2#MMMMMMMMMBBEEBMMMMMMMMMEMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMSt. vMMMMM#S88KBBMMMMBPCtt. hMMMM ;ChBMMMMMMBj :MMMMB#KPMMMM#6t 8M55EPP. ;MMME8BMMMMMMMMMKP#MMMMS .MMMMB##KMMMv #MMCjv2;:hh:;j; CMM vPMMEPh6ChMMM PMMMBEE#PMMv jMK;;tvv: PM0M; MM ;MEKS80vtBM ;MMMMB#E#SM2 .MC25CCC2 MM CMMMMMMMMMP t508hSSPhM ;MMMBB#E#SM EEjCCCCC2 M SMMMMMMMMMMMMBBEMM MMMBE#KK0MM 0Bv2C2v2j M MMMMMMMMMMM CMMMMMhK6665C5C.MM MMMBEK#SSMM MhCC6CC2 BM.MB MM 5M08806CthM jMMMEPS85MMMC v8;tttt: 2MM .CMM5 :MMPhhh808MM: :EMMMKh6t0MMMMMMM6h05K0ttj; 5MMMM#E8 j8MMM#80055PMM0 jPEMMMSCt.;CPBMBB5 ;050; tEMMMMMMMMMMMMMEPhhPBMMMM; .6KEBBM#PPh8S#EBMMPMMMBK8Ct...j0#MMMMMMMMMMMM#j C Y G I R L S *************************************************************************** Cy Girls - FAQ/Walkthrough. Written By: Kain Stryder. E-Mail Address: ssj4kain@aol.com. Walkthrough Version: Final. Last Updated: 9/7/08. System(s): PlayStation 2. *************************************************************************** ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Table Of Contents = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | [ I. Introduction ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ INTR1 ] | | | | [ II. Current Updates ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CURUP2 ]| | | | [ III. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions.) ] . . . . . . . . . . [ FAQ3 ] | | | | [ IV. How To Play ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ HOTP4 ] | | A. Controls And Menus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ COAM4.1 ]| | B. Moving Around . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MOVAR4.2 ]| | C. Battle System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BATSYS4.3 ] | | D. Cool Shots/Fatal Blows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ COFA4.4 ]| | E. Cyber Space (Cy-D.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CYSP4.5 ] | | | | [ V. The Characters Of The Story ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TCOT5 ]| | A. Ice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ IC5.1 ] | | B. Aska . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ASK5.2 ] | | C. Flame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ FLA5.3 ]| | D. Raven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ RAVE5.4 ] | | E. Ash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ AS5.5 ] | | F. Coffy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ COFF5.6 ] | | G. Bump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BUM5.7 ] | | H. Harley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ HARL5.8 ]| | I. X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ X5.9 ]| | J. Benigumo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BENI5.10 ] | | K. Wilson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ WILS5.11 ] | | L. Puri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ PUR5.12 ]| | M. Kogetsu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ KOGE5.13 ]| | N. Steiner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ STEIN5.14 ] | | O. Professor Zukovsky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ PROZU5.15 ]| | P. Sancho Poco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SANPO5.16 ] | | | | [ VI. The Walkthrough (Ice.) ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ THEWALIC6 ]| | A. Beginning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BEGI6.1 ] | | B. Argentina Net Justice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ARNEJ6.2 ]| | C. Argentine Prison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ARGPR6.3 ] | | D. Peruvian Ruins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ PERUI6.4 ] | | E. Spanish Party Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SPAPHA6.5 ]| | F. Marshall Islands Plant 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MAISP6.6 ] | | G. Marshall Islands Plant 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MAISP6.7 ] | | H. Arizona Shuttle Base . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ARISHBA6.8 ] | | I. Space Elevator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SPELE6.9 ] | | J. Ending . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ENDI6.10 ] | | | | [ VII. The Walkthrough (Aska.) ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ THEWALAS7 ]| | A. Beginning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BEGI7.1 ] | | B. Japanese Ninja Mansion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ JANIMA7.2 ]| | C. Japan Net Justice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ JANEJU7.3 ] | | D. Marshall Islands Plant 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MARISP7.4 ]| | E. Spanish Party Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SPAHA7.5 ] | | F. Peruvian Ruins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ PERUI7.6 ] | | G. Marshall Islands Plant 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MARISP7.7 ]| | H. Space Elevator Base . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SPELBA7.8 ] | | I. Space Elevator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SPAEL7.9 ] | | J. Ending . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ENDI7.10 ] | | | | [ VIII. Boss Guide ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BOSGU8 ] | | A. Ice's Bosses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ICBO8.1 ]| | B. Aska's Bosses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ASKBO8.2 ]| | | | [ IX. Enemy List ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ENELI9 ] | | | | [ X. Weapon List ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ITELI10 ]| | A. Ice's Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ICWEA10.1 ] | | B. Aska's Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ASWEA10.2 ]| | | | [ XI. Item List ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ITELI11 ] | | A. Ice's Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ICEIT11.1 ] | | B. Aska's Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ASKIT11.2 ]| | | | [ XII. Cy-D Items/Skills ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CYITSK12 ] | | | | [ XIII. Secrets ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SECR13 ]| | | | [ XIV. Credits ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CREDI14 ]| | | | [ XV. My Words ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MYWOR15 ]| =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Table Of Contents = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ NOTE: I've added a Search Engine into all my FAQs now. To use this, if there's something you wish to find instantly in my FAQ, in the above table, on the left is the name of a section or sub-section. To the right is a weird code, like GOK5.1. Basically, if you wish to go to the section where I tell you about Goku under The Playable Characters Of The Story, on your Keyboard, hold Ctrl and then hit F and a window will open. Type in GOK5.1 and hit Find Next. It'll bring you to that section instantly. The code to reach the Table Of Contents is just that: Table Of Contents. I hope this makes browsing my FAQs easier for you. Enjoy! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ INTR1 ] = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Hey there and welcome to Kain Stryder's Walkthrough for Cy Girls, Konami's latest release for the PS2. (Well, at the time of writing this, that is.) I'm back yet again and as always, I hope my walkthrough helps you while playing the game. Like before, I please ask that you respect my work and not take it and claim it as your own for personal gain, profit, etc, nor do I wish for you to put it on your site as well. This walkthrough is to be on IGN only and no other site. All I'm asking in return for you using this walkthrough is to use it for your own use and that's it. This walkthrough is also not to be editted in any way, shape or form unless I give permission to do so. Well, again, with that said, I won't keep you any longer, so, let's get dive into the walkthrough! Enjoy! Update: This Walkthrough is now available at GameFAQs, Neoseeker and any other sites I've allowed via E-Mail to host this file. If I did not give you permission to host this FAQ on your site, then you're hosting it illegally and if you're reading this on a site with any variatin of "cheat" in its name, please notify me so I may take the necessary action. Thanks. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = II. Current Updates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CURUP2 ]= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 9/7/08 - Made some changes thanks to Draewon. They are: X's Kick Attack with L2, the 99 of each SubWeapon and 9999 Ammo for each Gun in Extra Game, X's name for the Machine Gun Arm, which is Overdose and modulating the Support Files while fighting Wilson's Avatar. Thanks so much! Other than this, nothing else has been changed or updated. 5/14/07 - Just writing in to let any readers know if they E-Mail me any questions or comments, that my address still works. My willpower to write walkthroughs over the last few years died, mostly to college and real life, but I may just start this up again. Feel free to write in, thanks. 5/8/04 - Just added up a new Secret I learned about, mainly to do with viewing either of the girl's movie clips after you beat the game. Check out Section XIII. Secrets for more on that. Other than that, nothing else is new, so until next time, later! 4/29/04 - God damn, I completely finished Aska's Walkthrough now. I didn't expect to be done that fast, but oh well, it's done now. As it stands, this guide is now 100% completed and everyone's been accounted for. Only thing I couldn't do was get a few Items here and there, which the ones I couldn't get are noted at the start of each Mission under "Items To Get" at the end. Also, thanks to D. Scott Jessel for telling me how to get 2 of Ice's Items in the Marshall Islands Plant 1 Mission. I've added up how to get them now, so, thanks again! So, other than that, I've marked this guide as the final version and if I ever need to update again, I will, be it with corrections, additions, whatever, but until that time, enjoy the guide and I hope it helps you! 4/28/04 - Alrighty, well, I've started Aska's Walkthrough and I've covered the first 2 Missions for her, as well as some of her appendencies, so, I'm off to a good start with her. Other than that, nothing much else, but tomorrow, expect another 1-2 Missions for her completed. Well, enjoy! 4/27/04 - Hey all. I finished up the rest of Ice's Missions, so now her Walkthrough is complete, as is all of her appendencies. All that's left is Aska's Walkthrough and her appendencied that will be filled in as I write her Missions. Expect by tomorrow at least 1 or 2 or Aska's Missions to be completed. Until then, enjoy what's here! 4/26/04 - Started this walkthrough a few days ago and this is where it's at at the moment. Everything is virtually completed, except The Walkthroughs themselves, but Ice's Walkthrough is done up to the end of the 5th Mission, though nothing is started on Aska's as of yet. Other than that, just the Enemy, Item and Weapon Lists and Cy-D Skills aren't 100% yet, but they will be once Ice and Aska's Walkthroughs are completed. Anyway, expect more updates within the following days, as it shouldn't take more than a week to complete. Well, until next time, enjoy what's here! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = III. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions.) . . . . . . . . . . . . [ FAQ3 ] = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Q. Does it matter which girl I play as first? A. No, not really. Even though the Instruction Booklet suggests Ice, it really doesn't matter. I agree with Konami on playing as Ice first, since in my opinion, once you finish with Ice, you'll be blown away by how amazing Aska is. Trust me, if Ice seems boring and dull, as with the rest of the game, once you play Aska's first mission, things will change. Q. Are there any special unlockable things besides the secret characters? A. Not that I'm aware of, although this is a Konami game. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a few more secrets tucked away somewhere. Q. What in the hell is Cy Girls? A. As far as I know, they're a Action Figure series in Japan. Somehow they became insanely popular and warranted a video game being made on them. In all honesty, this game wasn't that great. It felt for the most part like a watered down Metal Gear Solid for girls and even the story was far below average. Half the time you have no idea what's going on, let alone why, so, yeah, there you have it. And now the game's getting a sequel...Konami, I love you, but really, make another Castlevania, not a sequel to Cy Girls. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = IV. How To Play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ HOTP4 ] = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - A. Controls And Menus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ COAM4.1 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alrighty, let's start off with the controls, shall we? D-Pad - Select your Secondary Weapon with the Up and Down Buttons. To "confirm" your choice, just highlight the Weapon and stop. Left Analog Stick - Used to move your characters around and to browse Items/Commands in the Menus. Right Analog Stick - Used to move the camera around. R3 Button - Resets the camera to its default position. L3 Button - Hold it down to display the Map. Select - Speak to your contact during the mission. (Raven, Coffy, whoever.) Start - Pauses the game and brings up the Menu. Square Button - Used to examine or activate something. When held near a object that can be moved, you can move that object. Stop pressing the Square Button to stop moving the object. Triangle Button - Use your Secondary Weapon. (On the Mission Objectives Menu, it allows you to view the previous Map if there's more than 1 floor to a place.) X Button - Lets you jump and select Items within the Menus. (On the Mission Objectives Menu, it allows you to view the next Map if there's more than 1 floor to a place. For Aska, when you jump, if you jump near a wall, press the X Button again to have her run on the wall. To have her jump off it, hit the X Button again.) Circle Button - Use your Primary Weapon and cancel an option within the Menus. For Aska, hold it down to use the Guard ability with her Katana. R1 Button - Use your Primary Weapon and in the Menus, moves the page foward to the next Menu. For Aska, hold it down to use the Guard ability with her Katana. In Cy-D, hold this down and enter the proper command to perform a Skill. R2 Button - Use your Secondary Weapon. L1 Button - Lets you do an evasive move and in the Menus, moves the page back to the previous Menu. L2 Button - Lets you take cover behind an object. (Wall, desk, etc.) When like this, press this again to stop hiding and when hiding, use the Left Analog Stick to move and when you want to peak out and attack, move as far as you can over to the side of what you're hiding behind and hold the direction down, attack and when you want to hide, release the Left Analog Stick. Also, while on the wall, if you hit the L1 Button, you'll do a cartwheel out from where you are. Very useful if you're using cover by a door and want to quickly get to the otherside. X, however, will kick when you press L2, instead of hiding or pressing against a wall. Alright, that clears up the controls. Next, we have the various Menus in the game. I'll start first with the Main Menu that pops up when you first begin the game. Here's the options you'll see: New Game - Select this to get started on Ice/Aska's Mission. Once you do, you'll see the following choices before you start: Difficulty - Choose from Easy, Normal or Hard. All this does is determine how hard the Enemies are and so forth. Camera Mode - Choose from Novice Mode or Expert Mode. Basically, Novice Mode allows you to let the game handle the camera movements and Expert Mode lets you manually control the camera. I STRONGLY suggest Novice Mode on your first playthrough, as Expert Mode is NOT a joyride. Load Game - If you have any Save Data from a previous game, go here and follow the directions to load your game up and to continue where you left off. Note: When saving your game, make sure you have 210 KB free on your Memory Card to write a Save Data. You can have 6 Save Datas total. Options - Lets you change the various things in the game. They are: Camera Mode - Choose from Novice Mode or Expert Mode. Basically, Novice Mode allows you to let the game handle the camera movements and Expert Mode lets you manually control the camera. I STRONGLY suggest Novice Mode on your first playthrough, as Expert Mode is NOT a joyride. Vibration - Turn the Vibration either On or Off. Blood - Turn the Blood either On or Off. Vertical Aim - Sets the vertical movement of the camera. When set to Normal, when you press the Left Analog Stick in the direction you want, it'll move where you press, but when set to Inverted, all the controls are opposite. Horizontal Aim - Sets the horizontal movement of the camera. When set to Normal, when you press the Left Analog Stick in the direction you want, it'll move where you press, but when set to Inverted, all the controls are opposite. Camera Speed - Set the Camera's Speed to either Fast, Normal or Slow. L3 Button Map View - Set this to either On or Off, depending if you want the L3 Button to show the Map during the game when pressed and held. Map Display Method - Choose between Toggle or Fixed when the Map is displayed when the L3 Button is pressed and held. Sound Settings - Choose from either Stereo, ProLogic II or Monoaural for the type of sound you want. BGM Volume - Set the BGM Volume from anywhere to the 11 different levels that best fits you. VO Volume - Set the VO (Voice Over.) Volume from anywhere to the 11 different levels that best fits you. Default Settings - Select this to return all the above options back to how they are normally. Return To The Title Screen - Select this to return to the Title Screen. Extra Game - Appears only once you've completed Ice/Aska's Game. When selected, you can play any stage you want, with any uniform for any of the girls and other things, such as play as 3 of the secret characters in the game. (X, Coffy and Benigumo.) In this mode, your character will have 99 of each SubWeapon and 9999 Ammo for their Gun they choose. If playing as Ice, you can pick what Gun you want. Also, everyone has access to all Skills, which are all unlocked. Ok, so, that covers the Main Menu. Next up, we have the Menu that pops up when you hit start. Here's what you'll see: Weapons - If you're playing as Ice only, you'll see this. For any other character, you won't. Ice has 3 types of Guns she can use. 2 Small, 2 Medium and 1 Large. For the Small Weapons, if she finds another Gun, you can opt to have her use 2 Small Weapons at once. Though, when you acquire a Large Weapon, you can't switch to another Weapon unless you Discard the Large Weapon first. To select a different Weapon, highlight the one you wish to use and hit the X Button and to see information on the Weapon, hit the Triangle Button. To Discard a Weapon, highlight it and hit the Square Button and press the Triangle Button for Yes, Circle Button for No. Also, depending on Ice's Outfit, she may be limited to even less Weapons than what she normally could carry. Finally, if you come across, say, a 3rd type of Medium Weapon and you already have 2 Medium Weapons, to acquire the 3rd, you must Discard one of the ones you're carrying before you can get it. When you see the Menu, though, of course, S means Small, M means Medium and L means Large. You'll also see the name of the Weapon to the far right, with how many bullets you have left for that Weapon and in brackets, you'll see how many bullets 1 clip holds. At the bottom, you'll see some small details on the Weapon itself and again, for more information, hit the Triangle Button once you highlight a Weapon. SubWeapons - Shows you detailed information on the various SubWeapons and Items you hold. The huge window shows you a picture of it, with a description at the bottom. To the right, you can browse what you have to learn more about the SubWeapon/Item and to see how many of each thing you currently hold. Mission Objectives - Shows you the Map of the current area/floor. At the topright, it tells you the area name and to the top left it tells you your objectives. The yellow arrow on the Map is where you are currently and anything with blue or yellow arrows are places of importance that you need to visit. Database - Broken into two parts: Information and Tutorials. Information is for all the Files you find in Cy-D for that particular Mission and Tutorials stay with you for the whole game. They are filled up once you do something that warrents the game informing you about. Once the game tells you something, it'll be saved for you to view later incase you need to. To view something, highlight it and hit the X Button. Options - Displays the game's Options. They're they same as the ones located on the Main Menu, but put here for your convienence. System - Allows you to Save your game or Load a game or to Return To Title, incase you need to. Alright, that completes the Menu in the maingame. Next up, let's take a look at the Game Over screen: First, in order to get a Game Over, this must happen: - Your Vital reaches 0. - You fail the Mission. - You kill any individual that isn't an Enemy. - You fall from too high of an elevation. (Note: I've NEVER been able to get this. I don't think there is a place in the game where you can die from falling...) - You remain in Cy-D for over 10 minutes. If you do any of the above, this Menu will pop up: Continue - Continue the game from the last Checkpoint. Mission Restart - Restart the entire Mission over. Data Load - Load a Save Data. Data Save - Save your game. Return To Title - Return to the Main Menu/Title Screen. Ok, that covers the Game Over Menu. Finally, we have the Stage Clear Menu, which appears whenever you complete a Mission: Difficulty - Shows you the Difficulty of the game. Clear Time - Total time it took you to complete the Mission. Cool Shots - Shows you the total amount of Cool Shots you did in the Mission. Rank - I believe the Rank can be anywhere from D to SS. SS is the best, D is the worst. Not sure it there's an F, but generally, you'd assume you wouldn't get an F, since F means Failure and Rank is solely judges on Cool Shots, which is stupid. And no, from my knowledge, there is NO reward for getting a perfect Rank on each Mission. Also, at the bottom, you'll also see how many of the Secondary Weapons you get to start with for the next Mission, depending on how well you did with your Rank, I think. Alright, that takes care of the final Menu in the game. Last, let's take a look at the actual screen that you play on and what each thing is around it, starting from the top left and going clockwise: Vitality Gauge - A long light blue line that represents your energy. When you're hit with an attack, this will descrease and once it becomes empty, it's Game Over. To heal yourself, use Bio-Charges in the real world and in Cy-D, find Support Files that are red hearts, as blue hearts will decrease your energy instead of increasing it. Enemy Sensor - Rather useless, but depending on where you're being attacked or where a Enemy is located by a flashing red bar. When no Enemy is around, this bar is green, but when near an Enemy, it'll flash red. (Like the Compass doesn't already do that...) Enemy Info - Once you encounter a Enemy, a window will appear at the top of the screen, displaying the Enemy's Face and their Vitality Gauge. Once they are dead, this will disappear. Compass - Shows you where an Enemy is with a red dot and where a non-Enemy is via a blue dot. The orange area on the compass represents the current view of your character from their eyes and what direction they're going currently. (Note: The Compass also has North, South, East and West on the sides of it.) Info Display - Below the Compass, when you find an Item, complete an Objective or have a new Objective given to you, a little message will pop up and inform you. To check Mission Objectives, go to the Menu and go to the Mission Objectives screen and see what they are. Item Indicator - If you're near a Item, sometimes it'll be displayed in a window at the bottom of the screen with a line showing you where it's locating. Simply follow the line and when it stops, you've found it. Sometimes the Item can be located inside something or above/below you, so always search around. Though, if you wait long enough, the Item will glow, showing you where it's hidden exactly, such as if it's hidden in some plants or above a beam or something. Ammo Indicator/Guard Guage - Depending on who you're playing as, if you're Ice, you'll see how much Ammo you have for your current Gun at the bottom left of the screen and if you're Aska, you'll have a blue bar, displaying how much Health is left in your Katana to block attacks with. If her Guard Guage empties, you can no longer block attacks, but this will refill over time. That or you can use a HF Pack. Also, if Ice runs out of ammo, she obviously can no longer use that Gun until she gets more. Primary Weapon - Shows you what Weapon you're currently using with a picture at the bottom left corner, also with the Ammo Indicator/Guard Guage nearby to the right. Secondary Weapon/Item - Above the Primary Weapon, it shows you what SubWeapon/Item you current have Equipped. Enemy's Vitality Gauge - When you're close to an Enemy and fighting them, just like with the Enemy Info, you'll see a Vitality Gauge pop up near them, showing you how much Health they have left. Once it empties, they're done for. Note: At the bottom right corner, when you hit the Select Button, your Contact will pop up and talk to you to give you unhelpful information. For example, they'll talk about random stuff that has zero value on what you're doing. This flew well for Metal Gear Solid, because they did this AFTER giving you helpful advice. Whew, well, that covers everything for controls and Menus. I hope that helped you! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - B. Moving Around . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MOVAR4.2 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Movement in Cy Girls is rather easy. You basically have control of your character at all times and you guide them through the Stage to complete their required objectives. Along the way, you'll have to obtain clues and Items that'll help you solve puzzles and finish objectives. This is mainly done by examining anything that looks suspicious or comes up on your screen with a box. When something like a box pops up with a line showing you what to look at, examine the object to see what happens. Sometimes, though, this won't happen and you'll have to manually examine something to learn about it or search it, such as lockers. Do note that your character can hang off objects, such as railings and slowly make their way across gaps. So if there's a large gap you can't jump over, see if there's a railing or something you can hang onto from the wall to move yourself across. Do NOT be fooled if you literally don't see a metal bar or something to hang on to. 9 times out of 10, if a gap is too wide and you can't jump across it or use something to get you across, you CAN use something nearby on the wall to make your way across. Also, even though this game may have a Metal Gear Solid feel to it, you generally don't need to take cover behind something to fight. You can just rush in, fight and move on. Only hide and fight when the Enemies are heavily armed, cause, trust me, you WILL need the protection. If you also seem to be stuck, like you can't reach an upper level and there's no way out from where you are, you can generally climb anything, so, attempt to when needed. As you move, you'll also notice "Checkpoint" appear every now and then. That means if you die, you will restart at the area that last said "Checkpoint", so, keep that in mind, as it's very helpful when you find yourself dying a whole lot. For Aska, though, she has the unique ability to run on walls. To do this, simply jump towards a wall and hit the X Button again and hold it and hold the direction you wish to go in. If you jump again, Aska will leap off the wall, which is good when you're in a room with the walls that are narrow, so you can virtually leap Frog yourself off the walls, run, jump, repeat up to much higher areas easily. Practice it early on, as it becomes very, very useful later. Well, that about covers movement in the game. Not much more I can mention or suggest, so, I hope that helped. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - C. Battle System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BATSYS4.3 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fighting in Cy Girls is rather easy and doesn't take much to grasp ahold of. You use a Gun/Katana to kill your Enemies, with the sometimes assistance of Grenades of various types or Ninja Items. Although, sometimes, just flat out blasting an Enemy isn't always the best thing to do. Sometimes, tactics work far better than running in blindly and shooting up a storm. For example, if there's a group of Enemies around, use a Grenade of some time to weed them out a bit. That or take cover behind something, time your movements and take each one down one by one. The Grenade I find that takes out the Enemies fast is the Flash Grenade. It doesn't hurt you like the other Grenades and it leaves every Enemy stunned for a while, letting you pick them off easily. As for mechanical Enemies, you'll find a Microwave Grenade works wonders on them, though, it will NOT work on any organism, only machines. If you find attacking an Enemy does nothing to them, such as some Bosses, attempt to hit them in the back or if they have a shield, wait until it momentarily goes down and then make your move. With Ice, every bullet counts, because if you run out of ammo with her, she's literally defenseless and fighting with Grenades is NOT fun. Though, Aska never has that problem, obviously. Over all, though, use the Compass to your advantage to see how many Enemies are around, take them out as fast as you can and move on. Enemies can respawn constantly, so, don't think you HAVE to kill EVERYTHING in site. If something overwhelmes you, RUN away so you live to fight another day. And with that, the Battle System is virtually covered. Not much else to tell you except go out and try fighting on your own and experience the game to see what it's like. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - D. Cool Shots/Fatal Blows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ COFA4.4 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cool Shots/Fatal Blows are special attacks in Cy Girls that effect your over all Rank at the end of each Mission and also (In the case of Aska.) let you kill Enemies in one special blow, with a cool scene. Though, I've NEVER seen Ice do a special cinematic scene or anything, so I'm not sure if she has them. But basically, with Ice, if you use the L1 Button while shooting, you'll do more damage or if you do some type of fancy killing with her, at the end of the Stage, you get a Cool Shots total, which in turn determines your Rank. With Aska, she has a series of insanely awesome 1 hit kills called Fatal Blows that you'll always be pulling off with her. Here's a rundown on each of them and how to do them: Note: Don't worry about your Rank, as it's virtually useless and does nothing, as far as I know, so, don't waste your time racking up Cool Shots unless you absolutely enjoy it. Backstabber - If the Enemy has their back to you, attack them and Aska should leap onto their shoulders, stab her Katana into their stomach and do a front flip off of them, pulling her Katana out. 360 Lightning Slam - If Enemies are around Aska or there's more than 2, attack and she'll spin around with her Katana in a 360 and then slam her Katana into the ground, creating a Lighting bolt effect on them, knocking them all backwards. Speed Slash - If 2 Enemies are near Aska, when you attack, she'll rush one at lightning speed, killing them and then she'll rush the other one, killing them as well. Death From Above - Probably the easiest one to do. Jump into the air and attack and Aska will do a backflip, then come flying down, slashing the Enemy dead. Hook Shot Special - If there are about 4-6 Enemies infront of Aska, when you attack, she'll use her Hook to drag them all near her, then she'll leap into the air and slam her Katana into them, with a fire effect, killing them. Triple Clone Slash - If there are 3 Enemies on all sides of Aska, when you attack, she'll disappear and then appear again, after somehow killing all 3 Enemies instantly. I know you're probably saying "Wow, Aska is cheap as hell!" but really, she isn't. You're fighting people with Guns and you have a Katana. That's fair? Thought so. Anyway, when Aska normally attacks, she can kill an Enemy in 2 hits generally, so the Fatal Blows are for fun and for weeding out onslaughts of Enemies and to rack up Cool Shots. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - E. Cyber Space (Cy-D.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CYSP4.5 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- One of the unique features of Cy Girls is the ability to explore Cyberspace. Although it's not something you can do at your leisure and in theory, you're just exploring the same area in the real world again, it's somewhat interesting none the less. To enter Cy-D as it's called, you have to find a Terminal that will let you. Generally, you'll be told if you can Dive In as it's called to Cy-D if you come near a Terminal that will let you. When you do, just examine it and you'll enter Cy-D, with a 10 minute limit. If you exceed this, you will die. There's a timer at the top of your screen that tells you how much time you have left, so, keep track. In Cy-D, you'll notice how you have no Weapons at all. You can ONLY fight with your hands and feet and special attacks, called Skills. When you hold down the R1 Button and press either the Triangle, Square, X or Circle Button and then using the 4 mentioned Buttons, you can use a Skill, either for Attack, Defense, etc. Each Skill is useful in one way or another, as you'll find out by playing. If you die in Cy-D, though, it counts as Game Over, so, be careful. There are Enemies in Cy-D, which is how you can get a Game Over and the reason Enemies are there is because they're Security Programs. Some are easy to beat, some aren't. Like normal Enemies, they have a Vitality Gauge, so once it's empty, they're dead. Over all, Cy-D isn't really that special, but it's sort of unique to see for yourself and it's vital you get the hang of exploring it, as it's important to your quest. Though, make sure you Dive In, find and do what you need to do and Dive Out, but don't worry, as most of the time, 10 minutes is more than enough time to get things done. Both Ice and Aska have the same Skills for Cy-D, except for a few durring Attack Skills and their normal attacks, but they act and perform the same way. On a final note, sometimes if you defeat all the Enemies in the area, it will cause a File to appear, but this only applies in some cases when it is mentioned by Avatars, which brings up another thing. Avatars are Human looking things in Cy-D. They are harmless and don't fight you, so don't hit them unless you're feeling evil, heh heh. If you use the Skill Tap on them, you can learn vital information from them on things to do in the area that can help on Mission Objectives and/or solving puzzles, so do NOT kill the Avatars. If you start a fight with the Enemies, they'll run around and won't give you information until the Enemies are gone and they walk back to their original positions. Well, that about sums up Cy-D, so, experience it for yourself and make sure you get the grasp of it, as the final Boss for Ice greatly depends on it...heh heh. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = V. The Characters Of The Story . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TCOT5 ]= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - A. Ice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ IC5.1 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boy, does her code name ever fit her well. Ice is definitely an Ice Queen, with a cold heart and in anything for just the profit. Regarded as the second best hacker in the world, unlike an overwhelming amount of the population, she's able to dive into Cyberspace for 10 minute time periods, with the normal person's time only about 1/20th of that. Even more astounding, instead of sending a Avatar, like a created icon of yourself into the world, she sends herself inside. A deadly beauty who perfers to rely on her Guns the most, Ice is the type of girl where if you happen to cross paths with her, I pray you're fast enough to take her down. Even if you aren't an enemy, she'll still treat you like one. One of the main characters, her joining CG or Cy Girls comes into play later and the reasons why to are better left up to you seeing for yourself. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - B. Aska . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ASK5.2 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alot like Ice in the Personality Department, but without the cocky attitude. No, Aska has that cool Samurai/Ninja sense to her, with always acting professional and pulling it off QUITE well. One of the few Ninjas that's left in this age, like Ice, she can also dive for 10 minute periods and portray herself inside Cyberspace instead of using an Avatar. Wanting revenge for her father's death, she and her brother, Kogetsu work with CG in order to get this revenge, as well as help them, as Aska's Diving Skills come in very handy. Her main mission is revenge and although it slightly changes later on, you'll see how straight of an arrow Aska is in her objectives. The other main character of the story, she relies on a Katana instead of Guns, which, you may think is crazy, since the Enemies have guns, but with some deadly attacks backing her up and a Ninja's Speed, you'll be very surprised at how well she does. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - C. Flame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ FLA5.3 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The other contact that gives Ice orders when Raven doesn't. (Mainly when Raven is on a Mission with Ice.) She also helps brief Ice and everyone on the current situation and from the sounds of it, she's either second or first in command, though the game isn't 100% clear. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - D. Raven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ RAVE5.4 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The leader(?) of the division that Ice becomes apart of when she joins. Not much information on her, really, except she gives Ice her orders and usually talks her into accepting the missions, by letting her know there's money involved. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - E. Ash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ AS5.5 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Cy Girl who works under Raven/Flame. Not in the story that much, but she does help out here and there. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - F. Coffy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ COFF5.6 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- An Indian woman who's the leader of Aska's Division. Although she rarely can make Aska do as she's asked, Coffy bails her out more times than Aska can count by saving her ass at the end of some missions. She manages to put up with Aska's Insubordination, but even her patience has it's limits. She is a playable character, but once you beat Aska's Game. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - G. Bump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BUM5.7 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The typical "whatever, as if, like, totally" blonde girl. Apparently she's the pilot of Aska's Division's Ship and she even helps Aska out in one mission, but other than that, she just comments here and there inbetween missions sometimes. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - H. Harley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ HARL5.8 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not much information on her. She's just another CG person who's French and helps out here and there in some missions. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - I. X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ X5.9 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- An Android built for combat, X's origin isn't really clear and who he works for is also not clear. Definitely not someone you want to cross or enter Battle with BY FAR, as he'll tear you apart easily. If he's friend or foe it's not one, but it does come clear, depending on which girl you're playing as and he's also one of the playable characters you can unlock, once you beat Ice's Game. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - J. Benigumo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BENI5.10 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- An old Ninja who betrayed his village and traded his honor for wealth. It is he who killed Aska's Father and the one Aska is after. He reminded me somewhat of Shredder, but more calm and cool like, much more badass than old Shred Head. Anyway, a skilled fighter, the people he works for is also not known, but as you play the game, you will learn who. He's another one of the playable characters, but only after you beat Aska's Game. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - K. Wilson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ WILS5.11 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The President of some corporation that you'll have to play the game to see. His corporation is the one that the CG people are trying to stop throughout the story, so, it's his men you're going up against. His motives are also unclear, but play the game and let the story unravel and you'll see what he's up to... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - L. Puri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ PUR5.12 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- A well dressed, mannered, yet slightly perverted Indian man, Puri works as go between guy and someone both Ice and Aska will eventually meet. (Meaning, you give him something secretly, he takes it without anyone knowing who it is and gets it back to CG for you.) His role isn't big, but he does add a laugh or two to the story once you meet him. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - M. Kogetsu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ KOGE5.13 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aska's Brother, he's more cool and normal like than Aska is and not as uptight. His role is rather small, but if I say anything more, it'll really ruin it for you, so, play and see. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - N. Steiner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ STEIN5.14 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wilson's Right Hand Man, he's his Secretary as well. Not much else is known about him, though... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - O. Professor Zukovsky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ PROZU5.15 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- A smart, but old man who has a wealth of knowledge on...well, play the game and see. He also has a secret about him besides what he knows, but I won't ruin it for you. He's very vital to the CG, though you have to save his sorry ass more times than one and it's not exactly a joyride either. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - P. Sancho Poco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SANPO5.16 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The best hacker in the world, he's the only one Ice isn't better than. Both work together at the start of the game, with Sancho being the Otacon to Ice's Snake, though he's a coward and well...you'll see what happens with him as the game goes on. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = VI. The Walkthrough (Ice.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ THEWALIC6 ]= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Note: The Walkthrough is written on Normal Mode. Also, I won't list what each Information File says anywhere in this whole walkthrough. Pointless and not worth it. I'll tell you where each thing is, but you can read it for yourself and I'll just tell you what to do and where to go. Besides, 90% of the stuff is useless information anyway, so, you're really not missing stuff and since the game does a poor ass job of giving you any background story or what the FUCK you're doing, piecing anything together is going to be hard. I also won't list what each Tutorial says either, since most of them are useless and common sense. Also, if you play on Hard, understand some of the puzzle combinations involving numbers are changed. Easy and Normal are the same, but I won't list the Hard game's numbers here unless people actually want me to. (Or if someone would like to give me them, heh.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - A. Beginning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BEGI6.1 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you begin the game, after choosing the Difficulty and Camera Mode, watch the opening cutscene to learn a VERY vague background on the story. On November 11th, 2058, all electrical power went out and everything crumbled. Called "Damnation Monday", it was the first, greatest panic of the 21st Century and now it's 26 years later... Ice, the woman you play as, receives a new Mission from a client. She must inflitrate the Net Justice HQ and destroy some Files. Even the best hacker in the world can't do this from outside, so she must do it from within. Sancho Poco, your team mate, will help you as you go along with clues and the like if you get stuck. This is where the game begins... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - B. Argentina Net Justice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ARNEJ6.2 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: Bio-Charge x2, Bomb x1, Card Key B x1, Cleaning Robot Remote Control x1, Data Modulator Blue x1, Data Modulator Red x1 and Data Modulator Yellow x1. Cy-D Skills To Get: Break and Slow. Mission Objectives: Destroy personal data and find Dive-Capable computer. Alright, as you enter the Net Justice HQ, Sancho will fill you in on what to do and to contact him if need be. (Use the Select Button to do this.) You'll be given your first Tutorial note as well. Anyway, follow the path and you'll encounter a Net Justice Guard. Sancho will give you another Tutorial here and afterwards, enter the door nearby and kill the Net Justice Guard here, then go to the door nearby. Sancho will mention to examine it, so hit the Square Button to open it. In this area, follow the path and kill 2 more Net Justice Guards, which one of them has a Gun this time, so be careful. (Sancho will give you another Tutorial once you get the Gun the Net Justice Guard drops.) Once you get the new Gun, called the HG15, I suggest you don't use it yet and stockpile ammo for it for a while before you do. After this, follow the path and enter the door nearby to enter a bathroom and just exit the bathroom through the other door. In this hall, enter the next door to have Sancho tell you about how to hide, which is another Tutorial. As you hide, you'll get another Tutorial on how to fight like this. Anyway, take out the Net Justice Guard and then enter the next door nearby. In this hall, head straight into the next door, as the door to Ice's Right is locked. In this room, Sancho tells you about the door nearby, so go to it. You'll get another Tutorial here and afterwards, use the Card Key A on the door panel. Inside, you'll find a Bomb and get another Tutorial and afterwards, grab the Bomb. Next, exit the room and head to the door to Ice's Right to find a locker room. Open the door second to the last on the right to find a Bio-Charge, then leave the room and head through the door straight ahead of you, but watch out for 2 Net Justice Guards nearby. Kill them, then head right through the door you see here. In this area, just enter the next door nearby and take out the 3 Net Justice Guards here, then enter the door you see and kill the next 2 Net Justice Guards here. After this, head through the door to the left, since the other one is locked and follow the path in this area to get another Tutorial, plus a new Mission Objective. Mission Objectives: Open the shutter with the Security Control Room Terminal. Anyway, you'll have to head back to that room where you got the Tutorial for hiding before. Remember where it is? If not, use your Map to guide you, as the room is marked with a blue line. Once you get to the Control Room, you'll get another Tutorial and after this, examine the computer and the shutter will open and you'll clear the Mission Objective. Next, backtrack to where the shutter was now and before you enter it, Equip the HG15 now, as you'll need it, then enter the place. As you do, a scene will take place and afterwards, you'll have to fight a TON of Net Justice Guards. Take cover near the door and just take everyone down. If you run out of ammo with your HG15, use the Shockgun again. Just keep your assault up until you see a scene with a door opening and a Net Justice Guard coming out. You'll get a new Mission Objective then. Mission Objectives: Descend from the hall to the 49th floor. Now, just finish off the remainding Enemies and then collect all the spoils they dropped. Then, from where you entered, head right and from the big door, head to the left and right to find 2 bathrooms, with a Bio-Charge and a Cleaning Robot Remote Control. Next, head out of the bathrooms and head straight forward and find the door where the Net Justice Guar came from, which is near the water. In this area, head down the stairs and you'll clear the Mission Objective. Now, just follow the path and enter the door nearby and in this area, Sancho will give you another Tutorial. Then, enter the room and kill the 2 Net Justice Guards here and grab the Card Key B that the one drops. Then, watch out for a wave of Net Justice Guards to come in and after they're dead, go and check out the Information thing that's on your screen. It's a booklet that tells you aobut the Roomba1000 and how to operate it. This is important later on and it's added to your Information File for future reference. Afterwards, check the table nearby for a ???, which turns out to be the Data Modulator Blue. This becomes useful later on as well. Next, exit the room through the other door and in this hallway again, turn right and note the bulletin board nearby and also the door next to the room you just exited. Don't bother with that door just yet and instead, head through the other door down the hall to the left for now. In this area, take out the Net Justice Guard, then follow the path and you'll find a Roomba1000. Sancho will tell you about it and you'll get another Tutorial now, plus an new Mission Objective. Mission Objectives: Find the remote control and operate the red Roomba1000. Well, since you have the remote control, use it on the Roomba1000 and it'll open the door nearby for you, as you'll clear the Mission Objective. Next, enter the room and you'll have to fight a ton of Net Justice Guards here. As you do, Sancho will give you another Tutorial about hiding again. Anyway, just rush in and blast your way through. Don't stand around and fight, as back up always comes. Near where you entered, grab the Data Modulator Red on the table, then as you make your way around, grab the Data Modulator Yellow on the table nearby, then enter the door at the far end of the room and you'll get an new Mission Objective. Mission Objectives: Put the Data Modulator in the server. Out in the hall, head left and go through the door and in this area, you'll find another locked door. Use the Card Key B on it after Sancho talks to you and once the door opens, step inside and then immediately walk out, as it's freezing inside and you'll die if you stay there too long. Sancho tells you to raise the temperature somehow, so, you'll have to go back to that one room I told you about before. (The one near where you got the Card Key B. It's also marked on your Map if you need help.) Mission Objectives: Change the temperature in the Control Room. Once you get near the room, check the bulletin board to learn you need to change the temperature to 18 degrees. (This is also added to your Information incase you need it.) So, head to the Control Room and check the Information thing on the wall to have this also added to your Information, then check the giant computer nearby and make sure you make the temperature to 18 degrees and not -18 degrees. When you're done, hit the X Button and then head back to the server room. Once there, you'll clear the Mission Objective. Then, take out the Net Justice Guards and then read the Information thing on the wall to learn about what you have to do, as it's also added to your Information. Well, see those colored servers? Shoot them so they fall down, then place the Data Modulator that's the correct color into each one and afterwards, you'll clear the Mission Objective. So, just enter the door now and Sancho will give you a Tutorial on Cyberspace. Afterwards, examine the computer and you'll enter Cy-D, as well as clear another Mission Objective. Once inside, Download the Skill File nearby to get Break. After this, Sancho tells you about it and as he does, leave the room and Download the Information File nearby, after you get a Tutorial on it. Nothing really important with this one, but it's added to your Information. After this, continue on and Sancho will warn you about your time limit in Cy-D. Afterwards, continue on and Enemies will appear called Rollerballs. Sancho will tell you how to fight in Cy-D after this with another Tutorial, so, after this, just take all the Rollerballs down. After the 2 Rollerballs are dead, download the Information File and the Skill File that appears. The Information File just tells you about Cy-D and the Skill File gives you the Skill called Slow. Next, enter the door that was unlocked and in this room, kill 2 more Rollerballs to make a Data/Personal File appear. First, download the Information File to obtain more useless crap, then use Break on the Data/Personal File after getting a Tutorial on how to do so. Now, head back into the previous area and you'll have to fight 4 Rollerballs. Defeat them and afterwards, head near the door where you entered Cy-D to find another Data/Personal File and use Break on it again, as you'll clear the Mission Objective and get a new one. Mission Objectives: Objective achieved. Dive out. Next, try to leave through the door, but it's locked. Apparently, it's an ambush and Sancho runs like a little coward. Walk around in the middle of the room to get a scene to take place, where a woman saves Ice from dying. Afterwards, you'll be back in the real world and you'll have cleared the Mission Objective and gotten a new one. Mission Objectives: Return to 50th floor and escape through the emergency hatch. Ok, now you'll have to backtrack to where you were ambushed originally. Remember the shutter room? Yeah, head there. As you do, though, you'll encounter a new type of the Net Justice Guard, this one is red and has a MP2100. It's your call if you want to use it, as it's slightly weaker than the HG15, but if you like Machine Guns, go for it, but the HG15 is my choice. Now, once you reach the area where you got ambushed before, you'll clear the Mission Objective and get a new one, as a scene takes place, with a Helicopter appearing to fight you. You're about to enter a Boss Battle, so if you'd like a strategy on how to beat it, had to Section VIII. Boss Guide now, otherwise, fight it yourself and move on afterwards. Mission Objectives: Find an effective Weapon and defeat Heli. After the Battle, you'll clear the Mission Objective and get a new one. Mission Objectives: Place a Bomb in the emergency hatch, then escape. Ok, so, just head through the area where the Helicopter's Missile blasted and head straight through the door now and once you do, you'll get a Tutorial on how to use the Bomb. Use the Bomb on the door and watch the cutscene. Good job! Mission 1 clear! Well, after the cutscene and once you save, watch the other cutscenes that takes place, then gear up for your next Mission... Note: Sometimes, the Tutorial adds in things that aren't shown to you, so check it here and there if you wish. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - C. Argentine Prison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ARGPR6.3 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: Bio-Charge x3, Flash Grenade x9, Hand Grenade x5, Impact Grenade x3, Light Module x1, Microwave Grenade x9, Shock Taser x1, Sunglasses x1 and Thermoballistic Grenade x1. Cy-D Skills To Get: Find, Modulation and Wall. Mission Objectives: Escape from cell. As you wake up, you're in a Prison Cell and you have to escape. First, check under your bed to find the Sunglasses. You'll be contacted by a woman named Raven, telling you they're here to help you, as your Prison Cell door opens and you clear the Mission Objective. So, head out and Raven tells you to find a Weapon, since you'll have no chance of surviving otherwise, as you get a new Mission Objective. Mission Objectives: Acquire Weapon. So, next, go and see the other captured women to have Raven give you hint about letting them loose to cover your ass. Afterwards, follow the path around and enter the door you see and in this hall, just enter the next door and in the next area, Raven tells you about climbing over the wall. Push the crate nearby by holding the Square Button down and push it as far as you can, then jump on it and jump towards the wall and hold the X Button as you do. Once you're over the wall, enter the door nearby and follow the path into the next area and you'll see a scene with a Surviellence Camera. Raven tells you not to be seen by it, so do just that. Enter the door straight ahead of you and enter the next area. In this area, there's a Prison Guard nearby, but don't worry about him and just head to the right and through the door. (Note: If you are seen, you'd better run and FAST.) Also, make sure you stand near those blue switches on the ground you see to get Raven to talk about them. Once she does, they'll pop up on your Map, as they are crucial later on. Anyway, head into the next area and head left through the door, then head into the next area and again head left into the next area. Once you reach this room, you'll find where you were in the cutscene at the start of this Mission. Check the table/computer to the left to find the Gear Set, which holds a HG15, a Shock Taser, 1 Bio-Charge, 5 Hand Grenades, 1 Thermoballistic Grenade, 8 Flash Grenades, 8 Microwave Grenades and 3 Impact Grenades. You'll clear the Mission Objective once you get this and afterwards, Raven tells you to escape, but it might not be easy, so, you'll want a distraction. She comes up with one by having you release all the prisoners here, but you'll have to go into Cy-D to do so. So, you get a new Mission Objective and you'll have to find a Terminal now. Mission Objectives: Find the Dive Terminal in order to free the prisoners. So, next, here's where things become a bitch to do. Backtrack to the previous area and kill the Prison Guard here, who's armed with a MML229. Once you get this, I suggest you switch to it now, as you'll be using it ALOT. Next, head through the door nearby and back to the other previous area and in this room, take out the 2 Prison Guards here, which are armed with a HG15. Now, stand on the blue switch here and make sure it's read, then use your Gun to shoot the other switch, as the room spins around. Raven will comment on this, so, shoot it one more time and after it stops spinning, head through the door ahead of Ice, which should be labled 14 if you're unsure and follow the path into the next area. In this area, take out the 2 Prison Guards, then destroy the Surviellence Camera before backup arrives. If they do come, you'll meet a new Prison Guard, which has a Baton. He's much nastier than the Net Justice one, so be careful. Anyway, if you destroy the Surviellence Camera, pick it up, as it's a Item called Light Module. When used, it lights up the area around you, though it's really not needed...anyway, head to the right through the door and in this hallway, kill the Prison Guard, then in the next area, destroy the Surviellence Camera and the Prison Guard and enter the door to the right and follow the path to the next room. Now, once here, kill the 2 Prison Guards, then hit the switches on the floor once and once the room stops moving, head through the door to behind Ice labeled 07 and in this room, head left through the next door, follow the path into the next area, head left again into the next area and then in this area, head to the right and through the door with the 14 on it. Follow the path and you'll arrive in the Central Control Room, as Raven points out you can Dive here. Make sure you grab the Bio-Charge and Microwave Grenade here, then go ahead and Dive into the computer that's labeled with the Dive-Capable Terminal. Once you enter, you'll clear the Mission Objective. Once you're in Cy-D, Raven will talk to you and after, go and Download the Information File and you'll learn how to access the Prison Cells. This will be saved to your Information, so, after this, go and Download two new Skills, which are Modulation and Find. Next up, use your Map and head back to the Prison Cell you were in earlier. As you make your way there, watch out for new Enemies called Bugs, which fly around and electricute you. They aren't that strong, but they're annoying. Before you reach the Prison Cell, though, grab the Skill File you'll find to get Wall. Then, head to the Prison Cell and once here, you'll see 4 Rollerballs. Do NOT bother fighting them, as they will constantly keep coming back. Instead, make your way over to the orange Control Files, as you'll get a Tutorial on them, as well as have it added to your Information. Afterwards, go ahead and Modulate the 2 of them here after Raven talks to you and afterwards, not alot of commotion is going on, so, you'll have to go free more women, as you get a new Mission Objective. Mission Objectives: Release the prisoners to create a commotion. So, exit this room and back in the hallway, head into the previous area and back here, head through the door to the left and then into the next area. In this area, head straight and Download the Information File to get some rather useless information, which is saved to your Information. Anyway, just for a future note, ANY Information File is saved to Information, so I don't have to repeat myself. After this, head through the door ahead of you and in the next area, head to the left and follow the path into the next room. In this room, you'll reach the next Prison Cell, which is FILLED with Rollerballs and Bugs. Just ignore them as best as you can and Modulate the 3 Control Files here and once you're done, go back and Dive Out. Once you're back in the real world, head through the door with the 23 at the top and head into the next area. In this area, stand on the switch and rotate the room 3 times, then head through the door that has a 14 on it and head into the next area. In this room, stand on the switch and rotate the room 3 times and take out any Enemies that are around and then once you do this, head back to the Central Control Room and go back into Cy-D. Once you're in Cy-D, head back to the last rotating room you where in before you came to the Central Control Room and once in this area, head to the right through the door and head into the next area. In this room, head straight and into the next area and in this area, head right into the next room. Now, in this area, head straight through the door into the next room and then head right into the next area, then head straight into the next area and you'll reach the next area to release the women. Again, there's a TON of Rollerballs and Bugs, so ignore them and just Modulate the 3 Control Files here, then make your way back to where you Dived In and Dive Out. When you arrive back in the real world, on your Map, head to the rotating room directly southwest. Fight your way there and once there, stand on the switch and rotate the room 3 times, then head out the door with the 23 on it and head into the next area. Once here, head straight through the next door and in this area, stand on the switch and rotate the room 3 times here as well, then head through the door with 31 on it and in the next area, you'll have to stand on the switch and use the MML229 to bounce shots off the wall and onto the switch around the corner. Do this 3 times total and I suggest aiming abit above the redline on the walls for the best results in hitting the switch. Now, once you do this 3 times, head through the door to the south and you'll enter the Central Control Room again. Go ahead and dive into Cy-D once more now. When you enter Cy-D, from the Central Control Room, on your Map, head to the rotating room to the southwest and once there, head to the right through the door and head into the next room, which is the final area you have to free women from. Again, there's a ton of Rollerballs here, so ignore them and Modulate the 3 Control Files, as you'll clear 2 Mission Objectives and be given a new one. Mission Objectives: Escape from the prison by taking advantage of the commotion. So, after Raven tells you what to do next, go ahead and Dive Out. After you do, you'll see a cutscene and after this, head through the door to the left and go into the next area and then head left through the door into the next room. Now, in this area, stand on the switch and rotate the room once, then head through the door with the 31 on it and in the next area, stand on the switch and rotate the room once. Then, head out the door with the 37 on it and in the next area, stand on the switch and rotate the room twice, then head through the door with the 40 on it and gear up, because you're about to enter a Boss Battle. Use a Bio-Charge if you need to, but make sure you save all your HG15 ammo, as you'll need it later. Anyway, in the next area, head straight through the next door and then you'll enter the Boss Battle. If you want a strategy, head to Section VIII. Boss Guide now, otherwise, you get a new Mission Objective, so, fight this yourself and move on. Mission Objective: Defeat Eva. After the Battle, you'll clear the Mission Objective and next, head out the door near the desk and climb the ladder. You'll arrive outside, with 2 new Enemies around, which are Soldiers. The Soldiers use DBS1010s and AR100s. I suggest you take a AR100, as they're better than the MML229 and the DBS1010, but it's your call. Either way, do NOT stick around and fight, as the Soldiers keep respawning. Though, do collect the Bio-Charge and Flash Grenade on the benches, then find the crate near the wall and push it as far as you can to the right, then climb on it and climb up the holding nearby and you'll then see a scene take place, as you enter yet another Boss Battle, as you clear two Mission Objectives and you get a new one. Again, if you'd like a strategy, head to Section VIII. Boss Guide, otherwise, fight this yourself and move on. Mission Objective: Fkee from the Armored Car. After the Battle, you'll win, so watch the cutscene. Good job! Mission 2 clear! Now, just watch the next few cutscenes, then you'll begin your next Mission. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - D. Peruvian Ruins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ PERUI6.4 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: Ancient Recorder x1, Bio-Charge x2, Blue Stone x1, Flash Grenade x9, Green Stone x1, Hand Grenade x9, Impact Grenade x3, King's Mask x1, Microwave Grenades x3, Purple Stone x1, Red Stone x1, White Stone x1 and Yellow Stone x1. Cy-D Skills To Get: None. Mission Objectives: Head for the 1st floor, where the Professor is located. Well, apparently you're paying back the Cy Girls now for saving you and this is the Mission they want you to do for them. Once you start, Flame will tell you what to do. So, first, go ahead and check the Ancient Text, as Flame checks it out, but she can't understand it and leaves it up to you to figure out. Next, shoot the crate nearby to get 3 Hand Grenades, then go near the computer equipment and see that stone statue? Run into it to break it and then pick up the shinning object here to get a White Stone. After this, head straight and destroy the crate nearby with the Item flashing under it to get 3 Microwave Grenades, then go ahead and head down the stairs. Once you arrive in the next area, take out the Soldier nearby and grab his AR100, then shoot the crate near him and grab the Item here to get the Ancient Recorder. So, now with this, Equip it and read the Ancient Text nearby, as Flame tells you what to do. Once you do this, you'll get Ancient Text F and after this, head back upstairs and check the other two Ancient Texts to get Ancient Text B and Ancient Text A. Then, go back down the stairs and head left this time and open the door here and hide inside the doorway and take out the new Enemy here, called a Tank. When it's destroyed, check the computer nearby to learn you can Dive from here, but wait a minute. Instead, from the left of the computer, jump onto the railing and move yourself across the gap and check the Ancient Text here to get Ancient Text G, then shoot the middle crate nearby to get a Bio-Charge. Next up, go ahead and go back to the computer and Dive into Cy-D. Once in Cy-D, you'll encounter 2 new Enemies, the Exploding Bug and Snake. Fight them and when you're done, Download the 6 Information Files here to learn about the Eagle Puzzles and other things, plus information on the door nearby. After this, you see that other thing nearby that's red/purple? That's an Application File. Go ahead and stand on it and input the 4 Ancient Texts you have at the moment, with holding the R1 Button and hitting the Triangle Button, then input which one you want. Most of what you learn doesn't apply to Ice, but Aska instead, so don't worry about it. Do take note about what they mention about the Eagles, though and about the one stone per Eagle thing. After this, go ahead and leave Cy-D and back in the real world, head across the gap and take notice of the Eagle Statue here. Note what color it is, as whatever color the Eagles are is the key to what color stone to put into it. Since this is yellow, you don't have the Yellow Stone, so move on and fall down the gap and go inside the area below through the door. Pull the lever, then go out and pull the lever here. If you did this right, the door above will open and you can go up now, so do so. If you become trapped, pull the lever to free yourself and start again and make SURE you pull the lever inside the room first, then the lever outside in the put. In the next area, take out the 2 Soldiers here, one with a DBS1010 and one with a AR100. Also, take cover near a wall and destroy the Tank nearby and afterwards, shoot the crate near the door to get 3 Hand Grenades. Next, enter the door nearby and in this next room, don't break the pots, as there's nothing in them and it's a waste of ammo. Examine the alter and Flame will tell you about it. Hit the Square Button on it to make it collapse and you'll arrive in a new area. Although Flame says it's "pitch black", it really isn't, so ignore her. Grab the Green Stone nearby and then quickly back off to avoid a falling stone pillar. Then, carefully move forward and dodge two more falling stone pillars and enter the door nearby to find a Ancient Text. Read it to get Ancient Text E, then head down the stairs and in this area, pull the lever to move the wall, then move on and examine the statue nearby to get the Yellow Stone. Then, use the lever nearby to move the wall back across and read the Ancient Text here to get Ancient Text O, then use the lever again to move the wall so you can leave and then before you go up the stairs, make SURE you use the lever nearby to make the wall move back across, as this is important for later on. Head out the door once you go up the stairs and backtrack to where the Eagle Statue was before. Once there, use the Yellow Stone on the Eagle Statue and put it on it's right wing, then go back to the altair area and fall down and go to the end of the place. Once you reach the end, Flame tells you about the pillars here. Shoot each of the 3 pillars to open up a new path, then climb up. Before you enter the door nearby, turn around and jump across the gap and examine the Ancient Text here to get Ancient Text J, then enter the door. In this room, fall down into the pit and shoot the pots here to find the Red Stone, then examine the Ancient Text nearby to get Ancient Text K and then climb back up to the top. Next, jump onto the platform nearby and shoot the lever to make it move. Once you get near the Eagle Statue, shoot the lever again to make the platform stop and use the Green Stone on this Eagle Statue. (Although it looks blue to me...) Anyway, place the Green Stone on the Eagle's Left Wing (The farthest slot to the right.) and the door nearby will open. Shoot the lever again and then go and head down the stairs nearby. In this area, don't shoot the pots, but go forward and you'll knock down a loose section of the wall here. After this, enter the next area and kill the 3 Soldiers here and then at the entrance to this area, check the corner to the right to find a Bio-Charge. Then, don't bother breaking the pots here and just follow the path and enter the next area and in this room, don't bother breaking any of the pots and don't hit the lever just yet. You'll find 3 Hand Grenades and the White Eagle Statue, plus a computer you can Dive into, so, go ahead and enter Cy-D. Once in Cy-D, you'll encounter a new Enemy called Humanoid Defender. These Human like green things are VERY hard hitters, but amazingly weak, so 1-2 good hits kills them. Also, watch out for Exploding Bugs and Snakes as well. Anyway, grab the 3 Information Files here, then find the Application File and Upload the Ancient Texts to see what they say. (The Information Files don't really have anything useful to tell you. Well, in the sense that I won't tell you. :P) After you do this, you won't really learn anything useful, so, go ahead and Dive Out now and once you're back in the real world, continue on and at the White Eagle Statue, place the White Stone in the Eagle's Chest, where the heart is located. Then, go ahead and move on and pull the lever now, as you'll see a door nearby open. Then, afterwards, 2 Soldiers come in, so take them out. I don't suggest you actually try to make it to the door the first time, as there's 3 Soldiers nearby and some Items to get. Just kill the 3 Soldiers and then drop into the pit and go to the end to find a Bio-Charge, then head back to the top and make your way across the pit to find a GR2, which is a Grenade Launcher. Drop one of your Medium Weapons if you want it, but I really don't suggest it. Your call, though. Either way, after this, go back and pull the lever again, then kill the 2 Soldiers again and then race back across the pit and through the door before it closes. Just a note, you can jump across the walkways to safe time, but only do this if you're able to. Once you make it to the next room, examine the Ancient Text nearby to get Ancient Text C, then below you you'll meet a new Enemy, Surviellence Camera. Like in the Argentine Prison, these things this time come with a Gun attached, so kill them fast. There's 5 of them here, but they aren't too much of a threat. So, move on and when you reach the Red Eagle Statue, use the Red Stone on it and place it on the Eagle's Left Wing, on the second slot to the left. After this, the door nearby will open, so move on and go through it and kill the Tank here, then grab the Item here to get 3 Flash Greandes. Next, head through the door and into the next area and in this room, take out the Soldier nearby and then jump over the gap and ignore the first door you see and turn the corner and go through this door instead. In this room, kill the 5 Soldiers here and make your way across the floor carefully, as parts of it break. If you fall down, exit through the door nearby and climb back up and make your way back here and try again. Once you reach the end, with the giant gap near a door, examine the wall, as Flame mentions it and it appears to be a secret door. Enter the hidden room and push the crate here, as it falls down below, then fall down and examine the 2 Ancient Texts in this area to get Ancient Text M and Ancient Text N and grab the Item nearby to get 3 Flash Grenades. Then, push the crate near the pillar nearby so you can climb up and get across to where the door is, then before you do this, enter Cy-D via the computer nearby. Once you're inside, watch out for a bunch of Exploding Bugs and a Humanoid Defense and grab the 2 Information Files here, as well as the Support File if you wish, then jump up and enter the door nearby and use the Application File here to Upload more Ancient Texts. Again, nothing really useful. When you're ready, go ahead and Dive Out and once back in the real world, go ahead and climb up and enter the door nearby where you pushed the crate before. In this area, head right through the door and then left through the next one and in this room, climb up the pillar to find an Item, which is 3 Impact Grenades. Then, you'll see the next Eagle Statue, as Flame tells you there's a stone in it already. Examine the Eagle Statue and take the Purple Stone from it, then place the Purple Stone on the slot on it's neck. Next, follow the path and ignore the statue and pots you see and turn left and go straight to find a Item, which is a Bio-Charge. Then, look to your right, as Flame tells you about the fire and what would happen if you put it out. Well, time to fight fire with fire, so, shoot the flames and once they're all out, a wall nearby opens up, which is above the Eagle Statue you just were at. First, backtrack and go left now to find another Ancient Text, so examine it to get Ancient Text P, then go back to the area where the Eagle Statue is and climb up the pillars here to the room above. Don't shoot the pots, as they have nothing in them and grab the King's Mask here. Once you get this, backtrack to the area where there was the collapsing floors. Remember that door I told you to ignore before? Go and enter it now and once there, check the Ancient Text on the wall to get Ancient Text L. Now, Equip the King's Mask and get ready for a puzzle. Despite what you think, this is insanely easy. Basically all you do is spin a head upright and put the King's Mask on it so when you spin the other heads it doesn't move. So, do this: Turn a head that isn't already upright and once it becomes upright, put the mask on it. Then, spin a head around until 1 or more heads are upright now. Remove the King's Mask from the one head and then turn another head that isn't upright upright and put the King's Mask on it. Then, spin a head again until more heads are upright and repeat this until all the heads are upright. Easy, huh? After you get all the heads upwright, the middle head will spit out the Blue Stone. Then, take the King's Mask and head back to the room with the Eagle was with the Purple Stone and place the Blue Stone on the Eagle's Tail and then go to where that statue is with the pots and put the King's Mask on the statue, after Flame tells you to. When you do, the light will bounce off the statue and go towards a mirror. So, now you have another puzzle to solve. So, first, follow the path that the light goes to and you'll find that it's stuck on a mirror, so turn the mirror here three times, then go to the mirror to the right and turn it once, then go to the mirror straight ahead and turn it twice, then go to the mirror to the left and turn it three times, then follow the light to where it stops and turn this mirror once, then turn the mirror straight ahead three times and finally, turn the mirror to the right twice. The light will go into the hole and the door nearby will open, so, go and enter the door now, as you clear the Mission Objective and see a scene. After the cutscene, you'll find the Professor and now you have to escape, as you get a new Mission Objective. Mission Objectives: Escape to the roof (First floor.) with the Professor. Alright, as you start out, there's a new Enemy around, the MFP Soldier. They're armed with a R33V, which is a rather good Assault Rifle, so be careful. I suggest you throw away the DBS1010 for this, as it's MUCH better, but it's your call. Anyway, examine the two Ancient Texts here to get Ancient Text Q and Ancient Text R. (Also, if you want a Grenade Launcher, there's a GR2 nearby. Anyway, the Professor is slow as HELL, so stay close to him and find the stairs that lead up. When he's near you, go ahead up the stairs and make SURE he's with you when you do this. In this area, fall down to the pit below after killing the Soldiers and MFP Soldiers and grab the Bio-Charge nearby, then move across the pit and then climb up and continue on. Grab the Item nearby to get 3 Flash Grenades and then enter the door you see after dodging the falling pillars here and in this area, kill the Soldier and MFP Soldier, then enter the door near the computer and kill the Soldier and MFP Soldier here as well. Next, avoid the falling pillars here and then head up the stairs and kill the Soldier and MFP Soldier here, then move on and examine the Ancient Text nearby to get Ancient Text I and then enter the door nearby. In this room, kill the MFP Soldier and Soldier and then examine the Ancient Text to get Ancient Text H. Next, cross over the gap by walking on the side, then continue on and kill another MFP Soldier and Soldier and continue ahead and head through the door near the computer. Then, head up the stairs, as a cutscene takes place. After the cutscene, you'll be in Cy-D with X and you have to follow him. You'll clear the Mission Objective and get a new one as well. Mission Objective: ???. Anyway, first, Download the Information File nearby and if you want, there's a Support File nearby as well. When you're ready, exit the room and turn right and watch out for the Humanoid Defense and Exploding Bugs here and Download another Information File, then go left and follow the path and Download another Information File. Next, move on to have X show you where to go and then watch out for another Humanoid Defense and Exploding Bug and head through the two doors and then turn right to find a Application File. Go ahead and Upload all your remaining Ancient Texts, although none of it's useful to you now. After this, head through the door to see X wave you on, so again, follow him and once you reach him, another scene takes place. Good job! Mission 3 clear! Afterwards, just watch the next following cutscenes and your next Mission will begin. Note: Apparently I missed Ancient Text D and another Information Note. Not sure if I missed them or they just weren't obtainable, but if anyone knows where to get the ones I missed, let me know. (I'm pretty sure they're Aska exclusive...or at least I think they are.) Either way, it's not THAT important, so don't worry if you miss them as well. It doesn't hinder your success or anything. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - E. Spanish Party Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SPAPHA6.5 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: Bio-Charge x3, Daffodil Key x1, Impact Grenade x3, Laxative x1, Microwave Grenade x3, Sunflower Key x1 and Thermaballistic Grenade x5. Cy-D Skills To Get: Find and Search. Mission Objectives: Find the agent possessing the information. Note: To walk, barely move the Left Analog Stick. Well, seems Ice is still going to work with the Cy Girls. This time, she's taking it easy at a formal dinner party in Spain, so at least things seem easier...or are they? Either way, Flame will tell you NOT to cause a commotion or start going in Rambo style and to blend in with the guests. Don't worry, you can't fight if you wanted to. After this, you'll get a Tutorial on what to do and afterwards, try running to get a Tutorial on not to run in front of Security Guards. Also, on your Map, if the Party Guards, which is what I call them, have their dot turn yellow, it means they see you, but don't think twice of you. If it's red, they think you're suspicious and give chase. If this happens, a Tutorial will tell you what to do to throw them off, so just press whatever Button the game throws at you to have Ice do a sexy pose. Once you do this, feel free to run, as the Party Guard will be distracted. If the dot is blue, don't worry, nothing's up. Though, if you take too long in distracting the Party Guard, you'll either be told to run or they'll pull their Gun out and it's Game Over. Anyway, first, head straight and near the party guests, there's a door to the left. Go ahead and enter it, then head up the stairs and into the next area. On this floor, head straight and before you enter the door ahead of you, turn left and enter the door here and in this room, grab the Item that's 3 Impact Grenades. Then, exit and enter the door that you were going to before and in this area, follow the path to the right and enter the next area and in this room, just enter the door straight ahead and you'll arrive in a area with some tables. Check the Memo on the table to learn about the meal going to the Security Room and you'll get a new Mission Objective. Mission Objectives: Find the laxative. Alright then, well, next, exit this room through the door behind you and follow the path to the left and dodge the Party Guard and enter the room nearby. In the Bathroom, grab the Item that's a Thermaballistic Grenade, then backtrack out of where you started in this place and this time, head through the door to the right, which in the next area, Flame will tell you to cause a small commotion to get the Party Guards' Attention. After this, head straight ahead to the other side to find 3 different rooms to enter. First, enter the middle door and check around the side of the bed for a Item, which is a Thermaballistic Grenade, then backtrack to the area that you started in again. (Yeah, sorry I'm leading you around, but I'm doing it for those of you who want Items...heh. Ok, now we'll get going.) Back here, take the door straight ahead into the next area and once here, enter the door to left and in this room, grab the Item on the table to get 3 Microwave Grenades. Next, exit the room the way you came in and continue down the hall and examine the Drunken Man on the bench. Flame tells you to check him, as he may have a Invitation Card on him. Upon checking him, all you find is a Sunflower Key. Flame tells you about it, then you get another Mission Objective. Mission Objectives: Find the room that the Sunflower Key unlocks. Next, go ahead and enter the door near the Drunken Man to enter the Bathroom and grab the Item here to get a Thermaballistic Grenade. Then, backtrack to the area with the 3 rooms were that you got the Thermaballistic Grenade from and this time, check the first door to the right to find the Sunflower Room. Use the Sunflower Key on the door and you'll clear the Mission Objective and get a new one. Mission Objectives: Cause a commotion to distract the guards. So, go ahead and enter the room and inside, Flame will tell you about the candlestick here and to knock it over to cause a fire. Not to worry, it won't be a major one, so, just use the Square Button on it, then after this, you'll exit the room, so make your way back to the door where you entered this entire area from and you'll see a scene, as you clear the Mission Objective. Now, since the Party Guard left his post nearby, you can now enter the door to the left of the entrance to this place and if you need to know where the door is, look on your Map. Anyway, enter the door and in this area, head up the stairs into the next floor. Once here, enter the second door on the right and grab the Item on the table to get the Laxative and you'll clear the Mission Objective and get a new one. Mission Objectives: Put the Laxative in the food. Ok, next up, backtrack to the area where the Memo was before and this time, put the Laxative in the bowl here, as a scene takes place and you clear the Mission Objective. Next, exit this room through the door near the Memo, as you'll see another scene and after, enter the door where the Party Guard just was to find the Security Room. Flame will tell you about this place and afterwards, examine the computer to unlock a door to the Party Hall, as you get a new Mission Objective. Mission Objectives: Head for the Party Hall. Alright, now, head back to where the Drunken Man is and enter the door near him to enter the next area of this place, which is a Casino Room. Grab the Item on the table here to get a Bio-Charge, then enter the door nearby and in this room, just head through the door to the right. In this next area, follow the path around and enter the door you come across and head into the next area. Now, in this area, enter the door to the left to enter the Kitchen now and make your way around the stands and enter the door to the right and in this area, head to your right and grab the Bio-Charge on the table here, then make your way around and enter the door to the right. In this area now, just enter the unlocked door here and you'll clear the Mission Objective. Anyway, check the table to the far back near the piano to find a Memo. Read it and you'll learn the agent got tired and went to the Larkspur Room to rest. You'll get a new Mission Objective now as well. Mission Objectives: Find the Larkspur Room. Well, the Larkspur Room is easy to find. Just backtrack to where the unguarded door is and head up to the next floor and check the first door to your right and there it is. Go ahead and enter it and when you do, a scene will take place. Afterwards, since you found your contact, Mr. Puri and a explosion has scared him off, you'll have to chase after him. But, don't worry, as you now get to fight and kill people, heh heh. Just, do NOT shoot ANY party guests, as you'll get a Game Over. So, now, since you just cleared a bunch of Mission Objectives, you'll get a new one. Mission Objectives: Find the agent who fled. So, first, exit the room and to your right you'll see the room the explosion came from. What caused it...? Well, play Aska's Game and you'll see. Anyway, all the other doors are locked, so, jump down from the landing and take out the Soldier here and grab his AR100. Don't use it yet, as you'll want to build up some ammo first. Next, enter the door that leads to the Party Hall and in this area, kill the 4 Soldiers here, then if you wish, grab the AAM-6308, but I don't suggest you do. Also, if you want a MP2100, drop your AR100, but it's your call. After this, grab the Thermaballistic Grenade near the piano, then leave the room and then enter the Kitchen. Once inside, kill the Soldier and Party Guard, which carries a AG99, which is a rather good Hand Gun. Equip it after you stock up on some ammo and also, if you want a GR2, grab it near where you entered this place. Anyway, continue on into the next part of the Kitchen and kill the Party Guard here and shoot the crates nearby to find a Thermaballistic Grenade, then check the stands around the middle for a Bio-Charge and then leave the room. Back in this hallway, head through the door to the right and then in this area, kill the 5 Soldiers here and make your way to the other door and be careful not to kill the party guests here. In this area, just head through the next door and in the Casino Room again, kill the 2 Party Guards, then head through the next door. In this area, kill the 2 Soldiers here and don't worry about the 2 Soldiers above you. Just run around to the right and kill the 2 Soldiers here and enter the door to see a scene. After that...rather interesting scene with Aska, grab what she dropped, which is the Daffodil Key. Once you get this, you'll get another Mission Objective. Mission Objectives: Find the room that the Daffodil Key unlocks. So, now, exit this room the way Aska left and then head through the door on the right and back in this area, take out the 2 Party Guards and the Soldier, then enter the door straight ahead of you. In this room, kill the 2 Party Guards and the 2 Soldiers, then check the 3 doors again, this time, the one farthest to the left. Use the Daffodil Key on it, then enter the room, as you clear the Mission Objective and get a new one. Mission Objectives: Find clues about the agent. Once inside the room, check the Mystery Door, as a scene takes place. After the scene of you finding Mr. Puri and having the data destroyed, you'll Dive into Cy-D. (Ok, this doesn't make sense...you just saw what happened, yet Ice feels it's safe to Dive in when there's that Ninja around? Psh...) Once inside, you'll clear the Mission Objective and get a new one. Mission Objectives: Find back up data and send to CG. Anyway, once you gain control of Ice, exit the room and watch out for 2 Humanoid Defenses, then a whole shitload of Snakes. First, check the middle of this area for a Skill File, which holds Find, which you already have. After this, check the southeast corner for a Information File, which tells you about Hidden Files. Once you get this, head out of here and go back to the main entrance to where you started this whole Mission and once here, head straight through the door ahead of you to find a Skill File, which holds Search. Use it immediately to have every Hidden File appear now. Next, exit this room and back in this area, watch out for 3 Humanoid Defenses and a whole bunch of Snakes and grab the Information File that's appeared now. After this, you'll see 3 Control Files. You'll have to get lucky and Modulate them and see which one is the real one, as Find does nothing to help you. If you choose wrong, 2 new Enemies called Tarantulas appear. They're rather strong, so watch out. Anyway, if you get the right one, the 2 doors back in the area that you entered Cy-D in will unlock, so rush back there and enter one of them, which I suggest you enter the one farthest to the right first. (Also, you'll clear a Mission Objective as well, though I didn't note seeing one given to you...) Once you do, though, the Control Files appear again and inside the room is a Tarantula and a Information File. (Also, outside, there's 2 more Tarantulas around as well.) After you get the Information File, go out and grab the 5 Information Files that have appeared in this area now and next, head through the door that was unguarded after you caused the commotion back in the real world to find a Information File in here. Next, backtrack and Modulate the Control Files again and go and enter the middle door now to find 2 Information Files, as Flame tells you this is the data, but if there's a place to upload it somewhere. You'll get a new Mission Objective at this time. Mission Objectives: Upload back up data to app. There is a place to upload the data to, so, go back to the unguarded door place again and head up the stairs to find a Application File. Upload the Back Up Data to it, as you'll clear a ton of Mission Objectives and get a new one. Mission Objectives: Mission accomplished. Dive out. Well, you heard Flame. Go ahead and Dive Out and once you do, you'll clear the Mission Objective and get a new one. Mission Objectives: Mission accomplished. Escape. Alright, all you have to do now is go to the main entrance to where you started this Mission on, so head there now. Again, make sure you don't kill any party guests as you fight your way to the entrance. There's an additional 2 Soldiers at the door, so be careful. Once you reach the door, you're done. Good job! Mission 4 clear! Just watch the cutscenes that take place after this, then you'll head to your next Mission. Note: I again missed another Information File...I think it's for Aska only, but I don't know. Oh well...nothing too important, so don't worry about it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - F. Marshall Islands Plant 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MAISP6.6 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: Bio-Charge x4, Flash Grenade x9, Hand Grenade x3, Impact Grenade x3, Level 1 ID x1, Microwave Grenade x6 and Thermaballistic Grenade x4. (Note: I've only missed 1 Item now, but I don't know how to get it yet...if anyone else knows, let me know.) Cy-D Skills To Get: High Jump and Tap. Mission Objectives: Find Professor Zukovsky. Alright, after the rather Charlie's Angels entrance, Flame will give Ice, Raven and Ash instructions on what to do. After she tells you what to do, head straight and help Ash against the Soldiers here. Don't bother staying and fighting, as they'll keep coming. Just make your way up and enter the door on the left and make sure you grab an AR100 and some ammo and switch to that immediately, as the Maggy Hammer(s) won't last you for very long. Anyway, in this next area, take out the lone Soldier here, then head left to find a ton of boxes. Just run into them to open a new path and enter the door here and enter the next area and in this area, kill the Soldier here, then follow the path and enter the door. In this next area, enter the next door you see to enter what looks like some Soldier's Quarters. Once here, head straight into the next door to reach a bedroom and immediately turn left and kill the Soldier here, then grab the Bio-Charge nearby. Then, exit and go to the right and enter the door next door and in this room, grab the Item on the bed to get 3 Flash Grenades. Next, exit this room and head straight through the next door to enter a room with some lockers. Flame will mention there's something here, so, check the third locker to the left on the right to find a Level 1 ID. After this, check the locker second to the last on the left in the row that's straight ahead of the door to find 3 Microwave Grenades and finally, check the locker second to the left from the last on the left row of the lockers to get a Bio-Charge. Next up, exit this room and backtrack out into the hallway and head to the right now and enter the door here and follow the path into the next area. In this area, you'll meet a new type of Soldier, which is MUCH stronger than the normal ones and he carries a HM6400, which is a VERY inaccurate gun, but it has no reloads and 600 rounds. You can't switch Weapons when you have this, so it's up to you if you want to use it, but I suggest sticking with the AR100, as chances are you'll NEVER run out of ammo for this baby. Anyway, kill him and the 3 other Soldiers here, then grab the Item nearby to get 3 Flash Grenades. Then, enter the other door nearby and in the next area, take out the 2 Soldiers behind the pillars, then climb up to the top of the areas nearby to find 3 Impact Grenades and a Thermaballistic Grenade. Next, enter the door nearby and in the next area, kill the 2 Soldiers here and grab the Item on top of the computer nearby to get 3 Microwave Grenades. Next, enter the door straight ahead of the entrance to this place and you'll find a Terminal to which you can activate the Clone Production Line with. So, go up to it and do so and you'll see a scene where some grates fall down back in the first area where you knocked those boxers over. So, head back there and as you do, you'll fight some Soldiers with MP2100s. Once there, follow the link where it says Removed Floor Plank and climb up onto the computer and then climb up to the next level, but make sure you kill the 2 Soldiers up there from below first. Anyway, once up here, head through the door nearby and in the next area, kill the Soldier below you, then head straight forward and climb over the clone cases and enter the door behind them. In this area, kill the Soldier nearby, then check out the Mysterious Door, which is where you need to go, but it's blocked off by clone cases. If you want, to the right, is a GR2, but I don't suggest it. For now, fall down to the area below and once here, grab the Bio-Charge nearby, then head through the door to the right to find a computer that you can Dive into. Don't yet and instead head through the other door in this room and in the next area, kill the Soldier here, then head straight and you'll see a door that leads back out to where Ash and Raven are. Don't bother with it and instead head to the left through the door here and in this area, kill the 3 Soldiers, then enter the door nearby. In this area, follow the path around to the other side and enter the door here and kill the 5 Soldiers you see, then grab the Item on the bench to get 3 Hand Grenades and enter the door you see nearby. In the next area, climb up to the top of the crates and kill the 2 Soldiers here and grab the Item in the corner to get 3 Flash Grenades. Then, head back to the area now where the computer is that you can Dive into and do so. Once you're in Cy-D, use Search and then head through the door to the right and you'll encounter a Avatar and get a Tutorial on them. Then, watch out for 2 Bugs here and be sure to grab the Skill File nearby to get High Jump, which is EXTREMELY useful. Once you get this, High Jump up to the upper part of this area and grab the Skill File here to obtain Tap, which lets you read the conversations that the Avatars are having. Once you get this, go ahead and test it out if you wish, otherwise, head back to the previous by turning around and going through the door behind you. Back here, head through the door to the right at the top part of this area and in this room, Flame will tell you about the room, as you get a new Mission Objective. Mission Objectives: Head for the Mysterious Room. Anyway, once in the room, take out the Humanoid Defense and the Rollerball and grab the Information File here and if by chance it disappears before you can get it, exit the room and re-enter to get it. Once you do, wait a moment and grab the next Information File that appears, which should give you new information. Once you get these 2 Information Files, go ahead and exit this room and drop down to the area below and grab the 7 Information Files here to get a new Mission Objective and watch out for the 2 Rollerballs and 2 Bugs here. Mission Objectives: Change the drug dose and operate the production line. After this, go ahead and Dive Out and once you're back in the real world, head through the door to the left and now using those Information Files you got, you'll have to change the production line a bit. In this area, head to the computer to the left first and for Drug A, enter the amount as 16. Then, go to the next computer to the left and for Drug B, enter the value as 25. Next, head to the computer behind you and for Drug C, enter the value as 48, then head to the next computer and for Drug D, enter the value as -22. Finally, on the last computer, for Drug E, put the value as 3 and you'll see a scene of the Clone Production Line being changed and you'll clear the Mission Objective. Anyway, head back to the Mysterious Door now (Also, on one of the upper levels now, I can't seem to get one of the Items. Basically, if you want to get a Bio-Charge and 3 Thermaballistic Grenades, you have to shimmy your way across the railing above the clone tubes. As for the one Item in the other room, I have not a clue. If anyone knows, let me know.) and once there, you'll see a scene. Afterwards, you'll have to fight 3 Ninjas, as Benigumo runs off and you'll clear the Mission Objective and get another one. Mission Objectives: Wipe out the Ninjas. This isn't that hard. Just shoot them and you'll win. Afterwards, you'll clear the Mission Objective and see another scene and even learn the secret about Dr. Zukovsky. Once this is over, you'll clear the other Mission Objective and get a new one, as Flame wants you to meet up with Raven and Ash, so you can take control of the factory, while the Professor is taken care of by Flame. Mission Objectives: Rendezvous with your companions. Simple enough. Just head back to the enter start of this Mission and head through the door to the left of you, as Flame has Raven opens a new route for you to go down and then you're done. Good job! Mission 5 clear! After this, go ahead and continue on. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - G. Marshall Islands Plant 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MAISP6.7 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: Ampoule 1 x1 (Blue.), Ampoule 2 x1 (Green.), Ampoule 3 x1 (Purple.), Ampoule 4 x1 (Red.), Ampoule 5 x1 (White.), Ampoule 6 x1 (Yellow.), Antidote A x1, Antidote B xx, Bio-Charge x4, Flash Grenade x6, Hand Grenade x3, Impact Grenade x3, Level 2 ID x1, Level 3 ID x1, Microwave Grenade x3 and Thermaballistic Grenade x1. Cy-D Skills To Get: Black Hole and Tap. Mission Objectives: Head for the basement. Alright, simple enough. Just head straight forward as you begin (Also, note that you have all your Equipment you had at the last Mission.) and once there, you'll see a scene. Afterwards, Flame will give you 3 new orders and you'll clear the Mission Objective and get a new one. Mission Objectives: Defeat the Elite Force Soldier and take over the facility. Anyway, as you start, head through the door to the left, following Raven. Take out the Soldier nearby and then continue on down the hall and enter the third door on the right. In this room, grab the Item on the bed here to get a Bio-Charge, then exit the room and continue down the hall and enter the door you come across. In this hallway, go near the Employee to have Flame tell you about him and to have him added to your Map. He's important later on and from now on, any Employees you meet, go near them to have them added to your Map. After this, kill the Soldier here, who's armed with a AAM-6308 and I suggest you don't get this. After this, enter the next door you see to the right and Flame will tell you about this room. Go near the Terminal to have this added to your Map and as Flame tells you about it. This will be important later on, so don't forget it. Next, exit the room and continue on and enter the next door to the right and in this room, grab the Item on the desk to get 3 Microwave Grenades, then leave the room. After this, leave the room and enter the door at the end of the hallway and follow the path up the stairs into the next area. In this area, kill the 3 Soldiers here, then grab the Item on the crate nearby to get 3 Flash Grenades, then continue on and enter the door at the end of the room. In the next area, fall down to the area below and kill the Soldier here and then find the Employee behind the computer, since he's rather "hidden", then climb up the computer here back to the top area and enter the door here. In this area, kill the Soldier here, then enter the door near you and in this room, kill the Soldier nearby, who's armed with a GR2 FAST, then kill the next Soldier that enters as well. Next, shoot the boxes nearby to find a Item, which is a Thermaballistic Grenade, then watch out for another Soldier that enters with a GR2. Kill him, then head through the door that's near the boxes behind you and in the next area, kill the 4 Soldiers here FAST, then enter the next door. In this area, you'll find a locked door, as you get a new Mission Objective and as Flame tells you about it. Mission Objectives: Use the ID to open the locked door. So, after this, backtrack to the previous room where you got the 3 Flash Grenades and drop down below to find an Employee, then climb back up to the top and enter the door here and go back to the previous area. Back where you were on the landing where you killed the Soldier a little while ago, jump across the grates here after you kill the 2 Tanks below now, which have replaced the Soldier. Once you're across, head up the stairs and follow the path and enter the door you see and in the next area, you'll clear the Mission Objective and get a new one, as Flame contacts you, telling you Raven fell into a trap. Mission Objectives: Head for Raven. Anyway, in this room, kill the 3 Soldiers here and grab the Item on the desk you see to get a Bio-Charge, then take note of the Employee here as well. Then, head to where Raven is using your Map to guide you and once there, Flame tells you about the place, then go over to Raven as you clear the Mission Objective and get a new one. Mission Objectives: Dive in and analyze the drug formula. Well, now, use your Map to find the room where you can Dive into and once there, (It's the room where you fell into before and had to use the computer to climb up out of. The one where the "hidden" Employee is.) enter Cy-D FAST, because Soldiers will keep coming to this area. Once you're in Cy-D, take out the 4 Bugs here, then High Jump up to the area above and go near the area where you see 2 Avatars standing near with a red Wall. Use Break on the Wall, then enter the door here and head into the next area. In this area, take out the Bugs here and then the new Enemy, which is a Spider, so kill both of them, then Break the Wall here as well to find a Skill File, that has Tap. (This is incase you didn't get Tap before.) Next, backtrack to the previous area and enter the door across from you now and head into the next area. In this area, use Break on the Wall here, then go across to the next side and head up the stairs. Also, use Search incase there's any Hidden Files and grab the Information File you come across on the path after the stairs to learn about that gas that hit Raven and about how to make the antidote. Once you get this, go ahead go back to the area where you entered Cy-D and use Tap now to get an new Mission Objective. Mission Objectives: Obtain Ampoules needed for the antidote. Once you get this, Dive Out and back in the real world, talk to the Employee near where you are by using the Square Button and he'll give you Ampoule 3. Next, seek out the other 5 Employees using your Map to get Ampoule 2, Ampoule 4, Ampoule 5, Ampoule 6 and Ampoule 1. Once you get at least 3 Ampoules, you'll get a new Mission Objective. Mission Objectives: Make the antidote. Though, the 3 Ampoules you got doesn't mean they are they right ones. In order to make the correct antidote, you have to use the correct Ampoules, otherwise you'll get a different antidote and it won't work on Raven, then you'll have to go and get the Ampoules all over again. Anyway, enter the 3 following Ampoules in this order: Red, White and Green. If you did this, you'll get Antidote A, which is the correct Antidote, but if you didn't, you'll get Antidote B. If you screw up, go and give Raven the Antidote, then go ahead and recollect the Ampoules again and try once more. Either way, once you get Antidote A, you'll clear the Mission Objective and get a new one, as Flame tells you you did it. Mission Objectives: Adminsiter the antidote to Raven. So, now, go and see Raven and use Antidote A on her, as you clear a whole bunch of Mission Objectives. After this, Flame thanks you and tells you to now get back on task. First, exit this room and start finding some Soldiers, as once they die, one of them will drop the Level 2 ID that you need. Anyway, once you get this, head back to where the locked door is using your Map and once there, open the door to clear the Mission Objective, then destroy the new Enemy here called Walker. Then, examine the Elevator nearby, as you see a scene. Afterwards, you'll enter a Boss Battle, so if you want a strategy for that, head to Section VIII. Boss Guide now, otherwise, fight this yourself and move on. Mission Objectives: Defeat the clone. After the Battle, you'll clear the Mission Objective and get a new one. Mission Objectives: Follow the Director with Ash. Ash joins you, as Flame tells Ice and Ash to go after that man. So, head through the door nearby and head into the next area, as you see a scene where you'll have to hit some Switches to stop the oncoming of Soldiers. First, you'll have to fight off the Soldiers here while Ash hits the first 2 Switches, then you have to hit the third. Make sure you grab the Item along the way, which is 3 Flash Grenades. Then, head over to where the 2 doors are and just breeze by the text, as there's Soldiers hitting you and you can't move. Ash will go to the right, you go to the left, so do so. In this room, destroy the Tank, then move on and grab the GR2 if you want, then enter the door here. In this room, you'll meet up with Ash and you'll have to help her across. So, hit the Switch near the door, then grab the Item nearby on the crates to get 3 Hand Grenades. Next, drop down below and grab the Bio-Charge here, then hit the Switch, as Ash goes across and pushes a crate down for you. Use it to climb up and kill the 3 Soldiers here if you already haven't and hit the Switch nearby. After this, Ash will come down to where you are, so, enter the door nearby and in this room, grab the 2 Items on the crates here to get a Bio-Charge and 3 Impact Grenades. Then, continue on through the door to see a scene. Afterwards, you'll clear the Mission Objective, so enter the room and enter Cy-D via the computer nearby. Once inside, head through the doors behind you to find a new Cy-D Enemy, the Humanoid Defense that are red. They're stronger than the green ones, so be careful. Take out the 3 of them here, then grab the Skill File nearby to get Black Hole, a rather good attack. Then, exit this room and in the previous room now, use Break on the Wall nearby and enter the door here. Follow the path now in this room and enter the next area and in this area, take out a whole bunch of Bugs, then Modulate the Control File nearby, then head through the door here and in this room, kill the 2 Humanoid Defenses and enter the next area. In this area, kill the Humanoid Defense and the 2 Bugs, then follow the path and enter the door you come across. Now, in this room, you'll have to fight a new Enemy here, the Cy-D Ice Clone. There's 14 of them here and they're MUCH more aggressive than their real world counterparts. Destroy them fast and use Black Hole to help you out. Afterwards, Modulate the Control File that appears, so the doors back in the real world open now. Then, you'll get a new Mission Objective. Mission Objectives: Dive out. Simple enough. Just go and Dive Out now and back in the real world, you'll clear the Mission Objective and get yet another one. Mission Objectives: Defeat Roland. When you're ready, head through the doors behind you to enter a Boss Battle. If you want a strategy, head to Section VIII. Boss Guide now, otherwise, fight this yourself and move on. After the Battle, you'll see a scene and after this, you'll clear the Mission Objective and get a new one. Mission Objectives: Get to the escape pod before time runs out. Flame will tell you you have 5 minutes to get out of here, so, use the elevator nearby that's marked on your Map, but before you do, grab the Item nearby to get the Level 3 ID. So, next, enter the elevator and hit the Switch here and once back upstars, destroy the 2 Tanks here, then enter the left and enter the next room. In this room, head up to the top of it and head out the first door you come across and then back in the previous room, but at the higher level of it, head across the grates now and follow the path up the stairs and then down them and enter the door here. Back in this room, head up to where the Employee use to be and head over to the device and you're done. Good job! Mission 6 clear! Now, watch the cutscenes and get ready for your next Mission. Note: There was 3 Cy-D Information Files that you probably didn't get. They weren't important and they only showed up if you used Find on the 2 Control Files. I don't know what the other was, but I assume it wasn't important. That or it's not something Ice can get. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - H. Arizona Shuttle Base . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ARISHBA6.8 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: Bio-Charge x4, Crane Key x1, Flash Grenade x2, Hand Grenade x1, Impact Grenade x1, Microwave Grenade x1, Shutter Remote Control x1 and Tool x1. Cy-D Skills To Get: Virus. Mission Objectives: Find an operational shuttle. After the cutscenes, you'll get instructions from Flame on what to do. Afterwards, you see the 4 Terminals around the area? Go over to each of them and examine them to lower the shuttle here and be sure to grab the Item on the crates near the start of this place to get a Hand Grenade. After you get the shuttle down, go and enter Cy-D by using the computer nearby and once inside, watch out for Exploding Bugs and you'll see and grab the Information File and then the Skill File to get Virus. Next, you see all those Control Files? Use Break on all of them, but be careful on Breaking the ones that are behind doors, as when you do, a new Enemy appears called Crab. These things are a pain in the ass, but they go down rather fast. Anyway, once you break all the Control Files, check the main area for a Information File that's appeared now. Once you get this, go ahead and Dive Out and back in the real world, head up to the upper level and go across the part of the grating that was placed after the shuttle part fell and enter the door you come across. In the next area, take out the 3 Soldiers here and then head to the next area and in this room, enter the door ahead of you and check the middle shelf for a Item, which is a Bio-Charge, then exit the room and head down to the area below. Near the door, check the corner nearby to find a Item, which is a Flash Grenade. Next, head out the brown door down here and outside, destroy the 3 Tanks here, then follow the path around and enter the door you come across. In this room, follow the path up and enter the only door you can and use a Microwave Grenade here to even the odds here and destroy the 5 Tanks, which a few of them are new ones, called Tanks (Black.), which are stronger than the Tanks (Green.), so be careful. Anyway, after this, check the door nearby to find a shutter and get a new Mission Objective. Mission Objectives: Shutter. Then, head up and grab the Item here to get a Flash Grenade and then continue upwards and grab the Item here to get a Hand Grenade, then grab the Weapon in the corner, which it's a Sniper Rifle called a SP700. It's pretty good, but I don't think there's a real use to it...anyway, you'll get a Tutorial on how to use it and afterwards, backtrack to the room where you fell down into before you went outside and fought 3 Tanks and once there, head through the green door and climb on top of the computer and head up to the floor above through a hole in the floor, then exit this room and head through the door ahead of you and make your way back to the room where you started out on this Mission. Once here, head through the door straight ahead of you (Also, I don't know how to get the SP700 here. Apparently there's no way to get it...weird.) and in the next area, kill the 4 Soldiers here and then enter the door nearby. In this next room, kill the 3 Soldiers here, then drop down and grab the Item nearby to get a Bio-Charge, then head up through the door at the top of this area and in the next hallway, kill the 4 Soldiers here, then enter the next room to find a crane, as you get a new Mission Objective. Mission Objectives: Crane for loading containers. Ok...anyway, enter the door nearby and outside, turn to your right and you see that box near you? Shoot it to destroy it, as it'll save you time later. Then, backtrack to the previous room past the room with the crane and this time, back in this area, go down to the lower area and enter the door down here, which leads outside. Once outside, destroy the Tank here, then ignore the computer for a minute and go around to the otherside to find a vehicle and a SP700 nearby. Flame will tell you about it and after this, go ahead and Dive into Cy-D via that computer you just passed. Once in Cy-D, watch out for a Exploding Bug and then grab the Information File nearby, then go around to where the vehicle is and Modulate the Control File here. Back in the real world, the vehicle will crash through the gate nearby, so that will help you in a minute. Next, head forward to where the vehicle is now and climb over it to a area and grab the Information File here, then leave here and continue on to find another Information File. These Information Files are vital to opening the lockers back in that one room with the green doors and where you could go outside and fight the 3 Tanks. Anyway, watch out for 3 more Exploding Bugs and then go ahead and Dive Out and once back in the real world, go through the destroyed gate now that the vehicle destroyed and be sure to destroy the other 2 Tanks here and don't bother climbing over the vehicle here to enter the door nearby, as there's nothing there but a trapped SP700 that you can't get. Instead, just continue on and enter the other door you find instead. Now, once in this room, get ready to use a Microwave Grenade, as you WILL need it. Get near the door and throw one in and then destroy the 6 Tanks here, then grab the Item nearby to get a Impact Grenade, then go and see the Shuttle Mechanic. As you get near him, Flame mentions him, as you get a new Mission Objective. Mission Objectives: Shuttle Mechanic. Anyway, talk to him and he'll agree to teach you how to fly the shuttle, as you clear a Mission Objective and get a new one. Mission Objective: Load containers aboard the shuttle. Load the Auto-Pilot ap. on the shuttle. Repair the shuttle. Now, head back to that room you where at before with the green doors and the one door that lead outside to where the 3 Tanks were. The path where you got the first SP700, remember it? Head back there and once there, fall down to the area below and enter the green door and check the computer here, which will allow you to Dive into Cy-D. Do so and once inside Cy-D, grab the 2 Information Files nearby, then head out of the room and destroy the 2 Humanoid Defenses, then look at your Information for the first Password, which is Peach, Apple, Muscat, Strawberry and Lemon. There's some Control Files around here, so use Find on them and then Modulate them in the order of the above I just typed. So, find the Peach on first, then Apple and so forth. Though, when going for the Muscat one, watch out for 2 more Humanoid Defenses. Once you correctly Modulate those Control Files, you'll see a scene where the first locker will open. After this, go ahead and Modulate the Control Files again for the second locker. They correct combination is: Muscat, Lemon, Peach, Apple and Strawberry. After this, you'll see the second locker open, so next, let's do the final locker now. The combination for the third locker is: Apple, Peach, Lemon, Strawberry and Muscat. Once you do this, the third locker will open and afterwards, go ahead and Dive Out. Back in the real world, go through the green door and check the lockers here the Crane Key, a Bio-Charge and the Shutter Remote Control. Now, once you have these, head back to where the room with the crane is and once there, use the Crane Key on the Terminal, as you clear a Mission Objective. Next, head back to the room where all those Tanks where where you got the SP700 before and remember that shutter? Go and open it now and once you do, take out the 4 Soldiers here, then grab the Bio-Charge nearby and then Dive into Cy-D via the computer here. Once inside, destroy the 5 Humanoid Defenses and after you do, a door will open, with a Application File inside. Go to it and use the Shuttle Control on it, as you clear another Mission Objective. Then, Dive Out and go back to where the Shuttle Mechanic is and once there, talk to him, as you clear the Mission Objective and get a new one. Mission Objectives: Head to the Control Room to launch the shuttle. After this, Flame mentions there's something near you, so check the Tool to get it. Once you get it, head back to the room where those lockers where and once there, follow the thing at the bottom of your screen to where it says Stopper and use the Tool on it to move the device across the floor. Next, head back up to the upper part of this area and now jump across the devices and grab the Microwave Grenade as you do. Then, go across the grating here and jump over the gate and down behind it and enter the door here. Outside, head through the door, as you enter a Boss Battle and you see a scene and get a new Mission Objective. If you want a strategy, head to Section VIII. Boss Guide now, otherwise, fight this yourself and move on. Mission Objectives: Defeat Steiner. After the Battle, you'll clear the Mission Objective, then just head to the door that just opened and in the next area, kill the 4 Soldiers here, but be careful, as they ALL are packing GR2s. Anyway, follow the path into the next area and in this hallway, head through the door to the right and in this room, grab the Impact Grenade, Bio-Charge and Microwave Grenade. Though, you can't get the SP700 here, so, forget it. After this, exit and head through the door straight ahead to enter the elevator and inside, hit the Switch and you'll enter the next area. In this room, you'll clear the Mission Objective and get a new one. Mission Objectives: Use the Terminal to initiate the launch sequence. Anyway, kill the whole lot of Soldiers here, then examine the Terminal to enter Cy-D and once inside, destroy the 4 Humanoid Defenses here, then a door will open. Head inside and Modulate the Control File here, as you clear the Mission Objective and get a new one. Mission Objectives: Board the shuttle before the countdown ends. Ok, next, Dive Out and head back up the elevator now by entering it and using the Switch and back up on this floor, head through the door to the left and follow the path and immediately use the L1 Button and stay down, as 5 Ninjas appear, which are a new Enemy. This type of Ninja uses Daggers to fight with, so watch out. Anyway, since you're on the ground, kill them, since they can't stab you this low and then enter the door nearby and head to the next area, as you see a scene, where Steiner appears in a battle mech and you get another Mission Objective. This is another Boss Battle, so, if you wish for a strategy, head to Section VIII. Boss Guide now, otherwise, fight this yourself and move on. Mission Objectives: Defeat Steiner. After the Battle, watch the cutscene and then you're done. Good job! Mission 7 clear! Just watch the next few scenes and then you'll start up the final Mission for Ice. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - I. Space Elevator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SPELE6.9 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: Bio-Charge x6, Flash Grenade x2, Hand Grenade x2, Microwave Grenade x1 and Thermaballistic Grenade x3. Cy-D Skills To Get: None. Mission Objectives: Defeat Wilson. Note: Make SURE by the time you reach the Control Room you have at LEAST 6 Bio-Charges and a HN6400 will full ammo. You WILL need them. After the cutscenes, you'll begin your next and final Mission. First, head straight through the door ahead of you and in this area, you'll fight a new Enemy here, which is a Soldier with a Space Gun and a Shield. There's about 5 of them here, so just make short work of them as they aren't that much of a threat and pick up another Space Gun to get dual Space Guns now. Also, near where you entered, grab the Item to your left to get a Flash Grenade, then continue on and enter the next door. In the next area, take cover and kill the 4 Soldiers here and I suggest you actually pick up a HN6400, as you'll want to stock up on ammo for your Space Gun. After this, head straight to the door and grab the Pegasus B Weapon here, as you'll want it for later on. Anyway, backtrack now and head through the door to the right and just avoid all the Soldiers here, especially another new one, which fights with a Dagger. In the next room, grab the Bio-Charge nearby and enter the door straight ahead and in this room, examine the Terminal to make a train come by. Exit this room and head onto the train now and head to the Residential Area and once here, check the green couches ahead of you for a Bio-Charge, then head through the door to the left. In this area, kill the 4 Soldiers here, then head up the stairs to the left and follow the down as well and enter the door here and kill the Soldier here, then enter the first door to the right and kill the 2 Soldiers here and grab the Pegasus B when you're done. Next, exit this room and enter the next door to the right and in this room, grab the Hand Grenade and Flash Grenade, then exit this room and kill 3 the Soldiers that have probably appeared by now, as there's 2 new ones. One with just a Space Gun and one with a Space Gun and a Green Shield. After this, exit this area and head back up the stairs and then head as far straight as you can and enter the door at the end of this place and in this area, kill the 6 Soldiers here and then enter the first room to the left and grab the Item here to get a Microwave Grenade, then leave and enter the door at the far end of this place and check inside here for a Item, which is a Thermaballistic Grenade. After this, exit this area and head up the stairs and enter the door here now and in this area, kill the 3 Soldiers here, then enter the room that's second on the left and grab the Pegasus B and Hand Grenade here. Next, exit this room and head straight and enter the door to the right and in this room, check the far back for a Thermaballistic Grenade. After this, leave the room and follow the path now and enter the next door you come across and you'll come back outside. Here's the thing, though. If you have a HN6400, Discard it, as you can't do the next part with it and if not, don't worry. When you're ready, run and jump off here towards the wall so you land and hang from the rail and move left as far as you can, then pull yourself up so you go over the gate, then go ahead and Dive into the computer here to enter Cy-D. Once you're in Cy-D, you'll have to kill ALL the Enemies here, so a Information File appears, so go ahead and start seeking out each Enemy. There's only Crabs and a new Enemy, which is a different Spider that's MUCH more of a bitch to fight, so be careful. Also, be sure to grab the 1 Information File that's here as well. Anyway, once all the Enemies are destroyed, the Information File that you need will appear on the one area where you jumped off before to hang on the rail, so, go and grab it, as you get a new Mission Objective. Mission Objectives: Head To Panel Control Room. So, once you have this, go ahead and Dive Out and go back to where the train is and go to the room with the Terminal to call the train, then head to the Panel Control Room Area. Once here, grab the Bio-Charge to your right, then head through the door to the left, as you pass the clearence and complete the Mission Objective. In this next area, kill the 2 Soldiers and pick up a HN6400, then enter the door to the right and in this room, grab the Item here to get a Thermaballistic Grenade, then exit and head straight and enter the door here. Then, enter the elevator to the right, as you enter the next area. In this area, you'll meet a new Enemy, the Combat Camera. These things are rather weak, but still annoying, so make short work of them. Anyway, your next objective is to examine 4 Terminals in the area so you can open the shutter you just passed. In my personal experience, this part was a BITCH to do on my own, but after 2 hours, I figured it out, so, this will take you 5-10 minutes tops to do, hopefully. So, now, destroy the 4 Combat Cameras in this area, then head down to the lower area and in this area, destroy the 4 Combat Cameras here, then enter the door to the right. In this room, examine the Terminal nearby, then start climbing upward, after you get rid of your HN6400. Then, destroy the 4 Combat Cameras here, then at the top, you see the opening nearby? Jump onto the railing nearby and make your way across to the otherside of the box here, then fall down into the opening as best as you can. This is rather tricky, so I suggest you face the opening and then move to the left and hold Up on the Left Analog Stick to make it in. Don't worry about holding it for too long and overshooting it, as you won't do that. Once you land, jump on and hang onto the railing and move your way across, then pull yourself up again and then continue on and fall into the opening the same way you just did. Then, in the next area, destroy the 4 Combat Cameras here as you make your way upward and then examine the Terminal and after this, fall to the bottom and exit through the door. Next, head back up the stairs and then back in the area where you entered this entire place, head upwards now and enter the first door you come across. In this room, head upwards and destroy the 5 Combat Cameras here and examine the Terminal, then jump back down to the bottom and exit through the door you entered through. Now, continue upwards and destroy the 4 Combat Cameras here, then enter the door at the top of this place and in this room, destroy the 4 Combat Cameras and fall to the bottom and examine the final Terminal here, as you get a new Mission Objective. Mission Objectives: Use the Terminal to reverse B Block. After this, go ahead and climb back up and head back to the main area of this place to where you entered from and head back to the top of this area, but don't enter the shutter to the next part. Go near it, but don't enter it. Now, from the highest landing, which is directly straight ahead from the door where you examined the third Terminal, you see that large gap you can't cross? Well, stand near the landing at the top and try and jump sideways so when you go over the landing, Ice is facing the wall. When you do this, she should grab ahold of the railing hear, so, now, move yourself across and then drop down to the other side. Once you reach the other side, enter the elevator here and examine the Terminal on the wall here to open the shutter. Next, enter the door to the right and kill the 5 Soldiers in this room, then continue on through the next door. In this room, Dive into Cy-D via the computer here, then go ahead and exit this area and then follow the path and head down one of the elevators. Back in this area, you'll notice there's a TON of Control Files, some of which are on the ceiling and you can't get. Just use Find on the ones you can get in this entire area and watch out for Crabs and Spiders. Also, make sure you Modulate the one Control File that says Development on it and after this, go ahead and Dive Out. Back in the real world, go and hit the other Terminal near the shutter now to reverse B Block, as you clear the Mission Objective. After you do this, go and Dive back into Cy-D. Back in Cy-D, head back to B Block now and the room will be flipped. Go ahead and use Find on all the new Control Files here and when you find the one called Progress, Modulate that one to make a Information File appear out in the main area. Go back and get this, as this is the other File you need for access to the Control Room. Once you get this, you'll get a new Mission Objective. Mission Objectives: Head to the Control Room. So, next, go ahead and Dive Out and head back to where the train is now and call the train and head to the Space Elevator Launch Site first, since there's some Items to get here that you won't get if you don't go now. Once here, grab the Item nearby to get a Bio-Charge, then enter the door to the left and in the next area, head through the door to the right and follow the path to the end to find a Pegasus B. Next, exit the room and go ahead and call the train now and go to the Control Room. Once here, grab the Bio-Charge to your left, then enter the door to the left after you gain clearence. Then, gear up, as you clear the Mission Objective and get a new one. You're about to enter a Boss Battle after a cutscene. If you'd like a strategy for this, head to Section VIII. Boss Guide now, otherwise, fight this yourself and then move on. Mission Objectives: Defeat X. After the Battle, you'll clear the Mission Objective and see a cutscene and after this, you'll enter the final Boss Battle in the game, as you get a new Mission Objective. Yet again, if you want a strategy for this part, head to Section VIII. Boss Guide now, otherwise, fight it yourself and afterwards, move on. Mission Objectives: Defeat simulated Wilson personality program. Afterwards, you'll beat Wilson's Avatar and clear the Mission Objective, although you aren't done yet. You still have to get the hell out of here before this place explodes. So, after the cutscene, (Also good job on beating both X and Wilson's Avatar, you have my respect.) Also, after Ice talks to Aska (You won't know this anyway until you play as Aska.) and telling her to cover something, you'll get some new Mission Objectives and you have 15 minutes to do this, which the computer will update you at how much time you have left here and there, since you don't get a counter telling you. Mission Objectives: Head to the Panel Control Room to avoid contamination from Cy-D. Detach A Block. Detach B Block. Detach C Block. Ok, first, drop the HN6400 if you still have it and use either the Space Gun(s) or the Pegasus B and make your way back to the Panal Control Room. Once there, head to where the Terminal is by the shutter, which is now closed again and examine the Terminal. Apparently, you have to go hit all 4 of those Terminals again like you did before and to make it more fun, you'll be in a 0 gravity setting this time. Fun, huh? Anyway, head into the elevator and you'll be given a Tutorial on how to move around. (Note: Use the L1 Button to move around faster. They don't mention this.) Anyway, go ahead and avoid ANY Combat Camera you see and make your way to each of the 4 Terminals and after you examine each of them, exit this place through the other elevator and once back in this area, hit the Terminal here to open the shutter, then go down to the room where you used the computer to enter Cy-D before and examine it to detach A, B and C Blocks now. Once you do this, you'll clear some Mission Objectives and get a new one. Mission Objectives: Mission accomplished. Escape aboard the shuttle. Ok, now just the hell out of this place by heading back to the place where you begain this whole Mission at, which is the Shuttle Launch Pad Area. Also, just avoid ANY Soldiers like the plague and don't bother with them and once you reach the area where you started again, use your Map to guide you where to go and once you reach the end, you're done. Good job! Mission 8 clear! Congratulations! You've just beaten Cy Girls with Ice! Now, do so with Aska if you already haven't and either way, sit back and enjoy the ending, as you deserve it. After you Save your game though, enjoy the Extra Game feature, as you've just unlocked X to play as. (Also, you'll get your over all Rank as well.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - J. Ending . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ENDI6.10 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, Alan Wilson of the FGC has been stopped and the next Damnation Monday will never happen. Not much of an ending, as it just shows Ice continuing work for the Cy Girls and apparently the FGC is still running strong, as she has to enter it's building and get more hidden data. After this, she poses and bam, the credits role. Well, that does it for me. Thanks for reading my walkthrough and I hope it helped you while playing. If you haven't already, try Aska's Game, as in my opinion, she's oh so much better than Ice and Aska is what saved this game from really being bad. Note: After the credits role, take notice of a "Cy Girls: Beyond The 8th Dimension" coming soon. I pray it's better than the first... Well, until next time, take it easy and I'll see ya! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = VII. The Walkthrough (Aska.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ THEWALAS7 ]= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Note: The Walkthrough is written on Normal Mode. Also, I won't list what each Information File says anywhere in this whole walkthrough. Pointless and not worth it. I'll tell you where each thing is, but you can read it for yourself and I'll just tell you what to do and where to go. Besides, 90% of the stuff is useless information anyway, so, you're really not missing stuff and since the game does a poor ass job of giving you any background story or what the FUCK you're doing, piecing anything together is going to be hard. I also won't list what each Tutorial says either, since most of them are useless and common sense. Also, if you play on Hard, understand some of the puzzle combinations involving numbers are changed. Easy and Normal are the same, but I won't list the Hard game's numbers here unless people actually want me to. (Or if someone would like to give me them, heh.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - A. Beginning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BEGI7.1 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you begin the game, after choosing the Difficulty and Camera Mode, watch the opening cutscene to learn a VERY vague background on the story. On November 11th, 2058, all electrical power went out and everything crumbled. Called "Damnation Monday", it was the first, greatest panic of the 21st Century and now it's 26 years later... Apparently, the game starts and you learn that Aska has abandoned her post and her whereabouts are unknown. After a woman named Coffy deletes what is to be done with her if found, you'll see a scene of Aska and her brother, Kogetsu, talking about getting revenge for their father, since they just abandoned CG to do so. After this, you'll begin your first Mission... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - B. Japanese Ninja Mansion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ JANIMA7.2 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: Asura Shuriken x15, Bio-Charge x3, Bomb x1, Card Key x1, Conventional Bomb x1, Hand Grenade x3, HF Energy Pack x1, Kunai x15, Makabishi x5, Shinsoku x1, Shuriken x30, Statue Hand x1 and Utsusemi x1. Cy-D Skills To Get: Break and Wall. Mission Objectives: Head to the house via the undergound passageway. After the cutscenes, you'll get a Tutorial on what you have to do, as well as how to move Aska. After this, move forward to get a Tutorial on how to jump, thanks to Kogetsu, then continue on and enter the door you come across, as you get another Tutorial. Next, continue on through the next door, as you get another Tutorial from Kogetsu on how to use your Hook, as you get a new Mission Objective. Mission Objectives: Use hook to cross the ramp. So, go ahead and do this to clear the Mission Objective, then you'll encounter the first Enemy, as well as get another Tutorial. He's a Ninja armed with a Katana, so make short work of him and after this, continue on and as you get near the next Enemy, Kogetsu will give you a Tutorial on how to hide. So, do so to get another Tutorial, then go ahead and just rush the Ninja here and then enter the door here and enter the next area and once here, you'll get a new Mission Objective. Mission Objectives: Cross the trench by hanging from the ceiling beam. So, go ahead and do what Kogetsu says amd once across, you'll clear the Mission Objective. Next, continue on and climb upwards and kill the Ninja you see, then continue on and kill the next Ninja below you, then go near the mine cart and the switch to have Kogetsu give you another Tutorial. Go ahead and hit the switch here, as the mine cart opens a path for you, then continue on and enter the door you come across and in this area, you'll get another Tutorial and a new Mission Objective. Mission Objectives: Use Hook to bring forward the board blocking the way. Afterwards, use your Hook on the wooden board to pull it down and to clear the Mission Objective, then continue on downwards and enter the door you come across. Once you enter this area, 3 Ninjas will drop down to fight you and one of them is a new Enemy, which is a Ninja that uses Claws. Anyway, just rush in and attack them and afterwards, you'll get a new Mission Objective. Mission Objectives: Use Hook to escape through the hole in the ceiling. Do this and afterwards, you'll clear some Mission Objectives and get a new one, as you reach the mansion you have to enter. Mission Objectives: Find the Terminal in the main hall. Ok, so, once you're here, you'll get a Tutorial on Mission Objectives and afterwards, grab the Bio-Charge in the corner of this area, then from where you area, head straight and enter the door you see and in this area, kill the 3 Ninjas that appear, then grab the 5 Shurikens here. Next, backtrack to the previous area and enter the door to the right and once inside, grab the 5 Shurikens here, then continue upwards and enter the door you see. In this area, grab the 5 Shurikens nearby, then enter the door near you and in this hallway, head left and grab the 5 Kunais and 5 Shurikens here, then go ahead and follow the hallway and enter the first door to the left. In this room, you'll see a switch, as about 9 Ninjas appear. Kill them all, then hit the switch on the wall, as you see a switch somewhere else light up. After this, exit this room and head left and enter the next door you come across. In this hallway, enter the door the left and in this room, kill the Ninja here, then slash at the boards here to find 5 Shurikens behind them. Then, enter the door nearby and in this room, grab the 5 Shurikens, then enter the next door here and in this room, kill the 2 Ninjas here and make a note of the room itself. Then, exit this room and the next two rooms and back in the hallway, head left and enter the door here and inside, push the switch near the door to see it's an elevator. Once you reach the next floor, enter the door here and kill the 2 Ninjas, then destroy the boxes nearby to reveal a peephole. Examine it to find out about a secret door in that one room you were just in. Next, enter the door near you and in this room, follow the path and fall down to the floor below and grab the Bio-Charge here, then slash at the wall with the design on it to reveal a hidden room, with a Shinsoku, HF Energy Pack, 5 Makibishis and 10 Asura Shurikens. Then, backtrack to where the elevator is and once there, head through the door straight ahead of the elevator and in this room, kill the Ninja here, then enter the next door. In the next area, kill the 2 Ninjas straight ahead of you and collect the 5 Asura Shurikens at the end of this place near the peephole, then examine the peephole here, to learn about that oven cooker that was back at the entrance to where you entered. Next, head back to where you entered this room and head left now and kill the 2 Ninjas here, then 5 Kunais nearby. Next, examine the boards on the wall after Kogetsu mentions it to get a new Mission Objective. Mission Objectives: Shaky looking wall. Apparently you'll need a Bomb or something to destroy it, so just wait. After this, examine the statue near you and after Kogetsu mentions it, attack the statue to get the Statue Hand. Kogetsu thinks it'll be useful, so you take it. Next, go ahead and head back down the elevator now and once back here, head to the room where you saw the Ninja go against the wall and head to a new room and once you go up against the wall by examining it, you'll enter the main hall. So, now, use the Statue Hand on the statue here, as the room rotates and you see the computer you need to reach. Kogetsu and Aska are clueless to where the computer is, but you aren't. Anyway, grab the 5 Kunais to your left, then enter the door here and outside, head to the left and kill the 4 Ninjas that appear and grab the 3 Hand Grenades nearby, then watch out as 4 more Ninjas appear. Once you kill them, open the chest you see to get the Conventional Bomb, as Kogetsu tells you the obvious about it. Next, backtrack to where that oven cooker is now and once there, Kogetsu will mention it again, so, examine it to find a secret passage, as you drop down into it, as you get a new Mission Objective. Mission Objectives: Use Hook to return to ground level. Simple enough, but don't do this yet. Instead, continue forward and kill the Ninja here and collect the Bomb he drops, as you get another Mission Objective. Mission Objectives: Use a bomb to destroy the wall. Anyway, once you get this, just leave here and ignore the other path here for now and back on the ground level, you'll clear the Mission Objective. Next, since you have 2 bombs now, head back to the second floor where that boarded up place is. Once you're there, go ahead and use either of the bombs you have on the wall and afterwards, you'll see that it wasn't enough. So, use the other bomb now, as you clear the Mission Objective and get a new one, along with a new Tutorial. Mission Objectives: Use Hook to break through the wall. So, throw your Hook at the wall, as you go flying through it and clear the Mission Objective. Next up, head back to where the elevator is, since you're back to where you entered the mansion at, but kill the 3 Ninjas that appear first. Once there, you'll see there's a pit to fall down into now, since the elevator isn't around anymore. Fall into the pit, as you get a new Mission Objective. Mission Objectives: Use Hook to return to ground level. Again, don't worry about it yet and instead, follow the path around and either run on the walls or by using her hook. Be sure to kill the 2 Ninjas here and to also fall into the second fit and enter the door here. In this room, head over the boxes and enter the door here and in the next room, kill the 2 Ninjas here, then examine the drawer here. Do so, as you see the opening to it pops up on the otherside...but where's the otherside? Remember that path I said not to take before when you fell down under the oven cooker? That's where. For now, exit this room and the previous room and continue on to find a door that's locked, as you get a new Mission Objective. Mission Objectives: Find Card Key. So, head back now to where the oven cooker is, as you clear another Mission Objective and once there, fall down to the area below again. Once here, head over the boxes to the right and enter the door here and in this room, kill the 3 Ninjas here and grab the Bio-Charge nearby. Next, check the drawer at the end of this place to find the Card Key and you'll clear the Mission Objective. Now, head back to where that locked door is now and once there, use the Card Key on it and in the next room, enter the next door here to find a control room. Grab the Utsusemi nearby, then examine the Terminal here, as the gears turn the main hall around, so that now the computer you need to reach is reachable now. After this, go ahead and head back to the main hall now, but as you leave the room here, watch out for 4 Ninjas that will be on the otherside of the door, along with 8 Ninjas back at where you entered this place, so be careful. So, once you're there, go ahead and Dive into the computer after Kogetsu tells you how to in a Tutorial and once you're in Cy-D, Kogetsu will fill you in on how to fight here and you'll get a Tutorial as well as you'll get a new Mission Objective. Mission Objectives: Find information on Father's Killer. Next, grab the Skill File here to get Break, as Kogetsu tells you about it, then, exit this room and follow the path into the next area, as you encounter your first Cy-D Enemy, the Bug. They're rather easy to beat, so don't worry. Anyway, you have to destroy them all to get the door nearby to open, so, after Kogetsu tells you about them and gives you a Tutorial on fighting, destroy them, then enter the door. Next up, enter the door to the right and in the next area, use Break on the Wall here after you get a Tutorial on it, then continue on and go past the door here for a minute and in the otherside of the hall, grab the Information File and Skill File here, which holds Wall. Kogetsu will tell you about it and tell you how to Download it as well if you didn't get this previously. Also, kill the one lone Bug here, then go ahead and enter the door you just passed and in this room, grab the Information File here, as apparently, this pole thing leads to somewhere. Kogetsu opts to go check it out, as you look for more clues. So, now, go ahead and try to leave, but you can't as your first Boss will appear. If you want a strategy on how to destroy it, head to Section VIII. Boss Guide now, other wise, fight this yourself and then move on. After the Battle, grab the new Information File nearby, which is the information you needed, as you clear the Mission Objective. Next, you'll get a Tutorial on how to Dive Out, so, just head back to where you first entered this place and stand on the Dive Out point. Once there, Dive Out and back in the real world, exit this room and make your way out of the next room, as you see a cutscene, with Kogetsu crying in pain and telling Aska to stay back on his transmitter. After this, you'll get a new Mission Objective. Mission Objectives: Go to captured Kogetsu. Now, head back to the room where you fought the Bug Buster in and as you make your way there, kill any Ninjas on the way, but don't worry about killing them all. Once you reach that room, examine that pole and then watch the cutscenes. Good job! Mission 1 clear! Just watch the cutscenes and then you'll start your next Mission. Note: Any important information is saved to your Information folder, so, whenever you find a Information File or something else that's important, it will go into that area on your Menu. That way, I won't have to say "It's been added to your Information Menu" each and every time. (Though, yeah, I didn't say it here, but I did do it with Ice's Walkthrough, but this is just a friendly reminder and a heads up to you.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - C. Japan Net Justice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ JANEJU7.3 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: Asura Kunai x1, Bio-Charge x4, Cleaning Robot Remote Control x1, Data Chip x16, Flash Grenade x3, Hand Grenade x5, Shinsoku x1 and Utsusemi x1. Cy-D Skills To Get: Find, High Jump, Modulation and Tap. Mission Objectives: Get top secret data from Cy-D. Once you start this Mission, you won't have any contacts, since Aska won't accept the help from CG. Anyway, first, head through the door to the left and kill the new Enemy here, which is a Net Justice Guard with a Baton, then check the Roomba1000, the little yellow robot on the ground to get a Data Chip. You will need 16 of these things, so, good thing you're staring now and after this, kill the other new Enemy nearby, which is a Net Justice Guard with a HG15. Next, enter the door down the hall here and in this room, check the first room to the left to find a Net Justice Guard, so kill him and then grab the Flash Grenade here. Next, go ahead and exit the room and check the next door to the left to enter a room with some lockers inside, plus a Net Justice Guard. Kill him, then check the 4th locker to the left to find a Roomba1000 and to get another Data Chip. Then, grab the Hand Grenade nearby and then exit this room and head through the door to the left of you and then through the next door. In this next area, kill the 2 Net Justice Guards here, then at the entrance to this room, grab the Cleaning Robot Remote Control on the table, as it'll be useful later on. Next up, examine the Terminal nearby to learn about the Cleaning Robots and what you have to do, as you get a new Mission Objective and a Tutorial on this. Mission Objectives: Collect Cleaning Robot Data Chips. After this, enter the door nearby and in the next area, head through the door here and in the bathroom, grab the Bio-Charge, then head out the other door near here. In this area, kill the 5 Net Justice Guards, then examine the Roomba1000 here, then head back to the area where you started this entire Mission from and once there, head through the other door here. In this room, take out the 6 Net Justice Guards nearby and examine the Roomba1000 here to get his Data Chip, then go through the door nearby and in this room, grab the Shinsoku, then use the Cleaning Robot Remote Control near the chairs to get a Roomba1000 to appear. Then, collect his Data Chip and then enter the door nearby and in this area, kill the 5 Net Justice Guards, then hit the Switch near the elevator to let a Roomba1000 out. Get his Data Chip and then enter the door down the hall and head into the next area. In this area, jump over the wall here and then head forward and use your Hook to go up to the area above the door here and follow the path around and enter the door you come across. In this room, destroy the 4 Net Justice Guards here, then grab the Flash Grenade on top of the crates and then use the Cleaning Robot Remote Control to have a Roomba1000 appear. Grab his Data Chip, then exit this place and drop down to the area below and enter the door here. In this area, you'll meet a new Enemy, which is a Net Justice Guard with a MP2100, so, kill him, then examine the Switch here to free a Roomba1000 and then grab his Data Chip. After this, enter the door down the hall and in this room, grab the Hand Grenade nearby and then kill a whole bunch of Net Justice Guards here. Then, near the southeast corner of the room, near the cabnets, use the Cleaning Robot Remote Control to have a Roomba1000 appear. Get its Data Chip, then, next, grab the Data Chip from the other Roomba1000 that's nearby. After this enter the door nearby and in the next room, kill the Net Justice Guard here and grab the Data Chip from the Roomba1000, then enter the door at the far end of the hall. In this room, enter the door straight ahead and in this room, kill the 5 Net Justice Guards and then around the corner, grab the Data Chip from the Roomba1000 and then from the other Roomba1000 around here as well. After this, enter the door nearby and in this room, kill the Net Justice Guards around, then grab the Bio-Charge here, then examine the Roomba1000 here to get another Data Chip. Next, go over to where the TV is on the wall and use the Cleaning Robot Remote Control to have a Roomba1000 come out. Grab it's Data Chip, then exit this room through the door at the end of the hall and in this area, kill the 6 Net Justice Guards here and then look at the ceiling. See the opened air vent around? Use the Cleaning Robot Remote Control near it to have the final Roomba1000 fall out and grab the final Data Chip, as you clear the Mission Objective and get a new one. Mission Objectives: Set Data Chip. Basically, head back to that room where you used the Terminal before to learn about collecting the Data Chips from. If you need guidance, use your Map. Anyway, once you're there, use the Data Chips on the Terminal, as the cleaning route for all the Roomba1000s is changed and you'll clear the Mission Objective and get a new one. Mission Objectives: Head to the President's Office. So, just make your way there now, via using your Map as it marks where to go and once you reach the door that's unlocked, enter it and inside, kill the 4 Net Justice Guards here. Next, grab the Bio-Charge and Hand Grenade and then enter Cy-D via the computer nearby and once you're in Cy-D, take out the new Enemy here, called the Spider. There's 2 of them, so, yeah, watch it. After this, head out the door and head through the door to the left and in this room, grab the Information File here and also, if you go near the people here, you'll get a Tutorial on what they are. Anyway, jump over the wall to your left and then go behind you to encounter a new Enemy, which is a Rollerball. Destroy it, then Break the Wall here to find a Skill File. Download it to get High Jump, then head out of here and go straight and jump up to the next area and follow the path around to find a Rollerball, a Wall and a Information File. Destroy the Rollerball, Break the Wall and Download the Information File, but like all the information you've gotten so far, none of it has been useful. After this, though, head back to the main room and use High Jump to reach the upper area and Download the Skill File here to get Modulation. Next, enter the room here and in this room, destroy the 3 Rollerballs and the Bug here to make a Control File appear. Before you go near it, grab the 2 Information Files here, then go near the Control File and head right to find a Wall. Use Break on the Wall, then go inside and grab the Information File and the Skill File here to get Tap, which lets you hear conversations between Avatars. Finally, go ahead and use Modulate on the Control File here, as a door opens nearby. So, head back to where you destroyed the Rollerball, Wall and got the Information File a minute ago and head through the opened door now and once you're inside, grab the Information File, which, like the rest, has nothing useful to say. Then, Modulate the Control File here, as a door in the real world opens up and you get a new Mission Objective. Mission Objectives: Head to the Server Room. After this, go ahead and Dive Out and back in the real world, use your Map to guide you to where the Server Room is and once there, you'll clear the Mission Objective. Head inside the room and head to the back and read the Explanation on this little puzzle here. Apparently, you have to get the power to connect to open the door, so, this shouldn't be too hard. First, head toward the server in the middle of the room and push it over ontop of the little blue thing to the southwest, then, push the server to the northeast onto the blue thing right where the light stops. Finally, push the final server onto the blue thing to the south of the last server you pushed and the locked door will open now. So, go ahead and enter the room here and then dive into Cy-D via the computer here. Once you're in Cy-D, exit this room and grab the Skill File nearby to get Find. Next, go and grab the 2 Information Files here and then destroy the 2 Rollerballs and after this, 3 Information Files will appear. Now, use Find on them and if it says it's a Dummy File, do NOT Download it. Find the one that isn't a Dummy File and Download it. After this, another set of Information Files will appear. Keep doing this until you get all 5 Information Files and afterwards, a Control File will appear. Also, if you screw up at any time, you'll have to start over and 2 Rollerballs will apppear as well. Anyway, you'll clear the Mission Objective and get a new one as well. Mission Objectives: Info acquired. Dive out. Next, go ahead and Modulate the Control File here, as the final door in this Mission is unlocked. After this, go ahead and Dive Out and when you do, a cutscene takes place. Afterwards, you'll clear the Mission Objective and get a new one. Mission Objectives: Head to the hall via the maintenance hatch. If you need to know where to go, use your Map, as it marks where to go now. Basically, remember that wall you jumped over before and you may have noticed that area WAY up that had a locked door? Well, use your Hook to reach it and enter the now unlocked door. Anyway, as you make your way there, watch out, since there's a new Enemy around, called Soldier and they're armed with either a DBS1010, GR2 or MP2100. Anyway, once you reach the door, enter it, as you see Soldiers come into the room to attack you. You'll also clear the Mission Objective and get a new one. Mission Objectives: Operate elevator. Ok, now, first, grab the Flash Grenade to the left side of where you are first, then grab the Hand Grenade on the otherside of this balcony, then jump down and on the middle structure here, hit the Switch to call up the elevator, which will take 2 minutes, so you must survive until then. So, after this, go to the left of where you are and on top of the highest structure with plants here, climb up to get a Utsusemi, then check the other high structure near the Switch to get a Asura Kunai. Next, go ahead and check both the bathrooms near the elevator to find a Bio-Charge and a Hand Grenade. Now, finally, I suggest you stay in one of the bathrooms and fight off Soldiers that come here until the time runs out, as this is probably the safest way to survive this part. So, once the timer runs out and the elevator arrives, rush to the elevator and then you're done. Good job! Mission 2 clear! Just watch the cutscenes now and afterwards, you'll begin the next Mission. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - D. Marshall Islands Plant 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MARISP7.4 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: Bio-Charge x3, Disk x1, Flash Grenade x5, Ha-ze x2, Hand Grenade x8, HF Energy Pack x1, Level 2 ID x1, Level 3 ID x1 and Shinsoku x5. Cy-D Skills To Get: Dash and Tap. Mission Objectives: Retrieve info on Magiana gene. Get Disk for transporting data. As you begin this Mission, seems Aska has finally agreed to work with CG. After Coffy gives you your briefing, enter the door to the right and in this room, grab the Item on the floor to get 2 Hand Grenades, then exit this room and head down the hallway to the end and enter the door here. In this hallway, enter the first door on the right you come across and grab the Bio-Charge on the table, then exit the room and head all the way down the hallway and enter the door at the end. In this area, head up the stairs and through the door and in this area, kill the 3 Soldiers and grab the Item here, which is a Flash Grenade, then head through the door nearby. In this area, head down to the lower area and grab the Flash Grenade here, then head back upwards and enter the door here and in the next area, ignore the glass for a minute and enter the door you see. In this room, head right and destroy the boxes here to find 5 Shinsokus and then go through the door behind you and in this area, kill the 4 Soldiers here and make sure to grab the Bio-Charge and Hand Grenade in this area as well. After this, head through the other door here to find a locked door, as you get a new Mission Objective. Mission Objectives: Use the ID to open the locked door. Well, ignore it for now and instead, exit this place and the previous area and back in this room, head over to the otherside and you'll find a Flash Grenade. Next up, exit this room through the door at the top here and back in this room, destroy the glass now and then kill the Soldier here. Afterwards, go across the grates and on the other side, grab the Hand Grenade, then go up the stairs and follow the path and grab another Hand Grenade near the door before you enter the next room. In the next area, head through the door and in this room, kill the 2 Soldiers here, then check the desk here for the Disk. Once you get this, you'll clear the Mission Objective, as Coffy tells you what to do now. So, after this, leave the room and back in the previous area, head out the door and fall down to the lower area, then go through the door to the right and in this room, head into Cy-D via the computer here. Once you're in Cy-D, watch out for 2 Bugs and use High Jump to reach the area above you and enter the door that leads to where the locked door is where you need the ID to enter. Anyway, in this area, take out the 1 Bug here and Modulate the Control File and then you'll have to race over to where the door just unlocked, but you'll have to use Break on 2 Walls before you do. If you don't make it, just try again, but once you do, grab the Information File here to get Gene Info B, which is a Cy-D skill, as you get a new Mission Objective. Mission Objectives: Upload acquired info. After you get this, go ahead and go back to where you entered this place and stand on the Application File and use the Gene Info B, via your R1 Button. As you do, Coffy will tell you about it and after you Upload the data, you'll clear the Mission and get a new Mission Objective. Mission Objectives: You have already acquired the info in this Cy-D. Dive Out. Well, go ahead and Dive Out now and back in the real world, head upwards and go through the door here and follow the path back where you broke the glass and head through the door near this and in the next area, drop down below to find another computer you can Dive into. Do so and once you're in Cy-D, watch out for some Bugs here and High Jump upwards and enter the door near where the Application File is. In this area, take out the 4 Bugs here and then use Break on the Wall, then Download the Skill File here to get Tap, if you don't have it already. Next, backtrack to where you started and head through the other door now and in this area, use Break on the Wall, then you'll meet a new Enemy, the Exploding Bug. Not too much of a threat, since they are weak, so, really, ignore them. There's 4 of them, so be careful. Anyway, head down and you'll see 2 Control Files here. There's 4 total, which the other 2 are above you and what you have to do is Break all of them within a time limit. So, once the first one is broken, you have to break the other 3 fast or else you'll have to start all over. So, go ahead and break all 4 and after you do so, a Information File will appear. Go ahead and grab it to find out more information on the Margiana Gene, as you get Gene Info C and a new Mission Objective. Mission Objectives: Upload acquired info. So, now, go ahead and go upload the Gene Info C to the Application File and afterwards, you'll clear the Mission Objective and get a new one. Mission Objectives: You have already acquired the info in this Cy-D. Dive Out. Well, go ahead and Dive Out now and back in the real world, head upwards and go through the other door here and backtrack through this room and in the next area, head down the stairs back into the area to which you started this Mission. Back here, enter the first door on the left to find a computer you can Dive into, so, go ahead and do so and once you're in Cy-D, exit this room and head through the door to the right and in this room, kill the Bug here and grab the Skill File to get Dash, which lets you run at insane speed for a second. Anyway, after you get this, exit the room and back in this area, kill the Bug here, then Break the next 3 Walls, then destroy the Bug here and then destroy the final Wall, kill the 3 Bugs and then grab the Information File. Once you do, you'll get the Gene Info A, as you clear the Mission Objective and get a new one. Mission Objectives: Upload the acquired info. So, go ahead and upload the Gene Info A now to the Application File and afterwards, you'll clear the Mission Objective and get a new one. Mission Objectives: You have already acquired the info in this Cy-D. Dive Out. After this, go ahead and Dive Out and back in the real world, Coffy will tell you there's 1 more place to search, but you need a Level 2 ID to do so. Well, you'll have to find that, so, first, exit this room and enter the door to the right and head up the stairs into the next area. In this room, make sure there's Soldiers here and if not, walk around until you find a Soldier. Kill one and you'll get the Level 2 ID that you need. So, after Coffy explains the obvious, go ahead and go back to that locked door now and once there, enter the door and kill the 3 Soldiers here, then examine the Elevator on the floor. In the next area, Coffy will comment on the clones here, which are based on Ice and afterwards, enter the door nearby and enter the door down the hall and into the next room. In this room, you'll encounter a new Enemy, a Soldier with a Flamethrower. These guys are DANGEROUS, so, once you kill them, get the HELL away, since they explode. Anyway, on the top platforms here, there's a Bio-Charge, HF Energy Pack and a Hand Grenade, so, make sure you get them. Other than that, kill the 5 Soldiers here, then enter either the door to the left or right. I suggest the left first, so, go ahead and take the left one and in this area, you'll meet a new Enemy, which is a Tank. Destroy both of them here and grab the Hand Grenade on the crate, then enter the next area. In this room, kill the 5 Soldiers here and then head upwards and grab the Flash Grenade and the Hand Grenade. Next, enter the door up here and destroy the Tank nearby, then grab the Flash Grenade and then exit this place through the way you came. Back in this room, head straight and head to the end of the room and on top of on of the lamposts here is 2 Ha-zes, so try and get it by jumping down from above the platforms, since you can't climb up the lampost and get it. After this, enter the door here and follow the path in this area and enter the door you come across, as you enter the Manager's Room, as Coffy mentions this. Once here, Dive into Cy-D via the computer here and once you're in Cy-D, head out the door straight ahead and in this hallway, head through the next door and in this room, watch out for 2 Exploding Bugs and 2 Bugs, then near where you entered, Modulate the Control File here. Then, run like mad to the other side and enter either door and just ignore the Bugs and a new Enemy, the Humanoid Defense, which is strong, but VERY weak and use Break on the Wall you come across and try to enter the door nearby before it closes. If you fail, try again, but after you make it through, Modulate the next Control File, then run forward and use Break on 3 Walls here and ignore the 3 Bugs and enter the door, then run down the hall and enter the next door before it closes. Once in this room, grab the Information File to get Gene Info D, as you clear the Mission Objective and get a new one. Mission Objectives: Upload acquired data. So, once you have this, go ahead and go back to where you Dived into this place and Upload the Gene Info D to the Application File and afterwards, you'll clear some Mission Objectives and get some new ones. Mission Objectives: You have already acquired the info in this Cy-D. Dive Out. Mission accomplished. Escape. After this, Dive Out and you'll see a cutscene and afterwards, you'll clear another Mission Objective. So, now, head through the doors behind you and grab the Item on the floor, which is the Level 3 ID and it lets you use the elevators now, so, go straight ahead through the door here and in this area, hit the Switch and afterwards, use your Map to see where you have to go, as the rest of this area is just a walk in the park and once you reach where you have to be, you're done. Good job! Mission 3 clear! Just watch the cutscenes and afterwards, you'll start your next Mission. Note: I've seem to have missed one of Aska's Information Files. Again, probably nothing that important and it may be Ice exclusive only, but I'm not sure. Either way, don't worry about it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - E. Spanish Party Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SPAHA7.5 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: Asura Kunai x10, Bell x1, Bio-Charge x4, Bomb x1, Daffodil Key x1, Ha-ze x10, Hand Grenade x11, HF Energy Pack x3, Kyuso x13, Microwave Grenade x3, Shinsoku x10 and Utsusemi x5. (Note: Near the area where the food is in the one area where in Ice's Mission, you had to put the Laxative in it, there's a Ha-ze above some shelves that I can't reach. If anyone knows how to get this, let me know.) Cy-D Skills To Get: Find and Search. Mission Objectives: Find the agent and hand over the data. Avoid detection. Note: To walk, barely move the Left Analog Stick. Also, note the Party Guard's Status: When their dots on the Map are red, that means they've seen you and are coming after you. Yellow means they sense something, but you aren't detected and blue means they have not a clue anything's wrong. As you start this Mission, you'll see that's it's more of sneaking around than anything. Coffy will explain this to you and afterwards, you'll get a Tutorial on the Ninja Clock, so, immediately use it. It takes effect when ever you're standing still or walking, so if you run, you'll become visible. Anyway, do NOT kill any of the Party Guards here, as there's no need to and from where you start, grab the 10 Shinsokus and the 5 Ha-zes in the bushes here, then head over to where the 3 doors are and enter the middle one. In this room, grab the Hand Grenade near the bed, then exit the room. Also, if you get near a Party Guard, he may see you and if this happens, you'll get a Tutorial on what to do. Just make sure this doesn't happen, as it could mean your death. Anyway, after this, on your Map, head through the door straight across from you and in the next area, you'll be at the "entrance" to this mansion. Just head straight through the next door and in the next area, head through the door to the left and in this room, grab the Hand Grenade on the table, then exit this place. Back in the hall now, head to your left and you'll see a man passed out on a bench. Ignore him and head through the door to the left to find 2 Hand Grenades in the bathroom, then exit this place. Next, enter the door ahead of you to enter the Casino Room and in this area, grab the Bio-Charge nearby, then grab the yellow shiny thing on the floor to get the Daffodil Key. After you get this, Coffy will mention it, as you get a new Mission Objective. Mission Objectives: Find the room that the Daffodil Key unlocks. So, once you get this, enter the door nearby and in the next area, head through the door to the right. In this room, follow the path around and enter the door here and in the next hallway, head through the door, then go through the door to the left into the kitchen. In here, check the conveyer belt for 3 Hand Grenades, a Bio-Charge on the top of one of the shelves, as well as another Hand Grenade on top of another shelf. Next, enter the door nearby and in the next part of the kitchen, grab the Bio-Charge on the conveyer belt, then check one of the top shelves here, where the bottles are for 5 Kyusos. After you get this, backtrack to the area where you started this Mission and once there, check the 3 rooms here again, mainly the one farthest to the left to find the Daffodil Room. Use the Daffodil Key to open the lock and then enter the room, as you clear the Mission Objective. Once inside, Coffy mentions the room and afterwards, read the Memo on the bed. After this, you'll get the Bell and a new Mission Objective. Mission Objectives: Find clues about the agent. This is really simple. See the dresser behind you? Examine it to find a secret room with a computer in it that'll let you Dive. Once you do, you'll clear the Mission Objective and next, Dive into Cy-D. When you enter Cy-D, go ahead and leave this area and back in the bedroom, grab the Information File here, as you learn about what Mr. Puri wants you to do. So, leave the room and outside, you'll see a whole shitload of Information Files to grab. Download all 9 Information Files and watch out for a new Enemy, called Snake here. There's a whole bunch of them, but they aren't that strong. After this, enter the the door farthest to the right of the 3 doors that are close to each other and in this room, Download the Skill File here to get Search. Immediately use it so you can find Hidden Files, then exit this room and enter the middle room out of the 3 doors here and in this room, grab the Information File, then exit this room and in the middle of this area, another Information File is here, so, grab it and then exit this area through the door straight ahead of where the 3 doors are and in the next area, you'll find a new Enemy, called a Tarantula. Kill it, as it's rather strong and afterwards, a Information File will appear. First, grab the Skill File here to get Find if you don't have it already, then enter the door straight ahead of where you entered this place to find a Information File. Next, leave this room and go and go and grab the Information File that appeared after you killed the Tarantula. From this Information File, you'll get your next Mission Objective. Mission Objectives: Ring Bell at the "beautiful rose bears thorns" Room. Well, apparently Mr. Puri likes to play games, so, you'll have to find which room he's in. Or do you? Nope, I'll tell you where he is to save you the trouble. So, first, go ahead and Dive Out of Cy-D and after you do, head back to the area where that man who is passed out on the bench is. Once in that area, look above you to see there's another floor up above. Use your Hook to get up here, then head through the door straight ahead of you and in this room, grab the Hand Grenade on the barrels, then above the shelves is a VERY hard to reach Ha-ze. I don't know how to reach this, as I've tried running on the walls, using the Hook and whatever. Still couldn't get it. If anyone knows, let me know and I'll credit you. Anyway, enter the door nearby and in the next area, just head through the door here and in this room, grab the Hand Grenade at the other side of the room, then exit this room through the door near the pot of food. Out in this area, head through the door to your left near the Party Guard to enter the bathroom. In here, grab the HF Energy Pack on the toilet, then, after this, head back to the area where you first started this whole Mission. Once you're back here, head to the left to find a Party Guard near a door. You can actually enter this door, despite the Guard there. As you get close, hope that he just thinks you're suspicious and if so, just run by him through the door. If this fails, just try again. Once you make it inside, head up the stairs and in the next area, grab the 3 Microwave Grenades on the railing to your right, then enter the room to your left and grab the Bio-Charge and HF Energy Pack here, then exit this room and head towards the next room to your right. This is the Perwinkle Room. Use the Bell here before you enter, then do so to find a Memo on the table from Mr. Puri, as you learn he's yet again toying with you. Argh. Anyway, he tells you to head back to that secret room and Dive into Cy-D again to find more clues, as he leaves you a Bomb to use for whatever. After this, a scene takes place, as Aska uses the Bomb and you clear some Mission Objectives and get a new one. Mission Objectives: Find the agent and hand over the data. Well, now comes the time where you don't have to sneak around anymore, which is a blessing. Anyway, exit this room and jump down to the area below and enter the door near you after killing the Soldier. You'll enter the party room and in this room, slash at the stuff on the tables to find a Hand Grenade, then check the far back of the room for a Bio-Charge and 5 Utsusemis. After this, leave the room and head back to the Daffodil Room now, all while fighting off Soldiers and a new Enemy, the Party Guard, who's armed with a RG99, plus a new Soldier, who uses a MP2100 and a Shield. Neither are too strong, but they're still annoying. As you exit the entire kitchen area, make sure in the area with the huge structure you have to circle around to grab the HF Energy Pack on top of it and then back in the Casino Room, make sure to get the 3 Kyusos. Then go ahead and enter the room near the exit to this place and in this room, follow the path around and exit through the door here and out in the hall, go where the man on the bench was to get 5 Ha-zes, then head back to the "entrance" to this mansion. Once here, kill the Soldiers and Party Guards and grab the 10 Asura Kunais around here, then head back to the area where you started this whole Mission. Once here, enter the door farthest to the left of the 3 rooms near each other and on the dresser, grab the 5 Kyusos, then go and Dive back into Cy-D via the computer in the Daffodil Room. In Cy-D, exit the Daffodil Room and go right and enter the next door you come across. Inside, ignore the 2 Rollerballs and kill the Tarantula here and afterwards, a Information File will appear. Grab it to find out the FINAL clue to where Mr. Puri is, as you get a new Mission Objective. Mission Objectives: Ring Bell at the "flower blooming by the king" Room. After this, Dive Out of Cy-D, then head back to the area where the man was passed out on the bench and use your Hook to go up to the floor above this area. Once you're up here, find the door that reads "Downy Myrtle Room" and then use the Bell. Finally, enter the room to see a scene and after, you'll clear some Mission Objectives and get a new one. Mission Objectives: Mission accomplished. Use Jook to climb to roof and escape. Well, now it's time to get out of here. You have to exit this place from the area where you first started this Mission, so, first, jump down below and then enter the room near the exit to this place to see a scene with Ice. Afterwards, the force field devices near the exit of this area are gone, so, go ahead and head back to where you starte this Mission. Once here, use your Hook where the game tells you to and after this, you're done. Good job! Mission 4 clear! Just watch the cutscenes and afterwards, you'll start your next Mission. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - F. Peruvian Ruins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ PERUI7.6 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: Ancient Recorder x1, Bio-Charge x5, Flash Grenade x6, Ha-ze x5, Hand Grenade x9, HF Energy Pack x2, Impact Grenade x5, Iquitos Cotton x1, Kyuso x6, Lighter x3, Makibishi x3, Sun Stone x1 and Utsusemi x5. Cy-D Skills To Get: Fire Wall. Mission Objectives: Get sample of Margiana gene. As you start this Mission, Coffy will fill you in on what to do. Afterwards, head over to the tablets on the walls called Ancient Text, as Coffy tries to read it, but fails. So, you have to find something that can help you read this. Next, destroy the boxes nearby to get a HF Energy Pack, then go to the otherside of the room and check the boxes here for 3 Hand Grenades. After this, you'll find another Ancient Text, plus two computers where you can Dive into, but for now, ignore them and head down the stairs nearby. In this area, head to your right and kill the Soldier here, then destroy the crate nearby and grab the Ancient Recorder. With this in hand, you can now read the Ancient Texts, so, first, Equip it and read the Ancient Text near you to get Ancient Text F, then had back up stairs and read the 2 Ancient Texts here to get Ancient Text A and Ancient Text B. Now, go ahead and go back down the stairs now and enter the door to your left and in this room, destroy the Tank and then break the boxes here to get a Bio-Charge. Then, read the Ancient Text nearby to get Ancient Text G, then go ahead and Dive into the computer nearby and once you're in Cy-D, watch out for 2 Humanoid Defenses and a Exploding Bug and grab the Information File here, then go forward and drop into the pit to find a Unidentified File. Use Find on it to see it's a Support File, so, get it if you wish. Next, go back up and Upload the Ancient Texts to the Application File here, as you get a clue: Mercury 5, Venus 12, Earth 10, Mars 12, Jupiter 2. This is a clue to a puzzle back where you started the Mission from and as you Upload Ancient Text B, you'll get a new Mission Objective. Mission Objectives: Move the five stone figures to indicate "Holy Time". So, after this, Dive Out and go back to the main area where you started and Dive into one of the computers here. Once you're in Cy-D, there's 7 Information Files here, so make a note of it. Also, take note to where the Information Files are standing, as they represent the stones back in the real world. Then, once you get them all, go ahead and Dive Out and back in the real world, it's time to solve this puzzle. First off, the entire circle area where the structures are is like a clock, with 12 o'clock at the stairs. So, you must move the structures here and first, move the one that's colored blue to 10 o'clock, as this is Earth, leave the one at 12 o'clock alone, as Mars is right where it needs to be. Next, move the green one, which is Jupiter, once so that it reaches 2 o'clock and then move the other red one here once until it reaches 12 o'clock. Finally, don't move the cyan colored one and after this, you'll solve the puzzle, as the middle structure opens up. For now, you can't do anything, so, head down the stairs nearby and head through the door to the left. In this room again, follow the path and fall down into the pit at the end and enter the door through here and then climb up to the left. Next, watch out for a Tank and 2 Soldiers here, then, nearby, destroy the boxes to get 3 Flash Grenades. Then, go near the hole to get a new Mission Objective from Coffy. Mission Objectives: Use Hook to cross the hole. I suggest first you use Shuriken to destroy the Tank, then, afterwards, cross the hole to clear the Mission Objective and once you land on the otherside, examine the Ancient Text here to get Ancient Text H, then enter the door nearby. In this room, examine the Ancient Text nearby to get Ancient Text I, then stand on the switch on the floor to open the wall here. Though, next, don't move and instead, use your Hook to grab the box on the otherside, then move the box onto the switch so you can continue on. Next, head down the stairs and in this area, watch out for 2 new Enemies, which are a Soldier with a DBS1010 and a Soldier with a Dagger. I'm pretty sure Aska's encountered Soldiers with DBS1010s before, but I don't recall. Either way, they're here now and also, watch out for falling statues here and just enter the door you see, since the other door nearby is locked. In this room, kill the 2 Soldiers here and then cross over to the otherside, after Coffy mentions a weak wall nearby. Grab the 5 Impact Grenades here and then examine the Ancient Text to get Ancient Text D, then go ahead and use your Hook standing near the computer and just aim and let yourself fly at the wall and you should make it through. If not, try again. Anyway, in this area, move the lever, then go ahead and enter Cy-D via the computer nearby. Once inside, go to where the lever is and use Find on the Unidentified File here to see it's a Information File. Download it, then watch out for 2 Exploding Bugs and use Search, then go to where you got the 5 Impact Grenades to find a Information File here. Once you get this, go ahead and Dive Out and back in the real world, enter the other door in this area and in the next area, ignore the ??? for now and grab the Bio-Charge nearby. Next, continue on and you'll meet a new Enemy, which is a Soldier armed with a HN6400. These guys are STRONG, so kill them fast. I suggest you use your Hook to bring him down to the area below with you and after this, grab the 3 Kyusos, then use your Hook to go up to the area above you and then head down the stairs here. In this area, examine the Ancient Text here to get Ancient Text R, then kill the 3 Soldiers here, then examine the other Ancient Text to get Ancient Text Q. Next, grab the 3 Makibishis and then the Iquitos Cotton. After you get this, Coffy will mention it, then, next, continue on down the path and you'll see a room with a door that's being jammed by a red block. Ignore it for now and enter the door to the left of here and in the next room, do NOT move TOO much forward. Grab the yellow thing on the ground to get the Lighter, and after this, examin the area to the left of the door to find a incense burner. Coffy will mention this and afterwards, use the Iquitos Cotton here, then use the Lighter and then exit this room the way you came in, then re-enter the room, as you'll now be able to see the blades swinging from the ceiling. So, make your way through this death trap and grab the Bio-Charge along the way and once you make it to the end, hit the lever by the stairs, then go up the stairs and back in this area, enter the door to the right and go and move the lever here again, then go back downstairs and move the lever again, then go to where that door was before with the red box blocking the door from closing. Now, go ahead and move the red box out of the way, then go back upstairs after moving the lever again and enter the door to the right and move the lever in this room, then go out through the door that leads to that ???. Next, move the red box here over and into the little opening ahead of you and afterwards, backtrack to the previous room and hit the lever here for a final time, then go back downstairs and enter that room now with all the red boxes, as it's time to do another puzzle. Fun, huh? Anyway, despite what you think, this is a rather easy puzzle, even though you can only push and not pull the red blocks. First off, you need to get the blocks onto that red eagle design in the middle of the room, but there's only two openings. Meaning, for the opening near the entrance to this area, you have to put in the block near the other entrance to the puzzle first, followed by the piece near the entrance and then the piece farthest to the northeast. Finally, the other 3 have to go in via the block farthest to the southeast, then the one near second to the west, then the one farthest to the west. Now, this shouldn't be too hard for you to do, but ALWAYS remember that you have to be able to always be able to move the blocks so that you have the ability to move them in any direction. NEVER put them in corners or in a area where you can't move them somehow to be able to move them where ever you want. Anyway, to help you out, here's a diagram of this place and to see it correctly, face the entrance: 1 2 3 4 5 6 First, move block 3 to the south twice, then once to the west. Then, move block 5 twice to the east and twice to the south. Next, move block 1 six to the south, then 4 to the east, then one south, then two west. After this, move block 2 one to the north, three to the east, 7 to the south, 4 to the east, then 4 to the north and you'll set the first block into place. Next, here's how the room should look now: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ok, since block 1 is in the slot now, next, move block 6 four to the north, one to the west, two to the north, three to the east and then 3 to the north, as you set the second block into place. 1 6 2 3 4 5 Next, move block 4 one to the north, two to the east and then two to the north to complete the first side of the puzzle. 1 6 4 2 3 5 Now, move block 2 four to the south, then move block 5 two to the north. Then, move block 2 four to the west, two to the north, two to the west, one to the north, two to the west, six to the north, one to the east, one to the north, two to the east and finally, five to the south. 1 6 24 3 5 Alright, next, move block 5 five to the east, six to the north, one to the east, one to the north, two to the east and then four to the south. 1 56 24 3 Whew, just one left now. Well, take block 3 and move it two to the east, one to the north, one to the west, six to the north, one to the east, one to the north, two to the east and finally, three to the south and then you're done with the puzzle. Alrighty, good job. After this, a door nearby opens, so, leave this room and head straight and enter the door to the left and in the next room, grab the Item on the floor to get the Sun Stone. Once you get this, Coffy will mention this and afterwards, use the computer nearby to enter Cy-D and once you're inside Cy-D, head around the corner to find a Unidentified File, which when you use Find on it, you'll see it's a Support File. After you get this or not, exit the room and in the next area, watch out for 2 Humanoid Defenses and a whole bunch of Exploding Bugs. Anyway, use Search immediately and grab the 2 Information Files here, then continue on and Modulate the Control File you come across to unlock the door nearby. Next, in this area, watch out for another Humanoid Defense and then enter the door to the left and in this room, watch out for a ton of Exploding Bugs. Make sure you grab the Skill File nearby, which holds Fire Wall, then watch out for 2 Humanoid Defenses as well around here and then Modulate the Control File you find, then you'll have to race back to where you got the 2 Information Files before, all while using Break on the Walls to get there. You have a time limit, so be quick about making it there and if you fail, just try again. Anyway, once you reach the new area, grab the 3 Information Files here, as you get a new Mission Objective. Mission Objectives: Place the Sun Stone on the Pedestal of the Sun. After this, Modulate the Control File here to open a door back in the real world and then once you do this, go ahead and Dive Out. Once you're back in the real world, exit this room through the door behind you and outside, head to the right and grab the HF Energy Pack and examine the Ancient Text to get Ancient Text P, then continue on and examine the next Ancient Text you see to get Ancient Text O. Next, continue on and near the door, make sure you climb up the pillars here to get 3 Hand Grenades, then enter the door nearby. In the next area, enter the door to the right and in this room, kill the Soldier here and grab the Bio-Charge nearby. Then, enter the door to the left and in this area, you'll meet a new Enemy, which is a another type of Tank. It's green, but much weaker than the black ones. So, fall down to the area below and kill it, then grab the Item nearby to get 3 Flash Grenades and then examine the Ancient Text here to get Ancient Text N. Then, continue on and get the next Ancient Text you see, which is Ancient Text M, then enter the door near you. Next, kill the 2 Soldiers and 1 Tank in this area and then grab the 3 Hand Grenades here and enter the door nearby to find a Ancient Text. Get it to get Ancient Text L, then exit this room and enter the door to the right and back in this area, go across the floor carefully and at the end, examine the wall to the left to find a hidden area, with 5 Utsusemis inside. After this, fall down into the pit and enter the door down here and in the previous area now, head right upwards and enter the door here. In this room, take out the Tank here, then continue on and ignore the 5 other Tanks here, but be sure to get the HF Energy Pack below in one of the pits, then at the end, examine the Ancient Text here to get Ancient Text C and then enter the door here. In this area, kill the 3 Soldiers and 2 Tanks and drop down below to get 3 Kyusos, then go upwards and get the 5 Ha-zes here, then continue on and enter the door at the end of this place. In this room, kill the 3 Soldiers and the 1 Tank here, then enter the door at the end of this place and in the next area, grab the Bio-Charge and then kill the 2 Soldiers and the 1 Tank and then head up the stairs. In this room, kill the Tank and the Soldier and examine the Ancient Text in the area below to get Ancient Text K, then enter the door nearby. In this room, kill the Soldier and the Tank and grab the 3 Makibishis and then examin the Ancient Text to get Ancient Text J, then drop down below and follow the path to the other side and climb up and then enter the door here. Back in this area, you're near the start again, so, continue forward and kill the 2 Soldiers and 2 Tanks here, then in the other area of this place, kill the Soldier and the Tank here, then if you wish, enter Cy-D to get all your Ancient Texts translated, but it's not needed, really. Either way, enter the door at the end of this place and in this area, kill the Soldier here, then head up the stairs and once you're back where you started the whole Mission, use the Sun Stone in the middle of the structure in the room. Once you do, watch the cutscenes and afterwards, you'll clear some Mission Objectives and get a new one. Mission Objectives: Escape from the roof. This is really easy. I don't even know why they made you do this. Just head up the stairs to the left and go through the door straight ahead of you and then you're done. Good job! Mission 5 clear! Just watch the cutscenes now and then afterwards, you'll begin your next Mission. Note: I've seem to have missed 2 Information Files for Aska, but I assume they were either some of the Control Files' Information when you used Find on them or they are Ice exclusive. Either way, don't worry about them, as they aren't that important. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - G. Marshall Islands Plant 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MARISP7.7 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: Asura Kunai x5, Bio-Charge x4, Flash Grenade x2, Ha-ze x5, Hand Grenade x3, Impact Grenade x2, Kyuso x10, Makibishi x8, Microwave Grenade x1, Shinsoku x5 and Utsusemi x16. Cy-D Skills To Get: Bind, Slow and Tap. Mission Objectives: Free Rei-Chin. As you start this Mission, seems like you got some help this time, in the form of Bump and Harley. As they go around killing Enemies, Coffy tells you to go rescue your mother. So, head upwards and check the second plant to the right to find 5 Utsusemis on your way up and at the top, head through the door to the left. In this area, kill the 3 Soldiers here and make sure to get the Hand Grenade that's on top of one of the computers here, then head out the door nearby. In this hallway, kill the 5 Soldiers here and grab the Bio-Charge near the windows, then enter the door at the end of the hall and in the next area, head through the first door you come across and in this room, kill the 6 Soldiers here and grab the Hand Grenade on the couch. Next, enter the first door straight ahead of where you entered this place and grab the Microwave Grenade on the bed here, then exit the room and enter the room to your right and in this room, grab the Flash Grenade on the table here. Next, exit this room and enter the door ahead of you to enter a room with lockers inside. Check the second locker on the right to your left for a Bio-Charge, then check the second locker to the right in the middle row to find 3 Makibishis, then check the last locker on the left on the left side of the lockers to find a Flash Grenade. After this, exit this room and the previous room and back out in the hall, head right and enter the door here. In this hallway, kill the 5 Soldiers here, then grab the Impact Grenade on the bench here and then enter the door nearby. In the next area, climb upwards and kill the 2 Soldiers here and get the 5 Utsusemis, then go to the otherside of this area and kill the 3 Soldiers here and get the 5 Kyusos. Then, enter the door here and in this room, kill the 3 Soldiers here and grab the Bio-Charge on top of one of the computers here, then use your Hook to go to the area above here and up here, grab the 5 Shinsokus and 5 Kyusos, then go to the otherside to get 5 Ha-zes. After this, back track to the very start of this Mission and once there, head back through the door to the left and in this area again, head straight and then go right when you can and look above you to see some grates are missing. Go ahead and climb up to the area above and get the Hand Grenade, then go to the otherside and get the 5 Makibishis and then enter the door nearby. In the next area, head down below and kill the 3 Soldiers here and grab the Utsusemi, 5 Asura Kunais, then go back up to the area above and grab the Hand Grenade here. After this, head through the door up here and in the next area, kill the 3 Soldiers here, especially the new Enemy, which is a Soldier with a Flamethrower. Be CAREFUL around him, as after he dies, he explodes for a final attack that can REALLY damage you. Anyway, be sure to get the Microwave Grenade and Flash Grenade up here, as well as the Hand Grenade below. Next, at the top of this area, enter the door you see and then enter the next door, as you enter a Boss Battle and clear a Mission Objective and get a new one. If you want a strategy for this, head to Section VIII. Boss Guide now, otherwise, fight this yourself and move on. Mission Objectives: Defeat the replica Re-Chin. After the Battle, you'll clear the Mission Objective and get a new one, after Coffy tells you what to do. Mission Objectives: Operate the clone production line and destroy the clone Soldiers. Simple enough. First, leave this room and back in the previous area, head down below and head out the door to the left. In this hallway, head through the door to the left and in this hallway, kill the 3 Soldiers here and grab the Bio-Charge on the bench here, then enter the door nearby. In this area, kill the 5 Soldiers and at the top of the crates here, grab the 5 Utsusemis, then leave this room and back in the hallway, backtrack out of here and in this hallway, follow the path around to the other side and enter this door here. In this hallway, kill the 6 Soldiers here, then grab the Impact Grenade on the bench and then enter the door nearby. In this room now, head through the door to the left and back in the area where you started this whole Mission, head through the door to the right now and in this area, use your Map to head all the way back to the end of this place now and once here, find the computer that you can Dive into, which is behind the door staight ahead at the final room of this section of the building. So, go ahead and enter Cy-D and once inside, exit the room and kill the 3 Spiders here, then, use Tap if you wish, otherwise, use Find on the 3 Control Files around here to learn of people's names, then use High Jump up to the area above and get the 4 Control Files up here. Basically, you need to Modulate the following Control Files: Sam, Mary, Bob, John and Anna, so, find them and do so. John and Anna are found in the first area on the ground level, with Anna being found above. Then, next, enter the door farthest to the left to find 1 Control File, then exit this room and enter the next door to the left and in the next area, you'll meet a new Enemy, the Humanoid Defenses that are red. There's 2 of them, so, kill them, then grab the Skill File up above you in this area to get Slow, which is somewhat helpful. After this, Modulate the Control File here that says Bob, then grab the Information File nearby to get the clue that you need on the names to Modulate. Though, guess who just told you them? Anyway, enter the next door here and kill the 2 Spiders you see, then Modulate the Control File here, since it's Sam. Afterwards, you'll see the production line change, as you get a piece of Information on it. After this, kill the 3 Snakes that pop up and then head back to where you entered Cy-D from and you'll notice now there's a Control File here. Modulate it and you'll see a door open somewhere. It's not in this Cy-D, but another. So, after this, go ahead and Dive Out and once you're back in the real world, look at your Map. You see the west side of the area? Like where you fought Rei-Chin Replica and all? There's a small room directly southeast of there. Head there now, as that's where the next Terminal is you can Dive into and once there, go ahead and enter Cy-D. Once you're in Cy-D, grab the Skill File near you to get Tap if you don't have it already. Next, head out the door to the right and in this area, kill the 4 Spiders here, then High Jump to the area above and enter the door here and in the next area, head through the next door above here and in the room where you fought Rei-Chin Replica, kill the 4 Snakes here and grab the Information File and then exit this room and back in the previous area, fall down to the area below. Now, if you use Tap, you'll get a hint about this puzzle, which is basically, if you destroy one Wall, some Walls go down, then if you destroy another Wall, some go down and some go up. Now, from where you entered this room, (Meaning, you entered the room and you're facing straight, so if you fell down below without moving, this is how it'd look.) here's the number of each area: 1 4 2 5 3 6 This is actually rather simple, so, first, Break #3, then #1 and then #6 and all of the Walls will go down. After this, kill the Spider and 4 Snakes that appear, then go ahead and Modulate all 6 Control Files here and afterwards, a door nearby will open. So, exit this room and head back to where you entered Cy-D and once here, head through the door to the right again and then head straight through the door here and in this room, grab the Skill File to get Bind, then go ahead and Modulate the Control File here, as the disposing of the clones is complete, as you clear the Mission Objective and get a new one. Mission Objectives: Mission accomplished. Dive Out and rendezvous with companions. Anyway, exit this room and as you do, you'll see a cutscene, as well as get a new Mission Objective and enter a Boss Battle. If you want a strategy for this, head to Section VIII. Boss Guide now, otherwise, fight this yourself and move on. Mission Objectives: Defeat Kogetsu. After the Battle, you'll clear the Mission Objective, so, go ahead and Dive Out now, as you clear the Mission Objective and get a new one. Mission Objectives: Mission accomplished. Rendezvous with companions. Simple enough. Use your Map to see where you have to go and get there, you're done. Good job! Mission 6 clear! After this, just watch the cutscenes and afterwards, you'll start your next Mission. Note: There was about 3 Information Files I missed, but they are all just Door Control information and shit, stuff you get if you used Find on the Control Files. Nothing important, so don't worry about it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - H. Space Elevator Base . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SPELBA7.8 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: Bio-Charge x1, Flash Grenade x1, Ha-ze x1, Hand Grenade x1, HF Energy Pack x2, Impact Grenade x1, Kyuso x1, Makibishi x1, Microwave Grenade x1, Shinsoku x1 and Utsusemi x1. Cy-D Skills To Get: None. Mission Objectives: Find Space Elevator. As you start this Mission, take notice of all the crates around you. For now, ignore them and use your Hook to go up to the upper area and up here, grab the Hand Grenade and the Impact Grenade, then, continue upwards to the next area and enter the door here and then head through the door that leads to a Break Room. In this room, grab the Bio-Charge, then jump over the vending machines and get the Ha-ze back here and then exit this room and enter the other door on this level. In this area, head up the stairs and enter the door here and in this room, grab the Flash Grenade, Microwave Grenade, Makibishi and HF Energy Pack, then hit the Switch on the wall to turn the power on. After this, head back to where you started from and enter the door just above the ground level of this place, where all the crates are and inside, go ahead and Dive into Cy-D via the computer here. Once you're in Cy-D, exit the room and watch out for Bugs and Humanoid Defenses and use Search and then grab the Information File you see to learn about the puzzle here. Basically, you need to get 9 crates onto the lift and they have to equal 547kg. Also, you have to be on it, so you have to factor in your weight as well. Once you get this, you'll get a new Mission Objective now. Mission Objectives: Load the containers with the specified gross weight into the elevator, thens start the elevator. So, next, grab the Information Files that appear after you keep Downloading the ones that are here to learn about how much each crate here weighs. So, when you go back to the real world, if you just go near the crate, you'll learn how much it weighs. Once you have all the Information Files, go ahead and Dive Out and back in the real world, exit this room and go down below. Now, here's the following crates you should put onto the elevator. Also, Aska weighs 49kg just so you know. Anyway, here's the crates to put on it: 81kg, 72kg, 71kg, 67kg, 55kg, 54kg, 46kg, 33kg and 19kg. Finally, just put Aska on top and the elevator will go up and after it stops, you'll clear the Mission Objective. Next up, head through the big doors ahead of you and grab the Shinsoku, then exit and head through the door to the left, as you meet up with Bump and Harley. Afterwards, you'll get a new Mission Objective. Mission Objectives: Proceed by cooperating with your companions. After you regain control of Aska, go back upstairs and look for a HF Energy Pack, then go down and help Bump and Harley, by killing the 8 Soldiers here, then you'll clear the Mission Objective. Next, go over to where Bump and Harely went to find a Utsusemi, then go ahead and enter the door nearby to see a cutscene. After this, enter the next door and in this area, kill the 7 Soldiers as you make your way downwards and enter the door once you reach it. After this, enter the next door to see another cutscene, as 3 Tanks appear. Also, one of the beam structures above you holds a Kyuso, so, grab it if you wish using your Hook to get up there. Anyway, destroy the 3 Tanks and after you do, you'll clear the Mission Objective and get a new one, as you enter a Boss Battle. So, if you want a strategy, head to Section VIII. Boss Guide now, otherwise, fight this yourself and then move on. Mission Objectives: Defeat Rajkumal. After the Battle, you'll clear the Mission Objective and see a cutscene. Mission Objectives: Start the Space Elevator within Cy-D. So, after this, go ahead and enter the door in this area that leads to a room with a computer and once here, go ahead and enter Cy-D. Once you're inside, exit the room and ignore the Rollerballs here, as they'll keep respawning over and over. Just Modulate all the Control Files here and if you want some help, throw up the Fire Wall to hold off the Enemies. After you do this, you'll clear the Mission Objective and get a new one. Mission Objectives: The Space Elevator's moving. Dive Out. Simple enough. Go ahead and Dive Out now and once you do, you'll clear the Mission Objective. Next, just exit the room and you're done. Good job! Mission 7 clear! Now just watch the cutscenes and afterwards, you'll start the final Mission. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - I. Space Elevator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SPAEL7.9 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items To Get: Bio-Charge x3, Flash Grenade x3, Ha-ze x2, Hand Grenade x5, HF Energy Pack x3, Impact Grenade x2, Kyuso x2, Makibishi x2, Microwave Grenade x2 and Shinsoku x1. Cy-D Skills To Get: Virus. Mission Objectives: Crush FGC's Ambition. As you start the final Mission, head forward and enter the door you see, then in this next area, you'll face 2 new Enemies. One is a Soldier with a Space Gun and another is the same, except with a Shield. Anyway, take out all 3 of them here and grab the Bio-Charge at the end of this place, then enter the door to the left. In this room, grab the Hand Grenade here, then enter the door nearby and use the Terminal to call the train. Next, go to the Shuttle Launch Pad Area and once here, grab the Hand Grenade to the left, then kill the Soldier here. Next, head out the door to the left and head left in the next area, killing the Soldiers here and grab the Flash Grenade you find, then turn around and head back to where you entered and enter the door to the right now. In this area, take out the 3 Soldiers here, then grab the HF Energy Pack and Bio-Charge, then enter the door nearby. In this area, just follow the path straight and to the end and inside the door you'll find a Ha-ze. After this, head back to the Terminal Room and call the train again and this time, head to the Residential Area. Once there, grab the Makibishi to the right and then go through the door to the left. Next, in this area, kill the 4 Soldiers here, then grab the Kyuso near the vending machines and then enter the door to the right from where you entered this place. In this area, kill the 6 Soldiers here and then enter the door straight ahead and in here, grab the Shinsoku and then exit this area and back in the main area, head to the right and go up the stairs, then down the stairs and enter the door here. In this area, kill the 6 Soldiers and then enter the door straight ahead and in this room, get the Bio-Charge and then leave this room and enter the door to the left. In this room, get the Flash Grenade and Makibishi, then exit this area and now head back up the stairs and enter the door to the left and in this area, kill the 6 Soldiers here. Then enter the door second to the right and in this room, grab the Kyuso and Impact Grenade, then exit this room and head straight and to the end of the hallway and enter the door here. Outside on the ledge now, grab the Hand Grenade, then jump down and go to the left and jump over the fence here and go ahead and Dive into the Terminal here to enter Cy-D. Once you're in Cy-D, enter the door to the right and in this area, kill the 2 new Enemies, called the Crab and the Spider, which uses electricity this time and is MUCH more annoying than the old Spider and kill all 4 of them. Then, Download the 2 Information Files here and then Modulate the 2 Control Files here, so that the doors in the real world open as well, but don't bother entering the rooms yet to touch the Control Files there. Next, enter the door straight ahead and Modulate the lone Control File here. After this, leave this area and back where you entered Cy-D, grab the Information File here, then take out the 2 Crabs and the Spider, then go up the stairs nearby and down them and enter the door here. In this room, kill the 2 Crabs and 2 Spiders and Download the Information File and Modulate the Control File, then enter the door directly ahead of where you entered to find a Skill File, which holds Virus, an ok Skill. Next, exit this area completely and go back up the stairs now and head through the door to the left and in this area, kill the 2 Crabs and 2 Spiders and then Download the 2 Information Files and Modulate the 2 Control Files. Once you do this, go ahead and Dive Out of Cy-D and then back in the real world, go and enter each of the newly unlocked doors around here to get the answers to the questions each room asks, which you'll need for the next part. First, enter the room straight ahead of where the Terminal is and in this room, enter the left door to get your first clue and grab the Impact Grenade on the floor, then exit this room and enter the door to the left and in this room, get your next clue and a Hand Grenade. Next up, leave this area completely and in the previous area now, head to the right up the stairs and then down them and go through the door here. In this area, enter the first door to the right to get your next clue and then grab the HF Energy Pack and then exit out of this place totally. In the previous area, head up the stairs and enter the door to the left and in this area, enter the first door to the left to get your next clue and grab the Microwave Grenade here, then exit the room and enter the room to the right to get the final clue and then grab the Ha-ze. Then, go ahead and enter Cy-D again and once inside, enter the door near you and in this area, head through the door to the left and look for the Control File named Eugen Sandow. When you do, Modulate that one and then leave the room and enter the next door to the left and in this room, look for the Control File named 1927 and then Modulate it. Next, exit this area completely and outside, head right and go up the stairs and then down them and enter the door here. In this area, enter the door to the right and find the Control File named Choking and then Modulate it and leave this area completely. Back in the main area, head up the stairs to the right and enter the door up here and in this area, enter the first door to the right and in this room, find the Control File named Lepidoptera and then Modulate it. Finally, exit this room and enter the door down the hall and to the right and in this room, find the Control File named Kona and then Modulate it and afterwards, you'll see a Information File appear out on the ledge nearby. So, exit this room and then go right and enter the door here to find the Information File. Download it and afterwards, you'll get a new Mission Objective. Mission Objectives: Head to Panel Control Room. So, next, go ahead and Dive Out and back in the real world, head to where the Terminal is and call the train now and then head on it and go to the Panel Control Room Area. Once there, head through the door to the left after you're given clearence and you'll clear the Mission Objective. Next, continue on and in the next area, head to the right and enter the door here and grab the Hand Grenade, then exit this room and kill the 2 Soldiers nearby, then enter the door straight ahead and in this area, head through the door to the right to enter a elevator. As you enter this place, you'll have a Tutorial given to you on how to move, so, follow it and also, use the L1 Button to move faster instead of dodging attacks. Anyway, what you have to do here is shut down 4 Terminals. Also, there's a new Enemy here, called the Combat Camera. Avoid them since you can't kill them and once you enter this area, head downwards and enter the door at the bottom straight ahead and in this area, examine the Terminal, then exit the way you came and back out here, head straight to find a shutter that opens below you. Go down it and at the bottom of this area, enter the door to the right and examine the Terminal here, then exit and head back upwards to the previous area and once here, continue upwards until you see a door. Enter it and in this area, go up until you see a Terminal, which, go ahead and examine it, then head through the door at the top of this area and in the next area, head straight through the door here and at the bottom of this place, examine the final Terminal. Afterwards, go ahead and get out of here and back in the main area where you entered this place, go towards the other door here so that you enter the elevator and come up on the other side of the shutter this time. (Basically, enter the door that has the ??? on it that shows up on your screen.) Once here, hit the Terminal on the wall to open up the shutter here, then enter the door to the right and in this area, kill the 3 Soldiers, then enter the door ahead of you. In this room, grab the Flash Grenade, then use the computer here to Dive into Cy-D. Once here, exit this room and enter one of the elevators here and back in this room, you must now destroy every Crab and Spider in this area. Though, there's a catch. Sometimes when you enter a door, the door will lock and you'll become stuck here. Basically, when this happens, there will be a Dive Out Point nearby so you can get out of here and try again. Don't worry, though, since even if you leave, the Enemies you destroyed stay head, so, if you enter a place and get trapped, just Dive Out and go back in and try again. Anyway, once all the Enemies are dead, a Information File will appear, so, go and Download it and after you do, you'll get a new Mission Objective. Mission Objectives: Head to Control Room. Well, go ahead and Dive Out now and head back to the Terminal and call the train and then, go to the Control Room Area and once here, grab the Microwave Grenade nearby, then go through the door to the left after you get clearence and you'll clear the Mission Objective. Then, in the next area, continue on and get ready for the final Boss Battle in the game, so, make sure you're prepared and as you get close to the door nearby, you'll see a cutscene, followed by getting a new Mission Objective. After this, enter the door nearby to start the Boss Battle. If you want help on this, head to Section VIII. Boss Guide now, otherwise, fight this yourself and then continue on afterwards. Mission Objectives: Defeat Benigumo. After the Battle, you'll clear the Mission Objective, as you get a new one. Mission Objectives: Detach D Block to avoid contamination from Cy-D. Simple enough. First, grab the HF Energy Pack and the Bio-Charge nearby, then take note you have 15 minutes to get out of here, more than enough time. Next, head through the door nearby and enter the next area and head left when you can and go through the door here and then continue straight through the next few doors until you come across a Terminal. Examine it, as you clear the Mission Objective and get a new one. Mission Objectives: Mission accomplished. Escape aboard the shuttle. Ok, this is it. Go ahead and go back to the Terminal now and call the train and then enter it and once you arrive in the next area, just run past all the Soldiers here and head through the door to the left, then the one to the right and in the next area, head straight and enter the door here. (Note: Apparently, the HF Energy Pack near the door keeps respawning...weird.) Anyway, in this area, just keep going straight through the doors and then you're done. Good job! Mission 8 clear! Congratulations! You've just beaten Cy Girls with Aska! Now, do so with Ice if you already haven't and either way, sit back and enjoy the ending, as you deserve it. After you Save your game though, enjoy the Extra Game feature, as you've just unlocked Coffy and Benigumo to play as. (Also, you'll get your over all Rank as well.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - J. Ending . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ENDI7.10 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, Benigumo is defeated and now Aska's Family can rest in peace. After meeting up with Ice on a Battleship, the two exchange a moment, then Coffy and the gang show up and wish Aska luck on her next project. Afterwards, Bump deletes all the actions of Aska and head quarter's actions on her, as you get your final Rank. Afterwards, you'll see Aska visting the graves of her family, as Ninjas attack, but she stops them with ease. Well, that does it for me. Thanks for reading my walkthrough and I hope it helped you while playing. If you haven't already, try Ices's Game now and if you already have, well, then that's it. Game over, my friend and good job. Note: After the credits role, take notice of a "Cy Girls: Beyond The 8th Dimension" coming soon. I pray it's better than the first... Well, until next time, take it easy and I'll see ya! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = VIII. Boss Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BOSGU8 ] = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - A. Ice's Bosses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ICBO8.1 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Helicopter - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Information: A Helicopter fit for combat. Uses Missiles and Machine Guns to fight. Strategy: Alright, this thing is a bitch to fight. You definitely don't have any firepower to fight this thing, so, as you start out, immediately head up the escalator nearby and enter the door here and follow the path and doors until you reach a hanger. Find a table with the AAM-6308, a Missle Launcher. This WILL even the odds a bit, eh? Once you get it, go back out and fight the Helicopter. If you run out of ammo, just go back and get another one. The Helicopter itself uses Missiles to attack, as well as Machine Guns. If it uses Missiles, use the L1 Button or run, do NOT hide. If it uses Machine Guns, hide. If you become weak, use a Bio-Charge. Just keep this up and you'll win, hopefully. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Eva - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Information: The Warden of the Prison you're in. She won't let you escape without a fight and she's heavily armed. With the ability to call in Prison Guards to fight, she's one tough cookie. Strategy: Basically, the Prison Guards she calls in are new ones you haven't seen yet, as they're Equipped with a DBS1010, which they aren't too hard, but if you don't want the MML229 anymore, Discard it and grab this instead, as it's stronger than the MML229, but chances are, you won't have much ammo for it unless you take out alot of Prison Guards. Your call, though. She calls in other Prison Guards that you have seen as well, so always be on alert. Anyway, Eva herself fires Missiles at you and can also use her Machine Gun, plus she throws Hand Grenades at you alot. You can't just bum rush her, unfortunately, as there's a shield protecting her desk, so, you'll have to fight from afar. Just stay behind the pillars and keep attacking her and heal when needed. It shouldn't take you too long to take her out, though. Note: There's a Switch by Eva, which if you hit it, it makes the camera nearby go near her, so she can't see where you are. She'll hit this from time to time if you hit it and send the camera near her, but I haven't noticed anything special by doing it, other than you being able to see where she's hiding and shoot at her. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Armored Car - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Information: A giant, tank like car that's heavily armored and highly dangerous. Letting it touch you will kill you. It can use electrical shots and Machine Guns to attack with and it's piloted by an unknown man... Strategy: RUN. Basically, all you can do is run and fire. Best strategy I can offer you. If you have no ammo, it will get VERY hard. Throw a Thermoballistic Grenade and then Hand Grenades after. If you can hit it 2-3 times, just keep running until a scene takes place. If you are shooting it, just keep at it until a scene takes place and keep running. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Ice Clone x14 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Information: A bunch of deformed clones of Ice that are failed experiments. They can dive at you and spit up bile on the floor that can REALLY hurt you. They're slow moving, but despite this, they are QUITE deadly. Strategy: This is pretty hard. I mean, REALLY hard. I suggest you keep a fair distance at all times and just let loose on them with the AR100. NEVER let them get too close to you, as they'll dive at you, greatly hurting you and don't EVER step on their bile they spew up. Use a Bio-Charge whenever you get to about 1/2 your Vital or you WILL die. Just keep up your assault, stay far away and you'll come out on top of this. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Roland - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Information: The Director for the Marshall Islands, he uses smoke tactics to blind you and creates illusions of himself for extra targets for you to hit. He mainly uses Hand Grenades and explosions to fight with, but he's not that hard to beat. Strategy: Eh, he's rather easy. Basically, all he does is use explosions and Hand Grenades to fight you with, along with smoke and illusions of himself. If you just keep shooting him, he'll go down, but it'll take a while, since apparently he can teleport...anyway, if you need to, use a Bio-Charge, but don't rely on any Grenades to help you, as they'll be worthless against him. Just stick to using your AR100 and you'll be fine. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Steiner - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Information: Wilson's Secertary. Despite his postion, he's DAMN strong, since he's an Android. He can easily evade bullets and he uses two Hand Guns to fight with. Definitely not a push over. Strategy: Ok, Steiner is a definite pain in the ass. For his first form, he uses two Hand Guns to shoot at you with and even though they do little damage, he hits you ALOT. It's also VERY hard to hit him, as he constantly dodges you, even if you use the Sniper Rifle. Best bet is to use the Shutters and to run around and try and surprise him from behind, although that rarely works. So, all you can do is just shoot at him and hope to hit him. Use the Sniper Rifle if you have it, as it's somewhat better than just shooting with the AR100 over and over. Though, Grenades don't really hurt him, so don't bother. Also, there's 3 Tanks in the area, so I suggest you search them out and destroy them NOW, as part 2 of this guy is not fun. Once he falls, you'll see a cutscene of him showing his true form. This can be hard or it can be easy. Basically, use the shutters to get away from him, then go back and try to attack from behind, since he doesn't know where you ran off to. If you can hit him in the back, do NOT let up and you'll win. I beat him like this with just 1 clip of the AR100. Also, for his attacks, he no longer uses Weapons, but now uses his body to attack with. Punches, kicks, INSANE jump kicks, you name it. Anyway, use Bio-Charges if need be, but this part of Steiner shouldn't take that long to defeat. Just do NOT fight him at close range, EVER. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Steiner (With Battle Mech.) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Information: Steiner's not giving up. Back in a badly damaged Battle Mech, he's attempting to stop you. Only able to attack with one arm, he's not exactly the most threatening thing on two legs... Strategy: This is pretty simple. Just keep shooting him and he'll keep losing his grip, although he'll probably hit you a view times with his arm, which can REALLY do some damage to you. Though, it won't take you long, so, just keep shooting him and he'll eventually die. Use a Bio-Charge if you need to and just keep it up to win. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Information: An Android designed for combat, X is a top of the line fighting machine. Armed to the teeth, he's no slouch and WILL make quick work of you, as he does NOT hold back at all. Be careful of his devestating Gun attacks, his shield that constantly protects him from all harm except for a few brief moments and then his insane hand to hand combat skills once he gets weak. Strategy: Oh my God, X is tough. Basically, I PRAY you have a HN6400 for this part, as you WILL need it. Also, make sure you have full Vital and at LEAST 6 or so Bio-Charges. By the way, there's a Bio-Charge and a Pegasus B in the area to get, so grab them when you can. Anyway, X's Attacks consist of his Machine Gun Arm, aka Overdose, his Raisondentre4, (Hand Gun in his left hand.) a blue charge up shot where if it hits you, you'll have electricity coming out from you, while your vision is a bit blurry, a red charge up shot that can deal a good amount of damage, a rushing kick that can really hurt and also knock you down, a red electrical charge shot, which will stay in front of him before coming after you, so try shooting it to hurt him and a charge up attack where he throws a red flame like wave at you. Over all, he's insanely tough. Although, getting 1/2 of his Vital down will be easy, but once that's done, the rest of the fight will consist of him rushing you and kicking you, using the red electrical charge shot, the red flame like wave and rarely, his Overdose. Anyway, just keep on using the HN6400 and shoot X whenever he's finished firing an attack, as that's when he's vulnerable. The best times to do this are when he's using his Overdose and when he uses the red electrical charge shot. When he does the red electrical charge shot, stay far back and just keep shooting. So, yeah, keep this up and heal when you need to and you'll eventually win. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Wilson's Avatar - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: You can change the Support Files by modulating them, so if they're going to decrease your Strength, you can make them instead Increase it. Information: An Avatar of Wilson that's been programmed to do the original objectives of Wilson, even if Wilson dies. A very, very, very strong Enemy, who uses giant sharp shards to fight with, then after this, uses flaming balls, as well as electrical currents and Rollerballs. Note: You only have 20 minutes to defeat Wilson's Avatar, which is MORE than enough time. I believe, though, X in SOME way increases your time you can remain here, but I'm not 100% sure on this, although getting the Support Files with the red hearts inside that increase your strength (Make SURE they increase your strength by using Find, as it could decrease it.) also adds on time, along with more Vital if you need it. Strategy: Wow, if you thought X was hard, wait until you fight Wilson's Avatar. For his first part, he'll through sharp shards of...whatever at you. I suggest just as he's getting ready to throw them, use High Jump to get out of the way and when you land, attack the sharp shards to destroy them and Control Files pop up. Use Break on as many as you can before they disappear, as you need to destroy them to get rid of the sharp shards. Also, somtimes Wilson's Avatar will do a dive at you, so just High Jump over it to avoid it. After you destroy all the sharp shards, part 2 of this Battle begins. Next, to hurt Wilson's Avatar, when he comes in close, jump kick him as much as you can, although with the downward kick, when he screams in pain, twice, he'll move away and attack you with either flaming balls that can either do damage or turn into Rollerballs or use electrical currents to attack you with. Also, you'll see Unidentified Files appearing, which when you use Find on them, you'll be told if they increase or decrease your strength. (Read: Vital.) If it increases your strength, Download it, as it'll heal you and you DEFINITELY will need it. I suggest you put up a Wall and a Black Hole incase Rollerballs appear and whenever Wilson's Avatar comes near where you are, IMMEDIATELY attack it so it can't do anything. Also, Wilson's Avatar will do a vacuum type attack that doesn't hurt you, but it will suck in any of the Files he throws out at you, so make sure you grab the File if it's good before he takes it. Also, as Wilson's Avatar's Vital reaches empty, he starts really throwing out spark balls that can hurt (He'll do this even before hand, but rarely.) and his behavior starts to become different, as in he'll stay near you longer before going away. It WILL take a good while to knock his entire Vital down, so just keep assaulting him with your jump kicks and don't let up. Also, when he does the vacuum attack, if one of the Files hits you, it'll stay instead of leaving...but I've only gotten this to work once. By the way, if you run low on time, grabbing the Unidentified Files and restoring your Vital also adds time onto your remaining amount. Anyway, keep up your assault and heal when you can and you'll win. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - B. Aska's Bosses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ASKBO8.2 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Bug Buster - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Information: A giant rolling Cy-D Enemy that is QUITE strong. It uses mainly spinning attacks and rushing at you to deal damage, but it's not that hard to defeat... Strategy: Eh, this isn't that hard. Kogetsu will tell you to throw up Wall to stop it, so do so. Bug Buster's Attacks are rather a joke, but when it gets aggressive, it'll turn red and start rolling around, trying to hit you. Other than various forms of this, it can throw its wheels out to its side and have electricity running from its sides to try and hit you, it's not that bad, really. To hurt this thing, aim for the middle part of it and once it goes down, you'll win. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Rei-Chin Replica - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Information: A very buff replica of Rei-Chin, this thing is very, very strong and is immune to most attacks, except when its guard is down. It likes to rush around to attack, as well as throw crates at you. Strategy: This isn't too bad, if you have some Flash Grenades handy. They really help you here, so don't be afraid to use them. Also, what sucks is 2 Ninjas keep coming in to help Rei-Chin Replica, so destroy them quickly so you can tango with Rei-Chin Replica again. Basically, just either Guard or slash at the crates she throws at you and slash at her back if you can or whenever she isn't flexing to block your attacks and you'll be fine. She'll also sometimes "power up" and rush you, but this shouldn't happen that often. Either way, if you get weak, use a Bio-Charge, but do go nuts with the Flash Grenades here, as they WILL help you. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Kogetsu's Avatar + 3 Ninja Avatars - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Information: An Avatar of Kogetsu, Aska's Dead Brother. He's accompanied by 3 Ninja Avatars and all of them are very, very strong. Strategy: This can be easy or it can be hard, depending on how you play your cards. First, use Bind and Slow to get an edge on Kogetsu's Avatar and the 3 Ninja Avatars, then take the 3 Ninja Avatars down first. The problem with Kogetsu's Avatar is that basically whenever you hit him once, he teleports away. To really lay the smackdown on him, try and get him into a corner or something an use Fire Wall to lock him in. It'll burn him to death and he won't be able to teleport away. When you do this, just sit back and watch him burn. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Rajkumal (With Battle Mech.) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Information: A Indian Engineer, who's attempting to stop you using his Battle Mech. Apparently, this is his chance to test it out and he likes the oppertunity he has... Strategy: This is a rather simple Boss. Basically, you see those green structures around? If you destroy them, Rajukmal's Speed will be reduced. Once you destroy one of them, you'll get a cutscene of Coffy helping Aska in fighting him and telling her how to win. So, go ahead and destroy all the green structures around first, but you don't have to do this. You could just head on assault him which also works. For his attack, Rajkumal can either pound the ground and have a ton of crates come down on you, he can attack you his his Battle Mech or rush you while he's running around the room. Over all, though, he's not that hard of a Boss, so, do what you want with him and just end this as quickly as possible. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Benigumo + Ninjas - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Information: A Ninja Master who betrayed his own village for his own glory and gain. The murderer of Aska's entire family now, he must be stopped before anyone else dies at his or Alan Wilson's Hands. A VERY strong fighter, who shouldn't be taken lightly. Strategy: Surprisingly for a Boss, much less the final one, Benigumo is really damn easy. His only attacks consist of him attacking with his Katana, doing backflips to dodge you, running in circles to confuse you and jumping off the platform you're fighting on and appearing on the other side, "confusing" you and he can also use his Red Spider Gun to shoot at you with. He also has 2 Ninjas helps him, so, kill them first and it'll buy you some time before 2 more respawn. Anyway, just keep slashing at him and once he has about 1/2 his Vital left, a cutscene will take place. Afterwards, continue the fight and this time, Benigumo no longer has his Red Spider Gun to hit you with. So, yeah, keep your assault up, use a Bio-Charge if you need to and you'll come out on top of this easily. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = IX. Enemy List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ENELI9 ] = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Enemy Name: Bug. Information: A weird Bug like Cy-D Enemy that flies around and electricutes you. Not that strong, but they're annoying, so take them out fast. Enemy Name: Combat Camera. Information: A camera that has a Laser Gun attached to it. Rather annoying and not much of a threat, just destroy these things as soon as you can. Enemy Name: Crab. Information: A Crab like Enemy that appears in Cy-D. It can charge and hit you, as well as jump insanely high and it can spray you with foam. A rather tough cookie, but he shouldn't give you too much trouble. Enemy Name: Cy-D Ice Clone. Information: A perfect clone of Ice. Unlike the failure ones, this clone can fight as effectively and as fast as Ice. Destroy them FAST. Enemy Name: Exploding Bug. Information: Like the Bug, this type of Cy-D Enemy explodes once it gets near you. They're weak, so take them out before they explode and hurt you. Enemy Name: Humanoid Defender. (Green.) Information: A Cy-D Enemy that's Human in appearence and fights with it's body. A strong fighter, but super weak, these things go down in just 1-2 hits, so make sure to kill them before they make your life a living hell. They can also throw out weird balls that damamge you, so watch out. Enemy Name: Humanoid Defender. (Red.) Information: A Cy-D Enemy that's Human in appearence and fights with it's body. A strong fighter, but super weak, these things go down in just a few hits, so make sure to kill them before they make your life a living hell. Enemy Name: MFP Soldier. (With R33V.) Information: Like the other Soldiers, this one uses a R33V. Not too strong, but his Gun is, so be careful. Enemy Name: Net Justice Guard. (With Baton.) Information: A Guard that patrols the Net Justice building. Lightly armed and only carries a baton to attack with. Not too dangerous, but don't let him hit, because he can cause a fair amount of damage to you. Enemy Name: Net Justice Guard. (With HG15.) Information: A Guard that patrols the Net Justice building. Carries a HG15 on him, so this makes him slightly more dangerous than the Net Justice Guard with the Baton. Enemy Name: Net Justice Guard. (With MP2100.) Information: A Guard that appears after you have to escape the Net Justice HQ. He carries a MP2100 and is stronger than the other 2 Net Justice Guards. Be careful when fighting him. Enemy Name: Ninja. (With Claws.) Information: A regular Ninja who uses Claws to fight with. He can also throw Kunais, a type of throwing dagger, so be careful. Rather strong, too, so take him out as fast as you can. Enemy Name: Ninja. (With Daggers.) Information: A regular Ninja who uses Daggers to fight with. He can also throw Kunais, a type of throwing dagger, so be careful. Rather strong, too, so take him out as fast as you can. Enemy Name: Ninja. (With Katana.) Information: A regular Ninja who uses a Katana to fight with. He can also throw Kunais, a type of throwing dagger, so be careful. Rather strong, too, so take him out as fast as you can. Enemy Name: Party Guard. (With RG99.) Information: A rather weak Enemy that uses a rather good Weapon. Not too much trouble, but don't let them call in back up. Enemy Name: Prison Guard. (With Baton And Shield.) Information: Virtually just like the Net Justice Guard, but he's much more of a threat. He can REALLY hurt you if he hits you and his Shield makes him hard to hit. Be careful around him at all times. Enemy Name: Prison Guard. (With DBS1010.) Information: Eh, nothing special. Like the other Prison Guards, he's armed with a DBS1010, which is a Shotgun. Sort of strong, but if you fight from afar, he's pathetic. Enemy Name: Prison Guard. (With HG15.) Information: Virtually just like the Net Justice Guard in everyway. Nothing much new about him. Enemy Name: Prison Guard. (With MML229.) Information: A rather annoying Enemy if anything. These guys use a type of gun that shoots what appears to be rubber balls out and they bounce off EVERYTHING. Just take them down as soon as you can, cause those things hurt if they hit you. Enemy Name: Rollerball. Information: A Cy-D Enemy that is shapped like a ball and rolls around. It sometimes stops to electricute you, but they are easy to take down, provided there isn't a swarm of them. Just don't let them touch you if they are in a pack, as it could spell your doom. Enemy Name: Snake. Information: A Snake like Cy-D Enemy that is weak, but annoying. They can hide within the Cy-D walls and come out and fight when they wish. Enemy Name: Soldier. (With AAM-6308.) Information: A VERY strong Soldier, but luckily he rarely appears. He's in about just about every other Mission and he's only around once, thank God. Be SURE to kill him FAST or else you'll be dead. Enemy Name: Soldier. (With AR100.) Information: A special combat Soldier fitted with a AR100. Deadly as the Soldier with the DBS1010, so take him out fast. Enemy Name: Soldier. (With Dagger.) Information: A special combat Soldier fitted with a Dagger, who can also throw Daggers as well. Rather strong and more aggressive than other Enemies, take him out fast. Enemy Name: Soldier. (With DBS1010.) Information: A special combat Soldier fitted with a DBS1010. Rather strong and more aggressive than other Enemies, take him out fast. Enemy Name: Soldier. (With Flamethrower.) Information: A VERY strong Soldier, but luckily he rarely appears. Either way, he's armed with a Flamethrower and even when he dies, he'll explode, so get away from him before he does. Enemy Name: Soldier. (With GR2.) Information: A VERY strong Soldier, but luckily he rarely appears. He's in about just about every other Mission and he's only around once, thank God. Be SURE to kill him FAST or else you'll be dead. Enemy Name: Soldier. (With HM6400.) Information: A special combat Soldier fitted with a HM6400. MUCH stronger than the other Soldiers, so take him out FAST. Enemy Name: Soldier. (With MP2100.) Information: A special combat Soldier fitted with a MP2100. Rather strong and more aggressive than other Enemies, take him out fast. Enemy Name: Soldier. (With MP2100 And Shield.) Information: A special combat Soldier fitted with a HG15 and a Shield. Rather strong and more aggressive than other Enemies, take him out fast. Enemy Name: Soldier. (With Space Gun And Shield.) Information: A special combat Soldier fitted with a Space Gun and Shield. Stronger than the normal Soldiers, he's still a push over, so don't worry about him. Enemy Name: Soldier. (With Space Gun And Green Shield.) Information: A special combat Soldier fitted with a Space Gun and Green Shield. Stronger than the normal Soldiers, he's still a push over, so don't worry about him. Enemy Name: Soldier. (With Space Gun.) Information: A special combat Soldier fitted with a Space Gun. Stronger than the normal Soldiers, he's still a push over, so don't worry about him. Enemy Name: Spider. Information: A rather annoying Cy-D Enemy that moves fast and can attack you for normal damage. Not that special, but it's still something to get rid of. Enemy Name: Spider. (With Electricution.) Information: A rather annoying Cy-D Enemy that moves fast, climbs walls and can electricute an area, trapping you inside it and draining your Vital constantly. DEFINITELY kill this things FAST. Enemy Name: Surviellence Camera. Information: A camera that has a Gun attached to it and scouts around for Enemies. Rather weak, but definitely annoying. Enemy Name: Tank. (Black.) Information: A mechanical Enemy that uses Machine Guns to fight with. Not too strong, but it is very annoying. If they come in pairs, definitely use a Microwave Grenade on them. Though, this is slightly stronger than the Green version, so be careful. Enemy Name: Tank. (Green.) Information: A mechanical Enemy that uses Machine Guns to fight with. Not too strong, but it is very annoying. If they come in pairs, definitely use a Microwave Grenade on them. Enemy Name: Tarantula. Information: A Cy-D Enemy that's big and strong. Definitely don't let these things hit you, as they'll really rack up the hurt. They can take alot of pain before they die, so it's best to take them down before they do the same to you. Enemy Name: Walker. Information: A mechanical Enemy that looks alot like an AT-ST from Star Wars, this thing is rather strong, but its attack with its Machine Gun is pretty weak. Just make short work of it. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = X. Weapon List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ITELI10 ]= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Note: Instead of making a seperate section for the secret character's Weapons, I'll just add them here, since there's not that many of them: Benigumo's Weapon Name: Red Spider. Category: Hand Gun. Firing Mode: Semi automatic. Caliber: 50AE. Capacity: 10 rounds. Barrel Length: 8.5 inches. Weight: 49 ounces. Sights: Radio CCD/Holo dot sight. Rail: None. Action Type: Recoil operated. Buttstock: None. Gun Type: Small. Information: A rather good Hand Gun, even for a Ninja. Although Benigumo fights like Aska and since Aska never used a Gun, you think you'll really need this? Yeah, it's good for when you absolutely need it, but don't rely on it. Also, he only gets the Equipment Aska gets. Coffy's Weapon Name: See Flip-Lip under Ice's Weapons. A note on this: Apparently, Coffy uses a Flip-Lip, as it is indeed one, but instead of 2 rounds, this one holds 5 rounds. The game doesn't come right out and tell you this, as Coffy has no Menu for Weapons, so I assume this is a Flip-Lip, as it looks and acts like one. Also, she only gets the Equipment Aska gets, minus the Katana and Hook. X's Weapon Name: Raisondetre4. Category: Revolver. Firing Mode: Semi automatic. Caliber: 50Mag. Capacity: 6 rounds. Barrel Length: 9.0 inches. Weight: 80 ounces. Sights: Radio CCD/Fixed sight. Rail: 1. Action Type: Swing out. Buttstock: None. Gun Type: Small. Information: Like the Red Spider, this is also good, but in all honestly, you'll NEVER use this thing, as X's Overdose is MORE than enough. Really beyond me why they gave him this... Note: For Overdose, apparently, the thing has infinite ammo and that's all there really is to know about it. Also, he only gets the Equipment Ice gets. Anyway, that covers the secret character's Weapons. Now, onto Ice and Aska's own personal Weapons! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - A. Ice's Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ICWEA10.1 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weapon Name: AAM-6308. Category: Anti Matter Missle Launcher. Firing Mode: Semi automatic. Caliber: 1.6*AAM. Capacity: 3 rounds. Barrel Length: -. Weight: 122 ounces. Sights: Wide optical sight. Rail: 1. Action Type: Mechanical auto load. Buttstock: Fixed stock. Gun Type: Large. Information: Oh, this thing is GOOD. A Missile Launcher? Yeah, it'll definiately add some life to the party. Since it's a Large Weapon, though, you'll have to Discard it when you don't want it anymore. Weapon Name: AR100. Category: Assault Rifle. Firing Mode: Semi/Fully automatic. Caliber: 223 Telescope. Capacity: 30 rounds. Barrel Length: 15.9*. Weight: 137 ounces. Sights: Radio CCD. No fixed sights. Rail: 2. Action Type: Gas operated closed bolt. Buttstock: Fixed stock. Gun Type: Medium. Information: A rather good Rifle when you get it. Nothing too terribly special, as there is better, but it'll do good enough. Weapon Name: DBS1010. Category: Double Barrel Shotgun. Firing Mode: Manual. Caliber: 12 gauge. Capacity: 20 rounds. Barrel Length: 12 inches. Weight: 115 ounces. Sights: No sights. Rail: 8. Action Type: Double firing. Buttstock: Telescopic stock. Gun Type: Medium. Information: It's rather good for when you get it, as Shotguns generally are. Use it if you want, but in a long range fight, don't rely on it at all. Weapon Name: Flash Grenade. Information: A small, hand thrown explosive. It does not kill, but instead emits a blinding light that incapcitates for 10 seconds. Weapon Name: Flip-Lip. Category: Hand Gun. Firing Mode: Semi Automatic. Caliber: 357 Mag. Capacity: 2 rounds. Barrel Length: 3.5 inches. Weight: 18 ounces. Sights: Radio CCD/Holo sight. Rail: None. Action Type: Recoil operated. Buttstock: None. Gun Type: Small. Information: Eh, pathetic. With only 2 rounds, you'll be reloading alot. Definitely not a Weapon to use unless it's all you have. Get something better as soon as you can. Weapon Name: GR2. Category: Grenade Launcher. Firing Mode: Semi automatic. Caliber: 48mm Capacity: 3 rounds. Barrel Length: 12 inches. Weight: 198 ounces. Sights: Radio CCD/Holo sight. Rail: 3. Action Type: Recoil operated. Buttstock: Fixed stock. Gun Type: Medium. Information: A typical Grenade Launcher that packs on HELL of a punch. Good for clearing out a room of Enemies, but with little ammo, it's best used only when you need to. There's definitely better Medium Weapons, so don't rely on this too much. Weapon Name: Hand Grenade. Information: A small explosive that is thrown at Enemies. Five seconds after being thrown, it will explode, affecting a 5 meter area. Before it explodes, the Square Button can be used to retrieve it and throw it again. Weapon Name: HG15. Category: Hand Gun. Firing Mode: Semi automatic. Caliber: .45 APC. Capacity: 10 rounds. Barrel Length: 5.8 inches. Weight: 42 ounces. Sights: Laser sight. Rail: 1. Action Type: Recoil operated. Buttstock: None. Gun Type: Small. Information: A rather good Handgun, much better than the Shockgun once you get it. When you have enough ammo, use this instead of the Shockgun. Weapon Name: HM6400. Category: Heavy Machine Gun. Firing Mode: Fully automatic. Caliber: 223 Telescope. Capacity: 600 rounds. Barrel Length: 28 inches. Weight: 254 ounces. Sights: Radio CCD/No fixed sights. Rail: 3. Action Type: Delayed roller locked bolt. Buttstock: Fixed stock. Gun Type: Weapon. Information: A VERY inaccurate Machine Gun, but with no reloads and 600 rounds of nothing but shooting, it's more than makes up for it. Though, don't rely on it, ever. Weapon Name: Impact Grenade. Information: A small, hand thrown explosive that travels slowly and detonates on impact, affecting a 5 meter area. Commonly used against flying objects. Weapon Name: Maggy Hammer. Category: Revolver. Firing Mode: Semi automatic. Caliber: 44 Mag. Capacity: 6 rounds. Barrel Length: 7.8 inches. Weight: 62 ounces. Sights: Radio CCD/Laser sight. Rail: None. Action Type: Swing out. Buttstock: None. Gun Type: Small. Information: A very good and powerful Small Weapon. This is the basic Hand Gun the Cy Girls use and it's definitely not a let down. Rely on it often and you'll come through. Weapon Name: MML229. Category: Multi Purpose Launcher. Firing Mode: Semi automatic. Caliber: 48mm. Capacity: 10 rounds. Barrel Length: 16 inches. Weight: 213 ounces. Sights: No sights. Rail: 8. Action Type: Gas operated closed bolt. Buttstock: Fixed stock. Gun Type: Medium. Information: A non lethal Weapon, which fires rubber balls out that bounce around on anything. If they hit anyone, they WILL hurt and you can hit yourself with them, which sucks. Only really useful for hitting switches... Weapon Name: Microwave Grenade. Information: A small, hand thrown explosive that emits microwave radiation to incapacitate computer controlled opponents for 10 seconds. Weapon Name: MP2100. Category: Submachine Gun. Firing Mode: Full automatic. Caliber: 22 Mag. Capacity: 30 rounds. Barrel Length: 7.5 inches. Weight: 5.7 ounces. Sights: Radio CCD/No fixed sights. Rail: 1. Action Type: Gas operated closed bolt. Buttstock: Retractable stock. Gun Type: Medium. Information: A rather good Submachine Gun while you have it. I suggest once you get it, you use it, as it uses the same ammo as the HG15 and it holds more rounds. Weapon Name: Pegasus B. Category: Hand Gun. Firing Mode: Semi automatic. Caliber: 1.0 Crystal. Capacity: 90 rounds. Barrel Length: 13.8 crystal. Weight: 74 ounces. Sights: Radio CCD/Holo sight. Rail: None. Action Type: Magneto-Hydrodynamic. Buttstock: None. Gun Type: Medium. Information: Eh, like the Space Gun, it's stronger, but not by much, unless you charge it up and fire. To do so, just hold down the R1/Circle Button and then release it to fire a strong shot. Useful for what you have to do, but don't use it if you have a HN6400. Weapon Name: R33V. Category: Assault Rifle. Firing Mode: 3 Burst. Caliber: 223 Telescope Capacity: 30 rounds. Barrel Length: 15.7 inches. Weight: 129 ounces. Sights: Radio CCD/No fixed sights. Rail: 8. Action Type: Delayed roller locked bolt. Buttstock: Fixed stock. Gun Type: Medium. Information: A very good Assault Rifle when you get it. Definitely use it, as you won't have it for very long. Weapon Name: Space Gun. Category: Hand Gun. Firing Mode: Semi automatic. Caliber: 8.22" Capacity: 90 rounds. Barrel Length: 4.8* Yitrium Aluminum Garnet. Weight: 47 ounces. Sights: Radio CCD/Holo sight. Rail: None. Action Type: 1 second irradiation. Buttstock: None. Gun Type: Small. Information: Eh, it's ok for the final Mission I guess. It reminds me of those Weapons the Stormtroopers in Star Wars have, but weaker. Basically, with this, you can hold the button down and have this ongoing laser pierce the Enemy, which is pretty cool, but it uses up alot of ammo. Definitely get something better fast. Weapon Name: Shockgun. Category: Paralyzer. Firing Mode: Semi automatic. Caliber: .45 Electric Shock. Capacity: 5 rounds. Barrel Length: 4.8 inches. Weight: 33 ounces. Sights: Holographic sight. Rail: None. Action Type: Recoil operated. Buttstock: None. Gun Type: Small. Information: Ice begins her first Mission with this. It's a non-lethal Weapon and it only knocks an Enemy out and doesn't kill them. With only 5 rounds per clip, it's good for a while, but you'll want something better as soon as you can find it. Weapon Name: Shock Taser. Information: A taser that discharges electricity over a 2 meter area. It inflicts severe damage, even through bulletproof vests. Weapon Name: SP700. Category: Sniper Rifle. Firing Mode: Semi automatic. Caliber: 30 Telescope. Capacity: 5 rounds. Barrel Length: 23 inches. Weight: 133 ounces. Sights: Radio CCD/No fixed sights. Rail: 1. Action Type: Delayed roller locked bolt. Buttstock: Fixed stock. Gun Type: Medium. Information: The only Sniper Rifle in the game, even when you have it, it's really not that great, since you're never really fighting from THAT afar. Use it if you wish, but it's your call. Weapon Name: Thermoballistic Grenade. Information: A small explosive that detonates 5 seconds after being thrown, affecting a 10 meter area. Before it explodes, the Square Button can be used to retrieve it and throw it again. Note: Ice can use X's Overdose in Extra Game, its under the Single Wield List. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - B. Aska's Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ASWEA10.2 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weapon Name: Asura Kunai. Information: A small Weapon thrown at opponents. Seven Kunai can be thrown at once. Weapon Name: Asura Shuriken. Information: A small Weapon that is thrown at opponents. Seven Asura Shuriken can be thrown at once. Weapon Name: Flash Grenade. Information: A small, hand thrown explosive. It does not kill, but instead emits a blinding light that incapcitates for 10 seconds. Weapon Name: Ha-ze. Information: A Koryu Ninja trick and a form of Hard Force. It uses the body's energy to generate a shock wave. Weapon Name: Hand Grenade. Information: A small explosive that is thrown at Enemies. Five seconds after being thrown, it will explode, affecting a 5 meter area. Before it explodes, the Square Button can be used to retrieve it and throw it again. Weapon Name: HF Energy Pack. Information: A pack of high frequency energy. Restores the Guard Gauge. Weapon Name: Hook. Information: This wire has a grapple attached to one end. The grapple can be stuck into walls and objects for pulling things you've hooked back towards you. Weapon Name: Impact Grenade. Information: A small, hand thrown explosive that travels slowly and detonates on impact, affecting a 5 meter area. Commonly used against flying objects. Weapon Name: Katana. Information: A standard Japanese blade used by Ninjas. Being Aska's only main Weapon in the whole game, get use to using it. Weapon Name: Kunai. Information: A small Weapon thrown at opponents. Damage is minor, but the Kunai can disable an opponent for a while. Weapon Name: Kyuso. Information: Used by throwing. After landing, it dashes forward, inflicing damage on anyone it hits. Explodes 30 seconds after starting to move. Weapon Name: Makabishi. Information: Used by throwing. It creates a 3 meter sensor area where it lands, shocking anyone who walks over it. Used primarily for blocking off areas. Weapon Name: Microwave Grenade. Information: A small, hand thrown explosive that emits microwave radiation to incapacitate computer controlled opponents for 10 seconds. Weapon Name: Shinsoku. Information: A Koryu Ninja trick that propels the user 30 meters in an instant. Weapon Name: Shuriken. Information: Small iron Weapon that is thrown at opponets. The effect is minor, but it can be used over long distances. Weapon Name: Utsusemi. Information: A Koryu Ninja trick. When selected, it neutralizes the damage from an attack. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = XI. Item List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ITELI11 ] = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - A. Ice's Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ICEIT11.1 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item Name: Ampoule 1. (Blue.) Information: Ampoules obtained from researchers. Place in the drug mixer to crate medications. Item Name: Ampoule 2. (Green.) Information: Ampoules obtained from researchers. Place in the drug mixer to crate medications. Item Name: Ampoule 3. (Purple.) Information: Ampoules obtained from researchers. Place in the drug mixer to crate medications. Item Name: Ampoule 4. (Red.) Information: Ampoules obtained from researchers. Place in the drug mixer to crate medications. Item Name: Ampoule 5. (White.) Information: Ampoules obtained from researchers. Place in the drug mixer to crate medications. Item Name: Ampoule 6. (Yellow.) Information: Ampoules obtained from researchers. Place in the drug mixer to crate medications. Item Name: Ancient Recorder. Information: An invention of Dr. Zukovsky, When used on a stone tablet in the ruins, it records ancient text as a File for use in Cy-D. Item Name: Antidote A. Information: Antidotes made with the research center's drug mixer. Item Name: Antidote B. Information: Antidotes made with the research center's drug mixer. Item Name: Bio-Charge. Information: A syringe containing fast acting medicine. The medicine passes through the skin under high pressure and can be used in unhygienic situations. Item Name: Blue Stone. Information: A blue stone from the ruins. Has been sculpted by Human hands. Item Name: Bomb. Information: This small bomb is used by attaching it to a wall, etc. Because its explosion is directed, the impact affects only the surface to which is has been attached, Therefore, the person placing it is safe. Item Name: Card Key A. Information: The Card Key that Sancho entrusted to you. It's used inside Net Justice to open locked doors, etc. Door access changes depending on the variety of Card Key. This is the general Card Key that regular staff carry. Item Name: Card Key B. Information: A Card Key used within Net Justice to open locked doors, etc. Door access changes depending on the variety of Card Key. This is a high level card that a Security Manager or equal might possess. Item Name: Cleaning Robot Remote Control. Information: This remote control will operate a Cleaning Robot Roomba1000. Item Name: Crane Key. Information: Ket to the old electromagnetic crane. Item Name: Daffodil Key. Information: A key dropped by a Ninja in the house. Might open doors inside. Though a replica of an old key, it contains sensors that unlock electronic locks. Item Name: Data Modulator Blue. Information: For externally accessing a computer in an emergency. This is paired with a specific computer and will not work with any other device. Item Name: Data Modulator Red. Information: For externally accessing a computer in an emergency. This is paired with a specific computer and will not work with any other device. Item Name: Data Modulator Yellow. Information: For externally accessing a computer in an emergency. This is paired with a specific computer and will not work with any other device. Item Name: Green Stone. Information: A green stone from the ruins. Has been sculpted by Human hands. Item Name: King's Mask. Information: A stone mask from the ruins. This is a repoduction of a religious mask worn by a prominent person. Item Name: Laxative. Information: A bottle orginally from the house. Contains a laxative. Item Name: Level 1 ID. Information: A numbered ID for access inside. The higher the number, the more places you can enter. This level is for general employees. Item Name: Level 2 ID. Information: A numbered ID for access inside. The higher the number, the more places you can enter. This level is for administrators. Item Name: Level 3 ID. Information: A numbered ID for access inside. The higher the number, the more places you can enter. This level is for the Director and allows access to all rooms. Item Name: Light Module. Information: A light source produced by the prison's security cameras. Can be switched between on and off. Item Name: Night Vision. Information: An HND function that amplifies light to make dark places seem bright. It has a time limit and is temporarily disabled by strong impact. Item Name: Purple Stone. Information: A purple stone from the ruins. Has been sculpted by Human hands. Item Name: Red Stone. Information: A red stone from the ruins. Has been sculpted by Human hands. Item Name: Shutter Remote Control. Information: For remotely opening and closing the shutter to the shuttle base. Item Name: Sunflower Key. Information: A key taken from a drunk sleeping in the house. Might open doors inside. Though a replica of an old key, it contains sensors that unlock electronic locks. Item Name: Sunglasses. Information: Sunglasses hidden under the bed in the cell. Has HND capabilities. Item Name: Tool. Information: A tool used at the shuttle base for maintenance, etc. Item Name: White Stone. Information: A white stone from the ruins. Has been sculpted by Human hands. Item Name: Yellow Stone. Information: A yellow stone from the ruins. Has been sculpted by Human hands. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - B. Aska's Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ASKIT11.2 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item Name: Ancient Recorder. Information: An invention of Dr. Zukovsky, When used on a stone tablet in the ruins, it records ancient text as a File for use in Cy-D. Item Name: Bell. Information: An antique glass bell that produces a pleasent sound when shaken. Item Name: Bio-Charge. Information: A syringe containing fast acting medicine. The medicine passes through the skin under high pressure and can be used in unhygienic situations. Item Name: Bomb. Information: This small bomb is used by attaching it to a wall, etc. Because its explosion is directed, the impact affects only the surface to which is has been attached, Therefore, the person placing it is safe. Item Name: Card Key. Information: This Card Key can open locked doors, etc. It has the latest anti-forgery protection. Item Name: Cleaning Robot Remote Control. Information: This remote control will operate a Cleaning Robot Roomba1000. Item Name: Conventional Bomb. Information: It is a type of bomb manufactured more than 100 years ago. It will explode a few seconds after it is primed. Item Name: Daffodil Key. Information: A key dropped by a Ninja in the house. Might open doors inside. Though a replica of an old key, it contains sensors that unlock electronic locks. Item Name: Data Chip. Information: Data Chip embedded in Cleaning Robot Roomba1000. Contains cleaning routes, status and other information. Item Name: Disk. Information: Optical recording disk. Due to protection, data cannot be removed from the center with an ordinary disl. This special disk must be used instead. Item Name: Iquitos Cotton. Information: Dried cotton plants, source of the area's most famous product. Thought to have been a religious offering at the ruins. Item Name: Lighter. Information: Trench lighter found at the ruins and thought toi have been left by someone investigating or stealing artifacts. Item Name: Night Vision. Information: An HND function that amplifies light to make dark places seem bright. It has a time limit and is temporarily disabled by strong impact. Item Name: Level 2 ID. Information: A numbered ID for access inside. The higher the number, the more places you can enter. This level is for administrators. Item Name: Level 3 ID. Information: A numbered ID for access inside. The higher the number, the more places you can enter. This level is for the Director and allows access to all rooms. Item Name: Ninja Cloack. Information: A camouflage device that works by projecting images simlar to one's surroundings. However, it only works when the user is standing still. Item Name: Statue Hand. Information: This hand was attached to a statue. Because it is made of gold, it is assumed that it was orginally from another statue. Item Name: Sun Stone. Information: A stone from the ruins that shines bright red. Said to be the last key to unlocking the riddle of the ruins. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = XII. Cy-D Items/Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CYITSK12 ] = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= As you explore Cyberspace, you'll notice a wide variety of Items standing around for you to Download. Some provide useful information on objectives needed to complete the mission, others provide some background information on the story and just how important both Ice and Aska are. Also, as you play, you'll acquire Skills to use to aid you in your Missions. So, here's a list and description of each of the Items and Skills, with information on each of the things you'll see floating around Cyberspace waiting for you to grab. First, I'll start with the Items: File Name: Application File. Description: A red/purple File that when you Upload something you found that can be Uploaded, you are able to obtain the data that was inside the File. File Name: Control File. Description: A red or green diamond File that when Modulated, can open doors in Cy-D or in the real world. Red means the lock is on, green means the lock is off. File Name: Data/Personal Information File. Description: A green diamond File that's only used by Ice for her mission. (Note: There are other Files that look like this, but for the most part, this one is exclusive to Ice.) File Name: Dive Out Point. Description: A circular globe like File that's rather huge. When you stand on it and use the Dive Out Skill, you can exit Cy-D. File Name: Information File. Description: A green File with two squares rotating. When Downloaded, you'll be given some information either on something involving the story or a clue on what to do on a puzzle and/or objective. File Name: Skill File. Description: A completely blue File that when Downloaded, you are awarded a new Skill in Cy-D. File Name: Support File. Description: A grey box with either a red or blue heart inside. If you Download the red heart, you'll get some of your Vital back, but if you Download a blue heart, you'll lose some of your Vital. (Note: This also either adds or subtracts time to your remainder while in Cy-D.) File Name: Unidentified File. Description: A grey box with a question mark inside. When you use Find on it, you can learn what type of File it is, either it being a Support File with a red heart or a blue heart inside. (Once, though, it's actually a Information File.) Alright, that covers the Items. Next up, we have the Skills: Skill Name: Ancient Text A. Type: Support. Description: Let's you figure out what the Ancient Text says when you Upload it to the Application File in Cy-D. To use, hold the R1 Button and press the Triangle Button and then the Circle Button, then release the R1 Button. Skill Name: Ancient Text B. Type: Support. Description: Let's you figure out what the Ancient Text says when you Upload it to the Application File in Cy-D. To use, hold the R1 Button and press the Triangle Button and then the X Button, then release the R1 Button. Skill Name: Ancient Text C. Type: Support. Description: Let's you figure out what the Ancient Text says when you Upload it to the Application File in Cy-D. To use, hold the R1 Button and press the Triangle Button and then the Square Button, then release the R1 Button. Skill Name: Ancient Text D. (Aska only.) Type: Support. Description: Let's you figure out what the Ancient Text says when you Upload it to the Application File in Cy-D. To use, hold the R1 Button and press the Triangle Button, Circle Button and then the X Button and then release the R1 Button. Skill Name: Ancient Text E. (Ice only.) Type: Support. Description: Let's you figure out what the Ancient Text says when you Upload it to the Application File in Cy-D. To use, hold the R1 Button and press the Triangle Button, Circle Button and then the Square Button, then release the R1 Button. Skill Name: Ancient Text F. Type: Support. Description: Let's you figure out what the Ancient Text says when you Upload it to the Application File in Cy-D. To use, hold the R1 Button and press the Triangle Button, X Button and then the Circle Button, then release the R1 Button. Skill Name: Ancient Text G. Type: Support. Description: Let's you figure out what the Ancient Text says when you Upload it to the Application File in Cy-D. To use, hold the R1 Button and press the Triangle Button, X Button and then the Square Button, then release the R1 Button. Skill Name: Ancient Text H. Type: Support. Description: Let's you figure out what the Ancient Text says when you Upload it to the Application File in Cy-D. To use, hold the R1 Button and press the Triangle Button, Square Button and then the Circle Button, then release the R1 Button. Skill Name: Ancient Text I. Type: Support. Description: Let's you figure out what the Ancient Text says when you Upload it to the Application File in Cy-D. To use, hold the R1 Button and press the Triangle Button, Square Button and then the X Button, then release the R1 Button. Skill Name: Ancient Text J. Type: Support. Description: Let's you figure out what the Ancient Text says when you Upload it to the Application File in Cy-D. To use, hold the R1 Button and press the Triangle Button, Circle Button, X Button and then the Square Button, then release the R1 Button. Skill Name: Ancient Text K. Type: Support. Description: Let's you figure out what the Ancient Text says when you Upload it to the Application File in Cy-D. To use, hold the R1 Button and press the Triangle Button, Circle Button, Square Button and then the X Button, then release the R1 Button. Skill Name: Ancient Text L. Type: Support. Description: Let's you figure out what the Ancient Text says when you Upload it to the Application File in Cy-D. To use, hold the R1 Button and press the Triangle Button, X Button, Circle Button and then the Square Button, then release the R1 Button. Skill Name: Ancient Text M. Type: Support. Description: Let's you figure out what the Ancient Text says when you Upload it to the Application File in Cy-D. To use, hold the R1 Button and press the Triangle Button, X Button, Square Button and then the Circle Button, then release the R1 Button. Skill Name: Ancient Text N. Type: Support. Description: Let's you figure out what the Ancient Text says when you Upload it to the Application File in Cy-D. To use, hold the R1 Button and press the Triangle Button, Square Button, Circle Button and then the X Button, then release the R1 Button. Skill Name: Ancient Text O. Type: Support. Description: Let's you figure out what the Ancient Text says when you Upload it to the Application File in Cy-D. To use, hold the R1 Button and press the Triangle Button, Square Button, X Button and then the Circle Button, then release the R1 Button. Skill Name: Ancient Text P. Type: Support. Description: Let's you figure out what the Ancient Text says when you Upload it to the Application File in Cy-D. To use, hold the R1 Button and press the Triangle Button, Square Button, X Button and then the Triangle Button, then release the R1 Button. Skill Name: Ancient Text Q. Type: Support. Description: Let's you figure out what the Ancient Text says when you Upload it to the Application File in Cy-D. To use, hold the R1 Button and press the Triangle Button, Square Button, X Button and then the Triangle Button, then release the R1 Button. Skill Name: Ancient Text R. Type: Support. Description: Let's you figure out what the Ancient Text says when you Upload it to the Application File in Cy-D. To use, hold the R1 Button and press the Triangle Button, Circle Button, Square Button and then the Triangle Button, then release the R1 Button. Skill Name: Back Up. Type: Support. Description: The data you need that Mr. Puri had. To use, hold the R1 Button and press the Triangle Button, X Button, Circle Button, Square Button and then the Triangle Button, then release the R1 Button. Skill Name: Bind. (Aska only.) Type: Defense. Description: Allows you to increase your Defense slightly. To use, hold the R1 Button and press the Square Button, X Button and then the Triangle Button, then release the R1 Button. Skill Name: Black Hole. (Ice only.) Type: Attack. Description: Let's you create a Black Hole that destroys weak Enemies or holds strong ones in place for you, so they can't do anything. VERY useful. To use, hold the R1 Button, then press the Circle Button, X Button, Square Button and then the Triangle Button and then release the R1 Button. Skill Name: Break. Type: Attack. Description: Let's you destroy Files. It also can be used to instantly destroy an Enemy. To use it, hold the R1 Button, then press the Circle Button, Triangle Button and then the Square Button and then release the R1 Button. Skill Name: Dash. (Aska only.) Type: Defense. Description: Allows you to run at blazing speed for a second. To use, hold the R1 Button and press the Square Button and then the Triangle Button and then release the R1 Button. Skill Name: Dive Out. Type: Others. Description: Allows you to leave Cy-D, but only if you're near a Dive Out Point. Once you're on one, hold the R1 Button, then press the X Button, Square Button, Circle Button and then the Triangle Button and release the R1 Button. Skill Name: Download. Type: Others. Description: Allows you to Download Files. To use, hold the R1 Button and press the X Button, then the Circle Button and then release the R1 Button. Skill Name: Find. Type: Others. Description: Allows you to learn what each File is incase you don't know what it is or does. To use, hold the R1 Button and press the X Button, Circle Button, Triangle Button and then the X Button and then release the R1 Button. Skill Name: Fire Wall. (Aska only.) Type: Attack. Description: Allows you to put up a Wall that's engulfed in flames and hurts anyone it touches. To use, hold the R1 Button and press the Circle Button, Square Button, Triangle Button, X Button and then the Circle Button and then release the R1 Button. Skill Name: Gene Info A. (Aska only.) Type: Support. Description: Allows you to upload information on the Margiana Gene to the Disk. To use, hold the R1 Button and press the Triangle Button, Square Button, Circle Button, X Button and then the Triangle Button and then release the R1 Button. Skill Name: Gene Info B. (Aska only.) Type: Support. Description: Allows you to upload information on the Margiana Gene to the Disk. To use, hold the R1 Button and press the Triangle Button, Square Button, X Button, Circle Button and then the Triangle Button and then release the R1 Button. Skill Name: Gene Info C. (Aska only.) Type: Support. Description: Allows you to upload information on the Margiana Gene to the Disk. To use, hold the R1 Button and press the Triangle Button, Circle Button, Square Button, X Button and then the Triangle Button and then release the R1 Button. Skill Name: Gene Info D. (Aska only.) Type: Support. Description: Allows you to upload information on the Margiana Gene to the Disk. To use, hold the R1 Button and press the Triangle Button, Circle Button, X Button, Square Button and then the Triangle Button and then release the R1 Button. Skill Name: High Jump. Type: Defense. Description: Allows you to jump very high. To use, hold the R1 Button and press the Square Button and then the X Button and then release the R1 Button. Skill Name: Modulation. Type: Others. Description: Allows you to turn Files on or off, which in turn open doors and such. To use, hold the R1 Button and press the X Button, Triangle Button, Square Button and then the Circle Button and then release the R1 Button. Skill Name: Search. Type: Others. Description: Allows you to have Hidden Files appears. To use, hold the R1 Button and press the X Button, Square Button and then the Triangle Button and then release the R1 Button. Skill Name: Slow. Type: Defense. Description: Allows you to slow the Enemy down, while you become MUCH faster. To use, hold the R1 Button and press the Square Button, Circle Button and then the Triangle Button, then release the R1 Button. Skill Name: Shuttle Control. (Ice only.) Type: Support. Description: Allows for the Auto-Pilot to be enabled on the shuttle. To use, hold the R1 Button and press the Triangle Button, X Button, Square Button, Circle Button and then the Triangle Button and then release the R1 Button. Skill Name: Tap. Type: Others. Description: Allows you to see what the Avatars are saying. To use, hold the R1 Button and press the X Button, Triangle Button, Circle Button and then the Square Button and then release the R1 Button. Skill Name: Virus. Type: Attack. Description: Weakens the Enemy, making them easier to defeat. To use, hold the R1 Button and press the Circle Button, X Button and then the Triangle Button and then release the R1 Button. Skill Name: Wall. Type: Defense. Description: Lets you put up a defensive Wall that protects you from Enemies. It lasts a good while and can protect from attacks as well. You can only have one up at a time, so if you make a new one, the old one will disappear. To use, hold the R1 Button and press the Square Button, Triangle Button and then the Circle Button and then release the R1 Button. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = XIII. Secrets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SECR13 ]= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Easy Healing - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Need to refill your Vitality Gauge, but don't want to waste a Bio-Charge? Just get to a Checkpoint, then kill yourself somehow. Restart back up and you'll be fully healed at the last Checkpoint with no penalties at all. A GREAT, yet cheap way to go about the game. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Unlock Secret Characters - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depending on which girl you're playing as, once you beat their game, despite what difficulty you're playing on, you'll unlock hidden characters to play as. For Ice, you'll unlock X and for Aska, you'll get Coffy and Benigumo. There's nothing new to the game with any of these characters and all you do is play as them in place of either Ice or Aska. Not much, but hey, it's rather fun to play as the bad ass Ninja and Android. Note: Coffy, X and Benigumo are stuck with 1 Weapon always. Coffy uses an unknown Gun, X uses the Machine Gun on his arm and Benigumo uses a Katakana. X and Benigumo each have a Hand Gun, but they both only have 99 bullets and they're a Secondary Weapon with no reloading time. Coffy also can use Aska's Secondary Weapons, which is cool. Also, each of them comes with 99 of each Secondary Item, depending on which "girl" they're related to. (Such as, X only can use Ice's Secondary Weapons and Coffy and Benigumo can use all the Grenades and such, plus Aska's Ninja Equipment, except Coffy doesn't get a Katana or a Hook.) Though, they each only get 5 Bio-Charges. Also, you can play as any of these characters in any Mission of the game, either on Ice or Aska's Disc. So, if you want to play Ice's Missions, you have to play with them on Ice's Disc and you have to have Extra Game unlocked to do so and the same goes for Aska. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Watch Any Of The Girls' Movies - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- After you unlock Extra Game, play the first level of it as any character on either Ice or Aska's Disc. When you reach the first Terminal that you can enter Cy-D, you'll be able to view that girl's entire movie scenes from the game. Again, to view Ice's Movies, make sure you're playing on her Disc on Mission 1 and the same goes for Aska. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = XIV. Credits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CREDI14 ]= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Well, here's where I give credit to the ones that helped make this guide possible. Here's the following people: Konami - Of course, they made this game. Even though it got a bad rating by every magazine and it was only mediocre at best and I agree with them, it wasn't THAT bad. Those people need to learn how to review games...anyway, thanks for making this, but it wasn't your best work, just so you know. Myself - For actually sitting down and doing this walkthrough. It was hell, but it was worth it, as it's greatly helped you...I hope. Stephen Ng - For letting me do this walkthrough for IGN. Thanks again! Peter Nguyen - Not sure what your position is at Konami, but thanks for sending me this game and all the cool Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes stuff. I really appreciate it! D. Scott Jessel - For telling me how to get the Bio-Charge and 3 Thermaballistic Grenades on Ice's Mission for the Marshall Islands Plant 1. Thanks alot! Draewon - For the information about X's Kick Attack with L2, the 99 of each SubWeapon and 9999 Ammo for each Gun in Extra Game, X's name for the Machine Gun Arm, which is Overdose and modulating the Support Files while fighting Wilson's Avatar. Thanks so much! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = XV. My Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MYWOR15 ]= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Thanks for reading my walkthrough first of all. I sure hope it helped you. If you wish to submit something to this walkthrough, send it to ssj4kain@aol.com and label the subject as "Submit-Cy Girls" and as nothing else please. It isn't too hard and I'm not asking for alot. If you have any questions regarding this game, also send them to me and label the subject as "Question-Cy Girls" please. Again, not asking much here and it isn't hard to understand. Now for the legal stuff. This guide was created by Kain Stryder. It is not meant to be used on any other site besides IGN and any other site I've deemed to have it hosted on. It's not to be edited in ANY way for other use. (Unless I give permission to do so.) I did not create, nor take in participation of creating Cy Girls. I am not affiliated with Konami nor the team who made it. I also don't have the rights to it. I am a writer simply giving out information to other gamers of Cy Girls. Copyright © 2004 by Kain Stryder. All rights reserved.