Beatmania IIDX 8th Style General FAQ Version 0.75 11/28/04 Written by Thunderbird *********************************************************************** Copyright Notice *********************************************************************** This FAQ is copyright (c) 2004 by Sean Taylor This FAQ is merely intended to assist you, the reader, with tips for playing Beatmania IIDX 8th Style for the Playstation 2 computer entertainment system. You may not post it elsewhere without first asking for permission. You may not modify this FAQ and then post it as your original work. You may not use this FAQ for money making purposes (this includes running ads on the same page as this FAQ). If this FAQ is posted on your site (with permission), it may not be placed in an area that requires a special membership (paid or otherwise) to access. If you would like to ask permission to post this FAQ on your site, please email me at and I'll probably allow you to do so, provided that the above conditions are met. *********************************************************************** Copyright Notice *********************************************************************** 1. Introduction 2. Version History 3. How To Play 4. Arcade Mode 5. Beginner Mode 6. Free Mode 7. Modifiers 8. Song List and Information 9. Expert Courses 10. Class Mode 11. Unlocks 12. Scoring System 13. Cleaning Your Controller 14. Additional Frequently Asked Questions 15. Contact Me 16. Credits 17. Conclusion 1. Introduction Welcome to my IIDX 8th Style FAQ. You may notice that some parts of this FAQ are also in my 6th Style and 7th style FAQs. That's because there's a lot of similarities between the two games (and to the entire IIDX series in general). A note to viewers: This guide is saved in Shift_JIS format. While most of it will appear normally, there are two items that may appear a little oddly. Change your browser encoding to Japanese (Shift_JIS) to view those properly. You'll need Japanese support installed on your system, and I cannot assist with this (especially for Linux systems, where I do not know how to do this myself). The only items that are affected are the genre for Bit Mania and the artist for Taiyo. 2. Version History Version 1.0 Written 1/01/05 Filled out everything except the two unlock methods that have yet to be officially released. Version 0.8 Written 12/05/04 Corrected some more errors, added some notecount information. Version 0.75 Written 11/28/04 Added Dan courses, cleaned up a lot of errors. Version 0.7 Written 11/19/04 Initial version. Most parts available, but missing a few. 3. How to Play IIDX is said to have the steepest learning curve in the Bemani series. The basic gameplay involves hitting keys on the IIDX controller and turning a turntable. However, as the songs get harder, the note sequences get varied quite well. In order to pass under normal conditions, you must end a song with 80% or higher. However, you cannot be failed out at any time unless you hold Start down for 3-4 seconds. 4. Arcade Mode This is the main mode of IIDX 8th Style. However, unlike the previous Styles, it does not provide a submenu for all of the other modes. You can only access 5 Key and 7 Key modes here, on either Single or Double. When you choose this mode from the menu, you must select 1P or 1P&2P, then 7 Keys or 5 Keys, then (depending on the first mode), Single/Double/Double Battle (1P), or simply whether to enable Battle (1P&2P). After making your selections, the round begins. 7 Keys: Normal mode. Some songs are not available on certain stage numbers. Can switch difficulties between Light 7/7 Keys/Another(7). Note that some songs do not have Another(7) sets. If you switch to Another(7)/Another(14) at any time, the songs without these sets will drop off the list. 5 Keys: Same as 7 Key mode, but the right two key columns are removed from play. This mode does not track records separately, only clear status. There is no Light 5 or Another(5) mode here, however. Enabling the Double option will double all numbers, obviously. Note that as with previous styles, there is an opportunity to earn an extra song. The conditions vary depending on the difficulty of your final song. They are as follows: 7 or Flashing 7 stars: Clear the song 6 stars: End the song with 100% 5 stars: Full Combo the song 4 or fewer stars: Get a flashing Great bonus on a song Extra Stage is simply another song, no special restrictions. However, unlike previous styles, the songs Sakura and Xenon are not normally selectable in Arcade Mode (use Free Mode to play them easily). To unlock Sakura for selection as an Extra Stage song for the current session only, you must earn an A or better on a Flashing 7 star song in Another mode, with Hard Play on. You will unlock the special Sakura background (also a gallery picture), and Sakura will be selectable as an Extra Stage. Should you play it on Another with Hard Play on, and pass with at least an A, you will get the Xenon background as your results screen (another Gallery picture), and Xenon will start after you leave the results screen without any opportunity to change modifiers. 5. Beginner Mode This mode is to learn IIDX. When you first enter it, a robot will give you tips (in Japanese, naturally, so just skip this section if you don't understand it). You must pick a level to play on. After doing this and reading (or not reading) the information, you will get the songlist for songs of the difficulty (and below) you've chosen. Play proceeds as normal. There are two Gallery pictures that can be earned from this mode, more in the Unlocks section. Note: Modifiers cannot be chosen when Level 1 is selected. 6. Free Mode If you don't like the dead time between rounds of Arcade Mode, you'll probably spend nearly all your time here. All songs available to you are here (there are 3 unlocks which do not initially appear), so just pick one and start playing. There's some new stuff around, and some slight changes to some of the new features from 7th. When you first enter Free Mode, you'll see a menu with options. First option is who's playing. If you are playing Double, you can pick 1P or 2P Only, or 1P & 2P. Auto options are available as well. Second line is your game modifier (6th and earlier allowed you to pick your song modifiers here as well, but 7th and 8th do not), Normal, Battle or Double. Normal cancels out the other two. Battle gives two players the standard Single notechart for the song and pits them against each other (choosing Battle will cause 1P & 2P to become automatically selected if 1P or 2P Only is selected). At the end of the song, the player with the better score will be declared the winner. Normal with 2 players gives the Double notechart with each player taking their respective side of it. The 3rd line is the play option. You can choose 7 Keys or 5 Keys here. They are the same as in Arcade Mode. And finally, hit Start to begin your session. The initial menu will appear on the songlist. You must choose how to sort (default is by difficulty rating, or level). Sorting by Level and Title do their respective things. Sort by Miss Count will sort by the miss count, starting with the lowest and going up. Unplayed songs will be at the end in alphabetical order. Miss Count is the number of Bads+Poors on a song (including excess Poors), and the lowest number is kept for records. Sort by Play Count is as it says. Note that the play count for each notechart is tracked separately. And finally, the last non-border options. EX score will display your Expert score (which is used for records) in place of what is normally called your “money” score (I still have no idea where that term comes from). Place a check next to it to activate it. Hi-Speed will allow you to quickly define Hi-Speed settings if your Hi-Speed Setting option is set to Each Music in the Options Menu (under Extra Settings). It begins with HS4, and you pick the fastest song to use HS4 on. Then repeat with HS3 down to HS1. Hitting Not Use will clear that HS setting from all songs that have it. Finally, you have the songlist display options. All Music is self-explanatory. New Music displays the songs that are new to IIDX 8th Style Arcade (including songs which were previously only in consumer versions, the unlockables (most of them) from 6th Style) as well as any unlocks you may have and songs new to the Consumer version of 8th Style. Old Music displays the songs that were in previous AC releases. Not Played is self-explanatory. The DJ Level options will display songs with that DJ Level. Not Cleared will display unplayed and failed songs. Not Cleared (Hard) will display all songs that have not been cleared with the Hard modifier (in other words, those that do not have Hard Clear in their record section). Note that while your cursor is on a song display option, the game will display how many songs fit that option on the currently selected difficulty. After you've chosen your song display option, simply pick a song and start playing. 7. Modifiers There are 7 different modifier sets that can be chosen. You can choose modifiers in two ways: Arcade style, or Home Version style. Go to the Options menu, and select Extra Settings to change this. Push the Start button on any screen to open the modifier list. Group 1: Random: Notes are shuffled, but maintain similar patterns. In Double Play each controller is randomized separately. Mirror: Notes are mirrored. In Double Play, the controllers are mirrored individually. Random+Mirror: Same as Random in Single and Double. Don't know why this combination is possible, as it's pointless. Random+: Special modifier, must be unlocked. If it is available, hold the key down while selecting Random and Random+ will appear. Same as Random, except that the scratch is now included in the randomization. Using this modifier will cause records to remain unaltered. Group 2: Easy: Groove Gauge decreases less with each Bad/Poor, and gains more with note hits. Hard: Each Bad/Poor will remove 10% from the Groove Gauge. Note hits increase the gauge at a normal rate. The 80% pass restriction is removed (can pass with any percentage), but if 0% is reached, autofail takes effect. (Note that 0% cannot be attained in normal play mode, the gauge bottoms out at 2%) Note that Easy and Hard will affect your Clear status this time around. The order of clear display is Play (failed), Easy Clear, Clear, then Hard Clear. Group 3: Autoscratch: Can be set to one or both sides in Versus/Battle/Double. Turntable notes (called scratches) do not need to be hit. Using this mode will cause the Records to remain unaltered. Group 4: Battle: In 2P Mode, enabling this will give both sides the Single notes. At the end of the song, the two players are compared by Expert Score, and the player scoring higher is deemed the winner. This must be chosen before you start your game. Enabling this in Double Play mode will have the same effects, but no scorekeeping will be in effect. Group 5: Double: One player plays with 2 controllers. This must be chosen before you start your game. Group 6: Hidden: Notes disappear before reaching the bottom. Sudden: Notes appear about halfway down the screen. Hidden+Sudden: Notes are only visible for a short time near the center of the screen. Group 7: Hi-Speed: Alter the speed of the song. Normal Speed, or HS1-4 can be chosen. In Free Mode, Hi-Speed settings can be saved for each individual song. Go to Options Mode and look at Extra Settings to turn this on or off. Double and Single Hi-Speed settings are saved separately. In Class Mode the modifier menu operates in a special way. Hi-Speed modifiers are the only ones that can be chosen, but they can be chosen individually for each song (for instance, play Love Is Orange on HS2 and Drivin on HS3 in the same course). If the Hi-Speed option is set to Each Music, these are read from your saved settings, and saved back if changed. Special note for Sakura: Hi-Speed 1 and Hi-Speed 2 have half their normal effects on this song, due to it's high BPM. 8. Song List and Information 5.1.1 Artist: dj Nagureo BPM: 101 Genre: Piano Ambient Light 7: 1 star, 83 notes 7 Keys: 1 star, 99 notes Another(7): 786 notes Light 14: 1 star, 83 notes 14 Keys: 1 star, 99 notes Another(14): 796 notes A Artist: dj Amuro BPM: 93-191 Genre: Renaissance Light 7: 6 stars, 666 notes 7 Keys: Flashing 7 stars, 1111 notes Another(7): 1260 notes Light 14: 6 stars, 613 notes 14 Keys: Flashing 7 stars, 1119 notes Another(14): 1343 notes Abstract Artist: TaQ Genre: Big Beat Light 7: 6 stars, 659 notes 7 Keys: Flashing 7 stars, 831 notes Another(7): 960 notes Light 14: 6 stars, 662 notes 14 Keys: Flashing 7 stars, 950 notes Airflow Artist: Mr.T Genre: Instrumental Light 7: 3 stars, 295 notes 7 Keys: 4 stars, 402 notes Another(7): 721 notes Light 14: 3 stars, 293 notes 14 Keys: 5 stars, 402 notes Another(14): 721 notes Alien World Artist: Pink Pong Genre: Psychedelic Trance Light 7: 5 stars, 473 notes 7 Keys: 6 stars, 582 notes Another(7): 722 notes Light 14: 4 stars, 528 notes 14 Keys: 5 stars, 616 notes Another(14): 790 notes All Right Artist: RAM Genre: Drum'N'Bass Light 7: 4 stars, 446 notes 7 Keys: 7 stars, 658 notes Another(7): 815 notes Light 14: 6 stars, 501 notes 14 Keys: 7 stars, 720 notes Another(14): 860 notes Aoi Shoudou Artist: Naoki feat. Yuki Genre: J-Trance Light 7: 5 stars, 468 notes 7 Keys: 7 stars, 694 notes Another(7): 803 notes Light 14: 5 stars, 524 notes 14 Keys: 6 stars, 685 notes Attitude Artist: Y&Co. Genre: Trance Light 7: 5 stars, 527 notes 7 Keys: 7 stars, 721 notes Another(7): 881 notes Light 14: 5 stars, 578 notes 14 Keys: 6 stars, 707 notes Another(14): 881 notes Ave De Rapina Artist: Shawn the Horny Master BPM: 125 Genre: Alternative House Light 7: 6 stars, 713 notes 7 Keys: 7 stars, 882 notes Another(7): 934 notes Light 14: 7 stars, 948 notes 14 Keys: Flashing 7 stars, 1113 notes B4U Artist: Naoki BPM: 155 Genre: Speed Rave Light 7: 5 stars, 538 notes 7 Keys: Flashing 7 stars, 801 notes Another(7): 1104 notes Light 14: 6 stars, 639 notes 14 Keys: 7 stars, 815 notes Bad Routine Artist: DJ Spugna BPM: 130 Genre: Filter House Light 7: 5 stars, 522 notes 7 Keys: 6 stars, 716 notes Light 14: 6 stars, 566 notes 14 Keys: 7 stars, 716 notes Bit Mania Artist: Akira Yamaoka BPM: 148 Genre: テクノ歌謡 Light 7: 4 stars, 458 notes 7 Keys: 5 stars, 643 notes Another(7): 934 notes Light 14: 5 stars, 536 notes 14 Keys: 6 stars, 643 notes Blame Artist: good-cool feat. Jeff Coote BPM: 155 Genre: Eurobeat Light 7: 6 stars, 611 notes 7 Keys: 7 stars, 796 notes Another(7): 980 notes Light 14: 6 stars, 614 notes 14 Keys: Flashing 7 stars, 745 notes Another(14): 1105 notes Blown My Heart Away Artist: good-cool feat. Jeff Coote BPM: 124 Genre: 80's Eurobeat Light 7: 4 stars, 422 notes 7 Keys: 5 stars, 572 notes Another(7): 824 notes Light 14: 5 stars, 602 notes 14 Keys: 7 stars, 695 notes Celebrate Nite Artist: N.M.R Genre: Euro Groove Light 7: 5 stars, 471 notes 7 Keys: 6 stars, 591 notes Another(7): 714 notes Light 14: 5 stars, 471 notes 14 Keys: 7 stars, 632 notes Another(14): 731 notes Colors (Radio Edit) Artist: dj TAKA BPM: 150 Genre: Trance Light 7: 6 stars, 751 notes 7 Keys: Flashing 7 stars, 1011 notes Another(7): 1258 notes Light 14: 6 stars, 714 notes 14 Keys: 7 stars, 1099 notes Another(14): 1255 notes Colors -Y&Co. Eurobeat Remix- Artist: dj TAKA (remixed by Y&Co) BPM: 155 Genre: Eurobeat Light 7: 5 stars, 585 notes 7 Keys: Flashing 7 stars, 1029 notes Another(7): 1100 notes Light 14: 6 stars, 663 notes 14 Keys: Flashing 7 stars, 1068 notes Another(14): 1100 notes Dancer Artist: De Vol BPM: 149 Genre: Nu Skool Light 7: 4 stars, 444 notes 7 Keys: 5 stars, 522 notes Another(7): 712 notes Light 14: 4 stars, 547 notes 14 Keys: 6 stars, 634 notes Another(14): 845 notes Dissolve Artist: Kobo Genre: Trance Light 7: 4 stars, 491 notes 7 Keys: 6 stars, 658 notes Another(7): 784 notes Light 14: 5 stars, 576 notes 14 Keys: Flashing 7 stars, 761 notes Don't Be Afraid Myself (Unlockable) Artist: platonix with ray.D BPM: 155 Genre: J-Pop Light 7: 5 stars, 566 notes 7 Keys: 7 stars, 960 notes Another(7): 1155 notes Light 14: 6 stars, 621 notes 14 Keys: Flashing 7 stars, 935 notes Another(14): 1094 notes Don't Stop Artist: dj TAKA feat. JP Miles BPM: 129 Genre: Happy Handbag Light 7: 2 stars, 389 notes 7 Keys: 3 stars, 428 notes Another(7): 453 notes Light 14: 3 stars, 391 notes 14 Keys: 4 stars, 450 notes Drivin' Artist: Naoki feat. Paula Terry BPM: 155 Genre: Hyper Eurobeat Light 7: 4 stars, 465 notes 7 Keys: 7 stars, 663 notes Another(7): 897 notes Light 14: 4 stars, 482 notes 14 Keys: 6 stars, 650 notes Another(14): 799 notes Dual Control Artist: Mr.T BPM: 131 Genre: Garage House Light 7: 4 stars, 403 notes 7 Keys: Flashing 7 stars, 763 notes Another(7): 961 notes Light 14: 4 stars, 403 notes 14 Keys: 7 stars, 756 notes Dynamite Rave Artist: Naoki BPM: 149 Genre: Speed Rave Light 7: 4 stars, 345 notes 7 Keys: 6 stars, 598 notes Another(7): 614 notes Light 14: 3 stars, 345 notes 14 Keys: 5 stars, 589 notes Another(14): 604 notes Era (Nostalmix) Artist: TaQ BPM: 90-180 Genre: Drum'N'Bass Light 7: 5 stars, 437 notes 7 Keys: 7 stars, 555 notes Another(7): 786 notes Light 14: 5 stars, 437 notes 14 Keys: Flashing 7 stars, 952 notes Another(14): 1226 notes Era (Step Mix) Artist: TaQ BPM: 90-180 Genre: Drum'N'Bass Light 7: 5 stars, 565 notes 7 Keys: 7 stars, 733 notes Another(7): 875 notes Light 14: 4 stars, 503 notes 14 Keys: 7 stars, 728 notes Another(14): 1226 notes Everyday Lovelyday -LED Style Mix- Artist: Togo-chef feat. Sana BPM: 133 Genre: House Remix Light 7: 5 stars, 641 notes 7 Keys: 6 stars, 902 notes Another(7): 931 notes Light 14: 5 stars, 773 notes 14 Keys: 6 stars, 900 notes Flute Man Artist: Sparker BPM: 130 Genre: Deep House Light 7: 3 stars, 299 notes 7 Keys: 5 stars, 465 notes Another(7): Yes, 553 notes Light 14: 4 stars, 376 notes 14 Keys: 5 stars, 472 notes Another(14): 553 notes Foundation of our love Artist: dj TAKA feat. ASAKO BPM: 140 Genre: Trance Light 7: 1 star, 232 notes 7 Keys: 6 stars, 672 notes Another(7): 817 notes Light 14: 1 star, 232 notes 14 Keys: 7 stars, 781 notes Another(14): 816 notes Funky Bingo Paradise Artist: Sawasaki Yoshihiro BPM: 133 Genre: Electro Light 7: 5 stars, 457 notes 7 Keys: 6 stars, 748 notes Another(7): 855 notes Light 14: 5 stars, 594 notes 14 Keys: 6 stars, 767 notes Another(14): 856 notes G2 Artist: Aya BPM: 170 Genre: Drum'N'Bass Light 7: 6 stars, 752 notes 7 Keys: Flashing 7 stars, 942 notes Another(7): 1188 notes Light 14: 6 stars, 665 notes 14 Keys: 7 stars, 830 notes Another(14): 1377 notes The Light 7 set on this was bumped to 7 in IIDX 11th Style AC. Giudecca Artist: D.J.SETUP BPM: 155 Genre: Psychedelic Techno Light 7: 4 stars, 470 notes 7 Keys: Flashing 7 stars, 1016 notes Another(7): 1381 notes Light 14: 5 stars, 600 notes 14 Keys: Flashing 7 stars, 1129 notes Another(14): 1392 notes Give Me a Sign Artist: Shoichiro Hirata feat. 'Red' BPM: 126 Genre: 2Step Light 7: 4 stars, 440 notes 7 Keys: 6 stars, 650 notes Another(7): 881 notes Light 14: 5 stars, 660 notes 14 Keys: 7 stars, 827 notes Another(14): 861 notes Gravity Artist: TaQ BPM: 125 Genre: Big Beat Light 7: 5 stars, 628 notes 7 Keys: 7 stars, 820 notes Light 14: 7 stars, 785 notes 14 Keys: Flashing 7 stars, 1013 notes Halfway of Promise Artist: Yu Takami feat. Shihori Nakane BPM: 140 Genre: Girls Rock Light 7: 4 stars, 481 notes 7 Keys: 7 stars, 781 notes Another(7): 940 notes Light 14: 5 stars, 638 notes 14 Keys: 7 stars, 779 notes Higher Artist: NM feat. Sunny BPM: 132 Genre: Dance Pop Light 7: 3 stars, 270 notes 7 Keys: 4 stars, 468 notes Another(7): 641 notes Light 14: 4 stars, 362 notes 14 Keys: 6 stars, 578 notes Another(14): 611 notes Holic Artist: TaQ BPM: 154 Genre: Techno Light 7: 4 stars, 395 notes 7 Keys: 7 stars, 624 notes Another(7): 880 notes Light 14: 6 stars, 680 notes 14 Keys: Flashing 7 stars, 875 notes Another(14): 1136 notes Hormiga Obrera Artist: Shawn the Horny Master BPM: 130 Genre: Alternative House Light 7: 5 stars, 613 notes 7 Keys: 6 stars, 764 notes Another(7): 913 notes Light 14: 6 stars, 736 notes 14 Keys: Flashing 7 stars, 959 notes Another(14): 1055 notes Hyper Boundary Gate Artist: L.E.D. Light BPM: 152 Genre: Goa Trance Light 7: 5 stars, 620 notes 7 Keys: 7 stars, 764 notes Another(7): 913 notes Light 14: 6 stars, 736 notes 14 Keys: Flashing 7 stars, 977 notes I.C.F.5800 Artist: Reo Nagumo feat. Mayumi Shizawa BPM: 172 Genre: Electro Light 7: 4 stars, 513 notes 7 Keys: 7 stars, 831 notes Another(7): 911 notes Light 14: 5 stars, 624 notes 14 Keys: 6 stars, 805 notes Another(14): 1027 notes Jelly Kiss Artist: Togo project feat. Sana BPM: 135 Genre: A.O.R. Light 7: 3 stars, 373 notes 7 Keys: 5 stars, 552 notes Light 14: 5 stars, 503 notes 14 Keys: 7 stars, 682 notes Kakumei Artist: dj TAKA with NAOKI BPM: 83-148 Genre: Orchestral Light 7: 6 stars, 392 notes 7 Keys: Flashing 7 stars, 1004 notes Another(7): 1183 notes Light 14: 6 stars, 702 notes 14 Keys: Flashing 7 stars, 1209 notes Another(14): 1401 notes LAB Artist: RAM BPM: 180 Genre: Rave Light 7: 5 stars, 534 notes 7 Keys: Flashing 7 stars, 1029 notes Another(7): 1075 notes Light 14: 5 stars, 547 notes 14 Keys: Flashing 7 stars, 1014 notes Love Box Artist: Upper-Slope BPM: 114 Genre: J-Soul Light 7: 2 stars, 242 notes 7 Keys: 5 stars, 473 notes Another(7): 598 notes Light 14: 3 stars, 242 notes 14 Keys: 5 stars, 460 notes Another(14): 598 notes Love is Orange Artist: Orange Lounge BPM: 180 Genre: Hard Chanson (uh....what?) Light 7: 4 stars, 399 notes 7 Keys: 6 stars, 519 notes Another(7): 903 notes Light 14: 4 stars, 456 notes 14 Keys: 5 stars, 570 notes Love Will... Artist: riewo BPM: 144 Genre: Trance Light 7: 3 stars, 279 notes 7 Keys: 4 stars, 379 notes Another(7): 732 notes Light 14: 4 stars, 330 notes 14 Keys: 6 stars, 529 notes Another(14): 726 notes Luv 2 Feel Your Body Artist: Shoichiro Hirata BPM: 134 Genre: 2Step Light 7: 4 stars, 437 notes 7 Keys: 5 stars, 542 notes Another(7): 839 notes Light 14: 5 stars, 552 notes 14 Keys: 7 stars, 703 notes Memories Artist: TAKA BPM: 188 Genre: Beat Rock Light 7: 5 stars, 578 notes 7 Keys: Flashing 7 stars, 1056 notes Another(7): 1157 notes Light 14: 5 stars, 578 notes 14 Keys: Flashing 7 stars, 1122 notes Another(14): 1274 notes No, this is not the same Memories from either Keyboardmania or DDR. Monkey Dance Artist: Y&Co. BPM: 155 Genre: Eurobeat Light 7: 4 stars, 413 notes 7 Keys: 7 stars, 690 notes Another(7): 997 notes Light 14: 5 stars, 554 notes 14 Keys: 6 stars, 689 notes More Move Artist: T-Hirono feat. Paulinho BPM: 180 Genre: Club Bossa Light 7: 5 stars, 498 notes 7 Keys: 7 stars, 773 notes Another(7): 858 notes Light 14: 4 stars, 498 notes 14 Keys: 7 stars, 773 notes Another(14): 858 notes Murmur Twins Artist: yu_tokiwa.djw BPM: 174 Genre: Cuddlecore Light 7: 5 stars, 567 notes 7 Keys: Flashing 7 stars, 854 notes Another(7): 1207 notes Light 14: 5 stars, 589 notes 14 Keys: Flashing 7 stars, 924 notes Another(14): 1188 notes Music To Your Head Artist: Slake BPM: 144 Genre: Techno Light 7: 4 stars, 465 notes 7 Keys: 7 stars, 743 notes Another(7): 849 notes Light 14: 6 stars, 628 notes 14 Keys: 7 stars, 769 notes Another(14): 849 notes Nebula Grasper Artist: L.E.D. BPM: 152 Genre: Psychedelic Trance Light 7: 5 stars, 691 notes 7 Keys: Flashing 7 stars, 1029 notes Another(7): 1241 notes Light 14: 6 stars, 723 notes 14 Keys: 7 stars, 1029 notes Another(14): 1155 notes Nothing Ain't Stoppin Us Artist: Shoichiro Hirata BPM: 128 Genre: Disco Light 7: 2 stars, 196 notes 7 Keys: 3 stars, 256 notes Light 14: 1 star, 247 notes 14 Keys: 2 stars, 257 notes Outer Limits Artist: L.E.D.-G BPM: 171 Genre: Hardcore Breakbeats Light 7: 4 stars, 334 notes 7 Keys: 6 stars, 670 notes Light 14: 6 stars, 442 notes 14 Keys: 7 stars, 572 notes Please Don't Go Artist: Asletics BPM: 135 Genre: Disco Light 7: 5 stars, 505 notes 7 Keys: 7 stars, 715 notes Another(7): 1251 notes Light 14: 4 stars, 527 notes 14 Keys: Flashing 7 stars, 798 notes Another(14): 1188 notes Presto Artist: Osamu Kubota BPM: 135 Genre: Piano Ambient Light 7: 3 stars, 273 notes 7 Keys: 7 stars, 498 notes Another(7): 508 notes Light 14: 3 stars, 274 notes 14 Keys: 7 stars, 508 notes R5 Artist: tiger YAMATO with ultrabeatbox BPM: 179 Genre: Rave Light 7: 5 stars, 387 notes 7 Keys: 7 stars, 588 notes Another(7): 889 notes Light 14: 5 stars, 430 notes 14 Keys: 7 stars, 599 notes Another(14): 870 notes Radical Faith Artist: TaQ BPM: 114 Genre: Big Beat Light 7: 5 stars, 602 notes 7 Keys: 6 stars, 768 notes Another(7): 660 notes Light 14: 6 stars, 749 notes 14 Keys: Flashing 7 stars, 1255 notes Another(14): 1101 notes Rainbow Flyer Artist: dj TAKA BPM: 148 Genre: Trance Light 7: 4 stars, 422 notes 7 Keys: Flashing 7 stars, 859 notes Another(7): 1081 notes Light 14: 4 stars, 424 notes 14 Keys: Flashing 7 stars, 931 notes Another(14): 1167 notes Real Artist: Aya BPM: 200 Genre: Drum'N'Bass Light 7: 5 stars, 580 notes 7 Keys: 7 stars, 866 notes Another(7): 920 notes Light 14: 7 stars, 796 notes 14 Keys: Flashing 7 stars, 949 notes Another(14): 1139 notes Red Nikita Artist: Osamu Kubota BPM: 140 Genre: Latin Swing Light 7: 4 stars, 350 notes 7 Keys: Flashing 7 stars, 684 notes Another(7): 739 notes Light 14: 3 stars, 350 notes 14 Keys: Flashing 7 stars, 673 notes Another(14): 820 notes Sakura Artist: Reven-G BPM: 13-320 (have fun) Genre: Spiritual Light 7: 5 stars, 541 notes 7 Keys: Flashing 7 stars, 819 notes Another(7): 1123 notes Light 14: 6 stars, 605 notes 14 Keys: Flashing 7 stars, 819 notes Another(14): 1047 notes As noted earlier, HS1 and HS2 have half their normal effects on this song. Schlagwerk Artist: TaQ BPM: 125 Genre: Big Beat Light 7: 4 stars, 414 notes 7 Keys: 6 stars, 663 notes Another(7): 848 notes Light 14: 4 stars, 412 notes 14 Keys: Flashing 7 stars, 1043 notes Another(14): 1090 notes Small Clone Artist: Yu Takami BPM: 145 Genre: Jazz Funk Light 7: 3 stars, 369 notes 7 Keys: 6 stars, 587 notes Another(7): 622 notes Light 14: 5 stars, 413 notes 14 Keys: 7 stars, 628 notes Smoke Artist: Aya BPM: 160 Genre: Nu-Fusion Light 7: 4 stars, 383 notes 7 Keys: 7 stars, 713 notes Another(7): 879 notes Light 14: 5 stars, 521 notes 14 Keys: 7 stars, 713 notes Speed Trance Mach 3 Artist: Sawasaki Yoshihiro BPM: 140 Genre: Techno Light 7: 3 stars, 347 notes 7 Keys: 7 stars, 721 notes Another(7): 1167 notes Light 14: 5 stars, 552 notes 14 Keys: 7 stars, 747 notes Another(14): 765 notes Spica Artist: D.JW BPM: 128 Genre: House Light 7: 3 stars, 328 notes 7 Keys: Flashing 7 stars, 772 notes Another(7): 1167 notes Light 14: 3 stars, 327 notes 14 Keys: 7 stars, 782 notes Another(14): 1203 notes Spiral Galaxy (Unlockable) Artist: DJ Setup BPM: 154 Light 7: 5 stars, 545 notes 7 Keys: Flashing 7 stars, 1061 notes Another(7): 1310 notes Light 14: 5 stars, 564 notes 14 Keys: Flashing 7 stars, 1038 notes Another(14): 1139 notes Star Dream Artist: Pink Pong BPM: 148 Genre: Trance Light 7: 4 stars, 396 notes 7 Keys: 7 stars, 677 notes Another(7): 726 notes Light 14: 6 stars, 592 notes 14 Keys: 7 stars, 731 notes Starmine Artist: Ryu BPM: 182 Genre: Happy Hardcore Light 7: 5 stars, 456 notes 7 Keys: 7 stars, 719 notes Another(7): 800 notes Light 14: 5 stars, 566 notes 14 Keys: 7 stars, 796 notes Another(14): 1098 notes Step Into the New World Artist: L.E.D.-G Vs Guhroovy fw No+Chin BPM: 84-177 Genre: UK Asian Light 7: 6 stars, 627 notes 7 Keys: 7 stars, 943 notes Another(7): 1037 notes Light 14: 6 stars, 823 notes 14 Keys: Flashing 7 stars, 963 notes Another(14): 1023 notes Stick Around Artist: Megu with Scotty D. BPM: 134 Genre: 2Step Light 7: 2 stars, 263 notes 7 Keys: 3 stars, 296 notes Another(7): 483 notes Light 14: 3 stars, 327 notes 14 Keys: 4 stars, 441 notes Stoic Artist: TaQ BPM: 155 Genre: Techno Light 7: 7 stars, 864 notes 7 Keys: Flashing 7 stars, 1250 notes Another(7): 1302 notes Light 14: 7 stars, 874 notes 14 Keys: Flashing 7 stars, 1126 notes Another(14): 1497 notes Have fun with this one. Not easy on any difficulty. Suggestion Artist: kita-g BPM: 177 Genre: Acid House Light 7: 3 stars, 380 notes 7 Keys: 6 stars, 743 notes Another(7): 858 notes Light 14: 5 stars, 505 notes 14 Keys: 7 stars, 746 notes Another(14): 904 notes Symbolic Artist: TaQ BPM: 155 Genre: Techno Light 7: 6 stars, 734 notes 7 Keys: Flashing 7 stars, 952 notes Another(7): 1138 notes Light 14: 7 stars, 936 notes 14 Keys: Flashing 7 stars, 1152 notes Taiyo (Unlockable) Artist: Naoki feat. 星野奏子 BPM: 155 Genre: Cyber J-Euro Light 7: 4 stars, 419 notes 7 Keys: 7 stars, 725 notes Another(7): 880 notes Light 14: 4 stars, 419 notes 14 Keys: 7 stars, 725 notes Watch out for the ending on 7 Keys. Tell Me More... Artist: Togo-chef feat Aki Asahina BPM: 90 Genre: R&B Light 7: 3 stars, 294 notes 7 Keys: 5 stars, 642 notes Another(7): 854 notes Light 14: 3 stars, 294 notes 14 Keys: 6 stars, 530 notes Another(14): 891 notes The Earth Light Artist: L.E.D. LIGHT BPM: 145 Genre: Trance Light 7: 4 stars, 398 notes 7 Keys: 6 stars, 530 notes Another(7): 725 notes Light 14: 5 stars, 456 notes 14 Keys: Flashing 7 stars, 718 notes Another(14): 581 notes Note: The A7 set changed here. The Safari Artist: Lion Musashi BPM: 150 Genre: World House Light 7: 6 stars, 618 notes 7 Keys: Flashing 7 stars, 900 notes Light 14: 6 stars, 624 notes 14 Keys: 7 stars, 900 notes The Strong Jaeger Artist: L.E.D. BPM: 155 Genre: Nu-NRG Light 7: 6 stars, 811 notes 7 Keys: 7 stars, 879 notes Another(7): 1127 notes Light 14: 7 stars, 822 notes 14 Keys: Flashing 7 stars, 879 notes Another(14): 1012 notes Thunder Artist: Lion Musashi BPM: 135 Genre: House Light 7: 6 stars, 609 notes 7 Keys: 7 stars, 817 notes Another(7): 959 notes Light 14: 5 stars, 608 notes 14 Keys: Flashing 7 stars, 944 notes Another(14): 1126 notes Tribal Master Artist: Napakick BPM: 130 Genre: Rocket Beats Light 7: 4 stars, 464 notes 7 Keys: 6 stars, 643 notes Another(7): 794 notes Light 14: 5 stars, 478 notes 14 Keys: 6 stars, 642 notes Another(14): 770 notes V Artist: TAKA BPM: 150 Genre: Progressive Light 7: 5 stars, 646 notes 7 Keys: Flashing 7 stars, 1272 notes Another(7): 1519 notes Light 14: 6 stars, 757 notes 14 Keys: Flashing 7 stars, 1385 notes V35 Artist: tiger YAMATO BPM: 148 Genre: Trance Light 7: 4 stars, 514 notes 7 Keys: 6 stars, 746 notes Another(7): 1000 notes Light 14: 5 stars, 512 notes 14 Keys: 6 stars, 744 notes Another(14): 1095 notes Voltage (feat. Hidemaru) Artist: TaQ BPM: 125 Genre: Big Beat Light 7: 5 stars, 480 notes 7 Keys: 7 stars, 630 notes Another(7): 670 notes Light 14: 5 stars, 480 notes 14 Keys: Flashing 7 stars, 964 notes War Game Artist: Asletics BPM: 93 Genre: Hip Hop Light 7: 4 stars, 488 notes 7 Keys: 7 stars, 789 notes Another(7): 1077 notes Light 14: 4 stars, 496 notes 14 Keys: 7 stars, 820 notes Another(14): 1044 notes World Wide Love Artist: MTO BPM: 122 Genre: Pops Light 7: 3 stars, 353 notes 7 Keys: 5 stars, 526 notes Another(7): 559 notes Light 14: 4 stars, 454 notes 14 Keys: 5 stars, 560 notes Xenon Artist: Mr.T BPM: 158 Genre: Electroshock Light 7: 5 stars, 570 notes 7 Keys: 7 stars, 867 notes Another(7): 1379 notes Light 14: 4 stars, 563 notes 14 Keys: 7 stars, 865 notes Another(14): 1379 notes Yoru No Sangurasu Artist: School (good-cool feat. Hideo-Suwa) BPM: 125 Genre: Metal House Light 7: 5 stars, 543 notes 7 Keys: 6 stars, 666 notes Another(7): Yes, 968 notes Light 14: 6 stars, 645 notes 14 Keys: Flashing 7 stars, 906 notes 9. Expert Courses Expert Mode uses a special lifebar. At the beginning of a course, you start with 100%, rather than the default 22%. You play over 5, or more, songs, with your lifebar transferring in the same state from one song to the next. You can choose between Light 7, 7 Keys, or Another(7) difficulty (double the numbers if in Double Play). Light 7 will bump all difficulties down by one, while Another will raise them by one. Another cannot be chosen for courses that have all the songs at the maximum difficulty already. If Another is chosen for a course with some songs at their highest difficulty, they will not change. Same goes for if Light 7 is chosen for courses with songs at their lowest difficulty (which is Light 7 for all songs). In the list, if Light 14 is indicated, the song is on Light only for Double Play (there are no courses with songs on Light for Single Play). If Another is indicated, the song is on Another for both Single and Double. Another(7) indicates that the song is only on Another for Single Play (songs with this indication lack Another(14) sets). Course List 1. Feel Airflow World Wide Love Dancer Love Is Orange Bit Mania 2. Eurobeat Blown My Heart Away (Light 14) Monkey Dance Drivin Blame Colors -Y&Co Remix- 3. Vocal Aoi Shoudou (Light 14) I.C.F.5800 (Light 14) Yoru No Sangurasu (Light 14) Halfway of Promise Memories 4. Trance V35 Alien World Foundation of Our Love Attitude Rainbow Flyer 5. No.5 Flute Man Tribal Master War Game Star Dream Lab 6. UG2 Music To Your Head (Light 14) Abstract (Light 14) Smoke Symbolic Giudecca 7. Night Small Clone Hormiga Obrera Dual Control Thunder Red Nikita 8. Party Please Don't Go Funky Bingo Paradise All Right Murmur Twins Xenon 9. V.A Celebrate Nite Monkey Dance V35 Rainbow Flyer Lab 10. New Comer (Unlockable) Monkey Dance Funky Bingo Paradise Attitude Halfway or Promise Speed Trance Mach 3 11. Rapid2 (Unlockable) Smoke Murmur Twins Love is Orange Memories Lab 12. TaQ (Unlockable) Schlagwerk Voltage Radical Faith Gravity Abstract 13. Hirata (Unlockable) Hormiga Obrera Luv 2 Feel Your Body Give Me a Sign Bad Routine Ave De Rapina 14. L.E.D. (Unlockable) The Earth Light Hyper Boundary Gate The Strong Jaeger Step Into The New World Nebula Grasper The last three courses have no Another difficulty. 15. Hell (Unlockable) Schlagwerk (Another) R5 (Another) Era (Nostalmix (Another) The Safari Holic (Another) 16. Assault (Unlockable) Lab (Another(7)) Giudecca (Another) Xenon (Another) Murmur Twins (Another) Symbolic (Another(7)) 17. 7-SP10D (Unlockable) B4U (Another(7)) Holic (Another) Colors (Radio Edit) (Another) V (Another(7)) A (Another) 10. Class Mode Class Mode (also known as Dan Mode) is a mode which effectively measures skill at IIDX. There are 7 kyu (5 on Double) and 10 dan courses. The progression starts at 7-kyu (5-kyu on Double), going to 1-kyu, then it goes to 1-dan going all the way to 10 dan. The courses for Single and Double are different. Scoring is the standard IIDX scoring system (instead of Expert scoring), and you are given an Achivement rating at the end based on how many notes you hit. This Achievement amount is what is displayed on the Internet Ranking, your actual score will not appear if you enter the IR code you receive. Also, IR codes for Dan Mode are saved on your memory card, press Select while looking at the records to view the code. Letters are in white, numbers are in purple. It is not possible to alter the difficulty of the courses, and the only selectable modifier is Hi-Speed (which can be selected individually for each song). Note that only 1 Dan course (and all of the kyu courses) is available at the start. You will need to clear it to open the further ones up. They unlock progressively (clearing courses will unlock a couple more), the exception being 10-dan (which requires a clear of 9-dan to open). Internet Ranking Note: If you enter a score for a course more difficult than the hardest one you already have a score for, your other score will be wiped. You can only have a ranking for one course at a time, since the courses are difficulty progression. The courses are as follows: Single Play Courses: 7-kyu 5.1.1 (7 Keys) Nothing Ain't Stopping Us (Light 7) World Wide Love (Beginner) Foundation of Our Love (Light 7) 6-kyu Presto (Beginner) Spica (Light 7) Starmine (Beginner) Red Nikita (Light 7) 5-kyu Stick Around (7 Keys) Small clone (Light 7) Don't Stop! (7 Keys) Higher (7 Keys) 4-kyu Airflow (7 Keys) Luv 2 Feel Your Body (Light 7) Bit Mania (Light 7) Love Will... (7 Keys) 3-kyu Drivin' (Light 7) Blown My Heart Away (7 Keys) Flute Man (7 Keys) jelly kiss (7 Keys) 2-kyu Dancer (7 Keys) World Wide Love (7 Keys) Tell Me More... (7 Keys) Bad Routine (7 Keys) 1-kyu V35 (7 Keys) Hormiga Obrera (7 Keys) Love Is Orange (7 Keys) Radical Faith (7 Keys) 1-dan Foundation of Our Love (7 Keys) Celebrate Nite (7 Keys) Yoru No Sangurasu ( 7 Keys) Holic (7 Keys) 2-dan Drivin' (7 Keys) Everyday Lovelyday -L.E.D.STYLE MIX- (7 Keys) Attitude (7 Keys) Era (Step Mix) (7 Keys) 3-dan Thunder (7 Keys) Blame (7 Keys) Please Don't Go (7 Keys) Music To Your Head (7 Keys) 4-dan R5 (7 Keys) Presto (7 Keys) Hyper Boundary Gate (7 Keys) Smoke (7 Keys) 5-dan Abstract (7 Keys) Real (7 Keys) War Game (7 Keys) Step Into The New World (7 Keys) 6-dan Rainbow Flyer (7 Keys) Colors (Radio Edit) (7 Keys) Memories (7 Keys) Murmur Twins (7 Keys) 7-dan V (7 Keys) Red Nikita (7 Keys) Lab (7 Keys) The Safari (7 Keys) 8-dan Symbolic (Another) Stoic (7 Keys) Kakumei (7 Keys) Rainbow Flyer (Another) 9-dan This is an unusual course. There are 12 songs in it, with 4 songs randomly picked for your playthrough. The 12 songs are: Real (Another) The Earth Light (Another) Era (Step Mix) (Another) R5 (Another) War Game (Another) Blame (Another) G2 (Another) Lab (Another) Kakumei (Another) Nebula Grasper (Another) Giudecca (Another) Murmur Twins (Another) Your hi-speed settings can be chosen for each individual song, and you will get the correct hi-speed settings for your chosen songs. 10-dan Spica (Another) Xenon (Another) Please Don't Go (Another) Sakura (Another) Double Play Courses 5-kyu 5.1.1 (14 Keys) Nothing Ain't Stoppin Us (Light 14) Foundation of Our Love (Light 14) 4-kyu Stick Around (Light 14) Don't Stop! (Light 14) Airflow (Light 14) 3-kyu Spica (Light 14) Murmur Twins (Light 14) Flute Man (Light 14) 2-kyu Dynamite Rave (Light 14) World Wide Love (Light 14) Love is Orange (14 Keys) 1-kyu Don't Stop! (14 Keys) Small Clone (Light 14) Airflow (14 Keys) 1-dan Celebrate Nite (Light 14) Dancer (14 Keys) Give Me A Sign (Light 14) 2-dan Dynamite Rave (14 Keys) B4U (Light 14) Monkey Dance (14 Keys) 3-dan Tribal Master (14 Keys) V35 (14 Keys) I.C.F.5800 (14 Keys) 4-dan Attitude (14 Keys) Sakura (Light 14) Stoic (Light 14) 5-dan Halfway of Promise (14 Keys) Drivin' (14 Keys) Music To Your Head (14 Keys) 6-dan Presto (14 Keys) Era (Step Mix) (14 Keys) B4U (14 Keys) 7-dan Xenon (14 Keys) Starmine (14 Keys) Give Me A Sign (14 Keys) 8-dan Colors -Y&Co. Eurobeat Remix- (14 Keys) Abstract (14 Keys) V (14 Keys) 9-dan Holic (14 Keys) Blame (Another 14) Please Don't Go (Another 14) 10-dan Thunder (Another 14) Symbolic (14 Keys) Radical Faith (14 Keys) 11. Unlocks Taiyo is unlocked by clearing all songs on any difficulty, any mode (including 5 Keys and Autoscratch). The only modes confirmed not to work are playing with one or both sides on Auto Play in Free Mode. However, playing in 2P mode might not work either (from what I gather from one of the emails I got on this, I don't have anyone to play with to verify this myself). No clear method is known for Spiral Galaxy and Don't Be Afraid Myself. 12. Scoring System Flashing Greats are worth more than Greats. Each song is worth 200,000 points maximum. You can gain the following bonuses: Border Bonus: Finish a song with your groove gauge at 80% in normal mode for a bonus of 5730. Great Bonus: Finish a song with all Greats or better (Poors resulting from extra note hits don't count) for a bonus of 3110. Flashing Great Bonus: Finish a song with all flashing Greats or better (Poors resulting from extra note hits are excluded) for a bonus of 4620. Great+Border Bonus: Achieve both the Great and Border bonus for 11900points. Note that this isn't a straight addition of the two above bonuses. Flashing Great+Border Bonus: Achieve both the Flashing Great and Border bonuses (very difficult) for 19900 points. No bonuses are possible when playing in Expert Mode, as the scoring is different. The Great Bonuses can be applied in Class Mode, however, but the Border Bonus cannot be earned due to the different lifebar. Also, if you are using EX score view instead of the standard score view, you cannot earn any bonus (not that it matters much since Free Mode is the only place where it can be used). EX Score: This is used to determine your DJ level, and for records. Flashing Greats are worth two points, Greats are worth 1, all other judgements are worth 0. Grading System: The IIDX grading system is standard to the series, for the styles that give you grades. While 7th Style will display your grade automatically, you can use this information to figure out how many more EX points you need to get a higher grade, or the grade you would have gotten on an older style that doesn't use grades (such as 3rd Style). To gain an AAA, you need 8/9 of the total possible EX points. AA needs 7/9, A needs 6/9 and so on down the line. The lowest grade with a requirement, E, needs 2/9 of the EX points, if you are lower than this, you will receive an F. 13. Cleaning Your Controller This section only applies to the official Konami IIDX controller. The official IIDX controller is designed to be taken apart. Separate the main key unit from the controller by pressing the eject button underneath the controller and pulling the key unit away. Turn the unit upside down and remove the 6 screws. They are all the same, so don't worry about mixing them up. Remove the underside of the controller, then take out the two screws connecting the PCB to the buttons. They are differently colored from the 6 you removed earlier. Take the PCB out carefully (note that it only goes on in one direction). Make sure the unit is still upside down or the main keys will go flying. Remove the rubber from each of the keys (the rubber attached to the Start and Select buttons is a little different, and cannot be put on the main keys). Remove the keys themselves, and clean around the sides. Afterwards, put the keys back in, attach the rubber (make sure the keys all sink into their slots). Attach the PCB (if you're putting it on incorrectly, you won't be able to see all 6 screw attachment holes. If this is the case, reverse it), then use the two silver colored screws to screw it down. Place the black bottom onto the unit (make sure you can see the 6 screw holes, reverse it if you can't) and then reattach it. Slide it back into the main unit. 14. Additional Frequently Asked Questions This section is for information that doesn't really fit in any other section. Q: The game won't let me select 7 Keys, or play any of the extra modes! A: The game thinks you have a 5 Key controller. This option is set when you start the game without system data available. If you initially set your controller to Original 5 Keys, you will need to go into the options and set it to Original 7 Keys (only if you have a 7 Key IIDX controller). If you do not have a 7 Key IIDX controller, you can set the option to DualShock 2, and use your PS2 controller to play the extra modes. Note that Player 1 and Player 2 have this option set individually (Player 1 can be set to Original 7 Keys, and Player 2 can be set to DualShock 2, for example). Q: I'm left handed. Is there any way to switch the controller around so I can hit the keys with my left hand and use the scratch with my right? A: Sure, at least with a Konami IIDX controller. The key unit is separable from the main unit. Underneath the controller, find a button, and push it to be able to remove the key unit. Take the unit out, remove the protective cover that's on the right side of the unit, and move it to the connector on the left side. Flip the key unit around so that the newly opened connector will slide into the main unit's connector. After you've done this, you will be able to play with the controller switched around from the normal configuration. With the default options, this will appear exactly like Player 2's side does, but you can change this if you like in the Options menu. If you are using a Rave Discman controller, simply rotate the two sides of it. I do not know how this works with a Konami Arcade Style Controller, and I'm not about to dump $430 on one to find out either. Q: I'm looking for a particular song on the game song list, but I don't see it! Where'd it go? A: You are either on Another(7) or Another(14) mode. When either of these is selected, the game removes songs that don't have them from the list. Press Select to switch out, and the songs will reappear. 15. Contact Me If you have a question that's not answered by this FAQ, feel free to email me at Please include "IIDX 8th Style FAQ" in your subject. Failure to follow these directions will result in the email either not reaching me (for an invalid email address) or the email being deleted (wrong subject, or asking a question that's already in the FAQ). Continuous sending of email regarding something (especially when it's breaking the rules I've laid out here) will result in your email address being blocked. Note that I'm looking for information to narrow down the incomplete areas. If you have information I'm lacking, or have a correction to what I have here, please feel free to email me in accordance with the guidelines above. 16. Credits Expert, Class Course data, and song unlock data obtained from Konami's official 8th Style site, Note counts obtained from VJ Army ( 17. Conclusion The following websites are authorized to host this guide: Others, please ask first :).