Last Blade 2 (printable) move list Available at your local arcade (maybe), and lovely Dreamcasts in Japan Version 1.0 - 4.11.01 By Jerry "Yoma" Enzyme - You will NOT scare Bobby Gonzalez Report any errors or whatever to I LOVE E-MAIL. Really. Unpublished work © 2001 Jerry Enzyme All characters and the game title are © SNK of Japan/USA. This document is intended for free use. It cannot be reprinted in any magazine or strategy guide, or any other publication in any medium for profit. It also cannot be edited in any way by anyone except the author. You MAY, however, reprint this on your website, provided you e-mail the author ( asking for permission, and include the above copyright as well as this paragraph. I'm BACK, baby! Here is the 3rd in my AWARD WINNING short move list series, this time for one of my favorite fighters ever, Last Blade 2. Move names and the follow up charts were used from General Blood/D. Thompson's orgasmic Last Blade 2 FAQ. Please refer to the above man's FAQ for info on the complex combo system, repelling information, and anything else you have questions on. Abbreviations: [SC] denotes Super Cancel. Any move inbetween 2 *'s are a Super move, any move inbetween 4 *'s are Double Supers. I think the follow up charts should be pretty self=explanatory, but if you have problems, check the General's FAQ, as he created them, and I am merely using them here. One more thing, if on a follow up I have just listed a number, the number corresponds to whatever the move is under that characters section. Example: Kaeda's follow-ups after his Instant Combo are 7 (Super Sword), 8 (Lightning Crash), 10 (Dragon Crash), or 4 (Lightning Uppercut). I HAD to clear that up, because I KNOW I would've gotten at least one e-mail on that subject. Now, let's get on with this little shindig. ---------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: All characters enders are either C, or df + B, unless noted elsewhere KAEDA 1. Triple slash: qcb + A/B [SC] 2. Lightning slash: qcf + A/B 3. Air Lightning slash: (air) qcf + A/B 4. Lightning Uppercut: f, d, df + A/B | +-> f, d, df + AB 5. Roll: qcb + C 6. Instant Combo: hcf + C [SC] | +-> (Follow Ups): 7,8,10,4 7. *Super Sword*: qcf, qcf + AB 8. *Lightning Crash*: qcb, db, f + AB 9. **Lightning Dragon Sword**: qcf, qcf + B 10. **Dragon Crash**: qcb, df, f + B ---------------------------------------------------------- MORIYA 1. Triple/Quad Slash: qcf + A/B [SC] | +-> (Follow up): 3 2. Quick Slasher: qcb + A/B/C | +-> (Follow up): A/B/C 3. Moon Slasher: f, d, df + A/B | +-> (Follow up): f, d, df + B 4. Teleporter: b, db, d + A/B/C | +-> (Follow up): A/B/C 5. *Multi Slasher*: f, hcf+ AB 6. **Combo Rusher**: f, hcf + B ---------------------------------------------------------- YUKI 1. Dashing Slash: d, db, b + A/B [Super Cancel] 2. Ice Bolt: qcf + A/B 3. Ice Uppercut: f, d, df + A/B 4. Ice Wall: hcf + C 5. Instant Combo: hcb + C | +-> (Follow up): 3 6. *Big Ice Stab*: qcf, qcf + AB | +-> {Follow up}: A,A,A.. 7. **Whirl Wind**: qcb, db, f + B ---------------------------------------------------------- SETSUNA 1. Sword Slash : qcf + A/B [SC] 2. Uppercut : f, d, df + A/B 3. Huge Slash : qcb + B 4. Lightning Defense : hcb + C | +-> (Follow up) : 5 5. Stunner (only done after #4): hcf + C 6. Air Grab : f, d, df + C 7. *Super Slasher* : qcf, qcf + AB 8. **Super Lighting Defence**: hcb, hcb + B | +-> (Follow up): 9 9. Supreme Death (only done afer #8): hcf + AB ---------------------------------------------------------- AKARI: 1. Upwards Spin : d, u + C | +-> (Follow up) : d, u + C 2. Demon Fireball : qcf + A/B 3. Demon Bell : hcb + A 4. Sleepy Counter: hcb + B 5. Hello: hcb + C 6. Utter Wackyness: b, d, db + A/B/C 7. Teleporter: f, d, df + A/B/C 8. *Doom Centipede*: qcb, db, f + AB 9. **Doom Parade**: hcb, hcb + B ---------------------------------------------------------- JUZOH (note, his enders are either u + B, or a run) 1. Flamin Whack: qcf + A/B 2. Sneeze: qcb + C 3, Big Head: f, b, f + C 4. Dash: qcf + C 5. Big Stomp: f, d, df + A/B [SC] 6. Big Throw: hcb + B | +-> (Follow Up): qcf + B | | | | | +-> (Follow Up): qcf + C | | +-> (Follow Up): *qcf + AB* 7. Big Counter: hcb + A | +-> (Follow Up) : hcf + B | +-> (Follow Up) : hcf + A | +-> (Follow Up) : *hcb, hcb + AB* | +-> (Follow Up) : *qcf + B* (NOTE: the last 2 follows don't need 2 full bars, just a standard one.) 8. *Real Big Stomp*: qcf, qcf + AB 9. **Real Big Head Banger**: qcf, qcf + B ---------------------------------------------------------- AMANO 1. Big Swing: hcb + B (Optional: Hold B) 2. Annoying Dash: f, db, f + A/B [SC] 3. Fast Whacking: A,A,A.. 4. Bottle hit: qcb + A 5. Uppercut: f, d, df + C 6. Counter Smack: hcb + C 7. Ultimate Raz Move: qcf + Start 8. *Super Swing*: hcb, hcb + AB 9. **Flying... Thing**: hcb, hcb + A/B ---------------------------------------------------------- HIBIKI: 1. Slasher: qcf + A/B 2. Dash Cutter: f, d, df+ B 3. Dodge: AB 4. Counter Throw: hcf + C 5. *Super Dash Cutter*: qcb, db, f + AB 6. **Ultimate Slasher**: f, hcf + B ---------------------------------------------------------- WASHIZUKA: (Power) 1. Rapid Stab: qcb + A/B, Tap A/B 2. Ranged Slash: Charge b, then f + A/B 3. Upwards Slash: Charge d, then u + A/B 4. Dash Attack: Charge b, then f + C | +-> (Follow Up): qcf + C [SC] | +-> (Follow Up): qcb + C | . +-> (Follow Up): qcb + B 5. Super Unblockable: Charge BC | +-> (Follow Up): 6 6. *Slasher Combo*: qcb, db, f + AB 7. **Ultimate Stab/Ultimate Unblockable** : qcb, db, f + B ---------------------------------------------------------- KOJIRO: (Power) 1. Rapid Stabs: qcb + B 2. Big Slash: qcb + A 3. Ranged Slash: qcf + A/B 4. Upwards Slash: f, d, df + A/B 5. Speed Dash: qcb + C | +-> (Follow up) : C 6. Super Overhead: f + BC 7. Super Unblockable: Charge BC | +-> (Follow Up): 8 8. *Slasher Combo*: qcb, db, f + AB 9. **Ultimate Stab/Ultimate Unblockable**: qcb, db, f + B ---------------------------------------------------------- OKINA (Speed) 1. Whirly Basket: hcb + A/B [SC] | +-> (Follow Up): 6 2. Turtle: qcf + A/B/C 3. Fishing Pole: f, d, df+ A/B/C 4. Teleport: b, d, db + A/B/C 5. Upper Whirly Basket: hcb + C 6. *Super Whirly Basket*: hcf, hcf + AB 7. **Super Turtle**: hcf, hcf + B ---------------------------------------------------------- UNDEAD GUY: (NOTE: his enders are u + B) 1. Super Slash: f, d, df + A/B, Tap A/B 2. Throw Slash: qcb + A/B | +-> (Follow Up): u + B 3. Bite Dash: hcf + A/B 4. Super Throw: hcb + C 5. Diver: (air) qcb + A/B [SC] 6. *Quisinart*: qcf, qcf + AB 7. **YOU ARE DEAD**: qcf, qcf + B ---------------------------------------------------------- LEE: (NOTE: his only ender is C) 1, Fan Dash: hcb + A/B [SC] | +-> (Follow Up): hcf + B 2. Upperkick: d, u + B | +-> (Follow Up) d + B 3. Dodge: AB | +-> (Follow Up): A/B/C/D | | +-> (Follow Up): d + C | Lee sweeps low and can finish with the following: +-> A) d + C C +-> B) d + C -> +-> B) f + C +-> C) d + C -> f + C 4. Rapid Kicks: qcb + C, (qcb + C, qcb + C, repeat) 5. Air Rapid Kick: (air) qcb + C (qcb + C, qcb + C) 6. Step on your Face: (air) qcf + C 7. *Nuke Fan*: qcb, db, f + AB 8. **Nuke Combo Rush**: qcb, db, f + B ---------------------------------------------------------- ZANTETSU (note: Knife Shot can be used as an air-ender) 1. Knife Slash: qcf + A 2. Laser Shot: qcb + B [SC] 3. Invisibility: b, d, db + A 4. Knife Shot: (air) qcf + A/B | +-> (Follow Up): qcf + (same button) 5. Face Dance: (air) d + C | +-> (Follow Up): d + C 6. Upperkick slash: f, b, f + C 7. Teleporter: f, b, f + C | +-> (Follow Up1): qcb + A | | | +-> (Follow Up2): qcb + B 8. Cape Throw: (air/ground) hcb + C 9. *Mega Ranged Slasher*: f, hcf + AB 10. **Mega Cape Throw**: qcb, qcb + B ---------------------------------------------------------- KAGAMI: 1. Downward dive: (air) d + C 2. Upperwards slash: f, d. df + A/B [SC] 3. Fireball: qcf + A 4. Firehand: qcf + B | +-> (Follow Up): qcf + B 5. Power Surge: qcb + C 6. Stab Grab: hcb + B 7. *Napalm Wave*: f, hcf + AB 8. *Flame Dive*: (air) hcf + AB 9. **Phoenix Dive**: (air) hcf + B ---------------------------------------------------------- SHINGEN: 1. Dash Grab: hcf + A/B/C 2. Blitz: f, d, df + A/B, tap button 3. Heavy Slasher: qcb + A/B [SC] 4. Elbow Rush: qcb + C 5. Super Grab: hcb, f + C | +-> (Follow Up): hcf + A | | | | | +-> (Follow Up): *hcb, hcb + AB* | | | +-> (Follow Up): hcf + B | | +-> (Follow Up) **Tiger Blitz**: hcb, hcb + C 6. *Tiger Dash*: qcf, qcf + AB | +-> (Follow Up): hcb, hcb + B 7. *Super Counter*: hcb, b + AB 8. *Mega Throw*: hcb, hcb + AB 9. **Ultimate Throw**: hcb, hcb + B ---------------------------------------------------------- ORIGINAL KAEDE: (put cursor on Kaede, hit C 9 times, B 1 time, then C 4 times) 1. Weird Shot: qcf + A/B 2. Upperslash: f, d, df + A/B | +-> (Follow up) : f, d, df + A/B 2. Triple Slash: qcb + A/B 3. Roll: QCB + C 4. *Lightning Sword*: qcb, db, f + AB 5. **Lightning Dragons**: qcb, db, f + B ---------------------------------------------------------- KOURYU: (put cursor on Kaede, then C 10 times, B 5 times, then C 5 times) 1. Arrow Show: qcf + A/B 2. Big Slash: qcb + C 3. Quad Rusher: qcb + A/B * 4 [SC] 4. Mode Swap: BCD 5. *Fire Phoenix Super*: (air) f, hcf + A 6. *Earth Slasher Super*: f, hcf + B 7. *Water Tornado Super*: f, hcf + C 8. *Lightning Dragon Super*: f, hcf + D 9. **Ultimate End**: b, hcb + B ----------------------------------------------------------