<>---------------------------------------------------------------------------<> || CONTRA: SHATTERED SOLDIER FAQ\WALKTHROUGH BY: NATHAN KROEGER (MORTORTEX) || || VERSION: 1.16 || || ORIGINALLY SUBMITTED: DECEMBER 1, 2005 || || LAST UPDATED: JANUARY 19, 2007 || <>---------------------------------------------------------------------------<> M@MMMMMMMMMMM@W008aa2SX7;iiii:,,...... ......... . .700888888888 MM@@@@@@MMM@@BWB082Sr;rii:..,..... ... . ......... ., SM0888888888 @M@M@MMMMM@WMM@BZa2aXrri;i. ....... ..... . . MBW88888888 WMMM@@MMMMM@W08Za2SSSSX7;r: .. ....,..,. .... 2 W88888888 8MMMMMMMMMWZZaa2SSSXX7rr;rr;:. ... . 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XMMMMMMMMMMMMM MM aS;:@MMMMMM@MMMMMMMSSB M M MMM@ MMMMZZ@MM.8 S MMMMM XMMMMMMMMMMMM MM7 7i .aMMMMMMMMMMai7MZai@MMSWMMMraMMMMM7 MMMMM7rMMMMXMriMMMMMMB @MMMMMMMMMMM MMMB XS2WB; 7Z2WMZ802Z7ar7BWS8X;W0WMZX;Za88MZ80BMMBiMMa7BZaZZX;2i7Z W MMMMM2 0ZSar;7Z7iXS8MiMM,BBi;;aZ:7X;.0M8. ;77 Z8.rB@rZM2r,Xr ZZXXMWM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWBWMMMM2MMBM @M M0@M:BMB.BWZS0ZMMWBMMWBMB88SS80W@W@a8MMrMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM This will, hopefully, be my first complete Faq\Walkthrough that I have ever written. I chose this game because it was short and something that I knew a lot about. I've always liked this game and I tried to give it my all to get you through to the end. This game's over three years old now and replaying it made me happy becasue I had forgotten how good this game was and how satisfying it is to kill all those alien suckers. Contra is basically a game where you pick up the controller and are immidiatly immersed into the action. You must battle your way though hords of aliens and massive bosses and mini-bosses. This game is tonnes of fun and I hope you have as much enjoyment reading it as I did writing it. This Faq\Walkthrough will include: >Introduction >Version History >Back-Story >Walkthrough >Fortress >Train >City >Seabed >Archipelago >Abyss >Final battle >Apendices >Controls >Weapons >Characters >Rankings >Extras >Options >On-Screen >Enemies >Unlockables >Legal/Contact/credits <>---------------------------------------------------------------------------<> || INTRODUCTION || <>---------------------------------------------------------------------------<> The first Contra game for the Playstation 2, and it's a hit! The fast-paced action never stops until the end of the game. You switch to the weapon that you desire and then you are ready to rip the enemies a new one. You can just hold down the fire button and let the good times roll or take your time and make them suffer. Besides the constant fire, there is a load of bosses and mini-bosses that are gross and vile. This is a none-stop action ride that will leave you begging for more. <>---------------------------------------------------------------------------<> || VERSION HISTORY || <>---------------------------------------------------------------------------<> Version: 1.00--December 01, 2005 - Original version Version: 1.06--February 23, 2006 - Added more ASC art - Changed top of page to all capitals - Changed all headers to all capitals - Added Introduction section - Wrote Introduction - Edited and added info to Legal/Contact/Credits Version: 1.14--July 25, 2006 - Corrected spelling and grammar mistakes - Removed colons from section headers - Put top sections into appendices after the Walkthrough - Added Faqs to list at bottom - Changed sub section headers to boxes - Rewrote parts of sections to make them sound Better - Added reference points in the Walkthrough - Made section headers into boxes and center Version: 1.16--January 19, 2007 - Added games to library at bottom - Added 1up.com, Supercheats.com and Honestgamer.com to site list <>---------------------------------------------------------------------------<> || BACK-STORY || <>---------------------------------------------------------------------------<> Post Apocalyptic World: Humans are trying to move forward and recreate society, however a new threat emerges to attck the remnants of humanity. Blood Falcon has emerges again to strike fear into humanity and push them to the edge of extinction. The army puts up a fight but the forces of humanity are being pushed farther and farther back. The government makes a tough choice with deep regret to call forth a criminal. This Plague on Humanity Must be Fought with Another Scourge of Humanity: And thus, Bill Rizer has been called forth again. The man that was the savior of humanity during the Alien Wars, and also the most feared and despised criminal to roam the earth is back. A Special A Class Criminal, Bill is ranked as the highest enemy threat to humanity. His crimes included murdering his fellow soldier Lance Bean, taking over an ultra-magnetic weapons facility and causing mass destruction around the planet. He was a devil responsible for wiping out 80% of the world's population. When he was captured, he was sentenced to 10,000 years in prison and put in cryo-genic stasis to serve out his sentence. The Time for Revenge is Upon Us! The uncontrollable beast has been unleashed upon the hellish battlefield again. <>---------------------------------------------------------------------------<> || WALKTHROUGH || <>---------------------------------------------------------------------------<> &&&&&&&& {FORTRESS} &&&&&&&& -Crash Landing- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ After you crash to the ground in the airplane and are propelled out the front window switch to your machinegun and fire it forwards. As you walk it will take out a guard on the ground. There is another guard above the one you just killed on a platform. Angle your gun up and to the right and fire to knock him down. Move under the platform and you’ll come to a truck that is parked in your way. You can jump over it, but that’s no fun, fire into it with the machinegun and after a short while it will explode. There is a guard behind the truck on the other side. When the truck explodes continue to fire the machinegun and the bullets will kill him as well. Walk along, past the truck, and behind you someone on a motorcycle will rev about. Charge up a flamethrower shot and when he appears in front of you get in the prone position right in front of him. Blast him with the shot and then burn him with the flamethrower. After he fires a pink sphere over you, a short while later, he will blow up. Run past him and fire your machinegun forwards. You’ll come to a part where the ground begins to elevate upwards. There is a guard at the foot of this, but your machinegun should take care of him. -Into the Fortress- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Up the hill a bit further is a sniper positioned behind a barrel. He shoots forwards, so don’t jump or walk up too quickly. Take out the barrel and it will explode and burn the sniper to death. Behind you some guards with swords will enter the screen. Turn around and feed them a stream of bullets to knock them away. They only take one hit from anything to die, pity really. Up another hill is another sniper behind another barrel. Shoot the barrel, watch out for any shots he may get off, the explosion will take care of him. Above him is a guard packing a mortar shell. Angle your gun and shoot him before he launches it. Take care of any strangling guards behind you and walk inside a building until the screen locks. Behind you a crane will pull something out of the ground. It spins it around and prepares to drop it to the right of you, so don’t be under it. It looks sort of like a spider with a turret on its top but with four legs. Charge up a flamethrower shot and when it drops from the crane give it to him. After it lands burn it with the flamethrower. It will start to launch a volley of bombs over your head, they will arch over you and you wont get hit, so just stand there and burn him. -Destroying the Spider Robot- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ After some time he will shuffle back and forth, then, move to the corner and jump over you and land on the other side. Charge up a flamethrower shot and wait for him to land and then give it to him. Continue to burn him afterwards, like before. He should by now start to fall apart and then explode into oblivion. If not, it will launch a tracking torpedo after you. You are safe up until the point where the tracker becomes deep red and the beeps become closer and closer. Then run away from the torpedo and it will miss you. After this, if he is still not gone, he will walk across the ground. Get in the prone position and he will walk right over you. Once he is on the other side he will probably repeat this pattern until it's dead. This is my assumption because it takes extremely horrible accuracy to have him alive for that long of a period. When the spider machine’s gone, angle your gun up to the right. Move on and you’ll see an ovalish looking container on the roof above two guards with shields. Blast the container with a flamethrower charge shot and it will fall down and blow up. The explosion will burn the guards to a crisp. Behind them is another container on the roof above two more guards, one with a shield and another with a sword. Blast the second container on the roof with another charge shot to take care of the other guards on the ground. -Up the Wall- ^^^^^^^^^^^ Move on and behind you some guards with swords will start to run after you. Turn around and blast them with a fury of machinegun bullets. They keep coming, so don’t plan to kill them all. Jump on the wall at the end of the room to the right and you’ll miraculously stick to the wall. Charge up a machinegun shot and begin to climb. As you climb some snipers will appear to your left. They’re standing on platforms, three of them, one above another, ready to kill you. Let the machinegun shot go right above the first sniper. It will rotate and shoot the snipers above and below it. Let another machinegun charge shot go a little bit further up and it will knock the third sniper furthest up out. When you get to the top of the fenced area jump to the top and walk over the cage and land on the ground below it. Continue on and the screen will lock again and a machine will come out of the ceiling. If you were paying attention to the background earlier you would have noticed this machine being propelled up in the back before you started to climb the wall. -Twin Gun Machine- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ After it stops and starts to connect its parts change to the flamethrower and charge up a charge shot. It has two arm-like guns and a center crystal that is its weak point. Shooting its crystal all the way until it breaks will end the battle now, so leave it for last if you want a full score. Choose an arm and stand under it. The arm has a missile launcher on it, as well as the other one, so it makes no difference the one you choose to destroy first. The missile launcher has a laser pointer showing you exactly where it is going to shoot its missiles. When you are standing under one of them the other ones missiles can’t reach over enough to touch you. Blast the missile launcher above you three to four times with the charge shots and it will blow off and explode. In its replacement a shot dispenser-like thing will attach in its place. Stand under it and you can place yourself in the gaps of the shots and not get touched. This is tricky and may require some trial and error before you get it right. There’s no real explaining how to do it, you have to experience it. Shoot it above you with three to four more charge shots and it will be knocked off and a fire shot gun will attach in its place. This gun shoots some flammable liquid to the ground and when the liquid hits the ground it starts on fire and moves along the ground left and right. You can jump over this flame easily and the liquid can’t touch you. -Finishing the Machine- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Stand under it and jump the flames a little while after the liquid hits the ground to be safe. Blast it upwards three to four times with the charge shot and it will be blown off and a fire wave shooter will attach in its place. This is the last reincarnation of the arm and the most deadliest. You can’t stand under it because it will shoot a fire wave down at you and osculate back and forth. So you can’t even stay on that side! There is only one place to go, the other side. Stand under the other arm. It still has the missile launcher on it, so don’t worry. Avoid the missiles as they come out of the launcher and angle the charge shots so they hit the fire wave shooter on the other side. Three to four blasts and it will fall off and nothing will attach in its place, thank god. The crystal in the center that has been dormant through all this will start to do something. It shoots a spark to the ground which travels along the ground and comes after you. Jump over it to avoid this pithy attempt of an attack. Get to the other side and blast away at the missile launcher on the side you’re on now. The missile launcher, shot dispenser-like thing, fire shot gun and fire wave shooter are easy to take care of on the opposite side. -Snowboarding- ^^^^^^^^^^^^ When both arms are all gone the crystal in the middle looks so lonely. Fire into it with the machinegun and beak all its bulb-like things. After they are all shattered the whole machine will break down and start to smoke with some parts of the center falling to the ground. Move along with the flamethrower, blasting as you do. You’ll run into three consecutive guards with shields. The flamethrower will penetrate the shields and kill them so you can just walk right through them, quite literally, don’t stop. Run through two more guards with swords and one more with a shield. Walk a little while forwards and a helicopter will shoot a hole in the bridge that you are on and you’ll fall right though it. You’ll land on a snowboard and will be snowboarding down a mountain, sweetness! Power up a flamethrower charge shot and give it to the guards on the jet packs that come from the background. When they fly into range give each of them two shots to take them down. Sometimes they come in pairs and with one shot you can hit two of them, get a two for one deal with two shots killing two. If you don’t kill them fast they will fire their machineguns at you. -Snow Snake- ^^^^^^^^^^ They fire where they had you in their sites last and they don’t move while firing, so you’re free to move away. Kill them all and the screen will change the angle and you’ll be ‘boarding towards the screen. A snake will start to jump in the background and come for you. It jumps left and right, weaving in the snow behind you. It comes right up to you and jumps into the snow to the right or left of you. Get your flamethrower out and blast it in the direction that the snake tunnels into. You will break away its scales and reveal its ribs. After, it will pop out of the snow and repeat this pattern. Burn him three more times and he will start to jump over you arching. Charge up a flamethrower shot and blast him in the head as he does. That ball that is in its mouth will blow up with green blood when he is dead. The snake will sink back and then lunge at you but breaks apart before he touches you. This is quite cool to see. The camera will go back to its previous angle and after a while you will be launched off a ramp and grab onto an overhead bar. -Flying Nuisance- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Get out your flamethrower and climb across it. Some grasshopper monsters will swarm around you as you try to climb forwards. They will take turns trying to pick you up and fly away with you. Burn them with the flamethrower to watch them fry. Get to the end of the overhanging part, burning all the grasshopper monsters in your way and jump to the ground below. Move along and you’ll come to a platform that you can jump on with an overhang that you can grab onto above the platform. Just jump onto the platform and that blue helicopter that blew out the bridge from under you from before will transform into a mech. It will land and stand in front of you. It will start to power up its gun when the weirdest thing happens. A giant turtle will fall on top of it, who would have guessed? The head of the turtle is its weak point but there are some other areas that you must take care of first to get a full score. There are these openings above and below the turtles head that flies and maggots come out of. The top one flies and the bottom one maggots. Jump on the beam above the platform and volley some mines over the turtles head to hit the opening above the turtles head. Flies may come out of the opening so watch out! Also the turtle may send pink balls at you that will go after you so drop down to get away. -Destroying the First Form- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ After twenty or so mines it will bust off. At any point the turtle may stretch out its neck and try to get you. Fall off the beam and get to safety to avoid. Then get right back up and shoot the opening. When the top one it gone go to the bottom ground and get in the prone position. Shoot mines along the ground and under the turtles head to hit the bottom opening. If the turtle decides to stretch out its neck it has a hard time hitting you while you’re on the ground. The mines will roll along the ground and blow away any maggots that come out, and blow the bottom opening off when you hit it with around twenty mines. Now it’s time to take care of the head. Get out the flamethrower and constantly burn it. It will launch a couple pink balls at you from its mouth, which can’t be destroyed, so watch out for them. When you have torched the turtles head for long enough it will blow off its neck leaking green blood behind. Then the thing does an about face and reveals what’s on its other side. A giant ugly face. -Giant Ugly Face- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ From its mouth and nose it will leak flies, maggots and those pink indestructible balls. Use the flamethrower to burn them away and duck or jump the pink balls. Then from its mouth it will arch a long shot of puke. Duck near its chin and the barf will arch over your head. There’s pieces of metal and what-not in the puke. Angle your gun up to the right while ducking and burn its tongue and mouth. When the puke is done it will shut its mouth and start to release more flies, maggots and pink balls. Burn them away like before and then burn his mouth when he throws up again. For the second time he pukes he usually dies shooting green blood out from every cavity in his head. He will fall down with his tongue out of its mouth. His head will jiggle like Jell-O, this is really weird and disturbing. When it’s dead you can run around and burn his head for your own pleasure before the level ends, it does nothing. &&&&& {TRAIN} &&&&& -Blast Through the Sign- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You start this level in front of a sign that says: work together. You blast a whole in the guy’s face and blow through it from behind. You’re on a motorcycle and you land on a dock. After revving forwards a bit the water of some harbour appears in the back. From the center of the water a blue submarine surfaces. Four compartments open up from its right end and each of them launch a big yellow ball at you. Move in one of the gaps between two of the balls as they come down towards you and you will be safe. When the balls are gone the submarine launches four more yellow balls at you. Avoid them the same way you did the first barrage. When the second set is gone the porthole of the submarine will power up and shoot a red laser across the ground. When it swipes across jump over it. This happens twice and then the submarine dives under the water. Move to the right of the screen because the submarine will start to rise right into the dock from the left. It knocks upwards on the dock two or so times before busting through. Power up three flamethrower charge shots and blast the twin cannons. The cannons fire two fire shots at you around three times, jump these and return fire immediately. -Submarine into Helicopter- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ When the cannons break off the ship will dive again and reappear in the center water. Its center will flip around and reveal some propellers. The propellers will start to spin and the submarine, now helicopter, will fly out of the water and over your head. When it is out of the screen, atop you, it will appear to the right. Before you can see it you will notice a guard that is flying on a rocket in the background. He will fall back and then come flying in really fast at you from the left. Power up a flamethrower charge shot and point it to the left. When you can see him let it go and he’ll be blown away. Now from overhead a compartment will come out of the helicopter with some barrels on it. Blast through the barrels and into the compartment itself with the flamethrower charge shots around five times. It will blow off and the helicopter will rise a little higher in the air. When the helicopter is completely over your head another guard on a rocket will fly in the background. Again charge up the flamethrower charge shots and let him have it when he enters the screen. -Helicopter Lasers- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Up above you there are five little openings. Each one will open up, one after another. They contain a laser beam that shoots out of it and spans to the ground. You can’t go through the beam, you have to wait until it is turned off before you can move on. Blast the opening of each laser with the flamethrower charge shot twice. You must angle for some of the shots because as the screen progresses it might not always leave you enough time to get them all when they’re over your head. Nearing the last two lasers the helicopter will come down closer to you making the area really tight and a bit easier for you to blast the last beams. Once they’re all gone the helicopter will move back up before you are hit by a section of it. When the helicopter moves back up another guard riding on a rocket will try to fly into you. Take him out with the flamethrower charge shot, as well take out the second one that follows him. When they’re both gone to the upper right a cannon will appear. This cannon shoots a liquid to the ground that sparks a flame to run left and right along the ground. You can jump the flames. Angle your gun to shoot it down with four charge shots from the flamethrower or get directly under it and lay that shot into it, it’s up to you. -Helicopter Explosion- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ When you have blown off the cannon, and also broken off every other part of the helicopter, it will start to smoke and spark. It will then crash into the water behind you and explode. If you missed to take off a part of the helicopter it will just fly away and you wont get a full score. After the helicopter is destroyed or flees you will encounter some more guards on rockets, but this time they’re hanging off of them and throw grenades at you. Get in the left corner and jump up and down and shoot charged flamethrower shots to the top right corner, where they enter from. As they enter the screen they should take one hit and then take a second shot killing them before they get to throw their grenades. The constant jumping will help you to leap over any explosions, hopefully, to keep you from dying. There are five of them, kill them all and then you drive into a train tunnel, hence the name of this level. You disappear into darkness and when you reappear you are right next to some train tracks. The camera switches its angle and you are now riding towards the screen. A train rushes by you and at the end of the train to the left of you the caboose has a giant gun on it. -The Train- ^^^^^^^^^ The gun fires three tiny balls behind you. They come forwards and track you down to take you out. Power up a machinegun charge shot and fire it in the center when the balls come forwards to get you. The twirling effect of the shot will take care of one or more of them and then you can get the rest with basic machinegun fire. After five or so blasts of the rounds of balls the giant gun will turn around and a target will appear on it. Go up to the giant gun and shoot the target. After some slight damage it will blow off the rest of the train and explode. When it’s gone the camera will do a 180 degree turn and you’ll be behind Bill. The next section of the train, which is on your right now, contains men on motorcycles. They are launched out, one by one, and they either come to your left or right side. Which ever side they decide to come on power up a flamethrower charge shot and blast them once and then finish off the rest of him with the flamethrower. They usually never get a shot off of their gun doing it this way but if you are slow they might. Jump the shot if it manages to get off. Also the motorcycle men will charge into you after coming to one of your sides, so feel free to move left and right and even jump over their heads if necessary. -The Head of the Train- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ After around six motorcycle men the container that they came from will break off and the camera will do another 180 degree spin and you’ll be coming towards the screen once again. The train is back on your left now and the container will open up and spit three flying things above your head. One in the center, which is the main core, and two on either side of it, which are sort of like its arms. Take the right arm out first. If you wait too long it fires a machinegun fury at you and makes things way harder. Blast it upwards three times with the flamethrower charge shot. When it’s gone take out the left arm. It launches pink balls at you that explode when they hit the ground. Avoid the balls blasts and take out the left arm by shooting it from under it or by angling your shots to hit it from a bit of a distance. Finally when both arms have been destroyed the center becomes active. It flies to the top and center of the screen and opens up. It will then fall behind a bit and start to shoot a red laser along the ground that explodes at the end. It will shoot three of these in a round as he passes from left to right. It may do this twice and then it will close up and rush the screen. It leaves the screen for around half a second and then appears atop in the center and comes right in firing range. Power up a flamethrower charge shot before hand and when he starts to point his blue laser, give his center the blast. -Out of the Tunnel- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ It only takes one hit and then it falls to the ground and explodes. If you miss it you wont get another try. It will fly away. You need to kill it for a complete score. After, the train to your left will change tracks and it will be on the line to the right of it as you exit the train tunnel. The camera changes back to the side view again and you rev right into the back of the train and board it. Change to your mines and power the charge shot up. Walk along the train until your come to a cannon. Let the shot go and it will fire homing missiles that damage the cannon. The cannon fires timed explosives at you that roll on the ground for a few seconds. Stay in the distance to be safe. Fire another mine charge shot into the cannon and it will blow away. Run to where the cannon was on the train to your right but don’t jump up to where it was positioned. A turret will come out of the next portion of the train and fire a barrage of bullets over your head. Charge up a mine charge shot and let them fly at it. It will blow it away, then jump up. Power up another mine charge shot and when you see the guard to the right of you loading a mortar cannon, let it fire. It will take him out, hopefully before he gets to launch his gun. -Warning- ^^^^^^^ When he’s gone continue to shoot the mines on the ground as you progress forwards. There is another guard with a mortar cannon at the other end of the next section of the train. The mines will roll across the ground and blow him away. Behind the guard is another cannon that launches explosives. Power up two mine charge shots to take it out. Behind it is another guard with a mortar cannon. Shoot one more mine charge shot to track him down and take him out. Jump on the next section of the train but only on the first level. Run to the right side of it and a turret, like before will come out and fire a barrage of bullets over your head. Use the mine charge shot to take care of it. Finally jump on the second level of that part of the train and then to the last section of the train. Launch mines on the ground to take care of that last cannon on the ground. When it is gone and a red warning sign will flash on the screen and a beeping noise will siren. You will run to the center of the last piece of the train and then the camera will turn around revealing a giant robot behind you. -Giant Robot- ^^^^^^^^^^^ The robot fires its arm at you and it destroys all of the train besides the section that you are on. It then proceeds to run after you. It comes up on the left side of you, so get ready with a flamethrower charge shot. When it is in range shoot its shoulder pads with the blasts. You need four or so of them to take the shoulder pad out. Meanwhile it will either ram the train, jump on the impact of it to be unaffected, or it will launch its arm at you. Jump over it , then jump over it again as it returns from the opposite direction. A while later he will jump around over your head and land on the other side of you. Now it’s time to take out the other shoulder pad, the same way as before with the charge up flamethrower shots while avoiding its arm and ramming. When the other shoulder pad is gone the robot will flip to the other side over your head and run to the front of the train. It stops the train and picks it up. The robot launches four yellow balls at you from its head. You can see the shadows of these balls as they come closer to the ground, this makes it easier to avoid them. Launch mines into his head from a safe location and after around ten mines a part of his head will blow up. -Die Robot- ^^^^^^^^^ The robot puts the train back on the tracks after you have blown a part of its head off. It disengages its arms, they fall off and explode, and a new set of arms attach. He will now jump back on the train and land to the left of you. With out any momentum the train starts to move again, get ready and switch to your flamethrower. The robot will release some razor wheels after you. They crawl along the ground and when they reach the other side of the train they spin in the other direction and fall off the other side of the train. Jump each wheel twice while firing charge shots from the flamethrower into its back compartment. Shoot it in the center of its chest and it will penetrate into its back. If you’re quick you can do this in around eight blasts, if you’re not you have to watch a little something. He will transom into a jet and take off. Get in the prone position and stay there. It will fly over you and never hit you. When it is done with that the robot will land back on the train backwards. Stay down! It will jump backwards into the other corner of the train. Repeat the process of shooting its back cavity with the flamethrower charge shots and it will blow off when enough damage it dealt to it. When that is done the robots back will smoke heavily and it will walk towards you. A bridge up above will clothesline it and take its body off its legs. The body will fall back and blow up. The legs, however, will continue to walk towards you. Use the flamethrower and torch it. After a few seconds they will crumble and blow up. If you’re too slow the legs will walk right off the train and you wont get a full score. Be sure not to fall off the train when the legs are gone. &&&& {CITY} &&&& -Darn Dogs- ^^^^^^^^^ You enter this level on a hover board and land right into a pack of dogs that are running around. When you jump off the board make sure you have the machinegun equipped. Throughout this first part guards with swords will constantly be coming from behind you, so watch out. Blast you machinegun straight as you move on. There is a guard being attacked by a dog further up. Blast him away with the machinegun and the dog dies too. A guard on a rotating blade will fly across the background, and further up you will confront him. Angle the machinegun upwards and to the right to shoot him down. Run along after the flying guard and kill all the sworded guards that are coming behind you until you reach a sandbag barricade. Behind the barricade is a sniper. Shoot the sniper before he can get a shot off or jump the shot if he gets one off. The sandbags calculate in to your final score so take a little time and destroy all three of them. Now you’ll come to a part with a truck parked right in your way. Another guard flying on a spinning blade will also come from above. Shoot upwards to take out the guard then blast the truck to blow it up. Finally for this part there is another guard, this time with a mortar cannon, behind another set of sandbags. Shoot forwards with the machinegun to take him out then shoot the sandbags away. The guard will get his cannon off so watch out for the explosives that come out of the cannon. -Beatle Sentry- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Run along and you’ll come to an elevator. Walk on it and a pack of dogs will run towards you being chased by some sort of beetle-like flying robot. It flies in a circle around you and then hovers in the top right corner. This robot you can only hit when it opens its big red eye in front of it. It usually opens its eye when it is performing an attack. It starts out by opening up two hatches on its back and two guards with swords jump out. Before the guards land on the ground blast the red eye with two flamethrower charge shots and then burn the guards that are on the ground. Next the robot will shine a search light on you, when it hits you its back will open up and a volley of bombs will launch out towards you, these are really hard to avoid by dodging. The bombs are always after the two guards come out of the robots back so prepare by switching to the machinegun and fire upwards under the robot into the hole that the bombs come out of. As the bomb come flying out they will be destroyed by the machinegun fire. You can get the fire of the machinegun close to the eye and the hole at the same time, if you’re good, and you can hit the eye and destroy the bombs at the same time. -Giant Maggot- ^^^^^^^^^^^^ After the volley of bombs the robot will fly in the center and let two more guards with swords out. Blast the guards with the machinegun and then fire the machinegun into its eye. It will then proceed to go in the left corner and launch another volley of bombs at you. Repeat the process for this and the robot should blow up and crash in the back sometime later. Ride the elevator a little while after the flying robot is gone and it will come to a stop. Charge up a flamethrower charge shot and move forwards. You will come to an edge of a ramp and a spinning robot will come rolling up it. Don’t shoot it, wait for it to open up and reveal its inside before you let your shot go to destroy it. As you make your way down another spinning robot will come on the ceiling then a final one on the ground. When you’re done with them continue until you come to a conveyor belt. There is a rotating circle of spines at the end of the conveyor belt so you need to be constantly on the move. From the top right a maggot creature will crawl in attached to the ceiling. Do not grab onto the ceiling for the maggot creature will shoot towards you at an incredible speed to take you out. -Painful Death- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Charge up flamethrower charge shots and constantly bombard the maggot with them . Don’t stand under him and shoot because he releases yellow balls from his back that bounce up and across the screen. Weave in-between them when they give you room and make your charge shots angle to hit the maggot. After around 30 seconds the maggot will move across the ceiling to the other side. On this side he lets out spiny things covered in mucus to the ground. You have to jump over these in order to not get hit by them. The single and double drops are easy to jump over but when he drop three almost consecutively you need to take a really big jump to overcome them. Continue to charge up the flamethrower shots and lay them into him and he will start to bleed green blood after awhile and fall to the conveyor belt below. Jump to the ceiling and watch as he gets eaten by the spinning wheel of spines that gnarls him up, this looks really cool. If you don’t kill the maggot when its letting the thorny things go all it does it move back to the right side and let more yellow balls bounce. -Sewer Serpent- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Move on and you’ll pass a window to a compartment in the back that has the maggot that you previously fought crammed into it. Pass it and you’ll come to a cut off pipe and a snake that is eating some waste below. There are two horizontal things above the snakes head that you can grab onto. Jump to the one directly above its head and point your gun downwards and burn the snake with the flamethrower. The snake will only do one of two things: throws up puke that misses you because it goes everywhere except above its head or shoot bubbles at you. These bubble do go above its head so jump to the left, where the pipe is half cut off and burn the bubbles as they come for you. When they’re gone get back above the snakes had and continue to burn it. After a short while the snake goes down and gets sucked into the waste below. Jump to the ledge across the waste pit and make it to safety. Walk on and drop down to a lower path a bit further up. Behind you, as you land, another spinning robot will roll towards you. Blast it with a flamethrower charge shot when it opens. Up ahead you will travel up a ramp. Near the top is your final spinning robot. Once it’s taken care of move up to the top. -Tunnel Machine- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Behind you a huge machine will break through the wall and start to chase you. It comes at you from the left so you need to back-pedal and lock out you gun pointing left if you want to do this most effective. There is a big cannon on the top of it that fires spark balls over your head and a tiny cannon that launches mines that roll on the ground towards you. There is also some grinders at the front to take care of any debris that gets in its way. Power up your flamethrower charge shots and when you have one ready get in the prone position and blast it at the small cannon below. You can easily destroy the top cannon first but then you would have no room left nearing the end of this to get the bottom cannon and you need it for a full score. Get up after you have shot the bottom cannon and charge up another. Continue to do this and when you start to enter the building to your right it should blow off. If it doesn’t jump over some of the obstacles and blast it a few more times. If it is still there you have been too slow and there is no time to get it. Start to blast the top cannon now. It takes around the same amount of damage that the bottom one took but you need to watch out that it doesn’t rush into you because it’s coming ever closer as you progress. -Above the Machine- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ When the top cannon is blown off jump up to the ceiling by using one of the platforms that have been coming from behind you for leverage. The machine will run underneath you and pass through the screen on the right. If you’re not up on the ceiling, you’re toast. On the machines body are four generators. They appear to the left and shoot a beam of electricity out of them. They take around three hits of the charged up flamethrower to blow up. Before the machine leaves through the right part of the screen you should be able to destroy two of the generators on its back. You must angle your blasts for them to be most effective without getting hit by the electric beams. When the grinders are at the edge of the right side of the screen a missile will fly in from the right to try and hit you down. Burn it with the flamethrower and also get the one that comes from the left in the same manner. When the head of the machine is through the right side of the screen the third generator should be in firing position. At the same time two rockets following each other will come from the right. Burn them away like before. Charge up three more flamethrower charge shots to blast the third generator away. A bit later the fourth generator will appear. -Behind the Machine- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A missile will come from the left now so burn it away. Blow up the fourth generator the same way you did the other three and then wait. Three missiles will come from the left, one after another, so shoot a flamethrower charge shot to take all three out at the same time. When you can see the back end of the machine another missile will come from the right. The final three missiles come in when the end of the machine is around halfway in the screen. Two from the left and one from the right. After destroying the last missiles, drop to the ground and charge up a flamethrower blast. You are now behind the machine chasing after it. The pits of lava with the spiny things in them must not be touched, jump over them. It will open its back and reveal its weak point, a big rid eye. Blast the eye with two charged blasts from the flamethrower and then the eye will shoot a red beam at you. Get in the prone position and the beam passes right over you. Get up afterwards and lay two more flamethrower charge blasts into the eye. It will then close up and release two razor discs that bounce on the ground. Let them bounce over your head. After the eye will open up again. Repeat the pattern again. The second time the eye closes it throws out a spinning robot at you, it opens up when it lands so lay a charged up flamethrower blast into it. When the eye opens for a third time repeat the pattern and it usually blows up now and ceases to function. If it doesn’t it will throw out more razor discs and spinning robots at you when its eye is closed until it dies. &&&&&& {SEABED} &&&&&& -Missile Alert- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You enter the level flying in, hanging on a missile that is under a wing of an airplane. The missile releases and you are now being blasted through the air. 18 missiles, like the one you’re grabbing on to, will come flying into the screen from the left side. Charge up the a mine shot and constantly let them go. The homing missiles will track the other missiles flying around and take care of them. Keep charging up shots and killing the missiles until the screen changes its angle and you are taken to another part of the level. You swoop down from the clouds and are up above a body of water. Some big thing flies in from up above you and crashes behind you in the water. Then a really big, huge, robot will appear and do a summersault and land in the water as well. The robot shoots a chain that attaches to the other thing that came before it. The camera shifts to behind the robot and you’re behind it. Start by charging up some flamethrower blasts and shooting them into the robot’s backpack. The blasts should travel though the backpack and into the robots gun on its right arm. Do this around three times and then the backpack will drop mines into the water. -Battling the Giant Robot- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Around the same time as the mines drop from the backpack some homing missiles will launch out of a cannon on the top of the robots head. Move up to the very top of the screen. From here you should not be able to get hit by the mines because you are too high up. Stay in the left corner and charge up mine blasts. Let them go and they should take care of the missiles that are coming out of the robots head. As for the mines that are in the water, you are so high up that they will miss you when they explode. After awhile the robot will start to jump up and down. Don’t go under him the first time he jump, instead fire more charged up flamethrower shots into his backpack. The second time the robot jumps go under his legs. You’re now under his chain so you can’t move upwards. And to your right is that thing that thing the chain’s attacked to. Charge up some flamethrower blasts and let the appendage have it. It will launch missiles out of its top to try and get you. Stay close to it, but no too close, and the missiles will arch right over you. When they’re all launched the thing will lift up letting you out from underneath it. -Breaking the Robot Apart- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ It will then shoot another round of missiles after you. Keep charging up flamethrower shots and blast it upwards from underneath it. When those missiles are gone, it will go back down to where it started. Now concentrate on the gun that is now shooting fireballs at you. Use the flamethrower charge shots to lay some damage into the gun, then switch to the mines. Charge up some homing missiles because a round of missiles will come out of the robots head and come after you. Take care of those missiles and one last round of missiles will come out of the little thing attached to the chain, use homing missiles to take care of them. Then the robot will rush forwards, be sure to be at the top to get over the robots head, and you’ll be behind the robot again. Lay some final charged up flamethrower shots into the robots backpack and it will blow off. Now the robot will start to jump right away. Shoot at its gun with the charge flamethrower blasts from behind it. Go under the robot the second time it jumps and start to blast the little thing attached to the chain, again with the charged flamethrower shots. -Destroying the Robot- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ After a few more shots it will blow away. The robot will fall back a bit but then come back in to confront you. Blast the gun some more times and like all the rest of the parts it to will blow away. Now that chain that was attaching the robot to the appendage thing, it will be electrified and the robot will whip it at you. Stay to the far right and it will miss you. The robot will launch four homing missiles at you from its head. Charge up a mine shot and let it go when the fourth one it launched. Your missiles will take care of the bombs, then, get over the robot's head. A shaft will come out of the robots chest and blast a huge beam of energy. The only safe place is above its head. The shaft is its weak point. Blast charged flamethrower shots down at the shaft. The chest cavity will close up and the shaft will conceal itself again. The electrified chain will whip and some more missiles will come out of the robots head before the shaft will make another appearance. Blast the shaft a couple more time with the charge up flamethrower shots and it will blow up taking the whole robot with it. -The Oil Rig- ^^^^^^^^^^^ The robot falls back into the water and explodes. When the robot is gone you are taken across the water and dropped into some sort of oil rig. You’re hanging on to spinning blade that is slowly descending downwards. Get out your machinegun, you’re going to need it. As you descend stay up to not get taken off guard by the stuff that comes from the bottom. On the right a white spider will come crawling up towards you and jump at you if it gets level with you. Blast it, it dies with one hit and then blast the green pod on the left side. The pods are what spawn the white spiders, so get ride of them fast. Further down a white spider will come from the left side, with a pod on the right side. Blast them away and then take care of another white spider on the right and pod on the left below them. Below them are some more pods and spiders and then a giant plant will be stretched across the entire area. You can’t go through it, you have to blast its head. As you do the plant will reseed into the wall. Keep blasting it and when it gets to the wall it will die leaking green blood. -Cyber Head- ^^^^^^^^^^ Down below are some more pods and white spider, then another plant coming from the other side this time. Blast it back into the wall and right below it is another plant. Take the plant out and further down are two pods with no white spiders. Blast the one on the right away first and then quickly turn around and get the one on left before the white spider that is hatching jumps at you. When they’re both gone ride the spinning blade to the bottom and you are automatically let loose when you reach the bottom. A door closes behind you, it means nothing so move forwards. You enter a room with some monitors in it. All of a sudden the room begins to spiral and a head appears and the room returns to normal. Get our your flamethrower and burn the head as it travels left and right. The head will throw little round discs at you and the flamethrower will take care of the discs as well as hit the head. Pieces of the head will break away revealing what it behind its shell. You need to break all the pieces away, but before you can the head will sink back a little so you can’t harm it. It shoot two laser at you from its forehead and you must jump over the blasts that the lasers create. -The Seabed- ^^^^^^^^^^ When the lasers go away the head will come back into range and you can burn it until the last pieces of it break away. Now the head is a brain. It will slowly come towards you dropping pink slime out of its bottom. Keep burning it and when it stops dropping pink slime for a second run under it to the other side. The bottom of the brain opens up and lets a waterfall of slime out. Angle your shots and blast the brain with some charged up flamethrower shots. A few of those and the brain will die. It literally disintegrates into thin air. Now you are able to move on. Charge up a flamethrower shot and shoot it into the pods that are on the ground. Blast the two that are on the ground by going into the prone position and then get the one on the ceiling by angling the shot. Get the one on the ceiling across from the first one and then jump the green water that is in a pit on the ground. On the other side of the green water is a passage filled with pods and white spiders. On the ceiling there is around six pods and on the ground around eight. Blast them all away with the charged up flamethrower shots and on the other side is another plant stretching from the ceiling. Blast the plants head with the charged up flamethrower shots and after two shots of it the plant will reseed into the ceiling and die. -Ugly Fish- ^^^^^^^^^ Jump on the floaters that are in another pool of green water and get to the other side. Progress though another passage filled with pods and white spider and jump on the floaters in the green water on the other side. Jump to around the fourth one and a deformed fish will pound at the glass behind you and crack it. Water will now flood into the area and you begin to rise up. Change to your mines and charge up some homing missiles. Point your gun upwards and let them go. Keep doing this and all the bombs that drop from the ceiling will be taken care of. The bombs drop in but the homing missiles that you launch get them before they hit the ground and explode into tiny particles that hurt you. Sometimes the bombs don’t even enter the screen before they’re taken out. You rise and reach the top with a ceiling rail on it. The rising stops and that deformed fish will jump over your head. If you charge up a flamethrower shot and let it go at the right time you can harm it by blasting it into the fish’s mouth. -Killing the Fish- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ After it lands it will swim under you, you can see it move around.The fish then dives and some bubbles will appear under one of the three floaters in the area. If the bubbles are under the floater that you are on jump to another one because the fish will rise up and tip over the floater that it is under to get you. The fish does this to all three of the floater so you’re at least going to have to jump once. When this is done the fish will swim some more under you. It will leave the screen on either the right or left side. Which ever side it leaves on get to the floater to the opposite side. Charge up a flamethrower shot and get into the prone position. Let the blast go when the fish appears in the screen and keep charging up more and letting them go into the fish’s mouth. When some time has passed the fish will start to suck the water into his mouth. Jump backwards onto other floaters to avoid being sucked into the fish’s mouth. It will then dive and pick a floater on its head and rush towards you. Jump on the floater on the fish’s head and then down to another floater in the water. The fish will jump over your head again and repeat his pattern. Blast the fish's mouth a few more times when it sucks the water in and it will die. It splashes around and sinks to the bottom, but it comes back for one last try to kill you. It comes up underneath the floater you are on. There’s green blood trailing it so you know where the fish is. Make sure the fish doesn’t hit you and it will rise to the surface and die. When it starts to flap its tail you can jump on it and burn it for fun. &&&&&&&&&&& -ARCHIPELAGO- &&&&&&&&&&& -Through the Jungle- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You start this level by blasting your machinegun down into a pile of barrels. The barrels explode and take the guards with swords that are around the barrels with them. You come in from the top, hanging from a spinning blade. You drop off it when you reach the ground. Keep on your machinegun and fire it as you walk forwards. Take out the guards with swords that are in your way and then watch out for the sniper on top two barrels that are on top a truck. Jump up and take the sniper out, watch out for the shot if he gets one off. When he’s gone shoot the truck until it explodes, the barrels will also explode with it. Some guards with swords may come from behind you now, so shoot them away. Travel on and you’ll come to a hill. Climb it and at the top is a guard loading a mortar cannon. There are also some sandbags in front of the guard. Jump up and angle your machinegun fire to hit the guard and then take out the sandbags for a full score. Next is another guard loading another mortar cannon. Shoot down to take him out. Jump on the tree root that he was on and then shoot the sniper on another root above you by angling your shots. -Truck Snail- ^^^^^^^^^^^ When the sniper’s gone jump on the side of the root to your right and climb up it and get on the top. To the right of you is another guard loading another mortar cannon. He lets it off as soon as you see him, but you are so high up it will miss you. Jump down and shoot him away and then press on. You will come to a truck in your path and a slug will rise from underneath it, now it’s a snail. Change to your flamethrower and burn it. When the snail opens up its mouth it will leak bubbles. Use the flamethrower to pop all the bubbles while dealing damage to the snail. When the snail closes its mouth it will disappear and the truck will roll across the screen to the other side. Now it appears again and it will do one of two things: more bubbles or shoot missiles into the air. When all the missiles have been shot the snail will disappear. The only safe place to stand it on top of the truck. Jump on the truck when the snail is gone and you wont get killed by the bombardment of missiles. The snail will move the truck across the screen again but this time when he appears burn him and he will die. Then the truck will explode. -Wrecked Planes- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Keep your flamethrower on and move forwards. You’ll run into a guard with a shield, he’ll be burned as you walk into him. When he’s toast charge up a machinegun shot before you jump to the overhang that you can grapple. There is a sniper on the other side of the pit that you must climb over. Let the shot go when you can see him. It will rotate around and get him, hopefully before he gets his shot off, which is hard to avoid. When the coast is clear jump to safe land and blast away the white spider that is crawling towards you. There is an airplane propeller in front of you now. Shoot the bottom blade to make it spine counter clock wise. Then run under it when it is going fast enough. Past the first propeller is another one, but this one is missing a blade. Jump over it, don’t shoot it because it is really hard to go under. Two more white spiders will meet you as you try and jump over it, blast them away. Finally after it the last propeller. It is on sort of an angle so shoot down on that same angle and take out the white spider that is coming for you. Rotate the propeller blades counter clock wise again by shooting the bottom blade and then run under it. -Entering the Base- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Past the propellers is a back of an airplane where guards with swords jump out of. Run under the hatch where they come out with your flamethrower blazing to get any that appear in your way. Next is a part with a three story thing that you can jump on. Before you do, burn the guard with the shield at the bottom then jump to the top of the building and equip your machinegun. There is a sniper at the top on the roof of the building across from you. Shoot him away and another sniper will take his place. Kill three of them and then switch to your mines. On the wall across from you is a cannon that launches bombs on the ground and below it a red button. Also on the ground are guards with swords running around. Go to the edge of the top of the building and arch your mines so that they volley across the way and damage the cannon. Shoot them up and to the right. When the cannons gone shoot your mines forwards to damage the red button thing. After awhile the red thing blows away to reveal a secret doorway. All the guards with swords will run away and you automatically run into the doorway. -Enemy Commander- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Now you encounter the enemy commander. He does a number of moves that are completely random in order. He will either shoot beams of electricity at you that rotate around the screen. You must keep in-between two of the beams and walk as they move, even go up the wall and onto the ceiling sometimes. He may roll up into a ball and bounce around the screen. Watch where he is going to learn the pattern and avoid, this can be tricky. He may jump to the ceiling and launch many puffy spark balls at you. Get in the prone position on the bottom because you have no idea where they are going to go. If one appears above you stay there until it disappears. If there is enough room for you to get up then get up. He may go to the ground and shoot ice across the whole area. He does this three times, jump over it. Lastly, he may charge up energy and then really fast launch it at you. This may take some practice to avoid. You must wait just before he throws the energy at you and then jump to the wall. The energy will go where you were previously standing if you’re fast enough. He may do these moves in any order, so be vigilant. Always lay charged up flamethrower shots into him when you can and he should die in less than a minute or two. -Random Creatures- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ When he is gone you are taken to some sort of heart cavity. There are two pods that spawn white spiders on each side of the cavity. Use the charged up flamethrower blasts to blow them away, along with any white spiders that come. Go under the pods and blast upwards. When all four are gone burn the heart that is up above you. Occasionally some white spiders will come from the ceiling and try to run into you so just burn them away. After some time the heart blows away and you are taken to another area. In this area there are what appear to be eyelids in the background and a giant worm tunneling towards you. Burn its head with the flamethrower. It will wind around the area taking up all the space it can, crunching you in to a tight spot You can jump on its body but don’t touch its head. If you burn it constantly it will blow off its head and go away. If not, it will start to retreat after awhile. When the worm is gone you are taken to a third area. Two crab-like things await you here. One is on the ceiling and one is on the floor. -More Creatures- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Focus your attention to the one on the floor. Burn it with the flamethrower constantly. When the top crab runs along the ceiling the bottom one will run across the floor after it. You need to back up a little and jump over it. When you’ve burned the bottom crab enough it will die. Now the top crab becomes more active. When it’s on the ceiling blast it with the charged up flamethrower shots until it tunnel away. If it appears on the top again get in the prone position because it will swoop down towards you and barely miss you if you are laying down. Then get back up and continue to blast it. If it appears on the ground it may charge towards you. Lay down after jumping over it because it will swoop backwards before turning around. It also may launch lots of tiny gray balls into the air that you must dodge. Look for the gaps in the falling debris and walk carefully. When the second crab it gone you are taken to yet another area. In the background some weird looking plant is running around. It appears in the screen from the right. As it crawls around burn its inner core with the flamethrower. It then stretches it body and pulls the top and bottom together. The ceiling is low now so grab onto it. -The Big Boss- ^^^^^^^^^^^^ It then lets the top and bottom go and they return to their original spaces. You need to be on the ceiling because the plant lets go a fire wave on the bottom that incinerates the whole ground. You can jump over this wave if you are lucky and have good timing, but it is extremely hard to do. Once the fire is gone the plant will start to crawl around again revealing its inner core. Burn it again and by the time it gets to the other side it should fall away and die. If it doesn’t die it will fall to the ground and shoot a big blue beam at you. Duck to avoid this and then jump when it charges at you. Finally after the plant is a very strange clownish being with a crystal on its head. You are hanging from an overhang that you must stay on. There are many parts you must destroy before you take this guy down. First move over the left arm and blast downwards with the charged up flamethrower blasts. It will come out after awhile and begin to wind around the beam you are hanging from. Move in one of the spaces it creates without touching it. Use the machinegun to shoot at the clowns eyes. You should be able to take one of its eyes out. The arm will now retreat back into its socket. -Killing it- ^^^^^^^^^^ The arm on the other side will now come after you and wind around the beam like the first one did. Get in the space that it provides and shoot out the second eye with the machinegun. Now that both eyes are gone the crystal will shoot out five blasts at you that are pretty easy to avoid. Focus your attention to blasting the left arm with the charged up flamethrower shots until it is destroyed. Then do the same for the right arm. The only thing left now is to take the crystal out. Blast the crystal with the charged up flamethrower shots. You must be careful though because where the arms were some things will happen. Either a blue beam will shoot and attach to the beam. You must not touch this and it makes it harder to avoid the pink shots that the crystal is constantly pumping out at you. The arms will also let little ying-yang things that fly around randomly and try to hit you. Use the flamethrower to burn them away. If you keep pumping the crystal with charged up flamethrower shots it should be killed in no time. &&&&& {ABYSS} &&&&& -Battling the Helicopter- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Look out at that orange sky. You’re also on top of your airplane. That blue robot that got crushed by the turtle in the first level is flying around in the background. The robot lets off some missiles but you shoot a mine that attracts them away. The robot then shoot a round of missiles across the top of the plane. Jump in one of the gaps as the missiles come towards you. After that the robot will open up and put its legs out. It will come above you and force fields will shoot out of its legs. Don’t touch them or you will die. It will also launch homing missiles after you. Use the flamethrower and burn its legs. It will start to move across the plane, so move with it and burn it at the same time. The flame will take care of any missiles that come after you and damage the legs at the same time. When the legs are damaged enough the robot will fly away. Your camera angle changes to the side view and the robot appears again. Now it turns from a helicopter to a roboman as it lands on the plane. Jump and shoot its mid section with charged up flamethrower shots when it shoots little blasts across the plane top. It will then transform into the helicopter again and fly away. -Into the Abyss- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Move to the other side of the plane now. The robot will transform again but this time land on the other side of the plane attached to the front. It will let out a giant blue laser so you must get in the prone position to avoid it. Stay there and charge up mine shots and shoot the homing missiles at him. It will again fly away and come back standing up. Sometimes he appear facing his back to you giving you ample opportunity to hit him from behind and he can’t do nothing about it. When he is damaged enough he will start to smoke and try to fly away. You just ram right through him with your airplane as you enter a portal in the sky. You are now in some very strange place with a weird looking alien thing. Start by blasting him with the charged up flamethrower shots . He will disappear and appear in one of the corners. He throws two pink balls at you that you must jump over, hopefully, it is rather hard. Then he disappears and appears in one of the top corners. His arm turns into a very long blade and shoots at you very fast. His final attack is to appear above you and strike his arm blade down towards you. You know he is going to shoot it when you are directly blow him, so watch out. Once you’ve blasted him enough he will turn into a frog. -Different Forms- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ When the frog first appears blast it with the charged up flamethrower shots.It will swim away and appear in the right corner. Get to the left side and get ready to lay some more blasts into him. The first thing the frog does when he appears is barfs a long stream that you can only avoid by being on the left side. After that he will let out some things that look like red bones. As you blast the frog you also are blasting the bones that are coming ever closer to you. As you hit the bones they shrink, you must hit them enough to shrink them so you can jump over them before they grow again. Once you have jumped over around five of them the frog swims away again. It will then charge at you. If it comes above you blast it upwards. If it come below you blast it and then jump over it. If it comes directly at you shoot it then get in the prone position. After that it will come in on the left side of the screen and start to send its bones after you again. When the frog has had enough it will turn into a jellyfish. -Taking it Down- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ All the jellyfish does is float around above you and let mushrooms go. Blast the mushrooms to get rid of them but don’t be under them because they come flying down when you have killed them. Blast the jellyfish with the charged up flamethrower shots while avoiding the mushrooms. Every now and then the jellyfish will swoop below you, just jump over him, what and attack, oooh! When it is done it turns into an ameba. Duck in the corner and angle your shot to damage it with the machinegun. The core of the ameba is its weak zone. In order to hit the weak zone you need to push its body in on itself. The constant fire of the machinegun makes short work of this guy. The only thing that can hurt you is it sends out pink stars that fly towards you, the machinegun fire takes care of them, too. If you are slow the ameba floats around and comes towards you, but that is rare to be that slow. When the ameba is damaged enough you will be taken inside its core. Switch to your mines and get under the center of the core. Above you is a swarm of tiny little critters that you don’t want to jump in to. From under the center shoot the mines up into it. Keep doing that and the little critters will sometimes come down to swarm around you. Get out you flamethrower and go wild killing all of them before they kill you. When the core is damaged enough it will kill the ameba. &&&&&&&&&&&& {FINAL BATTLE} &&&&&&&&&&&& -Back for Revenge- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ As the ameba explodes you escape on your airplane. But the creatures aren’t going to let you go without a fight. As you escape the explosion all three of the alien, frog and jellyfish are joined into one sick creature that is now coming after you. Blast the creature with the charged up flamethrower shots constantly. It will throw pink balls at you that bounce on the ground. They bounce high so go under them as the bounce. It will sometimes pull away and the frogs mouth shoots some fireballs at you. Either lay down as they pass over you or jump them. After a rather long time the creature will be killed. But it isn’t over yet. He will attach to the back of the plane and attempt to pull you in to the blast that is coming your way. Shoot him off and you fly to safety. "Due to your brave actions you have saved humanity from the brink of extinction. You are a true hero and will be remembered throughout the ages for you selfless act." - If you get this message you're good! <>---------------------------------------------------------------------------<> || APPENDICES || <>---------------------------------------------------------------------------<> %%%%%%%% (CONTROLS) %%%%%%%% Directional pad and left analog stick - Move character and aim gun. X - Jump. Square - Fire weapon. Circle - Charge your shot up by holding it. L1 and R1 - Cycles through your weapons. L2 - Lock gun angle in place. R2 - Lock character in place. Start - Pause game. Drop down - Press down and hit X. Climb - If you can climb on it then jump to it and you automatically hang on it. %%%%%%% (WEAPONS) %%%%%%% Machinegun - Rapid fire gun, like in all the action movies. Flamethrower - A blast of fire that incinerates your enemies. Mines - They roll along the ground and explode into anything they hit. Charged machinegun shot - A rotating gun that fires circularly. Charged flamethrower shot - A heavy blast that blows through everything. Charged mine shot - Fires off homing missies at enemies. %%%%%%%%%% (CHARACTERS) %%%%%%%%%% Bill Razor - The main hero in the game. He was jailed for treason a while ago and it back to stop the evil that is plaguing humanity. Lucia - Bill's female partner. She is assigned as Bill's watchdog. Enemy Commander - The leader of the alien invasion. The Triumvirate - Three old men that are the highest authority of the Earth Federation Government. %%%%%%%% (RANKINGS) %%%%%%%% Hit Rate - Certain enemies and all bosses in this game calculate in to a Hit Rate that is calculated at the top of the screen. You must collect 100% for a Perfect score. Contunues - Continues are given out if you have lost all your lives. Each continue you use takes 10% off your final score. Lives - Each time you die you lose 2% of your final score. You take all three of those listed above and you get your final score for the level: S - 100% A - 86-98% B - 76-84% C - 74% or lower You also get your overall score for all the levels you have done. The better your score, the better things that happen. %%%%%% (EXTRAS) %%%%%% War record - Shows battle stats. This includes time playing the game, highest achieved rank, high scores and time the game has been cleared. Training - You can practice levels that you find difficult. You must complete the levels past 4 before you can practice them. Others - Goodies and movies you get for getting high scores. %%%%%%% (OPTIONS) %%%%%%% Controller - Change the button configuration of your controller. Character - Change the character you wish to act. Sound - Choose the sound type you wish to hear. Etc. - Go to the Extras menu. Memery card - Load or save your game. Language setting - Choose the language you wish to read in. Difficulty - Choose which difficulty you want the game to be in. %%%%%%%%% (ON-SCREEN) %%%%%%%%% Hit rate - Top middle of the screen, calculates the percent of important enemies and bosses you have killed. Lives - In the top left corner. Weapons - Below the lives in the top left corner. Your selected weapon is in the middle of the bunch. 2-players - The Second players weapons and lives are in the top right corner, if you are playing 2-players. %%%%%%% (ENEMIES) %%%%%%% Guards: Guards with swords - They run at you weilding swords. If you're not careful they will slice you up. Snipers - Positioned in places of height or advantage they will try to pick you off with thier fast shots. Mortar cannon guards - They pack mortar shells into a cannon and let the blast fly. Get out of the way of this. Flying guards - Either on a spinning blade, rocket or other form of propellant they will try to hit you with either bombs or gun fire. Mortorcycle guards - They charge at you with their motorcycles and try and run you down or shoot you away. Kamikazes - They fly right into you hanging from rockets to take you out with them. Guards with shields - They have a powerfully defencive shield that they place infront of them. It take alot of power to take that sheid down. Buggies: Grasshoppers - They fly around in swarms and try to lift you into the air and kill you. Flies - Little flies that buzz around, annoying. Maggots - Slimy things that crawl around. White Spiders - White spiders that crawl around jump at you. Pods - They spawn the white spiders. Plants - Long plants that try and block your way through the game. Robots: Turrets, bombs and Cannons - Varying forms and styles of firing. Caution should be used when approaching them. %%%%%%%%%%% (UNLOCKABLES) %%%%%%%%%%% Level 5 - Clear mission 4 with a B rank. Level 6 - Clear mission 5 with a A rank. Level 7 - Clear mission 6 with a A rank. Database - Beat the game with a B or C rank, This contains profiles of characters and events in the game. Theatre - Beat the game to get a movie in the threatre, the better you do the more movies you can aquire here. Gallery - Clear the game with an S rank to view concept art for the game. Movies: Satellite weapon - Clear mission 5 with a C rank. Return - Clear mission 6 with a B rank. Triumphant return - Clear the game with an A rank. Contra Vs. dog - Clear the game with an S rank. 30 lives - Press: up, up, down, down, L1, R1, L2, R2, L3 and R3 at the titles screen with the second controller. More lives - You get an extra life when you play the game for a certain amount of hours. I think the first on is at 4 hours. I've played the game for 20 hours and have gotton 3 extra ones, that's my estimate. <>---------------------------------------------------------------------------<> || LEGAL/CONTACT/CREDITS || <>---------------------------------------------------------------------------<> This Faq\Walkthrough is Copyright 2005-2007 by: Nathan Kroeger (Mortortex) CONTRA: SHATTERED SOLDIER Copyright 2002 by Konami Corporation. All rights reserved. CONTRA, and all character names are all registered trademarks of Konami Corporation. Backstory is from the manual and is copyright by Konami Corporation. Sites CONTRA: SHATTERED SOLDIER FAQ\WALKTHROUGH is allowed: -Gamefaqs.com -Neoseeker.com -1up.com -Supercheats.com -Honestgamer.com This Faq\Walkthrough is for personal use only. It should only appear on sites that I have allowed (see above). Any other sites or places with this Faq\Walkthrough on it, claiming it is theirs or not on my list, is plagiarizing it. Please report it to me. Do not reproduce this guide in part or in whole without my consent or it is in violation of the copyright. If you wish to contact me because: spelling mistakes, comment, question, want to add something--will credit, or I made a mistake, here is my E-mail address: mrchuckles_6666@hotmail.com Credits go to: Konami for making the game, me for writing this Faq, sites for posting this Faq\Walkthrough and my system for playing it. If you like this Faq\Walkthrough be sure to check out my others: -MEGA MAN X FAQ\WALKTHROUGH for Super Nintendo -SUPER MARIO'S TIME MACHINE FAQ\WALKTHROUGH for Super Nintendo -KIRBY'S DREAM LAND 2 FAQ\WALKTHROUGH for Gameboy -OPERATION C FAQ\WALKTHROUGH for Gameboy -MARBLE MADNESS FAQ\WALKTHROUGH for Nintendo Entertainment System -MORTAL KOMBAT: DEADLY ALLIANCE FAQ\MOVE LIST for Playstation 2 -MORTAL KOMBAT: DECEPTION FAQ\MOVE LIST for Playstation 2 Also, check out some of my in-depth Faqs: -MROTAL KOMBAT: DEADLY ALLIANCE CYRAX FAQ for Playstation 2 -TUROK 2: SEEDS OF EVIL ENEMY FAQ for Nintendo 64 -THE ULTIMATE DOOM NIGHTMARE WALKTHROUGH for PC All my in-depth Faqs and Faq\Walkthroughs can be found on the sites listed above under the name Mortortex. Bye, bye for now.