Resident evil code veronica X Boss and enemy guide By: Tommyboyrules Game: Resident evil Code veronica X Format: Sony Playstation 2 Age Rating: 15+/M Developer: Capcom <<>> 0.1: Introduction 0.2: Copyright Warning 0.3: Walkthrough 0.1<<>> Hello and welcome to my guide on this cool game. It is a Dreamcast remake and the first resident evil game I ever played. I personally like the game even though some people think it is boring. I hear lots of complaints about how it doesn’t have any action in it because you run out of ammo to quick, but these people do not see that the game is all about preserving your ammo. I think that this is good as it is realistic, in real life people would not have infinite ammo. Preserving your ammo and health adds to the scare. There are also some nice FMV cut scenes in here. But, as in any resident Evil game, there are many people stuck on the bosses. WARNING: I recommend you have a lot of free space on your memory card as you will want to be making a lot of save files, I made the mistake of getting to the Tyrant Boss with hardly any Ammo left. This is annoying if you are on your first play through, as it would probably have taken you some time to get that far. Anyway enjoy my guide and good luck with the game; it can be hard at times. Now for what this guide is all about, the bosses and enemies. Loads of people have trouble on the bosses so I thought I would give you a detailed guide as well as telling you the enemies in the process. 0.2<<>> I don’t want to bore you with all this but please don’t put this on any site, it is only supposed to be on GameFaqs/Gamespot. If you put it on your own site make sure you don’t swap the name Tommyboyrules with your own account name or whatever because that is plagiarising. Thanks. 0.3<<>> There are a few bosses in this game, less bosses than resident Evil 4 but they are probably a lot harder. Lets get straight into this: BOSS 01: TYRANT DIFFICULTY: Normal You face this tyrant on a plane; there are many ways to do this. I will tell you the easy way (which is sort of cheating but good for people who do not have enough grenade launcher ammo to spare or explosive darts) and also the normal way. MINIMUM REQUIRMENTS: About 10 explosive bow gun arrows, Normal bow gun arrows (50-80) RECOMMENDED REQUIREMENTS: 30-40 explosive bow gun arrows, 4 BOW gas rounds (for grenade launcher), 2-4 healing items 50 arrows EASY WAY: People who have the MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS should use this way to prevent death. Start of by firing all your explosive arrows into it. Then run to a corner of the room, it is hard to explain, but if you lure it to the corner you are standing in, then run to the opposite side of the room before it hits you, then you will not take a hit! NOTE: It is good to experiment until you find out how close you have to be before it can strike you. Put lots of arrows into him then run for the switch and hope that you have fired enough into him. If you think you have done enough, push the switch, if not, do a few more rounds. Remember to only push the switch when you are ready, if it does not work than you will have to damage him all over again. The way to dodge him is to keep Claire PRESSED to the Wall and to make sure the Tyrant is not too near or the YOU DIED screen will show up faster than you think. NORMAL WAY: Use those BOW gas rounds and all the explosive rounds, and then start to fire your arrows. When he gets near you he will hit you and you will be on the floor, if you haven’t moved from the starting point, after you get up run to the back of the plane. Then start firing the rest of the arrows and heal. Then try and run around it and get to the switch, if you get hit just heal or keep moving towards the switch. BOSS 2: NOSFERATU DIFFICULTY: Easy MINIMUM REQUIRMENTS: Nothing you just need to pick up the sniper RECOMMENED: At least one healing item, or anti poison herb. This is one boss that you must not mess up on. You have around seven shots if my memory serves me right. Aim for the heart, take your time, the black gas that it fires does not damage you that much. If you cant get a clear shot, then run to the other end of the arena. Whatever you do don’t stay in one place, if it gets too close it can actually knock you right off of the edge meaning instant death. BOSS 3: GIANT WURM DIFFICULTY: Normal MINIMUM REQUIRMENTS: Handgun plus 30 shots (maybe more maybe less depends how good you are at aiming,) RECOMMENDED: BOWGUN WITH EXPLOSIVE ARROWS or GRENADE LAUNCHER/ASSUALT RIFLE Use the bowgun when it pops up, it takes just a few shots with explosive arrows to kill it. Even less with the grenade launcher but it is slow, so I recommend the bowgun. The Assault rifle you should save for killing groups of zombies. The trick here is to keep moving, as it pops up from out of the ground and takes a chunk out of your health. This Boss isn’t too dangerous really, its nothing compared to the Tyrant anyway. NOTE: You do not actually have to fight the Boss but seeing as it swallowed Rodrigo you will need to kill it in order to get the lighter from his dead body, then you can go and light the torch with it in the room that Chris started the game in to get the Submachine Guns. BOSS 4: ADULT ALBANOID DIFFICULTY: Medium/Hard I would say that this Boss is the hardest optional Boss in the game. You do not have to face it all you have to do is run to the middle of the pool and get the Eagle Plate. The only problem is this monster has an electric attack. So, what does electricity travel through? Yes, you guessed it, water, and what are you standing in? Water! So if you try it this way, you are going to get shocked at least twice. If you decide to face it, then look below: MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: Handgun or a Shotgun (with about 10-20 shells or 30-40 bullets) RECCOMMENDED REQIUREMENTS: Shotgun with 25 shells, Bowgun with some arrows In this battle, no matter if you have the minimum requirements or the recommended, should not be rushed through. Because you do not even get hit in the battle if you stay out of the water, I have not recommended any healing items. So, why have I given it a Medium/Hard then? It is simple: This boss has caused me the most deaths, not by hitting me, but by wasting ALL my ammo. I recommend you make a backup save before this battle, as the Antarctica section as Chris is Impossible to do without at least some ammo. The reason it wastes your ammo is that it is very hard to hit as it swims fast. Get out a shotgun and run around the outside of the pool and chase it. For example: If it goes to the North end of the room then run around the side of the pool to the North. Basically go whatever direction it goes without going into the pool. The reason for this is that the shotgun does more damage at close range, and this boss takes a few breaks once and a while. When it takes a rest and stops swimming, Fire about 2 shotgun rounds into it. Then follow it some more and repeat the process. Take your time; make sure you hit it with every shot. If you are running that low on ammo, then you can use explosive arrows or the grenade launcher, however to my knowledge, fire type weapons/ explosive weapons do not work efficiently in water (how realistic huh?). BOSS 5: GIANT SPIDER DIFFICULTY: Easy Once again, another optional boss, if you don’t want to waste your ammo, just go into the middle of the Ice and take the item you need, after that get out of there. You probably wont even take a hit. You do not get special item or whatever for killing this spider, so there isn’t much point. But if you want to kill it for fun, then look below. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: Any weapon you want, preferably the grenade launcher or the explosive arrows. A healing item (just in case you are unlucky enough to get hit. RECOMMENDED: Magnum with a full clip (will probably take less.) If you have the magnum then just fire away at it when you climb down on the Ice and it will be dead in less than 10 seconds. If you do not have the magnum or do not want to waste any of the precious rounds then just use the grenade launcher and fire a grenade then run. It will probably find it hard to catch you, as it is slow. When there is enough distance, fire another. It should go down fast enough. BOSS 6: TYRANT (STEVE VERSION) DIFFIULTY: Impossible You cannot kill this boss; it has some kind of sharp spear type weapon. You had better run. I have seen a person on YouTube use ALL of his ammo on it and it still would not die. All you can do is run, take a few hits in the process, and then enjoy the scene. I think that this battle should have been like resident evil 4, and you should have been able to tap X and run, then press the on screen buttons to dodge his swings. Slightly disappointing really, as all you have to do is pull off a 180 degree turn and use healing items while running. MINIMUM REQUIRMENTS: Two healing items that heal you to full health, The ability to run the way you came :). BOSS 7: ALEXIA FORM 1 (Mansion Battle) DIFFICULTY: Medium You are in the mansion, and are trapped in there with the first form of Alexia. You face this 1st form twice in the game, but this is the harder of the two as the second time round she only takes one hit with any bullet. Use the magnum if you have it, or any other high powered gun, you are going to want to take this woman out fast as she has a dangerous one hit KO move if she gets close to you. If you are further away she uses fire on you. Just keep running around to avoid the fire and then let rip if you feel you are in the right position. Don’t reload too near to her. You don’t need any requirements only a high power weapon and some ammo. BOSS 8: ALEXIA (FINAL BATTLE) DIFFICULTY: Medium/Hard Alexia is in three forms, the first easy, the second hard, and the third annoying. MINIMUM REQUIRMENTS: A Magnum with 5 bullets AND either a grenade launcher with 10 grenades, or a shotgun with a full clip plus 10 extra rounds, the Submachine guns work as well if you have 50-60%. One full healing item, a handgun with one bullet. RECOMMENDED REQUIREMENTS: A magnum with a full clip and also a high-powered weapon with a full clip, plus a few extra shots. 3-4 full healing items, a handgun with one bullet. The first form only takes one shot to kill, but do it quickly before Alexia kills Claire. Use the handgun and the one bullet to kill her. In the second form, you just need to run around and shoot at her, firstly with the magnum, secondly with the weapon of your choice. Heal when necessary and try to dodge the tentacles. I don’t think you can dodge the small creatures that attack you. After you damage her enough she goes into the final form. You should have plenty of time to beat her, so grab the linear launcher then keep running around to dodge her fire. As soon as she finishes her fire attack, press R1 to go into the aiming mode and try to hit her. It is hard to do it first time, and she always flies to one side, but keep on trying and you will eventually do it. Just wait for her to finish using the fire then shoot away with the mega powerful and infinite ammo Linear Launcher. It only takes one shot. I actually think you can kill it with normal weapons, as you definitely can in the Battle game. But I do not recommend it as it might not work and takes a lot of ammo. I hope my guide proves useful to you; it took me a long time. Good luck with the battle game! Read on for the Enemy list. <<>> ZOMBIES: Zombies are the normal enemies you face in the game, at first they are slow and all they can do is grab you and try to bite you. However, later on these enemies spit acid at you and can make a sprint towards you at a few occasions. When you can you should avoid killing them and try running around them as the are slow, however if you do need to kill them or are trapped then keep firing until they fall on the floor, then you can use your knife or aim down. When they die completely, blood will spread over the floor. If they grab you just keep mashing buttons to get them off really fast, if you are fast enough they might not even get to bite you at all. Any gun will do but do not waste your powerful guns on them. BANDERSNATCHERS: The first time you face one of these, you have to kill it with a knife, and this is the hardest Bandersnatch you will ever face in the game. These guys are pretty dangerous in groups, but if you keep moving and zigzagging then you can avoid the fist that they stretch out to you. NOTE: These are long-range creatures that have elastic like arms that grab onto you. I would not recommend using a handgun on them, as they will take to long to kill and by that time would probably have already damaged you significantly. Use a powerful weapon on groups and try to take on one at a time. HUNTERS: These enemies are really dangerous if you are on low health, and if there is two after you get hit you better use a healing item instantly. These creatures are agile and can take chunks out of your health in one quick swipe. If you use the shotgun and aim down then you should be able to knock it over, after that don’t stop shooting at it while it’s down or it will get up and do a jumping swipe. If you are fast enough you can aim up and shot them in mid air but you are safer killing them on the floor. In my opinion these are the second hardest enemies in the game, poison hunters being the worst. DOGS: The dogs are fast but can easily be killed by just aiming down. YOU will likely have the handgun when you face them but once they are on the floor they are dead. As long as you are not limping on Caution or Danger status then you can strangely outrun most of the dogs in this game. They have to moves like all enemies, a strike and a grapple. The strike they just jump and bite you, whereas the grapple they bite onto your arm and will need to be shaken off. When you get them off, the dog will be floored, leaving you to finish it off. SPIDERS: These Spiders can climb on the wall, and spit acid from the wall, ceiling or ground. They do not really take that many hits to kill and you probably have some powerful guns at this stage anyway. I have ran around every spider in this game not even coming close to a hit, so you don’t really have to bother with them, unless you think they are going to cause you trouble. Beware that they can poison you so don’t hang around near them for too long. BUTTERFLIES: These are in the Antarctica section, they are the first enemies to poison you, as they lay a poisonous egg on your back when they grab onto you. Try to just run, as you will probably end up getting poisoned. They are not really that fast; so don’t waste your ammo as you can just run. TENTACLES: These annoying things come out of walls but there are only about 4 in the game. Just shoot them with anything you feel like and when they disappear inside the wall you know they are dead. Not really much of a threat. BATS: They take one hit to kill but why waste the ammo when all you need to do is Equip your lighter to scare them off? They barely damage you anyway so do not even bother with them. ANTS: Chris encounters these tiny things later on in the game, just run through them, its totally random whether you get bitten or not but they do not hurt too bad. Think of them like the mini Spiders you have to step on in Devil May Cry, except they nip you. BABY ALBANOIDS: You only encounter these things once and you should not hang around too kill them, as you do not have long before the timer hits zero and you die. Try to run around them and if they block your way then you should pop a cap into them. They can electrocute you but are not as bad as the actual Matured one. SWEEPERS: These are the most dangerous enemies, they are as fast as the Hunters but this time they poison you, I would just run if there is more than one and just hope that if you get hit you wont get poisoned. I think it is like a 50/50 chance. Also there jumping slash does like double the damage the hunters one does. You might want to kill these fast. They are dangerous but fortunately there are not as many of these as the normal Hunters. Take them out with your most powerful weapon; even waste magnum rounds on them because you really don’t want one of these to start hitting you. This ends my guide, I hope you all enjoyed it. CREDITS: Thanks to: Me for making this guide :) CAPCOM: For the great Resident Evil Series. GameFaqs: For being the best games site.