-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BURNOUT 3: TAKEDOWN An FAQ/Walkthrough For the Sony PlayStation 2 Copyright 2006 Richard Beast -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== Table of Contents: =============================================================================== -!NOTE!- This guide, as you will soon see, is pretty big. Seeing as how this takes effect, you will most likely be lost in trying to find out what you want to read. There is one way to get to it, instantly. Press Ctrl + F, and then look for whatever you want. Let's say you want to go to the Basics section. Type in "IV. Basics", and then you'll go to the basics section, instantly! Pretty neat, eh? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ -------------------------- * TABLE OF CONTENTS * -------------------------- ~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Introduction ............................ WA.01 2. Legal Disclaimer ........................ WA.02 3. Contact Rules ........................... WA.03 4. Basics .................................. WA.04 5. Walkthrough (USA) ....................... WA.05 5a. Silver Lake - Races ................. GU.01 5b. Silver Lake - Crash ................. GU.02 5c. Waterfront - Races .................. GU.03 5d. Waterfront - Crash .................. GU.04 5e. Downtown - Races .................... GU.05 5f. Downtown - Crash .................... GU.06 5g. Kings of the Road - Races ........... GU.07 5h. Lakeside Getaway - Races ............ GU.08 5i. Mountain Parkway - Races ............ GU.09 6. Walkthrough (Europe) .................... WA.06 6a. Winter City - Races ................. GE.01 6b. Winter City - Crash ................. GE.02 6c. Vineyard - Races .................... GE.03 6d. Vineyard - Crash .................... GE.04 6e. Alpine - Races ...................... GE.05 6f. Alpine - Crash ...................... GE.06 6g. Riviera - Races ..................... GE.07 6h. Riviera - Crash ..................... GE.08 6i. Coastal Dream - Races ............... GE.09 6j. Alpine Expressway - Races ........... GE.10 6k. Frozen Peak - Races ................. GE.11 6l. Continental Run - Races ............. GE.12 7. Walkthrough (Far East) .................. WA.07 7a. Golden City - Races ................. GF.01 7b. Golden City - Crash ................. GF.02 7c. Dockside - Races .................... GF.03 7d. Dockside - Crash .................... GF.04 7e. Island Paradise - Races ............. GF.05 7f. Island Paradise - Crash ............. GF.06 7g. Tropical Drive - Races .............. GF.07 8. Extras .................................. WA.08 8a. Trophies ............................ EX.01 8b. Garage .............................. EX.02 8c. Signature Takedowns ................. EX.03 8d. Special Events ...................... EX.04 8e. Crash Headlines ..................... EX.05 9. Credits ................................. WA.09 \\---------------------------------------------------------------------------// ** 1. Introduction ** WA.01 ** \\---------------------------------------------------------------------------// This is probably the worst guide that I've ever written. Well, not really, since nothing can beat my EARLIER stuff, but this is seriously some crappy stuff for a genre in which I'm not crazy about, that being the racing genre. Now don't get me wrong about that; Burnout 3: Takedown is an absolutely fantastic game, which will give you a challenge for a long time, as far as filled the garage, collecting every gold medal, every signature takedown, every trophy, goes... but like I said, I'm absolutely no expert in the racing genre. That being said, this guide is my delivery for this game, which WAS written for the $40 in the bounty, but which I guarantee will help you in your way through the game, at least for some areas in which you can teach improvement. Obviously you can't teach racing talent, but anyways, this is still Richard Beast, delivering his 36th (wtf, it's been that many) guide to GameFAQs for you lovely people. And I'll give you an adieu, with that. - Richard "Gbness" Beast \\---------------------------------------------------------------------------// ** 2. Legal Disclaimer ** WA.02 ** \\---------------------------------------------------------------------------// You are NOT permitted to put this FAQ on your site without my permission first. All you have to do is email me or IM me saying you want this FAQ on your site, then you can tell me your site and the chance is high that I'll let you. But if you put this FAQ on your site without my permission I swear you will regret it. If I let you, not ONE word should be changed from this FAQ! NOT ONE! Got it? Good. Also, make sure that no money is involved. If you want this FAQ to be sold on eBay, then just forget about it, man. And don't sell this guide either, or pay people to use it, or you'll be in such big trouble you don't want to think. Another little note is that I will not have this guide hosted on many other web sites besides GameNotOver, GameFAQs, IGN, and Neoseeker. You need full-on permission if it's not one of the four above sites. I am sick of people ripping me off (I have been ripped off three times in the past), so if I don't like your site, I won't let my guide be posted on it. I am sorry, but this is how it has to be. If you ask politely and I like your site, you will definitely have the luck of getting it up there. Thank you very much. \\---------------------------------------------------------------------------// ** 3. Contact Rules ** WA.03 ** \\---------------------------------------------------------------------------// You can e-mail me if there is a question you wish to ask that hasn't been answered in the guide, but I REALLY don't want to bother answering questions that have already been done, answered, and done again in the guide, if it isn't too much trouble. Feel free to tell me if there's something I've forgotten, however. My e-mail address is richard_power1000 [at] yahoo [dot] com. Except, replace the [at] and spaces with a "@" symbol and the [dot] and spaces with a period; I have to write like that so I don't get a dozen spam bots e-mailing me and getting me viruses. Just be polite in the e-mail, don't talk like "omg wtf rich ur gides r t3h su><0rz & how du i beat rele big tode", and don't ask something that's already been answered in the guide, and I'll respond. And don't bother sending things like: "You friggin' idiot. Your guides suck, you suck, and everything about you sucks. DIE DIE DIE!" "BURN IN THE FLAMES OF HELL, YOU STUPID RETARD!!!" "What the hell did you think you were doing writing all that garbage, you piece of crap? "I hope you fall down the stairs and break every bone in your body!" "u su><0rz, eVrYtInG BoUt u sUx, dIe ass!!!!!!1" I will laugh at such e-mails and delete them. So... if you're not just playing a friendly joke on me or something, don't bother with that crap cos I've been through with it too much. Okay, that's enough for that. My AIM name is rbeast288; sorry, I don't have MSN or YIM. The list is closed, but I'll add you if you ask politely via e-mail. I like chatting with people, but try not to overdo it on AIM if I add you to my list. Since I am busy a majority of the time and all. \\---------------------------------------------------------------------------// ** 4. Basics ** WA.04 ** \\---------------------------------------------------------------------------// First of all, the important thing in Burnout 3 is RISK = REWARD. So you can pretty much guess what'll build rewards, which takes place in this game as boosting, which will dramatically increase your speed against the cheating AI (yes, the AI frequently cheats). So here are some ways of buildin' yo boost and whatnot. Building Boost =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= I already explained what this is, so... Near Miss - You can pretty much guess what this is, so since there is traffic and all, approach it and get as close to it as possible without just downright crashing the car, and you'll net yourself some boost from that. For best results, drive on the wrong side of the road while doing that. Oncoming - What this means is driving on the wrong side of the road. Since Burnout takes place in three continents, and some people have never driven in a car (;]), the correct side of the road in USA and Europe is the right, and the wrong side of the road is the left. In Asia aka the Far East, the correct side of the road is the left, and the wrong one is the right. Drifting - Not THAT way. But regardless, to drift around corners, just let off of the gas and press square to brake, and turn while putting on the gas again. This is one of the most convenient ways of gaining boost while risking very little, so make use of it. Tailgating - Although this doesn't exactly work in time trials, when you're in a race, approach an opponent from behind, and practically rub up against them from behind. And you get boost from that, which is always wonderful. Takedowns - THE way to gain boost really. However, it only works in races and the blatantly obvious road rages, but what it is, is being aggressive on opponents via psyching them out, rubbing them, slamming them, etc. until they lose control. Not only will you get a ton of boost, but your gauge will become bigger. So in short, get takedowns. Do. As for when you crash, which is quite possibly, you can steer your wreck by pressing R1 to enter impact time, mode, or whatever you want to call it. If you even touch an opponent while doing this, you score an instant aftertouch takedown, which makes it that much better. Still, never crash if at all possible; it can entirely screw up races and especially time attacks. And that virtually covers racing, but that's only half of Burnout 3. As for crash junctions... What these basically are is attempting to cause as much damage as possible to traffic, racking up as much money worth of damage that was caused, and beating your good pal Stryker's predictions for how much damage you do. Basically all I can say is: use impact mode, spread damage to all lanes of traffic, and also, you have bronze markers ($5,000), silver markers ($10,000), gold markers ($20,000), the obvious X2 and X4 multipliers, boost markers, and crashbreakers, which are important for getting some more motion. There are also heartbreakers which will halve your money, so AVOID those. In short, that's pretty much it. Go from one place to another with as much variety between each place as possible to unlock others, and also enjoy the 67 out of 67 individual cars you can unlock. \\---------------------------------------------------------------------------// ** 5. Walkthrough (USA) ** WA.05 ** \\---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Well... the USA is the only area of the game available in the beginning of the game, so you pretty much don't have an option much of where to go. And with that, here's the walkthrough for schtuff. +-===========================================================================-+ \\ 5a. Silver Lake - Races \\ GU.01 \\ +-===========================================================================-+ I suppose this is quite possibly your first experience with races. Alright, as annoying as Stryker is, you may want to listen to his advice as you come in here. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Race =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - 1st place Silver - 2nd place Bronze - 3rd place The first thing you'll have to decide is what car to use. You have three options out of the grand 67 in this game, so whatever floats your boat, but I like Compact Type 3 cuz it's cool like dat. And then Striker will introduce you to a lot of stuff for races, which includes taking risks such as driving on the wrong side of the road (incoming), near missing cars, drifting (braking then putting on the gas), and coming near crashes, as well as ramming into opponents, pushing them into walls, and all that fun stuff. And with those you get boosts, but you may very well want to use those wisely, or you may crash into stuff and dat is bad sometimes, yo. Still, steering your crash is some kewl stuff, so... This first track isn't particularly hard; the race itself takes two laps around a track which takes a little less than a minute to use. And if you were paying attention to the stuff addressed by Striker, you may want to use it here. Example: drive on the wrong side of the road, but look out for stuff that you might have to crash into. Something which works very well is tailgating an opponent by coming up behind them, then you'll end up to a side of them, and then you can try and ram them into a wall, which may even lead to you getting a Takedown. And that'll give ya such a big boost that... man, you lose from there and I'll laugh at you. Besides that, large turns are indicated by arrows here, but try not go too fast when you go across those, or you may crash, and who cares to do that in a race. Still, drifting on those works well. And yes, I'm aware that this is slightly harder than your average first thing to do in a racing game. Don't worry, you WILL get used to the Burnout system, you won't end up intimidated by anything. =) Try for first place here with the tactics I addressed, such as driving on the wrong side of the road, which is particularly easy here. And there aren't a lot of things to crash into except in the large turns, so don't worry too much about that. And NO, the rest of the stuff for this place is NOT immediately available, so head for Silver Lake - Crash next. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Compact Grand Prix =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - 1st place Silver - 2nd place Bronze - 3rd place You will NOT do this right after that Race. In fact, it'll be a little bit forward from there, so just play out the walkthrough in the orders I recommend, until you reach this, and then let's PARTY ON, MAN! But anyway, this is a Grand Prix so as such it consists of three races, with the first taking place in Silver Lake, backwards. And this one is really easy; but I'll say right now that the key is takedowns. There are several areas here in which traffic is a lot lighter, and if you accomplish takedowns you can pull boosts off which will allow you to stay quite a bit ahead of your opponents. Make use of drifting here, since that's a key to getting more boosts as well as not crashing. And also, if (heaven forbid) you don't finish in first place for a given race, you may want to take note of the car in first place and aim for that one in the next race. But anyway, the next race is in Kings of the Road, blah. It's a one-lapper, just to let you know, but while the first part of the race has quite a bit of traffic on it, the second part has next to none. So get those takedowns going, and just rush through this race to get an additional, hopefully, 6 points for the Grand Prix. And the Grand Prix finishes off in Waterfront, which is a fairly easy way to cap this all off. Assuming you've gone through the time trial in Waterfront earlier, this should be an absolute piece of cake since it's virtually the same obstacles, and plus you can always get boosts from Takedowns, which is particularly easy here. Not to mention the traffic is very light, so just restart if you majorly screw up, but I crashed twice but still got first place, but just note that it IS two laps. The next place you can go is debatable, but I like Waterfront's Face-Off from here. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Eliminator =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - 1st place Silver - 2nd place Bronze - 3rd place This may seem to be a really easy thing to do, but ah, appearances can be very deceiving. Basically this is five laps around the game's easiest course, and every lap, the last place person is eliminated. So if you come in last, you're out, and you need to get it down to three people remaining to get anything. And everyone tends to get more aggressive near the end of a lap, so make sure you make use of takedowns. All the same, you want the car with the most speed here, or you might end up eliminated very quickly. Screw weight, since you can do takedowns anyway without it, right? ;] With this all done, head to Downtown's crashes. ;) Cross Traffic, to be specific. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Special Event =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - 1:30:00 Silver - 1:40:00 Bronze - 1:55:00 You might think this would be extremely easy, based on your experience with Silver Lake up to this point, but you would be wrong there. This is not very easy to do, because for one thing it's very easy to crash. I just barely managed to pull off a win here, and that was without any crashes in this race. So make all effort not to crash, ever. Also, some notable crash spots are in the mountain path, as you make turns. Make full use of drifting, or you might end up as roadkill. From there, make full use of all sides of the road, because crashing will kill you. Head for Alpine's crash Roadblock next. +-===========================================================================-+ \\ 5b. Silver Lake - Crash \\ GU.02 \\ +-===========================================================================-+ I suppose this is quite possibly your first experience with crash. Alright, as annoying as Striker is, you may want to listen to his advice as you come in here. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Trailer Trash =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $140,000 Silver - $85,000 Bronze - $55,000 Crashbreaker - 6 Wrecks What is crash, you might ask? It involves attempting to crash your car into as much traffic as possible. And the reason that the above is marked by dollar signs is that it's based on how much damage you cause. And that can be increased with the dollar markers around the place, or the multipliers, or cut in half by heartbreakers, so avoid those, not that there are any here. And you also might notice that there's "crashbreaker", which you can use when you cause a certain number of wrecks, and then you can do even MORE damage! Oh YEAH, man, BURN, BABY, BURN! Okay, power rush there. And you can still steer your wreck with Impact Mode, which is even more important in crashes than races. Your introduction to crashing isn't particularly difficult. Basically what you have to do is drive straight along the road and grab the speed marker, and then using that boost, just shoot off the ramp in front of you and aim straight for the traffic. Keep using Impact Mode as you do this, and you'll end up near the trailer trash... erm... motorhomes. And right there you can use Crashbreaker and blow as much stuff up as you possibly can. And with that, the money will rack up real quick. Not hard to get a good hard 140,000 in dough, but this is just the beginning of crashing fun. As for your next destination, it's open for possibilities but Waterfront is definitely my preference. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Shut Up And Jump =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $200,000 Silver - $155,000 Bronze - $65,000 Crashbreaker - 8 Wrecks One of the easiest crashes in the entire game, this is also your introduction to multipliers. Very important, since they WILL double or even quadruple, in some cases, your money. But anyway, there are only two things you need to do to ensures success here: grab the cash multiplier, and land in a way so that you disrupt traffic in two different areas. In other words, don't land right on the big rigs. Ignore the bronze and silver markers at the beginning, and grab the speed boost, going right for the ramp, and collecting the gold marker there. Impact Mode will immediately kick in, so use it to collect the multiplier, by taking a VERY sharp left, and then keep going right into the road, preferably touching the big rigs there, but do NOT just crash right into them. =) If you just land in the road, you'll create some chaos there, and then Crashbreaker will come on soon enough, allowing you to pretty much blow everything up, and as long as you did 75,000 damage of damage to stuff, you'll end up with gold. And as for your next destination, it's Twister from Waterfront crash. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Showdown =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $520,000 Silver - $250,000 Bronze - $70,000 Crashbreaker - 10 Wrecks A particularly easy crash, almost entirely reminiscent of the times when you actually STARTED crashing in Silver Lake. =) Start by keeping on the right side of the road, collecting the boost, and avoiding the two intersections that you pass. Keep going until you reach three ramps, and take the one on the right for whatever markers you can, as well as the x4 multiplier, and crash right into the big rigs, which WILL spark a little chaos right below. Increase that with a crashbreaker, and that's $520,000 right there. Showdown will just unlock more stuff; start with Waterfront's Leap of Faith. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Ticket to Collide =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $390,000 Silver - $200,000 Bronze - $70,000 Crashbreaker - 12 Wrecks On one small note, we will get back to races sometime soon. ;) Anyway, start by hugging over to the left and getting the boost marker there, and then you'll reach the road itself shortly after. Keep to the left, and AVOID the traffic here, this isn't what you're looking for. Get one of the cash markers just beyond, and then keep going to find an x2 marker. Crash there, and collect the crashbreaker for a bit of impact there. Allow the manic collision to continue, and then use the crashbreaker that ensues to get the x4 multiplier. Not very difficult for such a cool name. Head on to Waterfront's Danger Zone. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 3 Ways To Fly =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $450,000 Silver - $270,000 Bronze - $80,000 Crashbreaker - 12 Wrecks Literally, three ways to fly. You'll see... but either way, this crash is ridiculously easy. Start by driving on the right side of the road and just manuever in whatever way necessary to avoid the cars there, and then pick up the boost. Avoid the upcoming cars, and you'll instantly come to those three ways to fly I talked about. =P Take the ramp in the middle and collect the silver marker, then veer over to the right for a gold marker, avoid the heartbreaker, and then use all the impact mode you can for the x4 multiplier. And with that, you'll automatically get gold. Moving on, Waterfront's Bay-Side Blitz. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Bridge Too Far =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $500,000 Silver - $270,000 Bronze - $75,000 Crashbreaker - 15 Wrecks Yet another easy gold in a crash junction, but only if you do it correctly. And here is how it goes: avoid the boost marker on the left, and also all three ramps. Stay along the right, and then veer slightly over to the left and go between the cars for a crashbreaker. Then use that for the x4 multiplier, watch cars fly everywhere, and with your second crashbreaker, go wherever the hell you want. Get the other crashbreaker marker, slam into the motorhomes... there are plenty of choices available. Having done this, proceed to Downtown's Hold Tight. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Out Of Control =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $400,000 Silver - $270,000 Bronze - $75,000 Crashbreaker - 12 Wrecks A rather easy crash junction to start the fourth lap off, even if you have to do a slightly finicky execution to get it. Start by getting the boost and then taking the ramp on the right, and in the air, take a hard right for the x4 multiplier in midair. Then return to the main road and land on the crashbreaker, which will detonate everything around you as usual. Keep letting the car steer forward with impact time, and you'll probably get gold without any trouble at all. Moving on to Waterfront's Falling Down. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Fear Factor =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $400,000 Silver - $220,000 Bronze - $80,000 Crashbreaker - 12 Wrecks Hah, I suppose this could be a fear factor... in *gasp* real life. ;) Okay. As usual you'll have to get through two intersections, so stay on the right side of the road to avoid the first one, then get the boost and veer to the left to avoid that one. From there, use the ramp along with all the throttle you have in you to head forward to the x4 multiplier on the left side of the intersection. You'll get the gold almost instantly if you get it, so don't worry about that. Enjoy the crashbreaker(s), though. With that done, head for Downtown next. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Pick Up The Pieces =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $530,000 Silver - $270,000 Bronze - $80,000 Crashbreaker - 15 Wrecks Not an extremely fitting ending up for a place for Silver Lake, considering how easy this is. Start by rushing forward, grabbing what you can, and launching off the ramp, which will automatically take you to an x4 multiplier. And with that, attack the motorhomes, attack the rest of the traffic, whatever. It's an easy $530,000 either way, and now that you're done there, head on over to Downtown. +-===========================================================================-+ \\ 5c. Waterfront - Races \\ GU.03 \\ +-===========================================================================-+ No new advice... and yes, I do recommend going here after you're done with Trailer Trash. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Burning Lap =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - 1:56:00 Silver - 2:12:00 Bronze - 2:40:00 Not much choice in the way of vehicles here either, but I'll let you know that this kind of stuff has one golden rule: NO CRASHING. This is a time trial, and for a gold medal you need to finish in 1:56:00 or less. And yes, it is a bit difficult to accomplish this without crashing, since for a time trial you'll need to boost, boost, boost. And this will include driving on the wrong side and especially drifting, a hell of a lot. Still, there is one other element of this place which will weigh into things, and that is the fact it's constantly split in two. You never want to drive in the middle of the road in this place, or you might just crash as the road splits into two lanes. Still, driving in the opposite lane might very well help you to get boosts. Other than that, you'll have to be really careful here, and choose which lane to take carefully, based on how much boost you have. It's also quite easy here to boost throughout the whole lane, the only question is building it up and whether to use it or not at the risk of a crash, which will drastically slow you down. And also, did I mention drifting? This place is full of turns which will absolutely demand drifting, so make full use of it. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Face-Off =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This is a worthy introduction to the factor of one-on-one racing against an opponent. Since you've raced against five opponents before, this should be a piece of cake, right? WRONG. This is one of the harder races up to this point, and you'll have to pull this off well if you want to come out victorious. For one thing, your rival is just as good as you are, and he won't hestitate for a second to keep up with you and then boost ahead of you. Of course when he DOES get ahead of you, most of the time he's using a boost right then and will just speed ahead. You won't have to worry about crashing much here, since this place is really wide. But just keep an eye out for that in future duels like this, because crashing practically wrecks it. Apart from that, your rival has the disadvantage of never taking shortcuts across grass, so in the later parts of the course, when that becomes available, you will definitely want to take advantage of that. But anyways, you want boosts, boosts, boosts, and to get that, you pretty much have no choice but to drift and drive on the wrong side of the road. And this place is extremely inconvenient for it, but if you can, accomplish a Takedown or two on your rival. My next recommendation of places to go is the Downtown Race 2. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Muscle Grand Prix =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - 1st place Silver - 2nd place Bronze - 3rd place Time for the series with the muscles to reach its pinnacle... seriously, this grand prix is a lot more difficult and diverse than the last one. First of all, the first track is one of the hardest parts of the whole thing, since it's so full of traffic. You'll have to be extremely careful while going through it, and try not to focus on takedowns, since they can just come out and stab you in the back if you rely on them too much. So assuming you get through that without too much of a problem, Silver Lake is next. Silver Lake is a pushover and absolutely no problem at all to get first place in, since not only are you extremely familiar with it, but it's also not incredibly filled with traffic. As for the third part, that's Lakeside Getaway, and one of the things you need to strive for is not to crash very early, or you may become incredibly far behind. I wouldn't totally outrule the possibility of catching up, but it's not worth taking the risk. So make sure you don't crash, and speed up when the track itself calls for it. Good luck... the coupe series is unlocked now. Cool... might as well go for Lakeside Getaway's Face-Off 2 now. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Preview Lap =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - 1:30:00 Silver - 1:40:00 Bronze - 1:50:00 Treat this like a normal race and you may very well end up in a lot of trouble. For one thing you're driving the Classic Hotrod, which is a car faster than what it might seem, but it's horrible with turning. You'll have to take this into account when you turn, and Waterfront isn't exactly the best place in the world for that. But anyways, start by driving on the wrong side of the road, and getting some boost from the cars that pass. Keep on boosting into the tunnel, collecting boost, and then after you exit that, make sure you swerve to the right side of the road to avoid the car. Continue up the mountain path until you reach the freeway, and that's where the hardest part of the race comes in. Keep an eye on your boost and consistently drive on the right side of the road if you have plenty of boost to go around, and on the left if you're out of it. It's be fairly difficult to avoid traffic, though, so just be aware of that. And then you'll get through the normal paths and huge turns across the road that eventually lead to the finish line and are needlessly straightforward, so good luck there. Head on to Downtown's Hate To Be Late after you're done with this place. +-===========================================================================-+ \\ 5d. Waterfront - Crash \\ GU.04 \\ +-===========================================================================-+ What can I say, crashes rock and I recommend going here after you're done with Burning Lap. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Marina Mayhem =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $295,000 Silver - $180,000 Bronze - $55,000 Crashbreaker - 8 Wrecks It isn't terribly difficult to get gold here, it just takes a little execution. First of all, getting the money markers is really easy; just drive straight on the left lane for a bronze and silver, then grab the boost and the gold, and then head over to the right and try to smash the trucks, heading into the opposite lane to cause as much damage there as possible. You'll have to pull it off just right to get the $295,000 necessary for gold, but the crashbreaker will definitely help out, and it won't be very hard if you get all the markers, plus wreak havoc in all different lanes. And with that, let's move onto Downtown for now, whaddaya say? Eh? Eh? Okay, I'm not funny. Carry on. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Twister =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $160,000 Silver - $100,000 Bronze - $65,000 Crashbreaker - 8 Wrecks To ensure a quick and easy shortcut to victory, grab the speed boost right at the entrance and then take the path to the right and then go off the ramp, crashing into one of the big rigs. This will create a large disaster as everything crashes into one another, and then you'll get a crashbreaker in no time. And with that, fly into the buses and grab the gold marker between them, and stuff continues to get ****ed up. And then you'll end up with $160,000 in cold hard cash in no time... as far as damage goes. As for your next destination... go for Kings of the Road, Face-Off. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Leap of Faith =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $600,000 Silver - $350,000 Bronze - $75,000 Crashbreaker - 14 Wrecks Featuring the highest amount of destruction needed to get gold yet, this is one of the hardest crash junctions you've faced up to this point. First of all, the execution has to be very finicky if you're aiming for gold, but this is pretty much how to do it: avoid the boost marker in front of you. That'll just screw everything up. Go beyond and grab the silver marker, and crash into the car right there. That will at least set some spark into effect on this highway. But now you need to worry about the stuff below. That's where the crashbreaker, as well as destruction itself, comes in. Once you get that crashbreaker, use Impact Mode to collect the x4 multiplier down there. Ignore EVERYTHING else, just getting the x4 multiplier will virtually guarantee getting the gold unless you really screw something else. If you can at least collide with someone down there, it'll spark another crash down there, plus if you have enough luck you can get the other crashbreaker and bust a whole lot of other stuff up. Easy $1,000,000 right there, as well as a crash headline. With that, go to Downtown's Dead End. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Danger Zone =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $600,000 Silver - $350,000 Bronze - $80,000 Crashbreaker - 12 Wrecks This is an extremely easy crash, as if the last one wasn't easy enough. Start by pumping up the gas as much as possible, since this car is slow as hell. Grab the boost as you go, and take the ramp on the left, and with enough power with impact mode and whatnot, you'll get the x4 multiplier and crash into the traffic. Don't bother with the buses unless you want to land between them for the crashbreaker, cuz the middle of the road is where it's all it, plus there's a crashbreaker there anyway. Just don't go too far and get the heartbreaker, and it's another laugh of a gold. With that, head over to Europe, and to the Riviera Rampage in you-know-where. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Bay-Side Blitz =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $500,000 Silver - $240,000 Bronze - $70,000 Crashbreaker - 12 Wrecks Alright, we've already seen a lot of crash junctions in this game, some easier than others. But this just about takes the cake. Here's all you need to do: head over to the left side of the road and get the boost (easy), then veer over to the right and launch off the ramp there (which is also easy). Collect the crashbreaker straight in the path, and veer over to the x4 multiplier there. With impact mode or crashbreaker, either head to the right or the gold marker below. Either way you'll produce more than enough damage to get $500,000 in gold. NEXT! Silver Lake, Bridge Too Far. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Falling Down =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $400,000 Silver - $215,000 Bronze - $85,000 Crashbreaker - 10 Wrecks Very stupid name, although you can kind of guess based on the name, what you're gonna do. Hint: don't try this at home. Yeah, it's one hell of a jump. Start by getting the boost and then taking the ramp, cutting over to the very far left once you get around the heartbreaker, and you'll get the x4 multiplier without even seeing it. Then you can just wait there, possibly get the crashbreaker that's near it, and cars will come by and crash on their own. And you'll get a gold medal out of it, you wonderful hero. Go on to Silver Lake's TV show of a Fear Factor. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= T-Boned =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $850,000 Silver - $470,000 Bronze - $75,000 Crashbreaker - 14 Wrecks Holy bejeezers, take a look at that amount of money needed for gold. Ah well, that's far from impossible. Start by driving down the right side of the road and ignoring the boost on the left, and launch off the ramp, towards the red big rig and the freight container. Smash there and it'll explode (what the hell is in there anyway =P), and then aim for the crashbreaker and x4 multiplier above. If you don't get the x4 multiplier right away, use a second crashbreaker for it, but otherwise head backwards to the other lane for a gold medal, and just ignore the heartbreaker at the far left side of the road. Not an extremely hard gold, considering the amount needed for gold. Time for sunshine smashing... hint. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Sunshine Smash =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $800,000 Silver - $400,000 Bronze - $90,000 Crashbreaker - 14 Wrecks You'll need to pull off a bit of execution for this one, which features once again, a rather high amount of money needed for gold, and this one is actually a bit difficult to achieve. First of all, speed down the road and take a left for a boost, and steer around the heartbreaker, then instead of getting the x4 multiplier, go slightly to the right and crash into a tram there, which will hopefully give you the momentum to hit the x4 multiplier, as well as spread the damage out everywhere. If you did this just right, you'll end up with gold. Coolio. Now, with Alpine's Snow Plough opened in Europe... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Look Then Leap =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $400,000 Silver - $200,000 Bronze - $80,000 Crashbreaker - 15 Wrecks Waterfront has been notorious for having particularly difficult crash junctions relating to the overpass, and this one is no exception. Start by speeding forth as fast as you can, getting the boost, and launching off the ramp with as much pure throttle as you possibly can, aiming straight ahead for the x4 multiplier and the crashbreaker marker under the overpass. If you can manage that, you're virtually guaranteed gold, but try to spread the damage as much as you can, all the same. It's time to complete Waterfront and the USA in Tram-Pulled. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Tram-Pulled =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $700,000 Silver - $400,000 Bronze - $95,000 Crashbreaker - 15 Wrecks Perhaps the only thing in the fifth lap of the USA which has yet to give us much challenge. This takes some very finicky execution, and while it's slightly optional, you'll need some luck to pull it off. First of all, grab the boost along the way, and then head down the right lane as fast as you can, but the thing is you need to be fast and as straight as possible simultaneously. Not an extremely easy thing to do. You need to go as fast as possible, but if you veer over to one side you'll crash into either of the two buses on either side. See where that comes in? Fortunately, it's possible to manage crashing right after you get off the ramp, and then making it over to the left and to the x4 multiplier behind, but that will require quite a bit of luck, so you might as well make an effort to do this and then head left to hit the x4 multiplier. Hopefully you can spread that out afterwards with a crashbreaker or two, but either way this isn't really THAT hard, just harder. Enjoy the USA's complete crash, well, completion, and then head over to Winter City at last. +-===========================================================================-+ \\ 5e. Downtown - Races \\ GU.05 \\ +-===========================================================================-+ Yes, here's where I went after I was done with Marina Mayhem. Always follow what I do, yo. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Preview Lap 1 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - 1:03:00 Silver - 1:10:00 Bronze - 1:30:00 This is appallingly difficult compared to anything you've done up to this point, and you pretty much have to do everything perfectly if you're aiming for gold, and if you want silver, you want VERY few mistakes. But anyway, start by driving to the side of the left and between two sets of two cars for some boost, and then at the turn keep going to the left, avoiding cars as they come. Just to hint, they kinda alternate between lanes. And from there, keep going at the left turn there, and it's immediately met by a turn to the right. Try not to get too close to the arrows there, or you might just crash into a car that's there. Keep going until you reach a bridge, and keep to the right side of it, continuing on the right side of the road from thenon, since there's a lot less traffic on that side. Then when you get through there, cross another bridge and an alley there, and slow down at the end, since it's very easy to crash here. Turn into the road and then stay in the center, along the yellow hatchmarks. And I guarantee that as dangerous as this looks, you won't get touched, and you can just keep going across one long turn and a straight road to the end. Yes, that was hard, but the next event is a pushover. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Road Rage 1 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - 5 Takedowns Silver - 3 Takedowns Bronze - 1 Takedowns This is so easy, I'm hard pressed even to include a walkthrough for it. But anyway, you've got three minutes to do as many takedowns to your rivals as possible. As for the rivals themselves, they're marked by blue arrows above them and are relatively hard to miss. But anyway, to accomplish takedowns, it's easy if you have a car with a good amount of weight, but your choice isn't very diverse right now, so screw that. To accomplish takedowns, just approach rival cars from behind to psyche 'em out, plus get on their side and rub them against walls, and you'll end up with plenty of takedowns in no time. Just as a hint, I managed 18 takedowns at the end of this, so you can guess it isn't hard. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Race 1 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - 1st place Silver - 2nd place Bronze - 3rd place If you got through the last two events without a whole lot of difficulty, this place won't be very hard. It's basically the same track, except backwards. :) And the same kind of strategy applies here, but what you pretty much want to do is accomplish takedowns to as much extent as you possibly can, and use the boosts that you get at safe places, like the road shortly after the beginning of the lap, or the bridges (preferably the second one). If you can pull this off wisely, winning gold or at least silver shouldn't be very hard. And yes, signature takedowns are fairly numerous here, but you just need to watch out for traffic. With that done, the Silver Lake Grand Prix will open up, so that should be your next line of destination. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Race 2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - 1st place Silver - 2nd place Bronze - 3rd place As your introduction to the muscle series, this isn't a very difficult race. And in fact it really is nothing more than a race that's slightly harder and has a few more obstacles, not to mention is very reliant on takedowns. You want to make use of those, and since this tends to get a bit cramped, takedowns usually aren't very difficult. And as usual, the boosts are better used in some places than others. The road with the yellow hatchmarks, the tunnel near the entrance, that kinda thing. Since this is your FOURTH time here, you don't need me to remind you of strategies, right? Head over to the Silver Lake Eliminator challenge in the races next. And yes, we will get back to crashes in post and in haste. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Road Rage 2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - 9 Takedowns Silver - 5 Takedowns Bronze - 2 Takedowns If you have the Custom Muscle, which can be unlocked by getting 25,000 Burnout Points (i.e. something you should have by now), this will likely be a piece of cake. First of all this is a lot more difficult than the last road rage, no question there, but it's still not very hard at all. First of all, with the weight that you get from the Custom Muscle, you can pretty much ram an opponent from any side and you'll get them taken down. Just one thing to note: watch out for traffic and other obstacles because your car can only take so much damage her before you completely expire. But anyway, go to Face-Off 1 in Lakeside Getaway next... and yes, get gold in all the compact events! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Preview Lap 2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - 0:55:00 Silver - 1:03:00 Bronze - 1:15:00 This is quite possibly the hardest event in the entire game. I'm breaching the stuff in Europe with 2:20:00 with this one; this has to be beyond perfect, and even if you're completely perfect, you'll need luck and beyond to get even close to 55 seconds for this place. Plus you have one of the game's fastest vehicles, and I will add right now that if you crash once, or screw up even slightly, you might as well just restart. And I'm making this sound a thousand times easier than it is. That's just barely how hard this is. At the very beginning, grab some boost from the cars on the left and then keep going, but as you go you'll need to avoid the pillar there, so it might be a bad idea to go right between the two cars there. Stay on the right side of them and slow down slightly, then stick to the yellow hatchmarks and keep going from there. Go all around the car there to go through the alley, then after the two shortcuts, assuming you haven't crashed yet, make sure you grab the shortcut on the right, and then make every effort possible to take the tunnel on the right out. I can't teach you to avoid any crash possible, so it's all up to your instinct, and also luck, which you need a lot of. The next place to head off to is the Golden City crashes. Whoo-hoo, we're back to those again, but note that Tuk Down is your first destination, not Neon Nightmare, which the lying game makes you do only AFTER you're done with Tuk Down, hence the out of order. +-===========================================================================-+ \\ 5f. Downtown - Crash \\ GU.06 \\ +-===========================================================================-+ No, crashing isn't always a huge piece of cake. This might sort of demonstrate that. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Cross Traffic =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $140,000 Silver - $100,000 Bronze - $65,000 Crashbreaker - 8 Wrecks Luckily though, THIS is some of the easiest crap you've done in the entire game. Just pull it off by first heading to the left side of the road and grabbing the boost there, and then you'll have to cut through the traffic a bit to get a bronze marker on the other side. Keep going from there for a silver marker, and then all the way to the end, collecting the gold marker there and then veering over to the left to crash into traffic there. Let Impact Mode take over as stuff collides in there, and when eight wrecks are accomplished, use Crashbreaker to hover through the air back, and then stuff will just keep crashing. An easy $250,000 here, from me anyway. ;) Head for Demolition next. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Demolition =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $190,000 Silver - $150,000 Bronze - $55,000 Crashbreaker - 8 Wrecks Not very difficult here either... basically, you might want to ignore the boost marker in front of you and then head past the intersection in front of you, then keep going to a bronze marker, and then a little forward, a silver marker. Try and cause some disruption right in that intersection, and that'll be all you need to do for that. As it IS an intersection, it'll cause the most damage with stuff crashing into each other, and then you can use your crashbreaker to move forward, collect the gold marker, and crash into the big rigs. Don't go straight for them, though, because while they do look appealing, they aren't going to damage each other much. And with that, head to Silver Lake's Shut Up And Jump next. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Dead End =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $500,000 Silver - $250,000 Bronze - $70,000 Crashbreaker - 10 Wrecks Bah... this is another one that relies on execution, but ah well. Drive just ahead on the right side of the road to avoid an oncoming car, then drive over to the left to avoid the other one. From there, collect the boost there and drive over to the right, crashing into some traffic there but going in the direction of the x4 marker. Crash there and use Impact Mode and the crashbreaker to go right towards it, but avoid the heartbreaker at all costs. That shouldn't be a problem if you stick to the right, though. With that, head for Wrecks City. Nope, it's not prehistoric either. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Wrecks City =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $450,000 Silver - $250,000 Bronze - $70,000 Crashbreaker - 10 Wrecks A particularly easy crash compared to the last two. All you really have to do is collect the boost and take the ramp on the right, and with enough throttle you can get the x4 multiplier in midair. I doubt you'll have much luck getting $450,000 without it, but if you miss it you can always use Impact Mode to go to the right and get the x2 multiplier. But if you do and hopefully will get the x4 multiplier, crash to the right for a gold marker, and expand destruction to both lanes of traffic. Easy gold... now for the Beatles parody known as Ticket to Collide, in Silver Lake. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Hate To Be Late =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $600,000 Silver - $250,000 Bronze - $80,000 Crashbreaker - 15 Wrecks Just in case you were out of it from that long line of incredibly difficult races, this is an extremely easy crash to get you back into it. First of all, head through the tunnel and then veer over to the left a bit for a boost and a bronze marker, and then just keep going on, grabbing the x2 multiplier along the way, and crashing into the tanker there. A huge crash ensues, and you can use a crashbreaker or two to get to the x4 multiplier in front of the tanker if you missed it in the first place. Enjoy a nice, good $1,700,000 or so. Continue to Silver Lake's 3 Ways To Fly. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Hold Tight =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $500,000 Silver - $250,000 Bronze - $80,000 Crashbreaker - 12 Wrecks Another really automatic crash junction... must be a theme with the third Burnout crash tour lap or something. Anyway, I digress. Start by grabbing the boost and then driving through the intersection, which I did simply by driving straight, but just be a bit careful through there. Then you have a choice of either launching off a ramp for a gold marker and possibly an easier x4 multiplier, but I did this simply by getting the crashbreaker, hitting the blue big rig, getting another crashbreaker, and then flying toward the x4 multiplier. The choice is yours, both work. Advance to Traffic Jammed. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Traffic Jammed =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $450,000 Silver - $250,000 Bronze - $80,000 Crashbreaker - 10 Wrecks Compared to the last few crashes, this is a decisively difficult one because you'll have to pull off some finicky execution for this. Start by driving through the tunnel, along the middle to avoid the two oncoming cars. Then veer over to the right when you get out for a boost marker, and then launch yourself off the ramp in the direction of the x4 multiplier. Pass up the silver and gold markers, and even the x4 multiplier, and go straight for the big rig there. With crashbreaker and impact mode you can get the x4 multiplier, but even so, getting the gold will require you to spread the chaos everywhere. Your next destination, anyways, is in Alpine, Exact Change. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Bus Blockade =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $600,000 Silver - $250,000 Bronze - $85,000 Crashbreaker - 14 Wrecks Another extremely easy crash junction, despite my cliche around that phrase. The hardest part is the very beginning: getting around the buses right in front. Yeah, there IS a literal reason for some of these names. Key word: some. Stick to the right side of the road and drive at maximum speed and you'll avoid them. Now keep going straight on for a boost and a ramp, and use all the speed you have in you to go forward, straight for the x4 multiplier at the end of the intersection. You probably won't reach it on your first try, so use a crashbreaker or two. Easy. =D Waterfront's T-Boned, thus, opens. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Grid Locked =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $600,000 Silver - $400,000 Bronze - $90,000 Crashbreaker - 12 Wrecks What I did here, and what might not also be the best possible strategy but worked quite well for me, was just get the boost marker on the right and then switch over to the left side of the road and shortly after getting the x2 multiplier along the way, crash into a car there and then use impact mode to get the x4 multiplier at the far end, not to mention break down whatever else you can, like the traffic in the intersection or the motorhomes. Not a hard gold overall... time for some Air Rage. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Air Rage =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $500,000 Silver - $200,000 Bronze - $90,000 Crashbreaker - 12 Wrecks Not much of a challenge. Start by entering the right lanes when you get the first opportunity after entering, and dash right on ahead to the ramp that you reach, which will offer you a gold cash marker and an x4 multiplier at the very end. Not hard from there; you'll pretty much automatically gain some momentum from that, crash into the blue big rig, and then you'll get a good $500,000 from there, ending up with gold. Not very hard, just finish this up with Hit and Run. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Hit And Run =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $500,000 Silver - $250,000 Bronze - $80,000 Crashbreaker - 15 Wrecks Just like Silver Lake, Downtown chooses to end with a particularly easy crash junction. All you have to do is start by going on the left side of the road to a ramp, and then launching off of that, getting a gold marker, and going directly toward the x4 multiplier right ahead. Crash into the big rig as you do, using the crashbreakers to help, and you'll instantly get a whole lot more than the piddly little $500,000 needed to get gold here. Downtown is DONE. Now for Waterfront... shall we? +-===========================================================================-+ \\ 5g. Kings of the Road - Races \\ GU.07 \\ +-===========================================================================-+ Nope, there are no crash junctions for this place, just races. So interpret that as you will. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Face-Off =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This is one of the more difficult events in all of the USA. It's a face-off, once again, against a guy who poses quite a bit of challenge. There is VERY little to say about this place, as it's so straightforward, but your car needs to be oriented with speed and not weight. Takedowns are a lot more difficult to pull off in large numbers here, not that you'll be able to pull them off at ALL if you don't have speed. You need boosts, skill, and a little bit of luck if you plan to win this, and if you crash, then unless you do an aftertouch takedown, then you should pretty much reset. The course itself is divided into two halves, and the second half is two lanes. You really don't need much help for the first half, except I'll say this: make use of takedowns if at all possible, since there may be a lot of opportunities in tunnels, when your rival gets really close to you, and then you can try and push him into the wall. So if that's even remotely possible, take advantage of that possibility. For the second half, it's MUCH harder because of the traffic. What I recommend is simply driving, not using the boost, on the left lane to get as much boost as possible, and then heading to the right when possible, and you have a full bar, making use of that boost but not making it uber risky at the same time. Good luck, this is HARD but worth it. Road Rage 2 in Downtown next... enjoy the new vehicle by the way. =P =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Race =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - 1st place Silver - 2nd place Bronze - 3rd place Don't worry if this place looks a little difficult when you first get into it, because it starts off on the freeway with a lot of traffic, and just gets progressively easier. Pretty much, you should just focus on going slower and getting past opponents in the first half, until you get out of all the traffic, and then from there use your boosts to speed ahead. It gets a lot easier from thenon to do takedowns, except for one particular, annoying left turn. And then it just becomes a pushover to a gold medal for this place. Head for the Waterfront Muscle Grand Prix next. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold Medal GP =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - 1st place Silver - 2nd place Bronze - 3rd place I'm going to leave you pretty much to your own on this one, and that's for a few reasons. First of all, if you even unlocked this you probably have 172 out of 173 gold medals and don't even need a strategy. Second of all it's really no different from any other grand prix; you won't even go to Tropical Drive for this one. Before you know it this will be done, and you'll get the very disappointing Super Prototype out of it. Ah well... you've finally finished Burnout 3... now get all the other stuff, and play some single events. Fun stuff and all. =) +-===========================================================================-+ \\ 5h. Lakeside Getaway - Races \\ GU.08 \\ +-===========================================================================-+ With Face-Off 1 and a Race available, you've got your stuff wide open for choices. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Face-Off 1 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= One of the more difficult things to do in the entire game, to be completely honest with you I won this by a huge miracle. First of all, this track takes nearly five minutes to finish, and as such you need to be immensely consistent throughout the entire thing. That means NEVER crash... whenever I crashed this, he pretty much got ten whole seconds ahead of me. And that brings me to another point: don't think that if you accomplish a takedown on him and get a bit ahead, it's going to last. That means absolutely nothing; the AI does, after all, cheat, so expect huge difficulties with this one. That also means keeping a decent amount of boost for the whole thing. But anyway, this place is divided into three recognizable parts. The first part, you'll have to just be faster. Keep the gas held as high as possible, and keep going forward ahead of him, and make sure you keep him on sight at all times. You also want to pull off a takedown or two on him, so that you can get some boost for the future. But for the love of god don't just use every last bit of it immediately, because the course is only going to get difficulty, as you reach the super-freeway. You'll want to be vigorous as you go through here, and do NOT crash. The same freeway tactics apply here: drive on the left when you need more boost, and on the right to just boost ahead. This freeway is long and unforgiving, so make sure you get through it tactically. And once again, being honest, my rival ended up 9 whole seconds ahead of me, but then you reach the third part, which is wide paths around the mountains. There IS some traffic here, but don't worry about that. I managed to keep up a huge boost through the entire thing, and at the VERY end, found my rival and pulled off a takedown on him by just smashing him with that boost. But that brings up another point: boosts can make takedowns easier, thus more boosts, so steadiness is a vital point in this race. Good luck, you'll need it... head for the Race next. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Race =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - 1st place Silver - 2nd place Bronze - 3rd place This is a muscle race, which brings about the question of speed or weight, in which I completely opt for speed here. Takedowns won't be very important here, while a key is to stay ahead constantly. And that's actually possible here, since the AI isn't as freaking impossible as it was in the last race. Anyway, this race is in Lakeside Getaway backwards, and isn't really that bad. There's virtually nothing to say here; just stay consistently ahead, and take note that the middle of the race is the hardest, so get through that and the end should be a piece of cake. Head for Mountain Parkway's Face-Off 1 next. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Face-Off 2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Maybe it's just me, but I didn't find this face-off half as difficult as the other one. For one thing, it might be because this is sheerly a muscle race and thus you get a faster car available, but I found the last part of this race to be substantially closer, and I didn't win by sheer dumb luck this time. So it's pretty much the same strategy for Face-Off 1, except it's not really hard at all. Just watch out for the traffic, accomplish a takedown or two if possible, and you'll win with no problem. Go to Mountain Parkway - Face-Off 2 next, with your OMG AWESOME MUSCLE GOLD MEDALS! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Special Event =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - 1st place Silver - 2nd place Bronze - 3rd place No, this is NOT a time attack! It's yet another grand prix, this one pimping out your US Circuit Racer. And it's also exponentially more difficult than the last grand prix. Let me just say one thing: you really used to driving through Frozen Peak, Coastal Dream, and Tropical Drive one way, right? You'll have to drive through those game tracks, backwards, and a hell of a lot harder. You're treated to Lakeside Getaway right off the bat, which is probably one of the most difficult of the four courses. There's a hell of a lot of traffic, so make sure that you drive slowly while staying ahead of the opposition. Another thing which really weighs into this entire grand prix is that you have to focus on not crashing over speed. While you may slow down and an opponent will get 1 second ahead of you, you might crash and then he'll get 6 seconds ahead of you, and then you need to majorly speed up to ever get back, then you just crash again. Might as well not let it happen the first time. That's really all I can say; don't give up early on that course, though, since it's over 8 minutes long. The second race is in Frozen Peak and is in my opinion the hardest of these four races. A lot of stuff here is very difficult to see, but hey, you get some safe boosting spots here and there, so that's always good. Just don't crash into obstacles and stay as steady as you did in the first race, and you should be able to pull through decently. Then the third race starts in Coastal Dream, which is probably the easiest of the four races. You'll start on a road filled with traffic, so make use of some takedowns here and there, and it pretty much gets easier from there. Just don't crash into any walls during that, and if you got through Lakeside Getaway and Frozen Peak, you shouldn't have a problem. And then two massive laps through Coastal Dream start. You may think that this will be a piece of cake finish, but this is just as hard if not harder than any of the races yet, except maybe Frozen Peak. You have to stay consistently fast and furious through this place, going through without crashing a single time, or you'll finish a long bit before anyone else. It's really a pity that it has to end with such difficulty, but I'll just say something else that applies: watch out for the road after the second jungle path. It's absolutely treacherous and can be very hard to see with the hills blocking everything. And just remember the left side of the road is the correct one to drive one. =) Supposing that you manage to pull tnrough this place, you'll need a Special Event Postcard for the World. Yep, that was the world grand prix, alright. Happy with yourself right now? Ah well, if you want my finishing place, they were: Lakeside Getaway, 1st place; Frozen Peak, 4th place; Coastal Dream, 1st place; Tropical Drive, 2nd place. Don't take that religiously though; that's 6 + 2 + 6 + 4 points, equaling 20, and someone can always get 4 + 6 + 4 + 6, equaling 20, so that may end up a little shaky, but ah well, you'll pull through with enough effort. Now it's time for the crash tour's fourth lap. It starts at Silver Lake, as usual. +-===========================================================================-+ \\ 5i. Mountain Parkway - Races \\ GU.09 \\ +-===========================================================================-+ This is the last track in all of the USA. And nope, there are STILL no crash events, in which we will get back to eventually, I promise. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Face-Off 1 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= While this event is by absolutely no means easy, it has roughly half the difficulty of the last face-off, and in fact I'd call it a pushover if it weren't for the last third or so of it. The first part of the track is no problem at all; it's a mountain path with very little trouble at all. However, once you get to the roads, it becomes a bit of a problem as it becomes hard as hell to see anything. When you get to that area, try leaning towards one side of the wall, lest something appear behind you to crash into. And since the AI is considerably worse when you can see them, you should have no problem there, and you can move on to the ROAD RAGE! YEAH MAN! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Road Rage =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - 10 Takedowns Silver - 7 Takedowns Bronze - 3 Takedowns Alright, if you've thought the recent stuff you've done has been too difficult, this is the epitome of easiness, as are the Road Rages in general. Only ten takedowns are necessary, and Mountain Parkway isn't a bad place for that. You just need to focus on not crashing or getting takendown yourself, while focusing on weight (i.e. the Custom Muscle). And from there, you can pretty much speed into a car and you'll pull off a takedown right there. And it gets even easier as it goes, when you get into tight spots and can just push an opponent into a wall for an easy takedown. Kings of the Road - Race next. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Face-Off 2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This is virtually the exact same face-off as Face-Off 1 earlier. Just for those who need a bit of a recap: a third or so of this track is really dangerous, but besides that it's all easiness that you can speed through. With experience here you likely will never run into any problem with this race. And with that, you're pretty much done with all of the USA that you can do at the moment, so now you pretty much have to go on to Europe. Yep, if we're gonna kick America's ass, might as well kick Europe's ass too, right? ;) Sorry for my racism. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Special Event =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - 2:35:00 Silver - 2:50:00 Bronze - 3:10:00 This is really one of the easier burning laps in the entire game, but it really will demand quite a bit off of you; it's not quote on quote "easy". First of all, in order to get your boosts, just drive on the left side of the road to pick up some boost, and then just continue onward, on the right side of the road that time, using all the boost in you to get out. You'll need to pick up more boost as you go, but just focus on staying on the right side of the road to avoid danger. And yes, you can crash a time or two here and still get gold, in fact I did. Alpine's Face-Off is next. \\---------------------------------------------------------------------------// ** 6. Walkthrough (Europe) ** WA.06 ** \\---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Yes, Europe has substantially more difficult courses than the USA. However, that's where Arbeast comes in. Yes he does! +-===========================================================================-+ \\ 6a. Winter City - Races \\ GE.01 \\ +-===========================================================================-+ Yep, you've got a Race open, so you might as well heard there first. Then it'll be Vineyard for a bit, and some crashing at last! Cool. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Race =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - 1st place Silver - 2nd place Bronze - 3rd place A lot more difficult than a lot of races, this place is full of traffic and aggressive turning. That's kinda what you'll come to expect from Europe after a while though. Anyway, this place opens up with some aggressive turning, and when you get through it's pretty much a whole lot of traffic. You may not want to go too fast through here, keeping an eye ahead of you, but eventually you might end up in an alley that will allow you to virtually speed ahead, and hey, even if you do crash, it makes takedowns a piece of cake. With this place done, might as well get to Vineyard's races, the Special Event. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Special Event =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - 0:54:00 Silver - 1:04:00 Bronze - 1:14:00 While the 54 second time limit may look very intimidating, you've already seen the truly difficult stuff. In fact, one of the hardest things in the entire course is right off at the entrance. Get past the three left turns right at the entrance, and then you're pretty much good to go except for the occasional traffic which will plague you, or the end in which is full of buildings to crash into. The last race was a good warm-up, anyhow. With this done and hopefully that time accomplished, time for some ELIMINATION! Oh yeah. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Eliminator =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - 1st place Silver - 2nd place Bronze - 3rd place This is Winter City, backwards from that last race, but anyhow, the same kind of tactics apply. The beginning of this is still the most difficult part, as you're moving around buildings which are easy to crash into. From there, the later middle can be a little annoying, and you'll need to carefully decide which lane to move around in, because it's particularly easy to crash into stuff. Then from the end it's the same old right turns, except they're a bit easier here, I dunno why. Not really hard, overall. Alpine's Road Rage is next. +-===========================================================================-+ \\ 6b. Winter City - Crash \\ GE.02 \\ +-===========================================================================-+ If you do come here, then awesome, if you've been following this walkthrough you haven't crashed in ages. =D =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Slip And Slide =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $350,000 Silver - $200,000 Bronze - $75,000 Crashbreaker - 10 Wrecks A good introduction to Europe's crash events. Start by heading a little bit over to the right, near the plants and the benches, to grab a series of cash markers, as well as a boost. Then you'll find yourself out near the road, and you can veer over to the right for a x2 multiplier. You need $350,000 for this, which is quite a hefty sum of money, but it really doesn't pose much of a challenge if you get the multiplier, crash into the big rig there, then use Impact Mode to cause whatever other damage you can, then a Crashbreaker to hit other lanes. Anyways, for best flow, head for Coastal Dream next. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Pump Up The Tram =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $500,000 Silver - $265,000 Bronze - $70,000 Crashbreaker - 10 Wrecks For this (extremely easy) crash junction, you may notice that you have a hefty sum of $500,000 to accomplish, but regardless this is a piece of cake because it might very well be your introduction to the x4 multiplier. To most easily accomplish the feat of $500,000 here, hug on to the left for the bronze money marker, then over to the right for the gold, and to the left for the silver, and then smash into the traffic there while making an effort to grab the x4 multiplier as you go. Then traffic will collide and you can pick that up and POSSIBLY even the x2 multiplier behind it! =D A whole lotta money is very easy here, this is such a joke. Anyway, head for Riviera's races next. Road Rage, yo. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Corner Chaos =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $450,000 Silver - $200,000 Bronze - $70,000 Crashbreaker - 10 Wrecks A much harder crash junction than the previous few, but ah well. Collect the bronze marker right at the entrance, and then head to the lane on the right to avoid the upcoming traffic. From there, take a left at the intersection and collect the gold marker there, and crash into the traffic while aiming for the x2 marker. Get the Crashbreaker marker too and then aim for the x4 marker, while disrupting both lanes, and then performing another Crashbreaker. And with some performance you'll grab gold. Now, head to Alpine Expressway at last. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Riverside Wreck =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $690,000 Silver - $300,000 Bronze - $70,000 Crashbreaker - 10 Wrecks One of the harder crash events, this one takes quite a bit of execution to pull off. First of all, ignore the traffic right in front of you and then just rush ahead, through traffic, unless you at least hit the crashbreaker under the bridge. Try and cause at least a little bit of chaos a bit before that area, and then use the crashbreaker and Impact Mode to get the x4 multiplier that's in the middle of the road. Then some trucks will crash into you, and hopefully you'll get enough chaos for 690,000 freaking bucks. Next off is Alpine's Don't Look Down. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Snow Joke =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $500,000 Silver - $250,000 Bronze - $80,000 Crashbreaker - 12 Wrecks This is an extremely easy crash junction as long as you do one thing which I'll get to in a second. First of all, head over to the left and get the gold cash marker there, and then keep going to the ramp, jump off of it, and use Impact Mode to veer over to the right, instead of getting the Heartbreaker. That's important; as long as you do that you can pretty much assure gold. Collect the x4 multiplier, and then keep going to the buses, blow stuff up, and spread the damage out as much as possible. With that easy gold in the bag, I opt for Golden City's Turn & Burn next. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Market Crash =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $500,000 Silver - $250,000 Bronze - $75,000 Crashbreaker - 15 Wrecks Good, a nice easy crash junction compared to the last one. =) Start by driving forward and then taking a very slight left to avoid the first, irrelevant intersection. Continue into the middle path through the market, grab the gold marker and the boost, but then immediately avoid the heartbreaker right in front of it. =P Continue to the crashbreaker, and use whatever you can (impact mode, one of two crashbreakers) for the x4 multiplier. Easy gold. Move on to Riviera's Cliff Hanger (no not literally) next. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Winter Wipe Out =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $450,000 Silver - $225,000 Bronze - $80,000 Crashbreaker - 12 Wrecks A relatively easy junction as long as you pull one key thing off. First of all there are two ramps near the entrance to use, and the correct one to use is the one on the right. Manuever around a little bit while aiming for the crashbreaker and once you get that, head straight for the x4 multiplier between the buses. It's very possible not to end up with it, but oh well, you'll get a wreckage crashbreaker from all the stuff that gets damaged from that first crashbreaker, so two tries should be enough. Moving on, Vineyard's Haul A$$. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Crash Landing =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $390,000 Silver - $270,000 Bronze - $80,000 Crashbreaker - 14 Wrecks Geez, just how many absolutely automatic golds do we need in crash junctions? This one's no different from the usual flow. Skip the first intersection's stuff and just keep going, and also miss the boost marker and the ramp that you pass along the way. Take the ramp at the end of the right side of the road, slanted over to the left, and land on the x4 multiplier. No matter where you go, you'll rack up enough damage to get a skimpy $390,000 anyhow. A good next chaos spot is Bale Out in Vineyard. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Run For The Bus =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $600,000 Silver - $275,000 Bronze - $75,000 Crashbreaker - 15 Wrecks Yay, a very illiterate title. Ah well, whatever. Despite the City Bus you're driving is somewhat blocking your eyesight, this is not a particularly hard thing to do. Start by veering left for a boost, and then going between the cars on the right to grab the x4 multiplier that's there. You'll almost immediately afterward pick up a crashbreaker from that, and then all hell freezes over along the track. An easy gold, do I need to go on? Anyways, that's all for Europe. Head on over to the Far East, to Dockside again. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= On Rampage =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $800,000 Silver - $400,000 Bronze - $90,000 Crashbreaker - 14 Wrecks Just how many particularly easy crash junctions do we need? I mean, this is the fourteenth to last crash junction and it's still this simple? Ah well, just get the boost, speed down the road along the right and get the gold marker and then the crashbreaker that you find, and then just head to the upper left at such a common-sensical angle that you avoid the heartbreaker. How hard is that?... You guessed it, it's not hard at all. Now move on over to Riviera and its Jumping Jam. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Cool For Crash =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $800,000 Silver - $350,000 Bronze - $85,000 Crashbreaker - 15 Wrecks Well... at least this one is SLIGHTLY harder than the rest of the stuff. Key word: slightly. You're in the Classic Hotrod at the moment, and we all know how THAT operates. Ah well, I digress. Start by driving forward but very slowly running into the wall ahead of you, but not crashing. If you want to skip the boost, fine, but I prefer to grab it, get the boost marker, and then speed ahead and hit the tanker in the right lane. This causes an explosion which will allow you to get the x4 multiplier and expand things to your liking. Easy gold, need I say more? Alpine is your next target. +-===========================================================================-+ \\ 6c. Vineyard - Races \\ GE.03 \\ +-===========================================================================-+ Contrary on the name, there is absolutely nothing religious or whatever in this place. And that might be a good thing. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Special Event =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - 1:20:00 Silver - 1:30:00 Bronze - 1:45:00 This is an extremely easy event for gold, especially for a time attack. Barring some big mistake, you'll have little to no problems getting through this, whatsoever. Just a few things... the beginning of this place has some slight hints of traffic on it, but nothing that will make you CRASH or anything! =) Just head near it to get some boost, then just speed ahead and be ready to turn left quite a bit. It's a NASCAR event, I tell ya. Then another thing to worry about is an arch you'll go through, with two big pillars to crash into. That's bad, but without a mistake like that, you'll pull through. Road Rage time! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Road Rage 1 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - 12 Takedowns Silver - 8 Takedowns Bronze - 4 Takedowns Possibly even easier than the last event, if that is at all possible. Only twelve takedowns is a complete pushover, plus your rivals tend to come in pairs of three, making them even easier to just slam into walls and then just walk right over them. Just try not to lure them around everywhere and then end up crashing alongside them, and this event won't be any problem at all. And with that done... head for Winter City crashes. =P =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Face-Off =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= You've probably seen some pretty damn tough face-offs, and this sure ain't one of them. In fact, this is pretty easy, since at least this time, you can keep up with your rival even if you crash (in fact, I crashed twice but won anyway), but eh well, it might be because you have more cars now. With that, you need to do two laps around Vineyard, and the traffic isn't really that bad, although at the end you will need to keep an eye on the two lanes and choose wisely, although a lot of those make it really easy to score takedowns on. Might as well head for the Grand Prix next. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Coupe Grand Prix =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - 1st place Silver - 2nd place Bronze - 3rd place Well at least we got out of the coupe series quick enough. ;) Anyway, the first part of the grand prix takes place in a particularly easy place: Vineyard. Not hard at all, in fact, there are a lot of narrow places throughout this track that make takedowns particularly easy, and in fact I got two aftertouch takedowns here without even realizing it, so you get the idea that that might be a little easy. With some speed on you, you'll pull through this with no problem at all. Second race. The next race is in Winter City, which has a particularly minimal amount of traffic. Once again, you're just substantially faster than the opposition, and don't even get me started with when they're on-screen. ;) Stick on the left lane if you need the boosts, but otherwise just whore this and move on. As for the third race, it's nothing really special, although traffic is really numerous especially compared to the last two courses. So watch out for that, and also make use of the numerous takedown opportunities, and that's coupe mastered out, right? ;) With that... Riviera's Burning Lap is next. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Road Rage 2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - 15 Takedowns Silver - 8 Takedowns Bronze - 4 Takedowns Yeah, I admit that this is quite a bit more difficult than the last Road Rage. In fact, this was the first one in which I actually felt a slight risk of having my car expire. However, it's still not very hard, especially compared to some of those manic races/time trials. Take note that sports cars have no weight at all, so my suggestion is to just slam yourself into cars with the speed cranked up. Also, Vineyard isn't the worst place in the world for it, but make damn sure you're not always crashing into stuff, or you can kiss your success at this place goodbye. Now rock it on to Coastal Dream's Race. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Eliminator =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - 1st place Silver - 2nd place Bronze - 3rd place This is not a particularly hard eliminator. Pretty much the only thing that you really have to worry about are opponents getting behind you and then ramming you into obstacles. A particularly nasty obstacle is the arch that separates the last two thirds of the course. Once you get through there, that lap is pretty much in the bag. Since this is, after all, a sports event, you shouldn't have much problems with turning, so just watch out for rivals pulling things, boost later, and you'll get gold easily. Sports Grand Prix next in Alpine Expressway next, mirite? +-===========================================================================-+ \\ 6d. Vineyard - Crash \\ GE.04 \\ +-===========================================================================-+ While you won't be here right after the races in this place, it rocks anyway. So, with that... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Grapes of Wrath =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $285,000 Silver - $175,000 Bronze - $70,000 Crashbreaker - 10 Wrecks Not very difficult at all, and I could spend an hour here ranting about the incredibly cliched pun that they used here TWICE, but I won't. Just for you, my darling readers. ;) Anyway, head straight forward and grab the bronze marker, then swerve over to the left and get the silver marker if at all possible, but try primarily to get the x2 multiplier and then try to spread out to the other lane to cause some damage there, as well. It may take a time or two to pull off, but it's not really that bad. With that, let's keep on crashing, preferably in a place without a horribly cliched name. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Jack Knife City =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $450,000 Silver - $250,000 Bronze - $70,000 Crashbreaker - 12 Wrecks Another bad name, but not nearly as bad as that terribly cliched pun from before. But anyway, this is extremely easy almost to automatic standards. To do this in a fool-proof way, just grab the boost and then launch off the ramp, getting the x2 multiplier there, and land on the Crashbreaker icon. With that, rocket over to the x4 multiplier and gold marker just a little bit ahead, and you'll get over two million bucks from this crash junction alone. Sweet as hell. With that done, head to Winter City's Corner Chaos. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Grape Fear =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $650,000 Silver - $300,000 Bronze - $75,000 Crashbreaker - 14 Wrecks Thought those two names were horrible? This is the WORST name I have ever seen. I mean, dear god almighty, this makes me sick. Regardless, this is another one of the easiest crash junctions in the game. Start by veering to the right to get a boost marker, and then as you go down the following road to the left, stay just slightly over to the right, collect the bronze and silver markers, and collect the crashbreaker. Use Impact Mode to fly over to the x4 multiplier, and then do your best to spread the mayhem to both sides of the road. Enjoy your easy gold, and move on to Field of Screams, which is actually *gasp* a decent name! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Field of Screams =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $800,000 Silver - $300,000 Bronze - $70,000 Crashbreaker - 14 Wrecks Despite actually not having a bad name, this place is still fairly easy. Start by heading along the lanes on the left, and totally passing up the boost marker, since that'll just screw things up. Keep going forward, and collect the gold marker, crashbreaker, and x4 multiplier, and then you're treated to buses and trucks crashing into each other, and if that's enough, use a crashbreaker to just fly over to the right lane and cause some disasters there. Regardless of the high $800,000 predicted, this shouldn't be a problem. Move on to Alpine's Chilly Crash, with that. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Country Chaos =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $500,000 Silver - $200,000 Bronze - $80,000 Crashbreaker - 12 Wrecks Honestly one of the most difficult crash junctions in the entire game, you'll need to pull this off near perfectly if you're trying to aim for the $500,000 needed to get gold. Start by veering to the right for a boost marker, and then you'll have to time it just right so that the upcoming car doesn't hit you, so swerve over to the left or right as necessary. Grab the bronze marker and then launch off the ramp for silver and gold, avoiding the heartbreaker, and then I really recommend alternating impact mode on and off so that you can get the crashbreaker. Use that, create as much damage as possible, get the x4 multiplier and hit the lane on the right, but it's hard. Good luck... onto Winter City now. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Haul A$$ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $630,000 Silver - $350,000 Bronze - $80,000 Crashbreaker - 14 Wrecks Wow, EA can't even bring themselves to say a simple word like ass. No really, ass. Ass. Ass, I say! ASS! Okay, I apologize. Seriously, this is an incredibly easy crash. Here's all you need to do; AVOID the boost marker. That'll just net you an instant heartbreaker. Instead, just get the bronze marker and the crashbreaker, then rocket towards the x4 multiplier while trying to block the upcoming traffic. Enjoy an easy $1,500,000 or so. Forward to Alpine's Lanes Lunacy. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Bale Out =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $600,000 Silver - $250,000 Bronze - $70,000 Crashbreaker - 14 Wrecks This one only LOOKS intimidating, it's much easier than your first glimpse might make it look like. First of all, drive along the left side of the road, just for the boost marker, and then about the time you get the x2 multiplier along the way, just "accidentally" crash into something. You'll have enough momentum left over to guide yourself to the back and get the x4 multiplier, but make sure you take a hard turn there and AVOID the heartbreaker. Naturally, the x4 and HB have to be so damn close to each other. I digress. Medieval Mash, k? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Medieval Mash =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $600,000 Silver - $300,000 Bronze - $75,000 Crashbreaker - 15 Wrecks Bah. You know the "easy" drill by now, I suppose. Oh well, just drive forward, get the boost marker, and then launch off the ramp right up front. Once you hit midair, aim for the x4 multiplier and then take a very hard left to the crashbreaker on the left. You'll have to do this pretty fast, though, lest you want to halve your score, and that would make me a sad puppy. Anyway, that crashbreaker will give you $600,000 effortlessly. Now off to Alpine's new crash, Corkscrewed. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Crash Au Van =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $400,000 Silver - $265,000 Bronze - $95,000 Crashbreaker - 10 Wrecks Another easy junction that fails to be difficult yet is automatically slightly harder than the last one. Just speed down and get the boost marker, as well as the bronze cash marker that follows in the path, and then immediately swerve over to the right for an x2 multiplier and a crashbreaker, so with that you can go over to the x4 multiplier and then veer to the left so that you can do some damage to the big rigs, and even if you don't get the ten wrecks, you'll get the necessary moolah. Task done, finish Vineyard now. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gate Crasher =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $800,000 Silver - $400,000 Bronze - $100,000 Crashbreaker - 15 Wrecks An easy gold, just make sure of one thing. Do NOT pick up the boost right by the entrance; that just makes this task unnecessarily difficult. Go around it and launch off the ramp, getting the bronze marker and heading towards the x4 multiplier, with the full throttle going on the analog stick. With that, steer over to the left with whatever impact mode you have left, and with enough luck you'll end up in the middle of the traffic, which will allow for your collection of the crashbreaker. Instant gold, yada yada yada. Back to Riviera. +-===========================================================================-+ \\ 6e. Alpine - Races \\ GE.05 \\ +-===========================================================================-+ Alpine, eh...? 'Kay, I'm out of jokes. Head for the Special Event to start this off. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Special Event =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - 1:35:00 Silver - 1:45:00 Bronze - 2:00:00 This time trial here is freaking hard as hell, since you're controlling a car that's well capable of over 200 MPH with enough boost on it. So you'll have to think fast, and find a good strategy for getting boosts and keeping it that way, as far as lanes go. For one thing, I recommend sticking to the left as you come in, because at least then it'll be marginally safe. ;) Then it's mainly a show over to the right, and trying to hug it over to be safe from the freeway moments. Good luck on this, and don't try for gold immediately, since it's effin' hard. Take to the Race next. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Road Rage =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - 10 Takedowns Silver - 7 Takedowns Bronze - 5 Takedowns Oh come on, do I really need to guide you through the collection of ten measly takedowns? Either way, the path is exactly the same as before, and although the opponents ARE a little more difficult to takedown than a few you've encountered, it's still not very hard to really ram them into a wall and cause some damage there. So just keep it up until you win, it isn't hard in the slightest. Head for Vineyard, Face-Off next. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Race =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - 1st place Silver - 2nd place Bronze - 3rd place Not a very difficult race, this takes place on Alpine backwards and isn't exactly going to try you very hard. To start off with, the track is fairly straightforward except for one big turn at the entrance. Enjoy the narrow path that ensues, and then the path will almost entirely split into two. Although the left is always the place to go for boosts, if anyone else takes the right, that will be an excellent opportunity for boosts in terms of takedowns, lemme tell ya. ;) With that, this isn't too bad at all. And with this race done, a Special Event way back in Silver Lake opens up... yay. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Face-Off =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This isn't an extremely difficult face-off, but there are a couple of things about it that make it a tad bit annoying. For one thing, your opponent will constantly slam into you and attempt to take you down. Very annoying, and it doesn't help that he's really tough to take down himself. So with the boosts that you can accomplish, try to use them to ram into him and take him down, and with that, keep it. The end of this course can make it hard to see the upcoming traffic, so play this one out safe or you might be an injured man in terms of egos. With that, Continental Run's Face-Off 2 comes next. +-===========================================================================-+ \\ 6f. Alpine - Crash \\ GE.06 \\ +-===========================================================================-+ What can I say, it's the awesome place known as Alpine in crash mode form. That is it for my annoying commentary, so... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Roadblock =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $370,000 Silver - $200,000 Bronze - $65,000 Crashbreaker - 10 Wrecks Not horribly difficult in the slightest, if executed correctly. All you need to do is shoot forward for the speed boost up front, and then alternate lanes to get the money. Now go past a little bit of traffic up front and crash right there, to find an x2 multiplier in front of you. From there, head to the two lanes to the right, since that big mess you made in the two lanes on the left should be enough to suffice and cause destruction. =) Make sure you get all that stuff, as well as the tankers, then you'll cause a second big mess on the right. Yay... I pulled off $490,000+ here, so you can imagine $370,000 isn't very hard. Head to Pump Up The Tram in Winter City next. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Don't Look Down =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $500,000 Silver - $400,000 Bronze - $70,000 Crashbreaker - 10 Wrecks If you thought the last crash was hard, this should come as welcome relief. This is seriously perhaps the easiest junction since the game's beginning; start by hugging the right and keeping on until you reach a ramp, and then jump off of that, crashing into the traffic in the direction of the x4 multiplier, not to mention getting the x2 multiplier in midair. There are lots of big vehicles down there, like snow plows and tankers which will fetch you big bucks, so even if you only get the x2 multiplier you'll get the required $500,000 with no trouble whatsoever. Go to Vineyard's crappy Grape Fear next. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Chilly Crash =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $800,000 Silver - $380,000 Bronze - $80,000 Crashbreaker - 10 Wrecks This one isn't really that hard, you just need to execute it correctly. First of all, don't go too fast; I'd say roughly 50 mph would be good for the first part of this. Keep going forward and avoiding the cars on the right, and grab whatever boosts that you can. When a big red truck appears to the left, crash into that and then use whatever you can to get the x4 multiplier that's just ahead. As long as you don't do this too fast or slow, that should be an easy $800,000 right there. Head for Riviera's Spin The Wheel with that. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Exact Change =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $550,000 Silver - $250,000 Bronze - $70,000 Crashbreaker - 14 Wrecks Another extremely easy crash junction. It's a theme, I tell ya, but anyways. Grab the boost marker over to the left as soon as you come in, and then just keep to the left side of the road to get a gold marker, the x4 multiplier, and a crashbreaker. Need I say more? Just keep going forward so that the heavy traffic right in front of you crashes, and with the next crashbreaker, spread the damage out to the other side of the road, and you get a gold surpassed by about two. Easy. Head on to Vineyard's Country Chaos next. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Lanes Lunacy =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $430,000 Silver - $290,000 Bronze - $90,000 Crashbreaker - 12 Wrecks I had a lot of trouble with this before I really discovered the set method for doing it. First of all, feel free to get the boost, and then move on in between the two lines of vehicles on the right. Shortly after you get the bronze marker on the way, slam into one of them, and then with the damage that ensues, use a crashbreaker to enter the lanes on the left for another crashbreaker, and then use that second one to rocket forward to the x4 multiplier. Have fun, $430,000 isn't much. Your next spot is in Asia, at Golden City's Road To Ruin. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Snow Plough =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $500,000 Silver - $200,000 Bronze - $80,000 Crashbreaker - 12 Wrecks An extremely automatic and incredibly easy crash junction, as usual. Head straight for the ramp up front, using the boost marker to lift off the ramp, and then take a hard right to get the x4 multiplier in midair. Land straight down on the crashbreaker, and then you can pretty much go every which way to spread around the damage, and you'll easily get over a million bucks. EASY, I SAY. Now that that's done, go on to Winter City's Crash Landing. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Corkscrewed =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $400,000 Silver - $290,000 Bronze - $75,000 Crashbreaker - 12 Wrecks As long as you can pull the beginning off, this should be a fairly easy trip to gold. To do it, grab the boost and take the ramp on the left as high as possible, so that you can get the gold marker and x4 multiplier in midair. Then it might be wise to get off of impact mode so that you can get the maximum distance, to hit the crashbreaker. Doing that, you'll cause a large crash, and you can then spread it out with the next crashbreaker, damage the tankers some more, etc... easy gold. And that having been done, go over to Riviera's Break the Bank. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Jump The Toll =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $800,000 Silver - $290,000 Bronze - $90,000 Crashbreaker - 14 Wrecks Okay, apparently the developers didn't think the last few junctions were easy enough, because this one just epitomizes easiness. Start by going down the left side of the road and collecting the boost that you see along the way, and then jump off the ramp there, leaning over to the right as you fly, getting the x4 multiplier and keeping up for a crashbreaker, which will virtually ensues that you end with gold. Need I provide anymore pointless commentary? I think not. Moving to Vineyard. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Highway To Hell =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $700,000 Silver - $275,000 Bronze - $80,000 Crashbreaker - 12 Wrecks DON'T NEED RHYTHM, DON'T NEED STYLE, MY FRIENDS ARE GONNA BE THERE TOO! Okay, sorry 'bout that. Despite the absolutely wonderful name, this is really one of the easier crash junctions yet. Isn't THAT surprising? Just get the boost marker at the entrance and then veer to the right to jump off the ramp, get the crashbreaker in midair, and then go between the two poles on the left for an x4 multiplier, another crashbreaker or two, and a gold marker. EASY. Hussle it on over to Golden City wit' dat. +-===========================================================================-+ \\ 6g. Riviera - Races \\ GE.07 \\ +-===========================================================================-+ Yeah, I actually unlocked the crash junction before the races, but ah well, who cares. Races first, right? 'Specially road rages, oooh... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Road Rage 1 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - 12 Takedowns Silver - 8 Takedowns Bronze - 5 Takedowns A really easy Road Rage, it's like Riviera was just made for this exact purpose. Riviera consists of a whole lot of narrow tunnels, and while I crashed a lot in this place, that also makes it exactly perfect for aftertouch takedowns. But anyway, the narrow tunnels can be easily flooded with about three cars, and if you have a car with decent weight, you can pretty much pummel them all in place, right there, and that makes it a piece of cake to accomplish twelve takedowns. And with that, time for some crashes in Riviera. BURN, BABY! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Burning Lap =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - 1:18:00 Silver - 1:25:00 Bronze - 1:36:00 One of your first sports events, if you were looking for a really easy time trial, you've found it. Your car doesn't demand perfection; all you need to do is get through the first half. Make use of the turns here, as they're fairly easy, plus they're very good means of getting extra boost. But anyway, the second half of this course has virtually no traffic whatsoever, so that'll make it easy as hell to use your boost all the time, and ace your way to the finish. Plus an Eliminator is unlocked, so... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Eliminator =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - 1st place Silver - 2nd place Bronze - 3rd place I had a lot of difficulty with this race when I first went through it, and then applied a certain strategy to it and won very quickly. First of all, Eliminator on Riviera is reverse Burning Lap, so the beginning is by far the easiest part. There are some stationary cars here and there, but nothing that you run a serious risk of crashing into. So accomplish as many takedowns as possible and get your boost meter as high as possible before going on to the second part of this hellhole. As for the second part, it's completely full of traffic, and here I would totally suggest laying off the boost, and just pushing the gas down as hard as you can, and that's IT. However, you can use the boost if you get a rival car right in front of you, because he'll virtually shield you from traffic, plus even if you crash, both of you probably will, and let's not even get started with aftertouch takedowns. So yeah, that's pretty much what to do; take this one easy and don't crash, because wreckage will hurt you more than OMG BOOSTS TILL THE END OF TIME will help. Head for Vineyard, Road Rage 2 next. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Road Rage 2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - 14 Takedowns Silver - 8 Takedowns Bronze - 4 Takedowns This is the first road rage in which I ever felt somewhat insecure in. For one thing, road rages in sports cars aren't exactly easy, since they have no weight at all. So you'll have to rely on going as fast as possible and smashing into them, which is a tad bit inconvenient at times. There are a lot of narrow places here that make that a little easier, but still, avoid crashing against things, especially obstacles, since fourteen takedowns may be a little taxing on your car's stamina. After this, time for Vineyard's Eliminator. +-===========================================================================-+ \\ 6h. Riviera - Crash \\ GE.08 \\ +-===========================================================================-+ Well of course, I put this after the Races cuz I'm systematical like that. So with that... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Grand Slam =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $280,000 Silver - $200,000 Bronze - $60,000 Crashbreaker - 10 Wrecks This is practically a one-second crash as far as getting gold goes. To get it, start by grabbing the boost, and then heading towards the left side of the traffic. Feel free to crash there, but make sure you plummet yourself forward during Impact Mode to cause the most destruction you possibly can, and also hit the x2 multiplier that is indeed on the left side of the traffic. And with that, attempt to collect the bronze, gold, and silver markers if you can, but it really won't matter because if you managed to crash with any kind of effort, that x2 multiplier will win you out. Anyway, crash some more in Get Bent, yo! And while you're at it, do indeed, get bent. Or wait... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Get Bent =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $350,000 Silver - $180,000 Bronze - $70,000 Crashbreaker - 9 Wrecks Really easy, if you can manage to get the x4 or even the x2 multiplier, which takes a little bit of work. First of all, get the boost and then AVOID the cars by heading over to the right and collecting a bronze marker. Now make a very careful turn around here and grab the gold marker, then head right for the traffic, crashing and burning what you can as you go, but making a complete effort for the multipliers. You WILL cause a crashbreaker if you crash into the traffic right, so that will also help. Regardless, that's easy, and I have to concur with the name. Wait... bah. Head for Vineyard's new crashes. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Riviera Rampage =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $500,000 Silver - $250,000 Bronze - $70,000 Crashbreaker - 12 Wrecks What I did here, which may not be the best possible strategy but worked for me, was to stay in the left lanes and get the two markers there, and then keep going to the right, collecting the x4 multiplier, and crashing over to the left. The crashbreaker helps, true, but you want after that to try and get in as much damage as possible to the right lanes once you're done there. As long as you get the x4 multiplier, $500,000 isn't too bad. Go for Winter City - Riverside Wreck next. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Spin The Wheel =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $450,000 Silver - $250,000 Bronze - $70,000 Crashbreaker - 12 Wrecks Only $450,000, you ask? It's just a tad bit trickier than that, but not much. Head down the road in front of you and then take a right to find a crashbreaker and a x4 multiplier in midair. Slam into the crashbreaker near the fountain and fly around to get the multiplier, and then keep going all the way over the fountain and behind to create some multi-car devastation behind. With that multiplier, getting the required 450,000 bucks is a pushover. With it unlocked, head on forward to Winter City's Snow Joke, and yes, I assure you that very soon we will return to races. ;) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Cliff Hanger =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $400,000 Silver - $180,000 Bronze - $80,000 Crashbreaker - 10 Wrecks Yay, another extremely easy crash junction, as long as you pull it off right. First of all, drive forward and stay on the left lane, until you get past the blue car at the end of the car line. Immediately switch to the right lane and avoid the ramp on the left. Keep going to the x4 multiplier and crash into the big rig there, followed by that whole line crashing, plus you can just use your crashbreaker to move forward and get as much extra stuff as possible. Easy gold, blah blah blah. Forward, to High Roller. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= High Roller =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $500,000 Silver - $300,000 Bronze - $70,000 Crashbreaker - 12 Wrecks Not particularly hard as long as you don't make a certain blunder. Grab the boost marker when you start out, and then continue to the ramp. Once you get off of it, take a hard right to the path with the x4 multiplier and the heartbreaker on it. Make sure that you land slightly to the right of the x4 multiplier, so that you get that and DON'T get the heartbreaker. That's important, but as long as you land over to the right and get the x4 multiplier alone, this is an easy gold. And with that, over to Winter City's Winter Wipe Out. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Break The Bank =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $700,000 Silver - $400,000 Bronze - $70,000 Crashbreaker - 15 Wrecks Despite this not having anything to do with smashing up banks, this never comes across as very difficult, so long as you don't make the terrible mistake of getting the boost at the entrance. =P At the left turn you come across very soon as you enter, get the silver marker and keep going, taking a right turn when possible but not hitting the traffic on the right, and smash into one of the tankers on the right. With impact mode, getting the x4 multiplier is child's play, and thus an easy gold. Go for broke next... seriously. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Go For Broke =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $400,000 Silver - $250,000 Bronze - $80,000 Crashbreaker - 12 Wrecks Yet another extremely easy crash junction. I'm getting seriously sick of using that overworn phrase. Alright, whatever. Head forward, grab the boost, and take the ramp forward, moving over to the fountain where the x4 multiplier resides in midair. With the impact mode you get, head for the crashbreaker right ahead and then immediately break back so that you don't accidentally steer toward the heartbreaker. Over $900,000 right there, can we move on now, thanks? Run for the bus at Winter City. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Jumping Jam =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $520,000 Silver - $270,000 Bronze - $85,000 Crashbreaker - 15 Wrecks Yet another incredibly easy crash junction. How many does this, 86 or so? Bah, whatever. Just speed down the road until you get the boost, and you can simply fly through the air directing yourself straight towards the crashbreaker on the right, and then directing yourself to the x4 multiplier on the left. Blah blah, dramatic horror music and cars being smashed in both lanes, you know the drill. Back to Winter City, shall we? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Ship Wrecked =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $600,000 Silver - $300,000 Bronze - $85,000 Crashbreaker - 15 Wrecks Not exactly the easiest or the hardest crash junction in the mix. I dunno what to think anymore, since we've seen, what, 90+ of these yet? Oh well, whatever. Drive along the far right side of the road, hugging the wall to get the boost and avoid the upcoming cars, and then you can just drive straight ahead to reach the crashbreaker. With some good execution you can get the x4 multiplier there as well, but either way this isn't an enormously difficult thing to do. Now time for Alpine's rip-off of AC/DC to close it all off. +-===========================================================================-+ \\ 6i. Coastal Dream - Races \\ GE.09 \\ +-===========================================================================-+ I assume you're here right WHEN I directed you at it. =P But anyway, no crashes here, it just begins with one demonically hard preview lap. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Preview Lap =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - 2:20:00 Silver - 2:30:00 Bronze - 2:50:00 This is close to being the most difficult gold in the entire tour. It's as if absolute perfection was completely demanded; if you screw up enough, you might even have difficulty getting BRONZE, for crying out loud. But anyway, this track starts out with a turn in which you can spend grabbing some boost, but then it'll be a freeway, as usual. Head over to the right and exorcise that boost of yours, and make sure that it adds up. Take note that you'll have to keep going with that, since once again, almost complete perfection and then some is demanded for this. And by perfection, that means pushing your U.S. Circuit Racer (i.e. one of the fastest cars in the whole game) to maximum limits at ALL times while never crashing ONCE (yeah if you crash then just restart), while at the same time planning your strategy. The track will get narrow from there, so be very careful for crashing, and don't worry about drifting, even if it means slowing down. You'll need to have very good judgment as to when to slow down and just take it easy instead of crashing here, or you can kiss gold and probably silver goodbye. Good luck; the last part is wider and a bit straighter with some turns here and there, so that's all I can give you... good luck, and kudos if you get gold here. Your next destination is Alpine Expressway. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Race =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - 1st place Silver - 2nd place Bronze - 3rd place Not really anything special this time around, but I'll say that some parts here and there are very easy to crash into. The same tactic that you've applied lately, of letting the boosts run on safe places, while using takedowns to build boosts, while having your rivals shield you, still works well here. Usually safe places are on bridges, so try that kind of area for boosts. But otherwise, there's lots of traffic and schtuff to bust yourself up on, so be very careful. Anyway, rock on to Frozen Peak's omg evil Face-Off next. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Road Rage 1 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - 20 Takedowns Silver - 15 Takedowns Bronze - 8 Takedowns You have to play this one VERY carefully if you want the gold here. For one thing, your car doesn't exactly have the stamina to withstand all the crashes that you might go through, and plus only three minutes leaves an average of one takedown needed every nine seconds. Not exactly forgiving. So play this one safe, and AVOID the hell out of obstacles and stuff. There are a lot of narrow roads here that'll allow you to ram the daylights out of rivals, so make use of those while you're at it. Good luck, and try to get surrounded so you can hit everything around you. With that, more Road Rage fun, right? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Road Rage 2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - 14 Takedowns Silver - 10 Takedowns Bronze - 6 Takedowns This road rage is far, far easier than the last one. For one thing, you need six less takedowns for gold in this one than the last one, but going beyond that, there's not really much to compensate for that at all. Oh boo, there's a slight bit of traffic at the entrance, that isn't going to make hardly any difference at all. There are, once again, lots of narrow spots in this place that allow for takedowns, so this is just a joke. Moving on, head for the Mountain Parkway Special Event back in the USA. +-===========================================================================-+ \\ 6j. Alpine Expressway - Races \\ GE.10 \\ +-===========================================================================-+ Yeah, junctions of tracks were bound to come up at some point. Enjoy this place to the fullest... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Race =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - 1st place Silver - 2nd place Bronze - 3rd place This race might require a little bit of tactical planning to win, but it's overall not a big difficulty all in all. Anyway, it starts off on a very wide road, with your opponents obviously right in front of you and easily allowing you to ram into them and get some takedowns, as usual. Then it'll very quickly fade into a narrow tunnel and stay pretty much like that into this place fades into the Winter City-esque area, in which it gets very wide and full of turns. So basically, the same tactics as always apply, but when you get to the Winter City places, make sure NOT to crash into buildings. =) Speaking of Winter City, that Special Event is your next spot. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Sports Grand Prix =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - 1st place Silver - 2nd place Bronze - 3rd place The first part of the Sports Grand Prix, which takes place in Alpine Expressway, is definitely one of the harder parts of the whole grand prix. It will definitely be in your best interest to avoid crashes at the beginning, and definitely until you take first place, or you might not ever be able to catch up again. So play this one out safely, and always drive on the right side of the road at the later parts of the race. And with that, you'll soon move on to the second race. As for the second part, it's nothing really out of the ordinary, but opponents will constantly be overtaking you, so just make use of boosting at the right moment. As for third and last part, that's the most annoying because to really get in a victory, you'll have to do the beginning absolutely perfectly. For one thing, you want to AVOID crashing, end up in first place, and get your boost up to about x3 or so. If you do that, then despite the whole thing taking about six minutes, it should be a relatively easy win. With that, head on over to Coastal Dream's Road Rage. +-===========================================================================-+ \\ 6k. Frozen Peak - Races \\ GE.11 \\ +-===========================================================================-+ It's really a burden as a writer, having to come up with these lame ass introductions to stuff. So... screw it. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Face-Off 1 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This is one of the easier face-offs in the whole game. Seriously, the same kind of tactic that you've been utilizing for awhile applies here too: keep the boost until your opponent gets ahead of you. It's particularly difficult to crash here, so your rival getting ahead of you isn't something that happens on a very frequent basis anyway. Just one thing to watch out for, is that at the end you may want to hug the wall on the right a bit, while staying on your toes to avoid a crash at the last second, and that's an easy gold. Head to Continental Run's face-off now... you'll be at CR for awhile. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Face-Off 2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= As for this race, it's really a mixed bag. On one hand, this is the fastest rival you've faced yet; he's seriously just as fast if not faster than you, but he is very susceptible to takedowns. And as for this race, you're going to have to do as good as you can here as for not crashing, although I crashed maybe 6-7 times here due to stupid mistakes, but it was always right after he crashed or got taken down, so I always managed to stay ahead, but make every effort not to crash. The traffic here isn't horrible, so just don't screw up horribly, and you'll likely emerge victorious. And now, at this point, you have no choice but to continue to the Far East. +-===========================================================================-+ \\ 6l. Continental Run - Races \\ GE.12 \\ +-===========================================================================-+ This place IS the last random area that you'll go to in Europe, so after you're done here and with some USA stuff if need be, it's on to Asia. With that... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Face-Off 1 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Once again, face-offs are now getting easier and easier, because you can apply the strategy of performing a takedown on your rival to get some boost, and then save that for some miracle in which he gets ahead. Plus, he'll get slowed down enough from you taking him down anyway, so no need to waste your boost right off the bat. Also, I crashed three times in this race, the first two right after takedowns, and I still stayed ahead... gives you a clue as to what takedowns can do. Still, the end of this race can be a bit dangerous. Just pull it off, stay on the right side of the road, and this'll be easy. Race 1 next. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Race 1 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - 1st place Silver - 2nd place Bronze - 3rd place This race is a total piece of cake that will barely ever you pit you in trouble, because for one thing you'll be consistently ahead of your opponents anyway, even if this place may be slightly harder to get used to because for one, it's a sports event (which means you'll be fast as hell), and for two, this place is in reverse. Ah well, it's still easy, because it's also very difficult to crash, with little traffic and also not many obstacles. Feel free to use the "boost later" method, too. With that, carry on to the next race. =P =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Race 2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - 1st place Silver - 2nd place Bronze - 3rd place A whole lot harder than the last race, this one will practically demand the "boost later" method, since not only are rivals a bit tougher this time around, but there's a LOT more traffic. You'll need to pay a lot of attention to what side of the road you're on, and stick to that, drive onward, and only boost when a rival gets ahead of you. The beginning of this race allows for some easy takedowns, so make full use of that. Once you pull through that with a gold, you can move on to the Special Event. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Special Event =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - 2:00:00 Silver - 2:15:00 Bronze - 2:30:00 One of the easier special events, you've got a car that has a lot of speed and a bit of weight on it too, so turning will be a bit of a drudge. Still, the same kind of tactics apply here. It's easy to crash at the beginning, but you need to take the risk so that you can build up a decent amount of boost. Drive on the wrong side of the road, drift, and such to build up your boost, and then just skyrocket your way forward along the usual road which isn't very easy to crash on if you're not trying, and it shouldn't be very hard to get this gold. Next can come Riviera's second Road Rage. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Face-Off 2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This is a tad bit harder than the last Face-Off, but you do get a fair bit of credit from it because now the Dominator Sports will give you an added boost. However, you want to be fairly equal with your rival here; he's quite a bit easier to take down, but the problem is that he can very easily outrun you if you lag behind. Try and stay even or slightly behind, so that you can avoid traffic. Avoid crashing when you go through the mountain path, and take care to avoid the traffic at the end, and this won't be too much of a problem. Now it's off to get gold in all the sports series, and to Frozen Peak's Face-Off 2. \\---------------------------------------------------------------------------// ** 7. Walkthrough (Far East) ** WA.07 ** \\---------------------------------------------------------------------------// So you've come here after finishing that manic Face-Off back in Frozen Peak. If you got through USA and Europe alright, Asia shouldn't be a huge problem, so... let's get it on, k? Golden City's races come first, and yes, one of these days crashes will take priority over races. +-===========================================================================-+ \\ 7a. Golden City - Races \\ GF.01 \\ +-===========================================================================-+ How wonderful, a Special Event opens this place. Well... doesn't look like there's a whole other window of stuff to go around. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Special Event =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - 1:18:00 Silver - 1:30:00 Bronze - 1:45:00 This is a really easy time trial... not exactly a very intimidating way to start the courses of Asia off. But anyways, the first thing to note is that everyone is driving on the wrong sides of the road: the left is now the safe one, which means you need to drive on the right first. This place is really divided into two, and on the first part you'll need to be a bit careful while going around the pillars, or you might end up wrecked fast. As for the second part, the traffic there is tame, so don't worry about that. With that, continue onward to some... ROAD RAGE! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Road Rage =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - 16 Takedowns Silver - 10 Takedowns Bronze - 5 Takedowns As an introduction to the super series, instead of the very lame coupe series from that special event, this Road Rage is some fun, high speed stuff. You're looking for something with a bit of weight on it, though, so that you can grind opponents into walls and stuff. So go into this with that in mind, and also take note of the few tight spots that there are here, and you'll pull through this one without any problem. Plus, with your speed you can always ram enemies from behind, so that works too. With this done, head all the way back to the USA's Downtown, Preview Lap 2. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Race =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - 1st place Silver - 2nd place Bronze - 3rd place This is a particularly easy race as long as you utilize the exact same method as you've been using for ages. First of all this place IS backwards, so get used to that, but more importantly is that opponents can very easily take use of you and your manic speed to slam you into things. Second of all the turns here are just plain evil, so drifting while NOT boosting will definitely help out, and also, once again, drive on the LEFT side of the road, especially in the later parts of the race. Make every effort not to crash early so you can end up in first place, and as long as you don't get reckless, you're good to go. Head for the WONDERFUL Island Paradise next! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Face-Off =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Not a particularly hard face-off, this one is again, reliant on how well you do earlier in the race. It's pretty easy to accomplish a takedown, and if you do then unless you crash, you'll stay ahead for at least the majority of the race and can easily dominate from thenon. Despite there being a good array of obstacles in this place, such as pillars littering the place in the city, it's not extremely easy to crash accidentally, so this shouldn't present a huge problem. Now head on to Dockside's Face-Off, shall we? +-===========================================================================-+ \\ 7b. Golden City - Crash \\ GF.02 \\ +-===========================================================================-+ Once again, the game lies and says that you just need bronze in Jack Knife City to unlock Neon Nightmare, and it's also wrong. So go to Tuk Down first. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Tuk Down =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $400,000 Silver - $250,000 Bronze - $62,500 Crashbreaker - 12 Wrecks A victory for this one isn't extremely hard. Start by turning around the corner, but do NOT brake to get the bronze and silver markers. Settle for gold, and then drive over to the left for a boost. Now veer over to the right, so that you AVOID the ramp as well as the heartbreaker, and then just keep going on and crash, as well as use the crashbreaker marker. Now use impact mode and possibly the upcoming crashbreaker to head right into the x4 multiplier, and $400,000 will be cake. Now for Neon Nightmare, which doesn't deserve much since it's a liar. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Neon Nightmare =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $400,000 Silver - $200,000 Bronze - $65,000 Crashbreaker - 10 Wrecks This one is a little difficult and requires some finicky execution to pull off, so don't moan if you can't get this on your first try. Start by grabbing the boost and then heading over to the left for a silver marker, but don't bother with the x2 multiplier. Just keep going, and drive on the right side of the road. From there you'll cause a bit of a crash, plus you can use crashbreaker or Impact Mode to get the x4 multiplier and other crashbreaker near the buses. Regardless, it's not overall THAT bad. But anyway, to make things systematic, head for Dockside's Special Event next, but I assure you a ton of crash is coming up really soon. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Handle With Care =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $550,000 Silver - $275,000 Bronze - $75,000 Crashbreaker - 14 Wrecks Another somewhat automatic crash junction, this one's easy as long as you don't majorly screw up. Start by grabbing the boost, and then veer over to the left for a bronze marker. Now just keep driving forward, and then veer over to the right and crash right there. You'll get the necessary 14 wrecks in no time, and then with your crashbreaker and also Impact Mode, you can very easily pick up the x4 or at least the x2 marker. And now that that's done, you've opened up Showdown, from way back in Silver Lake at the USA, as well as completed the first lap of Burnout's crash. Yay, now as for Silver Lake... shall we...? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Turn & Burn =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $800,000 Silver - $380,000 Bronze - $70,000 Crashbreaker - 15 Wrecks This is another extremely easy crash junction, because the traffic all lines up in one perfect area which happens to have an x4 multiplier right in it. ;) *hint hint* Start from the left side of the road, and grab the bronze, silver, and gold cash markers which are lined up diagonally, then get the boost, and shoot on over to the left for a crashbreaker, and then smash yourself into the cars on the right. The x4 multiplier is right there, and obviously all those cars are going to crash, but you can always spread some havoc with a second crashbreaker. Having done that, go to Dockside's Exit the Dragon. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Crossing Crush =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $750,000 Silver - $390,000 Bronze - $80,000 Crashbreaker - 12 Wrecks One of the hardest crash junctions in awhile, this one is completely reliant on getting the x4 multiplier, which is very hard to get in the first place. This is how I did it, however: put on the boost in front of you, and drive forward to find three ramps. Take the one on the left and launch off a bit onward, and then you'll cause a bit of a wreck. Make every effort to get a crashbreaker and then direct yourself at the x4 multiplier in midair, but I guarantee you it's difficult. Might as well go to Freeway Thunder next. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Freeway Thunder =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $600,000 Silver - $350,000 Bronze - $75,000 Crashbreaker - 15 Wrecks A much easier relief compared to that last manic rage, Freeway Thunder should be a complete piece of cake. First, start by collecting the boost and driving through the traffic on the left, not crashing into it. Charge through the left of the traffic, and then head through the x2 multiplier, the x4 multiplier on the right, and then the crashbreaker in the same direction. Let some stuff blow up, and then spread the destruction to all lanes of destruction, and guess what you get? A gold medal, whoo. Island Paradise's Drive Angry is next. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Road To Ruin =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $600,000 Silver - $225,000 Bronze - $85,000 Crashbreaker - 14 Wrecks This can be really easy to do as long as you pull something off exactly right. First of all, collect the boost when you enter, and then go over to the right lanes, driving between the two lines of vehicles, which is a lot easier than it sounds like. Keep going past the silver marker until you reach a crashbreaker, and then swerve to the left for the x4 multiplier. Feel free to try and spread out the damage with the next crashbreaker, but that's all that's required for this one. With that, go to Dockside's Reiko-Chet. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Trash Smash =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $800,000 Silver - $400,000 Bronze - $75,000 Crashbreaker - 14 Wrecks How many more easy, simple crash junctions do we need, seriously, despite this one having a really hefty amount of cash needed to score gold. But anyway, instead of some puny car, you're driving a big ass truck through this, and that can make things hard as hell to see, especially during impact mode, so make sure that you have a good idea of where you're going. Get the boost and jump off the ramp, over to the right, and get the crashbreaker and x4 multiplier. That's it, any questions? Go on to Dockside's almost literal Whirlwind, which also happens to be the end of the crash tour's third lap. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Heavy Hitter =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $400,000 Silver - $200,000 Bronze - $75,000 Crashbreaker - 14 Wrecks Yeah, this is a pretty heavy hitter if the size of this hunkuva truck is anything to go by. Getting back to the point, crash into the vehicles on the right as soon as you come in, and you'll get a little momentum that should let you drift on the right side of the road, to get to the x2 multiplier. Do NOT stick to the middle of the road, cuz there's like, a heartbreaker right there, and halving my money breaks my heart. Really. Anyway, the x2 multiplier should be enough, but the x4 multiplier is behind a pillar. Easy gold, Island Paradise next. Blah blah blah. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Eastern Block =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $550,000 Silver - $300,000 Bronze - $70,000 Crashbreaker - 12 Wrecks Not an extremely hard crash junction considering that it is also the last course of the fourth lap. In any case, drive along to the left and then drive as fast as you can to the ramp, ignoring the boost along the way. To make it easiest, use impact mode to reach the crashbreaker on the right and then use that, and you'll drift over to the left for an x4 multiplier. Or will you? ...Yeah, the answer's obvious. Traffic crashes on both sides, and you end up with gold. Easy prediction on the beast crystal ball (tm). The fourth lap is done, and the fifth shall begin in Silver Lake. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Crash Fu =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $600,000 Silver - $300,000 Bronze - $80,000 Crashbreaker - 15 Wrecks You can see where the name comes in once you get through here... whoa there. Anyway, when you get the boost, take a hard right and then crash into whatever comes your way, and you'll soon find the x4 multiplier hidden among some things if not from the terrible camera angle and whatnot. You'll end up with a crashbreaker no matter what you crash into, so use that to blow everything away, land on the x4 multiplier, and then move on to Dockside. Memory routine now, eh? +-===========================================================================-+ \\ 7c. Dockside - Races \\ GF.03 \\ +-===========================================================================-+ I wouldn't go here before the crash events, but ah, just keep things orderly and stuff. And in a Special Event no less. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Special Event =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - 1:13:00 Silver - 1:20:00 Bronze - 1:38:00 This is a particularly perfection-demanding burning lap, even if it's fairly friendly with traffic. To get your boost, drive into the right lane, and right at the end, after the yellow crest, you'll find traffic oncoming from both sides, so drive along to the middle to get out of the tunnel, and then you can just take to the road. A particular thing you need to be careful with are the turns; drifting works well, but it's bad to just run into them and hug them around the ground. Everything pretty much needs to be perfect if you want to get gold here, so take that into account. Eliminator next. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Eliminator =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - 1st place Silver - 2nd place Bronze - 3rd place You'll have to really try some endurance on this one, or you'll really end up crashing. You also BEGIN in last place, so screw that. Follow your opponents into the left lane and accomplish a takedown or two while you're at it, and from there it really is best that you hold on to the boosts, and since this is the super series and all, concentrate on not crashing at all times. Pay attention to obstacles here, and don't forget that the left side of the road is the correct one. With a little bit of endurance, you can pull through with gold. Now it's really time for some crash, right here in Dockside. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Road Rage 1 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - 20 Takedowns Silver - 14 Takedowns Bronze - 7 Takedowns What can I say about road rages that I haven't already said a thousand times over? Just rush ahead, crush enemies with your overwhelming speed, and avoid tight crashes. This is a particularly good course for getting on the sides of opponents and crushing them, due to all the narrow pathways that go through here. Anyways you shouldn't have any trouble accomplish a mere twenty takedowns. With that, head to Island Paradise's Eliminator. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Face-Off =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This isn't quite as reliant on how well you do early as how consistently well you do. You're up against a particularly aggressive opponent, and while he's the same if not slower than you, he'll use any opportunity to slam you, so my recommendation is that you try and stay fairly even with him, pull off an odd takedown on him while when he comes ahead of you, drive as fast as you can, having him shield you from traffic, and try to psyche him out. Good luck, this isn't terribly hard. Enjoy the Dominator Super you get out of that, by the way. ;] Now it's finally time to move on to the game's last course... Tropical Drive. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Road Rage 2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - 24 Takedowns Silver - 16 Takedowns Bronze - 8 Takedowns If you seriously need help with this then I'm going to question your sanity. Especially if you played the game in my order and went to Tropical Drive before this race. But either way, 24 takedowns is absolutely nothing being that the cars tend to come in packs of three, and you can just send them flying by ramming into them. Also, if you're aiming for a target of 40 takedowns, this is probably the place to do it, although that's an average of one takedown every 4.5 seconds. With this done, head for Waterfront's new Preview Lap. Not that it's a preview, though. +-===========================================================================-+ \\ 7d. Dockside - Crash \\ GF.04 \\ +-===========================================================================-+ Yep, let's get into crash for all that it's worth, whaddaya say? Start with Rock the Dock. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Rock the Dock =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $400,000 Silver - $200,000 Bronze - $70,000 Crashbreaker - 12 Wrecks This is a relatively easy crash event that mainly revolves around the collection of the x4 multiplier, so you shouldn't have a huge amount of trouble with this. Start by driving along the left side of the road so you can avoid a bit of traffic, and then grab the boost. Now head for the far left, collect the silver marker if possible, and go straight for the x4 multiplier, and hopefully to spark up some crashes, and if at all possible collecting whatever else that you can. And that's really all you can say... easy. Moving on from there, over to Golden City once more... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Exit the Dragon =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $750,000 Silver - $370,000 Bronze - $80,000 Crashbreaker - 15 Wrecks Blah, blah, blah. Nothing special at all here, 'long as you do this right. Hit the boost right at the entrance, then drift around the turn, and keep heading forward until you crash into traffic. Don't worry about the x4 multiplier for now, even if you were like me and went a tad bit too far. You can always head backwards after a crashbreaker, falling right into a crashbreaker marker there, and then use impact mode to hit the x4 multiplier. This is exactly like the last junction in terms of traffic, so don't worry about that. Either way, we're DONE with crashes right now! Yep, go to Golden City's Race now. =P =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Reiko-Chet =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $500,000 Silver - $250,000 Bronze - $75,000 Crashbreaker - 15 Wrecks Stupid name, and extremely easy crash junction. This is seriously the easiest one in ages; just dash forward and get the boost marker along the way, and keep going straight on to the ramp, and then launch off of that to get the x4 marker in midair, and then crash at the big rig right ahead. Or you can get the one on the left AND the one right ahead, both work well. Then you'll end up with an eventual crashbreaker allowing you to make things even more dirty, and you get an instant gold. Yawn. Moving on to Island Paradise. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Whirlwind =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $500,000 Silver - $290,000 Bronze - $65,000 Crashbreaker - 14 Wrecks Well... at least this isn't particularly simple. In fact, it's fairly difficult unless you pull it off just right. Anyway, this is how I did it. Drive forward and IGNORE the boost, and then get past the traffic and veer to the right for a gold marker. Now keep going to the crashbreaker, and inflict whatever radius you can around you, while using impact mode to get the x4 multiplier. You should have enough wreckage at that point for another crashbreaker, and well... that's that. Nice quick third crash lap. =) With that, the lap is complete but hey, we still have something race-wise to do. Head for Lakeside Getaway's new Special Event. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Look Both Ways =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $360,000 Silver - $280,000 Bronze - $65,000 Crashbreaker - 12 Wrecks A complete throw away. I mean seriously, this place has an amazing amount of traffic, and for such a low damage prediction you'd think this would be really hard, but it isn't. Start by getting the boost and driving on the exact middle of the road, ignoring the huge car line on the left, and end up crashing into a big rig at the end. If you do this just right, you can get the x4 multiplier from that, then get a crashbreaker and do a little damage on the right lanes. Either way, $360,000 is a joke. Move on to Golden City's Heavy Hitter. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Buckle Up =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $500,000 Silver - $250,000 Bronze - $75,000 Crashbreaker - 15 Wrecks Deceptively simple as this crash junction might be, it's actually a hell of a bit more difficult than the last few. In any case, go down the road and take off the ramp, going straight for the x4 multiplier which is just a bit ahead. As long as you stay in that general direction, aftertouch will take you right there while in the meantime, the big rig behind you wrecks, and you can spread the damage out to all lanes. Need I say more? Time to end the 4th lap here in Asia, at Golden City. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The Crate Escape =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $800,000 Silver - $395,000 Bronze - $85,000 Crashbreaker - 15 Wrecks One of the more automatic and somewhat fun to watch crash junctions in the whole game; simply stay on the right side of the road as you make the long turn, and do not just rub against the walls. Avoid them, and stay on with where you're going, launching off the ramp on the right that you find. Get a bronze marker, the x4 multiplier along the way, and land on the crashbreaker at the end. Spread out the damage, and you've got an easy gold. THAT'S IT. Go over to Island Paradise. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Crashed Out =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $700,000 Silver - $300,000 Bronze - $95,000 Crashbreaker - 15 Wrecks Well... those are the very climactic standings for the final crash junction in the game, which takes place in Asia, at Dockside, and what an appropriate name for it, the 100th junction. Okay, whatever. Head for either the left or middle ramps (I prefer the middle), get whatever you can except the heartbreaker, and direct yourself toward the left lanes for a crashbreaker and x4 multiplier. And that being done, spread it out to the other lanes. You're DONE! Awesome. Spectacular. +-===========================================================================-+ \\ 7e. Island Paradise - Races \\ GF.05 \\ +-===========================================================================-+ Despite not being a paradise, this place is decent despite starting with a Special Event. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Special Event =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - 1:12:00 Silver - 1:20:00 Bronze - 1:35:00 This is hideously easy and quite possibly the easiest burning lap that the game will offer. First of all, I noticed a single car in the whole course. THAT'S how much traffic, and thus, risk that you run in this course. Start by driving on the right lane, and build your boost up that way to a decent level, and from there keep going. This is extremely straightforward, and eventually you'll cross two paths through the trees. After the second one, you'll shortly find the one car in the center of the road. Avoid it, and you're guaranteed gold. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Race =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - 1st place Silver - 2nd place Bronze - 3rd place Not extremely difficult; all this race really is, is a test to see how infrequently you can crash, because I guarantee that that might ruin you. The first turn, however, is an excellent opportunity to give opponents a run for their money via takedowns, however, so utilize that. Other than that, I really advise against using boosts at any place except the jungle paths, since it can be very easy to crash in this place. Yes, there's a hell of a lot more traffic here, so good luck overall. Moving on to the Face-Off. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Face-Off =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= I shouldn't even need to walk you through this place; it's so simple, going through the same direction in a course you're used to, not to mention against an opponent who really isn't anything special, and you've got a course that isn't gonna try you very hard. Avoid crashing, just like you always would, and make use of the first corner, as it allows for a good takedown opportunity. Hold back the boosts until the jungle path, and you'll be good to go for a gold. And with that, you COULD move on to the Tropical Drive, but why bother when you can CRASH some more?! ;) Stick it here, to Paradise Peril. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Eliminator =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - 1st place Silver - 2nd place Bronze - 3rd place This eliminator is extremely dependant on what happens early, so make that count. You're going through the jungle path, and while it's quite possible for you to be taken down, the same holds true in reverse. Make every effort to accomplish some takedowns there so that you can take first place, and later on you'll need to hold off the boost, because you'll most definitely crash. The best place, as usual, to use the boost is definitely in the jungle paths, and you may just have to settle for that alone, unless you appear from right behind a rival car, of course. Go for Golden City's Face-Off next. +-===========================================================================-+ \\ 7f. Island Paradise - Crash \\ GF.06 \\ +-===========================================================================-+ The more moral of you don't have to worry; this ain't no paradise so we can wreck it as much as we need. ;) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Paradise Peril =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $400,000 Silver - $250,000 Bronze - $80,000 Crashbreaker - 12 Wrecks This is slightly harder than you might expect of something with this amount of traffic, but ah well. Drive ahead when you begin, grab the boost, and then take a right, hugging the wall to the right. Keep going until you reach the x4 multiplier, and then take a hard right crashing into the traffic, possibly getting the crashbreaker to cause even more damage, although you can still do that after you get the twelve wrecks necessary for the first crashbreaker. =) Nevertheless, not very hard. Onto Ruined Holiday next, m'kay? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Ruined Holiday =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $450,000 Silver - $250,000 Bronze - $75,000 Crashbreaker - 12 Wrecks One of the more automatic, not to mention easy, crashes in the entire game. To do this, grab the boost and then reach the ramp, jump off it and get the bronze marker, and as tempting as it might be to swerve right for the gold marker, just keep going straight for a silver marker, and then just crash directly there, since you're pretty much expired there. From there, some chaos will ensue, and you can use a crashbreaker to fly to the right and get the x4 multiplier. Easy piece of cake; follow it off to Tropical Storm. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Tropical Storm =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $650,000 Silver - $275,000 Bronze - $75,000 Crashbreaker - 15 Wrecks There are numerous ways to approach this crasher, but the best method I've found is to head forward and collect the boosts while ingoring the cars on the right, and then keep going to the x2 and x4 bonuses, while avoiding the heartbreaker. Try and get the x4 without crashbreaker and with just a simple impact mode, or you might end up in some trouble. But either way, this isn't a terribly hard crash junction. Might as well finish this lap off at Golden City's two new crash junctions. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Drive Angry =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $600,000 Silver - $300,000 Bronze - $70,000 Crashbreaker - 15 Wrecks Geez, I guess the last crash junction just wasn't easy enough for EA... this is so pitifully easy it makes me want to break down and cry. Just head forward, avoid the heartbreaker in the path, and use your boost to crash forward, get the cash markers, and whatever crashbreakers you get to grab the x4 multiplier on the other side of the traffic. An easy gold medal, right there. And that's a very... fit way to end the second lap of Burnout's crash tour. =) But anyways, head for Dockside's Road Rage 1 next. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Jungle Rumble =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $600,000 Silver - $350,000 Bronze - $80,000 Crashbreaker - 15 Wrecks As seems to be a standard with Island Paradise crashes, this one is explicitly simple and easy. Just drive forward through the jungle path, getting the boost and sticking to the left side of the path for a silver and a gold marker, and then swerving over to the right for the x4 multiplier. And with the crashbreaker or two that you get, you can try and expand the destruction if you missed but a thing, but you won't need to. Easy gold, move on to Airstrike. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Airstrike =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $350,000 Silver - $250,000 Bronze - $85,000 Crashbreaker - 15 Wrecks Yet another painstakingly easy and simple crash junction courtesy of EA, Island Paradise, and certainly not Crash FM. But I digress. Get the boost as soon as you come in, and then take the ramp that's just a bit to the left. Now use impact mode as long as you can to get the x4 multiplier at the end, and then veer a bit over to the right so that you can cause some tankers and stuff to crash. That's an easy one million plus bucks, despite the lying crap that the damage totals lead you to believe. ;) Proceed to Golden City's Trash Smash. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Steel Tsunami =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $480,000 Silver - $250,000 Bronze - $80,000 Crashbreaker - 12 Wrecks Don't you just love the pure, sweet simplicity of the Island Paradise crash junctions? This one is little different; simply speed down the road, get the boost, and take the silver marker. Follow that path straight ahead, over to the right to get off on that ramp, get the x4 multiplier in midair, and smash down on a crashbreaker. If you're even LOOKING at that traffic it should be obvious that a gold's right around the corner, so let's just carry on and go to Uphill Struggle, shall we? =) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Uphill Struggle =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $600,000 Silver - $250,000 Bronze - $70,000 Crashbreaker - 14 Wrecks Now THIS is some fun stuff. You'll see in a moment why it's called Uphill Struggle, though. First of all, drive to the right and go up the hill, get the bronze marker, and leap off the ramp, ignoring the gold marker but reaching the x4 multiplier at the top. And with that, try and stay along the middle of the road below, so that you can get a crashbreaker and damage the right side of the road equally, which is where the real traffic will actually come in. You got gold, moving on. Dockside's Buckle Up, m'kay? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Tourist Trap =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $500,000 Silver - $225,000 Bronze - $90,000 Crashbreaker - 12 Wrecks Yawn. Another easy thing to do here on for size. The heartbreaker is right in front of you and thus easy to avoid, so head over to the right, get the boost, and take the ramp on the far right, to the center of the road where the x4 multiplier awaits. Grab that while directing yourself towards the traffic, and then with the crashbreaker that results it shouldn't be a problem to get the $500,000 needed for gold. Island Paradise is like that... and it continues. Whoopee. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Pure Scores =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $600,000 Silver - $300,000 Bronze - $90,000 Crashbreaker - 12 Wrecks Bored with crash junctions? Yeah, I was too, but this will totally pop you back into it. Start by getting the boost, and ignoring everything over to the left. Just keep going until you get the x2 multiplier, and then crash into the first car on the left. With all the throttle you can from your "leap of faith" (you WILL know what I'm talking about after you do this), and then with another crashbreaker or two, you can support yourself over to the x4 marker possibly without even knowing it. Pure scores, I tell ya. Finishing it off here... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Lost Luggage =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - $450,000 Silver - $250,000 Bronze - $90,000 Crashbreaker - 12 Wrecks Whew... now if you want some crashing beauty, this 99th crash junction of the game will deliver it to you. It's debatable on how to do this, since there's two ramps, but either way you need a crashbreaker marker and an x4 multiplier. If you take the right, that'll make getting the crashbreaker much easier but the x4 much harder once you get that. I find these easiest strategy is to take the left ramp, get the cash markers, bounce off the signpost, and direct yourself right at the crashbreaker with all the throttle you have in you. With that, get the multiplier and gold. Voila... time to end it all at Dockside. +-===========================================================================-+ \\ 7g. Tropical Drive - Races \\ GF.07 \\ +-===========================================================================-+ The last course of the entire game... but oh well, cuz of crashes, you're far from done with the game. ;) Start with a terribly evil Preview Lap. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Preview Lap =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - 3:50:00 Silver - 4:05:00 Bronze - 4:20:00 I take back everything that I said about Downtown Preview Lap 2. This is the hardest thing that the game will ever present to you. You'll need to apply a lot of strategy if you want freaking BRONZE. You'll need to do this almost completely perfectly for Silver, and if you want Gold... well, you'll have to hack the game. Just kidding on that last bit, but I haven't begun to describe how close to impossible it is to complete this monster of a course in under four minutes, but... I could spend 1 MB ranting about the difficulty of this, but I'll save you readers some grief since I love you all so much. =) First of all, you have an extremely fast car but you'll still have to execute this beyond the bonds of perfection. Start by reading on the right (not the correct, the RIGHT) side of the road to build your boost, and then move over to the left where the traffic is easier to avoid. Keep driving there until you head under a tunnel, and when you emerge from that, head over to the right side again, and you'll have to use your boost there and keep going for two reasons: 1. if you run out of boost you have no hope in HELL of getting gold, and 2. it's not really that harder to avoid traffic on the right than it is on the left. So drive on the right for that part. Once you get past all of that, you'll end up downtown, and this is easily the hardest part of the entire race. Once again, you need to exceed perfection, boosting as much as possible while avoiding everything. Make those turns as well as you can, and avoid pillars to hell and back. Eventually you'll come to the Island Paradise place, and this is still extremely difficult to do perfectly. I recommend sticking to the sides while you do this, and especially once you emerge from the second jungle path (speaking of which, the two jungle paths are absolutely perfect for boosting, since there's little to no chance of crashing there), you have to stick to the sides to dodge a long wave of traffic. And then with a LOT of luck you'll get... silver. =P If you do any of these during the race: run out of boost, crash, get slowed down by walls, or slow down to avoid traffic, kiss any hope of getting gold goodbye. If you this course absolutely perfectly, you STILL probably won't get gold, unless you have a LOT of luck, and even then, you won't get gold, probably. I'm completely open for strategies via e-mail for this place. Send ANY suggestions at all to . I really appreciate it. But anyways, want to do something that's actually possible? Move on to Race 1. =) UPDATE: This is actually quite possible and I really exaggerated, but it's still very, very hard. You cannot hope to win gold unless you don't crash, so just don't crash. Unfortunately, that's easier said than done. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Race 1 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - 1st place Silver - 2nd place Bronze - 3rd place It wouldn't be bad to strive for as many takedowns as at all possible in this course. It works differently from our LAST trip from it, which was a complete disaster, but let's not go there. You'll start about a third through the course as you saw it earlier, and it's also an extremely good place to get a takedown or two on opponents. With the Dominator Super, you should be very capable of catching up with opponents, but that doesn't mean they won't catch up to you. If opponents do happen to get ahead of you, make every effort to get behind them and take them out. However, common tactics aren't exactly convenient here, since for one thing, this course is so long and open-ended, that it might not be a good idea to just hold on to boosts forever. You can still drive on the wrong side of the road safely though; it works particularly well in the highways that come shortly after the jungle paths. Either way, if you got gold in the Preview Lap, this is a complete, utter joke. Head on to Race 2, with that. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Race 2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - 1st place Silver - 2nd place Bronze - 3rd place Now you're actually driving the same way here as you did in the Preview Lap, and I can't really say anything about this that I haven't said several times already. Try for takedowns early, and feel free to boost and put on the gas on the wrong side of the road, building boost as you go and getting a good lead against all the opposition. If you got gold in the Preview Lap, you'll just spit on this race. Continue from this race and on to some Road Rage, shall we? Ahhh... relief. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Road Rage =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - 20 Takedowns Silver - 12 Takedowns Bronze - 6 Takedowns Ahhh... this is a relief in so many ways I can't even begin to count them. But anyway, you have three minutes to perform twenty takedowns, and it's not very hard at all. It all depends on your mindset -- if you pay attention you'll never once crash here. To do this, just drive slowly and approach an opponent, then slam yourself into them with boost, grind them against the walls, whatever floats your boat. Regardless, it's not very hard to get a gold here. And now we're on to something REALLY wonderful, and that's the Super Grand Prix. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Super Grand Prix =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold - 1st place Silver - 2nd place Bronze - 3rd place This is it. The final race in the systematic order of the Burnout Race Tour, despite the Gold Medal GP being the REAL closer of the game. Either way, this Grand Prix consists of four races, so take that into account when it comes to restarting due to not being in a high enough place. The first race is right here, at the Tropical Drive, in the exact same course that this makes the fifth time you've been through in a row, not to mention the third race. I'd restart if I got lower than second place, but you'll probably manage that unless you crash several times. The second race is the hardest part of the entire Grand Prix. Honestly if you got second place in the last race, I'd settle for fourth and possibly even fifth place in this race, because it's absolutely insane. It's back in Europe, at the Frozen Peak, and you have to pull off TWO laps across it. Once again, it's insane because the turns are awful, the Alpine sections are horrendous, and in the Winter City section it's easy as hell to crash. Drive slowly if need be, but just make the hell sure that you DON'T CRASH. If you get past Frozen Peak, you have a good chance for the rest of this GP. The third race takes place in Coastal Dream, with us still talking Europe here. This is by far the easiest race in the whole Grand Prix, being that it's not particularly easy to crash accidentally, at least for the majority of the race, and it's pretty much a give-away compared to that horrendous second race. And as for the fourth race, it's two laps around Lakeside Getaway, back in the USA. My first thoughts toward it were that it was impossible to all hell, but it actually isn't. Do NOT use the boost, just focus on not crashing, after you manage to end up in first place. This whole race will take about eight minutes, and there will constantly be several opponents appearing behind you. However, this is definitely a risk worth taking. Takedowns work very well for getting rid of the opponents, and if you crash twice in the whole race you still have a good chance of getting first place here, but make every effort not to. Slamming into opponents also works if they manage to get ahead of you, but don't take TOO many risks. ;) I managed 2nd place for the first race, 4th place for the second race, 2nd place in the third race because of a stupid mistake, and 1st place in the fourth race, and accomplished gold for this (and it even unlocks the US Circuit Racer if you get gold in the Super GP, which is nice), so the whole GP does not demand perfection, by a longshot. And with the final event in Asia and the entire game finished... congrats, you have completed the game!... NOT. You still have the crash tour to finish, gold medals to collect in everything, the Gold Medal GP back at Kings of the Road in the USA to finish... so get cracking! Go on to Dockside's Road Rage 2. \\---------------------------------------------------------------------------// ** 8. Extras ** WA.08 ** \\---------------------------------------------------------------------------// And here are all the unlockables and stuff to do in the course of the game. I'm out of witty things to say, so just take it to heart. +-===========================================================================-+ \\ 8a. Trophies \\ EX.01 \\ +-===========================================================================-+ This is a list of trophies obtained from certain types of takedowns. And no, they aren't particularly difficult to get. Easy Takedowns =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 2 Wall Takedowns In A Race - slam two opponents into walls in one race 1st Car Takedown - takedown on opponent into traffic 1st Aftertouch Takedown - use an aftertouch to perform a takedown 5 Takedowns In A Race - do you really need to ask 1st Takedown Rampage - takedown five opponents in a row in one race Advanced Takedowns =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1st Revenge Takedown - takedown an opponent who took you down once in the race 1st Psyche Out Takedown - approach a racer from behind to make them crash 1st Big Rig Takedown - takedown an opponent into a big rig 2 Bus Takedowns In A Race - takedown two opponents into buses in one race 10 Takedowns In A Race - do you really need to ask Expert Takedowns =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1st Double Takedown - takedown two opponents at the same time 2 Tram Takedowns In A Race - takedown two opponents into trams in one race 2 Trailer Takedowns In A Race - see above, replace tram with trailer 3 Aftertouch Takedowns In A Race - see above, replace trailer with aftertouch 20 Takedowns In A Road Rage Event - perform 20 takedowns in one road rage Champion Takedowns =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1st Triple Takedown - takedown three opponents at the same time 1500 Total Takedowns - perform 1500 total takedowns 15 Takedowns In A Race - do you really need to ask 40 Takedowns In A Road Rage Event - perform 40 takedowns in one road rage 2000 Total Takedowns - perform 2000 total takedowns +-===========================================================================-+ \\ 8b. Garage \\ EX.02 \\ +-===========================================================================-+ Wondering how to get any of the 67 vehicles in the game? They're all right here, baby. Compact Series =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Compact Type 1 - begin a compact race Compact Type 2 - begin the compact series Compact Type 3 - begin the compact series Tuned Compact - gold in Downtown - Race 1 Modified Compact - gold in Waterfront - Face-Off Custom Compact - collect 10,000 Burnout Points Assassin Compact - get 15 takedowns Compact Prototype - gold in Lakeside Getaway - Face-Off 1 Compact DX - get 4 gold medals Dominator Compact - gold in Kings of the Road - Face-Off Muscle Series =-=-=-=-=-=-=- Muscle Type 1 - gold in Silver Lake - Compact Grand Prix Muscle Type 2 - gold in Silver Lake - Compact Grand Prix Muscle Type 3 - gold in Silver Lake - Compact Grand Prix Tuned Muscle - gold in Kings of the Road - Race Modified Muscle - gold in Mountain Parkway - Face-Off 1 Custom Muscle - collect 25,000 Burnout Points Assassin Muscle - get 30 takedowns Muscle Prototype - gold in Mountain Parkway - Face-Off 2 Muscle DX - get 10 gold medals Dominator Muscle - gold in Lakeside Getaway - Face-Off 2 Coupe Series =-=-=-=-=-=-= Coupe Type 1 - gold in Waterfront - Muscle Grand Prix Coupe Type 2 - gold in Waterfront - Muscle Grand Prix Coupe Type 3 - gold in Waterfront - Muscle Grand Prix Tuned Coupe - gold in Vineyard - Face-Off Modified Coupe - gold in Alpine - Race Custom Coupe - collect 50,000 Burnout Points Assassin Coupe - get 60 takedowns Coupe Prototype - gold in Continental Run - Face-Off 1 Coupe DX - get 18 gold medals Dominator Coupe - gold in Frozen Peak - Face-Off 1 Sports Series =-=-=-=-=-=-=- Sports Type 1 - gold in Vineyard - Coupe Grand Prix Sports Type 2 - gold in Vineyard - Coupe Grand Prix Sports Type 3 - gold in Vineyard - Coupe Grand Prix Tuned Sports - gold in Continental Run - Race 2 Modified Sports - gold in Continental Run - Face-Off 2 Custom Sports - collect 100,000 Burnout Points Assassin Sports - get 100 takedowns Sports Prototype - gold in Frozen Peak - Face-Off 2 Sports DX - get 25 gold medals Dominator Sports - gold in Alpine - Face-Off Super Series =-=-=-=-=-=-= Super Type 1 - gold in Alpine Expressway - Sports Grand Prix Super Type 2 - gold in Alpine Expressway - Sports Grand Prix Super Type 3 - gold in Alpine Expressway - Sports Grand Prix Tuned Super - gold in Island Paradise - Face-Off Modified Super - gold in Golden City - Face-Off Custom Super - collectg 200,000 Burnout Points Assassin Super - get 150 takedowns Super Prototype - gold in Gold Medal GP Super DX - get 32 gold medals Dominator Super - gold in Dockside - Face-Off Special Series =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Oval Racer Special - get all signature takedowns Custom Coupe Ultimate - get gold in all crashes Euro-Circuit Racer - get all takedown trophies Classic Hotrod - get all special event postcards US Circuit Racer - gold in Tropical Drive - Super Grand Prix Wold Circuit Racer - gold in all races Heavy Series =-=-=-=-=-=-= Heavy Pick-Up - collect $1,000,000 in crashes 4WD Racer - collect $2,000,000 in crashes SUV Deluxe - collect $5,000,000 in crashes 4WD Heavy Duty - collect $10,000,000 in crashes B-Team Van - collect $15,000,000 in crashes Delivery Truck - collect $20,000,000 in crashes Tractor Cab - collect $30,000,000 in crashes Longnose Casb - collect $50,000,000 in crashes City Bus - collect $70,000,000 in crashes Trash Truck - collect $90,000,000 in crashes Fire Truck - get all crash headlines +-===========================================================================-+ \\ 8c. Signature Takedowns \\ EX.03 \\ +-===========================================================================-+ Gone Fishin' - takedown an opponent over Silver Lake's cliffs Home Wrecker - takedown an opponent into a US motorhome Pillar Driller - takedown an opponent into a pillar in Downtown Hit The Split - takedown an opponent in the tunnel of Downtown Tram Ram - takedown an opponent into a tram in Waterfront Truck Torpedo - takedown an opponent into a US big rig Euro Tram Ram - takedown an opponent into a tram in Winter City Snowed Under - takedown an opponent into a Europe snow plow Avalanche - takedown an opponent into a bridge in Alpine Paid The Price! - takedown an opponent into a tollbooth in Alpine Riviera Roustabout - takedown an opponent into the monument in Riviera Berth Trauma - takedown an opponent into a marina wall of Riviera Gate Crasher - takedown an opponent into the gate of Vineyard Grapes of Wrath - takedown an opponent into a Europe wine truck Market-Stalled - takedown an opponent into a market wall of Golden City Tuk-Down - takedown an opponent into a tuk-tuk of Golden City Tunnel Of Shove - takedown an opponent into the middle of Dockside's tunnel Ship Wreck - takedown an opponent into the tanker port in Dockside Rumble In The Jungle - takedown an opponent in the jungle of Island Paradise Catch The Tour Bus - takedown an opponent into an Asia tour bus +-===========================================================================-+ \\ 8d. Special Events \\ EX.04 \\ +-===========================================================================-+ Unlock special events by simply completing a certain event. Not necessarily hard, but to get the postcards you need gold in a special event... blargh. Silver Lake - gold in Alpine - Race Mountain Parkway - gold in Coastal Dream - Road Rage 2 Winter City - gold in Alpine Expressway - Race Vineyard - gold in Downtown - Race 1 Alpine - gold in Silver Lake - Eliminator Continental Run - gold in Continental Run - Race 2 Golden City - gold in Lakeside Getaway - Race Dockside - gold in Waterfront - Burning Lap Island Paradise - gold in Riviera - Road Rage 1 World - gold in Tropical Drive - Super Grand Prix +-===========================================================================-+ \\ 8e. Crash Headlines \\ EX.05 \\ +-===========================================================================-+ Despite these being hideously easy to collect in just random tries through the crash events, here they are. "Bayside Blitz!" - $900,000 in a Waterfront crash "Downtown Demolition!" - $650,000 in a Downtown crash "Silver Lake Lunacy!" - $600,000 in a Silver Lake crash "Winter City Frozen!" - $800,000 in a Winter City crash "Alpine Smash!" - $900,000 in an Alpine crash "Riviera Wreck!" - $750,000 in a Riviera crash "Grape Harvest Crushed!" - $850,000 in a Vineyard crash "Golden City Madness!" - $750,000 in a Golden City crash "Dockside Ridge Ruin!" - $1,000,000 in a Dockside crash "Trouble in Paradise!" - $750,000 in an Island Paradise crash \\---------------------------------------------------------------------------// ** 9. Credits ** WA.09 ** \\---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Well... what can I say. I love this game to bits, but the only reason I even CONSIDERED writing for it was just for this bounty. ;) So you get credit for just reading that guide, but THAT definitely goes without saying, does it not? This game is awesome and let's hope that you enjoyed it, since I enjoyed writing for it, but I wouldn't have if Ceej didn't tempt me. =P With that... - Jeff "CJayC" Veasey: For running the whole site of GameFAQs, the main site that I work for. It's an awesome site, and I must commend CJayC for running this great site for 6 whole years and posting this guide. - Stephen Ng: For being the FAQ editor for IGN, which is the other site that I write for. I am honored to write for IGN, since it is a great site. I was also very glad to do an exclusive for IGN. - IGN Guides: For a fantastic guide for this game that seriously helped me out a lot when I played through the game myself. Not that I copied what I learned for the guide, but you get my point. ;) - All the guys who first got me started writing from GameFAQs and all of my best friends like SinirothX, Psycho Penguin, Meowthnum1, CVXFREAK, Karpah, ZoopSoul, Crazyreyn, Gobicamel, asa2377 (OH EM GEE YOU TROLL), Warhawk, Cyril, supernova54321, Minesweeper, AlaskaFox, me frog, RHarrison, masterzero99, Tom Hayes, wayalla, djg40, MTincher, NickBush24, BurningFox, AquaBlast, and definitely more that I'm forgetting: you are some of the best friends that anyone can have, and I may have quit FAQing/left FCB forever without all of you. Thank you for everything and for motivating me to get my ass in gear.