***************************************************** Champions: Return to Arms Walkthrough of PS2 Game Version 1.1.6 Originaly Written by: Dr. Darrell and Kayd Current version by: George Chappell (aka: nst) ***************************************************** ***************************************************** ** 1.00 INDEX - ***************************************************** 1.00 Index 2.00 Introduction 3.00 Controls 4.00 Options 5.00 Characters 6.00 Equipment 7.00 Game Layout 8.00 Cheating and Manipulation 9.00 Ability Score to "something more informitive" conversions 9.01 Str 9.02 Dex 9.03 Int 9.04 Stm 10.00 Walkthrough 10.01 Plane of Tranquility 10.02 Plane of War 10.03 GOOD - Plane of Innovation 10.04 GOOD - Norrath: Pit of Ill Omen 10.05 GOOD - Plane of Water 10.06 GOOD - Plane of Torment 10.07 GOOD - Plane of Disease 10.08 GOOD - Plane of Valor 10.09 GOOD - Plane of Fire 10.10 GOOD - Plane of Storms 10.11 GOOD - Plane of Valor (Continued) 10.12 GOOD - Norrath: Faydark Forest 10.13 GOOD - Plane of Nightmares 11.00 OPTIONAL QUESTS 11.01 Faydark Forrest 11.02 Blood Bath (Plane of War) 11.03 Warboar Caves 11.04 Tick Tock (Plane of Innovation) 11.05 Duff’s Junkyard Fights 11.06 Depth Scurry (Plane of Water) 11.07 21 Leagues 11.08 Soulbreak (Plane Of Torment) 11.09 Hells Cells 11.10 Bloodvine Quest 11.11 Gothic Castle 11.12 Frogville (Plane of Disease) 11.13 Crypts of Decay 11.14 Warlord’s Endless Horror (Plane of Valor) 11.15 Isle of Dishonor 11.16 Gnomes Escort (Plane of Fire) 11.17 Torments Furnace 11.18 Kobold Onslaught (Plane of Storms) 11.19 Frozen Wind Bunker 11.20 Death's Countdown (Plane of Nightmares) 11.21 Bloodstone Passage 11.22 A Twisted Nightmare 11.23 Sword in the Stone (Plane of Valor) 11.24 Plane of Tranquility 11.25 Start the game, Pick evil this time. 12.01 Plane of War 12.02 EVIL - Plane of Innovation 12.03 EVIL - Norrath: Pit of Ill Omen 12.04 EVIL - Plane of Water 12.05 EVIL - Plane of Torment 12.06 EVIL - Plane of Disease 12.07 EVIL - Plane of Valor 12.08 EVIL - Plane of Fire 12.09 EVIL - Plane of Valor (Continued) 12.10 EVIL - Plane of Storms 12.11 EVIL - Plane of Valor (Continued) 12.12 EVIL - Norrath: Faydark Forest 12.13 EVIL - Plane of Nightmares 12.14 EVIL Optional Quests 12.15 EVIL – Plane of Tranquility 13.00 Credits and Thank Yous 14.00 Contact Information 15.00 Version History 16.00 Glitches and Bugs ********************************************* ** 2.00 INTRODUCTION: ********************************************* This game, Champions: Return to Arms (RTA), is a sequel to the popular Champions of Norrath (CON). There are pluses and minuses to playing both of these games. One plus is they work very well together, if you are into cheating, and maximizing stats. This game makes it much tougher to do some of the duplications and farming tricks from the first game. HOWEVER, you can do these tricks in CON, and then just import that player into the RTA game. The draw back of this is the "stale factor." This game looks and plays a lot like the first game. If you spend hundreds of hours in CON, it might be TOUGH to have that much endurance and patience for this game. Some of the Non- Player Characters (NPC) from the first game are back, which can increase the stale feeling. Another difference in this game is the level of difficulty. Many bosses here that you have to fight are tough to kill and they hit you extremely hard. Some of the bosses in CON, the areas had items that you could hide behind, and gain back some mana or health, and then continue on with the fight. The RTA game has very few of these areas to hide behind. Another difference is the Medal rounds in this game do not all require fighting. Many require quick reflexes, lots of patience, and just lots of luck. Some people that are good at fighting might not be able to dish out the skills required for these extra levels and areas. *************************************************** ** 3.00 CONTROLS ( for PS2 ) *************************************************** Please note that all these may be chagned in options. I myself Perffer to switch X and ¦, it makes things easier for my thumb. X - Attack with Bow/Sword. Also the action button in menus. Square - Action button, i.e. open chest, use door, pick up stuff. Circle - Quick Spell Slot. You can attach a spell for quick casting here. Triangle - Same as Circle, Quick Spell Slot. D-Pad - Spell book. Pointing at a spell and hitting square uses that spell. Start - Opens options screen. Select - Opens character screen. Left Analog Stick - Moves character. Right Analog Stick - Rotates camera (push left and right), or zooms in or out (push up or down). L1 - Switches between Range/Melee providing you have both equipped. R1 - Hold down to Block. L2 - Uses a Mana Potion providing you have one. R2 - Uses a Health Potion providing you have one. L3 - Centers the camera behind your character. R3 - Opens Map, click again to open Mini-Map, click again to remove map. Note - Holding R1 to Guard and pushing L1 will make your character jump back. Note - Holding Square and pushing select uses a Gate Scroll. ************************************************* ** 4.00 OPTIONS ************************************************* In-Game Options: Use Gate Scroll: Uses a Gate Scroll to go to Firiona or Natasla Hub. Gate Back: Uses a Gate Scroll to go back to where you came from Load Game: (Offline only) brings up your saved games to load. Options: Brings up the Main Screen Options. Exit Game: Quits to the main menu. Difficulty Settings: Adventurous: Best for beginners, can hit 30-35 in this difficulty. Courageous: Best for level 25-45, can hit level 55 in this difficulty. Champion: Best for level 45-65, can hit level 70 in this difficulty. Legendary: Best for level 65-80, can hit level 80 in this difficulty. Epic: (ONLINE ONLY) Harder then Legendary setting. ******************************************************* ** 5.00 CHARACTERS ******************************************************* Six different characters can be used in this game. They all have pluses and minuses. Read the description of each character in the game, to find what they are good at. Match these strengths and weaknesses to your style of game play. Four of the character classes can have both male and female characters; the two new ones for this game only have male characters. The male and female character have the same skills, they just look different. The new ones for the RTA game are the Iksar Shaman, and the Vah Shir Berserker. ** Iksar Shaman ** He is a big green lizard dude. You can customize his skin and his horns. This character is more of a spell caster then a melee fighter. This seems to be a favorite character for many people. The newness of this character over the old CON characters might be part of this liking. The Shaman can summon a pet badger. The looks of the character and the voice are very appealing. He cannot use a bow, but can use throwing axes. The Shaman has the best-looking BLOCK/Jump option. He spins around backwards. This seems to get him very far back, and out of danger. ** Vah Shir Berserker ** This is a big cat. You can customize his fur. This character is a melee fighter. He is very good at dealing damage but not as good at the Barbarian for hand-to-hand combat. His roars can affect teammates, making this a benefit in-group play. His main ranged attack uses throwing axes, which are not as good at bows for the Ranger, but still give some variation in game play. It is nice to have a ranged attack. ** Barbarian Warrior ** This is the best up-front melee/high damage character. If you are going to have a group, you want at least one of these. The Strong Stance is a very helpful spell at higher levels. Strong stance keeps this character from being knocked down, which can be helpful if you are using this character as a tank. They can use all types of weapons and armor, which is helpful at times. ** Wood Elf Ranger ** This character has many buffs that center around a bow. This is one of the best solo characters. It depends how you tune him, with Strength and Dexterity. Has only four or five main spells that are used. Dual Weld and Critical Hit help with Melee type fights. The Ranger cannot use staffs or two-handed weapons. ** Erudite Wizard ** This character has very powerful spells, but many are relatively weak at high difficulty levels. He does not get any of the melee buffs that melee characters get. This is a very hard solo player. This is best in a group, so he can stand back, cast spells, and not get into the fray of battle. CON had many spots to hide behind something and cast; RTA does not have many spots to hide behind in major battles, which takes away some of the tricks of this character. The armor for the Erudite is different from the rest of the characters. They do not get the fancy plate armor that the others get. The Erudite is limited on weapons. They are geared for staffs, but other weapons seem to drop more then good staffs do. This character is not recommended for the beginner, or solo mode. ** Dark Elf Shadow Knight ** This character can stun smaller enemies. The SK is more of a jack- of-all-trades. SK does many things, but none powerfully. One benefit is they look cool. Looking cool, however, does not keep you alive, but its better then looking like an Ogre. SK can summon a pet skeleton to fight by his/her side. The pet is best as a distraction for enemies. This pet just gets killed too fast in harder levels, and you are left alone. ** High Elf Cleric ** This charter is a mix between spell caster and Melee fighter. This character has some nice group healing spells and protection spells. This character has some good damage against undead enemies. About one third of the games bad people are undead. This character is limited to blunt weapons. ******************************************************** ** 6.00 EQUIPMENT ******************************************************** There are three major types of equipment. These are Weapons, Armor and Accessories. Weapons deal out damage. The more damage, the faster the enemies die, and hopefully the longer you live. Armor is more subtle. With armor, there is such a thing as an Armor Class, or AC. The higher the AC numbers the better the protection. There is another thing in RTA that effects armor and weapons, and that is gems. Gems give more abilities to weapons and armor. Weapons and armor have sockets, which can be customized. These sockets can hold gems, to make the original item better. In the game, you find gems, and then add them to your weapons or armor. Beware, once a gem is attached to an item, it can not be removed. So as you start out. You break barrels, open chests and kill critters. You pick up stuff. I pick up EVERYTHING! This is difficult because there is lots of stuff, and with low strength, you can only carry a few items. Therefore, you have to Gate back to your hub over and over to unload. Yes, this is what CON and RTA are all about, unless you use cheating-type practices. That will be briefly discussed in another section. Hubs are places I call where you go back over and over again. Hubs are the major person you buy and sell your stuff at. This game has two main hubs; depending on whether you pick the good or evil path through the game. When you get where some member of your party cannot carry any more items, We Gate back to the Hub and start to review the weapons and armor we picked up, looking for things that are better then what we are using. It is a long process, but fun. Sometimes some trading can go on, certain good items only work on certain character classes. Just get away from the Non Player Character, (NPC) and go back into your inventories, drop stuff on the ground for your friend, and pick up stuff he has traded you. Working as a team is very effective. Slowly you get better and better armor, and better and better weapons. The bad news is the enemies get harder and harder, so you need these better items to even have a chance of finishing the game. For those of you who are are stingy with your Gate Scrolls, remember this: if you can sell stuff, you can buy gate scrolls. Also, even crappy items can cover the cost of a gate scroll. NOTE: There is also an issue with this game that it only lets you hold or carry 64 different items on your accessories screen. Sometimes if you cannot pick up potions, or quest items, your Accessory screen might be full of junk. Try to trim down or sell stuff that is not needed. ******************************************************** ** 7.00 GAME LAYOUT ******************************************************** Return to Arms is very liner in fashion. This means you have to do section A, before you do section B, And Section B before Section C. Some games are freer Flowing, but this game is not that way. When you use the Planar Gateway, you will see different Planes open up. Your Hub NPC (Firiona or Natasla) will direct you to the next Plane, and tell you why you are going there. When you beat a Plane, you will see a section to the right or left of that Plane's picture in the Planar Gateway that is now available. These sections are called Medal Rounds. If you do well in each Medal Round, you get a Champion Medal. You do not get a physical medal, but it opens up a bonus section next to each Medal Round. It is fun to sometimes go into these medal rounds after you have just beaten the Plane, and see some new sections, but I would advise trying to do them at the level you just finished. Some of them are hard. To tell you the truth, I feel some of them are too hard. I suggest saving the harder bonus areas until the end of the game, right before the last boss. At this time, you will be your strongest, with your best spell selection and equipment. It will help very much. I will try to do this FAQ in a linear fashion, to go along with the best way to tackle these sections. ******************************************************** ** 8.00 CHEATING AND MANULIPATION ******************************************************** I really wanted to put this section at the end. However, the walkthrough got too long, that did not seem the best place for it. Some of what I am going to talk about will not make sense if you did not play the first game, Champions of Norrath (CON). I am sorry for that, but I am not going to explain that entire game to you. CON has some abilities to duplicate items, that make the game very easy. You could import players at any time, drop your stuff on the ground, and THEN import that character again, with the item still in the players' inventory. Therefore, you now have 2 of an item, then 4, then 8 then 16. Well you get the idea. There was also a cheat code to bring your character to level 20, with 999 skill points. Well 999 skill points was WAY more then you could ever spend in 50 or 80 levels. Therefore, you got EVERY spell and ability, when it became available, none of this picking and choosing that you always seem stuck with at earlier levels. RTA does not have that ability to duplicate stuff anytime you want. Or at least at the writing of this, there is not a way. There is ONE time when you can do that, and that is at the start of a new game. So if you are having a strong URGE for skill points, and you do not want to get a character up to 40+ levels to get them all, you can use CON to help you. If it is a player that you can have in CON, maybe an idea is to create a CON character in the CON game, Use the Level 20 Cheat, and then import that player into RTA with 999 Skill points. That is one idea. Another thing I might do is do my duplication of gems in CON. Gems seen more scarce in the RTA game. They now have a new thing called Figurines. The bad news is these things weigh a TON. Well maybe not a ton, but 5, 10, 15, 20 pounds each. There might take some special tuning of your equipment to carry all this stuff. Therefore, that is another idea, do your character manipulation in CON, THEN import that character into RTA. I only talk about the above items because I feel this game is VERY hard. It seems that you wade through the normal Plane areas, but the Bosses are able to kill you in two hits. One thing that this game gives you is the ability to obtain Infinite Ability Points. I will not go into this systematically, but this is a good way to boost your strength, stamina, Dex and Intelligence, without hours and hours of game play. The high-level view of this trick is, the use of the Medal rounds. Multiple medal rounds work, but we will just use the First one as an example. During the normal game, when you level up, you get 3 ability points per level, the trick is to NOT spend them. The trick is to SAVE them for the Plane of War, Medal round. It seems the system saves your current attribute levels, and the fact that you still have three (or six or nine) to spend. As soon as you are in control of your character, you go into the Menu and level up your attributes. Then go back to the game and just die. You loose nothing if you die in the medal round. It will ask you if you want to try again or go back. Well you pick try again, and you will notice that you STILL have the three extra ability points to spend, BUT the base ability scores are bumped up from last time you did the increase. Therefore, you can spend the same points again. This is what you do, Over and Over and Over and Over. Other people have gotten the great idea that if it works with 3 point, what about 6, 9, or 12. Yes it does. Therefore, some people just save TONS of ability points, and then raise there skills 12 at a time. I did this character manipulations and maximization to some of my characters, and it can be fun. I usually put my points into stamina, so I can make mistakes and still stay alive. I hate dieing, but I like some element of risk. Some of the Medal rounds in this game are VERY tough. I have taken a higher- level character, with some of the abilities pumped up, and go back into them and try it then. This was the only way I could win one of them, Called Soulbreak. So that is my section on Cheating and Manipulation. Many people frown on this if you are going to take your characters online. I never go online with PS2 games, so I do not worry about this. ******************************************************** ** 9.00 Making sense of stats ******************************************************** Here I will post my findings, and only my findings here. A full explination as well as my souirce data will be displayed in a seperate file. I will always tell my brother how I hate that I can't optimize my equipment in games. He of coarse says something like "just put on things with big numbers". But what if I have a choker of +a dex and a choker of +b str? I can only choose one. Thats why you need to know what everything does and by how much. ******************************************************** ** 9.01 STR ******************************************************** ** 9.02 DEX ******************************************************** ** 9.03 INT ******************************************************** ** 9.04 STM ******************************************************** ******************************************************** ** 10.00 WALKTHROUGH ******************************************************** ** 10.01 PLANE OF TRANQUILITY ******************************************************** Monsters: None Chests: 0 Bosses: None Noteworthy: Home of Firiona Vie, portal, save point, Planar Gateway. Walkthrough: In the CON game, the location of the shop moved from one area to another as you progressed through the game. So you could not put stuff on the ground, and use it in later Sections In RTA, the shops/hubs stay in 2 places, but you cannot use the ground as a holding area for cool stuff. Some times, it stays where you put it, and sometimes it is gone. Firiona Vie was a Character in the last game (CON). She was held captive by the Evil Lord Innoruuk in CON. You freed her right before you went back and had the last boss fight with him. In that ending of CON, Lord Innoruuk blew up into a thousand Pieces. Well it seems maybe like 10 or 12 shards. These shards of Innoruuk can be brought back together, and the Dark Lord can be raised from the dead to create trouble once again. Look through Firiona's shop. Get use to the idea of selling and buying stuff. I usually save right before I sell stuff, in case I make a mistake. I also save right before I go back into a plane, just incase there is something nasty there. Remember that you cannot use the ground in your HUB area to hold stuff. Using the ground is risky, but it sometimes works. However, you might not want to do that just yet. Your hub MIGHT change. Look around, you have a portal, which can transport you between planes and locations. It is that stand with the BIG diamond on top. You have a save Point. Save points are places you show up if you die, if you are in a team. Make sure you run up and touch the portal to activate it. Make sure you run up and touch all save points to set a checkpoint. Save the game. The Planar Gateway behind Firiona looks broken, and it is broken until you talk to her. Once you get your mission, run up to it again. It will now go together, and start to function. The Plane of War is the only option, pick that and start the blood shed. *************************************************** ** 10.02 Plane of War *************************************************** Area 1: Lost Battle Ground Monsters: Kobolds, Large Kobolds, Kobold Shamans, wraiths Chests: 18 Bosses: Two mini bosses Noteworthy: Natasla, Good Gate, Evil gate, save points Walkthrough: This is our first area of real fighting. Make sure you know what buttons do what on your controller. Make sure you look at your map. Make sure you know what items on your map mean. It shows copper colored dots for save points. It shows blue dots for Portals. As you move forward, you should see save points appear on your map. Now I will talk about another technique I use in dungeons. We call this technique HAND ON THE WALL (HOTW). You just follow the wall, and let the game map in the perimeter of the area. You do not go through any doors, portals, or long passages, until the entire area is mapped in. Some areas of RTA work very well for this technique, other areas do not. But that is how I will work through this Walkthrough. I will usually start at the entrance to each level, and put my left hand on the wall, speaking in theory only, and walk around the entire Area. This will usually take me in a clockwise direction. Therefore, Hand on the Wall (HOTW), Can help you find items when you have to collect a set. Because this is the first area, we will talk about Combat Techniques. Right now, you have crappy armor and weapons. However, as soon as you start smacking barrels and opening chests, you will get different armor and weapons. If they show up in your inventory as red, you cannot use them. There can be two reasons for this, your character cannot use them, or they are beyond your level. If your character cannot use them, it MIGHT be best to sell them. However, some people trade them to other players, or they save for some other character they want to start. Move slowly, because movement will initiate enemies to run in your direction and attack you. Remember to use your save points. Remember how to drink a health potion. Start to move forward slowly. Remember your Block button, practice with it. Remember your block and Jump back buttons, practice with them. You will notice fires in this area. They are so pretty; just do not stand in them. You will watch your health decrease. In addition, you will notice a smaller wooden barrel that you can light. Make sure you pay attention to the look of this barrel. If you are hit by a powder keg later in the game, you will notice a health decrease. It is also very fun to light these kegs and push them next to your friends. As you work your self around the area, you will come to a woman called Natasla. This is now decision time. If you stick with Firiona Vie, you will stay on the good path, and the Plane of Tranquility will be your home shop/Hub. If you pick to side with Natasla, You hub will move to the Plane of Fear in the future. You will be taking directions from Natasla for the rest of the game. Natasla is the evil side of the game, Firiona is the good side. This walkthrough will assume you stick with the good side in the beginning, and remain to side with Firiona Vie. You cannot change your mind after this point to switch sides. However, IN the next game, we will suggest you switch and try the Evil side. I will start the EVIL walkthrough at the end of this one, taking up from the meeting of Natasla, and moving forward. Explore all areas. Collect all money and break all barrels. Buy gate Scrolls and gate back to Firiona and sell your stuff. Look carefully at what she has for sale, because it CHANGES. Some times, you will get a RARE find. So look at all the stuff: weapons, armor, and Accessories. Sooner or later, you will find a light gray Kobold who walks up on his back legs, this is a Shaman Kobold. What you will find out is they have the power to resurrect the dead kobolds as you kill them. Sometimes they resurrect behind you, or all around you. Learn to target these types of threats early in the game. When you find the Diamond toped portal, use that instead of Gate Scrolls to save yourself some money. Portals show up on your map. Remember to explore all areas BEFORE you go through the door to the next section. This is a rule for every section. You want to sponge out every bit if gold, experience, and items, before moving on. Some items in the section you are leaving are required for later sections. Make sure your map is fully filled in before you go. You should be level three by now. This gives you access to new weapons and armor that had level three as a requirement/prerequisite. In addition, you MIGHT have spent some points on some spells. Test out your spells on these easier enemies, because later sections get harder and harder. You might want to save your ability points for the Cheats and Manipulation tricks of this game. Area 2: Field of Strife (Good) Monsters: Melee Orcs, Archer Orcs, Shaman Orcs Chests: 6 Bosses: Two Mini bosses. Just tougher Orcs. Noteworthy: New NPC will open bridges for you. First labeled boss. Walkthrough: You will see an elf kneeling on the ground, his name is Engineer. He asks you to kill all the Orcs so he can lower the bridge. You will have to charge past the archers and come around behind them, the warrior Orcs do not hit very hard, but they hit fast, and can lower your Hit points (HP's) fast, and the Orc archers hit hard. You will be best off trying to lure a few of them around the corner and taking them out one by one. After they are all dead, Engineer will head up and wait for you at the bridge, speak with him and he will lower the bridge and then ask you to kill the shamans. In this section you will find the barrels are square boxes, remember to smash them all. The treasure chests are also in small tents. Make sure you look for these before moving on. Lure Orcs around corners again and get up to the shamans. Once you are up to one, try to lure the Orcs with him away from him, if you do not the shaman will revive them while you are fighting him. Once they are all dead. Run up to him and melee attack away, all his spells are weak. Just watch out for his melee attack, which is the worst thing he has. Once both of the Shamans are dead, head back to Engineer, and he will lower the bridge, and ask you to take out the catapults. They are both real close to each other, and more of the same Orcs guarding them. Take out the Orcs. Get up to the catapult and ignite the ammo cart next to them, blowing up the catapults will make Engineer run up to the next bridge, and the last one, speak with him to lower it and head down the stairs to the War Room once you are ready. Make sure you have collect all the stuff and gold, and you have saved. Use the portal to go back to the shop, buy, and sell stuff. Area 3: Armory/War Room Monsters: Melee Gladiators, Archer Gladiators, Chests: 3 Bosses: Rallos Zek. Noteworthy: Save Points, Portal, Shard, and nasty Boss. Walkthrough: This section is straightforward. The boss is at the far end. There is a save right before you go into his area. If you see a save point, and you have not done sections behind you, go back and explore. Gladiators are a step up from the Orcs, but still manageable. The good thing is there are many narrow passages here, so sometimes they can only come at you one at a time. Some just stay back and watch there friends fight, and then die. Save your game, and enter the lower area. BOSS: Rallos Zek. This person is big and scary looking. You are in a small pit with nowhere to run. Do not get stressed out. This person is very slow, even with my fat fingers and slow reflexes, I beat him. It is easy to get behind him and get a few hits in. If you are range or melee, just run around the area until he sticks his sword in the ground. Once he does wait until the ring starts to go away, once it does, run up to him and hit him a few times. Then just run around again, and repeat. Drink health potions and mana while on the run, and watch for his pattern. He has a high AC count so ranged might have a hard time hitting him, do not worry though, you still can. Once he is dead, pick up everything and the shard, then port back to the Plane of Tranquility through the portal. You cannot get back up the stairs, so you are stuck using the portal. That's whys it is important to do all your exploring before you step down into his area. NOTE: You will get a message that your Medallion Round is opened up. This can be accessed with the Planar Gateway. If you just want to check it out one time, go ahead. However, it is 10 times tougher then Rallos Zek. The plan is to wait for it until we are tougher. The Medallion Rounds can be visited at any time in the game, so wait and save your energy for when you are best prepared with skills, weapons, and armor, which is usually the end of the game. ****************************************************** ** 10.03 GOOD - Plane of Innovation ****************************************************** Area 1: Plane of Innovation Monsters: Hammer Clockworks, Archer Clockworks Chests: 6 Bosses: None Noteworthy: Save points, NPC Gnomes, elevator. Walkthrough: After shopping in the Plane of Tranquility, you will need to come here. The Clockworks here are slow moving. They seem to have high AC to block your ranged attacks. In addition, they hit hard in Melee if they get that close. Spells are the best thing here because you can stand back. Also, The Hammer Clockworks will sometimes stand there and wobble after you kill them, if they do this, get away from them, they MIGHT blow up. Use spells to wear down there health, then melee to finish them off. You are looking for a Gnome called Nitram. He wants a thing called a Copper Sprocket. Look around the level for chests and barrels, killing clockworks for XP. You will need to get to the elevator to go to the next level, but make sure you have this level fully mapped before riding the elevator down. Do not worry about the Copper Sprocket; you will not get it until the end of the Plane of Innovation. Area 2: Mines Level 1 Monsters: Hammer Clockworks, Archer Clockworks, Droids (aka walking self-detonating powder kegs of love or any simmilar name) Chests: 5 Bosses: None. Noteworthy: Save points, Walkthrough: In this dark, underground mine. There is a new enemy here, the Droid. These one of the easiest monsters in the game, as long as you spot them. They are rather small, and all they do is run up to you and light themselves. They try to get next to you and blowing up. They have very low HP, and once they light, they usually stand still. Make sure you are not next to them, or destroy them first. This area is straight forward, so just map out the entire area, and once done find the ladder down to the next level. Killing and looting as you go. The ladder to go down is in one of those square holes in the ground, is it possible to walk right by it, but it will show up on your map as an exit point if you do. Once finished with this entire area, go down the Ladder. Area 3: Mines Level 2 Monsters: Hammer Clockworks, Archer Clockworks, Droids Chests: 3 Bosses: None. Noteworthy: Save point, NO copper sprocket. Walkthrough: This level is much like the level above it. Now it seems the enemies stand in groups of threes, which can be a tougher fight. I try to get to one side or the other, to force them to stand in front of each other. Then only one can hit you at a time. It buys you some time and they position themselves around their partner in crime. You will find an elevator but to not use it yet, you have to prepare. You will not have found the Copper Sprocket yet, it is at the surface on the boss. Gate back to Firiona and get prepared for a long hard fight. When you come back, save, and go into the elevator. There is a very hard boss coming up. I stock up on health potion and mana potions. Area 4: The Surface Monsters: Iron Guardian (aka "Ol' Happy Bolts"), Droids Chests: 0 Bosses: Iron Guardian Noteworthy: Hard boss fight and some better drops. Walkthrough: Iron Guardian While I don't have anything new to say really, I do have my own way of saying it. For a melee character, this guy should be a peice of cake. I haven't gotten that far with a melee character YET but I will. Essencialy you will be parrying his attacks. The problem is the walking self-detonatng powder kegs of love. These things will temporarily break your guard allowing Ol' Happy Bolts to tear you limb from limb. They do however damage the Iron Guardian. I have found this to be irrellevent since they do minimal damage to him and break your guard. When one of those guys come around you can do one of two things: (a) wait till its about to explode then jump back at the last minute; (b) KILL KILL KILL (slay the poor bastard). Unless Happy Bolts does one of his double swings, you should choose option "a". If he IS doing a double swing (the one that cuases a big delay) I'd go with "b". Now that we have covered that problemed area, killing this guy will be easy. Blockthen, attack once or swice (three times if you feel lucky) during a normal swing and just "go wild" when he does a double swince. I have found that going around back is not worth it since he just uses a push back attack which lands you on your bum. So just be patient, fallow the Walking Bomb help and you'll do fine. Darrel wrote: "When the battle starts, charge at him, but do not get too close! Stay just outside of his melee range, if you are then he will try to melee you, and will not use his ranged attacks. His range attack is a shower of arrows that follow you as you run. There is no place to hide. Keep moving because of the Droids. Learn his attacks, sometimes he will swing with both his arms, or one at a time, which is what you are looking for. When he does it, get around to his back before he finishes his second swing, and hit him a few times. Then get out of there before he finishes his attack, because he will just swing behind himself, and smack you. Another thing if you are a spell caster is just run around him and cast. Look for his patterns, and do not get to close, but do not get too far. I just keep running around him, and cast and drink Mana and health potions, and next thing I know he is dead. Droids can hurt him if they blow up next to him. Make sure you pick up the Copper Sprocket from the boss. You will die a few times trying this boss, but it is doable with an eighth level character." Once he is dead, use the planar gateway and go to Plane of Innovation. If you did not activate the portal, go to Tranquility and go to the Planar Gateway, and pick Plane of Innovation, if you pick anywhere else, you will lose everything that you did in the Plane of Innovation. You are trying to get back to the Gnome that sent you on this wild goose chase. Give the gnome the Copper Sprocket, and he gives you the Shard of Innovation. You are now done with this Plane, and the next one should open up. It will also open up a Medallion round, but we are saving those for the end. ********************************************** ** 10.04 GOOD - Norrath: Pit of Ill Omen ********************************************** Area 1: Kerriel's Cave Monsters: Froglocks Chests: 4 Bosses: None Noteworthy: Kerriel, boat, Save Points. Walkthrough: The Froglocks are frogmen and you can imagine. This level has no tricks to it. We will stop telling you to explore all sections before leaving; you are a veteran adventurer now. You should be upgrading your armor and weapons as you go along, so this should not be that tough of an area. Once you get to the end of the cave, you will meet the mermaid, Kerriel. She has lost her Conch Shell. She will send you to visit three Cyclops, who try to kill you of course. There is not a place to re supply before the boss, so if you want to visit the shop, do it now with a Gate scroll. Use the boat to head to the Solitary Eyeland, where a boss is waiting. Note: The Conch will come off the last Cyclops killed, so you can do these islands in any order. I just follow the list from top to bottom. Area 2: Solitary Eyeland Monsters: Cyclops Chests: 3 Bosses Broon Noteworthy: Farting Cyclops Walkthrough: Broon Soon as you come in to this area, you will see Broon coming up in a cut-scene. He is not that hard. Just get around to his back, and he will fart, on you. Just attack at him a few times until he stops farting, then get out of there. Wait for his fart to go away, the green cloud. Then get behind him again and attack again. Spells also work nice for this boss. He will not fart if his old fart is around. His gas cloud is really, really weak, so do not worry about it hitting you. Use the trees as cover if you need to regain health. Do not try to run in the open, because he can catch you. Once he is dead, pick up everything he drops, two chests are out in the water. Note: The Conch will come off the last Cyclops killed, so you can do these in any order. Area 3: Island of Lost Hope Monsters: Froglocks, Sea Monsters, Fire Beetles Chests: 5 Bosses: Droon Noteworthy: A tricky path, Save Points. Walkthrough: Once here, you are on a bridge, walk along the bridge until you get to the end of it with the Save Point. You need to go in to the water on the left side of the bridge you came up on. It is on the left when you walk off the dock heading away from the boat. Follow the path in the water. There is a new monster here too, called The Sea Monster. These boast a ton of Hit points. They are medium speed, so listen for this clatter as they approach you, and wear them down with ranged or spells. Just take them out slowly, and you will be fine. Keep heading forward until you reach Droons' Den. Area 4: Droons' Den Monsters: Farting Cyclops Chests 2 Bosses Droon the Cyclops Noteworthy: Farting Cyclops, same as last one. Walkthrough: Droon He is the same thing as Broon. Except you, do not have a clump of trees to hide behind. Therefore, if you used them a lot with the last Cyclops, you might have to find a new way. It does seem a tad slower, so that is a help. Try to use spells, and try to get behind him. Once he is killed, Open the two chests, and go out the "North Exit". You will be back in Area 3. Note: The Conch shell will come off the last Cyclops killed, so you can do these in any order. Area 5: Back to Island of Lost Hope (area 3 continued) Monsters: Fire Beetles. Chests: none, just fruit crates. Bosses: None. Noteworthy: New Bug. As soon as you have control, a new enemy confronts you, the heat belching Fire Beetle. With their fire ranged attack, they can cause some damage even if you are fighting other things. Try to watch your health and try not to stand in their line of sight, or in the fires that they created for that matter. Head back up the dock, and fall of the end you could not get up before. Head back to your boat and leave. Pick Isle of Deep Regret for the boat ride. Area 6: Isle of Deep Regret Monsters: Froglocks, Fire Beetles Chests: 3 Bosses: Proon Noteworthy: Conch shell, Cyclops, Save Point Walkthrough: This is a straightforward area. Just watch out for the Fire Beetles. Just explore all the area looking for gold and Experience. There is a save point right outside Proons lair. It always a good idea to save, not that this monster is tough, just that you never know when a glitch in the game will happen. Once you find Proon's Lair, go on in, this monster is not that hard. He is Easier then Droon and Broon. Area 7: Proon's Lair Monsters: Proon Chests: 1 Bosses Proon the Cyclops Noteworthy: Skinny Cyclops Walkthrough: Proon You will get a cut-scene of him coming up, and then you are left to fight him. You can use the same stuff you did on Droon and Broon. However, this monster has another weakness. His off-hand that is not holding a weapon is it, he is unable to hit you if you are on that side. Therefore, what you do is you get up to him, and circle around him in a counter clockwise fashion, hitting and trying to get behind him. He is easier then the other two. Once he is dead, pick up everything he dropped and head back to the boat. Make sure you get the Conch Shell. You have to walk back thru the other area. Pick Gnome's Island from the boat menu. Note: The Conch will come off the last Cyclops killed, so you can do these in any order. Area 8: Gnome's Island Monsters: Sea Monsters Chests: 0 Bosses: None. Noteworthy: A subtle quest, that opens up areas for future items. Walkthrough: This is one of the spots in the main game, which can affect the optional quests. Here there is a group of gnomes being attack by those big green crabs called Sea Monsters, Sometimes two and three monsters at a time. There are eight gnomes, and all eight have to be saved in order to open up a secret area. I have to say this is very hard to do as a solo player. Make sure you save, and make sure you gate back to your hub for supplies. This will be a fast-paced fight. If you do not make it, try again and again. They seem to have a pattern, two from this side, then 2 from that side, then 2 from another side. If you can memorize the pattern, you can be there WHEN they show up, and get between the monsters and the gnomes. Then you will be attacked, and the gnomes will/should stay relatively safe. Sometimes just attacking the Monster once, will make its attack go to you, so try to draw them to you. Listen and watch for the warning signs. The gnomes react to which way a Monster is coming. If you can get this, there is a shop at the house all the gnomes were standing in front of. Break all the fruit baskets, and head into the caves. Save after this fight too. Area 6: Sea Cave Monsters: Sea Monsters, Amphians Chests: 5 Bosses: Two Sea Monsters Noteworthy: Kerriel, New monster, Save Point. Walkthrough: This is a large area. There are three entrances from Gnome Island. That is nice because there is a shop on Gnome Island where you can buy and sell stuff. There is a new monster here called Amphians. They are harder then earlier monsters, they spit poison that makes you hiccup. They block sometimes if you try to melee them also. Take them out as fast as possible. There are also two bosses here, tough Sea Monsters; these ones are harder then normal ones. They fight no different, though, so just take them out any way you want. I try to look for something to run around, and get my mana and health back. Explore the entire cave area, getting items and experience. When you have it completely mapped, go talk to Kerriel. Once you find her, give her the Conch shell. She will 'say' you are blessed. Her blessing will give you the ability to breathe underwater, which is very cool. Use the portal next to her to go back to your hub. ************************************************* ** 10.05 GOOD - Plane of Water ************************************************* Area 1: Plane of Water Monsters: Water Demons, Sea Monsters Chests: 2 Bosses: None Noteworthy: Underwater is cool, Save points, Portal. Walkthrough: New monsters here, Water Demons, they are really slow. Hit somewhat hard, and block sometimes, nothing too much to worry about unless you are mobbed by them. Look around for things to break, killing Water Demons as you go. You will find a portal, with three ways you have not gone. Saying that you came up to the portal, facing North, or the top of the screen, you will want to go West, to the left. Head in that direction, killing more Water Demons. Once you reach the cave, you will see a Sea Monster, he is the same as the weak ones back on Ill Omen. Head into the cave, there are some enemies in there. Area 2: Reef of Coirnav, West Monsters: Undead Skeletons Chests: 2 Bosses: None. Noteworthy: Cork and hole to push it in. Walkthrough: You will need to push that "Stone of Coirnav". Look around for it, it is near the beginning. The first time I played, I forget to push it, and I had to go back for it, in all three sections. I hope you are paying more attention then I was. Sometimes it is hard to fight AND push the stone, just do it a little bit at a time. Push it a while, then run ahead and fight. When the section is cleared, go back and push the stone up. You have to get All the way to the end to plug a hole. The hole is right at the portal. In addition, you enter the zone with the "Stone of Coirnav" right in the center of the room. Once you push the Stone on to the hole, you will see "One of Three Holes Plugged". Use the portal and Portal back to the Plane of Water. This is the point at the 3-way fork in the road. You have to do the same thing on all three forks. From the portal go north, or straight, and you will find another cave to enter at the end. Area 3: Reef of Coirnav, North Monsters: Undead Skeletons, Melee and Archers. Chests: 3 Bosses: None. Noteworthy: Cork and hole to push it in. Walkthrough: Your mission is the same, push the stone you start next to all the way to the hole at the other end of the area. Once the hole is plugged, use the portal to head back to the Plane of Water. Once back at the Plane of Water, You are back at that 3- pronged fork. Head the only way unmapped, the east. Head in to the cave once you get to it. Area 4: Reef of Coirnav, East Monsters: Undead skeletons, melee and archers Chests: 0 Bosses: None. Noteworthy: Large cork and hole to plug. Walkthrough: This section is the same as the last two. The path is straighter, so it helps in your pushing. Just kill stuff and push your cork to the end of the area. Once the last hole is plugged, you will see a cut-scene of a clam spitting out items. One of those items is the Shard of Water. Pick it up and use the portal to go back to your hub. ************************************************* ** 10.06 GOOD - Plane of Torment ************************************************* Area 1: Plane of Torment, East Monsters: Ghouls, Tormenters Chests: 3 Bosses: None. Noteworthy: Fire carry Puzzle. Walkthrough: This section is a bunch of little bridges in the sky. There are two new monsters here, Ghouls and Tormenters. Ghouls come out in hordes, they are a lot like Vampires in the way the move, but they attack you with their tongues, can fake death, and groups of them can be hard for a solo player. The Tormenters are really tough. They will charge at you, running faster then you can, and knock you down, then finish you off with a few attacks. You need to slow them down somehow, or kill them before they can charge are you. Anyway, once you are in the zone, slowly move forward, killing everything. You will see a cut-scene with some ghouls running around, once you get next to a fire you need to use. Kill off all the ghouls until you get up to the dead end with a rock right in the middle of the path. Now, run back to the fire, 'steal' it and run back to the dead end and light the diamond shaped thing and a bridge will form. When you read this, you are asking how to steal and how to light. It is easy; it is all with the square button. You will see a man, Gol Nazyn, speak with him and then, you will need to go back to the fire, and rush past Gol Nazyn to light the diamond thing up here. There is another path off where Gol Nazyn is, but that is where Evil characters would come from. Make sure you activate the portal here. For that matter make sure you active ALL portals on any map you see. There is one section where you MIGHT try to light the torch from a fire that is to far away. If you cannot make it, and nothing was in your way, and you did not hesitate, there is another fire you will have to steal from another direction that is just a tad closer. Make sure you clear the way to the diamond first. Light the diamond and then head across the "Bridge of Sorrow" to Plane of Torment, West. Note: In multiplayer, one player can grab the fire and then the other players can be closer to the diamond and light it. Area 2: Plane of Torment, West Monsters: Ghouls, Tormenters Chests: 2 Bosses: None Noteworthy: 2 Tormenters at the same time, Fire torch Puzzle. Walkthrough: This is the same thing as East however; you will need to go around a square in a counter clockwise fashion, after you hit the second Save Point in the area, to be able to get the fire close enough to cross the last bridge. The game is made so all fires are close enough to some torches. If you cannot make it, and it was a straight path, you should use another fire. At the second save point, there are two tormenters, SO watch out. After crossing the last Bridge, and killing the two tormenters, enter the Citadel of Pain, South. Note: In multiplayer, one player can grab the fire and then the other players can be closer to the diamond and light it. Area 3: Citadel of Pain, South Monsters: Archer Gremlins, Sickle Creeps, Tormenters Chests: 3 Bosses: None. Noteworthy: New monsters. Walkthrough: New monsters, Sickle creeps that jump out of nowhere, sometimes doing fancy flips. If you look really close, you can see them waiting, they are really fast, but weak. Take them out quick. The other type is a ranged enemy. This is the Archer Gremlin, they shoot arrows that do more damage then any other ranged thing from a normal monster in the game so far. The game is always stepping up in difficulty. There is a trick to them, which is somewhat useful. If you let them see you, then run behind a corner where they cannot hit you, they will try to run up and find you. So then just wait, and ambush them. It is too much work to try to melee them. You have to chase them all around, and most of the time, you run into other monsters. Just try to draw them back to your safe location. Keep heading forward, just ignore the shard if you see it, you cannot reach it yet. Once you find Citadel of Pain, North. Head on in. Area 4: Citadel of Pain, North Monsters: Avatars of Agony, Sickle Creeps, Archer Gremlins, Tormenters Chests: 3 Bosses: Tough Tormenter Noteworthy: Tough boss, save point, new monster. Walkthrough: It is easy for a while in here, head up to the first save point and save. Keep heading up the path, and you will meet the new monster, Avatar of Agony. This monster is very fast moving. If you try to run, you will see speed like nothing else in the game. Do not be alarmed, because most of there attacks can be blocked. They are just very scary when you first see them, there front arms are like large razor blades. After these, there is a large room with a tormenter boss, and Archer Gremlins. Either try to lure the creeps out, or the Tormenter of the room. We do not have to tell you to save when you see the boss banner at the bottom of the screen. It always a good idea if you have not in a few minutes. Take them on one on one; the tormenter is a tough opponent, but fights the same as the other tormenters. Once they are all dead, head forward two rooms and exit back to the Citadel of Pain, South. Area 5: Citadel of Pain, South (again) Monsters: Sickle Creeps, Archer Gremlins, Tormenters. Chests: None, Other breakables Bosses: None. Noteworthy: Portal, Shard. Walkthrough: Once back in Citadel of Pain, South, there is a short path between you and the shard. Kill the creeps and tormenters, and grab the shard. Head back to the portal, and go to Plane of Torment, East. All that is needed here is to go talk to Gol Nazyn. Mister Nazyn will tell you some of the story; of course, you have already guessed most of it. Once you talk to him, head back to the Plane of Tranquility. *************************************************** ** 10.07 GOOD - Plane of Disease *************************************************** Area 1: Grimdor Monsters: Mosquitoes, Bubonians Chests: 9 Bosses: None. Noteworthy: New monsters. Walkthrough: This place is a maze, and two new monsters to deal with. Neither of them being strong, but they can deal damage in hordes. I really like how the Mosquitoes were done; He looks so real, and flies even with a few arrows in him. There are a few chests worth looking for here, but what you are mainly looking for is the exit. To the Plane of Disease, Find it, and leave this area. Make sure you stay away from Bubonians when they die, they turn yellow and infect characters with disease who are around them. Area 2: Plane of Disease Monsters: Festering Hags, Gnaws, Spawners Chests: 3 Bosses: None Noteworthy: New monsters, Save points, set to complete. Walkthrough: Good players are here to break the portals; there are seven of them in the lower area, and one up on a higher bluff. Festering Hags are weak casters with a ton of Hit points. I kind of like them, because they have lots of stuff they do. I have seen them fly in the air, which is somewhat different from most of the enemies in the game. There are also these big bumpy monsters called Spawners. Good news is they are super slow moving, if not just standing still. Bad news is they are called Spawners for a reason. Spawners release these small little flying Eels that are all jaws. Not just one or two, but four and five at a time. They are very fun to check out. There are eight portals you need to hit; one is in the center of the area, and another you cannot get to yet. Once you hit seven of eight portals, there is a cave all the way on the farthest end of the area from where you came in, called Arachna Caves. Go in there only after hitting seven of eight portals. Area 3: Arachna Caves Monsters: Ants, Black Widows, Scorpions, Drachnids Chests: 0 Bosses: Drachnids Noteworthy: Big mean spiders. Walkthrough: As you can guess by the name, this place is full of bugs. Not bugs you can squash with you shoe, but giant bugs. There also are some tough spiders here call Drachnids. There is some good news here, which only one Drachnid is on the main trail. If you really do NOT want to fight the other two, you do not have to, to complete the area. I urge you to try, because you need all the experience you can soak up. Drachnids will leap at you, and try to poison you. You can block a Drachnid, but they have poison that gets through the block, and this poison can make you 'hiccup' lowering your guard. There is a slow attack that a Drachnid uses, find it, and take cheap shots after he does it. Once you are done, find the second exit to the Plane of Disease. Once you find it, head out. Area 4: Plane of Disease (Continued) Monsters: Spawners, Gnaws. Chests: 0 Bosses: None. Noteworthy: Last portal, 8 of the 8. Walkthrough: You are back on the Plane of Disease, just a section that was blocked from the other section. There is a bunch of Spawners here. Take them out carefully. Head up the stairs, and hit the last portal, you should receive your shard at this point. Now head back into the Arachna Cave, and Use the last portal to go to your hub. ************************************************* ** 10.08 GOOD - Plane of Valor ************************************************* Area 1: Plane of Valor Monsters: Warboars, Melee Skeletons, Archer Skeletons. Chests: 2 Bosses: None Noteworthy: New monster, Grave of 1000 Undead. Walkthrough: There is two Warboars here, big ones and little ones. The big ones have a lot of Hit points. They can only attack in front of them, keep his in mind. Head down the map, and you might see a sword you cannot pull out. It says, "Only a true champion can remove this weapon" you cannot do anything with it. We will address that much later in the game; just take note where it is located. Just follow thru the area until you come to a graveyard. The graveyard is home to 1000 undead Skeletons. I am exaggerating when I say 1000, but IM sure it is more then 60, 4 and five spawned at a time. Some people just run through this area. If you can fight them, I try to. It is a good place for exp, and you do not have to run all round the world. Just run back and forth with your best buffs on, and clean then up over and over. I have died here a few times, as my partner does most of the killing, Nevertheless, its still fun. There is a save point just to the north of this graveyard. I just have my partner run there, and I pop back alive. Up the path, a little ways is Mithaniel Marr. He says you need to use the portal behind him, do so. NOTE: Plane of Valor will be visited three times. Mithaniel will send you to two other planes before you complete it. Remember you will be back to the Plane of Valor; you are not near done here. *************************************************** ** 10.09 GOOD - Plane of Fire *************************************************** Area 1: Obsidian Forest Monsters: Fire Goblins, Fire Shamans, Fire Beetles Chests: 0 Bosses: Large Goblins. Noteworthy: Mini bosses Walkthrough: There are three mini bosses here, really large goblins. They are worth some all right experience. They fight like Orcs. Other then the massive hordes of Goblins and Fire Beetles, just head to South Obsidian Forest. There are three types of fire goblins. Archers, Melee, and Shamans. You have fought many monsters like these in the past, so just work your way through this area. Their attacks stick with the theme of this area, FIRE related. If you had any types of fire resistance items you where saving, this might be the place to equipment them. If you had fire enchantments on your weapons, this might be the place to switch them out. Area 2: South Obsidian Forest Monsters: Fire Demons, Goblins, Fire Beetles Chests: 3 Bosses: Large Fire Goblin Noteworthy: New monster, Ladder, Save Point. Walkthrough: New monster here, we will call him the Fire Demon. These monsters look like the Human Torch, all they do is cast spells. Other then those, there is another mini boss goblin. This is a normal straight through area. You need to find a ladder down to the Upper Lakes of Fire. There are many monsters here, and they all can do some damage, so take it slow and do not be afraid to run back to a safe area and heal up. Once the area is cleared, Get to the ladder and head on down. Area 3: Upper Lakes of Fire Monsters: Goblins, Fire Beetles, Lava Monster Chests: 6 Bosses: None. Noteworthy: Lava and lava monsters, ladders. Walkthrough: This is a fun area. One fun part is if you run out on to the lava, you die. You have been very careless in this game, because it does not let you fall off stuff, like most other games. So you get sloppy and careless, and you just run over hill and dale. Now you have to pay attention. I do not know how many times my partner and I look up, and our character is gone, because I ran the wrong way into the lava. Another tricky new monster is the Lava monster. Of course, he cannot stand out on the land where you can melee him; he stands IN the lava, and beckons you to come get him. WHEN he does come on shore, he tries to hit you INTO the lava. Melee Attacks are one way to kill the lava monsters. This way is to get as close to them as they can, and guard. The lava monster should try to walk up and slap you, once he does back off a little bit, and guard some more, pulling him out of the lava. I prefer arrows, axes or spells to weaken him before they come onto dry land. If you are going in the proper direction, you should see a ladder hole that is filled with fire, just pass it for now, later our goal will be to turn some switches and open it. Keep going clearing out the monsters and trying to stay alive, you will find a second ladder, head down that ladder to the Lower Lakes of Fire. Area 4: Lower Lakes of Fire Monsters: Fire Demons, Fire Beetles, Lava Monsters Chests: 2 Bosses: None Noteworthy: Lava that kills if you walk on it. Walkthrough: Coming in to the Area, there are two paths that you can go; we have to go both ways, so it does not really matter. Nevertheless, sticking with my HOTW trick, I usually go left, Even though, many times left is not the best way. You will see a ladder going back up to the Upper Lakes of Fire. Take this ladder back up, and you are up next to the other area, just on the other side of some large pipes. There is a valve in the area that needs to be opened. That will shut off half of the fire in that ladder shaft that you could not go down earlier. It seems when I pop up out of these ladder shafts, there are MANY monsters waiting for me. Be prepared. Once everyone is dead, go back down the ladder shaft, and head to the other side. Then up the ladder shaft and do the same thing. Shut off the valve to the ladder shaft filled with fire. Now you have to go back down, and then back up the Middle ladder. Now you are back up on the normal part. Head to the ladder shaft that was block with fire. You will go back to the Lower Lakes of Fire. About this time, you feel like a Yo-yo. Well you are almost done. Some Fire Demons step forward to welcome you to their home, finish them off and Save. You have a Boss fight coming up. Gate back to your hub if you need to sell stuff or re- supply. Once you are ready, and you have saved your game, head down to the Lair of the Dragon. Area 5: Lair of the Dragon Monsters: Dozekar Chests: 0 Bosses: Dozekar, Red dragon Noteworthy: Piles of gold that you cannot see, Large mean Dragon. Walkthrough: You are in the lair of a large fire-breathing dragon. Soon as you come in, you will see a cut-scene with him. Soon as the battle starts, run to the side. Melee Characters need to time their attacks, if he is not in the middle of another action, he will hit you with his tail, or bite you. So getting to the side is a good idea, but getting behind him is not a good idea. Ranged players just need to keep moving and shoot at him when he is in an action. He has a few attacks, one is he will breath fire, and another is a huge fire storm. In addition, he will bite, and tail swipe. Just time your attacks when he is breathing or calling the storm. The storm makes the floor red; just make sure you are moving out of the way. This monster is hard, but not impossible. Once he's dead, pick up the shard that sometimes falls in the middle under him. It is hard to grab when he does that, but you need to pick it up before you can leave. Once you have it, head over to the portal, and head back to your hub. The ground in here is full of piles of gold, but you can not see them. Make sure you run around before you leave. ********************************************************** ** GOOD - PLANE OF VALOR - Continued ********************************************************** Area 1: Plane of Valor Monsters: Warboars, Melee Skeletons, Archer Skeletons. Chests: 2 Bosses: None Noteworthy: Grave of 1000 Undead. Remember that it was Mithaniel Marr that sends you to the Plane of Fire, Not your Hub NPC. So you have to go back to the Planar Gateway and pick the Plane Of Valor, and go back to talk to Mithaniel Marr. Same critters are here the Warboars and Skeletons. Clean them all out for experience, and when done, talk to Mithaniel Marr. He will have another place for you to go. Remember you will come back and talk to him one more time. ******************************************************** ** 10.10 GOOD - Plane of Storms ******************************************************** Area 1: The Wilderness Monsters: Earth Elementals, Snow Badgers. Chests: 0 Bosses: None Noteworthy: New Monster. Walkthrough: This area has an ice theme. Therefore, if you had on fire Resistance from the last plane, you might want to re-think your equipment. In addition, if you were using all ice spells, now you might want to change them. This area has three caves, two are just for experience, and one continues the game. The experience only ones are Thunder Cave and Wind Cave. Do these two caves first. Then when the area is entirely cleared, then enter Storm Cave. There is also a new Monster to fight here. He is called the Earth Elemental. He seems to look a lot and act a lot like the Lava monster in the Plane of Fire. There is also some large Snow badgers here. They have only melee type attacks. Work your way through the area, remember to save the Storm cave for last. Area 2: Thunder Cave Monsters: Goblins, Snowmen Chests: 1 Bosses: None. Noteworthy: Experience and money cave. Walkthrough: You have to go in and out with the same entrance. Just kill stuff, and pick up the loot. This Side area is only for experience and money. Area 3: Wind Cave Monsters: Goblins Chests: 0 Bosses: Tough Goblin Noteworthy: Experience and money cave. Walkthrough: This is just an underground filled with Goblins. This is just a side area for experience and money. This one has a boss in it. He is just a tough Goblin. Get some XP and some money, clean out the entire area. Area 4: Storm Cave Monsters: Goblins Chests: 4 Bosses: None Noteworthy: Exit to unreachable area. Walkthrough: This cave continues the story. This is a rather large cave. Just clean out the Goblins and map out the entire thing before leaving through the exit. You will exit back to the Wilderness. The area behind the little trees that was unreachable to you earlier. Keep going and finally reach the Caves of Mount Grenidor. Area 5: The Caves of Mount Grenidor Monsters: Bubonians (Super Charged) Chests: 16 (do not worry about these yet) Bosses: None- all Super Charged Bubonians are bosses. Noteworthy: New game style. Avoiding the Enemies. Walkthrough: You meet a man that says the Bubonians are drawing power from the Shard of Storms. I know you are thinking 'SO WHAT'. Well this Shard makes them hit 10 times harder, and have 20 times the Hit points. What the game is designed to do is for you to sneak past all of them. I hate to use the term sneak, because I think you really just walk and run. As long as you are not too close to them, they will not see/hear you. Also, do not get in front of them, they see farther then. There are two types here, Patrols and Standing Enemies. The Patrols show up on your map as yellow triangles. Watch them for a while and you will see that they move. They have set patterns that they travel in. Learn these patterns, finding out where they go and where they do not go. Walk closer and closer, and find out which spot is safe to stand, and which spot they see you. Its trial and error, as you work your self through. There is a save in the middle that you are very happy to see. It seems that you can also hide on the other side of holes, and if you are not in direct site, which I guess in game mechanics you are not, you are safe. So the first time I run up and hide on the right side, around the back of a hole. Then when the patrol has its back to me, I run thru the little arch and hide to the side. The next area has a big circle with a trail going through the middle. You have to wait for a gap between the three patrols that walk around the big circle. You walk behind one of them in the direction that they are going, and you run up the path in the middle of the big circle. Hide there and learn their pattern. You will see standing groups on the right and left I think. However, they have their backs to you. If you run just a little to the right, and straight, you can make it up the trail without them seeing you. The next room has another big circle, with a big area on the right, and a smaller trail around a big hole on the left. I guess the correct way is to take the left trail here, and work your way around. One if the Bubonians will go up this trail a little ways, so watch his pattern. Once you make it to the Check Point, make sure you save; I never want to have to do that again. You will be able to come back and take your revenge on this area later. Exit to the Great Glacier. NOTE: These Bubonians might be tough, but they are not invincible. My ranger was all maxed and manipulated to be tougher. I was able to kill them with my bow, critical hit, and Multifire. So maybe a combo of sneaking and killing might help here. Remember to run back and save if you kill one. My partner and I would draw them back to the save point, and as long as one of us was alive to Revive the other, we tried to fight them. We have one character run around, and attract their attention, and the other character tries to kill them will spells or ranged weapons. Area 6: The Great Glacier Monsters: Goblins, Snow Badgers Chests: 2 Bosses: None. Noteworthy: You are done with that sneaking part. Walkthrough: This is a normal and straightforward area. Just explore, kill, and loot. You are looking for a little staircase down to the Bastion of Thunder. Take this when you have fully explored the area. Area 7: The Bastion of Thunder Monsters: Snowmen, Snow Badgers Chests: 7 Bosses: None. Noteworthy: New monster, Snowmen. Walkthrough: Calling these people Snowmen makes you think of fat slow people with sticks for arms. I guess we should call them Yetis or snow-beasts. The Snowmen are just like Tormenters; use the same types of attacks on them. Kill stuff, look for chests, and find the portal and save point. Use the Save Point and look for the area called Hidden Glacier. I think that I will be struck by lighting in this area, I never have. I am not sure what those buildings are for, and why all the lighting. However, I have not found any use for any of it. The next area opens into a boss fight, so ready yourself BEFORE you enter. Area 8: The Hidden Glacier Monsters: Wenglox, Snow Badgers Chests: 0 Bosses: Wenglox, Big Snowman with Horns. Noteworthy: Mean boss with Icy Reception. Walkthrough: When you first enter the Area. Do not move forward. Maybe just inch back just a little, but not far enough to leave. I have found at certain times, I can leave and Re-enter this area. I am not sure if it is a glitch or what. This might be nice if you get beat to a pulp, you can leave, heal to full, and come back in. I have no idea what this does to Wenglox. However, I noticed this in one of my games. Try to move along the walls slowly, pulling the snow badgers towards you. Doing this, try to kill as many badgers as you can without getting Wenglox mad. After you kill as many as you can, or you get Wenglox mad, run around in a circle. This is a tough fight, but having two or three big snow badgers snapping at you makes it even tougher. Wenglox is like other Snowmen, but he does not charge at you, and he fires Ice Bolts instead. The Ice Bolts are weak in comparison to most boss fights, so ranged attacks are very useful here. If you have to go in melee, use whatever you did on the tormenters/snowmen. If you are in trouble, try my running out theory. After he is dead, pick up the Shard of Storms. Now you should get a message the Bubonians are weak, and that you should help to clean them out. Head back to the Bastion of Thunder and use the portal to go to the Caves of Mount Grenidor. Now we can clean up the area where we had to sneak before. Area 9: The Caves of Mount Grenidor (Continue) Monsters: Bubonians Chests: 16 (Unless you picked up any before) Bosses: None. Noteworthy: Back through to Kill them all, portal. Walkthrough: Now that you have destroyed their shard. These monsters are very weak. The bad news is you have to find and kill them all. Therefore, do not miss a room or one trail they that can hide. Work your way through every spot, opening chests and breaking barrels. Once you have killed them all, Use the portal again to go to your hub. Sell and restock, then use the Planar Gateway to go back to the Plane of Valor. Remember it was Marr that send you here, not your hub NPC. *************************************************** ** GOOD - Plane of Valor (continued) *************************************************** Area 1: Plane of Valor Monsters: Warboars, Large Warboars, Undead Skeletons, Minotaurs Chests: 0 Bosses: None. Noteworthy: New Monster, Save point, Walkthrough: We open this area with a new monster, the big and burly Minotaur. These enemies are a step up from most of the monsters. They hit hard and they have lots Of Hit points. Either they will swing their axe, or both their shield and axe, or head butt you. You have to make sure they are fully dead, because sometimes you THINK they are dead, and they wake up and attack again. Make your way back to Mithaniel Marr. The area has been restocked with critters, so make sure you map out the whole area and soak up that Experience. Just before Mithaniel Marr, and after the graveyard, there are two Minotaurs. One on the right and one on the left. I usually run to the left so I am closer to one, and it takes the other one just a few seconds longer to get to me. Talk to Mithaniel Marr, and he will send you to the next area. Area 2: Plane of Valor 2 Monsters: Warboars, Samurai, Mosquitoes, Gladiators Chests: 5 Bosses: 4 with Keys Noteworthy: 4 Keys, save Points, Door to next area. Walkthrough: Most enemies here are the same as you have seen earlier in the game. Just make your way around and map out the entire thing. Take it slow. Here it is important to map out the ENTIRE area, so you do not miss anyone of the bosses. Each one has a key that you will need. My first time through I went into the area with only ONE key; I had a long backtrack session forced on me. There are four bosses here, all Samurai. Some have helpers, other are by themselves. Try to lure the helpers away, and fight them first. Then fight the bosses by themselves. Very important to get the keys they drop. One boss is rather hidden off on the left side; you need to go down in some water, and in a tight area with some mosquitoes. Once you have all four keys, and you have mapped the entire area, Time to head into the Halls of Honor. Area 3: Halls of Honor Monsters: Gladiators, Samurai Chests: 12 Bosses: None. Noteworthy: Shard, 4 Sarcophagus, portal, Save Point. Walkthrough: The first thing that will attract your attention is the shard in the middle surrounded by four blue rings. Well you have four keys, and you see four rings. You have to put your keys into a Sarcophagus, which then open up, and you collect an item from the Sarcophagus. Once you have all for keys traded for items, you come back to this spot and use your items to lower the blue rings. There are many chests here and some breakables. Just work your way totally through, and look for four Sarcophagus. The angel statues also can be broken for some gold, but I always feel funny doing this if I am playing a Good character. Once you have the four items, go back and get the Shard in the blue rings. You are finally done with the Plane of Valor. Use the portal to go back to your hub; you can now go to the next area. ******************************************************* ** 10.12 GOOD - Norrath: Faydark Forest ******************************************************* Area 1: Kelethin Monsters: Orcs Chests: 8 Bosses: Orc Commander Noteworthy: Tree fort over run by Orcs. Walkthrough: If you played CON, this is very much like the start of that game. You are high in the trees, and the Elf King sends you to clean out the Orcs. Just run around and kill them all. I think it gives you a count when you are down to 20. Once you have them all killed, take the Elevator down the floor of Faydark Forrest. One boss here, try to lure our his friends, and finish them off first, then go in and take the boss. Area 2: Faydark Forest Monsters: Orcs Chests: 1 Bosses: None. Noteworthy: 8 Spirit Anchors to Break. Walkthrough: This is a big area, but most of it is paths. You need to find eight spirit anchors and break them. They are big, so you cannot miss them. There is one back by the elevator, but they are all on the surface, around these trails. Once you have all eight broken, and then go down to the Orc cave. You will find many Orcs in there of course, plus more experience and more money. If you find the Unexplored Tomb Ignore it, you do not have everything you need to even get in now. Area 3: Orc Caves Monsters: Orcs Chests: 9 Bosses: Orc Commander Noteworthy: Shovel Walkthrough: This is another section where you explore everywhere and everything. Break every barrel. You are looking for the Archaeologist's Shovel used in a side quest. It can come out of any box or off any monster or out of any chest, so look all over. Once you find it do not use it on the Unexplored Tomb, wait to use it until after the next level. The reason is the Unexplored Tomb has a door that can only be opened with a quest item from the Next plane. Therefore, it is kind of a waste of time to go in there, you will be coming back. Take note of where the Unexplored Tomb is, and how you get to it. ******************************************************* ** 10.13 GOOD - Plane of Nightmares ******************************************************* Area 1: Plane of Nightmares Monsters: Creeps, Gremlins, Kobolds, Minotaurs. Chests: 3 Bosses: None. Noteworthy: Maze, Access to Side Area. Walkthrough: This is an interesting area. One point of interest is the large maze in the middle of the area. It would be much tougher, but you have an overhead map that keeps track, or shows you the path. We are looking for two paths. One is the path to the Side Area. Which is opposite from the side you came in. It is over a little bridge, or near the end of a little bridge. The other is the exit of this area into the next. Another point of interest is the quest item we are after. They are the Words of Spiritual Harmony. Because they can drop off anything here, you have to kill every critter, and break every barrel looking for them. Make your way around the maze, and then through it. Find the access to the Lost Tome. If you find the other door, do not take that yet, just make note of how to get there. We have some fun to have in the Lost Tome. Remember, we are looking in EVERY corner of this place, for the Words of Spiritual Harmony. Area 2: Lost Tomb Monsters: Gnaws, Avatars of Agony Chests: 15 Bosses: None Noteworthy: Lock chests, nest of Avatars. Walkthrough: There is a little bad news on entering this area. First, all the chests are locked. You have to make it to the other side of the area, and unlock them, AND THEN make your way all the way back. Bad news number two is these Avatars of Agony guard it. We have seen them before, they are those monsters with razors for front arms, and speed like crazy. Well four of them guard the other end. So make your way through. Fighting Gnaws. As you see, the dead people are really statues with gold in side some of them. You are tempted to bust them all open. I usually do not on my path thru the first time, because I will be coming back, AND they seem to stop the monsters just a little on the return trip. So maybe leave them standing and they might do some work for you on the trip back out. I recommend using a gate scroll now. Using it makes a checkpoint, and you can go to your hub and save. Do this since there are zero checkpoints in the Plane of Nightmares, you may want to. Once you go into the back area with four locked chests, a cut-scene will start. It shows four Avatars of Agony crawling out to get you. That is right, four of them. When the cut-scene is over, none, some or all will charge at you, take them out one by one. I do not walk right down the middle of this room; I walk to the left side. Just that I am closer to one, and farther from some other one. I am not sure what the best way is. If I stay and fight, it is hard. If I try to run, they catch me. Figure out what works best for you and your team. Good luck. Once they are dead. Open the four chests in the middle. Now the chests are unlocked. Make your way back towards how you came in. Open the chests as you go. Surprise! Avatar's of Agony are all back through the corridors. Therefore, you have to fight them one by one to get out of this place. If you left some of the human statues standing, sometimes this slows them down. Open chests, break statues, and kill Avatars all the way back to the entrance of this area. Leave, this is all the fun you can have for now. Note: Words of Spiritual Harmony might be able to drop here, however I never had them do so. Area 3: Plane Of Nightmares (continued) Monsters: Archer Gremlins Chests: 0 Bosses: None. Noteworthy: Words of Spiritual Harmony Maybe. Walkthrough: You walked outside of the Lost Tome. Now you have to make it back thru the maze to the other area. Make sure you track down all the Gremlins and kill them. You want to search the bodies. They run from you, so it is tough. Find the door at the end of the maze and enter. Make sure you look in every corner and under every tree. There are many breakable here that are hard to see. Area 4: Dungeon Monsters: Creeps, Gremlins, Drachnids, Wraiths Chests: 0 Bosses: None. Noteworthy: Words of Spiritual Harmony Maybe. Walkthrough: This area is straightforward. Just map out the entire area, and then take the exit. You will see your spider friends from the Plane of Disease here. Either they are not bosses here, OR you have gotten tougher, so they do not seem so bad. Use a gate scroll, sell, and restock your supplies. Save at your hub. No new monsters here. You are looking for something, so search everywhere. Note: Words of Spiritual Harmony can drop off ANYTHING here. Area 5: Lower Dungeon Monsters: Archer Gremlins Chests: 5 Bosses: None Noteworthy: Boss entrance. Walkthrough: There are only Archer Gremlins. That might be good and that might be bad. Use your duck behind a wall trick to get them to draw in close to you. Their arrows pack a punch. Make your way through this area; you are looking for the Bloodless Tomb entrance. However, beware; a boss fight is just on the other side. So Gate to your hub, and restock, and save right before this door. Note: Words of Spiritual Harmony might be able to drop here; however, I never had them do so. Area 5: Bloodless Tomb Monsters: Archer Gremlins, Vanarhost Chests: 0 Bosses: Vanarhost Noteworthy: Vampire from the last game. Walkthrough: Vanarhost Those that played the first CON game will recognize this character. He has the same sort of attacks. After the cut-scene, guard, and do not move. If you move down in to the middle of the area, that will allow the Archer Gremlins to shoot at you. Vanarhost has two Attack sets; the first is the bite and teleport/bat thing. Guard until he bites you, wait for him to back off, and then smack him a few times. His second is when he pulls out a sword; this is where it gets tricky. He fights kind of like a Gladiator, a really fast and strong one that is. He likes to guard in this mode, best thing to do is block him and take cheap shots. If you are in a group, your tank can take the beating, and your ranged person can do the damage from out of harms way. Once he is dead, he will drop the Shard of Nightmares. I have died on this boss if I do the wrong thing, other times he does not scratch me. My Ranger with Critical Hit and Multishot keeps me safe with most bosses like this. NOTE: We hope you have found the Words of Spiritual Harmony by now. If you have, we will travel back through the game, and start cleaning up some of the side quests. As you can see on your Planar Gateway, there is only one Plane left. This is just a boss fight, so you have to do lots of stuff before you should go here. You COULD just go to that plane from your hub and end the game. However, there are HOURS of fun and mayhem left to endure. ********************************************************** ** --> EVIL side Merge back in HERE. Good Continue ON ********************************************************* ** 11.00 - OPTIONAL QUESTS ********************************************************* I will call these quests optional. You can do three major things. One is to free the Vampire Slyea. She gives you a reward for this. She uses one of her razor sharp fangs to pierce your ear, and NOW you can wear two earrings. That is good, and I just love her in CON. Just seeing her was my motivation to finish all these hard levels. OPTIONAL Quest number two is to collect 11 bloodstones, and get into the Area of Twisted Nightmares. This place is a good place to get some fast experience and some good items. Bad news is it is four out of the five enemies are main bosses recycled from the CON game. Optional Quest number 3 piggybacks on the optional quest number two. If you can make it through the Twisted Nightmare, you can go back to the Plane of Valor, and pull that Sword from the Stone. The sword in the stone is not always a sword, for our blunt users. ************************************************* ** 11.01 - NORRATH: FAYDARK FOREST ************************************************* Area 4: Unexplored Tome Monsters: Melee skeletons, Archer Skeletons , Mummies Chests: 0 Bosses: Tough undead. Noteworthy: Bloodstone of Faydark. It is time to return to Faydark Forest. You have the shovel and you have the Words of Spiritual Harmony. This will allow you to go all the way to the end of the Unexplored Tome. First, you have to get there. If you are evil you start out in the Orc cave again, and you can kill the Elves. If you are good you start out in the tree house, and you can kill the Orcs if you want. Make your way to the forest and on to the Unexplored Tome. This place is full of melee skeletons and Archer skeletons. Just work your way through. Finally, you will come to a door; you will have to use the Words of Harmony here. This will open up another half of this area, but it looks a lot like the first half. For the rest of the game we are in a collection Mode. That means we look in every nock and cranny. We break every barrel, and kill every monster. Everything has to be picked up. Somewhere in the back of this section, you should find the Bloodstone of Faydark. You are now on a mission to collect 11 of these things. NOTE: There has been times where I have not found the Words of Spiritual Harmony. I do not know what I did wrong. I went back in that Plane repeatedly, but I never found them. I am sorry if this happens to you. However, more then 80% of the time, I find them on the sections around the maze. ************************************************** ** 11.02 - Plane of War - Medal Round: Blood Bath ************************************************** Monsters: Four Horsemen, one at a time. Here you will need to fight the four horsemen, with using four or less Health Potions. (Mana potions do not count) While the Horsemen are on their horse, run in a line from left to right until they charge at you, they should miss and you can get up close to them. Once you are up close, stay about 3-5 feet away from them. Spin around them staying on the Horsemen's side with the shield, if you do not he will attack you. If you are looking at a horse face to face, the shield is usually on the right side. Once the horse stops spinning, attack at his side 2-3 times then spin around him again, repeat until he is off the horse. Once they are off the horses they get a little tricky, the first one, War, will scream and it will rain fire on where you are standing, keep moving to avoid this. Ranged attackers will have the best time in this round, as they can just run away, turn and shoot, melee attackers will need to time there attacks when they scream, and run up and hit them a few times, and then run away. War screams and rains fire, Death screams and summons a skeleton, Disease fires off a weak poison bolt, and Pestilence fires off a two-second Tagar's Insects, these make you hiccup. So try to dodge them at all costs if you are melee, and you need to run up to hit him a few times. You cannot bring your team in here, just one person from your party. This really sucks. Remember to suck mana potions like mad, because they are free. I have tried to look all over this area, for a place to hide. I only found one Wagon that I could get behind, but the Horse could hit me there some of the times, and it was an ok spot if you are a ranged character or spell caster. However, it is better then nothing. So maybe the first time learn the room, find this wagon to hide behind, it is by the smallest pond. Then set your spells to what you need, get many mana potions, and try it. As you see this is HARD, can you think we might have tried this area 10 levels ago. If there is no way you can do that medal round, we might move on, and try some other Medal Round. Medal rounds open up bonus areas, and that means more XP and Money. More XP means more levels. The trick to this, and most of the areas is look for patterns. The horses have patterns, is seems once you get close enough, they do not charge anymore. They just jump up and down. ON there down jump, you can run in and hit them a few times. The Horsemen are slow. Ranged attacks work well. Alternatively, if you are fast, time it right when they summon their spell. If you get in trouble, you can hide behind the wagon and refresh your health. Reward: 1 STA 1 STR 1 Skill Point. Opens: Warboar Caves. ***************************************** ** 11.03 - Plane of War - Level: Warboar Caves ***************************************** Monsters: Warboars, Kobolds, Undead Knight Boss Chests: 5 Bosses: Undead Knight Boss. Noteworthy: Bloodstone of War. Walkthrough: This is a straightforward area. There are Warboars and Kobolds. Near the end is an Undead Knight Boss. If you have made it this far in the game, he should be easier then the area you had to open up to get to him. The main thing we have to remember is we are here for a Bloodstone. So kill stuff, everything to get as much XP and money as you can, and keep your eyes open for the bloodstone. We are collection these, and we should have two by now. ******************************************* ** 11.04 - Plane of Innovation - Medal Round: Tick Tock ******************************************* Monsters: Clockworks. Chests: None. Bosses: None. This is a hard one. There are eight Clockworks standing in the middle, and you drop in. The good news is they are not trying to fight you; they are trying to get to some portal. The portals are around the edges of the area. Clockworks are slow, but as you fight them, you get farther and farther from the others, you have to run and catch. This again is one of those things that being tougher might help. If you cannot do it, Move on to another medal round, and come back later. In addition, some Clockworks have a longer path then others. If you are cleaver, you might kill the ones that get to their spots first, and kill them first. Try to work on one side, so when you run to the other side to fight, you are closer then the next one. I am not sure if you arrow them in the back, if they forget about the portal, and start to move towards you. Reward: 1 INT 1 DEX 1 Skill Point. Opens: Duff's Junkyard Fights. ****************************************************** ** 11.05 - Plane of Innovation - Level: Duff's Junkyard Fights ******************************************************* Monsters: None Chests: None Noteworthy: Gambling spot, Bloodstone. Walkthrough: This is a no fighting area. So some of you that are very good at fighting, might have a hard time here. This is an arena where you bet on who will win. Just look at the odds, watch the fighting style of each group, and learn who usually beats whom. There are four divisions, and you need to win two of three bets in each division. The best way to do this is to make a chart of who beats whom, and watch the odds. If you would win LOTS of money if this person won, then this is more of a long shot, and bet on the other. So usually bet on the person that pays back the least. However, sometimes your fighter can be stuck against the wall and win because he cannot be surrounded, or sometimes the other person can get against the wall, and kill your team. This just takes time, keep at it, and pay attention to who wins against who. There are only a certain number of teams, and if you loose you have to do it again, so you see the same teams fight. Eventually you will figure it out. After you beat division 4, the Bloodstone is somewhere in here around the edge. Remember we are here for bloodstones, not trying to get rich. Division two's Undead Gladiators are fairly good. Model XXXIV beats them. Bataar wins more then half of the time. Division three Dark Sisters are good, Growler is good, Minions of Zek seem to loose when you bet on them. Division 4, Grug is the champion, Ogres Just smash the other side to bits. Klay is good when Grug is not around. Grug can beat Klay. Just look at the odds, and keep track of what teams beat what teams, finally you will get it. Remember the Bloodstone. We have three bloodstones now. ********************************************* ** 11.06 - Plane of Water - Medal Round: Depth Scurry ********************************************* Monsters: Skeletons. Chests: Clams with Pearls. Bosses: None. Noteworthy: Underwater with no air, Find Pearls. This is very hard without a map. Therefore, you have to sort of make one yourself. With the last update to this FAQ, some now had made one (http://???.gamefaqs.com/???/???/champions_rta_depth_scurry.png). I hate to say it, but I had a guidebook with a nice map in it, and I still died her a few times. I have no idea how you do it without a map. There are a few tricks that I do. First is see how the air gauge reacts. All you have to do it hit square once, and it is STARTS to fill, all the way to the end, AND THEN starts to go back down. Well this will buy you an extra second or two, while it is filling up. Therefore, I let it get almost down, THEN I click Fill, then I run, I gain two free seconds while it is filling up. Another thing I do is led off. Like in baseball, you do not have to be touching the base the entire time. So get in the direction you want to go, BE facing the direction you want to go. Just close enough to have the Fill air show up, Then Fill and run. You will have to die 30 times, looking for air spots and pearls. Finally you will have them all mapped out. Make sure your health is always full. Because after you run out of air, your health goes down, so Having it full MIGHT buy you a second. Make sure to kill the skeletons ahead of time. Lure them back to you, or use Ranged or spells. You do not want anything in your way when you are running for a Pearl. The Second to last air station you use this as a hub to go to like three pearls. One of these is so far, it stretches your limits. Use all my tricks, to make this run. The last air fill station, you run to the far end and get the last two pearls. Reward: 1 INT 1 STA 1 Skill Point. Opens: 21 Leagues. ***************************************** ** 11.07 - Plane of Water - Bonus Level: 21 Leagues ***************************************** Monsters: None Chests: 8 Walkthrough: If you hated the last one, you will hate this one more, same concept, but no air place to fill up. Therefore, you will die about eight or 9 times. What we are here to do is find a Bloodstone. There are about seven or eight paths so run down each one with chests at the ends of them. Therefore, I just work my way around, and take a new path every time. Somewhere is the Bloodstone, so just taking different paths and keep trying to find it. I never found that good of stuff here, but feel free to look in all the chests if you so desire. I try the shortest paths first, so maybe I can get more then one in one try. You should have four of 11 Bloodstones now. ******************************************** ** 10.08 - Plane of Torment - Medal Round: Soulbreak ******************************************** Monsters: Gnaws, Skeletons, Ogres. Chests: None. Before Darrel starts, I (nst) wished to say that there is a long guide on gamefaqs you can read just for this level and also a map. There are actualy two maps (that I know of). The first is a PNG and is less useful then the ASCII map found in the guide mentioned above. I have a hard time talking about this level. I tried this many times, and I finally moved on and saved this for second to last. I had used the Infinite attribute trick and had my Stamina up to 800+ by the time I won this. This is the hardest of all the Medal Rounds for most people. At the time I won this, I was a 58 level Ranger, with all types of manipulation and tricks applied. This is a big area of rooms and hallways. There are 20 souls locked in jails here. They are in very small rooms on your maps. All your equipment and spells are taken away. It is only your bare character and your bare hands. If you have pumped your self up, you might be able to punch for 16+ damage points, taking out gnaws with three hits for an easy game. The skeletons take many more hits, but are still killable. What you use to kill them is those kegs of powder. You light one, and lure them next to it. Of course, you have to time it right. I try to put it in the middle of the hall, so they have to walk around it. I use the lines on the floor for timings. I hide in soul cells and wait for my health to get back to full. Remember running is your best friend here, However, NOT into an unmapped area. Run back to your starting area where it is safe. I also do not run into the soul's jail cells with stuff after me. Many times, I have been trapped in there and beat to death inside by monsters. Stay on the run and get to a safe area. Just get closest enough to the door to let the soul out and continue on. The archers stand still. Therefore, you can use a barrel as cover, and just push it up to their feet, and light it and back away. BANG. Finally, you will just have to run, it is the fastest way. Once you try the slow way for like 5 times, and it has taken 2 hours. Maybe running is the best for some people. Make a map, of who is where, and pick your path. Know where the souls are and where they are not. There are now Maps on the internet that list where the souls are. The thing I found that worked the best was to just make a break for it, saving the hardest areas for last, so you can die saving the last soul. The harder areas are the farthest from where you start, so avoid the paths on the (If you are pointing north to look at the door you start behind) east. There is like 1-3 archers in a really little path, and they are impossible to dodge there. Archers stand still, so bring Kegs up and kill them. Do NOT waste Kegs, by letting them get to close and blow each other up. You only have a set number of powder kegs to use. Keep at this. Take your time. Heal to full by hiding. Wait stuff out. There are maps and lots of hits on the FAQ web sites now. Use those resources, they are great. I (nst) think the best way to do this mission is to get really really strong and then go all the way back to adventoues difficulty level and bust some heads...or atleast not die as quickly. Reward: 1 INT 1 STA 1 Skill Point. Opens: Hells Cells. ******************************************** ** 11.09 - Plane of Torment - Bonus Level: Hell's Cells ********************************************* Monsters: Gladiators, Dark Elves Chests: 7 Bosses: None Noteworthy: Slyea and second Pierced ear. Walkthrough: If you have gotten the Soulbreak done, which you might never do. Then this bonus area opens up. The enemies here are a joke after what you have been through. Just kill them all and pick up the keys. You should find four keys. I think they fit any door, I am not sure. However, when you come back all the bad people will be alive again. Of course, you want to kill them. Then start looking in all the cells. I do not know why when you open the doors, you get attack, and I thought you would be hugged, but I guess Dark Elves just like to attack people, even other Dark Elves. Anyways, make your way back and forth through the wide section in the middle, and then into the Cell areas. Opening the doors and fighting the enemies. You will come to a cell that is locked. The locked cell needs a twisted key. So remember that. That key is in the Fire Plane Bonus level. Finally, once your find a way to open her cell, you will meet Slyea, the Lady vampire. I have to say I love this chick. She sends you on a quest to find some bloodvine. It is a plant that vampires can eat, and it gives them blood. If you do this job for her, she will use one of those sharp fangs of hers to pierce your ear. I do not like her getting that close to my neck, but you have no other choice. I think somewhere here is a bloodstone. Nevertheless, I forget, because all I could think about was Slyea. So you know the drill. Break every box, kill every person, and search every room and area. Get the bloodstone, but you will be back. You now have five of 11 Bloodstones. ****************************************************** ** 11.10 - Bloodvine Quest ****************************************************** This takes a lot of work to get here. Remember that little gnome that you saved his village from sea monsters. You had to save eight of eight to get Babik to offer to take you for a boat ride to a secret castle. I wanted you to try and try again to save all eight gnomes. The bloodvine quest is the reason why. Sometimes When I come here, his village is being attacked AGAIN. Then I save them again. So think of last time as practice. Make your way back to this area. Now you have to go back to the Plane of Water, Then all the way through the cave. Next go to the boat. Then talk to Babik. He will still offer to take you to his secret castle, if not, kill the Sea monsters again and save all eight Gnomes. Have Babik take you to this Secret Castle of his. Of course, this castle is full of vampires. Well they are half vampire and half frog (I'd call them Gools, but thats me). You will get what I mean when you see them. They hop around like crazy and make you nuts. There might be a better way by using transportation portals to get to this area, but I did not stumble onto one. ****************************************************** ** 10.11 - Pit of I'll Omen - Secret Level: Gothic Castle ****************************************************** Monsters: Vampires, Ogre Boss Chests: Breakables. Bosses: Ogre Boss Noteworthy: The bloodvine for the Bloodvine quest, Bloodstone. Walkthrough: This is a big area of halls and rooms. Just explore the entire area. You are looking for two things. You have to pick up and break everything. You are looking for a bloodvine. If you came here earlier, it would not let you pick it up. Now after talking to Slyea, you can. The boss here is tough. However, he is slow. Just let him chase you back, and find the area to run around. That will give you sometime to re-health up and get your mana back. Clean out the entire area. Find your two quest items. I take this, and all areas with my Left Hand ON the Wall trick. So I always go left, but if you go right, you get to the boss right away. Anther thing I have found, If I go right, and run in the room, and then to the left behind the balcony. The big mean ogre gets confused with the railing of the balcony, and cannot reach me. The entire time I am filling him full of arrows. So that is another way I get him. Get back to your hub by the closest portal. Once there you can get back to Hells Cells, by way of the Planar Gateway. You will find the enemies in Hells Cells have Re-spawned. At least they did for me. You will have to find your four keys again by killing the guards. Do this and kill everyone for the XP. However, your new Girlfriend Slyea is standing outside her cell. Give her the bloodvine, and she rewards you. Very little bloodshed is involved, very little of yours that is. ************************************************ ** 11.12 - Plane of Disease - Medal Round: Frogville ************************************************ Monsters: Kobolds (un-killable) Chests: None. Walkthrough: This area is a lot like a Pac-man game. You are in a maze and there are like 150 frogs on the floor. You have to run down the paths, and step on them. The bad news is there are 2 to 4 Kobolds here. By now, you are not afraid of kobolds, so you say 'Bring them on'. Well these are Un-killable. In addition, they hit for like 1500+ damage at a time. Make your map as large as you can. So you can see the Kobolds running around, they should show up as yellow triangles on your map. One trick I use is use Entangle on them. So they are stuck in one spot. In addition, root would work, if you have a character that has this. This really is the only way I have gotten through, is to use these spells. Never run from them, they catch you and hit you in the back. Turn to face them, then I Entangle them, then when they are still, I run. Other characters have Engluf Darkness, that might also work to slow them down. If one happens to see you, the thing that might work is to make a break for a corner and turning around it ASAP. If you are to far away from one, the best thing is to turn and guard them, and then jump back into a path. Sometimes they break your guard, though. You need all the frogs to get the Champions Medal. While you are in an area, get ALL the frogs. I hate seeing a map and just a few frogs on it, and it die getting from one end to the other. There are lots of good ideas on the FAQ sites for this. Different Characters have different spells, that all can help with this. Remember to Block, because they will kill you in a few hits. HOWEVER, sometimes they get bored, and just run away. Stay away from them. Reward: 1 DEX 1 STA 1 Skill Point. Opens: Crypts of Decay. ************************************************ ** 11.13 - Plane of Disease - Bonus Level: Crypts of Decay ************************************************ Monsters: Gremlin Archers, Minotaurs, Spiders Chests: 9 Bosses: Tough Minotaur. Noteworthy: Labyrinth and maze, hardest in game. Walkthrough: This area totally sucks. It is a maze of doors, locked doors, switches, and spiders. The doors are timed, so when you pull a switch, they only stay open for a set amount of time. Then slam shut. Then you find locked doors. You have to find chests with keys, and those open the locked doors. This is one of the longest areas in the game. By this time I usually do not die, because IM so buffed up, But I WISH I did. Just so, I could end this area without giving up. As you get farther and farther, you have to hit two switches at a time, and then three and I think in the last section I had to hit four. Therefore, you have to spin your camera around and make sure you know what switch opens what door. Many times, you cannot see them. You just hear them. There are a few Minotaurs here, but if you have made it this far, they should not be an issue. Remember we are here for a Bloodstone, if you have not committed Suicide. NOTE: The boss is in the last section. He is a big mean nasty Minotaur. I have gotten all the way through this hellhole, ONLY to die in the last room by this person. Do not make that mistake. Use the door as cover, and do not get trapped in his room with him with no way out. Lure him back into the room before his room, you have a small square to run around, that Might save you. ******************************************************** ** 11.14 - Plane of Valor - Medal Round: Warlord's Endless Horror ******************************************************** Monsters: Cyclops, Orcs, Scorpions, Others. Chests: None. This is just an arena with one area to run around, and many bad monsters. You need to kill at least eight Warlords without dieing. Orcs are somewhat hard for melee. Most things here are slow, but they always have helpers, to chase after you. Try to get Orcs to block, without being hit yourself, then spin around to their back and attack there backs if you can, then guard again. The Cyclops Warlords are quite easy. Just stay in their offhand, the side where they don't have a weapon and keep attacking them, making sure while you swing, you move to the side of them. The Cyclops is easy to get behind. Use poison or Ice weapons to make them hiccup to give you some extra time, or to slow them down. Sometimes Ranged attacks gets monsters to stand still and use there Shields like Orcs, if you have high enough level; the ranger has that Pierce armor Skill. With an Orc that is standing still, and you are still damaging him, I am able to beat him with my Ranger. Reward: 1 STR 1 STA 2 Skill Points. Opens: The Isle of Dishonor ************************************************** ** 11.15 - Plane of Valor - Bonus Level: Isle of Dishonor ************************************************** Monsters: Dark Elves Chests: 9 Bosses: None. Noteworthy: Bloodstone. Walkthrough: Now this is a normal area. No puzzles, no tricks, no super hard bosses, just dark elves wanting to kill you. Take your time, Explore every section. Break every barrel, and find that Bloodstone. Get all the Experience and money you can on the easy stuff. This might be a good place to come, to build up your character if the others areas are to hard. ********************************************* ** 11.16 - Plane of Fire - Medal Round: Gnomes Escort ********************************************* Monsters: Fire Goblins, Scorpions, others. Chests: None. This is a fun one. One reason is that it is easy. In addition, you get to kill stuff. You have a small tribe of gnomes that have to make it from one side to the other of the area. You just follow with them and make sure they stay alive. I try not to worry about the back ones; they always fall behind and are picked off. I try to get in front of the first one to slow him down, so they stay more together. I use ranged weapons here a lot. Just get between the monsters and the gnomes, and I am sure one will make it to the end. Yes, I said one; you only have to save one. Reward: 1 INT 1 DEX 2 Skill Points. Opens: Torment's Furnace ********************************************** ** 11.17 - Plane of Fire - Bonus Level: Torments Furnace ********************************************** Monsters: Goblins, Fire Demons, two Tormenter Bosses Chests: 0 Bosses: Two Tormenters Walkthrough: You are after two things here. One is a bloodstone, and one is a twisted key. The twisted key is on a small island, surrounded by a ring of fire. You have to kill both Tormenters before the ring of fire will be lowered. Many fire monsters here. Make sure you break every barrel, and check every monster. There is a bloodstone here, usually the last place you look, is what I have found. The twisted key should be the last item you need, to free Slyea from the Hells Cells Jail. Once you get your two quest items, Go back there and do that, and get your reward. She is back at section 10.06, Plane of Torment, Hells Cells. Get the keys again from the guards, and go talk to her. ************************************************* ** 11.18 - Plane of Storms - Medal Round: Kobold Onslaught ************************************************* Monsters: Kobolds, Large Kobolds. Chests: None. Noteworthy: Protect the Wagons. What this is about is not fighting but quick reflexes and quick eyes, and lots of luck. You have three wagons to protect, but you are in a small stone enclosure, so you never are attacked. You only have explosives to throw, so your throw them like mad. What helps me is to put the wagons on the bottom of the screen, not the side. Then I can see the Kobolds coming. Stay at the bottom of the enclosure, right in the middle. Just be quick to throw on one side and then the other. Back and forth, back and forth, watch for kobold herds. If you see a big Kobold come out, they might need two bombs. If you see a group of kobolds, throw some potions into it. If one gets to a cart, try to kill it, but it should only take one potion. It takes two kobolds to light the fuse; one can attack it all day and not start it up. Do this over and over. If one cart gets blows up, just stop and let them all blow up, and restart this medal round. Reward: 2 DEX 1 INT 2 Skill Points. Opens: Frozen Wind Bunker ************************************************* ** 11.19 - Plane of Storms - Level: Frozen Wind Bunker ************************************************* Monsters: Goblins Chests: 4 Bosses: None. Noteworthy: Shop, Bloodstone. Walkthrough: This is a large area with Catapults and Goblins attacking an Elf camp. I have heard some people get very lucky here finding good stuff. I think you have to be at higher level, or maybe try farming this area a few times. Remember you are not here to shop; you are here to find a bloodstone. So do your HOTW (Hand ON the Wall) technique and go around the entire area. Then start moving inward. Breaking every barrel and look everywhere and kill everyone. ******************************************************* ** 11.20 - Plane of Nightmares - Medal Round: Death's Countdown ******************************************************* Monsters: Minotaurs, Archer Gremlins, Others. Chests: None. Noteworthy: Timed kill section. This is very hard. Not like killing eight bosses in a row, but like having to kill 75 critters in 4 minutes. That sounds like a lot of time, but its not. I had to have a 50+ ranger with all my Manipulations to get through this. My Ranger with Multishot maxed, Just brings 2000+ arrows and many mana potions. I just keep shooting down all the paths; I kill stuff off the screen, or weaken it so bad, and I can kill it at point blank range. The archer creeps here are very tough, and can really beat you up. At the same time the Minotaurs run up and melee you, and eat the time up. Figure out a way to kill them all quickly, and you should be able to beat this medal round. If not, go to easier ones, and come back to this. Reward: 2 DEX 1 INT 3 Skill Points. Opens: Bloodstone Passage ***************************************************** ** 11.21 - Plane of Nightmares - Bonus Level: Bloodstone Passage ****************************************************** Monsters: Kobolds, Archer Gremlins, Creeps Chests: 0 Bosses: None. Noteworthy: Entrance to Twisted Nightmare, Mummies that wiggle. Walkthrough: This is a tough area. There are lots of bad guys all pressed together, so take it slow and draw them back into safe areas. Most of the same bad monsters you have seen for the whole game, so no surprises. Remember we are on a bloodstone quest, so break everything, and kill everyone and pick up everything. The twisted Nightmare is WHERE we use all these bloodstones we have been collecting; you need all 11 to get in. Match your bloodstone to areas. You should have one for each. If you do not, go back to bonus area and look for them. Or keep trying the harder areas you missed. Here is where you use them. *************************************************** ** 11.22 - Plane Of Nightmares - A Twisted Nightmare *************************************************** Area 1: Twisted Nightmare (Found in: Bloodstone Passage) Monsters: Spider, Mummy, Arena Beast, Rallos Zek, Innoruuk. Bosses: 5 bosses only. Chests: None, but boss drops. Noteworthy: Requires all 11 bloodstones to get in. This is the place. Walkthrough: This is one long fight. Four bosses from the old CON game, and one from this game, all in a row. You remember all your tricks from those fights that should help. You need to kill all five with out dieing. Remember right before to get all your supplies stocked and make sure you are ready. 1. Spider Queen - run around. 2. Mummy King - has friends, used ranged. 3. Arena Beast - no friends, stay to the side. 4. Rallos Zek - Sword in the floor, gives you a break. 5. Innoruuk - ranged works well. After you kill Innoruuk, wait for "You are now a true Champion", before leaving. If you hide behind the pillars in the CON game to kill him, you might have a hard time with him face to face here. I have found nothing to hide behind here, which is my MO, IM a coward. However, a very much alive coward. Most things are slow. I can do from ranged and Run around in circles. The only thing I have to do up close is the Spider. That I run tight circles around and hit him, but keep moving. She jumps up and turns position. NOTE: If you are a barb with 100% strong stance. The Arena beast will TRY to knock you down, but you will just stand there, and you do not fly back. So you get hit many times super fast, and sometimes die instantly. This usually only happens with the Barb. ****************************************** ** 11.23 - Plane of Valor - Sword in the Stone ****************************************** Monsters: Minotaur, Boars. Chests: Some, Who cares at this point. This is your last visit to the Plane of Valor. I think the enemies here have re-spawned. You are looking for that area down a small trail, with some stone ruins in it. Now that you have beaten Twisted Nightmare, You are a true Champion. It said only a true Champion could pull this sword from the stone. Well this is you. This is a pretty nice sword. If you are a blunt weapon user, you get a blunt weapon, which is also pretty nice. I do not know if as the game gets harder, that this weapon gets better. I do not think so. HOWEVER, once you have it, there might not be any use to get it again. Unless you like to duel wield. Go to a portal and get back to your hub, you have a boss to fight. ******************************************************** ** <-- EVIL exit here, and go down to your boss at 12.14 ******************************************************** ********************************************** ** 11.24 - GOOD - Plane of Tranquility ********************************************** This is the last time you will get to talk and work Firiona Vie. Make sure you sell your extra stuff, Restock your supplies, and now on to the boss fight. Of course save your game. ********************************************** ** 11.25 - GOOD - Plane of Fear ********************************************** Area 1: Plane of Fear Monsters: Cazic-Thule Chests: 0 Bosses: Cazic-Thule, 4 armed monster. Noteworthy: last boss, some nice drops. Walkthrough: Cazic-Thule This is one big scary four-armed monster. He has that SK summon skeleton spell that he uses to bring up two skeletons. Anyway, the best way to beat his first mode is to take out the skeletons. If you take them out, he will take the time to make more, and that is when you can a few hits in. His second mode, he likes to stay more in your face. He will charge at you and follow you around. This totally sucks because with those four arms of his, he is somewhat fast. There is really no good way to hit him if you are melee. I have never tried it, but I have read that, if you change directions on him when he gets close, He will miss and make a slow recovery on his swing, giving you some time to melee him. I use my Ranger will all the buffs, and I try to stay away, and I can beat him. Note: Do not hit Cazic-Thule while he is a bright blue! Do not do it! Even with spells! Watch the ending scene. This is now the end of the game for the good path. Start another game, and Import your character into another game. Start the Game, but at Natasla, agreee with her, and you will follow the Evil path of the game. *************************************************** ** --> Evil Start Here *************************************************** ** 12.01 Plane of War ** CHANGE TO EVIL THIS TIME *************************************************** NOTE: This walkthrough is designed for you to go through the good path first. We KNOW the sound of being evil is very exciting, but the flow seems better through the good side, THEN the bad. The first monsters here on the Evil side are VERY tough. The progressing of Monsters is very even on the Good side, and the story seems to mesh in with the first game better. PLUS that is how we are writing this FAQ, so do not be a rebel, do the good side first. Thank you. Area 1: Lost Battle Ground Monsters: Kobolds, Large Kobolds, Kobold Shamans, Wraiths Chests: 18 Bosses: Two mini bosses Noteworthy: Natasla, Good Gate, Evil gate, save points Walkthrough: Same as good section. It is here where we pick to be evil. Just side and agree with Natasla, and she will open the red gate. Area 2: Drundar Monsters: Ogres, Goblins, Kobolds. Chests: 1 Bosses: One big ogre Noteworthy: Eight switches to open the arena. Walkthrough: This place seems much harder to be the second area. Make sure you know where the save points are and use them a lot. The Ogres are very hard without range. You can guard the Ogres, but they do have a knockdown ability that they like to use. There are two types of Goblins here, Archers and Melee. The Goblins have low Hit points but high damage; the Kobolds here are not much different from other ones. Anyway, what you need here is flip all eight switches, you will have to go around one side before you can get to the other side, and once you flip all eight switches. The switches are on your map. I use my bow here, because you can shoot over the wall, and the things standing below, or above your level cannot get at you. Use this to your advantage. There is a mini-boss here called Thud. He is an Ogre, and he's really hard for low levels, ranged is best on him, but if you have to Melee, try to guard, remember to jump back when needed, and take cheap shots. Once all eight switches are hit, go to the Arena Save point. Gate back to Firiona and restock. I guess you have not official turned evil yet, so you still use her. Area 3: Drundar Arena Monsters: The Four Horsemen, Avatar of Fear. Chests: 0 Bosses: They SEEM like bosses. Noteworthy: A nice place to die. Walkthrough: First four armor-clad monsters come out. When I play solo, I get mad because it is four against one. They are slow, but they have range spells. I just keep running around. Use the pillars as cover. Try to attack one at a time, and wear them down. Once you get two killed, it gets easier. The horseman with the Axe Summons a Skelton. If you can kill that Horseman first, then you can easily outrun the rest. Boss Walkthrough: Avatar of Fear The best thing to do is ranged on this monster, because if you try to block his attacks, he will throw his arms down slamming you into the ground, and then he will recover before you can attack you. Try to get in cheap shots as much as possible, picking away at his life until he dies. I cannot believe how hard this monster can hit. I just have to keep running in and out of the pillars to keep him away from me while my health builds back up. Keep at him and he will fall. Once he does, Rallos Zek comes out, do not worry, and do not need to fight him. NOTE: You are now officially evil. Now you are sent to the Plane of Fear, and your hub is this plane for the rest of the game. You can use the floor in here as a holding area for stuff at your own risk, sometimes things dissapear. ****************************************************** ** 12.02 EVIL - Plane of Innovation ****************************************************** Area 1: Plane of Innovation Monsters: Hammer Clockworks, Archer Clockworks Chests: 6 Bosses: None Noteworthy: Save points, NPC Gnomes, elevator. Walkthrough: You were here as a good character, you are back as a bad. Now you help the other gnome build the siege machine. The bad Gnome you are looking for is Gwinn. Well he needs a copper sprocket too. From here until after the Iron Guardian, it is the same as the good path through the plane. Area 2: Mines Level 1 Monsters: Hammer Clockworks, Archer Clockworks, Droids Chests: 5 Bosses: None. Noteworthy: Save points, Walkthrough: Same as good path. Explore all areas, and kill all monsters. Area 3: Mines Level 2 Monsters: Hammer Clockworks, Archer Clockworks, Droids Chests: 3 Bosses: None. Noteworthy: Save point, NO copper sprocket. Walkthrough: Same as good. Make sure to save and restock before taking the elevator up to the surface. Area 4: The Surface Monsters: Iron Guardian, Droids Chests: 0 Bosses: Iron Guardian Noteworthy: Hard boss fight and some better drops. Walkthrough: Iron Guardian This is the same big nasty tin can from the Good side. Remember to get close but not to close. Pick up the sprocket when done. Bring it to Giwin. Use the portal to go back to the Place of Innovation, and find Giwin. Then use the portal to go back to the Plane of Fear. ********************************************** ** 12.03 EVIL - Norrath: Pit of Ill Omen ********************************************** Area 1: Kerriel's Cave Monsters: Froglocks Chests: 4 Bosses: None Noteworthy: Kerriel, boat, Save Points. Walkthrough: Same as Good path. Fight the frogmen. Get Experience and gold. Area 2: Solitary Eyeland Monsters: Cyclops Chests: 3 Bosses Broon Noteworthy: Farting Cyclops Walkthrough: Broon Same as Good path. Remember to get behind him. Area 3: Island of Lost Hope Monsters: Froglocks, Sea Monsters, Fire Beetles Chests: 5 Bosses: Droon Noteworthy: A tricky path, Save Points. Walkthrough: Remember that tricky path in the water. Keep heading forward until you reach Droons' Den. Area 4: Droons' Den Monsters: Farting Cyclops Chests 2 Bosses Droon the Cyclops Noteworthy: Farting Cyclops, same as last one. Walkthrough: Droon He is the same thing as Broon. Take the North Exit after he is dead. Area 5: Back to Island of Lost Hope (area 3 continued) Monsters: Fire Beetles. Chests: none, just fruit crates. Bosses: None. Noteworthy: New Bug. Walkthrough: Just make it back to the boat. Pick Isle of Deep Regret for the boat ride. Area 6: Isle of Deep Regret Monsters: Froglocks, Fire Beetles Chests: 3 Bosses: Proon Noteworthy: Conch shell, Cyclops, Save Point Walkthrough: Make your way through to Proon’s Lair. Fire Beetles can be nasty, just take it slow. Area 7: Proon's Lair Monsters: Proon Chests: 1 Bosses Proon the Cyclops Noteworthy: Skinny Cyclops Walkthrough: Proon Remember his left hand side is his weak side. Remember to get your Conch shell. Area 8: Gnome's Island Monsters: Sea Monsters Chests: 0 Bosses: None. Noteworthy: A subtle quest, that opens up areas for future items. Walkthrough: This is one of the spots in the main game, which can affect the optional quests. Here there is a group of gnomes being attack by Sea Monsters. There are 8 gnomes, and all 8 have to be saved in order to open up a secret area. Make sure you save, and make sure you gate back to your hub for supplies before you start. This will be a fast-paced fight. If you do not make it, try again and again. There is a shop here after you save them. Then into the caves. I take the entrance into the cave that is straight from the dock; it just seems like less backtracking if you do that. Area 6: Sea Cave Monsters: Sea Monsters, Amphians Chests: 5 Bosses: Two Sea Monsters Noteworthy: Kerriel, New monster, Save Point. Walkthrough: Find Kerriel, and get your blessing. Use the portal next to her to go back to your hub. ************************************************* ** 12.04 Evil - Plane of Water ************************************************* Area 1: Plane of Water Monsters: Water Demons, Sea Monsters Chests: 2 Bosses: None Noteworthy: Underwater is cool, Save points, Portal. Walkthrough: New monsters here, Water Demons, they are really slow. Hit somewhat hard, and block sometimes, nothing too much to worry about unless they mob you. Look around for things to break, killing Water Demons as you go. You will find a portal, with three ways you have not gone. Saying that you came up to the portal, facing North, or the top of the screen, you will want to go west, to the left. Head in that direction, killing more Water Demons. Once you reach the cave, you will see a Sea Monster, he is the same as the weak ones back on Ill Omen. Head into the cave, there are the same monsters here. Area 2: Western Safety Chamber Monsters: Water Demons, skeletons Chests: 2 Bosses: None. Noteworthy: One water seal to reach. Walkthrough: If you did not get tired of the slow moving water demons, there are about 100 more for you to fight. Just map out all the area, at the far end, you will open the chamber, and one of 3 areas is complete. You start out in a room with no apparent door. You should have seen this in the earlier caves, but if not, just look at your map, and attack the wall. The wall will crumble away making you an open path. Once inside the area the monsters with switch to Undead skeletons. Just check your map to know which way to go. Use the portal and Portal back to the Plane of Water. This is the point at the 3-way fork in the road. You have to do the same thing on all 3 forks. From the portal go north, or straight, and you will find anther cave to enter at the end. Area 3: Northern Safety Chamber Monsters: Undead Skeletons Chests: 3 Bosses: None. Noteworthy: Seal at the end to find, Portal. Walkthrough: Your mission is the same, make your way through the swarms of undead, and find the seal. I bet you wish you were a cleric after you see this place. Find the portal and go back to the Plane of Water. There is only one way remaining, to the right or east. Go that way, and kill the big crab at the end and enter the last chamber. Go into the cave once you get to it. Area 4: Eastern Safety Chamber Monsters: Undead skeletons, melee and archers, Water Demons. Chests: 0 Bosses: None. Noteworthy: last Seal to be broken. Walkthrough: About this time, you have had your fill of Water Demons and Skeletons, unless you are a Cleric that is. Well it is more of the same. Just map out the entire area. Find the room with the seal. You will see a clam spit out a Shard. Collect the Shard of Water. Check out the little secret area off to the right side. Use the Portal to go back to your Hub for a bit of eye candy. ************************************************* ** 12.05 EVIL - Plane of Torment ************************************************* Area 1: Plane of Torment, East Monsters: Ghouls, Tormenters Chests: 3 Bosses: None. Noteworthy: Fire carry Puzzle. Walkthrough: This section seems the same to me as on the Good side. You might just start down a path a little different, but it seems not to affect any of the tasks at hand. This has the fire carry puzzle. Just light all the torches and make all the bridges. There are some big tough Tormentors here. You will see a man, Gol Nazyn, speak with him and then, you will need to go back to the fire, and rush past Gol Nazyn to light the diamond thing up here. Area 2: Plane of Torment, West Monsters: Ghouls, Tormenters Chests: 2 Bosses: None Noteworthy: 2 Tormenters at the same time, Fire torch Puzzle. Walkthrough: Use fires to light torches and make bridges. Watch for tough Tormenters. Area 3: Citadel of Pain, South Monsters: Archer Gremlins, Sickle Creeps, Tormenters Chests: 3 Bosses: None. Noteworthy: New monsters. Walkthrough: The area might have changed just a tad, but the monsters are the same. Use the same tactics. Remember Archer Gremlins are very curious and come looking for you. Area 4: Citadel of Pain, North Monsters: Avatars of Agony, Sickle Creeps, Archer Gremlins, Tormenters Chests: 3 Bosses: Tough Tormenter Noteworthy: Tough boss, save point, new monster. Walkthrough: Tough boss. A Tormenter that has a very poor attitude. Area 5: Citadel of Pain, South (again) Monsters: Sickle Creeps, Archer Gremlins, Tormenters. Chests: None, Other breakables Bosses: None. Noteworthy: Portal, Shard. Walkthrough: Once back in Citadel of Pain, South, there is a short path between you and the shard. Kill the creeps and tormenters, and grab the shard. Head back to the portal, and go to Plane of Torment, East. All that is needed here is to go talk to Gol Nazyn. Once you talk to him, head back to the Plane of Fear. *************************************************** ** 12.06 EVIL - Plane of Disease *************************************************** Area 1: Swamp Of Bile Monsters: Spawners, Gnaws, Bubonians, Chests: 3 Bosses: None Noteworthy: Save point Walkthrough: The trick to this place is there are 2 levels. You have to look for the stairs, which are very hard to see. Just clean the whole place. This type of environment lends its self well to ranged weapons. They can sometimes kill stuff on both levels, even if the monsters cannot get to you. One interesting thing are the breakables here, are people half stuck in soresin the ground. They are easy to miss. Clean up the whole area and make your way to the Plane of Disease. Area 2: Plane of Disease Monsters: Festering Hags, Gnaws, Spawners Chests: 3 Bosses: None Noteworthy: New monsters, save points, set to complete. Walkthrough: Evil players are here to help Bertoxxulous. We do that by turning on the 8 portals. Different from the transportation portals you use. There is 7 of them in the lower area, and one up on a higher bluff. This is a good area for Hand on the Wall; one portal is in the middle. Once you hit seven of eight portals, there is a cave all the way on the farthest end of the zone from where you came, called Arachna Caves. Go here after hitting seven of eight portals. Area 3: Arachna Caves Monsters: Ants, Black Widows, Scorpions, Drachnids Chests: 0 Bosses: Three Drachnids Noteworthy: Big mean spiders. Walkthrough: Very big and nasty bugs. Clean them all out, exit to find the last Portal. The last portal is not in here, you should have seen it on the bluff, which you will get to in the next area. Area 4: Plane of Disease (Continued) Monsters: Spawners, Gnaws. Chests: 0 Bosses: None. Noteworthy: Last portal, 8 of the 8. Walkthrough: You are back on the Plane of Disease, just a section that was blocked from the other section. There is a bunch of Spawners here. Take them out carefully. Head up the stairs, and hit the last portal, you should receive your shard at this point. Now head back into the Arachna Cave, and Use the last portal to go to the Plane of Disease. This is the portal closest to Bertoxxulous. He will give us the Shard. Then use the Portal to go to our hub, on the Plane of Fear. ************************************************* ** 12.07 EVIL - Plane of Valor ************************************************* Area 1: Plane of Valor Monsters: Warboars, Melee Skeletons, Archer Skeletons. Chests: 2 Bosses: None Noteworthy: New monster, Grave of 1000 Undead. Walkthrough: You are here to talk to Mithaniel Marr. You will PRETEND you are on the good side, and buddy up to him. Check out this person’s armor, you will have to fight him in the end. He says you need to use the portal behind him, do so. NOTE: Plane of Valor will be visited 3 times. Mithaniel will send you to two other planes before you complete it. Remember you will be back to the Plane of Valor; you are not near done here. *************************************************** ** 12.08 EVIL - Plane of Fire *************************************************** Area 1: Obsidian Forest Monsters: Fire Goblins, Fire Shamans, Fire Beetles Chests: 0 Bosses: Large Goblins. Noteworthy: Mini bosses, Save Point Walkthrough: There are three mini bosses here, really large goblins. Clean out the Area, and head to the Southern Obsidian Forest when done. Area 2: South Obsidian Forest Monsters: Fire Demons, Goblins, Fire Beetles Chests: 3 Bosses: Large Fire Goblin Noteworthy: New monster, Ladder, Save Point. Walkthrough: Once the area is cleared, Get to the ladder and head on down. Area 3: Upper Lakes of Fire Monsters: Goblins, Fire Beetles, Lava Monster Chests: 6 Bosses: None. Noteworthy: Lava and lava monsters, ladders. Walkthrough: Burning hot Lava. Walk on it and you die. In addition, fun Lava monsters. Keep going clearing out the monsters and trying to stay alive, you will find a second ladder, head down that ladder to the Lower Lakes of Fire. Area 4: Lower Lakes of Fire Monsters: Fire Demons, Fire Beetles, Lava Monsters Chests: 2 Bosses: None Noteworthy: Lava that kills if you walk on it. Walkthrough: Go up one ladder, and then shut off the valve. Then back down to here, then over to the other ladder. Go back up and shut off the other valve. Then come back to here, then back up and go down the shaft that was blocked with fire. It is not blocked any more. Gate to town, get ready for a boss fight. Save and go down to introduce your self to a dragon. Area 5: Lair of the Dragon Monsters: Dozekar Chests: 0 Bosses: Dozekar, Red dragon Noteworthy: Piles of gold that you cannot see, Large mean Dragon. Walkthrough: Once he's dead, pick up the shard that sometimes falls in the middle under him. It is hard to grab when he does that, but you need to pick it up before you can leave. Once you have it, head over to the portal, and head back to your hub. ********************************************************** ** 12.09 EVIL - PLANE OF VALOR - Continued ********************************************************** Remember that it was Mithaniel Marr that sends you to the Plane of Fire, Not your Hub NPC. So you have to go back to the Planar Gateway and pick the Plane Of Valor, and go back to talk to Mithaniel Marr. Same critters are here, the Warboars and Skeletons. Clean them all out for XP, and when done, talk to Mithaniel Marr. He will have another place for you to go. Remember you will come back and talk to him one more time. It is funny he still has not gotten the hint that you are evil to the core. Good acting on your part. ******************************************************** ** 12.10 EVIL - Plane of Storms ******************************************************** Area 1: The Wilderness Monsters: Earth Elementals, Snow Badgers. Chests: 0 Bosses: None Noteworthy: New Monster. Walkthrough: This is the same as the Good path through the game. Just clean it out. Go in Thunder cave for XP. Area 2: Thunder Cave Monsters: Goblins, Snowmen Chests: 1 Bosses: None. Noteworthy: Experience and money cave. Walkthrough: You have to go in and out with the same entrance. Just kill stuff, and pick up the loot. This side area is only for experience and money. Area 3: Wind Cave Monsters: Goblins Chests: 0 Bosses: Tough Goblin Noteworthy: Experience and money cave. Walkthrough: This is just an underground filled with Goblins. This is just a side area for experience and money. This one has a boss in it. He is just a tough Goblin. Get some XP and some money, clean out the entire area, then back to the surface. Area 4: Storm Cave Monsters: Goblins Chests: 4 Bosses: None Noteworthy: Exit to unreachable area. Walkthrough: This cave continues the story. This is a rather large cave. Just clean out the Goblins and map out the entire thing before leaving through the exit. You will exit back to the Wilderness. The area behind the little trees that was unreachable to you earlier. Keep going and finally reach the Caves of Mount Grenidor. Area 5: The Caves of Mount Grenidor Monsters: Bubonians (Super Charged) Chests: 16 (do not worry about these yet) Bosses: None- all Super Charged Bubonians are bosses. Noteworthy: New game style. Avoiding the Enemies. Walkthrough: This is the part of the game you love. Trying to avoid the enemies. Remember to use the Save Points, and make it out the other side. I have heard rumors that If you gate scroll out with a Bubonian after you, when you gate back, they take just a second of two to chase after you. This seems very cheap, but this is a tough area. Spell casters have a set of spells to use that might help with this area. Area 6: The Great Glacier Monsters: Goblins, Snow Badgers Chests: 2 Bosses: None. Noteworthy: You are done with that sneaking part. Walkthrough: This is a normal and straightforward area. Just explore, kill, and loot. You are looking for a little staircase down to the Bastion of Thunder. Take this when you have fully explored the area. Area 7: The Bastion of Thunder Monsters: Snowmen, Snow Badgers Chests: 7 Bosses: None. Noteworthy: Lots of Thunder. Walkthrough: Normal area. Same area as on the Good path through the game. Just map it all, kill and loot. Remember to save and Restock BEFORE going into the next area. It is a boss fight. Area 8: The Hidden Glacier Monsters: Wenglox, Snow Badgers Chests: 0 Bosses: Wenglox, Big Snowman with Horns. Noteworthy: Mean boss with Icy Reception. Walkthrough: Take it slow. Kill the helpers, and then kill this big Ugly thing. Then start back to the portal, which is outside in the other area. Use that portal to get to Mount Grenidor. Remember you have to go back and kill ALL the Bubonians. Area 9: The Caves of Mount Grenidor (Continue) Monsters: Bubonians Chests: 16 (Unless you picked up any before) Bosses: None. Noteworthy: Back through to Kill them all, portal. Walkthrough: You have to find and Kill them all. Look in every path, nook, and cranny. Sell and restock, then use the Planar Gateway to go back to the Plane of Valor. Remember it was Marr that send you here, not your hub NPC. *************************************************** ** 12.11 EVIL - Plane of Valor (continued) *************************************************** Area 1: Plane of Valor Monsters: Warboars, Undead Skeletons, Minotaurs Chests: 0 Bosses: None. Noteworthy: New Monster, save point, Walkthrough: Minotaurs step up and say HI when you enter this area. Finally, when you make it to Mithaniel Marr, he now knows that you work for the Evil side, and he yells at you. You really do not care because you are evil, yell all you want. I am still not sure how I got to the next area, but I just popped out there. Area 2: Plane of Valor 2 Monsters: Warboars, Samurai, Mosquitoes, Gladiators Chests: 5 Bosses: 4 with Keys Noteworthy: 4 Keys, save Points, Door to next area. Walkthrough: I am not sure how you got here. I might have missed something that Mister Marr said. But this looks just like it did for the Good path through the game. You have to collect 4 keys. So totally clean out this area. Remember that enemy down the little stream. Once it is cleaned out, go into the Halls of Honor. Area 3: Halls of Honor Monsters: Gladiators, Samurai Chests: 12 Bosses: None. Noteworthy: Shard, 4 Sarcophagus, portal, Save Point. Walkthrough: If you are truly evil, you will love this spot. All the statues look like female angels, so I just smash them all to pieces. Another bonus is some of them are filled with gold and Items. So Act evil and make a name for your self. You have 4 keys. Find 4 Sarcophaguses. Open them, and take the contents. When you have all 4 items, go back to the blue rings and get your shard. You are finally done with the Plane of Valor. Use the portal to go back to your hub; you can now go to the next area. ******************************************************* ** 12.12 Evil - Norrath: Faydark Forest ******************************************************* Area 1: Orc Cave Monsters: Wood Elves Chests: 8 Bosses: Elf Hero Noteworthy: Underground cave filled with annoying elves. Walkthrough: This is the one spot in the game that it very cool. Instead of you being on the good side and fighting alone side the elves. NOW, you are on the bad side fighting along side the Orcs. I find this weird when I play my Elf Ranger, because NOW I am hunting down and killing Elves. Just run around and kill them all. I think it gives you a count when you are down to 20. Once you have them all killed, take the Cave entrance up to the floor of Faydark Forrest. Area 2: Faydark Forest Monsters: Elf Archers, Elf Melee. Chests: 1 Bosses: None. Noteworthy: 8 Spirit Anchors to activate. Walkthrough: This is a lot like the Good path through the game. Instead of breaking them, you just go up to each one and activate them. If you find the Unexplored Tomb Ignore it, you do not have everything you need to even through in now. Once all 8 are turned on, then head up to the Elf city, and kill another 100 of those pointy-eared devils. Area 3: Kelethin Monsters: Elves Chests: 8 Bosses: Elf Commander Noteworthy: Shovel Walkthrough: This is another section where you explore everywhere and everything. Break every barrel. You are looking for the Archaeologist's Shovel used in a side quest. It can come out of any box or off any monster or out of any chest, so look all over. Once you find it do not use it on the Unexplored Tomb, wait to use it until after the next level. The reason is the Unexplored Tomb has a door that can only be opened with a quest item from the next plane. Therefore, it is kind of a waste of time to go in there, you will be coming back. Take note of where the Unexplored Tomb is, and how you get to it. ******************************************************* ** 12.13 EVIL - Plane of Nightmares ******************************************************* Area 1: Plane of Nightmares Monsters: Creeps, Archer Gremlins, Kobolds, Minotaurs. Chests: 3 Bosses: None. Noteworthy: Maze, Access to Side Area. Walkthrough: This is the same as on the good path through the game. Go in the side area first, the Lost Tomb. Remember we are looking for a quest item here. They are the Words of Spiritual Harmony. Because they can drop off anything here, you have to kill every critter, and break ever barrel looking for them. Make your way around the maze, and then through it. Find the access to the Lost Tome. If you find the other door, do not take that yet, just make note of how to get there. We have some fun to have in the Lost Tome. Use gate scrolls to save. Area 2: Lost Tomb Monsters: Gnaws, Avatars of Agony Chests: 15 Bosses: None Noteworthy: Locked chests, Walkthrough: These things are evil; you are evil, what is the deal here. You know what to do. Get to the other end, Kill the 4 monsters, and kill and loot your way back out. Use gate scrolls to save. Area 3: Dungeon Monsters: Creeps, Drachnids, Wraiths Chests: 0 Bosses: None. Noteworthy: Words of Spiritual Harmony Maybe. Walkthrough: This area is straightforward. Just map out the entire area, and then take the exit. Use a gate scroll, sell, and Restock your supplies. Save at your hub. No new monsters here. Note: Words of Spiritual Harmony can drop off ANYTHING here. Area 4: Lower Dungeon Monsters: Archer Gremlins Chests: 5 Bosses: None Noteworthy: Boss entrance. Walkthrough: Lots of Archer Gremlins. Use Gate scrolls to save and restock. Remember you are searching for a Quest item, so look in every thing. Make your way through this area; you are looking for the Bloodless Tomb Entrance. However, beware; a boss fight is just on the other side. So Gate to your hub, and restock, and save right before this door. Area 4: Bloodless Tomb Monsters: Archer Gremlins, Vanarhost Chests: 0 Bosses: Vanarhost Noteworthy: Vampire from the last game. Walkthrough: Vanarhost Kill this enemy, whatever way works. Pick up the Shard. NOTE: We hope you have found the Words of Spiritual Harmony by now. If you have, we will travel back to that section, and start cleaning up some of the side quests. As you can see on your Planar Gateway, there is only one Plane left. This is just a boss fight, so you have to do lots of stuff before you should go here. You COULD just go to that plane from your hub and end the game. However, there are HOURS of fun and mayhem left to endure. Bad news for evil people. This is about all the evil fun you get to have. I hate to say this, but the Evil path is a bit lame. Most of it is recycled from the good side. This for me was quite a let down. I wanted to do some really evil stuff, breaking up damns, and watching the rushing water flood villages, and setting fires to the roofs of helpless villagers' houses. All the stuff you wanted to do as an evil character, but none of that. GO back up in the FAQ, and find the “-->’ we have inserted. This is where you go back in and do all the Medal rounds, and the Bonus rounds. There is no difference that I have found between good and evil with those extra areas. Once you have the sword in the stone, for maybe the second time. Come back here, and we will talked about the finally boss fight. If you did the Medal rounds in the good Path, You do not have to do them again. You can go to the bonus area next to them, and just look for the 11 Bloodstones. ***************************************************** 12.14 – EVIL OPTIONAL QUESTS ** <-- Evil Side Go up and Do Medal Rounds, Section 11.00 ***************************************************** ***************************************************** ** --> Welcome back Evil Players. ***************************************************** From your Hub, you talk to Natasla. She wanted to send you to the Plane of Tranquility. You remember this from your start of the game. **************************************************** ** 12.15 - EVIL – Plane of Tranquility **************************************************** Area 1: Plane of Tranquility Monsters: Pally in a tin can Chests: 0 Bosses: Mithaniel Marr Noteworthy: Last Boss on the Evil path. Walkthrough: Mithaniel Marr (Evil) This boss is nasty. Do not get to far away from him, or he will fly at you, knock you down, and stab you. Do not get back up to a wall guarding, or his sword will glow, and it will knock you down. Try guarding and then jumping back and hitting him once or twice, then guard again. Remember not to let your-self get to close to a wall. Mithaniel Marr is a harder boss then Thule. Therefore, this is why we do the Evil side second, so we have more experience with fighting styles. There is only one place to hide behind. That is the planar Gateway. I sometimes use this to get my health and mana back up, before I continue to fight. He will usually slow down to a walk when He gets on the other side of this from you. Once you kill him, Pick up the stuff, and the game is over. I hope you enjoyed the evil side. Nice cut scene of Innoruuk rising from a Lava pit, and he looks very mad. Maybe a set up for another Game. Game over. ***************************************************** ** 13.00 CREDITS and THANK YOUS ***************************************************** I would like to thank David Stoughton (Kuthu) for the work and dedication he has done towards this game. He was our inspiration and mentor on many aspects. Without his good ideas and advice, this guide would still be a dream. His fighting styles are the core tactics that we use to get through the game. I (Darrell) would like to thank my co-author, Kayd, (Andy) for his hard work and dedication to this project. He turned a collection of ramblings from a lunatic, into a readable work of art. Special thank you to these people: drclaeys, evil_mind, frameltons, Flesh Mage, Fig455, gelbot, Headhuntress, intirawolf, johnnyk2137, kayd, Kuthu, LilBandit, ladyhawke2, madcletus, Mushroomhead349, Old lady, Outlaw Wyvern, offspringFan, PowerPuff, Purplezz, rockyterrain, Sadieanne, thewaynemanor, Tazok, Queen Sheba, WznSpyro, Steven Stillwell Now for the new credits. Simply being in a list would run me up the walls. ------------------------------------------------------ cold_soul88: Pointed out a glitch in the water plane (exploding clam) Shane Beirnes: Pointed out a mistake where I had a "human cleric" ------------------------------------------------------ "This may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or distributed publicly without advanced written permission. " Thats the "blah blah blah don't steal my crap like its on KazaA" statement. While thats a repectible statement, I beleive the fallowing is more effective: "For those of you who take credit for my work, I will huant your ass for all time!" Copyright 2005 © Darrell E. Claeys and George A. Chappell, Jr. Champions: Return to Arms is owned By Sony Online Entertainment. RTA was developed by Snowblind Studios. ***************************************************** ** 14.00 CONTACT INFORMATION ***************************************************** These website have permission to display this FAQ: GameFAQs - www.gamefaqs.com NeoSeeker - www.neoseeker.com - www.cheatcc.com SuperCheats - www.supercheats.com Email Revisions and mistakes, spelling errors to I.am.the.LUEser@gmail.com. The subject should be of the form "RTA: class_, description_" there "class" is one of the fallowing: error (information in faq is wrong) spelling (spelling mistake) grammer (grammatical error) spelling/grammer (both of spelling and grammer) update (request for an update, a modification) suggestion (you have an idea that you want me to hear, a way to imporve) strategy (a way to play the game better) other (anything not covered by any of the above) Those dealing with spelling and grammer DO NOT require a description. Descriptions are to be short. a good title would be "RTA: strategy, innarock" or "RTA: error, bad directions in section 9.12". ANY MAIL RECEIVED THAT DOES NOT COMPLY WILL NOT BE READ!! ***************************************************** ** 14.00 VERSION HISTORY ***************************************************** The Darrell Era: V1.0 04/09/05 First post, largely unedited. V1.1 04/10/05 Format clean up, spelling, grammer, enemy names. add bug section. The Chappell Era: v1.0.2 07/03/05 Changed version keeping system its now (major additions.minor additions and major changes.minor changes). This isn't evenminor realy, but its more then just a clean up.Added a new face (me). Document now ends in simply "FIN" Fixed some things I thought were minor eye sores, but only as I saw them. I wasn't looking for errors. v1.0.3 07/04/05 Forgot to change the contact information yesterday! How could I have forgotten? Also made some minor changes. Most importantly, not that anyone else noticed, i screwed up my own numbering system! v1.0.4 07/09/05 Added some of my own ideas to this guy. v1.1.4 07/13/05 Modified several section of the faq. Will be putting in some math stuff i did later. Fixed a factual errors. v1.1.5 07/22/05 Making some editing changes that need to be attended to. I also added a new glitchs. I'm now explaining credit in the credits instead of merely listing their names. Added supercheats.com to the list. v1.1.6 07/22/05 Made the margins fit. ***************************************************** ** 15.00 GLITCHES AND BUGS ***************************************************** This game has a lot of glitches and bugs. If we were going to attempt to list them all, this section would grow unmanageable. There is a common theme when you are confronted with a bug. It is called, Exit and Reload. The bad thing about that is you lose your progress from your last save point. This is the fact with most games. So save often. If you have the space on your memory card, keep multiple saves. When I started this game, I use all 10 saves for one character. Finally as I start more and more characters, I write over my older saves. This game has a few themes of ‘Complete the Set’. Is this always tricky, because you get to the end and you have 3 of the 4 keys, or you have 10 of the 11 shards, or you don’t have a key, or some other set is not complete. These types of bugs can be more severe. Sometimes you will have to restart the game from the beginning. This game has an interesting feature, that it remembers the progress for your characters. So if you get half way, and you restart your game, and import that character. It ACTS like you never left the game. The planes are open to where you left off, and the game wants you to go to the next open plane. I personally find this game progress memory to be a downfall. It kills the storyline, and seems to turn an already poor story, into a non existent story. So do lots of saves. If you want to save and you don’t see one on your map, Gate back to your hub and save there. Keep multiple saves if you can, so if some quest item disappears you MIGHT have a chance to save some time. Blood Bath Bug: I have found there is a certain spot, when the horse charges at me; he gets on TOP of one of the old burned out wagons. But then he can not get off. At first you might see this and thing GREAT, he can not charge me. But it also seems that you can not melee him or him hit with physical ranged weapons. So he can not kill you, and you can not kill him. So you are kind of stuck. If you are a melee fighter, you might want to exit the mission, and restart it. I have found that with a spell caster, I can still hit the horse and the Horseman with spells. So I was able to kill him, after a long time. The new horse shows up in the middle of the area, and the mission continues. This is the only glitch that sometimes you can get around, if you are the right type of character. Be warned. Lots of glitches, take appropriate action. nst reminds: Its ALOT better then CoN! No more freezing between areas! **************************************************** FIN