------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ____ __/|/| __ ___ ____ ______ ____ __ ___ ___ _ __ / __ ) .' '.|/| / |/ // __ ) / ____// __ \ / |/ // | / | / / / __ |/ \/ / /|_/ // __ |/ __/ / /_/ // /|_/ // /| | / |/ / / /_/ / \ / / / / // /_/ // /___ / _, _// / / // ___ | / /| / /_____/ ',___,' /_/ /_//_____//_____//_/ |_|/_/ /_//_/ |_|/_/ |_/ __ ____ ______ _____ ____ ___ ____ __ / // __//_ __//_ __// __// _ \ / __/ / // // _/ / / / / / _/ / , _/_\ \ \___//___/ /_/ /_/ /___//_/|_|/___/ ASCII art modified from the figlet server at BATTLE MODE FAQ www.schnoggo.com/figlet.html .-'-.-'-.-'-. | CONTENTS | '-.-'-.-'-.-' -Introduction -Version History -Items -Killer Shot -Modes -Standard Battle -Techniques -Stages/strategies -Battle One-Two -Battle for Balloms -Knockout Battle -Dig'em Bomber -Copyright .-'-.-'-.-'-.-'-. | INTRODUCTION | '-.-'-.-'-.-'-.-' Welcome to my Bomberman Jetters battle mode FAQ! I created this because I think this is one of the best multiplayer games ever. I spent at least 5 hours on this FAQ so I hope you like it! .-'-.-'-.-'-.-'-. | VERSION HISTORY | '-.-'-.-'-.-'-.-' 1.00-First version. 2.00-Big update. Changed hard block symbol on maps from @ to #, fixed items you start with on Bouncing Ring and Knockout Battle, added some new techniques, changed the bomb in the logo, and fixed an error: I called Dig'em Bomber the Bomber Dig. Sorry, I have bad memory! 2.50-Added uses for Killer Shots, a more detailed Contents, and some errors got fixed. 3.00-Changed 'Walking Bomb 2.0' to 'Snake Technique.' Added a better description for 'The Bomb Trap,' added 2 new techniques, added more to Battle for Balloms, and added more See Saw Park info. .-'-.-'-. | ITEMS | '-.-'-.-' Bomb Up-Increases amount of bombs by 1. Max. 8. (starts at 1) Fire Up-Increases blast range by 1 block. Max. 8. (starts at 2) Speed Up-Increases speed by 1 level. Max. 4. (starts at 1) Safety Vest-Invincible for 16 seconds. Bomb Kick-Walk into a bomb to kick it. Press Y to stop it. Power Glove-Press A twice to pick up a bomb. Release to throw it.* Super Power Glove-Same as above but if you hold the bomb long enough your bomb becomes a Dangerous Bomb with a 5X5 blast.* Punch-Hit X to punch a bomb 3 spaces. Full Fire-Same as 5 Fire-Ups. Line Bomb-Hit A twice to put all your bombs in a line.* Remote Control-Press B to detonate bomb.** Power Bomb-First bomb has full blast power, the rest are normal.** Bouncing Bomb-Rebounds of walls when kicked; bounces randomly when thrown or punched.** Heart-Lets you take one hit without dying. Poison-Gives you a random sickness. Touch others to pass it to them, and get a powerup to get rid of it. See below. Sandals-Lowers speed one level.*** Pierce Bomb-Blast goes through soft blocks.** *** *-Negates effects of other * items **-Negates effects of other ** items ***-Can't be assigned with item select screen SICKNESSES Slow-Speed is level -2 Fast-Speed is level 6 Loose Bomb-A bomb is set every space you walk on No Bomb-Unable to set bombs Short Fuse-Takes half as long for your bomb to explode Long Fuse-Takes twice as long for your bomb to explode Charge-You can't stop running until you hit a wall Reverse-Controls are reversed Weak-You can only set one bomb with firepower of 1 Switch-Switch places with another player .-'-.-'-.-'-.-'-. | THE KILLER SHOT | '-.-'-.-'-.-'-.-' Bomberman-You automatically get a Power Glove, and any bomb you pick up almost immediately turns into a Dangerous Bomb. -Use it when the stage is closing in, or when they are slow, either with Sandals or with Slow Disease. Max-You get full bombs, blast, speed, a Super Power Glove, a Bomb Kick, and a Punch. -You can do it when you want to do the Walking Bomb version 2.0 listed under 'Techniques' below, or to quickly surround an enemy with bombs. Mermaid Bomber-All bombs on-screen disappear. -Use it when either you or your teammate are about to get blasted. Note that it doesn't get rid of the rockets on the Rocket de Boom stage. Thunder Bomber-Lightning strikes around you, stunning enemies. -Use in crowded areas or dead ends. If your opponent is hit, it will actually stun longer than if, for example, you hit them with a bomb. You can then easily place a bunch of bombs around them. Flame Bomber-You are invincible for around 20 seconds. You can't set bombs and anyone that touches you gets stunned. -If 'Sudden Death' in the Setup menu is on 'Super,' wait until the last 10-15 seconds before you use it. You'll be invincible until the last block falls, killing your opponent but not you. You should also use it when you're going to die. Grand Bomber-Players and bombs get blown around randomly. -If you're in a corner next to a bomb, you might just get the bomb out of the way. Also use it when your teammate is trapped to get them out of there. Hige Hige Bandits-Everyone on-screen is frozen for a second. -Place a bomb or wait until they place a bomb and use it to kill them. It also freezes your teammate, so be careful. If 2 people use it at the same time, neither will be frozen. Mighty-Invincible for about 10 seconds. -See the Walking Bomb technique below. Use it when you're about to die, or when you want to put a bunch of bombs without worrying about getting hit. Mujoe-Rushes in a straight line and items from the first person he touches fly out. The enemy will be stunned so you can collect them, but anyone else can too. (thanks to HyperBlissey for pointing out that I had the wrong definition!) -Use when an opponent has a bunch of items and you don't, or try this: Since your opponent can't move when you're robbing them, if you have a heart, put a bomb then rush at them. You'll both be hit but you have a heart so you'll win! You can also use it to escape a bomb, but use it only if you have to go about 5 spaces or more, or just walking would be better. .-'-.-'-. | MODES | '-.-'-.-' _____ .' '. .-'-. / \/ * | STANDARD | | | | BATTLE | \ / ',_____,' The objective is to kill the other players. .-'-.-'-.-'-. | TECHNIQUES | '-.-'-.-'-.-' Wall Throw This is pretty basic. If you have a Punch or Power Glove, you can throw or punch bombs over a wall. If you get one from Dig'em Bomber, you can kill 2 of your opponents easy. Don't do this in a fight with human players,though, or they'll probably get mad! (Thanks to HyperBlissey for pointing out that I forgot this!) Stair Bomb | # # # # | @ @ | # # # # | @ @ | # # # # |@_@______ You need some Fire-Ups and Bomb-Ups. Put bombs, like on the @ marks, but put as many as you can. They will cover a huge area of blast that's hard to avoid. The Walking Bomb You need a Safety Vest or use Mighty's Killer Shot. Lay a bomb, then hold A. The explosion will follow you. Just stop holding A before you become vulnerable again. Instant Dangerous Bomb You need a Bomb Up, a Bomb Kick, and the Bouncing Bomb. Kick a bomb towards a wall. Immediately kick another to the same spot. The first will bounce off the wall into the second, creating a Dangerous Bomb. This also works if you kick the bombs over a Bouncing Bomb panel in See Saw Park. Snake Technique (thanks to Raven8 for telling me what it's called!) You need 3 Speed Ups, 3-4 Bomb Ups, and make sure the playing field is mostly empty. The more Fire Ups the better. Max's Killer Shot covers all of this except the playing field clear, so use that if you're Max. Anyway, set a bomb by HOLDING A, not just pressing it, and keep holding it for the rest of the trick. Right before the bomb explodes (about 2 1/2 seconds), run. The bomb will explode, hitting the bomb you set after moving, which hits the next bomb, etc. You'll never get hit, as long as you keep running and don't do a U-turn. Make sure you don't go near any other bombs, or you might get hit. Also, if you're fighting a Hige Hige Bandit, make sure he can't use his power or you're dead. The Bomb Trap 1. | 2. | 3. | 4. | | # # | # # | #X# | # # | X |OOX |OOO |OOX | # # | # # | # # | # # |@____ |@____ |@____ |@_O__ You need 2 Bomb Ups, a Line Bomb, and Bomb Kick. You are the X, and your opponent is the @ (1). Face left, and lay the line bomb (2). Walk up one space and then immediately walk down to kick the bomb (3+4). They'll be trapped and die unless they have a Bomb Kick or a Punch. This obviously works in other corners if you change the directions. Item Undo If you have a Remote Control or Super Power Glove and you accidentally pick up a weaker item, get hit on the head by a bomb to get your old one back. You can coax a Revenger to do it, or your teammate if you have one. But if you're on Zoom Up Stage and you have a Power Glove, throw a bomb over the wall and run to the other side. It takes a while for it to reach the other side on that stage, plus it's small, so you can hit yourself. If you're on See Saw Park A, you can hit yourself. See diagram: | === === | ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 2 3 4 5 Stand at 2, and throw a bomb right. It will land on 4. Run to 1 and lay a bomb. Quickly run back to 2 to launch it. It will land on 3, launching the bomb on 4. That will hit you, getting rid of the item. It will bounce off your head, and land on 1, launching you to 5. Before you do it make sure there are no bombs near 5. Timer (Posted by Raven8 on the Bomberman Jetters message board!) (Note: This is a copy-and-paste of his post, except the maps and some spelling errors/typos that I fixed. I used this back on Bomberman Tournament, but I forgot about it lately, so I didn't have it up.) The staple move in any players arsenal was the "Timer", or "Count Bomb", the idea is to lay a bomb, count to 2, and lay 2 more.... that way the last 2 blow up in under a second. This may sound basic, but it's the elementary strategy behind ANY good player. Basic "Timer" Second 1: (when the bomb is 1st laid) | # # # | | # # # | | # # # |O______ The basic idea is to put it in a spot where it has at least 2 open blast points.... Second 3: (RIGHT before the bomb blows) | # # # | | # # # | O | # # # |O_O____ Those last 2 will blow in 1 second. With basic Timer out of the way, I'll show you a few more techs: The basic idea is to never stop moving in this one, the faster you are, the further it can blow. Second 1: _____________ | | | # # # # # # | | | | # # # # # # | | | | # # # # # # | | | | # # # # # # | | | | # # # # # # | |O____________| With the 1st part laid, run to another point on the board Second 2: _____________ | | | # # # # # # | | | | # # # # # # | | | | # # # # # # | | | | # # # # # # | | | | # # # # # # | |O___________O| At this point, you have another 2 seconds.... as the bomb goes 3..2..1..BOOM! So, you maximize the combo: _____________ | | | # # # # # # | | O| | # # # # # # | | | | # # # # # # | | | | # # # # # # | | | | # # # # # # | |O___________O| This way, you can put the final bomb where ever you like, if you move bomb 2 around as you see fit. If you REALLY want to get fancy though: Final Second: _____________ | | | # # # # # # | | O O| | # # # # # # | | O | | # # # # # # | | | | # # # # # # | | | | # # # # # # | |O___________O| The last 2 CAN be hard to see coming, and if done right, you will just barely get out of the way. Most other attacks are based on the timer, but they can get VERY advanced. .-'-.-'-. | STAGES | '-.-'-.-' Standard Stage A + B _____________ | | | # # # # # # | | | | # # # # # # | | | | # # # # # # | | | | # # # # # # | | | | # # # # # # | |_____________| This is the normal stage. There's no special tricks or hints I can give you. Go Go Lorry A + B _____________ | | | # # # # # # | | | | # # # # # # | | | | # # #X# # # | | | | # # # # # # | | | | # # # # # # | |_____________| X is the Lorry The Lorry will take one of 4 paths when you get in it. You're invincible in it, and you'll stun a rival bomber, break any block in your way, and get any power-up. The paths: A _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ | | | | | | | | | # # # # # # | | # # # # # # | | # # # # # # | | # # # # # # | | | .-. | | .---. | | | | | .-. .-. | | #|# #|#|# # | | # #|# #|# # | | # # # # #|# | | #|#|# #|#|# | | | | '-. | | | '-. | | .-. | | | | '---' | | | #|# #X# #|# | | # #|#X# #|# | | # #|#X# #|# | | #|# #X# #|# | | '-. .-' | | .-' | | | | .-' .-' | | | | | | | # #|# #|# # | | #|# #|# #|# | | #|# # #|# # | | #|# #|# #|# | | '---' | | | '---' | | '-----' | | '---' | | | # # # # # # | | # # # # # # | | # # # # # # | | # # # # # # | |_____________| |_____________| |_____________| |_____________| B _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ | | | | | .-. | | .-. | | # # # # # # | | # # # # # # | | # # #|#|# # | | #|#|# # # # | | | .---. | | | | | | | | |.-' | | | #|# #|# #|# | | # # # # #|# | | # # #|#|# # | ||# #|# # # # | | '-. | | | | .---. | | | .---' '---.| || '-----. | | # #|#X# #|# | | #|# #X# #|# | | #|# #X# # #|| ||# # #X# #|# | | '-. | | | | .-----' | | | '-----'| |'-----' | | | # # #|# #|# | | #|#|# # # # | | #|# # # # # | | # # # # #|# | | '-. | | |.-' | | | | | | | | # # # #|#|# | ||# #|# # # # | | # # # # # # | | # # # # # # | |________'-'__| |'---'________| |_____________| |_____________| See Saw Park A B _____________ _____________ | @ + | | @ | | # # # # # # | | # # # # # # | | === === | | + === + | | # # # # # # | | # # # # # # | | + @ | | X === | |@# # #X# # #&| |@# # # # # #@| | @ + | | === X | | # # # # # # | | # # # # # # | | === === | | + === + | | # # # # # # | | # # # # # # | |_____+_@_____| |______@______| === is a see-saw @ is a Bouncing Bomb panel + is a Power Bomb panel X is a Dangerous Bomb panel This is one of my favorite stages. Step on a see-saw and whatever is on the other side goes flying 5 spaces. Note that bombs and bomb blasts won't go through a raised see-saw. Notice how on B some of the see-saws are cleverly lined up so when you put a bomb on the end closest to the wall and step on the other side, it will go to the Dangerous Bomb panel. Also, on A, the see-saws are lined up so if you put a bomb on the side near the wall, it will go to the other see- saw. Knowing this, you can suprise other players like so... === === ^ ^ ^ A B C ...with A where a bomb is, B where you step, and C your opponent. They will go to where you are. While they're confused, you can put bombs next to them. Changing Weather (Map is same as standard) The weather will change every 15-20 seconds or so. When it's raining your blast power goes down and it takes twice as long for a bomb to explode. When it's windy the bomb explodes twice as fast and will get blown around. Rocket de Boom A B _____________ _____________ | X | | X | | # # # # # # | | # # # # # # | | X | | X X | | # # # # #X# | | # # # # # # | |X | | | | # # #X# # # | |X# # #X# # #X| | X| | | | #X# # # # # | | # # # # # # | | X | | X X | | # # # # # # | | # # # # # # | |____X________| |______X______| X is a rocket Another of my favorite stages. Hit a rocket and it launches. When it comes down, it is like a bomb. The big pink rockets are like Dangerous Bombs. The one in the middle always starts as a pink one. Mini Mini Light A B _____________ _____________ | | | | | # # # # # # | | # # # # # # | | | | | | # X # # X # | | # # # # # # | | | | | | # # # # # # | | # X # # X # | | | | | | # X # # X # | | # # # # # # | | | | | | # # # # # # | | # # # # # # | |_____________| |_____________| X is a light If you go in a red light, you shrink and your speed goes up 3 levels. Go in a blue light to go back to normal. Bouncing Ring (Map same as standard) The edges of the level have ropes, and there's no soft blocks. You start with certain items; see below. A bomb kicked into the ropes will bounce back, and if you hit the ropes, you will bounce off really fast. Hit the direction opposite of what you're going to stop. This is similar to the 'High Power' levels in other Bomberman games. You can do the 'Instant Dangerous Bomb' technique listed above, but you have to delay the kicking of the second bomb by about a second. ITEMS _____A_____|_____B_____ Power Bomb |Power Bomb Bomb Kick |Bomb Kick Punch |Punch 8 Bombs |8 Bombs Firepower 6|Firepower 8 Power Glove|Line Bomb Zoom-Up Stage A + B _________ | | | # # # # | | | | # # # # | | | | # # # # | |_________| This is the standard stage, only smaller. That makes Dangerous Bombs even more dangerous, and more power-ups in proportion to the normal stages. _____ .' '. .-'-. / \/ * | BATTLE | | | | ONE-TWO | \ / ',_____,' The objective is to get all the numbers without getting hit. Once someone steps on 1, only they can get the rest. If they get hit by a bomb, they will lose the numbers and someone else can get 1. Speed- Ups are inportant here. If you step on a number lower than your current one you will start over at that number. I.E. You're at 8. You step on 3. You have to start over from 3. It's not very fun with computer players, but it can be really fun facing 4 human players. _____ .' '. .-'-. / \/ * | BATTLE | | FOR | | BALLOMS | \ / ',_____,' The objective is to get the Balloms to a gate and get more points. The points per Ballom increase if you can get multiple to the gate at once. If you have a golden Ballom, all the points will double. But the more Balloms you have following you, the slower you will go. If a bomb hits you, you will lose 1/3 of your points and all of the Balloms following you will go away. If one of your Balloms gets hit, it will die and all of them behind it will go away. The points per Ballom in a 'combo' are like this: 1, 2, 4, 6, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50. _____ .' '. .-'-. / \/ * | KNOCKOUT | | | | BATTLE | \ / ',_____,' A bomb blast won't kill you, but it will knock you back some spaces. See below. You start with blast power 8, 8 bombs, punch, kick, and Power Glove. There are no soft blocks, and bomb blasts can go through the hard blocks. If you hold the control stick towards a blast, you won't get blown around. This is extremely fun, and can get really crazy, with about 30 bombs on the screen at once! ______________ Spaces|Spaces from |Knocked Bomb | Back ------|------- 1-2 | 4 3-4 | 3 5-6 | 2 7-8 | 1 .-'-.-'-.-'-.-'-. | DIG'EM BOMBER | '-.-'-.-'-.-'-.-' If you set mini-game to 'on' in the Setup menu for Standard Battle, you will play this when the battle is finished. The winner chooses the items buried via a slot machine, then everyone goes around trying to dig them up by pressing A rapidly. The faster you press A the faster you'll dig.If the winner finds an item, he will start with that item in the next battle. If the loser finds an item, it's thrown into the ocean. The winner will also be colored gold for the next match. .-'-.-'-.-'-.-'-.-'-.-'-.-'-.-'-.-'-.-'-.-'-.-'-.-'-.-'-.-'-.-'-. |This FAQ is copyright 2004 by Michael Benzing. It can't be posted| | anywhere other than GameFAQs.com. If you have any questions or | |suggestions, E-Mail me at benzing@oswego.edu. | '-.-'-.-'-.-'-.-'-.-'-.-'-.-'-.-'-.-'-.-'-.-'-.-'-.-'-.-'-.-'-.-'