Arc The Lad: Twilight of the Spirits Pyron FAQ Version 1.0 Last Updated: 7/15/2003 Written by Layoneil E-mail: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Updates II. Introduction III. Feeding the Pyron IV. Pyron Foods V. Attacks VI. Learning Attacks VII. Energy and Condition VIII. Legal XI. Credits ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I. UPDATES Version 1.0 (7/15/2003) - First version submitted. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- II. INTRODUCTION The Pyron is acquired at the end of Darc's second chapter: Ambition. After acquiring the Pyron, Darc can use it to attack enemies by selecting the Pyron command under his Magic list. The Pyron can target ANY enemy on the stage regardless of distance from Darc. Kharg's airship is the equivalent of Darc's Pyron. The purpose of this FAQ is to help people raise their Pyrons. - Personal Note - For all color uncoordinated gamers out there, TEAL is a light blue. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- III. Feeding the Pyron To feed the Pyron bring up the menu, select "Pyron" located on the bottom of the screen between "Party Items" and "Options". When the Pyron is fed a certain food, 4 things may happen. - The Energy Meter may change color. - The Inspiration Meter may increase or decrease. - The Condition may change. - An Attack is learned. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IV. Pyron Foods Pyron Foods can be purchased in every town (except maybe Orcoth). At this point I will NOT do an indepth analysis on the Pyron Foods or list all the Pyron Foods. If anyone else wants to make an Indepth Pyron Food FAQ or want to add to this section they are welcome to do so Please send me an e-mail. - Personal Note - The only Pyron Foods of significance are: Red, Green, Blue Food - Used to get the Energy to the right color Shiny Grass - Adds Inspiration Tumble Grass - Removes Inspiration Soft Grass - Increases Condition by 3 Levels Droopy Grass - Decreases Condition by 3 Levels ----------------------------------------------------------------------- V. Attacks The Pyron can have a maximum of 3 attacks. When Darc selects the Pyron command, one of the 3 attacks is randomly chosen. As far as I know it is not possible to choose the specific attack. These are all the attacks that the Pyron can acquire: Blast Ball - Hurls a magic blast of Fire at enemy Cyclone Ball - Hurls a magic blast of Wind at enemy Aqua Ball - Hurls a magic blast of Water at enemy Quake Ball - Hurls a magic blast of Earth at enemy Sleep Ball - A magic blast that makes enemy sleepy Venom Ball - A magic blast that poisons enemy Demon Ball - A magic blast that kills enemy instantly ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VI. Learning Attacks An attack is learned when the Inspiration meter maxes out. The type of attacked learned depends on the color of the ENERGY meter. ENERGY COLOR - ATTACK LEARNED WHEN INSPIRATION REACHES MAX RED - Blast Ball GREEN - Cyclone Ball BLUE - Aqua Ball YELLOW - Quake Ball TEAL - Sleep Ball PURPLE - Venom Ball GREY - Demon Ball CURRENT ENERGY COLOR + COLORED PYRON FOOD = NEW ENERGY COLOR Red + Red = Red Red + Green = Yellow Red + Blue = Purple Green + Red = Yellow Green + Green = Green Green + Blue = Teal Blue + Red = Purple Blue + Green = Teal Blue + Blue = Blue Teal + Red = Grey Teal + Green = Green Teal + Blue = Blue Yellow + Red = Red Yellow + Green = Green Yellow + Blue = Grey Purple + Red = Red Purple + Green = Grey Purple + Blue = Blue Grey + Red = Red Grey + Green = Green Grey + Blue = Blue - Personal Note - I think the 3 best attacks to have would be Demon Ball (Grey) and any two elemental ball attack, Poison (Purple) and Sleep (Teal) is not that useful. - SPECIAL NOTE - My advice on learning attacks is to use any colored pyron food to get the energy meter to the desired color. Than use Shiny Grass to max out the Inspiration meter (without changing the Energy Color or Condition). ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VII. Energy and Condition Each attack by the Pyron takes up energy. The energy of the Pyron can be refilled with Spirit Stones anytime outside of battle. Each Energy point is worth 1 Spirit Stone. The Maximum Energy of the Pyron is 199. The amount of energy that the Pyron attack uses depends on the Pyron's Condition (or Mood). The Condition is indicated by a little face. There are 7 different condition levels, each represented by a different color and facial expression. The following is a list of all the condition levels, the color that represents the condition level and the amount of energy used PER attack on that condition level. Lv 1 - GREY - 15 Lv 2 - PURPLE - 25 Lv 3 - BLUE - 35 Lv 4 - TEAL - 50 Lv 5 - GREEN - 65 Lv 6 - YELLOW - 85 Lv 7 - RED - 100 The HIGHER the condition level the larger the area of effect of the Pyron Attack. At condition Lv 1 - GREY, the Pyron can only attack 1 enemy. At condition Lv 7 - RED, the Pyron can attack a large area. Pyron foods can increase or decrease the condition level. The range of Increase and Decrease can be as low as 0 and as high as 3. - Personal Note - Get your Pyron its 3 attacks first, than use Soft Grass, Droopy Grass and a low level colored pyron food to set the conditon level. I think Lv 1 is the best, it's the most cost efficient and very rarely will the enemy position themselves so that you can hit a lot of them with a single high level Pyron attack. - SPECIAL NOTE - On one occasion, I was able to get 200 Energy Points out of the Pyron. I do not know exactly how that happened, but I was never able to use 2 RED attacks. If anyone has any ideas on how that happened please let me know. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VIII. Legal This document is only to be found on I will not give permission for any other site to host this document in whole or in part. If you see this document anywhere do not bother to let me know. I don't actually care but it will tell you something about the person hosting that site. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- XI. Credits Thanks to CJayC for in general and hosting this FAQ in particular. Thanks to MVK for lending me his Arc the Lad Collection, which got me started on the series. Thanks to JC who made it possible for me to play this game. If you like you can visit my website the Ogre Battle Encyclopedia at -----------------------------------------------------------------------