------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- [ SUPER BREAKOUT ] -------------------------- ---------------------------------[by Ice Queen Zero]--------------------------- ----------------------------------- [ Atari 5200 ] ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- o---------------------o INTRODUCTION o---------------------o Some of you have probably recognize this game as looking similar to the game Arkanoid for the Arcade and NES and Alleyway for Gameboy but what ya'll might not know is that this is the one game that spawned those two games and it is called Breakout! It has appeared on numerous old school systems and computers. Just imagine playing pong against a set of blocks lined up between the floor and the ceiling. In this game you play its sequel Super Breakout which consists of four games. o---------------------o DISCLAIMER o---------------------o Super Breakout and its characters are trademarks of Atari and all copyrights belong to them. This FAQ/Walkthrough is the sole copyright of Ice Queen Zero and cannot be put on other sites or posted without given permission nor can it be reproduced w/o proper consent. For some of my guides: http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/74803.html o---------------------o CONTROLS o---------------------o You have the choice of using a controller, keypad overlay or the trackball. controller ----------- #: choose game *: choose number of players Fire: send out ball Left/right: move the paddle keypad overlay ----------- Game Select: choose game 1-4 players: choose number of players Fire: send out ball Left/right: move the paddle Trackball ----------- can be used by all players. Move it in the direction you like. o---------------------o OVERVIEW o---------------------o You're the pilot of a super-powered space shuttle and you're blazing a path through distant superclusters at incredible space-age speed. The uncharted planet Ieris is your destination. You know from preliminary briefing that Ieris is surrounded by a mysterious, colorful force field. Astronomers have photographed the iridescent force field with high-powered telescopic cameras. There is much conjecture on Earth as to what the wall of colors around Ieris might be, but no one is certain. Your mission is to break up the force field. Your space ship is equipped with special hardware to help you complete this important assignment. As you smash out the bright-colored matter, sensors will analyze it, grade it and relay the results back to scientists on Earth. You, too, will see the scores. Your computer signals that Ieris is dead ahead. A brilliant band of colors flashes into view. Wow! This is more startling and impressive than any of the photos you saw back on Earth. Your hands eagerly grip the controls as you prepare to blast through! o---------------------o GAMEPLAY o---------------------o First things first. Yes the game is called Super Breakout but its not exactly what you might think it is. It's really four games put into one: Breakout, Progressive, Double, and Cavity. Here are the explanations of each individual game. Breakout: This is the original game with a facelift and added features. The first being a more simpler scoring system (see scoring) and the grid is 14 x 8 and the blocks are perfectly distinguishable as oppossed to the original Breakout having a blurry set of lines that are confusing. As you get rid of all bricks, a new set takes its place and the game goes on till all lives are gone. Progressive: The bricks are in a 14 x 4 on top pattern, 14x4 blank space, and 14 x 4 bottom pattern. As you eliminate blocks, the blocks start moving down and new blocks come in from the top. The game is non stop till you lose all balls. Double: You have two paddles and can use up to two balls, you lose a ball if the first ball is gone but if the second ball is gone first then you are safe and the points double with both in play. The game does end after a three sets of bricks are eliminated. Cavity: There are two balls trapped within the blocks. Free them and you can use them to double or triple the points value if 2 or 3 are in play. The game ends after three sets of blocks are eliminated. Special Note: If the ball touches the ceiling (top of the screen, the paddle is reduced by half. o---------------------o SCORING o---------------------o Yellow bricks = 1 point Red bricks = 3 poins Blue bricks = 5 points Green bricks = 7 points In Cavity and Double Mode, you can choose double or triple the point value of each block by having more than ball in play. o---------------------o CREDITS o---------------------o Atari for making this game. GameFAQs and other sites for hosting this FAQ. You for reading. o---------------------o CONTACT ME o---------------------o azulfria[at]hotmail[dot]com [at] = @ and [dot] = . Don't want any email bots. Thank you for reading Subscribe to me and my sisters Youtube channel: www.youtube.com/PurrfectTrio -Ice Queen Zero