Arcana Heart for PS2 - Arcana Guide Version 1.00 by Joshua Vaughn, a.k.a. Mikadok on GameFAQs/GameSpot and I Kei I on Gaia Online and Xbox Live Gamertag: I Kei I = = = = = = = = Copyright info = = = = = = = = Copyright 2008 Joshua Vaughn All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. This may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other website or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. = = = = Legend = = = = U = Up D = Down F = Forward B = Back u/f = up/forward d/f = down/forward d/b = down/back u/b = up/back qcf = quarter-circle forward, or d, d/f, f qcb = quarter-circle back, or d, d/b, b hcf = half-circle forward, or b, d/b, d, d/f, f hcb = half-circle back, or f, d/f, d, d/b, b dp = Dragon Punch motion, or f, d, d/f rdp = Reverse Dragon Punch motion, of b, d, d/b 360 = full circular motion j. = jumping s. = standing c. = crouching dj. = double jumping IAD = instant air dash (A) = Light Attack (Square) (B) = Medium Attack (Triangle) (C) = Strong Attack (Circle) (S) = Special Attack/Homing button A+S (R2) = Throw. There are two normal throws for each, done with A+S neturally or with left or right held, respectively. For most of the characters, the neutral throw is a mulithit throw that will launch their opponent. Others have a multihitter that will leave their opponent in a stun long enough to follow up with a combo. A+B+C (L1) = A.Act or Arcana Activation + = Means to press any noted directions and buttons simultaneously, such as in f+A xx = cancel into the next move When buttons are noted together without separation, such as in ABC, it means to press noted attack buttons simultaneously. = = = = = = = = = Other notations = = = = = = = = = When explaining some things later in the guide, the number notation normally seen in refernce to games such as the Guilty Gear and Soul Calibur series may be used. For those unfamiliar, here is a small explanation that will hopefully clarify it. The notation in question coincides with the numberpad on your computer keyboard. 7 8 9 4 5 6 1 2 3 So in short, 8 would be up, 2 would be down, 4 would be left, and 6 would be right, with the other numbers representing the diagonal directions. In other words, the motion qcf+A would be abbreviated thorugh the number system as 236A. = = = = Terms = = = = OTG = Off The Ground. Basically means that a move can pick up or hit a knocked down opponent, so long as they don't tech roll. TK = Tiger Knee (explained in detail below) (SC) = Move can be Super Cancelled HC = Homing Cancel. Press S just as any physical attack either lands or is guarded. This will allow you to cancel the animation of a move, similar to Roman Canceling from the Guilty Gear series, though it also allows you to literally home in on your opponent's location by holding the button, sending you dashing or flying wherever they are as you would when normally holding the button. Needless to say, this is important to know so that you can take any combo opportunities a launcher might present. FHC = Forward Homing Cancel. The same as the aforementioned Homing Cancel, except you will dash straight forward instead of taking to the air or being able maneuver yourself in any sort of angle during the dash. Done by pressing forward as you do an HC. BHC = Backward Homing Cancel. The same as a Homing Cancel in every way except for the fact that your character will make a small movement backward before dashing forward. Done by pressing backward as you do an HC. Backward Homing Cancels have small windows of invincibilty on them until the initial backward movement is complete. GHC = Guard Homing Cancel. Just as with a normal Homing Cancel, except that, as the name implies, this is done as you guard an opponent's attack. As with a normal Homing Cancel, there are three variations, those being neutral, backward and forward. The forward variation is crucial to remember, since as you move forward a barrier of sorts forms in front of your character for a scant moment or two that will clash with any subsequent physical attacks. Utilize this to keep yourself on the offensive as much as possible. Tech Recover = S when knocked down, as you hit the ground, or during a strong knockback as you're about to hit the wall. Not all moves allow a tech recovery. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = General rundown of the Arcana = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = This guide will explain each Arcana, exploring their uses and abilities before and after you activate them during combat, as well as their unique special and super moves. Not only does each arcana allow a character to use its specific special and super techniques, it also will bestow certain bonuses that act on their own during the battler to support your character. These are important to keep in mind, since the Arcana that you choose can make or break your chances of winning with whichever character you're using. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Partinias, the Arcana of Love 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Ability Bonuses (Before A.Act.) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = + Holding up after double jumping will slow your falling speed and you'll gently float back down towards the ground, a la Storm from MvC2. Ability Bonuses (After A.Act.) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = + Tria Sfaira Super Move may be used without using meter until the end of thee A.Act period. Special Moves = = = = = = = = * indicates that a move can be performed in midair *Roz Sfaira: qcf+S Your character releases a bright pink ball that slowly floats towards your opponent. It won't knock down if it hits, but it will stun them for a short moment if it does, leaving them open for combos and the like. *Roz Toxo: dp+S A thin laser that fires the full screen's length. It's quick to come out, but isn't recommended often unless you're at a distance due to its linear nature. *Roz Kyklos: qcb+S Your character forms a barrier in front of them that will absorb projectiles, no matter how many hits they may be, and it can be held out for quite a long moment at that. Once it finishes absorbing a projectile, a three hit Roz Sfaira is released that will follow the opponent fairly well. Super Moves = = = = = = = *Tria Sfaira: qcf, qcf+S Like the Roz Sfaira, except that three orbs are sent out at the opponent instead of one. Far better to use for rushdown purposes. *Ourano Toxo: f, hcf+S As with the Roz Toxo, this laser hits full screen, the differences being that it gets multiple hits and covers more vertical range. It is released noticeably less quickly than the non-super version, however. Arcana Blaze = = = = = = = Llios Sfaira: qcf+A+B+C A HUGE Sfaira is summoned. This ball can't be guarded against in midair, so launching the opponent beforehand, especially when they are low on Homing meter, proves especially useful when you wish to land this highly damaging attack. You never want to use this while in close to an opponent, however, as you're left wide open during the summoning of the attack and you can easily be thrown, cancelling the move in its entirety. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Bhanri, the Arcana of Lightning 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Ability Bonuses (before A.Act) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = + Dashing forward with f,f creates lightning that covers your character during the forward movement, allowing them to clash with attacks during its duration. + f+C or d/f+C also gain clashing ability during the charging part until the actual attacks commence. Ability Bonuses (after A.Act) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = + Your Homing dashes gain clashing propeties as well. Special Moves = = = = = = = = *Tintreach: qcf+S A lightning bolt comes down to strike at the opponent. It will strike precisely where they were when you initiated the technique, so if they move after it starts, it will miss. *Crioch: dp+S during a clash A lightning bolt strikes the opponent, sending them reeling. The usefulness of this move can be miniscule or large, depending on the player and the character they're using, since you more or less need to predict if and when you and your opponent will clash moves. It's good to note, though, that you're invincible during the summoning of the lightning bolt, so any subsequent moves your opponent may attempt will pass harmlessly through you. Super Moves = = = = = = = *Fearg Lorg: qcf, qcf+S or qcb, qcb+S Your character summons three lightning bolts that strike at your opponent, the first one zeroing in on them, and the two that follow either going towards you (qcfx2) or away from you (qcbx2). Interstingly, the move can be delayed for a short amount of time in order to set your opponent up to be hit by them. This can aid in juggles and combos when used properly, as welll as pressuring an opponent that's getting to their feet. Saighnean: hcb,f+S Lightning bolts circle your character from the ground up to the very top of the fighitng area. Near useless on its own unless your opponent is very fond of the air, but in certain situations, it can be rather deadly. Arcana Blaze = = = = = = = Stoirm: qcf+A+B+C Bhanri flies up into the air, coming down to descend upon the opponent with a thunderous crash. Near useless, really, because Bhanri doesn't cover a wide enough range to be truly effective. She also won't descend if your character is hit before she can do so, and combos where you can actually hit with her tend to be too situational. Stray away from this one. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Anutpada, the Arcana of Time 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Ability Bonuses (before A.Act) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = + Dashing back with b,b forms an afterimage that is hit instead of you if you are attacked while you move back. + f+S becomes a teleport that sends your character a good distance across the screen in about a second flat. + f+C and d/f+C change. They now create afterimages that attack whenever you release the button after charging either move. Due to this, you can no longer launch or send off an opponent with either move if they guard against it. Your afterimage will also vanish if you take damage. Ability Bonuses (after A.Act) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = + The round clock stops until the end of the activation. Special Move = = = = = = = Ribaku: qcf+S Your character fires a bright orb that doesn't hit until it comes to a stop a ways in front of your character. It will, however, eat through other projectiles while it is released. Other than that, there is little use for it. Super Move = = = = = = *Mandala: qcf, qcf+S A short range Ribaku is summoned that causes a clock to appear over an inflicted opponent. Once said clock hits zero, the opponent is frozen in place for a VERY brief period of time. During this period, they are open to whatever attacks you're able to connect with, given your situation, and will react accordingly to the last attack as they recover. Needless to say, it should likely be something that launches the opponent so that you can follow up safely after they are freed from the super's hold. Arcana Blaze = = = = = = = Samsara: qcf+A+B+C Anutpada appears, freezing your opponent as the Mandala does, only for a longer duration, which in turn is made that much longer depending on how many gauges you have remaining in your super bar during activation. It takes a noticeable amount of time in order for the summoning to take effect from the initial input, so you want to use this at something of a distance, if possible. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Moriomoto, the Arcana of Nature 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Ability Bonuses (before A.Act) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = None Ability Bonuses (after A.Act) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = + Your health regenerates during the activation period. Special Moves = = = = = = = = Vine: qcf+S (straight) or dp+S (at an upward or downward angle, depending on whether you're airborne or not) As the name implies, vines are sent out to ensnare the opponent. If it hits, you can press b+S to reel them towards you for more punishment. *Seed: qcb+S Your character sends out a seed that will set itself, sprouting a plant that attacks an opponent that steps over it. The aerial version is recommended, since the seed will fall oto the ground immediately instead of floating up, then descending. The seeds can be destroyed as they float down or while they're on the ground. Depending, this in turn may open up attack opportunities for you. Super Moves = = = = = = = *Entangle: qcf, qcf+S Vines come out to ensnare the opponent as with the Special Move, however, if these catch your opponent, they will proceed to siphon the health out of the opponent, giving it to you. You can mash buttons in order to do more damage, but your opponent can also mash in order to free themselves more quickly. *Blossoms: qcb, qcb+S The same as a normal Seed setting, except that three of them are sent out instead of one. Oddly enough, you can initiate this super after setting three normal seeds, but are prohibited from doing the Blossoms super twice in succession. Arcana Blaze = = = = = = = Forbidden Fruit: qcf+A+B+C A plant grabs at an enemy unfortunate enough to be standing on the ground when this is activated, whereafter they are bounced about Moriomoto for damage before a gigantic fruit falls upon them, inflicting the brunt of the damage. Basically, this acts almost like a command grab that can connect at any range, so long as the opponent is grounded. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Tempestas, the Arcana of wind 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Ability Bonuses (before A.Act) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = + Your character may triple jump and air dash twice. + f+S as you guard becomes a Marvel vs. series esque pushblock that will send the opponent back a ways, unless they're doing something that produces forward momentum, at which point they won't move back. + d+S in midair becomes a quick descent. Good for escaping sticky situations, such as being high in the air as Partinias' Llios Sfaira is being summoned. Ability Bonuses (after A.Act) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = + Your character is allowed a quadruple jump and a triple air dash. Special Moves = = = = = = = = *Flax: qcf+S A boomerang-shaped projectile is tossed out that indeed acts as a boomerang, returning to its user after being thrown. Needless to say, you can move away from it after firing to keep it out on the screen for a longer period of time. *Vertex: qcb+S Summons a small cyclone that launches the opponent high into the air if it hits them. Unlike other porjectile-based moves, this can be followed by a homing cancel to continue your offense. Super Move = = = = = = *Falcis: qcf, qcf+S Many wind projectiles are fired ahead of your character. You can get more hits by mashing buttons. These, however, will not return to the user after being sent. Arcana Blaze = = = = = = = Abolere: qcf+A+B+C Your character fires a beam accompanied by a wind gust that sends them rocketing skyward. This attack is one of the fastest in the game. If you hit ANY of your character's normals while grounded, you can easily chain into this move. It's also easy to hit should the opponent miss anything from a close enough distance. On top of that, if it is guarded, it will force the enemy back quite a distance. The drawback, however, is huge, that being that this move leaves your character standing stationary for quite a long moment, and you CANNOT homing cancel out of this move, so you should only be using it when you know you can hit it for sure. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Dieu Mort, the Arcana of Death 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Ability Bonuses (before A.Act) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = + Your attacks will poison the opponent on impact. + You may use Evasion to recover instead of normally teching with the S button. Ability Bonuses (after A.Act) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = + Adds a 30% defensive bonus. Special Moves = = = = = = = = *Poison: qcf+S A cloud ascends from a pentagram formed from the ground that poisons and damages the opponent if they touch it, causing them to lose both health and super meter at a slow rate for a brief period of time. *Evasion: dp+S or rdp+S The character disappears quickly through a portal that materializes, reappearing elsewhere. With the dp motion, your character reappears in a location near the point the move was intiated. The rdp motion teleports them to a location closer to their opponent. Super Moves = = = = = = = Sacrifice: qcf, qcf+S A hole appears in front of your character. If your opponent steps on it in the least, they are pulled into it and they fall from the sky for a bit of damage. This move is unblockable, and it will still catch the opponent if you are hit as the hole appears. If you are hit during the startup of the move, however, the hold will not appear. *Mirror: hcf,b+S You and your opponent both are teleported, swapping places completely. This is an akward move for some characters to utilize, but it can lead to some of the most impressive looking, albeit situational, combos, in the game. It's an interesting move in the fact that any momentum that an opponent that is teleported has is kept during the teleportation, which means that you could hit an opponent with a character's universal launcher, then follow up with this move, and instead of dropping to the ground like a rock, the opponent will continue to sail upwards upon emerging from the portal until said momentum ends. If you use this on a downed or guarding opponent, however, they will reappear neutrally where you were, able to counterattack or whatever they so choose to do. Drain: hcb,f+S in close Functioning as a command grab, this super drains a small amount of health from the opponent as well as a meter of their super gauge. The throw range is slightly shorter than a normal grab, but the startup is instant, so if your opponent is too near and aren't airborne, they'll be caught, no questions asked. Arcana Blaze = = = = = = = Executioner: qcf+A+B+C A hand appears that grabs at the opponent. While it's blockable, it gives the opportunity for massive damage if you manage to grab your opponent, giving you the option to have the arcana swing either high or low, and giving the opponent the option to evade either high or low. If they guess correctly, they'll avoid taking damage. If they don't, however, they get hit for massive damage. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Ohtsuchi, the Arcana of Earth 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Ability Bonuses (before A.Act) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = + Your character gains super armor during either of their universal charge attacks. + Likewise, your character gains super aromr during any sort of FHC, be it normal, guard cancelled or otherwise. Ability Bonuses (after A.Act) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = + Your character gains super armor, but in turn, they are left unable to guard. Special Moves = = = = = = = = *Kaname Ishi: dp+S Your character summons a rock which falls slowly in front of them. You can redirect it to fall slightly towards the enemy or just as slightly towards you by holding b, or f, respectively, during startup of the move. The rock will still fall whether you get hit or not. *Kaichimon: hcf+S A gigantic fist comes out and smashes the opponent for a sizeable amount of damage. Super Moves = = = = = = = *Kaichimon Mekkijin: f,hcf+S An even longer fist comes out to smash the opponent, causing an unavoidable wallslam if it hits. If it's blocked, a stun like that of a guarded f+C occurs. Kaichimon Sakkido: qcf, qcf+S Somewhat reminiscent of one of Donovan's ES moves from the Darkstalkers series, a giant foot descends upon the opponent to crush them. This move cannot be blocked by the opponent if they're airborne, so launching them beforehand may prove beneficial. Arcana Blaze = = = = = = = Ooharae Kotoba: qcf+A+B+C Otsuchi emerges from underground with a massive uppercut that will send the opponent airborne regardless of whether they guard it or not. Being a slow move to happen, however, it's rather easy to avoid unless you can set it up properly. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Gier, the Arcana of Shadow 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Ability Bonuses (before A.Act) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = None Ability Bonuses (after A.Act) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = + Gier's attacks will inflict more damage. Special Moves = = = = = = = = *Schmerz: qcf+S The shadow that follows you leaps out of the ground to snap at the enemy. To be used primarily for opponents that are getting to their feet, though attacking them from a distance with it every now and then isn't an invalid strategy. *Schere: dp+S The shadow forms straight upward this time to bite at the opponent, leaving them immobile for a scant second if it catches them. This more or less gives most anyone a valid anti-air, and what's more, it can be comboed into and out of easily, making it even more effective to use. Super Move = = = = = = *Martem: qcf, qcf+S Like Schmerz, the shadow leaps out in an arc to bite at the opponent, only with this, it attacks three times. This allows you to utilize some of the most effective wakeup strategies in the game when you act quickly enough, and it's recommended that you use this in place of Schmerz whenever possible. Arcana Blaze = = = = = = = Schwur: qcf+A+B+C in close Gier forms, and if you catch the opponent, Gier ensnares them, releasing them in the form of a black blob that bounces about, leaving them unable to defend themselves, only able to evade by jumping about and ducking. Catching an opponent with this super can be difficult, since your opponent almost has to be at a complete standstill to be caught by it. Damage incurred seems to be lessened as well. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Lang-Gong, the Arcana of Fire 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Ability Bonuses (before A.Act) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = + Your f+C and d/f+C when charged become COMPLETELY unblockable, though your opponent can mash buttons to recover from the knockback/launch more quickly. Ability Bonuses (after A.Act) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = + A flame surrounds your character during homing movements that can hit the opponent when you close in. Special Moves = = = = = = = = *Meteor: qcf+S Your character tosses a fireball that goes at a diagonal angle upward if you're grounded or a diagonal angle downward if you're airborne. Unlike other projectiles, this can't be reflected. *Engulf: hcb+S Your character fires a rather large flame out in front of themselves. You can charge it to increase the number of hits and the damage it will do, and your character will recover quickly enough to allow you to get in more hits before they can recover, if you can close the gap quickly enough. Super Moves = = = = = = = *Flame Echo: qcf, qcf+S Your character does their Arcana Activation animation, an explosion of flame occurring as they do so. While there is a slight amount of invinicibility with this move, it is quite unsafe when blocked, so it's recommended that your meter be saved for... *Firestorm: hcb,f+S ...this move. Firestorm can add a lot of damage to any combos that any characters can do. It emerges quickly enough to combo with a character's sweep attacks to allow you to combo without using any of your homing meter, and is quick enough to emerge to allow you to add it to aerial combos as well, with recovery quick enough to allow you to follow up with more punishment. It also does quite a bit of guard damage. Definitely a great super for this Arcana. Arcana Blaze = = = = = = = Winged Inferno: qcf+A+B+C Lang-Gong charges in, doing damage as it drags the opponent from one end of the screen to the other, so of course, the closer to a corner you and your opponent are with your back to it, the more damage Lang-Gong will do. Don't do this one in close, because if you get grabbed by the enemy, Lang- Gong will charge right past, doing no damage whatsoever. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Niptra, the Arcana of Water 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Ability Bonuses (before A.Act) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = + When hit by (or when they guard) a fully charged f+C or d/f+C, your opponent will go reeling at a much slower speed than usual. Ability Bonuses (after A.Act) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = + Your character won't suffer guard damage. Special Moves = = = = = = = = *Pluvia: qcb+S Your character summons a bubble that follows them about. You can summon up to 3 of them at one time. The mainstay of this arcana, the bubbles will take attacks for you, which can screw with your opponent's combos (and thus, their timing overall). *Stilla: qcf+S This sets a bubble you've summoned to stay in place in front of you, afterwhich it will stay in that spot, no longer following you about. While it DOES last longer than when the bubbles following you about, the only real use for this move applies to... *Cataracta: dp+S ...this move, which causes the bubbles to become multihitting pillars. This would be far more useful, perhaps, if the bubbles covered more space vertically, or if you could recover more quickly after executing this, but all in all, you're better off just using the bubbles for protection. Super Moves = = = = = = = Nitrum: 360+S in close This serves as a command grab super for anyone who uses this arcana. They become trapped within a water bubble for a moment before being hurled at the wall. The grab is unbreakable and does a good amount of damage. *Perpluvium: qcb, qcb+S Exactly the same as the Pluvia, except that it summons three bubbles instead of one. Again, the bubbles are best used for protection during battle. Like the Pluvia, if you're hit during the startup, no bubbles will appear. Arcana Blaze = = = = = = = Regnum: qcf+A+B+C Niptra appears after a moment or two, swallowing both you and your opponent. Your opponent's mobility is cut significantly, while you remain just as nimble as before, but it's near useless due to the fact that the opponent can still defend themselves. Avoid using this one. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Orichalkos, the Arcana of Metal 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Ability Bonuses (before A.Act) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = No bonuses. Instead, you no longer gain super meter normally, and you must charge your super meter by holding d+S. Ability Bonuses (after A.Act) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = + You receive an increase in strength and defense. Special Moves = = = = = = = = *Xifos: qcf+S A sword is summoned that attempts to stab the opponent after it comes out. You can hold a direction after casting this to make it appear from another position aound the opponent. The super move Epidosis will power up your swords so that they can land more hits and do more damage. *Pteryga: qcb+S A rather large shield is summoned that will take attacks for you before disappearing. The number of attacks that the shield will absorb increases when you power it up with Epidosis. The shield can also serve as a wall of sorts, since you nor the opponent can progress past it with it between you. Super Moves = = = = = = = Epidosis: f,hcf+S This move will power up Xifos and Pteryga, respectively, making each of them that much more efficient, granting them either more damage or more defense. Skleron: qcb, qcb+S Your character receives a 25% defense increase for 10 seconds. Not much else to say about this move, except that using... Iskuron: qcf, qcf+S ...Iskuron, which will raise your attack by 25% for 10 seconds, will cancel it out, and vice versa applies to Iskuron if you use Skleron while this is activated. *Dikaiosi: 360+S 8 swords are summoned around the opponent. The damage these do and the hits they get if they hit depends on whether or not they've been powered up beforehand with Epidosis. This does quite a bit of damage when fully powered, which also equates to the swords causing quite a bit of guard damage if they're blocked after being charged up. Arcana Blaze = = = = = = = Eskaton: qcf+A+B+C Orichalkos is summoned, afterwhich he rises into the air, breathing flame over the entirety of the battlefield for 99 hits. As with some other Arcana Blaze techniques, if you are hit during startup, nothing will happen and the move will be cancelled. - - - - An upcoming update will go into character recommendations for each arcana. = = = = = = = = Special Thanks = = = = = = = = - To Atlus, for releasing this gem of a game stateside. Here's hoping for an Arcana Heart 2 release in the near future. :) - To a good friend offline, for pre-ordering this for me. - To my friends for being willing to delve into this wonderful fighting game (and several others as well) with me.