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FAQ written by: Radd Spencer e-mail: lastboss@hotmail.com ==================================================================================== =============================================================================== INTRODUCTION: This is a step-by-step strategy guide for Contra: Shattered Soldier for PlayStation 2. It covers everything from boss strategies to getting 100% hit rates in all stages. VERSION HISTORY: v0.1 -- (10/31/2002) First version. Everything covered up to the giant cell in stage 6. v1.0 -- (11/21/2002) Everything covered. Also made some minor corrections. QUICK NOTE: *On "EASY" mode, only stages 1-5 are available. *On "NORMAL" mode, stage 6 and 7 are only available if you have an average of "A" rank. *Please excuse the utterly lame boss description names or lack thereof. I don't have a list to go by, but if you're playing the game you'll know what I'm talking about. *For play instructions, please read your instruction manual. STAGE 1: Base =============================================================================== You can use the machine gun for a bit. It's actually a decent choice because of it's turning speed and range for these weak enemies. Take out the soldier with the mortar for your first 1%. You'll come to a parked truck. Machine gun works fine. 005% More soldiers. A bike will drive by in the background. You'll eventually encounter the parked bike with side car. Duck and attack. It will leave if you're not fast enough. It's possible to destroy it with the machine gun, but it can be a close call. 009% Destroy the two barrels you'll encounter. Once at the top of the hill take out the mortar in the tower. 014% Next is a miniboss, a robot spider. There's a safe spot from the boss' first attack of small missiles at the leftmost part of the screen. From there you can get off several charged flame shots. When the first attack finishes the boss will jump to the left side. It will take a step back before the jump so be ready and get out of the left corner when this happens. Keep hammering the boss. It's second attack is a large missile attack that will come down onto your position from the sky when the blinking crosshair turns completely red. When it starts to blink more red than white, move. 022% Use the flame thrower and take out the 3 soldiers with shields. Quickly switch to machine gun to keep the regular soldiers away and destroy the two tankers in the ceiling right above where the shielded soldiers were. 027% When you reach the dead end, jump on the right wall and climb up. Shoot the 3 soldiers that you'll come across while climbing. 030% A giant ceiling weapon arsenal puts itself together. All parts must be destroyed before the center core. The sides have identical parts that change after destroyed. Use the flame charge for the whole battle. Pick either the left or right side. Aim-lock up and fire flame charge shots at the missile launcher. Time your first shot so you also take out the first missile. You can get in a couple more shots before the next missile. It 4 flame charges will destroy it. From here move to the opposite side while aim-locking to the side you just left. The next unit that appears it a spread shot. From the opposite side it's super easy to destroy with flame charges. Just be aware of the slow missiles that'll be raining on your head and dodge them. The only real danger is the napalm dropper which comes afterwards. When the napalm hits the ground it will burst into flames. The flame will spread left and right from the contact point. You'll have to jump over the oncoming fire. Again, stay cautious of the slow missiles. 3 flame charges will destroy the napalm device. Finally, the component will change into a flame thrower. Stay where you are and wipe it out with 3 flame charges. With the first side gone the center core will begin firing electric beams across the floor either left or right. Move over to the side with the destroyed component and attack the other side with the same tactics. You are safe from the electric beam on the extreme left or right of the screen. At last, with both sides gone, destroy the core. 053% Use the flame thrower and walk straight right without stopping. You'll take out a mortar and a shielded soldier. There's a cutscene and now you're snowboarding. 055% Aim-lock up and get a flame charge ready. Soldiers will fly in on jet packs and fire at you. Two flame charges will take out each one. Destroy them quickly before they leave. 060% A giant snake dives in and out of the snow towards your position and finally will go past you. This is when the boss is vulnerable. Release a charge flame at the body as it whizzes past you. It will restart at the top. Destroy all the body segments. Use regular flame when you have one or two segments left as it's hard to accurately shoot those with a charge. The eye will now open and the boss will dive over you from right to left. Hit the eye as it passes by with flame charges. When you see the green blood it's dead. It will lunge one final attack but explode. You don't have to dodge this. 076% The next quick segment is from Contra 3. There is no percentage to gain here so zip through. Have the flame ready. If you get grabbed aim up and shoot until the creature drops you. When you reach the ground you're at the stage boss, the big turtle from contra 3. The turtle has 3 weak spots -- the head, the top and bottom. Destroy the top first from the platform. Aim-lock to the upper right and lob grenades over the head to damage the top portion. The head will give a warning if it's going to lunge. Simply back off to avoid it. Another attack you may encounter from the head while dealing damage is a frighteningly slow purple projectile. Right before it reaches you jump and grab the rail. It'll float under you. To destroy the bottom, stand on the ground and fire grenades. Once those are gone, take out the head with the flame. 090%. The boss will now turn around. It's backside is a giant face and it has 2 attacks. It'll either spew insects out of it's nose or vomit. For the insects stay back a bit and aim your flame thrower straight. The bugs will land on it. Watch for the purple projectile that'll appear near the end of the attack. You must dodge it. Finally for the vomit stand close, aim-lock to the upper right, and kneel down to deal some real good damage. Mission complete. 100% STAGE 2: Train =============================================================================== When the stage starts a blue submarine will appear in the background and fire 2 volleys of 4 shots. You can avoid both if you simply don't move from where the opening cutscene leaves you off. Next a laser will strike the ground on the left. It will sweep from left to right after a small delay. Jump over the laser as it approaches. **NOTE**: The longer the laser delays, the faster the sweep will be. Use caution. The sub will submerge. Move to the right side of the screen, aim-lock to the left, and charge a flame shot. The sub will break through the bridge behind you. Fire off charged flames at the gun turret in the front and jump over it's projectile. A cutscene will show the sub transform into a helicopter. 003% Aim-lock to the left, and charge a flame shot. You will see a missile-riding soldier appear in the background briefly. He is going to fly in from the left side rather quickly. Stay on the right side and be ready to fire your charge as soon as he shows up. 004% By that time a compartment will have opened on the rear of the helicoptor that's now flying above you. Aim-lock up and position yourself underneath the rightmost dropping spot and fire charged flames until it's destroyed. Move to the far right again and aim-lock to the left. Another missile rider will show up on the left so get a charge ready and get rid of him. 010% While you're waiting for the rider, more compartments will open in the helicoptor's belly. These will fire off laser beams straight downwards. Aim-lock to the upper left and fire charged flames at the leftmost cannon. You want to concentrate on the leftmost cannon at all times since that will leave the screen first. Try to take out the left two cannons from your spot on the right side. Now move to the left side of the screen and aim-lock to the upper right to take out the remaining three. If you need to, jump and shoot while locked to take the perfect shot. 020% As the lasers get closer to the left the chopper will start to fly rather low. Stay on the left side for safety. Once the chopper begins to rise again, aim-lock to the left and charge. Two more missile riders are coming. Now aim-lock to the upper right for the turret under the cockpit. As soon as it fires, jump straight up to dodge the blast. A cutscene will follow of the helicopter crashing and exploding. 027% The next part is probably the hardest of the stage. Missile riders will slowly begin to scroll in on the right side and lob grenades. Aim-lock to the upper right and fire off charged flames as fast as you can. Aim for the soldier. Each one takes two charge blasts. Try to hit two with one shot if possible. If a grenade hits the ground near the middle of the screen you should be completely safe from the explosion at the far left. If the explosions occur near the left side they will have to be jumped. If you must jump try and do it while behind the left most rider so as not to jump into a thrown grenade. As soon as a rider is gone immediately get into position for the next and so forth down the line. If the last one makes it to the left side of the screen he'll get away. 033% Cutscene of entering the tunnel. There's a large cannon at the rear of the train. Have the flame ready and stay close. It will fire a ball of energy that will separate into three balls which will zero in on you. Move to the leftmost side and position-lock yourself. Use the flame thrower and take out the 3 balls. It will do this several times. The cannon is vulnerable when the crosshair appears on it. Attack it with the flame thrower. 038% The next car dispatches 5 bikes one at a time. Each takes 2 well placed flame charges. The first two will approach from the left so be on the right side, the next two will come from the right so move to the left after the 2nd is gone. Finally the last biker appears on the left. 048% Next are three flying machines. You can't attack the center one yet. The leftmost machine seems the most dangerous so take it out first. Aim-lock to the upper left and take it out fast with flame charges. The machine on the right will fire a long stream of machine gun fire. It lasts a bit long so try not to get cornered. It can be a little annoying to hit these things as they like to dance around. Once both are gone the center will take over. It has two attacks which it uses randomly. It'll either shoot lasers across the ground or rain you with projectiles. The lasers are easily avoided. Once the laser scrapes the ground, an explosion will occur. Stay away from the first, jump over the 2nd after it happens and avoid the 3rd. The projectile hail, the other attack, can be easily avoided by sticking to the left side of the screen. Those are the two types of attacks it will do from that far distance. After the 2nd (or the first depending how long it took you to get rid of the sidekicks) it will charge forward, so avoid that. Aim-lock up and charge a flame shot. When it flies overhead and fires the blue beam, get underneath and hit it with the flame charge. It only takes one. If you miss it will leave. 057% Now you're on the train. The homing missiles are most useful here. Creep close enough so that the grenade launcher become vulnerable and destroy it with homing missiles. Jump to the next car and take out the gun turret from the lower level with homing missiles aimed high or grenades lobbed high. Charge homing missiles and nail the mortar on the next car when it comes onscreen. Another mortar and grenade launcher are next. After that walk up to the next car and hug the wall to avoid the next mortar fire. Aim high and use homing missiles. Jump on the car and it's another gun turret followed by one final grenade launcher. 075% The stage boss is a giant robot. Use flame charges. It will run on the left side of the train. Aim-lock to the left and damage it's shoulder. When the boss begins to hover, it's going to attack. Watch for it to fire off it's hand. Jump over it, then get ready to jump over it again as it boomerangs back into the arm. Another attack it could launch is a shoulder tackle. Be ready to jump straight up to avoid getting thrown off. If the arm glows blue the attack will be the rocket punch, if not it's the tackle When the boss jumps to the other side, aim-lock to the other side and be prepared for the same attacks. Continue until the shoulders are gone and switch to grenades. After a cutscene the boss then picks the car up. Aim-lock to the right and let loose with a pile of grenades while avoiding the beams coming from the sky. Stand inbetween the spots before the beams completely form. When you hear the head explode, switch to flame. The boss is now standing on the car to your left. Stand on the far right, but be sure not to fall off. It will launch boomerang saws along the ground. When they get close jump straight up. While you're jumping fire a charged flame at the backpack. The robot will transform into a plane. Duck to avoid it's flybys until it transforms again. Now it's on the right side of the car. Be prepared for it to jump to the other side quickly. Duck in the center to avoid this. When the backpack is gone the upper torso will be torn off by a low bridge. You'll get control again to destroy the legs. Aim-lock to the upper left and destroy the waste with two flame charges. Mission complete. 100% STAGE 3: City =============================================================================== Start with the machine gun for a bit. Crouch and kill the soldier being attacked by dogs. Take out the soldier with the hand copter for the first 2%. Next destroy the sandbags and mortar. Make sure to get all three sandbags that are in your way. You'll have to lay down to get the bottom one. 006% You'll come to a tank with a soldier on top. He'll immediately fire on you. Be prepared to jump. Take out the tank, soldier on top, and another hand copter. Another sandbag and mortar combo will follow. 017% Fight a miniboss from Contra 3. Stay with machine gun for safety and aim-lock to the upper right. The boss is only vulnerable when the eye is opened. Blast it with machine gun fire while it drops two soldiers. Take out the soldiers when they reach the ground. From here the boss will change position. It will either continue to drop more soldiers or shine a spotlight. When the spotlight comes out immediately head for the opposite side as far as you can go and aim-lock into the sky towards the boss. Your machine gun fire will protect you from the incoming grenades. Damage the boss whenever it's not shining the spotlight as often as you can and it's done. 023% Switch to flame and get a charge ready. The next couple of foes aren't vulnerable until they open up. The first one will roll up right in front of you, so duck and shoot it with a charge. The next is going to be on the ceiling so aim-lock to the upper right and take it out in one shot with a charge. Finally the last of this bunch will be on the slanted floor so aim downwards and get it. 029% You're now on a treadmill with a meat grinder at the end. Get the flame charged, aim-lock to the upper right and start firing away at the next miniboss. Once it gets in position it's start shooting tiny yellow balls that can bounce off the ceiling and floor. Just keep firing as often as p possible while weaving between the shots. It will try to confuse you with various angles. Ducking while aim-locked has helped me out quite a bunch here. Eventually the boss will crawl to the left side of the screen. Keep pounding it while it's doing this. Once on the left side it will begin dropping obstacles that you cannot destroy and must jump over. Stay as far away as possible without grinding yourself. You can jump over small patches of these things rather than one at a time if you're careful. Once the boss starts bleeding green stuff make your way to the leftmost side. It will fall in the center and the treadmill will drag it into the grinder. 035% Already another miniboss. Select grenades and begin lobbing a bunch onto the big head chowing down on all the meat from the grinder. This guy only has two attacks, he will either spit white bubbles at you or vomit. If he vomits the only safe spot is over it's head. You'll have plenty of time to move once you see the vomit. Once the vomiting is done move back to the left over the meat pipe just in case he does bubbles next. The bubbles can easily be taken out with the flame thrower from the left side. Aim-lock to the right and take them all out by standing and ducking. Return to grenades and finish off the boss. 040% Some more rolling turrets. The first will be on your upper left. Aim-lock to your upper left and walk forward (backwards) and you should be ready for when it shows up. The last one will be right in your path. Just walk up to it and blast it. 044% Now it's the real boss. Right after the 2nd rolling turret switch to grenades. After the quick cutscene the boss appears on your left. Aim-lock to your left and fire grenades like crazy to destroy the bosses lower weapon. It'll get off one shot before it's destroyed so jump over it. After that's gone, switch to flame, aim-lock in the upper left position and keep firing at the big gun on the front of this thing. You want to stay on the ground as much as possible so that your shots will hit and to avoid the big cannon. When a wall creeps up behind you, quickly jump onto the ledge, walk over the barrier, and as soon as you can fall down back to the floor and continue firing off charged flames. Your flame will shoot through the walls so when you're aimed and charged fire away. When the front is demolished jump onto the ceiling, aim-lock lower left and begin picking off the body segment from a distance. Don't worry about the approaching walls. The boss will destroy them for you, just keep attacking. The body segments will fire energy straight up so it's good to stay at an angle. If you're quick you should be able to take out two segments. From there missiles will start to approach you from the left and right sides. Shoot all of them with your charges. The order of the missiles is -- right, left, right, right, left, 3 from left back-to-back, right, finally one from right and two back-to-back from left. By that time you're at the tail of the boss and are about to run out of ceiling. Once you're in the clear fall to the floor. The tail will open up and fire a red beam. Dodge it by ducking. Try to get as close to the boss as possible before the beam comes out so that the scrolling screen doesn't force you into a pit. In between beams, the boss will either throw out two bouncing spike balls or one rolling turret. The spikes can be walked under after the first bounce, and if you're keeping close to the boss the rolling turret can be walked under before it hits the ground and opens. The spike balls can also be avoided by staying extra close as well, just be aware of the oncoming pits. The most dangerous part of the battle is if a spike ball's first bounce is in a pit. It's not possible to walk under because of the opening in the ground. Try to stay close to avoid this. Fire off flame charges as often as you can when the tail opens. Mission complete. 100% STAGE 4: Seabed =============================================================================== Immediately switch to grenades, aim-lock left and begin shooting homing missiles. Keep firing and you should get all the enemy missiles with no problem. 018% Fight a giant robot boss. Destroy the backpack first no matter how long it takes. Use homing missiles, and stay high in the air so as to avoid the mine explosions. When the backpack closes up switch to flame to deal more damage. The boss will slowly move more and more to the left. When there's barely enough room, go low and prepare to fly under the feet. Now you're under the chain. Pound on the craft the chain is attached to until it rises. Fly under it and into the open. For safety use homing missiles to take out all the incoming enemy missiles with ease. The boss will eventually start firing the big gun. The shots can be easily weaved between so long as there aren't missiles to also deal with. Afterwards the small craft will fire a spread of missiles and there will be big slack on the chain. Go upwards, the boss is about to lunge forward. When this happens, fly over the boss and attack the backpack again. Once that is gone, begin to take out the craft and gun in whichever order you choose. Remember the flame charge can go through objects. You can attack the gun from the boss' back. When the craft is destroyed the boss will begin swinging the now electrified chain as a new attack. Dodge it by moving to the extreme right. Once the gun is gone, the boss' core will reveal itself in turn. When the chest starts to light up, move in. The core will attack with a beam that takes up 75% of the screen. You're safe right above the core, so have the flame thrower ready and aim lock-down. You're also fairly safe from the missiles the boss shoots out in this spot after the chain attack. After two or three drillings to the core with the flame the boss should be done. 032% After a cutscene you'll be flying via a hand copter. Use the flame thrower here without aiming. You need to take out all the eggs and plants. Keep alert. Those "Alien"-inspired facehuggers that come out of the eggs will jump right at you no matter where you are. This is the hardest part of the stage just because of them. Stay mobile, and if you see a facehugger just fly towards it and aim high, your flame will nab it. 048% Another boss fight. Use the flame and position-lock yourself. The head will shoot several white rings all over the place. Make sure to nail them all with the flame. You will make contact with the boss while doing this. After a couple of passes the boss will move into the background and begin to shoot a red and blue laser aimed at the floor. The only part of the attack that can damage you is where the lasers hit the floor. Jump over these contact points as the lasers sweep the ground. After two sweeps the boss will come into the foreground again and can be attacked. Once the brain is completely exposed it will center itself into the middle of the screen and fall straight down. Avoid this by not being in the center. Aim-lock up and continue to use the flame. The brain will drip fluid onto the ground. Stay under either side. The boss will try to move directly above you and since you're trying to stay under the sides it will keep moving and dripping. Try not to get boxed into the corner. The faster you move the faster the boss will move. Inch your way sideways and continue to fire. The dripping will stop eventually and the attack will change to a massive downpour of liquid. The boss should be finished near the end of this attack. 053% You'll now enter a corridor with more eggs, facehuggers and plants. Very easy if you take your time. 075% A cutscene of the boss smashing the glass. The water level is now rising. Stay where you are, and fire homing missiles straight up constantly to take out all the floating bombs. 090% When you see 90% for your hit rate, switch to flame, charge a shot and aim-lock to the upper left. The boss will fly overhead. Shoot it as it passes by. From here it has two patterns one where you see it dive down, and the other where you'll see it swim off to the side. When it goes down you'll see bubbles appear under one of the three floats. Don't be standing on the float that has the bubbles underneath. The boss will make a huge leap from that spot. It will make three leaps in random locations. Watch for the bubbles and stay away from where they appear. When the boss swims off screen either left or right, charge the flame and move to the opposite side. There's a random chance that it'll fly overhead like in the beginning, but it's extremely rare. If that's the case quickly move to the other side. If not, when it appears, duck and let loose as many charges as you can. The boss will begin sucking up the platforms. More will appear from behind you. When you get too close jump away. When the boss stops sucking up the floats move in. It will dive under the closest platform and balance it on it's head for a second and swim off screen. You need to jump onto the platform and onto the ceiling in that second to avoid getting rammed. Now on the ceiling move to the opposite side that the boss took off in. It will make a big jump like it did in the beginning. Get off a shot while it's airborne, fall and land onto a platform before it hits you. Repeat until it starts to bleed. Once bleeding it will make one more final bubble attack and then die. **NOTE**: If you're death blow is while it's airborne, quickly move to the center float after you land. It will try to get a cheap shot off you from the corner it lands in and then deal out it's final jump. Mission complete. 100% STAGE 5: Archipelago =============================================================================== Use the machine gun for a bit to easily destroy soldiers on both sides. You get to a truck with two barrels and a soldier on top. The soldier will shoot as soon as he's onscreen so be careful and jump the bullet. 007% Once you see the sandbags switch to grenades and lob them up the hill to take that and the mortar out. 011% Get homing missiles ready and shoot to take out the mortar on the tree root. Inch farther to the right and get the soldier on the high tree root. He'll fire at you. Jump onto the low root then jump and grab onto the side of the high one and get on top. Another mortar is below. You're safe while high. Get rid of it from that position. Make sure to jump from the tree past the grass when you're ready. 014% A snail using an army jeep as a shell. Use the flame thrower. Aim-lock to the right and get close enough to register damage. Keep firing until you see one of it's two attacks getting ready. These will be a bubble attack or a rain of fire. For the fire, the snail will aim it's antenna up and fire several shots into the sky. Several target icons will appear all over the ground. When the snail is done firing, it will hide under the jeep. Jump onto the jeep to dodge the oncoming attack. Don't wait until the jeep is completely on the ground to jump. That will be too late. Go for safety while the snail is going for it's own. For the bubbles, you'll see a white slime extend from the head to the ground. The bubbles will spew from this. Use the flame thrower. The bubbles will grow when you damage them until they burst. Back off a bit so that your flame will touch where the bubbles come from. Sometimes 019% Keep the flame thrower out and take out the shielded soldier. Switch to homing missiles, and grab the rock ceiling. Slowly inch your way to the right. A soldier will be on the lower right and will fire at you the moment he's onscreen. Do not fall from the ceiling to dodge the bullet, instead go backwards. You should be able to outrun it. Climb across the pit. Switch to machine gun and fall to the ground. Facehuggers will scamper along the ground for this next bit, so be prepared. You've come to a crashed plane, and the propellers block your path. You can shoot the first propeller to rotate it and walk underneath like a swinging door. Use short bursts of machine gun fire otherwise the propeller will spin too fast and you'll have to wait for it to slow down. Walk underneath the first one in between facehugger appearances. The next propeller is different. When shot, it swings back and forth rather than rotate. Again, wait until after the facehugger, then fire your machine gun at full force at the propeller to push it out of your way. As you walk closer aim upwards to push it even higher and your clear. The last propeller is like the first. Use the same technique. 021% The cargo portion of the plane is opened and soldiers will jump out and onto the ground. Take out a couple when they land then walk underneath. Afterwards you'll see a two story platform. Jump to the highest position, shoot the soldier that is directly across from you and jump his bullet. In case you can't tell this is the base 1 entrance from Contra 1. Change to homing, and let loose wave after wave. Another soldier will appear at the top, but your missiles should nab him. Be watchful for a bullet from him. From there you're completely safe on the top so keep shooting homing shots until the center gun is gone. Fire regular grenades to destroy the core at the bottom for the final percentage of the first half. 034% After a cutscene you'll fight Blood Falcon Leader. He has a boat load of attacks and uses them randomly. They are the following... *Red fireballs: He will fly to an upper corner and surround himself with red fireballs. Aim-lock in his direction and fire off charged flames. When the balls stop swirling around him they will all strike your position. Walk away when they stop moving to dodge the attack. *White beam wheel: He will fly to the center of the screen and emit white beams that stretch from him to the walls. You'll get a warning of where the beams will touch with crosshairs, so make sure you're inbetween these contact points. Once the beams are in place, they will rotate around him like a giant wheel. Get off charged shots while you can. When you run out of room on the floor, climb the walls and ceiling. Try to get onto the floor once the beams disappear for safety as you don't know where he will fly to next. *White ball scatter: He'll fly to the top center of the screen and release several white energy balls that'll just hang in the air on several parts of the screen. I think where the balls appear is random, so for safety duck in the center of the screen until you figure out where the danger is. If there isn't a ball right above you keeping you pinned, stand up and fire charged flames at him. *Standing somersault kick: While on the ground of either side he will charge up a white energy on the ground in front of him then somersault kick it so it flies along the walls of the room. The best place is to be right behind him if possible. Try to jump over him before he starts charging, if you're not already in the corner. It is possible to jump over both him and the charge, but it's tricky and not worth the risk. If you're stuck in front of him, fire off charged flames and jump his attack. If you're behind him, use the flame thrower and stay inbetween him and the wall. Jump over the attack as it nears. *Cannon ball: He'll roll up into a ball and bounce around the room several times. This is probably the trickiest attack as sometimes you'll think you know where he'll bounce to next but because of those sloped corners, you'll be thrown off. Just try to stay as far away as possible to give yourself more reaction time. He can still be damaged while in this state. When he stops make sure to get in some flame thrower action. 043% After the battle he has several transformations to defeat. The first is the heart at the end of Contra 1 but it's all sideways. Use the flame thrower, and immediately go to the right side, aim up at the lower egg and shoot until you destroy that egg and the first facehugger that appears on that side. After that quickly charge a flame shot and fire upwards to get rid of the top egg. Now get on the flat ground (not the sloped edge) lay down and wipe out the facehugger coming from the left. Move to the left and fire upwards again destroy that lower egg. Be careful though, facehuggers will still appear from the right side even with no eggs. When you see one coming, again, make sure you're on the ground and not the slight slope on the edges, lay down and shoot it. Destroy the remaining egg(s) then aim up at the descending heart with the flame thrower. Stay to one of the sides. That way when the facehuggers crawl down the walls you can take out the closer one first, then lay down and get the other. Continue shoot the heart until it bleeds green. 056% A giant caterpillar is next. The head is the weakspot so drill it with the flame thrower or flame charges. When it starts to corner you, jump over it's head and onto it's body, and continue the process until it's defeated. 061% Two bosses at the same time now. They're mini versions of the final boss in Super C. Aim-lock to the right and use the flame thrower on the boss to your right. It will do a hop straight up and down. The boss on top will run forward and after that the boss on the ground will do the same. You need to jump over the bottom one when it does this. You'll get a tiny warning hop right before hand. The boss on the ground is now on the other side. Continue dealing heavy fire damage. It will crawl into the ground, or make another run. After going into the ground it will appear again and follow the same pattern. Once the bottom one is gone start firing charged flames at the top one until it dives. From here it will either appear on the top or bottom. If it's the top, aim-lock towards it and fire, but be ready for it to jump to the center of the ceiling quickly so back off when this happens. If it's the ground it comes out of, aim-lock towards it and dish out punishment while weaving through it's volley of spiny balls showering you. If it's still around after this volley, it will quickly run to the other side. Jump over that. Then immediately lay down in the center. It's going to hop backwards right over you. Continue until it's defeated. 071% Following that is a strange plant-looking boss. It's weakspot is the center area that reveals itself when the top and bottom parts are separated. Aim-lock to the right and start jumping and firing shots off in the center of the screen. You'll score a hit or two as it's slinking in. Hammer the center as often as you can. When the boss grabs the ceiling and floor and pulls them together, you must at this point grab onto the ceiling yourself and hold onto it. The boss will cause an inferno that will completely take up the floor. Once the flame is gone it's safe to fall to the floor and continue the assault. It will make it's way over to the left ceiling and fall down. Once on the ground it will fire a huge blue beam. Dodge it by laying down or kneeling. From here it will being jogging back and forth. Jump over as it passes by. The pattern will start over so finish it off. 076% Finally the real boss of the stage. You may recognize it. Right away attack the left snake-creature with the flame thrower. When it retracts fire flame charges down at it. The main boss will fire two shots from it's eyes straight at your position and one from it's forehead slightly at your position. It's easy to jump over any dangerous projectiles as they're slow. The left snake-thing, if it's not gone yet will come out of hiding and wrap it self around the rail. Go to the opposite end of where it came from and once it's reached it's full length, pound on the head when it's right over you. It will fully retract and repeat. The other will follow the same pattern. Take it out next. When the snake-arms are gone small projectiles will occasionally be lobbed out of the now opened area. You'll get a warning when this is about to happen so crawl to the other side to avoid it. Another attack to watch out for from the sides are tiny blue projectiles that'll latch onto the rail. These have to be jumped over in or to get around them. Focus on the eyes before the forehead. To get rid of the left eye fire grenades from the far right. They'll land right on it. Do the opposite for the right eye. All while avoiding all of the boss' nasty attacks. With the eyes gone the forehead attack will intensify. Aim whatever you want at the forehead and the stage is complete. Mission complete 100% STAGE 6: ?? =============================================================================== You're on the roof of your plane and the robo-chopper is giving chase. It will fire a strafing volley of shots. Simply jump over them to avoid. Aim-lock upward and get the flame thrower ready. The boss will extend out it's legs and appear on the top left side. The legs are the weakspot. Keep the flame on either of them and take out the incoming missile by walking slightly left or right if needed. 005% The camera view changes. The boss will transform into the robot and land on the left side of the plane roof. Get off a flame shot or two at the chest area. The boss will then begin to fire at the plane roof and the energy will travel along it. Jump over these and fire charges while doing so. The boss will either appear on the center or the far right next. If it's the center, be on the left side and get off a free shot or two. The boss will quickly leave if you're at it's back. When the robo-chopper is on the far right whip out homing missile and lay down and shoot as many as you can quickly dish out. 020% After a cutscene the next boss is a silver man. Use flame charges for the whole battle. It will move to different areas of the screen and from each it will have a unique attack. From the bottom farmost sides, be on the opposite side and jump over it's two purple balls that it'll throw. From the topmost corners it can do two different things depending on it's poses. If it makes a kind of squatting stance, it's going to throw two purple balls like mentioned above. Same as above, be on the opposite side and jump them as they approach. The other possible attack from the upper corners will occur if the boss pulls it's outer arm back like it's ready to punch. it will turn it's arm into a long spike and pound the ground. Depending on your location it will either make one punch, or a repeating punch that'll strike the ground from right to left. No matter which, be at the opposite side and jump over the first lunge to avoid it. Finally the boss could appear in the center of the screen. From here it will hover directly above your position. Move to the side with the most space to avoid the spike it will drive straight downwards. 035% You will automatically move to the left side and the boss will transform into a frog. Aim-lock upper right and use the flame thrower on it while it's just floating in the center of the screen. It will fly off and reappear on the far right. Hammer it with flame charge shots and stay on the far left to avoid it's vomit attack. It will spit out four objects afterwards one at a time. It's fairly safe to remain on the left side for this. These objects are like the propellers in the previous stage except they're moving. This first batch is rather slow and it's not too difficult to lay down underneath each one as they pass by while still getting shots off. I've been told of another method for this attack that involves kneeling down right in front of the frog and these things will simply fly overhead, but I haven't mastered any such technique yet as it's hard to get in that close so soon after the vomit attack. When the 4th object is gone the boss will swim into the background and then fly into the screen at your location. Jump away and start charing flame. From here it will zip back and forth right to left or left to right. Jump over the low dashes, and lay down under the semi-low dashes . Keep shooting as it flies by if you can manage. Once done, the frog will reappear on the left side and repeat the same pattern from above, so get on the right side to avoid the vomit. Hopefully by this time the boss is defeated, because I have no decent tactic for dodging the four throat objects from this side. Either they're faster, or something... 050% The boss will change this time into a jellyfish. Aim-lock up and fire your ever helpful flame charges. The boss will stay on the top of the screen, and move back and forth releasing small jellyfish. These will then slowly descend, swaying left and right. Try to stay under the boss and get off as many shots as you can. If you shoot the tiny jellyfish, they will rapidly fall straight down and must be avoided. Try not to let the screen get too crowded with the smaller brand. Shoot them when necessary, but don't get distracted. At some point the Boss will give off glow. This is a warning of it's only other attack. The jellyfish will fly rather quickly along the walls in a clockwise or counterclockwise motion. Jump over it as it flies along the ground. Beforehand, make sure you have enough room to jump by clearing a small area of tiny jellys. 065% The jellyfish transforms into a huge cell. The weakspot is the nucleus and can only be damaged when the outer membrane is pushed deep enough so that contact can be made. Without a doubt the greatest strategy to use here is to aim-lock to the upper right, place yourself in the left corner, kneel down, and fire constant machine gun fire. You will not take damage. The cell's projectiles will fly right into your stream. Do not move, don't stop shooting, and it'll be finished very quickly. just make sure you're set up in your spot and shooting as soon as possible. (Big thanks to SEVERAL folks on this one. The hardest boss in the game suddenly became the easiest >:b) 080% The last boss of this stage is a core. The space directly above you is littered with tiny floating worms. Do not jump at all. Move close enough to the core in the center of the screen so that the flame thrower can reach, position-lock yourself, aim directly at the core and use the flame thrower. After a few seconds of this, you'll begin to see that the core is taking damage. While doing this, keep an eye on the floating worms. When they begin to glow brightly, they're going to come after you. Stay position-locked and fend them off by whipping the flame thrower where it's necessary and continue with your main attack once they calm down. Mission complete. 100% FINAL BOSS BATTLE =============================================================================== The plane is once again visible, and you're trying to escape a huge explosion. A combination of the 1st and 2nd boss from the previous stage appears right behind the plane and starts attacking. Aim-lock to the upper right, and use either the machine gun or flame charge shots. The upper half of the boss will lob two spheres onto the plane roof three times. The sphere's will bounce in different directions. To avoid the first lob, kneel down to the right of what looks like a ladder on the side of the plane behind the wing. For the second, kneel down on top of the ladder. For the third kneel directly above the dark black line on the plane wing and you should be fine. After the three attacks from the upper portion, it's the lower half's turn. It will fire four projectiles out of it's mouth one right after the other, and it will either fire them straight left or angled towards the roof. Dodge the straight attack by simply laying down, and dodge the slanted by jumping straight up from the far left side to avoid the leftmost blast (be sure not to fall off the plane). Try to watch the angle of the head on the lower half to get a read of the direction. If you're uncertain of the angle, jump from the left side when the attack comes. If it's the sloped version, you're OK. If it's the straight version, try and land inbetween the 2nd and 3rd blast and immediately lay down when you land. You have to be quick, but it works. It will only attack once and then the upper body will strike again. 100% The boss is making a last desperate effort to drag the plane into the wall of fire. Shooting him is optional and doesn't change your rank. Either way, stay on the far left side. Congratulations ====================================================================== ====================================================================== Copyright Notice: This document is Copyright 2002 Chris "Radd Spencer" Babineau. It may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site outside of GameFAQs without advance permission from the author (lastboss@hotmail.com). It may not be distributed electronically outside of the GameFAQs web site, and it may not be distributed otherwise at all. --CSB