-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resident Evil 4: Seperate Ways Walkthrough This is a walkthrough for the extra game 'Seperate Ways' which stars Ada Wong and shows you what she was upto during the main game. This guide will contain SPOILERS!! so it is advised you have beaten the main game before looking through this guide. ============================================================================== Legal ============================================================================== This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. Now onto the guide! ========== Updates:- ========== November 10th: Added Ada's report transcript and updated the Weapon List. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contents ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you need to find a certain section of the FAQ quickly, press and hold CTRL and then press F, this will bring up a little search box, just type in the search word and click search. =============================================================================== Information Search Word =============================================================================== Weapon List -qwerty1- Chapter 1 - Ring The Church Bell -qwerty2- Chapter 2 - Rescue Luis -qwerty3- Chapter 3 - Retrieve the Sample -qwerty4- Chapter 4 - Stop Leon's Assassination -qwerty5- Chapter 5 - Obtain The Sample -qwerty6- Ada's Report -qwerty7- =============================================================================== A few things to note before starting: - Ada takes a lot more damage than Leon when hit so watch out for those flying axes! they hurt. - Ada runs faster than Leon so she can dodge enemies easier. - Ada also has a knife and it can be used the same way as Leon's. ================================================================================ Enemies ================================================================================ Brief descrption of of the enemies you will encounter in Seperate Ways. Ganado: These are your basic enemies throughout the game, the best way to beat them is kick their knees, kick them to to the ground and then slash them. There are townspeople ganado, monks ganado, and army people ganado, I will refer to them all as ganado throughout the guide. Ganado with Shields: The ganado will start wielding big shields when you get to the castle, the best way to tackle them is to either use the rifle and shoot their heads (rifle penetrates) or use the shotgun at close range and blow their shields to pieces in one shot. Ganado with arrow shooter: These type can be quite annoying, they will shoot two arrows at you and they can do it from very far away also, it's best to target these first in big battles as they can really be a pain. These will show up once you reach chapter 3. Mace Soldier: These are big guys in armor, their only weak spot is their head, it's best to use the shotgun and aim up at the head, one shot should kill them. Garrador: You only meet one of these and can be killed easily from outside the cage, you have to shoot the parasite on his back to kill him. ================================================================================ Weapon List -qwerty1- ================================================================================ Here is a list and brief description of Ada's weapons. Ada's weapons cannot be upgraded at all throughout her mission. ----------- Black Tail ----------- Firepower: 2.0, upgraded to level 3/6 Firing Speed: .207, upgraded to maximum. Reload speed: 1.47, Upgraded to level 2/3 Capacity: 21, upgraded to level 3/6 Descrption: The gun is very fast and has average power, it's not very wise to use this when surrounded or against a mob of ganado. Ada Starts with this weapon. -------- Shotgun -------- Firepower: 5.0, upgraded to level 3/6 Firing Speed: 1.53, maximum level Reload speed: 3.03, maximum level Capacity: 12, upgraded to level 3/5 Descrption: This gun fires quite slowly and has a long delay between shots, so aim well. It also reloads very slowly do not do it in the middle of a heated battle. This gun is also VERY bad at long range, it will do really bad damage and will basically be a waste of shotgun shells, it is best used when right in their faces. Ada Starts with this weapon. ------ TMP ----- Firepower: 1.2, upgraded to maximum Firing Speed: 0.10, maximum level Reload speed: 1.93, upgraded to level 2/3 Capacity: 100, upgraded to level 3/6 Descrpition: Very good weapon for Ada, it is powerful and will down enemies quickly, only shoot in short bursts tho or you will end up wasting a lot of ammo. ------------------ Rifle (Semi-Auto) ------------------ Firepower: 15.0, upgraded to maximum Firing Speed: 1.83, maximum level Reload Speed: 1.90, upgraded to level 2/3 Capacity: 12, upgraded to level 2/6 Description: This gun is very powerful and it also penetrates so it is great for killing the ganado that have a big shield in front of them, it is also great for shooting incoming enemies and enemies that are too far away. ------- Bowgun ------- Firepower: 16.6 maximum level Firing Speed: 2.43, maximum level Reload Speed: 2.00, maximum level Capacity: 1, maximum level Description: This gun is godly, when it hits it has the same impact as a ganados dynamite does so it kills ganados instantly even if its not a direct hit, this is best used in crowds of enemies as it will totally destroy them, the gun has quite a delay between shots, the good side however is that it never has to be reloaded, you hold the ammo in a seperate slot and it never has to be loaded into the gun. -------------------- Chicago Typewrighter -------------------- Unlimited Ammo, amazingly powerful. To unlock this you need to beat Assisgnment Ada, and then load a 2nd round game of Seperate Ways and it will be buyable from the merchant. You cannot buy this on your first play through of Seperate Ways. It costs 300,000 Pestas ================================================================================ Chapter 1 - Ring The Church Bell -qwerty2- ================================================================================ After the openining cutscene you will be in the village center and you will have a swarm of ganados after you, it is best not to kill anything and just avoid them! eventually the cutscene will play introducing the chainsaw man, he won't be chasing you during this, just Leon. Continute to run around until it shows a bird on a roof with a shiny object, go straight to the fire where the guard is hanging run around it until you see the 'GRAPPLE GUN' command, click X and you will be vroomed! onto the roof, pick up the key and then go to the locked door with a symbol on it and use the key, and of course, enter. There is a Merchant and a Save Point here, It's unlikely you will have enough cash now to buy any weapons so continue through the next door and down the ladder, when you reach the bottom you will hear a few ganados bash in behind you, you can easily outrun them, or fight them if you like. Run down the passage picking up the items on your way until you reach a door, kick it open quickly and you should knock two ganado ladies to their knees you can quickly run for the ladder, or finish them off. You are now in the graveyard and the female ganado should spot you straight away, it's best to show her the floor. follow the path around to the shed and kill the ganados and search the shed for some items. As you apporach the church you will be attacked by a few ganado, avoid them then run down the right path to the wooden plank area, run straight to the end and shoot any ganado you meet off the edge. At the end you will meet your first chainsaw lady! she will have a few friends with her so get out your shotgun and blast them to the floor, quickly grab the green catseye and then either run back to the church, or kill chainsaw lady for a ruby. When back near the church run down the side alley of the church and click on the device, don't worry you can't be attacked while doing this puzzle. ---------- Puzzle 1 ---------- What you need to do is light up three insignias, you need to look in the graveyard for the three insignias that have troubles, but here is the combination you need 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 Now take the round insignia then two ganado will run in and the gate will close! Kill them then run back to the puzzle device and insert the green catseye that you picked up earlier, the gate will open. Now run to the church entrance and more ganado will arrive, kill them if you have the ammo to spare, or just insert the round insignia and enter the church. When you enter you will see three ganado behind the altar, kill them if you want then climb the ladder at the side of the church. At the top there will be a few ganado, kill them then go towards the device and it's another puzzle. -------- Puzzle 2 -------- This is basically the same puzzle that Leon did but the insignia is upside down. Turn Red 3 times Turn Green 1 time Turn Blue 2 times After this the church bell will be rang and so ends Chapter 1. ================================================================================ Chapter 2 - Rescue Luis -qwerty3- ================================================================================ We start this inside the bedroom where Ada rescues you early on in the game, check around for some items and then go through the exit by the Merchant and down the steps, check the shed near the bottom for a spinel and ammo and grab yourself the brass pocket watch while you're here too, don't forget to shoot the wodden stick first so it doesn't get dirty. Now run back to the bedroom and through the other door, check the draw for some cash then head downstairs, lets check out the bathroom shall we? theres a female ganado inside...now I wonder if the women are actually all woman. Now go to the dining hall and check the back of the room for another lone ganado, finish him off and break the glass on the cupboard for a grenade, check the draw near the bookshelf for some cash too. Now go to the front of the house and check the oven for a chicken and a golden egg! now open the front door and vroom vroom it's mister chaisnaw guy coming to greet Ada, I would suggest killing him for his ruby, sort his friends out also. Now continue to run down the road until you get to the shed, two ganado will attack you. Kill them then check the shed for a red herb. Carry on down and four more ganado will attack, kill them then enter the door. We're now back in the village center, it looks so calm until you get further in and the ganado burst out from their houses, you can easily just carry on running. Head towards the farm. Now we are in the farm area, there is a save point here and you can also grab yourself a spinel by doing what you would normally do for a brass pocket watch, either kill the ganado that attack or just avoid them easily and run to the next area, just watch out for the traps on the floor. In this area don't worry about a boulder crashing down on you, just run down and through the tunnel until you see a building and some ganado with fireworks. finish all the ganado off that approach you, then run around to the other side of the building and enter it, there shold be more ganado inside, kill them and then enter the other room to trigger a cutscene. Now we have to run all the way back to the building we started the chapter in. Run back through the tunnel and there will be two ganado here, one with a dynamiteso shoot it to end them both, run to the farm door, avoiding or killing the ganado that drop in, there will be two more ganado at the farm door and again one has a dynamite stick. Enter the farm. The farm is empty so take a look around if you fancy it, otherwise just run to the village center. As soon as you enter the village you're attacked by a few ganado, kill them then mvoe further into the village, it will show a scene with a bunch of ganado coming for you, you can easily avoid them, run to the other door and on your way you should see a ganado wearing something familiar, enter the door. Walk up a bit and you're treated to a scene, walk up further towards the house and theres another scene. It will then skip to another scene and keep your fingers on the buttons for this one. After the scene there will be three ganado in front of you, you have to kill them unless you want to get hurt! jump down the ladder and there is two more ganado here, one with a dynamite. Carry on along and you are back at the sky lift area, go up the steps and into the room, there is a Merchant her so sell up. Now grab the Iron Key off the table and search the lockers for stuff, now we restore power to the sky lift but we need a key and it's not an iron key. So leave the room and go back down the steps, and down the other steps too. There is a typewrighter here, now go towards the big doors and use the iron key. In this area go towards the building and enter it, we're greeted by a chainsaw lady and some ganado, don't stand there and shoot as more ganado will come from behind so leave the building run down the side passage, nothing will come from any direction but your front. All we need here is to kill the chainsaw lady for the Lift Activation Key, but you will probably ending up killing most, if not all of the ganado before she dies, I suggest using the shotgun as you will have the chainsaw lady + about 4 ganado on you. After the intial ganado are dead, a few more will come in one by one. Grab the Lift Activation Key and check the big shed for some items, there are some above too. Now leave the area and go back the way we came, there will be a few ganado by the beloved typewriter, there will be some more on the steps too. Go into the skylift control room and use the Lift Activation Key on the console, this will make the skylift move, get on it. Once at the top search the area for some items, there is a typewrighter in the building and the merchant up the steps, I would suggest buying a TMP now if oyu haven't already, it really helps a lot on the boss fight that is coming up. Now approach the green double doors and when prompted use your grapple gun to vault over. In this area you will see some barrels high up above, go under where they are and you will be prompted to use your grapple gun to get up there, there are only two of these platforms for you to grapple onto. Search the little sheds for some items, when ready approach the next set of door and you will encounter your first boss! ------------------------- Boss fight 1: El gigante ------------------------- This is a very easy boss fight, I highly reccomend the TMP, as soon as he lands shoot his face with the TMP, if you aimed well he should fall in less than 20 shots and reveal his parasite, run upto him when he is kneeling and press X to run up and start slashing his parasite, mash whatever button appears fast to deal big damage, if you mash the wrong button you will get grabbed and hurt, when he gets back up shoot his face with the TMP again and he should fall just as fast as before, do one more round of slashing and he will die, if you were not fast enough you may need to do one more round of slashing. After the boss, pick up the cash and enter through the doors, run forward and there will be a cutscene. And so ends chapter 2. ================================================================================ Chapter 3 - Retrieve the Sample -qwerty4- ================================================================================ This chapter starts inside the maze, run to the fountain to grab the bowgun arrows, the Merchant is here and he is selling the bowgun! if you have the money, buy it. Now run around to the steps and a few ganado will approach, someone is also shooting darts but they won't be much of a problem, go down the path besides the steps and kill the ganado in red robes and collect the ammo from inside the chest, go up the steps and over to the other side then turn left and follow it around until you meet another ganado in red robes, kill him and open the chest. Now follow the path straight and pass the little room with the door broken down, a scene will show a mob of ganado coming for you, go and hide into the little room we passed and wait for them to approahc you, you can safely shoot them from inside, once they are dead you can run straight to the gate we saw in the scene, or search the maze for more items, I find explaining how to move through the maze confusing so I won't explain everything is. Now whatever you choose to do, go up the steps and enter the room where Ada and Leon first met, search the room for items and there is also a typewrighter here. Now don't go into the room by the typewrighter inside leave the way you came and follow the balcony around and entert he double doors. In this room there will be two ganado as soon as you enter, one has a arrow shooter so get rid of him quickly. Follow the path around and there will be two more arrow shooting ganado, and another one at the far end. Once they are dead approach the door on the left side of the wall, try to open it but it is locked. Now go to the window and you will be able to use your grapple gun, as soon as you land inside there will be a red robed ganado ready to attack. Once he is dead make sure you open the big chest in the middle, you will be needing that item very soon. Now continue on your way and follow the path around, kick open the next door a ganado will be there, continue down and open the door on your left, there are a few items in this room and a Merchant. go Through the next door. In here will be a few ganado, two of them have arrow shooters, kill them all. Check the room for items before going into the next little room as it will trigger a fight. Once you have searched the room, enter the sub room and a cage will drop and trap you, a few ganado and a garrador will drop in, if you have a grenade quickly throw it towards the door to bash the lock off then quickly kick it open and escape the cage if you don't have grenade, shotgun it open, kill the ganado that follow you and then start on the garrador fellow, ganado will constantly be dropping inside the cage but they probably won't get out, shoot the parasite on garradors back from the safety of outside the cage a few times to kill him. Once he is dead enter the cage and appraoch the box, click it then use the hour glass on it, ganado will still be dropping in at this point so either kill them or go through the newly unlocked door. In this room walk forwrad a bit and a scene will trigger, after the scene you will be swarmed by ganados from both sides so jump down and let them come to you, blast them away, don't forget to grab the elegant chessboard under the bridge at the end, it sells nicely. Climb back up and go along the bridge and through the door at the end, go up the steps and there will be two ganado, one of them has an arrow shooter. Kill them then continue through the door at the end. You can break one or two vases in here but you will trigger a cutscene when you move too far in, and so ends chapter 3. ================================================================================ Chapter 4 - Stop Leon's Assassination -qwerty5- ================================================================================ In this chapter you start off in an all new area, there is a Merchant right by you at the start, continue down the road and a few ganado will come from your left, kill them then enter the room they came from, you might attract a Mace Soldier from the area just below, but he will only come alone, aim for his head to kill him quickly, continue into the room. Inside will be another ganado, kill him and use your grapple gun to get to the above areas for more items. Now leave theroom and continue down the hall and there will be a gang of ganado, get their attention then blast them all to pieces, grab the shotgun ammo by the fire then go into the next room. There will be two ganado, kill them then go further into the room, more ganado will enter, after you have killed them check the room for more items, now go to the next door and there will be four ganado plus one off screen shooting arrows, don't worry about him as long as you stay in the door way, once all four are dead, use the rifle to kill the arrow shooter if you have one, if not ignore him for now and dodge his arrows. Now go to your right and use your grapple gun to get on the pipes (the pipes opposite the arrow shooter) and follow them along and climb inside the vent shaft shoot the mace solider in the face and jump down into the room, inside will be a lone ganado, finish him then go through the door and grab the Golden Lynx from the wreckage, then turn right and climb up the boxes, now run straight forward and use your grapple gun to climb onto the platform the arrow shooter was on, walk along and go into the door. In this room follow the path picking up items on your way until you see a gunner, examine it and it seems it needs an activation key (blue) to work, carry on around and grab the hand grenade off the barrel, walk down the steps and prepare yourself. Walk forward a bit and then a swarm of ganado will appear and gun torrets will start firing at you! throw a grenade at the ganado (or blast them with your shotgun) then grab the Activation Key (blue) off the crates behind them, quickly run back to that torrent we just saw and use the activation key. Now blast the other torrets and eventually your torrent will blow up :( you're back in control as Ada now, so run back down the steps and climb up the ladder and get on the recently working lift, get off at the other side and shoot the ganados that approach you, watch out for the arrow shooter in the distance too. Run to the end of the walkway and climb up the ladder, go up the steps and shoot the ganado down that get in your way. Jump over the gap and climb the other ladder,kill the two ganado here then walk forward, a torret will pop up right before you! quickly turn around and face the railing to your right and use the grapple gun when prompted, when up here grab the Activation Key (red) then walk straight forward and use the grapple gun again, now turn right and grab the green herb and ammo then go towards the torret at the end and use the activation key (red). You will now be in control of a torret that shoots bombs, blast at the boat and then a three minute timer will start, don't panic, MAKE SURE you destroy that torrent that popped up in your path before, if you don't you will not be able to escape. Now get out your torret, turn around and run to the end of the platform and jump down there will be a few ganado here, just grab your shotgun and knock them down run forward and get back on the lift and get back to that door we were at before,before the timer runs out, don't kill the ganado on your way, just knock them down with the shotgun, go through the gate and the boat will sink. There will be quite a bit of ammo here so grab it all and follow the path around,there will be a Merchant and save point here, now go through the double doors. When you enter this area, follow the path around until you see a ganado, it is reccomended that you kill all the ganado here as the pathway is quite small, there are only two ganado on this walk away, kill them then move on. At the end of the walkway, jump down the ladder, turn left and walk a bit until the ganado notice you, two of them will come for you, if you don't go too far the arrow shooter won't shoot at you, run over and kill him once the other two are dead. The door at the end will be locked so we're going to have to go around, turn around and jump down at the part where there is no railing, once down about 5 or so ganado will attack, there is a barrel further in that you could lure them to if you're low on ammo, but there is a higher chance of being hit, once you have dealt with them grab the items on your way and use the grapple gun to get onto the platform above. Climb the ladder and go up the little steps to get a treasure, walk forward a bit and a lot of ganado will approach, back up the steps a little and get as many of them as you can near the barrel and blow them up, finish the rest of the old vashioned way. Run to the end and a ganado might bash through, go through the door and down the steps and break open the barrel inside the room. Follow the path around and jump off the little ledge. We're behind that locked door now, theres some items here. Some ganado with shields will approach so take care of them, follow the path around and you will see the final ganado of the area, after killing him, climb the ladder. Ah, this room looks familiar, head through the double doors behind you. Inside this room are a few items, they are hidden in the cupboards and suitcase. Bash the other door open and grab yourself a yellow herb in this area, now head back through the double doors. There are some bowgun ammo by the stairs, head up the steps and save at the typewrighter if you want, then head through the next door. Run down the steps and grab the item you see flashing, now go down the other set of stairs, two ganado will with shields will be at the bottom and start to walk up, now walk through the door at the bottom and a ganado will drop in, now turn right and go straight down to the bottom, turn right and go through the door for some items. When you exit the room another ganado will appear, now go up the steps on the left and run to the room at the end and check the locker for some cash, go straight out the room now down the steps and through the door. Run forward, go through the door, run straight and pick up the item thats behind the grapple gun prompt, then back up a step and use the grapple gun. A scene will trigger and there will be a button command needed so becareful! And so ends Chapter 4. ================================================================================ Chapter 5 - Obtain The Sample -qwerty6- ================================================================================ The final chapter! this starts where Leon has his chopper battle, now forward straight up and there will be a ganado here, kill him then move forward and a machiene gun guy will appear above, if you have a rifle, snipe him and watch out for the approaching ganado, if you don't have a rifle, run away a bit and he will jump down, then get your shotty out. After he is dead use your grapple gun to get up to where he was, there is a ganado up here and some bowgun ammo, there is also some trasure in the green barrel.Jump back down and continue the way you were going and more ganado will aproach, there will be one wirh dynamite in the distance up above also. Carry on around and there will be one ganado running towards you and three ganado by a barrel accross the bridge, two have dynamite, blast the ganado in front of you then shoot the barrel to kill the three by the barrel. Go up the steps and enter the building, you will now be trapped inside here, ganado will constantly drop in, I suggest just standing in a corner and blasting them as they fall, once they are all dead the door will open, down the path will be two ganado with dynamite and an arrow shooter, but luckily there is a barrel by them so shoot it quickly. Head up the steps to the very top then glide down, grab the item then shoot the ganado on the level below then jump down and use the switch to open the shutter, walk through. There will be a lot of ganado arrow shooters in here, now your mission here is the same as Leon's once, get both of those switches, try to kill as many arrow shooters as you can, they are a real pain, now run forward and follow the left wall until you meet a ladder (don't go inside the tunnel just yet),go up it and a machiene gun guy will appear where the switch is, run behind the crate you see and he will come for you so blast him while he is making his way to you and he should fall quickly. Now run to where the machiene gun guy was and flip the switch, backtrack a little and jump down, now run to that tunnel that we saw at the start, in here climb the ladder at the end, follow the path around and another machiene gun guy is here, he is a bit trickier to get but if you use the rifle or the bowgun, he will die pretty quick, flip the switch and the shutter will raise, head to it and go in. Go up the steps and there will be an arrow ganado here, kill him and move forward,you will see another ganado in the distance here with a rocket launcher, but he won't notice you until you are right behind him. If you go down the passage in the middle you can get an item from the barrle, but it will trigger a few ganado to drop in, so do what you like. Whatever you do, follow the path around and there will be two arrow shooters here kill them or quickly dash to the door, you might get hit tho. There is some ammo in here grab it then jump down the hole, behind the ladder are some bowgun arrows. Walk through the door way to trigger a scene, after the scene just follow the path and go through the door. There is a merchant and a typewrighter in here, check the draw by the typewrighter for a flash grenade, check the panel on the wall for an egg, then go inside the nearby room for a yellow herb. Now go through to the jail cells and there will be an arrow shooter straight ahead so get rid of him, this will trigger three ganado to come out from the jail cells after finishing them check the two cells on the right side for some stuff. Climb up the steps from the side and go throuh the door. Go down the steps and grab the ammo at the bottom and prepare yourself for a boss fight. ---------------------- Boss fight 2: Krauser ---------------------- This fight is played out just like leons almost, shoot Krausers feet to make him fall then knife his head for maximum damage, after each strike to the head he will flash grenade you then jump to another platform Ada will automatically follow,there will be some items on this small platform so grab them if you really need them then repeat the same process to Krauser, he will throw another grenade then jump to another platform, there are more items here, get him to his knees and slash him again to win. After the fight you will be on a platform with a Merchant and typewrighter,turn left and go to the dead end and check it for the butterfly lamp! If you have the red, green and blue eyes combine them with the lamp then sell it. Now follow the path around to the Merchant and typewrighter. Grab the items and then use the grapple gun to get to the next area. A scene will play. ---------------------- Boss fight 3: Saddler ---------------------- This fight will be saddler in his 'human' form, quickly run around and grab all the items that are scattered about, saddler will for the most part walk afteryou and if he does attack, most of them can be dodged (you will be prompted when you can dodge so be ready for the dodge prompts at any time) now go to the center of the room and lets start this fight! As I said above, most of his attacks can be dodged so be on the look out. ----------------- Non bowgun strat ----------------- If you could not afford the bowgun, or have low/no ammo for it then I suggest the strat below, if you do have a bowgun with 8+ shots, look where it says 'bowgun strat' This boss shouldn't be hitting you much if you keep your distance and dodge when prompted. Now go to the center of the room and wait for him to come for you, use the TMP or the blacktail and fill his face full of ammo, after a while he will start to glow and shoot bullets out at you, run behind the device Ashley was trapped in and the bullets won't hit you. If you do have a bowgun but no ammo, then I suggest grabbing the bowgun arrows in the area this will give you three shots, 2-3 shots should make him reveal his mouth-eye, run upto him and press X to stab it, if you have a few more bowgun shots I would suggest blasting them in his face too. Continue to keep shooting his face with TMP and handgun ammo until you run out, I dont really reccomend the shotgun on his boss as you have to be right up close to him to do any meaningful damage and he will probably get you with his undodgeable attack and his most powerful attack is used when he is close to you. it can be dodged but it is quite fast.Once you have shot his face with enough ammo let him do his most common attack to you which is when he gets his slimey thing out and you get a dodge prompt, don't dodge! let it get you and then shake free of it, Ada will stab him in the eye causing damage to him, this attack will hurt you also,so keep your health high if you need to do this a few times. eventually he will die, however if you are low on healing then I would suggest resorting to using the shotgun instead, just becareful. ------------ bowgun strat ------------ If you do have a bowgun and more than 8 shots, this fight is much easier. Grab the three bowgun arrows in the area then go to the center, fill his face with TMP ammo for a bit then then get some distance and shoot bowgun arrows at his head, make sure the laser is on his head or they really won't have much of an impact. 2-3 shots should reveal his mouth-eye, then run upto him and press X, this should only take about 5 stabs, but if you do run out bowgun ammo then fil him with more TMP then...let him do his most common attack to you which is when he gets his slimey thing out and you get a dodge prompt, don't dodge! let it get you and then shake free of it, Ada will stab him in the eye causing damage to him, this attack will hurt you also,so keep your health high if you need to do this a few times. eventually he will die. A scene will play. Our mission here is to get to that rocket launcher so we can throw it to Leon. Grab the item then use the grapple gun to get to the next area, equip your shotgun and use it for this part. A two minute timer will start! Run forward and blast the ganaddo with the shield twice to knock him down, run around and jump off the end, turn around and follow the path around, there is another ganado here so blast him down, run to the end then jump down. Turn around and down the steps will be an mace solider, run near him then aim the shotgun to his head and blast him, it doesn't matter if he dies or not. Run to the end and use the grapple gun, pick up the item and go up the ramp, theres a ganado here so blast him, there is two more ganado at the top but you do not need to go near them, turn around and run past the ganado with the arrow shooter and climb the ladder, go up the ramp and there will be an mace solider, again just blast his head and run. Follow it along and there will be a ganado with a rocketlauncher at the end. Quickly get close enough to him so you can blast him, then run past him and go around the corner, there will be another ganado with a rocket launcher here, do the same thing to him. Run to the end and use your grapple gun, now run forward and jump over the edge, quickly run to the rocket launcher and take it. A scene will play. End of Chapter 5. End of Seperate Ways. You will unlock the Chicago Typewriter for the main game. To view Ada's report 5, go to the extras menu on the main menu and click Ada's Report and go to Report 5. ================================================================================ Ada's Report -qwerty7- ================================================================================ This is the transcript of what Ada says after each chapter is completed. --------------- Ada's Report 1 --------------- The only reason I've taken on this Mission is to get closer to my own objective. No matter what happens, I can't let anyone figure that out. Of course, hiding in the shadows isn't my style, I'll have to reveal myself to him and offer advice once in a while. Here's what I know so far, Osmund Saddler's cult is known as Los Illuminados. They've resurrected some sort of parasic organism they call Las Plagas. That's all my organization knows for sure, thought Saddler's occult activities seem worth of investigation. The Salazar familt, castellans for generations, possess the ability to control Las Plagas. The organization's hypothesis is that a unique frenquency of sonic wave sensed only by parasites is ued to control them. The same principal used in dog whistles. This was inferred through the analysis of a tissue sample we retrieved. The tissue contained an organ presumably used for sensing sound waves. I've seen cult members carrying ceremonial rods and I wonder if they emit these sounds. Of course, this is purely theorectical. The Organization needs samples of the parasite to confirm or disprove these theories. That is the main objective of my mission and the only way to prove my loyaslity to the organization. The opening movies in this chess game have been played. There's no turning back now. --------------- Ada's Report 2 --------------- Among all the people invovled in this, Luis Sera has the least entanglements. He works for no organization, preferring to move on his own. I'm the one who told the organization of his importance. I did this because I like him. His history betrays an enthusiasm I once shared. It was a stroke of luck that I happened to intercept his e-mail for help. It seems he can't trust the police, so he sent the e-mail to an old friend from college. He must have thought his friend was still alive. At any rate, that's how I managed to find him. Apparently, he'd been conducting his own investigation of the cult while doing research on Las Plagas. A brilliant scientist. He's accumulated a pile of data and pieced it all together. Must be why Saddler hired him. Too bad Ser'a snooping has aroused his suspicion. When I told him who I was, he practically begged to be taken into custody. He needed protection. He said, "I have no love for Las Plagas or this stupid cult. I want out, I just want peace and quiet again." I ordered him to being me a master Plaga specimen - sample - for evidence. Looks like he's one of the few people whom Saddler actually trusts. Tracking him down and getting my hands on the sample shouldn't be difficult. I doubt the cult will take kindly to his escape, thought. I'll have to guide this long if I want it to go smoothly. --------------- Ada's Report 3 --------------- Jack Krauser has been the subject of extensive study and research by the organization. His skills and personality have been tested both on and off the battlefield. If he weren't the best, he would become a liability that would jeopardize the rest of us. My conclusion? He's a great soldier. No more. No less. As long as he's well compensated, he shouldn't cause any problems for us. If he does start to get restless,I can take care of him. I've studied his combat style and can deal with that arm of his if necessary. Krauser answers directly to Wesker, and it was Wesker who decided that Krauser should be sent to spy on the cult. He also decided to send me along. I wonder if it wasn't to keep an eye on Krauser. No doubt Krauser has already fallen to temptation of Las Plagas and the power they represent. This could have dire consequences for the organization. On some level,however, this may be a necessary devlopment, as his role is to disrupt the farce of a play. That said, the stage and its players will ultimately come crashing down in the end.Bad luck for him, but he'll play the patsy in the end and take the fall for all of us. That's why I need to make sure things keep goign exactly as they are. --------------- Ada's Report 4 --------------- Leon S. Kennedy...Perhaps the most essential part of this mission. This story wouldn't be complete without him and his formidable survival skills. He has what it takes to survive against overwhelming odds. I've seen him do it before. And he's improved since then. Practically a genius, he has smarts and knows how to use them. On top of that, his service as a goverment agent has toughened him up. I'll work behind the scenes to make him think he's the primary player here, thought it may be naive of me to think that'll be easy. Considering the involvement of both Saddler and Krauser, the possibility of unforeseen problems is there, but I need him in the supporting roll for me to achieve my goals. I'll do whatever it takes to keep him in his place and make this all go smoothly. Of course, his role didn't exsist at all until a few months ago. Back then, my role was much simpler, too. But that was before the presidents daughter was abducted and Leon was dispatched alone to find her, Talk about a major script revision. I don't think I need to worry. Leon's been through woese and always comes up smelling like roses. His consistent luck is part of the reason why I have absolute and unshakeable faith in my vision of what's in store for him. --------------- Ada's Report 5 --------------- It wasn't easy, but I'd say the mission has been a sucess. Getting my hands on the sample was my initial objective after all. But I've sent Wesker a different present. Just as the organization ordered. Pretending to work with him was entertaining. Albert Wesker...I wonder where here's headed next. Something tells me this whole affair was just a taste of what he's got in store. To him, Umbrella represented power. He used it to hide behind while he made plans of his own. And now the umbrella's been folded. With the sanctuary of their old umbrella ruined, those in power struggle to erect a new one. They are aware of their own crookedness and deceit as they engage in their personal war of light and darkness. That's why Wesker will stop at nothing in opening his new umbrella. The giant pharmaceutical corporation S maintains medical and drug facilities the world over. We know for certain that Wesker has been in contact with them following umbrella's demise. There's no doubt we'll next hear from him there. The organization must remain vigilant. But Wesker's not stupid. He knows exactly what the organization is thinking. He and I still have time to continue our little game of cat and mouse before the next move is played. The mission may be over, but the battle is just beginning. ================================================================================ Contact ================================================================================ Contact me at Davey2100@msn.com if you find any errors or incorrect information!