GUN.SMOKE for the Nintendo Entertainment System W a l k t h r o u g h Version 1.0 Written by AstroBlue (tetsuwan_blue(at) Last Updated: December 8th, 2002 ******************************************************************************* This was one of my most favourite games as a lad during the '80s. It may not be an exact port of the Arcade version, but I think they actually enhanced the gameplay when converting it. The only downside is that the NES controller only has two Buttons, while the original Arcade Cabinet had three buttons. The difference? You can only fire in three different ways, not six. =============================================================================== G A M E P L A Y O V E R V I E W =============================================================================== Gun.Smoke is a Vertical Scrolling Shoot 'em Up (SHMUP). You play as cowboy called "Billie Bob" that must save the town of Hicksville from bandits that have been stealing all their gold. The citizens of the town have placed bounties on the heads of these bandits, and you intend on collecting them all. You'll be gun-fighting with outlaws, Indians, and... ninjas. Billie has two guns, if you press the B Button he will fire them diagonally to the left, if you press the A Button he will fire them diagonally to the right, and if you press the A & B Buttons simultaneously Billie will fire them straight ahead. Apart from shooting bandits, Billie can shoot open Water Barrels; these contain various items, such as: Money Bags: Add $200 to your "score". Rifles: Increase your shot distance, you can hold a maximum of 4. Boots: Increase your walking speed, you can hold a maximum of 4. Bullets: Ammunition for the weapons you can purchase from General Stores. POW: Will instantly kill all enemies that are on-screen. Horse: Billie's horse will come, and Bille will ride on her. Yashichi (Red): A red pinwheel that grants you an Extra Life; 4 max. Yashichi (Blue): A blue pinwheel that gives you temporary invincibility. Wanted Poster: Collect this to meet the boss, otherwise the stage will loop. Horses will essentially allow Billie to take more hits. The Horse will take around 2 to 4 shots before kicking the bucket. Also, if you collect Rifles and Boots while you have them maxed out, you'll get $100 for them. Items can also be bought with money from General Stores. There are two kinds of General Stores, weapon and supplies. Weapon Shops sell Shotguns for $6000, Machine Guns for $10000, Magnums for $20000 and Smart Bombs for $8000. Supply Shops sell Bullets x 4 for $1500, Horses for $20000, and Wanted Posters for $50000. Billie can equip weapons by pressing the Select Button. The Shotgun shoots a spray of 5 bullets, its magazine can hold a maximum of 120 rounds. The Machine Gun shoots a rapid stream of bullets for as long as you hold down the A or B Button, it can hold a maximum of 400 bullets. The Magnum shoots very large explosive rounds, they have unmatched stopping power. The Magnum can hold a maximum of 100 rounds. The Smart Bomb does not effect your firing weapon; however, if you get shot you will not die and all enemies on-screen will die. You can only hold one at a time. Beware, if you die while having a weapon equipped, you will loose it. Collecting "Bullets" will add 20 rounds to your Shotgun, 60 Bullets to your Machine Gun, 10 rounds to your Magnum, and one Smart Bomb. =============================================================================== W A L K T H R O U G H =============================================================================== T O W N O F H I C K S V I L L E *********************************** Welcome to the wild wild west! This town is filled with Punks; they wear green, and usually attack with their pistols from the front, but sometimes they will ambush you from a roof. They only take one shot to kill, and each have a $100 reward on their head. Throughout this game, you'll want to shoot as many Water Barrels you can, not only will you get $50 for each one you shoot. But they contain items such as Money Bags, Boots, Rifles, et cetera; that you'll want to collect. Snipers will shoot at you from the windows of the dwellings above the shops, so keep a look out for them, and large men wearing red called Dynamen will come from the front throwing dynamite at you. Like punks, both only take one shot, and have a $100 bounty. Also, picking up Dynamite before it explodes will give you $10. But if it starts flashing, stay away! A little further on, and there will be fences instead of buildings. If you stand really close to these fences, you can shoot over them, and any shots coming at you from the front will hit the fence and not you. So use them as a shield. Shoot the middle barrel in this area for a POW. On the corner of the next building to the left is a general store, she's selling munitions. I wouldn't buy anything just yet (even though you should have enough for a Shottie), because as soon as you buy a gun, enemies stop dropping Money Bags and start dropping Bullets. So you'll be better off in the long run if you just hold out. Make sure you shoot the last barrel on the right of this section of buildings. It has a horse in it (must have been uncomfortable in that barrel), which will be a great help. After more fences, there will be a General Store on the corner of the next building, he's selling supplies. Stabbers will make their first appearance now, they guys in blue with knives that jump from one side of the screen to the other, trying to stab you. They take 3 shots to kill, and have a $400 reward on their head. Anyway, up ahead on your left is a lone building with a single barrel. Shoot just behind the barrel, you should hear a "pa-ching" sound, keep shooting at that space to uncover the Wanted Poster. Blasto's will soon appear; men in red with shotguns, they take 3 shots to kill and each have a $300 reward on their head. Shoot in front of the water trough outside the next building to uncover a Yashichi (Blue), and a little after that, stand right up to the fence and shoot the barrel for a Yashichi (Red). Just up ahead is the boss, Bandit Bill. B a n d i t B i l l -------------------- Don't shoot the barrel in front of the blue building just yet, as it has a POW inside that will fade quickly. You want to shoot the barrel only when you need to use it, which will be when the screen is crowded with outlaws. Anyway, Bandit Bill will shoot his rifle at you, while walking to the side. Stay out of his way, and shoot him three times. He will then hit the ground and will shuffle around, still firing at you. You can't hit him now, so just retreat and wait for him to stand back up. When he does stand up shoot him three times. Do that two more times and his $10000 reward will be yours. -------------------- T H E B O U L D E R S ************************ This area is filled with Punks, Dynamen and Stabbers, so just keep shooting them. A new enemy will also make their debut in this stage; the Riflemen, they will walk foward, stop, and then will rapidly fire bullets all over the place. Eventually you should make it a General Store, the man is selling guns. You probably have enough to buy a Magnum and a Smart Bomb now. So after you get some bullets, equip the Smart Bomb, since it should help against all the punks that will attack from behind. Up ahead, shoot in front of the obelisk-like rocky outcrop a couple of times to uncover a Yashichi (Blue), shoot the barrel just ahead to the right for a Yashichi (Red), and shoot above the barrel to the left for the Wanted Poster. There is a long stretch of gunfighting before the boss. There is a General Store on the way, selling supplies, and in a barrel just amongst some cactuses before the boss, there's a POW. C u t t e r B o o m e r a n g ------------------------------ This guys is a lot harder than good o' Bandit Bill. He will bound around the screen, throwing twin boomerangs that are pretty hard to dodge. His boomerangs also act like a bullet shield, so he is only vulnerable once he has thrown them. He has four blocks of life, each block takes 3 hits from normal bullets, or one Magnum bullet. You get $12000 reward for killing him. ------------------------------ C O M M A N C H E V I L L A G E ********************************** Instead of Punks, this stage has Punk Indians, which are the same thing but they look different. Snipers will also shoot from Tepee’s, so be careful. This stage also has a few new types of enemies, there are Indians with Bows, which walk from side to side shooting arrows at you, they take 3 hits to kill and have a $200 bounty on their heads; Fire Blowing Indians, which jump around the screen blowing fire, they take 3 hits to kill and each have a $400 bounty on their heads; and there are Axe throwing Indians, which will line you up and throw an axe, intending to scalp you, they also take 3 hits to kill but only have a $100 reward on their heads. If you shoot an Axe or Arrow down, you'll get a $10 bonus. Right at the beginning of the stage is a General Store selling weapons. If you used up your Smart Bomb, I suggest you restock. You may want to also buy a Shotgun and a Machine Gun. Up ahead, a barrel on the left has a POW, wait for three fire blowing Indians to drop down before you use it. Also, the barrel to the far right of it has a Yashichi (Red). Further on after battling more Indians, a barrel on the left resting on grass has a Yashichi (Blue). More Indians will follow before reaching a General Store, she's selling supplies. Buy a Horse if you have enough money and think you need one. There will be a long stretch of Tepees, with lots of Indians, followed by a plain infested with Fire Blowing Indians. There is a General Store just up ahead, so you can restock your Smart Bomb if you have used it. Shoot to the left of the barrel up just ahead to get the Wanted Poster. Then there is just a long stretch of "Cowboy's and Indians" style fighting before you get to the boss. On the way, make sure you shoot the far right barrel amongst a load of barrels for a Yashichi (Red). D e v i l H a w k ------------------ This is a good time to equip a better weapon! If you think you're going to get hit, equip the Smart Bomb. Otherwise, the Shotgun is good for taking out his lackeys while attacking Devil Hawk, but it will take you longer to kill him. The Magnum will take him down really fast. Devil Hawk will jump around the screen, blowing fire balls at you in 5 directions. It seems he is more vulnerable when he has his arms in the air. Anyway, he has 5 blocks of life, each block seems to take 8-10 normal shots, and 1-2 Magnum Shots. Once he's dead, you'll collect your $25000 reward. ------------------ D E A T H M O U N T A I N **************************** These mountains are filled with Ninja. Why are there Ninja in 19th century Western America instead of 16th century Feudal Japan? Umm... ask Capcom. Ninja will throw Shurikens (Ninja Stars) at you, and will sometimes charge at you with their katana. Ninja take two shots to kill, and have a $200 reward placed on their heads. Also, if you manage to shoot a shuriken, you'll get a $10 bonus. Stay away from the mountain as Rocks will constantly fall down, and you don't want to be squished. Snipers will also shoot at you from caves in the mountains, just like Osama. A general store is just up ahead, between two mountains. She's selling weapons so stock up. A Smart Bomb is a matter of survival in these parts, as Punks will constantly come attack you from behind. A little further on, a lone barrel by a mountain (I know that's vague) will contain a Yashichi (Blue). Then there will be a General Store just up ahead, selling supplies. If you're having trouble with this level so far, buy a Horse. The Punks coming from behind in this long stretch are a real pain. Try hugging one side of the path while dodging their fire. And when they are close enough, drop back behind them and shoot them dead. Otherwise, if you hug the top edge of a mountain, they should either get stuck on the far edge of the mountain, or they will be unable to shoot you. A barrel along here has a Yashichi (Red). After the Mountains, there will be three barrels. The middle one is a POW, the others have skulls. Further on to the left of these are two barrels, shoot to the left of them for the Wanted Poster. The head ninja is just up ahead. N i n j a --------- Ninja will materialise and throw Shurikens (Darts) and Metsubushi (Ninja Bombs) at you. The shurikens act the exact same way as the ones thrown by the little ninja. The Metsubushi will explode into four fragments, and then Ninja will disappear. Just shoot at him while he's vulnerable, he has 5 blocks of life and each of them take only one shot from any weapon. It's not a bad idea to use your Shotgun to take out his lackeys as well. You will receive $20000 bounty after killing him. --------- C H E Y E N N E R I V E R **************************** Straight away you'll find a General Store. He's selling guns, so buy anything you're missing. This level is pretty much like the others, however, it does have some areas with water. Riflemen will pop up from the water and will fire away at you. You can jump in the water, but there will be a slight pause when doing so, be careful! Further on is a barrel behind some trees, head around them to get a Yashichi (Blue) it will be helpful for staying alive amongst the Riflemen. There is a Yashichi (Red) in a barrel on the southern tip of a wharf, you'll have to get in the water to shoot it. Just after it is a General Store, she's selling supplies. If you have enough money, buy a horse. When you uncover a POW from a barrel up ahead, get it at the last second to kill the ambushing Riflemen. Soon you will have to get wet, since the bridge stops half way, be careful. The Wanted Poster is just after here, shoot to the right of the far right pair of barrels. Then it's time to fight Fatman Joe. F a t m a n J o e ------------------ If you have a Magnum, equip it. Fatman Joe has 6 blocks of life, each block will take around 15-20 normal shots, or 2 Magnum shots. Fatman Joe will jump around the screen, shooting his Bomb Gun (Grenade Launcher), which has rounds that cause medium sized explosions. Just keep moving and shooting him. Once he's dead, you'll get a $20000 bounty payment. ------------------ F O R T W I N G A T E ************************ The final assault on the Wingates. God, there are a lot of graves around here, not very inviting to say the least... It's not much different to the other levels. It's filled with barrels to shoot, and Punks, Blasters and Dynamen to kill. Snipers will attack from the windows of the fort, so stay alert as usual. Anyway, a General Store is selling guns up ahead, buy up big and save the American economy. When you uncover a POW block up ahead, get it straight away to kill the Stabbers. After another stretch of pure gunfighting action, you'll come to a General Store, I highly suggest you buy a Horse if you have enough dead presidents. As the horse will make your life much easier. Further on, there is a Yashichi (Red) in a barrel in front of some graves... I now that's pretty vague, sorry. Just a little after that, there is a group of graves in the middle of the path. Enter via the right side, and fire to the left to uncover the Wanted Poster. Don't get too excited, there's still a long uneventful stretch of gunplay before you get to the end boss. You'll know it's time when two Stabbers come from either sides of the screen T h e W i n g a t e s ---------------------- The two brothers have six blocks of health, and are packing machine guns. Each block will take like 5-8 normal shots, or 1-2 Magnum rounds. Needless to say, use your Magnum. Constantly keep moving, while evading his machine gun fire and filling him up with hot lead. After you kill the first green Wingate, a second blue one will appear, use the same modus operandi as the first one. You get $30000 reward for killing the two bastards. ---------------------- Now enjoy the ending. Sure it's crap, but it's standard for a NES game. But that's not the end anyway, after the credits pass the game will begin from the start again. Nothing is different, but you'll want to play again. This condition is called Donkey Kong Syndrome. Anyway, my score whilst writing this walkthough was $419300. ******************************************************************************* LEGAL SECTION -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- No material from this FAQ may be paraphrased, copied, changed or re-formatted without my permission. It may only be posted on GameFAQs ( Under no circumstances may this FAQ be posted on Cheat Code Central. This document was written exclusively for use on the internet. It is not intended to be used in any way that is profitable for anyone other than the author. It is not to be reproduced in any way without express written permission from the author. More information on copyright laws can be found at the copyright section of the official Library of Congress web site. ( Gun.Smoke and related elements are trademarks of Capcom Co. Ltd _______________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright 2002 AstroBlue