------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=<> Bloody Roar 3 (US) - Moves/Combos Guide (Version 1.0)- Gado The Lion <>=- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |--------------------| (ATTENTION: Maximize window for optimal viewing.) |-=<> Disclaimer <>=-| |--------------------| This document is Copyrighted 2001 by VaporFox, and is not to be used for financial profit in any manner. If you wish to post anything from this FAQ on a website or some form of publication, please contact me at the email below for permission FIRST. Reproduction of any content is ONLY to be used for viewing purposes. Any questions or comments regarding this FAQ should be directed to the following email as well. FAQ Topic: Bloody Roar 3 - Playstation 2 - US version FAQ Author: VaporFox (AKA: The Goff-Foqs) Email: DecadentSolace@aol.com |---------------------------| |-=<> Table Of Contents <>=-| |---------------------------| A) Character Bio B) Character Breakdown (My opinion on Gado) C) Button Legend D) Throws E) Basic Attacks F) Special Moves G) Beast Drives H) Basic Combos I) Complex/Custom Combos ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |-----------------------| |-=<> Character Bio <>=-| |-----------------------| (Note: This brief section was taken from Deshaad's 'BLOODY ROAR 3 - GUIDE TO TECHNICAL MADNESS' FAQ with a few minor alterations. Props to Deshaad for finding this stuff. Lord knows I couldn't find it anywhere.) Full Name: Alan Gado Original Country: France Age: 49 Height: 194 cm (6'3") Weight: 105 kg (231 lbs) Occupation: Highest-ranking commissioner of the United Nations Likes: Brandy Dislikes: Neckties Beast Form: Lion (Panthera leo) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |-----------------------------| |-=<> Character Breakdown <>=-| |-----------------------------| Personal Overview: First off, while I'll be the first to tell you that I think the Bloody Roar games have WAY too many feline characters in them, out of them all it's a real toss-up between Gado and Shina for my favorite. After all, lions aren't called 'king of the beasts' for nothin', ya know? Without a doubt, Gado is the 'OG bad ass' of the BR series. Most people will tell you Yugo or Long/Shen Long are the 'icon' characters of the game, but there's just something about the lion that keeps me coming back to him when I feel like dishing out some major pain. He's not the fastest fighter by far, but he's certainly one of the strongest. Combine that with the fact he has JUST enough useful low attacks in his arsenal to keep a block-crazy player on their toes, and you've got a fighter who's excellent for a beginner to learn, yet deep enough to keep a master hooked. Furthermore, many people will tell you Gado is far from a combo machine, but the few he does have are extremely powerful and versatile. In fact, once you get to know how to use Gado to his full potential, you'll realize just how in-depth his combo system really is. Sure, you aren't going to pull off 40-hit monsters with him -- save with his Beast Drive -- but his attacks are so powerful, you don't NEED huge combos to win. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Character Ratings: (Note: These are based on a 1 to 10 rating system, and are my own personal opinions. In other words, these aren't ratings set in stone provided by a game magazine or Activision/Hudson themselves.) Character Concept - 8 Gado is, and always has been one of best presented BR fighters. He's got that rugged militant look that's not too painfully stereotypical, and his beast form is one of the most gorgeous ones in BR3, in my humble opinion. Power - 9 The big cat's one-two punch power is really only matched by Uranus' beast form and Stun from what I can tell. Even his normal throw from the front seems stronger than most. All in all, if you're not on your best guard when he's in beast form, your life bar is going to diminish quickly. Speed - 5 Gado rates either slightly above or below average speed-wise to me. He's got a decent array of punch, punch, kick type combos and one-two beast button combos that execute relatively quick; however, as a whole, the feline is a 'hulker' who lumbers around the stage and is too slow to recover from stuns a lot of the time. It's best to mix up playing defensively and offensively to keep the other player honest. Toughness - 8 Along with his seemingly fathomless strength, Gado is very adept at absorbing damage -- be it in human or beast form. In fact, I think the only character 'tougher' would have to be Stun; it's hard to call for sure. Versatility - 6 As mentioned before, don't expect to pull off any Killer Instinct-like massive combos with the cat very often; however, what sets Gado apart from many of the characters is the overall interchangeability of his combos. He has at least three combo-starting moves that can seamlessly blend into the next or start juggles, which will all be covered in the combo sections. Overall Rating - 8 While not the best character in the game, Gado is one of the easiest to learn and difficult to beat in the hands of a skilled player. Obviously his strengths are, well, his strength and great counterattack ability. His weaknesses consist of his (at times) frustrating slowness and large size in both human and beast form makes him prone to being a victim of juggles. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |-----------------------| |-=<> Button Legend <>=-| |-----------------------| (Note: Commands below are assuming you're facing your opponent to the right.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Basic Control Pad Commands: | Basic Button Commands: u = Up (Jump) | P = Punch L1 = Beast Drive d = Down (Crouch) | K = Kick R1 = Heavy Guard f = Forward (Right) | B = Beast L2 = Sidestep Left b = Back (Left) | TRI = Throw (Also P+K) R2 = Sidestep Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Advanced/Special Control Pad Commands: f,f = Quick Step (HOLD second 'f' to DASH) b,b = Back Step df = Crawl Forward db = Crawl Backward DUCK = HOLD R1+d,d (You can hold it up to 2 seconds.) QCF (Quarter Circle Forward) = d,df,f (The good ol' fireball motion) QCB (Quarter Circle Back) = d,db,b Special Jumps: Super Jump = Jump forward ('uf' or 'u') while DASHING. Wall Jump = Press 'f' after making contact with a wall in a jump. Chase Jump = Press 'u' after knocking you opponent in the air for a juggle. (Note: Wall Jumps and Chase Jumps can only be done in Beast Form by Gado.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |----------------| |-=<> Throws <>=-| |----------------| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME: GRAB KNOCKDOWN COMMAND: TRI or P+K CONDITIONS: FRONT THROW - HUMAN OR BEAST FORM (Note: Throw can be canceled with R1 right as Gado's hand flashes.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME: DAMSITE FANG COMMAND: TRI or P+K CONDITIONS: FRONT THROW - BEAST FORM ONLY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME: SHAKE BOMB COMMAND: d+TRI or d+P+K CONDITIONS: CROUCHING OPPONENT - HUMAN OR BEAST FORM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME: SURPRISE CRASH COMMAND: TRI or P+K CONDITIONS: BEHIND THROW - HUMAN OR BEAST FORM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME: ABSOLUTE FIRE COMMAND: b,f+P CONDITIONS: FRONT THROW (Can be a couple steps away.) - HUMAN OR BEAST FORM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME: HEAT CAPTURE COMMAND: QCF+P CONDITIONS: FRONT THROW (Can be a couple steps away.) - HUMAN OR BEAST FORM SPECIAL NOTE: Heat Capture has THREE potential outcomes. If you touch nothing after entering the initial (QCF+P) command, Gado will toss the opponent into the ground after delivering two strikes. If you press 'K' during the first two strikes, he will launch the victim into the air with a knee blow (great for juggles). Finally, if you press 'D+K' during the first two strikes, Gado will end the move with a low kick to the body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |-----------------------| |-=<> Basic Attacks <>=-| |-----------------------| (Note: I apologize in advance if the name of any of the following moves are incorrect. It's really difficult to find a reliable source for move names for this game; especially considering the lack of an 'official' strategy guide for BR3 in the US. However, I DO assure you all the commands and other move-related information is 100% accurate.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME: OVERHEAD SMASH | NAME: DROPKICK | NAME: OVERHEAD SMASH CMND: u+P | CMND: u+K | CMND: u+b ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME: SPINNING BACKHAND | NAME: ROUNDHOUSE | NAME: TURNAROUND KICK CMND: b+P | CMND: b+K | CMND: b+B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME: ESCAPE STRIKE | NAME: LEG SWEEP | NAME: LOW TURNAROUND CMND: db+P | CMND: db+K | CMND: db+B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME: GUT PUNCH | NAME: KNEE BREAKER | NAME: TWIN SWIPE CMND: d+P | CMND: d+K | CMND: d+B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME: HARD GUT PUNCH | NAME: STEP KICK | NAME: QUICK SLASH CMND: df+P | CMND: df+K | CMND: df+B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME: HOPPING KNUCKLE | NAME: DASH KNEE | NAME: HEADBUTT CMND: f,f+P | CMND: f,f+K | CMND: f,f+B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME: SITE BREAK | NAME: PUNT KICK | NAME: ROLLING SWIPE CMND: DUCK+P,P | CMND: DUCK+K | CMND: DUCK+B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |-----------------------| |-=<> Special Moves <>=-| |-----------------------| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME: ASSAULT BLOW COMMAND: QCB+P PROPERTY: SINGLE-HIT ATTACK FEATURES: HOLD 'P' to increase damage for up to three 'flashes.' (Note: You can also cancel by pressing R1 right when Gado's fist flashes.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME: RAGE CUTTER COMMAND: QCF+K PROPERTY: MULTI-HIT KICK FEATURES: R1 will cancel the attack after the first hit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME: DANGER SPIN COMMAND: QCB+K PROPERTY: SINGLE-HIT ATTACK FEATURES: GUARD BREAKER - Starts the 'PRESSURE OF TYRANT' combo also. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME: DEMOLITION FANG COMMAND: QCF+B PROPERTY: THROW-LIKE SINGLE-HIT ATTACK FEATURES: R1 will cancel attack. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME: RISING LASER COMMAND: QCB+B< PROPERTY: JUGGLE-STARTER (AKA: LAUNCHER) FEATURES: R1 will cancel attack. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |----------------------| |-=<> Beast Drives <>=-| |----------------------| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME: G-BOMBER COMMAND: QCF,QCF+B FEATURES: THROW (MUST be executed right next to opponent.) (Note: It's not possible to execute this beast drive from any combo cancel point. In other words, you can't tack this move onto the end of anything. Don't worry though; it does 45 hits by itself.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME: G-CANNON COMMAND: QCB,QCB+B FEATURES: ATTACK (Note: G-CANNON WILL hit an opponent in the air if you time it right, which makes it an excellent beast drive to pull off at the end of a cancel point combo or juggle. On a side note, be careful how close you're standing to a wall when performing this move. When the opponent flies into the air from the attack, his body will do minor damage to Gado if they connect with him.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |----------------------| |-=<> Basic Combos <>=-| |----------------------| (Note: While not all the names for these combos may be accurate, you have my word than all the commands for them are 100% correct.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME: TOMAHAWK BASHER COMMAND: f+P,P,P FEATURES: Any special move can be linked to 2nd or 3rd hit. (Note: To link a special move to the combo, enter a command (EX: QCF+K) RIGHT as the 2nd or 3rd hit connects with your opponent, or slightly before.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME: SHOTGUN COMBINATION FIRE COMMAND: P,P,f+P FEATURES: 3rd hit sends human opponents wall-wards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME: SHOTGUN COMBINATION DRIVE COMMAND: P,P,f+K FEATURES: 3rd hit launches opponent. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME: SPINNING STRIKE COMMAND: b+P,P FEATURES: COMBO STARTER - Any special move can be linked to the 2nd hit. (Note: To link a special move to the combo, enter a command (EX: QCF+K) RIGHT as the 2nd hit connects with your opponent, or slightly before.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME: VIOLATOR COMMAND: df+P, df+P (Or just hold 'df' then press p,p.) NAME: BASIC TRAINING COMMAND: f+P,K FEATURES: 2nd hit stuns/knocks down opponent. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME: SHELL SLASH COMMAND: df+P, d+K FEATURES: 2nd hit sweeps/knocks down opponent. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME: BLIND SPOT COMMAND: P,P,d+B FEATURES: 3rd hit strikes low. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME: TROPPER COMB COMMAND: K,K,K FEATURES: 3rd hit knocks down opponent. (Note: Can link SKYRUNCHER STRIKE to second 'K.' (K,K,f+K,K,K) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME: SKYRUNCHER STRIKE COMMAND: f+K,K,K FEATURES: 3rd hit knocks down opponent. (Note: You can substitute the 3rd 'K' with 'd+p' to do a 'fake' kick.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME: TRIPLE SCRATCH COMMAND: B,B,B FEATURES: Any special move can be linked to the 2nd hit. (Note: To link a special move to the combo, enter a command (EX: QCF+K) RIGHT as the 2nd hit connects with your opponent, or slightly before.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME: TRIPLE SCRATCH LOW COMMAND: B,B,d+B FEATURES: 3rd hit strikes low ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME: DESTROY SCRATCH COMMAND: f+B,B FEATURES: Any special move can be linked to the 2nd hit. (Note: To link a special move to the combo, enter a command (EX: QCF+K) RIGHT as the 2nd hit connects with your opponent, or slightly before.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME: ZONE DEFENDER COMMAND: B,d+B FEATURES: 2nd hit strikes low. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME: DEATH TOY COMMAND: f+B, d+B FEATURES: 2nd hit strikes low/knocks down opponent. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |-------------------------------| |-=<> Complex/Custom Combos <>=-| |-------------------------------| (Note: While not all the names for these combos may be accurate, you have my word than all the commands for them are 100% correct. Many of the following combinations are custom in design, meaning they're the product of juggling. Furthermore, as mentioned in the last section, many of Gado's 'simple' combos can be made more in-depth by tacking on any of his special moves to the 2nd or 3rd hits. Below is a list of the combos that you can link a special move with to extend them, as well as every LINKABLE SPECIAL MOVE.) Combo Starters: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME: TOMAHAWK BASHER | NAME: SPINNING STRIKE COMMAND: f+P,P,P | COMMAND: b+P,P LINK POINT: 2nd or 3rd hit | LINK POINT: 2nd hit ONLY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME: TROPPER COMB (Partial) | NAME: DESTROY SCRATCH (Part) COMMAND: K,K | COMMAND: B,B LINK POINT: 2nd hit | LINK POINT: 2nd hit ONLY (Note: Links to SKYRUNCHER STRIKE.) | (Note: Do NOT press 'B' 3 times.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Linkable Special Moves: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME: HEAT CAPTURE | NAME: ASSAULT BLOW | NAME: ABSOLUTE FIRE COMMAND: QCF+P | COMMAND: QCB+P | COMMAND: b,f+P ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME: RAGE CUTTER | NAME: DANGER SPIN | COMMAND: QCF+K | COMMAND: QCB+K | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME: DEMOLITION FANG | NAME: RISING LASER | COMMAND: QCF+B | COMMAND: QCB+B | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Complex Combos: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME: BLOODY RIDGE COMMAND: u+B,QCF+B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME: HIGH COMMAND EDGE COMBINATION COMMAND: K,K,f+K,K,K (Note: The final 'K' can be replaced with 'd+P' to do a fake kick.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME: HEAT BLASTER DOUBLE CLAW COMMAND: K,b+P,P,B,B (Note: The final 'B' can be replaced with 'd+B' to strike low.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME: HEAT BLASTER SKYRUNCHER STRIKE COMMAND: K,b+P,P,B,f+K,K,K (Note: The final 'K' can be replaced with 'd+P' to do a fake kick.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME: PRESSURE OF TYRANT COMMAND: QCB+K (then) b,f+P (then) QCF+P (then) QCB+P (Note: You can HOLD 'P' on the final motion (QCB+P) up to three flashes to increase the power of the blow before releasing. Furthermore, if you DON'T hold 'P' at all, it's a guaranteed hit if the previous hits connected.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Custom Combos: (Human and/or Beast/Hyper Beast forms)< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME: BESTIAL EVISCERATION COMMAND: b+P,P (then) QCB+B (then) u+B (then) QCF+B TYPE: JUGGLE/TIMING COMBO (Note: You must time the 'u+B' part to hit the victim on their way down before they hit the ground. Also, the 'QCF+B' finisher of the combo will usually hit the opponent even if they're nearly on their back/stomach.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME: PRIDE BREAKER COMMAND: f+B,B (then) QCB+B (then) u+B (then) QCF+B TYPE: LAUNCHER/JUGGLE COMBO (Note: Like the BESTIAL EVISCERATION combo, you must time the 'u+B' part to hit your opponent before they hit the ground, and follow with 'QCF+B'.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME: TASK ENFORCER COMMAND: f+P,P,f+K,K,K TYPE: MULT-HIT COMBO (Note: The final 'K' can be replaced with 'd+P' to do a fake kick.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME: SUPPRESSIVE FIRE COMMAND: f+P,P,P (then) QCF+P (then) (Press 'K' during HEAT PRESSURE.) B,B,B TYPE: MULTI-HIT/THROW/LAUNCHER COMBO (Note: The final 'B' can be replaced with 'd+B' to strike low. Also note: for this combo to work, you MUST press 'K' when Gado performs the knee strikes during the HEAT PRESSURE portion of the combo to launch the victim in the air for the next part of the attack. I usually just keep tapping 'K' until I see that the enemy is launched into the air.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME: SEETHER COMMAND: K,b+P,P (then) QCB+K (then) b,f+P (then) QCF+P (then) QCB+P TYPE: MULTI-HIT COMBO (Note: This is just a slightly 'longer' version of PRESSURE OF TYRANT. Of course, you can still hold 'P' on the final move to increase power.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME: SNEERING BANISHER COMMAND: B,B (then) QCB+B (then) f+P,P,f+K,K,K TYPE: MULTI-HIT/JUGGLE COMBO (Note: The final 'K' can be replaced with 'd+P' to do a fake kick.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME: FINAL FEAST COMMAND: f+P,P,P (then) QCF+P (then) P,P,f+K (then) u+P (then) QCF+B TYPE: MULTI-HIT/THROW/LAUNCHER COMBO (Note: Like the SUPPRESSIVE FIRE combo, you HAVE to push 'K' during the HEAT PRESSURE portion (QCF+P) of the combo to launch your victim for the rest.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (FINAL NOTE: This isn't a COMPLETE list of ALL custom combos Gado can pull off. However, I feel it's extensive enough of a list to let you get a feel for how to make your own custom combinations with him. Overall, he can juggle/launch with the best of them. Also, keep in mind of lot of the previous combos won't work if the person does an AIR RECOVER (P+K in air).)