CAPCOM vs SNK 2: Millionaire Fighting 2001/Mark of the Milleniuum 2001 Intermission FAQ v.0.2 for the Sega Dreamcast and the PS2. written by Isegrim e-mail: Introduction/Disclaimer This FAQ was written for the author's personal use. It may be copied but only for private/personal/non-profit use. Please do not alter it in it's original format if you intend to distribute it. If you do alter it, the FAQ will no longer be valid for distribution purposes. Capcom and their characters are intellectual properties of Capcom of Japan. SNK and their characters are intellectual properties of...well, SNK or whoever managed to successfully bid on SNK's franchises whether it's Brezzasoft, SNK Neo Geo or not. Currently, this FAQ is only available at Foreword First of all, I would like to begin by saying, these are not MY translations of the Japanese intermission text. Full credit belongs to Capcom of America for the actual translations, since all were lifted from the North American PS2 version. I wrote this FAQ in frustration over PS2's exlusivity on CVS2 (excluding Japan) I wouldn't have minded if Capcom of America released the Dreamcast version exclusively on their website. But even thousands of DC fans clamoring for a US DC release failed to melt Capcom of America's stony heart. Thereafter, I vowed I'd make a translation FAQ that would make up somewhat for the pitiful souls lacking a PS2 (like me)...after getting a Japanese Dreamcast version. I originally intended to make a comprehensive FAQ that contains most if not all of the English text for CVS2 but it was too much work. Besides, most of it has been done in other existing FAQS. Sailor Bacon has an excellent general FAQ containing english in-game menus, move lists and 80% of the english win quotes of all characters. ShadalooSoldier's ending FAQ contains Pre-Final Match quotes and the text endings of all characters after you beat S.Akuma and G.Rugal. Both can be found at either at the PS2 or Dreamcast FAQ section of the Capcom vs. SNK 2 boards. Between these two FAQS, the only thing lacking are intermission translations of Akuma/Rugal before and after fighting them...hence this FAQ. I'm pretty sure there are a lot of mistakes in my transcripts ...probably punctuation and a few words here and there...but I think I've got 80-95% accuracy from the original. I will try to verify what I've written but since some characters like Normal Rugal seem to be avoiding me, this might take some time... Millionaire Fighting 2001 is the official Japanese subtitle for Capcom vs. SNK 2. Mark of the Millenium is Capcom of America's subtitle for the North American version of the game. REVISION HISTORY V. 0.1 - Compilation of notes. Dec. 11, 2001 V. 0.2 - Finished the essential stuff! Jan. 15, 2002 I: STORY (unofficial with official base storyline) The base story was lifted from the NA Capcom vs. SNK 1 manual for the Sega Dreamcast with author's personal corrections and some creative manipulation. Plus additions based on past references by Capcom and SNK. In other words, it's partially made up. I felt CVS1's story was more applicable to CVS2 considering "Masters Foundation" and "Garcia Concern" kept flashing behind the billboard in the Final Match. Consider it my interpretation for "Millionaire Fighting 2001. ------------------------------------------------------ In 2001 AD, a special martial arts event was planned through a collaboration of the two most powerful multinationals: Robert Financial Clique (or Garcia Concern) and the Masters Foundation. It is hoped that the gala event will ease the political conflicts between the two powers. (or in other words, the endless arguments between the company "heirs" Ken Masters and Robert Garcia on who really are the best fighters on earth!) Many renowned martial artists were invited and registered for the tournament. Around the world, people are intensely focused on the upcoming exhibitions. The long-awaited opening ceremony is a huge success. Dubbed MILLIONAIRE FIGHTING 2001, the crowd whispers in astonishment at the...peculiar and absurdly worded title of the event. The prize money is announced to be approximately ONE MILLION U.S. DOLLARS! The crowd gasps and nods with approval. Whoever wins will be an instant millionaire! Insiders from both sponsors however give no comment. They know the real reason for the title...and the next time the two company heirs meet, maybe they can save on hospital bills and construction repairs. With the argument settled once and for all, their will be no more fights between millionaires...fists or words otherwise! No one notices the signs of imminent collapse...through the arrival of two enigmatic and powerful individuals attracted by certain personalities entering the tournament. Heaven help any poor souls nearby if these two entities should ever meet... II. EXPLANATIONS. The following events transpire after defeating all opponents in the Final Match. Before the Final Match, leaders from each team will utter a pre-match quote which I won't be mentioning here. Check my foreword for more information on Endings and Final Match quotes. The type of boss that appears depends on your performance before the intro. If you do really bad, you get a generic intro/conclusion that ends with Akuma or Rugal watching from afar while everyone celebrates. I may include this generic intro in this FAQ someday when I get interested in playing CVS2 again...(after I get my Dreamcast fixed...) III: BOSS TRANSCRIPTS. Transcripts of text after the final Osaka match. (Originally, it just says "Mark of the Millenium" in the PS2 version but I included "Millionaire Fighting" as well just to get in the spirit of things...) A. INTRO FOR ALL BOSSES. (Your character(s) is/are shown on stage with a crowd of admirers.) Announcer: "Great battles! That's how to outplay and outfight! The Millionaire Fighting/Mark of the Millenium is done!" "The champion of the martial arts has just been chosen." (Sparks of lightning) "The title goes to..." (Lightning flashes through the sky. Everyone notices something strange on the Castle Roof behind the team champions.) "!...Wha...what?" (Boss appears on Castle Roof...) B. GOD (ULTIMATE) RUGAL ENDING TRANSCRIPT. (God Rugal is the Japanese appelation which COA shifted to Ultimate Rugal for the NA version) (After Boss Intro, Akuma and Rugal are on the roof of Osaka Castle facing each other.) Rugal (facing Akuma): I have enjoyed your evil energy so much... Rugal: But you are not worthy of it. It should belong to... (Scene shifts to a viewpoint below the castle roof. A tremendous wave-like explosion follows.) (Rugal is holding Akuma by the neck draining him of his energy.) Rugal: Hee Hee Hee Hee! Gha ha ha ha ha ha! Rugal: ...someone worthy of this awesome power! (?) Rugal: Evil Energy! Dark Power! Both of them are within me! Gha ha ha ha ha ha ha! (Author's note: Evil Energy I believe, is COA's designation for Akuma's energy, Satsui no Hadou. Dark Power seems to be Rugal's own power. I assume as most KOF fans do that Dark Power is another word for the Orochi power within Rugal? In the Japanese version, Rugal seems to say the word "Orochi" in the latter line.) (Fight against God Rugal. After defeating him, scene shifts to a picture of Rugal in a Hadou/Wave-Motion Stance about to do a big Messatsu Kaiser Hadouken something on you!) Rugal: Evolution is something to be honored... Rugal: However, only the chosen few are allowed to experience it. (Close up on Rugal's face, morphing interchangably with an Akuma-like image) "...not powerful enough.." Rugal:...! Wha...What...What's...this?! "This mind is not strong enough..." (Rugal explodes with uncontrolled power.) "...strong enough to control my power" (The next scene is a close-up of an altered Rugal with an Akuma-like visage.) Rugal: I am the one with no name... I am nothing and everything! (Rugal walks away in a daze through the flames of his explosion.) (After this, scene shifts to News Report. See Below) C. SHIN AKUMA'S (or SHIN GOUKI) ENDING TRANSCRIPT (Akuma faces Rugal on the roof of Osaka Castle) Akuma: Rugal...I'll remember your name... Akuma: Time to sleep... ShunGokuSatsu! (Scene shifts to a viewpoint below the castle roof. A tremendous wave-like explosion follows.) (Close up of Rugal's hand grasping Akuma's chest) Akuma: Gnnnnn...Hnnnnn...Gnoooo... (Close up of Rugal's face) Rugal: Huh...Evil Energy...True to it's reputation... Rugal: Though my plan has not come true... I'll...give...this... Rugal: Dark... This... Dark... Power... [Rugal's hand falls. Akuma vibrates with Rugal's power, the "Kami(God)" kanji appears on the back of his Gi. Akuma transforms into Shin Akuma - the "Shin" meaning "godly or "divine" (Divine Akuma) as opposed to former Shin Akumas in past SF games where "Shin" meant "true". (True Akuma) i.e. Akuma using the full extent of his natural power. Here in CVS2, Akuma obtains additional power making him akin to a God! Can someone affirm or correct me on this...?] (Fight Shin Akuma! After the battle, Akuma lies sprawled on the floor. Swirling around him are...) Narrated Text: Mysterious black entities surround dying Akuma. (Drama of Akuma's hearbeat stopping with wispy entities spiraling around. Eventually, Lightning strikes Akuma) Narrated Text: Death may only be the beginning for a new life. (Mysterious whirlwind carries off Akuma) Narrated Text: The entities create spirals as they lift him upwards. (Close up of Akuma's face as the whirlwind carries Akuma towards the sky) Entities: We will not allow you to rest. You will become stronger. Entities: We will not allow you to stop. You will go on. (Scene shifts to News Report below.) D. NEWS REPORT AFTER G. RUGAL OR S.AKUMA'S DEFEAT. (Newscaster on TV reports on events during the Millionaire Fighting/ Mark of the Millenium tournament. The same newslady is back... same face...same newtzy music from CVS1) "Next on the news. An extra story on the blast in Osaka." "Based on police reports, there are 5 casualties reported..." (On the monitor behind the newscaster appears a picture of a crowd with the words Millionaire Fighting/Mark of Millenium logo below) "The committee of the Millionaire Fighting/Mark of the Millenium has decided to donate money..." (Monitor displays rebuilding activities in Osaka) "The cause of the explosion has not been identified..." "The final bout took place near the location of the mysterious explosion..." "Will this tournament be held again? Let's go to the streets to hear public opinion." (Picture of snot-nosed brats...errr...fankids flashes on the screen) " It was great! I wanna watch it again!" " I like Terry so much! He is way too cool!" " I remember...I saw something strange on the roof." " Train hard, become stronger. I'd like to be in the tournament." (Author's Note: Good thing Capcom didn't interview real fans...or we'd be hearing something like...Kyo'sAUTOGUARDisSTILLmessedup!?WhyisRaiden stillhere?IwantRalfandClark.LEONADROOLDROOL!WhereisMegaman!?NOSTUPID CHARACTERS!Morrigan'sspriteisOLDANDUGLY!Bah!KOFismuchbetter!) (Afterwards appears Character-Specific text endings and credits. See Foreword for information on text endings) ------------ E. AKUMA TRANSCRIPT (After the intro, you see Akuma alone on Castle Roof) Akuma: I could hear the war cry of a true warrior! Akuma: Was that yours?! Now, prove your skill and strength to me!! (Fight Akuma in the rain on Osaka Castle's roof. Defeat him and...) Akuma: You can't stop me! I will never stop or give up. Akuma: ...Ha! It seems that a true warrior comes at last. Let's see if he's worthy of my time. (The usual wave of explosion on Osaka's roof) Narration Text: Who knows what became of the two who destroyed the castle? Narration Text: The wind carries the scent of death. Is this the end? (Credits character-specific text endings) F. RUGAL TRANSCRIPT (After the intro, you see Rugal alone on the roof) Rugal: I will grant you the opportunity to fight me... Rugal: I have a little time to waste before a true warrior approaches(?) me! Will you entertain me? (Fight Rugal in the rain on Osaka Castle's roof. Defeat him and...) Rugal: Bahh... Give me a break...I am so disappointed. Rugal: Ha ha would seem my guest has arrived... Rugal: Therefore, I will allow you to leave. (The usual wave of explosion on Osaka's roof) Narration Text: Who knows what became of the two who destroyed the castle? Narration Text: The wind carries the scent of death. Is this the end? (Credit character-specific text endings) FAQ CREDITS: Xtreme Games in Shangri-La for having one of the best PS2 rental shops in the Philippines. Capcom and SNK of Japan for making this great game! Capcom of America for writing these translations although I'm still peeved at them for not releasing this on the Dreamcast! And that's the end of the FAQ. Send Comments, contributions and corrections at Flamers will be considered as non-existent...