------------------------ Atelier Iris: Grand Fantasm -------------------------- ----------------------------- FAQ/Walkthrough (JP) ---------------------------- --------------------------------- Version 0.5 --------------------------------- ----------------------- By Ken Zhao (kenzhao99@yahoo.com) --------------------- -------------------------------- Aka Kouli/Ice -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Table of Contents ------------------------------ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \Normal Or True Ending/ ~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (C) 2007 by Ken Zhao/Kouli. All Rights Reserved. This document is for private & personal use only. 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Lastly, all trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For most of the time, this document should only be on GameFAQs/GameSpot, IGN, 1UP, GamerHelp, Game Pro, HonestGamers and Super Cheats. However, I almost always give permission to fan sites of the particular game/series. If you are one of them, please E-Mail and ask. As for other general sites, as long as you aren't one of the thieves(namely Cheat CC), it's also likely for me to give you permission if you E-Mail and ask. 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If you intend to publish any of my work, you will NEED to consult with me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This FAQ/Walkthrough is solely based on the Japanese version of Atelier Iris Grand Fantasm, an RPG made by Gust. Since this is based on the Japanese version only and I don't buy or play any English version of any game, so please use this FAQ/Walkthrough at your own discretion. If you are playing the Japanese version, then I will assume you know kana and at lEast the basic of Japanese. I'll ignore all questions due to the fact that you can't read any Japanese. Also, I don't put any Japanese in any of my FAQ so it will never be in Shift-JIS or EUC format. Lastly, I no longer do any story based FAQ/Walkthrough, so refrain from asking that. However, I don't mind any specific story question if you are really stuck, likewise with any gameplay related question, as long as you know kana and the basic. This just can't be said enough: Please learn some kana and the basic. For studies of Japanese, try these links: http://www.kanacards.com/ http://web.uvic.ca/kanji-gold/ http://www.lunarforums.org/viewtopic.php?t=1562 Even though I try to avoid putting spoilers in this document, but just to be safe from the complains, this document could contain spoilers. Please read at your own risk. To navigate this document or find what you want, please check the Table of Contents. Better yet, use Ctrl + F to search for the particular thing you are looking for. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \March 12th, 2007/ - Version 0.1, got to Chapter 4 \March 16th, 2007/ - Version 0.2, done Chapter 5 \March 22nd, 2007/ - Version 0.3, done Chapter 6 \March 23rd, 2007/ - Version 0.4, done Chapter 7 \March 26th, 2007/ - Version 0.5, done the Full Walkthrough ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You will end up in the first battle of the game with Edge and Iris against three Squishy. Use Attack or Skill to finish them off. You are to go back to the Guild, so go east. Go on to east till you get to an intersection. Go left to cross the bridge for an item. After, continue on to the east. Get the item that's on the way and check the fountain for an item. You can repeatedly check the fountain for more and more. Anyway, go NE, check a bag and go on to the NE. Before the Guild, you can go left or right. The left leads to Weapon Shop, General Shop, a bag and an item. The right leads to a bag and two items. Afterward, go in the Guild. Within the Guild, you can get two items. After, exit out and go left then go up to the Book Storage. Exit out and you will end up in the Atelier. Check the Diary to save your game. Exit out and check the side for an item. You can pay the Fairy in order to use the Boat. However, let's explore around ourselves. Go on to the right to get to the next area. There are the Food Shop and Book Shop. After, go right. Check around for two bags and an item. After, go back to the area with the Food Shop and Book Shop. From there, go up to the Fountain Square. Go east and explore around for an item, a bag and a path to the Beast Town. Within the Beast Town, there are General Shop, a bag and an item. Once you are ready, go take a Boat to the West Bridge. Go west to get back to where you were at the beginning of the game, the Ancient Forest. <> Back in the Atelier, exit out and go back to the Book Storage. Speak with Ewan and you will end up in the Atelier. Exit out and head to the Guild. Check the Bulletin Board for two new Quest. Take both of them. Speak with Ana nearby then back to the Atelier. Check the Icon then you can use the cauldron for Alchemy now. Make at least five Refuel Pot. Go to speak with the General Shop and hand over five Refuel Pot. Go back to the Guild and speak with Ana. There's also a new Icon in the Guild so be sure to check it. Speak with the Guild Officer for few items. Check the Bulletin Board for two more new Quest. <> Moving on with more Quest. Check the Bulletin Board for one more new Quest. You have four in total right now. Go to the Beast Town and speak with that Fairy Pukko. Go back to the Guild and speak with Phenyl who's at the inner part. Get back to Pukko. You will end up at the Guild. While you are in the Guild, take one more new Quest. You have four in total as well. Go back to the Beast Town and enter the NW House. Speak with Keleber. Go to the Ancient Castle and beat five Caterpillar. Report back to Keleber. Once your Rank reaches 04, you will automatically get the first Mission. With the Mission going on, all Quest will STOP. Anyway, within the Guild, speak with the Guild Officer for few items. Mess around with Alchemy and increase your Alchemy Level. Once you've done that, you can check the Bar for another Icon. Anyway, save your game then go to the Book Storage. Go see Ewan then enter the Ancient Castle. Go to the Library at 3F. Go down the ladders and you can recover your HPs. Go on for the boss fight. -------------- Boss: Bersizel Get Edge to use Pile Bunker or support then Iris can use Mana Storm. Repeat till you get into Burst Chain Mode. Spam Skill to finish him off. -------------- Afterward, go on and at the end room, check the bookshelf. Go on and report back to Ewan. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You probably still have three more Quest that you took from the previous Chapter. Well then, let's finish them. Go to the General Shop and Yho Jacke wants five Evil Eye which you can get from Sword Geist in Ancient Castle. Once you got five, report back to Yho Jacke. Go to the Bar and Eva wants three Wild Meat which you can get from Bear in Ancient Forest. Once you got three, get back to Eva. Go explore the Ancient Forest and there should be two new Icon. One of them is to make the Philosopher's Soil. Make three then go to the Book Shop to speak with Er. Mess with Alchemy more and increase your Alchemy Level to Two Star. Check the front and inside of the Bar for two new Icon. Also, check Ewan's Room for one more Icon. If you check the 3F of Ancient Castle, there's another Icon. Moving on, go to the Guild. You can go to the Battle Site now. It is located at the north of Beast Town. Anyway, while you are in the Guild, check the Bulletin Board for three more Quest. <> Moving on with Quest, go to the Fountain Square to speak with Papal. Check the Ancient Forest to find the dog. Report back to Papal. Within the Guild, there's two new Quest but one requires Rank 05. Anyway, go in to the inner part to speak with Phenyl. Save your game then go to the Battle Site. Go straight and slash that big red slime for a boss fight. ------------------- Boss: Squishy Maman Take out the Squishy and Red Squishy with Iris' Mana Storm. Edge can use Pile Bunker or Windmill. Repeat till you get into Burst Chain Mode. Once you are in Burst Chain Mode, just spam Skill. ------------------- Report back to Phenyl. Go check the Bulletin Board and take five new Quest. You have seven in total right now. Go to the Fountain Square, speak with Kuu there. Go in the Ancient Forest and Kuu will discover the Ancient Deep Forest. <> Go check the Bulletin Board and there's one more new Quest. You have seven in total as well. Go to the Library at 3F of the Ancient Castle. Speak with Pamela there. Give her Hoffen Flower, Ex Pot and Meloose Lake Water or Zuftaff Water. Go back to the Guild and you can take four more new Quest. You should have ten in total. Go to the Book Storage and speak with Winner. Head to the Library at 3F of the Ancient Castle. After, get back to Winner at the Book Storage. Go to the Ancient Forest and fish up five Lake Fish. While you are at it, fish up one Leather Boots. Go to West Bridge to speak with Funan & speak with Marna of the Food Shop. Make seven Strong Medicine X then go to speak with Er of the Book Shop. Make four Steak then go to speak with Eva of the Bar. Head to the Ancient Forest and defeat seven Squishy. They are those Purple Monsters. After, report back to Phenyl. Head to the Ancient Forest and go to the Fishing Area. Slash the big red slime there to fight the Blue Squishy Trio. After, report back to Phenyl. Go to the Battle Site and go straight to fight the Kobold Magician. Report back to Phenyl at the end. Check the Bulletin Board for one more new Quest. You have three Quest in total. Make two Steak then go to speak with Eva of the Bar. Go fight Sword Geist in the Ancient Castle to get four Evil Eye. After, get back to Yho Jacke of the General Shop. Anyway, you can't take anymore Quest due to your Ranking, so you only have one right now. Make sure you save your game then go to speak with Phenyl at the Guild. Go to the Ancient Castle and go up to 2F. Head to the most western area which is the Altar Of Darkness. You will get into another boss fight. --------------- Boss: The Elder You fight her two times. As usual, try to build up to Burst Chain Mode. If Edge and Iris' Weapons can attack 4 or 5 times, it should be quick to get into Burst Chain Mode. If she uses Mind Bomb to make your character fall asleep, heal with Gash Branch. You can easily beat her once you are in Burst Chain Mode. Second form, like before, build up to Burst Chain Mode. However, since its attacks damage both of you, you need to heal more often. If it uses Call Meteor then Defend. --------------- Afterward, Iris makes a pact with the Mana Of Darkness, Plua. Edge gets the Kunai Blades and Iris gets Summoning. Back at the Atelier, step on the Magic Circle and you can change Edge's Blades to Plua. Report back to Phenyl. Check the Bulletin Board and you can take two new Quest. Go to the Fountain Square and speak with Papal. Go right from before the Guild. After, go to the Battle Site and Fish up Tiger Globefish. Report back to Papal. Your Ranking should go up to 05 now. Thus, the Mission. Go to speak with Eva at the Bar. Try to find Funan at the West Bridge. Next, to the Battle Site. Go to the Fairy Tribe Colony. On the way, you can recover your HPs. Anyway, you will end up in another boss battle. ----------------- Bosses: Yula, Nel Build up to Burst Chain Mode and while doing that, try to take out Nel first. Be sure to keep your HPs up. Once Nel is out, watch out for Yula Strike. Defend before it hits. You probably need two Burst Chain Mode to wrap up this battle. ----------------- Back to Town. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nel joins the party. Mess around with Alchemy to raise your Alchemy Level to Three Star. You probably still have one Quest from previous Chapter, so go talk to Pukko in the Beast Town. You need to hand over one Kunai. While you are in the Guild, speak with the Guild Officer for few items. Check the Bulletin Board and there are seven new Quest you can take. Exit and enter back the Guild then you can go to the Crystal Valley which is located NW from the entrance of the Ancient Forest. You can take one more new Quest if you check the Bulletin Board now. Check the windmill of the Atelier for a new Icon. Explore the Ancient Forest to find another Icon. Go check the Book Storage for more Icon. <> Moving on with the eight Quest you have right now. Beat Lizard Trio at the Crystal Valley then report back to Phenyl. Beat Lizard Thief at the Crystal Valley then report back to Phenyl. Make five Steak then speak with Eva at the Bar. Make ten Nectar then speak with Eva at the Bar. Bring six Tufty then speak with Haggel of the Weapon Shop. Bring one Talking Flower then speak with Marna of the Food Shop. Beat eight Kobold Mage and you can try out the enemies at the Battle Site. Go back to report to Phenyl afterward. Check the Bulletin Board and there is one new Quest. You have two in total now. Get six Monster Bone and speak with Yho Jacke of the General Shop. You can get Monster Bone at the Ancient Deep Forest. Check the Bulletin Board and there is one more new Quest. Get three Evil Eye from Sword Geist in the Ancient Castle. Speak with Yho Jacke afterward. Save your game and speak with Ana at the Guild. Go to the Battle Site and head to the SW which is the Altar Of Water. Take out Kobold Mage, Priest & Fighter. Back track to the Central Area then go straight. At the Hot Spring area, speak around then back to the Altar Of Water for the boss fight. ---------------- Boss: Ice Sprite Ignore the four Ice Element and focus on Ice Sprite. You can try Fire based Skills. Once you are in Burst Chain Mode, spam Skills. You need to attack more often since Ice Sprite has Healing Echo going on. BTW, you ONLY need to take out Ice Sprite. ---------------- After, Iris makes a pact with the Mana Of Water, Nymph. Nel gets the Nymph Blades and Witch Staff. Report back to Ana at the Guild. Check the Bulletin Board and take one new Quest. Speak with Ana then go save your game. Head to the Ancient Deep Forest then head to the Altar Of Poison for the boss fight. ----------- Boss: Magus She isn't that hard but do have a lot of HP. Now, you need to heal bad status here a lot, so having a lot of Cure Pot help here. Focus on getting Burst Chain Mode then spam Skills. ----------- After, Iris makes a pact with the Mana Of Poison, Jiptus. Edge gets the Jiptus Blades and Heavy Glaive. Report back to Ana at the Guild. Check the Bulletin Board and there are four new Quest you can take. Get some Fungus Mushroom then head to the Bar and speak with Aril. Make four Steak then go to speak with Eva at the Bar. Speak with Ana at the Guild. While you are at the Guild, check the Bulletin Board for one new Quest. After speaking with Ana, go to the Battle Site. At the Central Area, go north. You can explore further now. Speak with the General at the end. At the same area, go left up and use the canon. Go up to speak with the General of the Fairy Tribe. Afterward, get back to Ana at the Guild. Speak with Kelebel at the Beast Town. Go check with the General, Food and Book Shop. After, get back to Kelebel. Check the Bulletin Board and there should be four new Quest for you to take. You have five in total now. Mess around to increase your Alchemy Level to Four Star. After, explore the Ancient Forest for a new Icon and at any Fishing area, there's another new Icon to check out. Go to the Fountain Square and speak with Kuu. Go to the Crystal Valley and Fish up a Skipjack Tuna. Report back to Kuu. Your Ranking should go up to 06 now. Thus, the Mission. Speak with the Guild Officer for few items. Go meet with Marna at the Food Shop then go meet with Er at the Book Shop. Save your game then go to the Crystal Valley. Go straight and speak with the Village Chief. Go all the way to NE. On the way, you can heal before the boss fight. ------------------- Boss: Stone Emperor Use Ice based Skills. Focus on getting Burst Chain Mode. Use your best attacker to make an attack every turn. Make sure you heal after his Tera Flame. Once you get into Burst Chain Mode, spam Skills. You might need couple Burst Chain Mode to end this fight since it has tons of HPs. ------------------- After, speak with the Village Chief then Back To Town. Report to Marna at the Food Shop. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You probably still have four more Quest that you took from the previous Chapter. Let's finish those up first. Bring three Evil Eye and report back to Yho Jacke of the General Shop. Speak with Winner in the Book Storage. Go back to the Atelier and make one Refuel Necklace. Get back to Winner in the Book Storage. Check out the Battle Site. There's a new Shop at the Hot Spring area. While you are at the Battle Site, check out the northern area for a big red slime to fight Harpy. Next, explore around the Fairy Tribe Colony area and beat seven Kobold Mage. After you've done the above, get back to Phenyl at the Guild. Speak with her twice. Upon entering the Guild, you can also get to the Great Garden now. Check the Bulletin Board and you can take six new Quest. Before the Guild, go to the left a bit and you can jump onto boats to get to an Empty Room. Within, it is the entrance to the Great Garden. <> Mess around and raise your Alchemy Level to Five Star. After that, check out the Ancient Castle. Check the Library at 3F for two new Icon. While you are at the Ancient Castle, explore around to fight six Shadow Girl and six Kettle Spirit. Report back to Phenyl at the Guild. Go to the Battle Site and to the Fairy Tribe Colony. Beat five Owl Bear then report back to Phenyl. While you are at the Guild, check the Bulletin Board for two new Quest. You have five in total. Bring one Rose Thorn to Eva at the Bar. Check the Bulletin Board afterward for two new Quest. You have six in total. Bring four Steak to Eva at the Bar. Check the Bulletin Board again for one more new Quest. You still have six in total. Bring one Devil's Smile Mushroom to Yho Jacke of the General Shop. Check the Bulletin Board for two new Quest. You have seven in total now. Bring four Evil Eye to Yho Jacke of the General Shop. Go check the Bulletin Board and take one more new Quest. Check out the Battle Site and to the Fairy Tribe Colony. Beat eight Kobold Mage and go check the central Fishing Spot. You can fight Yagd Bear. Afterward, go report to Phenyl at the Guild. Check the Bulletin Board for one new Quest. Check the Ancient Castle. Explore around to beat five Shadow Girl and six Kettle Spirt. Report back to Phenyl afterward. Check the Battle Site and go to the northern part. Defeat eight Squishy Rider then get back to Phenyl. Check the Bulletin Board for one new Quest. Bring two Steak to Eva at the Bar. Go to the Great Garden and Fish up two King Mag. You can use them to make two Fried Fish then give them to Marna at the Food Shop. Speak with Ana at the Guild then to the Library at 3F of the Ancient Castle. Speak with Pamela then explore the Library for Spider Nets. Slash them out then report back to Pamela. BTW, you will also get the Key Of The Ancient Castle World. Since you have the Key, you have check out the NE of the 1F. <> Go to the Ancient Castle Basement and Fish up three Cod Fish. Bring them Funan at the West Bridge. Go to the Guild and check the Bulletin Board for three new Quest. Speak with Aril at the Bar. Get one Athena Soul from the Great Garden then get back to Aril. Check the Bulletin Board for one more new Quest. Get four Evil Eye then get to Yho Jacke of the General Shop. Check the Bulletin Board for one more Quest. You have three in total right now. Go to the Battle Site and head to the Fairy Tribe Colony. Beat five Kobold Mage then report back to Phenyl. Go to the Ancient Castle and beat six Shadow Girl then report back to Phenyl. Check the Bulletin Board for two new Quest. Bring one Steak to Eva at the Bar. Check the Bulletin Board for one more Quest. Fish up three Cod Fish and bring them to Funan at the West Bridge. You have two more Quest in hand. Check out the Ancient Castle & beat eight Kettle Spirit. Report back to Phenyl. Anyway, speak with Ana at the Guild and go to the Great Garden. Explore around and check out Relief Stone. You only need to check out one Red & one Blue one. Report back to Ana at the Guild. Check the Bulletin Board for three new Quest. Bring three Evil Eye to Yho Jacke of the General Shop. Bring ten Beast Fang and speak with Glan at the Fountain Square. Speak with Ana at the Guild then go to the Fountain Square to speak with Papal. Go to the Ancient Deep Forest and you will find Kuu at the last area. Report to Ana afterward. Your Rank should go up to 07 now. Thus, the Mission. Mess around and increase your Alchemy Level to Six Star. Check the right room of the Bar for an Icon. Go to the Great Garden and you can find another Icon. Head to the Battle Site and time for another battle. -------------- Boss: Bersizel Twin Blade X has three parts, just Defend before they hit. Heal when you need to and get Iris to summon Jiptus if you wish. With couple Burst Chain Mode should be able to finish him off. -------------- Head to the northern part and you can go check out the eastern section now. Go on and you should be able to heal before another fight. ----------- Boss: Arkan Most of its attacks aren't that deadly. However, Primal Ray is what you should look out for. Keep your HPs high and Defend. You don't want to drag this battle and try to finish it ASAP with few Burst Chain Mode. ----------- Back To Town. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check with the Guild Officer for more items. Check the Bulletin Board and there are eight new Quest you can take. Head to the Fountain Square and hand over a Dragon Bone to Glan. Go to the Beast Town and speak with Kelebel. Head to the Battle Site and speak with the Merchant, as well as the two Generals of the two Tribes. Get back to Kelebel afterward. Hand over two Fungus Mushroom to Marna of the Food Shop. Go to the Ancient Forest and to the Fishing Spot to fight Squishy Brothers. Get back to Phenyl at the end. Go to the Great Garden and head up to the Second Layer. Fight eight Fallen Angel and while you are on this layer, go east to fight Fairy Trio. Afterward, get back to Phenyl. Check the Bulletin Board and there are two new Quest to take. Bring nine Squishy Gummi and hand them over to Er of the Book Shop. Go to the Great Garden. At the Second Layer, beat eight Dark Force. Report back to Phenyl. Check the Bulletin Board for two more new Quest. Go to Ancient Castle and Fish up four Squid Demon. Hand them over to Funan at the West Bridge. Go to the Battle Site and beat seven Kobold Mage. Report back to Phenyl. Check the Bulletin Board for two more new Quest. Get two Cod Fish and hand them over to Funan at the West Bridge. Go to the Ancient Castle and defeat seven Shadow Girl. Report back to Phenyl. Check the Bulletin Board for two more new Quest. Bring four Steak to Eva at the Bar. Go to the Ancient Castle and defeat eight Kettle Spirit. Report back to Phenyl. Check the Bulletin Board for one more new Quest. Bring five Evil Eye to Yho Jacke of the General Shop. Check the Bulletin Board for one more new Quest. Go to the Great Garden and beat five Fallen Angel. Report back to Phenyl. Speak with Ana at the Guild to get Flame Bullet. Switch Sword or Flame Bullet with L1 or R1. Go to the Ancient Castle and check the east of 2F. You can melt the ice cubes with Flame Bullet now. Check the left room then the right room. Report back to Ana. Once you have the Flame Bullet, go to the western section of the Second Layer in the Great Garden. Make sure you have three Black Fairy's Clothes then speak with Gregor. Since you have the Flame Bullet, check out the Great Garden's First Layer. Go west and with the Flame Bullet, you can get to an Underground Passage at the end. Explore for more items. Check the Bulletin Board for four more new Quest. Bring two Cod Fish to Funan at the West Bridge. Go to the Battle Site and beat seven Kobold Mage. Report back to Phenyl. Check the Bulletin Board for two more new Quest. Bring four Steak to Eva at the Bar. Go to the Ancient Castle and beat six Shadow Girl. Report back to Phenyl. Check the Bulletin Board for two more new Quest. Bring five Evil Eye and hand them over to Yho Jacke of the General Shop. Go to the Ancient Castle and beat eight Kettle Spirit. Check the Bulletin Board for one more new Quest. Speak with Ana twice since you have two Quest from her. Anyway, make a Holy Shining Stone then hand it to Noayla. Go to the Great Garden. Head in the room at the Second Layer. Speak with the Village Chief. While you are on the Second Layer, fight six Fallen Angel. Go to the west of Second Layer. At the area with Gregor, the SW path leads to Glan and the kids. Report back to Phenyl, Noayla and Ana. Next, head to the Battle Site. Make sure you save your game before going there. Use a canon to get to the north then go west to the Altar Of Earth. You can fight three Kobold Fighter there. After, the boss fight. --------------- Boss: Roquevert Use Ice based Skills and focus on raising to Burst Chain Mode. Iris can keep on using Nymph and if it uses Mind Eye, just Defend. After it uses Calamity, make sure you heal. --------------- After, Iris makes a pact with the Mana Of Earth, Diemia. Nel gets the Diemia Blades and Lancelot. Check the Bulletin Board for two new Quest. Make a Flower Bouquet and go to the Gravestone which is east of the Book Shop. Speak with Mena by the Gravestone. Back to the Bulletin Board and take three new Quest. Bring two Cod Fish to Funan at the West Bridge. Go to the Ancient Castle and speak with Pamela at the 3F Library. Check with Haggel of the Weapon Shop, Ewan of the Book Storage, the Fountain Square & the area with the Bar. Check the Bulletin Board for two new Quest. Hand over three Steak to Eva at the Bar. Check the Bulletin Board for one more new Quest. You have four in total right now. Go to the Ancient Castle. Beat six Shadow Girl and eight Kettle Spirit. Report back to Phenyl. Check the Bulletin Board for one more new Quest. Go to the Battle Site and beat eight Kobold Mage. Report back to Phenyl. Check the Bulletin Board for one more new Quest. Hand over five Evil Eye to Yho of the General Shop. Go to the Great Garden and beat eight Fallen Angel. Report back to Phenyl at the end. Check with Ana then check the Bulletin Board for one more Quest. Hand over four Cod Fish to Funan at the West Bridge. Check the Bulletin Board for another Quest. Bring four Steak to Eva at the Bar. Check the Bulletin Board for yet another Quest. Go to the Ancient Castle and beat eight Shadow Girl. Report back to Phenyl. Check the Bulletin Board for one more new Quest. Go to the Battle Site and beat six Kobold Mage. Report back to Phenyl. Check the Bulletin Board for two more new Quest. Hand over five Evil Eye to Yho of the General Shop. Go to the Great Garden and beat five Fallen Angel. Report back to Phenyl. Check the Bulletin Board for one more Quest. Go to the Ancient Castle and beat five Kettle Spirit. Check the Bulletin Board for one more Quest. Hand over four Cod Fish to Funan at the West Bridge. Check the Bulletin Board for one more Quest. Hand over two Steak to Eva at the Bar. Check the Bulletin Board for one more Quest. Go to the Ancient Castle and beat eight Shadow Girl. Report back to Phenyl. Check the Bulletin Board for one more new Quest. Go to the Battle Site and beat seven Kobold Mage. Report back to Phenyl. Moving on, go to Crystal Valley and head straight to speak with the Village Chief. Back to the Atelier and make an Earthly Breath. Go back to the Crystal Valley. After, your Rank should go up to 08. Thus, the Mission. Head to the Ancient Forest and go to the last area for more fights. -------------------------- Bosses: Stone Emperor, Ash First up is Stone Emperor. Avoid Ice and Fire based Skills. Heal after it uses Tempest. If it uses Judgement Light, Defend. It heals each turn, so make sure you try to inflict more damage each turn. Once you are in Burst Chain Mode, try to inflict as much damage as you can. Next up, Ash. You can't beat him. Forget it. -------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get to the Guild and speak with the Guild Officer for few items. Check the Bulletin Board and there are about seven new Quest. Before anything, go to the Crystal Valley. You've seem how the Earthly Breath can make crystal path. Thus, check out the west and east for more items. The west actually leads to more areas with more items. Mess around and raise your Alchemy Level to Seven Star. Check out the Guild Master's Room and the 3F of the Ancient Castle for more Icon. Hand over five Chaos Candy to Marna of the Food Shop. To get that, you need the Siren Blades' Be Candy Skill. Go to the Ancient Castle and use Be Candy on Shadow Girl. Speak with Papal at the Fountain Square. Go left from the Guild then go toward the Book Storage. Go to the Great Garden. Beat five Power and five Fallen Angel. Report back to Phenyl at the end. Speak with Phenyl then go to the Ancient Castle. Go down from the NE of 1F. Go west and take the ladder up. Go on and speak with the Guards at the end. Go back and speak with Glan at the Fountain Square. Save your game then speak with Glan again. You will end up in a boss fight. ------------------ Boss: Fate Bringer There are Living Sword around and Fate Bringer will continue to bring more by using Gate. Use a Charged Needle on them since they are weak against Thunder. It should easily get you into Burst Chain Mode. If you can, use a Divine Shield since Fate Bringer sometimes use Evil Sword Dance. Use Mind Eye from Diemia Blades then finish it off with Skills. ------------------ Afterward, Iris makes a pact with the Mana Of Magic, Thanatos. Edge gets the Thanatos Blades and Talisman. As you exit out, there should be an Icon if your Alchemy Level is high enough. Check out the two rooms then report back to Phenyl at the Guild. Go to the Battle Site and go south to the Fairy Tribe Area. Open up the Map and go to around the middle area. There's a Guard so you can't enter the cave. You need the Hourglass to be down to three or less. Back track and enter back the area then you can enter the cave. Get three items then you can fight Petit Kobold which is one of the fastest enemy at this point of the game. Be sure to save your game before fighting it. Report back to Phenyl at the end. Speak with Ana at the Guild and go to the Great Garden. Go up to 3F and on the way to the huge Clock, you can find Kanrisha. Hand over a Strange Gear Box then you will get Petain Hammer. You can use the Action Hammer after selecting it with R1 or L1. Since you have the Petain Hammer, there are places you should check out: ~ Ancient Castle, at the entrance area. Use Petain Hammer to break the crystals that are blocking the stairs. It leads to the South of 2F. You can also get to the top but you need to hit the switch that's at the outside of the castle. You get there from B1F. Read below for more details. ~ Ancient Castle, South of B1F. Use Petain Hammer to break the rocks and it leads to outside of the castle. Hit the switch at the end. You can now get to the top of the castle. Read above for more details. ~ Ancient Castle, the top. After the above two steps, you can head toward the top. On the way, hit another switch. Go on and there's one more switch. At the end, that's the Clock Tower. If your Alchemy Level is high enough, there is an Icon here. ~ Ancient Castle, NE of 2F. Use Petain Hammer to break the metal door to more items. ~ Ancient Castle, B2F. Use Petain Hammer to break the rocks to the right. It leads to more items. If it is too dark, use Flame Bullet at the bonfire. Check the Bulletin Board at the Guild and take three new Quest. Make an Altria Forearm then go to speak with Gregor at the Great Garden. He's at the south of the Second Layer. Make a Steak then go to the Crystal Valley. Head to the Fishing Spot and speak with Race. Hand over a Steak. Go to the Guild Master's Room to speak with Noayla. Go to the Crystal Valley and speak with the Village Chief. Go right from the Village Chief and there shouldn't be any Guard blocking the path now. Go left for more items then go up to the right. Next area, go north for more items then go south for the boss fight. ------------ Boss: Mirage Use Cure Pot to heal Silence then keep on attacking to build up to Burst Chain Mode. Since Mirage can Instant Death, make sure you revive with Nectar. With couple Burst Chain Mode should be able to finish it off. ------------ After, Iris makes a pact with the Mana Of Illusion, Faustus. Nel gets the Faustus Blades and Automator. This is the last Blades for Nel. Report back to Noayla. Check the Bulletin Board for four more new Quest. Hand over five Evil Eye to Yho of the General Shop. Go to the Ancient Deep Forest and to the last area to fight Golden Deka Pig. Report back to Phenyl afterward. Speak with Mena by the Gravestone. Go back and make a Hand Of Lete. Hand that over to Mena. Mess around and raise your Alchemy Level to Eight Star/Max. Check the beginning of the East Bridge for an Icon. Go to the Crystal Valley and go to the area where you fought with the boss Mirage. There is another new Icon here. Speak with Ana then go to the Battle Site. Go straight and speak with the Shop Keeper. Explore the new section and enter the area with a Relief Stone. Report back to Ana. Once your Ranking go up to 09 then you get the Mission. Go to the Guild then go to the Guild Master's Room. You can also check with the Guild Officer for more items. Go to the Great Garden. From the First Layer, go right and take a warp. At the Colony, climb up the vine then climb up another vine. You might need to forward the time at a Relief Stone before anything. Anyway, after the second set of vine, break the crystals with Petain Hammer. Go on to NE. Heal yourself then onto the boss battle. -------------- Boss: Bersizel This battle has two parts, so don't go all out yet. Take your time to beat him and save up some Skill Gauge. One Burst Chain Mode should be able to finish him off. Next part, heal more often and you should be fine. He will try to power up more and deal even more damage, but nothing you can't handle if you keep your HPs high. Couple Burst Chain Mode should be able to finish him off. -------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go to the Guild and check the Bulletin Board. Take five new Quest. Go to the Battle Site. Head to the Fairy Colony and beat seven Bear Monster/Night Walker. Report back to Phenyl. Go to the Book Storage and beat seven Kettle Spirit. Report back to Phenyl. Go to the Great Garden and beat eight Jin Rider. Report back to Phenyl. Speak with Winner in the Book Storage. Go to the Ancient Castle and speak with Pamela. Report back to Winner. Speak with Aril at the Bar. Go to the Ancient Deep Forest. Go on to the Altar Of Stone. Go to the Great Garden and go left from the First Layer. Go on and at the area with a big boulder, you can take the right path now since that boulder is gone. It leads to an item or two. Check the Bulletin Board for four more Quest. Hand over four Cod Fish to Funan at the West Bridge. Go to the Ancient Forest and go to the Fishing Spot to fight Squishy Brothers. Report back to Phenyl. Go to the Ancient Deep Forest and go south from the first area. Speak with Rufina and hand over a Memory Refrain to her. Go to the Guild Master's Room and speak with Noayla. Go to the Great Garden and at the Colony, go climb up two set of vine. Go NE to the area before the boss that you fought in the last chapter. Go to the Crystal Valley and at the intersection, go west. Continue to go west to the end. Go to the Ancient Deep Forest and to the second last area. Report back to Noayla at the end. Check the Bulletin Board for three more Quest. Hand over two Steak to Eva at the Bar. Speak with Noayla in the Guild Master's Room. Go to the B1F of Ancient Castle. Go NW to take the ladder up toward the Village Chief's House. Go back to the entrance of the Ancient Castle. Take the stairs up as you were to go to the Clock Tower. Report back to Noayla afterward. Go to Crystal Valley and speak with Race who's at the eastern oasis. To make the Carrot Ma Gust, you need the Dragon Tongue. Go to the Ancient Castle and go down to the Basement. Fight Necro Hydra to get Dragon Tongue. Once your Rank goes up to 10, you get the Mission. Speak with the Guild Officer for more items. Speak with Noayla then go to the Bar. Next, go to speak with Haggel of the Weapon Shop. Go right from the Book Shop. Check that empty house. Check the wall for a hidden path to Crowley's Room. Get the item then check around. Save your game and prepare a lot of Earthly Breath. Go to the Crystal Valley. At the intersection, go west then north. A giant crystal will block your path but it will be destroyed. Go on for the boss fight. You can heal before the fight. ------------- Boss: Crowley Heal after his Heaven Gate. Aside from using weapons with high number of hits to quickly get to Burst Chain Mode, you can also use Unirus Life Form to get up to Burst Chain Mode quickly. Once you are in Burst Chain Mode, the best to use is Edge's Soul Burst, Nel's Einzelkampf or get Iris to summon Thanatos. His Heaven Gate isn't all his got, he can still use Gate to summon out more monster and worst of all, Vritra. Make sure you keep your HPs high. If you don't be cheap and use Unirus Life Form for more Burst Chain Mode, then this battle can be rather hard. Anyway, two Soul Burst should be able to finish him off. ------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Save your game & go to the Great Garden. From the First Layer, go right to take the warp. At the Colony, climb up the two sets of vine. Take the warp and you will be at the Third Layer. Go on to NE to the Hill Of Swords. You will get into a boss fight. -------------------- Boss: Shadow Stalker The Item Unirus Life Form doesn't work that well here, but it helps. Once you are in Burst Chain Mode, Soul Burst, Einzelkampf or Thanatos. However, Shadow Stalker is rather tough, so it will take quite a few Burst Chain Mode to finish it off. Once it's low on HP, it will use Phantom which creates a double and use Call Meteor. Not only that, it will use Time&Space Quake which can deal lots of damage. Make sure you heal and keep your HPs high. Worst of all, it will continue to cast Phantom which makes more double. One is already enough trouble, if there are more, it means they continue to cast Call Meteor which really force you to heal and heal all the time. On top of all that, it can still use Time&Space Quake. You either be defending or healing, like a sitting duck. You can have four of them on screen then attack them all together equally. Once they are low enough with their HPs, finish them off with an attack-all Skill or Item. If things don't work out, try other Skills like Dancing Edge, Magakami, Chariot...etc -------------------- Afterward, Iris makes a pact with the Mana Of Time, Luplus. Edge gets the Luplus Blades and Sorcery Book. This is indeed Edge's last Blades. If your Alchemy Level is Max, then there is the final Icon here. Go to the Guild and check the Bulletin Board for five more Quest. Go to the Great Garden and head to the Second Layer South. Hand over six Memory Refrain to Gregor. At the Great Garden, beat seven Fall Angel then report back to Phenyl. Hand over a Strange Feudal Castle to Er of the Book Shop. Speak with Mena by the Gravestone then to the Great Garden. Go on to the Colony then climb up two sets of vine. Go east all the way and east afterward. Check with Aril at the Bar. Head to the Battle Site and go straight to the Central Area where the Merchant is. Use the canon by the Merchant. At the Great Tree, go on to the most north to fight Fallen Lord. Back To Town afterward and go to the Bar to speak with Aril. Check the Bulletin Board for four more Quest. Go to the Food Shop and hand over two Shilmaril. Go to the Ancient Castle and beat five Shadow Girl. Report back to Phenyl. Go to the Battle Site and to the Central Area. Hand over five Ex Refuel to Lepre. Speak with Pukko at the Beast Town. Go the Ancient Deep Forest and check out the NW area. It's the area with a Tree Symbol on the Map. Report back to Pukko. Check the Bulletin Board for three more Quest. Hand over a Drakken to Haggel of the Weapon Shop. Speak with Eva at the Bar. Go to speak with Pamela at the Ancient Castle 3F. To find Pamela's Grave, go down to B2F. Check her grave at the end. Speak with Noayla in the Guild Master's Room. Go to the Crystal Valley and at the intersection, go west. At the Crystal Valley West, go SW. Get the Sword Of Crystal Valley at the end. Report back to Noayla. Check the Bulletin Board for three more Quest. Hand over an Urchin Squishy Prim to Er of the Book Shop. Go to the Crystal Valley and go NW. Around the forth last area, go left to fight Scale King. Report back to Phenyl at the end. Go to the Crystal Valley and to the eastern oasis to speak with Race. Exit and enter back Crystal Valley. Get back to the eastern oasis. Speak with Noayla at the Guild Master's Room. Check with the Village Chief of Crystal Valley, Great Garden, Ancient Castle and Battle Site. Remember that Battle Site has two tribes, so there are two of them. Report back to Noayla. Your Rank should go up to 11, that leads to the Mission. Check with the Guild Officer for more items. Go to the Book Storage then to the Ancient Castle. If you've been following this walkthrough, then you already been to the top of the Ancient Castle. Otherwise, Ctrl + F on Clock Tower for details. Go on to the Clock Tower and you can heal before the boss fight. ---------- Boss: Yula Attack and use the item Unirus Life Form. Once you are in Burst Chain Mode, Soul Burst, Einzelkampf or Thanatos. Make sure you keep your HPs high for her Scarlet Surge. That's not all, she can even cast Great Earthquake from time to time, heal and defend before you get into Burst Chain Mode. ---------- Continue on to the top afterward. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check the Bulletin Board for five more Quest. Go to the Ancient Deep Forest and go to the area with a Tree Symbol on the Map. Beat Scarlet then report back to Phenyl. Go to the Battle Site and beat eight Kobold Mage. Report back to Phenyl. Go to the Beast Town to speak with Pukko. Go to the Book Storage and speak with Ewan. Report back to Pukko. Go to the West Bridge to speak with Funan. Report back to Pukko. Go to speak with Ana at the Guild. Lastly, back to Pukko. Go to the Beast Town to speak with Kelebel. Go to the Bar and speak with Eva. Go back to Beast Town then to the Crystal Valley. Go straight to speak with the Village Chief. Report back to Kelebel. Speak with Ana at the Guild. Go to the Ancient Deep Forest and go south to talk to Rufina. Go back to the Ancient Forest and go to the Fishing Spot. Head back in the Ancient Deep Forest to find Rufina again. Go south afterward. Exit out the Ancient Forest. Go back to Rufina in the Ancient Deep Forest then hand over a Pile Blade. Report back to Ana. Check the Bulletin Board for four more Quest. Go to the Battle Site and head to the Great Tree. Beat six Deka Squishy then report back to Phenyl. Speak with Noayla in the Guild Master's Room. Go to the Book Storage to speak with Ewan. Go back to the Guild Master's Room then to the Crystal Valley. Head back to where the Sword Of Crystal Valley was. Go back to the Guild to find Noayla. Go to the Battle Site and speak with the Fairy Tribe Village Chief. Go all the way to the north and you will be blocked. Hand over a Relief Salad. Go on to speak with the Village Chief. You need a Wedding Dress for Yho of the General Shop. However, you don't have the Engage Ring. You can't complete this till later. Check the Bulletin Board for four more Quest. Speak with Ana at the Guild. Go check out Crystal Valley, Ancient Forest, Ancient Castle, Battle Site and Great Garden. You NEED to have walked through all areas to complete the maps. For me, I didn't get into the Treasure Room at Battle Site North. To get into the Treasure Room, you need to set off the dynamite with Flame Bullet. The dynamite is within a room at north, just west of the area with the Treasure Room. Report back to Noayla afterward. Speak with Papal at the Fountain Square. From the Guild, go right. Next, go to Phenyl. From the Guild, go left. From the General Shop, go north. Afterward, go back to Papal. Go to the Ancient Castle and to the Clock Tower to fight Twin Devil. Report back to Phenyl. Go to the Great Garden and to the Second Layer South. Hand over a Gold to Gregor. Check the Bulletin Board for three more Quest. Go to the Great Garden and go to the Second Layer South. Hand over four Amulet to Gregor. Go to speak with Winner in the Book Storage. You'll get the Engage Ring recipe. You can make the Wedding Dress now. Hand one over to Yho of the General Shop. Anyway, hand over an Engage Ring to Winner. Go to speak with Pamela at the 3F of Ancient Castle. Your Rank should go up to 12 which leads to the Mission. Speak with Guild Officer for more items. Save your game then go to the Battle Site. Head up all the way to the top of the Great Tree. You can heal before the boss fight. --------- Boss: Ash Use Unirus Life Form to get into Burst Chain Mode then unleash Soul Burst. This should speed up to the second part of the fight. Heal and use Unirus Life Form again to get into Burst Chain Mode. After one Soul Burst, Ash will go use Limit Off. Make sure you heal and keep your HPs high. If he has his swords up as his shields, then heal and defend. Soon enough, he will unleash his swords. Once that happens, Burst Chain Mode then Soul Burst again. It is best for Edge to use Soul Burst RIGHT AFTER you get into Burst Chain Mode. You can easily deal 25000 damage. You can beat Ash with three or four Soul Burst. Hopefully you got enough Unirus Life Form or your weapons have high number of hits. --------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you are ready to go to the Distorted Dimension, speak with Noayla then pick Yes. However, there's no return once you are in Distorted Dimension. Thus, let us wrap up the remaining Quest. You probably still have one Quest from the previous Chapter. Head to the Bar to speak with Eva. Head to the Guild to speak with Mena. Go to the Atelier and add in a Devil's Smile Mushroom. Go to the Fishing Spot in Great Garden Third Layer. Make sure you've turned the time backward at a Relief Stone. Just to the nearby east of the pond, you can find a new recipe. Check the Bulletin Board for six more Quest. Hand over a Brogios to Haggel of the Weapon Shop. Go to the Great Garden. Beat Golden Pig for Golden Meat then hand over two Golden Meat to Eva at the Bar. Go to the Great Garden and at the Colony, go climb up two sets of vine. Go NE to the Hill Of Swords to fight Hell Flan Pofile. Report back to Phenyl. Go to the Crystal Valley and to the eastern oasis to speak with Race. Check the item box. Go to the Ancient Castle and go down to B2F to fight Hell Emperor. It is at the east area. Report back to Phenyl. Go to the Battle Site and go to the Central Area to speak with Lepre. Go to speak with the two Village Chief. Report back to Lepre. Make an Idol Clothes & speak with either Village Chief. Check the Bulletin Board for two more Quest. Ignore one of them for now. Hand over four Evil Eye to Yho of the General Shop. Check the Bulletin Board for one more Quest. Hand over three Cod Fish to Funan at the West Bridge. Check the Bulletin Board for two more Quest. Hand over five Shilmaril to Marna of the Food Shop. Go to the Ancient Deep Forest and beat three Golden Pig. Report back to Phenyl. Check the Bulletin Board for two more Quest. Give an Urchin Squishy Prim to Er of the Book Shop. Go to the Crystal Valley North and beat five Dragon Race Monster. Report back to Phenyl. Check the Bulletin Board for more Quest. Hand over two Steak to Eva at the Bar. Go the Ancient Castle and to the Basement to fight five Necro Hydra. Report back to Phenyl. Go to the Great Garden and beat five Power. Report back to Phenyl. Go to the Great Garden and to the Second Layer South. Hand over five Amulet to Gregor. Check the Bulletin Board for more Quest. Hand over one King Mag to Funan at the West Bridge. Check the Bulletin Board for more Quest. Hand over ten Mushroom Juice to Haggel of the Weapon Shop. Go to the Crystal Valley North and go NE to fight Ninja Kobold. Report back to Phenyl. Check the Bulletin Board for more Quest. Hand over five Evil Eye to Yho of the General Shop. Go to the Crystal Valley North & beat six Stone Puppet. Report back to Phenyl. Check the Bulletin Board for more Quest. Hand over five Shilmaril to Marna of the Food Shop. Check the Bulletin Board for more Quest. Hand over four Cod Fish to Funan at the West Bridge. Go to Great Garden Third Layer to beat ten Attack Doll G. Report back to Phenyl. Check the Bulletin Board for more Quest. Hand over thirty Mushroom Juice to Haggel of the Weapon Shop. Go to the Crystal Valley North and beat five Deka Squishy. Report back to Phenyl. Check the Bulletin Board for more Quest. Go to the Great Garden and beat eight Power. Report back to Phenyl. Check the Bulletin Board for more Quest. Go to the Great Garden and head to the Second Layer South. Hand over three Amulet to Gregor. Go to the Great Garden and at the Colony, go east. At the Fishing Spot, beat Lizard Four then report back to Phenyl. Check the Bulletin Board for more Quest. Hand over two Steak to Eva at the Bar. Check the Bulletin Board for more Quest. Hand over one Urchin Squishy Prim to Er of the Book Shop. Check the Bulletin Board for more Quest. Go to the Great Garden and beat seven Jin Rider. Report back to Phenyl. Check the Bulletin Board for more Quest. Hand over four Shilmaril to Marna of the Food Shop. Go to the Ancient Castle and beat five Kettle Spirit. Report back to Phenyl. Check the Bulletin Board for more Quest. Hand over one Brogios to Haggel of the Weapon Shop. Go to the Battle Site to beat five Kobold Mage. Report back to Phenyl. Check the Bulletin Board for more Quest. Hand over four Cod Fish to Funan at the West Bridge. Go to the Crystal Valley North to beat five Deka Squishy. Report back to Phenyl. Check the Bulletin Board for more Quest. Hand over three Evil Eye to Yho of the General Shop. Go to the Ancient Forest and beat 200 Squishy Squishy. Report back to Phenyl. Check the Bulletin Board for more Quest. Go to the Ancient Forest and you can fight the Squishy Brothers at the Fishing Spot. Report back to Phenyl. Check the Bulletin Board for more Quest. Go to the Great Garden and beat six Fallen Angel at the Second Layer. Report back to Phenyl. Check the Bulletin Board for more Quest. Hand over two Steak to Eva at the Bar. Go to the Great Garden and beat six Darkness Force on the Second Layer. Report back to Phenyl. Check the Bulletin Board for more Quest. Go to Great Garden Third Layer to beat ten Attack Doll G. Report back to Phenyl. Check the Bulletin Board for more Quest. Go to the Great Garden or Crystal Valley to beat eight Orb. Report back to Phenyl. Go to the Great Garden and at the First Layer, fight Aladdin Pot. Report back to Phenyl. Check the Bulletin Board for more Quest. Go to the Battle Site and get to the Great Tree. Get to the near SW area to fight Kobold Kid. Report back to Phenyl. Check the Bulletin Board for more Quest. Go to the Ancient Castle and head to the Colony. Within that Treasure Room section, beat four Demon Race Monster. Report back to Phenyl. Check the Bulletin Board for more Quest. Go to the Great Garden and beat eight Panther on the First Layer. Report back to Phenyl. Go to Ancient Castle and beat seven Shadow Girl. Report back to Phenyl. Check the Bulletin Board for more Quest. Go to the Ancient Castle and at the B1F, enter the NE room to fight Wandering Fungus. Report back to Phenyl. Check the Bulletin Board for more Quest. Hand over three Shilmaril to Marna of the Food Shop. Check the Bulletin Board for more Quest. Go to the Battle Site and head to the Great Tree. Beat five Deka Squishy then report back to Phenyl. Check the Bulletin Board for more Quest. Go to the Ancient Forest and you can fight the Squishy Brothers at the Fishing Spot. Report back to Phenyl. Check the Bulletin Board for more Quest. Go to the Great Garden or Crystal Valley to beat ten Orb. Report back to Phenyl. That's it, the rest from the Bulletin Board would just be repeatable ones. However, there's one more Quest, Final Valor. This is where you can fight the STRONGEST enemy of the game. \Normal Or True Ending/ Once you've done all 64 Normal Quest, then you will get the last one, The Truth Among Darkness. Do this Quest if you want the True Ending. If you want to see the Normal Ending, ignore this Quest. Anyway, for The Truth Among Darkness, speak with Ana at the Guild. Go right from the Book Shop to get to the empty house which leads to Crowley's Room. Check around then go to the Ancient Deep Forest. Go on to the second last area. You will get into another fight. ------------------- Boss: Stone Emperor Use Unirus Life Form to get into Burst Chain Mode then Soul Burst, Chariot or Thanatos. You should be able to finish it off before it can do anything. Use Mind Eye if Soul Burst isn't inflicting much damage. ------------------- After, go to the Book Storage to speak with Ewan. You will get the Shadow Jewel recipe. Make the Shadow Jewel afterward. <> After, sit back and enjoy the ending. If you did the Quest, The Truth Among Darkness, then you will get the True Ending. In the True Ending Path, you will need to get to the Guild. Go to the Ancient Deep Forest and head to the middle area. Afterward, the game will prompt you to make a Clear Data save. Do so and back to the Title Menu, there's a new option, Extra. Within Extra, you can check out the Picture Book, BGM and Cast. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Me - Gust ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- The End ----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------