Capcom vs Snk 2 Millionaire fighting 2001 Character Faq 1.1 Rock Howard Written by Milton Parra __________________________________________________ Table of contents 1)Legal stuff 2)Introduction 3)Character Background 4)Why Rock? 5)Which groove should I use? 6)The Moves 7)Combos 8)Credits __________________________________________________ 1)Legal stuff You may not reproduce, sell or distribute this faq without my consent. You may however print this faq for your own personal use. Capcom vs snk 2 is a registered copyright of capcom 1987-2001 Copyright (c)Milton Parra 2001 __________________________________________________ 2)Introduction This is the first time I've written a faq. So feel free to comment on it. I just got the Japanese version for dreamcast the day it came out, and been playing this game nonstop. And so far this game does not dissapoint me. I also used some faqs out there as a guideline to write this one. All the new characters are great but my personal favorite is Rock Howard and that is why I decided to write this faq. __________________________________________________ 3)Character Background For of those of you who din't know Rock Howard is the son of Gesse Howard, who was raised by Terry Bogard. Not really sure how this happened, I don't really know that much about his story. His first appereance was in Garou: Mark of the Wolves(a great fighting game)>_< __________________________________________________ 4)Why Rock? Rock Howard uses a combined fighting style of both Gesse & Terry and the result is a great character. He uses the best moves from both and his supers are easy to execute. The biggest difference when playing Rock Howard in CvS2 is that he is way faster than he was in Garou. If you play Garou then you'll know what I'm talking about. He can take on just about any character with good chances of winning he is in my opinion the best of the new characters. Hibiki(2nd best) When played correctly Rock Howard is unstopable not even the shotos can stop him. __________________________________________________ 5)Which groove should I use? Choosing grooves can be hard if this is the first time that you are playing the game. and finding the best one that fits your fighting style takes time. So I am going to recommend using the following grooves when playing with Rock Howard to get the most out of him. You don't exactly have tho choose these grooves when playing with Rock, like I said find the one that fits your fighting style. N GROOVE: I think this is a great groove to use because of it's mobility options, this groove is the most mobile of them all so use this to your advantage Rock can really take advantage of this since most of his moves are fast! Also a great groove to use if you are familiar with KOF Advance mode. K GROOVE: Use this groove if you have played Garou and you are familiar with Just Defending(JD) Garou players will love this groove, the only drawback is that you lose some of your mobility options. ___________________________________________________ 6)The moves Here I will try to explain what each move does and how effective they are, I'll use a five star(*****) systen to grade each move. I am also asumming that everyone is familiar with all the common notations (example: qcf,dp,qcb etc.......) NOTATIONS: LP:low pumch MP:Medium puch HP:High Punch LK:low kick MK:Medium Kick HK:High Kick Standing LP: Rock strikes with his fist, a very quick punch only useful as a poking tool. Effectiveness:** Crouching LP: Rock stikes with his fist comes out quick only useful to poke at opponent. Effectiveness:* Jumping Lp: Rock stikes with his fist, again only use this to interrupt moves, not that useful. Effectiveness:* Standing MP Close: Use it in combos only, or to interrupt a move. Effectiveness:** Standing MP Far: use this only to interrupt moves other than that is not useful in combos. Effectiveness:** Crouching MP: Use this as an ati-air but it's not that effective in combos. Effectiveness:** Jumping MP: Use this to start combos or to to poke at opponent. Effectiveness:*** Standing HP Close: Use this a lot for combos and to stop incoming attacks. Effectiveness:***** Standing HP Far: Only useful to stop attacks and to poke Effectiveness:*** Crouching HP: Rock stikes with his elbow, haven't found a good way to use this but maybe could be used as an anti-air. Other than that you will not use this that much. Effectiveness:** Jumping HP: Also you will not use this move that much other than to stop other moves or to pressure the opponent. Effectiveness:*** Standing LK: Use this in combos and to poke at opponent Effectiveness:*** Crouching LK: Again use this in cobos and to poke at opponent. Effectiveness:*** Jumping LK: Use it to poke mainly and to stop other moves. Effectiveness:*** Standing MK Close: Useful in combos Effectiveness:** Standing MK Far: This is a good move to use to keep some distance between you and your opponent. Effectiveness:**** Crouching MK: This move is great to poke at opponent this is move that you should use often. Effectiveness:*** Jumping MK: Use it to start combos and to poke other than that not that useful. Effectiveness:** Standing HK Close: Use this in combos as and to stop other moves. Effectiveness:*** Standing HK Far: Wow this move has great priority use it as an optional anti-air, The recovery time is exellent even when blocked. Effectiveness:***** Crouching HK: Rock sweeps the opponent, a great move to do to give u some breathing space, and is very useful in combos, follow with a Raging Storm for best reuslts. Recovey time is okay when blocked. Effectiveness:***** Jumping HK: Use this kick a lot to poke start combos and to stop oncoming moves this an, all around great move. When combined with low hops Rock can be very agressive and will quickly overwhelm your opponent. Effectiveness:***** ________________________________________________________ MOVE LIST Again I am assuming that everyone is familiar with these notations if you are new check some of the other guides available at to learm more. Repukken: QCF+LP or MP This move is useful to annoy your opponent. use these at a safe distance for better results. Effectiveness:**** Double Repukken: QCF+HP Use this only at a distance because it has a long delay. Effectiveness:**** Hard Edge: QCB+P This move is fast do not over use the Hp version because if blocked expect to pay big time! use it in combos for better results. Effectiveness:**** Rising Tackle: Hold down then Up+ any punch A great anti-air the safest one to do is the Lp verion because if you miss with the HP version you leave your self open for an attack. Effectiveness:**** Rage Run Type Dunk: QCB+LK You should only use this move as a surprise attack when you see that your opponent likes to duck a lot to catch them off guard. Keep this move a secret so that it is effective. Effectiveness:*** Rage Run Type Save: QCB+MK Use this move to pressure your opponent and to keep him guessing wich Rage Run you are going to do next other than that is useless. Effectiveness:* Rage Run Type Shift: QCB+HK This move has many options available when performed, if this move is used correctly it can become very deadly. Effectiveness:*** Shinkuu Nage: 360+P Use this move with the Rage run type shift for great results. It is possible to break this move for even deadlier results. Effectiveness:***** Breaking: Tap all 3 punches while performing the Shinkuu Nage Use this for combos Effectiveness:***** Rasetsu: Hold all 3 punches while performing the Shinkuu Nage. You have to time this move to be useful. I recommend to break the throw rather than doing this move. Effectiveness:** Crack Counter: QCF+K LK:Low counter duh! and so on! This is a great move to use when you expect what your opponent is going to do next. Effectiveness:***** SUPERS Raging Storm: QCF,QCF+P This is great move to pull off when an opponent jumps at you or when you sweep them with the crouching HK. Plus is not as hard as Gesse's, you will have your opponent fearing for their life when they see that you have a super bar and will think twice before jumping-in at you. Effectiveness:***** Shining Knuckle: QCF,QCF+K Another great super, this move has great speed for catching an opponent who just missed an attack. If bloked expect retaliation. Effectiveness:***** Deadly Rave Neo: HCB,F+LK,LP,LP,LK,Lk,MP,MK,HP,HK,QCB+HP Use this move only when you are sure that it will connect or in a combo for better results. It is possible to break the move after you connect the HP, such as taping HP again and doing a HP Hard Edge or sweeping the opponent with crouching HK+Rising Storm, for a flashy finish. Effectiveness:**** __________________________________________________________ 7)COMBOS Here are some combos that I discovered while playing the game. A)Jumping HK,Standing HP+Hard Edge B)Sweep with crouching HK+ Raging Storm C)Standing LP,HP+Hard Edge D)Rage Run Type shift+Shinkku Nage+Breaking+Shining Knuckle(Use Lvl 3 Raging Storm If youa are in the corner) E)Jumping HK,Standing HP+Shining Knuckle F)Crouching LP,LK+Rage Run Type Dunk of Forward+MK(the last two moves will not connect) G)Jumping HK,Standing HP+Deadly Rave Neo(Try breaking after you hit with the HP, and do a crouching sweep with HK+Raging Storm) H)Standing LP,LK+Deadly Rave Neo(again try breaking the move) ____________________________________________________________ Here is a combo I made using the (A GROOVE) Of course you don't have to follow my combo you can make your own changes, plus I made this combo just playing around with the A GROOVE for a couple of minutes. This groove has great potential. I just thought I share it whith all of you guys. Corner,crouching LP,LK,HK,HP+Rising Tackle x 3, then Raging Storm! I know it is possible to do more impressive combos! when everyone gets better! ____________________________________________________________ 8)Credits Me,me and>_<) for writing this faq, (c) capcom & snk for making a great fighting game and to for posting this faq. In the future I will be writing more faqs for other characters, as soon as I have more time Please visit my site that I been working on is at: I would apreciate if everyone visits or become members! Also to find out more about (c)SNK.