ARMORED CORE: LAST RAVEN FAQ/WALKTHROUGH VERSION 2.10 By Angelo Pineda( VERSION HISTORY 19-7-2006 - Additional information has been added to walkthrough, also made minor corrections to several missions. 24-6-2006 - North American changes made, walkthrough changes made, VR Arena has been added. 23-3-2006 - Made some minor corrections. 29-12-2005 - Added S-rank strategies for all missions, enemy bestiary, VR AC Test section, and revised the mission strategies. 24-9-2005 - Added ranking system and some tips on getting S-rank for new parts. Also made tweaks to the mission layout. 25-8-2005 - Completed walkthrough of all missions and new parts. Might add more on parts, story Ravens, the VR Arena, and some other material. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 2. BASICS - AC Basics - Part Breaking - FAQ - Ranking System 3. WALKTHROUGH 3a. Pulverizer route #1 3b. Jack-O route 3c. Evangel route 3d. Leviathan route 3e. Pulverizer route #2 3f. Zinaida route 3g. Remaining missions 4. AC MAKING 4a. AC building basics 4b. New parts 4c. VR AC Test 5. ENEMY BESTIARY 5a. Enemies 5b. Bosses 6. VR ARENA 7. CREDITS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. INTRODUCTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Armored Core: Last Raven is the new AC game for the PS2. Last Raven is a continuation of Nexus, after the release of the unknown weapons. The three remaining corporations Mirage, Crest, and Kisaragi have merged into one called the Alliance. Opposed to the Alliance is a Raven faction known as Vertex, headed by past Raven's Ark leader Jack-O. Not satisfied with the Alliance's actions, Jack-O promises to wage war in 24 hours. So begins what is the last AC game for PS2. Some of the cast: Evangel - Leader of Alliance Tactical Unit. In Nexus, he was a rising star just to get booted out of Raven's Ark after it was found that he had a direct contract with Crest. Jack-O - Leader of Vertex. In Nexus, he took over Raven's Ark after it was revealed that it's leaders were corrupt. Zinaida - A talented Raven that works for neither side. Her motives are unknown, though it is known that she helps Vertex time from time. The remainder of the faq talks about basic AC material and the walkthrough of course. Controls and material such as Versus mode will NOT be covered. Refer back to the manual for more details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. BASICS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This section will talk briefly about basic AC gameplay. As said earlier, controls will not be discussed as the vast majority of AC buyers are already aware of the 2 control setups. But, for those who have not decided on a control type.. TYPE A(NEW) Pros: - More like recent first-person shooter controls, easier to get into if you play those games - Easier to drop weapons and fire left and right arm weapons without hurting your fingers Cons: - Feels a bit uncomfortable and hard to get used to - Everyone else prefers TYPE B TYPE B(OLD) Pros: - Everyone is very familiar with these controls - Fairly easy to get used to Cons: - Hard to drop weapons - It might be nice to try something new after 2-3 years of using this setup ********* AC BASICS ********* For those who have played AC, no need to explain. For newcomers, there is a lot to learn about AC gameplay. Tips.. - Test your skills in the VR AC Test section first. - Once you feel confident with your skills, try the enemies. It is advised to take the AC Test portion once comfortable with the other Tests. The VR AC is difficult, but is an idea of how AC fights work in both Arena or Mission play. - Whenever you have a new design to test, the VR AC Test is the place to go. - Tuning is very useful to enhancing your AC's performance. Do not fear if you need to pay or if you mess up the upgrades. There is no fee to pay and you can un-tune the upgrades if you messed up. - Optional parts also enhance combat effectiveness. Buy them if you can afford them. - Most important rule in any AC game: KEEP MOVING! Even if you're just walking, at least you can dodge a few attacks. Standing still is an easy way to get pegged by shots from the enemy and getting killed. - Pay attention to the energy gauge(big vertical line on your left). The red indicates that you are almost out of energy. If the gauge depletes, the AC will have to recharge energy until it is back to full. Energy weapons cannot be used until then. - Pay attention to the map. Allies are indicated by green dots. Enemies are indicated by certain color based on elevation. If on equal ground, red. If on higher ground, blue. If on lower ground, yellow. The yellow line is the warning line to tell you that you are almost of out bounds. The red line is that boundary; pass it and you fail a mission or arena battle. - Pay close attention to the heat gauge(below AP count). As you take hits, boost, Overboost, the heat builds up. If the heat reaches the redzone, a warning buzzer will tell you that your AC is close to overheating. During this stage, the energy gauge will deplete. If the heat exceeds the redzone, AP loss happens. - On the cockpit options, turn on all the optional panels. This will make missions easier. - NEVER stick with the same setup for missions. Missions vary and tend to favor certain AC setups over others. Pay attention to the mission briefings and decide from the information what to equip. Do note that any time an AC is shown on the briefings, you should prepare carefully. Also, if you have a core with the Hangar function, do have a spare weapon in the event you run out of ammo. - If a weapon is out of ammo, drop it ASAP. This decreases overall weight and drain on the AC. - When destroying enemies, DO NOT stand near them if you are. The explosion will cause splash damage to any around it. This goes for destroying random objects and containers as well. ************* PART BREAKING ************* Part breaking is a new feature in the AC series. Just like weapon breaking in Silent Line, parts will break under enough damage. There are 2 stages of part damage: 1st degree - part's functionality(cooling, accuracy, turning speed) decreases and is noticeable by the yellow sparks. The damage indicator for this is when the specific part blinks yellow. 2nd degree - part is destroyed and loses certain functions for the remainder of the mission or arena battle. Legs are not destroyed though. The damage indicator for this is when the specific part blinks red. Special functions decreased effectiveness/lost for parts: HEAD - all functions(ECM, radar, auto-map) and orbit weapons are unusable CORE - EO/OB/core AMS and AC destroyed ARMS - weapon(Hangar included) lost, arm accuracy, blade tracking LEGS - cooling, turning, jump ability, stability You should not worry too much about part destruction as it rarely occurs. However, if a part breaks in a mission, you must re-buy the part again. If it is broken during Arena play, that part is not broken. Losing parts also can affect the speed performance of the AC. Compensation is given in the form of a speed increase for head and arm parts that are destroyed. The increase is proportional to the weight of the part and any weapons assigned to the arms. In the case of arms, only half of the part's weight is negated if one arm is broken. Lastly, destruction of parts also lowers overall shell and energy defense. The defense negation is not great fortunately but will make your AC easier to destroy. One last note: part breaking is HIT specific. It means where you hit the AC will determine which parts get damaged and eventually break. There are two main types of part damage: area and direct. Area damage can simply be said as being able to inflict damage on multiple parts. This type of damage is common and will generally take longer to destroy parts. This is due to the fact that a weapon projectile's damage is spread out through the parts hit. 1st and 2nd degree destruction occurs at the 5000 and 2000 AP ranges respectively. Direct damage is basically an attack that directly damages a part and nothing else. This is uncommon and requires some strategy to do(going against enemy AC or a human opponent's AC). Through this method, parts breaker much faster than area damage. Using direct damage, a part reaches 2nd degree destruction as soon as the 6000 AP range. A second part can be broken through this means at the 3000 AP range. Any more parts destroyed are considered lucky shots. This is presuming the AC has 8000 AP and is fairly well-armored. *** FAQ *** Q: Why can't I boost or fire energy weapons? A: Look at the energy gauge(vertical line to the left). If it is empty, it has to recharge before boosting or using energy weapons. The redzone usually has a buzzer to warn that the AC is almost out of energy. Q: Why can't I fire my grenade launcher on the move like some Ravens do? A: The Ravens are equipped with the OP-I part, giving them special abilities. Don't bother trying to find this part; it's exclusive to the enemy. Q: My part broke and I can't use it any more! What do I do to get it back? A: Re-buy it in the Garage section. Any tuning that was done before are erased so it must be done again. Q: I can't beat a certain Raven! Everytime I change my setup, it seems to be able to counter it! How is this possible? A: The AIs are designed to counter how the AC is setup and the weapons that are on the AC. From example, a Raven with a blade will avoid using it against a fast, agile AC. However, against a heavyweight AC with no Overboost core, that Raven will be more inclined to stay within blade range and use it much more often. Against a missile-heavy AC, the Raven will be more inclined to use cover and trick the missiles into hitting the ground. ************** RANKING SYSTEM ************** Simply said, missions are graded based on performance. Most AC veterans who have played the past ACs will be aware of this. Those who are not, do not worry. The categories for grading are: Time - how fast the mission was beaten. Accuracy - accuracy of weapons based on shots fired and shots landed. Costs - ammo cost and AC repairs. AP Remaining - how much damage did the AC take. Part Break - was a part broken? Basically, it's self explanatory. S is the highest rank attainable and E is the lowest rank. Higher ranks are acheived with fast mission times, high accuracy ratings, low costs, small amount of damage received, and no parts were broken. In certain missions, there are special factors that MUST be met in order to get S-rank. It varies per mission so pay close attention to the mission briefings. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. WALKTHROUGH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For AC vets: you all know what to do so no need to explain. For newcomers: practice controlling the AC in the VR AC Test first. You should try out the Arena, but it will be difficult without mastering the controls first. If you have saved Nexus or Ninebreaker data, convert it. If you don't, you have a total of 300,000 credits to spend. Here is a good AC to start with: Head - YH70S2(tune cooling to max) Core - C69U(tune cooling to max) Arms - A72F(tune cooling to max) Legs - DINGO(tune cooling to max) Booster - B72T(tune booster heat to max) FCS - MUREX Generator - LOTUS(tune condenser capacity to max) Radiator - R76(tune normal cooling to max) As for weapons, switch the rifle to WR73R2 and blade to ELF. Keep the back weapons. This should do for the first few missions. To gain more cash, fight in the Arena. The game is divided into 6 paths, each leading to a different final boss and ending. All missions will not be covered by all 6 paths so those missions will be covered last. You can go any path at the start but I recommend Pulverizer #1 route first. The missions aren't too difficult and the AC missions only show up during the end. I advise not to go to Pulverizer #2 or Zinaida route unless you have beaten one path and have mastered controlling your AC. These 2 paths are full of ACs and tough enemies to boot. ***READ BELOW BEFORE PLAYING**** If by any chance you fail a mission, you can either retry or restart the game. I suggest retrying the mission rather than restart the game. Difficulty of a mission will be rated by *s out of 10. * means a walk in the park, 5 *s is a mission of average difficulty, 7 *s is a difficult mission, and 10 *s well.. good luck staying alive! The AI for enemy ACs will change tactics based on current AC setup. Do not be surprised if an AC that rarely uses their laser blade does so if you changed your AC setup. Try your best to deal with this problem. If you are having problems beating a certain AC, stick with a mid-weight biped. The AI usually doesn't do anything out of the ordinary. All story Ravens are equipped with OP-I. This part from AC3 give the AC a boatload of special abilities such as firing back cannons without any sort of restriction. This part CANNOT be obtained and is exclusive to the enemy Ravens alone. For missions that are repeated on certain paths, I will refer to the first path it is encountered. Please check that path for mission details. Note that EVERY mission in this FAQ presumes you have completed additional requirements, such as additional missions and killing all optional enemies. If you end up with a different mission, you forgot to meet those requirements. MISSION DEFINITIONS Situation - area mission takes place. Client - who you work for. Enemy - known enemy for mission.(displays enemy ID) Friend - known ally for mission.(displays ally ID) Target - intended target for destruction to complete mission. Def Target - intended target to defend to complete mission. Attention - special details about the mission area. Warning - unknown dangers about the mission area. Profile - the profile of known Raven in mission. Estimation of AC - known AC in mission. AC stats/picture are displayed. One last term to note: DAE means Destroy All Enemies. Missions that say these mean you have to kill every enemy to beat the mission. MISSION WALKTHROUGH 101 The following shows how mission walkthroughs are displayed. It's pretty self-explanatory, but it must be done. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Mission name) Requester - the client who requested the mission. Operation Area - area the mission takes place. Objective - objective that must be met to complete the mission. Reward - commission received(in credits) for the successful mission. Difficulty - difficulty of the mission rated from 1-10 *'s. Recommended setup - setup recommended to complete the mission. Enemies - enemies encountered throughout the mission. Strategy - the "game plan" for beating the mission. Secret part - any secret parts found or rewarded in the mission. S-RANK - the "game plan" for beating the mission with a rank of S. Difficulty - the difficulty of getting the rank of S. ****READ ABOVE BEFORE PLAYING**** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3a. PULVERIZER ROUTE #1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Missions: Eliminate Intruders Remove Bridge Defenders Pursue Withdrawing MT Protect The Cargo Destroy AC Vigilance Halt Energy Production Prevent Reactor Meltdown Track Down Evangel Eliminate Sorcerer Investigate Recent Attack Destroy AC Sight Hawk Underground Investigation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Eliminate Intruders Requester: Vertex Operation Area: Old Nire Industrial Area Objective: Eliminate the intruders. Reward: 60,000c Difficulty: * Recommended setup: starter AC Enemies: MT08-OSTRICH, CR-MT85M Strategy: Just a simple DAE. Take down the escaping OSTRICHs and then destroy the reinforcement 85M MTs. The 85 MTs are the only ones that will attack, but the damage is weak. A pulse rifle and machine gun can't do much damage to your armored AC. Secret part: RASETSU. It's on the second level of the structure behind the starting point. Go all the way up and you'll see it. S-RANK Difficulty: * Kill all the MTs and you got yourself an S. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remove Bridge Defenders Requester: Evangel Operation Area: Ruga Tunnel Objective: Eliminate the enemy defenders. Reward: 60,000c Difficulty: * Recommended setup: starter AC, sniper rifle Enemies: CR-MT83RS, MT08H-OSTRICH Strategy: Another easy one. You don't even need to worry about the bridge anchors. Kill the RS MTs, then finish off the OSTRICHs. If you haven't been practicing it, this mission tests out your ability to boost in the air to reach a different part of the area. Do a hop, then hold down the boost button. Make sure you have enough energy or you might fall down... S-RANK Difficulty: ** The only hard part, if you are new to AC, is traversing from one bridge to the next. Aside from that, this mission is a joke. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pursue Withdrawing MT Requester: Alliance Tactical Unit Operation Area: Walter Material Storage Site Objective: Pursue the withdrawing MT. Reward: 80,000c Difficulty: ** Recommended setup: starter AC, a strong blade Enemies: CR-MT06SB, RAT, TAP-LT6, MT11-STARLING(defense target) Strategy: This is an escort mission: protect the target until it reaches the intended destination. The first MT you see is the target. DO NOT shoot the MT, even though you can lock onto it. The RATs are easy to dispatch, but avoid the MT06SBs. These heavy MTs are equipped with a heavy shield that greatly drops attack damage dealted to it. The LT6's are simple security guns; shoot if you wish. S-RANK Difficulty: *** Don't shoot the target MT but shoot everyone else. And blade the MT06SBs once their shields open. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Protect The Cargo Requester: Alliance Headquarters Operation Area: Garav Desert Objective: Secure crash site and protect cargo. Reward: 92,000c Difficulty: ** Recommended setup: long range FCS, sniper rifle Enemies: CRANWELL, CR-AH79 Strategy: Easy mission. Just don't walk into a mine. Destroy all CRANWELL transports to finish the mission. The CR-AH79s are no problem with a sniper rifle. Towards the end, four CRANWELLs appear from four directions. Shoot down one ASAP, then move in a circular way to shoot down the other three. Secret part: CR-E82SS2. Surrounded in the Eastern area of explosives. CR-WBW98LX. Destroy the ruined helicopter part behind your starting point. The telltale sign is the curved helicopter blades. S-RANK Difficulty: * There is a near-100% chance of you getting this on your first try. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Destroy AC Vigilance Requester: Alliance Headquarters Operation Area: Garav Desert Objective: Destroy AC Vigilance. Reward: 68,000c Difficulty: ****** Recommended setup: Head - WASP2(tune cooling to max) Core - GAEA(tune cooling to max) Arms - 72F(tune cooling to max) Legs - DINGO(tune cooling to max) Booster - VULTURE(tune booster heat to max) FCS - MUREX Generator - G91(tune energy output to max) Radiator - R76(tune normal cooling to max) Inside - none Extension - RM Back L - none Back R - KINNARA L - GAST R - SHADE Optionals: AMINO, ES, EC, MARISHI, LA Enemies: Vigilance, AEW360R(friends) Strategy: This should be your first AC fight if you followed the faq in order. And for Nexus players, it's the first of the Nexus returnees, Triturate. Vigilance AC setup: Head - BEETLE Core - U3 Arms - LEO Legs - LIZARD Booster - VULTURE2 FCS - KOKUH Generator - KUJAKU Radiator - ANANDA Inside - MEDUSA Extension - JIREN Back L - RA3 Back R - LGL L - none R - none Special computer type data: The unit is equipped with weapon arms. Long-range combat maneuvers are recommended. Quotes: Triturate's AP at 50%: I can't believe you're this good! Your AP at 50%: You need more practice! The danger in this fight is the LEO laser cannon arms. They can burn your AC if you did not tune your equipment, which you should. The AEW360Rs will help out in this battle as long as Triturate doesn't shoot at them. Distract Triturate with the KINNARA and use the EOs and GAST to attack. If you did not practice in the Arena, which you should, you will find this a tough battle. Back boost a lot and bunny hop to dodge the blasts. Just stay in the offensive, cover your support if you can, and the battle will be over. If you see orange shots with circles around them, that is the LGL linear gun. These will stun your AC good and are quite accurate up close. Secret part: WL-MOONLIGHT. Beat Vigilance. S-RANK Difficulty: ***** Try to keep at least one AEW360R alive and avoiding losing too much AP from Triturate's lasers. Standard AC tactics are good enough to beat this Nexus returnee. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Halt Energy Production Requester: Alliance Tactical Unit Operation Area: Seil Hydroelectric Plant Objective: Destroy all energy production equipment. Reward: 113,000c Difficulty: *** Recommended setup: head with auto-map function, SHADE, KINNARA, LB2 performance Enemies: RAT, MT08M-OSTRICH, foot soldiers Strategy: Just find all the targets and destroy them. The facility is large so a head with the auto-map function will help. Destroy only enemies in the way. Once a target has been found, use the laser blade to destroy it. After all targets have been destroyed, head to the escape point if you wish to start the extra mission. ****************** ADDITIONAL MISSION ****************** Requester: Alliance Tactical Unit Operation Area: Sinus Airstrip Objective: Clear the airstrip of enemy interference. Difficulty: **** Recommended setup: good ECM, SHADE, KINNARA Enemies: MT09ROE-OWL, SSGB03-WALNUT Strategy: Your targetting and radar are jammed through ECM. If you have good ECM performance(radar adds more), you might be able to lock-on a target. If not, destroy all targets and the OWLs. The OWL MTs are equipped with ECMs so destroying them will allow for targetting and radar to function. Work fast and use the KINNARA to destroy the WALNUTs. S-RANK Difficulty: ***** You must take the additional mission in order to get an S. The extra mission is a bit difficult due to ECM measures and you need to act quickly before the transport is within range. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Prevent Reactor Meltdown Requester: Vertex Operation Area: Duerr Energy Plant Objective: Eliminate the intruders. Reward: 108,000c Difficulty: **** Recommended setup: Head - CICADA2(tune cooling to max) Core - U2(tune cooling to max) Arms - 72F(tune cooling to max) Legs - 80S2(tune cooling to max) Booster - VULTURE(tune booster heat to max) FCS - VOLUTE Generator - FUDOH(tune energy output to max) Radiator - ANANDA(tune normal cooling to max) Inside - none Extension - SAISUI Back L - 69RO Back R - none L - GAST R - SHADE Optionals: ES, EC, MARISHI Enemies: U05-FLEA, AMIDA, AMIDA(evolved) Strategy: Destroy all enemies and advance further within the plant quickly. The place will quickly heat up then you will have to destroy 4 targets to cool it down. Do not charge energy and use the SAISUI to prevent that. Mop up the remaining AMIDAs in the last room. Secret part: KONGOH. Destroy the first 2 beaker targets then fly up to the top room in the shaft. It is in the door. Note: Break all the beakers first before grabbing the part. This lowers AP loss and quicker time to get the plant back to normal temperatures. S-RANK Difficulty: **** It is crucial to quickly dispatch the AMIDAs so you can break all the beakers and lower the temperature. Thus, ultimately saving AP and lowering costs. The AMIDAs and their pulse blasts can be annoying so destroy them ASAP. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Track Down Evangel Requester: Alliance Headquarters Operation Area: Hordess Mining Site Objective: Destroy AC Oracle. Reward: 114,000c Difficulty: ** Recommended setup: SHADE, MOONLIGHT Enemies: Vehicles(CR-WA69BZ, CR-WR81B2), AEW360R, foot soldiers Strategy: A DAE mission. Have fun and run over the foot soldiers to get rid of them. They're quite annoying and accurate, but not very damaging.(who expects soldiers to dent a 50-foot mech?) The rest can be dispatched with the MOONLIGHT or SHADE easily. And you've probably guessed it.. Evangel is not hiding here. Secret part: CR-I92FMM2. On the top of cliff with last set of enemies. S-RANK Difficulty: ** Should get it the first time through. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Eliminate Sorcerer Requester: Jack-O Operation Area: Versurs Highland Objective: Destroy AC Banshee. Reward: 0c Difficulty: ***** Recommended setup: Head - QUEEN(tune cooling to max) Core - 89E(tune cooling to max) Arms - 72F(tune aiming accuracy to max) Legs - DINGO(tune cooling to max) Booster - VULTURE(tune booster heat to max) FCS - VOLUTE2 Generator - MAGNOLIA(tune condenser capacity to max) Radiator - ANANDA(tune normal cooling to max) Inside - none Extension - RM2 Back L - none Back R - KINNARA L - GAST R - SHADE Optionals: AMINO, ES, SS, EC, MARISHI, LA Enemies: Banshee Strategy: Banshee AC setup: Head - SPIDER Core - 89E Arms - 69MG Legs - LYNX2 Booster - VULTURE FCS - KOKUH Generator - G91 Radiator - R92 Inside - R2 Extension - IWATO Back L - 72M2 Back R - CACUS L - none R - none Special computer type data: The unit is equipped with machine gun weapon arms. Close-range combat is to be avoided. Quotes: Sorcerer's AP at 50%: It's not over yet! Your AP at 50%: Is that the best you can do? The big threat is the 69M machine gun arms. Range-wise, they suck and are best at close range. The CACUS triple rockets and R2 rockets shouldn't even hit you while the 72M2 missiles can be easily countered with missile defense. EOs from the 89E are fairly damaging but avoidable. Play a range game against Sorcerer and avoid getting close. Make Sorcerer eat the KINNARAs to get the job done fast. Enjoy your new parts! Secret parts. YWH13M-NIX(right). Beat the mission. CR-WA91MSM. Beat Banshee. WR24L-SHADE2. On the northwest edge of the lake. From the starting position, back boost a bit and you should see it. S-RANK Difficulty: *** Sorcerer is a pushover and poses no threat aside from the 69M machine guns. You should be able to S-rank the mission your first time through. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Investigate Recent Attack Requester: Alliance Tactical Unit Operation Area: Tartrus Headquarters Objective: Investigate the recent attack. Reward: 156,000c Difficulty: ***** Recommended setup: dual KINNARA, SHADE, EO core Enemies: Unknown Strategy: Boss: Quad-leg Pulverizer Special computer type data: Powerful energy signature detected. Cannot identify. Quotes: Pulverizer's AP at 50%: It's weakening. Keep it up. Pulverizer's AP at 25%: You're almost there. Don't give up! Your AP at 50%: Watch your AP! Your AP at 10%: Back off! If you are following the faq in order, this will be the first Pulverizer unit you fight. These special units have the same characteristics: has two MOONLIGHT blade arms that deal a lot of damage and the ability to fire dual energy weapons of varying strength. Each unit differs though: the quad unit fires dual plasma cannons in addition to the regular attacks. The area you fight in is fairly big and offers some hiding spots for the dual plasmas of the unit. These units generally are tough, but they all suffer from one huge flaw: missile defense. In particular, micro missiles eat their AP rapidly and they die after enough launches from those. Do note that it can dodge the missiles well, so take care when you shoot. Secret part: WH08RS-FENRIR(left). S-rank the mission. It's not too hard to attain an S but finish the battle quickly and avoid wasting ammo. S-RANK Difficulty: ***** See Secret part strategy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Destroy AC Sight Hawk Requester: Alliance Tactical Unit Operation Area: Versurs Highland Objective: Destroy AC Sight Hawk. Reward: 98,000c Difficulty: ******* Recommended setup: Head - QUEEN(tune cooling to max) Core - 89E(tune cooling to max) Arms - 72F(tune aiming accuracy to max) Legs - COUGAR2(tune cooling to max) Booster - TP(tune booster heat to max) FCS - VOLUTE2 Generator - MAGNOLIA(tune condenser capacity to max) Radiator - ANANDA(tune normal cooling to max) Inside - none Extension - none Back L - none Back R - none L - GAST R - SHADE Optionals: AMINO, SS, EC, MARISHI, GOLGI, HISTON Enemies: Sight Hawk Strategy: Sight Hawk AC setup: Head - SEE Core - UL Arms - XS Legs - 99XS Booster - VULTURE2 FCS - VOLUTE2 Generator - G91 Radiator - ANANDA Inside - none Extension - none Back L - KINNARA Back R - SPHINX L - DRAGON R - M2 Special computer type data: The unit is equipped with a laser rifle. Close-range combat is not advised. Quotes: Crow's AP at 50%: You're not bad... Your AP at 50%: You need practice! Your AP at 10%: You're pathetic... Ah, another old friend from Nexus! Crow and his Sight Hawk! Well, this new Sight Hawk has been modified since the Nexus days. Like in Nexus, Crow is good at aerial combat. As an addition, you have to deal with flying Kamikaze MTs all over the place! Fortunately, Crow is fragile and weak so it shouldn't take long to win. Just stay afar and keep boosting to dodge his attacks and the MTs. Crow's micro missiles are easy to notice since they fire in swarms. Just dance around them to dodge. The DRAGON is a weak laser rifle but the M2 machine gun is strong. With this in mind, kill Crow before he or the kamikaze MTs kill you. While the kamikaze MTs are focused on crashing into your position, they do try to hit Crow as well. If you prefer to use other weapons, go for a bazooka. It'll stun Crow long enough that a few kamikaze MTs will crash into him. Secret part: CR-H9SEE. Beat Sight Hawk. S-RANK Difficulty: ******** A toughie to S-rank. Mainly due to the kamikaze MTs trying to crash into you all over the place. The setup above can do the trick, but switch the SHADE with RA2 and have the 79L+ optional part equipped. When the mission starts, pop up the EOs and start boosting while shooting at Crow. Pay attention to your position relative to the kamikaze MTs so you know where to move next. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Underground Investigation Requester: Alliance Tactical Unit Operation Area: Underneath Circ-City Objective: Investigate the area beneath Circ-City. Reward: 180,000c Difficulty: ******* Recommended setup: Head - QUEEN(tune cooling to max) Core - E2(tune cooling to max) Arms - XS(tune aiming accuracy to max) Legs - DINGO2(tune cooling to max) Booster - TP(tune booster heat to max) FCS - MONJU Generator - G91(tune energy output to max) Radiator - ANANDA(tune normal cooling to max) Inside - none Extension - RM2 Back L - none Back R - KINNARA L - none R - SHADE2 Optionals: ES, SS, EC, MARISHI, LA, 79L+ Enemies: Unknown Strategy: Hmm.. no enemies here. Whoops, spoke to soon. Remember the Kamikaze MTs from the last mission? They're here again to kill you. Boost hop like a madman to shake off the MTs. They will go kamikaze on you for about a minute so DO NOT EVER STAND STILL! If even one gets to you, expect another 3-4 to hit you as well. Not only will you take lots of damage but you'll overheat as well. Keep dodging until a door opens(Jack-O will start talking). Get in that door ASAP. You'll see a cutscene. After the cutscene, go to the broken shaft. Another cutscene kicks in at the start of the second half. Hope you have at least 2000 AP left... Final Boss: Super Bipedal Pulverizer Special computer type data: Powerful energy signature detected. Cannot identify. Quotes: SBP after hit once: ... SBP's AP at 50%: Interesting... SBP's AP at 25%: You'll regret this... Your AP at 50%: ... Your AP at 25%: Raven... you cannot win. Hey, it's the biped Pulverizer, except it looks a bit different. Yes, this is the super version of it. The new changes are it moves faster and has a new attack: Cross Beam Wave. It's like the ordinary beam wave except extremely powerful and looks cooler. Fortunately, it has to stand still to use it. Unload the KINNARAs, the EOs, and the SHADE2 on it only when it is still. Back boost a lot since it moves fast enough to try and blade you to death. It has a lot more AP than the normal biped so fire those micro missiles as much as possible. Once it starts to talk, it's almost dead. If you prefer to fight it fair and square, meaning no quick kill with micro missiles, it will quickly adapt to your tactics and setup. As with the other Ravens, counter accordingly and remember to keep moving. All blade attacks and the Cross Beam Wave can easily break AC parts regardless of how much AP is remaining. Secret part: YH08-MANTIS. S-rank the mission. It's a bit difficult to attain an S mainly because of the kamizake onslaught to survive for quite some time. As for the Pulverizer, only hit it when standing still. Avoid Cross Beam Wave obviously to obtain S. S-RANK Difficulty: ******* See Secret part strategy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3b. JACK-O ROUTE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Missions: Distribution Center Recon Acquire The Commodity Pursue Withdrawing MT Retake Distribution Center Recover The Cargo Protect Allied Squadron Protect Transport Team Secure The Terminal Area Rescue Allied Force Destroy Plant's Defenses Protect The Bridge Help Allied MT Escape Destroy Research Facility Shutdown Defense Systems Defeat Jack-O ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *WARNING: DO NOT TAKE THIS MISSION UNLESS YOU HAVE BEATEN ONE PATH OR HAVE DECIDED TO IMPORT NEXUS OR NINEBREAKER DATA. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.* Distribution Center Recon Requester: Alliance Headquarters Operation Area: Diorgan Distribution Center Objective: Investigate the enemy facility. Reward: 136,000c Difficulty: ********** Recommended setup: Head - 69S(tune cooling to max) Core - GAEA(tune cooling to max) Arms - 72F(tune aiming accuracy to max) Legs - 69S(tune cooling to max) Booster - BIRDIE(tune booster speed to max) FCS - MUREX Generator - G78(tune energy output to max) Radiator - R76(tune normal cooling to max) Inside - none Extension - none Back L - none Back R - 69M L - none R - PIXIE3 Optionals: none Enemies: CR-MT77M, CR-MT83RS Strategy: If you choose not to listen to the warning above, this is the hardest first mission in all of Armored Core history. Anyways, mow down the local MTs stationed in the area. Then, you'll understand why this mission gets the very rare 10 * difficulty rating... Boss: Bolt Thunderstrike AC setup: Head - CICADA Core - U3 Arms - LEMUR2 Legs - 90A2 Booster - BIRDIE2 FCS - VOLUTE2 Generator - KUJAKU Radiator - R92 Inside - MEDUSA Extension - none Back L - LX Back R - LX L - GRIFFON R - SHADE Hangar L - PERYTON Special computer type data: The unit is equipped with multiple energy weapons. Repeated hits will cause abrupt temperature spikes. Quotes: Bolt's AP at 50%: You're not half bad... Bolt's AP at 25%: I'm not done yet! Your AP at 60%: I thought you were better than this... Your AP at 30%: Give up already! Another Nexus Raven, Bolt's AC is different. The fearsome LX cannon is still present, but the HOLLOW has been traded for the SHADE, and the GRIFFON on the left arm. Avoid close range at ALL COSTS! The LX, for AC newcomers, is a powerful laser cannon that deals a lot of damage(2000 range). In addition, due to the new part breaking system, it is able to easily break parts in one shot. The SHADE, for the uninitiated, is a decent laser rifle with a lot of killpower potential and accurate. The GRIFFON is a dual laser rifle that is accurate and creates a lot of thermal stress. To fight in close range would be suicide so avoid that. If the GRIFFON is out of ammo, Bolt will switch to the PERYTON pulse rifle hangar. It can deal good damage quickly, but only at close range. Just stay at mid range and keep attacking until Bolt dies. Use the buildings to hide if you are unsure LX shots cannot be dodged(it's a HUGE blue laser). As I said earlier, you are going to have a very hard time winning if you selected this path first. Even with the setup above, your chances of winning are very slim and most likely you will die. Stick with Pulverizer #1 path or another path that doesn't have this mission as the starting one. Secret part: CR-WBW78R. Behind one of the 2 generators by the gate when fighting Bolt, the one on your right(when you face him). JIKYOH. Beat Thunderstrike. S-RANK Difficulty: ******* It's unlikely you'll get an S if this is the first path you select. To emerge victorious, try the following setup. Head - QUEEN(tune energy defense to max) Core - GAEA(tune energy defense to max) Arms - GIBBON2(tune aiming accuracy to max) Legs - LYNX2(tune energy defense to max) Booster - VULTURE2(tune booster heat to max) FCS - VOLUTE2 Generator - G91(tune energy output to max) Radiator - ANANDA(tune normal cooling to max) Inside - none Extension - RM2 Back L - none Back R - NYMPHE L - GAST R - SHADE Optionals: ES, EC, MARISHI, GOLGI, HISTON, PHAGE Whatever you do, NEVER GET HIT BY THE LX LASER CANNON! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Acquire The Commodity Requester: Jack-O Operation Area: Hordess Mining Site Objective: Acquire the commodity. Reward: 0c Difficulty: ****** Recommended setup: Head - 69S(tune cooling to max) Core - 69U(tune cooling to max) Arms - 72F(tune cooling to max) Legs - LT69(tune cooling to max) Booster - none FCS - MUREX Generator - G91(tune energy output to max) Radiator - R76(tune normal cooling to max) Inside - none Extension - SAISUI Back L - GERYON Back R - none L - none R - PIXIE3 Optionals: none Enemies: MT08H/M-OSTRICH, CR-MT98G Strategy: Destroy the MTs in the area with the PIXIE3. Eventually you'll meet.. Boss: Green Horn and MT Pilot(CR-MT85B) Hotspur AC setup: Head - E2 Core - 3UA Arms - GIBBON2 Legs - BOAR2 Booster - none FCS - COWRY Generator - KUJAKU Radiator - R92 Inside - DD Extension - MORAY Back L - LADON Back R - SKYLLA2 L - SILKY R - PIXIE3 Hangar L - ARGOS2 Special computer type data: The unit is equipped with multiple energy weapons. Mobile attack maneuvers are recommended. Quotes: MT Pilot(CR-MT85B) dies: You're even better than they say... Green Horn's AP at 50%: You're not bad... Your AP at 50%: This is too easy... Your AP at 10%: You're mine! This otherwise difficult fight can be made extremely easy by taking advantage of the tunnels. Horn starts outside the tunnel and usually won't enter. You can play peek-a-boo with Horn and feed him a GERYON shot as long as you are in the tunnel. The battle is easy as long as you remain in the tunnel. If you ever hear a charging sound, that means Horn is about to fire the railgun. These weapons fire extremely high velocity shots and are nearly guaranteed to hit. They usually can overheat ACs per hit and always stun your AC. Avoid these by hiding in the tunnels. The rest of the weapons are weak, except for the SKYLLA2. After beating up Green Horn, take care of the MT Pilot in their CR-MT85B machine. Secret part: CR-YWH05R3(left). Beat the mission. YWH07-DRAGON(left). Beat Hotspur. S-RANK Difficulty: *** The aforementioned strategy is good enough to yield an S. Just don't exit the tunnels to avoid losing AP. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pursue Withdrawing MT ****READ BELOW********* SEE PULVERIZER #1 PATH! ****READ ABOVE********* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Retake Distribution Center Requester: Alliance Tactical Unit Operation Area: Diorgan Distribution Center Objective: Eliminate the occupation force. Reward: 100,000c Difficulty: *** Recommended setup: SHADE, GOLGI Enemies: CR-MT85M, MT08M-OSTRICH, MT11-STARLING, foot soldiers Strategy: A DAE mission. No need to explain. The laser-firing STARLINGs are the only MTs that might pose a threat. Only attack them when they are on the ground and remember to dodge their laser. It can take out your AP fast so don't let them live too long. S-RANK Difficulty: ** As stated above, the STARLINGs are the only threat to an S. Aside from this minor issue, you should get it on your first try. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Recover The Cargo Requester: Alliance Headquarters Operation Area: Garav Desert Objective: Recover the cargo. Reward: 136,000c Difficulty: *** Recommended setup: SHADE, GOLGI Enemies: MOLE Strategy: Another DAE. You don't even need to protect anything since there are no defense targets. The MOLE MTs can dive into the ground, negating all attacks. Obviously, wait until it resurfaces. Its pulse blasts are fairly damaging though but you should kill them before that happens. Keep away and damage should be kept to a minimum. S-RANK Difficulty: * Should get this on your first attempt. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Protect Allied Squadron Requester: Independent Warlord(Mumu) Operation Area: Airsul Dam Objective: Escort squadron and destroy enemy units. Reward: 108,000c Difficulty: **** Recommended setup: hover leg unit, HB(hover booster), GAST, SHADE, EO core Enemies: CR-MT77M, AEW360R, CENTAUR-AA, CR-AH79(defense target) Strategy: Destroy all the MTs you come across. When you get to the end, deactivate the hovers and wait for the energy to recharge. When enemies start appearing, activate the hovers and destroy them quickly. Repeat until all waves of AH79s have made it to the other side of the map. If you are using a hover leg unit, you should have no problem traversing the waters. Secret part: CR-WB03LGL2. S-rank the mission. All AH79s must survive the attacks. Two weapons with high attack power but sufficient ammo are needed. An EO core also helps, as well as a long-range FCS. S-RANK Difficulty: ***** See Secret part strategy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Protect Transport Team Requester: Independent Warlord(Mumu) Operation Area: Old Nire Industrial Area Objective: Ensure the safety of the transport team. Reward: 110,000c Difficulty: **** Recommended setup: GAST, SHADE, EO core Enemies: CR-MT77RO, CR-MT83RS, CR-MT06SB, MT08M-OSTRICH, foot soldiers Strategy: Quickly use the GAST and SHADE to get rid of the ROs. Run over the foot soldiers next and wait. Once the RS MTs appear, go to where the first wave of trucks are. Destroy the OSTRICHs quickly, then destroy the approaching RS MTs. Stand by the doors leading to the exit for the trucks. The moment the doors open, fire the EOs, GAST, and SHADE on the SB MTs. Stand right next to them to protect the targets. Repeat for the next door. That wasn't so hard was it? Secret part: JIREN. S-rank the mission. All defense targets must survive. To get an S, you must destroy the MTs the moment they arrive. The 83RS MTs can destroy one vehicle in one shot so they are the first to go. There are two waves of them towards the end so be careful. S-RANK Difficulty: ***** See Secret part strategy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Secure The Terminal Area Requester: Alliance Tactical Unit Operation Area: Walter Material Storage Site Objective: Create a diversion/secure terminal area. Reward: 131,000c Difficulty: ******* Recommended setup: Head - CICADA2(tune shell defense to max) Core - 89E(tune arm capacity to max) Arms - XS(tune shell defense to max) Legs - 81A2(tune shell defense to max) Booster - none FCS - LIMPET Generator - G91(tune energy output to max) Radiator - ANANDA(tune normal cooling to max) Inside - none Extension - JIREN Back L - CHIMERA Back R - CHIMERA L - GORGON R - SHADE Optionals: AMINO, SS, EC, GOLGI, PHAGE, 79L+ Enemies: CR-MT98G, TAP-LT6 Strategy: The 98G MTs take quite a beating so use the GORGON and SHADE to destroy them. These units use a small grenade gun and a napalm howizter, which has the same effect as napalm rockets. Soon enough, an old foe reappears to fight. Boss: Omega Clown Face AC setup: Head - WASP Core - E2 Arms - MACAQUE Legs - ORYX2 Booster - VULTURE FCS - 73H Generator - LOTUS Radiator - ANANDA Inside - BIKUNI Extension - RM3 Back L - 72CGL Back R - SPARTOI L - 95G R - M2 Special computer type data: The unit equips a variety of weapons, including a rapid-fire machine gun. Close-range combat is not advised. Quotes: Omega's AP at 50%: ... Yet another Nexus Raven makes their debut in Last Raven. Those who fought Omega before are well aware of how dangerous he is. He's even more dangerous now with the extension missiles and better AI. The machine gun, EO, and the grenade gun all quickly eat AP, specifically yours. Lucky, the CHIMERA and the GORGON can quickly turn the tides in your favor. Once the cutscene ends, drop the SHADE, fire the GORGON and CHIMERA, and activate the EOs. Keep firing the GORGON and CHIMERA when lock on is achieved. If you have difficulty getting a lock on with the CHIMERA, blindy shoot it. The four beams fired at once are large enough to hit a part of Omega if you're lucky. Secret part: KARURA. In the east end of the sewers. When you drop down to the last sewer area, boost all the way to the end. CR-H0X5-EYE3. Beat Clown Face. S-RANK Difficulty: ******* Using the setup I recommend is suffice to reap the rewards. You just need to ensure Omega doesn't take off too much AP and you don't miss with the GORGON and CHIMERA. If you still have difficulty, switch to biped legs and use the SPIRIT hi laser rifle and the GAEA EOs. A blade will do for the 98G MTs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rescue Allied Force Requester: Alliance Tactical Unit Operation Area: Walter Material Storage Site Objective: Rescue the allies and secure the facility. Reward: 90,000c Difficulty: ** Recommended setup: head with bio-sensor function, LB2 Enemies: AMIDA Strategy: It's DAE for this one. Just blade all the AMIDAs to death. Then, head for the room where the defense target is. Kill them fast before they chomp your AP with their rapid pulse blasts. S-RANK Difficulty: * You should nab this on your first attempt. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Destroy Plant's Defenses Requester: Alliance Tactical Unit Operation Area: Duerr Energy Plant Objective: Destroy all enemy defenses. Reward: 132,000c Difficulty: ***** Recommended setup: SHADE, LB2, good ECM performance Enemies: SPORE, MT09ROE-OWL, MT11-STARLING Strategy: Another DAE. Blade the OWLs to get rid of the ECM problems, shoot the SPOREs, and watch out for the STARLINGs' laser blasts. To make this easier, get rid of all the OWLs first, then the SPOREs, and finally the STARLINGs. Caution is advised as there are numerous STARLINGs in this mission and your AP can go down FAST. Secret part: WH03M-FINGER(right). S-rank the mission. Shoot down all SPOREs first to make things easier. Next, blade the OWLs but don't do it in front of them. The STARLINGs can dodge well so only fire when on the ground. S-RANK Difficulty: **** See Secret part strategy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Protect The Bridge Requester: Alliance Tactical Unit Operation Area: Ruga Tunnel Objective: Protect the bridge's anchor point. Reward: 108,000c Difficulty: *** Recommended setup: SHADE, GAST, EO core Enemies: U03M-TERMITE, SPORE Strategy: DAE yet again. The bridge anchors can take quite a bit of punishment so don't worry. Unless they get hit by cluster missiles of the SPOREs then the bridge anchors will fall. Fortunately, they show up as reinforcements once the first few TERMITE waves are destroyed. S-RANK Difficulty: *** Just shoot down the SPOREs when they show up and avoid the TERMITE's lasers. Easy S-rank. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Help Allied MT Escape Requester: Alliance Tactical Unit Operation Area: Old Nire Industrial Area Objective: Secure the spy's escape route. Reward: 108,000c Difficulty: *** Recommended setup: SHADE, GAST, EO core Enemies: CR-MT77RO, CR-MT83RS, CR-MT85B, foot soldiers, MT11-STARLING(friend) Strategy: Destroy all enemies ASAP and squash every foot soldier you see. Sheila will say the spy is waiting for you once this happens. Reinforcements will arrive towards your starting point so get rid of the MTs stationed there. S-RANK Difficulty: ** You should get this on your first try anyways. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Destroy Research Facility Requester: Alliance Headquarters Operation Area: Triton Ecoactivity Center Objective: Activate the backup generators and escape. Reward: 121,000c Difficulty: ***** Recommended setup: Head - CICADA2(tune cooling to max) Core - E2(tune cooling to max) Arms - XS(tune aiming accuracy to max) Legs - 80S2(tune cooling to max) Booster - VULTURE2(tune booster heat to max) FCS - LIMPET Generator - MAGNOLIA(tune condenser capacity to max) Radiator - ANANDA(tune normal cooling to max) Inside - none Extension - JIREN Back L - none Back R - none L - GAST R - SHADE Optionals: AMINO, ES, EC, GOLGI, HISTON Enemies: CR-MT77RO, AMIDA(evolved) Strategy: Mop up the MTs and head for the elevator. The evolved AMIDAs are here so quickly take them down before they eat your AP. Plant the bombs on each of the platforms. Once planted, a timer will count down for you to escape. You can choose to do that or fight... Boss: Mumu Metis AC setup: Head - DRONE Core - CRONUS Arms - 88FG Legs - JAGUAR2 Booster - VULTURE FCS - VOLUTE2 Generator - G91 Radiator - ANANDA Inside - FM Extension - RURI Back L - DRYAD2 Back R - NYMPHE L - 76S R - RASETSU Hangar R - ORC Special computer type data: The unit equips a parrying blade. Close-range combat is not advised. Quotes: Mumu's AP at 50%: I'm just getting started! If you choose to escape, then escape. If you choose to fight, Mumu is not too hard. Usually Mumu will stand still long enough to get a lot of SHADE, GAST, and EO shots in. The AC Metis is fragile and will not take much to destroy. Mumu has a parry blade, which are dangerously powerful weapons but have almost no chance of connecting as long as you keep moving. The 76S shotgun is of no threat as long as you stay away. The DRYAD2 and NYMPHE missiles are useless in this confined space. If you fight or not, head for the escape point. Secret part: YH14-STING. Beat Metis. S-RANK Difficulty: **** You need to kill Mumu to get an S. It really isn't that difficult since her AC is weak and fragile. Blast the evolved AMIDAs ASAP prior to setting the explosives to lower AP loss. Follow these simple rules and you'll get an S. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shutdown Defense Systems Requester: Alliance Tactical Unit Operation Area: Old Nire Industrial Area Objective: Destroy the energy supply pods. Reward: 130,000c Difficulty: ******(** if you move fast enough) Recommended setup: Head - STING(tune cooling to max) Core - E2(tune cooling to max) Arms - XS(tune aiming accuracy to max) Legs - COUGAR2(tune shell defense to max) Booster - VULTURE2(tune booster heat to max) FCS - LIMPET Generator - MAGNOLIA(tune condenser capacity to max) Radiator - ANANDA(tune normal cooling to max) Inside - none Extension - RM2 Back L - none Back R - NYMPHE L - GAST R - SHADE Optionals: AMINO, ES, EC, GOLGI, HISTON Enemies: CR-MT98G, CR-MT83RS, foot soldiers Strategy: Run down all foot soldiers before proceeding. The targets are located in the north end of the area, beside 2 railgun defenses. Slowly move closer while destroying the 98G MTs. Reinforcements will arrive so you should destroy them too. As for the railguns, strafe left and right until you reach the end. Shoot off the generators on both sides. If you move fast enough, destroying the energy pods and/or heading to the escape point in time, the mission is complete. If not... Boss: Crow Sight Hawk AC setup: Head - SEE Core - UL Arms - XS Legs - 99XS Booster - VULTURE2 FCS - VOLUTE2 Generator - G91 Radiator - ANANDA Inside - none Extension - none Back L - KINNARA Back R - SPHINX L - DRAGON R - M2 Special computer type data: The unit is equipped with a laser rifle. Close-range combat is not advised. Quotes: Crow's AP at 50%: I will stop you. Crow's AP at 25%: You can't run! Your AP at 50%: You better try harder. Your AP at 10%: You're dead... If you already beat Pulverizer #1 route, this is a much easier time against Crow. If this is your first time, just back boost and keep firing. Crow's weapons aren't too damaging, save the M2 and KINNARA. Should you choose not to fight Crow, just head for the escape points. If you did, head to the escape points afterwards. Secret part: CR-H9SEE. Beat Sight Hawk. S-RANK Difficulty: ****** Avoid the railguns and the 98G grenades to lessen AP loss. Then, you need to kill Crow to get an S. Crow's AC has low AP and shouldn't take long before it chunks and blows up. The M2 and KINNARAs are the only weapons you need to watch out for. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Defeat Jack-O Requester: Evangel Operation Area: Underneath Circ-City Objective: Destroy AC Fox Eye. Reward: 0c Difficulty: * Recommended setup: Head - STING(tune cooling to max) Core - URANUS(tune cooling to max) Arms - XS(tune aiming accuracy to max) Legs - DINGO2(tune cooling to max) Booster - VULTURE2(tune booster heat to max) FCS - LIMPET Generator - MAGNOLIA(tune condenser capacity to max) Radiator - ANANDA(tune normal cooling to max) Inside - none Extension - JIREN Back L - none Back R - none L - LB3 R - SHADE Optionals: GOLGI, HISTON, PHAGE, CODON Enemies: Jack-O Strategy: Final Boss: Jack-O Fox Eye AC setup: Head - CRICKET Core - ATLAS Arms - 72F Legs - JACKAL2 Booster - VULTURE FCS - MONJU Generator - KUJAKU Radiator - FURUNA Inside - MEDUSA2 Extension - RM3 Back L - CENTAUR Back R - CENTAUR L - 95G/part broken R - KRSW Special computer type data: The unit is equipped with a laser rifle capable of inducing thermal stress. Mobile attack maneuvers are recommended. Quotes: Jack-O's AP at 50%: I'm a Raven... No more, no less. Jack-O's AP at 25%: This is the end... Your AP at 50%: Come on, show me what you've got! Your AP at 10%: Concentrate, Raven. You're not even trying! This is the easiest and most simple of all final missions. Just beat Jack-O and the game ends. It's really disappointing since the missions in this path were of some difficulty. Fox Eye starts the battle with the left arm already broken, further weakening its offensive potential(no grenades). Fox Eye is still the same slow turning, moving AC as in Nexus. The only difference is Jack-O does shoot and dodge but poorly. Have fun with crushing Jack-O! The KRSW is the only real threat but he rarely even uses it! If you lose, I really don't know what to say. Secret part: WB18M-CENTAUR. Beat Fox Eye. S-RANK Difficulty: * You really need to train if you don't get this the first time around. And I wonder how you survived the first two missions or the prior one... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3c. EVANGEL ROUTE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Missions: Destroy Military Base Escort Allied MT Recapture Storage Site Investigate Enemy Activity Destroy Raging Torrent IV Defend Against Assault Protect Reactor Core Eliminate Targeted Raven Eliminate Sorcerer Launch Preemptive Strike Eliminate AC Intruder ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Destroy Military Base Requester: Vertex Operation Area: Camp Fortherd Objective: Destroy the installation. Reward: 0c Difficulty: * Recommended setup: starter AC Enemies: ZEKUH, foot soldiers Strategy: Just go crazy and destroy the base equipment and ZEKUHs! Secret part: WH05M-SLYPH(right). In a container in the second level of the central building. S-RANK Difficulty: **********(or * if you know what really needs to be done) This mission can either be the most frustrating or easiest of S-ranks you get. If you destroy only the ZEKUHs, you get an A. If you destroy every specified target, you get an A. If you destroy every specified and unspecified(anything that wasn't mentioned in the briefing) and the ZEKUHs, you still get an A. Personally, I did not figure out the trick myself until someone pointed it out to me. Basically, there are 2 additional support pillars that must be destroyed to get an S. In the construction area of the central building, there is one on the first and second levels. While it may be difficult to see, the sign is seeing an additional pillar beside one. Blade them. Don't forget about destroying everything else! The ZEKUHs come last but they do yield more credits per every one destroyed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Escort Allied MT Requester: Independent Warlord(Green Horn) Operation Area: Hordess Mining Site Objective: Escort MT ally to safety. Reward: 80,000c Difficulty: ** Recommended setup: SHADE, GOLGI Enemies: U03M-TERMITE Strategy: An easy mission. Destroy all TERMITEs and that's about it. The 85B MT can take a bit of damage so it should be fine. If it is taking hits, remember to use your AC as a meat shield against the TERMITE's weapons. S-RANK Difficulty: ** As long as the 85B survives and you don't miss too many shots, S is yours to take. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Recapture Storage Site Requester: Alliance Tactical Unit Operation Area: Walter Material Storage Site Objective: Eliminate all invaders. Reward: 80,000c Difficulty: *** Recommended setup: LB3, SHADE Enemies: MT09ROE-OWL, CR-MT85B/BP, CR-MT98G Strategy: Blade the OWLs to stop their ECM abilities. The 98Gs go down in one swing from the LB3 blade but beware of their grenade gun and napalm howitzer. The commander is revealed after destroying all 98Gs and OWLs. The only difference between the MT85s is the BP is the commander's version, fires triple bazooka rounds, and takes longer to kill. One LB3 blade swing and beam wave is able to silence the BP though. Once beaten, destroy the remaining MTs. Note that the commander is only available if you destroy the prior MTs fast enough. Secret part: WB21M-DRYAD. In the topmost level room above the commander's position. S-RANK Difficulty: *** The only part worth looking out for is at the end when the location of the BP is revealed. Blade him ASAP to lower damage and that's the end of that. Of course, do remember not to get hit by the 98G's grenade. The commander not being revealed prevents an S, but you shouldn't have a problem with speed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Investigate Enemy Activity Requester: Vertex Operation Area: Tartrus Headquarters Objective: Investigate and disrupt enemy activity. Reward: 98,000c Difficulty: *** Recommended setup: good ECM performance, SHADE Enemies: ZEKUH, MT10-BAT, 86FV, foot soldiers, ECM vehicle Strategy: First thing is to destroy the ECM vehicles. You cannot lock on a target until they are destroyed. They are not too difficult to find(radar dish). It's DAE afterwards. The BATs can use a laser cannon, so be careful around them. The 86FVs and their vertical missiles can be a pain to deal with, so take those out first. As usual, foot soldiers just don't pose a threat. S-RANK Difficulty: ** Just watch out for the BAT's laser cannon and you've already gotten an S. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Destroy Raging Torrent IV Requester: Vertex Operation Area: Versurs Highland Objective: Destroy AC Raging Torrent IV. Reward: 84,000c Difficulty: ******* Recommended setup: Head - CICADA2(tune VS ECM to max) Core - 89E(tune energy defense to max) Arms - 72F(tune energy defense to max) Legs - 81A2(tune energy defense to max) Booster - none FCS - VOLUTE2 Generator - FUDOH(tune energy output to max) Radiator - ANANDA(tune normal cooling to max) Inside - none Extension - JIREN Back L - CHIMERA Back R - CHIMERA L - GAST R - SHADE Optionals: AMINO, ES, EC, GOLGI, HISTON, 79L+ Enemies: MT09E-OWL, Raging Torrent IV Strategy: Nexus returnee Caspian is your next target. Raging Torrent IV AC setup: Head - SEE Core - SELENA Arms - GIBBON Legs - 96FA Booster - VULTURE2 FCS - 73H Generator - KUJAKU Radiator - FURUNA Inside - MEDUSA Extension - none Back L - HARPY Back R - HYDRA2 L - GAST R - SHADE2 Special computer type data: The unit is equipped with a high thermal stress-inducing EO weapon. Mobile attack maneuvers are recommended. Quotes: Caspian's AP at 50%: This is bad... Your AP at 70%: Vertex choose poorly... Your AP at 20%: You're finished... Raging Torrent IV.. wow. That's 3 times changing the design for this Nexus Raven. This new design is purely range-based and is not a fast AC. Fighting up close is one way to kill Caspian. The OWLs are here for ECM purposes so kill them first before moving onto Caspian. As for Caspian, it's not too hard to stay locked on considering the slow speed of the AC. Remember to down the OWLs first, otherwise this is going to be a hard fight. You won't like getting pegged by the SHADE2, the GAST, and the SELENA EOs if you let Caspian live. Secret part: YASYA. Beat Raging Torrent IV. S-RANK Difficulty: ******* Caspian and his OWL buddies can really take your AP down FAST. To counter, use the LX to blast Caspian first unless an OWL is close to your position. Once he is out of the way, the fry the OWLs with any LX rounds left. It might be a good idea to get one OWL out of the way for more reliable lock ons with Torrent. If you don't have the LX laser cannon, the CHIMERA works too, but it takes more rounds to complete the task. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Defend Against Assault Requester: Vertex Operation Area: Walter Material Storage Site Objective: Halt the enemy invasion. Reward: 104,000c Difficulty: *** Recommended setup: SHADE, GAST, EO core Enemies: U03M-TERMITE, CR-MT06SB Strategy: DAE mission. Once the initial waves of TERMITEs are done, boost forward from dropping done the vent until you pass the last vent. Reinforcements will arrive in the form of the SB MTs and more TERMITEs. Watch out for the SB's dual bazooka since they drop with their shields open. Once that is done, an additional mission can be taken by going back to starting point. Secret part: CR-R92. Above the room farthest in the West side. ****************** ADDITIONAL MISSION ****************** Requester: Vertex Operation Area: Sinus Airstrip Objective: Destroy the transport before it lands on the airstrip. Difficulty: *** Recommended setup: SHADE Enemies: MT10-BAT, SSGB03-WALNUT(friend), C06-STORK Strategy: DAE again. The STORK enters from the East so prepare to fire once it is in range. The WALNUTs will destroy a few BATs so don't worry if you can't destroy them all. Again, watch out for the BAT's laser cannon. Secret part: 107D-MEDUSA2. Farthest vehicle to the East. S-RANK Difficulty: *** Not too difficult, but you have to take the additional mission to get an S. Make sure you kill a lot of BATs and don't let the WALNUTs take the kill. It also affects S-rank. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Protect Reactor Core Requester: Vertex Operation Area: Duerr Energy Plant Objective: Eliminate the unmanned attack force. Reward: 98,000c Difficulty: ** Recommended setup: long range FCS/radar, sniper rifle, 79L+, VULTURE2 Enemies: U05-FLEA Strategy: You are going to boost a lot here. The moment you see the FLEAs on radar, shoot them. If they make it on a tower, quickly find it and shoot. S-RANK Difficulty: * You should get this on your first try really. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Eliminate Targeted Raven Requester: Vertex Operation Area: Garav Desert Objective: Destroy AC Thunderstrike. Reward: 80,000c Difficulty: ******* Recommended setup: Head - QUEEN(tune energy defense to max) Core - GAEA(tune energy defense to max) Arms - GIBBON2(tune aiming accuracy to max) Legs - LYNX2(tune energy defense to max) Booster - VULTURE2(tune booster heat to max) FCS - VOLUTE2 Generator - G91(tune energy output to max) Radiator - ANANDA(tune normal cooling to max) Inside - none Extension - RM2 Back L - none Back R - NYMPHE L - GAST R - SHADE Optionals: ES, EC, GOLGI, HISTON, PHAGE, MARISHI Enemies: Thunderstrike Strategy: Thunderstrike AC setup: Head - CICADA Core - U3 Arms - LEMUR2 Legs - 90A2 Booster - BIRDIE2 FCS - VOLUTE2 Generator - KUJAKU Radiator - R92 Inside - MEDUSA Extension - none Back L - LX Back R - LX L - GRIFFON R - SHADE Hangar L - PERYTON Special computer type data: The unit is equipped with multiple energy weapons. Repeated hits will cause abrupt temperature spikes. Quotes: Bolt's AP at 50%: I'm not finished yet! Your AP at 20%: Your time is up! I think this is a more appropriate time to fight Bolt rather than one of the first missions.(really From, why throw us a tough one that early?) For those who haven't fought Bolt, watch out for the LX cannon(the big cannon on the back). You don't want to eat some 2000 AP and possibly lose a part from one shot. Strategy is simple: stay away from close range. If you run out of ammo, which you shouldn't, the GAEA's EOs can regenerate ammo so don't worry. Secret part: JIKYOH. Beat Thunderstrike. S-RANK Difficulty: ****** The LX is the big concern here and will take away the chance of getting an S if you are hit even once. The SHADE + GRIFFON are nasty but it won't be as damaging with the setup I recommend. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Eliminate Sorcerer ****READ BELOW********* SEE PULVERIZER #1 PATH! ****READ ABOVE********* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Launch Preemptive Strike Requester: Vertex Operation Area: Tartrus Headquarters Objective: Destroy the enemy force. Reward: 170,000c Difficulty: ******** Recommended setup: Head - CICADA2(tune VS ECM to max) Core - 89E(tune cooling to max) Arms - XS(tune aiming accuracy to max) Legs - COUGAR2(tune cooling to max) Booster - VULTURE2(tune booster heat to max) FCS - VOLUTE2 Generator - MAGNOLIA(tune condenser capacity to max) Radiator - ANANDA(tune normal cooling to max) Inside - none Extension - GAR Back L - SIREN2 Back R - KINNARA L - ELF2 R - SHADE2 Optionals: AMINO, EC, LA, MARISHI Enemies: 86FV, foot soldiers Strategy: Attack the 86FVs but stop attacking when our enemies begin talking. Hide and save your ammo. A cutscene occurs. Hmm.. that design looks rather familiar.. where did we see that before? Boss: Leviathan Special computer type data: Powerful energy signature detected. Cannot identify. Ah, yes! This is the massive MT found in Nexus! Except unlike in that game where it was a prototype and unmovable, this one is complete and moves fast. ECM performance is a must to lock-on the massive unit. Before doing that, get rid of the remaining FVs. As for the unit itself, the Leviathan is well armed and dangerous. Luckily, it lacks missile defense and this is a situation where micro missiles come in handy. Hide behind the big pyramid building and lock onto it and fire. Remember to track its position even with the ECM's interference. Eventually, the massive MT will fall. Secret part: CR-WR81B2(right). S-rank the mission. For the first part of the mission, boost while strafing both ways. Blade the FVs but hide once the enemies begin to talk. For the second part of the mission, blade the rest of the FVs but wait for the Leviathan to pass first. Use the pyramid-like structures to hide from its attacks. Then, just go crazy with the micro missiles. S-RANK Difficulty: ****** See Secret part strategy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Eliminate AC Intruder Requester: Vertex Operation Area: Underneath Circ-City Objective: Eliminate the enemy intruder. Reward: 162,000c Difficulty: ******* Recommended setup: Head - QUEEN(tune shell defense to max) Core - GAEA(tune cooling to max) Arms - XS(tune aiming accuracy to max) Legs - DINGO2(tune cooling to max) Booster - TP(tune booster heat to max) FCS - VOLUTE2 Generator - MAGNOLIA(tune condenser capacity to max) Radiator - ANANDA(tune normal cooling to max) Inside - none Extension - RM2 Back L - none Back R - NYMPHE L - LB3 R - SHADE2 Optionals: AMINO, ES, SS, EC, GOLGI, HISTON, MARISHI Enemies: AC Strategy: Hmm.. blue paint scheme, the 93RL, yellow MOONLIGHT, I wonder who that could be? Final Boss: Evangel Oracle AC setup: Head - QUEEN Core - 89E Arms - LEMUR2 Legs - DINGO2 Booster - B81 FCS - MIROKU Generator - G91 Radiator - ANANDA Inside - none Extension - none Back L - 98G Back R - 98G L - MOONLIGHT R - 93RL Special computer type data: The unit is equipped with a blade. Close-range combat is to be avoided. Quotes: Evangel's AP at 50%: I can't be losing! Evangel's AP at 25%: How can this be!? Your AP at 50%: Just as I thought... Your AP at 10%: I'll take it from here... It's Evangel! The master of linear weapons(and abusing)! Except now he is equipped with the more deadly dual 98G grenade launchers. Fortunately, the area you fight him is rather large. Unfortunately, Evangel is quite accurate with all weapons, including the powerful MOONLIGHT laser blade. This battle isn't too difficult but don't get too cocky. Keep up the attacks until his AC starts to smoke. A cutscene occurs. Afterwards jump down the broken shaft and enter the second half of the mission. The second half of the mission is really simple: destroy the 6 generators powering the Internecine. The easy way to destroy one is with one LB3 slash. You can do that or shoot with the SHADE2 but you can't lock on them. Once all 6 are destroyed, the game ends. Don't think the generators have no way to attack; they fire SHADE-like lasers endlessly at you. Also, the streams of energy created by a generator will fire more of those lasers as well. With all 6 generators up and running, up to 12 lasers will be fired at you. One second of eating these results in a loss of over 700 AP so keep moving! Secret part: CR-YWB05MV2. S-rank the mission. Bring two strong arm weapons. When the duel begins, quickly get in front of Evangel then move back. This will shake him off for some time and a prime opportunity to attack. The RL shots are dangerous, but it's the 98G grenades that can screw up any chance of getting an S. The second part of the mission is easy, just keep moving to avoid the SHADE-like lasers. S-RANK Difficulty: ******* See Secret part strategy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3d. LEVIATHAN ROUTE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Missions: Eliminate Intruders Destroy AC Sundial Recapture Storage Site Remove Lab Intruders Destroy Enemy Squadron Prevent Plant Destruction Eliminate Enemy Occupiers Protect Reactor Core Destroy Air Assault Force Eliminate Sorcerer Intercept Enemy AC Safeguard Industrial Area Stop Last Assault Attempt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Eliminate Intruders ****READ BELOW********* SEE PULVERIZER #1 PATH! ****READ ABOVE********* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Destroy AC Sundial Requester: Vertex Operation Area: Versurs Highland Objective: Destroy AC Sundial. Reward: 64,000c Difficulty: ******** Recommended setup: Head - 69S(tune cooling to max) Core - 69U(tune cooling to max) Arms - 72F(tune aiming accuracy to max) Legs - DINGO(tune cooling to max) Booster - BIRDIE(tune booster speed to max) FCS - MUREX Generator - G84P(tune condenser capacity to max) Radiator - R76(tune normal cooling to max) Inside - MEDUSA Extension - RM Back L - none Back R - NYMPHE L - SPECTER R - SHADE Optionals: none Enemies: ZEKUH, Sundial Strategy: Sundial AC setup: Head - SPIDER Core - 840/UL Arms - 72F Legs - 99M2 Booster - none FCS - DSN Generator - G91 Radiator - R92 Inside - SYAMANA Extension - RM Back L - CENTAUR Back R - CENTAUR L - WYRM R - PIXIE2 Hangar L - HP Special computer type data: The unit is equipped with vertical launch missiles. Be prepared to take evasive action. Quotes: Principal's AP at 50%: You're good... Your AP at 70%: What a joke! Your AP at 20%: Come on, put up a fight! Another Nexus Raven returns in LR, Principal, a top notch Raven in that AC game. Then again, every Nexus returning Raven used to be the best in Raven's Ark in Nexus. Principal is a hover so you will have some difficulty trying to stay away(or land shots). ZEKUHs are here but forget about them for now. If this is the first path you have chosen, Principal is difficult to beat. The biggest threats are the CENTUAR dual vertical missiles and RM extension missiles. If you haven't been training how to dodge attacks, you are going to have a hard time dodging these. Vertical missiles usually can be dodged by boosting forward and strafing either side. The WYRM is a mag reload sniper rifle and the PIXIE2 is a 1000-ammo machine gun. The HP handgun in her hangar is strong and can stun, but has low ammo. Lastly, Principal is equipped with an Overboost core. OB allows for quick escapes or gaining ground on opponents. Do not shoot when Principal is OBing as you will miss your shots. Try your best and if you can't win, beat an easier path. Once destroyed, mop up the ZEKUHs. Secret part: WH10M-SILKY(right). Beat Sundial. S-RANK Difficulty: ****** Aside from the CENTAUR + RM combo, the only thing to fear is the WYRM sniper rifle. Dodging the missiles can be difficult but just grab MEDUSA and lay a decoy every time Principal launches the missiles. Once the RM is out of ammo, which equals to 3 missile launches, Principal becomes less dangerous. Shoot only when she isn't OBing and remember to boost forward to dodge the CENTAURs. The ZEKUHs aren't a threat and should be saved for last as usual. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Recapture Storage Site ****READ BELOW*** SEE EVANGEL PATH! ****READ ABOVE*** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remove Lab Intruders Requester: Alliance Headquarters Operation Area: Triton Ecoactivity Center Objective: Eliminate the intruders. Reward: 88,000c Difficulty: ** Recommended setup: LB3 Enemies: MT08-OSTRICH, CR-MT85BP Strategy: DAE. Blade them all to death. Just watch out for the BP's burst bazooka which deals a nice amount of damage and heat. S-RANK Difficulty: * Nothing else to say except you need to train more if you can't get an S. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Destroy Enemy Squadron Requester: Vertex Operation Area: Airsul Dam Objective: Eliminate the enemy invaders. Reward: 96,000c Difficulty: *** Recommended setup: SHADE, GAST, WALRUS2 Enemies: ZEKUH, CR-AH79 Strategy: Destroy all enemies. It's not too difficult considering they are all bunched together. Head to the top level of the dam(by the waters) and shoot them down here. Towards the end, you will face a LOT of them. Shoot like a madman and make sure they don't escape. S-RANK Difficulty: ** Pretty easy since they appear right in front of you to pass the dam. Just be sure not to miss any of the choppers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Prevent Plant Destruction Requester: Vertex Operation Area: Seil Hydroelectric Plant Objective: Disable all explosive charges. Reward: 132,000c Difficulty: **** Recommended setup: head with auto-map function, SHADE Enemies: AEW360R, UO3M-TERMITE, foot soldiers Strategy: You have 5 minutes and 30 seconds to deactivate all bombs. Ignore all the enemies and go straight for the bombs, starting on the lowest level. If you are going to shoot a few enemies, only get rid of the ones in the way. Avoid using blades since you don't want to automatically destroy a bomb and a defense target. Secret part: NICHIRIN(right). S-rank the mission. First of all, DO NOT bring a blade. This will make the job harder. Second, bring a strong right arm weapon like the SHADE2. Next, do not get stuck in any of the hallways or rooms. As long as these guidelines are followed, S-rank is possible. S-RANK Difficulty: ******* See Secret part strategy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Eliminate Enemy Occupiers Requester: Alliance Headquarters Operation Area: Diorgan Distribution Center Objective: Eliminate the enemy occupiers. Reward: 135,000c Difficulty: ******* Recommended setup: Head - EYE2(tune cooling to max) Core - 89E(tune cooling to max) Arms - XS(tune cooling to max) Legs - 80S2(tune cooling to max) Booster - VULTURE2(tune booster heat to max) FCS - KOKUH Generator - G91(tune energy output to max) Radiator - ANANDA(tune normal cooling to max) Inside - none Extension - RM2 Back L - none Back R - NYMPHE L - LB2 R - PIXIE3 Optionals: AMINO, SS, EC, MARISHI Enemies: MT08M-OSTRICH, AEW360R, SSGB03-WALNUT, CR-MT07LM Strategy: Do not advance too quickly in this mission. Take your time and clear out all the enemies in the rooms. The new 07LM MTs fire large missiles and they are stationed rather close to doors. Large missiles, for those who don't know, are the strongest one hit weapon. They also instantly overheat the unlucky victim that gets hit. Now, do you understand why you shouldn't rush the mission? The large missiles are very good at tracking, but can be tricked slamming into a wall. Once you reach the end, a cutscene occurs. Hmm.. all black paint scheme, dual GLs, LB3, RA.. Genobee's alive!? Boss: Mollycoddle Pinch Beck AC setup: Head - EYE Core - U3 Arms - 71S2 Legs - 89F Booster - TP FCS - 82D2 Generator - G84P Radiator - R92 Inside - DD2 Extension - AM Back L - GL Back R - GL L - LB3 R - RA Hangar R - 98GL Special computer type data: The unit equips a high-powered grenade launcher. Opponent will attempt to maintain fixed range combat. Quotes: Mollycoddle's AP at 50%: I'll show you what I can do! Mollycoddle's AP at 30%: I need backup right now! Mollycoddle's AP at 20%: I'm not kidding. I need help! Your AP at 50%: Give up... you can't defeat me. Your AP at 30%: I need backup right now! Your AP at 10%: Is that all you've got? No, some wannabe Raven is copying his design though. Unlike Genobee's poor piloting skills in Nexus, Mollycoddle uses the AC much better. Such as using the RA assault rifle and LB3 laser blade more often. And staying in the right range for the appropriate weapon. Oh, and the WALNUTs are having a field day shooting you with grenades. Strafe and boost a lot, while using the buildings to hide. You might want to get rid of the WALNUTs since you have to destroy them anyways. The less amount of grenades being fired, the better. Secret part: CR-WH01SP(left). Beat Pinch Beck. S-RANK Difficulty: ******* Large missiles and grenades can really ruin any chance of getting an S. Do move fast but don't rush blindly unless you want to eat a large missile by accident. As for Mollycoddle, get rid of the WALNUTs first then go after him. The GL rounds are a little hard to dodge but there are enough structures to hide from it. Attack him but watch out when Mollycoddle is not using the RA. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Protect Reactor Core ****READ BELOW*** SEE EVANGEL PATH! ****READ ABOVE*** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Destroy Air Assault Force Requester: Vertex Operation Area: Camp Fortherd Objective: Destroy the enemy assault force. Reward: 138,000c Difficulty: ***** Recommended setup: PIXIE3, GAST, GAEA, good ECM performance Enemies: GUSHAWK, CR-A82, C06-STORK, MT09E-OWL Strategy: You're going to be dodging a lot in this mission. The GUSHAWKs will appear in swarms and fire missiles at you. Blow them away with the PIXIE3. When the A82s enter the battle, use the GAEA EOs, GAST, and PIXIE3 against them. Remember to keep dodging because they appear in swarms as well. Eventually, the STORKs enter the fray. Sink them ASAP before they drop OWLs. Good ECM performance is important if you wish to lock on and destroy them. Remember to recharge the GAEA EOs since this is a long mission. Eventually, one last STORK will appear. Destroy it and the OWLs if you can't sink it in time. S-RANK Difficulty: ***** Not much to say in this mission. Except to shoot down every enemy and avoid taking hits in return. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Eliminate Sorcerer ****READ BELOW********* SEE PULVERIZER #1 PATH! ****READ ABOVE********* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Intercept Enemy AC Requester: Jack-O Operation Area: Camp Fortherd Objective: Destroy the enemy AC. Reward: 0c Difficulty: ******* Recommended setup: Head - QUEEN(tune shell defense to max) Core - GAEA(tune cooling to max) Arms - XS(tune aiming accuracy to max) Legs - DINGO2(tune cooling to max) Booster - TP(tune booster heat to max) FCS - VOLUTE2 Generator - MAGNOLIA(tune condenser capacity to max) Radiator - ANANDA(tune normal cooling to max) Inside - none Extension - RM2 Back L - HARPY Back R - none L - 95G R - NIX Optionals: AMINO, ES, SS, EC, LA, MARISHI Enemies: AC Strategy: Let's see who our target is. 93RL, MOONLIGHT, LGL, GERYON2, QUEEN. Hey, it's Evangel! Boss: Evangel Oracle AC setup: Head - QUEEN Core - 89E Arms - LEMUR2 Legs - DINGO2 Booster - TP FCS - MIROKU Generator - G91 Radiator - ANANDA Inside - none Extension - none Back L - GERYON2 Back R - LGL L - MOONLIGHT R - 93RL Special computer type data: The unit is equipped with a blade. Close-range combat is to be avoided. Quotes: Evangel's AP at 50%: How is it possible!? Evangel's AP at 25%: Nobody is this good... Your AP at 50%: Look how weak they are, Jack! The master of linear weapons, Evangel is a tough opponent. The base offers a good amount of hiding spots so use them to your advantage. Try to avoid close range combat as it prompts him to use the MOONLIGHT, which he is rather accurate with. The linear weapons are hard to dodge the closer you are, so avoid getting close. Strafe, ground boost, and do whatever you can to dodge the linear weapons. Use the HARPYs in conjunction with the RM2 to whittle a bit of AP from Oracle. The HARPY orbit cannons will follow and shoot at Evangel, prompting him to dodge. Use this time to peg him with the NIX, 95G, and the EOs. Eventually, the Oracle will fall. He is fast though so you might want to hide to dodge some linear rounds. The GERYON2 is rarely used but don't drop your guard. Secret part: YWL16LB-ELF3. Beat the mission. CR-WR93RL. Beat Oracle. S-RANK Difficulty: ******* Those linears will hurt your chances of getting an S if you can't dodge them. Fortunately, you can use the central structure to hide from them. You might want to switch your arm weapons to something more stronger to avoid losing more AP. Try the SPIRIT hi laser rifle out if you haven't. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Safeguard Industrial Area Requester: Vertex Operation Area: Old Nire Industrial Area Objective: Destroy the invading enemy force. Reward: 108,000c Difficulty: ****** Recommended setup: Head - EYE2(tune cooling to max) Core - 89E(tune cooling to max) Arms - XS(tune cooling to max) Legs - COUGAR2(tune load capacity to max) Booster - TP(tune booster heat to max) FCS - KOKUH Generator - MAGNOLIA(tune condenser capacity to max) Radiator - ANANDA(tune normal cooling to max) Inside - none Extension - RM2 Back L - HARPY Back R - MAGORAGA L - ELF3 R - 93RL Optionals: AMINO, ES, EC Enemies: MT09ROE-OWL, MT08-OSTRICH Strategy: A cutscene occurs shortly after the mission starts. A cool cutscene for that matter... time to fight Alliance's last Raven. Boss: Jouster Heaven's Ray AC setup: Head - EYE4/part broken Core - ATLAS Arms - 72F Legs - 89F Booster - TP FCS - MIROKU Generator - G91 Radiator - ANANDA Inside - SYAMANA Extension - RM Back L - SG2 Back R - SPARTOI L - LB3 R - SILKY Special computer type data: The unit is equipped with an ECM maker. Blade attacks also present a threat. Quotes: Jouster's AP at 50%: You're good. Jouster's AP at 25%: Keep trying! Your AP at 50%: Do you really think you can beat me? Your AP at 10%: Vertex is finished! Jouster doesn't waste time to show off why he is the second best in the forces of Alliance. He is a close range specialist, proficient at blading and usage of Overboost. The SILKY isn't much of a threat, but at close range it is. The LB3 shouldn't hit you as long as the AC moves. Still, don't underestimate Jouster's blading skill. The SG2 slug gun is the greatest threat. Slug guns are enhanced shotguns: more bullets and tight spread. Usually, they can overheat if an AC gets hit by the whole spread. If you are hit enough times with the entire spread hitting, your parts are in danger of breaking. Back boost and attack with HARPY orbits to distract Jouster. You can use this to retreat temporarily. Jouster's not too hard as long as you avoid eating the spread of the slug gun. After besting Heaven's Ray, the MTs come in. The OWLs once again appear so take them out first. If you took a long time to beat Jouster, the MTs will not appear. Secret part: MF04-COWRY. Beat Heaven's Ray. S-RANK Difficulty: ***** Just an average difficulty for the S. Jouster is great up close, but he is powerless from a distance. Use that to your advantage. You must see the MT reinforcements to get an S though. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stop Last Assault Attempt Requester: Vertex Operation Area: Versurs Highlands Objective: Destroy the enemy's airborne forces. Reward: 148,000c Difficulty: ****** Recommended setup: Head - CICADA2(tune VS ECM to max) Core - E2(tune cooling to max) Arms - XS(tune cooling to max) Legs - COUGAR2(tune cooling to max) Booster - TP(tune booster heat to max) FCS - VOLUTE2 Generator - G91(tune energy output to max) Radiator - ANANDA(tune normal cooling to max) Inside - MEDUSA Extension - RM2 Back L - none Back R - KINNARA L - ELF3 R - 93RL Optionals: AMINO, EC, LA Enemies: GUSHAWK Strategy: Don't waste your missiles just yet. Down the GUSHAWKs with the RL. Keep your AP high and dodge their attacks. Do note that you are up against some 12 GUSHAWKs at once so that's a lot of missile dodging. If you feel the need to, use the MEDUSA. Don't use all of them though; you'll need it for later. The next part of the mission begins if all 12 GUSHAWKs are destroyed or a certain amount of time passes. Final Boss: Leviathan x 2 Special computer type data: Powerful energy signature detected. Cannot identify. Hope you're good at missile dodging. If you think the unit is familiar, it is because this is the massive MT from Nexus. Except this is a complete version. And you fight two of them. I'd say you got your work cut out for you. If you fought the Leviathan in Evangel's route, the differences are two of them and no areas to hide. Fire the KINNARAs away! Should you run out of KINNARA ammo, use the 93RL and EOs to finish the units off. Now would be a good time to use the MEDUSA decoys. Once both are destroyed, the game is done. Or is it? THE Final Boss: Leviathan Special computer type data: Powerful energy signature detected. Cannot identify. Yup, you have ONE more Leviathan to kill! Hope you still have some KINNARAs left to spare. Same strategy applies, except you are most likely low on ammo from the first 2 Leviathans. This might sound a bit crazy, but blade the MT if you have to. Sure, it's dangerous but this is the only backup weapon you have in case you run out of ammo. Sink the final Leviathan and this path is done for good. This Leviathan is the most dangerous offensively, being able to string multiple attacks consecutively and up to THREE missile swarms. That comes to a grand total of 60 missiles which equals game over if most hit. Secret part: YWB3SL-GERYON3. S-rank the mission. S-ranking the mission is actually quite easy. Just remember to avoid missiles and shoot a Leviathan when it's close. That's pretty much it for getting S. S-RANK Difficulty: **** See Secret part strategy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3e. PULVERIZER ROUTE #2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * This path is difficult and ACs are pretty much everywhere. Do not attempt unless you have beaten one of the other paths.* Missions: Destroy Military Base Escort Allied MT Eliminate The Enemy AC Battle Challenge Destroy The Control Towers Destroy Transport Convoy Eliminate Enemy Patrols Destroy The ECM Devices Shutdown Energy Plant Protect Warlord's Forces Destroy Transport Train Defeat The Invading Force Destroy AC Heaven's Ray Shutdown Internecine ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Destroy Military Base ****READ BELOW*** SEE EVANGEL PATH! ****READ ABOVE*** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Escort Allied MT ****READ BELOW*** SEE EVANGEL PATH! ****READ ABOVE*** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Eliminate The Enemy AC Requester: Independent Warlord(No Data) Operation Area: Area-R11 AC Garage Objective: Eliminate the enemy AC. Reward: 104,000c Difficulty: ********* Recommended setup: Head - QUEEN(tune cooling to max) Core - 89E(tune cooling to max) Arms - MACAQUE(tune aiming accuracy to max) Legs - COUGAR(tune cooling to max) Booster - TP(tune booster heat to max) FCS - VOLUTE2 Generator - G91(tune energy output to max) Radiator - ANANDA(tune normal cooling to max) Inside - none Extension - GAR Back L - HARPY Back R - KINNARA L - GAST R - 93RL Optionals: AMINO, SS, EC, 79L+, MARISHI Enemies: AC Strategy: You'll see why this is a hard path soon. Anyways... Boss: Zuben El Genubi South Nail AC setup: Head - DRONE Core - U4 Arms - 88FG Legs - 84M Booster - B81 FCS - MIROKU Generator - G91 Radiator - HAZEL Inside - none Extension - RM Back L - none Back R - SATYROS L - RS R - RLA Special computer type data: The unit is equipped with a long-range sniper rifle. Avoid head-on attack maneuvers. Quotes: Zuben El Genubi's AP at 50%: You're not bad... Zuben El Genubi's AP at 25%: I need backup, this isn't going as planned! Your AP at 50%: What's the matter, are you having second thoughts? Genubi isn't too hard to beat. Usually, he will wait for a clear shot before firing his RLA linear assault rifle and RS sniper rifle. The missiles are strong, but can be easily avoided by using the buildings as cover. Standard AC tactics are good enough to beat Genubi. Just don't waste the HARPYs or KINNARAs. At least not yet. Beat him and a cutscene occurs. Another AC!? Dual FINGERs, camo black-yellow paint scheme. Oh man, it's... Boss: Rim Fire Bullet Life AC setup: Head - WASP Core - 69U Arms - LEMUR Legs - GAVIAL2 Booster - GULL FCS - KOKUH Generator - KUJAKU Radiator - R92 Inside - MEDUSA2 Extension - FUNI Back L - 69CG Back R - MAGORAGA L - FINGER R - FINGER Hangar L - SYLPH Hangar R - SYLPH Special computer type data: The target equips multiple spread shot weapons. Close-range combat is not advised. Quotes: Rim Fire's AP at 50%: You're good Raven, but not as good as I! Rim Fire's AP at 25%: Never...! I can't die! I won't die! Your AP at 50%: Well, I see you have some fight left in you... that's good. It's the FINGER man from Nexus! Like the other Nexus returnees, Rim Fire was one of the best in Raven's Ark. Unless you beat at least one path(or are an AC veteran), there is not much hope for you. Rim Fire is better than he was in Nexus, now that he actually conserves ammo and can dodge. The FINGER is a machine gun that fires bullets in a spread, like a shotgun. It's a very dangerous weapon at close range, able to eat 1000s of AP in seconds. His other weapons aren't too threatening as the FINGER. Harass him with the HARPYs and use the KINNARA only when he is grounded. Try to keep him beside a building so your shots won't miss. Take advantage of the buildings, but try not to get stuck in one. You usually will get pegged by the FINGERs or SYLPHs. As long as you don't get stuck in a building and keep away, you should emerge victorious. Secret part: YH15-DRONE. Beat South Nail. WH03M-FINGER(left). Beat Bullet Life. B04-BIRDIE2. Northwest edge of the area beside some containers. From the starting point, go behind and look at the container area closest to the mountain side. You should barely see it. S-RANK Difficulty: ******** 3 things to note. 1) Avoid the FINGERs of death. 2) Avoid getting stuck in any structure. 3) Rim Fire is nothing if you can avoid entering close range combat with him. If you have difficulty getting an S, try using the SPIRIT or KRSW weapons... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Battle Challenge Requester: Zinaida Operation Area: Camp Fortherd Objective: Destroy AC Fascinator. Reward: 0c Difficulty: ***** Recommended setup: Head - CICADA2(tune cooling to max) Core - 89E(tune cooling to max) Arms - LORIS(tune cooling to max) Legs - 81A2(tune cooling to max) Booster - none FCS - VOLUTE2 Generator - MAGNOLIA(tune condenser capacity to max) Radiator - ANANDA(tune normal cooling to max) Inside - none Extension - JIREN Back L - LX Back R - LX L - FINGER R - 93RL Optionals: EC, GOLGI, PHAGE, HISTON, 79L+ Enemies: MT08M-OSTRICH, CR-AH79, AEW360R, Fascinator Strategy: Cutscene time! Look who's here, Zinaida! Wait, we have company, MT company! Zinaida wants to down them so let's help her out. On second thought, let's hide in the central building and let Zinaida kill them all. I mean, we are going to fight her right? Well, just don't try wasting your ammo on Zinaida if she gets close. If her AP drops to half or if you let her do the killing and destruction... Boss: Shade Stratus AC setup: Head - SSR Core - 3UA Arms - 98A2 Legs - LHT92 Booster - none FCS - 82D2 Generator - LOTUS Radiator - RAGORA Inside - none Extension - none Back L - NYMPHE Back R - GLL L - 88S2 R - BP Special computer type data: The unit is equipped with a high-power bazooka. Mobile attack maneuvers are recommended. Quotes: Shade's AP at 50%: You're not bad. Shade's AP at 10%: Curse you... Your AP at 50%: Better try harder. Your AP at 10%: Your time is up. When Shade comes in, Zinaida comes out. Anyways, Shade's setup is alright but the setup I recommended overpowers his. Don't think it'll be a walk in the park though; Shade knows how to fight and dodge. The BP bazooka is strong but inaccurate, the 88S2 shotgun is best up close, and the NYMPHE is less threatening then some other missile units. The biggest threat is the GLL grenade launcher. It can fire 2 rounds in quick succession, can cause overheat and deal lots of damage. Fire the LX when the lock on turns red and Shade should go down after 5 shots. If still standing, use the FINGER on him. Mop up the remaining enemies once you're done with him. Secret part: CR-LHT92. Beat Stratus. S-RANK Difficulty: **** Let Zinaida mop up the normal enemies then LX Shade to his doom. Easy S-rank. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Destroy The Control Towers Requester: Independent Warlord(Mumu) Operation Area: Airsul Dam Objective: Destroy the control towers. Reward: 80,000c Difficulty: *********(** if you take a long time to complete the mission) Recommended setup: Head - QUEEN(tune cooling to max) Core - 89E(tune cooling to max) Arms - XS(tune cooling to max) Legs - WALRUS2(tune cooling to max) Booster - none FCS - KOKUH Generator - G91(tune energy output to max) Radiator - ANANDA(tune normal cooling to max) Inside - none Extension - GAR Back L - KINNARA Back R - KINNARA L - ELF3 R - SHADE Optionals: EC, GOLGI, PHAGE, HISTON, 79L+ Enemies: SPORE, AEW360R, CENTUAR-AA, CR-MT07LM Strategy: If you don't want to fight 2 ACs, move SLOWLY. Otherwise, finish the mission fast. Ignore the SPOREs and head straight for the 07LMs. If you haven't met this MT before, it fires large missiles. Not the kind you want to be hit with. Destroying both will destroy the generators. You don't even have to worry about the CENTAURs as long as you kill the 07LMs in the water. A cutscene will play if you decided to complete the mission fast enough.. and want to fight the 2 ACs. Note that you can return to the starting point to end the mission but it's a good idea to take down the ACs anyways.. more money for you. Boss: Wanton Busker Gambit AC setup: Head - CICADA2 Core - 3UA Arms - 94FL Legs - WALRUS2 Booster - none FCS - MONJU Generator - LOTUS Radiator - ANANDA Inside - none Extension - JIKYOH Back L - HARPY2 Back R - 73MV L - WRAITH R - WYRM Hangar R - SYLPH Special computer type data: The unit is equipped with an orbit cannon. Aggressive hit-and-move tactics are recommended. Quotes: Wanton Busker's AP at 50%: You're even better than I was told. Wanton Busker's AP at 25%: This isn't going as planned! Busker's setup is designed for long-range combat. Unfortunately for him, you have the ELF3 and he won't escape the waters and head for the dam. Blade him until he is dead. It shouldn't take that long, especially if you choose to use the beam wave, which is freakishly powerful with an ELF3 slash. The HARPY2 orbits are the only real threat at close range. The WYRM sniper rifle and WRAITH handgun are rarely used at such ranges. Likewise, his 73MV vertical missiles are ineffective. Don't worry about his SYLPH machine gun in his hangar.. you'll kill him before he comes close to using it. After he dies, a cutscene will play. Boss: VOLA-VOLANT Sudden Drop AC setup: Head - EYE3 Core - 99UL Arms - XS Legs - GAZELLE Booster - B81 FCS - 91DSN Generator - ORCHID Radiator - ANANDA Inside - none Extension - JIKYOH Back L - EMPUSA2 Back R - SPARTOI L - RS R - RS2 Special computer type data: The unit is equipped with a long-range sniper rifle. Evasive combat techniques are recommended. Quotes: VOLA-VOLANT's AP at 50%: Lucky shot! VOLA-VOLANT's AP at 25%: I won't let you win! Yet another AC that specializes in distance combat. VOLANT is smart enough not to get bladed by the ELF3 so use the KINNARAs to silence VOLANT. Make sure you fire only when VOLANT is not moving otherwise he will easily dodge them. VOLANT's AC is built for evasion so time your missile launches. The RS and RS2 sniper rifles aren't too damaging but have fairly fast reloads. That's the only threat aside from the missiles. The missiles can be avoided if you hide behind the dam walls(by the waters). VOLANT likes to fly and shoot them anyways. These 2 are hard if you don't exploit their weaknesses and will drop your AP rather quickly. Avoid long-range combat and stick to a close range game. Secret part: YWL03LB-TAROS. On top of the ledge on the right side at the Y-intersection from starting point. KANGI. Beat Gambit. CR-YC99UL. Beat Sudden Drop. S-RANK Difficulty: ******** This is one of the tougher missions to S-rank. First, I recommend using a different set of hovers because WALRUS2 breaks easily. Second, keep the ELF3 and ditch the SHADE for something more damaging. Lastly, remove one of the KINNARAs and switch GAR for RM2. Follow the same strategy for Busker: blade until he chunks. When it's VOLANT's turn, pop the EOs and use your right arm weapon. Only switch to KINNARA + RM2 when VOLANT is perfectly still. This can be difficult but you will notice the opportunities if you pay attention to VOLANT's movements. You might need to retry a few times but you will emerge the winner eventually. Oh, and you need to fight both to S-rank the mission. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Destroy Transport Convoy Requester: Jack-O Operation Area: Old Nire Industrial Area Objective: Destroy all transport vehicles. Reward: 0c Difficulty: ******** Recommended setup: Head - CICADA2(tune cooling to max) Core - 89E(tune cooling to max) Arms - LORIS(tune cooling to max) Legs - 81A2(tune cooling to max) Booster - none FCS - VOLUTE2 Generator - MAGNOLIA(tune condenser capacity to max) Radiator - ANANDA(tune normal cooling to max) Inside - none Extension - JIREN Back L - LX Back R - LX L - FINGER R - FINGER Optionals: EC, GOLGI, PHAGE, HISTON, 79L+ Enemies: Metis Strategy: Metis AC setup: Head - DRONE Core - CRONUS Arms - 88FG Legs - JAGUAR2 Booster - VULTURE FCS - VOLUTE2 Generator - G91 Radiator - ANANDA Inside - FM Extension - RURI Back L - DRYAD2 Back R - NYMPHE L - 76S R - RASETSU Hangar R - ORC Special computer type data: The unit equips a parrying blade. Close-range combat is not advised. After a while or Mumu takes enough damage, Cerberus Garm shows up. Boss: Cerberus Garm Niflheim AC setup: Head - MANTIS Core - ICURUS Arms - LEMUR Legs - 94A2 Booster - B81 FCS - MONJU Generator - ORCHID Radiator - R92 Inside - CORAL Extension - none Back L - RPX Back R - none L - HP R - SHADE Special computer type data: The unit is equipped with a laser rifle. Mobile combat tactics are recommended. First thing to do is get rid of Mumu quickly. If you don't, this will turn into a 2 on 1 AC fight and you don't want that considering the setup I recommended is slow and they are faster than you. Metis has the parry blade RASETSU and if you are using the setup I gave you, she can easily hit you with the parry blade. It hurts badly so kill her fast. If you have followed the walkthrough chronologically, you should have both FINGERs by now. Use them and watch Metis crumble in seconds. Don't waste all the FINGER ammo though; you need some for the transports. Garm should come soon and if Mumu is gone by that time, handling Garm should be easy. The RPX large rockets hurt as much as a typical grenade so avoid it. You most likely already know the SHADE's damage potential and the HP is weak to do anything on its own. The last weapon Garm has is the CORAL napalm rockets, which will overheat in a single shot. Fortunately, it's unlikely to hit you as long as you are moving. Do not forget the targets though while you're fighting Garm and/or Mumu. Once they are gone, you can either finish the 2 off or head for the escape point. The LX will crack Garm in 4-5 shots. FINGER him if the LX didn't finish the job(which it should). In the event you go after the transports first then decide to fight the duo, stay away from Garm AT ALL COSTS! His HP handgun will stun your AC long enough for Mumu to move in with a poke from the parry blade. While the poke deals tremendous damage, you will most likely be overheating thanks to Garm's firepower. Take down Mumu first since she poses the weaker threat in this fight. The aforementioned setup will most likely not suffice for this task so I suggest using a biped setup with dual arm weapons and an EO core should you choose to do the mission this way. Secret part: CR-H06XS-EYE4. Beat the mission. YH14-STING. Beat Metis. YC08-ICURUS. Beat Niflheim. S-RANK Difficulty: ** With the setup above, you really shouldn't have any trouble getting an S in this mission. Just LX both Mumu and Cerberus and FINGER the transports. If you can't land LX shots, wait until either one gets closer then fry them. Choosing not to kill both will not yield an S, but with the LX, you might as well kill both. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Eliminate Enemy Patrols Requester: Independent Warlord(Mumu) Operation Area: Seil Hydroelectric Plant Objective: Eliminate all enemy patrol units. Reward: 138,000c Difficulty: **** Recommended setup: ELF3, SHADE2, good VS ECM performance, head with auto-map functions Enemies: MT09E-OWL, CR-MT91L2, foot soldiers Strategy: By now, you should know what happens when OWLs are in a mission. Don't worry about locking on targets, just use the ELF3 and blade the MTs to death. The 91L2's are dangerous and use dual plasma rifles. And the soldiers are hiding by the walls so let's forget about them. Not too hard. Secret part: KUJAKU. Room with the four defense targets on the top level. D03-CODON. S-rank the mission. Bring the KRSW or another weapon that has attack power exceeding 1500. As with any mission in this area, do not get stuck in the rooms or hallways. For the 91L2's, do quick boosts to either side when they appear on-screen. 2-3 shots should destroy them. ECM will be active unless equipped with 2 back radar units and head/FCS units with good ECM performace. S-RANK Difficulty: ***** See Secret part strategy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Destroy The ECM Devices Requester: Independent Warlord(Green Horn) Operation Area: Tartrus Headquarters Objective: Destroy all ECM devices. Reward: 74,000c Difficulty: **** Recommended setup: ELF3, SHADE2, good ECM performance Enemies: CR-MT83RS, 86FV, MT10-BAT, SPORE Strategy: Destroy all the ECM vehicles by the SHADE2 or ELF3. That's pretty much it. Reinforcements will show up eventually if you want more credits. A 30 second timer will activate if you take too long in eliminating the ECM vehicles. Secret part: WH11PU-PERYTON(right). S-rank the mission. Since the only four vehicles are required to finish the mission, destroy three but save one of them(preferrably inside the dome). Destroy the FVs next for some time and a message will appear, along with enemy reinforcements. Destroy some of them and then sink the final ECM vehicle. This should suffice for S-ranking. S-RANK Difficulty: **** See Secret part strategy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shutdown Energy Plant Requester: Alliance Tactical Unit Operation Area: Duerr Energy Plant Objective: Destroy the power supply controls. Reward: 112,000c Difficulty: *********(*** if you choose not to fight the AC) Recommended setup: Head - STING(tune cooling to max) Core - 89E(tune cooling to max) Arms - XS(tune cooling to max) Legs - COUGAR(tune cooling to max) Booster - TP(tune booster heat to max) FCS - VOLUTE2 Generator - MAGNOLIA(tune condenser capacity to max) Radiator - ANANDA(tune normal cooling to max) Inside - none Extension - RM2 Back L - none Back R - KARURA L - ELF3 R - 93RL Optionals: AMINO, ES, EC, MARISHI, PRIMER, 79L+, LA Enemies: CR-MT06SB, GURENGE, foot soldiers Strategy: The mission isn't too difficult for the first half or so. The new GURENGE MTs are flamers and they will overheat your AC almost instantly. ELF3 will kill them in one swing. You already should have fought the SBs; blade them only if their shields are gone or behind the shield. Take care of the 4 generators. The second half is the hard part(or nothing if based on your choice). Boss: G. Faust Panzer Messiah AC setup: Head - 70S2 Core - 5U2 Arms - 82SL Legs - SSA Booster - BIRDIE FCS - KOKUH Generator - LOTUS Radiator - R76 Inside - none Extension - BYAKUE Back L - 73RA2 Back R - 75RP L - LB2 R - RA2 Special computer type data: The unit is equipped with a blade. Adjust combat tactics accordingly. Quotes: G. Faust's AP at 50%: You're not bad... Your AP at 70%: You call yourself a Raven? Your AP at 20%: You're going down! You can either fight Faust or run away. If you run away, you won't have to go against the next boss. If you fight and kill Faust, you have to fight the next one upon returning outside the plant. His AC is really a starter AC but it's a few steps up so you might as well kill him. The RA2 assault rifle is no threat and the RP middle rocket isn't as threatening as a large rocket or grenade. Faust is good with the LB2 though, so avoid getting close. And that's a problem since the room Faust appears in is very small. ELF3 will easily outdamage his LB2, but you'll take a lot in return. Stick with the EOs and 93RL to best Faust. Return to the outside area of the plant for a cutscene. Boss: Tank-leg Pulverizer Special computer type data: Powerful energy signature detected. Cannot identify. As usual, all Pulverizers use their dangerous MOONLIGHT arms up close and dual energy weapons from afar. The tank unit uses dual plasmas like the quad one back in Pulverizer #1 route. Unlike the quad though, the tank unit has the highest defense and is slow like tank ACs. Unload the KARURAs and RM2 until the tank kicks the bucket. Remember to watch out for the dual plasmas. Secret part: FUTEN. Room past the third CR-MT06SB. CR-WH01SP(right). Beat Panzer Messiah. S-RANK Difficulty: ******** While you could escape Faust and finish the mission, this will only yield an A at best. Anyways, remember to blade the GURENGEs before they burn your AC and screw up your AP. Just pump lead into Faust and micro missile the tank Pulverizer. The setup I recommend above can accomplish this task. If Faust blades you or the Pulverizer dual plasmas you, I suggest retrying the mission. If you are paying a lot of costs due to ammo, the SHADE laser rifle is always mission and cost-friendly. And try to blade Faust with the ELF3.. it really hurts him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Protect Warlord's Forces Requester: No Data Operation Area: Hordess Mining Site Objective: Protect allied units. Reward: 128,000c Difficulty: *** Recommended setup: SHADE2, ELF3 Enemies: JELLYFISH, MT10-BAT, CENTUAR-AA(friend) Strategy: DAE. SHADE2 works on the JELLYFISH and the ELF3 crushes the BATs. The only tough part is at the end, where you have to go all the way back to the starting point(with CENTAUR-AAs) and take down the BATs there. Our friends don't last very long so work fast. Secret part: YWH07-DRAGON(right). Last container past the third set of CENTAUR-AAs. S-RANK Difficulty: ******* You will hate the CENTAUR-AAs for chunking rather easily in this mission. Grab the KRSW and slap on all energy optional parts. And ELF3 for BAT killing. Kill every MT once they are on-screen ASAP. The last part is difficult since the BATs like to shoot laser at the CENTAUR-AAs, effectively killing them. If you have an EO core, pop up the EOs so it can get their attention and to shoot you with the laser instead. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Destroy Transport Train Requester: Independent Warlord(No Data) Operation Area: Ruga Tunnel Objective: Destroy the transport train. Reward: 108,000c Difficulty: **** Recommended setup: SHADE2, RPX Enemies: CR-MT07LM, CR-MT85BP Strategy: Shoot the train.. it doesn't get any easier than this. Just watch out for the BPs and especially the large missile-firing LMs. They all have hard-hitting weapons and can potentially knock you out of the sky downwards... Secret part: CR-WH01HP(right). S-rank the mission. Get two good arm weapons, EO core, long-range FCS, and of course the RPX rockets. Destroy EVERY MT on the map while destroying the train. Destroy the LMs first to avoid getting hit by a large missile. Move fast because the train can take a large amount of damage. As long as all enemies are destroyed before the train reaches the second bridge, there is enough time to sink it with RPX rounds. If the BPs are making things difficult, shoot the ground beneath them.. they might just fall below(kill is counted). If not, the ELF3 works wonders against them. S-RANK Difficulty: ****** See Secret part strategy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Defeat The Invading Force Requester: Vertex Operation Area: Garav Desert Objective: Defeat the invading force. Reward: 168,000c Difficulty: ******** Recommended setup: Head - STING(tune energy defense to max) Core - 89E(tune energy defense to max) Arms - XS(tune aiming accuracy to max) Legs - LYNX2(tune energy defense to max) Booster - TP(tune booster heat to max) FCS - VOLUTE2 Generator - MAGNOLIA(tune condenser capacity to max) Radiator - ANANDA(tune normal cooling to max) Inside - none Extension - RM2 Back L - none Back R - KARURA L - ELF3 R - 93RL Optionals: AMINO, ES, EC, PRIMER, 79L+, LA Enemies: SPORE, MT08M-OSTRICH, CR-MT9107LM Strategy: DAE. Watch out for the LMs and their large missiles. SPOREs show up as the reinforcements, but they don't pose a threat. A cutscene will play when all the MTs are gone. Boss: Quad-leg Pulverizer Special computer type data: Powerful energy signature detected. Cannot identify. It's another quad Pulverizer! Well, it's different from the one in the other Pulverizer path. You have no hiding spots and this Pulverizer seems more or less faster and better at attacking. Be careful this time around if you have beaten the other quad Pulverizer in Pulverizer #1 path. As with these units, micro missiles eat them alive. Just remember that the area is small and the quad Pulverizer's attacks are significantly more dangerous here without much cover. Secret part: CR-WB03MV. S-rank the mission. It's not too hard to get an S in this mission. Do whatever with the MTs. When the Pulverizer shows up, get away from it and shoot the micro missiles. Remember to watch out for the boundaries to avoid failing the mission. S-RANK Difficulty: ****** See Secret part strategy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Destroy AC Heaven's Ray Requester: Vertex Operation Area: Old Nire Industrial Area Objective: Destroy AC Heaven's Ray. Reward: 165,000c Difficulty: ******** Recommended setup: Head - STING(tune cooling to max) Core - 89E(tune cooling to max) Arms - XS(tune aiming accuracy to max) Legs - COUGAR(tune cooling to max) Booster - TP(tune booster heat to max) FCS - VOLUTE2 Generator - G91(tune energy output to max) Radiator - ANANDA(tune normal cooling to max) Inside - none Extension - GAR Back L - HARPY Back R - KINNARA L - ELF3 R - 93RL Optionals: AMINO, ES, EC, MARISHI, 79L+ Enemies: Heaven's Ray Strategy: Heaven's Ray AC setup: Head - EYE4 Core - ATLAS Arms - 72F Legs - 89F Booster - TP FCS - MIROKU Generator - G91 Radiator - ANANDA Inside - SYAMANA Extension - RM Back L - SG2 Back R - SPARTOI L - LB3 R - SILKY Special computer type data: The unit is equipped with an ECM maker. Blade attacks also present a threat. Quotes: Jouster's AP at 50%: You're quite a pilot... Jouster's AP at 25%: Impossible! Your AP at 50%: Is that the best you can do? Your AP at 10%: You're mine! Jouster is tough, but doable. If you took Leviathan route already, you should know how to handle Heaven's Ray. If not, that is okay. Just watch out for the SG2 slugs and maintain distance to avoid getting bladed by the LB3. His head is not destroyed like last time so he will follow you non-stop. The SPARTOI and RM can be tricked into the ground but missile defense can handle this as well. Regardless, a cutscene occurs upon Jouster's defeat. Boss: Bipedal Pulverizer Special computer type data: Powerful energy signature detected. Cannot identify. They don't call this a Pulverizer path for nothing. This unit is the fastest of all Pulverizer units, like the tank unit has the most defense. And being so fast it can unleash a powerful 3-hit combo with the MOONLIGHT blade arms. It boosts as it slashes so all three hits connect, and they all HURT. In addition, it fires single and dual rapid lasers. Fortunately, it has to stand still to use its projectile attacks. Fire them KINNARAs and HARPYs at this time. As long as you stay away from it's arms of death, you're fine. Secret part: MF04-COWRY. Beat Heaven's Ray. S-RANK Difficulty: ******* 2 things to pay attention to in this mission. 1) Control the distance with both Jouster and the Pulverizer. 2) Micro missiles eat the Pulverizer alive. Jouster is tough but his threat potential decreases greatly as long as he is at a distance. The aforementioned setup should do the trick. If no S, you should try to dodge better or use energy weaponry. A KRSW or SPIRIT does the job as far as energy weaponry goes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shutdown Internecine Requester: Jack-O Operation Area: Underneath Circ-City Objective: Destroy the Internecine. Reward: 0c Difficulty: ********** Recommended setup: Head - QUEEN(tune energy defense to max) Core - E2(tune energy defense to max) Arms - XS(tune aiming accuracy to max) Legs - LYNX2(tune cooling to max) Booster - TP(tune booster heat to max) FCS - VOLUTE2 Generator - G91(tune energy output to max) Radiator - ANANDA(tune normal cooling to max) Inside - none Extension - GAR Back L - KARURA Back R - KARURA L - FINGER R - FINGER Optionals: AMINO, ES, EC, CODON, 79L+, MARISHI Enemies: Pulverizers Strategy: Hope you're ready for this one. Notice I have dual KARURAs and FINGERs, plus the E2 EO core and GAR extensions? Yeah, you'll most likely need all that ammo. Our friendly operator Sheila gives us some words before we do battle. The elevator opens and a cutscene takes place. Jack-O!? Wait, he's almost dead and soon bites the dust. Wonder if one of the Pulverizers did that? Yup, except it's not any Jack-O mentioned. It looks like he did damage the unit from the sparks seen on by its core. Anyways.. Boss: Hover Pulverizer Special computer type data: Powerful energy signature detected. Cannot identify. Quotes: Your AP at 50%: Don't give up! Your AP at 10%: Fight, Raven! This is the most evasive of all units so far. This uses OB-like movements to dodge projectiles and missiles. Its special ability is invisible, highly accurate orbit cannons. When it uses this, it will normally stand still. Fire a KARURA + GAR launch when this occurs and repeat until it is dead. Don't bother trying to dodge the orbit cannons and just go for the kill. A cutscene occurs. Hmm.. where are the rest of these units? Head to the broken shaft to end the first half of the mission. Another cutscene occurs, and it's quite dramatic. Zinaida's here too against yet another unknown type of Pulverizer. Well, too bad she eventually goes down and kicks the bucket. If you have been paying attention to the Raven's list, the only 2 left up to now were Jack-O and Zinaida. Now, you are the last remaining Raven alive! Also, if you were paying attention to the cutscene, do take note of the 2 things it(the Pulverizer) does before it kills Zinaida. Final Boss: Airborne "Archangel" Pulverizer Special computer type data: Powerful energy signature detected. Cannot identify. Quotes: Your AP at 50%: Calm down! Your AP at 10%: Don't give up! Well, no quad or tank or biped Pulverizer except for this one. If the biped is the ultimate in speed, the tank is the ultimate in defense, the Archangel is the ultimate in offense. It's offensive potential cannot be denied. The unit uses energy machine guns that reload very fast and CANNOT be dodged. It also fires rapid lasers in each of it's "wings" and are fairly strong. Occasionally, the Archangel fires dual plasmas within the rapid lasers. The Pulverizer's MOONLIGHT Cross Slash can instantly overheat and cause a nasty napalm effect to ensure the burn stays if you get hit. An even greater threat are the energy missile swarms. It fires lasers that are really energy versions of missiles, except they track as good as the micro missiles. They fire in swarms of 5 so do your best to dodge them. It also can create an energy sphere that is able to negate ALL attacks, demonstrated when the machine gun rounds Zinaida fired were deflected. While in this state, it uses the most powerful attack, the Ray Storm. For past AC players, this is very similar to Phantasma's Rainbow Rays in Another Age and Project Phantasma but with differences. It lasts longer and, unlike in those games where you could jump onto Phantasma or get behind to dodge Rainbow Rays, covers the entire area. Boost hop like mad to dodge the rays, which do damage equal to SHADE2's. So, how to compete with a unit that is quite cheap? Be cheap yourself. That's what those KARURAs and FINGERs are for. Go nuts with the KARURAs first since it easily beats you in a damage race. The energy rail-machine guns can be cancelled by one KARURA launch. Just remember to stop attacking when you see a sphere forming around the Pulverizer. This unit has a massive amount of AP hence why I recommend micro missiles. Keep up the attacks and use the FINGER if you run out. Congrats, you are the Last Raven! Secret part: CR-C06U5. Beat the mission. CR-WL06LB4. S-rank the mission. The requirements are lenient, but still try to finish off both Pulverizers as soon as possible. Do remember to avoid the Archangel's more potent attacks such as Ray Storm or the energy missile swarms. And never fire when the energy sphere is forming; any attacks will automatically be blocked. S-RANK Difficulty: ***** See Secret part strategy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3f. ZINAIDA ROUTE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * This path is difficult and ACs are pretty much everywhere. Do not attempt unless you have beaten one of the other paths.* Missions: Distribution Center Recon Destroy AC Sundial Eliminate The Enemy AC Battle Challenge Eliminate Enemy Invaders Destroy Suspicious Force Seize The Airstrip Shutdown Energy Plant Eliminate Zinaida Eliminate Sorcerer Defeat The Invading Force Attack The Advancing Force Eliminate Airborne Force Destroy The Internecine ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Distribution Center Recon ****READ BELOW** SEE JACK-O PATH! ****READ ABOVE** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Destroy AC Sundial ****READ BELOW***** SEE LEVIATHAN PATH! ****READ ABOVE***** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Eliminate The Enemy AC ****READ BELOW********* SEE PULVERIZER #2 PATH! ****READ ABOVE********* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Battle Challenge ****READ BELOW********* SEE PULVERIZER #2 PATH! ****READ ABOVE********* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Eliminate Enemy Invaders Requester: Vertex Operation Area: Airsul Dam Objective: Eliminate the enemy invaders. Reward: 60,000c Difficulty: ********* Recommended setup: Head - STING(tune cooling to max) Core - 89E(tune cooling to max) Arms - XS(tune cooling to max) Legs - WALRUS2(tune cooling to max) Booster - none FCS - KOKUH Generator - G91(tune energy output to max) Radiator - ANANDA(tune normal cooling to max) Inside - none Extension - GAR Back L - KINNARA Back R - KINNARA L - ELF3 R - SHADE Optionals: AMINO, EC, GOLGI, PHAGE, 79L+ Enemies: ZEKUH Strategy: Take down the ZEKUHs with the SHADE. You will have to fight the AC next. Boss: Wanton Busker Gambit AC setup: Head - CICADA2 Core - 3UA Arms - 94FL Legs - WALRUS2 Booster - none FCS - MONJU Generator - LOTUS Radiator - ANANDA Inside - none Extension - JIKYOH Back L - HARPY2 Back R - 73MV L - WRAITH R - WYRM Hangar R - SYLPH Special computer type data: The unit is equipped with an orbit cannon. Aggressive hit-and-move tactics are recommended. Quotes: Wanton Busker's AP at 50%: You're even better than I was told. Wanton Busker's AP at 25%: This isn't happening! Your AP at 25%: The bounty on your head is mine! Busker's setup is designed for long-range combat. Unfortunately for him, you have the ELF3 and he won't escape the waters and head for the dam. Blade him until he is dead. It shouldn't take that long, especially if you choose to use the beam wave, which is freakishly powerful with an ELF3 slash. The HARPY2 orbits are the only real threat at close range. The WYRM sniper rifle and WRAITH handgun are rarely used at such ranges. Likewise, his 73MV vertical missiles are ineffective. Don't worry about his SYLPH machine gun in his hangar.. you'll kill him before he comes close to using it. After he dies, a cutscene will play. Boss: VOLA-VOLANT Sudden Drop AC setup: Head - EYE3 Core - 99UL Arms - XS Legs - GAZELLE Booster - B81 FCS - 91DSN Generator - ORCHID Radiator - ANANDA Inside - none Extension - JIKYOH Back L - EMPUSA2 Back R - SPARTOI L - RS R - RS2 Special computer type data: The unit is equipped with a long-range sniper rifle. Evasive combat techniques are recommended. Quotes: VOLA-VOLANT's AP at 50%: You fight well. VOLA-VOLANT's AP at 25%: How can this be? Your AP at 25%: You're mine! Yet another AC that specializes in distance combat. VOLANT is smart enough not to get bladed by the ELF3 so use the KINNARAs to silence VOLANT. Make sure you fire only when VOLANT is not moving otherwise he will easily dodge them. VOLANT's AC is built for evasion so time your missile launches. The RS and RS2 sniper rifles aren't too damaging but have fairly fast reloads. That's the only threat aside from the missiles. The missiles can be avoided if you hide behind the dam walls(by the waters). VOLANT likes to fly and shoot them anyways. These 2 are hard if you don't exploit their weaknesses and will drop your AP rather quickly. Avoid long-range combat and stick to a close range game. Secret part: KANGI. Beat Gambit. CR-YC99UL. Beat Sudden Drop. S-RANK Difficulty: ******** This is one of the tougher missions to S-rank. First, I recommend using a different set of hovers because WALRUS2 breaks easily. Second, keep the ELF3 and ditch the SHADE for something more damaging. Lastly, remove one of the KINNARAs and switch GAR for RM2. Follow the same strategy for Busker: blade until he chunks. When it's VOLANT's turn, pop the EOs and use your right arm weapon. Only switch to KINNARA + RM2 when VOLANT is perfectly still. This can be difficult but you will notice the opportunities if you pay attention to VOLANT's movements. You might need to retry a few times but you will emerge the winner eventually. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Destroy Suspicious Force Requester: Evangel Operation Area: Garav Desert Objective: Destroy the suspicious force. Reward: 142,000c Difficulty: ******* Recommended setup: Head - DRONE(tune shell defense to max) Core - 89E(tune shell defense to max) Arms - XS(tune aiming accuracy to max) Legs - COUGAR2(tune shell defense to max) Booster - TP(tune booster heat to max) FCS - VOLUTE2 Generator - MAGNOLIA(tune condenser capacity to max) Radiator - ANANDA(tune normal cooling to max) Inside - none Extension - RM2 Back L - none Back R - HARPY L - GAST R - 93RL Optionals: AMINO, SS, EC, 79L+, LA Enemies: MOLE Strategy: Evangel is here to help out so let him destroy the MOLEs. Usually, Evangel will waste his EOs on the MOLEs. After they are gone, he retreats and that's your cue to finish the job. The MOLEs can dive under the earth so watch out for their positions. Their rapid pulse blasts are damaging so don't stand in the same spot. Boss: Evangel Oracle AC setup: Head - QUEEN Core - 89E Arms - LEMUR2 Legs - DINGO2 Booster - TP FCS - MIROKU Generator - G91 Radiator - ANANDA Inside - none Extension - none Back L - GERYON2 Back R - LGL L - MOONLIGHT R - 93RL Special computer type data: The unit is equipped with a blade. Close-range combat is to be avoided. If you haven't fought Evangel in any of the other paths, be careful. Evangel is a master at using linear weapons. These weapons can break parts after enough rounds hit an AC. Naturally, they are mid-range weapons and only hit the closer the targets are. Evangel, a Nexus Raven, makes use of this info well. Unlike in Nexus, Evangel is an aggressive fighter and will try to close distance to increase the effectiveness of the linear weapons. He fires at every opportunity and with surprising accuracy. At close range, the big threat is the MOONLIGHT laser blade. Again, Evangel is proficient with the laser blade as he is with linear weapons. Offense is the way to go in this fight. Fortunately, once Oracle's AP drops enough, Evangel calls it quits and retreats to fight another day. Secret part: WH10M-SILKY(left). S-rank the mission. Let Evangel waste all of his EO shots but take down the MOLEs when they re-surface. As for Evangel, only a certain amount of AP needs to be depleted to make him retreat. Dodging the linear weapons are difficult but try your best to avoid getting hit. S-RANK Difficulty: ***** See Secret part strategy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Seize The Airstrip Requester: Alliance Tactical Unit Operation Area: Sinus Airstrip Objective: Eliminate the enemy defenses. Reward: 158,000c Difficulty: ***** Recommended setup: 93RL, GAEA, LB4 Enemies: SSGB03-WALNUT, CR-MT85B/BP, CR-A82, MT11-STARLING(friends) Strategy: First, get rid of the WALNUTs. This makes the mission much easier. Next, mop up the 85Bs in the area. The STARLINGs should be there by now. The BPs come next; blade them until they die. Remember to watch out for their triple bazooka rounds. The STARLINGs will assist in the kills, but will not take much damage before being destroyed. When the A82s arrive, get rid of them first before they destroy the STARLINGs. Secret part: MIROKU. S-rank the mission. This mission is difficult to S-rank. Destroy every WALNUT on the map. Next, blade the MTs on the ground. Once the STARLINGs show up, quickly destroy the BPs before their triple bazooka takes down a STARLING. Also, be ready to sink the A82s once they show up on the radar. Their grenades will either kill or seriously damage a STARLING. S-RANK Difficulty: ******* See Secret part strategy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shutdown Energy Plant ****READ BELOW********* SEE PULVERIZER #2 PATH! ****READ ABOVE********* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Eliminate Zinaida Requester: Jack-O Operation Area: Camp Fortherd Objective: Destroy AC Fascinator. Reward: 0c Difficulty: ****** Recommended setup: Head - DRONE(tune cooling to max) Core - UL2(tune cooling to max) Arms - XS(tune aiming accuracy to max) Legs - DINGO2(tune cooling to max) Booster - TP(tune booster heat to max) FCS - COWRY Generator - MAGNOLIA(tune condenser capacity to max) Radiator - R92(tune energy drain to max) Inside - none Extension - none Back L - none Back R - none L - ROC4 R - 93RL Optionals: AMINO, EC, 79L+, LA, MARISHI Enemies: Fascinator Strategy: Fascinator AC setup: Head - EYE2 Core - U5 Arms - XS Legs - COUGAR2 Booster - VULTURE FCS - MIROKU Generator - G91 Radiator - ANANDA Inside - SYAMANA Extension - FUNI Back L - RP2 Back R - KINNARA L - LB2 R - PIXIE3 Special computer type data: The unit equips weapons corresponding to various ranges. Target's combat style estimated as fast and aggressive. Finally, it's time to challenge Zinaida without interference. If this is your last route to the ending, Zinaida is the only remaining Raven you have not challenged. Zinaida is a death-from-above specialist and is quite the fast one to boot. You will want to use the OB function quite a bit here. This will obviously spike up the heat levels so cooling is important here. Back to Zinaida, she prefers to fight in the air and rarely stays on the ground. If you have played past AC games, these are the same tactics the best ACs use a lot. Except unlike those ACs, Zinaida will stay glued almost directly above you. This makes her more harder to hit and avoid than most aerial ACs in the past AC games. Use OB time from time to get away temporarily from Zinaida. The PIXIE3 is fairly accurate with Zinaida staying pretty close to you. The micro missiles should be easy to dodge by now. Zinaida rarely uses the LB2 so you don't have to worry about her trying to blade you. The RP2 middle rockets hurt but you shouldn't be seeing these as long as the PIXIE3 has some ammo. Use the 93RL and ROC4 to whittle her AP down, and your micro missiles to deal some damage. MAGORAGA's not-so-tight spread allows for some of the missiles to hit. Deplete her AP to a certain extent and a cutscene plays. The mission is complete. Secret part: YWH14PU-ROC4(right). Beat the mission. WH08RS-FENRIR(right). S-rank the mission. Zinaida's AC only needs to be depleted of roughly half the AP to end the mission. Speed is necessary to get clear shots at her AC and avoid being pegged with her shots. Avoid the KINNARA + FUNI combo too. S-RANK Difficulty: ***** See Secret part strategy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Eliminate Sorcerer ****READ BELOW********* SEE PULVERIZER #1 PATH! ****READ ABOVE********* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Defeat The Invading Force ****READ BELOW********* SEE PULVERIZER #2 PATH! ****READ ABOVE********* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Attack The Advancing Force Requester: Jack-O Operation Area: Garav Desert Objective: Defeat the invading force. Reward: 0c Difficulty: ****** Recommended setup: Head - QUEEN(tune VS ECM to max) Core - UL2(tune cooling to max) Arms - MACAQUE(tune cooling to max) Legs - DINGO2(tune load capacity to max) Booster - TP(tune booster heat to max) FCS - VOLUTE2 Generator - MAGNOLIA(tune condenser capacity to max) Radiator - ANANDA(tune normal cooling to max) Inside - none Extension - none Back L - none Back R - none L - KRSW R - 93RL Optionals: AMINO, ES, EC, 79L+, GOLGI, KANGI Enemies: MOLE, AEW360R, CR-MT91L2 Strategy: ECM is active through the whole mission. You just have to deal with it and only fire when a lock on is acheieved. Go after the 91L2's first but be careful with their plasma rifles. Remember to dodge enemy fire and only go after MOLEs when they are on the surface. A cutscene plays upon the defeat of all MTs. Boss: Jack-O Fox Eye AC setup: Head - CRICKET Core - ATLAS Arms - 72F Legs - JACKAL2 Booster - VULTURE FCS - MONJU Generator - KUJAKU Radiator - FURUNDA Inside - MEDUSA2 Extension - none Back L - 94M2 Back R - 94M2 L - 95G R - KRSW Hangar L - GL Special computer type data: The unit is equipped with a laser rifle capable of inducing thermal stress. Mobile attack maneuvers are recommended. Quotes: Jack-O's AP at 50%: Maybe... Just maybe... Your AP at 50%: Get serious. Show me what you can really do! Your AP at 10%: I guess I was wrong... Well, it's our old buddy from Nexus. Jack-O is still the same average Raven he was in Nexus. Only this time, Jack-O shoots and dodges now but still not good enough. If you beat his route already, he has his left arm active and ECM is jamming his own lock on and radar abilities here. The KRSW and 95G are strong weapons, but easy to see from a mile away. Out-turn Jack-O and beat him with your own KRSW and 93RL. It's a bit difficult to hit him due to the ECM interference and all the sand winds in the area. After his AP drops to a certain level, he will run away like a coward as he did in Nexus Arena battles. Secret part: YWH13M-NIX(left). Beat the mission. WH04HL-KRSW(right). S-rank the mission. Get the VOLUTE2 FCS, it has good range and great FCS. A head that can have over 400 ECM performance tuned is good too. Equip the KANGI optional part to increase their effectiveness further. This should be enough to eliminate ECM interference. Now, shoot down the MTs in the mission. Once Jack-O shows up, get close and out-turn his AC. Attack until his AP drops to roughly 25% and Jack-O runs away. S-RANK Difficulty: ***** See Secret part strategy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Eliminate Airborne Force Requester: Vertex Operation Area: Versurs Highland Objective: Destroy the enemy's airborne forces. Reward: 142,000c Difficulty: ****** Recommended setup: 93RL, ECHIDNA, 89E, HISTON Enemies: GUSHAWK Strategy: Remember the first part of the final mission on Leviathan's route? With all the GUSHAWKs? This is like that except the amount of GUSHAWKs are HUGE. They are more aggressive and fire 3 missiles instead of 1. Lots of dodging here, but the AMS can shoot down some of the numerous missiles headed at you. This is one mission where the ECHIDNA pursuit missiles are most useful. Just aim it at the centre of the field and when they are approaching that area. Secret part: CR-WB87GLL. S-rank the mission. Sniper rifles and a long-range FCS are good here. Just shoot when the GUSHAWKs are approaching. Easy S-rank. S-RANK Difficulty: *** See Secret part strategy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *WARNING: THE FOLLOWING MISSION MAY FRUSTRATE YOU TO THE POINT YOU MIGHT BE TEMPTED TO DESTROY YOUR CONTROLLER. FEELINGS OF THIS MISSION BEING IMPOSSIBLE TO BEAT ARE COMMON HERE. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.* Destroy The Internecine Requester: Jack-O Operation Area: Underneath Circ-City Objective: Destroy the Internecine. Reward: 0c Difficulty: ********** Recommended setup: No recommended setup can be made. However, the following parts are HIGHLY recommended for this mission: Generator - G91(tune energy output to max) Radiator - ANANDA(tune normal cooling to max) Optionals: AMINO, ES, SS, EC, CODON, MARISHI Other things to take note of: - Speed should at LEAST be above 400 kph, preferrably above 450 kph. Consider yourself dead if you dare to use a heavy AC setup or anything slower than 400 kph. Especially a tank setup... - DO NOT use energy weapons. You need as much boost duration as possible. - Train your ability to track an enemy and keep them in the lock box as long as possible, preferrably with dual arm weapons. Enemies: Unknown Strategy: Quotes: Your AP at 50%: Find the entrance before it's too late! Your AP at 10%: Please hurry! Hope you're ready for this mission. Once the mission starts, drop down the shaft. In the next few areas, you will encounter the same kamizake MTs in the other last missions on certain paths. The catch? There's no almost no room to manuever so they can easily hit you. The kamikaze MTs don't always follow the same position so you can barely dodge them if you pay attention to the radar and lock box. Soon, a T-intersection will be visible. Go left here. Now you have laser walls and the MTs to deal with. Not all laser walls block the whole tunnel so you can move to the side with no laser protecting it. Again, watch for the MTs as they deal considerable amounts of AP damage and thermal stress. There are two other ways of getting into the next section of the mission. If you do not take the closest intersection, there is another one further from the first one. Take either way, but do note that it is much harder to avoid the kamikaze MTs and laser walls that still block the way. Remember to watch out for the laser walls; staying in them for one second results in a loss of 2000 AP and multiple parts hitting 1st degree destruction. Another second or so results in multiple part destruction and more AP loss. The second half of the mission is similar to the second half of the last mission on Evangel's route. As with that mission, 6 generators will fire an endless barrage of SHADE-like lasers at you. Don't forget about the streams of energy the generators produce which fire more lasers. Destroy the 6 generators powering the Internecine. The generators will fall after taking enough hits. Keep moving to avoid the lasers it fires. The more generators destroyed, the less amount of lasers being fired at you. Never stand still unless you want to lose over 700 AP in one second. Once all 6 generators are destroyed, the mission is over! No. It's not over, you're not quite done yet. The third and final part of the mission starts off with a cutscene. Hope you have at least half of your AP left... It's an AC! And not just anyone's, it's Zinaida's! And she's got the PYTHON hand railgun! You can tell that Zinaida is real pissed you are still among the living. It's obvious she wants you dead. Let's finish her off for good this time, that is if Zinaida doesn't kill you first. Time for one last duel to see who is the Last Raven! Final Boss: Zinaida Fascinator AC setup: Head - EYE2/enhanced Core - U5/enhanced and damaged Arms - XS/enhanced Legs - COUGAR2/enhanced Booster - TP/enhanced FCS - MIROKU/enhanced Generator - G91/enhanced Radiator - ANANDA/enhanced Inside - SYAMANA/enhanced Extension - FUNI/enhanced Back L - LAMIA2/enhanced Back R - SPARTOI/enhanced L - NIX/enhanced R - PYTHON/enhanced Hangar L - HP/enhanced List of enhancements: All part types that can be tuned: - All tunes at max levels Legs: - Increased turning ability - Speed spike ability, exceeding maximum speed temporarily FCS: - WS lock box size and NS range - Faster missile lock on Generator: - Infinite condenser capacity Inside: - Increased ECM level/reload time All weapons: - Increased accuracy/attack power/attack heat/reload time/stun Extension and Back R: - Tighter missile spread - Smaller missile arc range Hangar L: - No Mag reload Optionals: - All equipped Special computer type data: The unit is equipped with an arm-mounted railgun. Target's combat style estimated as fast and aggressive. Quotes: Zinaida's AP at 50%: I can't believe how good you are... Zinaida's AP at 25%: It must be fate... Your AP at 50%: It's not over yet! Your AP at 10%: You're mine! In addition to the PYTHON, Fascinator now equips the NIX machine gun, the LAMIA2 pulse cannon, SPARTOI dual missiles, and the TP boosters. This version of Fascinator is equipped with more upgrades than you can imagine, even more than any other enemy from past AC games. Her AI is upgraded in that she is more aggressive and has faster reaction times. The most significant upgrade is the infinite condenser capacity, meaning Zinaida boosts FOREVER and can fire the PYTHON or LAMIA2 without having to recharge energy. That and your AC has most likely taken a beating from the prior two parts. Welcome to your doom. There are two approaches to beating Zinaida. The first is to fight from a distance, but close range. The main threat is the PYTHON + NIX + SPARTOI/FUNI combo. The PYTHON and NIX are dangerous but you can trick out the PYTHON shots by boost jumping as the charge fades(be on ground). The second method is to stay very close, at a range of 100 or less. Zinaida usually doesn't use missiles at this range, but chances of the LAMIA2 being used are high. Speaking of missiles, her U5 shoots them down even in its damaged state. Still, Zinaida isn't easy to beat and there are problems to worry about using either approach. Zinaida is unpredictable and is able to use the LAMIA2 even from a distance, often accompanied by a speed spike. Note that Zinaida usually fires more than 8 rounds from the LAMIA2 everytime it is used so be careful. The NIX and SYAMANA can really ruin your chances of winning, the former being more accurate than usual and the latter having better ECM strength and reload. Thus, you may not be able to lock on while Zinaida pumps up your AC with NIX and LAMIA2 shots until you die. Speed-wise, Zinaida moves a lot faster than what that setup should be(runs at roughly 425 kph with tunes to prevent Overweight from personal testing), around 450 to 475 kph. Factor the speed spike and she can go beyond 500 kph. Hence why it is CRUCIAL to having a 400 kph or better AC to avoid being outclassed in the speed department(and dodge her shots). Sadly, your generator has a finite condenser capacity and Zinaida's does not. You have to boost a lot, but also watch the energy gauge. NEVER let your energy gauge empty at ALL in the fight as it spells the end for you. One final note is that if you somehow outlast all of Zinaida's weapons, the LAMIA2 included, she will drop her remaining weapons and resort to her hangar parts. It is highly unlikely you will survive the LAMIA2 barrages so you this should not concern you. However, if you do, her HP handgun now deals more heat stress than normal and does not have a mag reload. An out-of-ammo strategy is highly discouraged anyways since her weapons are more than likely to hit you(and HARD). You're pretty much on your own in this mission. Best of luck and hope you survive! A cutscene will play as Zinaida dies. With her dead, you are now the Last Raven! Secret part: CR-YC03U4. Beat the mission. YWH16HR-PYTHON. Beat Fascinator. S-RANK Difficulty: ********** Surviving the mission is hard enough, getting an S is as difficult but still doable. There is no recommended setup to attain an S, but I can suggest using solid-based weaponry and a middleweight biped build. Good luck! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3g. REMAINING MISSIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ****READ BELOW************************************** THESE MISSIONS ARE NOT COVERED IN ANY OF THE ROUTES. ****READ ABOVE************************************** These missions are the ones left blank when checking the Mission Report in the Log Data. Though you can do these at any given time, it's better to do them once you're done all the 6 routes. You'll have a bit more fun with the new parts and weapons you get from the 6 routes. No point in doing these lone missions without some really neat weapons like the PYTHON right? To guarantee these missions show up, make sure to meet EVERY additional requirement in the missions. This includes destroying all ACs and special enemies, plus doing the additional missions too. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Investigate Research Lab Requester: Independent Warlord(Green Horn) Operation Area: Triton Ecoactivity Center Objective: Clear defenses, activate control device. Reward: 108,000c Difficulty: ** Recommended setup: LB4, SHADE2, head with bio-sensor functions Enemies: U03M-TERMITE, AMIDA Strategy: DAE. When you disable the lock, you'll find the problem. The biological AMIDA are the problem. Blade them to death. Secret part: YH13-LONGHORN. In the closest room by the elevator after the locks are disabled. S-RANK Difficulty: *** The recommended setup above is suffice for S-ranking this mission. Remember to blade or shoot the AMIDAs as their pulse blasts are quick and damaging. Not a difficult mission to S-rank at all. To get to this mission: Eliminate Intruders Remove Bridge Defenders Eliminate The Enemy AC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Protect The ECM Devices Requester: Alliance Headquarters Operation Area: Tartrus Headquarters Objective: Protect the ECM devices. Reward: 112,000c Difficulty: ***** Recommended setup: PYTHON, LADON, GOLGI, HISTON, long range FCS Enemies: AEW360R, MT10-BAT, CR-AH79, SPORE Strategy: The 360Rs are way up in the sky and due to their small size, normal weapons won't be able to hit them well. That's what the railgun weapons are for: a near-perfect chance of hitting a target due to very high shot velocity. One LADON will easily take down a 360R or AH79. The PYTHON can do the same but it is less accurate than it's back unit counterparts. The strong point is the reload, which is fast for these weapons. The ECM vehicles are easy to destroy so work fast to kill off the MTs. The SPORE's cluster missiles pose the biggest threat to the ECM vehicles. S-RANK Difficulty: **** Ok, time for a different setup. Have a low drain, all solid-weapon build and equip a long-range FCS and the HB hover boosters. Lastly, use the FUDOH generator. Now, once the mission starts, do a simple jump then activate the hovers. As long as the hovers are in place, you can safely use the solid weapons to fire at the enemies as they appear on the battlefield. The BATs pose the greatest threat, destroy them ASAP before they sink a vehicle. As long as all vehicles survive when all enemies are destroyed, you should get an S. To get to this mission: Distribution Center Recon Acquire The Commodity Pursue Withdrawing MT Protect The Cargo Destroy AC Vigilance Secure The Terminal Area ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Destroy Power Generators Requester: Kisaragi Loyalists Operation Area: Triton Ecoactivity Center Objective: Destroy the main power generators. Reward: 98,000c Difficulty: ** Recommended setup: LB4, head with bio-sensor/night vision functions Enemies: AMIDA Strategy: Just head for the generators. The AMIDAs are optional. After both generators are destroyed, escape the facility before time runs out. Any AMIDAs that you did not destroy will exit their rooms and enter the hallways. S-RANK Difficulty: ***** All you need is a blade and a head that has bio-sensor abilities. Move to the generator areas and use the blade to destroy them. If you have the ELF3, just fire a wave at them; it's powerful enough to do the trick. As for the AMIDA army, make sure you blade the ones in the rooms before the generators. Once the timer starts, just head straight for the exit. Blade any AMIDAs in the way and don't get stuck in the hallways. You should reach the escape point with :45 left on the timer, along with 90% of the AMIDAs dead, which should result in an S. To get to this mission: Eliminate Intruders Remove Bridge Defenders Eliminate The Enemy AC Battle Challenge Eliminate Enemy Invaders ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Destroy Underground Force Requester: Vertex Operation Area: Walter Material Storage Site Objective: Eliminate the intruders. Reward: 0c Difficulty: **** Recommended setup: LB4, PIXIE3, head with night vision/bio-sensor functions Enemies: AMIDA Strategy: There are a LOT of AMIDAs to kill. Also, they will attack from both sides at the same time so concentrate on one side before moving to the other. Dodge by strafing left and right to avoid their pulse blasts. Blade if you are close enough. S-RANK Difficulty: *** Grab a SHADE, GAEA, and GORGON and you're all set! Just be sure to dodge the pesky pulse blasts of the AMIDAs. Oh, don't forget about bio-sensing heads! To get to this mission: Eliminate Intruders Destroy AC Sundial Recapture Storage Site Remove Lab Intruders Destroy Enemy Squadron Prevent Plant Destruction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Destroy The Bridge Requester: Independent Warlord(Green Horn) Operation Area: Ruga Tunnel Objective: Destroy the bridge's anchor point. Reward: 108,000c Difficulty: **** Recommended setup: PYTHON, LB4, GOLGI, HISTON, PRIMER Enemies: JELLYFISH, MT08-OSTRICH, CR-MT83RS, CR-MT98G Strategy: Use the PYTHON to destroy the JELLYFISH, LB4 on the OSTRICH and RS MTs, and on the supports. 3-4 swings should do the trick. Afterwards, get rid of the 98G MTs if you took too long. Watch your step in this mission. S-RANK Difficulty: **** Grab a sniper rifle and the LB3. Snipe the MTs but make sure you don't miss with the JELLYFISH. Blade the supports afterwards. Do this quick and you don't have to face the grenade-toting 98G MTs. To get to this mission: Eliminate Intruders Destroy AC Sundial Recapture Storage Site Remove Lab Intruders Prevent Plant Destruction Destroy Underground Force Protect Reactor Core ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Protect Transport Train Requester: Alliance Tactical Unit Operation Area: Ruga Tunnel Objective: Ensure the transport train's safe passage. Reward: 120,000c Difficulty: ***** Recommended setup: long range FCS, SHADE2, NIX, HISTON Enemies: CENTAUR-AA, MT08H-OSTRICH, HORSETAIL4 Strategy: Get rid of the CENTAUR-AAs then go inside the tunnel and destroy the OSTRICHs. Next, head to the other bridge and go to the lower level. Shoot down the HORSETAIL4s quickly. The train cannot withstand much punishment. S-RANK Difficulty: ***** Using the setup above, destroy the CENTAUR-AAs quickly than the OSTRICHs. Now, shoot down as much of the HORSETAIL4's before they blow the train up. Once the train escapes, you should end up with an S. To get to this mission: Eliminate Intruders Remove Bridge Defenders Eliminate The Enemy AC Battle Challenge Eliminate Enemy Invaders Destroy Power Generators Seize The Airstrip Prevent Reactor Meltdown Track Down Evangel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Defeat Evangel Requester: Alliance Headquarters Operation Area: Area-R11 AC Garage Objective: Destroy AC Oracle and other resistance. Reward: 104,000c Difficulty: ******* Recommended setup: Head - DRONE(tune cooling to max) Core - UL2(tune cooling to max) Arms - MACAQUE(tune aiming accuracy to max) Legs - COUGAR2(tune cooling to max) Booster - TP(tune booster heat to max) FCS - VOLUTE2 Generator - G91(tune energy output to max) Radiator - R92(tune energy drain to max) Inside - none Extension - RM2 Back L - none Back R - KINNARA L - NIX R - 93RL Optionals: AMINO, EC, 79L+, LA, MARISHI Enemies: MT08M-OSTRICH, Evangel Strategy: The OSTRICHs are easy kills so do away with them in any way you see fit. A cutscene will play afterwards. Boss: Rim Fire Bullet Life AC setup: Head - WASP Core - 69U Arms - LEMUR Legs - GAVIAL2 Booster - GULL FCS - KOKUH Generator - KUJAKU Radiator - R92 Inside - MEDUSA2 Extension - FUNI Back L - 69CG Back R - MAGORAGA L - FINGER R - FINGER Hangar L - SYLPH Hangar R - SYLPH Special computer type data: The target equips multiple spread shot weapons. Close-range combat is not advised. Quotes: Rim Fire's AP at 50%: You're good Raven, but not as good as I! Rim Fire's AP at 25%: Never...! I can't die! I won't die! Your AP at 50%: Well, I see you have some fight left in you... that's good. Well, no Evangel but there's the Rim Fire. More appropriate time to fight rather than very early in the game. If you already beat Pulverizer #2 route, you will have a much easier time with only Rim Fire. If not, remember the big rule of staying away from him. Those FINGERs eat AP mad fast at such a range. The micro missiles can be avoided by tricking it into the ground, or hiding behind a building. Oh, speaking of buildings, avoid getting caught in them. You're a sitting duck for those machine guns if you do. Rim Fire is tough, but he'll go down with enough firepower. Secret part: WH03M-FINGER(left). Beat Bullet Life. S-RANK Difficulty: ****** A bit tough but not too tough. Just remember to watch out for the FINGERs of death and don't get stuck in any structure. Keep your distance and Rim Fire will go back to the Stone Age where he belongs(as it was in NX). To get to this mission: Distribution Center Recon Acquire The Commodity Pursue Withdrawing MT Protect The Cargo Destroy AC Vigilance Secure The Terminal Area Protect The ECM Devices Destroy Plant's Defenses Track Down Evangel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Attack Distribution Center Requester: Independent Warlord(No Data) Operation Area: Diorgan Distribution Center Objective: Destroy the generators. Reward: 112,000c Difficulty: ******* Recommended setup: ELF3, KRSW, 89E, AMINO, ES, EC, GOLGI, PRIMER Enemies: MT08M-OSTRICH, SSGB03-WALNUT, MT11-STARLING, CR-MT06SB, JELLYFISH, 86FV, foot soldiers Strategy: The first part of the mission involves getting to the elevator before the timer expires. Dodge every enemy and blade the SB MTs only when their shields open. They will block your path so be ready to swing once their shields open. The second part is to head outside and destroy the 4 generators. The toughest part is here based on the number of enemies. WALNUTs, STARLINGs, 86FVs are all here to inflict serious pain. While you could simply destroy the four generators, you might want to clear out the enemies, especially the 86FVs and the STARLINGs. Secret part: LN01-SEAL. S-rank the mission. This is a difficult mission to get an S. Remember the small generators shown in the mission briefing? Destroy ALL of them. Do remember to move fast and avoid getting hit. For the SBs blocking the path, the ELF3 will get the job down fast. For the final part, destroy as much enemies as possible to minimize potential damage. Then, destroy the main generators to end the mission. This does not always yield an S so try again if unsuccessful. S-RANK Difficulty: ********* See Secret part strategy. Use the following if you are stuck. Head - STING(tune energy defense to max) Core - U5(tune energy defense to max) Arms - MACAQUE(tune energy defense to max) Legs - COUGAR(tune energy defense to max) Booster - TP(tune booster heat to max) FCS - COWRY Generator - G91(tune energy output to max) Radiator - ANANDA(tune normal cooling to max) Inside - none Extension - none Back L - none Back R - none L - ELF3 R - KRSW Optionals: AMINO, ES, EC, CODON, MARISHI, GOLGI To get to this mission: Eliminate Intruders Destroy AC Sundial Eliminate The Enemy AC Battle Challenge Destroy The Control Towers Destroy Transport Convoy Destroy Suspicious Force Destroy The ECM Devices Shutdown Energy Plant Eliminate Targeted Raven ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Eliminate Plant Intruders Requester: Vertex Operation Area: Seil Hydroelectric Plant Objective: Eliminate the intruders. Reward: 102,000c Difficulty: **** Recommended setup: head with bio-sensor functions, LB4, SHADE2 Enemies: AMIDA, AMIDA(evolved) Strategy: Just seek and destroy all AMIDAs. Once you destroy all AMIDAs on all levels, a cutscene will play. Head back to where you started the mission and destroy the AMIDAs there. Attack fast because those evolved AMIDAs can take a lot of AP off in a hurry. Finish off the small AMIDAs afterwards but watch the aim since MT77s are also in the room. Secret part: FUNI. Beside one of the guard objects on the Southeast room in the second level. Take the elevator before the B-01 door and look at the guard object farthest from the door. S-RANK Difficulty: ***** This one is moderate in difficulty. Get some high energy defense parts, LB4, and a fairly strong weapon like SHADE2. Once you encounter any AMIDA, sink them ASAP. They tend to be fairly close to each other so use the LB4's long length to slice them apart. Not too difficult as long as you control the damage. To get to this mission: Destroy Military Base Escort Allied MT Recapture Storage Site Investigate Enemy Activity Destroy Raging Torrent IV Defend Against Assault Protect Reactor Core Eliminate Targeted Raven ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Retrieve Research Data Requester: Kisaragi Loyalists Operation Area: Triton Ecoactivity Center Objective: Retrieve the research data and escape. Reward: 98,000c Difficulty: ****** Recommended setup: KRSW, high energy defense, head with bio-sensor function Enemies: AMIDA(evolved), U03M-TERMITE, CR-MT85M Strategy: Move fast in this mission. Head for the elevator to get to where the data is held. The moment you exit the elevator, turn your AC facing backwards and drop down the open part of the platform. Quickly shoot the evolved AMIDAs and dodge their rapid pulse blasts. Next, you have to gather data in the three terminals. Move to the top one first. Get the data quickly and move onto the next. The AMIDAs regenerate after some time and you don't want to lose AP or precious time. Once all the data has been recovered, use the KRSW to mop up any TERMITEs or 85Ms in the way. For the last set of enemies, you are better off boosting to the elevator than fighting them. Head back to the escape point before the timer expires. Note that you can get away with just one set of data, but it won't result in an S. Secret part: WH11PU-PERYTON(left). S-rank the mission. This is a very hard mission to get an S in. Get a lot of energy defense, the KRSW, all energy weapon optionals, the ELF3, and an EO core. The MTs pose no threat in this mission. It's the evolved AMIDAs that are dangerous. When at the big room leading to the data containers, destroy the AMIDAs QUICKLY. Once the AMIDAs are gone, move to the top door. Move fast and grab the data. Repeat this on the remaining data devices. Destroy the AMIDAs when they regenerate before moving onto the next data device. Their pulse blasts will blast any chance of getting an S easily. Once all data have been retrieved, get rid of the AMIDAs and head back to the starting point. Once the MTs show up, use the KRSW on the TERMITEs and ELF3 on the 85Ms. In the last room before the starting point, blade the 85Ms and head for the elevator. If lucky, the S is yours. If not, try harder. S-RANK Difficulty: ********* See Secret part for the strategy. Use the following if you are stuck. Head - STING(tune energy defense to max) Core - CRONUS(tune energy defense to max) Arms - LORIS(tune energy defense to max) Legs - LYNX2(tune energy defense to max) Booster - TP(tune booster heat to max) FCS - MIROKU Generator - G91(tune energy output to max) Radiator - ANANDA(tune normal cooling to max) Inside - none Extension - none Back L - none Back R - none L - EL3 R - KRSW Optionals: AMINO, ES, SS, EC, CODON, GOLGI, HISTON To get to this mission: Eliminate Intruders Destroy AC Sundial Recapture Storage Site Remove Lab Intruders Destroy Enemy Squadron Prevent Plant Destruction Eliminate Enemy Occupiers Protect Reactor Core Destroy Air Assault Force Eliminate Sorcerer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Destroy The Pulverizer Requester: Unknown Operation Area: Internecine Objective: Destroy the Pulverizer. Reward: 600,000c Difficulty: ********** Recommended setup: Head - STING(tune energy defense to max) Core - 89E(tune energy defense to max) Arms - BZL Legs - LYNX2(tune energy defense to max) Booster - TP(tune booster heat to max) FCS - MIROKU Generator - G91(tune energy output to max) Radiator - ANANDA(tune normal cooling to max) Inside - none Extension - GAR Back L - KARURA Back R - KARURA L - none R - none Optionals: ES, EC, LA, 79L+, CODON Enemies: Unknown Pulverizer Strategy: Final Secret Boss: Super Airborne "Archangel" Pulverizer If you thought the Archangel Pulverizer was the ultimate Pulverizer, think again. This is the super version of it, and it definitely is super strong. A lot of its weaker version's abilities are here and improved, with some new ones. The abilities exclusive to this version are Core AMS and Core Rays. Core AMS is like the ones in new Crest cores, except far better. Core Rays is the ultimate attack of the Super Archangel Pulverizer. Rather than Ray Storm which fired out a shower of medium power rays, Core Rays fires HUGE rays from it's core. These rays are even bigger than the LX beams in terms of projectile size and deal HUGE amounts of damage. This Pulverizer has even more AP than any other Pulverizer, most who had over 9999 AP. This is the ultimate in cheapness as far as Pulverizers go. Luckily, it's core AMS can't destroy swarms of missiles at once. Again, micro missiles counter the cheapness of the unit. However, it is not good enough to put your AC on a level playing field. That is what the BZL bazooka arms are for. They fire 4 or 8 bazooka rounds depending on what mode it is in. 8 bazooka rounds are extremely damaging and that helps you beat SAAP. This mission is the epitome of damage races. Either it dies or you die. Go crazy dodging and shooting and eventually, it will fall. Secret part: CR-H06SR2. S-rank the mission. The requirements are pretty lenient for this mission. This should be achieved the first time around anyways. If not, make sure not to miss BZL rounds and keep your AP around the half when you finish the mission. S-RANK Difficulty: **** See Secret part for strategy. To get this mission: Beat all missions then access through Free Mission. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. AC MAKING ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This section will briefly talk about AC building, parts, and the new parts introduced in Last Raven. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4a. AC BUILDING BASICS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Head - Important for mission play. Comes in two types: standard and radar. Standard heads have good stability and low drain but usually lack special functions. Radar heads usually have special functions and the radar function is useful in mission play. Radar heads have high energy drain though. Core - Obviously the foundation for the AC. Comes in three types: standard, Overboost, and Exceed Orbit. Standard ones usually have core Anti-Missile Systems(AMS) where a protruding gun barrel(s) shoot down missiles. Also, the standard cores usually come equipped with the Hangar function. Overboost cores have the Overboost function, which is a powerful boost that drains a lot of energy and builds up heat quickly. Exceed Orbit cores have the Exceed Orbit function, which sends out small orbital units to attack enemies. Solid EO cores have AMS functions, but the ammo is finite. Energy EO cores do not have AMS, but ultimately have infinite ammo as it can regenerate ammo. Standard cores tend to be of medium proportions, OB cores tend to be light, and the EO cores favor no weight type. There are some cores that can be considered as hybrids, such as the ATLAS core. The ATLAS has OB, but also has the Hangar function. Arms - You clearly need this to do missions. Comes in two types: standard and weapon. Standard arms can be loaded with weapons and Hangar weapons. They can be tuned as well. Weapon arms are arm units with weapons built-in. You cannot tune these arms. Legs - You need this to move obviously. Comes in five types: bipedal, hover, reverse-joint, quad, and tank. Bipeds are suited for any situation as they do not have any noticeable advantages or disadvantages. Hovers are able to cross waters without sinking and have good turning abilities. They have low load capacities and no jumping ability. Reverse-jointed(RJ) legs have great jump ability and low drain. Disadvantages are low load capacity and poor cooling. Quads are able to fire cannon type weapons on the ground and have good cooling abilities. They have high energy drains and low load capacities though. Tanks are able to fire cannon type weapons without restrictions and have the best defense. They are extremely slow though and most units suffer from poor energy defense. Cannon restriction is that bipeds, hovers, RJs must kneel before being able to fire the weapon. As said earlier, quads are partially affected and tanks are not affected at all. Booster - How else would an AC move besides running and jumping? This part is self explanatory. Fire Control System(FCS) - How would an AC shoot its weapons? FCS come in numerous types: Standard, Wide and Shallow, Narrow and Deep, Lengthway, and Sideway. Standard is best for various ranged combat, Wide and Shallow is good for close range combat, Narrow and Deep is good for long range combat, Lengthway is good for vertical targets and hallways, and Sideway is good for finding targets faster when turning. Generator - The engine that runs ACs. Self explanatory here as well. Radiator - What will cool down a 400 kph moving AC? Self explanatory. Inside - Support type parts. Offensive types tend to be bombs and mines that are only useful at close range. Defensive types include missile decoys and ECM makers to jam lock ons and radar. Extension - Support type parts. Usually augments the main weapons, but can serve other purposes as well. These include missile extensions, anti-missile launchers, special boosters, side shields, weapon magazines, etc. Back Units - Weapons located on the back of ACs of course. A list of the back units: Missiles - Comes in many different flavors: Small - Small-sized missiles that can home and is weak. These missiles can shoot the most amount of missiles per lock on. Middle - Medium-sized missiles that are stronger, home better, but have a bit less ammo. These can also attain a fair amount of lock ons. Large - Large-sized missiles that are incredibly slow but are very good at tracking. These are have the lowest ammo count of all weapons, but are the strongest 1-shot weapon and delivers the most heat stress. Micro - Can you say missile swarm? These fire a swarm of mini-sized missiles that home well at their enemy. Its attack power is the weakest of all the missile units, but it makes up for it with swarms of 3, 5, 7, and 9 missiles. Also overwhelms core AMS and anti-missile extensions with no difficulty. Vertical - Fires missiles going in an up-and-down arc. These home nicely and deliver more damage than small missiles. Can attain multiple lock ons too. Dual/Triple - Fires two and three missiles at once respectively. These deal damage equal to small missiles, but obviously fire more in 1 lock on. Multi - Fires a big missile that splits into 4 or 8 smaller ones. Rivals the micro missiles in the sense of multiple missiles at once, but more damaging per missile. Ground Torpedo - A unique weapon that fires a torpedo moving through a surface and fires four missiles upon reaching its target. And like a torpedo, it skims across water and doesn't sink. Hi-Act - Missiles that travel at greater velocities. Fired in both standard and vertical types, these missiles are quite accurate at the cost of lower attack power and ammo. Stealth - Missles that ignore any sort of missile defense, are undetectable on radar, and barely can be heard. Low offensive potential but a great way to harass an opponent. Cluster - Missiles that travel like vertical missiles, but fire a cluster of bombs once it starts to fall down. The bombs are surprisingly strong and often confuse missile defense. The bombs spread though so they are not very accurate. Pursuit - Fires a large pod that ejects many missiles. Great for destroying multiple targets at once or one lone enemy. The pod is fired as a rocket at first, which can deal huge damage should it connect before ejecting the missiles. Rockets - Also comes in different flavors. Small - Fires small-sized rockets. Weak but lots of ammo. Middle - Fires medium-sized rockets. Stronger with less ammo. Large - Fires large-sized rockets. Even stronger but lower ammo count. Triple - Fires three small rockets at once. For those who cannot manually shoot rockets. Burst(AST) - Fires three rockets in quick succession, like burst rifles. Cannons - Lots of variety here. Grenades, slugs, linears, lasers, plasmas, pulses, chain guns, railguns, etc. The only cannon type that doesn't have the cannon restriction are orbits. Orbit Cannon - A small unit that follows an enemy and fires small lasers. An orbit unit differs from an Exceed Orbit unit in that they relentlessly hunt down an enemy. These are fired like missiles so extension missiles can be used alongside them. Radars - If you don't have a radar head, which you should. Useless once you get a good radar head. Still, it provides added ECM performance so it could come in handy on some missions. Dual units - Units that take up both slots. You got dual missiles, vertical missiles, pursuit missiles, chain guns, grenades, and some other neat dual back units. Arm Units - Your main weapons on an AC. Right and left arm weapons are similar, but left arm weapons tend to be weaker versions of the right arm ones. There are weapons exclusive to either arm so I will note. Rifles - Basic AC weapons. Weak, but lots of ammo. Can stun. There are AST Rifles, which fire faster but have a magazine so it has to reload the mag when out of ammo. Burst Rifles are lazy shot rifles, firing 3 rounds in one shot. Linear Rifles - A step up from rifles. Stronger, better stun, but less ammo. The cannon versions are more powerful, but suffer from cannon restrictions. Cost-friendly if going on missions for something that reloads fast and has some power. Sniper Rifles - Long range weapons of course. Has more power than linear or normal rifles. High shot velocity and good accuracy as well, all for the price of lower ammo count. Handguns - Lightweight versions of rifles. Roughly same attack power, but it has less ammo in exchange for very good stunning power. Can store in Hangars as well. Fast reload too. Machine guns - Very high ammo, very low attack power and heat. Great for endurance battles, but not for quick ones. The cannon version is chain guns, but they have better attack power and have the cannon restriction in place. Shotguns - Spread weapons that obviously shoot a spread of bullets. Damaging and can heat if a whole spread hits. The cannon version is slugs, which are fired in a very tight spread and more rounds. Bazookas - Rockets that can lock onto enemies. Too bad their shot velocity is horrible. Grenades - The anti-AC weapon. Horrible shot velocity, but great damage and heat. The cannon versions are the same, except you have cannon restrictions. Flamethrowers - They burn through ACs and deliver serious amounts of heat stress to the AC. Too bad they really suck since an enemy has to be very close to even connect. Damage is horrible too. Hand weapons - Comes in two flavors: missile and rockets. Why hand rockets exist when you have bazookas that can lock on I have no idea. Same for the missiles. The back unit versions are so much better and don't take up the all-important right arm slot. Energy weapons - Comes in a number of flavors: Pulse - The energy version of handguns, without the stun. The back unit versions are much stronger, but have very high energy drains. Laser - The energy version of linear rifles. Great for mission use where cutting costs are important. Good all-around weapon. The back cannon units are very strong, 2 units are stronger than the other cannon weapons. Hi Laser - The energy version of bazookas. These are heavy, but they are powerful. Better accuracy and no ammo cost make them better. Plasma - The energy version of grenades. Less heavier than the Hi Laser Rifles, these weapons have high attack power and heat. Each shot drains a lot of energy so take care when using them. The back cannon units are roughly the same, except with cannon restrictions. Railgun - Energy weapons that charge before firing. Very high shot velocity means these weapons rarely miss and create great amounts of heat stress upon hit. The back cannon units suffer the same problems as the other cannon units and a longer charge. Quite intimidating as most newcomers will think a weapon that charges is dangerous. These weapons also have the strongest stun power of any weapon. Sniper Rifle - Powerful, but high reload time and low ammo. Machine Gun - High attack power but uses a little too much energy for a single shot. Shotgun - Strong and requires only the energy gauge to fire. Parry Blades(right arm only) - Solid blades. Solid, extremely powerful blades that is. The right arm pulls back before thrusting with the blade. These are the hardest weapons to connect with. It takes a lot of practice to properly use. When they do connect, a tremendous amount of AP is lost and the unlucky victim almost always overheats. Laser Blades(left arm only) - What AC game doesn't have them? None of course. Reliable, strong energy weaponry. Though it these require an enemy to be in close range, the damage dealted is great. A great weapon to have as a backup or main weapon. Shields(left arm only) - If you need more defense, shields are the answer. Solid shields can be used indefinitely but only are good at shell defense. Energy shields can better in energy defense but suffer from constant energy usage. Hangars - Stores small weapons. These include laser blades and portable weaponry like handguns or pulse rifles. Optional Parts - Parts that augment an AC's performance. Very useful so don't forget about them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4b. NEW PARTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Every AC game has them, so obviously Last Raven has some new toys to play with as well. The new parts: *Part rating out of 5.* Heads: CR-H06XS-EYE4 Crest AP - 833 Weight - 199 Energy Drain - 596 Shell/Energy Defense - 188/181 Cooling - 491 Stability - 365 Computer Type - Special Auto Map - Yes Night Vision - Yes Bio Sensor - No ECM Performance - 328 Radar Function - Yes Radar Distance/Scanning Interval - 360/55 Missile Display - No Bio Sensor - No Description - Latest model in Crest's "EYE" series line of head parts. Rating: *** Notes: The remake of AC2: Another Age EHD-SCOPEEYE. Great weight and cooling ability. High energy drain though. A solid head, but the STING and DRONE are better. Besides, there are heads that weigh similar but are much better. CR-H06SR2 Crest AP - 828 Weight - 362 Energy Drain - 603 Shell/Energy Defense - 204/231 Cooling - 432 Stability - 404 Computer Type - Special Auto Map - Yes Night Vision - Yes Bio Sensor - Yes ECM Performance - 234 Radar Function - Yes Radar Distance/Scanning Interval - 362/61 Missile Display - No Bio Sensor - No Description - New part design incorporating Mirage's latest technology. Rating: *** Notes: A cool new head that looks similar to the one AC2 Ares used. Quite heavy and drainy, ECM is rather terrible, but highest defense overall and great cooling. Looks great for a Crest head(obviously inspired by Mirage's better designs) considering the EYE2 is the only one that looks really good on Crest's side. YH13-LONGHORN Mirage AP - 997 Weight - 514 Energy Drain - 298 Shell/Energy Defense - 229/195 Cooling - 392 Stability - 330 Computer Type - Detailed Auto Map - Yes Night Vision - Yes Bio Sensor - Yes ECM Performance - 223 Radar Function - Yes Radar Distance/Scanning Interval - 220/68 Missile Display - Yes Bio Sensor - No Description - Experimental model with multiple built-in functions and high AP. Rating: ** Notes: A remake of the "Gundam" head from AC: Project Phantasma. Yes, it looks good and is equipped with most head functions. However, it weighs a lot for a mere head and some of its basic performance stats(ECM performance, stability) are terrible. Still, for those who create Gundam-esque ACs should like how this head looks. The remake of HD-G780 from Project Phantasma. YH14-STING Mirage AP - 791 Weight - 241 Energy Drain - 506 Shell/Energy Defense - 172/190 Cooling - 506 Stability - 369 Computer Type - Special Auto Map - Yes Night Vision - Yes Bio Sensor - Yes ECM Performance - 388 Radar Function - Yes Radar Distance/Scanning Interval - 766/56 Missile Display - No Bio Sensor - Yes Description - Part featuring superior radar and information processing features. Rating: **** Notes: Another remake head, this one is the HD-4004 from Master of Arena. Very good cooling and well-balanced design. The only negative is the high drain and low AP. YH15-DRONE Mirage AP - 906 Weight - 293 Energy Drain - 390 Shell/Energy Defense - 173/196 Cooling - 394 Stability - 381 Computer Type - Detailed Auto Map - Yes Night Vision - Yes Bio Sensor - Yes ECM Performance - 433 Radar Function - Yes Radar Distance/Scanning Interval - 481/42 Missile Display - Yes Bio Sensor - Yes Description - Trial manufactured design with excellent VS ECM performance. Rating: ***** Notes: From definitely likes nostalgia otherwise none of these parts would be here. This AC2 ZHD-MO/EGRET remake is another great head from Mirage. There aren't much negatives about this head, which is a good thing. Cores: CR-C06U5 Crest AP - 2899 Weight - 1231 Energy Drain - 1482 Shell/Energy Defense - 569/446 Max Arm Weight - 3097 Cooling - 1021 Heat Resistance - 720 Optional Slots - 17 VS MG Response - 65 Core Type - Standard Description - Core model with high DEF ratings and weapon storage capability. Rating: *** Notes: A good looking core, best VS MG Response. Except compared to a certain new core and other old ones, it's not that great. Unless you are looking for a core with defense, which the U5 excels in with the highest overall defense for a middle-weight core. CR-YC03U4 Crest AP - 2941 Weight - 1109 Energy Drain - 1368 Shell/Energy Defense - 542/430 Max Arm Weight - 3448 Cooling - 1174 Heat Resistance - 741 Optional Slots - 18 VS MG Response - 62 Core Type - Standard Description - End result of Crest's redesign of the CR-CO6U5 core model. Rating: ***** Notes: Much better than the U5 in almost every way possible. But it looks a bit bulky and fat. This is a remake of the XXA-SO core from Project Phantasma. This is the "Gundam" core which goes along with the "Gundam" head by the way. CR-YC99UL Crest AP - 2560 Weight - 809 Energy Drain - 1092 Shell/Energy Defense - 463/444 Max Arm Weight - 3105 Cooling - 1201 Heat Resistance - 681 Optional Slots - 18 VS MG Response - 40 Core Type - Standard Description - Prototype model with a low equip weight and respectable stats. Rating: *** Notes: The Crest version of the CRONUS, but with AMS. Remake of the XCL-01 from AC1. There are better cores out there, including looks as well. CR-YC010/UL2 Crest AP - 2291 Weight - 897 Energy Drain - 1294 Shell/Energy Defense - 421/397 Max Arm Weight - 3228 Cooling - 1101 Heat Resistance - 706 Optional Slots - 19 VS MG Response - 50 Core Type - OB OB Power - 25030 OB Boost Drain - 8042 OB Heat - 5598 OB Acceleration - 521 Description - Core part specifically designed to reduce OB energy consumption. Rating: **** Notes: The remake of the ECL-ONE from AC2. A solid lightweight core, this can be a substitute for the 840/UL. Better in many ways to the 840/UL. YC08-ICURUS Mirage AP - 2297 Weight - 1002 Energy Drain - 1404 Shell/Energy Defense - 419/456 Max Arm Weight - 3009 Cooling - 913 Heat Resistance - 622 Optional Slots - 20 VS MG Response - None Core Type - OB OB Power - 26880 OB Boost Drain - 10320 OB Heat - 5510 OB Acceleration - 536 Description - Prototype OB model designed to balance DEF and mobility stats. Rating: *** Notes: The remake of the ZCL-XA/2 core from AC2. It's alright, but the UL2 is better. Weapons: Back: CR-YWB05MV2 Crest Category - Vertical Missile Weight - 690 Energy Drain - 445 Ammo Type - Solid Sight Type - Standard Attack Power/Ammo - 1050/20 Attack Heat - 4040 Range - 500 Max Lock - 4 Firing Interval - 95 Ammo Price - 560 Description - Vertical missile launcher built to achieve improved accuracy. Rating: *** Notes: Of all the vertical missiles, this is the weakest. In contrast, this unit fires vertical missiles with increased velocity and accuracy. Making this weapon the most accurate of all vertical missiles. Remake of SSMV24 from Project Phantasma. YWB35L-GERYON3 Mirage Category - Laser Cannon Weight - 809 Energy Drain - 533 Ammo Type - Energy Sight Type - Narrow and Deep Attack Power/Ammo - 4098/6 Attack Heat - 20820 Range - 710 Max Lock - 1 Firing Interval - 122 Usage Drain - 8260 Description - Laser cannon designed to induce high levels of thermal stress. Rating: **** Notes: A single back LX unit! Except weaker, less ammo, but greater heat stress. Lighter and less drainy too. Breaks parts almost as well as the almighty LX laser cannon. Fires a purple laser that creates a big purple explosion upon hit. Remake of the WC-IR24 from Project Phantasma. Both Arms: CR-YWH05R3 Crest Category - Rifle Weight - 403 Energy Drain - 129 Ammo Type - Solid Sight Type - Standard Attack Power/Ammo - 280/100 Attack Heat - 1420 Range - 480 Max Lock - 1 Firing Interval - 25 Ammo Price - 22 Description - Test model addressing firing performance and attack power. Rating: **** Notes: Remake of the EWG-RF-10LB from AC2: Another Age. It has its good points and bad. Good points include fast reload for a non-AST rifle and great for short offensive rushes. Bad points include low ammo for a rifle and could use a bit more attack power. Superb accuracy though for a rifle. YWH13M-NIX Mirage Category - Machine Gun Weight - 410 Energy Drain - 109 Ammo Type - Solid Sight Type - Wide and Shallow Attack Power/Ammo - 97/360 Attack Heat - 303 Range - 330 Max Lock - 1 Firing Interval - 2 Magazine Ammo - 24 Mag Reload - 110 Ammo Price - 18 Description - Machine gun designed to inflict impressive close-range damage. Rating: **** Notes: This remake of the WG-AR1000 from AC1 is a pretty good machine gun. With an incredibly fast reload of 2 and decent attack power, it's one of the best machine guns. Its accuracy is excellent for a machine gun, but it empties the ammo as fast as the FINGER machine guns. Pair it with a good arm weapon and it becomes even better. The low ammo is the only big drawback but it's unlikely you will miss a lot of the rounds. YWH14PU-ROC4 Mirage Category - Pulse Rifle Weight - 348 Energy Drain - 489 Ammo Type - Energy Sight Type - Special Attack Power/Ammo - 550/96 Attack Heat - 4000 Range - 250 Max Lock - 1 Firing Interval - 32 Usage Drain - 989 Description - Pulse rifle model with exceptional ammunition storage. Rating: ***** Notes: An excellent pulse rifle. Great offensive potential, heat, and good weight. A bit on the drainy side though. Still, the ROC4 is really strong for a pulse rifle that it could pass as a lightweight laser rifle. Fires green donut-shape lasers. Remake of the XP2000 from AC1. Right Arm: YWH16HR-PYTHON Mirage Category - Hand Railgun Weight - 500 Energy Drain - 600 Ammo Type - Energy Sight Type - Special Attack Power/Ammo - 729/40 Attack Heat - 6860 Range - 580 Max Lock - 1 Firing Interval - 55 Usage Drain - 2978 Description - Miniaturized railgun designed to be equipped on an AC's arm. Rating: *** Note: This is most likely the one weapon everyone is looking forward to getting in Last Raven. Needless to say, it performs nicely. Its offensive potential is roughly equal to both back counterparts, but is better in some areas. The charge time is the fastest of all railguns and the reload time is fast. There are flaws and they include: least accurate of all railguns(tracking is pretty crappy so take care shooting) and its true potential only comes out when it is used with a left arm weapon. It still is a great weapon and quite the intimidating one at that. Fires shots in dark MOONLIGHT colors and creates an explosion with MOONLIGHT colors.(same as KRSW color) Being a railgun, the PYTHON has excellent breaking power and ammo can be reserved via cancelling with a blade attack if the shot is charging. Left Arm: CR-WL06LB4 Crest Category - Laser Blade Weight - 451 Energy Drain - 201 Attack Power - 1597 Discharge Heat - 1235 Attack Heat - 5033 Blade Range - 12 Usage Drain - 7093 Description - High-powered blade with long laser housing for improved range. Rating: ***** Notes: For those wondering if Crest made their own MOONLIGHT due to the corporations merging, you are correct. This is that blade, though it should be renamed to MOONLIGHT2(I hate how Crest names their parts). This is better than the MOONLIGHT in almost every way possible, plus it can be used as a Hangar unit for backup. Color-wise, it has a bit of LB2 color, but it's mostly the same as the MOONLIGHT colors. Very good at arm breaking, only needing 1-2 swings to slice an arm off. It's only drawbacks are blade recovery isn't as fast as the MOONLIGHT's and the beam wave is much weaker than the MOONLIGHT's wave. YWL16LB-ELF3 Mirage Category - Laser Blade Weight - 296 Energy Drain - 105 Attack Power - 1652 Discharge Heat - 1203 Attack Heat - 8910 Blade Range - 6 Usage Drain - 6011 Description - Laser blade designed to emphasize attack power and heat. Rating: ***** Notes: Due to the corporations merging, it's no surprise to see Mirage using Crest's technology to their advantage. Just like Crest copied their best blade the MOONLIGHT, Mirage copied Crest's LB3. The end product is the ELF3, a better version of the LB3 like LB4 is better than the MOONLIGHT. Some who remember this blade in AC2 as the ELS-2772 should be surprised at this once-starter blade's lethal potential. The beam wave is freakishly powerful, stronger than the RAIJIN wave blade and that's strong. Combined that with fast blade recovery and it outdamages any blade in a damage race. The big drawback is the range, only half of the LB4's. Meaning you really need to be close to hit. Color-wise, it's the same as the LB. FUTEN Kisaragi Category - Energy Shield Weight - 522 Energy Drain - 139 Shell/Energy Defense - 96/501 Shield Coverage - 82 Heat Insulation - 4322 Usage Drain - 1022 Description - Energy shield with superb DEF ratings, but heavy equip weight. Rating: **** Notes: Remake of the EES-777LAR from AC2. Best energy shield, but a little too heavy and the coverage isn't as great. Still, against energy weapon specialists, it shines. Great on when you have to kneel when using a cannon. That's all for new parts! Have fun! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4c. VR AC TEST ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This section will cover the tests found in the VR AC Test section. You should always go here first when you want to try a new AC setup before mission play. All the tests are done in the Training Space arena. Newcomers, pay attention to the following. MOBILITY TEST Description: No enemies here. This is the perfect place to practice new moves and learning the basics about AC. SENTRY UNIT TEST Description: You fight ten JELLYFISH here and they don't move a lot. Great way to start learning how to shoot at enemies. MT TEST Description: You fight two MT08M-OSTRICH in this test. This is an extension to the last test in that you have to learn how to dodge enemy attacks. MOVING TARGET TEST Description: Four DARTMOUTH-T3 units are in this test. The point of this one is to learn how to track moving targets from a distance and in the air. Take this after you feel comfortable with the prior three tests. AC TEST Description: A VR AC is your enemy in this test. The VR AC is only a starter AC without any tunes or optional parts. However, this is also the hardest test to pass. Mainly due to the fact that the VR AC AI is surprisingly smart and utilizes the wimpy setup to perfection. This serves as a small taste of just how much difficult real AC battles are. To veterans of AC, don't think this fight is a pushover. You might be surprised at it can beat you without difficulty. Off-topic: Personally, I actually lost 3 times using the starter AC setup before winning. And this is coming from someone who has played AC for a few years and with human VS experience. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. ENEMY BESTIARY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This section will cover all the enemies and bosses found in Story mode. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5a. ENEMIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This section deals with the enemies found in Story mode. For bosses, see the next section. For AP counts refer to this small guide: Low - takes only a few shots from a fairly strong weapon. Medium - can survive a hit from strong weapons, but not many more. High - takes a good beating from many weapons.. even the LX. CR-MT77 AP: Medium Description: A reverse-joint MT equipped with various weapons: CR-MT77M - laser rifle and missiles CR-MT77RO - laser rifle and rocket launcher CR-MT83RS AP: Low Description: A medium-sized MT equipped with a sniper rifle and ECM maker. CR-MT85 AP: Medium Description: A heavy MT equipped with various weapons: CR-MT85B - bazooka and pulse rifle CR-MT85BP - bazooka and pulse rifle. High AP. CR-MT85M - machine gun and pulse rifle CR-MT91L2 AP: Medium Description: A heavy MT equipped with plasma rifles. CR-MT98G AP: High Description: A heavy MT equipped with a grenade launcher and napalm howitzer. CR-MT06SB AP: High Description: A heavy MT equipped with bazookas and a frontal shield. CR-MT07LM AP: High Description: A heavy MT equipped with machine guns and large missiles. MT08-OSTRICH AP: Low Description: A reverse-joint MT equipped with a rifle and various attachments: MT08H-OSTRICH - hover boosters MT08M-OSTRICH - missile launchers MT09E-OWL AP: High Description: A heavy MT equipped with an ECM maker and various weapons: MT09E-OWL - rifle MT09ROE - rifle and rocket rocket launcher MT10-BAT AP: Medium Description: A flying MT equipped with a pulse rifle, missiles, and laser cannon. MT11-STARLING AP: High Description: A heavy MT with great jumping ability and a laser cannon. GUARD MTs AEW360R AP: Low Description: A hover MT equipped with a machine gun. GURENGE AP: Medium Description: A tank MT equipped with a flamethrower. JELLYFISH AP: Low Description: A flying MT equipped with a pulse rifle. MOLE AP: Low Description: A submerging MT equipped with a pulse rifle. RAT AP: Low Description: A small MT equipped with a machine gun. SPORE: AP: Low Description: A flying, mobile MT equipped with cluster missiles and a laser rifle. U03M-TERMITE AP: Low Description: A quad MT equipped with a laser rifle and machine gun. U05-FLEA AP: Low Description: A small, quad MT equipped with a laser rifle. GENERAL WEAPONS 86FV AP: Medium Description: A vehicle equipped with missile launchers and a machine gun. C06-STORK AP: High Description: A large transport plane equipped with missiles. CR-A82 AP: Medium Description: A bomber equipped with a grenade launcher. CR-AH79 AP: Low Description: A helicopter equipped with a chain gun and missile launcher. GUSHAWK AP: Low Description: A fighter plane equipped with a machine gun and missile launchers. ZEKUH AP: Low Description: A helicopter equipped with a machine gun and rocket launcher. CRANWELL AP: Medium Description: A large transport helicopter. CENTAUR-AA AP: Medium Description: A defense battery equipped with a rocket launcher. SSGB03-WALNUT AP: Medium Description: A defense battery equipped with a grenade launcher. TAP-LT6 AP: Low Description: A security battery equipped with a laser. HORSETAIL4 AP: Low Description: A guided missile. SPECIAL WEAPONS Vehicle(CR-WA69BZ) AP: Medium Description: A vehicle equipped with the CR-WA69BZ bazooka arms. Vehicle(CR-WR81B2) AP: Medium Description: A vehicle equipped with the CR-WR81B2 bazooka. AMIDA AP: Low/Medium for evolved versions Description: Bio-weapons firing rapid pulse blasts. DARTMOUTH-T3 AP: Low Description: A mobile defense battery. Unknown(kamikaze MT) AP: Low Description: An unknown MT that kamikazes into something. Foot soldiers AP: they have none :) Description: Foot soldiers employed by both the Alliance and Vertex. Equipped with a small missile launcher and grenade gun. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5b. BOSSES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This section deals with the special enemies aka bosses found in Story mode. Story Ravens will not be covered here. AP are estimations from personal tests using both solid and energy weaponry. Leviathan Mission: Launch Preemptive Strike AP: 10000 Abilities: Missile swarm(14), dual grenade, plasma cannon, machine gun, ECM Description: The Massive MT from Nexus. Except now fully operational and controllable due to the efforts of the Alliance. It, like all other Massive MTs, lacks any defense against missiles. Thus, the best way to defeat the Leviathan is using micro and extension missiles. Have good VS ECM performance since this unit's ECM jammer is really strong. Thus, you won't be able to lock on much against it. Leviathan Trio Mission: Stop Last Assault Attempt AP: 3750, 3750, 2500(last) Abilities: Missile swarm(20), plasma cannon, machine gun, ECM Description: The Massive MT from Nexus. Except now fully operational and controllable due to the efforts of the Alliance. It, like all other Massive MTs, lacks any defense against missiles. Thus, the best way to defeat the Leviathan is using micro and extension missiles. Have good VS ECM performance since this unit's ECM jammer is really strong. Thus, you won't be able to lock on much against it. Fortunately, From isn't crazy enough to have them all at full AP. All 3 collectively equal the Leviathan's AP in mission Attack Enemy Base. The last and lowest AP Leviathan is the most offensive: expect multiple attacks and as much as THREE missile swarms coming at you. Pulverizer(Tank-leg) Mission: Shutdown Energy Plant AP: 6750 Abilities: 2-hit MOONLIGHT arm combo, dual plasma Description: Ah, the unknown Pulverizers. All the Pulverizers come in different types and this one being a Tank. The Tank has the most defense out of all the Pulverizer units, but fortunately has a low AP count for a Pulverizer. Its main form of offense are the dual plasma cannons and a 2-hit combo using the MOONLIGHT arms. As with the rest of its kind, Pulverizers are lacking in missile defense and thus missile fodder. Do note that they can dodge missiles well so take care when firing them. Pulverizer(Quad-leg) Mission: Investigate Recent Attack, Defeat The Invading Force AP: 13500 Abilities: Cross MOONLIGHT arm slash, dual laser, dual plasma Description: Ah, the unknown Pulverizers. All the Pulverizers come in different types and this one being a Quad. The Quad is both strong and agile with the best jumping ability. Its main form of offense are dual lasers, dual plasma cannons, and a cross MOONLIGHT arm slash. As with the rest of its kind, Pulverizers are lacking in missile defense and thus missile fodder. Do note that they can dodge missiles well so take care when firing them. Pulverizer(Bipedal) Mission: Destroy AC Heaven's Ray AP: 11500 Abilities: 3-hit MOONLIGHT arm combo, single rapid laser, dual rapid laser Description: Ah, the unknown Pulverizers. All the Pulverizers come in different types and this one being a Biped. The Biped is undeniably the fastest of all the Pulverizer units. Its main form of offense are single and dual rapid lasers, along with a nasty 3-hit MOONLIGHT arm combo. Fortunately, the Biped has to stop to use its projectile attacks unlike the other ones. As with the rest of its kind, Pulverizers are lacking in missile defense and thus missile fodder. Do note that they can dodge missiles well so take care when firing them. Pulverizer(Hover) Mission: Shutdown Internecine AP: 5500 Abilities: Cross MOONLIGHT arm slash, dual plasma, invisible orbit cannons Description: Ah, the unknown Pulverizers. All the Pulverizers come in different types and this one being a Hover. The Hover has the best evasive skills of all the Pulverizer units. Fortunately, Jack-O has weakened the Pulverizer before encountering it. Its main form of offense are dual plasma, invisible orbit cannons, and a cross MOONLIGHT slash. The Pulverizer stops for a short period of time to deploy its orbits, which are similar in strength to SELENA EOs but quite accurate. As with the rest of its kind, Pulverizers are lacking in missile defense and thus missile fodder. Do note that they can dodge missiles well so take care when firing them. Pulverizer(Airborne "Archangel") Mission: Shutdown Internecine AP: 13000 Abilities: Cross MOONLIGHT arm slash, rapid laser, dual plasma, energy missile swarm(5), rail-energy machine gun, Energy Sphere, Ray Storm Description: Ah, the unknown Pulverizers. All the Pulverizers come in different types and this one being an Archangel. The Pulverizer is the strongest of all the Pulverizers thanks to a boatload of special abilities. It has the cross MOONLIGHT arm slash the Hover and Quad types have, but it negates defense completely and adds a napalm effect similar to napalm weapons. It also has the dual plasmas the Quad, Tank, and Hover types have. In regards to new abilities, it is able to fire rapid lasers from each of its "wings" and are fairly accurate. The Archangel also has an energy missile swarm, which essentially are energy versions of missiles. However, they track as well as large missiles but move much faster than those. Damage and heat are in-between small and middle missiles apiece. It can also do an attack that fires an energy machine gun at railgun velocity, which is not possible to dodge at ALL. The two abilities that are most notable include Energy Sphere and Ray Storm. Energy Sphere literally covers the Pulverizer in a sphere of energy that negates ANY attack completely. Even a quad MSP large missile launch will not penetrate the sphere. While in this defensive state, the Pulverizer can use its most powerful attack, Ray Storm. Ray Storm fires multiple rays equal to SHADE2 in power all over the arena. Fortunately, the rays spread out but you have to endure the attack for about 5 seconds. To beat this Pulverizer, missiles work wonders as usual. Just be sure it doesn't kill you first. Pulverizer(Super Bipedal) Mission: Underground Investigation AP: 13000 Abilities: 3-hit MOONLIGHT arm combo, Cross Beam Wave, single rapid laser, dual rapid laser Description: Ah, the unknown Pulverizers. All the Pulverizers come in different types and this one being the super version of the Biped. This super version retains all of the Biped's abilities along with some changes: a new attack and higher mobility and speed. The new attack is the Cross Beam Wave, which essentially is a blade wave except very powerful and a stylish, razor look. This deals a tremendous amount of damage and it tracks you to make things worse. Unlike the other Pulverizers, this one reacts to your tactics and attacks at a faster rate. Fortunately, missiles are your trump card against this speed demon of a Pulverizer. Pulverizer(Super Airborne "Archangel") Mission: Destroy The Pulverizer AP: 16000 Abilities: Cross MOONLIGHT arm slash, rapid laser, dual plasma, energy missile swarm(10-15), rail-energy machine gun, core AMS, Energy Sphere, Core Rays Description: Ah, the unknown Pulverizers. All the Pulverizers come in different types and this one being the super version of the Archangel. This super version retains all of the Archangel's abilities all with some changes: the energy missile swarm fires 10-15 instead of 5, it moves faster, the Cross MOONLIGHT arm slash now has a stronger napalm effect plus deals system error, making the lock on and radar abilities useless, and two new special abilities. It now is equipped with a core AMS that has a very high VS missile rate. The other ability is Core Rays. Substituting Ray Storm, Core Rays fires immensely large beams instead of a shower of rays. The damage is higher than the Cross Beam Wave of the Super Biped and will almost break a part upon one hit. Take care when fighting this Pulverizer and be sure to use other weapons aside from missiles. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. VR ARENA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The VR Arena works like the usual AC arena but this one has a twist. A certain number of credits must be available before you take on a ranker. A bet must be made prior to challenging an opponent. A victory will net you credits from the pot, but a defeat will result in losing credits equal to the number of credits for the bet. Do note that you can win additional credits after beating a ranker, but it is only 120% the amount of the bet. This will be indicated in (). Once the game is beaten once, EX Arena will open up. Any Ravens killed in the prior and current playthroughs are added as opponents. No credit or parts are rewarded, but you do gain their emblems. Unlike VR Arena, you are able to choose the battlefield of choice. The Ravens fight similar when you fought them in the missions, but many change their fighting styles. Also, while all Ravens have OP-I in the missions, not everyone is using that in EX Arena. Lastly, they retain the ability to adapt your tactics. For those wondering if the modified versions of Jack-O, Evangel, and Zinaida's ACs can be fought, the answer is NO. Other terms to note: AI tactics - tactics AI will generally favor. Range, weapon preference, and type of movement. If an AI can adapt to the player's tactics, it will also be noted here. Strategy - general info on the AI's fighting style. Some tips on how to beat it as well. Range types: Close - AI prefers to fight at close-range. Blade attacks are common here. Mid - AI prefers to fight at mid-range. Medium-power weapons are common here. Long - AI prefers to fight at long-range. High-power weapons are common here. Variable - AI can fight in any range based on the battle situation. Movement types: Small boost - AI barely boosts. Ground boost - AI prefers to boost along the ground. Aerial boost - AI prefers to boost in the air. Overboost - AI prefers to use the OB function to move rapidly. Boost hop - AI prefers to boost in the air for short periods of time. Variable - AI boosts in any way based on the battle situation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30th. Ska Situation: Training Space Description: Middleweight, two-leg AC equipped with guns on both the left and right arms. The setup has potential, but targeting is something that still needs work. Bet - 10,000c Pot - 20,000c(12,000c) AC Name - Trigger Happy 99 Armoring Parts: CR-YH70S2 CR-C69U CR-A71S2 LH02-LYNX2 Motive Parts: CR-G69 CR-R69 CR-B69 Attacking Parts: CR-F69 SYAKATSURA W803R-SIREN CR-WH01HP CR-WH01HP Specific Parts: None AI tactics: Close-range preference, HP weapon preference, ground boost movement preference. Strategy: Ska lacks killpower. The HP handguns are strong, but it is the only weapon that can do good damage. The SYAKATSURA are micro missiles that can track VERY well, but lack power. Anything works on this near-starter AC design. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29th. Quota Situation: Open Arena Description: Heavyweight, two-leg model with relatively poor armor ratings given its weight designation. Close-range combat offers its only hope of success. Bet - 12,000c Pot - 24,000c(14,400c) AC Name - Alie Armoring Parts: YH13-LONGHORN CR-YC99UL CR-A72F CR-LH77A Motive Parts: CR-G84P R02-HAZEL2 B01-BIRDIE Attacking Parts: MF02-VOLUTE YWH14PU-ROC4 CR-WL79LB2 WH06PL-ORC Specific Parts: None. AI tactics: Close-range preference, ROC4 weapon preference, boost hop movement preference. Strategy: Quota relies a lot on the ROC4 pulse rifle. It is fairly damaging but only effective at close-range. From afar, Quota has no weapons to fight with. Quota does blade with the LB2 though but rarely. Stay and fight afar and Quota's done for. Oh, and this is the poster boy AC from Project Phantasma from the PS1 AC games. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28th. A.U.Rick Situation: Arena Description: Hover-leg AC design that achieves a good balance between mobility and offensive capability. Unit is most deadly when attacking from mid-range. Bet - 14,000c Pot - 28,000c(16,800c) AC Name - Marigold Armoring Parts: CR-H97XS-EYE CR-C75U2 A01-GALAGO LN02-SEALION Motive Parts: G01-LOTUS CR-R69 Attacking Parts: MF03-VOLUTE2 WB21M-DRYAD WR11RS-GARUM WL02R-SPECTER Specific Parts: I05D-MEDUSA AI tactics: Mid-range preference, SPECTER weapon preference, ground boost movement preference. Strategy: A.U.Rick has some decent weapons, but can't use them correctly. Most of the time the SPECTER rifle is used and the GARUM energy sniper rifle is not utilized in the right range, firing from close-range often. Also, the AC has poor cooling performance and the hover leg's booster heat will often cause it to overheat. Use high-heat weapons to take advantage of this. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27th. Aubrey Vion Situation: Site-S Description: Heavyweight, two-leg AC designed for long-range combat. The unit's lack of speed is offset by its well-rounded weapon selection. Bet - 16,000c Pot - 32,000c(19,200c) AC Name - Relic II Armoring Parts: CR-H84E2 C01-GAEA A03-GIBBON CR-LH96FA Motive Parts: CR-G84P CR-R69 B01-BIRDIE Attacking Parts: MF03-VOLUTE2 WB27O-HARPY2 CR-WB73MP WR01R-SHADOW WL05RS-GOLEM Specific Parts: CR-E81AM AI tactics: Long-range preference, GAEA weapon preference, aerial boost movement preference. Strategy: For a setup designed for distance combat, Aubrey Vion sure isn't good with using the design properly. Most of the damage will come from the GAEA EO core while the other weapons are rarely used. Though Aubrey Vion prefers to boost in the air, walking is used more. Especially if you are close to Aubrey Vion.. laser blade fodder. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26th. Leandro Situation: Military District Description: Lightweight reverse-joint AC design that uses missiles as its primary means of attack. Mobile combat tactics help keep opponents guessing. Bet - 30,000c Pot - 60,000c(36,000c) *Part reward: CR-WH01HP(left)* AC Name - Warp Time Armoring Parts: CR-H73E YC07-CRONUS CR-A88FG CR-LRJ84M Motive Parts: G01-LOTUS CR-R69 CR-B81 Attacking Parts: MF03-VOLUTE2 MAGORAGA CR-WB72M2 WR02M-PIXIE CR-WL74M Specific Parts: E02RM-GAR AI tactics: Mid-range preference, MAGORAGA/PIXIE weapon preference, aerial boost movement preference. Strategy: Leandro is a missile user, but can use the machine guns if at close range. The missiles can be dangerous if you don't know how to dodge them or have no missile defense. Neutralizing this threat renders Leandro near-useless aside from the machine guns in close-range combat. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25th. Genie Situation: Training Space Description: Lightweight, two-leg AC design that performs well in close-range combat situations. Primary weapons are core EO and left-arm equipped laser blade. Bet - 34,000c Pot - 68,000c(40,800c) AC Name - Ninja Armoring Parts: CR-H97XS-EYE C02-URANUS A05-LANGUR LH10-JAGUAR2 Motive Parts: CR-G91 CR-R69 CR-B81 Attacking Parts: MF03-VOLUTE2 KARURA CR-WR84S YWL16LB-ELF3 Specific Parts: None. AI tactics: Close-range preference, URANUS weapon preference, boost hop movement preference. Strategy: Genie is actually a decent fighter and uses the weapons nicely in the right range. The KARURA micro missiles deal a lot of damage but can be easily avoided. Genie uses the URANUS a lot but it isn't as threatening as the 84S shotgun or ELF3 laser blade, the latter being able to take off a lot of AP. Still, close-range is where Genie shines so stick with distance combat to win. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24th. Toothpick Situation: Open Arena Description: Lightweight, two-leg model equipped with auxiliary boosters. Equipped laser rifle offers good firepower, but doesn't mesh well with the lightweight design. Bet - 38,000c Pot - 76,000c(45,600c) AC Name - Fracture Armoring Parts: CR-H98XS-EYE2 CR-C98E2 CR-A92XS CR-LH84L2 Motive Parts: CR-G91 R02-HAZEL2 B03-VULTURE2 Attacking Parts: CR-F91DSN WB31B-PEGASUS WH04HL-KRSW CR-WL69LB Specific Parts: None. *Equipped with OP-I* AI tactics: Mid-range preference, KRSW weapon preference, aerial boost movement preference. Strategy: Remember this AC from the intro FMV of Silent Line? Yup, that AC is here too. Toothpick's got the powerful KRSW hi laser rifle and it hurts just like its previous versions in past AC games. Toothpick enjoys flying up and using the KRSW to deal great damage. The E2 EO core is also used to add more damage but it is not strong. Toothpick lacks in defense and AP though so use dual arm weapons coupled with an EO core to quickly render it useless. Be warned though.. that KRSW may outdamage your weapon setup. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23th. Tank Allure Situation: Arena Description: Tank-leg AC design with emphasis on solid-round defense performance. The unit's grenade launching weapon arms are capable of inflicting heavy damage. Bet - 42,000c Pot - 84,000c(50,400c) AC Name - Killer Beagle Armoring Parts: H10-CICADA2 CR-C83UA CR-WA74GR LT03-GRIZZLY Motive Parts: FUDOH R03-LINDEN Attacking Parts: CR-F91DSN CR-WBW78C Specific Parts: CR-I79DD AI tactics: Long-range preference, GR weapon preference, small boost movement preference. Strategy: Tank Allure is.. a tank AC. The GR grenade arms are damaging but it is the only true threat. Tank Allure boosts, but only in very short bursts. Get close and flank Tank Allure with your weapons. A laser blade will make this fight go by quickly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22th. Gabe Glow Situation: Site-S Description: Quad-leg design outfitted with heavy firepower weapon arms. Mobile combat maneuvers and electronic countermeasures are used to trip opponents up. Bet - 46,000c Pot - 92,000c(55,200c) AC Name - Bad-News Armoring Parts: CR-H72S3 CR-C75U2 WA02-CETUS LF02-GAVIAL Motive Parts: G02-MAGNOLIA ANANDA B03-VULTURE2 Attacking Parts: CR-F91DSN WB13RO-SPHINX Specific Parts: BIKUNI CR-E69SS AI tactics: Mid-range preference, CETUS weapon preference, ground boost movement preference. Strategy: Gabe Glow's quad AC uses the CETUS linear weapon arms. While these may not be the strongest weapons, they create a lot of thermal stress. The rounds are fairly easy to dodge with a high acceleration booster and pose no threat from afar. High-power weapons work well against Gabe Glow, but be careful when the CETUS is used. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21th. No. 2448 Situation: Hole Aqua Description: Middleweight, two-leg model with high performance ratings in nearly all areas. Weapon diversity enables unit to engage targets effectively at any range. Bet - 70,000c Pot - 140,000c(84,000c) *Part reward: CR-YWH05R3(right)* AC Name - Crow Predator Armoring Parts: H11-QUEEN C01-GAEA A11-MACAQUE LH09-COUGAR2 Motive Parts: G02-MAGNOLIA R02-HAZEL2 CR-B83TP Attacking Parts: MONJU MAGORAGA CR-WB91LGL CR-WR93RL WL-MOONLIGHT Specific Parts: I05D-MEDUSA FUNI *Equipped with OP-I* AI tactics: Close/Mid-range preference, variable weapon preference, boost hop movement preference. Able to adapt to player tactics. Strategy: Remember this slick-looking AC back in Nexus? This is the old Oracle unit that Evangel piloted in that game(he has a newer version here in LR). No. 2448 is one tough customer and is likely your toughest opponent so far in the VR Arena. No. 2448 uses all weapons equally well and in such a way that it maximizes the AC's offensive capabilities. Go with solid, fast-hitting weaponry with an EO core and good stability to boot. If you want, missiles are also an option due to its lack of missile defense(save MEDUSA) but be warned No. 2448 is a good missile dodger. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20th. Mal & Dal Situation: Training Space Description: Heavyweight reverse-joint AC design equipped with hard-hitting bazooka weapon arms. Unit's energy defense capability is relatively low. Bet - 75,000c Pot - 150,000c(90,000c) AC Name - Jackpot Armoring Parts: H09-SPIDER CR-C06U5 CR-WA69BZ LR03-ORYX2 Motive Parts: G01-LOTUS CR-R92 B03-VULTURE2 Attacking Parts: CR-F91DSN CR-WB85RPX SYAKATSURA Specific Parts: E02RM-GAR AI tactics: Close-range preference, BZ weapon preference, boost hop movement preference. Strategy: Mal & Dal uses mostly the BZ bazooka arms. The RPX large rockets also hurt, but it will miss as long as you move. Stock up on solid defense and play the range game. Mal & Dal's weapons are best up close but are inaccurate afar save the SYAKATSURA micro missiles. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19th. Zorro-X Situation: Open Arena Description: Middleweight, two-leg AC design with emphasis of offensive performance. Over reliance on its two high-powered energy weapons has proven troublesome. Bet - 80,000c Pot - 160,000c(96,000c) AC Name - Rabbit's Foot Armoring Parts: YH14-STING CR-YC03U4 CR-A92XS CR-LH80S2 Motive Parts: CR-G91 ANANDA B02-VULTURE Attacking Parts: CR-F82D2 CR-YWB05MV2 YWB3SL-GERYON3 WH04HL-KRSW WL14LB-ELF2 Specific Parts: None. *Equipped with OP-I* AI tactics: Mid/Long-range preference, variable weapon preference, ground boost movement preference. Able to adapt to player tactics. Strategy: Master of Arena's poster boy AC is yet another cameo that makes it to LR. Zorro-X has two weapons you should take note of: the KRSW and the GERYON3. The former is quite dangerous as you previously saw with Toothpick and the GERYON3 is a weaker LX-type unit but taking up one back slot. The MV2 vertical missiles are weak, but very accurate for that type of missile. Go all-out when Zorro-X uses the MV2 and stay away when the KRSW or GERYON3 come into play. Zorro-X can also use the ELF2 laser blade but it's pretty weak and not really a concern here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18th. Prilissa Situation: Arena Description: Exceptionally quick hover-leg AC design specifically geared toward mobile combat tactics. Capable of executing relentless attacks from mid-range. Bet - 85,000c Pot - 170,000c(102,000c) AC Name - Merciless Armoring Parts: YH14-STING YC07-CRONUS CR-A94FL CR-LN91HM Motive Parts: CR-G91 CR-R92 Attacking Parts: CR-F73H WB06M-SPARTOI WR05L-SHADE CR-YWH05R3 Specific Parts: SYAMANA CR-E82SS2 AI tactics: Mid-range preference, SHADE/R3 weapon preference, ground boost movement preference. Strategy: Prilissa is another hover AC but better than A.U.Rick. SHADE and R3 are able to deal good AP damage if they connect on a regular basis. If you have not tried them, use the ground torpedo parts. They are very capable in terms of breaking leg parts, especially hover-leg units. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17th. Mr. Keepless Situation: Site-S Description: Middleweight, two-leg AC design with respectable firepower and good close in rushing performance. Overall mobility is somewhat lacking. Bet - 90,000c Pot - 180,000c(108,000c) AC Name - Jetter Armoring Parts: CR-YH85SR CR-C75U2 CR-A69S CR-LH92S3 Motive Parts: CR-G91 ANANDA B02-VULTURE Attacking Parts: CR-F91DSN WB11M-HYDRA CR-WB78GL YWH13M-NIX YWL16LB-ELF3 Specific Parts: None. *Equipped with OP-I* AI tactics: Close/Mid-range preference, variable weapon preference, ground boost movement preference. Able to adapt to player tactics. Strategy: Hey, it's the Phoenix AC from the original Armored Core! By now, you should notice a pattern with these remakes of intro ACs.. they can all fight well in their ranges of choice and use all weapons equally. The GL is the only danger in this fight, the NIX and ELF3 being the next biggest threats. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16th. Warlord Situation: Born City Description: Lightweight, reverse-joint AC design equipped with missile launchers for long-range battles and machine gun weapon arms for short-range fights. Bet - 100,000c Pot - 200,000c(120,000c) *Part reward: ANANDA* AC Name - Ticktock Armoring Parts: H10-CICADA2 CR-C89E CR-WA69MG LR04-GAZELLE Motive Parts: FUDOH ANANDA CR-B81 Attacking Parts: MF04-COWRY MAGORAGA CR-WB73MV Specific Parts: CR-I80BD2 E06RM-GAR2 AI tactics: Close/Long-range preference, variable weapon preference, aerial boost movement preference. Strategy: Warlord has some nice weaponry and can fight decently at close and long range. The MG machine gun arms hurt a lot but can be avoided by staying away. That leaves the missiles but those can be handled easily by any sort of missile defense. The standard hit-and-run tactic works well here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15th. Flip-Flop Situation: Training Space Description: Middleweight, two-leg design equipped with a shield and various solid round weaponry. Unit's firepower effectively raises opponent's temperature levels. Bet - 110,000c Pot - 220,000c(132,000c) AC Name - O-MICRON Armoring Parts: YH15-DRONE YC08-ICURUS CR-A94FL LH09-COUGAR2 Motive Parts: CR-G91 ANANDA CR-B81 Attacking Parts: CR-F82D2 WB11M-HYDRA CR-WB78GL CR-WR93RL FUTEN Specific Parts: CR-E81AM *Equipped with OP-I* AI tactics: Mid/Long-range preference, variable weapon preference, Overboost movement preference. Able to adapt to player tactics. Strategy: AC2's futuristic intro AC is your next opponent. While it is not a true remake(no KARASAWA), it functions as well with the RL linear rifle(which looks similar to the AC2 KARASAWA). Flip-Flop uses the OB function a lot to either engage with the GL or retreat and use the HYDRAs. The RL is a threat as you've seen with No. 2448 but Flip-Flop doesn't use it as much as No. 2448. Avoid using energy weapons.. the FUTEN energy shield can easily knock down the damage of such weapons significantly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14th. Reverse Situation: Open Arena Description: Heavyweight, quad-leg design built to withstand a great deal of punishment. Unit is capable of inflicting massive amounts of damage at close-range. Bet - 120,000c Pot - 240,000c(144,000c) AC Name - Scarlet Spider Armoring Parts: H09-SPIDER C04-ATLAS CR-A72F LF04-LIZARD Motive Parts: FUDOH RAGORA B05-GULL Attacking Parts: MF04-COWRY CR-WB82SG2 CR-WB75RP WR07M-PIXIE3 YWH13M-NIX Specific Parts: I05D-MEDUSA AI tactics: Close-range preference, PIXIE3 weapon preference, boost hop movement preference. Strategy: Reverse is another quad design, but with an emphasis on machine guns. It can deal a lot of damage with the SG2 slug gun but only up close. Stay afar and pelt Reverse with your shots. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13th. -1 Situation: Arena Description: Lightweight, two-leg AC designed as a high-speed, quick-strike unit. Poor defense stats prevent it from faring very well in prolonged encounters. Bet - 130,000c Pot - 260,000c(156,000c) AC Name - Quartz Clock Armoring Parts: CR-H06XS-EYE4 CR-YC010/UL2 CR-A88FG CR-LH99XS Motive Parts: CR-G91 ANANDA CR-B83TP Attacking Parts: MIROKU CR-WB87GLL CR-YWH05R3 YWL16LB-ELF3 Specific Parts: ANOKU *Equipped with OP-I* AI tactics: Close-range preference, variable weapon preference, Overboost/ground boost movement preference. Able to adapt to player tactics. Strategy: It's the lightweight AC from Another Age! -1 is an AC built for rapid attack maneuvers and it shows. -1 enjoys using OB to close distance and attack with the GLL and R3 weapons. -1 also blades quite well with the ELF3, which is more dangerous with a speed-based AC setup. Fortunately, its overall strength is lacking and once it runs out of GLL and R3 ammo, -1 is an easy kill. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12th. Big Fat Daddy Situation: Site-S Description: Heavyweight, reverse-joint AC design emphasizing defensive capability. The unit performs best when engaging opponents from mid-range. Bet - 140,000c Pot - 280,000c(168,000c) AC Name - Paradiso Armoring Parts: CR-H81S4 CR-C89E A09-LEMUR2 CR-LRJ90A2 Motive Parts: CR-G91 CR-R92 B02-VULTURE Attacking Parts: MF03-VOLUTE2 KARURA CR-WB69RA CR-WH05RLA CR-YWH05R3 Specific Parts: CR-I79DD CR-E73RM AI tactics: Mid-range preference, variable weapon preference, boost hop movement preference. Strategy: Big Fat Daddy is a tough customer. Not only does Big Fat Daddy have solid defense stats, it has decent solid weaponry. The KARURA + RM missiles can be overwhelming without missile defense and the RLA/R3/89E combo of rifles are just as dangerous. Dual wielding with an EO core is your best choice here, along with some missile defense. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11th. Sir Fire Situation: Underground Works Description: Middleweight, two-leg design built to achieve a healthy balance between mobility and firepower. Weapon load out is geared toward mid-range combat. Bet - 150,000c Pot - 300,000c(180,000c) *Part reward: CR-B83TP* AC Name - Dirty Slime Armoring Parts: CR-H97XS-EYE CR-C75U2 CR-A71S2 CR-LH80S2 Motive Parts: G01-LOTUS ANANDA B03-VULTURE2 Attacking Parts: MONJU WB04M-NYMPHE2 CR-WB78GL WR04M-PIXIE2 CR-WL69LB Specific Parts: CR-E90AM2 *Equipped with OP-I* AI tactics: Mid-range preference, variable weapon preference, variable movement preference. Able to adapt to player tactics. Strategy: It's the poster boy AC from Armored Core 3! Sir Fire's setup is built for endurance with its high-ammo weaponry. The GL hurts as usual, but it isn't the main threat. The PIXIE2 machine gun is and it will take off a lot of AP if most rounds connect. As with the other intro AC remakes, be careful and hit them hard. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10th. Crezner Situation: Training Space Description: Heavyweight, tank-leg AC bristling with a wide selection of hard-hitting weapons. Lack of mobility is offset by the unit's exceptional firepower. Bet - 160,000c Pot - 320,000c(192,000c) AC Name - Broken Stone Armoring Parts: YH08-MANTIS C05-SELENA A07-LEMUR2 CR-LT78A Motive Parts: KUJAKU FURUNA Attacking Parts: MONJU CR-WB94MB2 CR-WB75SG CR-WH05BP WL13L-GORGON Specific Parts: I07D-MEDUSA2 AI tactics: Mid-range preference, variable weapon preference, small boost movement preference. Strategy: Crezner is another tank AC with some hard-hitting weapons. It's just too bad Crezner barely boosts and is easy to pick off with a laser blade. Just don't attack face-to-face.. Crezner's weapons will chew your AC up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9th. Caricature Situation: Open Arena Description: Lightweight, two-leg design equipped with a devastatingly powerful blade. The unit's mobility enables it to run circles around opponents. Bet - 170,000c Pot - 340,000c(204,000c) AC Name - Life Is Mine Armoring Parts: YH15-DRONE CR-C98E2 CR-A92XS YLH11-VIXEN Motive Parts: CR-G91 ANANDA B03-VULTURE2 Attacking Parts: MF04-COWRY CR-WB91LGL WH10M-SILKY WL-MOONLIGHT Specific Parts: SYAMANA *Equipped with OP-I* AI tactics: Close-range preference, variable weapon preference, boost hop movement preference. Strategy: Caricature is fast and uses the LGL linear gun to get closer and swipe you with the MOONLIGHT. Caricature's SILKY energy machine gun spreads too much for the rounds to connect and it leaves Caricature out of energy. While recovering energy, Caricature is unable to attack thus use this opportunity to pound Caricature. You can try blading Caricature in this state.. just don't miss or you'll receive a nice MOONLIGHT counter in return. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8th. Barry Manx Situation: Arena Description: Heavyweight, two-leg design that is more about style than function. Unit equips some hard-hitting weapons, but is lacking in defense and mobility. Bet - 180,000c Pot - 360,000c(216,000c) AC Name - B. Boss Armoring Parts: CR-H05XS-EYE3 C06-EOS A06-GIBBON2 CR-LH81AP Motive Parts: KUJAKU RAGORA B04-BIRDIE2 Attacking Parts: MIROKU CR-WB85MPX CR-WB85MPX CR-WR88G2 CR-WL95G Specific Parts: None. *Equipped with OP-I* AI tactics: Mid-range preference, variable weapon preference, variable movement preference. Strategy: Barry Manx is all about heavy firepower. Barry Manx has two MPX large missile launchers with the G2 and G grenade launchers. Fortunately, the MPX missiles can be easily beaten with missile defense and the grenade launchers have slow shot velocities. Aside from these, stick with a speed-based AC and you'll have no trouble beating Barry Manx. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7th. BJ Situation: Site-S Description: Middleweight, two-leg AC model with exceptional handling performance. The unit's diverse weapon load out enables it to fight effectively at any range. Bet - 190,000c Pot - 380,000c(228,000c) AC Name - Cascade Range Armoring Parts: CR-H06SR2 CR-C90U3 CR-A92XS CR-LH80S2 Motive Parts: CR-G91 ANANDA B03-VULTURE2 Attacking Parts: MONJU CR-WB82RP3 WB11M-HYDRA YWH16HR-PYTHON CR-WL06LB4 Specific Parts: I07D-MEDUSA2 *Equipped with OP-I* AI tactics: Variable range preference, variable weapon preference, variable movement preference. Able to adapt to player tactics. Strategy: Now, you can take on LR's poster boy AC! BJ uses all weapons well and to the point the individual weapons increase each other's offensive potential. BJ also adapts to your tactics faster than prior VR Arena opponents so do your best to avoid making big mistakes. Oh, and don't try to get in the face of BJ when the PYTHON is charging.. you might get a surprise from the PYTHON being cancelled into an LB4 slash. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6th. Certainty Situation: Abandoned Factory Description: Quad-leg AC model equipped with an abundance of hard-hitting weaponry. Close-range attacks using a grenade launcher are its forte. Bet - 200,000 Pot - 400,000(240,000c) *Part reward: YWH14PU-ROC4(left)* AC Name - Grim Beast Armoring Parts: H02-WASP2 CR-C90U3 A03-GIBBON CR-LF93A2 Motive Parts: KUJAKU ANANDA B04-BIRDIE2 Attacking Parts: CR-F91DSN CR-WB78GL CR-WB72CGL CR-WR88G2 YWH13M-NIX CR-WH01HP Specific Parts: None. *Equipped with OP-I* AI tactics: Close/Mid-range preference, variable weapon preference, aerial boost movement preference. Strategy: Certainty is a nice foe, using a mix of high-power grenades with fast-reload machine guns. By now, you should know how to handle foes that prefer to stay in the air. Note that the area is huge and you can use the pillars to your advantage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5th. Code: Crimson Situation: Marine Base Description: Middleweight, two-leg AC design that completely forgoes defensive stats in favor of increased attack capability. Unit performs best at mid-range. Bet - 220,000c Pot - 440,000c(264,000c) *Part reward: WH04HL-KRSW(left)* AC Name - Baby's Breath Armoring Parts: YH12-MAYFLY CR-C98E2 A05-LANGUR CR-LH80S2 Motive Parts: CR-G91 ANANDA CR-B83TP Attacking Parts: MIROKU MAGORAGA CR-WB78GL CR-WR93RL CR-WL69LB Specific Parts: None. *Equipped with OP-I* AI tactics: Mid-range preference, variable weapon preference, variable movement preference. Strategy: Hey, it's Nineball from Ninebreaker! Well, a much weaker version of that well-known AC. Code: Crimson's only threat is the RL linear rifle. Unlike the other RL users like No. 2448, Code: Crimson is a good shot with the weapons. Fortunately, Code: Crimson does not abuse it too much like No. 2448. Standard AC tactics work well here and don't worry about the GL on Code: Crimson's back. You will rarely see it fired unless you stand still long enough. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4th. Susanoo Situation: Dune Description: Hover-leg AC model designed to offer balanced performance stats. The unit is highly mobile and performs best in mid-range encounters. Bet - 240,000c Pot - 480,000c(288,000c) *Part reward: YA10-LORIS* AC Name - April Fool's Armoring Parts: CR-YH85SR CR-C83UA A06-GIBBON2 LN04-WALRUS2 Motive Parts: CR-G91 CR-R92 Attacking Parts: CR-F82D2 WB14RG-LADON WB20M-EMPUSA2 WR14R-PHANTOM WH01R-GAST Specific Parts: SYAMANA CR-E73RM *Equipped with OP-I* AI tactics: Mid/Long-range preference, variable weapon preference, ground boost movement preference. Strategy: Susanoo is your last hover AC in the VR Arena.. and still prone to having the hover leg destroyed via ground torpedoes. Susanoo has a wide variety of weapons, but are not very threatening or damaging. Standard AC tactics will suffice here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3rd. Moonlight Situation: Spaceport Description: Tank-leg AC with excellent long-range combat performance. The unit's arsenal includes multiple energy-based weapons capable of inflicting heavy damage. Bet - 260,000c Pot - 520,000c(312,000c) *Part reward: WR22PL-OGRE2* AC Name - Neon Might Armoring Parts: H09-SPIDER YC08-ICURUS CR-A89AG CR-LT81A2 Motive Parts: KUJAKU FURUNA Attacking Parts: CR-F91DSN CR-WBW98LX WH08RS-FENRIR WH02RS-WYRM Specific Parts: I07D-MEDUSA2 JIREN *Equipped with OP-I* AI tactics: Long-range preference, variable weapon preference, small boost movement preference. Strategy: Moonlight is your last tank AC and a deadly one to boot. All of its weapons may have low ammo, but they all deal large amounts of damage. Especially the LX laser cannon, which you should know how dangerous they are if you fought a certain Raven in Story Mode. Moonlight is severely lacking in missile defense and unlike No. 2448, Moonlight will have a hard time being able to dodge any missile. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2nd. Moody.M Situation: Central River Description: Middleweight, two-leg model built for speed and agility. Unit is capable of carrying out deadly high-mobility attack runs using its equipped laser rifle. Bet - 280,000c Pot - 560,000c(336,000c) *Part reward: YH12-MAYFLY* AC Name - NOVA-RG Armoring Parts: H10-CICADA2 YC07-CRONUS A09-LEMUR2 LH07-DINGO2 Motive Parts: CR-G91 ANANDA B03-VULTURE2 Attacking Parts: MIROKU WB06M-SPARTOI WR09HL-SPIRIT CR-WL88S2 Specific Parts: I05D-MEDUSA JIKYOH *Equipped with OP-I* AI tactics: Mid/Long-range preference, variable weapon preference, ground boost movement preference. Able to adapt to player tactics. Strategy: Moody.M is a great fighter and utilizes all weapons well. Moody.M likes to switch ranges a lot to help shots connect while yours misses. The SPIRIT is the big gun to watch out for in this match. Like Moonlight, Moody.M lacks missile defense but is an excellent dodger in that regard. Try using a combo of dual arm weapons, an EO core, and missiles. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1st. Daemon Situation: Cyber Space Description: Middleweight, two-leg AC design with an overall high level of performance. The unit's close-range aerial combat ability is exceptional. Bet - 300,000 Pot - 600,000c(360,000c) *Part reward: CR-YC010/UL2* AC Name - Lucifer Armoring Parts: CR-H06XS-EYE4 CR-C98E2 A09-LEMUR2 LH09-COUGAR2 Motive Parts: CR-G91 ANANDA B03-VULTURE2 Attacking Parts: MONJU CR-WB91LGL CR-WB91LGL WH10M-SILKY YWH13M-NIX Specific Parts: SYAMANA *Equipped with OP-I* AI tactics: Close-range preference, LGL weapon preference, aerial boost movement preference. Able to adapt to player's tactics. Strategy: Ah, you can now take on the top ranker of the VR Arena! Daemon certaintly is no pushover and will mercilessly attack you at any time. Daemon is most deadly once in close-range where the LGL and the multiple machine gun-type weapons connect the most. Stability is an issue here due to the LGL, but so is a good solid defense. To win, use a setup that can match Daemon's speed, dual arm weapons that can outdamage the weapon setup, and the aforementioned stability to help resist the stun power of the LGL. Good luck! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. CREDITS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks to: - GameFAQs obviously - From Software for the AC series - Others who helped contribute information, especially my friends(you know who you are) This FAQ copyright 2006 to Angelo Pineda. Redistribution in any form, including reprinting in electronic or print media, without express permission of the author is strictly forbidden.