###################################################################### #========##========##===##===##========##========##========##=====#### #==####==##==####==##========##==####==##==####==##==########==##==### #========##========##==#==#==##==####==##========##======####==###==## #==####==##==##==####==#==#==##==####==##==##==####==########==##==### #==####==##==###==###==####==##========##==###==###========##=====#### ###################################################################### #########========######========######========######========########### #########==####==######==####==######==####==######==################# #########==############==####==######========######======############# #########==####==######==####==######==##==########==################# #########========######========######==###==#######========########### ###################################################################### #########==############========######========######========########### #########==############==####==######==###############==############## #########==############========######========#########==############## #########==############==####==############==#########==############## #########========######==####==######========#########==############## ###################################################################### #####========#####========#####==####==#####========#####===###==##### #####==####==#####==####==######==##==######==###########====##==##### #####========#####========#######====#######======#######==#==#==##### #####==##==#######==####==#######====#######==###########==##====##### #####==##==#######==####==########==########========#####==###===##### ###################################################################### Why should you use this FAQ? +To beat all the missions +To get set ups for S ranking missions +To get all the parts +To see a checklist of all the parts +To see ALL the parts +Pretty maps +How to 100% (136%) the game What isn't in this guide? -Controls -Perfect English, although I speak it. Version History... V.1: Completed all of the "VR" arena, One Mission Path, All of the parts (although some may have mistakes...), and most importantly, the mission layout. The point of this early post is mainly the layout... with way to reach every mission and a quick guide for hidden parts. V.2 Completed the "Evan", "Pulv1", and "Levi" routes. V.3 Completed all regular story routes. V.4 Completed all Arena (EX included) and enemy section. Armored Core Last Raven Table of Contents (Put a "~" in front of what ever you put in the find, to Find hold in "control" and press F) Don't worry, there is sub tables when you get there. -Intro -Tips -Mission Set Up ---(Quicker 100%) -Walk Through -Arena --- (VR Arena) -Enemies -Shop/Checklist -Parts -Ending -Credits -Copyright [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #######========####===###==####========####========####========####### ##########==#######====##==#######==#######==####==####==####==####### ##########==#######==#==#==#######==#######========####==####==####### ##########==#######==##====#######==#######==##==######==####==####### #######========####==###===#######==#######==###==#####========####### ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Intro... Hello, and welcome to my 10th FAQ for Armored Core. This is Last Raven, also the 10th game in the series. Now here is what to expect... Part Breaking: Taken nearly from Silent Line, but a bit a twist. Weapons and extensions don't get broken anymore... rather your "AP" parts. You'll have a little robot hud, explained in the manual... Heads: Once lost, Radar will go fizzy and your ECM counter will lower. Core: Can't be broken, but AMS and EO/OB will not at fully work. Arms: The arm blown off will lose everything equipped to it. While damaged, acc. will go down. Legs: Turning, Movement speed, and Stab. will go down. If you lose a part in a mission, you must buy it again... sucks for not getting the warranty. Also, I sure everyone knows this by now: The enemy AI is actually good this time... Dodging and countering, trust me. Accuracy is toned down, many more with the EO's. OBing takes a lot less heat when you boost at the beginning... helps. Mission structure is a bit more complex. And a question: To convert or Not? As explained in the manual, if you convert, you pose the risk of losing previously (still) hidden and things not bought (Although I received my Handgun{Hidden in the one training exercise in Nexus} and burst missile pack {If Nexus is uploaded to Ninebreaker you can't get this part due to some odd reason I don't want ever written to me} in the shop). Also, they strip you of all credits, tunes (which are free, so no biggie), and make every part "USED". Now if you have a complete file from Nexus, converted to Nine- breaker, it won't pose a treat to import... other than AC faith and moral issue on difficulty. If you don't own either, then your choice is "Not", which means you'll have to track down more hidden parts. If you need to know controls, open that thing called an instruction manual. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### ########========#######========#######========#######========######### ###########==#############==##########==####==#######==############### ###########==#############==##########========#######========######### ###########==#############==##########==###################==######### ###########==##########========#######==#############========######### ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Tips New to my FAQ fold, I'm offering "Tips". Now, often times something can give a player trouble with there ability in actual combat and in designing... (Assuming you are using the default settings, if you aren't, you should be... Default is "Type B"... I honeslty don't care to help people using "Type A") >>>"I'm having trouble keeping the Enemy in my lock box" Not being to avidly keep a lock can hurt you very much... in not being able to deal consitant damage, not getting missiles off, and not gett- ing a "red lock" (With sniper rifles, most back cannons...) VS Set up: ---Making a faster turning AC will let you keep a target in close range better... the CODON Opt part will help as well. ---The type of FCS matters greatly... the size of the box is ultim- atly effected by the type... if the enemy slips out too much, try using a "Wide & Shallow FCS." Remember to check your weapons max lock range to see if they are going to get cut. ---Again, same thing with weapons, the general rule of thumb, a sniper rifle shouldn't be used if you can't hit with it... If you are having trouble keeping a lock, try not to use a lot of "Narrow & Deep" or "Special" weapons. ---Using two guns will often reduce your lock box... think before loading a left arm gun... But don't forget, a Wide & Shallow type lefty will make your lock box bigger if combined with a Narrow & deep, but will reduce your overall lock range. ---Choose the right shape FCS too, if you are going to be flying a lot or agaisnt a flying enemy, don't use a sideways lock... VS Skill: ---One common mistake is looking up and down... to practice this, just go into a level and focus on it... try not to stay on the ground for starters... ---If using a large lock box, you can just adjust your height along with the target. ---If you have "Armored Core: Nine Breaker" the Lock-on Skill trainer is worth doing. ---On of the biggest reasons I say "Choose a hard hitting Left arm gun" is so you aren't displacing your hands enough to make looking down a hassle. >>>"I'm getting raped by incoming fire!" Not being able to dodge really can hurt you... literally. VS Set up: ---Using lighter parts can help you move faster. ---Conversly, using high defense parts can negate needed to dodge everything... except you need to kill things faster to make it worth it. ---Using faster boosters (Remember to keep heat at a good level) ---If against missiles, remember to factor in if you should be using a core with AMS, extentsions, or decoys. VS Skill: ---The first to thing in learning how to dodge, how the FCS system works... If you are locked on (and trust me, the AI will lock on to you...) all shots will travel where you are going. If you change direction, it will miss... if you are at a reasonable range. ---Boost hopping in many directions can throw off many rapid fire weapons' consistancy. ---If you are dodging missiles, make sure you boost to one direction, then at the latest moments, change to the opposite... you'll find out most missiles will completely miss and hit the ground. >>>"I'm overheating like a fat kid in the desert!" Overheating is a big mistake in this game... as not only can it eat away your AP... but it can drain your energy as well. VS Set up: ---NO ifs, ands, or buts... MARISHI STAYS ON! ---A better radiator can't hurt. ---As with the Rad, the Generator (C value) and booster should also be taken into consideration. ---If you like your current set up, tune for cooling if heat is too high. VS Skill: ---Don't get hit in general too much. ---When boosting, don't repeatly hit X if you are about to overheat... Constantly activating and deactivating your boosters will generate more heat than simple boosting. ---NEVER start an overboost while normal boosting... you will be on fire. >>>My energy gauge is red, and it's beeping at me! If you charge, you probably are dead in a heated fight... if you aren't, the fight wasn't tough enough to begin with... VS Set up: ---Your generator might be out dated... make sure you equip the best one for your weight/ac... play test to find out how good your refresh is. ---More importantly is what you are using... try not using a lot of parts with High Drain. ---Make sure you boosters aren't too drainy as well. ---Use the CR-O71EC OP for longer hang time. ---Jiren can be a cheap fall back. VS Skill: ---Make sure you aren't using energy weapons too much while flying. ---Same goes for blades and booster extensions. ---Try to feather boost/bunny hop when you aren't in instant danger. ---Over heating can be a major contributor... try not to get hit too much. 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Once you beat the game once, you'll have a greater understanding on how this works, has you'll have access to all completed missions. Now, there are six ways you can end the game: Each route is pretty common knowledge to must people, but good 'ol Vespy is going to do one using the latest techonolgy... English! At the end of this section, I will review the widely accepted easy way first, for people who are just trying to get into the game... Once you do that, simiply follow the charts to get to the next end- ing if you don't want to surprise yourself. Also, if you need cash, you can do these missions over again, to not only get better, but to supe you up as well. (Remember, it's Military time.) Now here is how to follow this part... there is 12 paths I went to to unlock all the mission. (To avoid spoilers... I named them differently) 1: Vs Alliance End Boss 2: Incompete Special Unit Boss 3: Vs Vertex End Boss (Harder route than #7) 4: Massive MTs End Boss 5: Complete Special Unit Boss (Make sure you kill all "Sp. Units") 6: VS Neutral End Boss (Make sure you kill ALL mission AC's) 7: Same as #3(Easier route, avoid all possible mission AC's) 8: Path to "Protect Transport Train" (Restart, kill all, cept in "25") 9: Path to "Investigate Research Lab" (Restart) 10: Path to "Eliminate Plant Intruders" (Restart) 11: Path to "Protect The ECM Devices" (Restart) 12: Path to "Attack Distribution Center" (Kill ALL mission AC's) 13: Secret Mission... 08:00 -------------------------------------------------------------- _______ _______ _______ |01 |02 |03 | | | | | | | | | |_______|_______|_______| 01: Destroy Military Base Take: 1: 01 5: 01 10: 01 Hidden Parts: WH05M-SLYPH (R) 02: Eliminate Intruders Take: 2: 02 4: 02 7: 02 8: 02 9: 02 12: 02 Hidden Parts: RASETSU 03: Distribution Center Recon Take: 3: 03 6: 03 11: 03 Hidden Parts: CR-WBW78R / JIKYOH 10:00 -------------------------------------------------------------- _______ _______ _______ _______ |04 |05 |06 |07 | | | | | | | | | | | |_______|_______|_______|_______| 04: Escort Allied MT Take: 5: 01/04 10: 01/04 Hidden Parts: --- 05: Acquire The Commodity Take: 3: 03/05 11: 03/05 Hidden Parts: CR-YWH05R3 (L) / YWH07-DRAGON (L) 06: Destroy AC Sundial Take: 1: 01/06 4: 02/06 6: 03/06 8: 02/06 9: 02/06 12: 02/06 Hidden Parts: WH10M-SILKY (R) 07: Remove Bridge Defenders Take: 2: 02/07 7: 02/07 Hidden Parts: --- 12:00 -------------------------------------------------------------- _______ _______ _______ |08 |09 |10 | | | | | | | | | |_______|_______|_______| 08: Eliminate The Enemy AC Take: 5: 01/04/08 6: 03/06/08 8: 02/06/08 9: 02/06/08 12: 02/06/08 Hidden Parts: B04-BIRDIE2 / YH15-DRONE 09: Recapture Storage Site Take: 1: 01/06/09 4: 02/06/09 10: 01/04/09 Hidden Parts: WB21M-DRYAD 10: Pursue Withdrawing MT Take: 2: 02/07/10 3: 03/05/10 7: 02/07/10 11: 03/05/10 Hidden Parts: --- 14:00 -------------------------------------------------------------- _______ |11 | _______| |_______ _______ _______ _______ |12 | |13 |14 |15 |16 | | |_______| | | | | | |17 | | | | | |_______| |_______|_______|_______|_______| | | |_______| 11: Retake Distribution Center Take: 3: 03/05/10/11 Hidden Parts: --- 12: Protect The Cargo Take: 2: 02/07/10/12 7: 02/07/10/12 11: 03/05/10/12 Hidden Parts: CR-E82SS2 / CR-WBW98LX 13: Battle Challenge Take: 5: 01/04/08/13 6: 03/06/08/13 8: 02/06/08/13 12: 02/06/08/13 Hidden Parts: CR-LHT92 14: Remove Lab Intruders Take: 4: 02/06/09/14 Hidden Parts: --- 15: Investigate Enemy Activity Take: 1: 01/06/09/15 10: 01/04/09/15 Hidden Parts: --- 16: Investigate Research Lab Take: 9: 02/06/08/16 Hidden Parts: --- 17: Recover The Cargo Take: 3: 03/05/10/11/17 Hidden Parts: --- 16:00 -------------------------------------------------------------- _______ _______ |18 |19 | _______ _______ _______ _______| | | |20 |21 |22 |23 | | | | | | | |_______|_______| | | | | |24 |25 | |_______|_______|_______|_______| | | | | | |_______|_______| 18: Protect Allied Squadron Take: 3: 03/05/10/11/17/18 Hidden Parts: CR-WB03LGL2 19: Destroy The Control Towers Take: 5: 01/04/08/13/19 8: 02/06/08/13/19 12: 02/06/08/13/19 Hidden Parts: YWL03LB-TAROS / KANGI / CR-YC99UL 20: Destroy AC Vigilance Take: 2: 02/07/10/12/20 7: 02/07/10/12/20 11: 03/05/10/12/20 Hidden Parts: WL-MOONLIGHT 21: Destroy Raging Torrent IV Take: 1: 01/06/09/15/21 10: 01/04/09/15/21 Hidden Parts: YASYA 22: Destroy Enemy Squadron Take: 4: 02/06/09/14/22 Hidden Parts: --- 23: Eliminate Enemy Invaders Take: 6: 03/06/08/13/23 Hidden Parts: --- 24: Protect Transport Team Take: 3: 03/05/10/11/17/18/24 Hidden Parts: JIREN 25: Destroy Transport Convoy Take: 5: 01/04/08/13/19/25 8: 02/06/08/13/19/25 12: 02/06/08/13/19/25 Hidden Parts: CR-H06XS-EYE4 / YH14-STING / YC08-ICURUS 18:00 -------------------------------------------------------------- _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ |26 |27 |28 | |29 |30 |31 |32 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |_______|_______|_______|_______|_______|_______|_______|_______|______ _ |33 |34 |35 |36 | |37 |38 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |_______|_______|_______|_______| |_______|_______| 26: Halt Energy Production Take: 2: 02/07/10/12/20/26 7: 02/07/10/12/20/26 Hidden Parts: --- 27: Defend Against Assault Take: 10: 01/04/09/15/21/27 Hidden Parts: CR-R92 / 107D-MEDUSA2 28: Secure The Terminal Area Take: 3: 03/05/10/11/17/18/24/28 11: 03/05/10/12/20/28 Hidden Parts: KARURA / CR-H0X5-EYE3 29: Destroy Suspicious Force Take: 6: 03/06/08/13/23/29 8: 02/06/08/13/19/25/29 12: 02/06/08/13/19/25/29 Hidden Parts: WH10M-SILKY (L) 30: Eliminate Enemy Patrols Take: 5: 01/04/08/13/19/25/30 Hidden Parts: KUJAKU / D03-CODON 31: Destroy Power Generators Take: 1: 01/06/09/15/21/31 Hidden Parts: YH13-LONGHORN 32: Prevent Plant Destruction Take: 4: 02/06/09/14/22/32 Hidden Parts: NICHIRIN (R) 33: Protect The ECM Devices Take: 11: 03/05/10/12/20/28/33 Hidden Parts: --- 34: Rescue Allied Force Take: 3: 03/05/10/11/17/18/24/28/34 Hidden Parts: --- 35: Seize The Airstrip Take: 6: 03/06/08/13/23/29/35 8: 02/06/08/13/19/25/29/35 Hidden Parts: MIROKU 36: Destroy The ECM Devices Take: 5: 01/04/08/13/19/25/30/36 12: 02/06/08/13/19/25/29/36 Hidden Parts: WH11PU-PERYTON (R) 37: Destroy Underground Force Take: 1: 01/06/09/15/21/31/37 Hidden Parts: --- 38: Eliminate Enemy Occupiers Take: 4: 02/06/09/14/22/32/38 Hidden Parts: CR-WH01SP (L) 20:00 -------------------------------------------------------------- _______ _______ _______ _______ |39 |40 |41 |42 | | | | | | | | | | | |_______|_______|_______|_______| 39: Protect Reactor Core Take: 1: 01/06/09/15/21/31/37/39 4: 02/06/09/14/22/32/38/39 10: 01/04/09/15/21/27/39 Hidden Parts: --- 40: Prevent Reactor Meltdown Take: 2: 02/07/10/12/20/26/40 8: 02/06/08/13/19/25/29/35/40 Hidden Parts: KONGOH 41: Destroy Plant's Defenses Take: 3: 03/05/10/11/17/18/24/28/34/41 Hidden Parts: WH03M-FINGER (R) 42: Shutdown Energy Plant Take: 5: 01/04/08/13/19/25/30/36/42 6: 03/06/08/13/23/29/35/42 7: 02/07/10/12/20/26/42 12: 02/06/08/13/19/25/29/36/42 Hidden Parts: FUTEN / CR-WH01SP (R) 22:00 -------------------------------------------------------------- _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ |43 |44 |45 |46 |47 |48 |49 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |_______|_______|_______|_______|_______|_______|_______| 43: Eliminate Targeted Raven Take: 1: 01/06/09/15/21/31/37/39/43 8: 02/06/08/13/19/25/29/35/40/43 12: 02/06/08/13/19/25/29/36/42/43 Hidden Parts: --- 44: Protect The Bridge Take: 3: 03/05/10/11/17/18/24/28/34/41/44 Hidden Parts: --- 45: Track Down Evangel Take: 2: 02/07/10/12/20/26/40/45 7: 02/07/10/12/20/26/42/45 Hidden Parts: CR-I92FMM2 46: Protect Warlord's Forces Take: 5: 01/04/08/13/19/25/30/36/42/46 Hidden Parts: YWH07-DRAGON (R) 47: Eliminate Zinaida Take: 6: 03/06/08/13/23/29/35/42/47 Hidden Parts: YWH14PU-ROC4 / WH08RS-FENRIR (R) 48: Destroy Air Assault Force Take: 4: 02/06/09/14/22/32/38/39/48 Hidden Parts: --- 49: Destroy The Bridge Take: 10: 01/04/09/15/21/27/39/49 Hidden Parts: --- 00:00 -------------------------------------------------------------- _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ |50 |51 |52 |53 |54 |55 |56 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |_______|_______|_______|_______|_______|_______|_______| 50: Eliminate Sorcerer Take: 1: 01/06/09/15/21/31/37/39/43/50 2: 02/07/10/12/20/26/40/45/50 4: 02/06/09/14/22/32/38/39/48/50 6: 03/06/08/13/23/29/35/42/47/50 Hidden Parts: YWH13M-NIX (R) / CR-WA91MSM / WR24L-SHADE2 51: Protect Transport Train Take: 8: 02/06/08/13/19/25/29/35/40/43/51 Hidden Parts: --- 52: Defeat Evangel Take: 7: 02/07/10/12/20/26/42/45/52 Hidden Parts: WH03M-FINGER (L) 53: Help Allied MT Escape Take: 3: 03/05/10/11/17/18/24/28/34/41/44/53 Hidden Parts: --- 54: Destroy Transport Train Take: 5: 01/04/08/13/19/25/30/36/42/46/54 Hidden Parts: CR-WH01HP (R) 55: Attack Distribution Center Take: 12: 02/06/08/13/19/25/29/36/42/43/55 Hidden Parts: LN01-SEAL 56: Eliminate Plant Intruders Take: 10: 01/04/09/15/21/27/39/49/56 Hidden Parts: FUNI 02:00 -------------------------------------------------------------- _______ |57 | _______ _______ _______ _______ _______| | |58 |59 |60 |61 |62 | | | | | | | |_______| | | | | | |63 | |_______|_______|_______|_______|_______| | | | |_______| 57: Defeat The Invading Force Take: 5: 01/04/08/13/19/25/30/36/42/46/54/57 6: 03/06/08/13/23/29/35/42/47/50/57 Hidden Parts: CR-WB03MV 58: Investigate Recent Attack Take: 2: 02/07/10/12/20/26/40/45/50/58 Hidden Parts: WH08RS-FENRIR (L) 59: Destroy Research Facility Take: 3: 03/05/10/11/17/18/24/28/34/41/44/53/59 Hidden Parts: --- 60: Retrieve Research Data Take: 7: 02/07/10/12/20/26/42/45/52/60 Hidden Parts: WH11PU-PERYTON (L) 61: Launch Preemptive Strike Take: 1: 01/06/09/15/21/31/37/39/43/50/61 Hidden Parts: CR-WR81B2 (R) 62: Intercept Enemy AC Take: 4: 02/06/09/14/22/32/38/39/48/50/62 Hidden Parts: YWL16LB-ELF3 / CR-WR93RL 63: Attack The Advancing Force Take: 6: 03/06/08/13/23/29/35/42/47/50/57/63 Hidden Parts: YWH13M-NIX (L) / WH04HL-KRSW (R) 04:00 -------------------------------------------------------------- _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ |64 |65 |66 |67 | |68 | | | | | |_______| | | | | | |69 | | |_______|_______|_______|_______| |_______| _______ |70 |71 |72 |73 | |74 | |75 | | | | | |_______| | | | | | | | | | | | | |_______|_______|_______|_______| |_______| |_______| 64: Shutdown Defense Systems Take: 3: 03/05/10/11/17/18/24/28/34/41/44/53/59/64 7: 02/07/10/12/20/26/42/45/52/60/64 Hidden Parts: CR-H95EE 65: Destroy AC Sight Hawk Take: 2: 02/07/10/12/20/26/40/45/50/58/65 Hidden Parts: CR-H95EE 66: Destroy AC Heaven's Ray Take: 5: 01/04/08/13/19/25/30/36/42/46/54/57/66 Hidden Parts: --- 67: Eliminate Airborne Force Take: 6: 03/06/08/13/23/29/35/42/47/50/57/63/67 Hidden Parts: CR-WB87GLL 68: Safeguard Industrial Area Take: 4: 02/06/09/14/22/32/38/39/48/50/62/68 Hidden Parts: MF04-COWRY 69: Eliminate AC Intruder Take: 1: 01/06/09/15/21/31/37/39/43/50/61/69 Hidden Parts: CR-YWB05MV2 70: Defeat Jack-O Take: 3: 03/05/10/11/17/18/24/28/34/41/44/53/59/64/70 7: 02/07/10/12/20/26/42/45/52/60/64/70 Hidden Parts: WB18M-CENTAUR 71: Underground Investigation Take: 2: 02/07/10/12/20/26/40/45/50/58/65/71 Hidden Parts: YH08-MANTIS 72: Shutdown Internecine Take: 5: 01/04/08/13/19/25/30/36/42/46/54/57/66/72 Hidden Parts: CR-C06U5 / CR-WL06LB4 73: Destroy The Internecine Take: 6: 03/06/08/13/23/29/35/42/47/50/57/63/67/73 Hidden Parts: CR-YC03U4 / YWH16HR-PYTHON 74: Stop Last Assault Attempt Take: 4: 02/06/09/14/22/32/38/39/48/50/62/68/74 Hidden Parts: YWB3SL-GERYON3 75: Destroy The Pulverizer Take: 13: 01/02/03/04/05/06/07/08/09/10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/20 21/22/23/24/25/26/27/28/29/30/31/32/33/34/35/36/37/38/39/40/41/42/43 44/45/46/47/48/49/50/51/52/53/54/55/56/57/58/59/60/61/62/63/64/65/66 67/68/69/70/71/72/73/74/75 Hidden Parts: CR-H06SR2 06:00 -------------------------------------------------------------- Now, this is going to be an "easy" first run... now read this if you are not converting... First things first, go to Garage -> Cockpit... change your color and make sure you switch on everything but the altimeter. You will be taking path #7 (02/07/10/12/20/26/42/45/52/60/64/70)... the idea is to beat one path... once you do that, you'll be able to replay any of them you want... which means credits! Next to do, have a spending spree with that free 300,000C! Remember, parts you buy and use sell for less... and you can't sell default parts. I bought the H10-CICADA2(HEAD), R04-LAUREL(RAD), and CR-WL88LB3 (Left arm laser blade). The blade is for the next mission... you'll need some thing strong... the Radiator you will need eventually... I choose the head for the mapping... (hey I am writing an FAQ...) in other words, you don't need a head yet... Now equip the rad, blade, and what ever else you bought, and don't forget to tune the Rad and which ever could be. Now take the mission "Eliminate Intruders" find the mission in the walkthrough via find... it's not a hard mission, but there is a hidden part you should get... (Play mission Eliminate Intruders, then return here) Once you are done with the mission, sell that part... I haven't a clue onto why they hide parrying blades... Any ways, I'm buying the B03-VULTURE2 (Booster) and the G01-LOTUS (Generator). You should have enough, remember to tune for cooling and booster heat as well. Once you are done, take the mission "Remove Bridge Defenders." After the mission, I felt like buying better Arms... buy either the CR-A82SL or A05-LANGUR... other than price, it's lower drain/ E defense or Higher drain/E supply (Blade aptitude). I went with the LANGUR since I'm rich. Once you are done, that the mission "Pursue Withdrawing MT." Now this next mission coming up, you really need to hustle... so change your legs. I either the LH01-LYNX, LH02-LYNX2, LH04-DINGO... I'm going to use the DINGO, since they proceed my favorite legs. Make sure you get both hidden parts in this mission. Take mission "Protect The Cargo" Now, I bought these CR-WH79M2 (R arm Machine Gun), CR-E92RM3 (Exten- sion relation missiles), and the CR-F69 (FCS, although not too great, cheaper than the others.) (Now you may want to take stronger base missiles, or a weapon on your left arm: I don't have too much ammo here... but really, take what you want.) Take mission "Destroy AC Vigilance" Now hopefully you can manage to take Vigil out with little trouble. The next mission isn't too hard, and is set in doors. I keep the Moonlight and sold the other blade. I bought the WR01R-SHADOW to replace the old rifle. I also bought these optional parts: O01-AMINO, CR-O69ES, CR-O69SS, CR-O71EC, and MARISHI... you should have enough money to buy them all. Before you start this mission, decide is you want to take "extra" mission before you leave the garage... if you do, keep missiles on just in case... but the rifle/blade will still work. Take "Halt Energy Production" Now hopefully you took the extra mission and won yourself a mad amount of credits. For the next mission, buy what ever your heart desires... or be like me and save it... But if you are afraid of the mission before hand, stock up... Now I will tell you, there is an option to fight TWO (Not one, but TWO) extra enemies. If you are new to the game, I wouldn't recomend it.. and you don't need to. For this FAQ, I'm not killing both of them... trust me, you'll be going through this mission many times. Do pick up the new hidden part though. Take "Shutdown Energy Plant" Ok, sell that energy shield... there is no need for it. (You should of picked up the FUTEN) Nothing is really needed for this need mission but make sure you keep the SHADOW and a blade. Make sure you pick up this hidden part as well. For the next mission you are fighting an AC... you need to make a fast AC able to compete at long range. I'm not going to baby you with this mission... (although a sniper rifle or a bazooka can help). Take "Track Down Evangel" The next mission isn't anything hard... make sure you have a head with a bio sensor... Take "Retrieve Research Data" The next two missions all you can take... no more branching paths. Read my FAQ for details... That should wrap up your first play-through... hope this helped. Now since you have some cash, I would try your best at the arena. For the majority of the S ranks, I would highly recomend collecting both "HP" revolver handguns (42 shots), the Codon/Kangi Optional part, and the 9 per lock micro missile pack. Also, if my "first timer" strat is too vague, use any of the S rank set ups, or as best as you can replicate them. Also getting the JIREN and as many parts as possible can really help. One VERY important thing... if you don't see my TUNE for anything, I tuned everything for cooling. (Cooling/Booster heat) [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #===##===##========##========##========##========##========##===###==# #========#####==#####==########==###########==#####==####==##====##==# #==#==#==#####==#####========##========#####==#####==####==##==#==#==# #==####==#####==###########==########==#####==#####==####==##==##====# #==####==##========##========##========##========##========##==###===# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 01: Destroy Military Base Commission: "The target of this mission is an Alliance military installation." "Still in the midst of construction, Camp Fortherd is poorly defended and vulnerable to attack." "Now is the perfect time for us to strike. This will be a timed operation, so stay focused and work quickly." "Keep in mind that you'll be compensated based on the results of your actions." Requester: Vertex Operation Area: Camp Fortherd Objective: Destroy the installation Reward: 0c Walkthrough: If it is your first time through, just get the hidden part and destroy what ever you can. Bringing along the 30 shot small rockets, a blade and a rifle. First things to do: Kill EVERYTHING you can lock on to. Right from the beginning you can lock on to several things on the ground... Destroy them all. Once you do, look for the part if you need it. After that, just go around destroying everything you can... Trucks and tents can be ran over, boxes and beams should be rocketed, and pillars and shelves should be bladed. One main thing to note, the pillars you can blade are in the middle structure... they may be hard to see, but you can easily just blade all of them and remember for next time. Once you destroy everything, just kill those planes. IF you want to beat this mission with ease, you can simply chill under the middle area... it's fun to watch your lock box disappear while you "aim-less" turn :P Old Hidden Parts: WH05M-SLYPH (R): If you go on the second level of the structure, you will see a box next to the wall from the building. It is behind this box. The box is againt the wall... if you are looking to the west. -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- YH12-MAYFLY Core ---------- YC07-CRONUS Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- CR-LH74M Booster ------- CR-B83TP FCS ----------- MF03-VOLUTE2 Generator ----- G01-LOTUS Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- --- Back Unit R --- CR-WB69RO Back Unit L --- --- Arm Unit R ---- CR-YWH05RS Arm Unit L ---- WL14LB-ELF2 Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/CR-O71EC/O03-CODON/MARISHI S rank Walkthrough: First order of business is to use your rifle to destroy all the targets on the ground level. You know, the ones you can lock on to. Once they are out of the way, make your way to the middile building. When you are here, take out all the grates on the bottom level, the two "hidden" pillars as listed in the first timer section. Also, be sure to locate the box on the second level... the one in front of the hidden/would be hidden part. After you are done with that, now it's time to head around the area around the building. Run over trucks and tents... you may blade the boxes or use the rockets. Make sure to locate the truck next to one of those undestroyable targets as well. Once you are done, kill the planes to minimize your damage. If you get 100,000c you'll most likely get an S rank. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 02: Eliminate Intruders Commission: "Raven, an unknown force has invaded the Old Nire Indust- rial Area of Circ-City." "Although they're few in number, we shouldn't take any chances now that the declared attack time is so close at hand." "Those who encroach on our terriory must be dealt with firmly." "Make sure all of the intruders are eliminated." Requester: Vertex Operation Area: Old Nire Industrial Area Objective: Eliminate the intruders Reward: 60,000c Walkthrough: There is really isn't anything you need to beat this mission, except for eyes and hands. Well, at least a blade. Start by boosting down the street down south towards the visable enemies. Now shoot to kill, they are slow moving and running away... and by running away, they must be killed fast before they escape. Once they are dead, I would now track down the hidden part. While heading back, you'll see the two back-up MTs... if you kill them too fast you'll miss the hidden part... which isn't great, but hey, free $$. Once you are done, mop up the rest of the MTs... shouldn't be hard. ^ ^ | | ---Enemy Escape Point ####### # # # # # # ################### # # /-> ---> * # #| * * # #| #################### #| # ##########| # # | # # | # ##########| # S Start #| # X Rasetsu S #| # * RJ MT ^ #| # | #| # | #| # | # \ # # S # ### ### <--# #--> Back-up route-<--# #--> ###_ _### #_X_# Old Hidden Parts: RASETSU: On top of the "arch-way" of the giant door right behind you. Look for the "X" -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- H04-CICADA Core ---------- RAKAN Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B05-GULL FCS ----------- CR-F82D2 Generator ----- FUDOH Radiator ------ RAGORA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- --- Back Unit R --- --- Back Unit L --- --- Arm Unit R ---- WR20PL-OGRE Arm Unit L ---- --- Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: O04-GOLGI/O05-HISTON/MARISHI S rank Walkthrough: Shoot 7 times... one for each MT, and two for each of the back ups... If you can't S rank this mission, jump off a bridge for me. Any ways, may I add, it's friggen sweet to see those MTs blow up in one shot. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 03: Distribution Center Recon Commission: "We need help conducting reconnaissance of the Diorgan Distribution Center" "This facility was once under our control, but is now occupied by Vertex." "We have every intention of recapturing it, but not without first having a look around." "Although your objective isn't to retake the facility, feel free to destroy any defenses that Vertex has stationed there." "Proceed with caution, Raven." Requester: Alliance Headquarters Operation Area: Diorgan Distribution Center Objective: Investigate the enemy facility Reward: 136,000c Walkthrough: This is by far the hardest first mission in AC histoy... hands down. You don't want to take this first UNLESS you all ready been through the game or you are loading up... any ways... You'll need an AC with fast turning and enough power to take out an AC... AN AC? In the first mission? Yeppers. For the first part of the mission, just boost forward... you should only encounter 2 RJ MTs and 1 Sniper MT along the way. Kill them if you must. Now, once you hit the door leading outside, you'll be faced against Bolt. Now, one important thing to remember... he doesn't need a cut scene to start kicking your ass... This means he has your ass in his lock box right from the start... That isn't good, his "LX" is the most deadly thing... and all in the first mission! If you took my advice, take a fast turning AC... this will let you stay out of his lock box. If he hits you too many times, you will die. The LX can do up to about 2 grand worth of damage. An Email from "Justin DS" gave me a great idea... When trying to attempt this mission from a fresh start (which by all means you should try to avoid if this is the first AC game you are playing) you can cheese the AI a bit... Standing in the doorway and repeatly back boosting to shut the door... Aparently this will get Bolt to waste his ammo... something which can be good for a first timer. Just don't think about getting a good rank like this due to time. Old Hidden Parts: CR-WBW78R: This part is behind the generator at the state's end. The right one from coming out of door. If you are getting this part, it is VERY wise to get it after you destroy Bolt... you're radio will squak enough for you to scoop it up. JIKYOH: Kill Bolt/Thuderstrike. -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- H04-CICADA Core ---------- CR-C89E Arms ---------- A06-GIBBON2 Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- CR-B83TP FCS ----------- MF05-LIMPET Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- --- Back Unit R --- CR-WBW91RT Back Unit L --- CR-WBW91RT Arm Unit R ---- CR-WH79M2 Arm Unit L ---- CR-WH01HP Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/CR-069ES/CR-O71EC/CR-O79L+/O03-CODON/MARISHI S rank Walkthrough: You will only be killing 3 enemies in the main part... just strait boost and peg them with the Triple Rockets. This isn't important, but I like doing missions without getting hit :D. Once you get to the last door, drop your rockets... THEN QUICKLY BOOST TO BOLT'S SIDE! If you know what you are doing, then you should be able to easily out turn him with no trouble. Also jump when he jumps, look down when he falls... you have limited ammo, but it will do. Also, don't get hit, S ranking the mission isn't too hard, you can take quite a bit of damage. If you are like me, you won't get touched. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 04: Escort Allied MT Commission: "The MT squad we dispatched to the Hordess Mining site to pilfer supplies came under attack and has suffered heavy losses." "A single unit escaped harm and is trying to complete the mission, but the enemy has deployed additional forces in the area." "We are in dire need of help." "Please head to the mining site and escort the MT to safety." "Enemy reinforcements are already on the move, and time is running out quickly." Requester: Independent Warlord Operation Area: Hordess Mining Site Objective: Escort MT ally to safety Reward: 80,000c Walkthrough: You'll need a fast AC with a strong weapon for this mission. You have to protect the MT... now, he's only got a few hits on him, so you have to at least try for this one. Ok, it's strait forward, but if you look at my quick map, you'll see that if you boost ahead a bit, you can get a good lead on the MTs. Two things to point out... stand infront of there fire if you have to. Also, when trying to kill the MTs that are coming the mountain a bit faster, watch you don't fly out of area... it's lame... but it can happen. (Not to scale) #### 2 ###### #### #### #### S ###2 ### ### ## ### 2### ### ###### [] [] [1 [] [] #### 4###### 4 #### #### ####1 1 ### ### ### 4## ### ### ###4 ###### [] [] [] [] [] #### 6######6 #### #### 6####3 3 ### ### ### ## 3 ###6 6### ### ###### [] [] [] [] [] 7 7################### 7########## \ 7## 5 | 7## | 7## 5 5 | VV V Now, if you follow this map, YOU NEED TO GO QUICK. When going from 5 to 6, the Mt should barely make it in the hallway like tunnel... you'll need to stand guard killing them all. Once you reach the warning for "7" he'll stay put in the doorway. Old Hidden Parts: None -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- CR-H95EE Core ---------- CR-YC010/UL2 Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B03-VULTURE2 FCS ----------- MIROKU Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- --- Back Unit R --- --- Back Unit L --- --- Arm Unit R ---- CR-WH05BP Arm Unit L ---- --- Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/CR-O69ES/CR-O71EC/CR-O79L+/O03-CODON/MARISHI S rank Walkthrough: What can I say? Just don't let the MT get hit... Other than that, I found there is no real need to jump to "5"... but I still do it any ways. I choose an overboost core for a reason... [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 05: Acquire The Commodity Commission: "The warlord operating out of the Hordess Mining site has promised to supply us with a commodity we need." "I'd like it if you were the one to accept the delivery." "Normally I wouldn't ask a Raven to carry out such a trival task, but with things the way that they are, I'd rather be safe than sorry." "You are free to eliminate any who attempt to interfere with the mission: I won't second-guess your judgment." "Good luck" Requester: Jack-O Operation Area: Hordess Mining Site Objective: Acquire the commodity Reward: AC Part - CR-YWH05RS Walkthrough: This is a mission involving a few MTs and an enemy AC. You'll need a lot of ammo... Make either a lightweight AC with a blade, or a tank/quad decked out with weapons, including a high powered energy back cannon. For the first part of the mission, you'll fight weak RJ MTs (the last bunch are airborne), you shouldn't have trouble with them. Within the first two big area, you'll find those grenade launching MTs, take them out before they can harm you. For the end of the mission, you'll fight Green Horn, an AC on tank legs. He isn't too tough, but he can dish out a lot of damage. If you took a Lightweight, you can run circles around him. If you took a quad, stay back and dodge, but peg him with your strong energy weapon. If you took a tank, stay in the hole and play peek-a-boo with him. He shouldn't give you too much trouble as he is slow. Using a tank with the LX and left arm ETTIN should make quick work of him. Old Hidden Parts: YWH07-DRAGON(left): Kill Green Horn/Hotspur New Hidden Parts: CR-YWH05R3(left): Mission Reward. -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- H04-CICADA Core ---------- YC07-CRONUS Arms ---------- A11-MACAQUE Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B03-VULTURE2 FCS ----------- MF-04-COWRY or MIKOKU Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- --- Back Unit R --- --- Back Unit L --- WB26O-HARPY Arm Unit R ---- WR22PL-OGRE2 Arm Unit L ---- WL-MOONLIGHT Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/CR-O69ES/CR-O71EC/O03-CODON/O07-PRIMER/ O04-GOLGI/MARISHI S rank Walkthrough: The first part of the mission shouldn't give you any trouble. Just blade all the ground MTs and use two Ogre rounds for them flying ones. For the grenade launcher MTs, try to get them fast and in one direct hit. Now, arm your harpy right before going out to fight Greenhorn. Launch three at him... they can keep him a little distracted while you kill that MT with your blade. Now for actually fighting that slow tank? Out turn him first, blade then shoot. You will kill him in no time. If you hear his rail gun charging, make sure you boost behind him... which isn't hard, just remember he has a lock box too. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 06: Destroy AC Sundial Commission: "We'd like you to eliminate a Raven who is working for Alliance." "The deadline for our attack is approaching: we must eliminate as many opponents as possible before then." "In the end, AC power will determine who wins and who loses." "We need the support of exceptional Ravens such as yourself if we are to achieve our goal." Requester: Vertex Operation Area: Versurs Highland Objective: Destroy AC Sundial Reward: 64,000c Walkthrough: For you first time through the game, it may be wise to either take an easier mission or start over... either way, he is what to do. Get a decently fast AC with breaking/stun power. A machine gun and a hand gun with a wide and shallow FCS will do the trick. Simple boost to close range firing both weapons (and EO core helps too) and you'll break his legs rather quick. Now for defense, he has two main other things worth mentioning. His missiles: Vertical plus relations... they can REALLY damage you if you jerk off too long. You can either use decoys or just stay in close. If you are close, he shouldn't use them. He also has ECMs... with these, he can screw up your locking if your head doesn't support a good counter... (VS ECM is really a ECMCM; an electric counter measure counter measure :P). If your VS ECM is too low, just find the 3 pronged floating white thing, and boost into it. This will destroy it. After you kill him, destroy the heli's. Don't bother killing them before the AC, as they will come back. Old Hidden Parts: WH10M-SILKY(right): Kill Principal/Sundial. -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- H04-CICADA Core ---------- CR-C98E2 Arms ---------- A11-MACAQUE Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B05-GULL FCS ----------- MIROKU Generator ----- FUDOH Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- --- Back Unit R --- --- Back Unit L --- --- Arm Unit R ---- WR15S-WYVERN Arm Unit L ---- CR-WH79M2 Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/CR-O71EC/CR-O79L+/O03-CODON/O04-GOLGI/ O05-HISTON S rank Walkthrough: Just kill this AC... no set-up is really needed as hovers won't give you any trouble. This is my a variation of my Nexus AC... pretty much outdated now. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 07: Remove Bridge Defenders Commission: "This is the Alliance Tactical Unit commander, Evangel." "I'd like your help securing a vital transport route on the southern edge of Ruga Canyon." "We have to move quickly, there's not much time left before Vertex launches their attack." "The transport route will be useless to us if it is damaged: please exercise caution when removing those defending it." Requester: Evangel Operation Area: Ruga Tunnel Objective: Eliminate the enemy defenders Reward: 60,000c Walkthrough: For this mission, I would take long range weapons (and FCS) with good boosting equipment. Not that the mission is hard in the first place, just that you can't fall off. If you are following my "Quick" walkthrough, you have neither, but it can surfice. Now, from the starting point, fly onto the bridge. You'll see a Sniper MT at the other end, he should be pegging you with Rifle Rounds by now. Dodge the best you can, but when flying to the other side tap your boost button for a better flight. Blade or Rifle him on the fly. Once you kill him, look down to the west for another Sniper MT. Rifle him. Now once you are done with them, enter in the North mountain through a railway. Either by going to the undertrack on the right, or the broken one to the left. Left feels better. Once you are in the clearing, you'll see three flying MTs. Using your rifle, kill all the MTs... they will take a tad bit longer as they move freely... which means random dodging. If you trust your landing skill, fly closer to them to yield quicker results. Once you are done killing them, the mission is over. Enjoy looking at my useless map. __ _ ___ __-__==_/ \/ \_____/ \__==__/ \--\ |--| \--\ |--| \--\ % |--| \--\ % |--| |--| |--| \--\ % |--| |--| |--| |--| ____ |--| \_--__ / \____--_ ___ == ^\ / == \/ == | \/ == == \ == == | == == | __ == __==_ _/ \_==___ / |--|\ _/ |*-| |-*| \___/ / |XX| S Start <--------/ |--|^ X Defense Target |--|| * Sniper MT N |--|| % Flying MT ^ |--|| | |--|| | |--|| | |--|| ---------> |--|| |-S| ____ |--| ___ /--/ _/ |_____==__ __/ \_/--/__/ |--| Old Hidden Parts: None -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- H04-CICADA Core ---------- YC07-CRONUS Arms ---------- YA10-LORIS Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B03-VULTURE2 FCS ----------- CR-F91DSN Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- --- Back Unit R --- --- Back Unit L --- --- Arm Unit R ---- WH08RS-FENRIR Arm Unit L ---- --- Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: O04-GOLGI/O05-HISTON/O06-PHAGE S rank Walkthrough: Shot five times... I'll leave it to you to figure out what to hit... [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 08: Eliminate The Enemy AC Commission: "An unidentified AC is attacking one of our facilities." "Our current war potential isn't enough to deal with the threat. We need immediate assistance." "The AC is (IN) question is equipped with multiple energy weapons; please make sure your unit is prepared to withstand its attacks." "The bounty for defeating the AC is yours to keep of course. Please don't let us down." Requester: Independent Warlord Operation Area: Area-R11 AC Garage Objective: Eliminate the enemy AC Reward: 104,000c Walkthrough: Ok, first and foremost: DO NOT LISTEN TO THE MISSION INFORMATION... This mission is a set-up by that scum-bag Rim-Fire... who uses all solid weapons, NOT energy. Dirty rotten bastard. Now you'll need to make one of two of these ACs for an easy time... A heavy weight biped with dual 40-shot bazookas, high shell DEF, or a quad with tons of ammo, and a back cannon... a strong one. For the Biped, make sure to equip the CR-C83UA core and the CR-LH96FA legs. You don't get to fight him first... you must fight a crappy RJ AC... with dual Rifles (Sniper/Linear Rifle Assault) Now, this AC doesn't shoot all the time, nor does he turn fast... he also jumps while hard landing all the time. For those of you that are new to the AC fold, hard landing is when you fly high, then come back down... unable to move for like a second recovering from a fall. Take this as a hint to murder him. Now, if you went the bazooka way, you should have about 22-26 shots left in each... if you went the cannon way... lets say you took the LX (dual shoulder back cannon) kill Genubi with it, saving at least one shot... (you'll see why) Ok, now Rim Fire make his enterance... some general rules: Stay the **** away from him, and if he askes you... don't pull his finger. Now, if you took the quad set-up, spam the cannon you took in the beginning... (One LX shot is a VERY good start)... drop it since you need a lot of speed.) If you took the Biped like I said, all you have to do is constantly attack him... the reason I choose bazookas for this mission is due to the stun factor... Rim Job... err, I mean Rim Fire, isn't the smartest AC... For some reason, he likes to boost towards you or fly in strait, easy to target, lines. Hopefully if you have been though the Arena, you got as far as getting the TP booster, as it can really help. If you fail using two 40-clipped bazookas, either go faster (lighter parts) if he won't let off you... or more shell defense. Other wise you'll have to place the majority of your shots with care. Also, when fighting Rim Fire, always boost away from him. Old Hidden Parts: B04-BIRDIE2: Right from the start, look to the northwest. You'll see four little garages, with two on an end destroyed. Look for the little white spec on one of the destroyed ones. It should be on the side closer to the mountain. New Hidden Parts: YH15-DRONE: Kill Zuben El Genubi/South Nail. -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- CR-H05SXS-EYE3 Core ---------- CR-C83UA Arms ---------- YA10-LORIS Legs ---------- CR-LH96FA Booster ------- CR-B83TP FCS ----------- MF03-VULUTE2 Generator ----- FODOH Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- --- Back Unit R --- --- Back Unit L --- --- Arm Unit R ---- CR-WH05BP Arm Unit L ---- CR-WH05BP Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/CR-O69SS/CR-O71EC/CR-O79L+/MARISHI S rank Walkthrough: First off, there are things you can switch around if you still have trouble... Take EO if you want faster kills. Use lighter parts if you want to stay away from Rimmy a little better. Otherwise, the mission isn't too hard to S rank, they give you a lot of slack on AP remaining. The first AC shouldn't hit you at all... he really sucks. Rim Fire is actually easier to hit, but you have to stay away from him. Keep shooting and they should both go down with no problem... Also, make sure you only shoot when you have a Red lock, and for the first AC, try to get him when he lands. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 09: Recapture Storage Site Commission: "Alliance Tactical Unit forces have attacked the material storage site operated by out organization." "This facility is a primary source of our military supply needs and is also directly linked to our headquarters." "Head to the facility and clear out all enemy forces you encounter." "If by chance you are able to locate their commander, make the elimination of this target your priority. You'll be well compensated for your efforts." "Good luck." Requester: Vertex Operation Area: Walter Material Storage Site Objective: Eliminate all invaders Reward: 88,000c Walkthrough: Before even taking this mission, make sure you have a blade. The strongest you can buy. Large rockets may also come in handy. Ok, you'll notice at the mission's start, you'll have ECM about the air. This is caused by the OWL MTs walking in the next large room. Blade them both. The next room is the hallway part of this mission. Most of this part includes you blading MTs. These MTs have grenade launcher and naplam... They both hurt. You'll want to lock on to them (only to realize where they are first) then blade them VERY QUICKLY. If done right, they will die before even moving. ALSO remember to back away from them as they explode... they can do upwards of 800 damage to you if you mess up. Don't worry about the guns on the ceiling, they are your friends as you are protecting this base. Now once you get to the very end (you'll here a radio transmission and see "Target"), you'll need to take out three MTs. All have a lot of AP, except the leader... which has more. To kill them good, just use rockets... your blade... or anything. You can't really miss them. It's best to go after the hidden part AFTER you kill all of them... but you have to be very quick on your feet. If you don't trust your speed, just fly up there with the MTs still in the room... but be warned, you'll get hit by an AST bazooka. == == ====---------==%= ====--&------==== == _____==_____ == == -& / \ =%====== -- / \ ==&===== &- / \ == == == == / O \ =%&=---------==&=|===--------==%=| O | ====---------====|===--------====| | == == == == \ / -- N \ / -- ^ \ / -- | \_____ _____/ -- | == == | ==== $==$ =S== ==$= == == S Start == O Owl ==== & Grenade MT ==X= % Gun Turret == $ Targets ^--- This room is higher up. Old Hidden Parts: WB21M-DRYAD. Above the final MTs... you need to fly strait up and into the room all the way at the top. It will be sitting on a railing look- ing structure. Look for the "X" -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- CR-H05SXS-EYE3 Core ---------- CR-C83UA Arms ---------- YA10-LORIS Legs ---------- CR-LH96FA Booster ------- B05-GULL FCS ----------- MF03-VULUTE2 Generator ----- FODOH Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- --- Back Unit R --- --- Back Unit L --- --- Arm Unit R ---- WH12PL-ETTIN Arm Unit L ---- WL-MOONLIGHT Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/O07-PRIMER/O04-GOLGI/O06-PHAGE/MARISHI S rank Walkthrough: A dual ETTIN shot will take care of ANY enemy in this mission except for the target MT. But, you should try and use your blade for the MTs that are close to you to maximize the amount of ammo you have for the end of the mission. Hopefully you have at least 6 shots left at the end... once you open the door, it the middle MT once... then BACK UP. Shot once more before the door shuts to kill him. Then hit one of the MTs then blade the other... simple S. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 10: Pursue Withdrawing MT Commission: "We'd like you to invertigate Vertex's material storage site." "The facility is connected to Vertex headquarters, so it came as quite a surprise when we learned that forces stationed there were being withdrawn." "The reason for doing so isn't clear, but it might be an attempt to lure us into a trap." "This possibility is a concern, but now is probably our best chance to conduct a survey." "Once inside the facility, follow the withdrawing Vertex forces and gather what information you can. Proceed with caution, Raven." Requester: Alliance Tactical Unit Operation Area: Walter Material Storage Site Objective: Pursue the withdrawing MT Reward: 80,000C Walkthrough: Take a weapon with a small projectile for this mission... the starting rifle is perfect and a blade... other than that, the more armor, the better. First start by falling down. Now destroy the gun battery seen right from the start. Go a bit farther, and you should be seeing an MT with target pointing to it... you can't kill this. Well, you can, but you'll fail the mission... Any ways, all you have to do follow this MT through the maze of hallways. For the gun batteries, just take out with your rifle. For the Rat MTs, use the rifle... NOT YOUR BLADE... you'll take damage from the quick explosion. For the Shield MT, use your blade when it opens. Other than that, I've never failed this mission from being out of the MTs range... I'm not possitive how big the leeway is or even if there is a range in the first place. Either way, it shouldn't be too hard to follow it as it will actually stop at certain points. The MT is pretty durable, but don't hit it too much. Once you get to the end, you will see a movie... mission over. == == ====---------==%= &===---------====<---- End == _____==_____ == == -- / \ =%====== -- / \ ======== -- / \ == == == == / \ =%==-#-------====|===--------==%=| | ====---------====|===--------====| | == == == =& \ / -- N \ / -- ^ \ / -- | \____________/ -- | == | S Start ==== # Pursuee ==== % Gun Battery == & Shield MT == (Rat MTs aren't listed) ==== =S== <- Higher == Old Hidden Parts: None -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- CR-H05XS-EYE3 Core ---------- CR-C83UA Arms ---------- A02-DRILL Legs ---------- CR-LHT92 Booster ------- --- FCS ----------- FUGEN Generator ----- FUDOH Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- CR-E82SS2 Back Unit R --- --- Back Unit L --- --- Arm Unit R ---- WR25DL-SKULL2 Arm Unit L ---- WL-MOONLIGHT Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/CR-O71EC/O04-GOLGI/O05-HISTON/MARISHI S rank Walkthrough: I don't think you need me to tell you how to use this AC in this mission. Simply shoot the little MTs and guns, and blade the two shield MTs... You literally CAN'T screw up to get an S rank. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 11: Retake Distribution Center Commission: "The Diorgan Distribution Center has been taken over by forces working for one of the warlords." "This facility is important to us because of its proximity to Vertex's Circ-City headquarters." "We'd like to take care of the matter on our own, but we can't afford to pull any troops off the frontlines right now." "Please eliminate the invaders and retake the facility." "Make sure to keep any damage inflicted on the facility to a minimum: we need to reestablish it as a base of operation as soon as possible." Requester: Alliance Tactical Unit Operation Area: Diorgan Distribution Center Objective: Eliminate the occuption force Reward: 100,000c Walkthrough: Pretty much an mission based AC in mind will do for this mission. Just make sure you take a blade just in case. At the start of the mission, just boost towards the door strait ahead. You should be boosting over the troops as well... This next room is pack with troops and RJs... focus on only the RJ MTS then head out. Again you'll head down a long hallways with a few more foot soldiers firing at you. After that, the next door is to the outside. All the enemies on this side of the door can be offed with a blade. Nothing too hard... When they are dead, you'll be greeted by two more MTs... they jump high and fast with there annoying laser cannon. To dodge there cannon, simply change direction as soon as you hear the tell-tale noise. For killing them, only attack them as they land. If you didn't bring a strong weapon, they can do a number on you... But you shouldn't have trouble with just two of them. Old Hidden Parts: None -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- H09-SPIDER Core ---------- CR-C84O/UL Arms ---------- A11-MACAQUE Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B03-VULTURE2 FCS ----------- MF05-LIMPET Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- --- Back Unit R --- --- Back Unit L --- --- Arm Unit R ---- WR20PL-OGRE Arm Unit L ---- WL-MOONLIGHT Hanger Unit R - CR-WH01HP Hanger Unit L - CR-WH01HP Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/CR-O69ES/CR-O69SS/CR-O71EC/CR-O79L+/O04- GOLGI/ MARISHI S rank Walkthrough: For the enemies: Use the plasma cannon for all the RJ MTs... the blade of the Bigger MTs, and the dual hand guns for the starlings. When fighting the Starlings, try to fly above them... you'll hit them more and they wouldn't be able to just jump completely out of your lock box. For the mission, Overboost into trucks to minimize the damage they can do to you. In the second room, I would make sure to step on the trio of troops on the ledge, and boost close to the ones above the door way so they retreat. If you get hit too many times by the Starlings, you will A rank the mission... so good luck. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 12: Protect The Cargo Commission: "One of out transport aircraft experienced mechanical problems during a top-secret mission and crashed in the Garav Desert. We've lost all contact." "The cargo the transport was carrying is extremely valuable and there are those who would go to any length to recover it. Unknown aircraft have already been reported entering the region." "Head to the crash site and eliminate any who attempt to retrieve the cargo." "Please note: the transport was also carrying a large shipment of explosives that were probably scattered in the crash: maneuver with care." "Under no circumstances should any of the cargo be destroyed, use discretion when choosing targets." Requester: Alliance Headquarters Operation Area: Garav Desert Objective: Secure crash site and protect cargo Reward: 90,000c Walkthrough: It may be wise to equip aany fast moving and turning legs. Also a sniper rifle with a narrow & deep FCS will work wonders. This is a protect mission... there are 4 things of cargo, all marked Def Target. Now there are two enemies... Both are helicopter types. One will not attack, and the others will launch missiles. Now, the ones that don't attack are the ones you want to kill. They fly slower and in a strait line... all they do is get into position, then attempt to steel the cargo. Right from the start, turn around to the east edge of the map to find the hidden part. As explain down below, you'll want to look for a white part. MAKE IT QUICK! Once you are done picking that up, quickly turn around and kill the plane. If you are quick enough, it can be done... if you fail (Which I did looking for the parts many times), just try again, nothing bad happens if you fail... you don't even have to load up. After you kill the first plane, search for the next hidden part, it's inside one of the two middle plane parts. Have you find it, you'll once again have to fend off some more planes very quickly. For the rest of the mission, you really need to move quick. Your current AC isn't too quick nor has good energy supply... but you can win. If see says something about a target approaching, that means you are about to get brodied. Three more points of interest: If you took them by accident, you can drop your missiles, and your blade (after you find the second hidden part). Use your radar... it may prove useful to stop a blue dot and save some luggage. Each plane takes THREE hits to kill. If you hit with the first two, there is a 100% chance you will hit the plane with the third. Don't waste extra ammo... not for cost, but for time. Old Hidden Parts: CR-E82SS2: Look to the east, it's in a patch of Mines... it's a white part if that helps. This part should be gotten at the mission's start. Plus, it is a little behind you. CR-WBW98LX: Inside a broken plane part... there isn't too many wrecked plane parts, so it shouldn't be hard. It is on a piece with a propel- er... lower altitude. -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- CR-H95EE Core ---------- YC07-CRONUS Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- YLH11-VIXEN Booster ------- B03-VULTURE2 FCS ----------- CR-F82D2 Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- --- Back Unit R --- --- Back Unit L --- --- Arm Unit R ---- CR-WR88RS3 Arm Unit L ---- --- Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: CR-O71EC/CR-O79L+/O03-CODON/CR-O86R+/MARISHI S rank Walkthrough: I feel like I'm wasting my time writing anything else for this mission. Nothing hard, just shoot the little planes with your gun... [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 13: Battle Challenge Commission: "I've been hearing a lot of good things about you." "It's time you and I squared off." "Death comes to us all Raven: don't let something so trivial dissuade you from accepting my challenge." "Don't you think it's preferable to face one of your own rather than run errands like some corporate lackey?" "I await your decision." Requester: Zinaida Operation Area: Camp Fortherd Objective: Destroy AC Fascinator Reward: 0c Walkthrough: Old Hidden Parts: OH NOES, NOT ZINAIDA! Well, don't worry, the ***** ass ****-waffle ***** runs off like a coward... If you want an EASY time, take a quad with a rifle and a hard hitting long range energy back cannon. Using a fast turning light weight will also do... close range with a blade. Once the mission starts, she'll instantly get scared of a few planes. She'll be with you... and boy is it funny to her waste at least 5 missiles on a single plane... WHEN SHE HAS A MACHINE GUN! Any ways, once you kill these easy as pie MTs, a tank AC will come out. He packs a Bazooka with good ammo stores... so you'll want to kill him. You'll want to either get in close (he turns VERY SLOW) or stay far away (he chases you VERY SLOW)... really, I don't know how you could have trouble against him. Blades destroy him so quickly... I try to take him out first... once you do, just mop up the rest of the enemies. CR-LHT92: Kill Shade/Stratus -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- H05-HORNET Core ---------- CR-YC99UL Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- CR-LF93A2 Booster ------- B05-GULL FCS ----------- MIROKU Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- (EN Pack is needed) Back Unit R --- CR-WBW98LX Back Unit L --- CR-WBW98LX Arm Unit R ---- CR-YWH05RS Arm Unit L ---- WL-MOONLIGHT Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/CR-O69ES/CR-O71EC/CR-O79L+/O04-GOLGI/ O05-HISTON/MARISHI S rank Walkthrough: A lot of designs will work for this mission, but I just felt like trying this. Use the rifle to take down all the flying MTs and the blade to kill the two RJ MTs. Once the AC is in play, ignore the MTs. Either shot him from afar, or get in close... if you are close, use both your blade and your back cannon. Nothing too hard. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 14: Remove Lab Intruders Commission: "Raven, we have a serious problem. someone has broken into one of our facilities." "The installation that was breached is home to our environmental research program. There is nothing there that could possibly be of interest to those outside of our organization." "We'd like you to take care of the intruders." "How you accomplish this is of no concern to us: nothing that happens inside the facility will ever leak out." "Under no circumstances are you to discuss the details of this mission with anyone." Requester: Alliance Headquarters Operation Area: Triton Ecoactivity Center Objective: Eliminate the intruders Reward: 88,000c Walkthrough: Nothing really too tough here... just make sure you take a blade. Make sure you aren't using one with high attack power... it's point less to kill MTs with ease if they exploding on you! Your goal is to simply go to the end of the mission killing all the MTS. They aren't hard... just follow the map if you absolutely need it. The final MT is after a strech of hallways right after the elevator down. It's just a solo Bazooka MT... kill him however you see fit. VV VS [] -- ==== ====== ==== -- [] W [] ^ [* | ==== [] | *]|=====[] | ==== [] ==== -- []|=====[][][][][] [] ==== -- ==== [*|][][*[]*][][]|===== -- ==== [] [] [] S Start [] * RJ MT [* $ Target [] V Elevator -- VV VV -- ** ==[]== ====[]==== ====[]==== ====[]==== ==[$== Old Hidden Parts: None -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- CR-H05XS-EYE3 Core ---------- C05-SELENA Arms ---------- A02-DRILL Legs ---------- CR-LT78A Booster ------- --- FCS ----------- MIROKU Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- CR-E82SS2 Back Unit R --- --- Back Unit L --- --- Arm Unit R ---- WR20PL-OGRE Arm Unit L ---- --- Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/CR-O69ES/CR-O71EC/O04-GOLGI/O05-HISTON/ MARISHI S rank Walkthrough: Kill everything with the plasma rifle... use the EO core when trying to take out the final MT quicker. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 15: Investigate Enemy Activity Commission: "We've just received reports of Alliance forces conducting an investigation at an old corporate headquarters site." "The purpose of this investigation is unknown, but whatever the reason, it can't be beneficial to us. We need to learn more about their plans and also take steps to disrupt them." "Please head to the site and intercept the Alliance forces stationed there." "The mission's primary objective is to monitor enemy activity, don't worry if some of them slip away." "Focus only on those that actively resist." Requester: Vertex Operation Area: Tartrus Headquarters Objective: Investigate and disrupt enemy activity Reward: 98,000c Walkthrough: Simple mission... The only weapon I would recommend to bring in is a Rifle. Once the mission starts, you'll notice ECM. So begin circling the outside of area (still in the dome). You'll come across two trucks on opposite sides with radar dishes. These are what great the ECM... so do what's natural... kill them. Once they are out of the way, it killing time. At first, you'll find out helicopters, grounded troops, and missile trucks... all of which shouldn't be a problem. Once the end draws near, prepare to fight a couple Gliding MTs... the aren't trouble with nothing to protect... so take your time shooting at them. Old Hidden Parts: None -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- H10-CICADA2 Core ---------- YC07-CRONUS Arms ---------- A05-LANGUR Legs ---------- LH07-DING02 Booster ------- B03-VULTURE2 FCS ----------- MIROKU Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- CR-E84RM2 Back Unit R --- WB06M-SPARTOI Back Unit L --- --- Arm Unit R ---- CR-YWH05R3 Arm Unit L ---- WH06PL-ORC Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/CR-O69ES/CR-O71EC/CR-O79L+/O03-CODON/ O04-GOLGI/MARISHI S rank Walkthrough: Another easy to S rank mission. Once the mission starts, take out the ECM device to the left with the rifle. Then track down all the trucks with the rifle as well. They all die in one hit so it's not that bad. After you kill all them, take out the other ECM device, then use your ORC to kill all the new trucks that will be deployed. Drop your ORC now. Once all of them are out of the way (4 of them), use a laucnh of missiles on the two glider MTS... if you don't kill them in the single launch with relations, then finish them up with the Rifle. After they are out of the way, drop the missiles and extensions. Then direct all of your attention to the few helicopters that show up. Four hits per each will take them out. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 16: Investigate Research Lab Commission: "Raven's we'd like your help infiltrating an Alliance research facility. Officals claim that no military-related projects are carried out there, but we know this to be false." "A group of Kisaragi loyalists within the Alliance organization operate a secret lab in the bowels of the facility." "Take out any defenses you encounter once inside, and then shut down the gate lock control system so we can gain access to the lab." "Leave the rest up to us, we'll make sure that word gets out. People need to be told the truth about the facility and what goes on there." Requester: Independent Warlord Operation Area: Triton Ecoactivity Center Objective: Clear defenses, activate control device Reward: 108,000c Walkthrough: Nothing too hard... take a decently strong weapon and a blade. Move to the bottom level of this facility... killing all the easy to waste MTs. They shouldn't give you a bit of trouble. Once you hit the switch at the end of the level, you see a cut scene in which all the Bio weapons are starting to crawl... great job ass ****, now you just unleashed them for every other level :P. Snipe as many Bios from the ledge once you look down. Blade the rest to finish up on the bottom level. Once they are out of the way, simply search the beginning part to locate and destroy the rest of them. Nothing too hard. Old Hidden Parts: None -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- H09-SPIDER Core ---------- C05-SELENA Arms ---------- CR-A89AG Legs ---------- CR-LT78A Booster ------- --- FCS ----------- MIROKU Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- --- Back Unit R --- CR-WBW78C Back Unit L --- CR-WBW78C Arm Unit R ---- WR20PL-OGRE Arm Unit L ---- CR-WL79LB2 Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/CR-O69ES/CR-O71EC/O03-CODON/O04-GOLGI/MARISHI S rank Walkthrough: Look, here's the deal... this mission isn't hard to do with this AC frame... the weapons on it are over kill... Either way, just clear everything out. Just don't blade the little MTs, as they explode. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 17: Recover The Cargo Commission: "Raven, we have a situation requiring immediate attention." "One of our transport aircraft experienced mechanical problems during a top-secret mission and crashed in the Garav Desert. This happened over an hour ago." "The cargo the transport was carrying is extremely valuable and there are those who would go to any length to recover it. In fact we may already be to(o) late." "Please head to the crash site and recover the cargo. Eliminate any resistance you encounter." "We need you to come through for us, Raven." Requester: Alliance Headquarters Operation Area: Garav Desert Objective: Recover the cargo Reward: 136,000c Walkthrough: The most important thing you need: CR-WR88RS, the high powered sniper rifle. It kills these things in a single shot. Oh by the way, you are fighting MTs that like to burrow into the sand and fire very damaging pulse rifles at you. With using just the rifle, load up on E DEF parts to minimize the damage. As for killing them, wait till they come to the surface to attack. NEVER let one get close to you without looking at it... they can really hurt if they get most of their shots in. Stay far away so you can easily dodge their fire. Old Hidden Parts: None -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- H09-SPIDER Core ---------- C02-URANUS Arms ---------- A07-LEMUR Legs ---------- LH02-LYNX2 Booster ------- B03-VULTURE2 FCS ----------- CR-F91DSN Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- --- Back Unit R --- --- Back Unit L --- --- Arm Unit R ---- CR-WR88RS3 Arm Unit L ---- --- Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: CR-O69ES/CR-O69SS/CR-O71EC/CR-O79L+/O02-ORGANELLE/ O03-CODON/MARISHI S rank Walkthrough: Simply snipe all the MTs once they surface. This design equips good E defense parts... but you still need to dodge. Personally, I did this mission with a light AC without getting touched... so this mission is very possible. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 18: Protect Allied Squadron Commission: "We'd like your help infiltrating Circ-City." "Our plan is to launch a surprise attack on Vertex headquarters using a squadron of airborne units. This force will head to its destination by way of Airsul Dam." "The area around the dam is lightly defended and offers the squadron its best chance of reaching the target intact." "Your role in the mission will be to escort the squadron through the Airsul Dam region and protect it from enemy attacks." "You'll receive a bonus is (if) none of the units are lost on route to their destination. Good luck." Requester: Independent Warlord Operation Area: Airsul Dam Objective: Escort squadron and destroy enemy units Reward: 108,000c Walkthrough: This is a protect mission, you have to protect a couple waves of enemies... Now you'll need a fairly good AC skills and building ideas to get a good AC for the task at hand. Make sure you have these three items: A strong weapon, Radar, and decent air time. The mission starts with you at the end of the dam... quickly make your way to the main section by following the path of pod MTs. Make sure to kill them all. Also be sure to kill all the troops on dam ledges as well. Once you make it to the big area, first take out both the RJ MTS... Once they are dead, the main mission begins... Ok, this part includes tanks coming out of the doors, and Pod MTs flying from above the mountain... here are some tips: -Always kill off the tanks before the pods -Pods ALWAYS respawn in the same area -When looking for tanks, you'll see an open door -Yellow radar dots = Tanks/Blue = Pods -Tansk usually spawn in packs of three together... -Never get too close to a tank... they can distract you from others -Never fly too high... tanks will aim at you if you are in there range Hopefully these minor things can push you toward a good finish. If you let every plane go, you get a 10,000c bonus, an S rank, and a new part if you didn't load up. For ****s and giggles... I used this AC and got an S rank... try it out to see if you are up to my level... Head --------- H01-WASP Core ---------- CR-C83UA Arms ---------- YA10-LORIS Legs ---------- CR-LH96FA Booster ------- CR-B83TP FCS ----------- MF05-LIMPET Generator ----- FUDOH Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- --- Back Unit R --- CR-WB75RP Back Unit L --- --- Arm Unit R ---- CR-WH05BP Arm Unit L ---- CR-WH05BP Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- No radar with a heavy... GG. Old Hidden Parts: CR-WB03LGL2: Complete the mission with an S rank. -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- H04-CICADA Core ---------- YC07-CRONUS Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- LR03-ORYX2 Booster ------- B03-VULTURE2 FCS ----------- CR-F82D2 Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- --- Back Unit R --- CR-WB69RO Back Unit L --- WB03R-SIREN Arm Unit R ---- CR-WH05BP Arm Unit L ---- CR-WH05BP Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: CR-O71EC/O03-CODON/MARISHI S rank Walkthrough: After tinking quite a bit... I found the dual bazookas are pretty good for taking out the tanks... and that if you don't fly like an idiot too much, most of the enemies will also fire at you. The rockets are for those two MTs on the dam... nothing else. Just remember to look at your radar so you don't mess up. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 19: Destroy The Control Towers Commission: "We'd like you to help us in our preparations for an attack on Circ-City." "At the present time the majority of Vertex's forces are deployed against their rival, Alliance. This has left many of their facilities short-staffed." "One of these, Airsul Dam, is especially vulnerable. The time is ripe to launch an attack." "Once in position, locate and destroy the dam's control towers. Feel free to take out any other infrastructure elements as well." "Enemy defenders must not be allowed to interfere, eliminate any that you encounter." Requester: Independent Warlord Operation Area: Airsul Dam Objective: Destroy the control towers Reward: 80,000c Walkthrough: Ok, there is an easy for this mission, and a hard way for this mission. There is a dual AC fight, which doesn't really need to be done if you are going for the Pulv#2 ending (which is why I assume you are taking this mission) You can skip them one of two ways... go slow as hell (pack rockets and actually take out all the targets), or run away once they come. If you are a newcomer, don't even bother with them... but if you like a challenge, or need some hidden parts, go for it! For the regular mission, you need just a hover, a long range rifle, and rockets of your choice. For the ACs, you'll NEED a lot of ammo, possibly missiles, again, a lot of those as well. A hover wouldn't be good because the second AC is in an air where adjusting altitude is a must... (I'll have an S rank AC soon...) Now, getting back to the mission. You can get extra money for destroying anything sticking out of the water, and the rows of things stuck to the mountains as well. If you want the mission over with, you'll see two MTs on both sides of the dam. They have mother-****ing large missiles. If you are on a hover, you can easily out run these on the water. But once you destroy these two MTs (which chain react into killing the targets) you'll be good. Now if you did it fast, a Hover AC will join you. He equips a rifle and a handgun (I believe...), but you'll most likely notice his laser pods... Harpys are so annoying... They don't do much damage, but they chip you down and even get you when you are way behind the dam. I know missiles work good on him, or any fast killing... he doesn't dodge well... but he'll have you jumping around if you are trying to get him from the dam. If you are using a hover as well, he is beyond easy to kill with anything... rockets or blades included. Once he's out of the way, the next, RJ AC will come out. He isn't hard either... just that the mission calls for you the merge more types of ACs into one. He uses sniper rifles, and is absolutely terrible at anything but long range. If you stay on top of the dam, he will just be a wuss and stay away from you... (probably due to an AI not being able to swim) Use what ever you have left... it will be tough, you may need to rely on your blade. You'd be surprised how easy he is up close... too bad you have a short mission, then an AC fight involving completely different terrian... Good luck, but remember, you can always bail. Old Hidden Parts: YWL03LB-TAROS. When you start the mission, you'll notice you can either go left or right... go right. About right when you are on the path past the fork, you can fly up onto a legde. Be careful, as it's close to the vertical out of area. KANGI: Kill Wanton Busker/Gambit. New Hidden Parts: CR-YC99UL: Kill Vola-Volant/Sudden Drop. -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- CR-H05XS-EYE3 Core ---------- CR-C83UA Arms ---------- A11-MACAQUE Legs ---------- CR-LH96FA Booster ------- B03-VULTURE2 FCS ----------- CR-F75D Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- JIKYOH Back Unit R --- WB18M-CENTAUR Back Unit L --- WB18M-CENTAUR Arm Unit R ---- WH02RS-WYRM Arm Unit L ---- WH02RS-WYRM Hanger Unit R - CR-WH01HP Hanger Unit L - CR-WH01HP Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/CR-O69ES/CR-O71EC/CR-O75LA/CR-O79L+/MARISHI S rank Walkthrough: Ok, this is probably the one of the hardest missions to S rank... well here is what you do. A the mission's start, kill ALL the enemies. There should be one pods and 3 Spores. Spores take two, best idea is to start with the left arm sniper rifle then when it lifts shoot the right one for an instant kill... either way, simply kill them. Now, make sure you land on the first generator, then the ledge, then the bridge to catch your energy. This is because with this heavy weight, you will have some flying duration troubles... an as SirAltairTheGr8 said "I mean, it's stupid. If your AC's TOE nicks the surface of the water, it suddenly becomes immobilized and falls into the sea. What the hell is that? I mean Christ, if an AC becomes completely and utterly useless when it comes into contact with water, why the hell hasn't one of the corporations just made a giant squirt gun as a weapon?" Now, once you are on this last bridge, you have to take out the two targets BEFORE you get nailed with large rockets... shouldn't be hard since you have a long range FCS. Now, once you kill these, you'll fight the hover AC... you'll want to hover behind the dam and fire off verts with your extensions... Now I've had mixed results: 1. Killing him off EXTREMELY fast about the time you run out of extensions... I've done this ONCE out of the few times I tried the mission... When this happens, your head will not shut up; telling you that your raping his AC's frame parts. 2. Killing him off just right... Usually you can kill him with the last volley, if you don't do this and you *suck*, restart. 3. Killing him off with the WYRMIES... At the time I got the S rank, I finished him off this way... but you can always just retry. Now, hopefully you get a little luckier than me and net a 1 or 2. Well, when he's dead, you'll magically teleport back to the dam. Now, this next AC MUST be out with your remaining weapons, so you NEED to know how to hit. Right when he comes out, you'll want to switch sides with him... This means you'll need dodge his first missile volley... after that, he SHOULD go to the other end. Once he is there, do not stop shooting your WYRMS... hopefully you'll damage/break his core/legs so when you pull out your cheese guns... err... I mean Hand guns, you'll kill him even better... Hope you understand what I'm trying to say, but here were my ending stats: AP repair = 5426c (~58XX Remaining) Ammo Cost = 24268c I have a VERY strong feeling you NEED to kill those said enemies at the beginning of the map. Considering I beat the mission with about 7,000+ AP only yielding an A. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 20: Destroy AC Vigilance Commission: "This is an emergency request. We need help eliminating the AC named Vigilance." "The AC's pilot, Triturate, has joined forces with our former tactical unit commander, Evangel. He has betrayed his loyalties to Alliance." "Some of out troops are already locked in combat with the target, but this is more a delaying action than anything else. They won't last much longer." "Head to the Garav Desert and make sure the traitor is eliminated. It's possible that Evangel may get involved, so proceed with care." "We can't afford any mistakes on this mission, do not let us down." Requester: Alliance Headquarters Operation Area: Garav Desert Objective: Destroy AC Vigilance Reward: 68,000c Walkthrough: Take enough fire power to take out a light-mid armored AC. Now, if you are following the section in the set-up, I took a machine gun and missiles with extensions. Now to use extensions, you need to click them on with the right button. Any ways, this is what you do... at the beginning of the mission, turn on your missiles/extensions and waste your ammo. Now, luckly he may be fighting those Hover MTs. If so, he'll most likely take some missile hits. Now for actually fighting him, you REALLY need to know how to dodge. First step is to take this to a mid range fight. When EVER you see pink emerge, change direction. If done right, he'll shoot where you were going. Ok, then take into consideration what arm weapons you have. If you still have the rifle, keep shotting... the machine gun I pick out up top is a little quicker, but less accurate. After each (hopefully) missed shot he takes with his Laser Cannon arms, you should move in a little closer to attack, then back off again. Now, with the machine gun, my goal was to break his legs... if you fly and aim at a downward angel, you'll find it damages them pretty quickly. If you break his legs like I did, he'll be an easy to out-turn target, ready to eat anything you want him to. Old Hidden Parts: WL-MOONLIGHT: Kill Triturate/Vigilance. -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- H09-SPIDER (Tune for ECM) Core ---------- C02-URANUS Arms ---------- A11-MACAQUE Legs ---------- LH02-LYNX2 Booster ------- B03-VULTURE2 FCS ----------- MF05-LIMPET Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- (EN Pack) Back Unit R --- --- Back Unit L --- --- Arm Unit R ---- WR06H-GHOST2 Arm Unit L ---- CR-WH79M2 Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/CR-O69ES/CR-O71EC/CR-O79L+/O03-CODON/MARISHI/ KANGI S rank Walkthrough: You really don't need this AC I built... I felt like using something a bit different. The EO core is for both the EN defense and added close range damage. As long as you dodge the majority of his attacks and finish quickly, you should get an S. You may need to keep one of those pods alive too... which shouldn't be hard if you don't stop shooting. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 21: Destroy Raging Torrent IV Commission: "We'd like to request the elimination of a Raven who is employed by Alliance and has been a thorn in our side for some time." "A skilled pilot, he has interfered with our plans on repeated occasions and is also reponsible for killing a number of Ravens." "We have no sympathy for those who perished, they were too weak, but we can't afford any more casualties." "A mediocre pilot doesn't stand a chance against this Raven, we need the best and that's where you come in. Don't let us down." Requester: Vertex Operation Area: Versurs Highland Objective: Destory AC Raging Torrent IV Reward: 84,000c Walkthrough: Ok, take in an AC that you feel comfy killing an AC with... now factor in that he starts with two OWLS... I would take a blade good enough to take them out. YOU MUST RUSH AND HOPE YOU CAN KILL THEM EACH ON YOUR FIRST STRIKE to hope to do well. Once they are out of the way, you can easily rape Caspian... using a strong arm weapon/EO/missiles with relations. But once again, this is only minorly difficult due to the OWLS. Old Hidden Parts: YASYA: Kill Caspian/Raging Torrent IV. -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- H01-CICADA2 Core ---------- CR-C89E Arms ---------- A06-GIBBON2 Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- CR-B83TP FCS ----------- MF04-COWRY Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- E02RM-GAR Back Unit R --- WB28R-SIREN4 Back Unit L --- CR-WB69M Arm Unit R ---- CR-WH79M2 Arm Unit L ---- CR-WH01HP Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/CR-O69ES/CR-O71EC/CR-O75LA/O03-CODON/ MARISHI/KANGI S rank Walkthrough: Use this AC set-up if my strat up there doesn't work (Blade the MTs then attack the AC). With the increased ECM on your AC, you shouldn't have any trouble locking on to them. Use the missiles with relations. Once they are out of the way, drop all the missiles and attack him with your two guns and EO... not hard at all. If you want, you can easily use stronger missiles to take out the MTs in one volley... [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 22: Destroy Enemy Squadron Commission: "A squadron of enemy airborne units has been spotted heading in the direction of Airsul Dam. We'd like your help in dealing with them." "The dam itself is probably just a waypoint. Their actual target is most likely Vertex headquarters in Circ-City." "As our proposed time of attack nears, all or our forces are tied up on the frontlines. We can't deal with this new threat on our own." "If the enemy squadron manages to get past the dam in full strength, the damage they'll inflict on our headquarters will be significant." "Be aggressive as possible when engaging the enemy targets, but please avoid unnecessary damage to the facilities around the dam." Requester: Vertex Operation Area: Airsul Dam Objective: Eliminate the enemy invaders Reward: 96,000c Walkthrough: This mission involves you taking out a bunch of helicopters. Take any thing you feel confy taking A LOT of them out with. Now you need to work quick... there are a lot of them. I wouldn't just sit on the dam... since they will easily wait up and swarm you... you must go a little towards them. Either make a hover to sit on the water without feer... Or a low drain (RJ) design to fly to them... Both ways have a bad part... low on the water with the hover, you need to look up... it can be a hassle if you let one slide by. If you aren't a hover, you need to put your foot on the ground... Don't be afraid to use an energy pack as well. Old Hidden Parts: None -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- YH12-MAYFLY Core ---------- CR-YC99UL Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- CR-LRJ84M Booster ------- CR-B81 FCS ----------- FUGEN Generator ----- FUDOH Radiator ------ R01-HAZEL Inside -------- --- Extension ----- (En Pack) Back Unit R --- --- Back Unit L --- --- Arm Unit R ---- WR01R-SHADOW Arm Unit L ---- --- Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/CR-O71EC/O03-CODON/MARISHI S rank Walkthrough: Nothing too hard, just fly and shoot. Oldly enough, it seems the quicker you kill them, the more will come out at the end. Either way, with this design, you can fly for a pretty long time. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 23: Eliminate Enemy Invaders Commission: "An enemy force dispatched by one of the independent warlords has breached our airspace in the vicinity of the Airsul Dam. They must be dealt with immediately." "According to initial reports, the enemy force is relatively small. Taking care of them shouldn't pose any problems." "We don't know what they hope to accomplish with such limited numbers, but they're obviously up to no good." "Normally we'd take care of something like this on our own, but we can't spare any troops right now." "We'd like you to resolve the problem. Head to the dam and eliminate the intruders." Requester: Vertex Operation Area: Airsul Dam Objective: Eliminate the enemy invaders Reward: 60,000c Walkthrough: This mission is VERY similuar to the "Destroy Control Tower" mission. You know, the one with two AC in the dam mission? Well for a set-up, do the same as for that mission, just scrool up to mission 19. Only you'll can use a heavier AC with more ease since you start in the dam area... only you HAVE to kill the AC's this time. Before you fight them, you have to take out 5 helicopters... nothing hard... if you need help, I suggest to just read mission 19's strat... Sorry, I'm too lazy to do the same mission twice... Old Hidden Parts: None -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- YH06-LADYB Core ---------- CR-C83UA Arms ---------- A07-LEMUR Legs ---------- CR-LH96FA Booster ------- B05-GULL FCS ----------- MF03-VOLUTE2 Generator ----- FUDOH Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- --- Back Unit R --- --- Back Unit L --- --- Arm Unit R ---- CR-WH05BP Arm Unit L ---- CR-WH05BP Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/CR-O69ES/CR-O69SS/CR-O71EC/CR-O79L+/MARSHI S rank Walkthrough: Now this is a lot easier to S rank than the other mission VS these two ACs... again... I'm too lazy to write anything when you can just look up at mission 19. Two points of interest: 1. If you choose to use this AC, 4,500+ AP is all you need. 2. Using the AC for mission 19 will result in a similar end. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 24: Protect Transport Team Commission: "Our attack on Circ-City was a resounding success." "The materials we managed to capture during the operation are currently being transported through the Old Nire Industrial Area." "This particular region is an enemy stronghold and it's unlikely that our transport team will be able (to) pass through unnoticed." "Please escort the transports and keep them out of harm's way. You are cleared to take out any units that attempt to interfere." "A bonus is available upon completion of the mission, but only if your performance warrants it. We expect your best, Raven." Requester: Independent Warlord Operation Area: Old Nire Industrial Area Objective: Ensure the safety of the transport team Reward: 110,000c Walkthrough: You'll need a fast AC and a long range weapon for this one. Once the mission starts, you have some time before they actually come out, so take this time to kill the four MTs (1) and all of the soldiers... run over the soldiers. When you're head tells you that more enemies are coming, first kill the RJ Mts (3), then the Snipers... the Snipers (2) coming out of the far north end shouldn't pose a problem... yet. More Snipers should come out... it's time to kill them. Take care as they can pick off a transport in one hit. Now, you'll notice two shield MTs with surpise you... if you killed the Snipers, direct your attention to them... a blade is a good idea here. Once you are done with them, the mission should be over... The mission isn't hard to beat, just hard to do perfectly. ####### # 3 3# # S # 4 4 # # ################### # =====#<------------1--------- #===== =====#<------------1--------- #===== # #################### # # ########## # # # # 1 1 # S Start ########## # # # S # # ^ # # | # # | # # | # # # # ### ### # # # # # # # 3 2 2 3 # ########### Old Hidden Parts: JIREN: Complete the mission with an S rank. -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- H04-CICADA Core ---------- YC07-CRONUS Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- CR-LF71 Booster ------- B05-GULL FCS ----------- CR-F91DSN Generator ----- FUDOH Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- --- Back Unit R --- WB28R-SIREN4 Back Unit L --- WB02L-GERYON Arm Unit R ---- NIOH Arm Unit L ---- WL-MOONLIGHT Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: CR-O71EC/O03-CODON/O04-GOLGI/O05-HISTON/O06-PHAGE/ MARISHI S rank Walkthrough: Wait... did Vespy just tell me to use a friggen parrying blade?!? Did he lose his ****ing mind? Nah... just thought about it... Any ways, once the mission starts, take out all the RJS, then wait for a bit. Use your blade. Once they are out of the way, kill the Sniper MTs with the laser. You can get close to these. Then kill the RJs. Now, from far away, you'll need to snipe them Snipers FAST! The trucks could be in danger. Once they are out of the way, equip your parrying blade and wait for the shield MTs to open the doors... one shot each should do the trick. The charge up wastes just enough time for them to open up and take 4K worth of damage. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 25: Destroy Transport Convoy Commission: "A convoy of transport vehicles belonging to the warload who recently attacked Circ-City is rapidly approaching one of our strongholds." "Although the sole purpose of the raid may have simply been to pilfer materials, we cannot allow such a bold action to go unpunished." "Please head to the stronghold and prepare to intercept the convoy once it reaches the area. Don't let any of them escape." "Multiple AC units are escorting the transports, but mission priority is destruction of the convoy." "Once the primary objective is met feel free to do as you please. The bounty on an AC unit is always a tempting prize." Requester: Jack-O Operation Area: Old Nire Industrial Area Objective: Destroy all transport vehicles Reward: AC Part - CR-H06XS-EYE4 Walkthrough: This can be an easy mission or a very hard one. There is a possible "dual" AC fight. Mumu starts first, then Cerby comes in with the transports shortly after the mission is done. To just complete this mission, all you have to do is destroy the 6 transports... then jet to the escape point. It isn't that hard. Now, mumu has a shot gun/parrying blade... she is VERY easy to kill... Cerby has a lot of AP/DEF + a laser rifle... he's a bit harder to take down. Now, you'll want to take enough weapons to kill 2 ACs and something strong enough to take out 6 transports. They aren't hard to kill, but they don't stop... and there is usually two ACs coming at you. If you want an Easy way, try a quad, decked out with a strong cannon... the LX is ideal... this mission is loads easier once mumu is dead... Try to kill her first and foremost... Once she is about half dead, they should be on there way... you'll want to at least take out some of the transports... otherwise you will risk trying to get them all at once at the exit... which can fail your mission if you aren't quick enough. But then again, you can always bail... A safe way would be to take some AP off of Mumu, till the transports come... then kill them, then take both on at long range. With an OB core, you'll easily overrun them. New Hidden Parts: CR-H06XS-EYE4: Mission Reward. YH14-STING: Kill Mumu/Metis YC08-ICURUS: Kill Cerberus Garm/Niflheim -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- CR-H05XS-EYE3 Core ---------- C05-SELENA Arms ---------- A07-LEMUR Legs ---------- CR-LT78A Booster ------- --- FCS ----------- CR-F75D Generator ----- FUDOH Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- JIREN Back Unit R --- CR-WBW98LX Back Unit L --- CR-WBW98LX Arm Unit R ---- WH05M-SYLPH Arm Unit L ---- WH12PL-ETTIN Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/CR-O69ES/CR-O71EC/CR-O79L+/O04-GOLGI/ O05-HISTON S rank Walkthrough: FIRST THING TO REMEMBER: DO NOT FORGET TO LEAVE THE AREA AFTER THE MISSION! I RUINED A S RANK BECAUSE I JUST SAT THERE! Just saying that as a warning... usually mission end when the objective is complete... However since this mission is "over" in a short period time, the time limit is set just a little bit afterwards. Here is what you need to do: Kill both ACs REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY QUICKLY. Using your EO + ETTIN + LX can easily put a dent into these really fast... but you need to hit them! MAke sure your looking up and down skills are good, because you need to get a RED LOCK-ON to ensure a decent hit rate. Oh did I mention you have to go quick? If you kill her fast enough to catch the second AC in your lock box when he is still behind the corner, you are good. Now, this AC dodges worse, but hits you more... same thing, KILL KILL KILL! Now you also need to kill him quickly... if you don't, the transports will move out of the area... and sadly, they move close to your speed :/ Once you kill him, drop the giant energy weapon that has less shots remaining to speed things up... then pull out your machine gun to kill these enemies... better for your Accuracy as well. Use JIREN to up your energy... you'll need to. I finished with a very quick timing with a 4,002 AC repair... 750 Ammo. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 26: Halt Energy Production Commission: "Raven, we'd like you to bring operations at Vertex's main hydroelectric plant to a standstill." "Both sides in the ongoing conflict are almost equally matched at present, that will change if we can cripple the enemy's ability to produce energy." "Vertex is well aware of how important this facility is to their cause, and they have units in place to ensure its continued operation." "Head to the plant and destroy all of the designated targets. Clear out as soon as the objective has been achieved." Requester: Alliance Tactical Unit Operation Area: Seil Hydroelectric Plant Objective: Destory all energy production equipment Reward: 113,000c Walkthrough: This is a longer mission... can be longer if you opt to take the extra mission at the end... make sure you equip yourself the right way... For me, I'm going the extra mile. Make sure you have a rifle (or long range weapon), good armor, and a blade. A blade is very important. Also, a head with mapping is a good idea... I hate this mission's lay out. Start by following a strait path forward. You will see a Rat MT. Kill it non-blade... either way, keep going forward till you go up an elevator. This next room should have two rats in it... kill them the usual way. Now, if you followed my "Mission set up" correctly, this should be the first mission you see humans as enemies... they stand on the sides in places in this level... they are very weak. Any ways, just step on them. Much on to another door way. You'll find a Rat and a RJ MT, shoot rats, blade RJ's. Now, in this small hallway, turn right to the door on the side. You will be going up another elevator. Long story short, you'll find two targets in a soldier guarded room... destroy the target and be out. Ok, back down the elevator, head out that other door. Now you'll want to head out the only other opened door on the smae level; don't fly up yet. Through this door, you'll find another RJ MT, blade it and head right to the abandoned elevator (or self serve). Don't bother stopping on the second floor, but go all the way to the top. Once at the top, you'll fight several enemies again, then find a mother load of targets. Jump on to where they are and blade them all. Make sure you are moving back once they explode to avoid damage. Now return back to where you first when up the elevator... go back down it and enter the north eastern door. Once inside this door, ingore the little men, and head in the next green lit door... once inside, blade the RJ and ride the elevator down. No need for me to hold your hand... just find the four targets down there. Now, leave this area and return back up to the ground level... in the next big area you already went through, fly up. Right above the door you just left, you should find the last door to your targets. Look at the map... Elevators (++/#1) match to each other... an X means on that floor, there is nothing to stand in. All maps are facing the same way, $ = targets. Now, once you get done getting those last targets, you might have a chance to take an extra mission. It's up to you... I'm going to take it! Make sure you see a 50 second count down appear before you try to leave... outwise you might go out of the area like I did :( --- Traveling to the beginning --- --- Taking a plane --- --- Starting mission --- (Look after the map) Floor B2 ------------------------------------------------------------- =$====$= =$====$= ======== ======== NW ===--=== ===--=== ^ [][][][][][][] | [] | -- | ++#4 Floor B1 ------------------------------------------------------------- ==== ++|==== #1 ==== NW ==== ^ ==== | ==== | ==== | ==== -- ==== ==== ==== ==== ==S= ==== == == == Floor G -------------------------------------------------------------- ====|[][]|++====|[][][]|==== NW ==== #1==== -- ==== ^ ==== ==== ++#3 ==== | ==== ==== ==== | ==== ==== ==== | ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ====|[][][]|==== [][][]|==== -- -- ++#2 ++#4 Floor 1 -------------------------------------------------------------- XXXX |====|[][][]|====| NW XXXX ==== -- ==== ^ XXXX XXXX ++#3 XXXX | XXXX XXXX XXXX | XXXX XXXX XXXX | XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX ==== XXXX XXXX [][]|==== [] ++#2 [] -- === === [] []|=== ===|[] =====$ $===== ==$== ==$== Floor 2 -------------------------------------------------------------- XXXX [][]|[][]|[][] XXXX NW XXXX [] XXXX -- XXXX ^ XXXX [] XXXX ++#3 XXXX | XXXX -- XXXX XXXX | XXXX [] XXXX XXXX | XXXX [] XXXX XXXX | XXXX [] XXXX XXXX XXXX [] XXXX XXXX XXXX [] XXXX XXXX [] -- ==== ==== ======== $=$= =$=$ Extra mission -------------------------------------------------------- First things first... kill the damn towers! There is two on each side. The will add to an Electrical Counter Measure (ECM) against you. Once they are out of the way, blade the MTs. These MTs are called OWLS. They also have ECM in them. Don't worry about the guns yet... You'll want to blade them... but make sure to dodge their fire till you get close. OK, so once they are out of the way, try and pick off some of the gun batteries. But once you see your ECM rocketing up again, go back to blading the OWLS again. You'll hear your guy in the plane cry and all... but he's still awhile from the pad. Once you get rid of the total 5-6 OWLS, kill the grenade launching guns. Once you do that, make sure your "remnants of enemy" bar if fully gone, if so: Sit still... *Plane makes a happy landing* Old Hidden Parts: None -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- H10-CICADA2 Core ---------- CR-C83UA Arms ---------- A11-MACAQUE Legs ---------- CR-LH96FA Booster ------- CR-B83TP FCS ----------- CR-F75D Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- JIREN Back Unit R --- CR-WB69RO Back Unit L --- WB28R-SIREN4 Arm Unit R ---- WH09HL-SPIRIT Arm Unit L ---- WL-MOONLIGHT Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/CR-O71EC/O04-GOLGI/O05-HISTON/MARISHI/ KANGI S rank Walkthrough: The requirements in this mission are PRETTY steap for such a long mission... I ended with 1,760 ammo cost and 3,751 AC repair... missed about twice. Also I killed EVERY enemy that spawned on the radar in the first part of the mission, and all but one or two soldier squads. For the first part, use the laser rifle for the little MTs, the blade for the RJs, and small rockets for the targets. Hurry up! Now you must take the second part of the mission, so head to the beginning. At first, take out the control towers with your rockets... then drop them. Take out a group of OWL ECM MTs, once you do, go on a gun turret killing spread, using the JIREN to keep you in the air a little better. Once they are done, just mop up the MTs with either the blade or the energy rifle. For the S rank, you REALLY have to move and do good... I tried this mission well over 10 times and the results seem to be really steap as I said before. (I suppose you could hanger an "ORC" to kill the guns in one solid hit... but this design will do.) [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 27: Defend Against Assault Commission: "We've just received reports that a large Alliance force has been detected moving through the sewers beneath one of our main storage facilities." "The enemy force must be eliminated: we've counting on you to stop them in their tracks." "Visibility in the sewers is poor, so make sure your AC is outfitted appropriately." Requester: Vertex Operation Area: Walter Material Storage Site Objective: Halt the enemy invasion Reward: 104,000c Walkthrough: Ok, this mission takes place in a dark sewer... make sure you have a decently powerful weapon, and the SELENA EO core. This mission is almost like the on from Nexus: A lot of crawly things in a dark sewer. Any rifle will do. Also take large rockets if you want more $. Any ways, once you start the mission, drop down into the sewer, once you do, you'll fight a couple ways for those Termite MTs. If you have the SELENA core, it will kill them in a single hit. Nothing is too much to handle... the final way has two shield MTs drop down as well. Take them on at long range so you don't get nailed with rapid bazooka rounds. Now you'll have a chance to take an extra mission... you have a lot of time to except, so you can now look for the hidden part. Find the door to escape to the extra mission. Extra Mission -------------------------------------------------------- This next mission is just like the other extra mission... only to opposite... you don't need to protect the plane, you have to destroy it. Now, kill as many gliders as you can before the plane is said to be in range... Once you get the message, direct your attention to the west... you should see the plane coming down. It takes two large rockets, nothing hard. Old Hidden Parts: CR-R92: This part is hiding in one of the rooms above the sewer... Once you fall down, look west... it is in the room fartest west... which is in around the middle of the sewer and close to where you drop down. 107D-MEDUSA2: In the extra mission, boost all the way to the eastern from the start. You'll see 4 trucks on the left side... this part is inside the one farthest east. -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- H10-CICADA2 Core ---------- C05-SELENA Arms ---------- A11-MACAQUE Legs ---------- LH02-LYNX2 Booster ------- B03-VULTURE2 FCS ----------- CR-F91DSN Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- --- Back Unit R --- WB13RO-SPHINX Back Unit L --- --- Arm Unit R ---- WR09HL-SPIRIT Arm Unit L ---- WL14LB-ELF2 Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/CR-O69ES/CR-O71EC/O03-CODON/O04-GOLGI/ O05-HISTON S rank Walkthrough: Finished with a repair of 1,805 (1,100 AP lost)... For the first part of the mission, just pop up your EOs and shoot with you laser rifle. The first part really isn't hard... nor is second... Killing gliders takes two hits, less if you use your EO... just make sure you save at least two. Once the plane comes, shot with two rocket rounds, two EO's should also hit... killing the plane. Also, keep in mind your accuracy... don't spam shoots against the gliders. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 28: Secure The Terminal Area Commission: "We'd like you to help us take control of Vertex's material storage site. This is a key facility and capturing it would be to our advantage." "Your role will be to act as a diversion. Get the attention of the facility's defenders so that we can send in a strike force via another route." "The main objective is to secure the terminal area and its immediate surroundings. This must be done as quickly as possible if the mission is to succeed." "You'll be facing most of the base defenses by yourself, prepare your AC accordingly." Requester: Alliance Tactical Unit Operation Area: Walter Material Storage Site Objective: Create a diversion/secure termimal area Reward: 131,000c Walkthrough: This can be a hard mission if you don't plan right... you'll need the following... a fast turning close range AC with a blade. Nightvision on the head can help. Start by falling down the shaft... then head a tad bit ease and up another shaft. Once up here, clear out all the MTS and turrets... Blade the MTs. Make sure you blade them quick and then back up after they are about to explode... not before :D Now after a few MTs, you'll fall down a second shaft... to get back up to the next area, head a bit east... or just look for blue dots on the radar. Now you'll kill one more gun... then enter a door. You'll be facing Omega. Omega has a machine gun and a weak grenade launcher... Here is what you have to do. If you made a fast turning AC you can easily out turn him... If you don't go close range, you'll have a hard time dodging random attacks in such a small room. Just take the biggest machine gun with the largest lock box for good results. Remember, you have to outturn him... so hopefully you have the CODON optional part. Old Hidden Parts: KARURA: Go to the extreme east in the second drop into the sewer. It's very tiny. CR-H0X5-EYE3: Kill Omega/Clown Face. -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- CR-H98XS-EYE2 Core ---------- CR-YC99UL Arms ---------- CR-WA75MSP Legs ---------- CR-LF71 Booster ------- CR-B83TP FCS ----------- FUGEN Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- FUNI Back Unit R --- CR-WBW98LX Back Unit L --- CR-WBW98LX Arm Unit R ---- --- Arm Unit L ---- --- Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/CR-O69ES/CR-O71EC/CR-O75LA/CR-O79L+/ O03-CODON/MARISHI S rank Walkthrough: Now I'm just sad... the deal with this set-up is counter Omega in his little area. Use the LX to kill all the MTs... And I take it you know what the large missiles are for... click on the extensions to make matter harder for the AC. You need to hit with a couple of them... but it should be hard... well I did it twice in a row... Also, you can choose to hit him with one LX shot right from the start, but I didn't need to. You'll need to drop it quick, since you are obviously overweight. I ended the mission with a 4,626c AC repair and with no usable ammo. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 29: Destroy Suspicious Force Commission: "A force of unidentified origin has been spotted moving through the Garav Desert." "The units that make up the force are of a highly unusual design and appear to be hostile." "I'm planing on launching an attack, but would prefer to not go it alone." "According to Jack you're quite an accomplished pilot. Meet me in the desert if you're interested in the assignment." Requester: Evangel Operation Area: Garav Desert Objective: Eliminate the suspicious force Reward: 142,000c Walkthrough: This mission includes those lovable sand burrowing MTs. However, there is a twist this time... Eva will turn on you when they are all dead... I didn't spoil anything... it's friggen obvious. Any ways, for the MTs, only go for the ones Eva isn't shooting at all ready... just look at his EO to find out which one he is looking at. Now, you need a good weapon for both the MTS and Eva... that good old 40 round bazooka can help, along with a left arm gun and EO if needed. For the actual fight, ALWAYS boost backwards from him... he will either shoot then miss due to your dodging, or not shoot at all. Remember to stay away from him once the last MT is dead, as he will instantly attack you. Old Hidden Parts: WH10M-SILKY(left): Complete the mission with an S rank. -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- CR-H05XS-EYE3 Core ---------- CR-C89E (May need to tune for max arm weight) Arms ---------- YA10-LORIS Legs ---------- CR-LH96FA Booster ------- CR-B83TP FCS ----------- MF03-VOLUTE2 Generator ----- FUDOH Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- --- Back Unit R --- --- Back Unit L --- --- Arm Unit R ---- CR-WR81B2 Arm Unit L ---- CR-WH05BP Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/CR-O69ES/CR-O69SS/CR-O71EC/CR-O79L+/ O02-ORGANELLE/MARISHI S rank Walkthrough: Use the lefty for the MTs... then pop up the EOs and start using the right arm bazooka with the left when Evan starts to come at you. Try not to get hit with any pulses... and always back peddle from Evan... dirty bastard. I finished with 7,261 AP... not too hard. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 30: Eliminate Enemy Patrols Commission: "We'd like your help capturing Vertex's main hydroelectric plant. Once seized, we intend to hold it for ransom." "Please eliminate all units patrolling the premises." "Avoid damaging any of the plant's operating equipment, as this will negatively impact its value as a bargaining chip. Advance with care." "Given the precarious nature of their current situation, Vertex is sure to meet our demands. We're counting on you Raven." Requester: Independant Warlord Operation Area: Seil Hydroelectric Plant Objective: Eliminate all enemy patrol units Reward: 138,000c Walkthrough: Make sure you take a (strong) blade and good ECM if needed. ECM so good, you should even consider using Radar. Now this is that same Plant mission you just love to hate... only to make things worse, you'l have to locate a couple ECM MTs... Start by moving forward after going up the elevator, heading forward. For the foor soldiers that like to piss you off in the mission, I would suggest just boosting close to them... they'll run away. Any ways, the next room holds an ECM MT... obviously kill it with your blade. Now, the rest of the mission is the same thing you did in all the others... I pretty sure this isn't your first time through this mission area. Any ways, the map will tell you were all the enemies are... and if you need to locate the hidden part. The OWL ECM MTs aren't going to be a problem with staying alive... but the MTs labelled "&" are ones that have dual plasma cannon arms... they are deadly, but have low armor for their size. Make sure you take them out QUICKLY... again, use the map to locate them if your radar is constantly bugging out. Floor B2 ------------------------------------------------------------- ======== ======== =&====== ======== NW ===--=== ===--=== ^ [][][][][][%[] | [] | -- | ++#4 Floor B1 ------------------------------------------------------------- (CANNOT BE ACCESSED DURING THIS MISSION) ==== ++|==== #1 ==== NW ==== ^ ==== | ==== | ==== | ==== -- S Start ==== % ECM MT ==== & Other MT ==== X Hidden part ==== ==== ==== == == == Floor G -------------------------------------------------------------- ====|[][]|+S====|[][][]|==== NW ==== #1==== -& ==== ^ ==== ==== ++#3 ==== | ==== ==== ==== | ==== =&== ==== | ==%= ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ====|[][][]|==== [][][]|==%= -- -- ++#2 ++#4 Floor 1 -------------------------------------------------------------- XXXX |====|[][][]|====| NW XXXX ==== -- ==== ^ XXXX XXXX ++#3 XXXX | XXXX XXXX XXXX | XXXX XXXX XXXX | XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX ==== XXXX XXXX [][]|==&= [] ++#2 [] -- === === [] [%|=== ===|[] ====== ====== ===== ===%= Floor 2 -------------------------------------------------------------- XXXX [][]|[][]|[][] XXXX NW XXXX [] XXXX -- XXXX ^ XXXX [] XXXX ++#3 XXXX | XXXX -- XXXX XXXX | XXXX [] XXXX XXXX | XXXX [] XXXX XXXX | XXXX [] XXXX XXXX XXXX [] XXXX XXXX XXXX [] XXXX XXXX [] -- ==== ==== ===X==== ==== ==== Old Hidden Parts: KUJAKU: Go up to floor 2, the only thing on this level is the hidden part... deviod of enemies. Look at the X... shouldn't be hard as it is clear in the middle of the room. D03-CODON: Complete the mission with an S rank. -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- YH15-DRONE Core ---------- CR-C69U Arms ---------- A11-MACAQUE Legs ---------- LH05-COUGAR Booster ------- B03-VULTURE2 FCS ----------- CR-F75D Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- --- Back Unit R --- WB28R-SIREN4 Back Unit L --- WB28R-SIREN4 Arm Unit R ---- WH12PL-ETTIN Arm Unit L ---- WL-MOONLIGHT Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/CR-O69ES/O07-PRIMER/O04-GOLGI/O06-PHAGE/ MARISHI/KANGI S rank Walkthrough: Blade the OWLS and use the ETTIN to destroy the Dual Plasma Arm MTs... Lock on to them before you turn a corner then INSTANTLY shoot to kill them in one hit from the ETTIN. Remember to use the #3 elevator to get a good lead on the plasma MT on the ledge. For the OWLS, if they jump, be sure to try and boost away from them so they don't get your back. The OWL in the generator room, only kill in the corner to avoid hitting something you were meant to protect. Personally, I S ranked the mission using the SYURA blade arms... try if you will... [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 31: Destroy Power Generators Commission: "We've learned that Alliance headquarters intends to investigate the Triton Center." "We cannot let them find out about the secret research we've been conducting there." "To prevent them from interfering we want to force the closure of the facility by making it look as though an accident has occurred. Destroying the main power generators should accomplish this." "Also, a number of the experimental organisms involved in our research are still present within the facility. Please eradicate these targets to prevent them form falling into the wrong hands." "We're counting on you to take care of this matter, Raven. Good Luck." Requester: Kisaragi Loyalists Operation Area: Triton Ecoactivity Center Objective: Destroy the main power generators Reward: 98,000c Walkthrough: First off, take strong energy weapon, an EO core, and/or a blade. A head with a bio sensor is also a god idea, along with high armor since you don't have a lot of dodging room. Here is the jist of the mission... go forward until you go through a door. Now just enter all of the rooms attacking the Bio weapons. Once you open a door, shoot the small ones, blade the large ones. If you have high (E?) defense, you shouldn't take too much damage. The third room you enter should only have 3 bio weapons in it... it also has a hidden part, so make sure you pick that up. Now peek at the map for the target areas. Head down the elevator to a small hallway... fall down the hole. It shouldn't be hard to locate the generators on either side of the giant room. Once you destroy the two, you need to then hustle your ass to the the starting point. You'll find a few Bio weapons that came back... you can kill them for extra money. You get about 25 extra seconds to play around with... and but remember, the elevators aren't skipable. VV VS [] -- ==== ====== ==== -- [] W [] ^ [] | ==== [] | []|=====[] | ==== [] ==== -- []|==X==[][][][][] [] ==== -- ==== [][][][][][][][]|===== -- ==== [] [] [] S Start [] $ Target [] V Elevator [] -- VV VV -- [] ==[]== == ====[]==== == =$=|[]|==== ====|[]|=$= == ========== == ====== New Hidden Parts: YH13-LONGHORN: In the third room with bio weapons. Look at the map for the "X". -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- H10-CICADA2 Core ---------- C05-SELENA Arms ---------- A06-GIBBON2 Legs ---------- CR-LF88A Booster ------- B03-VULTURE2 FCS ----------- FUGEN Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- --- Back Unit R --- CR-WBW78C Back Unit L --- CR-WBW78C Arm Unit R ---- WH06PL-ORC Arm Unit L ---- CR-WL79LB2 Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: CR-O69ES/CR-O71EC/O03-CODON/O04-GOLGI/MARISHI S rank Walkthrough: Again... you have lots of weapons... kill kill kill! Use the Orc for the power generators, other than that, the dual chain gun, EO, and blade can rape all of the BIO like butter. Yes, I can't believe he said butter. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 32: Prevent Plant Destruction Commission: "One of the warlords managed to infiltrate our main hydroelectric plant and has placed explosive charges on various pieces of equipment throughout the facility." "This plant is a primary producer of the enemy needed to keep our operations up and running. We cannot allow our enemies to destroy it." "Head to the facility and disable all of the explosive charges. A small number of enemy units are still in position there, but these are a secondary concern." "You must prevent the destruction of the plant's transformers and generators. If too many of them are damaged all energy production at the plant will come to a halt." "There isn't much time before the explosives detonate, this mission much be carried out with great haste." Requester: Vertex Operation Area: Seil Hydroelectric Plant Objective: Disable all explosive charges Reward: 132,000c Walkthrough: This mission includes you finding a few bombs all the while avoiding very annoying MTs. Make a lightweight AC with a weapon strong enough to wipe out them in one shot. A bazooka wouldn't be bad... Start by going out the door. Ignore the enemies... they'll just slow you down... once in the next door, take the door to the south east. Keep following this hallway to find two bombs in a room with a lonely MT... Kill the MT and carefully take the bombs off. Head back do the elevator. Go through the only door you didn't yet. Boost to the other side of this room... into another door. You will then see an elevator which doesn't have a door... fly to the top. Follow this path to four more targets and a MT. Then head back ground level. Now head out the other door once back down. Once inside this next long hallway, make sure to fly up to the second level and head in the door. Your should find two more targets in here. Once they are destroyed, head back out... fall down to ground level and enter the door direction under the one you just left. Now go down this elevator to the bottom floor to find the last four targets. Watch out... hitting a gen will run you 7,500c... Floor B2 ------------------------------------------------------------- ==$==$== ==$==$== ======== ======== NW ===--=== ===--=== ^ [][][][][][][] | [] | -- | ++#4 Floor B1 ------------------------------------------------------------- NOT AVAILABLE IN THIS MISSION... BUT IT STILL EXISTS ==== ++|==== #1 ==== NW ==== ^ ==== | ==== | ==== | ==== -- ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== == == == Floor G -------------------------------------------------------------- ====|[][]|++====|[][][]|==== NW ==== #1==== -- ==== ^ ==== ==== ++#3 ==== | ==== ==== ==== | ==== ==== ==== | ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ====|[][][]|==== [][][]|==== -- -- ++#2 ++#4 Floor 1 -------------------------------------------------------------- XXXX |====|[][][]|====| NW XXXX ==== -- ==== ^ XXXX XXXX ++#3 XXXX | XXXX XXXX XXXX | XXXX XXXX XXXX | XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX ==== XXXX XXXX [][]|==== [] ++#2 [] -- === === [] []|==$ $==|[] ====== ====== ===$= =$=== Floor 2 -------------------------------------------------------------- XXXX [][]|[][]|[][] XXXX NW XXXX [] XXXX -- XXXX ^ XXXX [] XXXX ++#3 XXXX | XXXX -- XXXX XXXX | XXXX [] XXXX XXXX | XXXX [] XXXX XXXX | XXXX [] XXXX XXXX XXXX [] XXXX XXXX XXXX [] XXXX XXXX [] -- ==== ==== ======== $=$= =$=$ Old Hidden Parts: NICHIRIN(right): Complete the mission with an S rank. -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- H07-CRICKET Core ---------- YC07-CRONUS Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- LH09-COUGAR2 Booster ------- B03-VULTURE2 FCS ----------- MONJU Generator ----- GR-G84P Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- --- Back Unit R --- --- Back Unit L --- --- Arm Unit R ---- WR09HL-SPIRIT Arm Unit L ---- --- Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/CR-O69ES/CR-O71EC/O04-GOLGI/O05-HISTON/ O06-PHAGE/MARISHI S rank Walkthrough: I finished the mission with 2:49 still on the clock... just move quick and kill all of the crawling MTs (about 50% of the total enemy count). Nothing hard... and with no blade on, you don't have to worry about constantly pressing in circle to "pick" up a bomb. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 33: Protect The ECM Devices Commission: "An unknown enemy force, possibly Vertex or one of their allies, has been spotted moving toward the Tartrus headquarters site." "This location is of great strategic importance to our organization. We want you to defend it from what looks to be an imminent attack." "The ECM devices in place at the site are critical to its defense, do not let them be destroyed." Requester: Alliance Headquarters Operation Area: Tartrus Headquarters Objective: Protect the ECm devices Reward: 112,000c Walkthrough: Now, this mission makes no sence... they are paying you to protect trucks with Radar dishes... that's 28,000c per each... curiously, I don't think they are worth that much. Either way,you need to do this mission. For starters, you need a quick AC with long range fire power. This is because their are a lot of enemies... and only 4 ECM trucks. Oh... &RADAR. ECM trucks die in pretty much one hit from anything... they have to have less than 300 AP. The idea is to equip a sniper rifle to take out the flyers as fast as possible. They aren't fast, and can be seen easily due to their spot lights. They do make up for it in numbers. Remember to look out for them on your radar. Now, during these airborne fights, a glider will come out. They are going to be the ones that pick off the ECM trucks. When you see one on the radar [look for the different color dot ;)] direct your attention to it... or you will lose units. After another wave of flyiers, two more MTs will come out. Remember, kill them ASAP. Old Hidden Parts: None -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- CR-YH70S2 Core ---------- CR-YC99UL Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- CR-LRJ84M Booster ------- CR-B81 FCS ----------- FUGEN Generator ----- FUDOH Radiator ------ R01-HAZEL Inside -------- --- Extension ----- CR-E84RM2 Back Unit R --- WB06M-SPARTOI Back Unit L --- CR-WB69RA Arm Unit R ---- CR-WR88RS3 Arm Unit L ---- --- Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/CR-O69ES/CR-O71EC/CR-O75LA/O03-CODON/ CR-O86R+/MARISHI S rank Walkthrough: Use this rifle to kill all the MTS that come in sight... then when you see a different color dot on your radar, locate the Glider and kill it QUICKLY. I did this on my first try, but missing with the missiles may let a glider get in a free shot. Remember to fire the mission from the air for a better hit. If you kill the flying MTs fast enough, you shouldn't have a problem killing the gliders with any interuption. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 34: Rescue Allied Force Commission: "We've lost contact with the team sent in to investigate the material storage site." "There is a good chance they were attacked by Vertex forces, but we don't know for sure." "We'd like you to attempt a rescure. Please save as many of our people as possible." "According to their last transmission, some sort fo new weapon was deployed against them. Be careful." "Securing the facility is also an objective. Take out any suspicious targets you encounter." Requester: Alliance Tactical Unit Operation Area: Walter Material Storage Site Objective: Rescue the allies and secure the facility Reward: 90,000c Walkthrough: For this mission I would take a blade, a strong weapon, an energy EO core, and a head with mapping/bio-sensor/night vision. Now for the mission, the first thing you have to do is drop down a hole... make sure you fall down sideways to quickly get into action. If you know your AC, I took a bio-sensor for... Buggies. You'll want to take out these buggies the best you can. Then fly up the hole to the next pile of them. If you are having trouble locating them, make sure to bring a head with a bio-sensor on the radar as well... then look for the blue dots. Once you are up here, simply navigate through the maze of walls, killing bug after bug after bug. Now kill a few of them until your radio girl tells you that it's a secure area. Once that happens, open the door marked "Friend" Easy Mission. Old Hidden Parts: None -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- H10-CICADA2 Core ---------- C02-URANUS Arms ---------- A06-GIBBON2 Legs ---------- LH02-LYNX2 Booster ------- B03-VULTURE2 FCS ----------- MONJU Generator ----- CR-G91 Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- --- Back Unit R --- --- Back Unit L --- --- Arm Unit R ---- WR22PL-OGRE2 Arm Unit L ---- WL14LB-ELF2 Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/CR-O69ES/CR-O71EC/O03-CODON/O07-PRIMER/ O04-GOLGI/O05-HISTON/ S rank Walkthrough: Shoot the ones you can't blade, blade the ones that could be shot. Don't think about it... this mission is a joke. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 35: Seize The Airstrip Commission: "The Alliance Tactical Unit is preparing to seize control of a Vertex occupied airstrip." "Once captured, this facility will enable us to better support our troops deployed in the field." "We want you to help us eliminate the airstrip's defenses." "An MT squad will be deployed to assist as soon as it is ready, please do what you can to keep them out of harm's way." Requester: Alliance Tactical Unit Operation Area: Sinus Airstrip Objective: Eliminate the enemy defenses Reward: 158,000c Walkthrough: Simple mission... nice rewards too! First of all, take a long range weapon and a blade. If you want, throw in some large rockets too. Ok, the mission starts off with the MT squad hidden away. With in this time, it is very important you take out ALL the gun batteries with your long range weapon, and the MTs with your Blade. Once they are out of the way, 4 more MTs will show up and 3 bombers will shoop down and fire grenades. The bombers aren't all at once, they come by with in about 10 seconds of one another. If you miss one, simple wait for it to come back. The first group of MTs comes from the middle and the second comes from next to the control tower (the one farther away from the bomber spawn point). Do your best to kill them all quickly, the more MTs alive, the better. Again, just with most protect missions, it isn't hard to complete the mission, you just have to move it if you want all the MTS safe. Old Hidden Parts: MIROKU: Complete the mission with an S rank. -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- H03-BEETLE Core ---------- CR-YC010/UL2 Arms ---------- A05-LANGUR Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B03-VULTURE2 FCS ----------- CR-F75D Generator ----- CR-G91 Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- --- Back Unit R --- CR-WB69RA Back Unit L --- CR-WB85RPX Arm Unit R ---- WH02RS-WYRM Arm Unit L ---- WL-MOONLIGHT Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/CR-O69ES/CR-O69SS/CR-O71EC/O03-CODON/ O07-PRIMER/MARISHI S rank Walkthrough: Use the Sniper rifle for the gun turrets. drop it after wards... For the first group of MTs, use your blade. For second group of MTs, use your blade, then a large rocket. For the gliders, use two rockets. Easy as that... as long as you have over 4,300 AP, and have all your targets alive, you will get an S rank. Once the mission starts, take out one or two of the control towers to make your life easier. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 36: Destroy The ECM Devices Commission: "Raven, we'd like you to help us in our efforts to steal supplies being stockpiled at an old corporate headquarters site." "Enemy defenses at the location are minimal, but they have deployed a number of powerful ECM devices that are complicating matters." "We want you to assault the base and clear out all of the ECM devices positioned there." "Feel free to eliminate other enemy targets in the area as well. Doing so will make things easier for us when we move in." Requester: Independent Warlord Operation Area: Tartrus Headquarters Objective: Destroy all ECM devices Reward: 74,000c Walkthrough: Unless you are going for the S rank, this mission is REALLY easy... Simply take out all the ECM trucks... two are inside the dome, two are outside. They don't move, and they are large targets... you shouldn't have trouble. If you want, kill as many things as possible, but if you just want the mission over with, kill the four trucks. If you have trouble finding them, get your eyes checked or look at all the targets on the map. Old Hidden Parts: WH11PU-PERYTON(right): Complete the mission with an S rank. -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- H10-CICADA2 Core ---------- CR-YC99UL Arms ---------- A11-MACAQUE Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- CR-B83TP FCS ----------- MIROKU Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- --- Back Unit R --- --- Back Unit L --- --- Arm Unit R ---- WR01R-SHADOW Arm Unit L ---- WL-MOONLIGHT Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/CR-O69ES/CR-O69SS/CR-O71EC/O03-CODON/MARISHI/ KANGI S rank Walkthrough: I ended this mission with a 6,563 AC repair, 92,000c in extra bucks, and left when the clock was at 20 seconds. The idea is to just fire at things, or blade them... nothing too hard. Make sure to kill all but 3 ECM devices and take out all the Sniper MTs first. Use your blade wave to destroy the ECM devices for avoiding an explosion. Nothing too hard... just remember to leave during the countdown... too earily = A... too late = FAIL. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 37: Destroy Underground Force Commission: "The latest scan conducted at one of our facilities picked up numerous biological organisms slithering through the underground sewer system." "The facility where this is happening is vitally important to our ongoing operations. We cannot allow these unknown organisms to come in contact with our workers." "Please enter the sewer system and eliminate this threat. We'll compensate you based on your results." "Due to other obligations, we're currently unable to provide additional backup. You'll have to take care of things on your own." Requester: Vertex Operation Area: Walter Material Storage Site Objective: Eliminate the intruders Reward: 0c Walkthrough: First things, equip long range weapons, energy... a tank would also be a good choice. Also, an energy EO core. Bio sensor and night vision is also a must. I think the mission would be hell if you didn't have those two head options. The mission is just you in a dark sewer. In this sewer, you'll be greeted by MANY of the bigger bio weapons. Now all you have to do is stand back and peg them with all you have. The reason I said use long range weapons is so you can avoid almost every thing... use those EO for extra help. After you kill a bunch (there is a lot), you'll be told to leave... Old Hidden Parts: None -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- H10-CICADA2 Core ---------- C05-SELENA Arms ---------- A06-GIBBON2 Legs ---------- LH13-JACKAL2 Booster ------- B03-VULTURE2 FCS ----------- CR-F91DSN Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- --- Back Unit R --- --- Back Unit L --- --- Arm Unit R ---- WH04HL-KRSW Arm Unit L ---- WH04HL-KRSW Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: CR-O69ES/CR-O71EC/O04-GOLGI/O05-HISTON/O06-PHAGE/ MARISHI S rank Walkthrough: See this AC? This is how Jack-O feels... any ways, nothing too hard... You best bet is to just shoot. Some BIO's take more than one hit... some take one... use the EO for added power... Easy mission to S rank. QUAD KARASAWA BABY! [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 38: Eliminate Enemy Occupiers Commission: "One of our main distribution centers has been taken over by an unknown group." "Their attack occurred immediately after we had recaptured the facility from Vertex." "We'd like you to eliminate the occupying force. Please avoid damaging any of the facility's key equipment once the battle starts." "We're counting on you, Raven." Requester: Alliance Headquarters Operation Area: Diorgan Distribution Center Objective: Eliminate the enemy occupiers Reward: 135,000c Walkthrough: This is a medium-hard mission... I would suggest taking a fully equipped AC... Blade, and hard hitting long range weapons... You have to do a level with an AC at the end. The AC's bio specifically says he can't do **** at long range... Decoys might be a good choice. Move forward to the big room... kill the lone MT then move on. Proceed to another wide open room... filled with two pod MTs. Kill them... move on... Now, through this next door, you'll find a MT... packed with TITANS... Titans are the AC3 version of the large missile... it's a large small missile... VERY STRONG. Although it's weaker than the AC version... it still hurts. Use your strongest weapon to kill him ASAP. Continue. You'll find one MT, then a drop. The drop includes a greating by 4 MTs... use peekaboo tactics. Move forward. The next room has 3 pods and another TITAN whore... please, for me, hide until you destroy the MT shooting the giant friggen missiles. Now you should be on the outside. The outside holds a few surprises... The fake Genubee! He's actually quite tough this time around... why? Well, if you go next to the edge of the map, the gun turrets will click on... that's 7 grenade launchers... (Don't forget, fake-Genobee has a hangered nade shooter). Now, if the gun go on, take them out. It's best idea to try and out turn this guy... just make sure you prepare for the whole mission... hangers are a good choice. I know this strat seems crappy... but I'll have something better for the S rank strat... too tired now... If you have too much trouble... just nuke him with missiles... make sure to keep it up. Don't forget, for the first few launches should be micros or multi, as he has a limited AMS. Old Hidden Parts: CR-WH01SP(left): Kill Mollycoodle/Pinch Beck. -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- H10-CICADA2 Core ---------- CR-YC99UL Arms ---------- A11-MACAQUE Legs ---------- LF02-GAVIAL (Tune leg weight) Booster ------- B05-GULL FCS ----------- CR-F75D Generator ----- CR-G91 Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- CR-E82SS2 Back Unit R --- WB02L-GERYON Back Unit L --- --- Arm Unit R ---- WH02RS-WYRM Arm Unit L ---- WH02RS-WYRM Hanger Unit R - CR-WH01HP (Only needed for back up) Hanger Unit L - CR-WH01HP Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/CR-O69ES/CR-O69SS/CR-O71EC/CR-O79L+/ O04-GOLGI/O05-HISTON S rank Walkthrough: This mission isn't really that hard if you can play good... I know that seems odd, but here's the deal Use the laser cannon FOR EVERYTHING INSIDE THE BUILDING. The MTs actually must take heat damage since they will die about a second after you peg them. Now, use you open the door... DO NOT ****ING STEP OUT SIDE! You can snipe ALL 4 Walnuts (gun turrets) from the enterance. Now you'll fight the fake Genubee, there are 2 ways you can go about this. Drop the Plasma Cannon for the start, then attack with dual Snipers, then dual Hand guns. OR Peg him with two Plasma Rounds... then you can kill him with just the sniper rifles (I had 4 in the left and 1 in the right)... but that takes good shooting, so just use an EO core with it. Like usual, stay far away with the sniper rifles... he shouldn't be too much trouble... Once he steps out, you can easily get a shot off with the plasma cannon, so make your choice. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 39: Protect Reactor Core Commission: "The enemy has dispatched a contingent of unmanned units to destroy the reactor core at one of our power plants." "The attackers probably intend to gain access to the core by moving down the ventilation openings of reactor's cooling towers." "If they succeed in doing so, a core meltdown is inevitable." "There are less than twelve hours to go before we launch our attack. We just cannot allow Alliance to disrupt this schedule." Requester: Vertex Operation Area: Querr Energy Plant Objective: Eliminate the unmanned attack force Reward: 98,000c Walkthrough: Make a low drain AC, with long range FCS. Equip the Shadow rilfe as well. Radar is a good option as well. Right off the bat, locate the ones all ready crawling up the shaft. once you do, fly up to them and kill them. Now once you do that, it just a matter of looking out for more to come. Two things to realize: They move faster than you may think... don't let them go too long without notice... use your ROE(nemy) bar to tell if some are in play... if you don't know what radar is. And the last, DO NOT fly too high or go out of the area. The mission is kind of cheap... I mean, do you think your client would let you fail just because it gave you a better veiw of the target? I don't... The mission as about 5 waves... each with more targets, and sometimes on both smoke stacks. Make sure you go for them while they are crawling... easier targets. Old Hidden Parts: None -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- H04-CICADA Core ---------- YC07-CRONUS Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- CR-LRJ84M Booster ------- CR-B81 FCS ----------- FUGEN Generator ----- G03-ORCHID Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- --- Back Unit R --- --- Back Unit L --- WB17R-SIREN3 Arm Unit R ---- WR01R-SHADOW Arm Unit L ---- --- Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: CR-O71EC/O03-CODON/MARISHI S rank Walkthrough: Jump, Fly, Look at Radar, Aim, Shoot, Land... Jump, Fly, Look at Radar, Aim, Shoot, Turn, Aim, Shoot, Land... Jump, Fly, Look at Radar, Aim, Shoot, Turn, Aim, Shoot, Land... Jump, Fly, Look at Radar, Aim, Shoot, Turn, Aim, Shoot, Land... Jump, Fly, Look at Radar, Aim, Shoot, Turn, Aim, Shoot, Land... [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 40: Prevent Reactor Meltdown Commission: "An abnormal signal was detected emanating from the reactor core in one of our energy plants." "We think the problem is the result of an ongoing Alliance attack, but we can't be certain. Either way, we need to take care of things at the facility." "The worst-case scenario we are facing right now is a complete reactor core meltdown. If this were to happen, our operations would grind to a halt." "Various areas within the plant have been sealed off to keep any damage from spreading. We'll follow your progress through the facility and unlock gates for you as needed." "It's unknown what type of resistance you might encounter once in position. We recommend that (YOU) come prepared to handle just about anything." Requester: Vertex Operation Area: Querr Energy Plant Objective: Eliminate the intruders Reward: 108,000c Walkthrough: Ok, this is a basic kill all mission with a twist. First off, make sure you have high cooling + energy batteries. For weapons, a blade and anything not weak... not an energy weapon though. A night vision head is also a good idea. I used a quad, with the Shadow rifle, blade, and dual back chain gun. The first part of the mission takes place outside. You need to attack the weak MTs... one shot from the rifle kills each... I dropped it then. Now head inside... move forward only to blade two easy bios. Once you clear them, the door shall open. In this next room, you will find two flying bio weapons... Eliminate them from the edge... as these stupid looking bees will have a field day making a comb out of your AC. After that, move on a little farther... you'll start to notice you're AC is sweating. This is because you now have to kill all the targets to cool down the plant. Here are some tips... kill fast! move fast!, there, you have it. If you took an energy battery like I said, you shouldn't have a problem with energy management. Now, in the next room, you should have to kill a flying type and two little ones... blade the little ones to save time. Head through the locked doors. Now, you should be able to freely move through this next area with no trouble destroy two targets. Once you fall down a hole, you'll see a duo of bios. Kill them... so that door can open. You will probably need to use an energy pack about now. Now just kill two more targets... the lights should go out now. Now, if you need to get the hidden part... it would be wise right about now... otherwise, proceed forward. Once you are at the last door, you'll find many bios in there... mop them up with your remaining ammo. Once they are dead, YOU WIN! YAY! S Start of inside -- or | Door that will unlock when enemies are cleared X Hidden Part $ Target L Lowest M Middle H Highest * Ground Bio % Air Bio @ Heat increase G spot ===== ======= []=====[] =[] []= ===== ===== ============ $=== ===$ =%=====%==== ===== ===== ============ =[] ==[] ==--=====--= []==== [] W [] [] ====== [] ^ [] [] ====[] [] | [] #1 [] [] | [] [] [] | [] #1 [] [] [^ ===== [] [] [][][][][][][][]M][]H-+->[]==X== [* [] L] [| ===== [] ==--========== [] [] [] ===*=====%==== ^* [] ==*= []== ==*===========[][][][][-+->[@ ==*=*= =*== ============== |* =*==[] ==[]== [|== []= []== ===== ===== S| []== $=== ===$ [] [] ===== ===== [] =[] []= []=====[] ======= ===== Old Hidden Parts: KONGOH: See the area marked M/H/L on the map? Well you start on "M", and the targets are on "L"... you want to fly up to "H". This door is usually locked in this mission area... but for this run, it's unlocked. The part is laying in plain sight... -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- H09-SPIDER Core ---------- C02-URANUS Arms ---------- A06-GIBBON2 Legs ---------- CR-LF88A Booster ------- B01-BIRDIE FCS ----------- MONJU Generator ----- FUDOH Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- JIREN Back Unit R --- CR-WBW78C Back Unit L --- CR-WBW78C Arm Unit R ---- CR-YWH05R3 Arm Unit L ---- CR-WH01HP Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/CR-O69ES/CR-O69SS/CR-O71EC/CR-O79L+/ O03-CODON/MARISH S rank Walkthrough: Kill the outside enemies with just the Rifle... drop it after words. Through out the mission, simply destroy ALL the enemies quickly with the chaingun + Eo + Hand gun... use the hand gun to destroy the gates. When the heat rises, make sure you move it. Use the JIREN to prevent over heating. Also, this mission is more or less based on time... so hurry! Plus, the slower you move, the more damage you'll take from the heat. Speed wins! If you have trouble locating the BIOs due to the lack of a Bio Sensor on your Radar, use the CICADA2. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 41: Destroy Plant's Defenses Commission: "Preparations are underway to unleash a squad of unmanned units on one of Vertex's power plants." "The facility in question is heavily guarded and will need to be softened up first." "Take out all of the enemy's defeneses so we can safely deploy our unmanned units." "Vertex's proposed time of attack is soon approaching: we need all the help we can get." Requester: Alliance Tactical Unit Operation Area: Querr Energy Plant Objective: Destroy all enemy defenses Reward: 132,000c Walkthrough: This is a destroy all mission. Equip a lot of ammo and a blade. An energy EO core can also help. First start the mission by taking out as many flying "spores" as possible. After a tiny bit of time goes by, you should get some ECM jam... OWLS have joined the party (Those are the only "walking" MTS). Once they appear, find them, then blade them. Repeat this until all OWLS and SPORES are dead. The OWLS will come out twice, both waves out the same door. Now, the Spores will be a pain in the ass... hopefully you have decent range and kill power... only fire at them when they land. Once they are out of the way, YOUR WINNER! Old Hidden Parts: WH03M-FINGER(right): Complete the mission with an S rank. -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- H10-CICADA2 Core ---------- CR-YC99UL Arms ---------- A11-MACAQUE Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B03-VULTURE2 FCS ----------- MIKOKU Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- --- Back Unit R --- WB26O-HARPY Back Unit L --- WB27O-HARPY2 Arm Unit R ---- CR-YWH05R3 Arm Unit L ---- WL-MOONLIGHT Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/CR-O69ES/CR-O69SS/CR-O71EC/O03-CODON/ O04-GOLGI S rank Walkthrough: Use the Rifle for the air borne enemies... Use the blade for the OWLS... Use the Harpies for the Starlings... For the Starlings, fire at them between going to kill the other enemies. This way you won't have to wait till the end when the Harpies do all the work for you. Also, use the 15 ammo one first... then drop it. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 42: Shutdown Energy Plant Commission: "We want you to help us put one of Vertex's main power plants out of commission." "Infiltrate the facility and destroy all of the reactor's power supply controls. This should render it inoperable." "If the mission ends up taking too long, enemy reinforcements will be sent in from a nearby base." "Also, we don't know what types of units are deployed at the plant, so proceed with care." Requester: Alliance Tactical Unit Operation Area: Querr Energy Plant Objective: Destroy the power supply controls Reward: 112,000c Walkthrough: Now this can be a very easy and quick mission, or a very hard one. If you plan on being quick and don't care about anything, just take any arm weapon and a strong blade. Also a head with Mapping and night vision. If you plan on going all the way, take AT LEAST a strong close range weapon, a blade, missile relations with either a 9 launch micro missile pack or the Hydra2 multi missile pack. If you want a strat for this extra event, go to the S rank section. Ok, you first start outside... move to the north east. When you get to the top, simply blade the two shield MTs. Go through one door... on your second drop, turn left and QUICKLY blade the flamethrower MT. Remember, to kill these MTs without getting inflamed, you must work quickly... blade them fast. Then proceed through brakable grates, a hole, then a door. This next room should be wide open. See the shield MT down there? Kill him. Then go behind the door he is guarding... This little room holds a hidden part... take care to kill the flamethrower MTs before you enter the room. Once you are done in there, head in the eastern door. More hallways... make sure you use your Radar and lock box to locate the hiding Flamer. Now keep heading strait into a large empty room, you'll see the green door to enter. Keep boosting till you hit a shield MT with some human back up... Now just simply follow the path till you reach all targets... a down- ward shaft is shoved in the middle. There are four of them; a head with a detailed auto map with project all of them. Now for the last target, it may be wise to shoot the target to avoid two flamers... Now, once you nuke all the targets, you will be in darkness... hope- fully you have a night vision head. Head all the way back to the beginning... now, looking at the map, you can see the moment of truth... whether or not you want to kill the AC and "extra" enemy. Since I allready know I'll be coming through this mission again, I skipped it my first time... so just outrun the AC... simply fly onto the little ledge. Once you are away from the AC, just exit. For the pulv#2 ending, make sure you kill both the AC and the special enemy. Thankfully the special enemy is nothing hard... S Start X Hidden Part $ Target L Lowest M Middle ====== H Highest ===X== ===== ====== ======= ====== []=====[] [] =[] []= [] ===== ===== ============ $=== ===$ ============ ===== ===== ============ =[] ==[] ============ []==== [] W [] [] ====== [] ^ [] [] ====[] [] | [] #1 [] [] | [] [] [] | [] #1 [] [] [^ ===== [] [] [][][][][][][][]M][]H-+->[]===== [] [] L] [| ===== [] ============== [] [] ^ [] ==AC=IS=IN==== ^] [] ====<---\ []== ====HERE======[][][][][-+->[] ====== Both ==== ============== |] ====[] Rooms ==[]== []== []= Are []== ===== ===== Loc- S] []== $=== ===$ ked [] [] ===== ===== [] =[] []= []=====[] ======= ===== Old Hidden Parts: CR-WH01SP(right): Kill G. Faust/Panzer Messiah New Hidden Parts: FUTEN: In the dead end room with two flamethrower MTs. Look at the map for an X. -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- CR-H05XS-EYE3 Core ---------- C01-GAEA Arms ---------- A11-MACAQUE Legs ---------- LH09-COUGAR2 Booster ------- B03-VULTURE2 FCS ----------- MONJU Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- CR-E84RM2 Back Unit R --- WB19M-HYDRA2 Back Unit L --- --- Arm Unit R ---- YWH14PU-ROC4 Arm Unit L ---- WL-MOONLIGHT Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/CR-O69ES/CR-O71EC/CR-O75LA/O03-CODON/ O04-GOLGI/O05-HISTON S rank Walkthrough: Before I even give a strat, I ended with 5,943 AP. I got hit by one Flame MT... took literally NO damage from Fuaster... and got hit by three laser cannon shots from the tank pulver. When the mission starts, you are going to use your blade for EVERY MT, except the two flamers at the end, and the two in the "FUTEN" room. Yes, you will kill all the enemies... I think you might have to. Now, once you get to the bottom and nuked all the targets, drop your blade. There make your way to Faust... for him, use the ROC4 and GAEA Core's EO. This will RAPE him... you should make sure to side step to the right to try to knock off his rifle. Once he is dead, drop the ROC4. Now head out side... to fight the Tank Pulverizer... this is the first pulver... and he isn't that hard... He moves VERY slow... unlike all the others. His back lasers are EXTREMELY accurate however. For him, pop up your extensions (make sure you pop them up when the first starts, as they will reset prior) and launch your HYDRA2'S into it... it can take anywhere from 4-6 launches... if you don't kill him in your 6, simply kill him with your EO. If you get an A, try harder... read the first part of this S rank strat to see what I got hit by. If you get an A, due to running out of HYDRA2 ammo, don't drop your ROC4. For set-up changes, you can swap the MARISHI for the HISTON... if you get hit by many flamers... [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 43: Eliminate Targeted Raven Commission: "Jack-O has ordered the assassination of a Raven who was once employed by Vertex." "This traitor betrayed us by providing the enemy with classified information." "It seems he got cold feet after learning about out upcoming attack plans. He's a liability and must be taken care of." "Eliminate him at once." Requester: Vertex Operation Area: Garav Desert Objective: Destroy AC Thunderstrike Reward: 80,000c Walkthrough: This is just a simple AC fight... and if you took the most expensive mission for your first pick on another play through, you'll under- stand what to do: DO NOT GET HIT BY HIS BACK WEAPON. When I faught him, I took it close range: I rock at close range :) But if you have trouble out turning him, and see his back weapon out and sparking blue... the means you want it NOT to point at you. His lock box with it must be REALLY small, so just keep moving and try not to get in front of him at all. If you see that he has it out and you don't think you'll be able to dodge it, make sure you have an OB core to high tail out of there. By the way, if you get hit with that laser, you will take well over 1500AP of damage, you may also over heat and lose a part. Old Hidden Parts: JIKYOH: Kill Bolt/Thunderstrike -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- H04-CICADA Core ---------- CR-C89E Arms ---------- A06-GIBBON2 Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- CR-B83TP FCS ----------- MF05-LIMPET Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- --- Back Unit R --- --- Back Unit L --- --- Arm Unit R ---- CR-WH79M2 Arm Unit L ---- CR-WH01HP Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/CR-069ES/CR-O71EC/CR-O79L+/O03-CODON/MARISHI S rank Walkthrough: The same as the 3rd mission when you have to fight him... only with uneven ground. If you notice, you have to no radar... just make sure you locate him first. Nothing hard. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 44: Protect The Bridge Commission: "A transport convoy sent by headquarters to resupply us is about to pass through Ruga Tunnel." "News of the rendezvous was unfortunately leaked to the enemy. They plan to cutoff our supply route by destroying on of the regions's key bridges." "The bridge in question has been undergoing repairs and a main anchor point is still exposed. If this were destroyed, the bridge would collapse." "We'd like you to thwart the enemy's plans. Please destroy all units they send to attack the bridge." "This supply route must remain open if we are to continue fighting Vertex. Do not let us down." Requester: Alliance Tactical Unit Operation Area: Ruga Tunnel Objective: Protect the bridge's anchor point Reward: 108,000c Walkthrough: This mission is easy, if you take the Spirit plasma rifle and the Selena EO core, you can beat this mission with no sweat. Once the mission starts, you'll find MTs crawling through the tunnels, they are slow and weak... kill them as you see them. After a little while, flying MTS should come out, do the same with them... only use the EO core for extra help. Once they are out of the way, you can expect another wave of both MTs... By the way, the defense target has a lot of bulk, no need to go all out to protect it. Old Hidden Parts: None -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- H09-SPIDER Core ---------- C05-SELENA Arms ---------- A06-GIBBON2 Legs ---------- LH02-LYNX2 Booster ------- B03-VULTURE2 FCS ----------- MIROKU Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- --- Back Unit R --- --- Back Unit L --- --- Arm Unit R ---- WR09HL-SPIRIT Arm Unit L ---- --- Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/CR-O69ES/CR-O71EC/O03-CODON/O04-GOLGI/ O05-HISTON S rank Walkthrough: Just as it says in the first timer area... just shoot the MTs... for the ones that fly, use the EO... If they get close, use the EO... I had to repair my AC for 248 bucks... I'm such a nub. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 45: Track Down Evangel Commission: "Raven, we want you to track down and eliminate Evangel." "He's been mission since a few hours ago." "Evangel is commander of Alliance Tactical Unit forces. It is completely unacceptable if he has defected just before the upcoming battle with Vertex." "We've managed to narrow down a location where he might be hiding out. You've been cleared to attack should you discover him there." "Eliminate all who attempt to interfere with your mission." Requester: Alliance Headquarters Operation Area: Hordess Mining Site Objective: Destroy AC Oracle Reward: 114,000c Walkthrough: This is a god awfully easy mission. Make sure you have a rifle or machine gun, and a stronger weapon. I'm going to tell you right off the bat: Evangel is not in this mission. There are three enemy types in this mission: Soldiers: Just run them over... hitting there trucks makes boomies. Pods: Rifle or Machine gun Bazooka Modded Trucks: Strong weapon. All you have to do is clear the mission of enemies, nothing too hard. Make sure to get your salable hidden part at the end of the mission. Here is a map any ways... [|] [|] [V] ======== ==== ==== === === == === === === === ==== ========= =====X= Old Hidden Parts: CR-I92FMM2. End of mission, on cliffs. Look at the "X". This is the last part of the quarry. -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- CR-H05XS-EYE3 Core ---------- C01-GAEA (Tune Max Arm Weight) Arms ---------- A11-MACAQUE Legs ---------- CR-LH77A Booster ------- CR-B83TP FCS ----------- CR-F75D Generator ----- CR-G91 Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- --- Back Unit R --- --- Back Unit L --- --- Arm Unit R ---- CR-WH05RLA Arm Unit L ---- WH08RS-FENRIR Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/CR-O69ES/CR-O69SS/CR-O79L+/O04-GOLGI/ O05-HISTON/MARISHI S rank Walkthrough: I felt like being dumb. Linear rifle for the Pod... Fenrir for the Worker Robots. Crush the people while your at it... the set-up is over kill. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 46: Protect Warlord's Forces Commission: "We've just learned that Alliance is planning to attack us. They recently lost track of Evangel, and seem to think that we are harboring him." "In fact, our group has no ties to him at all. Alliance's conclusion is based entirely on assumption." "Unfortunately we don't have the means to adquately defend ourselves from them." "Please help us thwart their attack." Requester: Independent Warlord Operation Area: Hordess Mining Site Objective: Protect allied units Reward: 128,000c Walkthrough: For this mission you will need speed, a blade, and a fast killing weapon for many enemies. Just make sure you have speed and a blade. Any ways, once the mission starts, head out to the two areas with enemies all ready under attack... the pods are nothing when you come in. Once they are dead, many glider MTs will start pouring out of the final area's tunnel... stand in the middle of this tunnel and easily blade them. Now, if you return to the beginning area, you'll notice a few more gliders will fly down. Take them out. As long as the middle two targets survive the beginning, you should have no problem taking out all the gliders before they reach them. This mission isn't hard to pass, just hard to save them all. (Not to scale) #### * ###### * #### #### #### S ### 4 ### $ $ ### ## ### * ### ### * ###### [] [] S Start [] $ Def Targets [] * Glider MT Spawn here [] % Pod MTs #### X Hidden part ###### #### #### #### % ### 1 ### $ $ ### ## % ### ### ### ###### [] [] [] [] [] #### ###### #### #### #### % % ### 2 ### %$ %$ ### ## % %### ### ### ###### [] [] [] [] X] 3<-- Guilding MT respawn point. Old Hidden Parts: YWH07-DRAGON(right): Keep going past the last set of defense targets. You'll notice you can't keep going through this tunnel... that's because of the out of area line. This part is in the farther box you can reach before setting it off. -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- CR-H73E Core ---------- C01-GAEA Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B03-VULTURE2 FCS ----------- MIROKU Generator ----- CR-G91 Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- JIREN Back Unit R --- --- Back Unit L --- --- Arm Unit R ---- WR20PL-OGRE Arm Unit L ---- WH03M-FINGER Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: CR-O71EC/CR-O79L+/O03-CODON/O04-GOLGI/O05- HISTON/MARISHI S rank Walkthrough: Go to 1, then 2, then 3, then 4... this is a VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY hard mision to S rank... Nice job from... your MT AI can't... you know... HIDE IN THE TUNNELS? Gee, if I was slow MT... with no AP left, where would I go? Oh, I know, let piss of this Raven we just hired... yeah... how about we just sit there and die... this way he'll get an A rank! Here is the deal, I'm going to make it short since this mission pissed me off... Head to 1, kill the pods... EO + PR Head to 2, kill the pods... EO + PR + Finger Head to 3, (Which is right next to 2), kill the Gliders with your Plasma Rifle... drop your FINGER before this. There are four of them. They should die in one hit... Make sure you head in the tunnel for a little lead... as MTs can kill the targets from an explosion. Now head ALL the way back to 4... using JIREN once or twice... now the next part has another four of them... this is probably the HARDEST protection part in ANY AC game... + FLY up first to get a lead + Use your EO to distract them... if the GAEA is too much for your JIREN flicking fingers, try the Rifle EO core + You should kill AT LEAST 2 before they get in MT killing range... hover in front of one of them... easier said than done... and just hope either the remaining ones go for you... or you can kill them before they attack. The tanks can help... and you REALLY need them to help... an S rank really is mostly luck... I mean, for Christ sakes, I'm using a ONE HIT KILL weapon and they can still get through... this is what I'm taking about. Now, during the "2" fight, you may encounter some trouble... again, fast killing and luck is what you need. The SELENA core can be helpful... BUT it doesn't have the accuracy and firing speed enough to distract the MTS at the very end of the mission, but it can kill the pods in a single hit. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 47: Eliminate Zinaida Commission: "I want you to eliminate a fellow Raven." "Her name is Zinaida. I'm sure you've heard of her. She doesn't favor any particular organization, and because of this one never knows when she'll be working for the opposition." "She's been especially active during the last few hours. It's time to take her down." "I'd like to tell you more, but she's a relatively new Raven and little is known about her." "Prove to me that you're a better pilot than she is." Requester: Jack-O Operation Area: Camp Fortherd Objective: Destroy AC Fascinator Reward: AC Part - YWH14PU-ROC4 Walkthrough: OH NO, not Zinny again! This mission shouldn't be hard... just construct an AC able to take out Zinny... a mid weight. She really isn't hard... you'll only really see a little machine gun fire and many some missiles from her... I mean, if you got to this mission, you've play at least two missions with dual ACs in them... this is much easier than that. Once you get her to about half life, you peeps will start talking to you. Once you hear Jack-O say something about getting the **** out of there, the mission will switch to another's point of view... A Pulverizer! "Ha *****, it saw you first!" Those are the first words out of my mouth... as I said it, the Pulvie sees her first and follows her... she goes out of the area (and doesn't fail or go back to normal mode... what the ****?) The mission is then over... she runs off again. Old Hidden Parts: WH08RS-FENRIR(right): Complete the mission with an S rank. New Hidden Parts: YWH14PU-ROC4(right): Mission Reward. -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- CR-H05XS-EYE3 Core ---------- CR-C83UA Arms ---------- YA10-LORIS Legs ---------- CR-LH96FA Booster ------- CR-B83TP FCS ----------- CR-F75D Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- --- Back Unit R --- --- Back Unit L --- --- Arm Unit R ---- CR-WR81B2 Arm Unit L ---- WH08RS-FENRIR Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/CR-O69ES/CR-O71EC/CR-O79L+/O04-GOLGI/MARISHI S rank Walkthrough: I finsihed with 8,009 AP... what is there to say? Back boost hop as best as you can and fire at her. It's seemed really easy to peg her with rounds, but you have to be good at looking up. Just don't take too much damage... only her machine gun should hit you... bottom line: Learn to dodge missiles with a heavy. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 48: Destroy Air Assault Force Commission: "We need your help protecting Circ-City from attack." "One of the warlords has launched repeated assaults on the city over the course of the last few hours. Another wave of enemy units is headed there now." "Fortunately we know their flight path. Head to the intercept point and knock them out of the sky." "Don't let any of the targets get past your position." Requester: Vertex Operation Area: Camp Fortherd Objective: Destroy the enemy assault force Reward: 138,000c Walkthrough: Make sure you take a good rifle, a blade, and large rockets. If you don't think you can hit with rocket, take strong missiles. Long range FCS and decent air time will help a lot. This mission consists of you taking out a bunch of airborn enemies. There are 4 kinds... Planes: Use a rifle to take them out... not too much difficulty. However, if one passes you out, be sure to turn around an give him some. Bomber: They really aren't a treath when you pump a one hit killer like a large rocket into them... just watch out for the one that likes to chill out of area to right (facing them as they all come from one direction). This one can be annoying as you'll have to go out of your way... Carrier: These carries will start coming towards the end of the mission. They are big and slow... a blade or rockets will do. OWL EMC MTS: Once you destroy a transport carrier, a duo of these stanky ass birds will pop out... blading them is the best choice as ECM does jack to a blade. That's pretty much it... you can let some pass, only effecting your rank. Once the first two waves are done, it's pretty much easy... just keep a keen eye out for sneaky planes and the far right bomber... it's dark out, but you can see their boosters. Old Hidden Parts: None -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- H04-CICADA Core ---------- YC07-CRONUS Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B03-VULTURE2 FCS ----------- CR-F75D Generator ----- FUDOH Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- --- Back Unit R --- CR-WB85RPX Back Unit L --- WB28R-SIREN4 Arm Unit R ---- WR01R-SHADOW Arm Unit L ---- WL-MOONLIGHT Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/CR-O71EC/CR-O79L+/O03-CODON/MARISHI/ KANGI S rank Walkthrough: Don't let an MT leave... you don't need too much help... and the design doesn't really need high ECM... Just a radar, a quick way to kill planes, and something strong for the MTs, Bombers, and Transport planes. Look, just don't let any planes pass... [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 49: Destroy The Bridge Commission: "We want you to destroy a bridge connected to Ruga Tunnel." "Repairs on the bridge are not yet complete. If the exposed anchor point can be destroyed the structure will collapse." "The defenses in place at the bridge are minimal and shouldn't pose any amy problem for a skilled AC pilot such as yourself." "Once the bridge is out of comission Alliance's transport convoys will be ripe for the picking. We're counting on you to get the job done." Requester: Independent Warlord Operation Area: Ruga Tunnel Objective: Destroy the bridge's anchor point Reward: 108,000c Walkthrough: Equip a blade and some long range weapon. If you just plan on beating the mission, ignore the enemies in the first part of the area. Then simply kill all the pod MTs and the sniper MTs in the second part. The RJ's will run off... and new MTs will spawn. Any ways, just blade the exposed target. It can take a few swipes even with a strong blade, but you do in fact hit it. Old Hidden Parts: None -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- H04-CICADA Core ---------- YC07-CRONUS Arms ---------- A05-LANGUR Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B03-VULTURE2 FCS ----------- CR-F75D Generator ----- CR-G91 Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- --- Back Unit R --- --- Back Unit L --- --- Arm Unit R ---- WH08RS-FENRIR Arm Unit L ---- WL05RS-GOLEM Hanger Unit R - WH06PL-ORC Hanger Unit L - CR-WL88LB3 Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/CR-O69ES/CR-O71EC/O04-GOLGI/O05-HISTON/ O06-PHAGE/MARISHI S rank Walkthrough: I'm trying to be creative now... use this design... and use each weapon only on ONE type of enemy... Fenrir for snipers (Mash in square at the start to rape the sniper!) Lefty Sniper for pods Orc for RJs Blade for Target. And remember... I love you very much. (For anything serious, try any rifle and a blade...) [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 50: Eliminate Sorcerer Commission: "There's a Raven I want you to eliminate." "Its' still hard to believe that someone I had so much respect for could betray me at this most critical time." "There's no doubting his guilt though. He must be punished." "I'm sure he believes his actions are justified, but he also knows the consequences he must face. Don't fail me, Raven." Requester: Jack-O Operation Area: Versus Highland Objective: Destroy AC Banshee Reward: AC Part - YWH13M-NIX Walkthrough: Ok, this is another basic AC fight... he has no back-up at all. First thing to really notice... he has machine gun arms... you know what this means? YOU STAY THE **** AWAY FROM HIM. Take anything accurate and mid-long range. Make sure you are lightweight enough to dodge most of his bullets... if you don't, you're toast. If you need help, try stun weapons... I can imagine a bazooka will destroy this AC. If you need to look for the hidden part, you have to do it while you fight... as the mission ends quick. Old Hidden Parts: CR-WA91MSM: Kill Sorcerer/Banshee. WR24L-SHADE2: This part is hidden in the water. Look for the cressant shapped lake... it is at the end of one of the sides. New Hidden Parts: YWH13M-NIX(right): Mission Reward. -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- H04-CICADA Core ---------- CR-C89E Arms ---------- A06-GIBBON2 Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- CR-B83TP FCS ----------- MF05-LIMPET Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- --- Back Unit R --- --- Back Unit L --- --- Arm Unit R ---- CR-WH79M2 Arm Unit L ---- CR-WH01HP Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/CR-069ES/CR-O71EC/CR-O79L+/O03-CODON/MARISHI S rank Walkthrough: You'll notice this is my same design I use for a one-on-one... thank Vespy for making you whore cheap parts. If this doesn't work for you... I don't know how you'll get S ranks for missions with harder ACs... [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 51: Protect Transport Train Commission: "This is an emergency request. Ruga Tunnel has been captured by one of the warlords." "It appears that they're done so in order to launch an attack on a transport train scheduled to pass through the area shortly." "Head to the tunnel and make sure that any attempts to destroy the train are thwarted." "We've confirmed the presence of enemy tanks in the region, but don't know for certain if this is the extent of the deployed force. Proceed with care." "We need the supplies on that train to carry out our attack on Vertex headquarters. Make sure it gets through the area unharmed." Requester: Alliance Tactical Unit Operation Area: Ruga Tunnel Objective: Ensure the transport train's safe passage Reward: 120,000c Walkthrough: This can be a VERY cheap mission... but hopefully you are reading this when I tell you to take the 1,400 attack power right arm bazooka. Put on a blade, low drain core, and an energy battery. First start by killing the 3 tanks very quickly. Once you are done, make sure to drop the blade. Then follow the south tunnel... then quickly take out the all four MTs... they take 2 shots to kill each. Then once the train gets to that same area, missiles will start coming to bombard it. Here is why this is cheap... +They are fast +They take MORE THAN ONE HIT WITH A SNIPER RIFLE. Yes, a friggen missile, set to explode on impact, doesn't want to blow up from a bullet. But the bazooka will destroy them... make sure you try to aim for the ones in front as a chain reaction is possible. Once that is over with, you win! __ _ ___ __-__==_/ \/ \_____/ \__==__/ \--\ |-S| \-*\ N |--| | \--\ ^ |--| | \-*\ | |--| | Train's Path |--| | |--| | \-*\ | |--| | |--| |--| V |--| ____ |--| \_--__ / \____--_ ___ == \ / == \/ == \/ == == == == == == __ == __==_ _/ \_==___ / |--|\ _/ |--| |--| \___/ |--| S Start > |--| | * Tanks > % |--| | % MTs > % |--| | > % |--| | Train's Path > % |--| | > |--| V > |--| > |--| |- | ____ |- | ___ /--/ _/ |_____==__ __/ \_/--/__/ |--| Old Hidden Parts: None -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- CR-H95EE Core ---------- YC07-CRONUS Arms ---------- A05-LANGUR Legs ---------- LH07-DING02 Booster ------- CR-B81 FCS ----------- CR-F75D Generator ----- FUDOH Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- (EN Pack) Back Unit R --- --- Back Unit L --- --- Arm Unit R ---- CR-WR76B Arm Unit L ---- YWL16LB-ELF3 Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - WH06PL-ORC Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/CR-O69SS/CR-O71EC/CR-O79L+/O04-GOLGI/ O05-HISTON/MARISHI S rank Walkthrough: Head to the bridge with the Tanks... kill the first one with your bazooka on your way to them, blade the other two... drop your blade. Now use your Orc and bazooka to destroy the MTs... ORC kills in one, zook kills in two... Then drop the orc and land on the broken bridge till the train comes by... kill as many as you could. If the train makes it by and you kill all the enemies, you'll get an S. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 52: Defeat Evangel Commission: "Evangel's current whereabouts have been traced to a facility operated by one of the warlords." "Enemy forces are present at the location. The chances that they'll turn over our quarry without a fight seem slim." "The bulk of our troops are already deployed in preparation for Vertex's upcoming attack." "We'd like your help eliminating both Evangel and those who are harboring him." "By associating with out enemies, Evangel has proven that he can not be trusted. You must take him out." Requester: Alliance Headquarters Operation Area: Area-R11 AC Garage Objective: Destroy AC Oracle and other resistance Reward: 104,000c Walkthrough: I'm going to tell you right off the bat: Evangel is not in this mission. Rim Fire is... he is what you need... a 40 Shot bazooka, Solid rifle EO core, and a strong blade. This mission is a two parter. For the first part, you need to kill the a few RJ MTs. These should be taken out with just a blade. Now the second part: And AC name Rim Fire... he is more of a novelty spread AC than everything. His main offense are his dual Fingers. They are a triple barrel machine gun... that's six at a time... with NO reload. The key is to get mid range so he will use them, but not effectively. Now, drop your blade, and pop up your EO. Aim your bazooka... shoot only when he lands or is flying in a strait direction... you'll find he usually does this. He isn't that hard, just make sure not to go in close. Old Hidden Parts: WH03M-FINGER (L): Kill Rim Fire/Bullet Life -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- H03-BEETLE Core ---------- CR-C83UA Arms ---------- YA10-LORIS Legs ---------- CR-LH96FA Booster ------- CR-B83TP FCS ----------- CR-F75D Generator ----- FUDOH Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- CR-E82SS2 Back Unit R --- --- Back Unit L --- --- Arm Unit R ---- CR-WR81B2 Arm Unit L ---- CR-WH05BP Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/CR-O71EC/CR-O79L+/O03-CODON/MARISHI S rank Walkthrough: First order of business is you remove the MTs with the left arm bazooka. Once that is out of the way, stay far away and let both of your bazookas do the work for you. Nothing hard... if you kill fast, and don't let Rim Fire give you a golden shower with his barrels (gun barrels, silly) you should get an S with no trouble. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 53: Help Allied MT Escape Commission: "The spy we sent into the Old Nire Industrial Area has managed to acquire critical information about Vertex." "We's stolen an MT and is now waiting for a good opportunity to escape." "We want you to provide him with one. Please infiltrate the area he needs to pass through and clear it of enemy targets." "Because the location is a Vertex stronghold you should be prepared to deal with reinforcements once things get underway." "It's imperative that we get our hands on the information the spy acquired. Don't let us down." Requester: Alliance Tactical Unit Operation Area: Old Nire Industrial Area Objective: Secure the spy's escape route Reward: 108,000c Walkthrough: Make sure you take a strong arm weapon, fast AC, and a blade. Once the mission starts, take out the 3 RJ MTS in the middle of the street. Then head up to the area with two more. Make sure you are killing all the troops with your AC feet as well. Once all the MTS are dead, meet the escortee at the "X". Once you do, head out in the direction of the starting point... you'll notice 3 sniper MTs... kill them withever you have. If you moved quick enough, more MTs will spawn... don't worry, they aren't too fast and will only get to the MT about the time he's at the home strech. Blade these bazooka MTs, easy finish. ####### # # # S # # % ################### # # * % # * * # # ##############%##### # # ########## # #& * # #& * # S Start ########## # * RJ at the start of mission # # % Sniper back up S # # & Bazooka MT back up ^ # # | # # | # # | # # # # ### ### # # # # # # # X # ########### Old Hidden Parts: None -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- YH12-MAYFLY Core ---------- YC08-ICURUS Arms ---------- A05-LANGUR Legs ---------- CR-LH74M Booster ------- CR-B83TP FCS ----------- CR-F75D Generator ----- CR-G91 Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- --- Back Unit R --- --- Back Unit L --- --- Arm Unit R ---- WH06PL-ORC Arm Unit L ---- YWL03LB-TAROS Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/CR-O69ES/CR-O69SS/CR-O71EC/O02-ORGANELLE/ O07-PRIMER/O04-PRIMER/MARSHI S rank Walkthrough: This is by far the easiest protect mission of the game... I got bored with the set-up... so try this out... The Orc is the snipers. Blade everything else. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 54: Destroy Transport Train Commission: "An Alliance transport train has been spotted headed towards Ruga Tunnel. If we destroy it, we can halt the delivery of supplies to their front lines." "It's unforgivable that they preach world harmony on one hand, yet immediately resort to brute force any time their motives are questioned." "Alliance is nothing more than an amalgamation of greedy corporations. It's impossible for them to create a bright future." "Vertex on the other hand is striving to create a new world order; by attacking the train we are lending our support to their cause." "Alliance's resources are already stretched thin; the impact of losing a vital supply line will not go unnoticed." Requester: Independant Warlord Operation Area: Ruga Tunnel Objective: Destroy the transport train Reward: 108,000c Walkthrough: For just completing the mission? Simply take the 18 pack of large rockets. The train isn't fast... nor can it take many of these... Killing other enemies is purely for rank. For the enemies, you'll fight heavyily armed bazooka MTs along with those large missile shooters... they can be a pain. If you plan on destroying all the enemies, take a blade for the big MTs and a strong long range weapon for the other MTs... The train take only three large rockets. __ _ ___ __-__==_/ \/ \_____/ \__%=__/ \--\ |--| \--\ |--| \--\ |--| \-%\ |-*| |--| |--| \--\ |--| |--| |--| |--| ____ |-*| \_--__ / \____--_ ___ == \ / == \/ == \/ == == == == == == __ == __==_ _/ \_=*___ / |--|\ _/ |--| |-%| \___/ |--| S Start |--|^ X Defense Target |--|| * Sniper MT N |--|| % Flying MT ^ |--|| | |--|| | |--|| Train's Path | |--|| |--|| |-S| ____ |-*| ___ /--/ _/ |_____==__ __/ \_/--/__/ |--| Old Hidden Parts: CR-WH01HP(right): Complete the mission with an S rank. -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- H04-CICADA Core ---------- CR-YC99UL Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- LF03-GAVIAL2 Booster ------- B03-VULTURE2 FCS ----------- CR-F75D Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- JIREN Back Unit R --- CR-WBW98LX Back Unit L --- CR-WBW98LX Arm Unit R ---- --- Arm Unit L ---- WH12PL-ETTIN Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/CR-O69ES/CR-O71EC/O04-GOLGI/O05-HISTON/ O06-PHAGE/MARISHI S rank Walkthrough: Here is the deal... there are 8 enemies, and you have 17 shots... The 3 RJ MTs take 1 shots with the LX as well as the train. So that's 4 shots from the LX... leaves you with 6... 6 + 7 = 13. The four other MTs take 3 hits each with either weapon... that's 12... By the mission's end, you should have one LX shot... don't worry, things really don't dodge. By the way, to get the S rank, you must kill all the enemies... use your JIREN to make things quicker. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 55: Attack Distribution Center Commission: "We want you to infiltrate Alliance's distribution center and destroy the generators that power it. Take out any other equipment you come across as well." "Is it unforgivable that they preach world harmony on one hand, yet immediately resort to brute force any time their motives are questioned." "Alliance is nothing more than an amalgamation of greedy corporations. It's impossible for them to create a bright future." "Vertex on the other hand is striving to create a new world order: by attacking the distribution center we will lend support to their cause." "The success of this operation is critical, Raven. Failure is not an option." Requester: Independent Warlord Operation Area: Diorgan Distribution Center Objective: Destroy the generators Reward: 112,000c Walkthrough: Make sure you take a fully loaded AC... if it's a biped, rockets. Only kill the enemies in the way... and try to take out as many generators as possible. The enemies that will no doubt give you trouble are the shield MTs. They aren't tough, but when they are in hallways that are impossible to dodge in, they can be tough. And since there is a count down, it's hard trying to snipe them in time. By the way, did I say count down? You have a minute to reach the first elevator. There are some pretty annoying enemies in this level. +VS RJs: Blade +VS Shields: Long range strong weapon, or blade +VS Pods: Skip or take out with a fast weapon Now, once you make it down the elevator, you'll have to go through another part that looks very similar to what you just did. Same stuff... Once outside, you can either take a beating from all the enemies, or simply destroy the generators. I would safely ignore them... Since you have Missile launching trucks, quick jumping laser shooting MTs, and gun turrets armed with grenades. No need to draw a map since the main gens are labelled. VV1 VV ====== ====== ====== ====== %% Outside [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] S Start [% [] $ Extra Gens [] [] * RJ MTs [] [] % Shield MTs [] [] & Pods =========$ SW [] =&======&= ^ %% ======*=== | [] ========== | [] %% | ========== [] ===&==&=== [] ====&===&= [] $=&======= [] [] [] [] [] [] [* [] [] [] [] [* [] [] =========$ [] ========== [] ======*=== [] ========== [] [] [] [] ====== [] ====&= [] =&==== [] ====== [] ^^1 [S ^^ Old Hidden Parts: LN01-SEAL: Complete the mission with an S rank. -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- CR-H05XS-EYE3 Core ---------- C05-SELENA Arms ---------- YA10-LORIS Legs ---------- CR-LH96FA Booster ------- CR-B83TP FCS ----------- MIROKU Generator ----- FUDOH Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- JIREN Back Unit R --- --- Back Unit L --- CR-WB69RO Arm Unit R ---- WR09HL-SPIRIT Arm Unit L ---- WL-MOONLIGHT Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/CR-O69ES/CR-O69SS/CR-O71EC/O04-GOLGI/O05- HISTON S rank Walkthrough: I finished rather quick and end this mission with 5,662 AP. Use the spirit for pretty much everything during the mission... if an RJ MT is near you, blade his ass instead. When you'll see TWO shield MTs in the hallways, make sure you peg one with two spirit rounds so you don't get double banged with rockets. Then you sure blade the single one. For rooms with POD MTs, pop up your EOs to help with a possible two instant kills. Remember to use your rockets to destroy all 3 generators with in the main building. Ignore all the foot soldiers... Now, a trick part... when you are out side... put up your EOs once to help destroy some missile trucks... also try to shoot one. Now make your way to the left side, kill the generator, then attack all the gun turrets. Using the spirit will kill them in two hits. Make your way around the outside and take out the remaining 3 gens with your rockets... one hit for each will do. Important... ignore the Starlings... you don't need to kill them. Speed is of the up most importance... If you end the mission with about 7,000 AP from playing it safe, you'll probably get an A. Thanks to "Entrithoph" for the this helpful information. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 56: Eliminate Plant Intruders Commission: "We've just received an emergency request from the manager of our main hydroelectric plant. It seems that a swarm of biological organisms have invaded the facility." "It's unknown who is responsible for the attack, but our main priority right now is preventing the plant from being destroyed." "Head to the facility and eliminate all of the intruders." "Take care not to damage any of the plant's key operating equipment while conducting your sweep." "An MT repair team is also being in to take care of equipment that's already been damaged. Try to complete your objective before they arrive." Requester: Vertex Operation Area: Seil Hydroelectric Plant Objective: Eliminate the intruders Reward: 102,000c Walkthrough: For this mission, make sure you take a blade, and a strong weapon. Bio sensors and a blade will also REALLY help. Ok, here's the deal... this isn't your first time through this mission or probably isn't... you need to kill all the bio weapons. Just look at the map for all the *'s... After you kill all of the "*", more will magicall spawn on the top level... these will be "%" Once you kill these, you'll see a movie with a group of MTs getting destroy by flying bios. Just head back to the beginning and you'll not doubt bump uglies with them. Once they are out of the way, you have to kill just four more little bios... nothing hard. Floor B2 ------------------------------------------------------------- ======== ======== ===**=== ===**=== NW ===--=== ==*--=== ^ [][][][*[][][] | [] | -- | ++#4 Floor B1 ------------------------------------------------------------- NOT AVAILABLE IN THIS MISSION... BUT IT STILL EXISTS ==== ++|==== #1 ==== NW ==== ^ ==== | ==== | ==== | ==== -- ==== ==== ==== ==S= ==== ==== == == == Floor G -------------------------------------------------------------- ==*=|[][]|++====|[][][]|==== NW ==== #1==== -- ==*= ^ ==== =*== ++#3 ==== | ==*= ==== ==== | ==== ==== *=*= | ==== ==== ==== =*== =*== ==== ==== ==== ==== ====|[][][]|==== [][][]|==== -- -- ++#2 ++#4 Floor 1 -------------------------------------------------------------- XXXX |====|[][][]|====| NW XXXX ==== -- ==== ^ XXXX XXXX ++#3 XXXX | XXXX XXXX XXXX | XXXX XXXX XXXX | XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX ==== XXXX XXXX [][]|=*== [] ++#2 [] *- === === [] []|=== ==*|[] ====== ==***= ==X== ===== Floor 2 -------------------------------------------------------------- XXXX [][]|[][]|[%%] XXXX NW XXXX [] XXXX -- XXXX ^ XXXX [] XXXX ++#3 XXXX | XXXX -- XXXX XXXX | XXXX [] XXXX XXXX | XXXX [] XXXX XXXX | XXXX [] XXXX XXXX XXXX [] XXXX XXXX XXXX [] XXXX XXXX [] -- =%%= %=%= ======== ==== ==== Old Hidden Parts: FUNI: On the first floor... it is tucked on the side of a defense target. It is very tiny... just look at the "X". -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- H10-CICADA2 Core ---------- C02-URANUS Arms ---------- A07-LEMUR (Tune 1 into Max Arm Weight) Legs ---------- LH02-LYNX2 Booster ------- B03-VULTURE2 FCS ----------- MIROKU Generator ----- CR-G91 Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- --- Back Unit R --- --- Back Unit L --- --- Arm Unit R ---- WR09HL-SPIRIT Arm Unit L ---- WL14LB-ELF2 Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/CR-O69ES/CR-O71EC/O02-ORGANELLE/O03-CODON/ O04-GOLGI/O05-HISTON/MARISHI S rank Walkthrough: Use the Spirit on the BIOs... kills the small ones in one hit, and the big ones that two. Use your blade when ever they are close. Now once you kill the ones up top, drop your blade and head down to where the flying BIOs are... pop up your EO and kill them as fast as possible. Then just whipe out the 4 little ones that come out. Good luck! I ended the mission with a little above 5,000 AP... so as long as you move fast, you can do it. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 57: Defeat The Invading Force Commission: "An Alliance invasion force has been spotted moving through the Garav Desert." "They seem intent on reaching our headquarters located in Circ-City." "Alliance's strength is rapidly waning: they won't last but a few more hours. Even so, we can't let then disrupt our plans now that we're entering the final stages." "Eliminate all of the enemy invaders." Requester: Vertex Operation Area: Garav Desert Objective: Defeat the invading force Reward: 168,000c Walkthrough: You'd think tihs mission is extremely hard based upon the credits they are handing out, right? Well, upon first glance it is: For the first part of the mission, you'll need weapons to take out many small MTs. They are small flying ones and the basic RJ Mt, just about anything could take them out. The ohter MT would be the Large missile launchers. Take Decoy if they give you too much trouble. Now... once they are dead... OH NO! A PULVER! That's right... you'll have to fight a Quad Pulverizer with very little room to dodge. There is just 3 things I could offer: 1. Use an OB core... quickly getting away from this enemy is a good idea as he will rape you up close. 2. Take a fast AC. 3. Use missiles, and good ones to take him out quick. Hydra2/Micros will do good along with relation missiles. Equip the best missile lock time FCS and optional parts. The first part of the mission shouldn't be a problem, so as long as you have a decent set of missiles, you'll be in the clear. In fact, you shouldn't get hit at all in the first part of the mission using a mid range rifle. Old Hidden Parts: CR-WB03MV: Complete the mission with an S rank. -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- H09-SPIDER Core ---------- C02-URANUS Arms ---------- A06-GIBBON2 Legs ---------- LH09-COUGAR2 Booster ------- CR-B83TP FCS ----------- FUGEN Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- CR-E84RM2 Back Unit R --- WB19M-HYDRA2 Back Unit L --- KARURA Arm Unit R ---- CR-YWH05S3 Arm Unit L ---- --- Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: CR-O69ES/CR-O69SS/CR-O71EC/CR-O75LA/CR-O79L+/O03-CODON/ MARISHI S rank Walkthrough: Kill the MTs with your rifle, then drop it. Once the pulverizer come out, first use the Hydra2 + relations to give it some good damage, then drop them. Finish up with the Micro missiles... It's quite possible to complete the mission while taking no damage... but I know they give you a lot of lee-way on remaining AP during this fight. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 58: Investigate Recent Attack Commission: "Our forces at the old corporate headquarters site were decimated during a recent attack. It's unknown who is reponsible, but we want you to check it out." Requester: Alliance Tactical Unit Operation Area: Tartrus Headquarters Objective: Investigate the recent attack Reward: 156,000c Walkthrough: This is a fight against the Quad-Pulverizer. Let me tell you what you can do against him, and what not to do agaisnt him: -Don't ever get close: Getting bladed and getting shot sucks. -He turns faster than you. -He doesn't run out of ammo... so kill him ASAP +Long range is your friend: Make sure you stay as far away from him as possible. +They have no AMS: Missiles will always get through +They don't have as much health as you... but can move quickly... and kill quickly to make up for it. So, with that all being said, make a quick AC with missiles + relations. I would choose Multi/Micro missiles for quick barrages + any missile relater that launches 4. You don't even need arm weapons... but you could to at least make it interesting. Don't forget, you can go outside the dome to catch your breath... Old Hidden Parts: WH08RS-FENRIR(left arm): Complete the mission with an S rank. -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- H09-SPIDER Core ---------- C02-URANUS Arms ---------- CR-WA91MSM Legs ---------- LH09-COUGAR2 Booster ------- CR-B83TP FCS ----------- FUGEN Generator ----- FUDOH Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- CR-E92RM3 Back Unit R --- WB19M-HYDRA2 Back Unit L --- --- Arm Unit R ---- --- Arm Unit L ---- --- Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: CR-O69ES/CR-O69SS/CR-O71EC/CR-O75LA/CR-O79L+/O03-CODON/ MARISHI S rank Walkthrough: Easy as pie, just nuke the Pulver with your missile arms secondary fire. The HYDRA2 is just for back-up... I killed him with 40 Ammo still left in the missile arms. This is another mission where it is quite possible not to take any damage. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 59: Destroy Research Facility Commission: "Raven, we've just learned of some potentially deadly research that was being carried out in secret at one of out facilities." "Given how unstable things are right now, we feel it prudent to destroy all of the evidence." "The facility must be leveled." "Unfortunately, power shortages are preventing the self-destruct mechanism from engaging." "We need you to activate the backup generators. Exit the facility as soon as this has been accomplished." Requester: Alliance Headquarters Operation Area: Triton Ecoactivity Center Objective: Activate the backup generators and escape Reward: 121,000c Walkthrough: This can be and easy mission or an even easier one. There is an optional AC fight... if you plan to take it out, equip close range weapons for maximum results. First make yourself down to the bottom level, you need to take out a few weak RJ MTS on the way... nothing any blade can't do for you. Once you are down the elevator, take out all the flying Bio weapons... they will pick your Armor away, but should be too much trouble with just 3. Then simply locate all the targets... you should be able to see all four of the locations through the doors. Now MUMU will come out of the woodword and try to fight you... you can take her out with many things... even a blade. She isn't hard, but if you don't think you can handle her, just skip her. Either way, make sure you have a good minute left to escape... you have to ride both elevators. Old Hidden Parts: None -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- H09-SPIDER Core ---------- C01-GAEA Arms ---------- A11-mACAQUE Legs ---------- CR-LF81 (Tune Max Leg Weight +10) Booster ------- B03-VULTURE FCS ----------- CR-F69 Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- JIREN Back Unit R --- --- Back Unit L --- WB15L-GERYON2 Arm Unit R ---- YWH14PU-ROC4 Arm Unit L ---- CR-Wl79LB2 Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/CR-O69ES/CR-O71EC/O03-CODON/O04-GOLGI/O06- PHAGE S rank Walkthrough: I hade around 6,000 AP left and finished with ~1:25 on the clock. For the beginning, blade the two RJ MTs... drop it after this. Then snipe the last RJ with your Geryon2. Now drop down the hole with your EOs up and Geryon2 still out... try you'r best to kill these BIOS ASAP. Once they are out of the way, drop the Laser Cannon... which will put you underweight again. Now, hit all the switches and prepare to fight MUMU. If she is hugging the wall, attack her at mid range... if she is in the middile, be sure to cirlce her. Use the JIREN to counter the usage drain of your EO and ROC4. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 60: Retrieve Research Data Commission: "Raven, there's a problem we need help with." "It seems Alliance headquarters is intent on destroying the results of our secret research project." "Fortunately, as long as we have the relevant data, the project can be continued elsewhere." "We'd like you to retrieve our research data from the facility before Alliance catches on to what we're doing." Requester: Kisaragi Loyalists Operation Area: Triton Ecoactivity Center Objective: Retrieve the research data and escape Reward: 98,000c Walkthrough: The objective is one of two things... either you go in and out... or you play trooper and get all three. For this "first" time, I would recommend only getting one and escaping. This is what I'm doing. If you need set up help, use high E defense parts, a blade, and a 40 shot bazooka. There is no need for directions, all the doors you have to go into are labelled with a green light. You'll want head to the large middle area... you will see large flying enemies... they are biological. Kill the first set and choose any of the doors with "Target" behind them. Use your map for better results. Now hurry up on killing them, they eat your AP up really quick, they are really hard to dodge. Any ways, once you go in a door, you can simply boost dash over the grates to break them... Fall down two of these and collect the data. I would leave now... but you can get the other for 15,000c each... it's up to you. Once you grab the first datum, you must move quickly as a 3 minute timer will tick down... Ok, so whether or not you got 1, 2, or 3 data thingies, the first part of the mission will be pack with large MTs and small ones. Blade the big ones while shooting the small ones... but you have to REALLY move if you got all 3... considering you have to wait on these elevators. Old Hidden Parts: WH11PU-PERYTON(left): Complete the mission with an S rank. Check out below for a good method. -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- H09-SPIDER Core ---------- C02-URANUS Arms ---------- A11-MACAQUE Legs ---------- CR-LF88A Booster ------- B03-VULTURE2 FCS ----------- MIROKU Generator ----- FUDOH Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- JIREN Back Unit R --- --- Back Unit L --- --- Arm Unit R ---- WR22PL-OGRE2 Arm Unit L ---- CR-WL88LB3 Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/CR-O69ES/CR-O71EC/O03-CODON/O04-GOLGI/ O05-HISTON/O06-PHAGE S rank Walkthrough: I finished the mission with 25 seconds left with a 4,902 AC repair. This is probably a mission you had trouble with getting an S rank... I'm sure you don't have trouble with the MTs at the end (Spam your EO, Blade the big MTs and shoot the smaller ones with your left over ORGE2 shots... using JIREN if you need to). Now, for the main part... those ****ing flying BIO weapons... you'll need to REALLY kill them quickly... thank fully they die in a single shot of the ORGE2. The idea is to get each data AS FAST AS POSSIBLE! Stand on the gratings to destroy them... DO NOT WASTE AMMO SHOOTING THEM! Any ways, each time you enter the main area with BIO WEAPONs, kill them all... ONLY SKIP THEM IF THEY DIDN'T REPAWN YET! I may of got lucky... just between the 2nd and 3rd data run, I they only came out about the time I was entering the door... which was great since they where all hugging the door once I came back up. Also, if they are stationary, do not wait for a "RED LOCK"... just shoot to kill. Finish as quickly as possible... as this S rank DOES have a time limit... This mission may take a few tries... but this set-up will minimize damage through energy defense and killing them in a single hit. Good luck! [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 61: Launch Preemptive Strike Commission: "We've recently noticed an increased level of Alliance activity at the old corporate headquarters site." "Our declared time of attack is quickly approaching. The enemy is probably looking to execute some sort of last-ditch plan." "We want you to launch a preemptive strike against the forces assembling at the facility." "This mission carries a great deal of risk, the exact strengh and composition of the enemy force is not known. Please prepare accordingly." Requester: Vertex Operation Area: Tartus Headquarters Objective: Destroy the enemy force Reward: 170,000c Walkthrough: For this mission... you REALLY need to prepare. First take a high ECM head, tune for it as well... and the highest ECM back radar. If you have it, the Kangi optional part will help. Also, for your three weapons: You need a strong arm weapon (Ogre), long range missiles (Mircos, 9 per lock if you have them... 7 if you don't.), and a left arm weapon for back up (Left arm Rockets or a sniper rifle). This is a set-up I used for this mission... usually I don't put a set-up here, but it will do. Head --------- H10-CICADA2 (ECM +10) Core ---------- CR-YC010/UL2 (Cooling +10) Arms ---------- CR-A92XS (Cooling +10) Legs ---------- LR04-GAZELLE (Cooling +6/Max Leg Weight +4) Booster ------- B05-GULL (Booster Heat +10) FCS ----------- CR-F82D2 Generator ----- FUDOH (Weight + 10) Radiator ------ ANANDA (Weight +2/Cooling +8) Inside -------- --- Extension ----- --- Back Unit R --- KINNARA Back Unit L --- WB28R-SIREN4 Arm Unit R ---- WR22PL-OGRE2 Arm Unit L ---- WH02RS-WYRM Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/CR-O69ES/CR-O71EC/CR-O75SLA/O04-GOLGI O05-HISTON/MARSHI Now, this set-up can be redone... the reason for the weight tunes is just to get him good to go... I usually do the first part overweight... Any ways, the first part is simple. Use the Ogre2 to rape those missile trucks. This part needs no thought. Now half way through this, you'll get a message... it should scare the **** out of you. "Release the Leviathan" Once it comes out, you'll be looking right at it... center your aim and hide under the dome. Now try your best to kill the rest of the trucks. Drop your plasma rifle after wards. Now it's LEVI time! Here are the rules: 1. You have limited ammo; don't waste shots. 2. With the missles, ONLY fire if you are in front of him and he's flying sideways or if he's flying right toward you. 3. The sniper rifle can be used almost anytime you have a lock and he's not turning (meaning no ark) 4: Look at your RADAR AT ALL TIMES. You must know where he is. Now, there is your offense... here is your defense. 1. AT ALL TIMES, only plan your attack when he is out of the area and you are hanging in the air protected by the dome. 2. Now, you BETTER get good at dodging missiles... make sure you lead them all one way... if there is too many for you to handle, take cover. 3. Now, when it is facing you, it WILL ALWAYS shoot two grenades and a plasma cannon. These hurt... destroy... and overheat your AC like crazy... MAKE SURE you wait for them and expect them... because you need to dodge these. Ok, so here is how it should happen... 1. MT goes out of range/You start with a jump and lock on to him in the safty of the upper ark of the dome. 2. MT starts flying into range/Make your move... but DO NOT exit the safty of the dome if he is close... you are asking to get nailed with so much stuff. 3. IF you locked on, fire a volley of missiles if he is far away, and coming toward you... 4. MT should be firing his main weapons with missiles.../ Dodge these. 5. Now he'll be flying away/peg him with sniper rifle fire. 6. Repeat... get to another dome section. When I say "Safty of the dome" this is what I mean. * _____ / * / | | Hopefully you can understand this all... but the most important part is to dodge his main weapons. If done correctly, you can get an S rank. Old Hidden Parts: CR-WR81B2(right): Complete the mission with an S rank. -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- H10-CICADA2 (Tune ECM +10) Core ---------- CR-YC99UL Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- CR-LRJ84A (Tune Max Leg Weight) Booster ------- B03-VULTURE2 FCS ----------- CR-F82D2 Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- --- Back Unit R --- KARURA Back Unit L --- CR-WB69RA Arm Unit R ---- WR22PL-OGRE2 Arm Unit L ---- WH08RS-FENRIR Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/CR-O69ES/CR-O71EC/CR-O75LA/O04-GOLGI/ MARISHI/KANGI S rank Walkthrough: Almost like the set-up used above... but better kill power. Use the ORGE2 to kill the trucks, drop it once they are dead. Use the missiles and Fenrir at there respected times... I finsihed the mission with a 2,483 AC repair... but I'm sure the requirements let you slide a bit more than that. If you need info on what the LEVI can do, just scroll up. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 62: Intercept Enemy AC Commission: "We've just received word of an enemy AC that has breached our borders." "It seems Alliance is becoming more desperate as the planned attack time nears. They've foolishly chosen our headquarters in Circ-City as their target." "There's no need to let the AC reach its objective before engaging, one of our advance bases will do just as well." "I'm sending you because I'm confident in your abilities." "Make sure the enemy understands the consequences of interfering with my plans." Requester: Jack-O Operation Area: Camp Fortherd Objective: Destroy the enemy AC Reward: AC Part - YWL16LB-ELF3 Walkthrough: This is an really easy mission, just kill the AC... looking at the hidden part section of this mission if you really want to know who it is before entering the mission :P Any ways, take your best AC killer... anything you like. Then go for an all out damage race. If you have problems with this mission, I would suggest using missiles or the cover of the middle structure. You can get good shoots in there. Also, it can be cheap, but orbits or vertical missiles can really make hiding good. Another thing to keep in mind... if you are going in close range, make sure you are turning and moving fast... he has a habbit of backing up and out turning slower ACs. Old Hidden Parts: CR-WR93RL: Kill Evangel/Oracle. New Hidden Parts: YWL16LB-ELF3: Mission Reawrd. -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- CR-H05XS-EYE3 Core ---------- CR-C83UA Arms ---------- YA10-LORIS Legs ---------- CR-LH96FA Booster ------- CR-B83TP (Tune for Boost Accel) FCS ----------- CR-F75D Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- --- Back Unit R --- --- Back Unit L --- --- Arm Unit R ---- WH02RS-WYRM Arm Unit L ---- WH02RS-WYRM Hanger Unit R - CR-WH01HP Hanger Unit L - CR-WH01HP Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/CR-O69ES/CR-O69SS/CR-O71EC/CR-O79L+/MARISHI S rank Walkthrough: I ended the mission with 7,224 AP... I do know that 5,612 didn't give me an S... Use the dual Sniper Rifles while backing up to damage him and hopefully damaging some of his parts. Now, once you drop those, go all out with those Dual HPs... it should do the trick. Nothing you can't do... he's just Evangle... tee hee... that should be a kills name. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 63: Attack The Advancing Force Commission: "I regret trying to hold you back during the last mission. You did what had to be done under the circumstances." "If you're interested, there's a new assigment I'd like you to help with." "An Alliance force was recently detected advancing towards Circ-City." "Aside from its presence in our territory, little else is known about the enemy force." "Your compensation for this mission will be based on the number of units destroyed. I look forward to seeing what kind of tab you're able to rack up." Requester: Jack-O Operation Area: Garav Desert Objective: Defeat the invading force Reward: AC Part - YWH13M-NIX Walkthrough: Forget what Jack-Off says, if you complete this mission you are going to be killing the same amount of enemies either way you look at it. You'll need high ECM, and a lot of fire power. You'll be fighting an AC at the end of the mission, so you'll need your AC to be fast turning and light towards the end... Either use back weapons for the mission (quad) or hanger stuff for good results. If you can, try to fit a good radar on your back. Now there are 3 types of enemies in this mission... and the tricky part is trying to balance long range tactics against them while having to fight a rather close ranged fight towards the end. Better go standard... the enemies are: Dual Plasma MTs: These can REALLY hurt you from a distance... so you pretty much have to look out for the pink beams. Considering it's a sandy mission, you will have to think quick... TAKE THESE MTS OUT FIRST... they are the only ones on ground level that don't really move quick. Sand MTs: These are the same ones in which you should have faught in an earlier mission... they aren't hard, but they are VERY annoying since there are other enemies around. Pod MTs: These shouldn't pose a problem... only take them out if they are right next to you and you aren't in any immediate danger. There isn't too many of each enemy... but the Plasma MTs will hurt... so make sure you are on your toes. For best results, go to the out of area line and search for them there. Once you are done mopping up the MTs, Jack-O will come flying out... Make sure to drop wait you don't need, and out turn him... He's really easy... not only does he get affect by ECM, but you only have to kill him about half way. Old Hidden Parts: WH04HL-KRSW(right): Complete the mission with an S rank. New Hidden Parts: YWH13M-NIX(left): Missione Reward. -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- H10-CICADA2 (Tune ECM +10) Core ---------- CR-YC99UL Arms ---------- A11-MACAQUE (Tune Wieght +2) Legs ---------- LH09-COUGAR2 (Tune Max Leg Weight +10) Booster ------- CR-B83TP FCS ----------- CR-F75D Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- --- Back Unit R --- CR-WB69RA Back Unit L --- --- Arm Unit R ---- CR-WR88RS3 Arm Unit L ---- WH08RS-FENRIR Hanger Unit R - YWH14PU-ROC4 Hanger Unit L - CR-WH01HP Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/CR-O69ES/CR-O71EC/O03-CODON/O04-GOLGI/ O05-HISTON/MARISHI S rank Walkthrough 7,985 Ap left... AC repair of 109. Not a hard mission with the right set-up. For EVERYTHING, one shot with the sniper rifle will do... except for the dual plasma MTs... that's what the FENRIR is for. One of each will do. The hardest part is actually figuring out which enemy is which... so your best bet to the kill all the higher alt. enemies... the POD MTs. Just look for the different color dot on the radar. Once Jack-O comes out, drop your right arm rifle and waste the left over shots with your FENRIR if you have some. After they are out, go on an Assault with your HP and ROC4. The FCS box isn't the biggest, so it may take some time to kill him, but you shouldn't be in any trouble if you out turn his slow ass AC. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 64: Shutdown Defense Systems Commission: "With Vertex's declared time of attack drawing near, elements of the Alliance Tactical Unit are in active pursuit of Jack-O" "We'd like you to assist us in these efforts by taking part in the mission as a diversionary target for the enemy forces." "Your objective will be to shutdown to Old Nire Industrial Area's defense systems by destroying the energy supply pods located on the sides of the central building." "As far as Jack's whereabouts are concerned, we have some good leads. He'll be found soon." "You're free to leave the area once the enemy's attention is sufficiently focused on your AC." "Good luckm Raven." Requester: Alliance Tactical Unit Operation Area: Old Nire Industrial Area Objective: Destroy the energy supply pods Reward: 130,000c Walkthrough: This mission is beyond simple if you just want it out of the way. The object is to take out the targets. For an easier time, take a good OB core (RAKAN) and a high cap generator. Also a blade to save $. Once The mission starts, got to the "X"... Over boost to the other "X". Once you've done that, take out the two MTs. Then find Y, and then OB to the next Y. Wonder why you need to overboost? Well unless you are blind, you would have noticed a VERY fast/accurate/powerful dual plasma cannon system guarding the door. Once at Y, fly up a bit to blade the pods. After that, take cover and blade the MTs once they stop shooting... then head to the next target. Once this happens, there should be two sniper MTs for back up... take them out with your blade. Now, the beef of the mission... Sight Hawk will come out. It's up to you if you want to kill him. You don't have to, but if you feel up to it, you should. Always run away from him, take advantage of the area; overboost by him to get some good distance. He's not too tough, low AP & DEF. Look to the S rank set up for a better strat... /-----Escape Points ####### # # # S # # # ################### # # # # X # # #################### # # ########## % # Y # # X # S Start ########## # + Very Big Guns # # $ Target S # % % MT ^ # # | # # | # # | # # # # ### ### # # # # # % % # # $+___+$Y# ########### Old Hidden Parts: CR-H95EE Kill Crow/Sight Hawk -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- CR-H05XS-EYE3 Core ---------- CR-YC010/UL2 Arms ---------- A11-MACAQUE Legs ---------- LH09-COUGAR2 Booster ------- CR-B83TP FCS ----------- CR-F75D Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- --- Back Unit R --- --- Back Unit L --- --- Arm Unit R ---- CR-WR81B2 Arm Unit L ---- YWL16LB-ELF3 Hanger Unit R - CR-WH01HP Hanger Unit L - CR-WH01HP Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/CR-O69ES/CR-O71EC/CR-O79L+/O03-CODON/ O07-PRIMER/MARISHI S rank Walkthrough: 5,260 AP left... which was also my AC repair... WOW! Any ways, this mission isn't too hard, they give you A LOT of space with the AP left due to that big giant ****ing laser. Overboost to the first point, snipe the two MTs on the buildings... then over boost towards the tower... blade the targets and the MTs. Kill the sniper MT that comes out, then drop your blade once the AC comes out. Waste the rest of your bazooka rounds on him... THEY WILL DO A MASSIVE AMOUNT OF DAMAGE! Once it is out, THEN use both pistols. Don't use both the pistol at the same time, as you'll be ineffective... use the bazooka at long range... then the dual hand guns to just kill him off. If you hit him enough times with the bazooka, you can EASILY out damage him. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 65: Destroy AC Sight Hawk Commission: "We've just received word from one of our recon teams that there is a massive faility located beneath Circ-City." "All of our resources are currently focused on finding a way inside the structure." "Unfortunately, there's a Raven employed by Vertex who is doing everything in his power to interfere." "We'd like your help eliminating him. The target's name is Crow and he is one of the best. You have to be at the top of your game." "We're so close to putting a stop to Jack's plans. Do not fail us Raven." Requester: Alliance Tactical Unit Operation Area: Versurs Highland Objective: Destroy AC Sight Hawk Reward: 98,000c Walkthrough: OK, this would be an easy fight... and I mean really easy... But there is one problem... suicide MTs are playing red rover with the ground. So what do you need to do? You need to seriously kill this guy fast! Make a fast turning AC with the M2 (160 shot MG), Rifle EO core, and the 42 shot hand gun (won from an early opponent in the arena.). This should be enought to put him down quick. Nothing he throws at you is anything to worry about... if anything, it will be back seat to the MTs. You really need to just try to circle him... hopefully you'll avoid most of the MTs... By the way, he is a ****ing ****** for standing in a field full of flying exploding bombs... I mean... come on... Old Hidden Parts: CR-H9SEE: Kill Crow/Sight Hawk. -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- H04-CICADA Core ---------- CR-C89E Arms ---------- A06-GIBBON2 Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- CR-B83TP FCS ----------- MF05-LIMPET Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- --- Back Unit R --- --- Back Unit L --- --- Arm Unit R ---- CR-WH79M2 Arm Unit L ---- CR-WH01HP Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/CR-069ES/CR-O71EC/CR-O79L+/O03-CODON/MARISHI S rank Walkthrough: Kill him, end of story... He has low AP/Def, so he should go down fast... the EO alone with do massive damage to him... By killing him fast while constantly turning and boosting, you'll naturally avoid most of the MTs as well... once you kill him, drop all your stuff then boost like a mad man to avoid further MTs. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 66: Destroy AC Heaven's Ray Commission: "Our scanners picked up an enemy unit headed toward the Old Nire Industrail Area. We've identified the target as an Alliance AC named Heaven's Ray." "The area in question is a vital stronghold located within Circ-City. It cannot be allowed to fall into enemy hands." "Unfortunately, previous Alliance raids took out the the (typo) defense systems that normally provide this area with security." "We need you to intervene." "Take out the enemy AC before it can carry out its mission." Requester: Vertex Operation Area: Old Nire Industrial Area Objective: Destroy AC Heaven's Ray Reward: 165,000c Walkthrough: This mission includes two fights... one were you'll want to attack in close, and one were you'll want to fight far away... Make sure you have an EO Core/Two Arm weapons/Hydra2 or Mircos with relations. The first part includes you up against an AC. He is an AC that will try to get as close as possible. The idea is to use your hand weapons and EO to destroy him as fast as possible. Now, he will try and get close in a tiny area... just keep backing up and shooting him with all you got. Once he is dead, drop your arm weapons, you don't need them any more. A cut scene should happen, and a Biped Pulver should come out. He isn't as hard as you think... he has two attacks, his lasers and his blades. His blades shouldn't touch you if you are backing away from him all the time. His laser will fire at you once you are far away. This is your time to hit him with as many missiles as possible. You should be locked on to him almost 100% of the time... once you see a blue laser fly, fire some missiles off... if the timing is right, you'll hit him with EVERY one. Don't attempt this while he is moving, as he can boost pretty fast. Once you take him out, it's the end of the mission. Old Hidden Parts: None -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- H10-CICADA2 Core ---------- CR-C98E2 Arms ---------- A11-MACAQUE Legs ---------- LH09-COUGAR2 Booster ------- B03-VULTURE2 FCS ----------- FUGEN Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- CR-E84RM2 Back Unit R --- WB19M-HYDRA2 Back Unit L --- --- Arm Unit R ---- CR-WH79M2 Arm Unit L ---- CR-WH01HP Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/CR-O69ES/CR-O69SS/CR-O71EC/CR-O75LA/CR-O79L+/ O03-CODON S rank Walkthrough: Here is what you do... boost past the AC at the start of the mission. You want to take this battle to the flat strat for ease. Now just use your machine gun/EO/hand gun to rape Heaven... on the flat ground he will boost right towards you most of the time... you should kill him with well over 40 shots in your machine gun (80 here). Now, once he's dead, drop the handgun to increase your lock range. Now just launch missiles at the pulver when he is stationary... You can kill him in 5 launches... they will all hit if done right. The reason I didn't drop the machine gun or told you to is because you may need it if you can't hit the damn thing with missiles. Remember, only launch the missiles if you are fully locked on DURING his FIRST laser cannon... that is all. I finished with 7,017 AP. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 67: Eliminate Airborne Force Commission: "Raven, we've reached the final stages of out attack plan." "Our latest reports indicate that Alliance is sending a large airborne force toward Versurs Highland. This is most likely their final attempt to resist." "Please head to the area immediately and eliminate all targets." "Alliance must be brought to its knees, Don't let use down." Requester: Vertex Operation Area: Versurs Highland Objective: Destroy the enemy's airborne force Reward: 142,000c Walkthrough: Remember the last mission of the "Levi" path? Well this is the same thing only triple the amount of planes... WITH NO LEVIS! Ok, just take a low drain AC with about any type of rifle... really, nothing hard. At the time of writing this FAQ, my repair was 614c... That's about 300 damage I took... If you are getting raped by missiles... don't bother taking any missile defense... if you can't beat this missile, good luck for the next :D Old Hidden Parts: CR-WB87GLL: Complete the mission with an S rank. -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- YH12-MAYFLY Core ---------- CR-CO6U5 Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- CR-LRJ76 Booster ------- B05-GULL FCS ----------- CR-F91DSN Generator ----- FUDOH Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- I05D-MEDUSA Extension ----- E07AM-MORAY Back Unit R --- --- Back Unit L --- --- Arm Unit R ---- CR-WR88RS3 Arm Unit L ---- --- Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/CR-O69SS/CR-O71EC/O03-CODON/CR-O86R+/MARISHI S rank Walkthrough: Use the decoys if you want to.. turn on the AMS if you suck at dodging... This mission is possible with NO MISSILE defense... and it is still very easy... Well, do what you must... but if you got this far on this path (Zinny's path) you most likely encounter MUST HARDER missions. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 68: Safeguard Industrial Area Commission: "Alliance Tactical Unit forces are closing in on the Old Nire Industrial Area." "This is one of our most vital strongholds: if it falls into Alliance's hands the balance of power will shift greatly in their favor." "This is the enemy's last attempt to turn the tide of the conflict. They're deploying all of their remaining forces." "Although we have defenses in place, they probably won't be enough to repel what Alliance is going to throw at us." "We have no time to waste. Please head to the operation area and elimate all of the invading forces. It's time to end Alliance's meddling." Requester: Vertex Operation Area: Old Nire Industrial Area Objective: Destroy the invading enemy force Reward: 108,000c Walkthrough: This mission is easier than it looks... First off, equip your AC to be somewhat mobile... with parts countering close range. This being Shotguns... Bazookas... Machine guns... Any... both arms and with a solid EO. Jouser in this mission starts HEADLESS! That's less defense than he allready has! Ok, so here is the deal... once you see him, you'll want to keep on backing up so he can't peg you at close range with his blade or slug gun. He has low AP, and low defense... it shouldn't take long... really... He boosts right to you. Now once he's dead, but a bullet in all the OWLs and RJ MTS. You should have ammo... and these enemies shouldn't give you any trouble. And remember folks, never give a creamie to a guy with a bad accent... and no head :D Old Hidden Parts: MF04-COWRY: Kill Jouser/Heaven's Ray. -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- H10-CICADA2 Core ---------- CR-C98E2 Arms ---------- A11-MACAQUE Legs ---------- LH09-COUGAR2 Booster ------- B03-VULTURE2 FCS ----------- FUGEN Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- --- Back Unit R --- CR-WB85RPX Back Unit L --- --- Arm Unit R ---- CR-WH79M2 Arm Unit L ---- CR-WH01HP Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/CR-O69ES/CR-O69SS/CR-O71EC/CR-O79L+/ O03-CODON/MARISHI S rank Walkthrough: Kill Heaven the same why you killed him in the other mission (only with a pulver)... this one is WAY easier... with less defense, and weak enemies instead of a pulver. Once he is dead, arm those rockets and destroy the OWL MTS to get better lock ons. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 69: Eliminate AC Intruder Commission: "An unknown target has entered the facility located beneath Circ-City." "We have unconfirmed reports that this target is in fact, Evangel. If this is the case, then it means his true loyalties are actually to Alliance." "After their last defeat at our hands, Alliance headquarters has been steadily pulling back their forces." "A single AC unit isn't going to change the tide of battle. We have no idea what Evangel might be up to." "In any case, we know he is not to be trusted. It's time for him to be removed from the picture. Our vision of a new world order is close at hand." Requester: Vertex Operation Area: Underneath Circ-City Objective: Eliminate the enemy intruder Reward: 162,000c Walkthrough: This really isn't a hard final mission, but make sure you take the 18 shot large rockets... you'll need them. Now, this a two part mission... versus an AC, then a simple destroy a target part (Which AC game doesn't have one of these any more?) Now, great an AC with two arm weapons and solid EO. Make sure you have decent speed. Right when the match starts, aim down a little bit while you have your rockets selected... you can get a free cheap hit off like this. Once the battle begins, take the fight long range or close range... which ever best suits you... He has his trade mark rifle and a new back weapon... dual grenade launchers. If you stay at long range, he'll pick his shots... so it isn't hard to dodge them... at close range, he'll use his blade and rifle... You don't want to see any grenades. Now, once you are done killing him, go into the hole. Before you actually drop down, make sure you drop EVERYTHING but your large rockets. You'll then be dumped into a large chamber once you start the next part. Tilt your aiming bars up and ground boost towards the targets. Each one takes a single rocket... so you can miss more than 10 times. Once you destroy this, you get the ending. New Hidden Parts: CR-YWB05MV2: Complete the mission with an S rank. -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: Head --------- CR-H81S4 Core ---------- YC07-CRONUS Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- CR-LH89F Booster ------- CR-83TP FCS ----------- CR-F82D2 Generator ----- CR-C84P Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- --- Extension ----- CR-E92RM3 Back Unit R --- KINNARA Back Unit L --- CR-WB85RPX Arm Unit R ---- WH02RS-WYRM Arm Unit L ---- WH02RS-WYRM Hanger Unit R - --- Hanger Unit L - --- Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/CR-O69ES/CR-O69SS/CR-O71EC/CR-O75LA/ CR-O79L+/O02-ORGANELLE/MARISHI S rank Walkthrough: 6,124 AP is what I had at this mission's end. I know if you are as low as 5,300, you will not make the cut. Any ways, the first and most important thing to do is to get the first hit with your rockets as label above. This will stun him a bit and let you escape a possible dual grenade launcher. Now, once you hit him, back boost away from him while pegging him with your two rifles... hopefully you'll destroy his core. Once you are out of your sniper rifle ammo, select your missiles and just finsih him off with them. Then drop everything but the rockets and finish the mission. Remember, High Ap + Finishing time > Ammo Cost... it took me many tries to get this right. Oh, and don't get hit by lasers. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 70: Defeat Jack-O Commission: "Jack-O's location has been discovered." "He's holed up in an area underneath Circ-City." "Fortunately, our forces recently secured a route that leads to this location." "Your mission is to find Jack-O and eliminate him. He's the one responsible for causing our world's descent into chaos." "The struggle between Vertex and Alliance ends today." Requester: Evangel Operation Area: Underneath Circ-City Objective: Destroy AC Foxeye Reward: 0c Walkthrough: I'm not going to get in deep here... this is a VERY easy last mission. I respect Jack-O... he's an asshole, but I respect him... Giving you the majority of new parts from his missions... he's a great guy... And he's got balls... because in this fight... HE IS MISSING AN ARM! AN ARM! Jack's got balls... If you want an easy way to kill him, simply equip something close range with fast turning legs. You can easily out turn him... and when I say easily.... I did this mission flawessly my first try... (No hits/Energy weapons). Old Hidden Parts: WB18M-CENTAUR: Kill Jack - O/ Foxeye. -----First Timers ^--------Looking for an S?V------------------------- Set up: AC: VirginSlayer Head --------- CR-H81S4 (Cooling + 10) Core ---------- CR-YC99UL (Cooling + 10) Arms ---------- A11-MACAQUE (Cooling + 10) Legs ---------- CR-LH74M (Max Leg Weight + 10) Booster ------- CR-B83TP (Boost Heat +10) FCS ----------- CR-F69 Generator ----- CR-G84P (Condenser Cap +10) Radiator ------ ANANDA (Cooling + 10) Inside -------- --- Extension ----- --- Back Unit R --- --- Back Unit L --- --- Arm Unit R ---- WH03M-FINGER Arm Unit L ---- CR-WH01HP Hanger Unit R - YWH14PU-ROC4 Hanger Unit L - WH09H-WRAITH Optional Parts: O01-AMINO/CR-O69ES/CR-O71EC/O03-CODON/O04-GOLGI/ O06-PHAGE Base ----- 0/0/0 Aid ------ 17/0/0 Optional - 85/85/80 Detail --- 200/0/0 Joint ---- 200/200/200 S rank Walkthrough: Vesperas V Jack-O on VirginSlayer S on Foxeye [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 71: Underground Investigation Commission: "Although we faced fierce resistance from Vertex, our forces managed to secure an entry route leading into the area beneath Circ-City." "Based on the desperation with which Vertex fought, we have reason to believe that something relating to the ongoing conflict is concealed there." "Our forces suffered heavy losses during the last battle and we don't have the manpower to conduct a survey of the underground area. We'd like you to do so instead." "It's unknown what type of dangers exist in the area, but Jack's declared time of attack is at hand and we're running out of options." "This will most likely be the final battle, Raven. Good luck." Requester: Alliance Tactical Unit Operation Area: Underground Circ-City Objective: Invertigate the area beneath Circ-City Reward: 180,000c Walkthrough: First make sure you take Dual Hydra2/Micro Missiles for this mission. Also take the 36 ammo relations and the "FUGEN" FCS for fast locking. Equip the Optional Part for reduced missile lock-on times as well. Fast speed is a good idea, but no other weapons are needed... for best results, use a Hydra and the heaviest Mirco missile launcher you have. This mission is broken up into two parts. Ironically, the first part is MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH harder than the next... well, that's how I felt. Any ways, remember the last mission getting to here? You know, with tem happy ol bombs that don't like the ground? Well there back! Well only for a little whiles at a time :P Any ways, you must dodge these ****ers for quite some time. Here's how I did it... first off, get to the door on the opposite side of this giant room. Once there, make small circling motions... />>>>\ / \ ^ V This is a sky view... ^ V ^ V Either boost on or hop over the arrows... or visa versa. \ / \<<<<><><><><><><><><> This is a NEW part found hidden in a mission. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> This is a NEW part gained through performance. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> This is a NEW part won from the Arena. Remember, if you are converting a two 100% files (NX->NB->LR), then only the "<><><>" should be hidden... otherwise both new and old parts need to be found. HEAD------------------------------------------------------------------ CR-H69S -------[] CR-YH70S2 -----[][][][][] H01-WASP ------[][][][][] CR-H72S3 ------[][][][][] CR-H73E -------[][][][][] H02-WASP2 -----[][][][][] CR-H81S4 ------[][][][][] H03-BEETLE ----[][][][][] CR-H84E2 ------[][][][][] H04-CICADA ----[][][][][] CR-YH85SR -----[][][][][] H05-HORNET ----[][][][][] YH06-LADYB ----[][][][][] CR-H97XS-EYE --[][][][][] H07-CRICKET ---[][][][][] YH08-MANTIS ---[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] H09-SPIDER ----[][][][][] CR-H95EE ------[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] H10-CICADA2 ---[][][][][] CR-H98XS-EYE2 -[][][][][] H11-QUEEN -----[][][][][] YH12-MAYFLY ---[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-H05XS-EYE3 -[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-H06SR2 =====<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> YH13-LONGHORN =<><><><><><><><><><> YH14-STING ====<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> YH15-DRONE ====<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> CR-H06XS-EYE4 =<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> CORE------------------------------------------------------------------ CR-C69U ------[] C01-GAEA -----[][][][][] CR-C75U2 -----[][][][][] RAKAN --------[][][][][] C04-ATLAS ----[][][][][] CR-C89E ------[][][][][] CR-C90U3 -----[][][][][] CR-C06U5 =====<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> CR-YC03U4 ====<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> C02-URANUS ---[][][][][] C03-HELIOS ---[][][][][] CR-C840/UL ---[][][][][] YC07-CRONUS --[][][][][] CR-C98E2 -----[][][][][] CR-YC99UL ====<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> CR-YC010/UL2 =<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> YC08-ICURUS ==<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> CR-C770/U ----[][][][][] CR-C83UA -----[][][][][] C05-SELENA ---[][][][][] C06-EOS ------[][][][][] ARMS------------------------------------------------------------------ CR-A69S -----[] CR-A71S2 ----[][][][][] A01-GALAGO --[][][][][] A03-GIBBON --[][][][][] CR-A72F -----[][][][][] CR-A80S3 ----[][][][][] A07-LEMUR ---[][][][][] A09-LEMUR2 --[][][][][] CR-A82SL ----[][][][][] CR-A88FG ----[][][][][] A05-LANGUR --[][][][][] A06-GIBBON2 -[][][][][] A11-MACAQUE -[][][][][] CR-A92XS ----[][][][][] CR-A94FL ----[][][][][] CR-A75A -----[][][][][] A02-DRILL ---[][][][][] A04-BABOON --[][][][][] CR-A89AG ----[][][][][] CR-A98A2 ----[][][][][] A08-DRILL2 --[][][][][] YA10-LORIS --[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] SYURA -------[][][][][] CR-WA69MG ---[][][][][] CR-WA69MS ---[][][][][] WA03-TAURUS -[][][][][] CR-WA75MSP --[][][][][] CR-WA77MS/V -[][][][][] CR-WA91MSM --[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-WA69BZ ---[][][][][] CR-WA74BZL --[][][][][] CR-WA74GR ---[][][][][] CR-WA78GRL --[][][][][] WA02-CETUS --[][][][][] WA01-LEO ----[][][][][] WA04-ARIES --[][][][][] WA05-LUPUS --[][][][][] LEGS------------------------------------------------------------------ CR-LH69S -----[] LH01-LYNX ----[][][][][] LH02-LYNX2 ---[][][][][] LH04-DINGO ---[][][][][] CR-LH73SSA ---[][][][][] CR-LH80S2 ----[][][][][] LH05-COUGAR --[][][][][] CR-LH89F -----[][][][][] LH07-DINGO2 --[][][][][] CR-LH92S3 ----[][][][][] LH09-COUGAR2 -[][][][][] CR-LH74M -----[][][][][] LH03-PANTHER -[][][][][] CR-LH79L -----[][][][][] CR-LH84L2 ----[][][][][] LH06-JAGUAR --[][][][][] CR-LH95M2 ----[][][][][] LH10-JAGUAR2 -[][][][][] CR-LH99XS ----[][][][][] YLH11-VIXEN --[][][][][] CR-LH77A -----[][][][][] LH08-JACKAL --[][][][][] CR-LH81AP ----[][][][][] CR-LH94A2 ----[][][][][] LH12-LYCAON --[][][][][] CR-LH96FA ----[][][][][] LH13-JACKAL2 -[][][][][] LR01-GOAT ----[][][][][] CR-LRJ76 -----[][][][][] CR-LRJ84M ----[][][][][] LR04-GAZELLE -[][][][][] LR02-ORYX ----[][][][][] CR-LRJ84A ----[][][][][] LR03-ORYX2 ---[][][][][] CR-LRJ90A2 ---[][][][][] LF01-MONITOR -[][][][][] CR-LF71 ------[][][][][] CR-LF81 ------[][][][][] LF02-GAVIAL --[][][][][] LF03-GAVIAL2 -[][][][][] CR-LF88A -----[][][][][] LF04-LIZARD --[][][][][] CR-LF93A2 ----[][][][][] CR-LT69 ------[][][][][] CR-LT71 ------[][][][][] LT01-BOAR ----[][][][][] LT02-BOAR2 ---[][][][][] CR-LT78A -----[][][][][] CR-LT81A2 ----[][][][][] LT03-GRIZZLY -[][][][][] CR-LHT92 -----[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-LN79 ------[][][][][] LN01-SEAL ----[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-LN85 ------[][][][][] LN02-SEALION -[][][][][] LN03-WALRUS --[][][][][] CR-LN91HM ----[][][][][] CR-LN99M2 ----[][][][][] LN04-WALRUS2 -[][][][][] BOOSTER--------------------------------------------------------------- CR-B69 -------[] CR-B72T ------[][][][][] B01-BIRDIE ---[][][][][] CR-B81 -------[][][][][] CR-B83TP -----[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] B02-VULTURE --[][][][][] B03-VULTURE2 -[][][][][] B04-BIRDIE2 --[][][][][][][][][][] B05-GULL -----[][][][][] CR-B90T2 -----[][][][][] FCS------------------------------------------------------------------- MF01-MUREX ---[] MF02-VOLUTE --[][][][][] CR-F69 -------[][][][][] MF03-VOLUTE2 -[][][][][] FUGEN --------[][][][][] KOKUH --------[][][][][] MF04-COWRY ---[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] MIROKU -------[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] MF05-LIMPET --[][][][][] CR-F73H ------[][][][][] CR-F75D ------[][][][][] CR-F82D2 -----[][][][][] CR-F91DSN ----[][][][][] MONJU --------[][][][][] GENERATOR------------------------------------------------------------- CR-G69 -------[] CR-G78 -------[][][][][] G01-LOTUS ----[][][][][] CR-G84P ------[][][][][] CR-G91 -------[][][][][] FUDOH --------[][][][][] G02-MAGNOLIA -[][][][][] KONGOH -------[][][][][][][][][][] KUJAKU -------[][][][][][][][][][] G03-ORCHID ---[][][][][] RADIATOR-------------------------------------------------------------- CR-R69 -----[] CR-R76 -----[][][][][] R01-HAZEL --[][][][][] R02-HAZEL2 -[][][][][] R03-LINDEN -[][][][][] ANANDA -----[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] R04-LAUREL -[][][][][] CR-R92 -----[][][][][][][][][][] RAGORA -----[][][][][] FURUNA -----[][][][][] INSIDE---------------------------------------------------------------- CR-I69BD -----[][][][][] CR-I80BD2 ----[][][][][] CR-I75FM -----[][][][][] CR-I86FMM ----[][][][][] CR-I92FMM2 ---[][][][][][][][][][] I01M-URCHIN --[][][][][] CR-I69R ------[][][][][] CR-I78R2 -----[][][][][] CR-I84RN -----[][][][][] I03RN-CORAL --[][][][][] I05D-MEDUSA --[][][][][] CR-I79DD -----[][][][][] I07D-MEDUSA2 -[][][][][][][][][][] CR-I94DD2 ----[][][][][] HIJIRI -------[][][][][] I04E-SQUID ---[][][][][] HOHSHI -------[][][][][] BIKUNI -------[][][][][] SYAMANA ------[][][][][] I06E-SQUID2 --[][][][][] EXTENSION------------------------------------------------------------- ANOKU --------[][][][][] E04BB-ANGLER -[][][][][] E08BM-REMORA -[][][][][] CR-E98HB -----[][][][][] CR-E73RM -----[][][][][] E02RM-GAR ----[][][][][] CR-E84RM2 ----[][][][][] E06RM-GAR2 ---[][][][][] CR-E92RM3 ----[][][][][] CR-E96RMG ----[][][][][] JIKYOH -------[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] FUNI ---------[][][][][][][][][][] CR-E81AM -----[][][][][] CR-E90AM2 ----[][][][][] E07AM-MORAY --[][][][][] SUIGETSU -----[][][][][] RURI ---------[][][][][] RENGA --------[][][][][] RYUHZU -------[][][][][] BYAKUE -------[][][][][] E01MG-ROE ----[][][][][] E05MG-ROE2 ---[][][][][] CR-E69SS -----[][][][][] CR-E82SS2 ----[][][][][][][][][][] E03S-TURBOT --[][][][][] IWATO --------[][][][][] SAISUI -------[][][][][] JIREN --------[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] BACK UNIT------------------------------------------------------------- CR-WB69M -------[] WB01M-NYMPHE ---[][][][][] CR-WB72M2 ------[][][][][] WB04M-NYMPHE2 --[][][][][] MAGORAGA -------[][][][][] KINNARA --------[][][][][] KARURA ---------[][][][][][][][][][] SYAKATSURA -----[][][][][] WB05M-SATYUROS -[][][][][] CR-WB73MP ------[][][][][] CR-WB73MV ------[][][][][] CR-WB03MV ------[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-YWB05MV2 ====<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> WB06M-SPARTOI --[][][][][] WB11M-HYDRA ----[][][][][] WB19M-HYDRA2 ---[][][][][] CR-WB75MT ------[][][][][] CR-WB82MGT -----[][][][][] WB12M-EMPUSA ---[][][][][] WB20M-EMPUSA2 --[][][][][] WB21M-DRYAD ----[][][][][][][][][][] WB22M-DRYAD2 ---[][][][][] CR-WB91MB ------[][][][][] CR-WB94MB2 -----[][][][][] CR-WB85MPX -----[][][][][] WB34M-ECHIDNA2 -[][][][][] CR-WB69RO ------[][][][][] CR-WB72RO2 -----[][][][][] CR-WB75RP ------[][][][][] WB07RO-ORTHOS --[][][][][] CR-WB78RP2 -----[][][][][] CR-WB82RP3 -----[][][][][] WB13RO-SPHINX --[][][][][] WB23RO-CACUS ---[][][][][] CR-WB85RPX -----[][][][][] CR-WB69CG ------[][][][][] CR-WB72CGL -----[][][][][] CR-WB03CGH -----[][][][][] CR-WB75SG ------[][][][][] CR-WB82SG2 -----[][][][][] CR-WB87LG ------[][][][][] CR-WB91LGL -----[][][][][] CR-WB03LGL2 ----[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] WB14RG-LADON ---[][][][][] WB24RG-LADON2 --[][][][][] CR-WB78GL ------[][][][][] CR-WB87GLL -----[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] WB08PL-SKYLLA --[][][][][] WB33PL-SKYLLA2 -[][][][][] WB02L-GERYON ---[][][][][] WB15L-GERYON2 --[][][][][] YMB35L-GERYON3 =<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> WB32L-CERBERUS -[][][][][] WB09PU-LAMIA ---[][][][][] WB16PU-LAMIA2 --[][][][][] WB25PU-LAMIA3 --[][][][][] WB26O-HARPY ----[][][][][] WB27O-HARPY2 ---[][][][][] CR-WB69RA ------[] CR-WB73RA2 -----[][][][][] WB03R-SIREN ----[][][][][] WB10R-SIREN2 ---[][][][][] WB17R-SIREN3 ---[][][][][] CR-WB85RA3 -----[][][][][] WB28R-SIREN4 ---[][][][][] WB18M-CENTAUR --[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-WBW89M ------[][][][][] CR-WBW94M2 -----[][][][][] WB29M-ECHIDNA --[][][][][] CR-WBW78R ------[][][][][][][][][][] CR-WBW91RT -----[][][][][] CR-WBW78C ------[][][][][] CR-WBW98G ------[][][][][] CR-WBW98LX -----[][][][][][][][][][] WB30Q-CHIMERA --[][][][][] YASYA ----------[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] WB31B-PEGASUS --[][][][][] ARM UNIT R------------------------------------------------------------ CR-WR69R -------[] CR-WR73R2 ------[][][][][] WR01R-SHADOW ---[][][][][] CR-YH05RS ======<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> WR10R-MOLD -----[][][][][] CR-WR76RA ------[][][][][] CR-WR84RA2 -----[][][][][] WH01R-GAST -----[][][][][] CR-WR88RB ------[][][][][] WR14R-PHANTOM --[][][][][] CR-WR93RL ------[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-WR05RLA -----[][][][][] CR-WR73RS ------[][][][][] CR-WR81RS2 -----[][][][][] CR-WR88RS3 -----[][][][][] WH02RS-WYRM ----[][][][][] WR11RS-GARUM ---[][][][][] WH08RS-FENRIR --[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] WR02M-PIXIE ----[][][][][] CR-WR69M -------[][][][][] WR04M-PIXIE2 ---[][][][][] WR07M-PIXIE3 ---[][][][][] CR-WH79M2 ------[][][][][] WH03M-FINGER ---[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] WH05M-SYLPH ----[][][][][][][][][][] YWH13M-NIX =====<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> WH10M-SILKY ----[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-WR88H -------[][][][][] CR-WH69H -------[][][][][] CR-WH73H2 ------[][][][][] WR03H-GHOST ----[][][][][] CR-WH79H3 ------[][][][][] WR06H-GHOST2 ---[][][][][] CR-WH01HP ------[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] WH09H-WRAITH ---[][][][][] CR-WR76B -------[][][][][] CR-WR81B2 ------[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-WR93B3 ------[][][][][] CR-WH05BP ------[][][][][] WR13B-GIANT ----[][][][][] WR17B-GIANT2 ---[][][][][] CR-WR84S -------[][][][][] CR-WH76S -------[][][][][] CR-WH01SP ------[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] WR15S-WYVERN ---[][][][][] WR23S-WYVERN2 --[][][][][] GACHIRIN -------[][][][][] NICHIRIN -------[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-WR84HNM -----[][][][][] CR-WR84HNR -----[][][][][] CR-WR93HNRP ----[][][][][] CR-WR81G -------[][][][][] CR-WR88G2 ------[][][][][] CR-WH98GL ------[][][][][] WR08PU-ROC -----[][][][][] WR12PU-ROC2 ----[][][][][] WR21PU-ROC3 ----[][][][][] WH11PU-PERYTON -[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] YWH14PU-ROC4 ===<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> WR18PU-DEMON ---[][][][][] WR05L-SHADE ----[][][][][] WR19L-HOLLOW ---[][][][][] CR-WR98L -------[][][][][] YWH07-DRAGON ---[][][][][][][][][][] WR24L-SHADE2 ---[][][][][][][][][][] WR16DL-SKULL ---[][][][][] WR25DL-SKULL2 --[][][][][] WH04HL-KRSW ----[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] WR09HL-SPIRIT --[][][][][] YWH16HR-PYTHON =<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> WR20PL-OGRE ----[][][][][] WR22PL-OGRE2 ---[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] WH06PL-ORC -----[][][][][] WH12PL-ETTIN ---[][][][][] RASETSU --------[][][][][][][][][][] ENMA -----------[][][][][] NIOH -----------[][][][][] Left Arm Weapons------------------------------------------------------ CR-WL69LB ------[] WL01LB-ELF -----[][][][][] CR-WL79LB2 -----[][][][][] CR-WL88LB3 -----[][][][][] YWL03LB-TAROS --[][][][][][][][][][] WL14LB-ELF2 ----[][][][][] WL-MOONLIGHT ---[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] FUHJIN ---------[][][][][] RAIJIN ---------[][][][][] CR-WL06LB4 =====<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> YWL16LB-ELF3 ===<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> WL02R-SPECTER --[][][][][] CR-YWH05RS =====<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> HITEN ----------[][][][][] WH01R-GAST -----[][][][][] CR-WH05RLA -----[][][][][] WL05RS-GOLEM ---[][][][][] CR-WL85RS ------[][][][][] WH02RS-WYRM ----[][][][][] WH08RS-FENRIR --[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-WL74M -------[][][][][] WL06M-FAIRY ----[][][][][] CR-WH79M2 ------[][][][][] WH03M-FINGER ---[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] WH05M-SYLPH ----[][][][][] YWH13M-NIX =====<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> WH01M-SILKY ----[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-WH69H -------[][][][][] CR-WH73H2 ------[][][][][] CR-WH79H3 ------[][][][][] WL07H-MIST -----[][][][][] WL10H-MIST2 ----[][][][][] CR-WH01HP ------[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] WH09H-WRAITH ---[][][][][] CR-WL95B -------[][][][][] CR-WH05BP ------[][][][][] WL11B-TROLL ----[][][][][] CR-WL85S -------[][][][][] CR-WL88S2 ------[][][][][] CR-WH76S -------[][][][][] CR-WH01SP ------[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] NICHIRIN -------[][][][][] CR-WL79HNM -----[][][][][] CR-WL95G -------[][][][][] CR-WH98GL ------[][][][][] CR-WL88HNR -----[][][][][] CR-WL95HNNR ----[][][][][] WL08PU-ARGOS ---[][][][][] WL12PU-ARGOS2 --[][][][][] WH11PU-PERYTON -[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] YWH14PU-ROC4 ===<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> YMH07-DRAGON ---[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] WL13L-GORGON ---[][][][][] WL15L-GRIFFON --[][][][][] WH04HL-KRSW ----[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] WH06PL-ORC -----[][][][][] WH12PL-ETTIN ---[][][][][] CR-WL74ES ------[][][][][] CR-WL85ES2 -----[][][][][] WL04ES-GIGAS ---[][][][][] BONTEN ---------[][][][][] WL09ES-GIGAS2 --[][][][][] FUTEN ==========<><><><><><><><><><> KATEN ----------[][][][][] SUITEN ---------[][][][][] JITEN ----------[][][][][] OPTIONAL PARTS-------------------------------------------------------- O01-ANIMO -----[][][][][] CR-O69ES ------[][][][][] CR-O69SS ------[][][][][] CR-O71EC ------[][][][][] KISSYOH -------[][][][][] CR-O75LA ------[][][][][] CR-O79L+ ------[][][][][] O02-ORGANELLE -[][][][][] O03-CODON -----[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-O83ES+ -----[][][][][] O07-PRIMER ----[][][][][] O04-GOLGI -----[][][][][] O05-HISTON ----[][][][][] O06-PHAGE -----[][][][][] O08-RIBOSE ----[][][][][] CR-O86R+ ------[][][][][] MARISHI -------[][][][][] CR-O94ESS -----[][][][][] KANGI ---------[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #######========####========####========####========####========####### #######==####==####==####==####==####==#######==#######==############# #######========####========####========#######==#######========####### #######==##########==####==####==##==#########==#############==####### #######==##########==####==####==###==########==#######========####### ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Parts...(Put a "~" in front of what ever you put in the find, to Find hold in "control" and press F) -Heads -----------------------------Head -Cores -----------------------------Core -Arms ------------------------------Arms -Weapon Arms -----------------------Arms -Midweight Humanoid legs -----------Legs -Lightweight Humanoid legs ---------Legs -Heavyweight Humanoid legs ---------Legs -Reverse Joint legs ----------------Legs -Quadruped legs --------------------Legs -Tank legs -------------------------Legs -Hover legs ------------------------Legs -Boosters --------------------------Booster -Firing Control Systems ------------FCS -Generators ------------------------Generator -Radiators -------------------------Radiator -Offensive Inside Weapons ----------Inside -Defensive Inside Weapons ----------Inside -Auxiliary Booster Extensions ------Extension -Relation Missile Extensions -------Extension -Anti Missile Extensions -----------Extension -Extra Ammo Extensions -------------Extension -Side Shield Extensions ------------Extension -Miscellaneous Extensions ----------Extension -Back Unit Missiles ----------------Back Unit -Back Unit Rockets -----------------Back Unit -Back Unit Cannons -----------------Back Unit -Back Unit Radars ------------------Back Unit -Dual Back Units -------------------Back Unit -Rifles ----------------------------Arm Unit R -Machine Guns ----------------------Arm Unit R -Hand Guns -------------------------Arm Unit R -Bazookas --------------------------Arm Unit R -Shot Guns -------------------------Arm Unit R -Miscellaneous ---------------------Arm Unit R -Energy Guns -----------------------Arm Unit R -Parrying Blades -------------------Arm Unit R -Laser Blades ----------------------Arm Unit L -Left Arm Guns ---------------------Arm Unit L -Shields ---------------------------Arm Unit L -Optional Parts --------------------Optional Parts -Stats -----------------------------All This section will tell you a lot about the parts. I will list important things about the part type and then a note about the part it's self. "Stats" refers to what the numbers mean... I did this to save space. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #######==#####==####========####========####====########========###### #######==#####==####==##########==####==####==#===######==############ #######=========####======######========####==###==#####========###### #######==#####==####==##########==####==####==#===############==###### #######==#####==####========####==####==####====########========###### ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Heads... Head are on the top of your AC. They provide Mapping, Radar, and other little things. For the most part, a Head's defense is usually not going to be the deciding factor in a big fight, but it can help. Another important thing about heads is its ECM ability... nothing too hard to understand, just keep this in mind when you get into a mission with a high ECM disruption. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-H69S Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- ----- AP ----------------- 809 Weight ------------- 145 Tuned Weight ------- 131 Energy Drain ------- 185 Def Shell ---------- 155 Tuned Shell -------- 177 Def Energy --------- 140 Tuned Energy ------- 163 Cooling ------------ 274 Tuned Cooling ------ 353 Stability ---------- 446 Computer Type ------ Standard Auto-Map ----------- None Night Vision ------- None Bio-Sensor --------- Provided Vs ECM ------------- 173 Tuned ECM ---------- 297 Radar Function ----- None Notes: First generation head part. Low performance, but lightweight. Found -------------- Equipped from the start CR-YH70S2 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 35500c AP ----------------- 909 Weight ------------- 197 Tuned Weight ------- 175 Energy Drain ------- 164 Def Shell ---------- 172 Tuned Shell -------- 192 Def Energy --------- 170 Tuned Energy ------- 192 Cooling ------------ 361 Tuned Cooling ------ 427 Stability ---------- 451 Computer Type ------ Standard Auto-Map ----------- Provided Night Vision ------- None Bio-Sensor --------- None Vs ECM ------------- 270 Tuned ECM ---------- 372 Radar Function ----- None Notes: Improved version of the H69S. Basic performance greatly enhanced. Found -------------- Shop H01-WASP Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 40000c AP ----------------- 925 Weight ------------- 228 Tuned Weight ------- 201 Energy Drain ------- 204 Def Shell ---------- 184 Tuned Shell -------- 202 Def Energy --------- 155 Tuned Energy ------- 179 Cooling ------------ 325 Tuned Cooling ------ 396 Stability ---------- 405 Computer Type ------ Standard Auto-Map ----------- None Night Vision ------- Provided Bio-Sensor --------- None Vs ECM ------------- 209 Tuned ECM ---------- 322 Radar Function ----- None Notes: First generation model. Well-designed and still popular. Found -------------- Shop CR-H72S3 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 41700c AP ----------------- 835 Weight ------------- 179 Tuned Weight ------- 160 Energy Drain ------- 280 Def Shell ---------- 165 Tuned Shell -------- 186 Def Energy --------- 173 Tuned Energy ------- 194 Cooling ------------ 380 Tuned Cooling ------ 443 Stability ---------- 451 Computer Type ------ Detailed Auto-Map ----------- Provide Night Vision ------- None Bio-Sensor --------- None Vs ECM ------------- 251 Tuned ECM ---------- 357 Radar Function ----- None Notes: Second generation model. Excellent cooling performance. Found -------------- Shop CR-H73E Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 49500 AP ----------------- 634 Weight ------------- 184 Tuned Weight ------- 157 Energy Drain ------- 444 Def Shell ---------- 146 Tuned Shell -------- 169 Def Energy --------- 150 Tuned Energy ------- 168 Cooling ------------ 267 Tuned Cooling ------ 347 Stability ---------- 392 Computer Type ------ Special Auto-Map ----------- Provided Night Vision ------- None Bio-Sensor --------- None Vs ECM ------------- 375 Tuned ECM ---------- 459 Radar Function ----- Provided -Radar Range ------- 290 -Scanning Interval - 77 -Missile Sensor ---- None -Bio-Sensor -------- None Notes: High performance model. Radar equipped and good VS ECM quality. Found -------------- Shop H02-WASP2 Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 52000 AP ----------------- 817 Weight ------------- 262 Tuned Weight ------- 230 Energy Drain ------- 338 Def Shell ---------- 185 Tuned Shell -------- 203 Def Energy --------- 148 Tuned Energy ------- 173 Cooling ------------ 358 Tuned Cooling ------ 424 Stability ---------- 324 Computer Type ------ Standard Auto-Map ----------- None Night Vision ------- Provided Bio-Sensor --------- Provided Vs ECM ------------- 332 Tuned ECM ---------- 423 Radar Function ----- Provided -Radar Range ------- 250 -Scanning Interval - 72 -Missile Sensor ---- Provided -Bio-Sensor -------- None Notes: Second generation WASP model. Radar function added. Found -------------- Shop CR-H81S4 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 54500c AP ----------------- 890 Weight ------------- 241 Tuned Weight ------- 212 Energy Drain ------- 188 Def Shell ---------- 188 Tuned Shell -------- 206 Def Energy --------- 188 Tuned Energy ------- 207 Cooling ------------ 411 Tuned Cooling ------ 469 Stability ---------- 460 Computer Type ------ Detailed Auto-Map ----------- None Night Vision ------- None Bio-Sensor --------- None Vs ECM ------------- 230 Tuned ECM ---------- 339 Radar Function ----- None Notes: H72S3 successor. Improved energy consumption and defense. Found -------------- Shop H03-BEETLE Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 62000c AP ----------------- 1034 Weight ------------- 468 Tuned Weight ------- 405 Energy Drain ------- 180 Def Shell ---------- 251 Tuned Shell -------- 258 Def Energy --------- 159 Tuned Energy ------- 182 Cooling ------------ 433 Tuned Cooling ------ 488 Stability ---------- 398 Computer Type ------ Standard Auto-Map ----------- None Night Vision ------- None Bio-Sensor --------- None Vs ECM ------------- 194 Tuned ECM ---------- 310 Radar Function ----- None Notes: Heavyweight part stressing improved armor reinforcement. Found -------------- Shop CR-H84E2 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 60000c AP ----------------- 680 Weight ------------- 228 Tuned Weight ------- 193 Energy Drain ------- 328 Def Shell ---------- 160 Tuned Shell -------- 181 Def Energy --------- 136 Tuned Energy ------- 157 Cooling ------------ 400 Tuned Cooling ------ 460 Stability ---------- 396 Computer Type ------ Special Auto-Map ----------- Provided Night Vision ------- Provided Bio-Sensor --------- Provided Vs ECM ------------- 368 Tuned ECM ---------- 453 Radar Function ----- Provided -Radar Range ------- 410 -Scanning Interval - 40 -Missile Sensor ---- Provided -Bio-Sensor -------- Provided Notes: Remodeled H73E design. Combat performance is much improved. Found -------------- Shop H04-CICADA Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 60000c AP ----------------- 664 Weight ------------- 101 Tuned Weight ------- 92 Energy Drain ------- 199 Def Shell ---------- 147 Tuned Shell -------- 170 Def Energy --------- 128 Tuned Energy ------- 150 Cooling ------------ 314 Tuned Cooling ------ 387 Stability ---------- 458 Computer Type ------ Detailed Auto-Map ----------- Provided Night Vision ------- Provided Bio-Sensor --------- Provided Vs ECM ------------- 286 Tuned ECM ---------- 386 Radar Function ----- None Notes: Lightweight design with a wide selection of built-in functions. Found -------------- Shop CR-YH85SR Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 64800c AP ----------------- 924 Weight ------------- 315 Tuned Weight ------- 275 Energy Drain ------- 421 Def Shell ---------- 190 Tuned Shell -------- 206 Def Energy --------- 188 Tuned Energy ------- 205 Cooling ------------ 313 Tuned Cooling ------ 390 Stability ---------- 389 Computer Type ------ Special Auto-Map ----------- Provided Night Vision ------- Provided Bio-Sensor --------- Provided Vs ECM ------------- 332 Tuned ECM ---------- 424 Radar Function ----- Provided -Radar Range ------- 340 -Scanning Interval - 60 -Missile Sensor ---- None -Bio-Sensor -------- None Notes: Multi-purpose design sporting a variety of built-in functions. Found -------------- Shop H05-HORNET Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 67000c AP ----------------- 900 Weight ------------- 387 Tuned Weight ------- 336 Energy Drain ------- 462 Def Shell ---------- 179 Tuned Shell -------- 197 Def Energy --------- 183 Tuned Energy ------- 201 Cooling ------------ 434 Tuned Cooling ------ 495 Stability ---------- 358 Computer Type ------ Detailed Auto-Map ----------- Provided Night Vision ------- Provided Bio-Sensor --------- None Vs ECM ------------- 345 Tuned ECM ---------- 434 Radar Function ----- Provided -Radar Range ------- 400 -Scanning Interval - 49 -Missile Sensor ---- None -Bio-Sensor -------- None Notes: Redesigned third generation model. Offers solid performance. Found -------------- Shop YH06-LADYB Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 72000c AP ----------------- 986 Weight ------------- 435 Tuned Weight ------- 377 Energy Drain ------- 248 Def Shell ---------- 228 Tuned Shell -------- 239 Def Energy --------- 181 Tuned Energy ------- 201 Cooling ------------ 461 Tuned Cooling ------ 512 Stability ---------- 415 Computer Type ------ Standard Auto-Map ----------- None Night Vision ------- None Bio-Sensor --------- None Vs ECM ------------- 330 Tuned ECM ---------- 422 Radar Function ----- None Notes: Redisnged BETTLE model. Improved combat performance. Found -------------- Shop CR-H97XS-EYE Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 73300c AP ----------------- 798 Weight ------------- 189 Tuned Weight ------- 168 Energy Drain ------- 517 Def Shell ---------- 168 Tuned Shell -------- 188 Def Energy --------- 185 Tuned Energy ------- 202 Cooling ------------ 333 Tuned Cooling ------ 408 Stability ---------- 412 Computer Type ------ Special Auto-Map ----------- None Night Vision ------- Provided Bio-Sensor --------- None Vs ECM ------------- 354 Tuned ECM ---------- 441 Radar Function ----- Provided -Radar Range ------- 420 -Scanning Interval - 41 -Missile Sensor ---- None -Bio-Sensor -------- None Notes: Fourth generation Crest design. High quality and lightweight. Found -------------- Shop H07-CRICKET Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 77000c AP ----------------- 660 Weight ------------- 141 Tuned Weight ------- 122 Energy Drain ------- 479 Def Shell ---------- 158 Tuned Shell -------- 179 Def Energy --------- 212 Tuned Energy ------- 220 Cooling ------------ 266 Tuned Cooling ------ 346 Stability ---------- 379 Computer Type ------ Detailed Auto-Map ----------- None Night Vision ------- None Bio-Sensor --------- None Vs ECM ------------- 403 Tuned ECM ---------- 482 Radar Function ----- Provided -Radar Range ------- 390 -Scanning Interval - 70 -Missile Sensor ---- None -Bio-Sensor -------- None Notes: Part design stressing energy defense and VS ECM performance. Found -------------- Shop YH08-MANTIS Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 90000c AP ----------------- 777 Weight ------------- 222 Tuned Weight ------- 185 Energy Drain ------- 440 Def Shell ---------- 177 Tuned Shell -------- 195 Def Energy --------- 177 Tuned Energy ------- 195 Cooling ------------ 405 Tuned Cooling ------ 464 Stability ---------- 328 Computer Type ------ Standard Auto-Map ----------- None Night Vision ------- None Bio-Sensor --------- Provided Vs ECM ------------- 362 Tuned ECM ---------- 448 Radar Function ----- Provided -Radar Range ------- 710 -Scanning Interval - 53 -Missile Sensor ---- None -Bio-Sensor -------- Provided Notes: Scouting model with a built-in high performance radar. Found -------------- Rewarded in "Underground Investigation" H09-SPIDER Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 92000c AP ----------------- 875 Weight ------------- 343 Tuned Weight ------- 299 Energy Drain ------- 304 Def Shell ---------- 171 Tuned Shell -------- 190 Def Energy --------- 260 Tuned Energy ------- 269 Cooling ------------ 377 Tuned Cooling ------ 440 Stability ---------- 364 Computer Type ------ Detailed Auto-Map ----------- Provided Night Vision ------- Provided Bio-Sensor --------- Provided Vs ECM ------------- 269 Tuned ECM ---------- 371 Radar Function ----- Provided -Radar Range ------- 260 -Scanning Interval - 74 -Missile Sensor ---- Provided -Bio-Sensor -------- None Notes: Design housing multiple built-in functions. Heavy equip weight. Found -------------- Shop CR-H95EE Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 95800c AP ----------------- 559 Weight ------------- 143 Tuned Weight ------- 124 Energy Drain ------- 565 Def Shell ---------- 103 Tuned Shell -------- 133 Def Energy --------- 176 Tuned Energy ------- 190 Cooling ------------ 258 Tuned Cooling ------ 339 Stability ---------- 444 Computer Type ------ Special Auto-Map ----------- Provided Night Vision ------- Provided Bio-Sensor --------- Provided Vs ECM ------------- 417 Tuned ECM ---------- 493 Radar Function ----- Provided -Radar Range ------- 550 -Scanning Interval - 37 -Missile Sensor ---- Provided -Bio-Sensor -------- Provided Notes: Armor sacrificed in favor of high quality electronic functions. Found -------------- Rewarded in "Shutdown Defense Systems" H10-CICADA2 Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 100000c AP ----------------- 752 Weight ------------- 230 Tuned Weight ------- 194 Energy Drain ------- 340 Def Shell ---------- 160 Tuned Shell -------- 181 Def Energy --------- 188 Tuned Energy ------- 200 Cooling ------------ 419 Tuned Cooling ------ 476 Stability ---------- 374 Computer Type ------ Detailed Auto-Map ----------- Provided Night Vision ------- Provided Bio-Sensor --------- Provided Vs ECM ------------- 428 Tuned ECM ---------- 503 Radar Function ----- Provided -Radar Range ------- 530 -Scanning Interval - 70 -Missile Sensor ---- Provided -Bio-Sensor -------- Provided Notes: Redesigned CICADA model. Improved VS ECM performance. Found -------------- Shop CR-H98XS-EYE2 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 103300c AP ----------------- 811 Weight ------------- 330 Tuned Weight ------- 288 Energy Drain ------- 590 Def Shell ---------- 192 Tuned Shell -------- 208 Def Energy --------- 184 Tuned Energy ------- 201 Cooling ------------ 447 Tuned Cooling ------ 506 Stability ---------- 387 Computer Type ------ Special Auto-Map ----------- Provided Night Vision ------- Provided Bio-Sensor --------- None Vs ECM ------------- 318 Tuned ECM ---------- 412 Radar Function ----- Provided -Radar Range ------- 350 -Scanning Interval - 63 -Missile Sensor ---- None -Bio-Sensor -------- None Notes: Armor reinforced version of the H97XS. Solid combat performance. Found -------------- Shop H11-QUEEN Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 120000c AP ----------------- 890 Weight ------------- 260 Tuned Weight ------- 228 Energy Drain ------- 414 Def Shell ---------- 181 Tuned Shell -------- 199 Def Energy --------- 179 Tuned Energy ------- 197 Cooling ------------ 429 Tuned Cooling ------ 491 Stability ---------- 400 Computer Type ------ Special Auto-Map ----------- Provided Night Vision ------- Provided Bio-Sensor --------- None Vs ECM ------------- 374 Tuned ECM ---------- 458 Radar Function ----- Provided -Radar Range ------- 270 -Scanning Interval - 49 -Missile Sensor ---- None -Bio-Sensor -------- None Notes: Fourth generation Mirage design. Well-balanced overall. Found -------------- Shop YH12-MAYFLY Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 99900c AP ----------------- 666 Weight ------------- 199 Tuned Weight ------- 159 Energy Drain ------- 383 Def Shell ---------- 133 Tuned Shell -------- 149 Def Energy --------- 139 Tuned Energy ------- 156 Cooling ------------ 432 Tuned Cooling ------ 509 Stability ---------- 399 Computer Type ------ Special Auto-Map ----------- None Night Vision ------- Provided Bio-Sensor --------- Provided Vs ECM ------------- 409 Tuned ECM ---------- 501 Radar Function ----- Provided -Radar Range ------- 790 -Scanning Interval - 53 -Missile Sensor ---- None -Bio-Sensor -------- None Notes: Well-rounded concept model with enhanced radar function. Found -------------- Kill Moody M./Nova-RG (Rank 2) in the Arena CR-H05XS-EYE3 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 89800c AP ----------------- 820 Weight ------------- 202 Tuned Weight ------- 162 Energy Drain ------- 399 Def Shell ---------- 201 Tuned Shell -------- 217 Def Energy --------- 191 Tuned Energy ------- 208 Cooling ------------ 301 Tuned Cooling ------ 378 Stability ---------- 433 Computer Type ------ Special Auto-Map ----------- Provided Night Vision ------- Provided Bio-Sensor --------- Provided Vs ECM ------------- 365 Tuned ECM ---------- 457 Radar Function ----- Provided -Radar Range ------- 290 -Scanning Interval - 41 -Missile Sensor ---- None -Bio-Sensor -------- None Notes: Substantially improved third generation EYE series model. Found -------------- Rewarded in "Secure The Terminal Area" CR-H06SR2 *NEW* Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 100000c AP ----------------- 828 Weight ------------- 362 Tuned Weight ------- 315 Energy Drain ------- 603 Def Shell ---------- 204 Tuned Shell -------- 218 Def Energy --------- 231 Tuned Energy ------- 241 Cooling ------------ 432 Tuned Cooling ------ 487 Stability ---------- 404 Computer Type ------ Special Auto-Map ----------- Provided Night Vision ------- Provided Bio-Sensor --------- Provided Vs ECM ------------- 234 Tuned ECM ---------- 349 Radar Function ----- Provided -Radar Range ------- 362 -Scanning Interval - 61 -Missile Sensor ---- None -Bio-Sensor -------- None Notes: New part design incorporating Mirage's latest technology. Found -------------- Reward for beating the living **** out of the Pulverizer in "Destroy The Pulverizer" YH13-LONGHORN *NEW* Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 82500c AP ----------------- 997 Weight ------------- 514 Tuned Weight ------- 444 Energy Drain ------- 298 Def Shell ---------- 229 Tuned Shell -------- 240 Def Energy --------- 195 Tuned Energy ------- 211 Cooling ------------ 392 Tuned Cooling ------ 453 Stability ---------- 330 Computer Type ------ Detailed Auto-Map ----------- Provided Night Vision ------- Provided Bio-Sensor --------- Provided Vs ECM ------------- 223 Tuned ECM ---------- 340 Radar Function ----- Provided -Radar Range ------- 220 -Scanning Interval - 68 -Missile Sensor ---- Provided -Bio-Sensor -------- None Notes: Experimental model with multiple built in functions and high AP. Found -------------- Found hidden in "Destroy Power Generators" YH14-STING *NEW* Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 120000c AP ----------------- 791 Weight ------------- 241 Tuned Weight ------- 212 Energy Drain ------- 508 Def Shell ---------- 172 Tuned Shell -------- 191 Def Energy --------- 172 Tuned Energy ------- 207 Cooling ------------ 505 Tuned Cooling ------ 549 Stability ---------- 369 Computer Type ------ Special Auto-Map ----------- Provided Night Vision ------- Provided Bio-Sensor --------- Provided Vs ECM ------------- 388 Tuned ECM ---------- 480 Radar Function ----- Provided -Radar Range ------- 766 -Scanning Interval - 56 -Missile Sensor ---- None -Bio-Sensor -------- Provided Notes: Part offering superior radar and information processing featuers. Found -------------- Rewarded in "Destroy Transport Convoy" YH15-DRONE *NEW* Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 89000c AP ----------------- 906 Weight ------------- 293 Tuned Weight ------- 257 Energy Drain ------- 390 Def Shell ---------- 173 Tuned Shell -------- 192 Def Energy --------- 196 Tuned Energy ------- 212 Cooling ------------ 394 Tuned Cooling ------ 455 Stability ---------- 381 Computer Type ------ Detailed Auto-Map ----------- Provided Night Vision ------- Provided Bio-Sensor --------- Provided Vs ECM ------------- 433 Tuned ECM ---------- 518 Radar Function ----- Provided -Radar Range ------- 481 -Scanning Interval - 42 -Missile Sensor ---- Provided -Bio-Sensor -------- Provided Notes: Trail manufactured design with excellent VS ECM performance. Found -------------- Rewarded in "Eliminate The Enemy AC" CR-H06XS-EYE4 *NEW* Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 64000c AP ----------------- 833 Weight ------------- 199 Tuned Weight ------- 177 Energy Drain ------- 596 Def Shell ---------- 188 Tuned Shell -------- 205 Def Energy --------- 181 Tuned Energy ------- 199 Cooling ------------ 491 Tuned Cooling ------ 537 Stability ---------- 365 Computer Type ------ Special Auto-Map ----------- Provided Night Vision ------- Provided Bio-Sensor --------- None Vs ECM ------------- 328 Tuned ECM ---------- 429 Radar Function ----- Provided -Radar Range ------- 360 -Scanning Interval - 55 -Missile Sensor ---- None -Bio-Sensor -------- None Notes: Lastest model in Crest's "EYE" series line of head parts. Found -------------- Reward in "Destroy Transport Convoy" [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #######========#####========####========####========####========###### #######==####==#####==####==####==####==####==##########==############ #######==###########==####==####========####======######========###### #######==####==#####==####==####==##==######==################==###### #######========#####========####==###==#####========####========###### ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Cores... Cores are the "core" of your AC. The core stores your generator, booster, FCSs, Radiators, and optional parts. There are three types off cores. Over boosting: This lets you boost extremely fast forward, sideways, and a little upward. (OB) Exceed Orbit: These have little firing pods the track down and kill on there own. They are much more accurate now in Nexus/Ninebreaker. (EO) Hanger: These will let you store little weapons in your core. To use these, just drop your current arm weapon in which the hanger is equipped. Use these if you really need extra ammo, or need a nice quick surprise combo. Note: Hangers will never be with and EO, but could be mixed with OB. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-C69U Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- ----- AP ----------------- 2296 Weight ------------- 874 Tuned Weight ------- --- Energy Drain ------- 1094 Def Shell ---------- 450 Tuned Shell -------- --- Def Energy --------- 449 Tuned Energy ------- --- Max Arm Weight ----- 3441 Tuned Max Arm ------ --- Cooling ------------ 890 Tuned Cooling ------ --- Heat Resistance ---- 679 Optional Slots ----- 17 VS MG Response ----- 59 Hanger Unit -------- Provided Notes: First generation model. Weapon storage capability provided. Found -------------- Equipped from the start C01-GAEA Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 62200c AP ----------------- 2790 Weight ------------- 1388 Tuned Weight ------- 1299 Energy Drain ------- 1371 Def Shell ---------- 527 Tuned Shell -------- 548 Def Energy --------- 445 Tuned Energy ------- 470 Max Arm Weight ----- 3201 Tuned Max Arm ------ 3481 Cooling ------------ 1035 Tuned Cooling ------ 1193 Heat Resistance ---- 627 Optional Slots ----- 18 VS MG Response ----- 0 Hanger Unit -------- None EO Ammo Type ------- Energy -Attack Power ------ 380 -Ammo -------------- 36 -Attack Heat ------- 1260 -EO Range ---------- 500 -Firing Interval --- 160 -Usage Drain ------- 2800 Notes: First generation Mirage model with built-in energy EO. Found -------------- Shop CR-C75U2 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 67500c AP ----------------- 2808 Weight ------------- 1035 Tuned Weight ------- 976 Energy Drain ------- 925 Def Shell ---------- 535 Tuned Shell -------- 554 Def Energy --------- 411 Tuned Energy ------- 438 Max Arm Weight ----- 3408 Tuned Max Arm ------ 3667 Cooling ------------ 1277 Tuned Cooling ------ 1441 Heat Resistance ---- 805 Optional Slots ----- 16 VS MG Response ----- 55 Hanger Unit -------- Provided Notes: Excellently balanced core model with built-in weapon storage. Found -------------- Shop RAKAN Manufacturer ------- Kisaragi Price -------------- 87770c AP ----------------- 2135 Weight ------------- 833 Tuned Weight ------- 800 Energy Drain ------- 1091 Def Shell ---------- 380 Tuned Shell -------- 408 Def Energy --------- 453 Tuned Energy ------- 476 Max Arm Weight ----- 3079 Tuned Max Arm ------ 3355 Cooling ------------ 1040 Tuned Cooling ------ 1228 Heat Resistance ---- 671 Optional Slots ----- 19 VS MG Response ----- 0 Hanger Unit -------- None OB Specs ----------- -OB Power ---------- 25740 -OB Energy Drain --- 7890 -OB Acceleration --- 514 -Discharge Heat ---- 5808 Notes: Kisaragi core design featuring a high power OB function. Found -------------- Shop C04-ATLAS Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 128000c AP ----------------- 2750 Weight ------------- 1182 Tuned Weight ------- 1114 Energy Drain ------- 1205 Def Shell ---------- 494 Tuned Shell -------- 514 Def Energy --------- 412 Tuned Energy ------- 438 Max Arm Weight ----- 3388 Tuned Max Arm ------ 3631 Cooling ------------ 1243 Tuned Cooling ------ 1403 Heat Resistance ---- 726 Optional Slots ----- 16 VS MG Response ----- 0 Hanger Unit -------- Provided OB Specs ----------- -OB Power ---------- 23800 -OB Energy Drain --- 8130 -OB Acceleration --- 476 -Discharge Heat ---- 5245 Notes: Core design that includes both OB and weapon storage functions. Found -------------- Shop CR-C89E Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 139300c AP ----------------- 2877 Weight ------------- 1405 Tuned Weight ------- 1314 Energy Drain ------- 1082 Def Shell ---------- 562 Tuned Shell -------- 580 Def Energy --------- 419 Tuned Energy ------- 446 Max Arm Weight ----- 3169 Tuned Max Arm ------ 3452 Cooling ------------ 1081 Tuned Cooling ------ 1231 Heat Resistance ---- 649 Optional Slots ----- 17 VS MG Response ----- 32 Hanger Unit -------- None EO Ammo Type ------- Solid -Attack Power ------ 225 -Ammo -------------- 70 -Attack Heat ------- 2457 -EO Range ---------- 400 -Firing Interval --- 60 -Ammo Price -------- 22 Notes: Core model equipped with a solid round EO function. Found -------------- Shop CR-C90U3 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 169900c AP ----------------- 2764 Weight ------------- 1116 Tuned Weight ------- 1048 Energy Drain ------- 1124 Def Shell ---------- 557 Tuned Shell -------- 574 Def Energy --------- 429 Tuned Energy ------- 455 Max Arm Weight ----- 3668 Tuned Max Arm ------ 3901 Cooling ------------ 1156 Tuned Cooling ------ 1335 Heat Resistance ---- 736 Optional Slots ----- 18 VS MG Response ----- 55 Hanger Unit -------- Provided Notes: Fourth generation basic core design. Weapon storage provided. Found -------------- Shop CR-C06U5 *NEW* Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 170000c AP ----------------- 2899 Weight ------------- 1231 Tuned Weight ------- 1158 Energy Drain ------- 1482 Def Shell ---------- 569 Tuned Shell -------- 585 Def Energy --------- 446 Tuned Energy ------- 471 Max Arm Weight ----- 3097 Tuned Max Arm ------ 3387 Cooling ------------ 1021 Tuned Cooling ------ 1198 Heat Resistance ---- 720 Optional Slots ----- 17 VS MG Response ----- 65 Hanger Unit -------- Provided Notes: Core model with high DEF ratings and weapon storage capability. Found -------------- Reward in "Shutdown Internecine" CR-YC03U4 *NEW* Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 122000c AP ----------------- 2941 Weight ------------- 1109 Tuned Weight ------- 1048 Energy Drain ------- 1368 Def Shell ---------- 542 Tuned Shell -------- 560 Def Energy --------- 430 Tuned Energy ------- 456 Max Arm Weight ----- 3448 Tuned Max Arm ------ 3703 Cooling ------------ 1174 Tuned Cooling ------ 1328 Heat Resistance ---- 741 Optional Slots ----- 18 VS MG Response ----- 62 Hanger Unit -------- Provided Notes: End result of Crest's redesign of the CR-C06U5 core model. Found -------------- Reward in "Destroy The Internecine" C02-URANUS Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 70000c AP ----------------- 2346 Weight ------------- 1095 Tuned Weight ------- 1035 Energy Drain ------- 1342 Def Shell ---------- 433 Tuned Shell -------- 460 Def Energy --------- 472 Tuned Energy ------- 495 Max Arm Weight ----- 2991 Tuned Max Arm ------ 3292 Cooling ------------ 911 Tuned Cooling ------ 1089 Heat Resistance ---- 605 Optional Slots ----- 20 VS MG Response ----- 0 Hanger Unit -------- None EO Ammo Type ------- Energy -Attack Power ------ 100 -Ammo -------------- 100 -Attack Heat ------- 456 -EO Range ---------- 370 -Firing Interval --- 15 -Usage Drain ------- 790 Notes: Second generation core design. Energy-based EO function. Found -------------- Shop C03-HELIOS Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 80000c AP ----------------- 2067 Weight ------------- 945 Tuned Weight ------- 901 Energy Drain ------- 1344 Def Shell ---------- 369 Tuned Shell -------- 398 Def Energy --------- 430 Tuned Energy ------- 454 Max Arm Weight ----- 2920 Tuned Max Arm ------ 3213 Cooling ------------ 976 Tuned Cooling ------ 1173 Heat Resistance ---- 732 Optional Slots ----- 18 VS MG Response ----- 0 Hanger Unit -------- None OB Specs ----------- -OB Power ---------- 27990 -OB Energy Drain --- 9770 -OB Acceleration --- 559 -Discharge Heat ---- 5330 Notes: Core model specially designed for highly mobile combat. Found -------------- Shop CR-C840/UL Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 131000c AP ----------------- 2099 Weight ------------- 989 Tuned Weight ------- 940 Energy Drain ------- 1183 Def Shell ---------- 408 Tuned Shell -------- 434 Def Energy --------- 416 Tuned Energy ------- 441 Max Arm Weight ----- 3134 Tuned Max Arm ------ 3404 Cooling ------------ 1014 Tuned Cooling ------ 1206 Heat Resistance ---- 660 Optional Slots ----- 18 VS MG Response ----- 48 Hanger Unit -------- Provivded OB Specs ----------- -OB Power ---------- 27170 -OB Energy Drain --- 8990 -OB Acceleration --- 534 -Discharge Heat ---- 5467 Notes: Lightweight OB model with built-in weapon storage. Found -------------- Shop YC07-CRONUS Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 160000c AP ----------------- 2490 Weight ------------- 760 Tuned Weight ------- 730 Energy Drain ------- 1191 Def Shell ---------- 445 Tuned Shell -------- 470 Def Energy --------- 462 Tuned Energy ------- 486 Max Arm Weight ----- 3305 Tuned Max Arm ------ 3575 Cooling ------------ 1144 Tuned Cooling ------ 1325 Heat Resistance ---- 719 Optional Slots ----- 19 VS MG Response ----- 0 Hanger Unit -------- Provided Notes: Lightweight core model with weapon storage capability. Found -------------- Shop CR-C98E2 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 188000c AP ----------------- 2455 Weight ------------- 1113 Tuned Weight ------- 1052 Energy Drain ------- 1221 Def Shell ---------- 445 Tuned Shell -------- 471 Def Energy --------- 464 Tuned Energy ------- 488 Max Arm Weight ----- 2884 Tuned Max Arm ------ 3124 Cooling ------------ 968 Tuned Cooling ------ 1137 Heat Resistance ---- 638 Optional Slots ----- 19 VS MG Response ----- 62 Hanger Unit -------- None EO Ammo Type ------- Solid -Attack Power ------ 160 -Ammo -------------- 100 -Attack Heat ------- 864 -EO Range ---------- 200 -Firing Interval --- 14 -Ammo Price -------- 15 Notes: State-of-the-art design based on the C89E core model. Found -------------- Shop CR-YC99UL *NEW* Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 88000c AP ----------------- 2560 Weight ------------- 809 Tuned Weight ------- 778 Energy Drain ------- 1092 Def Shell ---------- 463 Tuned Shell -------- 487 Def Energy --------- 444 Tuned Energy ------- 469 Max Arm Weight ----- 3105 Tuned Max Arm ------ 3395 Cooling ------------ 1201 Tuned Cooling ------ 1351 Heat Resistance ---- 681 Optional Slots ----- 18 VS MG Response ----- 40 Hanger Unit -------- Provided Notes: Prototype model with a low equip weight and respectable stats. Found -------------- Rewarded in "Destroy The Control Towers" CR-YC010/UL2 *NEW* Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 89000c AP ----------------- 2291 Weight ------------- 897 Tuned Weight ------- 857 Energy Drain ------- 1294 Def Shell ---------- 421 Tuned Shell -------- 448 Def Energy --------- 397 Tuned Energy ------- 425 Max Arm Weight ----- 3228 Tuned Max Arm ------ 3505 Cooling ------------ 1101 Tuned Cooling ------ 1266 Heat Resistance ---- 706 Optional Slots ----- 19 VS MG Response ----- 50 Hanger Unit -------- Provided OB Specs ----------- -OB Power ---------- 25030 -OB Energy Drain --- 8042 -OB Acceleration --- 521 -Discharge Heat ---- 5598 Notes: Core part specifically designed to reduce OB energy consumption. Found -------------- Kill Daemon/Lucifer (Rank 1) in the Arena YC08-ICURUS *NEW* Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 110000c AP ----------------- 2297 Weight ------------- 1002 Tuned Weight ------- 952 Energy Drain ------- 1404 Def Shell ---------- 419 Tuned Shell -------- 446 Def Energy --------- 456 Tuned Energy ------- 480 Max Arm Weight ----- 3009 Tuned Max Arm ------ 3308 Cooling ------------ 913 Tuned Cooling ------ 1106 Heat Resistance ---- 622 Optional Slots ----- 20 VS MG Response ----- --- Hanger Unit -------- None OB Specs ----------- -OB Power ---------- 26880 -OB Energy Drain --- 10320 -OB Acceleration --- 536 -Discharge Heat ---- 5510 Notes: Prototype OB model designed to balance DEF and mobility stats. Found -------------- Rewarded in "Destroy Transport Convoy" CR-C770/U Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 85000c AP ----------------- 2900 Weight ------------- 1321 Tuned Weight ------- 1239 Energy Drain ------- 923 Def Shell ---------- 570 Tuned Shell -------- 584 Def Energy --------- 399 Tuned Energy ------- 426 Max Arm Weight ----- 3663 Tuned Max Arm ------ 3877 Cooling ------------ 1417 Tuned Cooling ------ 1554 Heat Resistance ---- 754 Optional Slots ----- 13 VS MG Response ----- 43 Hanger Unit -------- Provided OB Specs ----------- -OB Power ---------- 20500 -OB Energy Drain --- 7570 -OB Acceleration --- 410 -Discharge Heat ---- 5115 Notes: Heavily armored, multi-function core design. Found -------------- Shop CR-C83UA Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 99000c AP ----------------- 3125 Weight ------------- 1245 Tuned Weight ------- 1164 Energy Drain ------- 786 Def Shell ---------- 641 Tuned Shell -------- 652 Def Energy --------- 429 Tuned Energy ------- 455 Max Arm Weight ----- 4079 Tuned Max Arm ------ 4271 Cooling ------------ 1501 Tuned Cooling ------ 1642 Heat Resistance ---- 817 Optional Slots ----- 15 VS MG Response ----- 48 Hanger Unit -------- Provided Notes: Heavily armored core model with excellent AP and defense. Found -------------- Shop C05-SELENA Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 145000c AP ----------------- 3096 Weight ------------- 1622 Tuned Weight ------- 1510 Energy Drain ------- 935 Def Shell ---------- 637 Tuned Shell -------- 651 Def Energy --------- 405 Tuned Energy ------- 433 Max Arm Weight ----- 3586 Tuned Max Arm ------ 3755 Cooling ------------ 1291 Tuned Cooling ------ 1406 Heat Resistance ---- 693 Optional Slots ----- 16 VS MG Response ----- 0 Hanger Unit -------- None EO Ammo Type ------- Energy -Attack Power ------ 1090 -Ammo -------------- 12 -Attack Heat ------- 6183 -EO Range ---------- 360 -Firing Interval --- 240 -Usage Drain ------- 5450 Notes: Third generation model equipped with a high power EO function. Found -------------- Shop C06-EOS Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 150000c AP ----------------- 3003 Weight ------------- 1404 Tuned Weight ------- 1314 Energy Drain ------- 878 Def Shell ---------- 585 Tuned Shell -------- 598 Def Energy --------- 385 Tuned Energy ------- 413 Max Arm Weight ----- 3751 Tuned Max Arm ------ 3956 Cooling ------------ 1485 Tuned Cooling ------ 1613 Heat Resistance ---- 803 Optional Slots ----- 15 VS MG Response ----- 0 Hanger Unit -------- None OB Specs ----------- -OB Power ---------- 29110 -OB Energy Drain --- 10280 -OB Acceleration --- 582 -Discharge Heat ---- 6125 Notes: Heavy armor core type. Equips a high power OB function. Found -------------- Shop [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #########========######========######===##===######========########### #########==####==######==####==######========######==################# #########========######========######==#==#==######========########### #########==####==######==##==########==####==############==########### #########==####==######==###==#######==####==######========########### ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Arms... Arms, the regular ones, are the things you need to hold weapons. I mostly never worry about arms unless I blade or need armor. So I usually just use light ones... They could effect your accuracy too, so make sure it's defensive stats won't make your machine gun scatter like a week shotgun... [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-A69S Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- ----- AP ----------------- 1794 Weight ------------- 1290 Tuned Weight ------- 1230 Energy Drain ------- 915 Def Shell ---------- 312 Tuned Shell -------- --- Def Energy --------- 267 Tuned Energy ------- --- Cooling ------------ 611 Tuned Cooling ------ 789 Blade Aptitude ----- 84 Aiming Accuracy ---- 251 Tuned Accuracy ----- --- Aim Adjust Time ---- 10 Notes: First generation Crest part design. Basic, low-end model. Found -------------- Equipped from the start CR-A71S2 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 39500c AP ----------------- 1711 Weight ------------- 1149 Tuned Weight ------- 1097 Energy Drain ------- 1033 Def Shell ---------- 305 Tuned Shell -------- 333 Def Energy --------- 281 Tuned Energy ------- 311 Cooling ------------ 790 Tuned Cooling ------ 952 Blade Aptitude ----- 95 Aiming Accuracy ---- 246 Tuned Accuracy ----- 257 Aim Adjust Time ---- 8 Notes: Second generation A69S. Lighter weight and more well-rounded. Found -------------- Shop A01-GALAGO Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 40000c AP ----------------- 1810 Weight ------------- 1187 Tuned Weight ------- 1133 Energy Drain ------- 1087 Def Shell ---------- 321 Tuned Shell -------- 347 Def Energy --------- 305 Tuned Energy ------- 334 Cooling ------------ 551 Tuned Cooling ------ 753 Blade Aptitude ----- 90 Aiming Accuracy ---- 258 Tuned Accuracy ----- 267 Aim Adjust Time ---- 8 Notes: First generation arm part manufactured by Mirage. Found -------------- Shop A03-GIBBON Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 52000c AP ----------------- 1699 Weight ------------- 1099 Tuned Weight ------- 1089 Energy Drain ------- 1184 Def Shell ---------- 311 Tuned Shell -------- 338 Def Energy --------- 459 Tuned Energy ------- 505 Cooling ------------ 503 Tuned Cooling ------ 702 Blade Aptitude ----- 95 Aiming Accuracy ---- 256 Tuned Accuracy ----- 267 Aim Adjust Time ---- 9 Notes: Arm part design reinforced to withstand energy-based attacks. Found -------------- Shop CR-A72F Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 43800c AP ----------------- 1732 Weight ------------- 1152 Tuned Weight ------- 1089 Energy Drain ------- 906 Def Shell ---------- 445 Tuned Shell -------- 456 Def Energy --------- 248 Tuned Energy ------- 280 Cooling ------------ 803 Tuned Cooling ------ 952 Blade Aptitude ----- 95 Aiming Accuracy ---- 264 Tuned Accuracy ----- 273 Aim Adjust Time ---- 8 Notes: Combat-ready design with good shell defense and cooling. Found -------------- Shop CR-A80S3 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 54800c AP ----------------- 1754 Weight ------------- 1222 Tuned Weight ------- 1165 Energy Drain ------- 998 Def Shell ---------- 355 Tuned Shell -------- 389 Def Energy --------- 331 Tuned Energy ------- 357 Cooling ------------ 708 Tuned Cooling ------ 885 Blade Aptitude ----- 87 Aiming Accuracy ---- 264 Tuned Accuracy ----- 271 Aim Adjust Time ---- 8 Notes: Third generation model which expands on the A71S2 design. Found -------------- Shop A07-LEMUR Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 78000c AP ----------------- 1847 Weight ------------- 1559 Tuned Weight ------- 1503 Energy Drain ------- 1476 Def Shell ---------- 492 Tuned Shell -------- 508 Def Energy --------- 531 Tuned Energy ------- 544 Cooling ------------ 689 Tuned Cooling ------ 859 Blade Aptitude ----- 110 Aiming Accuracy ---- 282 Tuned Accuracy ----- 286 Aim Adjust Time ---- 8 Notes: Arm part design featuring both high shell and energy defense. Found -------------- Shop A09-LEMUR2 Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 85000c AP ----------------- 1721 Weight ------------- 1308 Tuned Weight ------- 1252 Energy Drain ------- 1287 Def Shell ---------- 454 Tuned Shell -------- 482 Def Energy --------- 490 Tuned Energy ------- 506 Cooling ------------ 855 Tuned Cooling ------ 1002 Blade Aptitude ----- 109 Aiming Accuracy ---- 286 Tuned Accuracy ----- 289 Aim Adjust Time ---- 8 Notes: LEMUR successor. Lighter weight and better energy consumption. Found -------------- Shop CR-A82SL Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 54800c AP ----------------- 1645 Weight ------------- 955 Tuned Weight ------- 913 Energy Drain ------- 867 Def Shell ---------- 276 Tuned Shell -------- 303 Def Energy --------- 268 Tuned Energy ------- 295 Cooling ------------ 649 Tuned Cooling ------ 831 Blade Aptitude ----- 108 Aiming Accuracy ---- 276 Tuned Accuracy ----- 280 Aim Adjust Time ---- 7 Notes: Lightweight design that maintains good overall balance. Found -------------- Shop CR-A88FG Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 69200c AP ----------------- 1492 Weight ------------- 698 Tuned Weight ------- 665 Energy Drain ------- 1144 Def Shell ---------- 203 Tuned Shell -------- 237 Def Energy --------- 320 Tuned Energy ------- 342 Cooling ------------ 679 Tuned Cooling ------ 888 Blade Aptitude ----- 113 Aiming Accuracy ---- 284 Tuned Accuracy ----- 288 Aim Adjust Time ---- 4 Notes: Arm part designed to be extremely lightweight and agile. Found -------------- Shop A05-LANGUR Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 75000c AP ----------------- 1550 Weight ------------- 958 Tuned Weight ------- 913 Energy Drain ------- 1167 Def Shell ---------- 274 Tuned Shell -------- 302 Def Energy --------- 351 Tuned Energy ------- 370 Cooling ------------ 704 Tuned Cooling ------ 868 Blade Aptitude ----- 127 Aiming Accuracy ---- 269 Tuned Accuracy ----- 276 Aim Adjust Time ---- 7 Notes: Designed to enhance both cooling and blade handling. Found -------------- Shop A06-GIBBON2 Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 75000c AP ----------------- 1588 Weight ------------- 838 Tuned Weight ------- 801 Energy Drain ------- 1208 Def Shell ---------- 213 Tuned Shell -------- 245 Def Energy --------- 428 Tuned Energy ------- 445 Cooling ------------ 641 Tuned Cooling ------ 815 Blade Aptitude ----- 105 Aiming Accuracy ---- 254 Tuned Accuracy ----- 265 Aim Adjust Time ---- 6 Notes: Lightweight, energy defense specialization design. Found -------------- Shop A11-MACAQUE Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 91000c AP ----------------- 1682 Weight ------------- 1015 Tuned Weight ------- 974 Energy Drain ------- 1245 Def Shell ---------- 315 Tuned Shell -------- 342 Def Energy --------- 399 Tuned Energy ------- 419 Cooling ------------ 594 Tuned Cooling ------ 770 Blade Aptitude ----- 117 Aiming Accuracy ---- 281 Tuned Accuracy ----- 284 Aim Adjust Time ---- 4 Notes: Arm part model that incorporates the latest technology. Found -------------- Shop CR-A92XS Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 76100c AP ----------------- 1603 Weight ------------- 845 Tuned Weight ------- 806 Energy Drain ------- 728 Def Shell ---------- 257 Tuned Shell -------- 286 Def Energy --------- 237 Tuned Energy ------- 267 Cooling ------------ 707 Tuned Cooling ------ 871 Blade Aptitude ----- 99 Aiming Accuracy ---- 279 Tuned Accuracy ----- 284 Aim Adjust Time ---- 7 Notes: Fourth generation design with low energy consumption. Found -------------- Shop CR-A94FL Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 87700c AP ----------------- 1505 Weight ------------- 819 Tuned Weight ------- 781 Energy Drain ------- 1127 Def Shell ---------- 244 Tuned Shell -------- 274 Def Energy --------- 302 Tuned Energy ------- 326 Cooling ------------ 802 Tuned Cooling ------ 952 Blade Aptitude ----- 114 Aiming Accuracy ---- 285 Tuned Accuracy ----- 288 Aim Adjust Time ---- 6 Notes: Lightweight arm part based off of the A72F. Good cooling. Found -------------- Shop CR-A75A Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 49800c AP ----------------- 1873 Weight ------------- 1714 Tuned Weight ------- 1633 Energy Drain ------- 1271 Def Shell ---------- 451 Tuned Shell -------- 476 Def Energy --------- 405 Tuned Energy ------- 425 Cooling ------------ 590 Tuned Cooling ------ 774 Blade Aptitude ----- 67 Aiming Accuracy ---- 247 Tuned Accuracy ----- 257 Aim Adjust Time ---- 14 Notes: Arm part modeled after the A69A. Good defense ratings. Found -------------- Shop A02-DRILL Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 55000c AP ----------------- 1990 Weight ------------- 2070 Tuned Weight ------- 1972 Energy Drain ------- 1385 Def Shell ---------- 555 Tuned Shell -------- 563 Def Energy --------- 455 Tuned Energy ------- 472 Cooling ------------ 521 Tuned Cooling ------ 711 Blade Aptitude ----- 78 Aiming Accuracy ---- 228 Tuned Accuracy ----- 242 Aim Adjust Time ---- 19 Notes: Exceptionally heavy, but with shell defense second to none. Found -------------- Shop A04-BABOON Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 70000c AP ----------------- 1957 Weight ------------- 1799 Tuned Weight ------- 1714 Energy Drain ------- 1364 Def Shell ---------- 517 Tuned Shell -------- 528 Def Energy --------- 477 Tuned Energy ------- 491 Cooling ------------ 819 Tuned Cooling ------ 972 Blade Aptitude ----- 88 Aiming Accuracy ---- 232 Tuned Accuracy ----- 245 Aim Adjust Time ---- 16 Notes: Third generation design sporting well-balanced defense ratings. Found -------------- Shop CR-A89AG Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 82500c AP ----------------- 1853 Weight ------------- 1630 Tuned Weight ------- 1554 Energy Drain ------- 1411 Def Shell ---------- 476 Tuned Shell -------- 490 Def Energy --------- 501 Tuned Energy ------- 513 Cooling ------------ 711 Tuned Cooling ------ 877 Blade Aptitude ----- 102 Aiming Accuracy ---- 281 Tuned Accuracy ----- 285 Aim Adjust Time ---- 7 Notes: Heavily armored design with excellent aiming accuracy. Found -------------- Shop CR-A98A2 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 89200c AP ----------------- 1849 Weight ------------- 1749 Tuned Weight ------- 1675 Energy Drain ------- 1180 Def Shell ---------- 503 Tuned Shell -------- 518 Def Energy --------- 463 Tuned Energy ------- 481 Cooling ------------ 942 Tuned Cooling ------ 1065 Blade Aptitude ----- 103 Aiming Accuracy ---- 255 Tuned Accuracy ----- 263 Aim Adjust Time ---- 12 Notes: Heavy model design with reduced energy consumption. Found -------------- Shop A08-DRILL2 Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 88000c AP ----------------- 1934 Weight ------------- 1763 Tuned Weight ------- 1680 Energy Drain ------- 1731 Def Shell ---------- 493 Tuned Shell -------- 506 Def Energy --------- 518 Tuned Energy ------- 529 Cooling ------------ 730 Tuned Cooling ------ 895 Blade Aptitude ----- 110 Aiming Accuracy ---- 251 Tuned Accuracy ----- 261 Aim Adjust Time ---- 14 Notes: Revamped version of the DRILL. Slightly lower defense ratings. Found -------------- Shop YA10-LORIS Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 90000c AP ----------------- 1625 Weight ------------- 1055 Tuned Weight ------- 1014 Energy Drain ------- 1355 Def Shell ---------- 405 Tuned Shell -------- 425 Def Energy --------- 444 Tuned Energy ------- 451 Cooling ------------ 788 Tuned Cooling ------ 940 Blade Aptitude ----- 133 Aiming Accuracy ---- 293 Tuned Accuracy ----- 295 Aim Adjust Time ---- 7 Notes: Arm part design with balanced accuracy and blade handling. Found -------------- Kill Susando/April (Fool's Rank 4) in the Arena [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #######==####==#####========####========####===##===####========###### #######==#==#==#####==####==####==####==####========####==############ #######==#==#==#####========####========####==#==#==####========###### #######==#==#==#==##==####==####==##==######==####==##########==###### #######========#==##==####==####==###==#####==####==####========###### ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Weapon Arms... Weapon arms are just as they sound. They are arms that are weapons them selves. They come in many flavors. If you want to know what something means go look at the other weapons. Also, don't forget each weapon arm as two modes of firing... pressing triangle will make the arms change (extra hole opening up or such). One Very important thing... Weapon arms now have a ****ing defense stat! This means a lot! YAY! [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] SYURA Manufacturer ------- Kisaragi Price -------------- 128000c AP ----------------- 1418 Weight ------------- 1311 Energy Drain ------- 1885 Def Shell ---------- 178 Def Energy --------- 325 Cooling ------------ 990 Attack Power ------- 1268 Discharge Heat ----- 1616 Attack Heat -------- 2150 Range Rating ------- 7 Usage Drain -------- 3389 Energy Wave Specs -- -Attack Power ------ 700:700 -Discharge Heat ---- 2260:2260 -Attack Heat ------- 2150:2150 -Wave Range -------- 242:242 -Usage Drain ------- 2789:2789 Notes: Blade arms enabling the use of normal and energy wave attacks. Found -------------- Shop CR-WA69MG Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 56000c AP ----------------- 1255 Weight ------------- 1357 Energy Drain ------- 821 Def Shell ---------- 331 Def Energy --------- 148 Cooling ------------ 666 Aiming Accuracy ---- 223 Aim Adjust Time ---- 6 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- WS -Attack Power ------ 168:168 -Ammo -------------- 300 -Attack Heat ------- 1058:1058 -Range ------------- 385:355 -Maximum Lock ------ 1:1 -Firing Interval --- 7:8 -Ammo Price -------- 27 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Machine gun arms: variable firing rate 2/4 rounds. Found -------------- Shop CR-WA69MS Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 57000c AP ----------------- 940 Weight ------------- 730 Energy Drain ------- 1520 Def Shell ---------- 198 Def Energy --------- 172 Cooling ------------ 472 Aiming Accuracy ---- 267 Aim Adjust Time ---- 8 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Standard -Attack Power ------ 780:780 -Ammo -------------- 80 -Attack Heat ------- 4220:4220 -Range ------------- 455:405 -Maximum Lock ------ 1:1 -Firing Interval --- 65:81 -Ammo Price -------- 205 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Missile weapon arms: variable launch 2/4 missiles. Found -------------- Shop WA03-TAURUS Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 68100c AP ----------------- 1202 Weight ------------- 1275 Energy Drain ------- 1633 Def Shell ---------- 205 Def Energy --------- 251 Cooling ------------ 515 Aiming Accuracy ---- 262 Aim Adjust Time ---- 7 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Standard -Attack Power ------ 765:765 -Ammo -------------- 72 -Attack Heat ------- 4515:4515 -Range ------------- 470:440 -Maximum Lock ------ 4:4 -Firing Interval --- 58:64 -Ammo Price -------- 220 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Missile weapon arms: launch type normal/high precision. Found -------------- Shop CR-WA75MSP Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 118000c AP ----------------- 1620 Weight ------------- 1774 Energy Drain ------- 2515 Def Shell ---------- 211 Def Energy --------- 104 Cooling ------------ 816 Aiming Accuracy ---- 295 Aim Adjust Time ---- 6 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Standard -Attack Power ------ 6000:6000 -Ammo -------------- 8 -Attack Heat ------- 26000:26000 -Range ------------- 290:250 -Maximum Lock ------ 1:1 -Firing Interval --- 235:250 -Ammo Price -------- 3500 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Missile weapon arms (large): variable launch 2/4 missiles. Found -------------- Shop CR-WA77MS/V Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 84000c AP ----------------- 1331 Weight ------------- 1514 Energy Drain ------- 1575 Def Shell ---------- 268 Def Energy --------- 241 Cooling ------------ 553 Aiming Accuracy ---- 255 Aim Adjust Time ---- 8 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Standard -Attack Power ------ 780:780 -Ammo -------------- 60 -Attack Heat ------- 4220:4220 -Range ------------- 420:600 -Maximum Lock ------ 1:1 -Firing Interval --- 84:84 -Ammo Price -------- 250 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Missile weapon arms: launch type vertical/normal. Found -------------- Shop CR-WA91MSM Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 104000c AP ----------------- 1155 Weight ------------- 1410 Energy Drain ------- 2220 Def Shell ---------- 301 Def Energy --------- 244 Cooling ------------ 322 Aiming Accuracy ---- 298 Aim Adjust Time ---- 3 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Standard -Attack Power ------ 405:405 -Ammo -------------- 120 -Attack Heat ------- 2000:2000 -Range ------------- 670:580 -Maximum Lock ------ 1:1 -Firing Interval --- 60:72 -Ammo Price -------- 315 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Missile weapon arms (micro): variable launch 6/10 missiles. Found -------------- Rewarded in "Eliminate Sorcerer" CR-WA69BZ Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 96300c AP ----------------- 1610 Weight ------------- 1560 Energy Drain ------- 1327 Def Shell ---------- 331 Def Energy --------- 112 Cooling ------------ 325 Aiming Accuracy ---- 272 Aim Adjust Time ---- 9 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- ND -Attack Power ------ 1400:1400 -Ammo -------------- 48 -Attack Heat ------- 6120:6120 -Range ------------- 390:377 -Maximum Lock ------ 1:1 -Firing Interval --- 72:98 -Ammo Price -------- 250 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Bazooka weapon arms: variable firing rate 2/4 rounds. Found -------------- Shop CR-WA74BZL Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 78400c AP ----------------- 1522 Weight ------------- 1407 Energy Drain ------- 1109 Def Shell ---------- 312 Def Energy --------- 134 Cooling ------------ 202 Aiming Accuracy ---- 265 Aim Adjust Time ---- 6 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- ND -Attack Power ------ 1020:1020 -Ammo -------------- 72 -Attack Heat ------- 5050:5050 -Range ------------- 510:495 -Maximum Lock ------ 1:1 -Firing Interval --- 80:145 -Ammo Price -------- 131 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Bazooka weapon arms (small): variable firing rate 4/8 rounds. Found -------------- Shop CR-WA74GR Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 88000c AP ----------------- 1520 Weight ------------- 1830 Energy Drain ------- 1887 Def Shell ---------- 315 Def Energy --------- 177 Cooling ------------ 155 Aiming Accuracy ---- 270 Aim Adjust Time ---- 12 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- ND -Attack Power ------ 2400:2400 -Ammo -------------- 25 -Attack Heat ------- 13900:13900 -Range ------------- 720:695 -Maximum Lock ------ 1:1 -Firing Interval --- 150:212 -Ammo Price -------- 470 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Grenade weapon arms: variable firing rate 1/2 rounds. Found -------------- Shop CR-WA78GRL Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 81000c AP ----------------- 1374 Weight ------------- 1532 Energy Drain ------- 1725 Def Shell ---------- 297 Def Energy --------- 160 Cooling ------------ 302 Aiming Accuracy ---- 278 Aim Adjust Time ---- 8 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- ND -Attack Power ------ 1850:1850 -Ammo -------------- 30 -Attack Heat ------- 10750:10750 -Range ------------- 655:630 -Maximum Lock ------ 1:1 -Firing Interval --- 130:161 -Ammo Price -------- 380 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Grenade weapon arms (small): variable firing rate 1/2 rounds. Found -------------- Shop WA02-CETUS Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 96000c AP ----------------- 1620 Weight ------------- 1245 Energy Drain ------- 2335 Def Shell ---------- 248 Def Energy --------- 220 Cooling ------------ 515 Aiming Accuracy ---- 289 Aim Adjust Time ---- 3 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- ND -Attack Power ------ 880:1370 -Ammo -------------- 48 -Attack Heat ------- 12620:4980 -Range ------------- 420:540 -Maximum Lock ------ 1:1 -Firing Interval --- 112:88 -Ammo Price -------- 324 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Linear gun weapon arms: firing type high-heat/normal. Found -------------- Shop WA01-LEO Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 82200c AP ----------------- 1575 Weight ------------- 1665 Energy Drain ------- 2245 Def Shell ---------- 155 Def Energy --------- 301 Cooling ------------ 715 Aiming Accuracy ---- 295 Aim Adjust Time ---- 3 Ammo Type ---------- Energy -Weapon Lock ------- ND -Attack Power ------ 920:1370 -Ammo -------------- 48 -Attack Heat ------- 6280:8980 -Range ------------- 510:415 -Maximum Lock ------ 1:1 -Firing Interval --- 61:142 -Ammo Price -------- --- -Usage Drain ------- 3550:6800 Notes: Laser weapn arms: firing type normal/high attack. Found -------------- Shop WA04-ARIES Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 53300 AP ----------------- 1322 Weight ------------- 1493 Energy Drain ------- 2008 Def Shell ---------- 151 Def Energy --------- 377 Cooling ------------ 806 Aiming Accuracy ---- 293 Aim Adjust Time ---- 2 Ammo Type ---------- Energy -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 240:240 -Ammo -------------- 244 -Attack Heat ------- 2510:2510 -Range ------------- 350:200 -Maximum Lock ------ 1:1 -Firing Interval --- 16:30 -Ammo Price -------- --- -Usage Drain ------- 1470:1680 Notes: Laser weapon arms (spread): variable firing rate 6/12 rounds. Found -------------- Shop WA05-LUPUS Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 48000c AP ----------------- 1110 Weight ------------- 1180 Energy Drain ------- 2645 Def Shell ---------- 196 Def Energy --------- 243 Cooling ------------ 880 Aiming Accuracy ---- 212 Aim Adjust Time ---- 15 Ammo Type ---------- Energy -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 105:105 -Ammo -------------- 48 -Attack Heat ------- 1015:1015 -Range ------------- 440:440 -Maximum Lock ------ 3:6 -Firing Interval --- 235:250 -Ammo Price -------- --- -Usage Drain ------- 2820:3965 Notes: Orbit weapon arms: maximum lock 3/6. Found -------------- Shop [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #===##===##=======###========##========##========##====######========# #========##==####==#####==#####==####==##==########==#===####==####### #==#==#==##=======######==#####========##======####==###==###========# #==####==##==####==#####==#####==########==########==#===##########==# #==####==##=======###========##==########========##====######========# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Midweight Humanoid legs... These are the standard legs in AC. -Mid-High speed -Mid load -mid armor -mid air speed -cannon restrictions [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-LH69S Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- ----- AP ----------------- 3514 Weight ------------- 2510 Tuned Weight ------- --- Moving Drain ------- 1744 Stationary Drain --- 1177 Max Leg Weight ----- 6345 Tuned Leg Weight --- --- Def Shell ---------- 608 Tuned Shell -------- --- Def Energy --------- 447 Tuned Energy ------- --- Cooling ------------ 1280 Tuned Cooling ------ --- Moving Ability ----- 210 Turning Ability ---- 114 Braking Ability ---- 124 Landing Stability -- 1522 Defense Stability -- 1299 Jump Performance --- 55 Boost Power -------- --- Charge Drain ------- --- Boost Accel -------- --- Booster Heat ------- --- Notes: First generation leg part with average specifications. Found -------------- --- LH01-LYNX Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 40000c AP ----------------- 3099 Weight ------------- 1870 Tuned Weight ------- 1808 Moving Drain ------- 2065 Stationary Drain --- 926 Max Leg Weight ----- 5759 Tuned Leg Weight --- 5985 Def Shell ---------- 497 Tuned Shell -------- 525 Def Energy --------- 527 Tuned Energy ------- 553 Cooling ------------ 849 Tuned Cooling ------ 1097 Moving Ability ----- 218 Turning Ability ---- 113 Braking Ability ---- 111 Landing Stability -- 1205 Defense Stability -- 1192 Jump Performance --- 105 Boost Power -------- --- Charge Drain ------- --- Boost Accel -------- --- Booster Heat ------- --- Notes: First generation two-leg design with balanced performance. Found -------------- Equipped from the start LH02-LYNX2 Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 43000c AP ----------------- 3305 Weight ------------- 1831 Tuned Weight ------- 1773 Moving Drain ------- 2325 Stationary Drain --- 1645 Max Leg Weight ----- 5951 Tuned Leg Weight --- 6177 Def Shell ---------- 486 Tuned Shell -------- 515 Def Energy --------- 587 Tuned Energy ------- 609 Cooling ------------ 905 Tuned Cooling ------ 1144 Moving Ability ----- 226 Turning Ability ---- 111 Braking Ability ---- 118 Landing Stability -- 1303 Defense Stability -- 1121 Jump Performance --- 108 Boost Power -------- --- Charge Drain ------- --- Boost Accel -------- --- Booster Heat ------- --- Notes: Remodeled LYNX design with higher AP and energy defense. Found -------------- Shop LH04-DINGO Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 50000c AP ----------------- 3088 Weight ------------- 1793 Tuned Weight ------- 1719 Moving Drain ------- 1627 Stationary Drain --- 754 Max Leg Weight ----- 6084 Tuned Leg Weight --- 6294 Def Shell ---------- 505 Tuned Shell -------- 530 Def Energy --------- 431 Tuned Energy ------- 454 Cooling ------------ 1082 Tuned Cooling ------ 1285 Moving Ability ----- 244 Turning Ability ---- 117 Braking Ability ---- 113 Landing Stability -- 1497 Defense Stability -- 1230 Jump Performance --- 114 Boost Power -------- --- Charge Drain ------- --- Boost Accel -------- --- Booster Heat ------- --- Notes: Low energy consumption two-leg design with balanced defense. Found -------------- Shop CR-LH73SSA Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 58000c AP ----------------- 3448 Weight ------------- 2605 Tuned Weight ------- 2459 Moving Drain ------- 1657 Stationary Drain --- 812 Max Leg Weight ----- 5814 Tuned Leg Weight --- 6023 Def Shell ---------- 694 Tuned Shell -------- 708 Def Energy --------- 438 Tuned Energy ------- 470 Cooling ------------ 988 Tuned Cooling ------ 1215 Moving Ability ----- 205 Turning Ability ---- 110 Braking Ability ---- 141 Landing Stability -- 1669 Defense Stability -- 1455 Jump Performance --- 90 Boost Power -------- --- Charge Drain ------- --- Boost Accel -------- --- Booster Heat ------- --- Notes: Specialized design emphasizing armor and shell defense. Found -------------- Shop CR-LH80S2 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 62500c AP ----------------- 3390 Weight ------------- 2249 Tuned Weight ------- 2149 Moving Drain ------- 1639 Stationary Drain --- 800 Max Leg Weight ----- 5907 Tuned Leg Weight --- 6126 Def Shell ---------- 592 Tuned Shell -------- 614 Def Energy --------- 451 Tuned Energy ------- 492 Cooling ------------ 1248 Tuned Cooling ------ 1435 Moving Ability ----- 235 Turning Ability ---- 119 Braking Ability ---- 120 Landing Stability -- 1553 Defense Stability -- 1331 Jump Performance --- 117 Boost Power -------- --- Charge Drain ------- --- Boost Accel -------- --- Booster Heat ------- --- Notes: Lightweight conversion of the LH73SSA. Found -------------- Shop LH05-COUGAR Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 80000c AP ----------------- 3529 Weight ------------- 2384 Tuned Weight ------- 2271 Moving Drain ------- 2427 Stationary Drain --- 1419 Max Leg Weight ----- 6576 Tuned Leg Weight --- 6763 Def Shell ---------- 603 Tuned Shell -------- 624 Def Energy --------- 575 Tuned Energy ------- 598 Cooling ------------ 1366 Tuned Cooling ------ 1536 Moving Ability ----- 215 Turning Ability ---- 109 Braking Ability ---- 127 Landing Stability -- 1288 Defense Stability -- 1489 Jump Performance --- 97 Boost Power -------- --- Charge Drain ------- --- Boost Accel -------- --- Booster Heat ------- --- Notes: Third generation design stressing load capacity and defense. Found -------------- Shop CR-LH89F Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 88000c AP ----------------- 3113 Weight ------------- 2228 Tuned Weight ------- 2105 Moving Drain ------- 1391 Stationary Drain --- 606 Max Leg Weight ----- 6312 Tuned Leg Weight --- 6511 Def Shell ---------- 583 Tuned Shell -------- 601 Def Energy --------- 406 Tuned Energy ------- 441 Cooling ------------ 898 Tuned Cooling ------ 1131 Moving Ability ----- 250 Turning Ability ---- 112 Braking Ability ---- 117 Landing Stability -- 1720 Defense Stability -- 1651 Jump Performance --- 110 Boost Power -------- --- Charge Drain ------- --- Boost Accel -------- --- Booster Heat ------- --- Notes: Standard two-leg model featuring reduced energy consumption. Found -------------- Shop LH07-DINGO2 Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 127000c AP ----------------- 3029 Weight ------------- 1734 Tuned Weight ------- 1666 Moving Drain ------- 1510 Stationary Drain --- 751 Max Leg Weight ----- 5891 Tuned Leg Weight --- 6111 Def Shell ---------- 500 Tuned Shell -------- 524 Def Energy --------- 458 Tuned Energy ------- 489 Cooling ------------ 1009 Tuned Cooling ------ 1225 Moving Ability ----- 273 Turning Ability ---- 125 Braking Ability ---- 128 Landing Stability -- 1518 Defense Stability -- 1378 Jump Performance --- 121 Boost Power -------- --- Charge Drain ------- --- Boost Accel -------- --- Booster Heat ------- --- Notes: DINGO variation with enhanced mobility performance. Found -------------- Shop CR-LH92S3 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 129000c AP ----------------- 3758 Weight ------------- 2635 Tuned Weight ------- 2531 Moving Drain ------- 2469 Stationary Drain --- 1221 Max Leg Weight ----- 5977 Tuned Leg Weight --- 6178 Def Shell ---------- 674 Tuned Shell -------- 694 Def Energy --------- 551 Tuned Energy ------- 575 Cooling ------------ 1310 Tuned Cooling ------ 1467 Moving Ability ----- 219 Turning Ability ---- 115 Braking Ability ---- 149 Landing Stability -- 1635 Defense Stability -- 1602 Jump Performance --- 112 Boost Power -------- --- Charge Drain ------- --- Boost Accel -------- --- Booster Heat ------- --- Notes: Fourth generation design with emphasis on overall balance. Found -------------- Shop LH09-COUGAR2 Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 130000c AP ----------------- 3045 Weight ------------- 1856 Tuned Weight ------- 1775 Moving Drain ------- 2049 Stationary Drain --- 803 Max Leg Weight ----- 6008 Tuned Leg Weight --- 6222 Def Shell ---------- 565 Tuned Shell -------- 586 Def Energy --------- 516 Tuned Energy ------- 544 Cooling ------------ 1146 Tuned Cooling ------ 1340 Moving Ability ----- 264 Turning Ability ---- 122 Braking Ability ---- 135 Landing Stability -- 1799 Defense Stability -- 1505 Jump Performance --- 126 Boost Power -------- --- Charge Drain ------- --- Boost Accel -------- --- Booster Heat ------- --- Notes: Reduced weight version of the original COUGAR design. Found -------------- Shop [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #==########=======###========##========##========##====######========# #==########==####==#####==#####==####==##==########==#===####==####### #==########=======######==#####========##======####==###==###========# #==####==##==####==#####==#####==########==########==#===##########==# #========##=======###========##==########========##====######========# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Lightweight Humanoid legs... These are the all around fastest legs in AC. -High speed -Low load -Low armor -High air speed -Cannon restrictions [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-LH74M Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 37500c AP ----------------- 2811 Weight ------------- 1500 Tuned Weight ------- 1475 Moving Drain ------- 2500 Stationary Drain --- 1215 Max Leg Weight ----- 4492 Tuned Leg Weight --- 4767 Def Shell ---------- 351 Tuned Shell -------- 389 Def Energy --------- 487 Tuned Energy ------- 512 Cooling ------------ 807 Tuned Cooling ------ 1077 Moving Ability ----- 370 Turning Ability ---- 130 Braking Ability ---- 107 Landing Stability -- 903 Defense Stability -- 948 Jump Performance --- 135 Boost Power -------- --- Charge Drain ------- --- Boost Accel -------- --- Booster Heat ------- --- Notes: Reduced weight part design for high speed and mobility. Found -------------- Shop LH03-PANTHER Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 55000c AP ----------------- 2991 Weight ------------- 1803 Tuned Weight ------- 1748 Moving Drain ------- 2429 Stationary Drain --- 1106 Max Leg Weight ----- 4786 Tuned Leg Weight --- 5047 Def Shell ---------- 451 Tuned Shell -------- 482 Def Energy --------- 469 Tuned Energy ------- 496 Cooling ------------ 959 Tuned Cooling ------ 1209 Moving Ability ----- 328 Turning Ability ---- 121 Braking Ability ---- 118 Landing Stability -- 1098 Defense Stability -- 1203 Jump Performance --- 122 Boost Power -------- --- Charge Drain ------- --- Boost Accel -------- --- Booster Heat ------- --- Notes: Mobile combat design with an overall high level of performance. Found -------------- Shop CR-LH79L Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 62300c AP ----------------- 2535 Weight ------------- 1600 Tuned Weight ------- 1565 Moving Drain ------- 2320 Stationary Drain --- 613 Max Leg Weight ----- 4588 Tuned Leg Weight --- 4859 Def Shell ---------- 402 Tuned Shell -------- 437 Def Energy --------- 462 Tuned Energy ------- 489 Cooling ------------ 904 Tuned Cooling ------ 1161 Moving Ability ----- 339 Turning Ability ---- 126 Braking Ability ---- 132 Landing Stability -- 985 Defense Stability -- 998 Jump Performance --- 140 Boost Power -------- --- Charge Drain ------- --- Boost Accel -------- --- Booster Heat ------- --- Notes: Newly designed lightweight two-leg model. Found -------------- Shop CR-LH84L2 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 69500c AP ----------------- 2994 Weight ------------- 1691 Tuned Weight ------- 1647 Moving Drain ------- 2783 Stationary Drain --- 1412 Max Leg Weight ----- 4891 Tuned Leg Weight --- 5146 Def Shell ---------- 415 Tuned Shell -------- 449 Def Energy --------- 539 Tuned Energy ------- 560 Cooling ------------ 1140 Tuned Cooling ------ 1366 Moving Ability ----- 351 Turning Ability ---- 131 Braking Ability ---- 105 Landing Stability -- 1045 Defense Stability -- 1064 Jump Performance --- 137 Boost Power -------- --- Charge Drain ------- --- Boost Accel -------- --- Booster Heat ------- --- Notes: LH79L successor with improved defense and load capacity specs. Found -------------- Shop LH06-JAGUAR Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 77000c AP ----------------- 2647 Weight ------------- 1832 Tuned Weight ------- 1774 Moving Drain ------- 2630 Stationary Drain --- 1180 Max Leg Weight ----- 5197 Tuned Leg Weight --- 5437 Def Shell ---------- 451 Tuned Shell -------- 482 Def Energy --------- 503 Tuned Energy ------- 527 Cooling ------------ 1210 Tuned Cooling ------ 1427 Moving Ability ----- 377 Turning Ability ---- 124 Braking Ability ---- 102 Landing Stability -- 1122 Defense Stability -- 1172 Jump Performance --- 130 Boost Power -------- --- Charge Drain ------- --- Boost Accel -------- --- Booster Heat ------- --- Notes: High mobility two-leg model with good defense performance specs. Found -------------- Shop CR-LH95M2 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 78800c AP ----------------- 2850 Weight ------------- 1656 Tuned Weight ------- 1615 Moving Drain ------- 3179 Stationary Drain --- 2013 Max Leg Weight ----- 4971 Tuned Leg Weight --- 5222 Def Shell ---------- 414 Tuned Shell -------- 448 Def Energy --------- 600 Tuned Energy ------- 616 Cooling ------------ 1124 Tuned Cooling ------ 1352 Moving Ability ----- 381 Turning Ability ---- 133 Braking Ability ---- 137 Landing Stability -- 1008 Defense Stability -- 1101 Jump Performance --- 143 Boost Power -------- --- Charge Drain ------- --- Boost Accel -------- --- Booster Heat ------- --- Notes: Improved version of the LH74M. Good overall performance. Found -------------- Shop LH10-JAGUAR2 Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 90000c AP ----------------- 2662 Weight ------------- 1904 Tuned Weight ------- 1839 Moving Drain ------- 2460 Stationary Drain --- 990 Max Leg Weight ----- 5200 Tuned Leg Weight --- 5440 Def Shell ---------- 504 Tuned Shell -------- 532 Def Energy --------- 480 Tuned Energy ------- 506 Cooling ------------ 1420 Tuned Cooling ------ 1610 Moving Ability ----- 375 Turning Ability ---- 127 Braking Ability ---- 100 Landing Stability -- 1222 Defense Stability -- 1192 Jump Performance --- 135 Boost Power -------- --- Charge Drain ------- --- Boost Accel -------- --- Booster Heat ------- --- Notes: JAGUAR model design featuring slight blance adjustments. Found -------------- Shop CR-LH99XS Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 100400c AP ----------------- 3045 Weight ------------- 2284 Tuned Weight ------- 2210 Moving Drain ------- 2697 Stationary Drain --- 1306 Max Leg Weight ----- 5380 Tuned Leg Weight --- 5611 Def Shell ---------- 508 Tuned Shell -------- 539 Def Energy --------- 599 Tuned Energy ------- 620 Cooling ------------ 1167 Tuned Cooling ------ 1347 Moving Ability ----- 352 Turning Ability ---- 123 Braking Ability ---- 111 Landing Stability -- 1342 Defense Stability -- 1295 Jump Performance --- 121 Boost Power -------- --- Charge Drain ------- --- Boost Accel -------- --- Booster Heat ------- --- Notes: New model type that maintains mobility and adds load capacity. Found -------------- Shop YLH11-VIXEN Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 115000c AP ----------------- 2661 Weight ------------- 2150 Tuned Weight ------- 2088 Moving Drain ------- 2934 Stationary Drain --- 1177 Max Leg Weight ----- 5132 Tuned Leg Weight --- 5375 Def Shell ---------- 481 Tuned Shell -------- 513 Def Energy --------- 621 Tuned Energy ------- 641 Cooling ------------ 995 Tuned Cooling ------ 1204 Moving Ability ----- 366 Turning Ability ---- 140 Braking Ability ---- 130 Landing Stability -- 1181 Defense Stability -- 1250 Jump Performance --- 151 Boost Power -------- --- Charge Drain ------- --- Boost Accel -------- --- Booster Heat ------- --- Notes: Leg part designed for a good short duration offensive performance. Found -------------- Shop [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #==####==##=======###========##========##========##====######========# #==####==##==####==#####==#####==####==##==########==#===####==####### #========##=======######==#####========##======####==###==###========# #==####==##==####==#####==#####==########==########==#===##########==# #==####==##=======###========##==########========##====######========# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Heavyweight Humanoid legs... These are very heavy legs in AC, yet they can still boost. -Low-Mid speed -High load -High armor -Low air speed -Cannon restrictions [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-LH77A Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 63500c AP ----------------- 3424 Weight ------------- 2814 Tuned Weight ------- 2658 Moving Drain ------- 1787 Stationary Drain --- 1010 Max Leg Weight ----- 7321 Tuned Leg Weight --- 7455 Def Shell ---------- 675 Tuned Shell -------- 691 Def Energy --------- 466 Tuned Energy ------- 496 Cooling ------------ 1020 Tuned Cooling ------ 1242 Moving Ability ----- 150 Turning Ability ---- 107 Braking Ability ---- 169 Landing Stability -- 2274 Defense Stability -- 1811 Jump Performance --- 80 Boost Power -------- --- Charge Drain ------- --- Boost Accel -------- --- Booster Heat ------- --- Notes: Heavily armored two-leg design. Good defense and load capacity. Found -------------- Shop LH08-JACKAL Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 70000c AP ----------------- 3520 Weight ------------- 3147 Tuned Weight ------- 2957 Moving Drain ------- 1654 Stationary Drain --- 957 Max Leg Weight ----- 6942 Tuned Leg Weight --- 7095 Def Shell ---------- 686 Tuned Shell -------- 701 Def Energy --------- 505 Tuned Energy ------- 533 Cooling ------------ 1277 Tuned Cooling ------ 1460 Moving Ability ----- 143 Turning Ability ---- 104 Braking Ability ---- 155 Landing Stability -- 2338 Defense Stability -- 2020 Jump Performance --- 71 Boost Power -------- --- Charge Drain ------- --- Boost Accel -------- --- Booster Heat ------- --- Notes: Heavy armor leg model based off of the DINGO design. Found -------------- Shop CR-LH81AP Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 74800c AP ----------------- 3788 Weight ------------- 3174 Tuned Weight ------- 2982 Moving Drain ------- 2038 Stationary Drain --- 1283 Max Leg Weight ----- 8220 Tuned Leg Weight --- 8309 Def Shell ---------- 710 Tuned Shell -------- 723 Def Energy --------- 523 Tuned Energy ------- 549 Cooling ------------ 1412 Tuned Cooling ------ 1575 Moving Ability ----- 135 Turning Ability ---- 100 Braking Ability ---- 143 Landing Stability -- 1909 Defense Stability -- 1955 Jump Performance --- 65 Boost Power -------- --- Charge Drain ------- --- Boost Accel -------- --- Booster Heat ------- --- Notes: Offensive model featuring enhanced load capacity. Found -------------- Shop CR-LH94A2 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 82600c AP ----------------- 3365 Weight ------------- 2557 Tuned Weight ------- 2426 Moving Drain ------- 1705 Stationary Drain --- 1231 Max Leg Weight ----- 6384 Tuned Leg Weight --- 6565 Def Shell ---------- 621 Tuned Shell -------- 641 Def Energy --------- 610 Tuned Energy ------- 630 Cooling ------------ 1309 Tuned Cooling ------ 1488 Moving Ability ----- 158 Turning Ability ---- 114 Braking Ability ---- 182 Landing Stability -- 1732 Defense Stability -- 1725 Jump Performance --- 91 Boost Power -------- --- Charge Drain ------- --- Boost Accel -------- --- Booster Heat ------- --- Notes: LH77A successor. Features improved balance and cooling. Found -------------- Shop LH12-LYCAON Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 90000c AP ----------------- 3479 Weight ------------- 3024 Tuned Weight ------- 2847 Moving Drain ------- 2118 Stationary Drain --- 1810 Max Leg Weight ----- 6633 Tuned Leg Weight --- 6801 Def Shell ---------- 711 Tuned Shell -------- 724 Def Energy --------- 560 Tuned Energy ------- 584 Cooling ------------ 1512 Tuned Cooling ------ 1660 Moving Ability ----- 146 Turning Ability ---- 107 Braking Ability ---- 178 Landing Stability -- 2633 Defense Stability -- 2411 Jump Performance --- 77 Boost Power -------- --- Charge Drain ------- --- Boost Accel -------- --- Booster Heat ------- --- Notes: Heavyweight model adaptable to a variety of combat situations. Found -------------- Shop CR-LH96FA Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 99800c AP ----------------- 3540 Weight ------------- 2431 Tuned Weight ------- 2286 Moving Drain ------- 1982 Stationary Drain --- 1244 Max Leg Weight ----- 7366 Tuned Leg Weight --- 7515 Def Shell ---------- 589 Tuned Shell -------- 606 Def Energy --------- 559 Tuned Energy ------- 583 Cooling ------------ 1399 Tuned Cooling ------ 1553 Moving Ability ----- 182 Turning Ability ---- 110 Braking Ability ---- 165 Landing Stability -- 2461 Defense Stability -- 2229 Jump Performance --- 85 Boost Power -------- --- Charge Drain ------- --- Boost Accel -------- --- Booster Heat ------- --- Notes: New heavyweight model based on the LH89F design. Found -------------- Shop LH13-JACKAL2 Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 110000c AP ----------------- 3811 Weight ------------- 3494 Tuned Weight ------- 3270 Moving Drain ------- 2147 Stationary Drain --- 1712 Max Leg Weight ----- 7866 Tuned Leg Weight --- 7973 Def Shell ---------- 725 Tuned Shell -------- 737 Def Energy --------- 567 Tuned Energy ------- 590 Cooling ------------ 1596 Tuned Cooling ------ 1732 Moving Ability ----- 140 Turning Ability ---- 96 Braking Ability ---- 134 Landing Stability -- 2086 Defense Stability -- 2301 Jump Performance --- 68 Boost Power -------- --- Charge Drain ------- --- Boost Accel -------- --- Booster Heat ------- --- Notes: Highest defensive performance of all two-leg models. Found -------------- Shop [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### ################========##########========#######========############# ################==####==#############==##########==################### ################========#############==##########========############# ################==##==############==#==################==############# ################==###==############====##########========############# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Reverse Joint legs... These legs actually come in mid and heavy, but are too low in number to get two more spots. (The second one are the heavy ones) -Mid speed (low) -Low-mid load (mid-high) -Low armor (mid-high) -Fast air speed (mid) -Cannon restrictions -Very good jumping ability. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] LR01-GOAT Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 40000c AP ----------------- 3325 Weight ------------- 2216 Tuned Weight ------- 2095 Moving Drain ------- 1347 Stationary Drain --- 399 Max Leg Weight ----- 5425 Tuned Leg Weight --- 5654 Def Shell ---------- 558 Tuned Shell -------- 591 Def Energy --------- 401 Tuned Energy ------- 436 Cooling ------------ 705 Tuned Cooling ------ 988 Moving Ability ----- 256 Turning Ability ---- 121 Braking Ability ---- 117 Landing Stability -- 1892 Defense Stability -- 972 Jump Performance --- 166 Boost Power -------- --- Charge Drain ------- --- Boost Accel -------- --- Booster Heat ------- --- Notes: Mirage-manufactured standard reverse-joint leg design. Found -------------- Shop CR-LRJ76 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 42000c AP ----------------- 3105 Weight ------------- 1931 Tuned Weight ------- 1841 Moving Drain ------- 1274 Stationary Drain --- 412 Max Leg Weight ----- 5122 Tuned Leg Weight --- 5366 Def Shell ---------- 575 Tuned Shell -------- 598 Def Energy --------- 385 Tuned Energy ------- 421 Cooling ------------ 813 Tuned Cooling ------ 1082 Moving Ability ----- 268 Turning Ability ---- 123 Braking Ability ---- 133 Landing Stability -- 1814 Defense Stability -- 915 Jump Performance --- 187 Boost Power -------- --- Charge Drain ------- --- Boost Accel -------- --- Booster Heat ------- --- Notes: Crest's standard reverse-joint leg design. Found -------------- Shop CR-LRJ84M Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 60000c AP ----------------- 2926 Weight ------------- 1844 Tuned Weight ------- 1764 Moving Drain ------- 1604 Stationary Drain --- 513 Max Leg Weight ----- 5244 Tuned Leg Weight --- 5482 Def Shell ---------- 535 Tuned Shell -------- 561 Def Energy --------- 443 Tuned Energy ------- 475 Cooling ------------ 938 Tuned Cooling ------ 1191 Moving Ability ----- 270 Turning Ability ---- 128 Braking Ability ---- 152 Landing Stability -- 1822 Defense Stability -- 944 Jump Performance --- 198 Boost Power -------- --- Charge Drain ------- --- Boost Accel -------- --- Booster Heat ------- --- Notes: Lightweight reverse-joint design stressing maneuverability. Found -------------- Shop LR04-GAZELLE Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 65000c AP ----------------- 3210 Weight ------------- 2084 Tuned Weight ------- 1977 Moving Drain ------- 1388 Stationary Drain --- 435 Max Leg Weight ----- 5731 Tuned Leg Weight --- 5944 Def Shell ---------- 556 Tuned Shell -------- 580 Def Energy --------- 444 Tuned Energy ------- 476 Cooling ------------ 997 Tuned Cooling ------ 1242 Moving Ability ----- 280 Turning Ability ---- 120 Braking Ability ---- 149 Landing Stability -- 2797 Defense Stability -- 1004 Jump Performance --- 181 Boost Power -------- --- Charge Drain ------- --- Boost Accel -------- --- Booster Heat ------- --- Notes: Mobile combat model with low energy consumption. Found -------------- Shop LR02-ORYX Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 43000c AP ----------------- 3722 Weight ------------- 2614 Tuned Weight ------- 2449 Moving Drain ------- 1486 Stationary Drain --- 880 Max Leg Weight ----- 5813 Tuned Leg Weight --- 6022 Def Shell ---------- 666 Tuned Shell -------- 682 Def Energy --------- 429 Tuned Energy ------- 462 Cooling ------------ 1109 Tuned Cooling ------ 1339 Moving Ability ----- 180 Turning Ability ---- 114 Braking Ability ---- 127 Landing Stability -- 2469 Defense Stability -- 1212 Jump Performance --- 159 Boost Power -------- --- Charge Drain ------- --- Boost Accel -------- --- Booster Heat ------- --- Notes: Combat design boasting improved defensive stability. Found -------------- Shop CR-LRJ84A Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 45000c AP ----------------- 3528 Weight ------------- 2469 Tuned Weight ------- 2320 Moving Drain ------- 1608 Stationary Drain --- 912 Max Leg Weight ----- 6204 Tuned Leg Weight --- 6394 Def Shell ---------- 692 Tuned Shell -------- 707 Def Energy --------- 445 Tuned Energy ------- 477 Cooling ------------ 1037 Tuned Cooling ------ 1277 Moving Ability ----- 185 Turning Ability ---- 114 Braking Ability ---- 131 Landing Stability -- 2098 Defense Stability -- 1056 Jump Performance --- 151 Boost Power -------- --- Charge Drain ------- --- Boost Accel -------- --- Booster Heat ------- --- Notes: Heavily armored reverse-joint leg design. Found -------------- Shop LR03-ORYX2 Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 61000c AP ----------------- 3315 Weight ------------- 2289 Tuned Weight ------- 2160 Moving Drain ------- 1704 Stationary Drain --- 1021 Max Leg Weight ----- 6038 Tuned Leg Weight --- 6236 Def Shell ---------- 651 Tuned Shell -------- 668 Def Energy --------- 449 Tuned Energy ------- 481 Cooling ------------ 1158 Tuned Cooling ------ 1382 Moving Ability ----- 195 Turning Ability ---- 116 Braking Ability ---- 136 Landing Stability -- 2618 Defense Stability -- 1108 Jump Performance --- 170 Boost Power -------- --- Charge Drain ------- --- Boost Accel -------- --- Booster Heat ------- --- Notes: Lighter weight ORYX model that maintains defensive specs. Found -------------- Shop CR-LRJ90A2 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 73000c AP ----------------- 3811 Weight ------------- 2687 Tuned Weight ------- 2513 Moving Drain ------- 1624 Stationary Drain --- 900 Max Leg Weight ----- 6354 Tuned Leg Weight --- 6536 Def Shell ---------- 683 Tuned Shell -------- 698 Def Energy --------- 459 Tuned Energy ------- 490 Cooling ------------ 1048 Tuned Cooling ------ 1286 Moving Ability ----- 172 Turning Ability ---- 111 Braking Ability ---- 121 Landing Stability -- 2354 Defense Stability -- 1177 Jump Performance --- 145 Boost Power -------- --- Charge Drain ------- --- Boost Accel -------- --- Booster Heat ------- --- Notes: Highest load capacity of all reverse-joint leg models. Found -------------- Shop [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #######=======#####==####==####========####====########========####### #######==####=#####==####==####==####==####==#===######==############# #######==####=#####==####==####========####==###==#####========####### #######=======#####==####==####==####==####==#===############==####### ############===####========####==####==####=====#######========####### ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Quadruped legs... These legs actually come in all sizes, but are too low in number to get more spots. These are averaged -High-mid speed -Low-mid load -Mid-high armor -Mid air speed -Cannon restrictions only when flying < - Good! Please note, these are pretty much the fastest legs you can use with cannons on the back. The only bad thing about these legs would have to be their generally higher energy drain. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] LF01-MONITOR Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 59000c AP ----------------- 2864 Weight ------------- 2137 Tuned Weight ------- 2048 Moving Drain ------- 2605 Stationary Drain --- 1350 Max Leg Weight ----- 5055 Tuned Leg Weight --- 5325 Def Shell ---------- 535 Tuned Shell -------- 561 Def Energy --------- 534 Tuned Energy ------- 560 Cooling ------------ 1426 Tuned Cooling ------ 1593 Moving Ability ----- 260 Turning Ability ---- 125 Braking Ability ---- 154 Landing Stability -- 953 Defense Stability -- 2044 Jump Performance --- 118 Boost Power -------- --- Charge Drain ------- --- Boost Accel -------- --- Booster Heat ------- --- Notes: Standard quad-leg model with average performance specs. Found -------------- Shop CR-LF71 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 60000c AP ----------------- 2890 Weight ------------- 1920 Tuned Weight ------- 1853 Moving Drain ------- 3319 Stationary Drain --- 1220 Max Leg Weight ----- 5502 Tuned Leg Weight --- 5752 Def Shell ---------- 392 Tuned Shell -------- 428 Def Energy --------- 621 Tuned Energy ------- 641 Cooling ------------ 1738 Tuned Cooling ------ 1860 Moving Ability ----- 268 Turning Ability ---- 131 Braking Ability ---- 148 Landing Stability -- 899 Defense Stability -- 1905 Jump Performance --- 107 Boost Power -------- --- Charge Drain ------- --- Boost Accel -------- --- Booster Heat ------- --- Notes: Crest's standard quad-leg model. Excellent cooling performance. Found -------------- Shop CR-LF81 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 70000c AP ----------------- 2711 Weight ------------- 2300 Tuned Weight ------- 2195 Moving Drain ------- 2317 Stationary Drain --- 1220 Max Leg Weight ----- 4968 Tuned Leg Weight --- 5242 Def Shell ---------- 486 Tuned Shell -------- 515 Def Energy --------- 514 Tuned Energy ------- 541 Cooling ------------ 1235 Tuned Cooling ------ 1430 Moving Ability ----- 255 Turning Ability ---- 136 Braking Ability ---- 163 Landing Stability -- 1055 Defense Stability -- 2168 Jump Performance --- 125 Boost Power -------- --- Charge Drain ------- --- Boost Accel -------- --- Booster Heat ------- --- Notes: LF71 successor, offers improved energy cunsumption. Found -------------- Shop LF02-GAVIAL Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 85000c AP ----------------- 3030 Weight ------------- 3337 Tuned Weight ------- 3128 Moving Drain ------- 2147 Stationary Drain --- 1305 Max Leg Weight ----- 5775 Tuned Leg Weight --- 6013 Def Shell ---------- 512 Tuned Shell -------- 539 Def Energy --------- 443 Tuned Energy ------- 475 Cooling ------------ 1655 Tuned Cooling ------ 1789 Moving Ability ----- 285 Turning Ability ---- 134 Braking Ability ---- 141 Landing Stability -- 1206 Defense Stability -- 2004 Jump Performance --- 95 Boost Power -------- --- Charge Drain ------- --- Boost Accel -------- --- Booster Heat ------- --- Notes: Lightly armored quad-leg design built for maneuvering. Found -------------- Shop LF03-GAVIAL2 Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 90000c AP ----------------- 3277 Weight ------------- 3035 Tuned Weight ------- 2857 Moving Drain ------- 3477 Stationary Drain --- 1624 Max Leg Weight ----- 6600 Tuned Leg Weight --- 6800 Def Shell ---------- 571 Tuned Shell -------- 594 Def Energy --------- 583 Tuned Energy ------- 605 Cooling ------------ 1544 Tuned Cooling ------ 1694 Moving Ability ----- 251 Turning Ability ---- 122 Braking Ability ---- 199 Landing Stability -- 1177 Defense Stability -- 2520 Jump Performance --- 95 Boost Power -------- --- Charge Drain ------- --- Boost Accel -------- --- Booster Heat ------- --- Notes: Highest laod capacity of all quad-leg designs. Found -------------- Shop CR-LF88A Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 95000c AP ----------------- 3428 Weight ------------- 2547 Tuned Weight ------- 2417 Moving Drain ------- 3972 Stationary Drain --- 1900 Max Leg Weight ----- 6050 Tuned Leg Weight --- 6275 Def Shell ---------- 507 Tuned Shell -------- 535 Def Energy --------- 698 Tuned Energy ------- 712 Cooling ------------ 1344 Tuned Cooling ------ 1523 Moving Ability ----- 276 Turning Ability ---- 236 Braking Ability ---- 189 Landing Stability -- 1255 Defense Stability -- 2108 Jump Performance --- 129 Boost Power -------- --- Charge Drain ------- --- Boost Accel -------- --- Booster Heat ------- --- Notes: Combat model with improved energy defense. Found -------------- Shop LF04-LIZARD Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 100000c AP ----------------- 2992 Weight ------------- 2388 Tuned Weight ------- 2274 Moving Drain ------- 2964 Stationary Drain --- 1736 Max Leg Weight ----- 6196 Tuned Leg Weight --- 6414 Def Shell ---------- 534 Tuned Shell -------- 560 Def Energy --------- 562 Tuned Energy ------- 586 Cooling ------------ 1454 Tuned Cooling ------ 1617 Moving Ability ----- 272 Turning Ability ---- 133 Braking Ability ---- 182 Landing Stability -- 1118 Defense Stability -- 2323 Jump Performance --- 122 Boost Power -------- --- Charge Drain ------- --- Boost Accel -------- --- Booster Heat ------- --- Notes: Heavyweight Mirage design with well-balanced defense specs. Found -------------- Shop CR-LF93A2 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 130000c AP ----------------- 3387 Weight ------------- 2904 Tuned Weight ------- 2739 Moving Drain ------- 3670 Stationary Drain --- 1235 Max Leg Weight ----- 6435 Tuned Leg Weight --- 6643 Def Shell ---------- 603 Tuned Shell -------- 624 Def Energy --------- 574 Tuned Energy ------- 597 Cooling ------------ 1560 Tuned Cooling ------ 1708 Moving Ability ----- 280 Turning Ability ---- 130 Braking Ability ---- 177 Landing Stability -- 1192 Defense Stability -- 2605 Jump Performance --- 114 Boost Power -------- --- Charge Drain ------- --- Boost Accel -------- --- Booster Heat ------- --- Notes: Heavyweight quad-leg design with good defense and load capacity. Found -------------- Shop [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #######========####========####===###==####==####==####========####### ##########==#######==####==####====##==####==##===#####==############# ##########==#######========####==#==#==####=====#######========####### ##########==#######==####==####==##====####==##===###########==####### ##########==#######==####==####==###===####==####==####========####### ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Tank legs... These are the heavy load/strong DEF legs of AC. -Very low speed -High load -High armor -Low air speed -No cannon restrictions -Can't not ground boost [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-LT69 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 33000c AP ----------------- 3677 Weight ------------- 3420 Tuned Weight ------- 3203 Moving Drain ------- 1099 Stationary Drain --- --- Max Leg Weight ----- 8010 Tuned Leg Weight --- 8110 Def Shell ---------- 750 Tuned Shell -------- 760 Def Energy --------- 355 Tuned Energy ------- 393 Cooling ------------ 588 Tuned Cooling ------ 875 Moving Ability ----- 210 Turning Ability ---- 114 Braking Ability ---- 305 Landing Stability -- --- Defense Stability -- 2225 Jump Performance --- --- Boost Power -------- 14000 Charge Drain ------- 3030 Boost Accel -------- 2240 Booster Heat ------- 4320 Notes: Low energy consumption tank model with high load capacity. Found -------------- Shop CR-LT71 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 40000c AP ----------------- 3714 Weight ------------- 4050 Tuned Weight ------- 3770 Moving Drain ------- 939 Stationary Drain --- --- Max Leg Weight ----- 8531 Tuned Leg Weight --- 8604 Def Shell ---------- 789 Tuned Shell -------- 797 Def Energy --------- 336 Tuned Energy ------- 375 Cooling ------------ 1145 Tuned Cooling ------ 1348 Moving Ability ----- 196 Turning Ability ---- 113 Braking Ability ---- 335 Landing Stability -- --- Defense Stability -- 2388 Jump Performance --- --- Boost Power -------- 14000 Charge Drain ------- 3030 Boost Accel -------- 2240 Booster Heat ------- 4320 Notes: Tank model well-suited as an energy weapon platform. Found -------------- Shop LT01-BOAR Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 65000c AP ----------------- 3434 Weight ------------- 2503 Tuned Weight ------- 2365 Moving Drain ------- 2876 Stationary Drain --- --- Max Leg Weight ----- 5931 Tuned Leg Weight --- 6134 Def Shell ---------- 657 Tuned Shell -------- 674 Def Energy --------- 605 Tuned Energy ------- 626 Cooling ------------ 1425 Tuned Cooling ------ 1586 Moving Ability ----- 255 Turning Ability ---- 122 Braking Ability ---- 175 Landing Stability -- --- Defense Stability -- 1314 Jump Performance --- --- Boost Power -------- 16500 Charge Drain ------- 4050 Boost Accel -------- 3120 Booster Heat ------- 3685 Notes: Hover-style tank model designed to combine mobility and defense. Found -------------- Shop LT02-BOAR2 Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 72000c AP ----------------- 3611 Weight ------------- 2873 Tuned Weight ------- 2695 Moving Drain ------- 2527 Stationary Drain --- --- Max Leg Weight ----- 7569 Tuned Leg Weight --- 7691 Def Shell ---------- 706 Tuned Shell -------- 720 Def Energy --------- 518 Tuned Energy ------- 545 Cooling ------------ 1568 Tuned Cooling ------ 1708 Moving Ability ----- 249 Turning Ability ---- 120 Braking Ability ---- 151 Landing Stability -- --- Defense Stability -- 1534 Jump Performance --- --- Boost Power -------- 16500 Charge Drain ------- 4050 Boost Accel -------- 3120 Booster Heat ------- 3685 Notes: Improves on predecessor's energy consumption and load capacity. Found -------------- Shop CR-LT78A Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 95000c AP ----------------- 3850 Weight ------------- 3761 Tuned Weight ------- 3510 Moving Drain ------- 1670 Stationary Drain --- --- Max Leg Weight ----- 8877 Tuned Leg Weight --- 8933 Def Shell ---------- 817 Tuned Shell -------- 823 Def Energy --------- 412 Tuned Energy ------- 446 Cooling ------------ 888 Tuned Cooling ------ 1130 Moving Ability ----- 226 Turning Ability ---- 107 Braking Ability ---- 333 Landing Stability -- --- Defense Stability -- 2304 Jump Performance --- --- Boost Power -------- 15900 Charge Drain ------- 3412 Boost Accel -------- 2544 Booster Heat ------- 4542 Notes: A moving fort with high load capacity and defense specs. Found -------------- Shop CR-LT81A2 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 99000c AP ----------------- 3795 Weight ------------- 3655 Tuned Weight ------- 3415 Moving Drain ------- 1888 Stationary Drain --- --- Max Leg Weight ----- 8599 Tuned Leg Weight --- 8669 Def Shell ---------- 801 Tuned Shell -------- 808 Def Energy --------- 428 Tuned Energy ------- 461 Cooling ------------ 1011 Tuned Cooling ------ 1234 Moving Ability ----- 222 Turning Ability ---- 111 Braking Ability ---- 342 Landing Stability -- --- Defense Stability -- 2475 Jump Performance --- --- Boost Power -------- 15900 Charge Drain ------- 3412 Booster Heat ------- 4542 Notes: Offensive cannot model with good cooling and defense. Found -------------- Shop LT03-GRIZZLY Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 100000c AP ----------------- 3451 Weight ------------- 2570 Tuned Weight ------- 2424 Moving Drain ------- 3168 Stationary Drain --- --- Max Leg Weight ----- 6769 Tuned Leg Weight --- 6931 Def Shell ---------- 664 Tuned Shell -------- 681 Def Energy --------- 555 Tuned Energy ------- 579 Cooling ------------ 1726 Tuned Cooling ------ 1842 Moving Ability ----- 284 Turning Ability ---- 114 Braking Ability ---- 235 Landing Stability -- --- Defense Stability -- 1466 Jump Performance --- --- Boost Power -------- 16500 Charge Drain ------- 4050 Boost Accel -------- 3120 Booster Heat ------- 3685 Notes: Mirage hoever-style tank model with reinforced energy defense. Found -------------- Shop CR-LHT92 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 120000c AP ----------------- 3182 Weight ------------- 2676 Tuned Weight ------- 2519 Moving Drain ------- 2648 Stationary Drain --- --- Max Leg Weight ----- 6523 Tuned Leg Weight --- 6697 Def Shell ---------- 735 Tuned Shell -------- 747 Def Energy --------- 546 Tuned Energy ------- 571 Cooling ------------ 1833 Tuned Cooling ------ 1933 Moving Ability ----- 263 Turning Ability ---- 118 Braking Ability ---- 220 Landing Stability -- --- Defense Stability -- 1608 Jump Performance --- --- Boost Power -------- 19500 Charge Drain ------- 2660 Boost Accel -------- 2640 Booster Heat ------- 5890 Notes: High performance Crest hover leg model. Found -------------- Rewarded in "Battle Challenge" [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### ###==####==###========####==####==####========###========###========## ###==####==###==####==#####==##==#####==#########==####==###==######## ###========###==####==######=##=######======#####========###========## ###==####==###==####==######====######==#########==##==###########==## ###==####==###========#######==#######========###==###==####========## ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Hover legs... Not only do thesehave the highest ground boosting, you can't fall into water with them... Each hover leg has a build in booster. -Very high ground and rising speed -low load -low armor -Low air speed -Cannon restrictions -Can chill on water -Stun is rarely a problem [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-LN79 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 40000c AP ----------------- 3229 Weight ------------- 2581 Tuned Weight ------- 2448 Moving Drain ------- 1492 Stationary Drain --- --- Max Leg Weight ----- 5422 Tuned Leg Weight --- 5651 Def Shell ---------- 528 Tuned Shell -------- 554 Def Energy --------- 431 Tuned Energy ------- 464 Cooling ------------ 1237 Tuned Cooling ------ 1459 Moving Ability ----- 520 Turning Ability ---- 122 Braking Ability ---- 199 Landing Stability -- --- Defense Stability -- 1308 Jump Performance --- --- Boost Power -------- 21800 Charge Drain ------- 2660 Boost Accel -------- 5236 Booster Heat ------- 5020 Notes: Hoever leg model incorporating unique design features. Found -------------- Shop LN01-SEAL Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 42000c AP ----------------- 3177 Weight ------------- 1923 Tuned Weight ------- 1856 Moving Drain ------- 1795 Stationary Drain --- --- Max Leg Weight ----- 5182 Tuned Leg Weight --- 5423 Def Shell ---------- 454 Tuned Shell -------- 485 Def Energy --------- 479 Tuned Energy ------- 508 Cooling ------------ 1195 Tuned Cooling ------ 1422 Moving Ability ----- 605 Turning Ability ---- 124 Braking Ability ---- 210 Landing Stability -- --- Defense Stability -- 1050 Jump Performance --- --- Boost Power -------- 20900 Charge Drain ------- 4350 Boost Accel -------- 5038 Booster Heat ------- 4740 Notes: Early model Mirage hover leg offering balanced performance. Found -------------- Rewarded in "Attack Distribution Center" CR-LN85 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 57000c AP ----------------- 3534 Weight ------------- 2096 Tuned Weight ------- 2011 Moving Drain ------- 2425 Stationary Drain --- --- Max Leg Weight ----- 5205 Tuned Leg Weight --- 5445 Def Shell ---------- 506 Tuned Shell -------- 534 Def Energy --------- 475 Tuned Energy ------- 505 Cooling ------------ 1288 Tuned Cooling ------ 1505 Moving Ability ----- 590 Turning Ability ---- 125 Braking Ability ---- 206 Landing Stability -- --- Defense Stability -- 1078 Jump Performance --- --- Boost Power -------- 21800 Charge Drain ------- 2660 Boost Accel -------- 5236 Booster Heat ------- 5020 Notes: Modified LN79 design offering improved overall performance. Found -------------- Shop LN02-SEALION Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 63000c AP ----------------- 2577 Weight ------------- 2498 Tuned Weight ------- 2373 Moving Drain ------- 1589 Stationary Drain --- --- Max Leg Weight ----- 5816 Tuned Leg Weight --- 6025 Def Shell ---------- 472 Tuned Shell -------- 502 Def Energy --------- 463 Tuned Energy ------- 494 Cooling ------------ 1554 Tuned Cooling ------ 1700 Moving Ability ----- 532 Turning Ability ---- 126 Braking Ability ---- 236 Landing Stability -- --- Defense Stability -- 1358 Jump Performance --- --- Boost Power -------- 20900 Charge Drain ------- 4350 Boost Accel -------- 5038 Booster Heat ------- 4740 Notes: Redesigned SEAL model with enhanced load capacity. Found -------------- Shop LN03-WALRUS Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 65000c AP ----------------- 3079 Weight ------------- 1621 Tuned Weight ------- 1584 Moving Drain ------- 1418 Stationary Drain --- --- Max Leg Weight ----- 4977 Tuned Leg Weight --- 5228 Def Shell ---------- 388 Tuned Shell -------- 424 Def Energy --------- 399 Tuned Energy ------- 434 Cooling ------------ 1372 Tuned Cooling ------ 1577 Moving Ability ----- 574 Turning Ability ---- 128 Braking Ability ---- 189 Landing Stability -- --- Defense Stability -- 957 Jump Performance --- --- Boost Power -------- 20900 Charge Drain ------- 4350 Boost Accel -------- 5038 Booster Heat ------- 4740 Notes: Capable of moving at high speed for extended periods of time. Found -------------- Shop CR-LN91HM Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 100000c AP ----------------- 2918 Weight ------------- 1655 Tuned Weight ------- 1615 Moving Drain ------- 2044 Stationary Drain --- --- Max Leg Weight ----- 4399 Tuned Leg Weight --- 4679 Def Shell ---------- 400 Tuned Shell -------- 435 Def Energy --------- 500 Tuned Energy ------- 528 Cooling ------------ 1216 Tuned Cooling ------ 1440 Moving Ability ----- 691 Turning Ability ---- 133 Braking Ability ---- 178 Landing Stability -- --- Defense Stability -- 899 Jump Performance --- --- Boost Power -------- 23100 Charge Drain ------- 3420 Boost Accel -------- 6024 Booster Heat ------- 5820 Notes: Hover leg model designed solely for speed. Found -------------- Shop CR-LN99M2 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 120000c AP ----------------- 3112 Weight ------------- 1804 Tuned Weight ------- 1749 Moving Drain ------- 2278 Stationary Drain --- --- Max Leg Weight ----- 4502 Tuned Leg Weight --- 4777 Def Shell ---------- 423 Tuned Shell -------- 456 Def Energy --------- 563 Tuned Energy ------- 587 Cooling ------------ 1401 Tuned Cooling ------ 1585 Moving Ability ----- 640 Turning Ability ---- 130 Braking Ability ---- 220 Landing Stability -- --- Defense Stability -- 1095 Jump Performance --- --- Boost Power -------- 22750 Charge Drain ------- 3420 Boost Accel -------- 4950 Booster Heat ------- 5820 Notes: Combat modified LN91HM hover leg model. Found -------------- Shop LN04-WALRUS2 Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 140000c AP ----------------- 3443 Weight ------------- 2004 Tuned Weight ------- 1929 Moving Drain ------- 1890 Stationary Drain --- --- Max Leg Weight ----- 5534 Tuned Leg Weight --- 5757 Def Shell ---------- 506 Tuned Shell -------- 534 Def Energy --------- 531 Tuned Energy ------- 557 Cooling ------------ 1636 Tuned Cooling ------ 1768 Moving Ability ----- 628 Turning Ability ---- 124 Braking Ability ---- 219 Landing Stability -- --- Defense Stability -- 1273 Jump Performance --- --- Boost Power -------- 22750 Charge Drain ------- 5070 Boost Accel -------- 3960 Booster Heat ------- 5195 Notes: WALRUS conversion with improved defense and load capacity. Found -------------- Shop [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #========##========##========##========##========##========##========# #==####==##==####==##==####==##==###########==#####==########==####==# #=======###==####==##==####==##========#####==#####======####========# #==####==##==####==##==####==########==#####==#####==########==##==### #========##========##========##========#####==#####========##==###==## ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Boosters... Boosters are the things that let you dash and fly. Just remember, Boosters and your weight affect flying and dashing, not mobility. Booster heat is still in place, but a little less harsh... a new stat: Boost acceleration... not sure what it does... and since I'm doing fine not knowing, it's nothing to climb a clock tower over. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-B69 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- ----- Weight ------------- 200 Tuned Weight ------- 185 Energy Drain ------- 127 Booster Specs ------ -Boost Power ------- 11270 -Tuned Boost Power - 12970 -Charge Drain ------ 3534 -Boost Accel ------- 3129 -Tuned Accel ------- 3410 -Booster Heat ------ 3706 -Tuned Heat -------- 3495 Notes: First generation Crest booster design. Found -------------- Equipped at the start CR-B72T Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 28500c Weight ------------- 248 Tuned Weight ------- 226 Energy Drain ------- 388 Booster Specs ------ -Boost Power ------- 15390 -Tuned Boost Power - 16472 -Charge Drain ------ 3125 -Boost Accel ------- 3323 -Tuned Accel ------- 3575 -Booster Heat ------ 4314 -Tuned Heat -------- 4012 Notes: Twin-engine design with improved power performance. Found -------------- Shop B01-BIRDIE Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 55000c Weight ------------- 377 Tuned Weight ------- 335 Energy Drain ------- 137 Booster Specs ------ -Boost Power ------- 17244 -Tuned Boost Power - 18047 -Charge Drain ------ 5281 -Boost Accel ------- 4772 -Tuned Accel ------- 4806 -Booster Heat ------ 2714 -Tuned Heat -------- 2652 Notes: Booster design with low energy drain and respectable power. Found -------------- Shop CR-B81 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 75800c Weight ------------- 164 Tuned Weight ------- 154 Energy Drain ------- 338 Booster Specs ------ -Boost Power ------- 16369 -Tuned Boost Power - 17384 -Charge Drain ------ 2937 -Boost Accel ------- 4037 -Tuned Accel ------- 4181 -Booster Heat ------ 3423 -Tuned Heat -------- 3255 Notes: Booster model designed to perform well in prolonged combat. Found -------------- Shop CR-B83TP Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 63000c Weight ------------- 389 Tuned Weight ------- 342 Energy Drain ------- 195 Booster Specs ------ -Boost Power ------- 22497 -Tuned Boost Power - 22512 -Charge Drain ------ 6532 -Boost Accel ------- 4615 -Tuned Accel ------- 4673 -Booster Heat ------ 4611 -Tuned Heat -------- 4264 Notes: Excellent boost power, but high energy consumption. Found -------------- Kill Sir Fire/Dirty Slime (Rank 11) in the Arena B02-VULTURE Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 75500c Weight ------------- 230 Tuned Weight ------- 210 Energy Drain ------- 230 Booster Specs ------ -Boost Power ------- 19819 -Tuned Boost Power - 20236 -Charge Drain ------ 4167 -Boost Accel ------- 4282 -Tuned Accel ------- 4390 -Booster Heat ------ 4814 -Tuned Heat -------- 4437 Notes: Single engine design, produces a high level of heat when used. Found -------------- Shop B03-VULTURE2 Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 100000c Weight ------------- 363 Tuned Weight ------- 314 Energy Drain ------- 235 Booster Specs ------ -Boost Power ------- 20468 -Tuned Boost Power - 20788 -Charge Drain ------ 3874 -Boost Accel ------- 4200 -Tuned Accel ------- 4320 -Booster Heat ------ 4347 -Tuned Heat -------- 4040 Notes: Modified VULTURE design with a lower booster heat ratings. Found -------------- Shop B04-BIRDIE2 Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 86000c Weight ------------- 188 Tuned Weight ------- 175 Energy Drain ------- 138 Booster Specs ------ -Boost Power ------- 18377 -Tuned Boost Power - 19010 -Charge Drain ------ 4592 -Boost Accel ------- 4491 -Tuned Accel ------- 4567 -Booster Heat ------ 3891 -Tuned Heat -------- 3652 Notes: BIRDIE model redesigned to offer improved boost power. Found -------------- Found hidden in "Eliminate The Enemy AC" B05-GULL Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 110000c Weight ------------- 270 Tuned Weight ------- 244 Energy Drain ------- 285 Booster Specs ------ -Boost Power ------- 20962 -Tuned Boost Power - 21208 -Charge Drain ------ 3377 -Boost Accel ------- 3849 -Tuned Accel ------- 4022 -Booster Heat ------ 5583 -Tuned Heat -------- 5091 Notes: New booster design loosely based on the VULTURE model. Found -------------- Shop CR-B90T2 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 112000c Weight ------------- 479 Tuned Weight ------- 414 Energy Drain ------- 470 Booster Specs ------ -Boost Power ------- 21879 -Tuned Boost Power - 21987 -Charge Drain ------ 5850 -Boost Accel ------- 3687 -Tuned Accel ------- 3816 -Booster Heat ------ 4978 -Tuned Heat -------- 4576 Notes: Heavy twin-engine design with exceptional power. Found -------------- Shop [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #############========########========########========################# #############==##############==####==########==####################### #############======##########==##############========################# #############==##############==####==##############==################# #############==##############========########========################# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Firing Control Systems... These are the things that affect your lock box. There is no BEST FCS, but some are better than others are. Most of the time it all depends on the weapons and/or level you are playing in. Pick the best FCS for you fighting style. These are the Lock Types. Standard: No real things that stand out. Best used with rifles, missiles, and when you have multiple weapons. Wide and Shallow: Use if you are using close range weapon and if you like close range all together. These have the worst range but biggest lock box. Best used with shotguns, machine guns, and bazookas. Narrow and Deep: Use if you like to stay far away and snipe. These have VERY small lock boxes and suck with things like machine guns. These have the best range. These are best used with sniper rifles and long range plasma rifles. Missiles are also a good choice. Lengthway: Use this if you have trouble looking up and down, or can keep things in your lock box better on a Y axis. A good choice when up against small flying enemies or in hallways. Sideway: These In my opinion are the best type. Since AC's turn slower than they look up and down, these can be used to get to a target faster. These are also good if you like to ground boost. These actually suck in hallways, especially when there is multiple ceiling gun turrets. Never pick an FCS before you know what you are using. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] MF01-MUREX Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- ----- Weight ------------- 14 Energy Drain ------- 14 VS ECM ------------- 251 Lock Type ---------- Standard Targeting ---------- Single Maximum Lock ------- 2 Lock Time ---------- 96 Missile Lock Time -- 240 Max Capture -------- 16:16 AVG Capture -------- 12:12 Max Lock Range ----- 555 AVG Lock Range ----- 442 Parallel Sight ----- 82 Notes: Balanced first generation Mirage design, standard lock type. Found -------------- Equipped from the start MF02-VOLUTE Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 42000c Weight ------------- 17 Energy Drain ------- 18 VS ECM ------------- 148 Lock Type ---------- Standard Targeting ---------- Multi Maximum Lock ------- 12 Lock Time ---------- 101 Missile Lock Time -- 228 Max Capture -------- 15:15 AVG Capture -------- 12:12 Max Lock Range ----- 528 AVG Lock Range ----- 467 Parallel Sight ----- 88 Notes: Standard lock type with multiple targeting capability. Found -------------- Shop CR-F69 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 49000c Weight ------------- 12 Energy Drain ------- 47 VS ECM ------------- 243 Lock Type ---------- WS Targeting ---------- Single Maximum Lock ------- 1 Lock Time ---------- 117 Missile Lock Time -- 300 Max Capture -------- 21:21 AVG Capture -------- 15:15 Max Lock Range ----- 406 AVG Lock Range ----- 309 Parallel Sight ----- 87 Notes: Early Crest version featuring a wide and shallow lock type. Found -------------- Shop MF03-VOLUTE2 Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 58000c Weight ------------- 14 Energy Drain ------- 31 VS ECM ------------- 280 Lock Type ---------- Standard Targeting ---------- Multi Maximum Lock ------- 4 Lock Time ---------- 92 Missile Lock Time -- 248 Max Capture -------- 17:17 AVG Capture -------- 13:13 Max Lock Range ----- 604 AVG Lock Range ----- 483 Parallel Sight ----- 85 Notes: Redesigned VOLUTE model. Standard lock type. Found -------------- Shop FUGEN Manufacturer ------- Kisaragi Price -------------- 60000c Weight ------------- 16 Energy Drain ------- 112 VS ECM ------------- 126 Lock Type ---------- LW Targeting ---------- Multi Maximum Lock ------- 6 Lock Time ---------- 95 Missile Lock Time -- 132 Max Capture -------- 19:12 AVG Capture -------- 14:9 Max Lock Range ----- 495 AVG Lock Range ----- 448 Parallel Sight ----- 78 Notes: Vertical lock type FCS, effective against aeriel targets. Found -------------- Shop KOKUH Manufacturer ------- Kisaragi Price -------------- 65000c Weight ------------- 18 Energy Drain ------- 85 VS ECM ------------- 235 Lock Type ---------- SW Targeting ---------- Single Maximum Lock ------- 6 Lock Time ---------- 90 Missile Lock Time -- 208 Max Capture -------- 11:20 AVG Capture -------- 8:16 Max Lock Range ----- 500 AVG Lock Range ----- 450 Parallel Sight ----- 80 Notes: Horizontal lock type, excellent ground combat performance. Found -------------- Shop MF04-COWRY Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 68000c Weight ------------- 20 Energy Drain ------- 19 VS ECM ------------- 266 Lock Type ---------- WS Targeting ---------- Single Maximum Lock ------- 3 Lock Time ---------- 124 Missile Lock Time -- 288 Max Capture -------- 23:23 AVG Capture -------- 16:16 Max Lock Range ----- 380 AVG Lock Range ----- 335 Parallel Sight ----- 79 Notes: Wide and shallow lock type FCS effective for short-range combat. Found -------------- Rewarded in "Safeguard Industrial Area" MIROKU Manufacturer ------- Kisaragi Price -------------- 70000c Weight ------------- 25 Energy Drain ------- 77 VS ECM ------------- 249 Lock Type ---------- Standard Targeting ---------- Single Maximum Lock ------- 10 Lock Time ---------- 80 Missile Lock Time -- 176 Max Capture -------- 18:18 AVG Capture -------- 13:13 Max Lock Range ----- 575 AVG Lock Range ----- 480 Parallel Sight ----- 70 Notes: Standard lock type FCS with excellent lock time performance. Found -------------- Rewarded in "Seize The Airstrip" MF05-LIMPET Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 78000c Weight ------------- 31 Energy Drain ------- 27 VS ECM ------------- 172 Lock Type ---------- WS Targeting ---------- Multi Maximum Lock ------- 6 Lock Time ---------- 111 Missile Lock Time -- 264 Max Capture -------- 21:21 AVG Capture -------- 15:15 Max Lock Range ----- 370 AVG Lock Range ----- 331 Parallel Sight ----- 85 Notes: Redesigned COWRY model, added multiple target capability. Found -------------- Shop CR-F73H Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 98000c Weight ------------- 28 Energy Drain ------- 44 VS ECM ------------- 192 Lock Type ---------- SW Targeting ---------- Single Maximum Lock ------- 3 Lock Time ---------- 104 Missile Lock Time -- 192 Max Capture -------- 12:22 AVG Capture -------- 9:18 Max Lock Range ----- 475 AVG Lock Range ----- 435 Parallel Sight ----- 90 Notes: Horizontal lock type FCS with balanced lock range and capture. Found -------------- Shop CR-F75D Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 120000c Weight ------------- 18 Energy Drain ------- 51 VS ECM ------------- 351 Lock Type ---------- ND Targeting ---------- Single Maximum Lock ------- 2 Lock Time ---------- 85 Missile Lock Time -- 232 Max Capture -------- 12:12 AVG Capture -------- 10:10 Max Lock Range ----- 1200 AVG Lock Range ----- 942 Parallel Sight ----- 92 Notes: Marrow and deep lock type FCS with excellent lock range. Found -------------- Shop CR-F82D2 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 150000c Weight ------------- 35 Energy Drain ------- 45 VS ECM ------------- 275 Lock Type ---------- ND Targeting ---------- Single Maximum Lock ------- 8 Lock Time ---------- 79 Missile Lock Time -- 180 Max Capture -------- 13:13 AVG Capture -------- 11:11 Max Lock Range ----- 990 AVG Lock Range ----- 817 Parallel Sight ----- 86 Notes: Narrow and deep lock type with improved maximun lock ability. Found -------------- Shop CR-F91DSN Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 45000c Weight ------------- 22 Energy Drain ------- 55 VS ECM ------------- 275 Lock Type ---------- ND Targeting ---------- Single Maximum Lock ------- 1 Lock Time ---------- 71 Missile Lock Time -- 220 Max Capture -------- 11:11 AVG Capture -------- 10:10 Max Lock Range ----- 850 AVG Lock Range ----- 725 Parallel Sight ----- 75 Notes: Narrow and deep lock type FCS with improved lock time. Found -------------- Shop MONJU Manufacturer ------- Kisaragi Price -------------- 145000c Weight ------------- 24 Energy Drain ------- 93 VS ECM ------------- 177 Lock Type ---------- SW Targeting ---------- Multi Maximum Lock ------- 6 Lock Time ---------- 99 Missile Lock Time -- 168 Max Capture -------- 13:20 AVG Capture -------- 10:16 Max Lock Range ----- 535 AVG Lock Range ----- 492 Parallel Sight ----- 83 Notes: Horizontal lock type FCS, works well with a range of weapons. Found -------------- Shop [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### ##########========######========######===###==######========########## ##########==############==############====##==######==################ ##########==##====######======########==#==#==######========########## ##########==####==######==############==##====############==########## ##########========######========######==###===######========########## ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Generators... Generators are the things that power your Acs up. The whole system changed with Gens too. If you want high refresh, you will have a gen pumping heat into you and visa versa... It is very difficult to find the perfect generator for your AC... it comes into whatever you prefer. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-G69 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- ----- Weight ------------- 381 Tuned Weight ------- 339 En Output ---------- 8950 Tuned En Output ---- 9558 Condenser Cap ------ 22000 Tuned Condenser ---- 26950 Emergency Cap ------ 2800 Calorific Value ---- 2055 Notes: Early model with low output, but a low calorific value. Found -------------- Equipped from the start CR-G78 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 25500c Weight ------------- 355 Tuned Weight ------- 317 En Output ---------- 9200 Tuned En Output ---- 9838 Condenser Cap ------ 36000 Tuned Condenser ---- 38850 Emergency Cap ------ 1500 Calorific Value ---- 2432 Notes: Modified G69 with improved output and condenser capacity. Found -------------- Shop G01-LOTUS Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 32000c Weight ------------- 309 Tuned Weight ------- 278 En Output ---------- 9830 Tuned En Output ---- 10306 Condenser Cap ------ 18500 Tuned Condenser ---- 23975 Emergency Cap ------ 6000 Calorific Value ---- 2611 Notes: First generation Mirage design, low output, but lightweight. Found -------------- Shop CR-G84P Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 54000c Weight ------------- 576 Tuned Weight ------- 505 En Output ---------- 11990 Tuned En Output ---- 12141 Condenser Cap ------ 30000 Tuned Condenser ---- 33750 Emergency Cap ------ 500 Calorific Value ---- 3399 Notes: High output model designed specifically for heavy units. Found -------------- Shop CR-G91 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 59800c Weight ------------- 465 Tuned Weight ------- 410 En Output ---------- 10990 Tuned En Output ---- 11292 Condenser Cap ------ 37000 Tuned Condenser ---- 39700 Emergency Cap ------ 2000 Calorific Value ---- 3155 Notes: Redesigned version of the G78 with much improved output. Found -------------- Shop FUDOH Manufacturer ------- Kisaragi Price -------------- 65000c Weight ------------- 772 Tuned Weight ------- 671 En Output ---------- 10514 Tuned En Output ---- 10887 Condenser Cap ------ 48000 Tuned Condenser ---- 49050 Emergency Cap ------ 3500 Calorific Value ---- 2506 Notes: Excellect condenser capacity offsets the part's heavy weight. Found -------------- Shop G02-MAGNOLIA Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 88000c Weight ------------- 515 Tuned Weight ------- 453 En Output ---------- 11350 Tuned En Output ---- 11598 Condenser Cap ------ 27000 Tuned Condenser ---- 31200 Emergency Cap ------ 5000 Calorific Value ---- 3541 Notes: Weight reduced to achieve balance between output and capacity. Found -------------- Shop KONGOH Manufacturer ------- Kisaragi Price -------------- 110000c Weight ------------- 408 Tuned Weight ------- 362 En Output ---------- 12888 Tuned En Output ---- 12905 Condenser Cap ------ 13000 Tuned Condenser ---- 19300 Emergency Cap ------ 1000 Calorific Value ---- 3892 Notes: High output design with emphasis on energy gauge recovery speed. Found -------------- Found hidden in "Prevent Reactor Meltdown" KUJAKU Manufacturer ------- Kisaragi Price -------------- 133000c Weight ------------- 725 Tuned Weight ------- 631 En Output ---------- 12100 Tuned En Output ---- 12235 Condenser Cap ------ 46800 Tuned Condenser ---- 48030 Emergency Cap ------ 3000 Calorific Value ---- 4198 Notes: High performance specifications make it ideal for heavy units. Found -------------- Found hidden in "Eliminate Enemy Patrols" G03-ORCHID Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 140000c Weight ------------- 1110 Tuned Weight ------- 958 En Output ---------- 11000 Tuned En Output ---- 11300 Condenser Cap ------ 52000 Tuned Condenser ---- 52450 Emergency Cap ------ 10000 Calorific Value ---- 3706 Notes: Latest model that features outstanding condenser capacity. Found -------------- Shop [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### ##########========######========######====##########========########## ##########==####==######==####==######==#===########==################ ##########========######========######==###==#######========########## ##########==##==########==####==######==#===##############==########## ##########==###==#######==####==######====##########========########## ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Radiators... These are the things that cool down your AC when it over heats. These will really make an impact this time around. If you over heat, it can take away AP ... AND energy! No more can you use just the starting Rad... [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-R69 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- ----- Weight ------------- 318 Tuned Weight ------- 285 Energy Drain ------- 1008 Tuned Energy Drain - 932 Cooling ------------ 9034 Tuned Cooling ------ 9779 Forced Cooling ----- 11204 Energency Consump -- 1577 Notes: First generation Crest model, and lightest of all radiators. Found -------------- Equipped from the start CR-R76 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 16800c Weight ------------- 413 Tuned Weight ------- 366 Energy Drain ------- 1299 Tuned Energy Drain - 1179 Cooling ------------ 9970 Tuned Cooling ------ 10575 Forced Cooling ----- 13420 Energency Consump -- 1758 Notes: Modified R69 design with enhanced cooling performance. Found -------------- Shop R01-HAZEL Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 27000c Weight ------------- 346 Tuned Weight ------- 309 Energy Drain ------- 1121 Tuned Energy Drain - 1028 Cooling ------------ 9674 Tuned Cooling ------ 10323 Forced Cooling ----- 11828 Energency Consump -- 1486 Notes: Mirage-manufactured radiator part emphasizing forced cooling. Found -------------- Shop R02-HAZEL2 Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 47000c Weight ------------- 440 Tuned Weight ------- 389 Energy Drain ------- 1527 Tuned Energy Drain - 1373 Cooling ------------ 10794 Tuned Cooling ------ 11275 Forced Cooling ----- 12628 Energency Consump -- 1986 Notes: Modified HAZEL design with improved cooling performance. Found -------------- Shop R03-LINDEN Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 34500c Weight ------------- 571 Tuned Weight ------- 500 Energy Drain ------- 1076 Tuned Energy Drain - 990 Cooling ------------ 9352 Tuned Cooling ------ 10049 Forced Cooling ----- 16700 Energency Consump -- 1505 Notes: Specialized radiator design with emphasis on forced cooling. Found -------------- Shop ANANDA Manufacturer ------- Kisaragi Price -------------- 56500c Weight ------------- 476 Tuned Weight ------- 420 Energy Drain ------- 1168 Tuned Energy Drain - 1068 Cooling ------------ 11306 Tuned Cooling ------ 11710 Forced Cooling ----- 14884 Energency Consump -- 2770 Notes: Light weight somewhat offset by energy consumption values. Found -------------- Kill Warlord/Ticktock (Rank 16) in the Arena R04-LAUREL Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 77000c Weight ------------- 606 Tuned Weight ------- 530 Energy Drain ------- 1235 Tuned Energy Drain - 1125 Cooling ------------ 10266 Tuned Cooling ------ 10826 Forced Cooling ----- 14340 Energency Consump -- 1822 Notes: New radiator design that caters to specific needs. Found -------------- Shop CR-R92 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 88500c Weight ------------- 520 Tuned Weight ------- 457 Energy Drain ------- 1726 Tuned Energy Drain - 1542 Cooling ------------ 11710 Tuned Cooling ------ 12054 Forced Cooling ----- 14940 Energency Consump -- 2002 Notes: Latest Crest design with balanced cooling and forced cooling. Found -------------- Found hidden in "Defend Against Assault" RAGORA Manufacturer ------- Kisaragi Price -------------- 90000c Weight ------------- 647 Tuned Weight ------- 565 Energy Drain ------- 1468 Tuned Energy Drain - 1323 Cooling ------------ 11386 Tuned Cooling ------ 11710 Forced Cooling ----- 17100 Energency Consump -- 2370 Notes: Modified ANANDA with improved forced cooling performance. Found -------------- Shop FURUNA Manufacturer ------- Kisaragi Price -------------- 108000c Weight ------------- 998 Tuned Weight ------- 863 Energy Drain ------- 2102 Tuned Energy Drain - 1862 Cooling ------------ 12370 Tuned Cooling ------ 12615 Forced Cooling ----- 15260 Energency Consump -- 2510 Notes: High quality design with balanced cooling and forced cooling. Found -------------- Shop [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #========##===###==##========##========##====######========####===#### ####==#####====##==##==###########==#####==#===####==#########====#### ####==#####==#==#==##========#####==#####==###==###======#######==#### ####==#####==##====########==#####==#####==#===####==###########==#### #========##==###===##========##========##====######========##========# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Offensive Inside Weapons... These are the offensive weapons that are stored inside your arms. They can't be dropped anymore and have no lock box. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-I69BD Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 22800c Type --------------- Bomb Dispenser Weight ------------- 233 Energy Drain ------- 45 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Attack Power ------ 750:16 -Attack Heat ------- 7100 -Range ------------- 750 -Firing Interval --- 150 -Ammo Price -------- 240 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Releases six small bombs when activated. Found -------------- Shop CR-I80BD2 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 34800c Type --------------- Bomb Dispenser Weight ------------- 273 Energy Drain ------- 85 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Attack Power ------ 750:32 -Attack Heat ------- 7100 -Range ------------- 750 -Firing Interval --- 150 -Ammo Price -------- 240 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Modified I69BD designed to hold additional ammo. Found -------------- Shop CR-I75FM Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 42800c Type --------------- Floating Mine Weight ------------- 206 Energy Drain ------- 190 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Attack Power ------ 1420:36 -Attack Heat ------- 10526 -Range ------------- --- -Firing Interval --- 90 -Ammo Price -------- 320 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Ejects a floating contact mine when activated. Found -------------- Shop CR-I86FMM Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 50800c Type --------------- Floating Mine Weight ------------- 284 Energy Drain ------- 220 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Attack Power ------ 2210:36 -Attack Heat ------- 14013 -Range ------------- --- -Firing Interval --- 100 -Ammo Price -------- 436 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Deploys a floating contact mine that drifts randomly. Found -------------- Shop CR-I92FMM2 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 72700c Type --------------- Floating Mine Weight ------------- 325 Energy Drain ------- 270 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Attack Power ------ 2210:36 -Attack Heat ------- 14013 -Range ------------- --- -Firing Interval --- 120 -Ammo Price -------- 436 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Deploys a floating contact mine with increased drift speed. Found -------------- Found hidden in "Track Down Evangel" I01M-URCHIN Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 30000c Type --------------- Mine Dispenser Weight ------------- 242 Energy Drain ------- 75 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Attack Power ------ 580:20 -Attack Heat ------- 7750 -Range ------------- 315 -Firing Interval --- 255 -Ammo Price -------- 375 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Deploys a scattering of adhesive contact mines when activated. Found -------------- Shop CR-I69R Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 24800c Type --------------- Rocket Weight ------------- 226 Energy Drain ------- 55 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Attack Power ------ 1020:10 -Attack Heat ------- 5150 -Range ------------- 650 -Firing Interval --- 64 -Ammo Price -------- 98 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Small, manually aimed rocket launcher, Limited ammo stores. Found -------------- Shop CR-I78R2 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 37800c Type --------------- Rocket Weight ------------- 292 Energy Drain ------- 60 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Attack Power ------ 1020:20 -Attack Heat ------- 5150 -Range ------------- 650 -Firing Interval --- 80 -Ammo Price -------- 98 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Inside-mounted rocket launcher with increased ammo capacity. Found -------------- Shop CR-I84RN Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 63800c Type --------------- Naplam Rocket Weight ------------- 296 Energy Drain ------- 285 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Attack Power ------ 135:20 -Attack Heat ------- 6200 -Range ------------- 520 -Firing Interval --- 70 -Ammo Price -------- 180 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Deploys a rocket that bursts into flames when it makes contact. Found -------------- Shop I03RN-CORAL Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 80000c Type --------------- Naplam Weight ------------- 478 Energy Drain ------- 195 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Attack Power ------ 168:36 -Attack Heat ------- 9330 -Range ------------- 435 -Firing Interval --- 95 -Ammo Price -------- 205 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Mirage naplam rocket model with improved attack heat. Found -------------- Shop [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #========##===###==##========##========##====######========####====### ####==#####====##==##==###########==#####==#===####==#########==##==## ####==#####==#==#==##========#####==#####==###==###======#######===### ####==#####==##====########==#####==#####==#===####==#########===##### #========##==###===##========##========##====######========##========# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Defensive Inside Weapons... These are the defensive weapons that are stored inside your arms. Generally I think they suck for missions but are great for the arena. All of these weapons float where ever you shoot them. They can't be dropped anymore... To destroy them, walk into them for whatever reason. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] I05D-MEDUSA Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 32000c Type --------------- Decoy Dispenser Weight ------------- 101 Energy Drain ------- 110 Weapon Specs ------- -Effect Duration --- 580 -Ammo -------------- 10 -Reload Time ------- 30 -Ammo Price -------- 250 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes Deploys a decoy pod that attracts incoming missiles. Found -------------- Shop CR-I79DD Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 38800c Type --------------- Decoy Dispenser Weight ------------- 155 Energy Drain ------- 135 Weapon Specs ------- -Effect Duration --- 150 -Ammo -------------- 8 -Reload Time ------- 60 -Ammo Price -------- 338 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Deploys a decoy pod that remains active for a long duration. Found -------------- Shop I07D-MEDUSA2 Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 40000c Type --------------- Decoy Dispenser Weight ------------- 162 Energy Drain ------- 180 Weapon Specs ------- -Effect Duration --- 580 -Ammo -------------- 20 -Reload Time ------- 30 -Ammo Price -------- 150 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Modified version of the MEDUSA. Improved ammo capacity. Found -------------- Found hidden in "Defend Against Assault" CR-I94DD2 (CR = Crest, not Kisaragi... good job) Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 65800c Type --------------- Decoy Dispenser Weight ------------- 223 Energy Drain ------- 226 Weapon Specs ------- -Effect Duration --- 1500 -Ammo -------------- 16 -Reload Time ------- 60 -Ammo Price -------- 338 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Decoy dispenser manufactured by Kisaragi, 17900 successor. Found -------------- Shop HIJIRI Manufacturer ------- Kisaragi Price -------------- 72800c Type --------------- Decoy Dispenser Weight ------------- 394 Energy Drain ------- 294 Weapon Specs ------- -Effect Duration --- 720 -Ammo -------------- 30 -Reload Time ------- 36 -Ammo Price -------- 300 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Part's heavy weight is offset by increased ammo capacity. Found -------------- Shop I04E-SQUID Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 45000c Type --------------- ECM Maker Weight ------------- 226 Energy Drain ------- 141 Weapon Specs ------- -ECM Level --------- 700 -Effect Duration --- 480 -Ammo -------------- 12 -Reload Time ------- 255 -Ammo Price -------- 230 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Deploys an ECM pod that affects an opponent's radar lock-on. Found -------------- Shop HOHSHI Manufacturer ------- Kisaragi Price -------------- 54100c Type --------------- ECM Maker Weight ------------- 357 Energy Drain ------- 388 Weapon Specs ------- -ECM Level --------- 1150 -Effect Duration --- 600 -Ammo -------------- 4 -Reload Time ------- 255 -Ammo Price -------- 440 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Limited number of uses offset by excellent ECM performance. Found -------------- Shop BIKUNI Manufacturer ------- Kisaragi Price -------------- 82350 Type --------------- ECM Maker Weight ------------- 322 Energy Drain ------- 190 Weapon Specs ------- -ECM Level --------- 600 -Effect Duration --- 900 -Ammo -------------- 20 -Reload Time ------- 255 -Ammo Price -------- 240 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: ECM maker with significantly improved ammo capacity. Found -------------- Shop SYAMANA Manufacturer ------- Kisaragi Price -------------- 113200c Type --------------- ECM Maker Weight ------------- 208 Energy Drain ------- 202 Weapon Specs ------- -ECM Level --------- 800 -Effect Duration --- 600 -Ammo -------------- 12 -Reload Time ------- 255 -Ammo Price -------- 335 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: ECM maker designed to achieve overall balanced stat values. Found -------------- Shop I06E-SQUID2 Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 130000c Type --------------- ECM Maker Weight ------------- 293 Energy Drain ------- 352 Weapon Specs ------- -ECM Level --------- 650 -Effect Duration --- 1200 -Ammo -------------- 8 -Reload Time ------- 255 -Ammo Price -------- 375 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Modified SQUID design with improved ECM pod duration. Found -------------- Shop [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### ########========######==####==######========#############===########## ########==#############==##==##########==###############====########## ########======##########====###########==#################==########## ########==#############==##==##########==########==#######==########## ########========######==####==#########==########==#####======######## ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Auxiliary Booster Extensions... These are just extra boosters for your AC. Unless you know what you are doing, these should be kept off, as these are not noobie friendly. Unlike other AC games, these actually drain a lot... so make sure you really know what you are doing. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ANOKU Manufacturer ------- Kisaragi Price -------------- 14500c Type --------------- Turn Booster Weight ------------- 412 Energy Drain ------- 257 Booster Specs ------ -Boost Power ------- 16000 -Charge Drain ------ 14200 -Boost Accel ------- 3200 -Booster Heat ------ 4350 -Boost Interval ---- 110 Notes: Auxilliary booster enabling quick turns when activated. Found -------------- Shop E04BB-ANGLER Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 17900c Type --------------- Back Booster Weight ------------- 341 Energy Drain ------- 243 Booster Specs ------ -Boost Power ------- 18000 -Charge Drain ------ 11600 -Boost Accel ------- 3600 -Booster Heat ------ 6120 -Boost Interval ---- 108 Notes: Auxilliary booster that propels an AC backwards when activated. Found -------------- Shop E08BM-REMORA Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 24000c Type --------------- Multi Booster Weight ------------- 305 Energy Drain ------- 258 Booster Specs ------ -Boost Power ------- 17000 -Charge Drain ------ 9400 -Boost Accel ------- 3400 -Booster Heat ------ 2780 -Boost Interval ---- 94 Notes: Auxiliary booster that propels an AC forwards when activated. Found -------------- Shop CR-E98HB Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 36800c Type --------------- Hover Booster Weight ------------- 288 Energy Drain ------- 376 Booster Specs ------ -Boost Power ------- 22000 -Charge Drain ------ 4670 -Boost Accel ------- 4400 -Booster Heat ------ 2370 -Boost Interval ---- 150 Notes: Auxiliary booster that enables an AC to hover in place. Found -------------- Shop [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### ########========######==####==######========############====########## ########==#############==##==##########==###############=##==######### ########======##########====###########==##################==######### ########==#############==##==##########==########==#######==########## ########========######==####==#########==########==#####======######## ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Relation Missile Extensions Once activated, relation missiles will launch out extra missiles. This can turn any single shot small missile into a powerful quick launch. They only work with other missiles and orbits. They are a great addition when you want kill power. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-E73RM Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 22000c Type --------------- Relation Missile Weight ------------- 130 Energy Drain ------- 158 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Attack Power ------ 780 -Ammo -------------- 12 -Attack Heat ------- 4320 -Range ------------- 500 -Maximum Launch ---- 4 -Firing Interval --- 95 -Ammo Price -------- 205 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Missile system interlinked with an AC's main missile launchers. Found -------------- Shop E02RM-GAR Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 45000c Type --------------- Relation Missile Weight ------------- 260 Energy Drain ------- 180 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Attack Power ------ 765 -Ammo -------------- 24 -Attack Heat ------- 4515 -Range ------------- 500 -Maximum Launch ---- 2 -Firing Interval --- 70 -Ammo Price -------- 220 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Missile system synched to an AC's main missile launchers. Found -------------- Shop CR-E84RM2 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 58000c Type --------------- Relation Missile Weight ------------- 331 Energy Drain ------- 278 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Attack Power ------ 780 -Ammo -------------- 20 -Attack Heat ------- 4320 -Range ------------- 450 -Maximum Launch ---- 4 -Firing Interval --- 105 -Ammo Price -------- 380 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Interlocking missile deployment system. Found -------------- Shop E06RM-GAR2 Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 60000c Type --------------- Relation Missile Weight ------------- 301 Energy Drain ------- 206 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Attack Power ------ 765 -Ammo -------------- 28 -Attack Heat ------- 4515 -Range ------------- 450 -Maximum Launch ---- 2 -Firing Interval --- 72 -Ammo Price -------- 220 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Modified version of the GAR with incteased ammo capacity. Found -------------- Shop CR-E92RM3 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 70000c Type --------------- Relation Missile Weight ------------- 399 Energy Drain ------- 253 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Attack Power ------ 765 -Ammo -------------- 36 -Attack Heat ------- 4515 -Range ------------- 450 -Maximum Launch ---- 4 -Firing Interval --- 88 -Ammo Price -------- 220 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Interlocking missile system designed for long battles. Found -------------- Shop CR-E96RMG Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 38000c Type --------------- Relation Missile Weight ------------- 405 Energy Drain ------- 377 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Attack Power ------ 780 -Ammo -------------- 16 -Attack Heat ------- 4320 -Range ------------- 400 -Maximum Launch ---- 2 -Firing Interval --- 120 -Ammo Price -------- 313 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Modified E84RM2 design adapted to carry ground torpedoes. Found -------------- Shop JIKYOH Manufacturer ------- Kisaragi Price -------------- 82900c Type --------------- Relation Missile Weight ------------- 359 Energy Drain ------- 327 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Attack Power ------ 702 -Ammo -------------- 20 -Attack Heat ------- 5670 -Range ------------- 400 -Maximum Launch ---- 4 -Firing Interval --- 98 -Ammo Price -------- 285 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Interlocking missile system that fires vertical launch missiles. Found -------------- Rewarded in "Eliminate Targeted Raven" FUNI Manufacturer ------- Kisaragi Price -------------- 95600c Type --------------- Relation Missile Weight ------------- 224 Energy Drain ------- 425 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Attack Power ------ 470 -Ammo -------------- 40 -Attack Heat ------- 2450 -Range ------------- 450 -Maximum Launch ---- 4 -Firing Interval --- 104 -Ammo Price -------- 315 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Interlocking missile system that utilizes micro missiles. Found -------------- Found hidden in "Eliminate Plant Intruders" [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### ########========######==####==######========############========###### ########==#############==##==##########==####################===###### ########======##########====###########==##################====####### ########==#############==##==##########==########==#####=###====###### ########========######==####==#########==########==#####========###### ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Anti Missile Extensions These are what I call "lazy" missile defense. They are more reliable than core AMS's but they also add weight. In every aspect I think Decoys are better, as long as you know how to change to them fast enough. These parts should all be used when you don't have an AMS on your core. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-E81AM Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 37700c Type --------------- Anti Missile Weight ------------- 164 Energy Drain ------- 130 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -VS MG Response ---- 48 -Ammo -------------- 40 -Intercept Range --- 200 -Firing Interval --- 10 -Ammo Price -------- 136 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Missile intercept system that reacts to enemy missile launches. Found -------------- Shop CR-E90AM2 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 60900c Type --------------- Anti Missile Weight ------------- 227 Energy Drain ------- 164 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -VS MG Response ---- 60 -Ammo -------------- 40 -Intercept Range --- 230 -Firing Interval --- 10 -Ammo Price -------- 136 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Modified version of the E81AM. Improved intercept ability. Found -------------- Shop E07AM-MORAY Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 69000c Type --------------- Anti Missile Weight ------------- 312 Energy Drain ------- 117 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -VS MG Response ---- 68 -Ammo -------------- 48 -Intercept Range --- 250 -Firing Interval --- 15 -Ammo Price -------- 160 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Missile intercept system with improved ammo stores. Found -------------- Shop SUIGETSU Manufacturer ------- Kisaragi Price -------------- 41200c Type --------------- Anti Missile Weight ------------- 197 Energy Drain ------- 412 Ammo Type ---------- Energy -VS MG Response ---- 75 -Ammo -------------- 28 -Intercept Range --- 300 -Firing Interval --- 15 -Ammo Price -------- --- -Usage Drain ------- 1450 Notes: Energy-based automatic missile intercept system. Found -------------- Shop RURI Manufacturer ------- Kisaragi Price -------------- 39000c Type --------------- Missile Counter Weight ------------- 85 Energy Drain ------- 142 Performance -------- 82 -Interference Ring - 150 -Usage Drain ------- 2213 Notes: Generates pulse that interfere with missile quidance systems Found -------------- Shop RENGA Manufacturer ------- Kisaragi Price -------------- 52000c Type --------------- Missile Counter Weight ------------- 294 Energy Drain ------- 202 Performance -------- 80 -Interference Ring - 150 -Usage Drain ------- 1774 Notes: Modified RURI design that uses less energy. Found -------------- Shop [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### ########========######==####==######========############==####==###### ########==#############==##==##########==###############==####==###### ########======##########====###########==###############========###### ########==#############==##==##########==########==###########==###### ########========######==####==#########==########==###########==###### ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Extra Ammo Extensions Remember in all the other Armored Core games, they had ammo magazines for the back slots? Well now they moved to the extension group. However, they only give back to solid/energy rifles... [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] RYUHZU Manufacturer ------- Kisaragi Price -------------- 20000c Type --------------- Shell Magazine Weight ------------- 219 Energy Drain ------- 34 Reload Amount ------ 36 Reload Uses -------- 1 Reload Interval ---- 180 Notes: Extra ammo magazine for right arm rifles (36 rounds X 1 reload) Found -------------- Shop BYAKUE Manufacturer ------- Kisaragi Price -------------- 30000c Type --------------- Shell Magazine Weight ------------- 288 Energy Drain ------- 52 Reload Amount ------ 24 Reload Uses -------- 2 Reload Interval ---- 180 Notes: Extra ammo magazine for right arm rifles (24 rounds X 2 reload). Found -------------- Shop E01MG-ROE Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 15400c Type --------------- Energy Magazine Weight ------------- 125 Energy Drain ------- 281 Reload Amount ------ 12 Reload Uses -------- 1 Reload Interval ---- 180 Notes: Ammo magazine for right arm laser rifles (12 rounds X 1 reload). Found -------------- Shop E05MG-ROE2 Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 21400c Type --------------- Energy Magazine Weight ------------- 245 Energy Drain ------- 474 Reload Amount ------ 12 Reload Uses -------- 2 Reload Interval ---- 180 Notes: Ammo magazine for right arm laser rifles (12 rounds X 2 reload). Found -------------- Shop [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### ########========######==####==######========############========###### ########==#############==##==##########==###############==############ ########======##########====###########==################======####### ########==#############==##==##########==########==#####=#####==###### ########========######==####==#########==########==#####========###### ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Side Shield Extensions... These are basically extra armor mounted on the side of your AC. There are two types, Solid and energy. Energy... +Higher E DEF -Low S DEF -Drain energy Solid... +Higher S DEF +No drain +Always active -Lower E DEF -Adds Stun [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-E69SS Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 22000c Type --------------- Side Shield Weight ------------- 175 Energy Drain ------- 4 Shield Specs ------- -Def Shell --------- 77 -Def Energy -------- 18 -Sheild Coverage --- 50 -Heat Insulation --- 183 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Side shield that provides an additional defense boost. Found -------------- Shop CR-E82SS2 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 43800c Type --------------- Side Shield Weight ------------- 255 Energy Drain ------- 6 Shield Specs ------- -Def Shell --------- 138 -Def Energy -------- 23 -Sheild Coverage --- 42 -Heat Insulation --- 411 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Modified E69SS with improved solid round defense. Found -------------- Found hidden in "Protect The Cargo" E03S-TURBOT Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 36900c Type --------------- Side Shield Weight ------------- 132 Energy Drain ------- 97 Shield Specs ------- -Def Shell --------- 5 -Def Energy -------- 110 -Sheild Coverage --- 50 -Heat Insulation --- 432 -Usage Drain ------- 1270 Notes: Activates an energy shield that provides additional defense. Found -------------- Shop IWATO Manufacturer ------- Kisaragi Price -------------- 52300c Type --------------- Side Shield Weight ------------- 188 Energy Drain ------- 132 Shield Specs ------- -Def Shell --------- 20 -Def Energy -------- 175 -Sheild Coverage --- 42 -Heat Insulation --- 555 -Usage Drain ------- 1515 Notes: Side shield with an excellent energy round defense rating. Found -------------- Shop [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### ########========######==####==######========############========###### ########==#############==##==##########==###############==############ ########======##########====###########==###############========###### ########==#############==##==##########==########==#####==####==###### ########========######==####==#########==########==#####========###### ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Miscellaneous Extensions These are just two extensions that help recover your energy... this section has really been cut down. Although these are really good, and stress lazy energy management. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] SAISUI Manufacturer ------- Kisaragi Price -------------- 82000c Type --------------- Energy Pack Weight ------------- 498 Energy Drain ------- 54 Recovery Specs ----- -Recover Energy ---- 42000 -Recover Time ------ 120 -Usage Limit ------- 2 -Use Interval ------ 244 -Discharge Heat ---- 495 Notes: Supplemental energy device that enables energy to be recovered. Found -------------- Shop JIREN Manufacturer ------- Kisaragi Price -------------- 115000c Type --------------- Energy Pack Weight ------------- 412 Energy Drain ------- 77 Recovery Specs ----- -Recover Energy ---- 33000 -Recover Time ------ 60 -Usage Limit ------- 3 -Use Interval ------ 220 -Discharge Heat ---- 680 Notes: Modified SAISUI with faster recovery time and more uses. Found -------------- Rewarded in "Protect Transport Team" [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #===##===##========##========##========##========##==########========# #========#####==#####==########==###########==#####==########==####### #==#==#==#####==#####========##========#####==#####==########======### #==#==#==#####==###########==########==#####==#####==########==####### #==####==##========##========##========##========##========##========# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Back Unit Missiles... These are the back weapon missiles. Missiles are different from most weapons. To use missiles, you have to keep your lock box on the target for some time. Some missiles can lock you on more than once, even up to 12. Missiles are most effected by FCS's. FCS's affect the lock speed, the number of max locks, and if they can lock on to more than one target. Missiles are also very different in trajectory, so pay attention to which level you are going into... They range from torps, to spread, to burst, to verticals. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-WB69M Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- ----- Type --------------- Small Missile Weight ------------- 221 Energy Drain ------- 205 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Standard -Attack Power ------ 780 -Ammo -------------- 40 -Attack Heat ------- 4320 -Range ------------- 445 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 85 -Ammo Price -------- 205 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Single-Launch small missile, takes time to lock-on. Found -------------- Equipped from the start WB01M-NYMPHE Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 25000c Type --------------- Small Missile Weight ------------- 303 Energy Drain ------- 270 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Standard -Attack Power ------ 765 -Ammo -------------- 36 -Attack Heat ------- 4515 -Range ------------- 460 -Maximum Lock ------ 6 -Firing Interval --- 72 -Ammo Price -------- 220 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Mirage-manufactured small missile, six lock maximum. Found -------------- Shop CR-WB72M2 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 29500c Type --------------- Small Missile Weight ------------- 422 Energy Drain ------- 255 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Standard -Attack Power ------ 780 -Ammo -------------- 50 -Attack Heat ------- 4320 -Range ------------- 425 -Maximum Lock ------ 10 -Firing Interval --- 65 -Ammo Price -------- 205 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Small missile launcher, added ammo, ten lock maximum. Found -------------- Shop WB04M-NYMPHE2 Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 40000c Type --------------- Small Missile Weight ------------- 519 Energy Drain ------- 406 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Standard -Attack Power ------ 765 -Ammo -------------- 48 -Attack Heat ------- 4515 -Range ------------- 460 -Maximum Lock ------ 12 -Firing Interval --- 90 -Ammo Price -------- 220 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Small missile launcher, twelve lock maximum. Found -------------- Shop MAGORAGA Manufacturer ------- Kisaragi Price -------------- 67510c Type --------------- Mirco Missile Weight ------------- 311 Energy Drain ------- 435 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Standard -Attack Power ------ 405 -Ammo -------------- 50 -Attack Heat ------- 2000 -Range ------------- 700 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 115 -Ammo Price -------- 315 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Mirco missile launcher, fires five missiles per lock-on. Found -------------- Shop KINNARA Manufacturer ------- Kisaragi Price -------------- 73770c Type --------------- Mirco Missile Weight ------------- 474 Energy Drain ------- 522 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Standard -Attack Power ------ 405 -Ammo -------------- 70 -Attack Heat ------- 2000 -Range ------------- 700 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 115 -Ammo Price -------- 315 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Mirco missile launcher, fires seven missiles per lock-on. Found -------------- Shop KARURA Manufacturer ------- Kisaragi Price -------------- 99540c Type --------------- Mirco Missile Weight ------------- 640 Energy Drain ------- 608 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Stardard -Attack Power ------ 405 -Ammo -------------- 90 -Attack Heat ------- 2000 -Range ------------- 700 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 130 -Ammo Price -------- 315 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Mirco missile launcher, fires nine missiles per lock-on. Found -------------- Found hidden in "Secure The Terminal Area" SYAKATSUKA Manufacturer ------- Kisaragi Price -------------- 59430c Type --------------- Micro Missile Weight ------------- 330 Energy Drain ------- 511 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Standard -Attack Power ------ 309 -Ammo -------------- 45 -Attack Heat ------- 1200 -Range ------------- 700 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 130 -Ammo Price -------- 315 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Fires a three shot salva of homing-enhanced micro missiles. Found -------------- Shop WB05M-SATYUROS Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 35600c Type --------------- Middle Missile Weight ------------- 445 Energy Drain ------- 270 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Standard -Attack Power ------ 1190 -Ammo -------------- 24 -Attack Heat ------- 5895 -Range ------------- 520 -Maximum Lock ------ 2 -Firing Interval --- 110 -Ammo Price -------- 300 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Mid sized missile launcher, two lock maximum. Found -------------- Shop CR-WB73MP Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 50000c Type --------------- Middle Missile Weight ------------- 649 Energy Drain ------- 203 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Standard -Attack Power ------ 1350 -Ammo -------------- 36 -Attack Heat ------- 6120 -Range ------------- 500 -Maximum Lock ------ 4 -Firing Interval --- 120 -Ammo Price -------- 275 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Mid-sized missile launcher, four lock maximum. Found -------------- Shop CR-WB73MV Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 76000c Type --------------- Vertical Missile Weight ------------- 581 Energy Drain ------- 314 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Standard -Attack Power ------ 1350 -Ammo -------------- 24 -Attack Heat ------- 6120 -Range ------------- 440 -Maximum Lock ------ 4 -Firing Interval --- 95 -Ammo Price -------- 275 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Deploys mid-sized missiles on a vertical launch trajectory. Found -------------- Shop CR-WB03MV Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 78000c Type --------------- Vertical Missile Weight ------------- 670 Energy Drain ------- 431 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Standard -Attack Power ------ 1350 -Ammo -------------- 24 -Attack Heat ------- 6120 -Range ------------- 440 -Maximum Lock ------ 4 -Firing Interval --- 95 -Ammo Price -------- 275 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Fires a wide spread of vertical launch missiles. 4 lock max. Found -------------- Rewarded in "Defeat The Invading Force" CR-YWB05MV2 *NEW* Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 89000c Type --------------- Vertical Missile Weight ------------- 690 Energy Drain ------- 445 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Standard -Attack Power ------ 1050 -Ammo -------------- 20 -Attack Heat ------- 4040 -Range ------------- 500 -Maximum Lock ------ 4 -Firing Interval --- 95 -Ammo Price -------- 560 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Vertical missile launcher built to achieve improved accuracy. Found -------------- Rewarded in "Eliminate AC Intruder" WB06M-SPARTOI Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 65000c Type --------------- Dual Missile Weight ------------- 360 Energy Drain ------- 422 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Standard -Attack Power ------ 765 -Ammo -------------- 36 -Attack Heat ------- 4515 -Range ------------- 460 -Maximum Lock ------ 2 -Firing Interval --- 93 -Ammo Price -------- 280 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Simultaneously launches two small missiles per lock-on. Found -------------- Shop WB11M-HYDRA Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 45000c Type --------------- Multi Missile Weight ------------- 635 Energy Drain ------- 318 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Standard -Attack Power ------ 765 -Ammo -------------- 16 -Attack Heat ------- 4515 -Range ------------- 600 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 78 -Ammo Price -------- 1080 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Missile separates into four individual warheads after launch. Found -------------- Shop WB19M-HYDRA2 Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 100000c Type --------------- Multi Missile Weight ------------- 464 Energy Drain ------- 300 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Standard -Attack Power ------ 620 -Ammo -------------- 6 -Attack Heat ------- 3370 -Range ------------- 600 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 84 -Ammo Price -------- 2100 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Missile separates into two groups of four warheads after launch. Found -------------- Shop CR-WB75MT Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 86700c Type --------------- Triple Missile Weight ------------- 828 Energy Drain ------- 360 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Standard -Attack Power ------ 780 -Ammo -------------- 60 -Attack Heat ------- 4320 -Range ------------- 500 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 78 -Ammo Price -------- 205 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Simultaneously launches three small missiles per lock-on. Found -------------- Shop CR-WB82MGT Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 69900c Type --------------- Ground Torpedo Weight ------------- 650 Energy Drain ------- 305 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Standard -Attack Power ------ 780 -Ammo -------------- 15 -Attack Heat ------- 4320 -Range ------------- 450 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 88 -Ammo Price -------- 1120 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Fires a low trajectory missile that separates into 4 warheads. Found -------------- Shop WB12M-EMPUSA Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 100000c Type --------------- Hi Act Missile Weight ------------- 599 Energy Drain ------- 506 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Standard -Attack Power ------ 620 -Ammo -------------- 36 -Attack Heat ------- 3370 -Range ------------- 550 -Maximum Lock ------ 8 -Firing Interval --- 115 -Ammo Price -------- 400 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Launches missiles with improved homing performance. 8 lock max. Found -------------- Shop WB20M-EMPUSA2 Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 70000c Type --------------- Hi Act Missile Weight ------------- 545 Energy Drain ------- 418 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Standard -Attack Power ------ 620 -Ammo -------------- 24 -Attack Heat ------- 3370 -Range ------------- 450 -Maximum Lock ------ 2 -Firing Interval --- 78 -Ammo Price -------- 400 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Modified EMPUSA. Launches missiles vertically. Found -------------- Shop WB21M-DRYAD Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 60000c Type --------------- Stealth Missile Weight ------------- 365 Energy Drain ------- 545 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Standard -Attack Power ------ 765 -Ammo -------------- 36 -Attack Heat ------- 4515 -Range ------------- 460 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 78 -Ammo Price -------- 425 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Launches missiles less susceptible to interference. Found -------------- Found hidden in "Recapture Storage Site" WB22M-DRYAD2 Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 90000c Type --------------- Stealth Missile Weight ------------- 428 Energy Drain ------- 492 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Standard -Attack Power ------ 765 -Ammo -------------- 30 -Attack Heat ------- 4515 -Range ------------- 460 -Maximum Lock ------ 3 -Firing Interval --- 78 -Ammo Price -------- 330 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Modified DRYAD. Can launch up to three missiles simultaneously. Found -------------- Shop CR-WB91MB Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 44800c Type --------------- Cluster Missile Weight ------------- 355 Energy Drain ------- 295 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Standard -Attack Power ------ 750 -Ammo -------------- 30 -Attack Heat ------- 7100 -Range ------------- 600 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 90 -Ammo Price -------- 570 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Missile explodes above target showering it with cluster bombs. Found -------------- Shop CR-WB94MB2 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 67700c Type --------------- Cluster Missile Weight ------------- 525 Energy Drain ------- 353 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Standard -Attack Power ------ 750 -Ammo -------------- 50 -Attack Heat ------- 7100 -Range ------------- 600 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 90 -Ammo Price -------- 570 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: WB91MB successor, modified to carry additional missiles. Found -------------- Shop CR-WB85MPX Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 149600c Type --------------- Large Missile Weight ------------- 1368 Energy Drain ------- 1008 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Standard -Attack Power ------ 6000 -Ammo -------------- 4 -Attack Heat ------- 26000 -Range ------------- 290 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 255 -Ammo Price -------- 3500 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Large missiles slow to lock-on, but exceptionally powerful. Found -------------- Shop WB34M-ECHIDNA2 Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 76400c Type --------------- Pursuit Missile Weight ------------- 891 Energy Drain ------- 411 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- --- -Attack Power ------ 645 -Ammo -------------- 2 -Attack Heat ------- 3660 -Range ------------- 600 -Maximum Lock ------ --- -Firing Interval --- 200 -Ammo Price -------- 1520 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Reduced weight version of the original ECHIDNA model. Found -------------- Shop [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #========##========##========##==##===###========##========##========# #==####==##==####==##==####==##==#===####==###########==#####==####### #========##==####==##==########=====#####======#######==#####========# #==##==####==####==##==####==##==#===####==###########==###########==# #==###==###========##========##==##===###========#####==#####========# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Back Unit Rockets... Rockets are very strong. They also come out very fast and come in a lot of ammo. So what balances these weapons? The lack of a true lock. All you get it 3 || red lines to aim with. Rocket take a lot of skill to use effectively. Rockets are also a good choice for bipeds and reverse joints as you don't need to kneel with them and can provide a kick just like a grenades launcher. I this game, you should always equip a left arm weapon with these. You will have a semi affective lock-on. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-WB69RO Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 15700c Type --------------- Small Rocket Weight ------------- 199 Energy Drain ------- 56 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- --- -Attack Power ------ 1020 -Ammo -------------- 30 -Attack Heat ------- 5150 -Range ------------- 633 -Maximum Lock ------ --- -Firing Interval --- 42 -Ammo Price -------- 110 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Small rocket launcher requiring manual target acquistion. Found -------------- Shop CR-WB72RO2 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 26400c Type --------------- Small Rocket Weight ------------- 411 Energy Drain ------- 56 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- --- -Attack Power ------ 1020 -Ammo -------------- 50 -Attack Heat ------- 5150 -Range ------------- 633 -Maximum Lock ------ --- -Firing Interval --- 45 -Ammo Price -------- 110 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Modified WB69RO. Carries more rounds tham its predecessor. Found -------------- Shop CR-WB75RP Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 33700c Type --------------- Middle Rocket Weight ------------- 351 Energy Drain ------- 108 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- --- -Attack Power ------ 1520 -Ammo -------------- 25 -Attack Heat ------- 7570 -Range ------------- 580 -Maximum Lock ------ --- -Firing Interval --- 65 -Ammo Price -------- 158 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Fires mid-sized rockets with increased Found -------------- Shop WB07RO-ORTHOS Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 40000c Type --------------- Middle Rocket Weight ------------- 457 Energy Drain ------- 172 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- --- -Attack Power ------ 1470 -Ammo -------------- 36 -Attack Heat ------- 7020 -Range ------------- 610 -Maximum Lock ------ --- -Firing Interval --- 70 -Ammo Price -------- 210 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Mid-sized rocket launcher with balanced ammo stores and weight. Found -------------- Shop CR-WB78RP2 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 46800c Type --------------- Middle Rocket Weight ------------- 609 Energy Drain ------- 133 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- --- -Attack Power ------ 1520 -Ammo -------------- 40 -Attack Heat ------- 7570 -Range ------------- 580 -Maximum Lock ------ --- -Firing Interval --- 52 -Ammo Price -------- 158 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Modified version of the WB75RP. Carries additional rounds. Found -------------- Shop CR-WB82RP3 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 64800c Type --------------- Middle Rocket Weight ------------- 727 Energy Drain ------- 152 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- --- -Attack Power ------ 1520 -Ammo -------------- 50 -Attack Heat ------- 7570 -Range ------------- 580 -Maximum Lock ------ --- -Firing Interval --- 48 -Ammo Price -------- 158 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Mid-sized rocket launcher with increased ammo storage capacity. Found -------------- Shop WB13RO-SPHINX Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 60000c Type --------------- Triple Rocket Weight ------------- 424 Energy Drain ------- 245 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- --- -Attack Power ------ 900 -Ammo -------------- 36 -Attack Heat ------- 4580 -Range ------------- 678 -Maximum Lock ------ --- -Firing Interval --- 77 -Ammo Price -------- 145 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Simultaneously fires three rockets when activated. Found -------------- Shop WB23RO-CACUS Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 50000c Type --------------- Rocket (AST) Weight ------------- 593 Energy Drain ------- 266 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- --- -Attack Power ------ 900 -Ammo -------------- 48 -Attack Heat ------- 4580 -Range ------------- 678 -Maximum Lock ------ --- -Firing Interval --- 88 -Ammo Price -------- 145 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Fires a succession of three rockets when activated. Found -------------- Shop CR-WB85RPX Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 8880c Type --------------- Large Rocket Weight ------------- 806 Energy Drain ------- 98 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- --- -Attack Power ------ 3200 -Ammo -------------- 18 -Attack Heat ------- 12750 -Range ------------- 500 -Maximum Lock ------ --- -Firing Interval --- 91 -Ammo Price -------- 345 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Large rocket launcher with exceptional firepower. Found -------------- Shop [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #========##========##===###==##===###==##========##===###==##========# #==####==##==####==##====##==##====##==##==####==##====##==##==####### #==########========##==#==#==##==#==#==##==####==##==#==#==##========# #==####==##==####==##==##====##==##====##==####==##==##====########==# #========##==####==##==###===##==###===##========##==###===##========# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Back Unit Cannons... Back unit cannons are all very different from each other. They include chain guns, grenade launchers, and strong energy cannons. NOTE! All but the two last orbit cannons (which are really missiles when you think about it) have a thing call "Cannon restrictions." -All humanoid, reverse joint, and hover legs must kneel in order to use these cannons. Over boosting can help you get up from a crouch if you do decide to use these weapon with these legs. -Quads cannot fly and use cannons, but can use them when touching the ground. Using these are the best choice for most back weapons, for speed. -Tanks can fly and do not have any restrictions at all, making them a very good choice. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-WB69CG Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 50000c Type --------------- Chaingun Weight ------------- 542 Energy Drain ------- 515 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 298 -Ammo -------------- 200 -Attack Heat ------- 1722 -Range ------------- 366 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 4 -Ammo Price -------- 48 -Usage Drain ------- --- -Mag Capacity ------ 24 -Mag Reload -------- 211 Notes: Rapid-fire weapon. Most reload every 24 rounds. Found -------------- Shop CR-WB72CGL Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 46000c Type --------------- Chaingun Weight ------------- 477 Energy Drain ------- 422 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 195 -Ammo -------------- 300 -Attack Heat ------- 1035 -Range ------------- 388 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 5 -Ammo Price -------- 27 -Usage Drain ------- --- -Mag Capacity ------ 24 -Mag Reload -------- 172 Notes: Lightweight chain gun adapted to use smaller rounds/ Found -------------- Shop CR-WB03CGH Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 58000c Type --------------- Chaingun Weight ------------- 702 Energy Drain ------- 695 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 340 -Ammo -------------- 240 -Attack Heat ------- 1544 -Range ------------- 366 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 5 -Ammo Price -------- 27 -Usage Drain ------- --- -Mag Capacity ------ 24 -Mag Reload -------- 154 Notes: Chain gun weapon system with improved attack power. Found -------------- Shop CR-WB75SG Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 62300c Type --------------- Sluggun Weight ------------- 1179 Energy Drain ------- 444 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 172 -Ammo -------------- 60 -Attack Heat ------- 2450 -Range ------------- 425 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 41 -Ammo Price -------- 176 -Usage Drain ------- --- -Mag Capacity ------ 2 -Mag Reload -------- 198 Notes: Back-mounted weapon. Rounds are dispersed in a wide spread. Found -------------- Shop CR-WB82SG2 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 56100c Type --------------- Sluggun Weight ------------- 744 Energy Drain ------- 387 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 172 -Ammo -------------- 40 -Attack Heat ------- 2200 -Range ------------- 450 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 41 -Ammo Price -------- 176 -Usage Drain ------- --- -Mag Capacity ------ 2 -Mag Reload -------- 198 Notes: Lightweight slug gun, rounds are dispersed in a wide spread. Found -------------- Shop CR-WB87LG Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 100000c Type --------------- Lineargun Weight ------------- 903 Energy Drain ------- 518 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 1122 -Ammo -------------- 50 -Attack Heat ------- 2962 -Range ------------- 485 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 52 -Ammo Price -------- 31 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Back-mounted linear gun that uses solid round ammunition. Found -------------- Shop CR-WB91LGL Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 98800c Type --------------- Lineargun Weight ------------- 450 Energy Drain ------- 367 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 885 -Ammo -------------- 80 -Attack Heat ------- 2718 -Range ------------- 524 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 48 -Ammo Price -------- 31 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Reduced weight linear gun, Uses smaller rounds than the WB87LG. Found -------------- Shop CR-WB03LGL2 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 87900c Type --------------- Lineargun Weight ------------- 1029 Energy Drain ------- 567 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 590 -Ammo -------------- 60 -Attack Heat ------- 2026 -Range ------------- 485 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 42 -Ammo Price -------- 31 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Linear gun model integrated with a 5 round magazine system. Found -------------- Rewarded in "Protect Allied Squadron" WB14RG-LADON Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 84000c Type --------------- Railgun Weight ------------- 583 Energy Drain ------- 645 Ammo Type ---------- Energy -Weapon Lock ------- ND -Attack Power ------ 1573 -Ammo -------------- 20 -Attack Heat ------- 17900 -Range ------------- 1000 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 124 -Ammo Price -------- --- -Usage Drain ------- 2488 Notes: Fires high-speed energy rounds. Must charge before firing. Found -------------- Shop WB24RG-LADON2 Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 126000c Type --------------- Railgun Weight ------------- 892 Energy Drain ------- 813 Ammo Type ---------- Energy -Weapon Lock ------- ND -Attack Power ------ 2017 -Ammo -------------- 15 -Attack Heat ------- 21850 -Range ------------- 950 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 155 -Ammo Price -------- --- -Usage Drain ------- 4224 Notes: LADON successor. Modified for increased destructive potential. Found -------------- Shop CR-WB78GL Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 76200c Type --------------- Grenade Launcher Weight ------------- 1054 Energy Drain ------- 342 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- ND -Attack Power ------ 3050 -Ammo -------------- 12 -Attack Heat ------- 16220 -Range ------------- 875 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 205 -Ammo Price -------- 710 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: High power grenade launcher. Round explode on impact. Found -------------- Shop CR-WB87GLL Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 64400c Type --------------- Grenade Launcher Weight ------------- 742 Energy Drain ------- 186 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- ND -Attack Power ------ 2160 -Ammo -------------- 8 -Attack Heat ------- 13900 -Range ------------- 780 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 28 -Ammo Price -------- 470 -Usage Drain ------- --- -Mag Capacity ------ 2 -Mag Reload -------- 70 Notes: Grenade launcher designed for smaller. lightweight AC units. Found -------------- Rewarded in "Eliminate Airborne Force" WB08PL-SKYLLA Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 114200c Type --------------- Plasma Cannon Weight ------------- 988 Energy Drain ------- 804 Ammo Type ---------- Energy -Weapon Lock ------- ND -Attack Power ------ 2999 -Ammo -------------- 16 -Attack Heat ------- 19679 -Range ------------- 450 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 115 -Ammo Price -------- --- -Usage Drain ------- 7300 Notes: Plasma cannon. Launches highly destructive plasma bursts. Found -------------- Shop WB33PL-SKYLLA2 Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 92100c Type --------------- Plasma Cannon Weight ------------- 688 Energy Drain ------- 443 Ammo Type ---------- Energy -Weapon Lock ------- ND -Attack Power ------ 1877 -Ammo -------------- 10 -Attack Heat ------- 14430 -Range ------------- 400 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 81 -Ammo Price -------- --- -Usage Drain ------- 3990 Notes: Weight reduced version of the original SKYLLA model. Found -------------- Shop WB02L-GERYON Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 78500c Type --------------- Laser Cannon Weight ------------- 852 Energy Drain ------- 405 Ammo Type ---------- Energy -Weapon Lock ------- ND -Attack Power ------ 2005 -Ammo -------------- 28 -Attack Heat ------- 13780 -Range ------------- 830 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 80 -Ammo Price -------- --- -Usage Drain ------- 5100 Notes: Early model laser cannon. Holds a large number of rounds. Found -------------- Shop WB15L-GERYON2 Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 86200c Type --------------- Laser Cannon Weight ------------- 385 Energy Drain ------- 924 Ammo Type ---------- Energy -Weapon Lock ------- ND -Attack Power ------ 2530 -Ammo -------------- 12 -Attack Heat ------- 15950 -Range ------------- 780 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 92 -Ammo Price -------- --- -Usage Drain ------- 6800 Notes: Reduced weight laser cannon designed for smaller AC units. Found -------------- Shop YMB35L-GERYON3 *NEW* Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 92600c Type --------------- Laser Cannon Weight ------------- 809 Energy Drain ------- 924 Ammo Type ---------- Energy -Weapon Lock ------- ND -Attack Power ------ 4098 -Ammo -------------- 6 -Attack Heat ------- 20020 -Range ------------- 710 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 122 -Ammo Price -------- --- -Usage Drain ------- 8260 Notes: Laser cannon designed to induce high levels of thermal stress. Found -------------- Rewarded in "Stop Last Assault Attempt" WB32L-CERBERUS Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 96000c Type --------------- Dual Laser Cannon Weight ------------- 1292 Energy Drain ------- 1165 Ammo Type ---------- Energy -Weapon Lock ------- ND -Attack Power ------ 1488 -Ammo -------------- 20 -Attack Heat ------- 10980 -Range ------------- 690 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 99 -Ammo Price -------- --- -Usage Drain ------- 4550 Notes: Laser cannon incorporating a twin barrel design. Found -------------- Shop WB09PU-LAMIA Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 82200c Type --------------- Pulse Cannon Weight ------------- 482 Energy Drain ------- 1118 Ammo Type ---------- Energy -Weapon Lock ------- ND -Attack Power ------ 1080 -Ammo -------------- 64 -Attack Heat ------- 6500 -Range ------------- 530 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 24 -Ammo Price -------- --- -Usage Drain ------- 2826 Notes: Kightweight, rapid-fire pulse cannon. Utilizes energy rounds. Found -------------- Shop WB16PU-LAMIA2 Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 105000c Type --------------- Pulse Cannon Weight ------------- 521 Energy Drain ------- 695 Ammo Type ---------- Energy -Weapon Lock ------- ND -Attack Power ------ 780 -Ammo -------------- 60 -Attack Heat ------- 5230 -Range ------------- 560 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 18 -Ammo Price -------- --- -Usage Drain ------- 2069 Notes: Modified LAMIA. Can fire rounds in even quicker succession. Found -------------- Shop WB25PU-LAMIA3 Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 112000c Type --------------- Pulse Cannon Weight ------------- 577 Energy Drain ------- 1305 Ammo Type ---------- Energy -Weapon Lock ------- ND -Attack Power ------ 800 -Ammo -------------- 48 -Attack Heat ------- 5870 -Range ------------- 490 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 34 -Ammo Price -------- --- -Usage Drain ------- 2321 Notes: Pulse cannon that fires a quick succession of three rounds. Found -------------- Shop WB26O-HARPY Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 88000c Type --------------- Orbit Cannon Weight ------------- 527 Energy Drain ------- 495 Ammo Type ---------- Energy -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 105 -Ammo -------------- 15 -Attack Heat ------- 1015 -Range ------------- 500 -Maximum Lock ------ 3 -Firing Interval --- 160 -Ammo Price -------- --- -Usage Drain ------- 1600 Notes: Fires small autonomous weapon pods that seek out their target. Found -------------- Shop WB27O-HARPY2 Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 99000c Type --------------- Orbit Cannon Weight ------------- 727 Energy Drain ------- 533 Ammo Type ---------- Energy -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 105 -Ammo -------------- 30 -Attack Heat ------- 1015 -Range ------------- 500 -Maximum Lock ------ 3 -Firing Interval --- 160 -Ammo Price -------- --- -Usage Drain ------- 1600 Notes: Modified HARPY design with increased ammunition storage. Found -------------- Shop [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### ###========###========###====#######========###========###========#### ###==####==###==####==###==#===#####==####==###==####==###==########## ###========###========###==###==####========###========###========#### ###==##==#####==####==###==#===#####==####==###==##==###########==#### ###==###==####==####==###====#######==####==###==###==####========#### ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Back Unit Radars... Back radar is just radar itself. True they are better than the heads radar, but they take up a back slot and weight something. If both your head and radar are on, the radar on the back is the one used. Also, it's not pointless to use two radars anymore... VS ECM [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-WB69RA Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- ----- Type --------------- Radar Weight ------------- 125 Energy Drain ------- 199 VS ECM ------------- 102 Radar Specs -------- -Radar Range ------- 700 -Radar Type -------- Standard -Scanning Interval - 8 -Missile Sensor ---- None -Bio-Sensor -------- None Notes: Early model radar unit, limited functions, but lightweight. Found -------------- Equipped from the start CR-WB73RA2 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 14800c Type --------------- Radar Weight ------------- 157 Energy Drain ------- 266 VS ECM ------------- 155 Radar Specs -------- -Radar Range ------- 480 -Radar Type -------- Circle -Scanning Interval - 16 -Missile Sensor ---- None -Bio-Sensor -------- Provided Notes: Second generation radar design equipped with a bio-sensor. Found -------------- Shop WB03R-SIREN Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 20000c Type --------------- Radar Weight ------------- 205 Energy Drain ------- 383 VS ECM ------------- 229 Radar Specs -------- -Radar Range ------- 780 -Radar Type -------- Octagon -Scanning Interval - 1 -Missile Sensor ---- None -Bio-Sensor -------- Provided Notes: Radar unit with an extremely short scanning interval. Found -------------- Shop WB10R-SIREN2 Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 30000c Type --------------- Radar Weight ------------- 237 Energy Drain ------- 430 VS ECM ------------- 300 Radar Specs -------- -Radar Range ------- 890 -Radar Type -------- Circle -Scanning Interval - 5 -Missile Sensor ---- None -Bio-Sensor -------- Provided Notes: Standard design with emphasis on range and VS ECM performance. Found -------------- Shop WB17R-SIREN3 Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 60000c Type --------------- Radar Weight ------------- 336 Energy Drain ------- 375 VS ECM ------------- 281 Radar Specs -------- -Radar Range ------- 1160 -Radar Type -------- Octagon -Scanning Interval - 1 -Missile Sensor ---- Provided -Bio-Sensor -------- Provided Notes: Radar unit with exceptional range and a short scanning interval. Found -------------- Shop CR-WB85RA3 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 27800c Type --------------- Radar Weight ------------- 178 Energy Drain ------- 241 VS ECM ------------- 184 Radar Specs -------- -Radar Range ------- 600 -Radar Type -------- Octagon -Scanning Interval - 12 -Missile Sensor ---- Provided -Bio-Sensor -------- Provided Notes: Lightweight Crest design equipped with multiple functions. Found -------------- Shop WB28R-SIREN4 Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 40000c Type --------------- Radar Weight ------------- 438 Energy Drain ------- 562 VS ECM ------------- 333 Radar Specs -------- -Radar Range ------- 1400 -Radar Type -------- Circle -Scanning Interval - 3 -Missile Sensor ---- Provided -Bio-Sensor -------- Provided Notes: Heavy weight, but incorporates many high quality functions. Found -------------- Shop [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #====######==####==##========##==########========##========##========# #==#===####==####==##==####==##==###########==#####==########==####### #==###==###==####==##========##==###########==#####======####========# #==#===####==####==##==####==##==###########==#####==##############==# #====######========##==####==##========##========##========##========# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Dual Back Weapons... These are just back weapons so big, they take up both back weapon slots. They are very different and aren't even grouped together, except that they both take up both slots. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] WB18M-CENTAUR Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 140000c Type --------------- Vertical Missile Weight ------------- 1328 Energy Drain ------- 514 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Standard -Attack Power ------ 1190 -Ammo -------------- 40 -Attack Heat ------- 5895 -Range ------------- 520 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 115 -Ammo Price -------- 335 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Fires two vertical launch missile simultaneously. Found -------------- Rewared in "Defeat Jack-O" CR-WBW89M Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 90000c Type --------------- Dual Missile Weight ------------- 1044 Energy Drain ------- 633 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Standard -Attack Power ------ 780 -Ammo -------------- 32 -Attack Heat ------- 4320 -Range ------------- 550 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 115 -Ammo Price -------- 205 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Dual missile launcher. Fires a total of 4 missiles per lock. Found -------------- Shop CR-WBW94M2 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 138800c Type --------------- Dual Missile Weight ------------- 1395 Energy Drain ------- 833 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Standard -Attack Power ------ 780 -Ammo -------------- 60 -Attack Heat ------- 4320 -Range ------------- 550 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 115 -Ammo Price -------- 205 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Dual missile launcher with increased ammo storage capacity. Found -------------- Shop WB29M-ECHIDNA Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 135000c Type --------------- Pursuit Missile Weight ------------- 1332 Energy Drain ------- 545 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- --- -Attack Power ------ 645 -Ammo -------------- 4 -Attack Heat ------- 3660 -Range ------------- 600 -Maximum Lock ------ --- -Firing Interval --- 200 -Ammo Price -------- 1520 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Missile separates into a swarm of warheads after deployment. Found -------------- Shop CR-WBW78R Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 94700c Type --------------- Dual Rocket Weight ------------- 1003 Energy Drain ------- 312 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- --- -Attack Power ------ 820 -Ammo -------------- 60 -Attack Heat ------- 4110 -Range ------------- 695 -Maximum Lock ------ --- -Firing Interval --- 55 -Ammo Price -------- 98 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Dual rocket launcher that fires a four shot spread. Found -------------- Found hidden in "Distribution Center Recon" CR-WBW91RT Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 99800c Type --------------- Triple Rocket Weight ------------- 1136 Energy Drain ------- 388 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- --- -Attack Power ------ 820 -Ammo -------------- 60 -Attack Heat ------- 4110 -Range ------------- 695 -Maximum Lock ------ --- -Firing Interval --- 82 -Ammo Price -------- 98 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Fires a six shot spread of rockets when activated. Found -------------- Shop CR-WBW78C Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 77700c Type --------------- Chaingun Weight ------------- 1067 Energy Drain ------- 306 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Standard -Attack Power ------ 162 -Ammo -------------- 320 -Attack Heat ------- 1188 -Range ------------- 385 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 6 -Ammo Price -------- 27 -Usage Drain ------- --- -Mag Capacity ------ 12 -Mag Reload -------- 148 Notes: Dual back-mounted chain gun weapon system. Found -------------- Shop CR-WBW98G Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 99300c Type --------------- Grenade Launcher Weight ------------- 1242 Energy Drain ------- 565 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- ND -Attack Power ------ 2400 -Ammo -------------- 24 -Attack Heat ------- 13900 -Range ------------- 750 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 228 -Ammo Price -------- 470 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Dual grenade launcher that fires two rounds in succession. Found -------------- Shop CR-WBW98LX Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 109000c Type --------------- Laser Cannon Weight ------------- 1292 Energy Drain ------- 1165 Ammo Type ---------- Energy -Weapon Lock ------- ND -Attack Power ------ 5820 -Ammo -------------- 10 -Attack Heat ------- 22500 -Range ------------- 710 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 136 -Ammo Price -------- --- -Usage Drain ------- 9400 Notes: Large aperture laser cannon with exceptional firepower. Found -------------- Found hidden in "Protect The Cargo" WB30Q-CHIMERA Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 77700c Type --------------- Quartet Cannon Weight ------------- 1556 Energy Drain ------- 875 Ammo Type ---------- Energy -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 720 -Ammo -------------- 60 -Attack Heat ------- 5754 -Range ------------- 670 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 96 -Ammo Price -------- --- -Usage Drain ------- 1770 Notes: Dual back-mounted laser cannon. Fires four shots simultaneously. Found -------------- Shop YASYA Manufacturer ------- Kisaragi Price -------------- 64000c Type --------------- Orbit Cannon Weight ------------- 1117 Energy Drain ------- 920 Ammo Type ---------- Energy -Weapon Lock ------- --- -Attack Power ------ 205 -Ammo -------------- 22 -Attack Heat ------- 1380 -Range ------------- 420 -Maximum Lock ------ --- -Firing Interval --- 240 -Ammo Price -------- --- -Usage Drain ------- 2400 Notes: Deploys autonomous weapon pods that seek out their target. Found -------------- Rewarded in "Destroy Raging Torrent IV" WB31B-PEGASUS Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 107500c Type --------------- Add Booster Weight ------------- 1120 Energy Drain ------- 495 Boost Power -------- 5000 Charge Drain ------- 1290 Booster Heat ------- 1520 Notes: Supplemental boosters that work in concert with normal boosters. Found -------------- Shop [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### ###========###========###========###==#########========###========#### ###==####==######==######==#########==#########==#########==########## ###========######==######======#####==#########======#####========#### ###==##==########==######==#########==#########==###############==#### ###==###==####========###==#########========###========###========#### ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Rifles... Rifles are broken up into 2 main types. Regular rifles, with mid range, power, reload... basically the most average weapon. Or Sniper Rifles, long range and high power, only down side is its little lock box and low ammo. Rifles are a terrible choice if you are going to fight an AC or any thing with high AP... they are weak and slow... [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-WR69R Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- ----- Type --------------- Rifle Weight ------------- 365 Energy Drain ------- 106 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Standard -Attack Power ------ 280 -Ammo -------------- 120 -Attack Heat ------- 1830 -Range ------------- 455 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 32 -Ammo Price -------- 22 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Early model Crest design with average performance specs. Found -------------- Equipped from the start CR-WR73R2 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 29100c Type --------------- Rifle Weight ------------- 416 Energy Drain ------- 123 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Standard -Attack Power ------ 280 -Ammo -------------- 140 -Attack Heat ------- 1830 -Range ------------- 500 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 27 -Ammo Price -------- 22 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Redesigned WR69R with improved range and ammo storage. Found -------------- Shop WR01R-SHADOW Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 77000c Type --------------- Rifle Weight ------------- 535 Energy Drain ------- 100 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Standard -Attack Power ------ 303 -Ammo -------------- 180 -Attack Heat ------- 2005 -Range ------------- 470 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 27 -Ammo Price -------- 30 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Early Mirage design, heavy but with improved firepower. Found -------------- Shop CR-YH05RS *NEW* Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 42000c Type --------------- Rifle Weight ------------- 403 Energy Drain ------- 139 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Standard -Attack Power ------ 280 -Ammo -------------- 100 -Attack Heat ------- 1420 -Range ------------- 480 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 25 -Ammo Price -------- 22 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Test model addressing firing performance and attack power. Found -------------- Kill No. 2448/Crow Predator (21st) in the Arena WR10R-MOLD Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 40000c Type --------------- Rifle (AST) Weight ------------- 440 Energy Drain ------- 118 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 260 -Ammo -------------- 120 -Attack Heat ------- 1770 -Range ------------- 445 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 23 -Ammo Price -------- 20 -Usage Drain ------- --- -Mag Capacity ------ 12 -Mag Reload -------- 75 Notes: Rapid-fire rifle manufactured by Mirage. Found -------------- Shop CR-WR76RA Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 55800c Type --------------- Rifle (AST) Weight ------------- 652 Energy Drain ------- 165 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Standard -Attack Power ------ 242 -Ammo -------------- 150 -Attack Heat ------- 1650 -Range ------------- 440 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 21 -Ammo Price -------- 18 -Usage Drain ------- --- -Mag Capacity ------ 8 -Mag Reload -------- 70 Notes: Special Crest design featuring rapid-fire capability. Found -------------- Shop CR-WR84RA2 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 56800c Type --------------- Rifle (AST) Weight ------------- 531 Energy Drain ------- 188 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Standard -Attack Power ------ 242 -Ammo -------------- 180 -Attack Heat ------- 1650 -Range ------------- 420 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 19 -Ammo Price -------- 18 -Usage Drain ------- --- -Mag Capacity ------ 8 -Mag Reload -------- 115 Notes: Modified version of the WR76RA. Improved firing rate. Found -------------- Shop WH01R-GAST Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 70000c Type --------------- Rifle (AST) Weight ------------- 465 Energy Drain ------- 153 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 260 -Ammo -------------- 150 -Attack Heat ------- 1770 -Range ------------- 445 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 20 -Ammo Price -------- 20 -Usage Drain ------- --- -Mag Capacity ------ 12 -Mag Reload -------- 105 Notes: Redesigned MOLD rifle with added ammunition capacity. Found -------------- Shop CR-WR88RB Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 45800c Type --------------- Rifle (AST) Weight ------------- 471 Energy Drain ------- 265 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Standard -Attack Power ------ 242 -Ammo -------------- 150 -Attack Heat ------- 1650 -Range ------------- 415 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 76 -Ammo Price -------- 18 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Burst rifle, fires a succession of three rounds. Found -------------- Shop WR14R-PHANTOM Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 75000c Type --------------- Rifle (Burst) Weight ------------- 441 Energy Drain ------- 235 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 260 -Ammo -------------- 150 -Attack Heat ------- 1770 -Range ------------- 435 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 70 -Ammo Price -------- 20 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Mirage-manufactured burst rifle. Improved single shot damage. Found -------------- Shop CR-WR93RL Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 118000c Type --------------- Linear Rifle Weight ------------- 688 Energy Drain ------- 322 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Standard -Attack Power ------ 672 -Ammo -------------- 80 -Attack Heat ------- 2200 -Range ------------- 450 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 55 -Ammo Price -------- 31 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: High attack heat linear rifle equipped with a new mechanism. Found -------------- Rewarded in "Intercept Enemy AC" CR-WR05RLA Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 147000c Type --------------- Linear Rifle Weight ------------- 969 Energy Drain ------- 368 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 672 -Ammo -------------- 60 -Attack Heat ------- 2200 -Range ------------- 450 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 30 -Ammo Price -------- 31 -Usage Drain ------- --- -Mag Capacity ------ 3 -Mag Reload -------- 135 Notes: Linear rifle designed for quick burst attack capability. Found -------------- Shop CR-WR73RS Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 65000c Type --------------- Sniper Rifle Weight ------------- 594 Energy Drain ------- 105 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- ND -Attack Power ------ 728 -Ammo -------------- 36 -Attack Heat ------- 3510 -Range ------------- 1190 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 52 -Ammo Price -------- 95 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: High attack power sniper rifle with above average range. Found -------------- Shop CR-WR81RS2 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 78000c Type --------------- Sniper Rifle Weight ------------- 633 Energy Drain ------- 118 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- ND -Attack Power ------ 540 -Ammo -------------- 63 -Attack Heat ------- 3118 -Range ------------- 730 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 44 -Ammo Price -------- 57 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Modified version of the WR73RS. Reduced firing interval. Found -------------- Shop CR-WR88RS3 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 65000c Type --------------- Sniper Rifle Weight ------------- 710 Energy Drain ------- 165 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- ND -Attack Power ------ 895 -Ammo -------------- 45 -Attack Heat ------- 3980 -Range ------------- 765 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 68 -Ammo Price -------- 72 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Crest design sniper rifle emphasizing attack power. Found -------------- Shop WH02RS-WYRM Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 70000c Type --------------- Sniper Rifle Weight ------------- 610 Energy Drain ------- 78 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- ND -Attack Power ------ 820 -Ammo -------------- 24 -Attack Heat ------- 3704 -Range ------------- 990 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 22 -Ammo Price -------- 66 -Usage Drain ------- --- -Mag Capacity ------ 2 -Mag Reload -------- 93 Notes: Sniper rifle that can be fired twice in quick succession. Found -------------- Shop WR11RS-GARUM Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 80000c Type --------------- EN Sniper Rifle Weight ------------- 513 Energy Drain ------- 757 Ammo Type ---------- Energy -Weapon Lock ------- ND -Attack Power ------ 1100 -Ammo -------------- 23 -Attack Heat ------- 3744 -Range ------------- 1000 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 148 -Ammo Price -------- --- -Usage Drain ------- 148 Notes: Energy-based sniper rifle with excellent firepower. Found -------------- Shop WH08RS-FENRIR Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 101000c Type --------------- EN Sniper Rifle Weight ------------- 1380 Energy Drain ------- 118 Ammo Type ---------- Energy -Weapon Lock ------- ND -Attack Power ------ 2400 -Ammo -------------- 10 -Attack Heat ------- 13100 -Range ------------- 1190 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 255 -Ammo Price -------- --- -Usage Drain ------- 5166 Notes: Energy-based sniper rifle with devastating single-shot power. Found -------------- Rewarded in "Eliminate Zinaida" [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #===##===##========##========##==####==##========##===###==##========# #========##==####==##==####==##==####==#####==#####====##==##==####### #==#==#==##========##==########========#####==#####==#==#==##======### #==#==#==##==####==##==####==##==####==#####==#####==##====##==####### #==####==##==####==##========##==####==##========##==###===##========# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Machine Guns... Machine guns have gotten worse again. True they overheat like mad sometimes... but now they all have a reload clip stat... which basically takes a second of two to reload... In my opinion, this ruins them. Still, if you still want to use them, make sure you have good accuracy on your arms. Even so, you might still see terrible spread. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] WR02M-PIXIE Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 16000c Type --------------- Machinegun Weight ------------- 387 Energy Drain ------- 50 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- WS -Attack Power ------ 77 -Ammo -------------- 240 -Attack Heat ------- 312 -Range ------------- 287 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 4 -Ammo Price -------- 14 -Usage Drain ------- --- -Mag Capacity ------ 10 -Mag Reload -------- 25 Notes: Basic machine gun model enabling rapid bursts of fire. Found -------------- Shop CR-WR69M Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 33800c Type --------------- Machinegun Weight ------------- 472 Energy Drain ------- 89 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- WS -Attack Power ------ 130 -Ammo -------------- 360 -Attack Heat ------- 960 -Range ------------- 345 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 6 -Ammo Price -------- 15 -Usage Drain ------- --- -Mag Capacity ------ 12 -Mag Reload -------- 62 Notes: Crest designed machine gun with emphasis on attack power. Found -------------- Shop WR04M-PIXIE2 Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 58000c Type --------------- Machinegun Weight ------------- 503 Energy Drain ------- 106 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- WS -Attack Power ------ 105 -Ammo -------------- 1000 -Attack Heat ------- 745 -Range ------------- 335 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 4 -Ammo Price -------- 20 -Usage Drain ------- --- -Mag Capacity ------ 10 -Mag Reload -------- 35 Notes: Machine gun designed for extended battle encounters. Found -------------- Shop WR07M-PIXIE3 Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 43000c Type --------------- Machinegun Weight ------------- 360 Energy Drain ------- 121 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- WS -Attack Power ------ 105 -Ammo -------------- 800 -Attack Heat ------- 745 -Range ------------- 363 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 4 -Ammo Price -------- 20 -Usage Drain ------- --- -Mag Capacity ------ 12 -Mag Reload -------- 48 Notes: Weight reduced version of the PIXIE2 machine gun model. Found -------------- Shop CR-WH79M2 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 44800c Type --------------- Machinegun Weight ------------- 568 Energy Drain ------- 61 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- WS -Attack Power ------ 240 -Ammo -------------- 160 -Attack Heat ------- 1830 -Range ------------- 380 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 5 -Ammo Price -------- 22 -Usage Drain ------- --- -Mag Capacity ------ 10 -Mag Reload -------- 82 Notes: Machine gun with attack power and heat comparable to a rifle. Found -------------- Shop WH03M-FINGER Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 42000c Type --------------- Machinegun Weight ------------- 202 Energy Drain ------- 241 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 77 -Ammo -------------- 240 -Attack Heat ------- 312 -Range ------------- 262 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 5 -Ammo Price -------- 14 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Specially designed nulti-barrel machine gun. Found -------------- Rewarded in "Destroy Plant's Defenses" WH05M-SYLPH Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 65000c Type --------------- Machinegun Weight ------------- 259 Energy Drain ------- 128 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- WS -Attack Power ------ 154 -Ammo -------------- 180 -Attack Heat ------- 1059 -Range ------------- 250 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 6 -Ammo Price -------- 30 -Usage Drain ------- --- -Mag Capacity ------ 8 -Mag Reload -------- 45 Notes: Small sized machine gun model designed for portability. Found -------------- Found hidden in "Destroy Military Base" YWH13M-NIX *NEW* Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 56000c Type --------------- Machinegun Weight ------------- 410 Energy Drain ------- 109 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- WS -Attack Power ------ 97 -Ammo -------------- 360 -Attack Heat ------- 303 -Range ------------- 330 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 2 -Ammo Price -------- 24 -Usage Drain ------- --- -Mag Capacity ------ 24 -Mag Reload -------- 110 Notes: Machine gun designed to inflict impressive close-range damage. Found -------------- Reward in "Eliminate Sorcerer" WH10M-SILKY Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 61000c Type --------------- EN Machinegun Weight ------------- 598 Energy Drain ------- 446 Ammo Type ---------- Energy -Weapon Lock ------- WS -Attack Power ------ 168 -Ammo -------------- 180 -Attack Heat ------- 1303 -Range ------------- 290 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 10 -Ammo Price -------- --- -Usage Drain ------- 1849 Notes: Machine gun designed to fire high charged energy rounds. Found -------------- Rewarded in "Destroy AC Sundial" [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #==####==##========##===###==##====######========##==####==##===###==# #==####==##==####==##====##==##==#===####==########==####==##====##==# #========##========##==#==#==##==###==###==##====##==####==##==#==#==# #==####==##==####==##==##====##==#===####==####==##==####==##==##====# #==####==##==####==##==###===##====######========##========##==###===# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Hand Guns... These are light and weak weapons. So why use them? They have high stun and heat damage. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-WR88H Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 27700c Type --------------- handgun Weight ------------- 170 Energy Drain ------- 128 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- WS -Attack Power ------ 205 -Ammo -------------- 80 -Attack Heat ------- 2550 -Range ------------- 195 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 16 -Ammo Price -------- 42 -Usage Drain ------- --- -Mag Capacity ------ 8 -Mag Reload -------- 135 Notes: Powerful handgun requiring a reload after every eight shots. Found -------------- Shop CR-WH69H Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 21800c Type --------------- Handgun Weight ------------- 146 Energy Drain ------- 98 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- WS -Attack Power ------ 260 -Ammo -------------- 72 -Attack Heat ------- 2710 -Range ------------- 220 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 14 -Ammo Price -------- 32 -Usage Drain ------- --- -Mag Capacity ------ 6 -Mag Reload -------- 70 Notes: Lightweight handgun that can be equipped as a hanger unit. Found -------------- Shop CR-WH73H2 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 28000c Type --------------- Handgun Weight ------------- 267 Energy Drain ------- 78 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- WS -Attack Power ------ 260 -Ammo -------------- 70 -Attack Heat ------- 2710 -Range ------------- 258 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 33 -Ammo Price -------- 32 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Handgun design with improved firing range. Found -------------- Shop WR03H-GHOST Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 30000c Type --------------- Handgun Weight ------------- 184 Energy Drain ------- 60 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- WS -Attack Power ------ 315 -Ammo -------------- 60 -Attack Heat ------- 2980 -Range ------------- 210 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 29 -Ammo Price -------- 40 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: handgun design addressing attack power and heat. Found -------------- Shop CR-WH79H3 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 34800c Type --------------- Handgun Weight ------------- 298 Energy Drain ------- 305 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- WS -Attack Power ------ 190 -Ammo -------------- 110 -Attack Heat ------- 4860 -Range ------------- 228 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 17 -Ammo Price -------- 61 -Usage Drain ------- --- -Mag Capacity ------ 10 -Mag Reload -------- 120 Notes: Handgun model with significantly enhanced ammo storage. Found -------------- Shop WR06H-GHOST2 Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 40000c Type --------------- Handgun Weight ------------- 235 Energy Drain ------- 106 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- WS -Attack Power ------ 217 -Ammo -------------- 96 -Attack Heat ------- 2590 -Range ------------- 240 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 11 -Ammo Price -------- 30 -Usage Drain ------- --- -Mag Capacity ------ 12 -Mag Reload -------- 85 Notes: Large model handgun with an excellent firing rate. Found -------------- Shop CR-WH01HP Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 42100c Type --------------- Handgun Weight ------------- 142 Energy Drain ------- 89 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- WS -Attack Power ------ 360 -Ammo -------------- 42 -Attack Heat ------- 2710 -Range ------------- 254 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 14 -Ammo Price -------- 40 -Usage Drain ------- --- -Mag Capacity ------ 6 -Mag Reload -------- 80 Notes: Storable handgun with firepower equivalent to that of a rifle. Found -------------- Rewarded in "Destroy Transport Train" WH09H-WRAITH Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 24000c Type --------------- Handgun Weight ------------- 139 Energy Drain ------- 99 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- WS -Attack Power ------ 210 -Ammo -------------- 64 -Attack Heat ------- 2980 -Range ------------- 215 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 12 -Ammo Price -------- 40 -Usage Drain ------- --- -Mag Capacity ------ 8 -Mag Reload -------- 60 Notes: Storage capable handgun with enhanced firing speed. Found -------------- Shop [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #========##========##========##========##========##==##===###========# #==####==##==####==#######==###==####==##==####==##==#===####==####==# #========##========#####===####==####==##==####==##=====#####========# #==####==##==####==####==######==####==##==####==##==#===####==####==# #========##==####==##========##========##========##==##===###==####==# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Bazookas... Bazookas are close range weapons that move slow. These are very easy to dodge at any range but close range. These cause a lot of damage, heat and stun. Think of them as a bigger hand gun in a way. I still say they are weak rockets with a lock, and were always similar to each other in every AC. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-WR76B Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 53300c Type --------------- Bazooka Weight ------------- 804 Energy Drain ------- 36 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 1400 -Ammo -------------- 30 -Attack Heat ------- 6520 -Range ------------- 387 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 78 -Ammo Price -------- 250 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Bazooka that can dish out impressive single round damage. Found -------------- Shop CR-WR81B2 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 71000c Type --------------- Bazooka Weight ------------- 945 Energy Drain ------- 58 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 2240 -Ammo -------------- 20 -Attack Heat ------- 8093 -Range ------------- 435 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 93 -Ammo Price -------- 315 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Modified WR76B. Improved attack power and heat. Found -------------- Rewarded in "Launch Preemptive Strike" CR-WR93B3 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 88000c Type --------------- Bazooka Weight ------------- 775 Energy Drain ------- 49 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 1020 -Ammo -------------- 40 -Attack Heat ------- 5302 -Range ------------- 510 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 65 -Ammo Price -------- 275 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Lightweight bazooka with ample ammunition stories. Found -------------- Shop CR-WH05BP Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 93200c Type --------------- Bazooka Weight ------------- 1210 Energy Drain ------- 64 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 1630 -Ammo -------------- 40 -Attack Heat ------- 7230 -Range ------------- 480 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 72 -Ammo Price -------- 275 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Part's weight is offset by ammo capacity and damage potential. Found -------------- Shop WR13B-GIANT Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 72000c Type --------------- Spread Bazooka Weight ------------- 1020 Energy Drain ------- 79 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 560 -Ammo -------------- 25 -Attack Heat ------- 3891 -Range ------------- 340 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 67 -Ammo Price -------- 500 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Simultaneous three shot feature enables a better hit ratio. Found -------------- Shop WR17B-GIANT2 Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 61000c Type --------------- Spread Bazooka Weight ------------- 824 Energy Drain ------- 102 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 560 -Ammo -------------- 25 -Attack Heat ------- 3891 -Range ------------- 365 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 81 -Ammo Price -------- 380 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Fires rounds that spread out just as they reach their target. Found -------------- Shop [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #========##==####==##========##========##========##==####==##===###==# #==########==####==##==####==#####==#####==########==####==##====##==# #========##========##==####==#####==#####==##====##==####==##==#==#==# #######==##==####==##==####==#####==#####==####==##==####==##==##====# #========##==####==##========#####==#####========##========##==###===# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Shot Guns... First off shot guns are spread weapons, and are naturally better up close. Shot guns against hovers are great. Average against all else except for quads. Quads are too little most of the time to get hit by a lot of flak. So I would jump up and aim downward. Aiming as been raped with Shot gun in Last raven... almost to the point of uselessness. There are two types of shot guns. Solid: These are usually stronger hit for hit, but the spread is usually wider... they also have a two shot reload. Energy: These are faster and can get through high shell DEF tanks. These can also be supped up with OP parts. But other than a drain on your energy, they can overheat unlike in AC3/Silent Line [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-WR84S Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 63100c Type --------------- Shotgun Weight ------------- 533 Energy Drain ------- 82 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Standard -Attack Power ------ 188 -Ammo -------------- 56 -Attack Heat ------- 896 -Range ------------- 380 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 34 -Ammo Price -------- 135 -Usage Drain ------- --- -Mag Capacity ------ 2 -Mag Reload -------- 120 Notes: Limited range, but good close-in damage potential. Found -------------- Shop CR-WH76S Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 32800c Type --------------- Shotgun Weight ------------- 410 Energy Drain ------- 64 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Standard -Attack Power ------ 142 -Ammo -------------- 72 -Attack Heat ------- 662 -Range ------------- 405 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 30 -Ammo Price -------- 98 -Usage Drain ------- --- -Mag Capacity ------ 2 -Mag Reload -------- 102 Notes: Shotgun designed for use in close-quarters fighting. Found -------------- Shop CR-WH01SP Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 32200c Type --------------- Shotgun Weight ------------- 691 Energy Drain ------- 92 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Standard -Attack Power ------ 260 -Ammo -------------- 56 -Attack Heat ------- 720 -Range ------------- 360 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 36 -Ammo Price -------- 98 -Usage Drain ------- --- -Mag Capacity ------ 2 -Mag Reload -------- 126 Notes: Close-range shotgun equipped with heavy alloy rounds. Found -------------- Rewarded in "Shutdown Energy Plant" WR15S-WYVERN Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 73000c Type --------------- Energy Shotgun Weight ------------- 580 Energy Drain ------- 367 Ammo Type ---------- Energy -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 212 -Ammo -------------- 50 -Attack Heat ------- 1186 -Range ------------- 420 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 41 -Ammo Price -------- --- -Usage Drain ------- 1798 Notes: Shotgun design that utilizes energy rounds instead of solid. Found -------------- Shop WR23S-WYVERN2 Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 84000c Type --------------- Energy Shotgun Weight ------------- 635 Energy Drain ------- 398 Ammo Type ---------- Energy -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 165 -Ammo -------------- 70 -Attack Heat ------- 910 -Range ------------- 395 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 48 -Ammo Price -------- --- -Usage Drain ------- 1352 Notes: Redesigned WYVERN shotgun. Improved ammo capacity. Found -------------- Shop [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #========##========##========##========##========##========##==####### #==########==####==##==########==####==#####==#####==####==##==####### #========##========##======####==###########==#####========##==####### #######==##==########==########==####==#####==#####==####==##==####### #========##==########========##========##========##==####==##========# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Miscellaneous... These are just grouped like this because they are all weapons that came from some where else... Like the back/left arm. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] GACHIRIN Manufacturer ------- Kisaragi Price -------------- 62700c Type --------------- Flamethrower Weight ------------- 531 Energy Drain ------- 355 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- --- -Attack Power ------ 26 -Ammo -------------- 600 -Attack Heat ------- 2794 -Range ------------- 96 -Maximum Lock ------ --- -Firing Interval --- 3 -Ammo Price -------- 10 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Envelops a target in flames when deployed. Found -------------- Shop NICHIRIN Manufacturer ------- Kisaragi Price -------------- 54200c Type --------------- Flamethrower Weight ------------- 707 Energy Drain ------- 427 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- --- -Attack Power ------ 21 -Ammo -------------- 450 -Attack Heat ------- 3173 -Range ------------- 96 -Maximum Lock ------ --- -Firing Interval --- 3 -Ammo Price -------- 12 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Attack heat enhanced version of the GACHIRIN. Found -------------- Rewarded in "Prevent Plant Destruction" CR-WR84HNM Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 45800c Type --------------- Hand Missile Weight ------------- 715 Energy Drain ------- 349 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Standard -Attack Power ------ 780 -Ammo -------------- 32 -Attack Heat ------- 4320 -Range ------------- 445 -Maximum Lock ------ 4 -Firing Interval --- 60 -Ammo Price -------- 205 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Arm-mounted missile launcher with a max lock of four. Found -------------- Shop CR-WR84HNR Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 48800c Type --------------- Hand Rocket Weight ------------- 558 Energy Drain ------- 72 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- --- -Attack Power ------ 1520 -Ammo -------------- 50 -Attack Heat ------- 7570 -Range ------------- 580 -Maximum Lock ------ --- -Firing Interval --- 30 -Ammo Price -------- 158 -Usage Drain ------- --- -Mag Capacity ------ 2 -Mag Reload -------- 115 Notes: Arm-mounted rocket launcher that fires mid-sized rounds. Found -------------- Shop CR-WR93HNRP Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 48800c Type --------------- Hand Large Rocket Weight ------------- 715 Energy Drain ------- 118 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- --- -Attack Power ------ 3200 -Ammo -------------- 10 -Attack Heat ------- 12750 -Range ------------- 500 -Maximum Lock ------ --- -Firing Interval --- 127 -Ammo Price -------- 345 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Arm-mounted rocket launcher that fires large rounds. Found -------------- Shop CR-WR81G Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 85000c Type --------------- Grenade Rifle Weight ------------- 962 Energy Drain ------- 225 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- ND -Attack Power ------ 2400 -Ammo -------------- 15 -Attack Heat ------- 15290 -Range ------------- 730 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 110 -Ammo Price -------- 470 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Arm-mounted grenade rifle with devastating attack heat. Found -------------- Shop CR-WR88G2 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 70000c Type --------------- Grenade Rifle Weight ------------- 632 Energy Drain ------- 170 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- ND -Attack Power ------ 1520 -Ammo -------------- 24 -Attack Heat ------- 9163 -Range ------------- 680 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 95 -Ammo Price -------- 332 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Lightweight version of the WR81G grenade rifle. Found -------------- Shop CR-WH98GL Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 32000c Type --------------- Grenade Launcher Weight ------------- 317 Energy Drain ------- 106 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- ND -Attack Power ------ 1520 -Ammo -------------- 6 -Attack Heat ------- 9163 -Range ------------- 670 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 126 -Ammo Price -------- 332 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Small grenade rifle designed to be stored as a hanger unit. Found -------------- Shop [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #========##==####==##========##========##========##========##===###==# #==########==#==#==##==########==####==##==####==##==####==##====##==# #======####==#==#==##======####========##========##==####==##==#==#==# #==########==#==#==##==########==####==##==########==####==##==##====# #========##========##========##==####==##==########========##==###===# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Energy Guns... Energy weapons come in a bunch of sizes. Most energy weapons are now somewhat decent in the arena as well. Any ways... Pulse Rifle: Shoots a weak dinky pulse. Laser Rifle: Shoots an accurate linear laser. Plasma Rifle: Shoots a very strong beam, energy drain is a major issue. I WOULD HIGHLY SUGGEST YOU EQUIP ALL THE ENERGY OPTIONAL PARTS when include an energy weapon as a main source of damage. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] WR08PU-ROC Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 44000c Type --------------- Pulse Rifle Weight ------------- 193 Energy Drain ------- 256 Ammo Type ---------- Energy -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 352 -Ammo -------------- 60 -Attack Heat ------- 2788 -Range ------------- 395 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 35 -Ammo Price -------- --- -Usage Drain ------- 976 Notes: Energy-based pulse rifle designed for easy storage. Found -------------- Shop WR12PU-ROC2 Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 46000c Type --------------- Pulse Rifle Weight ------------- 289 Energy Drain ------- 357 Ammo Type ---------- Energy -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 308 -Ammo -------------- 78 -Attack Heat ------- 2472 -Range ------------- 425 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 28 -Ammo Price -------- --- -Usage Drain ------- 1122 Notes: Latest model pulse rifle offering improved ammo capacity. Found -------------- Shop WR21PU-ROC3 Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 63000c Type --------------- Pulse Rifle Weight ------------- 355 Energy Drain ------- 522 Ammo Type ---------- Energy -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 454 -Ammo -------------- 60 -Attack Heat ------- 3640 -Range ------------- 380 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 30 -Ammo Price -------- --- -Usage Drain ------- 1419 Notes: Pulse rifle with significantly enchanced attack power. Found -------------- Shop WH11PU-PERYTON Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 36000c Type --------------- Pulse Rifle Weight ------------- 144 Energy Drain ------- 231 Ammo Type ---------- Energy -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 399 -Ammo -------------- 30 -Attack Heat ------- 3021 -Range ------------- 310 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 18 -Ammo Price -------- --- -Usage Drain ------- 820 Notes: Weapon's small size belies its close-in damage potential. Found -------------- Rewarded in "Destroy The ECM Devices" YWH14PU-ROC4 *NEW* Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 80000c Type --------------- Pulse Rifle Weight ------------- 348 Energy Drain ------- 489 Ammo Type ---------- Energy -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 550 -Ammo -------------- 96 -Attack Heat ------- 4000 -Range ------------- 250 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 32 -Ammo Price -------- --- -Usage Drain ------- 989 Notes: Pulse rifle model with exceptional ammunition storage. Found -------------- Reward in "Eliminate Zinaida" WR18PU-DEMON Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 95000c Type --------------- Dual Pulse Rifle Weight ------------- 376 Energy Drain ------- 515 Ammo Type ---------- Energy -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 383 -Ammo -------------- 78 -Attack Heat ------- 3155 -Range ------------- 505 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 47 -Ammo Price -------- --- -Usage Drain ------- 1239 Notes: Ulse rifle that deploys two energy rounds per firing. Found -------------- Shop WR05L-SHADE Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 59000c Type --------------- Laser Rifle Weight ------------- 588 Energy Drain ------- 398 Ammo Type ---------- Energy -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 694 -Ammo -------------- 80 -Attack Heat ------- 5208 -Range ------------- 500 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 51 -Ammo Price -------- --- -Usage Drain ------- 1900 Notes: Fires a focused beam of laser energy at the intended target. Found -------------- Shop WR19L-HOLLOW Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 60000c Type --------------- Laser Rifle Weight ------------- 1120 Energy Drain ------- 306 Ammo Type ---------- Energy -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 489 -Ammo -------------- 86 -Attack Heat ------- 3860 -Range ------------- 520 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 33 -Ammo Price -------- --- -Usage Drain ------- 1562 Notes: Rapid-fire rifle with adequate ammunition stores. Found -------------- Shop CR-WR98L Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 76000c Type --------------- Laser Rifle Weight ------------- 615 Energy Drain ------- 688 Ammo Type ---------- Energy -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 597 -Ammo -------------- 36 -Attack Heat ------- 4700 -Range ------------- 470 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 46 -Ammo Price -------- --- -Usage Drain ------- 2325 Notes: Crest-manufactured laser rifle that fires high velocity rounds. Found -------------- Shop YWH07-DRAGON Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 85000c Type --------------- Laser Rifle Weight ------------- 461 Energy Drain ------- 188 Ammo Type ---------- Energy -Weapon Lock ------- Standard -Attack Power ------ 389 -Ammo -------------- 68 -Attack Heat ------- 2872 -Range ------------- 520 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 55 -Ammo Price -------- --- -Usage Drain ------- 1107 Notes: Test model designed for us in mobile combat engagements. Found -------------- Found hidden in "Protect Warlord's Forces" WR24L-SHADE2 Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 122000c Type --------------- Laser Rifle Weight ------------- 677 Energy Drain ------- 598 Ammo Type ---------- Energy -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 924 -Ammo -------------- 54 -Attack Heat ------- 6150 -Range ------------- 515 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 55 -Ammo Price -------- --- -Usage Drain ------- 4168 Notes: Redesigned SHADE model sporting improved firepower. Found -------------- Found hidden in "Eliminate Sorcerer" WR16DL-SKULL Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 63000c Type --------------- Dual Laser Rifle Weight ------------- 995 Energy Drain ------- 779 Ammo Type ---------- Energy -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 489 -Ammo -------------- 88 -Attack Heat ------- 3860 -Range ------------- 610 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 45 -Ammo Price -------- --- -Usage Drain ------- 1719 Notes: Laser rifle that discharges two simultaneous shots shen fired. Found -------------- Shop WR25DL-SKULL2 Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 61000c Type --------------- Dual Laser Rifle Weight ------------- 702 Energy Drain ------- 842 Ammo Type ---------- Energy -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 565 -Ammo -------------- 56 -Attack Heat ------- 4440 -Range ------------- 670 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 52 -Ammo Price -------- --- -Usage Drain ------- 2146 Notes: Reduced weight version of the original SKULL model. Found -------------- Shop WH04HL-KRSW Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 88000c Type --------------- Hi Laser Rifle Weight ------------- 1400 Energy Drain ------- 722 Ammo Type ---------- Energy -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 1440 -Ammo -------------- 40 -Attack Heat ------- 9000 -Range ------------- 550 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 72 -Ammo Price -------- --- -Usage Drain ------- 4462 Notes: Laser rifle that is both a work of art, and deadly. Found -------------- Rewarded in "Attack The Advancing Force" WR09HL-SPIRIT Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 90000c Type --------------- Hi Laser Rifle Weight ------------- 1238 Energy Drain ------- 815 Ammo Type ---------- Energy -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 1550 -Ammo -------------- 48 -Attack Heat ------- 9860 -Range ------------- 565 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 80 -Ammo Price -------- --- -Usage Drain ------- 4672 Notes: Laser rifle with devastating attack performnace. Found -------------- Shop YWH16HR-PYTHON *NEW* Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 150000c Type --------------- Hand Railgun Weight ------------- 500 Energy Drain ------- 600 Ammo Type ---------- Energy -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 729 -Ammo -------------- 40 -Attack Heat ------- 6860 -Range ------------- 580 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 55 -Ammo Price -------- --- -Usage Drain ------- 2978 Notes: Miniaturized rail gun designed to be equipped on an AC's arm. Found -------------- Rewarded in "Destroy The Internecine" WR20PL-OGRE Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 120000c Type --------------- Plasma Rifle Weight ------------- 1155 Energy Drain ------- 656 Ammo Type ---------- Energy -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 2520 -Ammo -------------- 16 -Attack Heat ------- 8240 -Range ------------- 610 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 81 -Ammo Price -------- --- -Usage Drain ------- 8909 Notes: Plasma rifle capable of inducing high levels of thermal stress. Found -------------- Shop WR22PL-OGRE2 Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 93000c Type --------------- Plasma Rifle Weight ------------- 899 Energy Drain ------- 560 Ammo Type ---------- Energy -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 1988 -Ammo -------------- 20 -Attack Heat ------- 13100 -Range ------------- 450 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 66 -Ammo Price -------- --- -Usage Drain ------- 6636 Notes: Plasma rifle with improved attack heat and ammo storage. Found -------------- Kill Moonlight/Neon Might (Rank 3) in the Arena WH06PL-ORC Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 42000c Type --------------- Plasma Rifle Weight ------------- 376 Energy Drain ------- 315 Ammo Type ---------- Energy -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 1988 -Ammo -------------- 5 -Attack Heat ------- 13100 -Range ------------- 420 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 91 -Ammo Price -------- --- -Usage Drain ------- 5460 Notes: Minaturized plasma rifle design. Storage capable. Found -------------- Shop WH12PL-ETTIN Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 96000c Type --------------- Dual Plasma Rifle Weight ------------- 1532 Energy Drain ------- 912 Ammo Type ---------- Energy -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 2140 -Ammo -------------- 14 -Attack Heat ------- 6310 -Range ------------- 460 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 116 -Ammo Price -------- --- -Usage Drain ------- 7690 Notes: Releases a dual burst of high-energy plasma when fired. Found -------------- Shop [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #========##========##===##===##========##========##====######========# #==####==##==####==##========##==####==##==####==##==#===####==####### #========##========##==#==#==##========##==####==##==###==###========# #==##==####==####==##==#==#==##==##==####==####==##==#===##########==# #==###==###==####==##==####==##==###==###========##====######========# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Parrying Blades... These are my most hated weapons, why? Because unless you are prefect with them, they suck. There are good things they have over every other weapon however... +Generally low weight +Strong +Instant over heat -Takes up your most important weapon slot -No tracking thus hard to hit with -Ammo limit -A moonlight will is better in almost every way. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] RASETSU Manufacturer ------- Kisaragi Price -------------- 38600c Type --------------- Blade Weight ------------- 238 Energy Drain ------- 13 Attack Power ------- 2270 Usage Limit -------- 20 Discharge Heat ----- 1355 Attack Heat -------- 8700 Range Rating ------- 6 Ammo Price --------- 320 Notes: Parrying blade with excellent offensive ratings. Found -------------- Found hidden in "Eliminate Intruders" ENMA Manufacturer ------- Kisaragi Price -------------- 42300c Type --------------- Blade Weight ------------- 376 Energy Drain ------- 24 Attack Power ------- 3100 Usage Limit -------- 10 Discharge Heat ----- 3625 Attack Heat -------- 13550 Range Rating ------- 5 Ammo Price --------- 415 Notes: Parrying blade with further enhanced offensive properties. Found -------------- Shop NIOH Manufacturer ------- Kisaragi Price -------------- 44400c Type --------------- Blade Weight ------------- 335 Energy Drain ------- 8 Attack Power ------- 4500 Usage Limit -------- 4 Discharge Heat ----- 7250 Attack Heat -------- 16300 Range Rating ------- 7 Ammo Price --------- 500 Notes: Devastating single hit damage potential. Found -------------- Shop [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### ###========###==#########========###====#######========###========#### ###==####==###==#########==####==###==#===#####==#########==########## ###========###==#########========###==###==####======#####========#### ###==####==###==#########==####==###==#===#####==###############==#### ###========###========###==####==###====#######========###========#### ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Laser Blades... Laser blades, for the most part, have been the same in every AC game. It's not hard to find the major benefits. Like no usage limit and high damage. The only bad thing about them are their close range-ness. Unlike other AC games before Nexus, in this one, EVERY BLADE can do a wave while hitting X right after circle during a blade. Nothing has to be special (as in no OP-I or PLUS sort of thing.) Also, blade tracking is somewhat back. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-WL69LB Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- ----- Type --------------- Laser Blade Weight ------------- 122 Energy Drain ------- 85 Attack Power ------- 641 Discharge Heat ----- 895 Attack Heat -------- 2402 Range Rating ------- 8 Usage Drain -------- 3690 Notes: Basic model laser blade meant for use in close-range combat. Found -------------- Equipped from the start WL01LB-ELF Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 29000c Type --------------- Laser Blade Weight ------------- 188 Energy Drain ------- 102 Attack Power ------- 795 Discharge Heat ----- 612 Attack Heat -------- 2978 Range Rating ------- 9 Usage Drain -------- 3240 Notes: Early model Mirage design with average performance specs. Found -------------- Shop CR-WL79LB2 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 38000c Type --------------- Laser Blade Weight ------------- 225 Energy Drain ------- 111 Attack Power ------- 1016 Discharge Heat ----- 1004 Attack Heat -------- 3808 Range Rating ------- 8 Usage Drain -------- 4752 Notes: Modified WL69LB. Offensive stats significantly improved. Found -------------- Shop CR-WL88LB3 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 43000c Type --------------- Laser Blade Weight ------------- 386 Energy Drain ------- 128 Attack Power ------- 1886 Discharge Heat ----- 1148 Attack Heat -------- 7064 Range Rating ------- 5 Usage Drain -------- 6426 Notes: Short range weapon with an excellent attack heat rating. Found -------------- Shop YWL03LB-TAROS Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 83000c Type --------------- Laser Blade Weight ------------- 447 Energy Drain ------- 305 Attack Power ------- 1486 Discharge Heat ----- 612 Attack Heat -------- 5528 Range Rating ------- 10 Usage Drain -------- 7104 Notes: Trial manufactured part designed with dual laser openings. Found -------------- Found hidden in "Destroy The Control Towers" WL14LB-ELF2 Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 54000c Type --------------- Laser Blade Weight ------------- 154 Energy Drain ------- 57 Attack Power ------- 856 Discharge Heat ----- 981 Attack Heat -------- 3132 Range Rating ------- 14 Usage Drain -------- 4176 Notes: Long laser housing specifically designed to improve blade range. Found -------------- Shop WL-MOONLIGHT Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 55200c Type --------------- Laser Blade Weight ------------- 502 Energy Drain ------- 357 Attack Power ------- 1722 Discharge Heat ----- 2048 Attack Heat -------- 6450 Range Rating ------- 8 Usage Drain -------- 8724 Notes: Highly irregular stat values, but has tremendous attack power. Found -------------- Rewarded in "Destroy AC Vigilance" FUHJIN Manufacturer ------- Kisaragi Price -------------- 50000c Type --------------- Laser Blade Weight ------------- 250 Energy Drain ------- 244 Attack Power ------- 1245 Discharge Heat ----- 1423 Attack Heat -------- 4668 Wave Range --------- 520 Usage Drain -------- 4240 Notes: Specialized blade design enables an energy wave discharge. Found -------------- Shop RAIJIN Manufacturer ------- Kisaragi Price -------------- 70000c Type --------------- Laser Blade Weight ------------- 283 Energy Drain ------- 276 Attack Power ------- 1664 Discharge Heat ----- 1815 Attack Heat -------- 6204 Wave Range --------- 280 Usage Drain -------- 6410 Notes: Modified FUHJIN design featuring enhanced attack power. Found -------------- Shop CR-WL06LB4 *NEW* Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 96000c Type --------------- Laser Blade Weight ------------- 451 Energy Drain ------- 201 Attack Power ------- 1597 Discharge Heat ----- 1235 Attack Heat -------- 5033 Range Rating ------- 12 Usage Drain -------- 7093 Notes: High-powered blade with a long laser housing for improved range. Found -------------- Rewarded in "Shutdown Internecine" YWL16LB-ELF3 *NEW* Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 88000c Type --------------- Laser Blade Weight ------------- 296 Energy Drain ------- 105 Attack Power ------- 1652 Discharge Heat ----- 1203 Attack Heat -------- 8910 Range Rating ------- 6 Usage Drain -------- 6011 Notes: Laser blade designed to emphasize attack power and heat. Found -------------- Reward in "Intercept Enemy AC" [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### ##==############========######========##==####==##===###==##========## ##==############==####==######==########==####==##====##==##==######## ##==############========######==##====##==####==##==#==#==##========## ##==########==##==####==##==##==####==##==####==##==##====########==## ##========##==##==####==##==##========##========##==###===##========## ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Left Arm Guns... Left hand guns are just right arm ones on the left side... If you need help on using them, try the right arms ones first. One knew area of the game is that these weapon now lock on, where in AC3/AC3SL, they didn't. This will hurt your lock box however. But won't make them useless once your right arm weapon drops. Remember, you should pick a strong one shot weapon, because this is your "ready" weapon. I'm sure you got into those times in other AC games where you just wish you had your grenade launcher out. Because if you are going to plan an attack (remember it takes time to lift up your left arm) you want it strong. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] WL02R-SPECTER Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 25000 Type --------------- Rifle Weight ------------- 553 Energy Drain ------- 95 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Standard -Attack Power ------ 303 -Ammo -------------- 100 -Attack Heat ------- 2005 -Range ------------- 450 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 42 -Ammo Price -------- 30 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Standard quality rifle exclusive to the left arm. Found -------------- Shop CR-YH05RS *NEW* Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 42000c Type --------------- Rifle Weight ------------- 403 Energy Drain ------- 139 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Standard -Attack Power ------ 280 -Ammo -------------- 100 -Attack Heat ------- 1420 -Range ------------- 480 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 25 -Ammo Price -------- 22 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Test model addressing firing performance and attack power. Found -------------- Reward in "Acquire The Commodity" HITEN Manufacturer ------- Kisaragi Price -------------- 52700c Type --------------- Rifle (AST) Weight ------------- 612 Energy Drain ------- 77 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Standard -Attack Power ------ 218 -Ammo -------------- 120 -Attack Heat ------- 1600 -Range ------------- 410 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 20 -Ammo Price -------- 33 -Usage Drain ------- --- -Mag Capacity ------ 6 -Mag Reload -------- 77 Notes: Rapid-fire rifle exclusive to the left arm. Found -------------- Shop WH01R-GAST Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 70000c Type --------------- Rifle (AST) Weight ------------- 465 Energy Drain ------- 153 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 260 -Ammo -------------- 150 -Attack Heat ------- 1770 -Range ------------- 445 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 20 -Ammo Price -------- 20 -Usage Drain ------- --- -Mag Capacity ------ 12 -Mag Reload -------- 105 Notes: Redesigned MOLD rifle with added ammunition capacity. Found -------------- Shop CR-WH05RLA Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 147000c Type --------------- Linear Rifle Weight ------------- 969 Energy Drain ------- 368 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 672 -Ammo -------------- 60 -Attack Heat ------- 2200 -Range ------------- 450 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 30 -Ammo Price -------- 31 -Usage Drain ------- --- -Mag Capacity ------ 3 -Mag Reload -------- 135 Notes: Linear rifle designed for quick burst attack capability. Found -------------- Shop WL05RS-GOLEM Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 50000c Type --------------- Sniper Rifle Weight ------------- 498 Energy Drain ------- 195 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- ND -Attack Power ------ 820 -Ammo -------------- 32 -Attack Heat ------- 3704 -Range ------------- 900 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 68 -Ammo Price -------- 66 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Well-balanced sniper rifle exclusive to the left arm. Found -------------- Shop CR-WL85RS Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 55700c Type --------------- Sniper Rifle Weight ------------- 375 Energy Drain ------- 106 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- ND -Attack Power ------ 728 -Ammo -------------- 27 -Attack Heat ------- 3980 -Range ------------- 765 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 57 -Ammo Price -------- 72 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Lightweight sniper rifle exclusive to the left arm. Found -------------- Shop WH02RS-WYRM Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 70000c Type --------------- Sniper Rifle Weight ------------- 610 Energy Drain ------- 78 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- ND -Attack Power ------ 820 -Ammo -------------- 24 -Attack Heat ------- 3704 -Range ------------- 990 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 22 -Ammo Price -------- 66 -Usage Drain ------- --- -Mag Capacity ------ 2 -Mag Reload -------- 93 Notes: Sniper rifle that can be fired twice in quick succession. Found -------------- Shop WH08RS-FENRIR Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 101000c Type --------------- EN Sniper Rifle Weight ------------- 1380 Energy Drain ------- 118 Ammo Type ---------- Energy -Weapon Lock ------- ND -Attack Power ------ 2400 -Ammo -------------- 10 -Attack Heat ------- 13100 -Range ------------- 1190 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 255 -Ammo Price -------- --- -Usage Drain ------- 5166 Notes: Energy-based sniper rifle with devastating single-shot power. Found -------------- Rewarded in "Investigate Recent Attack" CR-WL74M Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 52500c Type --------------- Machinegun Weight ------------- 404 Energy Drain ------- 55 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- WS -Attack Power ------ 162 -Ammo -------------- 150 -Attack Heat ------- 1188 -Range ------------- 305 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 6 -Ammo Price -------- 27 -Usage Drain ------- --- -Mag Capacity ------ 10 -Mag Reload -------- 70 Notes: High attack power machine gun exclusive to the left arm. Found -------------- Shop WL06M-FAIRY Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 15000c Type --------------- Machinegun Weight ------------- 339 Energy Drain ------- 48 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- WS -Attack Power ------ 77 -Ammo -------------- 220 -Attack Heat ------- 312 -Range ------------- 287 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 4 -Ammo Price -------- 14 -Usage Drain ------- --- -Mag Capacity ------ 10 -Mag Reload -------- 28 Notes: Small sized machine gun exclusive to the left arm. Found -------------- Shop CR-WH79M2 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 44800c Type --------------- Machinegun Weight ------------- 568 Energy Drain ------- 61 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- WS -Attack Power ------ 240 -Ammo -------------- 160 -Attack Heat ------- 1830 -Range ------------- 380 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 5 -Ammo Price -------- 22 -Usage Drain ------- --- -Mag Capacity ------ 10 -Mag Reload -------- 82 Notes: Machine gun with attack power and heat comparable to a rifle. Found -------------- Shop WH03M-FINGER Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 42000c Type --------------- Machinegun Weight ------------- 202 Energy Drain ------- 241 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 77 -Ammo -------------- 240 -Attack Heat ------- 312 -Range ------------- 262 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 5 -Ammo Price -------- 14 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Specially designed nulti-barrel machine gun. Found -------------- Reward in "Defeat Evangel" WH05M-SYLPH Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 65000c Type --------------- Machinegun Weight ------------- 259 Energy Drain ------- 128 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- WS -Attack Power ------ 154 -Ammo -------------- 180 -Attack Heat ------- 1059 -Range ------------- 250 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 6 -Ammo Price -------- 30 -Usage Drain ------- --- -Mag Capacity ------ 8 -Mag Reload -------- 45 Notes: Small sized machine gun model designed for portability. Found -------------- Shop YWH13M-NIX *NEW* Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 56000c Type --------------- Machinegun Weight ------------- 410 Energy Drain ------- 109 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- WS -Attack Power ------ 97 -Ammo -------------- 360 -Attack Heat ------- 303 -Range ------------- 330 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 2 -Ammo Price -------- 24 -Usage Drain ------- --- -Mag Capacity ------ 24 -Mag Reload -------- 110 Notes: Machine gun designed to inflict impressive close-range damage. Found -------------- Reward in "Attack The Advancing Force" WH10M-SILKY Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 61000c Type --------------- EN Machinegun Weight ------------- 598 Energy Drain ------- 446 Ammo Type ---------- Energy -Weapon Lock ------- WS -Attack Power ------ 168 -Ammo -------------- 180 -Attack Heat ------- 1303 -Range ------------- 290 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 10 -Ammo Price -------- --- -Usage Drain ------- 1849 Notes: Machine gun designed to fire high charged energy rounds. Found -------------- Rewarded in "Destroy Suspicious Force" CR-WH69H Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 21800c Type --------------- Handgun Weight ------------- 146 Energy Drain ------- 98 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- WS -Attack Power ------ 260 -Ammo -------------- 72 -Attack Heat ------- 2710 -Range ------------- 220 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 14 -Ammo Price -------- 32 -Usage Drain ------- --- -Mag Capacity ------ 6 -Mag Reload -------- 70 Notes: Lightweight handgun that can be equipped as a hanger unit. Found -------------- Shop CR-WH73H2 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 28000c Type --------------- Handgun Weight ------------- 267 Energy Drain ------- 78 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- WS -Attack Power ------ 260 -Ammo -------------- 70 -Attack Heat ------- 2710 -Range ------------- 258 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 33 -Ammo Price -------- 32 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Handgun design with improved firing range. Found -------------- Shop CR-WH79H3 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 34800c Type --------------- Handgun Weight ------------- 298 Energy Drain ------- 305 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- WS -Attack Power ------ 190 -Ammo -------------- 110 -Attack Heat ------- 4860 -Range ------------- 228 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 17 -Ammo Price -------- 61 -Usage Drain ------- --- -Mag Capacity ------ 10 -Mag Reload -------- 120 Notes: Handgun model with significantly enhanced ammo storage. Found -------------- Shop WL07H-MIST Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 35500c Type --------------- Handgun Weight ------------- 204 Energy Drain ------- 44 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- WS -Attack Power ------ 315 -Ammo -------------- 60 -Attack Heat ------- 2980 -Range ------------- 220 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 35 -Ammo Price -------- 40 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: High attack power handgun exclusive to the left arm. Found -------------- Shop WL10H-MIST2 Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 41000c Type --------------- Handgun Weight ------------- 174 Energy Drain ------- 119 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 217 -Ammo -------------- 72 -Attack Heat ------- 2590 -Range ------------- 232 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 20 -Ammo Price -------- 30 -Usage Drain ------- --- -Mag Capacity ------ 12 -Mag Reload -------- 140 Notes: Rapid-fire handgun exclusive to the left arm. Found -------------- Shop CR-WH01HP Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 42100c Type --------------- Handgun Weight ------------- 142 Energy Drain ------- 89 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- WS -Attack Power ------ 360 -Ammo -------------- 42 -Attack Heat ------- 2710 -Range ------------- 254 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 14 -Ammo Price -------- 40 -Usage Drain ------- --- -Mag Capacity ------ 6 -Mag Reload -------- 80 Notes: Storable handgun with firepower equivalent to that of a rifle. Found -------------- Kill Leanoro/Warp Time (26th) in the Arena WH09H-WRAITH Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 24000c Type --------------- Handgun Weight ------------- 139 Energy Drain ------- 99 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- WS -Attack Power ------ 210 -Ammo -------------- 64 -Attack Heat ------- 2980 -Range ------------- 215 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 12 -Ammo Price -------- 40 -Usage Drain ------- --- -Mag Capacity ------ 8 -Mag Reload -------- 60 Notes: Storage capable handgun with enhanced firing speed. Found -------------- Shop CR-WL95B Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 43300c Type --------------- Bazooka Weight ------------- 855 Energy Drain ------- 76 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 1400 -Ammo -------------- 20 -Attack Heat ------- 6520 -Range ------------- 364 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 102 -Ammo Price -------- 250 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Standard quality bazooka exclusive to the left arm. Found -------------- Shop CR-WH05BP Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 93200c Type --------------- Bazooka Weight ------------- 1210 Energy Drain ------- 64 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 1630 -Ammo -------------- 40 -Attack Heat ------- 7230 -Range ------------- 480 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 72 -Ammo Price -------- 275 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Part's weight is offset by ammo capacity and damage potential. Found -------------- Shop WL11B-TROLL Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 61000c Type --------------- Spread Bazooka Weight ------------- 770 Energy Drain ------- 95 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 560 -Ammo -------------- 20 -Attack Heat ------- 3891 -Range ------------- 342 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 90 -Ammo Price -------- 380 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Spread shot bazooka exclusive to the left arm. Found -------------- Shop CR-WL85S Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 34000c Type --------------- Shotgun Weight ------------- 505 Energy Drain ------- 72 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Standard -Attack Power ------ 129 -Ammo -------------- 72 -Attack Heat ------- 587 -Range ------------- 365 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 38 -Ammo Price -------- 110 -Usage Drain ------- --- -Mag Capacity ------ 3 -Mag Reload -------- 110 Notes: Lightweight shotgun exclusive to the left arm. Found -------------- Shop CR-WL88S2 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 59100c Type --------------- Shotgun Weight ------------- 325 Energy Drain ------- 95 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Standard -Attack Power ------ 188 -Ammo -------------- 56 -Attack Heat ------- 815 -Range ------------- 380 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 35 -Ammo Price -------- 135 -Usage Drain ------- --- -Mag Capacity ------ 2 -Mag Reload -------- 120 Notes: High attack power shotgun exclusive to the left arm. Found -------------- Shop CR-WH76S Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 32800c Type --------------- Shotgun Weight ------------- 410 Energy Drain ------- 64 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Standard -Attack Power ------ 142 -Ammo -------------- 72 -Attack Heat ------- 662 -Range ------------- 405 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 30 -Ammo Price -------- 98 -Usage Drain ------- --- -Mag Capacity ------ 2 -Mag Reload -------- 102 Notes: Shotgun designed for use in close-quarters fighting. Found -------------- Shop CR-WH01SP Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 32200c Type --------------- Shotgun Weight ------------- 691 Energy Drain ------- 92 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Standard -Attack Power ------ 260 -Ammo -------------- 56 -Attack Heat ------- 720 -Range ------------- 360 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 36 -Ammo Price -------- 98 -Usage Drain ------- --- -Mag Capacity ------ 2 -Mag Reload -------- 126 Notes: Close-range shotgun equipped with heavy alloy rounds. Found -------------- Rewarded in "Eliminate Enemy Occupiers" NICHIRIN Manufacturer ------- Kisaragi Price -------------- 54200c Type --------------- Flamethrower Weight ------------- 707 Energy Drain ------- 427 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- --- -Attack Power ------ 21 -Ammo -------------- 450 -Attack Heat ------- 3173 -Range ------------- 96 -Maximum Lock ------ --- -Firing Interval --- 3 -Ammo Price -------- 12 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Attack heat enhanced version of the GACHIRIN. Found -------------- Shop CR-WL79HNM Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 35000c Type --------------- Hand Missile Weight ------------- 453 Energy Drain ------- 373 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- Standard -Attack Power ------ 765 -Ammo -------------- 24 -Attack Heat ------- 4515 -Range ------------- 450 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 60 -Ammo Price -------- 220 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: High velocity missile launcher exclusive to the left arm. Found -------------- Shop CR-WL95G Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 43500c Type --------------- Grenade Rifle Weight ------------- 472 Energy Drain ------- 202 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- ND -Attack Power ------ 1016 -Ammo -------------- 24 -Attack Heat ------- 7155 -Range ------------- 590 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 90 -Ammo Price -------- 252 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Portable grenade rifle exclusive to the left arm. Found -------------- Shop CR-WH98GL Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 32000c Type --------------- Grenade Rifle Weight ------------- 317 Energy Drain ------- 106 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- ND -Attack Power ------ 1520 -Ammo -------------- 6 -Attack Heat ------- 9163 -Range ------------- 670 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 126 -Ammo Price -------- 332 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Small grenade rifle designed to be stored as a hanger unit. Found -------------- Shop CR-WL88HNR Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 40000c Type --------------- Hand Rocket Weight ------------- 458 Energy Drain ------- 65 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- --- -Attack Power ------ 1470 -Ammo -------------- 24 -Attack Heat ------- 7415 -Range ------------- 610 -Maximum Lock ------ --- -Firing Interval --- 28 -Ammo Price -------- 170 -Usage Drain ------- --- -Mag Capacity ------ 2 -Mag Reload -------- 135 Notes: Arm-mounted rocket launcher exclusive to the left arm. Found -------------- Shop CR-WL95HNNR Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 57000c Type --------------- Hand Nap Rocket Weight ------------- 605 Energy Drain ------- 312 Ammo Type ---------- Solid -Weapon Lock ------- --- -Attack Power ------ 168 -Ammo -------------- 30 -Attack Heat ------- 9330 -Range ------------- 425 -Maximum Lock ------ --- -Firing Interval --- 75 -Ammo Price -------- 205 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Naplam rocket launcher exclusive to the left arm. Found -------------- Shop WL08PU-ARGOS Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 60000c Type --------------- Pulse Rifle Weight ------------- 242 Energy Drain ------- 299 Ammo Type ---------- Energy -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 383 -Ammo -------------- 60 -Attack Heat ------- 3155 -Range ------------- 507 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 40 -Ammo Price -------- --- -Usage Drain ------- 1370 Notes: Lightweight pulse rifle exclusive to the left arm. Found -------------- Shop WL12PU-ARGOS2 Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 48000c Type --------------- Pulse Rifle Weight ------------- 408 Energy Drain ------- 245 Ammo Type ---------- Energy -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 464 -Ammo -------------- 48 -Attack Heat ------- 3708 -Range ------------- 402 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 44 -Ammo Price -------- --- -Usage Drain ------- 1621 Notes: High attack power pulse rifle exclusive to the left arm. Found -------------- Shop WH11PU-PERYTON Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 36000c Type --------------- Pulse Rifle Weight ------------- 144 Energy Drain ------- 231 Ammo Type ---------- Energy -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 399 -Ammo -------------- 30 -Attack Heat ------- 3021 -Range ------------- 310 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 18 -Ammo Price -------- --- -Usage Drain ------- 820 Notes: Weapon's small size belies its close-in damage potential. Found -------------- Rewarded in "Retrieve Research Data" YWH14PU-ROC4 *NEW* Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 80000c Type --------------- Pulse Rifle Weight ------------- 348 Energy Drain ------- 489 Ammo Type ---------- Energy -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 550 -Ammo -------------- 96 -Attack Heat ------- 4000 -Range ------------- 250 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 32 -Ammo Price -------- --- -Usage Drain ------- 989 Notes: Pulse rifle model with exceptional ammunition storage. Found -------------- Kill Certainty/Grim Beast (Rank 6) in the Arena YMH07-DRAGON Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 85000c Type --------------- Laser Rifle Weight ------------- 461 Energy Drain ------- 188 Ammo Type ---------- Energy -Weapon Lock ------- Standard -Attack Power ------ 389 -Ammo -------------- 68 -Attack Heat ------- 2872 -Range ------------- 520 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 55 -Ammo Price -------- --- -Usage Drain ------- 1107 Notes: Test model designed for us in mobile combat engagements. Found -------------- Rewarded in "Acquire The Commodity" WL13L-GORGON Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 51000c Type --------------- Laser Rifle Weight ------------- 635 Energy Drain ------- 308 Ammo Type ---------- Energy -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 740 -Ammo -------------- 48 -Attack Heat ------- 5990 -Range ------------- 717 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 67 -Ammo Price -------- --- -Usage Drain ------- 1920 Notes: Long-range laser rifle exclusive to the left arm. Found -------------- Shop WL15L-GRIFFON Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 61000c Type --------------- Dual Laser Rifle Weight ------------- 408 Energy Drain ------- 522 Ammo Type ---------- Energy -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 475 -Ammo -------------- 40 -Attack Heat ------- 3860 -Range ------------- 570 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 58 -Ammo Price -------- --- -Usage Drain ------- 1714 Notes: Lightweight, dual shot laser rifle exclusive to the left arm. Found -------------- Shop WH04HL-KRSW Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 88000c Type --------------- Hi Laser Rifle Weight ------------- 1400 Energy Drain ------- 722 Ammo Type ---------- Energy -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 1440 -Ammo -------------- 40 -Attack Heat ------- 9000 -Range ------------- 550 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 72 -Ammo Price -------- --- -Usage Drain ------- 4462 Notes: Laser rifle that is both a work of art, and deadly. Found -------------- Kill Code: Crimson (Rank 5) in the Arena WH06PL-ORC Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 42000c Type --------------- Plasma Rifle Weight ------------- 376 Energy Drain ------- 315 Ammo Type ---------- Energy -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 1988 -Ammo -------------- 5 -Attack Heat ------- 13100 -Range ------------- 420 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 91 -Ammo Price -------- --- -Usage Drain ------- 5460 Notes: Minaturized plasma rifle design. Storage capable. Found -------------- Shop WH12PL-ETTIN Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 96000c Type --------------- Dual Plasma Rifle Weight ------------- 1532 Energy Drain ------- 912 Ammo Type ---------- Energy -Weapon Lock ------- Special -Attack Power ------ 2140 -Ammo -------------- 14 -Attack Heat ------- 6310 -Range ------------- 460 -Maximum Lock ------ 1 -Firing Interval --- 116 -Ammo Price -------- --- -Usage Drain ------- 7690 Notes: Releases a dual burst of high-energy plasma when fired. Found -------------- Shop [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #========##==####==##========##========##==########====######========# #==########==####==#####==#####==########==########==#===####==####### #========##========#####==#####======####==########==###==###========# #######==##==####==#####==#####==########==########==#===##########==# #========##==####==##========##========##========##====######========# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Shields... These are shields, you can hold them up by pressing circle... it's a toggle. Energy... +Higher E DEF -Low S DEF -Drains energy Solid... +Higher S DEF +No drain -Heavier -Lower E DEF -Adds Stun [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-WL74ES Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 15500c Type --------------- Energy Shield Weight ------------- 133 Energy Drain ------- 17 Shield Specs ------- -Def Shell --------- 21 -Def Energy -------- 150 -Sheild Coverage --- 72 -Heat Insulation --- 1723 -Usage Drain ------- 697 Notes: Energy shield that reduces the damage inflicted when attacked. Found -------------- Shop CR-WL85ES2 Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 18400c Type --------------- Energy Shield Weight ------------- 180 Energy Drain ------- 45 Shield Specs ------- -Def Shell --------- 18 -Def Energy -------- 190 -Sheild Coverage --- 72 -Heat Insulation --- 2564 -Usage Drain ------- 889 Notes: Energy defense improved version of the WL74ES energy shield. Found -------------- Shop WL04ES-GIGAS Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 30000c Type --------------- Energy Shield Weight ------------- 224 Energy Drain ------- 62 Shield Specs ------- -Def Shell --------- 50 -Def Energy -------- 205 -Sheild Coverage --- 93 -Heat Insulation --- 3554 -Usage Drain ------- 1192 Notes: Good deployment range and defense stats. Found -------------- Shop BONTEN Manufacturer ------- Kisaragi Price -------------- 55000c Type --------------- Energy Shield Weight ------------- 350 Energy Drain ------- 118 Shield Specs ------- -Def Shell --------- 65 -Def Energy -------- 410 -Sheild Coverage --- 68 -Heat Insulation --- 3865 -Usage Drain ------- 1339 Notes: Energy shield with exceptional energy defense stats. Found -------------- Shop WL09ES-GIGAS2 Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 55000c Type --------------- Energy Shield Weight ------------- 277 Energy Drain ------- 95 Shield Specs ------- -Def Shell --------- 85 -Def Energy -------- 315 -Sheild Coverage --- 98 -Heat Insulation --- 5384 -Usage Drain ------- 1509 Notes: Modified GIGAS with significantly enhanced heat insulation. Found -------------- Shop FUTEN *NEW* Manufacturer ------- Kisaragi Price -------------- 69000c Type --------------- Energy Shield Weight ------------- 522 Energy Drain ------- 139 Shield Specs ------- -Def Shell --------- 96 -Def Energy -------- 501 -Sheild Coverage --- 82 -Heat Insulation --- 4322 -Usage Drain ------- 1022 Notes: Energy shield with superb DEF ratings, but heavy equip weight. Found -------------- Found hidden in "Shutdown Energy Plant" KATEN Manufacturer ------- Kisaragi Price -------------- 15000c Type --------------- Shield Weight ------------- 336 Energy Drain ------- 6 Shield Specs ------- -Def Shell --------- 110 -Def Energy -------- 8 -Sheild Coverage --- 72 -Heat Insulation --- 860 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Good solid round shielding, no energy consumption when deployed. Found -------------- Shop SUITEN Manufacturer ------- Kisaragi Price -------------- 44000c Type --------------- Shield Weight ------------- 415 Energy Drain ------- 10 Shield Specs ------- -Def Shell --------- 185 -Def Energy -------- 35 -Sheild Coverage --- 90 -Heat Insulation --- 1515 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: Modified KATEN design with enhanced solid round defense. Found -------------- Shop JITEN Manufacturer ------- Kisaragi Price -------------- 28000c Type --------------- Shield Weight ------------- 593 Energy Drain ------- 8 Shield Specs ------- -Def Shell --------- 220 -Def Energy -------- 12 -Sheild Coverage --- 84 -Heat Insulation --- 1036 -Usage Drain ------- --- Notes: New shield design specializing in solid round defense. Found -------------- Shop [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #========##========##========##========##========##========##========# #==####==##==####==##==####==##==####==##==####==#####==#####==####### #==####==##========##========##========##========#####==#####========# #==####==##==########==########==####==##==##==#######==###########==# #========##==####==##==########==####==##==###==######==#####========# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Optional Parts... These are parts you can equip that give you an instant boost. The core you use will tell you how many you can equip, they are all very different. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] O01-ANIMO Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 25000c Type --------------- Solid Screen Required Slots ----- 2 Notes: Reduces damage from solid shell ammunition. Uses two slots. Found -------------- Shop CR-O69ES Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 28000c Type --------------- Energy Screen Required Slots ----- 1 Notes: Reduces damage from energy ammunition. Uses one slot. Found -------------- Shop CR-O69SS Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 4000c Type --------------- Stabilizer Required Slots ----- 3 Notes: Improves stability when taking fire. Use three slots. Found -------------- Shop CR-O71EC Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 30000c Type --------------- Condenser Capacitor Required Slots ----- 4 Notes: Increases generator's condenser capacity. User four slots. Found -------------- Shop KISSYOH Manufacturer ------- Kisaragi Price -------------- 20000c Type --------------- Missile Jammer Required Slots ----- 2 Notes: Emits lock-on cancellation pulses. Uses two slots. Found -------------- Shop CR-O75LA Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 26000c Type --------------- Missile Lock-on Reducer Required Slots ----- 2 Notes: Reduces missile lock-on time. User two slots. Found -------------- Shop CR-O79L+ Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 27000c Type --------------- Lock Box Enlarger Required Slots ----- 3 Notes: Increase the size of the sight lock. Uses three slots. Found -------------- Shop O02-ORGANELLE Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 31000c Type --------------- Brake Increaser Required Slots ----- 2 Notes: Improves leg part braking ability. Uses two slots. Found -------------- Shop O03-CODON Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 41000c Type --------------- Turn Increaser Required Slots ----- 4 Notes: Improves leg part turning ability. Uses four slots. Found -------------- Rewarded in "Eliminate Enemy Patrols" CR-O83ES+ Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 38000c Type --------------- Shield Enlarger Required Slots ----- 1 Notes: Improves energy shield coverage range. Uses one slot. Found -------------- Shop O07-PRIMER Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 74000c Type --------------- Blade Booster Required Slots ----- 3 Notes: Increase laser blade attack power. Uses three slots. Found -------------- Shop O04-GOLGI Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 45000c Type --------------- Energy Booster Required Slots ----- 3 Notes: Increases energy weapon attack power. Uses three slots. Found -------------- Shop O05-HISTON Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 52000c Type --------------- Energy Speeder Required Slots ----- 2 Notes: Improves energy weapon reload time. Uses two slots. Found -------------- Shop O06-PHAGE Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 45000c Type --------------- Energy Reducer Required Slots ----- 4 Notes: Reduces energy weapon firing consumption. Uses four slots. Found -------------- Shop O08-RIBOSE Manufacturer ------- Mirage Price -------------- 15000c Type --------------- Radar Missile Adder Required Slots ----- 1 Notes: Adds missile display function to the radar. Uses one slot. Found -------------- Shop CR-O86R+ Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 32000c Type --------------- Radar Increaser Required Slots ----- 1 Notes: Improves radar range. Uses one slot. Found -------------- Shop MARISHI Manufacturer ------- Kirasagi Price -------------- 30000c Type --------------- Radiator Booster Required Slots ----- 2 Notes: Improves cooling performance. Uses two slots. Found -------------- Shop CR-O94ESS Manufacturer ------- Crest Price -------------- 25000c Type --------------- Shield Reducer Required Slots ----- 1 Notes: Reduces energy shield energy consumption. Uses 1 slot. Found -------------- Shop KANGI Manufacturer ------- Kisaragi Price -------------- 60000c Type --------------- ECM Counter Required Slots ----- 2 Notes: Improves VS ECM perfomance. Uses two slots. Found -------------- Rewarded in "Destroy The Control Towers" [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #######========####========####========####========####========####### #######==#############==#######==####==#######==#######==############# #######========#######==#######========#######==#######========####### #############==#######==#######==####==#######==#############==####### #######========#######==#######==####==#######==#######========####### ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Stats... Aim Adjust Time ----------------------------------------------------- Not 100% possitive, but it effects how well your arms will comply with switching to a different target... again, not sure. Lower the better I assume. Found on: Arms Aiming Accuracy ----------------------------------------------------- This is how accurate the arms will be. This is more important with machine guns than most other weapons. Found on: Non SYURA Arms Ammo ---------------------------------------------------------------- The number of ammo the part has to offer. Keep in mind if you see the word "dual" it means it'll take 2 ammo units, and so on... Found on: Anything that shoots Ammo Price ---------------------------------------------------------- In missions, this is how much one round of ammo costs Found in: Shell EO Cores/Shell Weapon Arms/Shell Insides/Shell Extensions/ Shell Back Units/Shell Arm Units Ammo Type ----------------------------------------------------------- Solid or Energy... Solids cost money... Energy costs... well, energy... Found in: Anything with damage-able ammo AP ------------------------------------------------------------------ This is short for Armored Points. Armor points are an AC's life. Keep in mind that High AP isn't good unless you have a high defense. The AP of all the parts listed is added together. 6125-9999 is the lowest and highest values. Found on: Heads/Cores/Arms/Legs Attack Heat --------------------------------------------------------- This is how much thermal stress is induced towards the enemy. Remember to factor in your reload speed. Ignore this stat VS MTS. Found on: EO Cores/Weapon Arms/Offensive Inside Weapons/Relation Missile Extensions/Back Units/Arm Units Attack Power -------------------------------------------------------- This is how strong a weapon is. This is purely the damage of one round of ammo. This isn't a good gauge for shotguns or bigger spread weapons. Found on: EO Cores/Weapon Arms/Offensive Inside Weapons/Relation Missile Extensions/Back Units/Arm Units Auto-Map ------------------------------------------------------------ This simply means if you head has an auto-map memory on it. If it doesn't, hitting select will give you two feet of mapping. This is only important in missions, especially when there are hidden/moving targets. Found on: Heads Avg Capture --------------------------------------------------------- This is the size of the lock box when the listed weapon type isn't being uses... (Using a W&S FCS with a N&D weapon) Found on: FCS Avg Lock Range ------------------------------------------------------ Same instances as capture, only this will effect actual look on range. Found on: FCS Bio-Sensor ---------------------------------------------------------- This stat will determine if your head can lock on to non-robotic organisms. Not having a Bio sensor against these enemies will render missiles useless and everything else like rockets. This can really make a mission VERY hard: True story. ?: thanks for telling me about the bugs ?: really appreciate it He should of used the FAQ :P Found on: Heads -Bio-Sensor --------------------------------------------------------- This is the stat that will determine if your Radar can pick up bio weapons. This isn't that important, but it's there. Found on: Heads/Back Unit Radars Blade Aptitude ------------------------------------------------------ This is a number, called Energy Supply in other games... this number is a percent of how much damage it adds or decreases from your blade power. Found on: Non-Weapon Arms Boost Accel --------------------------------------------------------- A new stat to Last Raven... I suppose it has to do with the rate you reach your max speed. Found on: Tank-Hover Legs/Boosters/Booster Extensions Booster Heat -------------------------------------------------------- The effect boosting will have in terms of heat. The higher, the worse for you. Try to equip a better rad or better cooling parts to counter this the best you can. And remember, the first boost is always the "hottest" you'll see a difference if you boost hop or strait boost. Found on: Tank-Hover Legs/Boosters/Booster Extensions Boost Interval ------------------------------------------------------ Reload time for extension boosters. Found on: Extensions Boost Power --------------------------------------------------------- The higher the number, the faster you will boost with what ever it applies to. Found on: Tank-Hover Legs/Boosters/Booster Extensions Breaking Ability ---------------------------------------------------- The higher the number, the better you regain your footing after boosts or over-boosts. The higher the number, the better you can also switch directions. Found on: Legs Calorific Value ----------------------------------------------------- This is the amount of heat your generator gives off... this is no longer a useless stat... having a higher value means you'll overheat a lot faster. Found on: Generators Charge Drain -------------------------------------------------------- The higher the number, the faster your energy bar will deplete. Found on: Tank-Hover Legs/Boosters/Booster Extensions Computer Type ------------------------------------------------------- This is how detailed or how basic a head is. It affects if you will get data from AC units during a mission... as well as if you break or damage an AC's parts. Found on: Heads Condenser Cap ------------------------------------------------------- The higher the number, the bigger your non-red energy bar will be. Remember, the bar is always "condensed." Found on: Generators Cooling ------------------------------------------------------------- I do not know how exactly cooling works... but I do know one thing... the higher cooling you have, the less you will over heat. Make sure you have high cooling if you plan on using boosters or generators with high heat. Found on: Heads/Cores/Arms/Legs/Radiators Discharge Heat ------------------------------------------------------ When using a part with this stat, this is how much heat you will get from it. This is only really noticeable on a Core, however... Found on: Cores/SYURA/Energy Recovery Extensions/Right Arm Parrying Blades/Left Arm Laser Blades Def Energy ---------------------------------------------------------- This added to your energy defense. The higher the number, the less damage you take from energy weapons. Found on: Heads/Cores/Arms/Legs/Shield Extensions/Left Arm Shields Defense Stability --------------------------------------------------- Higher the number, the less large fire (rockets/grenades etc) will make you shake and screw you up. Found on: Legs Def Shell ----------------------------------------------------------- This added to your shell defense. The higher the number, the less damage you take from shell weapons. Found on: Heads/Cores/Arms/Legs/Shield Extensions/Left Arm Shields ECM Level ----------------------------------------------------------- The level of disruption caused by your ECM maker. Found on: Insides Effect Duration ----------------------------------------------------- The time your "product" will stay in the air, be it a decoy or an ECM. Found on: Inside Emergency Cap ------------------------------------------------------- This is how big your generator's red zone is... you know, that little red area that makes the beep noise when you go into it? Found on: Generators Emergency Comsump(tion) --------------------------------------------- When you over heat, your radiator needs to work very hard to cool you back down... well why doesn't it do that all the time, you ask? Well, because when it does go into "forced cooling" it will suck energy from you. This is that stat. Found on: Radiators Energy Drain -------------------------------------------------------- Energy Drain is how much stress a part puts on your generator... or how much power is needed to use the part. This almost works like weight, the lower drain you have over all, the faster your bar recharges. This is called your "EN Supply". Found on: Heads/Cores/Arms/Legs/Boosters/FCS/Radiators/Insides/Extensions/Back Units/Arm Units EN Output ----------------------------------------------------------- Instead of a generator having energy drain, it has this. Think of this just like the weight stay. Keep your overall drain lower than this number. The lower, the better refresh you'll have. Found on: Generators EO Ammo Type -------------------------------------------------------- This tells you if the Exceed Orbit uses shell or energy rounds. Energy rounds regen after a while. Found on: Cores EO Range ------------------------------------------------------------ This is the maximum distance an EO will hit fire at. Found on: Cores Firing Interval ----------------------------------------------------- This number is how fast the next round of ammo will be shot; reload. Found on: EO Cores/Weapon Arms/Inside Weapons/Relation/Anti Missile Extensions/Back Units/Arm Units Forced Cooling ------------------------------------------------------ This stat takes into place when you radiator is working hard to pump all that heat out of you. (You know, when you overheat) Found on: Radiators Hanger Unit --------------------------------------------------------- This stat tells you whether or not the Hanger feature is provided. Found on: Cores Heat Insulation ----------------------------------------------------- The added bonus in your fight against heat! Found on: Extensions Shields/Left Arm Shields Heat Resistance ----------------------------------------------------- This number is your heat tolerance. If your heat gauge goes higher than this, you will over heat. Found on: Cores Jump Performance ---------------------------------------------------- If the legs can jump, if so, how high/far. Found on: Legs Landing Stability --------------------------------------------------- I'm not sure if this effect either the chance of a hard langing, or the recovery time... either way, it effects the state when you fall down high up... try to never let this happen by boosting before you touch the ground. Found on: Legs Lock Time ----------------------------------------------------------- How long it takes to get a "double lock"... a double lock is when you place your target in your lock box for a while... then your shoots will lead the target, instead of just going strait. Normal Rifles, Hand guns, Machine Guns... they don't have this... but most cannons, Sniper rifles, bazookas, and energy weapons do. Found on: FCS Lock Type ----------------------------------------------------------- This is the type of lock box you will have... Wide/Shallow > Standard > Narrow/Deep, These rank from bigest lock box... while the opposite when talking about range. Vertical and horizontal mean just that, a rectanglaur box instead. Found on: FCS Mag Capacity -------------------------------------------------------- Found on with some solid weapons. This is how many shoots you have before you reload. Switching to another weapon can help avoid reloading. Found on: Back units/Arm Weapons Mag Reload Time ----------------------------------------------------- The amount of time it takes to reload. Found on: Back units/Arm Weapons Manufacturer -------------------------------------------------------- This tells you who makes the part. It is pointless and stupid to actually take this stat seriously. Found on: Heads/Cores/Arms/Legs/Boosters/FCS/Generators/Radiators/Inside Extensions/Back Units/Arm Units/Optional Parts Max Arm Weight ------------------------------------------------------ Like legs, cores have a limit to how much they can support on there arm area. This includes arms, arm weapons, and extensions. If you go over, you will be less accurate. Found on: Cores Max Capture --------------------------------------------------------- The size of the lock box with the proper lock type weapons. Found on: FCS Maximum Launch ------------------------------------------------------ It's not really "Max" more like just Launch... this value is the number of missiles will fire out of your extensions each time. Found on: Extension Maximum Lock -------------------------------------------------------- For regular weapons, it will be one. For missiles, it can tell you how many lock ons you can get to launch missiles in suggession. The stat for an FCS must be higher or equal to a missiles max lock for it to work... Found on: Any weapon that can lock/FCS Max Leg Weight ------------------------------------------------------ Just another parameter you must not go over while creating an AC. If the total weight of all your none leg parts exceeds this, you will be warned with a constant beep and a speed decrease. Drop used weapons or use lighter parts. Underweight legs tend to have a better preformce that ones that aren't... Found on: Legs Max Lock Range ------------------------------------------------------ The longest range your FCS will let you lock on with, considering your weapons lock type matches your FCS. Found on: FCS Missile Lock Time --------------------------------------------------- How fast a missile will lock on. The lower, the better. Found on: FCS Missile Sensor ------------------------------------------------------ If this stat is provided, you can see missiles on your radar as purple dots. If you need it that bad... you can equip an optional part. Found on: Heads/Back Unit Radars Moving Ability ------------------------------------------------------ How fast the AC walks/slides/hovers... I wouldn't worry about this stat too much... as you should be boosting 90%+ of the time... hovers, it's a different story. Found on: Legs Moving Drian -------------------------------------------------------- A stat that is the same as energy drain. This is in effect if you are actually moving the legs. (Walking) Free falling, boosting... doesn't apply to this. Found on: Legs Night Vision -------------------------------------------------------- A new feature in Armored Core... in certain missions, you will be in a dark situation. If you have a head that features Night Vision, the screen will be in a light amplifying green tint. If you don't have this, it may be hard to see... it's more fun this way, however :). Found on: Heads OB Acceleration ----------------------------------------------------- A new stat found on OB cores... I suppose it has to do with the rate you reach you max speed. Found on: Over boost Cores OB Energy Drain ----------------------------------------------------- This is how fast the core will drain your energy bar. It is more important to look at opposed to the power itself. Found on: Cores OB Power ------------------------------------------------------------ This is how strong the over boost is. They are all generally fast, and you shouldn't base a core just on this. Found on: Cores Optional Slots ------------------------------------------------------ This number is the amount of slots you core has. If you want more optional slots, equip a core with a higher number. Found on: Cores Parallel Sight ------------------------------------------------------ This is the % of your lock box that gets reduced when you use a left arm weapon. Found on: FCS Price --------------------------------------------------------------- This is the overall retail value of the part. Every part, except for the ones you start out with, can be sold and bought again. Remember: +A part is used once brought into battle or tuned -- Sells for -10% +A part used in the AC test is not considered used +Starting parts cannot be sold If a part brakes in a mission... you must buy it back again. Found on: Heads/Cores/Arms/Legs/Boosters/FCS/Generators/Radiators/Insides Extensions/Back Units/Arm Units/Optional Parts Radar Function ------------------------------------------------------ Have this means you're head as radar. Not having this stat means you are going to need a Back Unit Radar if you want working radar. Found on: Heads Radar Range --------------------------------------------------------- The higher the number, the farther your radar can pick up targets. Found on: Heads/Back Unit Radars Radar Type ---------------------------------------------------------- This is the type of radar your display will have... none really matter, but it does change the type... Found on: Radar back units Range --------------------------------------------------------------- The range of the shot or the effect of anything. High numbers = better. Found on: Anything that shoots or leaves a pod. Range Rating -------------------------------------------------------- This is the length of a blade... the higher the longer. Keep in mind, the longer, the more strike points... the higher damage. But this means you really still should hit your target as close as possible. Found on: Energy Blade Weapons Recover Energy ------------------------------------------------------ The amount of energy that will get added to your energy gauge after one use. Found on: Energy Recovery Extensions Recover Time -------------------------------------------------------- The amount of time it will take to fully give you your juice. Found on: Energy Recovery Extensions Reload Amount ------------------------------------------------------- The amount of ammo you will get upon using an extension for ammo. Found on: Extensions Reload Interval ----------------------------------------------------- How fast you can "reload" again... a near pointless stat... even the point... Reload Interval is the reload speed into which you will reload your weapon... Found on: Extensions Reload Uses --------------------------------------------------------- How many times you can reload... Found on: Extensions Scanning Interval --------------------------------------------------- This is the amount of time it takes for the radar to refresh. The lower the number, the faster you can see where something is... again. Found on: Heads/Back Units Radars Shield Coverage ----------------------------------------------------- The area coverage of your shield... the bigger, the higher chance your shield will reduce the damage from the shot. Found on: Extensions Shields/Left Arm Shields Stability ----------------------------------------------------------- Somehow your head will balance your AC when hit... not sure why... Found on: Heads Stationary Drain ---------------------------------------------------- This is the same as energy drain; put only when you aren't directly moving your legs. (Standing still/falling/boosting) Found on: Legs Targeting ----------------------------------------------------------- Can the FCS lock on to two targets with dual guns or can it lock on to many targets with missiles? Found on: FCS Tuned Accuracy ------------------------------------------------------ This is the tuned stat for accuracy. Honeslty, I don't think it's worth tuning for as it only can go up a little. Found on: Arms Tuned Boost Accel --------------------------------------------------- Not worth it my opinion... hell I'm not even sure how this works yet... But I still would place my bets on boost power or heat. Found on: Boosters Tuned Booster Heat -------------------------------------------------- The stat to tune if you are getting too hot... Found on: Boosters Tuned Boost Power --------------------------------------------------- If you aren't tuning for heat, you should be tuning for this... going faster is very important. Found on: Boosters Tuned Condenser Cap ------------------------------------------------- Tuning this will make your actual gauge bigger. Tune for this is you plan to fly for longer periods of time. Found on: Generators Tuned Cooling ------------------------------------------------------- This is the stat that changes when you tune for cooling. It increases a lot, and is helpful if you don't feel like equipping the heaviest radiator. Found on: Heads/Cores/Non-Weapon Arms/Legs/Radiators Tuned ECM ----------------------------------------------------------- This is a stat that is change from tuning. Do this if you plan on going into a mission with a very high ECM level. Found on: Heads Tuned Energy -------------------------------------------------------- This is the energy defense after tuning. Tune for energy defense if you have very little, or you are taking down a hard mission with very few solid threats. Found on: Heads/Cores/Non-Weapon Arms/Legs Tuned EN consumption ------------------------------------------------ Tune this stat to make your rad less drainy. Found on: Radiators Tuned EN Output ----------------------------------------------------- Tune this stat to raise the speed your energy gauge will restore... or if you don't have enough energy in the first place. This is more important when you are constantly moving/boost hopping. Found on: Generators Tuned Leg Weight ---------------------------------------------------- The stat for tuning max leg weight. Only use this as a lazy way to put an AC into combat. If your AC is going to be used often, it's a good idea never to rely on this stat. Although it can increse the performance of your legs... turning and speed... Found on: Legs Tuned Max Arm ------------------------------------------------------- A stat for tuning to hold more for your arms. This can increase by a lot for each point, but rarely should you need to unless using dual bazookas or heavy arms. Found on: Cores Tuned Shell --------------------------------------------------------- This is the shell defense after tuning. Tune for Shell defense if you have very little, or you are taking down a hard mission with very few energy threats. Found on: Heads/Cores/Non-Weapon Arms/Legs Tuned Weight -------------------------------------------------------- This is weight that is affect by Tuning. Obviously when tuning for weight, the weight goes down... don't ask me how, it just does. Tuning for this is wise when you are a few overweight. Found on: Heads/Cores/Non-Weapon Arms/Legs/Boosters/Generators/Radiators Turning Ability ----------------------------------------------------- How fast the legs turn. Very important stat if you plan on going close range. Found on: Legs Usage Limit --------------------------------------------------------- The number of times you can use your extension. Found on: Energy Recovery Extensions Use Interval -------------------------------------------------------- The reload speed between uses... Found on: Energy Recovery Extensions Vs ECM -------------------------------------------------------------- Like weight, all your ECM values get added up. If you are in a environment with lots of interference, then this will take into affect. Look next to your radar where it says something like "J/m!" The number there is the electrical level of the level you are in. If you VS ECM isn't higher than it... your lock-ons/radar will suffer. Found on: Heads/FCS/Back Unit Radars VS MG Response ------------------------------------------------------ This is how effective the missile interceptor is on the front of your core. You can use this number to figure how good it is, or if the core even has one! Found on: Core/Extensions Wave Range ---------------------------------------------------------- The range of the wave that comes from an energy wave. All blades come equipped with a wave automatically, just press X (or "Boost" for the nubies). Found on: Energy Blades Weapon Lock --------------------------------------------------------- The weapons locking in which to base your FCS on... WS = Wide and Shallow; Using anything but a WS FCS would be foolish. Standard; Really depends on your tactics (Close/long range) ND = Narrow and Deep; Use a ND FCS... or a WS IF and only IF you love the weapon, but need it a bit closer. Special = An FCS hardly makes a difference in this case. Found on: Anything that can lock Weight -------------------------------------------------------------- Weight is how heavy something is. The heavier you are, the slower you will move. Remember, just because you aren't overweight, doesn't mean you have to squeeze every last part on. Found on: Heads/Cores/Arms/Legs/Boosters/FCS/Generators/Radiators/Insides Extensions/Back Units/Arm Units Usage Drain --------------------------------------------------------- This is how much energy the part takes to use. Found in: Energy EO Cores/Energy Weapon Arms/Energy Extensions/Energy Back Units/Energy Arm Units [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Ending... If you have a question, feel free to ask me about it on the message board, I'm sure to be there (When new Armored Core games are released in the -->States<--, contact me somehow on the most recent board of it). You may also Instant message me at IWBDK on aim. My mail is also iwbdk@hotmail.com Oh yeah, Please rate :) ~Credits... Thanks to the message board for some info. And thanks to CjayC for a great site! ~Copyright... No one can use this FAQ with out my permission. GameFAQs is the only site allowed using this FAQ without my permission. If you would like to "use" it, you may ask. This document is... Copyright 2006 Brian David Kacaba