______ _ _ (_____ \ (_) | | _ _____) ) _____ ___ _ __| | _____ ____ _| |_ | __ / | ___ | /___)| | / _ || ___ || _ \ (_ _) | | \ \ | ____||___ || |( (_| || ____|| | | | | |_ |_| |_||_____)(___/ |_| \____||_____)|_| |_| \__) _______ _ _ _ _ (_______) (_)| | | | (_) _____ _ _ _ | | _ | |_____ | ___) | | | || || | (_) |_____ | | |_____ \ V / | || | _ | | |_______) \_/ |_| \_)(_) |_| Boss/Enemy Guide Version 2.00 Date: 1/23/05 Game: Resident Evil 4 Platform: Game Cube E-mail: jmhirsh123@hotmail.com AIM: GaggleofG33se MithraLoinCloth This guide is copyright 2005 Marcus Hirshhorn =^.^= ----------------- Table of contents ----------------- SEND ME YOUR STRATEGIES!!! 1.0) Introduction *NO LEGAL CRUD! PLEASE READ!* 2.0) General information (Fun RE4 reading) 3.0) Bosses 4.0) Enemies 5.0) Updates 6.0) Coming soon 7.0) End/Credits/legal #################################################################### 1.0) Introduction - A few notes from me, nothing legal here.... #################################################################### Just wanted to say this is my first guide for a Resident Evil game... much less an action game. I mostly do RPGs, and most I don't even send into GameFAQs. Well, I need help from you guys. This game is so great, the boss battles are pretty much the best, and there are multiple ways to go about blasting a boss with using as little ammo/items as possible. Some people might have different weapons than me, and I need to know how to beat these guys with different inventories. So please, send in your strategies to my E-mail, or AIM me. Both of these can be found out the top of the page. Also, if you need help with a boss, tell me and AIM or E-mail me. I dont mind answering questions, hell this is a FAQ... and I need another section so please ask away. Now for a more in-depth look at this game. As we all know Resident Evil is a Survival/Horror genre that has become one of the greatest series of all time on a console. But this game feels different? It's great, no doubt, but it just feels... different. Why? Because this game isn't so much a Survival/Horror as it is an Action/Horror. You don't have to worry about how much life you have, what to keep in your inventory, ect. This is a great improvement, but some people prefer that they stick with the old Survival style. That being said, I hope that they make another "separate story" for Resident Evil that makes it like the old ones. Just so that the other people can have fun too. I like the game the way it is, but it isn't half as frightening as, say, Resident Evil Remake. Finally, this guide is being made without the help of a book. Please report any boss attacks I miss, or potential threats to your character. 1/25/05 ***UPDATE*** PS- As the first update of my guide, I'd like to say thanks to everyone who sent me in e-mail regarding my strategies. I usually write for lesser-known games, so I don't get much e-mail. Since this is my first real popular game, I got 30 e-mails in a period of 2 days! That's a lot for me. :*) So please bear with me guys. I can only update the guide on weekends so your strategies might not show up for a while. In fact, I've gotten so many strategies, yours might not appear at all =\. I do first come first serve, so if it's two of the same strategy, I will choose the first. I still appreciate you all and your ideas! Thanks guys! PSS- If I have missed giving you credit in the FAQ, please E-mail me. But be sure to check and see if somebody else isn't already credited for the idea. Thanks again! 3/23/05 ***UPDATE*** Wow! First I would like to say I am sorry to all the people who sent in e-mail. I haven't been able to respond to many questions due to an excess amount of work and school and family problems. However, this new update should implement most of the questions asked (at least all new questions and non-repeated ones.) Once again, credit is given to the first person's mail I read. I also read from oldest-newest to make it fair. Another thing, I know, and everyone else knows, that a lot of the bosses can be killed with the rocket launcher (for some reason I've gotten a few e-mails suggesting this). Well, thanks for the support but rocket launchers should be last ditch weapons. :*) Also, to avoid someone's real name being given out, tell me what you would like to be called PLEASE. Once again, sorry for not updating for... 2 months!? Wow. Sorry ^.^ As an Easter present, I give you a Kirby: (>'o')> <('o'<) ^('o')^ \('o')/ (>'o')> ^('o')^ <('o'<) PS- New section: General information. Basically a fun fact section about RE4. Theories, and general information much appreciated/welcome! Also, sorry if a lot of people's strategies don't get in. A lot of them are variations of similar strategies already presented (though not much different). However, you are all very cool for sending your things in, and they give me great ideas :*) ^ With over 140 emails regarding RE$, there is no way I can get to them all right now. I just did about 50 and my fingers hurt. >.< I will continue updating however, seeing as a lot of strategies are very good. #################################################################### 2.0) General information (Fun RE4 Reading) #################################################################### This section is made for cool information regarding RE4. Send in information and I'll put it in (if its quality is good). Basically just for fun reading, it gives general info (hence the name) of RE4 which range from details of characters, story plot holes, theories, rumors, and other nifty information to waste your time. Of well, thanks Mixtzin for starting this section (I really enjoyed your classifications). VVVVVVVVVVVVVV From Mixtzin: VVVVVVVVVVVVVV During the course of the game, I named Los Ganados Plagas as an exercise in taxonomic classification, and because it was mildly entertaining. Feel free to use the terminology in your guide. Type One Plagas - Larval Plagas: characterized by a tendonous "head", googly eyes on stalks, and, attached to the "head", a long, whip-like tentacle with a dagger-like edge. Will whip you with tentacle close up or spray acid on you from a distance. Encountered from Chapter 2-1 on. I rarely saw a female Ganados sprout any type of Plagas head, but it does happen, and it's usually Type One. Type Two Plagas - Pupal Plagas: characterized by a long, segmented body with multiple legs (two per segement), and a head with scythe-type jaws; looks like an extremely pissed-off centipede. Sprays acid (I think), and has an instant death move where it bites off Leon's head (nasty). Encountered during mid-point of chapter 3-1, and mostly with the cultist Ganados. I think I might've seen maybe one spring up once after I'd left the castle. Type Three Plagas - Adult Plagas: characterized by having a body consisting of an abdomen and thorax, multiple, wildly skittering legs (eight plus), and two/three tentacles forming a "tail" attached to the abdomen; looks a lot like the Facehuggers of Aliens fame. Will spray acid when attached to host body; when host body dies, will tear loose and pester you by just generally dogging you, or by jumping up and latching on to your face in order to spray acid up close and personal. More annoying than deadly. Encountered from Chapter 3- 2ish on, though somewhat rare in general, especially later on. Type Ones are far more common (at least on Normal) than either of the other two types, with Type Threes coming next in terms of commonality, and Type Twos (oddly) coming in last. Bye. Mixtzin #################################################################### 3.0) Bosses - They are big, they are grotesque, and they are the heart of this guide. #################################################################### I need you help guys. Send me an e-mail telling me how YOU beat these guys. Please tell me what you would like to be called in the credits, what you need to beat the boss, and how you beat it. Simple... now on to MY strategies. Happy hunting! *PS- As a last resort, use a Rocket Launcher! It can be bought from the merchant for 30,000$* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Boss 1: Del Lago VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV Before this fight you should have picked up the yellow herb in the cabin off to the side. Combine this with the green herb (and perhaps a red one) to help you. I suggest not using this just yet, unless you are low on life. Now, head into the motor boat and drive in the lake. A cut scene will appear and you will now be dragged around the lake by a serpent called "Del Lago". First thing's first, your choice of weapons: Harpoons. You can't use anything but these so get used to it. To use them, hold the "R" button to aim and a red targeting reticule will pop up. Aim this at the boss and press "A" to throw it. Now, at the beginning of the battle you will probably be dragged into the way of debris. Even though you are being dragged, you can control the boat by moving your analog stick left or right. Once you are clear of debris, pick up a spear and fire away. You will probably only get one chance, so make it count. After he drags you for a bit, he will go under water. This is a bad thing because he will poop up aimed right at you with his mouth open. Maneuver the boat away from him and pick up another harpoon to throw at him. *Note: If you get hit you will be knocked out of the boat. At this point you have to tap the "A" button repeatedly until you swim back to the boat. Do it fast, he will be on your tail.* At some point during this battle the Del Lago will disappear from your screen. He won't even continue pulling you. What do you do? You pick up a spear and look for red arrows on your screen. If they point to your left, the Del Lago is to your left, and if they point to your right, he is to your right. Move to either direction and look for splashing in the distance. He will be comming at the fairly slowly, slow enough to get 3 or 4 harpoons off on him. Use this time to pummel him with your harpoons. *Note: Since he is coming at you, you will have to adjust your aim up or down to make sure every shot hits him* The Del Lago can only take around 9-13 Harpoon shots and isn't really that hard. If you need life, use your herbs or a first aid spray. If you have it, use your Green/Red/Yellow (G/R/Y) herb combination to heal yourself to the max AND raise your life bar. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ El Gigante VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV This guy can be a pain if you aren't good at running. At the start of the battle, IMMEDIATELY run through his legs and pick up the yellow herb across from him. There are items scattered around the place, including in the cottages. However, you wont be safe from him in these mini-houses, so don't take too long picking the stuff up. At some point in the beginning (after you pick up the yellow herb) he will pick up a boulder and roll it at you. The only way to dodge this is to keep moving out of the way. It's not hard to dodge, but you should be aware of it. If you get too close to the El Gigante he will either kick you or grab you. If he kicks you, this will knock you down and leave him open to stomp on you. If he grabs you, he will squeeze the life away from you. Move the analog stick left and right AS FAST AS POSSIBLE to stab your knife in his hand. So how do you BEAT this tough guy? Take it slow and steady. If he is far away from you, pull out your pistol and aim for his head. If he is close, pump a round of pellets from your shotgun into him. You should do this once, so that you have enough time to get away from him. If you have any flashbangs, use them here. They will blind him, allowing you to get 3-5 shotgun blasts on him. Once you hurt him enough you will see a cut scene of his parasite popping out of his back. Get near him and press the "A" button to "climb" onto him. Tap repeatedly the "A" or "B" button to cut his parasite. Which button to tap is completely random so you will have to be aware of what button to press. After you do this another cut scene will appear showing the wolf you saved at the beginning of the game coming to your rescue. The wolf will distract the giant, giving you time to pound on it. After you hit it enough times, he will fall again, and his parasite will appear once more. Climb back on him and start slicing. After this he will get up again, however he will come after you some more. Use the strategy you used in the beginning to make him fall again (Flashbang/shotgun). The third time you cut his parasite he will fall down, and finally die. *Note: randomly throughout the fight he might pick up a tree to swing at you. Not to worry, a prompt will appear telling you to press the "L" and "R" buttons to roll out of the way* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ El Gigante X2 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV These are both "tougher" than the original. You should notice a hole in the middle of the room. You can guess what that's for =P. Run to the right where you should see a ladder. Climb up it and wait for the two giants to come over to you. There is a zip line right where you are standing. When they get near you, go down the zipline. You should end up by a lever. When one of the giants gets near the hole, pull the lever to drop him into the lava. You can only do this once, so make it count. For the remaining giant, use your Broken Butterfly and beat him normaly. He has no new attacks (In fact, he lost some) but he is tougher and hurts more. *Note: The 15,000PTAs won't appear from the giant you dropped into the lava unless you leave the room and walk back in* *******From Bartek Shaarani******* I had a great strategy for beating the second Gigante once the first one's toast. Once the first one's down, just run back to the ladder and climb up. Wait for him to hit the platform, then slide down the line again. Once you hit the ground, pull a quick 180, yank out a Magnum or a sniper rifle, and you can easily get a half-dozen shots at him before he lumbers back toward you. Once he gets too close to you, just run around him, head back to the ladder, climb up, and repeat the pattern. I never even got close to getting hit, it was a breeze. One thing to note, about 1 in every 4 times you perform the pattern, the Gigante will roar, put his head down, and charge across the room at you looking to crush you with his shoulder. No big deal, it gives you a "L + R Dodge!" prompt, and you can easily roll out of the way and head back to the ladder. ******************************************************************************* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Bitores Mendez VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV This guy is easier than he seems... at first. He has two forms, so be ready. His weak spot in his first form is his spine.... the thing that connects his pants to his... upper torso. Pull out your pistol, TPM, or shotgun and blast this a few times. If you're lucky, he will fall over. Take this time to shoot it some more then run past him. There should be a ladder. Climb up it and run to the right to pick up a yellow herb. Look down near the ladder. There should be a red barrel that you can shoot. Shoot it when the Chief gets near it to deal extra damage to him. Now, run around the top area, picking up extra items. When you can't go any further, jump down and turn towards the boss. He should be far enough away to get around 9 pistol shots in his spine. Once he is close, he might try to swing his arms at you. Press the "L" and "R" buttons to dodge it and climb up the ladder again (The one you climbed up at the beginning). As he walks towards the ladder, put more pistol rounds into him, then run around the upper area and jump down once more. Shoot another round of bullets into his spine and repeat until he breaks in half. Now time for round 2. He will use the beams around the building as poles to swing from. He's fairly fast and since I don't know much about his attack pattern, I'll just say: Stay on the bottom floor. If he is far away, pull out your pistol and shoot him a few times. He will get VERY close to you. Close enough to pull out your shotgun. Well, pull it out and shoot him. If you hit him hard enough, he will fall off the beam and onto the ground. This is the PERFECT chance to pump more rounds into him. Beware that even though this guy can only swing from poles, his attacks can hurt and are long range. If you cannot knock him off the poles with the shotgun, run away and wait for another chance. *********From Deadside00********* All I needed on this fight on Professional was 4 Incindiary grenades, and I think about 15-20, maybe less, shotgun rounds. Right at the beginning toss an incindiary grenades at him. While he's burning, walk backwards, then toss another one. Just time the throws at him when he starts to walk towards you. Don't use them all at once. After the fourth one he should seperate from his legs. When that happens, do the quick turn to face the ladder behind you and climb it. Turn left when done climbing and get near the corner, but not exactly into it. Kinda hard to explain. The trick is to be close enough to him to get the full force of the shotgun onto him, but not close enough to get hit. He'll start swinging around and then he'll get to the beam closest to you. That is when you start shooting. Sometimes after 2 shots he will fall down onto the ground. Just let him swing to the beam near you and shoot him, he will swing his tentacles but completely miss. That's it. I Didn't get hit once. *********************************************************************** ^^^^^^^^ Garrador VVVVVVVV This guy is fairly easy. Since he can't see you, he can find you only by the sounds you make. This includes shots fired, running, telling ashley to "wait", and things you throw. My strategy was this: Stay behind the pillar in the middle. When he shows his back to you, pump a shotgun round into it. He will come after you, but the pillar will get in his way, giving you a little extra time to get away. You have to keep on pumping him in the back. Be aware though, he DOES have a one hit kill attack, so make sure you don't get touched by him. He uses it rarely, but it IS real so don't get in his way. If you need him to be distracted, toss a flashbang and he will "hear" it. It takes about 5 shotgun rounds to put him down, and he isn't "too" hard, as long as you don't run often. ^^^^^^^^^^^ Garrador X2 VVVVVVVVVVV The only thing I can say about this: Use your rocket launcher you should have from earlier (see a FAQ to find it). You should be able to take out one prisoner and damage the other. After this it's all a matter of not running. You can shoot the bell to the right of where the prisoners started to distract the remaining prisoner. Do it and snipe him in the back. The bell will break, but this guy isn't any "tougher" than the others. ******From psufreak100******** Also for the 2 Prisoners that are found in the Castle, if you have a rocket launcher you can actually fire it at the door directly behind them and it will kill them both instantly. ******************************************************************************* ******From DarkSageRK****** When you enter this battle there should be a few guards, once you shoot one of them, both Prisoners hear the noise and charge down ready for battle. (Which means snipe one and try to get a one-hit kill to make the most of the situation). Equip your shotgun and hope that you have enough rounds in it to kill off those annoying cultists or whatever that try and swarm you. Run to where the Prisoners aren't and shoot some of the small-time enemies. Once you get off another shot the Prisoners will go from where they are to wherever you're standing. Dodge and run away then kill some more enemies. Once the enemies are gone it's pretty much snipe and run. Focus on one of the Prisoners. (You can mark the target because they're both in different outfits). Snipe him in the back to kill of the Plagas right there. (You can even go gung-ho and ring the bells to alert them and kill of the Plagas by getting behind one, but that strategy kind of fails once they destroy the bells) They will both come charging at you. Go to wherever they aren't. Then keep on sniping that one and dodging them until he dies. Collect the money and get to work on the other one, which will now be MUCH easier to kill off. Key snipe spots are: At the way bottom the stairs, right behind one of the pillars. At the top of the stairs, near the railing. Go to the railing which is closest to where the corridor that connects the upper stairs with the middle stairs. In the corridor, right before you get out onto the middle stairs. *********************************************************************** ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Verdugo VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV This guy can be easy or hard. He has an UNGODLY high defense and you have a very low chance of surviving if you don't have either a high powered magnum or rockets. What's the strategy? Run past him (You will probably get hit) and turn right to see a Nitrogen canister. When he gets close, tap "A" to knock it over and freeze him. Run away and pull out the rockets or magnum and start blasting. He should die in one hit with the rockets. Make sure you are far enough away to kill him! I was too close my first time and died. If you don't kill him, there are other canisters in the other room. Just keep blasting him with the magnum until he falls dead. ****From Scott Mason**** And lastly on the "right hand man boss" I never killed him I dodged his first series of attacks then froze him. As soon as the next door opened, I ran to the hallway and waited for him to come after me. When he got close I froze him again then ran to the next room. Same thing. After he was frozen, I ran to the elevator room and waited then froze him again and just ran round the desk in the center of the room. When the elevator "finally" came up I ran in there and used it. Mission over. ^^^^^^^ Salazar VVVVVVV There are two floors in this place. You start on the second. Salazar has 3 attacks. One comes from his tentacles. They will swing at you, but they can be avoided by pressing the "A", "B", "L", and "R" buttons. If you get hit by them you will be knocked to the ground, which has a lot of parasites running around. Quickly go up the ladders to avoid them. The next attack is a head strike which he hits the platform with. It hurts, but it is RARELY used. I only had it used on me twice. His final attack is a one hit kill. If you see the monster's mouth open sideways, he is about to use it. IMMEDIATELY STOP FIRING AND RUN. If you can run away you can avoid it. To kill him you shoot the eye on the monsters head. Once you deal enough damage to it (2 shotgun shots) the REAL Salazar will appear. Take out your magnum and fire around 3-4 shots into him. About 10 magnum shots is all it takes to bring him down. Just remember to run from his instant kill, and press the buttons to avoid his tentacles. *Note on the below strategy: You must first shoot the tentacle so it retracts before you can reach Salazar ********From psufreak100******** Regarding "Salazar", when you first enter the room run all the way to the right and then straight ahead towards the wall that Salazar is "attached to" so that you are actually looking at the profile of Salazar. He will not be able to perform any attacks on you when you are in this position AND he will also expose himself witout you ever needing to fire a bullet at him. I think he exposes himself in an attempt to locate you. Anyway, when he does expose himself one blast with the rocket launcher kills him. If you don't have the rocket launcher use the shotgun or handgun on him until he dies. I've never lost any health fighting this boss using this method. ******************************************************************************* ^^^^ "U3" VVVV *Note: This takes place AFTER the dangling battle* This guy can also be easy.... if you have magnum ammo. Begin by running around the stone in the center so he follows you. Run past the red barrel and shoot it when he gets near it. It wont do *much* damage, but at least it hurt. You should see a path behind you. Go in the path and look for a lever. Pull it to bring a gate down between you and "It". Start unloading all of you magnum ammo into it. You won't have much time to do this as he can break the gate down. Once you run out of ammo, start using your shotgun. This guy is REALLY easy. However, I have heard he can burrow under the ground. I haven't seen this, but please someone give me a strategy on how to counter this. Since I have no experience on when he burrows, I can't explain what happens. Good luck. *****From Megawizard***** When IT burrows underground, it's best to keep running around. Every now and then you get on of the "action prompts" (one of those A + B, or L + R combos). If you hit the buttons in time, you dodge out of the way just before IT's scissor-parasite bursts up from the ground. If you don't dodge in time, you get nailed pretty hard; but I don't think it kills you. I think the only time he starts burrowing is near his death. He went underground and tried to hit me twice with his parasite before resurfacing. One shotgun shell to the head killed him immediately after that. ******************************************************************************* ^^^^^^^ Krauser VVVVVVV This guy is the easiest boss I have faced throughout the game. You have a 3:00 time limit to kill him. And most people run out of ammo or time before they can kill them. So what do you do? You can't use the environment to help. Grenades would only hurt you too. So what do we do? Use your knife. It might sound crazy, but it works. About 6 Knife stabs will kill him. This is easy, but, unfortunately, most of his attacks are one hit kills. To dodge these attacks you are going to have to press "A", "B", "L", and "R" buttons to dodge. T's not that hard, and this guy is pretty easy. This fight is more "Fun" than "hard" so just have fun with it. ^^^^^^^ Saddler VVVVVVV For the last boss, this boss is really easy. I don't want to spoil much for you guys, but I'll give the basic low down on how to kill him. He has an "eyeball" on each of his legs. Destroying one will make him drop to the ground. Once he is on the ground, press "A" to stab his eye. If you do this 8 times, a special someone will pop out and throw you the "Rocket Launcher (Special)". To get to it you have to run across a bridge. The only problem is, the bridge falls before you can reach the other side. Press the buttons that appear to jump at the last second. Pick up the Rocket Launcher (Special) and fire it at Saddler to end his life. Like Krauser, this is more "fun" than "hard". Don't worry about his attacks, I didn't have to heal once. ############################################################################### 4.0) Enemies - What make this game so frightening.... ############################################################################### ------------------------- Townspeople (Los Ganados) ------------------------- The basic enemies in the game. They carry hatchets, pitchforks, chainsaws, knives, and other sharp objects. They also come unarmed and try to strangle you. When this happens, tilt the analog stick left and right to shake them off. They can throw some of their weapons at you, though they are inaccurate, it does more damage than just stabbing. The best way to deal with them in groups is with the shotgun. You can knock them down quite a few at a time. When soloing one or even two you should shoot them in the foot (to knock them down) and then slice them up with your knife. It saves ammo, and is a fun way of killing them. Sometimes a villager will carry dynamite to throw at you. Knock the villager to the ground or shoot the dynamite to make it blow up. This will result in the villager down and anything near him will blow up (including himself). Sometimes a "super villager" will come around with a potato sack on his head and a chainsaw in his hands. His chainsaw is a one hit kill. Either snipe him in the head or pump shotguns into it to take him down. These are tougher than normal villagers, but drop better rewards. *Note: Villagers become "tougher" as you travel through the game. It takes a few more shots to kill them.* *Note: When you decapitate a villager (by shooting him in the head) there is a chance a parasite will come out. There are two kinds. The first is like a flailing axe. This is the harder of the parasites and can EASILY kill you in 2- 3 attacks. Take this one out from far away. The second type of parasite isn't as hard, but it can detach itself from the host and suck on your face. It doesn't hurt much, but it gets annoying.* ********From Bartek Shaarani******** Just a note about the parasites. There're actually three kinds of parasites. Early in the game, the parasites are just wierd gangly things that only hurt you if they get up close to you. Then there's the axe type, and then there's the one that you mention detaches from the body. This third one, while still attached to the townspeople, spits acid from you at mid-range, and it's pretty much impossible to avoid. ******************************************************************************* ---------------------- Monks (Los Illuminados ---------------------- These are just like harder versions of the townspeople. The only difference is their choice of weapons. They carry crossbows, scythes, and other various weapons. There is also a special "red" monk which is harder than the normal ones but not by much. It's best to take these guys out with the shotgun as you rarely see them alone. *Note: some monks also carry shields which can easily be destroyed by the shotgun. Some even wear metal masks, which block bullets going to their head.* -------------- Army personnel -------------- Another upgraded version of the townspeople/monks. These guys carry stun rods, axes, crossbows, and a few other variants of knives. They are tougher to kill than monks, but you should have upgraded guns so it shouldn't be much harder to kill. There are a lot of them, and they do hurt quite a bit. It's best to use the Striker or Blacktail to take them out. There is also army men with Gatling guns. You have to be VERY careful of these guys becuase they can chew you up. Use the Semi-Sniper to hit them in the head about 3-4 times. They should fall fairly quickly if you snipe them. Other than this, toss a flash bang and hope for the best. There isn't much difference between these guys and monks, besides their upgraded armor and weapons. *******From The Drifter******* The monks and soldiers with the helmets on can be delt with somewhat easily. Before you get to this part, you can only kick things that are on their knees. Once you start fighting people with armored helmets, shoot them in the knees to get them to kneel, then you can hit A and perform a high damage suplex on them that can sometimes bust their head open in one try. ******************************************************************************* ----------------------------------------- Dogs (Los Logos Locos / Los Perros Locos) ----------------------------------------- *For some strange reason I forgot these buggers. Wow for me :*) Thanks Mixtzin!* Thank Mixtzin for the following info! They come in two flavours: Regular and Tentacled. Regular are grey coloured, large sized beasties with powerful looking chest muscles. Their primary attack is to rush at you, jump up and knock you over, and then clamp down and attempt to tear out your throat (pound A to wriggle free). Tentacled are similar to regular, except that they will either spontaneously sprout tentacles from their back, or the tentacles will be triggered into sprotuing by being hit by weapons fire. Their primary attack is to jump back, then have their many tentacles give you a vicious whipping (I don't recall if can you pound A to break loose or not). They may also go for your throat like their non-tentacled cousins. Tentacled and Regular are actually the same animal, and it seems to be mostly random whether on not a Regular will evolve into a Tenatcled or not (how fast you can kill them also plays a significant role). Both varieties are smart enough to sideleap when you've got a bead on them. They also like to travel in packs of two to four, and they can quickly overwhelm you with their speed and sheer aggressiveness. I've encountered them in three areas: the path leading to the shore if you take the long route back to the El Gigante fight in Chapter 2-1; on the path leading to the plank path behind the church in the village; the hedge maze of the castle. Recommended weapon to take them out: Shotgun or Riot Gun. -------------------------- Suits of armor (Armaduras) -------------------------- These guys are TOUGH. The best thing I can recommend is magnum or shotgun to the head. Once their helmet explodes the parasite will show itself, allowing you to blast at it. Luckily, you don't face many of these guys in the game. V Parasite MUST be showing for the below strategy. *****From Blupenguin****** flash grenades will kill any parasite instantly, even suits of armor ******************************************************************* ----------------------- Sewer bugs (Novistadors ----------------------- These guys WOULDN'T be tough.... if they weren't invisible. The best thing for you to do is use the shotgun. A pellet is bound to hit one and then it will fall to the ground. From here you should just keep shooting until they die. They will also jump on your character and spit acid on you, so watch out. Sometimes you will see them flying over a chasm, shoot them to make them fall into it. This conserves ammunition which will help a lot later in the game. *******From deadredvenom******* Hi Marcus, I just have a little strategy for the sewer bugs. First euip your rifle, (either one will do) and slowly walk around a corner, stop and look for a light green gas. The sewer bugs breath can be seen and all you have to do is aim just a bit higher and usually in one shot they can be killed. I saved a lot of shotgun shells this way. If you do decide to use this just give credit to deadredvenom. -------------- Regenerators -------------- There are only about 5 of these guys in the game, and that is a VERY good thing. What you will need is your Sniper Rifle and the thermal scope. You have to snipe the parasites inside of it's body. To SEE the parasites you need the thermal scope. If they get too close to you they will bite you and this HURTS. Don't let it happen. If you don't have the rifle, go back and buy it! It takes about 13 shotgun shots to kill one. They are slow and bulky, so as long as you snipe them, you should be fine. --------------- Iron Maidens --------------- These are an upgraded version of Regenerators. Upgraded as in they have spikes... and even when you kill all of their parasites they continue to attack you. Never go anywhere near them. Snipe all of their parasites and then pull out your shotgun. Some times there will be a red canister by them... snipe it to hurt them. Never let these guys get close to you. There are even less of these than Regenerators, so don't worry about them. *From Various peoples* I have gotten a lot of e-mail regarding the Iron Maiden. It seems there is a final parasite on its back. Shoot it in the leg to make it stumble, then snipe it out of it's back. This should kill it. Sorry for not posting everyone's names on this, but it seems every e-mail had something to say about this. :*) Thanks for this info guys. I'm sorry I can't list you all, but thanks a lot! =) ############################################################################### 5.0) Updates - What has been added in the FAQ ############################################################################### 1/22/05: Version 0.70: -Introduction completed -Bosses complete 1/23/05: Version 1.00: -FAQ completed 1/25/05: Version 1.70: - Updated Boss Section -Updated Enemies section -Updated Credits section 3/23/05: Version 2.00: -New section (General info.) -A couple of added strategies -"Dogs" information (<--- how did I miss these guys?) -Updated Introduction (Please read) -Websites able to use this FAQ ############################################################################### 6.0) Coming soon - What you can expect coming up in the FAQ ############################################################################### -The FAQ will be updated every weekend *hopefully* As of (1/23/05): -Strategies from other people -better/more in-depth boss strategies -better/more info on enemies -improved spelling/grammar -Better End/Credits/Legal section As of (1/25/05): -more contributions -Spanish names of enemies (Thanks Ivan Schmader!) As of (3/23/05): -More general information for the new section. -More strategies (Duh!) -Grammar/spelling fixes (I don't think I've done a single one...) ############################################################################### 6.0) End/Credits/Legal ############################################################################### Credits: Special thanks to Deadside00 for his Village chief strategy! Special thanks to Deadside00 for the Iron Maiden strategy (Others too) Special thanks to Blupenguin for the flashbang/armor parasite trick Special thanks to Ivan Schmader for the Spanish name idea! Special thanks to psufreak100 for the Prisoner X2 rocket trick! Special thanks to psufreak100 for the Salazer boss trick! Special thanks to Scott Mason on his alternate Right Hand Man strategy Special thanks to The Drifter for his Monk/Army man strategy Special thanks to Bartek Shaarani for his parasite listing Special thanks to Bartek Shaarani for his El Gigante X2 strategy Special thanks to Megawizard for the U3 information Special thanks to DarkSageRK for the Prisoner X2 strategy Special thanks to Mixtzin for the "Los Logos Info and "General info" Special thanks to Mixtzin (and others) for the Novistador name. Special thanks to bbeaupain (and others) for the spanish enemy's names Special thanks to deadredvenom for the Novistador tricks! If I am missing anyone, PLEASE EMAIL ME! Websites allowed to use my FAQ: www.gamefaqs.com www.neoseeker.com <------ There was one more website that was supposed to go here. Please send me another email. I said you can use it but let me know the name of the site so I can put it here please. Legal: This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. If you care to use this, please send me an E-mail. I will have no problem as long as you send me one (and give me credit for it).