|||||||||| //|||\\ |||| |||| ///|||\\\ ||||||||| |||| || // \\ |||| |||| ||| ||| |||| |||| ||| ||| |||| |||| ||| ||| |||| |||| ||||||||||| |||| |||| ||| ||| ||||||| |||| ||||||||||| |||| |||| ||| ||| |||| |||| || ||| ||| |||| |||| ||| ||| |||| |||||||||| ||| ||| ||||||||| ||||||||| \\\|||/// |||| |||||\\\\\ ||| ||| |||||||||| \\\ /// ||||| \\\\ ||| ||| | |||| | \\\ /// ||||| ||||| ||| ||| |||| \|||/ ||||| ||||| ||| ||| |||| ||| ||||| //// ||| ||| |||| ||| |||||///// ||||| |||| ||| Finest Hour ------------------- Weapons FAQ © retributiontomcat ------------------- ++++++++++++++++++ Table of Contents: ++++++++++++++++++ 1. Version History 2. Introduction 3. Weapon List 4. Weapon Directory 5. Gun Emplacements 6. Tanks 7. Mines 8. Jeeps 9. Historic Facts 10. Thank Yous 11. Copyright Information 12. Closing -------------------- ++++++++++++++++++ 1. Version History ++++++++++++++++++ 4 December 2004 Version 0.95 Submitted guide. Everything that's supposed to be here should be, except for maybe a couple very small pieces of information. This guide is almost complete and probably won't have many more updates, so there shouldn't be anything you can't find and have to wait for. 7 December 2004 Version 1.00 The guide has been accepted, and I've made a few grammatical and spelling corrections. I've also added the Clip Sizes for the G43 Gewehr, MG42, and the Browning .30 Caliber. This may just be the last update to this guide, but look forward to any other updates I may put in. 10 December 2004 Version 1.10 I made one spelling correction-the word accepted, it used to be excepted. And it's funny because I typed "excepted" right before I said I made a few spelling and grammatical changes. I made a few changes to some of the weapon directory too, as they were e-mailed to me be a fellow GameFAQs user. 30 April 2005 Version 1.35 I've taken out one of the 'Historic Facts' (the one about the "Grease Gun") because I had heard from a fellow GameFAQs user that the data on the Grease Gun was inaccurate. After a couple days of research, I confirmed this information and made the change. The Grease Gun actually got its name from its resemblence to a real grease gun (the kind you'd see in an auto shop). It was respectively nicknamed the "Grease Gun". 22 June 2005 Version 1.40 A fellow GameFAQs user has informed me of another location of the Bren machine gun, which I added in. I've also made corrections to the locations of the Springfield M1903. 23 September 2005 FINAL Im updating this weapons guide to its final version, as I no longer have time to update it regularly. I am now enlisted as an F-14D Tomcat pilot in the United States Navy, and have little to no time available. I'll will still accept comments and some questions about the guide via e-mail, but I will not update this guide again. The last updates I have made are spelling corrections, some major changes to the Springfield M1903 sniper rifle information, and also another location of the German MG42 machine gun. I will not accept any more suggestions for changes to this guide, so if you have a problem with the way it is written, keep it to yourself, because it will not change. Thank you, good luck, and Godspeed! -------------------- +++++++++++++++ 2. Introduction +++++++++++++++ Hey! I'm retributiontomcat, and this is my first weapon FAQ for any game. I am writing and submitting this quickly as possible because well, I've always wanted to write a weapon FAQ. So I jumped on this idea. Hopefully, this is the first Weapon FAQ up for this game, as my receiving of the game was delayed by a little bit. So I hope you have as much fun reading this FAQ as I have had writing it! retributiontomcat -------------------- ++++++++++++++ 3. Weapon List ++++++++++++++ Here, I will list all of the weapons in the game, along with how many votes each got from people on the message boards (number next to gun's name). The votes were based on the users' favorite weapons in different catagories, such as close quarters, sniper, machine gun, etc. Hopefully the votes from GameFAQs and Gamespot users will help you to figure out which weapon is best suited for different jobs. Weapons: ************* United States ************* Rifles: M1 Garand (1) Springfield (Sniper) (1) Sub-Machine Guns: Thompson (2) M3A1 "Grease Gun" Machine Guns: Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR) (1) Browning .30 Caliber Explosives: M2 Fragmentation Grenade ****** Russia ****** Rifles: Mosin-Nagant Scoped Mosin Nagant (Sniper) Sub-Machine Guns: PPSh Machine Guns: DPM (1) Explosive: RGD-33 Stick Grenade ************** United Kingdom ************** Rifles: Lee-Enfield (1) Springfield (Sniper) (1) Sub-Machine Guns: Sten (2) Machine Guns: Bren LMG (1) Explosive: M2 Fragmentation Grenade ******* Germany ******* Rifles: Kar98 (1) Gewehr 43 (Sniper) Sub-Machine Guns: MP40 (2) Machine Guns: MG 42 Explosive: Panzershreck (Bazooka) (1) Stielhandgranate -------------------- +++++++++++++++++++ 4. Weapon Directory +++++++++++++++++++ This is where all the main weapon history, information, backround, and odds and ends are stored. For each weapon, I will give the instruction manual's description and my own description. I'll also give the missions where you'll find each weapon, whether or not the weapon has a bipod or not, what type of job it does best, length of clip, what kind of damage it does, what its range is, etc. Hope this'll help! NOTE (1): I will list what weapon each gun is better than in its class (machine gun, semi-automatic rifle, etc.) and which weapon it is not as good as. If it is the worst or least useful in its class, I will write "none" in the "Better Than" info. If it is the best in its class, I will write "best" or something to that effect in the "Not As Good As" info. NOTE (2): The "Better Than" and "Not As Good As" information for each gun is based on the range, rate of fire, damage ratings, and all in-game aspects. These info sections have absolutely nothing to do with my personal opinions. So if my favorite gun just happens to be listed the best in the FAQ, remember that it is not listed the best because like the gun. Instead, think of it the other way around-that I like the gun more than the others because it is the best in the FAQ. NOTE (3): If a weapon is the best in its class, I will put "all" in the "Better Than" info. ************************ United States of America ************************ Name: M1 Garand Type: semi-automatic rifle Clip: 8 Range: long Rate of Fire: medium Damage: high Missions: first American level Manual Description: The M1 Garand is a powerful and accurate semi-automatic rifle. Its primary drawback is that it can't be reloaded in the middle of a clip. My Description: Personally, I love this weapon, as it delivers a strong amount of damage to a target that can be pretty far away. I'd keep this weapon over most other rifles. The only problem is that it wont reload until the clip is out of ammo. Better than: on par with Mosin-Nagant and Enfield Not As Good As: one of the best Name: Thompson Type: submachine gun Clip: 30 Range: short Rate of Fire: fast Damage: high Missions: first American level Manual Description: The Thompson submachine gun is effective at close range and fires the poweful .45 ACP round. It's notoriously inaccurate at a distance but compensates with a high rate of fire. My Description: I'm fine using the Thompson for a room or trench-clearing weapon. It's not my favorite because of its extremely low range, which has developed into a reputation. In fact, I despise using this weapon trying to take out machine guns and for shooting sodiers behind objects and at a far distances. Better Than: all Not As Good As: best Name: Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR) Type: machine gun Clip: 20 Range: long Rate of Fire: fast Damage: high Missions: Manual Description: The Browning automatic rifle is a squad support weapon, used to lay down accurate suppression fire at enemy positions. It is most effective when used while prone. My Description: An easy way to clear out large enemy positions, the BAR weapon is a durable and reliable weapon in all types of situations. Add that to an already proven battlefront weapon, a long range, rapid fire, and a high damage ratio, and you'll get one of the best and useful weapons in the game. Better Than: DPM Not As Good As: Bren LMG Name: Browning .30 Caliber Type: machine gun Clip: 100 Range: medium Rate of Fire: very fast Damage: high Missions: last few American missions Manual Description: The Browning .30 Cal is a company-level flexible machine gun. It is most effectively used with its bipod deployed, and can lay down an impressive barrage of fire. My Description: While its range is inferior to most of its fellow machine guns, the Browning .30 Caliber machine gun can be used in a variety of situations, including room clearing, securing areas, and holding off advancing enemy troops. The large size of the clip makes this machine gun useful for mostly any amount of enemies. Better Than: MG42 Not As Good As: BAR and Bren LMG Name: Springfield M1903 Type: sniper rifle Clip: 5 Range: very long Rate of Fire: slow Damage: very high Missions: HASN'T BEEN FOUND Manual Description: The Springfield M1903, originally developed after the Spanish-American War, is a sniper rifle equipped with a 4x zoom scope. As a bolt-action scoped weapon, it has a slow rate of fire and reloads one round at a time. My Description: As this weapon has not been found, I cannot share thoughts of its strengths and/or weaknesses as well as my own opinion Better Than: notapplicable Not As Good As: not applicable Name: M3A1 "Grease Gun" Type: submachine gun Clip: 30 Range: short Rate of Fire: medium Damage: medium Missions: American tank missions Manual Description: The compact size of the M3A1 makes it an ideal fit for use inside a tank. With its relatively low rate of fire, this weapon is easier to control than most submachine guns. My Description: This weapon is a perfect room clearing device, as it is very easy to control. This is actually a good thing about the weapon having a medium rate of fire, as it gives little or no recoil. The gun's main problems are a terribly short range and low amounts of damage at a time. Only making the low amount of damage worse is that the medium rate of fire causes it to take longer to kill an enemy than most other submachine guns. Better Than: none Not As Good As: Thompson Name: M2 Fragmentation Grenade Type: explosive Clip: --- Range: medium Damage: very high Missions: all American missions Manual Decription: Fragmentation grenades are very effective anit-personnel devices. The highly explosive charges reduce their metal casing to flying fragments, causing considerable blast damage. Though they're not as effective against armored vehicles, they are extremely useful for clearing out entrenched infantry positions. My Description: I find the M2 Fragmentation Grenade a very useful tool, especially for clearing out rooms of infantry after breaking down doors. The M2 is also very useful for destroying multiple enemies in nearby foxholes. I tend to use it a lot for destroying nearby enemy machine gun enplacements that need to be taken out. Better Than: same as all the other grenades Not As Good As: same as all the other grenades ****** Russia ****** Name: DPM Type: machine gun Clip: 47 Range: medium Rate of Fire: very fast Damage: high Missions: all Russian missions that involve tanks at a certain time Manual Description: An extremely simple and reliable weapon, the DPM is a gas- operated, air-cooled machine gun. It is most effectively used with its bipod deployed, and can lay down an impressive barrage of fire. My Description: While I still think that this weapon's Rate of Fire is exaggerated, I still find it a very useful weapon when facing large amounts of enemy foot soldiers in an open space. I enjoy using the bipod when I get the chance to set it down. However, I dont find this weapon to be of the greatest use when dealing with infantry in tight spaces like I find in most submachine guns. Remember, don't play with guns! Better Than: MG42 Not As Good As: BAR and Bren LMG Name: PPSh Type: submachine gun Clip: 71 Range: short Rate of Fire: very fast Damage: moderate Missions: most russian missions disregaurding the first one or two Manual Description: The PPSh submachine gun holds 71 rounds of Soviet pistol ammo and has a high rate of fire. It's ineffective at long range and fires a relatively weak round, but its rate of fire makes for effective supression in close range combat. My Description: I find this weapon to be somewhat annoying, as it is so rapid that it'll literally "sweep you off your feet" due to its recoil. While it is extremely fast, its bullets are used too fast, and it is too hard to stop because of its extreme rapidity. Thus wasting ammo. Even if at close range, the gun's extreme recoil can cause it to be inaccurate very easily. And as if that wasn't enough, you'll need a lot of bullets to kill an enemy, as the gun's rounds are very weak. Because of this, you'll find yourself shooting at a single target for a long time, wasting bullets, becoming more and more inaccurate because of recoil, getting shot by the enemies that your squadmates fail to kill, and having to reload often. Better Than: none Not As Good As: any Name: Mosin Nagant Type: bolt-action rifle Clip: 5 Range: long Rate of Fire: slow Damage: very high Missions: the first two Russian levels Manual Description: The Mosin-Nagant is a bolt-action rifle capable of very accurate and powerful long-range fire. However, its low rate of fire is a liability in close-range combat. My Description: I find the Mosin-Nagant to be a very useful weapon, as it is the only useful bolt-action rifle you'll find in the Russian battlefront (Kar98 just doesnt seem to work out for me). I don't find it as good as the M1 Garand, however there are no Garands on the Russian battlefields, therefore, the Mosin-Nagant can get the job done. Better Than: Kar98 Not As Good As: one of the best Name: Scoped Mosin Nagant Type: sniper rifle Clip: 5 Range: very long Rate of Fire: slow Damage: very high Missions: 3rd Russian level Manual Description: Outfitted with a 4x zoom scope, the Scoped Msion-Nagant is perfect for long-range sniper work. It must be loaded one bullet at a time. My Description: It's a great sniper rifle, almost as good as the Springfield, however I find the down time while loading rather long. First, the gunner must open the barrel, load five bullets one by one, and then close the barrel, thus taking awayat least 8 seconds of time. Better Than: G4 Gewehr Not As Good As: best RGD-33 Stick Grenade Type: explosive Clip: --- Range: medium Damage: very high Missions: all Russian levels Manual Decription: Fragmentation grenades are very effective anit-personnel devices. The highly explosive charges reduce their metal casing to flying fragments, causing considerable blast damage. Though they're not as effective against armored vehicles, they are extremely useful for clearing out entrenched infantry positions. My Description: I find the RGD-33 Stick Grenade a very useful tool, especially for clearing out rooms of infantry after breaking down doors. The M2 is also very useful for destroying multiple enemies in nearby foxholes. I tend to use it a lot for destroying nearby enemy machine gun enplacements that need to be taken out. Better Than: same as all the other grenades Not As Good As: same as all the other grenades ************** United Kingdom ************** Name: Lee-Enfield Type: bolt-action rifle Clip: 10 Range: long Rate of Fire: slow Damage: very high Missions: All British levels Manual Description: First introduced in 1907 at the outbreak of the first World War, the Lee-Enfield rifle is the British Amry's standard issue infantry weapon. A bolt action rifle, it's powerful and effective at long range. It carries up to ten rounds, loaded by two 5-round stripper clips. My Description: I like this weapon a lot, as it's the strongest of the bolt- action rifles, and holds a good amount of rounds to keep up the shooting a little longer. The down time while loading is not very long either, making it a reliable weapon when you need to take out distant enemies and machine guns while under fire and taking cover from a nearby object. Better Than: Kar98 Not As good As: equally as good as M1 Garand and Mosin-Nagant Name: Sten Mark 2 Type: submachine gun Clip: 32 Range: medium Rate of Fire: fast Damage: moderate Missions: on all of the British levels Manual Description: The Sten Mark 2 is a 9mm submachine gun effective for clearing out rooms and trenches. Its compact frame and light weight provide excellent mobility. My Description: This is a good weapon. Good for almost any job except sniping of course. It can kill multiple enemies in a room or trench without trouble with reloading because it holds up to 32 rounds at a time. I use it often while on a shooting spree while running, and use it mainly for clearing out rooms and trenches quickly before the enemy can hit me by using the Sten's fast rate of fire. Better Than: PPSh Not As Good As: Thompson Name: Bren LMG Type: machine gun Clip: 30 Range: long Rate of Fire: fast Damage: high Missions: all British levels Manual Description: The Bren is an excellent machine gun in the role of squad support. Its large size limits mobility, but allows it to deliver accurate automatic rounds when fired with it bipod deployed. My Description: My favorite gun! I find it most useful for many jobs. It's easy and quick to aim, and will easily clear out any enemy position, even if the enemy is in a nearby building! It's extremely accurate for being a machine gun, and its rounds are very powerful. I strongly suggest this weapon when on the battlefield and you come across it. Too bad it can only be found when someone in your squad is killed. Better Than: BAR (just beats out BAR by the size and life of the Bren's clip) Not As Good As: Bren is the best Name: M2 Fragmentation Grenade Type: explosive Clip: --- Range: medium Damage: very high Missions: all American missions Manual Decription: Fragmentation grenades are very effective anit-personnel devices. The highly explosive charges reduce their metal casing to flying fragments, causing considerable blast damage. Though they're not as effective against armored vehicles, they are extremely useful for clearing out entrenched infantry positions. My Description: I find the M2 Fragmentation Grenade a very useful tool, especially for clearing out rooms of infantry after breaking down doors. The M2 is also very useful for destroying multiple enemies in nearby foxholes. I tend to use it a lot for destroying nearby enemy machine gun enplacements that need to be taken out. Better Than: same as all the other grenades Not As Good As: same as all the other grenades Name: Springfield M1903 Type: sniper rifle Clip: 5 Range: very long Rate of Fire: slow Damage: very high Mssions: HASN'T BEEN FOUND Manual Description: The Springfield M1903, originally developed after the Spanish-American War, is a sniper rifle equipped with a 4x zoom scope. As a bolt-action scoped weapon, it has a slow rate of fire and reloads one round at a time. My Description: As this weapon has not been found in the game, I cannot share my thoughts on its strengths/weaknesses and cannot form an opinion Better Than: not applicable Not As Good As: not applicable ******* Germany ******* Name: MP40 Type: submachine gun Clip: 32 Range: medium Rate of Fire: fast Damage: moderate Missions: all levels Manual Description: The MP40 submachine gun is an effective room-clearing weapon. It has a relatively minimal recoil even when fired fully automatic in extended bursts. My Description: I like this weapon a lot, even though it isn't the best submachine gun in the game. My main reason for preferring this gun is because it can clear out a large amounts of enemies in a room at a time due to its minimal recoil which keeps it very accurate and deadly. There really isn't any extraordinary downside to this weapon really, disreguarding the rather short range and slightly less powerful rounds. Better Than: PPSh Not As Good As: Thompson Name: Gewehr 43 Type: semi-automatic marksman rifle Clip: 10 Range: very long Rate of Fire: medium Damage: high Missions: last few American levels Manual Description: The G43 was the solution for Germany's need for a dependable semi-automatic sniper rifle. Its rate of fire makes up for being slightly less accurate than its blot-action relatives. My Description: It sure isn't the best sniper in the game. It's less accurate than most sniper rifles, and isn't as strong as its fellow sniper guns. It makes up for it a little bit with a induced rate of fire. However the clip isn't much bigger. The range is pretty good, but again, is less accurate at long ranges. It's fine if you can't find any better rifle to toy around with (metaphorically speaking of course-hopefully you don't toy around with guns). My main reason for disliking this weapon is because it takes two direct hits to kill a single infantry. Other than that though, it's a great weapon, especially for getting rip of gun emplacements fast and effortlessly. As told to me by a fellow GameFAQs user, the G43 isn't acutally a sniper rifle, it's a marksman rifle. However, most people refer to a rifle that has a zoom scope as a sniper rifle. That's why this weapon is considered Germany's sniper. Better Than: none Not as Good as: Springfield Name: MG42 Type: machine gun Clip: 57 Range: medium Rate of Fire: fast Damage: high Missions: last few American levels; second Russian level Manual Description: The MG42 is a relatively light, very reliable machine gun capable of providing devastating firepower. Because of its high rate of fire, very short bursts are require to increase accuracy. It is most effectively used with its bipod deployed. My Description: Like many other machine and submachine guns, the MG42 has a recoil problem. Probably the most of any other machine gun. Its damage rate is high, and so is its rate of fire, but the gunner can suffer HUGE amounts of damage while reloading the God darn thing. Its extremely fast when firing, and can destroy a huge amount of enemy troops at a time, but the ammunition is very hard to find, as it's a relatively rare gun to find. I only found it for the first time during an American mission in the sewers, and I still don't know where the heck it came from. I think the part where you rescue those few allied soldiers from the Nazis in the big long sewer pipe. Better Than: none Not As Good As: any Name: Karabiner 98k Type: bolt-action rifle Clip: 5 Range: long Rate of Fire: slow Damage: high Missions: all levels Manual Description: The Kar98 is the standard issue German infantry rifle. It's accurate and deadly at long range, but suffers from a slow rate of fire due to its bolt-action mechanism. My Description: It's definetly not my favorite bolt-action rifle. A slower rate of fire than most semi-automatics, and isn't as strong as most of them. The loading time isn't as long, but neither is the clip. Not my favorite gun I can find on the battlefield. And there's so many of them all over the place! Better Than: none Not As Good As: any Name: Panzershreck Type: explosive Clip: 1 Range: short Rate of Fire: one shot Damage: very high Missions: all levels involving tanks in some way Manual Description: The Panzershreck (German for "Tank Terror") is an anti- tank weapon, launching a small charge desinged to penetrate an armored tank or vehicle. Due to the armor-piercing nature of the charge, it's not an affective anti-personnel device. One shot is often enough to reduce even the largest tanks to smoldering ruins within seconds. My Description: Most certainly not my favorite weapon in any way. You'll rarely find a Panzershreck on the battelfield that has a good amount of ammunition with it. That, an EXTREMELY long time to load, and barely any use for them in any mission makes the Panzershreck virtually useless. I picked up this weapon multiple times on the battlefront, and ended up killing two to three soldires at a time, while being killed while reloading every single time. Trust me, if you see a Panzershreck on the battelfield, it's in no way worth switching it for a weapon that you already have. I dare you to try to make it through an entire level using one. Better Than: the only bazooka Not As Good As: the only bazooka Name: Stielhandgranate Type: explosive CLip: --- Range: medium Damage: very high Missions: almost every level in the game Manual Description: Unlike a fragmentation grenade, the Stielhandgranate does not rely on the damage caused by extensive metal fragmentation. Instead, it does its damage with a larger explosive charge. My Description: I don't like this weapon as much as some other grenades, but it gets the job done-reguardless of whether or not it uses fragmentation to make waste out of enemies. Even better, it can do some damage to armored vehicles too. Better Than: same as all the other grenades Not As Good As: same as all the other grenades -------------------- +++++++++++++++++++ 5. Gun Emplacements +++++++++++++++++++ Gun emplacements can be found in many places in a large sum of the missions. Most of them are at first used against you by Nazis defending a stronghold, tower, or other critical enemy structure. After clearing out most of the enemies to get to a gun emplacement, you may not find as much an use for the machine gun as there woul've been if you hadn't killed as many enemies first. Gun emplacements offer excellent defensive cover too, however you are EXTREMELY vulnerable to grenades or Pazershrecks. If one of these weapons is used against you while you are manning a gun emplacement, you as good as dead (or extremely hurt depending on how much damage you take and how much health you already had). To man a gun emplacement, you must kill the enemy who is manning it already. A grenade is usually a fine choice for killing the soldier manning the gun emplacement and anyone around it who would have the oppurtunity to man the gun emplacement should the gunner that is already there gets killed. After killing the enemy/enemies around the gun emplacement, get behind the stone barrier (or sometimes a sandbag barrier) and you should see an icon the looks like a soldier manning a machine gun. Press the B button when this icon appears. Remember, it is only a good idea to man a gun emplacement if the are an extraordinary amount of enemies that need to be cleared out quickly. You must remember that you are also extremely vulnerable to any type of explosive or an attack from behind. I advise that you only use a gun emplacement if in need. -------------------- ++++++++ 6. Tanks ++++++++ There are many levels in the game that you'll come across that involve using a tank. These tanks include the Russian T72 and American M4 Sherman. These tanks posess impressive firepower against almost any enemy fortification-from infantry postitions to buildings. Every tank's main weapon is the cannon. It is capable of destroying enemy tanks usually with two shells. The cannon is useful to destroy enemy tanks (obviously) and structures. While the cannon is worthy of respect, it is not all that useful against small amounts of infantry in open positions. So what are you going to do!? That's where the machine gun comes in. The machine guns that are mounted atop the tanks are very useful against infantry in open places such as roads. There really is no strategy to commanding tanks, other than to hit your opponent before he hits you. Especially when up against Panzers. While your tank's armor is often strong that that of the Panzer. If your opponent hits you enough times before you destroy him, you can be dead in a matter of seconds. Keep in mind that on a normal basis, it'll take two shots to immobilize an enemy tank. Normally after two shots, the enemy tank will burst into flames and won't be able to move or shoot, assumingly because the crew is all dead. Don't worry, if you blow up an enemy tank and it blocks your path, it'll disappear after about a minute. Remember also that after two shots and you've seen the fire and smoke come from the enemy tank, don't shoot it anymore unless you have no other enemies around you and you really want to see it be shot. If you shoot it more than the neccessary amount of times, you may be shot by other surroundng enemies while your tank crew is reloading the main cannon. The reloading proccess usually takes two to three seconds. Most of the time, you'll be automatically put in a tank in the beginning of a mission. However, there are some times when you must manually board the tank and take control. You will know when to do this by an objective hat will pop up on the screen during the game. It will ususally read somthing like "Take control of the tank." or "Board and command tank." To board a tank, walk to the tank. The you should see an icon the looks like a set of crosshairs between two bars. This is the "Board Vehicle" icon. Press B when you see this icon and you'll be put at control of the tank. You'll see the main cannon at your top right from this view. You can change the view of your tank with the Y button from the way your view is when you first start ("cannon view"), to "close chase" which is right behind your tank for those of you who don't know, and finally to "First Person" which will let you use you own weapon. Note that you cannot use the tank's cannon or machine gun from this view. In order to go back to previous views, you must use the X button instead of the Y button. Controlling the tank may be sort of confusing to some people at first. I got use to it very quickly. The C Stick turns the turret. YOU MUST REMEMBER that the turret rotates independently from the main part of the tank. When you're using the "cannon view", your view will show you what direction the turret is facing. YOU MUST ALSO REMEMBER that if you push the Control Stick forward, the tank will move in the direction that the main part of the tank is facing-NOT THE TURRET! to trun the main part of the tank, press the Control Stick left or right. You can press the A button to reposition the turret so that it is aligned with the main part of the tank. Only use this when there are no enemies around you or the main part of the tank is facing an enemy, because if you turn the turret away from an enemy, you are leaving the most vulnerable part of any tank (even today's tanks) open to be fired upon-the side of the gun turret. Note that using the A button is actually a faster way to turn the turret than the C Stick. It is usually a good idea to use the A button when you are moving to a different location as it is easier to steer the tank. Personally, I find it very easy to control a tank. Your health is shown in two gauges at the bottom left-hand corner of the screen. The orange meter is how much armor is left on the tank. After that, the green meter is your health. It is actually your character's health that the tank is relying on. Note that your health will slowly recover while you're in a tank or other vehicle. -------------------- ++++++++ 7. Mines ++++++++ When in the game, you may or may not come across some of the very few missions that involve mines. I have only come across three types of mines in the game so far. I don't know the name of the first one, but it appears to be a small, yellow, and round explosive. This mine will not explode until an object of any kind runs over it. These mines are kind of dangerous, as you can end up killing yourself with one of them if you're not careful about where you place them and where you step. I don't like these weapons very much. Too risky. HANDLE WITH EXTREME CAUTION! Another kind of mine (well I guess you can call it a knid of grenade sort of-I call it a mine because it's not any particualr country's) that I know about is the ST74. This bomb will stick to the first thing it hits, and explodes a few seconds after you throw it. It's very useful for taking out enemy amored vehicles. Not useful for killing infantry. I like this weapon a little more than most explosives. Since it sticks to whatever you throw it at, there's no chance that it'll bounce back out you and blow up in your face and do a ton of damage. The last kind of mine I know of is the C4 Carge (I tend to call it a time bomb). This weapon is automatically given to you in the missions you need it in. This weapon is needed to complete certain mission objectives. You can only set it when you see a Time Bomb Icon. This icon looks like a stop watch. You will know where the C4 is placed because before you set a time bomb, the is a flashing red outline of a C4 Charge where ever you are going to set it. After placing C4 Charges, you'd better get the heck out of the way, becuase if you get caught in the huge explosion, it'll be enough to kill you! Reguardless of how much health you have! HANDLE WITH EXTREME CAUTION! To drop or throw mines, select them like you would grenades (press right on the D-Pad) until you've selected the weapon you wish to use (displayed at the top left-hand corner of the screen) and press the A button to drop or throw the mine. -------------------- ++++++++ 8. Jeeps ++++++++ Jeeps are only included in a single British level. The jeep is very fast, which may cause it to be hard to aim at enemies until it stops. Your only weapon while in a jeep is the type of machine gun that can be found at a gun emplacement. Like a tank, your health and armor is displayed in the gauge in the bottom right corner of the screen. The orange meter, like a tank, is the armor on the jeep, and the green meter is your health. Like when you are in a tank, your health will slowly recover while you're in the jeep. You are very vulnerable to attack from enemies while in a jeep, due to the fact that you're in an open-sided vehicle. The things is, you're moving so incredibly fast that enemies will probably continue to miss you. Most likely, you'll never be hurt be a grenade, however there are times when the jeep will stop until you clear the area of Nazis. It this time, you are very vulnerable to a Panzershreck. At one point in time in the one level you are in a jeep, you'll have to stop right in front of a tank, and you'll never destroy the tank using the jeeps machine gun. You're probably thinking that there's something that you can do to destroy that tank. well, TOO BAD! the jeep only carries the machine gun, and while in a jeep, you are unable to use your first-person weapon. I wish you good luck while in the jeep, my fellow soldiers. You're going to need it! -------------------- +++++++++++++++++ 9. Historic Facts +++++++++++++++++ Here is where I've put all of the facts about the weapons in Call of Duty: Finest Hour that were located at the bottom of the pages in the game manual. However, I've found out that one of them (on page 21) had inaccurate information about the M3A1 Grease Gun. In this section, I will type the facts that can be found on the bottom of the pages of the instruction booklets. However, since this is a weapons FAQ, I will only list the facts that involve the weapons that can be found in the game. Pg.5 The BAR weighs about 20 pound unloaded, and is fed with a 20-round detachable box magazine loaded from the bottom just behind the foregrip. The M1918A2 came with a bipod that weighed 2 pounds, though most soldiers discarded the bipod due to the weight they had to carry. Pg.6 The name "bazooka" comes from its resemblence to the basoon. The Germans copied the designed outright for their Panzershreck. The main drwback to the weapon was the large backblast and smoke trail that gave away the position of the shooter. Pg.7 A gas operated weapon, the Bren fired at a rate between 480 and 540 rpm. A disadvantage of the weapon was a much slower rate of fire than that of its German counterparts. Also, it only accepted magazines, and so demanded more frequent reloading than did belt-fed machine guns, There was also a 100-round drum available for Brens in an anti-aircraft role. Due to its weight (over 22 pounds), it was often partially disassembled and carried by two soldiers when long marches. Pg. 10 The MG42 had the fastest rate of fire of any weapon during the war at 1500 rounds per minute. The MG42 was a heavy weapon, weighing 25.6 pounds. It often utilized a newly developed Lafette 42 tripod that weighed 45.2 pounds on its own. During the war, over 400,000 MG42s were manufactured. Even today, it's regarded by many experts as the best machine bun ever made. Pg.11 The Panzer IV was powered by a 230hp, 12-cylinder engine, giving a top speed of 25mph and a range of 125 miles. Like all of Germany's World War II tanks, the Panzer IV was fueled by gasoline. The Panzer IV had a crew of five and was intended for anti-infantry work, while Panzer IIIs were intended to deal with opposing tanks. In practice, Panzer IVs would frequently face enemy tanks and anti-tank gun unsuppported. Its armament consisted of a 75mm main gun along with a pair of 7.92mm machine guns. Pg.13 Also known as the Tommy gun, the Thompson was an American submachine gun that became infamous during the prohibition era. It was a common sight in gangster fils of the time; real-life gangsters reffered to the tommy gun as as the "Chicago typewriter." After WWII, it saw limited service in Korea, and was carried unofficially by a scattering of soldiers in Vietnam. Owing to its gangster and WWII connections, Thompsons are highly sought after collector's items. An original 1928 gun in working condition can easily fetch $15,000. Pg.14 The Mark 2 frag grneade used by some Allied troops weighed about 21 ounces, and could produce roughly 1000 shards in a radius of up to 50 yards. The time delay was from 4 to 4.8 seconds. Pg.15 The Mosin-Nagant rifle was originally the result of a competition in Russia meant to replace the antiquated Berdan rifles than in use. Sergei Ivanovich Mosin submitted a design which was combined with a design from the Belgian designer, Leon Nagant (which the army had favored) to pander to Russia's national pride. The resulting rifle, the Mosin-Nagant Model 1891, was accepted for service for service in various forms from 1891 until the 1960s, when it was finally replaced. Pg.16 The PPSh had a phenomenal rate of fire, aroun 900 rpm. Over 6 million of these weapons were produced by the end of the war. Some common nicknames include Pah-pah-shah, Shpagin, and Burp Gun. The Germans were very impressed by the weapons, and would use them often. Pg.17 The throwing distance of the RGD-33 grenade was 120 feet, with a delay time of 3.5 to 4 seconds. Individual fragments could fly as far as 300 feet. When former Russian Prime Minister Boris Yeltsin was 11 years old during WWII, he blew off the thumb and forefinger of his left hand while disassembling an RGD-33 that he and his friends had stolen from a weapons warehouse. Pg.18 The Sten was notable for its simple design and low cost of production, being made from only 47 deifferent parts and requiring only five man-hours to produce. The Sten gun was chambered for the 9x19mm Parabellum pistol cartridge, in part to make use of captured German ammunition supplies. Approximately 4.5 million Stens were produced during the war. Pg.19 The German grenades in service during World War II relied on blast rather than fragmentation for their effect. While Allied fragmentation grenades were more deadly over w wider area, the German Stielhandgranate (often reffered to as "potato masher") doulb be farther, thanks to the leverage the handle provided. Pg.20 Over 49,000 M4 Sherman tanks were produced during the war for use by the armies of Britain, the United State, France one Poland. Early models were fitted with a 75mm low-velocity gun, which meant the Sherman lacked effectiveness against contemporary German tanks, especially the Panther and Tiger. The Sherman weighed 30 tons, with a top speed of 25mph, a range of 120 miles and a crew of 5. Pg.22 Due to the excellent design of the M1 Garand, it was used throughout WWII, through Korea and was still being used in the Vietnam War in 1963. General Patton called it "the greatest implement of battle ever devised." Pg.23 The battles for the Red October tractor factory and the Barrikady factory became world famous due to the ferocity of the fighting. While Soviet soldiers defended their positions and kept the Germans under fire, factory workers repaired damaged Soviet tanks and other weapons in the direct vicinity of the battlefield, sometimes on the battlefield itself. Pg.24 The MP40 was a much-prized war trophy, the British forces in particular preffering MP40s over their Sten guns, with the ammunition being interchangeable. Firing at a rate of 500 rpm, the MP40 was a revolutionary weapon since it was made amost entirely out of stmaped sheet metal parts. This approach to weapon design highly influenced the British Sten and the American M3 "grease gun." Pg.25 The Degtyaryova Pakhotnyi (DPM) weighed nearly 21 pounds and had a rate of fire of 500 to 600 rounds per minute, It remained the standard light gun until the 1950s, and the North Korean army supplied large numbers of them to the North Korean army in the Korean War. the DPM proved resistant to dust and dirt and free from any serious vices. However, the DPM did have some distinct faults, such as the return spring weakening with heat from the hot barrel and the bipod legs easily bent and broken from rough handling. Pg.27 The Karabiner 98k (Kar98k) was the primary German infantry rifle in both world wars and was noted for its excellent excellent accuracy and effective range of 2600 feet. For this reason, it continued to be used with a telescopic sight as a sniper rifle after it was obsolete as a standard weapon. Over 10 million were produced during the war. -------------------- ++++++++++++++ 10. Thank Yous ++++++++++++++ Activision-making the game Spark-developing the game Exakt-producing the game Nintendo-licensing the game Magnus Olsson-giving me information and helping make this FAQ as good as it appears ratnin0-giving me the heads up on the false information about the M3A1 "Grease Gun" and making me notice spelling errors I made by going back over the entire FAQ again. Taylor Elmhorst-Making me realize my mistake reguarding the Springfield M1903, for I had written that the rifle had been found in American missions and also for informing me of spelling errors -------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++ 11. Copyright Infomation ++++++++++++++++++++++++ - This FAQ is strictly copyright of retributiontomcat. - Call of Duty: Finest Hour is copyright Activision 2004. - If the FAQ is posted on another site, the poster must have my consent to do so. - If you have my consent to post this FAQ on another site, you MAY NOT change anything in this FAQ. NOTHING ABOUT THIS FAQ MAY BE CHANGED! - In order to obtain my consent to post this on a different site, contact me here: regal1216@prodigy.net - Any abuse of the above e-mail adress will result in me reporting the sender's e-mail adress to the respective authority. - If this FAQ is copied or posted on a different site without my consent, the poster will be reported to the respective authorities. - © retributiontomcat -------------------- +++++++++++ 12. Closing +++++++++++ I had a really great time writing this FAQ. I hope you've had a great time reading this FAQ, and that it helped you learn about the weapons that are in Call of Duty: Finest Hour. Thanks! retribuitontomcat ~|\------------------------© retributiontomcat 2004------------------------/|~