Armored Core 2: Another Age System: Playstation 2 How to beat Lost Field Guide Copyright 2001 Adam H. Version 1.4 ******************************************************* Table of Contents 1. Introduction. A) Updates. 2. Why I wrote this FAQ. 3. What to use to beat The Lost Field. A)Enemys. 4. All about The Lost Field. 5. Credits. 6. Changes from the Japanese version to American version. ******************************************************* 1. Introduction. This FAQ is about The Lost Field part of Armored Core 2: Another Age. In order to get The Lost Field area in Armored Core 2: Another Age you have it get 100% in the completion area. Then you have too finish the game(AC2:AA). The Lost Field part of the game has no point but it gives alot of money, and 2 Secret parts when you finish it. I used the American version of AC2:AA in order to write this FAQ. AC2:AA stands for Armored Core 2: Another Age, and AC2, stands for Armored Core 2. A) Updates in v. 1.4 8/29/2001-Checked the spelling over 8/30/2001-Hard mode of AC2:AA The Lost Field almost finished 8/31/2001-I forgot to actually take the advice I'd given Zaku IX credit for, and decided to keep the names I'd chosen, and we agreed that he didn't need any credit since I was using my own names. I also made some corrections. 2/13/2002-Last time I updated this was... I forget, anyways I changes some grammer, Format and put in Hard mode differences ******************************************************* 2. Why I wrote this FAQ. This is my first FAQ, and I wrote it becuse people all over the GameFAQs board asks how do you beat the 3 menaces in The Lost Field? I wanted to write a FAQ for the first time, and I was bored... ******************************************************* 3. What to use in the lost field. The Lost Field is very tough, You should use an AC thats very quick, but yet, powerful....... I would recomend you have a little bit of practice before you fight these menaces. I used a PLUS AC, in order to get PLUS you have to have the original copy of AC2, and get -50,000 credits 5 times. Here is the AC I used to beat The Lost Field HEAD: EHD-GN-92 CORE: ZCL-XA/2 ARMS: EAN-02-BG LEGS: ELN-STVM BOOSTER: ZBT-Z1/ARTERE FCS: VERTEX-124/EE GENERATOR: HOY-BV2500 RADIATOR: RBG-CLX5000 INSIDE: Nothing EXTENSION: BEX-BAMS-287 BOTH BACK UNITS: EWC-GN-81 ARM UNIT R: KARASAWA-MK2 ARM UNIT L: Nothing You can use another AC, but I reccomend this AC. NOTE: This AC is not Overweight. NOTE: The enemys got more defence in Hard difficulty. A) The Enemys of The Lost Field I played through hard difficulty and I found out there is not much changes in boss patterns, except Ultimate Nine-Ball is trying to get behind you more and hes a tad bit faster ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ENEMY: STINGER: He is the first pilot you have too beat MISSION: Explore Uncharted Region CREDITS: 350000 REQUESTER: Government ADVANCE: 0 UPON SUCCESS: 350000 STINGER'S ATTACKS: Rapid Blade, Laser Rifle Shot, Grenade Shot, and Core Bullet Spread. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HOW TO BEAT STINGER: When you face off with Stinger boost around alot, and when he uses his mega machine gun (Core Machine Spray) It fires a spread of Machine gun bullets rapidly from his Core, move back from him alot then hit Stinger(NOTE: Stinger stops to do this attack) with 2 grenades from the EWC-GN-81. If you want to take chances hit him while hes not using the Core Bullet Spray. Keep on doing this and it should should take this dude down. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ENEMY: PHANTASMA: He is the second pilot you have to fight MISSION: Revisit Uncharted Region CREDITS: 600000 REQUESTER: Government ADVANCE: 0 UPON SUCCESS: 600000 PHANTASMA'S ATTACKS: Phantasma weapon, Vertical Missles, and Grenade Shot. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HOW TO BEAT PHANTASMA: In order to beat this dude you have too use your extension(missle interceptor), and boost around and fire at him with the KARASAWA-MK2 really fast. This guy has alot of armor. I would recommend a hevily armored AC with lots of power, or use my AC and this guy should be dead. Just watch out for his Phantasma attack where he charges up energy around himself, and explodes it everywhere. 2ND WAY: Land on Phantasma. Phantasma will hit you with 2 big missles, and keep blasting him while you are standing on top of it. NOTE: Phantasma don't move when you stand on him. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ENEMY: Ultimate Nine-Ball: He is the final pilot you have to beat MISSION: Destroy Designated Target CREDITS: 999999 REQUESTER: Government ADVANCE: 0 UPON SUCCESS: 999999 ULTIMATE NINE-BALLS ATTACKS: Pulse Rifle Shot, Chain Gun Blast, Vertical Missles, and Double Blade Slice. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HOW TO BEAT ULTIMATE NINE-BALL: This guy is just plain out retarded, has soon as it says, "TARGET VERIFIED, COMMENCING HOSTILITIES," get ready to use your extension(missle interceptor), and boost around, ALOT. When He lands on the ground and uses his Chain Gun, DODGE QUICKLY, by boosting around in an odd pattern. When Ultimate Nine-Ball uses his pulse rifle, dodge again and hit him with 2 grenades from the EWC-GN-81, then he will use his double blade, WATCH OUT FOR THIS ATTACK!! The Double Blade can take odd about 4000 AP! And hit him with 1 Grenade, again. Keep repeating this and he should be dead. Remember, this guy is MUCH faster in hard mode. Keep your eyes on him when he flies in the air or else he will slice and dice you on the ground. CONGRATS: You now 103% completed the game, and you have the........ ZLR-ARROW Legs, and the 1NW-OM-PRT Orbit Maker. ******************************************************* 4. All about The Lost Field. The Lost Field is basically a place where you can get alot of money and 2 new weapons, and bringing back old memories for some Armored Core gamers. Stinger in The Lost Field is from Armored Core: Project Phantasma. He was the main menace of the game of AC:PP. Phantasma is Stinger fused with the Phantasma, of Armored Core: Project Phantasma, He was the Final Boss of AC:PP. Ultimate Nineball is the main menace, and the Final Boss, of Armored Core: Master of Arena ******************************************************* 5. Credits. Thanks to T260GST for submitting in the 2nd way to kill Phantasma Thanks to Agetec for translating this game and bringing it over to North America. Many thanks to Jackal also, he prooved the differences in Ultimate Nine-Balls ground time, and the vertical missles rumor. And thanks to CJayC for making this site. ******************************************************* 6. Changes from Japanese version to American version. All that I know about the Lost Field changes from Japanese to American version is that Ultimate Nine-Ball has been toned down from the Japanese version of AC2:AA. In the Japanese version Ultimate Nine-Ball shoots vertical missles that spread out. In the American version the vertical missles he shoots out don't spread... at all. ************************* NOTE: In order to use this FAQ I will have to allow it. If you want to use this FAQ E-Mail me. Armored Core 2: Another Age is copyright From Software, Inc. Armored Core is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment of America. E-Mail me at My AIM is JapanAtDawn