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(Gundam4Fun - Omegamaxmannx@yahoo.com) ============================================================================== =============== =================== TABLE OF CONTENTS =================== =============== 1. INTRODUCTION 2. SHOP ITEMS 3. MANA ITEM 4. ACCESSORY 5. ALCHEMY ITEM 6. HARVESTED ITEM 7. KEY ITEM 8. HINTS AND TIPS 8.1 - Using Mana Item: ITEM WISH 9. REVIEW LIST 10. DISCLAIMER 11. VERSION HYSTORY AND UPDATES 12. SPECIAL THANKS ============================================================================== 1. INTRODUCTION ============================================================================== The World of Eden, a paradise free of war and strife, populated by alchemists and Mana spirits. But, when a crisis cripples Eden, two orphans answer the call to restore the land. Felt volunteers to go to the mysterious world of Belkhyde to investigate. Meanwhile, Viese puts her alchemy skills to work in order to aid Felt on his journey. Over the course of his investigation, Felt befriends the locals and joins them in their fight against tyranny. Game Manual, page 01. First of all, thanks for reading my FAQ. Another long journey start for our heroes to save the worlds of Eden and Belkhyde, and to help them overcome any difficulties I start writing this FAQ, to serve as a reference and guide. This guide focus in the Item List: Mana Item, Accessory, Alchemy Item, Harvested Item and Key Item. And also the Review List. All the information in this FAQ is based in the knowledge acquired by playing the game, any mistakes or any information that may be wrong or missing, might be due to my mistake in assuming how I did something. I start this during the weekend, and for this version (1.0), I only have the items that are available up to the start of Chapter 5. ============================================================================== 2. SHOP ITEM ============================================================================== Key: (xxx) referes to the quality of the item. 001. Yach Shop Alchemic City Noir ------------------ - Dowsing Guide 100 Cole - BBQ 101 700 Cole - Noir 700 Cole - Magi Grass (100) 10 Cole - Wax (100) 10 Cole - Red Ore (90) 30 Cole - Red Legion (80) 40 Cole - Dem Ore (100) 50 Cole - Silver Legion (105) 100 Cole - Ore (115) 600 Cole - - 002. Melona Shop Alchemic City Noir ------------------ - Reincarnation Recipe 500 Cole - Jewel of Eden 500 Cole - Nue (80) 30 Cole - Super Nue (120) 300 Cole - Aihie Fungo (100) 400 Cole - Industrial Alcohol (50) 120 Cole - Moon Stone (110) 60 Cole - Mini Pendelock (100) 250 Cole - Comet Stone (100) 1000 Cole - - 003. Zwital Merchants Association Tatalia Village ---------------------------- - Ancient Mask (100) 600 Cole - Wax (100) 10 Cole - Ale (100) 90 Cole - Red Legion (80) 40 Cole - Dem Ore (100) 50 Cole - Aihie Fungo (100) 400 Cole - - 004. Bar Shop Riesevelt - Back Alley ---------------------- - Book of Infinia 3200 Cole - Goat Milk (100) 50 Cole - Ale (100) 90 Cole - Red Vine (110) 400 Cole - Flour (100) 30 Cole - Glowgrass (100) 200 Cole - - 005. Old Keeper Shop Riesevelt - Back Alley ---------------------- - Geology 4000 Cole - Moon Stone (110) 60 Cole - Shadow Stone (100) 200 Cole - Ore (115) 600 Cole - Red Ore (90) 30 Cole - Red Legion (80) 40 Cole - Dem Ore (100) 50 Cole - Silver Legion (105) 100 Cole - Mini Pendelock (100) 250 Cole - Comet Stone (100) 1000 Cole - - - - ============================================================================== 3. MANA ITEM ============================================================================== Key: (xxx) referes to the quality of the item. {Item x} referes to FIXED items that can't be substituted. - Heal Herb Description: This pleasant smelling herb has the healing power to restore a little LIFE. [LIFE UP 50 (Single)] Elements needed: Wood (1) Recipes (Quality): - Magi Grass + Pure Water (100) Review: HEAL UP (XS), ELE COST DOWN (XS) - Aihie Fungo + Pure Water (120) Review: HEAL UP (XS) - - - Pendulum Description: Using this will tell you how many chests and other things remain in the field. [Display remaning # of items] Elements needed: Metal (1) Recipes (Quality): - Dem Ore + Moon Stone (105) Review: SPD UP (XS), MAGIC UP (XS) - Comet Stone + Moon Stone (105) Review: MAGIC UP (XS), PWR UP (XS) - Silver Legien + Moon Stone (112) Review: MAGIC UP (XS) - Ore + Moon Stone (112) Review: I RES UP (XS), MAGIC UP (XS) - - - Fear Bottle Description: Open this up and a foul smell stench will waft out, driving enemies away. [Enemy Encounter DOWN] Elements needed: Metal (1) Recipes (Quality): - {Spoiled Meat} + {Huffin Water} (55) Review: ELE COST DOWN (S), VER RANGE (S), HEAL UP (XS) - - - Aroma Pot Description: Open this up and a foul smell stench will wait out, driving enemies away. [Enemy Encounter UP] Elements needed: Aroma (1) Recipes (Quality): - {Wild Meat} + {Huffin Water} (100) Review: HEAL UP (S), VER RANGE (S) - - - Return Gem Description: Using this inside a dungeon will warp you to the dungeon's entrance. [Return back to entrance] Elements needed: Metal (1) Recipes (Quality): - {Mini Pendelock} + {Super Nue} (110) Review: RANGE (S), ELE COST DOWN (XS) - - - Flay Hammer Description: Easily pulverizes hard rocks. Useful for extracting ore. [Finds ore] Elements needed: Metal (1) Recipes (Quality): - {Damask Ring} + Red Legien (97) Review: VER RANGE (S), I RES UP (XS) - {Damask Ring} + Ore (115) Review: I RES UP (S) - - - Wonder Grow Description: Sprinkle this on a sprout and watch it quickly grow. [Grows sprouts] Elements needed: Wood (1), Water (1) Recipes (Quality): - Aihie Fungo + Heal Herb (120) Review: HEAL UP (XS), ELE COST DOWN (XS) - - - Nectar Description: A sweet liquid that, when drunk, will revive you and restore LIFE. [Revive (Single)] Elements needed: Water (5) Recipes (Quality): - Puniball + Mini Pendelock + Ale (100) Review: HEAL UP (S), DAMAGE UP (S), ELE COST DOWN (XS) - Puniball + Mini Pendelock + Goat Milk (100) Review: LIFE UP (S), HEAL UP (S), ELE COST DOWN (XS) - Puniball + Mini Pendelock + Red Wine (103) Review: HEAL UP (S) - - - Item Wish Description: Rain falls on enemies, causing weak enemies to transform into bonus items. [Turn enemy into item] Elements needed: Metal (2), Water (2), Air (1) Recipes (Quality): - Industrial Alcohol + Elite Liqueur Review: - Industrial Alcohol + Huffin Water (75) Review: VER RANGE (S), HEAL UP (XS), DAMAGE UP (XS) - Industrial Alcohol + Foul Water (27) Review: RANGE (S), DAMAGE UP (XS) - - - Craft Description: A simple bomb made froma tree nut. Defeat petty enemies with it. [Physical Damage S (Single)] Elements needed: Wood (2) Recipes (Quality): - Nue (80) Review: DAMAGE UP (XS) - Super Nue (120) Review: RANGE (S) - - - Huffin Water Description: A refreshing water that, when spread around an area, makes people drowsy. [Sleep Attack (Single)] Elements needed: Water (1), Aroma (1) Recipes (Quality): - {Huffin} + Pure Water (100) Review: VER RANGE (S), HEAL UP (XS) - {Huffin} + Foul Water (52) Review: RANGE (S), VER RANGE (S) - - - - ============================================================================== 4. ACCESSORY ITEM ============================================================================== Key: (xxx) referes to the quality of the item. {Item x} referes to FIXED items that can't be substituted. - Gradin Cape Description: A standard cape found in the Grand Area. It is much sturdier than it looks. Characters: Felt, Noin Stats: LIFE 0 Attack 0 F Res 10 Magic 0 I Res 10 Def 10 L Res 0 Speed 0 D Res 0 Recipes (Quality): - - - Ancient Mask Description: An ancient mask with a strange design. Increases magical power. Characters: Felt, Noin Stats: LIFE 0 Attack 0 F Res 7 Magic 15 I Res 7 Def 10 L Res 7 Speed 0 D Res 0 Recipes (Quality): - - - Eden Outfit Description: The main pedestrian clothing in Eden. Slightly improves defense. Characters: Felt Stats: LIFE 22 Attack 0 F Res 5 Magic 0 I Res 8 Def 13 L Res 7 Speed 0 D Res 6 Recipes (Quality): - Formal Fabric (110) Review: L RES UP (XS) - - - Roten Helm Description: A red helmet. Increase LIFE and fire resistance, as well as others. Characters: Felt, Noin Stats: LIFE 18 Attack 0 F Res 18 Magic 0 I Res 0 Def 15 L Res 0 Speed 0 D Res 14 Recipes (Quality): - Red Legien + Moon Stone (95) Review: VER RANGE (S), MAGIC UP (XS) - Ore + Moon Stone (112) Review: I RES UP (XS), MAGIC UP (XS) - - - Blau Helm Description: A Blue helmet. Increase magic power and ice resistance. Characters: Felt, Noin Stats: LIFE 0 Attack 0 F Res 0 Magic 12 I Res 18 Def 15 L Res 0 Speed 3 D Res 14 Recipes (Quality): Use Roten Helm Recipe - Silver Legien + Moon Stone (112) Review: MAGIC UP (XS) - - - Niv Tiara Description: A tiara that negates poison attacks and increases magical power. Characters: Felt, Noin Stats: LIFE 5 Attack 0 F Res 0 Magic 10 I Res 0 Def 3 L Res 0 Speed 0 D Res 5 Recipes (Quality): - - - - ============================================================================== 5. ALCHEMY ITEM ============================================================================== Key: (xxx) referes to the quality of the item. {Item x} referes to FIXED items that can't be substituted. - Holy Evergreen Description: Herbal-based holy water. Does your body good. Secret Factor: LIFE UP Characters: Felt, Noin Recipes (Quality): Use Wonder Grow Recipe - Huffin + Heal Herb (110) Review: VER RANGE (S), HEAL UP (XS), ELE COST DOWN (XS) - - - Charcoal Description: Special Coal used for Alchemy. Also used to cook outside. Secret Factor: MAGIC UP Characters: Felt Recipes (Quality): - Nue (80) Review: DAMAGE UP (XS) - Super Nue (120) Review: RANGE (S) - - - Damask Ring Description: A ring made of a fine damask stone. Wearing it makes you feel defensive. Secret Factor: DEFENSE UP Characters: Felt, Noin Recipes (Quality): - Dem Ore (100) Review: SPD UP (XS) - Moon Stone (110) Review: MAGIC UP (XS) - Ore (115) Review: I RES UP (XS) - - - Cotton Cloth Description: A rare, bright white cloth. Considered to be precious. Secret Factor: Block Characters: Felt Recipes (Quality): - Tatalia Cotton (100) Review: DEF UP (XS) - - - Formal Fabric Description: High-quality fabric. Clothes made from it feel so nice. Recipes (Quality): Use Cotton Cloth Recipe - Phoenix Quill (110) Review: L RES UP (XS) - - - Magnetic Crystal Description: A mystical Crystal with magnetic powers. Used to make compasses. Secret Factor: Counter Characters: Noin Recipes (Quality): - Ore + {Moon Stone} + Wax (108) Review: F DAMAGE (S), I RES UP (XS), MAGIC UP (XS) - Flay Hammer + {Moon Stone} + Wax (108) Review: I RES UP (S), F DAMAGE (S), MAGIC UP (XS) - - - Alchemist Medal Description: A special alloy invented by alchemists. Common in Synthesis. Secret Factor: Offense Characters: Felt Recipes (Quality): - Red Legien (80) Review: VER RANGE (S) - Dem Ore (100) Review: SPD UP (XS) - Ore (115) Review: I RES UP (XS) - - - Mana Moebius Description: A bizarre item that swirls with Mana. Stare too long and you will get dizzy. Secret Factor: Knockback Characters: Felt, Noin Recipes (Quality): - {Mini Pendelock} + Rainbow Disk (100) Review: LIFE UP (XS), ELE COST DOWN (XS) - - - - ============================================================================== 6. HARVESTED ITEM ============================================================================== Key: (xxx) referes to the quality of the item. - Magi Grass (100) Description: A wild grass also known as the magic grass. It is comparatively widespread. Review: ELE COST DOWN (XS) - Old Magic Grass (3) Description: Because it's old, it can't be sold in stores. Review: HEAL UP (S) - Aihie Fungo (Q:100) Description: A seldom-seen, parasitc mushroom found in Alha. Review: QUALITY UP (L) - Nue (80) Description: Often seen falling from trees in the forest. They hurt. Review: DAMAGE UP (XS) - Super Nue (120) Description: Shoots explosive needles when heated. Mighty unpleasant. Review: RANGE (S) - Tatalia Cotton (100) Description: A cotton flower found only in Tatalia. Demand is high, supply is low. Review: DEF UP (XS) - Glowgrass (100) Description: A flower that faintly glows at night. Give one to a girl to make her happy. Review: ELE COST DOWN (XS) - Huffin (100) Description: A famous flower in Eden that grows cold to the touch. Review: VER RANGE (S) - Pure Water (100) Description: Pure water. Drink it by itself. It's delicious. Review: HEAL UP (XS) - Foul Water (5) Description: Slightly dirty water. Not undrinkable, but too much is bad for you. Review: RANGE (S) - Goat Milk (100) Description: Goat's milk from Mt. Shalio. Appears rotten, but tastes great. Review: LIFE UP (S) - Flour (100) Description: Just your basic wheat flour. Review: QUALITY UP (XS) - Wax (100) Description: Powder used for griding surfaces and making things go faster. Review: F DAMAGE (S) - Ale (100) Description: Alcohol for the masses. It is cheap, but the taste isn't so great. Review: DAMAGE UP (S) - Red Wine (110) Description: Common alcohol among the upper class. It gets better over time. Review: DEL SUPPORT X1 - Industrial Alcohol (50) Description: Alcohol used for machinery. Drinking it can be fatal. Review: DAMAGE UP (XS) - Red Legien (80) Description: This Legien Stone turns bright red when it rusts. Review: VER RANGE (S) - Silver Legien (105) Description: A Ligien Stone with a silvery glow. Can be turned into many things. Review: QUALITY UO (XS) - Ore (115) Description: A very hard and lightweight ore. Many blacksmiths want to get it. Review: I RES UP (XS) - Red Ore (90) Description: Aka the Burning Source, this stuff burns easily. Perfect to make bombs. Review: HRZ RANGE (S) - Dem Ore (100) Description: An unusually hard metal. Weapons made from it are expensive. Review: SPD UP (XS) - Shadow Stone (100) Description: An ornamental stone. Its striped pattern is quite beautiful. Review: D RES UP (XS) - Comet Stone (100) Description: The king of jewels. The inside of the ore is ironically not a jewel. Review: PWR UP (XS) - Moon Stone (100) Description: A crystalline rock mainly used in fortune telling. Review: MAGIC UP (XS) - Wild Meat (100) Description: Wild animal meat. Rather delicious but dangerous to eat. Review: HEAL UP (XS) - Spoiled Meat (10) Description: Rotten wild animal meat. Eat it and you will have to sit for a long time. Review: ELE COST DOWN (S) - Mini Pendelock (100) Description: A Pendelock fragment. These fragments are still very rare. Review: ELE COST DOWN (XS) - Phoenix Quill (110) Description: A feather from a Phoenix. Often used to pray for a safe journey. Review: L RES UP (XS) - Puniball (100) Description: Defeat a puni, win a Puni prize. Review: HEAL UP (S) - Faux Puniball (10) Description: Looks like a Puniball, but look closely and you'll see it's a cheap knock-off. Review: DAMAGE UP (S) - String (100) Description: A shiny and strong thread spun by and insect revered as a national treasure. Review: DEL SUPPORT X2 - Pikohammer (100) Description: A toy hammer that makes a "linking" sound when you strike something with it. Review: ATTACK +1 - Groovecube (100) Description: A retangular toy puzzle. Turn it and its form will gradually change. Review: ALL RES UP (S) - Globeball (100) Description: The ball portion of the globe. You can throw it and play with it. Review: CRITICAL UP (S) - Violet Fungus (100) Description: A boomerang-like object. How it got this name is anyone's guess. Review: PWR UP (S) - Rainbow Disc (100) Description: A rainbow-colored disc. Can break teeth if thrown staright up. Review: LIFE UP (XS) - Star Piece (100) Description: A stone that breaks into star-shaped sections. Can be used as a toy. Review: D RES UP (S) - Dark Mana (125) Description: The Dark Mana Crystal. A mysterious creation of the natural world. Review: SPD UP (S) - Glowing Mana (125) Description: The Glowing Mana Crystal. A mysterious creation of the natural world. Review: MAGIC CRITICAL UP (S) - Yellow Mana (125) Description: The Yellow Mana Crystal. A mysterious creation of the natural world. Review: ALL RES UP (XS) - Green Mana (125) Description: The Green Mana Crystal. A mysterious creation of the natural world. Review: LIFE UP (S) - - - - ============================================================================== 7. KEY ITEM ============================================================================== - Wood Gem Description: A Mana Gem made of sacred tree bark with the mark of Dour, the Wood Mana. - Golden Gem Description: A Mana Orb made of a hard metalwith the mark of Zuvelk, the Metal Mana. - Aqua Gem Description: A blue Mana Gem with the mark of Nymph, the Water Mana. - Flora Gem Description: A Mana Gem with a flower scent with the mark of Aroma, the Fragrance Mana. - Share Ring Description: A mysterious magic ring given by Kreuz. - Petroglyph Manual Description: An ancient book on decoding, passed down in Eden. It looks impossible to decode. - Library Pass Description: A card that gets you into the library. It looks like any ordinary card. - Hal Flower Description: A flower that draws its fragrance from Aroma. It smells heavenly. - Legin's Wing Description: Handed down the Slaith Dynasty, it activates a Secret Factor. - Alchemy 101 Description: A text book containing the recipes for Heal Herb and Fear Bottle. - Garden Book Description: A book containing the recipes for Wonder Grow and Huffin Water. - Weapons Guide Description: A top secret Imperial document that contains the recipe for Craft. Location: Desert Ruins - Dowsing Guide Description: A primer that contains the recipe for Pendulum, which will aid in finding treasures. - Reincarnation Recipe Description: A book that contains the recipe for Return Gem, an item that warps you to safety. - Clothspinner Description: A memo that contains the recipe for Cotton Cloth. - Blacksmith 101 Description: A slender volume that contains the recipe for Flay Hammer. - Veek Tactics Description: A history book that conatins the recipe for the Roten Helm. Location: Sewers (Riesevelt). - Alchemic Econ Description: The recipe for Alchemist Medal is found here. Location: Great Cave (Eden). - Mythology 1 Description: The first volume of ancient stories, it contains the recipe for Nectar. Location: West Coast Highway - Mithology 2 Description: The second volume of ancient stories, it contains the recipe for Item Wish. Location: Agito Cave - BBQ 101 Description: A guide that contains the recipe for Charcoal. - Noir Description: A magazine showing the latest Eden fashion, which contains the recipe for the Eden Outfit. - Mell and the Monster Description: A storybook about attracting monsters that contains the recipe for Aroma Pot. Location: Northern Cave - Geology Description: A heavy text book that contains the recipe for the Magnetic Crystal. - Jewel of Eden Description: The best encyclopedia on treasure in Eden, this book contains the recipe for the Damask Ring. - Book of Infinia Description: An old document that contains the recipe for the enigmatic Mana Moebius. - - - - ============================================================================== 8. HINTS AND TIPS ============================================================================== 8.1 - Using Mana Item: ITEM WISH Using Item Wish can make weak enemies transform into Bonus Items. Bonus Item Enemies ----------------------- --------------------------------------------- Groovecube Puni, Mini Puni, Falcon Hawk, Floating Fish Globeball Armadillo, Mandragora, Cacto Pikohammer Ghost, Brownie Violet Fungus Salamander Star Piece Wolf ============================================================================== 9. REVIEW LIST ============================================================================== - DAMAGE UP (XS) Description: This increases the power of an offensive item with this property review by 10%. Effective with: [ ] Weapon & Gear [ ] Synthesis Only [x] Attack Item [ ] Healing Item - DAMAGE UP (S) Description: This increases the power of an offensive item with this property review by 20%. Effective with: [ ] Weapon & Gear [ ] Synthesis Only [x] Attack Item [ ] Healing Item - HEAL UP (XS) Description: This increases the LIFE score of an offensive item with this property review by 10%. Effective with: [ ] Weapon & Gear [ ] Synthesis Only [ ] Attack Item [x] Healing Item - HEAL UP (S) Description: This increases the LIFE score of an offensive item with this property review by 20%. Effective with: [ ] Weapon & Gear [ ] Synthesis Only [ ] Attack Item [x] Healing Item - LIFE UP (XS) Description: Wear something with this property review to increase your max LIFE score by 5 points. Effective with: [x] Weapon & Gear [ ] Synthesis Only [ ] Attack Item [ ] Healing Item - LIFE UP (S) Description: Wear something with this property review to increase your max LIFE score by 10 points. Effective with: [x] Weapon & Gear [ ] Synthesis Only [ ] Attack Item [ ] Healing Item - PWR UP (XS) Description: Wear something with this property review to increase your attack score by 5 points. Effective with: [x] Weapon & Gear [ ] Synthesis Only [ ] Attack Item [ ] Healing Item - DEF UP (XS) Description: Wear something with this property review to increase your defense score by 5 points. Effective with: [x] Weapon & Gear [ ] Synthesis Only [ ] Attack Item [ ] Healing Item - MAGIC UP (XS) Description: Wear something with this property review to increase your magic score by 5 points. Effective with: [x] Weapon & Gear [ ] Synthesis Only [ ] Attack Item [ ] Healing Item - SPD UP (XS) Description: Wear something with this property review to increase your speed score by 1 points. Effective with: [x] Weapon & Gear [ ] Synthesis Only [ ] Attack Item [ ] Healing Item - SPD UP (S) Description: Wear something with this property review to increase your speed score by 2 points. Effective with: [x] Weapon & Gear [ ] Synthesis Only [ ] Attack Item [ ] Healing Item - I RES UP (XS) Description: Wear something with this property review to increase your I RES score by 5 points. Effective with: [x] Weapon & Gear [ ] Synthesis Only [ ] Attack Item [ ] Healing Item - I RES UP (S) Description: Wear something with this property review to increase your I RES score by 10 points. Effective with: [x] Weapon & Gear [ ] Synthesis Only [ ] Attack Item [ ] Healing Item - L RES UP (XS) Description: Wear something with this property review to increase your L RES score by 5 points. Effective with: [x] Weapon & Gear [ ] Synthesis Only [ ] Attack Item [ ] Healing Item - ALL RES UP (XS) Description: Wear something with this property review to increase your F RES, I RES, L RES and D RES score by 5 points. Effective with: [x] Weapon & Gear [ ] Synthesis Only [ ] Attack Item [ ] Healing Item - ELE COST DOWN (XS) Description: Mixing Mana items with property reviews uses 10% less of the required element. Effective with: [ ] Weapon & Gear [ ] Synthesis Only [x] Attack Item [x] Healing Item - ELE COST DOWN (S) Description: Mixing Mana items with property reviews uses 20% less of the required element. Effective with: [ ] Weapon & Gear [ ] Synthesis Only [x] Attack Item [x] Healing Item - QUALITY UP (XS) Description: Mix these items with property reviews for an additional 5 bonus points to the quality during mixing. The property reviews will be erased after mixing. Effective with: [ ] Weapon & Gear [x] Synthesis Only [ ] Attack Item [ ] Healing Item - QUALITY UP (L) Description: Mix these items with property reviews for an additional 20 bonus points to the quality during mixing. The property reviews will be erased after mixing. Effective with: [ ] Weapon & Gear [x] Synthesis Only [ ] Attack Item [ ] Healing Item - DEL SUPPORT X1 Description: Mixing Mana items with property reviews will automatically erase one review from the completed item. The property review will also be erased after mixing. Effective with: [ ] Weapon & Gear [x] Synthesis Only [ ] Attack Item [ ] Healing Item - HRZ RANGE (S) Description: Use an offensive or recovery item with this property review in battle to widen the vertical effect range by one factor. Effective with: [ ] Weapon & Gear [ ] Synthesis Only [x] Attack Item [x] Healing Item - VER RANGE (S) Description: Use an offensive or recovery item with this property review in battle to widen the horizontal effect range by one factor. Effective with: [ ] Weapon & Gear [ ] Synthesis Only [x] Attack Item [x] Healing Item - RANGE (S) Description: Use an offensive or recovery item with this property review in battle to widen the vertical and horizontal effect range by one factor each. Effective with: [ ] Weapon & Gear [ ] Synthesis Only [x] Attack Item [x] Healing Item - F DAMAGE (S) Description: Attack wearing something with this property review to increase fire damage by 5 points. Effective with: [x] Weapon & Gear [ ] Synthesis Only [ ] Attack Item [ ] Healing Item - CRITICAL UP (S) Description: 10% increase in the rate of critical hits during regular attack and skill usage. Effective with: [x] Weapon & Gear [ ] Synthesis Only [ ] Attack Item [ ] Healing Item - MAGICAL CRITICAL UP (S) Description: 10% increase in the rate of critical hit during magical elemental regular attack and skill usage. Effective with: [x] Weapon & Gear [ ] Synthesis Only [ ] Attack Item [ ] Healing Item - - - - ============================================================================== 10. DISCLAIMER ============================================================================== Now for the legal stuff. This FAQ is copyrighted (c) 2006 Carlos M. (Omegamaxmannx@yahoo.com) and may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, under any circumstances except for personal private use. It was written specifically for the following websites: WWW.GAMEFAQS.COM, WWW.NEOSEEKER.COM and WWW.IGN.COM. Those are the only Internet sites that have permission to post this guide and also those are the only 3 sites that I will send updates. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. In another words, this document may not be redistributed in any form unless you have obtained permission from the creator (namely, me). Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. If you find any mistakes or see any information that may be wrong or missing, contact me at Omegamaxmannx@yahoo.com. ============================================================================== 11. VERSION HISTORY AND UPDATES ============================================================================== Version 1.0 - May 1, 2006. The first version of this FAQ, has a list of all items available up to the early start of Chapter 5. Include items that can be acquired with the Item Wish. ============================================================================== 12. SPECIAL THANKS ============================================================================== I would like to give a special thanks to... ... Gust for making Atelier Iris and NIS for publishing it! ... my wife, for her support and help. ... GameFAQs.com, Neoseeker.com and IGN.com, for accepting this FAQ. ... www.network-science.de/ascii, for the ascii title. ... http://pic2text.divxmania.it/, for the ascii art. Copyrighted (c) 2006 Carlos M. (Omegamaxmannx@yahoo.com)