========================================= RESIDENT EVIL 2(DUAL SHOCK VERSION) ========================================= [FULL FAQ/WALKTHROUGH] [by snk202]@excite.com ============= THE RULES ============= All rights reserved to Gamefaqs and to snk202. "Copy" and or plagarism is NOT ALLOWED. If you would like to post this on your site, contact me by E-MAILING ME FIRST!!! Copyright 2001 Gamefaqs ========================= GAME/GAME FAQ STATUS ========================= GAME: Resident Evil 2(Dual Shock ver.) SYSTEM: PlayStation COMPANY: Capcom BY: snk202 E-MAIL: snk202@excite.com DATE STARTED: 7/23/01 DATE FINISHED: 7/26/01 DATE COMPLETE FINISHED: 7/31/01 ===================== VERSION INFORMATION ===================== -Ver. 1.0- 7/23/01 Started and finished The Herb section and Weapon part(as well as all the beginning stuff). Began the Claire A walkthrough. -Ver. 2.0- 7/24/01 Continued finishing up Claire A walkthrough, began Leon B walkthrough. -Ver. 3.0- 7/25/01 Finsished Leon B walkthrough -Ver. 4.0- 7/26/01 Started and finished Leon A, began Leon A walkthrough. -Ver. 5.0- 7/27/01 Completed Leon A walkthrough, started Claire B. -Ver. 6.0- 7/28/01 Finished up Claire B, started it's walkthrough. -Ver. 7.0- 7/30/01 Finished Claire B walkthrough(update) and added Extreme Battle Mode guide. -Ver. 8.0- 7/31/01 Completed FAQ(with all updates). ======================== TABLE OF CONTENTS ======================== [1]---------------[MY OPINION] [2]---------------[THE CONTROLS] [3]---------------[THE HERBS] [4]---------------[THE WEAPONS] [5]---------------[IMPORTANT] [6]---------------[WALKTHROUGH: CLAIRE A] [7]---------------[WALKTHROUGH: LEON B] [8]---------------[WALKTHROUGH: LEON A] [9]---------------[WALKTHROUGH: CLAIRE B] [10]--------------[EXTREME BATTLE MODE] [11]--------------[THE FINAL WORD] ================= [1]MY OPINION ================= The Resident Evil series has made it's way sucessfully throughout the gaming industry. Capcom has become one of the most famous videogame companies to date, releasing Resident Evil games on all systems, including this particulary one on the N64, PS, DC, and even the PC. What makes this game so unique is the two character scenarios, with similar yet different adventures, meeting different people, shooting anything that moves and makes a sound, solving puzzles, and of course, picking up ammo and items. Although Code Veronica X is schedule to come out soon for PS2(won't be suprised if it's delayed yet again), this is one PS classic you should definetly hook up and play for a "warm up" and get you ready for that old thing that never gets old............. survival horror. -snk202- =================== [2]THE CONTROLS =================== If you played any Resident Evil game before, you know what to expect when it comes to controls. At first it may seen confusing, but you should pick it up quickly. In case you need this(which you probably won't in time), here are all the buttons that are used in this game. UP: Move forward, walk and run, aim up. DOWN: Back up, aim down. Left/Right: Self Explanatory, move in the according direction. X: The most used button in the game for examining, shoot, and pick up items. O: Access the menu screen for inventory and map. SQUARE: Hold this while moving to run. START: Pause the game. SELECT: Go to Configuration Menu. R1: To aim your gun. ================== [3]THE HERBS ================== Mixing herbs is one of the most important aspects of any Resident Evil game. Look at this chart to understand the results and concepts of mixing herbs. COLOR(S) RESULT Green---------------- Cures a portion of health Green+Green---------- Cures a half of health Green+Green+Green---- Full Health recovery Green+Red------------ Full Health recovery Green+Blue----------- Portion of health and poisen Blue----------------- Cures poisen Green+Red+Blue------- Full recovery and cures poisen. =================== [4]THE WEAPONS =================== Below is a list of the weapons found in the game, as well as there power, how much bullets it carries per clip, usefulness against a particular enemy(ies), their location(s) and a brief description. -KNIFE-(Leon and Claire) Holds: N/A Power: Weak Location: You start out with it. DESCRIPTION: The Knife. The #1 weapon ranked as the worst weapon in the game. Just like in the first Resident Evil, you will not use this often(only once). -BERRETTA-(Claire) Holds: 13 bullets Power: Weak Location: First gun weapon. DESCRIPTION: The Beretta is most useful against zombies and dogs. Use this more often and save the big guns for later. -PISTOL-(Leon) Holds: 18 bullets Power: Weak Location: First weapon. DESCRIPTION: Similar to Claire's Berretta, the only difference is the amount it can carry. Again, use this often against dogs and zombies. -SHOTGUN-(Leon) Holds: 5 shells Power: Average Location: Main Hall center desk, shed, Gun Shop DESCRIPTION: Use this against a large group of zombies, lickers, and the Tyrant. It's one of the best weapons for Leon. -G. LAUNCHER-(Claire) Holds: 66-?? grenades Power: Strong Location: S.T.A.R.S. Office(cabinet) DESCRIPTION: Claire's best and most used weapon. Use the Acid Rounds against lickers and bosses, Flame Rounds against plants and bosses, and Grenade Rounds against groups of zombies, spiders, and the Tyrant. -MAGNUM-(Leon) Holds: 6 bullets Power: Strong Location: S.T.A.R.S. Office(cabinet) DESCRIPTION: Leon's most powerful gun(not counting the Rocket Launcher). Use this against lickers and bosses. -AUTO-SHOTGUN-(Leon) Holds: 7 shells Power: Strong Location: From dead zombie in narrow hall(before taking the trolley). DESCRIPTION: Much better then the original Shotgun. More powerful and more of a spreding attack. USe this when faced with lickers, the Tyrant, and multiple enemies. -SPARK SHOT-(Claire) Holds: Up to 100% voltage shots. Power: Weak Location: From dead zombie in narrow hall(before taking the trolley). DESCRIPTION: This gun isn't worth picking up. It takes up two spaces in your inventory, and two long shots to take down a simple zombie. -BOW GUN-(Claire) Holds: 18 bolts Power: Average Location: Gun Shop, generator shed, Main Lobby desk. DESCRIPTION: Not as strong as anyone would expect, however it has a major impact on multiple enemies. -SUB MACHINE GUN-(Leon and Claire) Holds: 100% machine bullets Power: Average Location: Locker in the "Weapon" Store Room. DESCRIPTION: You don't really end up using it much, but good for finishing off enemies. -FLAME THROWER-(Leon) Holds: 100% flamable catridge Power: Average Location: Locker in the room with the B.O.W. Gas Sprinkler computer. DESCRIPTION: Very useful against Plants(the only main purpose), but not so good towards every other creature. -ROCKET LAUNCHER-(Both Characters) Holds: 5-?? rockets Power: Super Strong Location: Final Battle with the Tyrant(Scenario B). DESCRIPTION: The most powerful weapon in the game. One hit to the enemy saves the day. =============== [5]IMPORTANT =============== *Note: This was on the Original game on Normal Difficulty. I belive everything is the same as on Easy mode, except for the higher challenge. However, in order to unlock the additional Extreme Battle Mode, you MUST complete the game on the Normal setting. *Also: In the walkthrough(s), I've CAPATILIZED items, ammo, and files for a noticable purpose. Make sure to pick them up. ======================== [6]WALKTHROUGH: CLAIRE A ======================== - After the long yet exciting intro, you'll start off immediatly encountering zombies. Either run or take them out, then proceed to the Gun Shop. - Once you're done talking to the owner, pick up 2HANDGUN BULLETS in the shelf behind the counter and on top of the box in the back. Exit through the door. Optional: Kill all the zombies that come crashing through the window and take the BOW GUN from the man's body. - Continue through the narrow alley, shoot the two zombies behind the fence and go straight. Grab the HANDGUN BULLETS in the back of the white van then eliminate the zombie that comes bursting out of the caged door. Pass the baketball court(and zombie) and into the door. - Go up the green staircase, rap around it and down, pick up the HANDGUN BULLETS form the trash can, then hop on top and over the trash disposal. Shoot the zombies and run for the door. Quickly run past the group of zombies feeding on a corpse and enter the bus. Grab the HANDGUN BULLETS from the seat then exit at the other end. - Clear a path by disposing only a few zombies and enter the far door. Go down the stairs and up the other, and then enter the Police Station. - On the front desk, take some HANDGUN BULLETS and an INK RIBBON. Enter the northwestern door. Meet the wounded officer to recieve the BLUE CARD KEY. Use it on the computer on the front desk to unlock the doors in the first floor of the Main Hall. Proceed through the double doors. - Store the Knife and Ink Ribbon, then take the POLICE MEMORANDUM off the bench and unlock the small grey desk with your Lockpick. Inside is a FIRST AID SPRAY. Enter the door and continue down the hall to encounter a licker. If you did not pick up the Bow Gun from the man at the Kendo Shop, I strongly suggest you run from the creature. Pick up the GREEN HERB by the door and enter. - Run past the double doors(you'll come back here later) and go through the door at the end. Quickly take out the three zombies and grab the 2GREEN HERBS by the door and enter. In the save room, take the HANDGUN BULLETS from the cabinet, OPERATION REPORT 2 on the desk, and the INK RIBBON near the type writer. Store any uneeded items and go up the staircase(if you haven't saved, I recommend you do so). - Once up the stairs, you will come across multiple statues, which is indeed the first puzzle in the game. --------- Puzzle! --------- The key is to push the two statues into the square tablets on the left and right side so they are both facing each other and the center statue. Simple enough. - Afterward, pick up the RED JEWEL that falls from the stone man's hand, then proceed through the door. Go through the door you first see to arrive at the S.T.A.R.S. Office. In there, grab CHRIS'S DIARY and the UNICORN MEDAL from the middle desk, the GRENADE LAUNCHER in the silver cabinet, and the HANDGUN BULLETS below the S.T.A.R.S. poster. Try to leave then read the FAX PAPERS out of the fax machine. Head back to the Main Hall. - Place the Unicorn Medal in the slot in front of the statue to earn the SPADE KEY. Go back to the hall where you encountered the Licker and use the key on the grey door. Inside, take the PATROL REPORT from file shelf and INK RIBBON in the cabinet. Push the small ladder against the cabinet at the end of the room, climb up and grab the CRANK. - Make your back to the S.T.A.R.S. Office hallway on the second floor and encounter a young girl. Follow her through the door using the Spade Key. Meet up with Leon, then proceed down the dark narrow hall. Grab some HANDGUN BULLETS from the locker on the side wall, then go down the end of the area. Use you Lockpick on the small desk to recieve FLAME ROUNDS. Enter the Library. - First, take the RED HERB from the table in the corner, then go up the stairs and at the end of the balcony to fall. Look at the picture, hit the red switch, and be faced with another easy puzzle. --------- Puzzle! --------- >From left to right, there are Shelves 1, 2, and 3. Simply move Shelf 1 right and Shelf 2 right to solve this puzzle. - Once finsihed, take the SERPENT STONE from the painting and exit through the double doors. Eliminate the zombies and activate the Emergancy Ladder at the center of the second floor balcony. Do not descend, instead, enter the eastern door. - In the save room, grab the LIGHTER off the bench, SECRETARY'S DIARY A on the desk, and the INK RIBBON in front of the type writer. Store any uneeded items, keep the Lighter, and go back to the west area on the first floor. - Go into the double brown doors(remember when I said you'll come back here later?) located just beyond the hall where you encountered the licker. In there, pick up the OPERATION REPORT 2 on the desk, then use your Lighter on the fireplace in the back of the room. Take the RED JEWEL, then proceed back to the second floor save room. Exit through the other door. - Enter the door away from the fire, then run down the hall. Unlock the blue door to create a shortcut for later, then continue down the hall and pick up the HANDGUN BULLETS from the corpse. Leave through the door at the end(be aware of the crows that come crahing through the windows). - Arriving on the roof, take the stairs down leading to the small cabin. Once inside, take the VALVE HANDLE, BOW GUN, and INK RIBBON. Go back to the roof and use the Valve Handle on the water pressure in front of the chopper to stop the fire. Grab some HANDGUN BULLETS from the helicopter, then track back to the hall in front of the firing crash(make sure to get the two Red Jewels from the store box). - Enter the door right of the crashed chopper. Get the DIAMOND KEY on the stacked wooden boxes, INK RIBBON in the vase, then place the two Red Jewels in the left and right statues. Take the HALF BLUE STONE from the statue, then make your way back to the east area of the first floor. - Now you must proceed to the hall with the save room and the staircase(the area just beyond where you get the second Red Jewel from the fire place). Unlock the silver door at far end of the hall with your Diamond Key to enter a small room sorrounded by many lockers. Use your Bow Gun to take of the zombies without trouble. Examine all the lockers(including the back) to find the PLASTIC, BOW GUN BOLTS, and FILM. Exit through the other door by unlocking it. - In this room, pick up the GREEN HERB on the ground, MEMO TO LEON on the desk, HANDGUN BULLETS in the locker, and the DETENATOR in the small office(you'll also find the wounded office who doesn't look to good). Leave through the brown door at the end to arrive back at the Main Lobby. - Go back to the "crashed helicopter hall way" on the second floor and combine the Detenator with the Plastic. Set it in front of the chopper to clear a path. Enter the newly found door leading to the Cheif's room. - Talk to the Cheif himself, then go to the back of his room(from the other door). Go to the far back dark room(while hearing footsteps on the way) and hit the switch to turn the lights on. Meet the young child Sherry Birkin, then find the SECRETARY'S DIARY B on the table and a FIRST AID SPRAY in the chest. Go back to the Cheif's main room(and find out he left. Grab the HEART KEY on his desk, HANDGUN BULLETS in desk's droure, and the CHEIF'S DIARY on his chair. - It's time to enter the east area of the Police Station on the first floor(enter from the Main Lobby). Before going, however, make sure to bring your Bow Gun with you. Take care of the large group of zombies simply with your Bow Gun, grab the GREEN HERB by the vending machine, then continue down the hall and enter the single door at the end. - Heads up for three zombies in your sorroundings. Use the Diamond Key on the first grey door you see. In this room, quickly grab the EAGLE STONE off the shelf and the WIRE from the table. Be aware of the Licker who loves a suprising entrance through the glass. - Next, head back to the first hall in the eastern area and enter the double blue doors. In this office area, take the INK RIBBON on the end of the left desk, then proceed inside the little office with the safe. Use the combination 2236 on the safe itself, and take the ACID ROUNDS and POLICE STATION MAP. Behind the desk in front of the safe are 2GREEN HERBS. - Walk through the back of the area, take a right, and grab the HANDGUN BULLETS from the dead police officer. The grey door leads outside to the second floor(where you have already been), but you can grab the 3GREEN HERBS on top and bottom of the staircase. After that, use your Heart Key on the brown door in back of the office area. - Snatch the GREEN HERB on the ground, then use the Wire on the far panel to close the shutters. Go down the staircase to enter the basement. - Take out the dogs with your Berreta pistol, then head into the double brown doors. Take the GREEN HERB on the ground, HANDGUN BULLETS form the small brown shelf, and the POLICE B1 MAP from the back shelf. Go up to the reserve power panel for yet another puzzle. --------- Puzzle! --------- The goal in this puzzle is to set the power on "80". This is an optional puzzle, but well worth doing so. Hit the switch in this order: Up, up, down, up, down. - Lave the room and make your way down the hall into the parking lot. Run down passed the cars and grab the GREEN HERB near the exit. Go back to the previous hall and go down the other end(passed the double white doors)and into the double grey doors. - Pick up the RED HERB on the ground a run past the above dogs(who eventually jump down) and descend the ladder. Enter the first door you see into the save room, take the INK RIBBON and save your game if needed. Exit to meet Sherry again, and once she crawls through the ventilation, you're in control of her(which is a bad thing). - I'm going to be straight out honest that Sherry is indeed the WORST playable character in the game. She cannot aim, let alone carry a weapon, and her speed is just plain ridiculous. The best tactic for this girl is to RUN away from any enemy you encounter. That is the best(and only) way to survive with her. - Head up the small elevator and enter the nearest door(run quickly away from the dogs). Take the GRENADE ROUNDS from the floor, exit and proceed to the next door. Grab the SEWAGE DISPOSAL MAP, then climb down the large steps to be faced with a minor puzzle. --------- Puzzle! --------- You need to form a bridge with the three large boxes so you can cross above when the water is raised. Push the three boxes against the north wall and make sure there together and lined up. Once you do so, climb the large steps up and push the panel to raise the water. - Cross the newly formed bridge and take the CLUB KEY form the shelf. Go back to Claire(where you first started) to give her the items and to get control of her again. - Back as Claire, pick up the items Sherry gave you and jog back up the ladder, and unlock the double white doors with the Club Key(use Acid Rounds against the lickers). Inside, get the RED CARD from the little cabinet in the corner and quickly leave. Use the Red Card on the panel next to the single door to unlock it. - This room is fully loaded with ammo and aterily scatterd within the area. First things first, grab the 2HANDGUN BULLETS and BOW GUN BOLTS from the left and right counters. After, you CAN examine the locker to get the SUB MACHINE GUN and or BACKPACK. However, if you do so, they won't show up in Scenario B for Leon(which is much more difficult). If you only take one item, the other will show up. It's your choice, but I suggest you take neither and be on your way. If you agree and listen to me, DO NOT EXAMINE THE LOCKER at all, just leave. - Make your way back up the stairs to the first floor of the Police Station. Unlock the door left of the staircase with your Club Key. Get the INK RIBBON on the table, ACID ROUNDS on the small dresser, and the WATCHMAN'S DIARY on the bed. - Now it's time to go back to the eastern most hall in the east area(where you got the Eagle Stone from the shelf with the Licker crashing through the magic window). You need to bring the Lighter with you. - At the end of that hall, use the Club Key one last time on the far green door(make sure to pick up the RED HERB on the floor). If you need ammunition, enter the second grey door across the green to get HANDGUN BULLETS from the shelf(be aware of the licker). Once you enter the green door, use your Lighter on the rusty furnace next to the three statues. Here's the puzzle solution: ---------- Puzzle! ---------- The three statues are numbered 11, 12, and 13 from left to right. Light them in this order: 12, 13, 11. Puzzle solved. - Grab the GOLDEN COG WHEEL which falls from the painting to the ground, then go to the nearest save room, take the Crank from the store box, and head back to the Library. - In the Library, go up the stairs and enter the door to arrive on the third floor balcony of the Main Hall. Go through the door at the other end, and use the Crank on the squared cirle on the right wall to lower a wooden staircase. Go up and place the Golden Cog Wheel in the empty slot of the gear. Hit the switch to open up a hidden passage, and in there take the other HALF BLUE STONE. - Combine the two Blue Stones to develop the JAGUAR STONE. Bring all the stones(Eagle, Jaguar, and Serpent) to the Cheif's room. Meet Sherry again and hit the hidden switch on the colorful painting on the wall behind his desk and place the three stones in the empty plates to reveal a hidden passage. Pick up the MAIL TO CHEIF on the ground and go down the elevator(you'll have to examine it twice). Once down, continue down the hall(watch the Cheif get implanted with a deadly embryo) and enter the door. Meet Cheif Iron's once again, and after he "splits" grab the ACID ROUNDS from the small shelf, then make sure to equip yourself with the Grenade Launcher and Acid Rounds. Go down the ladder in the corner and head down the walkway a bit to encounter the first "real" boss. ------- Boss! ------- This guy isn't nearly as tough has you'd expect. The best and easiest method is to keep a fair distance, then fire away with your Acid Rounds. He'll go down soon enough. - After the battle, go back to Sherry, bring her down the elevator and passed where you just fought the "bug" boss. At the end of the walkway is a switch, hit it to lower the ladder and climb up. Upon your entry, Sherry will fall in a water current, leaving you, unfortunatly, in control of her again. - Run down through the door, and enter the small ventilation shaft in the southeast corner of the room(watch out for the zombie). Quickly run past the annoying bugs, and into the other ventilation shaft on the other side. Pick up the WOLF MEDAL on the ground and fall. - Once Claire again go down and pick up 2BLUE HERBS in front of the door and enter. In the save room, grab the SEWER MANAGER FAX on the table, HANDGUN BULLETS in the black bag, FIRST AID SPRAY in the locker, and the INK RIBBON in front of the typewriter. - Using your Lockpick, unlock the door on the wall to reveal a hidden ladder passage way. Descend and take the BOW GUN BOLTS from the front shelf and GRANADE ROUNDS from the back shelf. Go back to the save room, get the Valve Handle from your store box, then head down the small red elevator. - Take the SEWER MANAGER MAP off the wall and head through the door nearby. Go to the left end of the hall first and grab the FLAME ROUNDS from the corpse, then proceed to the other end and enter the cage door. Run past more spiders and go into the double doors on the right. Meet Annette Birkin, Sherry's mother, and watch a cool cinema. - Afterward, use the Valve Handle on the Oil Pressure(below the red light) to lower the machanical bridge. Cross the bridge and use the Valve Handle once again on the Oil Pressure located on the other side to raise it again. Pick up the 2GREEN HERBS on the ground, FLAME ROUNDS by the table, and an INK RIBBON at the usual spot. Walk into the door and make your way down at the end of the long hall. Hit the switch by the rusty gate to release the lock, and you'll find Sherry and a very disturbed Alligator boss. ------- Boss! ------- The Giant Alligator is by far the easiest boss in the game, surely because you can dispose of it with one shot with your Berretta pistol. Here's the best technique: When you're finally in control of your character, do not waste your ammo by shooting the creature. Instead, run down the hall a ways until you come upon a red blinking switch on the wall. Examine the switch to cuase a gas tube to fall. Back up a little ways and wait for the large Alligator to put the gas tube into it's mouth. Now, with your pistol, aim and fire at it to cause the gas tube to explode in it's mouth(it's a somewhat resemblance of the ending of the movie "Jaws"). The battle's over. - Go to Sherry and take the WOLF MEDAL next to her. Proceed up the ladder, cross the bridge(which you raised earlier) and take a left first on the walkway. Get the SEWER MANAGER DIARY in front of the monitor machine and the EAGLE MEDAL from the corpse. Head down right of the walkway and use the Vlave Handle one last time on the Fan Regulator to stop the fan above. Go up the ladder, cross, and go down the other end. - Jog past the spiders and place both the Wolf and Eagle Medal into the slot machine in front of the waterfall to drain the sewer water. Enter the newly revealed rusted door(you should go back and get the Lighter before going) and make your way down the hall and to the train trolley. Turn the power on from the panel to the right of the trolley, and enter it for a ride. - When you disembark, use the lighter on the flare gun next to the trolley to ignite it and reveal the WEAPON BOX KEY(on the ground to the right). Pick it up, then enter the far door. - In the narrow hall, work your way down to the left end first while taking out the zombie. Find the SPARKSHOT(which isn't that useful in the game) from the dead zombie on the ground, and proceed through the door at the other end. - In this hall you'll find 2GREEN HERBS on the right end, and a ladder leading to the save room at the opposite end. In the save room, look for an INK RIBBON located in front of the type writer, FIRST AID SPRAY in the rear cabinet, and FLAME and ACID ROUNDS on the table. Make sure to SAVE YOUR GAME! I recommend taking one or two FULL curing Herbs and your Grenade Launcher with all Rounds(just in case you run out). When you're prepared, open the door leading to an outside area. - There are HANDGUN BULLETS located between the northern barrells and the FACTORY MAP on the west wall. Enter the large elevator trolley, take the FLAME ROUNDS found inside the small bathroom and the CONTROL PANEL KEY in the front. Go back outside and use the key on the panel to activate the elevator. After a "short" trip down, a noise will take place, leaving you the one to go check it out. Go outside and rap around the descending platform to encounter a somewhat familar friend, more specificly, William Birkin. ------- Boss! ------- This guy is much more tougher this time around. Stay a very FAR distance, because his slash attack does multiple hits and has a painful result. Fire away with your Grenade Launcher, unloading him with Acid and Flame Rounds as fast as you can. The "hit and run" attack seems to work best for this boss, so you'll have an opportunity to shoot him four to five times(depending on your distance as mentioned before). Repeat this process until he begins to move slower(after about eight shots with the Flame Rounds). Once the creature begins to do this, pump one more shot into him to take him down(once and for all...)? - Renter the elevator trolley and back to Sherry, then watch Claire carry her to the save room. - In the save room, find the GREEN HERB on top of the refridgerator, FLAME ROUNDS in the locker, ACID ROUNDS on the table, and yes, the INK RIBBON at the usual spot. Leave and go into the sliding single door(west of the save room). You'll arrive at a "dark" area with multiple colored hallways. Go through the blue colored walkway first, and into the door. - This is the "East Area" as said on the wall. Enter the double frosted doors located and the far west end of the hall. Inside, grab the FIRST AID SPRAY off the large barell as well as the FUSE CASE on the small shelf. Insert the Fuse Case into the nearby panel(where the blue blinking light is) to develop and obtain the MAIN FUSE. Take the Main Fuse back to the dark colored hallway and use it on the center "breaker" machine to turn on the power within the lab. Proceed through the red hallway into the "West Area". - Enter the door at the east end of the hall, and take the USER REGRISTRATION on the bench, BOW GUN BOLTS in the locker, and the LABATORY SECURITY MANUAL in front of the computer. Use the computer to turn on the gas sprinkler, then shoot the plant in the vent with your Flame Rounds. - Crawl through the vent afterward and eliminate the two lickers with Acid Rounds. Recieve 2GRENADE ROUNDS from the grey cabinet, and if you want, grab the INK RIBBON off the desk. Leave and go down the hall, hit the red switch to open the shutters, and encounter two plant creatures. Stay a fair distance and with an open aim, and fire with your Flame Rounds(two shots usually does the trick). - Make your way through the single door beyond where you opened the shutter and watch out for yet another plant. Use the same method as before, pick up the 2GREEN HERBS behind it and go down the ladder. - Open the door and run down the hall. Using your Acid Rounds, take out the three "mutated" lickers and find 3GREEN HERBS against the wall. Jog down the hallway and into the sliding door to arrive at the "Monitor Room." Examine the blue light on the panel screen to file the LABATORY MAP, and open the store box and take the W. Box Key with you. Leave through the door nearby. - Pick up the RED HERB from the corner and open the double doors. Use the W. Box Key on the lighted locker and take the 2GRENADE ROUNDS, and also find a FIRST AID SPRAY located on the rusty table. Enter the two sliding doors into the expiremntal room, and grab the LAB CARD KEY of the back counter(you'll also find an INK RIBBON on the end of the long desk). In the southwest corner of the room you will notice a vaccine machine. Remember this, because you will HAVE to come back here. - Go back into the hall to meet Annette once more. After her husband "slashes" her gratitude, talk to her to acquire the VACCINE SYNTHESIS INSTRUCTIONS. Back up a little bit and enter the door at the opposite end of the room you just came out. Use your Bow Gun against the giant moth creature who has been nesting in the room, then hop over to the computer. Use your Knife to dispose of the bugs crawling around the keyboard in order to get access to the computer. When you do, use the password GUEST(this is optional, but well worth it for Scenario B). - Make a trip back to the Monitor Room and see Leon on the monitor itself. Now it's time to make your way back up the ladder and down into the blue colored hallway from the "dark" room." Use the Lab Card Key on the door next to the sign "East Area" to open the door. - Grab the VACCINE CARTRIDGE and GRENADE ROUNDS on the hospital cart, and hit the light switch on the wall. Insert the Vaccine Cartridge into the computer(the green blinking screen), then go in the back of the room and take the MO DISK laying on the shelf. Turn on the switch on the "VAM Panel Controller" on the back wall, and go back and examine the computer again to obtain the BASE VACCINE. - Leave the room and hit the red switch directly right of the East Area sign to open the shutter. Go up to the panel inside and vertify your identification by hand for the second scenario(which is again optional). - Walk down back to the lower level and into the experimental room(where the vaccine machine is located and where I told you to keep in memory). Once there, use the Base Vaccine on the machine to create the VACCINE for Sherry. After this happens, proceed back into the Monitor Room and MAKE YOUR LAST SAVE! Bring the Grenade Launcher, Acid, Flame, and Grenade Rounds with you as well as the Mo Disk and four FULL cures. - In the next room(which is now invaded by zombies)use the Mo Disk on the panel to open the large gate. Take a walk down and enter the double doors. Once the time limit is exposed, run straight and hit the lift switch on the north wall and wait for the elevator. Soon after, you'll get one last visit (at the worst time) by William Birkin. ------------- Final Boss! ------------- The final boss at most points is not too difficult at all. However, with a slight of hesitation, you could make a mistake. As long as you have at least four or five curing items that recovers your health fully, you shouldn't have any worry. There are two forms of the beast, which are mentioned below in full detail with the best method for victory. The first form is almost exactly the same as you fought him before, however, it seems he's gotten stronger. As before, stay a distance and fire as quickly as possible(you should save your Acid Rounds for the last form). Back up and run a bit, then shoot when you have the opportunity. Soon enough, he'll change into his second and final form. This form is witout a doubt odd in a way, but much more harder before hand. You should only run when the creature jumps on top of the platforms above, and once he lands, wait for it and let'em have it. Never hestitate to fire, because the thing will take a bite at you, leaving you in caution within a second. After about nine to ten shots, William will go down for good. - After winning the battle finale, go up the elevator and run to the train to watch the ending of Claire: Scenario A. ========================= [7]WALKTHROUGH:LEON B ========================= - Begin Senario B with Leon and pass the all the zombies and through the door on the far right. When you go through, take a right and get the CABIN KEY out of the little office on the desk. - Use the Cabin Key to unlock way to the left to enter the cabin shed. Take some HANDGUN BULLETS and an INK RIBBON off the desk, enter the door and take a walk up the far stairs to arrive on the roof of the Police Station(by passing zombies). - Watch a short cinema to see the helicopter crash into the building, then open the door west destruction. Get the GREEN HERB that's located on the floor, and proceed into the door you first see(if your tight on space with inventory, continue down the hall and enter the door and the one after to the save room to store some items). - Take the 3GREEN HERBS on the top and bottom of the staircase, and enter the door. Get more HANDGUN BULLETS from the dead officer, and go into the office area. Grab the VALVE HANDLE from the shelf and head into the small office. Shoot down the zombie inside and enter the combination 2236 on the safe to recieve SHOTGUN SHELLS and the POLICE STATION MAP. You'll also find 2GREEN HERBS behind the desk, as well as an INK RIBBON on the edge of the northwest desk in the open office area. - Go back to the roof and use the Valve Handle on the water pressure valve(by the helicopter) to stop the fire. Grab some more SHOTGUN SHELLS from the chopper, and enter the door you just came out of. Watch another cinema, then walk a ways down the hall to encounter Umbrella's Tyrant. - I'm not going to consider Tyrant as a boss(until the end), rather a enemy that is one tough cookie. Fighting him won't do you any good, since the result always ends up with a pack of Shotgun Shells or Handgun Bullets(which is definetly not worth the fight). You DON'T have to fight the Tyrant when faced with him throughout the game, instead, use the method of running a way for a better result(while saving a lots of ammo). So, in this situation, run by the tall creature and open the door at the far end of the hall. You will ALWAYS get hit atleast once or twice, so just keep running without any hesitation. - Two lickers are found in this hall, so run by them at first and enter the right door into the second floor east save room. Pick up the HANDGUN BULLETS and SECRETARY'S DIARY A on the desk, INK RIBBON by the type writer, and a SMALL KEY on the bench. Store some items, and save if you want. Open the door to arrive on the second floor balcony the Main Lobby. - Activate the Emergency Ladder and climb down, take the SHOTGUN and an INK RIBBON from the center desk, and go back up. Run down the second floor balcony to the other end and shoot the large group of zombies with your Shotgun. Behind all the zombies you will find the UNICORN MEDAL on the wall. Go back down the ladder and place it into the statue in front of the main entrance. Take the SPADE KEY and go back to the crashed helicopter hallway(where there are two lickers crawling around). - Take care of the two lickers with your Shotgun, then enter the door in front of the helicopter(where the fire used to be). Find the BLUE CARD KEY on top of the stacked wooden boxes, and also an INK RIBBON in the vase. Heads "up" for the suprising licker from the ceiling window. - Head back to the Main Lobby and use the Blue Card Key on the computer(at the center desk). Once the three doors are unlocked, enter the west area from the double doors on the first floor. - Pick up the POLICE MEMORNDUM on the bench, and if you want, use the Small Key on the small desk to recieve some SHOTGUN SHELLS(I reccomend you save the Small Key for later and more important item). Enter the door and run down the hall, grab the HANDGUN BULLETS found from the corpse, and use the Spade Key on the grey door. - In this room, find the PATROL REPORT on the file shelf and another INK RIBBON in the cabinet. Push the small ladder to the end of the room against the second cabinet, climb and take the FIRST AID SPRAY. Leave the room and exit the hall through the door at the end. - In this "boarded up" hallway, proceed into the double doors. Look for the OPERATION REPORT on the front desk, and go into the back of the room and use your Lighter on the fire place to obtain a RED JEWEL. You will also find more HANDGUN BULLETS to your right(in the wrekage). - Leave the room and open the door and the end of the hall. Take out the zombies, pick up the 2GREEN HERBS on the floor, and enter the save room(by the staircase. Find the another pack of HANDGUN BULLETS in the cabinet and the OPERATION REPORT on the desk. There's nothing else you can do here, so save if you want and walk up the staircase. - Continue down the area and be faced with the same exact statue puzzle as in Scenario A. --------- Puzzle! --------- As before, you need to push the two colored statues onto each brown tablets on the floor so they are facing each other and the center statue. - Once this is solved, take the other RED JEWEL which falls from the statues hand, and proceed through the nearby door. - Walk down the hallway and enter the S.T.A.R.S. Office(the first door you see). Get CHRIS'S DIARY from the desk, the COLT MAGNUM from the metal cabinet, and some HANDGUN BULLETS below the S.T.A.R.S. Poster. Exit and head into eastern end door. - Witness a little girl run, follow her and pick up the DIAMOND KEY that she drops. Grab the SHOTGUN SHELLS out of the opened locker, and go back into the area to meet Claire. When you're done talking with her, jog at the end and use the Small Key on the little desk to recieve the HANGUN PARTS. - Open the door to the Library. Grab the RED HERB on the table in the corner, then step up the stairs and walk down at the end of the balcony and fall. Hit the switch to activate the shelves, and be ready to solve the same puzzle from Scenario A. --------- Puzzle! --------- >From left to right, the shelves are numbered 1, 2, and 3. Move Shelf 1 right, and Shelf 2 right to solve it. Simple enough. - After, take the BISHOP CLUB from the painting(where you fell from the balcony). Open the double doors to arrive on the second floor balcony of the Main Lobby. - Get the two Red Jewels from your toy box and bring them to the room in front of the crahsed helicopter(where you found the Blue Card Key). Place both Red Jewels into the left and right statues to reveal the KING PLUG. - Make your way back to the first floor in the Main Lobby. Enter the eastern door(the one you haven't entered yet), and eliminate the group of zombies with your Shotgun. Go past the double blue doors(you'll come back here soon enough), grab the GREEN HERB by the vending machine, and through the door at the end. - Be aware of the zombies ahead, and enter the first door you see(remember this hall because you will need to come back here). Quickly grab the CORD off the table and the ROOK PLUG on the shelf, and either run or take out the licker who comes crashing through the mirror. - You now need to track back to the first floor western area, in the hall with the save room and staircase. At the eastern end of the area, use your Spade Key on the silver door to unlock it. In the small locker room, examine the lockers(from front to the back of the room) to find SHOTGUN SHELLS and FILM. Unlock and go through the other silver door. - This office room is actually the very first room you entered and meant the wounded officer(in Scenario A). Get the GREEN HERB near the door, MEMO TO LEON on the edge of the desk, HANDGUN BULLETS in the locker, and a SMALL KEY on the top right counter. Go into the small office and meet the wounded officer who is now a zombie, take him out and grab the HEART KEY off his desk. Exit out of the other door. - Jog back to the east area and finally enter the double blue doors. You've already been here(and hopefully picked up everything), so go into the back of the room and unlock the door on the west wall with the Heart Key. Grab the 2GREEN HERBS when you enter, and use your Shotgun against all the zombies. Use the Cord on the panel to close the shutters, then go down the stairs leading to the basement. - This time around, there are lickers roaming the hall instead of dogs. Shoot them down and enter the double brown doors. Take the GREEN HERB laying down and the HANDUN BULLETS found in the small brown shelf. Go into the back of the room, take the POLICE B1 MAP on the large shelf, and examine the western reserve power panel. --------- Puzzle! --------- To get the power to 80, simply move the coordinates in this order: Up, up, down, up, down. - After that, leave and head to the parking lot(at the end of the hall). Meet Ada Wong(if you played the first RE, you should remember hearing her name). Help her push the large van, and enter the door(a GREEN HERB can be found near the parking lot exit below). - Ada will seperate, leaving you alone again. Run past the first door you see, and enter the cage gate into the cell(if you want, take the FILM on the table). Find a GREEN and BLUE HERB in the first cell, and the reporter Ben in the second cell. He'll tell you to enter the sewer in order to move on. BEFORE LEAVING, grab the MANHOLE OPENER on the shelf right of his cell. - Go back out in the hall, and into the door you first ran by. The dogs in this room are locked up, but if you risk the chance of getting the RED HERB past all their cells, they will break through the cage. It is indeed worth it, simply because dogs are one of the easiest enemies in the game. Use the Manhole Opener on the manhole and descend down the ladder. - Trail through the narrow sewer area, past the giant spiders, and step up the stairs. Open the first door into the save room, picking up a BLUE HERB and an INK RIBBON. Bring the Rook, King, and Bishop Club(these are the one's you should have so far) and leave and enter the other door. Cross the ramp and insert the three out of four plugs into the panel. Leave and meet Ada once again. - Soon after Ada and Leon have a conversation, you'll be in control of her. She is indeed better than Sherry, and shoots her Handgun much faster than Leon. -After seeing Sherry, go through the door. Eliminate the zombies and take the small elevator down first. Get the SHOTGUN SHELLS for Leon and head back up the elevator and into the other door. Take the SEWAGE DISPOSAL MAP and climb down the large steps. Get ready for another puzzle "clone" like Scenario A. --------- Puzzle! --------- Push the three boxes against the north wall so they are together and form a bridge. When you completed this, climb back up the large steps and hit the switch on the panel. - You now should be able to cross to the other side and recieve the CLUB KEY from the shelf. - Go back to Leon(where you first took control of Ada)to give him the items you aquired and also to take complete control over him again. The map will indicate where to go, so work your way back up through the sewer and into the basement. Before going up the stairs, however, use the Club Key on the double white doors entitled "Autopsy Room." - Take care of the lickers found in this room, and find the RED CARD KEY in the small cabinet in the corner. Exit and use the Red Card on the blinking blue panel next to the single door(it's a little ways down the hall) and go inside. Pick up the 2HANDGUN BULLETS and MAGNUM ROUNDS on the left and right counters, then go up and examine the locker. Hopefully, you saved both the SUB MACHINE GUN and the BACKPACK for this Scenario, so take both special items to get some extra space and some more heavy gear. - When you walked back up the basement stairs, use enter the door next to the staircase and find some SHOTGUN SHELLS in the locker, an INK RIBBON on the table, MAGNUM ROUNDS off the dresser, and the WATCHMAN'S DIARY on the bed. Now make your way to the Cheif's room(which is found on the second floor eastern area where the crahsed helicopter used to be). - Before you enter the Chief's room, make sure to save your game and bring a cure or two. When you're there, grab the CHEIF's DIARY on his chair, and more HANDGUN BULLETS in his desk. The other door leads into a long narrow hallway, then to a antique collection. In the back room you'll find the CRANK in the chest, as well as the SECRETARY'S DIARY B. Go back through the long narrow hall to encounter the Tyrant again. - Run! Run! Run! It's best to save ammo, other wise you'll use your Shotgun and or Magnum against him spilling out a lot of ammo. If you actually do want to fight it, the Magnum works best, but don't forget, he is not as slow as a standard zombie. Once you can get aim of him, fire away non-stop. Don't forget to pick up some AMMO from his body. - Take a walk back to the first floor east area and go past the double blue doors and into the door leading to a familar hall. Run down at the end, grab the RED HERB, and find a box of HANDGUN BULLETS on the shelf inside the first room you see. Go back into the hall and unlock the green door. Light the rusty furnace by the three statues with your Lighter and if you do not remember the solution, look below: --------- Puzzle! --------- These statues are numbered 11, 12, and 13(from left to right). Light them(by examining them) in this order: 12, 13, 11. - The GOLDEN COG WHEEL will drop, leaving you to run after and grab it. Unfortunatley, the Tyrant is alive and well, so he will make a dramatic entrance when you make your move. - Run over and get the Golden Cog Wheel on the ground below the picture(there's also another FILM on the table), and either run or take him down. When you leave the room, run down and leave the hall only to encounter the Tyrant again(sheesh)! Make a run for it or stand there wasting you ammo, then proceed back to the Library(bring the G.C. Wheel and Crank with you). - Walk up the stairs and open the door from there. Shoot the licker and enter the door at the end of the third balcony. Use the Crank on the "square hole" to lower a wooden staircase, climb up and place the G.C. Wheel in the empty slot if the gear. Take the KNIGHT CLUB, and yes, do jump down. - When you land, you'll hear Ben scream. Check it out in the cell and talk to him. Recieve the MAIL TO CHEIF from him, then proceed back into the manhole, through the sewers, and up the steps. Enter the save room and SAVE! Bring the Knight Plug as well as the Sub Machine Gun, Colt Magnum, bullets, and of course, a full cure. Enter the nearby door(where you already placed the three plugs) and encounter William Birkin. ------- Boss! ------- This fight is much harder than any other bosses in Scenario A, so be prepared. That metal pipe of his can kill you with one hit. That's right, if he kicks you down(leaving your character on his knee's), one swing with the object is a dreadful and instant kill. Keep a far distance, and unleash with your Sub Machine Gun on him. Once he gets close to you, run around him quickly and keep another far distance away from the creature. When you Machine Gun is about 80%, equip your Magnum and fire away. He should go down in the next couple of shots. - Insert the last Plug into the panel to unlock the door. Go through and meet up with Ada. Doing it Leon's way this time, go into the metal gate and through the first door to a save room. Inside, take the HANDGUN BULLETS in the small brown shelf, SEWER MANAGER FAX on the table, and an INK RIBBON by the type writer. Push the locker cabinet to reveal a hidden ladder. - Climb down and use the Lighter on the lamp to find MAGNUM ROUNDS on the shelf. Go in the back of the room, use your Lighter once more on the other lamp and find SHOTGUN SHELLS on that shelf. Climb back up the ladder, get the Valve Handle out of the store box, and head down the elevator. Leon will be shot, leaving you to control Ada again. - Don't bother picking up the map on the wall, just walk into the door and follow Annette up the ladder and down at the other end(those bugs are very annoying). Meet Annette on the walkway and see the two girls fight. After Ada throws her down, cross the bridge and step down the ladder. - When Leon wakes up, grab the SEWER MAP hanging on the wall, and open the door. Optional: You can take the other small elevator up to the second save room, where you'll find HANDGUN BULLETS in the black bag and 3GREEN HERBS. - As you enter the door, take a left(this time past the ladder where you took Ada) and find the WOLF MEDAL and a SMALL KEY from the dead corpse. Optional: Go back to the second save room and use the Small Key on the locked door. There are MAGNUM ROUNDS and SHOTGUN SHELLS in the front and back shelves. - At the other side of the sewer hall, jog past the giant spiders and through the cage door. Go up to the waterfall and place the WOLF MEDAL in the vertification slot machine next to it. Enter the double doors on the left wall. - Use the Valve Handle on them Oil Pressure Transmitter to lower the steel bridge. Cross it and use the Valve Handle once more on the second Oil Transmitter to raise it back up. Pick up the 2GREEN HERBS, SHOTGUN SHELLS, and another INK RIBBON, and go leave from the door. - Run down the large and long hallway(where you previously fought the Giant Alligator in Scenario A) and open the rusty gate to find Ada. Step up the ladder, cross the bridge, and take a left on the walkway. Grab the EAGLE MEDAL from the dead body and the SEWER MANAGER DIARY near the monitor system. Head down the right side of the walkway and use the Valve Handle one last time on the Fan Regulator to stop the fan above. - Climb the ladder up, walk across the ventilation, and down at the other side(just press "X" up to the fan). Place the Eagle Medal into the vertification slot machine(with the Wolf Medal) to stop the flow of water. Enter the new Rusty Door. - Travel down the area until you reach a train trolley. Activate it by operating the panel to the right, and with Ada, board the trolley. On the way, however, you'll come across another battle with an old friend, William Birkin. ------ Boss! ------ This fight with the power packed monster isn't too difficult at all. In fact, you can win the battle using only your Handgun. His large hand will crash through the ceiling of the train, and the only person who is his target is you. Stand at a spot, and when the ceiling above shakes, move out of the way and shoot the hand when it pops out. Repeat this process until he leaves(which is unfortunate, meaning he'll wait and fight you again). - As you board off the trolley, ignite the Flare Gun with your Lighter to reveal the WEAPON BOX KEY on the ground. Pick it up and open the door in the corner. - Walk down the narrow hall and shoot down the zombies. Go down left first and find the SHOTGUN PARTS from the dead zombie. Combine them with your Shotgun to develop the AUTO SHOTGUN. Go through the door on the right side. - Much similar to the previous hall, eliminate more zombies and pick up the BLUE and GREEN HERB from one end, then climb the ladder to the save room. Take the FIRST AID SPRAY inside the cabinet, MAGNUM ROUNDS and SHOTGUN SHELLS on the table, and an INK RIBBON. Save your game if you haven't in a while, and bring some health items with you. - Proceed through the door, find some HANDGUN BULLETS near the barrels and the FACTORY MAP on the western wall. Go down the small elevator, and enter the room near by. At the end, grab the CONTROL PANEL KEY, then look on the monitor. The Tyrant is back(are you suprised), so get your new Auto Shotgun ready and blast him full shells as fast as you can. As he falls, pick up some AMMO from his body, and go back to Ada. - Use the C. Panel Key on the panel next to Ada to bring up the elevator trolley. SAVE your game, then use the C. Panel Key on the panel next to the elevator to start it up. Enter the trolley from the rear, and go for another ride and trip to the Umbrella Lab. Hmm.... that William monster doesn't seem to quit. ------ Boss! ------ Sherry's father is one of those types who never give up. When he delivers a devasting slash to Ada, you have no choice but exit the elevator and go check it out. About midway across the descending platform, William shows his more "stronger" side of himself. As in Scenario A, what ever you do, do NOT stay too close. Distance is always the key against this power house, so the Magnum and Auto Shotgun work very well. As long as you stay a long length away from him, and your shooting is accurate, then you won't have much trouble at all. When he comes close, try your best to run by him, then get another distance position and fire away. - When the battle concludes, go back to Ada and listen to them talk and get a little closer to each other. When the elevator stops, run out and climb up the ledge sorrounded by a caution banner, and enter through the vent. - When Leon falls, enter the door on the left(as of now the elevator isn't working). First, take the GREEN HERB by the store box, and take take the lift down(you'll worry about the large grey box later). Find the INVESTAGATING REPORT P-EPSILON GAS from the corpse and SHOTGUN SHELLS next to the type writer, and head down the small eleavtor on the other side. - With your Shotgun, take down the "mutated" lickers roaming around, and push the switch on the far wall to activate the power to the elevator(which wasn't working at first). Make your way back up to the now working elevator, go inside, and hit the switch to go down. Elimiante more zombies and head through the sliding door. - This area consists of three different colored hallways, including red, blue and white. First, go down the blue hallway(East Area), through the door, and into the double frosted doors. Find another FIRST AID SPRAY on the large barrel, and the FUSE CASE on the small shelf. Use the Fuse on the frozen panel nearby(where the blue blinking light is) to create the MAIN FUSE. - Take the Main Fuse back to the "colored" hallway and place it in the center "breaker" machine to turn on the power within the area. Now, enter the red hallway leading to the West Area. - Lead Leon to the far right door at the end of the hall. Inside, grab the FLAME THROWER from the locker, USER REGISTRATION on the bench, LABATORY SECURITY MANUAL near the computer, and the LAB CARD KEY from the corpse. Use the Flame Thrower against the plant in the vent and slide through. - Heads up for two lickers in this room, and investigate to find an INK RIBBON on the desk and 2SHOTGUN SHELLS in the cabinet. Unlock and leave through the door. Open the shutter at the west end of the hallway from the switch, and be warned with two plant creatures awaiting you're arrival. Using the Flame Thrower, eliminate the creatures with a simple strike of flames, and proceed into the door behind. - Take the GREEN HERB on the top platform, descend down the ladder and through the door. Get you're Shotgun ready for some more mutated lickers waiting for a bite, pick up the 3GREEN HERBS against the wall, and enter the not so ordinary save room sorrounded by monitors. File the LAB MAP from the screen, go to the store box, bring the Knife and W. Box Key with you, and exit through the nearby door. - Go into the double doors(picking up the RED HERB on the way). Use the W. Box Key on the locker with the light above it to get the MAGNUM PARTS. Combine them with your Colt Magnum to have a more powerful impact. Grab the FIRST AID SPRAY on the brown table, then head through the two sliding doors into the expiremental room. - Walk in the back of the room to find the POWER ROOM KEY on the back counter, as well as another INK RIBBON on the edge of the front desk. Leave and enter the "moth" room on the opposite end. Fight the Giant Moth inside(the Auto Shotgun makes it too easy). Go up to the computer in the corner and use your Knife to dispose of the bugs crawling on the key board. Enter the word GUEST as the password, and go back up and back to the East Area(blue hallway). - Open the shutter on the eastern wall by hitting the switch, then examine the panel to vertify your identification. Enter the double doors, shoot the lickers in the room, and find a MACHINE GUN CLIP which is loaded with 100% shots from the corpse. Exit and trail back down the white hallway and up the elevator again. - Meet Annette(who shot Leon earlier) and encounter the Tyrant once again. As usual, stay a distance, fire with your Shotgun, run by him, and shoot again. About four or five shots will do the trick. Enter the door at the end to arrive back into the "steam" room. - Push the large grey box onto the lift elevator and make sure it's center and can fit the both of you. Hit the switch to lower the elevator, then push the large box from the left towards the eastern screen. When the screen changes, push the object down the north narrow walkway and against the stack of boxes. Climb up and use the Power Room Key on the door and enter. - Walk down the metal ramp to the end to encounter the damn Tyrant again. Watch Ada risk her life and to see the creature fall into a chemical liquid material. When Leon is done talking to Ada, pick up the MASTER KEY on the ground(near her body), leave the room and talk to Claire on the radio. - The map shows you where to go to get to Sherry. To get there, take the elevator back down and use the Master Key on the room to unlock it. Inside, Leon will carry Sherry back to the elevator, where you must use the Master Key on the emergency panel on the back wall. Go down and enter the train from the side door. - Walk in the back of the train and grab the PLATFORM KEY. This should be your LAST save, so do so and exit the train and use the Platform Key on the gate to go through. Once you're timed, hurry and go up the stairs and down at the other end. In front of you, hit the switch to open the bars and take the JOLT S and N PLUGS. Run down, open the door and place the two Jolts into the power panel for the train. Get ready for the new and improved mutated Tyrant who has his eyes set of seeking revenge. ------ Boss! ------ Through out the walkthrough, as said before, I didn't consider the Tyrant an actual boss. However, this time around, he does indeed fit in that category. Gone are the slow walking movements that he once used during the game. Instead, he's definetly has two major advantages: speed and strentgh. If you ever faced the final Tyrant boss from the first RE, you know what to expect. Here's the strategy: Immediatly when the battle begins, run left or right to dodge is devasting dragging arm slash attack. You won't be able to dodge evrything, but when you have the opportunity, blast him with your Magnum. After about three to four shots, a mysterious yet familar woman throws you the ROCKET LAUNCHER from above. Quickly pick it up, aim, and fire at the beast to end his days of seeing light in the world. - Afterward, go back on the other side of the train. Fight your way through the zombies(where they came from is unknown)and keep going straight until you reach a switch. Hit it to open the gate blocking the trains exit, then board the train and go up the deck in the front, and push the lever to start the train. - Watch a cinema(mostly the same as the Scenario A ending), and as soon as Leon says goodbye to Ada, the train shakes. Walk down the deck, talk to Claire, then open the door leading to the back train department. Head in the far back rear of the train to encounter William Birkin(or at least once left of him) for a final fight. ------------- Final Boss! ------------- The last boss of Scenario B is actually the easiest of the bunch. As the battle starts, back up against the double doors and fire everything you got. The Magnum works fine, and to make things even easier, you can use the last rocket from your Rocket Launcher against the blob as well. Just let loose and never stop firing! - When you finally kill the creature(or maybe not) walk back to Claire and Sherry to the first train department. Watch the long, intense, and exciting ending of Leon B. Is it really up to Leon and Claire to take out Umbrella? ========================= [8]WALKTHROUGH: LEON A ========================= - When the game starts, run past the zombies and enter the Gun Shop. Talk to the man, then grab the 2HANDGUN BULLETS on the front shelf and in the back on the large wooden box. Exit through the side door. Optional: After the zombies come crashing through the window, get the SHOTGUN from the dead man's body. - Walk down the narrow alley and shoot the two zombies behind the fence. Run straight to find another pack of HANDGUN BULLETS from the white van, take out the other zombie, and run through the basketball court and into the door. - Step up the green staircase, walk around and down. Take the HANDGUN BULLETS from the trash can and hop on top and over the trash disposal. Jet past the zombies if you can, and run through the door. - Quickly run past the large group of zombies who happen to be feeding on a corpse, then enter the bus. Pick up the HANDGUN BULLETS on the seat, watch out for a ground and walking zombie, and exit on the other end. - Fight your way through the dead walking men and into the west door. Go down the stairs and up the other, then enter the Racoon Police Station. - This is the Main Lobby of the Police Station. Find some more HANDGUN BULLETS on the desk and an INK RIBBON near the type writer. Open the northwest door to meet a wounded officer to recieve the BLUE CARD KEY. Use the card on the computer from the desk to unlock the two doors. - Enter the double doors first and take the POLICE MEMORANDUM on the bench. Sore the Knife and Ink Ribbon and proceed into the back door. Run down the hallway and grab the HANDGUN BULLETS from the corpse. Continue down and encounter your first licker. - If you haven't already gotten the Shotgun from the Gun Shop, I strongly recommend running from the creature and dispose of it later. If you did, a couple shots will call it a day. Afterward, walk down at the end of the hall, pick up the GREEN HERB on the ground, and enter the door. - In the "boarded" up hallway, open the double brown doors and find the OPERATION REPORT on the back desk. Proceed in the back of the room and use your Lighter on the fire place to obtain a RED JEWEL. Examine to the right of the fire place to recieve HANDGUN BULLETS. - Exit and continue down the hall and through the door. Remeber this area, you'll have to come back here. Shoot the zombies and enter the save room by the staircase(make sure to get the 2GREEN HERBS off the gorund). Inside, take the HANDGUN BULLETS from the cabinet, OPERATION REPORT and INK RIBBON on the desk. Save if you so desire, then leave and head up the stairs. - A little ways down you will come across the first puzzle in the game. It's not too difficult at all, however, here's the solution: --------- Puzzle! --------- The object of this puzzle is to push the two statues onto the left and right brown tablet on the ground so they are facing each other on opposite ends. If you place them correctly on the tablet, you'll here a "click." - When it is solved, grab the RED JEWEL that falls from the statues hand, then open the nearby door. - Take out the zombies and enter the first door you see into the S.T.A.R.S. Office. In there, find CHRIS'S DIARY and the UNICORN MEDAL on the middle desk, then talk to Claire who arrives in the room. After, take the HANDGUN BULLETS below the S.T.A.R.S. poster as well as the SHOTGUN from the metal cabinet. There's also a FIRST AID SPRAY in the small brown file cabinet in the corner of the room. - Head back to the Main Lobby and place the Unicorn Medal in front of the fountain to recieve the SPADE KEY. Now trial back to where you first encountered the licker and use the key on the grey door(near the corpse). - In this crouded room, look for the PATROL REPORT in the file collection shelve and another INK RIBBON in the cabinet. Push the small ladder to the end of the room against the far cabinet and climb up. Take the CRANK atop, then leave and go back to the S.T.A.R.S. Office hallway. - At the end of the hall, unlock the door with the Spade Key at the end and enter. Use your Shotgun to clear a way through the horde of zombies, the run down the north narrow hall first to find more HANDGUN BULLETS in the locker. At the other end, enter the door into the Library(you can use a Small Key on the desk nearby to find the HANDGUN PARTS). - In the Library, run up the stairs and go at the end of the balcony to fall. Hit the red switch and be faced with another easy puzzle. --------- Puzzle! --------- >From left to right, the shelves are numbered 1, 2, and 3. You need to have the shelves placed exactly like in the painting, so simply move Shelf 1 right and Shelf 2 right. - When that is solved, take the BISHOP PLUG from the painting and head through the double doors. - On the second floor balcony, take out more zombies and run down about half way to activate the emergency ladder. Continue down the balcony and into the eastern door. - In the second floor east save room, find the SMALL KEY on the bench, and the SECRETARY'S DIARY A and INK RIBBON on the desk. Optional: Now you can go back to the hall just before the Library and use the Small Key on the little desk to get the HANDGUN PARTS. - From the save room, open the other door leading to the crashed helicopter hallway. Take a right and through that door. Jog down and unlock the blue door. If you want, open it and pick up 3GREEN HERBS from the top and bootom of the staircase, then go back into the hall. Grab the HANDGUN BULLETS from the dead body, then run down and arrive on the roof of the Police Station. - Step down the staircase in the corner and run past the zombies and into the shed. Inside, take the VALVE HANDLE, the HANDGUN BULLETS, and an INK RIBBON near and on the desk, then proceed back on the roof. - Use the Valve Handle on the water pressure in front of the chopper to stop the fire, and find yet another pack of HANDGUN BULLETS from the helicopter itself. Head back into the save room and put both Red Jewels into your inventory. - Enter the door in front of the chopper(you'll hear a scream). In this room, look around to find a INK RIBBON in the vase and the DIAMOND KEY on top of the stack wooden boxes. Place both Red Jewels into the left and right statues to obtain the KING PLUG. - Make your way back to the western area on the first floor(where the save room and staircase is). Unlock the far eastern grey door with the Diamond Key. Enter and examine around the lockers to find SHOTGUN SHELLS and a FILM. Unlock and enter the second grey door. - In the western office area, pick up the GREEN HERB on the floor, MEMO TO LEON on the edge of the desk, and HANDGUN BULLETS in the locker. Go into the small office to meet the wounded officer again, and take him down with standard ammo when he turns into a zombie. Grab the HEART KEY from his desk, and exit through the brown door back into the Main Lobby. - Head into the eastern door from the Main Lobby on the first floor. Shoot the large group of zombies with your Shotgun, and go passed the double blue doors first(you'll come back here soon enough). Take the GREEN HERB next to the vending machine, and head into the door at the end of the hall. - Unlock the first grey door you see with the Diamond Key. Inside, grab the FIRST AID SPRAY and CORD on the table and the ROOK PLUG on the shelf. Quickly leave(you'll run into a suprise attack by a licker). - Before leaving, take a minute to keep this hall in memory, because you will have to return here a little later in the game. Track back in the previous hall and enter the double doors. - In the eastern office area, examine the desks to find another INK RIBBON. Go inside the small office and unlock the safe by entering the combination: 2236. Inside you'll find SHOTGUN SHELLS and the POLICE STATION MAP. In the same office, look behind the desk for 2GREEN HERBS. Go into the back of the room and get the HANDGUN BULLETS from the corpse. Use the Heart Key on the brown door. - Pick up 2GREEN HERBS on the floor, then walk down and use the Cord on the panel to lower the shutters. Head down the stairs into the basement. - Use your Handgun against the two dogs running around, and go through the double brown doors. Grab the GREEN HERB in the corner and the POLICE B1 MAP on the back shelf. Go up to the "Reserve Power Panel" to come across another puzzle. --------- Puzzle! --------- You need to set the power to 80. Here are the coordinates: Up, down, up, up, down. A minor note: There is actually another order to solve this panel to set it to eighty, so I used the other one in some of the other walkthroughs. Don't get confused like I did. - Leave and head to the parking lot(at the end of the hall). Meet Ada Wong(if you played the first RE, you heard only her name), and help her push the truck to get access to the door behind it. Before you enter, find another GREEN HERB near the parking lot exit. - When Ada runs off, walk a ways down(passed the first door) and into the cell(grab the HANDGUN BULLETS from the table). In the first cell are a BLUE and GREEN HERB. In the second cell, meet the reporter Ben. He'll tell you to go inside the sewer to move on. Before leaving, take the MANHOLE OPENER on the shelf next to his cell. - Proceed into the door you first ran by. If you want, grab the RED HERB beyond the three cells, but beware of the dogs who will burst out of the cages. If you did do this, find a BLUE HERB in the first cage. Use the Manhole Opener on the manhole, and climb down the ladder. - Run by the spiders in the narrow hall, and go up the stairs. Enter the storage save room, and inside, take both the BLUE HERB and INK RIBBON. Get the three plugs you have(Rook, King, and Bishop), and exit and enter the next door. Cross the walkway and insert the three plugs in the panel(yes, you do need one more). Leave to meet up with Ada again. - After they talk and she crawls the the ventilation, you're in control of her. Open the door straight ahead and go right first and down the small elevator. Pick up the SHOTGUN SHELLS for Leon on the ground, go back up the elevator, and enter the other door. Climb down the large steps and be faced with a not so hard puzzle. --------- Puzzle! --------- The key here is two push the three large boxes against the north wall so they form a bridge for you to cross. Make sure that all three boxes are together from side to side, then climb back up the large steps and hit the switch from the panel to raise the water. - Once you do so, cross the new formed bridge and take the CLUB KEY from the shelf. Go back to Leon(where you first started off) to give him the items. - Back as Leon, pick up the items Ada throws to you and go back to the first basement hallway(bring the Shotgun with you). Fight the lickers crawling around, and use the Club Key on the double white doors titled Autopsy Room. Enter and run to the northwest corner of the room and get the RED CARD KEY. Exit and use the card on the panel next to the single door. Enter. - Inside the "Weapon" room, grab the SHOTGUN SHELLS and 2HANDGUN BULLETS from the left and right counters. Optional: Go up to the locker and open it to find the SUB MACHINE GUN and BACKPACK. Warning: If you take them, neither one of them will show up in Scenario B(the harder quest). You SHOULD save them for the second quest. - Head back up to the first floor and use the Club Key on the door next to the basement staircase. Inside, find an INK RIBBON on the table, SHOTGUN SHELLS in the locker, WATCHMAN'S DIARY on the bed, and the MAGNUM on top of the dresser. - Return to the most eastern hallway(where I told you to remember). At the end of the area, pick up the RED HERB and unlock the green door with the Club Key(inside the second grey door you can find a SMALL KEY on the table). - Walk up to the eastern wall in the room and light the rusty furnace with your Lighter. Get ready for another puzzle. -------- Puzzle! -------- These three statues are numbered(from left to right) 11, 12, and thirteen. You must light them in this order: 12, 13, 11. - As you solve the puzzle, an item falls from the painting. Pick the GOLDEN COG WHEEL from the ground(you can also find a FIRST AID SPRAY under the desk). - Make your way back to the Library. Step up the stairs and into the door. On the third floor balcony, run down and enter the door at the end. Use the Crank on the square hall located on the east wall to lower the wooden staircase. Walk up and place the Golden Cog Wheel into the gear to open the rusty door. From there, take the KNIGHT PLUG and jump down the vent. - When you land, you'll hear Ben scream(and watch an embryo be implanted into him). Run to the cell to talk to him. After he gives you the MAIL TO CHEIF(and says my favorite quote: "Get that scum, make him pay), the embryo bursts out of his body. - Leave the cell and enter the door. Go into the save room and get your Magnum and Shotgun. Proceed into the room to place the last plug in the panel. Before you cross the walkway, you'll encounter the first boss. ------ Boss! ------ This "bug" monster is sadly and somewhat suprisingly easy. Pump about five rounds of shells with the Shotgun, then finish him off with two shots from the Magnum(yes, it is that quick). The only way you'll get hit is by the bugs which he spits out of his mouth(they don't cuase to many damage). - Place the Knight Plug into the panel to unlock and enter the door. Go down the stairs to meet up with Ada again. Head through the gate and down the sewer hall, pick up the 2BLUE HERBS on the ground and enter the save room. - Inside, take the INK RIBBON, SEWER MANAGER FAX on table, and the HANDGUN BULLETS on the little brown shelf. Push the locker aside to reveal a hidden passage. Descend down the ladder and use the Lighter on the front and back lamps to find MAGNUM BULLETS and SHOTGUN SHELLS on the shelves. - Go back up into the save room, bring the Valve Handle, and take the elevator down. Watch a cinema. After Leon is shot, use Ada to follow the mysterious woman through the door(save the map on the wall for Leon). - Run left and climb up the ladder. Quickly jog by the annoying bugs above and go down the ladder on the other side. Walk down the walkway to meet Annette. - When Ada gives her a big smack cuasing her to fall, cross the steel bridge and head down the ladder. - Back as Leon, take the SEWER MAP off the wall, and open the door. Take a left(pass the ladder this time around) and find the WOLF MEDAL and SHOTGUN SHELLS from the two corpses. Run down at the opposite end of the area and through the cage door. - Go straight and place the Wolf Medal into the vertification slot machine next to the water flow. Enter the double doors on the west wall. Use the Valve Handle on the Oil Pressure Transmitter to lower the steel bridge. Cross the bridge and use the Vlave Handle a second time on the second Oil Transmitter to raise the bridge. - Grab the 2GREEN HERBS, SHOTGUN SHELLS on table, and an INK RIBBON. Go into the door and run down the long wide hallway. At the end, see Ada shooting at the sewage water, and encounter the second boss in the game. ------ Boss! ------ The Alligator is by far the easiest boss in the game, of course, that's only if you use this method. Once your in control of your character, run away from the creature and down the hallway until you come across a red blinking switch. Examine it to have a gas tube fall. Wait for the Alligator to catch up, and eventually he'll put the gas tube in it's mouth. When this happens, simply take one shot with your Handgun to allow the tube to explode into the lizards mouth. Ouch! - Once the battle is over, run back down to the end of the hall and hit the red switch to release the energy lock. Open the rusty gate to reunite with Ada. - Head up the ladder and cross the steel bridge(which you were supposed to raise earlier). Walk up the left walkway and pick up the EAGLE MEDAL from the dead body and SEWER MANAGER DIARY near the monitor. Go down the eastern side and use the Valve Handle one last time on the Fan Regulator to stop the rotating fan. Step up the ladder, cross, and go down on the other side. - Proceed back into the far cage door and place the Eagle Medal into the vertification slot machine. When the water stops, go into the north rusty door and make your way to the train troller. Operate the "sky tram" computer to start up and board the train. On the ride, however, you'll be faced with yet another boss. ------ Boss! ------ The boss(William Birkin) in this situation isn't bad considering that this is no "true" battle one on one. His large claw hand comes only from the ceiling, and his one target is none other than you(yeah, it doesn't even have a care in the world to attack Ada). With that in mind, stay still at a positon and when the ceiling shakes from above, move completly out of the way. As the large claw pops out, aim with your standard ammo and fire away(fortunatly, even Ada lends a hand). After a few round up of shots, the creature will retreat. - Disembark the train trolley and use your Lighter to ignite the flare gun close, which will reveal the WEAPON BOX KEY hidden on the ground. Pcik it up and open the far door. - In the narrow hallway, walk left(watch for the zombies) and grab the SHOTGUN PARTS from the dead zombie. Combine the parts with your Shotgun to create the AUTO SHOTGUN. - In the next hall, pick up the 2GREEN HERBS located on the eastern end, then proceed up the ladder into the save room. Get the FIRST AID SPRAY in the cabinet, MAGNUM BULLETS and SHOTGUN SHELLS on the table, and as usually, the INK RIBBON. You SHOULD save your game if this is your first time through, and when you're ready, open the single door. - Take the FACTORY MAP on the wall, as well as HANDGUN BULLETS near the far barells. Board the elevator trolley and find more MAGNUM BULLETS in the small bathroom. Go in the front and get the CONTROL PANEL KEY that hangs from the wall, then use it on the outside panel to start up the elevator. On the way down(suprise, suprise), William Birkin is waiting for you outside the trolley. ------- Boss! ------- The once William Birkin is now a mutated monster who happens to have one of the most devestating and deadly attacks in the game. These "multiple" attacks of slashing you're character aren't slow either, so the main key is to stay a FAR distance from the beast. Double check to make sure he does not get too close, and also keep in mind that you can't stay too far away from him due to aiming and inflicting damage. The best way is to stay at a screen where you can always see him, and if you have the accuracy, fire away with your Shotgun and Magnum. When he arrives almost right in front of you, run from the side(you usually WILL get hit) and repeat the same process. - After the battle, go back to Ada in the trolley and watch Leon carry her into the Security Room(a.k.a. save room). Do Leon and Ada have something going between each other? Inside, grab the GREEN HERB on top of the refrigirator, SHOTGUN SHELLS in the locker, MAGNUM BULLETS on the desk, and the INK RIBBON at the usual spot. Leave and head through the sliding door on the west wall. - This is the "dark" colored hall, mainly becuase of the colored halls of red, blue, and white. First, make you're way down the blue(which is known as the East Area). Run down and enter the double frosted doors. Find a FIRST AID SPRAY on top of the barrell and the FUSE CASE on the little shelf. Use the Fuse Case on the nearby panel to develop the MAIN FUSE. Take it and return to the dark colored hall and place it into the center breaker. - When the power is finally back on in the labatory, proceed into the red hallway(the West Area). Enter the door at the eastern end and take the FLAMETHROWER inside the locker, USER REGRISTRATION on the bench, and LABATORY SECURITY MANUAL near the computer. Use the computer to turn on the gas sprinkler, then shoot a flame with you Flame Thrower on the plant in the corner vent. Slide through the ventilation and blast the two "mutated" lickers with your Shotgun. Find 2SHOTGUN SHELLS in the cabinet and an INK RIBBON on the desk(by this time, there is no real purpose of picking up Ink Ribbon, unless you're going to save twenty or so more times). - Unlock and leave through the door, head down the hall and hit the shutter switch next to the sign West Area. When the shutter opens, get ready for two plant creatures who you happen to wake up. Simply use your Flame Thrower to call it a day, however, be cautious of the "acid" attack which will usual poisen you. If that happens, return to the far east room and use the stack of BLUE HERBS near the bed. - Open the door and fire away on the plant standing still with little movement. Take the 2GREEN HERBS and descend down the ladder. In this hall, get you're Shotgun ready for two lickers(one from above and on ground) who await you're arrival. Snatch the 3GREEN HERBS against the wall, run by the gate(which is you're last destination) and into the sliding door. - In the "Monitor" room examine the blue panel to file the LABATORY MAP. Store any items without use and bring the W. Box Key and the Knife. Head through the second sliding door and pick up the RED HERB from the ground, then head into the double doors. - Use the W. Box Key on the locker to get the MAGNUM PARTS(it's about time)! Walk over and into the two sliding doors leading to a expirement room. Grab the LAB CARD KEY on the back counter(there's another INK RIBBON on the right edge of the front desk, but there really is no need). - Exit the room and enter the door at the opposite direction(which looks like a Jurassic Park setting). Inside, take out the Giant Moth with your Shotgun and use the Knife to slash away the bugs covering the computer keyboard. Once done so, operate the computer and enter the word GUEST as the password. - Make your way back up to the blue colored hallway(East Area) and unlock the shutter there. Operate the panel to vertify Leon's hand identification for the second scenario, then continue to unlock the nearby door with the Lab Card Key(it's next to the East Area sign). - Get the FIRST AID SPRAY and MAGNUM BULLETS on the hospital cart, then flip the light switch on the wall. Walk in the back of the room to find the MO DISK on the small shelf(be aware of some zombies). - Now proceed back down into the "Monitor" save room and make your LAST SAVE. Here's what you'll need: The Magnum, Magnum Bullets, a couple full cure items, and the Mo Disk(make sure to take as many combined herbs as possible). Go to the previous room and unlock the large gate by using the Mo Disk on the panel screen(if you want, go back and fit in another mixed herb). Enter the door beyond and head straight. As you're timed, hit the red switch to access the large lift at the northern wall. Arghh... that William never gives up and his back at the worst time. ------ Boss! ------ You knew you wouldn't just get away that easily without a fight. The are two alternive forms to the last boss, so look below for the best results: The first form is pretty much the same as the previous one on the elevator. Stay a far distance as before, and unleash about three shots with the new and improved Magnum for a quick victory(a little too easy in my category). Now be prepared for his second form. What ever the creature has turned into now is beyond me, but it does has major advances over the first form. This time around, it is much, much faster than before. And if you get cuaght into its's jaws, he inflicts a major amount of damage. You really should stop trying to dodge it's attacks and concentrate on killing the creature(also remember you're being timed). Sometimes occasionally and sometimes often the monster will jump on top of the upper platforms, leaving you hanging low waiting for the creature to return. Instead of standing there waiting, run around the room until the beast eventually jumps down(either in front or behind you). When it does this, fire everything you got, and do not stop. Repeat this method until defeat. - Afterward, head up, the lift and run to the train for the ending to Leon A. ========================== [9]WALKTHROUGH: CLAIRE B ========================== - As you start off, run north past the zombies and enter the door. Go right and get the CABIN KEY on the desk in th little office, and use it on the left shed door. - Grab the HANDGUN BULLETS and INK RIBBON on the desk, then head into the door and work you're way to the roof. Watch a cinema and make your way across the roof and into the west door. Pick up the GREEN HERB off the ground, continue down, and find HANDGUN BULLETS from the corpse. - Unlock and enter the blue door(you should continue down the hall and enter the nearby save room to store items in order to pick up everything). Take the 3GREEN HERBS on the top and bottom of the staircase and open the door at the bottom. - Find yet another pack of HANDGUN BULLETS from the corpse and enter the office area in front. Take out the zombies inside and grab the VALVE HANDLE on the shelf, as well as an INK RIBBON on one of the desks. Enter the small office and use the combination 2236 on the safe. Take both the ACID ROUNDS and POLICE STATION MAP inside, and find 2GREEN HERBS behind the desk. - Return to the crashed helicopter on the roof and use the Valve Handle on the water pressure to stop the fire. Head back into the door you just came out of to watch another cinema. After the other half of the ceiling collapses, walk down the hall to encounter Umbrella's Tyrant. - Like I said in the Leon B walkthrough, I myself do not consider the Tyrant an actual boss. Instead, I think of him as a "mid" boss who indeed shows up(usually at the worst times)through out Scenario B. Here are you're options: If you want to just save you're ammo, run by and away from the creature every step of the way. Don't expect to get away without being hit at least once though. The other option is to obviously fight the creature. This will result in using all of you're ammo(and this is the beginning of the game), so you'll end up with a little or fewer stock of bullets. You CAN run away from the creature at every encounter(except the end), and by doing so leaves you a better chance of beating Scenario B. To escape from the Tyrant, just leave the room that you are in. - Either run away or fight the Tyrant, and proceed through the door at the end of the area. In the "crashed" heliopter hallway, enter the door in front of the chopper(you'll hear a scream on the way). Inside the room, find an INK RIBBON hidden in the vase and the BLUE CARD KEY on top of the stack boxes. - Heads "up" for the licker who crashes through the window from above(you can dispose of it later). Head into the save room and pick up the SECRETARY'S DIARY A and INK RIBBON on the desk, and the HANDGUN BULLETS on the bench. - Open the door leading into the second floor Main Lobby balcony, and run down and activate the emergency ladder. Descend and find the GRENADE LAUNCHER and INK RIBBON on the desk, then use the Blue Card Key on the computer to unlock the three doors. - Climb back up the ladder and walk to the western end of the balcony. Use your Grenade Launcher against the large group of zombies and find the UNICORN MEDAL on the wall beyond. Go back down the ladder in the Main Lobby and place the Unicorn Medal in front of the fountain statue(near the main entrance). Recieve the SPADE KEY that falls, and head into the double doors on the first floor. - Take down more zombies and store any uneeded items in the store box. Pick up the POLICE MEMORANDUM on the bench, and use your lockpick on the small desk in the corner to find a FIRST AID SPRAY. Open the back door and jog down the hall. - Grab the HANDGUN BULLETS from the corpse and use the Spade Key on the grey door. Examine around to find the PATROL REPORT on the file collection shelf and an INK RIBBON in the cabinet. Push the ladder to the end of the room against the cabinet and climb up. Take the LIGHTER from above and leave the room. - Continue down the hall, take the GREEN HERB, and enter the door. In the "boarded" up hallway, proceed into the double brown doors(be aware of the zombies who burst out of the windows). Inside, search for the OPERATION REPORT 1 on the desk, and go into the back of the room and use the Lighter on the fire place to obtain a RED JEWEL(you can also find HANDGUN BULLETS to the right of the fire place on the floor). - Exit and make your way down the hall and into the next area. Enter the door next to the staircase(picking up 2GREEN HERBS on the way) into the "dark" save room. Get the HANDGUN BULLETS from the cabinet and the OPERATION REPORT 2 and INK RIBBON on the desk. Leave and step up the stairs. - Walk down and come across two(actually three) statues. Get ready for the same puzzle as in Scenario A. --------- Puzzle! --------- Fortunatley(as I assume) you've played Scenario A and have already gone through this puzzle. In case you forget(which is highly unlikely), here is the solution: Push the left and right statues(red and blue) to the opposite ends of where they stand. Place them on the brown slot tablet on the ground so both are facing each other and the center statue. - Afterward, take the second RED JEWEL that falls from the hand and open the nearby door. - Trial down the hall and arrive in the S.T.A.R.S. Office. Talk to Leon(it's about time) and read CHRIS'S DIARY which he gives you. Investigate deeper within the room to find the DIAMOND KEY on the middle desk, BOW GUN in the silver cabinet, and MAIL TO CHRIS from the fax machine(when you try to leave). - When you exit, you'll encounter a little girl screaming for help. Pass by or shoot the zombie and follow the girl into the next hall. Equip you're Bow Gun to take care of the horde of zombies in the room, and unlock the small desk with the Lockpick to get more HANDGUN BULLETS. Enter the Library. - As in Scenario A, take the RED HERB from the corner table and walk up the stairs. Jet to the end of the balcony to fall through. Hit the red switch and get ready for another "exact" puzzle from the firts scenario. -------- Puzzle! -------- As mentioned in the previous walkthroughs, the shelves(from left to right) and numbered 1, 2, and 3. Simply push Shelf 1 right and Shelf 2 right. Is it that easy? It most certainly is. - Get the SERPENT STONE from the picture and open up the double doors. Back on the second floor Main Lobby balcony, track back to the crashed helicopter hallway and return into the door in front of the chopper. - If you didn't kill the licker from before, make sure you have a stonger weapon besides the Handgun with discent ammo(Acid Rounds with the Grenade Launcher work best. Place the two Red Jewels into the left and right statues to obtain the HALF BLUE STONE. - Make your way into the first floor eastern area(from the Main Lobby). With Grenade Rounds, shoot the zombies and pass the blue doors first(you'll come back here later). Grab the GREEN HERB next to the vending machine and enter the far door. - In the next hall(which you need to remember), use the Diamond Key on the first door you come by, and inside, get the EAGLE STONE from the shelf(if you want, you can take the FIRST AID SPRAY on the table only to set off a licker attack). - Head back to the western area on the first floor(the area just beyond the boarded up hallway) and use the Diamond Key on the far silver door. Examine the lockers in the room to find the PLASTIC BOMB and BOW GUN BOLTS. Unlock and go through the other silver door. - In this office area, pick up the GREEN HERB and look around for the MEOM TO LEON on the edge of the desk and HANDGUN BULLETS in the locker. Enter the little office to find the DETENATOR on the desk. Unlock and leave through the door into the Main Lobby. - Now, track back once again into the crashed heliopter hallway and combine the Detenator and Plastic Bomb. Set it in front of the chopper to cuase an obvious explosion. Enter the Cheif's room. - Meet Cheif Irons, who is now a crazy man that just wants to be alone. Head into the east door and down the long narrow hallway. Inside the crowded antique room, go in the back dark room and hit the light switch on the wall. Search the room to find and meet Sherry Birkin. When she runs away, grab the SECRETARY'S DIARY B on the table and some HANDGUN BULLETS from the chest. - Back in the Cheif's room, take the HEART KEY from his desk and the CHEIF'S DIARY on his chair. Now, make your way back to the first floor in the east area and enter the double blue doors into the office area again. Go in the back and unlock the western door with the Heart Key. Enter. - Pick up the 2GREEN HERBS on the floor and work your way through the zombies found in this hall. Step down the staircase to enter the basement. - In the first basement hallway, head into the double brown doors first. Inside, take another GREEN HERB in the corner, FLAME ROUNDS below the small table, and the POLICE B1 MAP on the back shelf. Examine the "Reserve Power Panel" for another puzzle. --------- Puzzle! --------- You need to set the power to the 80 mark. Here are the coordinates: Up, down, up, up, down. This is an optional but well worth puzzle. - Exit the room and enter the double grey doors at the end of the hall(past the white doors). Snatch the RED HERB off the gound and quickly run down and descend the ladder from the manhole. - Go through the first door you come across into a small save room. Take the INK RIBBON and store any "extra" items into the store box. Leave to talk to the little girl Sherry again. - Once you're Sherry, make your way up the elevator and run past all the zombies. Run into the closest door first and grab the GRENADE ROUNDS on the ground for Claire. Proceed into the door further down and take the SEWER DISPOSAL MAP on the wall. Jump down the large steps and get ready for the "box" puzzle. -------- Puzzle! -------- The key here is two push the three large boxes against the north wall so they form a bridge for you to cross(you'll also have to climb over the boxes as well). Make sure that all three boxes are together from side to side, then climb back up the large steps and hit the switch from the panel to raise the water. - Cross the new "box" bridge and take the CLUB KEY from the shelf. Return to Claire(where you first started) to give her the items and to become back in control of her again. - Back as Claire, grab the CLUB KEY and GRENADE ROUNDS which Sherry threw, and go back into the first basement hallway. Use the Club Key on the double white doors(titled Autopsy Room). - Watch above and below for the two lickers crawling around, and take the RED CARD KEY from the small cabinet in the corner. Back in the hall, use the Red Card on the card reader next to the single door and enter the "weapon" room. - Grab the 2HANDGUN BULLETS and the ACID ROUNDS on the left and right counters, and take the SUB MACHINE GUN and BACKPACK from the locker(this is only if you saved them from Scenario A). - Enter the parking lot at the end of the hall and find a GREEN HERB laying on the ground near the lot's exit. Open the west door and jog down the hall. First, run past the first door you see and enter the cell area. In the first cell, pick the BLUE and GREEN HERBS, then get the BOW GUN BOLTS from the far shelf. - Leave and go through the door you first ran by. If you want, grab the RED HERB beyond the three cells, but beware of the dogs who will burst out of the cages. If you did do this, find a BLUE HERB in the first cage cell. Pick up the CRANK on the ground, and lead yourself back to the first floor of the Police Station. - Unlock the door next to the basement staircase. Look around for an INK RIBBON on the table, WATCHMAN'S DIARY on the bed, and more ACID ROUNDS on top of the small dresser. Now go back to the nearest save room and bring the Lighter with you. - Trail back to the eastern most hall on the first floor(where I told you to keep in mind), and at the end, take the RED HERB, and if you so desire, enter the second grey door and get the HANDGUN BULLETS from the shelf. Once this is done, use the Club Key one last time on the green door and enter. - On the east wall, use your Lighter to ignite the rusty furnace, and then confront another "statue relating" puzzle. -------- Puzzle! -------- These three statues are numbered(from left to right) 11, 12, and 13. You must light them in this order: 12, 13, 11. - When the puzzle is solved, find a FIRST AID SPRAY below the desk and hurry across the room to get the GOLDEN COG WHEEL which fell from the painting(of course the Tyrant is back). - Leave the room and run down the hall only to encounter the Tyrant once again. Use either your own or my technique which you would regular use, and return to the Library(bring the Crank and Golden Cog Wheel). - Walk up the stairs and go into the door. On the third floor balcony, run to the end and enter the room. Use the Crank on the square hole located on the east wall to lower the wooden staircase. Step up and place the Golden Cog Wheel in the empty slot of the gear to open a rusty door. Behind the door find the other HALF BLUE STONE. Combine the two Blue Stones to make the JAGUAR STONE. - Gather all the three stones that you have(Jaguar, Serpent, and Eagle) and take a trip back to the Cheif's room(SAVE YOUR GAME). Meet Sherry again and examine the colorful picture on the wall behind the Cheif's desk. Hit the switch and place the three stones into the slots to reveal a hidden passage. - Get the MAIL TO CHEIF on the ground and examine the elevator twice to go down(don't forget to bring you Grenade Launcher with all Rounds and a couple full healing items). Walk down the hidden chamber and enter the door to talk to Cheif Irons. After the he's pulled under, grab the ACID ROUNDS on the small shelf and examine the corner ladder to watch a very graphic visual of the Cheif's body. Go down the ladder and walk a little ways down the walkway to encounter William Birkin. ------ Boss! ------ Sherry's father injected the G-Virus into his own body, cuasing him to develop such greater strength, which is unfortunate for you. This form of William, belive it or not, is the most difficult out of any other bosses in the game. The pipe that he rips off the railing dishes out a deadly hit that only takes one swing to kill your character. NEVER get too close to him, stay away from him and use distance attacks. When he starts to walk up closer, run by him from the side quickly and fire away(the best thing to use is the Acid and Flame Rounds) from a distance. If it so happens that he hits you down(cuasing your character to land on their knees), press all the buttons on the control at your best effort and as quickly as possible to get back up. - As the battle ends(after he falls off the side), go back to Sherry and bring her down the secret chamber. Walk down the walkway(where you just fought the boss) and hit the switch at the end to lower the ladder. Climb up and watch a short cinema. - Sherry will fall, so head down the area and pick up the 2BLUE HERBS, then enter the save room. Grab the SEWER MANAGER FAX on the table, HANDGUN BULLETS in the black bag, FIRST AID SPRAY in the locker, and the INK RIBBON near the type writer. Use the Lockpick on the "warhouse" door on the wall to find a hidden passage. Descend down the ladder and find BOW GUN BOLTS on then front shelf and GRENADE ROUNDS on the back shelf. - Go back up to the save room, bring the Valve Handle and Lighter, and head down the small elevator. Talk to the wounded Leon, then take the SEWER MAP off the wall and into the door. Optional: You can enter Loen's save room by going up the other elevator passed where Loen is sitting. In there are 3GREEN HERBS on the floor and HANDGUN BULLETS in the little brown shelf. Open Leon's "warhouse" door and step down the ladder. Use your Lighter on the front and back lamps to get GRENADE and FLAME ROUNDS on the front and back shelves. - Back to the next hall, go left and pass the ladder to find the WOLF MEDAL and FLAME ROUNDS from the two corpses. Enter the cage door at the other end of the area. - Walk straight and place the Wolf Medal into the vertification slot machine next to the water flow. Head into the west double doors. Use the Valve Handle on the Oil Pressure Transmitter to lower the steel bridge. Cross the bridge and use the Valve Handle once again to raise it back up. Get the 2GREEN HERBS and an INK RIBBON, then open the nearby door. - Make your way down the long wide hallway and open the rusty gate at the end. Go up the corner ladder and cross the steel bridge(which you raised earlier). Take a left up the walkway and get the EAGLE MEDAL from the body and SEWER MANAGER DIARY near the monitor. - Go east and use the Valve Handle one last time on the Fan Regulator in order to stop the rotating fan. Climn up the ladder, run down, and descend at the opposite end. Pass the zombies who suddenly appear and go back to the vertification slot machine and place the Eagle Medal into it to stop the water. - Go through the north rusty door and take a walk to the train trolley(and meet up with Sherry). Operate the computer on the right to start it up, then board the train. After the ride, use the Lighter to ignite the Flare Gun so you can find the WEAPON BOX KEY on the ground. Head into the door. - In the narrow hallway, watch for zombies on the corners and run left first to find the SPARKSHOT from the dead body(you don't have to pick this up simply beacuase it's the worse gun game, but it's there if you want to). In the next almost "identical" hall, walk to the eastern end first and pick up the BLUE and GREEN HERB. Enter the save room from the ladder at the western end. - Inside, look around for FIRST AID SPRAY in the cabinet, ACID and FLAME ROUNDS on the table, and yet another INK RIBBON. Save your game if you haven't done so in a while, then head through the door. - Take some HANDGUN BULLETS near the barells and the FACTORY MAP on the wall. Go down the small grey elevator and into the next room. Jog down the walkway and find the CONTROL PANEL KEY near the monitor. Turn on the monitor itself to see the Tyrant! This area is narrow, but not impossible to run past him. - Make it back to Sherry in the save room and use the C. Panel Key on the control panel(save your game and bring some heavy ammo and cures). Go back outside and hit the switch on the panel near the elevator trolley and board. Take the FLAME ROUNDS inside the little bathroom and hear a noise outside of the elevator. Go outside and walk a ways down to pick a fight with William Birkin once again. ------ Boss! ------ This form is exactly the same as in Scenario A, but he does however have a new tactic of his own. This time around, he'll will jump above on top of the trolley and land right in front of you. When he does this, just run around the trolley, and when he lands, back up a distance and fire away. As before, Acid and Flame Rounds work best against this big foe. Watch your health closely because his multiple attacks are fast and furious. Remember, DISTANCE is the key. - Afterward, return in the trolley and the elevator will stop. Leave the trolley once more and hop over the ledge sorrounded by a caution banner. Head through the vent and fall, then go through the double doors(as of now the elevator is not working). - In the "steam" room, grab the GREEN HERB next to the store box, then go down the lift(you have to come back here and deal with the large grey box later). Leave the area by going down the small elevator. - Use your Acid Rounds against the two mutated lickers, and proceed at the end of the room and hit the power switch to turn on the elevator. Go back to the room where you fell from the vent and enter the elevator. Press the switch to go down. - Be aware of the zombies roaming around in the area, then enter the save room(the first door you see). Examine the room to find the HANDGUN BULLETS in the locker, GREEN HERB on top of the refrigerator, FLAME ROUNDS on the desk, and the INK RIBBON in the front of the type writer. Exit the room and enter the sliding grey door. - In the "dark colored" hall, run down the blue lighted hallway first into the "East Area." From there, go at the end and into the double frosted doors. Find a FIRST AID SPRAY on top of the barrell and the FUSE CASE on the little shelf. Use the Fuse Case on the nearby panel to develop the MAIN FUSE. Take it and return to the dark colored hall and place it into the center breaker in order to turn on the power. - Proceed into the red hallway(the West Area). Enter the door at the eastern end and take the USER REGRISTRATION and LAB CARD KEY on the bench, BOW GUN BOLTS in the locker, and LAB SECURITY MANUAL near the computer. Crawl through the vent in the corner of the room and eliminate the two lickers inside. Find 2GRENADE ROUNDS in the back cabinet and an INK RIBBON on the desk. Unlock and leave through the door. - At the west end of the hallway, hit the shutter switch(next to the sign West Area). When the shutter opens, get ready for two plant creatures who you happen to wake up. Simply use Flame Rounds against the creatures for a easy win, however, beware of their "acid" attack is poisonous. If that happens, return to the far east room and use the stack of BLUE HERBS near the bed. - Open the door behind the shutter and fire away on the plant standing still with little movement. Take the 2GREEN HERBS and descend down the ladder. In this hall, get you're Acid Rounds ready for two lickers(one from above and on ground) who await you're arrival. Snatch the 3GREEN HERBS against the wall, then head into the "Monitor" room. - Examine the blue screen to file the LABATORY MAP. Store some items, and take the W. Box Key and the Knife with you. In the next hall, grab the RED HERB laying on the floor and enter the double doors. Use the W. Box Key on the locker with the light above to get 2GRENADE ROUNDS. Look for the FIRST AID SPRAY on the table nearby, and go through the two sliding doors into a lab expirement room. - On the back counter you'll find the POWER ROOM KEY, as well as the "no more purpose of picking up" INK RIBBON on the far right end of the front desk(unless you actually do need it). - Exit the room and enter the door at the opposite direction(surrounded by moss looking plants and eggs). Inside, take out the Giant Moth with your Bow Gun and use the Knife to slash away the bugs covering the computer keyboard. Once done so, operate the computer and enter the word GUEST as the password. When you leave, meet Annette in the monitor room. - Head back to the "dark" hall and back to the blue East Area. Open the shutter on the western hall by hitting the switch. Walk a ways in and vertify your identification with Claire's hand(which you did with Leon in Scenario A), then open the double door. In the back of the room you can examine the corpse to find a 100% SUB MACHINE GUN CLIP. - Back in the dark hall, make your way through the white colored hallway and go back up in the elevator. Enter the steam room again, and push the large grey box on the center of the lift and hit the switch(it needs to be centered so you can move it from the left). When you and the box are carried down, push the box from the left and towards the eastern screen. When the screen changes, push the large box north through the narrow walkway and against the boxes at the end. Climb up and use the Power Room Key on the double doors. - When you enter, run down in the area and watch a cinema. When that's over, head all the way back to the dark hall again to witness Annette's death. Grab the MASTER KEY from Annette, then go back in the elevator(yes, the one you just used to get up here)and use the Master Key on the emergency panel on the back wall. - Make it to the train and enter from the side door. Go into the back of the second train department and run down to find a store box, type writer, an INK RIBBON, and the PLATFORM KEY. Make your LAST SAVE in the game and bring you Grenade Launcher with all rounds, the Platform Key, and fit in the rest with full cure items(make sure to leave one empty space in your inventory). - Exit the train and use the Platform Key on the gate. Head through and get ready for a time limit. Run straight first(following the white arrow on the ground) and hit the red blinking switch to release the barrier bars. Take both the JOINT S and N PLUGS, then run up the stairs, cross, and down the other. Open the door and place the Plugs in the slot panel. Just as you do so, the Tyrant is back at the worst time, bigger than ever. ------ Boss! ------ The new and improved Tyrant is by no means an easy opponent. If you played the first RE, this is much similar to the last boss of that game. This time around, the large beast as both speed and strength. Immediatly when the fight begins, he will drag his claw and try to slash your character within a second. You WILL get hit, so don't feel ashamed. Just keep firing with your Flame, Acid, and Grenade Rounds non stop. Soon enough, a mysterious(yet obvious)character will throw down a Rocket Launcher for you to use. Quickly pick it up, aim, and fire. - After the intense battle, run back on the other side outside of the train and in the front to push the switch to open the front gate that blocks the exit. Board the train, step up the small staircase, and into the front room. Push the lever to start the train. Watch the cinema. - As the cinema concludes, a sudden shake of the train takes place. Go into the back of the train to meet William Birkin(or whatever it is) for a final showdown. ------------- Final Boss! ------------- This is the easiest boss in Scenario B. The blob is slow in moving, and to win, all you have to do is to back up against the double doors and fire away with your Grenade Launcher and with your last rocket with the Rocket Launcher. - When the blob "melts", go back to Sherry and Leon to see the Claire's ending for Scenario B. Claire leaves and goes to look for her brother Chris, which leads to Resident Evil: Code Veronica. ========================== [10]EXTREME BATTLE MODE ========================== The Extreme Battle Mode is an additional feature after you complete the game on the Normal setting with Scenario B. It's quite some fun, and it gives you the chance to play as Chris Redfield! -THE CHARACTERS- Below is the playable characters found in the Ex. Battle Mode, as well as what items they start out with, and a brief description of each. -LEON S. KENNEDY- Weapons/Items: Handgun Shotgun Magnum Ink Ribbon First Aid Spray Blue Herb DESCRIPTION: Playing with Leon is not an easy task, however, if your used to him from the regular game, it shouldn't be too much trouble at all. The Shotgun and Magnum work best against anything, but save them for lickers, Tyrants, spiders, and bosses. -CLAIRE REDFIELD- Weapons/Items: Grenade Launcher Flame Rounds Acid Rounds Ink Ribbon First Aid Spray Blue Herb DESCRIPTION: Claire is a well equipped character. The Flame Rounds work best against plants, and the Acid Rounds should be used for lickers. The Grenade Rounds(found througout the levels)are best useful when faced with multiple enemies. -CHRIS REDFIELD- Weapons/Items: Berretta Handgun Auto-Shotgun Ink Ribbon Rocket Launcher F. Aid Spray DESCRIPTION: With the Rocket Launcher, it makes this guy the best character in the bunch. He even has the updated Auto Shotgun, which makes things even earlier. To unlock him, beat the EX. Battle Mode with Ada on any difficulty. -ADA WONG- Weapons/Items Colt S.A.A. Sub Machine Gun Bow Gun Ink Ribbon Mixed Herb DESCRIPTION: Don't let her inventory fool you. Yeah, I admit it's not easy, but it is certaintly not impossible to beat the game with her. The key technique with her is to run away from any "strong" enemies you encounter. To unlock her, beat the mini game with either Leon or Claire. -EXTREME BATTLE MODE TIPS- - Note that this is not a walkthrough for the extra game. Instead, I give you the locations of the "mega" weapons and the bombs. After all, the purpose in this mini game is to forget about the puzzles and shoot any creature in sight. ? Random locations: During my multiple times playing the EX game, I came across some random aspects. Sometimes there may or may not be ammo where it usual is, and to make matters worse, the bomb locations are random as well! It just makes writing a FAQ even harder for all of us. ? Tyrants, should I worry: DO NOT WASTE your ammo against these foes. Even if you do kill the creatures, they don't even carry extra ammo for you! But to answer the question, yes, you should always worry and be prepared, becuase you will encounter more than one at the SAME time! ? This isn't a tip, but rather a comment. If you haven't notice, on the character select screen, I came across an error with the word "Herb". Now I'm no expert, but in my game, it's spelled "Harb" with an A. Is this just my copy or is it in everyone elses? * General tip: In all the three stages, make sure to check every room, corner to corner, back to back. You'll usual find some ammo and maybe even some extra weapons(mention below). -STAGE ONE- In stage one, you can get the Sub Machine Gun. In order to find this, head into the "steam" room, take the lft down, and climb the northern stack of boxes. Enter the double doors and walk to the end of the walkway. There sitting on the ground is the SUB MACHINE. -STAGE TWO- Stage two consists of the most powerful weapon of all, the Rocket Launcher. When you disembark the train trolley(after you ride it), enter the door, and make your way to the drained sewer area. Open the double doors on the west wall and run down the long wide hallway. Go through the rusty gate at the end, then proceed up the ladder in the corner. The ROCKET LAUNCHER is sitting on the edge of the ledge(I didn't even find this out until recently). It is indeed worth, because it contains ten rockets! -STAGE THREE- Okay, Stage three will take you a very, very long time to complete. Never before did I expect looking for four virus bombs to be so frustrating and time consuming. If it wasn't for the "random thing", the EX Mode would be a straight up walk through. Below are the locations that I came across THE MOST during my completion with the mini game. *There probably and more likely to be more locations, so search from the sewer to the Police Station. *Special thanks to my friend Jason and my cousin Marc for helping me find some of the bombs and from preventing me to break the controller in frustration. -BOMB LOCATIONS- "The Top Four" - Look in the back entrance of the Police Station(in the little Office where you begin Scenario B). It's on the desk. - It's in the Cheif's back room near where the antique collection is, on the table. - It seems almost every time I play the Ex Mode I find a Virus Bomb in the S.T.A.R.S. Office on the mid desk. - Head up to the third floor room and find one in front of the gear machine. ===================== [11]THE FINAL WORD ===================== I want to thank Game FAQS for giving me(and many others) such an opportunity to write a FAQ/strategy for games, and also thanks to all the people who find my guide useful. If you own a PS2, make sure to pick up the upcoming Resident Evil CODE: Veronica X. -snk202- copyright 2001 Game FAQS