^From the twisted^ ^Mind of^ ^Khrishach^ Version 0.99 Well, legal stuff, you can't sell this, make money off this, use this, or quote from this without written permission from me. 'Nuff BS. Also, if I am wrong, you think I'm wrong, etc. Or simply have an opinion, email me at khrishach@netzero.net. Text only please, and game fact contentions only. I express my opinions in this FAQ. You want to tell me yours, write your own FAQ. So tell me if a name or something is wrong, but lets not make this personal, OK? I am only going off of my own experiences, and don't claim to be a great player. Just semi-good. This is just stuff I figured out on my own. IMPORTANT NOTE: I have received a lot of mail on this one. To unlock Shin Akuma on the DREAMCAST version imported from Japan: Beat him. That simple. As for the arcade, you have to input a code into the bios in game test mode, and then beat Shin Akuma. I do not know the code yet, and there has been much contradictory rumor as to whether or not he his playable in the American Arcade. I am still looking for the code, if you know it. The one I know unlocks new modes, but no knew characters. If you want info on how to import and play Japanese Dreamcast games on an American console, I have found a cheap and easy way that requires no hardware mods. Email me for more info. Straight to the meat.... Terms of the trade: this assumes you know what the basic buttons of (basically) all 2d fighters out there. For this faq I will use the old old button names. For this FAQ.... (I will use just "Akuma" in this FAQ when referring to this character.) LP = light punch LK = light kick MP = medium punch MK = medium kick HP = fierce (hard) punch HK = fierce kick P = Any punch K = Any kick PP = any two punches simultaneously KK = any two kicks simultaneously U = up D = Down B = back (away from the opponent) F = forward (toward your opponent) combinations of these will be used, i.e. UF = up forward diagonally , = used to separate different parts of move execution + = to be done simultaneously ^ = move is to be done while in the air * = is to be held for 2 game seconds approx. ~ = cancel Timing of a cancel is critical. To "cancel" one thing into another, complete the execution of the second move at the same time the first strikes. Success is when the ending animation of the first move is replaced completely by the second move. Combo heaven. combinations of these will be used, i.e. UF = up forward diagonally QCF = quarter circle forward QCB = quarter circle back HCF = half circle forward HCB = half circle back DPF = Dragon Punch DPB = reversed Dragon Punch <<<<>>>>: From what I understand of the storyline, he has gained Dark Power, as a gift from the defeated Rugal. Shin Akuma is not a random character for a random player. If you like to just throw out stuff, pick someone else. Shin Akuma is for a fast thinking yet coldly calculating player. This new form has extreme power, speed, and I will argue, easily the highest priority in the game. He walks as fast as half the characters in the game run, I believe he is the fasted character in the game, though with Orochi Iori and Vega(Balrog) close behind, though not in jump speed. He also easily has the highest priority. This, coupled with his blinding speed, give him immense counter ability. If played correctly, you should be able to come out on top of anything done to you. His downside: Lowest health in the game. He is extremely easy to kill, and if you can't do everything he does on command, forsake any idea of becoming proficient with him. He, above all characters, showed me my skills were not enough. (All opinions based on a 4-point Shin Akuma) All in all, he is easily a huge defensive porcupine, and the most aggressive offensive character in the game. The trick is to not get hit or trapped! :}- <>: I assume you know the grooves for this game, and what they do. Here I discuss their basic relevance to Shin Akuma. C-GROOVE = Great Groove for Akuma, due solely to the AIR BLOCK! This eliminates A whole word of punishment from Akuma's dread list. The implications of this I think are immediately obvious. Special to super cancel is just ugly, especially considering Akuma's two level 3 supers, discussed later. Super to super cancel is pretty pointless, though. A-GROOVE = How Disgusting!! As if this monster couldn't combo enough already! This is not a groove I use much, but done correctly, a full string could easily finish an opponent. And pokes when activated become almost unstoppable with there speed. P-GROOVE = I believe this to be the most powerful Groove of all, and with Shin Akuma, its demonic to the point of redundancy. Parry, power combo, Parry, power combo. A near perfect parrier would be unstoppable. And a level three in no time that just sits there waiting instead of decaying with time. Just don't EVER miss! :}- S-GROOVE = I believe this to be Shin Akuma's weakest groove. He takes damage so poorly that if you are red, you will likely lose next time your hit. So discount level 3's. Infinite super fireballs aren't great either, as his are slow and easy to dodge, not to mention punish. Not worth glance. N-GROOVE = This is my Groove of choice, and one of Akuma's best. The added maneuverability just add to the terror, and the counter roll is fast enough to roll and then punish most things beyond a jab. Super counter is worthless, because with him, you could just counter in the first place. Rolling adds to the fear, and the mini jump is a good poke/combo starter. Finally, and best of all, the ease of quickly building and executing a level 3 for 2 bars due to the fact that you are (should be!) always pressuring, and the stat change during charge do make a difference with his counters. K-GROOVE = I am torn on this one. Yes, you can easily build a level 3, which with this guy crush an opponent, but your talking about trying to actively turtle a pressure bad*ss. And with the way he eats it if you miss, it simply seems self defeating. If you are determined, make sure to NOT TURTLE. Pressure and use traps to trick your opponent into attacking, and then use Just Defense. Also, abuse the teleport, as this done right will make up for the lack of rolling. Do not count on getting a super bar by damage, as you will be mostly dead by then. <>: FOR THE SAKE OF ALL THATS HOLY, DO NOT EVER PLAY A 1 POINT SHIN AKUMA!!!! He does little damage. And can die in one hit, depending on what hits him. I highly recommend you DO NOT use a 2 point Akuma either, for the same reasons. One good combo and your toast. 3 point is better. This is a higher Akuma that might live to do some of his massive damage I talked about. BEST CHOICE is a 4-point Shin Akuma, as this will give you the life bar of a ratio 2 to work with, and enough damage to obliterate opponents, if your good enough. SIDE NOTE ON GROOVE POINTS: I built more groove points with a 4-point Shin Akuma than with anything else, topping out with an ending score of 2492 Groove points. I think I could have topped 2500 if I had defeated God Rugal first time out. But I got hit three times, which was death. <<<<>>>> I am also assuming you know what the regular buttons do, like D+FK. If you don't, take some time to experiment. It will be better for you than if I told you. I am only going to mention the ones I feel are special for Shin Akuma. I also REFUSE to put a rating system on his moves. That leads to some moves being ignored and most overused. EVERYONE has a different style for playing this powerhouse. And all moves have some place. The trick is to stay unpredictable with Shin Akuma, so you don't get hit. Don't discount any moves, even the ones I myself have labeled mostly useless. If your opponent thinks you'll never use it, pull that Ace out of your sleeve, and his expression will be worth it. Credit goes out to Cagigas, as the one to supply the much needed names. ^MK and ^LK = this is special because it crosses over, though the MK does a better job than the LK. Great pressure and good combo starter. "Tenma Kuujin Kyaku" = "Demonic Air Blade Kick" DIVING KICK = ^D+MK = Akuma dives DF from the air. Great priority, but tough, maybe impossible, to combo after. I can't, anyway. Great priority. Use to quickly descend to stop what might be waiting for you if you landed normally. "Zugai Hassatsu" = "Skull Destroyer" OVERHEAD = F+MP = Good to punish those with no wake up stuff, but throws are always better, as Akuma's are fast and very damaging. <> "Gou Hadou Ken" = "Great Surge Fist" FIREBALL = QCF+P = the basic Akuma fireball, at double the size. Three different speeds. Be careful not to get predictable with it. "Shakunetsu Hadou Ken" = "Scorching Heat Surge Fist" POWER FIREBALL = HCB+P = A bigger, stronger, multi-hit fireball, with a slight startup time. Be careful not to be predictable. "Zankuu Hadou Ken" = "Sky Slashing Surge Fist" AIR DOUBLE FIREBALL ^QCF+P = Akuma chucks two full size fireballs as he arcs. This is a core move folks. ABUSE THIS!!! Screws invincible startup anti-airs, as they will pass through the first ball, and eat the second. "Tatsumaki Zankuu Kyaku" = "Sky Slashing Tornado Kick" HURRICANE KICK = QCB+K = a spinning kick which helicopters and juggles. essential to all the big combos I know. Goes over fireballs. Has quite nice priority as far as the spin kicks go, and can be used as a counter, but it can be punished easily if you miss, with the important exception of the QK version, which has no recovery time. Can be done on a wake up. "Tatsumaki Zankuu Kyaku" = "Sky Slashing Tornado Kick" AIR HURRICANE KICK = ^QCB+K = extends his air time and does multiple hits. I don't have much luck with its priority though. Delay this if you want to hit someone on the ground, and do early for air hits. "Gou Shouryuu Ken" = "Great Rising Dragon Fist" DRAGON PUNCH = DP+P = The infamous. His best move, as you can counter almost anything. Does decent damage, has invincible startup. Can be done on wake up. "Tenma Shurettou" = ??? HIGH COUNTER = D,D+PP = counters a high/mid/special attack, as he teleports and drops on the opponent, hitting as he lands. Does quite a bit of damage, though its not perfect, as it can miss, and can be blocked if the move it countered was fast enough. Typically counters anything slower than a linking LP/LK though. I use this sparingly, just because I think Dragon Punch first, but I am trying to work this into my thinking. "Tenma Shurettou" = ??? LOW COUTNER = D,D+KK = Same as above, only for low attacks. Nail those cheep pokers. "Ashura Senkuu" = "Ashura Air Flash TELEPORT = DPF/DPB+PP/KK = a teleport. It has no ending delay, and can be buffered out of. What more could you ask for? Kicks go half screen, punches full, and DPF goes toward the guy, and DPB away. Example of no delay: Shin Akuma teleports into Joes Double Cyclone after the invincible activation has passed. And dragon punches Joe out of his level 3, taking no damage. One note worth mentioning, the teleport now stops IMMEDIATELY when it hits a game wall. Don't get caught with your pants down out of that one, instead see if your opponent knows this interesting fact... ten to one he will wait thinking of the full teleport time. <> He's got five. Ouch "Messatsu Gou Shouryuu" = "Great Rising Dragon Deadly Attack" PROGRESSIVE UPPERCUT QCF,QCF+P = Akuma equivalent. I believe this to be fairly useless. You can combo into it or juggle with it, but it does little to less damage, especially compared with his level 3's. Your better off using a dragon punch instead and saving the level. "Messatsu Gou Hadou" = "Great Surge Deadly Attack" SUPER FIREBALL = HCB,HCB+P = A reallllyyy big fireball. Level 1 is quite slow, where as the level 3 is about normal fireball speed. More levels is more hits and damage, of course. Useful at times when you need a good projectile to counter or pressure, but a waste for a poke. Nice chip though, at 8 hits on level 3. "Tenma Gou Zankuu" = "Great Demonic Sky Slasher" AIR SUPER FIREBALL = ^QCF,^QCF+P = Diagonal super fireball from the air. The recovery is horrid, as he jumps almost straight up after releasing it. Nasty Surprise with good timing, though. "Shun Goku Satsu" = "Imprisoning Death Flash" RAGING DEMON = LP,LP,F,LK,HP = The nastiest of its type. It has the speed of his full screen teleport, goes full screen, and does 33 hits, coupled with insane damage. Even with the general loss of power of all raging demon types, this is still gross. Just remember it doesn't go through fireballs anymore. Still, this out of nowhere, or better still, a teleport, can turn a game. Beware though, as it no longer has air priority, or hits people after they are staggered, so don't actually hit with the 2 LP, or your opponent will have time to jump. Level 3 only. "Misogi" = ??? SUPER TELEPORT DROP= HCB,HCB+K = Very fast, doing almost as much damage as the Raging Demon. Shin Akuma drops out of the sky to land a skull crushing blow. Can hurt anyone who's trying to actually do something, like a fireball. Will nail people in a jump too. Just make sure you don't use this randomly either, as the recovery, if blocked, is enough for anything. <> In this section I will go a little into the combo SYSTEM as I understand it and as it relates to Shin Akuma. Combos amount to a series of consecutive tricks with good timing. Here's how the theory goes. Push: When hit with different attacks, opponents are typically pushed back a little. I'm sure you've seen it. This limits the amount of ground attacks that can be done to an opponent before they are out of range. This maximum range is Dubbed by me in this FAQ the Push Limit. This will refer to the number of hits that can be done typically before you must do your next move in the combo sequence, or lose the combo entirely. This assumes you started toe to toe. Farther away means less hits. Best news though, cancellation of moves cancels their push, meaning you can take a combo farther with them Juggle: Refers of course to keeping a body in the air after knocking it around. Juggle works on a point system. Everything in the game is assigned a juggle "factor," a certain amount of points toward juggling. In order to juggle, you must connect with a higher juggle factor move than the one before. Multiple hit moves have a different juggle priority for each hit. When the move hits, the lowest juggle hit will connect first, followed by the rest, will will continue the juggle, using the lowest possible juggle, to give you more chance to continue the combo. Cancel: To cancel the last frames of animation of a current move, instead substituting a new move. Buffer: Start the motion of a special/super during another move for much faster execution of the second move. Chain: Some people have a Light something that will strike continuously to create a small combo. Shin Akuma has two, his LP and LK. You can typically get in two before Push Limit is reached. Jump in attacks are a good way to get more hits and lead into a chain. I prefer MK for the cross over, or the double air fireball for nice damage and extra hits. The fireballs also help assure that you wont eat as many anti-air attacks for the jump in. What it amounts to is that you only get a certain number of hits after the first juggle move, no matter what you do. Using Akuma's core combo for an example, here are several possibilities for the same combo. Also I think it worthy of note that the initial hit of Akuma's hurricane kick, with the knee on the rise up, has lower juggle priority than the rest of the move, no matter what strength you use. A "#" will signal when the opponent leaves the ground into the juggle. L = Light version of a move. This is a minor chart for the relative juggle priority. The first hit represents the juggle starter, having enough number to get someone of the ground to start the juggle, but not to continue one. All moves not listed have either just the first number or none, making them moot in a juggle discussion. The trick is to know how far in hits the move goes based on your activation button, so you can keep going. |---------------------|-------|-------|-------|-------| |Hurricane | Hit-1 | Hit-2 | Hit-3 | | |---------------------|-------|-------|-------|-------| |Dragon Punch | Hit-1 | Hit-2 | Hit-3 | | |---------------------|-------|-------|-------|-------| |Messatsu Gou Shouryuu| | Hit-1 | Hit-2 | Hit-3 | |---------------------|-------|-------|-------|-------| 1) LK, L-Hurricane#(2 hit), Dragon Punch (1 hit) 2) LK, LK, L-Hurricane#(1 hit), Dragon Punch (2 hit) 3) LK, LK-Hurricane#(2 hit), L-Hurricane (1 hit) 4) LK, LK, LK~L-Hurricane#(1 hit), Dragon Punch (2 hit) 5) MK~L-Hurricane#(2 hit), Dragon Punch (1 hit) 6) LK, L-Hurricane#(2 hit), Messatsu Gou Shouryuu LV1(2 hit) 7) LK, L-Hurricane#(2 hit), Messatsu Gou Shouryuu LV3(3 hit) Note: Hit-1 of the hurricane can be either when he's in the air, hitting a standing opponent, or as he's going up, with his knee, to hit a crouching opponent. The knee will change the number of hits, but does not extend juggle, so it still keeps with this chart. It just shortens your combo. The reason 2) has one more hit is because when the opponent is standing, the Push Limit is 2, if he's crouching, its one. However, if they are standing, and you are fast enough to cancel the LK, you can do 3, as in combo 4). Combo 5) is harder than combo 3), but does more damage. By the way, the juggle by super for this combo is an example. Don't do it in practice unless you really need to show off, as it is a complete waste of super. The limit on the first three combos for air hits is the same, at 3 hits, because of the decreasing juggle priority. <> Just a few in case you just decided not to read that. Though you should. Jump in Double Fireball, Crouch MK~L-Hurricane, F-Dragon Punch - 6 hits Jump in (Cross over) MK, Crouch MK~L-Hurricane, F-Dragon Punch - 5 hits Jump in Double Fireball, Crouch LK, LK~L-Hurricane, F-Dragon Punch - 7 hits Jump in (Cross over) MK, Crouch LK, LK~L-Hurricane, F-Dragon Punch - 6 hits Crouch LK, Crouch LK, F-fireball - 3 hits Crouch LK, F-Dragon Punch - 4 hits Crouch LK, Crouch LK, Crouch FK - 3 hits Crouch LK, Crouch LK, Messatsu Gou Hadou (lv 3) - 10 hits Crouch LK, Messatsu Gou Shouryuu (any lv) - 7-10 hits Works only on tall guys. Jump in FP~Double Fireball, Crouch LK, LK~L-Hurricane, F-Dragon Punch - 8 hits There are of course, other combos, so feel free to experiment, but these are probably the best. <> People he should be especially careful around. His is real short! I came up with only 2. GOD RUGAL: Since his anti-air is a VERY different evil, you need to be EXTREMLY wary. His teleport is as bad as yours, he can almost match your speed, he has more health, and he outranges what you win in priority. Shin Akuma's biggest scare. Abuse fireballs especially the air double, because oddly enough, his painful anti-air Genocide Cutter has no invincible startup. Be aware of which Godpress he uses, his rushing move, as one is unblockable, and the other WILL beat out all but dragon punch. DP is a safe bet here. Avoid his level threes, all four, at all costs. And landing a lv 3 of your own can turn this battle, so wait for an opening. During all this you must consistently poke and pressure, especially with fireballs, to avoid giving him time to power Kaiser Wave, which will blow through everything you do. Also remember, one good teleport deserves another, so teleport and poke, but in close, poke only with LK and LP, as anything else will earn you a Genocide Cutter. Lastly, remember Genocide Cutter has weapon status, so you can't hit his leg. Its invincible. I HAVE BEEN GENOCIDED OUT OF MISOGI'S DROP! FEAR THE GENOCIDE CUTTER, BUT CLOSE THE RANGE GAP OR FIREBALL! OROCHI IORI: Speed to make all jealous, its paced almost exactly with yours. Same problem as God Rugal, Iori outranges Akuma, but with speed to replace the Genocide Cutter. Scum Gale, his anti-air, will also hit you through your fireballs, though he will eat one of the hits. Don't miss by over- estimating your range. Fireball pokes won't work, he's too fast. Don't plan on meeting him air to air, he will win, because he jump higher and will hit first because of it. Love thy dragon punch, and throw him any time he turtles. Lastly: BEWARE THE MAIDEN MASHER! It can tear you out of the air and take most of your life from a lv 4 Orochi Iori. And pick your super timing carefully, as its easy to miss this fast bastard. <> Pressure like there is no tomorrow. Every time you block, you made a step back from a perfect Shin Gouki. THERE IS ALWAYS SOMETHING YOU CAN DO! Use the run and teleport to stay directly in the face of your opponents. Don't jump kick a person with a wakeup, instead do Zankuu Hadou Ken. Invincible startup will jump through the first, and eat the second. Also, your dragon punch will beat anyone else's wakeup. Or you can use high counter Tenma Shurettou to punish. You can always be doing more damage instead of defending! I hate to make this likening between two such unlike characters, but it boils down to the same thing with Geese. The one who gets most predictable losses. Mix things up to make sure its not you, and pay attention to your opponents habits. All players will do the same thing under the same pressure situation unless they find a reason not to. For example, lets say you know your opponent Ryu loves wake up dragon punches. Get in his face, time it right, and counter his DP with Tenma Shurettou. Do this a second time. By the third time on the ground, he's probably learned. So he may sweep, or try to throw. your Gou Shouryuu Ken can punish either effectively, or better yet, Tatsumaki Zankuu Kyaku into a combo. Or just ducking jab. Or throw him first, you are faster. Take your pick. In short, make your opponent regret everything he does, even blocking. But if he sees you coming because your too predictable, Shin Akuma's tiny life bar won't save you.