: The old guy came down from Mt. Quina. That volcano is occupied by Dilzweld troops now. If he doesn’t have anything to do with them, then what was he doing there? Spencer: There are some people around who look normal enough...but they try to sell our information to the army. Kharg: I know he looks a bit shady, but he’s a self-proclaimed great explorer who goes by the name of Zev. He helped me out a bit in the past. Why don’t you hear him out? Spencer: Hmm...Well, you are friends with Savina, so I suppose I can trust you. All right, then, I’ll allow it. [Kharg walks back to Zev.] Kharg: What were you doing on Mt. Quina? Zev: I’m an explorer, aren’t I? I go looking for treasure. It’s what I do. But the Dilzweld Army is building a stronghold halfway up the volcano. I was hurrying back down when these guys... Kharg: A stronghold? In the mountains...? What for? Spencer: That, we don’t know. Why would they try to build a stronghold on Mt. Quina when they already control the capital? Kharg: Zev, what treasure were you looking for? Zev: In these parts, they call it the Flame Egg. Kharg: The Flame Egg’s at Mt. Quina?! Zev: Oh! You’ve heard of it, too! I came across it in a book I was reading. There was an account of how ancient people used to worship inside Mt. Quina. No one knows what the Flame Egg is, or where inside the volcano it lies. That’s for the explorer to find out. Kharg: That’s it! They’re building the mountain stronghold as an outpost to help them get the Flame Egg! Spencer: Hold on. Why would Dilzweld be after something from a fairy tale? Kharg: Flame Egg’s just another name for the Fire Stone. That’s what Darkham wants... [Kharg explains his story to Spencer in a quick fade-in/fade-out scene.] Spencer: ...I understand. Thre’s no news about the girl with the Light Stone. But also no news that Dilzweld has gotten hold of the Fire Stone. So we can only hope... Kharg: Right, so we have to find the Fire Stone before they do. General, how do we get inside Mt. Quina? Spencer: The only way in from the Epistia side is through a cave inside the stronghold. Kharg: So the only thing to do is to storm the stronghold. Right, let’s go! Spencer: You fool! You can’t just charge straight in there! The capital’s under their control. How do you expect to be able to take the stronghold? Kharg: ...... Spencer: The first thing we must do is liberate Sulfas from the Dilzweld Army. If we don’t, they’ll send reinforcements from here when we attack the stronghold. We’ll be surrounded on all sides and that’ll be it. Kharg: In that case, what should we do to take Sulfas back? Spencer: We have to eliminate the troops that are occupying the Main Plant. That amounts to getting back the whole city. But...if we’re not careful, they’ll send more troops from other garrisons. If that happens, the battle will just get bigger. Even if we were to win, there would probably be a lot of damage to the city. This city developed through re-using machinery from the old world. If we destroy it, there’s no way it can be replaced. Kharg: ...So that means we have to hit the garrisons first. Then, once we’ve made sure there will be no reinforcements, we’ll take the Main Plant. Spencer: I agree. If we take out the garrisons, we’ll be cutting off their supply routes, too. Kharg: Where are the garrisons? Spencer: At the [Viorav Mine], where they’re exploiting Spirit Stones, and at the [Parenz Ruins], where they get parts for weapons. Kharg: The [Viorav Mine] and the [Parenz Ruins]...? Right! Let’s take out the troops in those two places first! [The adults walk back to Maru, who’s talking to Zev.] Kharg: Maru, let’s go! Maru: OK! [At this point it doesn’t matter which garrison Kharg takes out, but the first step lies at the Kassim Highway. Troops are already organized there.] Dilzweld Officer: Report just in! The rebels that have been hindering our war effort in Aldrow have slipped into Epistia. We have orders to seek them out and dispose of them! Dilzweld Soldier: Commander! What do they look like? Dilzweld Officer: The one who seems to be their leader is wearing blue clothes and has his hair tied at the back. He looks a bit gaudy. Kharg: (overhearing) Gaudy...?! That’s not very nice. Dilzweld Soldier: (noticing Kharg) C-commander...Could it be him? Dilzweld Officer: My goodness! No question! It’s him. Don’t let him go! Get him! [After a bit of fighting, the entire Dilzweld regiment is wiped out. The Kassim Highway is now clear of the army’s troops.] Kharg: The next time those guys find us, they won’t mess around with questions. They’ll just attack. Paulette: So if we see Dilzweld troops, we’ll just have to storm our way through, right? Kharg: Be prepared, everyone! Maru: I know you’ll take care of us! Ganz: I was hoping not to have to use too much force, but now it can’t be helped. Kharg: Come on, then. Let’s go! [Since it’s nearby, the party goes to the Parenz Ruins and immediately engages in battle with Dilzweld troops. Navigating through the piles of junk, the opposing troops soon lay dead at the hands of Kharg and company.] Paulette: Looks like that’s the entire Dilzweld Army. Ganz: Yeah, looks like it. Maru: Come on! Let’s get ‘em! Kharg: OK, now we’ve stopped the Dilzweld Army getting parts for their weapons. And they can’t send any reinforcements from here, either. Next it’s the [Viorav Mine]. [So, everyone goes to the Viorav Mine and are flung into battle again. This time, instead of junk piles, the party is met with mechanized monsters. Despite the new creatures, they’re easily disposed of.] Kharg: Everyone OK? Paulette: Yeah, no problem. Ganz: Don’t worry about me. Maru: A-OK! Kharg: Right, now we’ve taken out both of the Dilzweld Army’s garrisons. Let’s get back to Sulfas and take back the [Main Plant]. [So, with both garrisons gone, the crew enters to the Main Plant.] Dilzweld Officer: Communication with the Viorav Mine and the Parenz Ruins has been cut off. It’s possible they’ve come under attack by the Resistance. Stay prepared! [The Nidellians enter the plant.] Dilzweld Officer: Who are you? Entry to the Main Plant is forbidden. If you don’t want to get in serious trouble, then get out of here! Kharg: Ha! You’re the only one who’s going to get out of here! And not just this plant, but the entire country! Dilzweld Officer: What! You...W-Wait a...It was you...You cut off the communications with the garrisons? Kharg: No reinforcements will be coming now. We’re taking the Main Plant back. Dilzweld Officer: They’re rebels! Prepare to fight! Take them out, dead or alive! [As per usual, the Dilzweld soldiers’ numbers can’t outmatch the crew’s skills. The enemy’s last stand in Sulfas it a poor one, and they don’t make it out alive.] Kharg: We did it! We got the Main Plant back! Now Sulfas can be free again! Paulette: Which means it’s time to attack [The Mountain Stronghold] at last. Kharg: Yeah. Let’s go back to the hideout for a while. We should probably talk over our tactics with General Spencer. [Everyone goes back to the pub and heads down the staircase.] Resistance Member: Tsk, the foreigners seem in high spirits. Bit full of themselves, aren’t they? Resistance Member (2): Yeah, actin’ like they don’t need our help at all. Who do they think they are? Spencer: You fools! It doesn’t matter here that they’re foreigners. The important thing is that we get back the freedom that the Dilzweld Army took from us! You’ll be working on collecting information from now on. Fighting isn’t the only part of battle. [Kharg walks in.] Spencer: Kharg, you did a great job. Winning back the Main Plant was a tremendous victory. Now we can completely cut off the supply route to the mountain stronghold. We’re a force to be reckoned with now! Kharg: Finally it’s time to attack [The Mountain Stronghold]. Spencer: Hmm. But it’s supposed to be impenetrable, so this won’t be easy. They even have three giant cannons. If we just go in all guns blazing, we won’t get anywhere. First we need to plan our attack carefully and then... Resistance Member (3): Hold on a minute. You should leave it to us from now on. Spencer: What?! Resistance Member (2): I’m sure we could’ve freed this city by ourselves. But then you outsiders came along and took over. Maru: That’s just sour grapes! Resistance Member (2): What did you say?! Spencer: Unbelievable! You’re still thinking in terms of us and them! Resistance Member (2): We want to attack the mountain stronghold by ourselves. We’re a lot better than you when it comes to guerilla warfare! Kharg: It’s not a question of who’ll make the attack! Our aim here is to eliminate the Dilzweld Army. Don’t you think we should cooperate? Resistance Member (3): Shut up! We won’t stand for you foreigners going round like you own the place anymore! Just leave us to it! (to RM2) Come on, let’s go. [The three resistance members leave.] Spencer: Wait! How will you fight them? If you just go in without thinking it through, you’ll be committing suicide! The fools! Maru: I hope they don’t come looking for us when it goes all wrong. Kharg: General...We can’t just let them go like this. Spencer: ...Sorry, but can you go and fetch them back? Kharg: OK. Maru: Ah, Kharg! You’re a dreamer! Paulette: That’s not always a bad thing. Let’s get going. [Everyone leaves Sulfas, passes through the Routh Woods, and arrives at the Mountain Stronghold. When Kharg arrives, he finds a bunch of Dilzweld bodies lying around. The Resistance members put up quite a fight but became scattered when one of the three cannons blasted their sandbag shield.] Kharg: They’ve got some real firepower... Ganz: I’ll be their giant cannons are made out of extra strong steel. None of our weapons are a match for that. Maru: Are they really that strong?! Paulette: What should we do, Kharg? If we don’t go now, the Resistance will be completely wiped out...! Kharg: ...Right. Let’s concentrate on getting the wounded out first! Once we’ve saved them, we’ll get out of here! Paulette: Got it! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ MOUNTAIN STRONGHOLD RESCUE SKIRMISH: IN-BATTLE SPEECH AFTER KHARG’S FIRST TURN: Ganz: We have to be careful when advancing, or we’ll get hit by the giant cannons. Moving in a group is too dangerous. They could take us all out with just one shot! Kharg: Let’s all spread out! We’ll dodge their attacks! AFTER KHARG’S SECOND TURN (?): Kharg: Ganz! Isn’t there any way to destroy those giant cannons? Ganz: Impossible! I doubt our weapons here could even do any damage to them. Kharg: So we can’t capture the stronghold as we are now, huh? OK. Let’s postpone our attack. Saving the Resistance members is our priority now! When the Resistance members are rescued, they each say, “Thank you. I’m indebted.” Just another little aspect of this battle. Who knows, maybe this would be good trivia? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ [After all the members are saved...] Kharg: Let’s get back to the [hideout]. If we don’t think of a way to get past the giant cannons, we’ll never take the stronghold. [Back at the Sulfas hideout...] Spencer: Nice job. We’ve gathered all the wounded. Kharg: OK, that’s good. Spencer: But...Looks like the giant cannons are tough as we feared. Kharg: Yeah...And there are sheer cliffs around the stronghold. The only way to attack it is from the front. Spencer: Hmm...Even in a well-matched battle, an army attacking from below is at a huge disadvantage. What can we do...? Maru: Well, if attacking from below isn’t enough, why don’t we attack from above, too? Spencer: From above? Maru: Yeah. We’ll attack them from an airship. Spencer: I wish we could...But all the ships we had in our country were destroyed when the Dilzweld Army invaded. Maru: Why don’t we use ours, then?! Paulette: We can’t do that...Big Owl’s just not equipped to attack. There’s no point in just flying over the stronghold. Maru: Oh...Rats! Ganz: Aren’t there any parts in Sulfas that we could use to equip Big Owl for an attack? Spencer: Hmm...I’m afraid there’s nothing capable of inflicting damage on the cannons of the stronghold. Ganz: I see... Spencer: Ah, wait! I’m sure that in the Main Plant there’s a [beam cannon], one of the Dilzweld Army’s latest inventions. Kharg: A beam cannon? Spencer: Yes. It seems that they were trying to make the defenses of the stronghold even stronger. If you could equip your airship with that... Kharg: ...Seems worth a try. Spencer: But I’ll have to get you to bring your airship to the Main Plant. Kharg: No problem. Ganz, could you take care of it? Ganz: Sure. [Ganz leaves.] Spencer: You go ahead and make your way over to the Main Plant. I’ll go on ahead and brief the mechanics. [Spencer leaves.] Maru: Cool! A beam cannon for Big Owl! That’ll be the best! Paulette: We still don’t know if we can attach it to Big Owl, you know. Maru: Yeah, but...I can get a bit excited, can’t I?! Paulette: But you might be disappointed if you get carried away and it doesn’t work out. Maru: I’ll worry about that if it happens! Kharg: Ha ha ha! Typial Maru! Right. Let’s get going to the [Main Plant]. [Over at the Main Plant, Kharg and company rejoin with Spencer, now accompanied by two mechanics. A giant beam cannon lies in back of a flatbed truck.] Spencer: Ah, you’re here. Take a look at this. This is the beam cannon that the Dilzweld Army left behind. Kharg: So this is it, huh? Plant Manager: It pains me to say it, but they did a good job. Mechanic: I’ll be they regret leaving it behind when they ran off. Spencer: These are the best two mechanics in Epistia. I’ve asked them to do the work on Big Owl. Kharg: Thank you. Plant Manager: I’ll explain more later, but by combining beam lenses, you can alter the power in any way you want. Mechanic: We weren’t really interested in developing weapons. So it seems we’re behind Dilzweld in that respect. [The metal walkway shakes.] Kharg: Oh...that must be Ganz. [The roof to the factory slides back and Big Owl descends into the factory work bay.] Plant Manager: Let’s take a look. [The two mechanics leave to look and Ganz comes up.] Kharg: Thanks, Ganz. What’s it like outside the city? Ganz: Looks like the Dilzweld troops have pulled out of everywhere but the stronghold. But I think Mt. Quina’s eruptions are getting more and more frequent. Kharg: The volcano’s becoming more active? There’s no time to lose. (calling to mechanic on top of Big Owl) How does it look? Can you attach the beam cannon? Plant Manager: Yeah, no problem. We should be able to manage something. Spencer: Hmm, now things are looking up. Listen up! We’ll attack the stronghold simultaneously from above and below. While we’re fighting on the ground, we’ll operate Big Owl by remote and use the beam cannon to destroy the giant cannons. Once we’ve destroyed the giant cannons, we don’t have anything to worry about. We’ll scatter the enemy and take the stronghold by storm. Then we’ll get the Fire Stone before they do! Maru: That’s the spirit! Kharg: How will we manage the remote control? Mechanic: You’ll need a [Tele-Op]. Kharg: A Tele-Op...? Mechanic: It’s a device which enables you to control things remotely. But we don’t have all the necessary parts for it. Kharg: What do we need? Mechanic: We need three things. An [Antenna], a [Magnetron] and an [Integrated Circuit]. You’ll need to go and get them from the Parenz Ruins. That, and enough energy for the beam to fire. We’ll need 200 [Spirit Stones]. Paulette: We can get Spirit Stones at the [Viorav Mine], right? Spencer: Mmm. Right. We’ll get on with attaching the beam cannon to Big Owl, then. In the meantime, you get a hold of those three items and some Spirit Stones. Kharg: Got it. Right, let’s go! [The party hits up the Parenz Ruins. In a broken microwave, they find a Magnetron; in an old computer, an Integrated Circuit; on an old radio, an Antenna.] Kharg: Now we can control Big Owl by remote! [The party turns to leave but are stopped by three ninja. The red one speaks to the party.] Ninja: Oy, kid! What dy’a think you’re doing? What is it you’re collecting, eh? You realize this is the ninjas’ Shinobi Gang territory, right? Kharg: As a matter of fact, no. Ninja: Then let me explain. If you don’t want to get hurt, you’ll just quietly put down what you’ve been collecting and get outta here. And leave all your money here, too. If you know what’s good for you, you’ll do it fast. There’s no one around here that we’re afraid of. Even the army lost their nerve and... Kharg: I don’t have time for this. Quit the talking and fight, if you’ve got the guts! Ninja: Wh-what did you say...?! ...This is unheard of! I won’t easy on you! You’ll regret this! [The foolish ninja are easily defeated.] Ninja: Argh! Let’s get outta here! [The three ninja disappear.] Kharg: That took up a lot of time. We’d better hurry. [Driven by haste, everyone sets out for the Viorav Mine. Inside, they take the elevator to the bottom. They’re approached by Stun Smogs before they can do any stone-collecting (of course).] Kharg: Unbelievable! Now we have monsters to deal with, too! [The party goes crazy on the monsters, killing them in the process. Afterwards, the party stands around.] Paulette: Anywhere in the world that there are Spirit Stones, you’ll find monsters living there, too. Kharg: Seems that way... Paulette: Monsters and Deimos...They’re just like ants around candy. Maru: But...humans want Spirit Stones, too. So aren’t we just the same? Paulette: O-of course not! Humans are... Maru: What’s the difference, then? Ganz: We haven’t got time for pointless bickering. Kharg: You’re right. We have to collect at least 200 Spirit Stones for the beam cannon. Paulette: But how will we actually do that? Surely you can’t extract Spirit Stones without the right tools? Kharg: Hmm...OK, let’s look for something we can use. Maru: OK. [Kharg finds a detonator and pushes it, exploding part of the cavern roof. Spirit Stones trickle down.] Kharg: So many Spirit Stones... [Later on...] Paulette: Thanks to that device, we managed to get a hold of 242 Spirit Stones! Kharg: Great! That should be more than enough fuel for the beam cannon. Let’s go! [Back at the Sulfas Main Plant...] Spencer: Hey, Kharg. We’ve just finished attaching the beam cannon to Big Owl. How did it go for you? Kharg: We managed to get a hold of the three items for the Tele-Op and some Spirit Stones. Spencer: Excellent! Plant Manager: Right, then. Let’s get on with it and make this Tele-Op! (to mechanic) Extract some energy from the Spirit Stones and charge up the beam cannon! Mechanic: All right. [A little while later...] Mechanic: Fully charged! The beam cannon’s energy is at maximum. Kharg: How long will that make it last? Mechanic: The beam cannon is really powerful, so it uses up lots of energy. Even if you start with max energy, you’ll probably only be able to get off three shots. Kharg: Only three shots... Plant Manager: The Tele-Op’s ready, too. Now you can control Big Owl by remote. Spencer: At last we can put our plans into action and take out [The Mountain Stronghold]! Kharg: You got that right! Spencer: First of all, let’s get Big Owl in the air on standby. You set off by land towards the stronghold. Once the ground battle is underway, we’ll send in Big Owl to take out the giant cannons. I’ll leave the timing of the shots from the beam cannon to you, Kharg. Kharg: OK. Spencer: OK. Once we get inside, their defenses will be weakened. If we can do that, the stronghold will be ours! Maru: Come on! Let’s do it! Ganz: But...The Dilzweld Army might have entered the volcano already. Kharg: That’s right. Once we get inside the stronghold, we should go after them right away. And then at last it’ll be time to battle it out over the Fire Stone...! [The Big Owl takes off through the sliding roof.] Kharg: Right, we’ll get going, too. Spencer: OK. Good luck! [The next destination is the Mountain Fortress. Kharg and company are flung into battle the second they get there.] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ MOUNTAIN STRONGHOLD SKIRMISH: IN-BATTLE SPEECH AFTER KHARG’S FIRST TURN (even if you used the Tele-Op already): Ganz: Big Owl’s already in the air on standby. All we need to do now is control the timing of the attack. Kharg: Leave the Tele-Op to me! [(You can select “Airship Attack” from the Special menu.)] Ganz: We can’t replenish the beam cannon’s energy during battle. If you let off unnecessary shots, you’ll run out of energy. Khar: Got it! I’ll aim for just the giant cannons, then! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ [Afterwards...] Kharg: Right. Let’s get inside! [Everyone piles inside.] Kharg: Hey! [A bunch of Dilzweld soldiers encircle the team.] Kharg: Damn! Surrounded! Dilzweld Officer: This is where your luck runs out! You won’t get any further than this! Kharg: That’s what you think! You’ll never stop us! [The Dilzweld troops put up a bad fight and die. Like usual. Afterwards, Kharg interrogates a wounded Dilzweld soldier.] Kharg: Come on, out with it! Tell us where the Fire Stone is! Dilzweld Officer: Er...All I know...is that it’s somewhere in the volcano... Kharg: That’s it? So you haven’t managed to get a hold of it, yet, either? Dilzweld Officer: ...Not yet. There are more Deimos in the volcano... A Lakelta den. The likes of you...will never get past that... Kharg: How did you get into the volcano? Dilzweld Officer: There’s an elevator inside that goes down into the volcano...If you want to be killed by the Deimos, be my guest... Kharg: ...... Paulette: That’s why no one’s managed to get a hold of the Fire Stone yet. Because of the Deimos. Kharg: Guess so. [Zev appears.] Zev: Hey, Kharg! Still here...? Kharg: Zev!...What are you doing in a place like this? Zev: I know where the Fire Stone is! Kharg: Really?! Zev: Yeah. I’ve been through all the legends about the stone, and I finally found a lead. It’s near the crater. Apparently, there’s a shrine around there built by people in ancient times. Kharg: The [Fire Stone Shrine]...? Zev: According to legend, this mountain used to be just an ordinary coal mine. But it’s said that as soon as the Fire Stone was enshrined, the volcano came to life. Kharg: You came all this way just to tell us that...? Zev: Of course not! The volcano looks like it’s going to erupt before long. So I came to tell you to get a move on. Kharg: Erupt...? Zev: I’ve seen volcanoes all over the world. I can tell when they’re going to erupt. The smoke, the heat, the clouds, the smell on the wind...There’s no mistake. [The ground shakes just then!] Zev: See...There’s a definite sign. Kharg: This is bad...We’ve got to hurry...Thanks, Zev. Zev: Ah, no need to thank me. But...if you manage to get the Fire Stone, let me take a look at it. Kharg: No problem. Zev: And if you find any unusual treasure, maybe you could share it with me. Kharg: OK. Zev: And also...any items you can get off the Deimos... Maru: You don’t want much, do you! Zev: OK, OK! Well, take care. Kharg: Right, we’d better hurry! [Kharg goes down the elevator and a cutscene begins elsewhere. Darkham and Lilia stand on the bridge of the Megist.] Darkhkam: Three let, eh? Heh, heh, heh. The five Great Spirit Stones will be mine. This is where playtime ends. No one can stop my ambitions! Dilzweld Officer: I have a report! The Mountain Stronghold has fallen into the hands of the Resistance! Darkham: What about the giant cannons? Dilzweld Officer: It seems they were destroyed by the enemy’s airship. Darkham: Weren’t all airships in Epistia destroyed? Dilzweld Officer: According to the report, the airship resembles the one used when Lilia escaped. [Lilia smiles at the news.] Darkham: Hmm...So, those rats who helped you escape are back. Lilia: ...... Darkham: Hmm...No matter. After all, Epistia is no more than a pawn in a much larger game. What happens to the mountain stronghold is of no consequence. Digging another route into the volcano is what really matters. Because, at last, I have some information on the whereabouts of the Fire Stone. Get to work! Dilzweld Officer: Sir! Darkham: Get in touch with Tatjana. I must tell her about the Fire Stone Shrine. And...that those rats from Nidellia are inside the volcano! Ha ha ha! [The focus goes back to Kharg’s party as they come down the elevator.] Maru: Wow, it’s hot! This place is terrible! Kharg: Maru, be careful. If any lava falls on us, we won’t stand a chance. Maru: Uh, OK. But I can’t believe this place used to be a coal mine! The power of that Fire Stone sure is amazing. Kharg: Zev was right. It’s probably going to erupt before long... Maru: And it smells absolutely terrible...! I can’t believe the Deimos can stand to live here. [The ground rumbles.] Maru: Aaghh! Another earthquake! Kharg: We’ve got no time to lose. We have to get to the crater and find the shrine! [Everyone continues on until they find another elevator. When the exit at the top, they’re attacked by a group of Lakelta. After the Deimos are defeated, Kharg enters a few more elevators, resulting in another attack by the Lakelta. Kharg continues on and the scene shifts to a familiar lady and her Dilzweld guard.] Tatjana: This...is the shrine? Dilzweld Officer: Sir, look! There’s a light coming from on top of that rock! Tatjana: Aha...!! That’s it...There’s the [Fire Stone]! Well done, everyone! We’re the first ones here! Quick! Let’s get the Fire Stone and take it to Lord Darkham. He will be pleased! Dilzweld Officer: Right! Let’s get to it! [The soldiers run ahead but stop when the ground quakes.] Dilzweld Officer: Another earthquake...? Tatjana: Shh! I think I heard something! [Three huge Lakelta warriors, twice as tall as the humans, drop from the ceiling. They’re armed with weapons.] Tatjana: Damn! Lakelta?! Oldest Lakelta brother Fulkrum: Heh heh heh! At last, some humans have come! Middle brother Tsee: Hee hee hee! Fabulous! We could make a killing here! Huh...? Oh, look at that. The white one. That must be the female, right? Little brother Tsaw: L-look, female, me...first time, human! Middle brother Tsee: Calm down. What are you babbling about? Oldest brother Fulkrum: He’s saying it’s the first time he’s ever seen a human female. Now, let’s have some fun! Middle brother Tsee: Yeah! First let’s take care of the males, and then we can deal with the female...Hee hee hee! Little brother Tsaw: Way, in the way, other males...kill all, first! [Kharg and company burst in, moving aside to let the retreating army soldiers run past.] Dilzweld Soldier (fleeing): S-somebody help me! Kharg: What was that...?! [Kharg sees Tatjana surrounded by the Lakelta brothers.] Oldest brother Fulkrum: So, human female...Come over here. Hee hee hee! Tatjana: Damn...! Middle brother Tsee: Don’t worry! We won’t kill you just yet! Little brother Tsaw: Y-yeah! Play, slowly, lots! [Kharg and company look on from the entrance.] Kharg: Tatjana...! Maru: The Deimos have got her! Ha ha! Serves her right! Paulette: Kharg, the Fire Stone’s up above! Ganz: This is our chance. We can get past them while they’ve got Tatjana and then we’ll get to the Fire Stone first. Kharg: ............We have to help her...We’ve got to help Tatjana first. Maru: You must be crazy! She’s one of the Dilzweld Army! They’ve tried to kill us plenty of times along the way! Ganz: Even if we help her, she’ll only turn against us again in the future. Kharg: ...Even so, we can’t just stand by and let her be killed. You both must know that. The biggest threat to us in the future is the Deimos, who’ll just attack a human for the sake of attacking. We can’t just stand by and let a human be killed by them, even if she is a Dilzweld. Maru: But... Kharg: If you don’t like it, stay here. I’ll go on my own. Maru: I didn’t say that...! Oh, all right, then. OK. [Everyone runs to Tatjana’s aid.] Kharg: Tatjana! A truce! We need to fight the Deimos together! Tatjana: Kharg...?! Why...? Oldest brother Fulkrum: Heh heh heh, another human! So weak, and yet so gallant! We’ll tear you all to pieces! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ FIRE SHRINE CAVERN SKIRMISH: IN-BATTLE SPEECH AFTER MARU’S FIRST TURN: Paulette: They each have a different weapon! We have to be really careful! We don’t know how they’ll attack. Maru: Wow! They’re huge! And they look really strong! Paulette: The bigger they are, the harder they fall! AFTER KHARG’S SECOND TURN (?): Tatjana: Kharg! Why help me? What are you after? Kharg: These guys are dangerous! We don’t have time to talk now! Concentrate on the fight! Tatjana: Hmph! What nerve! There’s no way I’m taking orders from you! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ [The battle rages on. Fulkrum attacks with his oversized gourd (!), but doesn’t land many hits. Likewise, Tsaw’s huge bow doesn’t help save his life. Tsee’s mace doesn’t shield many blows, and he finally goes down, too.] Tatjana: Why did you help me...? Kharg: I didn’t want you to be killed by the Deimos. Tatjana: ............ Kharg: If you feel any gratitude, maybe you could just pull out of this war and go home. [Tatjana points her gun right at Kharg’s face.] Kharg: ............What are you doing? Tatjana: Ah ha ha ha! Kharg...what a man! I’ll kill anyone who hinders Lord Darkham...! Kharg: You’d really...shoot me? Tatjana: Ha ha! First I’ll take the Fire Stone. [Tatjana runs to the shrine.] Maru: Told you, Kharg! You can’t trust people like that! Kharg: But she didn’t shoot me. She may be Dilzweld, but she’s human, too. Paulette: We don’t have time for that kind of talk! Quick! After her! [Everyone tails Tatjana. When they arrive, she’s standing over the shrine, looking at what appears to be an electrical barrier over the stone.] Tatjana: damn! What now...! Kharg: The Fire Stone won’t accept you. That’s why. Darkham must not get any more of the Great Spirit Stones. Do you really believe what he’s trying to do is right? Tatjana: ...The likes of you will never understand his greatness. In a world where the humans and the Deimos are pitted against each other, he’s trying to create a new order. Kharg: You call it order to invade other countries and rule by fear?! Darkham’s just making the world into even more of a mess! Tatjana: This is a revolution! You can’t expect change to come easily. [Suddenly, Kharg clutches his chest.] Kharg: Argh...! Tatjana: Wh-what in the world...?! [She sees that he’s got a blue light coming off of him.] Tatjana: Y-you...What...what are you?! ???: ...The one who hears the wind... ......With the power to control...... [Kharg walks up and takes the Fire Stone from under the barrier. The Fire Spirit then appears.] Fire Spirit: ...Long ago Spirits all around... ...Living alongside humans... ......Imprisoned by...... ......Greed and hatred...... ......A world without hope...... ......Swallowed up in darkness...... ......Love and harmony...... ......That is the final wish...... [The spirit dissipates.] Kharg: Love and harmony...? Tatjana: Wh-what was that...? Kharg: It means the Spirit Stones don’t want humans to fight against each other. [From behind the party, a man walks up, accompanied by two weird- looking guards.] Male Voice: If you don’t want to fight, you should follow me. Tatjana: Lord Darkham...!! Kharg: What...! Kharg: You’re the Dilzweld Emperor...! Darkham: Don’t move. Not unless you want your friend to be dropped into the lava. [Everyone looks over to see Lilia struggling with a guard.] Lilia: Let me go! Kharg: Lilia! Lilia: Kharg!! Darkham: The volcano will erupt soon. We don’t have time for idle chatter. If you value Lilia’s life, you’ll hand over the Fire Stone. If you don’t, she’ll plunge to her death in the lava before your very eyes. Kharg: You...! Lilia: Don’t listen to him, Kharg! He’s the last person you should give the stone to! Dilzweld Officer: Shut up! Kharg: Lilia... Maru: Wait! We’ve got Tatjana, you know! If you don’t want her to be killed, you’d better free Lilia! Darkham: Huh! That’s the best you can do? Tatjana would gladly give her life for my cause. Tatjana: I’m ready...! Maru: Damn...! Paulette: Kharg... Kharg: ...............Very well. I’ll hand over the Fire Stone. But there are conditions! You must go back to the exit. And only one soldier can make the swap, without weapons. Darkham: Hmph! Fine! [Darkham and his guards retreat. The soldier who was guarding Lilia gets up from the bridge, where he was obviously up to no good. Kharg walks to the bridge where Lilia is waiting on the other side.] Kharg: Now, let Lilia go! Lilia: Kharg! Don’t give up the Fire Stone! Dilzweld Officer: I told you to shut up! Darkham: First give me the Fire Stone! Throw it to me from there. I’ll free Lilia once I’m sure it’s the real thing. Kharg: No, free Lilia first! Darkham: She’s of no use to me anymore. She’ll go free as soon as I have the Fire Stone. Kharg: Damn... [Kharg tosses the Fire Stone down to Darkham.] Darkham: This is it. No question. Kharg: Now it’s your turn! Let Lilia go! [Kharg walks back to the bridge.] Darkham: Ha ha ha... [He motions to the soldier behind him who detonates a blast charge on the underside of the bridge (that’s what the soldier was kneeling for). Kharg flies back and the screen goes black.] Maru: ...Is he OK? He’s not dead, is he? Paulette: Of course not! Ganz: Come on, Kharg! [Everyone is looking down at Kharg.] Maru: He moved! Ganz: It’d take more than that to finish off Kharg. Paulette: Thank goodness! He’s coming around! Kharg: Urgh...! [Kharg gets upright.] Kharg: Urgh...Lilia...? Paulette: Darkham too her with him... Kharg: So she wasn’t hurt? Paulette: What...? No, she wasn’t hurt... Kharg: That’s good... Maru: What’s good about this?! Look around! [The scene pans out to show the team stranded on the platforms that connect to the Fire Shrine.] Maru: The bridge...it’s been destroyed. The volcano’s about to erupt, and there’s no way out! Kharg: We can’t give up. Let’s split up and search for a way out! [Kharg walks over to Tatjana.] Kharg: Tatjana...You’re still here...? Tatjana: ............ Ganz: Darkham left her behind. Suppose we should feel sorry for her. Darkham as just using her to get a hold of the Fire Stone. Tatjana: Shut up! You know nothing! Ganz: Hmph! Don’t kid yourself! Open your eyes! Kharg: Tatjana.... Tatjana: Shut up! Don’t talk to me! I...I... Kharg: ...... [Kharg walks back to the platform that used to connect to the bridge, to see what Ganz is doing.] Ganz: Kharg...Do you hear that? [The ground spasms violently.] Kharg: All I can hear is the ground rumbling... Ganz: Hmm, must’ve imagined it...No, there it is again...! It sounds like an engine... Kharg: An engine...? But...!? [Cutaway to the Fiona (Samson’s ship)!] Samson: Ha ha! Samson’s here to save the day! Did we get here in time?! Boomer: There it is! The volcano! It still hasn’t erupted! Samson: OK, we’ll hover over the top of the crater! Lower the rope ladder! Buster: Sorry, Boss, but this is insane! The volcano could erupt at any minute! Samson: Don’t be such a coward! Show some guts! [A (long!) rope ladder drops down into the crater of Mt. Quina, with an excited Samson hanging off of it.] Samson: Come on up! We’re going to escape! Kharg: Samson?! Maru: Wow! This ship can fly! Paulette: How...?! Samson: (beckoning) Hurry! It’s going to erupt! Kharg: You all go ahead. I’ll go back for Tatjana! [Kharg goes back to the Dilzweld operative.] Kharg: Tatjana, hurry! Tatjana: ...Don’t worry about me. Just go... Kharg: What’s the point of you dying here like this? Don’t throw your life away. Tatjana: Lord Darkham said to me...“You’re of no use to me now. When you no longer need a tool...you throw it away...There are plenty more...” I was no more than a tool to him...It looks like I never had any kind of life to begin with... Kharg: Then why don’t you m ake a life for yourself starting now? You mustn’t give up on everything! Tatjana: ............ Kharg: Come on, let’s go! As long as you’re alive, there’s a future for you! Tatjana: Kharg...OK. I’ll go with you...! [Kharg and Tatjana get on the ladder. Cutaway, again, to the Megist.] Dilzweld Soldier: Reporting! Kharg and his friends succeeded in escaping from the volcano! [Lilia smiles at the news.] Darkham: Heh heh heh. The rats! How persistant they are. But that’s all they can do, just run around in circles. After all, a rat is no match for a tiger. Lilia: You’ve already taken the Light Stone from me. So why don’t you just let me go? Why are you keeping me here...? Darkham: You’re useful to me in ways that even you yourself don’t realize. Maybe one day you’ll understand. Lilia: ...... Darkham: Take her away. Dilzweld Soldier: Yes, sir! (to Lilia) Get moving! [A guard escorts her off. The screen turns to a different view and a figure (who the player can’t see besides an arm and cane) stops to talk with Darkham.] Darkham: Oh, it’s you. No one is supposed to use that elevator but me... Well, never mind. So, why are you here? Mysterious Man: I hear you got the Fire stone. Well done. But...I heard that the Deimos got to the Water Stone first...? Darkham: Hmph, never mind. I’m already dealing with it. I’ve sent in a famous hybrid weapon. I’m sure the Water Stone will soon be mine, too. Mysterious Man: The hybrid weapon? Right...But aren’t you also having problems acquiring the Wind Stone? Darkham: All the hybrid weapon needs to do is help me acquire the Water Stone. For the other one...I have plans. Mysterious Man: Oh! That must mean the test was successful?! Darkham: Heh heh heh. All that’s left now is to get the materials. And your information is accurate, I trust? Mysterious Man: Of course. I’ve been investigating things very carefully. If we use the materials from Dragon Bone Valley, I’m sure it will be successful. Darkham: Good. (to crew) Our next destination is Nidellia! To Ragnoth we fly! ################################## ##END OF CHAPTER THREE: CONFLICT## ################################## ######################################### ##Darc, Chapter 3: Love and Hate [DC3] ## ######################################### [As the chapter starts, everyone is just arriving in Rueloon.] Camellia: Please, Darc! I know it wasn’t much, but I did help you defeat Selkis. So I was thinking...isn’t it about time you forgave me? Delma: Oh, shut up and go away! You think Darc’ll forgive a rotten traitor like you? Volk: Hey, Darc? Delma seems to think you shouldn’t forgive people who betray you. Delma: Wh-what?! B-but in my case, I, uh...Darc said it was all right! So there! (to Camellia) You can stop acting all high and mighty any time now, hear? Camellia: I’d rather be high and mighty than nasty like you! [Unbeknownst to the party, a Drakyr has just landed on one of the nearby pillars, and is actively watching them.] Drakyr: Heh heh heh...There you are, Darc! And it looks like you got your hands on the [Water Stone] somehow. Darc...enjoy your freedom. You won’t have it for long. Things will start getting interesting soon enough. Heh heh heh... [Below, Delma and Camellia are still fighting.] Delma: Who are you calling “nasty”? You walnut-faced crone! Darc: Huh?! [Darc looks up at the pillar, but the Drakyr is gone.] Volk: What is it, Darc? Darc: I just sensed deep bloodlust. Maybe I was just imagining things... Volk: You’re tired, that’s all. So much has happened. Maybe we should rest a while. Camellia: That’s right! I’m absolutely exhausted. Let me rest, please. Delma: No one asked you! If you wanna take a break, do it! Camellia: Ho ho ho...I certainly didn’t ask you, either. I was talking to Darc. Being presumptuous doesn’t suit you, dearie. Delma: What?! Care to say that again? Camellia: Oooh, I’m so afraid! You see why it’s so hard to handle such a bothersome demon-girl? Delma: That does it! You’re dead! Bebedora: Deep red anger. A violet superiority complex. Except for Darc, Deimos are so...simple. Volk: Everyone’s tired. How about we stay here until we decide on our next course of action? There’s an arena here in Rueloon, too. It might not be a bad idea to conserve our strength as we relax and rejuvenate. Darc: Good advice, Volk. I’m with you. Everyone, you’re free to do as you please. [Everyone scatters around the town while Darc goes to the inn to rest. Cut to later that night: Camellia comes out of her “room” and walks out onto the lobby.] Camellia: Urrrrgh...I can’t sleep! Can’t sleep...can’t sleep! Is that rude Orcon girl destined to disturb even my soundest slumber?! I’ve never heard such vulgar snoring in my life. She sounds like a dragon with a head cold! But Bebedora’s sleeping like the dead--or the broken, anyway. [She sniffs around.] Camellia: Huh? [Volk walks out of his “room”.] Camellia: What, you can’t sleep, either? Volk: No...I can’t shake this feeling. Something...bad is in the air. Camellia: Aha, a premonition? Volk: It’s nothing. I’m tired, that’s all. Maybe if I have a drink... [Volk walks upstairs to the bar.] Camellia: So that means...Darc’s alone? [She eyes Volk as he disappears and then turns to Darc’s “room”.] Camellia: Darc...? Asleep already? [She walks into his room and the screen fades out. Upstairs, Volk talks with a drunken Canidae (bipedal wolf-like creature).] Canidae: And you say your family was destroyed by humans? Volk: ...That’s right. Canidae: Unbelievable! I really feel for you. To be killed by those lesser beings... Volk: I’ll hold that grudge forever! Canidae: You’ve had it rough, all right. Drink up. [Below, Darc emerges from his “room”, furious.] Darc: ...All right, who did it?! Who’s been messing with me, and where is he? [Everyone who wasn’t sleeping wakes up and emerges. Volk runs down the stairs to see what’s wrong.] Delma: Why all the shouting, Darc? Bebedora: Darc’s soul...deep red anger. Volk: What’s going on? Darc: Someone stole the Water Stone while I was sleeping! [Everyone is taken aback.] Delma: What?! Who? Darc: Where’s Camellia? Delma: She’s not in her room! Volk: She said she couldn’t sleep. Last I saw her, she was wandering around. Bebedora: Camellia’s soul...a trace still remains. It leads outside... happy. Delma: Damn that hag! I knew this would happen! Let’s look for her! [Everyone but Darc runs outside.] Darc: That blasted Camellia! Once wasn’t enough for you, eh? You had to betray me twice! Inexcusable! [Darc searches the arena grounds first. A shot of Camellia standing at the giant fire torch at the back comes into view.] Camellia: Petal lip, stamen...Stem sheath, bulb...Petal lip, stamen... Stem sheath, bulb...O Great Spirit, hear my plea. The Pianta Sage, Camellia Rofeana Semalba, beseeches thee. O Water Stone, O Water Spirit! Heal my body, made dry and withered by the power of the Earth Spirit...Petal lip, stamen... Stem sheath, bulb... [The Water Stone floats in front of her.] Camellia: It worked! Ho ho ho...! Now back to my young, beautiful self... [A bunch of Drakyr land on the pillars on the arena outskirts, and a large horse-faced Deimos, who obviously leads them, lands as well.] Mysterious Deimos: Heh heh heh... [Camellia turns around, not seeing anyone.] Camellia: Eh? What’s that...? [Darc enters the arena.] Darc: Just you wait, Camellia...You’ll wish you’d never been born! Camellia: Eeeeeeeeeeeek!! Darc: Camellia! And...Drakyr?! Mysterious Deimos: Heh heh. Good work, you old Pianta hag! Now that you’ve brought me the Water Stone, you saved me the trouble of having to fight for it! Camellia: Th-that’s mine! What do the Drakyr need the Water Stone for, anyway? Give it back! Drakyr: Shut your mouth! Camelia: Eek! Darc: Camellia! What happened? Camellia: Oh, Darc...! Help me, oh, help me! They’ve done...terrible things... Drakyr: It’s Darc! The son of the traitor, Windalf...The one who stole the Wind Stone, the precious heirloom of the Drakyr! Mysterious Deimos: So...that’s the man you fools failed to get the Wind Stone from, eh? Drakyr: Forgive us, lord. Mysterious Deimos: Enough. The past is past. Heh heh. Both the Water Stone and the Wind Stone have practically fallen into my hands...Fate, it seems, is on my hand. Delma: (arriving) Darc! Here you are. What’s going on? Why are those Drakyr here? What happened to the Water Stone? Camellia: They...took my Water Stone... Delma: What-what-WHAT? Now it’s YOUR Water Stone?! Camellia: You don’t have to get so angry. It was just an itsy-bitsy slip of the tongue. No use fussing over something like that! Delma: Guess my true feelings just sort of spilled out. You sticky- fingered old coot! [The mysterious deimos approaches Darc’s fully-assembled party.] Droguza: If it isn’t Darc! I must thank you for delivering the Water Stone so promptly. I expect you’ll be as accommodating with your Wind Stone as well, yes? Darc: Knock off the sarcasm! The Wind Stone is mine. I won’t give it up that easily, especially not to the likes of you! And, of course... I’ll be taking the Water Stone back, too. Droguza: It seems you have some idea how valuable the Great Spirit Stones are. Darc: Yes, and I also know that I’m gonna be the one who gets to use their [infinite power]. Droguza: Heh heh heh. Infinite power...So you know the secret of the Great Spirit Stones, I see. The very key to Deimos evolution! When all five are gathered together, an awesome infinite power is born. But what will the radiance of that power bring us Deimos? Do you have any idea? Darc: What do you mean? Droguza: Heh heh heh. You have no clue. Good. You don’t need to know. After all, the future Deimos King...the leader of all Deimos... ...will be none other than I, Droguza! Darc: Not if I can help it! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ RUELOON ARENA SKIRMISH: IN-BATTLE SPEECH AFTER DELMA’S FIRST TURN: Delma: Hey, you old crone! You owe us! Don’t you forget it! Camellia: Ha ha ha! You’re a foolish little girl, aren’t you? We’re in the middle of a fight. Don’t you think you should concentrate on the enemy instead of arguing with allies? Delma: I said it because I don’t think you’re an ally, traitor! AFTER DARC’S SECOND TURN (?): Droguza: So the Deimos wannabe wants to be the Deimos King now? Do you really think you’re up to something like that? Darc: To a Deimos, strength is everything. I’ll be stronger than anyone! And when I am, I’ll bring all the Deimos together, unite them. I won’t let anyone stand in my way! Droguza: Heh heh heh. So that’s why you’re after the Great Spirit Stones, huh? Well, you’re out of luck! The infinite power of the Spirits will be mine! Darc: Never! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ [The party fights through the four Drakyr guards to Droguza. Even with magical and physical powers such as he has, he’s no match for Darc and his crew. He’s battered and bruised in a short while, defeated by a “wannabe”.] Droguza: I never imagined it possible... Darc: You’re the only one left. Now hand over the Water Stone. Or else... Droguza: Or else what? Heh heh heh...poor Darc. What an insipid fool you are. You should have learned that cornered prey is the most dangerous. Darc: What? Droguza: Give them a chance...and they’ll strike! [Droguza makes a magical ball of light that blinds everyone. He takes flight into the air, hovering above the party.] Darc: Droguza, wait! Droguza: Darc! I won’t soon forget that name. But don’t be overproud! You have the strength of your companions alone to thank for today’s victory. Without them, you would be but a frightened little new before me. [Droguza flies away.] Droguza: Consider this advice from a kindred spirit...Trust no one! Doubt your friends! And never take your hand from your weapon! The onl think to believe in is your own power! Ha ha ha ha ha... Darc: What manner of Deimos was that? Volk: I wandered all through this world...but I’ve never seen a Deimos like him. Camellia: Neither have I. Maybe he’s from some far-off land? Even still...If things really will happen as he says they will... ...the Drakyr are in for real trouble! Delma: No one asked you! Bebedora: Cold, steel-blue ambition. A carefully divided soul. Too well prepared and unnatural. ...How dull. Darc: Are you talking about Droguza? What do you mean? Bebedora: I don’t know. I don’t know, so I know. I am a mirror. A mirror that reflects the soul. I reflect everything, for I am transparent. I am a container. A container full of emotion. I am full of everything, for I am empty. Darc: ...... Delma: Don’t worry about her. She never makes any sense, anyway. What’s more important is what do we do next! The Water Stone we worked so hard for has been stolen from us...We can’t just let that happen! Camellia: We must go after him and get that Water Stone back! Delma: You keep your mouth shut! Camellia: (to Darc) I-it’s not my fault! H-help me...! Delma: Of course it’s your fault! It’s all your fault! How could it not be?! Darc: Wait, Delma. Her knowledge might still be worth something. Delma: Ha! How can any nonsense from this old beg help us at all? Darc: That’s for me to decide. Delma: I guess you don’t mind being betrayed over and over again! We ought to put her out of her misery! Camellia: Eeeeeek! Darc, please! Help me! Darc: I...I don’t wanna kill traitors anymore. Densimo was the first and last for me. We’re done for tonight, anyway. We’ll leave tomorrow morning. You’re free until then. Delma: Bah... (to Camellia) I haven’t forgiven you yet! Camellia: Hmph...I never asked you to forgive me in the first place! [Everyone scatters again and Darc goes back to the inn. The next morning, everyone stands outside of Darc’s room, talking. The leader himself isn’t present.] Delma: What’s Darc gonna do, now that the Water Stone’s been stolen? Volk: That’s a good question. He was up late last night thinking about it... [Darc walks out of his room/hole in the wall.] Darc: Hey, Camellia! I’ve got something to ask you. Camellia: Wh-what’s that? Darc: What happens when all five Great Spirit Stones are gathered together? You receive their infinite power, right? Camellia: Well, ah...You see...Ho ho ho... Darc: If you won’t give me a straight answer, I’ll toss you to Delma. Camellia: You wouldn’t...! Of course I’ll answer. According to Pianta legend...we evolved from monsters into Deimos by the power of the Miracle Stones. Then the five stones were scattered throughout the world, and anyone who used their combined might...would receive infinite power and become the [Ultimate Deimos]. Darc: The [Ultimate Deimos]? Camellia: That’s right...The most powerful being in existance. Bestowed with supreme strength befitting the Deimos race. This power has no equal among the Deimos of today. Rather, it’s closer to what was revered among the legendary Deimos of old...It’s said one would receive power like that of the ancient mages. Delma: Ancient mages? Legendary Deimos of old? Huh? Bebedora: Long, long ago...pilgrims from another world arrived on this one. Hoping to find paradise here, they created an artificial land underground. Black beyond black. Darkness beyond darkness. Those...were the Deimos of old. Camellia: Bodies fine-tuned for battle. Magic power beyond measure. Evolution into an Ultimate Deimos with powers aking to those most legendary of Deimos. The path to becoming the Ultimate Deimos will open to whoever uses the infinite power of the Great Spirit Stones. Most likely Droguza is gathering the stones with that in mind... Darc: I see...So you can become the Ultimate Deimos as long as you have this infinite power...That’s it! I’m gonna become the Ultimate Deimos! Droguza can’t save the suffering Deimos! Only I can! Delma: But even so...How can we capture Droguza? We don’t even know where he is. Darc: We’ll go to the Drakyr homeland, [Ragnoth]. Delma: What? Ragnoth?! Volk: Ragnoth...hmm. Darc: What is it? Volk: Nothing...I’ll never forget Ragnoth, that’s all... Bebedora: Black, black, jet-black sadness. Indigo distress. Scarlet hatred. Red, red...a red-hot soul, burning itself out. Volk: Shut up! Stop looking into my soul! You know nothing about me! Do it again and I’ll kill you! Bebedora: Hee hee hee... Volk: That creepy little freak! Darc: Come on, let’s head for [Ragnoth]. [The Deimos party goes to Ragnoth and enters Drakyrnia.] Darc: This is the Drakyr homeland? Strange...it’s much too quiet... No one seems bothered in the slightest that I’ve arrived. Volk: That’s not like them. Usually the Drakyr are much more aggressive. Darc: So what does this mean? Volk: I’m not sure. I don’t sense any hostility here. But watch yourself. It might be at trap to trick us into complacency. Darc: We can fight our way out of a trap. I’d almost prefer that to this...unnatural quiet. Let’s talk to someone. [Darc looks around the city and walks past an aged Drakyr. As he moves away, the Drakyr calls out to him.] Old Drakyr: Wait! That birthmark on your arm! That face...there’s no mistaking it! Could you possibly be of Windalf’s line...? Darc: Windalf...?! You know my father? Old Drakyr: Father?! Then you must be...Windalf’s son?! Darc: I am! I’m Darc! Old Drakyr: Oho! I never thought the day would come...Darc... My name is Sagan. I used to serve Windalf many years ago. Darc: So you say...But the Drakyr are after my Wind Stone and have stolen the Water Stone from me as well. Sagan: Huh? I don’t understand my lord’s meaning. Darc: Oh, drop the act! Tell me! Where’s the Water Stone? Where’s Droguza? Sagan: I really don’t know. Please meet with our elder. I’m sure [Williwo] will be able to tell you all you want to know. Darc: Fine. And where’s he? Sagan: The elder’s room is up the staircase, the highest room in the building. Darc: Just so you know...don’t bother setting any traps. I came here to destroy you Drakyr. I won’t be letting my guard down. Sagan: Oh, but we would never...! In any case, please speak with the elder. [Darc goes up the stairs to see Williwo.] Williwo: Who are you? What do you want? Darc: Are you the elder, Williwo? Tell me where Droguza and the Water Stone are. Williwo: What a rude fellow you are. [Sagan enters.] Sagan: Williwo? This is Darc. Williwo: Darc, you say? Sagan: Yes, Darc. Windalf’s son. Williwo: Windalf...He’s...He’s dead. Darc: That’s right. You banished him. He wandered the land, until finally...my father died of the wounds he’d received at your hands. You murdered my father! Williwo: Murdered? Murder wouldn’t be good enough for the likes of him. So he died on the road, eh? A fitting end. Darc: What?! Williwo: His crimes were great. He neglected his duties as the Drakyr leader...He broke Deimos law by consorting with a human...And if that weren’t enough, he stole our treasured Wind Stone. The entire Drakyr tribe nearly fell into ruin because of him. That’s why we banished him. And what does the son of that traitor want with us now? Darc: Want with you? Have you gone soft in the head, old man?! Let me tell you something. Now listen closely! You Drakyr tried to kill me and take back the Wind Stone. Droguza’s gone off somewhere after stealing the Water Stone I rightfully won. And now you feign ignorance while keeping Droguza and the Water Stone hidden. For these crimes...murder wouldn’t be good enough for the likes of you. Don’t you think so, elder? Sagan: Please, Darc, stop. Williwo: The Wind Stone used to belong to the Drakyr. Windalf stole it... And isn’t he your father? They say thieves are impudent, and here’s your proof! You are a traitor’s son, that’s clear. And born of a human, no less. Darc: So you hired assassins to kill me. Is that it? Williwo: What a simpleton...If we Drakyr had that power...do you really think Drakyrnia would be in such a sorry state? Ever since we lost the Wind Stone, the former glory and traditions of the dragons have been dying...Our power is wasting away. Lost to the humans in Plumb Canyon...Even our holy Dragon Bone Valley has been damaged by humans... Darc: I don’t need to hear your sob story. I have only two demands... Give back the Water Stone immediately! And bring me Droguza! Williwo: Droguza, eh? Aha, now I see. Droguza, that mysterious Deimos from Halshinne way...And the fools lured away by him. That’s who you’re talking about. They’re not dragonfolk of the Drakyr race. They’re merely lowly beasts who have tossed aside their dragon pride to live their lives as mere agents of other Deimos. Darc: So are you saying they have no connection with you at all? Then tell me where Droguza and his underlings are! Williwo: ......That...I cannot tell you. Though they may now stoop to serving Droguza, they were once Drakyr, as I am. Son of the traitorous Windalf...it’s much better to be a fallen Drakyr than a stinking Deimos wannabe! Drakyr youth aren’t protecting the holy Dragon Bone Valley. They’ve come to follow Deimos like Droguza. And whose fault is that? Windalf’s! Your father’s! Darc: ...... Williwo: However...if you were to pass the [Dragon Ordeal], it’d be a different story. Darc: The Dragon Ordeal? What’s that? Williwo: A test for aspiring Drakyr leaders. Complete is successfully, and the crimes of your father would be pardoned...and you, his son, would be ushered in as the new leader of the Drakyr tribe. Droguza and his henchman would become enemies of the state...and I would tell you where they were. What do you think? Will you try your hand at the Dragon Ordeal? Darc: I’ll do it. Williwo: Then fetch the [Dragon Master Crown] which lies in the [Dragon Bone Valley] to the northwest of here. But know that this is the Dragon Ordeal. It has no meaning unless a Drakyr carries it out alone, with no help from other Deimos. You must enter the cave using your own power alone. Is that clear? Darc: Got it. Williwo: Then go. Darc: As soon as I bring that crown back here, I expect you to tell me where Droguza is hiding. Williwo: I will...if you can get the crown, that is. Dragon Bone Valley is under human occupation. You must first liberate Dragon Bone Valley if you have any hopes of entering the cave. [Everyone heads to the valley where the Dilzweld soldiers have taken over (surprise!) and camped out. It really does look like they’re defiling the place.] Darc: That cavern in there must be the [Dragon Bone Valley Cave]... Delma: Are you gonna force your way in? Darc: Yeah, as soon as we get the humans out of the way! They’ll have to pay for stepping foot on Deimos land! Let’s go! [The Deimos ambush the Dilzweld soldiers and take them out with ease.] Darc: The Dilzweld Army again...What can they be doing here? Delma: Well, let’s see! They’re humans, aren’t they? Wouldn’t they be filching Spirit Stones? Volk: You always jump to that conclusion. There aren’t many Spirit Stones gathered here. If that’s all they’re after...they’d be better off in Plumb Canyon. Delma: Why are they here, then? Why didn’t they go to Plumb Canyon in the first place? Volk: As if I know what humans are thinking! Delma: Why are you so upset? Bebedora: There are...feelings...left behind here. Human emotions drifting about. Darc: Can you tell, Bebedora? Bebedora: I see...a green wind. A green wind, like Darc’s. But it’s a sham. It’s a created color. A false color, a false wind... False green. Darc: Like me? A sham? What’s she talking about, anyway? Delma: Why would you think I understand her any better than you? Bebedora: Hee hee hee...Everyone is black...turning into despair. Everything...everything returns to darkness. Delma: ...Damn it! What nonsense! She’s not helping anybody! Darc: I thought I understood her for a minute there... Volk: Human cunning and Bebedora’s words--two things no amount of thinking will ever make clear. Let’s find that [Dragon Master Crown] and get after Droguza. Darc: ...Yeah. [They all walk to the nearby cavern.] Darc: The [Dragon Bone Valley Cave], eh...? I’m on my own from here on out. Delma: Oh, just forget about your promise to that old Drakyr. It’s got to be dangerous to go alone. Darc: No, this test is also my own personal revenge. I can’t become what he said I was. And this will show the Drakyr how powerful I am, too! Volk: It’s all right, Delma. Darc’s not the kind of guy who’d get himself killed doing something like this. Delma: I know! ...I know that. [Darc enters the cave, passes by two huge dragon statues and goes up the stairs to a pedestal. The Dragon Master Crown is lying there, and he picks it up.] Darc: ............Ridiculous! That’s all? What kind of ordeal was that? I mean, nothing happened! [Darc turns to leave but the dragon fossil on the back of the wall’s eyes light up.] Dragon Soul: The Dragon Master Crown...is proof of a Drakyr leader. Do you have that right? Darc: Who are you?! [The two dragon statues--one gold and one silver--come to life and leap out at Darc.] Dragon Soul: Are you truly descended from the dragons? Who are your ancestors? What is your father’s name? Your mother’s name? Darc: I’m Windalf’s son...Darc. My mother...I don’t have a mother! Urk...! Dragon Soul: On your arm...is indeed the crest of Will. It is a sign inscribed upon Will’s children...dragons reborn as Deimos. It is proof of Will’s blood. Windigo’s son, Willard. Willard’s son, Williwo. And you are of Williwo’s son, Windalf. Darc: W-Williwo? The Drakyr elder? Dragon Soul: The former leader, Williwo, is Windalf’s father. That is, your grandfather. The one who exiled Windalf for choosing to be with a human. Darc: What...?! Dragon Soul: Windalf...ah, yes. So you’re the son of Windalf, who loved a human. That is why I sense a human soul within you... Darc: But... Dragon Soul: Fine, then. If you are truly a descendant of the dragons, show me your power! [Darc battles the two dragons and finds that he has the power to defeat them.] Darc: I guess it was more of an ordeal than I thought, after all... Dragon Soul: I have acknowledged your power. As promised, I now recognize you as a descendant of the dragons and the new leader of the Drakyr. Darc: Forget it! I never wanted to be the Drakyr leader in the first place. I’m Darc! He who will rule over all Deimos. I have no time to waste on the ways of the Drakyr! [The dragon fossil’s eyes change from calm green to bright red.] Dragon Soul: Darc, wait. You have a fair amount of dragon within you. Your Wind Stone has been broken in two. Just as you yourself are...incomplete... Darc: The Wind Stone is...incomplete? I only have half of it? Dragon Soul: The wind’s protection and its destiny, too, are split into two. Into dragon...and man...Into Deimos...and human. Though the wind be divided, still it remains. And should two winds meet, though they collide...though they struggle...Finally...they form a single vortex. That is the wind’s destiny, it’s fate. I shall settle once more into my eternal slumber. Farewell...son of Windalf. ...until the day you return to me. [The lit-up eyes fade out.] Darc: The wind’s destiny? Are you telling me to find the other Wind Stone...? [Darc goes to rejoin his friends.] Darc: Thanks for waiting. We’re going back to Drakyrnia! Delma: What? Going back...? You got the Dragon Master Crown? Darc: I got it. Everything’s fine. Delma: I knew you could do it, Darc! Volk: See? Just like I told you...No need to worry so much. Delma: Oh, shut your snout! I wasn’t worried in the slightest! Now Williwo will tell us where Droguza’s hiding out! Darc: Yes, Williwo... Delma: What is it, Darc? Darc: He’s my...ah, never mind. Let’s get back to [Drakyrnia]. [The party goes back to Drakyrnia. En route to Williwo’s chambers, Darc stops.] Darc: ............ Volk: What is it? Darc: I’m gonna see Williwo alone. Camellia: Hmm? Why so serious all of a sudden? What has gotten into you, Darc? Bebedora: Darc’s soul...Amber sorrow, red-brown bewilderment. Darc: This is my own affair. It has nothing to do with you. I’m going alone. Delma: Hey, don’t be so cold! We’re going with you. We’re your friends, aren’t we? Darc: Friends...? Listen to me carefully! I brought you along because I need you to help me unify the Deimos, that’s all. So this is non of your business. Wait here! Delma: ...... Darc: Do as you please until I get back! [Everyone splits up and Darc goes to see his grandfather. Inside, Sagan is pacing around anxiously.] Sagan: Hmmm...He’s taking a long time...Hmmmmm...He’s taking an awfully long time! Williwo...Do you think Darc is all right? Williwo: I thought I told you not to talk about him. Sagan: But... Wiliwo: I wouldn’t expect a Deimos wannabe like him to complete the Dragon Ordeal--Hack, ack, cough! Sagan: Williwo! Are you all right? Williwo: Don’t worry about it...I have fits like that all the time. [Darc enters.] Sagan: Oh, Darc! Williwo: Cough, cough...Have you brought the Dragon Master Crown? [Darc presents it.] Williwo: ...That’s the crown, all right. Darc: Now it’s time for you to keep your promise. Why don’t you tell me where Droguza is? Williwo: All right...He ought to be around [Thunor Point]. The Dilzweld humans have a base camp there. Disgusting though it is, Droguza and his underlings are in cahoots with the humans, you see. Darc: So...Droguza is working with the Dilzweld Army? He really is a dirty Deimos. Williwo: Cough, cough... Darc: ...Are you sick? Williwo: I...I don’t have much longer. Just like Drakyrnia. Darc: ............Williwo...I have something to ask you. Williwo: What’s that? Darc: What’s the crest of Will? Williwo: Huh?! You know...about that? Proof of the blood...that ties... you and me...I see. The birthmark on your arm. That’s the crest of Will. Windalf had it, too. And on my back...so do I. The crest of Will...is a holy seal in the shape of a birthmark that can be found throughout generations of the Will line. From father to son...it’s a family birthmark that’s sure to be found somewhere on the body. That...is the crest of Will. Darc: Who is Droguza? Williwo: We don’t know who he really is. He’s shrouded in mystery. He showed up in Drakyrnia some years ago. He got the Drakyr all stirred up over getting their Wind Stone back...He took strong young Drakyr with him when he left. Drakyrnia, having lost the Wind Stone and the village youth...has become as you see it today. There is no future for Drakyrnia, I’m afraid. Darc: About Windalf’s past... Williwo: ...Win...dalf...He was a young leader who had the respect and trust of every Drakyr alive. But...he changed when he met a human woman, [Nafia]. He broke Deimos law and had you. I banished him from the tribe...It had to be done. Such a crime couldn’t be overlooked, after all. At that point, he stole our Wind Stone, the treasure of the Drakyr tribe. I had to send someone after him...I simply had no choice. Can you understand how I felt? This was my son! Oh, what hope I had for him! My son, who surrendered the throne of Drakyr leadership! He turned his back on everything. Darc: Nafia? Williwo: She was a human girl who lived on this continent. Nafia wanted the Wind Stone and seduced Windalf...She was the one who approached him! She started it! This is a fact! But when the pursuers I sent after my son cornered that human girl...She... ...she fell off a cliff, along with her [baby]...and died. Darc: Baby? Williwo: The human woman had given birth to twins. Darc and [Kharg]... You are one brother of a set of twins. But...he’s...they’re all dead now. Nafia, your brother Kharg, Windalf...Everybody’s gone. The only one left...is you. Darc...I’m proud of you. For Windalf’s son to have grown up so strong and healthy and to have returned to Drakyrnia...Now I have no regrets. [Darc leaves and goes out to the staircase.] Darc: So I...I had a brother...A twin...If he were alive...he would have gone through the same trials, thought the same thoughts, felt the same pain as I have...But...he’s...dead...So, in the end, I’m still just the same lone Deimos winnable after all?! ...Wait! It’s coming back to me...Didn’t Lilia say something about having met a human named Kharg? And his mother’s name was Nafia...Is that just a coincidence? Or is it...Sheesh! What am I thinking! How could I be reeled in by a story like that? That was just something... ...something silly Lilia made up! Of course...that’s all it is. [Darc goes back to his friends who’ve all convened at one spot.] Darc: Hello again. Delma: Well? Did you find out about Droguza? Darc: He’s at the Dilzweld base at [Thunor Point], it seems. Volk: Why?! Why would Droguza be at a Dilzweld base? Darc: Williwo says he’s working with the humans. Volk: I don’t like the sound of that... Delma: Droguza, human--they’re all the same to me! Let’s smash ‘em all and get that Water Stone! Camellia: Somehow that Orcon girl’s enthusiasm seems to be catching. Volk: By the way...are you done with your own matter of revenge? Darc: Oh, that...Yes, more or less. Volk: ...Darc? You may not like to hear this, but...I feel the same as Delma. I consider myself to have you same goals, to be your ally. And maybe even your friend... Darc: (to self) Hmph. Allies. Friends, no less. That damn Volk. He’s sounding more like a human every day. [On the way to Thunor Point, the party runs into a snag at the Vayu Dam Ruins. It’s being patrolled by both Dilzweld guards and Drakyr sentries, and they all are mingling with each other.] Camellia: Wh-what is all this? Deimos and humans...They’re working together to form a blockade. Volk: Those aren’t Deimos! Those are despicable, low-down beasts! Darc: It’s just as Williwo said. What the hell are they doing? Delma: What now? Darc: We’ll crush those humans and any Deimos low enough to work with them! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ VAYU DAM RUINS SKIRMISH: IN-BATTLE SPEECH AFTER CAMELLIA’S SECOND TURN (?): Delma: Why, damn it?! Fighting with the humans is the worst thing a Deimos can do! Camellia: I don’t believe anyone would side with the humans of their own accord. There must be a reason, don’t you think? Delma: There isn’t any reason that could be good enough! I’ll beat them all to a pulp! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ [Afterwards, Darc confronts an enemy Drakyr who was allied with the Dilzweld. Everyone else looks on.] Darc: Why would you ally with humans? Are you Deimos or are you dirt?! Drakyr: Shut up! Son of a traitor! Darc: No, joining up with humans makes you a traitor! Don’t you have any pride as a Deimos...as a Drakyr?! Drakyr: It’s because we have pride...that we followed Droguza...To bring prosperity back..to Drakyrnia...to the Drakyr...ulp... [The Drakyr dies.] Darc: Damn you, Droguza...what do you have up your sleeve? [More Dilzweld troops arrive from the other end of the area at just that moment.] Dilzweld Soldier: Keep the enemy Deimos away from the [flagship Megist]! Delma: Hey, not bad, not bad! With this many humans around...I’m just itching to fight! The Dilzweld attack; the Dilzweld lose. Simple, really.] Darc: Come on! Droguza is up ahead! [At Thunor Point, the place is filled to the brim with Dilzweld machines and guards. Droguza walks around like he’s part of the army.] Droguza: What is this? No guards in the Megist whatsoever? And hardly any outside, either? The Emperor is on board! Dilzweld Soldier A: Yes, well...The search party in Dragon Bone Valley got wiped out by someone...and our main troops have been dispatched throughout the area as guards. Droguza: Call them back immediately! The troops at the Vayu Dam Ruins are reporting that Darc’s team has invaded! Dilzweld Soldier B: They’re here! The Deimos! [Darc’s team make their entrance.] Droguza: Damn! Too late. Darc: Droguza! We’ve finally caught up with you! Droguza: Well, I salute you for making it this far...but this is the end of the line! Darc: You took the words right out of my mouth! Droguza: Just so you know...I’m not who I was before. I’m now in the possession of...a new power! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ THUNOR POINT SKIRMISH: IN-BATTLE SPEECH AFTER VOLK’S SECOND TURN: Darc: Droguza’s bragging about some new power he got. We’d better be careful around him. Volk: He’s bluffing! What could he have managed to do in such a short time?! Darc: But still... Volk: Let’s get him to show us this new, amazing power of his! AFTER A LITTLE WHILE LONGER: Droguza: I never thought the bunch of you would get past the guards at Vayu Dam! Still, I guess if you managed to do away with them, those Drakyr and the humans were pretty useless anyway. Darc: You used them, and now you put them down! Don’t you feel anything for the Drakyr that died because they believed in you?! Droguza: Heh heh! I just showed them a dream, a sweet dream. Isn’t that what you’re doing? You’re using those Deimos, too. Darc: What?! Droguza: You’re just like me! So I understand exactly what you’re thinking. You don’t trust anybody. The only think you believe in is your own strength! That’s why you’re after the infinite power! Darc: You’re wrong! I...I’m going to save the Deimos! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ [After much effort, Droguza, the soldiers, and the mechanized guards all are defeated or dead.] Droguza: Ack... Darc: Guess that “new power” of yours wasn’t much after all. Droguza: Argh...Not yet...I’m not dead yet... Darc: Cut the dramatics! You have a lot of explaining to do. Why did you stir up the Drakyr?! Droguza: What a pointless question...The Drakyr were merely pawns in my search for the Great Spirit Stones. After they lost the Wind Stone, they lost all reason to go on living...and I gave them a reason, that’s all. Gather all the stones and we could make the Drakyr thrive once more...Actually, you should be thanking me. Darc: Then what’s in it for you? Gathering all the stones and transforming into the Ultimate Deimos? Droguza: Heh heh heh...So you know the secret of the Great Spirit Stones, I see... Darc: If you wanna be the Ultimate Deimos, why would you ever even consider teaming up with humans?! Droguza: ............ Darc: Fine, then. Don’t tell me! This is where you die, anyway! Droguza: So you don’t care about the Water Stone? Don’t you want it back? Darc: I only have to kill you first! Droguza: Hee hee hee. I have some bad news. The Water Stone...isn’t here. Darc: What?! Droguza: It’s safe with my master. With Emperor Darkham of Dilzweld... Darc: You fool! Not only have you joined forces with humans, but now you’re taking orders from them? Droguza: Say what you like...but I’ve chosen the right path toward my goal... Darc: Why, you...! [More Dilzweld reinforcements arrive at the entrance to Thunor Point.] Dilzweld Soldier: The Deimos! Get them! Darc: What? Reinforcements? [Droguza silently takes off while their backs are turned.] Darc: He got away?! Dilzweld Soldier: Don’t let them into the Megist! Protect the Emperor at all costs! Darc: Those damn humans just keep on coming! Volk: Wait, Darc! Now’s your chance, when our enemies are few. Delma: Leave the humans to us. We’ll split up and distract them. That’s when you grab the Water Stone from Darkham! Darc: But... Delma: Darc, hurry! Darc: All right. You’d better all stay alive, got it? Camellia: Just leave it to us. Darc: We’ll rendezvous back in Drakyrnia. [Darc runs onto the Megist, leaving the rest of his party to fight the Dilzweld reinforcements.] Delma: Now scatter, everybody! [Everyone splits up and the screen fades to black. On board the Megist Lilia looks out the window. Darkham stands in her doorway.] Darkham: I hear you haven’t eaten your dinner. Lilia: ...... Darkham: You’ve got to take care of yourself, you know. You’re my most precious ace in the hole, after all. I’ve got good news for you. I have the Water Stone. The Fire Stone, the Water Stone...and your Light Stone. Then there’s my Earth Stone. All that’s left...is the Wind Stone. And with that Wind Stone... it’s really only a matter of time. When I have all the stones together, it’ll be your turn to shine. Lilia: That’s not going to happen. Darkham: This is what you finally say after all that silence? Here we go again...Fine. I’ll make sure you gladly agree to cooperate with me. I’ve got just the thing. Something unquestionably effective. Bring her in! [Lady Nafia comes in escorted by two guards.] Lilia: But...Why?! Darkham: Heh heh heh...I told you, didn’t I? She’ll do wonders for making you cooperate. It seems you know each other. [Cut to Darc. He runs on board the Megist and, once inside, stops when he hears something.] Darc: Hmm...?! [Two guards stand at the end of the corridor.] Dilzweld Soldier A: Everything all right? Dilzweld Soldier B: Yeah...It looks like she’s completely given up...and given in. They sure are beautiful, aren’t they? Dilzweld Soldier A: I don’t think either one of them is right for you, actually... Dilzweld Soldier B: That’s not what I mean! Lilia has this mysterious aura that’s somehow comforting. And Nafia’s gorgeous in her own way, too! Dilzweld Soldier A: Well, whatever...They’ll be killed when this is all over, anyway. Dilzweld Soldier B: What a waste! [The two walk to a locked door.] Dilzweld Soldier A: Hey, did you enter the password? Dilzweld Soldier B: Oops...forgot! [The soldier punches in the keypad combination and the door opens.] Dilzweld Soldier A: Sheesh! If you weren’t so fixated on the ladies... Dilzweld Soldier B: Yeah, yeah. Sorry! [The two guards enter the locked door, which turns out to be an elevator, and leave. Darc peeks out from his hiding place.] Darc: Lilia...? Could Lilia be in there? And they said...“Nafia,” too... Don’t tell me... Could it be the one Williwo was talking about? Could it really be...my mother? No, that can’t be right. [Darc goes up to the door where Lilia and Nafia are supposedly being kept. He tries to open it but it’s locked.] Darc: What the hell am I thinking? Why should I be concerned about humans at a time like this...? Huh? A vent... ............Lilia...I do owe her one. What to do...? [Cut to inside the room. The vent near the ceiling pops open and out crawls Darc. Looks like he made a good decision after all. Nafia and Lilia stand below.] Darc: Lilia... Lilia: (to Nafia) Everything and everyone...ruined...All because of me. Nafia: Lilia...you mustn’t be so hard on yourself. I know I’m actually pretty relieved. Now that I know you’re all right. Lilia: If only I hadn’t stopped in Yewbell that day... Nafia: The people of Yewbell were so happy while you were there with them. They said your smiling face lifted their spirits. Now, is that the kind of person who could ruin everything? Lilia: Lady Nafia... Darc: (to self) That woman...is Nafia? My...my mother...? [Darc jumps down and the two women turn around.] Lilia: Darc! How did you get here? Darc: I wanted to return something of yours. [Darc hands over her ortena.] Lilia: My...my ortena! Thank you, Darc. You mean you came all the way here...for this? Darc: Give me a break! I came to get the Water Stone back from the humans. This...was secondary. [Darc looks at Nafia.] Darc: ............ Nafia: You...Could you really be...Darc? Darc: (to Lilia) Well, there’s your ortena, then. Keep an eye on it next time! I’m not gonna keep bringing it back, you know! Understand? If something is truly important to you...you never let it go, not on your life! Ever! [Darc glares at Nafia.] Darc: ............ (to Lilia) Got it? [Darc turns to leave.] Nafia: Darc...You’re Darc, aren’t you! You’re...you’re alive... After all this time... Lilia: Lady Nafia...? Nafia: Darc... Darc: Stay away from me! Nafia: Darc...? Why? I’m your mother... Darc: I don’t have a mother! All I have is a miserable, stinking human woman who tricked my father! My father died because of you! Nafia: Oh, Darc...No...No, Darc, that’s not true! Darc, please. Listen to me. You misunderstand. Windalf and I loved each other deeply... Darc: Shut up! I don’t wanna here your stupid story! Lilia: Darc... [Outside the room, an alarm goes off.] Darc: What’s that sound? Lilia: Oh, no! Now they know you’ve sneaked in here. Darc: Damn! Let's run for it, Lilia! [Lilia looks to Nafia.] Darc: ...No way! I’m bringing you and you alone. This woman is no concern of mine! Lilia: Then...I can’t run, either. I could never leave Lady Nafia behind. Nafia: Lilia, don’t worry about me. Darc: Yeah, Lilia! Come on! Lilia: No...I can’t. I don’t want to go anywhere with someone who could just abandon his own mother! Darc: ...Damn it! Stubborn as ever... Fine. You come, too. We’re getting out of here! Nafia: Darc, I-- Darc: Not now! Let’s go! [The three run towards the entrance to the Megist, ready to make their escape. Unfortunately, two Dilzweld soldiers come out of the upstairs door, wondering what’s happening.] Dilzweld Soldier A: What’s this alarm for? Dilzweld Soldier B: Samson’s gang has breached Vayu Dam! Dilzweld Soldier A: What, them again? They’re always getting in our way! Dilzweld Soldier B: Make it snappy! Everyone’s gone to serve as reinforcements! Let’s go! Dilzweld Soldier A: Eh? [Lilia, Nafia, and Darc run into the hallway, unaware that the two soldiers are in there as well. The exit is blocked.] Dilzweld Soldier B: D-Deimos...!! How did they get here?! Darc: Damn, they caught us! You two hide there, and stay hidden! I can handle these guys on my own! [Darc fights, and since he’s vastly superior in every way to the two underlings, he wins.] Darc: Now come on, quickly! [One of the soldiers who was just defeated attempts to shoot Darc in the back. Lady Nafia sees this about to take place and moves in front of the line of fire, taking the bullet for her son. The Dilzweld soldier tries to shoot Nafia again, but falls back, dead.] Lilia: Lady Nafia! Nafia: I...it’s all right...Nothing...to worry about... Darc: Are you hit? Nafia: I’m so glad...you’re safe... Darc: Did you...did you take that bullet for me?! Nafia: ...Thank goodness. You’re all right. Darc: Why? Why would you do that? Lilia: We have to help her, and fast! Nafia: I...I’m fine...Let’s...get back to Yewbell... Lilia: You’ll never reach Yewbell with an injury like that. Nafia: Really, I’m fine. Don’t worry about it. Now let’s get our of here. Darc: ...All right. [At the world map...] Lilia: Let’s hurry back to Yewbell! If we head south of here, we’re sure to reach it eventually! Darc: All right. [The three head to Yewbell. Nafia and Lilia enter through the town’s main gate.] Gatekeeper: Lady N-Nafia! And Lilia, too! Lilia: Lady Nafia! We’ve reached Yewbell. Hang in there! Nafia: I...I see...I’m...I’m fine... Gatekeeper: Lady Nafia! What happened? [Darc enters through the town gate.] Gatekeeper: Ack! It’s...a Deimos! Nafia: Not to worry...it’s all right...He’s...my son... Gatekeeper: Wh-what’s that you say? Th-this Deimos-y guy is... your son? Nafia: Ah...! Lilia: Lady Nafia! Nafia: I’m all right...Let’s get home... [Darc takes his mother home.] Darc: Humans are too frail... to do such things! Nafia: ...Darc... I'm so happy... I finally got... to see you again. Lilia: Don't speak, Nafia! Your wound will... reopen. Nafia: It's fine... really... Th-thank you... Lillia... Take care of Darc... and Kharg now... Kharg knows nothing...about this... Lilia: Yes... I will. Nafia: Darc...I've caused you...nothing but...hardship. Darc: [turns to Nafia] You want to know about hardship? Look at this body of mine! [walks over to Nafia] Neither Deimos nor human. Are you still glad you met me? ...that you gave birth to this? Nafia: No matter...what you look like...you're still...my very...precious... son. Darc: Lies! You're a liar! You tricked my father! He died, because of you! And thanks to you, I ...I...I've lost...I've lost everything! Thanks to you I can't believe...in anything but my own power! Nafia: Oh... Urh, urh... Darc...I...love you...More than...anyone else... Darc: Don't...lie to me... Love...what love...?! Are you even capable...of love? Nafia: Oooh... Darc: Are you even listening? Nafia: Darc... Go to...the Cave of Truth... There, listen to the voice of the Spirits... You will surely...find your answer... It was a very special place...Windalf and I often visited...the Cave of Truth... Darc: Stop it! [kneels in front of Nafia] I still have many things... I want to say! Thanks to you. I live a miserable existence. ...caught between Deimos and human. Every single thing...is your fault...all of it... Nafia: ...I'm sorry, Darc. I... Farewell...my...my Darc... [falls over] Darc: Ah! Aaaah! Lilia: Ah! Darc: Don't die! Do you hear me? Who told you you could die?! I detest you... More than anyone...I despise you... So...don't die... I...I'll kill you... With...my own...two hands... So don't go and die until...you've been properly killed! NO DYING, YOU HEAR ME?! Lilia: Darc... Darc: Do you still...mean to...make me suffer? [puts his hands over Nafia's] Do you plan...to leave me...all alone...again? Answer me! Say something! Say something...say anything... Mother... Mother... Mother! Wake up... please wake up! MOTHER! Mother... DAMN IT!!!!! [Fade out/in. Darc and Lilia are at Nafia's grave in the Castle Ruins] Lilia: Darc...remember...what Nafia said. Darc: ...What was that? Lilia: Let's go to the Cave of Truth. To find our answers. Darc: I can't stray from the path laid out for me. I'm collecting the 5 Great Spirit Stones. To become the ultimate Deimos. Lilia: Are you still going on about that? Darc: I will save the Deimos... That's what I must do. Lilia: But remember what Nafia said. If we go to the Cave of Truth...maybe you'll find another path to follow. I think...I think the spirits are guiding us. I can feel them calling out to us. So let's go! ...to the Cave of Truth! Darc: ...the Cave of Truth. Could my destiny...could the answers I seek...could they really be there? ################################ ##END CHAPTER 3: LOVE AND HATE## ################################ ################################ ##Kharg, Chapter 4: Rage [KC4]## ################################ [The chapter opens with everyone at the Sulfas pub, including Samson and his flock.] Spencer: Epistia is saved and it’s all because of you. I must thank you again for doing such a great job! Kharg: Not such a great job...The Fire Stone was taken from us, and we didn’t even manage to rescue Lilia. There’s not a lot to feel good about. But, General...I just wanted to check with you again...I can do whatever I like with Tatjana, right? Spencer: To us, she’s the most heinous of all villains. I’d like to sentence her to death here and now. But, how could I refuse a man who has done so much for us? You can do what you want with her. She’s being kept downstairs. You go and tell her your plan. [Kharg goes into the secret casino to talk with Tatjana, but finds her being heckled by the Resistance members.] Resistance Member: So, you come waltzing back into Sulfas, eh? We haven’t forgotten what you and the Dilzweld Army did to this country. Resistance Member (2): If only you’d been sentenced to death, we’d tear you to pieces right now. Resistance Member: Did you beg Kharg not to kill you? Or did you turn on the charm? Tatjana: ...... Resistance Member (2): You’re a General or something, aren’t you? Aren’t you ashamed to be here now that your army’s gone? Tatjana: It’s easy to come out with all this brave talk now that the fight’s over. We all know weak dogs bark the loudest. Resistance Member (2): (pointing rifle at Tatjana) What the...! I’ll kill you! Resistance Member: We’ll pretend she tried to escape and do away with her now! [Kharg approaches the three.] Resistance Member: Ah! Kharg! Resistance Member (2): Th-thank you for your help! Kharg: You two can both leave now. Resistance Member: Huh...? Kharg: I’ll watch her from now. Resistance Member: But, er... Kharg: Go and drink with everyone else upstairs. They’re still celebrating the liberation of Epistia. Resistance Member: OK... Right, then. We’ll be off. (to other guard) You! [The two go upstairs.] Kharg: There’s obviously a lot of bad feeling toward you. That’s all because of what the Dilzweld Army did. Tatjana: I know there are many people in this country who would like to see me killed. I’ve heard them shouting for a public execution. Kharg: I won’t allow anything like that to happen. You won’t have to shoulder the burden of everything the Dilzweld Army did. But...I think I’d better have you imprisoned in Cathena. Tatjana: Kharg...Why did you help me back at the volcano? I’d lost everything. I’d given up hope of living. Kharg: You don’t need a reason to help someone who is throwing their life away. Tatjana: ............ Kharg: I just didn’t want to let you die when I could prevent it, that’s all. Tatjana: ...You’re too soft. Kharg: Maybe so. I’ve been told the same thing by my comrades before. But is it better to be like Darkham, and think nothing of sacrificing your own kind? If a man like him succeeds in his plan, do you really think the world will be a good place? Tatjana: ............ Kharg: Then we’d be no different from the Deimos, would we? The last thing I want is to become like them...! Tatjana: ............ [The General comes downstairs.] Spencer: Kharg, looks like Samson’s about to leave. Kharg: OK...I’d better go and see him off. I owe him my life, after all. Spencer: The old joker’s still in the pub. I’ll take over here. Kharg: Thanks. Spencer: (to Tatjana) You better be grateful to Kharg. You’re only still alive because he wouldn’t allow you to be put to death. I remember all the good lives that were sacrificed, and just sending you to prison doesn’t cut it for me. I think you deserve the death penalty. But I won’t go against the wishes of the man who liberated Epistia. I hope you’re haunted in prison by what you’ve done. Tatjana: ...... Spencer: I just had to get that out. OK, go and see Samson off, then. [Kharg goes upstairs, finding Samson talking to Paulette.] Samson: You came, Kharg! The wine here is really good! If there were some beautiful women here, too, it would be like heaven! Ha ha ha! Paulette: Well! I’m terribly sorry that I’m not beautiful enough! Samson: No, I didn’t mean you. I mean, obviously... Kharg: Ha ha ha. Paulette, don’t pick on someone you owe your life. Did you drink too much? Paulette: I only wish! Nobody takes any notice of me...Lilia this and Tatjana that... Kharg: (to Samson) You’re leaving now? Samson: Yeah! I already drank more than I should! Kharg: Oh, yeah? Samson: But my mean, [Boomer] and [Buster], have gone off somewhere. I was just about to go and call them back. Kharg: OK, I’ll go and get them for you. You wait for us here. Samson: Oh, thanks. Sorry about this. They’re wearing blue bandannas so you won’t miss them. [Kharg goes out into the city and finds Buster talking to a woman in a corner.] Buster: Hey? What do you want? I’m busy now. Talk to me later. Kharg: Samson’s asking for you. He’s ready to leave now. Buster: Oh...damn! Just as I was getting somewhere! (to woman) Looks like I’ve got to go. Sorry. I am just a humble bird in migration. Coming and going time and time again. Don’t be sad, my dear! I will imagine your smiling face as I go to sleep tonight. If I return to this town, you and I... Kharg: I don’t think you should keep your captain waiting too long. Buster: Yeah...OK! I know, I know! Time to go! He’s a slave driver, that guy! One day, I’ll quit! That’ll show him! Damn him! [Buster runs back to the bar.] Young Woman: Oh, thank you. He was so pushy! I don’t like that kind of silly, gushy talk! I prefer a man to be more straightforward. Kharg: ...I’ll remember that. [The other lost shipmate, Boomer, is found in the Main Plant, talking to another engineer.] Boomer: Oh, it’s you, Kharg. I’m busy right now. Can’t it wait? Kharg: Samson’s asking for you. He’s ready to leave now. Boomer: Oh...damn! Just as I was getting somewhere. (to engineer) Come on, won’t you reconsider? It’s just not a fair exchange. Ten crystal ores for one pitch propeller? They’re worth... Veteran Mechanic: What things are worth has changed since the Dilzweld Army destroyed stuff. Boomer: Well, even so. Your pitch propellers are supposed to be really well-made. What do you say? A special deal just between you and me? Veteran Mechanic: We’ve never met before. If you don’t like it, then leave it. Boomer: If that’s the way you want it. I’d hoped, what with us both being engineers, we might help each other out more... Kharg: I don’t think you should keep your captain waiting too long. Boomer: ...Damn it! OK! That’s it, then, for now. Maybe next time. [Boomer runs back to the bar.] Veteran Mechanic: Ha ha ha! I don’t know! If he wants to beat down the price, he’ll have to be a bit more persistent! Kharg: He likes to try his luck! [Kharg goes back to the pub.] Samson: Hey, Kharg! Thanks a lot. Kharg: So, you can get going at last. Samson: Well, the Dilzweld Army was our supplier. We can’t do any trade now they’ve gove. Thought we’d give the Megist a surprise attack! That’ll give ‘em a scare! Kharg: ...There’s just one thing I’d like to ask you. Samson: What? Kharg: Why did you lie to us back at Wilbur Shore? You told us Lilia was in Cathena. Samson: Oh, that...Does it really matter? What’s done is done, eh? Kharg: Are you after the Light Stone, as well? Samson: There’s money to be made from something that everyone wants. As a thief, it would make for quite a catch! Kharg: ...... Samson: Make no mistake. But I’m not that interested in the Light Stone. Kharg: So why did you lie, then? Samson: I didn’t know you very well then. I thought I should wait a while and make sure I could trust you. Kharg: So does that mean you trust me now? Samson: I guess. Kharg: In that case, why don’t we fight together? We both want to defeat the Dilzweld, don’t we? Samson: Sorry, but I’ve got other stuff to do. Besides, if you pair up with a thief, you’ll lose all the respect people have for you now. You lot make a good team on your own. You can take on Dilzweld no problem. Maru: Yeah! That’s the spirit, Samson! Paulette: Hey! Don’t get carried away! Samson: So, that’s the situation... Kharg: ...Yeah, OK. I understand. Samson: Still...if you carry on with what you’re doing, we’re sure to meet up again somewhere down the line. Kharg: I hope so. Samson: OK, I’m really off now! So long! [Samson, Buster, and Boomer all leave.] Kharg: Now, then...Shall we get going, too? Maru: Get going? Where to? Paulette: Silly boy. We may have lost the Fire Stone and Lilia, but that doesn’t change our mission to stop Darkham. We’re going after him. Maru: I know that! Don’t call me silly! Ganz: Heh heh heh... Maru: You shouldn’t laugh at a prince! You haven’t even been part of the gang for as long as we have! Kharg: Ha ha ha. Don’t get into such a temper, Maru! It’s not very princely! Come on, then. Let’s go! [As everyone is about to exit town...] Spencer: Come on, this way! [Spencer, two guards, and Tatjana follow after them.] Kharg: General... Spencer: Kharg, I’m going to take Tatjana to Cathena as a prisoner of war. I’ll make sure she gets into prison. Just leave it to me. Kharg: Tatjana... Tatjana: ...... Spencer: Let’s go, then! [Tatjana doesn’t budge.] Spencer: What are you doing? Get moving! Tatjana: ............ Spencer: Can’t you walk?! Tatjana: Kharg, let me go with you! Kharg: What...? Tatjana: Up to now, I’ve just been living my life the way Darkham told me to. But from now on, I want to find out what’s really right on my own! Spencer: What rubbish are you talking now?! Tatjana: I know it probably doesn’t matter to you. But, I don’t want to give up on everything and be one of life’s losers! I’m begging you. Please give me another chance! Kharg: Tatjana... Spencer: How can you expect anyone to trust a person that betrays so easily?! Tatjana: I know an awful lot about Dilzweld. I could be a great asset to you! Spencer: She’s just bluffing because she doesn’t want to go to prison! Tatjana: Trust me, Kharg... Kharg: ............ Maru: No way...Don’t let her fool you, Kharg! She’ll just betray you again! You really shouldn’t trust people like this. Spencer: He’s right. Tatjana’s not even worth listening to! Being soft on people doesn’t make you a good person! Kharg: ............Tatjana, let’s fight together. Tatjana: Kharg...! Spencer: This is madness! I won’t allow it! Maru: Argh! Not again...! Paulette: Typical! Hee hee hee... Ganz: That’s Kharg for you! It’s just the way he is. Kharg: I believe what she says about wanting to change the way she lives. And altogether I agree that she should make up for what she’s done. I don’t think that just going to prison is the right way. I’m sure she’d be of a lot of use to us. And... if I am betrayed again, then I guess I’m no judge of character. Spencer: What a softie! I can’t stand it! [Spencer walks away.] Tatjana: Kharg...Thank you. Kharg: It’s OK...I’m sure that having you on our side will make this fight even more intense than ever. Tatjana: ...The kindness you’ve shown may be strong enough to change the world. Just like it changed my heart... Paulette: Ahem! So sorry to interrupt! But what about Darkham?! Kharg: Why are you so angry...? Paulette: Who said I’m angry?! Kharg: ............ (to Tatjana) Tatjana...Please tell us if you know anything about where Darkham is headed. Tatjana: I wasn’t in a position to know everything about Darkham’s plans. Kharg: I see. Tatjana: But that doesn’t mean I can’t find out where he’s heading. Kharg: Really...?! How? Tatjana: We must go to the [mountain stronghold]. There was a [wireless radio] there. If we can find it, maybe we can intercept Darkham’s orders. Kharg: All right. In that case, let’s get going! [Everyone enters the stronghold. Tatjana goes to a machine that’s been left in operating condition.] Tatjana: Leave it to me. I know how it works. [She fiddles with it and a small lift elevator comes up.] Kharg: It’s already helping us out to have you with us! Tatjana: No need to thank me yet. I’ll be of a lot more use than this. Come on, let’s hurry. [At the bottom of the elevator, Tatjana goes over to a small radio on a cart.] Kharg: So this is the [wireless radio]? Tatjana: Good. It’s still here. Kharg: Does it still work? Tatjana: I’ll try it. [She fiddles with the radio and a broadcast comes on.] ****************************************************************** ...krrr...by the command of the Emperor...now...Ragnoth ...man-made...krrr...obtained materials...krrr...Five Great Spirit Stones...together......krr...krrr...krr-rrrr ****************************************************************** Tatjana: I guess that’s about all we can catch for now. Kharg: Does that mean...Darkham is in Ragnoth?! Tatjana: It sounds like it. Kharg: What could he be doing there? Paulette: I heard them say “man-made” and “materials obtained...” What could it mean? Tatjana: Maybe he’s there for materials to artificially manufacture a Great Spirit Stone. Kharg: Manufacture?! Tatjana: Yes. Emperor Darkham had a research team devoted to it. Kharg: Is it really possible? Tatjana: Trial after trial was unsuccessful, and the army said it was a waste of money, but... Kharg: There’s a possibility it might succeed? Tatjana: Yes. The biggest problem was getting a hold of necessary materials. Ordinary Spirit Stones were of no use. But if they’ve found what they need... Kharg: Tell me, Tatjana. Why is Darkham going to such lengths to collect all the Great Spirit Stones? Tatjana: The [Ultimate Weapon]. That’s what he wants. Kharg: The Ultimate Weapon? What’s that? Tatjana: It was built in ancient times, and they say it has the power to reduce the whole world to ashes. Kharg: The whole world...?! Tatjana: Yes...But I wasn’t told exactly what kind of weapon it was or where it was kept. All I knew was that we were under orders to collect each of the Great Spirit Stones... Kharg: I see...It’s like the Spirit told me. If all five Great Spirit Stones are brought together, an “infinite power” will be born. The “infinite power” must be the same thing as the Ultimate Weapon. If that were to fall into Darkham’s hands, the world would be at his mercy. Ganz: There’s something else that’s worrying me. Why did Darkham take Lilia with him? He must already have the Light Stone. So he shouldn’t have any use for her now... Tatjana: ...I don’t know why. But, he was insistent that she be kept alive. So I don’t think we have to worry about her being killed... Kharg: ...... Maru: Come on, Kharg! Let’s just get back to Ragnoth! If we don’t hurry, it’ll be too late! Kharg: You’re right. We can’t delay. Let’s go! [The crew goes outside is about to leave when Zev approaches at full sprint.] Zev: K-kharg...! Kharg: Zev...? Zev: Here you are! I’ve been looking for you...! Kharg: What’s up? Why are you in such a hurry? We haven’t seen you since we met you inside the stronghold. Zev: It’s t-terrible! Yewbell has been taken over by Deimos! Kharg: What?! Maru: Yewbell?! Zev: Apparently, it’s really bad! Kharg: How could they do this? What about the Defense Corps? Paulette: Wh-what happened to everyone? Is Lady Nafia safe? Zev: I don’t know any more! It’s not like I was there, you know! Paulette: Oh, Kharg! Kharg: We’ve got to hurry! We’re going back to [Yewbell]...! [They fly to Yewbell and find it in ruins. Windmills knocked over, the front gate smashed...] Kharg: Wh-what the...?! Paulette: This is awful... Maru: It can’t be true...The windmills...they’ve all been destroyed...! Paulette: Can this...really be...Yewbell...? Kharg: What happened here...?! Paulette: I’m going to go and have a look! Maru: Me, too! [The two run off.] Kharg: Why...?! [Kharg sees Banjo and walks over to him.] Kharg: Hey, Banjo! What in blazes happened here?! Banjo: Urh...! H-help! [Banjo runs away.] Kharg: Banjo...?! What is it...?! [Kharg runs to his house. As he approaches, two women come out of it.] Yong Woman: I-it’s Kharg! Middle-Aged Woman: Eek! Kharg: Hey, wait! What’s going on? [Inside his house...] Paulette: Kharg! It’s Lady Nafia...She’s... Kharg: My mother...? What happened to her? Paulette: Th-the Deimos............... Kharg: What?! Just tell me straight, Paulette! Paulette: ...Well, the Deimos invaded without warning. I was told they took Lady Nafia hostage, and kept her locked up here. Then the Dilzweld Army came after the Deimos and attacked the town. In the battle, Lady Nafia was...The Deimos... killed her... Kharg: ...!! Paulette: Oh, it’s so awful! Kharg: B-but... [Nafia’s son goes into her room.] Kharg: Mother! Mother!! It can’t be true... Paulette: Lady Nafia’s grave...They said it’s in the Castle Ruins... Kharg: Grave...? Paulette: I can’t believe it, either. To think that Lady Nafia is no longer with us...! Kharg: ...Which Deimos was it? The one who killed my mother? Paulette: They say it was a Drakyr by the name of Darc... Kharg: Darc... Paulette: ...Is there anything I can do? I’d do anything for you, Kharg...! Kharg: That’s OK. I’m just going to go to the [Castle Ruins]... [Kharg goes and inspects her grave.] Headstone: Nafia Yuriel Nidellia May she rest in peace. Kharg: This is...my mother’s...grave...? Mother...Why...? That time we said goodbye in Dragon Bone Valley...it really was the last time...! Paulette: What’s this?! Such a shabby-looking grave for a queen... Kharg: ...I don’t understand. When I left Dragon Bone Valley, I told her that the next time I returned to Yewbell, I would return in triumph. And this...this is triumph? Was I wrong, do you think? Paulette: ...... Kharg: Maybe I should have been here all the time, protecting Yewbell from the Deimos? Maybe I didn’t understand what was really important? Do you think so, Paulette...? Paulette: Kharg, you weren’t wrong. Lady Nafia believed in you more than anyone...In everything that you’ve done up to now. Striving to bring peace to the whole world, not just your own country... Kharg: ......If it wasn’t for that damn Deimos Darc, none of this would have happened! Paulette: I heard something strange, too. Kharg: What? Paulette: I don’t know what they’re talking about, but people are saying...that Darc is Lady Nafia’s child. Kharg: What?! That’s ridiculous! Paulette: Yes, but...apparently, Lady Nafia said so herself... Kharg: That’s impossible! It’s nothing more than a lie! Paulette: O-of course! I know that. The people of this city have lost their heads. I’m sorry I repeated such a ridiculous thing. Kharg: ...No. I’m sorry for shouting. And where did this Darc disappear to? Paulette: I know this sounds strange, but apparently, he went to the [Cave of Truth]...and he took Lilia with him! Kharg: Lilia?! What does Lilia have to do with all of this?! Paulette: I know. What was she doing here when we thought Darkham was holding her...? Kharg: What is going on...? Tatjana: Wait a minute...Do you think Darc kidnapped Lilia and came to Yewbell? Maybe that’s why the Dilzweld Army was after the Deimos. Kharg: That could be it...! Darc murdered my mother, and the Dilzweld Army destroyed the city under the pretext of capturing him...! Tatjana: Yes. Kharg: And then that monster Darc made his escape to the Cave of Truth with Lilia! Damn it!! Darc, the Drakyr...I won’t forget! I’ll never forgive him! [Maru runs to the others.] Maru: Kharg! Something’s up! The people in this city are acting strange. Kharg: What do you mean, “strange”? Maru: They’re all upset, and they’re looking for you. Kharg: What could be wrong? Just a while back, some people ran away when they saw me. I’m going to find out what’s going on. [Kharg runs back towards town, but a large gathering of people block the way out of the Castle Ruins. They look very upset and angry.] Duncan: There he is! There’s Kharg! Kharg: What’s everyone...? What’s going on? Butch: You’ve got some nerve, coming back here! Banjo: Let’s get him! Kharg: What in the world’s going on? Calm down a minute! What happened? Tell me everything. Duncan: Nafia was in with the Deimos! That’s the worst thing a human can do! Kharg: Don’t be a fool! That’s impossible! What are you saying?! Butch: Don’t pretend you don’t know! That Darc was Nafia’s son! Morth: Yeah! Nafia said so herself! Kharg: There must be some mistake! That can’t be true! Banjo: It’s too hideous. It makes my skin crawl! Morth: You’re her son, too! You’re a Deimos just like Darc! Kharg: No! Paulette: Kharg and Lady Nafia have nothing to do with the Deimos! Duncan: You and your mother tricked us all! It’s all because of you that Yewbell has been destroyed! Kid Gang Leader: Just get out of here! [The kid throws a rock at Kharg.] Kharg: Argh...! Paulette: Stop it! What do you think you’re doing?! Maru: Stop! Kharg’s one of us! Kid Gang Leader: That thing is one of us?! Show your true colors, demon! Kharg: I-I’m...a demon?! Me...?! ************ **CUTSCENE** ************ Kharg: Grr...grrahhh!! Aaaaaaaah! Aaaaaaggh! Waaaaaaaahh! [Drakyr wings come out of Kharg’s back.] Crowd: H-he’s got wings! Argh! He’s a Deimos! Let’s get out of here! Kharg: I can’t...My power...It wasn’t the power of the Spirits? It was because I have Deimos blood running in my veins? Paul... Paulette... Paulette: Don’t come near me! Kharg: Huh? I’m...I’m...! Ahhhhhhh!! [Kharg runs out of the Castle Ruins, leaving behind his friends. He runs to Scrappe Plateau to the highest part of the metal platforms. He rips off his Drakyr wings in a fit of rage.] Kharg: Grr...grraahh! Arrgghh!! Huh, huh, huh...Mother...My father Windalf was a Deimos? Why...? Why?! It can’t be...Am I always to be a Deimos now. With horns and scales all over my body. Never... I will not become a Deimos. I am human! Yes...I’ll wipe out the Deimos and make a safe world for humans to live in . Just you watch...I won’t top until I’ve destroyed them all! Darc. .. You’ll be the first! I’ll never accept that we share the same blood. Wherever your run I’ll find you and take your life I’m ready for you, Darc! ########################## ##END CHAPTER FOUR: RAGE## ########################## ############################### ##Darc, Chapter Four: Reunion## ############################### [Drakyrnia. Darc’s party stands around waiting for him to return. They aren’t aware that he’s halfway across Ragnoth.] Delma: That Darc! Where the hell did he disappear to? Camellia: Maybe...he got snatched up by the Dilzweld? Delma: No way! Darc’d never get himself caught by any humans! Volk: Yeah, but don’t forget that humans hip we saw fly off while we were fighting... Camellia: Those nasty humans might be doing experiments on him right now, just like they did to me. Delma: Would you just shut up? Camellia: Then why doesn’t he come back? Delma: How the hell should I know? Camellia: Maybe he’s tired of your mouth, Delma, dear, and that’s why he doesn’t come back. Ho ho ho! Delma: What?! Just try saying that again, you old biddy! Bebedora: Ah, the color of Delma’s anger. A light, blossom pink. Her feelings shift from pale rose to a bright, golden yellow... Yes, she misses him. Anxiety...She’s worried about Darc. Delma: Worried? Me? You don’t know what you’re talking about! Hmph! Why would I be worried about Darc? Volk: Delma, you’re not much of a liar. Camellia: This girl isn’t hard to read. We can tell what she’s thinking in that rough little head of hers... Delma: Would you all shut up about me already! We’ve gotta figure out how we’re gonna find Darc! Camellia: But you know...we’ve gone just about everywhere we could think of already. Yeah, but... Volk: Wait a minute! Haven’t you noticed how Darc’s been tormented by something ever since we came to Ragnoth? Maybe wherever he went off to has something to do with that. Delma: Darc’s been tormented...? Yeah, well, come to think of it, he did want to go see Williwo by himself that time... Camellia: In that case, maybe we should go see this Williwo and see what we can find out. Delma: Miles ahead of you, old hag. Yup. It’s time to go see [Williwo]. [Everyone piles into Williwo’s room.] Delma: Hey, you! Williwo! What the hell did you say to Darc that made him take off like that? Williwo: Wh-who are you?! What business do you have here? Volk: While we were fighting the humans, Darc disappeared. Williwo: What?! Darc is missing? Volk: Don’t worry. Darc would never let himself get done in by any mere humans, you can count on that. But ever since Darc came here, something’s been bothering him. Williwo: And you came to ask if I knew what it was, right? Volk: That’s right. Figured you might know something about it. Williwo: First, let me ask you something. Sagan told me you’re from the Orcon, Lupine, and Pianta tribes. Not a one of you from the same tribe! And so Darc certainly isn’t your tribe leader. Why, then, do you bother with him? What is Darc to you, exactly? And why do you follow him? Volk: Because he’s out friend (NOTE: This is just an option, so I made Volk say it.) Williwo: Friend? You talk like humans! I suppose Darc’s father, Windalf, would have understood how you feel, but...to tell you the truth, I don’t understand that way of thinking at all. But maybe friends are what Darc needs right now. True friends might be just the thing that boy needs...He, who is destined for solitude...Now, before I tell you what troubles Darc...I have to tell you more about Darc’s mother and father. [The screen goes black and Williwo explains it all to Darc’s party.] Delma: ...... Williwo: What’s the matter? At a loss for words? Well, I don’t suppose I can blame you...Darc is not a Deimos. And yet he’s not a human, either. He had a twin brother once, but now that twin is dead. No matter where he goes in this world, he’ll never find another like him. No one can feel the pain he feels. No one can understand his worries. He’s all alone in the world. That is what is tormenting him. Delma: Gee...Darc... Williwo: When you do find Darc, I have something I want you to give him. It’s the [Dragonia Ring] his father used to wear. [Williwo gives Delma the ring and the party walks outside.] Delma: (exasperated sigh) I can’t believe this! Volk: Darc never told us any of this. Delma: Well, I knew his father was dead, but I never heard anything about his mother or twin brother, or about them being dead. Camellia: So Darc had a twin! A brother in the same situation he was in. If only he had lived...I bet Darc’s burden would’ve been easier to bear. Poor Darc! Bebedora: No. Camellia: What? What do you mean “No,” Bebedora? Bebedora: Darc’s thoughts...They still remain in this place. Darc doesn’t believe he’s all alone in the world. He’s thinking of his brother. He believes he’s still alive. And he’s thinking he wants to find him. Delma: No way! Are you trying to tell us Darc went looking for his brother? Volk: It could be true... Camellia: Well, if it is, where in the world should we start looking for him? Volk: Hey, didn’t Williwo say something about Darc’s mother...? He said she was from a human town called Yewbell. That’s right here on Ragnoth. Delma: [Yewbell], huh? Guess we have no other choice...Let’s go! [Everyone heads towards Yewbell, stopping in Chaos Forest.] Delma: [Yewbell]’s on the other side of this forest? Volk: That’s right. We’re entering the human territories now. Are you all ready? Let’s go, then! Delma: Let’s go? Are you crazy? What do you plan to do, march right in? Volk: I thought we were gonna raid the town and make them tell us where Darc is. You got a better plan? Delma: You’re the last person that should go, Volk. Volk: Me? Why shouldn’t I go? Delma: If you went, you wouldn’t let up until you slaughtered every last human. And we can’t afford that kind of attention until after we’ve found Darc! Volk: What do you wanna do, then? Camellia: I know! We should send just one person, a spy. Volk: Sounds good! Let me do it. Delma: (sigh) Look! Not you, Volk! Volk: Grrr! Why not?! Bebedora: I’ll go. Delma: Huh? You? Bebedora: I’ll find out where Darc went. Delma: You? You really think you can handle that? Camellia: Bebedora! That’s a wonderful idea, child! If Bebedora goes, those nasty humans wouldn’t even know she wasn’t one of them! She’d be perfect for finding out what happened to Darc! Delma: Gee, I dunno...What do you think? Volk: Don’t ask me. I have no idea how humans think. And I don’t wanna know, either! Delma: You can’t fool me, Camellia! You just don’t wanna go yourself! How do we know you’re not just making stuff to get out of going? Camellia: What? Would I do that? Just look at her. She’s the only one of us that looks like a human. Tell me I’m wrong. Right, Bebedora? Be a good girl and convince this Orcon woman for me! Bebedora: I’m a puppet. A marionette on strings. I take the shape of a human. I imitate what humans do. I am human-like. That’s what I am. And that’s why I’ll go. I’ll go find out about Darc. Darc is my master. Camellia: See? What do you think of that? She says so herself! And if things get rough for her, she can always use her Puppet Master skills to escape. Yes, better leave this one to Bebedora. That’s the best plan, I tell you! Delma: What do you say, Volk? Volk: If Bebedora tries and fails, then we all go. It’s as simple as that. Delma: All right, that settles it, then! You go, Bebedora! We’ll wait for you here in Chaos Forest. Just find out everything you can about where Darc went and report back to us. Go that? Bebedora: I’ll find Darc. I won’t fail. [Bebedora goes into Yewbell via the Castle Ruins. After exploring a bit, she enters Kharg’s house. Paulette is there.] Paulette: Kharg! You’re back! I...Oh! Bebedora: Who’s Kharg? I’m Bebedora. Paulette: Kharg is the one who lives here. Bebedora: Hee hee hee. Ah, sweet, rose-colored thoughts. Attraction, the pale, rosy color of dawn. Secret, vague, tender emotions, a dark red. You have feelings for Kharg. Paulette: Huh? I...What are you talking about? So...Do you have an errand here or something? Are you from this part of town? Where’s your mother? Isn’t anybody watching you? Bebedora: I’m looking for my friend. Paulette: Your...friend? Bebedora: The azure blue of sadness. The deep crimson of pain. The dark gray of repentance. Is that regret? You regret something. You’re sorry you hurt someone. Paulette: What...? Just what are you talking about, little girl? Bebedora: Little girl? Who’s that? I’m Bebedora. Your feelings...I understand them. I can see them, you know. You’ve been betrayed. Bluish purple. And I see...the dusky scarlet of jealousy. Paulette: Stop it! Bebedora: ......Hee hee hee. Paulette: I...I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell at you. Say, you want me to help you find your friend? Bebedora: No. I’ll find my friend myself. You have to find your own friend. Paulette: My...own friend? Bebedora: That’s right. That’s what your heart wants. Paulette: How do you know all these things? Are you just making lucky guesses? What a strange child! Bebedora: Strange child? Who’s that? I’m Bebedora. Paulette: Bebedora...What an unusual name. My name’s Paulette. Thank you, Bebedora. Bebedora: Thank you...? Paulette: Yes. I’m grateful to you. Talking with you...I don’t know...I feel better, somehow. So, I thank you. I’ll go out and see if your family is out there waiting for you. Wait right here. [Paulette leaves.] Bebedora: Gratitude...Kindness...What is this I’m feeling? This light makes me feel anxious. It lights the darkness in my heart. This place is filled with light...No, no, no! I don’t want to be here. I’ve got to get out of here. I’ve got to look for Darc. (gasp) I found them! Some of Darc’s feelings...I found a few of them still lingering here. Darc was here once. Where did Darc go? I must find him... [Bebedora goes to the bar, finding Paulette and the proprietress talking amongst themselves.] Paulette: Oh! That little girl from before! Bebedora: Little girl from before? Who’s that? I’m Bebedora. Paulette: Yes, you’re right. Sorry, Bebedora. Look, I’ve got something I’ve got to take care of right away. I’ll help you find your family later, OK? I promise! [Paulette leaves.] Proprietress: Wait! Paulette! [Bebedora goes back to the Church Ruins and finds Maru stooping over Lady Nafia’s grave. He’s wearing his wild monkey mask.] Bebedora: That face...Are you a Deimos? Deimos Stranger: Who are you? Bebedora: I’m Bebedora. Deimos Stranger: My name’s Maru. Bebedora: You’re not a Deimos, are you? Maru: I’m the King of Chaos Forest! I’m no Deimos! Bebedora: Are you human? Maru: Well, yeah! Of course. Bebedora: You’re human, but you’re interesting. Your heart is...more complex than a Deimos heart. Maru: Is that supposed to be a compliment or something? Bebedora: What are you doing here? Maru: Me? I’m...Well, somebody’s gotta grieve for Lady Nafia, don’t they? If nobody grieved for her...well, I’d feel just awful, that’s all! Bebedora: Nafia? Grieve? What are those things? Maru: Nafia is Kharg’s mother. Bebedora: Oh, Kharg. I’ve heard of him. The one Paulette is waiting for. Maru: And he’s my friend, too. He’s my very first friend...ever! Bebedora: Friend? Maru: Heh heh heh...Yeah, well...my position is a little above his, actually. Me being a king and all...But Kharg...Well, he... turned out to be a Deimos. My very first friend ever...turned out to be a Deimos. I...I still can’t believe it. He grew wings! They looked just like Drakyr wings... Bebedora: Drakyr? That’s what Darc is! Maru: How come you know about that Deimos Darc guy?! Bebedora: I know everything. Maru: Yeah, I guess you would know about him. Everybody knows about him by now...That’s all they ever talk about all over town. Paulette told me about him. She said the Deimos that killed Lady Nafia was a guy named Darc, and that he snatched up Lilia and carried her off to the [Cave of Truth]. Bebedora: Darc went to the [Cave of Truth]? Maru: Yup. Now if I only knew where that Cave of Truth was! I’d go there and take care of that ol’ Darc. You know...for Kharg. Bebedora: I’m going there. I’m going to the Cave of Truth. Maru: Huh? Bebedora: That’s what I’ve been looking for. Maru: Hmm. I don’t know about you...You’re a little strange, aren’t you? Bebedora: I’m strange? I’m Bebedora. I was created to destroy the world. Maru: Destroy...the world?! What are you talking about? Are you trying to make me laugh now or something, ‘cause I was crying before? Bebedora: No, that’s not what I’m doing. I’m always serious. You just aren’t taking me seriously. I can see your color of doubt. Maru: Ha ha ha! So you’re serious, huh? I really don’t know about you! You’re more than a little strange, aren’t you? But whether you’re serious or not, you shouldn’t talk about destroying the world, you know. Bebedora: I shouldn’t? Why not? Maru: Why not? Because if you destroyed the world, everbody’d be sad, that’s why not! Bebedora: Everybody? Who? Maru: Everybody in the whole world, that’s who. Bebedora: What about you, Maru? Would you be sad? Maru: Whaddiya think? Yeah, I’d be sad, too. Bebedora: ...I see. ...... I feel like...I could be sad, too. Maru: See? So stop talking about dumb stuff like trying to destroy the world, OK? [Ganz and Tatjana run into the Church Ruins.] Ganz: Paulette! Where are you? Tatjana: Are you here? Paulette! Maru: Huh? That sounds like Ganz! Sounds like they’re looking for Paulette. (to Bebedora) They’re my friends, too. Hey, I’ll introduce you. Follow me! [The two go to Ganz and Tatjana.] Ganz: Have you seen Paulette? Maru: Nope, she hasn’t been here. Hey, I wanna introduce you. This is... Ganz: This isn’t good! If Paulette isn’t here... Tatjana: ...then that means she went after them. Maru: Hey! Listen up, guys! I’m trying to introduce you to someone here! Ganz: Paulette’s gone off to Chaos Forest to take care of some Deimos that showed up there! Maru: What? You’re kidding! Ganz: She heard a rumor that one of them was the one who killed her father. Maru: Well, what’s the matter with you? What didn’t you stop her? Ganz: I didn’t know anything about it until it was too late! Tatjana: This is no time to be arguing. We’ve got to do something. Maru: You’re right. Paulette could be in trouble. We’ve got to go rescue her! Ganz: Is this girl an acquaintance of yours? Maru: Yeah. Her name’s Bebedora. You’d best not come with us, Bebedora. It’s too dangerous. Bebedora: ...... Maru: OK, everybody, let’s go! [Maru and Ganz run off, but Tatjana lingers a moment.] Tatjana: Bebedora, huh...? I’ve heard that name somewhere before... Ganz: Tatjana, what are you doing? Let’s go! Tatjana: Yes, yes, all right! [The three run into Chaos Forest.] Bebedora: I can see the screaming of their hearts. Human hearts are so...small and weak. They long desperately for Kharg. Hee hee hee. Without Kharg, they can’t do anything. It’s the same with us. The Deimos can’t do anything without Darc, either. Too bad. I wanted to stay here and play a while longer. But it looks like [Chaos Forest] is going to be interesting. [At Chaos Forest...] Volk: Damn it! She’s taking too long! Delma: What could that girl be doing all this time? Camellia: Maybe she got caught by the humans? Delma: Oh, man! Listen to you, now! You’re the one that said Bebedora would be just fine! Camellia: What I said was just a simple suggestion. If memory serves, weren’t you the one that made the final decision? Delma: What?! Why, you...! Camellia: Aaaghhh! H-humans! Volk: Huh? [A bunch of shady-looking people run through the forest entrance.] Mercenary: Killing this lot will bring in quite a reward! Prepare to die, Deimos! Delma: You’re just in time. I was getting bored standing around doing nothing. Ready to shake things up? Volk: Yeah, I guess it’ll help pass the time. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ CHAOS FOREST SKIRMISH #2: IN-BATTLE SPEECH AFTER DELMA’S FIRST TURN: Camellia: I can’t believe we have to fight all by ourselves, cut off and alone out here in the human territory! If only Darc were with us now... Delma: Aww, quit your whining, hag! We’ll do just fine without that ol’ Darc. Camellia: Are you sure? You sound like you’re trying awfully hard to keep up a brave front, Orcon girl... Delma: Will you shut up already? Let’s get down to business. We’ll have this cleaned up in no time! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ [The hired hands can’t put a dent in the Deimos’ stride, and they die in Chaos Forest. Afterwards...] Delma: What’s the matter, Volk? Tired already? Volk: Nah. It’s jut that being in Ragnoth again makes some of my old wounds ache... Delma: But, hey...Humans sure don’t put up much of a fight, do they? Camellia: Don’t underestimate the humans, Delma! Their weapons are nothing to sneer at. [Paulette runs into the forest.] Delma: Oh, boy! Here comes another one! Paulette: I’ve finally found you at last! And now I will avenge my father’s death! Volk: Wait a minute! I’ve heard that voice before! How could I forget? You’re the daughter of that human! Paulette: Prepare to die, Deimos! Volk: You’re the one that’s gonna die! I haven’t forgotten the bitter loss of my wife and child...And now you’re gonna pay...just like I made your father pay! [Tatjana, Maru, and Ganz run to the aid of Paulette.] Ganz: Looks like we’re just in time. Maru: Paulette, what’s the big idea, trying to take on the Deimos all by yourself? Ganz: What’s this?! (he looks at Delma) An Orcon! Camellia: You!! Tatjana: Oh, you’re that Deimos I experimented on! I had no idea you were still alive. You were such a nice little lab rat. Camellia: The gall of this human...! Volk: Kill the humans...ever last one of them! All right, who wants to be the first to die? [Bebedora in between the Deimos and humans.] Maru: Bebedora! You shouldn’t have come! I told you it was too dangerous! Bebedora: Hee hee hee. Delma: Where the hell have you been, Bebedora?! [Bebedora walks the Deimos side.] Maru: Wh-what? What’s going on? Bebedora is a ...Deimos...? Bebedora: I’m not a Deimos. I’m a monster. Tatjana: Now I remember! That’s Bebedora, the Puppet Master! Also known as the “Puppeteer.” She’s a Doll Master monster that was trapped in a seal a long time ago. She can control you like a puppet on a string with her magic! We should withdraw for now. Ganz: Death to all Orcon! Paulette: Come on, Deimos! Fight, if you dare! Tatjana: Oh, no! They’ve lost all sense of reason...I’ve got to do something. [Tatjana throws a grenade that blinds everyone.] Volk: Aaarghhh! That light!! Delma: What the hell...?! Camellia: My eyes! My eyes!! Ganz: Damn it! Where is that Deimos? Paulette: Who’s doing this?! Tatjana: Everybody, just cool your heads! What good will we be to Kharg if we end up dying here? This is the time to retreat, I tell you! Paulette: ...... Ganz: ...... [The humans retreat, leaving the Deimos to wait until the smoke and brightness go away.] Volk: Grrrahhh! I’m still half blind! Damn those cowards! Camellia: That’s the way with humans. They use magic called “science.” It’s very frightening! Delma: Aww, you’re always shaking in your old biddy boots about one thing or another! Humans are weak creatures. They can’t do a thing unless they band together in groups. Camellia: Ho ho ho! Who are you to talk? I don’t recall seeing you chasing after them, either... Delma: You’re really asking for it, aren’t you, old woman? Camellia: Ho ho ho! Never mind that now. Bebedora, dear...did you find out anything useful about Darc? Bebedora: Darc went to the [Cave of Truth]. Delma: The Cave of Truth? Where the hell is that? Bebedora: I don’t know. Maru didn’t know, either. Delma: Then what good is that gonna do us, huh?! Camellia: Ho ho ho! So the little Orcon girl doesn’t know the Cave of Truth? I know exactly where it is...It’s a cave on [Cragh Island], the land beyond! According to one of our old Pianta legends, the Cave of Truth is on Cragh, a cursed island otherwise known as the land of the dead. Volk: Lupine lore tells of it, too. “There is a monster graveyard, far away in the southern sea. It’s name is Cragh. It is the island of hell. Suffering worse than death...awaits any Deimos who dares step foot there.” Delma: If it’s as terrible as all that, why in the world would Darc go there? Bebedora: I don’t know. That’s what Maru told me. He said Darc killed Nafia, carried Lilia off, and went to the Cave of Truth. Delma: Lilia?! What does Darc wanna have that little witch with him for?! Bebedora: Hee hee hee. The dusky scarlet of jealousy. An even deeper color than Paulette’s. Yes, Deimos feelings are much more vivid... Delma: What?! What the hell are you blathering on about at a time like this, little girl? Camellia: Ho ho ho! Poor Delma...Not enough confidence in your own looks, is it...? Delma: Shut up! Just shut up, all of you! We’re going to [Cragh Island]. And we’re gonna bring Darc back! Have you all got that? ############################# ##END CHAPTER FOUR: REUNION## ############################# Thankfully, another short chapter! I always find the Deimos’ speech a lot more interesting to type than Kharg’s. “Let’s go!” is too common a phrase to them. =p #################################### ##Kharg, Chapter Five: Truth [KC5]## #################################### [The chapter opens with the Fiona. Buster, Boomer, Samson, and Kharg are all flying in the air. Kharg looks pensively out a window.] Kharg: ...Deimos...Human... Buster: We gonna carry on, Captain? We’re getting pretty low on Spirit Stones. Samson: We’ll manage. It’s OK. Stay on course. Buster: Understood. Kharg: ...Mother... [Samson looks at Kharg, still staring out the window.] Samson: ...... Hey, you’re quiet, aren’t you? And yet you seemed all fired up when you came on board and asked me to take you to the Cave of Truth. Kharg: ...You really helped me out, telling me that it’s on [Cragh Island]. Samson: I told you I’m not sure if that’s right or not. Even Cragh Island itself is just the subject of travelers’ tales. I don’t now if it really exists or not. Kharg: ...I have to go to avenge my mother’s death. I must find it. Samson: ...I heard some rumors about your mother a long time ago. Kharg: What...? Samson: About Nafia, the heroic woman of Nidellia. They say she was incredibly brave. In her younger days, she would wield a sword and fight off invaders. Kharg: I don’t know much about what my mother did back then. On one hand, she went on about how I should be brave in all I do...But on the other hand, she was just a normal mother, always worrying about me. Samson: I’m sure you’ve lived up to her expectations. You’re doing everything she would’ve wanted. Kharg: I thought I understood my mother. But...now it seems I didn’t really know her at all. Samson: What makes you think that? Kharg: My mother...She had a secret she couldn’t tell anyone. She tried to hide it from everyone, but I knew she was suffering... Samson: ...... Kharg: I didn’t tell you before because I was afraid that you wouldn’t help me find Cragh Island... Samson: What is it? Kharg: There’s...Deimos blood in my veins. Samson: What?! Kharg: Yes...My father was a Deimos. Samson: You’re joking... Kharg: It’s true. When I returned to Yewbell, wings grew from my back. You can’t get much more convincing proof than that! Heh heh... Samson: The child of a human and a Deimos... Kharg: But that doesn’t mean...Of course there was no love between them. Because of that Deimos, my mother was burdened with a child she did not want...! Samson: ...... Kharg: Or...Maybe she wasn’t really my mother. Maybe she just took in a lost Deimos child and brought it up as her own... Samson: ...So this is what’s been on your mind? Kharg: ...... Samson: Whicever the answer, it must be pretty tough on you. Kharg: Will you still help me look for Cragh Island...? I’ve been chased out of my country, and my friends don’t want to have anything to do with me anymore. I don’t have anywhere else to go... Samson: I have a question. What’s going to happen to your ambition to stop Darkham’s plans? Kharg: That hasn’t changed. First I’ll kill Darc, and I’ll save Lilia...And then I’ll deal with Darkham. I’ll defeat Dilzweld, and then I’ll destroy the Deimos...! That way, people will have to accept me as human! Samson: ...... (to Boomer) Hey, don’t they say that there are odd- looking rocks on Cragh Island? Keep your eye out for them, eh! Boomer: Yes, Captain! Kharg: So...it’s OK, then...? Samson: It doesn’t matter to me whether you’re a human or a Deimos. As long as you’re out to defeat Dilzweld, I’m with you. Kharg: Thank you, Samson... Boomer: Captain! Island up ahead! Samson: Really? And the rocks? Boomer: ...There they are! White rocks everywhere! Samson: So we’ve found Cragh Island! All hands prepare for splashdown! [The Fiona lands on the island.] Kharg: Thanks, Samson. I’ll be getting off now. Samson: I’ve decided I’m going with you. Kharg: What? Why? Samson: Cragh Island is uncharted territory. We don’t know what kind of savage monsters or Deimos may be living here. Going it alone would be dangerous. I thought you might need my help. Kharg: I’m grateful...but I still wonder why... Samson: I’ve come this far. I have to stay with you now until you find Lilia. You’re the one that brought me this far, mind you! Ha ha ha! Kharg: ...Surely the leader of a gang of thieves can’t be that soft- hearted? What are you after? Samson: ......Heh heh heh! Well, yes, there is something in it for me, actually. It’s an unexplored island, which means nobody’s located the place yet. In other words, it’s a fair bet there’s treasure here! Kharg: Oh! So you’re after treasure? Samson: Well, we only steal from the Dilzweld Army, so we have to go treasure hunting sometimes, too. Kharg: ...... Samson: Shouldn’t we get going? There could be Deimos here. Kharg: Yes. Let’s go. [Samson and Kharg leave the Fiona and continue on until they see a beach.] Samson: Anyway, the sea here is very calm... Kharg: Yes. Even though it’s an unexplored island, it doesn’t feel strange at all. Huh? [Kharg sees two weird creatures.] Kharg: There’s something over there! Samson: Oh...! Slothians? Kharg: I wonder what they’re up to? Let’s go and take a look. [Samson and Kharg walk up to the Slothians.] Slothian A: ...That’s enough carving... Slothian B: ...Then...I’m stopping, too... Slothian A: ...Only just started, but... Slothian B: ...but...had enough... Slothian A: ...Tired... Slothian B: ...Did a lot today... [The two quit working as the humans approach.] Samson: They haven’t noticed us at all. Kharg: The fact that they’re talking means they can’t be monsters. They’re Deimos. Samson: The Slothians...? But they look just like monsters. Slothian A: ...Huh...? ...Someone’s there... Slothian B: ...What...? ...Who is it...? Slothian A: ...Who are...you two...? Kharg: They’re Deimos and yet they don’t try to fight us humans... Samson: Hmph! They’re a waste of time! No point fighting these two. Kharg: We didn’t come here to fight. We came here to find Darc and Lilia. Maybe they know something about them. Samson: In that case, I’m outta here! Talking to this pair makes me feel like I’ve gone crazy! [Kharg and Samson head to the west coast of the island, finding the Slothian village. There they find humans and Slothians living together, without fighting.] Kharg: Humans and Deimos...Living together...?! Samson: Unbelievable...I could understand them living next to each other...But for humans and Deimos to actually be living in the same area...! Kharg: I can’t believe such a place exists... Samson: Do you think Darc came here with Lilia? I imagined a secret Drakyr village. That’s where I thought he’d be keeping Lilia. But...this doesn’t look like the kind of place you’d hold someone hostage. Kharg: Anyway, I’m more interested in the [Cave of Truth] that Darc and Lilia were headed for. Let’s try to find out more. [Nearby, a Slothian and a human are engaged in conversation. Kharg approaches.] Island Man: ...That fish I caught didn’t look too good, but it sure tasted great. Slothian: ...Ah...Nice...Your story...makes me hungry... Kharg: How can he be talking with a Deimos like that...? Slothian: ...Ah...haven’t seen you here before...What’s up...? Kharg: Why are you living with humans? You’re a Deimos, aren’t you? Slothian: ...Never thought about it... Kharg: And you? Why are you living with Deimos? Island Man: What do you mean, why...? Because we both live on this island, that’s why. Kharg: No, I mean, don’t you fight each other? Island Man: Why would we fight? Kharg: Because Deimos attack humans. Island Man: The Slothians don’t do anything like that. Kharg: ......Even though humans use Spirit Stones? Island Man: What’s a Spirit Stone? Kharg: What?! You don’t have Spirit Stones here? Then how do you power your machines? Island Man: There are no machines here. We do everything by hand on this island. Kharg: ......So you don’t need Spirit Stones, you mean? Slothian: ...Stuff you say...complicated... [Kharg goes to the dock and talks to another Slothian.] Slothian: ...Ah...another stranger... Kharg: Another? So that means there’ve been other humans here not from this island?! What did they look like?! Slothian: ...A girl...in blue... Kharg: Lilia! Was she with a Deimos man? Slothian: ...Like a Deimos...like a human...but...the two of them... ...looked just like... Kharg: Just like what? Slothian: ...The New...Hero and...Holy Mother... Kharg: The New Hero and the Holy Mother? I’ve never heard of them... Forget it. Did the people I’m looking for head off to the Cave of Truth? Slothian: ...Hmm, all I know is that they went towards the Slothian elders’ place... Kharg: The Slothian elders’ place? Slothian: ...[Elder Hill]...the hill where the elders...always take their naps... Kharg: OK, [Elder Hill], right? [At Elder Hill, Kharg finds a bunch of sleeping Slothians, all dressed alike. He looks around until he finds a Slothian who’s awake.] Elder Slothian: ...Aaaah...Who’s that...waking me up? [Kharg asks about the New Hero and Holy Mother.] Elder Slothian: ...Before I tell you about the New Hero and the Holy Mother...I must tell you about the legend of the first Hero and the Holy Mother from long ago... Kharg: What legend...? Elder Slothian: ...Long, long ago, there was a time when it seems this world would end...But legend has it that there were two, Arc and Kukuru...who sacrificed their lives to save the world... Kharg: Arc and Kukuru...? Elder Slothian: ...And it’s said that Arc and Kukuru came to this island...Then many years later...another two came to this island, wanting to save the world from ruin...So we called them the New Hero and the Holy Mother...I think they said their real names were Nafia and Windalf... Kharg: Wh-what...?!! My mother and Windalf came here?! What? Why would they...?! Elder Slothian: ...I’m sure at that time...Zzzzz... Kharg: Hey! Don’t sleep! Wake up! Elder Slothian: ...Zzzzz...Mnh...rrhh... Kharg: Damn! Then I’ll ask someone else! [Kharg wakes up another elder.] Elder Slothian: ...Rrnh...mnh...Oohhh...sleepy... [Kharg asks about Nafia and Windalf.] Elder Slothian: ...I remember Nafia and Windalf...They drifted ashore on this island a long time ago...They’d both run away, and they were in quite a state... Kharg: They ran away? From what? Elder Slothian: ...How should we know that...? ...Something about it being forbidden...For a human and a Deimos to live together...They said they couldn’t go anywhere without fear of being killed... Kharg: Hold on! You’re saying they were like a real couple? Elder Slothian: ...Yes, of course... Kharg: No way! That’s impossible! Windalf brought my mother here against her wishes! Elder Slothian: ...Hmm...not sure about that... Kharg: So why did they come here? Why this island? Elder Slothian: ...Well, they were...Zzzzz... Kharg: Not again! Hey, wake up! Elder Slothian: ...Zzzzz... Kharg: I give up! [Kharg wakes up yet another elder.] Elder Slothian: ...Aaaaaah...Good sleep... [Kharg inquires about Nafia and Windalf again.] Elder Slothian: ...Nafia and Windalf...came to this island...were surprised...and left... Kharg: That doesn’t tell me anything! Elder Slothian: ...Well, the two of them...were surprised when they saw humans and Slothians living together...They swore they must make a world where humans and Deimos could live in peace...and they left the island hand in hand... Kharg: It’s a lie...! My mother was tricked by Windalf and forced... Elder Slothian: ...Wrong...The New Hero and the Holy Mother were deeply in love...Enough to make others jealous... Kharg: ...............I had no idea. No idea any of this happened to my mother. Elder Slothian: ...And we were surprised that the two who just came look so much like Nafia and Windalf... Kharg: Of course, Lilia and Darc...! Did they go to the Cave of Truth? Tell me where it is! Elder Slothian: ...The Cave of Truth... Kharg: Please don’t go to sleep. Elder Slothian: ...Zzzzz... Kharg: I said don’t sleep...! [Kharg desperately finds another Slothian to awaken.] Elder Slothian: ...Nnh...rghh...So sleepy... [Kharg asks about the Cave of Truth.] Elder Slothian: ...The Cave of Truth...? ...That’s where the pair that look like the New Hero and the Holy Mother went... Kharg: Just tell me where it is! Elder Slothian: ...North side of the island, then...through the forest...of the hidden ship...North again, then...there you can hear...the Spirits’ voices, then... Kharg: The voices of the Spirits...? Elder Slothian: ...Long ago, Windalf and Nafia went there, too...When they came out, they said they now understood the secrets of the world... Kharg: The secrets of the world, huh? Elder Slothian: ...You going there, too...? Kharg: Yes. It’s something I must do. Elder Slothian: ...OK if I go back to sleep, then...? Kharg: OK, finally! Time to go to the [Cave of Truth]! You just wait, Darc! [Samson and Kharg go through The Forest of the Hidden Ship, ending up at the Cave of Truth.] Kharg: This is the [Cave of Truth]! [Both of them see Lilia and Darc surrounded by a bunch of monsters.] Kharg: Lilia...! [Below...] Darc: Monsters...! Lilia: Darc, what should we do...! Darc: Stay close to me! I’ll take care of ‘em in a flash! [Above...] Kharg: So that’s Darc, huh?! Samson: Lilia’s in danger! Let’s go! [Kharg hesitates.] Samson: What’s wrong?! Kharg: It would mean...I’d be helping Darc... Samson: Don’t be a fool! Now’s not the time! I thought you wanted to help Lilia! [Samson runs ahead.] Kharg: Yes, Lilia...He’s right! I’ve got to help Lilia...! [Kharg runs after Samson and they enter battle with the monsters. Darc does the same.] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ CAVE OF TRUTH SKIRMISH: IN-BATTLE SPEECH AFTER SAMSON’S FIRST TURN: Samson: You know, don’t you? You realize who you should be cooperating with now in this fight...? Kharg: Yes, damn it! I know! Curse that Darc! Samson: Look, just don’t think about anything else right now. Concentrate on getting rid of the enemy! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ [After the battle, Samson advances toward Lilia’s hiding spot.] Samson: It’s over now. You’re not hurt? Lilia: I’m OK...Who are you? Samson: I’m just a thief. Not worth of introduction. Sometimes I go along with Kharg to try to find treasure. [Kharg approaches Darc.] Kharg: You must be Darc. Darc: And you’re Kharg? Kharg: Are you prepared...?! Darc: What?! Prepared for what? Kharg: Prepare to go to hell! [Kharg draws his sword.] Lilia: Kharg, stop it! Darc: Hah! You haven’t seen your brother for 17 years, and all of a sudden you want to kill me?! I heard about you...Growing up among the humans, all pampered and taken care of. And that even though you’re half human and half Deimos like me... You look just like a human...So you could live without being looked down on or laughed at by everyone! And now that pampered little poodle whose never known a single hardship says he’s going to kill me? Don’t make me laugh! Come on, then, if you’ve got a death wish! You’ll be the one going to hell! [Darc draws his blade.] Kharg: We’ll see! Lilia: Stop it! You’re brothers! Why do you have to fight like humans and Deimos?! Darc: I am a Deimos! I’ll kill any human that tries to kill my kind! Kharg: And I’m human! I will fight to protect my kind from the Deimos! Darc: Fate can be a funny thing... Kharg: All right. Let’s settle this, here and now. There’s no point talking. You will die for the crime of killing my mother! Lilia: Kharg, calm down! You’re wrong. Kharg: I’m wrong? Lilia: Of course Darc didn’t kill Lady Nafia. Kharg: Wh-what...? [Lilia explains what happened to Kharg.] Kharg: But...My mother...was attacked for trying to help him...?! Lilia: Kharg, listen. We came to Cragh Island because it was what Lady Nafia wanted. Kharg: My mother...here? Lilia: She said to listen to the voice of the Spirits in the Cave of Truth. That we’d be sure to find the answer... Kharg: The answer... Lilia: Darc...Lady Nafia risked her life for you and you still haven’t done what she asked. Darc: ............ Kharg: ...I haven’t forgiven you. But I want to know what my mother was thinking. Darc: I don’t need your forgiveness! All I want is to find an answer to all this for myself. Lilia: So...are you two OK now? Kharg: Yes. I guess so. Darc: I suppose! Till we find some answers. Lilia: Thank you. Samson: Looks like we’re done talking. Shall we go and find the answers you’re after? Lilia: Um...Haven’t we met somewhere before? Samson: Don’t think so. Lilia: Is that so... [Together, the four enter the next room. They go to a shining rock on the wall with a crescent-shaped emblem above it.] Spirit’s Voice: Are you...the ones seeking truth...? Kharg: Yes. Spirit’s Voice: The truth can only be told to the Chosen Ones...You must be tested to see if the truth has chosen you... [A battle is initiated and the men quickly fight their way out of it. Afterwards, the rock slides up and three glowing orbs float out into the open.] Spirit’s Voice: You Chosen Ones, turn your ears to the Light of Truth. Light of Truth: Long ago in ancient times, a civilization far more advanced than that of today flourished. But then a black-hearted soul, the [Divine Ruler], tried to make the whole world his own, even the heavens. The actions of the Divine Ruler angered the gods. And the world was on the brink of ruin. The Divine Ruler fused with the Power of Darkness, and became the [Lord of the Black Abyss]. But the great heroes, blessed with the power of the Spirits, sealed him away in the [ark], and the world was saved. After a long time had passed, the Lord of the Black Abyss tried once more. But new heroes took him on and drove him back, sealing him in the ark again. And the defeated Lord slept once more. Kharg: I’ve heard a story like this before...Mother used to tell it to me when I was a child... [The party continues on into the next room, finding a similarly-shaped rock.] Spirit’s Voice: Are you...the ones seeking truth...? Kharg: Yes. Spirit’s Voice: The truth can only be told to the Chosen Ones...You must be tested to see if the truth has chosen you... [The men battle once more, defeating the Spirits’ servants. Again, the rock slides up and four more orbs float out.] Spirit’s Voice: You Chosen Ones, turn your ears to the Sparkle of Truth... Sparkle of Truth: In ancient times, there existed a [Divine Ruler] who controlled the world, and even challenged the gods. He created a Living Weapon in the form of monsters. The monsters were not born into this world naturally. They were artificially developed, solely for the purpose of fighting...When the Spirits disappeared, a change occurred in the monsters. Until then, the world had been controlled by humans...And the monsters were nothing more than creatures forced to live outside their society. But then among the monsters, there developed a more intelligent creature with stronger magical powers...Earth, water, fire, wind and light. These are the Great Spirit Stones, containing the highest powers of the Spirits. Some monsters used this power and evolved into Deimos. Little by little, the Deimos started to take over the land that the humans ruled. Now their influence has spread to be as great as the humans. The monsters were created for the purpose of fighting. So the Deimos that evolved from them have a basic instinct that makes them fight. And by fighting they decide who is strong and who is weak. The strong rule over the weak. The fact that this law of the jungle became the basis of Deimos society is a natural consequence of their origins... [The party heads to the rock in the next room.] Spirit’s Voice: Are you...the ones seeking truth...? Kharg: Yes. Spirit’s Voice: The truth can only be told to the Chosen Ones...You must be tested to see if the truth has chosen you... [The three beat up the servants with a little difficulty. Like the other rocks before it, this one too opens up, letting out four orbs.] Spirit’s Voice: You Chosen Ones, turn your hears to the Brilliance of Truth... Brilliance of Truth: In ancient times of old, the world belonged to no one. People respected and sometimes even feared nature. And they lived alongside the Spirits that existed all around...The weak humans were under the divine protection of the Spirits. And they lived their lives in gratitude. After a while, the humans became dissatisfied, and began to seek prosperity. They developed a civilization of their own, without the help of the Spirits...The development of their new civilization brought destruction to nature. And the world became polluted. As a result, the bonds between Spirits and humans were broken. An eternity passed, and the Spirits disappeared from the world, leaving their powers in the stones...The humans sought more prosperity and development. And soon they had used up nearly all of the world’s resources. Their civilization was destroyed and the world fell to ruin. But then they discovered there was energy in the Spirit Stones. Since then, people have been using Spirit Stones for fuel... Kharg: They have no choice. They had to, in order to survive... [The party ends back up in the room where they first fought the band of monsters. Part of the wall lights up with the symbols that were above each of the rocks that held the orbs.] Spirit’s Voice: It seems that somehow the Truth has chosen you. You are permitted to know the truth. [The “wall” slides up and reveals a passageway.] Spirit’s Voice: Please enter! [Darc starts walking away.] Lilia: Darc?! Where are you going? Darc: I understand everything now. Humans are awful creatures! They have no right to even exist! Kharg: What! You... Darc: You still don’t get it? Humans just destroy the environment and use up every possible natural resource in the name of prosperity. You humans can’t even realize there’s more to Spirit Stones than fuel! Kharg: What’s bad about hoping for prosperity?! Is it wrong to want to develop the society which our ancestors risked their lives to create? Is it a crime to try to preserve your own world? If the only way to survive is to use Spirit Stones, then that’s all we can do. Isn’t that right?! Isn’t that what it means to live?! Lilia: I guess so...But it’s still a fact that humans aren’t the only creatures living in the world... Samson: We humans just never seem to satisfy our own desires... Kharg: The Deimos are just as bad! Darc: The Deimos don’t hurt the world as the humans do! To the Deimos, Spirit Stones are the root of their evolution, the source of magical power! It’s a different way of thinking than the humans! Lilia: Well perhaps...To the Spirit Stones, maybe it doesn’t matter whether humans or Deimos use them... Darc: What do you mean? Lilia: They give power, in some form or another, to living beings... Isn’t that what the Spirit Stones do...? Kharg: What about monsters? They just want to fight, whether it be against humans or Deimos. There are lots of monsters who damage the world. And if the monsters had never existed, the Deimos would never have come into being...! Darc: It’s all from seeds you humans have sown! They made the monsters, and once they got out of their control, they just excluded them. The monsters and Deimos are nothing but victims of the selfish human race! Kharg: That doesn’t mean I should stand by and watch them be destroyed before my very eyes! Lilia: Stop it! Do you two still want to fight? We still haven’t been told the most important thing. I’m sure we’ll soon find the answer to all this. Darc: I don’t need any more answers! I’ve heard enough. All that’s left is to wipe out the humans right now! [Darc starts walking out of the cave.] Kharg: There’s no doubt in my mind. The world must be rid of the monsters and the Deimos! [Kharg starts walking out of the cave, too.] Lilia: Wait, you two! You really don’t want to know? The reason why Lady Nafia and Windalf decided the world should be a place where humans and Deimos don’t fight...! Well I want to know! I feel the same way as your parents! [Lilia runs into the newly-opened passageway.] Kharg: ............ Darc: ............ Samson: Come on, you stubborn fools! Let’s go listen to this so-called truth. Darc: Hmm, I don’t know if it’s a Spirit or what, but it’s go some nerve pretending to know the truth. [Inside the room, there are numerous fountains with multi-colored water pools all around.] Lilia: Ah, you came...! Kharg: Where is it? There’s nothing here. Darc: I thought we were going to understand the ultimate truth? Lilia: Wait. Can’t you hear something? [From out of the biggest pool, a creature that looks like a baby appears, carrying a rattle-type wand.] ???: So you have come, you Chosen Ones. I am the Spirit of Hope... The last remaining Spirit alive in the world. Kharg: Remaining? Spirit of Hope: Cragh Island has seen little change since ancient times. Neither the original Slothians, nor the humans that later came, inflicted any damage on the island. So this is the only place in the world where nature has not been destroyed by wars and modernization. The bonds between the humans and the Spirits still exist here. So unlike other Spirits, I did not have to leave. And more than anything, it is those that do not abandon their hopes that are keeping me alive. Darc: I don’t care who you are! Just tell us what you told my father and ...Nafia! You told them something here! Spirit of Hope: The two of them came to this island with hope for the future of humans and Deimos. A hope that they would learn to respect each other and live in harmony. Darc: Come on...Why would they want that? Spirit of Hope: Because they themselves had got past the barrier between humans and Deimos. They loved each other deeply. Darc: ...... Kharg: ...... Spirit of Hope: And because already on Cragh Island, they saw the reality of the two species living together. You all saw it, too. Lilia: Yes. It was wonderful. Spirit of Hope: Windalf and Nafia’s hope became more than that. It became a will for change. Because they heard here, as you have heard, about the [Lord of the Black Abyss]. Kharg: What do you mean? Spirit of Hope: The Lord of the Black Abyss was sealed away in the [ark] many moons ago, but he is not dead. He is biding his time, a time that could be called an eternity, waiting for his chance to re-emerge. He is just waiting for the world to be filled up with [negative emotions]. Kharg: Negative emotions...? Spirit of Hope: The power to destroy everything which the Lord held long ago...A power which comes from the negative emotions of hatred, animosity, greed and envy. The stronger the negative emotions become, the easier it becomes for the Lord of the Black Abyss to resurface. And what kind of emotions exist in the world now, between the humans and the Deimos? What do they think of each other? Kharg: ...... Darc: ...... Lilia: That’s why Lady Nafia and Windalf had the desire to make a world where humans and Deimos didn’t fight. Because they knew they mustn’t allow the Lord of the Black Abyss to resurface. Spirit of Hope: Indeed. But...Things have become much worse since then. I can feel the Lord of the Black Abyss stirring. Already, the doorway to the world’s ruin is opening. You cannot hate each other...You cannot fill the world with negative emotions...The fate of the world is in your hands... [The Spirit sinks back down into the pool, disappearing.] Kharg: The world’s...ruin? I thought that was just the talk of fairy tales... Darc: ...And this...Lord of the Black Abyss...He has the power to destroy the world? That’s ridiculous...! Lilia: Wait a minute! We’ve heard a lot of things all at once. All pretty surprising things...Don’t you need some time to think them over? Kharg: ...You’re right. Lilia: Let’s go back to the village for the time being. Darc: ...OK with me. [The party arrives back at the village.] Darc: Let me be alone for a while. I can’t handle being around you humans all the time! Kharg: ...Has he really had such a hard life? Lilia: He’s always been looked down upon for being a Deimos wannabe, and it’s often put his life in danger. Kharg: A Deimos wannabe...The child of a Deimos and a human...? I guess that makes me a human wannabe... Lilia: Kharg... Kharg: If I’d stayed in Yewbell, my life probably would have been in danger, too. When I wewnt back there, I suddenly grew wings. That showed everyone there is Deimos blood in me. I had to escape because people went crazy wanting to kill me. Lilia: That’s terrible... Kharg: Darc has had that since he was a child, and yet he still wants to save the Deimos? Why would he do that for the Deimos who would take his life? Lilia: What would you do Kharg...? Do you have the people of Yewbell? Kharg: ...They tried to kill me...But no...I can’t live my life hating humans. If Darc wants to help the Deimos, then I must protect the humans from them. Samson: Ha ha ha. If you ask me, you two brothers are peas in a pod. Kharg: What? Samson: Helping the Deimos, or protecting the humans...Both you brothers have taken a dangerous road in life. You both want to do something about this troubled world. You’re just going about it in different ways. Kharg: ...... Samson: Right, then. I’m gonna take a break, too. If there’s some good drink and pretty women, that’ll be fine for me...Or maybe that’s too much to ask for on this island. [Samson walks off.] Lilia: What’s his story? He calls himself a thief. Kharg: Yes...From the Dilzweld Army’s point of view, he’s a thief to be reckoned with. For some reason, they’re the only ones he steals from. But to me he’s more like a hero. He’s helped me out so many times. It’s weird, but whenever I’m in trouble, he always seems to show up at the right moment. Lilia: Really...? Kharg: Why do you ask? Lilia: Oh, no reason. You probably need some time alone to think, too. About what’s gone, and what is to come... Kharg: Yes... [Cut to some hours later, during the nighttime. Kharg lies on his back on a hut floor.] Kharg: ...A world where humans and Deimos don’t fight...? This is no good...! I’ve got to stop thinking about it or I’ll never get to sleep... [Kharg gets up and walks to Samson, who’s standing on the dock. He stops approaching after a few seconds, though.] Kharg: Huh? [Lilia is playing her ortena at the end of the dock, and Samson is watching her play, not saying a word. He closes his eyes as he listens and Lilia sings. After she’s done, Samson claps.] Lilia: Samson... Samson: A splendid performance! It’s very hard to get such a good sound from an Ortena. Lilia: You know about...the Ortena? Samson: Hmm...? Er, hmm...Well it’s a famous instrument... Lilia: I don’t think so... Samson: ...... (he approaches her) It really did sound beautiful. Very relaxing to the ears. Lilia: It’s not because I’m any good. It’s just a good Ortena. Samson: Not at all. You’re... Lilia: It was a treasured possession of my late mother. Samson: ...... Lilia: My mother taught me the Ortena, and she taught me that song. Samson: ...Really. Play it again for me. Sing louder this time. Lilia: ...I’m tired. I’m going to rest now. [She walks past Samson and stops at Kharg.] Lilia: kharg...I didn’t see you... Kharg: Sorry... Lilia: G-good night... Kharg: Samson...Is something going on between you and Lilia...? [Kharg goes to the end of the dock.] Samson: Oh, I thought you’d gone to sleep already. Kharg: Samson...What’s going on between you and Lilia? Samson: Why ask that all of a sudden? Don’t worry. Even I wouldn’t go for a girl that young. Kharg: I’m serious. What’s going on? Samson: Nothing’s going on. Kharg: Up to now, I’ve always though it was a coincidence when you came along and helped me. But really you’ve just been there because you’re looking for Lilia, right? In Asheeda Forest, and at Mt. Quina...You were there to help Lilia, weren’t you? Samson: ...... Kharg: And you didn’t come with me to this island to look for treasure, did you? You came because you knew Lilia would be here. Samson: ...... Kharg: Lilia told me all about it. About how Darkham burned down the village she grew up in, and killed all the villagers. She managed to escape with her parents, but then her father disappeared...Her father...It’s you, isn’t it, Samson? Samson: ...Don’t tell her. We were entrusted with the Light Stone, and the people of our village died shielding us as we escaped...We fled for ages, and when at last we found a place we thought was safe, I left my wife with Lilia there. I couldn’t let Darkham get away with it, and I swore vengeance on him. I armed myself, and got a band of people together who hated Dilzweld like me. Since then, we’ve been going around the world causing trouble for them. Kharg: That’s why you only steal from Dilzweld, and no one else... Samson: Yeah, only...I couldn’t get anywhere near Darkham for more than 10 years...And it was only just before you all crossed into Aldrow...that I heard that the Dilzweld Army had found Lilia and kidnapped her. Kharg: That’s why you started going around trying to save her. Samson: Yeah... Kharg: ...Why don’t you tell Lilia that you’re her father? Samson: I gave her up to get revenge. I can’t call myself her father now. Kharg: ...Well anyway, you should tell her. A parent should give a child a chance to say what he wants to while they’re still alive! Samson: ......Is there something you wanted to say to your mother? Kharg: ...The truth...I want to ask her why she hid the truth from me... Samson: That...It was probably for your own benefit... Kharg: For my benefit? How? Samson: I’ve come to understand something. If a parent holds a secret to protect their child, they can hold it forever. And one day... They believe the time will come when their actions will be understood. Kharg: I can’t accept that... Samson: I wonder how he feels about it... Kharg: Who...? Samson: Well there’s someone else who’s probably feeling the same way as you... [Kharg goes up to Elder Hill and finds Darc standing around. A cutscene starts up.] Darc: What? Kharg: A world where humans and Deimos live I peace...You think that’s possible? Darc: Sure. If every human in the world were like the humans here on Cragh Island, that is. Kharg: Really? I was thinking that all the Deimos in the world should be more like the Slothians here. Darc: Humans should submit to the Deimos! Kharg: No, the Deimos should bow down to the humans. Darc: So this is to be our fate... Kharg: There’s no way out of this! [Darc and Kharg do some fancy swordplay before locking swords.] Darc: You listen here, Kharg. Deimos live for war! It’s all we know! If the Deimos were to submit, it would be just like dying for us. Kharg: And humans can’t just throw everything away, just like that. You think we’re just going to let you destroy human civilization?! Darc: You civilization only serves to weaken our race! [Lilia runs up the hill.] Lilia: Wait, what are you two doing?! Darc: Weakling human! Kharg: Deimos bastard! Lilia: Please! Don’t fight like this!! [Darc and Kharg quit fighting when Lilia pleads to them. The cutscene ends with that.] Lilia: Why can’t you understand Lady Nafia and Windalf’s wish...? They swore they had to make a world wehre humans and Deimos didn’t fight...! Kharg...You heard what the Spirit of Hope said. Surely... Kharg: Tht way of life would be too dangerous for us humans. Lilia: I can’t believe you...! Darc...You feel the same way? Darc: It would be best for all Deimos if I just killed him here and now...! Lilia: You, too...?! For goodness sake, stop fighting! You’re brothers! You two are the last hope. Not just for Lady Nafia and Windalf, but for all the Spirits who disappeared. Darc: Shut up! I can’t listen to all your preaching! [Samson runs up the hill.] Samson: Here you all are! Kharg: Samson... Samson: Bad news! The Dilzweld Army has shown up! Kharg: What?! Where?! Samson: Their airship just landed on the eastern shore. Darc: What are the Dilzweld doing here? Samson: I guess they’re after...Lilia. Kharg: Damn...! Darc: Damn...! Lilia: M-me...? Darc: Why, when they already have the Light Stone? Samson: I don’t know why, but Darkham is determined to capture Lilia. Lilia: What does he want with me...? Do you know? Samson: Well... Kharg: I...I told her. We’ve got to hide Lilia somewhere safe. Lilia: ...... Samson: Guess I owe you. Kharg: Had to pay you back somehow. Samson: Right, the only place they can come ashore is at the [beach]. We’ve got to stop them from getting to the village! Let’s cut them off at the [beach]! Kharg: OK! Samson: Darc, where do you stand? Darc: You humans are my enemy. But...I’ve got scores to settle with the Dilzweld, too. We’ll leave our dispute until later. Kharg: Fine by me. Let’s go! [Kharg, Darc, and Samson go to The Beach, ready to head off the invading Dilzweld forces. The Dilzweld arrive at the same time Kharg’s party does.] Dilzweld Officer: There they are! Contact headquarters! Dilzweld Soldier (to radio) Sir! Kharg and the others are here! This is Cragh Isand as we suspected! Send in reinforcements immediately! Dilzweld Officer: So, all the army’s enemies are gathered together. A strange combination...a human, a Deimos, and a thief. Kharg: What are you doing here? Dilzweld Officer: We’ve come to take Lilia back. Kharg: Just as we thought. Samson: Go home. You’re not even Lilia’s type! Kharg: You think we’re going to just hand her over? Be serious! Dilzweld Officer: Then we’ll have to take her by force. Emperor Darkham’s command is final. Samson: You think you can just walk all over us. Darc: Hey, quit the talking. Let the fight decide! Dilzweld Officer: (to soldiers) Come on, then. But play for time! Kharg: Don’t wait for reinforcements! Let’s settle this now, if you dare! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ THE BEACH SKIRMISH: IN-BATTLE SPEECH AFTER SAMSON’S THIRD TURN (?): Samson: C’mon! Let’s take care of these guys in a hurry! Before they send reinforcements or something... Kharg: The outcome’s always the same, no matter how many times this damned Dilzweld Army sends people after us! Let them send reinforcements. We’ll take care of them just like we’ve taken care of all the others! Samson: ...Gee, what’s gotten into you all of a sudden? Ha ha ha. Feeling a little competitive with Darc, are you? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ [The crew defeats the Dilzweld easily. When the battle is finished, the Dilzweld troops lay battered and bruised on the ground, unconscious.] Darc: They were nothing to worry about. Let them try again! Kharg: It’s strange. I wonder why the reinforcements haven’t come yet. Samson: Oh no...! [A little boy comes running to the beach.] ???: Somebody! Help! Help...! Kharg: What’s happened?! Boy: Loads of people wearing green came. They had a pipe that blows fire. Everyone’s...! Kharg: What...?! Samson: Damn it! This lot was just a diversion! Darc: Lilia’s in danger...! Kharg: Quick! [The party runs back to the Slothian Village, finding the Slothians all dead on the ground.] Kharg: What the...! Samson: We’re too late... Kharg: The Slothians don’t retaliate no matter what happens to them! They abandoned fighting years ago. But still the Dilzweld are killing them! The only place in the world which didn’t know war...Damn that Dilzweld lot to hell...!! Come on! We’ve got to check if Lilia is safe! [Everyone heads up Elder Hill. The Slothian elders are all lying dead on the ground, too, but this time their killers are standing around.] Dilzweld Officer: That’s cleared them all up! Let’s pull out! Kharg: Not so fast!! What’s going on? Where’s Lilia?! Dilzweld Officer: You’re too late. Lilia’s long gone. Try and catch her if it’ll make you feel better! Ha ha ha! Kharg: You...!! Darc: Why...why did you kill the Slothians? There was no need to kill them! Dilzweld Officer: Hmm, they were just pointless beings who didn’t get anything. Their life had no value! What’s the problem? An island like this that’s not really part of the world is going to go to ruin before long anyway. We just sped it up a bit, that’s all. Darc: You won’t get away with it! This is the one place where you humans can’t just come and do as you please! This was a miracle place, where humans and Deimos lived together...You think you can come along and stamp it out?! It’s your lives that have no value! Dilzweld Officer: What are you talking about you Deimos wannabe? There’s a reward for this lot! If you kill them, Emperor Darkham will reward you handsomely! Get them! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ELDER HILL SKIRMISH: IN-BATTLE SPEECH AFTER KHARG’S SECOND TURN: Kharg: Damn the Dilzweld! Look what they’re doing to this peaceful island! Samson: Just remember one thing. The Dilzweld Army will stop at absolutely nothing to get what they want! That’s the way Darkham works, you know! Kharg: Curse this wretched Dilzweld Army! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ [The fact that the Slothians were killed is just more fuel for the fire as far as Darc and Kharg are concerned. With a renewed hate for the soldiers, they stab and hack like madmen. They overcome the Dilzweld forces, who lie dead on the hill as well.] Darc: This is what humans do... Kharg: ............ Darc: Sure we Deimos fight against people who oppose us. And if we lose...we die. But that’s the way it works. The loser always comes off worst. But...We don’t go around killing those who are weaker than us when they don’t even put up a fight! You could just make them submit. Rule over them! What have humans learned from their developing civilization? You humans think the Deimos are savage, but you’re just plain cruel! Kharg: ...Humans aren’t all like the Dilzweld Army. Most of us just want to live quietly in peace. Darc: That all changes in an instant if you need to fulfill your own greed! Kharg: No, that’s not true! Darc: This just proves it! Even if there were more Deimos like the Slothians who didn’t ever fight, they’d just be wiped out by the humans! Listen up...! I’m going to get a hold of all the five Great Spirit Stones. I’ll gain infinite power...And I’ll remove every last trace of humans from this planet! [Darc leaves the hill.] Samson: It’s not surprising he’s full of hatred for humans after all that... Kharg: ...Let’s bury the Slothian elders. We can’t leave them like this. Samson: Yes. [Kharg and Samson build a huge funeral pyre on the hill for the elders. Later on, as the fire burns, Kharg goes down to the beach near the dock, finding Samson looking out into the water.] Samson: Ah, Kharg. Kharg: You disappeared so I came looking for you. Samson: Sorry. I couldn’t stand to watch. Has the funeral finished? Kharg: Yeah. Samson: OK. [A little while later, the two are in the middle of a conversation.] Samson: ...I can’t believe it! Just when I’d caught up with Lilia again, now this! Kharg: Do you know Samson? Why is Darkham so set on getting Lilia? Samson: ...I’ve been wondering that for ages. And I may have come up with an explanation. Kharg: What? Samson: Lilia’s birth was very difficult. And when Fiona... Kharg: Sorry? Fiona? Samson: My wife...Well, er, Lilia’s mother. When Fiona gave birth to Lilia, she said she saw a light. And she heard a voice. It said that she would give birth to a reincarnation of [A Friend of the Spirits]. Kharg: A Friend of the Spirits...? Samson: Yes. Only, at that time, I just laughed it off as a hallucination Fiona had seen during the difficult birth. Maybe Fiona thought so to, because we talked about it no more than that. And there was no sign of anything unusual about Lilia. Kharg: But if it hadn’t been a hallucination...What is a person who is a Friend of the Spirits? Samson: I don’t know. But maybe Darkham knows...? Maybe that’s why he wants to have Lilia... Kharg: That could be it! It’s probably got something to do with the five Great Spirit Stones. Darkham is after the five Great Spirit Stones so that he can get Ultimate Power, or rather the Ultimate Weapon. But maybe the stones aren’t enough. I bet he needs Lilia, too! Samson: Maybe that’s it...But...How could Darkham have found out about Lilia... Kharg: Let’s ask him. I’m going after Darkham! Samson: How will you do that on your own? Kharg: ......Would you mind taking me back to Nidellia? I’m going to ask my friends for help. Samson: But I thought they chased you out for having Deimos blood... Kharg: If I’m going to succeed in stopping Darkham, I’ll need help. They might refuse me, but I’ve got to ask at least. Samson: OK. The boys should be back with the Spirit Stones for the ship by now. Let’s go. [Samson and Kharg start walking out of the village and the screen fades to black.] ######################## ##END CHAPTER 5: TRUTH## ######################## #################################### ##Darc, Chapter 5: Evolution [DC5]## #################################### [Darc is standing near the forest. In the background, you can hear the waves rolling against the beach.] Darc: Humans and Deimos could never get along. Curse this human blood in my veins! Damn it! I’m a Deimos! Forget Kharg, forget Lilia. If we Deimos don’t destroy the humans, we have no future! I don’t care if we are twins, brothers that share the same blood...I don’t even care about Lilia... Lilia... ............ Hmph. Stupid, useless thoughts...What am I hesitating now for? Uniting the Deimos is my destiny. I will use the [infinite power] of the Spirit Stones and become the Ultimate Deimos! And I will destroy the humans. It’s...the only way. Isn’t that right, Father? [Darc looks to the sky and sees a fiery red object streak across the sky.] Darc: Hey! Was that...the Pyron?! [It must have been, because all of Darc’s party arrives on the beach, going to meet with him.] Delma: Darc! Darc: Hey, you guys! How did you find me? Delma: What the hell were you thinking? You took off without a word! I was...worried about you. Camellia: We all were, Darc. Do you have any idea how much time we spent looking for you? Volk: You abandoned your pack. I can’t abide by that, Darc. Bebedora: You’re my master, Darc. I have to be with you. Darc: I’m sorry, guys...There was just something I had to check on this island. Delma: Something you had to check? Well...? Darc: ............Yeah, I did. I’m a Deimos! With tough horns...And strong fangs...And sharp claws...And dragon scales...A Deimos! That’s what I am! And I’m gonna save the Deimos race! Save the Deimos, and destroy the humans. Delma: But that’s what you’ve been saying! Nothing new there... Darc: That’s right. I haven’t changed my mind about anything. I don’t have any doubts! Camellia: That’s all well and good, but what happened to the Water Stone? On our way here, we saw that human flying ship... Darc: The Dilzweld Army got it. Now they’ve got four Great Spirit Stones. All of them except for the Wind Stone! Camellia: What?! Delma: What’re we gonna do? Darc: There’s only one thing to do. We’ve got to go after Dilzweld and get the stones back! Delma: Yeah! That’s what I wanted to hear! Camellia: But won’t that be next to impossible? Volk: According to the Drakyr, the airspace over Dilzweld is heavily protected. We won’t be able to ride in on the Pyron. The only way we can get there is over land. Darc: What would be the best point of entry? Camellia: Ho ho ho! I think I can help you with that! There’s a place called the [Kanara Desert] on the southern end of [Halshinne]. If we cross that, we’ll be in the [Dilzweld Empire]. Darc: That’s it, then! Camellia: The only problem is, no one ever makes it across the [Kanara Desert]. They call it the [Desert of Death]... Darc: But it’s the only way! We’ve got to cross it. We’re off, then! To the [Kanara Desert], on the [continent of Halshinne]... [The newly-reformed party rides the Pyron to Halshinne, entering the nearest town of Barbadoth. It’s a town with a motley crew of Deimos, all of whom walk the desert sands. Inside, a Canidae tells Darc that he should seek out a mummy with a spirit of the Niente tribe, since he would know how to stop the sandstorm that rages in the Kanara Desert. Outside, Darc finds a mummy.] Mummy: Unhhh...I had a good sleep...Who are you? [Darc explains his plight.] Mummy: What? You want to cross the Desert and destroy the Dilzweld?! Darc: That’s right. I’m not gonna let those damn humans get away with anything more! Mummy: I’ve been waiting...waiting for this moment! I’ve been waiting for a Deimos like you who could avenge the Niente! [Darc asks about the Niente tribe.] Mummy: I’m from the Niente Tribe. We used to control the entire Kanara Desert! But we were killed of by humans...by the Dilzweld...My spirit found a home in a corpse in the ruins, and now I exist as a mummy. Please! Avenge the Niente for us! [Darc inquires about crossing the desert.] Mummy: I...uh...It’s no use! I can’t remember. Ask the leader of the Niente Tribe. He would know. The great [Fuhstart] knows all. [Fuhstart] should be resting in that building in the back. [Darc goes inside to find Fuhstart, and he comes upon a mummy.] Mummy: Oh...the pain! It huuurts...! Darc: Are you Fuhstart? Fuhstart: Yes...I am...Fuhstart...Leader of the Niente Tribe... Fuhstart, Ruler of the Desert! Darc: If you’re the leader of the Niente Tribe, then you must know a way across the Kanara Desert. Fuhstart: Unhhh...Why do you want to cross the Kanara Desert...? Darc: To destroy the Dilzweld! Fuhstart: Unhhh...Dilzweld? Really...? Darc: I’ve fought Dilzweld all over the world. On Aldrow, on Ragnoth, Cragh Island...They’ll never escape me! And I’ll keep fighting until either Dilzweld is destroyed...or I’m dead! Fuhstart: Unhhh...I’ve been waiting for you, all these years! Destroyed by the Dilzweld, I lost my physical body...And yet I remained in this land. I must have revenge! I’ve been waiting an eternity for someone like you come...Please, go ahead. Ask me anything you want to know! Darc: How can we cross the desert? Fuhstart: The sandstorm that blows across the Kanara Desert is known as the “Saryu Sorrow.” When we Niente destroyed the Saruy Tribe, their sadness turned into a sandstorm. It rages across the desert, making passage impossible. If you want to soothe their sorrow, you must use the [Flutes of the Saryu Tribe]. Darc: The Flutes of the Saryu Tribe? Fuhstart: The names of the flutes are Nahm and Latta, the Twin Flutes. They’re named after a legendary Saryu leader and his brother. When these flutes are played, the Saryu forget their sorrow and become calm. Play the [Flutes of the Saryu Tribe] and the sandstorm will subside. Darc: Where are these flutes? Fuhstart: The Flutes were taken back from the Niente by the departed spirits of the Saryu Tribe. These spirits now make their homes in mummified corpses. The mummies hide away in the [Pyramid Ruins]. They still bear a deep hatred for us Deimos... The Flutes of the Saryu Tribe should be somewhere there in the [Pyramid Ruins]... [Darc and company head to the Pyramid Ruins.] Darc: The Pyramid Ruins...The [Flutes of the Saryu Tribe] are in there somewhere, huh...? [After fiddling around with some switches, the doorway to a tomb opens up. Darc goes in and approaches some curious-looking fluts on a pedestal towards the back of the room.] ???: Who is it that dares distrub my holy tomb? The [Flutes of the Saryu Tribe] are my treasure. They soothe the sorrow of the desert. I will give them up to no one. If you leave now, your life will be spared... Darc: They soothe the “sorrow of the desert”? Could that mean the Kanara sandstorm? [Darc takes the flutes regardless of the warnings. By doing so, he opens the tombs of numerous mummies. Of course, they come out and attack him.] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ PYRAMID RUINS SKIRMISH: IN-BATTLE SPEECH AFTER DARC’S FIRST TURN: Camellia: Take heed! They’ll use the fearesome [Mummy’s Curse], I tell you. Darc: Mummy’s Curse? What’s that? Camellia: If you are cursed, you’ll lose power for a while in battle. That’ll make it much harder to win. Darc: Then we’ll knock ‘em down before they get the chance to use their curse! Got that? Let’s go all out right from the start! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ [The party rushes forward to kill the mummies, protecting the flutes in the meantime. By evading the Mummy’s Curse skill, the party makes it out in a short while.] Darc: Whew! That took a bit of work! [Darc sets out for the Kanara Desert entrance. Like they were told, a sandstorm is raging across the dunes, reducing vision to a near standstill.] Bebedora: There are many emotions swirling around this place. Rage, sadness, pain...Betrayal and revenge...Centuries of agony and hatred. Darc: If we play these Flutes of the Saryu Tribe, it should stop the sandstorm. Delma: Do you really believe Fuhstart’s story? Darc: Couldn’t hurt to check it out. [Darc plays the flutes and the winds desist, showing the path clearly.] Bebedora: They are floating up. All these emotions...Rising up to the heavens and disappearing. Delma: It really stopped! Volk: Now we can head into the desert. Delma: All we have to do is cross it, and there the Dilzweld territory will be. Darc: Let’s go. [After jumping into a few sinkholes, the party finds the desert’s exit. They head to the nearest thing they see, Maluise Tower. It rises out of the desert like a landmark, and by the trucks and oil barrels around, it’s obvious that the Dilzweld have been here.] Darc: This tower! There’s something very strange about it! Delma: What’s up with this tower? It’s ridiculously huge. Think the Dilzweld built it? Camellia: Ho ho ho! Silly Orcon girl! Can’t you feel the ancient magic rising up from it? And it’s not the power of the Spirits! No, it’s some other mysterious power, being emitted from the tower itself. Delma: I knew that!! I could feel it, too, you know! Bebedora: It’s some ancient magic, revived through science. It’s the kind of power that can break through seals... Delma: Hey! Everybody shut up a minute! I hear something! Darc: What is it? Delma: Something flapping in the air! It sounds like...wings! It’s getting closer! It could be a Deimos, or it could be a monster... All I know is it’s coming this way! Darc: Come on! Let’s hide and spy on it. [Everyone goes to hide and Droguza lands at the tower. He walks around to the back.] Darc: It’s Droguza! What’s he doing here? Delma: Now’s our chance! Droguza’s all alone. Let’s get him! Volk: Looks like he went around behind the tower. What do you wanna do, Darc? Darc: Let’s follow him! [Darc and company head around back. In a crater, a shining ball of gray mist shines, electricity zapping around its perimeter. Droguza walks up to the gate that leads to it, stopping at the Dilzweld soldiers. They’re dressed differently than the ones that the Deimos faced before; they’re camouflaged and armed more heavily.] Dilzweld Soldier: The barrier is very powerful! We can’t get any closer. Droguza: Nothing we can do? Dilzweld Soldier: Well, it seems to have let up somewhat, but we can’t get through it. It’s some kind of magic barrier. Droguza: Magic barrier, huh...? But as soon as the [Artificial Wind Stone] is complete, we can use the power of the five Great Spirit Stones to break through that barrier. Has Lord Darkham said anything about progress? Dilzweld Soldier: He said it’d be ready soon. Droguza: Ho ho. It won’t be long now! At last! My dream will finally be realized. Dilzweld Soldier: Huh? Droguza: No, never mind. I’m just talking to myself. [Darc arrives.] Dilzweld Soldier: Droguza, sir! Deimos! We’re being invaded by Deimos! Darc: Don’t make me laugh! Being invaded by Deimos? Droguza’s standing right next to you! Isn’t he a Deimos, too? On second thought, though, maybe he isn’t a Deimos, after all...You! Droguza! Don’t you have any pride? Look at you, cooperating with humans! You have no right to even call yourself a Deimos! Droguza: Hmph. You’re in no position to talk. You’re nothing but a Deimos wannabe! Anyway, I’m glad you’re here. I still have a score to settle with you. Come and fight me now! I’ll gnaw on your bones before the day’s end! Darc: No matter how many times we fight, Droguza, the outcome’s always gonna be the same. Droguza: This time will be different. I have evolved. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ MALUISE TOWER SKIRMISH: IN-BATTLE SPEECH AFTER VOLK’S FIRST TURN (?): Darc: By the way he’s talking, sounds like he’s gotten even stronger! Stay alert! Volk: But I don’t get it...Does it have something to do with the Great Spirit Stones? Darc: Let’s get him! Then we’ll find out! AFTER DARC’S FIRST TURN (?): Droguza: Try your hand now! See my fully-evolved strength for yourself! Darc: Son of a... Droguza: Heh heh heh! You’re not a Deimos, and you’re not a human. You can pretend all you like, but you’ll never be a Deimos! You’re not cold and calculating enough. You can’t use your underlings, like chess pieces, and you don’t make use of the humans, either. I use the Deimos, and I use the humans as I please. That’s what really sets us apart! Darc: You think you use humans? How can you say that when you follow Darkham’s orders? Droguza: Heh heh heh! I have my reasons for that. I get what I want, and I don’t care how I do it! Darc: I won’t be beaten! For the sake of the Deimos, I will not lose! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ [Even though Droguza “evolved”, he still tastes defeat once again.] Droguza: Huh? What happened? The power of the Spirit Stone should have evolved me...! What will you do? You play to kill me, don’t you? Well, go ahead and be done with it! Darc: You really have gotten stronger, Droguza. If it weren’t for my friends, I would be the one groveling in the dust. But how? How did you get so much stronger so fast? Droguza: Ha! As if you didn’t know! Isn’t it what you’ve been searching for all this time? Darc: You mean...? You used the Spirit Stone to evolve? Droguza: Ha, that’s right. But it seems the evolution won’t be quite complete until we get all five stones. And so now you understand! Now you know why I cooperate with humans. It’s just a way of gaining the ultimate power myself! That’s all that matters. I don’t care how I do it. No matter what I have to do, I will become the Ultimate Deimos! Darc: But why?! Why would you go that far? Why do you need that kind of power? Droguza: Darc, you of all people should understand. To a Deimos, power is everything! And I need power to revive my tribe that was wiped out. I have to be stronger than any Deimos, stronger than any human. I need ultimate power! With the infinite power of the five Great Spirit Stones, I will become the Ultimate Deimos and revive the Niente Tribe! That is my mission. I am the last surviving member of the Niente Tribe! Darc: Droguza... Delma: Darc, what the hell are you doing? Droguza’s getting away! Darc: We’re the same... Delma: What are you mumbling about?! [Droguza flies off.] Delma: Now look what you did! He escaped! Volk: I can’t believe you let Droguza escape, Darc. What’s gotten into you? Darc: We’re the same... He’s looking for ultimate power to save the Deimos, just like me...Droguza and I are just the same! So why do we have to fight each other? Why do we have to kill each other? We both want the same thing... Delma: That’s where you’re wrong, Darc! You’re trying to save the whole Deimos race. Droguza is only thinking of himself. Camellia: Delma’s right. Delma: What Droguza’s doing...well, that’s just what Deimos do! Volk: That’s right, Darc. Deimos don’t cooperate, they don’t help each other. All they do is fight and try to dominate each other. Darc: But can’t we change that? Volk: I don’t know. But I do know that you changed us. We’ve been different since the day we met you. Delma: Why are we going on and on about it! Let’s get to work! Remember...? The Dilzweld...? Darc: Yeah, you’re right. You’re all right. We’ll finish them off this time! Come on. We’re heading for the Dilzweld base. [The crew goes to the Dilzweld base which is, apparently, the Megist. As everyone heads there, the player is treated to a cutscene inside of the flying fortress.] Dilzweld Soldier: We’ve just gotten a report. Our guards at the Restricted Dimension have all been wiped out by the hostile Deimos! Dilzweld Officer: Wasn’t that where Droguza was headed?! Dilzweld Soldier: According to his report, Droguza has fallen with the others at the hands of these hostiles. Dilzweld Officer: Damn! Useless Deimos! That’s why I was against this whole thing from the beginning! [Droguza walks in.] Dilzweld Officer: Darkham must have something wrong with his head if he thought putting Deimos into our army was going to-- Dilzweld Soldier (2): Commander! Behind you... Droguza: Where’s Lord Darkham? Dilzweld Officer: Sir! He’s in the Lab Tower, starting the crystallization process for the Artificial Wind Stone. Droguza: I see. Darc and the other hostile Deimos should be arriving any minute. Raise security to Level 4. The intruders must not be allowed to board the Megist! Dilzweld Officer: Yes, sir! [Droguza walks to the Lab Tower’s elevator.] Dilzweld Officer: Bah! Damn Deimos doesn’t know his place...! Giving orders like he thinks he has rank! [Outside, Darc’s party is just arriving.] Dilzweld Officer: There they are! The Deimos! Dilzweld Soldier: Alert the ship! The hostile Deimos are invading! Dilzweld Officer: They must not board the Megist! Don’t let the hostiles through! Darc: Fine. I welcome a little challenge. [The party makes quick work of the Dilzweld.] Darc: Darkham must be in here. This might be rough going... Delma: Yeah, don’t worry about us. Volk: I’m looking forward to another battle with humans! I’m ready. Bebedora: I’m Darc’s puppet. Wherever he goes, I will go. Camellia: Ho ho ho. A gentle maiden like me would much rather avoid violent confrontations...But when I see this ship, and remember what was done to me...! I’m ready to seek out my revenge... Darc: Come on. We’re getting on this thing. [Darc walks into the airship and “sees” Nafia protecting him from the Dilzweld’s bullet again.] Darc: This is the place...Mother... Delma: What’s the matter, Darc? Something here? Darc: Huh? Oh, it’s nothing. Let’s go! [Darc continues on until he runs smack dab into a Dilzweld blockade, already waiting for him and his friends.] Dilzweld Soldier: The Deimos! They’re here! Dilzweld Officer: Alert the control tower! The Deimos have invaded the Megist! Shut down the direct elevator to the Lab Tower! [The Lab Elevator’s green light turns to red, meaning that it doesn’t work at the moment.] Dilzweld Officer: Damn impudent Deimos! You’re not getting any further! Darc: Hah! Just try to stop us! [The Deimos repeat the battle that happened outside the Megist, winning with ease.] Darc: The Lab Tower...So that’s where Darkham is, huh? [Darc and company continue on into the next room, which is the ship’s bridge. Darc walks up, unnoticed by the troops.] Dilzweld Officer: Where are those reinforcements?! The Deimos could break their way in her at any second! Darc: Too late. We’re already here. Dilzweld Officer: Grrr! Impudence! Wipe them out! Don’t leave a single Deimos standing! [The Deimos slaughter the Dilzweld forces once again. Afterwards, Darc finds a control panel that turns power on to the Lab Tower. He switches it on and heads back into previous room. From out of the Lab Tower elevator, two weird-looking creatures stalk towards Darc.] Darc: What the hell are these things? Are they Deimos...?! ???: Intruders detected! Eliminate them! [The two creatures stalk closer.] Darc: Damn! We’re both Deimos, but they take us for enemies! [More Dilzweld and robots join the two altered Deimos.] Dilzweld Soldier: There they are! Don’t let them get to the Lab Tower! Darc: Geez, there’s no end to these rotten humans! [Darc’s party kills all of the humans and altered Deimos.] Darc: I didn’t know there were any other Deimos that were cooperating with the humans...besides Droguza and those rogue Drakyr. Volk: I’ve never seen any Deimos that look like that. Delma: Who cares what they look like? Any Deimos that join forces with humans are our enemy! Camellia: ...They’re just like me...I bet those Deimos are just the same as me... Delma: What the hell are you talking about now? How do you figure they’re anything like you? Have you taken a look in the mirror lately, hag? Camellia: Say whatever you like, Delma. I’m in no mood to argue with you now. Delma: Hey, what’s the matter with you? You’re taking all the fun out of it. Camellia: Come, Darc. We’d better hurry on. Darc: Yeah, you’re right. [All head to the elevator and arrive up at the Lab Tower. Darc walks to the center of the room, looking around at all the test tubes and “aquariums” full of Deimos bodies.] Darc: What’s all this stuff? Camellia: They’re holding tanks for Deimos test subjects. The humans capture Deimos and hold them here until they’re ready to do experiments on them. Humans perform experiments on living Deimos. They’re trying to uncover the secrets of their power. That’s how I got the way I am! The humans experimented on me. Darc: Damn those humans! They take Deimos lives and play with them like toys! Come on, Camellia! Let’s teach those humans a lesson! [Darc runs into the left-hand room and finds a big lever. He pushes it down and in the main hall, the lights go on and a pathway to a locked door opens up. As he turns to leave, he’s engaged by more altered Deimos test subjects.] ****************************** * ???! * * Eliminate the intruders! * ****************************** [Darc messes the enemy up and proceeds into the newly-opened area. Inside, a Dilzweld officer stands over a mechanized pit where two Deimos--A Canidae and Orcon--are standing, helpless to get out.] Deimos A: No! Please let me go!! Deimos B: Let me out of here!! Dilzweld Soldier: Quiet down, you two! We’re just going to make you a little stronger, that’s all. You should be grateful! [The officer walks over to a lever.] Deimos A: Grateful?! Grrr!! Deimos B: Let me out! Let me out of here!! [The lever is pushed and the two Deimos are flooded with blue light and electricity, a forcefield forming over the top of the pit all the while. Just then, Darc’s team runs in.] Camellia: Aaaghhh! Darc! This is it! This is the place Tatjana tortured me! Dilzweld Soldier: Huh? Who are you?! I didn’t ask for any more Deimos test subjects! Darc: Test subjects! Is that all Deimos are to you?! Dilzweld Soldier: You! The intruders! You’re just in time! You can help us test out our new Altered Deimos! [The forcefield and light subside.] Dilzweld Soldier: Eliminate the intruders! [An Altered Deimos arrives from the elevator lift inside the pit.] Altered Deimos: Eliminate the intruders... Darc: Hey, wait a minute! You’re Deimos, just like we are! Don’t listen to these humans! Delma: Darc, save your breath. They aren’t going to listen. Volk: Guess we gotta fight them. Darc: Damn! Why should we have to fight our own kind?! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ LAB TOWER SKIRMISH: IN-BATTLE SPEECH AFTER VOLK’S FIRST TURN (?): Camellia: It was...right here...in this room...! That...T-Tatjana...did such terrible things to me! She changed me into this wretched form you see now... Volk: You wanna die?! The enemy’s right on top of us! We don’t have time to listen to your sob stories! Camellia: B-but...I...I feel weak at the knees! I can’t fight! Volk: If you can’t fight, then die! I have no use for you! Get out of my sight! Camellia: Do you have no sympathy in you at all? Volk: Don’t be soft! If you’re a Deimos, fight and take your revenge! AFTER DELMA’S FIRST TURN: Delma: Don’t forget what we just saw! Else we’ll be in trouble. Darc: I know! It’s just...even though they’ve been altered and are being manipulated by humans...when all is said and done, they’re Deimos just like us! Delma: Darc, I like it you can see it that way...But once a Deimos is in that machine, you gotta think of it as already dead! They’re not Deimos anymore! Darc: Those damn humans! And they call this “civilization”?! AFTER BEBEDORA’S SECOND TURN: Bebedora: You are troubled. Looking at this machine, you’re thinking you’d like to try something! But...you’re afraid of dying. Camellia: Wh-what are you talking about all of a sudden? Stop spying on my heart, you little wretch! Bebedora: Hee hee hee! But death will set you free. Your troubles will disappear. Camellia: Sh-shut up! Stupid puppet! How can you understand my worries and my pain?! Bebedora: That, I don’t know. But...you must rid yourself of your troubles... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ [Regretfully, the team kicks the crap out of Altered Deimos and the Dilzweld guard. Afterwards...] Camellia: Look at this, Darc! This is it! The very machine they used to reduce me to what you see today! It was right here...where those humans...where that Dilzweld Tatjana...tortured me! She was trying to find out how monsters evolved from Deimos...She extracted the Spirit power of the Earth Stone with this machine...and then performed experiments by irradiating Deimos...That’s what she did to me! Darc: So this is the machine they hurt you with, huh? Camellia: Yes! It was this very machine! Tatjana broke the laws of nature! She used Spirit power to change me into my present form. Old...Brittle...Withered...! But if I use the machine once more...! Maybe it’ll turn me young again, the way I was before...! There could still be some Spirit Energy left! Please, Darc! You’ve got to irradiate me with it! Volk: Are you sure getting into some human machine is safe? You might wind up dead! Camellia: But I’d rather die trying than spend the rest of my days like this! Delma: Hmph! That sure is funny, ‘cause I’ve heard you begging for your life at least a couple of times... Camellia: There’s no time to argue, Delma. Darc, please! I’m begging you! Darc: Oh, all right! We’ll do it. Camellia: Thank you! Oh, thank you, Darc! [Camellia gets on the center elevator/platform and Darc stands at the controls to the machine.] Camellia: Now then, please start the irradiation machine. It’s there in the back... [Darc goes to the back and flips the lever. Camellia goes down on the elevator and the blue forcefield goes over the pit. When it stops, the platform rises and a beautiful flower-person steps off.] Camellia: Ho, ho, ho! Never seen a beauty like this before, eh? I am Camellia. Radiant, for a flower of 200, eh? Am I not a wondrous bloom? Darc: Is that really Camellia...? Volk: She’s............beautiful! Delma: You’ve got to be kidding me! Come on! That’s cheating! It doesn’t even look like the same woman! Camellia: Don’t be ridiculous! This is my original graceful and elegant form. Haven’t I been telling you all along? But maybe you’ve forgotten...Memory slipping, Delma, dear? Delma: Grrr!! Camellia: Darc, thank you for rescuing me from that horrible form I was so ashamed of. I’m very grateful. I’m in your debt forever. I, Camellia Rofeana Semalba, hereby vow to do everything in my power to help you from now on, Darc. Darc: Oh...um...OK. Thanks. Camellia: Someday, I’ll get my revenge on that Tatjana, the human that made me suffer! But in the meantime, let’s find Droguza and Darkham as soon as possible. Darc: Um, yeah...right. Volk: Yes! Camellia’s absolutely right! Delma: Who do you think you are, Camellia, giving orders like that?! (to Darc, Volk) And you guys! What the hell is the matter with you, drooling all over yourselves over some old hag? Camellia: Ho ho ho! Jealous, Delma, dear? Well, I can’t blame you... Beauty like mine is rare. Go ahead and be jealous if you must... Delma: Grrr!! That’s it!! I’ve had all I can take out of you, hag!! (to Darc) Hey! Are you gonna stand slobbering all over this old hag forever? Let’s get going! Darc: Yeah, you’re right...OK, let’s go! [Before leaving, Darc takes the card key on the soldier’s table. At the last door, Darc swipes the card key to gain entrance. The door unlocks and the party enters.] Droguza: Please, Lord Darkham! Evolve my strength with the power of the Spirit Stone! The Deimos are closing in, and they’re intent on killing you! Darkham: You fool! You let them defeat you again, didn’t you! Droguza: ............Darc and his band of followers were stronger than I expected... Darkham: I don’t want any more of your excuses! Your usefulness to me is at its end. Droguza: Please! Just once more! I just need a little bit more strength. If I could evolve just one more time, I know I could defeat them! Darkham: Hmph. I suppose it couldn’t hurt...If you really want to evolve so badly, I suppose I’ll let you. [Darkham motions for his guards to go to the control panels.] Darkham: And the [Artificial Wind Stone] has just been completed. It’s the perfect opportunity to test the infinite power of the five Great Spirit Stones! Very well, Droguza. Get up on the platform. Droguza: Yes, sir! Thank you! [Droguza gets up on a platform and kneels.] Droguza (to self) Ho ho. At last the time has come! When I receive the energy of the five stones, I will be transformed into the Ultimate Deimos! Just wait, Darc! The next time we meet, you’ll be the one groveling in the dust! And as for you, Darkham! It’ll be your time to die! Heh heh heh... Darkham: (to self) Heh heh heh. Foolish Deimos. (to guard) Let’s do this. [The guard starts operating the control panel, and a chamber rises up around Droguza. Darc’s party enters at this time.] Darc: Darkham!! Darkham: So you’re Darc, are you? The one they call the “Deimos wannabe...” You’re just in time. I’ll soon have the perfect opponent for you. Darc: What?! Darkham: Heh heh heh...The Altered Deimos you see there has requested the ultimate evolution. And to celebrate my acquisition of all five Great Spirit Stones, I’ve decided to grant his wish! Darc: Droguza, an Altered Deimos?! What are you talking about? Droguza is a proud Deimos warrior, the last remaining survivor of the Niente Tribe! Darkham: Wa ha ha! You believed that rubbish? All of Droguza’s memories, his very pride in the Niente Tribe...I gave him all of that! I thought he would be more useful to me if he had his own goals and dreams of his own, you see. He could infiltrate the Deimos world, find out where the Great Spirit Stones were, and seize them for me! The Altered Deimos I created before him were little more than puppets, without thoughts or feelings of their own. But Droguza is different. He’s the crowning achievement of Dilzweld science! Darc: I...I don’t believe you... [Darc stares sadly at Droguza’s chamber, still flashing with strobe-like bursts of light.] Darkham: Mwa ha ha! How delightful! I see even the Deimos themselves never suspected! Now I know the surpreme bliss of what it’s like to be the Creator! The power and joy that only He can know! [The door Darc’s party entered through shuts and locks.] Darkham: Worthless Deimos! Now you can kindly proceed to tear each other for me! [Darkham and his two guards walk away from their balcony and leave.] Darc: Droguza... Delma: I don’t believe this! Volk: Damn all humans! They won’t get away with this! Bebedora: So Droguza is a puppet, too. Humans control his strings... Camellia: We’ve got to stop this! Droguza will evolve into the Ultimate Deimos soon! And then we’ll never be able to defeat him. Hurry! We’ve got to destroy the machines! Darc: Droguza...forgive me! And I swear to carry out your mission for you...! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ LAB TOWER SKIRMISH #2: IN-BATTLE SPEECH AFTER DELMA’S FIRST TURN: Camellia: I think the power of the Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, and Light Spirits is probably contained in each power. You’ll have to destroy all of them to stop Droguza from evolving. Delma: Take all of them down, huh? All right! Leave it to me! Camellia: I don’t know what will happen once you destroy them all, so be very careful! Delma: Ha! We’ll only know what’ll happen if I take them out! If I don’t do it, we’ll never know, will we? WHEN THERE’S ONLY ONE TOWER LEFT: Delma: There’s only one left! Let’s take it out! Darc: Sorry, Droguza...You’re just one of Darkham’s pawns! I can’t let you become the Ultimate Deimos! Delma: All right! Let’s do it! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ [Darc’s party destroys the towers that are feeding the power of the Spirit Stones to Droguza. In doing so, the chamber that housed Droguza malfunctions and bursts open. Droguza’s mutated body now has grown to gigantic proportions and he takes up nearly all of the back of the battlefield. Darc and company are immediately engaged in battle again.] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ LAB TOWER SKIRMISH #3: IN-BATTLE SPEECH AFTER DARC’S FIRST ATTACK: Volk: That thing...That’s what a fully-evolved Deimos looks like? That freak’s supposed to be the Ultimate Deimos?! Darc: Hmm...Maybe he didn’t evolve all the way, because we broke the equipment first! WHEN DROGUZA GETS IN CRITICAL (?): Droguza: I was gonna be...the strongest...Revive...the Niente... Darc: You’re still conscious, Droguza?! Droguza: Waaagh...the pain...! Darc...where are you? ...Destroy... Deimos...Orders...Lord Darkham’s...orders... Darc: Droguza...I’ll stop your pain... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ [As the battle ends, Droguza is on his deathbed.] Droguza: Looks like...I was still no match...for you, Darc... Darc: Droguza! Droguza: I failed...I never managed...to revive the Niente Tribe...or to unite the Deimos...! Delma: What the hell are you talking about? You aren’t even a member of the Niente Tribe! Weren’t... [Darc motions for her to stop talking.] Darc: Droguza...I’ll see your mission out for you! I’ll destroy these wretched humans and build a new world, a world that the Deimos control! Droguza: Yes...If anyone can do it...you can, Darc...Unlike me... you’ve been fighting for the good of the whole Deimos race... It’s no wonder...I wasn’t able to defeat you... Darc: Droguza... Droguza: Darc...Go to...Maluise Tower...! [The room’s locked doors open.] Droguza: Darkham is...trying to break the seal...on an ancient weapon of terrible power...and control the world...! Kill Darkham! And with that weapon...destroy all humans! Please! I’m begging you... Darc: I will. I promise you that. Droguza: Darc...one last thing... Darc: What is it? Droguza: I am...a brave Niente warrior...I’m not some...Altered Deimos...created at the hands of a human...Am I, Darc? Darc: Droguza...! How did you know...? Droguza: Right...Darc...? I’m a Deimos...aren’t I, Darc...? Darc: That’s right, you are! Of course you are! You’re a true Deimos. A true Deimos through and through! You’re Droguza, the Ultimate Deimos, brave warrior of the Niente Tribe... Droguza: ...Darc...I...thank...you... [Droguza collapses, dead.] Volk: Did Droguza know? That he was a human creation? Darc: Even if he did know...No, I think it was exactly because he did know he wasn’t a pure Deimos...that he wanted to believe it all the more. He wanted to believe he was a true Deimos. Delma: Gee, Darc... Darc: No more! We won’t let these vile humans cause Deimos any more pain or suffering! I will defeat the humans! I’ll destroy them all! You wait and see, Droguza. I’ll seek out every last human on the face of our world...and fling them into the depths of hell! [Darc yells with for Droguza who was akin to him in more ways than his own party would know.] ############################ ##END CHAPTER 5: EVOLUTION## ############################ ################################### ##Kharg, Chapter 6: Rivalry [KC6]## ################################### [The chapter opens with Kharg and Samson re-entering Yewbell.] Samson: All right, we’re here. Kharg: Yeah, well... Samson: What’s wrong? Aren’t you going? Kharg: ...... Samson: You scared? Kharg: It just all came back to me...All their faces when those wings popped out of my back...It’s like they were all thinking, “you betrayed us...” Samson: You’re the one that wanted to come back here in the first place. You need everyone’s help to put a stop to Darkham’s plans, don’t you? I thought you were going to ask for their help, even if they rejected you. Kharg: ...Yeah, I know. It’s just that... Samson: You gotta believe in yourself more, Kharg. It’s not like you were forcing them to come along with you. You’re not like Darc. It’s your bravery and compassion that drew them to you. But if you yourself are worried over something like this, that just means that even you yourself don’t believe in the relationships you’ve build with them, man. Kharg: That’s not it at all...! Samson: Then all you have to do is believe in them. Believe that they’re the type of friends that would understand, that all you have to do is talk it over with them. Kharg: ...Yeah, I guess you’re right. What am I so afraid of...! Those are the best friends I’ve ever had in my life. I know they’d back me up if it was to protect the future of the human race...! Samson: Heh heh. That’s the spirit. Kharg: You know what, Samson...Are you sure you don’t feel like coming with me after all? Samson: I told you, my only goal is to get revenge on Darkham. It’s just a personal grudge; it’s got nothing to do with world peace. My motives are too tainted for me to go along with you and your cause any further. Kharg: But, we both want to rescue Lilia from Darkham’s clutches, don’t we? Samson: If worse comes to worst, by killing Darkham, the world will come to an end and Lilia will end up dying. But even then...I’d still bring Darkham down. Kharg: Samson... Samson: So, if I went with you, I’d just screw up the whole dynamic of your team, you know? So I’ll just travel my own path, alone. And you protect the world like you know how to do. Kharg: ...OK. Well, thanks for everything you’ve done for me. Samson: Farewell. [Samson leaves Yewbell.] Kharg: All right, now it’s time to find everyone. [Kharg runs to the Castle Ruins, where Maru spots him.] Maru: Kharg...! You really came back for us! Kharg: Yeah. Maru: That’s wonderful...! Kharg, I’m really sorry about what happened. The whole thing just took me by surprise, you know, and I didn’t know what to do... Kharg: It’s OK. None of that matters anymore. Maru: But you’re you, no matter what, right? So, promise you’ll take me with you, all right...? Kharg: Aren’t you supposed to be a prince? Don’t sound so desperate, it doesn’t suit you. I came to ask you, Maru. Will you fight alongside me? Maru: Yahoo! The famous tag team is back in action! Better watch out, ‘cause this is one dangerous prince, and he’s coming your way! Kharg: I’m counting on you. Maru: I won’t let you down! But, I’m not the only one, you know. Everyone in this country is behind you, Kharg. Thanks to Paulette...She convinced everyone. Kharg: Paulette did what...?! Maru: She went around and talk to everyone here, one by one. She begged everyone to think about how much you and Nafia done for this country. People ignored her, got angry, threw rocks at her, and did all kinds of stuff to her; but she was strong. She never gave up. Then, the people here finally calmed down, and remembered how important you and Nafia have been to this place. Kharg: Go figure...Paulette really went to all that trouble... Maru: Remember, she rejected you that day? But, ever since you’ve been gone, Paulette has been torn up inside about what she did. She’s really sorry. She said that changing the minds of the people here was the least she could do to make up for it. Kharg: Do you know where she is right now? Maru: Paulette is paying her respects at Nafia’s grave. She’s been spending all her time there lately. What are you waiting for? Go see her! Kharg: OK, thanks. [Kharg goes to Nafia’s grave, seeing that there’s a suitable headstone for his mother. It’s decorated with flowers to boot.] Kharg: Paulette! Paulette: ...!! Kharg: I’m back. It feels like so long since... Paulette: Kharg...I...um... Kharg: That’s OK. You don’t have to say anything. I heard you talked to everyone in town on my behalf...That means more to me than I can say...I’m so thankful to have you as a friend. [Paulette goes and hugs Kharg.] Paulette: Kharg!! I’m so sorry, Kharg! I rejected you, when you needed a friend the most...! You needed me by your side more than ever and I just turned my back on you. Kharg: That’s OK. I don’t think I would have reacted any differently. Paulette: No, I should have protected you, no matter how much everyone else was persecuting you. I should have stood up as your shield, right then and there! But I just...I just can’t forgive myself for hurting you like that, Kharg...It was inexecusable. I had no idea what I would do if you hadn’t come back here again... Kharg: Don’t worry about it. You don’t have to be so hard on yourself, Paulette. See? I came back and I’m fine. Paulette: I guess... Kharg: I’m sorry I had you worried. You know, I realized that I can’t get by without your help after all. Paulette: Kharg...! I promise, I’ll never turn my back on you again! No matter what happens, I’ll be right by your side until the very end...! Kharg: That’s good to hear. Maru: Wait a sec, Kharg, this is kinda scary. It’s almost like you’ve been possessed by Paulette or something. Paulette: Maru! Why, you little...! What do you think I am, a witch or something?! Maru: Hee hee hee. There’s the Paulette we know and love. Yippee! Everything’s just like it was before! Paulette: By the way, Kharg...did you find anything about Lilia? Kharg: Yeah, I saw her in a place called Cragh Island. Paulette: Cragh Island? Kharg: Yeah...Darc was there, too. I can tell you more later, but the Dilzweld Army ended up capturing Lilia again. Paulette: Oh, no... Kharg: Wait, where are Ganz and Tatjana? Paulette: When they heard there were still some Dilzweld soldiers left behind, they left for [Thunor Point]. They said they might be able to get some information out of them. Kharg: OK...Why don’t we head there, too. [The party heads to Thunor Point. When they arrive, they see Ganz and Tatjana standing over a bunch of Dilzweld soldiers, all who’ve got a fairly good beating.] Kharg: Tatjana! Ganz! Tatjana: Kharg! You’re back! Ganz: So, decided to join us, eh. Heh heh. I knew you wouldn’t be away for long. Kharg: Well, the worry’s over. I’m fine now. But, I’d really like for you two to stay and lend a hand. Tatjana: Come on. What do you think we came for? Even while you were gone, we’ve been working hard looking into things. We’ve got things under control. Kharg: I guess...you do, don’t you...Sorry. And, these guys here... you didn’t... Ganz: Don’t worry, they’re just taking a little rest. They had quite the workout, if you know what I mean. Tatjana: These two stayed behind after the Dilzweld mining team left. I think they were trying to scrounge up a few Spirit Stones to sell for a night on the town. Kharg: So, did you get anything out of them? Tatjana: We made ‘em tell us where Darkham’s heading to next. Kharg: What?! So, where’s he going?! Tatjana: The Dilzweld Empire. Kharg: The Dilzweld Empire...Back to his own country, huh...? Tatjana: Exactly. He must have gotten everything he’s after, I’m afraid. Kharg: Then I guess he must be using the Spirit Stones he found on this contintent to make an Artificial Wind Stone, after all... Tatjana: Well, when I examined the small number of Spirit Stones I was able to find here here in Dragon Bone Valley, I found that their composition was very close to that of the Wind Stone. Kharg: I see...Darkham has probably already finished making his Artificial Wind Stone, then, huh. Maru: Aww, man! That means he’s already got all five Great Spirit Stones in his grubby little hands! This ain’t good, Kharg...! Kharg: Everyone...Looks like it’s time to strike to the heart of the Dilzweld Empire itself. We have to find a way to stop Darkham before he has a chance to use his Ultimate Weapon...! Ganz: Things are only going to get tougher from here on out. Paulette: Count me in! I’m sticking to Kharg’s side till the bitter end! Maru: Yippee! Now that that’s settled, we just gotta swoop down into the Dilzweld Empire, and wham! Kharg: All right, it’s time to bring out Big Owl! [At the Big Owl...] Kharg: OK, we’re off to the Dilzweld Empire! Tatjana: Hold on a second...I don’t think it would such a great idea to head straight in there aboard Big Owl. Kharg: Why’s that? Tatjana: The Dilzweld Army has anti-aircraft artillery set up all along the borders. They call the border the “Curtain of Death,” and it keeps all of the neighboring countries in fear. Nothing could make it past the border. And I think they’re in the process of building an even more powerful giant turret to the south. Kharg: A giant turret? Tatjana: Yes, and I think I remember them calling it [Maluise Tower]. I heard they’re setting it up as an anti-aircraft missile installation. So, we’d be digging our own graves if we tried to fly our way in through the Curtain of Death. Kharg: I guess you’re right...I’m glad I asked. So, now the question is, how do we sneak our way into the Dilzweld Empire? Tatjana: Exactly...I think the easiest thing would be to take Big Owl to Lusah Forest in eastern [Halshinne]. From there, we should be able to break through the Dilzweld Army’s line of defense by taking a land route and trekking over [Mt. Lamda]. There’s just one thing. That route is crawling with ferocious monsters. That’s why hardly anyone uses it to travel. Which means the Dilzweld defenses should be pretty weak there as well. Kharg: All right, it’s settled. It’s going to be a little dangerous, but that should be no problem for us. Let’s head for east Halshinne! [Once on Halshinne, Kharg’s team goes to the nearby Lamda Temple, to take a quick route to the Mt. Lamda trail. As the party arrives at the steps...] Kharg: What is this place...? Tatjana: It’s [Lamda Temple]...It’s supposedly been here for three thousand years. Kharg: Three thousand years...? What kind of place is this, I wonder... Tatjana: I heard people go through intensive study to build themselves up both physically and mentally here, strictly following the teachings of Lamda. Those who make it through the rigorous training are able to manipulate the power of the earth and the air in the form of “Qi.” Kharg: That’s...pretty impressive... Tatjana: And, in order to get to Mt. Lamda, you have to make it through this temple. However, they only let people through Mt. Lamda whom they deem worthy. If you try to bust through here without permission, a swarm of warrior monks come chasing after you. They stop at nothing to bring you back here. Anyway, we can’t let that stop us now. Kharg: Hey, I don’t feel like fighting against these monks. I want to avoid fighting other humans if at all possible. So, let’s get permission from the temple, fair and square, and head for Mt. Lamda. [Kharg walks to the door.] Kharg: Open the gates! I’m Kharg of Nidellia! I wish to speak! Open up! [The doors swing open, showing many monks training in a large, open space. Two monks face Kharg’s party.] Tatjana: ...Pretty smooth... Kharg: All right, let’s go. [Kharg quickly finds the person in charge, a Lamda priest who is overseeing the training session.] Lamda Priest: Do you wish to train here? Kharg: No. Lamda Priest: Fine. Then what is the reason for your visit to Lamda Temple, may I ask? Kharg: We want to get over Mt. Lamda. Lamda Priest: You say you want to get over the mountain...?! Kharg: Yes. Lamda Priest: Kharg, is it...? Mt. Lamda may at first appear to be a dense, unearthly place, teeming with monster. However, to us at the temple, it has been a holy land since before time. Only those who truly understand the teachings of Lamda are granted access to the mountain paths. Kharg: Please, it’s absolutely crucial that we get over that mountain...! Lamda Priest: Well, then, you may complete the training here. For our doors are open to all the world. It may be a long and arduous road to complete the training, but until you’ve fully understood the teachings, you will not be allowed through the mountain pass. Kharg: I appreacite that you have your own local rules, but we don’t have time for that right now. I’m sorry if I sound a little pushy here, but we’re trying to save the world from a mad dictator, and Mt. Lamda is our only way in! Lamda Priest: ...Should you proceed without proper permission, you shall have to answer to our highly trained warrior monks. Kharg: We don’t want to fight over this...But, we will if we have to. Lamda Priest: ............So, you want to climb the mountain without the proper training, do you...All right, if you insist, I shall let you pass. Kharg: Are you serious?! Lamda Priest: However, there is one condition. Kharg: A condition? What is it? Lamda Priest: Through your own power, you must come to grasp the true meaning of the teachings of Lamda. How you accomplish this is up to you, but I shall only allow you to once you truly understand Kharg: ...No problem. We will figure it out, I swear to you...! [The party walks back to the entrance.] Kharg: So, the teachings of Lamda, huh...? Tatjana: “I swear to you!” Laying it on a little thick, no? Really, do you have any idea where to start? Kharg: Of course not. I’ve never been here before, you know. But, we have to do something. ...That priest, he kept saying “Lamda Temple has its doors open to the world,” right? Tatjana: Yeah, he sure did. So? Kharg: So, there must be some place that has information on Lamda Temple, right? Tatjana: ...You’re right. If we head to the [Great Library] at [Peisus], we may be able to find something out. Most of the buildings in Peisus have long since crumbled and decayed away, but the Great Library has been saved by the loving care of volunteers. They’ve been repairing and remodeling the library through the years to preserve it. Kharg: The [Great Library]...I guess it’s worth a try. Let’s check it out. [The party heads south to Peisus.] Librarian: May I help you? Kharg: Yes, we need to find out more about the teachings of Lamda. Do you have anything here like that? Librarian: Hmm, the teachings of Lamda, huh...Let’s see...Now which one was it...? ...... Yes, here...we have something here. It’s an ancient Lamda Temple sutra. Kharg: You have an ancient sutra...?! Where is it?! Librarian: ...I am terribly sorry, but I am not at liberty to tell you that. Kharg: But why? Librarian: The truth is...Our head librarian, Mormatt, is a bit eccentric. His belief is that “You can only find true happiness from a book by working hard and discovering it through your own efforts.” And accordingly, the motto of our library is, “If you want a book, you find it yourself.” However, after you have found what you are looking for, you are free to take it with you. So good luck. I hope you find what you are looking for. Kharg: We have no choice. Let’s go find that book. [The party walks into the library’s biggest part.] Kharg: So, this is where they keep all the books...All right, the ancient Lamda Temple sutra should be here somewhere. Let’s split up and look. Maru: Kharg! Heh heh heh...Ummm, is it OK if I wait here? Kharg: You’re not going to help? Maru: Ever since I can remember, my head just starts to hurt whenever I look at big books, you know. Paulette: Maru, books aren’t for “looking,” they’re meant for “reading.” Maru: I-I’m a prince, you know. I don’t have time to read! I just have my servants read everything for me! So to me, books are just covers to “look” at from the outside! Paulette: My, a little high and might, aren’t we... Kharg: It’s fine. OK, Maru, you just wait here for us. Once we find it, we’ll let you know. Maru: OK. [Kharg looks around and reads a scroll at the back of the room. It speaks of dragons. Kharg goes back to the front room, removes the gemstone eyes from the two dragons on the wall, and fits them into the dragons’ eyes in the back near the bookshelf. The bookshelf slides apart, revealing a back room. Kharg goes back and looks on the center pedestal.] Inscription: “Lamda Sutra -- The Road to Enlightenment” “Writings of the thousand-year-old teachings of Lamda. They are said to have been recorded by Grand Bishop Eaghar Lamdakia. However, because they were writtein in Sumlian, a language long since dead, deciphering them is impossible.” Kharg: Here it is...! [Kharg takes the Lamda Sutra] Kharg: Wait...This is written in ancient [Sumlian]...If we can’t read it, it doesn’t matter anyway... [Kharg walks back into the main room.] Tatjana: I don’t see it over here. Did you find anything in your section, Kharg? Kharg: Yeah, I got the sutra. Paulette: Great...! Now we can find everything we need to know about the teachings of Lamda. Kharg: Umm...Actually I have no idea what it says. It’s written in Sumlian, and that language died out a long time ago. Paulette: Hmm...So, what do we do now? Kharg: What else can we do? We have to find someone who can read Sumlian, and fast. Tatjana: Good luck...We can’t ask the Lamda monks, and we have no idea where else to look... Paulette: Maybe there’s someone here at the library who can read it! Tatjana: I wouldn’t be on it...This place is for keeping old relics safe. I doubt they have research in mind here... Kharg: At any rate, all we can do is see if we can find something out about Sumlian writing. There’s no point in turning back now! [Kharg runs back to where Maru’s waiting.] Kharg: Wait a second. Maru’s not here...Where’d he run off to? [Kharg enters the entrance hall and finds Maru talking with an old man, holding a big book.] Kharg: There you are, Maru. Maru: Oh hey, Kharg. Lend me a hand, will you? This old man keeps trying to grab my crown. Says he wants to examine it. Kharg: The crown? Why... Head Librarian Mormatt: This here crown just may have quite a history behind it. It’s worth at least looking into. Kharg: What? But, I thought you found that thing somewhere, didn’t you? Maru: No, I didn’t find this thing somewhere! I told you! It’s been handed down in my family through generation after generation! Head Librarian Mormatt: Now, whatever the case may be...I do suggest you at least go and have it examined at the Milmarna Appraisal Office. Kharg: The [Milmarna Appraisal Office]? Head Librarian Mormatt: Yes, Milmarna is famous for its palace, where you can have your fortune told. And they also have places that can examine ancient treasures and texts for you. Kharg: Ancient texts?! So do you think there might be someone there who can read Sumlian? Head Librarian Mormatt: Sumlian, huh...? Sounds a bit tough, but you just may find someone there who can read it, I reckon. Kharg: [Milmarna], huh... Head Librarian Mormatt: Very well, then. If you ever need to get rid of that crown, you be sure to let me know. I’d be happy to take it off your hands for you. [Mormatt walks away.] Maru: Why would I ever want to get rid of this?! Leave me alone, you pesky old geezer...! Oh yeah, Kharg. Did you find that Lamda sutra? Kharg: Sure did. But none of us can read it. Maru: Hmm...that’s not good. Kharg: Well, I think we’ll be able to figure it out somehow. Thanks to you, Maru, now we have a lead to go on. Maru: Huh...? But I haven’t done anything at all. Kharg: Ha ha ha. You’ve been a big enough help. All right, let’s move out. [South, in Milmarna, the party arrives to see a town full of houses built on docks. It looks fairly primitive but not in a shabby way.] Kharg: So this is [Milmarna], huh... Paulette: Wow...It’s a town, floating on the ocean... Maru: ...Milmarna...This view...this smell...It couldn’t be... Kharg: Maru, is something the matter? Maru: Is it all right if I take a little walk? Paulette: Boy, you lightened up all of a sudden. Just off to look for something to eat again, are you? Maru: I’m really sorry... [Maru walks off.] Paulette: Huh...? Does Maru seem to be acting a little strange to you? Kharg: I wonder if something’s wrong...Anyway, let’s just let him go. We have to hurry and find a place that can help us read the sutra. [Inside the palace, they find the appraisal office.] Appraiser: So, what can I do for you today? Kharg: I have a Lamda sutra written in Sumlian. I heard that you may be able to decipher it. Appraiser: Written in, Sumlian, eh...? Kharg: Yes. We just need to know what the teachings written in the sutra say. Appraiser: Of course, we do appraise old treasures and relics here. However, we are forbidden from deciphering Sumlian writing. Kharg: What?! Appraiser: It is forbidden because Sumlian is like a secret, only passed on to Milmarnan royalty. Kharg: Please, you gotta help us out somehow. The fate of the world is at stake here...! Appraiser: So this is serious, huh...Well, if you can get permission from Madam [Rosanna], I may be able to do something for you... Kharg: Rosanna? Appraiser: She is near the fortune-teller, Foh, dressed in blue clothing. [Rather than wait in the long line of people to see Foh, the party ties to get past a woman who’s guarding a much easier path to the girls.] Royal Servant Woman: Only members of the royal family are allowed beyond this point. Kharg: We just need to talk to Rosanna. Royal Servant Woman: Madam Rosanna is currently visiting Miss Foh to watch her fortune-telling. Please come again another day. Paulette: But this is really important. Please, let her know we need to see her. I beg you! [Maru walks up behind Paulette and Kharg.] Royal Servant Woman: I’m sorry, there is nothing I can do. Only royalty are allowed-- Maru: So we just have to be royalty? Kharg: Maru...! When did you get here? Maru: I am the Prince of Milmarna! Royal Servant Woman: Give me a break. How could you be the prince? Maru: What nerve. Here, take a look at my crown. Royal Servant Woman: Th-this is...?! There is no doubt about it. This belongs to the Milmarnan royal family...A-all right, then. You may pass through here. But you must go alone. I myself do not possess the authority to decide whether or not you are truly the prince. So, if you would be so kind, please speak to Madam Rosanna directly. Maru: I’ll go do a little negotiating. Wait out front for me. Paulette: I would’ve never guessed his little “prince” bluff would work. Kharg: But, it looks like that crown is the real thing, at least... Paulette: I thought it was a piece of junk. I wonder where he picked that thing up. Kharg: Who cares. Let’s just head out to the front. [Kharg and Paulette go to the long line of people and walk to the front, watching Rosanna talk to Maru.] Rosanna: Yo-you really are...You’re Prince Yumalnoh, aren’t you! Maru: I told you, didn’t I? This crown is all the proof you need. Rosanna: Oh, I’m so happy you are still alive and well...! Fortune-teller Foh: Is something the matter, Mother? Rosanna: It is just as you foresaw in the crystal ball. Prince Yumalnoh has finally returned to us...! Fortune-teller Foh: Is it reall you, Yumalnoh?! My cousin? Maru: What do you mean, “cousin”? Who in the world are you? Fortune-teller Foh: Did you...forget about me? [The protective barrier that was in front of Foh lifts and she walks out.] Fortune-teller Foh: Welcome home, my prince. It’s me, your cousin Foh. Maru: ...Foh... Foh: (to line of people) I’m sorry to disappoint everyone out there waiting, but I really want some time to talk to my prince. (to Maru) The truth is, I have something I need to talk to you about. I’m sure you have lots of things you want to tell me, too, my prince. Will you come with me to my room? Maru: Huh? That’s fine, I guess...But can my friends come, too? We need to ask you a favor. Foh: Of course, the friends of my prince are always welcome. Maru: You guys can come on in now. It’s this way. Kharg: Uh...OK, will do. [Kharg goes back around, past the woman who blocked him before, and up to where Maru is.] Maru: This is Kharg and my other friends. We came because we need help reading this Lamda sutra. Kharg: It’s written in Sumlian, and of course, none of us can read it. Rosanna: All right. I shall go tell them I permit them to deciper it for you. [Rosanna walks away.] Foh: OK, let’s go, my prince. [Foh walks away.] Kharg: H-hey, what’s all this about? Come on...You’re not really a prince, are you, Maru? Maru: Of course I am. I told you over and over, didn’t I? I’ll be right back. I’m just going to go to Foh’s room. She says she needs to talk to me about something. Why don’t you head over to the appraiser and take care of the sutra while I’m talking to Foh. [Maru walks off, too.] Kharg: Hey, Maru...! Paulette: Maru’s a...prince...Impossible... Kharg: I know... [Over at the appraiser...] Rosanna: I have granted permission for the reading of your Sumlian text. This appraiser shall deciper the text for you. Kharg: Thanks a lot. [Rosanna walks off.] Kharg: Let’s get started, shall we? Paulette: Sure. But...I’m still a little worried about Maru... Appraiser: Let’s begin. Why don’t we start by having you show me this Lamda sutra of yours. [Kharg presents it.] Appraiser: It will take some time to decipher this fully. Please come back again later. [Kharg goes into Foh’s room. Rosanna and Foh are present.] Maru: What’s with you two? You’re being so quiet. I thought you needed to talk to me about something, didn’t you? Foh: ...... [Kharg and company walk in.] Maru: Oh, hey, Kharg. You get the sutra read already? Kharg: Actually, they’re taking a look at it right now. What about you...If you’re in the middle of something here, we can wait outside... Rosanna: Not at all. Please, do stay. What we’re about to tell Prince Yumalnoh may involve you as well. Kharg: Uh, OK... Foh: My prince...First I’d like to apologize. I’m sorry. Please forgive us for what we’ve done. Maru: Huh? Rosanna: Wait. Foh didn’t have anything to do with it, of course. If I had only been able to stop my husband that day... Foh: I plan to hand everything over to you, Prince. I know it can never make up for what happened, but still... Maru: H-hold on a second. I have no idea what this is all about. Rosanna: Umm...Dear Prince, have you not come here to get back at us...? Maru: Get back at you? For what? Heh heh heh...To be honest, I don’t really remember much from my childhood. I didn’t even remember that I was born in Milmarna until just now. Like Kharg said, we only came here to have that text translated for us. Rosanna: Oh, I see... Foh: All right...Please allow me to ask you again, my prince. Maru: Huh...? Foh: Take my place, and be the next ruler of Milmarna...! Maru: Whaaat?! Foh: You were supposed to take the throne anyway, you know? Maru: Y-you want me...to be...king...?! Foh: Yes. My prince, I know you have the power to foresee the future inside you. Maru: I don’t know what to say. It’s just all so sudden... Foh: I know if anyone can make this country a better place to live, it’s you. And I’ll be here to help you. So please, don’t leave us again! Maru: Foh...W-wait just a second, here. Can I uh, have a little time to think about this? I want to be alone for a while. It’s all starting to come back to me now... [Maru walks out of Foh’s room.] Paulette: I wonder what Maru’s going to do... Kharg: It’s always been his dream to be the king of his homeland. I doubt we could make him change his mind if he decides to stay here. [Kharg and Paulette go back to the appraiser.] Appraiser: Thank you for waiting so patiently. I have finished deciphering your text. Kharg: So what does it say? Appraiser: It was very simple, very straightforward. In short, it says something like, “Clear away all distraction and keep your mind open at all times.” Kharg: Keep your mind free from distracting thoughts...So that’s it, huh... [After looking for Maru to tell him the news, he’s eventually found sitting on a barrel near one of the other fortune-teller’s tents.] Maru: Did you finish getting the sutra deciphered? Kharg: It’s done. Maru: Great. We’d better hurry back to Lamda Temple now. Kharg: We...? Are you sure you don’t need to stay here? Maru: That’s OK. It’d be a hassle if Foh and them found out, so I think I’ll just leave without saying anything. Kharg: But, I thought it was your dream to be the king of your homeland, right? Maru: Right now, bringing down Darkham is much more important than my dream anyway. Kharg: Well, you’re right about that. But...But, I really want to help you make your dream come true. You do want to be the king of Milmarna, don’t you? Maru: ............ Heh heh heh. Nah, that’s OK, that’s OK. I’ll let you in on a little secret. I’m not really a prince. Kharg: Are you kidding me? Maru: Nope. I’ve never even been to Milmarna before. Paulette: Hold on a second. Then where did you get that crown? Maru: I got it, a long time ago. The real Prince Yumalnoh gave it to me. Paulette: He gave it to you? Maru: Yeah. He was traveling somewhere, and we met and became friends. That’s when he gave it to me. Kharg: Then, what about your ability to foresee the future... Maru: Like I could ever do that! You know that, don’t you Kharg? [Foh and Rosanna walk up behind Kharg and Paulette.] Foh: Is that true, what you just said...?! Maru: Ah...! Heh heh heh...Sorry about that. When we were together, Yumalnoh told me lots of things. And after a while, I just started to feel like I was him, you know, the prince... Foh: I can’t believe...That’s awful...! [Foh runs out of the palace.] Maru: ............ Rosanna: Umm...So, where is the real Prince Yumalnoh? Maru: Hmm...Honestly, I have no idea. We were only together for a short time. After that he just left again. Don’t know where he went. Rosanna: Is that so... Maru: Sorry, you know, for getting your hopes up and everything. Paulette: Why, you little brat. I can’t believe you...Why did you have to lie like that? Maru: Come on. I said I’m sorry, didn’t I? Kharg: Maru...So I guess, we can leave Milmarna now, huh. Maru: Yeah... [Maru looks in one of the fortune-teller’s crystal balls as he starts to walk away.] Maru: Hey...Wait a sec. Kharg: What is it? Maru: ............Uh-oh...Is it all right if I talk to Foh, one last time? I don’t think I should leave without saying something. Kharg: All right...We’ll be here waiting. [The party walks outside and goes to one of the docks. There, Foh stands in front of a boat, ready to get on.] Foh: Just leave me alone...! Maru: Hey, where are you going?! Foh: I want to be alone. It’s dangerous outside the town, so the only place I can go is the ocean. Maru: Wait up. There’s a ton of people waiting for you to tell them their future, right? What are they supposed to do if you leave? Foh: I don’t feel like telling anyone’s fortune right now, and it’s all your fault...! Maru: Hey, your nerves are pretty weak for a queen. You can’t rule the country like that, you know. Foh: Who are you to talk to me like that?! Kharg: Maru, that’s not what you really came to say to her, is it? Maru: No, but it’s better this way. This timid little queen needs to hear the truth. Foh: ...OK. I’ll go back. But only if you leave this place, as fast as you can! Maru: Fine with me. We’ve taken care of everything we need to here. I’ll be out of sight before you know it. [As Foh starts walking away, the boat she was about to get into drifts out a ways and sinks like it was made out of granite.] Kharg: The boat...! [A man comes walking up.] Man: Ohh! I knew that thing was going to sink...! Kharg: What are you talking about? Man: That boat, it’s getting real worn out. I was thinking of scrapping it pretty soon here, you know. I sure wish she hadn’t gone and done that... [The man walks away.] Foh: ............ Kharg: Maru...You were looking at the crystal ball back there, weren’t you? You weren’t able to tell this boat was going to sink, were you? Foh: The crystal ball...? So that means...I knew it...!! Maru: Come on. We have to hurry back to Lamda Temple. See you later, Foh! You stay strong, OK? Foh: Yumalnoh! My prince...! Thank you! Take care! Maru: Here we go! [Back at Lamda Temple, the party revisits the priest who sent them on the quest to learn the teachings of Lamda.] Lamda Priest: Well, if it isn’t Master Kharg. Have you discovered the secrets of the teachings of Lamda yet? Kharg: Yes, we have. Lamda Priest: Well, well...So, enlighten me. What is it that you learned exactly? Kharg: Clear your mind from distraction. Lamda Priest: Hmph, you are certainly correct. Kharg: Does that mean we can pass through Mt. Lamda? Lamda Priest: Ho ho ho! Surely you jest. I could never give you such permission. Kharg: ...What are you talking about? Lamda Priest: Just now, you have merely spoken the teachings with your tongue. That does not mean that you have completely understood them. For the teachings of Lamda mean nothing as mere knowledge. You can only truly understand them with experience, with your entire being. So, what say you there? Kharg: ............ Lamda Priest: All right, would you like to test yourselves to see if you really understand the teachings of Lamda? Kharg: A test...? Lamda Priest: I shall have you face the monks over there. And if you can keep your minds clear, no matter what befalls you, and best their skills in battle, I shall recognize that you have truly understood the teachings of Lamda. And, I shall allow you to pass to Mt. Lamda. Kharg: Are you serious...?! Lamda Priest: However, if your minds show even the slightest disturbance and you let yourselves get emotional, I shall view that as a lack of true understanding of the teachings. Of course, should you lose, you shall not be granted access to the mountain, either. Kharg: ...Got it. Sounds good to me. Lamda Priest: Now then, if you are ready, let us begin. Kharg: We’re ready to go. Lamda Prist: Very well...Shall we begin? [Five monks now stand in front of Kharg’s party, also five in number.] Maru: A-are you sure about this, Kharg? It looks like it’s going to get pretty hairy... Kharg: We’ve faced countless impossible battles, and made it through them all. All we have to do this time is just keep our cool. Maru: You mean, keep our minds clear from distractions? I’m not sure I get it. Paulette: That’s definitely...not something that you’re used to, is it, Maru. Ganz: When I fight, I just think of my opponents as wooden figures. That way, I never have to worry about feeling anything for them. Lamda Priest: Ho ho ho! Easier said than done, indeed. How does this sound? I shall only require one of you to pass the test. Kharg: All right, let’s do this! [Kharg’s party steps forward.] Lamda Priest: Both sides, ready! All right...Begin!! [Kharg’s team whips the monks in battle.] Lamda Priest: You have put up quite the fight. Kharg: So do we get permission to go to Mt. Lamda yet? Lamda Priest: No, for the match in not over. Do not get ahead of yourselves. [The two cauldrons on either side of the steps starts spewing mist out of their tops.] Kharg: Huh...? What’s with this smoke? Is that incense...? Is this another one of your tests? This isn’t even a smoke screen. You think this will shake upup? Lamda Priest: Ho ho ho! You’re thinking about it too much. Now, then... Your next challenge is waiting. Kharg: Huh...?! [The party turns around and see Darc and his band of Deimos standing amidst the smoke. A single monk stands at the end since Bebedora is not seen.] Kharg: Darc...!! What hole did you crawl out of?! Darc: Ha ha ha... Volk: You ready to take me on?! Delma: Here! Bring it on! Camellia: I shall show you how inexperienced you really are! Paulette: This time for sure...! I will avenge my father’s death!! Tatjana: Look what the cat dragged in! You should never have left the lab, you walking freak show! Ganz: You damned Orcon...! You’re going to pay for what you did to my comrade! Maru: H-hey, wait a sec! What happened to you guys?! [The mist disappears.] Lamda Priest: Everyone, hold it right there! You four, your minds are clouded! Therefore, you fail! Kharg: What the--?! Lamda Priest: Take a closer look at each of your opponents! [Darc, Volk, Camellia, and Delma disappear, and are replace by Lamda monks.] Kharg: Wh-what in the world...? Paulette: What’s going on here? Lamda Priest: That incense has the effect of exposed intense emotions from inside people’s minds, especially feelings of hatred. What you witnessed before you was the embodiment of your own hatred. However, had you been in a clear-minded state, the incense would have had no effect on you, and you would have merely seen the monks before you now. Accordingly, it is obvious that the four of you who saw the object of your hatred have no understood the teachings of Lamda. You fail! Kharg: ...... Maru: Everybody... Lamda Priest: Maru, is it? Your heart shows no signs of impurity. Your state of mind is exactly what the teachings of Lamda prescribe. Maru: Wh-who, me...? Lamda Priest: Now, I shall not go back on my word. You are all alone now, and should you not prove victorious over the remaining monks here, none of you shall be allowed access to Mt. Lamda. Do you still wish to continue? Maru: ...Of course! I know I can win this! Even if I’m fighting all by myself, I know I’m not alone anymore. I’ll have everyone inside my heart out there, fighting alongside me! Isn’t that right, everyone? Kharg: Exactly, Maru! We’re counting on you! Paulette: Be strong, Maru. We’re all rooting for you! Tatjana: Don’t forget to use your head, too. Ganz: If you win, I’d be happy to serve under you. Lamda Priest: Very well, then...Let the challenge continue!! [Maru fights five monks alone and wins.] Kharg: You sure did it, Maru! Paulette: Great job. Ganz: That’s my big prince. Maru: Heh heh... Lamda Priest: Hmph, you have skillfully passed the tests I have laid before you. As I have promised, I shall grant you permission to go to Mt. Lamda. Kharg: Thank you so much! All right, we’re finally on our way into Dilzweld territory! Lamda Priest: Halt. My reasoning for testing you like this...was not simply because regard Mt. Lamda as a holy and sacred place. Kharg: So, why else did you do it...? Lamda Priest: For some time now, Mt. Lamda has been subjected to pollution by monsters. They are emitting a gas into the air that causes hallucinations. Kharg: Hallucinations? Lamda Priest: Mm-hmm. And those deceived by the hallucinations lose their way and never make it off the mountain again. When this happens, they become easy prey for the monsters. This is why we humble monks used the special incense to cloud your minds to test you. We knew that, had you not mastered the teachings of Lamda, you would surely fall victim to hallucinations. And finally, without the strength to best our finest monks here, you surely would prove no match for the monsters of this mountain. Kharg: All right, I get it... Lamda Priest: Therefore, young Maru, once you reach Mt. Lamda, you must be the shining light that leads your friends through the danger. Maru: It’s up to me to... Lamda Priest: See the truth with the eyes of your unclouded mind. Only then shall you find the way. Maru: Yahoo! I won’t let you down, sir! Kharg: All right! Let’s hit the road! [The party continues into Mt. Lamda. After several ambushes by monsters, they encounter a dense fog on the pass.] Kharg: Look at that. It’s just as the priest said. There’s gas everywhere...So, we’re going to see hallucinations if we go any further, huh...Maru, we’re counting on you to take the lead. If we start to get lost, you’d better help us out. Maru: Uh...OK, I got it. I just have to look with the eyes of my unclouded mind... [The party enters the fog and, oddly, they arrive in Yewbell.] Kharg: This place...This looks like Yewbell...?! Paulette: But why...? Maru: ............ Kharg: Is this another hallucination...? [In the town square of “Yewbell”, a bunch of zombies appear.] Kharg: Damn, we’ve got company...! There’s no way around them, so I guess we’d better go through them. Let’s get ‘em! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ HALLUCINATORY YEWBELL SKIRMISH: IN-BATTLE SPEECH AFTER MARU’S FIRST TURN: Tatjana: Is this really a hallucination? Maru: I know about this. I’m telling you, this isn’t Yewbell. There’s no doubt about it. We’re on Mt. Lamda. But the monsters are real enough! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ [The humans do away with the zombies.] Kharg: Maru, which way do we go? Everything we’re seeing is a hallucination. Maru: Umm...See with my mind’s eye...I got it...It’s no use trying the way out you guys see in your hallucination. The ring of light... That’s it, we have to head for the ring of light. That’s our only way out of here...! Kharg: Roger that. We’re heading for the ring of light. Everyone ready? [Continuing on through the rings of light, the party eventually ends up at a fake Scrappe Plateau where they’re ambushed again. They continue on and end up in the outside world, hallucination-free and alright.] Kharg: ...Wow, I’ve never seen this mountain pass before. Maru: Kharg! You can really tell this is a mountain pass?! Yippee! We made it out! See, there’s no more gas, either. We finally made it over Mt. Lamda! Kharg: This is great...! Tatjana, how far is it to Dilzweld from here? Tatjana: There’s an anti-aircraft artillery installation up ahead. Once we get past that, it’s not far. Kharg: Anti-aircraft artillery, huh... Tatjana: Don’t worry. AAA are strong against attacks from the air, but they are sitting ducks when it comes to ground warfare. Kharg: Good to hear. Let’s move out, everyone! [Everyone continues to the anti-aircraft installation at the Western Fortress. When they arrive, they see it in ramshackle condition, clearly having lost a battle at some point.] Tatjana: What in the world happened here...? Kharg: Look, it’s Samson’s airship! [The Fiona is grounded...permanently. It appears that Samson pushed his luck too far in flying over Dilzweld airspace.] Tatjana: It’s been shot down...! Kharg: We have to find Samson! [They find Boomer and Buster around the crashsite.] Boomer: ...Uh-ugh... Kharg: Boomer, what happened?! Boomer: Hmm...?! I-if it isn’t Kharg...! Kharg: What in the world happened here?! Boomer: We were following Darkham and we tried to enter Dilzweld, but then, this thing here... Kharg: You didn’t know about the anti-aircraft artillery fire? Boomer: Of course we knew. But if we took the time to find another way in, we would have lost track of Darkham. We gotta stop that Darkham as fast as we can. Otherwise it’s all over. That’s why...we decided to bulldoze our way in. Kharg: So that’s what happened to you guys... Boomer: Then, the captain ordered all of his men to abandon ship before we got to the Curtain of Death. But Buster and me refused to jump...We had decided to stay by the captain’s side, no matter what. Kharg: So, what happened to Samson? Boomer: He went off to chase Darkham. He tried to hide it from us, but he was hurt worse than us even...Samson’s looking for a big showdown with Darkham. But Darkham’s got those nasty Royal Guards with him. He’ll never make it on his own. Listen, Kharg, you gotta help the captain out...! We wish we could lend a hand, but in this condition we’d just end up getting in the way. Uh- ugh... Kharg: Boomer...I don’t want anything to happen to Samson, either. We’ll hunt that Darkham down like the dog he is. (to party) We’re about to march right into the hornet’s nest, guys--the [Dilzweld Empire]. Paulette: But, won’t they have really strict security set up? Kharg: Most likely...we need to figure out a way to distract the guards and find out where Darkham is... Tatjana: There’s no need to go sneaking around. Kharg: Huh? What are you talking about? Tatjana: Don’t worry. Just leave it to me. We’re just going to march right in. Kharg: Wh-whatever you say. [No one stops ‘til they’re at the gates to Dilzweld. The city is foul, polluted with oil and smoke. The scenery is drab and boring, too.] Dilzweld Soldier: L-lieutenant Colonel Tatjana...?! You’re alive! Tatjana: Yeah, last time I checked! Dilzweld Soldier: I-I’m sorry...! It’s just that, Emperor Darkham had announced that you had met a glorious death in battle, helping obtain the Fire Stone at the volcano in Epistia... Tatjana: A glorious death in battle...? Hmm...I was quite close to dying, but I managed to escape at the last second. Dilzweld Soldier: Is that so...Well, it is good to see you alive, ma’am. And who do you have with you...? Tatjana: Just some mercenaries I hired. I have them with me as back-up. Dilzweld Soldier: All right, then...Anyway, Lieutenant Colonel, if you do not mind, I will go notify HQ of your return. Paulette: Hey, do you think that’s such a good idea, letting him notify HQ like that? Tatjana: Don’t worry. I doubt the Dilzweld Army knows I’ve switched sides on them. Paulette: ...You’re probably right. Ganz: Well, if it does happen to reach Darkham’s ears, it might arouse a little suspicion. But intelligence from out here on the fringes doesn’t get to the top levels that easily. It’s a huge organization, after all. Tatjana: You’re exactly right. But you know...It is a little hard lying to people who used to work under me... Kharg: Tatjana...I know how you feel, but now is not-- Tatjana: I know. Let’s try to find out whatever we can about Darkham. [After looking around a little, the party encounters a few Dilzweld soldiers blocking a roadway.] Dilzweld Officer: Lieutenant Colonel Tatjana, I heard what happened. It is good to see you alive and well, ma’am... Tatjana: Thanks. Dilzweld Officer: By any chance, are you planning on returning to the Battleship Megist? Tatjana: Huh, I’m not sure...Is there going to be a problem? Dilzweld Officer: Ma’am, well...After returning, the Megist was attacked by a group of Deimos. It is still under attack now. Tatjana: A group of Deimos? Dilzweld Officer: Yes, ma’am. The group appears to be made up of a Drakyr and other species of Deimos as well. Kharg: (to self) It’s Darc’s gang... Tatjana: And is Lord Darkham there, too? Dilzweld Officer: Rest assured. Emperor Darkham has evacuated the area with his captive, Lilia, in tow. Tatjana: Evacuated the area...? So where is he now? Dilzweld Officer: He is currently en route to [Maluise Tower]. Tatjana: Maluise Tower...? But why would he be heading there...? Dilzweld Officer: That I do not know. We have only been ordered to block off all the roads so that group of Deimos cannot enter the town... Tatjana: Hmm...All right, I’ll head straight for [Maluise Tower] as well as ask for his orders there. [The party heads for Maluise Tower. Meanwhile, Samson has already arrived there, and he has propped himself up against a box to keep his wound from hurting too much.] Samson: Uuh-ugh...guhuh...! Kharg: Samson?! A-are you all right?! Samson: ...Kh-kharg, is that...Uh-ugh... Kharg: What the hell happened to you?! Samson: I had planned on taking on Darkham...even if it meant... sacrificing Lilia...Heh heh heh. But things don’t always go like you plan ‘em, huh...Guhuh...! **************************************** FLASHBACK (A while before Kharg arrived) **************************************** [Darkham, Lilia, and the two Royal Guards stand in front of Maluise Tower.] Darkham: Welcome to my masterpiece, [Maluise Tower]. What do you think? It is quite the exquisite piece of workmanship, is it not? Lilia: Why have you brought me here? Just what do you think you’re going to get me to do here?! Darkham: Heh heh. You’ll just have to wait until we get to the top to find that out. [Samson appears, pointing the barrels of his guns towards Darkham.] Samson: This dictator here, is attempting to resurrect the Ultimate Weapon. And he’s going to use the five Great Spirit Stones, and you. Lilia: Samson?! Darkham: Well, well, what do we have here...You miscreant...So I guess you’re not just some petty bandit, are you. There’s nothing here that would entice a thief. Which means, you are either after my life, or else...you just feel you have to rescue this little damsel in distress. You scoundrel, you couldn’t possibly... Samson: I’ve heard enough from you! Prepare yourself, Darkham! Darkham: Ha ha ha. Don’t tell me you’re actually going to fire that thing. From that range, you may accidentally hit Lilia as well, you know. Samson: ...It doesn’t matter. Lilia just might be better off that way, anyway. Darkham: What did you just say...? Samson: I know there will be more creeps like you, trying to take advantage of Lilia’s powers, for years to come. Which is why, right here and now...! Darkham: Stop! What does a petty crook like you know about anything?! I shall not allow you to interfere with my noble scheme! Lilia: Don’t worry about me. Just shoot, Samson...I mean, “Father”! Samson: Lilia...! How did you know...? Lilia: I would rather die than be used for the Ultimate Weapon and this evil scheme! Darkham: Quiet, girl! Samson: Forgive me, Fiona...! Lilia, please forgive me!! [A gunshot rings out and Samson falls to the ground.] Lilia: Wh-why?! [A hidden guard and a soldier, who had both just arrived, had taken the moment to shoot Samson.] Royal Guard: Forgive our late arrival. I am glad you are safe, your majesty. Darkham: Mmm, good work. That was a close call... Lilia: Oh, Father...! But, but why...?! Darkham: (to Samson) You could have had me, had you not hesitated... Samson...Wait. If he’s Lilia’s father, that would make his name Wyse, would it not? How ironic. A man, who threw away love, losing his life over love...How pathetic. Lilia: Father...I’m so sorry...If I had known it would turn out like this...I never got a chance...to sing to you... [Two Royal Guards stare at Lilia.] Lilia: ............ [Together, they all walk into Maluise Tower.] ************* END FLASHBACK ************* Samson: ...Darkham...took Lilia...they’re headed for...the top of the tower...Hurry. There’s no time...Please, you must save Lilia... Kharg: Hang in there, Samson. We’ll get you patched up right away! Samson: ...Lilia...I can hear it...you and your mother...singing together...it’s so beautiful..................... [Samson slips down against the box, dead.] Kharg: N-no, you can’t...Samson...You can’t just die...! Darkham, you bastard...!! I swear, I will never let you get away with this!! [Kharg and his party leave Samson’s body and enter Maluise Tower, too. After defeating three Dilzweld parties waiting for intruders, Kharg and his team head round the bend to the top of the tower. Meanwhile, at the top, Darkham has Lilia lying on her back on a platform. All five of the Great Spirit Stones are plugged into a pedestal. The tower rumbles a little.] Darkham: Heh heh. It is just as he said. Lilia is “A Friend of the Spirits,” no doubt about it. Using Lilia as the stimulus, the five Great Spirit Stones shall react in unison at full magnitude. Moments from now...The Restricted Dimension that has been stretched out over the giant cavity for thousands of years, shall be broken at long last...O noble [Flying Castle]! The end of your eternal slumber is nigh. Your time has come! Awaken, NOW! [In the pit behind where Darc once fought Droguza, the clouded crater’s mist disappears, revealing a giant, black object stuck in the ground.] Darkham: Oh my, here it comes...! [The runes on the object’s surface glow orange-red and make the black object take off. But, the object stops moving as the Artificial Wind Stone shatters.] Darkham: What?! It stopped moving...! Damn! So the fake stone isn’t enough, after all...! [The man who talked to Darkham on the bridge of the Megist appears, but his face isn’t shown to the player.] Mysterious Man: No need to worry. Darkham: So there you are. What do you mean exactly, no need to worry? My Flying Castle isn’t moving! I thought this thing was supposed to soar through the heavens! Mysterious Man: This is nothing to get all worked up about. You do not necessarily need it to fly. What is important is that it has broken the Restricted Dimension. That is all that matters. Rest assured. Its immense power is already in your grasp! If it would put your mind at ease, why not test it out? Darkham: Ha ha ha...Right you are. Now, then, let us have a taste of what this Flying Castle is capable of. [Darkham walks to the pedestal with the Stones in it.] Darkham: The Deimos of the Halshinne continent have already been scattered to the wind like dead leaves in the fall. So, then, the perfect target to test the capabilities of my newfound power would have to be...those feeble-minded fools who know nothing but the self-preservation of their own little utopian society in a bubble. I have been waiting for this day. Now I shall make my move, and they shall know my true power. Thy holy thunder has been locked up for too long. Now it is time to unleash it! Judgement day has come, and you shall face death, useless cretins! [Darkham motions to the pedestal and the Flying Castle rises. From its top, a huge pillar of light shoots into the sky. When it lands, it falls on the Republic of Cathena, decimating it instantly. Kharg is on the steps to the top as the beam goes off.] Kharg: Wh, What was that light just now...?! [The human party runs to the top of the tower.] Kharg: Darkham! Darkham: Well, well, look what the cat dragged in. Hmm...And it looks like you’ve picked up my old garbage on the way in. My, my, my... Tatjana: Lord Darkham...I take that back. You’re no “lord”! We’re going to put an end to your crazy antics, you fiend! Darkham: Well, well. If it isn’t another blubbering fool standing up in the name of justice... Kharg: You scoundrel! What did you just do?! What was that light?! Darkham: Wa ha ha ha! It seems you have arrived just moments too late! Cathena has been wiped out without a trace. Kharg: Cathena’s been wiped out...?! Darkham: This is the power of the Ultimate Weapon, my Flying Castle! Witness the power of the science of the ancients! Maru: But...What about about all those people...? Paulette: What have you done...?! Darkham: Wa ha ha ha! Now it is time for me to make my plans a reality. Kharg: You are not going to get away with this! This is where we put an end to you, and your evil aspirations! Darkham: Simple-minded fools...! I shall bring new order to a chaos- -ridden world. And this is merely the best method in which to do so! Kharg: And wiping out Cathena is part of your perfect plan?! Enough with the games! All you’re trying to do is rule the world any way you can! Darkham: So, what would you have me do with the power of the five Great Spirit Stones? Kharg: You should use the stones to find a way to bring happiness to all of humankind. Who are you to use them to threaten the world into submission?! Darkham: Bring happiness to humankind, you say...Ha ha ha. The Deimos would love to get their hands on this power as well. What would you do then? Kharg: Just what are you getting at...? Darkham: You and I are actually a lot alike. One day you will probably be in the same situation I am right now. Kharg: I’ll never sink as low as you! Darkham: This conversation is over, now! I dare you to try and stop me. Or, you could save yourselves the trouble and give up now. Kharg: You ready, everyone? [At long last, the party battles Emperor Darkham. One by one, the guards are killed and finally, Kharg deals the battle-winning blow against the Dilzweld ruler.] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ MALUISE TOWER SKIRMISH: IN-BATTLE SPEECH WHEN AN ALLY ATTACKS A ROYAL GUARD: Tatjana: Be careful of the Royal Guard! Kharg: What in the world are they? Tatjana: They’re always at Darkham’s side. Nobody knows what they really are. They might not even be human... AFTER GANZ’S FIRST TURN: Ganz: Tatjana, will you really be able to fight Darkham? Tatjana: ......I’ll be able to. I’m the only one that can stop him. It’s time for me to pay him back! I will take him down! AFTER KHARG’S SECOND TURN (?): Kharg: We won’t be defeated, Darkham! Your time has come! Darkham: Wa ha ha! Still under the same delusions! The fact that you keep saying the same thing only goes to show how much you’re struggling! Kharg: What?! Why, you...! Darkham: Unless...Surely you haven’t been thinking of me as a mere power-weilding politician?! Listen up, you worthless rats. All power is within me! See for yourselves how strong I am! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ [A cutscene immediately begins after the battle.] Kharg: This is where I put an end to your ambitions. I won’t let some monstrous dictator conqueror our world! Darkham: It’s not my ambition to take over the world. I just want annihilate the Deimos. Kharg: What did you say? Darkham: I resurrected the Flying Fortress for that exact purpose. To wipe the Deimos off the face of the world forever in fell swoop. Kharg: Destroy the Deimos? But why? Darkham: When Dilzweld was still but a small country, I was a good fief lord, Loved and respect by the people I ruled over. But one day, an army of Deimos invaded our land. I flew to Cathena right away to request reinforcements. However... those incompetent officials delayed the decision so that their council could discuss it. I was kept there during their long talks, unable to return. You know where their decision was, after all that? That we should settle peacefully! Guess what was waiting for me when I finally got home? News that the Deimos had taken all of children hostages to force us to surrender! And then they killed our king! And those bastards killed all the hostages, all of those innocent children! Learning the Deimos way of fighting, killing the weak in any way possible, I was driven into a deep despair. After that, as the new king, I soon left the World Alliance and changed the country to an autocracy, so I could finally purge the Deimos from the face of this earth. Do you really want them wreaking havoc anywhere? I’m sure you, too, have a reason to hate the Deimos. If we do not destroy them, more countries are sure to meet the same fate, as old Dilzweld did. But Kharg, my plan has failed. I’m going to put an end to it myself. Kharg: What are you going to do? Darkham: I have already let too much innocent blood be spilled. I want to set everything right. Listen...you must do it...in my place... Destroy The Deimos... [Darkham dies, falling off the top of the tower in the process. Kharg: Darkham! ########################## ##END CHAPTER 6: RIVALRY## ########################## ##################################################### ##Kharg and Darc, Chapter 6: The Final Battle [KD6]## ##################################################### NOTE: This is the final section, but it’s split into two parts: Kharg’s Story and Darc’s Story. If you need to jump to a section, just look up the obvious words (END KHARG’S/DARC’S STORY). :) [The humans stand at the top of the tower, finding it hard to believe that Darkham was after a Deimos genocide, not world domination.] Tatjana: I had no idea Lord Darkham had gone through all that... Paulette: Darkham was just...another victim of the Deimos... Ganz: Those Deimos bastards...! Tatjana: It’s just like Lord Darkham said! As long as the Deimos are around, humans will have to live in fear of the Deimos! [Darc’s party arrives at the top of the tower.] Darc: Is that you, Kharg...! Kharg: Darc...! Darc: Lilia! (to Kharg) Where’s Darkham? Kharg: He’s dead. And he left it up to me to wipe out the Deimos. Darc: ...I knew it. You’re no different than that Darkham. That’s fine, though...The thing that came out of the giant crater is an ancient weapon capable of mass destruction. We’ll just be taking it off your hands for you...So we can wipe out every single human off the face of the planet with it! Kharg: The Deimos will never have control of the Flying Castle...! Because we’re going to use it to annihilate all you Deimos! Paulette: We’re not going to lose this time. You’re going to pay for what happened to my father...! Ganz: Orcon scum...I’ve been waiting for this day for a long time. You’re going to pay for my comrade’s death! Delma: Fine, then. Why don’t we just give you a one-way ticket to go visit your comrade! In hell! Volk: I’ll never see my wife or kids ever again, thanks to your precious father. It’s time to settle the score, once and for all. Camellia: Tatjana, I hope you are ready to pay me back for all the pain and suffering you’ve inflicted upon me. Tatjana: Looks like you’re back to your old, disgusting self. The experiments are over and you are no longer needed. I’m sending you out with the trash, old hag! Bebedora: The sadness, fading into deep blue. The bewilderment, flickering in an intense purple. Maru...Your heart is in much pain. I can feel it. Kharg: So, it all comes down to this battle. Humans and Deimos. There can only be one winner. Darc: The fate of the loser is extinction from the face of the planet. It’s time to settle our fates, once and for all. Kharg: And the winner takes all five Great Spirit Stonse. Darc: Yeah. But I will win, and the stones will be mine. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ MALUISE TOWER SKIRMISH #2: IN-BATTLE SPEECH AFTER KHARG’S FIRST TURN (if you picked the humans): Kharg: OK, this is it! We’ll defeat them, and put an end to the conflict between humans and Deimos. The fate of the humans will be decided by this fight! Paulette: Let’s do it! But I’ll never forgive the Deimos! I’ll get revenge for my father! Father...watch over me! AFTER PAULETTE’S FIRST TURN (if you picked the humans): Paulette: Get with it, Maru! If you don’t stay focused, you’ll be killed! Don’t let Bebedora distract you! Maru: Yeah, I know...But... Paulette: Remember! She’s a Deimos, our enemy! You’ll put all of us in danger if you’re not careful! Maru: Darn it all! You want me to fight, I guess I gotta fight! AFTER VOLK’S FIRST TURN (if you picked the Deimos): Volk: At last the time has come...for me to take my revenge! We’ll destroy them, and then wipe out the humans! Camellia: Ho ho ho! So we feel the same! Today, right here and now, humans and their science...will meet their end! AFTER DARC’S FIRST TURN (if you picked the Deimos): Darc: This fight’ll decide it all! I’ll take down Kharg and his friends, and then I’ll destroy all humans! Follow me! Bebedora: Rage...a dark flame. A black darkness...Darc, you’ve abandoned your human heart, haven’t you. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ################################################################## Depending on which team you picked, you’ll get different speeches. ################################################################## ########################### IF YOU PICK THE HUMAN TEAM: ########################### Kharg: We won...We defeated the Deimos! Tatjana: The world is saved! The humans win! Wait and see, Lord Darkham...We will destroy the Deimos. Ganz: Rapier! I will avenge your death! Soon... Paulette: Father...Your pain...All of your regret and suffering...You can be at peace now, at last! Maru: ............ Darc: Damn you, you humans! Kharg: Now we have all five Great Spirit Stones! [Kharg starts to walk to the altar with the Stones in it. Unfortunately, he starts floating in midair.] Kharg: Aaaghhh! Paulette: Huh?! What’s going on? [The rest of the humans start floating, too.] Maru: Aaaghhh! What’s happening?! [The Deimos start floating, too.] ############################ IF YOU PICK THE DEIMOS TEAM: ############################ Darc: We won...We defeated the humans! Delma: Hah! I knew the Deimos were gonna win out in the end! Volk: The time for my revenge has come! Time to avenge the death of my wife and child, to get revenge for all the pain and suffering of the entire Deimos race...and time to take back Deimos pride! I will have my revenge! The time has come to destroy all humankind! Camellia: Ho ho ho! We don’t want to destroy them too easily or too soon! We must make their end slow and painful...We have to have time to enjoy it! And I especially want Tatjana to pay for what she’s done! Bebedora: ............ Kharg: I can’t believe it...We lost...! Darc: And now we have all five of the Great Spirit Stones... [Darc walks towards the altar with the stones. Unfortunately, he starts floating in midair.] Darc: Gaaahhh! Delma: Huh?! Something funny is going on! [The rest of the Deimos start floating, too.] Bebedora: Hee hee hee! We’re all just puppets... [The humans start floating too.] ######################################################################## At this point, it doesn’t matter what path you chose because the following occurs regardless. ######################################################################## [From behind where Lilia is at, Zev steps forth into broad daylight.] Zev: I have acquired all five Great Spirit Stones, and my power has returned to me. Listen to me, foolish humans! Watcch me, wretched Deimos! I am... [He takes of his goggles, revealing two gaping holes where his eyes should be.] Zev: ...The Divine Ruler! Darc: The Divine Ruler?! Kharg: But you’re Zev! What are you talking about? Divine Ruler: Zev? That was merely a temporary name. Just as this body is merely temporary. I am the king of kings! I am he who once ruled the entire world, and created the very monsters themselves! I am he who obtained the power of the darkness and tried to reign supreme as the [Lord of the Black Abyss]! I was the first human to defy the gods! The king of darkness, I am the Divine Ruler! I spent thousands of years sealed away! It was a very long time...A very long time indeed...But thanks to you humans, the Spirits disappeared from this world 500 years ago. Yes. The time has finally come! The opportunity I had been waiting for all those years! It was the era of the Twilight of the Spirits! The power of the Spirits that had always filled the world waned rapidly, and I was able to achieve a temporary resurrection. I slipped out through a tiny crack in the seal and took over this explorer’s body! Unfortunately, the enormous power of darkness I had once held had disappeared with the departure of the Spirits. But again, thanks to you, I was able to break through the barrier that sealed off the Flying Castle. The only thing left to do now is to use the power of the five Great Spirit Stones to achieve my complete resurrection as the Lord of the Black Abyss! Kharg: Don’t tell me...you’re going to break the seal on the [ark]?! Divine Ruler: Mwa ha ha! That’s exactly right! The Flying Castle--the thing you think of as a weapon--is the very resting place of the ark! That is where I will be fully resurrected! Kharg: We won’t let you do it! Divine Ruler: Ha ha ha! You won’t let me? Fools, all of you! Fools to the end! Don’t you realize by now the integral role you’ve played in all of this? You gave me this opportunity to be resurrected. You’ve all be very helpful little pawns, indeed! Kharg: What?! What are you talking about?! Divine Ruler: Then let me ask you this. Who’s the one that told you an airship had crashed in Dragon Bone Valley? Who gave you information about Mt. Quina? In Epistia, wasn’t it I that told you the crisis Yewbell was facing? It was all part of my scheme to have you, Kharg, fight with Darkham and compete against Darc! Kharg: What?! Divine Ruler: And you! Foolish Darc. Having Darkham create and manipulate Droguza turned out to be well worth it... Darc: You’re the one that made Darkham do that?! Divine Ruler: With humans and Deimos bitterly fighting each other over the five Great Spirit Stones, I knew one of you would gather them all together for me in the end. I didn’t care who was the one to do it--whether it was you, Kharg, or Darkham...And I knew that the struggle between Deimos and humans would further spread feelings of hatred, would increase negative feelings to their peak. It all turned out just exactly as I planned! Darc: You mean you’ve been behind all of this from the beginning?! Divine Ruler: Ah, you finally understand. But it’s too late now...The world is already filled with negative feelings, with negative emotions! I will soon be fully resurrected as the Lord of the Black Abyss! And when I am...the world will come to an end! [The Divine ruler waves his hand. Lilia and the Great Spirit Stones all hover in midair.] Divine Ruler: You’ve all fulfilled the roles I set out for you nicely. You’ll have plenty of time to regret your foolishness while you’re waiting for the world to end! [The Divine Ruler disappears, taking the stones and Lilia with him.] ######################################################################## Once again, the dialogue changes depending on who’ve you chosen to side with. If you chose the human party, you’ll read the following: ######################################################################## Kharg: Zev was using me! The Divine Ruler was manipulating me! Paulette: You weren’t the only one. He used me, too. Zev was using everyone--all humans, every last Deimos. Tatjana: The Divine Ruler managed to draw the whole world into a vortex of hatred, just as he planned. Lord Darkham was sucked in, too. Ganz: What can we do? There must be something... Tatjana: Destroy the Deimos, and cut off the root of all hatred...! Maru: What good would that do us now? That would just make more hatred! We’ve got to stop all this fighting! Volk: Shut up, you little brat! Go ahead and kill us! Just do it and get it over with! We don’t need your pity! Paulette: ............ Kharg: Let’s go to the Flying Castle! If the Lord of the Black Abyss is resurrected, it’s the end of the whole world. We’re going to get Lilia and the five Great Spirit Stones back! Ganz: Yes. Kharg’s right. We’ve got to do it. We’ve got to try, for the sake of the world! Looks like you were lucky this time, Deimos. Delma: Grrr! Go to hell! Camellia: Curse you! Now this humiliation on top of everything else! Kharg: ............ Darc: Grrr! Bebedora: ............ Maru: Bebedora...Goodbye... Kharg: All right, we’re going. To the [Flying Castle]! ######################################################################## If you chose to align yourself with the band of Deimos, you’ll read the following: ######################################################################## Darc: So this damn Divine Ruler had it all planned out. We were part of his little scheme before we were ever even born! He created us all! Volk: What do you mean, Darc? Darc: The Divine Ruler created the monsters--our ancestors. Delma: What?! He created monsters? You’re kidding, right, Darc? Darc: I found out on Cragh Island. He--this Divine Ruler guy--created us to use as weapons. That’s why Deimos and monsters have such a strong battle instinct. That’s why we always fight. The Divine Ruler made us that way. Camellia: I can’t believe it...We’re simple creations, then, just like Bebedora? Bebedora: Hee hee hee. You’re all just like me. The Divine Ruler is every monster’s true father. Volk: What the hell are we saying? That we were all just created on some whim? That this Divine Ruler was the one that put battle instinct in our hearts? That he manipulated us into hating humans? Are we Deimos nothing more than pawns of the Divine Ruler’s ambition?! Darc: We’re going to the Flying Castle. If the Divine Ruler wants to resurrect the Lord of the Black Abyss...we’re just gonna have to stop him. He’s the one that made us strong! And we’re gonna make him regret the day he ever created us. Volk: What do you wanna do with these humans? You wanna finish ‘em off? Delma: Let’s do it! We’ve gotta teach them what happens when they cross Deimos! Darc: No. Let’s not. They were just manipulated by the Divine Ruler, just like we were. We’ve made it clear which one of us is stronger. Deimos don’t kill the weak for no reason. Unlike the “civilized” humans... Kharg: Grrr! Darc: ............Let’s leave it at this. Volk: They do look...kind of pathetic... Delma: Yeah, I guess we did make it pretty clear who’s stronger... Ganz: You aren’t going to...kill us...? Tatjana: I can’t believe it! Deimos, taking pity on humans...?! Darc: We’re off to the [Flying Castle]! Let’s put a stop to this Divine Ruler’s little plot. ######################################################################## Whichever party you choose to go with will have different speech when they approach the Restricted Dimension/Ultimate Weapon crater. If you pick the Deimos team, you’ll get the following: ######################################################################## Darc: So this is the [Flying Castle]. Volk: It looks evil...just like everything else humans put their hand to... Darc: Are you all with me, guys? Volk: Darc, King of the Deimos! I would lay down my very life for you. Camellia: After what you did for me, I would follow you into the depths of hell. Bebedora: Some great power within me commands me. It tells me to follow you, Darc. It tells me to follow you, no matter where you may go. Delma: Wait a minute, Darc. Darc: What is it, Delma? Delma: So we’re gonna go kill the Divine Ruler for the good of the Deimos, right? Darc: Yeah, of course. Delma: So once the Divine Ruler is dead, you won’t mind if we kill Lilia, right? Darc: What?! No way! Delma: And why the hell not? Darc: Because......... Delma: See?! You say it’s all for the good of the Deimos, but I know how you feel about Lilia! Darc: If you don’t wanna take orders from me, fine. I’m still going, even if I have to go by myself. Delma: Look at you, putting on a big show! You like Lilia, and everybody knows it! Bebedora: Hee hee hee. The scarlet of jealousy. It turns to the true red of anger, and then to the crimson of hatred. The deep, blood color of loathing. Black, black, the color of darkness... negative emotions. Delma: You’d better shut up or you’ve had it, little girl!! Bebedora: Hee hee. I am Darc’s puppet. I merely follow him. Volk: Darc is our alpha leader. And when the pack leader gives a command, that’s final. I’m with Darc. Camellia: So am I. Delma: Well, yeah...I am, too, of course...It’s just...I just wanted to know the truth, that’s all. Darc: Gee, Delma...I’m... Delma: Oh, shut up! I don’t wanna hear any more about your precious Lilia! Let’s just move on! Darc: Yeah...we’d better. [Darc’s party goes inside the Flying Castle. Meanwhile, Kharg’s party stands atop Maluise Tower, still tasting defeat.] Kharg: I swore I would protect her...but I never managed to protect her at all... Paulette: Are you worried about Lilia? Kharg: Huh...? Oh, yeah. The Divine Ruler taking Lilia off with him like that...I wonder if that means he needs her to resurrect the Lord of the Black Abyss, too? Paulette: I don’t know for sure...but, yes, he probably does need Lilia’s power. Kharg: Is everybody well enough to go? Ganz: Yeah, we’ll be fine. Tatjana: Those Deimos are stronger than I thought--that Darc and the others. Paulette: I can’t believe they didn’t finish us off! Ganz: I can’t believe Deimos let humans go! Tatjana: I bet it’s some kind of trick. Maru: Just because they’re Deimos, that doesn’t mean they want to kill all the time, you know. Tatjana: Don’t you believe it! That’s all they’re good for. They’re nothing but killing machines! Maru: Then why didn’t they kill us this time? Tatjana: I don’t know... Kharg: Come on. Let’s go to the Flying Castle. Tatjana: Don’t tell me we’re going to rescue the Deimos? Kharg: Tatjana, we’re not fighting because of some grudge we have against the Deimos, you know. We’re trying to save the world. We’re fighting to protect our world! And I’d do anything to protect it. Wouldn’t you? Even if it means fighting alongside the Deimos! Maru: That’s right! The real enemy is the Divine Ruler! Paulette: I’m with you, Kharg. You know I’d do anything to protect this world. And I know my father would’ve wanted me to help you, no matter what. Ganz: Of course we should protect this world. That’s plenty enough reason to fight. Tatjana: But Kharg! Are you serious...? Fight alongside Deimos? Isn’t that a little too trusting of you? Kharg: ...... Tatjana: But I guess...it’s that trust--that kindness of yours--that we really need right now if we’re going to change the world... Kharg: Come on, let’s go. We’re off to the [Flying Castle]. We’re going to get Lilia and the Great Spirit Stones back! [Kharg and his band goes into the Flying Fortress, too.] Darc: What a creepy building. Camellia: It’s shrouded in an ominous feeling... [Kharg’s team arrives right behind the Deimos.] Darc: What are you doing here?! Damn ugly, annoying humans...! Kharg: We’re here to fight the Divine Ruler, too! I think we should join forces. The Divine Ruler is enemy to us both. Darc: Don’t be stupid! Remember what we learned on Cragh Island? Deimos and humans can’t get along. They could never live together in peace. Or are you saying you wanna give up civilization? Are you humans willing to follow the Deimos law of “survival of the fittest”? Kharg: No, that’s not what I’m saying. But I still think...there’s got to be some way for us to get along peacefully. Darc: If there was a way, don’t you think we would’ve found it a long time ago? Kharg: If there isn’t a way, then we’ll just have to make one. We can do it...together! Darc: ............That’s just a bunch of empty talk. There isn’t any way. Kharg: Empty talk? But you know as well as I do that a world without ideals or hope is little more than hell! Darc: See? More empty talk! [The ground starts shaking.] Kharg: Wh-what’s going on? [The castle starts lifting off into the sky.] Darc: Is this......an earthquake? Kharg: No, not an earthquake! We’re...lifting off! Tatjana: The Flying Castle is taking off?! Bebedora: The Flying Castle is a castle that flies. It’s a vessel of ambitions. A mirror into greed. It’s the same as me. The Ultimate Weapon...for destroying the world. Ganz: The Flying Castle still works? But what supplies its power? Camellia: It’s the five Great Spirit Stones! He must have brought the Flying Castle back to life with their power! ######################################################################## If you picked the human team, you’ll encounter the following: ######################################################################## Kharg: So this is the [Flying Castle], huh? It’s huge. Paulette: Looks like this is it, Kharg. Kharg: Is everybody with me? Paulette: I’m ready to follow you anywhere, Kharg. You know that. I think everybody feels the same... Maru: Well, I’m ready! Of course! Ganz: You can bet I’m with you. I’ve finally found something I care enough about to want to protect...this world! Tatjana: You saved my life, Kharg. I’m with you till the end. Kharg: All right, then, let’s go! The Divine Ruler’s little ambition is over! [Kharg’s team enters the Flying Castle. Meanwhile, back at the top of Maluise Tower, Darc stares at where Lilia lay.] Darc: That’s how goodbyes have always gone between us...Just when I think I have you, you always get stolen away. Delma: You really that taken up with a human woman? Darc: No! That’s not what I was talking about! I was just saying how weird it was, how the Divine Ruler took Lilia away! Delma: Now that you mention it, you’re right. There’s something up with that. Maybe he needs her to resurrect that “Black Abyssmal Lord” or whatever he called it... Darc: Are you all right to move now? Volk: Yeah, I’ll be all right. Camellia: Humans certainly aren’t to be taken lightly...especially that “Kharg” fellow... Volk: But I wonder what happened? Why in the world didn’t they kill us? Camellia: I have no idea. I thought all humans hated Deimos! Darc: Humans can never finish off an enemy that’s wounded on the ground. That’s the way they are. Volk: I get it...Just like you, Darc. Darc: What? Volk: It’s just like the time you and I fought... Delma: Oh, yeah. Just like the time with me, too. You didn’t kill me when you have the chance, even though I was threatening to kill you. Camellia: It was the same with me. Darc spared my life many times. Darc: Well, that’s because...I need you. I needed your strength, to help unite the Deimos. Volk: So does that mean...those humans need our strength, too? Darc: Humans? Need Deimos? You think so? Delma: No way! I can’t believe that. Camellia: I don’t believe it, either! Darc: Come on. We’re going to the Flying Castle. Volk: To rescue the humans? Darc: No! This has nothing to do with the humans. It’s the Divine Ruler I want to take care of! Just think about it! He made monsters to use as weapons. Monsters are our ancestors! And then he manipulated the Deimos and the humans into hating each other. All because of some stupid scheme of his! If the Divine Ruler wants to resurrect the Lord of the Black Abyss...we’re just gonna have to stop him. He’s the one that made us strong! And we’re gonna make him regret the day he ever created us. That’s it. That’s my only reason. It has nothing to do with the humans. Now let’s head to the [Flying Castle]! [Darc’s team enters the Flying Castle. Cut to Kharg’s team who’s entered already...] Kharg: It’s amazing to think humans from such a long time ago build a thing like this... Paulette: It’s kind of...spooky...It looks like it could just suck everything up... [The Deimos run up to the humans.] Kharg: Darc! What are you doing here? I guess you’re all here to fight the Divine Ruler, too. Darc: So what if we are?! Stay out of our way, humans! Kharg: I think we should join forces. The Divine Ruler is enemy to us both. Darc: Don’t be stupid! Remember what we learned on Cragh Island? Deimos and humans can’t get along. They could never live together in peace. Or are you saying you wanna give up civilization? Are you humans willing to follow the Deimos law of “survival of the fittest”? Kharg: No, that’s not what I’m saying. But I still think...there’s got to be some way for us to get along peacefully. Darc: If there was a way, don’t you think we would’ve found it a long time ago? Kharg: If there isn’t a way, then we’ll just have to make one. We can do it...together! Darc: ............That’s just a bunch of empty talk. There isn’t any way. Kharg: Empty talk? But you know as well as I do that a world without ideals or hope is little more than hell! Darc: See? More empty talk! [The ground rumbles.] Kharg: Wh-what’s going on? [The Flying Castle lifts off.] Darc: Is this...an earthquake? Kharg: No, not an earthquake! We’re...lifting off! Tatjana: The Flying Castle is taking off?! Bebedora: The Flying Castle is a castle that flies. It’s a vessel of ambitions. A mirror into greed. It’s the same as me. The Ultimate Weapon...for destroying the world. Ganz: The Flying Castle still works? But what supplies its power? Camellia: It’s the five Great Spirit Stones! He must have brought the Flying Castle back to life with their power! ######################################################################## From this point on, the stories realign, and the script becomes one once more. Hopefully that wasn’t too confusing (and I know that one part was repeated, but who cares?) for you. Anyway, this takes place regardless of which party you took: ######################################################################## [Just then, the floor gives way and both the humans and the Deimos fall into the darkness. Kharg, Paulette, and Ganz all stand up amongst some rubble.] Kharg: Is everybody all right? Paulette: I’m fine. Ganz: I’m OK, too. Kharg: What about Maru and Tatjana? Where are they? [Volk and Delma get out of the rubble, too.] Volk: Not you! That’s all we need now. Delma: What do you wanna do, Volk? It’s three against two. Volk: What do you think? It’s kill or be killed! Kharg: When is this senseless fighting every going to end? How long are we going to let ourselves be manipulated by the Divine Ruler’s stupid plot? The main thing right now is to defeat the Divine Ruler! You know I’m right! Volk: ............You may be right...I don’t know, and I don’t care. You’re not our alpha leader. And we’re not gonna take orders from you! Delma: That’s right! Just keep your mouths shut, humans! There’s nothing to discuss! Paulette: Kharg, just talking is never going to work with these Deimos. Ganz: We might have to fight them... Kharg: No! That would just be playing into the Divine Ruler’s hands. We both have the same goal. We can’t let him destroy the world! Volk: I don’t care if the world does get destroyed, so long as I can take you down with it. Humans are my enemy. And I’ll die fighting right now before I change my mind! Kharg: But what a waste of your life that would be! Don’t you see? Volk: Damn you! That’s just what Darc said...! [A bunch of enemies appear all around the Deimos and humans.] Volk: Damn it! No what?! Kharg: Looks like our differences will have to wait. We’ve got a little something to take care of first. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ FLYING CASTLE SKIRMISH: IN-BATTLE SPEECH AFTER GANZ’ FIRST TURN: Ganz: Get out of my way! Don’t come near me! I might accidentally chop your head off with this axe! Delma: Don’t make me laugh! Neither you or your axe is sharp enough to get me! Ganz: Want to give it a try?! I’ll get my revenge for Rapier here and now! Delma: Fine by me! Let’s do it, then, if you dare! Kharg: Stop it, both of you! Just calm down! AFTER VOLK’S FIRST TURN: Volk: Don’t you get too close! You’re still the enemy! Paulette: As if I’d want to! It makes my skin crawl being near Deimos like this. Volk: In that case, why don’t you get out of my sight?! Or do you want me to make you?! Paulette: You should be the one to get out of my sight! Kharg: Simmer down, both of you! AFTER KHARG’S THIRD TURN (?): Paulette: Do you really think we can trust the Deimos...? They could attack us as soon as our backs are turned. Kharg: You may be right. But we don’t have any choice but to trust them. And right now, defeating the enemy is our priority. Paulette: OK, Kharg. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ [Together, the humans and the Deimos whoop up on the monsters.] Delma: That takes care of that little interruption. Now, then. Where were we? Volk: Delma...Come on... Kharg: Enough! We’ve got to forget about our own petty grudges for a while! We’ve got more important things to do right now. If you really want to fight it out that badly...you can always wait until you join back up with Darc and the others, can’t you? Or maybe you think Darc is dead...? Volk: Of course we don’t think that! Our alpha leader isn’t dead. Delma: You can’t talk about Darc that way! He’s not like you frail humans, you know! That thing that just happened...that would never do Darc in! Kharg: So why aren’t you looking for him? I bet he’s looking for the two of you. That’s what I’d be doing... Volk: Looking for us? Delma: Yeah...That sounds like something Darc would do...Damn it all! How come he knows Darc better than we do?! Kharg: Never mind that. Let’s get going. I’m worried about the others. Delma: Listen to this guy! He thinks he’s our tribe leader already! Volk: I don’t like it. Delma: I don’t like it, either. Not one bit! Volk: But, you know...I have to admit he’s right. We should look for Darc. Delma: Grrr!! But the minute we find him, we’re gonna rip this bunch of humans to shreds! Kharg: Do whatever you want. [The party continues on. By flipping some switches, they form a walkway over a deep pit.] Kharg: Looks like we’re going to have to cross this bridge. OK, let’s go. Paulette: Wait a minute, Kharg. Do you really think it’s safe? I mean, I don’t see any supports underneath it... Kharg: Hmm... [Kharg goes over to the edge and kneels, looking under it.] Kharg: I don’t see anything, either. [The Deimos are standing over to one side. Delma whispers.] Delma: Volk, now’s our chance! He’s just begging for it! Come on! I’m gonna push him over! Volk: What? Wait! Delma! [Delma sneaks towards Kharg, but he moves out of the way as she tries to push him over. She ends up hanging by one hand off the ledge.] Delma: Aaaghhh! Grr! Damn it all! Volk: Delma!! Hold on! I’m coming! [Ganz walks over to the ledge.] Volk: Why you...! What do you think you’re doing? Ganz: Hurry up! Grab on! Delma: Huh? Ganz: Grab on! You’re going to fall! Delma: How come you’re...? Kharg: What are you doing? Grab on! Delma: Hmph! [Delma climbs back up with Ganz’ help.] Delma: Why did you save me? Ganz: ............Look, I don’t like you, it’s true. But when it comes to a comrade in battle...When Someone decides to stand shoulder to shoulder and fight with me...I can’t just stand by and do nothing when that comrade is in trouble. That’s all there is to it. Delma: I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about! (to Kharg) And what’s the matter with you, you idiot? Don’t you get it?! I was gonna push you over! Kharg: If you were really going to do it, you would have succeeded. You must’ve had some hesitation somewhere in your heart. Delma: Hesitation...? ............ Volk: ............ Kharg: Besides, it’s like I said before. We’ve got more important things to be doing right now. This is no time to be fighting among ourselves. Paulette: I just can’t believe these Deimos! We save one of them, and we don’t get a word of thanks! Volk: He was a fool to turn his back on us. We’re Deimos. We’re not like you humans. You’d be stupid to ever trust us. Kharg: All right. I’ll remember that. [In the next room, the party is attacked by monsters. Again.] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ FLYING FORTRESS SKIRMISH #2: IN-BATTLE SPEECH AFTER GANZ’ FIRST TURN: Delma: Don’t think that you helped me! Ganz: I don’t! I just did what anyone would’ve done! Delma: ......Stop butting in where you’re not wanted! Ganz: All right, then. But it’s not “butting in” to help a comrade. It’s what battle is all about! Delma: Damn it! Stop trying to be smart! AFTER PAULETTE’S FIRST TURN: Paulette: Do you really thinkw e can get along with the Deimos? Ganz: I don’t know. That’s a tough one. But earlier, I helped that devil girl. And I wanted to help her. That’s the truth. Paulette: I see... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ [After defeating the monsters, the party finds an elevator. At the top, the party camps by a huge door.] Volk: Darc isn’t here. Delma: Where the hell did he go? Volk: I don’t pick up Darc’s scent here...We’re going back! Something might be up. Kharg: No. Let’s wait here. Delma: What?! Who do you think you are?! Paulette: But, Kharg...what about Maru and Tatjana? Kharg; I’m sure they’re all right. Darc’s with them, after all. ######################## ##END OF KHARG’S STORY## ######################## [The screen fades out and fades back in on Darc’s party. Tatjana and Camellia are talking amongst themselves, as are Bebedora and Maru. Darc walks up to all of them.] Darc: I don’t see the others anywhere. We got cut off from them completely. Camellia: Ho ho ho! With the rest of them out of the way, now’s my chance. Tatjana! I believe we have something to settle between us. It’s just you and me now. Tatjana: What? With the entire world in danger, all you can think about is yourself and your grudges? Camellia: I don’t care what happens to the world! I won’t rest until I have your life! Tatjana: Do you really think you’re any match for my science? Maru: Cut it out! Why are you two squabbling at a time like this? Bebedora: Enemies are approaching. Maru: What?! Bebedora: A strong feeling of ill will. A savage purplish-black. That is the color of hearts filled with hatred. Maru: Enemies? Where? I don’t see... [The enemies manifest themselves. Odd, ‘cause they’re machines...] Darc: I guess we’re gonna have to join forces. C’mon. Let’s take care of these things! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ FLYING CASTLE SKIRMISH #3: IN-BATTLE SPEECH AFTER DARC’S FIRST TURN: Camellia: You’re not really thinking of fighting with those humans, are you?! Surely you must be planning to deceive them? Darc: The Flying Castle monsters and humans...You don’t think we can take them both on at once, do you?! Just stay focused on the fight! AFTER TATJANA’S FIRST TURN: Tatjana: Not so close! There’s no point in trying to kill me and then pretending you mistook me for the enemy! I’m no fool. I know what you’re up to! Camellia: Ho ho ho! You’re very quick to think of a dirty trick like that! I’m far too pure to even dream of such a terrible thing! Tatjana: Liar! I’m only fighting with you Deimos to save my own skin. It doesn’t mean I’ll let my guard down! Camellia: Ho ho ho...What a coincidence. It seems we share the same sentiments. We’ll settle our differences once we’ve finished the battle here. Don’t you die before then! Tatjana: Fine! That’s what we’ll do! As long as we both make it alive. AFTER MARU’S THIRD TURN: Tatjana: You’re just making a fool out of yourself, befriending a Deimos. Watch out for her stabbing you in the back as soon as the fight’s over! Maru: You’re wrong! Tatjana: Well, that certainly touched a nerve, didn’t it?! But you have to wake up to the facts! She’s a monster! Deimos and monsters can’t understand us humans. Maru: That’s not true! Tatjana: They’re just using us to help them fight! And we’re just using them so we can go on living, too. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ [The Deimos-human party kills all the intruding monsters.] Maru: Come on. Quit that! The real enemy is the Divine Ruler, right? What good is it gonna do to fight each other now? Just a minute ago, we were all fighting side by side! Darc: Hmph. You think fighting on the same side makes us friends? Only a human could come up with an idea like that! I’m telling you right now. To a Deimos, humans are the enemy. That’s never gonna change. Maru: Can’t we just forget about being Deimos and humans for one second? That doesn’t matter right now! Darc: ............Deimos, human, it doesn’t matter, huh? You sound just like a certain stupid woman I know...We’re going on! Kharg and the others are heading for the Divine Ruler, too. We’re both going to the same place, so don’t worry. Come, if you want. I don’t care. Tatjana: Hmph! Not bad thinking...for a Deimos. Darc: (to Camellia) And try to put away your petty squabbles aside for a while. You hear me? Camellia: Of course, Darc. Bebedora: Maru is coming with us? This could be...interesting. Maru: Bebedora... Tatjana: Hey, you wait one minute, Maru! We’re not going off on some picnic together, you know! Maru: I know that!! Tatjana: Are you sure? Make no mistake. That girl’s a Deimos. You let your guard down for an instant and you don’t know what she’ll do! Maru: OK, OK! Leave me alone! Darc: What are you two doing? C’mon, if you’re coming! Tatjana: We may be going with you, but we won’t take orders! [The teams join up. In the southern room, the party gets attacked.] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ FLYING CASTLE SKIRMISH #4: IN-BATTLE SPEECH AFTER MARU’S FIRST TURN: Bebedora: Would you still be sad if the world was destroyed? Maru: Of course I would! We’ve got to save it! Save everybody! Bebedora: Everybody? Who? Maru: Ha ha ha. You asked me that before. Everybody means the people in Yewbell, the people in Milmarna...There are lots of different people in the world. And we’re gonna save them all. And...all the Deimos, too. Bebedora: Yes...all of them will be destroyed. That is quite sad. Maru: You don’t have to be sad, Bebedora. Because we’re gonna save the world! AFTER BEBEDORA’S SECOND TURN: Bebedora: That’s just the same as me. The shadow of despair. Darc: Bebedora, what’s the matter? Bebedora: Hee hee hee. The darkness...is closing in. An overwhelming... darkness...is rising again. Darc: Do you mean the Lord of the Black Abyss? Bebedora: We have to...move fast... Darc: OK. Let’s take out the enemy and get a move on! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ [After checking out the western room, the party is ambushed in the eastern room.] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ FLYING CASTLE SKIRMISH #5: IN-BATTLE SPEECH AFTER MARU’S FIRST TURN: Tatjana: Don’t trust that monster. Maru: When are you going to stop saying things like that?! Did you forget what Kharg said? Tatjana: I didn’t forget. But...Deimos just don’t think like we do, Maru. They never will. Maru: That’s not true! They’re fighting with us now, aren’t they?! Tatjana: On the surface, it looks that way, yes. But you never know when they’ll betray us. So I’m telling you to be careful, OK? AFTER TATJANA’S FIRST TURN: Tatjana: Watch out for the PA200 machine-gun fire. It packs a punch! And be careful. The SA100’s self-destruct! Darc: Hmph! You seem to know quite a lot about this stuff. Does Dilzweld technology have anything to do with this Flying Castle? Tatjana: What are you trying to say? Science and technology are common to all of us. If you don’t want to know about the enemy, then just don’t listen. You can fight your own way! AFTER BEBEDORA’S FIRST TURN: Camellia: Humans aren’t to be befriended, you know. They might try to use you for their experiments. Bebedora: Maru wouldn’t do anything like that. Camellia: Ho ho ho! You don’t know that! Humans can be very brutal if it suits them. Bebedora: Hee hee hee. I can know these things. Maru...is different. Camellia: You might be a puppet, but you sound like a little girl in love. They’ll use you for their own purposes, and then they’ll kill you. Bebedora: I don’t care. I will just return to the darkness. That’s all. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ [After flipping all the switches in the three rooms, the party gets on the elevator. At the top, there are two more elevators.] Bebedora: Oh! Darc: What is it, Bebedora? Bebedora: The darkness...aaaghhh! No! Stop it! Maru: What’s wrong, Bebedora? Darc: Are you OK? Bebedora: ............I’m fine...It was nothing. [She runs onto the leftmost elevator.] Bebedora: This way! [At the top, Bebedora starts to run away.] Darc: Bebedora! Get back here! Bebedora: This way! Darc: Hey! Bebedora! Bebedora! What is this place? Bebedora: It’s a monster box. A room for disposing of intruders. [Two huge dragons appear.] Maru: Bebedora, look out! Monsters! Bebedora: Hee hee...These are my servants. They’re a gift to me from the Divine Ruler. Darc: To you? Bebedora...what are you talking about? Bebedora: I am Bebedora. I’m a monster created by the Divine Ruler to destroy the world. Darc: Bebedora! You aren’t thinking of betraying us, are you?! [Bebedora starts floating, darkness clinging to her.] Bebedora: I am Bebedora. I manipulate. I am manipulated. I’ve been the Divine Ruler’s pupped since the day I was born. I am Bebedora. I am the puppeteer of all monsters. The power within me--the Divine Ruler--gives me his orders. “Kill Darc,” he says! He tells me, “Kill them all!” Maru: Don’t do it, Bebedora! Don’t listen to what the Divine Ruller tells you! Bebedora: I am a puppet. He controls my strings. The power within me-- the Divine Ruler--gives me his orders. He says, “Kill Maru!” Maru: Bebedora...! No... Bebedora: “Kill...Maru...!” That is...the command...of my master...! ...But...I don’t want to...! Maru: You’ve got to be strong! Don’t’ listen to that ol’ Divine Ruler’s voice! Bebedora: I can’t do it...I don’t want to...I don’t want to fight... Maru...Hee hee. Everything turns to black despair. All returns back to the darkness. Darc: Keep your guard up! That thing isn’t Bebedora anymore! It’s the Divine Ruler’s puppet now. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ FLYING CASTLE SKIRMISH #5: IN-BATTLE SPEECH AFTER TATJANA’S SECOND TURN: Tatjana: We’ll all be killed like this! The only way is to kill Bebedora. She’s the one controlling the Altima. Darc: Typical human! Cold as ice! You couldn’t care less about the life of a Deimos! Tatjana: Do you really think I want this? To kill one of my allies?! Darc: You think of a Deimos as an ally? Tatjana: Well, you’re not my enemies. At least, not until we’ve defeated the Divine Ruler, anyway. Darc: ...... AFTER MARU’S FOURTH TURN (?): Maru: Do we really have to kill Bebedora? Isn’t there any other way to end this?! Darc: If only there was. Maru: No way...I can’t do it! Darc: Then just stay here and cry! I’ll kill Bebedora! If she’s just living as a plaything for the Divine Ruler...it’s better off to kill her and set her free. The thread of Bebedora’s fate will be severed by my hand! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ [The party defeats the Altima dragons and the possessed Bebedora. Afterwards, Maru kneels over Bebedora’s corpse.] Maru: Bebedora! Bebedora...Don’t die! Bebedora? Bebedora...! No...! Darc: Hmm...Maru liked that girl that much... Camellia: I...I can’t believe it! I never heard of a human that cried for a Deimos...! Tatjana: ............ Camellia: How do you feel, now that another Deimos is dead? I bet you’re happy. [Camellia walks away.] Tatjana: Who...could be happy...about something like this...? Camellia: Darc...What do we do now? Darc: ......Do you even have to ask? We’re gonna defeat the Divine Ruler, that’s what! He’s not getting away with this anymore! Playing with Deimos as if they were toys! Hey, you! Stop that crying! No time for that now. Maru: I know...! I know that...Bebedora...I’m sorry...Don’t worry... I’ll get revenge for you! [Everyone walks away. Bebedora gets up.] Bebedora: I am Bebedora. Maru: Bebedora! Bebedora: All of my strings are broken. I don’t think I’m being controlled...by anyone right now... Maru: Bebedora! You’re alive! Darc: Hmph. We were all upset about you. Camellia: She...she broke free! Broke away from the Divine Ruler’s control, and now she’s acting under her own volition...! Tatjana: Hee hee! Camellia: Tatjana...could you be...? Are you really glad to see Bebedora alive...? Bebedora: I know all of you. Are you my master? Darc: You don’t have a master. We’re your friends. Always have been. Bebedora: My...friends? If I don’t have a master, who controls me? Maru: Nobody controls you, Bebedora. You can be free now! Bebedora: Free? If I’m free, can I be like you? Maru: Of course you can! Bebedora: Oh...I see...I want to be free, then. I’ll be free, and control my own heart. Pain...suffering...I want it...all of it! I want to experience every feeling there is. That’s what I want. That’s my true desire. Darc: Well, c’mon. We’ve gotta get going. We don’t have any more time to waste. We’re off! [The party goes back down the elevator, then up the other one. Kharg’s party is waiting for them.] Darc: ...Hey, guys. Maru: There they are! Hey, Kharg! Delma: Darc! You’re alive! Darc: Delma...I’m glad you guys are OK, too. You came wit Kharg’s group? Delma: ......Well, we kinda had to. A lot of stuff happened...It’d take too long to explain! Kharg: Maru! Tatjana! You’re all right! Tatjana: Looks like you joined forces with the Deimos, too. Maru: I thought you would. We have to fight together! Paulette: But getting the Deimos to understand that is a whole different matter. Kharg: We’ll make them understand. We should never let feelings of hate guide us in battle. That’s what my mother wanted me to understand. [Kharg goes over to Darc’s party.] Kharg: Darc, are you going to join forces with us? Darc: ............We don’t need the help of any humans? Kharg: Come on, stop being so stubborn! The Divine Ruler is the enemy of humans and Deimos alike. He’s our true enemy. We have to fight together. Join your strength with ours! Darc: ............I refuse! Kharg: Why won’t you understand? Why won’t you even try? A part of you is human, just like me! Darc: Human? Hmph! I got rid of that part a long time ago............. Kharg: Darc... Darc: Just think about it. Do you really think Deimos could ever live without fighting? Do you think humans could ever give up their civilization? Do you honestly think humans and Deimos could live together in peace? It just won’t work. We’re destined to fight. Come on. You know I’m right. Kharg: ............I always thought you and I...would come to understand each other someday...You know...Because we’re... ............ Darc: Kharg... Kharg: All right. Fine. I guess I was only fooling myself. We’re just too different. Everything about us... Darc: ............ Kharg: It’s just that I couldn’t...I mean, this Divine Ruler! He manipulates us. He steals away the five Great Spirit Stones. He captures Lilia. And he’s about to destroy the entire world! I just couldn’t... Darc: ...Let him get away with it...Right? Heh heh. Kharg: Wow, Darc, this is the first time... Darc: ...The first time we ever agreed on anything, huh? Kharg: We’ll defeat the Divine Ruler. And we’ll do it for the Deimos’ sakes, too, even though you want to kill us humans. Darc: Always trying to make yourself out to be the good guy, huh? You really wanna pretend to be human that bad? Kharg: But I am human! Darc: If anybody’s gonna defeat you humans, it’s gonna be the Deimos. We’re not about to let the Divine Ruler have that pleasure. Kharg: And look at you! Always trying to prove you’re such a big, bad tough guy. You really want to pretend to be a Deimos that bad? Darc: But I am a Deimos! Heh heh. Kharg: Ha ha ha! Darc: ............ Kharg: We’d better go. Lilia needs us. Darc: Yeah, let’s go. The Divine Ruler needs us, too. To kick his butt. Kharg: We’ll be joining up with the Deimos from here on out! We both have one goal in mind! Maru: Well, yeah! Wasn’t that obvious? Darc: You heard him. We’re fighting with the humans. Our goal is to destroy the Divine Ruler! I don’t care what we have to do to accomplish that! Delma: Well, if we have to...And I guess we do owe the humans something... [After working their way up through the floors, the party opens a giant door, gleaming with dark energy. They enter. Already inside, events are occurring...] Divine Ruler: Wa ha ha ha! Now you are mine! My puppet...A loyal servant beneath me. All right, Lilia, now you chant. Chant the words to break the ark’s seal! [Lilia’s eyes glow as red and lifeless as the Divine Ruler’s] Lilia: Yes,...Divine Ruler... [She steps up to the ark.] Lilia: Wills of the Hero and the Holy Mother, who have sealed this ark, I am a friend of the Spirits...Through the five Great Spirits and through my will, may the ark’s seal be opened...and may the infinite power residing, within the ark be released. The time is now. Yes! At last! Divine Ruler: Yes! At last! Hear me, Spirit of the Dark! In accordance with the dark pace, grant me power! [The ark gives the dark power to the Divine Ruler] Divine RulerAh! It is mine again at last! Again, I have ultimate power! Kharg: Stop right there, Divine Ruler! Divine Ruler: You are too late, worms! Darc: Divine Ruler, or whatever you call yourself, I hope you are ready to die! Divine Ruler: Ha ha ha! You foolish lot Come to be swallowed up by my darkness have you? Kharg: What?! Divine Ruler: Hear this! I am no longer the Divine Ruler! I have joined with the Spirit of the Dark and risen again as the Lord of the Black Abyss! I have no use for any of you now. May you decay in the dark depths! Bear witness....to the power of the darkness! [The Lord of the Black Abyss summons a giant forcefield of darkness and imposes it on both Darc and Kharg’s party. They all black out. Darc is the first one to awaken...but where it’s in a different place than he was just in. In fact, it’s complete darkness except for a few lights flying around and the flames each of his party members stands before. In Volk’s case, he stands before two.] Darc: Unnh...Where am I...? What is this place...? [Darc runs around and sees Bebedora. He runs to her and a mirror image appears, looking at her.] Bebedora (image): Who controls you? Bebedora: Who...are you...? Bebedora (image): I’m the divine Ruler’s puppet? A broken doll, that’s who I am. A marionette with broken strings, that’s who you are. I am you. You are me. What do you think you’re doing? You’ll never be free, you know. Bebedora: Who...are you...? [Darc sees Tatjana and goes to her. An image of Darkham appears.] Darkham: Are you making my plan all come to nothing? Tatjana: Lord Darkham?! Sir? Darkham: Why do you not destroy the Deimos? Do you want to live in fear of them forever? Didn’t I ask you to carry out my wishes for me? Use the Flying Castle! Wipe the Deimos out. You must get the humans’ pride back for them! Tatjana: Lord Darkham?! Sir? [Darc sees Maru and runs to him. An image of Foh appears before him.] Foh: Yumalnoh! You’ve got to hurry back! Maru: Foh! What are you doing here...? Foh: Milmarna is in terrible trouble. You’ve got to hurry back and be king! I can’t handle it on my own...Please! Come take my place and save Milmarna! Maru: Oh, no! What’s happening to Milmarna while I’m away...? [Darc sees Volk and runs to him. A voice speaks.] ????: Have you forgotten us? [Darc’s wife, Yrena, appears.] Yrena: Volk, darling! [Darc’s son, Nazaal, appears.] Nazaal: Dad! Volk: It’s you! Both of you! Yrena: Darling, why have you formed another pack? With other Deimos? And with humans, yet! Come with us, Volk. Come with us and lead the Lupine pack once again! Nazaal: Come on, Dad! We’re waiting for you! Volk: It’s you! Both of you! [Darc sees Ganz and runs to him. An image of Rapier appears.] Rapier: Have you found something worth protecting? Ganz: Rapier?! Rapier: If you keep on with this battle, you’ll only get yourself killed. It’s like you said...you have to protect yourself, too, you know. And whatever happened to Isulo Forest? You finally found a quiet, peaceful place you could settle into. What about that, huh? You’d better get back to Isulo Forest, Ganz. Ganz: Isulo Forest...Yeah...What...? What am I doing here...? [Darc sees Camellia and runs to her. An image of her old self appears.] Camellia (Old): You! You returned to your younger self and left me behind! What do you think? Do you like what you see? Camellia: No! Stop it! I don’t want to see it anymore! I’ve had enough of that form! Camellia (Old): Ho ho ho! Don’t be ridiculous. Look at me! Look long and hard. Because someday you’ll be like this again. As they say, “Flowers should fall from the stem while they’re still beautiful...” Camellia: No! Stop it! Please! I’m begging you...! [Darc sees Delma and runs to her. An image of Densimo appears.] Densimo: And you call yourself my sister?! Delma: Densimo! Densimo: Kill him! Kill Darc! Delma: Densimo...I’m sorry...I just don’t have any strength... [Darc sees Paulette and runs to her. An image of Lloyd appears.] Lloyd: Paulette...you disobeyed my wishes! Paulette: Father! Lloyd: I told you over and over that you had to protect Master Kharg at any cost. Why, then, do you lead him into battle, into danger? Paulette: But, Father! I... [Darc sees Kharg and runs to him. A voice speaks.] ????: Kharg, you mustn’t fight... Kharg: Who is it?! [An image of Nafia appears.] Kharg: Mother?! Nafia: Fighting won’t solve anything. Kharg, you are tired. Come to me, my son, and rest. Leave the battle to the others. Kharg: What’s...happening to me...? I feel...so sleepy...Oooh... [Darc runs to a lone flame with no one standing beside it. An image of Windalf appears before him.] Windalf: That’s enough, Darc... Darc: Father!! Windalf: I asked too much of you. No matter how hard you struggle, you’ll never be a Deimos. And one who isn’t a Deimos can’t be expected to save the Deimos race... Darc: I’m not a Deimos? What are you saying, Father...? I’m...not a Deimos...? But I’m trying...I’m trying to be a Deimos as hard as I can...! What else can I do...? Aaawrr...I’m so sleepy...I can’t stay awake... [The screen fades out and a voice speaks somewhere, hidden.] ????: Don’t be fooled by any of them! Darc: I just heard Lilia! Lilia? Is that you, Lilia?! [Lilia’s image appears behind him.] Lilia: This is the Shadow World. It’s in the depths of the Black Abyss, controlled by the Spirit of the Dark. Don’t believe any of the illusions the Lord of the Black Abyss has shown you! You must clear your hearts of darkness! Fight against the shadows in your own mind! Don’t give in to the dark! [Darc turns around to Windalf but Windalf is no longer there. In his place, an ugly lizard-type of monster stands.] Meshimgen: Curse your meddling, Lilia! We almost had them! We were about to drag them into the darkness!! Darc: Everybody! Don’t be fooled! This is just an illusion! [The party is thrown into battle against the Meshimgen creatures. After they’re all defeated, they are no longer in the darkness. But now...it seems they’re inside of something living. Everything moves like tissue.] Kharg: We did it! We beat the phantoms of the Lord of the Black Abyss! Darc: Grrr! He went deep in our hearts and played with what he found there like toys! [The tissue-like location shakes and rumbles.] Kharg: Hey! What was that?! Darc: Did we defeat the Lord of the Black Abyss, too?! Bebedora: No. The Lord of the Black Abyss is about to show his true power. Darc: His true power?! ????: Heh heh heh. Very impessive, escaping from the dark by beating my illusions like that... Kharg: Huh? Where are you?! Darc: Hey! ????: But I will now stain your hearts in darkness! [The party is overwhelmed by an unseen force. They fade into darkness and reappear in a different area. A weird, many-headed monster stands before them, complete with weird tentacles and sacs bulging and deflating with whatever’s inside of it. In a cage molded right into the monster is Lilia.] Kharg: Lilia! Darc: Hang on! We’ll save you! Lord of the Black Abyss: If you kill me, this young lady will die as well. Darc: What?! Kharg: No! Lord of the Black Abyss: Wa ha ha! You have two choices. Either kill me and become one with the darkness of despair, or you must die yourselves. Ha ha ha! Squirm! Writhe in the agony of your decision! Darc: Damn! Is it another illusion? Kharg: But what if he’s telling the truth? What do we do?! Lord of the Black Abyss: Too bad... but I’m afraid you don’t get any time to think about it...Be killed by me...or let your hearts be stained in darkness...Death or darkness. Those are your choices. Now choose! [The party is thrown into battle again by the Lord and more Meshimgens. This time, the party vows to kill their foe.] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ INSIDE...??? SKIRMISH: IN-BATTLE SPEECH AFTER KHARG’S SECOND TURN (?): Kharg: Lilia! Darc: Damn! What should we do?! Kharg: There must be some way to help her! Darc: We can’t think about that now. We’ll get killed ourselves. Kharg: So you’re saying we just let her die? Is that the Deimos way?! Darc: That’s not what I meant...But...Damn it! AFTER DARC’S THIRD TURN (?): Darc: Damn Black Abyss! Saying Lilia will die! Kharg: But if it’s true, what should we do?! Darc: What, so we just do nothing like that damn thing says, and be killed, then? Kharg: I’m not saying that! But there must be a way! At least until we know Lilia’s safe... Darc: We don’t have enough time! If we get killed, then there’ll be nobody left to help Lilia! Kharg: ...OK. We have no choice, then! We can’t allow ourselves to be beaten! Even if our hearts do get stained in darkness. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ [The party defeats the monster Lilia was in, as well as the Meshimgens.] Creature: Heh heh heh...This is the end for you insolent fools. I have stained your hearts in darkness. You will never escape this place...for all of eternity. Kharg: Im.impossible.! We can’t be trapped here...! Darc: What happened to Lilia? Did she really...die just now? Paulette: No, not now...we’ve come so far... Delma: Damn it! Volk: Are we going..die here? Ganz: How sad... Maru: Bebedora... Bebedora: Maru... Camellia: I’m not ready to wilt away... Darc: There’s...got to be some way out... Kharg: Huh?! Darc: What is...?! Lilia’s voice: It isn’t over yet. As long as you don’t’ throw away hope. [Lilia appears in a ball of light.] Kharg: Lilia?! Darc: You’re alive?! Lilia: Just before I was sucked into the Abyss, the wills of the Hero and Holy Mother rescue me. And then, they told me everything. To defeat the Lord of the Black Abyss you need the power of the ark. Kharg: The power in the ark? The one from the ancient legend? Lilia: Yes. Kharg: But that power’s already gone, isn’t it? Lilia: The ark’s power is still with us. It remains within our hearts. Darc: What do you mean Lilia: The power of the ark isn’t the power from the Spirits. It’s a power that...cherishes all things. A power that protects all things. Our own potential that we’ve managed to raise over time, through sadness and suffering...Pure thoughts...Hope for the future...All of that, collected together. That is...the true power of the ark. You must not give up hope. No matter how dark it seems, there’s always the light of hope. Now let’s look into the future. All of us. We must all put our hearts together. Kharg: What I hope for the future is...a peaceful earth! Darc: I will...save the future of the world! Maru: Yeah, we gotta build a bright future together! Bebedora: A future of freedom...that’s what I want. Tatjana: Science will be the power that creates the future! Camellia: I won’t be afraid of whatever the future holds. Ganz: To protect our precious worlds. Paulette: To overcome anything that comes in our way. Volk: For all the species, all over the world. Lilia: Great Hero, Holy Mother, please, lend us your power! [The power of the Holy Mother and Hero make the parties reemerge back to the room from which they were banished. Where the ark once was, the Lord of the Black Abyss now sits, a huge, writhing, ugly eyeball.] Lord of the Black Abyss: Nnrrr! Impudent little...! How dare you escape my Shadow World?! Kharg: Is that...the real form of the Lord of the Black Abyss? Darc: He’s a pretty one... Lord of the Black Abyss: Heh heh heh. You should have stayed in the abyss where you belong! Kharg: Lilia! Get back! Darc: We’re gonna to save this world! Lord of the Black Abyss: You seem to be getting along well now. No matter...Humans and Deimos are born to destroy each other. You will fight again. It’s your destiny. If one of you were to slay the other right, here wouldn’t that bring eternal peace? True friendship will never be possible between humans and Deimos. Kharg: That’s not a price I’m willing to pay, not even for eternal peace! Darc: We don’t need friendship. We just have to trust each other long enough to defeat you! That’s because... Darc and Kharg: ...we’re brothers! Lord of the Black Abyss: Then you will all be destroyed...together! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ FLYING CASTLE SKIRMISH #6: IN-BATTLE SPEECH AFTER KHARG’S FIRST TURN: Kharg: Look! As we destroy each wannabe miniature Black Abyss, the darkness shrouding the real thing gets lighter! Darc: Everybody can see that! No need for you to be so full of yourself! Kharg: I can feel the power of the Lord of the Black Abyss coming from that darkness. Maybe, if we could make that darkness all go away, his defenses might be cut right in half?! Darc: Hmph! I was just thinking that myself! Kharg: All right, then! Let’s strike at the miniature ones first! AFTER BEBEDORA’S FIRST TURN: Maru: This is the last fight. Let’s go for it! Bebedora: I will fight. For myself...And...for all of us. You’re my friend, Maru. I will follow you. Maru: All right! Let’s go! AFTER DIEKBECK'S SECOND TURN (?) Diekbeck: Bip.. bip bip... I awaken again. I am the strongest Ultra-Mech. I am Diek, the leader of the Ultra Mech squad, guards who protected the seven heroes. Choko: Are you rememberting the past? Diekbeck: Arc... Elk... My old enemy Grogalde. I cant forget things etched so deeply in my heart. So the balance of the world slips once again? I didn't expect to cross paths with the Lord again... Choko: Yes, I know. That's why I'm fighting too. Diekbeck: Really. I was created to protect the seven heroes. Now the time has come to use my power again. The power of the strongest Ultra Mech! Choko: Cool! Now we'll win for sure! Diekbeck: beep beep... bip bip bip... Oh... no....! The tower of the Gods... Tosh... one hit... Now... my... functiond... a bit...damaged... bip bip beep... Choko: Huh? You seem kinda strange Diek. Diek, Are you Ok? Diekbeck: ???? Hmm? What happened? I'm fine. Really. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ [The party fights the “unbeatable” Lord and wins out after a grueling fight.] Lord of the Dark Abyss: The power you wield has impressed me. However, I will never be brought down by humans or Deimos. The Lord of the Black Abyss is invincible. And I think I’ll star off by destroying your beloved world. Darc: What did you say?! Kharg: He sill has that much power left? [Lilia walks up.] Lilia: Lord of the Black Abyss...I will seal you away. Lord of the Black Abyss: Ha ha ha! Now, now, Lilia. The ark has lost its power and the Spirits are long gone form this world. Just how do you plan on sealing me away? Lilia: There is a way...one way...! The method taken by the Hero, Arc, the one who was chosen by the spirits. I will give up my own life so that the ark has the power to seal away the Lord of the Black Abyss. Lord of the Black Abyss: Lilia what are you going to do? Lilia: This is the power chosen by the one of the Spirits. ?????: Lilia, that’s enough. [The Spirit of Hope appears--the same one on Cragh Island.] Lilia: The Spirit..of Hope?! Spirit of Hope: I am not the only one. [The Spirits that everyone met on their travels start appearing around the Lord of the Black Abyss, encircling him.] Lord of the Black Abyss: Nnrrr! But how? Why are there spirits here? Spirit of Hope: To wipe out the darkness. Lord of the Black Abyss: Impossible! Destroy me?! As long as there is a connection between humans spirits...I am invincible! Spirit of Hope: That is why we made up our minds. We are going to leave this world. Just as the gods returned to the heavens long ago, so we, too, will depart for the Spirit world. Along with all of the powers of the Spirits...! Lord of the Black Abyss: Wh-what?! No, you can’t! If that power ceased to exist, then I, too.... Spirit of Hope: That’s right. You will never be resurrected...not for all eternity! Lord of the Black Abyss: St-stop! Don’t do this! Unnnghhhaaa! [The Spirits seal the Lord away. A light brighter than human eyes can stand appears and then fades. When the afterimages fade, the Lord is gone. The spirits all start leaving as well, through a portal where the Lord once sat.] Spirits: To the edge of a distant time...to the beyond of another dimension...to the other side of the sea of stars....we will travel. Farewell...to everyone...! To all the living creatures of this beloved world. Kharg: I can’t believe it. Even the power of the Spirits are gone! Darc: What are the Deimos supposed to do?! Kharg: The Spirits...! Where did they go!? [Cut to the beach on Cragh Island. Both the Deimos and the humans who participated in the fight are present, each with their own group.] Lilia: It’s over now. It’s all over... Kharg: Yeah. The power of the Spirits is gone. We humans will get by without it somehow. But, for the Deimos, the power of the Spirits is their life force. What’s going to happen to them now? Did everything turn out for the best? Lilia: When the Hero and Holy Mother saved me, this is what they told me. Humans and Deimos themselves possess power... Effort... Hope...Potential...With all that power...we don’t need supernatural power at all...Look at Darc’s face! Kharg: Heh heh. He’s looking straight ahead into the future. Maru: Arghhhh! [Maru yells as he sees the Flying Fortress crackle and churn out in the middle of the ocean water. It slowly sinks.] Volk: No more Flying Fortress. Tatjana: Even the fruit of ancient science meets its watery grave at sea... Delma: It’s...beautiful... Camellia: Bit of a closet romantic, dear? Delma: You got a problem with that? Camellia: No. it suits you well. Bebedora: This is the every of everything. And the beginning of everything. Volk: Darc, what you are thinking about? Darc: What’s gonna happen to the world. For us Deimos, you know, things are gonna be tough from here on out. Volk: That’s true...But you know, I’m not worried. As long as you’re there, Darc, to lead us! Darc: Good, I plan on taking that responsibility. [Fade out to Elder Hill. Darc and Kharg walk alone.] Darc: This spirits are really gone, aren’t they. Kharg: I bet it’s absolute mayhem everywhere now. All the energy and magic gone, never to be used again. Darc: These will be tough times form here on out. Kharg: We will pull on through, we have the future on our side. Darc: So do the Deimos. Kharg: Eventually the day will come... Darc: Like we did before... Kharg: Someday we’ll have to fight again... Darc: Someday? [Darc draws his sword.] Kharg: Darc! Don’t tell me you’re thinking of... Darc: Well, right now, there’s no one to stop us. [Kharg draws his sword, too.] Kharg: I bet you wish there was someone to stop us. Darc: What?! Kharg: I understand how you feel...After all...we are brothers. And we don’t really have to fight right now. Maybe if, five, ten years down the road, if the time comes to fight we can just make up our minds then, right? After that much time to think we’ll be able to look back on this and laugh. [Lilia walks up the hill.] Lilia: You’re right. You know, maybe time will fix everything for us. And even if it doesn’t’ solve everything for us, that’s fine too. Maybe eternal peace isn’t possible for us. Darc: Damn! Go ahead and rebuild your broken human world. Lilia: Your Deimos world, too. And won’t waste your time trying to kill each other. Darc: That’s my line! [All three of them laugh. Off to the side, Volk and Paulette stand and watch them. For once, the two aren’t ready to kill each other over the former grudges they once held.] Paulette: Just like a couple of kids arguing. Volk: Yeah...just like real brothers. [Back at the other group. Kharg offers Darc a handshake. Darc offers the hand that’s clearly Deimos-made, because it’s full of scales and has claws.] Darc: Sorry, but the only hand I have left offer is that one. You still wanna shake hands with me? [Darc and Kharg shake hands. Lilia narrates.] Lilia: Even if this calm doesn’t last long...even if it’s not a sincere peace....whatever comes of this...it will be much better than war. Don’t you think? [The screen fades out and draws back in to Lilia. She’s sitting on the same fountain she was when the game opened.] Lilia: As one era ends, another begins. The era of the twilight of the Spirits. From now on we must learn to live on our own. Gods in the heavens, please bless this world. Spirits leaving for a far off place...give this world your protection. Please look after us and our future... [The credits roll and the game closes to one of Lilia’s songs.] #################################### ##END CHAPTER 11: THE FINAL BATTLE## #################################### ################################################ ##END OF ARC THE LAD: TWILIGHT OF THE SPIRITS!## ################################################ ########################################## ##Additional Information & Closing [AIC]## ########################################## It was my honor to make document the game’s script since it’s one of the best I can remember in a long time. Every element of a diverse game is right there the whole way through. Even though Kharg’s chapters lag a little at times, nothing becomes sleep-inducing. I did my best to write the script, but tricky cutscene and disappearing dialogue can (and did) escape my typing fingers. Send in corrections if you have ‘em, and you can get some contributor credit. Various dialogue pieces are what I’d like to have corrected, not just simple wording or grammatical errors. But, anyway, it’s been fun, and I’ll probably be doing this again one of these days. For this game? Maybe. ############################## ##CONTRIBUTORS’ CREDIT [CC1]## ############################## Hel Saga -- Sent in in-battle dialogue between Choko and Diekbeck that I had missed. Thanks much! SkyDeity4 -- Transcribing the dialogue at the end of Chapter 3, which I'd lost in a computer freeze-out. Thanks! ################## ##SPECIAL THANKS## ################## CJayC - for raising GameFAQs up to the best darn game-help site there’s ever been. Griever - ‘Cause he helped played through the cutscenes I’d already seen so I could get to the dialogue I missed. I payed him a dollar, so he doesn’t really belong up here...right? :P Pavement - It’s the only music I listened to while making this script. Lo-fi rules my speakers. Pearl Jam - So, I lied. I listened to Pearl Jam in an equal amount of time. Everyone go out and buy Yield and Vs.! Copyright Shotgunnova, 1997-2009 (and counting)! All rights reserved to Sony, Cattle Call, and whoever else.