------------- Bloody Roar 4 ------------- ------------------------------------------- A Word Before We Get Down To The Real Talk: ------------------------------------------- This F.A.Q. is only for the endings. So if anybody have anything to add, please do so. Otherwise... do not bother. ======================================================= ----- Name: Uriko ----- Mana: If the resealing is complete. Uriko: Pakuppn!! I don't understand any of this... what's going on? Pakuppn can become a girl and the priest can become a dragon... Mana: Ahh, wait! I'm sorry about before. I'll tell you everything. Ryoho is an ancient magical-beast with incredible power. He's a dragon vessel. And the dragon's power is so immense and his existence so dangerous that he had been sealed so the dragon wouldn't wake... but the seal came loose recently. To reseal the broken seal, it was necessary to remove it completely. That's why I needed the strength of strong Zoanthropes such as you. You came all the way here in your Beast form... Uriko: Hmmm, I see. I don't know how I managed to get this far without knowing that... Mana: For getting involved in such a dangerous event with no explanation... I'm REALLY sorry. Uriko: Yeah, it was a little scary, but I think I've been useful, so it's OK! Mana: Thank you very much. Uriko: I guess the only thing I regret is that I can't keep Pakuppn. :( Mana: Aho... hahahaha... well... ^_^ Uriko: Oh nooo! It's almost dinner time!! If I don't get home soon, my mother will be sooo angry! Well, I'm going home now. Mana, can I come and play with you sometime? Mana: Oh, yes. Yes, please! Oh, just one more thing. Pakuppn is a fox. Uriko: Huh?! wha.... whaaaaaaaat? Ha.... hah.... hahahahaha. ^_^ Uriko & Mana: HAHAHAHAHAHA! Ahohohohohohoh!!! ======================================================= ----- Name: Alice ----- Alice: Ohh... scared me... hey! What in the world do you have me fighting against? What IS that? Mana: Ryoho is an ancient magical-beast with incredible power. He's a dragon vessel. And the dragon's power is so immense and his existence so dangerous that he had been sealed so the dragon wouldn't wake... but the seal came loose recently... Alice: I see! So it was the offer-effects of that strength that caused the problems with the Zoanthropes... Mana: Yes, exactly! I'm glad it was someone who understands things so well... ^_^ To reseal the broken seal, it was necessary to remove it completely. That's why I needed the strength of strong Zoanthropes such as you. For getting involved in such a dangerous event with no explanation... I'm really sorry. Alice: Oh... I didn't think anything like this even existed... so, this will stop the violence and the earthquakes, right? Mana: Oh, yes! It's fine now. Alice: I guess this means everything will be alright. It must be difficult for two people living in this kind of place. Hmm, now that I know what kind of dangerous being exists in this area and since this is under W.O.C. jurisdiction, I'll have to come by occasionally and check on things. Would you like me to bring you some cake, next time? Mana: Oh, yes, yes, please! ======================================================= ----- Name: Bakuryu ----- Bakuryu: Honestly, I was really surprised. Who could've imagined a dragon! What exactly is this? Mana: Oh, wait! I'm sorry about before. I'll tell you everything. Ryoho is an ancient magical-beast with incredible power. He's a dragon vessel. And the dragon's power is so immense and his existence so dangerous that he had been sealed so the dragon wouldn't wake... but the seal came loose recently... Bakuryu: So that's why it's been getting easier for us Zoanthropes to become Violent. Mana: Yes, exactly. To reseal the broken seal, it was necessary to remove it completely. That's why I needed the stregnth of strong Zoanthropes such as you. Bakuryu: I see... so that's how it was. Mana: For getting involved in such a dangerous event with no explanation... I'm really sorry. Bakuryu: No, no. It's fine. This time it was I who learned so much from this. Ahh, Ryoho, was it? Is he okay? Mana: Who? Mana looks back at Ryoho, then approaches... Mana: Ahahaha... it's okay. Just sleeping, I think. Bakuryu: Oh, I see. That's good... well, I guess my friends are worried about me, so... please excuse me. Bakuryu starts to perform a vanishing move... Mana: Ahh, yes. Really... thank you ver...?! EHH!!! Bakuryu vanishes... Mana: Very much! ======================================================= ----- Name: Busuzima ----- Mana: If the resealing is complete... Busuzima: Mohohoho, you surprised me! It's all over for the dragon, I'm gonna take this guy, and study him. With just one more hit. Reseal? Seal? What?! Whaaaaat!!!!!!!!!! That must mean?! Mana: Yes, he can't become a dragon again. Busuzima: Hey! Wait.... wait.... eh. You caaaaaaan't do thaaaaat! Aoooooooooo!!!! Hey, the little nine-tailed fox is still here... I can still use you. Mana: Ahh... Mana steps back... Busuzima: Heeeeeeey. Waaaaaait. You little fox... Mana: Nooooooooo. Mana runs away while Busuzima runs after her in a very retarded way... Busuzima: Gyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! Mana transforms into a fox and bites Busuzima's dirty butt... ======================================================= ----- Name: Gado ----- Mana: If the resealing is complete... the coma and the violence SHOULD stop. Gado: A dragon? Unbelievable... even so, what's the deal with the seal? Mana: Ah, wait! I'm sorry about before. I'll tell you everything... Ryoho is an ancient magical-beast with incredible power. He's a dragon vessel. And the dragon's power is so immense and his existence so dangerous that he had been sealed so the dragon wouldn't wake... but the seal came loose recently. To reseal the broken seal, it was necessary to remove it completely. That's why I needed the strength of strong Zoanthropes such as you. For getting involved in such a dangerous event with no explanation... I'm REALLY sorry. Gado: So that's how it is. Now I see. Well, I'm glad everything worked out well. Mana: I feel the same energy from you as the girl who went out of control... is she your...? Gado: Eh? Ah, that's my daughter. Well, there's no blood connection but I guess you already know that. It left an intense fire when it snopped down earlier... Mana: Ah, excuse me... Gado: What? Don't worry about it. She shouldn't have lost consciousness from just that. Mana: If you've got the same energy without a blood connection, that's proof that your daughter loves you dearly. Gado: I hope so but... she's probably still unconscious so I'll have to carry her back... Mana: Ahh, you love your daughter as well. ^_^ Gado: Well, I can't say it directly to her.. ======================================================= ----- Name: Jenny ----- Jenny: Hard to believe that both a Water God? And a dragon existed here... and what are you supposed to be? Mana: I see. I'll tell you everything. Ryoho is an ancient magical-beast with incredible power. He's a dragon vessel. This dragon's power is really dangerous. We, the Nine Tails family have continuously kept it sealed, to prevent it from waking. Unfortunately, the seal came loose recently and all of this occurred. Jenny: Well, this is an unexpected surprise. Mana: Ume... I don't suppose I could get you to keep quite about the dragon? As I said before, the dragon's power is not something that can be controlled by humans... I don't care about myself. Ryoho... well... Jenny: Well, well, well. You say mighty things for someone so young. Unfortunately for you, I'm also a pro in this game. Now that the truth has come out, I have to report this, of course. Mana: Ahh, really? Jenny: I have a mountain temple that was protected by a strange parent and his child. I investigated it recently and... well, that's about all there was. Mana: Ah... Jenny: Haha! Goodbye, young girl. Mana: Tha... thank you... ah... Jenny... Jenny: ^_^ Mana: Thank you, really... ======================================================= ----- Name: Long ----- Mana: The resealing is complete. Long: Ah, I can see that you are the one who controls the dragon... it's been a LONG time since I've been that scared. Mana: Ah, I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't been here. Ryoho: Uggghhh!!!! Mana looks at the falling Ryoho... Mana: Ah, Ryoho! Long: Ryoho looks like he will be fine. Well, I'll be leaving now. If the seal looks like it will break again, call me. Mana: Eh... you should rest first... Long: That dragon's power was much more than I could have imagined, so... I'm concerned about the other Zoanthropes and dragons. Mana: Oh, I see. OK. Thank you so much for everything today. Thank you. Thank you very much. ======================================================= ----- Name: Shina ----- Mana: If the resealing is complete, and coma and the violence SHOULD stop. Shina: Surprised me... that's a dragon... right... even so, what exactly were you guys planning here? Mana: Plan?! How could we plan this?! Wai... wait!! I'm sorry about before. I'll tell you everything. Ryoho is an ancient magical-beast with incredible power. He's a dragon vessel. And the dragon's power is so immense and his existence so dangerous that he had been sealed so the dragon wouldn't wake... but the seal came loose recently. Shina: So the investigate team lost consciousness because of the dragon's power, right? Mana: Yes, exactly. For getting involved in such a dangerous event with no explanation... I'm REALLY sorry. Shina: I understand most of it now. Well, I'm glad that you aren't bad guys! Ahh, I've got to make contact soon... or this place is going to get bombed! Mana: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHH???? Shina: But what should I tell them? I can't possibly tell them a DRAGON is here. Mana: Th... th... thank you very much. ======================================================= ----- Name: Shen Long ----- Mana: Thank you very much. Thanks to you, the dragon has been resealed... Shen Long: Hello... what's with this old man? Mana: Ryoho is an ancient magical-beast with incredible power. He's a dragon vessel. And the dragon's power is so immense and his existence so dangerous that he had been sealed so the dragon wouldn't wake... but the seal came loose recently. Shen Long: So, as a result of that power, everyone except the Zoanthropes like me became violent? Mana: Yes, exactly. I'm glad it was someone who understands things so well. To reseal the broken seal, it was necessary to remove it completely. That's why I needed the strength of strong Zoanthropes such as you. And about the fortune teller... Shen Long: Fortune teller? Mana: Ahh... Shen Long: Speaking of that, he was trying to get to come here. You, you know... why have all the crazy Zoanthropes been coming after me? Mana: I'M SORRY!!! That was... well... that was so you would deal with the people who were out of control. Maintaining the seal required all of my strength... Shen Long: Ahh... really... Mana: I'm... I'm sorry. Shen Long: Ahhh, so it was to prevent the surrounding areas from being damaged. Well I can tell you that picking me was the right choice! Mana: Oh yes. Thank you. Thank you very, very much... Shen Long: Ahh, there's no need for thanks! Just get someone else next time... I'm tired. Mmm, maybe I'll go home and have a drink. Mana: Thank you so very much. Shen Long: I told you that you don't have to thank me. ======================================================= ----- Name: Stun ----- Mana: If the resealing is complete. Stun: This guy? I never could of guessed a dragon. It looks like I've been rescued by this vile body again. Mana: Of course, you came here to heal yourself with my power, right? Stun: Yes. Mana: Strictly speaking, Ryoho is a little different from Zoanthropes. Your Zoanthrope strength is your own but the dragon's strength is a separate existence within Ryoho. My power is only for sealing the dragon and making him sleep... so, I can't heal you. Stun: Ahh. I guess there's nothing but to go on living in this body... Mana: I'm sorry... Stun: No, I was wrong. My strength wasn't enough for you or him. I'm afraid that I've burdened you... Mana: Hm mh hm, you're much kinder than you look! ^_^ Ryoho: Ahhhh... Mana looks at Ryoho as he awakes... Stun: He's awakened. OK, I'm off. ======================================================= ----- Name: Xion ----- Xion: Hehehe... looks like this is the end for you. With this, we finally get a blow in on Gaia... who has long took advantage of us. Mana awakes... Mana: Ah... hhh... nnnn. Wha??! No... good... Xion has got very near to dragon to finish him off with the last blow... Xion: Well then... and now for the fatal strike. Haaaaaa! Mana: Haaaa!! Mana stops Xion with her sealing power before Xion makes his move... Xion: Who...? Whhh... ghrrr... can't.... move... As he tries to free himself from the seal, he looks back to see the person who had stopped him from striking the dragon... Xion: THE LITTLE GIRLLLLLLL....!!! Mana: How do you like it? You can't get free, right? Xion: Ugh!! As Mana is focusing on Xion not to make him move... a figure appears and strikes the dragon down... Mana: Who...? Dragon: UGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!! Mana: Ahh... hhh.... nooo! Nagi: .... Nagi takes her sword off the dragon's chest, making him fall for his very fated death while his blood is strongly falling... Nagi: ....... Xion: HahahaHAHAHAHAahahahaha!!! >:) Mana: NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! >:( Mana becomes so pissed off as Xion is pathetically laughing at them... then she fast transforms into her Beast form. Fox Mana: Aaaaaawwwwwwwwwoooooo!!! Xion & Nagi: Who?!!!! Fox Mana performs a Special Move where she calls out for an unknown force which revealed the Unborn's appearance who was taking over Xion and Nagi's bodies to reach her goal... thus, Xion and Nagi return to their own selves. Xion: How stupid... of me... Unborn: YOU... FILTHY... LITTLE... Nagi & Xion: ..... Ahh.... UNBORN: ???!!! As Nagi and Xion regained their memories back... without a word, they striked the Unborn with a double strike... Nagi & Xion: AHHHHAAAAA! Unborn: AHUGGHGHHHHH... GI... GIAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Nagi & Xion: Ahgh... hah... hah... hah (breathing)... Foz Mana walks over to where the dragon's body is... Fox Mana: Awwwwwwooooooooo!!! Awwwwwwwoooooo!!! Awwwwwwwooooo!!! Awwwwwwwoooooo!!! :( ======================================================= ----- Name: Yugo ----- Mana tries to reseal the dragon while she is explaining to Yugo everything. Mana: It's exactly as you said. Zoanthropes violence and the earthquakes were because the dragon's power was too strong. Dragon: ..... Mana: HAAAAAH!! Mana completes the resealing... Mana: Thank you very much. Thanks to you. The dragon has been resealed. Yugo: What's the connection with the Unborn? Mana: The dragon was made by the life-force of this planet itself. It's purpose to ride this planet of useless life and life that damaged the planet. Yugo: The Unborn was held back by the dragon a long time ago, right? Mana: Yes, that's right. Yugo: But why is Nagi loyal to the Unborn? Mana: That girl, Nagi's power was given to her just so she could defeat the Unborn that had been brought back to life a year ago. The power was a copy of the Unborn's power but, some of the spirit was also copied. Yugo: I see. Her body was taken over... ha, I must be pretty good to defeat such a strong dragon. Mana: The seal wasn't completely broken. I don't think that was all of its power. If it had been, I don't think I could have resealed it with just my strength... Yugo: Really? That's frightening... well, I'd like to fight a dragon with full strength one day. Mana: No, that's... that's impossible! Yugo: Hahaha! It's a joke, a joke. Don't look so scared. Mana: You shouldn't joke. Ryoho: Ughhhh.... rughhhhhhhgghhhh... Yugo: Hey, looks like the old man is waking up. Ryoho: Fughhhhh... Mana: Good morning, Ryoho. Did you sleep well? Ryoho: Eh? Ah, ok... I guess. ======================================================= ----- Name: Nagi ----- Ryoho: Heh... hah... hah... (breathing) Nagi: With this one strike... with this ones strike... we will have revenge. Ha! Goodbye, Gaia's proud dragon... Nagi rises her sword to give Ryoho the last strike to finish him off, but... Yugo: NAGIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!! Nagi: ....???? As Nagi turns her face to see Yugo... she gets surprised with a fast blow on the face which revealed the Unborn's appearance who was taking over Nagi's body to reach her goal... thus, Nagi returns to her own self but falls unconscious... Unborn: Wha?! WHAT?!! Mana: Haaaaaa! Mana stops the Unborn with her sealing power before he makes any move... Unborn: Who...? Whhh... ghrrr... can't.... move... Mana: Destroy him... please!!! Nagi: Ahhhhhaa! Hah! As Nagi regained her memory and will back... without a word, she striked the Unborn with a fatal strike... Nagi: AHHHHAAAAA! Unborn: AHUGGHGHHHHH... GI... GIAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Nagi: Ahgh... hah... hah... hah (breathing)... yes... Yugo: Ah, you noticed! Nagi: Wha... what? It hurts. Yu... YUGO! Where am I? What happened? Yugo: Ummm, well... I'm not very good at talking but... Mana: I'll tell you about that. Nagi, the Unborn power was given to you so you could defeat the white Zoanthrope. But, your body was taken over and you came to destroy the dragon here. This dragon, who's purpose is to protect this world from evil beings was the cause of all this but... thanks to you. The Unborn has been defeated and the dragon has been seal again. But, you can't go back to your original body. I'm sorry. Nagi: I see... don't go through the trouble. I'll accept it as a part of me from now on. Yugo: .... Nagi: YUGOOOO!!! Yugo: Eh? Nagi: My memory's a little vague... Yugo: What? Nagi: Did YOU just beat me up? Yugo: Well, that... ummm... Ryoho: Zzz... zzz... zzz... zzz... zzz... zzz... Nagi, Yugo & Mana: HAHAHAHAHAHA... ahahahahaha.... HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! ======================================================= ----- Name: Reiji ----- Reiji: A dragon and the Unborn... I would have expected more. So my entire life has been controlled for this?! Such foolishness. >:( Mana: Uhh... huh... sorry Ryoho... I'm... I'm just a beginner... Reiji: Stop your sniveling you little brat!! Mana: Hee!! Reiji: Loud mouthed. Reiji's rivals show up... Reiji: Huh? Umn, that's nice. Well, you want to play some more? Beating you rag-tag trip will stay in my mind... forever... Reiji transforms into his Beast form... ======================================================= ----- Name: Ryoho ----- Ryoho: Uh... uh... uhh... Mana: .... Ryoho: H... HIM?! Mana: The DRAGON has been resealed. Ryoho: Re... seal?! What do you mean?! You... knew about that? Mana: Ahh. When this temple was burnt a year ago... the dragon within you awake because of the Unborn's attack... the dragon's power defeated the Unborn but it's sooo strong. It was too strong for him to exist. And when the Guardians were keeping the dragon down, my sister was able to test the seal but... I wasn't strong enough to do it. It had to be my sister... the weight was just too much. Ryoho: What is this? The Guardian's injuries, and your sister... everything is my... tell me. That dragon... what's the connection? Mana: The dragon was made by the life-force of this planet itself. It's purpose to ride this planet of useless life and life that damaged the planet. Ryoho: That white Zoanthrope, you said it's the Unborn? It was held back by the dragon, right? Mana: Yes, that's right. It's strange though... why didn't the dragon calm down when the Unborn disappeared? Ryoho: There are probably more beings than need to be held back... the ones that will destroy the planet... are probably... we humans. ======================================================= ---------------------- Funny And Cool Things: ---------------------- =========== Funny Part: =========== The first funny part is, If you want to endlessly laugh then you have to watch Nagi's ending over and over again. It will crack you up real long and good. The ending is supposed to be cool but the so bad voice acting ruined it all starting with Yugo when he screamed "NAAAAGIIIII" like a drunk to Nagi falling after finishing the Unborn off... and just to show us her d--- p----! Yugo's voice actor must of had smoked something really bad... I was laughing the whole time and my little sister asked me; "What's so funny?" Then I said; "The voice acting." Then she said; "That was so lame." And indeed it was but it just cracked me up. The second funny part is Ryoho... I was showing the ending to my friend and trying to explain everything about the endings, then he asked; "Is that blad the boss?" I said; "Yes... he is not evil, but has a good personality." Then Nagi's ending came up, he didn't ask anything as I was laughing at Yugo the whole time. After Nagi was getting nowhere with Yugo and Ryoho started to snore, my friend said: "He is a good boss alright." That was pretty funny if you know what he meant. ^_^ ========== Cool Part: ========== After watching many endings, you just ask yourself one question... who is evil in this game? Xion, who most of the guys thought he was the evil dude of the series... is not that evil after all. He is even ashamed somehow of his acts when he was possessed by the Unborn. Well, your question will be answered when you see Reiji's ending. This guy is bad for sure. His ending is really cool though it does not have anything to write home about. I guess it is cool only because of his lines. I've always thought that Mana was really loud mouthed, and when Reiji said so... I just smiled. Shen Long also was a little bit cool in his ending though he was off a little bit there. Same thing goes for the sweet sweet sweet Uriko. ^_^ ======================================================= --------- Fun Fact: --------- Strictly speaking, the voice acting in the game is nowhere near good or even "okay." I do not hate the game or anything, I, myself played all B.R. games. But it is perfectly clear that the voice acting in this game is really bad, sadly. Even worse than Grandia Extreme. Some endings could of have been pretty good if the voice acting was better than this. I do not understand how the voice actors/actresses have the dignity to take anything or expect anything with that bad job. I hope they will be better than this and put some emotions into their jobs. At least work hard for what you get... by that we will respect you more. ^_^ Nagi, Gado, Shen Long, Xion's endings would have been really interesting if the voice acting was even a little bit good. Xion's ending is really cool but the voice acting screwed it all. To tell you the truth, I am pretty sure that Mana is the main reason for every error in the game. The worst voice acting I have ever seen in my entire life. Well, hope the best in the next game... ======================================================= ------------------- Worst Ending Award: ------------------- I have put a lot of effort to make this fair and square, so do not complain. NOT REALLY! ^_^ Easy and simple... Busuzima's ending is the worst in the game... plus, Busuzima's voice actor is as bad as the ending (but not worse than Mana's) so congratulations, Mr. Busuzima! ======================================================= ---------------- Last Words: ---------------- There you have it. If anything is wrong, just send me an E-Mail. Hope there will be some respect for the hard work. --------------- Special Thanks: --------------- 1)Hudson Soft and Eighting 2)To Gamefaqs 3)To all my friends for the encouragement ======================================================= Bloody Roar 4 is Copyright Hudson Soft and Eighting Crops. This document Copyright 2003 Basel Al-Shehab If you need to contact me to add or ask me about anything, E-Mail me at Mr_Basel@yahoo.com or Mr_Geese@hotmail.com Credits for GameFAQs, Eighting and Hudson Soft Crops.