Kyosuke FAQ For CVS2 for the Arcade and Dreamcast by Evil_Shingo FAQ is copyrighted by Evil_Shingo 2001 (and did I forget to mention this is my first ever FAQ? =P) Contact Email: ======== Contents ======== 1)Normals 2)Specials 3)Supers 2)Strategies 3)Combos 4)Thanks/credits ========= 1.Normals ========= Far Standing Low Punch (LP) ---------------- Kyosuke does a short jab move in a semi-slapping motion. This move is rather fast, but it lacks range, don't abuse a lot ** Close LP -------- Kysouke does another short jab like move. As fast as this move is, I have to admit it sortof sucks since it has almost no range to it, don't abuse it much ** Crouch LP -------- Kyosuke does another jab on the ground this time. THIS is MUCH better,it comes out faster then his other LP, and can combo into each other, use this into combos or to pressure youre opponets by. **** Jump LP ------- Kyosuke does a vertical short elbow jab in the air Never, I repeat, NEVER use this move as a jump in OR air-to-air attack, the move has ZERO range and priority ONLY use it to start his air combos by, nothing else ** Far Standing Meduim Punch (MP) --------------------- Kyosuke twists around for a moment, and then stretches his wrist out to hit the opponent. as weird as the move looks, I admit that this move has long range, use it for poking and such. **** Close MP -------- Kyosuke goes into a sort of jabbing motion into the opponents guts. This move isn't that bad, it's good, and combo-able **** Crouch MP --------- Kysouke swipes his hand around in a swatting motion. This move isn't bad either, it has good range, comes out fast too. **** Jump MP ------- Kysouke does something like an air version of his crouch MP this is ANOTHER move you should save ONLY for air-combos, it's practically useless on it's own, *** Far Standing Feirce (FP) ---------------- Kyosuke stretches his arm out at maximum range, and hits the opponent. This is, undoubltly, Kyosukes BEST Normal move, ABUSE, this move is important for his pressure game since it's cancellable, and fast ***** Close FP -------- Kyosuke goes into an uppercut motion with his hand. Again, another good normal for him, if timed right, the move can be also used as an anti-air, use this move in combos or to pressure. **** Crouch FP --------- Kyosuke stretches his arm out in a vertical motion. This is Kyosukes SECOND best normal, it has both good vertical range, and horizontal, it can also be used as an anti-air, and a good one at that ***** Jump FP ------- Kyosuke does a downward swip with his arm This is Kyosukes second best jump in move, it's fast and has good air- to-air priority, but will mostly trade with other air moves, or lose. **** Far Standing Light Kick (LK) ------------------- Kyosuke hits the opponent by streching out his leg. This is another great poking tool for Kyosuke because of its range, it's also cancellable, but ONLY Into a super. **** Close LK -------- Kyosuke does a short foot jab. DO NOT use this move unless in combos, it lacks range, a lot of it at that, even for a close move. * Crouch LK --------- Kyosuke does a low foot jab. First of all, use this move as less as possible, while it does come out sortof fast, the move itself cannot combo into itself, or any other specials or normals, only use it for poking. ** Jump LK ------- Kyosuke does a jumping knee jab Again, this is ANOTHER move where you should ONLY use in air combos because of it's lack of proirity and ONLY air combos. ** Far Standing Meduim Kick (MK) ------------------------ If not, possible, the WEIRDEST normal in the game, Kyosuke does a very weird twist kick, like the beginning animation of his Shadow cut kick. DON'T even use this move, not even as an anti-air, it has ZERO range and Priority. * Close MK -------- Kyosuke does a knee to his opponents stomach area. This move is another good one, it comes out fast to, has the same priorities as his close MP **** Crouching MK ------------ Kyosuke stretches his leg out at maximum range. Probably his best crouching move next to the crouch FP, it's fast, and has VERY good range at that although it's only problem is that it can only cancell into a super, so use it ONLY as a poking tool or to combo into his supers **** Jump MK ------- Kyosuke stretches his leg downward at the opponent. this move is probably Kyosukes best air-to-ground move, always use this move as a jump-in since it can cross up on the opponent. **** Far Standing Roundhouse (HK) ---------------------- Kyosuke does twists his leg around, and hits the opponent with a roundhouse kick. The move itself is sortof slow, but in the same time, the move has a LOT of range to it, ONLY use this move when youre away from youre opponent. *** Close HK -------- Same as far, expect less usefull, MUCH less usefull * Crouch HK --------- Kyosuke does a downward sweep with his legs. BEWARE, NEVER use this move at close range unlike other sweeps, it has a slight delay to it in the beginning ONLY, and ONLY use this move like you would use his Standing HK because of it's range. *** Jump HK ------- Think a jumping version of his stand HK. Kyosukes best jump in move, as an air to air, and as a jump in, it's good, while it has a bit of startup lag the move itself has good range, and used to end an air combo. **** Downforward HK -------------- Kysoukes launcher, he launches them up into the air allowing you to combo them. BEWARE though, this move lacks range, a LOT of it in fact, use it ONLY into combos, OR as an anti-air *** =========== 2. Specials =========== Cross Cutter: D,DF,F+P --------------------- Kyosukes projectile, and his BEST special move (probably the LP version that is) the LP version is litterly almost the HARDEST projectile to jump over, abuse this move as much as you can since it's his best pressure move, ESPECIALLY if you have cornered youre opponents ***** for LP **** for other versions Lightning Upper: F,D,DF+P ------------------------- Kyosuke does an animation similar to his Close FP, and summons a small lighting rod in front of him under the ground. Another good normal for Kyosuke, the button you use determines the range of it, LP for close, MP for medium, and FP for far, the best thing about this move is that in the corner, once you hit youre opponents with this, you can INSTANTLY combo into his Super shadow kick Level 2 and 3 **** Shadow Wave: D,DF,F+P(air) -------------------------- *move can ONLY be done in the air* Kyosuke does an arm swipe, and a short energy blade appears in front of him. Use this move in both air to air OR to finish off his air combos. **** Shadow Cut Kick:D,DF,F+K(air) ----------------------------- *move can also be done in the air* Kysouke jumps up and does a flip kick style move, ala Guile's flash kick. NEVER EVER EVER use this move as an anti-air, it'll either trade, or lose, lose for the most part, ONLY use this move in combos or to finish off his Super Shadow cut kick super. The air version, on the other hand, is another thing, it will ALWAYS win durring an air to air battle, so use it when both you and youre opponet are jumping at each other *** for ground version **** for air version Shadow Break:D,DB,B+P --------------------- Kyosuke performs a short hope, while performing an animation simmilar to his jumping FP with energy coming out. This is Kyosukes anti-fireball move (next to the cross cutter) and acts also as an overhead, while this move IS slow, the priority more then makes up for it, and the fact that it can go through all fireballs also. **** ========= 3. Supers ========= Hyper Cross Cutter:D,DF,F(x2)+P ------------------------------- Think, a maxed out version of his cross cutter, it doesn't matter which version you use, level one, two or three, all versions act as a great anti air and a pressure move like his regular cross cutter **** Super Lightning Upper:D,DB,B(x2)+P ----------------------------------- NOW THIS is Kyosukes second main super, probably one his second best supers, think a maxed out version of the regular version of the move it acts as a GREAT anti-air, and best of all, it allows a free juggle after that, which makes it best in S or N groove since you can do the super maxxed, jump combo into his Super Shadow cut kick for more damage. Also, this move does INSANE tick and guard damage, and is also best to use if youre opponent has little life left ***** Super Shadow Cut Kick:D,DF,F(x2)+K(air) ---------------------------------------- Kyosukes main combo super, what he does is basically a bunch of shadow cut kicks followed after another, and finishes it off with a shadow wave also, you can finish off the super with a regular version of his Shadow cut kick. Try to land the level one version of it more since you can juggle after it. **** Final Symphony Remix:F,DF,D,DB,B(x2)+K(lvl-3)(close) ---------------------------------------------------- Undoubtly, THE BEST SUPER IN THE GAME! in the flash sense I mean (=P) what Kyosuke does is that he hits the opponent, launches them up in the air, and then both Batsu and hinato come out and continue the super, finishing it off with all of them hitting the opponent at once. Out of all of Kyosukes super this is the most damaging, land it as MUCH as you can, in combos or to stuff other moves seeing as how incredbly fast the super is. ***** ============= 4.Strategies ============= First and foremost, there is something you must learn for Kyosuke, NEVER get Aggressive with him, Kyosuke is NOT like his PJ (Project Justice) self, instead, he depends on zoning and pressuring the opponents which is the main reason why his cross cutter is his best normal, it allows you to pressure the opponent to death add that along with his great standing far Feirce. Try and corner youre opponent as much as you can, but DON'T get cornerd youreself, if you do then the best option would be to try to attempt and grab youre opponent, Kyosukes grab range, while not the best, is still good nonethless. once you do corner youre opponent, bombard them with cross cutters (but don't get TOO obvious with it) or standing feirce. that's all I've got now, will add more later. ======== 5.Combos ======== (C groove)Jump HK -> Close HP -> Super Lighting upper lvl 1 -> Jump LP - > Jump MP -> Super Shadow cut kick lvl 1 -> Shadow cut kick -> Hyper cross cutter *more to come later, section currently under construction* ========= 6.Credits ========= God: For putting me into this world My parents: For having me Omega Cosmo: For inspiring me to create this FAQ Batsu_Power: For just being a cool online friend and fellow CVS2 enthusiast (even though he hasn't played the game yet =P) HwangX: Another good online friend of mine that deserves to be flushed down the toilet (=P) Kula^Diamond: Just for being such a great gal to talk to ^_^ Deathsythe: For just being a dirty drunken bastard (j/k =P) And others that I'm too lazy to add (you know who you people are =P)