"Champions of Norrath" CodeBreaker 2 & GameShark 2 Codes, Version 2.1 _______________________________________________________________________________ Author: Trigin (weshawbaker@gmail.com) Notes: 1. Except for three codes: the two (M) Codes for GameShark 2 versions 3.x & 4.x (NTSC) & GameShark 2 BroadBand Enabled & Media Player (NTSC) (credit: Game- Shark.com) & Player 1's MAX Reverse Joker Command (credit: ?), the codes housed in this document were all created & tested by me on the NTSC (North American) version of "Champions of Norrath," using CodeBreaker 2 version 4.0 & Code- Breaker 2 version 8.2 cheat-devices. Since these codes are all in RAW (hexi- decimal) format, any version of CodeBreaker 2 & GameShark 2 version 3.0+ (i.e.: 3.x, 4.x, BroadBand Enabled & Media Player) (NTSC) can use them, as long as the (M) Codes, supplied below, are used. 2. To use the codes housed in this document properly, it is best to create a new directory on the cheat-device, & name it, "CON" - or something similar to the name, "Champions of Norrath" - & then use them, beginning with the (M) Code, in the new directory, ONLY. 3. Of those housed in this document, the following codes' modifications are savable to the game itself: • Item Modifiers • Level-up & Attribute Modifiers • Skill Modifiers • Appearance Modifiers • Class Modifiers • Race Modifiers • Name Modifiers • Accessories = 0.0 lbs. • Maximum Item Drops (The modifying of the items' quantities.) • Cold Arrow, Explode Arrow, Fire Arrow, Multi Fire & Poison Arrow Use No Bow & No Arrows to Cast • Equip a Second Earring • Gain Access to Level Warp, Invulnerability & Clean Up (The modifying of the Level Warp & Clean Up's settings.) • Items 1 ~ 64 Mode Modifiers 4. Of those housed in this document, the following codes are only for player 1: • Item Modifiers • Skill Level Modifiers • Extra Skill Modifiers • Radial Menu Modifiers • Appearance Modifiers • Items 1 ~ 64 Mode Modifiers • Unequip Items _______________________________________________________________________________ Contents: 1. (M) Codes 2. Item Modifiers 2-1. Identity Modifiers 2-1-1. Weapons 2-1-1a. VALUES: Weapons 2-1-2. Armor 2-1-2a. VALUES: Armor 2-1-3. Accessories 2-1-3a. VALUES: Accessories 2-2. Quantity Modifiers 2-2a. VALUES: Quantity Modifiers 2-3. Property Modifiers 2-3-1. Weapons, Projectile 2-3a. VALUES: Weapons, Projectile 2-3-2. Weapons, Miscellaneous (Swords, Staffs, etc.) 2-3-2a. VALUES: Weapons, Miscellaneous (Swords, Staffs, etc.) 2-3-3. Armor 2-3-3a. VALUES: Armor 2-3-4. Accessories, Jewelry 2-3-4a. VALUES: Accessories, Jewelry 2-3-5. Accessories, Miscellaneous (Gems, Figurines, etc.) 2-3-5a. VALUES: Accessories, Miscellaneous (Gems, Figurines, etc.) 2-4. Texture Modifiers 2-4-1. Weapons 2-4-1a. VALUES: Weapons 2-4-2. Accessories 2-4-2a. VALUES: Accessories 2-5. Prefix Modifiers 2-5a. VALUES: Prefix Modifiers 2-6. Suffix Modifiers 2-6a. VALUES: Suffix Modifiers 2-7. Slots 1 ~ 4 Modifiers 2-7-1. Weapons 2-7-1a. VALUES: Weapons - Fire Resistance ~ Massive Poison Cloud 2-7-1a,a. VALUES: VALUES: Weapons - Fire Resistance ~ Massive Poison Cloud 2-7-1b. VALUES: Weapons - Required Level ~ Req. Slashing Level 2-7-1b,a. VALUES: VALUES: Weapons - Required Level ~ Req. Slashing Level 2-7-1c. VALUES: Weapons - Fire Damage ~ Disease Damage 2-7-1c,a. VALUES: VALUES: Weapons - Fire Damage ~ Disease Damage 2-7-1d. VALUES: Weapons - Fire Burst ~ Lightning Burst 2-7-1d,a. VALUES: VALUES: Weapons - Fire Burst ~ Lightning Burst 2-7-1e. VALUES: Weapons - Weapon Damage 2-7-1e,a. VALUES: VALUES: Weapons - Weapon Damage 2-7-1f. VALUES: Weapons - Weight & Selling Price 2-7-1f,a. VALUES: VALUES: Weapons - Weight & Selling Price 2-7-1g. VALUES: Weapons - Warrior Only ~ Nothing 2-7-2. Armor 2-7-2a. VALUES: Armor - Fire Resistance ~ Stun Resistance 2-7-2a,a. VALUES: VALUES: Armor - Fire Resistance ~ Resistance 2-7-2b. VALUES: Armor - Armor Rating 2-7-2b,a. VALUES: VALUES: Armor - Armor Rating 2-7-2c. VALUES: Armor - Required Level ~ Required Stamina 2-7-2c,a. VALUES: VALUES: Armor - Required Level ~ Required Stamina 2-7-2d. VALUES: Armor - Weight & Selling Price 2-7-2d,a. VALUES: VALUES: Armor - Weight & Selling Price 2-7-2e. VALUES: Armor - Warrior Only ~ Nothing 2-7-3. Accessories 2-7-3a. VALUES: Accessories - Fire Resistance ~ Stun Resistance 2-7-3a,a. VALUES: VALUES: Accessories - Fire Resistance ~ Resistance 2-7-3b. VALUES: Accessories - Required Level ~ Required Stamina 2-7-3b,a. VALUES: VALUES: Accessories - Required Level ~ Required Stamina 2-7-3c. VALUES: Accessories - Weight & Selling Price 2-7-3c,a. VALUES: VALUES: Accessories - Weight & Selling Price 2-7-2d. VALUES: Accessories - Warrior Only ~ Nothing 2-8. Prefix & Slot 1 Modifiers 2-8-1. Weapons 2-8-1a. VALUES: Weapons 2-8-2. Armor 2-8-2a. VALUES: Armor 2-9. Suffix & Slot 4 Modifiers 2-9-1. Weapons 2-9-1a. VALUES: Weapons 2-9-2. Armor 2-9-2a. VALUES: Armor 2-9-3. Accessories 2-9-3a. VALUES: Accessories 2-10. Examples 2-10-1. Shadowed Minotaur Axe 2-10-2. Shadowed Rathesteel Armor 2-10-3. Shadowed Rathesteel Boots 2-10-4. Shadowed Rathesteel Gloves 2-10-5. Shadowed Rathesteel Helmet 2-10-6. Shadowed Rathesteel Leggings 2-10-7. Tiny Misty Globe 2-10-8. Paltry Misty Globe 2-10-9. Misty Globe 2-10-10. Calmed Misty Globe 2-10-11. Chilled Bone Chip 2-10-12. Complete Bull Rune 2-10-13. Divine Star Glyph 2-10-14. Edged Vampire Fang 2-10-15. Enforced Carapace 2-10-16. Engraved Bloodstone 2-10-17. Enchanted Regen Stone 2-10-18. Exquisite Storm Shard 2-10-19. Flawless Soul Gem 2-10-20. Full Poison Gland 2-10-21. Infused Mana Stone 2-10-22. Massive Fire Beetle Eye 2-10-23. Perfected Whetstone 2-10-24. Potent Venom Sac 2-10-25. Preserved Mummy Tongue 2-10-26. Sheer Ghoul Flesh 2-10-27. Battle Plans 2-10-28. Bloodvine 2-10-29. Cell Key (2) 2-10-30. Conch Shell 2-10-31. Curiousity (7) 2-10-32. Elf Draught 2-10-33. Exchanger 2-10-34. Horn of Ill Omen 2-10-35. Mistmoore Ruby 2-10-36. Mormaz's Heart 2-10-37. Raft Part (5) 2-10-38. Shard of Hate 2-10-39. Shard of Hate 3. Level-up & Attribute Modifiers 3-1. Levels Gained per Level-up Modifier 3-1a. VALUES: Levels Gained per Level-up Modifier 3-2. Attribute Points Gained per Level-up Modifier 3-2a. VALUES: Attribute Points Gained per Level-up Modifer 3-3. Skill Points Gained per Level-up Modifier 3-3a. VALUES: Skill Points Gained per Level-up Modifier 3-4. Maximum Attribute Points 4. Skill Modifiers 4-1. Skill Level Modifiers 4-1-1. Skill Levels 0 ~ 127 Modifiers 4-1-1a. VALUES: Skill Levels 0 ~ 127 Modifiers 4-1-2. Skill Levels 0 ~ 32,767 Modifiers 4-1-2a. VALUES: Skill Levels 0 ~ 32,767 Modifiers 4-2. Extra Skill Modifiers 4-2-1. Bind Wounds ~ Dual Wield Modifiers 4-2-1a. VALUES: Bind Wounds ~ Dual Wield Modifiers 4-2-2. Archery & Slashing Modifiers 4-2-2a. VALUES: Archery & Slashing Modifiers 4-2-3. Dodge ~ Regeneration Modifiers 4-2-3a. VALUES: Dodge ~ Regeneration Modifiers 4-2-4. Wizard Beam ~ Frost Storm Modifiers 4-2-4a. YY VALUES: Wizard Beam ~ Frost Storm Modifiers 4-2-4b. ZZ VALUES: Wizard Beam ~ Frost Storm Modifiers 4-3. Radial Menu Modifiers 4-3a. VALUES: Radial Menu Modifiers 4-4. Example 4-4-1. High Elf 5. Miscellanea 5-1. Appearance Modifiers 5-1-1. Male Barbarian 5-1-1a. WW VALUES: Male Barbarian 5-1-1b. XX VALUES: Male Barbarian 5-1-1c. YY VALUES: Male Barbarian 5-1-1d. ZZ VALUES: Male Barbarian 5-1-2. Female Barbarian 5-1-2a. XX VALUES: Female Barbarian 5-1-2b. YY VALUES: Female Barbarian 5-1-2c. ZZ VALUES: Female Barbarian 5-1-3. Male Wood Elf 5-1-3a. XX VALUES: Male Wood Elf 5-1-3b. YY VALUES: Male Wood Elf 5-1-3c. ZZ VALUES: Male Wood Elf 5-1-4. Female Wood Elf 5-1-4a. XX VALUES: Female Wood Elf 5-1-4b. YY VALUES: Female Wood Elf 5-1-4c. ZZ VALUES: Female Wood Elf 5-1-5. Male High Elf 5-1-5a. XX VALUES: Male High Elf 5-1-5b. YY VALUES: Male High Elf 5-1-5c. ZZ VALUES: Male High Elf 5-1-6. Female High Elf 5-1-6a. XX VALUES: Female High Elf 5-1-6b. YY VALUES: Female High Elf 5-1-6c. ZZ VALUES: Female High Elf 5-1-7. Male Wizard 5-1-7a. WW VALUES: Male Wizard 5-1-7b. XX VALUES: Male Wizard 5-1-7c. YY VALUES: Male Wizard 5-1-7d. ZZ VALUES: Male Wizard 5-1-8. Female Wizard 5-1-8a. XX VALUES: Female Wizard 5-1-8b. YY VALUES: Female Wizard 5-1-8c. ZZ VALUES: Female Wizard 5-1-9. Male Dark Elf 5-1-9a. WW VALUES: Male Dark Elf 5-1-9b. XX VALUES: Male Dark Elf 5-1-9c. YY VALUES: Male Dark Elf 5-1-9d. ZZ VALUES: Male Dark Elf 5-1-10. Female Dark Elf 5-1-10a. XX VALUES: Female Dark Elf 5-1-10b. YY VALUES: Female Dark Elf 5-1-10c. ZZ VALUES: Female Dark Elf 5-2. Class Modifiers 5-2a. VALUES: Class Modifiers 5-3. Race Modifiers 5-3a. VALUES: Race Modifiers 5-4. Name Modifiers 5-4a. VALUES: Name Modifiers 5-5. Weight Modifiers 5-5-1. Accessories Weight = 0.0 5-5-2. Maximum Carrying Capacity 5-6. Maximum Item Drops 5-6a. VALUES: Maximum Item Drops 5-7. Weapon Aura Modifiers 5-7a. VALUES: Weapon Aura Modifiers 5-8. Flashing Weapon Aura Modifiers 5-8a. VALUES: Flashing Weapon Aura Modifiers 5-9. Cold Arrow, Explode Arrow, Fire Arrow, Multi Fire & Poison Arrow Use No Bow & No Arrows to Cast 5-10. Equip a Second Earring 5-10a. VALUES: Equip a Second Earring 5-11. Gain Access to Level Warp, Invulnerability & Clean Up 5-12. Joker Commands 5-12a. VALUES: Joker Commands 5-13. MAX Reverse Joker Commands 5-13a. VALUES: MAX Reverse Joker Commands 6. Nugatory 6-1. Items 1 ~ 64 Mode Modifiers 6-1a. VALUES: Items 1 ~ 64 Mode Modifiers 6-2. Unequip Items _______________________________________________________________________________ 1. (M) Codes CodeBreaker 2 F0100008 0000000E GameShark 2 versions 3.x & 4.x (NTSC) 94959DFE 117642D4 GameShark 2 BroadBand Enabled & Media Player (NTSC) 760BD880 00000000 94959DFE 117642D4 _______________________________________________________________________________ 2. Item Modifiers 2-1. Identity Modifiers The Identity Modifiers change the identity - name, graphic, etc. - of an item into another item. To use these codes properly, an item is required beforehand to modify it into something else. For example, if using the Identity Modifiers to make weapon 2 the item, Adamantine Bo Staff, an item must be in the weapons' inventory be- fore using these codes to make the Adamantine Bo Staff. Using these codes on an item not a part of an inventory - modifying weapon 64 when only 22 items are in the weapons' inventory - will most always cause the game to glitch or freeze. Only use the Identity Modifiers on items not currently equipped to a character. If making gems, gate scrolls, potions or arrows with other items other than themselves, the Property Modifiers are required to be used along with the Identity Modifiers. However, if changing a gem into another gem, a potion into another potion, etc., then the Identity Modifiers are only needed. If modifying an item into another item, only use items of the same character. For example, only modify spears into other spears, gems into other gems or reg- ular items into other regular items. Too, sometimes if an item is modified to another item, its graphic will be missing. This is because a number of items, mainly weapons, can use a number of different graphics to represent itself. If this happens, try another item to modify it into what you want. The best item to use for weapons, when changing them into a sword, unique sword, axe, unique axe, staff, unique staff, etc. is a Two Handed Sword. The Two Handed Sword has a single texture, & it works perfect to use to modify it into something else without producing a side-effect (such as having no graphic after the modification). For bows & unique bows, just use any bow for making another type of bow. For armor & unique armor, just use any armor for making another type of armor (even a shield made into gloves, helmet, etc. will work perfectly). Lastly, for projectile-type weapons or an accessory, use the Tex- ture Modifiers & Property Modifiers along with the Identity Modifiers to make perfect copies of them. 2-1-1. Weapons Weapon 1 20408748 ???????? Weapon 2 20408790 ???????? Weapon 3 204087D8 ???????? Weapon 4 20408820 ???????? Weapon 5 20408868 ???????? Weapon 6 204088B0 ???????? Weapon 7 204088F8 ???????? Weapon 8 20408940 ???????? Weapon 9 20408988 ???????? Weapon 10 204089D0 ???????? Weapon 11 20408A18 ???????? Weapon 12 20408A60 ???????? Weapon 13 20408AA8 ???????? Weapon 14 20408AF0 ???????? Weapon 15 20408B38 ???????? Weapon 16 20408B80 ???????? Weapon 17 20408BC8 ???????? Weapon 18 20408C10 ???????? Weapon 19 20408C58 ???????? Weapon 20 20408CA0 ???????? Weapon 21 20408CE8 ???????? Weapon 22 20408D30 ???????? Weapon 23 20408D78 ???????? Weapon 24 20408DC0 ???????? Weapon 25 20408E08 ???????? Weapon 26 20408E50 ???????? Weapon 27 20408E98 ???????? Weapon 28 20408EE0 ???????? Weapon 29 20408F28 ???????? Weapon 30 20408F70 ???????? Weapon 31 20408FB8 ???????? Weapon 32 20409000 ???????? Weapon 33 20409048 ???????? Weapon 34 20409090 ???????? Weapon 35 204090D8 ???????? Weapon 36 20409120 ???????? Weapon 37 20409168 ???????? Weapon 38 204091B0 ???????? Weapon 39 204091F8 ???????? Weapon 40 20409240 ???????? Weapon 41 20409288 ???????? Weapon 42 204092D0 ???????? Weapon 43 20409318 ???????? Weapon 44 20409360 ???????? Weapon 45 204093A8 ???????? Weapon 46 204093F0 ???????? Weapon 47 20409438 ???????? Weapon 48 20409480 ???????? Weapon 49 204094C8 ???????? Weapon 50 20409510 ???????? Weapon 51 20409558 ???????? Weapon 52 204095A0 ???????? Weapon 53 204095E8 ???????? Weapon 54 20409630 ???????? Weapon 55 20409678 ???????? Weapon 56 204096C0 ???????? Weapon 57 20409708 ???????? Weapon 58 20409750 ???????? Weapon 59 20409798 ???????? Weapon 60 204097E0 ???????? Weapon 61 20409828 ???????? Weapon 62 20409870 ???????? Weapon 63 204098B8 ???????? Weapon 64 20409900 ???????? 2-1-1a. VALUES: Weapons 00320020 = Staff of Runes 00320120 = Staff of Gathering 00320220 = Sunbeam Staff 00320320 = Abbottoirs Initiate Staff 00320420 = Efreeti Ice Staff 00320520 = Oozing Quaterstaff 00320620 = Staff of Undead Legions 00320720 = Stormguard Battlestaff 00320820 = Sarnak Staff 00320920 = Hammer of Iron Frost 00320A20 = Barbarian Spiritists Hammer 00320B20 = Shadow War Hammer 00320C20 = Hammer of Damnation 00320D20 = Midnights Mallet 00320E20 = Mace of the Ykesha 00320F20 = Shinning Battlehammer 00321020 = Gromloks Basher 00321120 = Gatorsmash Maul 00321220 = Black Mace of Night 00321320 = Dark Ember 00321420 = Jade Mace 00321520 = Sarnak Liberator 00321620 = Ebon Mace 00321720 = Mace of the Ykesha 00321820 = Dizok Deathbringer 00321920 = Screaming Mace 00321A20 = Froglok Crusher 00321B20 = Delgins Scepter 00321C20 = Rod of Health 00321D20 = Scepter of Destruction 00321E20 = Thinboned Wand 00321F20 = Scepter of the Elements 00322020 = Rod of Battle 00322120 = Scepter of Mastery 00322220 = Wand of Shadow 00322320 = Garoubone Club 00322420 = Goranga Metal Club 00322520 = Nebs War Bone 00322620 = Templar of Light 00322720 = Cudgel of Cowardly Death 00322820 = Sledge of Smashing 00322920 = Adjutants Saber 00322A20 = Blade of Abrogation 00322B20 = Blade of Senechel 00322C20 = Blood Orchid Blade 00322D20 = Death Watcher 00322E20 = Sword of Purity 00322F20 = Flamesong 00323020 = Sword of Shadows 00323120 = Jarnal Long Sword 00323220 = Rapier of Orlin 00323320 = Sword of the Swamp 00323420 = Sword of Valorious 00323520 = Acrylia Handled Broadsword 00323620 = Basalt Greatsword 00323720 = Blade of the Tempest 00323820 = Bunker Battle Blade 00323920 = Drakel Bastard Sword 00323A20 = Griffins Sword 00323B20 = Reaver 00323C20 = Abrams Axe of Stoic 00323D20 = Axe of the War Master 00323E20 = Cyrfangs Torment 00323F20 = Flesh Ripper 00324020 = Keen Edged Cleaver 00324120 = Cleaver of Vengence 00324220 = Axe of Resistance 00324320 = Defiance 00324420 = Efreeti War Axe 00324520 = Grave Binder 00324620 = Soul Defiler 00324720 = Beaked Bear Dagger 00324820 = Shissar Dagger 00324920 = Dagger of Marnek 00324A20 = Dirk of the Traitor 00324B20 = Fanged Skull Stilleto 00324C20 = Pugius Dagger 00324D20 = Blood Calw Stilleto 00324E20 = Slikskins Dagger 00324F20 = Dark Courage 00328C20 = Hilted Wind Bow 00328D20 = Bow of the Underfoot 00328E20 = Larkwitter Bow 00328F20 = Wormwood Bow 00329020 = Ssraeshzian 00329120 = Centaur Bow 00329220 = Bow of the Destroyer 00329320 = Flame Hardened Bow 00329420 = Custodus Longbow 0032B320 = Shortbow 0032B420 = Hunter's Bow 0032B520 = Battle Bow 0032B620 = Dirk 0032B720 = Light Sword 0032B820 = Scimitar 0032B920 = Heavy Sword 0032BA20 = Bastard Sword 0032BB20 = Cleaver 0032BC20 = Axe 0032BD20 = Heavy Axe 0032BE20 = Great Axe 0032BF20 = Great Halberd 0032C020 = Great Bardiche 0032C120 = Giant Voulge 0032C220 = War Scythe 0032C320 = Spear 0032C420 = War Spear 0032C520 = Great Club 0032C620 = Double Handed Mace 0032C720 = War Mace 0032C820 = Light Morning Star 0032C920 = Great Morning Star 0032CA20 = Military Pick 0032CB20 = Short Hammer 0032CC20 = Battle Hammer 0032CD20 = War Rod 0032CE20 = Grand Scepter 0032CF20 = Quarterstaff 0032D020 = Great Staff 0032D120 = Dire Mace 0032D220 = Armageddon Potion 00320060 = Staff of Scaled 00320160 = Staff of the Observers 00320260 = Tarmok Battle Staff 00320360 = Adamantine Bo Staff 00320460 = Ice Crystal Staff 00320560 = Staff of Flowing 00320660 = Staff of Writhing 00320760 = Thunder Staff 00320860 = Dawnfire 00320960 = Hammer of Rage 00320A60 = Hammer of Scourge 00320B60 = Dragonbone Hammer 00320C60 = Hammer of the Sun 00320D60 = Orge War Maul 00320E60 = Rock Studded Smasher 00320F60 = Twisted Battlehammer 00321060 = Rage War Maul 00321160 = Hammer of Battle 00321260 = Blyndrelyns Bane 00321360 = Facesmasher 00321460 = Lunar Mace 00321560 = Thex Mallet 00321660 = Entwood Mace 00321760 = Spiked Skull Mace 00321860 = Mace of Slaughter 00321960 = Spiny Great Mace 00321A60 = Thundering Mace 00321B60 = Efreeti Standard 00321C60 = Rod of Oblations 00321D60 = Scepter of Rahotep 00321E60 = Truwain Baton 00321F60 = Deathbringers Rod 00322060 = Rod of Drones 00322160 = Scepter of Forlorn 00322260 = Caduces of Sacrament 00322360 = Goblin Knee Cracker 00322460 = Guard Captains Mallet 00322560 = Paebala War Bone 00322660 = Broken Skull Club 00322760 = Dragonrib Club 00322860 = Sword of War 00322960 = Blade of the Ocean 00322A60 = Blackout 00322B60 = Blade of Nalgoz 00322C60 = Coral Short Sword 00322D60 = Deep Six Cutlass 00322E60 = Envenomed Rune Blade 00322F60 = Frostbringer 00323060 = Hate Giver 00323160 = Blade of Endurance 00323260 = Throneblade 00323360 = Sword of the Morin 00323460 = Validus Castodus 00323560 = Arbitors Combine Greatsword 00323660 = Ebon Bastardsword 00323760 = Blade of the Exiled 00323860 = Shissar Warsword 00323960 = Efreeti Zweihander 00323A60 = Jarseth Battlesword 00323B60 = Rhemguls 00323C60 = Ashenbone Axe 00323D60 = Bone Razer 00323E60 = Earthcaller 00323F60 = Glimmering Axe 00324060 = Sarnak Cleaver 00324160 = Argent Protector 00324260 = Axe of Slayers 00324360 = Disemboweler 00324460 = Executioners Axe 00324560 = Hates Edge 00324660 = Stormguard Battleaxe 00324760 = Goblin Eye Poker 00324860 = Crypt Robbers Knife 00324960 = Dagger of Symbols 00324A60 = Dragoon Dirk 00324B60 = Ifir Dagger 00324C60 = Sacrificial Dagger 00324D60 = Thelins Dagger 00324E60 = Blade of Champions 00324F60 = Fate Caller 00328C60 = Bone Carved Shortbow 00328D60 = Carved Ashenwood Bow 00328E60 = Longbow of the Intrepid 00328F60 = Ashwood Bow 00329060 = Bow of the Trailblazer 00329160 = Goblin Bow 00329260 = Bow of the Huntsman 00329360 = Efreeti War Bow 00329460 = Custodus Shortbow 0032B360 = Longbow 0032B460 = Compound Bow 0032B560 = War Bow 0032B660 = Kris 0032B760 = Gladius 0032B860 = Shamshir 0032B960 = Claymore 0032BA60 = Great Sword 0032BB60 = Hatchet 0032BC60 = Long Axe 0032BD60 = Broad Axe 0032BE60 = Minotaur Axe 0032BF60 = War Halberd 0032C060 = War Bardiche 0032C160 = Small Poleaxe 0032C260 = Short Spear 0032C360 = Long Spear 0032C460 = Short Club 0032C560 = War Club 0032C660 = Two Handed Mace 0032C760 = Great Maul 0032C860 = Morning Star 0032C960 = War Morning Star 0032CA60 = War Pick 0032CB60 = Hammer 0032CC60 = Warhammer 0032CD60 = Heavy Rod 0032CE60 = War Scepter 0032CF60 = Staff 0032D060 = Battle Staff 0032D160 = Dire Sword 0032D260 = Inferno Potion 003200A0 = Staff of Champerlain 003201A0 = Staff of Tracing 003202A0 = Treant Light Staff 003203A0 = Caens Staff of Fury 003204A0 = Nargons Staff 003205A0 = Staff of Null 003206A0 = Staff of Shielding 003207A0 = Bold Staff 003208A0 = Flint Hammer 003209A0 = Sacrafice 00320AA0 = Bloodforge Hammer 00320BA0 = Fatesealer 00320CA0 = Bardoal Hammer 00320DA0 = Piledriver 00320EA0 = Sentry Maul 00320FA0 = Maul of Crushing 003210A0 = Resplendant War Maul 003211A0 = Hammer of Flattening 003212A0 = Ceramic Mace of Innovation 003213A0 = Goblin Skinner 003214A0 = Mace of Confusion 003215A0 = Thundering Mace 003216A0 = Essence Mace 003217A0 = Bull Smasher 003218A0 = Malevolence 003219A0 = Strong Thunder 00321AA0 = Grotesque 00321BA0 = Scepter of the Observers 00321CA0 = Rod of Virtue 00321DA0 = Scepter of the Shrine 00321EA0 = Baton of the Peace Keeper 00321FA0 = Diamond Rod 003220A0 = Rod of Faith 003221A0 = Wand of Cursed Souls 003222A0 = Ebonwood Cudgel 003223A0 = Goblin Shin Splinter 003224A0 = Iksar Berzerker Club 003225A0 = Smoldering Cudgel 003226A0 = Brawlstick 003227A0 = Ebonwood Cudgel 003228A0 = Dieku Forged Scimitar 003229A0 = Befouled Long Sword 00322AA0 = Blade of Strategy 00322BA0 = Katana of Steel Sleet 00322CA0 = Crystalline Blade 00322DA0 = Ebon Razor 00322EA0 = Fangol 00322FA0 = Gnoll Slayer 003230A0 = Howling Cutlass 003231A0 = Sword of Pain 003232A0 = Shadowheart 003233A0 = Sword of Skyfire 003234A0 = Gigantic Zwiehander 003235A0 = Argent Defender 003236A0 = Blade of Tormenting 003237A0 = Bone Bladed Claymore 003238A0 = Defenders Blade 003239A0 = Executioners Blade 00323AA0 = Nathsar Great Sword 00323BA0 = Blackstar 00323CA0 = Axe of the Iron Back 00323DA0 = Briar Zephyr 00323EA0 = Edge of Cabilis 00323FA0 = Goblins Axe 003240A0 = Validus Castodus Axe 003241A0 = Avenger Battleaxe 003242A0 = Bloodfire 003243A0 = Drakel Ice Grinder 003244A0 = Frenzied Gnawer 003245A0 = Norgetal 003246A0 = Vilks Dark Defender 003247A0 = Blood Bladed Dagger 003248A0 = Claw of Veeshan 003249A0 = Slick Finger Dirk 00324AA0 = Drogan Dagger 00324BA0 = Kylong Hunting Knife 00324CA0 = Singing Dagger 00324DA0 = Thex Dagger 00324EA0 = Bloodbath 00324FA0 = Impaler 00328CA0 = Bow of Doom 00328DA0 = Darkwood Bow 00328EA0 = Longbow-of the Storm Caller 00328FA0 = Sarnak Warbow 003290A0 = Twisted Longbow 003291A0 = Orc Bow 003292A0 = Bow of Suffering 003293A0 = Forlorn Bow 0032B3A0 = Composite Bow 0032B4A0 = True Shot Bow 0032B5A0 = Arrows 0032B6A0 = Blade 0032B7A0 = Long Sword 0032B8A0 = Falchion 0032B9A0 = Broad Sword 0032BAA0 = War Sword 0032BBA0 = Handaxe 0032BCA0 = Twin Axe 0032BDA0 = Battle Axe 0032BEA0 = Short Halberd 0032BFA0 = Short Bardiche 0032C0A0 = Short Voulge 0032C1A0 = Pole Axe 0032C2A0 = Small Spear 0032C3A0 = Heavy Spear 0032C4A0 = Club 0032C5A0 = Short Mace 0032C6A0 = Great Mace 0032C7A0 = Northman Mace 0032C8A0 = Heavy Morning Star 0032C9A0 = Short Pick 0032CAA0 = Great Pick 0032CBA0 = Two Handed Hammer 0032CCA0 = Light Rod 0032CDA0 = Grand Rod 0032CEA0 = Battle Scepter 0032CFA0 = Darkwood Staff 0032D0A0 = Ward Staff 0032D1A0 = Fire Potion 0032D2A0 = Gas Potion 003200E0 = Staff of the Elder Claws 003201E0 = Staff of Warding 003202E0 = Triplated Golden Staff 003203E0 = Staff of Anguish 003204E0 = Nightshade Staff 003205E0 = Staff of the Serpent 003206E0 = Staff of Wiit 003207E0 = Gnarled Staff 003208E0 = Hammer of Zek 003209E0 = Truesight Hammer 00320AE0 = Blued Two Handed Hammer 00320BE0 = Forest Giant Hammer 00320CE0 = Loach warhammer 00320DE0 = Secunde Battlehammer 00320EE0 = Sharkbone Warhammer 00320FE0 = Blackstone Maul 003210E0 = Sarnak Battlehammer 003211E0 = Hammer of the Divine 003212E0 = Cold Iron Mace 003213E0 = Hateful Black Mace 003214E0 = Sarnak Enforcer 003215E0 = Burynai Leg Ripper` 003216E0 = Spine Mace 003217E0 = Drakel Ice Grinder 003218E0 = Mudman Enforcer 003219E0 = Earth Shaker 00321AE0 = Rod of Storms 00321BE0 = Redwood Wand 00321CE0 = Scepter of Ancient Knowledge 00321DE0 = Scepter of Ixiblat Fer 00321EE0 = Baton of Torment 00321FE0 = Rod of Annihilation 003220E0 = Rod of Mourning 003221E0 = Wand of Lava 003222E0 = Efreeti War Club 003223E0 = Golem Metal Wand 003224E0 = Knobbed War Club 003225E0 = Springwood Club 003226E0 = Club of Iron Ocean 003227E0 = Primal Cudgel 003228E0 = Servants Blade 003229E0 = Black Insanity 00322AE0 = Blade of Tactics 00322BE0 = Blood Crusted Cutlass 00322CE0 = Dark Reaver 00322DE0 = Efreeti Scimitar 00322EE0 = Fang of Vyshdra 00322FE0 = Goblin Blade 003230E0 = Ice Flame 003231E0 = Kelorekdar Razor 003232E0 = Sword of Ykesha 003233E0 = Sword of Shissar 003234E0 = Acid Etched Warsword 003235E0 = Arydrydriyorn 003236E0 = Blade of Passage 003237E0 = Brass Goblin Flamberge 003238E0 = Stormblade 003239E0 = Frostwrath 00323AE0 = Noctivigant Blade 00323BE0 = Blade of Falling Mauls 00323CE0 = Axe of the Kromzek Kings 00323DE0 = Culler 00323EE0 = Edge of the Nightwalker 00323FE0 = Jade Axe 003240E0 = Cleaver of Souls 003241E0 = Axe of Lost Souls 003242E0 = Burner of Ro 003243E0 = Drakel Ice Reaver 003244E0 = Face Grinder 003245E0 = Palladium Axe 003246E0 = Vindication 003247E0 = Blade of Angels 003248E0 = Dagger of Defense 003249E0 = Dirk of Ravaged Wind 00324AE0 = Skinning Knife 00324BE0 = Parrying Dagger 00324CE0 = Smokey Quartz Dagger 00324DE0 = Visceral Dagger 00324EE0 = Canyoneer Spike 00328CE0 = Bow of Shadows 00328DE0 = Featherwood Bow 00328EE0 = Nightmarewood Bow 00328FE0 = Shaped Oak Bow 003290E0 = Blackbolt 003291E0 = Bow of Flames 003292E0 = Ice Cam Bow 003293E0 = Disembowler 0032B3E0 = Darkwood Bow 0032B4E0 = Great Bow 0032B5E0 = Dagger 0032B6E0 = Short Sword 0032B7E0 = Rapier 0032B8E0 = Sword 0032B9E0 = Flamberge 0032BAE0 = Two Handed Sword 0032BBE0 = Light Axe 0032BCE0 = Large Axe 0032BDE0 = War Axe 0032BEE0 = Halberd 0032BFE0 = Bardiche 0032C0E0 = Voulge 0032C1E0 = War Pole Axe 0032C2E0 = Light Spear 0032C3E0 = Great Spear 0032C4E0 = Spiked Club 0032C5E0 = Mace 0032C6E0 = Maul 0032C7E0 = Short Morning Star 0032C8E0 = Large Morning STar 0032C9E0 = Pick 0032CAE0 = Battle Pick 0032CBE0 = Giant Hammer 0032CCE0 = Rod 0032CDE0 = Scepter 0032CEE0 = Short Staff 0032CFE0 = Long Staff 0032D0E0 = War Staff 0032D1E0 = Exploding Potion 00331EA0 = NF:-_name 2-1-2. Armor Armor 1 20409950 ???????? Armor 2 20409998 ???????? Armor 3 204099E0 ???????? Armor 4 20409A28 ???????? Armor 5 20409A70 ???????? Armor 6 20409AB8 ???????? Armor 7 20409B00 ???????? Armor 8 20409B48 ???????? Armor 9 20409B90 ???????? Armor 10 20409BD8 ???????? Armor 11 20409C20 ???????? Armor 12 20409C68 ???????? Armor 13 20409CB0 ???????? Armor 14 20409CF8 ???????? Armor 15 20409D40 ???????? Armor 16 20409D88 ???????? Armor 17 20409DD0 ???????? Armor 18 20409E18 ???????? Armor 19 20409E60 ???????? Armor 20 20409EA8 ???????? Armor 21 20409EF0 ???????? Armor 22 20409F38 ???????? Armor 23 20409F80 ???????? Armor 24 20409FC8 ???????? Armor 25 2040A010 ???????? Armor 26 2040A058 ???????? Armor 27 2040A0A0 ???????? Armor 28 2040A0E8 ???????? Armor 29 2040A130 ???????? Armor 30 2040A178 ???????? Armor 31 2040A1C0 ???????? Armor 32 2040A208 ???????? Armor 33 2040A250 ???????? Armor 34 2040A298 ???????? Armor 35 2040A2E0 ???????? Armor 36 2040A328 ???????? Armor 37 2040A370 ???????? Armor 38 2040A3B8 ???????? Armor 39 2040A400 ???????? Armor 40 2040A448 ???????? Armor 41 2040A490 ???????? Armor 42 2040A4D8 ???????? Armor 43 2040A520 ???????? Armor 44 2040A568 ???????? Armor 45 2040A5B0 ???????? Armor 46 2040A5F8 ???????? Armor 47 2040A640 ???????? Armor 48 2040A688 ???????? Armor 49 2040A6D0 ???????? Armor 50 2040A718 ???????? Armor 51 2040A760 ???????? Armor 52 2040A7A8 ???????? Armor 53 2040A7F0 ???????? Armor 54 2040A838 ???????? Armor 55 2040A880 ???????? Armor 56 2040A8C8 ???????? Armor 57 2040A910 ???????? Armor 58 2040A958 ???????? Armor 59 2040A9A0 ???????? Armor 60 2040A9E8 ???????? Armor 61 2040AA30 ???????? Armor 62 2040AA78 ???????? Armor 63 2040AAC0 ???????? Armor 64 2040AB08 ???????? 2-1-2a. VALUES: Armor 00325020 = Burrowers Shirt (Wizard Only) 00325120 = Netted Kelp Shirt (Wizard Only) 00325220 = Bile Drenched Boots (Wizard Only) 00325320 = Snow Woven Boots (Wizard Only) 00325420 = Bragens Braided Cap (Wizard Only) 00325520 = Farwater Gloves (Wizard Only) 00325620 = Cralaras Branded Gloves (Wizard Only) 00325720 = Burrowers Leggings (Wizard Only) 00325820 = Netted Kelp Leggings (Wizard Only) 00325920 = Warlord Breastplate 00325A20 = Breastplate of Superiority 00325B20 = Malevolent Breastplate 00325C20 = Hurricane Plate 00325D20 = Chest of Vindication 00325E20 = Glacial Breastplate 00325F20 = Champions Greaves 00326020 = Legplates of Fiery Might 00326120 = Templar Leggings 00326220 = Ultors Greaves of Faith 00326320 = Tiec Forged Legplates 00326420 = Lava Forged Greaves 00326520 = Kizraks Gauntlets of Battle 00326620 = Gauntlets of Void 00326720 = Valiant Gauntlets 00326820 = Grim Ror Sog Plague Gauntlets 00326920 = Blood Lords Gauntlets 00326A20 = Golden Leaf Gauntlets 00326B20 = Blood Steel Gauntlets 00326C20 = Raexs Helm of Destruction 00326D20 = True Helm 00326E20 = Myrmidon Helm 00326F20 = Akkirus Risen Helm 00327020 = True Vision Helm 00327120 = Icescale Helm 00327220 = Warlord Boots 00327320 = Boots of Superiority 00327420 = Malevolent Boots 00327520 = Hurricane Boots 00327620 = Boots of Vindication 00327720 = Glacial Boots 00327820 = Serene Mail Shirt 00327920 = Hateforged Mail 00327A20 = Scale Boots of Twilight 00327B20 = Darkscale Mail Boots 00327C20 = Planetstriders Mail Gloves 00327D20 = Folvous Darkscale Helm 00327E20 = Banes Scale Helm 00327F20 = Serene Mail Leggings 00328020 = Hateforged Mail-Leggings 00328120 = Shield of Horrors 00328220 = Treant Bark Shield 00328320 = Shield of Valor 00328420 = Crustacean Shell Shield 00328520 = Inlaid Shield 00328620 = Frostweaver Shield 00328720 = Sharkskin Shield 00328820 = Shield of Hatred 00328920 = Shield of Freezing 00328A20 = Horrors Storm Shield 00328B20 = Shield of Crafting 0032D320 = Leather Helmet 0032D420 = Kite Shield 0032D520 = Spiked Shield 0032D620 = Small Shield 0032D720 = Skeletal Shield 0032D820 = Short Shield 0032D920 = Full Shield 0032DA20 = Curved Shield 0032DB20 = Bronze Shield 0032DC20 = Mane Shield 0032DD20 = Ornamental Shield 0032DE20 = Balanced Shield 0032DF20 = Cloth Boots 0032E020 = Burlap Armor (Wizard Only) 0032E120 = Burlap Leggings (Wizard Only) 0032E220 = Woolen Helm (Wizard Only) 0032E320 = Silk Gloves (Wizard Only) 0032E420 = Linen Gloves (Wizard Only) 0032E520 = Warveil Armor (Wizard Only) 0032E620 = Warveil Leggings (Wizard Only) 0032E720 = Cryosilk Helm (Wizard Only) 0032E820 = Velvet Gloves (Wizard Only) 0032E920 = Embersilk Boots (Wizard Only) 0032EA20 = Gossamer Armor (Wizard Only) 0032EB20 = Gossamer Leggings (Wizard Only) 0032EC20 = Damask Helm (Wizard Only) 0032ED20 = Steelsilk Gloves (Wizard Only) 0032EE20 = Patchwork Boots 0032EF20 = Circlet (V-Shaped, 4g) 0032F020 = Padded Helmet 0032F120 = Quilted Boots 0032F220 = Circlet (V-Shaped, 439g) 0032F320 = Great Shield 0032F420 = Ringmail Boots 0032F520 = Circlet (1,826g) 0032F620 = Scalemail Helmet 0032F720 = Banded Boots 0032F820 = Circlet (3,376g) 0032F920 = Chain Helmet 0032FA20 = Splintmail Boots 0032FB20 = Circlet (Thorned, 5,383g) 0032FC20 = Plate Helmet 0032FD20 = Imperial Boots 0032FE20 = Circlet (Thorned, 7,842g) 0032FF20 = Rathesteel Helmet 00325060 = Bile Drenched Robe (Wizard Only) 00325160 = Snow Woven Robe (Wizard Only) 00325260 = Bragens Braided Boots (Wizard Only) 00325360 = Farwater Helm (Wizard Only) 00325460 = Cralaras Branded Cap (Wizard Only) 00325560 = Borrowers Gloves (Wizard Only) 00325660 = Netted Kelp Gloves (Wizard Only) 00325760 = Bile Drenched Leggings (Wizard Only) 00325860 = Snow Woven Leggings (Wizard Only) 00325960 = Raexs Chestplate of Destruction 00325A60 = True Breastplate 00325B60 = Myrmidon Armor 00325C60 = Akkirus Risen 00325D60 = True Vision Armor 00325E60 = Icescale Breastplate 00325F60 = Warlords Greaves 00326060 = Legplates of Superiority 00326160 = Malevolent Greaves 00326260 = Hurricane Legplates 00326360 = Greaves of Vindication 00326460 = Glacial Greaves 00326560 = Champions Gauntlets 00326660 = Gauntlets of Fiery Might 00326760 = Templar Gauntlets 00326860 = Ultors Gauntlets of Faith 00326960 = Tiec Forged Gauntlets 00326A60 = Lava Forged Gauntlets 00326B60 = Kizraks Helm of Battle 00326C60 = Helm of Void 00326D60 = Valiant Helm 00326E60 = Grim Ror Sog Plague Helm 00326F60 = Blood Lords Helm 00327060 = Golden Leaf Helm 00327160 = Blood Steel Helm 00327260 = Raexs Boots of Destruction 00327360 = True Boots 00327460 = Myrmidon Boots 00327560 = Akkirus Risen Boots 00327660 = True Vision Boots 00327760 = Icescale Boots 00327860 = Scale Shirt of Twilight 00327960 = Darkscale Mail 00327A60 = Planetstriders Mail Boots 00327B60 = Folvous Darkscale Gloves 00327C60 = Banes Scale Gloves 00327D60 = Serene Mail Helm 00327E60 = Hateforged Mail-Helm 00327F60 = Scale Leggings of Twilight 00328060 = Darkscale Mail Leggings 00328160 = Buckler of Insight 00328260 = Cold Bone Shield 00328360 = Guardian Shield 00328460 = Cryosilk Web Shield 00328560 = Efreeti War Shield 00328660 = Lodizal Shell Shield 00328760 = Scute Shield 00328860 = Shield of Eldars 00328960 = Shield of the Devout 00328A60 = Skull Shield 00328B60 = Crystal Web Shield 0032D360 = Plated Shield 0032D460 = Wooden Shield 0032D560 = Targ Shield 0032D660 = Emblazoned Shield 0032D760 = Stone Shield 0032D860 = Square Shield 0032D960 = Large Shield 0032DA60 = Canopy Shield 0032DB60 = Etched Shield 0032DC60 = Runed Shield 0032DD60 = Moon Shield 0032DE60 = Nova Shield 0032DF60 = Cloth Gloves (Wizard Only) 0032E060 = Burlap Boots (Wizard Only) 0032E160 = Woolen Armor (Wizard Only) 0032E260 = Woolen Leggings (Wizard Only) 0032E360 = Silk Helm (Wizard Only) 0032E460 = Linen Gloves (Wizard Only) 0032E560 = Warveil Boots (Wizard Only) 0032E660 = Cryosilk Armor (Wizard Only) 0032E760 = Cryosilk Leggings (Wizard Only) 0032E860 = Velvet Helm (Wizard Only) 0032E960 = Embersilk Gloves (Wizard Only) 0032EA60 = Gossamer Boots (Wizard Only) 0032EB60 = Damask Armor (Wizard Only) 0032EC60 = Damask Leggings (Wizard Only) 0032ED60 = Steelsilk Helm (Wizard Only) 0032EE60 = Patchwork Gloves 0032EF60 = Padded Armor 0032F060 = Padded Leggings 0032F160 = Quilted Gloves 0032F260 = Leather Armor 0032F360 = Leather Leggings 0032F460 = Ringmail Gloves 0032F560 = Scalemail 0032F660 = Scalemail Leggings 0032F760 = Banded Gloves 0032F860 = Chainmail 0032F960 = Chain Leggings 0032FA60 = Splintmail Gloves 0032FB60 = Platemail 0032FC60 = Plate Leggings 0032FD60 = Imperial Gloves 0032FE60 = Rathesteel Armor 0032FF60 = Rathesteel Leggings 003250A0 = Bragens Braided Tunic (Wizard Only) 003251A0 = Farwater Boots (Wizard Only) 003252A0 = Cralaras Branded Boots (Wizard Only) 003253A0 = Burrowers Helm (Wizard Only) 003254A0 = Netted Kelp Cap (Wizard Only) 003255A0 = Bile Drenched Gloves (Wizard Only) 003256A0 = Snow Woven Gloves (Wizard Only) 003257A0 = Bragens Braided Leggings (Wizard Only) 003258A0 = Kizraks Chestplate of Battle 003259A0 = Breastplate of Void 00325AA0 = Valiant Chestplate 00325BA0 = Grim Ror Sog Plague Armor 00325CA0 = Blood Lords Plate 00325DA0 = Golden Leaf Chestplate 00325EA0 = Blood Steel Breastplate 00325FA0 = Raexs Greaves of Destruction 003260A0 = True Legplates 003261A0 = Myrmidon Leggings 003262A0 = Akkirus Risen Greaves 003263A0 = True Vision Greaves 003264A0 = Icescale Legplates 003265A0 = Warlord Gauntlets 003266A0 = Guantlets of Superiority 003267A0 = Malevolent Gauntlets 003268A0 = Hurricane Gauntlets 003269A0 = Gauntlets of Vindication 00326AA0 = Glacial Gauntlets 00326BA0 = Champions Helm 00326CA0 = Helm of Fiery Might 00326DA0 = Templar Helm 00326EA0 = Ultors Helm of Faith 00326FA0 = Tiec Forged Helm 003270A0 = Lava Forged Helm 003271A0 = Kizraks Boots of Battle 003272A0 = Boots of Void 003273A0 = Valiant Boots 003274A0 = Grim Ror Sog Plague Boots 003275A0 = Blood Lords Boots 003276A0 = Golden Leaf Boots 003277A0 = Blood Steel Boots 003278A0 = Planetstriders Mail Shirt 003279A0 = Folvous Darkscale Boots 00327AA0 = Banes Scale Boots 00327BA0 = Serene Mail Gloves 00327CA0 = Hateforged Mail Gloves 00327DA0 = Scale Helm of Twilight 00327EA0 = Darkscale Mail Helm 00327FA0 = Planetstriders Mail Leggings 003280A0 = Yakatizma Shield 003281A0 = Chitari Bone Shield 003282A0 = Burnished Shield 003283A0 = Chitin Shell Shield 003284A0 = Crystal Chitin Shield 003285A0 = Etched Velium Shield 003286A0 = Ornate Rune Shield 003287A0 = Shield of Auras 003288A0 = Shield of Fortitude 003289A0 = Shield of the Immaculate 00328AA0 = Tanglewood Shield 00328BA0 = Dread Forged Shield 0032D3A0 = Crested Shield 0032D4A0 = Buckler Shield 0032D5A0 = Thorn Shield 0032D6A0 = Patchwork Shield 0032D7A0 = Treant Shield 0032D8A0 = Flat Shield 0032D9A0 = Tall Shield 0032DAA0 = Evergreen Shield 0032DBA0 = Scale Shield 0032DCA0 = Tiered Shield 0032DDA0 = Earthen Shield 0032DEA0 = Bloodiron Shield 0032DFA0 = Cloth Helm (Wizard Only) 0032E0A0 = Burlap Gloves (Wizard Only) 0032E1A0 = Woolen Boots (Wizard Only) 0032E2A0 = Silk Armor (Wizard Only) 0032E3A0 = Silk Leggings (Wizard Only) 0032E4A0 = Linen Helm (Wizard Only) 0032E5A0 = Warveil Gloves (Wizard Only) 0032E6A0 = Cryosilk Boots (Wizard Only) 0032E7A0 = Velvet Armor (Wizard Only) 0032E8A0 = Velvet Leggings (Wizard Only) 0032E9A0 = Embersilk Helm (Wizard Only) 0032EAA0 = Gossamer Gloves (Wizard Only) 0032EBA0 = Damask Boots (Wizard Only) 0032ECA0 = Steelsilk Armor (Wizard Only) 0032EDA0 = Steelsilk Leggings (Wizard Only) 0032EEA0 = Patchwork Helmet 0032EFA0 = Padded Boots 0032F0A0 = Circlet (V-Sharped, 317g) 0032F1A0 = Quilted Helmet 0032F2A0 = Leather Boots 0032F3A0 = Circlet (V-Sharped, 1,336g) 0032F4A0 = Ringmail Helmet 0032F5A0 = Scalemail Boots 0032F6A0 = Circlet (3,556g) 0032F7A0 = Banded Helmet 0032F8A0 = Chain Boots 0032F9A0 = Circlet (5,609g) 0032FAA0 = Splintmail Helmet 0032FBA0 = Plate Boots 0032FCA0 = Circlet (Thorned, 8,112g) 0032FDA0 = Imperial Helmet 0032FEA0 = Rathesteel Boots 0032FFA0 = Circlet (Thorned, 11,063g) 00324FE0 = Farwater Tunic (Wizard Only) 003250E0 = Cralaras Branded Robe (Wizard Only) 003251E0 = Burrowers Boots (Wizard Only) 003252E0 = Netted Kelp Boots (Wizard Only) 003253E0 = Bile Drenched Boots (Wizard Only) 003254E0 = Snow Woven Cap (Wizard Only) 003255E0 = Bragens Braided Gloves (Wizard Only) 003256E0 = Farwater Leggings (Wizard Only) 003257E0 = Cralaras Branded Leggings (Wizard Only) 003258E0 = Champions Breastplate 003259E0 = Chestplate of Fiery Might 00325AE0 = Templar Breastplate 00325BE0 = Ultors Chestplate of Faith 00325CE0 = Tiec Forged Chestplate 00325DE0 = Lava Forged Chestplate 00325EE0 = Kizraks Greaves of Battle 00325FE0 = Greaves of Void 003260E0 = Valiant Legplates 003261E0 = Grim Ror Sog Plague Leggings 003262E0 = Blood Lords Legplates 003263E0 = Golden Leaf Greaves 003264E0 = Blood Steel Legplates 003265E0 = Raexs Gauntlets of Destruction 003266E0 = True Gauntlets 003267E0 = Myrmidon Gauntlets 003268E0 = Akkirus Risen Gauntlets 003269E0 = True Vision Gauntlets 00326AE0 = Ice Scale Gauntlets 00326BE0 = Warlord Helm 00326CE0 = Helm of Superiority 00326DE0 = Malevolent Helm 00326EE0 = Hurricane Helm 00326FE0 = Helm of Vindication 003270E0 = Glacial Helm 003271E0 = Champions Boots 003272E0 = Boots of Fiery Might 003273E0 = Templar Boots 003274E0 = Ultors Boots of Faith 003275E0 = Tiec Forged Boots 003276E0 = Lava Forged Boots 003277E0 = Folvous Darkscale 003278E0 = Banes Scale Shirt 003279E0 = Serene Mail Boots 00327AE0 = Hateforged Mail-Boots 00327BE0 = Scale Gloves of Twilight 00327CE0 = Darkscale Mail Gloves 00327DE0 = Planetstriders Mail Helm 00327EE0 = Folvous Darkscale Leggings 00327FE0 = Bane Scale Leggings 003280E0 = Midnight Shield 003281E0 = Ashenbone Shield 003282E0 = Hard Stone Shield 003283E0 = Shield of the Blaze 003284E0 = Dragonscale Shield 003285E0 = Fearsome Shield 003286E0 = Sentry Shield 003287E0 = Shield of Fury 003288E0 = Shield of Shadows 003289E0 = Shield of Thorns 00328AE0 = Trueheart Shield 00328BE0 = Atramentous Shield 0032D2E0 = Tower Shield 0032D3E0 = Steel Shield 0032D4E0 = Round Shield 0032D5E0 = Half Shield 0032D6E0 = Bone Shield 0032D7E0 = Shell Shield 0032D8E0 = Darkwood Shield 0032D9E0 = Partial Shield 0032DAE0 = Bark Shield 0032DBE0 = Iron Shield 0032DCE0 = Scaled Shield 0032DDE0 = Tri Shield 0032DEE0 = Cloth Armor (Wizard Only) 0032DFE0 = Cloth Leggings (Wizard Only) 0032E0E0 = Burlap Helm (Wizard Only) 0032E1E0 = Woolen Gloves (Wizard Only) 0032E2E0 = Silk Boots (Wizard Only) 0032E3E0 = Linen Armor (Wizard Only) 0032E4E0 = Linen Leggings (Wizard Only) 0032E5E0 = Warveil Helm (Wizard Only) 0032E6E0 = Cryosilk Gloves (Wizard Only) 0032E7E0 = Velvet Boots (Wizard Only) 0032E8E0 = Embersilk Armor (Wizard Only) 0032E9E0 = Embersilk Leggings (Wizard Only) 0032EAE0 = Gossamer Helm (Wizard Only) 0032EBE0 = Damask Gloves (Wizard Only) 0032ECE0 = Steelsilk Boots (Wizard Only) 0032EDE0 = Patchwork Armor 0032EEE0 = Patchwork Leggings 0032EFE0 = Padded Gloves 0032F0E0 = Quilted Armor 0032F1E0 = Quilted Leggings 0032F2E0 = Leather Gloves 0032F3E0 = Ringmail 0032F4E0 = Ringmail Leggings 0032F5E0 = Scalemail Gloves 0032F6E0 = Banded Armor 0032F7E0 = Banded Leggings 0032F8E0 = Chain Gloves 0032F9E0 = Splintmail 0032FAE0 = Splintmail Leggings 0032FBE0 = Plate Gloves 0032FCE0 = Imperial Armor 0032FDE0 = Imperial Leggings 0032FEE0 = Rathesteel Gloves 2-1-3. Accessories Accessory 1 2040AB58 ???????? Accessory 2 2040ABA0 ???????? Accessory 3 2040ABE8 ???????? Accessory 4 2040AC30 ???????? Accessory 5 2040AC78 ???????? Accessory 6 2040ACC0 ???????? Accessory 7 2040AD08 ???????? Accessory 8 2040AD50 ???????? Accessory 9 2040AD98 ???????? Accessory 10 2040ADE0 ???????? Accessory 11 2040AE28 ???????? Accessory 12 2040AE70 ???????? Accessory 13 2040AEB8 ???????? Accessory 14 2040AF00 ???????? Accessory 15 2040AF48 ???????? Accessory 16 2040AF90 ???????? Accessory 17 2040AFD8 ???????? Accessory 18 2040B020 ???????? Accessory 19 2040B068 ???????? Accessory 20 2040B0B0 ???????? Accessory 21 2040B0F8 ???????? Accessory 22 2040B140 ???????? Accessory 23 2040B188 ???????? Accessory 24 2040B1D0 ???????? Accessory 25 2040B218 ???????? Accessory 26 2040B260 ???????? Accessory 27 2040B2A8 ???????? Accessory 28 2040B2F0 ???????? Accessory 29 2040B338 ???????? Accessory 30 2040B380 ???????? Accessory 31 2040B3C8 ???????? Accessory 32 2040B410 ???????? Accessory 33 2040B458 ???????? Accessory 34 2040B4A0 ???????? Accessory 35 2040B4E8 ???????? Accessory 36 2040B530 ???????? Accessory 37 2040B578 ???????? Accessory 38 2040B5C0 ???????? Accessory 39 2040B608 ???????? Accessory 40 2040B650 ???????? Accessory 41 2040B698 ???????? Accessory 42 2040B6E0 ???????? Accessory 43 2040B728 ???????? Accessory 44 2040B770 ???????? Accessory 45 2040B7B8 ???????? Accessory 46 2040B800 ???????? Accessory 47 2040B848 ???????? Accessory 48 2040B890 ???????? Accessory 49 2040B8D8 ???????? Accessory 50 2040B920 ???????? Accessory 51 2040B968 ???????? Accessory 52 2040B9B0 ???????? Accessory 53 2040B9F8 ???????? Accessory 54 2040BA40 ???????? Accessory 55 2040BA88 ???????? Accessory 56 2040BAD0 ???????? Accessory 57 2040BB18 ???????? Accessory 58 2040BB60 ???????? Accessory 59 2040BBA8 ???????? Accessory 60 2040BBF0 ???????? Accessory 61 2040BC38 ???????? Accessory 62 2040BC80 ???????? Accessory 63 2040BCC8 ???????? Accessory 64 2040BD10 ???????? 2-1-3a. VALUES: Accessories 00329520 = Bone Studded Ring 00329620 = Ring of Distortion 00329720 = Ring of the Deep Sky 00329820 = Ring of the Prime 00329920 = Icicle Ring 00329A20 = Indigo Snake Ring 00329B20 = Ivory Ring 00329C20 = Skull Chip Ring 00329D20 = Acrylic Amulet 00329E20 = Amulet of Clarification 00329F20 = Amulet of Frostbite 0032A020 = Chipped Bone Amulet 0032A120 = Scale Amulet 0032A220 = Amulet of Lore 0032A320 = Amulet of Rage 0032A420 = Amulet of the Storm 0032A520 = Earring of Beetle Kind 0032A620 = Earring of Exertion 0032A720 = Earring of the Spirits 0032A820 = Elysian Earrings 0032A920 = Netted Kelp Earrings 0032AA20 = Sages Earrings 0032AB20 = Vermiculated Earrings 0032AC20 = Bone Studded Choker 0032AD20 = Choker of Distortion 0032AE20 = Choker of the Deep Sky 0032AF20 = Choker of the Prime 0032B020 = Mesh Choker 0032B120 = Rotbone Choker 0032B220 = True Silver Choker 00329560 = Ring of Beetle Kind 00329660 = Ring of Exertion 00329760 = Ring of the Spirits 00329860 = Elysian Ring 00329960 = Hardened Clay Ring 00329A60 = Mesh Ring 00329B60 = Rotbone Ring 00329C60 = True Silver Ring 00329D60 = Blood Stained Amulet 00329E60 = Amulet of Comprehension 00329F60 = Amulet of Sense 0032A060 = Dragonscale Amulet 0032A160 = Indigo Snake Amulet 0032A260 = Ivory Amulet 0032A360 = Skull Chip Amulet 0032A460 = Acrylic Earrings 0032A560 = Earring of Clarification 0032A660 = Earring of Frostbite 0032A760 = Chipped Bone Earrings 0032A860 = Scale Earrings 0032A960 = Earring of Lore 0032AA60 = Earring of Rage 0032AB60 = Earring of the Storm 0032AC60 = Choker of Beetle Kind 0032AD60 = Choker of Exertion 0032AE60 = Choker of the Spirits 0032AF60 = Elysian Choker 0032B060 = Netted Kelp Choker 0032B160 = Sages Choker 0032B260 = Vermiculated Choker 003294A0 = Acrylic Ring 003295A0 = Ring of Clarification 003296A0 = Ring of Frostbite 003297A0 = Chipped Bone Ring 003298A0 = Guard Ring 003299A0 = Elemental Ring 00329AA0 = Netted Kelp Ring 00329BA0 = Sages Ring 00329CA0 = Vermiculated Ring 00329DA0 = Bone Studded Amulet 00329EA0 = Amulet of Distortion 00329FA0 = Amulet of the Deep Sky 0032A0A0 = Amulet of the Prime 0032A1A0 = Mesh Amulet 0032A2A0 = Rotbone Amulet 0032A3A0 = True Silver Amulet 0032A4A0 = Blood Stained Earrings 0032A5A0 = Earring of Comprehension 0032A6A0 = Earring of Sense 0032A7A0 = Dragonscale Earrings 0032A8A0 = Indigo Snake Earrings 0032A9A0 = Ivory Earrings 0032AAA0 = Skull Chip Earrings 0032ABA0 = Acrylic Choker 0032ACA0 = Choker of Clarification 0032ADA0 = Choker of Frostbite 0032AEA0 = Chipped Bone Choker 0032AFA0 = Scale Choker 0032B0A0 = Choker of Lore 0032B1A0 = Choker of Rage 0032B2A0 = Choker of the Storm 003294E0 = Blood Stained Ring 003295E0 = Ring of Comprehension 003296E0 = Ring of Sense 003297E0 = Dragonscale Ring 003298E0 = Woven Ring 003299E0 = Scale Ring 00329AE0 = Ring of Lore 00329BE0 = Ring of Rage 00329CE0 = Ring of the Storm 00329DE0 = Amulet of Beetle Kind 00329EE0 = Amulet of Exertion 00329FE0 = Amulet of the Spirits 0032A0E0 = Elysian Amulet 0032A1E0 = Netted Kelp Amulet 0032A2E0 = Sages Amulet 0032A3E0 = Vermiculated Amulet 0032A4E0 = Bone Studded Earrings 0032A5E0 = Earring of Distortion 0032A6E0 = Earring of the Deep Sky 0032A7E0 = Earring of the Prime 0032A8E0 = Mesh Earrings 0032A9E0 = Rotbone Earrings 0032AAE0 = True Silver Amulet 0032ABE0 = Blood Stained Choker 0032ACE0 = Choker of Comprehension 0032ADE0 = Choker of Sense 0032AEE0 = Dragonscale Choker 0032AFE0 = Indigo Snake Choker 0032B0E0 = Ivory Choker 0032B1E0 = Skull Chip Choker 0032FFE0 = Minor Healing Tonic 00330020 = Healing Tonic 00330120 = Greater Healing Potion 00330220 = Lesser Mana Vial 00330320 = Mana Potion 00330420 = Greater Mana Flagon 00330520 = Choker 00330620 = Fire Beetle Eye (1,199g) 00330720 = Fractured Bone Chip (399g) 00330820 = Tiny Venom Sac (99g) 00330920 = Potent Venom Sac (3,999g) 00330A20 = Unfilled Poison Gland (1,999g) 00330B20 = Mummy Tongue (1,199g) 00330C20 = Chipped Storm Shard (399g) 00330D20 = Flawed Soul Gem (99g) 00330E20 = Flawless Soul Gem (3,999g) 00330F20 = Sharp Vampire Fang (1,999g) 00331020 = Bull Rune (1,199g) 00331120 = Busted Star Glyph (399g) 00331220 = Ruined Ghoul Flesh (99g) 00331320 = Sheer Ghoul Flesh (3,999g) 00331420 = Crimson Bloodstone (1,999g) 00331520 = Regeneration Stone (1,199g) 00331620 = Damaged Mana Stone (399g) 00331720 = Cracked Carapace (99g) 00331820 = Enforced Carapace (3,999g) 00331920 = Calmed Misty Globe (1,999g) 00331A20 = Smooth Whetstone (1,999g) 00331B20 = Curiousity 00331C20 = Exchanger 00331D20 = Horn of Ill Omen 00330060 = Greater Healing Tonic 00330160 = Minor Healing Potion 00330260 = Mana Vial 00330360 = Greater Mana Potion 00330460 = Ring 00330560 = Gate Scroll 00330660 = Enflamed Fire Beetle Eye (1,999g) 00330760 = Bone Chip (1,199g) 00330860 = Punctured Venom Sac (399g) 00330960 = Exhausted Poison Gland (99g) 00330A60 = Full Poison Gland (3,999g) 00330B60 = Stitched Mummy Tongue (1,999g) 00330C60 = Storm Shard (1,199g) 00330D60 = Cracked Soul Gem (399g) 00330E60 = Broken Vampire Fang (99g) 00330F60 = Edged Vampire Fang (3,999g) 00331060 = Lucid Bull Rune (1,999g) 00331160 = Star Glyph (1,199g) 00331260 = Torn Ghoul Flesh (399g) 00331360 = Shattered Bloodstone (99g) 00331460 = Engraved Bloodstone (3,999g) 00331560 = Charged Regen Stone (1,999g) 00331660 = Mana Stone (1,199g) 00331760 = Worn Carapace (399g) 00331860 = Tiny Misty Globe (99g) 00331960 = Coarse Whetstone (99g) 00331A60 = Perfected Whetstone (3,999g) 00331B60 = Elf Draught 00331C60 = Cell Key 00331D60 = Mormaz's Heart 003300A0 = Minor Healing Potion 003301A0 = Healing Elixir 003302A0 = Greater Mana Vial 003303A0 = Lesser Mana Flagon 003304A0 = Amulet 003305A0 = Squashed Fire Beetle Eye (99g) 003306A0 = Massive Fire Beetle Eye (3,999g) 003307A0 = Smooth Bone Chip (1,999g) 003308A0 = Venom Sac (1,199g) 003309A0 = Dry Poison Gland (399g) 00330AA0 = Ruined Mummy Tongue (99g) 00330BA0 = Preserved Mummy Tongue (3,999g) 00330CA0 = Finely Cut Storm Shard (1,999g) 00330DA0 = Soul Gem (1,199g) 00330EA0 = Fractured Vampire Fang (399g) 00330FA0 = Cryptic Bull Rune (99g) 003310A0 = Complete Bull Rune (3,999g) 003311A0 = Intact Star Glyph (1,999g) 003312A0 = Ghoul Flesh (1,199g) 003313A0 = Opaque Bloodstone (399g) 003314A0 = Meager Regen Stone (99g) 003315A0 = Enchanted Regen Stone (3,999g) 003316A0 = Charged Mana Stone (1,999g) 003317A0 = Carapace (1,199g) 003318A0 = Paltry Misty Globe (399g) 003319A0 = Rough Whetstone (399g) 00331AA0 = Kitten 00331BA0 = Mistmoore Ruby 00331CA0 = Conch Shell 00331DA0 = Shard of Hate 003300E0 = Healing Potion 003301E0 = Greater Healing Elixir 003302E0 = Lesser Mana Potion 003303E0 = Mana Flagon 003304E0 = Earrings 003305E0 = Pierced Fire Beetle Eye (399g) 003306E0 = Short Bone Chip (99g) 003307E0 = Chilled Bone Chip (3,999g) 003308E0 = Engorged Venom Sac (1,999g) 003309E0 = Poison Gland (1,199g) 00330AE0 = Decomposed Mummy Tongue (399g) 00330BE0 = Crushed Storm Shard (99g) 00330CE0 = Exquisite Storm Shard (3,999g) 00330DE0 = Polished Soul Gem (1,999g) 00330EE0 = Vampire Fang (1,199g) 00330FE0 = Obscure Bull Rune (399g) 003310E0 = Tattered Star Glyph (99g) 003311E0 = Divine Star Glyph (3,999g) 003312E0 = Fresh Ghoul Flesh (1,999g) 003313E0 = Bloodstone (1,199g) 003314E0 = Puny Regen Stone (399g) 003315E0 = Meager Mana Stone (99g) 003316E0 = Infused Mana Stone (3,999g) 003317E0 = Thick Carapace (1,999g) 003318E0 = Misty Globe (1,199g) 003319E0 = Whet Stone (1,199g) 00331AE0 = Raft Part 00331BE0 = Bloodvine 00331CE0 = Battle Plans 00331DE0 = Shard of Hate 2-2. Quantity Modifiers The Quantity Modifiers add to or subtract from the amount of an item's quantity. Weapon 1 1040874C 0000???? Weapon 2 10408794 0000???? Weapon 3 104087DC 0000???? Weapon 4 10408824 0000???? Weapon 5 1040886C 0000???? Weapon 6 104088B4 0000???? Weapon 7 104088FC 0000???? Weapon 8 10408944 0000???? Weapon 9 1040898C 0000???? Weapon 10 104089D4 0000???? Weapon 11 10408A1C 0000???? Weapon 12 10408A64 0000???? Weapon 13 10408AAC 0000???? Weapon 14 10408AF4 0000???? Weapon 15 10408B3C 0000???? Weapon 16 10408B84 0000???? Weapon 17 10408BCC 0000???? Weapon 18 10408C14 0000???? Weapon 19 10408C5C 0000???? Weapon 20 10408CA4 0000???? Weapon 21 10408CEC 0000???? Weapon 22 10408D34 0000???? Weapon 23 10408D7C 0000???? Weapon 24 10408DC4 0000???? Weapon 25 10408E0C 0000???? Weapon 26 10408E54 0000???? Weapon 27 10408E9C 0000???? Weapon 28 10408EE4 0000???? Weapon 29 10408F2C 0000???? Weapon 30 10408F74 0000???? Weapon 31 10408FBC 0000???? Weapon 32 10409004 0000???? Weapon 33 1040904C 0000???? Weapon 34 10409094 0000???? Weapon 35 104090DC 0000???? Weapon 36 10409124 0000???? Weapon 37 1040916C 0000???? Weapon 38 104091B4 0000???? Weapon 39 104091FC 0000???? Weapon 40 10409244 0000???? Weapon 41 1040928C 0000???? Weapon 42 104092D4 0000???? Weapon 43 1040931C 0000???? Weapon 44 10409364 0000???? Weapon 45 104093AC 0000???? Weapon 46 104093F4 0000???? Weapon 47 1040943C 0000???? Weapon 48 10409484 0000???? Weapon 49 104094CC 0000???? Weapon 50 10409514 0000???? Weapon 51 1040955C 0000???? Weapon 52 104095A4 0000???? Weapon 53 104095EC 0000???? Weapon 54 10409634 0000???? Weapon 55 1040967C 0000???? Weapon 56 104096C4 0000???? Weapon 57 1040970C 0000???? Weapon 58 10409754 0000???? Weapon 59 1040979C 0000???? Weapon 60 104097E4 0000???? Weapon 61 1040982C 0000???? Weapon 62 10409874 0000???? Weapon 63 104098BC 0000???? Weapon 64 10409904 0000???? Armor 1 10409954 0000???? Armor 2 1040999C 0000???? Armor 3 104099E4 0000???? Armor 4 10409A2C 0000???? Armor 5 10409A74 0000???? Armor 6 10409ABC 0000???? Armor 7 10409B04 0000???? Armor 8 10409B4C 0000???? Armor 9 10409B94 0000???? Armor 10 10409BDC 0000???? Armor 11 10409C24 0000???? Armor 12 10409C6C 0000???? Armor 13 10409CB4 0000???? Armor 14 10409CFC 0000???? Armor 15 10409D44 0000???? Armor 16 10409D8C 0000???? Armor 17 10409DD4 0000???? Armor 18 10409E1C 0000???? Armor 19 10409E64 0000???? Armor 20 10409EAC 0000???? Armor 21 10409EF4 0000???? Armor 22 10409F3C 0000???? Armor 23 10409F84 0000???? Armor 24 10409FCC 0000???? Armor 25 1040A014 0000???? Armor 26 1040A05C 0000???? Armor 27 1040A0A4 0000???? Armor 28 1040A0EC 0000???? Armor 29 1040A134 0000???? Armor 30 1040A17C 0000???? Armor 31 1040A1C4 0000???? Armor 32 1040A20C 0000???? Armor 33 1040A254 0000???? Armor 34 1040A29C 0000???? Armor 35 1040A2E4 0000???? Armor 36 1040A32C 0000???? Armor 37 1040A374 0000???? Armor 38 1040A3BC 0000???? Armor 39 1040A404 0000???? Armor 40 1040A44C 0000???? Armor 41 1040A494 0000???? Armor 42 1040A4DC 0000???? Armor 43 1040A524 0000???? Armor 44 1040A56C 0000???? Armor 45 1040A5B4 0000???? Armor 46 1040A5FC 0000???? Armor 47 1040A644 0000???? Armor 48 1040A68C 0000???? Armor 49 1040A6D4 0000???? Armor 50 1040A71C 0000???? Armor 51 1040A764 0000???? Armor 52 1040A7AC 0000???? Armor 53 1040A7F4 0000???? Armor 54 1040A83C 0000???? Armor 55 1040A884 0000???? Armor 56 1040A8CC 0000???? Armor 57 1040A914 0000???? Armor 58 1040A95C 0000???? Armor 59 1040A9A4 0000???? Armor 60 1040A9EC 0000???? Armor 61 1040AA34 0000???? Armor 62 1040AA7C 0000???? Armor 63 1040AAC4 0000???? Armor 64 1040AB0C 0000???? Accessory 1 1040AB5C 0000???? Accessory 2 1040ABA4 0000???? Accessory 3 1040ABEC 0000???? Accessory 4 1040AC34 0000???? Accessory 5 1040AC7C 0000???? Accessory 6 1040ACC4 0000???? Accessory 7 1040AD0C 0000???? Accessory 8 1040AD54 0000???? Accessory 9 1040AD9C 0000???? Accessory 10 1040ADE4 0000???? Accessory 11 1040AE2C 0000???? Accessory 12 1040AE74 0000???? Accessory 13 1040AEBC 0000???? Accessory 14 1040AF04 0000???? Accessory 15 1040AF4C 0000???? Accessory 16 1040AF94 0000???? Accessory 17 1040AFDC 0000???? Accessory 18 1040B024 0000???? Accessory 19 1040B06C 0000???? Accessory 20 1040B0B4 0000???? Accessory 21 1040B0FC 0000???? Accessory 22 1040B144 0000???? Accessory 23 1040B18C 0000???? Accessory 24 1040B1D4 0000???? Accessory 25 1040B21C 0000???? Accessory 26 1040B264 0000???? Accessory 27 1040B2AC 0000???? Accessory 28 1040B2F4 0000???? Accessory 29 1040B33C 0000???? Accessory 30 1040B384 0000???? Accessory 31 1040B3CC 0000???? Accessory 32 1040B414 0000???? Accessory 33 1040B45C 0000???? Accessory 34 1040B4A4 0000???? Accessory 35 1040B4EC 0000???? Accessory 36 1040B534 0000???? Accessory 37 1040B57C 0000???? Accessory 38 1040B5C4 0000???? Accessory 39 1040B60C 0000???? Accessory 40 1040B654 0000???? Accessory 41 1040B69C 0000???? Accessory 42 1040B6E4 0000???? Accessory 43 1040B72C 0000???? Accessory 44 1040B774 0000???? Accessory 45 1040B7BC 0000???? Accessory 46 1040B804 0000???? Accessory 47 1040B84C 0000???? Accessory 48 1040B894 0000???? Accessory 49 1040B8DC 0000???? Accessory 50 1040B924 0000???? Accessory 51 1040B96C 0000???? Accessory 52 1040B9B4 0000???? Accessory 53 1040B9FC 0000???? Accessory 54 1040BA44 0000???? Accessory 55 1040BA8C 0000???? Accessory 56 1040BAD4 0000???? Accessory 57 1040BB1C 0000???? Accessory 58 1040BB64 0000???? Accessory 59 1040BBAC 0000???? Accessory 60 1040BBF4 0000???? Accessory 61 1040BC3C 0000???? Accessory 62 1040BC84 0000???? Accessory 63 1040BCCC 0000???? Accessory 64 1040BD14 0000???? 2-2a. VALUES: Quantity Modifiers 0001 = 1 Quantity of an Item 0002 = 2 Quantities of an Item 0003 = 3 Quantities of an Item 0004 = 4 Quantities of an Item 0005 = 5 Quantities of an Item 0006 = 6 Quantities of an Item 0007 = 7 Quantities of an Item 0008 = 8 Quantities of an Item 0009 = 9 Quantities of an Item 000A = 10 Quantities of an Item 000B = 11 Quantities of an Item 000C = 12 Quantities of an Item 000D = 13 Quantities of an Item 000E = 14 Quantities of an Item 000F = 15 Quantities of an Item 0010 = 16 Quantities of an Item 0011 = 17 Quantities of an Item 0012 = 18 Quantities of an Item 0013 = 19 Quantities of an Item 0014 = 20 Quantities of an Item 0015 = 21 Quantities of an Item 0016 = 22 Quantities of an Item 0017 = 23 Quantities of an Item 0018 = 24 Quantities of an Item 0019 = 25 Quantities of an Item 001E = 30 Quantities of an Item 0023 = 35 Quantities of an Item 0028 = 40 Quantities of an Item 002D = 45 Quantities of an Item 0032 = 50 Quantities of an Item 003C = 60 Quantities of an Item 0046 = 70 Quantities of an Item 0050 = 80 Quantities of an Item 0058 = 90 Quantities of an Item 0064 = 100 Quantities of an Item 00C8 = 200 Quantities of an Item 012C = 300 Quantities of an Item 0190 = 400 Quantities of an Item 01F4 = 500 Quantities of an Item 03E8 = 1,000 Quantities of an Item 07D0 = 2,000 Quantities of an Item 0BB8 = 3,000 Quantities of an Item 0FA0 = 4,000 Quantities of an Item 1388 = 5,000 Quantities of an Item 2710 = 10,000 Quantities of an Item 2-3. Property Modifiers The Property Modifiers do a plethora of things. For one thing, they make it possible to modify an item to a unique item, or to modify a unique item to a regular item. Better yet, they make it possible to modify a quest item, allow- ing a character to drop, sell or duplicate it. When used with the Identity Modifiers, the Property Modifiers can make any item in the game, even if the item being modified is completely different from the item being created, such as a gate scroll to an engraved bloodstone. 2-3-1. Weapons, Projectile Weapon 1 20408750 ???????? 20408754 ???????? Weapon 2 20408798 ???????? 2040879C ???????? Weapon 3 204087E0 ???????? 204087E4 ???????? Weapon 4 20408828 ???????? 2040882C ???????? Weapon 5 20408870 ???????? 20408874 ???????? Weapon 6 204088B8 ???????? 204088BC ???????? Weapon 7 20408900 ???????? 20408904 ???????? Weapon 8 20408948 ???????? 2040894C ???????? Weapon 9 20408990 ???????? 20408994 ???????? Weapon 10 204089D8 ???????? 204089DC ???????? Weapon 11 20408A20 ???????? 20408A24 ???????? Weapon 12 20408A68 ???????? 20408A6C ???????? Weapon 13 20408AB0 ???????? 20408AB4 ???????? Weapon 14 20408AF8 ???????? 20408AFC ???????? Weapon 15 20408B40 ???????? 20408B44 ???????? Weapon 16 20408B88 ???????? 20408B8C ???????? Weapon 17 20408BD0 ???????? 20408BD4 ???????? Weapon 18 20408C18 ???????? 20408C1C ???????? Weapon 19 20408C60 ???????? 20408C64 ???????? Weapon 20 20408CA8 ???????? 20408CAC ???????? Weapon 21 20408CF0 ???????? 20408CF4 ???????? Weapon 22 20408D38 ???????? 20408D3C ???????? Weapon 23 20408D80 ???????? 20408D84 ???????? Weapon 24 20408DC8 ???????? 20408DCC ???????? Weapon 25 20408E10 ???????? 20408E14 ???????? Weapon 26 20408E58 ???????? 20408E5C ???????? Weapon 27 20408EA0 ???????? 20408EA4 ???????? Weapon 28 20408EE8 ???????? 20408EEC ???????? Weapon 29 20408F30 ???????? 20408F34 ???????? Weapon 30 20408F78 ???????? 20408F7C ???????? Weapon 31 20408FC0 ???????? 20408FC4 ???????? Weapon 32 20409008 ???????? 2040900C ???????? Weapon 33 20409050 ???????? 20409054 ???????? Weapon 34 20409098 ???????? 2040909C ???????? Weapon 35 204090E0 ???????? 204090E4 ???????? Weapon 36 20409128 ???????? 2040912C ???????? Weapon 37 20409170 ???????? 20409174 ???????? Weapon 38 204091B8 ???????? 204091BC ???????? Weapon 39 20409200 ???????? 20409204 ???????? Weapon 40 20409248 ???????? 2040924C ???????? Weapon 41 20409290 ???????? 20409294 ???????? Weapon 42 204092D8 ???????? 204092DC ???????? Weapon 43 20409320 ???????? 20409324 ???????? Weapon 44 20409368 ???????? 2040936C ???????? Weapon 45 204093B0 ???????? 204093B4 ???????? Weapon 46 204093F8 ???????? 204093FC ???????? Weapon 47 20409440 ???????? 20409444 ???????? Weapon 48 20409488 ???????? 2040948C ???????? Weapon 49 204094D0 ???????? 204094D4 ???????? Weapon 50 20409518 ???????? 2040951C ???????? Weapon 51 20409560 ???????? 20409564 ???????? Weapon 52 204095A8 ???????? 204095AC ???????? Weapon 53 204095F0 ???????? 204095F4 ???????? Weapon 54 20409638 ???????? 2040963C ???????? Weapon 55 20409680 ???????? 20409684 ???????? Weapon 56 204096C8 ???????? 204096CC ???????? Weapon 57 20409710 ???????? 20409714 ???????? Weapon 58 20409758 ???????? 2040975C ???????? Weapon 59 204097A0 ???????? 204097A4 ???????? Weapon 60 204097E8 ???????? 204097EC ???????? Weapon 61 20409830 ???????? 20409834 ???????? Weapon 62 20409878 ???????? 2040987C ???????? Weapon 63 204098C0 ???????? 204098C4 ???????? Weapon 64 20409908 ???????? 2040990C ???????? 2-3-1a. VALUES: Weapons, Projectile 00090300 = Arrow (Item's name is white; it can be dropped/sold/duplicated. 00000004 Only use on arrows.) 00090300 = Arrow + Unique Item (Item's name is yellow; it can be 00000024 dropped/sold/duplicated. Only use on arrows.) 00090300 = Arrow + Quest Item (Item's name is white; it can not be 000002C4 dropped/sold/duplicated. Only use on arrows.) 00090300 = Arrow + Unique Item + Quest Item (Item's name is yellow; it can not 000002E4 be dropped/sold/duplicated. Only use on arrows.) 01000100 = Exploding/Fire/Gas Potion (Item's name is white; it can be 00000104 dropped/sold/duplicated. Only use on exploding, fire & gas potions.) 01000100 = Exploding/Fire/Gas Potion + Unique Item (Item's name is yellow; it 00000124 can be dropped/sold/duplicated. Only use on exploding, fire & gas potions.) 01000100 = Exploding/Fire/Gas Potion + Quest Item (Item's name is white; it 000003C4 can not be dropped/sold/duplicated. Only use on exploding, fire & gas potions.) 01000100 = Exploding/Fire/Gas Potion + Unique Item + Quest Item (Item's name 000003E4 is yellow; it can not be dropped/sold/duplicated. Only use on ex- ploding, fire & gas potions.) 40820900 = Spear (Item's name is white; it can be dropped/sold/duplicated. 00000000 Only use on spears.) 40820900 = Spear + Unique Item (Item's name is yellow; it can be 00000020 dropped/sold/duplicated. Only use on spears.) 40820900 = Spear + Quest Item (Item's name is white; it can not be 000002C0 dropped/sold/duplicated. Only use on spears.) 40820900 = Spear + Unique Item + Quest Item (Item's name is yellow; it can not 000002E0 be dropped/sold/duplicated. Only use on spears.) 2-3-2. Weapons, Miscellaneous (Swords, Staffs, etc.) Weapon 1 10408754 0000???? Weapon 2 1040879C 0000???? Weapon 3 104087E4 0000???? Weapon 4 1040882C 0000???? Weapon 5 10408874 0000???? Weapon 6 104088BC 0000???? Weapon 7 10408904 0000???? Weapon 8 1040894C 0000???? Weapon 9 10408994 0000???? Weapon 10 104089DC 0000???? Weapon 11 10408A24 0000???? Weapon 12 10408A6C 0000???? Weapon 13 10408AB4 0000???? Weapon 14 10408AFC 0000???? Weapon 15 10408B44 0000???? Weapon 16 10408B8C 0000???? Weapon 17 10408BD4 0000???? Weapon 18 10408C1C 0000???? Weapon 19 10408C64 0000???? Weapon 20 10408CAC 0000???? Weapon 21 10408CF4 0000???? Weapon 22 10408D3C 0000???? Weapon 23 10408D84 0000???? Weapon 24 10408DCC 0000???? Weapon 25 10408E14 0000???? Weapon 26 10408E5C 0000???? Weapon 27 10408EA4 0000???? Weapon 28 10408EEC 0000???? Weapon 29 10408F34 0000???? Weapon 30 10408F7C 0000???? Weapon 31 10408FC4 0000???? Weapon 32 1040900C 0000???? Weapon 33 10409054 0000???? Weapon 34 1040909C 0000???? Weapon 35 104090E4 0000???? Weapon 36 1040912C 0000???? Weapon 37 10409174 0000???? Weapon 38 104091BC 0000???? Weapon 39 10409204 0000???? Weapon 40 1040924C 0000???? Weapon 41 10409294 0000???? Weapon 42 104092DC 0000???? Weapon 43 10409324 0000???? Weapon 44 1040936C 0000???? Weapon 45 104093B4 0000???? Weapon 46 104093FC 0000???? Weapon 47 10409444 0000???? Weapon 48 1040948C 0000???? Weapon 49 104094D4 0000???? Weapon 50 1040951C 0000???? Weapon 51 10409564 0000???? Weapon 52 104095AC 0000???? Weapon 53 104095F4 0000???? Weapon 54 1040963C 0000???? Weapon 55 10409684 0000???? Weapon 56 104096CC 0000???? Weapon 57 10409714 0000???? Weapon 58 1040975C 0000???? Weapon 59 104097A4 0000???? Weapon 60 104097EC 0000???? Weapon 61 10409834 0000???? Weapon 62 1040987C 0000???? Weapon 63 104098C4 0000???? Weapon 64 1040990C 0000???? 2-3-2a. VALUES: Weapons, Miscellaneous (Swords, Staffs, etc.) 0000 = Regular Item (Item's name is white; it can be dropped/sold/duplicated.) 0020 = Unique Item (Item's name is yellow; it can be dropped/sold/duplicated.) 02C0 = Quest Item (Item's name is white; it can not be dropped/sold/duplicated.) 02E0 = Unique Item + Quest Item (Item's name is yellow; it can not be dropped/sold/duplicated.) 2-3-3. Armor Armor 1 1040995C 0000???? Armor 2 104099A4 0000???? Armor 3 104099EC 0000???? Armor 4 10409A34 0000???? Armor 5 10409A7C 0000???? Armor 6 10409AC4 0000???? Armor 7 10409B0C 0000???? Armor 8 10409B54 0000???? Armor 9 10409B9C 0000???? Armor 10 10409BE4 0000???? Armor 11 10409C2C 0000???? Armor 12 10409C74 0000???? Armor 13 10409CBC 0000???? Armor 14 10409D04 0000???? Armor 15 10409D4C 0000???? Armor 16 10409D94 0000???? Armor 17 10409DDC 0000???? Armor 18 10409E24 0000???? Armor 19 10409E6C 0000???? Armor 20 10409EB4 0000???? Armor 21 10409EFC 0000???? Armor 22 10409F44 0000???? Armor 23 10409F8C 0000???? Armor 24 10409FD4 0000???? Armor 25 1040A01C 0000???? Armor 26 1040A064 0000???? Armor 27 1040A0AC 0000???? Armor 28 1040A0F4 0000???? Armor 29 1040A13C 0000???? Armor 30 1040A184 0000???? Armor 31 1040A1CC 0000???? Armor 32 1040A214 0000???? Armor 33 1040A25C 0000???? Armor 34 1040A2A4 0000???? Armor 35 1040A2EC 0000???? Armor 36 1040A334 0000???? Armor 37 1040A37C 0000???? Armor 38 1040A3C4 0000???? Armor 39 1040A40C 0000???? Armor 40 1040A454 0000???? Armor 41 1040A49C 0000???? Armor 42 1040A4E4 0000???? Armor 43 1040A52C 0000???? Armor 44 1040A574 0000???? Armor 45 1040A5BC 0000???? Armor 46 1040A604 0000???? Armor 47 1040A64C 0000???? Armor 48 1040A694 0000???? Armor 49 1040A6DC 0000???? Armor 50 1040A724 0000???? Armor 51 1040A76C 0000???? Armor 52 1040A7B4 0000???? Armor 53 1040A7FC 0000???? Armor 54 1040A844 0000???? Armor 55 1040A88C 0000???? Armor 56 1040A8D4 0000???? Armor 57 1040A91C 0000???? Armor 58 1040A964 0000???? Armor 59 1040A9AC 0000???? Armor 60 1040A9F4 0000???? Armor 61 1040AA3C 0000???? Armor 62 1040AA84 0000???? Armor 63 1040AACC 0000???? Armor 64 1040AB14 0000???? 2-3-3a. VALUES: Armor 0000 = Regular Item (Item's name is white; it can be dropped/sold/duplicated.) 0020 = Unique Item (Item's name is yellow; it can be dropped/sold/duplicated.) 02C0 = Quest Item (Item's name is white; it can not be dropped/sold/duplicated.) 02E0 = Unique Item + Quest Item (Item's name is yellow; it can not be dropped/sold/duplicated.) 2-3-4. Accessories, Jewelry Accessory 1 1040AB64 0000???? Accessory 2 1040ABAC 0000???? Accessory 3 1040ABF4 0000???? Accessory 4 1040AC3C 0000???? Accessory 5 1040AC84 0000???? Accessory 6 1040ACCC 0000???? Accessory 7 1040AD14 0000???? Accessory 8 1040AD5C 0000???? Accessory 9 1040ADA4 0000???? Accessory 10 1040ADEC 0000???? Accessory 11 1040AE34 0000???? Accessory 12 1040AE7C 0000???? Accessory 13 1040AEC4 0000???? Accessory 14 1040AF0C 0000???? Accessory 15 1040AF54 0000???? Accessory 16 1040AF9C 0000???? Accessory 17 1040AFE4 0000???? Accessory 18 1040B02C 0000???? Accessory 19 1040B074 0000???? Accessory 20 1040B0BC 0000???? Accessory 21 1040B104 0000???? Accessory 22 1040B14C 0000???? Accessory 23 1040B194 0000???? Accessory 24 1040B1DC 0000???? Accessory 25 1040B224 0000???? Accessory 26 1040B26C 0000???? Accessory 27 1040B2B4 0000???? Accessory 28 1040B2FC 0000???? Accessory 29 1040B344 0000???? Accessory 30 1040B38C 0000???? Accessory 31 1040B3D4 0000???? Accessory 32 1040B41C 0000???? Accessory 33 1040B464 0000???? Accessory 34 1040B4AC 0000???? Accessory 35 1040B4F4 0000???? Accessory 36 1040B53C 0000???? Accessory 37 1040B584 0000???? Accessory 38 1040B5CC 0000???? Accessory 39 1040B614 0000???? Accessory 40 1040B65C 0000???? Accessory 41 1040B6A4 0000???? Accessory 42 1040B6EC 0000???? Accessory 43 1040B734 0000???? Accessory 44 1040B77C 0000???? Accessory 45 1040B7C4 0000???? Accessory 46 1040B80C 0000???? Accessory 47 1040B854 0000???? Accessory 48 1040B89C 0000???? Accessory 49 1040B8E4 0000???? Accessory 50 1040B92C 0000???? Accessory 51 1040B974 0000???? Accessory 52 1040B9BC 0000???? Accessory 53 1040BA04 0000???? Accessory 54 1040BA4C 0000???? Accessory 55 1040BA94 0000???? Accessory 56 1040BADC 0000???? Accessory 57 1040BB24 0000???? Accessory 58 1040BB6C 0000???? Accessory 59 1040BBB4 0000???? Accessory 60 1040BBFC 0000???? Accessory 61 1040BC44 0000???? Accessory 62 1040BC8C 0000???? Accessory 63 1040BCD4 0000???? Accessory 64 1040BD1C 0000???? 2-3-4a. VALUES: Accessories, Jewelry 0000 = Regular Item (Item's name is white; it can be dropped/sold/duplicated.) 0020 = Unique Item (Item's name is yellow; it can be dropped/sold/duplicated.) 02C0 = Quest Item (Item's name is white; it can not be dropped/sold/duplicated.) 02E0 = Unique Item + Quest Item (Item's name is yellow; it can not be dropped/sold/duplicated.) 2-3-5. Accessories, Miscellaneous (Gems, Figurines, etc.) Accessory 1 2040AB60 ???????? 2040AB64 ???????? Accessory 2 2040ABA8 ???????? 2040ABAC ???????? Accessory 3 2040ABF0 ???????? 2040ABF4 ???????? Accessory 4 2040AC38 ???????? 2040AC3C ???????? Accessory 5 2040AC80 ???????? 2040AC84 ???????? Accessory 6 2040 Acc8 ???????? 2040 AccC ???????? Accessory 7 2040AD10 ???????? 2040AD14 ???????? Accessory 8 2040AD58 ???????? 2040AD5C ???????? Accessory 9 2040ADA0 ???????? 2040ADA4 ???????? Accessory 10 2040ADE8 ???????? 2040ADEC ???????? Accessory 11 2040AE30 ???????? 2040AE34 ???????? Accessory 12 2040AE78 ???????? 2040AE7C ???????? Accessory 13 2040AEC0 ???????? 2040AEC4 ???????? Accessory 14 2040AF08 ???????? 2040AF0C ???????? Accessory 15 2040AF50 ???????? 2040AF54 ???????? Accessory 16 2040AF98 ???????? 2040AF9C ???????? Accessory 17 2040AFE0 ???????? 2040AFE4 ???????? Accessory 18 2040B028 ???????? 2040B02C ???????? Accessory 19 2040B070 ???????? 2040B074 ???????? Accessory 20 2040B0B8 ???????? 2040B0BC ???????? Accessory 21 2040B100 ???????? 2040B104 ???????? Accessory 22 2040B148 ???????? 2040B14C ???????? Accessory 23 2040B190 ???????? 2040B194 ???????? Accessory 24 2040B1D8 ???????? 2040B1DC ???????? Accessory 25 2040B220 ???????? 2040B224 ???????? Accessory 26 2040B268 ???????? 2040B26C ???????? Accessory 27 2040B2B0 ???????? 2040B2B4 ???????? Accessory 28 2040B2F8 ???????? 2040B2FC ???????? Accessory 29 2040B340 ???????? 2040B344 ???????? Accessory 30 2040B388 ???????? 2040B38C ???????? Accessory 31 2040B3D0 ???????? 2040B3D4 ???????? Accessory 32 2040B418 ???????? 2040B41C ???????? Accessory 33 2040B460 ???????? 2040B464 ???????? Accessory 34 2040B4A8 ???????? 2040B4AC ???????? Accessory 35 2040B4F0 ???????? 2040B4F4 ???????? Accessory 36 2040B538 ???????? 2040B53C ???????? Accessory 37 2040B580 ???????? 2040B584 ???????? Accessory 38 2040B5C8 ???????? 2040B5CC ???????? Accessory 39 2040B610 ???????? 2040B614 ???????? Accessory 40 2040B658 ???????? 2040B65C ???????? Accessory 41 2040B6A0 ???????? 2040B6A4 ???????? Accessory 42 2040B6E8 ???????? 2040B6EC ???????? Accessory 43 2040B730 ???????? 2040B734 ???????? Accessory 44 2040B778 ???????? 2040B77C ???????? Accessory 45 2040B7C0 ???????? 2040B7C4 ???????? Accessory 46 2040B808 ???????? 2040B80C ???????? Accessory 47 2040B850 ???????? 2040B854 ???????? Accessory 48 2040B898 ???????? 2040B89C ???????? Accessory 49 2040B8E0 ???????? 2040B8E4 ???????? Accessory 50 2040B928 ???????? 2040B92C ???????? Accessory 51 2040B970 ???????? 2040B974 ???????? Accessory 52 2040B9B8 ???????? 2040B9BC ???????? Accessory 53 2040BA00 ???????? 2040BA04 ???????? Accessory 54 2040BA48 ???????? 2040BA4C ???????? Accessory 55 2040BA90 ???????? 2040BA94 ???????? Accessory 56 2040BAD8 ???????? 2040BADC ???????? Accessory 57 2040BB20 ???????? 2040BB24 ???????? Accessory 58 2040BB68 ???????? 2040BB6C ???????? Accessory 59 2040BBB0 ???????? 2040BBB4 ???????? Accessory 60 2040BBF8 ???????? 2040BBFC ???????? Accessory 61 2040BC40 ???????? 2040BC44 ???????? Accessory 62 2040BC88 ???????? 2040BC8C ???????? Accessory 63 2040BCD0 ???????? 2040BCD4 ???????? Accessory 64 2040BD18 ???????? 2040BD1C ???????? 2-3-5a. VALUES: Accessories, Miscellaneous (Gems, Figurines, etc.) 00000100 = Gem (Item's name is white; it can be dropped/sold/duplicated. Only 00000008 use on gems.) 00000100 = Gem + Unique Item (Item's name is yellow; it can be 00000028 dropped/sold/duplicated. Only use on gems.) 00000100 = Gem + Quest Item (Item's name is white; it can not be 000002C8 dropped/sold/duplicated. Only use on gems.) 00000100 = Gem + Unique Item + Quest Item (Item's name is yellow; it can not 000002E8 be dropped/sold/duplicated. Only use on gems.) 00090100 = Gate Scroll (Item's name is white; it can be 00000200 dropped/sold/duplicated. Only use on gate scrolls.) 00090100 = Gate Scroll + Unique Item (Item's name is yellow; it can be 00000220 dropped/sold/duplicated. Only use on gate scrolls.) 00090100 = Gate Scroll + Quest Item (Item's name is white; it can not be 000004C0 dropped/sold/duplicated. Only use on gate scrolls.) 00090100 = Gate Scroll + Unique Item + Quest Item (Item's name is yellow; it 000004E0 can not be dropped/sold/duplicated. Only use on gate scrolls.) 01010100 = Healing/Mana Potion (Item's name is white; it can be 00000200 dropped/sold/duplicated. Only use on healing & mana potions.) 01010100 = Healing/Mana Potion + Unique Item (Item's name is yellow; it can 00000220 be dropped/sold/duplicated. Only use on healing & mana potions.) 01010100 = Healing/Mana Potion + Quest Item (Item's name is white; it can not 000004C0 be dropped/sold/duplicated. Only use on healing & mana potions.) 01010100 = Healing/Mana Potion + Unique Item + Quest Item (Item's name is yel- 000004E0 low; it can not be dropped/sold/duplicated. Only use on healing & mana potions.) 00010000 = Quest Item (Item's name is white; it can be 00000000 dropped/sold/duplicated. Only use on quest items.) 00010000 = Quest Item + Unique Item (Item's name is yellow; it can be 00000020 dropped/sold/duplicated. Only use on quest items.) 00010000 = Quest Item + Quest Item (Item's name is white; it can not be 000002C0 dropped/sold/duplicated. Only use on quest items.) 00010000 = Quest Item + Unique Item + Quest Item (Item's name is yellow; it 000002E0 can not be dropped/sold/duplicated. Only use on quest items.) 2-4. Texture Modifiers A number of items in the game have two or more grahics that they can use. With the Texture Modifiers, an item that has more than one graphic, such as a ring, can be given whatever graphic within the limits of its number of values. Unique items can be modified with these codes. 2-4-1. Weapons Weapon 1 20408750 ???????? Weapon 2 20408798 ???????? Weapon 3 204087E0 ???????? Weapon 4 20408828 ???????? Weapon 5 20408870 ???????? Weapon 6 204088B8 ???????? Weapon 7 20408900 ???????? Weapon 8 20408948 ???????? Weapon 9 20408990 ???????? Weapon 10 204089D8 ???????? Weapon 11 20408A20 ???????? Weapon 12 20408A68 ???????? Weapon 13 20408AB0 ???????? Weapon 14 20408AF8 ???????? Weapon 15 20408B40 ???????? Weapon 16 20408B88 ???????? Weapon 17 20408BD0 ???????? Weapon 18 20408C18 ???????? Weapon 19 20408C60 ???????? Weapon 20 20408CA8 ???????? Weapon 21 20408CF0 ???????? Weapon 22 20408D38 ???????? Weapon 23 20408D80 ???????? Weapon 24 20408DC8 ???????? Weapon 25 20408E10 ???????? Weapon 26 20408E58 ???????? Weapon 27 20408EA0 ???????? Weapon 28 20408EE8 ???????? Weapon 29 20408F30 ???????? Weapon 30 20408F78 ???????? Weapon 31 20408FC0 ???????? Weapon 32 20409008 ???????? Weapon 33 20409050 ???????? Weapon 34 20409098 ???????? Weapon 35 204090E0 ???????? Weapon 36 20409128 ???????? Weapon 37 20409170 ???????? Weapon 38 204091B8 ???????? Weapon 39 20409200 ???????? Weapon 40 20409248 ???????? Weapon 41 20409290 ???????? Weapon 42 204092D8 ???????? Weapon 43 20409320 ???????? Weapon 44 20409368 ???????? Weapon 45 204093B0 ???????? Weapon 46 204093F8 ???????? Weapon 47 20409440 ???????? Weapon 48 20409488 ???????? Weapon 49 204094D0 ???????? Weapon 50 20409518 ???????? Weapon 51 20409560 ???????? Weapon 52 204095A8 ???????? Weapon 53 204095F0 ???????? Weapon 54 20409638 ???????? Weapon 55 20409680 ???????? Weapon 56 204096C8 ???????? Weapon 57 20409710 ???????? Weapon 58 20409758 ???????? Weapon 59 204097A0 ???????? Weapon 60 204097E8 ???????? Weapon 61 20409830 ???????? Weapon 62 20409878 ???????? Weapon 63 204098C0 ???????? Weapon 64 20409908 ???????? 2-4-1a. VALUES: Weapons Claymores 80040000 = Claymore (8 grids) 80040800 = (Blade-Angled) Claymore (8 grids) Daggers 20040000 = Dagger (2 grids) 20041000 = (Assassian's) Dagger (2 grids) Dire Swords 80060000 = (Curved) Dire Sword (5 grids) 80060800 = (Curled) Dire Sword (10 grids) Flamberges 40040000 = Flamberge (8 grids) 40040800 = (Forked) Flamberge (8 grids) Grand Scepters 40820000 = (Crowned) Grand Scepter (3 grids) 40820800 = (Oval-Headed) Grand Scepter (3 grids) Great Staffs 40820000 = (Twisted) Great Staff (5 grids) 40820800 = (Jewel-Headed) Great Staff (5 grids) Great Swords 80040000 = (Blade-Linked) Great Sword (6 grids) 80040800 = Great Sword (6 grids) Handaxes 40040000 = Handaxe (3 grids) 40040800 = (Small Halbred) Handaxe (6 grids) 40041000 = (Small Gore) Handaxe (6 grids) 40041800 = (Rhinolike) Handaxe (6 grids) Heavy Swords 40040000 = Heavy Sword 1 (3 grids) 40040800 = Heavy Sword 2 (3 grids) 40041000 = (Teeth-Bladed) Heavy Sword (8 grids) Light Swords 40040000 = (Asian Style) Light Sword (4 grids) 40040800 = (Twisted) Light Sword (4 grids) Long Staffs 40820000 = (Twisted) Long Staff (5 grids) 40820800 = (Jewel-Headed) Long Staff (5 grids) Maces 40040000 = (Five-Bladed 1) Mace (3 grids) 40040800 = (Five-Bladed 2) Mace (3 grids) 40041000 = (Five-Bladed 3) Mace (3 grids) 40041800 = (Spiked) Mace (6 grids) 40042000 = (Four-Bladed) Mace (3 grids) Pole Axes 80040000 = (Oval-Headed) Pole Axe (10 grids) 80040800 = (Hammerheaded) Pole Axe (10 grids) Rapiers 40040000 = Rapier 1 (3 grids) 40040800 = Rapier 2 (6 grids) Short Morning Stars 40040000 = (Spiked 1) Short Morning Star (6 grids) 40040800 = (Spiked 2) Short Morning Star (6 grids) Short Staffs 40820000 = Short Staff (5 grids) 40820800 = (Long) Short Staff (5 grids) Short Swords 40040000 = Short Sword (3 grids) 40040800 = (Big-Headed) Short Sword (3 grids) 40041000 = (Curved) Short Sword (3 grids) War Rods 40820000 = (Scepterlike) War Rod (3 grids) 40820800 = (Hammerheaded) War Rod (3 grids) 40821000 = (Claw-Headed) War Rod (3 grids) 2-4-2. Accessories Accessory 1 2040AB60 ???????? Accessory 2 2040ABA8 ???????? Accessory 3 2040ABF0 ???????? Accessory 4 2040AC38 ???????? Accessory 5 2040AC80 ???????? Accessory 6 2040ACC8 ???????? Accessory 7 2040AD10 ???????? Accessory 8 2040AD58 ???????? Accessory 9 2040ADA0 ???????? Accessory 10 2040ADE8 ???????? Accessory 11 2040AE30 ???????? Accessory 12 2040AE78 ???????? Accessory 13 2040AEC0 ???????? Accessory 14 2040AF08 ???????? Accessory 15 2040AF50 ???????? Accessory 16 2040AF98 ???????? Accessory 17 2040AFE0 ???????? Accessory 18 2040B028 ???????? Accessory 19 2040B070 ???????? Accessory 20 2040B0B8 ???????? Accessory 21 2040B100 ???????? Accessory 22 2040B148 ???????? Accessory 23 2040B190 ???????? Accessory 24 2040B1D8 ???????? Accessory 25 2040B220 ???????? Accessory 26 2040B268 ???????? Accessory 27 2040B2B0 ???????? Accessory 28 2040B2F8 ???????? Accessory 29 2040B340 ???????? Accessory 30 2040B388 ???????? Accessory 31 2040B3D0 ???????? Accessory 32 2040B418 ???????? Accessory 33 2040B460 ???????? Accessory 34 2040B4A8 ???????? Accessory 35 2040B4F0 ???????? Accessory 36 2040B538 ???????? Accessory 37 2040B580 ???????? Accessory 38 2040B5C8 ???????? Accessory 39 2040B610 ???????? Accessory 40 2040B658 ???????? Accessory 41 2040B6A0 ???????? Accessory 42 2040B6E8 ???????? Accessory 43 2040B730 ???????? Accessory 44 2040B778 ???????? Accessory 45 2040B7C0 ???????? Accessory 46 2040B808 ???????? Accessory 47 2040B850 ???????? Accessory 48 2040B898 ???????? Accessory 49 2040B8E0 ???????? Accessory 50 2040B928 ???????? Accessory 51 2040B970 ???????? Accessory 52 2040B9B8 ???????? Accessory 53 2040BA00 ???????? Accessory 54 2040BA48 ???????? Accessory 55 2040BA90 ???????? Accessory 56 2040BAD8 ???????? Accessory 57 2040BB20 ???????? Accessory 58 2040BB68 ???????? Accessory 59 2040BBB0 ???????? Accessory 60 2040BBF8 ???????? Accessory 61 2040BC40 ???????? Accessory 62 2040BC88 ???????? Accessory 63 2040BCD0 ???????? Accessory 64 2040BD18 ???????? 2-4-2a. VALUES: Accessories Amulets 02000000 = Silver Amulet (6 grids) 02000800 = White Amulet (6 grids) 02001000 = Gold Amulet (6 grids) Chokers 02000000 = Thick Choker (4 grids) 02000800 = Silver Choker (4 grids) 02001000 = Gold Choker (4 grids) 02001800 = Thin Choker (4 grids) Earrings 02000000 = Red & White Earring (2 grids) 02000800 = Purple & White Earring 1 (2 grids) 02001000 = White & Yellow Earring (2 grids) 02001800 = Gold Earring 1 (2 grids) 02002000 = Blue & White Earring (2 grids) 02002800 = Gold Earring 2 (1 grid) 02003000 = Purple & White Earring 2 (2 grids) 02003800 = Red & Silver Earring (4 grids) Rings 04000000 = White & Yellow Ring (4 grids) 04000800 = Gold & Yellow Ring (4 grids) 04001000 = White & Gray Ring (4 grids) 04001800 = White & Orange Ring 1 (4 grids) 04002000 = White & Orange Ring 2 (4 grids) 04002800 = Gold & Orange Ring (4 grids) 2-5. Prefix Modifiers The Prefix Modifiers modify the adjective that is added before the name of most all items, to give them a higher amount of weapon damage or armor rating. Alone, the Prefix Modifiers can not modify the weapon damage or armor rating of an item. To modify this part of an item, use the Prefix & Slot 1 Modifiers or Slots 1 ~ 4 Modifiers, found elsehwhere in this document. Weapon 1 00408768 000000?? Weapon 2 004087B0 000000?? Weapon 3 004087F8 000000?? Weapon 4 00408840 000000?? Weapon 5 00408888 000000?? Weapon 6 004088D0 000000?? Weapon 7 00408918 000000?? Weapon 8 00408960 000000?? Weapon 9 004089A8 000000?? Weapon 10 004089F0 000000?? Weapon 11 00408A38 000000?? Weapon 12 00408A80 000000?? Weapon 13 00408AC8 000000?? Weapon 14 00408B10 000000?? Weapon 15 00408B58 000000?? Weapon 16 00408BA0 000000?? Weapon 17 00408BE8 000000?? Weapon 18 00408C30 000000?? Weapon 19 00408C78 000000?? Weapon 20 00408CC0 000000?? Weapon 21 00408D08 000000?? Weapon 22 00408D50 000000?? Weapon 23 00408D98 000000?? Weapon 24 00408DE0 000000?? Weapon 25 00408E28 000000?? Weapon 26 00408E70 000000?? Weapon 27 00408EB8 000000?? Weapon 28 00408F00 000000?? Weapon 29 00408F48 000000?? Weapon 30 00408F90 000000?? Weapon 31 00408FD8 000000?? Weapon 32 00409020 000000?? Weapon 33 00409068 000000?? Weapon 34 004090B0 000000?? Weapon 35 004090F8 000000?? Weapon 36 00409140 000000?? Weapon 37 00409188 000000?? Weapon 38 004091D0 000000?? Weapon 39 00409218 000000?? Weapon 40 00409260 000000?? Weapon 41 004092A8 000000?? Weapon 42 004092F0 000000?? Weapon 43 00409338 000000?? Weapon 44 00409380 000000?? Weapon 45 004093C8 000000?? Weapon 46 00409410 000000?? Weapon 47 00409458 000000?? Weapon 48 004094A0 000000?? Weapon 49 004094E8 000000?? Weapon 50 00409530 000000?? Weapon 51 00409578 000000?? Weapon 52 004095C0 000000?? Weapon 53 00409608 000000?? Weapon 54 00409650 000000?? Weapon 55 00409698 000000?? Weapon 56 004096E0 000000?? Weapon 57 00409728 000000?? Weapon 58 00409770 000000?? Weapon 59 004097B8 000000?? Weapon 60 00409800 000000?? Weapon 61 00409848 000000?? Weapon 62 00409890 000000?? Weapon 63 004098D8 000000?? Weapon 64 00409920 000000?? Armor 1 00409970 000000?? Armor 2 004099B8 000000?? Armor 3 00409A00 000000?? Armor 4 00409A48 000000?? Armor 5 00409A90 000000?? Armor 6 00409AD8 000000?? Armor 7 00409B20 000000?? Armor 8 00409B68 000000?? Armor 9 00409BB0 000000?? Armor 10 00409BF8 000000?? Armor 11 00409C40 000000?? Armor 12 00409C88 000000?? Armor 13 00409CD0 000000?? Armor 14 00409D18 000000?? Armor 15 00409D60 000000?? Armor 16 00409DA8 000000?? Armor 17 00409DF0 000000?? Armor 18 00409E38 000000?? Armor 19 00409E80 000000?? Armor 20 00409EC8 000000?? Armor 21 00409F10 000000?? Armor 22 00409F58 000000?? Armor 23 00409FA0 000000?? Armor 24 00409FE8 000000?? Armor 25 0040A030 000000?? Armor 26 0040A078 000000?? Armor 27 0040A0C0 000000?? Armor 28 0040A108 000000?? Armor 29 0040A150 000000?? Armor 30 0040A198 000000?? Armor 31 0040A1E0 000000?? Armor 32 0040A228 000000?? Armor 33 0040A270 000000?? Armor 34 0040A2B8 000000?? Armor 35 0040A300 000000?? Armor 36 0040A348 000000?? Armor 37 0040A390 000000?? Armor 38 0040A3D8 000000?? Armor 39 0040A420 000000?? Armor 40 0040A468 000000?? Armor 41 0040A4B0 000000?? Armor 42 0040A4F8 000000?? Armor 43 0040A540 000000?? Armor 44 0040A588 000000?? Armor 45 0040A5D0 000000?? Armor 46 0040A618 000000?? Armor 47 0040A660 000000?? Armor 48 0040A6A8 000000?? Armor 49 0040A6F0 000000?? Armor 50 0040A738 000000?? Armor 51 0040A780 000000?? Armor 52 0040A7C8 000000?? Armor 53 0040A810 000000?? Armor 54 0040A858 000000?? Armor 55 0040A8A0 000000?? Armor 56 0040A8E8 000000?? Armor 57 0040A930 000000?? Armor 58 0040A978 000000?? Armor 59 0040A9C0 000000?? Armor 60 0040AA08 000000?? Armor 61 0040AA50 000000?? Armor 62 0040AA98 000000?? Armor 63 0040AAE0 000000?? Armor 64 0040AB28 000000?? Accessory 1 0040AB78 000000?? Accessory 2 0040ABC0 000000?? Accessory 3 0040AC08 000000?? Accessory 4 0040AC50 000000?? Accessory 5 0040AC98 000000?? Accessory 6 0040ACE0 000000?? Accessory 7 0040AD28 000000?? Accessory 8 0040AD70 000000?? Accessory 9 0040ADB8 000000?? Accessory 10 0040AE00 000000?? Accessory 11 0040AE48 000000?? Accessory 12 0040AE90 000000?? Accessory 13 0040AED8 000000?? Accessory 14 0040AF20 000000?? Accessory 15 0040AF68 000000?? Accessory 16 0040AFB0 000000?? Accessory 17 0040AFF8 000000?? Accessory 18 0040B040 000000?? Accessory 19 0040B088 000000?? Accessory 20 0040B0D0 000000?? Accessory 21 0040B118 000000?? Accessory 22 0040B160 000000?? Accessory 23 0040B1A8 000000?? Accessory 24 0040B1F0 000000?? Accessory 25 0040B238 000000?? Accessory 26 0040B280 000000?? Accessory 27 0040B2C8 000000?? Accessory 28 0040B310 000000?? Accessory 29 0040B358 000000?? Accessory 30 0040B3A0 000000?? Accessory 31 0040B3E8 000000?? Accessory 32 0040B430 000000?? Accessory 33 0040B478 000000?? Accessory 34 0040B4C0 000000?? Accessory 35 0040B508 000000?? Accessory 36 0040B550 000000?? Accessory 37 0040B598 000000?? Accessory 38 0040B5E0 000000?? Accessory 39 0040B628 000000?? Accessory 40 0040B670 000000?? Accessory 41 0040B6B8 000000?? Accessory 42 0040B700 000000?? Accessory 43 0040B748 000000?? Accessory 44 0040B790 000000?? Accessory 45 0040B7D8 000000?? Accessory 46 0040B820 000000?? Accessory 47 0040B868 000000?? Accessory 48 0040B8B0 000000?? Accessory 49 0040B8F8 000000?? Accessory 50 0040B940 000000?? Accessory 51 0040B988 000000?? Accessory 52 0040B9D0 000000?? Accessory 53 0040BA18 000000?? Accessory 54 0040BA60 000000?? Accessory 55 0040BAA8 000000?? Accessory 56 0040BAF0 000000?? Accessory 57 0040BB38 000000?? Accessory 58 0040BB80 000000?? Accessory 59 0040BBC8 000000?? Accessory 60 0040BC10 000000?? Accessory 61 0040BC58 000000?? Accessory 62 0040BCA0 000000?? Accessory 63 0040BCE8 000000?? Accessory 64 0040BD30 000000?? 2-5a. VALUES: Prefix Modifiers 00 = Ruined 01 = Dirtied 02 = Tattered 03 = Rusty 04 = Cracked 05 = Worn 06 = Torn 07 = Tarnished 08 = Tainted 09 = Battle Worn 0A = Charred 0B = Woven 0C = Enlaced 0D = Bronze Lined 0E = Bronze 0F = Iron Lined 10 = Cast Iron 11 = Rugged 12 = Reinforced 13 = Shiny 14 = Well Built 15 = Sturdy 16 = Strong 17 = Sharp 18 = Weighted 19 = Forged 1A = Polished 1B = Elven 1C = Dwarven 1D = Alloy 1E = Masterwork 1F = Blackened Iron 20 = Crystal 21 = Teir'Dal 22 = Combine 23 = Steel Lined 24 = Fine Steel 25 = Feir'Dal 26 = Encrusted 27 = Embroidered 28 = Silver Lined 29 = Alliance 2A = Velium Lined 2B = Arcane 2C = Steel 2D = Fortified 2E = Imbued 2F = Well Balanced 30 = Silvery War 31 = Serrated 32 = Silverish 33 = Velium 34 = Hulking 35 = Ancient 36 = Obsidian 37 = Titan 38 = Shadowed FF = Nothing (takes away prefix) 2-6. Suffix Modifiers The Suffix Modifiers modify the prepositional phrase that is added after the name of most all items, to give them one or more enhancements, & to give the full names of items, themselves, the color, blue. Alone, the Suffix Modifiers can not modify the enhancements of an item. To mod- ify this part of an item, use the Suffix & Slot 4 Modifiers or Slots 1 ~ 4 Mod- ifiers, found elsehwhere in this document. Weapon 1 00408769 000000?? Weapon 2 004087B1 000000?? Weapon 3 004087F9 000000?? Weapon 4 00408841 000000?? Weapon 5 00408889 000000?? Weapon 6 004088D1 000000?? Weapon 7 00408919 000000?? Weapon 8 00408961 000000?? Weapon 9 004089A9 000000?? Weapon 10 004089F1 000000?? Weapon 11 00408A39 000000?? Weapon 12 00408A81 000000?? Weapon 13 00408AC9 000000?? Weapon 14 00408B11 000000?? Weapon 15 00408B59 000000?? Weapon 16 00408BA1 000000?? Weapon 17 00408BE9 000000?? Weapon 18 00408C31 000000?? Weapon 19 00408C79 000000?? Weapon 20 00408CC1 000000?? Weapon 21 00408D09 000000?? Weapon 22 00408D51 000000?? Weapon 23 00408D99 000000?? Weapon 24 00408DE1 000000?? Weapon 25 00408E29 000000?? Weapon 26 00408E71 000000?? Weapon 27 00408EB9 000000?? Weapon 28 00408F01 000000?? Weapon 29 00408F49 000000?? Weapon 30 00408F91 000000?? Weapon 31 00408FD9 000000?? Weapon 32 00409021 000000?? Weapon 33 00409069 000000?? Weapon 34 004090B1 000000?? Weapon 35 004090F9 000000?? Weapon 36 00409141 000000?? Weapon 37 00409189 000000?? Weapon 38 004091D1 000000?? Weapon 39 00409219 000000?? Weapon 40 00409261 000000?? Weapon 41 004092A9 000000?? Weapon 42 004092F1 000000?? Weapon 43 00409339 000000?? Weapon 44 00409381 000000?? Weapon 45 004093C9 000000?? Weapon 46 00409411 000000?? Weapon 47 00409459 000000?? Weapon 48 004094A1 000000?? Weapon 49 004094E9 000000?? Weapon 50 00409531 000000?? Weapon 51 00409579 000000?? Weapon 52 004095C1 000000?? Weapon 53 00409609 000000?? Weapon 54 00409651 000000?? Weapon 55 00409699 000000?? Weapon 56 004096E1 000000?? Weapon 57 00409729 000000?? Weapon 58 00409771 000000?? Weapon 59 004097B9 000000?? Weapon 60 00409801 000000?? Weapon 61 00409849 000000?? Weapon 62 00409891 000000?? Weapon 63 004098D9 000000?? Weapon 64 00409921 000000?? Armor 1 00409971 000000?? Armor 2 004099B9 000000?? Armor 3 00409A01 000000?? Armor 4 00409A49 000000?? Armor 5 00409A91 000000?? Armor 6 00409AD9 000000?? Armor 7 00409B21 000000?? Armor 8 00409B69 000000?? Armor 9 00409BB1 000000?? Armor 10 00409BF9 000000?? Armor 11 00409C41 000000?? Armor 12 00409C89 000000?? Armor 13 00409CD1 000000?? Armor 14 00409D19 000000?? Armor 15 00409D61 000000?? Armor 16 00409DA9 000000?? Armor 17 00409DF1 000000?? Armor 18 00409E39 000000?? Armor 19 00409E81 000000?? Armor 20 00409EC9 000000?? Armor 21 00409F11 000000?? Armor 22 00409F59 000000?? Armor 23 00409FA1 000000?? Armor 24 00409FE9 000000?? Armor 25 0040A031 000000?? Armor 26 0040A079 000000?? Armor 27 0040A0C1 000000?? Armor 28 0040A109 000000?? Armor 29 0040A151 000000?? Armor 30 0040A199 000000?? Armor 31 0040A1E1 000000?? Armor 32 0040A229 000000?? Armor 33 0040A271 000000?? Armor 34 0040A2B9 000000?? Armor 35 0040A301 000000?? Armor 36 0040A349 000000?? Armor 37 0040A391 000000?? Armor 38 0040A3D9 000000?? Armor 39 0040A421 000000?? Armor 40 0040A469 000000?? Armor 41 0040A4B1 000000?? Armor 42 0040A4F9 000000?? Armor 43 0040A541 000000?? Armor 44 0040A589 000000?? Armor 45 0040A5D1 000000?? Armor 46 0040A619 000000?? Armor 47 0040A661 000000?? Armor 48 0040A6A9 000000?? Armor 49 0040A6F1 000000?? Armor 50 0040A739 000000?? Armor 51 0040A781 000000?? Armor 52 0040A7C9 000000?? Armor 53 0040A811 000000?? Armor 54 0040A859 000000?? Armor 55 0040A8A1 000000?? Armor 56 0040A8E9 000000?? Armor 57 0040A931 000000?? Armor 58 0040A979 000000?? Armor 59 0040A9C1 000000?? Armor 60 0040AA09 000000?? Armor 61 0040AA51 000000?? Armor 62 0040AA99 000000?? Armor 63 0040AAE1 000000?? Armor 64 0040AB29 000000?? Accessory 1 0040AB79 000000?? Accessory 2 0040ABC1 000000?? Accessory 3 0040AC09 000000?? Accessory 4 0040AC51 000000?? Accessory 5 0040AC99 000000?? Accessory 6 0040ACE1 000000?? Accessory 7 0040AD29 000000?? Accessory 8 0040AD71 000000?? Accessory 9 0040ADB9 000000?? Accessory 10 0040AE01 000000?? Accessory 11 0040AE49 000000?? Accessory 12 0040AE91 000000?? Accessory 13 0040AED9 000000?? Accessory 14 0040AF21 000000?? Accessory 15 0040AF69 000000?? Accessory 16 0040AFB1 000000?? Accessory 17 0040AFF9 000000?? Accessory 18 0040B041 000000?? Accessory 19 0040B089 000000?? Accessory 20 0040B0D1 000000?? Accessory 21 0040B119 000000?? Accessory 22 0040B161 000000?? Accessory 23 0040B1A9 000000?? Accessory 24 0040B1F1 000000?? Accessory 25 0040B239 000000?? Accessory 26 0040B281 000000?? Accessory 27 0040B2C9 000000?? Accessory 28 0040B311 000000?? Accessory 29 0040B359 000000?? Accessory 30 0040B3A1 000000?? Accessory 31 0040B3E9 000000?? Accessory 32 0040B431 000000?? Accessory 33 0040B479 000000?? Accessory 34 0040B4C1 000000?? Accessory 35 0040B509 000000?? Accessory 36 0040B551 000000?? Accessory 37 0040B599 000000?? Accessory 38 0040B5E1 000000?? Accessory 39 0040B629 000000?? Accessory 40 0040B671 000000?? Accessory 41 0040B6B9 000000?? Accessory 42 0040B701 000000?? Accessory 43 0040B749 000000?? Accessory 44 0040B791 000000?? Accessory 45 0040B7D9 000000?? Accessory 46 0040B821 000000?? Accessory 47 0040B869 000000?? Accessory 48 0040B8B1 000000?? Accessory 49 0040B8F9 000000?? Accessory 50 0040B941 000000?? Accessory 51 0040B989 000000?? Accessory 52 0040B9D1 000000?? Accessory 53 0040BA19 000000?? Accessory 54 0040BA61 000000?? Accessory 55 0040BAA9 000000?? Accessory 56 0040BAF1 000000?? Accessory 57 0040BB39 000000?? Accessory 58 0040BB81 000000?? Accessory 59 0040BBC9 000000?? Accessory 60 0040BC11 000000?? Accessory 61 0040BC59 000000?? Accessory 62 0040BCA1 000000?? Accessory 63 0040BCE9 000000?? Accessory 64 0040BD31 000000?? 2-6a. VALUES: Suffix Modifiers 00 = of Embers 01 = of Flame 02 = of Fire 03 = of Blaze 04 = of Inferno 05 = of Sleet 06 = of Hail 07 = of Cold 08 = of Frost 09 = of Freezing 0A = of Tainting 0B = of Acidity 0C = of Poison 0D = of Venom 0E = of Toxin 0F = of Tainted Haze 10 = of Acidic Mist 11 = of Poison Cloud 12 = of Venom Spray 13 = of Toxic Brume 14 = of Jolts 15 = of Volts 16 = of Shock 17 = of Current 18 = of Lightning 19 = of Depletion 1A = of Dispension 1B = of Dissipation 1C = of Negation 1D = of Dissolution 1E = of Fitness 1F = of Well Being 20 = of Health 21 = of Resiliance 22 = of Life 23 = of Lesser Mana 24 = of Balance 25 = of Mana 26 = of Energy 27 = of Greater Mana 28 = of Fortitude 29 = of the Bull 2A = of Strength 2B = of Power 2C = of the Giants 2D = of Godly Strength 2E = of Cunning 2F = of Wisdom 30 = of Intellect 31 = of Brilliance 32 = of Genius 33 = of Poise 34 = of Agility 35 = of Dexterity 36 = of Balance 37 = of Precision 38 = of Godly Reflexes 39 = of Fitness 3A = of Resilience 3B = of Stamina 3C = of Vigor 3D = of Vitality 3E = of the Rhino 3F = of Perk 40 = of Mending 41 = of Healing 42 = of Rejuvenation 43 = of Restoration 44 = of Calm 45 = of Trance 46 = of Concentration 47 = of Focus 48 = of Will 49 = of Wanding 4A = of Guarding 4B = of Defense 4C = of Shielding 4D = of Protection 4E = of Striking 4F = of Haste 50 = of Zeal 51 = of Speed 52 = of Impairing 53 = of Mangling 54 = of Cleaving 55 = of Gouging 56 = of Mauling 57 = of Justice 58 = of Requital 59 = of Wrath FF = Nothing (takes away suffix) 2-7. Slots 1 ~ 4 Modifiers 2-7-1. Weapons Weapon 1 Slot 1 Modifier 2040876C ???????? 20408770 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 20408774 ???????? 20408778 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040877C ???????? 20408780 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 20408784 ???????? 20408788 ???????? Weapon 2 Slot 1 Modifier 204087B4 ???????? 204087B8 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 204087BC ???????? 204087C0 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 204087C4 ???????? 204087C8 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 204087CC ???????? 204087D0 ???????? Weapon 3 Slot 1 Modifier 204087FC ???????? 20408800 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 20408804 ???????? 20408808 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040880C ???????? 20408810 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 20408814 ???????? 20408818 ???????? Weapon 4 Slot 1 Modifier 20408844 ???????? 20408848 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040884C ???????? 20408850 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 20408854 ???????? 20408858 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040885C ???????? 20408860 ???????? Weapon 5 Slot 1 Modifier 2040888C ???????? 20408890 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 20408894 ???????? 20408898 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040889C ???????? 204088A0 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 204088A4 ???????? 204088A8 ???????? Weapon 6 Slot 1 Modifier 204088D4 ???????? 204088D8 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 204088DC ???????? 204088E0 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 204088E4 ???????? 204088E8 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 204088EC ???????? 204088F0 ???????? Weapon 7 Slot 1 Modifier 2040891C ???????? 20408920 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 20408924 ???????? 20408928 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040892C ???????? 20408930 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 20408934 ???????? 20408938 ???????? Weapon 8 Slot 1 Modifier 20408964 ???????? 20408968 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040896C ???????? 20408970 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 20408974 ???????? 20408978 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040897C ???????? 20408980 ???????? Weapon 9 Slot 1 Modifier 204089AC ???????? 204089B0 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 204089B4 ???????? 204089B8 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 204089BC ???????? 204089C0 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 204089C4 ???????? 204089C8 ???????? Weapon 10 Slot 1 Modifier 204089F4 ???????? 204089F8 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 204089FC ???????? 20408A00 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 20408A04 ???????? 20408A08 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 20408A0C ???????? 20408A10 ???????? Weapon 11 Slot 1 Modifier 20408A3C ???????? 20408A40 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 20408A44 ???????? 20408A48 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 20408A4C ???????? 20408A50 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 20408A54 ???????? 20408A58 ???????? Weapon 12 Slot 1 Modifier 20408A84 ???????? 20408A88 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 20408A8C ???????? 20408A90 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 20408A94 ???????? 20408A98 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 20408A9C ???????? 20408AA0 ???????? Weapon 13 Slot 1 Modifier 20408ACC ???????? 20408AD0 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 20408AD4 ???????? 20408AD8 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 20408ADC ???????? 20408AE0 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 20408AE4 ???????? 20408AE8 ???????? Weapon 14 Slot 1 Modifier 20408B14 ???????? 20408B18 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 20408B1C ???????? 20408B20 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 20408B24 ???????? 20408B28 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 20408B2C ???????? 20408B30 ???????? Weapon 15 Slot 1 Modifier 20408B5C ???????? 20408B60 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 20408B64 ???????? 20408B68 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 20408B6C ???????? 20408B70 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 20408B74 ???????? 20408B78 ???????? Weapon 16 Slot 1 Modifier 20408BA4 ???????? 20408BA8 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 20408BAC ???????? 20408BB0 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 20408BB4 ???????? 20408BB8 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 20408BBC ???????? 20408BC0 ???????? Weapon 17 Slot 1 Modifier 20408BEC ???????? 20408BF0 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 20408BF4 ???????? 20408BF8 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 20408BFC ???????? 20408C00 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 20408C04 ???????? 20408C08 ???????? Weapon 18 Slot 1 Modifier 20408C34 ???????? 20408C38 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 20408C3C ???????? 20408C40 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 20408C44 ???????? 20408C48 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 20408C4C ???????? 20408C50 ???????? Weapon 19 Slot 1 Modifier 20408C7C ???????? 20408C80 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 20408C84 ???????? 20408C88 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 20408C8C ???????? 20408C90 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 20408C94 ???????? 20408C98 ???????? Weapon 20 Slot 1 Modifier 20408CC4 ???????? 20408CC8 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 20408CCC ???????? 20408CD0 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 20408CD4 ???????? 20408CD8 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 20408CDC ???????? 20408CE0 ???????? Weapon 21 Slot 1 Modifier 20408D0C ???????? 20408D10 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 20408D14 ???????? 20408D18 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 20408D1C ???????? 20408D20 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 20408D24 ???????? 20408D28 ???????? Weapon 22 Slot 1 Modifier 20408D54 ???????? 20408D58 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 20408D5C ???????? 20408D60 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 20408D64 ???????? 20408D68 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 20408D6C ???????? 20408D70 ???????? Weapon 23 Slot 1 Modifier 20408D9C ???????? 20408DA0 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 20408DA4 ???????? 20408DA8 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 20408DAC ???????? 20408DB0 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 20408DB4 ???????? 20408DB8 ???????? Weapon 24 Slot 1 Modifier 20408DE4 ???????? 20408DE8 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 20408DEC ???????? 20408DF0 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 20408DF4 ???????? 20408DF8 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 20408DFC ???????? 20408E00 ???????? Weapon 25 Slot 1 Modifier 20408E2C ???????? 20408E30 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 20408E34 ???????? 20408E38 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 20408E3C ???????? 20408E40 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 20408E44 ???????? 20408E48 ???????? Weapon 26 Slot 1 Modifier 20408E74 ???????? 20408E78 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 20408E7C ???????? 20408E80 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 20408E84 ???????? 20408E88 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 20408E8C ???????? 20408E90 ???????? Weapon 27 Slot 1 Modifier 20408EBC ???????? 20408EC0 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 20408EC4 ???????? 20408EC8 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 20408ECC ???????? 20408ED0 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 20408ED4 ???????? 20408ED8 ???????? Weapon 28 Slot 1 Modifier 20408F04 ???????? 20408F08 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 20408F0C ???????? 20408F10 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 20408F14 ???????? 20408F18 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 20408F1C ???????? 20408F20 ???????? Weapon 29 Slot 1 Modifier 20408F4C ???????? 20408F50 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 20408F54 ???????? 20408F58 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 20408F5C ???????? 20408F60 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 20408F64 ???????? 20408F68 ???????? Weapon 30 Slot 1 Modifier 20408F94 ???????? 20408F98 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 20408F9C ???????? 20408FA0 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 20408FA4 ???????? 20408FA8 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 20408FAC ???????? 20408FB0 ???????? Weapon 31 Slot 1 Modifier 20408FDC ???????? 20408FE0 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 20408FE4 ???????? 20408FE8 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 20408FEC ???????? 20408FF0 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 20408FF4 ???????? 20408FF8 ???????? Weapon 32 Slot 1 Modifier 20409024 ???????? 20409028 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040902C ???????? 20409030 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 20409034 ???????? 20409038 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040903C ???????? 20409040 ???????? Weapon 33 Slot 1 Modifier 2040906C ???????? 20409070 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 20409074 ???????? 20409078 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040907C ???????? 20409080 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 20409084 ???????? 20409088 ???????? Weapon 34 Slot 1 Modifier 204090B4 ???????? 204090B8 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 204090BC ???????? 204090C0 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 204090C4 ???????? 204090C8 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 204090CC ???????? 204090D0 ???????? Weapon 35 Slot 1 Modifier 204090FC ???????? 20409100 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 20409104 ???????? 20409108 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040910C ???????? 20409110 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 20409114 ???????? 20409118 ???????? Weapon 36 Slot 1 Modifier 20409144 ???????? 20409148 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040914C ???????? 20409150 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 20409154 ???????? 20409158 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040915C ???????? 20409160 ???????? Weapon 37 Slot 1 Modifier 2040918C ???????? 20409190 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 20409194 ???????? 20409198 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040919C ???????? 204091A0 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 204091A4 ???????? 204091A8 ???????? Weapon 38 Slot 1 Modifier 204091D4 ???????? 204091D8 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 204091DC ???????? 204091E0 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 204091E4 ???????? 204091E8 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 204091EC ???????? 204091F0 ???????? Weapon 39 Slot 1 Modifier 2040921C ???????? 20409220 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 20409224 ???????? 20409228 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040922C ???????? 20409230 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 20409234 ???????? 20409238 ???????? Weapon 40 Slot 1 Modifier 20409264 ???????? 20409268 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040926C ???????? 20409270 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 20409274 ???????? 20409278 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040927C ???????? 20409280 ???????? Weapon 41 Slot 1 Modifier 204092AC ???????? 204092B0 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 204092B4 ???????? 204092B8 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 204092BC ???????? 204092C0 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 204092C4 ???????? 204092C8 ???????? Weapon 42 Slot 1 Modifier 204092F4 ???????? 204092F8 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 204092FC ???????? 20409300 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 20409304 ???????? 20409308 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040930C ???????? 20409310 ???????? Weapon 43 Slot 1 Modifier 2040933C ???????? 20409340 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 20409344 ???????? 20409348 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040934C ???????? 20409350 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 20409354 ???????? 20409358 ???????? Weapon 44 Slot 1 Modifier 20409384 ???????? 20409388 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040938C ???????? 20409390 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 20409394 ???????? 20409398 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040939C ???????? 204093A0 ???????? Weapon 45 Slot 1 Modifier 204093CC ???????? 204093D0 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 204093D4 ???????? 204093D8 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 204093DC ???????? 204093E0 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 204093E4 ???????? 204093E8 ???????? Weapon 46 Slot 1 Modifier 20409414 ???????? 20409418 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040941C ???????? 20409420 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 20409424 ???????? 20409428 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040942C ???????? 20409430 ???????? Weapon 47 Slot 1 Modifier 2040945C ???????? 20409460 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 20409464 ???????? 20409468 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040946C ???????? 20409470 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 20409474 ???????? 20409478 ???????? Weapon 48 Slot 1 Modifier 204094A4 ???????? 204094A8 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 204094AC ???????? 204094B0 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 204094B4 ???????? 204094B8 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 204094BC ???????? 204094C0 ???????? Weapon 49 Slot 1 Modifier 204094EC ???????? 204094F0 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 204094F4 ???????? 204094F8 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 204094FC ???????? 20409500 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 20409504 ???????? 20409508 ???????? Weapon 50 Slot 1 Modifier 20409534 ???????? 20409538 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040953C ???????? 20409540 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 20409544 ???????? 20409548 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040954C ???????? 20409550 ???????? Weapon 51 Slot 1 Modifier 2040957C ???????? 20409580 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 20409584 ???????? 20409588 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040958C ???????? 20409590 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 20409594 ???????? 20409598 ???????? Weapon 52 Slot 1 Modifier 204095C4 ???????? 204095C8 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 204095CC ???????? 204095D0 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 204095D4 ???????? 204095D8 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 204095DC ???????? 204095E0 ???????? Weapon 53 Slot 1 Modifier 2040960C ???????? 20409610 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 20409614 ???????? 20409618 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040961C ???????? 20409620 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 20409624 ???????? 20409628 ???????? Weapon 54 Slot 1 Modifier 20409654 ???????? 20409658 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040965C ???????? 20409660 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 20409664 ???????? 20409668 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040966C ???????? 20409670 ???????? Weapon 55 Slot 1 Modifier 2040969C ???????? 204096A0 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 204096A4 ???????? 204096A8 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 204096AC ???????? 204096B0 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 204096B4 ???????? 204096B8 ???????? Weapon 56 Slot 1 Modifier 204096E4 ???????? 204096E8 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 204096EC ???????? 204096F0 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 204096F4 ???????? 204096F8 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 204096FC ???????? 20409700 ???????? Weapon 57 Slot 1 Modifier 2040972C ???????? 20409730 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 20409734 ???????? 20409738 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040973C ???????? 20409740 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 20409744 ???????? 20409748 ???????? Weapon 58 Slot 1 Modifier 20409774 ???????? 20409778 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040977C ???????? 20409780 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 20409784 ???????? 20409788 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040978C ???????? 20409790 ???????? Weapon 59 Slot 1 Modifier 204097BC ???????? 204097C0 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 204097C4 ???????? 204097C8 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 204097CC ???????? 204097D0 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 204097D4 ???????? 204097D8 ???????? Weapon 60 Slot 1 Modifier 20409804 ???????? 20409808 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040980C ???????? 20409810 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 20409814 ???????? 20409818 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040981C ???????? 20409820 ???????? Weapon 61 Slot 1 Modifier 2040984C ???????? 20409850 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 20409854 ???????? 20409858 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040985C ???????? 20409860 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 20409864 ???????? 20409868 ???????? Weapon 62 Slot 1 Modifier 20409894 ???????? 20409898 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040989C ???????? 204098A0 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 204098A4 ???????? 204098A8 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 204098AC ???????? 204098B0 ???????? Weapon 63 Slot 1 Modifier 204098DC ???????? 204098E0 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 204098E4 ???????? 204098E8 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 204098EC ???????? 204098F0 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 204098F4 ???????? 204098F8 ???????? Weapon 64 Slot 1 Modifier 20409924 ???????? 20409928 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040992C ???????? 20409930 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 20409934 ???????? 20409938 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040993C ???????? 20409940 ???????? 2-7-1a. VALUES: Weapons - Fire Resistance ~ Massive Poison Cloud ????0000 = Fire Resistance 00000000 ????0001 = Cold Resistance 00000000 ????0002 = Poison Resistance 00000000 ????0003 = Disease Resistance 00000000 ????0004 = Magic Resistance 00000000 ????0005 = Health Bonus 00000000 ????0006 = Mana Bonus 00000000 ????0007 = Strength Bonus 00000000 ????0008 = Intelligence Bonus 00000000 ????0009 = Dexterity Bonus 00000000 ????000A = Stamina Bonus 00000000 ????000B = Health Regeneration 00000000 ????000C = Mana Regeneration 00000000 ????000D = Armor Bonus 00000000 ????001A = Instant Bug Kills 00000000 ????001B = Damage Vs. Undead 00000000 ????001C = Destroy Undead 00000000 ????001D = Critical Hit 00000000 ????001E = Stun Resistance 00000000 ????0021 = Small Poison Cloud 00000000 ????0021 = Medium Poison Cloud 00000001 ????0021 = Large Poison Cloud 00000002 ????0021 = Massive Poison Cloud 00000003 2-7-1a,a. VALUES: VALUES: Weapons - Fire Resistance ~ Massive Poison Cloud 0019 = +25 Bonus\25% Burst, Critical Hit, Damage Vs. Undead, Destroy Undead, Instant Bug Kills, Regeneration or Resistance 0032 = +50 Bonus\50% Burst, Critical Hit, Damage Vs. Undead, Destroy Undead, Instant Bug Kills, Regeneration or Resistance 004B = +75 Bonus\75% Burst, Critical Hit, Damage Vs. Undead, Destroy Undead, Instant Bug Kills, Regeneration or Resistance 0064 = +100 Bonus\100% Burst, Critical Hit, Damage Vs. Undead, Destroy Undead, Instant Bug Kills, Regeneration or Resistance 7FFF = +32,767 Bonus\32,767% Burst, Critical Hit, Damage Vs. Undead, Destroy Undead, Instant Bug Kills, Regeneration or Resistance 2-7-1b. VALUES: Weapons - Required Level ~ Req. Slashing Level ????000E = Required Level 00000000 ????000F = Required Strength 00000000 ????0010 = Required Intelligence 00000000 ????0011 = Required Dexterity 00000000 ????0012 = Required Stamina 00000000 ????0027 = Req. Blunt Level 00000000 ????0028 = Req. Slashing Level 00000000 2-7-1b,a. VALUES: VALUES: Weapons - Required Level ~ Req. Slashing Level 0001 = Stat at\Level 1 0002 = Stat at\Level 2 0003 = Stat at\Level 3 0004 = Stat at\Level 4 0005 = Stat at\Level 5 000A = Stat at\Level 10 000F = Stat at\Level 15 0014 = Stat at\Level 20 0019 = Stat at\Level 25 001E = Stat at\Level 30 0028 = Stat at\Level 40 0032 = Stat at\Level 50 7FFF = Stat at\Level 32,767 2-7-1c. VALUES: Weapons - Fire Damage ~ Disease Damage ????0015 = Fire Damage ???????? ????0016 = Cold Damage ???????? ????0017 = Poison Damage ???????? ????0018 = Lightning Damage ???????? ????0019 = Lightning Damage Vs. Bugs ???????? ????0026 = Disease Damage ???????? 2-7-1c,a. VALUES: VALUES: Weapons - Fire Damage ~ Disease Damage 0001 = 1 ~ 2 Damage 00000002 0002 = 2 ~ 4 Damage 00000004 0004 = 4 ~ 8 Damage 00000008 0008 = 8 ~ 16 Damage 00000010 0010 = 16 ~ 32 Damage 00000020 0020 = 32 ~ 64 Damage 00000040 0040 = 64 ~ 128 Damage 00000080 0080 = 128 ~ 256 Damage 00000100 0100 = 256 ~ 512 Damage 00000200 0200 = 512 ~ 1,024 Damage 00000400 0400 = 1,024 ~ 2,048 Damage 00000800 0800 = 2,048 ~ 4,096 Damage 00001000 1000 = 4,096 ~ 8,192 Damage 00002000 2000 = 8,192 ~ 16,384 Damage 00004000 4000 = 16,384 ~ 32,767 Damage 00007FFF 7FFF = 32,767 ~ 32,767 Damage 00007FFF 2-7-1d. VALUES: Weapons - Fire Burst ~ Lightning Burst ????001F = Fire Burst ???????? ????0020 = Frost Burst ???????? ????0022 = Lightning Burst ???????? 2-7-1d,a. VALUES: VALUES: Weapons - Fire Burst ~ Lightning Burst 0019 = 25% Burst: 10 ~ 20 Damage 0014000A 0032 = 50% Burst: 20 ~ 40 Damage 00280014 004B = 75% Burst: 40 ~ 80 Damage 00500028 0064 = 100% Burst: 80 ~ 160 Damage 00A00050 7FFF = 32,767% Burst: 32,767 ~ 32,767 Damage 7FFF7FFF 2-7-1e. VALUES: Weapons - Weapon Damage ????0023 = Weapon Damage 00000000 2-7-1e,a. VALUES: VALUES: Weapons - Weapon Damage FFD3 = Cracked FFFD = Worn FFE7 = Tarnished FFF1 = Tainted FFF6 = Battle Worn FFFB = Charred 0019 = Bronze 0032 = Cast Iron 004B = Reinforced 0064 = Sharp 007D = Weighted 0096 = Forged 00AF = Polished 00C8 = Elven 00E1 = Dwarven 00FA = Alloy 0113 = Blackened Iron 012C = Crystal 0145 = Teir'Dal 014F = Combine 015E = Fine Steel 016D = Feir'Dal 0177 = Encrusted 0190 = Steel 019F = Well Balanced 01A9 = Silvery War 01B3 = Serrated 01C2 = Silverish 01CC = Velium 01DB = Hulking 01F4 = Ancient 0226 = Obsidian 023F = Titan 0258 = Shadowed 7FFF = Uber 2-7-1f. VALUES: Weapons - Weight & Selling Price ????0024 = Weight 00000000 ????0025 = Selling Price 00000000 2-7-1f,a. VALUES: VALUES: Weapons - Weight & Selling Price FF38 = 200% Decrease FF9C = 100% Decrease 0000 = Base 0064 = 100% Increase 00C8 = 200% Increase 7FFF = 32,767% Increase 2-7-1g. VALUES: Weapons - Warrior Only ~ Nothing 00010013 = Warrior Only 00000000 00020013 = Cleric Only 00000000 00030013 = Shadow Knight Only 00000000 00040013 = Ranger Only 00000000 00050013 = Wizard Only 00000000 FFFF0014 = Weapon Speed: Sluggish 00000000 00010014 = Weapon Speed: Fast 00000000 00020014 = Weapon Speed: Faster 00000000 00030014 = Weapon Speed: Lightning 00000000 00040014 = Weapon Speed: Godly 00000000 0000FFFF = Nothing (frees slot) 00000000 2-7-2. Armor Armor 1 Slot 1 Modifier 20409974 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040997C ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 20409984 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040998C ???????? Armor 2 Slot 1 Modifier 204099BC ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 204099C4 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 204099CC ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 204099D4 ???????? Armor 3 Slot 1 Modifier 20409A04 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 20409A0C ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 20409A14 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 20409A1C ???????? Armor 4 Slot 1 Modifier 20409A4C ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 20409A54 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 20409A5C ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 20409A64 ???????? Armor 5 Slot 1 Modifier 20409A94 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 20409A9C ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 20409AA4 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 20409AAC ???????? Armor 6 Slot 1 Modifier 20409ADC ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 20409AE4 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 20409AEC ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 20409AF4 ???????? Armor 7 Slot 1 Modifier 20409B24 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 20409B2C ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 20409B34 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 20409B3C ???????? Armor 8 Slot 1 Modifier 20409B6C ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 20409B74 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 20409B7C ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 20409B84 ???????? Armor 9 Slot 1 Modifier 20409BB4 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 20409BBC ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 20409BC4 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 20409BCC ???????? Armor 10 Slot 1 Modifier 20409BFC ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 20409C04 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 20409C0C ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 20409C14 ???????? Armor 11 Slot 1 Modifier 20409C44 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 20409C4C ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 20409C54 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 20409C5C ???????? Armor 12 Slot 1 Modifier 20409C8C ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 20409C94 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 20409C9C ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 20409CA4 ???????? Armor 13 Slot 1 Modifier 20409CD4 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 20409CDC ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 20409CE4 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 20409CEC ???????? Armor 14 Slot 1 Modifier 20409D1C ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 20409D24 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 20409D2C ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 20409D34 ???????? Armor 15 Slot 1 Modifier 20409D64 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 20409D6C ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 20409D74 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 20409D7C ???????? Armor 16 Slot 1 Modifier 20409DAC ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 20409DB4 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 20409DBC ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 20409DC4 ???????? Armor 17 Slot 1 Modifier 20409DF4 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 20409DFC ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 20409E04 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 20409E0C ???????? Armor 18 Slot 1 Modifier 20409E3C ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 20409E44 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 20409E4C ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 20409E54 ???????? Armor 19 Slot 1 Modifier 20409E84 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 20409E8C ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 20409E94 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 20409E9C ???????? Armor 20 Slot 1 Modifier 20409ECC ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 20409ED4 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 20409EDC ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 20409EE4 ???????? Armor 21 Slot 1 Modifier 20409F14 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 20409F1C ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 20409F24 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 20409F2C ???????? Armor 22 Slot 1 Modifier 20409F5C ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 20409F64 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 20409F6C ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 20409F74 ???????? Armor 23 Slot 1 Modifier 20409FA4 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 20409FAC ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 20409FB4 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 20409FBC ???????? Armor 24 Slot 1 Modifier 20409FEC ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 20409FF4 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 20409FFC ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040A004 ???????? Armor 25 Slot 1 Modifier 2040A034 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040A03C ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040A044 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040A04C ???????? Armor 26 Slot 1 Modifier 2040A07C ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040A084 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040A08C ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040A094 ???????? Armor 27 Slot 1 Modifier 2040A0C4 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040A0CC ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040A0D4 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040A0DC ???????? Armor 28 Slot 1 Modifier 2040A10C ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040A114 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040A11C ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040A124 ???????? Armor 29 Slot 1 Modifier 2040A154 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040A15C ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040A164 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040A16C ???????? Armor 30 Slot 1 Modifier 2040A19C ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040A1A4 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040A1AC ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040A1B4 ???????? Armor 31 Slot 1 Modifier 2040A1E4 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040A1EC ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040A1F4 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040A1FC ???????? Armor 32 Slot 1 Modifier 2040A22C ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040A234 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040A23C ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040A244 ???????? Armor 33 Slot 1 Modifier 2040A274 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040A27C ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040A284 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040A28C ???????? Armor 34 Slot 1 Modifier 2040A2BC ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040A2C4 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040A2CC ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040A2D4 ???????? Armor 35 Slot 1 Modifier 2040A304 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040A30C ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040A314 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040A31C ???????? Armor 36 Slot 1 Modifier 2040A34C ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040A354 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040A35C ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040A364 ???????? Armor 37 Slot 1 Modifier 2040A394 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040A39C ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040A3A4 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040A3AC ???????? Armor 38 Slot 1 Modifier 2040A3DC ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040A3E4 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040A3EC ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040A3F4 ???????? Armor 39 Slot 1 Modifier 2040A424 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040A42C ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040A434 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040A43C ???????? Armor 40 Slot 1 Modifier 2040A46C ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040A474 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040A47C ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040A484 ???????? Armor 41 Slot 1 Modifier 2040A4B4 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040A4BC ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040A4C4 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040A4CC ???????? Armor 42 Slot 1 Modifier 2040A4FC ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040A504 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040A50C ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040A514 ???????? Armor 43 Slot 1 Modifier 2040A544 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040A54C ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040A554 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040A55C ???????? Armor 44 Slot 1 Modifier 2040A58C ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040A594 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040A59C ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040A5A4 ???????? Armor 45 Slot 1 Modifier 2040A5D4 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040A5DC ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040A5E4 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040A5EC ???????? Armor 46 Slot 1 Modifier 2040A61C ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040A624 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040A62C ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040A634 ???????? Armor 47 Slot 1 Modifier 2040A664 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040A66C ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040A674 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040A67C ???????? Armor 48 Slot 1 Modifier 2040A6AC ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040A6B4 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040A6BC ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040A6C4 ???????? Armor 49 Slot 1 Modifier 2040A6F4 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040A6FC ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040A704 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040A70C ???????? Armor 50 Slot 1 Modifier 2040A73C ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040A744 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040A74C ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040A754 ???????? Armor 51 Slot 1 Modifier 2040A784 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040A78C ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040A794 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040A79C ???????? Armor 52 Slot 1 Modifier 2040A7CC ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040A7D4 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040A7DC ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040A7E4 ???????? Armor 53 Slot 1 Modifier 2040A814 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040A81C ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040A824 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040A82C ???????? Armor 54 Slot 1 Modifier 2040A85C ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040A864 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040A86C ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040A874 ???????? Armor 55 Slot 1 Modifier 2040A8A4 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040A8AC ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040A8B4 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040A8BC ???????? Armor 56 Slot 1 Modifier 2040A8EC ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040A8F4 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040A8FC ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040A904 ???????? Armor 57 Slot 1 Modifier 2040A934 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040A93C ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040A944 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040A94C ???????? Armor 58 Slot 1 Modifier 2040A97C ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040A984 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040A98C ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040A994 ???????? Armor 59 Slot 1 Modifier 2040A9C4 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040A9CC ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040A9D4 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040A9DC ???????? Armor 60 Slot 1 Modifier 2040AA0C ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040AA14 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040AA1C ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040AA24 ???????? Armor 61 Slot 1 Modifier 2040AA54 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040AA5C ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040AA64 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040AA6C ???????? Armor 62 Slot 1 Modifier 2040AA9C ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040AAA4 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040AAAC ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040AAB4 ???????? Armor 63 Slot 1 Modifier 2040AAE4 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040AAEC ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040AAF4 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040AAFC ???????? Armor 64 Slot 1 Modifier 2040AB2C ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040AB34 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040AB3C ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040AB44 ???????? 2-7-2a. VALUES: Armor - Fire Resistance ~ Stun Resistance ????0000 = Fire Resistance ????0001 = Cold Resistance ????0002 = Poison Resistance ????0003 = Disease Resistance ????0004 = Magic Resistance ????0005 = Health Bonus ????0006 = Mana Bonus ????0007 = Strength Bonus ????0008 = Intelligence Bonus ????0009 = Dexterity Bonus ????000A = Stamina Bonus ????000B = Health Regeneration ????000C = Mana Regeneration ????001E = Stun Resistance 2-7-2a,a. VALUES: VALUES: Armor - Fire Resistance ~ Resistance 0019 = +25 Bonus\25% Regeneration or Resistance 0032 = +50 Bonus\50% Regeneration or Resistance 004B = +75 Bonus\75% Regeneration or Resistance 0064 = +100 Bonus\100% Regeneration or Resistance 7FFF = +32,767 Bonus\32,767% Regeneration or Resistance 2-7-2b. VALUES: Armor - Armor Rating ????000D = Armor Rating 2-7-2b,a. VALUES: VALUES: Armor - Armor Rating FFC9 = Tattered FFD3 = Cracked FFFD = Worn FFE7 = Tarnished FFF1 = Tainted FFF6 = Battle Worn FFFB = Charred 0019 = Bronze 0032 = Cast Iron 004B = Rugged 0064 = Shiny 007D = Well Built 0096 = Sturdy 00AF = Strong 00C8 = Elven 00E1 = Dwarven 00FA = Alloy 0113 = Blackened Iron 012C = Masterwork 0145 = Teir'Dal 014F = Combine 015E = Fine Steel 016D = Feir'Dal 0177 = Encrusted 0190 = Steel 019F = Well Balanced 01A9 = Silvery War 01B3 = Imbued 01C2 = Silverish 01CC = Velium 01DB = Hulking 01F4 = Ancient 0226 = Obsidian 023F = Titan 0258 = Shadowed 7FFF = Uber 2-7-2c. VALUES: Armor - Required Level ~ Required Stamina ????000E = Required Level ????000F = Required Strength ????0010 = Required Intelligence ????0011 = Required Dexterity ????0012 = Required Stamina 2-7-2c,a. VALUES: VALUES: Armor - Required Level ~ Required Stamina 0001 = Stat at\Level 1 0002 = Stat at\Level 2 0003 = Stat at\Level 3 0004 = Stat at\Level 4 0005 = Stat at\Level 5 000A = Stat at\Level 10 000F = Stat at\Level 15 0014 = Stat at\Level 20 0019 = Stat at\Level 25 001E = Stat at\Level 30 0028 = Stat at\Level 40 0032 = Stat at\Level 50 7FFF = Stat at\Level 32,767 2-7-2d. VALUES: Armor - Weight & Selling Price ????0024 = Weight ????0025 = Selling Price 2-7-2d,a. VALUES: VALUES: Armor - Weight & Selling Price FF38 = 200% Decrease FF9C = 100% Decrease 0000 = Base 0064 = 100% Increase 00C8 = 200% Increase 7FFF = 32,767% Increase 2-7-2e. VALUES: Armor - Warrior Only ~ Nothing 00010013 = Warrior Only 00020013 = Cleric Only 00030013 = Shadow Knight Only 00040013 = Ranger Only 00050013 = Wizard Only 0000FFFF = Nothing (frees slot) 2-7-3. Accessories Accessory 1 Slot 1 Modifier 2040AB7C ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040AB84 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040AB8C ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040AB94 ???????? Accessory 2 Slot 1 Modifier 2040ABC4 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040ABCC ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040ABD4 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040ABDC ???????? Accessory 3 Slot 1 Modifier 2040AC0C ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040AC14 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040AC1C ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040AC24 ???????? Accessory 4 Slot 1 Modifier 2040AC54 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040AC5C ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040AC64 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040AC6C ???????? Accessory 5 Slot 1 Modifier 2040AC9C ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040ACA4 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040ACAC ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040ACB4 ???????? Accessory 6 Slot 1 Modifier 2040ACE4 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040ACEC ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040ACF4 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040ACFC ???????? Accessory 7 Slot 1 Modifier 2040AD2C ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040AD34 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040AD3C ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040AD44 ???????? Accessory 8 Slot 1 Modifier 2040AD74 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040AD7C ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040AD84 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040AD8C ???????? Accessory 9 Slot 1 Modifier 2040ADBC ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040ADC4 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040ADCC ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040ADD4 ???????? Accessory 10 Slot 1 Modifier 2040AE04 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040AE0C ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040AE14 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040AE1C ???????? Accessory 11 Slot 1 Modifier 2040AE4C ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040AE54 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040AE5C ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040AE64 ???????? Accessory 12 Slot 1 Modifier 2040AE94 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040AE9C ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040AEA4 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040AEAC ???????? Accessory 13 Slot 1 Modifier 2040AEDC ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040AEE4 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040AEEC ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040AEF4 ???????? Accessory 14 Slot 1 Modifier 2040AF24 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040AF2C ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040AF34 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040AF3C ???????? Accessory 15 Slot 1 Modifier 2040AF6C ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040AF74 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040AF7C ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040AF84 ???????? Accessory 16 Slot 1 Modifier 2040AFB4 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040AFBC ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040AFC4 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040AFCC ???????? Accessory 17 Slot 1 Modifier 2040AFFC ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040B004 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040B00C ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040B014 ???????? Accessory 18 Slot 1 Modifier 2040B044 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040B04C ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040B054 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040B05C ???????? Accessory 19 Slot 1 Modifier 2040B08C ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040B094 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040B09C ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040B0A4 ???????? Accessory 20 Slot 1 Modifier 2040B0D4 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040B0DC ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040B0E4 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040B0EC ???????? Accessory 21 Slot 1 Modifier 2040B11C ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040B124 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040B12C ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040B134 ???????? Accessory 22 Slot 1 Modifier 2040B164 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040B16C ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040B174 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040B17C ???????? Accessory 23 Slot 1 Modifier 2040B1AC ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040B1B4 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040B1BC ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040B1C4 ???????? Accessory 24 Slot 1 Modifier 2040B1F4 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040B1FC ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040B204 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040B20C ???????? Accessory 25 Slot 1 Modifier 2040B23C ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040B244 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040B24C ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040B254 ???????? Accessory 26 Slot 1 Modifier 2040B284 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040B28C ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040B294 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040B29C ???????? Accessory 27 Slot 1 Modifier 2040B2CC ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040B2D4 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040B2DC ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040B2E4 ???????? Accessory 28 Slot 1 Modifier 2040B314 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040B31C ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040B324 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040B32C ???????? Accessory 29 Slot 1 Modifier 2040B35C ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040B364 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040B36C ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040B374 ???????? Accessory 30 Slot 1 Modifier 2040B3A4 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040B3AC ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040B3B4 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040B3BC ???????? Accessory 31 Slot 1 Modifier 2040B3EC ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040B3F4 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040B3FC ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040B404 ???????? Accessory 32 Slot 1 Modifier 2040B434 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040B43C ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040B444 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040B44C ???????? Accessory 33 Slot 1 Modifier 2040B47C ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040B484 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040B48C ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040B494 ???????? Accessory 34 Slot 1 Modifier 2040B4C4 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040B4CC ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040B4D4 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040B4DC ???????? Accessory 35 Slot 1 Modifier 2040B50C ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040B514 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040B51C ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040B524 ???????? Accessory 36 Slot 1 Modifier 2040B554 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040B55C ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040B564 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040B56C ???????? Accessory 37 Slot 1 Modifier 2040B59C ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040B5A4 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040B5AC ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040B5B4 ???????? Accessory 38 Slot 1 Modifier 2040B5E4 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040B5EC ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040B5F4 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040B5FC ???????? Accessory 39 Slot 1 Modifier 2040B62C ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040B634 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040B63C ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040B644 ???????? Accessory 40 Slot 1 Modifier 2040B674 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040B67C ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040B684 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040B68C ???????? Accessory 41 Slot 1 Modifier 2040B6BC ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040B6C4 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040B6CC ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040B6D4 ???????? Accessory 42 Slot 1 Modifier 2040B704 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040B70C ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040B714 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040B71C ???????? Accessory 43 Slot 1 Modifier 2040B74C ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040B754 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040B75C ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040B764 ???????? Accessory 44 Slot 1 Modifier 2040B794 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040B79C ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040B7A4 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040B7AC ???????? Accessory 45 Slot 1 Modifier 2040B7DC ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040B7E4 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040B7EC ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040B7F4 ???????? Accessory 46 Slot 1 Modifier 2040B824 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040B82C ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040B834 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040B83C ???????? Accessory 47 Slot 1 Modifier 2040B86C ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040B874 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040B87C ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040B884 ???????? Accessory 48 Slot 1 Modifier 2040B8B4 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040B8BC ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040B8C4 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040B8CC ???????? Accessory 49 Slot 1 Modifier 2040B8FC ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040B904 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040B90C ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040B914 ???????? Accessory 50 Slot 1 Modifier 2040B944 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040B94C ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040B954 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040B95C ???????? Accessory 51 Slot 1 Modifier 2040B98C ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040B994 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040B99C ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040B9A4 ???????? Accessory 52 Slot 1 Modifier 2040B9D4 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040B9DC ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040B9E4 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040B9EC ???????? Accessory 53 Slot 1 Modifier 2040BA1C ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040BA24 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040BA2C ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040BA34 ???????? Accessory 54 Slot 1 Modifier 2040BA64 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040BA6C ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040BA74 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040BA7C ???????? Accessory 55 Slot 1 Modifier 2040BAAC ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040BAB4 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040BABC ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040BAC4 ???????? Accessory 56 Slot 1 Modifier 2040BAF4 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040BAFC ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040BB04 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040BB0C ???????? Accessory 57 Slot 1 Modifier 2040BB3C ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040BB44 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040BB4C ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040BB54 ???????? Accessory 58 Slot 1 Modifier 2040BB84 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040BB8C ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040BB94 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040BB9C ???????? Accessory 59 Slot 1 Modifier 2040BBCC ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040BBD4 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040BBDC ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040BBE4 ???????? Accessory 60 Slot 1 Modifier 2040BC14 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040BC1C ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040BC24 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040BC2C ???????? Accessory 61 Slot 1 Modifier 2040BC5C ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040BC64 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040BC6C ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040BC74 ???????? Accessory 62 Slot 1 Modifier 2040BCA4 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040BCAC ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040BCB4 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040BCBC ???????? Accessory 63 Slot 1 Modifier 2040BCEC ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040BCF4 ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040BCFC ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040BD04 ???????? Accessory 64 Slot 1 Modifier 2040BD34 ???????? Slot 2 Modifier 2040BD3C ???????? Slot 3 Modifier 2040BD44 ???????? Slot 4 Modifier 2040BD4C ???????? 2-7-3a. VALUES: Accessories - Fire Resistance ~ Stun Resistance ????0000 = Fire Resistance ????0001 = Cold Resistance ????0002 = Poison Resistance ????0003 = Disease Resistance ????0004 = Magic Resistance ????0005 = Health Bonus ????0006 = Mana Bonus ????0007 = Strength Bonus ????0008 = Intelligence Bonus ????0009 = Dexterity Bonus ????000A = Stamina Bonus ????000B = Health Regeneration ????000C = Mana Regeneration ????000D = Armor Bonus ????001E = Stun Resistance 2-7-3a,a. VALUES: VALUES: Accessories - Fire Resistance ~ Resistance 0019 = +25 Bonus\25% Burst, Regeneration or Resistance 0032 = +50 Bonus\50% Burst, Regeneration or Resistance 004B = +75 Bonus\75% Burst, Regeneration or Resistance 0064 = +100 Bonus\100% Burst, Regeneration or Resistance 7FFF = +32,767 Bonus\32,767% Burst, Regeneration or Resistance 2-7-3b. VALUES: Accessories - Required Level ~ Required Stamina ????000E = Required Level ????000F = Required Strength ????0010 = Required Intelligence ????0011 = Required Dexterity ????0012 = Required Stamina ????0027 = Req. Blunt Level ????0028 = Req. Slashing Level 2-7-3b,a. VALUES: VALUES: Accessories - Required Level ~ Required Stamina 0001 = Stat at\Level 1 0002 = Stat at\Level 2 0003 = Stat at\Level 3 0004 = Stat at\Level 4 0005 = Stat at\Level 5 000A = Stat at\Level 10 000F = Stat at\Level 15 0014 = Stat at\Level 20 0019 = Stat at\Level 25 001E = Stat at\Level 30 0028 = Stat at\Level 40 0032 = Stat at\Level 50 7FFF = Stat at\Level 32,767 2-7-3c. VALUES: Accessories - Weight & Selling Price ????0024 = Weight ????0025 = Selling Price 2-7-3c,a. VALUES: VALUES: Accessories - Weight & Selling Price FF38 = 200% Decrease FF9C = 100% Decrease 0000 = Base 0064 = 100% Increase 00C8 = 200% Increase 7FFF = 32,767% Increase 2-7-2d. VALUES: Accessories - Warrior Only ~ Nothing 00010013 = Warrior Only 00020013 = Cleric Only 00030013 = Shadow Knight Only 00040013 = Ranger Only 00050013 = Wizard Only 0000FFFF = Nothing (frees slot) 2-8. Prefix & Slot 1 Modifiers 2-8-1. Weapons Weapon 1 00408768 000000?? 2040876C ???????? 20408770 ???????? Weapon 2 004087B0 000000?? 204087B4 ???????? 204087B8 ???????? Weapon 3 004087F8 000000?? 204087FC ???????? 20408800 ???????? Weapon 4 00408840 000000?? 20408844 ???????? 20408848 ???????? Weapon 5 00408888 000000?? 2040888C ???????? 20408890 ???????? Weapon 6 004088D0 000000?? 204088D4 ???????? 204088D8 ???????? Weapon 7 00408918 000000?? 2040891C ???????? 20408920 ???????? Weapon 8 00408960 000000?? 20408964 ???????? 20408968 ???????? Weapon 9 004089A8 000000?? 204089AC ???????? 204089B0 ???????? Weapon 10 004089F0 000000?? 204089F4 ???????? 204089F8 ???????? Weapon 11 00408A38 000000?? 20408A3C ???????? 20408A40 ???????? Weapon 12 00408A80 000000?? 20408A84 ???????? 20408A88 ???????? Weapon 13 00408AC8 000000?? 20408ACC ???????? 20408AD0 ???????? Weapon 14 00408B10 000000?? 20408B14 ???????? 20408B18 ???????? Weapon 15 00408B58 000000?? 20408B5C ???????? 20408B60 ???????? Weapon 16 00408BA0 000000?? 20408BA4 ???????? 20408BA8 ???????? Weapon 17 00408BE8 000000?? 20408BEC ???????? 20408BF0 ???????? Weapon 18 00408C30 000000?? 20408C34 ???????? 20408C38 ???????? Weapon 19 00408C78 000000?? 20408C7C ???????? 20408C80 ???????? Weapon 20 00408CC0 000000?? 20408CC4 ???????? 20408CC8 ???????? Weapon 21 00408D08 000000?? 20408D0C ???????? 20408D10 ???????? Weapon 22 00408D50 000000?? 20408D54 ???????? 20408D58 ???????? Weapon 23 00408D98 000000?? 20408D9C ???????? 20408DA0 ???????? Weapon 24 00408DE0 000000?? 20408DE4 ???????? 20408DE8 ???????? Weapon 25 00408E28 000000?? 20408E2C ???????? 20408E30 ???????? Weapon 26 00408E70 000000?? 20408E74 ???????? 20408E78 ???????? Weapon 27 00408EB8 000000?? 20408EBC ???????? 20408EC0 ???????? Weapon 28 00408F00 000000?? 20408F04 ???????? 20408F08 ???????? Weapon 29 00408F48 000000?? 20408F4C ???????? 20408F50 ???????? Weapon 30 00408F90 000000?? 20408F94 ???????? 20408F98 ???????? Weapon 31 00408FD8 000000?? 20408FDC ???????? 20408FE0 ???????? Weapon 32 00409020 000000?? 20409024 ???????? 20409028 ???????? Weapon 33 00409068 000000?? 2040906C ???????? 20409070 ???????? Weapon 34 004090B0 000000?? 204090B4 ???????? 204090B8 ???????? Weapon 35 004090F8 000000?? 204090FC ???????? 20409100 ???????? Weapon 36 00409140 000000?? 20409144 ???????? 20409148 ???????? Weapon 37 00409188 000000?? 2040918C ???????? 20409190 ???????? Weapon 38 004091D0 000000?? 204091D4 ???????? 204091D8 ???????? Weapon 39 00409218 000000?? 2040921C ???????? 20409220 ???????? Weapon 40 00409260 000000?? 20409264 ???????? 20409268 ???????? Weapon 41 004092A8 000000?? 204092AC ???????? 204092B0 ???????? Weapon 42 004092F0 000000?? 204092F4 ???????? 204092F8 ???????? Weapon 43 00409338 000000?? 2040933C ???????? 20409340 ???????? Weapon 44 00409380 000000?? 20409384 ???????? 20409388 ???????? Weapon 45 004093C8 000000?? 204093CC ???????? 204093D0 ???????? Weapon 46 00409410 000000?? 20409414 ???????? 20409418 ???????? Weapon 47 00409458 000000?? 2040945C ???????? 20409460 ???????? Weapon 48 004094A0 000000?? 204094A4 ???????? 204094A8 ???????? Weapon 49 004094E8 000000?? 204094EC ???????? 204094F0 ???????? Weapon 50 00409530 000000?? 20409534 ???????? 20409538 ???????? Weapon 51 00409578 000000?? 2040957C ???????? 20409580 ???????? Weapon 52 004095C0 000000?? 204095C4 ???????? 204095C8 ???????? Weapon 53 00409608 000000?? 2040960C ???????? 20409610 ???????? Weapon 54 00409650 000000?? 20409654 ???????? 20409658 ???????? Weapon 55 00409698 000000?? 2040969C ???????? 204096A0 ???????? Weapon 56 004096E0 000000?? 204096E4 ???????? 204096E8 ???????? Weapon 57 00409728 000000?? 2040972C ???????? 20409730 ???????? Weapon 58 00409770 000000?? 20409774 ???????? 20409778 ???????? Weapon 59 004097B8 000000?? 204097BC ???????? 204097C0 ???????? Weapon 60 00409800 000000?? 20409804 ???????? 20409808 ???????? Weapon 61 00409848 000000?? 2040984C ???????? 20409850 ???????? Weapon 62 00409890 000000?? 20409894 ???????? 20409898 ???????? Weapon 63 004098D8 000000?? 204098DC ???????? 204098E0 ???????? Weapon 64 00409920 000000?? 20409924 ???????? 20409928 ???????? 2-8-1a. VALUES: Weapons 04 = Cracked FFD30023 00000000 05 = Worn FFFD0023 00000000 07 = Tarnished FFE70023 00000000 08 = Tainted FFF10023 00000000 09 = Battle Worn FFF60023 00000000 0A = Charred FFFB0023 00000000 0E = Bronze 00190023 00000000 10 = Cast Iron 00320023 00000000 12 = Reinforced 004B0023 00000000 17 = Sharp 00640023 00000000 18 = Weighted 007D0023 00000000 19 = Forged 00960023 00000000 1A = Polished 00AF0023 00000000 1B = Elven 00C80023 00000000 1C = Dwarven 00E10023 00000000 1D = Alloy 00FA0023 00000000 1F = Blackened Iron 01130023 00000000 20 = Crystal 012C0023 00000000 21 = Teir'Dal 01450023 00000000 22 = Combine 014F0023 00000000 24 = Fine Steel 015E0023 00000000 25 = Feir'Dal 016D0023 00000000 26 = Encrusted 01770023 00000000 2C = Steel 01900023 00000000 2F = Well Balanced 019F0023 00000000 30 = Silvery War 01A90023 00000000 31 = Serrated 01B30023 00000000 32 = Silverish 01C20023 00000000 33 = Velium 01CC0023 00000000 34 = Hulking 01DB0023 00000000 35 = Ancient 01F40023 00000000 36 = Obsidian 02260023 00000000 37 = Titan 023F0023 00000000 38 = Shadowed 02580023 00000000 2-8-2. Armor Armor 1 00409970 000000?? 20409974 ???????? Armor 2 004099B8 000000?? 204099BC ???????? Armor 3 00409A00 000000?? 20409A04 ???????? Armor 4 00409A48 000000?? 20409A4C ???????? Armor 5 00409A90 000000?? 20409A94 ???????? Armor 6 00409AD8 000000?? 20409ADC ???????? Armor 7 00409B20 000000?? 20409B24 ???????? Armor 8 00409B68 000000?? 20409B6C ???????? Armor 9 00409BB0 000000?? 20409BB4 ???????? Armor 10 00409BF8 000000?? 20409BFC ???????? Armor 11 00409C40 000000?? 20409C44 ???????? Armor 12 00409C88 000000?? 20409C8C ???????? Armor 13 00409CD0 000000?? 20409CD4 ???????? Armor 14 00409D18 000000?? 20409D1C ???????? Armor 15 00409D60 000000?? 20409D64 ???????? Armor 16 00409DA8 000000?? 20409DAC ???????? Armor 17 00409DF0 000000?? 20409DF4 ???????? Armor 18 00409E38 000000?? 20409E3C ???????? Armor 19 00409E80 000000?? 20409E84 ???????? Armor 20 00409EC8 000000?? 20409ECC ???????? Armor 21 00409F10 000000?? 20409F14 ???????? Armor 22 00409F58 000000?? 20409F5C ???????? Armor 23 00409FA0 000000?? 20409FA4 ???????? Armor 24 00409FE8 000000?? 20409FEC ???????? Armor 25 0040A030 000000?? 2040A034 ???????? Armor 26 0040A078 000000?? 2040A07C ???????? Armor 27 0040A0C0 000000?? 2040A0C4 ???????? Armor 28 0040A108 000000?? 2040A10C ???????? Armor 29 0040A150 000000?? 2040A154 ???????? Armor 30 0040A198 000000?? 2040A19C ???????? Armor 31 0040A1E0 000000?? 2040A1E4 ???????? Armor 32 0040A228 000000?? 2040A22C ???????? Armor 33 0040A270 000000?? 2040A274 ???????? Armor 34 0040A2B8 000000?? 2040A2BC ???????? Armor 35 0040A300 000000?? 2040A304 ???????? Armor 36 0040A348 000000?? 2040A34C ???????? Armor 37 0040A390 000000?? 2040A394 ???????? Armor 38 0040A3D8 000000?? 2040A3DC ???????? Armor 39 0040A420 000000?? 2040A424 ???????? Armor 40 0040A468 000000?? 2040A46C ???????? Armor 41 0040A4B0 000000?? 2040A4B4 ???????? Armor 42 0040A4F8 000000?? 2040A4FC ???????? Armor 43 0040A540 000000?? 2040A544 ???????? Armor 44 0040A588 000000?? 2040A58C ???????? Armor 45 0040A5D0 000000?? 2040A5D4 ???????? Armor 46 0040A618 000000?? 2040A61C ???????? Armor 47 0040A660 000000?? 2040A664 ???????? Armor 48 0040A6A8 000000?? 2040A6AC ???????? Armor 49 0040A6F0 000000?? 2040A6F4 ???????? Armor 50 0040A738 000000?? 2040A73C ???????? Armor 51 0040A780 000000?? 2040A784 ???????? Armor 52 0040A7C8 000000?? 2040A7CC ???????? Armor 53 0040A810 000000?? 2040A814 ???????? Armor 54 0040A858 000000?? 2040A85C ???????? Armor 55 0040A8A0 000000?? 2040A8A4 ???????? Armor 56 0040A8E8 000000?? 2040A8EC ???????? Armor 57 0040A930 000000?? 2040A934 ???????? Armor 58 0040A978 000000?? 2040A97C ???????? Armor 59 0040A9C0 000000?? 2040A9C4 ???????? Armor 60 0040AA08 000000?? 2040AA0C ???????? Armor 61 0040AA50 000000?? 2040AA54 ???????? Armor 62 0040AA98 000000?? 2040AA9C ???????? Armor 63 0040AAE0 000000?? 2040AAE4 ???????? Armor 64 0040AB28 000000?? 2040AB2C ???????? 2-8-2a. VALUES: Armor 02 = Tattered FFC9000D 04 = Cracked FFD3000D 05 = Worn FFFD000D 07 = Tarnished FFE7000D 08 = Tainted FFF1000D 09 = Battle Worn FFF6000D 0A = Charred FFFB000D 0E = Bronze 0019000D 10 = Cast Iron 0032000D 12 = Rugged 004B000D 17 = Shiny 0064000D 18 = Well Built 007D000D 19 = Sturdy 0096000D 1A = Strong 00AF000D 1B = Elven 00C8000D 1C = Dwarven 00E1000D 1D = Alloy 00FA000D 1F = Blackened Iron 0113000D 20 = Masterwork 012C000D 21 = Teir'Dal 0145000D 22 = Combine 014F000D 24 = Fine Steel 015E000D 25 = Feir'Dal 016D000D 26 = Encrusted 0177000D 2C = Steel 0190000D 2F = Well Balanced 019F000D 30 = Silvery War 01A9000D 31 = Imbued 01B3000D 32 = Silverish 01C2000D 33 = Velium 01CC000D 34 = Hulking 01DB000D 35 = Ancient 01F4000D 36 = Obsidian 0226000D 37 = Titan 023F000D 38 = Shadowed 0258000D 2-9. Suffix & Slot 4 Modifiers 2-9-1. Weapons Weapon 1 00408769 000000?? 20408784 ???????? 20408788 ???????? Weapon 2 004087B1 000000?? 204087CC ???????? 204087D0 ???????? Weapon 3 004087F9 000000?? 20408814 ???????? 20408818 ???????? Weapon 4 00408841 000000?? 2040885C ???????? 20408860 ???????? Weapon 5 00408889 000000?? 204088A4 ???????? 204088A8 ???????? Weapon 6 004088D1 000000?? 204088EC ???????? 204088F0 ???????? Weapon 7 00408919 000000?? 20408934 ???????? 20408938 ???????? Weapon 8 00408961 000000?? 2040897C ???????? 20408980 ???????? Weapon 9 004089A9 000000?? 204089C4 ???????? 204089C8 ???????? Weapon 10 004089F1 000000?? 20408A0C ???????? 20408A10 ???????? Weapon 11 00408A39 000000?? 20408A54 ???????? 20408A58 ???????? Weapon 12 00408A81 000000?? 20408A9C ???????? 20408AA0 ???????? Weapon 13 00408AC9 000000?? 20408AE4 ???????? 20408AE8 ???????? Weapon 14 00408B11 000000?? 20408B2C ???????? 20408B30 ???????? Weapon 15 00408B59 000000?? 20408B74 ???????? 20408B78 ???????? Weapon 16 00408BA1 000000?? 20408BBC ???????? 20408BC0 ???????? Weapon 17 00408BE9 000000?? 20408C04 ???????? 20408C08 ???????? Weapon 18 00408C31 000000?? 20408C4C ???????? 20408C50 ???????? Weapon 19 00408C79 000000?? 20408C94 ???????? 20408C98 ???????? Weapon 20 00408CC1 000000?? 20408CDC ???????? 20408CE0 ???????? Weapon 21 00408D09 000000?? 20408D24 ???????? 20408D28 ???????? Weapon 22 00408D51 000000?? 20408D6C ???????? 20408D70 ???????? Weapon 23 00408D99 000000?? 20408DB4 ???????? 20408DB8 ???????? Weapon 24 00408DE1 000000?? 20408DFC ???????? 20408E00 ???????? Weapon 25 00408E29 000000?? 20408E44 ???????? 20408E48 ???????? Weapon 26 00408E71 000000?? 20408E8C ???????? 20408E90 ???????? Weapon 27 00408EB9 000000?? 20408ED4 ???????? 20408ED8 ???????? Weapon 28 00408F01 000000?? 20408F1C ???????? 20408F20 ???????? Weapon 29 00408F49 000000?? 20408F64 ???????? 20408F68 ???????? Weapon 30 00408F91 000000?? 20408FAC ???????? 20408FB0 ???????? Weapon 31 00408FD9 000000?? 20408FF4 ???????? 20408FF8 ???????? Weapon 32 00409021 000000?? 2040903C ???????? 20409040 ???????? Weapon 33 00409069 000000?? 20409084 ???????? 20409088 ???????? Weapon 34 004090B1 000000?? 204090CC ???????? 204090D0 ???????? Weapon 35 004090F9 000000?? 20409114 ???????? 20409118 ???????? Weapon 36 00409141 000000?? 2040915C ???????? 20409160 ???????? Weapon 37 00409189 000000?? 204091A4 ???????? 204091A8 ???????? Weapon 38 004091D1 000000?? 204091EC ???????? 204091F0 ???????? Weapon 39 00409219 000000?? 20409234 ???????? 20409238 ???????? Weapon 40 00409261 000000?? 2040927C ???????? 20409280 ???????? Weapon 41 004092A9 000000?? 204092C4 ???????? 204092C8 ???????? Weapon 42 004092F1 000000?? 2040930C ???????? 20409310 ???????? Weapon 43 00409339 000000?? 20409354 ???????? 20409358 ???????? Weapon 44 00409381 000000?? 2040939C ???????? 204093A0 ???????? Weapon 45 004093C9 000000?? 204093E4 ???????? 204093E8 ???????? Weapon 46 00409411 000000?? 2040942C ???????? 20409430 ???????? Weapon 47 00409459 000000?? 20409474 ???????? 20409478 ???????? Weapon 48 004094A1 000000?? 204094BC ???????? 204094C0 ???????? Weapon 49 004094E9 000000?? 20409504 ???????? 20409508 ???????? Weapon 50 00409531 000000?? 2040954C ???????? 20409550 ???????? Weapon 51 00409579 000000?? 20409594 ???????? 20409598 ???????? Weapon 52 004095C1 000000?? 204095DC ???????? 204095E0 ???????? Weapon 53 00409609 000000?? 20409624 ???????? 20409628 ???????? Weapon 54 00409651 000000?? 2040966C ???????? 20409670 ???????? Weapon 55 00409699 000000?? 204096B4 ???????? 204096B8 ???????? Weapon 56 004096E1 000000?? 204096FC ???????? 20409700 ???????? Weapon 57 00409729 000000?? 20409744 ???????? 20409748 ???????? Weapon 58 00409771 000000?? 2040978C ???????? 20409790 ???????? Weapon 59 004097B9 000000?? 204097D4 ???????? 204097D8 ???????? Weapon 60 00409801 000000?? 2040981C ???????? 20409820 ???????? Weapon 61 00409849 000000?? 20409864 ???????? 20409868 ???????? Weapon 62 00409891 000000?? 204098AC ???????? 204098B0 ???????? Weapon 63 004098D9 000000?? 204098F4 ???????? 204098F8 ???????? Weapon 64 00409921 000000?? 2040993C ???????? 20409940 ???????? 2-9-1a. VALUES: Weapons 00 = of Embers 000A0015 0000000F 01 = of Flame 00100015 00000019 02 = of Fire 00160015 00000023 03 = of Blaze 00250015 0000002D 04 = of Inferno 002A0015 00000046 05 = of Sleet 00070016 0000000C 06 = of Hail 000E0016 00000017 07 = of Cold 00140016 0000001F 08 = of Frost 00220016 00000028 09 = of Freezing 002A0016 00000032 0A = of Tainting 00080017 0000000D 0B = of Acidity 000E0017 00000017 0C = of Poison 00180017 0000001E 0D = of Venom 00230017 00000029 0E = of Toxin 002E0017 00000040 0F = of Tainted Haze 00080021 00000000 10 = of Acidic Mist 000A0021 00000001 11 = of Poison Cloud 000A0021 00000002 12 = of Venom Spray 000A0021 00000003 13 = of Toxic Brume 00110021 00000003 14 = of Jolts 00060018 0000000C 15 = of Volts 000D0018 00000013 16 = of Shock 00160018 0000001E 17 = of Current 00200018 00000028 18 = of Lightning 002A0018 0000002F 19 = of Depletion 00140004 00000000 1A = of Dispersion 001E0004 00000000 1B = of Dissipation 002D0004 00000000 1C = of Negation 00370004 00000000 1D = of Dissolution 00410004 00000000 1E = of Fitness 000F0005 00000000 1F = of Well Being 00230005 00000000 20 = of Health 00370005 00000000 21 = of Resiliance 004B0005 00000000 22 = of Life 005F0005 00000000 23 = of Lesser Mana 000F0006 00000000 24 = of Balance 00230006 00000000 25 = of Mana 00370006 00000000 26 = of Energy 004B0006 00000000 27 = of Greater Mana 005F0006 00000000 28 = of Fortitude 00050007 00000000 29 = of the Bull 000A0007 00000000 2A = of Strength 000F0007 00000000 2B = of Power 00140007 00000000 2C = of the Giants 001E0007 00000000 2D = of Godly Strength 00320007 00000000 2E = of Cunning 00050008 00000000 2F = of Wisdom 000A0008 00000000 30 = of Intellect 000F0008 00000000 31 = of Brilliance 00190008 00000000 32 = of Genius 00280008 00000000 33 = of Poise 00050009 00000000 34 = of Agility 000A0009 00000000 35 = of Dexterity 000F0009 00000000 36 = of Balance 00140009 00000000 37 = of Precision 00190009 00000000 38 = of Godly Reflexes 00270009 00000000 39 = of Fitness 0005000A 00000000 3A = of Resilience 000A000A 00000000 3B = of Stamina 000F000A 00000000 3C = of Vigor 0014000A 00000000 3D = of Vitality 0019000A 00000000 3E = of the Rhino 0027000A 00000000 3F = of Perk 000F000B 00000000 40 = of Mending 0019000B 00000000 41 = of Healing 0023000B 00000000 42 = of Rejuvenation 002D000B 00000000 43 = of Restoration 0037000B 00000000 44 = of Calm 000F000C 00000000 45 = of Trance 0019000C 00000000 46 = of Concentration 0023000C 00000000 47 = of Focus 002D000C 00000000 48 = of Will 0037000C 00000000 49 = of Warding 000A000D 00000000 4A = of Guarding 0019000D 00000000 4B = of Defense 001E000D 00000000 4C = of Shielding 0023000D 00000000 4D = of Protection 0028000D 00000000 4E = of Striking 00010014 00000000 4F = of Haste 00020014 00000000 50 = of Zeal 00030014 00000000 51 = of Speed 00040014 00000000 52 = of Impairing 0003001D 00000000 53 = of Mangling 0005001D 00000000 54 = of Cleaving 0007001D 00000000 55 = of Gouging 0009001D 00000000 56 = of Mauling 000C001D 00000000 57 = of Justice 0003001C 00000000 58 = of Requital 0005001C 00000000 59 = of Wrath 000F001C 00000000 2-9-2. Armor Armor 1 00409971 000000?? 2040998C ???????? Armor 2 004099B9 000000?? 204099D4 ???????? Armor 3 00409A01 000000?? 20409A1C ???????? Armor 4 00409A49 000000?? 20409A64 ???????? Armor 5 00409A91 000000?? 20409AAC ???????? Armor 6 00409AD9 000000?? 20409AF4 ???????? Armor 7 00409B21 000000?? 20409B3C ???????? Armor 8 00409B69 000000?? 20409B84 ???????? Armor 9 00409BB1 000000?? 20409BCC ???????? Armor 10 00409BF9 000000?? 20409C14 ???????? Armor 11 00409C41 000000?? 20409C5C ???????? Armor 12 00409C89 000000?? 20409CA4 ???????? Armor 13 00409CD1 000000?? 20409CEC ???????? Armor 14 00409D19 000000?? 20409D34 ???????? Armor 15 00409D61 000000?? 20409D7C ???????? Armor 16 00409DA9 000000?? 20409DC4 ???????? Armor 17 00409DF1 000000?? 20409E0C ???????? Armor 18 00409E39 000000?? 20409E54 ???????? Armor 19 00409E81 000000?? 20409E9C ???????? Armor 20 00409EC9 000000?? 20409EE4 ???????? Armor 21 00409F11 000000?? 20409F2C ???????? Armor 22 00409F59 000000?? 20409F74 ???????? Armor 23 00409FA1 000000?? 20409FBC ???????? Armor 24 00409FE9 000000?? 2040A004 ???????? Armor 25 0040A031 000000?? 2040A04C ???????? Armor 26 0040A079 000000?? 2040A094 ???????? Armor 27 0040A0C1 000000?? 2040A0DC ???????? Armor 28 0040A109 000000?? 2040A124 ???????? Armor 29 0040A151 000000?? 2040A16C ???????? Armor 30 0040A199 000000?? 2040A1B4 ???????? Armor 31 0040A1E1 000000?? 2040A1FC ???????? Armor 32 0040A229 000000?? 2040A244 ???????? Armor 33 0040A271 000000?? 2040A28C ???????? Armor 34 0040A2B9 000000?? 2040A2D4 ???????? Armor 36 0040A301 000000?? 2040A31C ???????? Armor 36 0040A349 000000?? 2040A364 ???????? Armor 37 0040A391 000000?? 2040A3AC ???????? Armor 38 0040A3D9 000000?? 2040A3F4 ???????? Armor 39 0040A421 000000?? 2040A43C ???????? Armor 40 0040A469 000000?? 2040A484 ???????? Armor 41 0040A4B1 000000?? 2040A4CC ???????? Armor 42 0040A4F9 000000?? 2040A514 ???????? Armor 43 0040A541 000000?? 2040A55C ???????? Armor 44 0040A589 000000?? 2040A5A4 ???????? Armor 45 0040A5D1 000000?? 2040A5EC ???????? Armor 46 0040A619 000000?? 2040A634 ???????? Armor 47 0040A661 000000?? 2040A67C ???????? Armor 48 0040A6A9 000000?? 2040A6C4 ???????? Armor 49 0040A6F1 000000?? 2040A70C ???????? Armor 50 0040A739 000000?? 2040A754 ???????? Armor 51 0040A781 000000?? 2040A79C ???????? Armor 52 0040A7C9 000000?? 2040A7E4 ???????? Armor 53 0040A811 000000?? 2040A82C ???????? Armor 54 0040A859 000000?? 2040A874 ???????? Armor 55 0040A8A1 000000?? 2040A8BC ???????? Armor 56 0040A8E9 000000?? 2040A904 ???????? Armor 57 0040A931 000000?? 2040A94C ???????? Armor 58 0040A979 000000?? 2040A994 ???????? Armor 59 0040A9C1 000000?? 2040A9DC ???????? Armor 60 0040AA09 000000?? 2040AA24 ???????? Armor 61 0040AA51 000000?? 2040AA6C ???????? Armor 62 0040AA99 000000?? 2040AAB4 ???????? Armor 63 0040AAE1 000000?? 2040AAFC ???????? Armor 64 0040AB29 000000?? 2040AB44 ???????? 2-9-2a. VALUES: Armor 00 = of Embers 000A0000 01 = of Flame 00140000 02 = of Fire 001E0000 03 = of Blaze 00280000 04 = of Inferno 003C0000 05 = of Sleet 000A0001 06 = of Hail 00140001 07 = of Cold 00190001 08 = of Frost 00200001 09 = of Freezing 002D0001 0A = of Tainting 000C0002 0B = of Acidity 00180002 0C = of Poison 001E0002 0D = of Venom 00250002 0E = of Toxin 002D0002 0F = of Tainted Haze 000A0002 10 = of Acidic Mist 00140002 11 = of Poison Cloud 001E0002 12 = of Venom Spray 00230002 13 = of Toxic Brume 002A0002 14 = of Jolts 00080004 15 = of Volts 000F0004 16 = of Shock 00140004 17 = of Current 001E0004 18 = of Lightning 00230004 19 = of Depletion 00140004 1A = of Dispersion 001E0004 1B = of Dissipation 002D0004 1C = of Negation 00370004 1D = of Dissolution 00410004 1E = of Fitness 00050005 1F = of Well Being 000A0005 20 = of Health 000F0005 21 = of Resiliance 00140005 22 = of Life 00190005 23 = of Lesser Mana 00050006 24 = of Balance 000A0006 25 = of Mana 000F0006 26 = of Energy 00140006 27 = of Greater Mana 00190006 28 = of Fortitude 00020007 29 = of the Bull 00060007 2A = of Strength 000C0007 2B = of Power 00150007 2C = of the Giants 001D0007 2D = of Godly Strength 00260007 2E = of Cunning 00020008 2F = of Wisdom 00060008 30 = of Intellect 000C0008 31 = of Brilliance 00150008 32 = of Genius 001D0008 33 = of Poise 00020009 34 = of Agility 00060009 35 = of Dexterity 000C0009 36 = of Balance 00150009 37 = of Precision 001D0009 38 = of Godly Reflexes 00260009 39 = of Fitness 0002000A 3A = of Resilience 0006000A 3B = of Stamina 000C000A 3C = of Vigor 0015000A 3D = of Vitality 001D000A 3E = of the Rhino 0026000A 3F = of Perk 0005000B 40 = of Mending 000A000B 41 = of Healing 000F000B 42 = of Rejuvenation 0014000B 43 = of Restoration 0019000B 44 = of Calm 0005000C 45 = of Trance 000A000C 46 = of Concentration 000F000C 47 = of Focus 0014000C 48 = of Will 0019000C 49 = of Warding 000A000D 4A = of Guarding 0019000D 4B = of Defense 001E000D 4C = of Shielding 0023000D 4D = of Protection 0028000D 2-9-3. Accessories Accessory 1 0040AB79 000000?? 2040AB94 ???????? Accessory 2 0040ABC1 000000?? 2040ABDC ???????? Accessory 3 0040AC09 000000?? 2040AC24 ???????? Accessory 4 0040AC51 000000?? 2040AC6C ???????? Accessory 5 0040AC99 000000?? 2040ACB4 ???????? Accessory 6 0040ACE1 000000?? 2040ACFC ???????? Accessory 7 0040AD29 000000?? 2040AD44 ???????? Accessory 8 0040AD71 000000?? 2040AD8C ???????? Accessory 9 0040ADB9 000000?? 2040ADD4 ???????? Accessory 10 0040AE01 000000?? 2040AE1C ???????? Accessory 11 0040AE49 000000?? 2040AE64 ???????? Accessory 12 0040AE91 000000?? 2040AEAC ???????? Accessory 13 0040AED9 000000?? 2040AEF4 ???????? Accessory 14 0040AF21 000000?? 2040AF3C ???????? Accessory 15 0040AF69 000000?? 2040AF84 ???????? Accessory 16 0040AFB1 000000?? 2040AFCC ???????? Accessory 17 0040AFF9 000000?? 2040B014 ???????? Accessory 18 0040B041 000000?? 2040B05C ???????? Accessory 19 0040B089 000000?? 2040B0A4 ???????? Accessory 20 0040B0D1 000000?? 2040B0EC ???????? Accessory 21 0040B119 000000?? 2040B134 ???????? Accessory 22 0040B161 000000?? 2040B17C ???????? Accessory 23 0040B1A9 000000?? 2040B1C4 ???????? Accessory 24 0040B1F1 000000?? 2040B20C ???????? Accessory 25 0040B239 000000?? 2040B254 ???????? Accessory 26 0040B281 000000?? 2040B29C ???????? Accessory 27 0040B2C9 000000?? 2040B2E4 ???????? Accessory 28 0040B311 000000?? 2040B32C ???????? Accessory 29 0040B359 000000?? 2040B374 ???????? Accessory 30 0040B3A1 000000?? 2040B3BC ???????? Accessory 31 0040B3E9 000000?? 2040B404 ???????? Accessory 32 0040B431 000000?? 2040B44C ???????? Accessory 33 0040B479 000000?? 2040B494 ???????? Accessory 34 0040B4C1 000000?? 2040B4DC ???????? Accessory 36 0040B509 000000?? 2040B524 ???????? Accessory 36 0040B551 000000?? 2040B56C ???????? Accessory 37 0040B599 000000?? 2040B5B4 ???????? Accessory 38 0040B5E1 000000?? 2040B5FC ???????? Accessory 39 0040B629 000000?? 2040B644 ???????? Accessory 40 0040B671 000000?? 2040B68C ???????? Accessory 41 0040B6B9 000000?? 2040B6D4 ???????? Accessory 42 0040B701 000000?? 2040B71C ???????? Accessory 43 0040B749 000000?? 2040B764 ???????? Accessory 44 0040B791 000000?? 2040B7AC ???????? Accessory 45 0040B7D9 000000?? 2040B7F4 ???????? Accessory 46 0040B821 000000?? 2040B83C ???????? Accessory 47 0040B869 000000?? 2040B884 ???????? Accessory 48 0040B8B1 000000?? 2040B8CC ???????? Accessory 49 0040B8F9 000000?? 2040B914 ???????? Accessory 50 0040B941 000000?? 2040B95C ???????? Accessory 51 0040B989 000000?? 2040B9A4 ???????? Accessory 52 0040B9D1 000000?? 2040B9EC ???????? Accessory 53 0040BA19 000000?? 2040BA34 ???????? Accessory 54 0040BA61 000000?? 2040BA7C ???????? Accessory 55 0040BAA9 000000?? 2040BAC4 ???????? Accessory 56 0040BAF1 000000?? 2040BB0C ???????? Accessory 57 0040BB39 000000?? 2040BB54 ???????? Accessory 58 0040BB81 000000?? 2040BB9C ???????? Accessory 59 0040BBC9 000000?? 2040BBE4 ???????? Accessory 60 0040BC11 000000?? 2040BC2C ???????? Accessory 61 0040BC59 000000?? 2040BC74 ???????? Accessory 62 0040BCA1 000000?? 2040BCBC ???????? Accessory 63 0040BCE9 000000?? 2040BD04 ???????? Accessory 64 0040BD31 000000?? 2040BD4C ???????? 2-9-3a. VALUES: Accessories 00 = of Embers 000C0000 01 = of Flame 00180000 02 = of Fire 00220000 03 = of Blaze 002D0000 04 = of Inferno 00370000 05 = of Sleet 000A0001 06 = of Hail 00140001 07 = of Cold 001E0001 08 = of Frost 00250001 09 = of Freezing 00300001 0A = of Tainting 00190002 0B = of Acidity 001E0002 0C = of Poison 00250002 0D = of Venom 002D0002 0E = of Toxin 00320002 0F = of Tainted Haze 00170002 10 = of Acidic Mist 001C0002 11 = of Poison Cloud 00230002 12 = of Venom Spray 002A0002 13 = of Toxic Brume 002F0002 14 = of Jolts 000A0004 15 = of Volts 00120004 16 = of Shock 00170004 17 = of Current 00200004 18 = of Lightning 00250004 19 = of Depletion 00140004 1A = of Dispersion 00250004 1B = of Dissipation 002F0004 1C = of Negation 00370004 1D = of Dissolution 00460004 1E = of Fitness 00050005 1F = of Well Being 000A0005 20 = of Health 000F0005 21 = of Resiliance 00140005 22 = of Life 00190005 23 = of Lesser Mana 00050006 24 = of Balance 000A0006 25 = of Mana 000F0006 26 = of Energy 00140006 27 = of Greater Mana 00190006 28 = of Fortitude 00020007 29 = of the Bull 00060007 2A = of Strength 000C0007 2B = of Power 00150007 2C = of the Giants 001D0007 2D = of Godly Strength 00260007 2E = of Cunning 00020008 2F = of Wisdom 00060008 30 = of Intellect 000C0008 31 = of Brilliance 00150008 32 = of Genius 001D0008 33 = of Poise 00020009 34 = of Agility 00060009 35 = of Dexterity 000C0009 36 = of Balance 00150009 37 = of Precision 001D0009 38 = of Godly Reflexes 00260009 39 = of Fitness 0002000A 3A = of Resilience 0006000A 3B = of Stamina 000C000A 3C = of Vigor 0015000A 3D = of Vitality 001D000A 3E = of the Rhino 0026000A 3F = of Perk 0005000B 40 = of Mending 000A000B 41 = of Healing 000F000B 42 = of Rejuvenation 0014000B 43 = of Restoration 0019000B 44 = of Calm 0005000C 45 = of Trance 000A000C 46 = of Concentration 000F000C 47 = of Focus 0014000C 48 = of Will 0019000C 49 = of Warding 000A000D 4A = of Guarding 0019000D 4B = of Defense 001E000D 4C = of Shielding 0023000D 4D = of Protection 0028000D 2-10. Examples 2-10-1. Shadowed Minotaur Axe • Type: Two-Handed Slashing Weapon • Weapon Damage: 476 ~ 532 • Attack Bonus: 503 • Selling Price: 239,373 • Weight: 16.2 • Enhancement(s): Required Level: 50 Weapon 1 20408748 0032BE60 (Identity Modifier - Minotaur Axe) 1040874C 00000001 (Quantity Modifier - 1 Quantity of an Item) 10408754 00000000 (Quality Modifier - Regular Item) 00408768 00000038 (Prefix Modifier - Shadowed) 00408769 000000FF (Suffix Modifier - Nothing) 2040876C 02580023 (Slot 1 Modifier - Weapon Damage: Shadowed) 20408770 00000000 (Slot 1 Modifier - Weapon Damage: Shadowed) 20408774 0032000E (Slot 2 Modifier - Required Level: 50) 20408778 00000000 (Slot 2 Modifier - Required Level: 50) 2040877C 0000FFFF (Slot 3 Modifier - Nothing) 20408780 00000000 (Slot 3 Modifier - Nothing) 20408784 0000FFFF (Slot 4 Modifier - Nothing) 20408788 00000000 (Slot 4 Modifier - Nothing) 2-10-2. Shadowed Rathesteel Armor • Armor Rating: 524 • Selling Price: 593,171 • Weight: 18.5 • Enhancement(s): Required Level: 50 Armor 1 20409950 0032FE60 (Identity Modifier - Rathesteel Armor) 10409954 00000001 (Quantity Modifier - 1 Quantity of an Item) 1040995C 00000000 (Quality Modifier - Regular Item) 00409970 00000038 (Prefix Modifier - Shadowed) 00409971 000000FF (Suffix Modifier - Nothing) 20409974 0258000D (Slot 1 Modifier - Armor Rating: Shadowed) 2040997C 0032000E (Slot 2 Modifier - Required Level: 50) 20409984 0000FFFF (Slot 3 Modifier - Nothing) 2040998C 0000FFFF (Slot 4 Modifier - Nothing) 2-10-3. Shadowed Rathesteel Boots • Armor Rating: 454 • Selling Price: 448,480 • Weight: 10.0 • Enhancement(s): Required Level: 50 Armor 2 20409998 0032FEA0 (Identity Modifier - Rathesteel Boots) 1040999C 00000001 (Quantity Modifier - 1 Quantity of an Item) 104099A4 00000000 (Quality Modifier - Regular Item) 004099B8 00000038 (Prefix Modifier - Shadowed) 004099B9 000000FF (Suffix Modifier - Nothing) 204099BC 0258000D (Slot 1 Modifier - Armor Rating: Shadowed) 204099C4 0032000E (Slot 2 Modifier - Required Level: 50) 204099CC 0000FFFF (Slot 3 Modifier - Nothing) 204099D4 0000FFFF (Slot 4 Modifier - Nothing) 2-10-4. Shadowed Rathesteel Gloves • Armor Rating: 454 • Selling Price: 448,480 • Weight: 10.0 • Enhancement(s): Required Level: 50 Armor 3 204099E0 0032FEE0 (Identity Modifier - Rathesteel Gloves) 104099E4 00000001 (Quantity Modifier - 1 Quantity of an Item) 104099EC 00000000 (Quality Modifier - Regular Item) 00409A00 00000038 (Prefix Modifier - Shadowed) 00409A01 000000FF (Suffix Modifier - Nothing) 20409A04 0258000D (Slot 1 Modifier - Armor Rating: Shadowed) 20409A0C 0032000E (Slot 2 Modifier - Required Level: 50) 20409A14 0000FFFF (Slot 3 Modifier - Nothing) 20409A1C 0000FFFF (Slot 4 Modifier - Nothing) 2-10-5. Shadowed Rathesteel Helmet • Armor Rating: 454 • Selling Price: 448,480 • Weight: 10.0 • Enhancement(s): Required Level: 50 Armor 4 20409A28 0032FF20 (Identity Modifier - Rathesteel Helmet) 10409A2C 00000001 (Quantity Modifier - 1 Quantity of an Item) 10409A34 00000000 (Quality Modifier - Regular Item) 00409A48 00000038 (Prefix Modifier - Shadowed) 00409A49 000000FF (Suffix Modifier - Nothing) 20409A4C 0258000D (Slot 1 Modifier - Armor Rating: Shadowed) 20409A54 0032000E (Slot 2 Modifier - Required Level: 50) 20409A5C 0000FFFF (Slot 3 Modifier - Nothing) 20409A64 0000FFFF (Slot 4 Modifier - Nothing) 2-10-6. Shadowed Rathesteel Leggings • Armor Rating: 468 • Selling Price: 475,843 • Weight: 17.5 • Enhancement(s): Required Level: 50 Armor 5 20409A70 0032FF60 (Identity Modifier - Rathesteel Leggings) 10409A74 00000001 (Quantity Modifier - 1 Quantity of an Item) 10409A7C 00000000 (Quality Modifier - Regular Item) 00409A90 00000038 (Prefix Modifier - Shadowed) 00409A91 000000FF (Suffix Modifier - Nothing) 20409A94 0258000D (Slot 1 Modifier - Armor Rating: Shadowed) 20409A9C 0032000E (Slot 2 Modifier - Required Level: 50) 20409AA4 0000FFFF (Slot 3 Modifier - Nothing) 20409AAC 0000FFFF (Slot 4 Modifier - Nothing) 2-10-7. Tiny Misty Globe • Selling Price: 99 • Weight: 0.1 • Special Ability: Adds speed: fast to weapons. Accessory 10 2040ADE0 00331860 (Identity Modifier - Tiny Misty Globe) 1040ADE4 00000001 (Quantity Modifier - 1 Quantity of an Item) 2040ADE8 00000100 (Property Modifier - Gem) 2040ADEC 00000008 (Property Modifier - Gem) 0040AE00 000000FF (Prefix Modifier - Nothing) 0040AE01 000000FF (Suffix Modifier - Nothing) 2040AE04 0000FFFF (Slot 1 Modifier - Nothing) 2040AE0C 0000FFFF (Slot 2 Modifier - Nothing) 2040AE14 0000FFFF (Slot 3 Modifier - Nothing) 2040AE1C 0000FFFF (Slot 4 Modifier - Nothing) 2-10-8. Paltry Misty Globe • Selling Price: 399 • Weight: 0.1 • Special Ability: Adds speed: faster to weapons. Accessory 11 2040AE28 003318A0 (Identity Modifier - Paltry Misty Globe) 1040AE2C 00000001 (Quantity Modifier - 1 Quantity of an Item) 2040AE30 00000100 (Property Modifier - Gem) 2040AE34 00000008 (Property Modifier - Gem) 0040AE48 000000FF (Prefix Modifier - Nothing) 0040AE49 000000FF (Suffix Modifier - Nothing) 2040AE4C 0000FFFF (Slot 1 Modifier - Nothing) 2040AE54 0000FFFF (Slot 2 Modifier - Nothing) 2040AE5C 0000FFFF (Slot 3 Modifier - Nothing) 2040AE64 0000FFFF (Slot 4 Modifier - Nothing) 2-10-9. Misty Globe • Selling Price: 1,199 • Weight: 0.1 • Special Ability: Adds speed: lightning to weapons. Accessory 12 2040AE70 003318E0 (Identity Modifier - Misty Globe) 1040AE74 00000001 (Quantity Modifier - 1 Quantity of an Item) 2040AE78 00000100 (Property Modifier - Gem) 2040AE7C 00000008 (Property Modifier - Gem) 0040AE90 000000FF (Prefix Modifier - Nothing) 0040AE91 000000FF (Suffix Modifier - Nothing) 2040AE94 0000FFFF (Slot 1 Modifier - Nothing) 2040AE9C 0000FFFF (Slot 2 Modifier - Nothing) 2040AEA4 0000FFFF (Slot 3 Modifier - Nothing) 2040AEAC 0000FFFF (Slot 4 Modifier - Nothing) 2-10-10. Calmed Misty Globe • Selling Price: 1,999 • Weight: 0.1 • Special Ability: Adds speed: godly to weapons. Accessory 13 2040AEB8 00331920 (Identity Modifier - Calmed Misty Globe) 1040AEBC 00000001 (Quantity Modifier - 1 Quantity of an Item) 2040AEC0 00000100 (Property Modifier - Gem) 2040AEC4 00000008 (Property Modifier - Gem) 0040AED8 000000FF (Prefix Modifier - Nothing) 0040AED9 000000FF (Suffix Modifier - Nothing) 2040AEDC 0000FFFF (Slot 1 Modifier - Nothing) 2040AEE4 0000FFFF (Slot 2 Modifier - Nothing) 2040AEEC 0000FFFF (Slot 3 Modifier - Nothing) 2040AEF4 0000FFFF (Slot 4 Modifier - Nothing) 2-10-11. Chilled Bone Chip • Selling Price: 3,999 • Weight: 0.1 • Special Ability: Adds 37 ~ 57 cold damage & 38% frost burst: 28 ~ 44 to weapons or +20% cold resistance to armor. Accessory 14 2040AF00 003307E0 (Identity Modifier - Chilled Bone Chip) 1040AF04 00000001 (Quantity Modifier - 1 Quantity of an Item) 2040AF08 00000100 (Property Modifier - Gem) 2040AF0C 00000008 (Property Modifier - Gem) 0040AF20 000000FF (Prefix Modifier - Nothing) 0040AF21 000000FF (Suffix Modifier - Nothing) 2040AF24 0000FFFF (Slot 1 Modifier - Nothing) 2040AF2C 0000FFFF (Slot 2 Modifier - Nothing) 2040AF34 0000FFFF (Slot 3 Modifier - Nothing) 2040AF3C 0000FFFF (Slot 4 Modifier - Nothing) 2-10-12. Complete Bull Rune • Selling Price: 3,999 • Weight: 0.1 • Special Ability: Adds +45 strength bonus to weapons & armor. Accessory 15 2040AF48 003310A0 (Identity Modifier - Complete Bull Rune) 1040AF4C 00000001 (Quantity Modifier - 1 Quantity of an Item) 2040AF50 00000100 (Property Modifier - Gem) 2040AF54 00000008 (Property Modifier - Gem) 0040AF68 000000FF (Prefix Modifier - Nothing) 0040AF69 000000FF (Suffix Modifier - Nothing) 2040AF6C 0000FFFF (Slot 1 Modifier - Nothing) 2040AF74 0000FFFF (Slot 2 Modifier - Nothing) 2040AF7C 0000FFFF (Slot 3 Modifier - Nothing) 2040AF84 0000FFFF (Slot 4 Modifier - Nothing) 2-10-13. Divine Star Glyph • Selling Price: 3,999 • Weight: 0.1 • Special Ability: Adds +45 intelligence bonus to weapons & armor. Accessory 16 2040AF90 003311E0 (Identity Modifier - Divine Star Glyph) 1040AF94 00000001 (Quantity Modifier - 1 Quantity of an Item) 2040AF98 00000100 (Property Modifier - Gem) 2040AF9C 00000008 (Property Modifier - Gem) 0040AFB0 000000FF (Prefix Modifier - Nothing) 0040AFB1 000000FF (Suffix Modifier - Nothing) 2040AFB4 0000FFFF (Slot 1 Modifier - Nothing) 2040AFBC 0000FFFF (Slot 2 Modifier - Nothing) 2040AFC4 0000FFFF (Slot 3 Modifier - Nothing) 2040AFCC 0000FFFF (Slot 4 Modifier - Nothing) 2-10-14. Edged Vampire Fang • Selling Price: 3,999 • Weight: 0.1 • Special Ability: Adds +95 mana bonus to weapons & armor. Accessory 17 2040AFD8 00330F60 (Identity Modifier - Edged Vampire Fang) 1040AFDC 00000001 (Quantity Modifier - 1 Quantity of an Item) 2040AFE0 00000100 (Property Modifier - Gem) 2040AFE4 00000008 (Property Modifier - Gem) 0040AFF8 000000FF (Prefix Modifier - Nothing) 0040AFF9 000000FF (Suffix Modifier - Nothing) 2040AFFC 0000FFFF (Slot 1 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B004 0000FFFF (Slot 2 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B00C 0000FFFF (Slot 3 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B014 0000FFFF (Slot 4 Modifier - Nothing) 2-10-15. Enforced Carapace • Selling Price: 3,999 • Weight: 0.1 • Special Ability: Adds +75 armor bonus to weapons. Accessory 18 2040B020 00331820 (Identity Modifier - Enforced Carapace) 1040B024 00000001 (Quantity Modifier - 1 Quantity of an Item) 2040B028 00000100 (Property Modifier - Gem) 2040B02C 00000008 (Property Modifier - Gem) 0040B040 000000FF (Prefix Modifier - Nothing) 0040B041 000000FF (Suffix Modifier - Nothing) 2040B044 0000FFFF (Slot 1 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B04C 0000FFFF (Slot 2 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B054 0000FFFF (Slot 3 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B05C 0000FFFF (Slot 4 Modifier - Nothing) 2-10-16. Engraved Bloodstone • Selling Price: 3,999 • Weight: 0.1 • Special Ability: Adds +45 stamina bonus to weapons & armor. Accessory 19 2040B068 00331460 (Identity Modifier - Engraved Bloodstone) 1040B06C 00000001 (Quantity Modifier - 1 Quantity of an Item) 2040B070 00000100 (Property Modifier - Gem) 2040B074 00000008 (Property Modifier - Gem) 0040B088 000000FF (Prefix Modifier - Nothing) 0040B089 000000FF (Suffix Modifier - Nothing) 2040B08C 0000FFFF (Slot 1 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B094 0000FFFF (Slot 2 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B09C 0000FFFF (Slot 3 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B0A4 0000FFFF (Slot 4 Modifier - Nothing) 2-10-17. Enchanted Regen Stone • Selling Price: 3,999 • Weight: 0.1 • Special Ability: Adds +48% health regeneration to weapons & armor. Accessory 20 2040B0B0 003315A0 (Identity Modifier - Enchanted Regen Stone) 1040B0B4 00000001 (Quantity Modifier - 1 Quantity of an Item) 2040B0B8 00000100 (Property Modifier - Gem) 2040B0BC 00000008 (Property Modifier - Gem) 0040B0D0 000000FF (Prefix Modifier - Nothing) 0040B0D1 000000FF (Suffix Modifier - Nothing) 2040B0D4 0000FFFF (Slot 1 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B0DC 0000FFFF (Slot 2 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B0E4 0000FFFF (Slot 3 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B0EC 0000FFFF (Slot 4 Modifier - Nothing) 2-10-18. Exquisite Storm Shard • Selling Price: 3,999 • Weight: 0.1 • Special Ability: Adds 32 ~ 42 lightning damage to weapons or 20% magic re- sistance to armor. Accessory 21 2040B0F8 00330CE0 (Identity Modifier - Exquisite Storm Shard) 1040B0FC 00000001 (Quantity Modifier - 1 Quantity of an Item) 2040B100 00000100 (Property Modifier - Gem) 2040B104 00000008 (Property Modifier - Gem) 0040B118 000000FF (Prefix Modifier - Nothing) 0040B119 000000FF (Suffix Modifier - Nothing) 2040B11C 0000FFFF (Slot 1 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B124 0000FFFF (Slot 2 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B12C 0000FFFF (Slot 3 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B134 0000FFFF (Slot 4 Modifier - Nothing) 2-10-19. Flawless Soul Gem • Selling Price: 3,999 • Weight: 0.1 • Special Ability: Adds +95 health bonus to weapons & armor. Accessory 22 2040B140 00330E20 (Identity Modifier - Flawless Soul Gem) 1040B144 00000001 (Quantity Modifier - 1 Quantity of an Item) 2040B148 00000100 (Property Modifier - Gem) 2040B14C 00000008 (Property Modifier - Gem) 0040B160 000000FF (Prefix Modifier - Nothing) 0040B161 000000FF (Suffix Modifier - Nothing) 2040B164 0000FFFF (Slot 1 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B16C 0000FFFF (Slot 2 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B174 0000FFFF (Slot 3 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B17C 0000FFFF (Slot 4 Modifier - Nothing) 2-10-20. Full Poison Gland • Selling Price: 3,999 • Weight: 0.1 • Special Ability: Adds 38% large poison cloud to weapons or 20% poison resis- tance to armor. Accessory 23 2040B188 00330A60 (Identity Modifier - Full Poison Gland) 1040B18C 00000001 (Quantity Modifier - 1 Quantity of an Item) 2040B190 00000100 (Property Modifier - Gem) 2040B194 00000008 (Property Modifier - Gem) 0040B1A8 000000FF (Prefix Modifier - Nothing) 0040B1A9 000000FF (Suffix Modifier - Nothing) 2040B1AC 0000FFFF (Slot 1 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B1B4 0000FFFF (Slot 2 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B1BC 0000FFFF (Slot 3 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B1C4 0000FFFF (Slot 4 Modifier - Nothing) 2-10-21. Infused Mana Stone • Selling Price: 3,999 • Weight: 0.1 • Special Ability: Adds +48% mana regeneration to weapons & armor. Accessory 24 2040B1D0 003316E0 (Identity Modifier - Infused Mana Stone) 1040B1D4 00000001 (Quantity Modifier - 1 Quantity of an Item) 2040B1D8 00000100 (Property Modifier - Gem) 2040B1DC 00000008 (Property Modifier - Gem) 0040B1F0 000000FF (Prefix Modifier - Nothing) 0040B1F1 000000FF (Suffix Modifier - Nothing) 2040B1F4 0000FFFF (Slot 1 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B1FC 0000FFFF (Slot 2 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B204 0000FFFF (Slot 3 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B20C 0000FFFF (Slot 4 Modifier - Nothing) 2-10-22. Massive Fire Beetle Eye • Selling Price: 3,999 • Weight: 0.1 • Special Ability: Adds 40 ~ 60 fire damage & 38% fire burst: 30 ~ 50 to weap- ons or 20% fire resistance to armor. Accessory 25 2040B218 003306A0 (Identity Modifier - Massive Fire Beetle Eye) 1040B21C 00000001 (Quantity Modifier - 1 Quantity of an Item) 2040B220 00000100 (Property Modifier - Gem) 2040B224 00000008 (Property Modifier - Gem) 0040B238 000000FF (Prefix Modifier - Nothing) 0040B239 000000FF (Suffix Modifier - Nothing) 2040B23C 0000FFFF (Slot 1 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B244 0000FFFF (Slot 2 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B24C 0000FFFF (Slot 3 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B254 0000FFFF (Slot 4 Modifier - Nothing) 2-10-23. Perfected Whetstone • Selling Price: 3,999 • Weight: 0.1 • Special Ability: Adds 16% critical hit to weapons. Accessory 26 2040B260 00331A60 (Identity Modifier - Perfected Whetstone) 1040B264 00000001 (Quantity Modifier - 1 Quantity of an Item) 2040B268 00000100 (Property Modifier - Gem) 2040B26C 00000008 (Property Modifier - Gem) 0040B280 000000FF (Prefix Modifier - Nothing) 0040B281 000000FF (Suffix Modifier - Nothing) 2040B284 0000FFFF (Slot 1 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B28C 0000FFFF (Slot 2 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B294 0000FFFF (Slot 3 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B29C 0000FFFF (Slot 4 Modifier - Nothing) 2-10-24. Potent Venom Sac • Selling Price: 3,999 • Weight: 0.1 • Special Ability: Adds 40 ~ 60 poison damage to weapons or 20% poison resis- tance to armor. Accessory 27 2040B2A8 00330920 (Identity Modifier - Potent Venom Sac) 1040B2AC 00000001 (Quantity Modifier - 1 Quantity of an Item) 2040B2B0 00000100 (Property Modifier - Gem) 2040B2B4 00000008 (Property Modifier - Gem) 0040B2C8 000000FF (Prefix Modifier - Nothing) 0040B2C9 000000FF (Suffix Modifier - Nothing) 2040B2CC 0000FFFF (Slot 1 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B2D4 0000FFFF (Slot 2 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B2DC 0000FFFF (Slot 3 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B2E4 0000FFFF (Slot 4 Modifier - Nothing) 2-10-25. Preserved Mummy Tongue • Selling Price: 3,999 • Weight: 0.1 • Special Ability: Adds 40 ~ 60 disease damage to weapons or 20% disease re- sistance to armor. Accessory 28 2040B2F0 00330BA0 (Identity Modifier - Preserved Mummy Tongue) 1040B2F4 00000001 (Quantity Modifier - 1 Quantity of an Item) 2040B2F8 00000100 (Property Modifier - Gem) 2040B2FC 00000008 (Property Modifier - Gem) 0040B310 000000FF (Prefix Modifier - Nothing) 0040B311 000000FF (Suffix Modifier - Nothing) 2040B314 0000FFFF (Slot 1 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B31C 0000FFFF (Slot 2 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B324 0000FFFF (Slot 3 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B32C 0000FFFF (Slot 4 Modifier - Nothing) 2-10-26. Sheer Ghoul Flesh • Selling Price: 3,999 • Weight: 0.1 • Special Ability: Adds +45 dexterity bonus to weapons & armor. Accessory 29 2040B338 00331320 (Identity Modifier - Sheer Ghoul Flesh) 1040B33C 00000001 (Quantity Modifier - 1 Quantity of an Item) 2040B340 00000100 (Property Modifier - Gem) 2040B344 00000008 (Property Modifier - Gem) 0040B358 000000FF (Prefix Modifier - Nothing) 0040B359 000000FF (Suffix Modifier - Nothing) 2040B35C 0000FFFF (Slot 1 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B364 0000FFFF (Slot 2 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B36C 0000FFFF (Slot 3 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B374 0000FFFF (Slot 4 Modifier - Nothing) 2-10-27. Battle Plans • Use: Wanted by Commander Turanin in the Faydark Ruins. Accessory 30 2040B380 00331CE0 (Identity Modifier - Battle Plans) 1040B384 00000001 (Quantity Modifier - 1 Quantity of an Item) 2040B388 00010000 (Property Modifier - Quest Item + Quest Item) 2040B38C 000002C0 (Property Modifier - Quest Item + Quest Item) 0040B3A0 000000FF (Prefix Modifier - Nothing) 0040B3A1 000000FF (Suffix Modifier - Nothing) 2040B3A4 0000FFFF (Slot 1 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B3AC 0000FFFF (Slot 2 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B3B4 0000FFFF (Slot 3 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B3BC 0000FFFF (Slot 4 Modifier - Nothing) 2-10-28. Bloodvine • Use: Wanted by Sylea in Vanarhost Castle Level 1. Accessory 31 2040B3C8 00331BE0 (Identity Modifier - Bloodvine) 1040B3CC 00000001 (Quantity Modifier - 1 Quantity of an Item) 2040B3D0 00010000 (Property Modifier - Quest Item + Quest Item) 2040B3D4 000002C0 (Property Modifier - Quest Item + Quest Item) 0040B3E8 000000FF (Prefix Modifier - Nothing) 0040B3E9 000000FF (Suffix Modifier - Nothing) 2040B3EC 0000FFFF (Slot 1 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B3F4 0000FFFF (Slot 2 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B3FC 0000FFFF (Slot 3 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B404 0000FFFF (Slot 4 Modifier - Nothing) 2-10-29. Cell Key (2) • Use: To unlock the castle prison's door in Vanarhost Castle Level 2, & to free Babik Nurn in Vanarhost Castle Level 1. To free Lazlo in the Tower of Clouds. Accessory 32 2040B410 00331C60 (Identity Modifier - Cell Key) 1040B414 00000002 (Quantity Modifier - 2 Quantities of an Item) 2040B418 00010000 (Property Modifier - Quest Item + Quest Item) 2040B41C 000002C0 (Property Modifier - Quest Item + Quest Item) 0040B430 000000FF (Prefix Modifier - Nothing) 0040B431 000000FF (Suffix Modifier - Nothing) 2040B434 0000FFFF (Slot 1 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B43C 0000FFFF (Slot 2 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B444 0000FFFF (Slot 3 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B44C 0000FFFF (Slot 4 Modifier - Nothing) 2-10-30. Conch Shell • Use: Wanted by Kerriel in the Hidden Shore. Accessory 33 2040B458 00331CA0 (Identity Modifier - Conch Shell) 1040B45C 00000001 (Quantity Modifier - 1 Quantity of an Item) 2040B460 00010000 (Property Modifier - Quest Item + Quest Item) 2040B464 000002C0 (Property Modifier - Quest Item + Quest Item) 0040B478 000000FF (Prefix Modifier - Nothing) 0040B479 000000FF (Suffix Modifier - Nothing) 2040B47C 0000FFFF (Slot 1 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B484 0000FFFF (Slot 2 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B48C 0000FFFF (Slot 3 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B494 0000FFFF (Slot 4 Modifier - Nothing) 2-10-31. Curiousity (7) • Use: Wanted by Gol Nazyn in the City of Khathuum. Accessory 34 2040B4A0 00331B20 (Identity Modifier - Curiousity) 1040B4A4 00000007 (Quantity Modifier - 7 Quantities of an Item) 2040B4A8 00010000 (Property Modifier - Quest Item + Quest Item) 2040B4AC 000002C0 (Property Modifier - Quest Item + Quest Item) 0040B4C0 000000FF (Prefix Modifier - Nothing) 0040B4C1 000000FF (Suffix Modifier - Nothing) 2040B4C4 0000FFFF (Slot 1 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B4CC 0000FFFF (Slot 2 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B4D4 0000FFFF (Slot 3 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B4DC 0000FFFF (Slot 4 Modifier - Nothing) 2-10-32. Elf Draught • Use: Wanted by Elgoain in Orc Cave 1. Accessory 35 2040B4E8 00331B60 (Identity Modifier - Elf Draught) 1040B4EC 00000001 (Quantity Modifier - 1 Quantity of an Item) 2040B4F0 00010000 (Property Modifier - Quest Item + Quest Item) 2040B4F4 000002C0 (Property Modifier - Quest Item + Quest Item) 0040B508 000000FF (Prefix Modifier - Nothing) 0040B509 000000FF (Suffix Modifier - Nothing) 2040B50C 0000FFFF (Slot 1 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B514 0000FFFF (Slot 2 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B51C 0000FFFF (Slot 3 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B524 0000FFFF (Slot 4 Modifier - Nothing) 2-10-33. Exchanger • Use: To repair the lava pump in Blackdelve Lava Fields 2. Accessory 36 2040B530 00331C20 (Identity Modifier - Exchanger) 1040B534 00000001 (Quantity Modifier - 1 Quantity of an Item) 2040B538 00010000 (Property Modifier - Quest Item + Quest Item) 2040B53C 000002C0 (Property Modifier - Quest Item + Quest Item) 0040B550 000000FF (Prefix Modifier - Nothing) 0040B551 000000FF (Suffix Modifier - Nothing) 2040B554 0000FFFF (Slot 1 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B55C 0000FFFF (Slot 2 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B564 0000FFFF (Slot 3 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B56C 0000FFFF (Slot 4 Modifier - Nothing) 2-10-34. Horn of Ill Omen • Use: Wanted by Davel Grom in Water's Edge. Accessory 37 2040B578 00331D20 (Identity Modifier - Horn of Ill Omen) 1040B57C 00000001 (Quantity Modifier - 1 Quantity of an Item) 2040B580 00010000 (Property Modifier - Quest Item + Quest Item) 2040B584 000002C0 (Property Modifier - Quest Item + Quest Item) 0040B598 000000FF (Prefix Modifier - Nothing) 0040B599 000000FF (Suffix Modifier - Nothing) 2040B59C 0000FFFF (Slot 1 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B5A4 0000FFFF (Slot 2 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B5AC 0000FFFF (Slot 3 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B5B4 0000FFFF (Slot 4 Modifier - Nothing) 2-10-35. Mistmoore Ruby • Use: Wanted by Bingham Viggs in Blackdelve Reach Accessory 38 2040B5C0 00331BA0 (Identity Modifier - Mistmoore Ruby) 1040B5C4 00000001 (Quantity Modifier - 1 Quantity of an Item) 2040B5C8 00010000 (Property Modifier - Quest Item + Quest Item) 2040B5CC 000002C0 (Property Modifier - Quest Item + Quest Item) 0040B5E0 000000FF (Prefix Modifier - Nothing) 0040B5E1 000000FF (Suffix Modifier - Nothing) 2040B5E4 0000FFFF (Slot 1 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B5EC 0000FFFF (Slot 2 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B5F4 0000FFFF (Slot 3 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B5FC 0000FFFF (Slot 4 Modifier - Nothing) 2-10-36. Mormaz's Heart • Use: To activate the broken portal in the Ashen Plains. Accessory 39 2040B608 00331D60 (Identity Modifier - Mormaz's Heart) 1040B60C 00000001 (Quantity Modifier - 1 Quantity of an Item) 2040B610 00010000 (Property Modifier - Quest Item + Quest Item) 2040B614 000002C0 (Property Modifier - Quest Item + Quest Item) 0040B628 000000FF (Prefix Modifier - Nothing) 0040B629 000000FF (Suffix Modifier - Nothing) 2040B62C 0000FFFF (Slot 1 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B634 0000FFFF (Slot 2 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B63C 0000FFFF (Slot 3 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B644 0000FFFF (Slot 4 Modifier - Nothing) 2-10-37. Raft Part (5) • Use: To build a raft in Bronzehost. Accessory 40 2040B650 00331AE0 (Identity Modifier - Raft Part) 1040B654 00000005 (Quantity Modifier - 5 Quantities of an Item) 2040B658 00010000 (Property Modifier - Quest Item + Quest Item) 2040B65C 000002C0 (Property Modifier - Quest Item + Quest Item) 0040B670 000000FF (Prefix Modifier - Nothing) 0040B671 000000FF (Suffix Modifier - Nothing) 2040B674 0000FFFF (Slot 1 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B67C 0000FFFF (Slot 2 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B684 0000FFFF (Slot 3 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B68C 0000FFFF (Slot 4 Modifier - Nothing) 2-10-38. Shard of Hate • Use: To enter the Hanging Gardens in the City of Khathuum. Accessory 41 2040B698 00331DA0 (Identity Modifier - Shard of Hate) 1040B69C 00000001 (Quantity Modifier - 1 Quantity of an Item) 2040B6A0 00010000 (Property Modifier - Quest Item + Quest Item) 2040B6A4 000002C0 (Property Modifier - Quest Item + Quest Item) 0040B6B8 000000FF (Prefix Modifier - Nothing) 0040B6B9 000000FF (Suffix Modifier - Nothing) 2040B6BC 0000FFFF (Slot 1 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B6C4 0000FFFF (Slot 2 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B6CC 0000FFFF (Slot 3 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B6D4 0000FFFF (Slot 4 Modifier - Nothing) 2-10-39. Shard of Hate • Use: To enter the Hanging Gardens in the City of Khathuum. Accessory 42 2040B6E0 00331DE0 (Identity Modifier - Shard of Hate) 1040B6E4 00000001 (Quantity Modifier - 1 Quantity of an Item) 2040B6E8 00010000 (Property Modifier - Quest Item + Quest Item) 2040B6EC 000002C0 (Property Modifier - Quest Item + Quest Item) 0040B700 000000FF (Prefix Modifier - Nothing) 0040B701 000000FF (Suffix Modifier - Nothing) 2040B704 0000FFFF (Slot 1 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B70C 0000FFFF (Slot 2 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B714 0000FFFF (Slot 3 Modifier - Nothing) 2040B71C 0000FFFF (Slot 4 Modifier - Nothing) _______________________________________________________________________________ 3. Level-up & Attribute Modifiers 3-1. Levels Gained per Level-up Modifier Depending on what value is given to the code, Level-Up Modifier, characters can go up two or more levels when gaining a level with this code. For example, if a character is at level 1, & the value, "31 = Gain 49 Levels per Level-Up" is used, he/she will be at level 50 when gaining a level (1 + 49 = 50). Although this code increases the amount of levels gained per level-up, it can not control the amount of attribute points or skill points gained per level-up. Because of this, even if a character goes from level 1 to level 50, the amount of attribute points & skill points gained will be the same as if he/she only increased one level. To modify the amount of attribute points & skill points gained by the characters per level-up, use the codes, Attribute Points Gained per Level-Up & Skill Points Gained per Level-Up, found elsewhere in this document. 001BDFDC 000000?? 3-1a. VALUES: Levels Gained per Level-up Modifier 02 = Gain 2 Levels per Level-Up 03 = Gain 3 Levels per Level-Up 04 = Gain 4 Levels per Level-Up 05 = Gain 5 Levels per Level-Up 06 = Gain 6 Levels per Level-Up 07 = Gain 7 Levels per Level-Up 08 = Gain 8 Levels per Level-Up 09 = Gain 9 Levels per Level-Up 0A = Gain 10 Levels per Level-Up 0B = Gain 11 Levels per Level-Up 0C = Gain 12 Levels per Level-Up 0D = Gain 13 Levels per Level-Up 0E = Gain 14 Levels per Level-Up 0F = Gain 15 Levels per Level-Up 10 = Gain 16 Levels per Level-Up 11 = Gain 17 Levels per Level-Up 12 = Gain 18 Levels per Level-Up 13 = Gain 19 Levels per Level-Up 14 = Gain 20 Levels per Level-Up 15 = Gain 21 Levels per Level-Up 16 = Gain 22 Levels per Level-Up 17 = Gain 23 Levels per Level-Up 18 = Gain 24 Levels per Level-Up 19 = Gain 25 Levels per Level-Up 1A = Gain 26 Levels per Level-Up 1B = Gain 27 Levels per Level-Up 1C = Gain 28 Levels per Level-Up 1D = Gain 29 Levels per Level-Up 1E = Gain 30 Levels per Level-Up 1F = Gain 31 Levels per Level-Up 20 = Gain 32 Levels per Level-Up 21 = Gain 33 Levels per Level-Up 22 = Gain 34 Levels per Level-Up 23 = Gain 35 Levels per Level-Up 24 = Gain 36 Levels per Level-Up 25 = Gain 37 Levels per Level-Up 26 = Gain 38 Levels per Level-Up 27 = Gain 29 Levels per Level-Up 28 = Gain 40 Levels per Level-Up 29 = Gain 41 Levels per Level-Up 2A = Gain 42 Levels per Level-Up 2B = Gain 43 Levels per Level-Up 2C = Gain 44 Levels per Level-Up 2D = Gain 45 Levels per Level-Up 2E = Gain 46 Levels per Level-Up 2F = Gain 47 Levels per Level-Up 30 = Gain 48 Levels per Level-Up 31 = Gain 49 Levels per Level-Up 3-2. Attribute Points Gained per Level-up Modifier Normally, the game gives the characters three attribute points per level-up. However, with the code, Attribute Points Gained per Level-Up Modifier, it is possible for the characters to gain as much as 255 attributes points per level- up. 001BDFE4 000000?? 3-2a. VALUES: Attribute Points Gained per Level-up Modifer 05 = Gain 5 Attribute Points per Level-Up 0A = Gain 10 Attribute Points per Level-Up 0F = Gain 15 Attribute Points per Level-Up 14 = Gain 20 Attribute Points per Level-Up 19 = Gain 25 Attribute Points per Level-Up 32 = Gain 50 Attribute Points per Level-Up 4B = Gain 75 Attribute Points per Level-Up 64 = Gain 100 Attribute Points per Level-Up 96 = Gain 150 Attribute Points per Level-Up C8 = Gain 200 Attribute Points per Level-Up FF = Gain 255 Attribute Points per Level-Up 3-3. Skill Points Gained per Level-up Modifier Normally, the game gives the characters one through five skill points per level-up. However, with the code, Skill Points Gained per Level-Up, it is pos- sible for the characters to gain as much as 255 skill points per level-up. 001BDF88 000000?? 001BDFA0 000000?? 001BDFB8 000000?? 001BDFCC 000000?? 001BDFD0 000000?? 3-3a. VALUES: Skill Points Gained per Level-up Modifier 05 = Gain 5 Skill Points per Level-Up 05 05 05 05 0A = Gain 10 Skill Points per Level-Up 0A 0A 0A 0A 0F = Gain 15 Skill Points per Level-Up 0F 0F 0F 0F 14 = Gain 20 Skill Points per Level-Up 14 14 14 14 19 = Gain 25 Skill Points per Level-Up 19 19 19 19 32 = Gain 50 Skill Points per Level-Up 32 32 32 32 4B = Gain 75 Skill Points per Level-Up 4B 4B 4B 4B 64 = Gain 100 Skill Points per Level-Up 64 64 64 64 96 = Gain 150 Skill Points per Level-Up 96 96 96 96 C8 = Gain 200 Skill Points per Level-Up C8 C8 C8 C8 FF = Gain 255 Skill Points per Level-Up FF FF FF FF 3-4. Maximum Attribute Points Press R1+R2 to get the maximum amount of attribute points to spend on a charac- ter's stats. To use the attribute points, go to skill tree in a character's in- ventroy. Continously press R1+R2 to have maximum attribute points to spend. Player 1 D034BEC0 0000000A 204086F0 000000FF Player 2 D034BF20 0000000A 2040E4A0 000000FF Player 3 D034BF80 0000000A 20414250 000000FF Player 4 D034BFE0 0000000A 2041A000 000000FF _______________________________________________________________________________ 4. Skill Modifiers 4-1. Skill Level Modifiers Skill Level Modifiers raise or lower the level of a skill in a character's skill tree. 4-1-1. Skill Levels 0 ~ 127 Modifiers Barbarian Slam 004086F5 000000?? Endurance 004086F6 000000?? Bind Wounds 004086F7 000000?? Dual Wield 004086F8 000000?? Dodge 2040E2A8 00??0002 Shield Bash 2040E2AC 00??0031 Critical Hit 2040E2B0 00??0035 Cyclone 2040E2B4 00??0029 Ground Pound 2040E2B8 00??0026 Charge 2040E2BC 00??0023 Riposte 2040E2C0 00??0009 Ancestral Call 2040E2C4 00??0033 Wood Elf Dual Wield 004086F6 000000?? Endurance 004086F7 000000?? Critical Hit 2040E2AC 00??0021 Multi Fire 2040E2B0 00??002E Fire Arrow 2040E2B4 00??002B Cold Arrow 2040E2B8 00??002C Regeneration 2040E2BC 00??0013 Entangle 2040E2C0 00??0020 Explode Arrow 2040E2C4 00??002F Poison Arrow 2040E2C8 00??002D Minor Healing 2040E2CC 00??0032 High Elf Endurance 004086F7 000000?? Holy Strike 2040E2A4 00??0010 Shield Bash 2040E2A8 00??0022 Healing 2040E2AC 00??0037 Holy Armor 2040E2B0 00??0036 Blessed 2040E2B4 00??000A Undead Shield 2040E2B8 00??000F Blinding Light 2040E2BC 00??0014 Repulse Undead 2040E2C0 00??0015 Hammer of Wrath 2040E2C4 00??0011 Root 2040E2C8 00??001F Convert Enemy 2040E2CC 00??0027 Dismiss Undead 2040E2D0 00??0016 Wizard Bind Wounds 004086F5 000000?? Endurance 004086F8 000000?? Concentration 004086F9 000000?? Shock of Frost 2040E2A4 00??0017 Bolt of Shock 2040E2A8 00??0025 Wizard Beam 2040E2AC 00??0001 Frost Storm 2040E2B0 00??003A Cold Weapons 2040E2B4 00??000E Shock of Fire 2040E2B8 00??0039 Lightning Weapons 2040E2BC 00??000C Fire Storm 2040E2C0 00??0007 Fire Flares 2040E2C4 00??0008 Fire Weapons 2040E2C8 00??000D Root 2040E2CC 00??0034 Cone of Frost 2040E2D0 00??0038 Cone of Fire 2040E2D4 00??0012 Dark Elf Endurance 004086F6 000000?? Bind Wounds 004086F7 000000?? Disease Bolt 2040E2A8 00??0004 Life Tap 2040E2AC 00??003B Disease Trail 2040E2B0 00??0006 Engulfing Darkness 2040E2B4 00??0024 Disease Shield 2040E2B8 00??0005 Riposte 2040E2BC 00??0009 Summon Skeleton 2040E2C0 00??000B Shield Bash 2040E2C4 00??0031 Convert Undead 2040E2C8 00??0028 Harm Touch 2040E2CC 00??002A 4-1-1a. VALUES: Skill Levels 0 ~ 127 Modifiers 00 = Skill Level 0 05 = Skill Level 5 0A = Skill Level 10 0F = Skill Level 15 14 = Skill Level 20 19 = Skill Level 25 1E = Skill Level 30 28 = Skill Level 40 32 = Skill Level 50 3C = Skill Level 60 46 = Skill Level 70 50 = Skill Level 80 7F = Skill Level 127 4-1-2. Skill Levels 0 ~ 32,767 Modifiers Barbarian Blunt Weapons 2040E2A0 ????003C Slashing 2040E2A4 ????003D Wood Elf Blunt Weapons 2040E2A0 ????003C Slashing 2040E2A4 ????003D Archery 2040E2A8 ????0030 High Elf Blunt Weapons 2040E2A0 ????003C Wizard Blunt Weapons 2040E2A0 ????003C Dark Elf Blunt Weapons 2040E2A0 ????003C Slashing 2040E2A4 ????003D 4-1-2a. VALUES: Skill Levels 0 ~ 32,767 Modifiers 0000 = Skill Level 0 0005 = Skill Level 5 000A = Skill Level 10 000F = Skill Level 15 0014 = Skill Level 20 0019 = Skill Level 25 001E = Skill Level 30 0028 = Skill Level 40 0032 = Skill Level 50 003C = Skill Level 60 0046 = Skill Level 70 0050 = Skill Level 80 007F = Skill Level 127 7FFF = Skill Level 32,767 4-2. Extra Skill Modifiers 4-2-1. Bind Wounds ~ Dual Wield Modifiers Use the Bind Wounds ~ Dual Wield Modifiers to give the Berserker, High Elf &/or Dark Elf certain skills not normally available to them in the game. For ex- ample, to give the Dark Elf the skill, Dual Wield, use its code, 004086F5 000000??, replacing the ?? with one of the values in: 4-2-1a. VALUES: Bind Wounds ~ Dual Wield Modifiers, such as 14 = Skill Level 20. If used, the code, 004086F5 00000014 will give the Dark Elf the skill, Dual Wield. Please note that none of these skills will show up as additional skills in the Berserker, High Elf &/or Dark Elf's skill trees, but they will become permanent skills for the characters to use if used on them, & while the codes are still in use, the game is saved. High Elf Bind Wounds 004086F8 000000?? Concentration 004086F9 000000?? Dark Elf Dual Wield 004086F5 000000?? Concentration 004086F8 000000?? 4-2-1a. VALUES: Bind Wounds ~ Dual Wield Modifiers 00 = Skill Level 0 05 = Skill Level 5 0A = Skill Level 10 0F = Skill Level 15 14 = Skill Level 20 19 = Skill Level 25 1E = Skill Level 30 28 = Skill Level 40 32 = Skill Level 50 3C = Skill Level 60 46 = Skill Level 70 50 = Skill Level 80 7F = Skill Level 127 4-2-2. Archery & Slashing Modifiers Before you even think about using these codes, make sure that the character you want to use the Archery & Slashing Modifiers on has EVERY skill in his/her skill tree at level 1 or higher. Secondly, to use these codes correctly, use ALL that are listed for a specific character, or the skill you want will NOT function correctly or at all. For example, if you want to give the skill, Slashing, to the High Elf, use the codes: Archery & Slashing for the High Elf. If you don't want Archery for the High Elf, though, just set its skill at level 0 (2040E2D4 00000030 [Archery]), while giving the skill, Slashing, whatever level you want (2040E2D8 0014003D). Please note that none of these skills will show up as additional skills in the characters' skill trees, but they will become permanent skills for the char- acters to use if used on them, & while the codes are still in use, the game is saved. Barbarian Archery 2040E2C8 ????0030 High Elf Archery 2040E2D4 ????0030 Slashing 2040E2D8 ????003D Wizard Archery 2040E2D8 ????0030 Slashing 2040E2DC ????003D Dark Elf Archery 2040E2D0 ????0030 4-2-2a. VALUES: Archery & Slashing Modifiers 0000 = Skill Level 0 0005 = Skill Level 5 000A = Skill Level 10 000F = Skill Level 15 0014 = Skill Level 20 0019 = Skill Level 25 001E = Skill Level 30 0028 = Skill Level 40 0032 = Skill Level 50 003C = Skill Level 60 0046 = Skill Level 70 0050 = Skill Level 80 007F = Skill Level 127 7FFF = Skill Level 32,767 4-2-3. Dodge ~ Regeneration Modifiers To use these codes, you must first make sure that the character you want to use the Dodge ~ Regeneration Modifiers on has EVERY skill in his/her skill tree at level 1 or higher. Next, before beginning to use these codes, make sure that you use ALL the codes listed for your character in: 4-2-2. Archery & Slashing Modifiers with the Dodge ~ Regeneration Modifiers, or the codes you want to use will NOT work properly. (Think of the Archery & Slashing Modifiers as Enable Codes for the Dodge ~ Regeneration Modifiers.) For example, if you want to use the Dodge ~ Regeneration Modifiers for the Barbarian, you must first use the codes, Arch- ery, from the Archery & Slashing Modifiers. If you don't want to give the Bar- barian the skill, Archery, though, just put the skill's level at 0 (2040E2C8 00000030). Now, once following everything from above, to use the Dodge ~ Regeneration Modifiers, make sure that you use ALL the codes listed for the specific char- acter you want to use them on. For example, if you want to give the skills, Dodge (Barbarian) & Life Tap to the Wood Elf, you MUST enter ALL his/her codes: Dodge (Barbarian), Riposte (Barbarian & Dark Elf) & Life Tap to make the skills you want to use function correctly. What skills you don't want, just put their skill levels at 0, while putting the skills you would want to use - Dogde (Bar- barian & Life Tap - at a certain skill level. Please note that none of these skills will show up as additional skills in the characters' skill trees, but they will become permanent skills for the char- acters to use if used on them, & while the codes are still in use, the game is saved. Barbarian Life Tap 2040E2CC 00??003B Wood Elf Dodge (Barbarian) 2040E2D0 00??0002 Riposte (Barbarian & Dark Elf) 2040E2D4 00??0009 Life Tap 2040E2D8 00??003B High Elf Dodge (Barbarian) 2040E2DC 00??0002 Riposte (Barbarian & Dark Elf) 2040E2E0 00??0009 Regeneration 2040E2E4 00??0013 Life Tap 2040E2E8 00??003B Wizard Dodge (Barbarian) 2040E2E0 00??0002 Riposte (Barbarian & Dark Elf) 2040E2E4 00??0009 Regeneration 2040E2E8 00??0013 Life Tap 2040E2EC 00??003B Dark Elf Dodge (Barbarian) 2040E2D4 00??0002 Regeneration 2040E2D8 00??0013 4-2-3a. VALUES: Dodge ~ Regeneration Modifiers 00 = Skill Level 0 05 = Skill Level 5 0A = Skill Level 10 0F = Skill Level 15 14 = Skill Level 20 19 = Skill Level 25 1E = Skill Level 30 28 = Skill Level 40 32 = Skill Level 50 3C = Skill Level 60 46 = Skill Level 70 50 = Skill Level 80 7F = Skill Level 127 4-2-4. Wizard Beam ~ Frost Storm Modifiers To use these codes, you must first make sure that the character you want to use the Wizard Beam ~ Frost Storm Modifiers on has EVERY skill in his/her skill tree at level 1 or higher. Next, before beginning to use these codes, make sure that you use ALL the codes listed for your character in: 4-2-2. Archery & Slashing Modifiers & in: 4-2-3. Dodge ~ Regeneration Modifiers, or the codes you want to use will NOT work properly. (Think of the Archery & Slashing Modifiers & Dodge ~ Regeneration Modifiers as Enable Codes for the Wizard Beam ~ Frost Storm Modifiers.) For ex- ample, if you want to use the Wizard Beam ~ Frost Storm Modifiers for the Dark Elf, you must first use the code, Archery, from the Archery & Slashing Modi- fiers & the codes: Dodge (Barbarian) & Regeneration from the Dodge ~ Regenera- tion Modifiers. If you don't want to give the Dark Elf any of the skills from the Archery & Slashing Modifiers & Dodge ~ Regeneration Modifiers, though, just put all their skills at level 0. Now, once following everything from above, to use the Wizard Beam ~ Frost Storm Modifiers, use each spell modifier in order from the other. For example, if you want to give the spells: Fire Flares, Wave of Flame & Fire Storm to the Dark Elf, you must use Spell Modifier 1, Spell Modifier 2 & Spell Modifier 3 for these codes. Using the spell modifiers in random order, such as Spell Modifier 1, Spell Modifier 3 & Spell Modifier 8 will make the modified spells you want to use not work correctly or at all. In addition, to use a spell from the Wiz- ard Beam ~ Frost Storm Modifiers, you will have to use the Radial Menu Modi- fiers to put any spells not normally available to a character on his/her radial menu. Please note that none of these skills will show up as additional skills in the characters' skill trees, but they will become permanent skills for the char- acters to use if used on them, & while the codes are still in use, the game is saved. Barbarian Spell Modifier 1 2040E2D0 00YY00ZZ Spell Modifier 2 2040E2D4 00YY00ZZ Spell Modifier 3 2040E2D8 00YY00ZZ Spell Modifier 4 2040E2DC 00YY00ZZ Spell Modifier 5 2040E2E0 00YY00ZZ Spell Modifier 6 2040E2E4 00YY00ZZ Spell Modifier 7 2040E2E8 00YY00ZZ Spell Modifier 8 2040E2EC 00YY00ZZ Wood Elf Spell Modifier 1 2040E2DC 00YY00ZZ Spell Modifier 2 2040E2E0 00YY00ZZ Spell Modifier 3 2040E2E4 00YY00ZZ Spell Modifier 4 2040E2E8 00YY00ZZ Spell Modifier 5 2040E2EC 00YY00ZZ Spell Modifier 6 2040E2F0 00YY00ZZ Spell Modifier 7 2040E2F4 00YY00ZZ Spell Modifier 8 2040E2F8 00YY00ZZ High Elf Spell Modifier 1 2040E2EC 00YY00ZZ Spell Modifier 2 2040E2F0 00YY00ZZ Spell Modifier 3 2040E2F4 00YY00ZZ Spell Modifier 4 2040E2F8 00YY00ZZ Spell Modifier 5 2040E2FC 00YY00ZZ Spell Modifier 6 2040E300 00YY00ZZ Spell Modifier 7 2040E304 00YY00ZZ Spell Modifier 8 2040E308 00YY00ZZ Wizard Spell Modifier 1 2040E2F0 00YY00ZZ Spell Modifier 2 2040E2F4 00YY00ZZ Spell Modifier 3 2040E2F8 00YY00ZZ Spell Modifier 4 2040E2FC 00YY00ZZ Spell Modifier 5 2040E300 00YY00ZZ Spell Modifier 6 2040E304 00YY00ZZ Spell Modifier 7 2040E308 00YY00ZZ Spell Modifier 8 2040E30C 00YY00ZZ Dark Elf Spell Modifier 1 2040E2DC 00YY00ZZ Spell Modifier 2 2040E2E0 00YY00ZZ Spell Modifier 3 2040E2E4 00YY00ZZ Spell Modifier 4 2040E2E8 00YY00ZZ Spell Modifier 5 2040E2EC 00YY00ZZ Spell Modifier 6 2040E2F0 00YY00ZZ Spell Modifier 7 2040E2F4 00YY00ZZ Spell Modifier 8 2040E2F8 00YY00ZZ 4-2-4a. YY VALUES: Wizard Beam ~ Frost Storm Modifiers 00 = Spell Level 0 05 = Spell Level 5 0A = Spell Level 10 0F = Spell Level 15 14 = Spell Level 20 19 = Spell Level 25 1E = Spell Level 30 28 = Spell Level 40 32 = Spell Level 50 3C = Spell Level 60 46 = Spell Level 70 50 = Spell Level 80 7F = Spell Level 127 4-2-4b. ZZ VALUES: Wizard Beam ~ Frost Storm Modifiers 01 = Wizard Beam 04 = Disease Bolt 05 = Disease Shield 06 = Disease Trail 07 = Fire Storm 08 = Fire Flares 0A = Blessed 0B = Summon Skeleton 0C = Lightning Weapons 0D = Fire Weapons 0E = Cold Weapons 0F = Undead Shield 10 = Holy Strike 11 = Hammer of Wrath 12 = Cone of Fire 14 = Blinding Light 15 = Repulse Undead 16 = Dismiss Undead 17 = Shock of Frost 1A = Poison Weapons 1F = Root (High Elf) 20 = Entangle 21 = Critical Hit (Wood Elf) 22 = Shield Bash (High Elf) 23 = Charge 24 = Engulfing Darkness 25 = Bolt of Shock 26 = Ground Pound 27 = Convert Enemy 28 = Convert Undead 29 = Cyclone (Barbarian) 2A = Harm Touch 2B = Fire Arrow 2C = Cold Arrow 2D = Poison Arrow 2E = Multi Fire 2F = Explode Arrow 31 = Shield Bash (Barbarian & Dark Elf) 32 = Minor Healing 33 = Ancestral Call 34 = Root (Wizard) 35 = Critical Hit (Barbarian) 36 = Holy Armor 37 = Healing 38 = Cone of Frost 39 = Shock of Fire 3A = Frost Storm 4-3. Radial Menu Modifiers The Radial Menu Modifiers modify the spells on the radial menu (or as I call it, spell wheel), when the directional buttons are pressed. Although the Radial Menu Modifiers can give a character any spell on the radial menu, if the spell is not a part of the character's skills in his/her skill tree, it will be at level 0. To increase the spell's power, use the codes, Wizard Beam ~ Cone of Frost Modifiers, found elsewhere in this document, along with these codes. Please note that if playing the game normally, the Barbarian has only up to seven spells he/she can use on the radial menu. However, the vacant, eigth slot on the radial menu can be used for the Barbarian with these codes. To use it, select the slot that is empty on the radial menu - usually the top-left spell slot - while using the code for the Radial Menu Modifiers that affects that slot. Next, go in to the skill tree, & use the spell book to place a spell on empty spell slot. If done correctly, the spell slot will no longer be vacant, letting the Barbarian use up to eight spells, with the help of the Radial Menu Modifiers, just like the other characters in the game. Top Spell 1040DBF8 0000???? 1040DBFC 0000007F Top-Right Spell 1040DC60 0000???? 1040DC64 0000007F Right Spell 1040DCC8 0000???? 1040DCCC 0000007F Bottom-Right Spell 1040DD30 0000???? 1040DD34 0000007F Bottom Spell 1040DD98 0000???? 1040DD9C 0000007F Bottom-Left Spell 1040DE00 0000???? 1040DE04 0000007F Left Spell 1040DE68 0000???? 1040DE6C 0000007F Top-Left Spell 1040DED0 0000???? 1040DED4 0000007F 4-3a. VALUES: Radial Menu Modifiers 0001 = Wizard Beam 0004 = Disease Bolt 0005 = Disease Shield 0006 = Disease Trail 0007 = Fire Storm 0008 = Fire Flares 000A = Blessed 000B = Summon Skeleton 000C = Lightning Weapons 000D = Fire Weapons 000E = Cold Weapons 000F = Undead Shield 0010 = Holy Strike 0011 = Hammer of Wrath 0012 = Cone of Fire 0014 = Blinding Light 0015 = Repulse Undead 0016 = Dismiss Undead 0017 = Shock of Frost 001A = Poison Weapons 001F = Root (High Elf) 0020 = Entangle 0021 = Critical Hit (Wood Elf) 0022 = Shield Bash (High Elf) 0023 = Charge 0024 = Engulfing Darkness 0025 = Bolt of Shock 0026 = Ground Pound 0027 = Convert Enemy 0028 = Convert Undead 0029 = Cyclone (Barbarian) 002A = Harm Touch 002B = Fire Arrow 002C = Cold Arrow 002D = Poison Arrow 002E = Multi Fire 002F = Explode Arrow 0031 = Shield Bash (Barbarian & Dark Elf) 0032 = Minor Healing 0033 = Ancestral Call 0034 = Root (Wizard) 0035 = Critical Hit (Barbarian) 0036 = Holy Armor 0037 = Healing 0038 = Cone of Frost 0039 = Shock of Fire 003A = Frost Storm 4-4. Example 4-4-1. High Elf • Extra Skill Modifiers: Bind Wounds (20), Concentration (20), Dodge (Barbar- ian) (20), Riposte (Barbarian & Dark Elf) (20), Fire Weapons (20) & Cold Weapons (20) Bind Wounds ~ Dual Wield Modifiers 004086F8 00000014 (Bind Wounds - Skill Level 20) 004086F9 00000014 (Concentration - Skill Level 20) Archery & Slashing Modifiers 2040E2D4 00000030 (Archery - Skill Level 0) 2040E2D8 0000003D (Slashing - Skill Level 0) Dodge ~ Regeneration Modifiers 2040E2DC 00140002 (Dodge [Barbarian] - Skill Level 20) 2040E2E0 00140009 (Riposte [Barbarian & Dark Elf] - Skill Level 20) 2040E2E4 00000013 (Regeneration - Skill Level 0) 2040E2E8 0000003B (Life Tap - Skill Level 0) Wizard Beam ~ Frost Storm Modifiers 2040E2EC 0014000D (Spell Modifier 1: Fire Weapons - Spell Level 20) 2040E2F0 0014000E (Spell Modifier 2: Cold Weapons - Spell Level 20) Radial Menu Modifiers 1040DBF8 0000000D (Top Spell - Fire Weapons) 1040DBFC 0000007F 1040DC60 0000000E (Top-Right Spell - Cold Weapons) 1040DC64 0000007F _______________________________________________________________________________ 5. Miscellanea 5-1. Appearance Modifiers 5-1-1. Male Barbarian 20408620 WWXXYYZZ 5-1-1a. WW VALUES: Male Barbarian 00 = Skin 1 (Tan) 01 = Skin 2 (Pale) 02 = Skin 3 (Dark) 03 = Skin 4 (Painted 1) 04 = Skin 5 (Painted 2) 5-1-1b. XX VALUES: Male Barbarian FF = Facial Hair 1 (No Facial Hair) 00 = Facial Hair 2 (Beard 1) 01 = Facial Hair 3 (Mustache & Goatee) 02 = Facial Hair 4 (Goatee) 03 = Facial Hair 5 (Beard 2) 5-1-1c. YY VALUES: Male Barbarian 00 = Hair Color 1 (Brown) 01 = Hair Color 2 (Black) 02 = Hair Color 3 (Blond) 5-1-1d. ZZ VALUES: Male Barbarian FF = Hair Style 1 (Bald) 00 = Hair Style 2 (Ponytail 1) 01 = Hair Style 3 (Ponytail 2) 02 = Hair Style 4 (Mohawk) 03 = Hair Style 5 (Long) 5-1-2. Female Barbarian 20408620 XXFFYYZZ 5-1-2a. XX VALUES: Female Barbarian 00 = Skin 1 (Light) 01 = Skin 2 (Pale) 02 = Skin 3 (Dark) 03 = Skin 4 (Painted) 5-1-2b. YY VALUES: Female Barbarian 00 = Hair Color 1 (Brown) 01 = Hair Color 2 (Black) 02 = Hair Color 3 (Blonde) 5-1-2c. ZZ VALUES: Female Barbarian FF = Unselectable (Short) 00 = Hair Style 1 (Long 1) 01 = Hair Style 2 (Bun) 02 = Hair Style 3 (Ponytail 1) 03 = Hair Style 4 (Long 2) 04 = Hair Style 5 (Ponytail 2) 05 = Hair Style 6 (Pigtails) 5-1-3. Male Wood Elf 20408620 XXFFYYZZ 5-1-3a. XX VALUES: Male Wood Elf 00 = Skin 1 (Light) 01 = Skin 2 (Tan) 02 = Skin 3 (Painted 1) 03 = Skin 4 (Painted 2) 5-1-3b. YY VALUES: Male Wood Elf 00 = Hair Color 1 (Dark Brown) 01 = Hair Color 2 (Black) 02 = Hair Color 3 (Light Brown) 5-1-3c. ZZ VALUES: Male Wood Elf FF = Unselectable (Short) 00 = Hair Style 1 (Long) 01 = Hair Style 2 (Pebbles from the Flintstones) 02 = Hair Style 3 (Elrond from the LOTR) 03 = Hair Style 4 (Bun) 04 = Hair Style 5 (Spiked) 5-1-4. Female Wood Elf 20408620 XXFFYYZZ 5-1-4a. XX VALUES: Female Wood Elf 00 = Skin 1 (Light) 01 = Skin 2 (Pale) 02 = Skin 3 (Tan) 03 = Skin 4 (Painted) 5-1-4b. YY VALUES: Female Wood Elf 00 = Hair Color 1 (Black) 01 = Hair Color 2 (Brown) 02 = Hair Color 3 (Blonde) 5-1-4c. ZZ VALUES: Female Wood Elf FF = Unselectable (Short 1) 00 = Hair Style 1 (Bunned & Pigtails) 01 = Hair Style 2 (Short 2) 02 = Hair Style 3 (Long) 03 = Hair Style 4 (Bun & Ponytails) 04 = Hair Style 5 (Pigtails 1) 05 = Hair Style 6 (Pigtails 2) 5-1-5. Male High Elf 20408620 XXFFYYZZ 5-1-5a. XX VALUES: Male High Elf 00 = Skin 1 (Pale) 01 = Skin 2 (Painted 1) 02 = Skin 3 (Painted 2) 03 = Skin 4 (Light) 5-1-5b. YY VALUES: Male High Elf 00 = Hair Color 1 (Blond) 01 = Hair Color 2 (Dirty Blond) 02 = Hair Color 3 (Dark Brown) 5-1-5c. ZZ VALUES: Male High Elf FF = Unselectable (Short) 00 = Hair Style 1 (Ponytail) 01 = Hair Style 2 (Bun) 02 = Hair Style 3 (Long 1) 03 = Hair Style 4 (Long 2) 04 = Hair Style 5 (Flattop) 05 = Hair Style 6 (Elvis) 5-1-6. Female High Elf 20408620 XXFFYYZZ 5-1-6a. XX VALUES: Female High Elf 00 = Skin 1 (Light) 01 = Skin 2 (Pale) 02 = Skin 3 (Dark) 03 = Skin 4 (Tan) 5-1-6b. YY VALUES: Female High Elf 00 = Hair Color 1 (Blonde) 01 = Hair Color 2 (Orange) 02 = Hair Color 3 (Black) 5-1-6c. ZZ VALUES: Female High Elf FF = Unselectable (Short) 00 = Hair Style 1 (Ponytail) 01 = Hair Style 2 (Long) 02 = Hair Style 3 (Bunned 1) 03 = Hair Style 4 (Bunned 2) 04 = Hair Style 5 (Pigtails) 05 = Hair Style 6 (Parted) 5-1-7. Male Wizard 20408620 WWXXYYZZ 5-1-7a. WW VALUES: Male Wizard 00 = Skin 1 (Dark 1) 01 = Skin 2 (Dark 2) 02 = Skin 3 (Painted 1) 03 = Skin 4 (Painted 2) 5-1-7b. XX VALUES: Male Wizard FF = No Facial Hair 00 = Beard 1 01 = Pharaoh 02 = Beard 2 5-1-7c. YY VALUES: Male Wizard 00 = Hair Color 1 (Salt & Pepper) 01 = Hair Color 2 (Black) 02 = Hair Color 3 (Dark Brown) 5-1-7d. ZZ VALUES: Male Wizard FF = Hair Style 1 (Bald) 00 = Hair Style 2 (Short 1) 01 = Hair Style 3 (Short 2) 02 = Hair Style 4 (Tied Dreadlocks) 5-1-8. Female Wizard 20408620 XXFFYYZZ 5-1-8a. XX VALUES: Female Wizard 00 = Skin 1 (Painted 1) 01 = Skin 2 (Painted 2) 02 = Skin 3 (Painted 3) 03 = Skin 4 (Painted 4) 5-1-8b. YY VALUES: Female Wizard 00 = Hair Color 1 (Red) 01 = Hair Color 2 (Blue) 02 = Hair Color 3 (White) 5-1-8c. ZZ VALUES: Female Wizard FF = Hair Style 1 (Bald) 00 = Hair Style 2 (Bun) 01 = Hair Style 3 (Spiked 1) 02 = Hair Style 4 (Tied Dreadlocks) 03 = Hair Style 5 (Spiked 2) 5-1-9. Male Dark Elf 204DBB10 WWXXYYZZ 5-1-9a. WW VALUES: Male Dark Elf 00 = Skin 1 (Light Blue) 01 = Skin 2 (Blue) 02 = Skin 3 (Painted 1) 03 = Skin 4 (Painted 2) 5-1-9b. XX VALUES: Male Dark Elf FF = Facial Hair 1 (No Facial Hair) 00 = Facial Hair 2 (Beard) 01 = Facial Hair 3 (Mustache) 02 = Facial Hair 4 (Mustache & Goatee) 03 = Facial Hair 5 (Goatee) 5-1-9c. YY VALUES: Male Dark Elf 00 = Hair Color 1 (White) 01 = Hair Color 2 (Light Purple) 02 = Hair Color 3 (Red) 5-1-9d. ZZ VALUES: Male Dark Elf FF = Unselectable (Short 1) 00 = Hair Style 1 (Ponytail 1) 01 = Hair Style 2 (Ponytail 2) 02 = Hair Style 3 (Long) 03 = Hair Style 4 (Short 2) 04 = Hair Style 5 (Mohawk) 5-1-10. Female Dark Elf 20408620 XXFFYYZZ 5-1-10a. XX VALUES: Female Dark Elf 00 = Skin 1 (Light Blue) 01 = Skin 2 (Painted 1) 02 = Skin 3 (Blue) 03 = Skin 4 (Painted 2) 5-1-10b. YY VALUES: Female Dark Elf 00 = Hair Color 1 (White) 01 = Hair Color 2 (Black) 02 = Hair Color 3 (Red) 5-1-10c. ZZ VALUES: Female Dark Elf FF = Unselectable (Short) 00 = Hair Style 1 (Bun 1) 01 = Hair Style 2 (Bun 2) 02 = Hair Style 3 (Ponytail) 03 = Hair Style 4 (Pigtails) 04 = Hair Style 5 (Bunned) 05 = Hair Style 6 (Spiked) 06 = Hair Style 7 (Long) 5-2. Class Modifiers Use these codes to modify the model of a character. To modify the layers - skin, hair, etc. - of a character's model, use the codes, Appearance Modifers, found elsewhere in this document. Player 1 00408654 000000?? Player 2 0040E404 000000?? Player 3 004141B4 000000?? Player 4 00419F64 000000?? 5-2a. VALUES: Class Modifiers 00 = Male Barbarian 01 = Female Barbarian 02 = Male Wood Elf 03 = Female Wood Elf 04 = Male High Elf 05 = Female High Elf 06 = Male Wizard 07 = Female Wizard 08 = Male Dark Elf 09 = Female Dark Elf 5-3. Race Modifiers Player 1 00408650 000000?? Player 2 0040E400 000000?? Player 3 004141B0 000000?? Player 4 00419F60 000000?? 5-3a. VALUES: Race Modifiers 00 = Barbarian 01 = High Elf 02 = Dark Elf 03 = Wood Elf 04 = Wizard 5-4. Name Modifiers Player 1 20408600 ???????? 20408604 ???????? 20408608 ???????? 2040860C ???????? 20408610 ???????? 20408614 ???????? 20408618 ???????? 2040861C ???????? Player 2 2040E3B0 ???????? 2040E3B4 ???????? 2040E3B8 ???????? 2040E3BC ???????? 2040E3C0 ???????? 2040E3C4 ???????? 2040E3C8 ???????? 2040E3CC ???????? Player 3 20414160 ???????? 20414164 ???????? 20414168 ???????? 2041416C ???????? 20414170 ???????? 20414174 ???????? 20414178 ???????? 2041417C ???????? Player 4 20419F10 ???????? 20419F14 ???????? 20419F18 ???????? 20419F1C ???????? 20419F20 ???????? 20419F24 ???????? 20419F28 ???????? 20419F2C ???????? 5-4a. VALUES: Name Modifiers 20 = space 41 = A 42 = B 43 = C 44 = D 45 = E 46 = F 47 = G 48 = H 49 = I 4A = J 4B = K 4C = L 4D = M 4E = N 4F = O 50 = P 51 = Q 52 = R 53 = S 54 = T 55 = U 56 = V 57 = W 58 = X 59 = Y 5A = Z 61 = a 62 = b 63 = c 64 = d 65 = e 66 = f 67 = g 68 = h 69 = i 6A = j 6B = k 6C = l 6D = m 6E = n 6F = o 70 = p 71 = q 72 = r 73 = s 74 = t 75 = u 76 = v 77 = w 78 = x 79 = y 7A = z 80 = À 81 = Á 82 =  83 = à 84 = Ä 85 = Å 86 = Æ 87 = Ç 88 = È 89 = É 8A = Ê 8B = Ë 8C = Ì 8D = Í 8E = Î 8F = Ï 90 = Ð 91 = Ñ 92 = Ò 93 = Ó 94 = Ô 95 = Õ 96 = Ö 97 = Š 98 = Ø 99 = Ù 9A = Ú 9B = Û 9C = Ü 9D = Ý 9E = Þ E0 = à E1 = á E2 = â E4 = â F0 = ì ED = í EF = î F6 = ö FC = ù FA = ú FB = û 30 = 0 31 = 1 32 = 2 33 = 3 34 = 4 35 = 5 36 = 6 37 = 7 38 = 8 39 = 9 21 = ! 22 = " 23 = # 24 = $ 25 = % 26 = & 27 = ' 28 = ( 29 = ) 2A = * 2B = + 2C = , 2D = - 2E = . 2F = / 3A = : 3B = ; 3C = < 3D = = 3E = > 3F = ? 40 = @ 5B = [ 5C = ¥ 5D = ] 5E = ^ 5F = _ 60 = ® 7B = { 7C = | 7D = } 7E = ~ 01 = † 02 = ‡ 03 = Œ 04 = œ 05 = ¡ 06 = ¿ 07 = ¤ 08 = § 09 = ¶ 0A = ª 0B = ‰ 0C = ¥ 0D = € 0E = ¢ 10 = µ 11 = ° 12 = ß 5-5. Weight Modifiers 5-5-1. Accessories Weight = 0.0 As the name implies (Accessories Weight = 0.0), these codes make the items in the accessory's list weigh nothing. Accessory 1 2040AB8C FF9C0024 Accessory 2 2040ABD4 FF9C0024 Accessory 3 2040AC1C FF9C0024 Accessory 4 2040AC64 FF9C0024 Accessory 5 2040ACAC FF9C0024 Accessory 6 2040ACF4 FF9C0024 Accessory 7 2040AD3C FF9C0024 Accessory 8 2040AD84 FF9C0024 Accessory 9 2040ADCC FF9C0024 Accessory 10 2040AE14 FF9C0024 Accessory 11 2040AE5C FF9C0024 Accessory 12 2040AEA4 FF9C0024 Accessory 13 2040AEEC FF9C0024 Accessory 14 2040AF34 FF9C0024 Accessory 15 2040AF7C FF9C0024 Accessory 16 2040AFC4 FF9C0024 Accessory 17 2040B00C FF9C0024 Accessory 18 2040B054 FF9C0024 Accessory 19 2040B09C FF9C0024 Accessory 20 2040B0E4 FF9C0024 Accessory 21 2040B12C FF9C0024 Accessory 22 2040B174 FF9C0024 Accessory 23 2040B1BC FF9C0024 Accessory 24 2040B204 FF9C0024 Accessory 25 2040B24C FF9C0024 Accessory 26 2040B294 FF9C0024 Accessory 27 2040B2DC FF9C0024 Accessory 28 2040B324 FF9C0024 Accessory 29 2040B36C FF9C0024 Accessory 30 2040B3B4 FF9C0024 Accessory 31 2040B3FC FF9C0024 Accessory 32 2040B444 FF9C0024 Accessory 33 2040B48C FF9C0024 Accessory 34 2040B4D4 FF9C0024 Accessory 35 2040B51C FF9C0024 Accessory 36 2040B564 FF9C0024 Accessory 37 2040B5AC FF9C0024 Accessory 38 2040B5F4 FF9C0024 Accessory 39 2040B63C FF9C0024 Accessory 40 2040B684 FF9C0024 Accessory 41 2040B6CC FF9C0024 Accessory 42 2040B714 FF9C0024 Accessory 43 2040B75C FF9C0024 Accessory 44 2040B7A4 FF9C0024 Accessory 45 2040B7EC FF9C0024 Accessory 46 2040B834 FF9C0024 Accessory 47 2040B87C FF9C0024 Accessory 48 2040B8C4 FF9C0024 Accessory 49 2040B90C FF9C0024 Accessory 50 2040B954 FF9C0024 Accessory 51 2040B99C FF9C0024 Accessory 52 2040B9E4 FF9C0024 Accessory 53 2040BA2C FF9C0024 Accessory 54 2040BA74 FF9C0024 Accessory 55 2040BABC FF9C0024 Accessory 56 2040BB04 FF9C0024 Accessory 57 2040BB4C FF9C0024 Accessory 58 2040BB94 FF9C0024 Accessory 59 2040BBDC FF9C0024 Accessory 60 2040BC24 FF9C0024 Accessory 61 2040BC6C FF9C0024 Accessory 62 2040BCB4 FF9C0024 Accessory 63 2040BCFC FF9C0024 Accessory 64 2040BD44 FF9C0024 5-5-2. Maximum Carrying Capacity With these codes, a character can hold up to 2,147,483,647 lbs. in items in his/her inventory. Player 1 20408738 4F1C3C00 Player 2 2040E4E8 4F1C3C00 Player 3 20414298 4F1C3C00 Player 4 2041A048 4F1C3C00 5-6. Maximum Item Drops While the cursor is hovering over an item, hold "down" (on the directional pad) & press "triangle" to drop an item more than one at a time. Only when "down" & "triangle" are being pressed at the same time, will it be possible to drop an item more than one at a time. When these two buttons are not being used together, the code, Maximum Item Drops, will be turned off, automatically. Depending on what value is given to the code, Maximum Item Drops, it is pos- sible to get more items than what a character currently has. If the value, "0064 = 100 Copies of an Item Dropped" is used for Player 1, & during gameplay, the code, Maximum Item Drops is used on an item that player 1 has a quantity of 10, when picked up, the item will have a quantity of 100. Player 1 D034BEC0 00104010 101B0998 00000001 D034BEC0 00004010 101B0998 0000???? Player 2 D034BF20 00104010 101B0998 00000001 D034BF20 00004010 101B0998 0000???? Player 3 D034BF80 00104010 101B0998 00000001 D034BF80 00004010 101B0998 0000???? Player 4 D034BFE0 00104010 101B0998 00000001 D034BFE0 00004010 101B0998 0000???? 5-6a. VALUES: Maximum Item Drops 0005 = 5 Copies of an Item Dropped 000A = 10 Copies of an Item Dropped 000F = 15 Copies of an Item Dropped 0014 = 20 Copies of an Item Dropped 0019 = 25 Copies of an Item Dropped 0032 = 50 Copies of an Item Dropped 004B = 75 Copies of an Item Dropped 0064 = 100 Copies of an Item Dropped 00C8 = 200 Copies of an Item Dropped 012C = 300 Copies of an Item Dropped 0190 = 400 Copies of an Item Dropped 01DF = 500 Copies of an Item Dropped 03E8 = 1,000 Copies of an Item Dropped 07D0 = 2,000 Copies of an Item Dropped 0BB8 = 3,000 Copies of an Item Dropped 0FA0 = 4,000 Copies of an Item Dropped 1388 = 5,000 Copies of an Item Dropped 2710 = 10,000 Copies of an Item Dropped 5-7. Weapon Aura Modifiers Player 1 Weapon 1 20408758 ???????? 2040875C ???????? Weapon 2 204087A0 ???????? 204087A4 ???????? Weapon 3 204087E8 ???????? 204087EC ???????? Weapon 4 20408830 ???????? 20408834 ???????? Weapon 5 20408878 ???????? 2040887C ???????? Weapon 6 204088C0 ???????? 204088C4 ???????? Weapon 7 20408908 ???????? 2040890C ???????? Weapon 8 20408950 ???????? 20408954 ???????? Weapon 9 20408998 ???????? 2040899C ???????? Weapon 10 204089E0 ???????? 204089E4 ???????? Weapon 11 20408A28 ???????? 20408A2C ???????? Weapon 12 20408A70 ???????? 20408A74 ???????? Weapon 13 20408AB8 ???????? 20408ABC ???????? Weapon 14 20408B00 ???????? 20408B04 ???????? Weapon 15 20408B48 ???????? 20408B4C ???????? Weapon 16 20408B90 ???????? 20408B94 ???????? Weapon 17 20408BD8 ???????? 20408BDC ???????? Weapon 18 20408C20 ???????? 20408C24 ???????? Weapon 19 20408C68 ???????? 20408C6C ???????? Weapon 20 20408CB0 ???????? 20408CB4 ???????? Weapon 21 20408CF8 ???????? 20408CFC ???????? Weapon 22 20408D40 ???????? 20408D44 ???????? Weapon 23 20408D88 ???????? 20408D8C ???????? Weapon 24 20408DD0 ???????? 20408DD4 ???????? Weapon 25 20408E18 ???????? 20408E1C ???????? Weapon 26 20408E60 ???????? 20408E64 ???????? Weapon 27 20408EA8 ???????? 20408EAC ???????? Weapon 28 20408EF0 ???????? 20408EF4 ???????? Weapon 29 20408F38 ???????? 20408F3C ???????? Weapon 30 20408F80 ???????? 20408F84 ???????? Weapon 31 20408FC8 ???????? 20408FCC ???????? Weapon 32 20409010 ???????? 20409014 ???????? Weapon 33 20409058 ???????? 2040905C ???????? Weapon 34 204090A0 ???????? 204090A4 ???????? Weapon 35 204090E8 ???????? 204090EC ???????? Weapon 36 20409130 ???????? 20409134 ???????? Weapon 37 20409178 ???????? 2040917C ???????? Weapon 38 204091C0 ???????? 204091C4 ???????? Weapon 39 20409208 ???????? 2040920C ???????? Weapon 40 20409250 ???????? 20409254 ???????? Weapon 41 20409298 ???????? 2040929C ???????? Weapon 42 204092E0 ???????? 204092E4 ???????? Weapon 43 20409328 ???????? 2040932C ???????? Weapon 44 20409370 ???????? 20409374 ???????? Weapon 45 204093B8 ???????? 204093BC ???????? Weapon 46 20409400 ???????? 20409404 ???????? Weapon 47 20409448 ???????? 2040944C ???????? Weapon 48 20409490 ???????? 20409494 ???????? Weapon 49 204094D8 ???????? 204094DC ???????? Weapon 50 20409520 ???????? 20409524 ???????? Weapon 51 20409568 ???????? 2040956C ???????? Weapon 52 204095B0 ???????? 204095B4 ???????? Weapon 53 204095F8 ???????? 204095FC ???????? Weapon 54 20409640 ???????? 20409644 ???????? Weapon 55 20409688 ???????? 2040968C ???????? Weapon 56 204096D0 ???????? 204096D4 ???????? Weapon 57 20409718 ???????? 2040971C ???????? Weapon 58 20409760 ???????? 20409764 ???????? Weapon 59 204097A8 ???????? 204097AC ???????? Weapon 60 204097F0 ???????? 204097F4 ???????? Weapon 61 20409838 ???????? 2040983C ???????? Weapon 62 20409880 ???????? 20409884 ???????? Weapon 63 204098C8 ???????? 204098CC ???????? Weapon 64 20409910 ???????? 20409914 ???????? Player 2 Weapon 1 2040E508 ???????? 2040E50C ???????? Weapon 2 2040E550 ???????? 2040E554 ???????? Weapon 3 2040E598 ???????? 2040E59C ???????? Weapon 4 2040E5E0 ???????? 2040E5E4 ???????? Weapon 5 2040E628 ???????? 2040E62C ???????? Weapon 6 2040E670 ???????? 2040E674 ???????? Weapon 7 2040E6B8 ???????? 2040E6BC ???????? Weapon 8 2040E700 ???????? 2040E704 ???????? Weapon 9 2040E748 ???????? 2040E74C ???????? Weapon 10 2040E790 ???????? 2040E794 ???????? Weapon 11 2040E7D8 ???????? 2040E7DC ???????? Weapon 12 2040E820 ???????? 2040E824 ???????? Weapon 13 2040E868 ???????? 2040E86C ???????? Weapon 14 2040E8B0 ???????? 2040E8B4 ???????? Weapon 15 2040E8F8 ???????? 2040E8FC ???????? Weapon 16 2040E940 ???????? 2040E944 ???????? Weapon 17 2040E988 ???????? 2040E98C ???????? Weapon 18 2040E9D0 ???????? 2040E9D4 ???????? Weapon 19 2040EA18 ???????? 2040EA1C ???????? Weapon 20 2040EA60 ???????? 2040EA64 ???????? Weapon 21 2040EAA8 ???????? 2040EAAC ???????? Weapon 22 2040EAF0 ???????? 2040EAF4 ???????? Weapon 23 2040EB38 ???????? 2040EB3C ???????? Weapon 24 2040EB80 ???????? 2040EB84 ???????? Weapon 25 2040EBC8 ???????? 2040EBCC ???????? Weapon 26 2040EC10 ???????? 2040EC14 ???????? Weapon 27 2040EC58 ???????? 2040EC5C ???????? Weapon 28 2040ECA0 ???????? 2040ECA4 ???????? Weapon 29 2040ECE8 ???????? 2040ECEC ???????? Weapon 30 2040ED30 ???????? 2040ED34 ???????? Weapon 31 2040ED78 ???????? 2040ED7C ???????? Weapon 32 2040EDC0 ???????? 2040EDC4 ???????? Weapon 33 2040EE08 ???????? 2040EE0C ???????? Weapon 34 2040EE50 ???????? 2040EE54 ???????? Weapon 35 2040EE98 ???????? 2040EE9C ???????? Weapon 36 2040EEE0 ???????? 2040EEE4 ???????? Weapon 37 2040EF28 ???????? 2040EF2C ???????? Weapon 38 2040EF70 ???????? 2040EF74 ???????? Weapon 39 2040EFB8 ???????? 2040EFBC ???????? Weapon 40 2040F000 ???????? 2040F004 ???????? Weapon 41 2040F048 ???????? 2040F04C ???????? Weapon 42 2040F090 ???????? 2040F094 ???????? Weapon 43 2040F0D8 ???????? 2040F0DC ???????? Weapon 44 2040F120 ???????? 2040F124 ???????? Weapon 45 2040F168 ???????? 2040F16C ???????? Weapon 46 2040F1B0 ???????? 2040F1B4 ???????? Weapon 47 2040F1F8 ???????? 2040F1FC ???????? Weapon 48 2040F240 ???????? 2040F244 ???????? Weapon 49 2040F288 ???????? 2040F28C ???????? Weapon 50 2040F2D0 ???????? 2040F2D4 ???????? Weapon 51 2040F318 ???????? 2040F31C ???????? Weapon 52 2040F360 ???????? 2040F364 ???????? Weapon 53 2040F3A8 ???????? 2040F3AC ???????? Weapon 54 2040F3F0 ???????? 2040F3F4 ???????? Weapon 55 2040F438 ???????? 2040F43C ???????? Weapon 56 2040F480 ???????? 2040F484 ???????? Weapon 57 2040F4C8 ???????? 2040F4CC ???????? Weapon 58 2040F510 ???????? 2040F514 ???????? Weapon 59 2040F558 ???????? 2040F55C ???????? Weapon 60 2040F5A0 ???????? 2040F5A4 ???????? Weapon 61 2040F5E8 ???????? 2040F5EC ???????? Weapon 62 2040F630 ???????? 2040F634 ???????? Weapon 63 2040F678 ???????? 2040F67C ???????? Weapon 64 2040F6C0 ???????? 2040F6C4 ???????? Player 3 Weapon 1 204142B8 ???????? 204142BC ???????? Weapon 2 20414300 ???????? 20414304 ???????? Weapon 3 20414348 ???????? 2041434C ???????? Weapon 4 20414390 ???????? 20414394 ???????? Weapon 5 204143D8 ???????? 204143DC ???????? Weapon 6 20414420 ???????? 20414424 ???????? Weapon 7 20414468 ???????? 2041446C ???????? Weapon 8 204144B0 ???????? 204144B4 ???????? Weapon 9 204144F8 ???????? 204144FC ???????? Weapon 10 20414540 ???????? 20414544 ???????? Weapon 11 20414588 ???????? 2041458C ???????? Weapon 12 204145D0 ???????? 204145D4 ???????? Weapon 13 20414618 ???????? 2041461C ???????? Weapon 14 20414660 ???????? 20414664 ???????? Weapon 15 204146A8 ???????? 204146AC ???????? Weapon 16 204146F0 ???????? 204146F4 ???????? Weapon 17 20414738 ???????? 2041473C ???????? Weapon 18 20414780 ???????? 20414784 ???????? Weapon 19 204147C8 ???????? 204147CC ???????? Weapon 20 20414810 ???????? 20414814 ???????? Weapon 21 20414858 ???????? 2041485C ???????? Weapon 22 204148A0 ???????? 204148A4 ???????? Weapon 23 204148E8 ???????? 204148EC ???????? Weapon 24 20414930 ???????? 20414934 ???????? Weapon 25 20414978 ???????? 2041497C ???????? Weapon 26 204149C0 ???????? 204149C4 ???????? Weapon 27 20414A08 ???????? 20414A0C ???????? Weapon 28 20414A50 ???????? 20414A54 ???????? Weapon 29 20414A98 ???????? 20414A9C ???????? Weapon 30 20414AE0 ???????? 20414AE4 ???????? Weapon 31 20414B28 ???????? 20414B2C ???????? Weapon 32 20414B70 ???????? 20414B74 ???????? Weapon 33 20414BB8 ???????? 20414BBC ???????? Weapon 34 20414C00 ???????? 20414C04 ???????? Weapon 35 20414C48 ???????? 20414C4C ???????? Weapon 36 20414C90 ???????? 20414C94 ???????? Weapon 37 20414CD8 ???????? 20414CDC ???????? Weapon 38 20414D20 ???????? 20414D24 ???????? Weapon 39 20414D68 ???????? 20414D6C ???????? Weapon 40 20414DB0 ???????? 20414DB4 ???????? Weapon 41 20414DF8 ???????? 20414DFC ???????? Weapon 42 20414E40 ???????? 20414E44 ???????? Weapon 43 20414E88 ???????? 20414E8C ???????? Weapon 44 20414ED0 ???????? 20414ED4 ???????? Weapon 45 20414F18 ???????? 20414F1C ???????? Weapon 46 20414F60 ???????? 20414F64 ???????? Weapon 47 20414FA8 ???????? 20414FAC ???????? Weapon 48 20414FF0 ???????? 20414FF4 ???????? Weapon 49 20415038 ???????? 2041503C ???????? Weapon 50 20415080 ???????? 20415084 ???????? Weapon 51 204150C8 ???????? 204150CC ???????? Weapon 52 20415110 ???????? 20415114 ???????? Weapon 53 20415158 ???????? 2041515C ???????? Weapon 54 204151A0 ???????? 204151A4 ???????? Weapon 55 204151E8 ???????? 204151EC ???????? Weapon 56 20415230 ???????? 20415234 ???????? Weapon 57 20415278 ???????? 2041527C ???????? Weapon 58 204152C0 ???????? 204152C4 ???????? Weapon 59 20415308 ???????? 2041530C ???????? Weapon 60 20415350 ???????? 20415354 ???????? Weapon 61 20415398 ???????? 2041539C ???????? Weapon 62 204153E0 ???????? 204153E4 ???????? Weapon 63 20415428 ???????? 2041542C ???????? Weapon 64 20415470 ???????? 20415474 ???????? Player 4 Weapon 1 2041A068 ???????? 2041A06C ???????? Weapon 2 2041A0B0 ???????? 2041A0B4 ???????? Weapon 3 2041A0F8 ???????? 2041A0FC ???????? Weapon 4 2041A140 ???????? 2041A144 ???????? Weapon 5 2041A188 ???????? 2041A18C ???????? Weapon 6 2041A1D0 ???????? 2041A1D4 ???????? Weapon 7 2041A218 ???????? 2041A21C ???????? Weapon 8 2041A260 ???????? 2041A264 ???????? Weapon 9 2041A2A8 ???????? 2041A2AC ???????? Weapon 10 2041A2F0 ???????? 2041A2F4 ???????? Weapon 11 2041A338 ???????? 2041A33C ???????? Weapon 12 2041A380 ???????? 2041A384 ???????? Weapon 13 2041A3C8 ???????? 2041A3CC ???????? Weapon 14 2041A410 ???????? 2041A414 ???????? Weapon 15 2041A458 ???????? 2041A45C ???????? Weapon 16 2041A4A0 ???????? 2041A4A4 ???????? Weapon 17 2041A4E8 ???????? 2041A4EC ???????? Weapon 18 2041A530 ???????? 2041A534 ???????? Weapon 19 2041A578 ???????? 2041A57C ???????? Weapon 20 2041A5C0 ???????? 2041A5C4 ???????? Weapon 21 2041A608 ???????? 2041A60C ???????? Weapon 22 2041A650 ???????? 2041A654 ???????? Weapon 23 2041A698 ???????? 2041A69C ???????? Weapon 24 2041A6E0 ???????? 2041A6E4 ???????? Weapon 25 2041A728 ???????? 2041A72C ???????? Weapon 26 2041A770 ???????? 2041A774 ???????? Weapon 27 2041A7B8 ???????? 2041A7BC ???????? Weapon 28 2041A800 ???????? 2041A804 ???????? Weapon 29 2041A848 ???????? 2041A84C ???????? Weapon 30 2041A890 ???????? 2041A894 ???????? Weapon 31 2041A8D8 ???????? 2041A8DC ???????? Weapon 32 2041A920 ???????? 2041A924 ???????? Weapon 33 2041A968 ???????? 2041A96C ???????? Weapon 34 2041A9B0 ???????? 2041A9B4 ???????? Weapon 35 2041A9F8 ???????? 2041A9FC ???????? Weapon 36 2041AA40 ???????? 2041AA44 ???????? Weapon 37 2041AA88 ???????? 2041AA8C ???????? Weapon 38 2041AAD0 ???????? 2041AAD4 ???????? Weapon 39 2041AB18 ???????? 2041AB1C ???????? Weapon 40 2041AB60 ???????? 2041AB64 ???????? Weapon 41 2041ABA8 ???????? 2041ABAC ???????? Weapon 42 2041ABF0 ???????? 2041ABF4 ???????? Weapon 43 2041AC38 ???????? 2041AC3C ???????? Weapon 44 2041AC80 ???????? 2041AC84 ???????? Weapon 45 2041ACC8 ???????? 2041ACCC ???????? Weapon 46 2041AD10 ???????? 2041AD14 ???????? Weapon 47 2041AD58 ???????? 2041AD5C ???????? Weapon 48 2041ADA0 ???????? 2041ADA4 ???????? Weapon 49 2041ADE8 ???????? 2041ADEC ???????? Weapon 50 2041AE30 ???????? 2041AE34 ???????? Weapon 51 2041AE78 ???????? 2041AE7C ???????? Weapon 52 2041AEC0 ???????? 2041AEC4 ???????? Weapon 53 2041AF08 ???????? 2041AF0C ???????? Weapon 54 2041AF50 ???????? 2041AF54 ???????? Weapon 55 2041AF98 ???????? 2041AF9C ???????? Weapon 56 2041AFE0 ???????? 2041AFE4 ???????? Weapon 57 2041B028 ???????? 2041B02C ???????? Weapon 58 2041B070 ???????? 2041B074 ???????? Weapon 59 2041B0B8 ???????? 2041B0BC ???????? Weapon 60 2041B100 ???????? 2041B104 ???????? Weapon 61 2041B148 ???????? 2041B14C ???????? Weapon 62 2041B190 ???????? 2041B194 ???????? Weapon 63 2041B1D8 ???????? 2041B1DC ???????? Weapon 64 2041B220 ???????? 2041B224 ???????? 5-7a. VALUES: Weapon Aura Modifiers 00000000 = Small Blue Aura 003F003F 00000000 = Large Blue Aura 00FF00FF 0000003F = Small Pink Aura 003F003F 000000FF = Large Pink Aura 00FF00FF 003F0000 = Small Green Aura 003F0000 00FF0000 = Large Green Aura 00FF0000 003F0000 = Small Light Blue Aura 003F003F 00FF0000 = Large Light Blue Aura 00FF00FF 003F003F = Small Yellow Aura 003F0000 00FF00FF = Large Yellow Aura 00FF0000 003F003F = Small White Aura 003F003F 00FF00FF = Large White Aura 00FF00FF 5-8. Flashing Weapon Aura Modifiers To make a weapon flash with an aura, use a code, such as weapon 1's code, & then during gameplay, have weapon 1 equipped & swing it. When swung, the weapon will flash whatever color it was given from the value's list. Player 1 Weapon 1 E0020040 0034BEC0 20408758 ???????? 2040875C ???????? Weapon 2 E0020040 0034BEC0 204087A0 ???????? 204087A4 ???????? Weapon 3 E0020040 0034BEC0 204087E8 ???????? 204087EC ???????? Weapon 4 E0020040 0034BEC0 20408830 ???????? 20408834 ???????? Weapon 5 E0020040 0034BEC0 20408878 ???????? 2040887C ???????? Weapon 6 E0020040 0034BEC0 204088C0 ???????? 204088C4 ???????? Weapon 7 E0020040 0034BEC0 20408908 ???????? 2040890C ???????? Weapon 8 E0020040 0034BEC0 20408950 ???????? 20408954 ???????? Weapon 9 E0020040 0034BEC0 20408998 ???????? 2040899C ???????? Weapon 10 E0020040 0034BEC0 204089E0 ???????? 204089E4 ???????? Weapon 11 E0020040 0034BEC0 20408A28 ???????? 20408A2C ???????? Weapon 12 E0020040 0034BEC0 20408A70 ???????? 20408A74 ???????? Weapon 13 E0020040 0034BEC0 20408AB8 ???????? 20408ABC ???????? Weapon 14 E0020040 0034BEC0 20408B00 ???????? 20408B04 ???????? Weapon 15 E0020040 0034BEC0 20408B48 ???????? 20408B4C ???????? Weapon 16 E0020040 0034BEC0 20408B90 ???????? 20408B94 ???????? Weapon 17 E0020040 0034BEC0 20408BD8 ???????? 20408BDC ???????? Weapon 18 E0020040 0034BEC0 20408C20 ???????? 20408C24 ???????? Weapon 19 E0020040 0034BEC0 20408C68 ???????? 20408C6C ???????? Weapon 20 E0020040 0034BEC0 20408CB0 ???????? 20408CB4 ???????? Weapon 21 E0020040 0034BEC0 20408CF8 ???????? 20408CFC ???????? Weapon 22 E0020040 0034BEC0 20408D40 ???????? 20408D44 ???????? Weapon 23 E0020040 0034BEC0 20408D88 ???????? 20408D8C ???????? Weapon 24 E0020040 0034BEC0 20408DD0 ???????? 20408DD4 ???????? Weapon 25 E0020040 0034BEC0 20408E18 ???????? 20408E1C ???????? Weapon 26 E0020040 0034BEC0 20408E60 ???????? 20408E64 ???????? Weapon 27 E0020040 0034BEC0 20408EA8 ???????? 20408EAC ???????? Weapon 28 E0020040 0034BEC0 20408EF0 ???????? 20408EF4 ???????? Weapon 29 E0020040 0034BEC0 20408F38 ???????? 20408F3C ???????? Weapon 30 E0020040 0034BEC0 20408F80 ???????? 20408F84 ???????? Weapon 31 E0020040 0034BEC0 20408FC8 ???????? 20408FCC ???????? Weapon 32 E0020040 0034BEC0 20409010 ???????? 20409014 ???????? Weapon 33 E0020040 0034BEC0 20409058 ???????? 2040905C ???????? Weapon 34 E0020040 0034BEC0 204090A0 ???????? 204090A4 ???????? Weapon 35 E0020040 0034BEC0 204090E8 ???????? 204090EC ???????? Weapon 36 E0020040 0034BEC0 20409130 ???????? 20409134 ???????? Weapon 37 E0020040 0034BEC0 20409178 ???????? 2040917C ???????? Weapon 38 E0020040 0034BEC0 204091C0 ???????? 204091C4 ???????? Weapon 39 E0020040 0034BEC0 20409208 ???????? 2040920C ???????? Weapon 40 E0020040 0034BEC0 20409250 ???????? 20409254 ???????? Weapon 41 E0020040 0034BEC0 20409298 ???????? 2040929C ???????? Weapon 42 E0020040 0034BEC0 204092E0 ???????? 204092E4 ???????? Weapon 43 E0020040 0034BEC0 20409328 ???????? 2040932C ???????? Weapon 44 E0020040 0034BEC0 20409370 ???????? 20409374 ???????? Weapon 45 E0020040 0034BEC0 204093B8 ???????? 204093BC ???????? Weapon 46 E0020040 0034BEC0 20409400 ???????? 20409404 ???????? Weapon 47 E0020040 0034BEC0 20409448 ???????? 2040944C ???????? Weapon 48 E0020040 0034BEC0 20409490 ???????? 20409494 ???????? Weapon 49 E0020040 0034BEC0 204094D8 ???????? 204094DC ???????? Weapon 50 E0020040 0034BEC0 20409520 ???????? 20409524 ???????? Weapon 51 E0020040 0034BEC0 20409568 ???????? 2040956C ???????? Weapon 52 E0020040 0034BEC0 204095B0 ???????? 204095B4 ???????? Weapon 53 E0020040 0034BEC0 204095F8 ???????? 204095FC ???????? Weapon 54 E0020040 0034BEC0 20409640 ???????? 20409644 ???????? Weapon 55 E0020040 0034BEC0 20409688 ???????? 2040968C ???????? Weapon 56 E0020040 0034BEC0 204096D0 ???????? 204096D4 ???????? Weapon 57 E0020040 0034BEC0 20409718 ???????? 2040971C ???????? Weapon 58 E0020040 0034BEC0 20409760 ???????? 20409764 ???????? Weapon 59 E0020040 0034BEC0 204097A8 ???????? 204097AC ???????? Weapon 60 E0020040 0034BEC0 204097F0 ???????? 204097F4 ???????? Weapon 61 E0020040 0034BEC0 20409838 ???????? 2040983C ???????? Weapon 62 E0020040 0034BEC0 20409880 ???????? 20409884 ???????? Weapon 63 E0020040 0034BEC0 204098C8 ???????? 204098CC ???????? Weapon 64 E0020040 0034BEC0 20409910 ???????? 20409914 ???????? Player 2 Weapon 1 E0020040 0034BF20 2040E508 ???????? 2040E50C ???????? Weapon 2 E0020040 0034BF20 2040E550 ???????? 2040E554 ???????? Weapon 3 E0020040 0034BF20 2040E598 ???????? 2040E59C ???????? Weapon 4 E0020040 0034BF20 2040E5E0 ???????? 2040E5E4 ???????? Weapon 5 E0020040 0034BF20 2040E628 ???????? 2040E62C ???????? Weapon 6 E0020040 0034BF20 2040E670 ???????? 2040E674 ???????? Weapon 7 E0020040 0034BF20 2040E6B8 ???????? 2040E6BC ???????? Weapon 8 E0020040 0034BF20 2040E700 ???????? 2040E704 ???????? Weapon 9 E0020040 0034BF20 2040E748 ???????? 2040E74C ???????? Weapon 10 E0020040 0034BF20 2040E790 ???????? 2040E794 ???????? Weapon 11 E0020040 0034BF20 2040E7D8 ???????? 2040E7DC ???????? Weapon 12 E0020040 0034BF20 2040E820 ???????? 2040E824 ???????? Weapon 13 E0020040 0034BF20 2040E868 ???????? 2040E86C ???????? Weapon 14 E0020040 0034BF20 2040E8B0 ???????? 2040E8B4 ???????? Weapon 15 E0020040 0034BF20 2040E8F8 ???????? 2040E8FC ???????? Weapon 16 E0020040 0034BF20 2040E940 ???????? 2040E944 ???????? Weapon 17 E0020040 0034BF20 2040E988 ???????? 2040E98C ???????? Weapon 18 E0020040 0034BF20 2040E9D0 ???????? 2040E9D4 ???????? Weapon 19 E0020040 0034BF20 2040EA18 ???????? 2040EA1C ???????? Weapon 20 E0020040 0034BF20 2040EA60 ???????? 2040EA64 ???????? Weapon 21 E0020040 0034BF20 2040EAA8 ???????? 2040EAAC ???????? Weapon 22 E0020040 0034BF20 2040EAF0 ???????? 2040EAF4 ???????? Weapon 23 E0020040 0034BF20 2040EB38 ???????? 2040EB3C ???????? Weapon 24 E0020040 0034BF20 2040EB80 ???????? 2040EB84 ???????? Weapon 25 E0020040 0034BF20 2040EBC8 ???????? 2040EBCC ???????? Weapon 26 E0020040 0034BF20 2040EC10 ???????? 2040EC14 ???????? Weapon 27 E0020040 0034BF20 2040EC58 ???????? 2040EC5C ???????? Weapon 28 E0020040 0034BF20 2040ECA0 ???????? 2040ECA4 ???????? Weapon 29 E0020040 0034BF20 2040ECE8 ???????? 2040ECEC ???????? Weapon 30 E0020040 0034BF20 2040ED30 ???????? 2040ED34 ???????? Weapon 31 E0020040 0034BF20 2040ED78 ???????? 2040ED7C ???????? Weapon 32 E0020040 0034BF20 2040EDC0 ???????? 2040EDC4 ???????? Weapon 33 E0020040 0034BF20 2040EE08 ???????? 2040EE0C ???????? Weapon 34 E0020040 0034BF20 2040EE50 ???????? 2040EE54 ???????? Weapon 35 E0020040 0034BF20 2040EE98 ???????? 2040EE9C ???????? Weapon 36 E0020040 0034BF20 2040EEE0 ???????? 2040EEE4 ???????? Weapon 37 E0020040 0034BF20 2040EF28 ???????? 2040EF2C ???????? Weapon 38 E0020040 0034BF20 2040EF70 ???????? 2040EF74 ???????? Weapon 39 E0020040 0034BF20 2040EFB8 ???????? 2040EFBC ???????? Weapon 40 E0020040 0034BF20 2040F000 ???????? 2040F004 ???????? Weapon 41 E0020040 0034BF20 2040F048 ???????? 2040F04C ???????? Weapon 42 E0020040 0034BF20 2040F090 ???????? 2040F094 ???????? Weapon 43 E0020040 0034BF20 2040F0D8 ???????? 2040F0DC ???????? Weapon 44 E0020040 0034BF20 2040F120 ???????? 2040F124 ???????? Weapon 45 E0020040 0034BF20 2040F168 ???????? 2040F16C ???????? Weapon 46 E0020040 0034BF20 2040F1B0 ???????? 2040F1B4 ???????? Weapon 47 E0020040 0034BF20 2040F1F8 ???????? 2040F1FC ???????? Weapon 48 E0020040 0034BF20 2040F240 ???????? 2040F244 ???????? Weapon 49 E0020040 0034BF20 2040F288 ???????? 2040F28C ???????? Weapon 50 E0020040 0034BF20 2040F2D0 ???????? 2040F2D4 ???????? Weapon 51 E0020040 0034BF20 2040F318 ???????? 2040F31C ???????? Weapon 52 E0020040 0034BF20 2040F360 ???????? 2040F364 ???????? Weapon 53 E0020040 0034BF20 2040F3A8 ???????? 2040F3AC ???????? Weapon 54 E0020040 0034BF20 2040F3F0 ???????? 2040F3F4 ???????? Weapon 55 E0020040 0034BF20 2040F438 ???????? 2040F43C ???????? Weapon 56 E0020040 0034BF20 2040F480 ???????? 2040F484 ???????? Weapon 57 E0020040 0034BF20 2040F4C8 ???????? 2040F4CC ???????? Weapon 58 E0020040 0034BF20 2040F510 ???????? 2040F514 ???????? Weapon 59 E0020040 0034BF20 2040F558 ???????? 2040F55C ???????? Weapon 60 E0020040 0034BF20 2040F5A0 ???????? 2040F5A4 ???????? Weapon 61 E0020040 0034BF20 2040F5E8 ???????? 2040F5EC ???????? Weapon 62 E0020040 0034BF20 2040F630 ???????? 2040F634 ???????? Weapon 63 E0020040 0034BF20 2040F678 ???????? 2040F67C ???????? Weapon 64 E0020040 0034BF20 2040F6C0 ???????? 2040F6C4 ???????? Player 3 Weapon 1 E0020040 0034BF80 204142B8 ???????? 204142BC ???????? Weapon 2 E0020040 0034BF80 20414300 ???????? 20414304 ???????? Weapon 3 E0020040 0034BF80 20414348 ???????? 2041434C ???????? Weapon 4 E0020040 0034BF80 20414390 ???????? 20414394 ???????? Weapon 5 E0020040 0034BF80 204143D8 ???????? 204143DC ???????? Weapon 6 E0020040 0034BF80 20414420 ???????? 20414424 ???????? Weapon 7 E0020040 0034BF80 20414468 ???????? 2041446C ???????? Weapon 8 E0020040 0034BF80 204144B0 ???????? 204144B4 ???????? Weapon 9 E0020040 0034BF80 204144F8 ???????? 204144FC ???????? Weapon 10 E0020040 0034BF80 20414540 ???????? 20414544 ???????? Weapon 11 E0020040 0034BF80 20414588 ???????? 2041458C ???????? Weapon 12 E0020040 0034BF80 204145D0 ???????? 204145D4 ???????? Weapon 13 E0020040 0034BF80 20414618 ???????? 2041461C ???????? Weapon 14 E0020040 0034BF80 20414660 ???????? 20414664 ???????? Weapon 15 E0020040 0034BF80 204146A8 ???????? 204146AC ???????? Weapon 16 E0020040 0034BF80 204146F0 ???????? 204146F4 ???????? Weapon 17 E0020040 0034BF80 20414738 ???????? 2041473C ???????? Weapon 18 E0020040 0034BF80 20414780 ???????? 20414784 ???????? Weapon 19 E0020040 0034BF80 204147C8 ???????? 204147CC ???????? Weapon 20 E0020040 0034BF80 20414810 ???????? 20414814 ???????? Weapon 21 E0020040 0034BF80 20414858 ???????? 2041485C ???????? Weapon 22 E0020040 0034BF80 204148A0 ???????? 204148A4 ???????? Weapon 23 E0020040 0034BF80 204148E8 ???????? 204148EC ???????? Weapon 24 E0020040 0034BF80 20414930 ???????? 20414934 ???????? Weapon 25 E0020040 0034BF80 20414978 ???????? 2041497C ???????? Weapon 26 E0020040 0034BF80 204149C0 ???????? 204149C4 ???????? Weapon 27 E0020040 0034BF80 20414A08 ???????? 20414A0C ???????? Weapon 28 E0020040 0034BF80 20414A50 ???????? 20414A54 ???????? Weapon 29 E0020040 0034BF80 20414A98 ???????? 20414A9C ???????? Weapon 30 E0020040 0034BF80 20414AE0 ???????? 20414AE4 ???????? Weapon 31 E0020040 0034BF80 20414B28 ???????? 20414B2C ???????? Weapon 32 E0020040 0034BF80 20414B70 ???????? 20414B74 ???????? Weapon 33 E0020040 0034BF80 20414BB8 ???????? 20414BBC ???????? Weapon 34 E0020040 0034BF80 20414C00 ???????? 20414C04 ???????? Weapon 35 E0020040 0034BF80 20414C48 ???????? 20414C4C ???????? Weapon 36 E0020040 0034BF80 20414C90 ???????? 20414C94 ???????? Weapon 37 E0020040 0034BF80 20414CD8 ???????? 20414CDC ???????? Weapon 38 E0020040 0034BF80 20414D20 ???????? 20414D24 ???????? Weapon 39 E0020040 0034BF80 20414D68 ???????? 20414D6C ???????? Weapon 40 E0020040 0034BF80 20414DB0 ???????? 20414DB4 ???????? Weapon 41 E0020040 0034BF80 20414DF8 ???????? 20414DFC ???????? Weapon 42 E0020040 0034BF80 20414E40 ???????? 20414E44 ???????? Weapon 43 E0020040 0034BF80 20414E88 ???????? 20414E8C ???????? Weapon 44 E0020040 0034BF80 20414ED0 ???????? 20414ED4 ???????? Weapon 45 E0020040 0034BF80 20414F18 ???????? 20414F1C ???????? Weapon 46 E0020040 0034BF80 20414F60 ???????? 20414F64 ???????? Weapon 47 E0020040 0034BF80 20414FA8 ???????? 20414FAC ???????? Weapon 48 E0020040 0034BF80 20414FF0 ???????? 20414FF4 ???????? Weapon 49 E0020040 0034BF80 20415038 ???????? 2041503C ???????? Weapon 50 E0020040 0034BF80 20415080 ???????? 20415084 ???????? Weapon 51 E0020040 0034BF80 204150C8 ???????? 204150CC ???????? Weapon 52 E0020040 0034BF80 20415110 ???????? 20415114 ???????? Weapon 53 E0020040 0034BF80 20415158 ???????? 2041515C ???????? Weapon 54 E0020040 0034BF80 204151A0 ???????? 204151A4 ???????? Weapon 55 E0020040 0034BF80 204151E8 ???????? 204151EC ???????? Weapon 56 E0020040 0034BF80 20415230 ???????? 20415234 ???????? Weapon 57 E0020040 0034BF80 20415278 ???????? 2041527C ???????? Weapon 58 E0020040 0034BF80 204152C0 ???????? 204152C4 ???????? Weapon 59 E0020040 0034BF80 20415308 ???????? 2041530C ???????? Weapon 60 E0020040 0034BF80 20415350 ???????? 20415354 ???????? Weapon 61 E0020040 0034BF80 20415398 ???????? 2041539C ???????? Weapon 62 E0020040 0034BF80 204153E0 ???????? 204153E4 ???????? Weapon 63 E0020040 0034BF80 20415428 ???????? 2041542C ???????? Weapon 64 E0020040 0034BF80 20415470 ???????? 20415474 ???????? Player 4 Weapon 1 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041A068 ???????? 2041A06C ???????? Weapon 2 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041A0B0 ???????? 2041A0B4 ???????? Weapon 3 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041A0F8 ???????? 2041A0FC ???????? Weapon 4 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041A140 ???????? 2041A144 ???????? Weapon 5 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041A188 ???????? 2041A18C ???????? Weapon 6 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041A1D0 ???????? 2041A1D4 ???????? Weapon 7 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041A218 ???????? 2041A21C ???????? Weapon 8 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041A260 ???????? 2041A264 ???????? Weapon 9 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041A2A8 ???????? 2041A2AC ???????? Weapon 10 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041A2F0 ???????? 2041A2F4 ???????? Weapon 11 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041A338 ???????? 2041A33C ???????? Weapon 12 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041A380 ???????? 2041A384 ???????? Weapon 13 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041A3C8 ???????? 2041A3CC ???????? Weapon 14 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041A410 ???????? 2041A414 ???????? Weapon 15 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041A458 ???????? 2041A45C ???????? Weapon 16 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041A4A0 ???????? 2041A4A4 ???????? Weapon 17 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041A4E8 ???????? 2041A4EC ???????? Weapon 18 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041A530 ???????? 2041A534 ???????? Weapon 19 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041A578 ???????? 2041A57C ???????? Weapon 20 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041A5C0 ???????? 2041A5C4 ???????? Weapon 21 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041A608 ???????? 2041A60C ???????? Weapon 22 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041A650 ???????? 2041A654 ???????? Weapon 23 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041A698 ???????? 2041A69C ???????? Weapon 24 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041A6E0 ???????? 2041A6E4 ???????? Weapon 25 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041A728 ???????? 2041A72C ???????? Weapon 26 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041A770 ???????? 2041A774 ???????? Weapon 27 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041A7B8 ???????? 2041A7BC ???????? Weapon 28 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041A800 ???????? 2041A804 ???????? Weapon 29 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041A848 ???????? 2041A84C ???????? Weapon 30 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041A890 ???????? 2041A894 ???????? Weapon 31 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041A8D8 ???????? 2041A8DC ???????? Weapon 32 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041A920 ???????? 2041A924 ???????? Weapon 33 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041A968 ???????? 2041A96C ???????? Weapon 34 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041A9B0 ???????? 2041A9B4 ???????? Weapon 35 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041A9F8 ???????? 2041A9FC ???????? Weapon 36 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041AA40 ???????? 2041AA44 ???????? Weapon 37 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041AA88 ???????? 2041AA8C ???????? Weapon 38 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041AAD0 ???????? 2041AAD4 ???????? Weapon 39 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041AB18 ???????? 2041AB1C ???????? Weapon 40 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041AB60 ???????? 2041AB64 ???????? Weapon 41 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041ABA8 ???????? 2041ABAC ???????? Weapon 42 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041ABF0 ???????? 2041ABF4 ???????? Weapon 43 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041AC38 ???????? 2041AC3C ???????? Weapon 44 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041AC80 ???????? 2041AC84 ???????? Weapon 45 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041ACC8 ???????? 2041ACCC ???????? Weapon 46 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041AD10 ???????? 2041AD14 ???????? Weapon 47 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041AD58 ???????? 2041AD5C ???????? Weapon 48 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041ADA0 ???????? 2041ADA4 ???????? Weapon 49 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041ADE8 ???????? 2041ADEC ???????? Weapon 50 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041AE30 ???????? 2041AE34 ???????? Weapon 51 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041AE78 ???????? 2041AE7C ???????? Weapon 52 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041AEC0 ???????? 2041AEC4 ???????? Weapon 53 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041AF08 ???????? 2041AF0C ???????? Weapon 54 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041AF50 ???????? 2041AF54 ???????? Weapon 55 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041AF98 ???????? 2041AF9C ???????? Weapon 56 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041AFE0 ???????? 2041AFE4 ???????? Weapon 57 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041B028 ???????? 2041B02C ???????? Weapon 58 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041B070 ???????? 2041B074 ???????? Weapon 59 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041B0B8 ???????? 2041B0BC ???????? Weapon 60 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041B100 ???????? 2041B104 ???????? Weapon 61 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041B148 ???????? 2041B14C ???????? Weapon 62 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041B190 ???????? 2041B194 ???????? Weapon 63 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041B1D8 ???????? 2041B1DC ???????? Weapon 64 E0020040 0034BFE0 2041B220 ???????? 2041B224 ???????? 5-8a. VALUES: Flashing Weapon Aura Modifiers 00000000 = Small Blue Aura 003F003F 00000000 = Large Blue Aura 00FF00FF 0000003F = Small Pink Aura 003F003F 000000FF = Large Pink Aura 00FF00FF 003F0000 = Small Green Aura 003F0000 00FF0000 = Large Green Aura 00FF0000 003F0000 = Small Light Blue Aura 003F003F 00FF0000 = Large Light Blue Aura 00FF00FF 003F003F = Small Yellow Aura 003F0000 00FF00FF = Large Yellow Aura 00FF0000 003F003F = Small White Aura 003F003F 00FF00FF = Large White Aura 00FF00FF 5-9. Cold Arrow, Explode Arrow, Fire Arrow, Multi Fire & Poison Arrow Use No Bow & No Arrows to Cast With these codes, no bow & no arrows are required in the weapon's inventory to use the spells: Cold Arrow, Explode Arrow, Fire Arrow, Multi Fire & Poison Ar- row. Too, if a character does have arrows in his/her weapon's inventory, no ar- rows will be used up for Cold Arrow, Explode Arrow, Fire Arrow, MultiFire & Poison Arrow when cast with these codes. It is important to have a weapon - sword, staff, etc. - equipped, however, while using these codes. If no weapons are equipped to a character, the game will freeze if Cold Arrow, Explode Arrow, etc. are cast. Player 1 4040DBFC 0008001A 0000007F 00000000 Player 2 404139AC 0008001A 0000007F 00000000 Player 3 4041975C 0008001A 0000007F 00000000 Player 4 4041F50C 0008001A 0000007F 00000000 5-10. Equip a Second Earring Press "up+X" to equip a second earring. Press "down+X" to unequip it. For this to work, select a value to use for the accessory number of the second earring in the inventory. For example, if the second earring to equip is the 31st item in the inventory for accessories, use the value, "0040B3C8 = Acces- sory 31" with a player's code. Then, during gameplay, be sure to have an ear- ring as accessory 31, & when pressing "up+X," it can be equipped as a second earring, & unequipped by pressing "down+X." Player 1 D034BEC0 00004040 2040DBC4 00000000 D034BEC0 00001040 2040DBC4 ???????? Player 2 D034BF20 00004040 20413974 00000000 D034BF20 00001040 20413974 ???????? Player 3 D034BF80 00004040 20419724 00000000 D034BF80 00001040 20419724 ???????? Player 4 D034BFE0 00004040 2041F4D4 00000000 D034BFE0 00001040 2041F4D4 ???????? 5-10a. VALUES: Equip a Second Earring 0040AB58 = Accessory 1 0040ABA0 = Accessory 2 0040ABE8 = Accessory 3 0040AC30 = Accessory 4 0040AC78 = Accessory 5 0040ACC0 = Accessory 6 0040AD08 = Accessory 7 0040AD50 = Accessory 8 0040AD98 = Accessory 9 0040ADE0 = Accessory 10 0040AE28 = Accessory 11 0040AE70 = Accessory 12 0040AEB8 = Accessory 13 0040AF00 = Accessory 14 0040AF48 = Accessory 15 0040AF90 = Accessory 16 0040AFD8 = Accessory 17 0040B020 = Accessory 18 0040B068 = Accessory 19 0040B0B0 = Accessory 20 0040B0F8 = Accessory 21 0040B140 = Accessory 22 0040B188 = Accessory 23 0040B1D0 = Accessory 24 0040B218 = Accessory 25 0040B260 = Accessory 26 0040B2A8 = Accessory 27 0040B2F0 = Accessory 28 0040B338 = Accessory 29 0040B380 = Accessory 30 0040B3C8 = Accessory 31 0040B410 = Accessory 32 0040B458 = Accessory 33 0040B4A0 = Accessory 34 0040B4E8 = Accessory 35 0040B530 = Accessory 36 0040B578 = Accessory 37 0040B5C0 = Accessory 38 0040B608 = Accessory 39 0040B650 = Accessory 40 0040B698 = Accessory 41 0040B6E0 = Accessory 42 0040B728 = Accessory 43 0040B770 = Accessory 44 0040B7B8 = Accessory 45 0040B800 = Accessory 46 0040B848 = Accessory 47 0040B890 = Accessory 48 0040B8D8 = Accessory 49 0040B920 = Accessory 50 0040B968 = Accessory 51 0040B9B0 = Accessory 52 0040B9F8 = Accessory 53 0040BA40 = Accessory 54 0040BA88 = Accessory 55 0040BAD0 = Accessory 56 0040BB18 = Accessory 57 0040BB60 = Accessory 58 0040BBA8 = Accessory 59 0040BBF0 = Accessory 60 0040BC38 = Accessory 61 0040BC80 = Accessory 62 0040BCC8 = Accessory 63 0040BD10 = Accessory 64 5-11. Gain Access to Level Warp, Invulnerability & Clean Up Press "Start" to gain access to the hidden options: Level Warp, Invulnerability & Clean Up. A quick explanation of each would be: Level Warp can take a character to any area in the game; Invulnerability gives all characters the ability to with- stand any attack or any element (such as lava); & Clean Up removes all but the most powerful items in the inventory, & it kills any enemies nearby a character. To access Save Game, Load Game, etc., enter Level Warp, & then exit it by pressing "O." 1017FA08 0000F220 5-12. Joker Commands Player 1 D034BEC0 0000???? Player 2 D034BF20 0000???? Player 3 D034BF80 0000???? Player 4 D034BFE0 0000???? 5-12a. VALUES: Joker Commands 0001 = L2 0002 = R2 0003 = R2 + L2 0004 = L1 0005 = L1 + L2 0006 = L1 + R2 0008 = R1 0009 = R1 + L2 000A = R1 + R2 000C = R1 + L1 0010 = Triangle 0011 = Triangle + L2 0012 = Triangle + R2 0014 = Triangle + L1 0018 = Triangle + R1 0020 = Circle 0021 = Circle + L2 0022 = Circle + R2 0024 = Circle + L1 0028 = Circle + R1 0030 = Circle + Triangle 0040 = X 0041 = X + L2 0042 = X + R2 0044 = X + L1 0048 = X + R1 0050 = X + Triangle 0060 = X + Circle 0080 = Square 0081 = Square + L2 0082 = Square + R2 0084 = Square + L1 0088 = Square + R1 0090 = Square + Triangle 00A0 = Square + Circle 00C0 = Square + X 0100 = Select 0101 = Select + L2 0102 = Select + R2 0104 = Select + L1 0108 = Select + R1 0110 = Select + Triangle 0120 = Select + Circle 0140 = Select + X 0180 = Select + Square 0200 = L3 0201 = L3 + L2 0202 = L3 + R2 0204 = L3 + L1 0208 = L3 + R1 0210 = L3 + Triangle 0220 = L3 + Circle 0240 = L3 + X 0280 = L3 + Square 0300 = L3 + Select 0400 = R3 0401 = R3 + L2 0402 = R3 + R2 0404 = R3 + L1 0408 = R3 + R1 0410 = R3 + Triangle 0420 = R3 + Circle 0440 = R3 + X 0480 = R3 + Square 0500 = R3 + Select 0600 = R3 + L3 0800 = Start 0801 = Start + L2 0802 = Start + R2 0804 = Start + L1 0808 = Start + R1 0810 = Start + Triangle 0820 = Start + Circle 0840 = Start + X 0880 = Start + Square 0900 = Start + Select 0A00 = Start + L3 0C00 = Start + R3 1000 = Up 1001 = Up + L2 1002 = Up + R2 1004 = Up + L1 1008 = Up + R1 1010 = Up + Triangle 1020 = Up + Circle 1040 = Up + X 1080 = Up + Square 1100 = Up + Select 1200 = Up + L3 1400 = Up + R3 1800 = Up + Start 2000 = Right 2001 = Right + L2 2002 = Right + R2 2004 = Right + L1 2008 = Right + R1 2010 = Right + Triangle 2020 = Right + Circle 2040 = Right + X 2080 = Right + Square 2100 = Right + Select 2200 = Right + L3 2400 = Right + R3 2800 = Right + Start 4000 = Down 4001 = Down + L2 4002 = Down + R2 4004 = Down + L1 4008 = Down + R1 4010 = Down + Triangle 4020 = Down + Circle 4040 = Down + X 4080 = Down + Square 4100 = Down + Select 4200 = Down + L3 4400 = Down + R3 4800 = Down + Start 8000 = Left 8001 = Left + L2 8002 = Left + R2 8004 = Left + L1 8008 = Left + R1 8010 = Left + Triangle 8020 = Left + Circle 8040 = Left + X 8080 = Left + Square 8100 = Left + Select 8200 = Left + L3 8400 = Left + R3 8800 = Left + Start 5-13. MAX Reverse Joker Commands Player 1 D06E1242 0000???? Player 2 D06E1742 0000???? Player 3 D06E1C42 0000???? Player 4 D06E2142 0000???? 5-13a. VALUES: MAX Reverse Joker Commands FEFF = L2 FDFF = R2 FCFF = R2 + L2 FBFF = L1 FAFF = L1 + L2 F9FF = L1 + R2 F7FF = R1 F6FF = R1 + L2 F5FF = R1 + R2 F3FF = R1 + L1 EFFF = Triangle EEFF = Triangle + L2 EDFF = Triangle + R2 EBFF = Triangle + L1 E7FF = Triangle + R1 DFFF = Circle DEFF = Circle + L2 DDFF = Circle + R2 DBFF = Circle + L1 D7FF = Circle + R1 CFFF = Circle + Triangle BFFF = X BEFF = X + L2 BDFF = X + R2 BBFF = X + L1 B7FF = X + R1 AFFF = X + Triangle 9FFF = X + Circle 7FFF = Square 7EFF = Square + L2 7DFF = Square + R2 7BFF = Square + L1 77FF = Square + R1 6FFF = Square + Triangle 5FFF = Square + Circle 3FFF = Square + X FFFE = Select FEFE = Select + L2 FDFE = Select + R2 FBFE = Select + L1 F7FE = Select + R1 EFFE = Select + Triangle DFFE = Select + Circle BFFE = Select + X 7FFE = Select + Square FFFD = L3 FEFD = L3 + L2 FDFD = L3 + R2 FBFD = L3 + L1 F7FD = L3 + R1 EFFD = L3 + Triangle DFFD = L3 + Circle BFFD = L3 + X 7FFD = L3 + Square FFFC = L3 + Select FFFB = R3 FEFB = R3 + L2 FDFB = R3 + R2 FBFB = R3 + L1 F7FB = R3 + R1 EFFB = R3 + Triangle DFFB = R3 + Circle BFFB = R3 + X 7FFB = R3 + Square FFFA = R3 + Select FFF9 = R3 + L3 FFF7 = Start FEF7 = Start + L2 FDF7 = Start + R2 FBF7 = Start + L1 F7F7 = Start + R1 EFF7 = Start + Triangle DFF7 = Start + Circle BFF7 = Start + X 7FF7 = Start + Square FFF6 = Start + Select FFF5 = Start + L3 FFF3 = Start + R3 FFEF = Up FEEF = Up + L2 FDEF = Up + R2 FBEF = Up + L1 F7EF = Up + R1 EFEF = Up + Triangle DFEF = Up + Circle BFEF = Up + X 7FEF = Up + Square FFEE = Up + Select FFED = Up + L3 FFEB = Up + R3 FFE7 = Up + Start FFDF = Right FEDF = Right + L2 FDDF = Right + R2 FBDF = Right + L1 F7DF = Right + R1 EFDF = Right + Triangle DFDF = Right + Circle BFDF = Right + X 7FDF = Right + Square FFDE = Right + Select FFDD = Right + L3 FFDB = Right + R3 FFD7 = Right + Start FFBF = Down FEBF = Down + L2 FDBF = Down + R2 FBBF = Down + L1 F7BF = Down + R1 EFBF = Down + Triangle DFBF = Down + Circle BFBF = Down + X 7FBF = Down + Square FFBE = Down + Select FFBD = Down + L3 FFBB = Down + R3 FFB7 = Down + Start FF7F = Left FE7F = Left + L2 FD7F = Left + R2 FB7F = Left + L1 F77F = Left + R1 EF7F = Left + Triangle DF7F = Left + Circle BF7F = Left + X 7F7F = Left + Square FF7E = Left + Select FF7D = Left + L3 FF7B = Left + R3 FF77 = Left + Start _______________________________________________________________________________ 6. Nugatory This is the home of the useless codes. All codes housed in the Nugatory are here purely for fun, & they should not be used while saving a game. 6-1. Items 1 ~ 64 Mode Modifiers These codes control the amount of items in a character's inventory. If a char- acter has 64 items in his/her weapon's inventory, but 00409948 00000028 is used, then only a maximum of 40 items will be able to be stored in the weapon's inventory. Do not use a higher number than the amount of items in an inventory, though. For example, if 00409948 00000040 is used, but a character only has 20 items in his/her weapon's inventory, the game will freeze. Weapons 00409948 000000?? Armor 0040AB50 000000?? Accessories 0040BD58 000000?? 6-1a. VALUES: Items 1 ~ 64 Mode Modifiers 00 = 0 Items 08 = 8 Items 10 = 16 Items 18 = 24 Items 20 = 32 Items 28 = 40 Items 30 = 48 Items 38 = 54 Items 40 = 64 Items 6-2. Unequip Items While being used, any item affected by these codes will not equip to a character. Amulet/Choker 2040DBA4 00000000 Armor 2040DB98 00000000 Arrows 2040DBA8 00000000 Boots 2040DBB0 00000000 Bow/Spear/Throwing Potion 2040DBCC 00000000 Circlet/Helmet 2040DBB4 00000000 Earring 2040DBC0 00000000 Gloves 2040DBAC 00000000 Leggings 2040DBB8 00000000 Ring 1 2040DB9C 00000000 Ring 2 2040DBA0 00000000 Shield 2040DB94 00000000 Weapon 1 2040DBC8 00000000 Weapon 2 2040DBD0 00000000 _______________________________________________________________________________ FAQ: Q.: Is it possible to give a Dark Elf the skill - plus increase its level - Dual Wield? A.: Yes & yes. Go to: 4-2-1. Bind Wounds ~ Dual Wield Modifiers, & use Dual Wield for the Dark Elf. With this code, it's possible to give a Dark Elf the skill, Dual Wield, reaching levels 0 ~ 127. Q.: Is it possible to give a High Elf the skills - plus increase their levels - Bind Wounds & Concentration? A.: Yes & yes. Go to: 4-2-1. Bind Wounds ~ Dual Wield Modifiers, & use Bind Wounds & Concentration for the High Elf. With these codes, it's possible to give a High Elf the skills, Bind Wounds & Concentration, reaching levels 0 ~ 127. _______________________________________________________________________________ Version Info.: Version 2.1 - Added the codes: Cold Arrow, Explode Arrow, Fire Arrow, Multi Fire & Poison Arrow Use No Bow & No Arrows to Cast & Maximum At- tribute Points. Added the examples: Tiny Misty Globe, Paltry Misty Globe, Misty Globe, Calmed Misty Globe, Chilled Bone Chip, Complete Bull Rune, Divine Star Glyph, Edged Vampire Fang, En- forced Carapace, Engraved Bloodstone, Enchanted Regen Stone, Ex- quisite Storm Shard, Flawless, Soul Gem, Full Poison Gland, In- fused Mana Stone, Massive, Fire Beetle Eye, Perfected Whetstone, Potent Venom Sac, Preserved Mummy Tongue, Sheer Ghoul Flesh, Bat- tle Plans, Bloodvine, Cell Key (2), Conch Shell, Curiousity (7), Elf Draught, Exchanger, Horn of Ill Omen, Mistmoore Ruby, Mor- maz's Heart, Raft Part (5), Shard of Hate, Shard of Hate & High Elf. Added the Nugatory & the codes: Items 1 ~ 64 Mode Modifiers & Unequip Items. _______________________________________________________________________________ Copyright Info.: There is no copyright to this document. Use it, abuse it - credit yourself for all of its content; I could care less. I just ask that if someone, somewhere asks about Item Modifiers for "Champions of Norrath," you share with him/her what is housed in this document, rather than hording it all for yourself. _______________________________________________________________________________