CHAOS WARS SKILLS LIST FAQ =============================================================================== = 1. TABLE OF CONTENTS [C010] = =============================================================================== 1. Table of Contents ......................................... [C010] 2. Disclaimer ................................................ [C020] 3. Introduction .............................................. [C030] 4. Faq Layout Explanation and Notes........................... [C040] 5. Physical Attack Skills .................................... [C050] - Non Elemental Skills ............................ [C051] - Water Elemental Skills .......................... [C052] - Fire Elemental Skills ........................... [C053] - Earth Elemental Skills .......................... [C054] - Wind Elemental Skills ........................... [C055] - Light Elemental Skills .......................... [C056] - Dark Elemental Skills ........................... [C057] 6. Magic Attack Skills ....................................... [C060] - Non Elemental Skills ............................ [C061] - Water Elemental Skills .......................... [C062] - Fire Elemental Skills ........................... [C063] - Earth Elemental Skills .......................... [C064] - Wind Elemental Skills ........................... [C065] - Light Elemental Skills .......................... [C066] - Dark Elemental Skills ........................... [C067] 7. Counter-Attack Skills ..................................... [C070] - Non Elemental Skills ............................ [C071] - Water Elemental Skills .......................... [C072] - Fire Elemental Skills ........................... [C073] - Earth Elemental Skills .......................... [C074] - Wind Elemental Skills ........................... [C075] - Light Elemental Skills .......................... [C076] - Dark Elemental Skills ........................... [C077] 8. Assist Skills ............................................. [C080] - Non Elemental Skills ............................ [C081] - Water Elemental Skills .......................... [C082] - Fire Elemental Skills ........................... [C083] - Earth Elemental Skills .......................... [C084] - Wind Elemental Skills ........................... [C085] - Light Elemental Skills .......................... [C086] - Dark Elemental Skills ........................... [C087] =============================================================================== = 2. DISCLAIMER [C020] = =============================================================================== Alright, time for the legal stuff XD This FAQ is copyrighted (c) 2012 Chris D. (FinalFLuver - and may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, under any circumstances except for personal private use. It was written specifically for It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. In other words, this document may not be redistributed in any form unless you have obtained permission from me. Use of this guide on any other web site, or as a part of any public display, is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. If you find any mistakes or see any information that may be wrong or missing, contact me at . Any angry or insulting e-mails will not be responded to, sorry. =============================================================================== = 3. INTRODUCTION [C030] = =============================================================================== First of all, thanks for reading my guide. As you read this guide, be aware that the information you will find here IS NOT completely spoiler free. I wrote this faq because I noticed there wasn’t a lot written for this game, and since I had a lot of fun playing it, I thought I may as well write for it. One of the first things I do when playing any SRPG/RPG is look for item/equipment/skill/etc faqs, and since I’m sure a lot of people would enjoy having these guides available when playing, I thought it would be a good use of my time. Also have in mind that some sections might have spoilers. Again, *************************************************************************** REMEMBER THAT THE INFORMATION IN THIS GUIDE IS NOT SPOILER FREE!!!! ************************************************************************** =============================================================================== = 4. FAQ LAYOUT EXPLANATION AND NOTES [C040] = =============================================================================== First I would like to mention that all skills in this game are obtained in the following ways: -Purchased from the Shop -Received after Battles -Received as a Quest Reward -Through Skill Shifting Only a select few are NOT purchasable, those will be indicated within the guide (Description 3). Each Skill will have the following outline: >>Skill Name: The name of the skill. >>Power: The amount of power the skill has, increases as the skill levels up. >>SP: The amount of SP required to use the skill >>Effect: Indicates whether the skill affects single or multiple targets; whether it’s an attack skill, recovery skill, counterattack skill, or an assist skill; it also indicates what status effects are caused by the skill, both positive (ally) or negative (enemy). >>Master: Indicates which weapons need to be equipped in order to use the skill. >>Description 1: The in game description of the skill. >>Description 2: My personal description of the skill - I mention things such as attack range, area of effect (AOE), and the number of hits the skills cause. >>Description 3: Special case skills only; indicates how they are obtained. NOTE: In Description 2, I mention specific terms, the list below will hopefully help the readers understand what I mean by them. 1) Range: Not Fixed - means that you have a wide area around the attacker. The Area of Effect is moved around freely within that wide area (similar to most magic spells). 2) Cylinder - The attack area you see when selecting the skill in battle. 3) Tall - Height of cylinder. 4) Short, medium, long, short/medium, medium/long - Distance the attack cylinder is from the attacker. If short, medium, long represent a distance of 1,3,5, then short/medium would be 2 and medium/long would be 4. 5) AOE - Area of Effect 6) Small, medium, large - how wide the AOE is. NOTE 1: The following information is in regards to the Elemental Boost and Shield skills. Flay Boost @ Test: I got extremely lucky to find 2 of the same enemy with comparable stats in successive stages and neither of them had any attributes that affected my fire spell. >>>No Flay Boost @ Equipped: My Rin has 876 Mentality and -31 Fire Crystak Rank 3 has 16 Def, 10 Mentality and -38 Fire Damage done with Firestorm was 1217 >>>Flay Boost @ Equipped: My Rin has 876 Mentality and -11 Fire Crystak Rank 3 has 16 Def, 11 Mentality and -38 Fire Damage done with Firestorm was 1339 As you can see, damage increased by a total of 122 which is 10% of the the damage done in the first example. So raising my fire element by 20 increased my fire damage by 10%. So in general, that’s 1% increase/decrease in elemental damage for each 2 points of increase/decrease in your elemental affinity. I wasn’t able to test the effects defensively, but I’m going to assume it’s similar. Shield Skills When equipping these "Shield" skills, the elemental affinities of the character don’t change when viewing the equip screen, so it’s hard to determine exactly how effective these are. NOTE 2: Any skill that affects the stats of an enemy or an ally is listed with the percentage. This percentage is based on two factors: For Allies: It is assumed that he characters do not have an BOOST skills equipped, as this will actually alter the percentage that you calculate, since for example, God Breath adds 20% to OFF and DEF, but if you are equipped with ATK BOOST L, your attack may not look like it increased by the 20%, it still DOES, however, it's just a matter of which value the game caluclates first, God Breaths effect or ATK BOOST L's effect. For Enemies: Depending on whether or not these enemies have a particular attribute that increases or decreases a particular stat, the percent decrease that i listed in the guide may seem off. The tests i didn were based on enemies that did not have an attribute that affected that particular stat in which i was testing at the time. Also it is important to note that i tested these on HUMAN enemies. Monsters will gain % boosts to their stats each increasing sun phase, so the amount that these skills APPEAR to decrease the enemies stats will differ when used on monsters since it depends on what the game calculates first. ***ALSO, THROUGHOUT THIS GUIDE, THE SKILLS WILL BE LISTED IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER WITHIN THEIR CORRESPONDING ELEMENT.*** =============================================================================== = 5. PHYSICAL ATTACK SKILLS [C050] = =============================================================================== **************************** [C051] Non-Elemental Skills **************************** Skill Name: Air Weight Sword Cost: $36950 Power 90 SP 67 Effect: Single, Attack Master: Sword, Double Sword, Gun Blade Description 1: Everything that has shape will be destroyed by the shapeless blade. Description 2: Range: not fixed, AOE small, (1 hit) Skill Name: Bare Fist Cost: $550 Power 8 SP 5 Effect: Single, Attack Master: Fist, Easter Egg Description 1: Basic punching skill. No improvement without the basics. Description 2: Cylinder directly in front of attacker (1 hit). Skill Name: Barret Dance Cost: $12200 Power 55 SP 43 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Gun, Guitar, 2 Guns, Gun Blade Description 1: Takes out the enemy with a dance of the gun Description 2: Attacks enemies in a medium/large circular area around the shooter, (5 hits). Skill Name: Brutal Attack Cost: $6750 Power 45 SP 38 Effect: Single, Attack Master: Axe Description 1: Just punch the enemy till they fall down. Description 2: Cylinder a short distance in front of attacker, (10 hits if they all connect). Skill Name: Burst Combo Cost: $500 (I don't belive this skill is purchasable) Power 20 SP 30 Effect: Single, Attack Master: Gun, Guitar, 2 Guns, Gun Blade Description 1: Can be used for repeated attacks or one more powerful attack. Description 2: Range: not fixed. Hold down the square button and release just before the bar finishes depleting, this will cause 5 strong attacks. Or rapidly hit the square button, to consistently fire until the bar depletes. I found holding ended up being stronger overall. Skill Name: Called Shot Cost: $3700 Power 35 SP 30 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Spear Description 1: My weapon can cleave all, regardless of blocks or parries. Description 2: Long narrow rectangular area in front of attacker. Skill Name: Close Range Cost: $1850 Power 18 SP 18 Effect: Single, Attack, Death Master: Fist, Easter Egg Description 1: A deadly attack that destroys the enemy from within. Description 2: Cylinder directly in front of attacker (1 hit). Skill Name: Coin Shot Cost: $4100 Power 31 SP 30 Effect: Single, Attack, DEATH Master: Gun, Guitar, 2 Guns, Gun Blade Description 1: The battle will end before a tossed coin hits the ground Description 2: Range: not fixed, (5 hits). Skill Name: Cracking Blow Cost: $550 Power 10 SP 5 Effect: Single, Attack Master: Axe, book Description 1: Basic Axe Skill. Chop and chop again. Description 2: Cylinder directly in front of attacker, (1 hit). Skill Name: Cross Cut Cost: $550 Power 10 SP 7 Effect: Single, Attack Master: Sword, Double Sword, Gun Blade Description 1: Variation on the cross shaped cut sword attack skill. Description 2: Cylinder directly in front of attacker (2 hits). Skill Name: Double Crush Cost: $1850 Power 30 SP 22 Effect: Single, Attack Master: Axe, Book, Scythe Description 1: Double attacks with an axe Description 2: Cylinder directly in front of attacker (2 hits). Skill Name: E. Shoot (Extended Shot) Cost: $26100 Power 75 SP 55 Effect: Single, Attack Master: Gun, Guitar, 2 Guns, Gun Blade Description 1: It shoots out pressurized high energy. Description 2: Range: not fixed, AOE small, (6 hits). Skill Name: Endless Punch Cost: $7375 Power 48 SP 35 Effect: Single, Attack Master: Fist, Easter Egg Description 1: A skillful attack from all directions Description 2: Cylinder short/medium distance in front of attacker, (10 hits). Skill Name: Farafierce Cost: $26100 Power 65 SP 55 Effect: Single, Attack Master: Spear, Book, Scythe Description 1: Triple hits that will send an enemy to the darkness. Description 2: Cylinder medium distance in front of attacker, (3 hits). Skill Name: Gimmick Shot Cost: $18875 Power 65 SP 52 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Gun, Guitar, 2 Guns, Gun Blade Description 1: A highly accurate gun with destructive power. It takes time to accurately shoot it. Description 2: Range: not fixed, AOE small, (5 hits). Skill Name: Heaven’s Wolf Cost: $6750 Power 40 SP 37 Effect: Single, Attack, SEAL Master: Sword, Scythe, Double Sword, Gun Blade Description 1: Heaven’s wolf is calm until something triggers its fearful anger. Description 2: Range: not fixed but small, (4 hits). Skill Name: Heavy Strike Cost: $12200 Power 55 SP 45 Effect: Single, Attack, PLS Master: Axe, Scythe Description 1: The skill to take enemies into the air and smash them down to the ground. Description 2: Cylinder directly in front of attacker, (3 hits). Skill Name: Ogre Slay Cost: $36950 Power 90 SP 63 Effect: Single, Attack, DEATH Master: Fist, Easter Egg Description 1: Even an ogre can’t escape this attack. Description 2: Cylinder directly in front of attacker, (6 hits). Skill Name: Rising Blow Cost: $17650 Power 58 SP 47 Effect: Single, Attack, DEATH Master: Fist, Easter Egg Description 1: A fierce attack destroys the enemy. Description 2: Cylinder directly in front of attacker, (1 hit). Skill Name: S.S. Blast (Sprinting Sky Blast) Cost: $4100 Power 35 SP 30 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Sword, Double Sword, Gun Blade Description 1: The power of the sword will be released and sweep everything away. Description 2: Attacks enemies in a medium circular area around the attacker, (1 Hit). Skill Name: Shot Cost: $550 Power 7 SP 6 Effect: Single, Attack Master: Gun, Guitar, 2 Guns, Gun Blade Description 1: Basic gun skill. Aim well. Description 2: Range: Not fixed, (1 hit). Skill Name: Shrapnel Bomb Cost: $900 Power 10 SP 12 Effect: Multi, Attack, PSN Master: Gun, Guitar, 2 Guns, Gun Blade Description 1: Biohazard radiation. Ward against contamination Description 2: Range: not fixed, medium AOE, 3 hits and can potentially poison the target. Skill Name: Sidewinder Cost: $2075 Power 29 SP 22 Effect: Single, Attack Master: Gun, Guitar, 2 Guns, Gun Blade Description 1: 2 bullets will hit the target at the same time Description 2: Range: not fixed, basically an upgrade from "shot". Skill Name: Slash Cost: $550 Power 8 SP 5 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Spear, Scythe Description 1: Basic spear skill. Pay attention to footwork Description 2: Short, slightly wide rectangle, directly in front of attacker. Skill Name: Smashing Blow Cost: $1850 Power 25 SP 22 Effect: Single, Attack Master: Spear Description 1: A fierce charge that can even destroy solid stone. Description 2: Cylinder medium distance in front of attacker (1 Hit) Skill Name: Sword Attack Cost: $550 Power 7 SP 5 Effect: Single, Attack Master: Sword, Scythe, Double Sword, Gun Blade Description 1: The basics of sword techniques. It all starts here. Description 2: Cylinder directly in front of attacker (1 hit). Skill Name: Tri-Buster Cost: $17650 Power 58 SP 49 Effect: Single, Attack Master: Spear Description 1: An attack combination of stabbing, swinging, and hitting in the air. Description 2: Cylinder medium/long distance in front of the attacker, (3 hits). Skill Name: Wild Sword Cost: $1850 Power 30 SP 22 Effect: Single, Attack Master: Sword, Double Sword, Gun Blade Description 1: Sword attacks, one after another. A very simple but effective attack. Description 2: Cylinder directly in front of attacker, (8 hits). ****************************** [C052] Water Elemental Skills ****************************** Skill Name: Freezing Slice Cost: $26100 Power 70 SP 58 Effect: Multi, Attack, DEATH Master: Sword, Double Sword, Gun Blade Description 1: An ice blade will freeze and destroy everything. Description 2: Large cylinder short distance in front of attacker, (1 hit). Skill Name: Hard Hit Cost: $2075 Power 50 SP 25 Effect: Single, Attack, Deadly Master: Axe, book Description 1: Blows away the enemy with a powerful hit. Description 2: Cylinder medium distance in front of attacker, (1 hit), may miss. Skill Name: Ice Tower Slice Cost: $3700 Power 40 SP 30 Effect: Single, Attack Master: Sword, Double Sword, Gun Blade Description 1: The bare mercy of an ice cold coffin Description 2: Cylinder directly in front of attacker, (1 hit). Skill Name: Snow Like Peonies Cost: $17650 Power 70 SP 50 Effect: Single, Attack, SLP Master: Sword, Scythe, Double Sword, Gun Blade Description 1: A snow white flower will turn blood-red. The enemy dies in a peaceful sleep. Description 2: Cylinder directly in front of attacker (1 Hit). Skill Name: Sword Chakram Cost: $11300 Power 27 SP 50 Effect: Single, Attack, Deadly Master: Sword, Fist, Double Sword, Gun Blade Description 1: A ring made with high pressured water, that cuts the enemy to ribbons. Description 2: Range: not fixed, (1 hit). Skill Name: W. Dragon Cannon (Water Dragon Cannon) Cost: $17650 Power 62 SP 52 Effect: Single, Attack Master: Gun, Guitar, 2 Guns, Gun Blade Description 1: A furious energy cannon that displays a water dragon`s power. Description 2: Range: Not fixed, (1 hit). ***************************** [C053] Fire Elemental Skills ***************************** Skill Name: Ax Bomber Cost: $4100 Power 40 SP 28 Effect: Single, Attack Master: Axe Description 1: Have you ever seen an exploding sword attack? Description 2: Cylinder directly in front of attacker, (1 hit). Skill Name: Bash Cost: $550 Power 13 SP 7 Effect: Single, Attack Master: Sword, Axe, Book, Double Sword, Gun Blade Description 1: Hits with all your strength! Description 2: Cylinder directly in front of attacker, (2 hits - may miss). Skill Name: Cut For Heaven Cost: $3700 Power 40 SP 30 Effect: Single, Attack, SLOW Master: Sword, Double Sword, Gun Blade Description 1: It cuts men, it cuts the sky, what else will it cut. Description 2: Cylinder directly in front of attacker, (4 hits). Skill Name: Flare Attack Cost: $1850 Power 28 SP 22 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Sword, Scythe, Double Sword, Gun Blade Description 1: A flamed sword will burn everything that stands in its way. Description 2: Short, wide, triangular shape, directly in front of attacker, (1 hit). Skill Name: Flower Dance Cost: $17650 Power 50 SP 49 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Sword, Fist, Double Sword, Gun Blade Description 1: A bladed blossom blooming in the battlefield Description 2: Medium length narrow rectangle, directly in front of attacker, (4 hits). Skill Name: Focus Burn Cost: $18875 Power 65 SP 52 Effect: Single, Attack, Status Down (Defense -30%) Master: Gun, Guitar, 2 Guns, Gun Blade Description 1: By gathering numerous thin beams in a single focal point, it creates tremendous heat. Description 2: Range: not fixed, AOE small, (4 hits). Skill Name: H.G.M.M. (High Grade Mega Max) Power 90 SP 60 Effect: Single, Attack Master: Ax Description 1: High-grade-mega-max! It's just unbelieveable. Description 2: Cylinder directly in front of attacker, height of cylinger extends DOWNWARDS, (1 Hit) Description 3: Not purchasable, must either be obtained as a battle prize, quest reward, or through skill shifting. NOTE - i got 3 of these by shifting Deadly Blow, Meteor-Buster, and Wind of Death. Skill Name: Heat Hand Cost: $550 Power 8 SP 7 Effect: Single, Attack, Status Down (Defense -10%) Master: Fist, Easter Egg Description 1: Transforms your passion into fire and strikes the enemy Description 2: Cylinder medium/long distance in front of attacker, (1 hit). Skill Name: Inferno Blast Cost: $7375 Power 45 SP 37 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Spear, Scythe Description 1: A skill to create a tornado made with heated air by swinging a spear of fire. Description 2: Medium cylinder, short distance in front of attacker, (3 hits). Skill Name: Iron Blow Cost: $11300 Power 50 SP 39 Effect: Single, Attack Master: Axe, Book Description 1: Swing it down as if you’re breaking iron Description 2: Cylinder directly in front of attacker (1 hit). Skill Name: Meteor-Buster Cost: $36950 Power 72 SP 62 Effect: Single, Attack Master: Axe Description 1: The hugely destructive power of a meteorite. Description 2: Cylinder directly in front of attacker, (2 hits). Skill Name: Phoenix Kill Power 95 SP 67 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Spear, Scythe Description 1: A flap of a Phoenix will stir up the enemy into the air. Description 2: Medium size cylinder, long distance in front of attacker, (1 hit). Description 3: Not purchasable, must either be obtained as a battle prize, quest reward, or through skill shifting. NOTE - The first one I got was listed as a Rank 69 Quest Reward. - The second one I got was as a post-battle prize at The Tower of Life. The enemy rank for that quest was 82, the battle rank i got was a C. - The third one I got was as a post-battle prize at Elshant Island. The enemy rank for that quest was 81, the battle rank i got was a B. Skill Name: Phoenix Punch Cost: $36950 Power 75 SP 63 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Fist, Easter Egg Description 1: Explodes the energy in your body to create flame like a phoenix. Description 2: Large cylinder directly in front of attacker, (1 hit). Skill Name: Power Shot Cost: $2075 Power 22 SP 22 Effect: Multi, Attack, DEATH Master: Gun, Guitar, 2 Guns, Gun Blade Description 1: Creates and fires energy mind bullets! That`s telekinesis! Description 2: Range: Not fixed, AOE medium, (1 hit). Skill Name: Red Tornado Cost: $2075 Power 25 SP 22 Effect: Multi, Attack, Absorb Master: Spear, Book, Scythe Description 1: A red tornado will blow up and eliminate everything. Description 2: Medium width, long rectangle, directly in front of attacker, (1 hit). Skill Name: S.S.S. Explosion (Soaring Style Star Explosion) Cost: $26100 Power 70 SP 55 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Sword, Double Sword, Gun Blade Description 1: Its body is a star and a blade! Description 2: Medium size cylinder, medium distance in front of attacker, (1 hit). Skill Name: Slug Shot Cost: $4100 Power 40 SP 30 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Gun, Guitar, 2 Guns, Gun Blade Description 1: Oversized ammo’s impact to destroy the enemy. Description 2: Range: Not fixed, AOE medium, (3 hits). ****************************** [C054] Earth Elemental Skills ****************************** Skill Name: Blade Dance Cost: $17650 Power 72 SP 52 Effect: Single, Attack Master: Sword, Double Sword, Gun Blade Description 1: Run into the enemy while dancing and stab aggressively with a sword. Description 2: Cylinder directly in front of attacker (1 Hit). Skill Name: Cosmolizer Cost: $27700 Power 80 SP 58 Effect: Single, Attack Master: Sword, Scythe, Double Sword, Gun Blade Description 1: Fly away to the sky! Description 2: Cylinder directly in front of the attacker, (3 hits). Skill Name: E.D. Destruction (Earth Dragon Destruction) Cost: $17650 Power 58 SP 52 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Axe, Fist, Easter Egg Description 1: By sending energy into the ground, enemies can be blow up from the underfoot. Description 2: Large wide triangle (medium length) directly in front of attacker (1 hit). Skill Name: Earth Strike Cost: $900 Power 28 SP 15 Effect: Single, Attack Master: Axe, Book Description 1: Cracks the earth and attacks the enemy. Description 2: Cylinder directly in front of attacker, (2 hits), may miss. Skill Name: Earthquake Howl Cost: $2075 Power 20 SP 24 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Fist, Easter Egg Description 1: An impact that can even shake the earth Description 2: Medium length narrow triangle directly in front of user (1 hit). Skill Name: Gaia Wave Cost: $17650 Power 60 SP 50 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Axe, Book Description 1: A daring move to crack the ground Description 2: Attacks enemies in a small circular area around the attacker (1 hit). Skill Name: H.A. Style (Hatchet Attack Style) Cost: $11300 Power 60 SP 45 Effect: Single, Attack Master: Axe, Book Description 1: Triple Hits in a wood chopping motion Description 2: Long narrow triangular area directly in front of attacker, (3 hits, usually lands 1 or 2). Skill Name: Helmet Rend Cost: $1000 Power 18 SP 15 Effect: Single, Attack, Deadly Master: Sword, Axe, Scythe, Double Sword, Gun Blade Description 1: A helmet is useless before one with this skill Description 2: Cylinder directly in front of attacker, (1 hit). Skill Name: Horned Dive Cost: $7375 Power 42 SP 40 Effect: Single, Attack, Status Down (Defense -20%) Master: Spear Description 1: An attack made with a spear that looks like a horn from the sky over the enemy. Description 2: Cylinder medium distance in front of attacker, (1 hit). Skill Name: Knuckle Guard Cost: $900 Power 16 SP 12 Effect: Single, Attack, Status Down (Offense -10%) Master: Sword, Double Sword, Gun Blade Description 1: Attacking the enemy’s arm. Offense increases by a small amount (they mean decrease). Description 2: Cylinder directly in front of attacker, (3 hits). Skill Name: Omega Driver Cost: $11300 Power 50 SP 39 Effect: Single, Attack Master: Fist, Easter Egg Description 1: A harsh attack from the sky, high above the enemy’s head. Description 2: Cylinder directly in front of attacker (2 hits). Skill Name: Radical Breath Cost: $3700 Power 35 SP 30 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Sword, Axe, Spear, Book, Double Sword, Gun Blade Description 1: Enlarge the weapon to crush the enemy Description 2: Range: Not fixed but small, AOE medium (1 Hit), tends to miss. Skill Name: Snake Break Cost: $1850 Power 28 SP 22 Effect: Single, Attack, PSN Master: Axe, Book Description 1: An evil attack with a snake style pose. Description 2: Medium/long rectangle directly in front of attacker, (1 hit). Skill Name: Stab Cannan Cost: $7375 Power 38 SP 37 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Gun, Guitar, 2 Guns, Gun Blade Description 1: Attacks enemies with stored energy from within earth. Description 2: Range: not fixed (medium), AOE is large, (1 hit). Skill Name: Spear Wall Cost: $900 Power 10 SP 15 Effect: Multi, Attack, Deadly Master: Spear Description 1: A skill to bring forth hundreds of spears from the ground. Description 2: Medium/large cylinder directly in front of attacker, (1 hit). Skill Name: Surprise Duster Cost: $6750 Power 45 SP 35 Effect: Single, Attack, BLD Master: Fist, Easter Egg Description 1: Heavy smoke that will confuse the enemy. Description 2: Cylinder directly in front of attacker, (12 hits - tend to ALL hit). ***************************** [C055] Wind Elemental Skills ***************************** Skill Name: Big Wheel Cost: $26100 Power 55 SP 60 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Axe Description 1: A bold move that makes vertical spin like a gyro. Description 2: Long narrow rectangle directly in front of attacker, (5 hits - first hit is viewable, other 4 are not), pretty accurate for an axe attack considering it has 5 total hits, you’ll usually land 3-5 hits. Skill Name: Castle Razing Cost: $3700 Power 40 SP 30 Effect: Single, Attack Master: Axe, Scythe Description 1: An attack that shaves off the ground beneath the enemy. Description 2: Medium length triangle shape directly in front of attacker, (1 hit). Skill Name: Deadly Blow Cost: $27700 Power 65 SP 60 Effect: Single, Attack, DEATH Master: Axe, Book Description 1: Shoots down the enemy with deadly hits. Description 2: Cylinder directly in front of attacker, (1 hit). Skill Name: Double Thrust Cost: $900 Power 14 SP 12 Effect: Single, Attack Master: Spear Description 1: A rapid double hit. Description 2: Cylinder short distance in front of attacker, (2 hits). Skill Name: Dragon Claw Cost: $3700 Power 45 SP 30 Effect: Single, Attack Master: Sword, Axe, Fist, Scythe, Double Sword, Gun Blade, Easter Egg Description 1: An attack with three huge claws made by a gale. Description 2: Cylinder short/medium distance in front of attacker, (1 hit - tends to miss, alot). Skill Name: E. Tomahawk (Electromagnetic Tomahawk) Cost: $6750 Power 40 SP 37 Effect: Single, Attack, PLS Master: Axe, Book Description 1: Throws an axe at the enemy like a boomerang. Description 2: Range: Not fixed (1 Hit), Tends not to miss as often as other axe attacks. Skill Name: God Breath Cost: $1850 Power 20 SP 20 Effect: Single(self), Status Up (offense +20%), Status Up (defense +20%) Master: Sword, Axe, Spear, Fist, Scythe, Double Sword, Gun Blade, Easter Egg Description 1: A special breathing method to increase strength Description 2: Since you can't act on the same turn that God Breath is cast you don't actually get the 20% boost, you get 15% boost, since that is what it drops to on your next turn. Skill Name: God Slaying Flash Cost: $36950 Power 90 SP 67 Effect: Single, Attack Master: Spear Description 1: A skill to break the sky. A gift from the devil for making a contract with him. Description 2: Medium height cylinder, short/medium distance in front of attacker, (1 hit). Skill Name: Hook Drive Cost: $6750 Power 37 SP 37 Effect: Single, Attack, SEAL Master: Gun, Guitar, 2 Guns, Gun Blade Description 1: Hook the enemy and swing them around Description 2: Range: Not fixed, (1 hit). Skill Name: Javelin Throw Cost: $1850 Power 23 SP 22 Effect: Single, Attack Master: Sword, Axe, Spear, Scythe, Double Sword, Gun Blade Description 1: Just throw it at random and you might get a lucky hit with it Description 2: Cylinder medium/long distance in front of attacker, (1 hit). Skill Name: L.F.L.S. (Leaves Falling Like Snow) Cost: $2070 Power 25 SP 26 Effect: Multi, Attack, Status Down (Mentality -20%) Master: Sword, Spear, Scythe, Double Sword, Gun Blade Description 1: A sharp blade in the breeze. Description 2: Large cylinder, short distance in front of attacker, (6 hits if all connect). Skill Name: Lightning Circle Cost: $11300 Power 40 SP 45 Effect: Multi, Attack, PLS Master: Spear Description 1: Surrounds the enemy with electric spears and attacks with electric shocks. Description 2: Medium/large cylinder, medium/long distance in front of attacker, (1 hit). Skill Name: Lightning Dance Cost: $11300 Power 53 SP 43 Effect: Multi, Attack, AIL Master: Spear Description 1: Strikes a spear with lightning and bounces it back to the enemy. Description 2: Attacks enemies in a small/medium circle around the attacker (1 Hit). Skill Name: Rapid Palm Cost: $900 Power 10 SP 12 Effect: Multi, Attack, PLS Master: Fist, Easter Egg Description 1: Strikes the enemy with your wrath as lightning! Description 2: Short narrow triangle directly in front of attacker, (1 hit). Skill Name: Rapid Wind Cut Cost: $7375 Power 45 SP 37 Effect: Multi, Attack, PLS Master: Sword, Double Sword, Gun Blade Description 1: Pierce through the enemy! Description 2: Long, medium width, rectangle directly in front of attacker, (1 hit). Skill Name: Ripper Attack Cost: $7375 Power 55 SP 37 Effect: Single, Attack Master: Sword, Scythe, Double Sword, Gun Blade Description 1: Rip to Pieces!! Rip to Pieces!! Description 2: Cylinder short distance in front of attacker, (10 hits). Skill Name: Shadowless Stab Cost: $3700 Power 28 SP 30 Effect: Single, Attack, SLOW Master: Spear Description 1: A rapid, traceless movement to deliver multiple blows Description 2: Cylinder medium distance in front of attacker, (5 hits). Skill Name: Sky Destruction Power 90 SP 55 Effect: Single, Attack Master: Sword, Double Sword, Gun Blade Description 1: A bold move that throws the enemy into the sky, repeatedly attacks it. Description 2: Tall narrow cylinder, short distance in front of attacker (13 Hits). Description 3: Not purchasable, must either be obtained as a battle prize, quest reward, or through skill shifting. NOTE - The first one I got was listed as a Rank 96 Quest Reward. - The second one I got was through shifting Thunder Blow Skill Name: Snipe Shot Cost: $1850 Power 25 SP 22 Effect: Single, Attack Master: Gun, Guitar, 2 Guns, Gun Blade Description 1: High accuracy from long distance Description 2: Range: not fixed (1 hit). Skill Name: Sonic Edge Cost: $575 Power 7 SP 8 Effect: Single, Attack Master: Sword, Axe, Spear, Fist, Scythe, Double Sword, Gun Blade, Easter Egg Description 1: Thrusting out the blade generated air pressure to attack a distant object. Description 2: Range: not fixed (1 hit). Skill Name: Thunder Blow Cost: $27700 Power 65 SP 60 Effect: Multi, Attack, PLS Master: Sword, Double Sword, Gun Blade Description 1: Puts lightning power into a sword and electrocutes the enemy when attacking it. Description 2: Medium/large cylinder (Tall), medium distance in front of attacker, (1 hit). Skill Name: Webalizer Cost: $12200 Power 50 SP 45 Effect: Multi, Attack, PLS Master: Gun, Guitar, 2 Guns, Gun Blade Description 1: An electric net that strangles the enemy. Description 2: Range: not fixed, AOE is Large, (5 hits). Skill Name: Whirlwind Cut Cost: $900 Power 15 SP 15 Effect: Single, Attack Master: Axe, Scythe Description 1: Creates a gale and attacks the enemy. Description 2: Range: not fixed, (2 hits), may miss. Skill Name: Wide Shot Cost: $550 Power 6 SP 7 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Gun, Guitar, 2 Guns, Gun Blade Description 1: Shoots out a wind bullet to a slightly wide area. Description 2: Medium/long length, wide rectangle, directly in front of attacker, (1 hit). Skill Name: Wind of Death Cost: $36950 Power 75 SP 64 Effect: Single, Attack Master: Axe, Book Description 1: Surrounds the enemy with a blade-sharp wind. Description 2: Cylinder directly in front of attacker, (13 hits). ****************************** [C056] Light Elemental Skills ****************************** Skill Name: Angel Touch Cost: $4100 Power 40 SP 28 Effect: Single, Attack, Deadly Master: Fist, Book, Easter Egg Description 1: A soft touch of a feather, that turns into a heavy explosion! Description 2: Cylinder directly in front of attacker, (1 hit). Skill Name: Blade Jail Cost: $4100 Power 40 SP 30 Effect: Single, Attack Master: Sword, Double Sword, Gun Blade Description 1: There is no escape from a cage made of blades. Description 2: Tall cylinder short/medium distance in front of attacker, (12 hits if all connect). Skill Name: Blast Bolt Cost: $1000 Power 20 SP 15 Effect: Single, Attack, SLOW Master: Spear Description 1: The spear creates a thunder ball and hits the enemy with it. Description 2: Cylinder medium distance in front of attacker, (1 hit). Skill Name: Charge Cost: $550 Power 10 SP 7 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Spear Description 1: A charging attack with a spear. Description 2: Short rectangle directly in front of attacker, (1 hit). Skill Name: Charge Blast Cost: $3700 Power 30 SP 30 Effect: Multi, Attack, Status Down (Defense -20%) Master: Gun, Guitar, 2 Guns, Gun Blade Description 1: Energy is stored in the barrel and released with a bullet Description 2: Medium length rectangle directly in front of shooter, (5 hits). Skill Name: Crescent Moon Cost: $18875 Power 70 SP 52 Effect: Single, Attack, Status Down (Mentality -50%) Master: Sword, Scythe, Double Sword, Gun Blade Description 1: Once you see that crescent moon, you’ll never have a peaceful night. Description 2: Tall cylinder, short distance in front of attacker, (2 hits). NOTE - enemies that have attributes that cause their MEN to either increase or decrease will result in a different %decrease when Crescent Moon's Status Down effect kicks in. Skill Name: D. Shockwave (Dimensional Shockwave) Cost: $27700 Power 75 SP 60 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Spear Description 1: Creates a shockwave in the air, to attack an enemy. Description 2: Long narrow rectangle, directly in front of attacker, (1 hit). Skill Name: Frightful Howl Cost: $4100 Power 30 SP 30 Effect: Single(self), Recover, Status Up (Offense + ~18%) Master: Fist, Easter Egg Description 1: The roar will take you to a higher place. Description 2: Tested it with Uru, it healed about 15-20% of his max HP, and as for his offense, it went from 700->828 which is about 18%. I tested it twice, and he went up to 828 both times. Skill Name: Gauntlet Ray Cost: $17650 Power 48 SP 45 Effect: Single, Attack Master: Fist, Easter Egg Description 1: Shoots out fighting spirit as light. Description 2: Range: Not fixed but small, (3 hits). Skill Name: Home Run Cost: $18875 Power 90 SP 50 Effect: Single, Attack, DEATH Master: Axe Description 1: Blows away the enemy and makes them into new stars in the sky. Description 2: Cylinder directly in front of attacker, (2 hits), hit accuracy is pretty good. Skill Name: Ki Attack Cost: $3700 Power 28 SP 28 Effect: Single, Attack, Status Down (Defense -15%) Master: Fist, Easter Egg Description 1: Gathering the "Ki" from your whole body creates a powerful, explosive punch! Description 2: Cylinder medium distance in front of attacker, (2 hits). Skill Name: L.S. Sword (Light Speed Sword) Cost: $14000 Power 50 SP 37 Effect: Single, Attack Master: Sword, Double Sword, Gun Blade Description 1: The enemy will be cut into pieces without even knowing it. Description 2: Cylinder short distance/directly in front of attacker, (7 hits). Skill Name: Light Explosion Cost: $27700 Power 80 SP 43 Effect: Single, Attack Master: Sword, Double Sword, Gun Blade Description 1: The enemy will be thrown into the air and finished with a holy strike. Description 2: Cylinder short distance in front of attacker, (1 hit). Skill Name: Light Ring Kill Cost: $24500 Power 65 SP 56 Effect: Single, Attack Master: Fist, Easter Egg Description 1: Slice the enemy with a spinning blade. Description 2: Short/medium length, very narrow triangle directly in front of attacker, (3 hits). Skill Name: Maxima Shot Cost: $11300 Power 48 SP 45 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Gun, Guitar, 2 Guns, Gun Blade Description 1: Release energy to banish the enemy Description 2: Narrow, Very long rectangle directly in front of shooter, (1 hit). Skill Name: Meteor Spear Cost: $17650 Power 60 SP 52 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Spear, Scythe Description 1: A light spear, like a meteor Description 2: Range: Not fixed, Large AOE, (10 Hits). Skill Name: Million Pierces Cost: $6750 Power 40 SP 37 Effect: Single, Attack, SEAL Master: Spears Description 1: A thousand blades to attack the enemy Description 2: Cylinder, short distance in front of attacker, (6 Hits). Skill Name: Satellite Arrow Cost: $27700 Power 80 SP 60 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Gun, Guitar, 2 Guns, Gun Blade Description 1: Shooting from super high angle of attack creates wide spread destruction. Description 2: Range: not fixed, AOE large (same as advance magic), (12 hits). Skill Name: Satellite Bomb Cost: $17650 Power 60 SP 52 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Gun, Guitar, 2 Guns, Gun Blade Description 1: Shoots out an energy blast that attacks enemies. Description 2: Range: not fixed, AOE MASSIVE, (7 hits). Skill Name: Screw Nail Cost: $1850 Power 23 SP 24 Effect: Multi, Attack, Status Down (Offense -22%) Master: Gun, Guitar, 2 Guns, Gun Blade Description 1: Spiral movement increases the destructive power Description 2: Long, narrow, rectangular area directly in front of shooter, (1 hit). Skill Name: Shining Cloud Cost: $27700 Power 65 SP 70 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Sword, Double Sword, Gun Blade Description 1: Super high speed slash of a sword that will even rip up the sky. Description 2: Long narrow rectangle directly in front of attacker, (1 hit). Skill Name: Six Realms Cost: $6750 Power 40 SP 37 Effect: Single, Attack Master: Spear Description 1: 6 rays gather and create a single sharp laser to pierce the enemy. Description 2: Cylinder medium/long distance in front of attacker (1 hit). Skill Name: Space Burn Power 80 SP 63 Effect: Single, Attack Master: Fist, Easter Egg Description 1: A huge explosion that can even burn in space! Description 2: Range: not fixed, AOE small, (1 Hit) Description 3: Not purchasable, must either be obtained as a battle prize, quest reward, or through skill shifting. NOTE - I got mine by shifting Fall from Heaven into Ogre Slay into Space Burn Skill Name: Spiral Cannon Cost: $6750 Power 45 SP 37 Effect: Single, Attack Master: Gun, Guitar, 2 Guns, Gun Blade Description 1: A spiral of energy that pierces anything Description 2: Range: not fixed, (1 hit). Skill Name: Spiral Ray Cost: $18875 Power 58 SP 50 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Spear Description 1: A spiral movement to confuse the enemy. Description 2: Range: not fixed, AOE medium/large, (3 hits). Skill Name: W.S.T.A. (White Star Triple Attack) Cost: $11300 Power 60 SP 45 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Sword, Double Sword, Gun Blade Description 1: With help from a holy star, the enemy died three times. Description 2: Large/wide Cylinder directly in front of attacker (3 hits). Skill Name: Zero Distance Cost: $900 Power 20 SP 15 Effect: Multi, Attack, Deadly Master: Gun, Guitar, 2 Guns, Gun Blade Description 1: A risky point blank attack Description 2: Tall cylinder directly in front of shooter, (1 hit). ***************************** [C057] Dark Elemental Skills ***************************** Skill Name: 3-Point Burst Cost: $1000 Power 18 SP 17 Effect: Single, Attack Master: Gun, Guitar, 2 Guns, Gun Blade Description 1: Very high accuracy from triple shots Description 2: Range: not fixed (3 hits). Skill Name: B. Dance (Bewildered Dance) Cost: $12200 Power 65 SP 40 Effect: Single, Attack Master: Sword, Fist, Double Sword, Gun Blade Description 1: Surrounds the enemy by your own reflections and hits it from all directions. Description 2: Cylinder directly in front of attacker (16 hits). Skill Name: Black Hole Bomb Cost: $11300 Power 55 SP 45 Effect: Single, Attack Master: Gun, Guitar, 2 Guns, Gun Blade Description 1: Shoots out a black hole as a projectile. It swallows everything it touches. Description 2: Range: not fixed, (5 hits). Skill Name: Death Spiral Cost: $4100 Power 35 SP 30 Effect: Single, Attack Master: Spear, Scythe Description 1: A spiral stab that brings death Description 2: Tall cylinder, medium distance in front of attacker, (3 hits). Skill Name: Doppel Dance Cost: $900 Power 20 SP 14 Effect: Single, Attack Master: Fist, Easter Egg Description 1: Multiple attacks from multiple reflections Description 2: Cylinder directly in front of attacker (3 hits). Skill Name: End Crush Cost: $7375 Power 48 SP 37 Effect: Single, Attack, DEATH Master: Axe, Scythe Description 1: Hits the enemy with all your strength applied to the axe handle. Description 2: Cylinder directly in front of attacker, (1 hit). Skill Name: Execute Cost: $36950 Power 85 SP 65 Effect: Single, Attack, Seal Master: Sword, Double Sword, Gun Blade Description 1: Seals the enemy into a requiem tombstone. Description 2: Tall cylinder directly in front of attacker, (1 hit). Skill Name: Fall From Heaven Cost: $26100 Power 65 SP 53 Effect: Single, Attack Master: Fist, Easter Egg Description 1: Throws the enemy into the air and smashes them down to the ground. Description 2: Cylinder short distance in front of attacker, (2 hits). Skill Name: Ghost Rush Cost: $4100 Power 48 SP 32 Effect: Single, Attack, BLD Master: Fist, Easter Egg Description 1: A ferocious attack with 4 reflected bodies Description 2: Cylinder directly in front of attacker, (12 hits). Skill Name: Hide Stab Cost: $12200 Power 40 SP 42 Effect: Single, Attack, SEAL Master: Fist, Easter Egg Description 1: An attack that aims for the enemies vitals Description 2: Range: Not fixed but small (1 hit). Skill Name: Honeycomb Cost: $3700 Power 28 SP 30 Effect: Single, Attack Master: Gun, Guitar, 2 Guns, Gun Blade Description 1: A rain of bullets to riddle the enemy with holes Description 2: Range: not fixed, (7 hits). Skill Name: Instant Attack Cost: $4100 Power 30 SP 30 Effect: Single, Attack, Status Down (Quickness - 10%) Master: Sword, Scythe, Double Sword, Gun Blade Description 1: That’s so fast, not even the person getting cut can see any movement. Description 2: Cylinder medium distance in front of attacker (1 Hit). Skill Name: Over Drive Cost: $26100 Power 70 SP 56 Effect: Single, Attack, Deadly Master: Fist, Easter Egg Description 1: Repeated attacks that open the gates of hell. Description 2: Cylinder directly in front of attacker, (8 hits). Skill Name: P. Night (Pandemonium Night) Power 80 SP 75 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Sword, Scythe, Double Sword, Gun Blade Description 1: A marching ghost will eat up everything alive. Description 2: Long, medium width, triangular shape, directly in front of attacker (10 hits). Description 3: Not purchasable, must either be obtained as a battle prize, quest reward, or through skill shifting. NOTE - I got mine by shifting Air Weight Sword into S.S.S. Explosion into P. Night. Skill Name: Rapid Attack Cost: $6750 Power 50 SP 37 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Sword, Double Sword, Gun Blade Description 1: A repeated attack made with rapid moves Description 2: Short, narrow, triangular shape, directly in front of attacker (3 hits). Skill Name: Shadow Bind Cost: $900 Power 20 SP 15 Effect: Single, Attack Master: Sword, Scythe, Double Sword, Gun Blade Description 1: A shadow goes across and the darkness takes away freedom. Description 2: Cylinder directly in front of attacker, (1 hit). Skill Name: Shadow Theft Cost: $7375 Power 40 SP 37 Effect: Single, Attack, DEATH Master: Sword, Double Sword, Gun Blade Description 1: A thrown knife will capture the enemy’s soul and attack it Description 2: Cylinder, short/medium distance in front of attacker (1 hit). =============================================================================== = 6. Magic Attack Skills [C060] = =============================================================================== **************************** [C061] Non-Elemental Skills **************************** Skill Name: Atomic Ball Cost: $6900 Power 42 SP 30 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Cane, Book, Doll Description 1: Crushes the enemy by creating super gravity field. Description 2: Range: not fixed, AOE same as advanced level magic (large), (1 hit). Skill Name: Extension Cost: $1300 Power 17 SP 15 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Cane, Book, Doll Description 1: Creates heavier gravity around the enemy and pulls them earthward. Description 2: Range: not fixed, AOE same as intermediate level magic (medium), (1 hit). Skill Name: Lightning Cost: $6900 Power 42 SP 32 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Cane, Book, Guitar, Doll Description 1: Captures the enemy in a dome shaped field and attacks with electric shocks. Description 2: Range: not fixed, AOE large (same as advanced level magic), (3 hits). Skill Name: Rainbow Ball Cost: $1300 Power 20 SP 15 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Cane, Book, Doll Description 1: Throws a ball of rainbow light at the enemy. Description 2: Range: Not fixed, AOE same as intermediate level magic (medium), (7 hits). Skill Name: Spark Shot Cost: $1300 Power 23 SP 17 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Cane, Book, Guitar, Doll Description 1: Creates a lightning ball around an enemy Description 2: Range: not fixed, AOE small, (5 hits). Skill Name: Stardust Cost: $6900 Power 33 SP 30 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Cane, Book, Doll Description 1: Several energy balls rain down from the sky to strike multiple enemies. Description 2: Range: not fixed, AOE same as advanced level magic (large), (2 hits). Skill Name: Thunder Cost: $1300 Power 20 SP 17 Effect: Single, Attack Master: Cane, Book, Guitar, Doll Description 1: Strikes the enemy with lightning Description 2: Range: not fixed, (1 hit). Skill Name: Thunderstorm Cost: $6900 Power 40 SP 32 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Cane, Book, Guitar, Doll Description 1: Vicious lightning attacks on multiple enemies. Description 2: Range: not fixed, AOE large (same as advanced level magic), (1 hit). ****************************** [C062] Water Elemental Skills ****************************** Skill Name: Curse Cost: $7700 Power 20 SP 30 Effect: Multi, Attack, PSN Master: Cane, Doll Description 1: Creates a poison pond underneath the enemy’s feet Description 2: Range: Not fixed, AOE small, (1 hit). Skill Name: Elioss Line Cost: $22100 Power 50 SP 45 Effect: Multi, Recover Master: Book, Doll Description 1: Healing advanced level magic. Brings down a rain of mercy. Description 2: Huge Area around the caster. *Tested this skill, but have no idea what it’s supposed to do? I got the enemy to damage my caster and another party member, checked both their HP and SP before casting, after the animation, multiple green coloured ZERO’s show up, and my HP and SP are still the same. In other words it doesn’t heal. I tested it multiple times, it could just be a glitch in my game. Skill Name: Frost Cost: $600 Power 8 SP 7 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Sword, Cane, Book, Double Sword, Gun Blade, Doll Description 1: Water sphere primary level magic. Throws a human sized ice brick to the enemy. Description 2: Range: not fixed, AOE small, (1 hit). Skill Name: Hail Bless Cost: $13000 Power 48 SP 37 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Cane, Book, Doll Description 1: Water sphere advanced level magic. Creates a huge ice rock to crush an enemy. Description 2: Range: Not fixed, AOE large, (3 hits). Skill Name: Ice Edge Cost: $3650 Power 30 SP 22 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Cane, Book, Doll Description 1: Ice blades fired and driven into an enemy. Water sphere intermediate magic. Description 2: Long narrow rectangle directly in front of caster, (1 hit). Skill Name: Icicle Cost: $3200 Power 30 SP 22 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Cane, Book, Doll Description 1: Water sphere intermediate level magic. Pierces the enemy with a huge icicle. Description 2: Range: not fixed, AOE medium, (2 hits). Skill Name: Turbulence Cost: $34800 Power 70 SP 52 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Book, Doll Description 1: Summons an ocean and creates a whirlpool to drown enemies. Description 2: Range: not fixed, AOE larger then advanced level magic, (5 hits). ****************************** [C063] Fire Elemental Skills ****************************** Skill Name: Abyss Fear Cost: $22100 Power 65 SP 45 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Cane, Book, Doll Description 1: A black flame to burn even the very soul of an enemy. Description 2: Range: not fixed, AOE larger then advanced magic, (4 hits). Skill Name: Burn Cost: $600 Power 8 SP 7 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Gun, Cane, Book, Scythe, Guitar, 2 Guns, Gun Blade, Doll Description 1: Fire sphere primary level magic. A small explosion centered on an enemy. Description 2: Range: not fixed, AOE small, (1 hit). Skill Name: Firestorm Cost: $13000 Power 48 SP 37 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Cane, Book, Doll Description 1: Fire sphere advanced level magic. A firestorm that will burn the enemy forever! Description 2: Range: not fixed, AOE large, (3 hits). Skill Name: Flame Cost: $3200 Power 30 SP 22 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Cane, Book, Scythe, Doll Description 1: Fire sphere intermediate level magic. Burns the enemy with savage flames. Description 2: Range: not fixed, AOE medium, (2 hits). Skill Name: Flame Ball Cost: $14250 Power 60 SP 37 Effect: Single, Attack Master: Cane, Book, Doll Description 1: Compressed passion transmuted into fire. Fire sphere magic. Description 2: Range: not fixed, AOE small, (2 hits). Skill Name: Inferno Cost: $34800 Power 70 SP 52 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Cane, Doll Description 1: Summons the fire of the dead, hellfire for the torment of fallen angels. Description 2: Range: not fixed, AOE larger then advanced magic, (5 hits). Skill Name: Powered Cost: $1500 Power 20 SP 18 Effect: Single, Status Up (offense) Master: Cane, Book, Guitar, Doll Description 1:Support magic. Increases the physical offense of one ally. Description 2: Range: not fixed. 20% increase, however you don’t actually get 20%, since once the characters turn comes up, it decreases down to 15%. Skill Name: Pypou Cost: $37250 Power 70 SP 52 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Cane, Doll Description 1: Magma brought forth from deep underground. Fire sphere magic. Description 2: Wide triangle, medium length, directly in front of caster, (1 hit). ****************************** [C064] Earth Elemental Skills ****************************** Skill Name: Ark Ray Cost: $22100 Power 70 SP 45 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Cane, Doll Description 1: Magic to bring down a meteor from space Description 2: Range: Not fixed, AOE larger then advanced magic, (5 hits). Skill Name: Defend Cost: $1500 Power 20 SP 18 Effect: Single, Attack, Status Up (Defense +20%) Master: Cane, Book, Guitar, Doll Description 1: Support magic. Increases the physical defence level of one ally. Description 2: Range: not fixed, AOE small. Skill Name: Earthquake Cost: $13000 Power 48 SP 37 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Cane, Book, Doll Description 1: Earth sphere advanced level magic. Creates a small area earthquake below an enemy. Description 2: Range: Not fixed, AOE large, (3 hits). Skill Name: Gravis Cost: $14250 Power 48 SP 37 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Cane, Book, Doll Description 1: Captures the enemy in a gravity prison. Earth sphere magic. Description 2: Range: not fixed, AOE medium (same as intermediate magic), (1 hit). Skill Name: Land Pillar Cost: $3200 Power 30 SP 22 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Cane, Book, Doll Description 1: Earth sphere intermediate level magic. Rock pillars rip up from the ground. Description 2: Range: not fixed, AOE medium, (2 hits). Skill Name: Sandstorm Cost: $32350 Power 60 SP 52 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Cane, Doll Description 1: A sand tornado to drive away the enemy. Earth Sphere magic. Description 2: A long somewhat wide rectangle directly in front of the caster, (1 hit). Skill Name: Speed Break Cost: $3650 Power 20 SP 22 Effect: Multi, Attack, Status Down (Quickness -20%) Master: Cane, Doll Description 1: Decreases the quickness of the enemy and simultaneously damages them. Description 2: Range: not fixed, AOE small, (1 hit). Skill Name: Spike Cost: $600 Power 8 SP 7 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Axe, Cane, Book, Doll Description 1: Earth sphere primary level magic. Throw up a rock spike from below an enemy. Description 2: Range: Not fixed, AOE small, (1 hit). ****************************** [C065] Wind Elemental Skills ****************************** Skill Name: Cyclone Cost: $13000 Power 48 SP 37 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Cane, Book, Doll Description 1: Wind sphere advanced level magic. Generates a huge tornado. Description 2: Range: not fixed, AOE large, (3 hits). Skill Name: Judgement Cost: $22100 Power 65 SP 45 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Cane, Book, Doll Description 1: A magic circle will appear in the sky and give the enemy a flash of punishment. Description 2: Range: not fixed, AOE larger then advanced level magic, (4 hits). Skill Name: Roll Cost: $600 Power 8 SP 7 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Spear, Cane, Book, Guitar, Doll Description 1: Wind sphere primary level magic. Creates a small whirlwind. Description 2: Range: Not fixed, AOE small, (1 hit). Skill Name: Storm Cost: $3200 Power 30 SP 22 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Cane, Book, Doll Description 1: Wind sphere intermediate level magic. A storm envelops the enemy. Description 2: Range: not fixed, AOE medium, (2 hits). Skill Name: Thor’s Hammer Cost: $34800 Power 70 SP 52 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Book, Doll Description 1: Creates a super high voltage electric pulse and evaporates enemies. Description 2: Range: not fixed, has a wider AOE then the advanced magic (5 hits). ****************************** [C066] Light Elemental Skills ****************************** Skill Name: Cure Cost: $1100 Power 10 SP 8 Effect: Single, Recover Master: Cane, Book, Scythe, Doll Description 1: Healing primary level magic. A drop of healing to heal an ally. Description 2: Range: not fixed, AOE small. Skill Name: Cure Half Cost: $3650 Power 35 SP 25 Effect: Multi, Recover Master: Cane, Book, Scythe, Doll Description 1: Healing intermediate level magic. Surrounds an ally with a healing circle. Description 2: Range: not fixed, AOE medium. Skill Name: Cure-Full Cost: $23900 Power 0 SP 45 Effect: Single, Recover Master: Book, Doll Description 1: Healing most advanced level magic. Description 2: Range: not fixed, AOE small. Skill Name: Dime Cost: $37250 Power 65 SP 52 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Book, Doll Description 1: An explosion of compressed light energy condensed inside an enemy’s body. Description 2: Range: not fixed, AOE large (same as advanced level magic), (1 hit). Skill Name: Divine Cost: $3200 Power 30 SP 22 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Cane, Book, Doll Description 1: Light sphere intermediate level magic. Sinners will be punished by lightning. Description 2: Range: not fixed, AOE medium, (2 hits). Skill Name: Evoke Cost: $7700 Power 25 SP 35 Effect: Single, Resurge(revive) Master: Cane, Book, Doll Description 1: Revival primary magic. A soft beam of light will aid a downed ally. Description 2: Range: not fixed. Skill Name: Ex-Heal Cost: $14250 Power 60 SP 37 Effect: Multi, Recover Master: Book, Doll Description 1: Healing advanced level magic. Brings the miracle of healing to multiple allies. Description 2: Heals allies in a TALL but small range circle around the caster. Skill Name: Feather Rain Cost: $14250 Power 55 SP 37 Effect: Single, Attack Master: Book Description 1: Attacks by beautiful layered miracle wings. Light sphere magic. Description 2: Cylinder directly in front of caster, (12 hits!). Skill Name: Heaven’s Door Cost: $22100 Power 65 SP 45 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Cane, Book, Doll Description 1: Light will rain down from an enemy from a conjured sun. Description 2: Range: not fixed, AOE larger then advance magic, (3 hits). Skill Name: Mobius End Cost: $34800 Power 70 SP 52 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Book, Doll Description 1: Creates a permanent time loop of the moment of death. Description 2: Range: not fixed, AOE larger then advance magic, (4 hits). Skill Name: Ray Cost: $600 Power 8 SP 7 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Cane, Book, Guitar, Doll Description 1: Light sphere primary level magic. Attacks the enemy with a sharp ray of light. Description 2: Range: not fixed, AOE small, (1 hit). Skill Name: Rays Cost: $48500 Power 0 SP 60 Effect: Single, Resurge, Recover Master: Book Description 1: Advanced revival magic. Miracle healing to bring back a person. Description 2: Range: not fixed, AOE small. Skill Name: Refresh Cost: $14250 Power 0 SP 37 Effect: Single Master: Cane, Book, Doll Description 1: A holy magic to heal allies from any adverse conditions. Description 2: Range: not fixed, AOE small. Skill Name: Requiem Cost: $7700 Power 20 SP 30 Effect: Multi, Attack, PLS Master: Cane, Doll Description 1: Paralyze the enemy by creating a wind of punishment from hades. Description 2: Range: Not fixed, AOE small, (1 hit). Skill Name: Sephirah Cost: $13000 Power 48 SP 37 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Cane, Book, Doll Description 1: Light sphere advanced level magic. Summons a guardian angel. Description 2: Range: not fixed, AOE large, (3 hits). ****************************** [C067] Dark Elemental Skills ****************************** Skill Name: Chaos Nova Cost: $22100 Power 65 SP 45 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Cane, Book, Doll Description 1: Magic to drag an enemy into the depths of chaos. Description 2: Range: not fixed, AOE is larger than advanced magic, (3 hits). Skill Name: Dark Prison Cost: $13000 Power 48 SP 37 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Cane, Book, Doll Description 1: Darkness sphere advanced level magic. Sends the enemy to a dark prison. Description 2: Range: not fixed, AOE large, (3 hits). Skill Name: Death Cost: $14250 Power 25 SP 37 Effect: Multi, Attack, DEATH Master: Cane, Doll Description 1: Calls the ambassadors of hell ad bids them to take the enemy with them. Description 2: Range: not fixed, AOE is small, (1 hit). Skill Name: Degeneracy Cost: $34800 Power 70 SP 52 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Cane, Doll Description 1: Spatial compression until the enemy is obliterated. Description 2: Range: not fixed, AOE larger then advanced magic, (5 hits). Skill Name: G.R. Invitation (Grim Reaper Invitation) Cost: $7700 Power 20 SP 30 Effect: Multi, Attack, BLD Master: Cane, Doll Description 1: A Grim Reaper will curse the weak with fearful darkness. Description 2: Range: not fixed, AOE small, (1 hit). Skill Name: Pain Cost: $3200 Power 30 SP 22 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Cane, Book, Doll Description 1: Darkness sphere intermediate level magic. Description 2: Range: not fixed, AOE medium, (2 hits). Skill Name: Shadow Cost: $600 Power 8 SP 7 Effect: Multi, Attack Master: Cane, Book, Doll Description 1: Darkness sphere primary level magic. Description 2: Range: not fixed, AOE small, (1 hit). =============================================================================== = 7. Counter-Attack Skills [C070] = =============================================================================== ****************************** [C071] Non-Elemental Skills ****************************** Skill Name: Willow Dodge Cost: $2075 Power 25 SP 22 Effect: Counter Master: Spear, Scythe Description 1: Counterattack skill. Become flexible like a willow to dodge. ****************************** [C072] Water Elemental Skills ****************************** Skill Name: Counter Shooting Cost: $4100 Power 35 SP 30 Effect: Counter Master: Gun, Guitar, 2 Guns, Gun Blade Description 1: A counterattack skill. Are aware of the enemy without seeing them. Skill Name: Mirror Breaker Cost: $12200 Power 65 SP 39 Effect: Counter, PSN Master: Sword, Double Sword, Gun Blade Description 1: A counterattack skill. Water surface only reflects your sins. Skill Name: Origami Cost: $2075 Power 23 SP 19 Effect: Counter, PSN Master: Sword, Double Sword, Gun Blade Description 1: A counterattack skill. A water barrier to protect from the enemy. Skill Name: Water Wall Cost: $4100 Power 35 SP 30 Effect: Counter Master: Spear Description 1: A counterattack skill. Creates a water wall from the ground. ****************************** [C073] Fire Elemental Skills ****************************** Skill Name: Critical Moment Cost: $7375 Power 42 SP 37 Effect: Counter Master: Gun, Guitar, 2 Guns, Gun Blade Description 1: A counterattack skill. Find a way to survive an enemies attack. Skill Name: Fire Rain Cost: $1000 Power 15 SP 14 Effect: Counter Master: Spear Description 1: A counterattack skill. Spins around a spear to create sparks. Skill Name: Grand Bash Cost: $7375 Power 80 SP 37 Effect: Counter, PLS Master: Axe Description 1: A counterattack skill. Hang the enemy in the air and attack it. Skill Name: Grappling Throw Cost: $1000 Power 15 SP 15 Effect: Counter Master: Fist, Easter Egg Description 1: A counterattack skill. Throws the enemy by using the enemy's own momentum. Skill Name: Guardian Circle Cost: $2075 Power 35 SP 22 Effect: Counter Master: Axe Description 1: A counterattack skill. If it hits with the right timing, it can destroy anything. ****************************** [C074] Earth Elemental Skills ****************************** Skill Name: Barrage Barrier Cost: $12200 Power 50 SP 45 Effect: Counter, SLP Master: Gun, Guitar, 2 Guns, Gun Blade Description 1: A counterattack skill. Lays down a barrage and attacks the enemy. Skill Name: Circle Mine Cost: $2075 Power 20 SP 22 Effect: Counter Master: Gun, Guitar, 2 Guns, Gun Blade Description 1: A counterattack skill. Explosions around you. Skill Name: E.T.E.S. (Eight Twin Engine Stop) Cost: $1000 Power 15 SP 13 Effect: Counter Master: Sword, Double Sword, Gun Blade Description 1: A counterattack skill. This close guard can stop any attack. Skill Name: G.G. Style (Genbu God’s Style) Cost: $2075 Power 20 SP 22 Effect: Counter, Recover, Status Up (Defense +15%) Master: Fist, Easter Egg Description 1: A counterattack skill. Be patient like a turtle and wait for your moment. NOTE - Heals ~20% of max HP. NOTE - This counterattack seems to NOT work against human enemies. If anyone gets it to work against human enemies then send me an email, but i've tried for about 2 hours now, and it wouldn't work at all. I was equipped with Counter Boost L, Interceptro, and Battle Suit, and i even had 2 G.G. Styles equipped and i still couldn't get it to trigger. I was fighting human enemies the whole time, then i decided to fight monsters and it triggered almost every time i got attacked. NOTE - It also doesn't seem to trigger unless the attack is actually going to damage you. So fighting enemies 50 ranks lower just to test this skill is not going to work regardless if they are human or monster. Skill Name: Rage Eruption Cost: $1000 Power 15 SP 15 Effect: Counter, Status Up (Offense +15%) Master: Axe Description 1: A counterattack skill. Increases offense through rage. NOTE: Since this is a counterattack, it happens on the enemies turn. By the time it comes back to your turn, you will only have a 10% to your offense. ****************************** [C075] Wind Elemental Skills ****************************** Skill Name: C.S.T. Cut (Colossal Stone Throw Cut) Cost: $4100 Power 50 SP 30 Effect: Counter Master: Axe, Scythe Description 1: A counterattack skill. Unstoppable attack. Skill Name: Dreaming Sword Cost: $7375 Power 40 SP 32 Effect: Counter Master: Sword, Scythe, Double Sword, Gun Blade Description 1: A counterattack skill. Wait till the enemy makes a move Skill Name: Karma Cost: $7375 Power 60 SP 37 Effect: Counter, Seal Master: Fist, Easter Egg Description 1: A counterattack skill. A special counterattack skill. Karma will have its revenge. Skill Name: Parry Cost: $4100 Power 35 SP 26 Effect: Counter Master: Sword, Double Sword, Gun Blade Description 1: A counterattack skill. It wards against every attack. ****************************** [C076] Light Elemental Skills ****************************** Skill Name: Anti-Field Cost: $18875 Power 68 SP 52 Effect: Counter Master: Gun, Guitar, 2 Guns, Gun Blade Description 1: A counterattack skill. Unbreakable barrier. Skill Name: Burst Smoke Cost: $1000 Power 10 SP 15 Effect: Counter, BLD Master: Gun, Guitar, 2 Guns, Gun Blade Description 1: A counterattack skill. High-explosive projectile launches from the smoke. Skill Name: Ray Cage Cost: $7375 Power 50 SP 37 Effect: Counter, Status Down (Defense -35%) Master: Spear Description 1: A counterattack skill. Makes a light barrier to protect oneself. ****************************** [C077] Dark Elemental Skills ****************************** Skill Name: Shadow Retention Cost: $4100 Power 45 SP 30 Effect: Counter Master: Fist, Easter Egg Description 1: A counterattack skill. They can see your shadow, but they can’t see you. =============================================================================== = 8. Assist Skills [C080] = =============================================================================== ****************************** [C081] Non-Elemental Skills ****************************** Skill Name: Absorb Attack Cost: $35200 Power 30 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Absorbed Offense. Description 2: This skill actually absorbs the HP of the enemy, that is, it absorbs a percentage of the damage done by ANY and EVERY skill. I tested this out to see if the power was the percent absorbed, but I kept getting 37% as the percent of damage absorbed as HP (74 HP of 199 Damage and 54 HP of 145 Damage, were 2 examples). Skill Name: ATK Assist Cost: $3600 Power 5 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Improved chance for offense increase. Description 2: Apparently this skill is supposed to increase the frequency of "Offense Up’s" when performing an action in battle. Personally I feel these are a waste, just my opinion though. I did use these, but found no significant results. Skill Name: ATK Boost Cost: $3200 Power 5 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Slight offense increase. Description 2: The power is the % increase you will gain. Example, a person with 500 offense (counting all equipment) will gain: floor(500x0.05) = floor(25) = 25 offense. Therefore their offense will be 525. This is stackable. Skill Name: ATK Boost L Cost: $7300 Power 10 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Offense increase. Description 2: The power is the % increase you will gain. Example, a person with 500 offense (counting all equipment) will gain: floor(500x0.10) = floor(50) = 50 offense. Therefore their offense will be 550. This is stackable. Skill Name: ATK Boost X Power 15 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Significant offense increase. Description 2: The power is the % increase you will gain. Example, a person with 500 offense (counting all equipment) will gain: floor(500x0.15) = floor(75) = 75 offense. Therefore their offense will be 575. This is stackable. Description 3: Not purchasable, must either be obtained as a battle prize or quest reward. Skill Name: Auto HP Recovery Cost: $52100 Power 10 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Recovered HP during every turn. Description 2: I tried testing this, but since the amount of HP recovered each turn is dependent on how much of your red bar is remaining, I couldn’t determine exactly how much more is recovered. Based on the other assist skill, it wouldn’t be a far stretch to assume that the "power" is the percentage, therefore, I believe equipping this adds another 10% recovery to your current recovery percentage, which is entirely random and based on how much critical damage you’ve taken (ie the red bar). Skill Name: Counter Boost Cost: $4000 Power 3 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Slight counterattack increase. Description 2: Not entirely sure how this works, but I would assume, it gives an added 3% chance for a counter to occur, on top of the games predetermined counterattack percentage. Skill Name: Counter Boost L Cost: $8000 Power 6 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Counterattack increase. Description 2: Not entirely sure how this works, but I would assume, it gives an added 6% chance for a counter to occur, on top of the games predetermined counterattack percentage. Skill Name: Counter Boost X Power 9 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Significant counterattack increase. Description 2: Not entirely sure how this works, but I would assume, it gives an added 9% chance for a counter to occur, on top of the games predetermined counterattack percentage. Description 3: Not purchasable, must either be obtained as a battle prize or quest reward. Skill Name: DEF Assist Cost: $3600 Power 5 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Improved chance for Defense increase. Description 2: Apparently this skill is supposed to increase the frequency of "Defense Up’s" when performing an action in battle. Personally I feel these are a waste, just my opinion though. I did use these, but found no significant results. Skill Name: DEF Boost Cost: $3200 Power 5 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Slight Defense increase. Description 2: The power is the % increase you will gain. Example, a person with 500 defense (counting all equipment) will gain: floor(500x0.05) = floor(25) = 25 Defense. Therefore their defense will be 525. This is stackable. Skill Name: DEF Boost L Cost: $7300 Power 10 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Defense increase. Description 2: The power is the % increase you will gain. Example, a person with 500 defense (counting all equipment) will gain: floor(500x0.10) = floor(50) = 50 Defense. Therefore their defense will be 550. This is stackable. Skill Name: DEF Boost X Power 15 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Significant defense increase. Description 2: The power is the % increase you will gain. Example, a person with 500 defense (counting all equipment) will gain: floor(500x0.15) = floor(75) = 75 defense. Therefore their defense will be 575. This is stackable. Description 3: Not purchasable, must either be obtained as a battle prize or quest reward. Skill Name: HP Assist Cost: $3600 Power 5 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Improved chance for HP increase. Description 2: Apparently this skill is supposed to increase the frequency of "HP Up’s" when performing an action in battle. Personally I feel these are a waste, just my opinion though. I did use these, but found no significant results. Skill Name: HP Boost Cost: $3000 Power 5 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Slight HP increase. Description 2: The power is the % increase you will gain. Example, a person with 1000 HP (counting all equipment) will gain: floor(1000x0.05) = floor(50) = 50 HP. Therefore their HP will be 1050. This is stackable. Skill Name: HP Boost L Cost: $7000 Power 10 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. HP increase. Description 2: The power is the % increase you will gain. Example, a person with 1000 HP (counting all equipment) will gain: floor(1000x0.10) = floor(100) = 100 HP. Therefore their HP will be 1100. This is stackable. Skill Name: HP Boost X Power 15 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Significant HP increase. Description 2: The power is the % increase you will gain. Example, a person with 1000 HP (counting all equipment) will gain: floor(1000x0.15) = floor(150) = 150 HP. Therefore their HP will be 1150. This is stackable. Description 3: Not purchasable, must either be obtained as a battle prize or quest reward. Skill Name: INT Assist Cost: $3600 Power 5 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Improved chance for mentality increase. Description 2: Apparently this skill is supposed to increase the frequency of "Mentality Up’s" when performing an action in battle. Personally I feel these are a waste, just my opinion though. I did use these, but found no significant results. Skill Name: INT Boost Cost: $3200 Power 5 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Slight INT increase. Description 2: The power is the % increase you will gain. Example, a person with 1000 INT (counting all equipment) will gain: floor(1000x0.05) = floor(50) = 50 INT. Therefore their INT will be 1050. This is stackable. Skill Name: INT Boost L Cost: $7300 Power 10 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. INT increase. Description 2: The power is the % increase you will gain. Example, a person with 1000 INT (counting all equipment) will gain: floor(1000x0.10) = floor(100) = 100 INT. Therefore their INT will be 1100. This is stackable. Skill Name: INT Boost X Power 15 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Significant INT increase. Description 2: The power is the % increase you will gain. Example, a person with 1000 INT (counting all equipment) will gain: floor(1000x0.15) = floor(150) = 150 INT. Therefore their INT will be 1150. This is stackable. Description 3: Not purchasable, must either be obtained as a battle prize or quest reward. Skill Name: Jump Up Cost: $4000 Power 10 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Slight JUMP increase Description 2: The power is the % increase you will gain. Example, a person with 10 jump (counting all equipment) will gain: floor(10x0.10) = floor(1.0) = 1 jump. Therefore their jump will be 11. This is stackable. Skill Name: Jump Up L Cost: $8000 Power 15 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. JUMP increase Description 2: The power is the % increase you will gain. Example, a person with 10 jump (counting all equipment) will gain: floor(10x0.15) = floor(1.5) = 1 jump. Therefore their jump will be 11. This is stackable. Skill Name: Jump Up X Power 20 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Significant JUMP increase Description 2: The power is the % increase you will gain. Example, a person with 10 jump (counting all equipment) will gain: floor(10x0.20) = floor(2.0) = 2 jump. Therefore their jump will be 12. This is stackable. Description 3: Not purchasable, must either be obtained as a battle prize or quest reward. Skill Name: LUK Assist Cost: $3600 Power 5 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Improved chance for luck increase. Description 2: Apparently this skill is supposed to increase the frequency of "Luck Up’s" when performing an action in battle. Personally I feel these are a waste, just my opinion though. I did use these, but found no significant results. Skill Name: LUK Boost Cost: $3200 Power 5 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Slight luck increase. Description 2: The power is the % increase you will gain. Example, a person with 500 Luck (counting all equipment) will gain: floor(500x0.05) = floor(25) = 25 Luck. Therefore their Luck will be 525. This is stackable. Skill Name: LUK Boost L Cost: $7300 Power 10 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Luck increase. Description 2: The power is the % increase you will gain. Example, a person with 500 Luck (counting all equipment) will gain: floor(500x0.10) = floor(50) = 50 Luck. Therefore their Luck will be 550. This is stackable. Skill Name: LUK Boost X Power 15 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Significant luck increase. Description 2: The power is the % increase you will gain. Example, a person with 500 Luck (counting all equipment) will gain: floor(500x0.15) = floor(75) = 75 Luck. Therefore their Luck will be 575. This is stackable. Description 3: Not purchasable, must either be obtained as a battle prize or quest reward. Skill Name: Move Up Cost: $4000 Power 10 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Slight move increase Description 2: The power is the % increase you will gain. Example, a person with 25 move will gain: floor(25x0.10) = floor(2.5) = 2 move. Therefore their move will be 27. This is stackable. Skill Name: Move Up L Cost: $8000 Power 15 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support Skill. Move increase Description 2: 15% increase. These effects ARE stackable. Example, a person with 25 move and both Move Up and Move Up L equipped will gain: Floor(25x(0.10+0.15)) = Floor(6.25) = 6 move. Therefore their move will be 31. This is stackable. Skill Name: Move Up X Power 20 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Significant MOVE increase. Description 2: 20% increase. These effects ARE stackable. Example, a person with 25 move and equipped with Move Up, Move Up L and Move Up X will gain: Floor(25x(0.10+0.15 +0.20)) = Floor(11.25) = 11 move. Therefore their move will be 36. This is stackable. Description 3: Not purchasable, must either be obtained as a battle prize or quest reward. Skill Name: Over Quick Cost: $22500 Power 10 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Decreased WT increase amount Description 2: Every action increases the amount of wait time until your next turn, what this skill does is it decreases the amount of WT accumulated by performing an action. Ex. By selecting "Rapid Wind Cut" with my Okita, it shows a WT of 123, when I equip "Over Quick", and select "Rapid Wind Cut" it now shows WT 111. So, 123X(0.10)=floor(12.3)=12, so my WT decreases by 12 (ie 123-12=111). Therefore, the power, as expected, is a percentage. Skill Name: Psycho Attack Cost: $22500 Power 10 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Damage to SP. Description 2: Damage to SP. *Someone claimed that this skill caused all attacks to do deadly damage. I tested this with a simple sword attack skill, and it doesn’t do any more deadly damage then it did without the psycho attack skill equipped, however, it does as the in game description indicates (reduces the enemy’s SP). Skill Name: SP Absorb Attack Cost: $35200 Power 10 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. SP recovers during attack. Description 2: In game description is correct, it recovers SP when attacking. Skill Name: SP Assist Cost: $3600 Power 5 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Improved chance for SP increase. Description 2: Apparently this skill is supposed to increase the frequency of "SP Up’s" when performing an action in battle. Personally I feel these are a waste, just my opinion though. I did use these, but found no significant results. Skill Name: SP Boost Cost: $3000 Power 5 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Slight SP increase. Description 2: The power is the % increase you will gain. Example, a person with 500 SP (counting all equipment) will gain: floor(500x0.05) = floor(25) = 25 SP. Therefore their SP will be 525. This is stackable. Skill Name: SP Boost L Cost: $7000 Power 10 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. SP increase. Description 2: The power is the % increase you will gain. Example, a person with 500 SP (counting all equipment) will gain: floor(500x0.10) = floor(50) = 50 SP. Therefore their SP will be 550. This is stackable. Skill Name: SP Boost X Power 15 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Significant SP increase. Description 2: The power is the % increase you will gain. Example, a person with 500 SP (counting all equipment) will gain: floor(500x0.15) = floor(75) = 75 SP. Therefore their SP will be 575. This is stackable. Description 3: Not purchasable, must either be obtained as a battle prize or quest reward. Skill Name: SP Saver Cost: $35200 Power 10 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Decreased SP consumption amount. Description 2: The power is the % decrease in SP needed to perform the desired skill. Example, Rapid Wind Cut requires 37 SP, but SP Saver reduces it by: Ceiling(37x0.10) = ceiling(3.7) = 4 SP. Therefore, the SP required will be 33. This is stackable. Skill Name: SPD Assist Cost: $3600 Power 5 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Improved chance for quickness increase. Description 2: Apparently this skill is supposed to increase the frequency of "Quickness Up’s" when performing an action in battle. Personally I feel these are a waste, just my opinion though. I did use these, but found no significant results. Skill Name: SPD Boost Cost: $3200 Power 5 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Slight quickness increase. Description 2: The power is the % increase you will gain. Example, a person with 200 quickness (counting all equipment) will gain: floor(200x0.05) = floor(10) = 10 quickness. Therefore their quickness will be 210. This is stackable. Skill Name: SPD Boost L Cost: $7300 Power 10 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Quickness increase. Description 2: The power is the % increase you will gain. Example, a person with 200 quickness (counting all equipment) will gain: floor(200x0.10) = floor(20) = 20 quickness. Therefore their quickness will be 220. This is stackable. Skill Name: SPD Boost X Power 15 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Significant quickness increase. Description 2: The power is the % increase you will gain. Example, a person with 200 quickness (counting all equipment) will gain: floor(200x0.15) = floor(30) = 30 quickness. Therefore their quickness will be 230. This is stackable. Description 3: Not purchasable, must either be obtained as a battle prize or quest reward. ****************************** [C082] Water Elemental Skills ****************************** Skill Name: Ice Boost Cost: $3500 Power 10 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Enhanced water sphere. Description 2: See Note 1 in [C040] Skill Name: Ice Boost @ Cost: $7300 Power 20 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Greater enhanced water sphere. Description 2: See Note 1 in [C040] Skill Name: Ice Shield Cost: $4200 Power 15 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Decreased damage from water sphere attacks. Description 2: See Note 1 in [C040] Skill Name: Ice Shield @ Cost: $13400 Power 25 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Decreased damage from water sphere attacks. Description 2: See Note 1 in [C040] ****************************** [C083] Fire Elemental Skills ****************************** Skill Name: Flay Boost Cost: $3500 Power 10 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Enhanced fire sphere. Description 2: See Note 1 in [C040] Skill Name: Flay Boost @ Cost: $7300 Power 20 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Greater enhanced fire sphere. Description 2: See Note 1 in [C040] Skill Name: Flay Shield Cost: $4200 Power 15 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Decreased damage from fire sphere attacks. Description 2: See Note 1 in [C040] Skill Name: Flay Shield @ Cost: $13400 Power 25 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Decreased damage from fire sphere attacks. Description 2: See Note 1 in [C040] ****************************** [C084] Earth Elemental Skills ****************************** Skill Name: Earth Boost Cost: $3500 Power 10 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Enhanced earth sphere. Description 2: See Note 1 in [C040] Skill Name: Earth Boost @ Cost: $7300 Power 20 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Greater enhanced earth sphere. Description 2: See Note 1 in [C040] Skill Name: Earth Shield Cost: $4200 Power 15 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Decreased damage from earth sphere attacks. Description 2: See Note 1 in [C040] Skill Name: Earth Shield @ Cost: $13400 Power 25 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Decreased damage from earth sphere attacks. Description 2: See Note 1 in [C040] ****************************** [C085] Wind Elemental Skills ****************************** Skill Name: Air Boost Cost: $3500 Power 10 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Enhanced wind sphere. Description 2: See Note 1 in [C040] Skill Name: Air Boost @ Cost: $7300 Power 20 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Greater enhanced wind sphere. Description 2: See Note 1 in [C040] Skill Name: Air Shield Cost: $4200 Power 15 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Decreased damage from wind sphere attacks. Description 2: See Note 1 in [C040] Skill Name: Air Shield @ Cost: $13400 Power 25 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Decreased damage from wind sphere attacks. Description 2: See Note 1 in [C040] ****************************** [C086] Light Elemental Skills ****************************** Skill Name: Ray Boost Cost: $3500 Power 10 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Enhanced light sphere. Description 2: See Note 1 in [C040] Skill Name: Ray Boost @ Cost: $7300 Power 20 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Greater enhanced light sphere. Description 2: See Note 1 in [C040] Skill Name: Ray Shield Cost: $4200 Power 15 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Decreased damage from light sphere attacks. Description 2: See Note 1 in [C040] Skill Name: Ray Shield @ Cost: $13400 Power 25 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Decreased damage from light sphere attacks. Description 2: See Note 1 in [C040] ****************************** [C087] Dark Elemental Skills ****************************** Skill Name: Dark Boost Cost: $3500 Power 10 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Enhanced Dark sphere. Description 2: See Note 1 in [C040] Skill Name: Dark Boost @ Cost: $7300 Power 20 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Greater enhanced dark sphere. Description 2: See Note 1 in [C040] Skill Name: Dark Shield Cost: $4200 Power 15 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Decreased damage from dark sphere attacks. Description 2: See Note 1 in [C040] Skill Name: Dark Shield @ Cost: $13400 Power 25 SP 0 Effect: Single, Assist Master: Description 1: Support skill. Decreased damage from darkness sphere attacks. Description 2: See Note 1 in [C040]