ボンバーマンランド3 Bomberman Land 3 -------- Contents -------- 1. Introduction 2. Viewing Japanese Text 3. Menu Translation 4. Red Zone Pieces 5. Blue Zone Pieces 6. Yellow Zone Pieces 7. Green Zone Pieces 8. White Zone Pieces 9. Rainbow Zone Pieces 10. Attraction List 11. CD List 12. Closing --------------- 1. Introduction --------------- Bomberman Land 3 is a game for the PS2 on the August 4th 2005. The game is in mostly japanese so it can be a bit hard for some people who don't know how to read japanese. This list I created has the locations to all 150 pieces in the game, this list was made on my first playthrough, while I was just jotting down some notes, if there are any errors to the guide contact me . The japanese text is kept in the guide so you can (sort of) use it to know what/who you are trying find. Also, this game wont cover techniques to pass attractions, controls, or other basic stuff. Figure out that stuff for youself :) ------------------------ 2. Viewing Japanese Text ------------------------ I use Windows XP and this is how I do it: Internet Explorer: View > Encoding > Japanese (Auto-Select) Mozilla Firefox: View > Character Encoding > Japanese (Shift_JIS) ------------------- 3. Menu Translation ------------------- O - Return X - Select トップメニュー [Top Menu] | |--> ボンバーマンランド [Bomberman Land] |--> はじめから [Start from start] |--> つづきから [Continue] | |--> ボンバーマンカート [Bomberman Kart] |--> バトルレース [Battle Race] - Race with Items |--> タイムアタック [Time Attack] - Race against the time |--> スピードレース [Speed Race] - Race without Items |--> リプレイシアター [Replay Shutter] - View saved replays | |--> バトルゲーム [Battle Game] |--> ノーマルバトル [Normal Battle] |--> スターバトル [Star Battle] |--> ポイントバトル [Point Battle] |--> クラウンバトル [Crown Battle] |--> とことんバトル [Tokoton Battle] | |--> コレクション [Collection] |--> アトラクション [Attraction] - Play attractions cleared in | Bomberman Land |--> CD - Listen to CDs gotten in Bomberman Land |--> 4コママンガ [4 Koma Manga] - Read manga gotten in Bomberman Land | |--> オプション [Option] | |--> サウンドせってい [Sound Settings] - Set volume of BGM and SE |--> BGM ボリューム [BGM Volume] |--> SE ボリューム [SE Volume] |--> しんどうせってい [Vibration Setting] - Set Vibration on/off |--> プレイヤー 1-4 [Player 1-4] あり/なし [Yes/No] |--> ロード [Load] はい/いいえ [Yes/No] ------------------ 4. Red Zone Pieces ------------------ Red Piece-01: 当たってくだけろ! Location: 歩道橋付近 (Pedestrian Bridge Area) Directions: Cross the bridge and enter the elevator there underground. Once down there, dash and break down two cracked walls. Talk to the girl and grab the piece from the piece machine. Red Piece-02: シーソーダッシュ Location: 灯台付近 (Lighthouse Area) Directions: Enter the elevator here and play the game here. You have to cross the see-saw, press the button on the other side, and then return back across the see-saw and talk to the guy again. Red Piece-03: なわとび Location: 噴水広場 (Water Fountain Plaza) Directions: Clear attraction なわ跳び (Nawatobi). Red Piece-04: ウォンテッド Location: レッドゾーン (Red Zone) Directions: Go to the information booth and participate in the ウォンテッド (Wanted) competition. You are trying to find a witch called ダークウィッチ (Dark Witch). To find her, go to the path which leads you to the hotel, and facing the hotel gate, go to the left side of it. There should be a girl there. Talk to her, and you will have to option to ask her something, say まじょ and you will get the piece. Red Piece-05: かたむけ迷路 Location: 噴水広場 (Water Fountain Plaza) Directions: Clear attraction かたむき迷路 (Katamuki Meiro). There is a line here at first, but when the line disappears and you get a mail, you can get the piece. Red Piece-06: ひつじや〜い Location: 歩道橋付近 (Pedestrian Bridge Area) Directions: Clear attraction ひつじや〜い (Hitsujiya~i). Red Piece-07: ボンバーキャッチャー Location: カジノハウス (Casino House) Directions: Inside the casino, play the ボンバーキャッチャー (Bomber Catcher), grab the yellow ball to get the piece. Red-Piece 08: キャノンボール Location: 灯台付近 (Lighthouse Area) Directions: Clear attraction キャノンボール (Cannon Ball). Red Piece-09: せませまウォーク Location: 浜辺 (Beach) Directions: Clear attraction in the cave せませまウォーク (Sema Sema Work). Red Piece-10: スケートボード Location: 歩道橋付近 (Pedestrian Bridge Area) Directions: Clear attraction スケートボード (Skateboard). Red Piece-11: さんすう教室 Location: レストラン付近 (Restaurant Area) Directions: Clear attraction さんすう教室 (San Suu Toshokan). Red Piece-12: フライトアドベンチャー Location: 歩道橋付近 (Pedestrian Bridge Area) Directions: Clear Flight Adventure, press Circle, X, Square, Triangle, Circle to clear. Red Piece-13: WELCOMEピース Location: ホテル (Hotel) Directions: When you first start the game, and you are in your room, it's on your bed. Red Piece-14: コンテナを押せ! Location: レストラン付近 (Restaurant Area) Directions: Cross the pedestrian bridge and enter the elevator there underground. Once down there, dash and break down one cracked wall. Enter the door there, to appear in the middle area of the Restaurant area. Here, push the container to one side, and take the piece from the piece machine that appears. Red Piece-15: バスケット Location: レストラン付近 (Restaurant Area) Directions: Clear attraction バスケット (Basket). Red Piece-16: どこに入ってるの? Location: 歩道橋付近 (Pedestrian Bridge Area) Directions: Cross the bridge and enter the elevator there underground. Once down there, dash and break down two cracked walls. Play the game there, guessing the correct treasure chests until the end to get the piece from the piece machine. Red Piece-17: 洞窟探検 Location: 浜辺 (Beach) Directions: On the right side of the beach, there is a cave. But to enter the cave you need a torch. To get a torch, you can buy one from the item shop in red zone. Enter the cave, and get the piece from a piece machine. Red Piece-18: スローイング Location: 灯台付近 (Lighthouse Area) Directions: Here, go behind the lighthouse to pick up a baseball. Then go towards the target opposite the lighthouse and press circle to throw the ball at the target and get the piece. Red Piece-19: ピースフラワー Location: ホテル (Hotel) Directions: Go to Green Zone, and fill the watering can with water from the lake there. Go to your room (201), and pour water on the planter there. Exit the hotel, walk around, and then re-enter the hotel, and back to your room. If the flower in the planter has bloomed, press circle and grab the piece that emerges from the flower petals. Red Piece-20: ライド全せいは Location: インフォメーション (Information) Directions: Complete the Ride Attraction Card. Go on every ride, get every stamp. Come back to the Red Zone Information Center and claim your piece. (You'll get a mail when you can get the piece after you finished the card) Red Piece-21: はじめてのピースマシーン Location: 噴水広場 (Water Fountain Plaza) Directions: The piece machine in front of the fountain. Red Piece-22: スネークカモン Location: レストラン付近 (Restaurant Area) Directions: At the tent there, play the snake game and claim the piece. Red Piece-23: ダルマ落とし Location: 噴水広場 (Water Fountain Plaza) Directions: Clear attraction ダルマ落とし (Daruma Otoshi). Red Piece-24: クロショウ族を訪ねて Location: 歩道橋付近 (Pedestrian Bridge Area) Directions: 1. Red zone - Pedestrian bridge, talk to クロショウ族 (the guy in black) and get the ベレー帽. 2. Blue zone - Go to the fishing area, talk to クロショウ族 and get the つりボン帽子. 3. Green zone - Inside the samurai attraction house, talk to クロショウ族 and get the ちょんまげ. 4. Yellow zone - Western area, talk to クロショウ族 and get the カーボーイハット. 5. Hotel - 1st floor, talk to クロショウ族 and get the ベルボーイ帽. 6. Red zone - next to the bomber house, talk to クロショウ族 and get the アフロカツラ. 7. White zone - Bomber tower 3rd floor, talk to クロショウ族 and get the ヘッドフォン. 8. Red zone - Pedestrian bridge, talk to クロショウ族 (same guy as the first guy) and get the piece. Red Piece-25: ボンバーハウス Location: ボンバーハウス (Bomber House) Directions: Kill all the enemies. ------------------- 5. Blue Zone Pieces ------------------- Blue Piece-01: タル押しパスル Location: 海賊船 (Pirate Ship) Directions: Clear attraction on-board the pirate ship タル押しパズル (Tall Oshi Puzzle). Blue Piece-02: ウォータースキップ Location: ボート乗り場付近 (Pier Area) Directions: Clear attraction ウォータースキップ (water skip). Blue Piece-03: たこたこパニック Location: ボート乗り場付近 (Pier Area) Directions: Clear attraction たこたこパニック (Tako Tako Panic). Blue Piece-04: カエル飛ばし Location: カジノハウス (Casino House) Directions: Inside the casino, play the game カエル飛ばし (Kaeru Tobashi), it's the game where you hit the frog into the lilypads. Blue Piece-05: パズル Location: トイレ付近 (Toilet Area) Directions: Clear attraction パズル (Puzzle). Blue Piece-06: パーキング Location: トイレ付近 (Toilet Area) Directions: Clear attraction パーキング (Parking). Blue Piece-07: 巨大宝箱 Location: レストラン付近 (Toilet Area) Directions: Buy the Power Glove from the item shop in red zone. Move the large container onto the button, and watch a nearby chest open up. Go and claim the piece. Blue Piece-08: 水中探索 Location: 浜辺 (Beach) Directions: Get a pair of goggles from the person on the far side of the beach. Then look underwater for a piece machine. When you see it, press circle to get the piece. Blue Piece-09: ランドの珍魚 Location: トイレの付近 (Toilet Area) Directions: Fish the まぼろしの魚 (Phantom Fish) and get the piece from the staff that wants to see it. He is on the other side of the restrooms from the fishing spot. (You must get piece 16 first.) Blue Piece-10: シーサイドサーキット Location: カートセンター (Kart Center) Directions: Place first in the course シーサイドサーキット (Seaside Circuit). Blue Piece-11: ハスの葉わたり Location: ボンバーマウンテン付近 (Bomber Mountain Area) Directions: Clear attraction ハスの葉わたり (Hasu no Ha Watari). Blue Piece-12: トイレットペーパー Location: ボンバーハウス付近 (Bomber House Area) Directions: Clear attraction トイレットペーパー (Toilet Paper). Blue Piece-13: 山からボン Location: ボンバーマウンテン付近 (Bomber Mountain Area) Directions: Clear attraction 山からボン (Yama Kara Bomb). Blue Piece-14: オニたたき Location: ボンバーマウンテン付近 (Bomber Mountain Area) Directions: Clear attraction オニたたき (Oni Tataki). Blue Piece-15: ダルマさんが転んだ Location: ボンバーマウンテン付近 (Bomber Mountain Area) Directions: Beat the fat red person in a game of ダルマさんが転んだ (Daruma-san ga Koronda). Blue Piece-16: つりに挑戦 Location: トイレ付近 (Toilet Area) Directions: Go to the fishing spot and beat the fishing challenge. Simply fish a fish and show it to the staff there to get the piece. Blue Piece-17: 小鳥とピース Location: カジノハウス付近 (Casino House Area) Directions: Go to the item shop in white zone and buy a 小鳥のエサ (Bird Seed). Back in blue zone, on the wooden bridge leading to the casino, there are 3 birds. Wearing the rabbit ears, talk to one of the birds. Then in the middle of them is a white bird sitting on a piece. Go talk to the white bird to get the piece. Blue Piece-18: ボンバーハウス Location: ボンバーハウス (Bomber House) Directions: Kill all the enemies. Blue Piece-19: 飛んで飛んで Location: ボンバーマウンテン付近 (Bomber Mountain Area) Directions: On the pirate ship, talk to the pirate next to the cannon on the upper deck. Give him to password かざん to be shot on to a ledge on the side of a mountain, next to a piece machine. Blue Piece-20: ひみつの小島 Location: はなれ小島 Directions: On the pirate ship, talk to the pirate next to the cannon on the upper deck. Give him the password こじま to be shot on to an island in the middle of the ocean. There is a piece machine there. Blue Piece-21: コレナーンダ? Location: トイレ付近 (Toilet Area) Directions: The piece machine near the Kart Center. Password is きん. Blue Piece-22: ココナッツころころ Location: 浜辺 (Beach) Directions: Dash in to one of the trees in the area to make a coconut with a piece inside drop down. Blue Piece-23: ジャングルリバー Location: レストラン付近 (Restaurant Area) Directions: Clear the adventure ジャングルリバー (Jungle Ripper) Blue Piece-24: 旗上げ船長 Location: 海賊船付近 (Pirate Ship Area) Directions: Near the path leading to the pirate ship, on land, talk to 船長 (Ship Captain) to play a flag raising game. (The game is a bit hard with no knowledge of Japanese) Get enough points to pass and get the piece. Blue Piece-25: クイズ Location: 真中の小島 (Center Small Island) Directions: Get to the small island in the middle of the sea using the password こじま (see piece 20). Then enter the elevator there, and follow the underground path to another elevator back up to the small island in the middle of blue zone. Talk to the staff there and beat his quiz (answer five questions correctly in a row), if you can't read Japanese, you could always just guess the answers. --------------------- 6. Yellow Zone Pieces --------------------- Yellow Piece-01: えらんでドカン Location: ウェスタンエリア (Western Area) Directions: Clear attraction えらんでドカン (Erande Dokan). Yellow Piece-02:ダッシュジャンプ Location: カジノハウス付近 (Casino House Area) Directions: The piece machine next to the casino. To get there, take the monorail to yellow zone, and you'll appear near the Kart Center. Follow the path, until you get to the ramp. Dash on to the ramp, to be launched into the enclosed area with the piece machine. Yellow Piece-03: お城の隠し部屋 Location: ボンバーキャッスル (Bomber Castle) Directions: Walk towards the area at the back with the stairs, to see a person appear from behind the wall. Go up to that wall, press circle, to enter the secret room behind the wall. In there is a piece machine. Yellow Piece-04:トランポリン Location: ウェスタンエリア (Western Area) Directions: Clear attraction トランポリン (Trampoline). Yellow Piece-05: ホッピング Location: メリーゴーランド付近 (Merry Go Round Area) Directions: Clear attraction ホッピング (Hopping). Yellow Piece-06:メテオストーム Location: ホーンテッドハウス付近 (Haunted House Area) Directions: Clear attraction メテオストーム (Meteor Storm). Yellow Piece-07: ラジコン Location: リペアセンター付近 (Repair Center Area) Directions: Clear attraction ラジコン (Radicon). Yellow Piece-08: パンチングマシーン Location: メリーゴーランド付近 (Merry Go Round Area) Directions: Clear attraction outside パンチングマシーン (Punching Machine). Yellow Piece-09: パターゴルフ Location: ボンバーキャッスル周辺 (Bomber Castle Outskirts) Directions: Clear attraction パターハウス (Putter House) Yellow Piece-10: 思い出の写真 Location: ホーンテッドハウス付近 (Haunted House Area) Directions: Take a photo from the camera guy in Red zone, Blue zone, Green zone, and White zone. Then come back to take a photo with him in Yellow zone, and get a piece as well. Yellow Piece-11: 岩かげにピースマシーン Location: 浜辺付近 (Beach Area) Directions: At the far end, on the right hand side of the beach, there is a gap between the fence on the beach and the water. Go through the gap walk to the end behind a large rock to find a piece machine. Yellow Piece-12: あちこちピエロ Location: メリーゴーランド付近 (Merry Go Round Area) Directions: Clear attraction あちこちピエロ (Achi Kochi Pierrot). Yellow Piece-13: トロッコアドベンチャー Location: ウェスタンエリア (Western Area) Directions: Clear truck adventure. To clear it, chose the right path the first intersection, then right again at the second and finally left at the third. Yellow Piece-14: どきどきハイウェイ Location: リペアセンター付近 (Repair Center Area) Directions: Clear attraction どきどきハイウェイ (Doki Doki Highway). Yellow Piece-15: スカイキャッスル Location: カートセンター (Kart Center) Directions: Place first in the course スカイキャッスル (Sky Castle). Yellow Piece-16: 早撃ちガンマン Location: ウェスタンエリア (Western Area) Directions: Beat ダークドール at his shooting game. Yellow Piece-17: ボンバーハウス Location: ボンバーハウス (Bomber House) Directions: Kill all the enemies. Yellow Piece-18: ベースボール Location: カジノハウス (Casino House) Directions: Get the piece from the ベースボール (Baseball) game. Yellow Piece-19: フードクイズ Location: レストラン (Restaurant) Directions: Answer 5 questions correctly in a row to finish the quiz. Yellow Piece-20: 落とし穴の先に Location: ウェスタンエリア (Western Area) Directions: In the western area, next to the shop, on the left side, is a hole in the ground covered by leaves. Fall in, and get the piece from the piece machine in front of you. Yellow Piece-21: 変装コンテスト Location: ボンバーキャッスル (Bomber Castle) Directions: In the castle, on the left when you enter, there is a masquerade contest to see who looks most like a clown. To win, wear a red nose and a party hat. Yellow Piece-22: スタッフだけのひみつ Location: ボンバーキャッスル (Bomber Castle) Directions: Talk to one of the staff at the entrance/exit of bomber castle. He will give you a staff badge. Wear it, and go to the second floor. Here, go up to the staff room door, press circle. When told to enter a password, enter ヒミ ツ and go inside. Get the piece from the piece machine in the middle. Yellow Piece-23: お手玉に挑戦! Direction: 浜辺付近 (Beach Area) Location: Play お手玉に挑戦! (Otedama ni Chousen), and score enough points to pass. Yellow Piece-24: 怪盗をつかまえろ! Location: イエローゾーン (Yellow Zone) Directions: At the information center, there is a fat guy standing there. He is telling you to find 怪盗ボンバー. The first time he is in the haunted house area, standing there. The second time he is in the western area, behind a cart. The third time, he is in Bomber castle, on the veranda outside. Approach him from behind very slowly, and pres you are close enough press circle for him to give up and you get the piece. Yellow Piece-25: ホーンテッドハウス Location: ホーンテッドハウス (Haunted House) Directions: Clear haunted house. -------------------- 7. Green Zone Pieces -------------------- Green Zone Piece-01: カブトムシをつかまえろ! Location: 自然広場 (Nature Plaza) Directions: Clear attraction 金のカブトムシをつかまえろ! (Kin no Kabutomushi o Tsukamaero!). To clear it, go to the woods nearby and start dashing into trees. Eventually one of the trees will drop a golden insect. Give this insect to the staff to get the piece. Green Piece-02: これはドコ? Location: カートセンター付近 (Kart Center Area) Directions: The piece machine in the gap, on the left side of the manga shop. (You'll receive 3 mails with a picture of the location o the piece machine. Green Piece-03: ボンバーハウス Location: ボンバーハウス (Bomber House) Directions: Kill all the enemies. Green Piece-04: だんご Location: インフォメーション (Information) Directions: Clear attraction だんご (Tango). Green Piece-05: ガチャガチャ Location: カジノハウス (Casino House) Directions: Get the piece form the ガチャガチャ (Gacha Gacha) machine. Green Piece-06: 木の上のピース Location: カジノハウス付近 (Casino Area) Directions: Dash in to the tree next to the casino building to make a piece drop down. Green Piece-07: かくれんぼ大会 Location: グリーンゾーン (Green Zone) Directions: Play hide and seek with the green staff in front of the monorail station. You get three minutes to find him, he somewhere inside Green zone. Green Piece-08: 走っておよいで Location: インフォメーション付近 (Information Area) Directions: Clear attraction 走っておよいで (Hashitte Oyoide). Green Piece-09: NINJA Location: 洞窟 (Cave) Directions: Clear attraction NINJA. Green Piece-10: 巨木の地下 Location: 洞窟 (Cave) Directions: Go through the gates which lead to the bug tree and go inside it. Inside climb up the vine and fall down a hole to drop in to the cave. You will land next to a piece machine. Green Piece-11: MARUTA Location: 急流すべり付近 (Rapids Area) Directions: Clear attraction MARUTA. Green Piece-12: 巨木の宝 Location: 巨木 (Big Tree) Directions: In the third floor of the big tree, walk along the narrow path to the end to get to a piece machine. Green Piece-13: モグラをつかまえろ! Location: 急流すべり付近 (Rapids Area) Directions: Near the entrance to the rapids, there are three birds on a dirt path. Occasionaly, a mole will pop up, to get the piece you must talk to him. (You'll need the ウサミミ (Rabbit Ears) to be able to talk to him.) Green Piece-14: ネイチャーレイク Location: カートセンター (Kart Center) Directions: Place first in the course ネイチャーレイク (Nature Lake). Green Piece-15: ムシ・アタック! Location: 急流すべり付近 (Rapids Area) Directions: Clear attraction ムシ・アタック! (Hamu Attack!). Green Piece-16: かけっこ Location: 洞窟 (Cave) Directions: Clear cave attraction かけっこ (Kakekko). Finish the running race within the time limit. Green Piece-17: のびろ豆の木 Location: 自然広場 (Nature Plaza) Directions: Go to the lake and put water inside your watering can. Then go to the back part of this area, and find a small sprout in the ground. Pour the water onto the sprout and watch it grow into a huge beanstalk. Climb up the beanstalk and there is a piece machine up there. Green Piece-18: 古代石を手にいれろ Location: 洞窟 (Cave) Directions: Go to the repair center in Yellow zone to get a ハンマー (Hammer). Then inside the cave, go to one of the shining rocks and finish the little game to get shiny green rock. Give to the staff nearby to get a piece. Green Piece-19: 正直者にピースを Location: 自然広場 (Nature Plaza) Directions: At the back of the area, there should be a small grey rock that you can kick around. Kick the rock into the pond where you get the water, and watch the wizard appear from the pond. He asks you what dropped into the pond, answer that the rock dropped in, and then you get the piece as well. Green Piece-20: パズルハウス Location: 洞窟 (Cave) Directions: Clear cave attraction パズルハウス (Puzzle House). Green Piece-21: ボンバーサムライ Location: カートセンター付近 (Kart Center Area) Directions: Clear attraction ボンバーサムライ (Bomber Samurai). Green Piece-22: 水中探索2 Location: 洞窟 (Cave) Directions: Near where you got piece 20, there is a body of water. Somewhere underwater there is a piece machine. You'll need your goggles for this piece. Green Piece-23: とんでけボンバー Location: 急流すべり付近 (Rapids Area) Directions: Clear attraction とんでけボンバー (Tondeke Bomber) Green Piece-24: ボンバーマント Location: 洞窟 (Cave) Direction: Clear attraction ボンバーマント (Bomber Mantle). Green Piece-25: ハムスターの行列 Location: 自然広場 (Nature Plaza) Directions: Clear outside attraction ハムスターの行列 (Hamster no Gyouretsu). You have to pick up the hamsters in a particular order: 1. ハムごろう 2. ハムじ 3. ハムさぶろう 4. ハムかず 5. ハムしろう and then go talk to the owner. -------------------- 8. White Zone Pieces -------------------- White Piece-01: レッドピースせいは! Location: レッドゾーン (Red Zone) Directions: After getting all 25 pieces in Red Zone, go to the special piece machine and get the piece. The special piece machine is in the pedestrian area - directly across from you when you cross the bridge. White Piece-02: マッハスロー! Location: オークション会場付近 (Auction Building Area) Directions: Head through the gates to the area with the casino and the restaurant. Walk around the back of the Auction house, and enter the elevator there. Walk to the end of the path and head up the elevator at the end. In this new area, pick up a baseball and throw it at the target out in the open. Hit the target a total of three times within the time limit to get the piece. White Piece-03: スペースチューブ Location: ボート乗り場付近 (Pier Area) Directions: Clear attractionスペースチューブ Space Tube). White Piece-04: コインころころ Location: カジノハウス (Casino House) Directions: Directions: Get the piece form the コインころころ (Coin Koro Koro). White Piece-05: ブルーピースせいは! Location: ブルーゾーン (Blue Zone) Directions: After getting all 25 pieces in Blue Zone, go to the special piece machine and get the piece. The special piece machine is in the Toilet area - behind the Kart Center. White Piece-06 ゴールドマンション Location: カートセンター (kart Center) Directions: Place first in the course ゴールドマンション (Gold Machine). White Piece-07: カウンター Location: トイレ付近 (Toilet Area) Directions: Clear attraction カウンター (Counter). White Piece-08: ばくだん工場 Location: インフォメーション (Information) Directions: Clear attraction バクダン工場 (Bakudan Koujou). White Piece-09: ぷちぷち Location: トイレ付近 (Toilet Area) Directions: Clear attraction ぷちぷち (Puchi Puchi). White Piece-10: ドリブラー Location: カジノハウス付近 (Casino House Area) Directions: Head through the gates to the area with the casino. Go behind the casino, and head down the elevator. At the bottom, you'll find a soccer ball. Kick the ball through the hallways until you get to the end where there are two buttons. Kick the ball onto the left button, and stand on the right button to make a piece machine appear. White Piece-11: タワーの秘密 Location: ボンバータワー (Bomber Tower) Directions: There is a piece machine located on the second floor, inside is the piece. The password is TOWER. White Piece-12: コードレスボン Location: カートセンター付近 (Kart Center Area) Directions: Clear attraction コードレスボン (Cordless Bomb). White Piece-13: エイフティング Location: インフォメーション付近 (Information Area) Directions: Clear attraction リフティング (Lifting). White Piece-14: どっちでSHOW Location: カートセンター付近 (Kart Center Area) Directions: Clear attraction どっちでショー (Docchi de Show). White Piece-15: THEマンザイ Location: イベントステージ (Event Stage) Directions: Go to the event stage ant watch the event called マンザイ. (You'll get a mail when it is available). White Piece-16: 巨大迷路 Location: ホワイトゾーン(White Zone Outskirts) Directions: Clear attraction 巨大迷路 (Kyodai Meiro) under the given time limit. White Piece-17: ブランコジャンプ! Location: トイレ付近 (Toilet Area) Directions: In the public park area (next to the event stage) is a swing. Get on the swing and keep swinging up higher and higher with Circle. Swing until you get flung off the swing and grab onto the balloon. Inside is piece 17. White Piece-18: ボンバーハウス Location: ボンバーハウス (Bomber House) .Directions: Kill all the enemies. White Piece-19: 三ツ星ベンチ Location: インフォメーション (Information) Directions: Talk to the staff wearing the シルクハット (silk hat), near the Auction House. Next, talk to the staff wearing the スーツ (suit), he is in the area behind the Information center. Then, change in to both the silk hat and the suit. Go to the little garden to the right of the restroom, and then find the chair with three stars. Sit on the chair, and watch the clip. Lastly, go to the Information Center to get the piece. White Piece-20: 灯台元暮らし Location: ボンバーハウス付近 (Bomber House Area) Directions: Go through the gap between the Bomber house and the CD shop. Follow the path until you get to a piece machine. White Piece-21: イエローピースせいは! Location: イエローゾーン (Yellow Zone) Directions: After getting all 25 pieces in Yellow Zone, go to the special piece machine and get the piece. The special piece machine is in the Haunted House area - go in the gap between the item shops, turn right to the special piece machine. White Piece-22: へんしんヒーロー Location: イベントステージ (Event Stage) Directions: Talk to the staff at the entrance to the Event Stage and then head to the public park. On the right side (near the swing) is a man called謎の老人. Talak witrh him and he'll give you a へんしんベルト. Return to the stage and watch the show, and after you will be given piece 22. White Piece-23: DJと音楽勝負 Location: ボンバータワー (Bomber Tower) Directions: On the third floor, talk to DJ ブース and beat his quiz (answer five questions correctly in a row), to get the piece. White Piece-24: スランプラリー Location: インフォメーション (Information) Directions: Complete your スタンプラリー (Stamp Rally) card and go to the Information Center to get the piece. Once you a stamps from each of the five zones, you'll receive a mail telling you that you can get the piece. White Piece-25: グリーンピースせいは! Location: グリーンゾーン (Green Zone) Directions: After getting all 25 pieces in Green Zone, go to the special piece machine and get the piece. The special piece machine is in outside the Cave area - go in the cave from the bridge near the casino, and exit the cave from the other exit to get to a small bridge with the special piece machine. ---------------------- 9. Rainbow Zone Pieces ---------------------- Rainbow Piece-01: カラーボール Location: レインボー港付近 (Rainbow Harbour Area) Directions: Clear attraction カラーボール (Color Ball). Rainbow Piece-02: ボンバーハウス Location: レインボー港付近 (Rainbow Harbour Area) Directions: Kill all enemies in the Bomber House. Rainbow Piece-03: MARUTA2 Location: 砂漠 (Desert) Directions: Clear attraction MARUTA2. Rainbow Piece-04: ダークスタンプラリー Location: インフォメーション (Information) Directions: Complete your Dark Stamp Card, the locations of the stamps: ダークボンバー (Dark Bomber): White zone - Talk to the staff outside the event stage and choose the option to meet Dark Bomber. ダークピース (Dark Piece): Blue zone - Go to the fishing area, do as if you were going to fish, and then a guy will pop out give you the Dark Piece stamp. ダークドール (Dark Doll): Yellow zone - In the Western area, talk to the clown, and he will give you the Dark Doll stamp. ダークウィッチ (Dark Witch): Red zone - The girl next to the gate to the hotel is the Dark Witch. ダークローズ (Dark Rose): Rainbow Zone - Outside the パーキング2 (Driving 2) attraction, the woman there is Dark Rose. After you complete the card, you'll get a mail and go to the Rainbow Information Center to get the piece. Rainbow Piece-05: いろいろドカン Location: 森林 (Forest) Directions: Clear attraction いろいろドカン (Iro Iro Dokan). Rainbow Piece-06: シューティングボール Location: レインボー港付近 (Rainbow Harbour Area) Directions: Clear attraction シューティングボール (Shooting Ball). Rainbow Piece-07: ラジコン2 Location: 砂漠 (Desert) Directions: Clear attraction ラジコン2 (Radicon 2) Rainbow Piece-08: UFOからピース Location: 森林 (Forest) Directions: Behind the historic ruins, there is a piece paper stuck against the wall. Read it, and wait for a while, a UFO will appear, and drop down a piece machine. Rainbow Piece-09: パーキング2 Location: 森林 (Forest) Directions: Clear attraction パーキング2 (Driving 2). Rainbow Piece-10: ニジの橋の向こうに Location: 孤島 (Solitary Island) Directions: Go to the Solitary Island to see the piece machine and the two rainbow trees. Now, go to the historic ruins and press the button inside to open the shop in the desert. Go to the shop and buy the ニジのも. Go to the island, and go between the rainbow trees, use the ニジのも, and watch a rainbow bridge appear. Cross the bridge to the piece machine. Rainbow Piece-11: ロボ復活 Location: 砂漠 (Desert) Directions: When you enter the attraction ボンバーロボ (Bomber Robo), the teleport breaks down and the mechanic tells you to get a ネジ (Neji). The ネジ is in the Repair Shop in Yellow zone, go there and talk to the owner to get one. After getting it, go back to ボンバーロボ (Bomber Robo), and give the mechanic the ネジ in return for piece 11. Rainbow Piece-12: ボンバーマンパズルゲーム Location: オアシス (Oasis) Directions: Clear the cave attraction ボンバーマンパズルゲーム (Bomberman Puzzle Game). Rainbow Piece-13: クジャクレインボー Location: 森林 (Forest) Directions: Wearing the ウサミミ (Rabbit Ears) talk to the staff at the entrance to the forest. Play his game where you have to talk to the seven peacocks to get them to follow you. You have to do this in a particular order: 1. 夕日 (Red) 2. オレンジ (Orange) 3. レモン (Yellow) 4. 若葉 (Light Green) 5. 宝石 (Green) 6. 海 (Blue) 7. 夜明け (Purple) Rainbow Piece-14: ココナッツキックイン Location: 砂浜 (Sandy Beach) Directions: Dash into the tree furthest from the entrance to the area to make a coconut drop down. Kick the coconut into the little pond nearby, and then a staff will give you a piece. Rainbow Piece-15: ホテルの地下から Location: レインボー港付近 (Rainbow Harbour Area) Directions: At your hotel, take the elevator to the underground tunnel. Follow the path to the end, and go up the elevator in the other end. You'll appear in an enclosed area with a piece machine. Rainbow Piece-16: 走ってよけて Location: オアシス (Oasis) Directions: Clear attraction 走ってよけて (Hashitte Yokete). Rainbow Piece-17: 遺跡のピース Location: 遺跡 (Historic Ruins) Directions: Go inside the temple, and go forward. A piece machine appears, and so does a 60 second timer. Run around the maze, and get to the piece machine before the time runs out. Rainbow Piece-18: 大砲でこんにちは Location: レインボー港付近 (Rainbow Harbour Area) Directions: Onboard the pirate ship in Blue zone, talk to the person next to the cannon, and tell him the password にじ, to be shot into Rainbow zone, and land right next to a piece machine. Rainbow Piece-19: ばくだん工場2 Location: 砂浜 (Sandy Beach) Directions: Clear attraction ばくだん工場2 (Bakudan Koujou 2). Rainbow Piece-20: 気まぐれショップ Location: 砂漠 (Desert) Directions: Press the panel button in the historic ruins, to make a shop appear in the Desert. Inside the shop is a piece machine. Rainbow Piece-21: 森の中のピース Location: 森林 (Forest) Directions: In the forest, on the path towards the historic ruins, at the four way intersection, there is a piece up in the tree (look up to see it). To get it, go left at the intersection (if you are facing the historic ruins) to a small area. Turn towards the piece to see a broken wall. Dash though it, and dash into the tree with the piece to make it drop down. Rainbow Piece-22: 洞窟ダッシュ Location: オアシス (Oasis) Directions: Inside the cave, there is a piece machine, dash from the upper ledge to get on to the platform with the piece machine. Rainbow Piece-23: どけどけハイウェイ Location: 砂浜 (Sandy Beach) Directions: Clear attraction どけどけハイウェイ (Doke Doke Highway). Rainbow Piece-24: 砂漠のピース Location: 砂漠 (Desert) Directions: In the Desert area, talk to the staff to get the かさぐるま帽子 (Windmill Hat), and wear it. Now go to the large sand patch towards the end of this area, and dash around to make a piece machine appear out of the ground. Rainbow Piece-25: ダルマ落とし2 Location: 孤島 (Solitary Island) Directions: Clear attraction ダルマ落とし (Daruma Otoshi). ------------------- 10. Attraction List ------------------- Some names I couldn't translate, so I left them untranslated. 01. えらんでドカン [Choose the Pipe] - choose the green pipe that has the bomb 02. いろいろドカン [Various Pipes] - choose the pipe holds the bomb with the same colour as the flame 03. キャノンボール [Cannonball] - blow up different coloured balls 04. シューティングボール [Shooting Ball] - blow up different coloured balls 05. ダルマ落とし [Daruma Drop] - hit all the pieces out of the tower 06. ダルマ落とし2 [Daruma Drop 2] - hit all the pieces out of the tower 07. どきどきハイウエイ [*heartbeat* Highway] - avoid all the traffic 08. どけどけハイウエイ - avoid the tanks and hit traffic to refuel 09. ばくだん工場 [Bomb Factory] - sort the bombs so they enter the correct tunnel 10. ばくだん工場2 [Bomb Factory 2] - sort the bombs so they enter the correct tunnel 11. 走っておよいで [Run and Swim] - alternatively press X and O to run fast and press X and O with timing to swim fast 12. 走ってよけて [Run and Avoid] - repeatedly press O to dash and X to jump 13. パーキング [Parking] - park the car in designated spot 14. パーキング2 [Parking 2] - park the truck in designated spot 15. MARUTA - jump over logs to collect coins 16. MARUTA2 - jump over logs to collect coins 17. ラジコン [Radicon] - drive the car through the course 18. ラジコン2 [Radicon 2] - drive the car through the course 19. あちこちピエロ - keep the ball on the end of your stick 20. なねとび - jump the rope 21. ウォータースキップ [Water Skip] - repeatedly press O at the start and then press O as you land on the water to jump off the water 22. NINJA - use O to slash and Up/Down to kill enemies that come at you 23. オニたたき - press the buttons to hit the corresponding hole (don't hit bombs) 24. パスケット [Basket] - adjust power and angle to shoot the ball into the hoop 25. カウンター [Counter] - count the number os specified vehicles 26. ハスの葉わたり - keep jumping up the lilypads 27. かたむけ迷路 - navigate the marble throught the maze 28. パズル [Puzzle] - tile sliding puzzle 29. カラーボール [Colour ball] - keeping hitting the ball until it goes white to score 30. パターゴルフ [Putter Golf] - golf... 31. コードレスポン [Cordless Pon] - just copy the number it displays 32. ひつじや〜い - grab the sheep and chuck them into the pen and close it 33. さんすう教室 - choose the correct sybbol for the equation 34. ぷちぷち - pop all the bubbles 35. スケートボート [Skateboard] - O to jump, Up+O to do a big jump and Down to duck and avoid obstacles 36. ホッピング [Hopping] - hop on clouds and avoid falling down 37. スペースチューブ [Space tube] - jump over/avoid obstacles in the tube 38. ボンバーサムライ [Bomber Samurai] - press O to hit up and X to hit down 39. たこたこパニック [Octopus Panic] - use the cannon to hit the octopus 40. ボンバーマント - press O to go up and navigate through the tunnel 41. だんご - move around and make the same color as shown 42. ボンバーロボ [Bomber Robo] - press and hold O to throw bombs at enemies 43. トイレットペーパー [Toilet Paper] - repeatedly press O to pull the toilet paper (be careful of it breaking) 44. ムシ・アタック! [Insect Attack] - use your fly squatter to squash all the insects 45. どっちでSHOW - choose the side which the character you want is in 46. メテオストーム [Meteor Storm] - avoid enemies/meteors 47. トランポリン [Trampoline] - bounce on the trampoline to collect coins 48. 山からボン - [Bombs from the Mt] - Shoot the bombs from the mountain 49. 飛んでけボンバー [Flying Bomber] - repeatedly press O to run and then press O to flap your wings 50. リフティング [Lifting] - keep the ball in the air, press O to hit it higher ----------- 11. CD List ----------- This is a list of the soundtracks that you can listen to: Japanese English ---------------------------------------------- タイトル Title オープニング Opening エンディング Ending メニューBGM Menu BGM レッドテーマ Red Theme ブリーテーマ Blue Theme イエローテーマ Yellow Theme グリーンテーマ Green Theme ホワイトテーマ White Theme レインボーテーマ Rainbow Theme マップAT Map Attraction マップAT2 Map Attraction 2 イベント Event イベント2 Event 2 カートBGM Kart BGM カートBGM2 Kart BGM 2 レッドAT Red Attraction レッドAT2 Red Attraction 2 ブルーAT Blue Attraction ブルーAT2 Blue Attraction 2 イエローAT Yellow Attraction イエローAT2 Yellow Attraction 2 グイーンAT Green Attraction グイーンAT2 Green Attraction 2 ホワイトAT White Attraction ホワイトAT2 White Attraction 2 レインボーAT Rainbow Attraction カシノ Casino ----------- 12. Closing ----------- Not much to say here, just like to thank: >>> people who made the game >>> people who helped make this document >>> people who host this file mail: abcd9146@gmail.com 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 -EOF-