[Mr.NeoSandman's AC Design faq for Armored Core2] [For PS2 Version: 2.3] [e-mail:mr_neosandman@hotmail.com] 1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1 1.Intro/Disclaimer1 1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1 Bah, I finnaly got a chance to up-date this thing. It's about time too, mainly because it was bad, real bad. After reading this pile and correcting it I realised all it was was a big 28K text file with just a bunch of AC's (half of them with uncorrected parts list)and the hidden parts list with a bugged out title line in the middle scrapping a few of the designs, and there was a few mistakes in the plus section. I tried to fix most of the mistakes but theres still a lot to do, and I want to finish it before AC3 comes out (a week or two at the earliest). I added a few more sections in here for it to make more sense... hopefully this one won't be as bad as before. Okay, this faq is written by me, Mr.NeoSandman, no one else. If you want to post it anywhere, e-mail me at the address mentioned at the top of the faq. Please don't take anything here, be a sentence, word, or anything else out of this faq and pass it as your own, especially the designs. Those pilots worked hard to create their AC's and I bet most of them would be real peeved if some loser came and took the designs and passed it as his own, this stuff is meant to help you, maybe to give you an idea of what kind of AC's you'd like to build or just inspire you when your in a slump and can't think of anything to build. The strategy for the AC's is written by the ones that made the AC's, not me. Full credit for that stuff goes to them (Check the credit section). The only thing I trifled with is I took the liberty of correcting typos in the name of the parts so it would be easier to tell which part is which. Anyway, except for the designs and strats, everything else is mine, except I used Jackal's FAQ (On Gamefaqs.com) for the hidden parts (altough I could have did it myself as I went trough the game three times since the first version with the part list.) And oh yeah, some of the stuff I had to change a bit for different reasons (for example I had to re-write Reptyles stuff since when I loaded the faq to do this up-date, it froze and I had to restart it, that part of the faq was warped and useless, and the only reference I had was a hastly printed copy of the last up-date with the text out of bounds and most of the strategy text missing, so I had to re-write that part for the scrapes I had) Please don't post this anywhere on the net without e-mailling me first. I put a lot of effort in this file just to help you ingrates, least you could do is give me credit, but I'm to lazy to file a law suit just for someone who is too lazy to write is own faq, besides, with the names of the pilots and AC's intact, it'll be easy to spot and e-mail the webmaster or provider to take it off the site. Tough you can print it out, sell it give it away as a birthday present or if you don't like it put it between your but-cheeks if it makes you happy, you have my blessing. *IMPORTANT*IMPORTANT*IMPORTANT*IMPORTANT*IMPORTANT*IMPORTANT* I really should have put this somewhere in here before. If you send me an AC at least write the full parts list, no abreviations. Its fine on a board if your in a hurry but the ZHD-MO/EGRET head is the ZHD-MO/EGRET head, not the EGRET or the MO or whatever, I won't make up excuse like some faq writers who pretend their busy persons when all they do is play games (you know who you are, just don't take it personnaly), Im a lazy bum alright but it's just plain irritating to print out the list and take the time to correct them and put them in here when you can't even take the time to send them in properly (write them down if you have bad memory). All those I received before I'll put them in as their corrected (if its not in here it was either discarded for some reason or going to be added in later). The only thing I don't care much if you don't send in is the strategy or color scheme or the optional parts (tough I'd rather you would). Well if your not fixating the screen cross-eyed from the long windy intro, knock your self out. *Falls head first on the keyboard.* And remember, if the text appears too large, go to the view screen and change the text size if you want to print this and have the end of the sentences. And this thing contains a few spoilers but nothing you'll want to kill me for (just some people who mentioned beating a certain enemy in the game or other, you'll find out eventually anyway) Version history: 1.0: Got the thing started, this version never got posted on Gamefaqs, too bad 1.2:Added the Plus and Plo AC sections, explained what they are and how to get them, gave some AC's in plus but not plow, started the hidden parts list, made the intro AC section. 1.3:Made some correction, added Jackal to the credits like I should have done in version 1.2, sorry. Made corrections, mainly stated the difference between plow and ow. - Table of Content 1.Into/Disclaimer -intro -disclaimer -version history 2.AC designs -How to make/AC list --Lightweights --Midweights --Heavyweights --Snipers --Missile boats AC designs 3.Plus, Ow and Plow -Plus,what it is and how to get it -Plus AC designs --Lightweights --Midweights --Heavyweights --Snipers --Missile boats -Ow, what it is and how to get it --Ow AC designs --Lightweights --Midweights --Heavyweights --Snipers --Missile boats -Plow, what it is and how to get it --Plow AC designs --Lightweights --Midweights --Heavyweights --Snipers --Missile boats 4.Bladers -Damage and crap -Blading designs 5.How to make the intro AC's 6.Color schemes -Premade color shemes 7.Hidden parts list 8.Credits 9.Outro - 2*2*2*2*2*2*2 2.AC designs2 2*2*2*2*2*2*2 Okay, here's a list of all the AC's I got from e-mails or I found on message boards (With the pilots permission). Just remember, I did some corrections but I still have a lot to do. I'm also thinking of addinghow to make al the AC's in the Arena of AC2. Anyway, time will tell, I still have a lot to do anyway. The AC's are listed like this Pilots name: (Name of the one who sent the AC in) AC name: (Exactly what it sounds like) System name:(The AC's system, its nothing that's in the game, just a fad of naming your AC's operating computer systeme or weapon system or whatever) Parts: (Well, all the parts you'll need to make the AC) Optional parts: (All the optional parts you put in the AC, if the pilot sent me the list, so I will write none if I didn't get any) Color: (The color scheme of the AC, again, I will write none if I didn't get any) The color setup works like this: To keep it simple I won't write optional or aid or anything, the format works like this: (name of the part) 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 So basically, its the same thing as in the game, but without the RED GREEN BLUE markings or anything. It's just the color numbers, I just think it makes it more simple, if your still lost here's a diagrame, forgive me if I'm bad at explainining. Color:(general, head, core, arm, legs) Base Aid Optional Detail Joint RED :000 000 000 000 000 GREEN:000 000 000 000 000 BLUE :000 000 000 000 000 -How to make/AC list------------------------------ These next sections are explanations on how to make certaib types of AC's and what makes them different from others, I know this is stuff every player should know but I'm sure some don't. Beside, this is also a way for me to sort out them AC's in the faq so if your looking for something in paricular, you'll have an easier to find it. These criterias for determining which AC goes where are pretty much mine. These are arguably proper but this is mostly stuff I picked up on the gamefaqs message board , chatting and just playing the game. Just one thing tough, the run-down of legs for weight classes below are just accurate if you use these parts and the other parts equiped make it come to or close to its maximum weight limits, you might equip an AC with STVM legs (heaviest bipedals) but if you underweight it (lighest head, arms and core equiped, no back weapons, etcetera), it's still a light or midweight. Using these vague names for an AC means its not designed to be used specifically for one purpose (bladers, missile boat, etc...), so they might have varied weapons or just no distinctive features, it's just a way of telling them apart. --Lightweight------------------------------ Basically, these are AC's with very low weight, so they move fast but leightweight's usually have low maximum weight limits so don't expect them to be awfully powerfully armed or with tons of armor and AP, but their fast enough to dodge most weapons and can deal a lot of damage too with some finnesse. Usually all you need to do a lightweight are fast legs with low weight (who like I said have low maximum weight), and they'll usually have a total weight of around 5000-6000 pounds. Also should be noted the low landing/defensive stability and defense and some of the highest energy drain on legs. Here's a run-down on all the lightweight legs: Bipedal: weight: maximum weight: moving ability ZLN-EKI/SRRT 1429------4010--------------577 ELN-701 1990------4770--------------554 ZLN-WAO2/SS 1675------4400--------------568 ELN-070 1880------5118--------------532 Reverse Joints: ELB-AIOOI 2490------4756--------------445 ELB-5005B 2074------4965--------------470 Quadrupedal: ZLF-TROS/INTS 2493------4140--------------674 ELF-DEX-2F 2573------4592--------------591 Tanks: (none) Floaters: ZLR-K196/RJ 2188------4530--------------623 ZLR-TIL/BUD 2650------4020--------------732 ZLR-ARROW 2477------3930--------------770 -lightweight designs- AC pilot: Calypso *authors note*:(Calypso is a fictional character in a fanfic I wrote) AC name: Carmilla (female vampire in an old 19th century story) System name: Juggular Mk3 Head: ZHD-MO/EGRET Core: ECL-ONE Arms: ZAN-303/S Legs: ZLN-WAO2/SS Booster: ZBT-GEX/3000 FCS: DOX-ALM Generator: HOY-B1000 Radiator: RBG-CM6 Inside: -- Extension: BEX-AAOO Back unit R: ZWM-M24/IMU Back unit L: ZWR-S/60 Arm unit R: EWG-GSH8 Arm unit L: ZLS-T/100 Optional Parts: SP-S/SCR SP-ENE-SCR SP-BCNDR SP-BSI-LE SP-BFS/LOSP SP-CIR-K Color:General 050 145 050 000 110 000 080 000 070 000 000 080 020 120 150 Strategy: This thing was designed to be fast (ground speed of over 400), maneuverable and still have nice armor and AP (which didn't work out so well...) and fire power. Simply enough, this is also designed to use one of my favorite strategy: pepper with missiles at long range and get close enough to blast with the right arm weapon. If that fails, blade in tandem with the rockets (or use the rockets to make other bladers wiff). Just don't forget to boost and OB lot to dodge shots. - --Midweights------------------------------ These are the most balanced types of AC's in the game, you can equip lightweight weapons easily enough up to heavyweight stuff (probably at the expense of extensions or a shoulder weapon), all the while with balanced armor, speed and energy drain. With at least passable stats in most de[artments, there's a little something fpr everyonr here, no wonder it's one of the most played type of AC there is. Bipedals: weight: maximum weight: moving speed: ZLN-XXO/TP 1888-------4954--------------384 ZLN-XAI/FA 2655-------5442--------------379 ELN-2002AT 2113-------4970--------------372 ELN-02A 1975-------5205--------------387 ZLN-XA2/FF 2310-------5312--------------388 ELN-O2SLD 2500-------5180--------------380 Reverse Joints: ZLB-3322/OP 2649-------5240--------------452 Quadrupedal: ZLF-A3/CARM 2450-------5120--------------627 ELF-SOC61 2890-------5358--------------607 ELF-XX33 2650-------5820--------------517 Tanks: ZLC-M2/PIKE 3027-------5480--------------440 Floaters: ZLR-EE/STOL 2584-------4940--------------642 ZLR-MOC200/FG 1900-----5440--------------599 ZLR-XIO/MATRIX 2675-----5370--------------689 -Midweight AC list- Pilot name: Collider AC Name: FOGG MK II Head: ZHD-AG/TURRET Core: ZCX-F/ROOK Arms: EAW-MG-03 Legs: ZLN-WAO2/SS Booster: ZBT-Z1/ARTERE FCS: LODD-BLAZER Generator: HOY-B1000 Radiator: RBG-CM6 Extension: -- Inside: -- Back unit L: ERM-TE3000 Back unit R: AM-SD120 Arm unit L: -- Arm unit R: -- Optional Parts: SP-S/SCR SP-ENE-SCR SP-BCNDR SP-BSI-LE SP-SAB/J SP-BMACAD SP-ECM-JAM Color:General 000 100 000 000 200 000 100 000 200 200 000 100 080 000 200 Strategy:did not receive any - Pilot name :Habnot AC name :Daemon Head: ZHD-MO/EGRET Core: ECL-ONE Arms: ZAN-303/S Legs: ZLN-XA2/FF Booster: ZBT-ZI/ARTERE FCS: LODD-BLAZER Generator: HOY-B1000 Radiator: RPS-MER/A3 Inside: INW-DEC-MQ2 Extensions: BEX-AAOO Back R: ZWR-S/60 Back L: ZWM-M24/IMU Arm R: EWG-MGA2 Arm L: LS-MOONLIGHT Optional parts: Did not receive any Colors: Did not receive any Strategy: Did not receive any - --Heavyweights---------------------------- The name says it all, these are slow, heavily armored AC's with a bunch of kick ass weapons and stuff equiped on. They usually have high stability and low energy drain and high AP. They won't win any AC race anytime soon but you won't take em down in a few shots (unless your a quad blader... maybe...) bbipedal: weight: maximum weight: moving ability ZLN-2A/GR 3070------6518--------------256 ELN-STVM 3428------7630--------------255 ZLN-9001/A 2850------7020--------------259 ZLN-01/BARREL2688------6273--------------270 Reverse Joints: ZLB-7744/VAT 2877------6500--------------338 ELB-XXE-LAPIN2920------6310--------------331 Quadrupedal: (none) Tanks: ELC-MLK0303 4178------6950--------------364 ELC-D1S1 3636------8600--------------396 ELC-HTT0808 2972------7842--------------396 ZLC-CO4T/CYOR3120------7200--------------395 Floaters: (none) --heavyweight designs-- Pilot name:Magus Draco AC name:SJ-SOBER (Super Japanese Seizurrific OBing Electric Robot) head: ZHD-102/ROCK core: ZCX-F/ROOK arms: EAN-SO legs: ELC-MLK0303 boosters: -- FCS: LODD-BKAZER generator: HOY-B1000 radiator: RBG-CLX5000 inside: -- extension: BEX-BT/180 back unit r: EWC-GN44-AC back unit l: EWC-CNG4000 arm unit r: ZWG-BZ/555 arm unit l: -- optional parts: SP-S/SCR SP-ENE-SCR SP-BCNDR SP-BSI-LE SP-SAB-J SP-ECM-JAM SP-ENE-ACC colors: did not receive any strategy: did not receive any - Pilot Name:Chaltier2003 AC name: Death Nova Head: ZHD-MO/EGRET Core: ZCH-GR/1 Arms: ZAN-707/E Legs: ELN-STVM Boosters: ZBT-GEX/3000 FCS: LODD-QHT Generator: HOY-B1000 Radiator: RRX-COT-GK10 Inside: INW-DEC-OOA Extension: BEX-BAMS-287 Back unit R: EWR-M40 Back unit L: ZWM-M55/6 Arm unit R:KARASAWA MK-2 Arm unit L:ELS-7880 Optional parts: SP-S/SCR SP-ENE-SCR SP-BCNDR SP-BFS/LOSP SP-ENE-ACC Color: General: 000 000 015 200 000 065 000 015 000 000 150 000 130 000 000 strategy: Did not receive any - Pilot name: Mr.NeoSandman AC name: White Sands System: Sand Corrosion Head: ZHD-102/Rock Core: ZCX-F/ROOK Arms: ZAN-202/TEM Legs: ZLB-7744/VAT Boosters: ZBT-GEX/3000 FCS: VERTEX-124/EE Generator: HOY-B1000 Radiator: RRX-COT/GK10 Inside: -- Extension: BEX-BRM-O2 Back unit R: ZWR-M/30 Back unit L: ZWM-M24/IMU Arm unit R: ZWF-S/NIGHT ARM UNIT l: ELS-2772 Optional parts: SP-S/SCR SP-ENE-SCR SP-BCNDR SP-BSI-LE SP-CIR-K SP-BFS/LOSP Color:General 172 089 122 025 035 172 089 122 000 035 137 062 112 000 035 head:detail 000 145 200 arm:optional 148 148 148 joints 071 071 071 legs:aid 075 075 043 optional 091 091 091 Strategy: Guerrila Warfare: this thing ain't too complicated to use but I get best results by staying far away to poke opponents with the NIGHT or spray them with the IMU's (not even the BAMS can block em all 100% of the time), which if most hit will be enough to take any AC's out. If I empty them but I did not finish the job, I come in close to blade in conjuction with my rockets. I was getting sick of overheating with the MER/A3 radiator so I put the GK10 in here instead as the OB on this thing eats it up fast. With good armor, great AP and decent speed for a midweight (309 on ground) topped of with greatly low energy use, this thing fares me well. - AC pilot: Mr.NeoSandman AC name: Gakku Neesan (School Girl) System: Dokki no Gakku Neesan (Wrath of the School Girl) Head: ZHD-MO/EGRET Core: ZCX-F/ROOK Arms: EAN-MWZ Legs: ELC-MLK0303 Boosters: -- FCS: VERTEX-124/EE Generator: HOY-B1000 Radiator: RRX-COT-GK10 Inside: INW-OM-PRT Extension: BEX-BT180 Back Unit: ZWX-E90/MAC Arm unit R: EWG-MGA2 Arm unit L: ZLS-400/SL Optional Parts: SP-S/SCR SP-ENE-SCR SP-BCNDR SP-BSI-LE SP-ENE-ACC SP-VIECH Color:General 000 000 140 155 155 000 030 090 125 125 075 130 000 070 070 Head: 000 155 000 155 200 000 125 000 125 200 000 070 000 070 200 arms:optional 000 000 075 details 200 200 200 Legs:aid 200 200 200 optional 155 125 070 joints 000 000 000 Strategy:Pretty straighforward, I strafe around and shoot with the machine- gun (taking cover from missiles) until the opponent gets close enough for me to blast em' with the MAC. If they get too close I blade 'em while deploying a few orbit cannons from the inside part and initiate over-boost, then I boost to cover and repeat the process. This usually works well for me as I can usually outlast the opponent (or desintegrate thwm with the MAC's 1000 AP damage surroundings). I could get more complex if need be but I won't get into that here. - Pilot name: Alto Akuma AC name: Alto Arms System: Full Assault Head: EHD-GN-92 Core: ECM-XROO Arms: EAW-MG-03 Legs: RLN-STVM Boosters: EBT-GE2100 FCS: LODDBLAZER Generator: HOY-B1000 Radiator: RPS-MER/A3 Inside: -- Extension: BEX-BRM-04 Back unit R: EWM-S612 Back unit L: ZWM-M24/IMU Arm unit R: -- Arm unit L: -- Optional parts: did not receive any Color: did not receive any Strategy: did not receive any - Pilot name: El Pyro AC name: GO-MAP (God of massive AP) System: Pyrotecknic v6.66 Head: ZHD-102/ROCK Core: ECH-D4 Arms: ZAN-707/E Legs: ELC-D1S1 Booster: -- FCS: LODD-BLAZER Generator: HOY-B1000 Radiator: RRX-COT-GK10 Inside: INW-OM-PRT Extension: BEX-BT180 Back unit R: EWC-GN44-AC Back unit L: EWC-CNG4000 Arm unit R: EWG-HC-GN210 Arm unit L: ZES-99/MIRROR Optional Parts: SP-S/SCR SP-ENE-SCR SP-ECM-JAM Color:General 000 030 095 000 095 000 000 095 200 095 000 000 095 200 095 Strategy: did not receive any - Pilot name: El Pyro AC name: Fairy Princess System name: Pyro tecknic v6.66 Head: ZHD-102/ROCK Core: ECH-D4 Arms: ZAN-707/E Legs: ELC-D1S1 Booster: ZBT-ZI/ARTERE FCS: LODD-BLAZER Generator: HOY-B1000 Radiator: RPS-MER/A3 Inside: -- Extension: BEX-BT180 Back unit: EXM-DDO2 (Little fairy wings) Arm unit R: EWG-BZ-B1100 Arm unit L: ELS-2772 Optional parts: SP-S/SCR SP-ENE-SCR SP-ECM-JAM Color: did not receive any Strategy: did not receive any --- --Snipers------------------------------ Snipers are usually AC's equiped with sniper rifles as right arm weapons and anything else with high range. Usually their midweight's (plus or non plus) AC's with parts equiped for speed, this is pretty much summing up most of the sniper's I've seen tough I never saw anything really kinky in this department (tough a good share of lightweights). Like I said, the key stat for sniper's is range, concentrating on hitting the opponent for afar repeatedly with quick well placed shots. Tough it's not just because an AC has a sniper rifle that it's automatically a sniper. Just remember to equip an FCS with a good lock-on range. sniper rifles: power: ammo: range: ZWG-SRF/8 551------80------1000 ZWF-S/NIGHT 1228-----20------770 EWG-SRF-9 628------60------910 other long-range weapons EWG-HC-GN210 3200-----10------825---grenades----right arm EWG-HC-RAW 1445-----36------900---twin rocket-right arm ZWR-S/60 1050-----40------770---rockets-----back EWR-M60 840------60------900---tri rockets-back ZWR-M/30 1500-----30------800---rockets-----back EWR-M40 1500-----40------800---rockets-----back EWR-L24 3100-----24------885---rockets-----back ZWR-R/OCTOPUS 210------30------775---ECM rockets-back ZWC-LQ/2555 1770-----35------750---lasercannon-back EWC-GN44-AC 3550-----15------880---grenades----back EWC-GN-81 3200-----10------780---grenades----back ZWC-LNT/250 201------32------750---slug gun----back ZWX-E90/MAC 4450-----20------800---plasma can.-back --Missile boats-------------------- You guessed it, their AC's equiped with nothing but missiles (or almost since there is only one right arm missile weapon)... well now that I think of it technically every weapon shoots missiles as they are defined as long- range wapons but you know what I mean... anyway for these it's better to have an FCS with low lock on speed and the BFS/LOSP optional part. Missile parts usually have high energy drain tough. missiles: power: ammo: maximum lock: type: EWM-S602 780------24------2---------------back EWM-S608 780------48------8---------------back EWM-S612 780------60------12--------------back EWM-NAP-02 150------20------2---------------back ZWM-M24/IMU 980------14------1---------------back EWM-M444 1060-----24------4---------------back EWM-MO3 1350-----24------3---------------back ZWM-M55/6 1350-----36------6---------------back ZWM-M24/IMI 1110-----24------1---------------back ZWM-LD2-IDA 930------36------1---------------back ZWM-GT/OO 780------14------1---------------back EWM-FIN-BOO 6800-----4-------1---------------back EWX-BAL4 880------24------1---------------back EWX-VLS241 880------16------1---------------back ZWX-IV/PURSUIT 680----4-------0---------------back EAW-H801 1176-----48------1---------------arms EAW-S604 1310-----80------4---------------arms EWG-HM-o4 780------60------4---------------arm right --missileboat designs-- Pilot name: CrazyHoot AC name: Swarm Caller HeadL: ZHD-MO/EGRET Core: ZCL-XA/2 Arms: EAW-S604 Legs: ZLN-WAO2/SS Boosters: ZBT-GEX/3000 FCS: VERTEX-124/EE Generator: HOY-B1000 Radiator: RRX-COT-1550 Inside: -- Extension: BRM-04 Back unit R: S608 Back unit L: S608 Arm unit R: -- Arm unit L: -- Optional parts: SP-S/SCR SP-ENE-SCR SP-BCNDR SAB/J SP-CIR-K SP-BFS/LOSP SP-VIECH Colors: Didn't receive any. Strategy: Fast moving missile boat. You should be able to stay in the air nearly the whole bout if non-plus; if plus you should never have to land. The missile extension work better from a "swarm" perspecive on the S608's because they cause the extensions to trigger twice at full lock, where as the arms only trigger them once. With just under 200 missiles (198 I believe) there isn't too much you can't kill as long as you don't fire full salvos blindly. --- 3*3*3*3*3*3*3*3*3*3 3.Plus,Ow and Plow3 3*3*3*3*3*3*3*3*3*3 -Plus, what it is and how to get it Plus is a serie of enhancement done on the pilot of the AC. This stuff doesn't add a lot of power to an AC but gives it more subtle abilities that can be a real help. Personaly, I ain't a big fan of plus at it warps the game a bit and can make it a whole lot easier, just my opinion tough but I ain't the only one who thinks so tough ( I have a plus file strictly for my blader AC, I have a few plus design for fun tough). Anyway, it's part of the game and seems to be a popular option so it deserves a section here. If you want it, ***YOU NEED TO HAVE A COPY OF AC" TO DO IT! NOT AC2:AA! JUST AC2! THE ONE WITH THE ARENA AND LEOS KLEIN AND EVERYTHING!*** (There I put it in, stop e-mailling me now asking about it!) When you meet that requierment (if you can't buy it rent it or something), start doing missions and fail em', so your cash will drop into the negative cash range (under zero), do this until you get under -50000, a little animation will appear with a wire-frame man in a lab-tank and after that you'll have one of the enhancements (theres six of em, you need to do it eight times to get it all) The game will reset then (5000 credits, arena and missions reset tough you keep all your parts.) After that, just up-load your file into Another Age and start playing (so if you where hoping to get it during your regular game, sorry about it, you'll have to make a new one). If you want to get it fast, here's the fastest way I could figure out: Go get cash however you can (I just went and sold the hidden radar part in the test arena, blast the middle section of the ceiling then cut the limiter by pressing L1,2,3 and R1,2,3 to get unlimited energy, then hurry and fly trough the hole in the ceiling and grab it by pressing O. remember you can only blast the ceiling in AC2, not AA tough you can still cut the limiter but it stops after a while and you can't use ennergy for a few minutes.) Now buy a few weapons with high ammo cost and go to the MT supression mission and waste all your ammo on a wall (if you choose missiles which the the IMU's are a good choice for this, lock on the MT;s trough a door), then go in a room and let your self get killed by the MT's, I could get an enhancment in 2 tries like this sometimes. Anyway, here's what the enhancments do: 1st One:Inside radar: This puts a radar in your AC so you'll still have one even if you don't equip your AC with a head with a radar or a back one (tough if you do the head or back radar will take over for it, and if you do but you'll use the back one which is not a bad thing as altough its useful, the inside radar is just comparable to a normal head radar, hence its not so strong) 2nd time:Thrown laser blade This does just the same thing as the SL laser blade or Ares when he blades. Just press the X button when you attack with any blade to acheive this, tough it doesn't work in mid air, just on the ground. It doesn't do the same amount of damage as the normal blade attack, tough I don't have a clear percentage of the damage right now (tough with recent experimentation I did it seems it does around 300-500), but if you manage to connect with the blade and use this at the same time, the damage add togheter, and it can pack a punch. Tough each blade don't do the exact same thing when thrown. Here's a breakdown on it. -ELS-2772: This just throws a narrow little blade -ELS-3443: Throws 3 blades like the 2772, one straight and two slanted towards the left and right. Just one thing, the damage the blades do is spread out, that means while one blade of any other would do around 300- 500 damage, you'd have to hit with this at point blank range to get the full damage (but then you'd hit with the regular blade to doing more damage) -ZLS-400/SL: Since this is already a thrown blade this does nothing special. -ZLS-100/T: Throws one single blade, slightly wider than the 2772 -LS-MOONLIGHT: One wide blade this thing throws, easy enough to hit with. -ELS-7880: Throws a blade about as wide as the MOONLIGHT. -ZAW-2/SAMURAI: Since this is a pair of arms with built in blades, you can fire a blade for each arms, just hold down the X button afteryou press it to launch the first one. Both shots are about as big as the 100/T. 3rd time: Less Overheat intake: This thing is useful against stuff that does a lot of heat damage (like machine guns or grenades) or if you over-boost a lot, as it cuts your heat intake by half, so you'll get the message OUTPUT DOWN a lot less often, which is good news since you'll take a lot less overheat damage. with this and the 8th one (increased cooling efficiency), you'll not only overheat a lot less often but cool it of much faster too 4th time: Back Unit enhancements: This thing is probably the reason people like plus so much, as you can use back weapons that would make you crouch without crouching with anything else like you would with a tank, that means that before you could only use rockets, missiles, ammo packs and radars without crouching (or on qua- drupedals you could only use them on the ground), now you can use machine- guns and grenade launchers and etcetera on bipeds, reverse joints, quads and floaters like you would with a tank. 5th time: Energy use reduction this is the most useful in my opinion, this reduces your energy consumption by half. With this, if your energy use is low enough and you have a good generator, you casn stay in the air for the whole match without landing (good for missions like ATTACK THE AIRBASE). 8th time: Increased cooling The last up-grade. as mentioned above this makes your AC cool twice as fast, so its not so much of a bad thing to equip a crappy generator anymore. Like I said above, this is great with lower heat intake. --- -Plus AC list:--------------------------------- --Lightweights- Pilot Name: Reptyle AC name: Shadowsnake System:FR-19 Head: ZHD-MO/EGRET Core: ELC-ONE Arms: EAN-1111 Legs: ELB-5005B Boosters: ZBT-ZI/ARTERE FCS: LODD-BLAZER Generator: HOY-B1000 Radiator: RBG-CM6 Inside: -- Extension: BEX-BAMS-287 Back Unit R: -- Back Unit L: ZWR-S/60 Arm Unit R:EWG-MGSAW Arm Unit L:ELS-7880 Optional parts: SP-S/SCR SP-ENE-SCR SP-CIR-K SP-BLS SP-CBRK color: did not receive any Strategy: Don't hit the ground until your enemy is outta ammo, then unload the MGSAW into them in quick short bursts (the way a machine gun should be used). If he survives the MGSAW, use the rockets to finish him off. - Pilot name: Eric Ashmore AC name: Citius (faster) Head: ZHD-8008/S Core: ZCL-XA/2 Arms: ZAN-616/AUR Legs: ELN-02A Boosters: ZBT-H4/T FCS: LODD-BLAZER Generator: HOY-B999 Radiator: RBG-CM6 Extension: BEX-AAOO Inside: -- Back unit L: EWM-NAP-02 Back unit R: ZWC-CN/500 Arm unit L: ELS-7880 Arm unit R: ZWG-XC/01 Optional Parts: SP-S/SCR SP-ENE-SCR SP-BCNDR SP-BE++ SP-ENE-ACC SP-E/SAVER SP-BFS/LOSP Color: Night Black Preset with base at 000 000 000 Strategy: I recommend that you use its speed to your advantage. Also, you can put on a leg set of ZLR-ZIO/MATRIX for REAL speed, now allowing you to cross water. - --Midweights- Pilot Name: AX7 AC Name: Moonbeam Head: ZHD-AG/TURRET Core: ECL-ONE Arms: ZAN-202/TEM Legs: ZLN-XA2/FF Booster: ZBT-GEX/3000 FCS: LODD-BLAZER Generator: HOY-B1000 Radiator: RBG-CM6 Inside:-- Extension: ZEX-RS/HOUND Back Unit: ZWX-E90/MAC Arm Unit R: ZWF-S/NIGHT Arm Unit L: ELS-7880 Optional parts: Didn't receive any Color: 000 000 050 000 100 020 070 050 200 100 020 070 050 200 100 Strategy: Use the NIGHT rifle until they get close enough to use the MAC - Pilot name: Knight Blade Mark AC name: Despair Head: ZHD-MO/EGRET Core: ZCL-XA/2 Arms: EAN-1111 Legs: ZLN-XA2/FF Booster: ZBT-ZI/ARTERE FCS: LODD-BLAZER Generator: HOY-B1000 Radiator: RBG-CM6 Inside: INW-DEC-OOA Extension: -- Back Unit R: ZWC-CN/500 Back Unit L: EWG-GN44-AC Arm Unit R: ZWF-S/NIGHT Arm Unit L: ELS-2772 Optional parts: SP-S/SCR SP-ENE-SCR SP-BCNDR SP-BSI-LE SP-SAB/J SP-CIR-K Color: General: 180 050 050 050 020 180 000 000 000 020 180 050 050 050 020 Head: Aid 180 180 180 Arm/Legs: Optional 180 180 180 Strategy: did not receive any - Pilot name: Knight Blade Mark AC name: Final Dawn System: Hustler One Data 3.0 Head: ZHD-MO/EGRET Core: ELC-ONE Arms: ZAN-303/S Legs: ZLN-XZ2/FF Booster: ZBT-GEX/3000 FCS: LODD-BLAZER Generator: HOY-B1000 Radiator: RBG-CM6 Inside: INW-DEC-OOA Extension: BEX-AAOO Back Unit R: EWC-CNG4000 Back Unit L: EWC-GN44-AC Arm Unit R: EWGXP1500 Arm Unit L: ELS-7880 Optional Parts: SP-S/SCR SP-ENE-SCR SP-BCNDR SP-BSI-LE SP-SAB/J SP-CIR-K SP-ENE-ACC Color: General: 180 020 020 020 020 100 020 020 020 020 040 020 020 020 020 Strategy: did not receive any - Pilot name: Eric Ashmore AC name: Altius (Higher) Head: ZHD-MO/EGRET Core: ZCX-F/ROOK Arms: EAN-50 Legs: ZLB-3322/OP Boosters: EBT-V55 FCS: LODD-BLAZER Generator: HOY-B999 Radiator: RRX-COT-1550 Inside: -- Extension: BEX-BAMS-287 (omit for ZWC-CNG4000) Back unit R: ZWC-CN/500 (ZWC-CNG4000 if BEX-BAMS-287 is not equiped) Back unit L: EWM-NAP-02 Arm unit R: EWG-RF-M15 Arm unit L: ELS-7880 Optional Parts: SP-S/SCR SP-ENE-SCR SP-BCNDR SP-E/SAVER SP-BFS/LOSP SP-BSI-LE Color: Night Black preset with base set at 000 000 000 Strategy: Not meant for ground-to-ground combat. Take flight! I tried to compromise power for low energy drain, so as to help flight last longer. For longer flights, use the ELN-2002AT and EEX-AM45. If you play plus, you'll never have to land. - Pilot name: D Boy AC name: Saviour System: North Star Head: EHD-SCOPEEYE Core: ZCL-XA/2 Arms: ZAN-202/TEM Legs: ELN-070 Booster: ZBT-ZI/ARTERE FCS: VERTEX-124/EE Generator: HOY-B1000 Radiator: RBG-CM6 Inside: -- Extension: BEX-BD150 Back unit R: ZWC-CN/500 Back unit L: ZWC-LQ-2552 Arm unit R: ZWF-S/NIGHT Arm unit L: EES-777LAR Optional parts: SP-S/SCR SP-ENE-SCR SP-BE++ SP-ENE-ACC SP-ECM-JAM SP-VIECH Color:General 200 010 100 100 080 200 010 105 100 080 200 040 110 110 080 Strategy: did not receive any --- --Heavyweights- Pilot name: Reptyle AC name: Warthog System: AT-10 Head: ZHD-102/ROCK Core: ZCH-GR/1 Arms: ZAN-707/E Legs: ELC-D1S1 Booster: -- FCS: LODD-BLAZER Generator: HOY-B1000 Radiator: RBG-CLX5000 Inside: INW-RV-08 Extension: BEX-BT180 Back Unit R: EWC-CNG4000 Back Unit L: EWR-L24 Arm Unit R:ZWG-BZ/S55 Arm Unit L: ZES-99/MIRROR Optional Parts: SP-S/SCR SP-ENE-SCR SP-SAB/J SP-BLS Colors:did not receive any Strategy: If you know how to use GO-MAP, you should know how to use this. (This is not a GO-MAP rip off, I was being totally original in making this design.) The L-24 has to be on the left side as to not deactivate the shield. Use the rockets as the main gun (at least at point blank), other- wise, use the bazooka and use the chain gun as a back up weapon. *authors note* look for the GO-MAP design in the heavyweight non-plus section for the parts list - Pilot name: Lord Blade AC name: Ballistik Head: ZHD-MO/EGRET Core: ZCL-XA/2 Arms: EAW-H801 Legs: ZLC-CO4T/CYOR Booster: -- FCS: DOX-ELENA Generator: HOY-B1000 Radiator: RBG-CLX5000 Inside: INW-DM-PUPPET Extension: BEX-BRM-02 Back Unit R: ZWC-LQ-2552 Back Unit L: EWC-GN44-AC Arm Unit R: -- Arm Unit L: -- Optional Parts: SP-S/SCR SP-ENE-SCR SP-BCNDR SP-CIR-K SP-BFS/LOSP SP-M/AUTO SP-VIECH Color: General 000 200 000 200 200 000 200 200 200 000 200 200 000 000 000 Strategy: did not receive any - Pilot name: Eric Ashmore AC name: Fortius (stronger) Head: ZHD-AG/TURRET Core: ZCH-GR/1 Arms: ZAN-004/B Legs: ZLN-9001/A Booster: EBT-V55 FCS: LODD-BLAZER Generator: HOY-B1000 Radiator: RPS-MER-A3 Extension: BEX-BAMS-287 Inside: -- Back unit R: ZWC-CN/500 Back unit L: BRS-B-OSPREY Arm unit R: KARASAWA-MK2 Arm unit L: ZLS-T/100 Optional Parts: SP-S/SCR SP-ENE-SCR SP-BE++ SP-ENE-ACC Color: Night Black preset with base set at 000 000 000 Strategy: Meant for endurance, this beastly AC is my pride and joy, even surpassing my early Shenlong (which takes a LOT!). the radar is meant to help give you the jump on those pesky speeders, allowing you to empty your chain gun on them. With this machine, I beat Ultimate Nine-Ball, so if you like heavyweights, this is your champion. - --Snipers- Pilot name: Sakaji AC name: Burnout System: Ni Dima Head: ZHD-8008/S Core: ECL-ONE Arms: ZAN-202/TEM Legs: ZLN-XA2/FF Boosters: ZBT-ZI/ARTERE FCS: LODD-BLAZER Generator: HOY-B1000 Radiator: RBG-CM6 Inside: -- Extension: BEX-BRM-02 Back unit R: ZWM-M24/IMU Back unit L: EWC-GN44-AC Arm unit R: ZWF-S/NIGHT Arm unit L: ELS-3443 Optional parts: did not receive any Color: did not receive any Strategy: did not receive any - --Missileboats- *none received yet* -Ow, what it is and how to get it-------------------- This is pretty simple, you get this after beating the game (Not after you Beat Ultimate Nine Ball, after you beat Antares at Rapture). Basically, this means you can make overweight AC's, AC's with overweigth arms and AC's that That dont have suficient energy (which I dont recommend using since you'll constantly run out of energy).Anyway, use this too once in a while when I feel like having some fun. -Ow AC list---------------------------------------- Pilot name:RMDief101 AC name:Orbit Head: ZHD-102/ROCK Core: ZCX-F/ROOK Arms: EAW-MG-03 Legs: ZLN-XA1/FA Booster: ZBT-Z1/ARTERE FCS: VERTEX-124/EE Generator: HOY-B1000 Radiator: RBG-CLX5000 Inside: INW-OM-PRT Extension: BEX-BAMS-287 Back Unit: ZWX-F04/ORBIT Arm Units: none Color:General 000 000 000 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 000 000 000 Optional Parts:did not receive any Strategy:did not receive any -Plow, what it is and how to get it------------------ Basicaly this means a combination of overweight and human plus, or someone who uses both, again, I think this REALLY takes challenge out the game, since it takes out AC building limitations and makes piloting your fat, slow AC way too easy, but if you like to use it, I won't stop you or hold it against you, so here's a few AC to get you started on al the possibilities you have know that your using this. -Plow Ac list-------------------------------------- Pilot name: Reptyle AC name: Nightfox System: BQ-23 Head: ZHD-AG/TURRET Core: ZCL-XA/2 Arms: EAN-CEX Legs: ELF-XX33 Booster:ZBT-GEX/3000 FCS: LODD-BLAZER Generator: HOY-B1000 Radiator: RBG-CM6 Inside: -- Extension: -- Back Unit R: ZWC-LQ/2552 BAck Unit L: BRSS-B-OSPREY Arm Unit R: KARASAWA-MK2 Arm Unit L: ZES-99/MIRROR Optional Parts: SP-S/SCR SP-ENE-SCR SP-BCNDR SP-BE++ SP-ENE-ACC SP-E/SAVER SP-BLS Color: did not receive any Strategy: DA MISSION KILLA! This thing is pretty efficient for takin on other AC's. Keep the MIRROR activated as long as possible tough switch it off sometime as it drains a lot of energy with the boosters. --- 4*4*4*4*4* 4.Bladers4 4*4*4*4*4* -Damage and crap---------------------------- In here is a serie of test and stuff I did to try and learn more about bladers. Some stuff I didn't know and some I wanted to try for myself. In this section I didn't rip info from anyone or anything, this is all original in its entierity, tough I am not 100% sure this is all accurate as I did not dissect to games code to find this out so there might be stuff here that doesn't do the same thing for you. If anyone would be kind enough to try it out and give me your results so I can compileit in here and give you full credit. this was meant to be a stand alone faq/file but I decided to shorten it and add it in here. I am not sure if these things have universal/concrete names so I'm only calling them by what I know or what I named em (like Playstation 2 in a Playstation 2, not a Gameplayer 3), so if you see any fishy names in here I'd like to be told instead of looking like an idiot. [blade strike types] First thing everyone should know is that no type of leg has the same exact type of strike (roughly but then again, no 2 legs have the exact same one, just the same foundation), This is the first thing I am covering. Bipeds - slanted 1 floaters - slanted 1 reverse joints - slanted 2 tanks - stabs quads - stabs Slanted 1: Basic slash that aplies to floaters and bipeds. This thing is not affected by anything other than blade power, energy supply and the BLS optional part. (no air bladding or jumping damage) Slanted 2: Slash for Reverse Joints. This has the weakest ground slash but is affected somewhat by jumping and a lot by diving. Stabs: Blade strike for Quads and Tanks. his does the same damage as slan- ted 1 on the ground and as high damage as slanted 2 diving. Just be careful as this thing goes straight ahead and has a small hit window. [Damage grid] This is gonna be the basis for the rest of this section. These are the damage results I got by testing different kind of legs on my old blader Kurogane (LS/MOONLIGHT, ZAN-303/S arms (135 power supply) and the BLS optional part). I got this by fighting the beggining AC in spil-screen VS. (who has 8065 AP). These are not just the damage I got on the first shot but the damage I tallied up after at least 30 hits. terminology: ground: basic ground attack air: jumping slash, no diving dive: diving attack guided by computer ground-----------air----------dive Biped -- 3140 --- 3140 --- 3140 Floater -- 3140 --- 3140 --- 3140 ReverseJ.-- 2090 --- 3140 --- 4710 Tank -- 3140 --- 4710 --- 4710 Quads -- 3140 --- 4710 --- 4710 [energy supply] For those of you who don't know this yet, energy supply is one of the most important factor in choosing your arms for your blader. This affects the damage it cause. An arm with an energy supply of 100 will cause regular damage while an arm with 84 (lowest) will substract 26 percent of the total and an arm of 135 with add 35 percent to the damage as a whole. Using the same process as above but changing the arms instead if the legs (I used the ZIO/MATRIX floaters by the way), tough I just used the first blow I did on the AC to test this energy supply ---------- damage 135 (highest) 3137 100 (normal) 2324 84 (lowest) 1296 That's it for now, this is the basis of blading damage. I could add more stuff here but I'd have to make a faq just for it (and it would'nt be as high quality as some people I know could make it *glares at Kojiro Suki and Turnip 12...*) anyway, here's some blader AC's for you to chew on. -Blading Designs---------------------------- Pilot name: Mr.NeoSandman AC name: Kurogane Full Plus Head: ZHD-MO/EGRET Core: ECL-ONE Arms: ZAN-303/S Legs: ZLR-ZIO/MATRIX Booster: -- FCS: DOX-ALM Generator: HOY-B1000 Radiator: RBG-CM6 Inside: INW-DEC-OOA Extension: BEX-BT180 Back unit: -- Arm unit R: -- Arm unit L: LS/MOONLIGHT Optional Parts: SP-S/SCR SP-ENE-SCR SP-BCNDR SP-BSI-LE SP-ENE-ACC SP-BLS Color: I don't have it listed anywhere, sorry Strategy: Simple, use any means necessary to get close to the opponent without getting damage (cover of buildings, missile decoys), and once you get the other one, blade like crazy and don't let go, even if take damage too the blade causes a good stun and I doubt the other can get you down to 0 AP before you do. - AC pilot: Mr.NeoSandman AC name: Emerald Sword Full Plus Head: EGH-GN-92 Core: ZCL-XA/2 Arms: ZAN-303/S Legs: ZLF-A3/CARM Booster: ZBT-ZI/ARTERE FCS: DOX-ALM Generator: HOY-B1000 Radiator: RBG-CM6 Inside: INW-DEC-MQ2 Extension: BEX-BT180 Back unit: -- Arm unit R: -- Arm unit L: LS/MOONLIGHT Optional Parts: SP-S/SCR SP-ENE-SCR SP-BSI-LE SP-CIR-K SP-ENE-ACC SP-BLS Color:General 000 100 000 150 095 200 200 080 000 200 000 100 050 150 095 Strategy: Same as above (see Kurogane) - AC pilot: Alto Akuma AC name: Tear System: Shedding light Head: EHD-ONE-NT Core: ZCL-XA/2 Arms: ZAN-202/TEM Legs: ZLF-A3/CARM Booster: ZBT-GEX/3000 FCS: VERTEX-124/EE Generatpr: HOY-B1000 Radiator: RBG-CM6 Inside: -- Extension: -- Back Unit: -- Arm unit R: ZWF-S/NIGHT Arm unit L: LS-MOONLIGHT --- 5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5 5.How to make intro AC's* 5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5 Heres how to make the 2 AC's in the intro, Just so you'll know you can get their emblems too as they are bothAC's you fight in the game so if you beat them, you can take their emblems. The first one is the AC that fights along side AntaresIn the last rapture mission and the second one is in Old Gal in the mission: "Eliminate the research team". By the way, since there was no way for me to know which internal parts they have, I improvised by putting those I tought suits them best. I will not put internal parts for them and will leave that tp your own discretion, and I do have to color schemes for them but I'm the one who made them and their not 100% accurate, but real close. note:parts that are marked with a * means that their hidden parts and can't be bought right away. AC name:AC no.051 (Intro AC 1, the one helping Antares in Rapture) Head: EHD-SCOPEYE* Core: ECL-ONE ARMS: EAN-1111 Legs: ELN-070* Boosters: ZBT-GEX/3000 FCS: VERTEX-124/EE Generator: HOY-B1000 Radiator: RRX-COT-1550 Extension: BEX-BT180* Back unit R: EM-AAT110 Back unit L: EWG-GN-81 Arm unit R: EWG-RF-10LB Arm unit L: ELS-2772 Color: General 041 090 051 040 055 041 090 051 040 055 051 100 061 040 055 AC name:Red Night (Intro AC 2, one of the 2 AC's in the ELIMINATE SEARCH TEAM mission in Old Gal) Head: ZHD-102/ROCK Core: ZCH-GR11 Arms: ZAN-707/E Legs: ZLN-011/BARREL Booster: ZBT-GEX/3000 FCS: LODD-BLAZER Generator: HOY-B1000 Radiator: RRX-COT-1550 Extension: BEX-BRM-04 Back Unit: ZWX-10/PURSUIT Arm Unit R: ZWG-BZ/HYDRA Arm Unit L: ZES-500/SU *note* this thing is overweight Color: General 080 055 030 079 040 000 000 030 079 040 000 000 030 079 040 Legs:Base 060 000 000 Aid 010 010 010 --- 6*6*6*6*6*6*6*6 6.Color Scheme6 6*6*6*6*6*6*6*6 -Pre-made Color Schemes-------------------- This is just a small section I made if you want to send your cool color schemes. I dunno, just sometimes you made one that you like to use on all your AC's or is just plain too nice not to share. Send it here and I'll put it up. Artist: Eric Ashmore Scheme: Dark Warrior Color:General 010 050 100 050 095 010 000 100 000 000 010 100 100 100 000 Scheme: Blackheart Color:General 000 090 090 000 250 000 000 090 120 150 000 000 000 200 150 Scheme: Crimson Tides Color:General 060 150 070 000 060 000 150 070 100 000 000 150 070 100 000 --- 7*7*7*7*7*7*7*7 7.Hidden Parts7 7*7*7*7*7*7*7*7 This is the list of all the hidden parts in the game. Thanks a lot to Jackal for letting me use the info in his faq (which can also be found on gamefaqs.com). Where:Neo Isaac How:Complete al missions EWR-M40 (rockets) Where:Old gGal How:In the mission [attack the warehouse], complete the objective without blowing any crates, one or two doesn't matter but blow too much and you won't get it BEX-BT180 (turn booster extension) Where:Old Gal How:Complete all missions EWG-RF-10LB (rifle) Where:Horwicks Mountain How:In the mission [attack the airbase] side of the second mountain (jump on the platform on the left facing the mountain, its pretty low near the bottom of the canyon) and take the elevator, then when you reach the room with the crates, blow them all up. You'll see the part lying on the floor. Where:Horwick Mountain How:Complete All Missions ELN070 (Legs) Where:Old Zam How:Complete All Missions Where:Burrough Hills How:Complete All Missions ZWC-CN/500 (Chain Gun) Where:Thorn Garden How:Complete All Missions ELN-02SLD (Legs) Wher:Old Avalon How:Complete All Missions EXM-DD02 (Weapon Magazine) Where:Zearm Desert How:Complete All Missions ZHD-102/ROCK (Strongest/Heaviest Head in the game) Where:Earth Central How:Complete All Missions ELS-7880 (Strongest/Shortest blade in the game) Colnart Bay City - Where:In the "Probe Balenas Defense" Mission, fight until the operator tells You: "I'll let you make the call, come back whenever you're ready", kill a few more enemies and then board the transport plane. EWM-NAP-02 (Napalm missiles, set enemies on fire, but weak) Where:Colnart Bay City How:Complete All Missions EWG-XC213 (Laser rifle, a pretty good one too) Where:Balboa City How:Complete All Missions ZWM-M55/6 Where:Whitelands How:Complete All Missions ZLN-01/BARREL (Fastest heavy weight legs) Where:Rapture How:In the "Destroy the security detail" mission, destroy every last enemy Before taking out the lead MT. XWM-GT/00 (Cool ground torpedo, try it with a missile extension) Where:Eyelet City How:In the "Test new MT model" mission, just destroy all the MT as fast as possible, you will get a message that a specialbonus as been prepared for you If you got the part. INW-DM-MV (A dummy maker that fools enemy radars) Where:Eyelet City How:Complete All Missions EWG-HM-04 (A rapid fire hand held missile launcher) Where:Folk City How:In the "new part acquisition" mission, just complete The objective and find the part, it will be available in the shop After. ZWG-XC/01 (A laser rifle often referred to as the mini-sawa) Where:Folk City How:Complete All Missions ZWC-XP02/QL (Light-weight energy cannon) Where:Scissor Forest How:In the mission "Escort AC part transport", destroy the truck with the part and stand on it, destroy the enemy AC without moving, andwhen it says the operator says that the missionsis complete, quickly pick it up, the game wont register it as a failure and you will still get the part. EHD-SCOPEYE (Just a head) Where:Scissor Forest How:Complete All Missions INW-RV-08 (A Vulcan cannon that shoots in your back, would be much Better if it wasn't so weak) Where:Arkot Ocean How:Complete All Missions EWC-GN-81 (A light-weight grenade launcher) Where:Rapture How:Complete all missions, this will end the game and unlock lost field too. BEX-AA00 (Armor extension) Where:Lost Field How:Complete All Missions (Means ya have to beat UNB, good luck) ZLR-ARROW (Extremely fast floating legs) Where:Lost Field How:Complete All Missions INW-OM-PRT (A orbit cannon maker, thison is not like the other one, you don't have to lock on the target, it shoots at any enemy that comes to close) - 7*7*7*7*7* 7.Credits7 7*7*7*7*7* Okay, here's the list of all the people which I listed the AC's in my faq, this is gonna get big (maybe). Collider AX7 Crazyhoot Habnot MagusDraco Chaltier2003 Knight Blade Mark Reptyle Lord Blade Alto Akuma El Pyro Eric Ashmore D Boy Sakaji RMDief101 Here's a list of people that contributed to this in some other way: Jackal: For letting me borrow info from his hidden parts faq, I still had to correct some stuff since it was for the Japanese version but his help his greatly appreciated. Crimson: For telling me the difference between plow and ow, I really should have know that, and in Pyro's words, *gets hit in the back of the head by a flying waffle iron *, well I deserved it. Turnip12: For inspiring to take up blading with his Kawakari design (I'll need to put it in here sometime) To all my good buddies on AIM and MSN messenger (you know who you are) And a lot of others that should be noted here but my lack of memory from staying up all night working on this... e-mail me or throw me a toaster or something if you think you should be mentioned here. 8*8*8*8* 8.Outro8 8*8*8*8* Gnyah, an up-date or two more and I'm putting this faq to rest. I'm very happy with this up-date, the faq is a lot less bad, tough I still ain't satisfied. Keep sending me stuff (just read the disclaimer and the whole faq before e-mailling me with something that might already be in here, I don't mind but its more of a waste of time than anything.) Now if you'll excuse me... *shoves a stick of butter in his mouth and falls asleep, drooling butter on the screen* --- Mr.NeoSandman's Armored Core 2: Another Age copyrighted by Mr.NeoSandman. Copyright 2002