Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo Cross-up, Link, and Combo FAQ (v. 4.0) By Onaje Everett ( Done on 2/24/2009 Disclaimer: This FAQ is to be distributed FREELY and FOR FREE to the uttermost parts of the internet and is not to be modified or copied from in any way. It CAN be used as a resource, which is its primary purpose, for increasing your knowledge of Street Fighter 2 and for other relevant SF-related FAQs. This FAQ is best viewed using MS-DOS Editor, Windows Notepad, or Microsoft Word or WordPerfect (with the font set to 10pt New Courier). Table Of Contents Section 1: Version History Section 2: Introduction Section 3: What is a Cross-Up? Section 4: What is a Link? Section 5: What is a Combo? Section 6: Character Specific Cross-ups, Links, and Combos Ryu Ken E. Honda Chun Li Blanka Zangief Guile Dhalsim T. Hawk Fei Long Dee Jay Cammy Boxer (Balrog in USA; M. Bison in Japan) Claw (Vega in USA; Balrog in Japan) Sagat Dictator (M. Bison in USA; Vega in Japan) Akuma (Gouki in Japan) Section 7: Concluding Remarks Section 8: Credits and Acknowledgements ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 1: Version History Version 4.1: Added more specific information to the Cross-Ups listed in Section 6. Changed Section 3: “What is a Cross-up?” accordingly. Incorporated Cammy’s close/crouch strong, stand fierce (the elbow) XX Cannon Drill/Spin Drive Smasher combos into her list. Version 4.0: Whoa. Almost nine years later, Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix is out and it’s beyond time to update this thing and make it even more relevant to the SF community. Adding cross-ups and sample combos to make this FAQ even more informative. Changed the intro to reflect the new direction of the FAQ. (1/07/2009) Version 3.0: Added links involving whiffed moves. Added the "What is a link?" intro. (4/24/1999) Version 2.0: Modified disclaimer. Added the date. Improved the format. Added other missing links for various characters, including jumping attacks. (4/13/1999) Version 1.0: The first version of the FAQ. (3/26/1999) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 2: Introduction Since Street Fighter 2: World Warrior, combos have been a wonderful discovery that makes a player’s offensive capabilities more potent, more creative, and more dynamic. However, they can also be pretty risky and not necessarily the best thing to do to get the positioning you need on your opponent. In fact, you really can play this game for years with a fair amount of success without them, like I did. Of course, now that I know about combos, I’m hooked and I’m not going back. That’s why I’m writing this FAQ for the person who may be looking for more powerful ways to exploit their opponent’s openings. If you can understand the concepts in this FAQ and apply them individually and collectively in the right situations, you can end your matches more quickly and force your opponent to make fewer mistakes against you. Here's a layout of the joystick directions that I use. (Character facing to the right.) ub=up-back u=up uf=up-forward \ | / \ | / \ | / \ | / \ | / b=back ----------+----------- f=forward / | \ / | \ / | \ / | \ / | \ db=down-back d=down df=down-forward Here's the button layout, in case you may have forgotten or are confused by the terms I use for each move: Light Medium Hard (Punches) jab strong fierce (Kicks) short forward roundhouse This FAQ will assume that you know some Street Fighter terminology. If you find terms you don’t understand, there are plenty of FAQs and resources that can help you if you look around the internet. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 3: What is a Cross-Up? A cross-up is an attack done at such a position that your character ends up on the other side of your opponent. There are moves that cross-up when they miss the opponent, but this FAQ will focus on attacks that cross-up the opponent after they make contact, when properly spaced. The most common way to achieve this is from the air. For example, Dictator (M. Bison in USA; Vega in Japan) can jump forward and hit the very back of his opponent’s shoulder with the back foot of his jumping roundhouse kick and land on the other side of his opponent. Cross-ups are extremely valuable because they force your opponent to guess which way to block and because when your character lands, he or she is put in point-blank range of your opponent. The ideal cross-up will also hit deep enough to present your character with an opponent reeling in hit stun and sliding into them in the same direction they were just jumping. It’s the perfect setup for being at point-blank range. A blocked cross-up opens up a ton of mind games, while a cross- up that hits the opponent sets up a big damage combo. Keep in mind that all non-knockdown aerial attacks that hit a standing opponent stun them for 11 animation frames (or 11/60ths of a second), the same hit-stun as a grounded weak attack. (If the opponent was crouching, they reel the same as if they were hit by a grounded move of the same strength.) Just about all of the cross-ups listed will allow for additional attacks when they hit a crouching opponent. Some cross- ups allow for additional attacks when they hit certain standing opponents. Some cross-ups knock down without allowing any follow-up while others knock down and start a juggle. I will qualify all cross- ups and list who they start combos according to if they are standing and if they are crouching. If an attack doesn’t knock down and cannot connect deep enough on a character to start a combo, it will leave you open to be countered. I will note these moves with an asterisk (*). ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 4: What is a Link? A link is a series of moves in which you hit the opponent with a move and then hit them another move as soon as the first one ends and before they recover from hit-stun. In this sense, a jumping attack followed by a ground attack is a link. However, an easy example of this on the ground is hitting an opponent with Ken’s crouching strong punch and then following that up with his crouching roundhouse sweep for a 2 hit linking knockdown combo. It's a simple concept on the surface, but it's not always as easy to put into action, as you'll see when you try the links in this FAQ for yourself. Some moves recover so quickly that you can hold the joystick in a direction and mash the next button rapidly and have the next attack connect. However, mashing the button is imprecise and some of these links leave a *very* small window of time (as small as 1/60th of a second!) in which to link the next move. Unless you can press a button 60 times a second, mashing is not the way to go. The best way to master all of the links on this FAQ is to press the button of the attack you want to link into right when the previous attack ends. This becomes even more important when you start attempting links that involve going from close or standing to crouching moves or from crouching to close or standing moves. When linking moves that alternate from standing to crouching or vice versa, the best method is to press the direction and button combination for the attack you want at the same time, timing that action to coincide with the end of the move you’re linking from. This will cause your character to execute the next attack immediately, skipping the animated process of standing up into their standing fighting stance or crouching down into their crouching stance. The ultimate result is that you take maximum advantage of the time window you have from your move ending to the time your opponent comes out of hit stun to continue the combo. For example, to link Guile’s crouching strong punch to his close fierce punch, hold down (or down-back if you’re charging his Sonic Boom) on the joystick and press strong punch, continue to hold down on the joystick until the animation for the punch ends, then let go of the joystick so that it’s in the neutral position (or move the joystick to back if you’re still charging his Sonic Boom) and press fierce punch. You should see Guile go immediately into the close fierce punch without seeing him start to stand up from his crouch and, if you timed everything correctly, you’ll have a two hit combo. Likewise, with Chun Li, to link from her close strong punch into her crouching forward kick, press strong punch with the joystick in neutral (or back if you’re charging a move), wait for the attack to end, and then immediately press down (or down-back if you’re still charging a move) and forward kick. Just like in Guile’s example, you should see Chun Li immediately perform her crouching forward without starting to duck down into her crouching stance and, again, if you did it right, you’ll have a two hit combo. As you can see, this technique can work with any joystick direction that has to do with standing or crouching, and you will see the significance of this when we get to the combos for each character. So, bottom line, links are all about learning the timing of the moves you’re linking from. Mastering links will take practice, but don’t worry, some attacks are much easier to link after than others and I’ve listed them for you. If you’re a beginner, start with those. Once you get those down, you can move to linking from the moves I didn’t list as “easy to link from”, but by then you may find that you may not need to unless you’re making a combo video or trying to show off. For ease of reading and saving myself some keystrokes, I will use the terms 'close' for close standing attacks, 'stand' for far standing attacks, and 'crouch' for crouching attacks. I will list the links in this format: (move): (moves that will link after that move) If I list a move without listing any qualifiers (close, crouch, or stand) or list a special move without indicating what button to push for it, it means that any version of the move will work. For example, after any of Chun Li's strong attacks (close, stand, or crouch), any fierce attack that comes out will work. In mentioning any special or super moves, I will list the motion so that you know exactly what move I'm talking about. Also remember that '/' means 'or'. So, using Cammy’s close fierce as an example... close fierce: stand jab, crouch/stand strong, forward, fierce, crouch roundhouse, jump towards short, jump towards roundhouse, Cannon Spike (f,d,df+kick). ...the block of text above means that, after a close fierce, Cammy recovers quickly enough to hit the opponent with far standing jab, crouching or far standing strong, any forward kick, any fierce punch, crouching roundhouse, jumping towards short, jumping towards roundhouse, and any version of the Cannon Spike (f,d,df+kick). I hope that makes sense. It's usually the case that you can't link two close medium or hard attacks together and there are very few cases in which you can link a special move with itself. Keep this in mind when reading this FAQ and trying out the links for yourself. Additionally, in listing the links, I list moves that link in normal circumstances and then I list moves that will link after a meaty (or ‘early’) attack. A meaty attack is an attack done either as the opponent is either getting up or landing from being hit out of the air by a move that doesn’t knockdown, whether it’s a normal move or a hold. The attack is timed so that the move is hitting at its last possible instance. For example, with Fei Long's crouch fierce, you time the move so that your opponent gets hit RIGHT BEFORE Fei Long starts to draw back his hands and recover from the move. If you want to be technical, you are hitting the opponent with the last possible hitting frame of animation of the move. The better you time it, the more time you have to hit them with something else. One more thing: it logically follows that if you can link something after a non-meaty attack, you can also link it from a meaty attack. For links that involve certain conditions, those conditions will be in parenthesis. I’ll always start with point-blank range links and then move outward to full screen range. Everything else should be self-explanatory. :) Note that these links can be used in ANY version of Street Fighter 2 from Street Fighter 2: World Warrior up to Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo, provided that the character in question has that move and the frame data is the same. Feel free to apply this knowledge in other versions of Street Fighter 2 wherever appropriate. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 5: What is a Combo? This section is where things can get a bit complicated. I’ll just dive right into the specific terminology I will be using. I’ll start simple and increase in complexity from there. Each concept builds on the previous one, so take them one at a time and you should understand it. Combo: Short for ‘combination’, a combo is a series of attacks that, when they hit the opponent, cannot be escaped. There are several types of combos that we will be dealing with in this FAQ and some combos can only be done by using specific move cancellation techniques. Super Combo (SC): Each character has a super combo (SC), commonly called a “super”, that can be performed with a full super meter. This move, when it fully connects, can be expected to do anywhere from 50%- 75% damage. SCs vary from character to character and usually have the same two things in common. One, they are done by performing the motion for the special move they resemble twice before pressing the button to execute it. Two, they usually have invincible startup frames, making them the perfect reversal special move. Link (,): As it was stated in the above section, a link combo is a combo in which you hit the opponent with a move and then hit them with the following move as soon as the first one ends and before they recover from hit-stun. Chain (-): A chain combo consists of a series of regular moves that are interrupted into each other. The first move hits, the joystick and button command for the next move is entered, and then the recovery of the move that just hit is *interrupted* by the next move that was input. In the Street Fighter 2 series, this can only be done with rapid fire light attacks (jab and short attacks). For example, I’m sure that, at some point, CPU Ryu has shown you that you can chain 2 to 8 crouching short kicks together. Each one of those kicks is being interrupted, which is why he can hit you with so many of them. In addition to this, you can also cancel a rapid fire light attack into *any* light attack of your choosing, even if the next attack doesn’t rapid-fire cancel. This is important because when you rapid-fire chain two identical weak attacks together, you cannot cancel the second attack into a special move. You have to chain into a different weak attack in order to be able to cancel that move into a special move. This is further explained in the “Chain Canceling” section. 2-in-1 (XX): A 2-in-1, also called a ‘cancel’ or ‘interrupt’, is a normal move interrupted into a special move input. The normal move hits, the command for the special move is performed, and the recovery of the normal move is replaced by the special move. This is the common way to do combos in most fighting games, but you cannot pick just any normal move and special move combination and actually have both moves connect. You have to know the ranges, speeds, and hit stun effects of the moves you’re using to successfully put these moves together. One of the best known 2-in-1 combos around is Guile’s close standing fierce XX Fierce Sonic Boom combo. However, in Super Turbo, you cannot directly 2-in-1 into a Super Combo (or SC) move, unlike the Street Fighter Alpha or Street Fighter Three series. This is because the frame window for cancelling a hitting normal move into a Super Combo is a very tight 7 frames! (Special moves get a 20 frame window.) To fit that complex Super Combo motion into that tight 7 frame window, you have to use one of four “special” cancellation techniques. Negative Edge (NE): The first technique is called “Negative Edge”. Since Street Fighter 1, the game has been designed to read button presses and *button releases* when detecting special moves. So, you can actually hold down a button, do the motion for a special move or Super Combo, and, upon releasing the button, the special move or super combo you did the motion for will immediately execute. So, to cancel a normal move into a special move or Super Combo, simply press and hold the button for a cancelable attack, making sure it connects, of course, do the motion for the special move or Super Combo you wish to cancel into, and then let go of the button at the end of the motion. For example, with Ken’s Shoryureppa SC, you can walk up to point-blank range on your opponent, press neutral+fierce to get a close fierce, do the two Dragon Punch motions for the Shoryureppa (f,d,df,f,d,df+punch) and then let go of fierce when you get to the last down-forward input of the joystick. The motions have to be done very, very quickly, but it’s possible. As I just said, you can use Negative Edge to cancel into any special or super move, so it is very useful, particularly when the special move you want ends in a blocking position. Now that you know Negative Edge has existed since Street Fighter 1, you might want to go back and try those special moves you were having trouble with. Say “Shoryuken!” to Sagat for me. Heh. The second technique we’ll call “motion partitioning” (MP). Taking Ryu’s Shinkuu Hadouken SC as an example, since the motion for his SC is (d,df,f,d,df,f+punch), you can break up the motion by using a move that doesn’t overlap with one of his special moves. So, since Ryu doesn’t have a d, df, f+kick move, most players combo into the Shinkuu Hadouken by inputting d, df, f, d+forward kick, df, f+punch. If you break that down, it’s just like doing his crouch forward XX Hadouken combo, but you’re doing a quarter-circle forward motion before starting it. (I actually find it easier to execute the combo in that example by linking from another move, like either his Rushing Gut Punch or crouch strong, so that you can buffer in the first quarter-circle forward motion while the first move is happening. Give it a try.) The third technique we’ll go over is “charge partitioning” (CP). Using Dee Jay’s Double Dread Kick SC this time, the motion for that move is charge b, f, b, f+kick. This time, it’s trickier because Dee Jay has charge moves with punch (Max-Out) and kick (Dread Kick). The way to get around overlapping with those moves and comboing into the Double Dread Kick is...charge b, f, b, *neutral*+strong punch, f+kick. This is comparable to charging down, returning the joystick to neutral and pressing a button, and then cancelling that standing move by pressing up and a button for your charge down, up+button special move. The difference, however, is that the extra input of the neutral move is just enough to make the game not read that input as a Max Out, which it will if you do charge b, f, b+strong. Once the strong punch connects, press forward and kick as if you were doing a Dread Kick and you’ll get a Super Combo pause and the Double Dread Kick will come out. The fourth and final technique is actually a combination of two skills that have to be used together to put a SC into a combo. The following is taken from the Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo article on the Wiki ( ShinVega is the author. Kara Cancelling (KC): Kara (Japanese for “empty”) cancelling is when you cancel a normal move immediately into a special or super move. The cancel is done so quickly that you don't even see the normal move come out (but you can hear it). By itself, kara canceling is really not that useful in ST aside from one small glitch. (For several characters, you can shorten the recovery time of a Strong or Fierce fireball by kara cancelling a Jab or Short.) However, kara canceling is extremely useful when used in conjunction with renda canceling... Chain Cancelling (formerly known as "Renda Cancelling")(RC): In Japanese, "renda" ?? is the word they use for rapid-fire chain combos, like cr.Short->cr.Short. In old school Street Fighter (in the pre-Alpha games), you can not cancel chain combos. If you chain two cr.Shorts, you can not cancel the second one. Using kara cancelling however, you can get around this limitation. This is called chain cancelling ("renda canceling", in Japanese). The best example is probably the most practical example: Ken's cr.Short->cr.Short xx super. The input is D Short, D Short, D/F, F, D, D/F, F Short any punch. So in order to do TWO cr.Shorts into super, you actually need to hit the Short button THREE times. That st.Short on the end is being kara canceled into the super, which is why you never see it. Also note that you must go all the way to towards (even though Ken's super motion only requires you to go to down/towards). This is because for chain cancelling, you must switch from crouching to standing (or from standing to crouching). Because you started with cr.Shorts, you have to end with a st.Short. The reason why chain cancelling is so incredibly good is because you can hit confirm (wait to see if it hits or not). If the shorts are blocked, go for a throw or a DP. If the shorts connect, just continue the combo into super. (End quote) Tick Throw (TT): A tick throw sounds like its name. You make contact with the opponent with a move and then, provided the opponent hasn’t been knocked down, you throw them when they come out of hit stun or block stun. (This should tell you that this is not a *true* combo, but it is important for the purposes of this FAQ since throws *can* dizzy, even though they have a very small stun value.) Now, I just alluded to the fact that you cannot throw a person while they are in hit stun or in block stun. In addition to that, your opponent can perform a reversal special move or reversal throw in the very last animation frame of getting up, in the very last animation frame of coming out of hit stun or block stun, and in the very instant animation frame that they land from being hit out of the air by a move that doesn’t knock down. In light of all of this, the logical conclusion is that you must time and *disguise* your attempt properly because tick throws can be escaped or countered if the opponent knows they are coming. For example, Zangief is known for throwing out an attack and then either interrupting that attack or linking after that attack into his Spinning Pile Driver. This is very effective because you can link or cancel into the Spinning Pile Driver with such timing that it grabs *immediately* when the opponent comes out of hit/block stun. As in this case, you have an extra advantage if your character’s throw range is greater than your opponent’s, as this allows you to perform tick throw attempts without worrying about being counter-thrown. Because the throw range of the Spinning Pile Driver is much greater than any regular throw, counter-throwing Zangief is *very* difficult (if not impossible) when this is properly done. However, a reversal special move that’s either invincible on startup, cannot be thrown on startup, instantly hits on startup (provided you make contact), or is instantly airborne will save you. In other words, if you get thrown, it’s your own fault because you let your opponent get that close and you guessed wrong. It’s not “cheap”. There’s no such thing. It’s a mind game and mind games are very present in high-level play. Out-think your opponent and you will win. Bread and Butter (BnB) Combo: A combo that is usually one of four things: easy to confirm that it hit so that you can continue/abort the combo, easy to execute, widely applicable, and/or leaves you safe on block. In short, if you’re looking for a combo to use in any given situation that your opponent is open, this is the one. Dizzy (@) Combo: A combo that will dizzy a non-dizzy opponent with an empty dizzy meter. Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo is somewhat random in granting dizzies, but it generally takes a minimum of 2 hard hits plus 2 medium ones. In the first ten seconds of any Street Fighter 2 game, it can take as few as 2 hard hits to dizzy. Also remember that the dizzy meter empties if the character doesn’t take damage within 3 seconds. (Though I will list this symbol next to tick-throw setups that will dizzy if the throw connects, remember that tick-throws are escapable.) Re-dizzy (R@) Combo: A combo that, when performed on a dizzy opponent, will dizzy them again! (Though I will list this symbol next to tick- throw setups that will re-dizzy if the throw connects, remember that tick-throws are escapable.) Touch of Death (ToD) Combo: A combo that will dizzy a non-dizzy opponent with an empty dizzy meter, do more than 50% damage, and, provided the conditions for connecting this combo are the same when the opponent stands up in a dizzy stupor, you’ll be able to repeat the combo and knock them out. So, in other words, they let you touch them and now they’re “dead”. ToD combos do not include SCs unless the performance of the combo fills an empty super meter in the process. However, because of ST’s damage levels, particularly from Super Combos, dizzying your opponent and getting them below 50% life will usually give you the round via other non-ToD combos. (Though I will list this symbol next to tick-throw setups that will dizzy and do more than 50% damage if the throw connects, remember that tick-throws are escapable!) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 6: Character Specific Cross-ups, Links, and Combos Alright, here’s the section you were waiting for! All of the knowledge that was shared in the above sections is put to use below. If you didn’t catch on by now, the title of this section tells you what order you’ll be applying your offensive tools during your attack. Here’s a quick reference guide to this section, so you don’t have to scroll back up through the FAQ. Cross-ups: (!) = Cross-up that knocks down and doesn’t allow a juggle (&) = Cross-up that knocks down and starts a juggle (*) = Cross-up that doesn’t knock down and can not start a combo, which means you’ll be open to counter-attack Links: (move): (moves that will link after that move) , = ‘and’ / = ‘or’ Close = close standing attack Stand = far standing attack Crouch = crouching attack Meaty = Attack is timed so that the last hitting frame (or as close to it as possible) connects as the opponent is either getting up or landing from being hit out of the air by a move that doesn’t knockdown Note: If I list a normal move without listing any qualifiers (close, crouch, or stand) or list a special move without indicating what button to push for it, it means that any version of the move that comes out will work. For links that involve certain conditions, those conditions will be in parenthesis. I’ll always start with point-blank range links and then move outward to full screen range. Combos: , = Link Combo - = Chain Combo or Rapid-Fire Chain XX = 2-in-1 or Special/Super Move Cancellation NE = Negative Edge MP = Motion Partitioning CP = Charge Partitioning KC = Kara (Empty) Cancellation RC = Renda (Rapid-Fire Chain) Cancellation SC = Super Combo TT = Tick Throw @ = Dizzy Combo R@ = Re-dizzy Combo ToD = Touch of Death Combo Note: For each character, all of their cross-ups will be listed first followed by their link trees. After that, I’ll go into their combo information. For each character’s combo section, I will list all of their chainable and cancellable attacks. Then, I will list the most powerful possible combo into each of that character’s special moves and super combo from point-blank range on the ground. This will help you in being able to gauge the “combo-ability” of each character’s special moves and, ultimately, help you come up with your own combos. Finally, to help you get started even more quickly, I’ll also list some sample combos for you to try, all sorted by their relative skill level. For combos ending with super combos, I’ll even give you what I find to be the best cancellation method for that particular situation. Consider this FAQ your “Training Mode Challenge Guide”. Can you perform all of the combos here? Go get a napkin for excess drool and put a pillow under your chin so it doesn’t hit the floor! :) Ryu Cross-ups: Jump short: (Standing) Crosses up Guile (almost-cornered); Crosses up but can’t start a combo on everyone else; (Crouching) Crosses up Chun Li, E. Honda, Blanka, Zangief, Guile (almost-cornered), Cammy, Claw, Sagat, Dictator; Misses everyone else. Jump forward: (Standing) Crosses up but can’t start a combo on T. Hawk, Boxer; Misses Ryu, Ken, Akuma, Dee Jay; Crosses up everyone else; (Crouching) Misses Ryu, Ken, Akuma, and Blanka; Crosses up everyone else. Jump roundhouse: (Standing) Crosses up but can’t start a combo on T. Hawk, Crosses up everyone else; (Crouching) Crosses up everyone. Aerial Hurricane Kick (jump,d,db,b+kick)(!): (Standing) Crosses up everyone; (Crouching) Misses Cammy, crosses up everyone else. Links: close jab: jab, crouch short, strong, crouch forward, close/crouch fierce, crouch roundhouse, stand roundhouse. crouch jab: jab, close/crouch short, strong, crouch forward, fierce, crouch roundhouse, stand roundhouse. stand jab: jab, crouch short, crouch/stand strong, crouch forward, crouch roundhouse. close short: jab, crouch short. crouch short: jab, close/crouch short, strong, crouch forward, fierce, crouch roundhouse, stand roundhouse. crouch strong: jab, crouch short, strong, crouch forward, fierce, crouch roundhouse, jump jab, stand roundhouse, Shinkuu Hadouken SC (d,df,f(x2)+punch). stand strong: crouch short, crouch forward, crouch roundhouse. close forward: jab, crouch short, (meaty) crouch strong, crouch forward, close fierce, crouch roundhouse. crouch forward: jab, crouch short, strong, crouch forward, crouch roundhouse. close roundhouse: (meaty) crouch forward, crouch roundhouse. Collarbone Breaker Overhead (f+strong): jab, crouch short, crouch/stand strong, crouch forward, crouch roundhouse. Rushing Gut Punch (f+fierce): jab, crouch short, close/crouch strong, crouch forward, fierce, crouch roundhouse. Jab Hadouken (d,df,f+punch)/HienHadouken (b,db,d,df,f+punch): (meaty, on cornered opponent) crouch short, stand strong, crouch forward, stand fierce, crouch roundhouse, Hadouken, HienHadouken, Hurricane Kick (d,db,b+kick), (after whiffed air roundhouse Hurricane Kick, near full screen range) crouch forward, crouch roundhouse, Fierce Hadouken/HienHadouken. Best moves to link from (least recovery): crouch short, crouch strong, Collarbone Breaker Overhead, Rushing Gut Punch. Best moves to link to (least startup): crouch forward, close/crouch fierce, stand roundhouse. Combos: Rapid-fire chain attacks: Jab, crouch/stand short. Cancellable attacks: Jab, short, strong, close/crouch forward, close/crouch fierce, crouch roundhouse. Best point-blank range combos: Hadouken (d,df,f+punch): Rushing Gut Punch (2 hit), crouch strong, crouch forward XX Fierce Hadouken HienHadouken (b,db,d,df,f+punch): Rushing Gut Punch (2 hit), crouch strong, crouch forward XX Fierce HienHadouken Shoryuken (f,d,df+punch): Close fierce XX Fierce Shoryuken Hurricane Kick (d,db,b+kick): Close fierce XX Roundhouse Hurricane Kick Shinkuu Hadouken SC (d,df,f(x2)+punch): Rushing Gut Punch (2 hit), crouch strong, crouch forward (MP) XX Shinkuu Hadouken SC Basic Combos: 1. Crouch short, Throw (TT) 2. Crouch strong, Throw (TT) 3. Crouch fierce XX Fierce Hadouken (BnB) 4. Crouch short XX Short Hurricane Kick Intermediate Combos: 5. Close fierce XX Fierce Shoryuken (BnB) 6. Jump fierce, close fierce XX Roundhouse Hurricane Kick (BnB) 7. Jump roundhouse, crouch forward XX Fierce Hadouken (BnB) 8. Crouch strong, crouch forward XX Fierce Hadouken (BnB) 9. Rushing Gut Punch (2 hit), crouch forward XX Fierce Hadouken 10. Jump fierce, crouch strong, crouch short XX Short Hurricane Kick 11. Jump fierce, crouch short, crouch fierce XX Fierce Hadouken 12. Meaty Jab Hadouken, Fierce Hadouken (BnB) 13. Meaty Jab Hadouken, Shinkuu Hadouken SC 14. Meaty close roundhouse (2 hit), crouch forward XX Fierce Hadouken Advanced Combos: 15. Jump fierce, crouch strong, Shinkuu Hadouken SC 16. Collarbone Breaker (2 hit), crouch roundhouse (Crouching opponent only) 17. Jump fierce XX Roundhouse Aerial Hurricane Kick (whiff), Throw (TT) 18. Jump strong (2 hit), jump strong (1 hit), Shinkuu Hadouken SC (Juggle on airborne opponent) 19. Cross-up roundhouse, close fierce XX Fierce Shoryuken 20. Cross-up roundhouse, crouch strong, crouch forward XX Fierce Hadouken (BnB,@) 21. Cross-up roundhouse, crouch strong, close fierce XX Fierce Hadouken (ToD) 22. Cross-up roundhouse, Rushing Gut Punch (2 hit), crouch strong, crouch forward XX Fierce Hadouken (ToD on crouching Zangief only) 23. Jump fierce, crouch fierce (MP) XX Shinkuu Hadouken SC 24. Jump roundhouse, crouch forward (MP) XX Shinkuu Hadouken SC 25. Jump roundhouse, crouch short (RC/MP) XX Shinkuu Hadouken SC, crouch roundhouse 26. Cross-up roundhouse, crouch short (x2)-close short (KC) XX Shinkuu Hadouken SC (BnB) 27. Cross-up roundhouse, crouch short-close short-crouch short (RC/MP) XX Shinkuu Hadouken SC 28. Cross-up roundhouse, crouch strong, crouch forward (MP) XX Shinkuu Hadouken SC (BnB) 29. Cross-up roundhouse, crouch strong, crouch fierce (MP) XX Shinkuu Hadouken SC 30. Cross-up roundhouse, Rushing Gut Punch (2 hit), crouch fierce (MP) XX Shinkuu Hadouken SC (Crouching opponent only) 31. Cross-up roundhouse, Rushing Gut Punch (2 hit), crouch strong, crouch forward (MP) XX Shinkuu Hadouken SC (Crouching Zangief only) Ken Cross-ups: Jump short: (Standing) Crosses up Guile (almost-cornered); Crosses up but can’t start a combo on everyone else; (Crouching) Crosses up Chun Li, E. Honda, Blanka, Zangief, Guile (almost-cornered), Cammy, Claw, Sagat, Dictator; Misses everyone else. Jump forward: (Standing/Crouching) Crosses up everyone. Aerial Hurricane Kick (jump,d,db,b+kick): (Standing) Crosses up everyone; (Crouching) Misses Cammy, crosses up everyone else. Links: close jab: jab, crouch short, strong, crouch forward, close/crouch fierce, crouch roundhouse. crouch jab: jab, close/crouch short, strong, crouch forward, fierce, crouch roundhouse. stand jab: jab, crouch short, crouch/stand strong, crouch forward, crouch roundhouse. close short: jab, crouch short. crouch short: jab, close/crouch short, strong, crouch forward, fierce, crouch roundhouse. crouch strong: jab, crouch short, strong, crouch forward, fierce, crouch roundhouse, jump jab, Shoryureppa SC (f,d,df(x2)+punch). stand strong: crouch short, crouch forward, crouch roundhouse. close forward: jab, crouch short, (meaty) crouch strong, crouch forward, close fierce, crouch roundhouse. crouch forward: jab, crouch short, strong, crouch forward, crouch roundhouse. Jab Hadouken (d,df,f+punch): (meaty, on cornered opponent) crouch short, stand strong, crouch forward, stand fierce, crouch roundhouse, Hadouken, Fierce Shoryuken (f,d,df+punch), Hurricane Kick (d,db,b+kick), (after whiffed air roundhouse Hurricane Kick, near full screen range) crouch forward, crouch roundhouse. Krazy Kick 1 w/overhead (d,df,f+kick [hold kick for overhead]): crouch roundhouse. Krazy Kick 2 w/overhead (f,df,d+kick [hold kick for overhead]): crouch roundhouse. Krazy Kick 3 overhead hit only (b,db,d,df,f+kick [hold kick for overhead]): crouch roundhouse. Roundhouse Hurricane Kick (d,db,b+kick): Fierce Shoryuken, Shoryureppa SC. Aerial Roundhouse Hurricane Kick (jump,d,db,b+kick): (2 hits max) crouch forward, (3 hits max) Fierce Hadouken. Best moves to link from (least recovery): crouch short, crouch strong, Krazy Kick 1 w/overhead. Best moves to link to (least startup): crouch forward, close/crouch fierce, stand roundhouse, Fierce Shoryuken, Shoryureppa SC. Combos: Rapid-fire chain attacks: Jab, crouch/stand short. Cancellable attacks: Jab, short, strong, crouch forward, close/crouch fierce, crouch roundhouse. Best point-blank range combos: Hadouken (d,df,f+punch): Crouch jab, crouch fierce XX Fierce Hadouken Shoryuken (f,d,df+punch): Close fierce XX Jab Shoryuken Hurricane Kick (d,db,b+kick): Close fierce XX Roundhouse Hurricane Kick Aerial Hurricane Kick (jump,d,db,b+kick): Jump fierce XX Roundhouse Aerial Hurricane Kick, crouch forward XX Fierce Hadouken Krazy Kick 1 (d,df,f+kick, hold kick for overhead): Crouch strong, crouch forward XX Krazy Ken Kick 1 (w/overhead), Shoryureppa SC Krazy Kick 2 (f,df,d+kick, hold kick for overhead): Close strong XX Krazy Ken Kick 2 (w/overhead) Krazy Kick 3 (b,db,d,df,f+kick, hold kick for overhead): Close fierce XX Krazy Kick 3 Shoryureppa SC (f,d,df(x2)+punch): Crouch fierce (MP) XX Shoryureppa SC Basic Combos: 1. Crouch short, Hold or Throw (TT) 2. Crouch strong, Hold or Throw (TT) 3. Crouch fierce XX Fierce Hadouken (BnB) 4. Crouch short XX Roundhouse Hurricane Kick Intermediate Combos: 3. Close fierce XX Jab Shoryuken (BnB) 4. Crouch strong, crouch roundhouse 5. Jump fierce, close fierce XX Roundhouse Hurricane Kick (BnB) 6. Jump roundhouse, crouch forward XX Fierce Hadouken (BnB) 7. Jump roundhouse, crouch strong XX Krazy Ken Kick 1 (w/overhead) (BnB) 8. Jump roundhouse, crouch strong XX Krazy Ken Kick 3 (w/o overhead) 9. Jump fierce, close strong XX Krazy Ken Kick 2 (w/overhead) (Krazy Ken Kick 2 misses Ryu, Ken, E. Honda, Chun Li, Blanka, Cammy, and Dee Jay in this combo.) 10. Jump fierce, crouch strong, Shoryureppa SC Advanced Combos: 11. Meaty close roundhouse (2 hit), crouch forward XX Fierce Hadouken 12. Jump fierce, crouch strong, crouch short XX Roundhouse Hurricane Kick 13. Jump roundhouse, close fierce (NE) XX Shoryureppa SC 14. Jump fierce, crouch short, crouch strong XX Krazy Ken Kick 1 (w/overhead), crouch roundhouse (BnB) 15. Jump fierce, crouch short, crouch strong XX Krazy Ken Kick 1 (w/overhead), Shoryureppa SC 16. Jump fierce XX Roundhouse Aerial Hurricane Kick, Throw (TT) 17. Jump fierce XX Roundhouse Aerial Hurricane Kick, crouch forward XX Fierce Hadouken 18. Cross-up forward, close fierce XX Jab Shoryuken (ToD) 19. Cross-up forward, crouch strong, crouch forward XX Krazy Ken Kick 1 (w/o overhead) (BnB, ToD, Krazy Ken Kick whiffs on Chun Li in this combo.) 20. Cross-up forward, crouch strong, crouch forward XX Krazy Ken Kick 1 (w/overhead), crouch roundhouse (BnB, ToD) 21. Cross-up forward, crouch short (x2)-close short (KC) XX Shoryureppa SC 22. Cross-up forward, crouch strong, crouch short (MP) XX Shoryureppa SC 23. Meaty Jab Hadouken, Roundhouse Hurricane Kick, Fierce Shoryuken (Only works on Speed 0) 24. Meaty Jab Hadouken, Roundhouse Hurricane Kick, Shoryureppa SC (Only works on Speed 0) 25. Jump roundhouse, crouch strong XX Roundhouse Hurricane Kick, Fierce Shoryuken (ToD, Only works on Speed 0) 26. Jump roundhouse, crouch strong XX Roundhouse Hurricane Kick, Shoryureppa SC (@, Only works on Speed 0) 27. Jump jab XX Aerial *Juice* Roundhouse Hurricane Kick, crouch fierce (MP) XX Shoryureppa. (In corner on Sagat) E. Honda Cross-ups: Jump short: (Standing) Crosses up E. Honda, Blanka, Zangief, Guile, Dhalsim (right side), Cammy, Fei Long (right side), Sagat (right side), Dictator (right side); Misses T. Hawk; Crosses up but can’t start a combo on everyone else; (Crouching) Crosses up but can’t start a combo on Dee Jay; Crosses up everyone else. Jump forward: (Standing) Crosses up E. Honda, Chun Li, Cammy, Dictator; Crosses up but can’t start a combo on Zangief, T. Hawk, Claw; Misses everyone else; (Crouching) Crosses up E. Honda, Chun Li, Blanka, Fei Long, Boxer, Dictator; Misses everyone else. Belly Flop (jump,d+forward): (Standing) Crosses up everybody; (Crouching) Crosses up everybody. Jump fierce: (Standing) Crosses up E. Honda, Chun Li, Cammy, Dictator (right side); Crosses up but can’t start a combo on T. Hawk, Sagat; Misses everyone else; (Crouching) Crosses up E. Honda, Chun Li (almost- cornered), T. Hawk, Fei Long, Boxer, Dictator; Misses everyone else. Jump roundhouse: (Standing) Crosses up everybody; (Crouching) Crosses up everybody. Links: close/stand jab: jab, close short, stand strong. crouch short: jab, close short, crouch fierce (1st hit). close/stand strong: jab, close short, strong, close forward, stand fierce (misses Chun Li), crouch fierce (1st hit), crouch roundhouse, Jab 100 Hand Slap (tap punch rapidly), (on Guile, Dhalsim, Fei Long, Blanka, T.Hawk, and Zangief) close roundhouse, (on Fei Long, T. Hawk, and Zangief) close fierce. close forward: jab, crouch short (misses Ryu, Ken, Akuma, and Chun Li), strong, crouch forward, crouch fierce (1st hit). Knee Butt (f+close forward): crouch jab. Best moves to link from: close short, close/stand strong, close forward. Best moves to link to: close short, stand fierce, Jab 100 Hand Slap. Combos: Rapid-fire chain attacks: Crouch short. Cancellable attacks: Close jab, crouch short. Best point-blank range combos (tick throw setups): Sumo Headbutt (charge b,f+punch): Crouch short, crouch short XX Fierce Sumo Headbutt Hundred Hand Slap (tap punch rapidly): Close strong, crouch short XX Fierce Hundred Hand Slap Sumo Splash (charge d,u+kick): None Ochio Throw (f,df,d,db+punch): Crouch jab XX Fierce Ochio Throw (TT) Oni Muso SC (charge b,f,b,f+punch): Close strong, crouch short (CP) XX Oni Muso SC Basic Combos: 1. Close strong, Hold or Throw (TT) 2. Close strong, close jab 3. Close strong, crouch roundhouse 4. Crouch short XX Fierce Sumo Headbutt (BnB) 5. Close strong, stand fierce Intermediate Combos: 6. Close strong, Jab Hundred Hand Slap 7. Jump fierce, crouch short XX Fierce Sumo Headbutt (BnB) 8. Jump roundhouse, close strong, Jab Hundred Hand Slap 9. Close jab, close strong, close/stand fierce (Close strong whiffs against Chun Li in this combo.) 10. Jump fierce, crouch jab XX Fierce Ochio Throw (BnB, TT, ToD) 11. Crouch short, crouch short XX Fierce Sumo Headbutt 12. Close strong, crouch short XX Jab Hundred Hand Slap 13. Jump fierce, crouch short XX Fierce Hundred Hand Slap, Fierce Ochio Throw (BnB, TT) 14. Jump roundhouse, close jab (x2) XX Fierce Hundred Hand Slap, Fierce Ochio Throw (BnB, TT) Advanced Combos: 15. Cross-up Belly Flop, close jab, close strong, close fierce (ToD) 16. Cross-up short, crouch short, crouch short XX Fierce Sumo Headbutt 17. Cross-up roundhouse, close strong, crouch short XX Fierce Hundred Hand Slap, Fierce Ochio Throw (BnB, TT) 18. Cross-up roundhouse, crouch short (x2), crouch short XX Fierce Hundred Hand Slap, Fierce Ochio Throw (BnB, TT, 100% damage if the throw connects) 19. Cross-up roundhouse, crouch short, crouch short (CP) XX Oni Muso SC Chun Li Cross-ups: Jumping short(*), jumping forward(*), jumping fierce(*), jumping roundhouse(*), Flipping Neck Breaker (df+roundhouse)(!) Links: close jab: jab, strong, crouch forward, Flip Kick (b/f+close forward), close fierce. close short: stand jab. close/stand strong: jab, short, strong, forward, Flip Kick (first hit only), fierce, crouch roundhouse, Kikkoken (charge b,f+punch), Lightning Kick (tap kick rapidly), Thousand Burst Kick SC (charge b,f,b,f+kick), jump towards forward, jump up/towards roundhouse. crouch strong: jab, short, strong, forward, Flip Kick (first hit only), fierce, crouch roundhouse, Kikkoken, Lightning Kick, Thousand Burst Kick SC, jump up roundhouse. crouch forward: jab, short, strong, forward, close fierce (misses on Chun Li), crouch/stand fierce, Flip Kick (first hit only), crouch roundhouse, Kikkoken, Lightning Kick, Thousand Burst Kick SC, jump up roundhouse. Heel Stomp (jump, d+forward): any jump towards attack, Heel Stomp. Jab Kikkoken: (meaty, on cornered opponent) any normal attack, Flip Kick, Lightning Kick, Thousand Burst Kick SC, jump towards strong, jump towards forward, jump towards fierce, jump up/towards roundhouse, (maximum Jab Kikkoken range, one step closer than full screen, on cornered opponent) any normal attack, stored Thousand Burst Kick SC (charge b,f,b,hold f,press kick to activate), any jumping attack deep enough to start a combo. Best moves to start links with: strong, crouch forward. Best moves to end links with: strong, crouch forward, close fierce, crouch roundhouse. Combos: Rapid-fire chain attacks: Close/stand jab. Cancellable attacks: Jab, short, strong, close/crouch forward, close fierce. Best point-blank range combos: Kikkoken (charge b,f+punch): Close jab, close fierce XX Fierce Kikkoken Lightning Kick (tap kick rapidly): Close jab, close fierce XX Short/Forward Lightning Kick Spinning Bird Kick (charge b,f+kick): None Aerial Spinning Bird Kick (in air, charge b,f+kick): None Tenshokyaku (charge d,u+kick): Crouch forward XX Roundhouse Tenshokyaku Thousand Burst Kick SC (charge b,f,b,f+kick): Crouch forward, close fierce XX Thousand Burst Kick SC, Roundhouse Tenshokyaku Stored Thousand Burst Kick SC (charge b,f,b,hold f, kick): Jab Kikkoken, Stored Thousand Burst Kick SC, Roundhouse Tenshokyaku Basic Combos: 1. Stand strong, Throw (TT) 2. Crouch forward, crouch roundhouse 3. Crouch strong, crouch fierce 4. Jump forward, Forward Lightning Kick 5. Crouch forward XX Fierce Kikkoken (BnB) Intermediate Combos: 6. Jump fierce, crouch short XX Roundhouse Tenshokyaku 7. Jump roundhouse, close fierce XX Kikkoken (BnB) 8. Jump fierce, close forward XX Forward Lightning Kick (BnB) 9. Jump forward, crouch strong, crouch roundhouse (BnB) 10. Close strong, stand strong, crouch forward 11. Crouch strong, Thousand Burst Kick SC, Roundhouse Tenshokyaku Advanced Combos: 12. Jump fierce, close fierce XX Forward Lightning Kick (BnB) 13. Jab Kikkoken, Stored Thousand Burst Kick SC, Roundhouse Tenshokyaku 14. Stand strong XX Stored Thousand Burst Kick SC, Roundhouse Tenshokyaku 15. Jump fierce, close jab (x2)-stand short (CP) XX Thousand Burst Kick SC, Roundhouse Tenshokyaku 16. Jump fierce, close fierce XX Stored Thousand Burst Kick SC, Roundhouse Tenshokyaku 17. Cross-up fierce, crouch forward XX Roundhouse Tenshokyaku 18. Cross-up forward, close jab, close fierce XX Fierce Kikkoken 19. Cross-up fierce, close jab, close fierce XX Forward Lightning Kick 20. Cross-up fierce, close jab (x3)-stand short (CP) XX Thousand Burst Kick SC, Roundhouse Tenshokyaku 21. Cross-up roundhouse, crouch forward, close fierce (CP) XX Thousand Burst Kick SC, Roundhouse Tenshokyaku (Close fierce whiffs against Chun Li in this combo.) Blanka Cross-ups: Jumping short(*), jumping forward(*), jumping fierce(*), Forward/Roundhouse Beast Roll (charge b,f+kick) Links: close strong: close/stand jab, crouch short, strong, Head Butt (b/f+close strong), crouch forward, fierce, roundhouse, jump up/towards short, jump up/towards forward, jump up/towards fierce. crouch forward: jab, crouch short, close/stand strong, Head Butt, crouch forward, close/stand fierce, Strong/Fierce Horizontal Blanka Ball (charge b,f+punch), Vertical Blanka Ball (charge d,u+kick). Short Beast Roll (charge b,f+kick): (started at or near point-blank range) any normal move, Head Butt, Slide (df+fierce), Horizontal/Vertical Blanka Ball, Electricity (tap punch rapidly). Best moves to link from: close strong, crouch forward. Best moves to link to: Head Butt, crouch forward, fierce, crouch roundhouse, Horizontal/Vertical Blanka Ball. Combos: Rapid-fire chain attacks: None. Cancellable attacks: Close/crouch jab, close/crouch short, close strong, crouch forward. Best point-blank range combos (tick throw setups): Electricity (tap punch rapidly): Close strong XX Strong Electricity. Horizontal Ball (charge b,f+punch): Crouch forward (x2) XX Fierce Horizontal Ball Vertical Ball (charge d,u+punch): Crouch forward XX Vertical Ball Beast Roll (charge b,f+kick): None Backward/Forward Beast Hop (b/f+3K): Crouch forward XX Forward Beast Hop, Bite Grand Shave Roll SC (charge b,f,b,f+punch): None Basic Combos: 1. Stand short, Bite (TT) 2. Close strong, crouch short 3. Close strong, stand fierce (BnB) Intermediate Combos: 4. Jump fierce, close strong, crouch fierce (BnB) 5. Jump fierce, close strong, stand roundhouse 6. Jump roundhouse, Head Butt (1 hit) XX Fierce Horizontal Ball (BnB) 7. Jump roundhouse, Head Butt (1 hit) XX Jab Horizontal Ball (whiff), Bite (TT) 8. Deep jump fierce, crouch forward XX Fierce Vertical Ball 9. Jump fierce, close strong XX Strong Electricity (BnB) 10. Jump roundhouse, close strong, crouch roundhouse 11. Bite, (whiffed) Short Beast Roll, Bite (TT) 12. Short Beast Roll (3 hits), close strong, crouch fierce (Point- blank range on Dhalsim, T. Hawk, Zangief, and Sagat) Advanced Combos: 13. Cross-up fierce, close strong (x2), crouch strong/fierce 14. Cross-up short, crouch forward XX Forward Beast Hop, Bite (TT) 15. Short Beast Roll (3 hits), crouch forward, Head Butt (1 hit) XX Fierce Horizontal Ball (Point-blank range on Dhalsim, T. Hawk, Zangief, and Sagat) 16. Cross-up forward, close strong, crouch forward XX Forward Beast Hop, Bite (TT) 17. Cross-up fierce, crouch forward (x2) XX Fierce Horizontal Ball (BnB, ToD) 18. Meaty Grand Shave Roll SC, crouch forward XX Fierce Blanka Ball (Corner only) Zangief Cross-ups: All jumping kicks(*), both Knee Presses (jumping d+short and jumping d+forward)(*), Body Splash (jumping d+fierce)(*) Links: close jab: jab. stand jab: jab, crouch short, crouch forward. crouch jab: jab, crouch/stand short, strong, crouch/stand forward, crouch fierce, crouch/stand roundhouse, Lariat (3P/3K). stand short: jab, short, strong, crouch forward, close/stand fierce, crouch/stand roundhouse. close/stand strong: jab, crouch/stand short, strong, forward, fierce, crouch/stand roundhouse, jump short, jump forward, jump roundhouse, Banishing Flat (f,df,d+punch). close forward: jab, short, strong, crouch forward, crouch roundhouse, Banishing Flat. crouch forward: stand jab. Hopping Headbutt (f+fierce): jab, short, stand strong, crouch forward, roundhouse. Best moves to link from: crouch jab, stand short, close/stand strong. Best moves to link to: crouch jab, stand short, close/stand strong, crouch roundhouse. Combos: Rapid-fire chain attacks: Jab, close/stand short. Cancellable attacks: Jab, short, crouch forward. Best point-blank range combos (tick throw setups): Spinning Clothesline: (3P): Crouch forward XX Spinning Clothesline Lariat (3K): Crouch forward XX Lariat Banishing Flat (f,df,d+punch): Crouch jab (x2), stand strong, crouch forward XX Fierce Banishing Flat Spinning Pile Driver (360+punch): Crouch jab (x4) XX Fierce Spinning Pile Driver (TT) Atomic Suplex (close, 360+kick): Crouch jab (x2) XX Roundhouse Atomic Suplex (TT) Running Bear Grab (far, 360+kick): Crouch jab (x2), stand strong, crouch forward XX Roundhouse Running Bear Grab (TT) Final Atomic Buster SC (close, 720+punch): Crouch jab, stand short XX Final Atomic Buster SC (TT) Basic Combos: 1. Crouch jab, Hold or Throw (TT) 2. Stand short, stand fierce 3. Crouch jab, crouch forward 4. Close strong, crouch roundhouse (BnB) 5. Stand short, crouch roundhouse (BnB) Intermediate Combos: 6. Jump roundhouse, close strong, crouch roundhouse (BnB) 7. Jump roundhouse, crouch forward XX Fierce Banishing Flat 8. Jump Body Splash, crouch jab (x2-4), crouch roundhouse (BnB, @) 9. Jump Knee Press, Fierce Spinning Pile Driver (BnB, TT) Advanced Combos: 10. Stand short XX Fierce Spinning Pile Driver (BnB, TT) 11. Hopping Headbutt, Fierce Spinning Pile Driver (BnB, TT) 12. Crouch jab (x2), Roundhouse Atomic Suplex (TT) 13. Close strong XX Fierce Banishing Flat, Fierce Spinning Pile Driver (TT) 14. Jump fierce, crouch forward XX Roundhouse Running Bear Grab (TT) 15. Jump fierce, close strong, crouch forward XX Fierce Banishing Flat, Fierce Spinning Pile Driver (TT) 16. Jump roundhouse, Final Atomic Buster SC (TT) 17. Cross-up Body Splash, crouch forward XX Lariat 18. Cross-up Body Splash, crouch jab (x2), stand short, crouch roundhouse (BnB, @) 19. Cross-up Body Splash, close strong, stand short, crouch roundhouse (ToD) 20. Cross-up Body Splash, crouch jab (x4), Fierce Spinning Pile Driver (BnB, TT, ToD) 21. Cross-up Body Splash, close strong, crouch forward XX Roundhouse Running Bear Grab (TT, @) 22. Cross-up Body Splash, close strong, crouch forward XX Fierce Banishing Flat, Final Atomic Buster SC (TT) 23. Cross-up Body Splash, crouch jab, close strong, stand short XX Fierce Banishing Flat, Final Atomic Buster SC (TT) Guile Cross-ups: Jumping short(*), jumping forward(*) Links: jab: jab, strong, close fierce. short: short, stand strong. crouch strong: jab, stand short, Bazooka Knee (b/f+short), strong, fierce, Sonic Boom (charge b,f+punch), Flash Kick (charge d,u+kick), Somersault Justice SC (charge db,df,db,u+kick). close forward: jab, short, Bazooka Knee, strong, close/crouch forward, fierce. crouch forward: jab, stand short, strong, close fierce. close roundhouse: short, Bazooka Knee, strong, crouch forward, roundhouse. jab Sonic Boom: any normal move, Bazooka Knee, Upside-Down Roundhouse Kick (b/f+close roundhouse), jump towards forward, jump up/towards roundhouse, (meaty) fierce Sonic Boom, (meaty after a jump) any deep jumping attack, Flash Kick, (after whiffed Bazooka Knee) jab, short, strong, crouch forward, close/stand fierce, crouch/stand roundhouse, Sonic Boom, (meaty after whiffed Bazooka Knee(s)) close forward, Sobat Kick (b/f+forward kick), close roundhouse, jump towards forward, jump up/towards roundhouse, Bazooka Knee, Upside-Down Roundhouse Kick. Best moves to link from: jab, crouch strong, close forward, jab Sonic Boom. Best moves to link to: jab, strong, close fierce, Sonic Boom. Combos: Rapid-fire chain attacks: Jab, short. Cancellable attacks: Jab, close/crouch short, strong, close forward, close fierce. Best point-blank range combos: Sonic Boom (charge b,f+punch): Crouch jab (x3), stand strong XX Fierce Sonic Boom Flash Kick (charge d,u+kick): Crouch jab (x2), stand strong XX Roundhouse Flash Kick Somersault Strike SC (charge db,df,db,u+kick): Crouch jab (x2), stand strong XX Somersault Strike SC Basic Combos: 1. Crouch jab (x2), Throw (TT) 2. Crouch short (x3) 3. Crouch strong, crouch roundhouse 4. Crouch strong XX Fierce Sonic Boom (BnB) Intermediate Combos: 5. Jump roundhouse, close fierce XX Fierce Sonic Boom, Backfist (BnB) 6. Jump fierce, crouch strong XX Fierce Sonic Boom, crouch forward (BnB) 7. Jump roundhouse, crouch jab, crouch strong XX Fierce Sonic Boom, Bazooka Knee (BnB) 8. Jump fierce, close jab-crouch jab XX Fierce Sonic Boom, Sobat Kick (BnB) 9. Jump fierce, crouch strong XX Short Flash Kick (BnB) 10. Jump fierce, close fierce XX Roundhouse Flash Kick 11. Jump roundhouse, crouch jab (x2), stand strong XX Roundhouse Flash Kick (BnB) 12. Meaty Jab Sonic Boom, Throw (TT) Advanced Combos: 13. Meaty Jab Sonic Boom, crouch roundhouse 14. Meaty Jab Sonic Boom, Bazooka Knee (BnB) 15. Meaty Jab Sonic Boom, crouch jab (x2), stand jab XX Fierce Sonic Boom 16. Meaty Jab Sonic Boom, jump roundhouse, close fierce XX Fierce Sonic Boom, Backfist (BnB) 17. Crouch strong, Somersault Strike SC 18. Jump fierce, close jab (x3) XX Fierce Sonic Boom, (whiffed) Bazooka Knee, crouch jab (x2), stand strong XX Short Flash Kick (corner only) 19. Jump fierce, close fierce XX Strong Sonic Boom, crouch jab (x2), stand jab XX Fierce Sonic Boom, crouch forward (corner only) 20. Jump roundhouse, crouch short-stand short (KC) XX Somersault Strike SC 21. Cross-up short, crouch short (x2), crouch short XX Short/Roundhouse Flash Kick (BnB) 22. Cross-up short, crouch short (x2)-stand short (KC) XX Somersault Strike SC 23. Jump roundhouse, close fierce XX Strong Sonic Boom, (whiffed) Bazooka Knee, crouch short (x2)-stand short (KC) XX Somersault Strike SC (corner only) Dhalsim Cross-ups: Crouch forward (crosses up jumping opponents when you slide under them)(*), Yoga Mummy (jumping d+fierce), Any Yoga Drill (jumping d+kick) Links: close crouch jab: close crouch jab, close/crouch short, close/close crouch strong, close/close crouch forward. stand jab: crouch forward. crouch short: close crouch jab, close strong, (meaty) close fierce. close strong: crouch forward. close crouch strong: close crouch/stand jab, close/crouch short, close crouch strong, close/close crouch forward. stand strong: (meaty) stand forward. close forward: close/crouch short, close/close crouch forward, (meaty) close fierce. close crouch forward: close crouch jab, close/close crouch strong, close/close crouch forward. crouch forward: (cross-up) close crouch forward, close fierce, (meaty) any close crouch attack, crouch short. close roundhouse: (meaty) close/stand forward, stand fierce, close roundhouse. close crouch roundhouse: (meaty) close crouch strong, close crouch forward. Jab Yoga Fire (d,df,f+punch): far crouch jab, crouch/stand short, far crouch/stand strong, far crouch/stand forward, crouch/stand fierce, crouch/stand roundhouse, jump jab, jump short, jump strong, jump forward, jump fierce, Yoga Mummy (jump, d+fierce), short/forward Yoga Drill (jump, d+kick), (meaty) Yoga Fire, Yoga Flame (b,db,d,df,f+punch), Yoga Inferno SC (b,db,d,df,f(x2)+punch), (full screen range, after Yoga Teleport behind enemy) any normal move, Yoga Mummy, Yoga Drill, Yoga Fire, Yoga Inferno SC. Best moves to link from: close crouch jab, close crouch strong, close forward, Jab Yoga Fire. Best moves to link to: crouch short, forward, fierce, roundhouse, Fierce Yoga Fire, Yoga Inferno SC. Combos: Rapid-fire chain attacks: Close/close crouch jab. Cancellable attacks: Close/crouch jab, close/crouch short, close/close crouch strong, close/close crouch forward. Best point-blank range combos: Yoga Fire (d,df,f+punch): Close crouch forward XX Fierce Yoga Fire Yoga Flame (b,db,d,df,f+punch): None Yoga Blast (d,db,b+punch): None Teleport (b,d,db+3P/3K or f,d,df+3P/3K): None Yoga Inferno SC (b,db,d,df,f(x2)+punch): Close crouch forward, crouch short XX Yoga Inferno SC Basic Combos: 1. Crouch forward, Noogie or Throw (TT) 2. Close forward (x2) 3. Close crouch forward (x2) Intermediate Combos: 4. Close crouch jab (x2), close crouch forward 5. Yoga Mummy, stand fierce 6. Roundhouse Yoga Drill, stand fierce 7. Forward Yoga Drill, close fierce 8. Short Yoga Drill, stand forward 9. Roundhouse Yoga Drill, close crouch strong 10. Forward Yoga Drill, close crouch forward 11. Far jump strong, stand forward (1/3 screen range) 12. Close jump fierce, stand forward 13. Close jump roundhouse, stand fierce 14. Jab Yoga Fire, stand forward (BnB, 2/5 screen range) 15. Jab Yoga Fire, stand fierce (BnB, 2/5 to 3/5 screen range) 16. Jab Yoga Fire, Forward Yoga Drill, stand fierce (BnB, @, 3/5 to 4/5 screen range) 17. Jab Yoga Fire, Yoga Mummy, stand fierce (BnB, @, 3/5 to 4/5 screen range) 18. Meaty close crouch roundhouse, close crouch roundhouse 19. Meaty crouch forward, close crouch fierce 20. Meaty crouch forward, Noogie or Throw (BnB, TT) 21. Meaty Jab Yoga Fire, Yoga Flame (in corner) Advanced Combos: 22. Cross-under crouch forward, close fierce 23. Cross-under crouch forward, close crouch forward (x2) 24. Meaty Jab Yoga Fire, 3P Forward Teleport, close fierce (@) 25. Close crouch forward, crouch short, Noogie or Throw (BnB, TT) 26. Meaty Jab Yoga Fire, Yoga Inferno SC (2/5 screen range, just inside max Yoga Inferno range, 6 hits total, Jab Yoga Fire doesn’t have to be meaty against Chun Li) 27. Close crouch forward (MP) XX Yoga Inferno SC 28. Close crouch forward, crouch short XX Yoga Inferno SC 29. Forward Yoga Drill, crouch short (MP) XX Yoga Inferno SC 30. Meaty cross-up Roundhouse Yoga Drill, close fierce (Works on Ryu, Ken, Akuma, and Chun Li) T. Hawk Cross-ups: Any jumping weak and medium attack(*), Body Splash (jumping d+fierce)(*) Links: close/stand jab: jab, short, close strong, close forward. crouch jab/short: jab, short, close forward. close short: same as close/stand jab. crouch forward: jab, short, strong, crouch forward, close fierce, crouch roundhouse (first hit), jump towards jab. Best moves to link from: close jab, crouch forward. Best moves to link to: jab, close forward. Combos: Rapid-fire chain attacks: Jab, close/crouch short. Cancellable attacks: Jab, close/crouch short, close strong, close forward. Best point-blank range combos (tick throw setups): Thunderstrike (f,d,df+punch): Crouch forward, stand jab XX Jab Thunderstrike Condor Dive (jump,3P): None Mexican Typhoon (360+punch): Crouch jab (x3) XX Fierce Mexican Typhoon Double Typhoon SC (720+punch): Crouch jab (x3) XX Double Typhoon SC Basic Combos: 1. Crouch jab, Hold or Throw (TT) 2. Close/crouch forward, Hold or Throw (TT) Intermediate Combos: 3. Jump fierce, close forward XX Fierce Thunderstrike (BnB) 4. Jump roundhouse, crouch jab, close jab XX Fierce Thunderstrike 5. Jump fierce, crouch jab XX Fierce Mexican Typhoon (BnB, TT) 6. Jump roundhouse, close forward XX Fierce Mexican Typhoon (BnB, TT) Advanced Combos: 7. Cross-up Body Splash, crouch jab (x3) XX Fierce Mexican Typhoon (BnB, ToD, TT) 8. Cross-up Body Splash, crouch forward, stand jab XX Jab Thunderstrike (ToD on standing Fei Long, Guile, Dhalsim, and Zangief; Stand jab whiffs against Chun Li, Dee Jay, and Claw in this combo; Jab Thunderstrike doesn’t combo at this range against Ryu, Ken, Akuma, Cammy, Sagat, Boxer, Blanka, E. Honda, or T. Hawk; Jab Thunderstrike whiffs at this range against Dictator) 9. Cross-up Body Splash, close forward XX Double Typhoon SC (TT) 10. Cross-up Body Splash, crouch jab (x2) XX Double Typhoon SC (TT) Fei Long Cross-ups: Jumping forward(*), forward and roundhouse RekkuKyaku (d,df,f,uf+kick)(*,& if opponent is hit in air) Links: close jab: jab. crouch jab: jab, short, strong, forward, close/stand fierce. stand jab: stand jab. close short: jab, short. crouch short: jab, short, strong, close/stand forward, close/stand fierce. stand short: short. close strong: jab, short, strong, crouch/stand forward, fierce, crouch/stand roundhouse, Rising Dragon Kick (b,d,db+kick), jump jab, jump towards short, jump up/towards strong, jump back/towards forward. crouch strong: jab, close fierce. stand strong: crouch short, crouch strong, crouch forward, crouch/stand fierce, crouch/stand roundhouse. close forward: jab, short, strong, forward, fierce, crouch/stand roundhouse, Rising Dragon Kick, jump towards jab, jump towards strong, jump towards forward. crouch forward: (meaty) jab, strong, forward, close/stand fierce, crouch/stand roundhouse. close fierce: (meaty) crouch short, strong, crouch forward, fierce, roundhouse, Rekka Ken (d,df,f+punch), Rekka Shin Ken SC (d,df,f(x2)+punch). crouch fierce: stand jab, short, strong, forward, crouch/stand fierce, crouch/stand roundhouse, jump towards jab, jump towards forward, (meaty) Rekka Ken, Rising Dragon Kick, Rekka Shin Ken SC. close roundhouse: (meaty) short, strong, forward, fierce, crouch/stand roundhouse, Rising Dragon Kick. Skipping Front Kick (f+roundhouse): crouch short, strong, crouch forward, fierce, roundhouse, Rising Dragon Kick. Short Rekkukyaku (Chicken Wing) (d,df,f,uf+kick): jab, short, strong, forward, close fierce, any jumping attack, Rising Dragon Kick. Forward/Roundhouse Rekkukyaku (Chicken Wing) (d,df,f,uf+kick): jab, short, strong, forward, fierce, crouch roundhouse, any jumping attack, Rising Dragon Kick. Best moves to link from: crouch jab, crouch short, close strong, close forward, meaty crouch forward, crouch fierce, meaty close roundhouse (2nd hit), Skipping Front Kick. Best moves to link to: close strong, crouch forward, fierce, crouch/stand roundhouse, Rekka Ken, Rising Dragon Kick, Rekka Shin Ken SC. Combos: Rapid-fire chain attacks: Close/stand jab, close/stand short. Cancellable attacks: Jab, short, close strong, close forward, close fierce. Best point-blank range combos: Rekka Ken (d,df,f+punch, up to three times): Close strong, close fierce XX Fierce Rekka Ken (x3) Rising Dragon Kick (b,d,db+kick): Close fierce XX Roundhouse Rising Dragon Kick Rekkukyaku (Chicken Wing) (d,df,f,uf+kick): None Rekka Shin Ken SC (d,df,f(x2)+punch): Close strong, close fierce XX Rekka Shin Ken SC, Roundhouse Rising Flame Kick Basic Combos: 1. Crouch jab, Throw (TT) 2. Crouch fierce, crouch fierce (BnB) 3. Close strong, crouch roundhouse Intermediate Combos: 4. Meaty crouch fierce, Fierce Rekka Ken (x3) (BnB) 5. Close fierce XX Fierce Rekka Ken (x3) (BnB) 6. Close fierce XX Roundhouse Rising Dragon Kick 7. Close jab (x2-4), crouch short XX Fierce Rekka Ken (x3) 8. Jump fierce, close fierce XX Fierce Rekka Ken (x3) (BnB) 9. Jump roundhouse, close strong XX Roundhouse Rising Dragon Kick 10. Close strong, close fierce XX Fierce Rekka Ken (x3) 11. Skipping Front Kick, Roundhouse Rising Dragon Kick Advanced Combos: 12. Meaty Skipping Front Kick, close fierce XX Fierce Rekka Ken (x3) 13. Meaty close roundhouse (2 hit), close fierce XX Fierce Rekka Ken (x3) 14. Roundhouse RekkuKyaku, close fierce XX Fierce Rekka Ken (x3) 15. Roundhouse RekkuKyaku (1-2 hits), Roundhouse Rising Dragon Kick (juggle on airborne opponents) 16. Roundhouse RekkuKyaku (1-2 hits), Rekka Shin Ken SC (juggle on airborne opponents) 17. Jump fierce, crouch jab, close fierce XX Fierce Rekka Ken (x3) 18. Jump fierce, crouch short, close fierce XX Fierce Rekka Ken (x3) (BnB, Crouch short has to be blocked low) 19. Meaty crouch fierce, Rekka Shin Ken SC 20. Roundhouse RekkuKyaku (1-2 hits), Rekka Shin Ken SC (juggle on airborne opponents) 21. Roundhouse RekkuKyaku, close jab (x2-4), crouch short (MP) XX Rekka Shin Ken SC, Roundhouse Rising Dragon Kick 22. Cross-up forward, close strong, close fierce XX Fierce Rekka Ken (x3) (ToD, Only works on Cammy, Dhalsim, Balrog, T. Hawk, and Zangief; Close fierce whiffs against Chun Li, Ryu, Ken, Dee Jay, Claw, Dictator, and E. Honda in this combo; Fierce Rekka Ken whiffs against Sagat, Guile, and Blanka in this combo.) 23. Cross-up forward, close short (x2)-stand short-crouch short (MP) XX Rekka Shin Ken SC, Roundhouse Rising Dragon Kick 24. Cross-up forward, close jab (x2-4), crouch short (MP) XX Rekka Shin Ken SC, Roundhouse RekkuKyaku Dee Jay Cross-ups: Jumping forward(*), jumping roundhouse(*) Links: close/crouch jab: jab, short, strong, forward, fierce, crouch roundhouse, jump jab, jump up/towards short. stand jab: stand jab. close short: jab, short, strong, forward, fierce. crouch short: close/crouch jab, short, close strong. stand short: crouch jab, short, crouch strong. close strong: all normal moves, jump towards jab, jump up short. crouch strong: jab, short, strong, forward, fierce, jump up short. close forward: all normal moves, jump towards jab, jump up short. close fierce: roundhouse, (meaty, 2nd hit) stand jab, short, crouch strong, forward, stand fierce, Max-Out (charge b,f+punch). crouch fierce: (meaty) stand jab, short, crouch strong, stand forward, fierce, roundhouse, Max-Out, forward Dread Kick (charge b,f+kick), Double Dread Kick SC (charge b,f,b,f+kick). Jab Max-Out: (meaty) any normal attack or a jumping attack deep enough to start a combo if done at jumping range. Best moves to link from: crouch jab, crouch strong, all close moves, meaty Jab Max-Out. Best moves to link to: close strong, fierce, roundhouse, Max-Out, forward Dread Kick, Double Dread Kick SC. Combos: Rapid-fire chain attacks: Jab, short. Cancellable attacks: Jab, short, stand strong, crouch fierce (first hitting frame), close roundhouse (the knee). Best point-blank range combos: Max Out (charge b,f+punch): Crouch jab, crouch fierce XX Fierce Max-Out Machine Gun Upper (charge d,u+punch): Crouch fierce XX Fierce Machine Gun Upper Dread Kick (charge b,f+kick): Crouch jab (x2-4), stand strong XX Roundhouse Dread Kick Jackknife Maximum (charge d,u+kick): Crouch jab, stand strong XX Forward Jackknife Maximum, Forward Jackknife Maximum, Double Dread Kick SC (Doesn’t work on Ryu, Ken, or Akuma) Double Dread Kick SC (charge b,f,b,f+kick): Crouch jab (x2-4), stand strong XX Double Dread Kick SC, Roundhouse Jackknife Maximum Basic Combos: 1. Close short, Throw (TT) 2. Close fierce (2 hit), stand roundhouse 3. Crouch jab, crouch roundhouse 4. Stand strong, stand fierce Intermediate Combos: 5. Jump roundhouse, stand strong XX Fierce Max-Out (BnB) 6. Jump roundhouse, crouch fierce XX Fierce Machine Gun Upper (BnB) 7. Jump roundhouse, stand strong XX Roundhouse Dread Kick (BnB) 8. Jump roundhouse, crouch jab-crouch short XX Roundhouse Jackknife Maximum 9. Forward Jackknife Maximum, Forward Jackknife Maximum (Doesn’t work on a grounded Ryu, Ken, or Akuma) 10. Forward Jackknife Maximum, Roundhouse Jackknife Maximum (Doesn’t work on a grounded Ryu, Ken, or Akuma) 11. Jump roundhouse, crouch jab-crouch short XX Forward Jackknife Maximum, Roundhouse Jackknife Maximum (Doesn’t work on Ryu, Ken, or Akuma) 12. Jump roundhouse, crouch jab-crouch short XX Forward Jackknife Maximum, Double Dread Kick SC 13. Crouch jab (x3)-crouch short XX Fierce Max-Out (BnB) 14. Jump roundhouse, crouch jab (x2)-crouch short XX Fierce Max-Out (BnB) 15. Jump roundhouse, crouch jab, stand strong XX Fierce Max-Out (BnB) 16. Meaty Jab Max-Out, crouch roundhouse (Maximum crouch roundhouse range, corner only) Advanced Combos: 17. Meaty Jab Max-Out, jump roundhouse, crouch jab, stand strong XX Roundhouse Dread Kick (@, One jump away, corner only) 18. Cross-up forward, crouch jab (x3)-crouch short XX Fierce Max-Out (BnB) 19. Cross-up forward, close roundhouse XX Fierce Machine Gun Upper (ToD) 20. Cross-up forward, crouch jab, crouch fierce XX Fierce Machine Gun Upper (BnB, ToD) 21. Cross-up forward, crouch jab (x2-5), stand strong XX Roundhouse Dread Kick (BnB, @) 22. Cross-up roundhouse, crouch jab (x2-5), stand strong XX Double Dread Kick SC, Roundhouse Jackknife Maximum (ToD) 23. Jump roundhouse, crouch jab, stand strong XX Forward Jackknife Maximum, Forward Jackknife Maximum, Double Dread Kick SC (Works best if the second Forward Jackknife Maximum puts them in the corner and near the ground when you land from it. Doesn’t work on Ryu, Ken, or Akuma) Cammy Cross-ups: Jumping short(*), jumping strong(*), jumping fierce(~) Links: close jab: jab, short, strong, close/crouch forward, stand fierce. crouch jab: jab, short, strong, crouch forward, stand fierce. stand jab: jab, crouch short, strong, crouch forward. close short: jab, close short. crouch short: jab, short, close/stand strong, crouch forward, stand fierce. stand short: short. close strong: jab, short, strong, forward, fierce, crouch roundhouse. crouch strong: all normal attacks, jump up/towards short, jump towards strong, jump towards fierce, jump towards roundhouse, Cannon Spike (f,d,df+kick). close forward: all normal attacks, jump up/towards short, Cannon Spike. crouch forward: jab, short, strong, crouch forward, stand fierce, (meaty) roundhouse. close fierce: stand jab, crouch/stand strong, forward, stand fierce (the fist), crouch fierce, crouch roundhouse, jump towards short, jump towards roundhouse, Cannon Spike, (meaty) stand fierce (the elbow). crouch fierce: stand jab, stand strong, crouch forward. Best moves to link from: crouch jab, crouch short, close/crouch strong, close forward, and close fierce. Best moves to link to: crouch strong, crouch forward, stand fierce (the elbow), Cannon Spike. Combos: Rapid-fire chain attacks: Close/stand jab, close/stand short. Cancellable attacks: Jab, short, strong, close/crouch forward, close fierce, stand fierce (the elbow). Best point-blank range combos (tick throw setups): Cannon Drill (d,df,f+kick): Close/crouch strong, crouch forward XX Short/Roundhouse Cannon Drill Thrust Kick (f,d,df+kick): Crouch short, close fierce XX Roundhouse Thrust Kick Spinning Knuckle (d,db,b+punch): None. Hooligan Combo (d,df,f,uf+punch, kick when close to throw, kick when far to abort): Close fierce, crouch forward XX Fierce Hooligan Combo (TT) Spin Dive Smasher SC (d,df,f(x2)+kick): Close/crouch strong, crouch forward XX Spin Dive Smasher SC Basic Combos: 1. Close strong, Throw (TT) 2. Close fierce, stand fierce (the fist) 3. Close forward, crouch forward 4. Crouch strong, crouch roundhouse 5. Close fierce, crouch fierce Intermediate Combos: 6. Close short XX (2 hit) Roundhouse Cannon Drill 7. Jump fierce, close fierce XX Roundhouse Cannon Drill (BnB) 8. Jump roundhouse, close fierce XX Roundhouse Thrust Kick (BnB) 9. Jump fierce, crouch forward XX Roundhouse Cannon Drill (BnB) Advanced Combos: 10. Close strong, stand fierce (the elbow) XX Roundhouse Cannon Drill (Works on Sagat, Guile, Dhalsim, Boxer, Blanka, Fei Long, T. Hawk, and Zangief) 11. Crouch strong, stand fierce (the elbow) XX Roundhouse Cannon Drill (Works on Sagat, Guile, Dhalsim, Boxer, Blanka, Fei Long, T. Hawk, and Zangief; Works on a cornered E. Honda) 12. Jump fierce, crouch forward (MP) XX Spin Dive Smasher SC 13. Jump roundhouse, close fierce (MP) XX Spin Dive Smasher SC 14. Jump fierce, close fierce XX Fierce Hooligan Combo (TT) 15. Jump roundhouse, crouch forward XX Strong Hooligan Combo (TT) 16. Meaty close strong, stand fierce (the elbow) XX Roundhouse Cannon Drill (Stand fierce (the fist) comes out against Chun Li, Ryu, Ken, Akuma, Dictator, and E. Honda) 17. Meaty crouch strong, stand fierce (the elbow) XX Roundhouse Cannon Drill (Stand fierce (the fist) comes out against Chun Li, Ryu, Ken, Akuma, Dee Jay, Claw, and Dictator) 18. Cross-up short, crouch strong, crouch forward XX Short/Roundhouse Cannon Drill (BnB, ToD; Short version against Chun Li, Ryu, Ken, and Akuma; Roundhouse version against the rest of the fighters.) 19. Cross-up short, crouch strong, crouch forward XX Spin Dive Smasher SC 20. Cross-up short, close strong, stand fierce (the elbow) XX Roundhouse Cannon Drill (Works on Sagat, Guile, Dhalsim, Boxer, Blanka, Fei Long, T. Hawk, and Zangief) 21. Cross-up fierce, crouch strong, crouch forward XX Roundhouse Cannon Drill (ToD, Works on any crouching character and these standing characters: Dhalsim, Dictator, Fei Long, Cammy, E. Honda, and Zangief) 22. Cross-up fierce, crouch strong, crouch forward XX Spin Dive Smasher SC (ToD, Works on any crouching character and these standing characters: Dhalsim, Dictator, Fei Long, Cammy, E. Honda, and Zangief) 23. Cross-up fierce, close strong, stand fierce (the elbow) XX Roundhouse Cannon Drill (ToD, Works on crouching Sagat, Guile, Dhalsim, Boxer, Blanka, Fei Long, T. Hawk, and Zangief; Works on standing Dhalsim, Fei Long, and Zangief) 24. Cross-up fierce, close strong, stand fierce (the elbow) XX Spin Dive Smasher SC (ToD, Works on crouching Sagat, Guile, Dhalsim, Boxer, Blanka, Fei Long, T. Hawk, and Zangief; Works on standing Dhalsim, Fei Long, and Zangief) 25. Cross-up short, close fierce, crouch forward XX Fierce Hooligan Combo (TT) (Crouch forward whiffs against Dictator) Boxer (Balrog in USA; M. Bison in Japan) Cross-ups: Jumping fierce(*), jumping roundhouse(*) Links: close jab/short: jab, short. crouch jab/short: jab, short, crouch strong, close forward. close strong: jab, close short, strong, forward, close roundhouse, jab Dashing Straight (charge b,f+punch), jab Dashing Ground Straight (charge b,df+punch). crouch strong: jab, short, strong, forward, crouch fierce, close roundhouse, jump up/towards jab, jump up/towards short, Dashing Straight, Dashing Ground Straight, Crazy Buffalo SC (charge b,f,b,f+punch). stand strong: stand strong. close/crouch forward: jab, short, strong, forward, crouch fierce, close roundhouse, jump up/towards jab, jump up/towards short, Dashing Straight, Dashing Ground Straight, Crazy Buffalo SC. Dashing Uppercut (charge b,f+kick)/Dashing Ground Uppercut (charge b,df+kick): (Balrog, T. Hawk, and Zangief) stand short, (Everyone except Chun Li, Dictator, Guile, Blanka, and E.Honda) crouch strong, (Everyone except Chun Li, Dhalsim, Blanka, and E.Honda) stand strong, (Everyone except Sagat, Claw, and Dictator) close/stand forward. Turn Around Punch (hold 3P/3K for at least 1 second and release): (Level 3 or meaty, any level) close short, crouch/stand strong, stand forward, stand fierce, stand roundhouse, Dashing Straight, Dashing Ground Straight, Dashing Uppercut, Dashing Ground Uppercut, Crazy Buffalo SC. Best moves to link from: crouch jab, close/crouch strong, close/crouch forward. Best moves to link to: crouch jab, close short, close/crouch strong, close/crouch forward, Dashing Straight, Dashing Ground Straight, Dashing Uppercut, Dashing Ground Uppercut, Crazy Buffalo SC. Combos: Rapid-fire chain attacks: Jab. Cancellable attacks: Jab, short, close/crouch strong, close/crouch forward. Best point-blank range combos: Dashing Straight (charge b,f+punch): Crouch jab (x3-6), close jab XX Jab Dashing Straight Dashing Upper (charge b,f+kick): Crouch jab (x3-6), close jab XX Jab Dashing Upper Ground Dashing Straight (charge b,df+punch): Crouch forward, crouch strong XX Jab Ground Dashing Straight Ground Dashing Upper (charge b,df+kick): Crouch forward, crouch strong XX Jab Ground Dashing Upper (TT setup on ducking opponents) Buffalo Headbutt (charge d,u+kick): None. Turn Around Punch (charge 3P/3K, release): None. Crazy Buffalo SC (charge b,f,b,f+punch, press kick for uppercuts): Crouch jab (x3-6), close jab XX Crazy Buffalo SC Basic Combos: 1. Crouch forward, Hold and Headbutt (BnB, TT) 2. Close forward, crouch fierce 3. Close strong, close roundhouse 4. Stand strong, stand strong Intermediate Combos: 5. Jump fierce, crouch jab XX Jab Dashing Straight 6. Jump roundhouse, close forward XX Jab Dashing Upper 7. Jump fierce, crouch strong XX Jab Ground Dashing Straight (BnB) 8. Jump roundhouse, crouch jab XX Jab Ground Dashing Upper 9. Crouch jab XX Jab Buffalo Headbutt 10. Crouch strong/forward, crouch strong XX Jab Ground Dashing Straight (BnB) 11. Crouch strong/forward, crouch strong XX Jab Ground Dashing Upper (BnB, TT setup on ducking opponents) 12. Crouch strong, Crazy Buffalo SC 13. Level 3 Turn Around Punch, Dashing Straight 14. Level 3 Turn Around Punch, Crazy Buffalo SC 15. Jump fierce/roundhouse, crouch jab (x3-6), stand jab XX Jab Dashing Straight (@, BnB) Advanced Combos: 16. Meaty Level 1 Turn Around Punch, Dashing Straight 17. Meaty Level 1 Turn Around Punch, Crazy Buffalo SC 18. Jump fierce/roundhouse, crouch jab (x2), stand jab XX Jab Dashing Upper, stand strong (Stand strong hits everyone except Chun Li, Dhalsim, Blanka, and E.Honda in this combo; Use crouch strong instead of stand strong against Dhalsim) 19. Crouch forward, crouch strong (CP) XX Crazy Buffalo SC 20. Deep jump fierce/roundhouse, crouch forward, crouch strong XX Fierce Dashing Straight (ToD that only works on Zangief) 21. Crossup fierce/roundhouse, crouch jab (x3-6), stand jab (CP) XX Crazy Buffalo SC Claw (Vega in USA; Balrog in Japan) Cross-ups: Jumping forward(*), jumping fierce(*), jumping roundhouse(*) Links: jab: crouch jab, crouch strong. close/crouch short: crouch jab, crouch strong. close strong: crouch jab, stand short, crouch strong. crouch strong: crouch jab, crouch strong. crouch forward: jab, stand short, close/crouch strong, forward. close fierce: jab, stand short, crouch strong. close roundhouse: jab, stand short, crouch strong. Barcelona Roll (charge b,f+punch): crouch jab, strong, stand forward, (meaty, last hit [the claw]) crouch fierce. Best moves to link from: crouch forward, close fierce, close roundhouse, Barcelona Roll. Best moves to link to: crouch jab, crouch strong. Combos: Rapid-fire chain attacks: None. Cancellable attacks: Close/crouch jab, close/crouch short, crouch strong, close/crouch forward. Best point-blank range combos (escape tactics): Barcelona Roll (charge b,f+punch): Crouch short XX Fierce Barcelona Roll Sky High Claw (charge d,u+punch, punch to extend Claw and fall early): (Claw in corner) Crouch strong XX Fierce Sky High Claw Scarlet Terror (charge db,f+kick): Crouch forward XX Roundhouse Scarlet Terror, Roundhouse Scarlet Terror Wall Dive (charge d,u+kick, punch for Claw Attack, punch when close for Izuna Drop): None Back Flip (3P/3K): Crouch strong XX 3P/3K Back Flip (Escape/Style tactic) Rolling Izuna Drop SC (charge db,df,db,u+kick, punch when close): None. Basic Combos: 1. Crouch forward, crouch strong (BnB) 2. Close fierce, stand forward 3. Close roundhouse, stand forward Intermediate Combos: 4. Crouch short XX Fierce Barcelona Roll, crouch strong (@, BnB) 5. Jump up fierce, crouch strong XX Fierce Sky High Claw (Claw in corner) 6. Jump roundhouse, crouch forward, crouch strong XX 3K Back Flip (BnB, The Back Flip doesn’t hit, but it sure is stylish and it gains meter!) 7. Jab Barcelona Roll (the claw), crouch strong 8. Meaty Jab Barcelona Roll, crouch fierce (BnB) 9. Jump roundhouse, crouch forward XX Roundhouse Scarlet Terror, Roundhouse Scarlet Terror Advanced Combos: 10. Cross-up roundhouse, crouch forward, crouch forward, crouch strong (BnB, ToD) 11. Cross-up fierce, close fierce, crouch strong XX 3P Back Flip (Again, the Back Flip is all about style and building meter!) Sagat Cross-ups: Jumping short(*), jumping forward(*) Links: (Note: For Sagat's standing kicks, I'll use 'close' to mean the first hit (the interruptable knee frame) and 'stand' to mean the second hit.) close jab: jab, close/crouch short, close/crouch strong, close/crouch forward, close roundhouse, Tiger Uppercut (f,d,df+punch), Tiger Knee (d,df,f,uf+kick). crouch jab: jab, short, strong, forward, close roundhouse, Tiger Uppercut, Tiger Knee. stand jab: stand jab. crouch short: close/stand jab, close short, close forward, close roundhouse, Tiger Uppercut. close strong: jab, crouch short, crouch strong, crouch forward, close roundhouse, Tiger Uppercut, Tiger Knee, jump towards short, (meaty) stand short, stand forward, fierce. crouch strong: any normal attack, jump jab, jump back/towards short, jump forward, jump roundhouse, Tiger Uppercut, Tiger Knee. crouch forward: jab, short, strong, forward, close/crouch fierce, roundhouse, jump jab, jump towards short, jump forward, Tiger Uppercut, Tiger Knee. Jab/Short Tiger Shot (d,df,f+punch/kick): (2/3 screen range) Fierce/Roundhouse Tiger Shot, (meaty, 1/3 screen range) crouch/stand jab, crouch/stand short, crouch/stand strong, crouch/stand forward, crouch/stand fierce, crouch/stand roundhouse, Tiger Shot, Tiger Knee, Tiger Genocide SC (d,df,f(x2)+punch/kick), (meaty, after whiffed Short Tiger Knee from 1/2 screen range) crouch/stand jab, crouch short, crouch strong, crouch forward, crouch fierce, Tiger Uppercut. Best moves to link from: crouch jab, crouch strong, crouch forward, Short Tiger Shot. Best moves to link to: crouch strong, crouch forward, fierce, any close kick, Tiger Uppercut, Tiger Knee, Tiger Genocide SC. Combos: Rapid-fire chain attacks: Crouch jab Cancellable attacks: Jab, close/crouch short, close/crouch strong, close/crouch forward, close fierce, close roundhouse. Best point-blank range combos: High/Low Tiger Shot (d,df,f+punch/kick): Crouch forward, close fierce XX Fierce/Roundhouse Tiger Shot Tiger Uppercut (f,d,df+punch): Close jab, close fierce XX Fierce Tiger Uppercut Tiger Knee (d,df,f,uf+kick): Crouch forward, close fierce XX Roundhouse Tiger Knee Tiger Genocide SC (d,df,f(x2)+punch/kick): Crouch forward, close fierce XX Tiger Genocide SC Basic Combos: 1. Crouch forward, crouch roundhouse 2. Crouch strong, crouch fierce Intermediate Combos: 3. Jump roundhouse, crouch strong, stand forward 4. Jump roundhouse, crouch forward XX Roundhouse Tiger Shot (BnB) 5. Jump fierce, close fierce XX Fierce Tiger Uppercut (BnB) 6. Jump roundhouse, close roundhouse (1 hit) XX Roundhouse Tiger Knee (BnB) Advanced Combos: 7. Jump roundhouse, close jab, close roundhouse (1 hit) XX Fierce Tiger Uppercut 8. Jump roundhouse, close jab, close fierce XX Fierce Tiger Shot 9. Jump roundhouse, crouch strong, crouch forward XX Roundhouse Tiger Shot (BnB, @) 10. Jump roundhouse, crouch strong, crouch forward XX Roundhouse Tiger Knee (BnB, @) 11. Crouch strong, Tiger Genocide SC 12. Jump roundhouse, crouch forward (MP) XX Tiger Genocide SC 13. Cross-up forward, close jab, close fierce XX Fierce Tiger Uppercut (ToD) 14. Cross-up forward, crouch forward, close fierce XX Roundhouse Tiger Shot (BnB, ToD) 15. Cross-up forward, crouch forward, close fierce XX Roundhouse Tiger Knee 16. Cross-up forward, crouch strong, crouch forward (MP) XX Tiger Genocide SC Dictator (M. Bison in USA; Vega in Japan) Cross-ups: Jumping jab(*), jumping forward(*), jumping roundhouse(*) Links: close/crouch jab: jab, short, close/crouch strong, crouch forward, jump back/towards jab, jump short. close short: jab, short, close/crouch strong, forward, crouch fierce, roundhouse, jump jab, jump short, jump strong, jump up/towards forward, jump up fierce, jump roundhouse. crouch short: jab, close short, close strong. crouch strong: jab, short, crouch strong, crouch forward, jump towards jab, jump up/towards short, jump towards strong. crouch forward: close jab, short, crouch strong, crouch forward, jump towards jab, jump up/towards short. Best moves to link from: jab, close short, crouch strong/forward. Best moves to link to: jab, close short, close/crouch strong, forward, crouch fierce, roundhouse. Combos: Rapid-fire chain attacks: Jab. Cancellable attacks: Jab, short, close/crouch strong, crouch forward. Best point-blank range combos: Psycho Crusher (charge b,f+punch): Close short (x2), crouch forward XX Fierce Psycho Crusher Scissor Kick (charge b,f+kick): Close short (x2), crouch forward XX Roundhouse Scissor Kick Devil’s Reverse (charge d,u+punch, punch for Skull Diver): None Head Stomp (charge d,u+kick, punch for Skull Diver): None. Knee Press Nightmare SC (charge b,f,b,f+kick): Close jab (x2), stand jab XX Knee Press Nightmare SC Basic Combos: 1. Jump roundhouse, stand roundhouse (BnB) 2. Skull Diver, stand fierce (BnB) Intermediate Combos: 3. Jump roundhouse, close short, stand roundhouse (BnB) 4. Skull Diver, crouch strong, crouch forward 5. Jump roundhouse, crouch forward XX Fierce Psycho Crusher (BnB) 6. Jump roundhouse, crouch jab (x2), stand jab XX Roundhouse Scissor Kick 7. Jump roundhouse, close short, crouch forward XX Fierce Psycho Crusher (BnB) 8. Jump roundhouse, close short, crouch forward XX Roundhouse Scissor Kick (BnB, @) Advanced Combos: 9. Jump strong (x2), jump strong, Knee Press Nightmare SC 10. Jump roundhouse, crouch jab (x2), stand jab (CP) XX Knee Press Nightmare SC, jump strong (x2) 11. Cross-up forward, close short (x3), stand roundhouse (@) 12. Cross-up Skull Diver, close short (x2), stand roundhouse 13. Cross-up roundhouse, crouch jab (x2-3), stand jab XX Roundhouse Scissor Kick (BnB, ToD) 14. Cross-up roundhouse, close short (x2), crouch forward XX Roundhouse Scissor Kick (BnB, ToD) 15. Cross-up roundhouse, crouch jab (x2-3), stand jab (CP) XX Knee Press Nightmare SC, jump strong (x2) Akuma (Gouki in Japan) Cross-ups: Any jumping kick(*), Aerial Hurricane Kick (jump,d,db,b+kick)(&) Links: close jab: jab, crouch short, strong, crouch forward, close/crouch fierce, crouch roundhouse, stand roundhouse. crouch jab: jab, close/crouch short, strong, crouch forward, fierce, crouch roundhouse, stand roundhouse. stand jab: jab, crouch short, crouch/stand strong, crouch forward, crouch roundhouse. close short: jab, crouch short. crouch short: jab, close/crouch short, strong, crouch forward, fierce, crouch roundhouse, stand roundhouse. crouch strong: jab, crouch short, strong, crouch forward, fierce, crouch roundhouse, jump jab, stand roundhouse. stand strong: crouch short, crouch forward, crouch roundhouse. close forward: jab, crouch short, (meaty) crouch strong, crouch forward, close fierce, crouch roundhouse. crouch forward: jab, crouch short, strong, crouch forward, crouch roundhouse. close roundhouse: (meaty) crouch forward, crouch roundhouse. Jab GouHadouken (d,df,f+punch): (meaty, on cornered opponent) crouch short, stand strong, crouch forward, stand fierce, crouch roundhouse, GouHadouken, Hurricane Kick (d,db,b+kick), (after whiffed air roundhouse Hurricane Kick, near full screen range) crouch forward, crouch roundhouse, Fierce Hadouken. Aerial Jab ZankuuHadouken (jump,d,df,f+punch): Any normal attack, GouHadouken, GouShoryuken (f,d,df+punch), Hurricane Kick, (meaty) Shakunetsu Hadouken, (one jump away, thrown at peak of jump) any jumping attack, Aerial Fierce ZankuuHadouken, (at maximum 3P/3K Forward Ashura Warp range to point-blank range on either side of the opponent) any normal attack or special move. GouShoryuken (f,d,df+punch): (2 hit max) Any GouShoryuken, Any Hurricane Kick (Aerial or Non-Aerial) Hurricane Kick (d,db,b+kick): (2 hit max) Any GouShoryuken, Any Hurricane Kick Best moves to link from (least recovery): crouch short, crouch strong. Best moves to link to (least startup): crouch forward, close/crouch fierce, stand roundhouse, GouShoryuken, Hurricane Kick. Combos: Rapid-fire chain attacks: Jab, crouch/stand short. Cancellable attacks: Jab, short, strong, close/crouch forward, close/crouch fierce, crouch roundhouse. Best point-blank range combos (tick throw setups): Gou Hadouken (d,df,f+punch): Crouch strong, crouch fierce XX Fierce Gou Hadouken Shakunetsu Hadouken (b,db,d,df,f+punch): Close fierce XX Fierce Shakunetsu Hadouken Gou Shoryuken (f,d,df+punch): Close fierce XX Fierce Gou Shoryuken Zankuu Hadouken (jump,d,df,f+punch): Jump fierce XX Fierce Zankuu Hadouken, crouch forward XX Short Hurricane Kick, Fierce Gou Shoryuken Hurricane Kick (d,db,b+kick): Crouch strong, crouch short XX Short Hurricane Kick, Fierce Gou Shoryuken Aerial Hurricane Kick (jump,d,db,b+kick): Jumping jab XX Roundhouse Aerial Hurricane Kick (on Sagat) Backward/Forward Ashura Warp (b,d,db+3P/3K or f,d,df+3P/3K): Close fierce XX 3K Forward Ashura Warp, Punch/Kick Throw (TT) Basic Combos: 1. Crouch fierce XX Fierce Gou Hadouken (BnB) 2. Crouch forward XX Roundhouse Hurricane Kick (BnB) 3. Crouch strong, crouch roundhouse Intermediate Combos: 4. Close fierce XX Fierce Gou Shoryuken (BnB) 5. Close fierce XX Fierce Shakunetsu Hadouken (BnB) 6. Jump roundhouse, crouch forward XX Fierce Gou Hadouken (BnB) 7. Jump fierce, crouch fierce XX Roundhouse Hurricane Kick (BnB) 8. Fierce Zankuu Hadouken, close fierce XX Fierce Shakunetsu Hadouken Advanced Combos: 9. Jump roundhouse, crouch forward XX Short Hurricane Kick, Fierce Gou Shoryuken (BnB) 10. Jump fierce XX Fierce Zankuu Hadouken, crouch forward XX Short Hurricane Kick, Fierce Gou Shoryuken 11. Jab Zankuu Hadouken, jump fierce XX Fierce Zankuu Hadouken, crouch forward XX Short Hurricane Kick, Fierce Gou Shoryuken (from one jump away, outside of corner) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- That's all, folks! What to expect from the next version: Anything that I missed that people correct me on. Please, please, PLEASE send me a private message on (FreshOJ) or e-mail me if there are any errors. I want this FAQ to be its best. Credits First and foremost, I give glory and honor to God through my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who gave me the abilities, talents, resources, and the passion that I have for SF and for giving me victory in this life and the next. My wife, Lara, who is the epitome of the term “God-send”. She’s more than what I wanted and everything I never had. Her amazing outward beauty is a mere shadow of the inward beauty she possesses. My son, Christopher, who probably won’t even know how to read this FAQ for a couple of years yet. One look at his smiling, two-toothed grin takes me out of the worst despair. David Wright a.k.a. SF2Freak, for initially storing the Link FAQ for me because I didn't want to risk something silly happening like the hard drive having to be erased...which happened the last time I tried this. It’s 9 years later, but I still have no problem giving him props. NKI, for pointing me to T.Akiba’s Street Fighter 2 Series Frame Data, which I used to help me in exploring combo possibilities, and also for his work with Seth Killian (s-kill) on the Super Turbo Touch of Death FAQ. for life! Thanks for help with Chun Li combos, by the way! ShinVega, for gracious allowing me to quote the Kara and Chain Cancelling articles he wrote for the Wiki. There’s a lot of great info there and he puts out great stuff on the forums, too. James Chen a.k.a. jchensor, for being one of the true combo masters. Check out any of his Combo FAQs and you’ll see why I imitated his combo listing format! :) Just when I think he’s done, he comes up with something else...and gives me another idea. One of these days, I’ll play you and get you below 50% life, James! :) Thanks for the Cammy’s combos, by the way! Eggo and SweetJohnnyV, for their help in buffing out the Dhalsim combo section. Who knew he had so many combos? Now you know. Megamanpb, for help with some Honda’s combos. Hitting with the Hundred Hand Slap to tick into the Oichio Throw? I should’ve known about that. 3pwood, for his help with Dee Jay’s combos, mon. Syxx573, for also helping with Cammy’s combos. I need to see more matches between you and James! Nohoho, for his Blanka expertise. His bite *is* worse than his bark. Semi-Charmed and TheGreatMole, for their input on Zangief combos. Blitzfu and Oldschool_BR, for help with Ryu’s Rushing Gut Punch cross- up combos. VOLTECH and chunbelievable, for help with Chun Li’s combos. Gridman, for help with T.Hawk’s combos. GensouGoroshi, for help with Dictator’s combos. Jumpsuit Jesse, for his input with Fei Long. (Start combos with close fierce and meaty crouch fierce for the win!) His Fei Long’s legendary, so he gets props. :) Gamest and TZW, for inspiring me to become the combo fanatic that I am, along with providing me with a resource with which to perfect this FAQ...or try to, anyway., for inspiring me to bring this FAQ up to date. To all of my fellow combo enthusiasts, I hope you find something you didn’t know about. To the beginners, read this FAQ and soak it up like a sponge., for being the first place where I actually heard the word 'combo' and then made me understand what it meant...even though I was already doing them in a scrubby kind of way. Without that newsgroup, I'm sure I'd still be a scrub and there certainly wouldn’t be a without it., home of the true Street Fighter OG’s! :) And also, anyone else out there that either told me links or combos that I wouldn’t have thought of or simply cheered me on as I took on this task. Thanks to all of y'all. Bottom line: ('cause information that isn't shared is *still* worthless.) Onaje Everett ID: FreshOJ XBox GamerTag: TheRealFreshOJ "I can do ALL things through Christ, who strengthens me." -Philippians 4:13