RESIDENT EVIL 4 DETAILS GUIDE. Publisher: Capcom Creator: Capcom Production Studio #4 Date: 11/01/05 Genre: Action/Adventure Author: Refreshment (GCPS) TABLE OF CONTENTS. I. Introduction. II. Version History. III. Details Guide. IV. Thanks/Credits. V. Legal stuff. VI. Contact information. I. Introduction. At the games release theres was a lot of curiosity regarding the spanish phrases that some enemies spoke. So to satisfy that curiosity this guide was created, as well, the guide includes lots of interesting details and extras that the developers took the time to implement. This guide has the risk of passing as inane but consider that developers create this game worlds from ground cero, realizing them in their minds and materializing them through thousands of hours of code, sweat, blood and tears So the reason for the guide is to appreciate that. As for the details listed we picked the ones that are subtle but also the ones that while obvious are too damn cool. So here's hope you find this guide amusing in a very good way and who knows? maybe this is yet another incentive to replay this great game this time paying close attention to the surroundings II. Version History Please contact me at, i wont be using the old adress. 01/02/2005...................First attempt. 11/02/2005...................Lots added. Specially in Miscelaneous section. 21/03/2005...................Hughe update in Weapons section. Expanded on the version differences. 19/06/2006...................Updated. III. Easter Egg and Details Guide for RE4 How to read: The thematic is inside the >>>Theme<<<. Followed by the subject between ===Subject=== and proceeds with the person that made the contribution. >>>TRANSLATION GUIDE<<< Refreshment SPANISH ENGLISH 1."Te voy a matar" 1."Im going to kill you!" 2."No dejes que escape de la isla 2."Dont let him get away from island vivo" alive" 3."Mira!... esta herido" 3."Look! he is hurt" 4."Ahi esta!" 4."There he is" 5."Morir es vivir" 5."To die is to live" 6."Gojedlo!" 6."Grab him!" 7."Detras de ti, imbecil!" 7."Behind, you imbecil!" 8."Te coji!" 8."Gotcha!" or "I **** you" 9."Muere, muere...." 9."Die, die...." 10."Sera mejor que empiezes a rezar" 10."You Better start praying" 11."Basta hijo de ****" 11."Stop you son of *****" 12."Matenlo!" 12."Kill HIM!" 13."Muerete!" 13."DIE!" 14."Te voy a romper en pedazos" 14."I'll breack you in to pieces" 15."Un forastero!" 15."A foreigner!" or "A stranger!" 16."Cerebro, cerebro, cerebro" 16."Brain, brain, brain" 17."Es hora de aplastar(lo)" 17."Is time to crush (crush him)" 18."Mi**da" 18."Poo" 19."Puedes correr pero no resistir" 19."You can run but can't resist" 20."Te voy hacer picadillo" 20."I'll make you mincemeat" 21."Sos cerdo" 21."You are a pig" 22."Donde estas?!" 22."Where are you?!" 23."Esta en la trampa!" 23."She/He's in the trap" 24."Dale!" 24."Hit him!" **Thanks Angela for #20. Thanks Jaguar Warrior for corrections and #23. What you hear from the first villager (Ganado) in the game means: -What the f*** are you doing here?! Get out bastard! What you hear from the villagers (Ganados) in the cliff near the wooden bridge means: -A foreigner! -Let's warn the others. What you hear when you enter the building with the shotgun means: -There! -Dont let him get away! -Grab him! -Go from behind -Block him -Gotcha -He has fallen in the trap -There's no turning back! -Catch him! -Im going to kill you! What you hear when the villagers enter the bulding means: -Ohhh!... The bell. -It's time to pray. -We have/need to go. -Lord Sadler. >>>CHARACTERS<<< ===LEON=== Marthmaster77 -If you run for a while, Leon will start to breathe heavily. The n00b Avenger -The Special outfit acts as a Tactical Vest, whether you have one or not. Patters Mulhollo -If a chainsaw maniac kills Leon through an execution scene (rather than just swinging and his head being destroyed), Leon puts his hands up against the blade to protect as it is forced through his neck. Refreshment -Leon can hit the enemy when he drops from a zip line. The only instace where noticed this was in the stage with the chopper, Leon hits JJ (chaingun guy) if its near the drop point. Maybe it works in mercenaries. -If you use the "C" stick to rotate the camera and then quickly tap the "R" button, Leon quickly aims in that direction. You can even do some sort of quick 90 degree turn by pressing in a rapid succession both left stick and "C" stick in the same direction and quickly hitting the "R" button. Also you can leave the "C" stick pressed in a direction and quickly tap the "R" button and Leon starts turning. It works ok in open spaces or in mercenaries for the enemies that try to flank you from the sides and also works better for the right side. -After your first encounter with Krausser, Leon will have a scar in the right cheek for the rest of the game. -When its raining you can see water hitting Leon's shoulders, this happens to Ashley also but only in cinemas. -When Leon is close to the place of an explosion, he'll duck a bit and cover his face. -The reason why you can still use the knife in Sadlers fight is because the knife Leon used to save ADA was Krauser's. -Leon also reacts to the enemies. He turns the head in the direction of enemies or other ambient stuff like the bats in some areas. ===LUIS=== Flere Cruor -When Saddler spears Luis, you can see one of the buttons on his vest pop off. This in itself is a nice detail, but even better, when his corpse is laying on the ground, Capcom did make a point to keep that button missing. Java -While on the cabin fight, if you kick a ganado and Luis is in the kickback range, he'll act as if you shot him - grabs stomach, mutter "You shot me..." I don't know if you can kick him into the cutscene though. Refreshment -When you are fighting along side Luis you'll notice that when an enemy grabs him, he frees himself the same way Leon does. -The quote you hear from the Luis bottlecap, collected at the shooting range, is said during the cabin fight. Luis: "I told you!, no more than 50 invitations." -Also when the enemy grabs him and you shoot it, the bad guy will release Luis then Luis will say: "I owe you one Leon". -More, when you get hit in the cabin Luis will say: "Leon are you ok?". -In the cabin if you shoot Luis enough you'll trigger a cinema where Luis shoots you 2 times in the chest, giving a game over screen. -In the cabin if you aim in Luis direction he'll duck like Ashley does. -After hes dead zoom to his face, his eyes are closed. ===ASHLEY=== Decayofangels -In Leon's "Mafia" outfit. Ashley appears in a suit of armor and is basically invincible. she is too heavy to be carried off by enemies. also, in any instances where Leon has to catch Ashley he will drop to a knee and hold his back again indicating her being extremely heavy. also, if you aim a weapon while she is standing in front of you instead of crouching down and covering her head as usual, the visor on the helmet will drop. I have not been able to find any way to hurt her in this outfit. and believe me, I've tried. Dib XIII -Ashley can't be killed by the bear traps, even if her life is reduced to zero. Still, you should get her out as quickly as possible. Forbidden Shani -Ashley will not take damage from shotgun's wide-range blast unless the aiming cursor is directly pointed at her. However rocket / grenade blast will kill her. Refreshment -Ashhley reacts to the enemies near her, she turns her head in the direction that enemies come. -She also can fall in traps if you are not careful enough. -When Ashley is behind Leon, she looks in the exact direction Leon is aiming. -Ashley skirt and hair sway in windy areas. Or the laces in the other costume. -When the command prompt "catch" appears on screen if you look up Ashley will think you are trying to see her panties (wich probably true), then she'll say: "You pervert" or "What are you doing?". This also happens in other instances where Leon's line of sight might have a chance to see her panties, for example she scolded me when i suplexed a monk, in that case Leon's head was almost directly below Ashley's skirt. -When using the alternative outfit, if you look up when the "catch" command appears Ashley won't say anything. This is a good detail since she is wearing pants this time. -When the command prompt "catch" appears on screen, if you dont hit the A buttom and go away instead, Ashley will say in a worried voice: " Where are you going Leon?". This also happens in ocasions where she loses sight of Leon. -When Ashley is behind you every time you take out or hit an enemy she'll close her fist and move her arm. Sort of like a "hoozaaa" or "YESSSS!" gesture. -When she is in your line of fire shell quickly duck. -When Ashely is surrounded by enemies, she'll duck and stay put, shaking with fear. -Ashley panties are not a simple white texture. CAPCOM went the extra mile and made a decoration to the top part of the panties. -In the hallway with the Armadurs (Armored Knights) when retriving the King's cup, if you dont evade the Armadurs attacks, Ashley will do her evade-falling animation instead of crouching. That's the same animation she does to evade the Armadurs attacks when you play stage 3-4 with her. -Is possible to torture Ashley in many ways. Crush her with the giant rock in the second El Gigante fight, or crush her with the giant steel ball in the garbage processing plant, put her bellow a kerosene lamp and shoot it. There are many possibilities. -At the castle put Ashley infront of the door you need to blow up with the canon for an instant game over. ===MERCHANT=== Dubkiller -There's at least 2 places where you can lead enemies right to the merchant, and they will not affect him. One is right after the hedge maze. If you don't kill the dogs, they will eventually make their way into room where you encounter Ada. The other location is when you drop down the manhole that's in the tent where enemies are camping out. They will follow you down. One weird thing is that you cannot talk to the merchant when enemies are near. Forbidden Shani -Shooting Range Merchants cannot be killed. -Regular Merchants doesnt count as a kill in the game. Madeleine -There is a reason the merchant will not respond when Ganados are around: originally, Capcom intended for the merchants to be regular Ganados who sold you items on the side, but would not talk to you if others were around, for fear of being turned on. Also, they wanted to have different merchants sell different items as in previous games, but this proved to be a bad idea (think of having to go all the way back to the beginning just to buy some first aid spray!). -If you kill a merchant in normal or easy modes, he will reappear once you leave the area and return. But if you kill him when in professional mode, the merchant will forever be gone from that location. Refreshment -Is possible to kill the merchants, one shot is all it takes. -So merchants are infested by the parasite, easily identifiable by zooming into their eyes. The red eyed ones are infected. >>>ENEMIES, BOSSES AND THEIR EXECUTION METHODS<<< ===NORMAL INFESTED HUMANS=== DIB XIII -Although rare, enemies can hit each other by accident when using ranged weapons. A villager throwing a weapon at you, a villager using dynamite, a monk shooting a crossbow bolt at you, or J. J. shooting his minigun at you can all hit enemies that are near you. Refreshment -At the begining of the game the ganados are busy with their activities. You can see them stacking hay, even taking a brake after a while. Is posible to see the pitchforks with hey when sinked in the hay pile. -One shot in the arm that carries the weapon will make them drop it. -When they hit you with a sharp object you'll see blood dripping from the weapon. -When they fall in water a big splash is made. -When they die in water, the remaining liquid dissolves in the water. -When the weapons they trow hit the water a splash is made. -You can block the projectiles they throw you by shooting them in mid air. -If they die by an explosion a gigantic blood splatter forms on the floor. -In the night sequence you can see their eyes glowing in the dark with a red shine. -When something is blocking their path, like furniature for example, they start hiting it with the fists. In the case of a window they continually bang it, you can see the frame shaking, until is broken. -Point the laser cursor to their faces long enough and sometimes they'll raise the hands to cover themselves. -You can't blow the heads of monks that ware iron masks. The suplex can't do it even a shot from a powerful gun like a magnum will not hurt the head but instead it'll send the enemy flying. -The flash grenades dont work on the ganados equipped with shields. -You can knock their hats, helmets, hoods what ever they have on the head. -To make the villagers armed with tourches burn themselves, wait for them to open their mouth to start blowing and quickly shoot them. -The ones using a crossbow as a weapon have a slightly different AI routine. They seek cover behind structures ad try to keep distance from Leon. Also the ones using the rocket launcher have a similar behavior. -If you manage to kneel the ones equipped with shields get near them to kick this causes them to drop the shield. -Early in the game, after you cross the second bridge, there are some villagers in the distance (above a risk) that start runing. After you finish the game and start another round those villagers never appear. The reason for this to happen is that it would be posible to use a sniper rifle to kill them. Also this is a scripted sequence that forms part of the history. -Also this villagers say: "Un forastero......Avisemos a los otros" wich means: "Lets warn the others". -Phase two and three parasite can decapitate Leon. RafNasty -3rd phase plagas and the oven man will eventually die by themselves. ===COLMILLO=== "Colmillo" in english means "fang". Refreshment -When an infested wolf jumps ontop of Leon after he stops biting notice the blood driping from the fangs. -The name "Colmillo" means fang in english. ===CHAINSAW MAN=== *The official name is Dr. Salvador. Refreshment -They sometimes use the chainsaw to destroy wooden doors. -One hit with the chainsaw decapitates Leon. ===BELLA SISTERS=== Parker Chapin -After you kill the Belle Sisters, zoom into their face with the rifle. They're still gargling the parasitic yellow matter of the Plagas. ===DEL LAGO=== The name "Del Lago" means "from lake" in english. Refreshment -Before fighting Del Lago get near the lake where the boat is and fire 6 shots Del Lago will come and eat you before the fight even starts. This the one everyone knows, yet is cool. -Every harpoon that hits Del Lago stays until the creature dies. -After the first harpoon hit Del Lago leaves a trail of blood in the water. -If you fail to clear the button press sequence a cinema will appear where Leon is dragged by the dead creature to the lake's depth. ===EL GIGANTE=== The name "El Gigante" means "the giant" in english. Myles Malloy -Alright, so first kick the first El Gigante you run into's ass. Then after the cutscene of his death, rush to where his face is facing and get a clear view of it, preferably with a sniper rifle. You'll notice theres still some movement in his face! his eyes flicker slightly as he takes some last breaths, then half close as he toally stops moving. Refreshment -When you arrive to the place with the first El Gigante fight, for the first time, you can hear the growlings from the creature. -If you miss the correct buttom input when Leon is standing on El Gigante's back, the creature will stantly grab Leon and smash him on the floor. -In the second El Gigante fight (in one of the alternative routes) you can pass by him without killing him, since the game doesn't require it. Just be sure to grab the door key and take down the door chains quickly with grenades or a shotgun. -In the first and second El Gigante fights if you dont take the items inside the cabins before El Gigante smash them, the items will be gone. Save for the items that are in the cabins floor, wich are the minority. -If El Gigante grabs Ashley is possible to make him drop her by shooting his arms. -In the El Gigante fight with Ashley check out the ground, you'll notice the giant's foot prints. -When you kill El Gigante in every fight after the first one if you are standing in front and near him a button sequence will appear so you can avoid being squashed. ===CHIEF MENDEZ=== Flere Cruor -When you fight chief Mendez, he twists the door handles to prevent you from leaving. After the fight, if you look on the other side of the door, the handle on Leon's left is twisted under and to the right, staying true to the handles being twisted on the other side. Nice detail. Forbidden Shani -If you check out the eye item from Mendez goo will continuously drip while the eyeball is rotating. Refreshment -In the cinema when Leon kicks the barrel and the gasoline hits the floor, look the slight background distortion due to the gasoline's volatile nature. This happens before Leon sets it on fire of course. -In the confrontation look how one of his eyes glows red, thats his false eye. -Chief Mendez coat has some bullet holes, specially in the back, since Ada shot him twice. -When he is broken in half watch his lower body convulsing on the floor for a while. -After the fight, when you get out of the house, look at any of the house's windows you'll see smoke clouds emanating from the interior. Nice touch. ===GARRADOR=== The name "Garrador" means to some extent "clawer" in english. Madeleine -Usually Garradors cannot hear Leon if he is walking (only if he's running). But if Leon is walking somewhat near to a Garrador, it will be able to hear him. Also, I have found some problems with the Garrador AI (but this has only happened with the first one in the prison cell)...on three occasions, it appeared to be able to see - when I tried to mislead it with sounds, instead of going to where the sound came from, it would go straight for Leon almost every time (but once the section was loaded/restarted, he seemed to be normal). Another hint: when fighting the first Garrador, head straight for the stairs so the door shuts. Now, instead of wasting bullets to get his attention, you can call for Ashley and move, and the Garrador will go to where you spoke. Note: DO NOT do this before closing the door, because Ashley will come running down and get killed. Shigmiya64 -Garradors DO attack where the flash grenade went off. They just can't hurt other enemies. Refreshment -If you shoot a Garrador in any part of the bodie (exept the parasite area) with a powerful weapon, like a magnum for example, the Garrador will start contorting and eventually kneels exposing the parasite in his back. -The execution sequence shows Leon's head impaled by one of his claws them he raises Leon in the air and stick the other claw in his stomach. ===NOVISTADORES=== Bryan hollis -Flash grenades dont work at all on novistadores. Cody Jesus -When they are idle, buzzing about and etc, this is when they have blue eyes. When the notice you, the eyes turn green. And when they are about to attack, the eyes turns red. Damien225 -If you shoot at the novistadores nest in the room where Ashley is captured by the insects, it will eventually trigger a cutscene where the nest falls from the ceiling and into the void below. It leaves behind a bunch of Red/Green/Blue Eyes. You can even do this before the cutscene where Ashley is captured. LtMessiah504 -We all know blue eyes are quite rare and sometimes not enough pop up. Many people say they are definite in some areas... some say they are random.... But I was watching the novistadors and I noticed their eyes change colors. From red to green. Which is the most popular color eyes they drop. I didnt watch for long enough but my theory is that if their eyes are say, green when you strike the finishing blow,they will drop a green eye... Ad maybe they rarely change their color to blue.... which would be why they are so rare to drop. Madeleine -A number of gamers got together to test this theory, (that the color of the Novistador's eyes when they die is the color gem they drop) and have conclusively decided that this is not, in fact, the case. Color of the Novistador's eyes before they die seem to have no correlation to the color of the "eye" gem they drop. Refreshment -A rough translation to english of the name Novistadores is "Nosighters" -If you have a weapon with a scope is posible to pin point the position of a Novistador or its head by watching the saliva droping from its mouth. -If a Novistador kills Leon with the acid shower, Leon's face will melt exposing his skull. ===STATIONARY MACHINEGUNS=== Refreshment -Is posible to blow any of them with a rocket launcher. ===ARMOR KNIGHTS==== Refreshment -The knights that are about to attack Leon shake a little the weapons they are holding. -Is easy to take the knights with one shot using the mine thrower. ===2 EL GIGANTES=== Refreshment -When dropping one of the El Gigantes in the lava if you stand near the pool, the struggling el Gigante will reach out and take Leon in the lava. ===FIRE DRAGON STATUES==== Sharon -In the fire dragon room you can shoot the chains which hold the dragons up to kill them easier. Authors note: Shoot the node that bounds the chains. Refreshment -If you lure the enemies in the dragons line of fire is possible to burn the enemies. Is easy to solve this room by using just one bullet in the last dragon. ===VERDUGO=== The name "verdugo" means "executioner" in english. Madeleine -It is also possible to kill Verdugo with the shotgun and handgun, it just takes A LOT more ammo. Also, if you just avoid him until the timer runs out, you do not get the treasure. *Author's note: The treasure is one of the Royal Crown jewels. Refreshment -Is possible to kill Righ Hand. You'll need to hit him with magnum rounds (Broken Butterfly, Killer7, Hand Canon), Rocket Launcher or when you unlock the Chicago Typewriter. -There are 2 different ways in wich Righ Hand dies. If the final blow is dealt when Right Hand is frozen he gets shattered into pieces. On the other hand, if the final blow is delt when hes not frozen, he just starts shaking driping acid and falls on the floor his body staying there. Finally you dont have to kill him if you just survive him for 4 minutes. ===LEFT HAND=== -When Left Hand throws the knife to Leon if you fail the sequence the cinema shows Leon falling in slow motion with the knife sinked in his chest. Note: Thanks to Neil for correcting me. ===SALAZAR=== Refreshment -If you fail the button sequence when Salazar activates the floor trap a cinema shows Leon getting impaled just like the monks in the sewers. ===IT=== *The official name is U3. Refreshment -"IT" has 2 execution methods. In the first one "IT" breaks Leon's neck. The second one happens when "IT" is in his second form, "IT" uses that claw in his tail to cut Leon in half, then raises Leon's legs in the air. ===KRAUSER=== TheDiave -If you are having trouble with Assignment Ada, I found a neat trick to finishing it. When you're facing the end boss, it will actually allow you to leave the area after the fight starts. If you exit the area and re-enter, the boss will start at the other end. Makes it easy to break out the rifle and take it down. Something I also noticed is it won't restart the battle when you leave, that is the damage you do stays even if you leave and re-enter. Refreshment -You can knock Krausers beret from his head. -Kind of obvious but every time Krauser is hit, blood and yellow matter shows up. That instantly reveals and confirms his infested before his transformation -In the knife fight Leon manages to cut Krauser in the chest area, later in your second encounter (final phase) notice the scar on Krauser chest. Nice but cuts dont heal that quickly so it most be a side effect of the parasite. -In the second fight Krauser can destroy wooden doors. -In the second fight is posible to kill Krauser just using the knife. Just get close to him and swing the knife. The Knife Fight: 1)Fail the first sequence Krauser makes frontal cut. 2)Krauser cuts Leons throat. 3)Krauser makes a front down up cut. 4)Krauser cuts Leon's throat samurai style. 5)Krauser stabs Leon in the stomach and then kicks him. 6)Krauser cuts Leon's throat. 7)Krauser slowly stabs Leon in the chest. ===SADLER=== Alex Wrigley -In the fight with sadler if you get hit with one of his legs and slammed to the floor as you get up you see blood dripping from leons mouth. Refreshment -Is not necessary to kill Sadler with the rocket launcher ADA gives you. You can grab the rocket, keep it and sell it when you start the next round. -The human part of Sadlers body constantly drips that putrid yellow substance. -In the cinema where Ada shoots Sadler, check Sadler taking all the bullets out of his body through his right hand. >>>WEAPONS<<< *Note: Big thanks to NoGaRdKniGht, for providing the real names for the guns. ===BLACK TAIL=== -Blacktail = Springfield Armory XD-9 ===BOLT RIFLE=== -Bolt-Action Rifle = Springfield M1903A4. ===BROKEN BUTTERFLY=== -Broken Butterfly = S&W Model 3 American. Refreshment -The gun description makes reference to the Dirty Harry movies. ===CHICAGO TYPE WRITER=== -Chicago Typewriter = Thompson M1A1 Parker Chapin -When a handgun has no ammo in it, the top will click backwards realistically, and click back into place during the reloading animation. ===EGGS=== Refreshment -Leon can equip the eggs and throw them. Even they appear equipped in his waist like grenades do. -An enemy gets stunned when an egg hit his face, now quickly get close to him and kick it. -If you shoot an egg (as a pick up) it gets destroyed. ===GRENADES=== Refreshment -Stun and fire grenades fail when dropped in water. -Fragmentary grenades make a big splash when dropped in water. -Flash grenades kill the parasites that pop from the heads of enemies. ===HAND CANON=== -Handcannon = S&W Model 500 Joe Cool -The parts of the HC shake. I guess it's like the Hand cannon is struggling to contain the power. Like it's fully charged and ready to let loose. All the different parts, the hammer, the barrel, and the other parts shake. Refreshment -In the unoptimized handcanon reloding animation notice Leon holding the bullets between the fingers of his left hand while he reloads the gun. ===HANDGUN=== -Ruger P94DC or a USP Tactical (the barrel extension for attaching a suppressor has to come from somewhere.) ===KILLER 7=== -Killer7 = Colt M1911A1 Refreshment -Killer 7 is the name of one of CAPCOM's long incoming games. -The name of the Killer 7 handgun is a tribute to the long coming Capcom game But also the Killer 7 handgun is one of the weapons you can use in the Killer 7 videogame. ===MATILDA=== -Matilda = HK VP-70 with detachable stock Colt Huddleston -The Matilda is actually the H&K VP70 Burst from RE2. To make it official, give it one capacity upgrade for the 18 bullets. This fits well with the RPD uniform for the oldschool appeal. Since this was not in any descriptions, I figured it would be a nice added tidbit. ===MINE THROWER=== Refreshment -When shooting a mine dart once it hits the target, is posible to detonate it sooner by shooting it directly with a gun. ===PUNISHER=== -Punisher = FN FiveseveN. ===RED 9=== -Red9 = Mauser C-96 "Broomhandle" ===RIOT GUN=== -Riot Gun = Benelli M4 / M1014 ===ROCKET LAUNCHER=== -Rocket Launcher = Russian RPG-7 Refreshment -After the rocket is fired the body of the Launcher will stay in the ground. -The special rocket launcher Ada gives you costs twice as much as the one you can buy from the merchant. ===SEMI AUTO RIFLE=== -Semi-Auto Rifle = A hybrid between the HK SL-8 and G-36 ===SHOTGUN=== -Shotgun = Remington M870 Express ===STRIKER=== -Striker = Striker/Protecta aka "Street Sweeper" ===THERMAL SCOPE=== Refreshment -The thermals highlight absolutely every living thing. From enemies, to fishes, worms. birds. Good detail because you get them relatively late in the game, so the only way to verify this is when starting another round. -The thermals highlight every boss weak point. Every relevant object like breakble boxes, barrels, pick ups. -Also the temperature of lights, fire, etc. But most impressive is how watching the sky during the storm you'll see it turning orange after each lighting flash. ===TMP=== -TMP = Steyr TMP >>>SHOOTING RANGE<<< DIB XIII -No matter how many Ashley targets you hit at the shooting range, your score cannot be negative. Michael Knies -On the shooting gallery with the castle if you shoot the stars a lot a bomb will fall, also a fireworks show will happen. Refreshment -Shoot the hive in the background and a lot of wasps start flying. -Shoot the barn in the background and you'll see tons of chicken feathers -Shoot the castle in the background to hear Salazar laughing -Shoot the moon in the background and the lights dim. >>>PRO MODE DIFFERENCES<<< Refreshment -Enemies do more damage. -Enemies sustain more damage. -Enemies are more agressive. For example they run more often or are faster, the ganados with gas masks are really fast. -Enemies tend to fall from ledges/hights a lot less after been shot. -Inside the castle in the big hall where you need to activate the crank to lower the ramp, there are monks with crossbows in both the right and left side balconies. They are not present in normal. -In Pro mode every regenerator has a fifth parasite in the back. -At the stage with Mike (the helicopter pilot), he tends to not help Leon as much as he does in normal difficulty. -In that same stage some doors have the strong padlock, those are absent in normal. >>>DIFERENCES BETWEEN VERSIONS<<< The American version is the first version of the game, released in 11/01/2005. Followed by the Japanase version in 27/01/2005, this version added an easy mode and featured censored scenes. In 18/03/2005 the game was released in Europe, this version remained unadultered so the gore remains the same as the american version, in PAL format and with the easy mode. Most complete version of the game. Exept for the German version, wich becames the most butchered version of RE4, as you'll see below. The austria/switzerland version is in German but doesnt feature censorship, is the same in content as the other parts of Europe. ===EASY MODE DIFFERENCES=== *Note: All credit goes to CVXFREAK -The door that unlocked with the two royalty cups only needs one cup to unlock. Thus the battle with the knights is avoided. -We don't need to go through the whole building with the gears in it. There's simply another path that has a crank which moves the bridge, hence time saved. -The room after the crank building only has one claw guy instead of two. However this claw guy has more armor than the prisoner one. -Salazar's right hand man battle... the wait time is shorter and he dies a lot easier. -No chainsaw man in the mine. -The ceiling in the mines doesn't fall. RaPiD_ShOt -You also start with a shotgun Variable123 -When Leon fights the Knights, you only have to kill 2 of them, rather then 6. -In the first room with the collapsing ceiling, you only have to shoot 2 red switches rather then 4. Refreshment -The maze part with the dogs is removed. ===WHAT'S CENSORED IN THE GERMAN AND JAPAN VERSIONS==== Refreshment -There arent decapitations for Leon or the enemies. -The impaled woman with a pitchfork in one of the first cabins is removed. -The policeman is not in the fire in the middle of the village. ===EUROPE VERSION=== Apemen -We get an easy mode, just like the japanese. -In the 2 gigantes room, when you drop one in the lava you will NEVER get the money, even when you walk outside and go back in the money is not there. -When you get the exclusive for the red9, the firepower isn't 5.0, it's a freaking 6.5 firepower. -Semi-auto rifle's exlusive isn't a 0.40 firing speed, it's 0.80 in pal version. -Also in pro pal there is NO tactical vest, I repeat there is NO vest. ===GERMAN VERSION=== AARGH -Heads don't explode when using a scope (using a shotgun will let heads explode, though.) -A few camera shots are missing when Mike crashes. -Assignment Ada is missing. -Mercenaries is missing. -Oven Man is missing (Oh noes) -Garradors no longer can impale Leon (missing death animation). -The scene with Ashley, the two Ganados ad the camera is somewhat cut (hint to a rape!) -Loading times 1 to 2 seconds longer. -There are far less incendiary (sp) grenades, but more standard hand grenades. -The Typewriter and the Handcannon are not included in the German version of the game. The things were taken out because Capcom showed a not-complete version to the USK (somewhat similar to American ESRB), which did not feature some of the things listed. These were included afterwards, making the game "illegal" in some ways. The USK somehow got to know about the missing things, and RE4 would have been forbidden if these things weren't cut out. The Typewriter and the Handcannon are not included in the German version of the game. German messageboards are outraged, everyone cancels their preorders and buys the game from Austria or Swiss to get the uncut version. ===JAPAN VERSION=== -When controlling Ashley, the Japanese version goes back to the old style camera like in all the other RE games. >>>MISTAKES, ERRORS<<< absolutxgunz Did you guys notice leon's knife is in its sheath after krauser jumps away? is it just me or didnt krauser knock it away. Arick wilson -After the first fight scene when you escape from the house and kill the ganado, approach the bridge you came in on. You will have the option to look down at the car wreckage in the river, but more importantly, if you go to the actual bridge, the game will have a typo and says something alone the lines of, "The brigde is out." *Note: Meat Golem says: This is not the case in the PAL version. The spelling is correct. DIB XIII -In spite of its description calling it "one of a kind," there are two Elegant Headdresses in the game. Whoops... Flamehearted -Leon's funny walk glitch confirmed. 1)Go to the cells beneath the castle (where you first meet the novsitadors). 2) Go into the top left cell with the sink in it. Its the cell a nosvistor bursts out from. 3) Move Leon to the left of the sink againts the wall. 4) Turn right and run against the sink. Flere Cruor -If you find a door with a padlock on it, you can kick it open. Yet, if you approach the same door from the alternate side, the padlock will not break. GTGD -Notice that after your fight with Mendez, you take his eye. Take a few steps back and zoom in with a rifle. He still has both his eyes in his head. h g -Anyway, after Salazar sends Verdugo after you, he tells Leon he's sent his "Right hand." The thing is, he has sent the guard wearing red. The red cloaked Verdugo is at Salazar's LEFT every scene they are together. Jasper Bakker -Why are there Peseta's all over the place? Spains Currency is the Euro for a couple of years now :-) and RE4 takes place in 2004 (the game says so itself). A contradiction is that Kobayashi denied that the game takes place in Spain. Michael430 -In the part where you have to shoot the truck to make it tip over and slam into the side of the cliff(right before the castle), I found something interesting. After you total the truck, turn around so that you are facing the gate you came through and walk past the truck. The Ganados will not appear unless you turn around so that you cannot see the truck, or I believe, if you walk so far you cannot see it. Mystik Duck -When Ashley is in the bindings, if you use the thermal scope she appears to be cold or dead as it is all blue. Smooth_One -If you watch the first trailer after waiting on the main menu, when Ashley is captured by the ring thingies that come out of the walls in the Castle, she says, "Oh my God! What's going on!?", but in the game when it happens, she just says "What's going on!?". Don't wanna get sued, aye Capcom? TalesofSymphonia -In the cinema with Leon and Ada at the Castle, when Ada confronts Leon, leon tries to get her gun, she kicks it out of his hands. When Leon reaches out for his knife, the knife is not in the knife slot...but when the scene shows leon running towards Ada, with knife still in hands, he has yet another knife in the knife slot. Xiao -When you finish the Del Lago battle and enter the cabin, when you go outside and it's raining, the torches are still lit. They should be extinguished and smoke should be emitting from it. Zice. -The 1st room in the house where the village chief strangles you, before the cut scene when you 1st see Ada you cant shoot the window she shoots into. Refreshment -When you trigger the cinema where ADA appears in chief Mendez house, you'll notice that the shot hits one of Sadlers portrait, making a hole. Yet when the sequence is over the picture doesn't have the hole. -The dialog both spoken and written fails to take into account the costume switch. For example, ADA alt outfit is black yet everyone keeps mentioning her red dress. -In the cinema sequences Leon always use the default pistol even if you have already sold it. -When looking the cops with thermal scope at the games beginning, the scope fails to present them in red. They eventually die but is not like the thermal scope can predict the future. -In the place with the Righ Hand (Verdugo) fight, use the Thermal scope as soon as Leon uses the nitrogen tanks, you'll see the room covered in a bright red color. This shouldnt happen since the temperature is supposed to drop, not raise. -Kind of a mistake. In 3-4 from where Ashley got the flashlight? Considering the quailty of the game and attention to details they could have come with a reason for the Ashley having the flashlight. -After the last cart ride in the castle, you are in the room with the only painting with gold that isn't Sadler's face. The whole floor is reflective, when you take out the painting, the reflection of it remains as if it were still hanging on the wall. The lack of characters reflection is due to engine limitations and not an oversight like this one. (Just in case) -Bear traps dont affect enemies. They just by them and nothing happens. -Kind of a mistake. When Leon stands up and aims automatically in the lake fight, the rope that ties the boat to Del Lago disappears until Del Lago starts to drag the boat again. >>>SEPARATE WAYS<<< Robert Thomas -When playing seperate ways, Ada gets the church cicle thing in the little puzzle behind the church and puts the green cat's eye in it's place. That's where leon gets it. >>>MISCELANEOUS<<< AAARGH -During the intro, the car's engine starts twice... It's already running and after the guy finished peeing it starts again.... magickal car, heh. -You can see Snakes glow golden if they have a golden egg inside their belly. -In the Fire/Lava in chapter 4, there's a stone picture which is quite detailed, right besides the blue treasure chest. You can clearly see the left person is male, and "it" even appears to be erect. Brady marin -I just found out that the letters that Ada writes you are in japanese. If you look at the letter posted outside of the merchant's shop right after you ride the elevator from where you killed the flying bugs in the cave, you can adjust the camera and see a few japanese words written in english letters. Everything else is a little hard to read. C S -I hear that one of the stategy guides, which use early builds of the game to make their guides so they come out at the game's release, use a early build of RE4 where Ashley's mission 3-4 used traditional RE camera angles you'd find in previous RE's like 0-3. Obviously it was taken out of the main game, it just not there, but if you look closely at one of the demo's before you hit Start/Load it seems that it is there. Ashley is with her flashlight walking toward the camera/viewer, impossible with the over the shoulder camera used in the game. Dao Kyoru -If you've seen the first Resident Evil movie, they've had to tackle through lasers as well to get to the Hive's mainframe computers. Both scenes seem really similar, along with the part where Leon had to do a flip to escape a bunch of the lasers... So pretty much, the laser part is like a homage to the first Resident Evil movie. DIB XIII -There is another way to get the Brass Pocket Watch and Pearl Necklace from above the wells without shooting out the wooden supports. While the timing is ridiculously hard, you can shoot the treasure and grab it in midair before it hits the water, and you'll get the full 10,000 for it. Why you'd want to save one bullet that badly is beyond me, but it's possible. -You can often make battles preceded by cutscenes easier by skipping the cutscenes. If an enemy moves during a cutscene toward you, skipping the cutscene will let you move around while the enemy is still approaching. This is especially useful in the cage match against the clawed prisoner. You can start breaking down the padlocked door before he even enters the cage. -In the room following the Novistador sewers, you find a group of worshipping monks that run through a large metal door as soon as they see you. If you close that door beforehand by jumping across on the chandelier and sneaking to that door first, they'll stand around and fight you, even though there are plenty of other doors to go out of. They drop several Spinels and a Los Iluminados Pendant worth 12,000. Also, if you go back through the sewers to the other side of the door, the monks are not there. They must have slipped through the wall that spun Ashley around while you weren't looking... eelw -During the opening cut scene, when the police officer is taking a leak, you can see some steam rising. Excalibur -In the jail cell hallway near the end of the game (with the Regenerator), if you look at the moving bag in the cabinet with the thermal scope, the entire thing is BRIGHT red. Flere Cruor -Every door with a white "Open" subtitle is opened away from Leon. In other words, nearly EVERY door in the game is double-hinged for some reason. Jadenguil -When you first enter the farm in the village, the dog that can't be killed, if left alone, will run over to treasures and bark at you -- leading you to them, when I noticed this, I hadn't shot it, which may change this behaviour. -If you leave chickens alive and wait around for a while they will eventually lay eggs on the ground, especially noticeable in the barnyard. Jake Merlin -Throw a Flash Grenade at the oven man on the Island and he will react normally (covering his eyes) while on fire. Then will stay in the pose till the flames dye out, then charge at you and will fall dead when he gets close to you. Also he tends to drop ammo instead of the usual nothing. JerkOfAllTrades. -It's another plug for Killer7 by Capcom. If you look closely at any screenshots for Killer7 that show enemies, you'll notice that the Regenerators in Resident Evil bear a striking resemblance to the enemies in Killer7. Josh -When Leon and Saddler are talking just moments after Mike is killed, Leon says "You bastard!" or something along those lines, and it only displays: "You......". K Prime04 -Use these controls during the title screen. C-stick moves the backround left and right. R zooms in backround. L zooms out backround. Lonestar2000 -If you go past the church the first time without checking it (that is trying to open the door) you will get a different conversation with Hunnigan than the one you usually get. Malakaz -Ok so i was playing around with the Mine thrower. I saw some crows and decided to see what happens if you try to shoot them with the mines. It was funny as hell! First they fall to the floor then get up and start to fly and you see the dart blinking faster and faster then they blow up in the air into feathers lol lol.. its hilarious. Meat Golem -When you are killed by a crossbow bolt, the execution scene is the bolt sticking into Leon's body. Regular crossbows fall out after you have been hurt. My personal experience seems to show that it only hits you in the neck. Mgamer11687 -If you look closely at the torches you can see small pieces of wood inside the iron braziers. Upon setting off an explosion near a torch (grenade, rocket launcher, etc...) you can see the wood pieces getting blown out of the braziers, which at first glance makes it look like the torch's fire is simply getting blown out. It's a pretty cool effect - you can see the flaming pieces of wood fall to the ground, where they burn for a few seconds before dying out. This works with almost any torch in the game, except for merchant's torches. *Authors note: Also you can blow the torches with any weapon or the knife. MIKEYC1225 -In the area in the cave where you meet the Merchant in the stall with the weapons on the shelves, on the top left shelf, there is a gun which you can't use in the game. Weird. Mwvdbok -In the mines where they dig up the plagas, you have to use the dynamite to blow up a big rock blocking your path. However, I was having fun with my infinite rocket launcher and I blasted the stone away. The dynamite remained in my inventory. I don't know if you can use it again and if it is possible to blow away the rock away with grenades etc. Neil -All the paintings you can find 5000 peseta behind in the castle have pictures of lord Saddler except in the second cart ride stop, where its behind a painting of an oldman. NocturnalWing -The mercenaries game is an EXTREME throwback to P.N.03 the capcom shooter on the GC. It wasn't all that popular of a game,so let me tell you what's similar: the gameplay is just like utilizes the combo system of the game, to where if you kill one enemy, there's a timer (which, unlike in P.N. 03, you can't see) that starts. And you have to kill the next enemy before that timer runs out to up the combo and get you more points. Another thing is the music. I noticed that when playing as Krauser and Hunk, their music, is right out of the P.N.03 game Queazy -In chapter 4, castle stage, kill the two lookouts and the catapults won't shoot at you. -Press L+R while on Jetski (while doing a jump) to do a spin RulerOfEarth90 -There are bats in places swirling around Leon that you can kinfe, they will die but nothing comes out of them. *Authors note: Check out Leon noding his head while he watches the bats swirling around him. SolidSeto -Right before the fight with the villiage chief guy there's a tree you can look at, go around it and there is a beetle that flies from the tree, nothing happens when you shoot it, it's just there. Suzanne Chabot -You can stop the axes and other weapons with your KNIFE, too. Stephen Matis -INFINITE ROCKET LAUNCHER GLITCH It's required that you have beaten the game and have bought the infinite rocket launcher. No other types of rocket launchers will work. Doing this glitch successfully will have Leon impaled with the rocket launcher, and he'll still be in the animation where he's holding it. Actually, there are two ways to do this glitch, the first way being the hardest. First way: At the VERY BEGINNING of the game, right when Leon get out of the car, equip the Infinite R.L. Run to the first house, ignoring the cutscene where a Ganado watches Leon out the window and stomps off. Enter the first house you see, and watch or skip the scene where the Ganado attacks Leon. Now here's where you must do EXACTLY what I tell you. Once you start to fight with the first Ganado of the game, don't use the Infinite R.L. to kill him. Instead, whip out your knife (the R.L. should then be on your back) and slash the Ganado in the face. He'll reel back in pain, and that's when you should let go of the knife button and kick him in the face. Once he's on the ground, dash over to his prone body and pull out your knife again and aim ALL THE WAY DOWN and slash him to death. KEEP HOLDING DOWN THE KNIFE BUTTON AND LOOKING ALL THE WAY DOWN, even after he's dead and wait for the cinema scene to begin. I recommend you watch it; it's not too long. After that, Leon will receive a transmission on his radio, and when he pulls it up to his ear to answer it, he'll have the R.L. sticking through him! After the radio scene, you can walk around with the R.L. in your gut! Second way: This is the easiest way, but it's random. Knife an enemy in the face with the Infinite R.L., and kick him or her (or it). There's a chance, depending on distance I think, that the R.L. will get stuck in your gut while you kick the enemy. In fact--if you're lucky--you can get this to happen on the first Ganado you face! TalesofSymphonia -Past the villager through the double doors where the blue paper medallions are at in that area, go past the barn full of cows and go to the back and you will see a bunch of dead bodies of people in a waggon with worms or maggots in it. When it is nighttime and you go to the same spot, they are not there anymore. themaelstrom *Authors Note: Is known that its the dog you save from the trap. -Capcom, not happy with just naming a gun in RE4 after another game they have in development (killer 7), also decided to promote their upcoming survival horror game "haunting ground" ("demento" in japan) by lending Hewie, Fiona's canine sidekick, to RE4 as well. This is clear when Leon, aided by Hewie, says "hey, its that dog!". what dog, Leon? the one he knows is also in "haunting ground". genius, Capcom, genius. VickersZombie -I thought I was the only one that noticed it but I found out most probably noticed it, but Krauser and Leon's knives have the same insignia on the blade. Wolf club (Sean S.) -In the small shack before the house where you meet Luis (with the bear trap and trip wire) by the two crates there are 3 small spiders on the wall and flor that you can kill. xgfhj -In the fireplace at the beginning, it says something like "There is something burning in the fire, but I can't tell what..." Upon closer inspection, you can see a bone (femur) on the right side of the fire, and a hand, or the remains thereof, laying on the bottom of the fireplace on the left. Refreshment -The first time you reach the church try opening the main door, this will activate a codec sequence where Hunnigan makes a parody of RE1 "master of unlocking". -The first time you reach the church shoot the bell, this cause more villagers to come around. This only works the first time and its limited to 4-6 times. -After the cutscene where Leon and Ashley jump through the church window you can enter the church again, the 2 monks with crossbows will still be there. Kill them to get extra cash, plus this is the first encounter with monks in the game. -After you get the church key inside the waterfall instead of using the door that opens in front of you head back the way you came. Use the boat to reach the place just before fighting "Del Lago". When you reach the incline the game will show you a cinema with the first infested wolf encounter. Here you'll fight 5 wolves, this is before the church wolves by the way. -Near the begining, in the second small cabin, there's a woman impaled in the wall, watch closely the blood dripping from her face as it falls to the ground forming a pool. -At the begining, in the village, is not necesary to fight or kill any ganado. You can just avoid any fight and the bell will eventually sound, making the villagers leave. -The first time in the village if climb the tallest building the villagers will cease their pursuit. Instead they will throw Molotov cocktails to the top of the tower. -Is posible to see chief Mendez house from the village. -When firing a gun above a mass of water the shell of the round will make a splash when it hits the water. The splash is made even when you reload the Red 9 when the small metal piece leaves the gun, but it doesnt work with machine gun shells. -Every time you press the "X" button to give Ashley a command Leon shouts, so this alerts the near by enemies. Is like firing the gun really. -There are 2 door opening animations for both Leon and Ashley according if you hit the A buttom once or twice, when the A buttom is hit twice this makes Leon kick the door. More if you initiate the normal door animation it can be interrupted at any time with the door kick animation, this is useful to peek and see if there are enemies in the other side. Also you can hurt and stun enemies by kick opening the doors in their faces. -Both Leon and Krauser cuts heal too quickly, maybe thats an effect of the Las Plagas parasites. The same applies to Zalasar when he got stabbed in the hand. -Each water droplet that hits a small pond makes a sound. Kind of lame but only noticed this when i played with the volume high up. -In every instance in the game where you see food, the food is either full of flies or maggots. -Take out the knife and hit any cow 6 times. The cow fights back by stabing Leon with the horns. It makes damage but it wont kill you even if you bar is empty. Even more, the cow you stabbed always will attack every time you get close to it. -Bear traps inflict damage but they never kill Leon. -You never see the sun round shape. But you can look at the lens flare generated by the sun in some places. Exept at the first cinema when the sun is reflecting in the car's windshield. -Looking at the rays of light shining through windows and other places is possible to see the small dust particles dancing in the air. -The furniature that Leon can push can be destroyed by a strong weapon. Sometimes is quicker to destroy the furniature if you are in a hurry, for example to get that treasure in the farm blow the furniature instead of going through the roof. -In the game's begining if you shoot the guy at the wheel hell say: "No estes odiando.... Get over it will ya". The spanish part means "stop hating". If you shoot the other one he'll say: "Hey! stop fooling around". Talking to the guy at the wheel triggers this response: "Forgot your make up or something?". Talking to the other one he'll say: "What's the matter? You lost your nerve". Finally at the very begining if you try to cross the first bridge the guy at the pasenger seat says: "Not that way cowboy". -In the house with the first ganado once Leon kills him is not possible to open the entrance door, a message pops saying its stucked, this is because theres a ganado in the other side preventing Leon from opening it. -At the village, in the game's begining, if you rush to the farn's door you'll see the chainsaw man and 2 other villagers gaurding the farn entrance. The same happens if you try to backtrack to the door where you entered, but instead there'll be 5 villagers guarding the door. -BTW, Hiroyuki Kobayashi (the RE4 producer) denied that the game takes place in Spain yet even the officer uniforms correspond to the spanish police standar costume. -In the cable car ride with Leon and Ashley notice the ganados standing in platforms, there are 2 of them. If you dont take them out before the cable car passes near them, they will jump on top of the car and cut the support that links the car to the cable, falling to the precipice. -At the places with fish, check out the big bass trying to eat the small ones. -In the place with the first truck encounter (outside the castle), instead of shooting the 3 ganados atop the rise just walk forward to activate the cinema and watch the truck crashing the poor ganados. -CAPCOM represented the effect of rain drops hitting a mass of water. View this effect in the drinking tanks for the animals. -The candle illumination effect is very well represented, notice the slight halo and bloom the candles charactristicaly form. -The torches, explosions have the heat distortion effect. -In the Ada encounter at the castle when she throws the shades you can see both Ada and Leon's images reflecting in them. -In the mine cart scene instead of avoiding the wood supports by crouching is posible to shoot them instead or let one standing Ganado get hit. -In the Mecha Salazar scene (Giant Robotic Salazar) you can shoot the switches from afar instead of activating them by hand. Is cool to make the monks fail the jumps by moving Salazars robot hands at will. -At island you can take out the first search light so you wont trigger the alarms. -If you shoot Mike's helicopter with any weapon he says: "Wha... you crazy?" but it doesnt do anything to the chopper. -At stage 5-4 in the cells to the left of the entrance to the hall there is a metal container, open it. Surprise, to stop the shaking shoot it. -After the cabin scene with Luis you can take both routes if you want, El Gigante and the villagers-chainsaw ladies route. Suggest doing so since it nets you more treasure. -You can shoot the crows when they are flying. Is hard but the falling animation is very realistic. -Looking closely to the cows mouths is noticeable the line of saliva falling off. -All wooden doors in the game can be destroyed. -The double doors can be opened at the same time by positioning Leon right in the middle or instead you can open one at a time by positioning the character left or right. -When the sign that indicates to press "A" to open a door appears in green color it means there will be a loading, if its white there wont be any load. -Almost everything with glass like windows, monitor screens, etc can be destroyed. -Some lamps, torches can be destroyed. -Leon can break the padlocks by kicking them. -The game saves every door, window, lamp, screen you destroyed. Save for the village chapter revisit. -In the castle level the full moon sometimes get covered by the clouds. -The only roaches in the entire game appear in the kitchen floor at level 5-1 Thats the place where the welldone crispy mad man leaves the oven. -The end credits expand the history to some extent. You can see how the parasite was introduced to the villagers and what happened to the children. -Also at the end credits the dev team put a funny copy right warning, any illegal reproduction of the game will be punish by the Racoon Police Department by an apropiate member of the S.T.A.R.S. team. -At the end credits in asiggment Ada you are given the choice to see the ending again, if you choose to do so, the credits will play with a different music and also with different outfit for Ada. -After the fight with Del Lago is possible to freely roam in the lake, you can harpoon the fish and pick them up by getting the boat near them. -The faster and easy way to fish is throwing a grenade in the lake, watch 5 or 6 ready for the taking them go sale them to the merchant for some quick money. -If you activate the wolf sequence at the lake instead of fighting them run to the boat and jump in. The wolves cant hurt you and now start harpooning them from the boat. It only takes 2 harpoons to kill 1 wolf in pro mode. -If you stand at the lake, in the place where you see the cinema of the 2 villagers throwing the cop to El Lago, and shoot the lake youll see the ripples extending through the lake a good distance. Is not much but in games the ripple effect tends to be a tiny circle and very close to the focal point. -When it starts raining is possible to notice water dripping in some of the rock textures. -In the parts with breeze notice the small plants and bushes gently swinging. -Now and then some leaves fall from the trees that have them. -When seeing the lake from the scenic route (near the church) and its raining is easy to notice the water droplets hitting the mass of water. -Is possible to prevent the jewels above the wells from getting dirty. Just shoot the small wood sustaining the cap of the well, then proceed to shoot the jewel. -There are 2 types of torches in the game the one fueled by wood and the other fueled by kerosene, the ones that use kerosene emit a thick black smoke. Very accurate. -At the pit with the giant spikes, just before the fight with Righ Hand (Berdugo), there are 2 dead monks in the water, upon closer inspection you'll notice blood dripping from their bodies and disolving into the water. -At the garbage procesing facility, in the room with the melted iron, is posible to hit the enemies with the giant iron ball. -After Sadler is dead notice how the sun appears in the horizon. Is a really nice view from the platform. -At the end of the game, inside the tunnel that leads to the jet sky, if you try to backtrack, a cinema pops showing falling rocks that block the path. IV. Thanks/Credits. Credits and thanks to everyone that contributed with details, these people are clearly identified in the guide. Special thanks to fozess for correcting my atrocious grammar. All sites/links are the sole property of their repective owners. V. Legal stuff. The game, code and its rights is property of CAPCOM Ltd. If, for any reason, you want to make reference or use this guide in a site your welcome to do so as long as you give proper credit to the people that invested time creating this document. But before doing it, try contacting Refreshment first, the e-mail adress can be seen at "Contact info". VI. Contact information. E-mail address: Please use the yahoo adress since i stoped using this one: For any constructive critic, detail, contribution you wish to make or errors this guide might present.