NeonSamurai Presents: GADO A Bloody Roar 3 Character Faq. version 1.0 ------------------------------------- Legalities and Other Unpleasantries This Faq is Copyright, owned, and updated by none other than me, NeonSamurai. If you want to post it anywhere, email me at You may not sell it, or package it as a "free bonus" with something else you have sold. If you want to publish this ANYWHERE, please ask me first. Bloody roar is copyright of Activision. Nuff said. ------------------------------------- Version history: -1.0- created August 08, 2001 ------------------------------------- A quick word about Gado: He has been, and probably always will be, one of the main characters in a Bloody Roar game. Father of Shina, he is now an important political figure. Ok, enough of this. On with the FAQ!!!!! ------------------------------------- Index 1. Key 2. Character Moves 3. Combos a. Human Combos b. Beast Combos c. Hyper Beast Combos 4. Strategy 5. End ------------------------------------- Key p = punch k = kick B = beast g = guard u = up d = down b = back f = forward uf = up-forward ub = up-back df = down-forward db = down-back qcf = quarter circle forward qcb = quarter circle back ------------------------------------- Character Moves u+p - overhead smash dmg = 24 (+2 if they hit the ground) d+p - gut punch dmg = 9 db+p - escape strike dmg = ? qcb+p - cannon fist dmg = variable (hold P for more damage) f,f+p - hopping knuckle dmg = 20 (+2 if they hit the ground) df+p - hard gut punch dmg = 15 qcf+p - capture strike dmg = 35 +f+k - high kick dmg = 44 +d+k - shin breaker dmg = 44 u+k - dropkick dmg = 28 b+k - roundhouse dmg = 27 d+k - knee breaker dmg = 15 df+k - step kick dmg = 23 db+k - sweep dmg = 19 qcb+k - typhoon(guard break) dmg = 20 +bf+p,qcf+p,qcb+p - typhoon triple smash dmg = 99 qcf+k - axe kick dmg = 11 1st hit, 14 2nd hit total 25 ff+k - dash knee dmg = 22 b+B - turnaround kick dmg = 36 (leave your back to opponent) u+B - overhead slash dmg = 23 d+B - twin swipe dmg = 20 db+B - low turnaround dmg = 22 df+B - quick slash dmg = 23 f,f+B - headbutt dmg = 25 qcb+B - uppercut dmg = 41 qcf+B - The Hunting dmg = 59 p+k - throw dmg = 36 (press guard when Gados fist glows to do a "fake" throw) --------------------------------------------------------------- Combos This section is divided up into 3 parts: Human, Beast, and Hyper Beast Human: b+p,b+p,qcf+p hits-3 dmg=84 b+p,b+p,qcf+k hits-3 dmg=46 b+p,b+p,qcf+B hits-3 dmg=113 b+p,b+p,B,B hits-3 dmg=58 Beast: Contains all human combos as well as the following b+p,b+p,qcb+B,u+p,qcf+B hits-5 dmg=156 f+B,f+B,qcb,qcb+B hits-4 dmg=173 f+B,f+B,qcf+k,qcf+B hits-4 dmg=152 f,f+k,p,p,f+p hits-4 dmg=73 f,f+k,p,p,qcf+B hits-4 dmg=113 Hyper Beast: I will only list a few combos here, mainly because of the sheer number available. all of mine are fatal. f+B,f+B,qcb+k,qcf+k,qcb+B,u+p,qcf+B hits-7 dmg=227 f+B,f+B,qcb+k,qcf+k,qcb+k,qcf+p hits-6 dmg=199 f+b,f+B,qcb+k,qcf+k,qcb+B,u+p,qcb,qcb+B hits-9 dmg=234 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Strategy: First off, let me say this: Gado is not a combo machine! Don't try to play him like one! Ok, I feel better now. Use Gado Offensively. His moves HURT A LOT, and can be tricky to predict at times. Against faster characters, you might want to play defensively though, waiting for an opening to drop some well deserved pain on them. He has a lot of powerhouse moves, use them to stop dash-ins (my personal fav is u+p). All in all, he isn't too complicated of a character to play. Good for beginners, or experts who tire of their opposition (I've done a 3 second match with him in hyper beast. Lotsa fun watching your opponent turn white). ---------------------------------------------------------------- The End. If you have any questions, comments, or info you would like me to add, email me at I would love to see some neat combos, so send away!!! You will, of course, be credited for your contributions. I will hopefully be updating this as I find more goodies, but until then...... Thanks to Activision and Hudson for creating another good game.