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It cannot be reproduced, retransmitted, or re-written in any other form except by the notice of the author. Any violation of this code will result in strict penalty---and high fines susceptible by law. If this legal document is portrayed in any commercial use, you are therefor stricten under the code of law----and will be---punished. In full contrast, this document portrayed in the website found (www.gamefaqs.com) is to be used and only used by the public itself and cannot be sold. Revisions of this FAQ are only to be done with notice of the author before hand and may be done so as long as the name of the author of the document appears in due credit. You may juxatpose this---document with other---documents as well without notice of the author but it must not be used for sales and broadcasting or commercial use. This FAQ may not be---included in a promotional CD, magazine, or any other use of monetary product. 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This document is copyright; Dingo Jellybean, 2001. --------------------------- [ End of Copyright ] ---------------------------- - Introduction - Version History - Groove Guide - Legend - Characters - Akuma - Guile - Morrigan - Vega - Athena - God Rugal - Nakoruru - Vice - Balrog - Hibiki - Orochi Iori - Yamazaki - Benimaru - Hoahmaru - Raiden - Yun - Blanka - Iori - Rock - Yuri - Cammy - Joe - Rolento - Zangief - Chang - Ken - Rugal - Chun-Li - Kim - Ryo - Dan - King - Ryu - Dhalsim - Kyo - Sagat - Eagle - Kyosuke - Sakura - E.Honda - Mai - Shin Akuma - Evil Ryu - Maki - Terry - Gesse - M.Bison - Todo - Special Introductions(next update) - Color Selection - Miscellaneous(next update) - Approbation ***************************************************************************** ----------------------------- [ Introduction ] ------------------------------ ***************************************************************************** New intro this time. Yes you can use this guide, only if you leave it unaltered completely, you make no profit of any kind and you credit me and the contributors of this guide when due. One quick note about the title. It's Mark of the Millenium 2001, although the Japanese version(which is what this guide is based on) is Millionaire Fighting 2001. I'm not exactly sure what the US name will be when it comes to the Playstation2, but all fingers seem to point at MotM2K1 instead of MF2K1...doesn't matter anyways, the localization and domestic versions won't differ much. Also, since the title is in the name of the potential US version, the names will be too. Like Akuma instead of Gouki and Vega instead of Balrog, etc. Now about the game, it's easily the best fighter I've played since Alpha 3. While it's not as combo heavy as the rediculously easy(and SUPER cheap) Marvel vs. Capcom 2, I find the game more enjoyable...since I don't find myself in corner traps from my cheap brother using Magneto(and his triangle dashing and magnetic 120 hit combos...>.<), Cable(3 consecutive Hyper Viper Beams, that annoying ground to air HVB combo, and the guard cancel), and Doom(that stupid molecular shield that eats your life...even if you block). This game is a lot more balanced than the last game and it's more combo friendly. The cast of characters is wider, the animation is better, and the music and backgrounds are definitely a step up from any previous 2-D fighter I've seen(except GGX on the DC...whew). There's a 6 button layout now and a ton of new features and characters. However, Capcom skimmed down on the number of stages unfortunately. One of the best quotes(although nothing fancy) I've seen in a long time was on the cover of the case on the side panel that said "2D will never die", while I can't read Japanese...I do thank www.mmcafe.com for pointing it out. I've always believed that the true fighting game was 2D based, I never liked 3D fighting games(believe me, I tried endlessly trying to like them) but it never appealed to me. Capcom vs. SNK 2 is just another reason why I'll never go to 3D...it's too much fun to let down. I'll still take emails regarding the game, but please be noted that I can't answer them during the weekday as I am very busy with college. Be noted that if the Last version of the guide comes up, I won't take any more contributions to the guide. I know it sounds cruel, but my updates shouldn't have to resemble an asymtote, either I finish it or not. ***************************************************************************** ---------------------------- [ Version History ] ---------------------------- ***************************************************************************** -- [ 9-29-01 - Beta ] -- - Full movelists - Movelists - Special Comments - Counters - Chain combos - Groove Guide - Legend Note that this update is very early, I still have a ton to add to the guide like individual taunts(which will be done next week) as well as special introductions and maybe some combo sections. Watch for the Alpha version to come out next week or the next...whenever college decides to be nice to me. -- [ 10-03-01 Pre-Alpha ] -- - More movelists - The exclusive air combo by Kyosuke That's pretty much it. The air combo is a combo founded by my brother, I've yet to see anyone know about it, much less perform it. The Movelists blanks were filled out by Mr.Prolific, Kao Megura. -- [ 10-06-01 Alpha ] -- - Color Selection(more to be added later) - Yun's launcher - Intro redone -- [ 10-13-01 Gamma ] -- - Finished with color selection section - Updated movelists as well as individual tips on certain characters Whew...that color list took a ton of work. I'll try to add the special intros once I've found them all. -- [ 11-11-01 Gamma ] -- - Minor corrections on various characters and additional moves added No, I do not have the PS2 version of this game. Why? There's a thing called auto-insurance. :( #@$%!!!! I'll see if I can ste...borrow this game for the PS2 from someone else and find out the differences between the DC and PS2 versions. Most likely I won't be able to update until I get my Thanksgiving break in a couple of weeks. ***************************************************************************** ------------------------------ [ Groove Guide ] ----------------------------- ***************************************************************************** Much like Street Fighter Alpha 3, you are given a series of modes for each character. With 48 characters and 6 modes each it's going to be hard to decide if you're new to the game. Much like the ISMs in Alpha 3, the grooves comprises of different features. However every character is given the accessibility of all their moves regardless of which groove they are in. - [ Groove Legend ] - A - Safe Fall; 2K/2P just before knockdown The safe fall allows your character to roll immediately after touching the ground. You recover a little faster and you can escape corner traps. B - Custom Combo; FP/RK The custom combo is exactly what it says. Your character is given a significant speed boost and your character's recovery time is almost zero. This allows you to chain in multiple projectiles and chain attacks with ease. You can initiate this in the air or ground, but be noted that once you are attacked, the custom combo ends. Finally you can pull off a level 1 super during the duration of the custom combo, but it will cut off the custom combo...so try to save the super for the end of the custom combo. C - Air Block; Hold opposite direction of attack Not much to say here. D - Parry; Press F towards the attack This tactic from Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike, this allows you to take no block damage from any move and it allows you to recover before your opponent does...leaving them vulnerable to a quick counter attack. It's a rather tricky manuver to pull off...lots of practice is needed to even be at an intermediate level. E - Run; F,F(hold the second forward) This run will allow your characters to well...run. You can cancel this at any time, but you must be wary that you'll recover if you run too long. F - Counter Attack; F+FK+SP(while blocking) Counter attacks vary from character to character. Unlike in Alpha 2 where you can create your own counter attacks, in CvS2 you are virtually stuck with a counter attack(most of the times they are pretty useless) the character has. Counter attacks are blockable 80% of the time too. G - Dashing; F,F/B,B This replaces the run, it's a short dash forwards or backwards. H - Roll; JP+SK The roll will allow you to avoid practically all attacks in the game. You will roll towards your opponent behind them if you are close to them and the recovery time is very minimal. There is a slight bit of animation where the character is vulnerable to attack. You can begin move motions during this roll as well...making moves like the Final Atomic Buster much easier to pull off. I - Small Jump; Tap U This jump will have the character just high enough to avoid low attacks but just low enough to have them avoid air supers like the Aerial Russian Slam. It's pretty useful in most cases but it's seldom used. J - Evade; Block This will allow your character to sidestep beside all attacks in the game. You'll pretty much avoid supers and even throws and there isn't much recovery time after the evade either. K - Tactical Recovery; 2P(just before knockdown) This will allow the character to avoid some of the pitfalls of cornered trapping. Personally I don't use it too much, but it's useful to surprise your opponent. L - Roll Counter; B/F+JP+SK When you counter, your character will roll instead of attack. Depending on which way you press you can end up right behind your opponent and surprise them. Note that you can being the move motions during this roll as well...this is especially useful for characters like Zangief and Raiden. M - Just Defend; Block just before you are attacked When you Just Defend in this groove, you gain a bit of your health back. It's a little cheap and unfair at times, but eh. - [ C-Groove ] - CFGH The C-Groove acts like Street Fighter Alpha 3's A-ISM. You are given three levels of super and you can variate the strength of the super depending on which button you press. You can airblock, dash, roll, safe fall and counter attack. - [ A-Groove ] - BFGH The A-Groove represents more of a mixture of Super Street Fighter II Turbo and Street Fighter Alpha 3's V-ISM. You can perform supers but they are limited to level 1 only and custom combos(the groove's main feature) are available. The custom combo can be initiated by pressing fierce and roundhouse at the same time, they can also be initiated in the air. Another neat feature about this groove is the ability to "hyper cancel." Instead of cancelling a special move into a super, it actually works the other way around. This only works on level 2 supers, and at any time during the duration of the level two super you are welcomed to cancel into a special attack. For instance, Cammy can do her Level 2 Spin Dive Smasher and then later perform the Cannon Revenge, as she lands on the ground she can quickly pull off a level 1 Reverse Shaft Breaker. It's pretty neat and leads to some insane combos, you should try experimenting to see what you can find. - [ P-Groove ] - DGK The P-Groove acts much like Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike's engine. The main feature here is the parry technique. You are given one level of super and you are limited to using one level three super. However, your super guage gains a little faster than the C and A grooves. - [ S-Groove ] - FGIJ The S-Groove is much like the engine of previous King of Fighters. The groove's main feature is the desperation super. As your character's life bar starts flashing(when it's low) you essentially gain unlimited level 1 supers. You can charge by pressing and holding down the fierce and roundhouse buttons. - [ N-Groove ] - AEFHIL This groove allows you to go into "MAX" status. Once you initiate this (pressing Roundhouse and fierce at the same time) your defense and offense rises. You can also initate level 3 supers in this mode, but outside it only level 1 supers are available. - [ K-Groove ] - AEIM The K-Groove's main feature is the "berserk" or "rage" mode that the character goes into. The meter fills up incredibly fast(it fills up when you take damage or block an attack) and once it initiates the character automatically starts turning red. At this point the character's strength increases significantly and the defense is raised a level. ***************************************************************************** --------------------------------- [ Legend ] -------------------------------- ***************************************************************************** D Down DF Down/Forward F Forward U Up UF Up/Forward UB Up/Back B Back DB Down/Back (air) This move can either be done in the air or ONLY done in the air. (lvl-3) This super must have 3 levels before being used. (remain This is essentially leaving the controls alone and let the move idle) work itself. (close) You must be close to the opponent for this move to work. (hold) This is holding down the button. (charge) You can charge the move by holding down the button and letting go. (x2) This motion must be performed twice before executing. (repeat This move can be performed three times in a row to form a chain. x3) (very You must be very close to the opponent for this move to occur. close) (2 sec.) You must charge for the move before being able to use it. 3P This stands for 3 punches, sometimes you must hold this down. 3K This stands for 3 kicks basically. JP Jab punch SP Strong Punch FP Fierce Punch SK Short Kick FK Forward Kick RK Roundhouse Kick , This tells you to cancel into the next move. / This seperates two different motions linking to one move, either one of the motions on either side of this will have the same or similar effect of the other. + You must press the button at the same time of the motion. (rapidly) For this move to be effective you must press the attack button rapidly. ( ) When a move name is listed inside these parentheses, it means that I'm not aware of the official name for this move. 360 This means that you must rotate the directional pad or stick a full 360 degrees before pulling off the move. ============================================================================= --------------------------------- [ Akuma ] --------------------------------- ============================================================================= Gou Hadouken D,DF,F+P Zanku Hadouken D,DF,F+P(air) Tatsumaki Zanku Kyaku D,DB,B+K(air) Gou Shoryuken D,F,DF+P Shakunetsu Hadouken B,DB,D,DF,F+P Zugai Hasatsu F+SP Ashura Senkuu F,D,DF+3P/3K - B,D,DB+3P/3K Hyakki Shuu F,D,DF+K - Hyakki Goushou P - Hyakki Gouzan (remain idle) - Hyakki Gousai B/F+P(close) - Hyakki Goudan K - Hyakki Goutsui B/F+P(very close) Tenma Kuujin Kyaku UF,DF+FK Messatsu Gou Hado F,DF,D,DB,B(x2)+P Messatsu Gou Shoryuu D,DF,F(x2)+P Tenman Gou Zankuu D,DF,F(x2)+P(air) Shun Goku Satsu JP,JP,F,SK,FP(lvl-3) - Counter - Standing Fierce * Cancellable Attacks * SK,FP JP,SP SK,SP JP,FK SK,FK SK,JP,FK JP,SK,FK JP,SK,SP SK,JP,SP - Akuma's "overhead counter" cannot be blocked low - On Akuma's Ashura Senkuu the kicks will move him half screen while the punch will move him full screen. - The Tenma Kuujin Kyaku is a rather difficult move to pull off, the key to pulling this off is to jump towards your opponent and performing the motion at the vertices(apex) of his jump. I find it easier to pull this off when I super jump. - The Shun Goku Satsu cannot be blocked. ============================================================================= --------------------------------- [ Athena ] -------------------------------- ============================================================================= Psycho Ball Attack D,DF,F+P Psycho Sword F,D,DF+P Phoenix Arrow F,DF,D,DB,B+K(air) Super Psychic Throw B,DB,D,DF,F+P Psycho Reflector F,DF,D,DB,B+K Psychic Teleport B,DB,D,DF,F+K Shining Crystal Bit F,DF,D,DB,B(x2)+P(air) - Crystal Shoot D,DB,B+P(hold) Phoenix Fang Arrow D,DF,F(x2)+K(air) - Counter - Psycho Sword * Cancellable Attacks * JP,SK SK,JP JP,SK,FK JP,FK - The Psycho Reflector can reflect projectiles or absorb them into the super guage(much like Rose's Soul Reflect of the Alpha series). - The Phoenix Fang Arrow's hits will vary, if you are too high or too low you won't get all the hits. Try to stay about 45 degrees from the opponent's head when performing this move. ============================================================================= --------------------------------- [ Balrog ] -------------------------------- ============================================================================= Dashing Straight B(2 sec.)F+P Dashing Uppercut B(2 sec.)F+K Ground Dashing Straight B(2 sec.)DF+P Ground Dashing Uppercut B(2 sec.)DF+K Buffalo Headbutt D(2 sec.)U+P Turn Punch 3P/3K(Hold) Crazy Buffalo B(2 sec.)F,B,F+P/K Gigaton Blow B(2 sec.)F,B,F+K(lvl-3) - Counter - Buffalo Headbutt * Cancellable Attacks * JP,SP SK,SP SK,FK JP,SK,SP JP,SK,JP JP,JP,JP - The Turn Punch will do more damage the longer you hold it but the move will not come out if you don't charge it for at least 2 seconds. - You can alternate the Crazy Buffalo during each of the hits in the super by pressing the K or P. If you are on lvl 1 or 2 the kick version will have Balrog do the Crazy Buffalo, on level 3 you will pull out the Gigaton Blow using the kick buttons. The punch will do the Dashing Straight while the kick will do the Dashing Uppercut. ============================================================================= -------------------------------- [ Benimaru ] ------------------------------- ============================================================================= Raijin Ken D,DF,F+P/F,D,DF+P Ian Geri D,DF,F+K - Handou Sandan Geri D,U+K Inazuma Kick F,D,DF+K Kougan Corridor F,DF,D,DB,B,F+P(close) Shinkuu Katate-goma F,DF,D,DB,B+K Raikou Ken D,DF,F(x2)+P Denei Spark D,DF,F(x2)+K Electrigger F,DF,D,DB,B(x2)+P(close) - Counter - Inazuma Kick * Cancellable Attacks * SK,FP JP,SP JP,FP SK,SP JP,FK SK,FK JP,JP,JP - The fireball motion of the Raijin Ken will have Benimaru attack horizontal while the dragon punch motion will have him aim at a 45 degree angle upwards. - The Shinkuu Katate-goma will knock the opponent to the opposite side of Benimaru when connected. - If you press 3K after the Shinkuu Katate-goma, Benimaru will cancel out of it...it's really more effective if you use the roundhouse version of the kick however. ============================================================================= --------------------------------- [ Blanka ] -------------------------------- ============================================================================= Electricity P(rapidly) Rolling Attack B(2 sec.)F+P Vertical Rolling D(2 sec.)U+K Backstep Leap B(2 sec.)F+K Dash 3K/B+3K Amazon River Run DF+FP Ground Shave Rolling B(2 sec.)F,B,F+K Direct Lightning B(2 sec.)F,B,F+P Shout of Earth DB(2 sec.)DF,DB,U+P(rapidly) - Counter - Standing Fierce * Cancellable Attacks * JP,SP C.SK,C.JP,JP C.SK,SP C.SK,FK - The Ground Shave Rolling can be delayed if you hold down the kick button but you can't hold it down forever. When you're up close and you connect with the first hit, hesistate a little(hold down the kick button) and then release to get all five hits out. - The (slide punch) will go under most projectiles. - The Shout of Earth will go on longer if you tap the button continously. ============================================================================= ---------------------------------- [ Cammy ] -------------------------------- ============================================================================= Cannon Spike F,D,DF+K Spiral Arrow D,DF,F+K Spinning Knuckle F,DF,D,DB,B+P Cannon Revenge D,DB,B+K(air) Hooligan Combination DB,D,DF,F,UF+P - Fatal Leg Twister F/B+P/K(close) - Cross Scissor Pressure F/B+P/K(really close) - Cannon Revenge K - Razor Edge Slicer (remain idle) Spin Drive Smasher D,DF,F(x2)+K Reverse Shaft Breaker D,DB,B(x2)+K - Counter - Cannon Spike * Cancellable Attacks * JP,FP SK,JP JP,SK JP,SP FP,RK JP,FP,RK SK,JP,FK SK,JP,FP SK,RK SP,FK FP,FK - To get the most hits out of the Reverse Shaft Breaker, hesistate for a second after start up and then ram the buttons. ============================================================================= --------------------------------- [ Chang ] --------------------------------- ============================================================================= (slide punch) DF+FP Tekkyuu Dai Kaiten P(rapidly) Tekkyuu Funsai Geki B(2 sec.)F+P Dai Hakai Nage F,DF,D,DB,B,F+P(close) Drill Slash F,DF,D,DB,B+K Tatsumaki Shippuu Zan B,DB,D,DF,F+K Running Slash F,D,DF+K Tekkyuu Dai Bousou D,DF,F,DF,D,DB,B+P Chouzetsu Shinkuu Zan F,DF,D,DB,B(x2)+K - Counter - (slide punch) * Cancellable Attacks * C.JP,C.SK C.JP,C.SK,C.SP ============================================================================= -------------------------------- [ Chun-Li ] -------------------------------- ============================================================================= Yousou Kyaku D+FK(air) Kaku Kyaku Raku DF+RK Kikouken B,DB,D,DF,F+P Spinning Bird Kick D(2 sec.)U+K Hyakuretsu Kyaku K(rapidly) Kikoushou D,DF,F(x2)+P Hoyokusen D,DF,F(x2)+K - Counter - Standing Fierce * Cancellable Attacks * JP,SK C.JP,C.SK,C.SP JP,SP SK,JP ============================================================================= ---------------------------------- [ Dan ] ---------------------------------- ============================================================================= Gadouken D,DF,F+P Kouryuken F,D,DF+P Dankukyaku D,DB,B+K Kuuchuu Dankukyaku D,DB,B+K(air) Kouten Chouhatsu D,DB,B+Taunt Zenten Chouhatsu D,DF,F+Taunt Shinkuu Gadouken D,DF,F(x2)+P Kouryuu Rekka D,DF,F(x2)+K Hisshou Buraiken D,DB,B(x2)+K Chouhatsu Densetsu D,DF,F(x2)+Taunt - Counter - Koryuken(flashing) * Cancellable Attacks * JP,SK JP,SP JP,FK JP,RK - To do a taunt with Dan using the Dreamcast you must hold down the short kick button first before you can begin the motion for the rolling taunts, then press Start as you come to an end on the motion. - I probably shouldn't have to remind you but Dan's rolling taunt super isn't a very wise move to use, not only will it leave you open to attack but you will completely fill up your opponent's super guage. - Dan will taunt each time he throws. ============================================================================= -------------------------------- [ Dhalsim ] -------------------------------- ============================================================================= (drill kick) D+K(air) Drill Zutsuki D+HP(air) (slide) DF+RK Yoga Fire D,DF,F+P Yoga Flame F,DF,D,DB,B+P Yoga Drop F,DF,D,DB,B+K Yoga Teleport F,D,DF+3P/3K - B,D,DB+3K/3P Yoga Stream D,DF,F(x2)+P Yoga Volcano D,DF,F(x2)+K Yoga Tempest F,DF,D,DB,B(x2)+P(lvl-3) - Counter - (slide kick) * Cancellable Attacks * N/A(if you know any chain hits for Dhalsim, please feel free to hit me up) - On the Dreamcast version only 2 punches or kicks are required to perform the teleport since much like the SNES controller, you've got to be hard pressed if you can press all attack buttons without hassle. ============================================================================= --------------------------------- [ Eagle ] --------------------------------- ============================================================================= Cranberry Blue D,DF,F+P Manchester Black D,DB,B+P Oxford Red B,DB,D,DF,F+K Liverpool White F,DF,D,DB,B+K St.Andrew Green F,D,DF+P Union Jack Premium D,DF,F(x2)+P Manchester Gold D,DB,B(x2)+P - Counter - Crouching Roundhouse * Cancellable Attacks * JP,SK JP,SP JP,JP,JP - The Cranberry Blue attack is pretty much a counter attack, once the opponent hits Eagle as he is spinning his baton he'll counter attack, if the opponent doesn't hit he'll still perform the move after a while. It will work against projectiles as well. ============================================================================= -------------------------------- [ E.Honda ] -------------------------------- ============================================================================= Super Hyakkan Otoshi B(2 sec.)F+K Hyakuretsu Harite P(rapidly) Ooichou Nage 360+P(close) Super Zutsuki B(2 sec.)F+P Oni Musou B(2 sec.)F,B,F+P Orochi Kudaki 360(x2)+P(close) - Counter - Super Hyakkan Otoshi * Cancellable Attacks * C.SK,SP ============================================================================= -------------------------------- [ Evil Ryu ] ------------------------------- ============================================================================= Hadouken D,DF,F+P Shakunetsu Hadouken B,DB,D,DF,F+P Shoryuken F,D,DF+P Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku D,DB,B+K(air) Hyaki Goudan UF,DF+FK(air) Sakotsu Wari F+SP Metsatsu Gou Shoryuu D,DF,F(x2)+P Denjin Hadouken F,DF,D,DB,B(x2)+P(lvl-3) Shinkuu Hadouken F,DF,D,DB,B(x2)+P Shun Goku Satsu JP,JP,F,SK,FP(lvl-3) - Counter - Standing Fierce * Cancellable Attacks * SK,FP JP,SP SK,SP JP,FK SK,FK SK,JP,FK JP,SK,FK JP,SK,SP SK,JP,SP C.SK,C.RK - Evil Ryu's Sakotsu Wari cannot be blocked low. - The Denjin Hadouken will automatically dizzy if it connects(which is seldom due to start up delay). It will not re-dizzy a dizzy opponent however. - Evil Ryu will have a special finish if you defeat your opponent with the Shun Goku Satsu. ============================================================================= --------------------------------- [ Gesse ] --------------------------------- ============================================================================= Reppuken D,DF,F+P Double Reppukken D,DF,F+FP Jaeiken F,DF,D,DB,B+K Shippuken D,DB,B+P(air) Gedan Atemi Nage F,DF,D,DB,B+JP Chuudan Atemi Nage F,DF,D,DB,B+SP Joudan Atemi Nage F,DF,D,DB,B+FP Raging Storm DB,F,DF,D,DB,B,DF+P Deadly Rave F,DF,D,DB,B,F+SK,JP,JP,SK,SK,SP,FK,FP, HK,D,DF,F+FP(lvl-3) - Counter - Close Standing Fierce * Cancellable Attacks * JP,SK SK,FK S.JP,C.SK,C.FK - All three of the "Atemi Nage" moves requires the opponent to attack Gesse as he performs the move...however, this will not work against projectiles. - At the end of the Deadly Rave super you can replace the Double Reppukken move with virtually any other move(or combo) that Gesse has in his repetoire. ============================================================================= ------------------------------- [ God Rugal ] ------------------------------- ============================================================================= Reppukken D,DF,F+P Genocide Cutter F,D,DF+K God Press F,DB,D,DB,B+P Execution F,DB,D,DB Dark Barrier B,DB,D,DF,F+K Kaiser Wave F,B,DB,D,DF,F+P(charge) Dark Smash D,DF,F+P(air) Gigantic Pressure D,DF,F,DF,D,DB,B+P Genocide Heaven D,DF,F(x2)+K God End F,DF,D,DB,B(x2)+P(lvl-3) Last Judgement JP,JP,F,SK,FP(lvl-3) - Counter - Genocide Cutter * Cancellable Attacks * C.JP,C.SP JP,FP JP,SP C.JP,FK - The Dark Barrier will reflect projectiles at 1.5 times it's normal speed. - The Execution cannot be blocked. - The Last Judgement cannot be blocked. - The Kaiser Wave can be charged for a maximum of one second. ============================================================================= -------------------------------- [ Hibiki ] --------------------------------- ============================================================================= Chikayori te Kiru Nari D,DB,B+P Suigetsu o Tsuku Nari F,D,DF+K Kami Hitoe 3K - Moko Koto B+K - Ma o Tsumeru F+K Touma ni te Kiru Nari D,DF,F+P I o Awasu Nari B,DB,D,DF,F+K Shi O Osorenu Kokoro Nari F,B,DB,D,DF,F+P(lvl-3) Hasshou Suru Shinki Nari F,DF,D,DB,B,DB,F+P Shikabane O Koete Iku Nari F,DF,D,DB,B,F+SK,SP,FP - WP, MP, HP, WP, MP, D,DF,F+HP/ WP, MP, HP, WK, MK, D,DF,F+HK/ WK, MK, WK, HK (level 3) - Counter - Suigetsu O Tsuku Nari * Cancellable Attacks * JP,SK JP,SP SK,SK - The Shi O Osorenu Kokoro Nari will hit twice up close, but if you are too far away it can hit once and not even connect at all. - The Kami Hitoe will dodge practically all attacks, however if you try to dodge a super like a Shoryuu Reppa she'll miss the initial hits but be attacked by the rest of the hits since there is one frame of animation where she recovers. - The Ma o Tsumeru is her dash, while she can go through opponents she is not invulnerable to attacks however. She can go on as long as she wants just so long as you hold the direction forward and you are not attacked along the way. - Hibiki will have a special finishing taunt only if she connects with the Shi O Osorenu Kokoro Nari. ============================================================================= -------------------------------- [ Hoahmaru ] ------------------------------- ============================================================================= Fake Senpu Retsu Zan D,DF,F+K Kogetsu Zan F,D,DF+P Senpu Retsu Zan D,DF,F+P Resshin Zan D,DB,B+P Tenha Fujin Zan D,DF,F(x2)+P Tenha Danku Retsu Zan F,DF,D,DB,B,F+P(lvl-3)(close) - Counter - Kogetsu Zan * Cancellable Attacks * SK,SK,SK - The Fake Senpu Retsu Zan is exactly what it is, you can cancel into a regular attack during or after the move. ============================================================================= ---------------------------------- [ Iori ] --------------------------------- ============================================================================= Shiki 100: Oni Yaki F,D,DF+P Shiki 108: Yami Barai D,DF,F+P Shiki 127: Aoi Hana D,DB,B+P(repeat x3) Shiki 202: Koto Tsuki In F,DF,D,DB,B+K Kuzukaze F,DF,D,DB,B,F+P(close) Kin Sen Ni Shiki 1201: Ya Otome D,DF,F,DF,D,DB,B+P Ura Shiki 108: Ya Sakazuki D,DB,B,DB,D,DF,F+P - Counter - Shiki 100: Oni Yaki * Cancellable Attacks * JP,JP,JP JP,SK SK,SK,SK(can be crouching) JP,FP - The Ura Shiki 108: Ya Sakazuki will stun the opponent for a while, leaving them vulnerable to attack. ============================================================================= ---------------------------------- [ Joe ] ---------------------------------- ============================================================================= Slash Kick B,DB,D,DF,F+K Ougon no Kakato F,DF,D,DB,B+K Hurricane Upper B,DB,D,DF,F+P Tiger Kick F,D,DF+K Bakuretsu Ken P(rapidly) Screw Upper D,DF,F(x2)+P Bakuretsu Hurricane Tiger Kakato D,DF,F,DF,D,DB,B+P Double Cyclone D,DB,B(x2)+P(lvl-3) - Counter - Tiger Kick * Cancellable Attacks * JP,SK JP,FP C.JP,C.SK,C.JP SK,FK ============================================================================= --------------------------------- [ Ken ] ----------------------------------- ============================================================================= Zenpou-Tenshin D,DB,B+P Hadouken D,DF,F+P Shoryuken F,D,DF+P Nata Otoshi-geri B,DB,D,DF,F+SK Kamabarai-geri B,DB,D,DF,F+FK Oosoto Mawashi-geri B,DB,D,DF,F+RK -Inazuma Kakato wari K(hold) Tatsumaki Senpu Kyaku D,DB,B+K(air) Ryusen Kyaku B,D,DB+K Inazuma Kakato Wari) F+FK (thrust kick) F+RK Shoryuu Reppa D,DF,F(x2)+P Shinryuken D,DF,F(x2)+K(rapidly) Shinpuu Kyaku D,DB,B(x2)+K(lvl-3) - Counter - Shoryuken * Cancellable Attacks * JP,SK,JP JP,JP,JP JP,FP SK,FP C.SK,JP,FP SK,SK,SK - Ken's (overhead counter) cannot be blocked low. - To get the most hits out of the Shinryuken, ram the buttons a second after the super starts. ============================================================================= --------------------------------- [ Kim ] ----------------------------------- ============================================================================= Hangetsu Zan D,DB,B+K Hisho Kyaku D,DF,F+K(air) Kuusajin D(2 sec.)U+P Ryusei Raku B(2 sec.)F+K Haki Kyaku D,D+K (stance) RK(hold) Neri Chagi F+RK Hien Zan D(2 sec.)U+K - Tenshou Zan D+RK Houou Kyaku D,DB,B,DB,F+K Houou Hiten Kyaku D,DF,F(x2)+K Houou Tenbu Kyaku D,DF,F,DF,D,DB,B+K(air) - Counter - Hien Zan * Cancellable Attacks * JP,SK SK,JP C.SK,C.SK,C.SK,SK C.JP,C.SK,C.FK - Kim's Neri Chagi cannot be blocked low. - The Tenshou Zan can only be performed with the roundhouse kick version of the Hien Zan. ============================================================================= --------------------------------- [ King ] ---------------------------------- ============================================================================= Mirage Kick D,DB,B+P Venom Strike D,DF,F+K Surprise Rose F,D,DF+K Trap Shot B,D,DB+K Tornado Kick F,DF,D,DB,B+K Double Strike D,DF,F(x2)+K Illusion Dance D,DF,F,DF,D,DB,B+K Silent Flash D,DB,B(x2)+K - Counter - Jumping Short * Cancellable Attacks * JP,SK,JP SK,SK,SK JP,SP JP,FK - King's counter is a rather unique one. If the opponent blocks, she'll do a jumping short, but if she connects she does the jumping short and follows with a jumping forward. ============================================================================= --------------------------------- [ Kyo ] ----------------------------------- ============================================================================= Shiki 114: Ara Gami D,DF,F+JP/SP - Shiki 128: Kono Kizu D,DF,F+P - Shiki 127: Ya Sabi F,DF,D,DB,B+P - Shiki 125: Nana Se K - Ge Shiki: Migiri Ugachi P Shiki 100: Oni Yaki F,D,DF+P Shiki 75: Kai D,DF,F+K,K Shiki 202: Koto Tsuki You F,DF,D,DB,B+K Shiki 115: Doku Gami D,DF,F+FP - Shiki 401: Tsumi Yomi F,DF,D,DB,B+P - Shiki 402: Batsu Yomi F+P Shiki 101: Oboro Guruma F,D,DF+K R.E.D. Kick B,D,DB+K Ura Shiki 108: Orochi Nagi D,DB,B,DB,D,DF,F+P Final Showdown D,DF,F(x2)+P - Counter - Shiki 100: Oni Yaki * Cancellable Attacks * JP,JP JP,SK JP,FP - The Ura Shiki 108: Orochi Nagi can be delayed if you hold the punch button down. ============================================================================= -------------------------------- [ Kyosuke ] -------------------------------- ============================================================================= Shadow Wave D,DF,F+P(air) Lightning Upper F,D,DF+P Cross Cutter D,DF,F+P Shadow Cut Kick D,DF,F+K(air) Shadow Break D,DB,B+P Hyper Cross Cutter D,DF,F(x2)+P Super Lightning Upper D,DB,B(x2)+P Super Shadow Cut Kick D,DF,F(x2)+K(air) Final Symphony Remix(Batsu&Hinata) F,DF,D,DB,B(x2)+K(lvl-3)(close) - Counter - Shadow Cut Kick * Cancellable Attacks * JP,SK JP,FP JP,C.FK - Air Combos - DF.RK, J.JP,J.SK,J.SP, Shadow Cut Kick/Super Shadow Cut Kick DF.RK, J.JP,J.SK,J.SP,J.FP,J.RK - The forward in the air is an arcing attack so it won't attack people in the air too often, try to skip it. You can connect with it in the air only if you begin with it, but you must hesistate a while before pulling it off. ============================================================================= --------------------------------- [ Mai ] ----------------------------------- ============================================================================= Kachou Sen D,DF,F+P Musasabi no Mai D(2 sec.)U+P/D,DB,B+P(air) Hissatsu Shinobi Bachi B,DB,D,DF,F+K Ryu Enbu D,DB,B+P Kagerou no Mai D(2 sec.)U+K Cho Hissatsu Shinobi Bachi D,DB,B,DB,D,DF,F+K Burning Dive D,DB,B(x2)+P(air) Swan's Fandango D,DF,F(x2)+P - Counter - Ryu Enbu * Cancellable Attacks * JP,SK JP,FP SK,RK C.SK,C.SK,C.SK ============================================================================= --------------------------------- [ Maki ] ---------------------------------- ============================================================================= Genko D,DF,F+P Hayagake D,DF,F+K - Jyaku De Wazaga Hassei SK - Chuu De Wazaga Hassei FK - Kyou De Wazaga Hassei RK Saka Hayagake D,DB,B+K - Jyaku De Wazaga Hassei SK - Chuu De Wazaga Hassei FK - Kyou De Wazaga Hassei RK Tengu Daoshi B,DB,D,DF,F+P(air)(close) Hassou Kyaku D,DB,B+P or K(air) Tornado 3K Bushin Gou Raiha D,DF,F(x2)+P Tesshin Hou D,DF,F(x2)+K,K Ajara Tengu 360(x2)+P(air) - Counter - Tornado * Cancellable Attacks* JP,SK JP,SP,FP,RK - The Hassou Kyaku must be done off the wall. The kick will have Maki come at the opponent with a kick, the short kick will do nothing however. The punches will have Maki do a springboard off the wall behind her and lunge at the opponent with an unblockable throw. The jab version will have her jump far off the wall. - Maki's Tornado will lose her a bit of her own energy...much like the desperation attacks of Final Fight. ============================================================================= -------------------------------- [ M.Bison ] -------------------------------- ============================================================================= Psycho Banish F,D,DF+P Devil Reverse D(2 sec.)U+P then P Vega Warp F,D,DF/B,D,DB+3K/3P Scissor Kick B(2 sec.)F+K Head Stomp D(2 sec.)U+K - Sky Diver P Psycho Crusher B(2 sec.)F+P Knee Press Nightmare B(2 sec.)F,B,F+K Super Psycho Crusher B(2 sec.)F,B,F+P(lvl-3) - Counter - Standing Fierce, Fierce Throw Animation * Cancellable Attacks * JP,SK JP,SP - Bison's counter will have him do a dashing fierce and then his last attack is actually his fierce throw animation gone into a hit with a bit of Psycho energy at the end. - The Psycho Banish will absorb projectiles into the super guage. - You can sorta steer the Devil Reverse by holding it in the direction where you want M.Bison to go. ============================================================================= ------------------------------- [ Morrigan ] -------------------------------- ============================================================================= Shadow Blade F,D,DF+P Soul Fist D,DF,F+P(air) Vector Drain F,DF,D,DB,B+P(close) Valkyrie Turn F,DF,D,DB,B+K,K Super Soul Fist D,DF,F(x2)+P (air) Cardinal Blade D,DF,F(x2)+K Darkness Illusion JP,JP,F,SK,FP(lvl-3)(air) - Counter - Shadow Blade * Cancellable Attacks * JP,JP SK,JP JP,SK,SP,FK JP,SK,SP,FP JP,SK,RK(close) JP,SK,FK,RK JP,SK,FK,FP - The Darkness Illusion will go through projectiles. - Morrigan's combos are probably the easiest to pull off in the game, for a better understanding of how to execute them, think of them as the zigzag series from the crossover series. ============================================================================= -------------------------------- [ Nakoruru ] ------------------------------- ============================================================================= Mamahaha Grab D,DB,B+K - Shichikapu Ai D,DF,F+P - Kamui Mutsube D,DB,B+P - Tsukamari Kougeki JP/SK/SP/FK - Kara Oriru HP - Descent HK Annu Mutsube B,DB,D+P Lela Mutsube D,DF,F+P Kamui Risse B,D,DB+P Aumbe Yatoro B,DB,D,DF,F+P Shichikapu Kamui Irushika F,DF,D,DB,B(x2)+P Elelyu Kamui Risse F,DF,D,DB,B+K Shirikoro Kamui Inomi D,DF,F(x2)+K(lvl-3)(3K - cancel) - Counter - Kamui Risse * Cancellable Attacks * JP,SK SK,FK JP,FP SK,RK - The Shirikoro Kamui Inomi will gain back Nakoruru's health, she can gain back to full life, but you can cancel the super if you press 3K during the duration of the move. - The Kamui Risse will reflect projectiles. - After a while of idleness, Nakoruru's bird will land on her shoulders, at this point you cannot perform any of the moves involving her bird until the bird has rose to the proper altitude. - You cannot perform the Mamahaha Grab if you run too far away from the bird(even though it will try to catch up). ============================================================================= ------------------------------ [ Orochi Iori ] ------------------------------ ============================================================================= Shiki 127: Aoi Hana D,DB,B+P(repeat x3) Shiki 108: Yami Barai D,DF,F+P Shiki 100: Oni Yaki F,D,DF+P Shiki 202: Koto Tsuki In F,DF,D,DB,B+K Kin Sen Ni Shiki 1201: Ya Otome D,DF,F,DF,D,DB,B+P Ura Shiki 100: Oni Honou D,DF,F(x2)+P - Counter - Standing Close Fierce * Cancellable Attacks * JP,SK C.SK,C.SK,C.SK JP,FP ============================================================================= --------------------------------- [ Raiden ] -------------------------------- ============================================================================= Posion Breath F,DF,D,DB,B+P Super Dropkick 3K(hold) Giant Bomb B(2 sec.)F+P Jumping Lariat Drop F,D,DF+P(close) Thunder Crush Bomb 360+K(close) Combination Bodyblow B,D,DF+P - Headbutt D,DB,B+P - Front Suplex D,DB,B+K Destruction Drop 360(x2)+K(close) Crazy Train D,DF,F(x2)+P Fire Breath F,DF,D,DB,B(x2)+P - Counter - S.Strong * Cancellable Attacks * C.JP,C.SK C.JP,FP - The Front Suplex cannot be blocked. However, during this move there is a slight delay, but normally your opponent would be too foreign to the move to really learn to jump or roll out of the way. - The Super Dropkick can be charged for as long as 40 seconds, by then the dropkick will reach full screen's length. The longer you charge the dropkick the more damage it will do and the greater distance it will travel. However if you release the dropkick when you are attacked or down you will have lost the dropkick charge. ============================================================================= --------------------------------- [ Rock ] ---------------------------------- ============================================================================= Crack Counter Gedan D,DF,F+SK Crack Counter Chuudan D,DF,F+FK Crack Counter Joudan D,DF,F+RK Reppuken D,DF,F+JP/SP Double Reppuken D,DF,F+FP Hard Edge D,DB,B+P Rising Tackle D(2 sec.)U+P Rage Run Dunk D,DB,B+SK Rage Run Save D,DB,B+FK Rage Run Shift D,DB,B+RK Shinkuu Nage 360+P(close) - Breaking PPP during Shinkuu Nage - Rasetsu hold PPP during Breaking Shinkuu Knuckle D,DF,F(x2)+K Raging Storm D,DF,F(x2)+P Deadly Rave Neo F,DF,D,DB,B,F+SK,JP,JP,SK,SK,SP,FK, FP,RK,D,DF,F+FP(lvl-3) - Counter - Hard Edge * Cancellable Attacks * JP,FP JP,SP JP,SK - Much like Gesse, you can replace the last hit of the Deadly Neo Rave with pretty much any attack or any combo you want. ============================================================================= -------------------------------- [ Rolento ] -------------------------------- ============================================================================= Mekong Delta Attack 3P,P Mekong Air-Raid D,DB,B+P,P Mekong Escape D,DB,B+K,P/K Patriot Circle D,DF,F+P(repeat x3) Stinger F,D,DF+K,P/K Scouter Jump 3K Take No Prisoners D,DF,F(x2)+P Steel Rain D,DF,F(x2)+K Minesweeper D,DB,B(x2)+P - Counter - Crouching Roundhouse * Cancellable Attacks * (I have yet to find one decent combo in Rolento, help is needed) - Rolento's Stinger can be knocked away by the opponent with a regular attack. - While Rolento's taunt hits the opponent, it does no damage. - The Scouter Jump and Mekong Delta Attack can both be done with two attack buttons on the Dreamcast. - After the Steel Rain super, Rolento is free to move around...you can get in close and perform consecutive Patriot Circles to add damage to an already weak super. ============================================================================= --------------------------------- [ Rugal ] --------------------------------- ============================================================================= Reppuken D,DF,F+P God Press F,DF,D,DB,B+P Dark Barrier B,DB,D,DF,F+K Kaiser Wave F,B,DB,D,DF,F+P(chargable) Dark Smash D,DF,F+P(air) Genocide Cutter F,D,DF+K Genocide Heaven D,DF,F(x2)+K Gigantic Pressure D,DF,F,DF,D,DB,B+P - Counter - Genocide Cutter * Cancellable Attacks * C.JP,C.SP C.JP,C.JP - The Dark Barrier will reflect projectiles. - The God Press cannot be blocked. ============================================================================= --------------------------------- [ Ryo ] ----------------------------------- ============================================================================= Hien Shippu Kyaku DB(2 sec.)F+K Zanretsuken F,B,F+P Kohoken D,DF,F+P(air) Koho F,D,DF+P Mouko Raijin Setsu B,D,DB+P Hyouchuu Wari F+SP Kyokugen-ryuu Ren Bu Ken F,DF,D,DB,B+P(close) Hao Sho Kohoken F,B,DB,D,DF,F+P Ryuuko Ranbu D,DF,F,DF,D,DB,B+P Tenchi Hakoken D,DF,F(x2)(lvl-3) - Counter - Koho * Cancellable Attacks * JP,SK C.JP,C.SP - Ryo's Hyouchuu Wari cannot be blocked low. - Ryo's Tenchi Hakoken will dizzy if connected, but you cannot re-dizzy with it. ============================================================================= --------------------------------- [ Ryu ] ----------------------------------- ============================================================================= Hadouken D,DF,F+P Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku D,DB,B+K(air) Shoryuken D,F,DF+P Shakunetsu Hadouken B,DB,D,DF,F+P Sakotsu Wari F+MP Hatobi Kudaki) F+FP Shinkuu Hadouken D,DF,F(x2)+P Shinkuu Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku D,DB,B(x2)+K Shin Shoryuken D,DF,F(x2)+K - Counter - Shoryuken * Cancellable Attacks * SK,FP JP,SP SK,SP JP,FK SK,FK SK,JP,FK JP,SK,FK JP,SK,SP SK,JP,SP - Ryu's Sakotsu Wari cannot be blocked low ============================================================================= --------------------------------- [ Sagat ] --------------------------------- ============================================================================= Tiger Uppercut F,D,DF+P Tiger Crush F,D,DF+K Tiger Shot D,DF,F+P Ground Tiger Shot D,DF,F+K Tiger Cannon D,DF,F(x2)+P Tiger Raid D,Db,B(x2)+K Ground Tiger Cannon D,DB,B(x2)+P Tiger Genocide D,DF,F(x2)+K - Counter - Tiger Uppercut * Cancellable Attacks * C.JP,C.SP ============================================================================= --------------------------------- [ Sakura ] -------------------------------- ============================================================================= Sakura Otoshi F,D,DF+K,P(repeat x3) Shououken F,D,DF+P Shunpuu Kyaku D,DB,B+K,D,DB,B+K Sakura Hana Kyaku D,DF,F+K(air) Hadou Shou D,DF,F+P Flower Kick F+FK Shinku Hadouken D,DF,F(x2)+P Haru Ichiban D,DB,B(x2)+K Midare Zakura D,DF,F(x2)+K - Counter - Shououken * Cancellable Attacks * JP,SK JP,FP C.SK,C.SK - While Sakura's taunt does hit, it does no damage. - For the last kick in the Shunpuu Kyaku to connect you must perform the motion for it in the air. ============================================================================= ------------------------------- [ Shin Akuma ] ------------------------------ ============================================================================= Shakunetsu Hadouken F,DF,D,DB,B+P Gou Shoryuken F,D,DF+P Gou Hadouken D,DF,F+P Zanku Hadouken D,DF,F+P(air) Tatsumaki Zanku Kyaku D,DB,B+K(air) Tenma Shurettou D,D+3P/3K Ashura Senkuu F,D,DF/B,D,DB+3P/3K Messatsu Gou Hadouken F,DF,D,DB,B(x2)+P Tenma Gou Zanku D,DF,F(x2)+P(air) Messatsu Gou Shoryu D,DF,F(x2)+P Shun Goku Satsu JP,JP,F,SK,FP(lvl-3) Kongou Kokuretsu Zan F,DF,D,DB,B(x2)+K(lvl-3) - Counter - Gou Shoryuken * Cancellable Attacks * JP,SK JP,FP JP,C.SP C.SK,C.FK - The Kongou Kokuretsu Zan will attack the opponent anywhere on the screen and cannot be blocked low. It's also an extremely fast super and does a lot of damage. - The Ashura Senkuu can be done with 2 buttons on the Dreamcast. - Akuma will have a special finish if you defeat your opponent with the Shun Goku Satsu. - Shin Akuma takes twice as much damage than anybody else in the game. ============================================================================= --------------------------------- [ Terry ] --------------------------------- ============================================================================= Power Dunk F,D,DF+K Crack Shot D,DB,B+K Power Wave D,DF,F+P Rising Tackle D(2 sec.)U+P Burn Knuckle D,DB,B+P (double roundhouse) DF+RK Power Geyser D,DB,B,DB,F+P Buster Wolf D,DF,F(x2)+K - Counter - Rising Tackle * Cancellable Attacks * JP,SK SK,SK C.JP,C.SP - The Power Dunk will hit twice if you are up close. - The Power Geyser is designed to hit an opponent one third to half a screen's distance away. If you are too close to the opponent the higher levels of the super will hit only once. - After the Buster Wolf you can continue the combo, you can follow up with a regular attack or, if you're in the corner, the Power Dunk. ============================================================================= ---------------------------------- [ Todo ] --------------------------------- ============================================================================= Overhead Kasane Ate F,D,DF+P Kasane Ate D,DF,F+P(air) Tatsumaki Souda F,DF,D,DB,B+P(close) Cho Kasane Ate D,DF,F(x2)+P Kuzu Otoshi D,DF,F,DF,D,DB,B+P - Counter - Standing Close Fierce * Cancellable Attacks * C.JP,C.SK C.JP,C.SK,C.SP/C.FK - The Cho Kasane Ate works much like Hulk's Gamma Wave in the crossover series. The closer the opponent is to you and the farther away they are from the wall the more damage this this move will do. - The Kasane Ate acts like a giant moving defensive wall, use this to your advantage and keep a good half screen's distance away. - The fierce version of the Kasane Ate will not hit opponents that are very close to Todo. ============================================================================= ---------------------------------- [ Vega ] --------------------------------- ============================================================================= Scarlet Terror DB(2 sec.)F+K Rolling Crystal Flash B(2 sec.)F+P Flying Barcelona Attack D(2 sec.)U+K,P - Izuna Drop F/B+P(close) Double Backflip 3P Backflip 3K Sky-high Claw D(2 sec.)U+P (thrust kick) F+RK Flying Barcelona Special DB(2 sec.)DF,DB,U+K,P - Rolling Izuna Drop B/F+P(close) Scarlet Mirage B(2 sec.)F,B,F+K Red Impact B(2 sec.)F,B,F+P(lvl-3) - Counter - Scarlet Terror * Cancellable Attacks * C.JP,C.SK C.JP,C.FK - Vega can lose his claws and mask if he blocks too many hits or gets hit enough. - When Vega loses his claws his attack power goes down just a bit. He can pick it up again just by walking over it, you'll hear him laugh a little bit. - When Vega loses his mask his defense power goes down just a bit. He can pick it up again just by walking over it, you'll hear him laugh a little bit. - The Red Impact super can only be done when Vega has his claws on. - The backflips that Vega does makes him completely invincible to any attack, projectiles and attacks will go through him. ============================================================================= ---------------------------------- [ Vice ] --------------------------------- ============================================================================= Ravenous D,DB,B+K(air) De-cide B,DB,D,DF,F+K De-cide Slayer F,D,DF+K Nail Bomb B,DB,D,DF,F+P(close) Mayhem D,DB,B+P Gore Fest F,DF,D,DB,B,F+P(close) - Tranqility F,D,DF+P Outrage D,DB,B+K Negative Gain F,DF,D,DB,B(x2)+K(close) Whithering Surface D,DF,F(x2)+P - Counter - Mayhem * Cancellable Attacks * JP,SK JP,FP(close) - The De-cide will not connect if you are not at least sweep distance away from the opponent. - To pull off the Tranquility you must perform the motion extremely fast, however you will always remain in a corner after the move connects making it easier for the Tranquility to connect. ============================================================================= -------------------------------- [ Yamazaki ] ------------------------------- ============================================================================= Yaki Ire F,D,DF+K Bai Gaeshi D,DF,F+P Suna Kake D,DB,B+K Sabaki no Aikuchi F,D,DF+P Sadomazo B,DB,D,DF,F+K Hebi Tsukai Gedan D,DB,B+LP Hebi Tsukai Chuudan D,DB,B+MP Hebi Tsukai Joudan D,DB,B+HP - Hebi Damashi K, after Hebi Tsukai Bakudan Pachiki F,DF,D,DB,B,F+P(close) Guillotine D,DF,F(x2)+P The Drill F,DF,D,DB,B(x2)+P,P rapidly(close) - Counter - Suna Kake * Cancellable Attacks * JP,SK JP,FP - The Drill can have a series of different attacks depending on how you ram the buttons. - The Hebi Damashi will cancel the Tsukai attacks. - The Sadomazo will counter physical attacks, but it doesn't counter attacks low or over his head since he attacks with the Hebi Tsukai Chuudan. ============================================================================= ---------------------------------- [ Yun ] ---------------------------------- ============================================================================= Senkyuutai D,DF,F+K Kobokushi D,DB,B+P Tetsuzan Kou F,D,DF+P Zesshou Hohou D,DF,F+P Zenpou Tenshin F,DF,D,DB,B+K (close) (flying kick) UF,D+MK(air) Sourai Rengeki D,DF,F(x2)+P Youhou D,DB,B(x2)+P(lvl-3) Raishin Mahha-Ken D,DF,F(x2)+K Hiten Souryuu-Jin D,DB,B(x2)+K(lvl-3)(air) - Counter - Senkyuutai * Cancellable Attacks * JP,SK JP,SK,SP - The Kobokushi will absorb projectiles into the super guage. - You must be pretty close to the opponent for the Raishin Mahha-Ken to connect. This super will also have Yun avoid any projectiles and attacks just so long his brother gets in the screen(he doesn't even have to connect) before the attack reaches Yun. - After the Youshou you can follow up with a Senkyuutai. - Yun's standing forward is a launcher, you can follow up with a simple attack or his Hiten Shouryuu Jin. ============================================================================= ---------------------------------- [ Yuri ] --------------------------------- ============================================================================= Raioken D,DF,F+K Seiha D,DB,B+P Kohoken D,DF,F+P Yuri Cho Upper F,D,DF+P - Double Yuri Cho Upper F,D,DF+FP Hyakuretsu Binta F,DF,D,DB,B+K En Yoku F+FK Hao Sho Kohoken F,B,DB,D,DF,F+P Hien Rekko D,DF,F(x2)+P Hien Hou Kyaku D,DF,F,DF,D,DB,B+K - Counter - Yuri Cho Upper * Cancellable Attacks * JP,SK JP,FP SK,JP C.SK,C.FK - To do the Double Yuri Cho Upper you must use the fierce version of the attack followed by another fierce version, any other combination will not work as far as I know. - The Seiha will absorb projectiles into the super guage. - The Hien Hou Kyaku will go through projectiles. ============================================================================= -------------------------------- [ Zangief ] -------------------------------- ============================================================================= Banishing Flat F,D,DF+P Atomic Buster 360+P(close) Double Lariat 3P Quick Double Lariat 3K Atomic Suplex 360+K(close) Flying Powerbomb 360+K (body press) D+FP(air) (knee drop) D+SK/FK(air) Final Atomic Buster 360(x2)+P(close) Aerial Russian Slam D,DF,F(x2)+K - Counter - Banishing Flat * Cancellable Attacks * JP,SK JP,JP - Zangief's Banishing Flat will absorb projectiles into the super guage. - Zangief's Aerial Russian Slam only works on airborne opponents. He can be easily knocked out of the super but if you time it to catch the opponent at the vertices of their jump, you'll catch them 9/10. - Zangief's grabs, obviously, will not work against parrying(Blocking in P groove) opponents. Quickly attack and cancel into one of his grabs, more than likely you'll catch your opponent the majority of the time. ***************************************************************************** ---------------------------- [ Color Selection ] ---------------------------- ***************************************************************************** In Capcom vs. SNK2(like all previous Capcom fighting games) you can custom select the colors you want to use for the battle by pressing any button. However, the descriptions below are based on the colors on my TV screen, so they can vary among resolution and picture quality depending on your TV and arcade. Note, if you press the same button color for the same character, you will get the previous color(depending on who pressed the button second), if both 1P and 2P pressed Strong, the first one who pressed it will get the strong color while the one who pressed it last will get the Jab color...and if the first gets Jab, the last one gets the 3K color. - [ Akuma ] - JP: Charcoal gi, red hair SP: White attire, red hair FP: Olive green attire, dark brown hair SK: Navy attire, dark brown hair FK: Dark green attire, pink hair, pinkish hue skin RK: Dark brick red attire, charcoal hair 3P: Forest green gi, yellow hair 3K: Violet attire, orange-yellow hair - [ Athena ] - JP: Red outfit, white tights SP: Light sierra outfit, white tights FP: Pink outfit, white outfit SK: Green outfit, white tights FK: Lighting blue outfit, white tights RK: Light black outfit, white tights 3P: Sunset gold outfit, white-teal tights 3K: Rose red outfit, dark violet tights - [ Balrog ] - JP: Blue outfit, cherry red gloves SP: Sky violet outfit, dark olive green gloves FP: Peach outfit, magenta gloves SK: Green outfit, dark red gloves FK: Dark brown-olive outfit, blue gloves RK: Blue outfit, green gloves 3P: Dirty gold outfit, orange gloves 3K: Gray outfit, yellow-green gloves - [ Benimaru ] - JP: Charcoal brown top, white pants, electric yellow hair SP: Dark mignight navy top, winter blue pants, white hair FP: Mignight navy top, blue-lavender pants, white hair SK: Dark charcoal brown top, gray olive-green pants, rose red hair FK: Brick red-brown top, crimson red pants, light winter blue hair RK: Dark maroon top, pink pants, light winter blue hair 3P: Dark forest green top, winter green pants, dirty white hair 3K: Charcoal brown top, white pants, electric yellow hair - [ Blanka ] - JP: Green skin, brown shorts SP: Arctic blue skin, dirty blonde shorts FP: Dark columbia blue skin, dark chestnut shorts SK: Dandelion skin, blue shorts FK: Pink skin, dark navy shorts RK: Hot violet skin, burning magenta shorts 3P: Dark orange skin, dirty blonde shorts 3K: Charcoal skin, dark brown shorts - [ Cammy ] - JP: Skyblue outfit, chesnut gloves, brown boots SP: Dark green outfit, brick red gloves, brown boots FP: Dark skyblue outfit, magenta gloves, brown boots SK: Pink outfit, red gloves, light tan boots FK: Yellow-green outfit, magenta gloves, light tan boots RK: Gold outfit, red gloves, brown boots 3P: Brick red outfit, light tan gloves, dark brown boots 3K: Silver outfit, light magenta gloves, tan boots - [ Chang ] - JP: Gray attire, Choi in green shirt with brown pants and hat SP: White attire, Choi in white shirt with brown pants and hat FP: Sea blue attire with dark forest green ball and chain, Choi in navy shirt with dark olive green pants and hat SK: Forest green attire with dark forest green ball and chain, Choi in dark green shirt with dark sierra pants and hat FK: Sky blue attire with dark green ball and chain, Choi in dirty yellow shirt with brown pants and hat RK: Red attire, charcoal shirt, dark navy pants and hat 3P: Pink attire, Choi in pink shirt with dark pink pants and hat 3K: Neon pink attire, Choi in red shirt with charcoal pants and hat - [ Chun-Li ] - JP: Blue outfit SP: Teal outfit FP: Dark blue outfit SK: Violet outfit FK: Red outfit RK: Pink outfit 3P: Light skyblue outfit 3K: Dark navy outfit - [ Dan ] - JP: Pink-peach attire, brown gloves SP: Olive green attire, magenta gloves FP: Orange attire, blue gloves SK: Magenta attire, green gloves FK: Winter green attire, magenta gloves RK: Sky blue attire, dandelion gloves 3P: Bright yellow attire, blue gloves 3K: Red attire, green-yellow gloves - [ Dhalsim ] - JP: Yellow attire SP: Brown attire, gray skin FP: Light tan attire, gray-green skin SK: Light black attire, orange-gold skin FK: Pink attire, light gray skin RK: White attire, brown skin 3P: Pink attire, pink skin 3K: Light black attire, charcoal/chestnut skin - [ Eagle ] - JP: Charcoal pants, red scarf, white shirt SP: Light skyblue shirt, violet-navy pants, dandelion scarf FP: Red pants, light pink shirt, dark orange scarf, lighter skin SK: Brick red scarf, light charcoal pants, darker skin, white shirt FK: Charcoal shirt, dark charcoal pants, red scarf, light tan skin RK: Brown pants, dark orange scarf, dirty white shirt 3P: Violet pants, brick red scarf, light olive green shirt 3K: Magenta scarf, dark violet pants, sky violet shirt, darker skin - [ E.Honda ] - JP: Sky blue outfit SP: Pink outfit FP: Dark teal outfit SK: Light green outfit, peach skin FK: Black outfit, orange-tan skin RK: Violet outfit, dark skin 3P: Light green outfit, pink skin 3K: Bright red outfit, dark sierra skin - [ Evil Ryu ] - JP: Charcoal attire SP: Gray attire FP: Dark red attire SK: Light forest green attire FK: White attire(closely resembles Ryu's original colors) RK: Dark violet attire 3P: Peach-orange attire 3K: Navy attire, ghost pale skin - [ Gesse ] - JP: White top, red pants and wrist wraps SP: Charcoal purple top, dark blue pants and wrist wraps FP: White top, charcoal pants and wrist wraps SK: Dark green-yellow top, brown pants and wrist wraps FK: Ivory top, dark green pants and wrist wraps RK: Dandelion top, orange pants and wrist wraps 3P: Red top, white pants and wrist wraps 3K: Red top, light charcoal pants and wrist wraps - [ God Rugal ] - JP: Bright crimson red attire with black cumberbund and gloves SP: Dirty orange attire with black cumberbund and gloves FP: Dirty green attire with dark sierra cumberbund and gloves SK: Dirty neon blue attire with black cumberbund and gloves FK: Violet attire with dark sierra cumberbund and gloves RK: Charcoal attire with sierra cumberbund and gloves 3P: White-violet attire with red-brown cumberbund and gloves 3K: White-dark violet attire with navy cumberbund and gloves - [ Guile ] - JP: Green camouflage, tan boots SP: Purple camouflage, dark brown boots FP: Blue camouflage, dark brown boots SK: Gray-sierra camouflage, brown boots FK: Dark brown camouflage, brown boots RK: Mub brown camouflage, dark red boots, pink hair(!) 3P: Teal-Navy camouflage, dark brown boots 3K: Olive green camouflage, dark brown boots - [ Hibiki ] - JP: Orange outfit, yellow belt, dark navy hair, gloves, and tights SP: Blue outfit, red belt, navy hair, gloves, and tights FP: Charcoal outfit, brick red belt, black hair, dark navy tights and gloves SK: White outfit, red belt, black hair, tights, and gloves FK: Maroon outgit, dirty white belt, dark crimson tights and gloves, light brown hair RK: Green outfit, yellow belt, green hair(!), black tights and gloves 3P: Pink outfit, violet belt, brown hair, red tights and gloves 3K: Blue outfit, violet belt, white tights and gloves, dirty blonde hair(!) - [ Hoahmaru ] - JP: White attire with green patterns, red wrist wraps, red belt SP: Blue attire with violet patterns, yellow wrist wraps, yellow belt FP: White attire with blue patterns, charcoal belt, charcoal wrist wraps SK: Red attire with charcoal patterns, yellow belt, yellow wrist wraps FK: Forest green attire with brown patterns, brown belt, red wrist wraps RK: Gray attire with brown patterns, gray belt, gray wrist wraps 3P: Yellow attire with brown patterns, white wrist wraps, white belt 3K: Charcoal attire with dark purple patterns, red blade, purple belt, purple wrist wraps - [ Iori ] - JP: Charcoal shirt with white bottom, red pants and hair SP: Charcoal shirt with white bottom, magenta pants and hair FP: Charcoal-black shirt with white bottom, charcoal-dark violet pants and hair SK: Charcoal-navy shirt white-blue bottom, white-lavender pants and hair FK: Dark olive green shirt with white-olive green bottom, peach pants and hair RK: Charcoal-navy shirt with light violet bottom, dirty white pants and hair 3P: Midnight blue shirt with white bottom, dirty dandelion pants and hair 3K: Charcoal-navy shirt with white-skyblue bottom, light green pants and hair - [ Joe ] - JP: Red Shorts SP: White shorts FP: Magenta shorts SK: Navy blue shorts FK: Charcoal shorts, dark skin RK: Neon green shorts, dark skin 3P: Yellow shorts 3K: Sky blue shorts - [ Ken ] - JP: Red gi, black belt SP: Baby blue gi, black belt FP: Purple gi, black belt SK: White-skyblue gi, black belt FK: Yellow gi, black belt RK: Olive green gi, black belt 3P: Fuschia gi, black belt 3K: Teal gi, black belt - [ Kim ] - JP: White gi with blue stripping SP: Charcoal gi with red stripping FP: Crimson red gi with charcoal stripping SK: White gi with green stripping FK: Blue attire with black stripping RK: Gold gi with dark navy stripping 3P: Green gi with white stripping 3K: Purple gi with yellow stripping(Lakers colors) - [ King ] - JP: Red attire SP: Olive green attire FP: Purple attire SK: Tan-peach attire FK: Navy-forest green attire RK: Pink attire 3P: White attire 3K: Charcoal attire - [ Kyo ] - JP: Forest green outfit SP: Black outfit FP: Charcoal green outfit SK: Charcoal blue outfit FK: Dirty dandelion outfit RK: Olive brown outfit 3P: Crimson red outfit 3K: White outfit - [ Kyosuke ] - JP: White attire SP: White-brown attire FP: White-green attire SK: White attire, red lining FK: Neon white attire, red hair RK: Ivory attire 3P: White-violet attire, purple skin 3K: Charcoal attire - [ Mai ] - JP: Red outfit with white stripping SP: Green outfit with white stripping FP: Light olive brown outfit with white stripping SK: Blue outfit with white stripping FK: Red-pink outfit with white stripping RK: Black outfit with white stripping 3P: Olive brown outfit with white stripping, tan skin 3K: Black outfit with neon violet stripping - [ Maki ] - JP: Red attire, blonde hair SP: Neon blue attire, blonde hair FP: Pink attire, blonde hair SK: Yellow green attire, blonde hair FK: Tan attire, light peach hair RK: Navy-violet attire, light peach hair 3P: White-brown attire, pink hair 3K: Yellow attire, electric blue hair - [ M.Bison ] - JP: Red attire, bright white pads SP: Blue attire, yellow pads FP: Dirty olive green attire, light blue pads SK: Charcoal attire, red pads FK: White attire, blue-violet pads RK: Green-yellow attire, dandelion pads 3P: Brown attire, dirty white pads 3K: Tan attire, charcoal pads - [ Morrigan ] - JP: Dirty violet attire SP: Fading red attire, white-teal hair FP: Fading red attire, charcoal wings, blonde hair SK: Magenta attire FK: Violet attire, neon green hair RK: Light brown attire, charcoal wings, white hair 3P: Violet attire, blond hair 3K: Dark brown attire, black wings, white hair - [ Nakoruru ] - JP: White gi with orange stripes, orange bowtie and shoes SP: Dirty white gi with light violet stripes, light violet bowtie and shoes FP: White gi with yellow stripes, yellow bowtie and shoes SK: White gi with neon blue stripes, neon blue bowtie and shoes FK: White gi with yellow green stripes, yellow green bowtie and shoes RK: White gi with pink stripes, pink bowtie and shoes 3P: White gi with lavender stripes, lavender bowtie and shoes 3K: Bright white gi with dark violet stripes, dark violet bowtie and shoes - [ Orochi Iori ] - JP: Navy shirt with white bottom, red-brown pants and hair SP: Green shirt with white bottom, violet pants and hair FP: Gray shirt with white bottom, dark teal pants and hair SK: Dark sierra shirt with white-gray bottom, dirty white pants and hair FK: Charcoal shirt with dirty white bottom, brown pants and hair RK: Charcoal-navy shirt with dark dirty white, olive green pants and hair 3P: Black shirt with peach-brown bottom, charcoal pants and hair 3K: Dark violet shirt with pink bottom, dark pink pants and hair - [ Raiden ] - JP: Blue outfit with yellow lightning SP: Charcoal navy outfit with yellow lightning FP: Dark winter green outfit with white lightning SK: Orange-red outfit with bright yellow lightning FK: Skyblue outfit with white lightning RK: Orange-yellow outfit with sky blue lightning 3P: Violet outfit with neon pink lightning 3K: Yellow green outfit with orange lightning - [ Rock ] - JP: Red jacket with white front, charcoal pants, winter green hair SP: Neon blue jacket with dirty white front, charcoal brown pants, light gold hair FP: Green jacket with white front, charcoal pants, light gold hair SK: Neon pink jacket with white front, charcoal pants, yellow hair FK: Neon violet jacket with white front, charcoal pants, yellow hair RK: Navy jacket with white front, charcoal pants, light yellow hair 3P: Bright orange jacket with white front, charcoal-forest green pants, electric blue hair 3K: Black jacket with white front, black pants, white hair - [ Rolento ] - JP: Dandlion attire, red beret SP: Crimson red attire, charcoal beret FP: Dark violet attire, gray-charcoal beret SK: Light blue attire, orange beret FK: Green attire, red beret RK: Charcoal attire, blue beret 3P: Pink attire, violet beret 3K: White attire, blue beret - [ Rugal ] - JP: Orange-red attire, black cumberbund and gloves SP: Orange-brown attire, charcoal cumberbund and gloves FP: Green attire, brown cumberbund and gloves SK: Blue attire, black cumberbund and gloves FK: Violet attire, brown cumberbund and gloves RK: Charcoal attire, sierra cumberbund and gloves 3P: White attire, red cumberbund and gloves 3K: Durty white attire, blue cumberbund and gloves - [ Ryo ] - JP: Orange outfit SP: Light navy outfit FP: Violet outfit SK: Teal outfit FK: Olive brown outfit RK: White outfit 3P: Yellow green outfit 3K: Red outfit - [ Ryu ] - JP: White gi, red headband SP: White-skyblue gi, black belt, red headband FP: Dark red belt, navy gi, navy headband SK: Ivory gi, red headband, a little more tanner FK: White-winter green ki, black belt, red headband RK: Forest green gi, black belt, red headband 3P: Gold gi, black belt and headband 3K: White-yellow gi, black belt, red headband, tanner - [ Sagat ] - JP: Purple shorts with yellow waist SP: Red shorts with green waist FP: Yellow shorts with green waist SK: Gray shorts with yellow waist FK: Green shorts with red waist, darker skin RK: Orange shorts, dandelion waist, brown skin, bright white wraps 3P: Silver shorts with gray waist, dark brown skin 3K: Gray shorts with blue waist, dark brown skin, ivory wrist and ankle wraps - [ Sakura ] - JP: Blue skirt, white outfit, yellow scarf, red shoes and gloves SP: Pink scarf, green skirt, brown gloves and shoes, white outfit FP: Dark Navy skirt, pink scarf, white outfit, yellow gloves and shoes SK: Organe skirt, white outfit, light pink scarf, dark navy gloves and shoes FK: White outfit, brown skirt, dandelion scarf, pink shoes and gloves RK: Violet skirt, white outfit, yellow scarf, blue shoes and gloves 3P: Light pink outfit, gold scarf, white shoes(with pink toe) and gloves, cherry red skirt 3K: Blue skirt, dandelion scarf, white outfit, white gloves and shoes - [ Shin Akuma ] - JP: Dark violet attire SP: Violet-charcoal attire FP: Light forest freen attire SK: Light blue attire FK: Charcoal attire RK: Fading red attire 3P: White attire 3K: Magenta attire - [ Terry ] - JP: Red vest and hat, blue pants and gloves SP: Brown vest and hat, navy blue pants and gloves FP: Red vest and hat, olive green pants and gloves SK: Blue vest and hat, gray pants and gloves FK: Orange vest and hat, dark violet pants and gloves RK: Green vest and hat, gray pants and gloves 3P: Charcoal vest and hat, dark dandelion pants and gloves 3K: Dark midnight blue vest and hat, gray pants and gloves - [ Todo ] - JP: Red plate, white shirt, gray pants SP: Orange plate, white-blue shirt, blue pants FP: Pink plate, white-pink shirt, brown pants SK: Violet plate, white shirt, light gray pants FK: Vlue plate, dirty white shirt, forest green pants RK: Charcoal plate, pink shirt, red pants 3P: Green plate, dirty yellow shirt, sunset gold pants 3K: White plate, white-purple shirt, violet pants - [ Vega ] - JP: Purple attire with yellow stripe SP: Light black attire with yellow stripe FP: Red attire with bright teal stripe SK: Dark charcoal attire with dandelion stripe, pale skin FK: Red attire with white-gold stripe RK: Red-violet attire with white stripe 3P: Dark charcoal attire with red stripe, dark skin 3K: Neon blue attire with white-blue stripe - [ Vice ] - JP: Charcoal green outfit with red front SP: Yellow outfit with white front FP: Red outfit with charcoal front SK: Dark sea green outfit with white-sea green front FK: Charcoal light blue outfit with bright sea green front RK: Charcoal outfit with charcoal olive green front 3P: Charcoal blue outfit with white front 3K: White outfit with rose red front - [ Yamazaki ] - JP: Gray outfit with gold hair SP: Green outfit with white hair FP: Lavender outfit with neon green hair SK: Midnight violet outfit with dandelion hair FK: Light sierra outfit with dirty white hair RK: Red outfit with dirty white hair 3P: Charcoal brown outfit with red hair 3K: White outfit with white hair - [ Yun ] - JP: White gi, light black pants, blue hat with yellow bill SP: Lavender gi, light black pants, tan hat with light yellow bill FP: Yellow gi, navy pants, light black hat with yellow bill SK: Bright red gi, maroon pants, purple hat with yellow bill FK: Gray gi, dark charcoal pants, charcoal hat with yellow bill RK: White gi, dark navy pants, dark teal hat with light yellow bill 3P: Bright Green gi, forest green pants, purple hat with yellow bill 3K: Red gi, dark brick red pants, dark blue hat with yellow bill - [ Yuri ] - JP: Dark violet tights, white gi, red shoes, red belt SP: Dark tan tights, white gi, rose-red belt, rose-red shoes FP: Green tights, white gi, crimson red shoes, crimson red belt SK: Neon pink tights, pink gi, carolina blue belt, carolina blue shoes FK: Charcoal tights, white gi, black belt, black shoes RK: Violet tights, white gi, dandelion shoes, dandelion belt 3P: Pink tights, white gi, navy shoes, navy belt 3K: Green tights, yellow-green gi, skyblue shoes, skyblue tights - [ Zangief ] - JP: Red tights and boots SP: Teal-green tights and boots FP: Blue tights and boots SK: Gray-blue tights and boots FK: Light tan tights and boots RK: Light black tights and boots 3P: Dandelion tights and boots 3K: Pink tights and boots ***************************************************************************** ------------------------------ [ Foreclosure ] ------------------------------ ***************************************************************************** That's the end of the guide pretty much...more will be added as I have more time. I also want to thank many of the readers and fellow authors(most of them) for their honesty and hospitality. My contact is right at the top, complaints or comments...send them my way. I also urge you to check out the other guides at - http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/dreamcast/game/32598.html - There are a ton of quality guides out there, like columbo's and Dark Guyver's guides, Pink Spider's Zangief guide, Shiela Kholsa's Yuri guide, Brian Lui's Hibiki guide, Kibagami's voice translation guide and many others. You'd be amazed at how good a fighter you'd become if you just take general info from those guides and combine them...though no one will ever beat my team of Zangief, Raiden, and Kim. :P Remember guys, don't just stop here...GameFAQs is full of useful and incredibly detail guides(I've read all of them...really!)...anywhere from the movelists to the strange(but very useful) color edit guides. So check them out and come away happy. ***************************************************************************** ------------------------------ [ Approbation ] ------------------------------ ***************************************************************************** - Capcom/SNK(www.capcom.com/www.snk.co.jp) Their group effort in making the greatest fighting game of all time. - Michael T. Pureka(mpureka@mail.wesleyan.edu) Thanks for telling me about Nakoruru's movelist, apparently one of the moves was taken out from this game. - Kao Megura(kmegura@yahoo.com) Thanks for his continued support(directly or indirectly) in guide writing and for allowing me permission to similarize his fighting guide format and being a good friend for many years. - Columbo(adoh@earthlink.net) Thanks for his permission to use the movelists for Maki, Eagle, Kyosuke, and God Rugal. I really appreciate the help and I hope I can return the favor. - My relatives in Sydney Ugh...I miss my relatives so much...thanks a million for kyute cousins, hilarious uncles, and the sweetest aunts. - Everything else... ...that made this guide possible, God, family, firefighters, teachers, etc. - [ EOF ] - Copyright(C) Dingo Jellybean; 2001