Army Men: RTS for Nintendo GameCube FAQ/Walkthrough by Zero Kirby Copyright 2007 Billy Kirby Legal $#!^====================================================================== Yadda yadda yadda, blah blah blah, you've probably skipped over this and went straight to editing my name out and prepping it for your site. YOU SIR, then, are a true idiot because, c'mon, trying to take credit for someone else's work? You probably needed this thing to find how how the A BUTTON WORKED then. DO NOT steal and/or plagerise this work, as it is against the law. Learn something new everyday, huh? As if you didn't know. In case you didn't know, breaking the law is a very bad thing because then some guys with shiny badges will come to your house and fine you, say, around ten thousand dollars or put you behind bars for at least 5 years. That sounds like such a good time though, you can't resist the shiny badges! In all seriousness, companies lose thousands to millions of dollars from stolen or pirated merchandise. While I don't make money off this guide, I did spend a long time to make this, and it is protected by copyright thanks to my good pal GameFAQs. By the way, this guide will only be for viewing on GameFAQs. Only. GameFAQs. It will never be anywhere else except my own sites if I get around to making such things. Fun Fact: If everybody pirated games or stole them, the companies that make the fine games could go out of buisness. So be a good little boy/girl/thing and don't steal. Or do drugs. That's illegal too, believe it or not. ================================================================================ Units--------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Sarge* Sarge is basically a super-powered Grunt. He's strong and can take quite a bit of damage. Benefits: He's a good unit to send into battle, and can dole out some damage. Weakness: He's still just a Grunt, so later on you'll only want to send him out with an army to back him up. Also, as a Hero, if he dies, he cannot be replaced. *Hoover* Poor Hoover. He doesn't even want to be in the war yet he's stuck here. He's a mine-sweeper that is extremely useful because mine-sweepers are very tedious to create as such. Benefits: Knocks out mines, and he's really funny to quote out. Weakness: He can't fight back, and as a Hero, he's irreplacable. *Thick* Thick, Thick, Thick. He's so dumb he doesn't know how dumb he truly is. However, as a powerful Machine-Gunner he can really pound out the damage. Benefits: Extremely powerful. A front-line soldier through and through. Weakness: As a Hero, he can't be replaced. *Riff* Boom may well be Riff's favorite word. The blazing bazooka-man can dole out serious punishment to your armored foes. Benefits: Can seriously put the hurt-down on armored and aerial foes. Strong against buildings too. Weakness: Mere grunts can give him a bit of trouble, and like all other Heroes, he cannot be replaced. *Scorch* This guy's pretty cool under heat... and he packs a lot of it. His flamethrower skills will seriously damage enemies like you've never seen. Benefits: His weapon fires continuous streams, so he's strong against nearly all ground units and buildings. Weakness: Aerial foes give him trouble, and he's a Hero, so guess what? He's irreplacable. *Bullseye* One seriously cool dude. He's constantly calm even when under fire. But he's at his best when he can see what other's don't... as a sniper. Benefits: He has the best line-of-sight for all ground units, and can kill Grunts in one shot. Lots of health, too. Weakness: His shots are slow, and he can only fire on soldiers. Under fire, he needs to escape as soon as possible. Also, he's an irreplacable Hero. *Grunt* A simple war-machine of brainlessness. Benefits: Quick, easy, and cheap to create. Armies in minutes. Just add water! Weakness: Very weak and are killed easily. *Grenadier* A more powerful soldier packing a little more heat. Benefits: More bang for your buck. Weakness: Slow and close-range. Usually some of the first to get killed in battle. Ineffective against them durn flyin' foes. *Mine Sweeper* Not the game, the soldier unit that wipes out mines. Benefits: Costs the same as a grunt, kills mines. Fast, too. Weakness: No way to defend themselves. Follows orders to the bone, even when under fire. Lacks real common sense. Also it's just a pain to make them. 50 Plastic down the drain just to kill mines. *Machine Gunner* Fast firing rate means these guys dole out damage. Benefits: Can shoot more bullets in less time. Great frontliners. Weakness: Slow and expensive to make. Also a little slow on the field. *Bazooka Man* These guys mean buisness; would you tick someone off who had a big gun? Benefits: Takes care of armored, aerial, and buildings in no time flat. A little splash damage as well to hurt surrounding units. Weakness: Shots are slow and don't really hurt soldiers that well. Also really expensive and slow to create. *Sniper* They can take out tans before they know what hit 'em. Benefits: A single, powerful, long-range shot will take care of most soldiers. Great line-of-sight, and react to things before most soldiers. Weakness: Extremely exspensive, slow to create, and can only attack soldiers. Not an ideal frontliner. *Mortar Men* Shoots up, comes down, big bangs. What more do you want? Benefits: Super-powerful against buildings. Always have a few in a seperate, yet following squad to take care of buildings. Make sure they're in the back of the line, however. Weakness: Slow, ineffective, and generally bad to use. It's good to have a few when raiding bases, but otherwise, ignore them. *Flamethrowers* If you need to kill something fast, these are your men. Benefits: Takes out most early buildings quickly and effectively. Great against soldiers, okay against armored. Weakness: Aerial foes once again really pose a difficult problem here. Also, range is terrible; they need to be in the frontline. *Mine Layer* They lay mines. That kill Tans. Fun, eh? Benefits: Can lay deadly stealth mines under the Tan's nose. Weakness: When will you need to lay mines? Tans will always send out solo sweeps to take care of any "anomalies" so these units are useless. *Medic* Heals any units and buildings around ya. Nice accents as well. Benefits: Will heal any units around them. Great for making sure your soldiers last longer to deal more damage before a horrible and melted death. Fast, too. Weakness: Cannot defend or heal themselves; they should travel in pairs. Also expensive and like all Garage units, slow to make. *Half Track* Super-fast armored machine gun. Great fun, twice the run. Also really hyper. I mean really REALLY hyper. Benefits: These seriously are super-powered Machine Gunners that are great against ALL units. Essential for all armies. Also, they can fire WHILE MOVING. The perfect soldier! Weakness: Unfortunately, they are expensive and like all other Garage units, slow to make. Electricity is usually in short supply, too, so that's another problem. Take the time, though, and you can build up a strong army with these. *Tank* Solves nearly all problems. Plus, when are you gonna have so much fun? Benefits: Will eliminate any problem on the field really quickly, and can take out buildings in a flash. Weakness: Slow for a vehicle, expensive, slow to make, and cannot attack aerial foes for some reason. Otherwise, very solid. *Helicopter* The king of kings, the unit of units, this baby knows everything to deal quick damage. Benefits: Flies over anything on the field. Very quick, very strong, and can eliminate anything by itself quickly. If you have an army of Helicopters, well, you have a pretty good army. Weakness: Anti-Aircraft Guns really take it out of these guys. Also, they are very expensive and slow to create. *Barbed Wire Post* Sets up an obstuction your foes will need to beat. Benefits: Blocks foes. Set up a series of them, and they create fences that can actually be dislinked and relinked if you want to. Very useful feature. Also very sturdy. And cheap. God, these are nearly universal, huh? Weakness: Must be placed at the most 5 squares away to link up. Also cannot defend themselves. *Guard Tower* If you need quick, cheap protection, happy birthday. Benefits: Quick to build and defend themselves. Basically Barbed Wire Posts that fight back, as they can also link up to other Towers and Posts. Cheap, too. Weakness: Very weak. *Pillbox* Very deadly. Very quick. Very powerful. Very cool. Benefits: Will take out armored foes fast and soldiers faster. Killer. Weakness: Cannot link fences and are expensive. Also cannot strike at aerial foes. *AA Gun* Anti-Aerial Guns (AA Guns) will destroy anything that flies in an instant. Benefits: Absolutely murders Helicopters. Essential to any base. Weakness: Cannot link fences, and also only strike at aerial foes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Creating an Effective Base====================================================== Later missions will have you construct a base from scratch, with only a few Heroes and a Bulldozer to your name. Here are some key tips to building an effective base... *Build the Resource Depot first.* Sounds stupid right? "Don't we need an HQ?" Well... yeah. You do need an HQ. But it is very wise to begin saving resources as soon as possible. You need the extra edge. *Build the HQ next.* Believe it or not, but mostly you only need the HQ to create the other buildings essential to your campaign. Sometimes you'll need another Dump Truck or two, but otherwise, it just sits there. *Build your Barracks.* You need to create an army quickly and effectively. Build the Barracks. *Set up Guard Towers and Barbed Wire Posts.* You also need a first line of defense. Set them up in alternating order and so they link together, then put your Heroes up near the Towers so they can help weaken anyone who comes near. *Wait a moment.* You need to build resources. While in later missions you need to skip this step, early on you can fight off most invaders with what you already have. *Build a Mine Sweeper, then a bunch of Grunts.* The Mine Sweeper will eliminate any mines (if Hoover's around, skip the Sweeper step). The Grunts are just cheap and easy to make, so create a short army. *Wait some more.* The current army should be able to stave off most assaults for a while as you gather resources. Just wait until you can act some more. *Upgrade your HQ and Barracks.* Your army is not truly effective without some high-power soldiers. Upgrade the buildings. *Wait.* *Build a more powerful army with Bazookas and Machine Guns.* Now start building the big hitters. These will back up your Grunts and provide more muscle. A few Snipers wouldn't hurt either if you want them. *Wait.* *Build a Garage.* Quickly too. After building it, create a Medic. Stand by to see if you need more militia. *Build pillboxes and AA Guns near the fences.* By now, the Guard Towers have taken much damage. Melt them and replace them with just Posts, and create a line of alternating Pillboxes and AA Guns. These will eliminate nearly anything that comes near the base, so it's well guarded. At this point, you should be building a strong army and preparing for what's ahead. Your base practically runs itself now, so eliminate any queues you have and then start recon. Build a series of Mine-Sweepers for recon. Not only will they charge in brainlessly, but they also get rid of mines. Plus they're cheap, so you have quite a reprieve. This will help you know what's ahead so you can plan properly. ================================================================================ Campaign************************************************************************ -Sarge walks up to the tent. "I hear you've been havin' some trouble." "Oh, this is a bad one, sargeant," General Grimm says, heaving a huge sigh. "The worst I've seen." The soldier pipes up. "Not too long ago, we had this area secure under one Colonel Blintz. But that all changed when Blintz was injured in the line of duty. Medics did what they could..." The soldier grabs a photo and shows it to Sarge, who gapes in horror and astonishment. "But he suffered a massive disfiguring head wound." "DISFIGURING?" Sarge yells. "He's lost his MIND!" "And now, that was the last we saw or heard of him." Grimm suddenly has a forlorn look on his face as he grabs the next photo. "Until... this." Sarge can only stand in wonder as he sees Colonel Blintz... gone tan. "No..." "'Fraid so. He's gone tan." The soldier once again pipes up. "And he took his soldiers with him. Those who did not turn were melted for scrap." Grimm turns to Sarge and pulls down the yard schematics. "Your mission is to proceed through the white picket fence and track down the colonel. When you find him, eliminate all defenses and-" "Terminate the colonel." Sarge says. Grimm can only nod in confirmation. After the usual salutes, Sarge goes to his men. "Well men... we got a job to do."- ----------------------Mission One: The Thin Green Line-------------------------- Medal Goals: *Eliminate all Tans *Finish in under 7 minutes Silver Medal: * Gold Medal: *** Mission Difficulty: Easy Sarge rallies up his troops and then you are in control for the mission. You begin with Sarge and 12 Grunts ready for action like they'll never be. To begin the mission, set up a queue in the Barracks for some Grenadiers and then a few Grunts. You have 2000 plastic to spend, so spend it all. There is no penalty for doing so. Now, the problem is finishing in under seven minutes AND destroying all the Tans in the area. This is a bit of a problem, but this is a real-time strategy game. Here's how you can do this... First off, start sending troops down the path, and remember to add any new soldiers to the group. After making it to the fork in the road, split up into three groups. Send one down the left path, another down the upper right, and the final down the lower right. Send the lower right first, you'll see why. *Lower Right Path* Down that path, you'll find some Tans and a Weapon Boost. Grab it, then merge the group with the other right path group to tackle the buildings up ahead. *Upper Right Path* You'll fight through a few Tannies then meet a few Guard Towers. Ouch. The Tans were foolish enough to leave containers of explosives near the Towers. Aim for the containers first, they'll deal splash damage to anything nearby, INCLUDING troops. Then take care of the Towers. Then there are a few Tans up ahead. Clear them out. *Left Path* It's very much like the Upper Right Path. You'll run into troops, then Towers. Remember to clear the containers first so you can damage anything nearby. Now, it took me some time to figure out what exactly "Eliminate all Tans" meant. Was it all soldiers and structures, or just the ones that fight back? It is only the ones that fight back. That includes Towers. How can you tell if all Tans are eliminated, though? Well, usually there'll be a trumpet sound. That means a goal has been met. So once you hear that sound, make a break for the exit. What if you don't hear it? Well, you can check "Medal Goals" under the Pause Menu. You'll see a check mark if you've destroyed all Tans. -------------------------MISSION ONE: COMPLETE---------------------------------- -----------------------Mission Two: Behind the Tan Curtain---------------------- Medal Goals: *Destroy all mines *Spend less than 4000 Plastic Silver Medal: * Gold Medal: ** Mission Difficulty: Easy Well, now Blintz cannot ignore the fact that he is under seige. He is now actively sending out troops to take care of you. You start with two other Heroes: Riff and Scorch, the Bazooka and Flamethrower Heroes, respectively. These guys are very strong additions to your army, and are pretty regular: they appear in most missions from here. First order of buisness, create a Base. You'll start with a free HQ. That's good. Now, build a Resource Depot and a Barracks. You'll need them. DO NOT BUILD A GARAGE! It costs a lot of Plastic and is unrequired to complete the mission. Now, if you want to get a Gold Medal, well, more power to ya. It's actually very easy to do. Now, how do you keep track of Plastic expenses? Like you did to figure out that you killed all Tans, check under Medal Goals. There you see the Goals, time spent during the mission, and resource expenses. Very simple to do, takes no time at all. Now, you will need to create an army. Set the current team near the path: if you build it, Tans will come. And like my bad Benchwarmers reference, a few Tans will come to muss up your diabolical plans to overthrow Blintz. Defend the base and continue creating your army. Create a Mine Sweeper as well to knock out mines. After fending off a few assaults, you should be ready to start moving out into the big bad world of Blintzland. Start the assault. Now, to get rid of all the mines, you must check every pathway, every branch off, EVERYWHERE to make sure you got all the mines. Reglarly check the Medal Goals menu to see if you've cleaned house. Remember, you have no time limit Goals for your mission, so feel free to take as long as you want. The map is much larger than the first one, so it will take a while to get to the Central Yard Base. In the meantime, you'll be losing more troops. HOWEVER you will also be knocking off Tans that could make a break for your base, so you don't have to worry about defending it. Once you reach the fork in the road, take the LOWER PATH. Trust me on this one, it's much easier to go down here. You'll reach CYB soon. Once there, remember to take out containers to deal that wonderful splash damage. Once the Towers are taken care of, ignore any remaining Grunts (or set up a small group to take them out) and GO AFTER THE BARRACKS. Yes the Tan Barracks will, in fact, pump out more troops, so take it out ASAP. After that, you can focus on the remaining Tan troops. Then take out the Garage; leave nothing to chance here. Elminate any Tans remaining, but leave the Tan HQ alone for now. Once you've cleaned house, all you need to do is sweep up the mines. It's not a problem if you haven't wiped out Tan HQ. Check all paths and even within the CYB for mines. Once all are gone, assault the Tan HQ to complete the mission. -----------------------MISSION TWO: COMPLETE------------------------------------ ------------------------Mission Three: A Few Green Men-------------------------- Medal Goals: *Locate Reinforcements *Finish in under 8 minutes Silver Medal: * Gold Medal: ***** Mission Difficulty: Moderate Now the Tan really are aware of your presence. Well, a giant green helicopter flying across the sky is really subtle, and we've destroyed a few bases, how could they have figured out we're here? I mean, SERIOUSLY? Anyway, you get no chance to make more men than you have (other than the found reinforcements), so make every battle count and try not to lose anyone. This is a truly covert mission. If you feel overwhelmed, retreat and recompose yourself. However, you also need to finish in eight minutes to get a Gold Medal. The map itself is rather small but there are multiple battles that take time. You need to make every second count. Anyway, you get Sarge, Scorch, Riff, Hoover and Thick. I really like Hoover. He's absolutely hilarious. Anyway, start headin' up and you'll find your first, to quote Thick, "Bad Guy." Take him out then continue up. Head left at the turn, and start going for the lower-left corner of the map. This is where you'll find your reinforcements. Already you've got the Silver in the bag. Now you need to hurry and get done in under 8 minutes. Start running up. Then when you get to the flowerbox, go along the down side of it (don't go in yet) to find a More Health bonus. Get into the flowerbox and start rushing for the power supply. Take care of the Tans, too, but get to the power supply as fast as you can. You only have a few minutes left. Once you've reached the supply, Sarge will set a bomb and patch HQ for an extraction at the baseball. Ignore the Resource Depot and just get to the baseball. At the baseball, you'll have five more Tans to take care of before you can go home. You do not have much time left; likely less than a minute. Use the lock feature to take care of the Tans quickly and effectively, then break for the baseball to get picked up and complete the mission. ------------------------MISSION THREE: COMPLETE--------------------------------- --------------------Mission Four: Full Plastic Jacket--------------------------- Medal Goals: *Find all Bonuses *Finish in under 30 minutes Silver Medal: * Gold Medal: *** Mission Difficulty: Moderate-Hard Uh-oh, the Tan base is gigantic. They've got the whole works ready. Of course, Sarge understands if anyone wants to run. Hoover tips off, but Sarge stops him. Well, you have a full half-hour to complete the mission and get a Gold Medal. That's plenty of time to clean up Tans, get rid of mines, build a base, and locate all the Bonuses on the map. So, let's quit hanging around and start building our base. Unlike the last base-building mission, there is no Limit Goal, so you can feel free to build what you think you'll need. I reccomend the full works. You'll need it all to assault the base. Here's where upgrades come in. The HQ, Barracks, and Garage can all be upgraded at some point in the game. It's required to get some of the bigger guns in the game such as Machine Gunners and Helicopters. So upgrade the buildings. Now, you'll have three areas the Tans can attack you from: two up top and one down low. Build Guard Towers and later AA Guns to defend these inlets. To find the Weapon Boost Bonus, go down and to the right. You'll notice that there's a path there. Follow it and keep going right to the blacktop. Fight off the Tans and grab the Weapon Boost. Now build two Guard Towers along this path to defend any Dump Trucks that come down here to scavenge Electricity from the watch. Now, you need to build your army. Create a diverse army of Medics, Half-Tracks, Tanks, Machine Gunners, and Bazooka Men. A few Grunts wouldn't hurt either. Once you have a good sized army, start heading up the path to the Tan Base. Along the way, you'll run into some tough Tans. Take them out, and make sure the Medic doesn't take any damage. Once you reach the actual base, it's guerilla warfare, baby. Take EVERYTHING down. EVERYTHING. Go left into the base to find the More Health Bonus. It's useful this late because it recovers all your units, including the Medic, and boosts their health bars. So grab it, then start tackling the Helicopters with your Half-Tracks. You'll notice the front door is locked. Head right and you'll hit the blacktop again. Here's where Tan Base is centered and where the most intense battle yet will be held. Hold fast; keep on disassembling the Tans and soon, you'll reach the basement window to end the mission. ---------------------------MISSION FOUR: COMPLETE------------------------------- ---------------------Mission Five: It Came From the Basement-------------------- Medal Goals: *Keep all Heroes *Find all Bonuses Silver Medal: ** Gold Medal: **** Mission Difficulty: Easy Well, we're in the house, now. Good thing the place is dead... uh, yeah... You get no reinforcements or extra soldiers in this battle; it's just you and the Bravo Team Heroes. Heading up will locate Bug-type enemies. They're weak against Fire and Grass moves... oh, wait, wrong game. Anyway, these big bad bugs are easily killed by Bullseye's single shots. Keep going up (yes, past the freaky spider web with the spider on it), killing more bugs, until you reach the Speed Boost Bonus. One down, one to go. Go back down and visit your friend Spidey and head right. You'll notice Barbed Wire Posts. That means only one thing: BLINTZ KNOWS YOU'RE IN THE HOUSE. You need to escape the house, now. He's sent out a blitzkreig squad of Heli- copters to take you out, so you need to escape before time's up. Do not dilly-dally. The other Bonus is near the end, so just fight your way onto the boxes. Once there, drop off the left side to find a few more enemies and the other Bonus. Thank god it's the More Health one, too! Now your Heroes have another chance. Quickly reach the right side of the boxes and fight off any resistance you see, bug or Tan. Reach the stairs, start climbing, and the mission is over. -----------------------------MISSION FIVE: COMPLETE----------------------------- ----------------------Mission Six: Courage Under Groceries---------------------- Medal Goals: *Destroy all Cockroaches *Finish in under 35 minutes Silver Medal: *** Gold Medal: ***** Mission Difficulty: Hard We've reached the kitchen! Blintz can't be too far now! Well, first we've gotta help out our fellow Greens, whose base is under assault of the Tans. Let's move out, soldiers! First priority is to reach the table base and lend a helping hand. Get there, and you'll see it's too late. We need to create a new base. The HQ is heavily damaged, but still operational. Create a Bulldozer and start building the nessessities of a base here. Also, create a Garage and Medic to heal up the HQ. Now it's time to upgrade. Melt a few of the Barbed wire posts, then create a perimeter using the entirity of the table. Use only Barbed Wire. Then set up Pillboxes and AA Guns around the inside of the fence. It will take a lot of plastic, but it's worth it: you will be able to fight off most forces with such an arrangement. Now we build an army. More attackers will come, but the defenses will knock them down really quickly. Do not worry too much. They will also supply more plastic with their horrible deaths. As long as this keeps up, your Dump Trucks are rather safe here. Before taking care of the AA Guns, take care of what's around them. If you leave only the AA Guns, you can take them out any time at your leisure. Use this time to hunt for cockroaches. HOWEVER it is very difficult to breach the defenses without losing a few troops to get to the AA Guns. Just remember to be persistent and bring along a few Medics. This is probably the toughest mission to get a Gold Medal on. Good luck. --------------------------MISSION SIX: COMPLETE---------------------------------