Written on 9:35 PM Monday, January 18, 1999 NEO GEO - SNK GAME CHEAT FAQ FOR LAST BLADE 2 WRITTEN BY KELVIN LEEN (billykane@mindless.com) PLAYING THE GAME WITH THE EX MODE :- It's not 100% confirmed if it works for the US version of the game but here's the code straight from the main website of Neo Geo Japan. At the player selection screen, choose who you wanna play as first. Next when asked to choose if you're playing POWER or SPEED mode, do the trick : Select SPEED and tap your C button SIX TIMES select POWER and tap your B button THREE TIMES Select SPEED again and tap the C button FOUR TIMES The trick should work if you start playing with a new mode. It's the super version of your character, who has both speed and power combined.