Carmen Sandiego: The Secret of the Stolen Drums for the Playstation2. FAQ and Guide written by Joanna "AcmeIvy" Gray Started: February 10, 2005 Last updated: October 13, 2010 Version 2.02 List of Contents 1. Copyrights and Such 2. The Really Important Stuff You Should Read (But I Bet You're Gonna Skip) 3. Controls 4. Table of Contents 5. Walkthrough 6. After the Game 7. Version History 8. About the "Hollywood Ending"...or Lack Thereof 9. Far Too Frequently Asked Questions 10. Credits ------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Copyrights and Such Boring Legal Mumbo Jumbo: Carmen Sandiego is copyrighted to Riverdeep, Bam! Entertainment, The Learning Company, and any other company associated with the franchise. This guide may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site other than or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. ------------------------------------------------------------ 2. The Really Important Stuff You Should Read (But I Bet You're Gonna Skip) First things first: Read the manual. Trust me on this. It will save both me and you a lot of headaches, and it takes at most, maybe five to ten minutes of your time. Also, PLEASE READ THE GUIDE BEFORE EMAILING ME! "Stolen Drums" is a kids' game, it's not supposed to be extremely hard. If my inbox starts to flood with questions relating to the game and the answers are in this guide or the manual, chances are I will either not reply at all or I will end up blocking your address. It's not that hard to read this thing or the manual unless you're illiterate. Let me emphasize this one more time: If I get an email asking a question and the answer's already in the manual OR the guide, I will not reply, or I will block your email address. Simple as that. There's also a bunch of training orbs in the New York chapter, read those if you want to know how to get through the game. This guide was written for the Playstation2 version. Adjust accordingly if you're using this guide and playing the GameCube or XBox versions. If you have questions, comments, suggestions, concerns, whinings, complaints, flames, and/or a bone to pick with me, I can be contacted via cs_avalon19 (at) yahoo (dot) com If you MUST email me for game-related questions, please be specific. List where you are in the game (ie. New York, Exhibition Hall) and whatever's bugging you. It should go without warning that niceness is *NOT* guaranteed. I may or may not act like a complete jerk in my replies depending on how much time it takes to decipher poorly-written emails and come up with an answer. If it takes me more than three emails to help you and I've done all that I can to no avail, you're on your own. Like I said, either read the manual, or read this guide. It's not that hard. Still whining for help? Check the newly added "Far Too Frequently Asked Questions" at the bottom of this guide. ------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Controls Because some people just won't read the manual...a list of which button/stick controls what for the PS2. Left analog stick: 1. Move Cole around (tilt lightly to sneak) 2. When in first person mode, look around. (Default configuration: pushing stick up will move the camera down. Tilting stick down will move the camera up.) Right analog stick: 1. Rotating the camera 2. When in first person mode, moving the stick up/down zooms in/out. Directional pad: 1. Move Cole around 2. Cycle through the options when you press Start Triangle: 1. Shows the Heads-Up Display (how much life Cole has, how many amulets he's collected...) 2. Exit a screen (like when you want to go back to playing the game after saving it) Circle: 1. Wall stealth. Cole will flatten his back to the wall. 2. Ledge and pipe grabbing/hanging. If Cole's near a ledge or pipe, he can grab onto them. 3. Left analog stick + Circle = Pole Vaulting. Break down weak gates, wooden doors, and windows to open new areas, and cross large chasms. Can also be used as an offensive move against enemies. Square: 1. Melee attack 2. When in first person mode, you can fire darts at faraway objects if the reticle is red. X: Jump. Press it again to double-jump. L1/L2: Go into first person mode. R1/R2: 1. If just R1/R2, Cole will crouch. 2. R1/R2 + left analog stick = Roll. 3. Running + tapping R1/R2 = Fast Roll. Always useful in a pinch. Just be sure to tap the shoulder buttons if you want to keep running. R3: Reset camera to default position (not necessarily behind Cole). Start: Brings up a list of options (Options, Atlas, Map Screen, Transport, Communications) Select: 1. When you get new mail from Shadow or Jules. 2. Brings up the map for the level you're in. ------------------------------------------------------------ 4. Table of Contents To find a walkthrough for a certain level, press Ctrl+F, and input the chapter number and section number indicated in the brackets. Chapter I: New York City, USA Section 1: Back Alleys (Compass)......................................[1-1] Section 2: Museum Office..............................................[1-2] Section 3: Exhibition Hall (Compass, Puzzle)..........................[1-3] Section 4: Warehouses (Compass 2x)....................................[1-4] Section 5: Docks (Spirit Statue, Main Statue).........................[1-5] Chapter II: Rotorua, New Zealand Section 1: The Shore..................................................[2-1] Section 2A: Volcano Tunnels, Part One (Spirit Statue 2x).............[2-2A] Section 3A: Volcano Crater, Part One (Spirit Statue).................[2-3A] Section 2B: Volcano Tunnels, Part Two (Compass, Spirit Statue).......[2-2B] Section 3B: Volcano Crater, Part Two (Compass 2x, Spirit Statue).....[2-3B] Section 4: Engulfed Village (Compass, Spirit Statue 3x, Main Statue, Puzzle)........[2-4] Chapter III: Machu Picchu, Peru Section 1: Agricultural Area (Compass, Spirit Statue 3x)..............[3-1] Section 2: Urban Area (Spirit Statue).................................[3-2] Section 3A: Terrace Area, Part One (Spirit Statue 2x, Main Statue)...[3-3A] Section 4: Temple of the Sun (Compass, Spirit Statue 2x, Puzzle)......[3-4] Section 5: Sanctuary (Compass, Spirit Statue 2x)......................[3-5] Section 6: Sun Observatory (Spirit Statue)............................[3-6] Section 7: Arena (Boss Fight).........................................[3-7] Section 3B: Terrace Area, Part Two...................................[3-3B] Chapter IV: Arundel, England Section 1: High Wall (Compass, Spirit Statue 4x)......................[4-1] Section 2A: Courtyard (Compass 2x, Main Statue)......................[4-2A] Section 3: Passage Way (Spirit Statue 3x).............................[4-3] Section 4: Crypt (Compass, Spirit Statue, Puzzle).....................[4-4] Section 2B: Courtyard................................................[4-2B] Chapter V: Paris, France Section 1: Lourve Museum (Compass, Puzzle)............................[5-1] Section 2: Catacombs (Compass, Spirit Statue 3x)......................[5-2] Section 3: Quarries (Compass, Spirit Statue 2x).......................[5-3] Section 4: Sewers (Compass, Spirit Statue 3x, Main Statue)............[5-4] Chapter VI: Lhasa, Tibet Section 1: Dayensha Square (Compass 2x, Spirit Statue 3x).............[6-1] Section 2: Potala Palace (Compass, Spirit Statue 2x)..................[6-2] Section 3: Hidden Monastery (Compass, Spirit Statue 3x, Puzzle, Main Statue)........[6-3] Section 4: Forbidden Cave (Boss Fight)................................[6-4] Chapter VII: Bangkok, Thailand Section 1: Floating Market (Compass 2x)...............................[7-1] Section 2: Rooftops (Compass, Spirit Statue 3x).......................[7-2] Section 3: Lantern Garden (Compass, Spirit Statue 4x, Main Statue, Puzzle)........[7-3] Chapter VIII: New Orleans, USA Section 1: Waterfront (Compass 2x, Spirit Statue 3x)..................[8-1] Section 2: Steamboat Dock (Compass, Puzzle)...........................[8-2] Section 3: Bayou (Compass, Spirit Statue 6x, Main Statue).............[8-3] Chapter IX: Parc National des Volcans, Rwanda Section 1: Deep Jungle................................................[9-1] Section 2: Lost Temple (Puzzle).......................................[9-2] Section 3: The Shrine (Boss Fight)....................................[9-3] ------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Walkthrough All directions are given when camera is behind Cole (default -- press down on the right analog stick to reset camera behind Cole). This does not necessarily mean you have to press R3 all the time to understand the directions given in the walkthrough, manually panning the camera behind Cole will also help too. I will try to be precise in my walkthrough, but with a 3D camera, don't be surprised if you find yourself confused and/or lost at some parts. There are some parts where the map is relied on. These will be marked at the beginning of the section. There are little to no spoilers in the game revealed in the walkthrough. I may mention a cutscene or two, but no major spoilers. To find a walkthrough for a certain level, press Ctrl+F, and input the chapter number and section number indicated in the brackets. I've since created a video walkthrough of the entire game. While it is based on the GameCube version, it should suffice enough for the PlayStation2 and the XBox versions as well. You can view the entire playlist at this link: Please note that due to time constraints, I may choose to not destroy every Elemental Spirit/objects I come across, or hit every switch I come across. The Warehouses level is the only level where I choose to not destroy all the robots. For those who simply want to view an individual video, links will be included in their respective levels. ---------- CHAPTER I: New York City, USA SECTION 1: Back Alleys [1-1] NOTE: Save frequently. You can save at anytime, but you'll start back at the beginning of the level the next time you play the game. Anything you've done during the game (collecting stuff, destroying robots) will be saved, but you still have to fight Spirit Guardians as you make your way back to where you were before you quit, starting in the Docks (last section of Chapter I). NOTE #2: When the direction says "(verb) ahead", what I mean by "ahead" usually means up, towards the top of the TV screen, and with camera behind Cole. DON'T FEEL LIKE READING?: Watch the video walkthrough for this level. Take the time to get used the controls. Once you're through with experimentation, go forward. Jules and Shadow will occasionally email you from time to time, press the "Select" button if you want to read and/or listen to what they've got to say. Smash the crates if you want to, they either contain life, blowgun ammo, or amulets. Your choice if you want to pick them up or not. Check out the training orbs if you want to. Head right, jump onto the crates and boxes near the chain link fence, and double jump over it. Go over to the ladder, and start climbing. Press the X button to pull yourself up. Check out the training orb near the industrial fan, this will update the map. Go forward to the pellet cartridge for a quick tutorial on them. You can only carry a max number of 25 blowgun ammo. Turn around and climb back to where the training orb was. There's a bridge that you can either double-jump or Pole Vault to cross it. There's a zip line that connects from where you are to a lower section. Position Cole underneath the rope, and jump (double-jump if you have to). Cole'll automatically grab on and slide. Have Cole face the wall and cross the thin ledge. Make your way over to where the neon sign is. Climb up the pipe, and pull yourself up. There are two gates in this area: the one behind the Compass (Carmen's clue) is locked. The gate east of the Compass is a weak one. Ignore the locked gate for now, grab the Compass, and knock the weak gate down by Pole Vaulting into it. There's blowgun ammo, a training orb, and a switch on the other side. Hit the switch, this will open the locked gate. Go back to where the Compass was and enter the now unlocked area. Pole Vault to where the water tank is. Hit the switch next to the wooden shed, this will allow access to a zip line above the water tank. Climb up the water tank, and jump up towards the zip line. Cole will slide down to the next area. You'll be treated to a cutscene of Cole encountering a robot on the other side. Don't move until the bot portrait's background is green. Use the right analog stick to see where the bot is moving, and once the bot's facing the wall, sneak up and smash it. There's a yin-yang symbol nearby if you were clumsy and got hurt. (Should you make enough noise that the robot turns around and sees Cole, don't bother trying to fight. The robot will just simply activate a force field in front of it, negating any attacks. Instead, run for the nearest edge and have Cole climb down and hang on, out of the robot's view. There's also a pipe nearby, climbing down the pipe will work as well. Don't bother getting back up until the portrait background of the bot meter is green. And don't bother trying to destroy the robot by sniping. It won't work.) Once you've destroyed the robot, go to where the tightrope is located, and jump onto it. Use the left analog stick to control the direction Cole's going when he's tightrope walking. Jump/double jump if there are amulets you want to grab, but don't try to move the analog stick too much or Cole will fall off. When you've reached the end of the tightrope, jump off. There's a robot nearby, and while he can't hear you from where you are and doesn't patrol around, there are pigeons nearby that will give away your position if you run into them. Sneak along the right side of the tarp-covered boxes, and go up to the bot and smash it as quickly as possible. Jump onto the crate with the training orb on top of it, and double jump near the wall to grab the ledge. Move along the ledge, and be mindful of the bot patrolling the area near the force field bars. Be ready to jump back down if the bot sees you (Cole won't lose any health if you're forced to jump). Short-circuit the third (and final) bot of this area, and the codes you received from the destroyed robots will disable the force field barring entrance to the Museum Office. --------------- Section 2: Museum Office [1-2] DON'T FEEL LIKE READING?: Watch the video walkthrough for this level. From where you are, go left and destroy the boxes. Grab the ammo and amulet if you feel like it, and hit the switch. There's a bot behind that plate glass window. Crouch and roll to sneak past the first entrance, and sneak around the second entrance. Smash the bot, and check out the training orb to update your map. Head right of the orb and hit the switch that you see--it'll open a gate near the plate-glass window on the opposite side. Backtrack to where the boxes are in front of the glass window. Head around them, and down the stairs. There's a bot nearby on the other side of the locked door. Go into first person mode and scope out the switch across from you. The only way to trigger that switch is to snipe it with the blowgun. The gate will open, but there are a few robots patrolling the area. One robot (Bot 1) is west and south of where Cole is (assuming you haven't moved him), guarding an alcove. The other robot (Bot 2) is in the office areas behind the switch, and he will patrol around. He'll also cause trouble for you if you get careless. Take out Bot 1 first (he won't drop a piece of the code to disable the force field leading to the Exhibition Hall, but destroy him anyway, less trouble for you), then sneak north past the wall with the switch. Take out Bot 2. Go past the office cubicles. You'll get a hint of what to do next: destroy the security camera. If you get fairly close to the camera, you'll hear it beeping and trying to focus on Cole. (If you don't want to get caught, however, don't do that.) Go into first person mode and fire a dart into the camera. Breaking the security camera will alert a third robot in the area, but as long as he can't see you, you shouldn't have any problems going through the linear hall and short-circuiting that bot (he won't turn around). Head through the elevator and on to the Exhibition Hall. --------------- Section 3: Exhibition Hall [1-3] DON'T FEEL LIKE READING?: Watch the video walkthrough for this level. From where Cole is, there's a bot patrolling the corridor of partitioned walls. Sneak up and destroy him. Near the training orb are two security lasers -- trip them and you'll have to redo the level. Double-jump over the lasers (panning the camera above Cole helps). After getting past the dual lasers, there are two bots (one on the right, one on the left) on the first floor, and stairs to Cole's right. The stairs have security bars on them, so ignore those for now. Check out the orb near the stairs, this will update the map. Take out both bots patrolling the area, and check out the puzzle piece in the center of the exhibit. This will activate a puzzle tile on the second floor. Go back to where the stairs are, and go up the stairs as close to the security lasers as you can without tripping it. Go into first person mode and hit the switch with a dart to disable the lasers on the stairs. More bots are patrolling the second floor, two are in the area right of the stairs. You can't reach them yet, they're blocked off by more lasers. There's a bot patrolling southwest -- destroy it. Go to the puzzle tile. You'll have to reconstruct a picture with (what else) puzzle pieces. Here's the solution to the puzzle (picture to construct is on the left, puzzle pieces to put the picture together is on the right, and the solutions are from top row to bottom row, left to right): --first row, first piece --second row, middle piece --third row, third piece --fourth row, first piece --fifth row, third piece Solving the puzzle will disable security lasers near the staircase and the area where the bot was patrolling. WARNING: Sometimes the puzzle itself will not activate even if you have all the puzzle pieces. (This isn't just for the puzzle on this level, this problem applies to all the puzzle tiles in the game.) There are two reasons why this might be happening: The first reason -- you're probably not pressing the Circle button hard enough. The second reason -- it might be a bug. If you're using a third party controller, try switching back to the DualShock2 controller. If the DualShock2 doesn't work, the only way to solve this problem is to reset the console. Going to "Options" and "Quitting" doesn't seem to work. UPDATE: Apparently, you CAN quit, and reload the game to fix this problem. It hasn't been completely tested yet, but if you don't want to reset the console right away, try saving, quitting, and reloading your game to see if the puzzle will activate. As far as I'm aware this seems to be a PlayStation2-only problem since I never ran into this problem once while recording the GameCube video walkthroughs. You can either go left and pick up the Compass, or go right and take out the robot patrolling the previously inaccessible area. I'd suggest going right, there's a bot near the Compass. Once the bot patrolling on the right is taken care of, destroy the lone, remaining robot and grab the compass. Head up the ladder to the Warehouses. --------------- Section 4: Warehouses [1-4] DON'T FEEL LIKE READING?: Watch the video walkthrough for this level. There's a bot right in front of you, so sneak to the left behind some large crates, then sneak up behind the bot and destroy it. The warehouse is locked, but there's still another way of getting in. Jump onto the truck, and pole vault to a cargo car. From there, pole vault onto the crates near the window (this will break the window and alert nearby bots.) There's a switch on the right -- hitting it with a dart will move a crane. There are three bots in the Warehouse. Bots 1 and 2 are close to where Cole is. Head to where the switch is, and jump down. There is a real possibility Bot 2 (this one patrols around) may spot you, so be ready to run and hide. (Easy hiding place: Once you get off the first pile of crates, run and jump onto the second pile of crates and stay put.) Get rid of Bots 1 and 2 to make your life easier. There's a training orb hidden among the crates in the second pile of crates. Check it out and update the map. There's a switch next to the gate -- hitting it will open said gate, making it easier to get in should you decide to save and quit. There's another robot (Bot 3) hanging around. Sneak up and destroy it. Climb back up to the second highest place on the second pile of crates. Face the wall (with the ladder, if you're using the maps in the zip file), jump up to grab onto a pipe. Shimmy towards the first pile of crates. Drop down near the ladder and climb it. Once outside, there's a robot not far from the interior warehouse ladder. It won't turn around, but there are pigeons hanging around. Sneak slowly and get rid of the bot. There's a second ladder near the ledge. Climb down, but don't go too far, there are two robots patrolling this narrow area. Get rid of them both. You can't get into the second warehouse right now. Climb back up onto the roof of the first warehouse. Where the rooftop robot was, there's a tightrope. Traverse it to the second rooftop, and run right. Break the skylight and Cole will fall on top of some (unbreakable) wooden crates. Jump down to ground level. Hit the switch on the wall to open up the gate for easy access. Go right, and pick up the first Compass for this level. There are two robots nearby. One's not too far from where the Compass was. Eliminate it. The second robot's further away, behind an island of crates. Destroy that one as well. Climb up the ladder near the last stack of crates to pick up the second Compass. Climb back down and go back to the first pile of crates, where Cole first dropped in. Pole Vault onto the shipping crates. Alternately, you can just simply Pole Vault from stack to stack till you reach the pile of shipping crates. Whichever route you take, climb down the nearby ladder and head on to the Docks. --------------- Section 5: Docks [1-5] DON'T FEEL LIKE READING?: Watch the video walkthrough for this level. There's a lot of stuff you can collect here should you need/want them. This is the first level where you'll be accosted with various elemental Spirit Guardians. Be aware that once you jump onto the shipping crates, you'll be treated to a cutscene with Carmen being confronted by an Earth Spirit. That Spirit will turn its attention on Cole, though. Quickly destroy it, there's a Spirit Statue and a second Earth Spirit nearby. Go after the Spirit Statue and destroy it, since it generates Air Spirits that go after Cole. You'll also need the Spirit Statue's Mask to obtain the final Compass for the area. Once you've gotten rid of the Spirit Statue, go after the second Earth Spirit and defeat it. Jump off the crates and run forward until a cutscene takes over. It's not the end of the game, though. Eliminate the Earth Spirit that appears after the cutscene. There's a magic shield on the left side of the docks -- grab it, read the quick explanation, and you'll activate a nearby magic circle. Although you have 25 seconds to go into first person mode and hit the lone magic target on the warehouse, you shouldn't have any problem since the magic circle is right next to where the shield was. Hitting the single target will raise the Main Statue and the end of the dock. Stand on the flaming circle, and Cole will destroy it. Jump to where the Main Statue used to be and snag the last compass for the area. ------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPTER II: Rotorua, New Zealand Section 1: The Shore [2-1] DON'T FEEL LIKE READING?: Watch the video walkthrough for this level. Before you do anything, turn around, go into first person mode and take a look at the stone slab. See those inactive magic targets? Remember their location; you'll need to shoot darts at them later in this level. Turn around again, and check out the training orb to update the map. Run across the bridge ahead, double jump over the gap and continue. As you head all the way left, you'll be ambushed by some Water Spirits. You can either fight them or outrun them. See those poles near the shore? Take the time to practice jumping from one pole to another, you'll see them again much later in the game. Climb up the ledge. Eliminate (or outrun) any Spirit Guardians that get in your way. Time your jumpings and cross the three gaps. Jump up to the higher ledge, and climb a small pillar. Beat the Wind Spirit that comes. Climb the second pillar and grab the Magic Shield. Go left and quickly climb up to the highest point where the Magic Circle is. You have 30 seconds to hit the magic targets at the stone slab, you should still have plenty of time when you reach the Circle and go into first person mode. Hitting the two targets will open a path leading into the volcano. Climb back down to the beach, and head inside. --------------- Section 2: Volcano Tunnels, Part One [2-2A] DON'T FEEL LIKE READING?: Watch the video walkthrough for this level. This is your first visit to this level. You'll be visiting a different area within this level a little later. As you run forward, you'll be ambushed by an Earth Spirit that was hiding in an alcove. Get rid of it. Heading forward, you'll notice a path gated off by bars. Ignore that for now. Jump up the steps and break down the door. Hit the valve near the wall, this will raise the bars near the stairs. Check the training orb in the corner near a barred window to update the map. Go back to where the previously inaccessible path was, and head down the stairs. At the bottom, there's an Earth Spirit lying in wait. Defeat it and move on down a second flight of stairs. The first thing you should see is the Spirit Statue. Destroy it and any Air Spirits that may have spawned. On the east wall near the stairs, there's another path blocked off by bars. Ignore that for now. Go left and hit the valve to open a path at the bottom of the stairs. Head down. When you reach the bottom, you'll notice several Air Spirits flying about in the corridor. Ignore them, and go down another flight of stairs. Defeat the two Earth Spirits hanging around. Go for the room ahead, and destroy the Spirit Statue located in the center. Hit the valve near the Maori mask to open the doors in the Air Spirits-infested corridor. Try to outrun or destroy the Air Spirits before proceeding. Once you're in the room with the large rock, you'll notice a Magic Shield on top of it. Break the glass on the floor to reveal an inactive Circle. Jump on the rock to grab the Shield. You have 30 seconds to hit the three Targets, one target for each wall except the one with the doorway. Activating all three Targets will raise a series of platforms, each one higher than the previous one. Grab the Shield again, it will give Cole temporary invincibility against enemies. You don't want to be fighting Air Spirits on these narrow platforms as you jump and climb up. (One good thing about having the shield in effect: any Spirit Guardian will be destroyed on contact. You won't have to worry about fighting for the next couple of seconds.) Once you reach flat surface again, head through the open doorway. It leads to a valve. Hit it to open the gate all the way back in the room where you fought the first Spirit Statue. Head back out to the ledge, and look right. There's a pipe Cole can slide down, it's a better alternative than jumping down those platforms. Head back to where you found the first Spirit Statue now. Make your way through the hallway. The path splits into two, the path ahead leads to some crates and pots, and the east path goes up. Go for the pots and crates if you want/need life and amulets, but be ready to face off with two Earth Spirits. Otherwise, take the upper path to the Crater. --------------- Section 3: Volcano Crater, Part One [2-3A] DON'T FEEL LIKE READING?: Watch the video walkthrough for this level. This is a fairly straightforward level, it's pretty hard to get lost. Like the Tunnels, you'll be visiting a different area in this level a little later. As you go forward and the path splits in two, there's a Robot on the left side, and a valve on the right. Although the Robot doesn't patrol around, it frequently changes positions, making it slightly difficult to destroy it. Go after the Robot and beat it. Head back and go to where the valve is. Hit it to lower a nearby bridge, then continue on. When you go past the bridge, head left. The path splits in two again, the left side leads to a valve, and the right leads to a robot. Go left to hit the valve and lower the second bridge. Go back to where the path split off and go after the robot. Cross the bridge. A tightrope with an amulet above it connects the paths, take it. (The path, not the amulet. Well, you could take the amulet if you wanted to.) There's a robot once you reach the other side, eliminate it. Break all the wooden crates to access the ladder. Climb up. Heading right, you'll see a ladder leading down and a Spirit Statue ahead. The ladder only leads to two amulets, so your choice if you want them or not. Get rid of the Spirit Statue. Once the Statue is gone, go forward. You can go right and check the training orb to update the map, or head left. There's a robot blocking the end of the level. Eliminate it and head onwards back to the Tunnels. NOTE: While going through this level, you may have noticed some zip lines. Since you'll be making a second trip through this level later, don't take these zip lines unless you want to go through the Tunnels again. --------------- Section 4: Volcano Tunnels, Part Two [2-2B] DON'T FEEL LIKE READING?: Watch the video walkthrough for this level. If you run forward, you'll notice some large boulders falling down the stairs. There's an Earth Spirit at the top, try your best not to sustain too much damage while fighting. There's also a Robot nearby, so if you need to retreat, run down the stairs instead of running past the Spirit and around the corner. Once both Earth Spirit and Robot are gone, head north. Ignore the left entrance for now. Destroy the crates near the open doorway, and go into first person mode. Hit all the targets that you see. Go back to the entrance that was ignored earlier. Go in, and take out the two robots patrolling the area. Go up to the locked gate, and go into first person mode. Hit the lone target that you see. It'll open the gate, take the compass and hit the valve to open a gate near where one of the Robots was patrolling near earlier. Head there. Go up the ramp, and double-jump/Pole Vault over the gap. Head up the second ramp, and double-jump/Pole Vault again. Destroy the Spirit Statue. Traverse the tightrope and head back outside to the Crater. --------------- Section 5: Volcano Crater, Part Two [2-3B] NOTE: I strongly advise saving frequently in this level. There are zip lines that will take you back all the way to the bridges from Part One, and there'll be no way to get back to the second part until you clear the Tunnels 2 stage again. NOTE #2: If you've been collecting amulets the whole time, you should get a message at the end of this level saying Cole's staff has been upgraded, meaning he can now deal more damage to enemies and destroy objects more easily. Also, if you take a look at how Cole swings his staff, the color of the swing is light blue, compared to dark blue in the earlier levels. DON'T FEEL LIKE READING?: Watch the video walkthrough for this level. Run forward, and you'll be ambushed by two Air Spirits. Beat them. There's a zip line not far from where you got ambushed, but don't take it. It leads back to the bridges earlier in this level. Instead, go left and cross the bridge (Bridge 1). Get rid of the Spirit Statue however you see fit. Head left and up to find a valve (Valve 1). Hit it to make Bridge 2 switch directions. Cross Bridge 2, and get rid of the Earth Spirit blocking the path. Go around the column and climb up the ladder. Once you reach the top, hit the valve (Valve 2) to make Bridge 1 switch directions. Climb down, and head back to where Valve 1 was. Hit it to revert Bridge 2 to its original position. Turn and head for Bridge 1. Beat the Earth Spirit that stands in your way. Again, the path splits. You can either go left and smash some crates for life, or you can Pole Vault across the chasm where there's another Earth Spirit waiting to be disposed of. Either one leads to the same path. Run across the bridge and pick up the Compass. Take the zip line down to a spire (mountain?). Grab the Magic Shield to make things easier between Cole and those pesky Earth Spirits. Jump down to a lower platform, and head right, climbing up. Run forward a little and climb up the various terrain and platforms. You'll see a zip line, get on it and Cole will slide to another spire. Cross the various platforms as they spiral upwards. Once you've reach as high as you can go, slide down the zip line and snag the Compass before moving on to the Engulfed Village. --------------- Section 6: Engulfed Village [2-4] NOTE: It's come to my attention that only 19 amulets can be obtained from this level in the PlayStation2 version. If you are playing the PS2 version, this means getting the so-called "Hollywood" ending for this game is impossible. If you are playing the GameCube version, please check the YouTube link below to see where the 20th amulet can be found. DON'T FEEL LIKE READING?: Watch the video walkthrough for this level. The first thing you'll notice as you run forward are the number of Spirit Guardians that will pop up. Unless you have no choice, do yourself a favor and don't try and fight all of them. It will save you time and patience. Back to the game. Head left of the giant tree and beat the Air and Earth Spirits that pursue you. Once these Spirit Guardians are gone, head forward and destroy the Spirit Statue. The Main Statue's nearby, but don't bother with it right now. From where the Spirit Statue was, jump/double-jump up the platforms. Going forward leads to a yin-yang symbol, so turn around, and climb onto the building. Sneak along the thin ledge to cross it. Once you've traversed the thin ledge, Pole Vault to where the ladder is. Climb up, and slide down the zip line. At the end of the zip line, pick up the Puzzle Piece before heading down. Head across the various platforms and to a railing in front of a house, but don't jump down to where the Spirit Guardians are. Near the railing is a training orb, check that out to update the map. Go around the house and grab the Shield, then stand on the Circle. You have 30 seconds to hit the three Targets on the giant tree, doing so will reveal a Puzzle Piece. Ignore that for now. Turn around and head back to the junction splitting between the Magic Shield and the training orb. Head down to where the Spirit Guardians are. If you have the Magic Shield still in effect, take out both Earth Spirits and the Spirit Statue. If not, ignore the Earth Spirits and go for the Statue. There's a pipe near a platform, climb that up. (The pipe, not the platform.) Face the wall on Cole's right and double-jump to grab on and pull yourself up. Eliminate the Air Spirit in your way. Jump/double-jump up the steps and climb the ladder. Grab the second Puzzle Piece and hit the valve. It'll raise a platform close to where the Spirit Statue used to be. Head back down, and take the new route. Grab the Magic Shield and obliterate the Spirit Statue. Stand in front of the wall and double-jump to grab on a thin ledge. Shimmy left until you can drop down safely. Cross the gap by Pole Vaulting to where the amulet is. Head forward until the path splits again. Head left and climb up, there's nothing to do if you go right. Keep climbing up till you reach a zip line. Slide down to a platform. Go right and take a second zip line down. Traverse the tightrope on the left, and scale the platforms until you reach a third zip line. Slide down that one towards a building. Grab the third puzzle piece in this area. There's nothing more to do here, so return back to the first area, where you started out. Grab the fourth Puzzle Piece (the one revealed via the Magic Targets), this will activate the puzzle. Solution to image ring puzzle (starting from the center): From center: Leave it alone First ring: Move it right 1 time Second ring: Move it right 4 times Third ring: Move it right 8 times Fourth ring: Move it left 5 times Fifth ring: Move it left 2 times Solving this will reveal a Compass hidden in the giant tree. Snag that. Go and stand on the flaming Circle in front of the Main Statue; Cole will automatically destroy it. Grab the last Compass for this area. ------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPTER III: Machu Picchu, Peru Section 1: Agriculture Area [3-1] NOTE: This is the first level where you'll encounter gray-colored robots. They're similar to their red 'bot counterparts, but they pack a deadly grenade-launcher type attack that will take away half of Cole's overall health (at this point of the game). They also have a gas-like close range attack that's pretty deadly for this stage as well. You still need to destroy them from the back, as some of the gray robots contain codes needed to disable the force field. From this level on, I'll be referring to the various robots by their color (Redbot and Graybot), followed by a number. The number is just to indicate how many robots of that particular color you've encountered so far. DON'T FEEL LIKE READING?: Watch the video walkthrough for this level. You start out at the bottom, on top of an elevated platform. Run right; several Spirit Guardians will show up. Beat them or outrun them. Go all the way right, and destroy the Spirit Statue. Climb the two ledges on the left. There's a red robot (Redbot 1) once you've climbed the second ledge, destroy it once you have the opportunity. Be quick, there's a gray robot (Graybot 1) and it's not afraid to take away more life from Cole. Once you've gotten rid of Redbot 1, and Graybot 1 turns around, quickly sneak up and grab the ledge. Don't pull yourself up, just wait for Graybot 1 to approach Cole (it cannot see Cole hanging right below it), and turn around. Try to destroy it before it reaches the tarp-covered boxes. After Graybot 1's been disposed of, go after Redbot 2. Once Redbot 2 is gone, grab the Puzzle Piece, and destroy the second Spirit Statue. Check out the orb in the pool of water at the bottom of the waterfall to update the map. Go back to where the ledge leading to Graybot 1 and Redbot 2 was. Jump up the ledges to your left. Destroy the third Spirit Statue in this area. Jump up another ledge. There's a second Graybot patrolling the area, and higher up a third Graybot stands guard. If you can, try to get rid of Graybot 2 without drawing Graybot 3's attention, or at least without getting hurt. After Graybot 2 is gone, head for the space between the tree and the wall. (If confused, please refer to the picture in the zip file.) There's a thin ledge Cole can grab onto and shimmy around. As soon as you turn the second corner, you'll be ambushed by two Air Spirits. If you can, drop down, and let them come to you before killing them. NOTE: These particular two Air Spirits have an annoyingly high respawn rate. Just warning you. There's a Compass enclosed in the shrine-like structure, but ignore it for now. Instead, climb up, turn around, and climb up the next two ledges. You'll notice a Magic Shield, but ignore that for now. Sneak up and destroy Graybot 3. Go back and grab the Magic Shield. You only have 15 seconds to make it to the Magic Circle, go into first person mode, and fire darts into the two Targets on the shrine. Don't be surprised if it takes you more than a few tries. Once the targets have been activated, the bars holding the Compass will be released. Grab the Compass, and head for the Urban Area. --------------- Section 2: Urban Area [3-2] DON'T FEEL LIKE READING?: Watch the video walkthrough for this level. The first thing you'll see is the Earth Spirit spawning. Defeat it. Run forward and jump on the ledge. Head left, and left again to find the training orb. Head back to where the Earth Spirit was. This time, go right. Head around the corner and you'll find two robots, a Redbot patrolling around a wall, and a Graybot on a higher ledge. Try to destroy Redbot without Graybot spotting you. Head for the ladder once Redbot is gone. Climb up, and short-circuit Graybot. Go forward and smash the boxes, chances are you'll trigger a cutscene of barricades being removed thanks to a switch hidden behind the boxes. Run back to find a new area to access. Go up the steps and fight the two Earth Spirits. There's a Magic Shield hidden on the left, but don't grab that yet. Go right (and possibly left) and destroy Redbot 2. (If you ended up going right and then left, you'll notice an inactive Magic Circle.) Go right again to destroy the Spirit Statue. There's a second Graybot above Cole, but don't do anything about it for now. Head back to where the Magic Shield was, ignore any Earth Spirits that may have respawned, and grab the Shield. You have 30 seconds to get on top of the Circle, go into first person mode, and fire darts into the glowing targets. Once all three have been activated, you'll notice a second area opening up, but the area you came in will be closed. Run forward, and go left. Jump on the ledge, and jump/double-jump to the first platform. From there, Pole Vault to the second platform. Jump up another ledge, and destroy Graybot 2. Hit the switch near the pots, this will raise the zip line. Climb up the ladder and grab hold of the zip line. You'll automatically pick up the Puzzle Piece on your way down. You'll end up where Redbot 1 and Graybot 1 were patrolling earlier. Go forward and jump down. Go left, and destroy Graybot 3. Turn the corner and go forward. You'll see Redbot 3, smash it. Head around the H-shape platform and destroy Redbot 4. Get on top of the H-shaped platform, and jump towards the green platform. (Note that I put down jump...there's an alternative platform Cole can go to, but you'll need to Pole Vault there, and Redbot 5 can spot Cole if he went there. If you're confused, take a look at the picture in the zip file.) Head towards the edge where Redbot 5 is. Crouch and roll off. Sneak up behind it and destroy it. Go to the force field to automatically deactivate it. Head onwards to the Terrace. --------------- Section 3: Terrace, Part One [3-3A] DON'T FEEL LIKE READING?: Watch the video walkthrough for this level. The first thing you might notice when you run ahead and right (aside from the numerous Spirit Guardians that will spawn) is the Main Statue. However, you can't destroy it yet. Ignore it for now, we'll come back to it later. Fight the Spirit Guardians if you want to, but your two main objectives right now are: 1. destroy the Spirit Statue (if you didn't move Cole after arriving here, it's ahead of him). 2. head for the ladder. If you need some breathing room from the Spirit Guardians, hide behind the ladder platform. It'll get those Spirit Guardians off your back. Check out the training orb to update the map. On the ladder platform, there's a robot (Graybot 1). Jump up ONCE to grab onto the edge. Don't pull yourself up unless the robot meter is green or it returns to normal. When Graybot 1 turns around, jump up and smash it. Be quick, it won't leave its back vulnerable for long. Climb up the ladder, and grab hold of the zip line. It'll take you to a second Spirit Statue and a Puzzle Piece near a second zip line. Destroy the Statue, and take the Puzzle Piece. Slide down the second zip line to an area with several robots. The first two robots (Redbot 1 and Graybot 2) are fairly easy to dispose of. Grab the Puzzle Piece hidden among the lockers and covered boxes. Redbots 3 and 4 are tougher to destroy since they're positioned fairly close together, face the same direction, and seldom turn around. Have some patience with this duo. There are two ways I know: 1. My method: Hide behind the lockers, and wait for Redbot 3 to turn around before you move in. If hiding and waiting isn't for you, don't bother with this method. You'll be spending what seems like eternity behind those lockers. This method has an insanely high rate of failure: you'll spend more time trying to destroy Redbot 3 than actually destroying it. 2. My nephew's method: Once Redbot 3 turns around, make a beeline behind the tent. If you're lucky Redbot 3 will run in FRONT of the tent, and not behind it. Try not to attract Redbot 4's attention, being sandwiched between two robots is not going to be fun. Faster, but (in my opinion) riskier. Pick whichever method you want, and once all four robots in this vicinity are gone, head for the Temple of the Sun. --------------- Section 4: Temple of the Sun [3-4] DON'T FEEL LIKE READING?: Watch the video walkthrough for this level. Go forward and head left to see the path to the Spirit Statue get blocked off. Turn right and jump up the ledge. Check out the alcove for a training orb. Get out of there and head left (or right, if you didn't bother changing the position of the camera). There's a robot (Redbot 1) guarding the area, get rid of it. Jump on top of the large platform. Pole Vault to where the Spirit Statue is located, and go straight for the Magic Shield. Don't worry about the Earth Spirits, the Shield will prevent Cole from taking damage. Destroy the Spirit Statue (either by good old fashioned beatdowns or having the Shield in effect), and stand on top of where the Spirit Statue used to be. You've got 20 seconds to go into first person mode and shoot all the targets. Activating all the targets will lower the barricade that was erected a few minutes ago. Grab the puzzle piece, and run back to where Redbot 1 was. Run all the way to the end. Pan the camera left, and you'll find a new path to take. Pole Vault there, and run down the steps until you see the bot meter. There's a second robot (Graybot 1) patrolling the next area, sneak up and attack it. Run forward until you see a weak fence. There may also be an Air Spirit, get rid of that first. Pole Vault the weak fence to reveal a second Spirit Statue. Get rid of that as well, and hit the switch on the wall. This will open a gate above the ledge close to where the weak fence used to be. Head back, and jump up the ledge. Pass through the gate, and jump up the platforms to your left. Pole Vault to where the Puzzle Piece is, and take it. Jump down and hit the switch to lower the barricades near the training orb. Head right of the switch and go up the steps to a puzzle. It's just like the one found in New York, but you have fewer chances to figure out the pieces. Sun Temple puzzle solution (puzzle to solve is on the left, the piece to pick from are on the right and are read vertically on the TV screen): 1st column, middle piece 2nd column, first piece 3rd column, last piece 4th column, last piece 5th column, last piece Solving the puzzle will remove the stone blocks nearby and drop a Compass. Take the Compass and leave. Head back to where you picked up the last Puzzle Piece. Jump off. You'll be back to where you first started this level out. Run to where the training orb is, but instead of going for the alcove, head for the new area that just opened up. There are a few Spirit Guardians and one Robot hanging about, go after Redbot 2 and worry about the Spirits later. Redbot 2 is hiding in the second alcove (the alcove with no breakable pots). You may need to maneuver the camera around to get a clear shot at attacking Redbot 2. Once Redbot 2 is gone, head for the force field, and move on to the Sanctuary. --------------- Section 5: Sanctuary [3-5] DON'T FEEL LIKE READING?: Watch the video walkthrough for this level. You'll start out behind some crates and lockers and the Robot Meter flashing in the northwest corner of your TV screen. There's a robot (Graybot 1) ahead, jump up, sneak up, and destroy it. Turn around and run for the training orb to update the map. Go right, and run ahead. Ignore any Air Spirits that may appear and grab the Magic Shield. There are no Magic Circles this time, but run up the steps leading to the ladder platform. There's a Spirit Statue at the end of the steps, and you should have enough time to run through and destroy it. Jump to where the actual ladder is. Climb up. Jump up and grab the zip line to slide down to the next area. You'll land on a second ladder platform. You'll also see several Earth Spirits spawning and a second Spirit Statue as well. There's also a cable connecting between the ladder platform Cole is on and a third platform that needs to be raised. Grab hold of the ladder and slide down. Run right, and grab the Magic Shield. Run to where the Spirit Statue is (it should be destroyed on automatic contact) and stand on the Circle. You have 30 seconds to go into first person mode and shoot at the Targets. Activating the targets will remove the door to a small room located in an area full of Robots. Any Earth Spirits will be destroyed should they try and hurt you while you're scoping out the targets. Once the Shield effect is gone, go up the stairs. There are four different Robots (Redbots 1 and 2, Graybots 2 and 3) to destroy. Have some patience with this particular area. Get rid of Redbot 1 and Graybot 2 (patrolling near the stairs), and head for the room that used to have a door. Grab the Compass, and hit the switch to raise the cable between the two ladder platforms. Time your offense on the last two robots, they have a bit of a pattern. (There's also a door that you can't break down. There's a different way of getting in.) Go after Graybot 3, the more dangerous robot between it and Redbot 2. Run away and hide after destroying Graybot 3, don't bother going after Redbot 2 until the Bot Meter returns to normal. Once the two robots have been disposed of, go back to the ladder platform Cole landed on. Climb up, and jump onto the suspended cable. Traverse it to the third platform. Cross the second tightrope, and jump down. Hit the switch to open the "unbreakable" door. Head for the force field and on to the Sun Observatory. --------------- Section 6: Sun Observatory [3-6] DON'T FEEL LIKE READING?: Watch the video walkthrough for this level. You'll be treated to a cutscene showing Carmen inspecting what looks like a crystal on an altar. She'll flee before you can catch her, though. The first thing you should see is the robot (Redbot 1) in front of Cole. Destroy it, and keep moving forward up the steps. Ignore the stairs on the right, a barricade's blocking it. There's a second robot (Graybot 2) on a high platform. Jump once and grab on the edge. Don't pull yourself up until Graybot 2 turns around, then climb up and whack it. Turn left and jump down. Destroy the Spirit Statue. Turn around and head left, climbing up the platform. Hit the switch to remove the barricade blocking the stairs earlier. Carefully go up the stairs, a third Robot (Redbot 3) patrols the area at the top of the stairs. Destroy it and go near the force field to deactivate it. Up ahead is the alter area Carmen was seen earlier. Beyond that, near the stairs, there's one final robot (Redbot 4) near the Magic Shield. Tail it and attack it. Go back to where the altar area was. Break all the crates, pots, and boxes surrounding this area to reveal inactive Magic Targets. Grab the Magic Shield and get onto the Circle. You have 30 seconds to activate all the Targets. When you've activated all the Targets, a beam of light will appear from within the crystal. You'll notice the beam of light reflecting off the first few mirrors. You'll have to adjust the rest of the mirrors through first person sniping, your goal is to switch the directions of the mirrors and direct the light to the Arena door. Once you've rerouted the beam of light, the Arena should be open. If you're low on health and/or blowgun ammo (more importantly, life) go and destroy some crates. You'll need them for the next section. Head on to the Arena. A cutscene showing Cole and Shadow having communication problems will show before you get the loading screen. (In case you've been paying attention, I did not mention where to find the training orb to update the map for this level. I've included pictures in the zip file on how to find the thing, because it's incredibly well-hidden -- I didn't even notice the location of the training orb until my nephew pointed it out for me.) --------------- Section 7: Arena [3-7] DON'T FEEL LIKE READING?: Watch the video walkthrough for this level. What edutainment game's complete without a boss fight? Anyway, welcome to the first of three boss fights in this game. Your health is displayed on the upper left corner of the screen, as always. The boss's health is displayed on the upper right hand corner of your TV screen. Like any other boss fight from other games, your goal here is to completely drain the boss of its health. You're up against a souped-up Air Spirit, but the boss isn't too hard. A list of what the boss can do: --First attack: The boss can spit out many, many projectile attacks at once. Fortunately, they're more or less "in line" (that is, the projectiles won't come out of nowhere and snipe at Cole). Easy to dodge. --Second attack: There's a "wave"-like attack the boss can generate that can hurt Cole. Jump over the "waves" as they come. Medium-to-semihard difficulty in terms of how good you are at jumping and dodging. --Third attack: When the boss begins to suck air and spin, get as close to the outer edge of the arena as you can. Letting Cole near the boss is not a good idea, especially if you're low on health. Roll if you have to, it helps. Medium difficulty in terms of just trying to survive this one. This boss fight should be a piece of cake. The boss basically follows this routine: attack once, then rest, attack again, then rest again, attack, rest, rinse, lather, repeat... When the boss is "resting", go into first-person view, move the reticle until it's red, and start firing darts. The boss has three targets to shoot at (left, middle, and right), if you want to get over this boss fight try and shoot at least two, if not, all three before the air spirit ducks out of view (you'll automatically exit first person mode), or you run out of ammo. Alternately, if you're low on blowgun ammo, use this opportunity to grab as many as you can without the fear of getting attacked. Don't worry too much about wasting ammo, though. The boss isn't too hard and even if you have less than 25 darts, you'll still be able to take it down in due time. After this boss fight, Cole's health will be restored and increase by one yin-yang symbol. Grab the compass while you're still here. Instead of leaving the Arena through the door (which will take you back to the Sun Observatory), press Start, and go to Transport. Pick "Terrace Area" as your next destination. There's still some unfinished business there. --------------- Section 9: Terrace, Part Two [3-3B] NOTE: The video walkthrough for this portion can be found in the previous section. Make your way back to where the Main Statue was. Stand on the flaming Circle and Cole will destroy it. Once the Statue is gone, snag the Compass. There's no point in fighting any of the Spirit Guardians that will spawn in Cole's presence, you'll be out of here in no time. ------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPTER IV: Arundel, England Section 1: High Wall [4-1] DON'T FEEL LIKE READING?: Watch the video walkthrough for this level. Right from the start, there are two robots hanging around the area: Redbot 1's patrolling the bridge above Cole (Redbot 1 can't spot you from where you are), and Graybot 1 on a platform. Run under the left arch, and get rid of Graybot 1 first. Assuming you haven't jumped off, you should be on Graybot 1's platform. Jump onto the nearby crates near the wall, and Pole Vault to the bridge, where the amulet is. As dumb as this sounds, Cole WILL cover the distance, and he'll grab onto the edge of the bridge. Don't pull yourself up until Redbot 1 turns around and starts walking away. Get rid of Redbot 1, and double jump to take the zip line located on the side of the bridge, right in the middle. Once you drop down, you'll see several Earth Spirits spawning. First priority, though, is to get rid of the Spirit Statue was well before taking on the Earth Spirits. Run down, towards the first area you started this level out in, and hit the switch to raise the gate. (Just in case you decide to save and quit, this will make things easier.) Turn around, and run forward to the other gate. Hit the switch nearby to raise it. Run forward and destroy the Spirit Statue before taking on the Earth Spirits in this area. Once statue and spirits are gone, run ahead and hit the switch near the gate to raise it. Run forward and take out the third Spirit Statue. If you're low on health, fighting the Earth Spirit is optional. Fighting the numerous Air Spirits is optional, but they're incredibly weak, and you can take out several of them with one hit. You might as well beat them. Search behind the tree near the switch to find a training orb. Activate it to update the map. Hit the switch next to the gate to open up the next area. If you don't want to fight any Spirit Guardians, run under the right arch of the first bridge in this area and up the hill, near the castle wall. Run under the right arch of the second bridge, and quickly climb up the ledges on the right. Jump over the railing to get on the second bridge. Run forward and you'll find the fourth Spirit Statue at the end of the bridge. Run left, around/behind, and right of the Spirit Statue to find a Magic Shield. Grab it, run right through the Statue, and Pole Vault/double-jump and run along the ledges. Jump onto the first bridge (the bridge you first passed by in this area), and run for the active Circle on the ground. Although the Shield lasts for 30 seconds, by the time you get to the Circle and go into first person mode, you should have about 15-20 seconds left to hit the four Targets right in front of Cole. Activating all the Targets will raise the gate in front of Cole. Go there, and climb up the ladder on the right. Pull yourself up, and roll off, towards the gate. Ignore the robots on the other side of the ladder for now. Go into first person mode, and look between the bars of the gate to find a switch. Fire a dart into the switch to raise the gate. Creep forward and destroy Redbot 2. Search the area to find a switch and hit it, this will raise a gate blocking access to a Compass. Run back and grab the Puzzle Piece and Compass. The next part is tricky. Redbots 3, 4, and 5 are all guarding within visible distance of each other, even though Redbot 5 is patrolling a small balcony and behind a secured gate. Getting rid of Redbots 3 (guarding a turret platform) and 4 (guarding in front of the gate) should be fairly easy. Redbot 5 is harder. First, startle the pigeons on the crate so that they fly away. This will raise the Bot Meter a bit, but don't climb on top of the crate till the Meter returns to normal. Climb on top of the crate, and jump and grab the thin ledge above the gate. Shimmy left so that Cole is close to turning the corner, but not quite. Once the robot turns around, continue shimmying, and drop down onto the small balcony as soon as possible. Quickly get rid of Redbot 5, and hit the switch inside to open the gate. Head back to the balcony and hit the switch to open the gate leading to the force field. Go back to where Redbot 5 was, and go forward to deactivate the force field. Head left, and begin sneaking along the skinny ledge. All the windows you'll pass by have robots guarding them. There's nothing you can do to destroy them, just wait for them to turn their backs toward Cole and move on. The same applies for the pigeons scattered between windows, there's nothing you can do except startle and make them fly away (and thus alerting the three Graybots hanging around the windows). Once you reach the end, grab the Puzzle Piece, and move towards the door to go to the Courtyard. --------------- Section 2A: Courtyard [4-2A] NOTE: If you've been collecting amulets the whole time, you should get a message in this level saying Cole's staff has been upgraded (again). Notice that when he swings the staff, the color of the swing is green. DON'T FEEL LIKE READING?: Watch the video walkthrough for this level. Go right and head down the hill. There are two robots in the next area, one (Redbot 1) will patrol around the statue, the other (Redbot 2) will patrol the entrance between this area and the next. There's a few pigeons flocking together, so be mindful of that. If you can, try and lure one of the robots to follow Cole until it's completely separated from the other Robot, then go behind and attack it. Get rid of the other robot as well. Once both robots are gone, head for the pipe next to the locked door. Climb the pipe and scale down with the pipe on the other side of the wall. There's a switch next to the door, hit it. Head left to find a training orb and two Earth Spirits. Lure one of the Spirits to the recently opened door, it'll be trapped. This is a very cheap, but still easy way to beat them. Repeat this procedure for the other Earth Spirit. Head towards the right side of the tarp covered boxes, and go into first person mode. There's a security camera around here, fire a dart and destroy it. Take out Redbot 3 when the camera's destroyed and without startling the nearby pigeons. Go forward and destroy Redbot 4 when the opportunity rises. Just don't do it near the pigeons. The next part has two robots and a security camera. Go after the security camera first. (If you're not sure how far or close you should be before you get spotted by any of the robots, check the YouTube link.) Go after Redbot 4 (the bot closer to the camera) by going around the lockers and crates on the right-hand side of the path. Afterwards, retreat until the bot meter for Redbot 6 (walking up/down) returns to normal, then destroy it. Once all the security threats are gone, grab the Compass on top of the crates. Move ahead. On the left are some crates, but ignore it. On the right is a flight of stairs with Redbot 7 and a security camera. Get rid of the camera first, then go up the stairs and get rid of Redbot 7. Go down the stairs. To your left are a LOT of pigeons, plus Redbots 8, 9, and 10. Sneak along the right side, and head left, behind the tree. You'll find Redbot 11 is guarding the entrance to the Crypt. Go after Redbot 11 first. There's an Earth Spirit nearby. If you're low on health, it'd be better to avoid it. If you're at full health, it's still a good idea to stay away. Less work for you, unless you want the amulet the Earth Spirit is guarding. Regardless of whether or not you decided to go after the Earth Spirit, go after and eliminate Redbots 8, 9, and 10, one at a time. Once all three robots are gone, head up the hill, all the way up. There's a Compass waiting to be picked up. Return to where Redbot 11 was guarding the Crypt entrance. You'll see the Main Statue, but at this point, you can't destroy it yet. There's a robot (Redbot 12) guarding the force field leading to the next level. You can either run in front of Redbot 12 and lure it out, or go around, roll off, and sneak up behind it. (Check the picture if you're confused.) Once Redbot 12 is gone, go around the coffin and head for the Passageway. --------------- Section 3: Passageway [4-3] DON'T FEEL LIKE READING?: Watch the video walkthrough for this level. Walk down the stairs and check out the training orb at the bottom to update the map. Move on ahead and destroy the Spirit Statue. Go down the stairs. Keep going until you reach the next room. Two Earth Spirits will show up, and any possible escape routes will be sealed off. Try to beat these two Spirits without losing too much health. Keep going down the stairs till you reach the next room. Destroy the second Spirit Statue and Air Spirits. Again, keep going down the stairs till you reach the Crypt. --------------- Section 4: Crypt [4-4] DON'T FEEL LIKE READING?: Watch the video walkthrough for this level. On Cole's right are a training orb and a puzzle piece. Update the map and grab the puzzle piece. Head left and grab a second puzzle piece. This will activate the puzzle. Solution to the coat of arms puzzle, the words in the parentheses indicate the color for the particular section to paint (solution is listed in the order that they are highlighted): bottom red bird (middle right) top two green birds (middle left) orange gate (bottom left) purple lion (top right) top yellow background (top left) bottom blue background (bottom right) Solving the puzzle opens up two new areas, both left and right of where the puzzle is. Head right -- crouch and roll to squeeze past the entrance. Go forward until you see two/three Magic Targets. Go into first person mode, scout out all the Magic Targets that you can find, and shoot them. Return to the puzzle room. Head left, crouch and roll to get past, destroy the Spirit Statue, and do the same thing when you see Magic Targets. The door in the puzzle room will open, and a bridge forms. Cross the bridge, and a cutscene will show Cole picking up a drum. The cutscene also shows the bridge being raised, and afterwards, you'll be ambushed by a lot of Spirit Guardians. Again, try not to lose too much health when fighting them, and even though you have a decent amount of space to fight on, try and avoid falling off. Once the Spirit Guardians are gone, climb up the stone slab and take the Compass. Press "Start" and pick "Transport." Choose "Courtyard" as your next destination. --------------- Section 2B: Courtyard [4-2B] NOTE: The video walkthrough for this portion can be found in the previous section. Head straight for the Main Statue and stand on the flaming Circle. Grab the Compass once the Statue is gone. When you take the last Compass, a cutscene will take over. Remember the drum Cole picked up in the Crypt? Let's just say he won't be hanging on to it for long. ------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPTER V: Paris, France Section 1: Lourve Museum [5-1] DON'T FEEL LIKE READING?: Watch the video walkthrough for this level. Let me get this out of the way: I. Hate. This. Level. I. Really. Really. Really. Abhor. Loathe. Despise. Hate. This. Level. Don't be surprised if it takes you more than a few tries just trying to get past the first pressure-sensitive room. Anyway, the first priority here is to disable the security floor from hell. I would actually recommend watching the YouTube link for this level, but if you must insist on the text, I'll oblige. Creep forward, and you'll be treated to a short cutscene of what you should do (activate the switch). Continue forward and drop down. Climb up the left ledge and get on top of Display Case #1. From Display Case #1, jump/double jump to Display Case #2. From Display Case #2, jump up and grab the edge of the partition. Shimmy around it until you can safely drop down on Platform #1. From Platform #1, turn around so you're facing Display Case #3, and jump for that one. From Display Case #3, jump up and grab the edge of the second partition. Shimmy around till you reach Display Case #4. From Display Case #4, jump for Platform #2. From Platform #2, double jump to Display Case #5. From Display Case #5, double jump to Display Case #6. From Display Case #6, double jump to Platform #3. From Platform #3, double jump to grab onto the edge of Display Case #7. Pull yourself up. Position yourself slightly ahead of the Puzzle Piece, go into first person mode, and fire a dart into the switch. This will disable the pressure plates. Grab the Puzzle Piece before you jump off of Display Case #7. If there's anything you want to collect, do so now. Check out the training orb while you're at it to update the map. Once you're done collecting stuff, head for the corridor of security beams. Double jump all of them, left, right, and left. Once you're in the clear, you should see Graybot 1 behind a display case. Wait until it turns around before sneaking up on it. Once Graybot 1 is gone, climb up the display case, and jump for the wall partition. Pull yourself up. Below Cole are two robots. Redbot 1 is closer to Cole, Redbot 2 is behind a display case further away. When Redbot 1 turns around, crouch and roll off the partition, and attack Redbot 1. If Redbot 2 catches you, run for the security beams and double jump over them. Don't go back until the bot meter returns to normal. Once things are back to normal, either double jump over the security beams, or climb up the display case and grab for the wall partition. Go to where the four display cases are connected together, and climb on top of it. Go into first person mode, and find the security camera. Destroy it with a well placed dart. Once the camera's gone, destroy Redbot 2. Go around the display cases and double jump over the two security beams. Roll under the solo laser beam. There are robots on the left, but security beams and two more security cameras are present. Instead, approach the room with the glowing floor. You'll get another cutscene similar to the one at the beginning of the level with the same goal: disabling the pressure-plated floor. (Once again, I would recommend watching the YouTube link on how to proceed through this area.) Jump/double jump onto Platform 1 of this room. From Platform #1, double jump to Display Case #1. From Display Case #1, double jump to Display Case #2. From Display Case #2, creep right, and double jump to Display Case #3. You'll see a Compass. You can't reach it yet, though. From Display Case #3, double jump to Platform #2, left of Display Case #4, where the amulet is. Position Cole so he'll be able to grab the edge of Display Case #4 and pull himself up. From Display Case #4, double jump to Display Case #5. From Display Case #5, double jump to where Display Case #6 is, with the Puzzle Piece. Go into first person mode and find the switch. Hit it with a dart to disable the pressure plates. Once the plates have been deactivated, grab the Puzzle Piece if you haven't already, and run forward and grab the Compass you passed by earlier. Return to the entrance of this room. Go into first person mode, and fire a dart into the camera next to the statue to destroy it. Go back to the deactivated room, and head north for the open doorway with the security beam. There's a robot (Graybot 2) behind it, once it turns its back towards Cole, roll under the security beam and eliminate it. Find a switch behind the display case on the right-hand side of the wall to raise a display case in the security beam enclosed area. Climb up the display case on the left-hand side of the wall, and climb up the second display case. Jump/double jump on the third display case (the one next to the switch on the wall), and from there, double-jump to the fourth Display case. Go into first person mode and find the camera on the same wall as the switch was. Fire a dart and destroy it. Get out of first person mode, and jump into the security beam enclosure. Hide between the statue and the display case and wait for Redbot 3. Once Redbot 3 turns around and starts walking back to the door, destroy it. Climb on top of the elevated display case. Double jump to grab the puzzle piece, and go into first person view. Face the direction of where Redbot 3 was guarding earlier, and find a switch above the glass double doors. Shoot a dart into it to open the doors and disable all the security beams for this level. Get off the display case and run forward. Head right to deactivate the force field. The pressure plates on the floor are a little different. Certain tiles of the floor will be activated, and other tiles will not, giving the floor a checkerboard-like appearance. The tiles will alternate between activated and deactivated, so if the tile beneath Cole is flashing, you'd better jump forward/backward or left/right to avoid having to start at the very beginning of the level. (I really, strongly advise against running here.) Get through the checkerboard security floor to the puzzle. Solve the puzzle. NOTE: Normally I'd put the solution to the puzzle, but this one is randomly generated. This puzzle is just a Simon Says minigame -- you'll need to match the musical notes and the color bars to the CPU's. Mess it up, and you'll have to redo this puzzle from the beginning. TIP: Try writing down the either the color or order of the bars. Saying the color or the order of the bars out loud also helps too. Solving this puzzle will deactivate the floor and allow access to the next area. Go through where the stone mural used to be and head down to the Catacombs. --------------- Section 2: Catacombs [5-2] DON'T FEEL LIKE READING?: Watch the video walkthrough for this level. Head down the stairs and get rid of Redbot 1 when the opportunity rises. Check out the training orb nearby to update the map. Head down the second flight of stairs. Graybot 1's guarding the area, destroy it when you get the chance. Go forward, and break down the door. Eliminate the two Air Spirits in the vicinity. You now have two choices. You can either: 1. go up the stairs where the amulet is to fight two Earth Spirits OR 2. go right, fire two Magic Targets, into the ground, and destroy the Spirit Statue. +-----------------+ |If you picked #1:| +-----------------+ Beat the two Earth Spirits, and proceed up the stairs. Head left and destroy the Spirit Statue. Go back and continue on with #2. +-----------------+ |If you picked #2:| +-----------------+ Go into first person mode, and fire the second Magic Target, the Target closer to the Spirit Statue. A pillar will rise. Do the same thing for the first Magic Target. Traverse the two pillars and onto the area with the Spirit Statue. Destroy it. Ignore the passageway down and move on to #1. Regardless of which one you've picked, once both Spirit Statues are gone, head back to where Spirit Statue #1 (from Step 1) was, and go down the passageway on the right. Head down the stairs, and at the bottom, go right until you see another flight of stairs. At the top is Redbot 2. Hug the right side of the wall, go behind Redbot 2, and eliminate it. Continue forward and up the stairs until you see a Magic Shield. Grab it, and run forward, down the stairs. Ignore Graybot 2 for now, you need to race to the bottom, destroy the Spirit Statue, and get on the Circle. Although the timer gives you 45 seconds to get to where the Spirit Statue was, you'll have somewhere between 30-35 seconds left for you to go into first person mode, look up, and activate the four Magic Targets. Activating all the targets will open a gate at the top of the second flight of stairs in this area. Once the gate has been opened, return to where Graybot 2 was earlier. Sneak up behind it and destroy it. Run back to where the Magic Circle is. Go up the second flight of stairs. Redbots 3 and 4 are patrolling the areas in front and behind the pillars. Get rid of them both. Go behind the pillars, and move forward to the next area. Get rid of Redbot 5 (the one that patrols the entrance), and go left to pick up a Compass. Get rid of Redbot 6 (the last robot for this area), and continue forward to the Quarries. --------------- Section 3: Quarries [5-3] DON'T FEEL LIKE READING?: Watch the video walkthrough for this level. Head down, and mind Redbot 1 in front of Cole. Destroy it when you have the chance. As the path turns left, there's a Water Spirit nearby. Instead of fighting it, run past it and grab the Magic Shield. Make the most of this Shield, it's a one-time use only. When the Shield takes effect, run through the Water Spirit to destroy it and head for the first Spirit Statue you see. You should still have enough time to destroy the Statue with the Shield in effect. Head forward to find a second Spirit Statue and two more Water Spirits. Go after the Spirit Statue first, then go after the Water Spirits, one at a time. The bridge on the right isn't in operation right now. Instead, opposite of the bridge, there's a weak wall. Knock it down to find more Water Spirits. Eliminate both, and check out the training orb ahead to update the map. There's a breakable wall near the orb on the right that leads to an Air Spirit and a Compass. Beat the Air Spirit and take the Compass. A second breakable wall opposite of the Compass' path leads to several Earth Spirits. Rush past them and head right, near some pots and crate, to find a Magic Shield. Grab it (again, make the most of this Shield as well since it's another one-timer) and destroy all the Earth Spirits in the vicinity. Go forward, go into first person mode, and shoot a dart into the switch. The bridge you passed by earlier will be lowered. At this point, you can either fight the respawned Earth Spirits, or you can outrun them. Make your way back to the bridge. Back at the bridge, cross it, and short-circuit Redbot 2 (near the locker). Destroy the weak wall, move forward, and find a switch under the "Do Not Enter" sign (Hey, I thought this place was France). Hit it to open the door behind the force field. Head back to the bridge, and go forward. Get rid of Redbot 3 to obtain the last code needed to deactivate the force field. Head for the open door to the Sewers. --------------- Section 4: Sewers [5-4] NOTE: Don't bother fighting the Water Spirits in this area unless you want some practice for Chapter VII. With Cole's slow speed in water, it's just not worth the effort. DON'T FEEL LIKE READING?: Watch the video walkthrough for this level. Head up the stairs, but don't turn left yet. There's a robot (Redbot 1) patrolling this narrow area of dry ground. Eliminate it and move on. Around the corner, another robot (Redbot 2) patrols dry land. Have some patience and be quick, if you get caught by Redbot 2, chances are you'll lose some health as you retreat. Cole can't move very fast when he's knee deep in water. (He also can't double jump or Pole Vault in water, either.) Eliminate Redbot 2 when you get the chance, and creep forward, while hugging the wall. The next section of dry ground has Redbot 3 patrolling the area, and when it patrols to the far side end ("far side" meaning towards the top of the TV screen), it faces the wall, instead of straight ahead. As tempting as it sounds to sneak around Redbot 3 by going into water and smacking it from behind, the sound of water splashing will alert the bot, ruining that option. Either hit Redbot 3 from side behind while on dry land, or lure Redbot 3 into spotting Cole and run away (you, not the bot). Once Redbot 3's gone, go forward and turn left again. There's a pipe leading to a vent, cross the pipe. Don't get on the vent if there's toxic fumes spewing out, wait until the coast is clear before running across and Pole Vaulting to where the Spirit Statue is. Destroy the Spirit Statue, and Pole Vault back onto the vent. If you miss, head back to the pipe leading to the left vent, cross it again, and this time, double jump and grab the pipe above the vent (on the right) and start shimmying to the right. Watch out for the middle and right vents, they spew out toxic gas as well. When the coast is clear on the right vent, drop down. Pole Vault into the gated section to break down the door. Hit the switch nearby to open Gate 1, close to where the Spirit Statue used to be. Pole Vault back to the right vent, and double jump and grab the pipe above again. Shimmy your way back to the left vent. From there, Pole Vault to where the Spirit Statue was located earlier and head through Gate 1. Move forward, but don't turn right. Two robots (Graybot 1 and Redbot 4) guard this area, but they're positioned far enough that you could take out Graybot 1 and not even alert Redbot 4. Get rid of both robots. Move ahead, and ignore the erected barricade in front of Gate 3 and the locked Gate 4 nearby. Run all the way to where the amulet is. Position Cole in front of the switch and hit it to open Gate 3. Head back to the pellet cartridge. Hit the switch near it to move the raft directly in front of the barricade. Jump onto the raft, and from there, jump/double jump over the barricade and pass through Gate 3. Go forward until you see stairs on the right. Go up the stairs to find Gate 5 locked. Go into first person mode and fire a dart into the switch to unlock Gate 4 in the raft corridor. Head back there now. Back in the raft corridor, go right, and pass through the unlocked Gate 4. Go up the stairs until you reach Gate 7, which is unsurprisingly locked. Go into first person mode and find a switch with the number 5 above it. Fire a dart into the switch to unlock Gate 5. Head back there now. Head through Gate 5, and run forward, then left. There's a Spirit Statue in the middle of the room, destroy it. Hit the 7 switch with the staff to unlock Gate 7, then Pole Vault the weak gate. Check out the training orb to update the map, and hit the 6 switch on the left to unlock Gate 6. Move ahead and take the first right you see. (Gate 7 leads back to Gate 4, so ignore that.) Go down the stairs and into the water collection room. NOTE: If you haven't been checking Cole's emails since the beginning of the game, I strongly advise you read/listen to what Shadow has to say. You'll need the information a little later for this level. You'll see Graybot 2 in the distance on a platform and the Main Statue at the bottom. Double jump the first gap onto the first platform. Jump over the large pipe and run for the wall. Sneak along the wall and thin ledge until you reach Graybot 2. Short-circuit this bot to make your life easier. Drop down the platforms to the lowest level -- water. There are two Spirit Statues you've got to get rid of first before you can destroy the Main Statue. Once the two Spirit Statues are gone, climb up to where the Main Statue is and stand on the flaming Circle. Grab the Compass when the Main Statue's gone. Climb the ledges, but grab the pipe on the wall. Shimmy until you reach a tiny platform, pull yourself up when you get the chance. Move forward until you reach the wall, then face the platform with the cardboard boxes. Jump forward and destroy the boxes to reveal an inactive Magic Target. Do it again twice to unveil two more inactive Magic Targets. Once all the cardboard boxes are gone, grab the edge of this platform and Cole will lower himself down. Drop down and grab the Magic Shield. Quickly turn around and double jump forward, then double jump to the platform in the middle, and from there, double jump to where the Magic Circle is. Although the timer gives you 30 seconds, you should have about 18-22 seconds left to hit all three Targets after all the double jumping you did. When all three Targets have been activated, Gate 8 will be unlocked. Head down there now. Passing through Gate 8, there are two paths to take: left and right. Left leads to one robot, right leads to two. For the sake of this walkthrough, we'll go right. Heading right, there are two robots, one that blocks the main path (Redbot 5), the other guarding an alcove (Graybot 3). Go after Redbot 5, and destroy Graybot 3 when the opportunity rises. Go back to the main path, and head right. Go forward, and wait for Redbot 6 to turn around before destroying it. NOTE: If you have unfinished business involving collecting stuff, do so right now. The next part is going to require fast reflexes. Move ahead until you see an opening on the left. There are Water Spirits hanging around this area. Taking the right path will lead to one, instead, take the left path. You'll pass by the second water spirit, but as long as you're moving around the edges, it won't attack you. Keep moving until you can find the lowest ledge Cole can jump up and grab onto. Once you do that, you'll hear an alarm ringing -- the water will be rising soon and you've got to make your way to high ground. For the most part, double jumping from one platform to another will do the trick, but when you land on the crane, you MUST Pole Vault to the next platform, unless you want to see how Cole looks like when he's drowned. From there, continue double jumping until you reach the outer perimeter of the enclosure. Once on the outside perimeter, the alarm will ring again and you'll see the water receding. Jump/double jump from one platform to the other until you reach the force field. Once the force field's gone, grab the last Compass. ------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPTER VI: Lhasa, Tibet Section 1: Dayensha Square [6-1] NOTE: This is the first level where you'll encounter Fire Spirits. Unlike the other elemental Spirit Guardians, you cannot use melee attacks to destroy Fire Spirits. The only way to get rid of them is to bounce the flaming boulders the Fire Spirits throw at Cole back at them. DON'T FEEL LIKE READING?: Watch the video walkthrough for this level. Right from the start, there are lots of robots and lots of pigeons to really ruin your day here. Exercise caution. There are three bots (Redbots 1 and 2, Graybot 1) to the right, and one (Graybot 2) on the left. Go right, and carefully eliminate all three robots. Destroy the cardboard boxes to reveal a switch. Hit it to open the main gate. Go back to where you started out, and destroy Graybot 2 on the left. Head through the recently opened gate. Run up the incline, and you'll find an Earth Spirit throwing boulders at Cole. Try to defeat it without alerting Graybot 3 nearby. Once the Earth Spirit's gone, eliminate Graybot 3 when you get the chance. NOTE: Don't go right and north of where the Earth Spirit was. You'll encounter some robots, plus you can't open the gate at the moment. There's an alternate route to getting in. Once Graybot 3's gone, continue heading forward to the Spirit Statue in front of the locked gate and destroy it. With the Spirit Statue gone, go into first person mode and look for a switch. Once you find it, fire a dart into it to open the gate. Run ahead and check out the training orb to update the map. Don't forget to grab the Compass as well. There's a pipe near the switch, but it's incredibly well hidden (unless you took damage, then it's located right under a yin-yang symbol). Climb up the pipe, and pull yourself up. Double jump to the second platform, and double jump/Pole Vault to the third platform on the right. Double jump to grab the edge of the fourth platform and pull yourself up. You'll be ambushed by two Air Spirits, get rid of them. Jump onto and traverse the tightrope to the other side. Double jump to grab the edge of the fifth platform, and pull yourself up. Head up the "steps" until you see a series of ledges on the left. Climb your way on top of these ledges until you find the Second Spirit Statue, two stone pillars with active Magic Targets, and two locked gates. Ignore the gates for now, and go into first person view. Shoot the Targets to lower the pillars before jumping down and destroying the Spirit Statue. Once the Statue's gone, climb up the stone pillars and go into first person mode. Look for a switch next to an Earth Spirit, and fire a dart. Both left and right gates will be open. Unless you want the amulet the Earth Spirit's guarding, head for the right gate. Carefully head down the path of the right gate, there are two robots, one (Redbot 4) patrolling the area, and the other (Graybot 4) offscreen, out of sight. Go after Graybot 4 since it's a stationary guard, and flee when Redbot 4 catches sight. Once the bot meter returns to normal, go after Redbot 4. Hit the switch next to the gate to open it, and destroy Graybots 5 and 6, retreating when necessary. Return to the area once guarded by Redbot 4 and Graybot 4. Jump up the ledge with the amulet, and go forward. Sneak along the wall, and once you're at the end, double jump to grab the edge. Shimmy around to find Graybot 7, and higher up, Redbot 5. Wait until Graybot 7 turns around before pulling yourself up, then destroy it. Do the same thing for Redbot 5. NOTE: On the platform between Graybot 7 and Redbot 5, there's a pipe that leads off from the main path. There's nothing to find here except an amulet and an Earth Spirit. Grab the amulet if you must, but getting back on the pipe will be tricky. You'll be spending quite a bit of time double jumping and just missing the pipe (or if you're really uncoordinated, you'll just fall to your death). If you want to make things easy for you, save the game, quit, and reload. You'll start back at the very beginning of this level, and you'll have to fight any Spirit Guardians you may have destroyed previously. This is just a suggestion for those who have lousy jumping skills. Once Redbot 5 is gone, head left to find a pipe. Climb up, and pull yourself up. There are several Air Spirits hanging around, get rid of them. Double jump to the isolated platform. Once on the platform, you'll find a Fire Spirit chucking flaming boulders at Cole. Hit the flaming boulders back at the Fire Spirit to damage it, and it should be destroyed by the third boulder. Double jump to where the Fire Spirit used to be. Run forward, and jump onto the first ledge. Head right and jump up the second ledge. Eliminate any Air Spirits if you have to. Head right again to find a third ledge. Jump, and head forward. On the fourth ledge, you'll be ambushed by an Earth Spirit. Get rid of it, and jump up the fifth ledge. Two different Earth Spirits should spawn, but outrun them. Head left to find the third Spirit Statue and destroy it. Continue evading the two Earth Spirits until you're back on the fourth ledge. On the fourth ledge, go to the corner, and Pole Vault to the platform with the yin-yang symbol on it. From there, Pole Vault to the second platform and grab the Compass. Jump off the Compass platform and move ahead, down a ledge. You'll be ambushed by more Earth Spirits -- you can either fight them, or head down the steps to evade them. Slide down the pipe to ground level. Redbot 6 is patrolling on the left side of the isolated, tiered platform, and Graybot 8 is patrolling on the right side. Go after Redbot 6 and destroy it. Head right and watch for the pigeons when trying to destroy Graybot 8. Once both robots are gone, turn around and head for a hidden alcove. There are some crates and a Magic Shield. Grab the Shield, and run for the tiered platform. Climb up on it and get on the Circle. The Shield gives you twenty seconds, by the time you get on the tiered platform, you'll probably about 15-16 seconds left to shoot the three Targets. Activating the three Targets will raise the platform Cole's on. Pole Vault to the force field, and once the force field's gone, continue on to the Potala Palace. --------------- Section 2: Potala Palace [6-2] DON'T FEEL LIKE READING?: Watch the video walkthrough for this level. Right from the start is a partition. There's a robot (Redbot 1) hanging behind it. Go left, around the partition, and when you get the chance, sneak up and get rid of Redbot 1. Once Redbot 1 is gone, go up the stairs. You'll be treated to a cutscene of some Air Spirits bursting into the room through the window. Your choice if you want to use melee attacks or snipe them with darts. Keep in mind that there are two robots on the second floor. (If you have the ammo and decent aiming, sniping the Air Spirits would be a better alternative.) Once the Air Spirits are gone, head up the stairs on the left. Take out Redbots 2 and 3 patrolling around (retreat if you have to after destroying one of the bots), and hit the switch. It'll open a nearby door. Go there. Passing through the door, you'll find yourself at the bottom of the stairs. There's a robot (Redbot 4) patrolling the top of the stairs. Good luck eliminating Redbot 4, because the camera, at this point, doesn't want to cooperate with you. Try luring Redbot 4 down the stairs to make things easier. Once Redbot 4 is gone, head forward and right, assuming you're already climbed the stairs. Destroy the cardboard boxes to find a training orb. Check the orb to update the map, and hide behind the lockers. You'll find Redbot 5 patrolling the area, get rid of it. When Redbot 5's destroyed, sneak between the wall and the pillar, onto the balcony. Graybot 1 is patrolling the area, try to eliminate it without having the pigeons giving Cole away. Head back to the main hall when Graybot 1's gone. Go forward until you see a weak section of the floor in the corner. Break it and drop down. Dropping in, you'll be ambushed by two Air Spirits. Get rid of them, and move forward. Go right to destroy a Spirit Statue. NOTE: The Air Spirits in this particular room have a high respawn rate. Don't fight them unless you have to. Go back out, and head down the stairs into a room. A short cutscene will show the doors closing and locking themselves, trapping Cole. Before you panic, get rid of the Spirit Statue in the middle of the room. Once that's gone, head for the crates and double jump to grab on. Pull yourself up and you'll automatically grab the Compass. Face the direction of the Magic Shield, and jump/double jump towards it. It may take you a few tries, but once the Shield takes effect, run around the room destroying the various Earth Spirits. Once the Earth Spirits are gone, chances are the Shield's effects have worn off. Get back on the crate, and grab the Magic Shield again. You have 15 seconds to get on the Circle and hit all the Targets. Activating all the Targets will reopen the door. Before you leave, go back into first person mode, and find a switch on the wall. Hit the switch with a dart, this will remove a banner on the upper floor. Now leave. Once you're back in the room with the respawning Air Spirits, head up the two flights of stairs until you reach the broken staircase. Double jump over the gap. Go to where the banner was earlier, and jump/double jump for the ladder. Climb to the top, and once Cole's off the ladder, grab the thin ledge. Shimmy over until you can drop down on a small platform. From there, double jump to the platform with the yin-yang symbol. Double jump to the platform with the amulet. Carefully drop down to the fourth platform. Jump for the ladder, and climb up. Once at the top, double jump to grab on the thin ledge. Shimmy over until you reach the boxes. (If you see an Air Spirit flying up while shimmying, don't panic. Just wait until it goes away before continuing.) Drop down from the boxes, and sneak along the first thin ledge. Head forward a little and sneak across a second, thin ledge. Destroy the cardboard boxes to reveal a switch, and hit the switch to open the gate on the other side of the zip line. Take the zip line down to the next area. Drop down to find yourself on one side of several crates. On the other side, Redbot 6 is guarding this area. Jump over the crates and get rid of it, retreat if the bot meter flashes yellow or red. Once the bot meter returns to normal, sneak up behind Redbot 7. When Redbot 7's gone, jump on top of the crates to trigger a cutscene. Destroy the Air Spirits that come your way. Head down the stairs to find Graybot 2. Try to eliminate it without attracting Redbot 8's attention on the other side of the cloth partitions. Once Graybot 2's gone, wait for Redbot 8 to turn its back to Cole. Destroy it. When Redbot 8's gone, Head for the middle path (left path goes to the stairs you came from, and right path is a dead end), and wait for Redbot 9 to turn its back to Cole. Destroy that bot as well. There's a switch hidden among the cloth partitions. Hitting it will unlock the door behind the force field. Head there now and continue onwards to the Hidden Monastery. --------------- Section 3: Hidden Monastery [6-3] NOTE: If you've been casually collecting amulets the whole time, you should get a message in this level saying Cole's staff has been upgraded (again). Notice that when he swings the staff, the color of the swing DON'T FEEL LIKE READING?: Watch the video walkthrough for this level. This level is HUGE. There are two points in this level where you'll be warped to different places. Anyway, run forward and head left of the Spirit Statues to grab the Magic Shield. Run through the two Spirit Statues to destroy them both. Destroy the cardboard boxes to reveal a hidden, inactive Magic Target. At this point, the Shield's effect will most likely be gone. Grab the Magic Shield again. You have 15 seconds to get on top of the Circle and hit the three Targets. Activating the three Targets will raise a small platform between the two bottom Targets. Climb the small platform, and double jump to the platform where Redbot 1 is. Even if the bot catches sight of Cole, it can't do anything since Cole's hanging off the platform's edge by his fingertips. Shimmy around the edge of the platform until Cole's behind Redbot 1. Destroy the bot before it turns around and sees Cole. Jump on top of the crates, and grab hold of the thin ledge. Shimmy over to the other side (you'll automatically pick up the Puzzle Piece), and drop down. From there, Pole Vault over to the other ledge. Move forward and pan the camera left. You'll find a thin ledge to sneak against, and two Air Spirits. Snipe the Air Spirits, and cross the thin ledge. From there, head left, and jump for the red rooftop. You'll encounter several Air Spirits, again, your choice if you want to fight or flee. From the rooftop, climb up the gray rooftop, and run forward. Jump right to a second red roof with the yin-yang symbol. From there, Pole Vault to the platform with the amulet. Jump to where the lamp post is. Move ahead. You'll see two Earth Spirits spawning, beat them both. There's a gate with a Spirit Statue, but you can't get there...yet. Instead, Pole Vault into the weak fence nearby to knock it down. It'll reveal a training orb that will update your map. Head left, down the platforms until you see a switch. Hitting it will open the gate leading to the Spirit Statue. Climb up the platforms and return to where the gate was. Continue ahead and destroy the Spirit Statue. Jump to the stone pillar, and hop across the thin poles. If you're having trouble getting across the poles, I suggest tilting the analog stick forward while Cole's in midair, then let the analog stick go back to default. It doesn't always work, but it's pretty useful. Once you've gotten past the pole jumping, head down the ledges and onto the rooftop. Get to the edge of the rooftop, and lower Cole down. You should drop down near a zip line. (Check pictures if confused.) Take the zip line down to a broken bridge. Turn around and grab the Puzzle Piece. Pole Vault across the chasm to the other side of the bridge, and move forward. You'll be warped to an "island." Redbot 2 is guarding the gate on the left. Destroy it, and, head right of where you warped in to encounter an Earth Spirit. Get rid of it. Continue onwards to find a second Earth Spirit, and get rid of that one as well. Move on until you find a switch. Hit it to release the gate Redbot 2 was guarding earlier. Head back there now. Pass through the gates, and head down a ledge. Double jump to the first pillar, and from there, double jump to the second pillar. Pole Vault to the ledge, and grab the Puzzle Piece before heading forward. You'll be warped back to the main area in this level. Redbot 3's on your left, sneak up and short-circuit it. Before heading up the crates, head right of where you warped in. There's a thin ledge, sneak across it. Head onwards to find the Main Statue. Stand on the flaming Circle and Cole will destroy the Statue. Before you pick up the Compass, head slightly right to find an Earth Spirit. Destroy it, and once the Spirit's gone, take the Compass. Return to where Redbot 3. Jump up the crates and grab onto the rooftop edge. Pull yourself up, head a little left, and jump for the stone platforms. Head to the last platform, next to the wall. From there, jump to the roof on the left. Wait for Graybot 1 to pass by Cole before jumping up and destroying it. Head right, away from the force field. Move forward until you see Graybot 2 in the distance. Get rid of Graybot 2, and head back to the force field. Once the force field's been deactivated, double jump across the chasm to where the yin-yang symbol is. Double jump again to where Redbot 4 is patrolling. Sneak up and eliminate it. With Redbot 4 out of the way, head to where the crates are. Jump to the highest crate, and grab hold of the thin ledge. Shimmy around the building until you can reach the top of the gate, and drop down. Take the Puzzle Piece. Drop down on the crates, and run for the puzzle. NOTE: Normally, I'd put the solution to the puzzle, but this one's dependent on how good you are at picking the right pictograph on the left prayer wheel to match the pictograph on the right prayer wheel, and how fast you're trying to finish this puzzle. This one is time based, so if you don't want the reels at the top to start spinning again, be quick. Solving the puzzle opens the doors to the Forbidden Cave. I hope you have at least half of Cole's health left, if not, head back and replenish Cole's health. Continue onwards to the Forbidden Cave. A cutscene will show Cole confronting Carmen before you get the loading screen. --------------- Section 4: Forbidden Cave [6-4] DON'T FEEL LIKE READING?: Watch the video walkthrough for this level. This is either going to be a short boss battle or a VERY long one, depending on how skillful you are in terms of fighting, running, and dodging. The shortest it'll take you is three rounds, not counting the intermission rounds, and the probably infinite. What the boss has up its sleeve and how to fight back: --First round: He'll stomp three times, then roar. While the quakes generated from the stomping won't hurt Cole, the stomping itself will if Cole's too close. When the boss roars, his face will turn red. Take this opportunity to run up and smack him ONCE. You should be able to take off 1/3 of its health if you've been collecting amulets. Then run. --Second round: He'll slam his fist on the ground once, then roar. Again, the quakes generated from the slamming won't hurt Cole. If he's too close to the boss, the fist-slamming will. The same method of attack from the first round applies here too. --Final round: The difficulty goes up a little. The boss will charge at you, like some of the Earth Spirit Guardians in this chapter. To finish this boss once and for all, attack him ONCE after he's come to a complete stop after his charge. Then run. If you just can't put enough distance between the boss and Cole, executing a fast roll (running + R1/R2 button) will help. Just make sure you're tapping the R1/R2 shoulder buttons if you want to be fast on your feet. --Intermission round: When the boss disintegrates, he'll collapse into a lot of various, tiny Earth Spirits, and his health meter will be replenished. These tiny Spirits will run wild, and you'll have to get rid of 9 - 15 of those Spirits to deplete the second health meter. The Spirits will not attack you, but try to eliminate as many as you can before they regroup in the center oil pit. If you didn't or couldn't fully eliminate the boss's health meter with the tiny Earth Spirits, don't worry too much about it. It will simply take you a little/lot longer to defeat the boss. There's an oil pit in the middle of the arena. Avoid this at all costs -- it has the same effect as water: it'll bog Cole down, and his attack will be severely limited. Once you finally destroy this stubborn boss, Cole's health will be restored and increase by one yin-yang symbol. Grab the Compass and you'll automatically leave for the next destination. ------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter VII: Bangkok, Thailand Section 1: Floating Market [7-1] DON'T FEEL LIKE READING?: Watch the video walkthrough for this level. Ugh. I really abhor this chapter. There are a lot of Spirit Guardians in this level, mostly Water and Air Spirits. The Air Spirits will hang around tightropes, and since you can't fight while crossing on one, you're better off sniping them. Be prepared with full ammo and a lot of patience. The Water Spirits here are nothing compared to the ones back in New Zealand or Paris -- they won't jump out of the water to attack Cole, but if he's in the water or in a boat, they will try to sneak up and attack him from behind, Jaws-style. If you fall in the water, find a ladder to climb up or find a boat to jump into. If you're actually forced in a fight while in water, take comfort that with proper timing, you can go up to four, five, and even six or more combo hits -- something you can't do on land. The only good thing in this level is that there are no robots. Anyway, from Cole's position, face right and Pole Vault. There's a training orb that'll update your map. Run forward until you reach a boat. Hop onto the boat, and cross the next two boats. Make your way to the dock and head right. You'll be confronted with an Earth Spirit. Get rid of it, and hop onto the boats. Ignore the Water Spirit lurking in the water and make your way through the boats to the second dock. Head right to find an Earth Spirit spawning. Destroy it. There's also an Air Spirit lurking on the tightrope above. Go into first person mode and snipe it. Continue forward, and jump onto the highest rooftop to the left. Get on the tightrope and traverse it to the other side. Try to head past any Air Spirits that gets in your path, but there's no penalty in retreating to solid ground and sniping Air Spirits. Once you've made it past the tightrope, pick up the Compass. Take the zip line down to a boat. Jump right to find an Earth Spirit. There isn't a lot of ground you can fight on, but if you've been collecting amulets, the Spirit shouldn't be too hard to beat. Head onwards and onto another boat. Move forward to another boat, and head left. Pole jump your way to the pier with the crate. Double jump to grab the awning's edge, and pull yourself up. Grab the puzzle piece. Head back to the boat, and go right. Pole jump your way to a small pier with an amulet. Climb up to the highest rooftop, and snipe the three Air Spirits hanging around the tightrope. Cross the tightrope, and run forward to find a ladder. Slide down into the water, and head for the first boat you see. You should automatically pick up the Compass, if not, do so now. Pole jump your way to the dock. Defeat the Earth Spirit that spawns. Before you take the Magic Shield, go out onto the pier. A cutscene will show Carmen running through the nearby rooftops before she glances at Cole. After the cutscene's finished, take the Magic Shield, and go back to the pier, where the Circle is. You have about 25 seconds to shoot all five Targets. Activating all the Targets will raise some platforms and create a new path. Grab the Magic Shield again for temporary protection. Cross the platforms to a nearby dock, and climb up to the highest rooftop. Snipe any Air Spirits hanging around the tightropes. Once all the Air Spirits are gone, get onto the tightrope. To jump from one tightrope to another, simply position Cole underneath the one you want to get on, and either jump/double jump. Cole should automatically go to the higher tightrope. Jump for the second tightrope above Cole. Head left. Move forward until you see the third tightrope above Cole. Double jump to get on it. Pick up the Puzzle Piece on your way to the fourth cable. Traverse the fourth cable, and as the end of the fourth cable nears, double jump to get on the fifth tightrope. Cross this final tightrope to a rooftop with a billboard nearby. Head left and run across the rooftops. This is where Carmen was running through, earlier in the cutscene. Double jump for the ladder and climb up to the Rooftops. --------------- Section 2: Rooftops [7-2] DON'T FEEL LIKE READING?: Watch the video walkthrough for this level. From the start, head right. The first thing you'll encounter here are Air and Earth Spirits. Eliminate the Air Spirits, but getting rid of the Earth Spirit is your choice. Head down to the rooftop with the zip line. Take the zip line and you'll be taken to a wooden platform with some crates. Jump for the next one, and eliminate more Air Spirits that get in your way. Check out the training orb when you're done fighting to update the map. Continue ahead and grab for the rooftop's edge. Pull yourself up, and Pole Vault into the weak latticework barrier. There's a Spirit Statue behind the barrier, destroy it. Go left of where the Spirit Statue was. Knock down the latticework barrier to reveal a rooftop path. Pole Vault over to the roof, and head left. Moving ahead, there are two Air Spirits in your way. Snipe them, or Pole Vault over the gap and take them out at close range. Once the Air Spirits are gone, creep forward, and turn right. If you look down, you'll see Redbot 1. Try to take it out without alerting Redbots 2 and 3 nearby. When Redbot 1 has been destroyed, eliminate the other two robots. Once all three robots are gone, climb back up the rooftop you came from, and head all the way left. Double jump to the shack's roof, and run. Double jump to cross the cap, and sneak across the pigeon-infested ledge. (If you're unclear on the directions, check the picture.) Once you've made your way past the ledge, grab the Compass. Take the zip line and you'll be taken to a wooden platform with a Spirit Statue and an Air Spirit. (You'll automatically pick up the Puzzle Piece on your way.) Destroy the Spirit Statue first before going after the Air Spirit. Once all threats have been eliminated, climb up the ladder. Once at the top, pull yourself up and get rid of the Air Spirits lurking in the vicinity. Take the zip line, and you'll be taken to more rooftops. Get rid of all Air Spirits in the area before you sneak across the thin ledge. Once you're past the thin ledge, Pole Vault to where the Puzzle Piece is. Eliminate the Air Spirit that appears, and take the Puzzle Piece if you haven't already. Pole Vault onto the platform with the yin-yang symbol, and run to the edge. Try and Pole Vault into the Earth Spirit to damage it, and eliminate it. Jump over to the Spirit Statue and destroy it. Once you're through with the Statue, head left. Beak down the first weak latticework and move on. Rush past the spawning Earth Spirits and break down the second latticework ahead of you, and just head straight to the Lantern Garden. The Spirits here aren't worth fighting. --------------- Section 3: Lantern Garden [7-3] DON'T FEEL LIKE READING?: Watch the video walkthrough for this level. From the beginning, head right. Move ahead until a Water Spirit ambushes you. Defeat it. Hop from one stump to the other until you reach the other side, and check out the training orb near the tree to update the map. Go into first person mode and find the active Magic Target. Shoot at it to lower the barricades. Continue forward. You'll see an Earth Spirit spawning -- defeat it and move on. You'll be ambushed by two Water Spirits at different points of this short path. Beat them both, and go into first person mode. Find the active Magic Target and fire a dart into it to lower the barricades behind the Spirit Statue. Double jump over to where the Spirit Statue is and destroy it. Run forward, and rush past the spawning Earth Spirits. Head left and pick up the Magic Shield, then left again to pick up a Puzzle Piece. Run to where the Magic Circle is, and go into first person mode. Although the Shield gives you 40 seconds, that's more than enough time to hit all four targets on the building. Activating all four targets will open the door inside the building. You should still have about 25 seconds left on the Shield. If you haven't already done so, get rid of the Earth Spirits by running through them. Head to the right side of the building, and run through the Spirit Statue to destroy it. Pick up the Puzzle Piece nearby when the Statue's gone. Go inside the building and to the puzzle. Solution to Lantern Garden puzzle: Position of the tiles: +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ | | | | | | | | | | | | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | | | | | | | | | | | | +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ | | | | | | | | | | | | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | | | | | | | | | | | | +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ left to right, 1 - 10, 11 - 20 +------+------+------+------+ | | | | | | 20 | 2 | 13 | 17 | | | | | | +------+------+------+------+ | | | | | | 5 | 16 | 7 | 9 | | | | | | +------+------+------+------+ | | | | | | 10 | 11 | 12 | 3 | | | | | | +------+------+------+------+ | | | | | | 14 | 15 | 8 | 6 | | | | | | +------+------+------+------+ | | | | | | 4 | 18 | 19 | 1 | | | | | | +------+------+------+------+ Solving this puzzle will open a new path behind the mural. Go forward and ignore the Water Spirits lurking nearby. As long as you're not in the water itself, the Spirits can't attack you. Jump onto the pier. There's a Fire Spirit right in front of Cole when you run under the roof. Hit the flaming boulders right back at the Fire Spirit to destroy it, and head through and onto the second pier. Don't jump off, there's a second Fire Spirit in the way. Eliminate it with its own boulders. Once the second Fire Spirit is gone, jump onto where it was before, and continue onwards. When you reach the water's edge, head left, near the pellet cartridge, and go into first person mode. Scope out all the Magic Targets and fire darts into them. This will raise a pillar hidden in the water, and a small, stone platform near the building's entrance. Once you clear the pillar puzzle, ignore the Spirit Guardians that go after Cole. Scale the stone platforms and pillars, and run for the Spirit Statue. Destroy it. Pole Vault onto the roof. Sneak across the thin ledge, and jump down to where the Magic Shield is. Grab it, you'll need it. Now run and climb back up to where the Spirit Statue was. Pole Vault onto the rooftop again and sneak across the thin ledge again. This time, Pole Vault to the second statue in the area, destroy it by running into it. Run for the magic circle on the ground. Cole will destroy the Main Statue. Grab the Compass when you get the chance. There should be enough time to quickly rush past the two Fire Spirits and destroy them in the process. Grab the last Compass of the area. NOTE: If you look carefully at the GPS when it's pinpointing where Carmen went, you'll notice that Louisiana is misspelled as "Louisianna." So much for quality assurance. ------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter VIII: New Orleans, USA Section 1: Waterfront [8-1] DON'T FEEL LIKE READING?: Watch the video walkthrough for this level. There's a weak, latticework barrier near the iron bars and gate. Break the barrier to find a switch. Hit the switch to lower a platform nearby. Head left and climb up the platform, then get on the balcony. Creep forward, and knock down the first barricade set. Pole Vault down the second barricade set, and hide behind the locker. Wait until Redbot 1 turns its back to Cole before going after it. Once Redbot 1 is gone, head forward and hit the switch nearby to lower another platform. Get on it, turn around, and jump for the second balcony floor. Creep forward, and break down the first barricade set. Pole Vault into the second barricade set, and hide behind the locker. Wait for Redbot 2 to turn around before eliminating it. When Redbot 2's gone, run forward and double jump for the amulet. You should grab onto a thin ledge. Shimmy around until you're on top of a pellet cartridge, and drop down. Jump down to ground level, and head for the switch near the breakable crates. Hit it to open the gates behind and in front of Cole. Head forward, and hide between the iron bars and the crates. Short-circuit Redbot 3 when the opportunity rises. Creep right and hide behind the tarp covered boxes. Destroy Redbot 4 when you see its back turned to Cole. Head under the awning and check out the training orb to update the map. Head left, and hide behind the tarp-covered box again. Go after Redbot 5 (the one circling around the pond), and sneak up on Redbot 6 (patrolling in front of a gate and switch). Once both robots are out of the picture, go into first person mode and hit the switch with a dart to open a nearby gate (not the one Redbot 6 was guarding earlier). Go through the gate and sneak up on Redbot 7. Up ahead and left are two robots (Redbot 8, near some pigeons, and Graybot 1, standing on top of some crates). Try and get rid of Redbot 8 without startling the nearby pigeons or attracting Graybot 1's attention -- this bot can see pretty far, and it's not afraid to fire on sight. When Redbot 8's gone, and when Graybot 1's turned its back to Cole, creep up and hide behind the tarp-covered boxes. Graybot 1 should turn around, facing Cole's direction. Don't move until the bot turns around again. Sneak forward, and hug close to the crate Graybot 1 is standing on. The bot should turn around and face the direction of the pigeons. Get behind the bot, grab the edge of the box, and pull yourself up. Smack Graybot 1 and put it out of its misery. Turn around and double jump for the pipe. Climb the pipe up to the awning. Head left and jump down. Take the zip line to another section of the Waterfront. You'll drop down on a crate of pigeons. Jump down, ignore the spawning Earth Spirit, and run for the Spirit Statue. Go after the Earth Spirit and destroy it. Head to the gate close to where the Spirit Statue was, and go into first person mode. You should find a switch on the other side of the gate nearby -- fire a dart into it to open the gate. Move ahead, and go into the alcove near the switch to find another Spirit Statue. Destroy it. Head past the tree and head past the lighthouse tower. Hide behind the crates and when the opportunity rises, destroy Redbot 9. Continue forward and hid behind the second pile of crates. Be wary of the pigeons hanging around. When you get the chance, destroy Redbot 10. Move ahead and hide behind the third pile of crates. When the time is right, destroy Redbot 11. Go into first person mode and fire a dart into the switch to lower a platform leading to a deck floor. Climb up the third pile of crates, and Pole Vault to the second pile of crates. From there, hop onto the "island" with the amulet. Pole Vault to the dark-colored pier, and double jump to the lowered platform. Wait for Redbot 12 to turn around before getting on the deck floor. Get rid of Redbot 12, and watch for Redbot 13 to turn its back to Cole before you move in and attack it. Head right, and cross the first gap. Run forward, and Pole Vault the second gap. Hide behind the shack and wait for Redbot 14 to pass Cole by, then destroy it. Climb up the shack, and double jump for the railing. Cole should grab by the balcony edge. shimmy left until there's room to pull yourself up. Run straight ahead to pick up a Compass. Once you've gotten the Compass, turn around, and run. Jump to the next platform, and get close to the tightrope (but not on it). Go into first person mode, and zoom in on the lighthouse tower. Find the switch at the top, and fire a dart into it to open the gates at the other end. Traverse the tightrope to the lighthouse tower. Once you reach the lighthouse tower, take the zip line. You'll slide down and drop off near some crates and a Compass on top of said crates. Ignore the Compass for now and hide near the Crates. Wait for Redbot 15 to pass Cole before you move in and destroy it. Pick up the Compass before scattering the pigeons and running down the stairs and ladder to the docks. Move ahead and sneak across the thin ledge to the other side. You'll be ambushed by two Water Spirits -- ignore them and run to the right. Destroy the Spirit Statue, and head left. You'll find another Spirit Statue next to the force field, as well as a Water Spirit. Destroy the Spirit Statue, and try to lure the Water Spirit away from the force field before you defeat it. When the Statue and Water Spirit are gone, go towards the force field to deactivate it. Once the force field's gone, head right and Pole Vault into the latticework barricade to create a shortcut for the next level. Turn around and climb up the ladder. Head for the zip line. Grab it and you'll be taken to the Steamboat Dock. --------------- Section 2: Steamboat Dock [8-2] DON'T FEEL LIKE READING?: Watch the video walkthrough for this level. A short cutscene will show Carmen looking for something, then she and Cole inadvertently find each other. Needless to say, Carmen makes a quick escape out to the Bayou. Right from the start, there are a few bots hanging around where Cole is. Go right of where the crates are, close to the pigeons, and eliminate Redbot 1. Hide among the crates and wait for Redbot 2, guarding the entrance to the Steamboat itself, to pass Cole by before destroying it. Once both robots are gone, head between the small and large shacks, and turn right when you pass the large shack. There's a training orb at the end that will update the map. Return to the entrance to the Steamboat, and go into first person mode. Find the switch (Redbot 3 is guarding near it), and fire a dart into it to lower the boarding pier. Board the Steamboat, and get behind Redbot 3. Try to destroy the bot without it turning around and catching Cole. When Redbot 3's gone, look for a weak wooden panel for Cole to break. Drop in and you'll be in the engines. Redbot 4 is lurking around the corner, destroy it when you get the chance. Head for the switch past the puzzle. Hit it to shut off the steam near the Puzzle Piece, just further ahead of the switch. Move away from the switch and grab the Puzzle Piece. Return to where the puzzle is and head right. There's another switch, and right across from it, a loose valve spewing steam on a Puzzle Piece. Before you hit the switch, get rid of Redbot 4 guarding the area. Hit the switch to disable the valve and grab the Puzzle Piece. Move ahead to the back. There's another switch and a third loose valve with steam coming out. Hit the switch, and once the steam's gone, take the last Puzzle Piece. Head back to the puzzle tile itself. If you've ever played Concentration, this puzzle shouldn't be too hard. Solution to Steamboat Dock puzzle: +----------------+----------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ | | | | | | | Wheel | Cable Car | Saxophone | Cable Car | Pelican | | | | | | | +----------------+----------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ | | | | | | | Lamp Post | Steamboat | Anchor | Crocodile | Pelican | | | | | | | +----------------+----------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ | | | | | | | Life Preserver | Piano | Saxophone | Anchor | Steamboat | | | | | | | +----------------+----------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ | | | | | | | Crocodile | Life Preserver | Piano | Lamp Post | Wheel | | | | | | | +----------------+----------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ Solving this puzzle will stop the engines. Head to where the second Puzzle Piece and Redbot 4 were located earlier, and head left. Climb up the stairs and you'll be on the other side of the Steamboat. Redbot 5 is standing guard on the right, out of the camera's range. Sneak up and short-circuit the bot, and move on. Go into the first hallway, and destroy Redbot 6, near the entrance to the Steamboat, when you get the chance. Head back to the other side, and continue ahead. Go right, past the crates, and ignore the switch. Creep up behind Redbot 7 and eliminate it. Run back to the switch and hit it to open the gate leading to the second deck. Creep up to the second deck and short-circuit Redbot 8, right at the top of the staircase. Head left, and into the hallway. Wait for Redbot 9 to pass Cole by before destroying it. Once Redbot 9's gone, go after Redbot 10 and eliminate that bot as well. Continue onwards to the force field, and when it's deactivated, go up the stairs to the top deck. At the top deck, run forward, and right. Sneak across the thin ledge, and creep up on Redbot 11, near the smokestacks. Destroy the bot, and climb the left smokestack. Take the Compass, and leap for the rooftop. Jump down, and take the zip line leading to the pier. Run forward to the speedboat leading to the Bayou. --------------- Section 3: Bayou [8-3] NOTE: Don't fight any of the Water Spirits in this level unless they leap out of the water and onto dry land. The deep waters of this level do not allow Cole to pull off multi-combo hits against some of the Water Spirits unlike the Bangkok chapter. NOTE #2: If you've been collecting amulets the whole time, you should get a message in this level saying Cole's staff has been upgraded (again). Notice that when he swings the staff, the color of the swing is red. Cole's staff is now completely maximized in strength, and collecting more amulets won't do anything. If you manage to finish this chapter without seeing the message, don't worry. You'll get your chance to collect more amulets in Chapter IX. DON'T FEEL LIKE READING?: Watch the video walkthrough for this level. Run forward, and turn the first left you see. There's a Fire Spirit in the way, bounce the boulders right back at it. Check out the training orb by the marsh if you like, it just updates the map. Continue ahead. Climb up the ledge, and destroy the Spirit Statue by the marsh. Head down by the water to be ambushed by a Water Spirit, destroy it. Go right, then left to destroy a second Spirit Statue at the base of the tree. Another Water Spirit will pop out of the water and onto dry land, eliminate it as well. A Fire Spirit blocks the bridge, hit the boulders back at it to get rid of it. Cross the bridge, and climb up to where the third Spirit Statue is. Demolish the Statue before taking on the Fire Spirit blocking the second bridge. Head forward, and jump down to the first platform. Pole Vault to the second one, and double jump to the stone platform, near the tree. Get off the stone platform and head for the Magic Shield. Grab it, and return to the stone platform. Stand on the Magic Circle and go into first person mode. Although the Shield gives you 30 seconds, you should have about 20-25 seconds left to hit all the Targets when you reach the stone platform. Activating all the Targets will raise the three platforms, not including the stone platform. Instead of heading back right away, let the Shield wear itself off. Head back into the water and grab the Shield again to make your trek back to the bridge easier. When you're back on the bridge, jump for the first pillar, then Pole Vault to the second pillar. Instead of jumping for the stone platform again, head to the third pillar, in front of the Spirit Statue. Demolish it, and head down the broken bridge to another Spirit Statue. Eradicate that one as well. There are two Water Spirits lurking beneath the surface, and neither one of them will come to shore. Get rid of the one spitting water at Cole. Head right, and jump onto the ledge. From there, Pole Vault as far as you can near the Spirit Statue, located in the middle of the swamp. Try to outrun the other Water Spirit and climb on to where the Statue is, and smash it. Pole Vault over the strip of dry land, between the stump and the tree. Stand on the flaming Circle near the tree, and Cole will automatically demolish the Main Statue. Pole Vault over to where the Main Statue used to be and take the Compass. Go into first person mode and find a switch. Fire a dart into it to open the locked gate. Pole Vault over to where the gate is and continue. When you reach the cabin area, there's going to be a lot of robots, and a lot of pigeons that'll give your position away. There's also a security camera nearby, but you can't destroy it...yet. You'll also have to do a lot of retreating, the bots are fairly close together. Go after and destroy Graybot 1, the bot closest to the cabin. Short-circuit Graybot 2, near the crates with pigeons. Creep forward, and take out Redbot 1 and Graybot 3, behind the cabin. Once you're behind the cabin, don't go up the steps yet. Go into first person mode, and look for the security camera. Break it with a dart, but stay put until the bot meter returns to normal. Head up the porch steps and eliminate Redbot 2, then retreat. There's a security camera near the force field. Go into first person mode and demolish it before proceeding. Continue forward, towards the force field. Once the force field has been deactivated, take the last Compass for the area. ------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter IX: Parc National des Volcans, Rwanda Section 1: Deep Jungle [9-1] DON'T FEEL LIKE READING?: Watch the video walkthrough for this level. This chapter has some pretty massive levels. Don't get lost. Run forward, and smash the crates. Pole Vault to the board that used to be part of a bridge (don't be surprised if you miss the first time), and from there, Pole Vault to solid ground. Run forward until you see two Earth Spirits spawning. Defeat them both to clear the way and continue. Traverse over the giant roots until you see two Fire Spirits, one guarding a switch, the other blocking the next area. Eliminate both Spirits by bouncing their attacks back at them. NOTE: Circle around the tree with the giant roots until you see a large barricade behind a yin-yang symbol. Remember this location, you'll be going this way. Hit the switch one of the Fire Spirits was guarding earlier. You'll see a cutscene of a boulder being lowered...but nothing else happens? Leave, and proceed to the path the second Fire Spirit was guarding. You'll encounter a third Fire Spirit, get rid of it. Once the Spirit is gone, check out the training orb to update the map. Hit the switch to lower the barricades behind the yin-yang symbol. Go there. You'll come upon a clearing with several tarp-covered crates and some platforms. Run and grab for the first platform, and Pole Vault to the second platform straight ahead of you. Pull yourself up and Pole Vault to the ledge with the amulet. Head down until you reach a series of platforms. Grab a pellet cartridge, and double jump for the platform with the Magic Shield. Before taking the Shield, go into first person mode and look for two active Targets. Shoot at them to raise two platforms. Take the Shield, and double jump for the platform on the right. Cross the second and third platforms until you reach the one with an active Magic Circle. Stand on it and go into first person mode. Although the Shield gives you 45 seconds, you should be able to get all the way to the Circle, go into first person mode, and shoot all seven Targets. Hitting all the Targets will lower a bridge close to where the barricade used to be. Make your way back to the platform with the Magic Shield, and grab the Shield again, for protection against the Air Spirits. This time, jump for the platform near the poles. Hop across the thin poles to a small area. Run forward and grab onto the ledge of the rock. Shimmy around it until you reach solid ground. Head around the rock until you see an Earth Spirit. Either run through it (if the Shield is still in effect), or defeat it. Go into first person mode and shoot the two Targets on the pillar. You'll raise two nearby pillars, one hidden. Scale them until you reach the highest pillar. Pole Vault to the platform with the amulet and the zip line. Take the zip line back to the clearing, but don't jump off. Pole Vault to the platform Graybot 1 is on, and you'll land on the platform beneath Graybot 1. From the bottom platform, advance forward, but again, don't jump off. Turn around, and jump once to grab the edge of the top platform. Shimmy around, and don't pull yourself up until the bot meter returns to normal and Graybot 1's back is turned to Cole. Short-circuit the bot when the opportunity rises. Head to where the amulet is on the top platform. Pole Vault to the platform with Graybots 2 (on the top level) and 3 (bottom level). Jump up to the top level and destroy Graybot 2. Hit the switch and you'll lower the bridge. Wait for the bot meter to return to normal and for Graybot 3 to face away from Cole. Eliminate the bot when you get the chance. Once Graybot 3 is gone, climb up to the middle level. Pole Vault back to the clearing, and run. As you head past the barricade stumps, you'll notice a new path above Cole will have opened. Continue running forward, and head left, up the boulder, and onto the bridge. At the end of the bridge is another clearing and three robots (Redbots 1, 2, and 3). All three robots are facing the direction you came in, and they won't turn around. At all. Distract Redbot 1 (the center robot), then hide behind the tarp-covered crates. Either one will do. Once Redbot 1 turns around, sneak up on it and destroy it. Retreat ASAP behind the tarp-covered crates to evade Redbots 2 (left bot) and 3 (right bot). Repeat the steps above for the two bots. Once all three Redbots have been eliminated, cross the bridge and continue onwards to the Lost Temple. --------------- Section 2: Lost Temple [9-2] NOTE: Don't try to fight every Spirit Guardian here. Don't be surprised if you have to restart a few times because of this. Fight only if you have to. DON'T FEEL LIKE READING?: Watch the video walkthrough for this level. This is another huge level. Again, don't get lost. Before you do anything, go into first person mode. Find an active Target on the structure, and fire a dart into it to open a small panel, revealing a switch. Run forward and hit the switch to raise two platforms. Head left and run until you see a second active Target on top of a panel. Go into first person mode and shoot the target, then run up to the open panel and hit the switch inside to raise two more platforms. Continue ahead (check the training orb if you like) until you find a third active Target. Again, hit the Target with a dart to reveal the switch behind the panel. Hit the switch to raise two more platforms. Move ahead and you'll pass by a fourth panel. This one's a dud, though -- there are no active Targets, and even if you could break it open, the switch isn't there. Ignore it and move on. You should be back where you started, in front of the first panel. Continue ahead and climb up the first platform, then jump for the second platform ahead. Pole Vault to the third platform, and grab the Puzzle Piece. Pole Vault again to the fourth platform, directly ahead. Pole Vault again to the fifth platform -- Cole should just barely grab the edge. Pull yourself up and grab the second Puzzle Piece. Double jump and Pole Vault to the sixth and seventh platforms leading to the third Puzzle Piece. NOTE: Don't bother trying to get the Puzzle Piece above the Puzzle platform itself. It's way too high for Cole to reach, and you haven't even gotten the other Puzzle Pieces either. Jump down to the lower roof, but don't jump off. Jog around this area until you find a small section of the roof terrain slightly caved in. There's a switch at the edge, on top of where the fourth panel is. Hit it to raise two new platforms, close to where the third platform is. Jump off the roof and down to ground level. Head to the new platform, and climb up. Double jump to the second platform, and double jump for the ledge. Get rid of the Fire Spirit before jumping up and grabbing the fourth Puzzle Piece. Double jump to where the Fire Spirit used to be, and quickly face left. There's a second Fire Spirit guarding the fifth Puzzle Piece, get rid of it as well. Once the second Fire Spirit is gone, Pole Vault to where it used to be and take the Puzzle Piece. Go into first person mode and find an active Target on top of a panel. Hit the target with a dart to reveal a switch. Jump down and hit the switch. It'll raise a platform to where the third panel is on the main shrine. Pole Vault your way back to the lower rooftop of the main shrine. Jog around the roof until you see an entrance marked by an amulet and a platform nearby. Head there. Once inside the enclosure, you'll find a large pond (or is it a small lake?) with several Water Spirits lurking nearby. Go into first person mode and hit the active Target to open the panel. Instead of going into the water, jump over the thin poles to grab a Magic Shield for protection. Creep around the water and destroy all the Spirits to make things easier. Head into the water and make your way to the switch. Hit it to raise two new platforms leading to another panel and a Fire Spirit. Get back to dry land, and cross the thin poles to the highest point. Double jump to grab the sixth Puzzle Piece. Get out of this enclosure and back to the main shrine. Head back to the first platform that was raised, and head for the fourth platform. Instead of double jumping to the fifth platform leading to the shrine's roof, Pole Vault to the left platform, with the amulet. Pole Vault to a ledge. Once you reach the ledge, a Fire Spirit to Cole's right will start throwing boulders at you. Strike the boulders back at the Spirit to destroy it. Run to where the Fire Spirit used to be and go into first person mode. Find an active Target nearby and shoot it to reveal a switch. Hitting the switch will raise a platform leading to a panel surrounding by Air Spirits. Before you leave, climb up the isolated platform, and bounce the boulders the second Fire Spirit throws at you back at it. Once the second Spirit is gone, jump to where the Spirit used to be and take the seventh Puzzle Piece. Make your way back to the lower rooftop of the main shrine. Again, run around until you find a panel surrounded by a bunch of Air Spirits. Hop to the platform leading to the panel, and go into first person mode. Shoot the active Target to unveil a switch. If you have the ammo and decent aiming, snipe the Air Spirits to clear the way. Otherwise, jump to the ledge and defeat all the Air Spirits before you hit the switch. Hitting the switch will raise the Puzzle platform. Head back to the upper rooftop, and climb on the sixth platform. Double jump to the seventh platform, and from there, jump to the outer ring of the Puzzle platform. Climb up the raised platform and take the final Puzzle Piece. NOTE: Normally I'd put the solution to the puzzle, but this one is randomly generated. This puzzle is just a Simon Says minigame -- you'll need to match the musical notes and the position of the drums to the CPU's. Mess it up, and you'll have to redo this puzzle from the beginning. TIP: Try writing down the position of the drums. Saying the order of the drums out loud also helps too. Using the directional pad instead of the analog stick helps immensely. Solving this puzzle will lower the puzzle platform down to the Shrine. A cutscene will show Cole confronting Carmen again before the loading screen hits. --------------- Section 3: The Shrine [9-3] DON'T FEEL LIKE READING?: Watch the video walkthrough for this level. Either way you look at it, this particular boss fight will be a long one. Fortunately, this is the last level of the game. This boss has the following attacks in its arsenal: --First attack: he'll slam his fist on the ground and a line of hot molten lava will rise up. Easy to dodge as long as you keep moving. --Second attack: he'll summon three lava pillars, two which come one right after another, and a third about two seconds after the first two. Relatively easy to avoid as long as you keep moving. --Third attack: he'll do a "laser sweep", which means a large laser beam will be emitted from his mouth, and he'll move his head side to side. This one is, quite literally, a real killer. This is the one attack that has the potential to push Cole off the edge of the arena (and send him to his death) if you don't have any good jumping skills. This attack can easily take off 1/5 of Cole's full health. VERY HARD to dodge unless you have good jumping skills. The three attacks mentioned above are at random, there is no set pattern. I can't stress this enough: KEEP MOVING AT ALL TIMES. There's a Magic Circle on the ground that's inactive until Cole's on top of it. It shouldn't be too hard to spot as it's glowing, but if you're having trouble, turn up the brightness on your TV or monitor. The window of opportunity comes when the boss will roar at you -- this is your chance to get on the Circle, go into first person mode, locate the active Target behind the boss, and fire a dart at it. There's a catch, though: Cole MUST remain in first person mode for the dart to connect with the magic target before the boss can be stunned. Once the dart connects with the Target, one of the gates will open and a laser will shoot out, stunning the boss. This is the only time you can damage the boss, and if you've been collecting amulets throughout the entire game, you should be able to take off 1/3 of the boss's health meter before he regains his strength and it's back to dodging and trying to survive. This is the one boss battle where you really should stay around one place because of the Magic Circle on the ground. But you still have to dodge and avoid the attacks. Once you've beaten the final boss, sit back, and watch the ending. ------------------------------------------------------------ 6. After the Game Great! You beat the game. Now what? Well, for starters, you can check out the Bonus Mode, available after beating the game. What's Bonus Mode? Nothing much actually. Some new things: --Cole's staff will be extremely powerful. It's the equivalent of collecting 400 amulets in regular mode. --Cole has a slightly different outfit. (It's most noticeable on his face and sneakers.) However, during the comic book-styled cutscenes and the cutscenes involving Cole and the Chief, Cole still wears his default outfit. --In the New York chapter, if you pick up your first pellet cartridge, amulet, yin-yang, and Magic Shield, you'll no longer see the obligatory tutorial message for each item. Other than Bonus Mode, there supposedly is a second, Hollywood-type ending which may or may not exist. See Section 8. ------------------------------------------------------------ 7. Version History Where updates to this guide are posted here. Version 1.0 February 15, 2005: Started guide. Finished New York chapter. March 4, 2005: Finished Rotorua chapter. Version 1.1 March 9, 2005: Did some tweaking on the guide up to Rotorua chapter. Finished Machu Picchu chapter. Version 1.2 March 12, 2005: Tweaked Controls, Back Alleys, Volcano Tunnel, Part One, Sanctuary, and Sun Observatory sections. Finished Arundel chapter. Version 1.3 March 15, 2005: Finished Paris chapter. Version 1.4 March 19, 2005: Finished Lhasa chapter. Version 1.5 March 20, 2005: Tweaked Dayensha Square section. Finished Bangkok chapter. Version 1.6 March 21, 2005: Sloppy editing a good FAQ/walkthrough does not make. Tweaked Dayensha Square section...again. Finished New Orleans chapter. Version 1.7 March 27, 2005: Finished walkthrough. Added a Credits section. Version 1.8 April 9, 2005: Added an update to "Last Thoughts" section. Tweaked part of New York, Rotorua, Machu Picchu, Lhasa, and Rwanda chapters. Added new info for Bonus Mode. Changed some of the sections and moved some of the text around. Version 1.81 April 10, 2005: Removed some info. Version 1.9 May 17, 2005: Finished Bonus Mode, still no second ending. Added new info to the Table of Contents, now lists the Compasses found for each section. Tweaked info. Version 1.95 June 24, 2005: Added a new section, "Far Too Frequently Asked Questions." Version 1.96 September 7, 2005: Tweaked an oversight error in the Lourve section. Version 2.0 January 17, 2006: Cleaned up the Controls section. Version 2.01 February 14, 2009: Cleaned up the Controls section. Made minor adjustments to the walkthrough. Added some new info to the "Hollywood Ending" section. Version 2.02 October 13, 2010: Added video links to each level, to compensate for the pictures being gone. Also added new info regarding about the "Hollywood Ending" section. ------------------------------------------------------------ 8. About the Hollywood Ending...or Lack Thereof After multiple playthroughs on two different consoles, I've come to one conclusion. Or rather, multiple conclusions. 1) There is a problem with the PS2 version regarding the number of amulets that can be found and obtained. In Rotorua's Engulfed Village level, there are supposed to be 20 obtainable amulets. However, in the PS2 version, there are only 19 amulets, whereas the GameCube version has all 20 amulets. As I do not have an XBox, a copy of the game for the XBox, or the patience to play the game again for any of the sixth-gen consoles, I do not know if the XBox version is intact like the GameCube version or missing the 20th Engulfed Village amulet like the PS2 version. Now, what does this mean? Whether or not you particularly fancy getting the Hollywood ending (or lack thereof, see the next section), this means if you had plans to collect all 450 amulets in the entire game, you won't be able to find all 450 amulets in the PS2 version. At best, you'll only be able to obtain 449 amulets. Why there's a missing amulet in the PS2 version will probably forever remain a mystery. This brings me to the next section. 2) As far as I'm aware, the Hollywood ending mentioned in the manual may or may not exist. What DOES exist, however, is a slightly-altered ending obtainable in the GameCube version since all 450 amulets can be obtained. Whether this can really be called the "Hollywood" ending is debatable, and to be honest, it's really not worth getting. But if you insist on putting in the effort: --Pierre-Alexandre Partensky says the Hollywood ending can be triggered on either Normal Mode or Bonus Mode. All that is required to see the Hollywood ending is collecting every amulet in the game, altogether 450 amulets. --Beat the final boss with the language display set to French. This only works with the GameCube version as the PS2 version does not have the option to change language displays. You don't need to play the game entirely in French, you can play the entire game up to fighting the final boss, going to the main menu, changing languages, and then resuming the game. For PlayStation2 owners, you can view the alternate ending here: ------------------------------------------------------------ 9. Far Too Frequently Asked Questions Because some people just absolutely refuse to read the information right in front of their face... Q: I'm stuck in _____________! How do I get out of here?! A: Each chapter has five Compasses, and chances are you probably missed one somewhere. Check the Table of Contents and try to remember which one/s you missed. Q: I can't seem to destroy the Main Statue, what gives? A: There are two answers to this problem. 1) If you're in Machu Picchu or Arundel, you can't destroy it yet. Continue on with the game, smash all the Spirit Statues in the other sections and come back. 2) You didn't destroy all the Spirit Statues in previous areas. Check the Table of Contents and see which one/s you missed. Q: I can't activate the puzzle! Why?! A: ......... I already covered this. Please refer to Section [1-3] and start reading at the word "WARNING." ------------------------------------------------------------ 10. Credits My nephew, for introducing me to this game. Pierre-Alexandre Partensky, for confirming the existence of the Hollywood ending in the European version. ------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright 2005-2006 Joanna Gray