Broken Sword: The Sleeping Dragon Copyright 2003-2004 Chris Hunt All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. +***WARNING***-----***WARNING***-----***WARNING***-----***WARNING***+ | | | THIS IS A WALKTHRU AND CONTAINS SPOILERS | | PLEASE DO NOT READ FROM BEGING TO END | | So Don't Go Complaining about it afterwards! | | | +***WARNING***-----***WARNING***-----***WARNING***-----***WARNING***+ Contents: Version History: +^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^+ | Version 1.00 - | | Added Walkthrough - Start --> England: Glastonbury: FIRE! | |-------------------------------------------------------------| | Version 1.10 - | | Added Walkthrough --> Vernon's Apartment (Night) | | Major Spelling, Formatting and Grammar Changes | | Added Warning box, copyright Info and Legal Information | +^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^+ Now that all that is done, on with... The Walkthrough STARTING SEQUENCE: Chapter 1: CONGO: Plane Crash. After the starting sequence USE the seatbelt and look around the plane, all the exits are broke / blocked so you must find another way out, if you try to enter the cabin then the plane will tilt, so now, you have to stabilise the plane. Look for the beer that Harry threw, PICK UP the beer, walk towards the crate and USE the buckle, stand to the right of the crate of machine parts PULL the Crate to the middle of the plane, then PUSH the crate to the back of the plane (towards the foreground) Until it stops, now the plane is stable so you can enter the cabin, Unfortunately, Harry the pilot Harry is out cold, trying to wake him has no effect, SEARCH Harry you find his bottle opener, now access your inventory (Default = Space Bar) now highlight the bottle opener and COMBINE with the beer this opens the beer, USE the beer on Harry to revive him. now he is awake you must escape, PICK UP the fire extinguisher, unless you want to try to squirt Harry first :D USE it on the Window, now try to climb out, that crate was not heavy enough, TALK to Harry and talk about the plane tipping and he will sit on the crate, now try to leave via the window and you both fall down the cliff. CONGO: Cliff Face. You are on a cliff face ledge, JUMP the gap and CLIMB the ledge to Harry, after the Conversation with Harry walk to the cracked edge and JUMP off, (this time it doesn't matter if you fail to react, don't count on it next time) now as you get to a dead end, you will see there is a small path on the edge, HUG the cliff and move around to the other side click again to normal, then continue across the cliff JUMPING and CLIMBING across the cliff face eventually you get to a part where the only way across is a crack in the cliff, (if you have ever played a "Tomb Raider" game then you can tell what to do) HANG off the edge, shuffle across to the other side, and then CLIMB back up, Keep going until you get to the end of the cliff, then just keep going up until you get to a cave CUTSCENE PARIS - Nico has to talk to a hacker about "the End Of the world" Chapter 2: PARIS: Apartment Building. after the Sequence You, gain control of Nico Collard, you start in the hallway by the door of the Hacker's apartment, you can try to open the door but it has locked PICK UP the pencil (from the note board to your left) and USE the window to exit to the balcony. PULL the pedestal then CLIMB over it and PUSH it to the other end, CLIMB onto it then GRAB the guttering and shuffle across to the other balcony, this window is closed so MOUNT the railings move to the other window then UNMOUNT them and USE your press card to open the window, PARIS: Vernon Blier's Apartment. there is nothing of interest in this room so OPEN the door to your left you see the hacker's (Vernon Blier) Body, move to his body PICK UP the shell casing, SEARCH Vernon's Body to find his Business Card, walk towards the rug into the kitchen. CUTSCENE PARIS: Vernon's Apartment: Kitchen This next part is the first of the Timed Scenes (don't react in time and GAME OVER) the trick is to know when to press the Primary Action Button (Default = S). When the killer says "...When I Kill You!" Press "S" and Nico will hit her with the Frying Pan. Nico is then shot at (defected by the frying pan) when Nico finishes Saying "...why had I forgotten Hers?" Press "S" again Nico will slam the fridge door in her face. The gun Jams and the killer runs down the fire escape Nico is to slow to react and by the time, she outside there is no sign of Her. OPEN the door and go back inside, LISTEN to the messages on the Phone. then to the right PICK UP the Bank Statement from the bin, PICK UP the rug in the doorway, the PICK UP the loose floorboard you can try to use the electronic safe but you can't open it yet. now you can OPEN the door and CLIMB down the two ladders on the fire escape, PARIS: Vernon's Apartment Area PICK UP the newspaper, you can try to climb the drainpipe but it breaks, so instead, walk along the graffiti wall until you can CLIMB up and over, on the other side PICK UP and EXAMINE the dark colored wig. CLIMB back over the wall and go left of the ally and into the next cul-de-sac TALK to the lady with the broom, eventually ASK about a Blonde haired lady, she says she drove off in a Sports Car, exit and TALK to the Skater boy ASK about the sports car he will tell you it is an "E-Type Jag" leave and walk to the other end of the street, you can go to the park (by the side of the uniformed women) and TALK to Vernon's Girlfriend you can tell her he is dead then but this is not necessary, TALK to the lady in a blue uniform (Traffic Warden) show her the Shell Casing (this will show her you are serious) ASK her about the "E-Type Jag" she will give you the Car Registration Number she will also tell you that there was a mask on the passenger seat of the car ("an old mask, the kind you find in the theatre"). Then the police come they take Nico up to the apartment to question her, tell the inspector all you know then you are arrested for Vernon's Murder. Chapter 3: CONGO: Cave/Generator You are in control of George Stobbart again, walk into the cave TALK to the man on the floor, He tells you of is Dr Cholmondely (your scientist contact) when he dies SEARCH him to find his ID card, then walk to the table and SEARCH it to find a postcard from Glastonbury, EXAMINE the Postcard you find it is a warning from someone Called Bruno SEARCH the table again, you find a magnifying glass, PUSH the crate behind you five times south to push it onto a pressure pad enter the door that opens to the Generator room, USE the controls on the machine (looks like an open panel) then USE the lever to the Right to destroy the machine ( Oops ), PICK UP the Metal Rod, go back to the room entrance USE the rod in the hole in the wall USE the lever PICK UP the rod again, in the other room PUSH the crate 3 times Up, 7 times Right and 4 times Up it then rests against the north wall in the generator room, CLIMB the box then CLIMB up into the hole. USE the Metal Rod on the Birds Nest (above you) and PICK UP the nest and make your way right, HUG the wall, CLIMB UP and shimmy left then drop down JUMP the Gap walk left and CLIMB out the CAVE. CONGO: Jungle you can see the Thugs and the pale man you have to try to scare them so... if you look at the statue head you will see burned wood remnants, try lighting the wood with the magnifying glass will not work you need some tinder, USE the nest with the wood, USE the magnifying glass on the nest There you go, An D.I.Y Evil Fire-breathing Statue Kit :-) the Thugs Get Spooked but you fall down the hill, Quickly you get up, RUN to the BACK of the jeep and Press Action to Jump in the Back. CUTSCENE - George Decides to Journey to Glastonbury to find Bruno Chapter 4: ENGLAND: Glastonbury First Objective Find Bruno, Start off by talking to some Locals, Go south and TALK to the man on the pavement ( Colonel Butley ) ASK him about Himself He tells you about his Problem, that his daughter has Ran Away with someone at the "Glastonbury Poplar Music Festival" In addition, that She is staying with someone, somewhere in Glastonbury, Leave and talk to me man Sitting outside of the "Yeoman's Arms" Pub ( Eamon O'Mara ) ASK him about himself Twice he will say he is from the TV Programme "Up Your Ally with Eamon", then leave and go to across the street, OPEN the door to Zazies Kiosk, inside TALK to Madame Zazie ASK about the postcard she tells you it is for sale in the "Cosmic Faerie" On the other End of the Street is this shop, OPEN the door and enter EXAMINE the stand if front of you , postcards like the one Sent by "Bruno" on the other end of the counter, there are some poetry books EXAMINE them and the owner ( Tristrum Hillage ) says he wrote, EXAMINE them again George reads some and says its good poetry, TALK to Tristrum ASK about the postcard, ASK about Bruno, and Again, then ASK about the sounds from upstairs, ASK about Bruno again then TELL him about Eamon O'Mara you say that you will tell him about the book, he gives you a copy, OPEN the Door and exit, COMBINE the Book with the Metal Rod to get the Silver ( plated ) Coins, TALK to Eamon about Tristrum twice, he goes in a Fury to the "Cosmic Faerie". Now is the perfect time to go upstairs to find out who's up there, move to the opposite end of the counter and go upstairs TALK to Melissa Butley ASK her about Colonel Butley then about herself, ASK her about Tristrum Twice, Going downstairs, you talk to Tristrum TELL him about Colonel Butley, ASK about Bruno he gives you some "Pants" that Bruno left behind. Return to Madame Zazies Kiosk ASK her about the Postcard, GIVE her one of the Silver Coins for her to look for "Psychic Traces" she tells you that you will go on a long journey, she can't get anything out of the card apart from that he was Running Away from someone, then GIVE her the Boxer Shorts (and another Silver coin) and she goes into a "Psychic Trance" (If you give her the ID card, she sees Susarro: Philip Hunt) CUTSCENE - Madame Zazie Sees a Dragon and Mystical Flames England: Glastonbury: FIRE! Madame Zazie says she sees "A man, Dragon Fire, a Dragon that Seeks His Death" she says he only has "minutes to live" and then she goes unconsciousness, rushing outside you see Smoke Coming From Behind the "Yeoman's Arms" Pub, go to the door in the Ally to the left of the Pub, try to OPEN the door, TALK to Eamon and tell him, you both break down the Door, As Eamon goes to call the Fire Brigade, you see an "Evil" Hooded Monk leave go to the Barn, PUSH the LEFT crate: Up once and Right once, PULL the RIGHT crate: down Twice, left Three Times, CLIMB the closest Crate and PUSH the Crate forwards, CLIMB back down PUSH the Closest Crate: Right (or *Left) Once, then Up three times, then Left (Or Right if *Left First), CLIMB the closest crate, PUSH the Crate UP, Then CLIMB the crate then CLIMB into the barn. go towards Bruno, then un-tie him, go towards the Exit (how you came in) CUTSCENE- Barn Explosion George talks to Bruno and tells him he knows he is Bruno, George recognises Bruno, he asks where he's from He says "I am from a small country in eastern Europe" "you won't be able to pronounce it" George recognises him as Ostavld and that he met him at the Hotel Ubu in Paris (SEE Broken Sword 2) Ostvald was a Neo-Templar (Again See Broken Sword 2) However, George is told that he left them because they're Evil And now in their Eyes he is a traitor, ASK About the "Hooded Figure" then about Susarro three times, then about Dr Cholmondely, you are told of Susarro Taking over of the Neo-Templars and his Evil Plan ASK the Professor three times about then about Dr Cholmondely, then about the Earth's Energy you are told about Lay Lines AKA the Dragon Current, then ask again and you are told about a Dragon Temple, Ask about the Glastonbury Tor (a Natural Power Source) Chapter 5: PARIS: Nico's Apartment. After Fuming about being in prison for two days, she gets a call from her news desk asking where she has been. You can LISTEN to her messages from: Andre Lobineau, The Stop It Rotting Soffit Co. and from Nico's boss but this isn't necessary. OPEN the door and go to Vernon's Apartment area, PARIS: Vernon's Apartment Area (Night) you can listen to the conversation between the neighbour and the shopkeeper, go PICK UP the pencil by Vernon's Front door if you haven't already, then go to the back of the building, PICK UP the newspaper (if you haven't already) then CLIMB the two ladders to the kitchen door, EXAMINE the door, you will find a key in the lock, USE the newspaper on the door, then USE the pencil on the lock, PICK UP the Paper, USE the key in the lock, OPEN the door. PARIS: Vernon's Apartment (Night) Entering the apartment PICK UP a tissue from the kitchen counter by the bin, go to the living room, OPEN the left door (to the bedroom) GIVE the tissue to Beatrice and TALK about the safe, leave and OPEN the door, go back to the safe (see "PARIS: Vernon's Apartment: Kitchen") and use the birth date to open the safe. PICK UP the DVD disk and the Diagram, OPEN the Kitchen door leave and CLIMB down the two ladders to the ally, when trying to walk out the ally the sports car tries to run you over. this is another timed scene where you have to press the action button you must get the right time or bye-bye Nico :-( Wait until the Car starts to charge and the Action Icon will appear It is on the bottom right of the scene (the action map), Nico Jumps out the way of the Oncoming Car and gets up, go back to Nico's apartment.