BLOOD WILL TELL. Boss FAQ Written by - chuks313 Version:1.01 Email: chuks313@ TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Battle tips (a) Controls review (b) Hints/ moves (c) boss fights order 3. The bosses The prologue fiends (a) Chapter one fiends (b) Chapter two fiends (c) Chapter three fiends (d) Chapter four fiends (e) Chapter five fiends (f) Chapter six fiends (g) Chapter seven fiends (h) The final battle. 4. Extras: Spirit attacks and swords locations 5. Credits and copyrights. ================== 1. INTRODUCTION ================== Welcome to my boss FAQ on blood will tell for the playstation 2. Its another great hack n' slash action game in which you have to journey as a samurai hyakkimaru to recover his 48 body parts stolen from him by fiends when he was a baby. This guide is written to assist or help you to defeat the bosses you will encounter throughout the game especially if it's your first time playing through the game. I listed their locations and things required or you must do to trigger off the fight and the battle strategy. Also I added the body part received and stats enhancement associated with each body part recovered and best weapon or attack mode to fight them. This FAQ is written according to how you will fight the bosses in each chapter, NOT according to alphabetical order. Feel free to e mail me suggestions or other related stuffs (my email is Compliments will also be nice and appreciated. Well good luck to ya all and I hope this guide will be helpful. Onwards to the game, shall we!! ================== 2. BATTLE TIPS ================== (a) Controls- though the game will go through the tutorials with you, I will still review the game controls and some moves not mentioned. NOTE: this is the default or type (A) config Buttons functions Square ------------ light attack Triangle ----------- heavy attack X button ---------- jump (press twice to double jump) Circle -------------- dororo command button / self-talk Left analog stick -------- move Right analog ---------------- zoom view cam L1 ----------------------- center cam L2 --------------------- change attack mode (toggle b/w arm dual blades and single hand sword) L3 --------------------- dash (note: only available after finishing chapter one i.e. Leg recovery) R1 ---------------------- fire arm cannon (some sort of machine gun) R2 ---------------------- aim leg cannon. Push triangle to fire R3 ---------------------- boss cam toggle -Moves- a. Spirit attack: - push the square and triangle buttons together when spirit gauge is full and blinking to perform a spirit attack. Check the extra section to find some spirit attacks and where to get them. b. Quick strafe - By holding the L1 button, then a direction and pushing the X (jump) button allows you to strafe quickly in that direction you are holding. Forward direction lets you to roll, back direction lets you back flip and side directions to jump in that way. Nice for evading c. Double jump - push jump button on top of a jump. Though he jumps slowly and people have been complaining about that in some jumping obstacle situation. to perform a good jump try float jumping. it's just when you move and jump, when you are about to start losing momentum from the first jump quickly push the jump button again. with this float jump tech you can cover/get across any jump obstacle. d. Frenzy slices or charged combo - Holding down the triangle button allows you to charge your weapon, release when an enemy is in range and press the button sequence as they appear below ur screen. Once enemy's HP is depleted press triangle to finish off. The time is limited, but more time will be added as your speed stat increases. So be fast. Note: this technique is useful for obtaining items and swords from enemies and NOTE it DOES NOT work on bosses. Practice cos someday it will save your life e. Dash - Like I said above this ability becomes available once you recover your left leg or by beating chapter one. When moving push the L3 button, you can then gain a speed boost for a limited time. While running (speed boost) you can press square button which allows you to perform a slide knockback stab. And pushing the triangle button allows you to perform some kind of jump ground stomp (don't know what else to call it) f. Windmill slash - When using your dual arm swords, pushing triangle during a jump or double jump allows you to perform a windmill slash in which hyakkimaru spins like a fan and slashes in the movement. A nice attack move for fighting floating or airborne bosses, even reaching the heads of some tall bosses, but pressing square during a jump allows you to do an upright 360 slash attack. g. Quick balance regain - Note; this move become available in chapter 3 after beating twin blade boss and regaining your ears. Push any button when you take knockback damage or while you are damaged in the air. This will allow you to land on your feet. Pushing the square button allows you to regain balance and do slide dash stab and triangle allows you to regain balance and do a stomp attack immediately. h. Knockback - used to knock your enemies down to the ground. Press square button once and then triangle once. Don't press it simultaneously. It does not work on bosses and some enemies like stone/rock golems. But works well on other enemies. It's a good move to use before charging your sword for a frenzy combo slices. (B) HINTS - here are some hints for boss fights (I) Always keep moving. Never stand still in a place. (II) Apart from a boss weak spot (critical hits) you can always find a blind spot which is some times their backs except for some floating bosses. Don't take them head-on at low levels on unless....... (III) Sometimes single hand sword attack mode is better than using your arm dual swords. But dual swords attack mode works well on floating bosses esp. with a windmill slash attack. (IV) So far I have played the game; I noticed it does not make use of elemental damage system. What I mean is when playing games that use elemental damage system (e.g. final fantasy), fire and ice are opposed elements, so using fire to fight a fire enemy will heal it instead of damaging it while ice attacks will do more damage against it. BUT in blood will tell it's not like that, you can kill a fire fiend with fire weapons or fire spirit attack. Damage done is based on the boss' level and your weapon level. But for you elemental weapons will help reduce elemental damage taken. (V) Try and conserve your HP in battles, because you don't have stock of healing items in your menu like in other games where you access your menu inventory and use a recovery item. It does not work like that in blood will tell. Recovery items are used immediately you pick it up. Your only savior will be Ur 1ups (collecting 100 of jyukai's medicine i.e. those small green orb like stuffs, it gives you an extra life, so when you die, you are automatically resurrected). Trust me this is gonna save you at one point or the other. You will basically start with one slot, but as your reg stat increases so will the slots to a max of three slots (VI) Dororo; she can sometimes be useful or useless in boss fights. Don't worry if she dies because she will still come back to life at no cost I think. If you want her to be involved in a fight set her command in attack, but if you want her to stand down, it best to set her command in search. In that way she stays out of fight and sometimes hints you on a boss weak spot. It's all your choice. One more thing you can do with her is when her HP is full and you come across a riceball / items you don't need at the moment, set her command in collect for her to pick the items and keep. Then when you need those items, you can go near her to collect them. Try and use this method to collect riceballs before going into some boss fight. (VII) Some swords you find or get from enemies gives you immunity to some attacks like poison, some enhances your stats while some reduces the damage you take. Choose with caution according to the boss's attacks. (VIII) Your dual arm sword levels up when you defeat demons and boss fiends, but your single hand sword does not increase in level. Its level remains constant. NOTE: for your attacks or combos to disorie- ntate a boss, you must use a weapon which levels are higher than the level of the boss. (XI) Boss HP comes in 3/3 (blue, yellow, and red). Bosses tend to use powerful moves when you have depleted 2/3(red HP remaining) of their HP, so be careful. Don't think that because the boss is most dead is enough reason to relax, you can be surprised, so be on your guard (X) Spirit attacks and cannons are sometimes not necessary for beating bosses. To me it's just for fancy fighting. -BOSS FIGHT ORDER - If it is your first time playing the game and you don't know which order to go about fighting the bosses, try and use the one i created below as it will help you in the stats enhancement for the fights. "SLF" means storyline fights and "cpt" means chapter In prologue - Take care of great horn and homunculus (sLF) proceed to chapter1 - start from Dreameater, then SLF's scourge 1, then Hellcrusher, scourge 2, and Demon ogress. revisit cpt immediately from cpt select and take care of Grave golem first, then Inquistor. save ur game then quit and use cpt select to begin cpt2. -start cpt2 with SLF's masterless samurai, possesed dororo and fire wheel. if you want you can fight impaler b/4 dragon brood or you can leave it for revisit. after cpt end, immediately revisit cpt to get night terror, save your game and quit. -start cpt3, first go get Golaith, then SLF's with Twin blade, Fire golem, gapping maw 1 and mountainous 1,2,3,4 fights. imediately revisit cpt and first finish off Gapping maw and then go get wind fiend. save your game with the automatic save option. -start cpt4, first SLF with 3 tail fox. then at dragon bridge get Beast fiend. then other SLF's with 6 tail fox, Saburota, Tahoumaru and 9 tail fox. revisit immediately after cpt end and first get Death at south town then head for north town for Hellcat and Blood ape. automatic save option. -start cpt5, first go get inferno wheel, SLF with misaki, then Redcap 1, again with misaki, then Thunder fiend (don't fight minotaur at the moment because he might be too strong for you unless you feel you up to the task to face him). continue with legion, then redcap 2 and soul stealer. then go end cpt. -start cpt6, SLF with Possesed misaki. in the forest get cursed monk, go for SLF with Midoro and Boar fiend. end cpt and automatic save option. -Now first go back to cpt2 and finish bussiness with fiend misaki, then go get Draconus. automatic save option - Then go to cpt1;bamboo forest for mrs onba, smoke her and save with the automatic optiion. - Now go to cpt5 for minotaur if you left him as i said. you should have good stats by now to smoke him very fast or use great lotus sword to speed-up fight with him (you should have it by now). automatic save option -Begin cpt7 and don't forget the phoenix sword for the remaining fights. SLF with dragon tank 1 & 2, then demon ogress, then saburota. after him, go get white dragon. then go to the basement for 3 face, return to 4th floor for bloodgore and carrion feeder. then go for the final SLF with chimera and fiend tahoumaru. cpt end and save option. (note: revisit cpt7 to get the cloud swords, after that save and quit) - final cpt, just smoke the final and remaining guy; behemoth. =============== 3. THE BOSSES =============== Before we start, I will list the bosses according to how you will encounter them in the game chapters. I will give the boss name and level, then a short description, the location you will encounter them and if there's a there's something to be done to start off the fight or if it is a storyline fight. Also I will give a difficulty rating from easy to hard, the best weapon or attack mode to use, and the boss critical spot (weakness). Then comes the fight guide, and followed by part recovered by beating the boss and the associated stat enhancement. Also note you when a new ability is gained. NOTE - The difficulty of each boss sometimes depends on the level and attack power of the weapon used in fighting them compared to their own level. So be sure to level up your dual swords. And choose a nice level corresponding single sword. A fight difficulty also sometimes varies by your fighting experience and skills. But I gave the basic difficulty if it is your first time fighting them. Ok, letz get the show on the road [did I sound like cid from final fantasy x] ++++++++++++++++++++ THE PROLOGUE FIENDS ++++++++++++++++++++ NOTE: nothing is wrong with ur TV set. the game wants you to play the prologue in black and white color. (1)Fiend name - Great horn [Lv 1] Description - A demon with a large horn on the head and claws for weapons. It uses carrion beetles to devour the souls of people. Location - you can't miss him, storyline fight. Difficulty - Easy Body part obtained - vocal cord (note: gives you ability to talk) Stat bonus - Atk +2, max HP +7 [Choice weapon: arm dual swords/ critical spot: the head] This guy does not even deserve great in his name. His quite easy, but might sweat your fingers a little if it is your first time fighting him. All his moves are predictable and can easily be avoided, so you can practice evading, strafing, camera switching and other moves you want with him. He can use a 3 hit claw attack, when he starts moving back slowly he will do a leap jump attack, just avoid with a quick strafe or run off that spot he will land. He can also stab the ground sending out straight fire waves. He can also charge and engulf his body in flames, just stay away from him when he does those moves. Thatz all he got, just run behind him and attack his back (blind spot) you can always get a critical hit on his head with a windmill slash (jump + triangle) will do that. Or you can explore him with your arm /leg cannon works well on him. Don't attack him head on, run behind his back and slash away. The quickest way to dispose him is when the fight starts, just keep running till you get behind him and attack with your combos (do this like 2 or 3 times), then use your sparrow flight spirit attack to send him packing (if timed well can take 1/3 plus HP of his life bar) . (2)Fiend name - Homunculus [Lv2] Description - A demon fiend with one hell of a head, according to the game it kidnaps kids works them to death before using them as food. Location - Yakushi riverside. Storyline fight. Difficulty - Easy Body part obtained - Left eye (now you can play the game in color) Stat bonus - Atk +2, max HP +7, met +5 [Critical spot: his big head] This guy is also easy. In the first part of the fight he has dororo with him. He uses few attacks like mist blow, avoid them by staying out of range or his front and go behind him and slash away till you reduce 1/3 of his HP, then he drops dororo who will assist you in the fight. Just avoid his new attacks like his head butt, hand swipe attack and also his jump spin attack. Always attack him in his back with your dual swords. Feel free to explore him with cannons or sparrow flight (spirit attack) which is the quickest way to go. Just time your sparrow flight and launch it and he will die very fast. ++++++++++++++++++++ CHAPTER ONE FIENDS ++++++++++++++++++++ There are all together 7 fiends/ bosses in chapter one. It's possible to fight the first 6 during your first visit of chapter but you must revisit chapter for the last fiend when due. (1)Fiend name - Dream eater [Lv 4] -Description - An eye looking demon fiend enclosed I some kind of protective membrane -Location - Sengoku riverside, the first waterfall in the river, it should be at the right of your screen, opposite that waterfall should be a large tree, go to the root side where there is a rice ball, and cut those roots. The tree should fall creating a bridge part to a room through the waterfall. Enter inside to start off the fight. (Can do this during your first visit/ cpt start.) -Difficulty - Easy -Body part obtained - Hippocampal synapse (enables you to see number of defeated enemies) -Stat bonus - Atk +1, max Hp +7, Lck +10 [Choice weapon: dual arm swords / critical spot: the eye-like head] Another easy boss, but this time around it's a floater (bosses that remain afloat in the air). So a windmill slash is your best attack. the boss starts off by shooting a laser like green beam at you, the beams are slow moving so keep moving sideways constantly, once he stops shooting run up to him and execute a windmill slash (jump + triangle). After that it will probably teleport and start with the beams again, avoid and attack again with your windmill slash. sometimes it releases multiple green balls round him which can stun you if hit (does this when you stand too close to him), when its HP is dropped to 1/3, it begins to fire big plasma balls that move faster, so keeping moving to avoid getting hit and don't forget to attack it after that. Using leg cannons is not that a good idea because your recovery from firing it might be too slow, but your arm cannon is good if you have ammo for it just enter full auto fire on it if you want or you can just finish it with your duals blades windmill slash attack. (2)Fiend name - Scourge [Lv3] (first encounter) -Description - A nasty looking demon that resembles a wingless fly with many tentacles -Location - Yudai's manor, well room. It's a storyline boss, you can't miss it. Storyline fight. -Difficulty - Medium -Body part obtained - none -Stat bonus - none [Choice weapon: dual arm swords / critical spot: the tail and tongue] To be frank with you, this freak is a little tough; it's big, fast and deadly. When facing the face (its front head) it uses a tongue swipe attack, and at the rear a tail swipe and it jumps up and down all the time. So if you are attacking with your arm blades, start attacking it from the side, use combos that enables you to end in a helicopter spinning slashes, due to the way it moves your finishing helicopter spin might end up damaging its tail the weakness area. Sparrow flight spirit attack also works if timed properly and does a good amount of damage to it. Don't run directly to the tail to attack it because it will simply knock you down; go in for your attacks from its side. If you are at a distance, you can try arm cannon gunning at it, also a good attack. Once its HP drops to 1/3(red), it then starts running round the cave wall, then stops for a while and shoots off lighting projectiles, keep moving to avoid that. It then climbs down from the wall for a while and takes off to the wall again. When its running round the walls, you can remain calm and watch it, as soon it stops and the eyes are glowing, quickly use that opportunity to fire your leg cannon round at it, that would do a fair amount of damage if hit appropriately and don't forget to run off before those lighting attacks hits you or you can wait for it to come down from the wall before going in for your sword attacks. Also observe the item stones all there, some contains riceballs and others cannon ammo; so be sure to get them when you are in need for it. Continue like that till its entire HP is gone. Once it health is gone it runs away into the well. But you have not seen the last of it. It will be back later. (2b)Fiend name - scourge [Lv 5] (Second encounter) -Description - same as above -Location - bamboo forest. Storyline fight -Difficulty - Medium -Body part obtained - none -Stat bonus - none. [Choice weapon: dual arm swords / critical spot: the tail and tongue] It's back, this time with higher levels and some additional attacks. it still uses its old attacks like tongue and tail swipe, but it does not uses those eye lightning attacks instead it now uses series of bamboo sticks attacks. It first summons up some bamboo sticks and fling them all at you, can still be avoided by moving and running sideways. Its tail still remains it weak spot. If you obtained the firestorm spirit attack from the forest, you can use it against it at close range for a huge amount of damage. Time your combos' right and always start attacking it from its side, don't go in for attacks head-on. It's much faster now and may not give you a good chance to aim at it with your leg cannon rounds due to it bamboo sticks attacks. Just stays alert for its attacks, avoid them and attack it from the side and you will win the fight in no time (3)Fiend name - Inquisitor [Lv6] -Description - A demon statue with 3 legs directly attached to the head with has 3 faces. -Location - Yudai village. When coming out of the bamboo forest, take your left, move that way and follow the wall you are facing directly round to find an entrance to a place with some indestructible statue stones, look for the statue stone glowing Golden /yellow color. Destroy that one and the fight begins. You can use your map to locate the place if it's your second visit to yudai village. this area has 3 houses and it's diferent from where grave golem stays. if at first you don't find any glowing stone, just go out and wait like 5 secs b/4 going in again. -Difficulty - Medium (hard at very low levels & stats) -Body part obtained - Trapezius muscles -Stat bonus - Atk +4, max HP +7 [Choice weapons: dual arm swords and fire sword / Critical spot: blue face] This is another toughie especially if your sword levels and stats are low. So I will recommend you having a fire sword or a higher level fire sword like +1 will also be nice, you can get one from those skeletal warriors (check sword section). It's not a must that you must fight with the single hand sword (fire sword) but just equip it and fight with your arm dual swords. This is how this boss attacks works. It starts by spinning its face, the spin stops at a random face which can be red, yellow or blue. The red face means anger, the yellow face means happiness, the blue face means sad. If its spin lands a red face (anger), it will rush at you and use a fire attack. It blows fire from it mouth and slowly spin it face in a 360 degree manner b/4 pausing. It uses this attack 3 times before spinning its face again. so if it shows a red face and your distance its far from it, it will surely rush towards you, don't run, wait for it to come, as soon as it starts the fire blow start running round it in a circular way so it will seem like you are been chased by a flame thrower. When it stops, attack with a SHORT combo or better use a windmill slash quickly, and prepare to run round it again. (Note it does this flame attack 3 times b/4 it spins its face again.) But just incase you are not fast enough and the fire hits you, you will be fine with the fire sword you equipped because fire damage taken is reduced. If it turns up a yellow face (happiness) it will begins dropping exploding bombs at you. Don't attack it, just run and avoid the bombs. On occasion it can drop you health rice balls, so collect them if you are short of health. If it turns up a blue face (sad) it can stand still and weak to do anything, or run sluggishly, it can also summon 3 specter lords; ignore or dispose them off and be sure to use the opportunity of its blue face to damage it real good. You can try cannon rounds on it when it face is blue. Victory will be yours in no time. (4)Fiend name - Hell crusher [Lv 4] -Description - A tall fiend that has a lion-like face. Holds a club in one hand and a staff in the other hand. -Location - bamboo forest; immediately after helping the villagers to dig up their hidden money. (storyline fight) -Difficulty - Easy -Body part obtained - Esophagus -Stat bonus - none [Choice weapon: arm dual swords / Critical spot: the head- face side] Another easy one, but be careful if you want this fight to be easy. He can uses a couple of club swipe attack and its nothing to worry about so far you are not standing in his front when he does that, he can also use a jump stomp attack so move away from his landing spot, and also a magic staff fire attack, so move away from his front when his staff begins to form magical symbols. All his moves are predictable and avoidable. Use those opportunities he misses to go behind him and attack him in the back, he only uses 3 blue fireballs often when you have depleted 2/3 of he's HP. you can always side strafe to avoid that The fight can go so easy without you needing to spend a single bullet or cannon on him unless you want to fancy fight. (5)Fiend name - Ogress [Lv6] -Description - A female ugly looking demon that deceived the people of yudai village and steals their money. (I wonder what demons needs money for? can someone please help me answer that- jokes!!) -Location - Yudai village square. You can't miss her, storyline fight -Difficulty - fairly Easy -Body part obtained - Left Leg gives you ability to dash speed-boost by pushing L3 button. -Stat bonus - Atk +2, Spd +12, max HP +7 [Choice weapon: dual arm swords or any single hand sword / critical spot: her back] This fight is not difficult if you study her attacks, she starts off with a fire spinning punch (close range attack), stay out of range to avoid that. she sometimes floats, but lands and charges up a lightening bolt that can hit you if you are standing in front of her, so when you she her charging up that attack, rush behind her to attack, if you like you can switch to single sword and combo her back for a good critical hits when there. When she is floating slightly and moving a bit backwards, rush towards her and damage her with a windmill slash (works with dual arm swords). If she floats up so high and starts charging up for her energy attack, just run towards and stand beneath her to avoid getting hit. After 2/3 of her HP is depleted, a cutscene when dororo stabs her with a scared spear follows. After that the fight continues, now be careful. She starts off by flying to a high position that you can't reach her and summons around 3 skeletal warriors, ignore them because she will use this moment to charge-up and use a powerful red beam, just run to avoid that attack. She might end up killing her servants she summoned. You can shoot her up there with your arm cannons but don't bother much to shoot at her up there; she will eventually fly down to the ground, now go get her before she goes up again. After few attacks it will be over, get your left leg from her and end the chapter. You can then use chapter select to return here for the other fiend bosses except one boss. (6)Fiend name - Grave Golem [Lv5] -Description - According to the game description, it's some kind of dolls buried underground. But to me it looks like a tall stone statue with small tentacles in the two holes on the head. -Location - Yudai village. Easier to locate when revisiting this chapter. Use your map to find the location with a big shining red dot, there should be a save point near the entrance of the area. Destroy all the stone pillars there, once all destroyed, the fight begins. This area is different from where inquisitor is; there is only one house in this area. -Difficulty - Easy -Body part obtained - Platelets -Stat bonus - Atk +1, Reg +12, max HP +7 [Choice weapons: dual arm swords / critical spot: the head-face side] This boss is also a floater which means it always stays afloat in the air, but not so high up and its moves are predictable, so you will be fine if you know whatz coming. When it starts rising high above you, move and start running to avoid its ground stomp. It can shoot slow moving fireballs that explode on the ground at you so run when you see it incoming, when its body glows red, it will use a charge dash attack to hit you down, quick strafe (i.e. hold L1, with a side direction button, then push X) to the side to avoid the attack, it can even stare & circle round at you without doing anything so hack him with your sword combos real good when he's doing that, you can also use a windmill slash to reach its head for a critical hit. Also be careful once 2/3 (red remaining) of its HP is gone because it will tend to charge at you more often, sometimes 2 or 3 rush charges at a go and can also fire multiple fireballs at once, so watch your back and finish him off. (7)Fiend name - Mai mai Onba [Lv44] -Description - A demon moth that can transform itself into a female human being. -Location - Ancient bamboo thicket. First you must beat chapter 6, then go back to chapter 2's Saruta shrine, beat fiend misaki, who gives you your right leg and boosts your leg cannon. Then come back to chapter 1's bamboo thicket. Upon entering the bamboo thicket, take the small part at your left to enter a new area, cross this area to the next one. Just cross the stream, you will find a big stone blocking your part to another area, blast it with your bazooka; follow the part to an area filled with red flowers and weeds. At the end of this area there should be a save point, there is also another part that is blocked by bamboo trees there, cut them down and enter for the fight. -Difficulty - Medium (Hard without sword of protection) -Body part obtained -Vissudha -Stat bonus - Atk+4, max HP+7, Lck+9 [Choice weapon: Dual arms sword attack mode and Sword of protection {+2} or {+3} or poison sword+3 or arm cannons / Critical spot: her head and chest region] To make this fight easy if you decide to fight her with your swords, I will recommend that you have sword of protection +3, or +2 is still fair, it gives you immunity to poison and at the same time reduces damages from fire, ice and lightening elements. (Try to get one from spear skeletal warriors with your charged/ frenzy combo technique). Another good sword is poison sword +3(got from carnage beetles) but it won't guard you against her lightening attack. OK got the swords? Now equip your sword of protection +3, and switch to your duals swords or if you have recovered your left arm, use your sword of protection +3 with it and your arm sword in your right hand. Mrs. Onba stays afloat in the air and flies about, so your best type of attack to reach her is your windmill slash. She can use a lightening bolts attack from her wings to dash towards you, always dash off to avoid been hit. She also uses a poison mist spin move which poisons you if you are not immune to it. Infact she will almost use this poison move all the time if you are not immune to it and you try to attack her. But if you are immune to it, she rarely uses it or sometimes won't use it at all (she will think there is no point using it if she can't succeed in poisoning you). Well whatever, thanks to our poison or sword of protection. When ever her abdomen starts glowing, just back off far away because she will use a ranged stunning wave attack. You can always shoot her to stop this move with your arm cannons. She will also summon 3 revenants to attack you, you can kill or ignore them but its best to kill them fast as they will always drop cannon rounds for you. She sometimes summons this revenants to keep you busy while she comes dashing at you with her lightening bolts or her stunning attack, or even when at a distance she will relax and rest for some moment, if you see her resting be sure to fire away at her with your cannon especially your arm cannons, you can always get more rounds from the revenants by killing them. Always chase her when she flies off to distant herself from you and attack with your windmill slash moves. The alternative way to dispose her if you don't want to use your swords is your arm cannons. Start by distancing yourself very away from her then open fire on her with your arm cannons. She will then summon revenants directly at you; kill them off by any means and collect more cannon rounds they drop and use it all on Mrs. mai-mai still she summons more renevants. With this method flawless victory is guaranteed unless you take damage from the revenants. Either way just avoid her moves if you can, use your windmill attacks or arm cannons on her and she will be joining her dead husband in no time. the 2nd method is suggested if you don't have sword of protection. ++++++++++++++++++++ CHAPTER TWO BOSSES ++++++++++++++++++++ There are 6 fiends which has hyakkimaru's parts and 2 normal bosses. The first 5 fights are possible on first visit of chapter but the remaining 3 fights require you must revisit chapter. (1)Boss name - Masterless Samurai [Lv6] -Description - By name he is tanuoske, a samurai sent to guard the local castle. He ends up been possessed by a demon sword which urges him to kill. So ever since then he's been wandering around the village killing innocent villagers. -Location - Mujou Fields. You can't miss him; he's the chapter storyline fiend. -Difficulty - Easy -Body part obtained - none -Stat bonus - none [Choice weapon: single hand sword / critical spot: his back] If it's your first playthrough of the game, this will be your first non lethal combat. You can't use your dual arm swords or cannon weapons and spirit attacks. So get used to this system if you the kind that likes using dual arm swords and cannons. Well our samurai will speed walk towards to use a 3 hit sword attack or sometimes a kind of fire attack. You will notice it's hard to try to run behind him. So when he walks towards you just jump or double jump over him, by the time you will be landing, he has already started to attack your former position, so turn & rush up to his exposed back and slash away. Try combos you can mix with triangle buttons which has chances of knocking him down. He just moves a little faster after 2/3 of his HP is gone so be careful and always attack him in the back with the above method. He will be down very fast. (1b)When you control dororo to get his sword, its is very safe to keep your distance and stone him with the L1 or L2 buttons. It's very risky to run up to his back to and start attacking him with hands because he will counter attack at you if caught. Be sure to pick the sword when he drops it or he will get up and refill his health. the L2 does the most damage on him. (2)Fiend name - Possessed Dororo [Lv8] -Description - dororo now possessed by a demonic sword. -Location - Saruta shrine (storyline fight) -Difficulty - Fairly medium -Body part obtained - none, but it's nice to get your buddy dororo back. Hahahaa -Stat bonus - none [Choice weapon: single hand sword (Lv 7 or higher) / critical spot: her back] Another non lethal combat, you know the drill; give her a good beating in the back. Watch out for her 360 spin sword swipe and stab attacks she can do when rushing at you by standing or running out of its range. Start by running round her still you see the chance for attack in her back then rush in for your combos, even when slashing her back be careful because she can use a back flip slash to counter your attacks, so be quick with your attacks. She occasionally screams (aaarrrhhh) which can stun you, just stay away from her front when she does that and rush behind her to attack her back. Her tricky move comes up when 2/3 of his HP is gone. She can then throw her sword at you which can chase you about, you can quick strafe to the side as the sword approaches you to avoid or rush towards her and attack her to stop the moving sword. Just keep moving and attack her when you get your chance at her back. In no time she will snap out of her curse and taint (3)Fiend name - Giant Fire wheel [Lv10] -Description - A demon that looks like a wheel with sharp spikes on it and it's engulfed in fire -Location - Huichidani village. After beating dororo and coming out of the shrine, your only path will be to go through the open gate ahead, move in and the fight begins -Difficulty - Easy with (fire sword +1) -Body part obtained - Kidneys -Stat bonus - Atk +2, max HP+7, Stb +12 [Choice weapon: single hand sword attack mode; fire sword +1 / critical spot: the side] Just switch your attack mode to single hand sword and equip your fire sword +1 which should be at lv13 when you get it, even if you have fire sword which is lv3, its manageable for taking damage. You can still beat this thing without fire sword or with your dual arm swords but things are much easy with your fire sword+1 which is the better fire sword series that you can get at that point of the game. Note this game doesn't use elemental damage system where fire weapons & attacks can heal a fire enemy, so use them. This demon wheel has nothing. Don't go and attack it in the burning spike part, attack it from the side with your fire sword +1 and combos which will cause it to lose balance. If it charge rolls at you, just quick strafe out of its way and always run when it does its crazy spinning move towards you. Just keep attacking its side, and don't keep a far distance from it. It's still ok if you don't have fire sword+1, just equip fire sword and use your dual arm swords for the fight. Your fire sword will save you from severe fire damage. (4)Fiend name - Dragon Brood [Lv10] -Description - The demon sword that robs people's mind and urges them to kill. Now tanuoske is a slave to the sword. Anybody killed by the sword becomes a living dead (any resident evil fans in da house?). -Location - Mujou fields. Each time a part of his HP is gone, he changes location -Difficulty - varies per the location he is, but his level remains constant [Lv10] all through -Body part obtained - Spine -Stat bonus - Atk +2, End +15, max HP+14 [Choice weapon: dual arm swords or any mode, but you can still leave the fire swords equipped. / Critical spot: his back] First part (his HP 3/3 blue) this fight part is easy. He uses the same attacks like before when you first fought him but he now teleports often, he can also use some kind of flame attack together with his combos. Jump behind him and slash away like before. Just reduce his entire blue HP, and then he changes location 2nd part (his HP 2/3 yellow) this part is fairly easy, you both are now in a field with water which slows down your movements. He now teleports more than often and can summon 3 small purple flame orbs that revolve round him, some kinda protection. It does not do much damage but can slow and pin you down while he attacks you. Just strafe when possible or jump to avoid him. Attack his blind/weak spot, his back. After some damage he runs off again to another location. 3rd part (still 2/3 part of his HP) fight difficulty is now medium. You are now in a place filled with tall rock pillars. He now teleports even more than ever, so keeping moving, he can use a long range sword swipe when he teleports near you, if he jumps up high, just back off, because he will do a ground stab which raises sword barricade round him, dororo can sometimes attack or distract him so use that chance to go in for your attacks behind him, attack his back and finish off his yellow HP. Final part (his HP 1/3 red) difficulty still medium, location is now an open field, if your HP is low, just switch your cam to normal R3 and rush to the far end, there should be an item stone there, break it and take the riceball, return your camera back to boss cam so you can keep an eye on him. His attacks are the same as before but he now adds a kind of ground stabs that sends a couple of swords underneath the ground at you, run off or side strafe to avoid. Jump over him as usual when he starts moving towards you to attack and finish his back off. (5)Fiend name - Impaler [Lv9] -Description - A tall demon with a long spear -Location - Mujou fields. Revisit chapter 2 and head to the area where you first fought tanuoske as (Masterless samurai), near the entrance there should be a stone heap at your right, you can set dororo on search to locate it for you when there, and then break the stone. This fight can be available before fighting dragon brood or you can revisit chapter for it. -Difficulty - Easy -Body part obtained - Manipura -Stat bonus - Atk +1, max HP +35, Lck +9 [Choice weapon: dual arm swords / critical spot: the head-face side] What else would you do if you have a spear? Thatz all he got, he can do a couple of stabs or a swipe with his spear. Quick strafe to avoid or run behind him and start a combo, you can also use a windmill slash to reach his head for a critical. He can try to get funny when 2/3 of his HP is gone by fighting very fast. He uses a spear magical big purple fireball that explodes on impact, very easy to avoid and predict when he is about to use that from his shinning spear. He can also increase his speed and use continuous spear stabs, so be careful, avoid all his attacks and finish him off. Feel free to exploit him with your canons but not when he's HP is 1/3 remaining (red) because he can be very fast to reach your distance. Spirit attacks are also good if you feel like using them. (6)Fiend name - Night terror [Lv12] -Description - He looks like homunculus from the prologue chapter. Maybe they are twins' ha-ha -Location - Mujou fields, pond side. Remember one of the parts you fought possessed tanuoske, the area with water, go there you will find some crimson earth enemies, kill them all and fight will trigger off. You MUST revisit chapter for this fight -Difficulty - Fairly Easy -Body part obtained - Cerebellum -Stat bonus - Atk +1, Spd +9, Lck +8 [Choice weapon: dual arm swords and poison sword / critical spot: the head] Since its main attacks are poison based, then poison sword will be very useful. Is not a must that you must use the sword to fight, just equip it and use your dual sword arms. This guys fights just like homunculus (maybe its him seeking a rematch). Due to the water in the area your movements is slow and even your dash ability doesn't work. This guy can use a hand swipe, a poison blow which can poison you and make your movement more slow and sluggish but with poison sword, you will be fine. He uses head butts and a teleport move and often pops out from the water with a poison jump spin attack. You can always start a combo at its back, but your movement might be slow to get to his back. So you can go head-on attack with a windmill slash which will always give you a critical hit on its head. When landing from the windmill slash just hold your L1 buton and move back a little to avoid his head-butt or hand swipe which he will use to try and counter, execute another windmill slash again when he misses his head-butt counter. Continue using this method till he teleports off. He will teleport more often when 2/3 of his HP is gone. So be careful. You can use your firestorm or thunderstrike spirit attacks or even cannons on him if you want. (7)Fiend name - Fiend Misaki [Lv35] and Nameless fiend -Description - Misaki in possessed form by a nameless fiend, thanks to saburota who did it. -Location - Saruta shrine. You MUST beat chapter 6, then revisit chapter 2 and head to the place where you fought possessed dororo during chapter2 story. -Difficulty - Medium -Body part obtained - Right Leg (you can now use a bazooka and up to 10 ammo for it and it also has an increased damage. NOTE: you can now blast big rocks that block your parts where other fiend bosses are). -Stat bonus - Atk+1, Spd+15, max HP+7 [Choice weapon: Dual arm swords or one hand sword like fire swords for (def) / critical spot: her back] Man!!, this girl won't stop at nothing to have hyakki's head even to the extent of becoming a fiend. Well its time we give it to her real good. You have to free her from her taint. You can now fight her with all your weapons and strength since she is already fully possessed (no more non-lethal battles for her). Use any attack mode you like, for me when I fought I used single hand sword attack mode which I think is the best mode in my opinion. I had powerful swords like double edge, natural grace and a couple of high level hand swords. But if you are not sure of your endurance stat and evading skills better equip fire swords like+1, +2, +3 or even sword of protection series +3 preferably if you have them because her attacks are fire based even her melee combos. Her attacks and moves are similar like before only that she is much faster and stronger now. She can engulf herself in flames and speed charge at you for a powerful stab or combo attacks, best to jump or double jump over her when she almost nears you, by the time you are landing; she will be attacking your former spot leaving her back vulnerable to your attacks. She now uses a spinning jump fire attack, which you won't have to worry about this if you are not standing close to her. Always stay out of range for her fire knife slice combos. When she jumps to throw fire darts at you, run to avoid getting hit by it. Time your movements and get behind her and slash her back with your combos. Note that she has a good balance which means you can't knock her down again like before. She will always recover from a fall or knockback. When you defeat her, the nameless fiend that possessed her comes out, so kill it off. In my own case when I fought, I used double edge sword or natural grace, when I got a chance at her back, by the time I was done with my slashes, it took away 1/3 plus of her HP and the fight went like breeze. (8)Fiend name - Draconus [Lv41] -Description - An evil fire dragon demon, but it looks more like a big python snake to me. -Location - Mujou Fields. After beating misaki and gaining your right leg, head to the area where you fought night terror; jump on the ledges to reach the area above with stone pillars. Go to towards the save point, the entrance to the next area is blocked with a stone pillar; just use your bazooka to blast it away. Enter to begin fight -Difficulty - Easy -Body part obtained - Liver. -Stat bonus - Reg+15, max HP+35, Met+12 [Choice weapon: Dual sword arms and Fire swords / critical spot: the head] What else do you expect from a flame breathing dragon if not fire attacks? So equipping your fire swords preferably +1 or +2, +3 will be great and will save you from turning to barbecue. If you happen to have sword of protection +3 [Lv45]; then use it as it covers both your offense and defense. Well draconus uses a flame breath which he uses to sweep his front, so stay out of range or best to dash towards him and stand in front of his belly if you are near it when it's about using the flame breath move. When standing in his front belly, assault him with your combos while he is still busy with his fire breath and missing. It can use its big body to swipe and hit you, likes using it as a counter move. But the damage is not so bad. It also jump leaps at you with a ground smash so run off his landing spot. The cheesy way to handle him is by attacking him with your windmill slash on the head, and immediately back-off a little out of range to avoid his body swipe counter then again attack it with your windmill slash and back-off again for his counter. To trick him to become very vulnerable; just distant yourself from him so he will try to use his flame breath, immediately dash towards his front belly for combos when its mouth starts to shine. Thatz all he got, you can always windmill slash his head or run up to him and slash him with your combo on its front tummy or side. Feel free to use your bazooka to blast his head for a reasonable damage if you want. ++++++++++++++++++++++ CHAPTER THREE FIENDS ++++++++++++++++++++++ There are 6 fiends located in chapter 3. The bosses here have a bit high levels, so be sure you level up your dual arm swords. 4 bosses are available on your first visit; the remaining 2 are available during chapter revisit. (1)Fiend name - Goliath [Lv12] -Description - Looks exactly like great horn (1st boss) maybe is his twin bro -Location - Magistrate village. When you are almost near to the exit path which takes you to the mountain area, look to your right, there should be a house; head towards it and to the rocks at the side, 2 carnage beetles will appear in the entrance space between the rocks. Kill them and enter through the open space to begin the fight. -Difficulty - Easy -Body part obtained - Adrenal glands -Stat bonus - Spd+9, max HP+7, Stb+10 [Choice weapon: dual arm swords and fire swords / critical spot: the head] This fight is like David and goliath from the bible, just joking. Well this guy looks and behaves like great horn only that his level is higher than great horn's. He uses fire based attacks, so equip any fire sword you have and then use your duals arm swords for the fight, just deal with him the way you dealt with great horn. Maybe he is still great horn seeking for a rematch battle. Always stay away from his front and run behind him and attack him in his blind spot (his back); try and keep using your dual arm combos that allow you to end in a helicopter spinning slash because it can disorientate him if it hits him in the front body and don't give him chance to recover from that; start the same combo again and again. Sparrow flight spirit attack does excellent damage to him so you can use it if you want. He will be down fast enough. Trust me this guy is very easy. (2)Fiend name - Twin blade [Lv11] -Description - A tall fiend with sharp blades for hands. Also got big ears (maybe he's goliath and great horn's cousin) -Location - Fumma temple. The chapter storyline requires that you fight him. -Difficulty - Easy -Body part obtained - Ears (give you ability to land on your feet after then attacked in the air) -Stat bonus - Atk+2, Spd +10, max HP +14 [Choice weapons: dual arm swords and any lightening sword / critical spot: his head] He behaves and fights exactly like his cousins' great horn and goliath. So tackle or deal with him they way you dealt with his cousins. The only extra he has is he can stab the ground 3 times sending fire waves each time which does lightening based damage. Or the body charging his cousins do, he's own throws off small stones round him which can be avoided by staying out of range. Always run behind him and start a combo in his back. Don't forget to equip your lightening swords. You will send him packing to hell very fast to meet his cousins. (3)Fiend name - Fire Golem [Lv12] -Description - A fire demon that looks like a west Indian and wields a powerful axe -Location - Daidara Mountains. Secret cave entrance, storyline fight. -Difficulty - Easy -Body part obtained - Stomach -Stat bonus - Atk +2, max HP+42, Met+12 [Choice weapon: dual arm swords and any fire sword / critical spot: his head-face side] I don't need to remind you to equip your fire sword, +1 fire sword will be nice. Then use your dual arm swords for the fight. This guy can be very easy if you are careful, in fact you can take him out with a flawless victory. First I will tell his attacks which include triple fireballs from his mouth, quick strafe to the side to avoid. He can use his mouth as a flame thrower or do a flame breath attack, run or stay out of range. He can also use a fire spin attack to rush towards you, just keep moving, he only uses a high speed fire spin attack that can cover a long distance when 2/3 of his HP is gone. The best way to deal with him is when in front of him, a good chance is when he is jugging with one leg, (with your dual arm swords) use your combos which enables you to finish in an helicopter spin attack, if it hits well that should knock him down, as he gets up to his feet again, execute the same combo again in his front to knock him down again, you can repeat this till he's dead. But incase of screw ups, with any fire sword equipped, you will be fine. (4a)Fiend name - Gapping Maw [Lv13] (part 1) -Description - A demon that looks like digestive villus, but has hands and legs -Location - Daidara Mountains; into the mountains. Storyline fight. -Difficulty - Easy -Body part obtained - none -Stat bonus - none [Choice weapon: use any attack mode / critical spot: the head] This guy is very easy but be careful and conserve your HP for the next boss fight immediately after this. He is slow and always moves about and he likes to dance sometimes. He can stretch his hand to attack you. If he glows red he is going to use a spin attack, so back off and stay out of range. Always rush behind him and attack, he can also teleport to far distance so chase and rush toward him. When his HP is dropped to 1/3, he can run off and start screaming, he will recover his HP as he does that. Also if you are at a distance away from him and you are in front of him, he will use some kind of eye wave that can stun you. All his moves are predictable and avoidable, run and attack him in the back (his blind spot) and due to his short height most of you hits and attacks will sometimes hit his head for criticals or you can use windmill slash directly on the head, and when he runs off charging his HP, chase after him with your dash ability. When his entire HP is gone he runs away carrying mio with him. (4b)Fiend name - Gapping Maw [Lv23] (second encounter) -Description - same as above -Location - Fuuma Temple. You must revisit chapter 3, then head for the temple area, when you are there, check your screen map and move to the part with red dots, there some tree roots with sprout out from the ground from mio's grave. Destroy them all to begin fight -Difficulty - Medium -Body part obtained - small intestines -Stat bonus - Atk +1, max HP+42, Met+12 [Choice weapon: dual arm swords at least lv24 and lv21. also a nice single hand sword like a 5 body slasher sword will be nice. / Critical spot still remains its head] So this guy lived to die another day, but looks like mio nourished him because he's now is at level 23,so he increased by 10 levels, compared to the level 13 he was at during the first fight. So be sure your sword arms levels are relatively to his level. Or having a single hand sword like 5 body slasher which is at Lv24 will be nice if you don't want just to use your duals arm swords. He still uses his same attacks just like when you fought him at the mountains. So always avoid those attacks, stay close to him so he won't use his eye beams, and always run and attack him in his back as before. when his HP is reduced to 1/3(red), that's when he gets funny, he now runs off screaming, dropping bombs at you and also charges and regains his HP. it will do this more often. So avoid the bombs and chase after him. His HP might drop slowly as you attack him but don't relent, just keeping attacking and executing your combos. He will die soon; you just need a little patience with his screaming move. Your legs cannons do little damage to him, so don't bother much using it but you can try spirit attacks. (5a) Fiend name - Mountainous [Lv14] {part 1--right arm} -Description - A giant arm of a demon all covered with mountain rocks -Location - Daidara mountains; into the mountains. Just immediately after fighting gapping maw pt1 -Difficulty - Easy -Body part obtained - none (it's not dead yet) -Stat bonus - none [Choice weapon: use your leg cannons / critical spot: the red part that is not covered with stones] Just looking at this gigantic arm will make you ask yourself "where should I start from attacking? Guess you may have tried with your swords, and the sound you will hear will convince you that your sword is not the immediate answer. First you need to watch out for its attacks if the ground in front or underneath you begins to glow, quickly move away, if possible use your dash ability because it's gonna pop out from there. But if you get hit, push a button while falling in the air to regain balance and land on feet. If it pops out at a distance far from you it will slam its hand to the ground, and sweep it from left to right. Stay out of range to avoid. Now you know what to expect from it, after avoiding its ground pop out, aim your leg cannon and blast away. Be careful not to miss because every hit counts, if you aim well, it should be over in four cannon blast. Also make sure you aim at the part the stones are not covering (red parts).each cannon blast breaks away the stones covering those arms so blast at the same area for increased damage. But if you run out of cannons before killing it, you can use your swords to finish it off by attacking it in the exposed area. (Attacking its exposed part with swords will do massive damage to it) (5b) Fiend name - Mountainous [Lv14] {part 2-left arm} -Description - Same as above only that this one has a hole in the front palm. -Location - Daidara Mountains: mountain side / storyline fight -Difficulty - medium. (Hard without enough leg cannons) -Body part obtained - (not dead yet) -Stat bonus - none [Choice weapon: Leg cannons, Dual sword arms or any fire sword(def) / critical spot: exposed part] This fight is only hard if you don't have leg cannons rounds left which means you have to break the rock coverings manually with your swords which might take some time. The arm still pops out of the ground like the other arm. So move away when the ground glows beneath you. But when this arm pops out of the ground far from you, it shoots off fire volcanic stones at you, it can shoot one or three watch it and move slightly in-between two to avoid. It can also slam its arm to the ground with five to six volcanic stones at once and then those a sweep moves. Just keep your distance and stay away from range. Now for attacking it, if you have at least 3 leg cannon rounds, things might turn out good for you. When it pops out near you, aim your leg cannon at the base of its arm. NOT the LOWER indestructible rock. I mean the arm base from the big rock. Also know that your cannons will not do damage as it did to the other arm. It will only assist you in breaking some part of the destructible rock particles on the arm. So try and aim carefully for the base. So once you are out of cannons, it's time to use your swords. If you have been blasting the arm's destructible base, it should now be rock free or little rocks will be left there. Now wait for it to use its pop out move near you and miss you, now jump up to and stand on its indestructible base and use your sword attacks and combos on the juicy exposed base you destroyed with your cannons. If there are still rocks particles left there, just break it off with your attacks and hack away on the juicy red part. Sweet victory will be yours soon. You can have a 1up with you before going into the fight just incase things turns sour for you but with the above strategy you won't be needing it or even a spirit attack. You will be ok. (5c)Fiend name - Mountainous [Lv14] {part 3-the Eye} -Description - A big eye inside the mountain that belongs to the mountain demon. -Location - Daidara Mountains: mountain summit. Storyline fight -Difficulty - Easy -Body part obtained - (still alive) -Stat bonus - none [Choice weapon: Leg cannons or swords] Make sure you have enough leg cannons before going into the fight. This fight is very easy, there will be stone golems hanging all around there, just ignore them and concentrate on the eye's attacks. It uses laser beams at you, just run to avoid, and use the opportunity to blast at it with your leg cannon. After the taking the blast damage, it releases off volcanic stones which can be easily avoided by watching the trails where they are landing. Its attacks will end up killing the stone golems which will also drop you more leg cannon rounds. When 2/3 of its HP is gone he will start using eye beam sweep, and can also releases more volcanic rocks at you. Avoid them and finish it off, also if you equip your fire swords with which you will take less damage from its fire based attacks. but it's beams do lightening based damage. (5d)Fiend name - Mountainous [no level] {final part: the heart} -Description - The heart of the mountain demon sealed underneath the temple. -Location - Fumma temple; Storyline fight. -Difficulty - Easy -Body part obtained - At last; Sense of pain (now controller vibrates when you take damage) Stat bonus - Atk +2, Reg +7, max HP +14 [Choice weapon: bombs] The chapter story requires dororo to handle this fight. Head for the temple where the heart is. Take care of the ravens, skeleton warriors and golems (you can always stone L1 or L2 them if you don't want a close quarter fight). Don't forget a nice sword (sword of protection) for hyakki in there. Now head out and take left to head to an altar where you will collect the bombs. Tree roots will spring out the ground upon reaching near the altar, kill them, grab the 3 bombs there, equip it from your start menu, return to the fiend's heart and use the 3. Again return to the altar and grab more bombs which should be enough to finish the job. (6)Fiend name - Wind Fiend [Lv 19] -Description - A greenish pig-face looking like demon that floats in the air. -Location - Daidara mountain summits; revisit chapter and head to the place where you fought the mountain demon's eye. -Difficulty - Hard -Body part obtained - Abdominal muscles -Stat bonus - Atk +4, End +8, max HP +7 [Choice weapon: Dual arm swords / critical spot: the face] I just said that this guy is hard assuming that you return back immediately to chapter 3 after completing it. But at higher stats and sword levels he won't be much of a problem. As you can see this guy is a floater and a very annoying one. Don't bother much with your cannons because the way he floats about will make you miss or even if you hit him, it does little damage. So your best weapon of choice is your dual arm swords which you will use to perform a windmill slash (jump or double jump + triangle button). When the battle begins (during 3/3 blue HP) he is slow and looks easy. He uses a single whirlwind cyclone attack which you can predict this when he starts spinning. He does this when you are facing him in the front, so run behind him when he start spinning and execute your windmill slash and the cyclone will miss you. He can also use a suction attack (no damage) which draws you close to him and follows that up with a wind blow-off attack. But he does this if you keep your distance in his front. So stay close to him or very far to avoid but if you get caught in his suction move, don't run away, move towards him instead and stay beneath him to avoid his blow-off attack. When his yellow HP turns up, he can get funny by releasing 3 whirlwind cyclones at once, you can still run behind him and attack him when he does that because the cyclones move in front direction of him and will miss you. He can also change platforms i.e. floating from the top platform to the one below so go after him as often. During his last moments (red HP left),thatz when he becomes real mad, infact he can continuously keep releasing 4 whirlwind cyclones at once that can fill the entire platform with wind cyclones. When this happens, try to change platforms, if you are at the upper one, descend to the one below. If below, jump to the one above to avoid. When he's done and the cyclones clear-off, rush towards him for a windmill slash attack. Continue like this till he's dead and gone and respects the law of gravity. Also a well place and timed Sparrow flight spirit attack can deal a good amount of damage and can also save you at the same time from his wind cyclone attacks because you are invincible during your sparrow flight attack so save it for the last part of his HP (red part). Having at least one 1up is good just incase things go sour. +++++++++++++++++++++ CHAPTER FOUR FIENDS +++++++++++++++++++++ There are 7 demon bosses and 2 normal bosses in this chapter. It's possible to smoke the first 6 fiends during chapter visit but you must revisit chapter for the remaining 3 fiends. (1) Fiend name - Three Tailed fox [Lv15] -Description - A demon possessed fox with 3 tails and is brown in color -Location - The hill of the wall. Defeat the 20 demon foxes in the annihilation battle. Storyline fight -Difficulty - Easy -Body part obtained - Lymph nodes. -Stat bonus - none [Choice weapon: dual arm swords or any nice level single hand sword / critical spot: its tail] This fight is very, very easy if you have a single hand sword like 5 body slasher, 3 body slasher is also good or still you can beat it with your dual arm swords. You guys are on top of the wall. This demon fox likes to run off in the air and you can't chase him there. When its there it launches 3 small rotating knives simultaneously at you which you can avoid by moving or running. When its start running back towards the wall, use your dash ability to rush there and slash the hell out of it with your swords. If you waste time in attacking, it can run off or teleport to the far end of the wall from where it can use around 3 fireballs at you. If you use a 5 body slasher or strong swords, you will be done in a minute or two. You can shoot it when it's standing in the air with your arm cannons but don't waste it on him. Just stick with your swords. (2) Fiend name - Beast Fiend [Lv17] -Description - A big fat brownish/orange demon that carries a backpack and wields a small sword -Location - South town, black dragon bridge, when you are almost at the exit of the bridge, there should be around 5 spear launchers there, at your left part of the wall there should be a wide wooden door between the walls, break it and enter there to begin fight. -Difficulty - Medium -Body part obtained - Cerebral Neocortex -Stat bonus - End +8, Stb +12, Lck +12 [Choice weapon: Dual arm swords and any fire sword / critical spot: his backpack] Well, just equip your or any fire sword you have and then use your dual arm swords. Your fire sword with help you reduce damage from bombs attacks which might be his only attack that will give you trouble. This guy is bomb crazy, but he has other attacks like a jump & butt ground slam, or a somersault sword swipe with a butt ground slam which won't give you trouble compared to his bomb attacks. His critical spot is the backpack he's carrying which you can reach with a jump slash or windmill slash. He likes dropping off 4 bombs when you are behind him to attack his back. He can use a far bomb projectile throw at you if you are far away from him. Now the best way to nail him is with your windmill slash, just run up to his back and execute a windmill slash and hold L1 and back direction, then push X button to perform a back flip strafe when landing from the windmill slash. This will help you to avoid the bombs he will drop off to counter. With this method you'll be fine or you can use hit and run method. When his yellow HP turns up, he can sometimes run off with his backpack open and dropping bombs continuously, atimes 1 or 4 bombs at once. Don't chase him when he does that (open backpack), till he closes his backpack. He also can throw off multiple bombs at once, just stay away from him when he does that. Your cannons do little damage to him especially if you don't aim at its backpack, so stick with your windmill slash and back flip strafe method. I think the idiot commits suicide when you finish him off. (3) Fiend name - Six tailed Fox [Lv16] -Description - A demon possessed fox with six tails. It looks gray in color - Location - Daigo's manor; courtyard. Storyline fight. - Difficulty - Easy - Body part obtained - Pancreas (1up slots increases to two -varies-) - Stat bonus - Atk +2, Reg +12, max HP+14 [Choice weapon: Dual arm swords or any relatively high level single hand sword / critical spot: the tail]. This is the bigger brother to 3 tail fox, so even though he's also easy, be careful. At battle start he teleports a lot and can use a bite attack, so keep moving and also chase him when he appears at another spot. Just use any weapon mode you like to attack him. When he has taken much damage, he can start using his tail to fire off six single lasers (one laser from each tail).always move or run to avoid that. He can also use a powerful form of laser lightening-like attack that closes in on you from left and right, you can jump over it to avoid, he only modifies this attack when 2/3 of his HP is depleted by adding a blue spinning flame wheel that heads for you in the middle while closing in on you with his lasers. Avoid his moves and slash him down and be patient with his too much teleporting. He will be done for in no time. (4) Boss name - Snake-eyes Saboruta [Lv18] -Description - A man sent by the fiends to kill hyakkimaru. They have almost the same hair style. -Location - Daigo army headquarters. Storyline fight. -Difficulty - Easy -Body part obtained - Nothing -Stat bonus - Nothing [Choice weapon: Any nice level single hand sword / critical spot: his back] This is a non lethal battle, so your only choice is to use a single hand sword. Just use one with a reasonable level. Saboruta is not tough now; he uses a spear to fight. he can use it to dash at you and attack, or hit you twice with it, but the sword in his waist is not for fancy, he can use it atimes to perform a ranged swipe which stuns you if hit. All his moves are avoidable, and you can use that opportunity he misses his attacks on you to get at his back or best to jump over him when he rushes towards you and slash the hell out of his back. Just watch his moves, jump-over and avoid them and make yours. (5) Boss name - Tahoumaru [Lv18] -Description - A young man who is hyakkimaru's young brother and a son to Daigo -Location - The wall. Storyline fight -Difficulty - Easy -Body part obtained - Nothing -Stat bonus - Nothing [Choice weapon: Same as above / critical spot: his back] Another non lethal battle. This battle is easy but be careful as you need to be in good shape to start off the next boss fight immediately after you are done with him. use any nice sword, and don't run off far from him. Allow him to rush towards you, then move away slightly from his 3 hit sword attacks, when he misses then make your own move, a nice combo like {square, square, square, triangle, triangle, triangle.} is nice and can knock him down. Don't bother much to get behind him, he is slow and will always pause a while after his 3 hit attack, so take him head-on. He can also send his sword wave at you, so always move or strafe to get away from it. He can use an uppercut slash; likes using it to counter your attacks in conjunction with his blocking when he is almost dying. So stay alert and don't take too much damage from him in other to be fresh for the next fight. (6) Fiend name - Nice tailed Fox [Lv24] -Description - A demon possessed fox. Just like his brothers, this one is bigger and white in color and has nine tails. -Location - The wall, immediately after beating tahoumaru -Difficulty - Medium. {Hard without fire swords} -Body part obtained - The Heart -Stat bonus - Atk +6, End +8, max HP+56 [Choice weapon: Dual arm swords, arm cannons and fire swords (best) or sword of protection / Critical spot: the tails] This guy is tough and he's also is a floater, and almost all its attacks are fire based. I believe you got a free fire sword+2 which is somewhere near Daigo's manor entrance, in that area; there should be a specter overlord there. Hope you got it? Then equip it or equip sword of protection, and use your dual arm swords attack mode. Try your best to avoid as much as possible of his attacks which includes multiple fireballs like 5 at once then followed by a 6th one that is semi homing. Move slightly between any 2 and then quick strafe or dash away from the 6th semi homing one (uses this attack at far distance). He can also shoot off 3 fire blades at you which is also semi homing, so use you dash ability to run away from it. He can also engulf himself in flames and dash at you 3 times, this can be a little difficult to avoid, but try using side strafing or your dash speed to run off and avoid. Now you know what to expect from him at the start of the fight, go attack him with your windmill slash, what da?!!!, am I attacking flesh or metal? No you are attacking flesh, only that this fox has a very high endurance at the fight start. But still persist attacking with your windmill slash attack; soon a cutscene will start, after that it can now take serious damage, but it now can summon 4 small foxes that stay afloat too and blow fireballs at you and it also can charge its tails and fire off a whooping 9 fireballs at you. when he is about to use this move, use your arm cannon (machine gun) to fire at him which will make him not to use it again or you can always use your dash ability to run off and avoid it all. By killing the small floating foxes, they will drop more cannon rounds for you. Use them all on him, use your windmill slash when out of ammo and wait for him to summon more foxes; dispose them and collect the cannon ammo and open fire again on him. Damage done by your arm cannons is very good so keep using it. If you also happen to have whirlwind spirit attack got from chapter 3 prison area, it works very well, infact if timed and used right it can deplete 1/3 HP of the boss and you are also invincible when performing it. As for you taking damage, your fire sword+2 will see to that. If you are careful like me you can take him out in a flawless victory. Checkmate!! (7) Fiend name - Death [Lv21] -Description - He looks like hell crusher from chapter 1, this one wields an axe. -Location - Revisit South town; battalion (A) area. i.e. the place where the entrance to the lower black dragon bridge is. When there at your left is the save point, instead go right, there should be a path that leads into the village, continue to the end to find a statue that emits a purple spectrum, destroy it and return back all the way you came to begin fight. You must revisit chapter for this fight. -Difficulty - Easy -Body part obtained - Thyroid glands -Stat bonus - Spd +5, Stb +12, Met +12 [Choice weapon: Dual arm swords or any good hand sword / critical spot: his head] After fighting this guy, don't you think he will do well in Tony hawk underground or he can even win a medal in X-games competitions? Hey just joking, said that because he uses a skate moves. At first he uses a skate move with his staff to knock you down, so stay clear of his way or quick strafe to the side. He also uses his staff to shoot fireballs at you which you can tell, infact use that chance when he is aiming/charging it to run behind him and use your combo attacks. When he kneels down and forms a blues aura and magical symbols on the ground, he will use a kind of fire attack, easy to avoid by standing in-between any 2 aligned symbols. Don't forget that he wields an axe, so watch out when he uses its ranged swipe and also a jump stomp attack, so keep moving. When 1/3(red) of his HP remains he will use a hastily advanced skate attack in which he skate and swings his axe at you, still easy to avoid best with a side quick strafe. Windmill slash is good if you want to reach his head for a critical attack. You can experiment on him with leg cannons or spirit attacks. Too bad he won't be going for the X- games because you are going to kill him. Huh hahahaahaa. (8) Fiend name - Hell cat [Lv20] -Description - A demon possessed cat. It looks big and tall like a bear with sharp claws -Location - North town district 1: north town is the part where you played as dororo in taking those kids home. When you enter north town, use your map and move straight to the area's end, there should be a part by the side that will lead you to a new area, where you will find an entrance blocked with tall trees, cut them down and moves in to begin battle (Note: you MUST revisit this chapter for this fight.) -Difficulty - Medium -Body part obtained - Muladhara -Stat bonus - Reg +12, max HP+35, Lck +9 [Choice weapon: Dual arm swords or any good hand sword (best mode) / critical spot: the back] You can use any attack mode you like but the best mode is to use a single hand sword. If you have a nice level hand sword, use it. In my own case I had a 5 body slasher sword at that point; your (fire sword +2) is also good. This guy or cat can be very annoying because it jumps and leaps about to much. Due to its movements it will be hard for you to run behind its back for a real serious critical hit. Its back is very weak and it will take a lot and serious damage if you get some luck attacking him there. Make sure you leave dororo's command in attack mode because she will always get you critical hits that can disorientate this cat. There is nothing much to expect from its attacks, it uses claws swipes, a jump leap attack and can also enter into the ground and leap out under you if you are standing still. Just keep moving and you will be fine. Occasionally it does a sliding sweep attack; if caught in that it will follow up with a series of claw scratch attacks, side strafe or run if you see him coming that way. Like I said, just use your powerful single hand sword and take him head on and forget his back. Rush towards him and use your combos (like square, square, square, triangle x4) which will make him back off a little and stoop down covering his head with his hands, don't give him a break to recover from that, rush at him again and open your combo swipes and slashes again. It will be over and fast that way than your dual arm combos. (9) Fiend name - Blood ape [Lv27] -Description- A demon possessed monkey big and greenish in color, also has head horns (weird!! monkey with a horn!?) -Location - North town; district 3. You must go through districts 1&2 to reach 3, when there use your map to get the area (big shinning red dot on Ur map). When you are in that area, there should be 4 small statues somewhere at your left and one should be glowing golden in color, destroy it, and the next statue will start glowing, destroy and continue till all statues are destroyed. (Must revisit chapter for this fight) -Difficulty - Easy -Body part obtained - Ribs -Stat bonus - Atk +1, End +15, max HP+7 [Choice weapon: Dual arm swords (best mode) or any good hand sword / critical spot: his head] Wow, am I fighting King Kong? Though he is not that big as King Kong but his strength sure is. But you will not be worrying because his attacks are slow and easy to tell. Be sure your dual arm swords levels are up to his level or slightly higher. He uses hand swipes attack and can use a powerful ground smash with his long big hands which is his best move. You can tell when it's coming when he raises his two hands high up in the air, just stay away from his front when he does that. His slow movements and attacks will give chance to run behind him and start your combos attack and you will sort of end up hitting his head for a critical hit. Also watch out for his big leap jump attacks in which he jumps like 6 times before relaxing, so keep moving or quick strafe to the side if he jumps towards you. You can blast his head with your leg cannons when at a reasonable distance, works well on him. You will be surprised the way he goes down fast, thought he was tough. ++++++++++++++++++++ CHAPTER FIVE FIENDS ++++++++++++++++++++ There are 6 fiends and 1 one ordinary boss fights here. It's possible to smoke all the fiend bosses in your first visit. (1) Fiend name - Giant inferno wheel [Lv29] -Description - Looks like giant fire wheel from chapter2, but it burns a blue flame. -Location - Start point of Shiranui pass. You can fight him after dororo has been captured at shike temple. Then when you gain control of hyakkimaru, save your game, turn and go back to the area you fought saburota's men and 100 demons. Kill the 5 small fire wheel demons that will spawn there to begin the fight. -Difficulty - Medium (Easy with fire swords) -Body part obtained - Bone marrow -Stat bonus - Atk+1, Reg+12, max HP+7 [Choice weapons: Dual arm swords and Fire swords at least (+1) / critical spot: the side face] This one also looks like giant fire wheel, they have similar attacks like speed charging at you, quick strafe to the side to avoid been hit, and it likes to roll around. The only annoying thing with this guy or wheel is when you start attacking it in its side face, he will try to turn as to make you miss its side and attack its spike burning wheels. Just equip your fire sword to reduce all his damage on you. Try your best to attack it by using your combos in which you will end in a helicopter spin slashing when you are attacking his side, if successful with the combo it should knock him off balance, he will stager around for sometime before gaining its balance again. Just stay out of its way and be quick when executing your combos. Forget using your cannons as he may be fast, and will hit you before you can even aim to hit it. (2a) Boss name - Misaki [Lv1] {fight 1} -Description - Misaki is a young lady, sister to tanouske the man possessed by a demon sword in chapter2. -Location - Shranui pass. Storyline fight -Difficulty - Very easy -Body part obtained - nothing -Stat bonus - nothing [Choice weapon: Any single hand sword / critical spot: her back] A very easy fight and your first battle with misaki. Big shame on any person who will lose this fight. Infact just your weakest sword and give her a good beating. Please just even let her attack you once so it will look like a real fight but if you are the mean type, I guess you will be going for a flawless victory. No need to even try much to go behind her to attack her in the back since she is still easy to beat from the front. (2b) Boss name - Misaki [Lv2] {fight 2} -Description - Same as above -Location - Fudou Mountains. Storyline fight -Difficulty - Still Easy -Body part obtained - Nothing -Stat bonus - Nothing [Choice weapon: Any single hand sword / critical spot: her back] Hey guys, can't you be a little nice to a lady! Anyway she wants it, so let her have it. Even if you use a level 0 or a -10(minus) sword (if there is one) you can still give her a thorough beating. You can knock her down and then don't give her a chance to stand. (3a) Fiend name - Redcap [Lv25] {first fight} Description - A temple monk possessed by demons, his face now looks like a cat and he's short in height Location - Shike Temple. Storyline fight Difficulty - Easy Body part obtained - None yet Stat bonus - None yet [Choice weapon: Dual arm swords and Lightening swords / critical spot: His head] He uses lightening based attacks, so lightening swords will do the trick if you want to play defense. His starting attack is usually a big greenish lighting ball that moves on the ground which he creates from his broom staff. Quick strafe to the side or jump over it to avoid. Rush up and go behind him or at his side and start attacking him till he teleports off to another spot. Dash towards he and be sure to avoid the same lightening ball he will send at you. Once into his yellow HP, he then starts to disappear off and leaving behind rats, frogs and moles. You can kill them to get rice balls sometimes or ignore them. The frogs have a chance of poisoning you with its tongue; so look out. After a little moment they will disappear and redcap reappears again. Rush towards him to attack him before he disappears again. Continue like this till his HP reaches 1/3 red, then he will stop his rodents fighting style but can still teleports. His best attack is when stands still and protects himself with a big lightening orb formed from his staff that can hit and hurt you if you are standing close to him. You can knock him down with your combo attacks and don't give him much chance to stand if you succeed. He will run away when his entire HP is gone. (3b) Fiend name - Redcap [Lv27] {second encounter} -Description - Same as above -Location- Inner part of shike temple. After you help dororo and defeated legion, go back into shike temple after cutscene at the entrance and down the statue hole. Continue till you reach the place dororo was first captured by those faceless people, he will be there waiting. -Difficulty - Medium -Body part obtained - Left arm (you can now wield single hand swords while using your dual arms fighting mode) -Stat bonus - Atk+8, max HP+7 [Choice weapon: Dual arms swords and lightening swords / critical spot: the head] He is now stronger and uses more attacks than before. He can start by releasing a couple of floating lightening balls and them sends them at you, you can rush at him and attack to make him stop creating more of those floating balls or be sure to dash off when you see them all coming to hit you. He still uses a couple of his old moves but when he sends his single ground lightening ball, don't jump over it, because it will suddenly rise from the ground and hit you in that jump. Just use your quick strafe to or run to avoid. Always rush behind him or to his side to attack him with your combination combos. With your lightening protecting swords like +1 or +2 or even sword of protection series you will be fine. You can experiment on him with cannons, your choice. (NOTE: like I said, after this fight and regaining your left arm, you can now use any single hand sword on your left hand with your other arm sword still on the right till you also recover it back.) (4) Fiend name - Thunder Fiend [Lv25] -Description - A thunder demon that floats in the air surrounded with small floating drums. -Location - Fudou Mountains. After beating misaki continue on wards up the mountains. It's an automatic fight that will start off when are near a temple (in-accessible) in fudou Mt. -Difficulty - Easy -Body part obtained - Lateral muscles -Stat bonus - Atk+6, max HP+14, Met+3 [Choice weapon: Dual arm swords and Lightening swords / Critical spot: the head] Another elemental floating fiend, so be sure to equip your lightening swords and then use your dual arm swords mode because your best attack for this fight is your windmill slash. He has a couple of moves which if you learn, you can tell which he is going to use. He can use a kind of single slow moving laser-like beams, avoidable by moving and running but he uses this mostly if you are keeping a certain long distance from him. Also charges his entire floating drums and unleashes a stream of lightening bolts from his hands. When he is about to use this move, dash and stay beneath him and move along with him as he moves. You will be safe beneath him and can even use your windmill slash on him while he's busy with this attack. the only move that has a chance of hitting you in all his moves is when he electrically covers his body with lightening and speed rushes you a couple of times, use your dash or quick strafe to his side each time he speed charges at you. Be careful because the camera gets funny during this attack or if you are fast with camera switching then do so, but you will be fine with lightening protecting swords equipped. Try and stay close to him and follow him about as he floats except when he is about to do his body rush attack which you can tell when he begins to charge his body. Use your windmill attacks on him and he will be respecting the laws of gravity in no time. (What goes up must surely come down as far we are on planet earth) (5) Fiend name - Minotaur [Lv46] -Description - A tall fiend made from different animals. He carries a spear fork and is powerful. -Location - Fudou Mountains. After beating thunder fiend continue onwards up the mountains you will reach a big area; there should be 4 small pillars in the area and a stone button on the ground in that area, stepping on the stone button will make it depress, but there is no enough pressure to activate it. the camera also zooms showing you a ledge above, so continue onwards through the caves, at top of the cave, you should see a part that leads to a save point, ignore it and keep moving left to reach the ledge from where you can jump onto the stone button to deliver the pressure needed to start off the fight -Difficulty - Hard -Body part obtained - Pelvis -Stat bonus - End+15, Spd+10, max HP+7 [Choice weapon: Dual arm swords at reasonable levels / Critical spot: the face] This guy is a tough one and he has it all. He's got strength, high endurance and level, and speed. The game defines him as a fiend with the strength of a bull, and the shell of a crab. No matter what he got, one thing is for sure, he is going down and we gonna crack him open. If you are unsure of your skills, you might want to revisit him when you are much stronger. As for me I took him on with level 36 and 32 sword arms. But at higher sword levels and stats he can be easy to beat. Having a 1up or two is also good if your levels and stat is low just incase. Equip your sparrow flight spirit attack; use it on him when you get a good chance at the beginning of the fight, another one is going to build up before the fight runs out. Try as much of your best to avoid his attacks especially at the fight start. Here are some of his attacks. He can use a spinning fly speed dash attack rushing at and hitting you down. Does this moves almost all the time. You can tell when his body start glowing and releasing green aura. A side quick strafe is the best move to avoid it (If I had a red clothe, I will do a bull fight with him, you know? Oleee!!! Jokes). He can use his shoulders to do a long range laser sweep attack, this is the only chance you get to attack him in the back if you want to and are fast enough. It's also a good chance to use your sparrow flight spirit attack. Remember it has high endurance if it does not enough damage. He can jump up high and out of your seeing range and will suddenly do a spear stomp attack on you if you are standing on one place, be sure to keep moving and dash off when you see him jump up high. Don't forget he has a spear fork and can use it to do a swipe at you often at close range. To beat this guy stay close to him, don't stay at a far distance from him. Let's start when he does his flying dash rush at you, quick strafe to the side to avoid, and then use your dash to rush to him and use your windmill slash which is supposed to end up on his head getting you a critical hit, sometimes it can help you avoid that his dash rush move. Don't let him keep much distance between you and him because it will give him chance to use his shoulder laser sweep; but if he uses it just use your dash to get behind for your combos. Just keep using your windmill slash on its head for critical and reasonable damage and avoid as much his above attacks, when 2/3 of his HP is depleted, and taken more damage on his red HP left, he can start using his shoulder laser while flying and rushing at you. Just persist windmill slashing his head and stay close to him. He will be done for in no time. Just patience and attacking him. It took me 4 to 5 minutes to fry his A** with low sword levels and stats. Trust me you can do it or even better. But if you happen to have high level single swords (like Lv45 or higher) then use it and switch your attack mode to single hand sword. When ever he tries using his shoulders laser sweep, dash n'rush behind him and assault him with your combos or if possible take him head-on because your combos has a chance of disorientating him. if you happen to be using the fight order i composed, then you should have great lotus sword [Lv55]. so use it for a easy and smooth fight. (6) Fiend name - Legion [Lv26] -Description - A big floating statue like demon with six arms, each with various weapons -Location - Fudou Mountains. Storyline fight. -Difficulty - Easy -Body part obtained - Nose (gives you ability to sense demons when they are nearby, your controller will vibrate when they are sensed nearby.) -Stat bonus - Atk+2, max HP+14, Stb+6 [Choice weapons: Dual arm swords and lightening swords. / critical spot: His front] Another guy or thing who is trying to defy the laws of gravity. So be sure to make him obey it. His moves are lightening based, so be sure to equip your lightening swords, and then use your dual arm swords mode. Since he stays suspended in the air, your windmill slash is the best way to go. Stay away from his thunder bolts attack by moving. He will always try to hit you with the various weapons he holds in his arms at close range. When he starts rising high above you, move it or you will get stomped upon. Watch your movements too since you are not wearing skiing boots when on ice, so dash as often to run away and avoid his attacks. He also can send lightening rings at you when you are at a distance from him, run to avoid. He only starts using a powerful long range lightening sweep attack when 1/3 of his HP is remaining. Be sure to double jump over it. Just stick with your windmill slash move, your lightening swords equipped will help you against all his attacks. Persist in attacking him at all time and stay close to him, when he floats away chase after him. In no time he will be respecting the law of gravity. (7) Fiend name - Soul stealer [Lv31] -Description - He looks like Grave golem from chapter 1 -Location - Shike temple. After killing redcap in the second fight, return inside the temple and back to the location you killed him, a ledge will appear from the wall, use the ledge to jump up to a surface. Hit the switch there to open a door below you, jump down and go inside. -Difficulty - Medium -Body part obtained - Large intestines -Stat bonus - Atk+1, max HP+42, Met+12 [Choice weapons: Dual arm swords and ice swords / critical spot: The head] Looks like he is the big bro to grave golem. But he uses ice attacks compared to grave golem who uses fire attacks. His attacks are not much different from that of grave golem. First equip your ice swords like +2, +3 is also very good, you can use an alternate like sword of protection +2 or higher. This will prevent you from being frozen from his ice attacks. Best attack mode to use is your dual arm swords. When he glows red, he will do a confusing rushing charge at you. Try and dash off to avoid getting hit. When he begins rising high, be ready to jump because he will use a jump stomp which sends ground shockwaves. Often use your windmill slash to reach his head and your combos when close to him. Study its attacks; avoid them as much as possible, then attack and you will be sending him to meet its dead brother grave golem in no time. +++++++++++++++++++ CHAPTER SIX FIENDS +++++++++++++++++++ There are only 3 fiends and a boss fight in this chapter. It's possible to fight all the battles in your first visit of this chapter. There is a part of this stage that is very annoying. It's the cursed forest. During my first play through I spent hours looking for my way in this forest. Then when I played the game again, I was determined to know my way round this forest even if it means spending all my time looking. I finally figured my way around. so am gonna sketch a map-like route to navigate through the cursed forest. please bear with my terrible map drawings. i just wanna be of more help. *********** * * * sp+2 * * * **** ****** * * (E) To "GoH" * * temple ^ ^ ^ ^ ** ? ? ** * * * * * * ** * * * * * * ** ** ***** **** **** **** *** ***** ** * * * * * * * * * **** << **** **** >>> *** *** >>> *** * boss **** **** **** *** *** *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * **** *** *** **** ** ****** **** **** (F)* * * * (G) * * (D) * * (C) * * * * * * * * ? ? ? ^ ^ * * * * ***** ***** * * ??**** ****?? **** **** * * * * ***** ***** * * (B) * * ^ ^ * * * * ***** ***** * * ??**** ****?? **** **** * * * * ***** ***** * * (A) * * start point ^ ^ from [Busshi village] -HOW TO USE- Below is the sketch keys and please NOTE this is NOT the full map of the the whole forest. This is just a sketch to help you know how to get around in/out of some areas of the forest without getting lost. 1.start point : This is where you begin from in the cursed forest 2.Alphabelt in bracket : these are the areas in the forest, some of them has 3 or 4 paths that lead to another area and they all look alike that it's hard to tell which one is which. 3.Arrows (>>) : This indicates the right path you have to follow when in an area. follow this if you don't want to get lost. 4. (??) : i used this to indicate paths you have to ignore in order not to get yourself lost. 5.Boss : the boss is cursed monk and he is in area(D)'s face statue 6.Sp+2 : this is sword of protection +2 found in area (E) 7.GoH : stands for "gates of Hell" temple. this is where the chapter's story requires you to get to. - EXPLANATIONS - Ok you normally start from area (A) in the cursed forest, try and note this area by not destroying the face stone statue there but when in other areas, you can destroy the face statue so you can keep track of areas you have been at and your main start point area. so follow the path i indicate with the arrows to get to area (B). rem- ember to stay away from the paths indicated with (??) so you won't get urself lost. Another thing is not to let the enemies confuse you, if so ignore them and head for the paths or kill them if you want and will still remember the right path to follow. ok in area (B) go straight and follow path indicated with arrows to area (C). now you have 3 choices which are; you can go to area(E) to collect sword of protection+2. taking the path to your left takes you to area(D) where you can fight "cursed monk" fiend boss. upon entering area(D), your controller suppose to vibrate, then find the face stone statue and break it to begin the fight. ok after you done go back to area(C) and then follow it to area(F). still stay away from the (??) paths and head for the path indicated with arrows which will lead you to final area(G). now save your game and follow the stairs by the save point to reach the gates of hell temple. When returning after storyline fights at the gates of hell temple try and use the guide/map in reverse to get back to busshi village. ["don't say it, i know; you owe me one-hahaahhaa"] -THE FIGHTS- (1) Boss name - Possessed Misaki. [Lv28] -Description - Misaki is now possessed by a fiend, thanks to saburota -Location - Town of busshi. Storyline fight -Difficulty - Easy. -Body part obtained - Nothing yet. -Stat bonus - Nothing yet. [Choice weapon: Any good singe hand sword / Critical spot: Her back] Just forget the first statement I made during our first fight with her. I said something like "try to be a little nice to a lady". I take it back. Though she is still easy to beat but she's gone from Lv2 to Lv28, which means she is much stronger than before though she uses some of her old attacks. Stay away from her combo; also watch out when she throws fire darts (only at a distance). Jump over her when she dashes to stab you, and give her a good beating in the back. She no longer falls down on her back when you use combo attacks with knock back effects. She will run away when her entire HP is gone. Note: after the fight and concluding this chapter, you can go back to chapter 2's saruta shrine to finish up business with her. (2) Fiend name - Cursed Monk [Lv45] -Description - A funny looking fellow that wears a basket on its massive head and a very big mouth. -Location - Cursed forest. Use the explanation guide of the forest above to get to the area(D) for the fight. -Difficulty - Medium -Body part obtained - Ajna -Stat bonus - Spd+10, max HP+7, Lck+9 [Choice weapons: Dual arm sword and sword of protection+2 or +3 / critical spot: The head] Hope you got the free sword of protection+2 in the forest. Another alternative is poison swords or fire swords. But it's best to use sword of protection which will guard you from fire and poison which this boss uses. This guy also has a high endurance, but he is slow and short in height, so any attack mode works on him but I will prefer Dual arm swords mode if you don't have high {Lv} hand swords. He teleports a lot especially when you are attacking him. His long range tongue attack that can poison you if not immune to it. Sometimes he falls down and fake he is dead so don't let him use that and fool you, can also use his staff and sends a wave that can stun you on impact. His best attack it's a jump fire spin move which he starts using sometimes when he's taken much damage. All his attacks are easy to avoid, always run to his side and attack him with your combos. Also use your camera to look around for him when he teleports off. During his 1/3 remaining HP, he can keep teleporting all the time to try and confuse you. So stay alert. It will be over soon if you keep attacking. It all about patience if you are using low level swords. If you happen to have high level single hand swords then use it with single sword attack mode and speed up the fight time. (3) Fiend name - Midoro [Lv33] -Description - Daigo horse that is possessed by demonic forces. -Location - Gates of hell temple. Storyline fight -Difficulty - Easy -Body part obtained - Right eye -Stat bonus - Atk+2, Spd+9, max HP+14 [Choice weapon: Dual sword arms or any good single hand sword / critical spot: the head] This horse reminds me of Ixion from final fantasy X. Nothing much to expect from this horse, he is easy to beat. Your windmill slash can always reach its head for greater damage, so use it often unless you are using a single hand sword. It runs around mostly, and can also teleport. He can use a wind wave attack when he starts inhaling air, just move away far from him or rush behind him to attack. It can also charge glide at you i.e. when he starts glowing a blue aura, so always run or quick strafe to the side when he comes charging at you. He likes to do this attack when it teleports off to a farther distance. Attack it on its side with your combos when you get the chance, like I said windmill slash is also a good attack to use and reach its head and body since it slightly floats. When he runs off, be sure to chase after him and he will be dead in no time. (4) Fiend name - Boar fiend [Lv33] -Description - Resembles beast fiend from chapter 4, but he looks green in color -Location - After beating midoro and out of the cursed forest, he should be waiting for you in the same area you fought misaki. Town of busshi -Difficulty - Easy -Body part obtained - Pectoralis muscles. -Stat bonus: Atk+6, max HP+14, Met+3 [Choice weapon: Dual arm sword and fire swords or sword of protection+2 / critical spot: his backpack] He fights just like his bro beast fiend (if you have already fought him). He carries a backpack full of goodies {bombs} and can use a somersault sword swipe followed by a buttock stomp move. During 3/3 blue HP, he can summons random enemies like poltergeist, mucks, or specters; ignore them or its best to dispose them off. Always rush towards his back and use your windmill slash to attack his backpack, and if he releases off bombs when you are still landing from the windmill slash which I know he will do, quickly use a back flip strafe or run backwards to avoid getting hit by the bombs. Your fire swords or swords of protection will always reduce damage from the bombs if you happen to get hit. Avoid and stay away from his sword swipe and stomp attack when you see him jump up high. When he runs off, chase after him and be on alert incase he suddenly drops off bombs at you, and stick with your windmill slash attack on his backpack. When his HP drops to 1/3 (red), he can summon 3 bloodstone golems. Don't rush into them to attack with melee, just blast them with your leg cannon or you can still ignore them. Also use your leg cannons at his backpack when you see the opportunity, damage done by it is reasonable or you can finish him off with your swords. +++++++++++++++++++++ CHAPTER SEVEN FIENDS +++++++++++++++++++++ There are a total of 9 battles here and all of them will occur when inside daigo's castle. It's possible to fight all boss battles in first visit of chapter. Try and smoke all the other bosses in the past chapters if you have not before starting this chapter. Note: All the bosses are at higher levels, so be sure your dual arm levels are equal or higher than theirs. For defensive fighting, equipping swords of protection esp. (+3) is better than equipping a specific elemental sword. But the best sword you can find in the game is inside daigo's castle. The name of the sword is THE PHOENIX (Lv55). It protects you from all elemental damage, boosts your attack power and boosts your HP to 999. Refer to the extra section below to find out how to get it. With it all boss fights here will go like breeze. And IF you have defeated all the other fiend bosses in past chapters you will be wielding the phoenix in your left hand and your right arm sword when in dual swords attack mode. Also your speed is supposed to be at 99 by now which enables you to use your full complete combo slashes. (1a) Fiend name - Dragon tank. [Lv29] {Part 1} -Description - A small looking dragon that rides a cart. -Location - Daigo castle basement. Storyline fight. -Difficulty - Easy -Body part obtained - None yet -Stat bonus - None yet. [Choice weapon: Bombs / critical spot: the cart] Note: The game story requires DORORO to take care of this boss for you. This fight can be very easy if you know what to do. When the fight begins, observe your surroundings. Notice the big pit in the center, the flame throwing cannons on the wall, and the 2 big closed doors-like where you will acquire bombs (4 bombs at each door). When the fight begins, if you have problems with your boss camera, simply switch the camera to normal R3, it will be much easier to see your surroundings. Here is how to take this guy out as fast as possible, after collecting and equipping your bombs, stand still and wait for him to drive towards you, if he continues riding to hit you, just move out of his way and wait. Watch him, when he stops at a distance in front of you to use his tail laser at you. Dash towards him and stand by his side and throw (L1) a bomb at him, immediately throw a second one at him again that should be enough to knock him into the pit in the center of the room. Here are also things to note for, when you run out of bombs, more will always appear at those 2 door location, and if dragon tank's HP is 1/3 remains, a single bomb can knock him rolling till he falls into the pit. (1b) Fiend name - Dragon tank [Lv29] {part 2} -Description - same as above -Location - Daigo castle basement; cell area where you will rescue the villagers. Storyline fight -Difficulty - Easy -Body part obtained - Teeth -Stat bonus - max HP+14, Stb and Met +12 each. [Choice weapon: Bombs / Critical spot: the cart] After rescuing the prisoners, he breaks through the wall and chases you. Use your dash (L3) to out-run him to reach the main area for the fight. Despite the fact that he is also easy in this second fight, be careful and try not to get hit by his cart because it hurts. Notice the 2 platforms in the area, one at your left and the other at your right. Each platform contains 5 bombs and a rice ball, so be sure to go up there and get more bombs when you run out of stock. For this fight leave your camera in boss mode so you can watch him at all times, but switch it to normal when you want to go up the platforms to get more bombs. He still uses its tail laser attack, so when he stops riding and its tail begin to shine dash towards him and stand by his side, then use your bombs. When his HP is still 3/3, his recovery from each bomb attack can be fast. So at the mean time just throw a single bomb at a time. He can also speed ride towards you to hit you, he does this almost all the time so run slightly to avoid, also he uses flame breath to sweep his front. Stay or dash and stand beside him and use your bombs on him at that chance. Continue to blast him with those bombs at the right time and avoid all his attacks. If you run out of bombs, always go up the platform to restock it. When his HP drops to 1/3, he now is slow to recover balance after a bomb blast, now you can keeping throwing your bombs one after the other to finish him off real fast. (2) Fiend name - Demon ogress [Lv37] -Description - Big sister to ogress from chapter1 -Location - Daigo's castle; 3rd floor. Storyline fight. -Difficulty - Easy -Body part obtained - Lungs -Stat bonus - Atk+6, max HP+42 [Choice weapon: Dual arms or single hand sword mode with "the phoenix" sword. / critical spot: her back] This fight is very easy once you have the phoenix sword. In other to reach the castle's top floor, you must go through this room. When the fight begins she will like to start off with a lightening attack she will send straight at you, dash off to avoid this attack when she does it. She can float up very high and begin to charge up a for a powerful energy attack, after charging enough energy she will use a powerful red beam attack that goes on with a high ground waves after hitting the ground, even if you try to jump over the waves you will still get hit. When you see her charging that energy, dash towards her and stand beneath her, you will be safe under her. When standing near her, she can use a spin punch attack, just back off slightly for her to miss. When her HP drops to 1/3(red) and she takes more damage, she will float to the center of the room and start to restore back her 1/3 (red) HP, attack her to stop the process. Now if you want the fight to go fast, immediately the fight begins avoid her lightening attack, rush at her and start attacking with your combo, even if you see her trying to use her spin punch move, don't stop, your combos will end up interrupting any attempt she is trying to make. She will eventually float off, chase after her and wait for her to land to the ground to continue your combo assault on her. She will eventually float off to restore her health, dash at her and start attacking. Don't give her breathing space infact you can take her out without getting hit this way. After the fight use the box in the room to reach the door above to continue to the castle top. (3) Boss name - Snake eyes saburota [Lv40] -Description - Same as your first fight with him. -Location - Daigo castle; 3rd floor. Storyline fight. -Difficulty - Medium (Easy with phoenix sword) -Body part obtained - none -Stat bonus - none [Choice weapon: Dual arms or single hand-(best) sword mode with "the phoenix" sword. / critical spot: his back] All his attacks are fire based, but with your phoenix sword (best choice) or fire protecting swords you will be ok. Also keep an eye for the flame throwers at the edges of the room. He already named all his attack so listen to him atimes to know what he's planning to use. (1)Rain of fire: he jumps up high and says it, then releases off a long range fire attack. When he is about to do this which you can tell when he jumps up high, don't run sideways, just rush and stand beneath him, you will be safe there and it will give you a good chance to start your combos on him when he lands down to the ground. (2) Night circle: he stands still and begins to spin his spear creating a big fire ring which he sends at you. This you can run sideways to avoid. (3) Black mist: he stand at a place and yells "take this" burning off fire in front of him. Stay away to avoid or use the opportunity to run behind to his back for combo attacks. He also uses powerful fire combo attacks and will always like to use it to break and counter your own combos. He can speed dash to reach you and can use a sword swipe that can stun you. To nail him, when at a distance from him, he will run towards you, stand still and wait for him. When he is near you then watch out for which move he will use, avoid or wait for him to miss that move then go in for your combos on him, but remember that he is very fast and will sometimes block or start to counter your attacks. But your phoenix sword is powerful; it will cut through his blocking and will reduce the damage you take, so continue this way till he is toast. Also if you have a spirit attack called spirit slash, you can use it, but be careful not to miss. If timed and hits well, it will do a massive damage to him 1/3+ (try using it at close range). Persist your combo attacks even if you get hit, stand up and continue attacking. Note: if you are fighting with dual wield attack mode, your combos that allows you to end in a helicopter spin has a chance of knocking him down. (4) Fiend name - White dragon [Lv43] -Description - A demon ice dragon. He looks like drancous from chapter 2 -Location - After killing saburota, turn and head to your left to find a path door. Jump across to it and follow that till you reach a small room that will lock you in with some enemies, kill them all to open the doors, continue on the new path to reach the main room for the fight. -Difficulty - Hard without ice swords (Medium with ice swords / Easy with phoenix sword) -Body part obtained - Skull -Stat bonus - Atk+1, End+15, max HP+7 [Choice weapon: Dual arms (best) or single hand sword mode with "the phoenix" sword. / critical spot: the head] This fight can be hard if you are not immune to ice attacks that can freeze you. Here are some of its attacks. It likes to start off with a jump leap that uses a ranged ground ice stomp that can freeze. Does this when you are at a certain distance from him. Can also use a small leap to hit you at close range. Some of his other close range moves include a head swipe move or a spinning jump body move. His best attack comes up when 1/3(red) of his HP is remaining. Then he can use a powerful ice breath sweep attack that does massive damage to you in you are not immune to ice element. Now to dispose him off fast, use your dual swords attack mode. When he jumps leaps for an ice stomp attack, dash off or stand if you are immune to ice. Always stay close to him through the whole fight. Use a windmill slashes to attack him on the head, then back-off a little and wait for him to do his head swipe or body spin attack and miss, then go in again for a windmill slash. You can get a critical attack that knocks him off guard and disorientates him (normally he screams), quickly go in for your combos before he recovers. Continue assaulting him with your windmill slash on its head for more criticals. When his health reaches 1/3 (red), just back off so he will try to use his ice breath. Immediately his mouth starts shining, use your dash to rush towards his belly (his front) and stand there, there you will be safe from his ice breath. While he is still busy with his ice breath and missing, switch to your single hand sword attack mode and slash the hell out of his belly with your combos. Just use your continuous tapping square button combo, which can finish his entire remaining 1/3HP in one go. Easy huh!? (5) Fiend name - Three face [Lv40] -Description - Resembles inquisitor from chapter one. -Location - Castle stables. After killing saburota and rendezvous with dororo at the 4th floor, after the cutscene head to the second elevator (not the one by the save point, the other one) it will take you down to the basement. Pass through the area where Dororo killed dragon tank, continue through the cell area where the villagers were rescued, now you can see the broken wall(cannot enter) take your left to find a stair; follow it to reach another one that will then lead you to the stables. -Difficulty - Easy -Body part obtained - Sahasrara -Stat bonus - End+10, max HP+7, Lck+9 [Choice weapon: Dual arms (best) or single hand sword mode with "the phoenix" sword. / critical spot: the blue face] If you have fought and beat inquisitor from chapter one, you will know what to expect from this guy. They both have the same fighting styles. You can check inquisitor's strategy; ok I will give a quick revision of three face attacks and his face modes. Red face is to fire attack, yellow face is to items like bombs, rice balls and sometime defense-up gourds. Blue face is to weak or summons specter overlords to assist him. Just set dororo's command in search because this is a fight in which she will take more damage than she will cause. So let her stay out of it. Best attack mode is your dual arms wield. When this boss spins and gets a red face and you are at a distance from him, he will start to head towards you; don't run because he will continue to chase you about. So stand and wait for him, then start running round him as he uses his flame breath attack to chase you round, when he pauses for a break from his breath, quickly attack him with your windmill slash and get ready for a second run around him for his second flame breath and another pause. He does this a third time before spinning his face again. Avoid the bombs he throws at you when he uses a yellow face, then deal with him when he shows up a blue face. Also eliminate the specter overlords he summons. Continue with the attack pattern till he's dead. (6) Fiend name - Bloodgore [Lv39] -Description - Looks like impaler from chapter 2. -Location - Daigo's castle 4th floor. When you are at the outside part of the 4th floor, the area where there are spear launchers. There are ledges by the wall side. Ignore the first ledge and head for the second one, jump up to it and follow it to a big room where this fiend boss is staying. -Difficulty - Easy -Body part obtained - Svadhistana -Stat bonus - Reg+12, Stb+10, Lck+9 [Choice weapon: Dual arms (best) or single hand sword mode with "the phoenix" sword. / critical spot: the face] This guy looks likes and almost fights like impaler but he is much faster, but his too much speed makes him look and fight stupidly. He uses a couple of spear stabs which he will always miss hitting you if you move away from his front and attack range. He can use a spear swipe or sometimes he adds a windwhirl to it. You won't worry getting hit by his windwhirl or wind-ball attack if you are not standing in his front. To smoke him very fast, just use your dual wield attack mode and use a windmill attack to reach his face for a massive critical damage. Infact it took me 4 windmill slash attacks to send him to meet his late brother impaler. You can always run behind him to attack his back. (7) Fiend name - Carrion feeder [Lv38] -Description - looks like Dream eater from chapter one but this has a different color. -Location - After beating bloodgore above, go out and continue onward, ignore the way that leads down to final areas of the 4th floor, continue moving to the next corner, in this final corner one of the ledges (2nd one) on the wall leads to a room. -Difficulty - Easy -Body part obtained - Anahata -Stat bonus - Lck+10 [Choice weapon: Dual arm sword wield attack mode with the phoenix / critical spot: the head-like eye] Another very easy fight. Uses mainly 2 types of attacks. The first one is a simultaneous high speed-moving plasma balls that do lightening based damage. The second and its best move is firing a continuous stream of lasers that do fire base damage. Likes and will continue to use this laser move when HP drops to 1/3. The only thing that might take little of your time in this fight is the fact that he teleports off to another part of the room after taking damage from your attacks. Stick with your windmill slash attack on its eye head since he floats in the air. Always run and keep moving sideways to avoid the plasma balls, for his laser fire, dash off sideways to avoid getting hit. If you like you can set dororo to stay out of the fight since she tends to receive more damage than she causes. (8) Fiend name - Composite fiend chimera [Lv46] -Description - Daigo been possessed and transformed into a mammal looking demon with a rock face. -Location - Castle tower. Storyline fight -Difficulty - Easy -Body part obtained - Internal organs -Stat bonus - if you have been following the guide, all stats will be boosted to its max point except atk power and max HP to {992} stats. [Choice weapon: Dual arms or single hand (best) sword mode with "the phoenix" or "fiend slayer" sword. / critical spot: the face] This big hunk of thing is very easy to beat. First I will go through his attacks and then the way to deal with him. All his attacks are lightening based so lightening protecting swords will help relieve damage. He likes to start off the fight with a lightening leap bite attack. When he sits down like a dog and raises its head, he will use a lightening meteor attack which is easy to avoid because you will see the trails where they will be landing at, so run or dash off to avoid. When its tail starts to shine and glow, he will stick in into the ground which will erupt a lightening stone from the ground beneath you. Also avoidable by running or dashing. His best attack is when he opens his mouth and does a stream of lightening flare attack (far range move). Can also use its tail attack with this move. Now to send him to hell where you have sent all the other fiends very fast, switch to your single hand sword mode. Use a sword like "fiend slayer{Lv50}" if you are going for only offense, but its best to use "the phoenix{Lv55}" sword as it covers both your offense and defense. Alright let's use "the phoenix" and be sure that your speed stat is at 99, as it enables you to use your complete hand sword combos. We are going to take him head on (the Rambo/ Schwarzenegger way, hahahaha just joking). When the fight starts, just run to the side if he uses a leap bite attack you and he will end up missing you and hitting the wall, wait for him to turn round then rush towards his face and start your combos (continue mashing square button, don't mix it with triangle buttons). The last slash is very powerful so make sure it gets his face. Your first combo will disorientate and make him back off if the last powerful slash connects, rush in again and restart the combo a second time while he is still recovering from the first one, this time he might or not use a combo breaker move in which he floats a little and does a spin move that can hit you back interrupting your combo. If you are hit, just get up and rush back to his face and start another combo which should finish him off before he can do anything else. Remember not to distant yourself far away from him as it will always give him chance to use his far range attacks. Persist all assault on his face till Bingo!!! and you have nailed the bastard. Get ready for the next fight. (9) Fiend name - Fiend tahoumaru [Lv47] -Description - Tahoumaru now possessed by spirit of all the demons you have defeated. -Location - Castle tower. Immediately after beating chimera and getting a cutscene. -Difficulty - Medium -Body part obtained - none -Stat bonus - none [Choice weapon: Dual arms or single hand (best) sword mode with "the phoenix" sword. / critical spot: his back] Like chimera preceding him, he also uses lightening based attacks. So still continue the fight with your phoenix sword if you used it to defeat chimera, if not equip it. He is fast, so be fast too with your actions. Well he floats but not at an overhead height. if you are at a distance away from him, he will use his weapon to shoot a fast moving lightening ball or sometimes 3 lightening balls, so quick strafe to the side or dash when you see it coming. He can use a strong swipe with his weapon that has a knockback effect. Can use it to counter your combos especially at his 3/3 blue HP. He also electrically charge his whole body and heads towards you to hit you, so be sure to run away from him when you see him coming, he will start using this moves as a combo breaker from around 2/3 yellow of his remaining HP. When he is floating still and starts laughing, he begins to regain his HP, attack him seriously to interrupt the process. The best way to waste him is taking him head on. Just switch and use your single hand sword attack mode. Then when he start floating backwards and away from you, chase after him with your dash and do a sword stomp attack ( Dash + triangle button), this should disorientate him and give you a good chance to begin your combos. Another thing is when he uses a knockback attack or counter, just keep mashing your square button which will enable you to land on your feet and then do a sliding dash charge towards him and begin your combos again. Another good chance to start your combos at his back is when he start laughing to regain health, rush to his back and slash him like hell. You will be fine as long as you have your phoenix sword or 1ups left. Just go berserk on him with all you got, avoid as many of his attacks and he will be toast in no time. Checkmate! NOTE: if you have defeated all 47 fiends, after the cutscene with daigo and dead tahoumaru, you will immediately get a cutscene outside with dororo before the chapter ends. But if you have not defeated all 47 fiends, you will get credits ending number one. After that you can use chapter select to go back and find any remaining fiends left and destroy them in other to get the cutscene with dororo before the final chapter becomes available for the main and final showdown. ++++++++++++++ FINAL CHAPTER ++++++++++++++ Dororo: Mr.hyakkimaru, welcome back we missed you. Hyakkimaru: it ends tonight (Hey did I sound like agent smith and neo before their fight in the rain from matrix revolutions; sure it did sound like them. The statement above is not the real ones said before this final fight, it's just one of my usual jokes). Well this is the last and final and also the toughest fight you will encounter throughout the whole game. So let make some preparations first especially if it's your first time fighting him. i. Be sure you have 10/10 bazooka ammo rounds. ii. Be sure all your stats or some like speed, endurance and luck are at 99 max. Don't go using things or sword that will reduce them. iii. Have at all three 1ups (first timers). iv. Be sure you have mastered the frenzy slice combo technique. v. Make sure you have swords like (check swords on extra section to know how to get them) {a}The Phoenix [Lv55] {best choice} {b} Fiend slayer [Lv50] {for those that like using spirit attacks} {c} Sword of the twin cloud [Lv20] or sword of the eight cloud [Lv30] for the last part of this fight {d} Double edged sword [Lv55] (good but use this at your own risk) {e} Any Sword of clarity series (for 3rd part of fight- anti stun) vi. Be sure that you have mastered your sword combos both the ones for dual wield mode and single wield mode. vii. Be quick and fast with your controls especially toggling your boss and normal cameras. Ok, got the stats, 1ups and the swords specially {the phoenix} and {sword of the eight clouds}? Letz go get em' Note: the fight is divided into 4 parts. In each part his HP is 3/3, but his level remains the same all through. (1) Fiend name - BEHEMOTH [LV60] Description - The god-father of all the fiends. You can see that for your self. Also seen in one of the gallery unlockable pictures Location - Crimson pagoda Difficulty - HARD Body part obtained - Right arm. Stat bonus - Atk+8, max HP+7 PART 1: the flying stage. [Choice weapon: Bazooka rounds / critical spot: the chest] This part is the flying stage because behemoth stays up in the air and flies in front of you. In this stage his main attacks is a couple of big yellow looking-like balls that do fire based damage. So equip swords like the phoenix or swords of protection. Set your attack mode to single hand sword [cos hyakkimaru has a poor method of recovering after firing a cannon especially if you are using dual arm sword attack mode. When you hold down the R2 button, he will first switch his hand to single sword before kneeling down to aim, and when you then release the R2 button, he will then take back his bazooka and first bring out a single hand sword before switching to his dual swords mode. So this factor makes him to act slowly in agility recovery, so you see why it's better not to leave your attack mode in dual arms mode). Also know that each stone pillar in this area contains riceballs but only the yellow balls from behemoth can break the pillars. Your best choice to staying away from his fireballs is by running and dashing sideways, the only factor that can allow you to get hit is hyakki poor agility from firing his bazooka if you miss a hit, so try to aim carefully, quick and fast. When behemoth fires 4 yellow balls, always dash to avoid then aim and fire one round of your bazooka at his chest region or be sure your cannons hits him. When he uses a laser attack, just stand in the middle between the 2 lasers, don't dash. He likes doing it in conjunction with a blue ice crystal which contains cannon rounds. How many rounds you have left depends on how many of the ice crystals he will fire. Just jump and break the crystals to collect the cannon rounds or it will be gone. Note when his red HP turns up, he can fire up to 8 or even 12 of those yellow fireballs at you, so do dash till he stops firing to avoid this, if you happen to get hit in-between 4, don't stand up immediately or the next coming 4 will get you, just remain on the ground and you won't take damage. Stand up when he is done firing. If you are careful it should take you 7 cannon rounds to win. If you run out of ammo, wait for the blue crystals, then break it to collect more ammo. NOTE: before you fire the last shot to take him down, be sure to go stand behind any pillar still remaining and wait for his fire balls to break it so you can collect a riceball for your HP if yours is low. Do this to regain HP before going to the next part of the fight. PART 2: The HEAD STAGE. [Choice weapon: single hand attack mode with the phoenix sword / critical spot: the face] This second part of the fight can quite be easy. Behemoth is now in front of you and you will notice a hand like thing with an eye on the palm swinging from left to right. This is his tail and your aim is to get to his head that you can't reach even by double jumping because his lower body in your front is invincible. Your best attack mode is single hand sword mode in which you can use the phoenix sword. Ok try to stand somewhere at the lower left spot of your screen and wait for the tail (the hand-like part) to swing towards you, be fast and hit & attack it a couple of times which will make it fall to the ground, be careful though as the hand can hit you while its still swinging. When the tail is on the ground, go and jump on the palm part which will carry you to the face. There at his face just slash it like crazy with your combos (just keep tapping square button). If you are slow to attack his face, his head horns will glows brighter and he will use a vertical lightening bolt attack on you, so be fast with your combo mashing, the second to last slash should disorientate his face and concentration. But his tail will then throw you off at that moment. Repeat the process again from the tail attack, to it taking you to its face again, to you attacking the face till it throws you off again. Continue like that till you split open his head in 2. It should take like 5 trips to his face to be done with him in this part. PART 3: The BACK HORN STAGE. [Choice weapon: single hand sword attack mode with the phoenix sword / critical spot: only takes damage in the back horns] (HINTS from micheal osuere: you can use or eqiup sword of clarity to avoid getting stunned by behemoth's bolts or wave. am still yet to try it out. yeah confirmed it works.) This is the toughest part of the fight because you have made him mad by bisecting his face. So I hope you still got your three 1ups intact because you might need 1 or 2 if you are not careful. Your aim is to destroy the six horns on its back. The fight becomes easier as you destroy each horn because each horn fires off a vertical stunning bolt at you which mean at the start of the fight you will be expecting 6 stun bolts. He can also uses a wind-like ground waves that can also stun, does this when he is about to use his most powerful move; a non elemental flare blast attack that can do a lot of damage (the move looks like bahamut's mega flare overdrive from final fantasy X). So his big idea is to stun you with the bolts or waves while he faces and blast you to oblivion with his flare attack. Your only setback in this part of the fight is your boss camera which makes you to watch him hence you can't see the paths on your side to avoid those bolts. So you have to be fast in toggling between the boss and normal cameras or the second method if you decide not to use camera switching is to keep jumping because if the bolts hit you in the air, it won't stun you but it will knock you down.But if you have any sword of clarity equip it because it prevents you from getting stunned by the bolts and waves attack. a pretty handy weapon for this part of the part but once you get up to behemoth's back change back to your phoenix to break the horns. Ok on to the fight. Equip ur sword of clarity right of the bat and always run and dash often towards your right-hand side because the entrance to his back through his tail is nearer in the rightwards direction. He starts of the fight by sending 6 bolts at you; start running in a diagonal manner, or just run if you equiped sword of clarity. when he floats up and create a barrier round him (so that you can't run and hide beneath him), be ready to jump over the first ground waves with a double jump. If possible dash because more stun bolts are coming and be ready to jump the second ground waves when he lands to the ground to do his fully charged flare attack, when he does it and misses you, use normal cam and dash toward the tail and past his hind leg (not through, past!), then double jump to his tail and follow it to his back where the six horns are and concentrate all your attacks with a single hand attack mode (switch the sword of clarity now for your phoenix sword) on a single horn at a moment. Some of the horns are double layered and will take a couple of attacks to break completely (not in half). After some time (like 20 secs) on his back destroying the horns, he will use his tail to grab you and throw you off directly to his flare attack. When the tail grabs and throws you off, quickly push your X button and a side direction to jump towards his side so you won't end up landing on his flare attack. here is what to do on his back: try to start at the 2 horns on his lower back, attack it with your combos (i prefer single hand sword combos which normally breaks the first layer of the horns) After the combo, run up to his upper back and don't attack. when you see the tail hand coming to grab you, quickly use your dash ability to run down back to his lower back hence the tail will miss you. so quickly return your attacks on the horns which you should break after you complete another series of combos. So use this hit and run tech- inque and you will be fine and might break all horns without getting thrown off. remember to channel all attacks on a single horn at a time.Remember there are stone pillars with riceballs in that areas, when the bolts randomly destroys any of the pillars go grab the riceballs if you can. If you get thrown of the back, use the same method to return to his back and continue breaking the horns till there is none left. Good luck. For me, as it was during my second playthrough of the game (my first playthrough almost made me go mad, horrible experience), I broke 2 horns on my first trip to his back, got grabbed. I messed up on my second trip by breaking only 1 horn and got thrown off again. On my third trip to his back I instantly cleared the 3 remaining horns without getting grabbed. so after the whole fight, i reloaded my game to re-fight him. i fought him again till i reached the part 3 again, this time around i got up to his back and broke all horns without geting grabbed even once. You can even succeed in breaking all 6 horns in one trip to his back, so try your best. you can do it!! FINAL PART: See you in hell, behemoth!!! (Hey is not that I want to go to hell, hahahaa) [Attack mode: any attack mode can stop him] [Choice weapon: sword of the twin cloud or sword of the eight cloud- (best)] [Critical spot: what do you need that for? Just take the bastard head on!!] I know you will be thinking by now "what the hell is with this guy", he does not want to die? Actually this is my favorite part of this whole fight especially stopping him. He's just panicking, this time his HP is very fragile and your aim is to take him head-on and pummel him like crazy when he comes charging at you like an airplane that is about to crash. Like I said you can stop him with any attack mode you choose to use, so I will go through it with you. Just equip one of the two swords mentioned above in choice weapon. (NOTE: thunderstrike spirit attack can empty all his HP bar in one close range strike but it's not a technique you can rely on cos if you don't have any more full spirit gauge, you can't perform it hence leaving you to wait to you get another full gauge. the sword technique is more fun) {A} Using the single hand sword attack mode: this is one of the easiest modes of stopping him when he comes crashing, you can run towards him or stand and wait for him to reach your sword range, then begin your melee combo on his head section (just keep mashing your square button, don't go mixing it with triangle buttons). By the time you are done with your 8 hits combo slashes, his entire HP will be gone. Be careful though, as if you don't get the right distance timing of your sword range between him and you, he will just knock you down and move along. Be careful or better use a jump slash to begin ur combos. {B} if you decide to your dual arms attack mode, your first eight hits combo won't be enough to stop him which means you have to restart the combo a second time to finish off his remaining HP. You have to use a certain combo in other to find the chance and balance to start the second one. Here is the specific first 8 hit to use, start by going in with a windmill slash then press the square button seven times and push the triangle button once, and return to pressing the square button again to restart combo. The actions you suppose to get should look like this; hyakki does a couple of stabs, then a two hand downward slash, then a somersault slash, and then a 360 spin ground sweep slash. (This should give you the recovery to begin the combo again) which should finish his remaining HP by the time you reach the two hands downwards slash again. Don't go using combos that allows you to finish in a helicopter spin slashing which will end up leaving you vulnerable to getting hit by him if his HP wasn't finished. Once you have stopped him with one of the attack modes mentioned above then his heart will fall out of his chest for a limited amount of time (around 20 secs) before he takes it back, its time to go in for a frenzy slice attacks. Your aim is to reach 48 slices. What!? 48? Yes 48 slices!!. If you have not equipped the twin or eight cloud sword, do so before charging your sword by holding down the triangle button till it shines then release and make sure it hits heart, simply input the sequence buttons that appear bellow your screen and reach or pass 48 slices before pushing triangle button to finish up. The good thing if you are using the above swords is TWIN cloud sword counts 2 slices by pressing a single button instead of 1 slice count to one button. So pushing 2 buttons counts 4 slices instead of 4 buttons to 4 slices. But if you use sword of the EIGHT cloud, 1 button is to 3 slices count, so pushing 2 buttons will count 6 slices, and 3 buttons to 9 slices and so on. Just use these swords and relax while you input the button sequence, if you are the slow kind you will end up around 58 onward, the fast type like me can end up from 96 slices onward. Don't forget to push triangle button once you pass 48 slices or else....!?. But if you are the hardcore guys that wants it the hard way, you can go use a sword that does not double or effect your frenzy slice combo and a big good luck. If you miss, or run out of time before reaching 48, or even reaching 48 and forget pressing triangle to finish, behemoth will take back his heart and restores his HP back. During my first playthrough I reached 49 slices with this method (I mean without the cloud swords) as i was about to push triangle, I ran out of time. To tell you the truth hot steam and smoke came out of my head at that moment. Just tried a couple and couple of times to get it right but it was hard. but now i can execute the 48 slices with ease still without the cloud swords. What else can i say than CONGRATULATIONS on beating all the 48 fiends and ending the game. you the man!! QUESTION of THOUGHT: The 48 fiends stole all hyakkimaru's body parts except one important one. You know his man thing and the balls, at least if it was recovered back it will give the ability to get married, do his thing and have kids. i mean....common guys...behemoth is the boss who's suppose to seize that important body part instead of that dumb arm. if it were me, i can live without a arm but not without my **** (hey you know the word) Hahahaahaaha. ========== 4. EXTRAS ========== I decided to create and add this section as to be of more help and because I didn't know I was going to finish this FAQ so fast. This section will cover spirit attacks and location, important swords and how to acquire and some few questions. +++++++++++++++ SPIRIT ATTACKS +++++++++++++++ Spirit attacks are special attacks that can be performed by hyakkimaru when you push the square and triangle buttons simultaneously. The gauge charges and fills up as you damage enemies or take damage. Basically you start of with one but along the game you can find spirit scrolls which allow you to learn a new spirit attack. During my playthrough I discovered only seven scrolls but if you find more, feel free to contact me via e-mail. Below I will give a list of the seven and location found. (1) Sparrow flight - - - One of the best spirit attacks in my opinion. Hyakki does a series of continuous spinning attack. You are also invincible during this attack duration. But be careful before performing or you will end up missing all the slashes. Where to get - this is your starting or default spirit attack. (2) Firestorm - - - Hyakki charges his sword and stabs it into the ground sending and burning fire waves in his path. Where to get - In chapter one, you will find this scroll in the bamboo thicket, the area where you find the path that leads to mai-mai onba. The scroll should be near the end of the river by the rocks on your left with a little waterfall. Some water horror enemies will come out to attack you there. (3)Thunderstrike - - - Hyakki uses thunder fury to strike all enemies around him. a kind of electric barricade. Where to get - Chapter two, you can get this scroll either as dororo or as hyakkimaru. When you are at the start point of mujou fields, go forward a little and check the rocks by your right hand to find a small rock ledge, use it to jump to the next ones, then jump to the bridge- like path and cross to the path where the scroll is. Some demon fire wheels, a specter and a bloodweed will spawn there. (4) Whirlwind attack - - - Hyakki sends a powerful whirlwind cyclone that hits anyone standing in its path. You can control the direction of the cyclone with your left analog stick. You are invincible during this attack. Where to get - Chapter 3, (note: one time opportunity to get this scroll) during your first play of this chapter, after dororo has been captured, and you play as hyakki to rescue him. After rescuing him from the prison, an annihilation battle will start, during that fight, check one of the prisons (2nd one by your right hand). Just enter the prison door; inside there is a breakable wall with a pot in it. Break the pot for the scroll. i just said you have one chance to get it because you can't enter the magistrate's room during cpt revisits. rumors has it that you can still find this scroll somewhere else during revisits if you missed it early but am not so sure. (5) Spirit slash - - - Hyakki stands and charges his weapon and then dash charge and stabs an enemy. Be careful and time your distance from that of the enemy so you won't miss. Best to use at close range. Where to get - Chapter four, in north town district 2. You can get this as dororo or hyakki. When at the start point of North town district 2, go straight, take your right, then keep going straight, ignore the first path by your right, move on till you reach the T-like path, then go right. Find the house that has a breakable door (the last house at your right), then go through it and follow the path to the end of this area. There should be an item stone containing the scroll there. Some enemies will appear there. (6) Guardian orbs - - - hyakki summons 3 orbs that revolve round him and hits any enemy that get close to you. There is no invincibility associated with this spirit attack. Where to get - Chapter five, when playing as hyakki, before going to the area where you will fight misaki for the first time, ignore that path ( where 4 ice ogre will appear) keep going left to reach the end where some trees are blocking a path, cut them down and go inside and break the item stone for the scroll. (7) Divine justice - - - hyakki calls a meteor rain down on all enemies and he is also invincible during the attack duration. where to get - chapter six: busshi village. from your start point of chapter, go striaght and take the corner, then look to your left to find big wooden wheels attached to the wall. there is space near the first wheel that you can jump up unto; there break the stone for the scroll. (8) The void - - - Hyakki uses a portal to draw all enemies in the area into one spot so he can attack them all at once. This attack doesn't work on looks like a rift but it's not one. Where to get - Chapter seven, you can get this when playing as dororo or hyakki. The area where dororo starts his mission to rescue the villagers. The stone pillar path at your left hand leads you to the door switch while the pillars path on your right hand will lead you to a hidden space in the wall which contains this scroll. +++++++++++++++ SECRET SWORDS +++++++++++++++ Apart from your dual arm swords, you can find single hand swords. Some are hidden through out the game especially +2 of the series swords while you get some from enemies by killing them with your frenzy slice combo technique especially +1 and +3 of the series sword. Am not so sure how that enemies sword drop system works, but I think your luck stat plays a role in it, then you have to kill a certain number of the same enemy you want to collect the sword from. Like for me I killed "100 eyes a total of 9 times, on the 10th time I killed it with a 29 slices frenzy combo technique before it dropped me natural gaze sword. Am going to least a few good swords you can get either by finding or by killing an enemy. You can always use your encyclopedia at main menu to check enemies to see which has a particular sword. (1) The PHOENIX [Lv55] sword - This is one of the best or the best single hand sword you can find throughout the whole game. It looks like sword of protection but it glows a green aura and a long attack range. This sword has the ability to protect you from poison, fire, lightening and ice attacks. It also increases your attack power and can boost your max HP to 999 max. Damage inflicted on enemies and bosses by this sword is excellent. -How to get -- you can only get this sword in chapter 7. After the annihilation battles outside with daigo's men, go inside the first area of daigo's castle (the area with many revenants and skeletal warriors, there is also a series of ground flame throwers in that area and many support pillars), from your start point, look up and right at the first pillar. It suppose to have a very small ledge on it with a sword floating on top of the ledge. To get the sword, you have to climb the pillar which looks impossible. The pillar has five slope edges. Jumping on the edges slowly slides you down. This is how to go; jump on the first slope, double jump to the second, then double jump to the third one (this one does not slide you down, so relax a bit), another double jump to the fourth, and again double jump to the fifth and finally do a slight jump to land on the ledge for your reward "the phoenix" (b) The great lotus [Lv55] - Another good sword and it looks like the phoenix in color aura terms only that it glows a darker green. the stats enhancements are similar to that the phoenix will give you but the only difference is it coverts demon aura to HP. -how to get -- when you are in chapter's one red flowers area (i.e the area you will fight maimai onba) from your entrance point there, keep to your left border and move straight till you come across an item stone that is well covered by the flowers, break it for the sword. Note: you can get it before you fight her. (2) Fiend slayer [Lv50] sword - Another good sword. It has a long attack range and it glows a dark pink aura. It only boosts your attack power and does a very good damage on fiend bosses. It has seven body slasher ability and makes your spirit gauge to fill faster. a nice sword for those that likes using spirit attacks often. -How to get- you can get this sword in 4th floor of daigo's castle. After the outdoor area where you have to go down to the ledge below to find an entrance door that enables you to continue onwards. After going through that entrance, follow your left hand part to a room with clockwork enemies in it (going right leads you to the room with enemies and static spear launchers). When you are in the room with clockwork enemies you have to play a door puzzle. Here is how to play it; Go from the first room you started into the second one to find a switch, hit it once and go into the third room and hit the switch there once, go into the fourth room to find another switch, hit it once and turn round and go back into the third room and hit the switch there again and follow the open door into a fifth room. You will notice there are two switches there, ignore the first one and head for the second one, hit it till the shelf in front of you can't move again (note: revenant enemies will appear there, dispose them off) inside the moving shelf is a last switch, hit it and then go back towards the first switch you ignored and go through the door on your left hand, in there look at your left to find a pot, break it and collect your reward "fiend slayer". (b) Crescent moon [Lv50]- A nice sword that shares abilities of 2 swords. unlike the fiend slayer, it shares the ability of seven body slasher and sword of the white tiger which means it enhances both atk power and speed stat. glows a white aura -how to get-- you can get it in chapter 6's gates of hell temple either when playing as dororo to rescue hykkai or it's better to revisit chapter 6 for it. when you revisit chapter6, go all the way to the temple and take the path that you took when you were playing as dororo to get inside the temple. you will notice that the big pot that you used to jump up to the roof is not there again. look closely to find the floating sword on the floor on that spot. if you want you can take care of the enemies crawling around there. (3) Sword of the EIGHT clouds [Lv30] - A sword that is very effective when performing frenzy slices combo technique. It glows a red black aura (it looks like shichishito, lord Mel-oh's sword from tenchu games). After charging your sword (holding down triangle button till your sword shines) and hit an enemy, start pressing the buttons that appear below your screen and you will notice something with your slice counter. Pushing a single button counts 3 slices, 2 buttons will count 6 slices etc you can reach around 60 slices at slow pace or even 100 slices onward if you are fast. Infact you can use this sword to get any drop items or drop swords from any enemy you want. Also good to use in the last part of the fight between you and behemoth. -How to get- After completing chapter seven, revisit it again and go all the way back to where you defeated chimera and fiend tahoumaru. The sword will be floating there. (4) Sword of the TWIN cloud [Lv20] - Just like the sword of the eight cloud, it is always effective in frenzy slice combos but the difference is a single button is to 2 slices and 2 buttons is to 4 slices and so on. -How to get - when playing as dororo on rescue the villagers mission, after you rescue tahoumaru, go back into his prison to pick the sword. You can also get this sword when playing as hyakkimaru. it's still found in chapter7 and you can get it immediately as dororo after the cutscene with tahoumaru. Still in the prison if you revisit chapter (5) Worn sword [Lv2]: One of the weakest swords you will find through out the whole. You get it from some enemies and some pots and item stones. (6) Fools blade [Lv varies] -This sword deserves its name; it's a very weak sword when you get it but can later become one of your strongest swords. It works in conjunction with worn sword. Its level depends on how many worn sword you have, and increases each time you pick up a worn sword. Example if you have 30 worn swords with you, then your fools blade will be at level 30, picking a new worn sword will increase its level to 31. Imagine when you collect up to 99 worn swords if you have the time? Note: it only enhances attack power, it those not add an extra features except flashing blade effect at high levels. -How to get- After completing chapter 3, revisit it and go to that house compound where the corrupt magistrate first came out from before dororo tailed him to the cave ( house compound with a save point). It should be floating somewhere by your right hand side of the house. (7) Double edged sword [Lv55] - A very nice and powerful sword but it has a flaw. With this sword you can do twice the normal damage on enemies and bosses but if you to take damage, you will receive twice the normal damage. So use at your own risk. It only enhances your attack power. Its glows a purple aura. -How to get- kill living wall enemy (they can be found from chapter six onwards) a number of times (like 9) kill the 10th one with a frenzy slice combo of at least 28 slices, with some luck it will drop the sword. (8) Dragon kin [Lv50] -Another nice sword that has a flaw. The game describes it as a good form of dragon brood. It glows off a black aura. It can enhance your attack power and increase your speed stat by 50 points, but it will reduce your endurance and regeneration stat by -20 points each and stability, metabolism and luck stat by -30 points each and your max HP by -210 points. Use at your own risk. -How to get- kill molten enemy with a high number of slices from your frenzy slice combos. Note: you must kill a certain number of molten before this sword can be dropped. I got mine in daigo's castle in the room filled with molten and muck enemies. (9) Minstrel blade [Lv50] - A quite powerful sword that can cause severe damage in one slash. Only enhances attack power and glows a white aura. -How to get- Kill revenant-spear enemy with frenzy combo slices like 27 slices. Kill like 10 of them; I got mine on the 11th kill. (10) Muramasa [Lv46] - A powerful long sword that has a long range of attack and it is nick-named demon slayer. -How to get - kill clockwork enemy with frenzy slice combos. With some luck you can get it around 16 slices on your second kill. But try to get a high number of slices. they can be found only in chapter7, in the room you 'll get fiend slayer sword. (11) Natural gaze [Lv48] - A sword that shares the ability of two swords in one. it has the attack power of Vajra (sword that enhances attack power but reduces your speed stat) and the speed of a sparrow sword (a sword that boosts only your speed stat and reduces attack power). So using natural gaze sword is like using vajra and sparrow swords together which gives you both speed and attack power. -How to get - kill "hundred eyes" enemy with frenzy slice combos (they can be found from chapter 6 onwards). I got mine on the 10th kill with 29 slices. Guess it was luck. -You get varja[Lv45] sword from shield revenants and -you get sparrow[Lv38] sword from two sword revenants But the 2 swords won't be useful if you get natural gaze because it's like using the 2 of them. Note: about the series sword, you can get the +1 and +3 from enemies but the original and +2 are hidden thoughout the game. (12) Fire sword series - it comes in 4 ways Fs, Fs+1, Fs+2 and Fs+3. It's a sword that helps reduce fire damage. The higher the level, the more damage it will reduce. For instance +3 will reduce more damage than +2, and +2 will reduce more damage than +1. -How to get - Check your game encyclopedia to know which enemy is holding a particular one (esp. skeletal enemies). (13) Lightening sword series - it comes in 4 ways Ls, Ls+1, Ls+2 and Ls+3. It's a sword that helps reduce lightening damage. The higher the level, the more damage it will reduce. For instance +3 will reduce more damage than +2, and +2 will reduce more damage than +1. -How to get - Check your game encyclopedia to know which enemy is holding a particular one (esp. skeletal enemies) (14) Ice sword series - it comes in 4 ways Is, Is+1, Is+2 and Is+3. It's a sword that helps reduce ice damage and help you from getting frozen. The higher the level, the more damage it will reduce. For instance +3 will reduce more damage than +2, and +2 will reduce more damage than +1. -How to get - Check your game encyclopedia to know which enemy is holding a particular one (esp. snow ogres) (15) Poison sword series - it comes in 4 ways Ps, Ps+1, Ps+2 and Ps+3. It's a sword that gives you immunity to poison helps reduce poison based damage. The higher the level, the more chance you have not to get poisoned. For instance +3 have more chance than +2, and +2 has more chance than +1. -How to get - Check your game encyclopedia to know which enemy is holding a particular one (carrion & carnage beetles). (16) Sword of protection series - it comes in 4 ways, Sp, Sp+1, Sp+2, and Sp+3. It's a sword that immunes you to poison and protects you from fire, ice and lightening elemental damage. The higher the level, the more protecting effect you will get and the less damage you will take from the different elements. The good thing about the sword is that it's like using 4 elemental swords in one. -How to get - Check your game encyclopedia to know which enemy is holding a particular one. (esp. spear skeletal enemies) (17) Luck blade series - it comes in 4 ways Lb, Lb+1, Lb+2 and Lb+3. It's a sword that increases your luck stat. The higher the level, the more luck stat point will be added to your max stat point. It can increase past 99 points depending on which one. For instance +3 will give you more stat points than +2, and +2 will give you more than +1. -How to get - Check your game encyclopedia to know which enemy is holding a particular one. Especially the golem enemy family. (18) Sword of the white tiger series - it comes in 4 ways Wt, Wt+1, Wt+2 and Wt+3. It's a sword that increases your speed stat. The higher the level, the more speed stat point will be added to your max speed stat point. It can increase past 99 points depending on which one. For instance +3 will give you more stat points than +2, and +2 will give you more than +1. -How to get - Check your game encyclopedia to know which enemy is holding a particular one. (cpt1's water turtles) (19) The body slasher series - it comes in 3 ways, 3 body slasher, five body slasher, and seven body slasher. It's a sword that does a severe amount of damage. The higher the level, the more damage it will do. For instance seven body slasher does the most damage than five body slasher, and five will do more damage than 3 body. -How to get - Check your game encyclopedia to know which enemy is holding a particular one. (skeletal enemies) (20) Flashing blade series - it comes in 4 ways, Fb, Fb+1, Fb+2 and Fb+3. It's a sword that does extreme damage once in a while especially when it glows off a bright light. The higher the level, the more damage it will do and the more often it will glow off that bright light. For instance +3 will do more damage and flash more often than +2 and +2 will do more damage and flash more often than +1. -How to get - Check your game encyclopedia to know which enemy is holding a particular one (21) Flametongue series - it comes in 4 ways Ft, Ft+1, Ft+2 and Ft+3. It's a sword that makes your spirit gauge to fill up faster. The higher the level, the faster your spirit gauge will fill up. For instance +3 will make your gauge fill faster than +2, and +2 will fill your gauge faster than +1. -How to get - Check your game encyclopedia to know which enemy is holding a particular one. (esp muck and molten enemies) (22) Blade of tears series - it comes in 4 ways Bt, Bt+1, Bt+2 and Bt+3. It's a sword that increases your HP stat. the game describes it as a sword that heals wounds, but it does not have any HP regeneration effect. The higher the level, the more HP stat point will be added to your max stat point. It can't increase past 999 points. For instance +3 will give you more HP stat points than +2, and +2 will give you more stat points than +1. -How to get - Check your game encyclopedia to know which enemy is holding a particular one. Especially specter enemies' family. (23) Sword of clarity series - it comes in 4 ways. Sc, Sc+1, Sc+2 and Sc+3. To tell you the truth I don't know what this sword does even though the games describes it that as a sword that reflects the wielder's image and maintains focus. So please let me know if you find out what is special about this sword.(hint below confirmed) -How to get - Check your game encyclopedia to know which enemy is holding a particular one. (esp. stone statue dogs) (hint from micheal osuere: it prevents you from getting stunned) There are also swords that are specific for damaging certain enemies like Bone crusher that works well on skeletal enemies. There is also Stone cutter: works well on stone enemies like golems. And there is also specter bane: designed especially for specter enemies. check your encyclopaedia to know which enemy has each specific one. +++++++++++ QUESTIONS +++++++++++ Que: Is it a must that I must kill all the fiend bosses in a chapter the first time I visit it? Ans: No, it's not a must. You can even return back immediately after completing it or later. Que: Can i beat the game without killing all 48 fiends? Ans: yeah.... if you beat chapter7 without beating all remaining fiends you get the first ending but after that you can continue your game to get any fiends you missed in previous chapters. But all the way it makes no difference whether you beat them all in one go. Que: Is there a way I can re-fight the fiend bosses after beating the game? Ans: No, you can't re-fight any of the bosses once you beat them and get back your body parts. one thing you can do is after beating behe- moth, don't overwrite that file. so when ever you to fight him again, reload that file. your choice! Que: I see a boss location, but my path is blocked by rocks, I even tried a leg cannon but the rock is still there? Ans: that is why I created this FAQ, use it to locate which boss is that you looking for. Que: Are there any unlockables after beating the game? Ans: Yes, but its nothing special. You can unlock dororo mode and gallery mode. Now these are based on regular e-mails i have been recieving. Que: Am in chapter3 and playing as dororo and traped in the magistrate room because i can't find the door the switch opened? Ans: first about the puzzle: just push 2 big boxes and 2 small boxes to the weight scale to open the first door. now about the second room, kill all the clockwork enemies and collect the knives they drop. after you have hit the switch that opens a vent crawl door, jump down and go straight to the platform with a heap of barrels on top of it. open ur menu and equip the throwing knives, then stand in a good spot and stick(L1) a knife in the wall. jump and stand on the knife and then do a double jump to reach the above platform. on top just turn right to find the crawl door you opened, so go through it. Que: Am in chapter2 and am supposed to use dororo to jump those rocks in other to reach tanouske's spot. is there any other route? Ans: nope! no other way except those rocks. i know the jumping system in blood will tell can sometimes be frustrating, but keep practicing till you get the hang of it. always use float jumping method to cover a long distance jump. Que: Am in chapter7 playing with dororo and already rescued the villagers now dragon tank is after me but i can't out-run him? Ans: just use you L3 dash ability. when the first dash expires, push L3 again for another dash that will get you through to reach the main area for the fight. Que: Help!! am lost in chapter6's cursed forest? Ans: Please refer to chapter6 fiends topic to find the answers you seek. ========== 5. CREDITS ========== Well wanna give a big thanks to the voice actors of the game like Chris Murphy and Bret Walter and the other actors of the game. Other thanks to Sega, Tekuza osamu and other people who put their efforts making of the game. Thanks to Gamefaqs and Gamespot, from where I discovered the game. My thanks won't be complete without one to my family and friends- Thank you. thx's too to micheal osuere for the sword of clarity tip. ============================ 6. COPYRIGHTS & LEGAL STUFFS ============================ CONTACTS: Feel free to contact me via e-mail if you have any questions, suggestions or even favor to ask. My E-mail is chuks313 @ Bear with me if I delay a little in replying your mails but I will surely reply them. Disclaimer ---------- I don't mind having my FAQ posted on other sites, but I don't fancy having them posted without my knowledge. Just ask me and I will gladly allow you to do so. My e-mail is chuks313 @ but incase i don't get to update this guide to add your site, its ok so far you have my permision to go ahead. the following sites have my permission: - - - - (c) Copyright 2004/ 2005 - Chuks313.