Character Movelist FAQ .-----------------------------. | Copyright 2007 Steven Marr | | By Steven Marr (aka Xenomic)| | | | | || || || | AIM: Xenomic, AnkokuRyu | | YIM: Ankoku_no_ryu| | | '-----------------------------' --------------------------------- Legal Script --------------------------------- All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged where are not specifically mentioned. If you wish to reproduce this document AS IS, you may do so after asking my permission, and not for profit. If I see fit, I, however, will revoke permission and ask for it to be taken down if necessary. I would like to take the time to point out psychocronic's faq. If you want to take this game to the highest level you can, then do use his faq. It is chalked full of information about each of the fighters, from Vs. Matchups to Movelist descriptions and more. --------------------------------------------------- Table Of Contents --------------------------------------------------- 1. The Basis of this FAQ [001] 2. Keys [002] 3. Breakdown of Attacks [003] 4. System Breakdown [004] 5. Character Breakdowns [005] A. Street Fighter II [006] I. Ryu [007] II. Guile [008] III. Zangief [009] IV. M. Bison [010] B. Street Fighter III [011] I. Alex [012] II. Chun-Li [013] III. Yun [014] IV. Urien [015] C. Street Fighter Alpha [016] I. Guy [017] II. Rose [018] III. Sakura [019] IV. Karin [020] D. Darkstalkers [021] I. Demitri [022] II. Jedah [023] III. Anakaris [024] IV. Felicia [025] E. Red Earth [026] I. Leo [027] II. Kenji [028] III. Hydron [029] IV. Hauzer [030] F. Special Characters [031] I. Ingrid [032] II. Pyron [033] III. Shin Akuma [034] 6. Credits [035] --------------------------------------------------- 1. The Basis of this FAQ [001] This faq is here to help you understand each of the individual fighters moves. This isn't going to go into much depth and detail for each of the fighters, nor is it a comprehensive breakdown of each fighters moves (For that, refer to either each of the individual fighter's faqs, or refer to psychochronic's amazing faq. Here is the link to his faq: This faq will show how to do each of the moves, and show moves that would otherwise be misseable without experimenting (and those special moves not listed in the manual). So, without further adieu, let us begin! ------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Keys [002] Use this Legend to help you understand the different definitions that I will be using throughout this FAQ. u=up f=forward d=down df=down-forward db=down-back b=back qcf=quarter-circle forward qcb=quarter-circle back hcf=half-circle forward hcb=half-circle back 360=360 degree rotation of directional pad 720=720 degree rotation of directional pad fdp=Forward Dragon Punch (forward, down, down-forward) bdp=Back Dragon Punch (back, down, down-back) LP=Light Punch MP=Medium Punch HP=Heavy Punch LK=Light Kick MK=Medium Kick\ HK=Heavy Kick PPP=Three punches together KKK=Three kicks together Ch.=Charge move (air)=Move can be done in air. (AIR)=Must be performed in air --------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Breakdown of Attacks [003] Here is a breakdown of what category each attack that each fighter in this game uses. Consult this chart if you're unsure as to what attack falls into what category. Moves that meet certain special requirements will be listed by their name. -Projectiles- Moves that can be fired in a fireball-type style, and can hit from across the screen. The following attacks fall into this category: -Hadoken (Ryu) -Shakunetsu Hadoken (Ryu) -Shinku Hadoken (Ryu) -Hadoken (Sakura) -Shinku Hadoken (Sakura) -Gou Hadoken (Shin Akuma) -Messatsu Gou Hado (Shin Akuma) -Chaos Flare (Demetri) -Demon Billion (Demetri) -Sonic Boom (Guile) -Ichimonji (Kenji) -Bakuryusho (Kenji) -Soul Spark (Rose) -Aura Soul Spark (Rose) -Dio-Cega (Jedah) -Sunshot (Ingrid) -Sunburst (Ingrid) -Metallic Sphere (Urien) -Temporal Thunder (Urien) -Aegis Reflector (Urien) -Arctic Stream (Tornado Mist) (Hydron) -Kikouken (Chun-Li) -Kikou-Shou (Chun-Li) -Zanku Hadoken (Shin Akuma) [Also classified as Air] -Tenma Gou Zanku (Shin Akuma) [Also classified as Air] -Soul Smasher (Pyron) -Anti-Air- Moves that are used to counter air attacks and jumping opponents. Typically bad when blocked or when they miss. The following attacks fall into this category: -Shoryuken (Ryu) -Shin Shoryuken (Ryu) -Gou Shoryukne (Shin Akuma) -Messatsu Gou Shoryu (Shin Akuma) -Somersault Kick (Guile) -Aerial Russian Slam (Zangief) -Demon Cradle (Demetri) -Somersault Strike (Guile) -Air Knee Grapple (Alex) -Sunrize (Ingrid) -Sunarch (Ingrid) -Sunshine (Ingrid) -Delta Kick (Felicia) -Hydro Spin (Hydron) -Venom Funnel (Hydron) -Tempest Fall (Hauzer) -Hoyoku-Sen (Chun-Li) -Air- Moves that are done while in the air. Great against Rush attacks and some Other attacks, but bad when against Anti-Air attacks. The following attacks fall into this category: -Flower Kick (Sakura) -Royal Judgment (Anakaris) -Bat Spin (Demetri) -Head Stomp (Alex) -Devil Reverse (M. Bison) -Head Stomp (M. Bison) -Zessho Hohou (Yun) -Nishou Kyaku (Yun) -Sun Dive (Ingrid) -Violence Knee Drop (Urien) -Dangerous Headbutt (Urien) -Bushin Hasso Ken (Guy) -Sakura Otoshi (Sakura) -Hazan Shu (Chun-Li) -Zanku Hadoken (Shin Akuma) [Also classified as Projectile] -Tenma Gou Zanku (Shin Akuma) [Also classified as Projectile] -Hyakkisu (Shin Akuma) -Orbital Blaze (Pyron) -Rush- Moves that force the character to dash and attack at the same exact time. These are vulnerable to a lot of attacks, those being Projectiles, Anti-Air, and Air, but can be useful against Other attacks. These also help the character get across the screen faster. The following attacks fall into this category: -Ransetsu Jin (Kenji) -Flash Chop (Alex) -Dashing Elbow (Alex) -Boomerang Raid (Alex) -Stun Gun Headbutt (Alex) -Jumonji (Kenji) -Achilles Rush (Leo) -Chronos Rush (Leo) -Hercules Rush (Leo) -Flying Powerbomb (Zangief) -Chariot Tackle (Urien) -Tyrant Slaughter (Urien) -Rolling Buckler (Felicia) -Dancing Flash (Felicia) -Hayakage (Guy) -Bushin Gorai Kyaku (Guy) -Hydro Spin (Hydron) -Psycho Crusher (M. Bison) -Mega Psycho Crusher (M. Bison) -Deluge Assualt (Hauzer) -Deluge Crisis (Hauzer) -Sakizakura Ken (Sakura) -Midare Zakura (Sakura) -Zodiac Fire (Pyron) -Other- These are moves that don't really fall into any one category, and can be classified by their own self. How these moves work against others depends on the situation at hand. The following attacks fall into this category: -Tatsumaki Senpukyaku (Ryu) -Tatsumaki Zankukyaku (Shin Akuma) -Shunpu Kyaku (Sakura) -Bushin Senpu Kyaku (Guy) -Pharoah Magic (Anakaris) -Hole of Hell (Anakaris) -Midnight Pressure (Demetri) -Midnight Bliss (Demetri) -Total Wipeout (Guile) -Knee Press (M. Bison) -Knee Press Nightmare (M. Bison) -Rasen Kyaku (Kenji) -Flying Powerbomb (Zangief) -Enmazuki (Kenji) -Soul Reflect (Rose) -Soul Throw (Rose) -Aura Soul Throw (Rose) -Soul Spiral (Rose) -Nero Fatica (Jedah) -Spreggio (Jedah) -Ira Spinta (Jedah) -Prova-Del-Cervo (Jedah) -Powerbomb (Alex) -Double Lariat (Zangief) -Punishing Flat (Zangief) -Tetsuzankou (Yun) -Kobokushi (Yun) -Sourai-Rengeki (Yun) -You-Hou (Yun) -Guren Ken (Karin) -Hosho (Karin) -Mujin Kyaku (Karin) -Rasen Cho (Karin) -Ressen Ha (Karin) -Yasha Gaeshi (Karin) -Kanzuki-Ryu Shinbi Kaibyaku (Karin) -Kanzuki-Ryu Ko'ou Ken (Karin) -Sunupper (Ingrid) -Sunlower (Ingrid) -Sun Delta (Ingrid) -Cat Spike (Felicia) -Mars Slash (Leo) -Hozanto (Guy) -Tadpole Spawn (Hydron) -Lightning Mast (Hydron) -Strangling Spark (Hydron) -Haru Ichiban (Sakura) -Spinning Bird Kick (Chun-Li) -Hyakuretsu Kyaku (Chun-Li) -Negative Stolen (Demetri) -Gigas Driver (Leo) -Gaia Driver (Leo) -Spinning Pile Driver (Zangief) -Hyper Bomb (Alex) -Final Atomic Buster (Zangief) -Atomic Suplex (Zangief) -Finale-Rosso (Jedah) -Zenpu Tenshin (Yun) -Arakuma Inashi (Karin) -Sand Splash (Felicia) -Please Help Me! (Felicia) -Hellcat (Felicia) -Bushin Flip (Guy) -Volcano Breath (Hauzer) -Gust Flame (Hauzer) -Planet Burning (Pyron) -Piled Hell (Pyron) -Cosmo Disruption (Pyron) -Teleport- These moves can move the character across the screen, and at anywhere on the screen, depending on which version and button the player used to initiate the move. The following attacks fall into this category: Teleport moves -Ashura Senku (Shin Akuma) -Teleport (M. Bison) -Psycho Vanish (M. Bison) -Kagerou (Kenji) -Utsusemi (Kenji) -Galaxy Trip (Pyron) -Miscellaneous (Misc.)- These are attacks that hold one or more properties. The following attacks fall into this category: -Zanku Hadoken (Shin Akuma) [Also classified as Air and Projectile] -Tenma Gou Zanku (Shin Akuma) [Also classified as Air and Projectile] ---------------------------------------------------------------- 4. System Breakdown [004] This section is here to breakdown each of the individual games systems. (All of this data is from psychochronic's faq) --Street Fighter II-- 1 Super Meter, Rapid-Fire Chain, Rapid-Fire Chain Lockout and Tactical Recovery; your basic old-school right here! *Rapid-Fire Chain: LP or LK rapidly: Rapid-Fire chains allow any SFII character to cancel certain LP and LK attacks into one another. You can keep going with these attacksuntil your opponent is out of range or to be ready to do a special move. This is an easy way to lock in some damage or even have the potential to stun. This type of attack is a great option, even for a charge character, even if you don't have a special move charged and ready to go. Rapid fire attacks can also be chained in any combination starting from punches or kicks and mixing 'kicks-to-punches' or 'punches-to-kicks'. *Rapid-Fire Chain Lockout: After doing 2+ Rapid-Fire Chain hits, the Lockout occurs: In CFE, the SFII characters are not allowed to use Rapid-Fire attacks and cancel them to a Special Move or Super Combo. This could be done in ST though. The good thing here is that there is a way to get around this "lockout" effect. This only goes on to multiple hits of the Rapid-Fire attack. Switching between standing and crouching and/or LP and LK hits removes the limitation. *Super Meter: One Gauge: Goes basic old-school and back to ST; One simple meter. You can only fill the meter once using attacks and Special Moves and thus, can't be filled more after it's reached it's max limitation. The downside to this meter is that you if you miss your Super Combo, you're back to zero and you have to build it all the way up again. The upside to it is several things. One is that it can take out a lot of damage, about 40% minimum to be exact. Two is that it can be easily built. So what if you miss your Super in Round 1, it can be brought over to Round 2 where you can build it again. Third and Final is that each character has two Super Combos at their move list instead of one just like in ST. This gives the player extra options to dish out and also devise multiple game plans to do it. *Tactical Recovery: While grounded, hold Px2: Also seen in CvS2 under the following 3 Grooves (C, P, S). Tactical Recovery gives the player the option to get up regularly or to delay the wakeup of the character after being knocked down. Great to confuse opponents if they'll attempt a mixup or a crossup and to dish out a great wakeup reversal after recovery but not good to Follow-Up attacks. Use this ability wisely. --Street Fighter III-- 2 Super Meters, Leap Attack to break their crouching guard, Dashing to rush opponents down, Quick Standing to get right back up, Parrying to build meter and turn the match around, Super Jump, Super Cancels to cancel a special move into a Super Art and EX Special Moves to create uggle your own juggle combos. *Dashing: Fx2 or Bx2: A great tactic to add speed and mobility. Pressing forward twice commands to dash forward and pressing backward twice commands to dash backward. *Leap Attack: MP + MK: An overhead attack which must only be blocked standing. Great for mix-ups and to attack opponents who use crouch excessively in their gameplan. Has a very quick startup but hits later down the animation and is extremely difficult to link an attack after. *Parrying: -High: Tap F before a high attack hits -Low: Tap D before a high attack hits -Air: While jumping, tap F before an attack hits The known sub-system which made 3S famous around the world and seen in CvS2 playing under the P-Groove. Parrying is another form of blocking which enables to react from a regular block and attack instantly. The opponent freezes for a split-second which makes the player to freely strike in that opportunity. Instead of losing damage, a parry gains meter in return. This effects all forms of attacks, whether it's normals, projectiles and even supers. As it's past counterpart, parrying is for the risky-type players, allowing to have sorts of blind guesses of the opponents attack patterns throughout the match. Parries are also vulnerable to throws, making it more harder at a close-range game so use it strategically as it's one of the most risky sub-systems out there. *EX Moves: Any Special Move using Multiple Buttons instead of one: Uses 50% of 1 gauge, this enables to extend the damage and hits of the move, similar to ES moves for the DS cast. Some EX moves can juggle which can leading to long combos and some characters' moves don't have it EX classified so watch the timing and the move as it costs meter. *Quick Standing: Tap D as you touch the ground before getting knocked down: Seen in the SFIII series and uses the CvS2 Safe Fall sub- system. This ability allows the player to simply bounce back from a knockdown attack before hitting the floor. A quicker way to get right back up, a defensive purpose and to avoid follow-up attacks. Be careful as each character has their own animation frames for this ability. *Super Cancel: Doing a Super Art after a Special Move: SFIII characters have the ability to do a Super Art right after a Special Move and it works exactly like a normal attack cancel. Even EX moves can be cancelled too. *Super Meter: 2 Gauges: SFIII characters has 2 gauges as their meter. When the meter reaches "1/2", it indicates that they are available to execute a Super Art. Each character has 2-3 Super Arts in their move list, which gives multiple options to strike. The ability to have 2 gauges gives the opportunity should that one attempt misses, you're safe to attempt another one and few characters having to use the whole meter in one combo. *Super Jump: D then UB, U or UF: This action enables the character to jump slighty higher and further than a normal jump. It can be used for far crossup attempts and increasing the chances of avoiding projectiles. --Street Fighter Alpha-- *Air-Block: While jumping, hold B: This feature helps you block your opponent projectiles and jumping attacks while you're in the air. This does not apply to ground attacks which can't be taken in the air. If you air-block a jumping normal, you'll land right before your opponent does, allowing you to strike first as they land and recover. *Alpha Counter: While Blocking, reverse QCB + P/K: Known in Japan as the "Zero Counter". Also seen in CvS2 under the following Grooves: (C, A, S, N). This skill costs 50% of your meter which makes your status possible to cancel the remaining guard stun on a blocked attack into a simple counter-attack. It does a small amount of damage and guarantees a knockdown making it useful to turn the tables around or to simply give you a bit of space. Each character here has two Alpha Counters, one of each, a punch and a kick. Both types are good for countering specific attacks, whether it's air, ground, crouch, special or even super so switch between the two accordingly, depending on who you're fighting and the situation. Also going back to it's SFA3 counterpart, the Alpha Counter can kill, so watch out! *Custom-Combo: HP + HK when your Gauge is over 50%: Known greatly as "V-Ism" in SFA3 and "A-Groove" in CvS2. Once activated, your character can simply chain in any normal and special attacks which can be done in a repeated process. The meter now dates in to SFA3 where you can simply activate at 50%. The meter now also dates in to CvS2 as you can activate at 100% and finish off with a Super Combo to dish out some big damage. As an expert would know that there is a large reduction of damage applied to each consecutive hit within. After the first 9 hits, each other hit does a single pixel of damage so beware ofthat effect. This ability is also good because if the opponent blocks, then you have time to switch your attacks and gameplan more quickly before the time runs out. Also during activation, the screen will darken and freeze for a slight second and you'll gain an invincibility frame which is useful to avoid attacks and projectiles freely! Activation with 50%, you'll be invincible 6 frames before and 4 frames after and activation with 100%, you'll be invincible 6 frames before and 14 frames after. Within the 50%-99% range, the higher the percentage, the longer the invinciblity frames kick in. The bad part about the Custom Combo system is that you can't block after activation and should you get attacked, your meter goes back to 0% instead of depeleting 50% of it just like in SFA3 and CvS2. Use this wisely as you're rushing like hell with no shield on you. *Super Combo: Using your characters' designated command, gauge calculated by percentile: One also also taken from CvS2 A-Groove and that's the ability to do a Super Combo. This tactic costs 50% of meter and can be done in Custom Combo when activated at 100%. Very useful if your characters' customs are weak and need to use this for some damage. *Ukemi "Safe Fall": Before touching the ground, hold Px3. You can extend the roll by simply holding F: Also known as the "Safe Fall" and it's been seen in SFA3 and CvS2 under the following 3 Grooves (A, N, K). This is not the CvS2 version of it where you jump a bit back having a tiny bit of invincibility frames at it, this version is nearly exact as it was from SFA3, except it's a little slower. The Ukemi allows the character to roll towards the opponent just as you touch the ground. This ability can be useful for avoiding projectiles, confusing your foes' wakeup strats and any other attacks with heavy recovery. The first 17 frames of the full 43 frames are invincible but the last 26 frames of it are completely vulnerable to attack. This means you're not safe and completely defenseless making this tactic very risky to use. Ukemi must be used with extreme caution. --Darkstalkers-- *Air-Block: While jumping, hold B: This feature helps you block your opponent projectiles and jumping attacks while you're in the air. This does not apply to ground attacks which can't be defended in the air. If you air-block a jumping normal, you'll land right before your opponent does, allowing you to strike first as they land and recover. *Chain-Combo: LP, MP, HP, LK, MK, HK in a successional order: Another thing known from the DS franchise. Pressing them quickly in a certain order (LP, MP, HP), will build your meter quick and also damage too. You can even mixup attacks with few examples such as: (Jedah (air): LP, LK, MK, HK. Demitri (ground): LP, LK, MK, HP, HK. Anakaris (crouch): LK, LP, MP, HK). This is the basic stuff here if you don't have and an important factor to build some fast meter. *Counter-Attack "Guard Cancel": Using your characters' designated guard move while blocking: Just like in DS again! Almost similar to a counter-attack but uses no meter and takes strict and fast timing to execute. You can only perform this ability if you're in the block animation frame. Each DS character has it's own counter (Anakaris: Cobra Blow, Demitri: Demon Cradle, Felicia: Delta Kick, Jedah: Spreegio). At this time, you can use your guard cancel to break free from a normal, combo or super and knock your opponent back a bit. You can even do ES cancels too and that costs 1 meter. Another bad point is don't abuse that because your opponent can react fast and decide to attack or throw you afterwards. *Dashing: Fx2 or Bx2: A great tactic to add speed and mobility. Pressing forward twice commands to dash forward and pressing backward twice commands to dash backward. Each dash differs upon the character: Jedah dashes up, Demitri will be off-screen for a slight second and Felicia can hop while at it. The opponent has to be fast to react so majority of it, it's in your favor. Some characters' normals and specials get added to the dash: Felicia and Anakaris can attack and start a chain-combo while dashing and Demitri's Demon Cradle will attack upwards in a forward movement (45- degree angle) instead of straight up as normal. *ES Moves: Any Special Move using Multiple Buttons instead of one: ES is a short term for "Extra Special". It costs 1 meter and it's a great way to do extra damage when it's needed. ES Moves are usually just extended versions of a special move or a Follow-Up attack and oftenly just add more hits and damage in the process. Some ES moves are also to cause little, some or long block stun or do massive chip damage, or both! Use this to your gameplan if needed! *EX Super: Using your character's designated command: EX is a short term for "Extra". It costs 1 meter (for some EX Moves) and it's also a great way to do extra damage. This is not a ES move, it's pretty much the characters' personal special, a finisher if you wanna call it. Some EX's are Jedah where he can summon the Underworld, Anakaris can use powers of the Pharaoh and so on...each describing the characters' way to add more damage! The downside to it is the execution; Jedah's EX's are unblockable but can be avoided by jumping, Felicia's can be blocked and she is not safe if blocked, Demitri's are grab-only which adds that it can be avoided many ways and Anakaris' have a slow startup. Be consciencious to do this ability as it has its downsides to it. *Follow-Up Attack: U + MK/HK when opponent is grounded: Another thing from the DS franchise that couldn't be forgotten and that's the ability to hit the opponent while they are down. A cheap shot if you wanna call it. This ability will make the character leap in the air and come down on the grounded opponent for some extra damage. There is an ES version of it too as it costs 1 meter and it does multiple hits but somewhat low damage. The things you must be focused on when using the Follow-Up attack is that some character groups can avoid it (SFA characters' can use Ukemi and SFIII characters' can Quick Stand). Time this right also because DS'/Red Earth/Ingrid can use Roll Wakeup. *Roll Wakeup: Hold F or B while grounded: Also known as "Front and Back Move Rising". This ability is a great way to avoid from the stress of an upcoming crossup or a big attack coming to you. The character will slide along the ground for a short time. This is kinda like Tactical Recovery but adding a Roll to it which will force the opponent to change up the plans for the round. An excellent tactic and it is good and recommended to use for defensive players. Super Meter: 3 gauges: Now holding 3 gauges instead of the limit in Vampire Savior which was 9. Gauges can be simply built due to normals, Special Moves and Follow-Up attacks. It can be built fairly fast via chain-combos or converting using the round switches (1 Full SFII meter = 3 Full DS meter). Meters can be used for ES Moves, ES Follow-Ups and EX Supers to serve your opponents greatly. Ultimate guessing game if ES or EX will be used during the match. --Red Earth-- *Air-Block: While jumping, hold B: This feature helps you block your opponent projectiles and jumping attacks while you're in the air. This does not apply to ground attacks which can't be defended in the air. If you air-block a jumping normal, you'll land right before your opponent does, allowing you to strike first as they land and recover. *Dashing: Pressing Fx2 or Bx2: A great tactic to add speed and mobility. Pressing forward twice commands to dash forward and pressing backward twice commands to dash backward. *Follow-Up Attack: U + MK/HK when opponent is grounded: Taken from the DS franchise and that's the ability to hit the opponent while they are down. A cheap shot if you wanna call it. This ability will make the character leap in the air and come down on the grounded opponent for some extra damage. The things you must be focused on when using the Follow-Up attack is that some character groups can avoid it (SFA characters' can use Ukemi and SFIII characters' can Quick Stand). Time this right also because DS'/Red Earth/Ingrid can use Roll Wakeup. *Roll Wakeup: Hold F or B while grounded: Also known as "Front and Back Move Rising". This ability is a great way to avoid from the stress of an upcoming crossup or a big attack coming to you. The character will slide along the ground for a short time. This is kinda like Tactical Recovery but adding a Roll to it which will force the opponent to change up the plans for the round. An excellent tactic and it is good and recommended to use for defensive players. *Super Meter "Gems": 2 Gems max, able to max up to 6 Levels: In the beginning of the match, you start off as a Level 1. Every time you meters range goes up, you'll recieve one gem having two gems maximum. Gems are used for two purposes; One is to press MP + MK to level up the character, which increases damage properties (formula explained below), gain nearly 10% of vitality back and gets closer to a stronger Mystic Break as some supers are to be done only on Level 2 or 3. You can only max up 5 times (Level 6) so use that point in case levelling up to survive is your gameplan. The other purpose is to use Level 1 Mystic Breaks only, which is a viable and passable option. When you level up, the character does a taunt which lasts 20 frames and is invincible for the first 19 of them, making it useful to go through attacks and supers. -Red Earth Formula for the damage increase the character does for each consecutive level up: Notice how it increases then decreases? Use your gems wisely and options are always available. --Level 2: 5.5% --Level 3: 5.25% --Level 4: 5% --Level 5: 4.75% --Level 6: 4.50% *Super Jump: Press D then UB, U or UF: This action enables the character to jump slighty higher and further than a normal jump. It can be used for far crossup attempt and increasing the chances of avoiding projectiles. *Ultimate Guard: Press HP + HK: Pressing this motion commands the characters to go into a defensive stance. During this process, it will block any incoming high or low attack whether it's a normal, special, projecile or super and will receive no guard damage. This ability is very useful to avoid a super and great to execute when you have slivers of vitality remaining. Unfortunately, it has large recovery time and is completely open to throws which can't be effected while still on the stance. *Ultimate Counter: While blocking an attacking using Ultimate Guard, reverse QCB + P/K: An instant reversal attack that can only be executed after the Ultimate Guard ability. It's generally slow on startup and they can be used to punish blocked attacks with some big recovery. Each characters' Ultimate Counter has a different startup period but they all become vulnerable on the second frame of the animation before it connects. Just to note, Hydron and Hauzer don't have a K Ultimate Counter. --Capcom Fighting Evolution (Ingrid and Shin Akuma Only)-- *Air-Block: While jumping, hold B: This feature helps you block your opponent projectiles and jumping attacks while you're in the air. This does not apply to ground attacks which can't be defended in the air. If you air-block a jumping normal, you'll land right before your opponent does, allowing you to strike first as they land and recover. *Counter Roll: Press B or F + MP + MK: Also known better as Counter Movement in CvS2 from the N-Groove. This ability allows Ingrid to do a roll forwards or backwards instantly after a block during the guard animation. This is useful for getting out of corners or various supers such as Leo's Hercules Rush. This ability costs Ingrid 1 level of meter to do. *Dashing: Pressing Fx2 or Bx2: A great tactic to add speed and mobility. Pressing forward twice commands to dash forward and pressing backward twice commands to dash backward. *Roll: MP + MK: Used in CvS2 under the following Grooves C, A, N and known here as "Wrap Around" in this game. Ingrid simply does an invincible roll which has vulnerability in the end part. Rolling is a great way to avoid projectiles and a good way to advance to the opponent more quicker. The bad thing is that it's spammable which can get very annoying and there is Roll Cancel just like in CvS2 but the thing is that the standard attack to be invulnerable for 0.4 seconds are not rewarded. *Roll Wakeup: Hold F or B while grounded: Also known as "Front and Back Move Rising". This ability is a great way to avoid from the stress of an upcoming crossup or a big attack coming to you. The character will slide along the ground for a short time. This is kinda like Tactical Recovery but adding a Roll to it which will force the opponent to change up the plans for the round. An excellent tactic and it is good and recommended to use for defensive players. *Super Meter: 3 levels: Meter is similar to C-Groove from CvS2. Thins thing is that Ingrid has 3 supers and each one contains a different level of each and 1 level can be used for Counter Roll. Somewhat relatively fair time to build meter. *Super Jump: D then UB, U or UF: This action enables the character to jump slighty higher and further than a normal jump. It can be used for far crossup attempts and increasing the chances of avoiding projectiles. ------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Character Breakdowns [005] Here, we shall breakdown the character's moves. Each character will also display a profile (most of them anyways) and a shortened and detailed movelist. Use the navigational system at the Table of Contents to find a specific character. ------------------------------------------------------------ A. Street Fighter II [006] Overall balanced fighters, but have no air blocks, which makes them more vulnerable than most of the other fighters. Not too overpowered, but not too weak. A pretty good section for new players to start with. ------------------------------------------------------------ I. Ryu [007] Average in all aspects. Not overpowered and not underpowered. Just plain old fighting with this character. --Profile-- Nationality-Japanese Birthday-July 26, 1964 Fighting Style-Ansatsuken (Shotokan) karate Age-42 (as of 2006) Height-5'8" Weight-68 kg BWH Sizes B-110 W81 H-85 Blood Type-O Special Skill-Can sleep anywhere, hitch hiking Likes-Youkan Dislikes-Spiders First Appearence-Street Fighter Additional Appearences-Street Fighter II, Super Street Fighter II, Street Fighter II Turbo, Super Street Fighter II Turbo, Street Fighter II Dash, Street Fighter III: 2nd Impact, Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike, Street Fighter III, Marvel Vs. Capcom, Marvel Vs. Capcom 2, Capcom Vs. SNK, Capcom Vs. SNK 2, SVC Chaos: SNK Vs. Capcom. Namco X Capcom, Marvel Superheroes Vs. Street Fighter, X-Men Vs. Street Fighter, Super Gem Fighter, Street Fighter EX, Street Fighter EX2, Street Fighter EX3, Street Fighter: The Movie, Street Fighter Alpha, Street Fighter Alpha 2, Street Fighter Alpha 3, Hyper Street Fighter Alpha, Hyper Street Fighter II The following is taken from Tiamat's guide. Here is the link to his guide for Street Fighter, for everything you'd want to know about it. STREET FIGHTER 1 - Ryu is a prospective warrior who was raised and trained by his master, Gouken. When he hears about the first Street Fighter 1 tournament, he eagerly enters to prove himself. With his skill and prowess, Ryu quickly advances to the finals, where he fought the host of the tournament, Sagat. Sagat, however, was more than a match for Ryu, and proceeded to kick the crap out of him. It seemed like Sagat won. Ryu was down on the ground. Sagat, seeing this, held out his hand to help Ryu up, because the victory was obviously Sagat's and the battle was over. But Ryu wanted to win at all costs. He was desperate to win. For a very brief moment, he became CONSUMED by his desire to win. A strange mysterious force overtook him (Satsu no Hadou) and he immediately teared through Sagat with Metsu shoryuken. The powerful dragon punch came out of no where and caught Sagat completely off guard, tearing through and leaving a scar on his chest, as well as an emotional scar which wouldn't heal for a long time. Ryu didn't know what happened to him, but he did know that he won. He was the Street Fighter champion. Ryu returned to where he was taught by Gouken, hoping his master would know what happened to him when he defeated Sagat. Gouken, was gone, killed by Akuma. Hearing this, Ryu sensed Akuma's chi, and left to search him out. STREET FIGHTER ALPHA 2: Ryu has found Akuma at Akuma's island of Gokuento and challenges him as a fighter. But Akuma was only testing him. Seeing Ryu battle, he tells Ryu that Ryu wields the same power as he does! The Killing Intent, Satsu no Hadou, which is what happened to Ryu when Ryu defeated Sagat. He tells Ryu that once it awakens fully within Ryu, all previous battles will seem like child's play, and to find him after it does awaken, then he and Ryu may have a real battle. With that, he punches the ground, and the island of Gokuentou sinks into the sea, with Ryu getting out just in time. Ryu is left only with Akuma's words, and is confused by what they mean. Eventually, his rival and good friend, Ken, tracks him down. Ken wonders what he has been doing, but Ryu attempts to angrily brush him off. They fight, and Ken wins. Ken then tells Ryu that something seems to be clouding Ryu's mind, and tells Ryu that Ryu needs to be focused. He gives Ryu his red headband as a reminder, should Ryu lose again. Realizing this, Ryu thanks Ken. He needs to get back on track and keep focused, despite what Akuma said to him. Ryu has learned a lot, but there is still more he needs to learn about being a true warrior, fighting, Satsu no Hadou, and himself. Ryu is encountered by a girl named Sakura, who claims to be his number one fan. She eagerly challenges him to a match, and they fight. Realizing that there is more to fighting than just winning, he goes easy on her, and thus Sakura wins the match. Sakura asks Ryu to train her, but he tells her that he can't, because he's still training, himself. He leaves her with a photo of himself walking off into the distance . STREET FIGHTER ALPHA 3: Ryu is still following the path to become a true martial artist. What is the meaning of the "killing intent" building within him? He continues his journey to find the answers, and new challenges. Wavering between giving into the Satsu no Hadou or not, Ryu continued his journey. One day, he met a lady named Rose, who warned him about a man named M. Bison who was trying to hunt Ryu down. She tells Ryu that Ryu must fight with his soul, and not his physical power, or else he will lose to that man. Bison finally did find Ryu. He told Ryu that even if Ryu destroyed his body, his soul was eternal, and that his next body would be Ryu! Ryu is caught off guard and Bison begins to take control of him! He can feel the evil power, and wonders if it is the killing intent Akuma told him about long ago, then finally, his mind gives in, believing that Bison is the answer. Eventually, however, Ken and Sakura, who were looking for him, as well as Sagat who happened to be going there, too, arrived. Seeing what was going on, Ken and Sakura got into a battle with Bison. Sagat, who was disgusted by what Bison did to Ryu (by then, Sagat had realized there was more to fighting than winning and that brainwashing Ryu was one of the lowest things Bison could do), fought and defeated Psycho Ryu. Thanks to the combined efforts of his friend and rival, Ken, admirer Sakura, and rival Sagat, he was contained and he eventually overcame his brainwashing to smack Bison, and Bison was forced to retreat, shocked that Ryu has managed to overcome Psycho Power, because he thought Ryu would give in to Satsu no Hadou, which Psycho Power is sister to. Ryu has realized that giving in to the want to just win is not the way, and gives up the Satsu no Hadou, eagerly looking forward to his future matches just to test his skills and for the excitement of the fight. SUPER STREET FIGHTER 2 TURBO: Hearing about a second Street Fighter tournament, Ryu enters and participates to continue to test and hone his skills. No one knows if he won or not, Capcom has never officially stated who won. STREET FIGHTER 3 SECOND IMPACT: Ryu entered the SF3 tournament to once again continue to test and train himself. He got defeated by Oro. STREET FIGHTER 3 THIRD STRIKE: After Ryu loses to Oro, he travels to America. Of course, being Ryu, he uses his loss to motivate him to become even stronger, after seeing what Oro is capable of, but for the time being, he had more pressing matters. He seeks out Ken so that they have another match. He travels across the country (starting in Oakland) and finally meets Ken in NY. Ken is probably in NY to enter the US Martial Arts Championship, which he wins. Ryu wins his match with Ken, but also has a fight with Alex while he was in NY. Ryu also wins this and encourages Alex to keep on fighting. With the weight of vengeance off of Alex’s back, he is now excited about fighting and searches the world for Ryu and other challengers. Makoto fights to bring back prestige, pride, and honor to her father's dojo. She tracks down the famous Ryu and challenges him. Ryu requests that she show him her best. --Movelist-- Fierce Thrust....................................F + MP Fierce Rush......................................F + HP Hadoken...........................................QCF + P Shakunetsu Hadoken.....................HCF + P Shoryuken........................................FDP + P Tatsumaki Senpukyaku..................QCB + K (Can also be done in air) Shinku Hadoken...............................QCF x2 + P Shin Shoryuken................................QCF x2 + K -Must be next to opponent for full effect of attack. --Movelist Description-- -Basic Moves- -Standing Moves- LP (Quick Jab) -Great for speed, but horrible for damage. However, this can help in raking up damage if you combo other attacks into this move. LP Close (Quick Elbow) -Same deal as witht the normal LP. You have to be right next to your opponent for this move to be executed. Can be chained into normal LP as well. MP (Standing Punch) -Decent in both speed and damage. However, kinda hard to combo into... MP Close (Cross Punch) -Ryu swings his fists into the side of the opponent's face. Pretty good, but a bit slow IMO. Don't try to combo off of this move though. HP (Fierce Punch) -Somewhat slow, but does good damage. Hard to combo off of though. HP Close (Uppercut) -An uppercut. What else? You can try to combo off of this move, but it's not guaranteed. LK (High Kick) -As with the LP, fast and good combo starter, but not good damage at all. LK Close (Shin Kick) -A kick to the shin. Nothing special. As with all of the LP and LK, great for combo starters. MK (Slow High Kick) -As with the MP. MK Close (High Knee) -Ryu knees the opponent in the gut. You have to be right next to the opponent for this move to come out. Nice to combo into the Standing MP or into a Rapid- Fire Chain. HK (Roundhouse Kick) -Great for hitting airbourne opponents. However, it is rather slow, so be cautious. HK Close (High Heel Kick) -Ryu hits the opponent with a kick to the chin, then slams his heel down on their hand. This will also push Ryu and the opponent away from each other, giving you some breathing space. -Crouching Moves- LP (Quick Jab) -Same as with the Standing LP. MP (Normal Punch) -Same as with the Standing MP. HP (Upper Punch) -Ryu pretty much uppercuts the opponent. This move is great as an Anti-Air move, and is pretty safe to use as well. LK (Foot Kick) -Ryu kicks with his foot. Easy enough? Same deal as with the Standing LK. MK (Extended Foot Kick) -Reaches a bit further than the LK. Nothing too special here. HK (Leg Sweep) -Excellent for corner fights or for setting up for one of Ryu's powerful combos. However, don't abuse this move. -Jumping Moves- LP (Falling Fist) -Ryu falls with his fist outwards. Lasts the whole time that he is in the air. You can even combo off of this move if you choose to. Jumping-Up MP (Quick Diagonal Punch) -Ryu quickly punches down at the opponent. This move lasts for about a second, so if you want to hit the opponent on the ground, you'll have to time it right. MP (Quick Face Punch) -An air punch to the face. What else is there to say?'s not that great of a move actually. In fact, it's probably best that you don't use this move at all. HP (Strong Diagonal Punch) -A little slower than the Jumping-Up MP, but stronger. You'll still have to time this move if you want to hit ground opponents. Jumping-Up LK (Falling Heel) -Ryu falls on top of the opponent with his heel first. Lasts the whole time that he is in the air. Pretty good to knock opponents out of the air without having to move towards or away from them. LK (Knee Punch) -Ryu attacks with his knee and a fist. Easy to understand I hope. Good against Tatsumaki Senpukyaku, Shungokusatsu, and the like too. Jumping-Up MK (Quick Heel Kick) -The super fast version of the Jumping-Up LK. Nothing new other than the fact that you'll have to time this right if you want to hit ground opponents. MK (Karate Kick) -The basic flying karate kick. Pretty good against air attacks, and is nice against attacks like Shungokusatsu. Jumping-Up HK (Spin Heel Kick) -Ryu spins his foot sideways and hits with his heel. Other than that, nothing too special. HK (Quick Karate Kick) -The super fast version of the MK. As with most of the quick moves, you'll have to time it right to hit grounded opponents. It's also pretty good to combo off of as well. -Special Normal Moves- -Fierce Thurst- -Not bad in the fact that it can attack crouching opponents and still do good damage to them. This is also a great way to start combos if you're ever close enough to the opponent. -Fierce Rush- -By far one of the better Normal Moves Ryu has, in terms of damage and useability. It can be used as a combo starter for just about any combo, and it moves Ryu closer to the opponent. What more can you ask for? -Throws- LP + LK + <- or -> (Back Throw) -Ryu throws the opponent over his back. Easy enough. <- or -> + LP + LK (Foot Throw) -Ryu throws the opponent over him by using his foot. The directional input must be done first before the move will come out. -Special Moves- -Hadoken- -Speed depends on the P button you used. Try mixing up slow and fast Hadokens to confuse your opponent. STRONG VS. Shoryuken (Ryu) Gou Shoryuken (Shin Akuma) Demon Cradle (Demetri) Somersault Kick (Guile) Sunrize (Ingrid) Sun Upper (Ingrid) Sun Lower (Ingrid) Cobra Blow (Anarkis) Hole of Hell (Anarkis) Midnight Bliss (Demetri) Shungokusatsu (Shin Akuma) Messatstu Gou Shoryu (Shin Akuma) Midnight Pressure (Demetri) Total Wipeout (Guile) Somersault Strike (Guile) Shin Shoryuken (Ryu) Tatsumaki Senpukyaku (Ryu) Tatsumaki Zanku Kyaku (Shin Akuma) Ransetsu Jin (Kenji) Rasen Kyaku (Kenji) Soul Throw (Rose) Aura Soul Throw (Rose) Nero Fatica (Jedah) Spreggio (Jedah) Finale-Rosso (Jedah) Psycho Crusher (M. Bison) Double Knee Press (M. Bison) Knee Press Nightmare (M. Bison) Flash Chop (Alex) Powerbomb (Alex) Dashing Elbow (Alex) Hyper Bomb (Alex) Boomerang Raid (Alex) Spinning Pile Driver (Zangief) Atomic Suplex (Zangief) Flying Powerbomb (Zangief) Final Atomic Buster (Zangief) Kobokushi (Yun) Nisho Kyaku (Yun) Zenpu Tenshin (Yun) Sorai-Rengeki (When far away/Yun) Guren Ken (Karin) Hosho (Karin) Mujin Kyaku (Karin) Rasen Cho (Karin) Yasha Gaeshi (Karin) Arakuma Inashi (Karin) Kanzuki-Ryu Shinbi Kaibyaku (Karin) Kanzuki-Ryu KO'ou Ken (Karin) Chariot Tackle (Urien) Tyrant Slaughter (Urien) Rolling Buckler (Felicia) Hellcat (Felicia) Dancing Flash (Felicia) Chronos Rush (Leo) Achilles Rush (Leo) Mars Slash (Leo) Gaia Driver (Leo) Hercules Rush (Leo) Gigas Driver (Leo) Hoxanto (Guy) Bushin Senpu Kyaku (Guy) Hayakage (Guy) Bushin Hasso Ken (Guy) Bushin Gorai Kyaku (Guy) The Chiller's Attack (Hydron) Hydro Spin (Hydron) Strangling Spark (Hydron) Deluge Assault (Hauzer) Tempest Fall (Hauzer) Sakizakura Ken (Sakura) Shunpu Kyaku (Sakura) Midare Zakura (Sakura) Haru Ichiban (Sakura) Spinning Bird Kick (Chun-Li) Hyakuretsu Kyaku (Chun-Li) NO EFFECT VS. Sunburst (Ingrid) Coffin Drop (Anarkis) Mummy Drop (Anarkis) Chaos Flare (Demetri) Negative Stolen (Demetri) Sonic Boom (Guile) Hadoken (Ryu) Hadoken (Sakura) Ichimonji (Kenji) Bakuryusho (Kenji) Enmazuki (Kenji) Soul Spark (Rose) Soul Spiral (Rose) Dio-Cega (Jedah) Psycho Vanish (M. Bison) Teleport (M. Bison) Air Knee Grapple (Alex) Stun Gun Headbutt (Alex) Double Lariat (Zangief) Punishing Flat (Zangief) Aerial Russian Slam (Zangief) You-Hou (Yun) Sunshot (Ingrid) Sunarch (Ingrid) Sunshine (Ingrid) Sun Delta (Ingrid) Metallic Sphere (Urien) Dangerous Headbutt (Urien) Cat Spike (Felicia) Sand Splash (Felicia) Delta Kick (Felicia) Bushin Flip (Guy) Tornado Mist (Hydron) Tadpole Spawn (Hydron) Venom Funnel (Hydron) Lightning Mast (Hydron) Volcano Breath (Hauzer) Deluge Crisis (Hauzer) Kikouken (Chun-Li) WEAK VS. Pharoah's Magic (Anarkis) Bat Spin (Demetri) Messatsu Gou Hado (Shin Akuma) Demon Billion (Demetri) Shinku Hadoken (Ryu) Kagerou (Kenji) Utsusemi (Kenji) Jumonji (Kenji) Soul Reflect (Rose) Aura Soul Spark (Rose) Ira Spinta (Jedah) Prova-Dei-Cervo (Jedah) Head Press (M. Bison) Devil Reverse (M. Bison) Mega Psycho Crusher (M. Bison) Head Stomp (Alex) Tetzuzankou (Yun) Zessho Hohou (Yun) Ressen Ha (Karin) Sun Dive (Ingrid) Violence Knee Drop (Urien) Temporal Thunder (Urien) Aegis Reflector (Urien) Please Help Me! (Felicia) Gust Flame (Hauzer) Flower Kick (Sakura) Shinku Hadoken (Sakura) Hazen Shu (Chun-Li) Hoyoku-Sen (Chun-Li) Kikou-Sho (Chun-Li) As with Shin Akuma and most fireball users, this move is great to stall your opponent with and play keep-away games. -Shakunetsu Hadoken- -Does a bit more damage than Hadoken, and is a bit slower with start-up time, but you can throw this out with Hadoken. Plus, it can push opponents back away if they get too close to Ryu. STRONG VS. Same as Hadoken. NO EFFECT VS. Same as Hadoken WEAK VS. Same as Hadoken -Shoryuken- -How far up Ryu goes depends on the P button pressed. Be wary when using this move as well. If blocked, your opponent will be free to punish you heavily. Try using it as a Wakeup counter. STRONG VS. Missed Anti-Air attacks (Shoryuken, Somersault Kick, etc.) Dash attacks just as they close in on Shin Akuma (Flash Chop, Achilles Rush, etc.) Air attacks (Flower Kick, Violence Knee Drop, etc.) NO EFFECT VS. None........ WEAK VS. All projectiles Any attacks if misses -Tatsumaki Senpukyaku- -Great for Rush attacks (Flash Chop, Achilles Rush, etc.), and is great to punish missed or blocked Anti-Air attacks. Bad, however, if the opponent ducks under it or is far away when used. STRONG VS. Blocked or missed Anti-Air attacks Rush attacks NO EFFECT VS. Most Super Arts (Aegis Reflector, etc.) WEAK VS. Projectiles (Hadoken, Gou Hadoken, etc.) Anti-Air (Shoryuken, Demon Cradle, etc.) -Super Special Moves- -Shinku Hadoken- -Hits a max of 5 times. Excellent in that it rips through all other projectiles (except Super Art projectiles...) and it repels virtually any attack. STRONG VS. All Rush attacks All projectiles (except Super Art projectiles) All Anti-Air attacks NO EFFECT VS. None WEAK VS. None -Shin Shoryuken- -Downside is that you have to be right next to your opponent for the full effect of this move to connect. It may be best to use this as a combo finisher or as a Wakeup counter. STRONG VS. None NO EFFECT VS. None WEAK VS. All projectiles Most Rush attacks Some Anti-Air attacks --Strengths & Weaknesses-- OFFENSE This is Ryu's best asset. He can constantly put pressure on his opponents with Hadokens, Shakunetsu Hadokens, and his infamous Tatsumaki Senpukyaku. Try to chain in combos on your opponents and finish off with Shin Shoryuken, or fire off Hadokens and Shakunetsu Hadokens (switching between the two and their speeds), and if you see your opponent wide open, fire off a Shinku Hadoken to make them pay for their mistake. You may want to try to tack on as many LP and LK attacks as possible. DEFENSE Compared to other fighters, Ryu is mediocre in this department. His game here is to counter with Tatsumaki Senpukyaku and Shoryuken when the opponent isn't aware. For Wakeup counters, Shin Shoryuken is the best. However, don't abuse it too much, or your opponent may start to back off. Shoryuken is also an excellent Wakeup counter. COMBOS 1) Furious Hadoken! Combo: Jumping LK, Standing LP x2, Standing MP, Hadoken, Shinku Hadoken Opinion: Not bad in the sense that the Hadoken to Shnku Hadoken can do a lot of damage, but the downside is that Shinku Hadoken is easily blocked. 2) Corner Trap Combo: Jumping LK, Standing LP x2, Fierce Rush, Shin Shoryuken Opinion: Will only work in a corner. If you try to do it anywhere else, the Shin Shoryuken will not connect fully. 3) Ultimate Corner Trap! Combo: Crouching LK, Standing LP, Crouching LK, Hadoken, Tatsumaki Senpukyaku, Jumping LK, Standing MP, Fierce Rush, Shin Shoryuken Opinion: Once again, you need to end this combo in a coner for the Shin Shoryuken to connect. One of the more devastating combos that I've found so far, aside from the next one. 4) Ultimate Special Combo! Combo: Shakunetsu Hadoken, Tatsumaki Senpukyaku, Fierce Rush, Shoryuken, Shin Shoryuken Opinion: The ultimate knockdown and knockback combo that I could come up with with Ryu, and it can kill or almost kill just about anyone if you manage to get all of the hits to connect. The downside is that this combo is easily blocked at any point. ------------------------------------------------------------ II. Guile [008] Based more around strategitcally using Sonic Booms and Somersault Kicks to bait your opponent into combos. --Introduction-- Guile is, to say the least, one of the only characters with two special moves and not that many good attacks. He is not for those who focus on pure offense, to say the least, but for those who have the patience to wait out and attack. --Movelist-- Knee Bazooka......................................F or B + LK Backhand..............................................F + HP Sonic Boom..........................................Ch. B, F +P Flash Kick/Somersault........................Ch. D, U + K Total Wipeout......................................Ch. B, F, B, F + P Somersault Strike..................................Ch. DB, DF, DB, DF + K --Movelist Description-- -Normal Moves- -Standing Moves- LP (Quick Jab) -Most basic move in any character's moveset. Quick but does low damage. Great for combo starters. Too bad Guile doesn't have any good combos.... MP (Chin Punch) -Average in all aspects. Also great for combos. MP Close (Left Hook) -Guile does a left hook to the opponent. Must be done right next to the opponent for the move to be executed. HP (Strong Forward Punch) -Guile's Strong Punch. Great for Anti-Air, and does good damage. Also good for combo starters. HP Close (Strong Chin Punch) -Just as with the MP, but a tad bit slower. LK (Shin Kick) -Low in damage, but very quick. Great for combo starters MK (Air Back Kick) -This is good for Anti-Air purposes. Mediocre in all aspects. MK Close (Face Knee) -Guile knees the opponent in the face. You have to be right next to the opponent for the move to be executed. HK (Leap Kick) -A bit slow in startup, but does good damage. Has a bit of slow startup and recovery though. HK Close (Strong Face Kick) -Guile seems to float in the air while doing a back kick. It's odd seeing it, but it does do pretty decent damage. However, the startup time and recovery time are both horrible. -Crouching Moves- LP (Quick Jab) -Same deal as with the Standing LP. MP (Strong Jab) -Slower than the LP, but a bit stronger. HP (Strong Chin Punch) -Same as with the Standing HP Close. LK (Shin Foot Kick) -Guile kicks the opponent in the shin. Good for Rapid-Fire Chains and combos. MK (Foot Back Kick) -Guile attacks with the back of his foot. HK (Sweep Kick) -Great for times when Guile is backed up in a corner. It's also a great move to combo into with a Sonic Boom or a Somersault Kick. -Jumping Moves- LP (Falling Fist) -Guile falls on the opponent with his fists outwards. This will last the whole time that he is in the air, and can be used to start a combo. MP (Chop) -Guile does a chop in the air. Nothing special about this move. Jumping-Up MP (Quick Falling Fist) -This move only lasts about a second in the air, but it serves it's purpose against attacks like Flower Kick and Shungokusatsu. HP (Quick Chop) -A super fast version of the MP. You'll definently have to time it right if you want to hit grounded opponents, but with other moves that work just as well, if not better, why waste this on that? However, it does serve it's purpose against airbourne opponents. Jumping-Up HP (Super Quick Falling Fist) -The super fast version of the Jumping-Up Falling Fist. I wouldn't even bother doing this move, as there are many other, better options available to you. LK (Falling Knee) -This move also lasts the whole time that Guile is in the air. As with the LP, it's great for knocking opponents out of their moves. Jumping-Up LK (Falling Heel) -Same deal as with the LK. MK (Air Kick) -Guile kicks in the air. Got it? Good! Jumping-Up MK (Air Spin Kick) -This move has a couple purposes. One is to knock opponent's out of the air without too much retaliation, and second is to knock opponents out of moves. HK (Air Back Kick) -Similar to the MK, but Guile instead does a back kick. Nothing new here. -Throws- LP + LK + <- or -> (Shoulder Throw) -Guile throws the opponent over his shoulder. Less damaging than the Suplex. <- or -> + LP + LK (Suplex) -Does a great deal of damage to the opponent, and pushes them away from Guile. -Special Normal Moves- -Knee Bazooka- -This is a great alternative to get closer to your opponent and do damage at the same time. It's pretty fast on startup time, but has a bit of a slow recovery time. -Backhand- -This move has pretty good reach and deals good damage, but lacks recovery time. -Special Moves- -Sonic Boom- STRONG VS. All Rush Attacks Most Anti-Air attacks (if blocked or missed) -Shoryuken (Ryu) -Shin Shoryuken (Ryu) -Gou Shoryukne (Shin Akuma) -Messatsu Gou Shoryu (Shin Akuma) -Somersault Kick (Guile) -Aerial Russian Slam (Zangief) -Demon Cradle (Demetri) -Somersault Strike (Guile) -Air Knee Grapple (Alex) -Sunrize (Ingrid) -Sunarch (Ingrid) -Sunshine (Ingrid) -Delta Kick (Felicia) -Hydro Spin (Hydron) -Venom Funnel (Hydron) -Tempest Fall (Hauzer) -Hoyoku-Sen (Chun-Li) NO EFFECT VS. Projectile attacks Teleport moves WEAK VS. Projecitle Super Specials -This is actually quite useful if you change the speed of it. However, never use it in a fireball fight, or you'll lose everytime. Try to be careful when you use this move as well. Otherwise, Guile will get punished. It's safe when blocked, so you don't have to worry about that. Far: O Mid: O Close: O Best Distance: Any -Sonic Kick/Somersault Kick- STRONG VS. All Air Attacks (except Zanku Hadoken) Rush attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Projectile attacks Anything if blocked -Great as a Wakeup counter, if you're opponent is not aware of it. However, don't abuse it as a Wakeup counter, otherwise Guile will end up knocked back down. Don't bother using this unless you're close to the opponent. Far: X Mid: O Close: O Best Distance: Mid -Super Special Moves- -Total Wipeout- STRONG VS. All Rush attacks Most Anti-Air attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. All projectile attacks Air attacks -Overall, Total Wipeout isn't too bad, but is easily predictable. Try to avoid it unless you see an opening. Far: X Mid: X Close: O Best Distance: Close -Somersault Strike- STRONG VS. Air attacks (except Zanku Hadoken) All Rush attacks Some Anti-Air attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. All projectile attacks -The ultimate Anti-Air special! A bit of a pain to pull off at times, but practice and you should get it down in no time. This can probably work as a Wakeup counter as well. Far: X Mid: O Close: O Best Distance: Mid --Strengths & Weaknesses-- Overall, Guile's true strength comes from his defense power and waiting out for opponents to make mistakes. However, this may end up being Guile's demise at times if a player is faced against a ranged fighter. Guile also uses the Street Fighter II system. Not too good, but not too bad. Guile's ultimate weakness has to be the amount of moves that he has. He simply doesn't have nearly enough power to brawl his way into the enemy without taking too much damage. OFFENSE Not particularly one of Guile's best assets, nor one of his worst. He's pretty much average in this department. However, the lack of good specials makes him a bit harder to use. You might want to buckle down in defense and wait out your opponent. DEFENSE Otherwise known as a turtler.....this is definently where Guile should be at. His defense is pretty high, and his specials depend on how open your opponent is. It's possible to charge both Guile's Sonic Boom AND Somersault Kick by holding down and back at the same time. --Strategies for Using Guile-- The number one thing to remember when trying to use Guile is that he isn't that great on offense. You're best bet is to try and make your opponent come to you, then go for some heavy combos like Crouching LK to Crouching MK to Crouching HK. Sonic Boom will lure them in at times, unless they use Projectile themselves. In that case, DON'T USE SONIC BOOM! You'll lose everytime you try and do a fireball fight. Also, at any time that you see an opponent in the air, use Somersault Kick ASAP. Most opponents won't bother blocking in the air until you start using that too much, in which case, just use Total Wipeout the moment they land. Guile is based around counterattacks, and is extremely limited when it comes to combos. You'll have to improvise with single-strike attacks and tactics, though against some opponents like Shin Akuma and Ryu, that won't be enough. Don't expect to win too much with Guile, but don't give up. Practice is all you need to discover that Guile isn't as bad as you may think he is. He does have some combos (although very limited and not too powerful), and he does have some nice tricks up his sleeve if you use him right. ------------------------------------------------------------ III. Zangief [009] All about getting in close and unleashing Grappling moves. Very strong attacks and a decent defense, but suffers if not in close-range. --Introduction-- Zangief has become one of my personal favorites out of the Street Fighters due to his mass arsenal of grappling moves and brute strength. However, he is not as easy to use as one would think. In fact, he's probably one of the harder characters to use in the game (next to Alex). Note that you won't win everytime using Zangief. His 360 degree moves require luck and extreme precision, and his Super Specials are a bit tough to pull off. If you feel that you can't handle Zangief, then don't bother trying to use him. --Profile-- Nationality: Russian Birthday: June 1, 1956 Fighting Style: Professional Wrestling Age: 50 (as of 2006) Height: 7'0" (SF2), 7'1" (SFA) Weight: 115 kg (SF2), 121 kg (SFA) BWH Sizes B: 163 (SF2), 172 (SFA) W: 128 (SF2), 133 (SFA) H: 150 (SF2), 154 (SFA) Blood Type: A Special Skill: Drinking vodka in one gulp, enduring the cold Likes: Wrestling, Cossack Dancing Dislikes: Projectiles, young beautiful women First Appearance: Street Fighter II: The World Warrior Additional Appearances: Street Fighter II: Champion Edition Street Fighter II Turbo: Hyper Fighting Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers Super Street Fighter II: The Tournament Battle Super Street Fighter II Turbo Street Fighter Alpha 3 Street Fighter Alpha 3 Upper Hyper Street Fighter Alpha Street Fighter Alpha Anthology Hyper Street Fighter II Marvel Vs. Capcom Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 SNK Vs. Capcom: Match of the Millennium Capcom Vs. SNK Capcom Vs. SNK Pro Capcom Vs. SNK 2 Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter X-Men Vs. Street Fighter Capcom Fighting Evolution (Bio taken from Wikipedia) Link to article: As the Soviet Union's greatest professional wrestler, Zangief was contacted by a man named Erai Hito (Great Man) to demonstrate the Soviet Union's strength to the rest of the world in the second World Warrior tournament. Zangief patriotically agrees and receives fantastic training in the extreme climate of Siberia, that lets him, with this government sponsorship, become "The Red Cyclone." He opposes the activities of Shadoloo and meets one of his fans, the Japanese pro wrestler R. Mika. It is unknown what happened to Zangief after the fall of the Soviet Union. --Movelist-- Headbutt.............................................................U + MP/HP (while jumping up straight) Body Press (AIR)..............................................D + HP Knee Press.........................................................D + LK/MK Exteneded Slide................................................DF + MK/HK Double Lariat.....................................................PPP/KKK simultaneoulsy Punishing Flat...................................................FDP + P Spinning Pile Driver.........................................360 + P Atomic Suplex (in close only)........................360 + K Flying Powerbomb (in distance only)...........360 + K Final Atomic Buster.........................................720 + P Aerial Russian Slam.........................................QCFx2 + K --Movelist Description-- -Normal Moves- -Standing Moves- LP (Chop) -The most basic of the standard moves. Great to knock someone out of a move. Does very little damage, but has high speed. Far: X Mid: X Close: O MP (Backhand Chop) -A bit slower than the LP, but not by any noticable timeset. Nothing special about this move. Far: X Mid: X Close: O HP (Fierce Straight Punch) -Zangief throws a rather strong punch ahead of him. This move is a bit slow, but is quite powerful. It also gives time to use moves such as Spinning Pile Driver and Flyring Powerbomb. Far: X Mid: X Close: O LK (Shin Kick) -As normal, a very quick kick. Surprising for someone as slow as this guy. Far: X Mid: X Close: O MK (Abdomen Kick) -A kick to the abdomen. Nuff said. A little slow, like most of Zangief's moves, but not that bad by any means. Far: X Mid: X Close: O HK (Falling Scissor Kick) -It looks like Zangief does an odd version of the Scissor Kick while falling down to the ground. Is very slow on both recovery and startup too. Far: X Mid: X Close: O -Crouching Attacks- LP (Quick Jab) -As the name applies, a quick jab. Good for Rapid-Fire Combos and other combo starters, but Zangief doesn't really need combos to do any real damage. Far: X Mid: X Close: O MP (Upward Punch) -This move looks like Zangief is hitting the opponent in the groin area. Looks a bit painful......especially by a guy as big as Zangief....not much else special about this move. Far: X Mid: X Close: O HP (Strong Forward Punch) -Pretty much the same as the Standing HP. Nothing new here at all. Far: X Mid: X Close: O LK (Foot Kick) -Zangief kicks with his foot and hits the opponent's foot. Nuff said here. Can be used for Rapid-Fire Chains and combo starters. Far: X Mid: X Close: O MK (Slow Foot Kick) -A much slower version of the Crouching LK. Nothing else to say about this move. Far: X Mid: X Close: O HK (Very Slow Foot Kick) -Great for when Zangief is trapped in a corner. Use this to get him out of corners and to combo into his 360 moves. Far: X Mid: X Close: O -Jumping Attacks- LP (Falling Hand) -Zangief has his hand outstretched while falling. Lasts the whole time he's in the air. Far: X Mid: X Close: O MP (Arm Chop) -Good for when you come face-to-face with an opponent in the air. Also nice to hit ground opponents on the rebound. Nothing special to say otherwise. Far: X Mid: X Close: O Jumping Straight-Up HP (Strong Diagonal Punch) -Zangief punches diagonally. Great to knock opponents out of moves like Tatsumaki Senpukyaku and Flash Chop. Does pretty decent damage. Far: X Mid: X Close: O Jumping HP (Flying Straight Punch) -Zangief extends his body so that he punches almost half-screen. Pretty good against several air attacks, but bad against some other attacks. Far: X Mid: X Close: O LK (Side Kick) -A kick with the side of the foot. Easy, right? Can be used to start a combo. Far: X Mid: X Close: O MK (Foot Kick) -A kick with the foot. Easy again. Nothing special about this except for the fact that you can chain this into an Atomic Suplex. Far: X Mid: X Close: O HK (Flip Kick) -Zangief does a mid-air flip kick. Pretty neat to see, but not very convienient. Far: X Mid: X Close: O -Special Normal Moves- -Headbutt- -Great to stun an opponent. This gives Zangief the time to pull of his Final Atomic Buster and other 360 moves. Far: X Mid: X Close: O -Body Press- -This is the move to use to combo into a command grab, such as Spinning Pile Driver. However, it is prone to Anti-Air attacks, so be wary. Far: X Mid: X Close: O -Knee Press- -Pretty much the same as Body Press. Far: X Mid: X Close: O -Extended Slide- -A sweep move. Great for corner fights. Far: X Mid: X Close: O -Throws- <- or -> + LP + LK (Suplex) -Zangief does a suplex. Nuff said. Far: X Mid: X Close: O LP + LK + <- or -> (Bite) -Zangief bites his opponent up to 6 times. Far: X Mid: X Close: O -Special Moves- -Double Lariat- STRONG VS. Demon Cradle (Demetri) Sunrize (Ingrid) Cobra Blow (Anarkis) Midnight Bliss (Demetri) Shungokusatsu (Shin Akuma) (if timed right) Total Wipeout (Guile) Midnight Pressure (Demetri) Tatsumaki Senpukyaku (Ryu) Tatsumaki Zanku Kyaku (Shin Akuma) Rasen Kyaku (Kenji) Double Knee Press (M. Bison) Flash Chop (Alex) Dashing Elbow (Alex) Boomerang Raid (Alex) Spinning Pile Driver (Zangief) Atomic Suplex (Zangief) Kobokushi (Yun) Tyrant Slaughter (Urien) Achilles Rush (Leo) Hercules Rush (Leo) Mars Slash (Leo) Chronos Rush (Leo) Chariot Tackle (Urien) Mujin Kyaku (Karin) Bushin Senpu Kyaku (Guy) Bushin Hasso Ken (Guy) Hayakage (Guy) Spinning Bird Kick (Chun-Li) Shunpu Kyaku (Sakura) Bushin Gorai Kyaku (Guy) Most projectiles (allows him to bypass them) NO EFFECT VS. Ashura Senku (of course...) WEAK VS. Anti-Air attacks (Somersault Kick, Shoryuken, etc.) Super Move Projectiles (Shinku Hadoken, etc.) Air attacks (Bat Spin, Zanku Hadoken, etc.) -Zangief's famous attack comes back with a vengence. This move is virtually indestructible and is very hard to hit Zangief, with the exception of certain attacks like Bison's Head Stomp. Far: X Mid: X Close: O Best Distance: Close -Punishing Flat- STRONG VS. Projectile attacks (Hadoken, Chaos Flare) Rush attacks NO EFFECT VS. Ashura Senku (once again...) WEAK VS. Air attacks (Head Stomp, Flower Kick, etc.) Super Special projectiles Anti-Air attacks -Fomerly known as Green Glove in other games, this is another great move for Zangief, as it fades out projectiles and moves him closer to his opponent. Very hard to find moves that can do both of what this one does. However, avoid using it when a Super Special projectile is used, as not even Zangief can stop those. Far: X Mid: X Close: O Best Distance: Close -Spinning Pile Driver- STRONG VS. None.... NO EFFECT VS. Ashura Senku (not that it matters....) WEAK VS. All projectile attacks All Rush attacks All Anti-Air attacks All Air attacks -You look at what this move is capable of and you think "Whoa, that's not a very good move". Hold on there sparky! This move is actually one of the most damaging moves in the game, and is one of Zangief's most famous and feared moves. Sure, you have to be close to use it, but there's always a way. Simply jump in and do a HK while doing the movement for this move. It should work just fine. Or, you could try using it as a Wakeup Counter. Far: X Mid: X Close: O Best Distance: Close -Atomic Suplex- STRONG VS. None NO EFFECT VS. Ashura Senku (......) WEAK VS. All Projectile attacks All Rush attacks All Air attacks All Anti-Air attacks -Once again, it doesn't look too good for Zangief, right? Well, you could take the prinicipal behind the Spinning Pile Driver and apply it to this move as well. Jump in with a HK, or use it as a Wakeup Counter. However, note that it hits on the second frame of animation (noted in psychocronic's faq), so your opponent has a chance to escape the move. Far: X Mid: X Close: O Best Distance: Close -Flying Powerbomb- STRONG VS. None NO EFFECT VS. Ashura Senku...... WEAK VS. Everything else..... -This is the move that everybody may recognize by now if they've played Capcom fighting games. Zangief slowly runs towards the opponent, and if it connects, he tosses them into the air and does a Powerbomb (taken from psychocronic's faq. Great faq.). Horrible though due to the fact that it's far away, and if it misses, Zangief is open for attack. Not recommended in the slightest bit. Not when you have other, better moves to use. Far: X Mid: X Close: O Best Distance: Close -Super Special Moves- -Final Atomic Buster- STRONG VS. None NO EFFECT VS. Ashura Senku WEAK VS. Everything -The ultimate Super Special in the game in terms of damage, next to Shin Akuma's Misogi and Shungokusatasu. You have to be right next to the opponent for the move to connect however. Try to use it in the same manner as with the Spinning Power Driver and other moves. Far: X Mid: X Close: O Best Distance: Close -Aerial Russian Slam- STRONG VS. Air attacks NO EFFECT VS. Ashura Senku WEAK VS. Anti-Air attacks Projectile attacks Rush attacks -This is a great move in the fact that it can stop some attacks, such as Spinning Bird Kick and Psycho Crusher. It's clearly a move used to stop Air attacks. However, if it misses, Zangief will pay for it dearly. Make sure your opponent is in the air or doing a move similar to those mentioned earlier before using Aerial Russian Slam. Far: X Mid: X Close: O Best Distance: Close --Strengths & Weakness-- Zangief's strength definently lies in his offensive power. He simply dishes out tremendous amounts of damage with each of his attacks, and some of his attacks have special properties to them that make them even deadlier. However, his attacks are also his own weakness. The majority of them must be done close to the opponent, and with 360 degree motions. It also doesn't help that the Russian wrestler is about as slow as they come. OFFENSE Clearly what Zangief should be at most of the time. He needs to be able to pressure his opponent with Spinning Lariats and Punishing Flats, and mix those up with Spinning Pile Drivers and Atomic Suplexes. His Crouching HK also helps in in corner fights, and the LK version of Spinning Lariat helps against Low and Mid attacks. DEFENSE Mediocre in this department. Zangief's moves are clearly based on being close to the opponent, so why not let your opponent come to you? However, more experienced players won't fall for that that easily, so you may be forced to bring the fight to them. Zangief is able to take hits as well, which means even if he does get hit a couple times, he can still dish out the same amount of damage those 3-4 hits his opponent did to him. --Combos-- Zangief is pretty devastating. However, don't count on him doing any super powerful combos. Yes, Zangief is pretty much a single-strike man, but that's all he needs. However, he still has some great combos that can work just as efficiently as other fighters 10 hit combos. Just take a look! A) The Power of the SPD! That damn annoying 360 getting the better of you? does to everyone. And worse, it goes with a lot of Zangief's moves. And even worse, one of his better normal Specials has to have the 360. So, how can you pull off the Spinning Pile Driver, along with the other 360 moves that Zangief has? Simple! Jump in with a HK, while at the same time, doing the 360 motion and hitting the P button. If done correctly, the HK will hit and then the move will follow. But what if you don't want to jump in at your opponent? Well, you can use a Crouching MK or HK, then do the motion. And if you don't want to do it by either jumping or crouching? Then chain it off of a Spinning Lariat! All 3 of these methods make using 360 moves a piece of cake. B) Final Atomic BUSTER!! Now, we come to the problem of a 720 motion move.....and the only one in the game to boot. Well, you'll have to be fast to pull this off by the previous's simply just two 360s in one. However, even then this move may not come out, as the input is very touchy. Go to Practice mode first and practice it. It'll take a little while, but you'll definently want to learn how to use this move. From what I understand, there is a way to cheat the game, but I'm not positive on how it works... C) UWAAHHHH! SPINNING LARIAT!! This move is a godsend. It grants partial invulnerability AND can go through projectiles if timed right. Not bad, I must say. However, DON'T spam it! If you do, your opponent will just keep away from Zangief (which they might do anyways, but this will make it even worse...) D) CHARRRRRRRRRGE! Zangief is the absolute slowest fighter in the game. So, how can we make up for his lack of speed? Well, Punishing Flat is one alterative. It moves Zangief a bit more quickly, plus it stops projecitles (aside from Super Specials). Another alternative is to use Flying Powerbomb, although that may not work as well as you may hope. The majority of the time, you'll just have to walk through attacks and jump. Jumping HK will be your best friend here. E) Turtle? Yes, Zangief has ungodly defense, and yes, Zangief is extremely dangerous if he ever ends up going on defense, as then he can pull of his Final Atomic Buster, Spinning Pile Driver, and use Spinning Lariat more efficiently. So, if you happen to find yourself trapped in a corner being pressured by your opponent, make them pay! ------------------------------------------------------------ IV. M. Bison [010] All about rushing down your opponent with relentless attacks and cunning strategies. Also very good at doing super powerful combos. --Introduction-- M. Bison, the infamous boss of many Street Fighter games, and legendary in SFA3 and SF2. Why would you ever want to use him in this game, when there are better characters like Ryu, Jedah, Anarkis, Demetri, and Shin Akuma? Simple! Because Bison still has what it takes to take on the best of the best, even though he's been tone down from his ultra powerful forms. --Profile-- Full Name: Mike Bison Nationality: Unknown Birthday: April 17, 19XX Fighting Style: Psycho Power Age: Unknown (appears to be in 30's or 40's) Height: 6'0" Weight: 96 kg (212 lbs) (Alpha series), 80 kg (SF2) BWH Sizes B: 133 (Alpha), 129 (SF2) W: 90 (Alpha), 85 (SF2) H: 92 (Alpha), 91 (SF2) Blood Type: A Special Skill: Mind control Likes: World domination Dislikes: Useless soldiers First Appearance: Street Fighter II: World Warrior Additional Appearances: Street Fighter II: Champion Edition Street Fighter II Turbo: Hyper Fighting Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers Super Street Fighter II: The Tournament Battle Super Street Fighter II Turbo Hyper Street Fighter II Street Fighter: The Movie Street Fighter Alpha Street Fighter Alpha 2 Street Fighter Alpha 2 Gold Street Fighter Alpha 3 Street Fighter Alpha 3 Upper Street Fighter Alpha Anthology Hyper Street Fighter Alpha Street Fighter EX Street Fighter EX Plus Street Fighter EX Plus Alpha Street Fighter EX2 Plus Street Fighter EX 3 X-Men vs. Street Fighter Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter SNK Vs. Capcom: Match of the Millennium Capcom Vs. SNK Capcom Vs. SNK Pro Capcom Vs. SNK 2 SVC Chaos: SNK Vs. Capcom Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 Capcom Fighting Evolution SNK Vs. Capcom: Card Fighters Clash SNK Vs. Capcom: Card Fighters Clash 2 Expand Edition Namco X Capcom Cameos: Pocket Fighter Marvel Vs. Capcom (Bio taken from ProTect's Capcom Vs. SNK 2 faq) Link to document: M.Bison is the very evil boss character introduced in the classic Street Fighter II (SF2) series. In Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (WW), he appeared after Sagat as the game's final boss. He employed Sagat, the defeated boss of Street Fighter I (SF1), as well as the fallen boxer Balrog and the insane matador Vega, as warriors and assassins in his criminal empire Shadaloo. It was revealed in various character endings that Bison and/or Shadaloo was responsible for the death of Chun-Li's father, as well as the death of Guile's friend Charlie. The next two games in the SF2 series, SF2: Champion Edition (CE) and SF2: Turbo Hyper Fighting (THF) used these same endings, so Bison kept the same story. In Super SF2, Cammy and T.Hawk, two of the game's new characters, were linked to Bison. Bison claimed to have had a previous romantic involvement with Cammy (which she could not remember, possibly because she had amnesia, possibly because he was lying). Cammy was certain, however, that Bison had double-crossed her and somehow caused her face to be scarred. And Bison had stolen the land which T.Hawk's people called their home. In Super SF2 Turbo (Super Turbo), Bison stood once again as the game's final boss, but he was suddenly attacked by Akuma. After suffering Akuma's Shun Goku Satsu technique, Bison fell unconscious, apparently killed by the power of Akuma's ultimate move. The Street Fighter Alpha (Alpha) series, which was developed and released after SF2, actually comes before SF2 in storyline. In Alpha 1 (A1) and Alpha 2 (A2), Bison does not appear as the final boss for every character. In fact, he is the boss for only a few characters, but he makes cameos in many of the endings. Also, much of the A1 storyline is repeated (or retold) in A2, so I will refer to both these games as Alpha, designating which game(s) which stories come from parenthetically. Alpha 2 Gold has the exact same endings as A2, so it is not mentioned. Chun-Li realized that Bison killed her father (A1 and A2). Adon, a cocky former student of Sagat, attracted Bison's attention and was offered a position in Shadaloo. Adon declined the invitation (A1 and A2). Guy, a Bushin-style ninja from the Final Fight series (and Maki's brother-in-law), challenged Bison to prove his strength and to reveal Bison's weakness (A1 and A2). The mystic Rose (who appears in CvS2 in the later rounds in the London stage; the woman on the left side with the angled hair and the red dress), bearer of Soul Power, came to seal away Bison's evil Psycho Power (the source of his hateful and destructive energy) and nearly died in the attempt, yet Bison miraculously survived her attack (A1 and A2). Birdie, from SF1, a street punk occasionally working as a bouncer, fought Bison to prove himself worthy to join Shadaloo and Bison accepted him (A1 and A2). Dhalsim, an Indian monk, challenged Bison to improve the condition of his suffering people (A2). Bison himself began looking to draft a powerful Shadaloo soldier, finding a fitting specimen in the disciplined yet unwilling young warrior Ryu (A2). Alpha 3 took place after Alpha but still was set before SF2. In this game, Bison was a boss for every character once again. He wanted to capture Ryu and use Ryu's body to contain his Psycho Power, but many Street Fighters opposed him in this goal. Zangief was on a mission to defeat Bison for the glory and safety of Russia. Karin Kanzuki, a rival of Sakura, sought to show she was not scared by Bison's efforts to intimidate her family's zaibatsu (corporation). Charlie was intent on bringing down Bison and is believed to have lost his life in the attempt, telling his friend Guile to leave as he held Bison at the scene of the exploding Shadaloo Headquarters and Psycho Drive (by which Bison intended to conquer the world by gathering the life forces from defeated warriors). Birdie was a member of Shadaloo, as were Balrog, Vega, and Sagat, yet they all turned traitor. Cammy also worked for Shadaloo; it was revealed she was engineered to be Bison's substitute body. She somehow escaped Bison's mind control, possibly with the assistance of Vega. The fate of Cammy's colleagues, Juli and Juni, who had been brainwashed as she had been, is uncertain. Rose once again appeared as the force of pure good against Bison's pure evil. She tried to destroy Bison (who was once her master) by her own hand. After her fight with Bison, she fell weak and was carried away by Guy. Bison's spirit lingered on in the form of a chill which Rose could feel. Exactly how Bison managed to reappear in SF2 is unknown. In the Street Fighter III series (SF3), no mention is made of Bison explicity, but in the third SF3 game, SF3: Third Strike, Chun-Li's mid-boss Urien alluded to her having defeated "that organization," presumably Shadaloo. --Movelist-- Juggle Jump Strong (AIR)..........................MPx2 Psycho Crusher............................................Ch. B, F + P Double Knee Press......................................Ch. B, F + K Head Press....................................................Ch. D, U + K, then P in air Devil Reverse...............................................Ch. D, U + P, then P in air Psycho Vanish.............................................FDP + P Bison Warp (Close)....................................FDP + PP or KK Bison Warp (Away)....................................BDP + PP or KK Mega Psycho Crusher................................Ch. B, F, B, F + P Knee Press Nightmare................................Ch. B, F, B, F + K --Movelist Description-- -Normal Moves- -Standing Moves- LP (Quick Psycho Jab) -About as basic as you can get. Excellent for combo starters and to chain into the Rapid-Fire Combos. MP (Psycho Palm Thrust) -Bison thrusts his palm engulfed in psycho flames at the opponent. Can be used to start a combo as well. MP Close (Low Psycho Hook) -Bison hits the opponent in the abdoment with a hook punch. You have to be next to the opponent for the move to be executed though. HP (Psycho Upper Jab) -Bison jabs the opponent in the jaw pretty much. Not much else to say other than that it moves both fighters a little from each other. HP Close (Psycho Abdomen Jab) -The true abdoment jab of Bison. This move can hurt quite a bit actually, and can be used as a stall into Psycho Crusher or Knee Press. LK (Quick Knee) -Bison knees the opponent in the gut. Easy, right? This can also be used to start a Rapid-Fire Chain or another combo. MK (Kick) -Can't really get any easier than that. It's decent, but slow. HK (Slow Kick) -As if the last move wasn't slow enough, this one's even slower. Don't bother with it that much, as it has too much startup time. -Crouching Moves- LP (Quick Jab) -Same deal as with the Standing LP. MP (Forward Punch) -Bison punches forward at the opponent. Nothing special about this move at all. HP (Slow Forward Punch) -The slow version of the MP. Again, don't bother with this move unless you want to be punished for it. LK (Foot Kick) -Bison kicks the opponent. Nothing special. Can also be used for Rapid-Fire Chains and other combos. MK (Side Foot Kick) -Bison kicks the opponent with the side of his foot. Nothing new. HK (Slide) -This is Bison's famous sweep move. Use it whenever you get into a corner fight. However, watch it if it gets blocked, as it leaves Bison wide open. -Jumping Moves- LP (Superman Punch) -It looks as though Bison is in a Superman pose. Lasts the whole time that he is in the air. Jumping-Up LP (Falling Fist) -Bison falls with his fist out. Lasts the whole time that he is in the air. MP () - Jumping-Up MP (Quick Falling Fist) -The fast version of the Jumping-Up LP. You'll have to time it right to hit grounded opponents though.... HP (Quick Superman Punch) -The fast version of the Jumping-Up LP. You'll have to time it right to hit grounded opponents, but it works wonders against air attacks. Jumping-Up HP (Psycho Fist) -Bison attacks the enemy with his fist engulfed in psycho flames. Nothing special about this move. LK (Falling Leg) -Bison falls onto the opponent with his leg. Lasts the whole time that he's in the air, and good for knocking opponents out of attacks. Jumping-Up LK (Falling Foot) -Same deal with the LK, but Bison uses his foot instead. MK (Quick Falling Leg) -A faster version of the LK. As always, you'll need to time it to hit grounded opponents. Jumping-Up MK (Air Kick) -A kick in the air. What else is there to explain? HK (Quick Toe Kick) -A quick kick that uses the tip of his foot. Easy enough. Jumping-Up HK (Quick Air Kick) -The faster version of the Jumping-Up MK. Just as with all Quick moves, time it right to hit grounded opponents. -Special Standard Moves- -Juggle Jump Strong- -This is the move to use when you want to combo into another attack. Great especially if you use Mega Psycho Crusher immediately after the attack. -Psycho Vanish- -Bison does a chop with his Psycho Powers and hits up to 3 times. Pretty powerful, and great for combo starters. -Throws- LP + LK + <- or -> (Dual Kick Throw) -Bison kicks the opponent, then throw them with his foot. <- or -> + LP + LK (Turn-About Throw) -Bison simply turns around and throws the opponent. -Special Moves- -Psycho Crusher- STRONG VS. Demon Cradle (Demetri) Sun Lower (Ingrid) Midnight Bliss (Demetri) Midnight Pressure (Demetri) Tatsumaki Senpukyaku (Ryu) Tatsumaki Zanku Kyaku (Shin Akuma) Ransetsu Jin (Kenji) Soul Throw (Rose) Aura Soul Throw (Rose) Shin Shoryuken (Ryu) Dashing Elbow (Alex) Powerbomb (Alex) Hyper Bomb (Alex) Boomerang Raid (Alex) Spinning Pile Driver (Zangief) Flying Powerbomb (Zangief) Final Atomic Buster (Zangief) Atomic Suplex (Zangief) Double Knee Press (M. Bison) Knee Press Nightmare (M. Bison) Hosho (Karin) Rasen Cho (Karin) Mujin Kyaku (Karin) Guren Ken (Karin) Sorai-Rengeki (Yun) Nisho Kyaku (Yun) Kobokushi (Yun) Spinning Bird Kick (Chun-Li) Arakuma Inashi (Karin) Yasha Gaeshi (Karin) Kanzuki-Ryu Shinbi Kaibyaku (Karin) Kanzuki-Ryu KO'ou Ken (Karin) Hellcat (Felicia) Tyrant Slaughter (Urien) Chariot Tackle (Urien) Dancing Flash (Felicia) Chronos Rush (Leo) Achilles Rush (Leo) Gigas Driver (Leo) Hercules Rush (Leo) Mars Slash (Leo) Hoxanto (Guy) Bushin Senpu Kyaku (Guy) Hayakage (Guy) Bushin Hasso Ken (Guy) Bushin Gorai Kyaku (Guy) Haru Ichiban (Sakura) Shunpu Kyaku (Sakura) Stun Gun Headbutt (Alex) Punishing Flat (Zangief) Sunarch (Ingrid) Double Lariat (Zangief) Air Knee Grapple (Alex) Dangerous Headbutt (Urien) Bushin Flip (Guy) Delta Kick (Felicia) Sand Splash (Felicia) Cat Spike (Felicia) Devil Reverse (M. Bison) Head Stomp (M. Bison) Sun Dive (Ingrid) Violent Knee Drop (Urien) Soul Reflect (Rose) Jumonji (Kenji) Kagerou (Kenji) Head Stomp (Alex) Ressen Ha (Karin) Zessho Hohou (Yun) Hoyoku-Sen (Chun-Li) Hazen Shu (Chun-Li) Flower Kick (Sakura) Please Help Me! (Felicia) NO EFFECT VS. Hydro Spin (Hydron) Ashura Senku (Shin Akuma) Teleport (M. Bison) Psycho Vanish (M. Bison) Psycho Crusher (M. Bison) WEAK VS. Hadoken (Ryu) Hadoken (Sakura) Gou Hadoken (Shin Akuma) Zanku Hadoken (Shin Akuma) Shinku Hadoken (Ryu) Shinku Hadoken (Sakura) Messatsu Gou Hado (Shin Akuma) Coffin Drop (Anarkis) Sunburst (Ingrid) Chaos Flare (Demetri) Sonic Boom (Guile) Soul Spark (Rose) Aura Soul Spark (Rose) Aerial Russian Slam (Zangief) Ichimonji (Kenji) Sunshot (Ingrid) Metallic Sphere (Urien) Aegis Reflector (Urien) Kikouken (Chun-Li) Volcano Breath (Hauzer) Lightning Mast (Hydron) Strangling Spark (Hydron) Pharoah's Magic (Anarkis) Hole of Hell (Anarkis) Bat Spin (Demetri) Demon Billion (Demetri) Shoryuken (Ryu) (if timed right) Gou Shoryuken (Shin Akuma) (if timed right) Mega Psycho Crusher (M. Bison) Temporal Thunder (Urien) Kikou-Sho (Chun-Li) Gust Flame (Hauzer) Deluge Assault (Hauzer) -The move that made Bison famous. It's been toned down a lot compared to his strongest incarnations in SF2 and SFA3. However, it's still a formidable move. Depending on which P button you used, Bison can travel from 1/4 of the screen to full screen. However, projectiles tend to make this move obsolete, as do timed Shoryuken's. It's relatively safe on block, so Bison should be safe, unless he gets hit immediately afterwards by something like Spinning Lariat. -Double Knee Press- STRONG VS. All Rush attacks (Achilles Rush, Flash Chop, etc.) NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. All Anti-Air attacks (unless they were blocked or missed) All projectile attacks (Hadoken, Gou Hadoken, etc.) -Another famous move of Bison's. It comes out relatively fast, so you might be able to surprise your opponent. However, against more experienced players, this move may not work as well. I'd stay away from it unless you can find an opening to use it. This may work as a Wakeup Counter, but it's probably best to try and use Psycho Crusher as a Wakeup counter. -Head Press- STRONG VS. Projectiles (as they tend to miss) Air attacks (Zanku Hadoken, if timed right, etc.) NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Anti-Air moves (Somersault Kick, Shoryuken, etc.) -A decent move in the fact that it can be chained into other moves and does decent damage. It's also great as a Wakeup Counter, as players may not expect it to come out. -Devil Reverse- STRONG VS. Same as Head Stomp NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Same as Reverse Stomp -This move is almost the same as Reverse Stomp. Still great as a Wakeup Counter however. -Bison Warp- STRONG VS. All NO EFFECT VS. None WEAK VS. None -Great for times when Bison is cornered, or when you want to escape a Super Special. It's also good for confusing and infuriating your opponents. However, keep in mind that abusing these moves may cause Bison to get punished. -Super Special Moves- -Mega Psycho Crusher- STRONG VS. All Rush attacks All Air attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. None -The ultimate fly-by special! Barely anything can stop this massive attack. However, try to not signal that this move is coming. Instead, try to combo into it, or use it as a Wakeup Counter. -Knee Press Nightmare- STRONG VS. All Rush Attacks Some Anti-Air attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. All Projectiles Some Anti-Air attacks (if timed correctly) Some Air attacks -If timed correctly, this can do a lot of damage, up to 8 hits max. This can be predicted, though, so you'll have to combo into it or use it as a Wakeup Counter. --Strengths & Weaknesses-- Bison definently has speed and pressure going for him. Take advantage of those two aspects and he should be able to take on any opponent. Psycho Crusher and Knee Press are the way to go in the offensive game. Pile on some crouching HK and combos, and you should have your opponent making mistakes left and right, leaving them wide open to Mega Psycho Crusher. Defensively, Head Stomp, Devil Reverse, and the Teleport moves will be your best friend. They should help you get out of corners and allow you to get on the offensive. However, this isn't always the case as if your opponent can predict what move you're going to use, then you may have to resort to combos and the Psycho Crusher. Some things to note about Bison: DO: -Use Bison Warp when trapped in corners or when you want to play mix-up games. -Psycho Vanish is your best friend. -Psycho Crusher is a great alternative to get across the screen. DON'T: -Overabuse Psycho Crusher. This will lead to you getting hurt in the long run. -Overabuse Head Stomp or Devil Reverse. -Overabuse Crouching HK. --Combos-- How well can you harness the power of the Psycho Drive? Let's just say that you'll want to. These combos I dug up from my using Bison are, to say the least, insanely strong for a Street Fighter II character. Now note that there are only 3 combos that I have found, and I guarantee that there are more yet to be discovered, so don't just think that these are the only ones that Bison has. A) Psycho Drive Limits Combo: Jumping LK, Psycho Vanish, Crouching HK, Knee Press Nightmare, Psycho Crusher, Bison Warp, Crouching HK, Head Press, Crouching HK, Knee Press, Crouching HK, Mega Psycho Crusher Opinion: This combo, if all the hits connect, will kill the opponent before the Mega Psycho Crusher even comes out. This is the ultimate mix-up combo that I've seen with Bison. Note that with the Bison Warp, you'll want Bison to end up just on the other side of the opponent. This will take practice to get down, but it's by far one of the strongest combos I've seen in this game. B) Ultimate Psycho Crusher! Combo: Standing LP x2, Crouching LP, Crouching HK, Knee Press, Bison Warp, Psycho Crusher x2, Mega Psycho Crusher Opinion: Strong, but the Psycho Crushers are easy to guess. However, if you do manage to get at least one of the Psycho Crushers to hit, then you might have a chance of getting the Mega Psycho Crusher to hit. But odds are, you won't get that lucky. C) Warp Fanatic! Combo: Knee Press, Bison Warp, Psycho Crusher, Bison Warp, Psycho Vanish, Bison Warp, Crouching HK, Bison Warp, Super Special Opinion: This is also a great way to confuse and annoy your opponents. It'll also keep them guessing at what's coming next. Just be careful not to abuse this combo, as the opponent may end up getting you after you warp. --Vs. Matchup Data-- Advantages/Disadvantages So, how does Bison stand against the rest? Let's find out. Vs. Alex Bison might have a tough time beating him due to Alex's strength, but his Psycho Crusher should be more than a match for Alex. Watch for your attacks getting blocked though, as Alex will counterattack you if you're not careful. Vs. Anakaris Favors Bison. He's much faster than Anakaris, and even though Anakaris has more range than Bison, the fact that Bison has Psycho Crusher and Bison Warp makes that pretty much obsolete. Psycho Vanish is pretty good against him as well. Vs. Chun-Li Favors Bison, but not by much. Chun-Li can put up a good fight against Bison, and can counterattack a lot of what he throws at her. Keep an eye for her making mistakes, and capitalize on them. Be careful of her Super Specials, as they do quite a bit of damage to Bison. Use Psycho Crusher sparingly, and avoid using Bison Warp too much. Vs. Demitri This one goes to Demitri. He's just too fast and powerful for Bison to handle. Psycho Crusher becomes obsolete due to Demitri's Bat Spin and Chaos Flare, and Knee Press is equally as worthless. Head Stomp and Devil Reverse won't work as well due to Bat Spin and Demon Cradle. You'll have to duke it out with Demitri in order for Bison to win this one, but that's not as easy as it looks. Vs. Felicia Favors Bison. He's much faster and stronger than Felicia in terms of attacks, and his Psycho Crusher is more than enough to put her down. Knee Press is a great alterative to counter Felicia's Rolling Buckler and Cat Spike, and Psycho Vanish can punish her Rolling Buckler if you block it. Vs. Guile This one's a tough one due to Guile's constant defending. Avoid Psycho Crusher and Knee Press, as they will just end up haunting you in the end. Try to duke it out with Guile instead, but watch out for his kick combo and Total Wipeout. Vs. Guy Favors Guy due to his insane speed. Bison has to be alert at all times in order to even stand a chance against the Bushin ninja. Psycho Vanish is good, but don't overabuse it. Psycho Crusher and Knee Press should help a lot, as should Head Press and Devil Reverse. Use the Crouching HK from time to time to slow Guy down. Vs. Hauzer Should be in Bison's favor, although Hauzer will give him a bit of problem. Deluge Crisis and Volcano Breath are the attacks to worry about here, as Bison will take a lot of damage from those moves. However, focus on just combos and duking it out with Hauzer. Using Psycho Crusher or Knee Press is not a good way to approach this fight, even as big as Hauzer is, since he can easily counterattack you. Vs. Hydron Almost like fighting Bison himself, but much easier. Hydron's Lightning Mast and Strangle Spark are probably the worst you'll encounter here, as well as Hydron's own version of Psycho Crusher. Tadpole Spawn isn't too bad, but it can be a nuisance. Constant Psycho Crushers should put Hydron out of his misery, but don't overabuse it, or else you'll end up with a Lightning Mast in your eyes. Vs. Ingrid Ingrid doesn't have too much to help her aside from Sunburst and Sunshot. Her Sunrize won't work that well because of Psycho Crusher, and her Sun Upper and Sun Lower attacks are all but worthless pretty much. Sunarch may be a bit of a problem, as this is one of the only attacks that can counter anything that Bison throws at her. However, that's where you go in and brawl it out with her. She's not that great in a hand-to-hand battle, so this one should go to Bison no problem. Vs. Jedah Jedah's got this one, but only if a human player use him, and uses him right. The CPU does a horrible job of making him good, so Bison can abuse pretty much everything he has on him. However, don't be surprised if Jedah suddenly decides to lay some pain on you. Finale-Rosso is a definent watch-out-for attack, as you don't want Bison to get hit too hard. Vs. Karin Bison has this one. Karin just simply doesn't have anything that can stop Psycho Crusher or Knee Press, and Bison's rush-down is far too overpowering for her to handle. Not too much to actually say about this one. Vs. Kenji Bison should have this one without a doubt. Kenji isn't too powerful, but he is faster than Bison. Focus on using Head Press and Psycho Crusher, and if you get a chance or see an opportunity, throw out a few Psycho Vanishes. The worst that can happen is Jumonji, which you shouldn't even see in this fight if you're fast enough. Vs. Leo Bison has this one. Leo's attacks are all close-ranged, so Psycho Crusher should take care of that issue. If you want to get in close, watch out for Gigas Driver and Achilles Rush. These will definently do some damage to Bison, and you don't want to take too much before the fight even begins. I'd suggest using Bison Warp and follow up with Psycho Vanish to deal some damage, then get out of range and fire off some Psycho Crushers or Mega Psycho Crushers. Vs. Pyron This one's tough. The CPU makes a nasty habit of teleporting, so Psycho Crusher and Knee Press aren't going to be that useful, nor will Head Stomp or Devil Reverse. This is one fight that you'll have to guess in and duke it out rather than use a strategy in order to win. Just watch out for Pyron's deadly combos and you should be just fine. Vs. Rose Goes to Bison hands-down. The best Rose can do against him is using Soul Spark or Aura Soul Spark when he uses Psycho Crusher or Knee Press. However, Knee Press's startup time is so quick that pulling off the Soul Spark may not be so easy for Rose. Her Soul Throw and Aura Soul Throw are only dangerous if you decide to use Head Stomp or Devil Reverse, and even then, they're not guaranteed to connect. Rapid-Fire Chains and combos also work very well against Rose. Vs. Ryu Ryu has this one if you're not careful. His constant barrage of Hadokens and Shoryukens make using any of Bison's special moves dangerous. Getting in close is pretty tough as well, so your options are really limited. You may have to get in close anyways and duke it out, even though Bison is not nearly as strong as Ryu. Vs. Sakura Bison should be able to beat Sakura, but it'll be a close one. Hadoken and Shinku Hadoken are Bison's worst enemy here, and her Flower Kick can present a bit of a problem if you don't watch it. Her Shunpu Kyaku and Sakizakura Ken are also a bit of a problem as well, but stick to combos and Bison Warp, and you should be able to beat her without too much of a hassle. She doesn't block air attacks well, so you can jump in on her and chain right into a combo. Vs. Shin Akuma Bison can't win this fight, unless you either get really lucky or you find some sort of uber strategy that works against Shin Akuma. Shin Akuma's constant rush-down tactic prevents Bison from even using any of his moves, and Shungokusatsu and Misogi just make this fight unfair. Vs. Urien Urien has this one if you're not careful. Violence Knee Drop can present a problem if you use Psycho Crusher or Knee Press at the wrong time, and Metallic Sphere presents the same threat. Aegis Reflector, Temporal Thunder, and Tyrant Slaugher also deal a great deal of damage to Bison. You're best bet is to focus on using Head Stomps and Devil Reverses to win this fight, as well as using combos. Just watch out for Urien's combos and you should be able to make it out alive. Vs. Yun Goes to Bison. As with Karin, Yun simply doesn't have anything that can really stand up to Bison's rushdown. Nothing else to really say about this fight. Vs. Zangief Goes to Bison. As with Leo, Zangief relies on being close to his opponent, and Bison is great at being away from them. Make sure that Knee Press doesn't get blocked though, or you may end up seeing the ground pretty quick. Head Stomp and Psycho Crusher are the way to go in this fight. ------------------------------------------------------------ B. Street Fighter III [011] All about watching your opponent's move, then countering anything that they do. Parry and Counterattacks are the way to go with these characters. More for the more advanced players than anyone else, but can be a good way for beginners to start out. ------------------------------------------------------------ I. Alex [012] All about hard-hitting combos and Wakeup Counters. Practice a bit with Alex and you'll see that he can fight with the best of them! --Introduction-- Alex is similar to Zangief. Big. Muscular. Strong. Grappler. But what he has that Zangief doesn't is speed and many attacks to choose from. This makes him even more versatile than the Russian wrestler. However, don't expect to win all the time with Alex. To me, I still consider him low-tier compared to others like Ryu and Jedah. --Movelist-- Chop..............................................F + MP Lariat..............................................F + HP Headbutt/Sleeper Hold...............B + HP Flying Cross Chop (AIR)...........DF + HP Flash Chop...................................QCF + P Powerbomb..................................HCB + P Head Stomp.................................Ch. D, U + K Dashing Elbow............................Ch. B, F + K Air Knee Grapple........................DPF + K Hyper Bomb................................360 + P Boomerang Raid.........................QCFx2 + P Stun Gun Headbutt....................QCBx2 + P --Movelist Description-- -Normal Moves- -Standing- LP (Quick Jab) -The most basic of the moves. Quick and good for combo starters. Damage is low. MP (Elbow) -Not bad, in the fact that it can work well with combos. Mediocre damage. HP (Strong Hook) -Pretty fast considering it's a HP attack. Can push opponents back a bit, which can then be used to chain into a Flash Chop to Power Bomb or Hyper Bomb. LK (Ankle Kick) -Pretty fast, and can be chained into combos. Damage is low. MK (Back Kick) -Decent in it's reach and speed. Can be used for combos. HK (Strong Foot) -Excellent in reach and in getting Alex closer to the opponent. Doesn't really knock the opponent back very much. -Crouching- LP (Kneecap Punch) -Alex punches the opponent's knee. Pretty fast and great for combo starters. Low damage. MP (Hand Jab) -Alex jabs with his fingers. Also pretty fast, and can also be used for combo starters. HP (Shoudler Charge) -Great in the fact that it's a great Anti-Air move, knocks the opponent back when it connects, and moves Alex closer to the opponent. Very good move. LK (Foot Kick) -Alex kicks with his foot. Nuff said. Excellent in speed and combo starting priority. Low damage. MK (Slow Foot Kick) -A slower version of the LK. Still good for combos. HK (Foot Sweep) -This is great for corner fights and for times that you're blocking low. However, this may leave you open if your opponent jumps over it. -Jumping- LP (Falling Palm) -Alex falls onto the opponent with his palm out. Lasts the whole time that he is in the air. Good for combo starters, but has low damage rating. MP (Back Chop) -A chop. Nothing new here. Has mediocre damage rating, and can also be used for combos, though the LP is better to use. HP (Strong Chop) -A much slower version than the other Chops. Has slow startup time, but good against Air attacks and for knocking opponents out of moves. LK (Falling Knee) -Alex falls on the opponent with his knee. This move lasts the whole time that Alex is in the air. It's also great for chaining into combos and for knocking opponents out of moves. MK (Spin Heel) -Alex pretty much does a spin kick, but hits with his heel. As with the LK, can knock opponents out of moves and is good for chaining into combos. HK (Drop Kick) -Alex does a drop kick in the air. Easy enough. Great for Anti-Air purpose and for comboing into Hyper Bomb. -Special Normals- Chop -This move does a decent amount of damage and has a pretty decent range. It's also great for chaining into Flash Chop to Hyper Bomb as well. Lariat -A bit like Zangief's Spinning Lariat, but not as powerful or as great. Still, it's worth trying out. Could be comboed into Hyper Bomb.... Headbutt/Sleeper Hold -The Headbutt will only work while the opponent is facing Alex, while conversely, the Sleeper Hold will only work while the opponent's back is facing Alex. Both do a great deal of damage as well. Flying Cross Chop - -Throws- LP + LK + <- or -> (Ground Throw) -Alex throws the opponent to the ground. Nuff said here. -Special Moves- -Flash Chop- STRONG VS. Rush Attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Air Attacks Anti-Air Attacks Other Attacks Projectile Attacks -Overall, not a bad move. It moves Alex across the screen quickly, and the move comes out fast. The downside is that many moves can beat this move with no problem. It's good to throw out, though, when you're opponent is least expecting it, especially as a Counterattack. -Powerbomb- STRONG VS. Nothing NO EFFECT VS. Teleport Moves WEAK VS. Everything! -One of Alex's command throws. It's great for chip damage and for damage in general, but it's extremely short reach leaves Alex wide open for attacks. However, you may be able to use this as a Wakeup Counter or a Counterattack (best when you think you're opponent isn't thinking that you'll strike back). Head Stomp STRONG VS. Rush Attacks Other Attacks All projectiles NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Anti-Air Attacks Other Attacks -Hole of Hell (Anakaris) -Pretty good move in that it can avoid all ground projectiles and a lot of the Rush moves that would otherwise hurt. However, if it's blocked, this can leave Alex open to a world of pain. Makes for a good mixup game though. -Dashing Elbow- STRONG VS. Rush Attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Air Attacks Anti-Air Attacks Other Attacks All projectiles -As with Flash Chop, moves forward straight at the opponent. However, this move isn't what it used to be back in the days of Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike, and suffers a bit from slowness. Doing the EX version, however, makes it move a lot faster and do more damage. You might even be able to combo this into other moves, if you're fast enough. -Air Knee Grapple- STRONG VS. Air Attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Air Attacks -Zanku Hadoken (Shin Akuma) Anti-Air Attacks Other Attacks All projectiles -Alex's Anti-Air command throw. Great for when you see your opponent in mid-air. This move can also work on certain attacks like Tatsumaki Senpukyaku without getting hit, IIRC. It also deals pretty good damage. Use with care, though, as you don't want to end up missing with this move. Try using it as a Counterattack if you see your opponent jump. -Super Special Moves- -Hyper Bomb- STRONG VS. Nothing NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Everything! -You have to be basically right next to your opponent to pull this move off, and if you're not good with 360 motions, then this will be even harder for you to pull off. Try jumping at the opponent while doing a LK, HK, or HP, then immediately do the 360 motion to pull this move off easier. One of the most powerful, if not the most powerful, Super Specials in the game (right up there with Zangief's Final Atomic Buster). -Boomerang Raid- STRONG VS. Rush Attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Air Attacks Anti-Air Attacks Other Attacks All projectiles -Similar to Dash Elbow, except that it ends with either a German Suplex or a Powerbomb. Note that if it's blocked, the rest of the attack won't do anything to the opponent. Deals pretty good damage, but you may want to make sure that you don't miss when you throw it out. -Stun Gun Headbutt- STRONG VS. Rush Attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Air Attacks Anti-Air Attacks Other Attacks All projectiles -Alex does a HP, followed by 4 Headbutts. Immediately stuns the opponent (IIRC), and does a lot of damage, but can be avoided easily just by jumping out of the way. Plus, he's left open to a lot of attacks. This is best done as a Wakeup Counter or a Counterattack. --Strengths & Weaknesses-- Alex is a character who can be used either offensively or defensively (though obvioiusly, he's more of an offensive fighter). He is faster than in 3rd Strike, and has access to all of his Super Arts from that game. On offense, you want to pound constant pressure on your opponent. Never give them a chance to strike back! Flash Chop, Dashing Elbow, Jumping HK, and Hyper Bomb are the way to go. On defense, crouching HK, Hyper Bomb, Stun Gun Headbutt, Head Stomp, and Boomerang Raid will be your best friends. Here are but three combos that I have discovered, and found quite effective, for Alex. Now note that there are definently more than just these three. Test them out for yourself to discover more. A) Stunning Bomb! Combo: Jumping LK, Standing LP, Standing HP, Flash Chop, Stun Gun Headbutt, Hyper Bomb Opinion: Very deadly if you manage to get the Stun Gun Headbutt to connect and stun your opponent. When your opponent does get stunned, the Hyper Bomb should be a piece of cake to pull off on your opponent. This combo does a lot of damage to boot as well. B) Stungun Bomb! Combo: Slash Elbow, Standing HK, Air Stampede, Power Bomb, Hyper Bomb, Stungun Headbutt Opinion: Pretty good, but getting both the Power Bomb AND the Hyper Bomb to connect will be very hard to pull off. Not to mention that you'll need to get the Stungun Headbutt to connect for the combo to even work out. I'd go with one of the other combos personally, but that's my opinion.... ------------------------------------------------------------ II. Chun-Li [013] Speed is the key when using this fighter! Don't rely too much on combos, as they aren't as effective with Chun-Li, and instead focus on moving in and out of the fight! --Profile-- Nationality-Chinese Birthday-March 1, 1968 Fighting Style-Chinese Martial Arts Age-36 Height-170 cm Weight-Won't tell BWH Sizes B-? W-? H-? Blood Type-A Special Skill: Shooting (ranked 6th in an international contest) Likes-Fruti, European treats Dislikes-Crime, Indecisive people Affiliation-INTERPOL First Appearance: Street Fighter II Additional Appearances: Street Fighter II: Champion Edition Street Fighter II Turbo: Hyper Fighting Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers Super Street Fighter II: The Tournament Battle Super Street Fighter II Turbo Hyper Street Fighter II Street Fighter: The Movie Street Fighter Alpha Street Fighter Alpha 2 Street Fighter Alpha 2 Gold Street Fighter Alpha 3 Street Fighter Alpha 3 Upper Street Fighter Alpha Anthology Hyper Street Fighter Alpha Street Fighter EX Street Fighter EX Plus Street Fighter EX Plus Alpha Street Fighter EX2 Plus Street Fighter EX 3 X-Men vs. Street Fighter Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter SNK Vs. Capcom: Match of the Millennium Capcom Vs. SNK Capcom Vs. SNK Pro Capcom Vs. SNK 2 SVC Chaos: SNK Vs. Capcom Marvel Vs. Capcom Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 Capcom Fighting Evolution SNK Vs. Capcom: Card Fighters Clash SNK Vs. Capcom: Card Fighters Clash 2 Expand Edition Namco X Capcom Super Puzzle Fighter --Movelist-- -Normal Moves- Senjou Shou...............................F + MK Yoku Senkyaku..........................F + HK Tenshin Shuu Kyaku................DF + HK Hakkei.........................................B + HP Souren Shou..............................B + MP Yousou Kyaku (AIR)...............D + MK Kakushu Raku Kyaku..............Hold MK (Close only) Yousou Suitatsu Da.................D + HP (while jumping straight up) -Special Moves- Kikouken...................................HCF + P Hyakuretsu Kyaku...................Press K rapidly Spinning Bird Kick..................Ch. D, U + K Hazan Shu................................HCB + K -Super Special Moves- Hoyoku-Sen.............................QCFx2 + K Kikou-Shou..............................QCFx2 + P --Movelist Descriptions-- -Normal Moves- -Standing Moves- LP (Hand Thrust) -This is Chun-Li's poke move. You can probably pull out 4-5 of these within 5 seconds, or maybe even up to 7, if you're fast enough. This is the move you want to use to combo into other moves. LP Close (Quick Elbow) -A standard Close move. Pretty quick and has great combo potential, but the damage is low (as expected). You can probably only get 2 of these off before you go back into the regular LP. MP (Abdoment Punch) -Has decent reach and pushes the opponent back if it connects, but comboing off of this move is not as easy as you would think. It's a little slow, but not by a considerable amount. HP (Strong Fist) -The reach on this move is pretty good, but it's got both slow start-up and recovery time, and by the time your opponent blocks this move, they can most likely counterattack right away. I'd recommend not using this move at all. LK (Heel Kick) -Once again, as with most LP and LK, this move is great for combos and speed priority. It's not nearly as fast as most LKs, but it's still a pretty decent move. MK (Roundhouse Kick) -Decent in that it can be used somewhat as an Anti-Air move, but it's pretty slow and has bad recovery time. Comboing off of this move is a very low priority as well. MK Close (High Kick) -This move is alright, but not recommeneded, as you can simply use the extended version and do more damage. However, this can be good to use for mix-up games when up close. If you abuse the extended version, then use this move instead of that move, then your opponent may not move fast enough to counter any other actions that you may do after you get the chance to attack. HK (Back Roundhouse Kick) -This is similar to the MK in just about all aspects, except that it hits a bit higher than the MK. Don't try to combo off of this move either, as it's not worth the risk of taking damage. -Crouching Moves- LP (Quick Punch) -It's a little slower than most normal Crouching LPs, but it's still good for combo starters. It has very little range as usual, and you can probably pull off about 4 of this within 5 seconds as well. MP (Foot Punch) -Chun-Li punches the opponents foot. Not that great of a move, and has some lag time in both start-up and recovery. Your best bet would be to ignore this move completely. HP (Backhand Chop) -This move executes relatively quick, but comboing off of it is pretty low, as you can get punished for trying. Still, it's nice to knock opponents out of moves, but once again, I'd recommend not using it that much. LK (Foot Kick) -Very limited range and low damage, but great combo starter, poke move, and speed priority move. It's pretty fast compared to the other LP and LK moves that Chun-Li has too. MK (Extended Foot Kick) -Has a little better reach than the LK, but is a lot slower. You can try to combo off of this move as well, but the best thing you can really do is combo it into a Hyakuretsu Kyaku to Houyokusen. HK (Handstand Kick) -Chun-Li stands on one hand and trips the opponent. Surprisngly, this move has pretty good range (similar to Demitri's Crouching HK), and could be used in a mix-up game as well. -Jumping Moves- LP (Falling Fist Diagonal) -Lasts the whole time that Chun-Li is in the air until she hits the ground. It doesn't do that much damage, nor is it good for combos (as far as I know), but it's great for knocking opponents out of moves. LP Straight Up (Falling Fist) -Same as the LP. Nothing different here. MP (Quick Falling Fist Diagonal) -This move is the fast version of the LP. It lasts about half a second, and for it to hit grounded opponents, you'd have to time it right. It's still good for knocking opponents out of moves, and not bad for going into combos. HP (Strong Punch) -It's got decent speed and range, but not one of the better moves that you can use while jumping. It becomes pretty obsolete when you try to hit a grounded opponent who can use Anti-Air (like Ryu or Demitri), so your best bet is to go with some other move. HP Straight Up (Strong Hook) -This move is surprisingly fast for a HP, and it's great for knocking opponents out of moves too. However, the downside is that you HAVE to jump straight up for you to use this move, and against opponents like Shin Akuma and Demitri, that's not going to cut it. LK (Air Kick) -As with both of the LP, this move will last the whole time that Chun-Li is in the air. It's good for combo starters once you get back to the ground, but other than that, I wouldn't mess with this move. LK Straight Up (Falling Leg) -Same deal here. However, this is more useful than the LK, as you can use this to knock opponents out of moves, whether they're on the ground or in the air (with the exception of moves like Shin Akuma's Zanku Hadoken). MK (Quick Air Kick) -The fast version of the LK. As with the MP, you'd have to time it right to hit grounded opponents. Otherwise, the rest is the same as with the MP. MK Straight Up (Quick Falling Leg) -Same deal here as with the MK. HK (Slash Kick) -This is very fast, and has great reach. It's also very good for combo starters, surprisingly enough. It's also safe on both start-up and recovery, which makes this move one of the better ones that you can use. HK Straight-Up (Split Air Kick) -An interesting move, nonetheless, but it lasts about a second. Compared to some of the other moves that Chun-Li has, I wouldn't bother with this move that much. -Special Normal Moves- -Senjou Shou- -Yoku Senkyaku- -Tenshin Shuu Kyaku- -This move is odd, simply in the fact that I haven't seen it do any damage at all. It's more of a flip move than anything else, but not all that useful, as it leaves Chun-Li open to attack. -Hakkei- -Pretty powerful in the fact that it stops a lot of Normal Moves, and that it's speed is outstounding. Comboing off of this move, however, isn't all that great. -Souren Shou- -Extremely fast and has almost zero recovery time and start-up time. You can even combo off of this or chain this endlessly just about. One of the better moves that I've seen with Chun-Li. -Yousou Kyaku- -This is a great move for surprising your opponent and for setting up combos with Chun-Li. However, the recovery time is not that great, and if it's blocked, you're left wide-open to attacks. Use it whenver you think your opponent is least expecting it. -Kakushu Raku Kyaku- -This move will only work if you hold MK down while you're close to the opponent. It will hit up to 3 times, and does pretty decent damage. The start-up time is a little slow, but you can probably still manage to get the 3 hits in regardless. A very nifty move for head-to-head combat. -Yousou Suitatsu Da- -Throws- LP + LK + <- or -> (Turn Throw) -This is Chun-Li's only throw. It's not really worth using, IMO, but that's clearly up to you. It does throw the opponent pretty far away from Chun-Li, but with her in this game, you want her to be close to the opponent. -Special Moves- -Kikouken- STRONG VS. Anti-Air attacks Rush attacks Other attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves Projecitle attacks (cancels with them) WEAK VS. Super Special Projectile attacks Air attacks -Chun-Li's only projectile (aside from her Kikoushou). It's speed depends on which P button you use to fire it off. The EX version is extremely slow, making it good for rushing in and doing some combos before it hits. -Hyakuretsu Kyaku- STRONG VS. Rush Attacks Other attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Projectile attacks Air attacks Anti-Air attacks -This is the move that makes Chun-Li infamous. However, it's not as potent as it used to be, as it's pretty tough to combo off of and into. However, it's still potent nonetheless. You just have to mash the K button in order to make sure that the move comes out. -Spinning Bird Kick- STRONG VS. Rush attacks Other attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Projecitle attacks Air attacks Anti-Air attacks Other attacks -Hole of Hell (Anakaris) -Another one of Chun-Li's infamous moves. It's actually pretty safe to use compared to some of the other moves, although if blocked, it can still be used against you. Not to mention that a lot of attacks can beat this move. Still, it's good for comboing into other moves, if you manage to get this one to connect. Avoid using it from far away, unless you're trying to trick your opponent. -Hazan Shu- STRONG VS. Air attacks (except Zanku Hadoken) Rush attacks Other attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Projectile attacks Anti-Air attacks Other attacks -Hole of Hell (Anakaris) -This move is useful for many different purposes, some of which you may or may not agree with. It's safe on block and has good start-up and recovery times, is pretty decent for comboes, and does a decent amount of damage. Add to that that it's good against a lot of attacks, and it's hard to find a better move for Chun-Li. -Super Special Moves- -Hoyoku-Sen- STRONG VS. Rush attacks Other attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Projectile attacks Air attacks Anti-Air attacks -Not one of the strongest moves, but you can pretty much combo this move off of almost anything that Chun-Li does. It's nice to do it off of a Hyakuretsu Kyaku, but you have to be able to time it just right in order to pull it off. Not bad by any means. -Kikou-Shou- STRONG VS. Projectiles that are not Super Specials Rush attacks Anti-Air attacks Air attacks Other attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves Super Special Projectiles WEAK VS. None -One of Chun-Li's best Super Specials in this game (yes, I know. She only has 2....leave me alone!) and possibly her most damaging Super Special. This is also a great move to do chip damage to opponents who like to block a lot as well. You can use a lot of attacks to try and combo into this move, but don't bother, as you most likely won't succeed. --Strengths & Weaknesses-- Chun-Li isn't nearly as powerful as Ryu, Jedah, or Alex, nor does she have the vitality of Zangief, Leo, or Anakaris. She does, however, have speed to back her up in fights. So, is this enough to pull her through? Actually, it can very well be! Like in the other games that Chun-Li has been in, her speed is the one thing that'll keep her opponent's on their toes at all times (a bit reminiscent of Mai...but that's for another day...). Unlike what most people say, Chun-Li does have some pretty powerful combos, though not all of them are convienient. I've come up with 6 different combos, though whether or not they're all worth using is up to you: 1) Lightning Kick Bonanza! Combo: Jumping HK, Hyakuretsu Kyaku, Houyokusen Opinion: Great for lots of hits and for damage, but to combo off of Hyakuretsu Kyaku is tough. 2) Fireball Kick! Combo: Standing MK Hold (close), Kikouken, Houyokusen Opinion: Not bad, but not that great either. This is something a starting player may want to use more than an advanced player. 3) Combo Galore! Combo: Jumping MK, Crouching LK x2, Spinning Bird Kick, Hazan Shu, Crouching HK, Hyakuretsu Kyaku, Houyokusen Opinion: A pretty powerful combo. However, the Hazan Shu can be the very sole downfall of the whole combo. Depending on when you use it, you may either use it too early, too late, or just mess up and mess the entire combo up. 4) Beginner's Combo Combo: Jumping MK + D, Kikouken, Houyokusen Opinion: This is something for beginner's to start out with. It's a pretty simple combo, and it does do it's fair share of damage, but not that convienient due to the Jumping MK part of the combo. 5) Fireball Massacre! Combo: Jumping MK, Crouching LK, Standing LP, Kikouken, Kikousho Opinion: This combo is actually pretty decent, and the Kikousho does a lot of damage even if it is blocked (around 7% chip damage). You have to make sure to get the Kikouken out beforehand though, if you want to maximize this combo. It may be best to try this in a corner too, as the Kikouken may push the opponent out of range for the Kikousho. 6) Ultimate Special Combo! Combo: Jumping MK + D, Spinning Bird Kick, Hazan Shu, Hyakuretsu Kyaku, Kikouken, Kikousho, Houyokusen Opinion: The ultimate combo that I could come up with. Pretty advanced stuff for just using special moves, if you ask me. The Hazan Shu may be the downfall once again if you do it wrong, and timing the Kikouken off of the Hyakuretsu Kyaku will be a bit tricky, not to mention pulling Houyokusen after Kikousho, as your opponent will most likely block it. Still, if you manage to pull all of this off, it'll nearly kill any opponent that you face. --Styles of Play-- -Aggressive Style (Offensive game)- Here, you want to use Chun-Li's speed to your advantage, as she doesn't have nearly enough power to make her threatening as she does in the other games that she's in. Rushdown your opponent with Hyakuretsu Kyakus and Spinning Bird Kicks, and constantly throw out Kikoukens and Hazan Shus to try and keep your opponent backed up in a corner. When your opponent tries to counterattack, counter them with a Houyokusen or Kikousho. Use Kikousho even if your opponent is blocking to inflict chip damage. Above all else, combo with LP, LK, MK, and the like. Using attacks like Souren Shou and Hakkei also help in this style as well. -Conservative Style (Defensive game)- Kikouken, Hazan Shu, Hyakuretsu Kyaku, and Kikousho work very well here. The EX version of Kikouken is very good in terms of its speed, as it moves rather slowly. You can change in the Aggressive Style from there if you feel the need to. If your opponent gets too close, use Souren Shou and Hakkei to push them back some. Get trapped in a corner? Use Tenshin Shuu Kyaku to get out of the corner. Don't rely on Chun-Li's defense to get you through this fight, as she doesn't have very much vitality compared to the rest of the fighters. -Mix-Up Style (Offensive/Defensive game)- Here, you'll want to throw out some Kikoukens and Hyakuretsu Kyakus to keep the pressure on your opponent, and you'll want to rush in, combo some, then back out and fire some more Kikoukens. Jumping in and out also helps, as long as you know how to Parry, as this will work against virtually any move. If you decide to get out of dodge, use Houyokusen to trick your opponent into thinking that you're retreating. -Unfair Style (Cheap game)- You don't want to be cheap, do ya? Well, I guess I can help a little with this. However, I'd advise you to not do this against your friends or in tournaments, as people simply won't play you if you do this style. Anyways, one way to use this style is to constantly pummel out Kikoukens at a close range (not next to your opponent), and Kikoushos. Hyakuretsu Kyakus up close combined with these two attacks will frustrate many players, as there is almost no way to counterattack when constantly barraged. ------------------------------------------------------------ III. Yun [014] Speed and combos will lead you to victory here! Mind-games will also prove effective with the repretoire of attacks that this fighter possesses! --Movelist-- -Normal Moves- Dakai...................................................F + HP Senpuu Kyaku...................................F + MK Raigeku Shuu (AIR) .......................DF + K -Special Moves- Tetsuzankou.....................................FDP + P Zessho Hohou.................................QCF + P Kobokushi........................................QCB + P (Px2 to fake) Nishou Kyaku..................................FDP + K Zenpu Tenshin................................HCB + K -Super Special Moves- Sourai-Rengeki................................QCFx2 + P You-Hou...........................................QCBx2 + P --Movelist Description-- -Normal Moves- -Standing Moves- LP (Quick Hand Thrust) -Not nearly as fast as some of the other fighters LP, but it's still good for combos. MP (Elbow) -A little slow, but its comboality is good enough to use it. HP (Strong Staight Punch) -Has slow startup and recovery time if blocked. Comboing off of this move is not recommended. LK (Shin Kick) -Fast and is great for combos. Low damage, but high startup and recovery times. MK (Chin Kick) -A high kick that has a fragment of slow startup and recovery time. Nice for combo starters. HK (Powerful Front Kick) -A bit of a slow start-up time, but it moves Yun forward towards the opponent, and if it connect, knocks the opponent back. Don't bother trying to do combos off of this move. -Crouching Moves- LP (Quick Hand Thrust) -Same as with the Standing LP. MP (Slow Hand Thrust) -A little slower than the LP. Nothing else here. HP (Double Hand Thrust) -A little slow, but hits twice. You can most likely combo off of this move as well with attacks like Nishou Kyaku and Zenpu Tenshin to You-Hou. LK (Foot Kick) -Has very short reach, but is quick and can be used for combo starters. MK (Slow Foot Kick) -Same as with the LK, except much slower and has slow recovery time. HK (Forward Sweep Kick) -This move is useful, due to the fact that it's both Yun's trip move and it moves Yun a little towards the opponent. Try comboing a Zenpou Tenshin after your opponent gets back up. You'll annoy them when you knock them right back down. -Jumping Moves- LP (Falling Elbow) -Lasts the whole time that Yun is in the air. Can be used for combo starters once he lands. MP (Quick Diagonal Punch) -Good for knocking opponents out of moves, and good for attacking opponents on the ground if timed properly. Lasts about 2 seconds. HP (Quick Diagonal Punch) -Same as with the MP, but stronger. HP Straight Up (Mantis Thrust) -Pretty fast, and useful to knock opponents out of the air without moving towards or away from them. LK (Falling Kick) -Same as with the LP. MK (Quick Falling Kick) -Lasts about 2 seconds while in the air, then Yun is wide open to attack. Use this move wisely. HK (Air High Kick) -Only really useful when attacking opponents in the air. Other than that, nothing too special about this move. -Special Normal Moves- -Dakai- -This is great for pushing the opponent back and for rushing your opponent down. However, it's not good if blocked, as the recovery time on this move is horrible. Still, it's a great move nonetheless. -Senpuu Kyaku- -A very good move in the fact that it's unbelievably fast. You can even combo off of this move as well, making it even more versatile. -Raigeku Shuu- -Yun's annoying overhead attack. This move will make Yun come down on the opponent with a kick, but it's bad due to Anti-Air attacks. A great way to go into combos. -Throws- LP + LK + <- or -> (Knee Bash) -Yun bashes the opponent's face on his knee up to 5 times. <- or -> + LP + LK (Foot Toss) -Yun leaps on the opponent and pushes them back with his feet. -Special Moves- -Tetsuzankou- STRONG VS. Rush attacks Projectile attacks (if timed right) NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Projectile attacks (if timed wrong) Anti-Air attacks Air attacks Other attacks -A pretty good all-around move to use. You can air combo off of the HP version, and combo off of the LP version. This move also bypasses projectiles, making it safe to use against fighters like Ryu and Demitri. However, do note that it has somewhat of a slow start-up. -Zessho Hohou- STRONG VS. Rush attacks Other attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Projectile attacks Anti-Air attacks Air attacks Other attacks -Hole of Hell (Anakaris) -Midnight Bliss (Demitri/If blocked) -Midnight Pressure (Demitri/If blocked) -This is an all-around great move as well, though not as useful as you might think. Sure, it makes Yun move closer to the opponent, but the problem lies that a lot of attacks can beat this move, and it's not particularly safe on block. You're best bet to use this move is when your opponent is rushing you down, and you want to counterattack. -Kobokushi- STRONG VS. Rush attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Projectile attacks Other attacks Air attacks Anti-Air attacks -To me, this move is a waste of time to use. It's nice in the fact that it knocks the opponent back when it connects, but it has such a slow startup and recovery that it makes it hardly worth using. Ignore this move unless you're on the defensive. -Nishou Kyaku- STRONG VS. Air attacks (except Zanku Hadoken) Rush attacks Other attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Projectile attacks Anti-Air attacks Other attacks -Hole of Hell (Anakaris) -This is a great Anti-Air move, and a great Juggler as well. You can even combo this move off of a HP Tetsuzankou for 3 hits total. It also moves Yun across the stage pretty quickly, which can cover ground if you need to. However, don't use this move too much as a ground coverer, otherwise Yun may end up taking a lot of damage. -Zenpu Tenshin- STRONG VS. None.... NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Everything.... -This move does no damage at all, and Yun HAS to be next to the opponent to use it. So why bother? Simple! This move is one of the best ways to set up combos and to go right into his You-Hou or Sourai-Rengeki Super Arts. You can even chain this together with more Zenpu Tenshins to annoy your opponent. Also makes for a good mix-up and counter game. -Super Special Moves- -Sourai-Rengeki- STRONG VS. Rush attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Projectile attacks Other attacks Anti-Air attacks Air attacks -Not that great of a Super Special, as the damage it does fails in comparison to You-Hou. It comes out pretty fast, and has some invulnerability at startup, but IMO, it's not worth using at all. -You-Hou- STRONG VS. Rush attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Other attacks Projectile attacks Anti-Air attacks Air attacks -Despite this move being weak against a lot of other moves (though the Other attacks may change...), it's Yun's best Super Special. It's great for the fact that it does great damage, has combo potential after the move, AND can be used as a counter. Hard to beat a move like that. --Strengths & Weaknessess-- Yun's speed is what's going to get you through most of your fights. You'll want to work on getting to know when and how to use his attacks, and on how fast you can pull them off in a chain. This is important as Yun doesn't have high Vitality (mediocre at best), and his strength is a little lower than Ryu's and Jedah's. A couple things to note here: 1) Avoid using attacks that have long recovery or start-up times. This will slow Yun up considerably, and we don't want that. 2) Sometimes the fastest attacks are not the best attacks. These can leave Yun open if you mess up on doing another move off of a very fast attack. Yun is a rushdown character, hands down. His repretoire of attacks makes it so that regardless of the situation, Yun can counterattack or push the opponent back away from him. However, due to the lack of strength, you'll have to rely on speed and combos to get through fights using Yun. He has many useful combos as well, and plenty of them to boot. Here are 4 that I've dug up while experimenting with Yun: 1) Tetsuzankou, Nishou Kyaku, Zenpu Tenshin, Super Special 2) Standing HK, Jump, Koboukushi, Jump, Zessho Hohou, Zenpu Tenshin, Super Special 3) Crouching HP, Zessho Hohou, Crouching HK, Zenpu Tenshin x2, Nishou Kyaku, Zenpu Tenshin, Super Special 4) Jumping LK, Standing LP, Koboukushi, Nishou Kyaku, Zenpu Tenshin, Super Special, Zessho Hohou, Tetsuzankou, Nishou Kyaku, Zenpu Tenshin, Super Special Close-Range: Focus on pressuring the opponent into making mistakes and punish them for it. Avoid using any HP or MP versions of attacks, just to avoid being counterattacked if they were to be blocked. Zenpu Tenshin will be of use here, as it will help confuse your opponent and set-up for a Super Special Mid-Range: Here, you still have options available to use against your opponent. HP versions of moves are of great use here, so use them to cover ground and get close to your opponent. Raigeki Shuu will be helpful in setting up combos against your opponent, and Tetsuzankou will be useful in avoiding projectiles. Far-Range: You never want Yun in this situation, as he has no way to attack or defend himself against opponnents like Ryu and Demitri. You'll need to get him to at least Mid-Range for him to be of any use to you. His dash and Super Jump will assist in this, but avoid trying to use any attacks to cover ground, as this will most likely result in Yun being punished. ------------------------------------------------------------ IV. Urien [015] Raw strength and fast speed makes this opponent a deadly force! Add to that the versatility of his moves, and you have the makings of a tough opponent. --Movelist-- -Normal Moves- Quarrel Punch.......................................F + MP Terrible Smash......................................F + HP Quarrel Kick..........................................F + MK -Special Moves- Metallic Sphere...................................QCF + P Chariot Tackle.....................................Ch. B, F + K Violence Knee Drop...........................Ch. D, U + K Dangerous Headbutt.........................Ch. D, U + P -Super Special Moves- Tyrant Slaughter................................QCFx2 + K Temporal Thunder.............................QCFx2 + P Aegis Reflector..................................QCBx2 + P (Press Px2 for upwards) --Movelist Description-- -Normal Moves- -Standing Moves- LP (Quick Jab) -The standard LP of most of the fighters. Very quick and great for combos, but has low damage as expected. You can probably pull of about 10-12 of these in 5 seconds, but who wants to do that? MP (Normal Punch) -Not much special about this move. It does have a tiny bit of a slow start-up, but nonetheless, it's decent to combo off into a Metallic Sphere to Tyrant Punish. HP (Strong Chop) -Pretty strong move, but a bit slow. Don't bother trying to combo off of this move, as you'd have to be pretty fast to do so, unless you want to try an EX Metallic Sphere to Tyrant Punish. LK (Shin Kick) -A kick to the shin. It's like the LP in every way, shape, and form....except that it's a kick. MK (Normal Kick) -Just as with the MP. Nothing special here at all. HK (Round Heel Kick) -This move is a little slow on start-up, but can be used somewhat for Anti-Air purpose. It's also decent on crouching opponents too. -Crouching Moves- LP (Quick Punch) -Same as the Standing LP. MP (Elbow) -Urien attacks with his elbow. Nuff said here. Nothing special at all about this move. HP (Rising Elbow) -This is great for Anti-Air purpose, as Urien rises up with his elbow. Pretty fast too, considering that it's a HP move. It's a bit unsafe on block though, so be careful for that. LK (Foot Kick) -Same deal here as with the Standing LK. MK (Extended Foot Kick) -Reaches a bit farther than the LK, but has slower start-up time. HK (Forceful Foot Kick) -This is Urien's trip move. It has a little more of a reach than the MK, and is a little slower than the MK as well. -Jumping Moves- LP (Falling Elbow) -Lasts the whole time that Urien is in the air. You can even combo off of this move once you hit the ground again. MP (Air Punch) -A punch in the air. Simple enough. It lasts about 1-2 seconds, then Urien is left open. Use it wisely. Great for knocking opponents out of moves in the air. HP (Air Chop) -Pretty fast, just as with the Standing HP. Nothing else to say about this move. LK (Falling Knee) -Same as with the LP. MK (Air Kick) -Same as with the MP. HK (Air Spin Kick) -Very fast, and doesn't have any start-up time. It leaves him open, however, when the move is done, so watch out. -Special Normal Moves- -Quarrel Punch- -This is a pretty decent move as a poke. It's not as potent as most other moves, though, so I'd recommend not using this too much, as it does have some slow start-up and recovery time, though not that much. -Terrible Smash- -This is good for mix-up games, as it hits low instead of high. You can even throw out some Chariot Tackles or Metallic Spheres after this to confuse your opponent even more. -Quarrel Kick- -Not bad in the sense that it has some defense against Rush attacks. Though the recovery time is a bit lagging (as is the start-up time), it's good for mix-up games. -Throws- LP + LK + <- or -> (Strangle Hits) -Don't let the name fool you. I just couldn't think of anything to suit it. Urien picks up the opponent and constantly hits him or her with....something... It hits up to 8 times max. <- or -> + LP + LK (DDT) -Urien picks up the opponent and slams them headfirst into the ground. The opponent stays in the same spot that he DDT'ed them at. -Special Moves- -Metallic Sphere- STRONG VS. Air attacks (excluding Zanku Hadoken) Anti-Air attacks Rush attacks Other attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves (as expected) Projectile attacks (cancels out with them) WEAK VS. Super Special Projectile attacks -Pretty good move for Urien. It can stop a ton of attacks without any retalliation, and you can hold it down before firing it off. To top it off, you can fire it either straight or upwards, making it even more versatile. The EX version is very good as well; it hits twice in one go, which leaves you the opportunity to combo into something like Tyrant Punish or Temporal Thunder. -Chariot Tackle- STRONG VS. Most Rush attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Projectile attacks Anti-Air attacks Air attacks Some Other attacks -A decent and powerful move overall. It's a bit unsafe on block though, so watch out for that. The EX version is nifty as well, but you'll want to save your Super Meter for something more useful. -Violence Knee Drop- STRONG VS. Rush attacks Other attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Projectile attacks Anti-Air attacks Air attacks Other attacks -Hole of Hell (Anakaris) -A pretty fast move for someone as big as Urien, and the EX version is even faster. However, you might choreograph this move a lot, so you'll have to find ways to disguise so that your opponent doesn't see it coming. Try using it off of something like Chariot Tackle or a Held Metallic Sphere. -Dangerous Headbutt- STRONG VS. Rush attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Projectile attacks Air attacks Anti-Air attacks Other attacks -Even though it doesn't work well against too many moves, it's still a pretty good attack. The EX version stuns the opponent with electricity and hits twice, which is a good setup for Temporal Thunder. Not bad at all, and it does good damage to boot. -Super Special Moves- -Tyrant Slaughter- STRONG VS. Rush attacks Other attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Projectile attacks Anti-Air attacks Air attacks Other attacks -Hole of Hell (Anakaris) -The most powerful Super Special that Urien possesses. If you can chain into this attack, there's no doubt that you'll cause over 60% damage to your opponent's life bar. It can probably even bypass the weaknessess that it has if you do it right. However, this isn't completely sure at the moment. More testing needs to be done to see if this is true. -Temporal Thunder- STRONG VS. All Rush attacks All Anti-Air attacks All Air attacks All Other attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves Super Special Projectiles (cancels out with them?) WEAK VS. None.... -A pretty devastating move in itself. It can stop almost anything that comes it's way, and it does quite a bit of damage. It'll also stun the opponent with electricity and leave them wide open to a combo or another Super Special. I'd suggest Tyrant Punish to finish it off, if you have the Super Meter for it. -Aegis Reflector- STRONG VS. Projectile attacks Other attacks are depending.... NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Anything if used wrong... -This move is pretty useful, but it can be used against you in so many ways. It reflects all projectiles back at the opponent, so if you're going for just that, use the LP version, as it puts the shield right in front of Urien. However, if you want to do a mix-up game, use the HP version and try to push the opponent back into the shield, which will cause electricity damage and stun them for a short time, leaving them open to attack. --Strengths & Weaknessess-- First thing to note is that Urien doesn't really have any weak match-ups at all.....even against Shin Akuma! His strength and speed make him a formidable opponent against anyone and everyone, and his mix-up game and comboality makes him even more versatile. So, where to begin learning to use this beast? 1) Practice is the first step. You'll never get anywhere without this. 2) Learn how to mix-up Urien's moves, such as mixing up his Violence Knee Drop with Metallic Sphere. 3) Learn how to do Urien's combos! This is a big part of Urien's gameplan. 4) Learn how to mix-up Urien's combos with his other moves. This will give you more versatility against your opponents. Now, what combos work with Urien? Well, I've found 4 thus far, and I'm pretty sure there's more to be discovered. Here's what I've dug up thus far: 1) Electrical Madness! Combo: Jumping LP, Standing LP, Metallic Sphere, Temporal Thunder Opinion: Something that'd be good for beginners to use, but is also decent for experts to use as well. The Metallic Sphere will give just enough time to pull out the Temporal Thunder (also called Jupiter Thunder in this game), but if you really want to maximize this combo, do the motion for th Temporal Thunder right AFTER you do Metallic Sphere, so that it comes out right when Metallic Sphere hits the opponent. 2) Corner Battle Combo: MP + MK, Metallic Sphere, Crouching HP, Metallic Sphere or Temporal Thunder Opinion: This only works in a corner, as if you try it anywhere else, the crouching HP will miss, thus messing up the entire combo. This pressures the opponent with the first part of the combo, as it can break through crouching guards. The Metallic Spheres will stun the opponent, which will give you the opportunity to hit with the Crouching HP or a Temporal Thunder. 3) Jupiter Chariot! Combo: MP + MK, Metallic Sphere, Chariot Tackle, Temporal Thunder Opinion: An easy combo to pull off, and it does some decent damage as wel. However, you'll have to charge the Chariot Tackle while doing the Metallic Sphere in order to get the rest of the combo to work. 4) Ultimate Special Combo! Combo: Jumping HK, Metallic Sphere, Chariot Tackle, Jumping HK, Crouching HK, Violence Knee Drop, Dangerous Headbutt, Aegis Reflector, Tyrant Punish Opinion: This combo is actually a lot harder to pull off than you'd think. You have to make sure that every hit connect, otherwise the whole combo is ruined. With the Aegis Reflector, you'll want to fire it behind the opponent, so that when you use Tyrant Punish, it'll push the opponent right into it, which will hopefull stun them for a short while. ------------------------------------------------------------ C. Street Fighter Alpha [016] Alpha Counters, Custom Combos, and regular combos are your bread and butter here! You'll have to watch it due to the characters low Vitality and Stun points, but with the speed and fierceness of these fighters, you may not have to worry too much. These fighters are more for the advanced players, but beginners can use them as well. ------------------------------------------------------------ I. Guy [017] The ultimate in terms of speed and mind-games. This is definently one for the advanced and expert players. --Profile-- Nationality: USA Blood Type: O BWH Sizes: B: 108 W: 77 H: 82 Fighting Style: Bushinnryu Ninpo Likes: Salmon Ochazuke, Cold Tofu, Sneakers Dislikes: Horizontal writing Special Skill: Sprinting (100m: 10.3 sec), making Bonsai First Appearance: Final Fight Additional Appearances: Final Fight Revenge Final Fight 3 Final Fight Streetwise Street Fighter Alpha Street Fighter Alpha 2 Street Fighter Alpha 2 Gold Street Fighter Alpha 3 Street Fighter Alpha 3 Upper Hyper Street Fighter Alpha Capcom Fighting Evolution Pocket Fighter (Cameo) Namco X Capcom --Movelist-- Kubi Kudaki............................................F + MP Kamaitachi..............................................DF + HK then HK Hiji Otoshi (AIR)....................................D +MP Hozanto...................................................QCB + P Bushin Senpu Kyaku............................QCB + K Bushin Flip.............................................QCF + P Bushin Izuna Drop (Close to opponent): P Izuna No Hiji Drop (During Bushin Flip): P Hayagake................................................QCF + K Kyuteishi: LK then LK (during Hayagake) Kage Sukui: MK then MK (during Hayagake) Kubikari: HK then HK (during Hayagake) Bushin Hasso Ken................................QCFx2 + P Bushin Gorai Kyaku..............................QCFx2 + K --Movelist Description-- -Normal Moves- -Standing Moves- LP (Quick Jab) -Very fast and has great recovery and startup times. Great for combo starters. MP (Abdomen Punch) -Has a little slow startup time, but is still good for combo starters. MP Close (Elbow) -Extremely fast and a great combo starter, but you have to be next to the opponent for the move to be executed. HP (Slow Jaw Punch) -Slow startup time, but has good reach. Not that great of a move regardless. HP Close (Uppercut) -Pretty fast and has a little slow recovery time, but good for a counterattack. Must be next to opponent for move to be executed. LK (High Kick) -A little slow startup time, but good for combo starters, and can be used somewhat for Anti-Air purposes, though not recommended. LK Close (Foot Stomp) -Very quick and has zero recovery time. Must be next to opponent to execute this move. Can be used for combo starters. MK (Abdomen Kick) -Has somewhat of a slow startup and recovery time, and can be used for combos. Has decent reach on it. HK (Strong High Kick) -Slow startup and recovery times, but great for Anti-Air purposes. -Crouching Moves- LP (Quick Jab) -Same as with the Standing LP. MP (Straight Punch) -Same as with the Standing MP. HP (Rising Elbow) -Pretty powerful as an Anti-Air attack, but slow startup. Great for comboing into a Bushin Senpu Kyaku. LK (Foot Kick) -Same as with the LP. MK (Sweep Kick) -Moves Guy forward as he sweeps the opponent. This move will trip the opponent when used close. Otherwise, it just does damage. HK (Slide Kick) -Guy's trip move. Similar to Bison's Crouching HK as well. Bad if blocked, as it leaves Guy wide-open. -Jumping Moves- LP (Falling Fist) -Lasts the whole time that Guy is in the air. Great for stopping attacks, but leaves Guy open if he misses the opponent. MP (Quick Air Punch) -Very fast, which in turn leaves Guy wide-open if he misses the opponent. Have to time it right to hit grounded opponents. HP (Aerial Backhand) -Same description as with the MP. LK (Falling Leg) -Same as with the LP. LK Straight Up (Falling Heel) -Same as with the LP, except you have to jump straight up to use this move. MK (Quick Aerial Kick) -Same as with the MP. HK (Aerial Backheel) -Same as with the MP. HK Straight Up (Aerial Backflip) -A pretty interesting move in itself. You can use this as either a way to stop Air attacks (aside from Zanku Hadoken, of course), to stop ground attacks like Shungokusatsu, or simply create more space between you and your opponent. Very nifty in Guy's game. -Special Normal Moves- -Kubi Kudaki- -Oh so slow.......but has good damage. Great in a mix-up style play, but not so great if you're going for Aggressive or Conservative Styles... -Kamaitachi- -Pretty good move overall. It's great for mind games, as you can mix-up the first part of the move, then later do the full version of the move, though watch for the last part being blocked... -Hiji Otoshi- -This move is just like Izuna No Hiji Drop. Nothing special about this move at all. -Throws- -Special Moves- -Hozanto- STRONG VS. Projectile attacks (HP version only) Rush attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Projectile attacks Anti-Air attacks Air attacks Other attacks -A fairly decent move in itself. The HP version is capable of going under Projectiles, so use that to your advantage from time to time. Good to combo into other attacks like Bushin Senpu Kyaku. Recovery time is rather decent, though startup time is lacking a bit. -Bushin Senpu Kyaku- STRONG VS. Rush attacks Air attacks (excluding Zanku Hadoken) Other attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Projectile attacks Anti-Air attacks -A copy of Ryu's Tatsumaki Senpu Kyaku (then again, that's where he got it from). Pretty good move in the fact that it comes up very quickly, though it's not safe on block. A decent way to set up juggles in corners. -Bushin Flip- STRONG VS. Projectile attacks Rush attacks Other attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Anti-Air attacks Air attacks -A pretty good move. It can jump over projectiles (though sometimes, you may jump right into one of them), and it can beat many moves (though with some Rush moves, it may be beaten more often than not, such as Alex's Flash Chop). The Bushin Izuna Drop is a good choice for damage if you can manage to pull it off without getting countered, while the Izuna No Hiji Drop is a great way to trick your opponent and set Guy up for another combo. Great for mix-up and mind games. -Hayagake- STRONG VS. Rush attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Anti-Air attacks Air attacks Projectile attacks Other attacks -This move is not as bad as it may seem as above. You can use this move to move towards your opponent quickly, trick them, bait them, and more. The LK version simply moves you quicker to them (doing LK again will cancel him running). The MK version makes him do a sliding kick attack, which is good to avoid projectiles, but tough to do. Great to pester opponents though. The HK version is an aerial kick which cannot be blocked by crouching, which makes for a great mind game. All in all, this move will be one of your key elements in your Guy game. -Super Special Moves- -Bushin Hasso Ken- STRONG VS. Air attacks Other attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Projectile attacks Anti-Air attacks -Good for juggling and Anti-Air purposes, but the damage it does is pretty low (around 15%, IIRC). Your best bet is to use this only when you see the neccessity or opportunity to do so. -Bushin Gorai Kyaku- STRONG VS. Rush attacks Other attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Projectile attacks Anti-Air attacks Air attacks -This move makes Guy attack in a straight line. Only use when you're positive that you'll hit with it, otherwise you'll be left wide-open afterwards. It does a little less damage than Bushin Hasso Ken, but is still a weak Super Special (as opposed to the other fighters in this game). --Strengths & Weaknessess-- Guy is one that relies on his speed to see him through, and his ability to combo into attacks and play mind games. This comes into great play when playing against powerful opponents like Ryu and Zangief, where getting close can mean certain doom for Guy. The following two sections are dedicated to some combos and styles of play for uping your Guy game. --Combos-- 1) Bushin Izuna Drop (Close), Hozanto, Hayakage, Custom Combo -Why use Custom Combo? Many people probably will ask this one. The reason being is that in a corner, you can make full use of Custom Combos by constant juggling of the opponent, and the fact that you can do more damage than a Super Special in the time you have with a Custom Combo. Much more efficient, but if you're hit while in Custom Combo, the combo ends, so watch it! The Hozanto is designed to knock opponents back, which allows the follow-up Hayakage (of your choice). 2) Hayagake, Bushin Izuna Drop, Bushin Senpu Kyaku, Custom Combo -Very similar to the last combo, except that you'll have to mix up the Bushin Izuna Drop to get the Bushin Senpu Kyaku to work. If not, then don't bother with Custom Combo. The rest is self-explanatory. 3) Standing LP, Standing MP, Standing HP, Bushin Senpu Kyaku, Hozanto, Hayakage, Custom Combo -The first three hits of the combo are going to be hard to pull off, but key. They're slow and don't come out fast, not to mention that you have to be next to the opponent for them to hit. The rest of the combo is simple. --Styles of Play-- Aggressive Style (Offense Game) This is Guy's second best style by far. With his speed, you'll want to put the pressure on your opponent at all times with LK Bushin Senpu Kyakus and Hozantos. Custom Combos are the key here as well, and throw out a Super Special from time to time. If you end up on the defense, counter with Bushin Senpu Kyaku. Conservative Style (Defense Game) Stay away from this style! Guy is not to be used in any defensive manner at all. He's not the turtler that Guile is, and he doesn't have the defense that Alex and Zangief have either. If you end up here, get out of it with Bushin Senpu Kyaku or Hozanto! Mix-Up and Mind Style (Offense and Defense Game) This is Guy's best style that he has. A combination of various Hayakages and various Bushin Flips will keep your opponent on the defensive for quite a while. Along with LK Bushin Senpu Kyakus and Hozantos, this style is for any experienced Guy player. ------------------------------------------------------------ II. Rose [018] It's all about zoning and baiting with this fighter. If you can't master these two essential tactics, then you won't get too far with Rose. --Profile-- Nationality: Italian Birthplace: Genoa, Italy Blood Type: Unknown BWH Sizes: B: 96 W: 57 H: 86 Fighting Style: Soul Power Like: Sherry wine, bathing Dislikes: UV rays, waking up early Special Skills: Reading tarot cards First Appearance: Street Fighter Alpha Additional Appearances: Street Fighter Alpha 2 Street Fighter Alpha 2 Gold Street Fighter Alpha 3 Street Fighter Alpha 3 Upper Hyper Street Fighter Alpha Capcom Fighting Evolution --Movelist-- -Special Normal Moves- Slide....................................DF + MK -Special Moves- Soul Spark.........................HCF + P Soul Spiral.........................QCF + K Soul Reflect.......................QCB + P Soul Throw........................DPF + P -Super Special Moves- Aura Soul Spark................QCFx2 + P Aura Soul Throw..............QCBx2 + P --Movelist Description-- -Normal Moves- -Standing Moves- LP (Quick Jab) -The standard LP move for many fighters. Very quick, and is great for combo starters. Very low damage, but very high recovery and startup times. MP (Soul Jab) -Slow on startup and recovery time. It's hard to combo off of this move, but possible. Has low damage. MP Close (Soul Backchop) -Pretty quick, but must be done right next to the opponent. Can only get one or two off at the most. Can be used for combo starters. HP (Soul Scarf) -Excellent reach, but slow startup and recovery time. Still, it works as a excellent poke move, so it's worth using. HP Close (Scarf Punch) -You have to be right next to the opponent for this move to be executed. Not bad by any means, but not great either. Has a little slow startup. It's better to use the MP Close move than this one. LK (Slow Shin Kick) -Similar to the LP, but much slower. MK (Scarf Standkick) -Same description as with the HP. MK Close (Jump Kick) -Pretty fast on startup and recovery time, but must be done right next to the opponent for the move to come out. Can only get one of these to come out before you're doing normal attacks again. HK (Scarf Spin Kick) -A decent move that has decent range and startup/recovery times. I'd still say use the HP as opposed to using this move. HK Close (Power Spinkick) -Has horrendous startup and recovery times, and you have to be right next to the opponent for the move to come out. Don't bother with this move at all unless you want to risk it. -Crouching Moves- LP (Quick Jab) -Same description as the Standing LP. MP (Soul Jab) -Same description as the Standing MP. HP (Soul Uppercut) -A great Anti-Air attack, but slow on startup and recovery time. Still, it's hard to find a normal move that'll stop Air attacks (save for Zanku Hadoken and Tenma Gou Hado). LK (Foot Kick) -Same description as with the LP. MK (Extended Foot Kick) -Same as with the LK, except it has a bit more reach and slower startup/recovery time. HK (Sweep Kick) -An excellent move for corner battles. This move also has good reach and priority as opposed to some of the other moves that Rose has. -Jumping Moves- LP (Falling Hand) -Lasts the whole time that Rose is in the air. It's good for stopping attacks and for staying in the same spot, but it leaves Rose wide-open if the opponent doesn't fall for it. MP (Soul Backhand) -Very fast on both recovery and startup time. Also leaves Rose wide-open if misses. HP (Soul Scarf Slash) -Excellent range, but once again, leaves Rose wide-open. LK (Falling Kick) -Same description as the Jumping LP. MK (Aerial Kick) -Not a bad move by any means, but you'll have to time it right to hit grounded opponents, plus it leaves Rose wide-open. HK (Aerial High Kick) -Only good against aerial opponents. Don't bothe using this move too much, as it's not that great of a move. -Special Normal Moves- -Slide- -As with Bison and Guy, this move is unsafe on block, but is great for getting closer to the opponent. -Throws- LP + LK + <- or -> (Soul Charge) -Leaves a good deal of distance between Rose and her opponent. -Special Moves- -Soul Spark- STRONG VS. Rush attacks Other attacks Anti-Air attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves Projectile attacks (Cancels out with them) WEAK VS. Air attacks Super Special Projectile attacks -A decent move, and Rose's only Projectile attack. Make good use of the LP and HP versions! The LP version moves very slowly, which can give Rose the opportunity to rush in and do a combo before it hits the opponent. The HP version moves very fast, and is great for when you mix it up with the LP version. The MP version is average in speed, but not that great by itself. -Soul Spiral- STRONG VS. Rush attacks Other attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Air attacks Anti-Air attacks Projectile attacks -A great combo finisher; however, the recovery time on this move is horrible, so if it gets blocked, you'll end up getting punished for it. Still, it's a good way to get across the screen a bit faster if you need to, and it has decent chip damage ability to it as well. -Soul Reflect- STRONG VS. Projectile attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Everything else.... -This move is only good for Projectile attacks, as it can reflect them back at the opponent; even Super Specials can be reflected! The LP version absorbs the attack, which adds to Rose's Super Meter. The downside is that it can't stop anything else. -Soul Throw- STRONG VS. Air attacks (except Zanku Hadoken and Tenma Gou Hado) NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Everything else.... -This move is great on damage, but can only be used against airbourne opponents. If you don't catch the opponent with this move, you'll end up only getting hurt in the process, and you have to use it at the right time to even connect with it. Tough to pull off, but the damage may be worth it to you. If not, then don't bother with this move at all. -Super Special Moves- -Aura Soul Spark- STRONG VS. Rush attacks Other attacks Anti-Air attacks Projectile attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves Other Super Special Projectile attacks WEAK VS. Nothing.... -A pretty decent Super Special for Rose, and the only one worth using (yes, I know there's only two...). The damage output is a bit lacking, but it's better than using Custom Combo with Rose. Plus, the chip damage it deals is pretty good. Great for when you end up in a corner and need to get out of it. -Aura Soul Throw- STRONG VS. Air attacks (except Zanku Hadoken and Tenma Gou Hado) NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Everything else.... -This move is just like the regular Soul Throw. Not. That. Good. In fact, the only time you should ever bother with this move is if you see that you're opponent is jumping around too much. If you try to use this on more experienced players, you'll find that it doesn't work in the slightest bit. --Strengths & Weaknessess-- Rose is (to me at least), by far one of the harder characters to win with. Her comboability is lacking, her Specials aren't that great (save for Soul Spark), and her Super Specials are even worse. Add to the fact that her vitality and stun points are low, and you have the makings of a pretty bad fighter. However, it is possible to still win with her. Just not that probable. I will do my best to help you with using Rose to her fullest, though I am NOT guaranteeing anything here with Rose. --Styles of Play-- -Aggressive Style (Offensive Game)- Basically, anything that Rose has can be used here, as there aren't that many options for her to use when it comes to offense. Soul Throw is great on damage as said earlier, but you have to time it right for it to connect. Crouching HP can easily take care of any air problems that you may have, so use that instead. Mix-up LP and HP Soul Sparks, then rush in with a combo and end with a Soul Spiral to Aura Soul Spark for the maximum damage that you can get. -Conservative Style (Defensive Game)- This is Rose's style for sure. Soul Reflect will keep Projectiles from bothering Rose, while Soul Throw will take care of any Air attacks that'll come your way (you can use Crouching HP instead if you want). LK Soul Spiral is ideal if you want to use the move, and constant Soul Sparks will keep your opponent at bay. Alpha Counters are also a great way to beat your opponent back and make them think about their strategies more. -Mix-Up Style (Offense and Defense Game)- This is a tough one to pull off with Rose, as stated earlier, she isn't that great on offense. Try using LP Soul Spark, rush in for a combo and end with a Soul Spiral, then back off and keep firing Soul Sparks while using Soul Throws or Crouching HP to take care of jumping opponents. Soul Reflects will once again help against Projectile attacks, which in turn you can turn around and rush your opponent down before going back to the constant barrage of Soul Sparks. Throw out a Aura Soul Spark from time to time to chip off damage from your opponent. --Vs. Matchup Data-- Let's face it. Rose isn't as good as she was in Alpha 3. And in here, that's going to hurt a lot. However, even as bad as Rose is, if you use her enough, you can fight with the best of them with her. Here's a little breakdown of her battles with the other 22 competitors: Vs. Alex Rose can actually play a good keep-away game here with just Soul Spark. However, that's not going to be enough to stop Alex. You'll need to watch for Alex's attacks, then counter them with Soul Spiral or combo to do some real damage. Try not to stay too close to him either, as Power Bomb and Hyper Bomb will take a HUGE chunk of life from Rose if they connect. Soul Throw and Aura Soul Throw can be decent in this match, but I'd recommend not using them for safety purposes. When Alex attempts to use Flash Chop or Boomerang Raid, counter with Soul Spark, Aura Soul Spark, or Soul Spiral to knock him out of the move altogether. Against Stungun Headbutt, Aura Soul Throw and Soul Throw would be recommended, but only if you know how to use them correctly. Otherwise, you'll just walk right into the Stungun Headbutt. Vs. Anakaris Rose can't really win this fight. Anakaris's speed and power far overwhelms Rose, and he's so unpredictable that Rose can't really counter him correctly. However, don't give up hope! Let's see what we can do to beat Anakaris, shall we? First off, whenver Anakaris uses Cobra Blow, he's left wide-open to getting hit from almost any attack. When you see this move, Soul Spiral and Soul Spark should be your first priority in counterattack. Against Mummy Drop, avoid using Soul Throw and Soul Spiral, as you might walk right into the attack, so instead use Soul Sparks to fight that move. For Coffin Drop, there isn't really much you can do to stop it, so I'd suggest trying to block the attack, then immediately counter with Soul Spark. Hell of Hole is easily avoided, but watch for Pharoah's Judgment, as that'll put a dent in your life. Royal Judgment can be a pain as well, as Rose doesn't really have anything to stop it. Vs. Chun-Li Chun-Li has this one no matter what. Her speed and attacks far outmatches Rose. What Rose has, Chun-Li can easily counter. Rose's Soul Spark is matched by Kikouken, while her Soul Spiral is easily beaten through with Hyakuretsu Kyaku and Hazan Shu. Soul Throw is practically useless in this match as well, so you'll have to go in with combos and Custom Combos to do any real damage to Chun-Li. Don't bother with Soul Reflect, as it's not worth using against Kikouken. Vs. Demitri Demitri is a bit of a pain for Rose, but he still can beat her pretty easily. Soul Reflect helps to deflect Chaos Flare, and Soul Throw is good against blocked Bat Spins and missed Demon Cradles. Against Midnight Bliss and Midnight Pressure, Aura Soul Sparks and Soul Sparks are the best way to beat through the attack. Demon Billion is the big problem here, as Soul Reflect most likely won't help against the attack. If Demitri gets too close to Rose, and you find yourself on the defensive, use Alpha Counters to get Demitri off of you. Focus on Demitri's patterns, and watch for any sneaky attacks like his Teleport Dash to Demon Cradle. Vs. Felicia Rose should be able to beat Felicia, but it can be a tough fight due to Felicia's speed. Soul Spark takes care of a lot of Felicia's moves, especially the LP Soul Spark. Soul Throw can be used to counter Delta Kick and the EX Cat Spike moves, but be careful when using it, as if you miss, you might land in a Please Help Me. For Dancing Flash and Rolling Buckler, Soul Spiral is your best bet. Alpha Counters work well here too, but don't bother with Custom Combos and Aura Soul Throw. Throw out some Aura Soul Sparks from time to time to deal chip damage at the very least when you get the chance. Vs. Guile Guile is annoying, but Rose can easily beat through his defenses. Soul Spark is the key to getting through his defense (chip damage wise...), while Soul Reflect will take care of the Sonic Booms. You don't need to get in close to Guile to take him out, so don't bother, unless you want to take a ton of damage trying to hurt him naturally. Somersault Kick and Somersault Strike shouldn't be a problem then. Vs. Guy Guy's a pain to beat with Rose. Soul Throw, Aura Soul Throw, and Custom Combos are a waste of time and effort in this fight, while Soul Spiral can end up getting Rose punished if you don't watch when you use it. However, Soul Spiral is the best counter to almost all of Guy's moves, so the only way to make it work is to watch how Guy moves, then attack accordingly. Soul Spark and Aura Soul Spark are decent ways to keep Guy at bay, but don't count on them to help too much. Alpha Counters will be your best friend here, so try and save your Super Meter just for Alpha Counters. Vs. Hauzer Hauzer's too big for Rose NOT to hit. Soul Spark and Aura Soul Spark are good enough to hit Hauzer, while Soul Throw is abusable against Tempest Fall when blocked or missed. Custom Combos and Alpha Counters once again rule this fight, while Soul Spiral is not recommended due to Deluge Crisis, Volcano Breath, and Gust Flame. You might even get in close and hammer away with regular combos, as long as you keep an eye out for Tempest Fall and Deluge Crisis, as those will put a big dent in Rose's life. Vs. Hydron Hydron's not too difficult, as Soul Spark and Aura Soul Spark will be enough to beat him. Strangle Spark is nothing to worry about as long as you use Soul Spark, and the same can go for Nochiller's Attack. Lightning Mast will be a problem though, as you can't really counter the attack at all with Rose. Avoid Soul Throw and Aura Soul Throw once again, and instead focus on Custom Combos and Alpha Counters. Regular combos work nicely here too, but that can lead to some punishment if you don't watch for Lightning Mast. Vs. Ingrid Ingrid can be beaten with Rose, but it can end up close sometimes. Sunshot and Sunburst can be reflected with Soul Reflect, and Sunshine and Sunrize can be countered with either Soul Spark or Soul Spiral. Sunarch is tough to counter, as you won't see it coming a lot of the time. Sun Dive is extremely punishable by Soul Throw and Aura Soul Throw. Try to avoid using Custom Combos and regular combos, as Sun Upper, Sun Lower, and Sun Delta will completely mess up Rose. Vs. Jedah Jedah can beat Rose VERY easily. Deo-Segah is all he needs to keep Rose away, and he can launch constant Fiorre-Rossos and Prova-Dei-Cervos from there. Rose simply cannot win this fight against an experienced Jedah player, so there's not much you can do against him. Against the CPU, you should be able to beat Jedah no problem with Soul Spirals and Soul Sparks. Jump over the Fiorre-Rossos and Prova-Dei-Cervos when you see them, and focus on Custom Combos. Vs. Karin Karin has no projectiles, so Rose can easily bat her away with Soul Sparks. Soul Throw and Aura Soul Throw become obsolete once again, but Soul Spiral is pretty useful against Karin's attacks. Alpha Counters will help tremendously in this fight, so save your Super Meter just for that. If you feel confident, rush Karin down with regular combos, and counter her attacks with Soul Spiral the moment you see her trying to attack. Vs. Kenji Kenji's no problem for Rose, unless you somehow manage to meet up with a very experienced Kenji player. Ichimonji and Jumonji can be deflected with Soul Reflect, whilst Enmazuki and Rasetsu Jin are punishable by Soul Sparks and Soul Spirals. Don't worry about any of Kenji's teleport moves, as you can easily counter them with Soul Spiral. When Kenji teleports up, use Soul Throw or Aura Soul Throw to punish him for it, but watch for his HP move! Alpha Counters are nice here, but you may want to use your Super Meter for Aura Soul Sparks this time around. Vs. Leo Leo can't win against Rose's Soul Sparks and Aura Soul Sparks, so just sit back and fire away. Don't waste time with Soul Throw, Aura Soul Throw, and Custom Combos, as they aren't needed. If Leo somehow finds himself close to Rose, knock him away with Soul Spiral. Easy match for Rose. Vs. M. Bison This fight is very similar to the Hydron fight. Psycho Crusher and Mega Psycho Crusher should be dealt with with Soul Sparks, while Head Stomp and Devil Reverse should be dealt with similarly with Soul Throw. Soul Spiral is nice to use against Knee Press Nightmare and Knee Press, but don't count on it, as both moves are way to fast to counter with Soul Spiral. Bison Warp is nothing to worry about, as you can easily counter with a Crouching HK or Super Special. Vs. Pyron Pyron will be a pain in the ass to beat. Galaxy Trip will frustrate you to no end, but don't let it, as that's what he's trying to do. Soul Smasher can be dealt with by Soul Reflect, while Soul Spiral works well against Zodiac Fire. Don't use Soul Throw or Aura Soul Throw against Orbital Blaze, as you'll only end up getting Rose hurt in the process. Cosmic Disruption is your biggest worry, as if it hits, it'll take a tremendously huge chunk of life from Rose. Focus more on single-strike attacks and Alpha Counters, and you should be able to beat Pyron with not that much problem. Vs. Ryu Ryu's easy for Rose to beat, due to Soul Reflect and Soul Spark. Shoryuken is worthless due to a combination of Soul Spark and Soul Throw (if Ryu tries to jump Soul Spark, Soul Throw will counter his action). His Hadoken and Shinku Hadoken will only end up hurting him in the process, while Tatsumaki Senpukyaku is easily countered by Soul Throw and Aura Soul Throw. Stay away from Ryu at all times, and if he does manage to get in close, Alpha Counters will help pull you through. Vs. Sakura Pretty similar to the fight with Ryu, but easier. Hadoken and Shinku Hadoken should be dealt with Soul Reflect, while Sakizakura Ken and Shunpu Kyaku should be dealt with Soul Spark or Soul Spiral. Don't worry about Midare Zakura or Haru Ichiban too much, as Soul Spark or Soul Spiral can beat those moves easily. Above all else, Super Specials, Alpha Counters, and regular combos are the way to go on offense (if you don't want to be cheap, that is). Vs. Shin Akuma This is a very tough fight no matter who you use, but Rose can stand a bit of a chance, since Shin Akuma loves to spam projectiles. Soul Reflect will help a lot here, but since Shin Akuma also loves to spam Ashura Senku, it might not be all that useful. When you see him teleport, get out of the way! You don't want to end up on the receiving end of his combos! Be careful of his Shungokusatsu and Misogi, as they will instantly kill Rose. Vs. Urien Urien can be tough, but is beatable. Metallic Sphere can be deflected by Soul Reflect, while Violence Knee Drop can be dealt with Soul Throw and Aura Soul Throw. Chariot Tackle and Tyrant Slaughter should be dealt with Soul Spiral or Soul Spark. Watch for Temporal Thunder, as it will put a hamper to Rose's strategy! If you need to build up your Super Meter, use the LP Soul Reflect to gain around 15% to your Super Meter. Alpha Counters are a must for this fight when it gets too rough. Vs. Yun This fight is very similar to the Vs. Karin fight. You can easily hammer Yun down with Soul Sparks and Aura Soul Sparks without doing too much else. Not much else to say for this fight. Vs. Zangief Very much like Alex. Zangief relies on being close to do damage, so Soul Sparks will help a lot here, unless Zangief spams Punishing Flat, then counter it immediately with Soul Spiral. Avoid getting close to Zangief, as Spinning Pile Drivers and Final Atomic Busters will be the end for Rose. Stick to keep-away games, and you'll win this fight easy. ------------------------------------------------------------ III. Sakura [019] It's all about Custom Combos and rush-down with this one. However, you may also want to play keep-away as well, due to Sakura's low Vitality and defenses. --Profile-- Full Name-Sakura Kasugano Nationality-Japanese Birthday-March 15, 197X Fighting Style-Self-tuaght imitation of Ryu's Age-???? Height-5'2" Weight-42 kg BWH Sizes B-80 W-60 H-84 Blood Type-A (SFA), O (RS) Special Skill: English conversation Likes-Track and field, white rice Dislikes-Math, playing video games with her brother Tsukushi First Appearance-Street Fighter Alpha 2 Additional Appearances-Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo, Street Fighter Alpha 2 Gold, Street Fighter EX Plus Alpha, Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter, Super Gem Fighter, Rival Schools: United By Fate, Street Fighter Alpha 3, SNK Vs. Capcom: Match of the Millennium, Marvel Vs. Capcom 2, Street Fighter EX 3, Capcom Vs. SNK, Capcom Vs. SNK 2, Street Fighter Alpha 3 Upper, Capcom Fighting Evolution, Namco X Capcom Sakura is supposed to be a female japanese high school student. Unlike most of her friends, she doesn't shy away from fighting. She's basically been looking for Ryu ever since she saw him fight. Sakura has ever been since trying to follow Ryu around to learn from him and get him to teach her. Her techniques however, have much work to do, as they don't even look close to what Ryu can do. For some strange reason, Dan wanted some student to teach his "awesome skills," so he persuaded Sakura to be taught by him (but she still wants to be taught by Ryu). --Movelist-- Flower Kick...........................................F + MK Hadoken...............................................QCF + P (Press P to increase size) Sakizakura Ken....................................FDP + P Shunpu Kyaku....................................QCB + K Sakura Otoshi......................................FDP + K + PPP, K Flowr Kick (AIR).................................QCF + K Shinku Hadoken..................................QCFx2 + P Midare Zakura.....................................QCFx2 + K Haru Ichiban........................................QCBx2 + K --Movelist Description-- -Basic Moves- -Standing Moves- LP (Quick Jab) -Very quick and one of the best ways to combo into other moves. MP (Normal Punch) -A normal punch. Nuff said here. Could be used as part of a combo, but not recommended. MP Close (Quick Elbow) -Pretty fast, and good to combo into other attacks. Not much else to say about this move, other than that it can only be executed right next to the opponent. HP (Slow Normal Punch) -A much slower but stronger version of the MP. Not recommended for combos though. LK (Shin Kick) -Very basic. Excellent to combo into and very quick to boot. MK (Back Kick) -Sakura kicks the opponent with the back of her feet. Not bad in terms of combo starters. HK (Roundhouse Head Kick) -A roundhouse kick to the opponent's head. Not good for combos at all. HK Close (High Head Kick) -A kick to the head that hits high. What else is there to say? have to be right next to the opponent for it to come out. -Crouching Moves- LP (Quick Jab) -Just as with the Standing LP. Great for combo starters, and very quickly. MP (Hammer Fist) -Sakura puts both hands together and swings up at the opponent. Nice against Air attacks too. HP (Low Blow Punch) -It looks as Sakura hits the opponent in the groin area. Other than that, nothing real special about this move. LK (Foot Kick) -Sakura attacks with her foot. Nuff said here. Great for combo starters. MK (Knee Cap Kick) -Sakura hits the opponent in the kneecap. Nothing else. Could be used for combos, but I'd go with the LK. HK (Leg Sweep) -Sakura's sweep move. Good for corner fights, as always. Can be used to chain into Shunpu Kyaku or Sakizakura Ken. -Jumping Moves- LP (Falling Palm) -Sakura falls with her palm out. Lasts the whole time that she is in the air, and is great for combo starters. MP (Upper Air Punch) -Sakura punches up in the air. Easy, right? Great against Air attacks and for stopping attacks like Tatsumaki Senpukyaku. HP (Double Falling Chop) -Sakura cups her hands together and does a chop in the air. Same deal as with the MP. You could try to do combos off of this move, but I wouldn't recommend it. LK (Air Kick) -Lasts the whole time that Sakura is in the air. Can be used to combo into other moves as well. MK (Toe Air Kick) -Sakura attacks with her foot, but hits with the tip of her toes. Good against Air attacks. HK (Foot Thrust Kick) -This move is pretty fast, so you'll have to time it just right for it to work on certain moves. -Special Normal Moves- Flower Kick - -Throws- LP + LK + <- or -> (Chokehold) -Sakura goes behind the opponent and wraps her arms around their neck, then chokes them for up to 6 times before elbowing them to the ground. <- or -> + LP + LK (Kick Send-Off) -Sakura jumps on the opponent and pushes them back with a kick. Nice when you want to gain ground between your opponent. -Special Moves- -Hadoken- -By pressing the P button after using this move, you can increase the size of the Hadoken, but it limits the range of the attack. STRONG VS. Shoryuken (Ryu) Gou Shoryuken (Shin Akuma) Demon Cradle (Demetri) Somersault Kick (Guile) Sunrize (Ingrid) Sun Upper (Ingrid) Sun Lower (Ingrid) Cobra Blow (Anarkis) Hole of Hell (Anarkis) Midnight Bliss (Demetri) Shungokusatsu (Shin Akuma) Messatstu Gou Shoryu (Shin Akuma) Midnight Pressure (Demetri) Total Wipeout (Guile) Somersault Strike (Guile) Shin Shoryuken (Ryu) Tatsumaki Senpukyaku (Ryu) Tatsumaki Zanku Kyaku (Shin Akuma) Ransetsu Jin (Kenji) Rasen Kyaku (Kenji) Soul Throw (Rose) Aura Soul Throw (Rose) Nero Fatica (Jedah) Spreggio (Jedah) Finale-Rosso (Jedah) Psycho Crusher (M. Bison) Double Knee Press (M. Bison) Knee Press Nightmare (M. Bison) Flash Chop (Alex) Powerbomb (Alex) Dashing Elbow (Alex) Hyper Bomb (Alex) Boomerang Raid (Alex) Spinning Pile Driver (Zangief) Atomic Suplex (Zangief) Flying Powerbomb (Zangief) Final Atomic Buster (Zangief) Kobokushi (Yun) Nisho Kyaku (Yun) Zenpu Tenshin (Yun) Sorai-Rengeki (When far away/Yun) Guren Ken (Karin) Hosho (Karin) Mujin Kyaku (Karin) Rasen Cho (Karin) Yasha Gaeshi (Karin) Arakuma Inashi (Karin) Kanzuki-Ryu Shinbi Kaibyaku (Karin) Kanzuki-Ryu KO'ou Ken (Karin) Chariot Tackle (Urien) Tyrant Slaughter (Urien) Rolling Buckler (Felicia) Hellcat (Felicia) Dancing Flash (Felicia) Chronos Rush (Leo) Achilles Rush (Leo) Mars Slash (Leo) Gaia Driver (Leo) Hercules Rush (Leo) Gigas Driver (Leo) Hoxanto (Guy) Bushin Senpu Kyaku (Guy) Hayakage (Guy) Bushin Hasso Ken (Guy) Bushin Gorai Kyaku (Guy) The Chiller's Attack (Hydron) Hydro Spin (Hydron) Strangling Spark (Hydron) Deluge Assault (Hauzer) Tempest Fall (Hauzer) Sakizakura Ken (Sakura) Shunpu Kyaku (Sakura) Midare Zakura (Sakura) Haru Ichiban (Sakura) Spinning Bird Kick (Chun-Li) Hyakuretsu Kyaku (Chun-Li) NO EFFECT VS. Sunburst (Ingrid) Coffin Drop (Anarkis) Mummy Drop (Anarkis) Chaos Flare (Demetri) Negative Stolen (Demetri) Sonic Boom (Guile) Hadoken (Ryu) Hadoken (Sakura) Ichimonji (Kenji) Bakuryusho (Kenji) Enmazuki (Kenji) Soul Spark (Rose) Soul Spiral (Rose) Dio-Cega (Jedah) Psycho Vanish (M. Bison) Teleport (M. Bison) Air Knee Grapple (Alex) Stun Gun Headbutt (Alex) Double Lariat (Zangief) Punishing Flat (Zangief) Aerial Russian Slam (Zangief) You-Hou (Yun) Sunshot (Ingrid) Sunarch (Ingrid) Sunshine (Ingrid) Sun Delta (Ingrid) Metallic Sphere (Urien) Dangerous Headbutt (Urien) Cat Spike (Felicia) Sand Splash (Felicia) Delta Kick (Felicia) Bushin Flip (Guy) Tornado Mist (Hydron) Tadpole Spawn (Hydron) Venom Funnel (Hydron) Lightning Mast (Hydron) Volcano Breath (Hauzer) Deluge Crisis (Hauzer) Kikouken (Chun-Li) WEAK VS. Pharoah's Magic (Anarkis) Bat Spin (Demetri) Messatsu Gou Hado (Shin Akuma) Demon Billion (Demetri) Shinku Hadoken (Ryu) Kagerou (Kenji) Utsusemi (Kenji) Jumonji (Kenji) Soul Reflect (Rose) Aura Soul Spark (Rose) Ira Spinta (Jedah) Prova-Dei-Cervo (Jedah) Head Press (M. Bison) Devil Reverse (M. Bison) Mega Psycho Crusher (M. Bison) Head Stomp (Alex) Tetzuzankou (Yun) Zessho Hohou (Yun) Ressen Ha (Karin) Sun Dive (Ingrid) Violence Knee Drop (Urien) Temporal Thunder (Urien) Aegis Reflector (Urien) Please Help Me! (Felicia) Gust Flame (Hauzer) Flower Kick (Sakura) Shinku Hadoken (Sakura) Hazen Shu (Chun-Li) Hoyoku-Sen (Chun-Li) Kikou-Sho (Chun-Li) -As with Ryu and Shin Akuma, Sakura's Hadoken is great for keep-away games. Her uped version of Hadoken, where you can press the P button again to make the Hadoken bigger, is great to push back opponents that are too close to Sakura. -Sakizakura Ken- STRONG VS. All Rush attacks NO EFFECT VS. Ashura Senku WEAK VS. Demon Cradle Shoryuken Tatsumaki Senpukyaku Shunpu Kyaku Bushin Senpu Kyaku Strangling Spark Mummy Drop Coffin Drop Cobra Blow Pharoah's Magic Royal Judgment Sunarch Sun Upper -Great to push opponents back when they don't expect this move. However, if blocked, Sakura isn't safe, since it leaves her wide open for an attack. This might be good as a Wakeup counter. It's also nice to use to escape some attacks, like the air version of Anarkis's Royal Judgment. -Shunpu Kyaku- STRONG VS. All Rush attacks Some Anti-Air attacks, if timed properly NO EFFECT VS. Ashura Senku WEAK VS. All projectiles Some Anti-Air attacks -Great to use against crouched opponents, and makes for a handy attack on Wakeup. However, this is another attack that is punishable if blocked. -Sakura Otoshi- STRONG VS. Some Rush Attacks NO EFFECT VS. Ashura Senku WEAK VS. All projectiles Some Rush Attacks Most Anti-Air attacks Air attacks -Not one of the best moves that Sakura has. However, if you can pull this off as a Wakeup counter, it may prove beneficial to you. Though if it'll work or not depends on how well you can pull this move off and how well your opponent fights. -Flower Kick (AIR)- STRONG VS. All Rush Attacks NO EFFECT VS. Ashura Senku WEAK VS. Anti-Air attacks Projectiles (if timed incorrectly) -This is a great air stall move, no doubt. This is great to use when you're jumping at your opponent and he/she tries to attack you with some form of Anti-Air attack. -Super Special Moves- -Shinku Hadoken- STRONG VS. All Rush attacks All Anti-Air attacks NO EFFECT VS. Ashura Senku Other Super Special projectiles WEAK VS. None -Just as with Ryu's Shinku Hadoken and Shin Akuma's Metsu Gou Hado, this attack blow through all other projectiles, and is pretty much indestructable. The only thing that can really stop this attack is either jumping over it or using another Super Special projectile. -Midare Zakura- STRONG VS. Rush Attacks NO EFFECT VS. Ashura Senku WEAK VS. All projectiles (unless used at the very moment a projectile would hit Sakura) Anti-Air attacks -A mediocre move at best. It's great to surprise opponents on Wakeup with though. However, I'd advise to stay away from this move unless you can combo into it or your opponenet just doesn't know what he/she is doing. -Haru Ichiban- STRONG VS. Rush Attacks NO EFFECT VS. Ashura Senku WEAK VS. Anti-Air attacks Projectile attacks -This is a great move. It hits four times low, then finishes off with a high HK. Great if your opponent is blocking high or is using a Rush attack on you. --Strengths & Weaknessess-- STRENGTHS Sakura really doesn't have many strengths. Her attacks tend to leave her open if blocked, and she doesn't realy do well on offense or defense. Also, some of her attacks take timing to connect with. This may serve as a problem, but is not too big that it'll hurt her that much. It pays to go on the offensive regardless and to chain in combos with her. WEAKNESSES Low vitality and low stun gauge makes Sakura hard to use. You'll have to rely on blocking and Alpha Counters to pull your way through fights with her. --Combos-- So, you wanna learn how to use Sakura? Well, let's just say that she's not completely the same as in Alpha 3, but not completely different. Here are some combos to use with the lovely school girl. 1) Jumping LK, Standing LP x2, Shunpu Kyaku, Haru Ichiban -This is a great combo for putting some pressure on your opponent. However, if the last part of the combo is blocked, then Sakura is left open to attacks, so beware. 2) Jumping LP, Standing LP, Crouching MP, Hadoken, Midare Sakura or Shinku Hadoken -Another great combo to pressure your opponent. It's a bit safer than the last combo, unless the Midare Sakura is blocked. In which case, just use Shinku Hadoken as a replacement. 3) Jumping LP, Standing LP, Crouching LP, Standing LP, Hadoken, Crouching HK, Haru Ichiban -This combo works well on the defense more than the offense. Getting all of the LP to connect may be a bit of a pain, but it shouldn't be too much of a problem. The Crouching HK to Haru Ichiban may let your opponents know to stay on guard against low attacks. 4) Standing LP, Standing MP, Standing HP, Sakizakura Ken, Shunpu Kyaku, Crouching HK, Haru Ichiban -This combo may not work if you don't have the special meter to do it, so it isn't much of a priority compared to other moves. However, you should have the meter by the time you reach the end, and by that time, your opponent will be guessing what Sakura is going to do next. 5) Flower Kick, Standing LP x2, Standing MP, Sakizakura Ken or Shunpu Ken, Haru Ichiban or Shinku Hadoken -A pretty devastating combo. By the time you hit the end, you should have done at least 1/4 of the opponent's life if all the hits before it connects. Just watch for the Sakizakura Ken being blocked if you use it. Otherwise, Sakura will be hurting for it. 6) Standing LP, Standing HP, Hadoken, Sakizakura Ken, Standing LP x3, Shunpu Kyaku, Super Special -Nice in the fact that it throws in the mix-up game. You'll want to prioritize the Hadoken though, and if you want, you can swith Sakizakura Ken with Shunpu Kyaku as well. Your choice there, as with the Super Special that you want to use. Mix them up every time that you do this combo though. --------------------------------------------------- 11. What should be done? As much as I like using Sakura, as described in Section 9, she has horrible life and defense, and her offense is pretty weak. However, you can overcome these odds simply by learning when and who to use certain moves on, how to capitalize on your opponent's mistakes, and how to maximize your game. First off, go to Practice and take a look at some of the other fighters fighting style. This will help when you come up against them, either by CPU or human. Learn each of the different moves and how they can affect Sakura, and also learn how much damage they'll do to her. This is important, as a wrong move against that opponent in an actual match could lead to your downfall. Next thing to do is to master each and every one of Sakura's moves, and to learn the timing and proper handling of them. You don't want to use a move that isn't going to connect, or will choreograph what you're going to do next. Then, practice the combos that I have listed, and test out different combos for yourself. Just because I have combos listed here doesn't mean that there aren't anymore to be discovered. There very well may be a extremely powerful combo that I have overlooked or have yet to discover, so test out everything that you can to find out new and deadly combos. --Vs. Matchup Data-- When fighting opponents, you'll most likely end up on the defense without noticing. Don't worry though, as Sakura needs to thrive off of the Alpha Counter and counterattacks to stand a much better chance of defeating opponents. Here's a little breakdown of how she may fare against opponents: Vs. Alex Well......Hadoken is enough to keep Alex away, if you want to be cheap. If not, then rush in with Sakizakura Ken, Flower Kick, and Shunpu Kyaku. Just whatever you do, don't let him use Hyper Bomb or Power Bomb on you, as they do too much damage to Sakura, and avoid the Stungun Headbutt as well. Vs. Anakaris This could be bad against a human player, as they most likely won't make the mistakes that the CPU does. Don't let Royal Judgment hit for at all, as this will severly cripple Sakura's game. Cobra Blow is nothing to worry about, as Hadoken has that covered. Against Mummy Drop and Coffin Drop, you really don't have too much of an option. You're best bet is to hunker down to defense until you see an opening in your opponent's game, then rush in and tack on damage as much as you can. Vs. Chun-Li Can be very annoying due to the Parrying system of SF3. However, Chun-Li is not that bad, just faster than Sakura. Alpha Counter, Wakeup Counters, and counterattacks will help a lot in this fight. Watch for her Lightning Kick though, as that'll do quite a bit of damage if not blocked. Vs. Demitri Is very bad for Sakura. Demitri is simply much faster and stronger than Sakura, and his Super Specials will come out from nowhere. What to do? Watch for his pattern of Chaos Flare to Bat Spin, then counterattack with something like Midare Sakura or Shinku Hadoken, if you can use them, or Shunpu Kyaku or Sakizakura Ken. Against Chaos Flare, the only thing you can really do is contain it, then watch out for Bat Spin. Demon Cradle is only a threat if you get too close to Demitri. Be careful of the Demon Billion attack, as this can do well over half of Sakura's health if not blocked. Vs. Felicia Felicia's fast, there's no questioning that. And even though she's low-tier, she can still put up a fight against Sakura. Rolling Buckler will definently annoy you, as will Cat Spike. However, play it cool. If you don't, then you'll get hit by these moves a lot, and you don't want that to happen too much. Sakizakura Ken is one of the better moves to use against Felicia, as is Hadoken (of course). You can try to use a combo on her, but don't be surprised if Felicia ends up countering you in the middle of it. Not that tough of a fight, but can be a bit of a pain. Vs. Guile Guile's turtling will get the better of you no doubt, but don't take the bait, as Guile will dish out some heavy damage if you don't watch it. If you want, tick his life away with constant Hadokens, or try to duke it out with him. Against him, it's like a 50-50 chance, as he's too random to use just one strategy on. Vs. Guy This is definently not one of Sakura's better opponents, as Guy outranks her in every category except Projectile. His speed is the worst thing, so you'll want to defend a lot, then strike back at the best opportunity. He tends to rush you down a lot, so Sakizakura Ken may be your best friend in this fight. Hadoken isn't the best option at times, as Guy will just simply leap over them. Patience will be key to winning this fight, as will a lot of guts. Vs. Hauzer Hauzer's a pushover. Even with his high attack and defense, he's too slow and too big for Sakura not to beat. Every one of her attacks will almost connect (unless he uses Ultimate Guard), and a mix-up game will get him just about everytime. Just make sure to watch out for Deluge Crisis, as this will almost, if not, kill Sakura in one blow. Vs. Hydron Not too bad, as Sakura's a bit faster than Hydron. You should be able to overpower him by combos and spamming Shunpu Kyaku and Flower Kick. Watch for Arctic Stream and Lighting Mast, as these will really put the pain on your life. Vs. Ingrid This can go either way for you. Ingrid is a little faster than Sakura, but doesn't have high life or damage. The CPU likes to spam Sunrize and Sunburst, so watch for those attacks and you should be fine. A good ol' Shinku Hadoken will get the better of Ingrid. Against humans? That's a different matter. They'll most likely try and duke it out with Sakura. So, what to do? COUNTER! I can't stress this enough. It'll be tough against human players though, as Ingrid can counter just about anything Sakura throws at her. You'll need a good deal of patience to win this fight then. Vs. Jedah Not good at all. Jedah simply overpowers Sakura in all aspects. Even the CPU is bad to her. You're best bet is to duke it out with him though, and hope that he doesn't use Finale-Rosso, or else Sakura will end up in the Underworld very soon. Combos are the way to go against this demon. Vs. Karin This is one of the more interesting fights that Sakura has. Both are pretty versatile, but both have low health and attack. However, Karin's attacks are more like combos in theirselves, and they move her closer to Sakura as well. So, Hadoken and Sakizakura Ken will help a lot here, as will the Alpha Counter. If you feel like it, use HP + HK and rush in. Just be careful not to get hit, or the Custom Combo will end. Watch out for Yasha Counter as well. Vs. Kenji A big pushover, even for Sakura. You can rush this guy down without any problem. Any strategy is good against him. Vs. Leo Leo's slow, and most of his attacks, if not all of them, are close-range. So, what should we do? Say out of his range, and fire Hadokens. He'll never get to you to even hurt you if you continue with that strategy. Don't want to be cheap? Then try duking it out with him, but at your own risk. He's just as strong as Zangief, Urien, and Alex, and will dish out heavy damage with just about every attack. Vs. M. Bison Bison's faster and stronger than Sakura. This is not one of the better matchups, yet not one of the worst. Psycho Crusher and Head Stomp are the only things to really worry about, as Bison loves to warp around the stage (though human players won't be as nice...). This leaves you the opportunity to use Custom Combo, Super Specials, combos, whatever you want. Against Psycho Crusher, Hadoken is your best friend. Scissor Kick? Of course Hadoken! Head Stomp and Devil Reverse?'ll have to block them, then go with something like Sakizakura Ken if Bison is close to the ground, or Shunpu Kyaku if not. This battle isn't as difficult, unless you let Bison overpower you and trap you. Vs. Pyron Pyron is simple if you can guess his pattern. If he teleports next to you, use Crouching HK. If he's in the air, Sakizakura Ken. If he flys at you, Crouching HP. You can pretty much combo him to death, but watch out for his combos, as they will hurt.....a lot. Vs. Rose Rose isn't that tough to beat. She doesn't really use many special attacks, and doesn't really attack all too often. However, don't take her lightly anyways, as you never know when she'll bust out a Super Special on you. Jumping in on her is a great strategy to beating her, as she doesn't seem to block them that much. Avoid Hadoken and Shinku Hadoken, as she can reflect them back at you, which you don't want. Vs. Ryu Far outfavors Sakura. Ryu is just better in all aspects, and getting close to him is out of the question. Hadoken doesn't work as well either, as he'll either counter with his Hadoken, or jump over it and proceed to beat the crap out of you. There's not much you can do other than counterattack with Alpha Counter and Wakeup Counters, and pray that he doesn't use Shin Shoryuken. Vs. Shin Akuma Sakura stands no chance against him. Shin Akuma is far too strong for her to even match him. The Constant Hadoken strategy is worthless, and comboing him is out of the question. You'll have to basically duke it out fist-to-fist and hope that you can avoid his attacks. Vs. Urien As with Zangief and Alex, Urien is just too strong for Sakura, and to make matters worse, he's far faster than her as well. How to survive? Simple. Counterattack when you see an opening. Watch out for attacks, block, then use Midare Sakura or the like to punish him. Just don't let Tyrant Slaughter connect, otherwise it may be goodnight to Sakura. Vs. Yun Yun's fast, I'll give him that, and he's a bit sneaky, but Sakura should come out ok. You'll see he'll like to use his jump attack a lot, so watch for that and use Shunpu Kyaku in response. If he does his dash punch, then counter with Hadoken. Anything else can be dealt with by using Sakizakura Ken pretty much. Not too bad, considering some of the other fights. Vs. Zangief For all of god, STAY AWAY FROM THIS GUY! He just does too much damage for Sakura to brawl it out with him. You'll need to use Hadoken and Shinku Hadoken to keep damage to a minimal. If you really want, you can still try to duke it out with the Red Cyclone, but you'll most likely die before you can do too much damage to him. There! That's the best that I can do for you. If all else fails, go to Practice and set the Dummy to CPU. Train against anyone there, and see what you can come up with to defeat them. The strategies that I have given out aren't the only ones that can be used, so experiment! ------------------------------------------------------------ IV. Karin [020] The queen of combos is back! And she's just as good as ever! --Profile-- Nationality: Japan Blood Type: B Fighting Style: Kanzukiryu kakutoujutsu (Kanzuki-style hand-to-hand techniques) BWH Sizes: B: 83 W: 57 H: 85 Likes: Total victory Dislikes: Minds of commoners Special Skill: Various Kanzukiryu secret techniques First Appearance: Street Fighter Alpha 3 Additional Appearances: Capcom Fighting Evolution --Movelist-- -Special Normal Moves- Elegance Kick...................................F + MK -Special Moves- Guren Ken........................................QCF + P or HCF + P Guren Ken (Press P after Guren Ken) Guren Hosho (F+ P, after Guren Ken 1 or 2) Guren Mujin Kyaku (K, after Guren Ken 1 or 2) Guren Yasha (High) (B + P, after Guren Ken 1 or 2) Guren Yasha (Low) (B + K, after Guen Ken 1 or 2) Guren Ressen Ha (U + K, after Guren Ken 1 or 2) Guren Kusabi (D + K, after Guren Ken 1 or 2) Guren Chochu (DF + P, P; after Guren Ken 1 or 2) Hosho................................................FDP + P Mujin Kyaku.....................................FDP + K Rasen Cho.........................................BDP + P Ressen Chu (Press P after Resen Cho) Ressen Ha.........................................QCF, UF + K Yasha Gaeshi (High)........................QCB + P Yasha Gaeshi (Low).........................QCB + K Arakuma Inashi.................................360 + K -Super Special Moves- Kanzuki-Ryu Shinki Kaibyaku........QCFx2 + P Kanzuki-Ryu Ko'ou Ken..................QCFx2 + K --Movelist Description-- -Normal Moves- -Standing Moves- LP (Quick Jab) -The standard LP move for many fighters. Very quick, and is great for combo starters. Very low damage, but very high recovery and startup times. MP (Mid Punch) -A little slow on startup and recovery time, but not by much. It's hard to combo off of this move, but possible. Has low damage. HP (Split Punch) -Slow on startup and recovery, and can't really be comboed into any other moves. Simply put, I'd stay away from this move. LK (Abdomen Kick) -A rather fast move. Same description as with the Standing LP. MK (Snap Kick) -Has a bit of slow startup, but not noticeable enough. Could be used to combo into other moves, like Mujin Kyaku. HK (Low Spin Kick) -Has some slow startup and recovery, and isn't all that great unless you play mind games. This move seems to hit low, which is good considering that it's a standing move. Might even be able to combo into a Guren Ken combo. -Crouching Moves- LP (Quick Palm Thrust) -Has a little slower startup time than the Standing LP, but other than that, it's pretty much the same as the Standing LP. MP (Foot Punch) -Lacks reach, and has a little slow startup and recovery. However, this can be useful if you decide to play mind games and go into a Ressen Ha or a Guren Ken. HP (Uppercut) -Great for Anti-Air purpose (as Karin doesn't have that many options to use when it comes to Anti-Air aside from Ressen Ha, Mujin Kyaku, and Yasha Gaeshi (High). It's a little slow however, so be careful if you're using it on an opponent who is on the ground. LK (Foot Kick) -Same principal and description as with the Standing LP. MK (Side Foot Kick) -Has a bit of slow startup and recovery, but not noticeable enough to matter. Can be used to combo into other moves (such as Mujin Kyaku and Guren Ken). HK (Slide Foot Kick) -This is Karin's trip move, and a pretty good one at that. However, as with Bison and Guy, it's fatal if blocked, so be wary of that. -Jumping Moves- LP (Falling Hand) -Lasts the whole time that Karin is in the air. It's good for stopping attacks and for staying in the same spot, but it leaves Karin wide-open if the opponent doesn't fall for it. Good to combo into a Ressen Ha (as are any other Jumping moves). MP (Quick Chop) -Has nearly zero startup and recovery time, but leaves Karin wide-open. Plus, you have to time it to hit grounded opponents. HP (Extended Aerial Chop) -Same description as with the Jumping MP. LK (Falling Foot) -Same description as with the Jumping LP. MK (Aerial Kick) -Not a bad move in the fact that it has decent reach. However, it still leaves Karin wide-open if used at the wrong time. HK (Split Kick) -Very fast and has good reach, but still leaves Karin wide-open if timed wrong. -Special Normal Moves- -Elegance Kick- -A very good move in itself. Can be chained into combos, can be used to combo into many other moves, and can only be blocked standing. Hard to find a better move for her that does all of this and more. -Throws- LP + LK + <- or -> (Knee Bash) -Hits up to 7 times and knocks the opponent away from Karin. <- or -> + LP + LK (Ground Takedown) -Karin knocks the opponent down in the same spot that they were at. -Special Moves- -Guren Ken- STRONG VS. Rush attacks Other attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Projectile attacks Anti-Air attacks Air attacks -This move is the key to Karin's awesome power. There are so many variations to this move that it's hard to tell what Karin is going to do. Simply put, this is the best mix-up and mind game attack in the entire game. However, even so, it still cannot beat through Projectile attacks, so watch out for those! -Hosho- STRONG VS. Rush attacks Other attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Anti-Air attacks Air attacks Projectile attacks -Not a bad move, though you have to be close to the opponent in order to make it worth anything. The damage it does is simply astounding, and it knocks the opponent back quite a bit. However, the recovery time on this move is horrendous, and you do have to be right next to the opponent to use it. You can, however, try and use it as a way to bait opponents into coming after Karin, which can be used to set up for a Mujin Kyaku or a Super Special. -Mujin Kyaku- STRONG VS. Rush attacks Air attacks Other attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Projectile attacks Anti-Air attacks Other attacks -Tatsumaki Senpukyaku (Ryu) -Tatsumaki Zanku Kyaku (Shin Akuma) -Bat Spin (Demitri) -Cobra Blow (Anakaris) -A pretty useful move. This is the move that makes Karin so damn good (aside from her ability to juggle and her Guren Ken, of course), and is very annoying to fight against at times. You can chain this off of a lot of normal moves, and add an additional hit right afterwards. Great for when you're fighting in corners. -Rasen Cho- STRONG VS. Rush attacks Other attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Projectile attacks Anti-Air attacks Air attacks -Not that great of a move if you ask me. It does move Karin closer to the opponent, but it's not that strong, nor has very many uses. I'd recommend not using this move at all. -Ressen Ha- STRONG VS. Projectile attacks (if timed right) Air attacks Rush attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Anti-Air attacks Other attacks -A pretty powerful attack, but a little hard to pull off, if you ask me. It has a horrendous startup time and a little slow recovery time, but the damage and the ability to punish projectile attacks make it worth the effort. In addition, you can even try and chain other attacks off of this move, like Mujin Kyaku or Guren Ken! -Yasha Gaeshi (High) (Low)- STRONG VS. Jumping and Standing attacks (High) Crouching and sweeps (Low) NO EFFECT VS. Nothing.... WEAK VS. Crouching and sweeps (High) Jumping and Standing attacks (Low) -A very good move in itself. The High version is capable of countering even Super Specials like Shin Shoryuken and You-Hou, while at the same time being able to counter all Standing and Jumping attacks. However, both the High and Low versions have horrible recovery times if they miss or don't connect at all, so time it right! -Arakuma Inashi- STRONG VS. Nothing.... NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Everything... -Karin's command throw must be done right next to the opponent for it to execute. It's a very powerful move, and it's well worth the time and damage to pull it off. Very good in closeup games. -Super Special Moves- Kanzuki-Ryu Shinki Kaibyaku STRONG VS. Rush attacks Other attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Projectile attacks Anti-Air attacks Air attacks Other attacks -Tatsumaki Senpukyaku (Ryu) -Tatsumaki Zankukyaku (Shin Akuma) -Bat Spin (Demitri) -Cobra Blow (Anakaris) -Mummy Drop (Anakaris) -Coffin Drop (Anakaris) -A decent Super Special. However, Guren Ken is stronger than this move when combined with the other attacks. Still, it's a decent move nonetheless, and can be used when you're trapped in the corner to get back out. -Kanzuki-Ryu Ko'ou Ken- STRONG VS. Air attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Projectile attacks Anti-Air attacks Other attacks Rush attacks -A strong move, but only good when against airbourne opponents. Other than that, don't really bother with this move unless you juggle the opponent. Great after a Guren Ken. --Strengths & Weaknessess-- Karin is a god at combos and juggles (well, mostly the juggles....). Her Guren Ken is the best way to go about with combos, and is great for juggles. Mujin Kyaku is another good alternative to doing juggles as well. Here are but a couple combos that I have tested out myself (still trying to find out more useful combos at the moment). 1) Ressen Ha, Guren Ken, Crouching LP, Crouching LK, Mujin Kyaku, Standing LP, Hosho, Crouching LK, Mujin Kyaku, Standing LP, Kanzuki-Ryu Shinbi Kaibyaku -A very long and tough combo to pull off. However, it is very damaging and is great for mix-up and mind games. You can even throw in other moves in place of others to make this combo even more deadlier. 2) Standing LP, Standing MP, Standing HK, Ressen Ha, Crouching HK, Crouching LP, Mujin Kyaku, Standing LP, Guren Ken, Kanzuki-Ryu Shinbi Kaibyaku -Not nearly as devastating as the previous combo, but not nearly as hard to pull off either. Still, it does serve its purpose in terms of damage and mix-up/mind games. --Vs. Matchup Data-- Not always will Karin be put up against easy opponents. Opponents like Hauzer and Bison will be pretty tough for Karin to handle, and you'll want to figure out ways to defeat them. Some opponents, such as Sakura and Leo, aren't that much of a problem. Let's see what we can come up with against these opponents: Vs. Alex Karin may have some trouble dealing with Alex due to his higher offense and defense. Still, he needs to be close to do some real damage, and most of his attacks hit high or mid. What to do? Well, Yasha Gaeshi High will take care of that problem right there! For offensive attacks, Guren Ken is the best way to go, while Mujin Kyaku is great to try and counter Flash Chop. All in all, watch for Alex's moves, then Yasha Gaeshi High him, and go into juggling attacks. Above all else, duck under his Flash Chop and watch out for his Hyper Bomb and Stungun Headbutt! Vs. Anakaris Anakaris is faster and stronger than Karin, and has more variety to his attacks than Karin. And since Anakaris can keep Karin away with Cobra Blow, Mummy Drop, Coffin Drop, and Royal Judgment, it's hard for a Karin player to get in close and deal damage. However, this is where you put the Yasha Gaeshi counters to use! When Anakaris uses Cobra Blow, use Yasha Gaeshi High to counter it (though whether or not it'll hit Anakaris is unknown). Your best bet is to rushdown Anakaris and to block whatever he throws at you, then counter with Guren Ken or a Super Special. Avoid using Custom Combos, as they're not worth the effort in this fight. Don't expect to win in this matchup all the time, as Royal Judgment and Coffin Drop are enough to trounce Karin. Vs. Chun-Li Chun-Li is a little faster than Karin, but Karin has the potential to beat through Chun-Li's attacks. Yasha Gaeshi High will take care of Chun-Li's annoying Hyakuretsu Kyakus and Spinning Bird Kicks, and also to Hoyoukusen. Offensively, you'll once again want Guren Ken to fight Chun-Li, but Ressen Ha and Hosho are also good alternatives to fighting her as well. On defense, Hosho and Mujin Kyaku will keep Chun-Li from dealing too much damage to Karin, as will her Kanzuki-Ryu Shinbi Kaibyaku. Vs. Demitri This is one fight that Karin will most likely lose in almost everytime. Demitri's Chaos Flare is more than enough to take care of Karin, but Demon Billion and Demon Cradle also have their fair share of problems for Karin. Midnight Pressure and Midnight Bliss can be stopped easily with Guren Ken or Mujin Kyaku, so nothing to worry about there. Bat Spin can drive you crazy if you don't watch out for it. Other than that, the first three attacks are going to be your entire fight pretty much. You'll need to block Demon Billion the moment you see it, as Karin has nothing to protect her against it. Against Demon Cradle, Yasha Gaeshi High can take care of it, but it's tough to pull of in the middle of a heated fight. Against Chaos Flare, there's really no way to avoid it, as it can be used in the air and on the ground. For the ground ones, just jump over them and try to strike Demitri, though you may end up with a Demon Cradle in the face. If you try to jump at him when there is no Chaos Flare, then you may end up with an aerial Chaos Flare. All in all, this fight is going to go to Demitri no matter what you do, unless the opponent is not that good with Demitri. Vs. Felicia Karin can beat Felicia without too much problem. Guren Ken and Hosho are enough to keep Felicia off of Karin, while Mujin Kyaku will be your juggling move here. All of Felicia's move, save for Sand Splash and Delta Kick, can be stopped by Mujin Kyaku and Guren Ken, and Delta Kick is stoppable by Resen Ha. Arakuma Inashi is a good move to use when you block Felicia's attacks, and if you want, use Custom Combos to tick off a ton of damage. No matter what you do, it's really hard for Karin to lose this one. Vs. Guile Karin has a little problem with Guile due to his Sonic Booms and Somersault Kicks. They have the potential to keep Karin away if not blocked, but they are easiily predicted, so you shouldn't have that much of a problem with them. Avoid jumping at Guile to avoid Somersault Kick, and jump over Sonic Booms to avoid them. The only thing left to worry about, therefore, are Guile's Super Specials and his combos, and even his combos aren't that great. This fight should be yours with a bit of patience. To get the better of Guile, try using Resen Has to break through his crouching guards. Vs. Guy Let's face it. Guy's a lot faster and stronger than Karin, has some better mix-ups than Karin, and can play much better mind games than Karin. But that doesn't mean that Karin can't beat Guy. Guren Ken will be your key to beating through Guy's offensive strategies, while Resen Ha and Mujin Kyaku will help beat through his defense. Avoid using Yasha Gaeshi, as both of those are too risky to use in this fight. Arakuma Inashi will help if you find yourself on the defensive. Avoid Custom Combos in this fight, and stick with Karin's Super Specials when you get the chance. Vs. Hauzer This is a tough fight for Karin. Hauzer's Gust Flame and Volcano Breath are enough to beat her, let alone his Deluge Crisis and Deluge Assault. Plus, Hauzer has more range on his normal attacks than Karin. So, how can you beat this Asdragon? Simple! Play mind games! And what attack helps with this one? That's right.....Guren Ken! Mix-up attacks with this move, and throw in some Arakuma Inashis and Rasen Chos to pester Hauzer. Avoid Custom Combos here as well, and focus on ticking away life from Hauzer with Super Specials and regular attacks. Don't bother too much with Yasha Gaeshi Low, as you won't have that many attacks that hit low really. Vs. Hydron Karin should be able to beat Hydron without TOO much of a problem, though Nochiller's Attack and Arctic Stream may pose a bit of a threat. Strangle Spark should be immediately countered with Yasha Gaeshi High, and stay away when you see Lightning Mast (if you can, if not then just block). Tadpole Spawn isn't a threat at all, and against Nochiller's Attack, simply Yasha Gaeshi High it. When you want to attack Hydron, Guren Ken is once again your best bet. Don't forget to use Rasen Cho and Ressen Ha from time to time to confuse Hydron. Vs. Ingrid Ingrid is perhaps one of the best fights for Karin. The only difference between the two is that Ingrid has a couple Projectile attacks and a couple Anti-Air attacks, so think of it as almost like fighting Karin herself, except that Ingrid doesn't have the mass mix-ups and combos at her disposal. Watch for Sun Upper and Sun Lower, as they work the same way as Karin's Yasha Gaeshi counters. Guren Ken Ingrid when you get the chance, and use Arakuma Inashi if you manage to get close enough to Ingrid. Vs. Jedah Jedah's probably got Karin due to zoning alone. His Deo Segah will be enough to keep Karin from even getting remotely close to her, and his Fiorre-Rosso and Prova-Dei-Cervo will come out of nowhere and deal tons of damage to Karin. Ira Spinta isn't much to worry about, as Mujin Kyaku should take care of that attack, and Spreggio won't happen as much as you might think. Watch for his Chain Combos and his Nero Fatika when up close, and punish him with Custom Combos and your own combos. Guren Ken is not that great here, as Jedah can simply counter with Nero Fatika if he blocks it. Hosho is a decent move here if Jedah gets too close, as is Arakuma Inashi. To get around Deo Segah, you may need to take the hit in order to get to Jedah, and that could be fatal if it's an EX version. This fight will be extremely tough regardless, and even more difficult if you face an experienced Jedah player. Vs. Kenji Karin should be able to wn this fight, as Kenji's Ichimonji and Jumonji attacks are too slow to really stop Karin. His Bakuryusho and Enmazuki, however, are something to watch out for, as they'll do way too much damage for Karin to handle. Watch out for Kenji's mix-up games, as you never know when you'll end up on the receiving end of a combo from Kenji. Yasha Gaeshi High is the key to stopping Kenji here. Also, use Mujin Kyaku if Kenji tries to air attack you, and use Ressen Ha for times when Kenji tries to use Ichimonji. Vs. Leo This fight can be a bit difficult due to Leo's mass strength. When you get close to Leo, watch out for Gigas Driver and Gaia Driver, as Karin can't take too many of those attacks. Achilles and Chronos Rush are easily countered with Yasha Gaeshi High, and Mars Slash is equally as predicatable. However, watch for Hercules Rush if you don't counter it, as it'll do a ton of damage too. Leo has a lot more range than Karin does (damn sword!), so you may have to combo your way to get to Leo. However, don't get right next to him, as this can trigger his Gigas and Gaia Driver attacks. If you find yourself hit by one of these, and Leo is still next to Karin, return the favor with Arakuma Inashi. Vs. Pyron Pyron will be a bit of a pain. The CPU is easily beaten if you watch his teleport strategies, but a human player won't be like the CPU. Galaxy Trip and Soul Smasher are enough to keep Karin from doing any damage to Pyron, so try and keep up with Pyron if he uses Galaxy Trip, and jump over the Soul Smasher if you see it. Watch out for Plaent Burning (Pyron's Command throw), and counter his Zodiac Fire and Orbital Blaze with Yasha Gaeshi High. Don't worry too much about Pilled Hell, as its damage output is way too small to matter, but beware of Cosmic Disruption, as it does a crap load of damage to Karin! Use Arakuma Inashi if you so happen to be next to Pyron (makes for an excellent Wakeup Counter!) and focus on doing normal combos. Ignore Guren Ken and Mujin Kyaku here, as they may hurt you more than they help. Vs. Rose Karin has this one. Rose's Soul Spark and Soul Spiral are easy to avoid, and if you don't jump much, then Soul Throw is nothing to worry about. Even Aura Soul Spark is not that big of a threat, and Rose's combos aren't that great. Guren Ken is about all you'll need to beat Rose, and if you want to add insult to the injury, throw out Arakuma Inashis, Mujin Kyakus, and Resen Has from time to time. Vs. Ryu Karin has a bit of problem here. Hadoken to Shoryuken will get Karin everytime, and Shinku Hadoken and Shin Shoryuken just do too much damage to get close enough to hurt Ryu. If you do manage to get in close, you may want to use Yasha Gaeshi High from time to time, as you probably will see Tatsumaki Senpukyaku from time to time. Against Hadoken, your only hope is to jump over it towards Ryu, and pray that he doesn't use Shoryuken or Shin Shoryuken. Ressen Ha can help against Hadoken and Shinku Hadoken a bit, but it's prone to Shoryuken and Shin Shoryuken. You may have to forgo Special moves and stick to the basic attacks to win this fight. Vs. Sakura This fight is a bit similar to Ryu, but is easier. You can easily counter Sakizakura Ken and Shunpu Kyaku with Yasha Gaeshi High, and Hadoken is easy to avoid. Flower Kick is also easily countered with Yasha Gaeshi High and Mujin Kyaku, while you can beat Haru Ichiban with Ressen Ha. Against Midare Zakura, use Kanzuki-Ryu Shinbi Kaibyaku. This fight isn't that difficult, but make sure to watch out for Sakura's combos. Vs. Shin Akuma Karin doesn't stand a chance against Shin Akuma. There's no way for her to get around spammed Zanku Hadokens and Gou Hadokens, so there's no way for her to hurt Shin Akuma. That, and the fact that Misogi will cut through her defense is enough to say that Shin Akuma wins this hands down. Vs. Urien Urien's fast. VERY fast. You'd think a big guy like him would be slow. Anyways, watch for Metallic Sphere, as that can stun Karin temporarily, which can lead to a distastrous Tyrant Slaughter or Temporal Thunder. Violence Knee Drop and Chariot Tackle are easily countered with Yasha Gaeshi High and Mujin Kyaku, and even Rasen Cho should be able to help here. Guren Ken is a good way to confuse Urien, but don't abuse it, as Urien will simply blow you away with his combos and Temporal Thunders. Above all else, focus on combos and counters, and you should be fine. Vs. Yun This one can go either way. Yun has just about everything that Karin has, save for counters, so he can play mix-up games just as well as her. You'll probably find yourself using Yasha Gaeshi a lot in this fight, and find that Guren Ken isn't the best way to fight Yun at certain times in the fight. Mujin Kyaku is a great way to counter his Zessho Hohou, but don't use it to try and fight his Nishou Kyaku, as you'll lose everytime. Watch for his Sourai-Rengeki and You-Hou specials, as they deal a lot of damage to Karin. Vs. Zangief Zangief has to be pretty close to Karin to pull of his Atomic Suplex and Final Atomic Buster, so as long as you don't stay next to him, you won't have to worry about those moves. If you find Zangief next to you, use Arakuma Inashi to get him away. You can try Guren Ken against him, but it's highly not recommended, as he'll just counter with Atomic Suplex or Final Atomic Buster. Punishing Flat can be a nuisance as well, but Yasha Gaeshi High can take care of that problem. Focus on normal attacks here, and you'll be just fine. ------------------------------------------------------------ D. Darkstalkers [021] Great at combos and rushdown maneuvers, but lack the defense and vitality that most other fighters have. Still a very formidable opponent. ------------------------------------------------------------ I. Demitri [022] Fast and versatile in attacks. Attacks come out very fast, but some are unsafe on block. Practice is required to understand this fighter fully. --Profile-- Age: Unknown Birthday: 1483 Height: 6'5" Weight: 223 lbs First Appearance: Darkstalkers Additional Appearances: Darkstalkers 3 Night Warriors: Darkstalkers 2 Capcom Fighting Evolution Namco X Capcom SVC Chaos: SNK Vs. Capcom Demitri is a Makai noble who ruled over the land of Zeltzereich. He had challenged and lost to Morrigan's father and was banished from Makai to the human world. After regaining his power 100 years later, he was then sucked into Majigen by Jedah, and went out to defeat him. --Movelist-- Teleport Dash...........................................Fx2 Chaos Flare (air).......................................QCF + P Demon Cradle (also in dashing).............FDP + P Bat Spin (air)..............................................QCB + K Negative Stolen.........................................360 + P Midnight Pressure.....................................LP, MP, F, MKx2 Midnight Bliss............................................D, F, DF + Px2 Demon Billion..............................................D, F, DF + Kx2 --Movelist Description-- -Normal Moves- -Standing Moves- LP (Quick Jab) -The most basic of the normal moves. Quick and easy to combo into, but horrible damage ratiio. Distance Data: Far: X Mid: X Close: O MP (Mid Punch) -Simply put, a mid punch. Can't get any simpler than that folks. A bit slower than the LP, but can combo into HK or HP. Distance Data: Far: X Mid: X Close: O MP Close (Abdomen Punch) -Hits in the abdomen. Name says it all. This can also be chained together with HP or HK, or you can simply just use a Demon Cradle or Midnight Bliss. Distance Data: Far: X Mid: X Close: O HP (Fierce Mid Punch) -Slower than MP, but hits a bit harder. Also, it tends to push the opponent back and has slow recovery, so comboing off of this move isn't too possible. Distance Data: Far: X Mid: X Close: O HP Close (Uppercut) -It's great and all, but the only real moves that you can combo off of this are Negative Stolen, Demon Cradle, or Chaos Flare. Super Specials are a bit hard to pull off, unless you have quick fingers. Distance Data: Far: X Mid: X Close: O LK (Shin Kick) -Hits fast, and can be comboed into a lot of different moves. You can also chain a couple of these together as well, then finish it off with a Midnight Pressure or Midnight Bliss. Distance Data: Far: X Mid: X Close: O MK (Head Kick) -Hits high, and is good for combo starters. However, I do not know whether or not this move is executed if the opponent is crouching.... Distance Data: Far: X Mid: X Close: O MK Close (Abdomen Kick) -The name says it all. Can be used to combo into Midnight Bliss and Negative Stolen. Distance Data: Far: X Mid: X Close: O HK (Fierce Abdomen Kick) -A stronger but slower version of MK Close. Don't bother trying to combo off of this move, as the recovery time takes too long. Distance Data: Far: X Mid: X Close: O -Crouching Moves- LP (Quick Punch) -Fast, and can be comboed into just about any other move. Distance Data: Far: X Mid: X Close: O MP (Mid Punch) -Has nearly the same property as the Standing MP. Distance Data: Far: X Mid: X Close: O HP (Cape) -Yes...that's right. Demitri can attack with his cape. It's pretty funny to see, but it does pretty good damage. However, has with most HP and HK, it has slow recovery. Distance Data: Far: X Mid: X Close: O LK (Quick Kick) -What else? A quick kick. As with all LK and LP, it's an excellent combo starter. Distance Data: Far: X Mid: X Close: O MK (Leg Extension) -Demitri simply extends his foot and kicks the opponent. Nothing more. Can be used as a combo starter as well. Distance Data: Far: X Mid: X Close: O HK (Handstand Trip) -Demitri stands on both hands and extends his feet, thus tripping the opponent. Excellent reach and good to combo into a Midnight Bliss. Distance Data: Far: X Mid: X Close: O -Jumping Moves- LP (Diagonal Punch) -Lasts the whole time Demitri is in the air. Weak, and it leaves Demitri wide open. Distance Data: Far: X Mid: X Close: O MP (Diagonal Energy Punch) -Simply named due to the energy surrounding his fist at the time. Lasts for a short time, and is good for comboing into Midnight Pressure. Distance Data: Far: X Mid: X Close: O HP (Fierce Backhand) -A decent move, especially when attacking opponents who are in the air. Not good though if you're trying to attack opponents on the ground. Distance Data: Far: X Mid: X Close: O LK (Knee Drop) -Lasts the whole time Demitri is in the air. Leaves him wide open and is weak, but good for combo starters. Distance Data: Far: X Mid: X Close: O MK (Foot Kick) -A kick using the else can you kick? Anyways, this is good to use against ground opponents and air opponents alike, and works well when it comes to using combos. Distance Data: Far: X Mid: X Close: O HK (Flip Kick) -This move is worthwhile to use, as it can stop a lot of normal moves (other than uppercuts and the like), and is a great combo starter as well. Distance Data: Far: X Mid: X Close: O Up + K (Stomp Kick) [Only when opponent is down on ground] -This is part of the Darkstalkers system. Simply put, when the opponent is lying on the ground, do this move to add on more damage. This can also go into an infinite Midnight Bliss if done correctly with other moves. Distance Data: Far: O Mid: O Close: O <- OR -> + LP + LK (Midnight Drop) -The weaker version of Negative Stolen. You have to perform the directional buttons first before the rest. Otherwise, Demitri will do his other Throw. Distance Data: Far: X Mid: X Close: O LP + LK + <- OR -> (Midnight Feast) -A weaker version of Midnight Pleasure. Demitri simply bites the opponent several times and toss them across the screen. Distance Data: Far: X Mid: X Close: O -Special Moves- -Teleport Dash- -Very useful for getting out of corners. Note that this has to be used to do the 45 degree Demon Cradle. -Chaos Flare- STRONG VS. Rush Attacks Air Attacks Other Attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves Projectile attacks, as it cancels out with them WEAK VS. Super Special projectile attacks -One of Demitri's better moves, as he can use it both on the ground and in the air. Great for keep-away games and to tick off damage. The ES version hits wide and up to 5 times in one shot. Decent damage and fast speed makes this move well worth the effort. Only thing that can truly stop it are Super Special projectiles. Distance Data: Far: O Mid: O Close: O Best Distance: Any -Demon Cradle- STRONG VS. All Rush attacks Most air attacks (excluding Zanku Hadoken) NO EFFECT VS. Teleport you'd expect anything to be strong against that.... WEAK VS. All projectiles (and how!) Anti-Air attacks -This move is mediocre at best. It's Demitri's only Guard Cancel move, and you can use it one of two ways; straight up, or dash then use it to attack in a 45 degree angle. However, this can leave Demitri open to counterattacks, which is something you don't want the noble to get hit me on that one.... Note that you can do a 45 degree version of this move off of Demitri's Teleport move. This is extremely helpful when you're opponent isn't looking out for it. Distance Data: Far: O (Only for 45 degree version) Mid: X Close: O Best Distance: Close -Bat Spin- STRONG VS. Rush Attacks Projectile attacks (if timed right) NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Anti-Air attacks Anything if blocked..... -This is a good move to escape corners. It does decent damage, and the ES version hits up to 7 times. However, it is extremely unsafe if blocked, since it leaves Demitri wide open. Take care whenever you use this attack. Distance Data: Far: O Mid: O Close: O Best Distance: Depends on button used. -Negative Stolen- STRONG VS. None NO EFFECT VS. Teleport Moves WEAK VS. Just about everything..... -Demitri's special command throw has to be done right next to the opponent, but the damage it does is pretty nice. However, there are better ways to attack than with this attack, so don't really bother with it unless you can use it as a Wakeup Counter. Distance Data: Far: X Mid: X Close: O Best Distance: Close -Super Special Moves- -Midnight Pressure- STRONG VS. Rush attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Virtually everything else.... -One of Demitri's unblockable moves, and it comes out pretty quick too. Excellent for Wakeup Counters. However, it can be easily countered if used too far away, so be aware of your distance whenver you're about to fire this move off. Distance Data: Far: O Mid: O Close: O Best Distance: Close -Midnight Bliss- STRONG VS. Same as Midnight Pressure NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Same as Midnight Pressure -Another unblockable super. More comical than useful, as it does horrible damage. Demitri simply turns a character into a more arousing form, then drains their blood. If the character is a male, then he turns that character into a female. If the character is a female...well....they just seem to change clothes it looks like.... Note that for those of you who've played the Darkstalkers series that this move looks different compared to Darkstalkers (and SVC Chaos). Instead of draining the victim's blood and then the victim exploding, he simply bows down then flings his cape around them. Should've just stuck with the original graphics, if you ask me.... Distance Data: Far: O Mid: O Close: O Best Distance: Close -Demon Billion- STRONG VS. Virtually anything. NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Super Special projectile attacks -Considered to be Demitri's ultimate Super, and for good reasons. It's by far the strongest attack he has, and it covers pretty much the entire screen. Save your meters for this move! Distance Data: Far: O Mid: O Close: O Best Distance: Any --Strengths & Weaknessess-- By far one of the faster fighters in the game, and one of the more trickier opponents to fight. Offensively, Demitri's Chaos Flare should take priority above everything else that he has. Also, Demon Billion is a great way to pound on the pressure on the opponent as well. Defensively speaking, Demon Cradle, Bat Spin, and Teleport Dash are the way to go. Demon Cradle can be used as a Guard Cancel, and makes for nice damage when it connects. It's also great as a Wakeup Counter, as do Midnight Bliss and Midnight Pressure. --Combos-- Darkstalkers players will probably look at Demitri and bypass him due to his mid-tier status in his games. However, don't ever underestimate him, either by the CPU or human players! He's actually pretty damn good if you know what you're doing. Here are just some of the combos that this bad boy has to offer. 1) Standing LP, Standing LK, Standing MP, Standing HK to Chaos Flare or Standing LP, Standing LK, Standing MK, Standing HP to Chaos Flare -As mentioned earlier in the system data, this is one of the most basic combos for Demitri, but I've added in the extra Chaos Flare to ensure that you get an extra hit in on your opponent. If you can manage it, pull out the ES version of the Chaos Flare for spectacular damage. 2) Demon Cradle, Chaos Flare, Demon Billion -The only combo that I could come up with that actually chains off of other specials. The Demon Cradle must be done up close (unless you try it off of the Teleport Dash), and the Chaos Flare must be done immediately afterwards. Otherwise, the combo will be broken, and you may leave yourself wide open to attack. 3) Jumping LP, Jumping LK, Negative Stolen -This is a tricky combo to pull off, simply because of the 360 motion of Negative Stolen that you have to pull of at the last second. It takes practice to do, but once you get it down, you'll be able to really put the pressure on your opponent. However, watch it to make sure that your opponent doesn't decide to duck at the last moment. 4) Jumping HK, Demon Cradle or Midnight Bliss -The Jumping HK is just there to confuse your opponent and set up for the Demon Cradle and/or Midnight Bliss. It can get a little technical, but it's nothing too bad. Trying to do Midnight Pressure is too difficult off of this move. 5) Jumping LP, Jumping LK, Standing LP, Standing LK, Standing HP, Chaos Flare -This is a great and powerful combo. You have to be able to chain combos efficiently before even attempting this one. Once again, Chaos Flare is there to tack on extra damage. It's also great to push back opponents as well. There you have it. Not too many combos at the moment, but these are some of the stronger ones that I've tested out myself. Demitri definently has more combos than this, but these are the main ones that can make or break his game. --Ahhh.....the beauty of Midnight Bliss-- Yes....nothing better than to transform a man into a woman, then drain that person's life energy away.....or better yet, let's transform that woman into a more arousing form...... No, this section is not about what Demitri turns people into, nor any info about the Midnight Bliss from other games. This section is to help make the full use of this Super Special which, considered by many, if not all players, the worst Super Special in the game. Just wait till you see the endless carnage that you can bestow upon your opponent. Here is your first look into the infinite combo that goes with Midnight Bliss (note that these were done close to corners, but can be done anywhere in the arena): 1) Jumping LP, Jumping LK, Standing LP, Crouching LK x2, Crouching HK, Midnight Bliss This can go on as long as your opponent doesn't expect the Midnight Bliss. The Crouching HK is there to help give you the time to pull the Super Special off. This is the least reliable combo you'll soon find out. And here is my Super Infinite Combo for this lovely move! 2) Crouching HK, Up + K, Midnight Bliss, Up + HK, Teleport Dash, Midnight Bliss (continue with pattern after first Midnight Bliss) This can go on forever....literally. Until your opponent gets out of the way, or unless you screw up or run out of Special Meters, then you can chain this infinitely. And even better, it takes off about 20- 30% of the Life Bar each time it connects! Very nice, if you ask me. ------------------------------------------------------------ II. Jedah [023] Truly one that anyone can use. Great speed, the only character to have Air Dash, and a mass repretoire of combos and attacks. By far one of the best fighters in the game! --Movelist-- Dio-Cega (air)..................................QCF + P Nero Fatica......................................QCB + P Spreggio..........................................FDP + P Ira Spinta (AIR)..............................HCB + K/P Prova-Dei-Cervo............................HCF + Kx2, then K Finale-Rosso..................................Dx2 + Px2 --Movelist Description-- -Normal Moves- -Standing Moves- LP (Quick Jab) -Fast and great for combo starters. However, lacks damage. Can pull off about 10-20 of these within 5 seconds if you're fast enough. Don't bother though... MP (Bloody Claws) -Jedah extends his fingernails out and hits the opponent. Pretty sneaky attack, and it's really fast to boot. HP (Bloody Arm) -Jedah extends his arm, hitting up to 4 times. Has great reach, and is good for actually comboing off of. LK (Sharp Wing) -Jedah attacks with the tip of his wing. Same properties as with the LP. MK (Bloody Swipe) -Jedah takes a swipe at the opponent with his claws. Pretty good, and can be chained into either HP or HK. Decent reach, and pretty good startup and recovery times. HK (Scythe) -Jedah takes a scythe off from his back (most likely his wings) and knocks the opponent down. Has slow startup and a little slow recovery time, but is great to end a Chain Combo with. -Crouching Moves- LP (Bloody Jab) -Same as with the Standing LP. MP (Bloody Claws) -Same as with the Standing MP. HP (Bloody Arm) -Same as with the Standing HP. LK (Sharp Wing) -Same as with the Standing LK. MK (Bloody Swipe) -Same as with the Standing MK. HK (Bloody Scythe Vortex) -Jedah creates what looks like a vortex of blood with his scythe. Decent, but I wouldn't bother with it too much personally. -Jumping Moves- LP (Falling Bloody Nails) -This move lasts the whole time that Jedah is in the air. Great for combo starters and for interrupting opponents moves. MP (Bloody Claws) -Same as with the other MP. HP (Bloody Arm) -Same as with the other HP. LK (Falling Knee) -Basically the same properties as with the LP. MK (Sharp Wing) -Same as with the LKs. HK (Bloody Aura) -Jedah creates a aura of blood to surround him. This move is great for when you dash in with Jedah. It executes rather quickly too as well. -Throws- LP + LK + <- or -> (Blood Blow) -Jedah hits the opponent with blood up to 7 times. -Special Moves- -Dio-Cega- STRONG VS. Rush attacks Air attacks (excluding Zanku Hadoken and Tenma Gou Zanku) Anti-Air attacks Other attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Super Special Projectiles -This is a great move overall. Barely anything can pass through it without getting damaged, and it stops just about anything that's in it's path. It can also be used in so many different ways, that listing them would make this section far too big. Let's just say that this is by far one of Jedah's best moves that he has. -Nero Fatica- STRONG VS. Rush attacks Air attacks (if timed right, but not against Zanku Hadoken) Other attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Projectile attacks Anti-Air attacks -Jedah's Ground command throw with has to be done next to the opponent. It does good damage for a command throw, and the ES version is even more powerful (about twice as strong). If you try to use this against Air attacks, beware. It's not going to work 100% of the time unless you practice a lot, and even then it might not be good to do. -Spreggio- STRONG VS. Rush attacks Other attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Projectile attacks Air attacks Anti-Air attacks -Jedah blows his head up and knocks the opponent down. It's not that great of a move, and I'd recommend staying away from it, as the startup and recovery times are horrendous. -Ira Spinta- STRONG VS. Rush attacks Other attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Projectile attacks Anti-Air attacks -Jedah flies in the air, then comes down and grabs the opponent. Pretty powerful, but is easily predicted. Be careful if you decide to use this move. -Super Special Moves- -Prova-Dei-Cervo- STRONG VS. Dash attacks Anti-Air attacks Other attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Projectile attacks Air attacks -Jedah uses blood to put his opponent on a scroll, then puts the opponent in his body. This Super Special is something a friend of mine likes to call 'Stupid Pen'. His most powerful Super Special, but watch for the second part of the move, as you need to hit K after the inital execution of the move in order to make it connect. It can be avoided by jumping unfortunently, so beware. -Finale-Rosso- STRONG VS. Rush attacks Anti-Air attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Projecitle attacks Air attacks Other attacks -Jedah's unblockable Super Special is pretty wicked and strong. It's great to chain off of other attacks and to end combos with. Again, it's easy to just jump over this attack, so beware. --Strengths & Weaknessess-- Jedah is one of the top contenders in the game. He's incredibly fast, strong, and has so much variety in his game that even a new player can use him and still win. His combos are pretty great as well, but ending them with Prova-Dei-Servo isn't a great idea, as it can miss if the opponent decides to jump (unless you do it while they're still on the ground...). Here are but a few combos that I tested out myself. 1) Power Combo Combo: Dash, HK, Standing LP, Standing MP, Standing HP, Nero Fatika, Ira Spinta, Fiore Rosso, Deo Segah, Prova-Dei-Servo. Opinion: Jedah's strongest combo that I've found so far. The Dash to the Chain Combo is a bit risky, and you have to get a little close after the Chain Combo to do Nero Fatika. However, it's still a great combo if you chain it all together correctly. 2) Prova-Dei-Servo Combo Combo: Jumping LK, Standing LP, Standing MP, Standing HK, Ira Spinta, Nero Fatika, Prova-Dei-Servo Opinion: Not as flashy as the previous combo, but it gets the job done. You have to watch for the Ira Spinta to Nero Fatika, as you'll most likely have to get in close to do the move. Otherwise, not much else to say about this combo. 3) Fiore-Rosso Combo Combo: Jumping MK, Spreggio, Ira Spinta, Nero Fatika, Fiore-Rosso Opinion: Almost identical to the last combo, except that Spreggio is actually used. However, you may want to skip Spreggio and use a Standing HK to knock the opponent down. Either way, this combo is tough to pull off, but not by very much. --Vs. Matchup Data-- Vs. Alex This isn't a a tough fight at all. In fact, about the only thing you'll really need is Deo-Segah to beat Alex. He wins simply due to his speed alone and his versatility with attacks. Avoid Spreggio nonetheless though, as that'll end up with Jedah's head in the pavement. Focus on Chain Combos and Deo-Segah, and you'll have this match in no time. Vs. Anakaris An interesting fight, but this one isn't as tough as you'd think. Deo-Segah once again proves useful (especially against Cobra Blow), and Nero Fatika is a good choice when Anakaris decides to rush in on you. You might be able to pull off both Fiorre-Rosso and Prova-Dei-Cervo due to Anakaris's slow air speed. Just watch out for Royal Judgment and Hole of Hell, and you'll be victorious. Vs. Chun-Li Chun-Li can be tough, as she's nearly as fast in attacking as Jedah is in moving. Be careful when you get close to her, as she loves to parry attacks. Deo-Segah could be useful, but don't rely on it too much in this fight. Fiorre-Rosso is the best choice of a Super Special for Jedah, as Prova-Dei-Cervo is not fast enough to catch Chun-Li. Ira Spinta is decent, but can land Jedah right into a Spinning Bird Kick or Kikousho. Keep the pressure on her, and you should come out victorious. Vs. Demitri This is one of the closest fights from what I'm understanding, and a pretty epic one at that. Both are very fast and decently strong, and both can be used in a numerous amounts of ways. Jedah's Nero Fatika can easily counter Demitri's Teleport Dash, and his Deo-Segah is good enough to counter Bat Spin if it's blocked. Also, Ira Spinta helps against Midnight Bliss and Midnight Pressure, while Fiorre-Rosso defeats Chaos Flare. However, Demitri can beat Jedah by mixing up Chaos Flares and Bat Spins, and his Demon Cradle is powerful against Ira Spinta. If he pulls of his Teleport Dash and not get countered by Nero Fatika, he can end up using Midnight Bliss or Pressure, which will hurt Jedah pretty badly. It's all up to the player to use Jedah to the fullest when faced against Demitri. However, the CPU makes Demitri pathetic. It makes it so that after one or two Chaos Flares, he does Bat Spin. Pretty easy to predict, and he doesn't block that much that case, Jedah should have the fight with no problem. Vs. Felicia Jedah's got this one in the bag. Felicia may be fast, but her attacks are easily countered by Nero Fatika by itself, while Deo-Segah also prevents her from moving close to Jedah. Even if she does get close to Jedah, if she's constantly attacking, Spreggio will push her back out of range, and you can continue with the sawblade massacre. Vs. Guile Jedah could lose this if you don't get in and attack Guile. Sonic Boom and Somersault Kick will keep Jedah at bay, and you can't win with Deo-Segah alone. Try building up your Super Meter and unleash Fiorre-Rosso on Guile, and hope that he doesn't jump. Or, you can take the alternative and get in close with Chain Combos. Just whatever you do, don't play defensively against Guile. Vs. Guy This one could be dangerous for Jedah due to Guy's speed. However, Nero Fatika is more than a match for Guy's close-ranged attacks. Just block, then Nero Fatika, and enjoy the show. Don't bother with Fiorre-Rosso, as Guy can simply run from it. Prova-Dei-Cervo would be your alternative in this fight, unless Guy does a jumping game (shame on you Guy!), then use attacks like Deo-Segah and Ira Spinta to fight back. Vs. Hauzer Goes to Jedah. Hauzer's too big of a target, and with Deo-Segah, you can pretty much lock him down by just that. Avoid Spreggio and Ira Spinta, as Volcano Breath and Gust Flame will hurt you there, as will Deluge Assault. Focus on Chain Combos and Deo-Segah, and this match is yours. Even Fiorre-Rosso and Prova-Dei-Cervo is great here. Vs. Hydron Hmmm.......Hydron does have some speed, but this one goes to Jedah. Strangle Spark and Lightning Mast are the only real threats here, as you can simply use Ira Spinta to avoid Arctic Stream and use Nero Fatika against Nochiller's Attack (or Deo-Segah, for safer reasons). Vs. Ingrid Jedah has this unless you mess up. All of Ingrid's attacks are easily avoidable, and when blocked, are easily punishable. Nero Fatika and Deo-Segah has her beat by themselves. While Chain Combos are a great way to fight Ingrid, watch out for the Sun Upper and Sun Lower attacks, as they can really put a hamper to Jedah's strategy. Sunburst and Sunshine aren't that much of a threat, unless you jump right into one of them. All in all, this one isn't that much of a challenge. Vs. Karin Karin has nothing that can stop Nero Fatika or Deo-Segah, and while Deo-Segah has Karin cornered, Jedah can be sneaky and use Fiorre-Rosso or Prova-Dei-Cervo to finish her off. Simple and easy to win. Vs. Kenji Kenji will seem like a tough opponent, but his teleport moves aren't a match against Nero Fatika. Ichimonji and Jumonji can pass through Deo-Segah and beat Spreggio, Nero Fatika, and Ira Spinta, but you shouldn't get hit by those moves as slow as they are. Chain Combos work very well here, as do mix-up games. Avoid being defensive, unless you want to bait your opponent. Vs. Leo Leo's got strength, but nothing to stop Deo-Segah. And thus, you can spam Deo-Segah to your heart's content and win this fight. Or, if you want to be fair (like demons are fair...), then duke it out with Leo with Chain Combos, Nero Fatika, and Ira Spinta. Just watch out for Gaia and Giga Driver, as they'll put a huge dent in your life. Vs. Pyron This can be tough, but Jedah shouldn't have any problem beating Pyron. Let Pyron teleport around, and when you see him, bust him with a Crouching HK or a Nero Fatika. Don't bother wasting your time with any of Jedah's Super Specials in this fight, and instead go for EX Specials. Watch for Pyron's rush-down combo, and counter with Spreggio or Nero Fatika. It'll be a little tough, but you should come out on top with no problem. Ira Spinta may also be a good idea. Vs. Rose Rose cannot win this fight at all. Soul Spark doesn't have any effect against Jedah's air game, and even Soul Throw is about worthless against him. Deo-Segah once again wins this fight, while Prova-Dei-Cervo and Fiorre-Rosso will finish Rose off quickly. You can even go in and Chain Combo her to death, if you feel the need to. Vs. Ryu Ryu's a tough customer for Jedah. Hadoken can counter Deo-Segah, Spreggio, and Nero Fatika, and Shoryuken can counter Ira Spinta. Getting in close is not easy either, due to Tatsumaki Senpukyaku and Shoryuken. Therefore, you'll have to rely on defense to pull through this fight more than offense. Air dash over Hadokens, and block any Shoryukens, then counterattack when appropriate. Ryu may win more often than Jedah, but play carefully, and you should still be able to win this fight. Vs. Sakura Sakura is almost as bad as Ryu. Almost. Her Sakizakura Ken is nowhere as bad as Shoryuken, and her Shunpu Kyaku is nowhere as bad as Tatsumaki Senpukyaku. Jedah should be able to win this fight without much difficulty. Nero Fatika is still not that great due to Hadoken, but it'll do nicely against blocked Shunpu Kyakus and Sakizakura Kens. Ira Spinta is also a great move against Sakura, as well as Fiorre-Rosso. Vs. Shin Akuma This one is very tough. Shin Akuma can counter anything that Jedah throws at him, and his Ashura Senku makes it so that Jedah can't hit him with that many attacks. However, you might be able to counter that with Nero Fatika. Just watch out for Zanku Hadokens and Gou Hadokens, as well as Shungokusatsu and Misogi, and you might have this fight. Also, be very careful if you decide to rush down Shin Akuma, as he's a god at combos. Vs. Urien Jedah has to be careful here, as Urien can counter a lot of Jedah's moves. The worst attack to watch out for is Metallic Sphere, as that can be used in two different ways. Violence Knee Drop can be countered with a precisely timed Nero Fatika, as can Chariot Tackle. Ira Spinta is not a good choice in this fight, so avoid it. Vs. Yun Goes to Jedah. This fight is pretty much identical to the fight with Karin. Vs. Zangief Goes to Jedah. He has far more speed and attacks that hit farther than Zangief, so you can play keep-away and win this fight easily. ------------------------------------------------------------ III. Anakaris [024] Powerful in mind-games and mix-up games. Versatile in combos and attacks, and can float in the air. Good for advanced players. --Introduction-- Anakaris, for better or worse (but mostly for the better), has become one of the top-tier characters in this game, as opposed to his mid-tier incarnation in the Darkstalkers series. By far one of the best (and broken) fighters, with Jedah and the boss characters right with him, Anakaris is a force to be reckoned with. This faq will attempt to give the player a chance to use Anakaris. However, let me advise you that I, myself, do not use Anakaris that much. So, for those of you who will think that I don't know what I am talking about, please refer to psychocronic's faq on GameFAQs. This is so that you can get the most out of your experience with Anakaris. --Profile-- Birthday: 2664 BC Height: 8'9" Weight: Anywhere from 8 oz. to 1212 lbs., depending on form Anakaris is a pharoah from an ancient kingdom from 5000 years ago. In the Darkstalkers series, Anakaris had traveled back in time to save his kingdom. However, in the end, he moved his kingdom into a completely different dimension so that the kingdom didn't have to deal with the wars on Earth. First Appearance: Darkstalkers Additional Appearances: Darkstalkers 3 Vampire Savior Darkstalkers Chronicles: The Chaos Tower Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 Capcom Fighting Evolution --Movelist-- Float......................................................U Air Float...............................................Ux2 Air Float Dash.....................................Ux2, F or Bx2 Seija no Ayumi....................................F + MK Chi no Gekirin......................................F + HK Seinaru Bohi (AIR).............................D + K Ooinaru Boshi (AIR)..........................DF + K Coffin Drop (air)..................................Dx2 + P/K Cobra Blow..........................................B, F + P Royal Judgment (AIR).......................QCF + P Mummy Drop......................................QCB + P Pharaoh Magic (air)...........................MK, LP, D, LK, MP Hole of Hell (2 meters).......................HCF + Kx2 --Movelist Description-- -Normal Moves- -Standing Moves- LP (Slow Diagonal Jab) -The most basic and quickest move in any fighting game. Great for poke and combo starters, but not very strong. Far: X Mid: X Close: O MP (Chop) -A chop! Oh no! Also good for combos. Far: X Mid: X Close: O HP (Mini Cobra Blow) -Simply put, it's a shorter and less damaging version of Cobra Blow. Far: X Mid: X Close: O LK (Kick) -Nothing special to say about this move at all. Can be used for combo starters. Far: X Mid: X Close: O MK (Slow Heel Kick) -Anakaris slowly comes down with his heel, and I mean slowly. However, can be used to start combos. Far: X Mid: X Close: O HK (Sarchopagus Kick) -Anakaris floats in the air and looks like he turns into a sarchopagus when he kicks. Kinda funny to see, but not too realiable. Far: X Mid: X Close: O -Crouching Moves- LP (Bandage) -Yes, that's right. He attacks with his bandages. Funny? A little. Efficient? Definently! It works wonders when used for combos. Far: X Mid: X Close: O MP (Secret Mummy Punch) -Anakaris attacks with his fists by secretly attacking from under the ground with them. Hits up to 3 times if you're lucky, and works well with combos. Far: X Mid: X Close: O HP (Ultimate Mummy Punch) -Anakaris attacks in the same fashion as with the Crouching MP, except that he surrounds himself with fists. Can hit air opponents, and does pretty good damage. Also good for comboing into Hole of Hell or some Special attack like Cobra Blow. Far: X Mid: X Close: O LK (Mummy Kick) -Anakaris attacks by extending his foot some. Nothing too special other than it works wonders for combos. Far: X Mid: X Close: O MK (Extended Mummy Kick) -An extended version of the Crouching LK. Also good for combos, and it's nice against Rush attacks as well. Far: X Mid: X Close: O HK (Super Mummy Kick) -This is Anakaris's trip move. Especially useful when trapped in a corner and you cannot escape. Far: X Mid: X Close: O -Jumping Moves- Note that you can push up twice to make Anakaris float in the air for a limited time. This is great to move across the screen and perform moves. LP (Mummy Kick) -Yes.....his air punches are all kicks. Odd? Well....yeah. Anyways, this is just like the Crouching LK. Nothing new. Far: X Mid: X Close: O MP (Extended Mummy Kick) -Same as the Crouching MK. Same deal as well. Far: X Mid: X Close: O HP (Diagonal Kick) -A kick that extends diagonally at the opponent. Easy to understand, right? You might even be able to combo off of this move. Far: X Mid: X Close: O LK (One Leg Kick) -Anakaris pops a leg out of the ground for one hit. Can keep hitting the button for an endless amount of this move if you're floating first. Far: X Mid: X Close: O MK (Two Leg Kick) -Anakaris pops two legs out of the ground for 2 hits. Can be done almost infinitely if Anakaris is floating in the air. Far: X Mid: X Close: O HK (Double Kick) -Anakaris pops both feet out at the same time from the ground and hits the opponent. Nothing really special about this move. Far: X Mid: X Close: O -Special Normal Moves- -Seija no Ayumi- -A decent move, but has limited anti-air uses. Far: X Mid: X Close: O -Chi no Gekirin- -An interesting move, to say the least, as it has more than one use. One is that it avoids crouching attacks, and two is that it works very well for a ground game. Far: X Mid: X Close: O -Seinaru Bohi- -Great for surprsing your opponent, as it automatically drops Anakaris right on top of your opponent. Good to build meter and confuse your opponent at the same time. Far: X Mid: X Close: O -Ooinaru Bohi- -Basically the same as Seinaru Bohi, with the exception that instead of going straight down, Anakaris goes down-forward at the opponent. One of the best when it comes to combo starters, but beware of anti-air attacks like Shoryuken and Somersault Kick. Far: X Mid: X Close: O -Special Moves- -Coffin Drop- STRONG VS. Air attacks Anti-Air Attacks Other attacks -Tatsumaki Senpukyaku (Ryu) -Tatsumaki Zankukyaku (Shin Akuma) -Shunpu Kyaku (Sakura) -Bushin Senpu Kyaku (Guy) -Pharoah Magic (Anakaris) -Hole of Hell (Anakaris) -Midnight Pressure (Demetri) -Midnight Bliss (Demetri) -Total Wipeout (Guile) -Knee Press (M. Bison) -Knee Press Nightmare (M. Bison) -Rasen Kyaku (Kenji) -Flying Powerbomb (Zangief) -Enmazuki (Kenji) -Soul Reflect (Rose) -Soul Throw (Rose) -Aura Soul Throw (Rose) -Soul Spiral (Rose) -Nero Fatica (Jedah) -Spreggio (Jedah) -Ira Spinta (Jedah) -Prova-Del-Cervo (Jedah) -Powerbomb (Alex) -Double Lariat (Zangief) -Punishing Flat (Zangief) -Tetsuzankou (Yun) -Kobokushi (Yun) -Sourai-Rengeki (Yun) -You-Hou (Yun) -Guren Ken (Karin) -Hosho (Karin) -Mujin Kyaku (Karin) -Rasen Cho (Karin) -Ressen Ha (Karin) -Yasha Gaeshi (Karin) -Kanzuki-Ryu Shinbi Kaibyaku (Karin) -Kanzuki-Ryu Ko'ou Ken (Karin) -Sunupper (Ingrid) -Sunlower (Ingrid) -Sun Delta (Ingrid) -Cat Spike (Felicia) -Mars Slash (Leo) -Hozanto (Guy) -Tadpole Spawn (Hydron) -Lightning Mast (Hydron) -Strangling Spark (Hydron) -Haru Ichiban (Sakura) -Spinning Bird Kick (Chun-Li) -Hyakuretsu Kyaku (Chun-Li) NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves -Ashura Senku (Shin Akuma) -Teleport (M. Bison) -Psycho Vanish (M. Bison) -Kagerou (Kenji) -Utsusemi (Kenji) WEAK VS. Projectile Attacks Rush Attacks Other Attacks -Negative Stolen (Demetri) -Gigas Driver (Leo) -Gaia Driver (Leo) -Spinning Pile Driver (Zangief) -Hyper Bomb (Alex) -Final Atomic Buster (Zangief) -Atomic Suplex (Zangief) -Finale-Rosso (Jedah) -Zenpu Tenshin (Yun) -Arakuma Inashi (Karin) -Sand Splash (Felicia) -Please Help Me! (Felicia) -Hellcat (Felicia) -Bushin Flip (Guy) -Volcano Breath (Hauzer) -Gust Flame (Hauzer) -One of the best moves that Anakaris has, and it's unblockable. The range of the move depends on the P or K button pressed. The ES version of this move sends tons of coffins onto the opponent. Very good for playing keep-away. Far: O Mid: O Close: O Best Distance: Any -Cobra Blow- STRONG VS. All Rush attacks All Anti-Air attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. All Air attacks All Projectile attacks -Overall, not a bad move. However, if blocked, Anakaris might get hurt in the long run. It's great for poking nonetheless, so if you're using Anakaris as a turtler, then fire this move off. Far: O Mid: O Close: O Best Distance: Any -Royal Judgment- STRONG VS. All Rush attacks All Anti-Air attacks Most Air attacks (except Zanku Hadoken) NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. None -One of my favorite moves in the game, just simply because it's fun to turn people into other things. The normal version of this move transforms a character for about 3-5 seconds, while the ES version goes for 5-7 seconds. However, the P button used will also determine the time as well. Great to use if you can throw in some pokes. Far: O Mid: O Close: O Best Distance: Mid -Mummy Drop- STRONG VS. All Rush Attacks Projectile attacks (depending which button is used) Anti-Air attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Projectile attacks (if misses) Air attacks -Another unblockable move that Anakaris has. The ES version extends the damage by putting the opponent in Anakaris's sarcophagus, then throwing them out. Great for ranged fighting. Far: O Mid: O Close: O Best Distance: Any -Super Special Moves- -Pharoah Magic- STRONG VS. All Rush attacks Some projectile attacks Anti-Air attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Air attacks -This move can be very dangerous, both for Anakaris and the opponent. If it connects, it does a crap load of damage, but if blocked, Anakaris is in for a world of hurt. Avoid using it unless you know you can hit with it. This move can also be used in the air as well. Far: O Mid: O Close: O Best Distance: Any -Hole of Hell- STRONG VS. Air attacks Rush attacks (if timed correctly) NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. All projectile attacks -Anakaris's unblockable super. However, the range is horrible and it takes 2 meters to use. Not that great for a Super, but it fits perfectly when used in a corner. Far: X Mid: X Close: O Best Distance: Close --Strengths & Weaknesses-- Anakaris is definently a powerhouse fighter and a great defender. This makes him very versatile and viable to options. He also is great for confusing your opponent, as at first glance he seems very slow and is hard to predict. His Mummy Drop and Coffin Drop make him extremely hard to counter, and Royal Judgment helps in the keep-away game. Defensively, Anakaris is tough to crack. His Corner Teleport move makes it hard to keep him cornered, while his Mummy Drop and Cobra Blow are great on the defense. For Wakeup Counters, Hole of Hell takes the cake. --Comboes-- Well well........what do we have here? A dead pharoah? And look at how slow he moves? Wait....what's this? He just landed 10 hits within a matter of seconds? Guess he's not as slow as you thought. This section is here to help with the ultimate setup for Anakaris. However, do note that there are more likely many more combos that are not listed here, as I have yet to test out every little attack setup for this beast. 1) Cobra Strike! Combo: LP, MP, HP, Cobra Blow or LK, MK, HK, Cobra Blow Details: Start with chain combo, then finish off with a strong Cobra Blow. Opinon: A rather decent combo setup. The chain combo helps knock the opponent off-guard, and when they least expect it, fire off the Cobra Blow for added damage. You can even interchange Cobra Blow with Mummy Drop or maybe even Hole of Hell or Pharoah's Magic. 2) Enter Hell! Combo: Standing LP, Standing MP, Hole of Hell Details: Start chain combo, but end before HP and go straight to Hole of Hell. Opinion: About the best way to combo into Hole of Hell without too much hassle. However, beware of your opponent jumping out of the way. If that happens, you just wasted a lot of Super Meters and a great attack. 3) The Magic of Anakaris! Combo: Dash LP, Crouching LK, Crouching MP, Standing HP, Mummy Drop, Pharoah's Magic Details: Run at opponnet, then start chain combo and end with Mummy's Drop. Be careful of the distance, and determine which P button to use. End with Pharoah's Magic. Opinion: Nice to get Pharoah's Magic to actually work. More often than not, you wouldn't use that Super Special, but with this combo, it leads your opponent in a predicament where they'll have a tough time escaping the move, especially if you manage to get the Mummy Drop to throw them in a corner. 4) Deadly Judgment! Combo: Dash MP, Crouching MP, Cobra Blow, Mummy Drop, Pharoah's Magic, Royal Judgment Details: Use each attack as quickly as possible, and try to get the Mummy Drop to throw opponent into a corner. Watch for the Royal Judgment missing! Opinion: One of the best combos I found so far. It uses almost every single move that Anakaris has in his repretoire of attacks, and it does a ton of damage to boot. Not bad, that is, unless you don't have the Special Meters to do Pharoah's Magic.... 5) Curse of Anakaris! Combo: Float + MK, Royal Judgment when near ground, Coffin Drop, repeat Details: An infinite combo.... Opinion: Hard to beat this combo, and even harder when the opponent is trapped in a corner, as even if they block all of the MKs, the Royal Judgment will get them. This may be one of the most broken combos that I've seen in this game so far.... ------------------------------------------------------------ IV. Felicia [025] Speed is the only thing that'll get you through with this fighter. Add combos to that list, and you'll have a fun time toying with your opponent. --Movelist-- Rolling Buckler....................................QCF + P, then P rapidly Cat Spike..............................................DPF + P Sand Splash........................................QCF + K Delta Kick...........................................DPB + K Hellcat.................................................HCB + K EX Charge..........................................Dx2 + Kx2 Dancing Flash...................................HCB, F + Px2 Please Help Me.................................HCB, F + Kx2 --Movelist Description-- -Normal Moves- -Standing Moves- LP (Tail) -Has very short range, but is pretty quick and can be used for combo starters. LP Close (Quick Jab) -As with all LP and LK, can be used for combos, and has great speed. With this one though, you have to be next to the opponent for it to execute. MP (Full Swipe) -Reaches much further than LP (about a couple inches more on the screen), and has fast startup and recovery time. Can be used for combo starters. MP Close (Claw Rake) -Pretty fast, but you have to be right next to the opponent to use it. Otherwise, can be used in many differrent ways, such as for combos or for mix-up games. HP (Gate Prier) -A little slow startup and recovery time, but reaches about 1/8 of the screen. Might be useful against Air attacks, and hits up to 2 times. HP Close (Upper Slash) -Pretty fast in startup and recovery time. Not recommended for combos though. LK (High Kick) -A little slow on startup, but great for combo starters or mind games. LK Close (Shin Kick) -Very fast startup and recovery time, but low damage. Can be used for combos, but you have to be next to the opponent to use it. MK (Thrust Kick) -A tiny fragment of slow startup, but otherwise great for poking games and for setting up combos. MK Close (Knee) -Comes up extremely fast, but does low damage and you have to be next to the opponent for it to come out. HK (Tail Kick) -Has incredible reach, but a little slow startup and recovery time. Can hit up to 2 times if close enough, and can even be used to halt Air and Rush attacks. HK Close (Head Kick) -A decent move, but by all means, not that great. Avoid using this, as the MK is much better and faster than this move. -Crouching Moves- LP (Foot Swipe) -Comes out pretty fast and is great for combo starters. Low damage. MP (Abdomen Swipe) -Can be used (but not recommended) for Anti-Air purposes. Has decent speed and recovery time, but startup time is a little lagging. HP (Spin Claw) -Excellent for Anti-Air purposes. Comes out rather fast, has pretty good recovery time, and can be used for many purposes. LK (Quick Kick) -Same as with the LP. MK (Crouching Abdomen Kick) -Has good speed and recovery time. Could be used somewhat for Anti-Air purposes, but not recommended. HK (Crouching Straight Kick) -Felicia's trip move. A little slow, but has great reach. -Jumping Moves- LP (Falling Claw) -Lasts the whole time that Felicia is in the air. Great for mix-up games. MP (Air Claw) -Has great speed and recovery times, but have to time it right to hit grounded opponents. HP (Aerial Claw Swipe) -Pretty fast for a HP move. Has good recovery time, but as with the MP, have to time it right to hit grounded opponents. LK (Falling Foot) -Same as with the LP. MK (Aerial Drop Kick) -Pretty good for stopping Air attacks and other attacks, but have to time it right to hit grounded opponents. HK (Reverse Aerial Kick) -Very nice in terms of uses and recovery times. However, still need to time it to hit grounded opponents. -Throws- LP + LK + <- or -> (Cat Scratch Fury) -Hits up to 7 times. Not bad at all. <- or -> + LP + LK (Roll Throw) -Good for zoning. -Special Moves- -Rolling Buckler- STRONG VS. Rush attacks Projectile attacks (if timed right) NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Anti-Air attacks Air attacks Other attacks -Not a bad move by any means. This move allows Felicia to go right under Projectiles and hit the opponent. Keep tapping P during her roll, and you'll add in more hits. Make sure that you do this when you're next to the opponent, otherwise you'll leave yourself wide-open for punishment. -Cat Spike- STRONG VS. Air attacks (EX version only) Rush attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Projectile attacks Anti-Air attacks Other attacks -This move isn't all that useful IMO. It's too easily countered, and it fails to beat a lot of moves. Add to the fact that the recovery time is horrible and it's predictable, and you'll see just how bad it is. The EX version is actually a little useful, as Felicia goes up in the air instead of towards the opponent, making it useful for Anti-Air purposes. -Sand Splash- STRONG VS. Rush attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Everything else.... -This move is even worse than Cat Spike. Standing HK has more range than this move! Unless you're trying to play mix-up or mind games, don't ever bother with this move at all. -Delta Kick- STRONG VS. Air attacks (except Zanku Hadoken) Rush attacks Projectile attacks (if timed right) Other attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Anti-Air attacks -A great move! If used right, it can bypass over the top of Projectiles and land a hit on the opponent, setting you up for Chain Combos. The EX version adds even more hits as well, making it more worthwhile. It's also great to cover the distance between Felicia and her opponent, but watch for it being blocked, as that can lead to a counterattack. -Hellcat- STRONG VS. None.... NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Everything... -Felicia's command throw. Does a lot of damage, and is very fast. The EX version is twice as powerful and fast, which makes this move one of the better ones to use. -EX Charge- STRONG VS. None.... NO EFFECT VS. Everything.... WEAK VS. Everything.... -This move is useful in charging up Felicia's Super Meter quicker, and works similarly to the S Groove in Capcom Vs. SNK 2. The recovery time is bad though, so use it with caution. Great for mix-up and mind games too. -Super Specials- -Dancing Flash- STRONG VS. Rush attacks Projectile attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Anti-Air attacks Air attacks Other attacks -A pretty powerful move in itself. As with Rolling Buckler, it bypasses Projectile attacks and hits the opponents. It does a lot of damage when it connects as well. Not much else to say about this move. -Please Help Me- STRONG VS. Varies NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Varies -This move is like a double-edged sword. If you hit with it, Felicia becomes invulnerable the whole time the move is in progress and it does a lot of damage. If blocked, Felicia is wide-open and can't react to anything. The good news is that there's three differrent versions of this move; one that goes straight, one that goes up, and one that goes across screen. Be careful which one you decide to use, because it'll differ depending on your situation at the time. --Strengths & Weaknessess-- Felicia is, by far, the weakest character in the game no doubt. She has horrible jumping abilities, very low vitality, very low stun points, and weak attacks. However, she does have excellent speed, and that's what you're going to use to beat your opponents. You'll want to focus on pressuring your opponents at all time, and avoiding ending up on the defense, as Felicia cannot withstand anything in that style. Chain Combos and custom combos are your bread and butter here, as will be mix-up games. Here are but a few combos that I dug up while using Felicia: 1) Rolling Buckler, Crouching HK, Hellcat, Dancing Flash -First off, the Rolling Buckler is best used if your opponent fires a projectile attack. That way, even if they block it, you can trick them by following up with the Crouching HK. Use Hellcat afterwards (and hope that it connects), then back off and use Dancing Flash (and hope that your opponent will fall for you backing off). 2) Sand Splash, Rolling Buckler, Delta Kick, Hellcat, Please Help Me -Yes, I know. "You said that Sand Splash is horrible!". That's what you're saying, right? Well, I also said that you can use it in mind games and mix-up games too. Use this far away, and when your opponent tries to rush at you, immediately use Rolling Buckler to stop them. If you decide to do the additional hits, back off a little before doing Delta Kick. If not, then immediately follow up with Delta Kick. The rest goes without say. 3) Jumping LK, Standing LP, Standing MP, Standing HP, Rolling Buckler, U + K, Sand Spalsh, Delta Kick, U + K, Hellcat, U + K, Super Special -This is going to be one of your most used combos most likely. All of the U + Ks will add in additional damage and set you up for your next part of the combo. You'll need to get the Chain Combo off first before doing Rolling Buckler, and you'll need to do the additional hits of Rolling Buckler before the U + K. Sand Splash is merely a distraction here, so that you can set-up for Delta Kick. The rest is self explanatory. 4) Taunt Close, Rolling Buckler, U + K, Cat Spike, U + K, Sand Splash, Delta Kick, U + K, Hellcat, U + K, Super Special -Pretty similar after the Cat Spike. The Taunt Close is actually useful, as Felicia will hop on the opponent and freeze them for a little while. Once she jumps off, do Rolling Buckler, and follow the rest of the combo as usual. ------------------------------------------------------------ E. Red Earth [026] It's all about Ultimate Guard and Ultimate Counters! Add to the powerful offense, and these fighters make one of the toughest to beat, though not many tournament players use them. ------------------------------------------------------------ I. Leo [027] The best poke attacker and a strong offensive fighter! Recommended for any player! --Movelist-- -Special Normal Moves- Ground Rush (AIR)........................D + MK Upward Poke (AIR)........................U + MP Thrust Rush (AIR).........................D + HK -Special Moves- Chronos Rush................................QCF + P, then Px2 Achilles Rush.................................QCF + P, then Kx2 Mars Slash......................................FDP + P Gaia Driver......................................360 + P -Super Special Moves- Hercules Rush................................QCFx2 + P Gigas Driver....................................720 + P --Movelist Description-- -Normal Moves- -Standing Moves- LP (Quick Slash) -This move is pretty quick, and it covers a decent amount of room on the screen. Good for comboing into a LP Mars Slash or Achilles/Chronos Rush. MP (Horizontal Slash) -This move has a lot of range on it, and is great to combo into a any of the Mars Slash or a Achilles/Chronos Rush. A little slow startup time, but great for mix-up games. HP (Backslash; Double Slash) -An excellent way to confuse opponents. If you hit HP once, Leo will only swing his sword once, and that alone covers a lot of ground. If you hit HP twice, Leo will swing his sword twice, doing a ton of damage in the process. Great to combo into a Hercules Rush. LK (Knee) -A pretty fast move, but lacks range and power. Great to combo into one of Leo's other attacks though. MK (High Kick) -Once again, not a bad move, but lacks range. Can be used somewhat as an Anti-Air move. HK (Front Kick) -Great to get closer to the opponent, and covers some distance. Bad due to slow startup and recovery time. -Crouching Moves- LP (Ground Stab) -A pretty worthless move, IMO. Leo simply stabs downwards at the ground. Bad in the fact that you probably won't ever be that close to the opponent. Good though for confusing your opponents and tricking them into a Hercules Rush. MP (Extended Slash) -Has terrific range, but slow recovery and startup time kind of hurts this move. Good though to combo into a Mars Slash. HP (Upwards Slash) -An excellent Anti-Air move and Anti-Rush move. Also great for stopping other attacks like Tatsumaki Senpukyaku, though you may end up getting hurt a little over it. Also great for comboing into Mars Slash or Hercules Rush. LK (Quick Horizontal Slash) -A very quick version of the Standing MP. Truly great in the fact that it has great range and can be comboed into a Achilles/Chronos Rush. MK (Forward Stab) -This is a great poke move. It covers up to half the screen, and can knock opponents out of moves easily. The downside is that it has a bit of slow recovery time to it. Good for comboing into a Mars Slash or Hercules Rush. HK (Backslash; Double Slash) -This is the same as with the Standing HP. If you hit HK once, Leo will only swing his sword once and trip the opponent. Hit HK twice, and Leo swings twice and trips the opponent with either hit. Great for mix up games and for comboing into Gigas Driver or Hercules Rush. -Jumping Moves- LP (Aerial Stab) -Lasts the whole time that Leo is in the air. Has pretty decent range, but leaves Leo wide-open to attacks. Great if you jump straight up. MP (Quick Horizontal Slash) -Same description as Crouching LK. HP (Aerial Power Slash) -A very powerful air move for Leo, as it can cover most of the screen. However, it still leaves Leo open to attacks if it misses. LK (Aerial Diagonal Stab) -Leo stabs diagonally at the opponent. Lasts the whole time that Leo is in the air, and is good for knocking grouded opponents out of moves. MK (Quick Slash) -Same description as with the Standing LP. HK (Quick Downslash) -A pretty good move in itself, though it can leave Leo open if it misses. Not much else to say about this move other than it's great on grounded opponents. -Special Normal Moves- -Ground Rush- -A pretty good move to hit with when you're directly above the opponent. Great to combo into a Mars Slash once you land too. -Upward Poke- -A pretty useless move, IMO. Unless the opponent is next to Leo in the air, it doesn't hit at all, and thus leaves him wide-open. I'd recommend avoiding using this move altogether. -Thrust Rush- -A decent move, as it deals considerable damage and has great reach. Not much else to say about this move. -Throws- -LP + LK + <- or -> (Power Toss) -Throws the opponent to the other side of the screen. -Special Moves- -Chronos Rush- STRONG VS. Rush attacks Other attacks -Rolling Buckler (Felicia) NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Projectile attacks Other attacks Anti-Air attacks Air attacks -This is one of the two mix-up moves that make Leo so formidable IMO. Add to the fact that it does quite a bit of damage AND it has such a long range, it's hard to find a better move! However, it does have its downside, as the recovery and startup times are bad, plus a lot of moves can easily beat this. However, you can combo this off of other normal moves to maximize its use. -Achilles Rush- STRONG VS. Rush attacks Other attacks -Rolling Buckler (Felicia) NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Projectile attacks Other attacks Anti-Air attacks Air attacks -This is the second of the two mix-up moves that Leo has. It's pretty the much identical to Chronos Rush, except that the second attack hits low instead of high. -Mars Slash- STRONG VS. Rush attacks Air attacks Anti-Air attacks Other attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Projectile attacks Other attacks -Cobra Blow (Anakaris) -Mummy Drop (Anakaris) -Coffin Drop (Anakaris) -This is also another great move that's good for mix-up games. The LP version is extremely fast and deals Lightning damage, the MP version is a little slower and deals Ice damage, while the HP version is slow and deals Fire damage, and all three must be blocked by standing. Very good to confuse your opponent, and great for comboing into Achilles/Chronos/Hercules Rush. -Gaia Driver- STRONG VS. Nothing.... NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Everything else.... -This move is very similar to Zangief's Spinning Pile Driver in all aspects. You have to be right next to your opponent to even get this move to connect, but it's well worth the damage to do it. You can even chain this off of Jumping attacks or other Special moves! -Super Special Moves- -Hercules Rush- STRONG VS. Rush attacks Anti-Air attacks Other attacks -Rolling Buckler (Felicia) -Dancing Flash (Felicia) -Tatsumaki Senpukyaku (Ryu) -Shunpu Kyaku (Sakura) -Tatsumaki Zankukyaku (Shin Akuma) -Bushin Senpu Kyaku (Guy) -Mujin Kyaku (Karin) -Ressen Ha (Karin) -Guren Ken (Karin) NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Projectile attacks Air attacks (somewhat) Other attacks -A pretty powerful move that covers A LOT of ground. Unfortunently, very hard to combo into at times due to Leo's poke abilities, plus it has to connect before the rest of the move comes out... -Gigas Driver- STRONG VS. Nothing.... NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Everything.... -This move is very similar to Gaia Driver, but instead it does all three versions of Gaia Driver. Everything else is similar to Gaia Driver. --Strengths & Weaknessess-- Leo is all about poking attacks. This is his major forte in this game, but he's also a great offensive fighter, even though he's not nearly as fast as most other fighters. You'll want to try and mix-up attacks like Achilles Rush and Chronos Rush to confuse and pester your opponents, while at the same time trying to play defensively. Wakeup Counters are your friend with Leo, so use them at your best moment. -Aggressive Style (Offensive Game) As said before, this is one of Leo's best, if not his absolute best, style. Achilles Rush and Chronos Rush will be your best friend in tackling opponents, while Mars Slash will confuse them, especially if you mix them up from time to time. If you get in close, try to use a Gaia or Gigas Driver, but if not, save your Super Meter for a Hercules Rush instead. -Conservative Style (Defensive Game) Use Leo's poke moves a lot while using this style. This will keep the opponent from trying to get in close to Leo, and instead try to deal tick-damage to you. If this happens, immediately go to Aggressive Style, as Leo has nothing that'll stop Projectiles. -Mix-Up Style (Mind Game) This is where Achilles and Chronos Rush will come into play. Spam them like no tomorrow, but watch out for your opponent's counterattacks. Switch in Mars Slash from time to time to add in a surprise attack (the LP version will do nicely). --Vs. Matchup Data-- Vs. Alex This can be a tough one for Leo, but with his poking abilities, he can easily trounce Alex. Watch for Alex's Flash Chop to Hyper Bomb combo, and you'll be just fine. Stungun Headbutt will most likely be the only thing that'll hurt Leo, so watch for it and counter with a Crouching HP as soon as you see it to knock Alex out of the move. Move in with Achilles and Chronos Rush, and finish him with Hercules Rush if you get the chance. Vs. Anakaris Leo has a tough time dealing with Anakaris's attacks. Most of them are from far away, and Leo has nothing that can stop them. Mummy Drop is bad due to Leo's slow speed, and is even worse when you're caught in the middle of a Achilles or Chronos Rush. Royal Judgment is bad as Leo simply can't get out of the way except by blocking, and Cobra Blow and Coffin Drop keeps Leo away from Anakaris. In order to fight Anakaris, you'll have to rely on Mars Slash a lot, and you'll need to constantly chase after him to make sure that he doesn't end up on the other side of the screen. Bust out a Hercules Rush when you get the chance, and go in for a combo whenever possible. Whatever you do, don't let Anakaris get away from you! Vs. Chun-Li Chun-Li's speed will pester Leo a lot. Mars Slash should deal with that, but avoid using Chronos and Achilles Rush too often, as that'll land Leo in trouble and can result in him being hit by a Kikou-shou. You can easily counter Spinning Bird Kick with Mars Slash or a Standing HP, while against Kikouken, you can simply jump and do D + MK to hit Chun-Li before she can counter it. Watch for Hyakuretsu Kyaku and Houyokusen, as Leo really has nothing to bypass those attacks. Vs. Demitri Demitri will be a problem, as Leo can't keep up with him at all. You could try to use Achilles or Chronos Rush, but odds are they won't work due to Teleport Dash, Bat Spin, and Chaos Flare. Mars Slash is ineffective in this fight as well, as Chaos Flare and Demon Billion solves that problem, as does Teleport Dash. Gaia and Gigas Driver are nice if you can block Bat Spin and get in close enough to use them, but they aren't practical. You'll spend most of your time just trying to chase Demitri. Poke moves are your best bet in fighting the vampire, but if you can spare it, use a Hercules Rush to do some real damage. Ultimate Guard and Ultimate Counter are also great in this fight. Vs. Felicia Leo can beat Felicia with no problem. The only thing that Felicia has that can really stand against Leo is Please Help Me, and that isn't even guaranteed. Achilles and Chronos Rush work well as long as you watch for Delta Kick and Rolling Buckler. Sand Splash means nothing as Leo's poke moves bypass it, and Cat Spike meets the same fat. Watch for Felicia's combos and Hellcat, as those can keep Leo at bay. Ultimate Counter if you need to. Vs. Guile Guile's annoying turtling can be bypassed by Achilles and Chronos Rush, but you may end up taking some damage from Somersault Kicks. If you have to, chain those moves with LP Mars Slash. Poke moves also work well in this fight. Vs. Guy Guy's speed is a big factor in this fight. You'll want to capitalize on his mistakes and counter with Mars Slash. Gaia and Gigas Driver work well if you manage to block Guy's attacks and are close enough to pull them off, but focus more on Hercules Rush. Poke moves help to keep Guy from rushing Leo down. Vs. Hauzer Leo's poking ability should be more than enough to beat Hauzer. If you want to massacre Hauzer though, Achilles and Chronos Rush is the way to go, and combo anything blocked into a Gaia or Gigas Driver for more punishment. This fight is a breeze compared to most of the other fights that Leo has. Vs. Hydron This can be a bit nasty for Leo, especially if Hydron spams Arctic Stream and Nochiller's Attack. It's hard for Leo to counter either of these two moves, as he has no way to attack other than jump over them and counter, and by that time, Hydron can use another attack to counter. Strangle Spark and Lightning Mast also presents a problem to Leo. You're best bet is to block them, then go in with Achilles, Chronos, or Hercules Rush and DON'T let Hydron escape. Vs. Ingrid Ingrid's not a problem for Leo. Sunshot is easily avoided by ducking and countering with Crouching HP or Crouching HK. Sunrize and Sunarch aren't too much of a problem unless you're in the middle of an Achilles or Chronos Rush, so watch for that.Gaia and Gigas Driver aren't that great in this fight unless you block Sunshine or Sunrize, so don't bother with them that much. Poke at Ingrid if you have to, and counter anything that she throws at you. Vs. Jedah Leo can't beat Jedah due to Jedah's zoning abilities. Deo-Segah is enough to stop Leo in his tracks, while Jedah's air dash will keep Leo chasing him. Ira Spinta and Nero Fatika makes trying to attack Jedah dangerous. It's hard to say that Leo can stand a chance in this fight. Vs. Karin Leo beats Karin easily due to poking abilities. Unless Karin can counter with Yasha Gaeshi, then she can't get close enough to Leo to actually do her combos. If she actually does get in close to Leo, you can simply counter with LP Mars Slash or Gaia/Gigas Driver to punish her. Be careful if she starts to chain combos on you, as it's kinda hard to keep her from comboing once she starts. Vs. Kenji Kenji's not too tough, considering that he's far faster than Leo. Leo can counter most of Kenji's moves with Mars Slash, while with Ichimonji and Jumonji can simply be blocked, then countered with either Achilles/Chronos Rush (if Kenji is far away) or Gaia/Gigas Driver (if Kenji is close to Leo). All in all, this isn't a tough fight at all. Vs. M. Bison Bison can be tough due to the fact that he's all over the area. Psycho Crusher and Bison Warp makes catching Bison hard, while Knee Press and Head Stomp can pester Leo. You'll need to rely on Leo's poke moves and Ultimate Counter to get through this fight, and if you see Bison Warp, rush in now and use Gaia/Gigas Driver or Hercules Rush to punish Bison, as sometimes he doesn't have time to block anything. Vs. Pyron Pyron's gonna be tough, simply because he's far worse than Bison, and he loves to go into massive combos that'll leave a dent in your life. Ignore all Special Moves, and just focus on doing single attacks to weaken Pyron. You don't want to risk running into a Cosmic Disruption or a Soul Smasher combo in this fight. Vs. Rose Leo can beat Rose easily by poking her to death. Soul Spiral and Soul Spark can be easily averted by jumping and countering with D + MK. Gaia/Gigas Driver won't be needed in this fight, but if you feel the need, use Achilles/ Chronos Rush to pester Rose. Vs. Ryu Ryu's tough. In fact, Ryu can beat Leo without too much problem. Hadoken and Shinku Hadoken can be avoided by jumping, but then you'll land in a Shoryuken. Duck under Tatsumaki Senpukyaku, and you run into a Hadoken or Shinku Hadoken. Not good odds here. Leo can try to poke at Ryu, but odds are, that's not going to work. You'll want to try to be close, but not close enough to where you can get hit by Shoryuken or Shin Shoryuken. This fight will take patience. Vs. Sakura Sakura's a pushover for Leo. The only thing she has that can even touch him are Hadoken and Shinku Hadoken, and he can simply Ultimate Guard or jump over them. Leo's poking abilities will work fine here, and Achilles/Chronos Rush help too, as long as you don't run into a Midare Zakura or Haru Ichiban. Gaia and Gigas Driver aren't needed in this fight. Vs. Shin Akuma Leo can't win this fight, simply due to Shin Akuma's spamming of Zanku and Gou Hadokens, not to mention Ashura Senkus. There's not much you can do to win this fight, except go for single strikes and stay away from Shin Akuma. Vs. Urien This is a close fight. Urien's got the power and speed, but Leo has power and reach. Urien can rushdown faster than Leo, but Leo can hit harder and faster than Urien. This fight can go either way, but to make things go more in Leo's favor, try mixing up Achilles/Chronos Rush, then chain in a Mars Slash, then go on the defensive. When Urien messes up, misses, or you see an open opportunity, go in with Hercules Rush. Vs. Yun Yun is not that tough to beat, due to Leo's poking abilities. Since Yun has no projectiles, he's forced to get in close to Leo, which can result in him facing a Gaia/Gigas Driver. Don't bother too much with Achilles/Chronos Rush, as that'll get Leo hurt in the long run. Hercules Rush is a nice way to counter anything that Yun tries to do to Leo. Vs. Zangief Poke. That's all you need to win this fight. Gaia/Gigas Driver makes for a great Wakeup Counter against Zangief, while Achilles/Chronos Rush is a bad idea due to Zangief's grappling moves. Mars Slash is a good way to counter Punishing Flat and some of Zangief's other moves, but above all else, you'll want to keep Leo away and poke Zangief to death. ------------------------------------------------------------ II. Kenji [028] Another speedy fighter who relies on mind-games. Watch it, as this fighter relies more on strategy than anything else. --Movelist-- Sword Slice..........................................F + MP Step Kick.............................................DF + MK Rising Fist (while Jumping)..............U + LP Ichimonji..............................................QCF + P Rasetsu Jin..........................................HCB + P Rasen Kyaku.......................................QCB + K Kagerou................................................QCF + K Ryuuteishi (LP during Kagerou) Botan Otoshi (MP during Kagerou) Raku Kuruma Ate (HP during Kagerou) Utsusemi...............................................FDP + K Jumonji..................................................QCFx2 + P Bakuryusho..........................................QCFx2 + K Enmazuki...............................................QCBx2 + P --Movelist Description-- -Normal Moves- -Standing Moves- LP (Quick Backslash) -A pretty fast move, and good to combo into Ichimonji or Jumonji. Not too realible though.... MP (Quick Slash) -Not as fast as LP, but still has good speed, and is good to combo into Rasetsu Jin or Enmazuki if you can pull them off in time. HP (Sickle) -Has good reach, but is very bad if used up close, as only the end part of the attack hits, and not the chain. Even worse if your opponent decides to use a Super Special. Avoid this move. LK (Quick Kick) -As the name implies, a very quick kick. Good to combo into Rasen Kyaku or Rasetsu Jin, and good to chain into Kagerou or Utsusemi if you want to confuse your opponent. MK (High Kick) -Lags in startup and recovery time, but is a decent Anti-Air move. It can also be used to combo into a Rasen Kyaku or a Enmazuki if you can pull them off in time. HK (Big Gun) -No better name for this than what I have. This move has insane priority over most of the other moves of most fighters, and is great for knocking opponents out of moves. Startup and recovery times are a tiny bit slow, but that doesn't seem to affect the overall ability of this move. -Crouching Moves- LP (Quick Jab) -This is normally the standard move for Standing LP for most fighters. It works the same way as with all of the other Quick Jabs. Very fast. Good for combo starters. Low damage. MP (Upper Slash) -Great for Anti-Air purposes! It has a bit of slow startup and recovery time, but against attacks like Flower Kick and Hyakkisu, it doesn't matter too much. Good damage too. HP (Sickle) -Same description as with the Standing HP. LK (Quick Kick) -Same description as with the Standing LK. MK (Extended Kick) -Has better reach than the LK, but has somewhat of a slow startup and recovery time. Not bad to combo into a Rasen Kyaku though. HK (Big Gun) -Same description as with the Standing HK. -Jumping Moves- LP (Falling Blade) -Lasts the whole time that Kenji is in the air. Good for knocking opponents out of moves and keeping your position, but bad due to not being able to do anyting else while this move is in effect. MP (Aerial Slash) -This has amazing speed and decent range, but to hit grounded opponents, like with all other Jumping moves, you'll have to time it right. Good to combo right into a Rasetsu Jin if you see an opening. HP (Air Sickle) -Same description as with the Standing and Crouching HPs. LK (Falling Kick) -Same description as with the Jumping LP. LK Straight Up (Heel Kick) -Same description as with the Jumping LP, except that you have to jump straight up to do this move. MK (Aerial High Kick) -Good to stop air attacks, but not so convienient for ground attacks. Nice to try and combo into a Rasen Kyaku or Enmazuki when you land though. HK (Big Gun Diagonal) -Same description as with the Standing and Crouching HKs, except that this version hits diagonally at the opponent. HK + F (Big Gun) -Same description as with the Standing and Crouching HKs. HK + D (Big Gun Downwards) -Same description as with the Standing and Crouching HKs, except that this version hits straight down. Great for times when you jump over your opponent and your opponent isn't paying attention. -Throws- LP + LK + <- or -> (Punch Toss) -Good for zoning purposes. <- or -> + LP + LK (Ground Throw) -Same as with the other Throw. -Special Normal Moves- -Sword Slice- -This move is pretty strong, and is great to combo into Rasen Kyaku, Rasetsu Jin, or Enmazuki. It also moves Kenji a bit closer to the opponent as well. -Step Kick- -Good for stopping Rush attacks (some of them anyways....) and it moves Kenji closer to the opponent a bit. Try chaining a Rasen Kyaku or Utsusemi off of this move. -Rising Fist- -There isn't too much purpose to this move, as in an actual fight, you won't be focusing on trying to hurt opponents who are directly overhead you. Not that great, if you ask me. -Special Moves- -Ichimonji- STRONG VS. Rush attacks Other attacks Anti-Air attacks NO EFFECT VS. Projectile attacks (cancels out with them) Teleport moves WEAK VS. Air attacks -Not bad, but it has such a slow speed that anyone can avoid it easily. It's good for tricking the opponent into going into a Rasen Kyaku or Rasetsu Jin, but other than that, it doesn't have that much of a purpose. -Rasetsu Jin- STRONG VS. Rush attacks Other attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Projectile attacks Air attacks Anti-Air attacks -The slow startup of this move makes it less worthwhile to use, even though the damage it does is huge. It's also not safe on block, which is not something you want to happen with Kenji. If you can manage to combo into this move, it'd make it by far one of the best moves you can use with Kenji. Otherwise, don't use it that much. -Rasen Kyaku- STRONG VS. Rush attacks Other attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Projectile attacks Anti-Air attacks Air attacks -Not a bad move, as if you use it at the right time, it can bypass Projectiles and hit the opponent. It's also good for chaining into a Enmazuki, Jumonji, or Bakuryusho. A great move overall, as it doesn't have any recovery or startup times. -Kagerou- STRONG VS. Depends on type used.... NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Depends on type used... -This move is iffy. It can be good sometimes, but at other times, it's not the best thing to use. It's great to get out of corners, and excellent for mind games, but can be easily countered by many attacks. This move will require practice to fully master. -Utsusemi- STRONG VS. Projectile attacks Air attacks Rush attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Anti-Air attacks -A pretty clever way of avoiding attacks and getting out of corners quickly. However, it can still leave Kenji wide-open if you don't watch where you land. Use with caution. -Super Special Moves- -Jumonji- STRONG VS. Everything.... NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Nothing.... -A pretty damn good move; one that not many can escape. It's also good for Kenji to rush in and do some quick combos to add to the damage and get some free hits with Jumonji. -Bakuryusho- STRONG VS. Rush attacks Air attacks Anti-Air attacks Other attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Projectile attacks -This move is kinda hard to pull off, and isn't worth using up 2 Super Meters for. If you use the wrong version, then you've wasted 2 Super Meters AND leave Kenji open for a little bit, which is something you want to avoid. It's best to ignore this move and go with one of the other Super Specials, unless you see your opponent is wide-open or is in the air. -Enmazuki- STRONG VS. Rush attacks Other attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Projectile attacks Air attacks Anti-Air attacks -The strongest attack that Kenji has. Pulling this off at the end of a combo will result in a ton of damage to the opponent. However, the startup and recovery times are a bit lagging, and that's something you'll have to watch out for, especially against opponents who can simply teleport out of the way. --Strengths & Weaknessess-- Kenji is all about speed and combos. He's so fast, in fact, that he can deal a crap load of damage within seconds, even with his low damage potential. He also has some pretty insane combos and neat tricks that he can use to confuse and pester his opponents. Nonetheless, he's by far one of the tougher opponents to beat, unless you can figure out his pattern of attack and beat through it. Kenji is also the only character in the game who can double jump, which can be used in many different tactics. --Vs. Matchup Data-- Vs. Alex Alex's strength is not something that you want Kenji to come into contact with. Keep Kenji away from Alex at all times to avoid any Hyper Bombs or Power Bombs, and watch for Air Stampedes, Air Knee Grapples, and Flash Chops. Use Ichimonji to keep Alex at bay, and if he jumps over it, counter with Rasen Kyaku or Kagerou. Utsusemi works well here too if Alex gets too close. Watch for Stungun Headbutt as always, and be wary of Boomerang Raid, as both of them can put Kenji down pretty fast. Rasetu Jin is a great way to counter Flash Chop if you manage to do it before Flash Chop ends or hits Kenji. Vs. Anakaris Anakaris can't really keep up too well with Kenji, even with his moves and speed. Cobra Blow, Mummy Drop, and Coffin Drop are all avoided thanks to Kagerou, and Royal Judgment can't even touch Kenji unless you mess up somehow. Hole of Hell will be your biggest problem, as you can easily run into the move without realizing it, and that can be your undoing. As long as you're careful about Hole of Hell, there's not much else that can stand in Kenji's way in this fight. Vs. Chun-Li Speed vs. Speed. Unforutnently for Chun-Li, her speed isn't nearly as high as Kenji's. Kenji can stop Spinning Bird Kick and Hyakuretsu Kyaku with Ichimonji, Jumonji, Enmazuki, or Rasetsu Jin, and combo immediately afterwards with a Rasen Kyaku or a Bakuryusho if needed. Kikouken and Kikousho are wortheless against Kenji, as Utsusemi and Kagerou can bypass them easily. Not too much else that can happen in this fight. Vs. Demitri Demitri also has a little problem keeping up with Kenji, but with Demon Cradle and Chaos Flare, he can easily bait him. Bat Spin is worthless unless he manages to pull it off at the exact right time, and even then its effect diminishes. Kenji can bypass Chaos Flare with Kagerou and Utsusemi, but may end up in a Midnight Bliss or Midnight Pressure. Just as long as you watch which version of Kagerou you're using, you should be fine. Jumonji is great, but with Demitri's Teleport Dash, it can quickly be a waste of a Super Meter. Vs. Felicia Felicia can't win this fight. Even with her speed and attacks, Kenji far overpowers her in terms of faster speed and stronger attacks. Even her Please Help Me and Hellcat aren't enough to take Kenji down. Rasetsu Jin, Jumonji, rush in and combo, rinse, and repeat. Vs. Guile This can be tough for Kenji due to Guile's defense. Ichimonji is easily blocked by Sonic Boom, and Kagerou/Utsusemi can be punished by Somersault Kick/Strike and/or Total Wipeout. Your best bet is to build up meter, then throw out a Jumonji and rush in with combos. Avoid Rasetsu Jin, as it takes too long to use. Basic moves work pretty well here too. Vs. Guy Guy can match Kenji pretty well. This fight can even turn pretty epic if you let it. However, Kenji should be able to beat Guy at his own game. Use Ichimonji to bait Guy into jumping over to Kenji, then use Utsusemi to counter his jumping. If Guy rushes at Kenji, use Kagerou or Rasen Kyaku to counter his move. If he goes into one of his Super Specials, counter with Jumonji or Enmazuki. Vs. Hauzer Kenji should have this fight hands-down. Hauzer isn't nearly as fast as Kenji, and he takes up a big portion of the screen, making him an easy target to hit. Don't bother with Ichimonji unless you want to play it safe, and instead go in with combos and Rasen Kyaku. Watch for Gust Flame, Volcano Breath, and Deluge Crisis! Vs. Hydron This fight is a bit difficult, but not by very much. Arctic Stream can be avoided by Utsusemi or Kagerou, but can lead to being hit by Nochiller's Attack, Lightning Mast, or Strangle Spark, so be wary. Tadpole Spawn is nothing to Bakuryusho and Jumonji, so don't worry about that move. Against Nochiller's Attack, Ichimonji works well, and if you block it, counter it with Enmazuki or Rasetsu Jin to punish Hydron. Vs. Ingrid Ingrid can't keep up with Kenji except for with Sun Upper, Sun Lower, Sun Delta, and Sunarch. If you can avoid those moves, then you have it made, as Sunshot, Sunburst, and Sunshine can't stand against Kagerou and Utsusemi. Jumonji makes this fight even easier, as you can simply rushdown Ingrid while Jumonji is still in effect and combo into Enmazuku. Vs. Jedah This will be a tough fight, and an interesting one to say the least. Both Kenji and Jedah have amazing speed, combos, and attack variations, so this can be a close match. Deo-Segah means nothing to Kagerou and Utsusemi, while Ira Spinta is easily countered by Crouching MP. Spreggio is just asking for pain from Rasetsu Jin. Nero Fatika may be the only thing to worry about, as it's one of the best ways to counter Kenji's moves. You may end up having to resort to normal attacks in this fight, but don't worry! Keep your chin up and keep an eye on Jedah, and counter accordingly, and you should come out on top. Vs. Leo Leo's poking abilities can annoy Kenji players. To avert this problem, use Ichimonji or Jumonji, then rush in and combo in some attacks, then back out to avoid any counterattacks from Leo. If Leo decides to rushdown Kenji, use Rasen Kyaku and Rasetsu Jin to counter him. You don't want Leo to get in close and use Gaia or Gigas Driver, as that'll be more than enough to put a huge dent in Kenji's life. Achilles and Chronos Rush can be dealt with Rasen Kyaku or Kagerou, and Mars Slash should be blocked, then countered. Vs. Karin This fight isn't as hard as you may think. Karin's Yasha Gaeshi counters are the only thing standing between Kenji's winning, so watch for those two, and you should have no problem. Guren Ken can pressure Kenji, but you can easily counter with Utsusemi or Kagerou, and all of Karin's other moves can be dealt with Rasetsu Jin and Jumonji. Not a tough fight at all. Vs. M. Bison Bison's gonna be tough due to Psycho Crusher and Bison Warp, but don't worry too much. Against Psycho Crusher, try to counter with Ichimonji or Jumonji, and when you see Bison Warp, simply walk up to him and use a combo to punish him. Rasetsu Jin isn't recommended in this fight, as Bison can outmatch it with his speedy attacks. Kagerou helps to counter Knee Press and Knee Press Nightmare, while Utsusemi helps against Head Press and Devil Reverse. Enmazuki should only be used if you see Bison wide open or stunned. Vs. Pyron This fight isn't that tough actually. When you see Pyron on the ground, use Kagerou to bypass Soul Smasher and Zodiac Fire, or his combos, to hit him, and use Utsusemi when he's in the air. If he uses Orbital Blaze, counter with Crouching MP. Normal moves work very well as usual. Vs. Rose Rose cannot win this fight simply due to Kenji's speed. Constantly pressure Rose with Kagerous and Bakuryushos, while at the same time using combos and normal attacks. Avoid Jumonji and Ichimonji, as Rose can reflect them with Soul Reflect. Soul Throw and Aura Soul Throw may present somewhat of a problem, but not that much. Vs. Ryu This fight can be a bit rough due to Ryu's constant Hadokens and Shoryukens. However, Kenji can easily trounce Ryu by constant Kagerous and Utsusemis, along with Ichimonjis and Rasetsu Jins. The Ichimonji is just the bait to get Ryu to jump at Kenji. At that time, try to counter with Utsusemi or Rasetsu Jin or Bakuryusho. Against Hadoken, use Kagerou to pass through the attack and hit Ryu with any of the variations. The rest of the fight is simple: Kagerou against Hadoken, strike Ryu, then back off and repeat. Vs. Sakura You can pretty much use the same strategy here that you used against Ryu, though Sakura is nowhere as bad as Ryu. You can Rasetsu Jin her pretty easily thanks to Shunpu Kyaku and Sakizakura Ken. The Hadoken strategy works just as well here, so use it to your advantage. Don't bother with Utsusemi that much, as you don't have to worry about it. Enmazuki Sakura the first chance you get! Vs. Shin Akuma Shin Akuma's a tough one, but a little doable with Kenji. Kagerou and Utsusemi are your best bet to survive this fight, though Utsusemi can land you in trouble if Shin Akuma decides to use Misogi. Ichimonji is useless here, as well as Rasetsu Jin. Jumonji can help to stall Shin Akuma, but only if you rush in and do some combos to add in some damage, as long as you back away after Jumonji ends. Bakuryusho can help, but isn't recommended, and Enmazuki won't help you in this fight. Vs. Urien Urien's strength and speed are a deadly combination for Kenji to face against, but Kagerou will help him get through that. If you find that Urien is pressuring you too much, you can always use Utsusemi or Enmazuki to get him away from Kenji. Above all else, watch for Tyrant Slaughter and Temporal Thunder, and focus on pressuring Urien while at the same time watching out for his strong attacks. Vs. Yun This fight will play out similarly to Karin, but easier as Yun don't have counter moves. So, you can pretty much follow the same strategy as with Karin to beat Yun. Nothing too hard about this fight at all! Vs. Zangief This fight is easier than the fight with Alex, as long as you don't get close to Zangief at all, as all of Zangief's moves will hurt Kenji a lot. Throw Ichimonjis and Jumonjis at him constantly, and if he does manage to get close, throw out a Rasetsu Jin and hope he doesn't block it. A pretty easy fight as long as you play keep-away. ------------------------------------------------------------ III. Hydron [029] A decent fighter with good range and tricky moves. However, suffers from slow recovery and startup times, and when attacks are blocked, they leave Hydron wide-open. This fighter is for more advanced players. -Movelist-- Arctic Stream.....................................HCF + P Nochiller's Attack.............................HCF + K Hydro Spin (air)................................FDP + K Tadpole Spawn................................HCB + P/K Venom Funnel..................................Dx2 + P Lightning Mast................................QCFx2 + P Strangling Spark..............................QCBx2 + K --Movelist Description-- -Normal Moves- -Standing Moves- LP (Trident Butt) -Very short range, but good to combo into Hydro Spin or Nochiller's Attack. Also good for diversion for Venom Funnel or Strangling Spark. MP (Trident Stab) -One of Hydron's best poke moves. This has pretty good reach and can knock opponents out of moves pretty easily. It's also good for comboing into a \ Lightning Mast or Arctic Stream. HP (Trident Swing) -Not a bad move, but the startup and recovery time are a little lagging. Still, the reach and potential of this move is pretty high, and is good for comboing into Lighning Mast or Strangle Spark. LK (Headbutt) -An odd move for a LK move, and it's pretty bad on startup and recovery time. I'd avoid this unless you want to try and use it when your opponent is open. MK (Tentacle) -This move is relatively good. The reach is mediocre at best, and it's good to combo into a Nochiller's Attack or Strangle Spark. However, the recovery time is a little bit lagging. HK (Tentacle Spike) -This is Hydron's knockdown move, and a pretty good one at that. If your opponent blocks this move, you can always try and combo into Nochiller's Attack or Strangle Spark. -Crouching Moves- LP (Little Tentacle) -This move works like Quick Jab, but isn't that great at all. Good to combo into Arctic Stream or Nochiller's Attack. MP (Upward Trident Slash) -Good for Anti-Air purposes, and nice to combo into Tadpole Spawn or Strangle Spark. HP (Downward Trident Stab) -The complete opposite of MP, which is pretty useless if you ask me, unless the opponent is close to you, in which case you can use some other attack. Ignore this move. LK (Dual Tentacles Close) -This move can trip the opponent, but only works if the opponent is close to Hydron. Pretty good for keep-away games. MK (Dual Tentacles Mid) -Same as with the LK, but goes midscreen instead. HK (Dual Tentacles Far) -Same as with the LK, but goes to the other side of the screen. -Jumping Moves- LP (Trident Fall) -Lasts the whole time that Hydron is in the air. Works the same as with all Jumping LP. Leaves Hydron wide-open to attacks if it misses. MP (Aerial Trident Swing) -Same description as with the Standing HP, but to hit grounded opponents, you'll have to time it right. HP (Aerial Downward Trident Stab) -Same as with the Crouching HP. LK (Falling Tentacles) -Same description as with the LP. MK (Tentacle Smash) -A pretty decent move to hit grounded opponents with, but other than that, it's not all that great. I'd recommend using some other move than this. HK (Aerial Tentacle Spike) -Smae description as with the Standing HK. -Throws- LP + LK + <- or -> (Trident Pump) -Hits up to 8 times and creates distance between the fighters. <- or -> + LP + LK (Tentacle Toss) -Great for zoning against your opponent. -Special Moves- -Arctic Stream- STRONG VS. Rush attacks Anti-Air attacks Other attacks NO EFFECT VS. Projectile attacks (cancels out with them) Teleport moves WEAK VS. Air attacks -Not a bad move, but the startup and recovery times aren't that great. Plus, it's hard to combo off of this move into anything else. Only use this if you're playing defensively. -Nochiller's Attack- STRONG VS. Rush attacks Air attacks Other attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Projectile attacks Anti-Air attacks -Very similar to Bison's Psycho Crusher, but doesn't take long to use. Great for getting across the level, but very unsafe on block, as it leaves Hydron wide-open to attack. -Hydro Spin- STRONG VS. Air attacks Other attacks Rush attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Projectile attacks Anti-Air attacks -Not bad against many attacks, but the recovery time is pretty bad. Still, it's nice as a surprise attack for times when your opponent tries to rushdown Hydron. -Tadpole Spawn- STRONG VS. Rush attacks Anti-Air attacks Air attacks Other attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves Projectile attacks (cancels out with them) WEAK VS. Super Specials -Not that great of a move, due to the ridiculous range. Not that great at all. I'd recommend never using this move, as it leaves Hydron pretty well-open, and there are far better moves that you can use in place of it. -Venom Funnel- STRONG VS. Air attacks Other attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Everything else.... -This move is horrible, but decent as an Anti-Air if you use it right, and can be used as a surprise move if you use it at the right time. Otherwise, don't bother using it at all. -Lightning Mast- STRONG VS. Rush attacks Air attacks Anti-Air attacks Other attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Projectile attacks -A pretty powerful move, as lightning surrounds Hydron, leaving the opponent at a disadvantage, as they can't get close to Hydron to attack him. It also has decent range as well, making it pretty potent. -Strangle Spark- STRONG VS. Rush attacks Anti-Air attacks Other attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Projectile attacks Air attacks -A pretty fast and powerful move. If it misses though, it leaves Hydron wide-open, so use it if the opponent is open to attack. Otherwise, you may be asking for punishment. --Strengths & Weaknessess-- Hydron's a little tough to use at first. Most of his attacks lag in both recovery and startup times, and the range on some of them (particularly Tadpole Spawn and Venom Funnel) aren't all that great. However, some attacks like Lightning Mast, Strangle Spark, and all of Hydron's Crouching Ks are pretty powerful. This character is definently one for the turtlers, but can also be good for those who are more advanced or wants a challenge in using a harder-to-use fighter. So far, I've only got 2 combos for Hydron, but I'm working on more to add to the combo section, so don't fret just yet. Who knows? You probably have combos that I couldn't even begin to imagine. 1) Arctic Stream, Nochiller's Attack, Hydro Spinning, Crouching K, Tadpole Spawn, Strangle Spark 2) Trident Pump, Nochiller's Attack x2, Crouching K, Strangle Spark --Styles of Play-- -Aggressive Style (Offensive Game)- Here, Nochiller's Attack is the best way to strike your opponent from afar. Arctic Stream is nice, but the startup and recovery time for the move is lacking. All of Hydron's Crouching Ks are good too for mix-up games and to annoy your opponent. Strangle Spark should be your main Super Special while in this style, but if things start to go wrong for you, Lightning Mast will help pull you through. Standing HP and MP helps a lot when the opponent is trying to back away and you don't want to chase them. -Conservative Style (Defensive Game)- Tadpole Spawn and Arctic Stream are your best bet for this style. Tadpole Spawn will simply keep the opponent from getting too close, while Arctic Stream helps do chip damage while you prepare yourself for some other move. All of the Crouching Ks work well in this style too. Lightning Mast is your choice of a Super Special while in this style. Save the Level Ups for when you start to get low on health, and use Ultimate Guard and Counter to stop your opponent's attacks (note that Hydron doesn't have an Ultimate Counter K). -Mix-Up Style (Offensive and Defensive Game)- This is Hydron's toughest style to pull off, as even if you combine both of the previous styles, it doesn't work that well. It's best to not use this style at all, unless you want to challenge yourself. --Vs. Matchup Data-- Vs. Alex Alex can lay down hurt on Hydron if you're not careful. Tadpole Spawn would be helpful, but Alex's quick attacks makes it obsolete. Hydro Spinning is a great counter move for most of Alex's attacks, while Arctic Stream will keep him at bay. If he jumps over the Arctic Stream, use Nochiller's Attack or Hydro Spinning to punish him for it. All of the Crouching Ks will come in use here, but use each one accordingly, as if you miss on one of them, it'll give Alex the opportunity to use some devastating combos. Lightning Mast will be extremely useful here as well. Use Level Ups early to gain an advantage over Alex and to match his strength. Vs. Anakaris Hydron will have problems here, as Anakaris's attacks and speed are too much for Hydron to handle. Focus on trying to use Ultimate Guards and Ultimate Counters to fight off Cobra Blows, and use Arctic Stream and Nochiller's Attack for times when he tries to use Mummy Drop and Royal Judgment. Watch for Pharoah's Magic and Hole of Hell, as both are dangerous to Hydron. Level Ups are mandatory in this fight, but don't use them at the first chance, as the vitality increase is important for when you really need it. Vs. Chun-Li Hydron can win this one if he abuses Arctic Stream and Nochiller's Attack. However, the Parry system can easily counter those, so you may need to focus on using combos and normal moves. If your opponent doesn't abuse the Parry system, then you shouldn't have problems with using Arctic Stream and Nochiller's Attack. Hydro Spinning is also good for when your opponent goes to jump at you, or jumps over an Arctic Stream. Tadpole Spawn is pretty useless in this fight, so don't bother using it. The same pretty much goes for Venom Funnel. Level Up isn't really neccessary in this fight, but if you find that you're being overpowered, use it. Strangle Spark may be your best bet, but Lightning Mast works just as well here. Vs. Demitri Demitri can easily outmatch Hydron due to versatility in attacks and speed. However, most of what Demitri can do CAN be countered with one of Hydron's moves. For times when Demitri uses Chaos Flare, simply use Arctic Stream or Tadpole Spawn to negate. Against Bat Spin, Hydro Spinning does the job, and against Demon shouldn't really be that close to get hit by it. For times when Demitri uses his Super Specials (other than Demon Billion), use Nochiller's Attack to knock him out of the move. When he uses Demon Billion, there's not much you can do but block it and hope he doesn't rush in for combos. Vs. Felicia Hydron can beat Felicia with no problem if you watch for Felicia'a move. For the times when Felicia uses Rolling Buckler, Cat Spike, and Dancing Flash, Nochiller's Attack will suffice. Against Delta Kick and the EX Cat Spike, you'll want to use either Hydro Spinning or Venom Funnel. When Felicia tries to use Please Help Me, simply block it and rush in for a combo, then continue to stay on top of her to keep the pressure up. You can Level Up if you want, but don't waste anymore than 1 or 2 Level Ups against Felicia. Vs. Guile Guile will be tough. Arctic Stream will be your best bet in doing at least chip damage, but you can also try and use Hydron's Crouching Ks to try and damage Guile. Watch for Sonic Boom and Total Wipeout, and don't worry about Somersault Kick or Strike, as you'll never get that close anyways. Strangle Spark will help for the times that you see Guile trying to use Sonic Boom or Total Wipeout, or just trying to rushdown Hydron. This fight should be yours with patience. Vs. Guy Guy can beat Hydron pretty quickly if you don't watch him. His attacks and speed far outmatch Hydron's, but almost all of them can be countered with Nochiller's Attack or Hydro Spinning, and are punishable by Lightning Mast when blocked or missed. Level Ups are nice, but use them only when you are in trouble (50% health is the best time to use a Level Up). Simple single moves and Arctic Stream should suffice in beating Guy, but use Crouching MP to counte his jumping attacks and his Bushin Izuna Drop. Vs. Hauzer This fight can go either way. Hauzer can reach a lot farther than Hydron, but Hydron has more versatiliy in his attacks. Hauzer has higher strength, vitality, and defense, but Hydron has the speed. So, which will prevail? It depends on how you use Hydron, and how well the opponent uses Hauzer. Here, Tadpole Spawn is a little useful for times when Hauzer tries to use Deluge Assault or Deluge Crisis, but doesn't help against Volcano Breath or Gust Flame. Hydro Spinning is pretty useless this time around, and Nochiller's Attack can land you in deep trouble if you run into a Tempest Fall or Gust Flame/Volcano Breath. Venom Funnel could be used, but it's more than likely not going to help all that much. Strangle Spark isn't really neccessary, so stick with Lightning Mast. Level Ups will most likely be in order this time around, so use at least 2 Levels for this fight. Vs. Ingrid Ingrid can counter almost anything that Hydron throws at her and more, so this fight can be tough, especially if you fight a pretty good Ingrid player. Her Sun Upper and Sunburst will pose the biggest threat here, as most of Hydron's attacks will be easily countered by Sun Upper (except Arctic Stream), and Nochiller's Attack will land Hydron right into the Sun Delta if you aren't careful. Sunshot can be a nuisance as well, as it too limits the usefulness of Nochiller's Attack. However, that, Sunrize, and Sunshine leaves Ingrid wide-open to a Lightning Mast or Strangle Spark, so save up your Super Meter for the times that you see her use those move. Her Sun Dive is no threat at all, and leaves her open to attack. Vs. Jedah Jedah easily outranks Hydron in all departments. His Deo-Segah will severly cripple the use of Nochiller's Attack and Hydro Spinning, while Tadpole Spawn is only useful if Jedah uses Ira Spinta. Nochiller's Attack is also punishable by Nero Fatika, so in other words, don't use it in this fight. Venom Funnel can actually prove somewhat useful in this fight, especially if Jedah jumps aroud a lot. Arctic Stream would be useful, but Jedah can simply Air Dash away from it, and by the time you can use Hydro Spinning, he's already behind you. Prova-Dei-Cervo and Fiorre-Rosso can be a problem too if you're in the middle of a move, so watch when you use moves, and keep an eye on Jedah's Super Meter just in case. Use at least 2 Level Ups in this fight to stay alive. Vs. Karin Karin can be beaten, but only if you watch for her Guren Ken combos and Yasha Gaeshi High. Otherwise, this fight can turn real ugly in a hurry. Ressen Ha is no threat, as either Nochiller's Attack or Hydro Spinning takes care of it, and Mujin Kyaku by itself can be countered with basically any move. When Karin starts to use Guren Kens, you'll want to counter with either Hydro Spinning or Ultimate Guard/Counter to get her off of you. Use at least 1 Level Up, and try to use Lightning Mast at the best moment you get. Vs. Kenji This fight can be troublesome due to Kenji's Kagerou and Utsusemi, as those help him avoid most of Hydron's attacks. For times when Kenji uses Utsusemi, try to counter with an Air Hydro Spinning, and against Kagerou, Lightning Mast and Nochiller's Attack works wonders. Rasetsu Jin and Ichimonji shouldn't be too much of a problem, but watch for Kenji's Mystic Breaks, or you may end up losing a lot of health in this fight. Kenji's HKs can be a problem too, especially if you try to use Nochiller's Attack. His HPs are avoidable, and if you're close enough, they'll miss, so you can easily pull out a Strangle Spark or Lightning Mast against him. Ultimate Guard and Counter will help against Enmazuki if you can maange to use it, but you may want to guard it instead. Use at least 1 Level Up in this fight. Vs. Leo Leo shouldn't be too tough to fight if you use Arctic Streams and Crouching Ks. His poke range shouldn't be too much of a threat if you stay on the other side of the screen. If he jumps at you, just counter with Hydro Spinning, but watch for his air attacks, as some of them will easily counter Hydro Spinning. His Achilles and Chronos Rush aren't going to be a problem as long as you counter with Nochiller's Attack and Strangle Spark. Mars Slash will only be a problem if Leo gets too close to Hydron, at which case you should Ultimate Guard, then counter with Nochiller's Attack. Use at least 2 Level Ups if you have to, but if not, use 1 instead. Save the rest for Mystic Breaks in this fight. Watch out for Gaia/Gigas Driver and Hercules Rush! Vs. M. Bison This can go either way, as Bison can match Hydron just about in anything. Psycho Crusher will double hit with Nochiller's Attack. You can use Arctic Stream to counter Knee Press, Knee Press Nightmare, and Psycho Crusher, but that can be countered by Head Press, Devil Reverse, or Bison Warp. Head Press and Devil Reverse is countered with Hydro Spinning, but leaves Hydron a bit open to Psycho Crusher or Mega Psycho Crusher. Psycho Vanish can do some damage too if Bison's close enough, and can even lead to a Mega Psycho Crusher or Knee Press Nightmare if you're not careful. Level Up at least once to keep your health up and to do more damage to Bison. Vs. Pyron This fight can go either way. Pyron has more attacks that can counter Hydron, but Hydron can also counter most of Pyron's moves. Galaxy Trip will be the key to beating Pyron. Wait for the moment that Pyron appears next to Hydron, and punish him with a Lightning Mast if you have it, or instead go for a regular combo or Hydro Spinning. Crouching Ks will work fine too, but watch for his Zodiac Fire and Cosmic Disruption attacks. This fight isn't all that hard, as long as you watch Pyron's moves. Vs. Rose This fight should be easily won. Rose can counter Hydro Spinning with Soul Throw and Nochiller's Attack with Soul Spiral, but aside from that, you can easily trounce her with just simple combos and regular attacks. Don't bother that much with Arctic Stream, as Soul Reflect will stop that quickly. Lightning Mast and Strangle Spark are your best friend in this fight, so use them accordingly. Not much else to say about this fight. Vs. Ryu Ryu will be tough to beat, just because of Hadoken and Shoryuken, as just about everything that Hydron does can be countered by those two moves. Hadoken can easily counter Nochiller's Attack and Arctic Stream, while Shoryuken can counter Hydro Spinning and Nochiller's Attack. Strangle Spark's nice, but if blocked, you'll end up with a Shoryuken. Lightning Mast is the better option here, but you may want to use the Level Ups a lot more in this fight (3 to be sure). Venom Funnel and Tadpole Spawn aren't going to help you at all in this fight, so ignore them. Crouching Ks may be useful, but can be pretty bad if they miss. Vs. Sakura Sakura shouldn't be too much of a problem, but Hadoken and Shinku Hadoken still pose the same threat here as with the fight with Ryu. Shunpu Kyaku is easy to overcome, as is Sakizakura Ken. Haru Ichiban and Midare Zakura can be beaten with Strangle Spark, Lightning Mast, and Nochiller's Attack, so no problem there. Flower Kick can be countered with Hydro Spinning, and pretty much everything else is punisable by Arctic Stream. You shouldn't even have to use a Level Up in this fight. Vs. Shin Akuma Hydron can't even begin to compete with Shin Akuma. He has nothing that can beat Gou Hadoken or Zanku Hadoken, and Ashura Senku will pretty much negate Nochiller's Attack and Strangle Spark. Lightning Mast is a great move here, but you'll probably end up using all your Level Ups in this fight just to survive. Misogi will most likely kill you if you're not careful, but there's no true way for Hydron to win this fight. Vs. Urien Urien can beat Hydron easily just with Metallic Sphere and Temporal Thunder, as it can negate or counter pretty much anything that's thrown at him. You'll have to rely on Ulltimate Guard and Ultimate Counter every now and again in this fight, especially if Urien gets close to Hydron and starts to unleash his powerful combos. You'll want to save Strangle Spark and Lightning Mast for the times that Urien tries to use Tyrant Slaughter, but you can use Lightning Mast to counter Violence Knee Drop or Chariot Tackle. Aegis Reflector won't pose too much of a threat, unless you somehow get caught between it and Urien. Vs. Yun This fight plays similar to the fight with Karin, but Yun lacks the counters to stop Hydron. So, you can abuse Nochiller's Attack in this fight to win it easily. For times that Yun tries to use his jumping attacks, counter with either Hydro Spinning or Lightning Mast, and for his ground attacks, Arctic Stream and Nochiller's Attack will suffice. Use at least 1 Level Up to really do some damage. Vs. Zangief This fight is simple. Use Arctic Stream to attack while far away, and use Hydro Spinning to counter Zangief's jumping. Lightning Mast and Strangle Spark will keep Zangief from getting too close. Just as long as you keep Zangief away from Hydron, you can win this easily. ------------------------------------------------------------ IV. Hauzer [030] Powerful, but slow and huge. This is the fighter for defensive players and more advanced players. Not recommended for beginners at all. --Movelist-- Overhead Bite...................................F + MP Volcano Breath.................................QCF + P Deluge Assault.................................QCF + K Tempest Fall......................................Ch. D, U + K Deluge Crisis.....................................QCFx2 + K Gust Flame.........................................QCFx2 + P --Movelist Description-- -Normal Moves- -Standing Moves- LP (Claw Swipe) -This is a pretty hilarious move to watch if you keep hitting the button enough times in a row. However, the range is not that great, and you can't really chain anything off of it. It's best to ignore this silly move altogether. MP (Forward Headbutt) -This move has bad startup and recovery times, but has decent reach. You can even combo a Deluge Assault to Tempest Fall after this move if you want. HP (Flame Breath) -No, it's not as great as you'd think. In fact, it's not great at all. The range is decent and all, but the startup and recovery times are not that great, and that leaves Hauzer open to injury. However, you can use this as bait to get your opponent to walk right into a Tempest Fall or Gust Flame attack if you do it right. LK (Claw Kick) -This move is just as bad as with the LP. Everything about it is pretty much the same as with the LP, except that you can't do as many of them as you can with the LP. MK (High Claw Kick) -This move might be good for somewhat of an Anti-Air move, but it's pretty risky to use. It can probably even work to knock opponents out of certain moves, like Felicia's Rolling Buckler or Ryu's Tatsumaki Senpukyaku. However, this is debatable. In any case, it has a bit of a lagging startup time and recovery time, but can still be used to chain into a Deluge Assault to Tempest Fall. HK (Tail Spin) -This move's pretty useful in the fact that it can hit opponents on the ground from virtually anywhere. And to add to that, the recovery and startup times aren't too bad (though if blocked, it'll leave Hauzer a bit open). Plus, you can even chain Deluge Crisis or Tempest Fall off of this move. A pretty decent move by all means, but still, don't abuse it. -Crouching Moves- LP (Small Snort) -An odd move, and one that's not that useful. Hauzer snorts out a puff of smoke from his nose at the opponent, and the range is not that great. Plus, it leaves Hauzer open to attack. But, if you use it right and bait your opponent, you can try to hit them with a Tempest Fall if they jump at you. Not a bad diversion. MP (Horn Thrust) -This move is fairly decent. The range is mediocre at best, and the startup and recovery times aren't too bad. You might want to use this for moves like Flash Chop or Rolling Buckler, but it depends if you can connect with this move. It's good to chain Volcano Breath or Gust Flame off of too if you want to do some damage. HP (Flame Breath Down) -Same description as with the Standing HP. LK (Full Snort) -Same description as with the Crouching LP, but it has a bit more of a reach to it than its LP counterpart. MK (Foot Stomp) -Has a bit of slow startup time, but safe on block. Not much use can be made of this move other than a chain into Volcano Breath or Gust Flame. HK (Tail Sweep) -Hauzer's trip move is identical to his Standing HK in every little detail. -Jumping Moves- LP (Open Mouth) -This move lasts the whole time that Hauzer is in the air. It's not too great, as it leaves Hauzer wide-open to attacks, but it's decent in knocking opponents out of moves at times. Still, you can probably find more worthwhile moves to use in its place. MP (Air Bite) -This move has some range, but that's about it. To hit grounded opponents, you'd have to time it just right, and even then, you can make better use of Hauzer on the ground. HP (Air Breath) -Same description as with the Standing and Crouching HPs. LK (Falling Claw) -Same description as with the LP. MK (Air Bite) -Same as with the MP, but it lasts the whole time that Hauzer is in the air. HK (Aerial Tail Spin) -Same description as with the Standing and Crouching HKs. -Special Normal Moves- -Overhead Bite- -A rather decent move for times when the opponent is close to Hauzer from above. Other than that, there's not too much use for it. -Throws- LP + LK + <- or -> (Horn Throw) -Excellent for zoning purposes. -Special Moves- -Volcano Breath- STRONG VS. Rush attacks Anti-Air attacks Other attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Projectile attacks Air attacks -Not that bad of a move, but can be easily averted simply by attacking Hauzer in the middle of the move, as the startup and recovery times for this move is horrible. Does good damage when it does hit though. -Deluge Assault- STRONG VS. Rush attacks Other attacks Air attacks (except Zanku Hadoken) NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Projectile attacks Anti-Air attacks -Not bad by any means, but very unsafe on block. Does a great deal of damage, and can be chained into a Tempest Fall for additional damage. Not much else to say about this move other than the fact that it moves Hauzer across the screen pretty quickly. -Tempest Fall- STRONG VS. Air attacks (except Zanku Hadoken) Rush attacks Other attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Projectile attacks Anti-Air attacks -A pretty powerful move alone, but can be chained off of a Deluge Assault to make it even more deadlier, and worse yet, can be chained again off of a single Tempest Fall for more damage. Pretty powerful for a single move. Other than that, not much to say about it. -Super Special Moves- -Deluge Crisis- STRONG VS. Rush attacks Other attacks Air attacks (except Zanku Hadoken) NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Projectile attacks Anti-Air attacks -Pretty much the same as Deluge Assault, except much more powerful and hard-hitting. -Gust Flame- STRONG VS. Rush attacks Other attacks Anti-Air attacks Air attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Projectile attacks -A very powerful move, but unfortunently, it lacks protection and negation of Projectile attacks, which would have made this move almost godlike. It's also a fullscreen attack, so it's very hard to dodge it. --Strengths & Weaknessess-- Hauzer depends entirely on defense. If you plan to go offensive, you'll most likely end up losing more often than not, so don't bother. You'll want to focus on watching for your opponent making mistakes or leaving themselves open, then punish them with an attack appropriate to the situation. For instance, if the opponent jumps at you, counter with Tempest Fall, or the opponent tries to rush at you, use a Deluge Assault to Tempest Fall x2 combo to punish them for it. Volcano Breath should be used sparingly, while you should use Gust Flame at the first chance you get. Level Ups are very important to Hauzer, but don't use them all in the first round. Save at least 3 for both rounds so that you even out Hauzer's odds. --Vs. Matchup Data-- Vs. Alex As long as Hauzer pokes at Alex, there shouldn't be any problems with him winning this fight. Volcano Breath and Deluge Assault helps a lot here as well, so you may want to mix them up from time to time. Alex will have a hard time getting close to Hauzer due to Hauzer's size, but you may find that he'll sneak in close, which in that case you'll want to use Ultimate Guard and Ultimate Counter to get him away. Not too tough of a fight. Use a couple Levels Up if you can spare them. Vs. Anakaris Hauzer will most likely not win this fight. Anakaris can easily cripple him with barrages of Coffin Drops, Royal Judgments, and Cobra Blows, while at the same time doing rushdown combos. Unless Hauzer can maange to get in close and actually do damage, there's no way that he can really beat Anakaris. Vs. Chun-Li Chun-Li's tough for Hauzer to beat, just because she's faster than him, and much smaller. Her attacks are much faster than Hauzer, so you'll have to rely on Ultimate Guard and Counter a lot to survive this fight. You might end up using 2-3 Level Ups in one fight along against her, so be careful. Hyakuretsu Kyaku and Kikouken will be your biggest worries here, so as long as you block the Kikoukens and use Deluge Assault against Hyakuretsu Kyaku, you should be fine. Vs. Demitri Demitri's a lot faster than Hauzer (as are most other fighters), so don't be surprised if you find yourself trapped in a corner getting beat down upon. Chaos Flares will have to be dealt with by either jumping over them or blocking, while you can block Bat Spin and counter with either Tempest Fall or Deluge Assault. Demon Cradle shouldn't be a problem with Ultimate Guard/Counter. Demon Billion will present the biggest threat, as you have no way to stop the attack. Midnight Bliss and Pressure can also be a nuisance if you don't stop them. Vs. Felicia Felicia's speed wins her this fight, but Hauzer's strength may be of help to you here. Counter Rolling Buckler and Cat Spike with Deluge Assault, while using Tempest Fall to counter Delta Kick and EX Cat Spike. Sand Splash won't be a problem here, so don't worry about it at all. For Dancing Flash, counter with Gust Flame or Deluge Crisis, and for Please Help Me, just block and counter accordingly. Vs. Guile This can be a very long and drawn out fight, since both fighters are based around defense. You may need to get a little close to Guile to fire off Volcano Breaths to deal chip damage, and use Gust Flames to try and hurt him. Other than that, jump or block Sonic Booms, and hack away. Not that tough. Vs. Guy Guy can and will Hauzer pretty easily. However, Tempest Fall and Deluge Assault will be your best bet in stopping the Bushin Ninja. Watch for him using moves like Hayakage or Bushin Izuna Drop to counter with either move. I'd suggest using Deluge Assault first, so that you can add on two Tempest Falls afterwards, then really turn up the heat with Gust Flame to either deal a lot of damage or some chip damage. You'll want to use a couple Level Ups in this fight as well, and don't forget the Ultimate Guard/Counter maneuver, as that'll help you a lot in this fight. Vs. Ingrid Ingrid can be beaten pretty easily if you watch her moves. However, her Sun Upper, Sun Delta, and Sunburst will pose the biggest threat, as all of Hauzer's attacks are mid to high attacks, which is punishable by Sun Upper, and Hauzer's size makes him an easy target for Sun Delta and Sunburst. Ultimate Guard may help against Sunburst, but that's a bit IF. For Sun Upper, you'll need to avoid using Hauzer's specials and instead use his normal moves to avoid it, so that'll force her to use Sun Lower at times, which at that time you can launch a special. This fight's not too difficult otherwise. Vs. Jedah This fight is next to impossible for Hauzer to win in. Jedah is just far too powerful and fast for Hauzer to keep up with, and Jedah's attacks really lockdown Hauzer. There's not much you can do except try to counter with Ultimate Guard/Counter. Vs. Karin This fight is bad for Hauzer due to Karin's comboability. Yasha Gaeshi High will be Hauzer's downfall once again, so take to normal attacks to beat through Karin. If she tries to use a Super Special or Ressen Ha, counter with Deluge Assault or Gust Flame. Tempest Fall is essentially a bad idea here, but Volcano Breath could be useful. All in all, this fight isn't too tough. Vs. Kenji The outcome of this fight is pretty similar to the Vs. Jedah fight. Kenji moves way too fast for Hauzer to attack, and he attacks much too quickly for Hauzer to react. You'll have to rely on Ultimate Guard/Counter here as well to beat Kenji. Vs. Leo This can be an epic fight here. Both have great poke range, and both are slow and pretty powerful with lots of vitality. If Leo uses Achilles/Chronos Rush, counter with Volcano Breath or Gust Flame, and if he uses Mars Slash, try to counter with Tempest Fall. For Gigas/Gaia Driver, there's not much you can do but keep Leo away from Hauzer. Use a couple Level Ups in this fight to help out Hauzer. Vs. M. Bison Bison can beat through Hauzer pretty badly. Psycho Crusher and Mega Psycho Crusher is the only thing that Bison really needs to beat Hauzer, and it can lock him down pretty easily. If Hauzer does manage to block it and try to counter, Bison can simply use Bison Warp and start all over again. You may have to rely on Ultimate Guard/Counter to beat that attack, or use Gust Flame at the right time to damage him. Otherwise, block and try to counter with Tempest Fall. Vs. Pyron Pyron is not one of the best matchups that Hauzer can have. Galaxy Trip is more than enough to beat Hauzer's attacks, and all of Pyron's attacks can really put the hurt on Hauzer. Ultimate Guard/Counter when needed, and try to counter with Deluge Assault and Tempest Fall at the best moment. Watch for Cosmic Disruption, and use Gust Flame for times that Pyron reappears from Galaxy Trip. Vs. Rose Rose isn't a threat at all. Her Soul Throw, Aura Soul Throw, and Soul Reflect won't help her in this fight, as Hauzer shouldn't need to jump at all, and the fact that you don't need Volcano Breath. You can simply beat her by rushing her down with normal attacks, but try throwing in a Deluge Assault to Tempest Fall x2 to add in some insult to the injury. Vs. Ryu Ryu's gonna be tough, just because of Hadoken alone. Hadoken can completely shut Hauzer down, let alone the barrage of combos and Tatsumaki Senpukyakus that Ryu can do. Ultimate Guard/Counter anything that's not a Hadoken or Shinku Hadoken, and jump over and use HK for the times that it is a Hadoken or Shinku Hadoken. You might end up using 2-3 Level Ups in this fight alone, but save them for the time that Hauzer's health drops to about 50%. Vs. Sakura Sakura is actually pretty rough for Hauzer to compete with. Her Hadoken poses the same problem as with Ryu, but her Shunpu Kyakus and Sakizakura Kens are even more of a threat here than Ryu. Add to that Haru Ichiban and Midare Zakura, and you have a lock down for Hauzer. However, once again, Ultimate Guard/Counter will save you here. If you don't want to use that, then try to counter Sakizakura Ken and Shunpu Kyaku with Deluge Crisis to Tempest Fall x2. Level Up at least once, then finish Sakura off with a Gust Flame. Vs. Shin Akuma Plain and simple. Hauzer cannot win this fight, especially against the CPU. Shin Akuma has every advantage over him with the exception of Ultimate Guard/Counter and high Vitality. Don't even try to beat him with Hauzer..... Vs. Urien Urien's gonna be a tough one too, due to the fact that he's just as strong as Hauzer, and even faster. Metallic Sphere and Temporal Thunder is the biggest threat here, but you can simply Ultimate Guard the latter and block the first, then counter with Deluge Assault or Crisis. For Violence Knee Drop, Chariot Tackle, and Tyrant Slaughter, you can simply counter with Tempest Fall or Gust Flame. Level Up at least twice to keep Hauzer's life up. Vs. Yun A pretty easy fight, even though Yun is faster than Hauzer. You can simply Deluge Assault/Volcano Breath/Tempest Fall him without having any difficulties, as long as you don't let him parry any of them If he does start parrying, you'll need to rely on normal attacks and combos to beat through him, occassionally mixing in some special attacks. Even so, this fight should be easily won. Vs. Zangief This is a pretty simple fight. Stay away from Zangief, don't use Tempest Fall or Deluge Assault, and beret him with Volcano Breaths. Use Gust Flame when needed, and HKs as needed. Pretty simple fight. If he does get in close, knock him away as fast as possible, as you don't want him to use Final Atomic Buster on Hauzer. ------------------------------------------------------------ F. Special Characters [031] These characters can be extremely powerful. All except Ingrid are banned in tournament plays due to their massive strengths and cheapness. ------------------------------------------------------------ I. Ingrid [032] Relies on the opponent making mistakes and on the timing of her attacks. Good for beginners, but recommended to advanced players. --Introduction-- Ingrid is a rather easy and good character to use. She's not overly powerful like Zangief, Shin Akuma, and Pyron, but she's not too weak like Karin, Sakura, and Felicia. Plus, she uses her own fighting system. Add on to the fact that she has a rather versatile movelist, and you have the makings of a great character. So, why not give her a shot? What do you have to lose except a match? --Movelist-- Sun Shot..........................................QCF + P Sun Rise...........................................QCF + K Sun Arch..........................................FDP + K Sun Dive (AIR)...............................QCB + P Sun Upper........................................QCB + P Sun Lower........................................QCB + K Sun Burst.........................................QCFx2 + P Sun Shine.........................................QCBx2 + K Sun Delta..........................................QCBx2 + P --Movelist Description-- -Basic Moves- -Standing Moves- LP (Quick Jab) -Your average, everyday fast move. It's always good for combos, but with Ingrid, you won't need to worry about those. Far: X Mid: X Close: O MP (Chop Thrust) -Simple. Looks like she's doing a chop and a thrust at the same time. Once again, could be used for combos, but not recommended. Far: X Mid: X Close: O HP (Sun Backhand) -Given this name due to the energy that's given off when she does this move. Has a little startup time and recovery time, and not recommended for combos at all. Far: X Mid: X Close: O LK (Shin Kick) -As with most other fighters, a kick to the shin. And, as with most fighters, a great combo starter, although once again, you don't need combos with Ingrid. Far: X Mid: X Close: O MK (Back Kick) -Ingrid simply turns around and kicks the opponent. Simple, no? Could be used for combos, but as I said earlier, she doesn't need them. Far: X Mid: X Close: O MK Close (Upward Abdomen Kick) -You have to be directly next to the opponent for this move to come out. Kinda hard to combo off of, and isn't all that reliable. Far: X Mid: X Close: O HK (Heel Kick) -A kick with the heel. Nothing special. It's kind of good against Air attacks, but not truly reliable, and you can't really combo off of it. Far: X Mid: X Close: O -Crouching Moves- LP (Quick Jab) -Same as with the Standing LP. Nothing new here. Far: X Mid: X Close: O MP (Chop Thrust) -Same as with the Standing MP. Once again, nothing new here. Far: X Mid: X Close: O HP (Sun Backhand Sweep) -Same as with the Standing HP. Very similar, but hits low, of course. Far: X Mid: X Close: O LK (Foot Kick) -Ingrid simply kicks the opponent. Simple and plain. Can be used for combos. Far: X Mid: X Close: O MK (Leg Kick) -Ingrid extends her legs a bit and kicks the opponent. Nice in both speed and startup time, and can be used for combos. Far: X Mid: X Close: O HK (Leg Swing) -Ingrid swings her body around to trip the opponent with her legs. A bit of a slow startup, and cannot be used for combo starters. Far: X Mid: X Close: O -Jumping Moves- LP Straight Up (Falling Hand) -Ingrid simply falls with her hands outwards. Lasts the entire time that she's in the air. Can be used for combo starters. Far: X Mid: X Close: O LP (Diagonal Hand Thrust) -Lasts the whole time that Ingrid's in the air. Can hit opponents directly beneath her, and works wonders against certain attacks like Tatsumaki Senpukyaku and Spinning Pile Driver. Far: X Mid: X Close: O MP Straight Up (Quick Falling Hand) -A quicker version of the LP Straight Up. If you want to hit an opponent who is below you, you'll have to time this move right. Can be used for combos. Far: X Mid: X Close: O MP (Quick Diagonal Hand Thrust) -A quicker version of the LP. Once again, you'll have to time this right if you want to hit grounded opponents with it. Far: X Mid: X Close: O HP (Diagonal Sun Sweep) -The air version of the Sun Backhand. Same as with Sun Backhand. Cannot really be used for combo starters, but you could try... Far: X Mid: X Close: O LK (Falling Knee) -Lasts the entire time that Ingrid is in the air. Works wonders on Rush attacks and others like Tatsumaki Senpukyaku, and is a great combo starter. Far: X Mid: X Close: O MK (Foot Kick) -Ingrid simply kicks the opponent. Nothing special. Can be used for combo starters. Far: X Mid: X Close: O HK (Heavy Backfoot) -Ingrid turns her foot and hits with the back of it. Nothing too special here. Not recommended for combo starters. Far: X Mid: X Close: O -Throws- LP + LK + <- OR -> (Sun Energy) -Ingrid uses her Psycho powers to blow the opponent back. Have to do the LP + LK first for this move. Far: X Mid: X Close: O <- OR -> + LP + LK (Uppercut) -Ingrid simply decks the opponent in the chin. Must do the directional input first for this move. Far: X Mid: X Close: O -Special Moves- -Sun Shot- STRONG VS. Rush Attacks Anti-Air Attacks Other Attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves Projectile attacks, as it cancels out with them WEAK VS. Air Attacks Super Special projectile attacks -A nice Projectile in the fact that is goes at an angle. Nice to use to play keep-away games, but not ideal as it moves rather slowly for a projectile. Good, though, whenever you see an opportunity to strike. Far: O Mid: O Close: O Best Distance: Mid -Sun Rise- STRONG VS. Air Attacks Rush Attacks Other Attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. All projectiles Anti-Air attacks -Ingrid's Anti-Air attack, and it advances as well, making it great against Rush attacks (although some may still hit, like Zangief's Spinning Pile Driver.....). It's also a great Wakeup Counter, and it has a bit of potential to combo into other attacks. Great to combo into as well. Far: O Mid: O Close: O Best Distance: Mid to Close -Sun Arch- STRONG VS. Air Attacks Rush Attacks Other Attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. All projectiles Anti-Air attacks -Another Anti-Air attack that's great as a Wakeup Counter. However, be careful when using the HK version, as it leaves her wide open to punishment. Far: O Mid: O Close: O Best Distance: Depends on situation.... -Sun Dive- STRONG VS. Rush Attacks Other Attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. All projectiles Anti-Air attacks -This is great as an Air attack and as a stall move. However, it's not a recommended move to use, as it's rather slow, leaving Ingrid a bit open to attacks. Use with caution, unless you need to keep her from getting hit by a big attack. Far: O Mid: O Close: O Best Distance: Any -Sun Upper/Sun Lower- STRONG VS. All upper attacks (Sun Upper) All lower attacks (Sun Lower) NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Projectile attacks -A great counter move. However, you have to pretty much guess what your opponent is going to do, which isn't the easiest thing to do. Far: O Mid: O Close: O Best Distance: Any -Super Special Moves- -Sun Burst- STRONG VS. All projectiles All Rush attacks Anti-Air Attacks Other Attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Nothing.... -A truly spectacular special. Nothing can really stop this attack, and the burst range is superb. Nice to use as a Wakeup Counter. Far: O Mid: O Close: O Best Distance: Any -Sun Shine- STRONG VS. Other Attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. All projectiles Air Attacks -Not too bad of a special. This move allows Ingrid to advance forward with some Sun Arches, making Rush attacks pretty much useless. However, this leaves her open to all other sorts of attacks, so be cautious. Far: O Mid: O Close: O Best Distance: Mid to Close -Sun Delta- STRONG VS. Various attacks NO EFFECT VS. Various attacks WEAK VS. Various attacks -This move is a tough one to pull off, but strong. You need to guess the distance at which your opponent is at, and hope that they get hit. Otherwise, you just wasted your entire Special meter on a worthless attack. It's best to use something like Sunburst instead of this move. Far: O Mid: O Close: O Best Distance: Depends on situation... --Strengths & Weaknessess-- Ingrid is like a coin toss. On offense, she has great Anti-Air moves that excellent Super Specials to keep her in the game, not to mention some neat combos, but she lacks the defense to truly tangle with the likes of fighters like Zangief and Urien. On defense, she still has her Anti-Air specials to help pull her through, but she can also launch her Sun Shine special upon Wakeup. Really, it depends on how you want to use her. She's great either way you play her. However, keep in mind that she does have speed to add to her game, so you can mix-up between strategies to confuse your opponents. -When going on the offense, Sunrize, Sunarch, and Sun Dive are your best friends. Sunrize and Sun Dive move Ingrid around the screen very quickly, while Sunarch makes for a great counter against air attacks and other attacks like Tatsumaki Senpukyaku. -Use Ingrid's Dash and Roll to move in and out of the fight quickly. This is important, especially since you don't want Ingrid to take too much damage. -Careful when trying to use Sun Shot, as even from across the screen, the HP version will only go half screen. This is better used up close. -Make good use of Ingrid's Crouching HK. This is especially true when you end up in corner fights. -Also, when you're cornered, Sun Shot, Sunburst, and Sunshine are your best friends. Now, to determine what to do when you're in each different distance: Close (Next to opponent): -Not something you want Ingrid to be, as she can take quite a bit of damage. However, if you find yourself in this predicament, your best bet is to not use any of the Special attacks, as they can leave Ingrid wide-open, unless of course you see an opening. Super Specials are the way to go if you can manage them. LP Sun Delta will most likely connect if you knock your opponent back a little ways, and Sun Shine is also a great offensive alternative. Crouching HK and Standing HP are nice as well. If you need to back off, use Ingrid's Sun Dive to get out of the fight. Dash and Roll are also good for mix-up games as well. Close (Near opponent) -Similar to the previous distance, but a bit different. Sunshot is the best alternative here, as well as Sunburst. You can try Sun Delta, but don't rely on it too much. Sunrize is good too, but isn't recommended due to the lack of recovery. If you want to get even closer, then Dash or Roll. Otherwise, nothing too different than from the previous distance. Mid Range -This is the best place for Ingrid, as she can switch between offense and defense here. For offense game, try Sunshot and Sunburst, but stay away from Sun Delta and Sun Shine, as you probably won't hit with them. Defensively, Sunarch, Sun Upper, and Sun Lower will keep you protected, as well as the lovely Dash and Roll. Sun Dive is only recommended if the fight gets too hectic. Long Range (Across Screen) -This is Ingrid's absolute worst position. She doesn't have ANYTHING aside from HP Sun Delta and HP Sunburst to fight with, and Dash and Roll are useless, as the opponent will most likely interrupt or counterattack those actions. Sun Dive, however, is a nice alternative to get Ingrid closer to the opponent. Also, NEVER get into a fireball fight using Ingrid's Sunshot, as you'll never win. Remember this at all times! --Combos-- This isn't really neccesarry with Ingrid, as she doesn't have very many combos to start off with anyways, and most of them aren't that great. However, since this IS a fighting game, I thought that this would prove useful to some of you out there. 1) Close Standing LP x2, Standing MP, Sunrize Decent, and it can knock the opponent back to far range. However, you have to watch it when doing the LP, or else you may not be able to pull this combo off to begin with. 2) Jumping LK, Standing LP x2, Sunshot This is actually a decent combo, and is probably one of the better ones that Ingrid has. You have to make sure that you're close enough to make both LP connect, but even if you don't get them both, you can still pull off the Sunshot. 3) Jumping LP, Standing LP, Sunshot, Crouching HK This is a great combo. The opponent will most likely block the first three attacks, but the HK will trick them if they don't keep a sharp eye on Ingrid (and not in that manner either!). A highly recommended combo, if you must use them. 4) Jummping LP, Standing LP x2 or x3, Sunrize, Sunburst or Sunshine This can turn out good or bad, depending entirely on your opponent. If they block the Sunrize, then it's punishment time. If not, then the Sunburst or Sunshine will take care of the rest. Which Super Special to use depends on what you want to do. If you want to hit low, then go with Sunshine. If you want to hit high, then use Sunburst. 5) Standing LP x2, Crouching LK, Crouching HK, Sunshine A whole bunch of low attacks. However, if any of them are blocked, the rest may not connect, which will leave Ingrid open and be a waste of a Super Special if blocked. However, this combo can be pretty damaging, if it connects. 6) Jumping LK, Standing LP x2, LP Sun Delta, Sunburst The ultimate combo that I've seen with Ingrid. If you manage to get the Sun Delta to connect, and have enough for Sunburst, then let it rip! This combo is by far one of the deadliest ones that Ingrid has, and is even deadlier when used in a corner. ------------------------------------------------------------ II. Pyron [033] The end-game boss. Master of combos and mind-games. Only the master player will get the full benefit of this fighter. --Movelist-- Soul Smasher.................................QCF + P Zodiac Fire.....................................DPF + P Orbital Blaze (AIR).......................QCB + K Planet Burning (Close)................HCB + P Galaxy Trip....................................DPB + P/K Cosmo Disruption.......................HCF + Kx2 Piled Hell......................................FDP + Kx2 --Movelist Description-- -Normal Moves- -Standing Moves- LP (Quick Jab) -As with most LP and LK, this move is quick and is great for combo starters. Low damage, low startup time, and quick recovery time. MP (Tidal Flame Uppercut) -A bit of slow startup, but is somewhat good for Anti-Air purpose. Recovery time is a bit lagging as well. HP (Super Tidal Flame Uppercut) -A lot slower than MP in both startup and recovery. Great for Anti-Air purposes. LK (Quick Kick) -Same as with the LP. MK (Pyro Heel) -Pyron attacks with his heel. Nothing special here. HK (Pyro Jump Kick) -This move can be chained off of Pyron's dash as well, and can be used to move Pyron forward or back when combined with a directional button. A little slow startup and recovery, but not noticable. F + MP (Pyro Punch) -Pyron dashes forward while punching. Good for combo starters. F + HP (Pyro Drill) -More powerful version of Pyro Punch. -Crouching Attacks- LP (Quick Jab) -Same as with the Standing LP. MP (Flame Wall) -Pyron creates a small wall of flame in front of him. Decent, but not that great. HP (Flame Cloud) -Looks like a tiny atomic explosion. Can be used for Anti-Air purposes, but not recommended. Need to be somewhat close to the opponent for it to connect. LK (Foot Kick) -Same as with the LP. MK (Spark Kick) -Decent in speed, but horrible in just about everything else. HK (Flame Slide) -This is Pyron's trip move. Use with caution, as it doesn't have good recovery time when blocked. -Jumping Moves- LP (Falling Flame Fist) -Lasts the whole time that Pyron is in the air. Great for combo starters. MP (Quick Falling Flame Fist) -Much faster than LP, and lasts a lot shorter than it as well. Must time correctly to hit grounded opponents, and good for knocking opponents out of moves. HP (Spark Punch) -Can be used to knock opponents out of moves in the air, but not recommended for hitting opponents on the ground. LK (Falling Flame Knee) -Same as with the LP. MK (Aerial Flame Kick) -Decent speed, startup, and recovery, but have to time it right to hit grounded opponents. HK (Power Flame Kick) -Same as with the MK. D + P (Float Down Attack) -Pyron does the corresponding P attack while moving down at the opponent. Pretty good for mix-up games. -Throws- LP + LK + <- or -> (Liquid Toss) -Pyro turns into liquid and throws the opponent. -Special Moves- -Soul Smasher- STRONG VS. Air attacks Anti-Air attacks Rush attacks Other attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. None.... -Simply a great move. It can counter anything thrown at it. It can go either straight or upwards, and it does great damage. Also good for comboing into or for knocking opponents back. -Zodiac Fire- STRONG VS. Rush attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Projectile attacks Other attacks Anti-Air attacks Air attacks -This move tends to get beaten a lot by other moves, especially if you time the moves right. However, this is great for a counter or a Wakeup Counter, as your opponent may not suspect it coming when they're putting the pressure on you. The EX version is pretty powerful too. -Orbital Blaze- STRONG VS. Air attacks Rush attacks Other attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Anti-Air attacks Projectile attacks -Not a bad move, as it can be used to get Pyron around the stage quickly and does damage. However, it's easily countered by Crouching HP and Anti-Air attacks, and if blocked, leaves him wide open. Think twice before trying to attack your opponent with this move. -Planet Burning- STRONG VS. None..... NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Everything.... -This is Pyron's command throw, and it has to be used right next to the opponent. Does good damage too, but not worth it unless you use it as a Wakeup Counter. The EX version adds in 3 more hits, but they do unnoticable damage.... -Galaxy Trip- STRONG VS. Everything.... NO EFFECT VS. None. WEAK VS. Depends on how it's used.... -Pyron's teleport move. Depending on which P or K button you use, Pyron will either teleport close, mid, or far screen. P makes him teleport on the ground, while K makes him teleport in the air (IIRC). -Super Special Moves- -Cosmo Disruption- STRONG VS. Everything NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. None.... -Truly a spectacular special. It covers nearly all of the screen, and IIRC, it takes off a good 50-70% health. It is blockable (IIRC again), but can inflict massive chip damage. Not to mention that it stops virtually all attacks (except that accursed Shungokusatsu and Misogi...), and it's hard to find a better move. -Piled Hell- STRONG VS. Air attacks (except Zanku Hadoken) Rush attacks Other attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Projectile attacks Anti-Air attacks -Even though it can stop attacks, it's a waste of a Super Meter. It deals horrendous damage (about 5-10%....), and it has to be almost next to the opponent for it to even hit! Not that great, so save your Super Meter for Cosmic Disurption or an EX Special. --Style of Plays-- Aggressive Style (Offense Game) Here, Soul Smasher, Zodiac Fire, and Orbital Blaze are your key attacks. Ignore Planet Burning, as that'll slow your game down. Pressure your opponents into making mistakes by using Chain Combos and mixing those up with one of the aforementioned attacks. Conservative Style (Defense Game) Here, Soul Smasher and Planet Burning will help you out. Galaxy Trip is also a great way to avoid attacks and to get away from opponents, but be sure you know which button to use to escape. Counterattacks like Zodiac Fire will also aid you in this style. Mix-Up Style (Offense and Defense Game) You'll want to switch out from offense to defense from time to time to confuse your opponents. Make them think that you're retreating and punish them with a Zodiac Fire, or act like you're attacking and use Galaxy Trip to back off. A great way to annoy your opponent. Aerial Style (Air Game) You'll want to use Orbital Blaze here, but use Galaxy Trip to constantly move around in the air. Watch out for Anti-Air attacks at all time! D + P work well for going into Chain Combos and custom combos. --Combos-- Now, note that some of these combos are very hard to pull off in the middle of a fight, as one blocked part of the combo will mess the combo up entirely. You may have to combine combos in order to get them to work out. 1) Galaxy Trip (Air), D + LP, Standing LP, Standing MP, Zodiac Fire, Crouching HP, Soul Smasher, Orbital Blaze, Cosmic Disruption A pretty powerful combo. However, as stated before, one blocked move and this combo is done for. Those moves are: Zodiac Fire, Crouching HP, Orbital Blaze, and D + LP. You may have to mix and match attacks in this combo to end with the Cosmic Disruption. Otherwise, it deals around 40% damage to the opponent. 2) F + HP, Crouching HP, Crouching HK, U + K, Soul Smasher, U + K, Zodiac Fire, U + K, Soul Smasher, repeat. This is an infinite chain, as long as you don't get hit in the middle of it, and as long as you don't mess up. It's not nearly as powerful as the previous combo, and is more easily blockable and more easier to counter, but hey, why quarrel about it? 3) F + HP, F + MP, Crouching LP, Crouching HP, Soul Smasher, U + K, Cosmic Disruption This combo will only work in a corner, as the Crouching LP will knock the opponent out of the way of the Crouching HP. Not good in terms of damage, but nice to put the pressure on your opponent. 4) F + HP, F + MP, Crouching LP, Crouching MP, Crouching HP, Zodiac Fire, U + K, Soul Smasher, Cosmic Disruption A modified version of the previous combo. More damaging, but harder to hit with (especially the Chain Combo part). If you don't feel that you can pull this combo off, then stick with the previous combo. 5) Dash HK, Crouching HK, U + K, Soul Smasher, Cosmic Disruption A short combo, but pretty good one. It's great to mix-up other combos or attacks with, but it doesn't have the power behind it to make it truly formidable. --Vs. Matchup Data-- Vs. Alex Pyron wins this one hands-down. Soul Smasher is all you need to beat Alex, and Cosmo Disruption wreaks havoc to him. Avoid using Orbital Blaze, as if it's blocked, Alex can simply counter with something like Hyper Bomb or the like. If Alex gets too close, use Galaxy Trip to get away from him. Otherwise, this is a pretty easy fight. Vs. Anakaris Pyron shouldn't have too much problem here. Cobra Blow is nothing against Soul Smasher, and Coffin Drop won't be of much use against Galaxy Trip. Avoid using Zodiac Fire, as Anakaris can simply use LP Mummy Drop to take care of Pyron. Royal Judgment will only be a problem if you time your Orbital Blaze wrong. Hole of Hell can be a problem if you use Orbital Blaze and Zodiac Fire as well, and Pharoah's Magic can be bad for Pyron as well. Avoid those two attacks, and you have it made. Vs. Chun-Li No problems here for Pyron. Spinning Bird Kick, Hyakuretsu Kyaku, and Hazan Shu are all beatable by all of Pyron's moves, and Kikouken is easily avoidable and beatable. The only thing to worry about is Chun-Li's quick normal attacks and her Super Specials. Vs. Demitri This can be a tough fight. Demitri has a great mix-up game, but Pyron has so many options available to him that he can basically counter anything that Demitri throws at him. The only thing that Demitri has that can stop Pyron is Demon Billion, and even then, Galaxy Trip is enough to escape that attack. Block and counter, and you're pretty much unstoppable here. Vs. Felicia Felicia may be quick, but she's weak to Pyron. All of her attacks are close-ranged, which means that Pyron can just abuse Soul Smasher. Of course, he can also counter anything that Felicia uses with Zodiac Fire or Orbital Blaze too. Not a difficult fight by any means. Vs. Guile Guile will annoy you here. You'll just have to find a way to get around his defenses and punish him. This isn't easy, however, as Guile relies on counterattacks and defense. You may want to do tick-damage to him with Soul Smasher, or get in close (watch for Somersault Kicks!), and use Planet Burning or Chain Combos to beat through his defense. Vs. Guy Guy's rough. His speed and comboability will put your skills to the test a little with Pyron. Soul Smasher is enough to beat the CPU, but against human players, you'll want to try out Zodiac Fire and Planet Burning. You may have to play a little defense against Guy, but you shouldn't have too much problem on offense either. Vs. Hauzer Hauzer's a pushover. Soul Smasher is more than enough to beat him down, and if not, then Zodiac Fire and Planet Burning will get the job done. Not much else to say here.\ Vs. Hydron Hydron's not that bad. Arctic Stream and Nochiller's Attack are easily beaten. All of Hydron's other attacks are nothing compared to what Pyron can dish out. If you decide to get in close, watch out for Strangle Spark and Lightning Mast. Other than that, this one's in the bag for Pyron. Vs. Ingrid Pyron has this one easily. Ingrid's Sunshot, Sunrize, and Sunarch have nothing on Soul Smasher and Zodiac Fire. Avoid using Orbital Blaze too much, as that's easily countered by Sunarch and Sun Upper. Dash HK is a great way to go into Chain Combos. When you see one of Ingrid's Super Specials, either counter with Cosmic Disruption or Galaxy Trip. Vs. Jedah Jedah is a tough one to beat for Pyron. He can pressure Pyron into making mistakes, then punishing him with something like Spreggio or Dio-Cega. Fiorre-Rosso and Prova-Dei-Cervo shouldn't be any problem for Pyron, as he can simply jump and use Orbital Blaze or Galaxy Trip to escape them. Counter Jedah's Ira Spinta with a HP or MP Soul Smasher. Watch for Jedah's rush-in Chain Combos, and you should be just fine. Vs. Karin No doubt Karin cannot win this fight. She has nothing that can stop Pyron aside from Yasha Counter, and even then it's not enough. Not much else to say here. Vs. Kenji Kenji is not that tough to beat. However, his mix-up game may become a bit of a nuisance at times, especially when he mixes teleport moves with attacks. Your best bet is to rush him down and strike Kenji without giving him a chance to counter or teleport. This way, you pretty much lock him down to nothing but normal attacks. Vs. Leo In Pyron's favor. Leo cannot get close enough to stop the barrages of Soul Smashers, and Cosmic Disruption is enough to keep Leo from trying to attack. Avoid Zodiac Fire and Oribital Blaze, as that'll result in a counterattack. Play keep-away games and you'll win this one no problem. Vs. M. Bison Bison's not that tough, though he tries to be. Psycho Crusher is the only thing you have to worry about, and Soul Smasher easily takes care of that. If Bison jumps at you, counter with a HP or MP Soul Smasher to knock him away, as he can't block in the air. Nothing hard here at all. Vs. Rose Rose has nothing to stop Pyron aside from Soul Spiral and Soul Spark. Up close, she's outmatched in hand-to-hand combat, as Pyron's combos are far more powerful than Rose's. Nothing else to say here. Vs. Ryu This can be tough, but Pyron can still beat Ryu. Bust out constant Soul Smashers against Ryu's Hadokens, and you'll beat him just about everytime. Against Shoryuken, Zodiac Fire will do, and against Tatsumaki Senpukyaku, Orbital Blaze will take care of the job. Just watch out for Shinku Hadoken, as Pyron has nothing other than Galaxy Trip to stop it. Vs. Sakura Pyron has this one just as he does with Ryu. Sakura is weaker than Ryu, and her attacks are not as great as Ryu. Simple Soul Smashers and Zodiac Fires will do, as will Chain Combos and Planet Burning. Vs. Shin Akuma Personally, this can be a pretty epic fight. Shin Akuma's constant Ashura Senku should be countered with constant Galaxy Trips, while his Zanku and Gou Hadokens should be countered with Soul Smashers. Tatsumaki Zanku Kyaku and Gou Shoryuken should be dealt with as with Ryu. Pyron can win this, but it takes patience here for him to do so. Cosmic Disruption will help out a lot, but watch it for Misogi and Shungokusatsu. Vs. Urien Pyron might have some trouble due to Urien's raw strength and versatility. Soul Smasher is easily counterd with Violence Knee Drop, while Orbital Blaze can be countered with Metallic Sphere. And let's not talk about Zodiac Fire.... Therefore, your best bet is to duke it out with Urien, though watch out for his combos and parries. Chain Combos combined with attacks like Planet Burning makes this fight a bit easier. Add in some Soul Smashers from time to time, and Pyron should grasp victory. Vs. Yun Identical to the Karin fight, except Yun doesn't even have a counter move. Nothing else to really say here. Vs. Zangief Goes to Pyron. Zangief has to be close to do damage, and Pyron can easily play keep-away games. Soul Smashers is all you need here. ------------------------------------------------------------ III. Shin Akuma [034] The ultimate fighter in this game. Powerful in every aspect except defense. Even beginners can win this fighter if they practice with him. --Movelist-- -Special Moves- Gou Hadoken...........................................QCF + LP, MP, or HP -Normal Hadoken move. Zanku Hadoken (AIR)............................QCF + LP, MP, or HP -Air Hadoken move. Fires diagonally at opponents. Shakenetsu Hadoken..............................HCB + LP, MP, or HP -Fire version of Hadoken. A bit stronger than Gou Hadoken, but more predictable to see. Gou Shoryuken........................................FDP + LP, MP, or HP -Version of Shoryuken that hits a max of 3 times. Tatsumaki Zanku Kyaku........................QCB + LK, MK, or HK -Version of Tatsumaki Senpu Kyaku, but can hit a max of 3 times. Ashura Senku..........................................FDP (BDP) + PPP (to go far) or KKK (to go short) -Teleport move. Shin Akuma is invicible while teleporting. Hyakkisu (Shin Akuma).........................QCF, Diagonal Up + P, then in air, P or K -Super Special Moves- Messatsu Gou Hado...............................HCB (x2) + LP, MP, or HP -Same as Shinku Hadoken. Five Gou Hadokens in one. Tenma Gou Zanku (AIR)........................QCF (x2) + LP, MP, or HP -A Super version of Zanku Hadoken. Hits up to 5 times. Messatsu Gou Shoryu.............................QCF (x2) + LK, MK, or HK -A Super version of Gou Shoryuken. Hits a max of 9 times. Shungokusatsu.........................................LP, LP, F, LK, HP -Unblockable. Hits a max of 32 times. One of Shin Akuma's strongest moves Misogi.............................................HCB (x2) + LP, MP, or HP -Shin Akuma's ultimate attack. Can almost kill (takes about 90% of Health bar). --Movelist Description-- -Normal Moves- -Standing Moves- LP (Quick Jab) -Great for speed, but horrible for damage. However, this can help in raking up damage if you combo other attacks into this move. This can also be used to knock certain fighters out of attacks, like Shin Akuma's Shungokusatsu. However, this is not recommended. Distance Data: Far: X Mid: X Close: O LP Close (Quick Elbow) -Very fast, and excellent to chain into other normal moves. Also works well with comboing into Super Specials and Specials. Distance Data: Far: X Mid: X Close: O MP (Palm Thrust) -Decent in both speed and damage. However, kinda hard to combo into... Distance Data: Far: X Mid: X Close: O MP Close (Mid Punch) -Pretty fast and efficient, and also works well as a combo starter. Distance Data: Far: X Mid: X Close: O HP (Fierce Punch) -Somewhat slow, but does good damage. Hard to combo off of though. Distance Data: Far: X Mid: X Close: O HP Close (Fierce Uppercut) -Great for damage, and the speed of the move is pretty fast. However, kind of hard to combo off of. Distance Data: Far: X Mid: X Close: O LK (Shin Kick) -As with the LP, fast and good combo starter, but not good damage at all. Distance Data: Far: X Mid: X Close: O MK (High Kick) -Same as with the MP. Distance Data: Far: X Mid: X Close: O MK Close (High Knee) -This move is decently fast and strong, and can actually combo into a HP or HK, depending on where Shin Akuma is after this move. Distance Data: Far: X Mid: X Close: O HK (Roundhouse Kick) -Great for hitting airbourne opponents. However, it is rather slow, so be cautious. Distance Data: Far: X Mid: X Close: O HK Close (High Scissor Kick) -This move actually hits twice: One high, and one low. However, don't expect to combo off of this move, as it'll never happen. Distance Data: Far: X Mid: X Close: O -Crouching Moves- LP (Low Quick Jab) -Once again, fast and god to combo into, but low in damage. Great combo starter, however, and can lead directly into a Shungokusatsu or other Super Special move. Distance Data: Far: X Mid: X Close: O MP (Low Palm Thrust) -Nice in terms of speed and damage, and a decent combo starter, but it lacks the range to do any real good to players unless they're close to the opponent. It's best to use some other attack other than this move. Distance Data: Far: X Mid: X Close: O HP (Uppercut) -Great for Anti-Air purposes, and it does pretty decent damage. Distance Data: Far: X Mid: X Close: O LK (Quick Low Kick) -Practically the same as the Standing LK, except that it hits low. Distance Data: Far: X Mid: X Close: O MK (Long Reach Kick) -A tiny fragment slower than the Crouching LK, but still great to combo off of. Distance Data: Far: X Mid: X Close: O HK (Sweep) -Excellent when it comes to corner battles. If the opponent blocks this move, you can combo a Gou Shoryuken, Gou Hadoken, Tatsumaki Zanku Kyaku, or a Super Special off of it to make them pay. However, note that more often than not (especially true against human players), this strategy won't work the majority of the time. Distance Data: Far: X Mid: X Close: O -Jumping Moves- LP (Quick Punch) -Has the same property as the Standing and Crouching LP. However, you can't abuse this constantly like those two, as in the air you can only use one attack at a time. This lasts the whole time that Shin AKuma is in the air, and can be used either jumping straight up or back or towards an opponent. Distance Data: Far: X Mid: X Close: O MP (Left-Handed Diagonal Punch) -Has the same property as the Standing and Crouching MP. This move works wonder against some attacks. However, note that it is not always the best move to use, as it can lead into trouble. Great when you want to go on the offensive against someone who uses attacks similar to Tatsumaki Senpukyaku and Demon Cradle. Distance Data: Far: X Mid: X Close: O HP ( Fast Left-Handed Diagonal Punch) -One of the better moves, and an excellent combo starter. This move should take priority (only second to the Jumping LK and Jumping MK), as it tends to knock opponents out of moves rather easily. Distance Data: Far: X Mid: X Close: O LK Straight Up (Heel Kick) -This lasts the whole time that Shin Akuma is in the air. Nice to start a combo, and also good when you don't want to jump into a move but still want to hit. Distance Data: Far: X Mid: X Close: O LK (Knee Punch) -This move has the highest priority (up there with Jumping MK) with knocking opponents out of moves (especially moves like Shungokusatstu, Hyper Bomb, and Midnight Bliss). Low damage, but great combo starter. Distance Data: Far: X Mid: X Close: O MK Straight Up (Quick Heel Kick) -Same as the LK Straight Up, except that it only last about a second or two in the air. Distance Data: Far: X Mid: X Close: O MK (Straight Kick Punch) -Great in the sense that it can take out opponent's moves very easily, and the fact that it even works well on opponents from below. It can even combo right into Super Specials like Messatsu Gou Hado and Shungokusatsu! Distance Data: Far: X Mid: X Close: O HK (Quick Straight Kick Punch) -A great move in terms of damage, but don't overabuse it, as human opponents will most likely be able to counter this move rather easily. It's similar to the MK, but only lasts about half as long. Distance Data: Far: X Mid: X Close: O -Throws- LP + LK + <- OR -> (Foot Throw) -Shin Akuma's Throw. Simple enough, right? Distance Data: Far: X Mid: X Close: O <- OR -> + LP + LK (Over the back Throw) -Another Throw. You have to do the directional input first in order to do this throw. Distance Data: Far: X Mid: X Close: O -Special Moves- -Gou Hadoken- -Speed depends on the P button you used. Try mixing up slow and fast Gou Hadokens to confuse your opponent. STRONG VS. All Anti-Air attacks All Rush attacks All Other attacks NO EFFECT VS. Most Projectile attacks (Cancels out with them) All Teleport attacks WEAK VS. All Air attacks Other attacks -Soul Reflect (Rose) -Aegis Reflector (Urien) -Ira Spinta (Jedah) -Prova-Dei-Cervo (Jedah) -Please Help Me! (Felicia) -Gust Flame (Hauzer) Projectile attacks -Demon Billion (Demitri) -Messatsu Gou Hado (Shin Akuma) -Shinku Hadoken (Ryu) -Shinku Hadoken (Sakura) -Aura Soul Spark (Rose) -Temporal Thunder (Urien) -Kikou-Sho (Chun-Li) Misc attacks Rush attacks -Mega Psycho Crusher (M. Bison) This is a great move to stall opponents and to play keep-away games. You'll definentely want to use this the moment you see a projectile, as this move will cancel them out (with the exceptions of Super Art specials, in which the opposite occurs...) Distance Data: Far: O Mid: O Close: O Best Distance: Any -Zanku Hadoken- -The speed of the fireballs depend on the P button pressed. STRONG VS. Anti-Air attacks (if they miss) (Somersault Kick, Shoryuken, etc.) Dash attack (Flash Chop, Achilles Rush, etc.) Most projectiles (Hadoken, Kikoushen, etc.) NO EFFECT VS. Super Arts.... WEAK VS. Air attacks A very good move in the fact that it's one of the few air moves that can't really be stopped by Anti-Air attacks, and instead punishes them. And to add insult to the injury, Shin Akuma can fire two fireballs at the same time. This can work both offensively and defensively. Offensively, you can use this move to help combo into other moves, as by the time the fireballs are blocked or hit your opponent, Shin Akuma will be back on the ground, which can lead into a Super Special. Defensively, it works as a way to spread both fighters out across the level, as this move is rather hard to dodge while moving forward. Distance Data: Far: O Mid: O Close: O Best Distance: Any -Shakunetsu Hadoken- STRONG VS. Same as Gou Hadoken. NO EFFECT VS. Same as Gou Hadoken WEAK VS. Same as Gou Hadoken A bit stronger than Gou Hadoken, and it has knockback effect to boost. Great for mixup games when using Zanku Hadoken and Gou Hadoken. However, it has a bit of slow startup, and it signals the opponent when it's about to be used, so it's not to be abused. However, it can be used when mixing LP and HP versions together. Distance Data: Far: O Mid: O Close: O Best Distance: Any -Gou Shoryuken- -How far up Shin Akuma goes up depends on what P button you press. STRONG VS. Missed Anti-Air attacks (Shoryuken, Somersault Kick, etc.) Dash attacks just as they close in on Shin Akuma (Flash Chop, Achilles Rush, etc.) Air attacks (Flower Kick, Violence Knee Drop, etc.) NO EFFECT VS. None........ WEAK VS. All projectiles Any attacks if misses The typical Dragon Punch move. Excellent against air attacks and Rush attacks, but bad if your opponent blocks the move or if you miss them completely. It's great, however, for mixup games as well, especially if you use the LP version quite often, then follow up with a LK or HK version of Tatsumaki Zanku Kyaku. Distance Data: Far: X Mid: X Close: O Best Distance: Close -Tatsumaki Zanku Kyaku- STRONG VS. Blocked or missed Anti-Air attacks Rush attacks NO EFFECT VS. Most Super Arts (Aegis Reflector, etc.) WEAK VS. Projectiles (Hadoken, Gou Hadoken, etc.) Anti-Air (Shoryuken, Demon Cradle, etc.) -Great for Rush attacks (Flash Chop, Achilles Rush, etc.), and is great to punish missed or blocked Anti-Air attacks. Bad, however, if the opponent ducks under it or is far away when used. Distance Data: Far: X Mid: O (only with HK) Close: O Best Distance: Mid -Ashura Senku- STRONG VS. All attacks NO EFFECT VS. None WEAK VS. None -Great in that it grants invulnerability to attacks while teleporting, and the fact that it allows teleport. Great to get out of corners. Easy to combo attacks off of this move as well. Distance Data: Far: O Mid: O Close: O Best Distance: Any -Hyakkisu- STRONG VS. All Rush Attacks Most Projectile attacks Other attacks NO EFFECT VS. Teleport moves WEAK VS. Super Special Projectile attacks Other attacks -Gust Flame -Volcano Breath Anti-Air attacks -Great for confusing your opponent when they expect a Zanku Hadoken. The move input isn't too difficult, and this move does quite a bit of damage. Rather nice to get around most projectiles and the like too. -Super Special Moves- -Messatsu Gou Hadou- STRONG VS. All Rush attacks All projectiles (except Super Art projectiles) All Anti-Air attacks NO EFFECT VS. None WEAK VS. None -Excellent in that it rips through all other projectiles (except Super Art projectiles...) and it repels virtually any attack. Distance Data: Far: O Mid: O Close: O Best Distance: Any -Tenma Gou Zanku- STRONG VS. Most Anti-Air attacks Most Projectile attacks All Rush attacks NO EFFECT VS. None WEAK VS. None -As with the Messatsu Gou Hadou, this move is great against all other projectiles, AND is perfect against Anti-Air attacks. However, many players will expect this move, so use it sparingly. Distance Data: Far: O Mid: O Close: O Best Distance: Any -Messatsu Gou Shoryu- STRONG VS. Most Anti-Air (if blocked or miss) All Rush attacks NO EFFECT VS. None WEAK VS. All Projectiles (unless timed correctly) -Great against Rush attacks, but not the best of choice against Projectile users. However, it does make for a nasty counterattack as a Wakeup move. Distance Data: Far: O Mid: O Close: O Best Distance: Mid -Shungokusatsu- STRONG VS. Rush attacks only! NO EFFECT VS. None WEAK VS. Anti-Air attacks Projectile attacks -The infamous Raging Demon to some and Instant Hell Murder to others. Great due to its speed and being an Unblockable. Unfortunently, everyone who has fought Shin Akuma or Akuma knows about this move and know how to avoid it. However, try using it as a Wakeup Counter. You might be able to surprise your opponents. Distance Data: Far: O Mid: O Close: O Best Distance: Close -Misogi- STRONG VS. Everything NO EFFECT VS. None WEAK VS. None -Another infamous Shin Akuma attack. Shin Akuma disappears briefly and does a massive karate chop, doing almost 80% of a health bar! However, as with Shungokusatsu, people expect this. It's also easy to block too, if you can spot it coming. Distance Data: Far: O Mid: O Close: O Best Distance: Any --Strengths & Weaknessess-- To start off, note that Shin Akuma uses the Street Fighter II fighting system. Therefore, it is worth noting that Shin Akuma has the strengths and weaknesses of that system. He also has the Dash ability that is found in Ingrid's fighting system. However, he also has his own innate strengths and weaknesses, as will be explained in the upcoming review. STRENGTHS -Note that Shin Akuma is the FASTEST character in the game. Try and use this to your advantage. -Use Shin Akuma's Ashura Senku to get out of traps and Super Specials. -Zanku Hadoken fires TWO fireballs. Use this to your advantage when jumping away or near an opponent. Try to floor sweep the opponent whenever you throw that move out. WEAKNESSES -Note that Shin Akuma takes double damage compared to everyone else. In some cases, a Super Special is enough to wipe him out. Too bad the CPU isn't like this... -Several of his moves are unsafe if blocked. Those being Gou Shoryuken, Messatsu Gou Shoryu, Tatsumaki Zanku Kyaku. -Be careful when using Shungokusatsu! If it doesn't connect, you WILL be punished for it! -Sometimes, Shin Akuma's speed can hinder you, especially when you try to do moves off of other moves. --Styles of Play-- Type of character: Power Rush OFFENSE This is where Shin Akuma should be on at most of the time. His offense is outstanding, and his moves definently do their fair share of damage. Try mixing in slow and fast Gou Hadokens with slow and fast Shakunetsu Hadokens, then follow-up with a Tatsumaki Zanku Kyaku or Gou Shoryuken. Be careful when using these though. They can be easily countered. DEFENSE Not one of Shin Akuma's best assets. In fact, it's his worse. Even when blocking attacks, the chip damage he takes is still pretty high. One of your best defensive moves is going to be Ashura Senku. This will teleport you away from corners and attacks, AND it makes you partially invicible! Not bad considering some of the specials that are close-ranged (that is, if you can pull this move off at the time of the special!). Use Tatsumaki Zanku Kyaku and Gou Shoryuken as counterattacks if you find yourself in a corner. --Combos-- 1) LP, LP, Crouching LK, Crouching LK, Crouching HK, Shungokusatsu -This combo is great to go into the Shungokusatsu, but only if the Crouching HK is blocked, especially if you're playing against an experience fighter who knows Shin Akuma well. 2) LP, LP, MP, Jumping LK, Shungokusatsu or Messatsu Gou Shoryu -Excellent, especially if you manage to get the Jumping LK to connect, as it pretty much guarantees the connection of the Super Specials. 3) Dash to MP, Crouching LK, Crouching LK, Crouching MK, LK Tatsumaki Zanku Kyaku, LP Gou Shoryu, Messatsu Gou Hado or Messatsu Gou Shoryu -A very powerful combo if you know what you're doing. The dash can be replaced with a Jumping MK and comboed into the same thing, and if the Gou Shoryu is blocked, then you should have enough time to pull of the Super Specials. Messatsu Gou Shoryu is the best one to use in this situation, as Messatsu Gou Hado takes too long to pull off. 4) Taunt, mixup of LP and HP Gou Hadoken with LP and HP Shakunetsu Hadoken with Zanku Hadoken, Misogi. -The end result of this move will take time to actually pull off. You need to make your opponent panic and walk into some of the moves. Once you see your opponent leap into the air, then pull of the Misogi, as there aren't that many fighters who can Air Block in this game. The Taunt is just there if you want to make your opponent feel a bit nervous. These are foolproof combos that I have tested repeatedly: 5) Jumping MK, Standing LP x2, Standing MP, Crouching HK -This is a great combo, even if it doesn't involve any special attacks. However, you have to make certain that you get the two Standing LP to connect, otherwise the Standing MP won't connect. 6) Jumpin MP, Standing LP x2, Tatsumaki Zanku Kyaku, Gou Shoryuken -Nice in that, if you can get the two LP to connect right, then the Tatsumaki Zanku Kyaku should connect (especially if you have the opponent in a corner), and if only two of the Tatsumakis hit, then the Gou Shoryuken will add the third hit in. There's also three variations to this combo: -Jumping LK, Standing LP x2, Standing HP, Tatsumaki Zanku Kyaku, Gou Shoryuken -Jumping MK, Standing LP, Crouching LK x2, Tatsumaki Zanku Kyaku, Gou Shoryuken -Jumping MK, Standing LK, Standing LP xw, Tatsumaki Zanku Kyaku, Gou Shoryuken 7) Jumping LK, Standing LP x2, Gou Hadoken -This is a great knock-back combo. The Jumping LK should connect (if your opponent doesn't block it), and the two LP shoud be easy enough to pull off. The Gou Hadoken will be the one to knock you opponent back away from you, which can give Shin Akuma the space he needs to pull off another combo strategy. 8) Standing LP, Standing LK, Standing MK, Standing HP -This is tougher than it looks, as you have to time each button input at the correct time. Note that the HP will not give you any time to use any other commands, as it has a long recovery period, so make sure that it doesn't get blocked. 9) Jumping LP, Standing LP x2, Shakunetsu Hadoken -As with the Gou Hadoken combo, this is an excellent way to knock-back your opponent. However, the difference between this combo and the Gou Hadoken combo is the startup time of the Hadokens. It's better to use the Gou Hadoken combo rather than leave yourself open with this one. 10) Jumping HK, Crouching LK x2, Standing LP, Shakunetsu Hadoken -A bit more versatile than the last combo. Still, the Shakunetsu Hadoken leaves Shin Akuma open due to the startup of the move. 11) Jumping HK, Crouching LK, Standing LP, Shungokusatsu -Very nice in the fact that it can lead into the Shungokusatsu (which many combos will not. I've been testing what can go into it, but alas...). You'll have to pull the Shungokusatsu off quickly the moment you start to do the Standing LP. Does a good 60-70% Life Bar. 12) Jumping MP, Any Super Special -Yes, that's right! Just by doing this one simple move, you can combo into any Super Special! Actually, to be honest, you could probably do this with any of the jumping moves. ------------------------------------------------------------ 6. Credits [035] A big thanks to psychochronic, for letting me do this faq. Thanks to assassin17, who helped me with formatting ideas. Thanks to Gamefaqs, for hosting this faq. ------------------------------------------------------------