Capcom vs SNK 2 Millionaire Fighting 2001 Rugal FAQ Version 2.0 by Belhelmel Contents -------- - Version History - Introduction - Who is Rugal? - Why choose Rugal? - Which groove should you use? - What ratio should Rugal be on? - Rugal's normal moves - Rugal's special moves - Rugal's super moves - Rugal vs human - Rugal vs the computer - Miscellaneous - God Rugal - End Version History --------------- Verson 1.0 (Oct 2001) - Written all the stuff Version 2.0 (Dec 2003) - Upgraded to version 2.0 because of the big updates. - Rewritten a lot of stuff, added contents, intro, version history, end Introduction ------------ This FAQ was done by me and don't use it without my permission and all the other legal stuff. This FAQ is not written for experts but for people who'd just like to get a rough idea before trying out the character. Who is Rugal? ------------- I must first admit that I've never played much SNK games and mostly played Capcom games. It was only when Capcom vs SNK 1 came out that I started taking interest and started reading up on these interesting characters. So correct me if I am wrong. According to what I read and heard, Rugal was host to one of the KOF tournaments, his aim is to harness Orochi power through the tournament to achieve world domination. Why choose Rugal? ----------------- First of all, Rugal is just so classy. He has two great secretaries in Vice and Mature, he wears a suit even when he's fighting and he keeps a panther. On the more practical side, here are the reasons you want to use Rugal - Has a wide variety of moves which can help you out in different situations - Has more HP than most other characters, even with the same ratio - Has excellent reach - Deals significant damage But he's not perfect: - Terrible recovery on most of his moves - Slow moving - Large frame, make him an easy target Which groove should you use? ----------------------------- C - One of the best to use for newbie and expert. With three levels of super, air guarding and rolling, it's a safe bet. There isn't a lot of times when you can use Rugal's supers, so you can keep the supers as you get a bonus in attacking power for each level of super bar you keep. A - There's a big Rugal original combo which I haven't had too much success trying to do. If you can, then use this groove to impress your friends, otherwise this groove can't compare to C groove. P - Strictly for the experts only. Deadly in the hands of one. The super bar takes forever to fill up but at least there's no timer on it once it's filled up. S - I might get flamed but I'm gonna say this groove sucks too, dodging is ..dodgy and having to charge for a level 1 super doesn't seem a winning formula. You get unlimited level 1 supers when your HP is low, but Rugal's supers are not abuse-able like Ryu's Shinkuu-Hadoken. N - The groove I used to use a lot. The super bar builds up quickly and for a level, you get your attacking power increased (Rugal's attacking power is good enough as it is), before the end of the timer, you can execute a maximum level super at the expense of just one more level. Throw in stuff like rolling and safe fall and it's almost perfect. K - The groove which I mainly use now. Just-defending seems a bit easier to do then parrying, and if you get the hang of just-defending, learning to parry is much easier. You also get the bonus of just-defending by accident when you only mean to block sometimes. Rugal's supers cause big damage and even more if you use K-groove, even if you don't use his supers (they need to be used at the right time and sometimes there isn't the opportunity), the boost in attacking power that a full K-groove bar brings is a big bonus. What ratio should Rugal be on? ------------------------------ Rugal has enough HP and power to make him deadly even at ratio 1. I usually put him on ratio 2, having two more ratio 1 characters tagging along is the safest choice. Rugal's normal moves --------------------- Standing LP - A quick poke at a downward angle (which is head level for other characters since Rugal is so tall), for an LP, it's not very quick and I prefer the crouching LP. Crouching LP - A horizontal poke which can be used for combos and tacking people who roll constantly. Jumping LP - An elbow attack which can be used both for jumping in and for air-to-air. Standing MP - A swipe which looks like a slap, poor range, not much use. Crouching MP - Same as standing MP, done crouching down. Jumping MP - A horizontal poke not unlike the crouching LP, strictly for air-to-air. Standing HP (Near) - When near the opponent, this is an upward swinging punch to the gut. Can be used as an anti-air if opponent is jumping in on your head and if it is timed right. Standing HP (Far) - When far from the opponent, Rugal swings a downward punch which stretches pretty far, good reach, good for ground combat. Jumping HP - A downward poke which isn't too helpful. Crouching HP - How can I forget this when I was writing version 1.0 of this FAQ? This is one of Rugal's most important normal move. Rugal pokes diagonally forward while kneeling on the ground. At the right distance it serves as some kind of anti-air but the real beauty of this is poking your opponent, there are loads of poking moves in this game but not many which cause as much damage. The only move that is better is Athena's crouching HP (and that's a real monster). Standing LK (Near) - A knee to the gut, not much combo possibility here. Standing LK (Far) - A quick low kick, for all the action (Rugal has to turn his back to the opponent to kick), it comes out pretty quick Crouching LK - A quick kick which is excellent for combos and dealing with rolling opponents Jumping LK - A jumping knee attack which has excellent priority, one of the major jump-in attacks and does a good job as an air-to-air move as well. Standing MK (Near) - A similar gut kick. Standing MK (Far) - A downward sweeping kick, a lot of action, and doesn't trip opponents as the move looks like it can do, it has an OK range though, can be used to confuse opponents sometimes. Crouching MK - Reaches a bit further than the crouching LK, can be used directly after it, good solid move. Jumping MK - A long kick from the air (used to be Rugal's jumping HK in CvS1), its air-to-air priority is not as good as the jumping LK but it's awesome to use against ground opponents. Good reach, use often. Standing HK (Near) - Acrobatic stuff from the man Rugal as he kicks vertically upward above his head. Good to use when your opponent is trying to jump over you. More useful than perceived. Standing HK (Far) - A long kick to the air. Godly reach, good damage, a good anti-air move if you find the Genocide cutter hard to execute, what makes this better than the Genocide Cutter is that this cannot be guarded by a C-groove opponent. Good to use in ground combat as well. Crouching HK - As with most crouching HKs, it knocks down the opponent, Rugal does look a little awkward doing it, balancing on one hand, but the speed is OK Jumping HK - Classy move, Rugal folds his arm and stamps down, range is as good as Blanka's jumping HK but not as good priority, can be used sometimes (eg. to knock Vega out of his Psycho Crusher) but in most situations, the jumping LK/MK are superior. Rugal's Special Moves --------------------- Reppuken (QCF + P) - Standard ground projectile. It can be used to counter stuff like Nakoruru and Cammy's low attacks which goes under usual projectiles, but be careful using it against opponents like Blanka, Honda, Vega etc, since they have moves which go right over the Reppuken. The LP version is the slowest while the HP version is the fastest. Kaiser Wave (F, HCF + P) - A huge projectile which seem to travel pretty fast no matter which punch button you used, maybe it's because it's so large there isn't much ground to cover. You can hold on the punch button to charge it (Rugal starts to lean back), the kaiser wave comes out when you release the punch button or automatically after about 5 seconds. God Press (HCB + P) - Rugal rushes forward and if he connects, he'll grab and drag the opponent and slam him/her against the side of the screen. It deals awesome damage but it's pretty hard to pull off. It's both blockable and parry-able, both of which will leave Rugal wide open for a counter attack. Use sparingly, not even the computer falls for it. The LP version travels about 1/2 screen, the MP and HP version will go all the way. Dark Barrier (QCF + K) - Rugal puts out an energy shield. It's pretty low so it can hit low attacks as well as people who are rolling across you. The real beauty of it is that it can reflect any projectiles which are thrown at you. But as with all reflectors in this game, it needs pretty good timing. Rugal will stand there laughing and holding his shield until it hits something or until timeout of the move. This move can leave you even more open to attack than the God Press. The LK version lasts for a shorter period while the HK version will last the longest. Genocide Cutter (DP + K) - Rugal's anti-air move. He takes to the air, swinging his leg in an arc. Excellent range and very reliable anti-air. The LK version goes slightly into the air while the HK version goes up the highest. Dark Smash (QCF + K in the air) - Rugal stops in the air for a moment and then comes down with an energy shield (which looks like a kaiser wave) in front of him. Pretty nice move but his kicks in the air are more reliable, you also have to time your move as it doesn't come out immediately. Rugal's Super Moves ------------------- Gigantic Pressure (QCF, HCB + P) - Rugal will rush forward and grab his opponent much like the regular God Press. But a pillar of light will appear when the opponent is smashed against the wall, interesting skull image appears in the pillar of light. This move is blockable and parryable and will leave you as open as the regular God Press should you miss. The LP version will slam your opponent on the wall once, the MP version and the HP version twice. Genocide Heaven (HCF, HCF + K) - Better version of the Genocide Cutter. It's better because Rugal kicks from up to down in the first hit and will hit air opponents more quickly than the Genocide Cutter. He does a few kicks before taking to the air. The more reliable of his two supers. Rugal vs human ---------------- Rugal's strengths lies with his range and variety of moves so use it. You have two projectiles to choose from, use them in different situations. Rugal's arm is long, the Kaizer wave will be served right into the face of the opponent when it comes out. It'll give air and ground opponents a hard time. But it's not exactly an easy move to execute and more times than not you get the Genocide cutter (but if you find it's no problem then good for you), use the Reppuken when you need to whip out a projectile quickly. Throw slow Reppukens for your pressure game. Fast ones are safe for your general game. If your opponent is trigger happy with his/her projectiles, whip out the Dark Barrier from time to time, but take care to use the LK version, not the HK one, which leaves you vulnerable for a long time. You can use the God Press to get out of corners while your opponent is in the air. If your God Press is blocked, do a Genocide Cutter immediately, it'll hit any retaliatory moves and if it's blocked, at least you're in the air. Most moves will damage less when opponent is in the air, exceptions being Ken's Shinryuken, Geese's Rising Storm and Blanka's Shout of Earth etc. The Dark Smash is a great jump-in move which can be a real handful for land and air opponent. As I recall this move can cancel out a projectile. Use the LK version to come down fast. There're times when you might use the HK version to trick your opponent, but in general, people can see the move from a mile away and it's always safer to do the LK one. When you land, follow up the Dark Smash with a crouching MK, followed by one or two crouching HPs. If your opponent blocks them all there's a safe distance between you two for you to start to process again. You can also do the Dark Smash while you're in the air if you'd like to change the location where you land, it'll also keep you in the air for a longer period. Hence you can avoid landing on something nasty (eg. on Dhalsim's Yoga Stream or right next to Zangief/Raiden) Don't forget your normal moves, stick out your leg (Standing HK) once in a while will hit unexpecting opponents and will make others think twice before jumping in on you. the Standing HP is just as reliable. But the best is the crouching HP, poke it from time to time, especially against opponents like Zangief. Don't use the Gigantic Pressure unless you're sure of landing it. Go with the Genocide Heaven. The A-Groove combo: If I recall correctly, it's a chain of multiple God Presses repeatedly (with the opponent in the corner, Rugal will smash the opponent into the wall, before he lands, Rugal can grab him again with another God Press). Finish with a Genocide Heaven for great visual effect. Great if you have quick hands. Rugal vs the computer --------------------- Just do your thing for most opponents, but some computer opponents can be beaten more easily than you think. - vs Guile, Ryo, Iori For some reason, the AI of these characters are such they'll just stand there blocking fast reppukens until they get guard crushed, which is when you can charge forward with a gigantic pressure. - vs Vice, Raiden, Honda Continue with fast reppuken routine, but this bunch won't even block, they'll just keep getting hit until they get stunned, which is when you whip out your trusty gigantic pressure. Caution: This may work against Raiden, but it certainly won't work against Zangief, he'll do a Banishing Flat and be right in front of you just like that. - vs Morrigan The computer Morrigan throws soulfists at you all day until you finally decide to jump in, which is when she does the shadow blade. Wicked. But don't worry because you can use your Dark Barrier to reflect those pesky soulfists. Miscellaneous ------------- Rugal's intro - He says a lot of Japanese before sending his panther away. Rugal's taunt - He takes a bow, it's very quick, so it's safe, but since now taunting will build up your enemy's super bar, don't do it. Rugal's punch throw - He'll grab your opponent, hold him up and charge him with electric power before slamming him away Rugal's kick throw - Rugal simply throws his opponent aside . vs Vega - Rugal gives a longer-than-usual speech in Japanese. His panther arcs its back and growls at Vega before being sent away by his master vs Guile - Rugal likes to keep statues of his fallen opponents, as I heard, in a previous KOF series, a statue of Guile appeared in the ending. This time Guile is back with a vengance, destroying the top half of the statue with a Sonic Boom. Rugal destroys the rest of it with a Reppuken and both prepare to fight. vs Vice - Nice little reunion. Rugal comes up with another long speech, Mature bows and leaves while Vice turns (she was standing with her back facing the audience) and prepares to fight. vs Kim - Being an evil character, Rugal naturally gets Kim's hostile intro where Kim turns (much like how Vice does) and shouts 'Ha!' vs Chun Li - Another law enforcer, Chun Li points accusingly at Rugal, declares something in Japanese and prepares to fight. God Rugal --------- A secret boss in CvS2. Rugal defeats Gouki in battle and drains his Evil power which combines with his Orochi power in a nasty way. You'll get to fight him if you've over 1500 GP points, at least one finest KO finish and have fought a mid-boss (Geese/Vega). Defeating the computer God Rugal will allow you to use him. God Rugal is faster and deals much more damage than regular Rugal. He has all of Rugal's regular moves, as well as a new grabbing move, it's from EX-Rugal in CvS1, much more reliable than the God Press, since it comes out so fast. Rugal will stare at the skies and ask the gods for guidance before suddenly grabbing his opponent and pumping evil power into him. The HK Genocide Cutter has one more hit. God Rugal also has Gouki's teleport move and his Raging Demon move. Finally God Rugal also has the most devastating super in the game, the G-Executioner, he grabs his opponent and drains all of the opponent's HP, rendering a full energy bar to a pixel of life. Anything less than a full energy bar means death. However, God Rugal's HP is really really low, he'll be finished after a couple of hits by the opponent. The normal Rugal is much better. (Of course it's different with the CPU God Rugal) End --- Thank you to Capcom for making this great game with loads of grooves to choose from, redrawing the SNK characters so that they look so much better than they did in KOF, and SNK for designing some good characters. If you have any suggestions, comments etc etc. Feel free to let me know and it might be featured here if you've got some really good comments/ suggestions.