Subject: SF2 Classic Glitches FAQ From: (David Wright) Date: Mon, 02 Nov 1998 20:35:27 GMT Newsgroups: Street Fighter 2 Classic Arcade Glitch Faq Version 0.1 Derek Daniels So you have to be asking yourself the obvious, why am I writing a faq for a game that is over 7 years old now. Well, I recently purchased a supergun (a device that has a JAMMA harness that allows you to play arcade games on your TV) and I recently acquired a SF2 classic. Great I thought, now I can become that magic throwing scrub that I always wanted to be. So I searched through many a newsgroup, web site, email and IRC channel looking for knowledge on this game. I quickly came to the conclusion that this game was poorly documented and the people that do have this knowledge are on the verge of forgetting it. This faq is NOT a moves list, this faq is NOT a Callus faq (even though I'm sure the majority of this will work on Callus). What this faq IS is a resource for someone who has purchased SF2 classic and would like an easily accessible document on the 'fun' part of SF2. As usual, if I'm missing anything of if something is incorrect please let me know. I only have access to Version 3 so if I'm wrong on other versions please let me know. I will try to make this as complete as possible the first time around, but I will continue to update it if need be. Version Info --------------- So now you have your sf2 classic and you are playing your over-powered guile wondering what version you have. The general consensus is that there are 4 different versions. The 4th one being the rarest, and version 3 being the most common. I've only see a version 4 once. I'm not positive what the SNES version is based off of (most home versions are based on the most recent revision of the arcade but they may have just released version 3 bug free. Shrug) Version 1 - Zangief is the key to determining this version. Zangief's low roundhouse will hit Guile's low forward cleanly and his jumping strong has strange properties as well. He can also SPD through anything -- outside of Guile's low fwd, outside of Chun's Lightning Leg, Honda's 100 Hand Slap, etc. Also his jumping short will take out all of Dhalsim's limbs. All Guile Glitches work. The only thing I'm unsure of on this version is Dhalsim's Invisible and Reset. Ken/Ryu may have had an endless hurricane kick glitch, and I think Guile's standing fierce into flash kick may have reset the machine, even though it was more than likely fierce throw into flash kick which reset the machine. Version 2 - Zangief has been toned down, his low RH will trade more often instead of hitting cleanly. Rumour has it that you can't jump straight up over dhalsim's jab fireball but this is unconfirmed. If there ever was a Ken/Ryu endless hurricane kick it would have been removed in this version. You can do standing fierce into flash kick with Guile on this. This may have been the version that introduced Dhalsim's invisible and reset as well. All Guile glitches work. Version 3 - There are 2 easy ways to distinguish this version. Honda's glitch only works on this version and Guile's free flash kick glitch resets the machine. Dhalsim's invisibility resets the machine. His reset glitch resets the machine as well. All other Guile glitches work. Version 4 - No glitches work. The easiest way to discern this version is that all of Guile's sonic booms are the same speed no matter what button used (jab) and all of his flash kicks are the same height (short). Glitches --------- I guess I should have some type of preface describing what is a glitch and why it is here. A glitch is essentially doing something that produces an unexpected or undesired result. Some of these are 'cool' as in Dhalsim's invisibility while others are really un-impressive. But their end result is what we are after. We seek out glitches to push a game's engine and try things that maybe the programmers didn't think of. Sometimes amazing things are found out this way, the whole concept of buffering normal attacks into specials for instance. It's unfortunate that the majority of programmers these days either release games buggy and only update them after everyone has found them out (while paying for their games mind you) or just put a limit on what you can do (cough maximum damage). While I believe classic to be an amazing game (remember...all of this was based on practically nothing!! Every concept they implemented set the ground rules for ALL fighting games to follow) as a fighting game, classic also has some of the most amazing glitches in the history of street fighter. It amazes me to this day that there were so many people aware of Guile's magic throw across the world before the internet as we know it today took off. Gaming magazines weren't really a popular thing at this point and if they were they would have never made mention of it. This is my attempt to finally put all of this in one easy to find place. So without further ado, the glitches of SF2 classic. Blanka -------- First do a Jab Ball (charge back for two seconds then hit toward plus Jab) and immediately pull back to charge. I prefer to do this all the way across the screen to allow a longer charge time. After you hit the opponent you will bounce back. Now, before you land push toward and fierce. You will do a fierce roll that will not hit the opponent (it should but it just goes through them). I've heard this glitch should result in Blanka biting the enemy but I have no idea why it should. Shrug. Honda ----- As far as I know Honda's glitch only works on Version 3. All you have to do is jump straight up then hit roundhouse. Have the opponent try to block it high (it's a high attack). If you have Version 3, you will go right through their block and hit them. You have to block this attack low, which makes no sense. Not a very exciting glitch but it helps determine which version you have. Dhalsim ------- Invisibility - This is an interesting glitch as it kinda lead to a special move later on, his teleport in Hyper. I am rather positive that this only works on version 2, perhaps 1 as well. I have never gotten this glitch to work on mine. Everytime I try it resets the machine. And it shouldn't work on 4, even though I've never tested it to confirm it. Anyways, this is how it is done: Do a fireball and hit forward and fierce at the same time. The timing is kinda weird. If done properly Dhalsim will disappear from the screen. He can still move and do special moves. If Dhalsim gets hit he will come back. If you are hit with a special move while invisible, your projectiles become completely worthless as they will no longer harm the enemy. Reset - Same idea as his invisibility, but you do fireball with fierce and roundhouse this time. In all honesty I think roundhouse is the key as I've done strong and roundhouse at the same time and it has reset the machine as well. shrug. Delayed Move - If you do a low short to fireball, the next move you do will be delayed. Nothing exciting or interesting. It's just funny to hit fwd then see it come out 1/2 a second later. Makes you feel like you are playing Mortal Kombat :) Ken/Ryu ------- Bonus Stage - Destroy one side of the car only. Turn away from the car then jump backwards and hit roundhouse. The idea is to hit the car on the top part you just destroyed. If you do it right you will become stuck to it. The only way to end this is turn the machine off and back on. Hurricane Kick - If this glitch exists, which it may as you still hear about it from time to time, it had to be version 1 only. No one I know has ever seen this nor done it. Shrug. Supposedly it is do a hurricane kick then repeatedly hit rh as fast as possible. I don't know if the initial hk is supposed to hit or not. If anyone knows anything more about this one, please email me. White Ryu Vs White Ryu ---------------------- I have seen it done, I have even done it. But it was a long time ago and I have forgotten how to do it. I know it involves a draw game somehow but that is all I remember. Anyone else remember more? Zangief ------- Turbo Short - This is another glitch that is fun only to do once. If you hit your opponent with low short, do another low short, then hit jab as fast as possible. If a 3rd low short would have hit the opponent a short will come out even though you are hitting jab. If the short would have missed, jab usually comes out even though short will from time to time. No clue as to whether or not this was in all versions. Guile ----- Statue - Get within sweep range (technically it's upside down kick range) and charge back for a sonic boom. While holding back hit roundhouse (which will result in Guilde doing his upside down kick) and while the kick is hitting push toward plus punch for a sonic boom. Guile will start to go back to his normal pose but will get stuck in a certain frame of animation. He can not be hit low while in this frame. You can not move either. The easiest way to get out is to flash kick out. You can be hit out. This is rather fun to do versus the cpu as vega will just keep trying to slide to hit you (which will miss cause it's a low attack) and zangief will just stare at you like huh? Free Sonic Boom - The easiest of Guile glitches. Throw the opponent with strong, while holding toward (assuming you hit toward plus strong to throw) keep tapping a punch button. As soon as Guile recovers he will throw a sonic boom. This is a really easy way to set up the combo of sonic boom, jump in fierce, fierce, sonic boom, backhand or any other combo you want to start off with a sonic boom. This glitch, since it gives you a free sonic boom charge, will also give you a free magic throw charge. Harder to time though cause you have to space it so that the throw doesn't leave the opponent in the corner. Free Flash Kick - This is the glitch that allows you to amaze your friends with combos like jump in fierce, standing fierce sonic boom, flash kick. First you start off by throwing the opponent with strong. As soon as you throw charge down for a flash kick. Before the opponent lands do the motion for the flash kick (doesn't matter which button). If you actually flash kick you did it too late. On version 3 you will reset the machine if you did it right. On version 2 and below guile will recover from his throwing animation slightly weird. You now have a free flash kick stored up. I do believe there is a time you have to use it by, but the next time you hit kick Guile will do a flash kick. Handcuffs - Another glitch involving the strong throw (what was wrong with this thing?). Charge down for a flash kick. While moving the joystick up, I find it easiest to keep it held from down/away to away then to up, but at the away part hit strong, then press up and kick. Guile should start throwing the opponent then as soon as they leave his hands they should fly back toward Guile and become stuck to him. Guile can not hit his opponent, and his opponent can not hit Guile. Even if you jump the enemy is stuck to you. You can not do any special moves either. The only way to end this glitch is to magic throw the opponent out. If you don't once the timer reaches zero you will be forever stuck in the win/loss animation until the machine is reset. Since the only way out is to magic throw the enemy this makes for a nice way to practice the magic throw. Reset - This time instead of doing a strong throw before you flash kick you do a fierce throw. I personally think that standing fierce into flash kick has always worked but people do throw before and that is what caused the machine to glitch. Shrug. Until I find a version 1 I guess this will all be speculation. Anyways. Charge down for a flash kick, on the way up hit away and fierce for the throw, immediately hit up plus roundhouse for the flash kick and the machine will reset if done right. Magic Throw - The glitch you have all been waiting for ^_^. This glitch still causes arguments amongst everyone. I will first detail what I have had luck with then describe what I have been told works as well. As you know from above the only way out of the handcuffs is to magic throw, you may find it easier to practice on a handcuffed opponent. Also, this glitch involves some weird timing that requires you to tap toward for 1/2 a second then the fierce and roundhouse. So it may be better for you to charge back then hit toward and see how long you can keep walking with Guile before hitting the punch button and still get a sonic boom. Once you get used to how far you can walk this will allow you to get a feel for when you should magic throw. Okay. With that all out of the way. Charge back (I should say that the range for this throw is around low forward range even though you can throw air borne opponents with it) then hit toward then slowly hit fierce and roundhouse at the same time. If done right Guile will throw his enemy with a strong throw (even though you never hit strong!). This throw will grab EVERYTHING. If Ryu/Ken are hurricane kicking it will grab them. If Vega is on the wall it will grab him. If Blanka is rolling towards will grab that too. If you do it on a dizzied just leaves them even dizzier. It is the ulimate in cheap. If your opponent is blocking too much, walk up to them and simply low jab, low jab, standing short into magic throw! That will teach them! That is the technique I have had the most luck with. I have also been told and read that you can charge back, then toward then pull back again and hit fierce and roundhouse. I have not experminted with this at all even though it should work. It more then likely just throws the opponent in the other direction. I have also heard that you don't even need to charge back! I was told by someone that as long as you are charging in a direction that it doesn't matter which direction. So you could walk towards the person (since you are walking you are holding the joystick towards thus charging) then pull back then hit fierce and roundhouse and still magic throw. CHEAP!! I haven't expreminted with this either. Finally I have been told that fierce is the real key to this. You can hit any kick button. This does seem to be true. When I try to charge back then hit fierce and forward for the throw Guile will do a standing strong?!!? I have never pulled off a magic throw like this but I would not be surprised to hear that it works. CONCLUSION ---------- I have tested everything on here that I could. If any of it is inaccurate or just wrong please email me telling me so. If you are aware of a glitch that is not on here please email me as I would like this to be as accurate of a faq as possible. I know there are tons more of stuff that I simply don't know how to do such as all the scroller glitches, all the crazy bonus round stuff TZW does, etc. Thanks: Everyone from AGSF2 that has contributed to this in one way or another, Everyone from #capcom that contributed to this and keeps me entertained instead of idling, Douglas Hamamoto, John Choi for simply being John Choi and making me the SF player I am today whether or not you realize it, Bob Painter for being KUROMETER!, James Chen for not only writing me novels that I love to read (no sarcasm intended!!) but also for compiling a list of glitches before that not only did I steal most of this from but also the replies to it, Jason Gordon, Kevin 'Polymer', David 'Zoid', Seth Killian for not only being the scrub that he truly is but also being a part of shaping me into the SF player that I am today, David Wright, David Dial, David Sirlin for teaching me that SF should have only 3 buttons, Alex Valle for teaching me that Peruvian is the better Mexican(tm), Ben 'Tragic' Cureton for giving me an opportunity for which I am grateful for, My ex-roommate Mike Jarett for helping me learn as much about SF as we have, Joel Frank, and everyone else that added to not only this faq in particular but SF as well.