Super Robot Wars Alpha 2 FAQ/Walkthrough. Author: Deranged E-Mail: Last Updated: 15/6/2003 2203 Hours Version Final =============================== 1)Table Of Contents =============================== 1)Table Of Contents 2)Version History(!) 3)A Special Note(!) 4)Introduction(!) 5)Seishin List 6)Item List 7)Pilot Points System 8)Pilot Skill List 9)Pilot Skill/Seishin List(!) 10)Robot Skill List 11)Squad System 12)Walkthrough(!) 13)Secrets(!) 14)Miscellanous Notes(!) 15)Credits(!) 16)Contact Information 17)Disclaimer (*) - Section not yet complete (!) - Section updated since last version. =============================== 2)Version History =============================== 03/7/2003: Version Final --This will be the last update for this FAQ for sure; I can't see anything more I could add to this even if I tried. ^^; I hope you'll enjoy reading this as much as I did writing it; albeit I'll need to take a long break before I even think about writing another again. It's unfortunate to go out on such a sombre note, but hopefully that'll just give me motivation to start again later! So once again, see you soon! --What I've Done-- -Added A Special Note. -Added a little bit about translations to the Introduction. -Added Takeru and Sabaras to the Pilot Seishin/Skill List. -Modified the walkthrough for mission 38 and 39 slightly, and made little changes in several other places.. -Confirmed Takeru and added a bit more info about Barns in the Secrets section. -Added a crapload of Miscellanous Notes. -Added a couple of credits. 22/6/2003: Version 1.0 --Well, it doesn't matter if I'm two days early, does it? ^^; This update marks the completion of the walkthrough; now there are only a few things here and there to add, although there's a good chance I might not, since I've gotten downright sick of Alpha 2 while writing this FAQ. ^^; If anyone wants to send me the information I'm lacking, I'll include it and give the appropriate credits. For now though, this is likely the last update to this FAQ; I hope you've enjoyed my labour of love, and maybe, MAYBE I'll see you again come SRW Destiny. ^^; --What I've Done-- -Finished Arad's walkthrough. -Went through the Walkthrough section and corrected several mistakes and inconsistencies in them. -Changed the method to get Star GaoGaiGar in the Secrets section, and added a highly unconfirmed Barns and Totouga. -Added Arad and Zeora to the Pilot Skill/Seishin List. --What I've Still To Do-- -Find Takeru and Sahara's Skills, Seishins and Squad Leader Skill, as well as Barns if he is truly a recruitable character. -Confirm Takeru, and Barns and Totouga. 15/6/2003: Version 0.85 --I've been busy, but not too busy to finish up Kusuha's walkthrough and do some more work elsewhere. I've also got all of Arad's mission data down, now I just have to work on mission notes for them and this FAQ can be officially declared complete. My projected completion date: 24th June. --What I've Done-- -Finished Kusuha's walkthrough. -Found out the translation for the Brain Powered skill. DAMN that was obvious. ^^; -Added a note about rough terrain penalties and how to get around them in the Squad System section. -Added Jonathan, Quincy, Shira, Richter, Hainel, Kusuha and Bullet to the Pilot Skill/Seishin list, as well as adding a note about the seishin of main characters. -Added the Psychic Field to the Robot Skill List. -Modified the methods of receiving several secrets, as well as adding the Crossbone Gundam X2, Richter and Hainel, Takeru, and the GP-02's Nuclear Bazooka to the Secrets section, which should officially complete that section. 28/05/2003: Version 0.66 --It figures that I'd forget SOMETHING while putting in this update. Never ever try and keep track of several documents in one walkthrough at once. --What I've Done-- -Added Ivis's scenarios 31 and 37 -Modified Scenario 34 Moon route and Scenario 35 Axis route -REALLY added Jeeg's last seishin. ^^; 28/05/2003: Version 0.65 --Whew, this update came faster than I expected. Holidays really help in blasting through games. Additionally, it's my Birthday today, so you'd better be appreciative that you even got any update today, eh? ^^; --What I've Done-- -Finished Ivis's walkthrough, and added real and super-specific scenarios. -Formatted the walkthrough more to fit the other characters in. -Standardized the date settings for the Version History. Oopsie. ^^; -Added Jeeg's last seishin, as well as Ivis, Tsugumi, Suray and Commander Kidogar to the Pilot Skill/Seishin List. -Realized I've been spelling "Croquette" wrong all the while. ^^; --What I'll Do Next-- -Kusuha Walkthrough. -Confirm GP-02 for characters besides Arad. 17/05/2003: Version 0.50 --Well, less than a week, as it seemed. Also finally put what I wanted into the Squad System section, and added in some of the unknown seishin for existing pilots in the Pilot Seishin/Skill list. Now the only things that remain uncomplete are the Seishin/Skill list and the walkthrough, and perhaps a few secrets... --What I've Done-- -Finished Zengar's walkthrough. -Formatted the walkthrough to accomodate for the other characters. -Added the missing seishin for Synapse, Hasalov and Kanan, and added Radora to the list. --What I'll Do Next-- -Ivis walkthrough. 11/05/2003: Version 0.29 --More walkthrough. Should be able to finish up Zengar in a week, hopefully. --What I've Done-- -Did Zengar's walkthrough up to mission 47. 08/05/2003: Version 0.28 --And the walkthrough slowly trudges on. The thing is that I actually have the raw data for most of the stages already; I'm just usually lazy to actually write up notes for them. ^^; --What I've Done-- -Added more secrets to the Secret list: Hi Nu Gundam, Dorel Rona, Nightingale as an enemy, FA ZZ Gundam and Pizza. -Did Zengar's walkthrough up to scenario 38. -Added a few new pilots to the Pilot Skill/Seishin list: Bundol, Kuttnel, Kelknuckle and Pizza. 04/05/2003: Version 0.27 --Just another little update. You may see a lot of these little updates coming thick and fast now, depending. --What I've Done-- -Confirmed the method to get ZZ Gundam's Hi Mega Cannon (Full Power). -Added Musashi's information to the Pilot Skill/Seishin List. -Did Zengar's walkthrough up to mission 31. 29/04/2003: Version 0.26 --Okay, so I lied. ^^; Exams ARE still on, I just love procrastinating studying for them. Go me? --What I've Done-- -Did Zengar's walkthrough up to mission 25. -Added a few more secrets. -Changed some more translations. 04/20/2003: Version 0.21 --Just a teeny little update for now. Exams are coming thick and fast soon, so don't expect many, if any, updates between now and early May. --What I've Done-- -Did Zengar's walkthrough up to mission 13. -Fixed a few typos and errors here and there. -Added Nu Gundam HWS to the Secrets, which I forgot about before. --What I've to Do-- -That embarassingly-empty Squad System section. -Walkthrough. 15/04/2003: Version 0.2 --Don't you just love the flu? It gets me off school to work on this FAQ, after all. For those who are wondering why I didn't start on Arad's walkthrough first, it's because I realized Zengar's the only character who doesn't yet have a walkthrough in progress on GameFAQs, excepting the message board one. ^^; --What I've Done-- -Added Pilot Skill/Seishin List. Uncomplete, still a few missing seishin. Arad and Zeora also not put up, because I used a different birthday for Arad than the default one, so some seishin or skills might not be the same. -Changed some translations in the Seishin List and Pilot Skill List. -Added Items List. -Added first 4 stages of Zengar's route, and a bit of stage 5. -Changed Game Mechanics to Squad System, since that's pretty much all I'll cover there when I get to it. ^^; -Added another credit. --What I've To Do-- -Squad System explanation. -Find out the proper translation for several Pilot Skills. -More Walkthrough. -Find out the Seishin I missed for the Pilot Seishin/Skill List. 11/04/2003: Version 0.11 ~Garrr, accidentally submitted this as a Pilot FAQ, since I forgot to change some of the text up there. Silly me. ^^; --What I've Done-- -Added Pilot Skills. -Added Robot Skills. -Added some Secrets, far from complete though. --What I've To Do-- -Once again, nearly anything else. As a particular plea, can anyone tell me the proper names for the pilot skills of most Gaiking pilots, and all Brain pilots? Those are the ones I have no real idea about. --What Will _LIKELY_ Be Done Next Update-- -Seishin and Skill List by Pilot -Game Mechanics 10/04/2003: Version 0.1 ~First release of this walkthrough. Lots missing and exams coming up. Makes me wonder why I even started this. ^^; Most of what I've done has been taken from my Super Robot Wars Original Generation FAQ and modified to fit Alpha 2's engine, so if you read my previous FAQ, you may note some similarities. --What I've Done-- -Added Seishin List. -Added Pilot Points System. -Add Miscellanous Notes. --What I've To Do-- -Everything else, pretty much. :b Sections besides the walkthrough probably take priority, since they take less time to finish. =============================== 3)A Special Note =============================== On June 27th 2003, the Super Robot Taisen community lost a well-respected and knowledgable member. In the early morning of that fateful Friday, Tony Green, better known as Dragoon T on the internet, took his own life. He was 21 years old. Just 3 days earlier, he himself had messaged me with several corrections for my FAQ which I duly implemented; never in my wildest dreams could I imagine that he would have a reason to do such a thing. However, what is done is done, and the mourning for the loss of a cherished friend cannot last forever. And as I send this update to GameFAQs, I also subsequently dedicate this FAQ/Walkthrough for Super Robot Taisen Alpha 2 to Dragoon T. May you soul rest in peace, and may you be happy wherever you are. =============================== 4)Introduction =============================== Super Robot Wars Alpha 2 is the 3rd games in the Alpha timeline, following on the path made by Super Robot Wars Alpha and Super Robot Wars Alpha Gaiden. From the very start, it was obvious that the proper sequel would have a huge weight to carry; Super Robot Wars Alpha was the first Super Robot Wars game for the Playstation, and was a massive jump in graphical and audio power over the Super Famicom versions of the game. Super Robot Wars Alpha Gaiden only carried the torch further, with one of the best storylines in a Super Robot Wars game to date, and began the transition from what was a game that basically advertised the robots it featured, to one which weaved a massive encompassing story featuring the robots, rather than prioritizing them. Alpha Gaiden also introduced the Support System for the first time, a gameplay mechanic that would be used in every Super Robot Wars game after. With all the superlatives thrown at the aforementioned two games, the burden the sequel carries looks very large indeed, but Banpresto has taken the burden and converted it into a beautiful statue of Mazinger. Ever since the first few Famitsu magazine pages came out, it was apparent that this game was going to be something very big, something that could alter the direction of the Super Robot Wars series forever. The carried-over storyline, including two of the original's protagonists, the percentage upgrading system, the entirely new and extremely fluid battle animations, and most of all, the Squad System; the first step in making Super Robot Wars a truly tactical series. From the first magazine scans, to the two promotional videos, to the weekly revelations, it was obvious that this was the most anticipated Super Robot Wars game for a long time, and now, it has finally been released. Following up on my Pilots FAQ on Super Robot Wars Original Generation, I will now attempt to write a more general one for the masses of Super Robot Wars fans. Quite a bit of this FAQ will be taken from my SRWOG FAQ, since the mechanics between the two games are somewhat similar. However, a word of warning. Although I plan to include just about every trimming you could think of, the walkthrough itself will probably not be very detailed. This is due to my weak grasp of the Japanese language; don't expect a full translation of every scene in the game from this FAQ. What you will find in the walkthrough, however, is a detailed explanation of how to beat every scenario in the game, trouble spots, APs for every stage, and everything I feel accomplished enough to do. If you are looking for a full translation, I suggest waiting for someone more skillful than me to do so. Consequently, translations of names will not be exact, so please do not email me on name corrections. After all that talk, I'll now begin the journey. I hope you find this FAQ useful. =============================== 5)Seishin List =============================== Seishins are the very core of Super Robot Wars games; I frequently shake my head in disbelief at stories of people somehow getting far into Super Robot Wars games without even knowing that these nifty little commands exist. They are the rough equivalent of a magic spell; you cast a seishin before you move or attack, and it can do anything from increasing your move range to doubling your experience for your next attack. The use of seishins is far more pronounced in Alpha 2 than in any other game, due to the massive amount of pilots you sortie per mission, making support seishins that much more useful. You use seishins by selecting the second-from-bottom option on a squad's menu when you press A on the squad. You can then use the L1 and R1 buttons to scroll through all the units in the Squad and their seishin, or the L2 and R2 buttons to scroll through sub-pilots in certain robots, and selecting the seishin you want to use. A list of all the seishins your currently deployed pilots have can also be seen by selecting the 2nd option after clicking on a square without a squad during battle, or the third-from-bottom option in the main menu. The seishin in this list will be arranged by the way they are shown in this table, read like a book (left to right, up to down). ----------------------------- Row 1 ----------------------------- Nekketsu (Hot Blood) : For one attack, the pilot's next attack does 2x damage. Obviously a popular spell for most Squad Leaders, it's almost a must when facing high-HP enemies especially when aiming for turn-based or HP-based APs. Also makes a good combo with ALL or MAP attacks, since you're hitting several units for double damage. Hichuu (Sure Hit) : For one turn. Hit rate is 100%. Mostly used by Supers who have trouble hitting boss-level enemies, or by low-level pilots when trying to get up to everyone else's level, or Squad members who don't have much else use for their SP other than to get a small hit in. Flash takes precedence, however. Shinrai (Trust) : Heals 2000 HP of any non-enemy unit on the map. This is mostly used only for helping NPCs in the few missions you have them. Otherwise, it's best used on Reals, whose low HP makes this spell economically wise. In general though, Friendship has this seishin beat for most circumstances, since this seishin can only heal one unit at a time. Tekagen (Mercy) : For one attack. If this attack reduces the enemy's HP to 0, and your pilot has a higher Skill stat the the enemy pilot, the enemy's unit will survive with 10 HP. This spell will be mostly used to help level up any weak pilots, by letting a high-level pilot lower an enemy unit to 10 HP, then having the weak pilot run in and finish the enemy unit off with a high accuracy attack, as the lowest damage you can do in all SRW games is 10 HP. Also useful for stages where the objective is to lower a unit past a certain amount without actually killing it, for added insurance. Kakuran (Confusion) : For one turn, all enemies' attack's accuracy will be cut into half. Given the massive amount of enemies you face in one battle, it's not a bad idea to cast one of these during a pitched battle to give your side a major advantage. This spell is also almost vital for late-game bosses, who have absurdly high accuracy AND strong ALL attacks, which often mean death for squad members; Confusion will give them that extra bit of chance they need to survive. ----------------------------- Row 2 ----------------------------- Tamashi (Soul) : For one attack, the pilot's next attack does 2.5x damage. In MOST cases, Hot Blood is economically more effective, but Soul is often better if you're racing against time, whether it be an AP or the stage itself, and need to deal as much damage as possible, as quickly as possible. It goes without saying that this should be saved for bosses, or perhaps ALL and MAP attacks. Kannou (Inspire) : Casts Sure Hit on any one team member, including the pilot who uses Kannou. The same rules of Sure Hit apply here. Thereotically, this is a good spell to use on anyone who doesn't learn Sure Hit naturally, but in reality, the majority of people who need it either already have it (Supers) or don't really warrant the relatively large amount of SP needed to use it (Squad members). Yuujyou (Friendship) : Heals all HP of any one squad. This spell has pretty much gone HUGELY up in usefulness, especially since it usually costs only 2 times more than Trust. Especially useful for squads which have taken big ALL hits from Bosses or Map events. Sogeki (Snipe Attack) : For one attack. Excepting MAP and range 1 attacks, the range of all other attacks are increased by 2. Best for units without good P weapons, or dedicated Snipers like the Heavyarms. Ai (Love) : Gives the effects of Accelerate, Sure Hit, Flash, Hot Blood, Yell, Great Effort and Lucky on the caster. Dangerous and expensive, always save this seishin for bosses only, and even then, it might not be a good choice over two Souls or Hot Bloods. ----------------------------- Row 3 ----------------------------- Hirameki (Flash) : For one enemy attack. Unit's dodge rate is 100%. Use this against bosses, since most other attacks are either easy to dodge, or easy to take without much damage inflicted. Especially useful for squad members who need to dodge bosses' ALL attacks to survive. Kasoku (Accelerate) : For one movement, the affected squad's movement range is increase by 3. A slight change from other Super Robot Wars games, since it now generally costs a LOT more SP than it used to (with the exception of battleship commanders and sub-pilots), since it now affects the whole squad rather than a single unit. However, you'd still want at least one person in every one of your squads, and preferably not the squad leader, to have Accelerate as one of their Seishin, since it's invaluable as always for time- based APs and general speeding up of map travels. Hokyuu (Resupply) : Recovers all EN and all weapon ammo of any one teammate, including the pilot who casts Resupply. Unlike previous versions, this spell no longer decreases morale, and coupled with the massive amount of support pilots you can sortie, you'll see a lot more use of this seishin than in any previous Super Robot Wars game. Chokugeki (Direct Attack) : For one attack. Your attacks will pass through whatever defenses the opponent has, including Buushin, Support Defenses and any sort of barriers, and will hit the enemy directly. This is useful for most bosses which have support defenders (Here's looking at YOU, Death Gale Squadron...) or the ever-annoying Buushin. Kou'un (Lucky) : For one combat sequence. Gain 2x Credits. You should always cast this before killing a major character, or large, expensive units (anything with 15000+ HP), or when using MAP or ALL attacks that kill several units. If you Defend or Evade with this seishin in effect, you will lose its effects completely. ----------------------------- Row 4 ----------------------------- Fukutsu (Invincibility): For one enemy attack if it hits, unit will take 0 damage. Most Super pilots get this in place of Flash, but for the few Real pilots who DO learn this, it's actually very useful; it acts as a safety mechanism should the low chance of your robot getting hit actually happen, and prevents what would likely be a big amount of damage, while Flash would be used up more or less instantly. Otherwise, everything said with Flash applies. Kakusei (Awaken) : The affected unit's squad will get two combat turns; that is, it can move and/or attack one more time after it's normal move and/or attack. You can't cast Awaken consecutively to gain three combat turns in a row, but you can cast after you've used it's effects once. In other words, Cast Awaken, move/attack, cast Awaken again, etc. This is usually pretty expensive, but with the modifications made to it due to the squad system, it actually becomes a pretty useful support seishin (albeit very few SUPPORT pilots learn it ^^;), especially since Move Again is no longer around. Kiai (Yell) : The affected unit will gain 10 morale. Very useful in older SRWs, it's usefulness is debatable in Alpha 2. On one hand, kills only gain 3 morale for most pilots, but on the other hand, the new morale boosting skills make it just as easy to gain that lost morale. I more or less suggest using Vigor instead. Kitai (Hope) : Recovers 50 SP of any chosen teammate, including the pilot who casts Hope (although it makes no economical sense). Once again, the massive amount of support pilots greatly increases the usage of this spell. Shukufuku (Bless) : Casts Lucky on any one team member, including the pilot who uses Bless. The same rules of Lucky apply here. Although it costs more, you might actually find yourself using this more than Lucky, since your supporter's SP are less important than the ones who are delivering the killing blows. ----------------------------- Row 5 ----------------------------- Teppeki (Iron Wall) : For one turn. All enemy attacks on the affected unit will be reduced to 1/4th their normal damage. This modification means that less attacks will do a piddling 10 damage, but the really strong attacks will do far less than normal, making it more viable for Reals. Use this before throwing the unit into a ton of enemies for cackling fun. As with Invincibility and Flash, also good for helping Squad members survive dangerous ALL attacks. Konjou (Peseverance) : The affected unit will regain 30% of any lost HP. Not much to say here, it's useful if you need it. Kihaku (Vigor) : The affected unit will gain 30 morale. Quite good economically wise, but not really used as much for the same reasons pointed out in Yell. Definitely more useful, for the pilots who learn it, though. Teisatsu (Surveillance) : Used to scout the statistics of unknown squads (those you haven't attacked or haven't been attacked by). Scout out bosses with this, then make sure you don't get into their longest attack's range unless you're good and ready for them. Doryoku (Great Effort) : For one combat sequence (your unit attacking, or your unit getting attacked). Gain 2x EXP. It goes without saying that you should always use this just before killing a major character. Do note that if you use this seishin, then Defend or Evade in the next combat sequence, the effect of this spell will be completely lost. ----------------------------- Row 6 ----------------------------- Shuchuu (Concentrate) : For one turn. Dodge and Hit rates are increased by 30%. Useful all-around, especially if you cast it on a good dodger, and just throw it right into the middle of all the enemies. Otherwise, it's a nice dodge boost for your Reals, or accuracy boost for your Supers. Also makes a good combination with Confusion, resulting in a enormous accuracy decrease for all enemies on that unit. Dokonjou (Great Peseverance) : The affected unit will regain all lost HP. Again, not much to say about it. Gekirei (Rally) : All units in the squad gains 5 morale. To make up for the 5 morale decrease, it's now noticably cheaper. It's not really that effective though, as morale is more important for squad leaders than for the entire squad in general. Datsuryoku (Exhaust) : Choose any enemy squad, and all units from that squad will have their morale decreased by 10. Very few pilots learn this, but the massive amount of support pilots, which lend into a massive amount of people who can use Hope, means that it gets used even more. Use this on bosses who run away after they lose a certain amount of HP, as you can then inflict more damage on your final attack on them. In special cases, this spell can also be used to prevent an enemy unit from using powerful morale-based attacks, or morale-based skills like Buushin. Ouen (Aid) : Casts Great Effort on any one team member, including the pilot who uses Aid. The same rules of Great Effort apply here, and most of the same logic in using Bless apply here too. =============================== 6)Item List =============================== Items, also known as "Equippable Parts", have been around since the heady days of Super Robot Wars 4. In RPG terms, they're the equivalent of equipping an accessory that provides a boost in status, performance or some form that helps whoever uses it. The number of items a unit can equip depends basically on the overall "worth" of the unit; the majority of units get two item slots, while weaker grunt suits usually get 4. You get items mostly by defeating enemies, although bosses drop the most and rarest. You can get to the Items List in the game by choosing the 5th-from-bottom option in the menu during Intermission. The item list here will be arranged in accordance to the one in the game. ----------------------------- Page 1 ----------------------------- Hasusu -- Not really an item, but the first one listed. Allows you to remove whatever item is in the slot you chose to get to this menu. Booster -- Increases movement range by 1. Standard item which you'll get plenty of; judge who you will give it to carefully though, as with the Squad system around, usually one Booster doesn't affect the Squad on a whole. Best recommended on flagships, who can make full use out of them. Mega Booster -- Increases movement range by 2. Not-so-standard item, and makes more of a difference to Squads. The same rules still apply, though. Apogee Motor -- Increases movement range by 1, and mobility by 5. Basically a Booster and Magnetic Coating combined, and can function well as both for your Real robots. Learning Computer -- Increases mobility by 5 and weapon accuracy by 5%. A bit of a half/half, with bonuses that benefit Reals and Supers respectively. I generally suggest putting it on Reals who have aiming problems; Brain pilots and pretty much both of the Real protagonists are a good general example. Magnetic Coating -- Increases mobility by 5. Standard item to equip on Real robots, but gets outclassed by nearly everything else rather quickly. ----------------------------- Page 2 ----------------------------- Bio Sensor -- Increases mobility by 10. Upgraded Magnetic Coating basically, and a staple item for Reals all the way to the end of the game, being the item with a balance between decent bonuses and availability. Psycho Frame -- Increases mobility by 25 and weapon critical rate by 10%. One of the best items you can give to any Real robot, a 25-point boost is major. Unsurprisingly though, you don't get that many of these. Bio Computer -- Increases mobility by 20 and weapon accuracy by 20%. The advanced version of the Learning Computer, and the same reasoning applies. Dual Sensor -- Increases weapon accuracy by 10%. A good fit for most Supers, who usually have aiming problems. Flagships are another good choice for the same reasons; who you put it on would depend on who needs it more. Multi Sensor -- Increases weapon accuracy by 20%. Improved Dual Sensor, with the same reasoning. High Powered Targeting Device -- Increases weapon accuracy by 30%. The best targeting item for your Supers. ----------------------------- Page 3 ----------------------------- Haro -- *deep breath* Increases movement range by 2, mobility by 25, critical rate by 20% and increases the range of non-map and non-point-blank weapons by 1. *breath* Unsurprisingly, one of the best and rarest items in the game. Put it on your favourite Real and watch it kick more ass than ever before. Kenta's Pokecon(Pocket Computer?) -- Increases weapon critical rate by 20%. A good fit for high-critical machines, like the Deathscythe Hell Custom or the Mother Vanguard, to let them get even more criticals than usual. High Powered Radar -- Increases the range of non-map and non-point-blank weapons by 1. In general, you'd put this on robots with REALLY long range weapons to push the limit even further, or onto a robot with few or bad P moves, to allow it to use its better non-P moves more often in a standing position. Minovsky Craft -- Allows unit to fly, and changes all Air stats to A. As in previous SRW games, this is a good bet for units which have bad Air stats; most Gundams usually have Beam Rifles with are B in Air, which makes a large amount of them as candidates. With the squad system though, a Minovsky Craft can mean the difference between a squad taking to the skies, or being bogged down by a single land-trudger. Mniovsky Drive -- Increases movement range by 1, allows unit to Fly, and changes all Air stats to S. VERY good item, as the S bonus is far more pronounced than one might think. I usually put this on favoured robots, even if they can already fly naturally. Thruster Module -- Changes all Space stats to A. There aren't many units who aren't already at least A in Space though, making this item a bit of a waste. ----------------------------- Page 4 ----------------------------- Dust Adapter -- Changes all Land stats to A. As with the Thruster Module, there aren't really many units who don't have A ratings on Land; the only exception I can think off off-the-cuff is the Re-GZ, with its Beam Cannons B on land. Screw Module -- Changes all Water stats to A. Definitely more useful than the Space and Land versions, especially for those waterlogged stages. Especially useful for Gundams, which will allow them to use their beam weaponery underwater. A-Adapter -- Changes all terrain stats to A. This item won't give you flight capabilities though, but it's still good as a Thruster Module, Dust Adapter and Screw Module all in one. S-Adapter -- Changes all terrain stats to S. EXTREMELY useful, due to the previously-mentioned pronounced bonus of an S-rating. Unfortunately, you only get one, really late in the game. Chobham Armour -- Increases maximum HP by 500, and Armour by 100. Standard fare for most Supers; the whole line is pretty vital for Supers, in fact, since they tend to take a lot of damage, even for Supers. Hybrid Armour -- Increases maximum HP by 1000, and Armour by 150. More standard fare for Supers, outclasses the Chobham Armour pretty quickly. ----------------------------- Page 5 ----------------------------- Ultra Alloy Z -- Increases maximum HP by 1000, and Armour by 200. Not as huge a difference as Hybrid Armour was to Chobham, but it's still a nice bonus. Ultra Alloy New Z -- Increases maximum HP by 1500, and Armour by 250. One of the best Armour/HP items you can get in this game, put this on your favourite Super. Zolmanium Alloy -- Increases maximum HP by 1800, and Armour by 200. I personally value 50 more Armour over 300 HP, but it's your choice as to which is better, and besides, both make good items for your Supers anyway. Large-Scale Generator -- Increases maximum EN by 50. If you don't have a Solar Cell, this might be the best replacement. Use it on EN heavy robots, which is most of them. Mega Generator -- Increases maximum EN by 100. An upgrade of the Large-Scale Generator, and basically performs the same functions except better. Giga Generator -- Increases maximum EN by 150. The best EN-increasing item you can get, and makes a great combo with EN recovery skills or items, as you not only increase your maximum EN, but the amount of EN you recover per turn. ----------------------------- Page 6 ----------------------------- GS Light -- Increases maximum EN by 100, and recovers 20% EN every turn. Doesn't increase as much EN as the Giga Generator, but the 20% EN recovery more than makes up for it. Put this on your favourite EN-consuming robot. Organic Bit -- Recovers 10% HP per turn. Preferable for Supers who are usually targeted by enemies, to help them regain some of their lost HP every turn rather than having to waste a Squad's movement or some Seishin Points recovering it. Solar Panel -- Recovers 10% EN per turn. Good on just about anything which consumes EN at a steady rate, such as the Brains, where you need the extra EN per turn to do decent damage. Anti-Beam Coating -- Beam damage is reduced by 700. A little specialized, since usually only Gundam enemies use Beam weapons, and even then not all of them. Does make a good combination with Combattler V and Voltes V though, since their Squad Leader Skill sees them taking 20% less damage from Beam Damage, enhancing the chances of completely nullifying Beam attacks. I-Field Barrier -- Beam damage is reduced by 850. Pretty much the same as Anti Beam Coating, except stronger. Gravity Territory -- Damage below 1500 is nullified. Extremely useful on just about anything, since the barrier will affect all the members in the squad of the unit that carries it. Especially excellent against ALL attacks. ----------------------------- Page 7 ----------------------------- Hyper Jammer -- Gives the Buushin robot ability. Since no Supers have Buushin naturally, its a good idea to give this item to them instead, since Supers can make the best use of Buushin in general, as it only has a chance of activating if the attack will hit. Propellant Tank -- Fully recovers EN, Consumable, can be used on other units in the Squad. Normally I never use consumable items in SRW games, but this game is a change, mainly because you can use it on ANYONE in the squad; thus I usually kit up my supporting squad members with these consumable items, then have them use it on the Squad Leader if it needs it. As for the item itself, its obviously best used on robots who'll have their EN depleted rather fast, mainly those who you didn't have the space or resources to put EN-increasing or recovery items on. Cartridge -- Fully recovers Ammo, Consumable, can be used on other units in the Squad. Same logic as the Propellant Tank, except for robots heavily reliant on Ammo. Repair Kit -- Fully recovers HP, Consumable, can be used on other units in the Squad. Same logic as the previous two items, mostly used on squads headed by Supers, since they take damage and take it hard, usually. Super Repair Kit - Fully recovers HP, EN and Ammo, Consumable, can be used on other units in the Squad. All of the three items above jammed into one cozy package, good for just about any Squad Member. OVA's Croquette -- Recovers 20 SP, Consumable. Since you can't use it on any Squad Member within a Squad like the other consumable items, its usefulness is somewhat decreased, but it still makes a good fit for Squad Members who require the 20 extra EN to pull off another Aid, Bless, or good support seishin. ----------------------------- Page 8 ----------------------------- Cecily's Bun -- Recovers 50 SP, Consumable. Powered up version of OVA's Croquette. Victory Meal -- Recovers all SP, Consumable. Super-powered version, not a bad choice for Squad Leaders either. Unsurprsingly, you don't get too many of these. Kuttnelizer -- Recovers 50 SP, decreases Morale by 50, Consumable. Thereotically, this could work as a poor man's Cecily's Bun for support members, since they don't really need the morale at all. Hachimaki -- Starting Morale +5. Good for Robots who either need plenty of morale for their best moves, or just need a quick morale boost to start kicking ass. Combine it with Fighter's Spirit for even morale boosting. Nejiri Hachimaki -- Starting Morale +10. Combine this with Hachimakis, Fighter's Spirits and High Spirits, and you can have a Squad Member who hits 150 morale by turn 3 or 4. ^^; Brave Hero's Crest -- Increases Armour by 200, Mobility by 25, and Weapon Critical Rate by 30%. An excellent overall item which can find its way on both Super and Reals, although it works best on either Supers who have some form of dodging ability like GaoGaiGar, or Reals who tend to get hit often, like the GP-03 Dendrobrium. ----------------------------- Page 9 ----------------------------- Soul of Steel -- Increases Armour by 250, Mobility by 30, and Weapon Critical Rate by 35%. Slightly better than the Brave Hero's Crest, and should be used accordingly. Cost Down -- Decreases unit's Squad Cost by 1. If you have unused Supers you want to use as Squad members, this is probably the item for them to help them fit into a 4-man squad easier. =============================== 7)Pilot Points System =============================== The Pilot Points System is taken from Super Robot Wars Original Generation, and allows you to customize your pilots far more than was ever possible in previous Super Robot Wars games. When you defeat enemies, you normally gain Experience and Credits, but in this game your pilot also gains some "PP", or Pilot Points. These are squad-specific, like Experience; only the squad who finished off the enemy gets to use the Pilot Points. During Intermission or just before deploying in a mission, you can access a menu that allows you to customize your pilots using the Pilot Points you gain. You can then use Pilot Points either to increase your pilot's stats, change your pilot's terrain rating, or add to and modify their pilot skills. For reference, this menu is accessed by going to the second option in the intermission menu. After you do so, you will be presented with a list of pilots. After selecting one of them, you will be shown three sections; upgrading the pilot's statistics, adding or upgrading the pilot's skills, or upgrading the pilot's terrain rating, respectively. Depending on what you want to do, the Pilot Points needed can be piddling or expensive. In this section, you'll find a quick breakdown of how many PP points are needed to increase or add whatever you desire. ----------------------------- Pilot Stats ----------------------------- The first option in the menu, this allows you to use your Pilot Points to increase your pilot's stats. Simply move your cursor and press Right on the directional pad to increase the stats by however many points you want, depending on your current amount of Pilots Points. From top to bottom on the list: Melee -- 10 PP for +1 Shooting -- 10 PP for +1 Defense -- 10 PP for +1 Skill -- 10 PP for +1 Evasion -- 10 PP for +1 Accuracy -- 10 PP for +1 ----------------------------- Pilot Skills ----------------------------- This is the second option on the menu. Pilot Skills were implemented in Super Robot Wars 4, and have been a staple in all the games since. However, Alpha 2 follows in the footsteps of Super Robot Wars Impact in allowing you to customize every pilot's skills to a certain degree. First, I'll give a quick explanation on how the system works. All pilots start with some natural Pilot Skills. These skills cannot be removed or replaced, and are the only skills that can grow without using any PP at all. However, all pilots have 6 slots for Pilot Skills. The empty slots can be customized by using your Pilot Points to "buy" new skills for your pilot to use. Note, however, that not -all- pilot skills in the game can be bought. Making everyone Newtypes might be fun, but sorta plays havoc with continuity. ^^; This will be listed by page number, in order. Page 1: Sword Cut -- 25 PP for +1, 30 PP for +2, etc Shield Defense -- 25 PP for +1, 30 PP for +2, etc Potential -- 25 PP for +1, 30 PP for +2, etc Counter -- 20 PP for +1, 25 PP for +2, etc Support Attack -- 100 PP for +1, 120 PP for +2, etc Support Defense -- 100 PP for +1, 120 PP for +2, etc Page 2: SP Up -- 25 PP for +1, 30 PP for +2, etc SP Recovery -- 200 PP Fighter's Spirit -- 80 PP High Spirits -- 70 PP Morale+(Evade) -- 70 PP Morale+(Accuracy) -- 70 PP Page 3: Morale+(Damage) -- 70 PP E Save -- 150 PP Learning -- 100 PP Extra(?) Attack -- 200 PP Assisted Attack -- 150 PP Abandon -- 150 PP Page 4: Guard -- 150 PP Repair Unit -- 80 PP Resupply Unit -- 100 PP ----------------------------- Pilot Terrain Rating ----------------------------- The last option on the menu, the pilot's Terrain Ratings are a judgement of how skilled the pilot is in that selected terrain, affecting everything from dodge and hit rates to attack damage, with D as the worst and S as the best. Unsurprisingly, the order goes D-->C-->B-->A-->S. In order: Air -- 40-60 PP for upgrade Land -- 40-60 PP for upgrade Underwater -- 40-60 PP for upgrade Space -- 40-60 PP for upgrade The range of 40 to 60 PP depends on the current rating of your pilot on that terrain. If the rating is C, then it costs 40 PP to upgrade it to B; if it's B, then 50 PP to upgrade it to A, and if it's A, 60 PP to upgrade it to S. Logically, It takes 30 PP to upgrade D to C, but I don't think there's a pilot with a D rating in any terrain. ^^; As for my advice in terms of what to use your PP on, I suggest buying Support Attack for nearly EVERYONE who doesn't have it at the start, with the possible exception of pilots whose robot's main form of attack are ALL attacks which can't be used in Support Attacks, such as most of the Wing boys. After that, if the robot the unit pilots has several attacks that use up EN, I usually save up for E Save for them. Otherwise, for Real Robot pilots, I give them Abandon, and Morale+(Dodge) and/or Morale+(Accuracy); if there's only one slot left, I choose depending on whether the unit has ALL attacks. Super Robot pilots get Guard, and Morale+(Accuracy) and/or Morale+(Damage); I follow the same format of choosing if there's only one slot as for Real Robot pilots. Permanent support pilots ALWAYS get Assisted Attack and Learning. If there's spare slots after that, I go for SP Up and Sword Cut or Shield Defense, in that order. After all the slots are filled, then I modify the terrain ratings to S in Space and either Land, Air or both depending on the robot's capabilities. After all that, then I start modifying staistics. Do note that the above is entirely my style of play though. If you happen to have a style which entails maximizing everyone's Evade or Defense stat and Mass-rushing ASAP, hey, if it works for you, more power to ya. ^^; A list of all the pilot skills and their explanations can also be found in this FAQ. =============================== 8)Pilot Skill List =============================== In here, you'll find a list of every pilot skill in the game, and what they do. You can access this menu in the game either by choosing the third-last option in the intermission menu, then pressing R1 to go to the second section, or by going to the second option after pressing Circle on an empty square in battle, then pressing R1 to go to the second section. If you do it in battle though, you will only see the Pilot Skills of those you have deployed in that battle, whereas doing so in the Intermission allows you to see the Pilot Skills of all the pilots in your roster. The skills will be arranged as they are shown in the aforementioned menu. ------------------------------------------------ Sword Cut ------------------------------------------------ Only usable if the unit possesses a Sword. Can cut down physical projectiles or sword attacks, taking 0 damage. The higher the level, the higher the chance of this skill taking effect. Not a bad, if slightly specialized skill. ------------------------------------------------ Shield Defense ------------------------------------------------ Only usable if the unit posses a Shield. Will take 40% of normal damage if the enemy succesfully hits with an attack. The higher the level, the higher the chance of this skill taking effect. I'd suggest buying this for squad members with extra slots and nothing else to use it on. ------------------------------------------------ Potential ------------------------------------------------ The lower your HP goes, the higher your accuracy, mobility, Armour and critical rates go. Higher levels mean that the effects take place faster, and has more of an effect. Mostly Super pilots get this, which is fitting considering they take a LOT of damage in general. ------------------------------------------------ Counter ------------------------------------------------ Attacks before the enemy; even before Squad attacks. The higher the level, the higher the chance of this skill taking effect. Not a very useful skill in my opinion, since unless your one attack can kill off the enemy, it doesn't really do anything special. ------------------------------------------------ Support Attack ------------------------------------------------ Allows a Squad Leader to support another Squad Leader in a double-pronged attack. The higher the level of Support Attack, the higher the number of Support Attacks you can execute in one turn. I buy this for pretty much every one of my designated Squad Leaders, since high-powered Support Attacks are usually more damaging than Squad Attacks, especially late game. ------------------------------------------------ Support Defense ------------------------------------------------ Allows a Squad Member to take damage for the Squad Leader, should the Squad Leader get hit. Damage is 60%, the same as blocking normally. The higher the level of Support Defense, the higher the number of Support Defenses you can execute in one turn. Not as useful as before, since you can't have Squad Leaders support defend each other, which means mostly it's your support squad who take the beating, and most of them usually can't take too much damage. ------------------------------------------------ SP Up ------------------------------------------------ Increases maximum SP by 6 SP per level. Great for supporters if you want to see results instantly with less PP. ------------------------------------------------ SP Recovery ------------------------------------------------ At the beginning of every turn, recover 10 SP. Not surprisingly, one of the most useful skills in the game IF you can save up for it, although if you're the type that goes for APs, most often you won't be able to feel the full benefits of this skill, as you're too rushed to complete battles quickly to fully appreciate it. Still, if you ever get enough PP to buy this for pilots with good support seishin, go for it. ------------------------------------------------ Newtype ------------------------------------------------ Increases Accuracy and Evade, and increases the range of weapons that require the Newtype skill to use. You can't buy this anyway, but its a good bet that if the pilot is a newtype, then he or she would be at least half decent, if not an ace. ------------------------------------------------ Enhanced Human ------------------------------------------------ Increases Accuracy and Evade, and increases the range of weapons that require the Newtype skill to use. Essentially the same as Newtype. ------------------------------------------------ Psychic Energy ------------------------------------------------ Increases Accuracy and Evade. The bonus is a bit more pronounced than Newtype or Enhanced Human, I believe, although I haven't fully tested it yet. The higher the level, the higher the increase. ------------------------------------------------ Supernatural ------------------------------------------------ Increases Accuracy, Evade and Critical rates. The higher the level, the higher the increase. ------------------------------------------------ Brave Hero ------------------------------------------------ Increases Accuracy, Evade, Critical and Armour. It's basically Potential without as big a bonus or needing to be below full HP, pretty much. The higher the level, the higher the increase. ------------------------------------------------ Antibody Reaction ------------------------------------------------ Increases Accuracy, Evade and the power of your attacks, as well as increasing the range of attacks. One of the best natural skills, and really needed for the slightly weak Brains. The higher the level, the higher the increase. ------------------------------------------------ Leadership ------------------------------------------------ Emits a Leadership "aura" around the unit with the skill. All other units within that aura gain Accuracy and Evade bonuses, depending on how close they are to the unit emitting the aura. The aura is 2 squares wide at level 1, and increases by 1 square for every subsequent level. ------------------------------------------------ Strong Luck ------------------------------------------------ Gain 1.2x credits for all enemies killed. Not bad for the money-mad, if you want that bit extra for normal kills. ------------------------------------------------ Fighter's Spirit ------------------------------------------------ Start with +5 Morale when sortied. Not a bad choice for either pilots who require lots of Morale for their best attacks, or even those who just need a little morale to get them started (Brains especially). ------------------------------------------------ High Spirits ------------------------------------------------ After turn 2, gain +2 Morale on every subsequent turn. Like SP Recovery, you can't really gain the full benefits of this if you're rushing to get AP all the time. ------------------------------------------------ Morale+ (Evade) ------------------------------------------------ Increases Morale by 1 if your unit successfully dodges an attack. -Excellent- for pretty much all Real robots, and is one of the few ways for Real pilots to gain morale quickly, especially if you dodge enemy Squad attacks too. ------------------------------------------------ Morale+ (Accuracy) ------------------------------------------------ Increases Morale by 1 if your unit successfully hits with an attack. Not a bad choice for either Reals or Supers, but a VERY good one for pretty much anything with ALL attacks, since you gain 1 morale for every hit. ------------------------------------------------ Morale+ (Damage) ------------------------------------------------ Increases Morale by 2 if your unit is damaged by an attack. Combined with the morale bonuses some Super pilots get when they get hit, it's easy to get to 150 morale very quickly with this skill on. Not a good choice for Reals though, obviously. ------------------------------------------------ E Save ------------------------------------------------ EN usage is 80%. Excellent for units that require EN for their strongest and/or most used attacks, Mazinkaiser, Getter and Brains being the best examples here. Rather expensive though, but it's usually worth it. ------------------------------------------------ Learning ------------------------------------------------ In battle, Squad Member's PP gains are the same as the Squad Leader's. This is actually a good first skill to buy for Squad members, since they will then get PP much faster and learn other skills. It's obviously useless for Squad Leaders, though. ------------------------------------------------ Extra Attack ------------------------------------------------ When performing a Support Attack, the unit will always perform a critical hit. Thereotically, you would put this on Squad Leaders with a high level of Support Attack, and let him Support several times per round. In practice though, you'd be rather hard pressed to find a good Squad Leader who has a decent level of Support Attack. ------------------------------------------------ Assisted Attack ------------------------------------------------ If performing a Squad Attack (i.e if you're a Squad Member), the power of your individual attack will increase. Pretty much a must for all permanent support pilots. ------------------------------------------------ Abandon ------------------------------------------------ At Morale 130 or above, Accuracy and Evade is increased by 10. Can be useful for Supers, but is more aimed towards Real pilots who can make use of both, while most Super pilots only really use the Accuracy boost. A must buy for Real pilots, though. ------------------------------------------------ Guard ------------------------------------------------ At Morale 130 or above, Defense power is increased. The Super version of Abandon, most Reals shouldn't even be getting hit in the first place to make use of this skill, but Supers will find it handy in reducing the damage done to themselves, especially if it makes certain barriers like G-Territory or Protect Shield work better. ------------------------------------------------ Repair Device ------------------------------------------------ When using the Repair command, heal 1.5x normal repair amount. Highly specialized, but good for what it is used for. ------------------------------------------------ Resupply Device ------------------------------------------------ The Resupply command can be used after moving. EXTREMELY useful for Resupply Units if you use them, but with the enormous amount of the Resupply seishin that you can cast in this game, it's not as important as one might think. =============================== 9)Pilot Skill/Seishin List =============================== In this section, you'll find a listing of pretty much every pilot in the game, along with their natural skills, Seishin set and Squad Leader Skill. If you want to compare who has the cheapest Bless or whatever, this is probably your best resource in this FAQ to do so. The pilots will be listed by series, according to the game. ------------------------------------------------ Gundam 0083 ------------------------------------------------ Name: Kou Uraki Skills: Sword Cut, Shield Defense, Support Attack Seishin: Concentrate(20), Sure Hit(15), Flash(10), Hot Blood(35), Yell(35), Soul(60) Squad Leader Skill: Experience +20% Name: Chuck Keith Skills: Support Attack, Support Defense, Shield Defense Seishin: Accelerate(25), Aid(15), Sure Hit(20), Hot Blood(40), Snipe Attack(30), Hope(75) Squad Leader Skill: Weapon Range +1 (Excluding Map and Range 1 attacks) Name: South Burning Skills: Leadership, Support Attack, Shield Defense Seishin: Concentrate(20), Mercy(5), Yell(30), Hot Blood(35), Sure Hit(15), Invincibility(20) Squad Leader Skill: Weapon EN usage -20%. Name: Alpha A Beid Skills: Support Attack, Support Defense, Shield Defense Seishin: Accelerate(25), Peseverance(20), Concentrate(20), Mercy(10), Hot Blood(40), Direct Attack(30) Squad Leader Skill: Evade Rate +10% Name: Bernard Monsha Skills: Support Attack, Support Defense, Shield Defense Seishin: Peserverance(20), Lucky(40), Sure Hit(20), Hot Blood(35), Flash(15), Exhaust(40) Squad Leader Skill: Accuracy Rate +10% Name: Chaf Adel Skills: Support Attack, Support Defense, Shield Defense Seishin: Peserverance(20), Snipe Attack(30), Trust(30), Sure Hit(25), Hot Blood(45), Resupply(60) Squad Leader Skill: Accuracy Rate +10% Name: Eiba Synapse Skills: Leadership, Support Attack, Extra Attack Seishin: Sure Hit(20), Peserverance(20), Trust(30), Hot Blood(40), Direct Attack(30), Hope(90) Squad Leader Skill: Critical Rate +20% Name: Ewan Hasalov Skills: None Seishin: Accelerate(5), Aid(30), Snipe Attack(30), Friendship(60), Iron Wall(30), Resupply(70) Squad Leader Skill: None ------------------------------------------------ Gundam Zeta ------------------------------------------------ Name: Camille Vidan Skills: Newtype, Sword Cut, Shield Defense Seishin: Concentrate(15), Flash(10), Yell(30), Hot Blood(35), Awaken(90), Soul(55) Squad Leader Skill: Counterattack power +20% Name: Fa Yuuri Skills: Newtype, Support Attack, Support Defense Seishin: Trust(30), Bless(45), Concentrate(20), Aid(20), Rally(45), Hope(75) Squad Leader Skill: HP & EN Recovery +50% Name: Emma Sheen Skills: Shield Defense, Support Attack, Support Defense Seishin: Great Effort(15), Sure Hit(20), Snipe Attack(20), Hot Blood(45), Iron Wall(25), Flash(10) Squad Leader Skill: Evade Rate +10%, Critical Rate +10% Name: Katsu Kobayashi Skills: Newtype, Support Attack, Support Defense Seishin: Peserverance(20), Concentrate(15), Flash(10), Hot Blood(45), Accelerate(25), Resupply(55) Squad Leader Skill: Weapon Range +1 (Not including Map and Range 1 Weapons) Name: Four Murasame Skills: Enhanced Human, Sword Cut, Support Defense Seishin: Concentrate(15), Flash(10), Iron Wall(30), Hot Blood(45), Inspire(30), Love(90) Squad Leader Skill: Critical Rate during Supports +20% Name: Torres Skills: None Seishin: Surveillance(1), Trust(30), Aid(30), Lucky(45), Snipe Attack(30), Yell(45) Squad Leader Skill: None ------------------------------------------------ Gundam Double Zeta ------------------------------------------------ Name: Judou Ashita Skills: Newtype, Sword Cut, Shield Defense Seishin: Concentrate(15), Invincibility(10), Lucky(40), Hot Blood(35), Awaken(85), Soul(60) Squad Leader Skill: Credits +20% Name: Ru Roux Skills: Newtype, Sword Cut, Support Attack Seishin: Concentrate(15), Iron Wall(25), Flash(10), Hot Blood(40), Yell(40), Direct Attack(30) Squad Leader Skill: Accuracy Rate +10%, Damage -10% Name: Beecher Oleg Skills: Newtype, Support Attack, Support Defense Seishin: Accelerate(25), Lucky(40), Invincibility(20), Hot Blood(45), Iron Wall(20), Sure Hit(20) Squad Leader Skill: Credits +20%, Accuracy Rate +10% Name: Elle Bianno Skills: Newtype, Support Attack, Support Defense Seishin: Aid(25), Concentrate(20), Flash(10), Hot Blood(45), Bless(35), Exhaust(60) Squad Leader Skill: Experience +20%, Critical Rate +10% Name: Mondo Agake Skills: Newtype, Support Attack, Support Defense Seishin: Surveillance(1), Iorn Wall(30), Great Effort(25), Sure Hit(25), Accelerate(30), Resupply(55) Squad Leader Skill: Credits +20%, Evade Rate +10% Name: Iino Asbaaf Skills: Newtype, Support Attack, Support Defense Seishin:Concentrate(15), Peserverance(25), Iron Wall(30), Friendship(40), Flash(10), Rally(45) Squad Leader Skill: HP & EN Recovery +50% Name: Elpie Puru Skills: Newtype, Sword Cut, Support Defense Seishin: Concentrate(15), Flash(10), Bless(45), Hot Blood(40), Inspire(30), Awaken(95) Squad Leader Skill: Critical Rate +10% Name: Puru Two Skills: Enhanced Human, Sword Cut, Support Attack Seishin: Concentrate(15), Accelerate(25), Flash(10), Hot Blood(30), Inspire(30), Awaken(95) Squad Leader Skill: Critical Rate +10% Name: Hamaan Khan Skills: Newtype, Leadership, Potential, Sword Cut Seishin: Concentrate(10), Flash(10), Yell(30), Hot Blood(35), Direct Attack(20), Awaken(90) Squad Leader Skill: Squad Attack Power +40% ------------------------------------------------ Gundam: Char's Counterattack ------------------------------------------------ Name: Amuro Ray Skills: Newtype, Sword Cut, Shield Defense Seishin: Concentrate(10), Flash(10), Direct Attack(25), Hot Blood(40, Awaken(90), Soul(55) Squad Leader Skill: Evade Rate +10%, Critical Rate +10% Name: Bright Noah Skills: Leadership, Support Attack, E Save Seishin: Sure Hit(25), Great Peseverance(40), Accelerate(5), Iron Wall(30), Hot Blood(40), Direct Attack(30) Squad Leader Skill: Experience +20% Name: Keyla Sue Skills: Shield Defense, Support Attack, Support Defense Seishin: Sure Hit(20), Accelerate(25), Iron Wall(25), Concentrate(15), Hot Blood(40), Snipe Attack(30) Squad Leader Skill: Accuracy Rate +10% ------------------------------------------------ Gundam F91 ------------------------------------------------ Name: Bilgeet Biriyo Skills: Shield Defense, Suport Attack, Support Defense Seishin: Great Peserverance(30), Sure Hit(20), Friendship(50), Snipe Attack(30), Hot Blood(40), Hope(80) Squad Leader Skill: Accuracy Rate +10% Name: Annamarie Bridge Skills: Shield Defense, Support Attack, Support Defense Seishin: Concentrate(15), Iron Wall(25), Trust(30), Sure Hit(20), Hot Blood(45), Love(95) Squad Leader Skill: Evade Rate +10% Name: Dorel Rona Skills: Leadership, Sword Cut, Shield Defense, Support Attack Seishin: Accelerate(25), Great Effort(20), Concentrate(15), Flash(10), Hot Blood(35), Yell(30) Squad Leader Skill: Evade Rate +10% ------------------------------------------------ Crossbone Gundam ------------------------------------------------ Name: Kinkedou Nau Skills: Newtype, Shield Defense, Sword Cut, Strong Luck Seishin: Concentrate(15), Flash(10), Accelerate(25), Yell(35), Hot Blood(35), Soul(55) Squad Leader Skill: Accuracy Rate +10%, Critical Rate +10% Name: Bella Rona Skills: Newtype, Support Attack, Leadership, SP Recovery Seishin: Accelerate(5), Concentrate(15), Iron Wall(15), Hot Blood(40), Inspire(35), Love(80) Squad Leader Skill: Credits +20% Name: Tobia Anorax Skills: Newtype, Support Attack, Shield Defense Seishin: Concentrate(20), Sure Hit(20), Invincibility(15), Yell(40), Hot Blood(35), Soul(60) Squad Leader Skill: Experience +20%, Evade Rate +10% Name: Umon Samon Skills: Newtype, Support Attack, Support Defense Seishin: Great Peserverance(35), Concentrate(15), Iron Wall(30), Hot Blood(35), Lucky(30), Exhaust(40) Squad Leader Skill: Weapon EN usage -20% Name: Harrison Skills: Leadership, Shield Defense, Support Attack Seishin: Peserverance(20), Concentrate(15), Invincibility(15), Yell(35), Hot Blood(40), Direct Attack(30) Squad Leader Skill: Squad Movement Range +1 ------------------------------------------------ Gundam Wing ------------------------------------------------ Name: Heero Yuy Skills: Potential, Sword Cut, Strong Luck Seishin: Concentrate(15), Flash(10), Sure Hit(25), Hot Blood(40), Direct Attack(30), Soul(60) Squad Leader Skill: Accuracy Rate +10%, Evade Rate +10% Name: Duo Maxwell Skills: Sword Cut, Support Attack, Counter Seishin: Peserverance(10), Concentrate(15), Accelerate(25), Hot Blood(35), Flash(10), Yell(30) Squad Leader Skill: Critical Rate +20% Name: Trowa Barton Skills: Support Attack, Support Defense, SP Up Seishin: Iron Wall(15), Snipe Attack(20), Sure Hit(20), Hot Blood(45), Direct AAttack(30), Confusion(60) Squad Leader Skill: Weapon Range +1 (Not including MAP or range 1 weapons) Name: Quatre Raberba Winner Skills: Support Defense, Sword Cut, SP Recovery Seishin: Surveillance(1), Bless(45), Concentrate(15), Friendship(40), Hot Blood(45), Rally(45) Squad Leader Skill: Support Defense damage -10% Name: Chang Wufei Skills: Sword Cut, Supoprt Attack, Potential Seishin: Accelerate(25), Sure Hit(15), Invincibility(15), Hot Blood(35), Direct Attack(30), Vigor(60) Squad Leader Skill: Counterattack Power +20% Name: Zechs Marquise Skills: Sword Cut, Shield Defense, Support Attack, Support Defense, E Save Seishin: Mercy(1), Concentrate(15), Flash(10), Lucky(40), Hot Blood(40), Soul(60) Squad Leader Skill: Accuracy Rate +10%, Evade Rate +10% Name: Lucrecia Noin Skills: Support Attack, Support Defense, Assisted Attack Seishin: Trust(30), Accelerate(25), Concentrate(15), Direct Attack(50), Love(85), Rally(45) Squad Leader Skill: Experience +20% ------------------------------------------------ Daitarn 3 ------------------------------------------------ Name: Haran Banjou Skills: Potential, Sword Cut, Shield Defense Seishin: Accelerate(15), Sure Hit(20), Yell(40), Hot Blood(40), Flash(10), Soul(75) Squad Leader Skill: Attack Power against Meganoids +40% Name: Commander Kidogar Skills: Potential, High Spirits, Support Attack, Sword Cut, Abandon Seishin: Great Perseverance(20), Great Effort(10), Sure Hit(20), Invincibility(10), Hot Blood(40), Friendship(60) Squad Leader Skill: Accuracy Rate +20%, Critical Rate +20% ------------------------------------------------ Mazinger Z ------------------------------------------------ Name: Kabuto Kouji Skills: Potential, Sword Cut, Morale+(Damage) Seishin: Sure Hit(20), Great Peserverance(25), Iron Wall(20), Hot Blood(35), Accelerate(25), Flash(10) Squad Leader Skill: Damage -20% Name: Yumi Sayaka Skills: Support Attack, Support Defense, Assisted Attack Seishin: Bless(40), Trust(25), Flash(15), Sure Hit(20), Hot Blood(40), Rally(45) Squad Leader Skill: HP & EN Recovery +50% ------------------------------------------------ Great Mazinger ------------------------------------------------ Name: Boz Skills: Potential, Support Attack, Support Defense Seishin: Great Peserverance(35), Friendship(55), Invincibility(15), Iron Wall(30), Hot Blood(35), Vigor(70) Squad Leader Skill: Experience +20%, Credits +20% Name: Suke Skills: None Seishin: Trust(30), Aid(30), Flash(5), Sure Hit(10), Great Effort(10), Exhaust(10) Squad Leader Skill: None Name: Mucha Skills: None Seishin: Surveillance(1), Peserverance(20), Accelerate(5), Hot Blood(30), Lucky(20), Rally(30) Squad Leader Skill: None Name: Tsurugi Tetsuya Skills: Potential, Sword Cut, Counter Seishin: Sure Hit(15), Iron Wall(25), Great Effort(20), Invincibility(15), Hot Blood(35), Vigor(60) Squad Leader Skill: Attack Power against Mikene Empire +20% Name: Honou Jun Skills: Potential, Support Attack, Support Defense Seishin: Aid(25), Trust(25), Sure Hit(20), Flash(10), Hot Blood(40), Hope(75) Squad Leader Skill: Experience +20%, Accuracy Rate +10% ------------------------------------------------ Getter Robo ------------------------------------------------ Name: Nagare Ryouma Skills: Potential, Morale+(Accuracy), Abandon Seishin: Sure Hit(15), Invincibility(10), Great Effort(20), Hot Blood(35), Yell(40), Awaken(100) Squad Leader Skill: All Squad Members get A rating in Air Name: Jin Hayato Skills: Potential, Counter, Sword Cut Seishin: Flash(15), Accelerate(25), Lucky(40), Concentrate(20), Mercy(10), Direct Attack(30) Squad Leader Skill: All Squad Members get A rating on Land Name: Kuruma Benkei Skills: Potential, Support Attack, Morale+(Damage) Seishin: Great Peserverance(20), Yell(40), Flash(20), Sure Hit(20), Hot Blood(40), Friendship(60) Squad Leader Skill: All Squad Members get A rating in Underwater Name: Tomoe Musashi Skills: Potential, Support Attack, Morale+(Damage) Seishin: Great Persereverance(25), Invincibility(15), Great Effort(15), Sure Hit(20), Hot Blood(35), Force(70) Squad Leader Skill: Attack Power against Kyoryuu Empire +20% Name: Saotome Michiru Skills: Support Attack, Support Defense, SP Recovery Seishin: Accelerate(25), Concentrate(20), Trust(30), Bless(45), Hot Blood(40), Rally(45) Squad Leader Skill: HP & EN Recovery +50% Name: Captain Radora Skills: Potential, Support Defense, Support Attack, Assisted Attack Seishin: Accelerate(20), Great Perseverance(30), Sure Hit(20), Invincibility(20), Hot Blood(40), Vigor(70) Squad Leader Skill: Attack Power +20% ------------------------------------------------ Kotetsu Jeeg ------------------------------------------------ Name: Kotetsu Jeeg Skills: Potential, Counter, Strong Luck Seishin: Concentrate(15), Sure Hit(20), Accelerate(25), Hot Blood(35), Invincibility(15), Direct Attack(25) Squad Leader Skill: Attack Power against Yamada Kingdom +20% Name: Utsuki Miwa Skills: Support Attack, Support Defense, SP Up Seishin: Concentrate(20), Trust(25), Aid(25), Flash(15), Hot Blood(40), Hope(80) Squad Leader Skill: HP & EN Recovery +50% Name: Takeru Skills: Potential, Sword Cut, Suppport Attack, Abandon Seishin: Perseverance(20), Invincibility(20), Sure Hit(30), Trust(30), Hot Blood(40), Love(90) Squad Leader Skill: Counterattack Power +20% ------------------------------------------------ Combattler V ------------------------------------------------ Name: Aoi Hyouma Skills: Potential, Sword Cut, Morale+(Accuracy) Seishin: Yell(50), Peserverance(20), Sure Hit(25), Hot Blood(35), Friendship(60), Awaken(100) Squad Leader Skill: Beam Weapon Damage -20% Name: Naniwa Juuzo Skills: None Seishin: Sure Hit(20), Snipe Attack(20), Mercy(5), Accelerate(25), Hot Blood(45), Flash(15) Squad Leader Skill: None Name: Nishikawa Daisaku Skills: None Seishin: Great Peserverance(40), Iron Wall(30), Great Effort(20), Friendship(60), Trust(30), Rally(50) Squad Leader Skill: None Name: Nanbara Chizuru Skills: None Seishin: Accelerate(25), Flash(15), Lucky(40), Concentrate(20), Hot Blood(50), Resupply(70) Squad Leader Skill: NOne Name: Kita Kosaku Skills: None Seishin:Surveillance(1), Great Effort(20), Trust(30), Flash(10), Confusion(70), Direct Attack(30) Squad Leader Skill: None ------------------------------------------------ Voltes V ------------------------------------------------ Name: Gou Kenichi Skills: Potential, Sword Cut, Morale+(Damage) Seishin: Sure Hit(20), Snipe Attack(20), Yell(50), Hot Blood(35), Flash(10), Friendship(60) Squad Leader Skill: Beam Weapon Damage -20% Name: Mine Ippei Skills: None Seishin: Accelerate(25), Mercy(10), Sure Hit(25), Hot Blood(45), Flash(15), Direct Attack(30) Squad Leader Skill: None Name: Gou Daijirou Skills: None Seishin: Great Peserverance(40), Great Effort(20), Iron Wall(30), Invincibility(20), Hot Blood(45), Rally(70) Squad Leader Skill: None Name: Gou Hiyoshi Skills: None Seishin: Flash(15), Peserverance(25), Trust(30), Concentrate(20), Friendship(60), Resupply(70) Squad Leader Skill: None Name: Oka Megumi Skills: None Seishin: Surveillance(1), Lucky(40), Aid(20), Sure Hit(20), Confusion(65), Awaken(100) Squad Leader Skill: None Name: Prince Hainel Skills: Potential, Sword Cut, Support Attack, Extra Attack, Assisted Attack, Morale+(Accuracy) Seishin: Accelerate(15), Great Perseverance(30), Sure Hit(20), Invinciblity(10), Hot Blood(40), Love(80) Squad Leader Skill: Accuracy Rate +30% ------------------------------------------------ Daimos ------------------------------------------------ Name: Ryuzaki Kazuya Skills: Potential, Sword Cut, Counter Seishin: Sure Hit(15), Yell(35), Invincibility(15), Hot Blood(35), Direct Attack(25), Love(80) Squad Leader Skill: Sword Cut Activation Chance +20% Name: Yuutsuki Kyoshiro Skills: Support Attack, Support Defense, Abandon Seishin: Accelerate(25), Surveillance(1), Sure Hit(25), Friendship(60), Hot Blood(45), Snipe Attack(30) Squad Leader Skill: Accuracy Rate +10%, Evade Rate +10% Name: Izumi Nana Skills: None Seishin: Trust(20), Aid(30), Concentrate(20), Bless(50), Iron Wall(25), Rally(45) Squad Leader Skill: None Name: Admiral Richter Skills: Support Defense, Potential, Shield Defense, E Save, Morale+(Damage), Counter Seishin: Great Perseverance(30), Invincibility(15), Sure Hit(20), Yell(40), Hot Blood(40), Direct Attack(20) Squad Leader Skill: Attack Power +20% ------------------------------------------------ Goshogun ------------------------------------------------ Name: Hojo Shingo Skills: Potential, Sword Cut, Morale+(Accuracy) Seishin: Sure Hit(20), Great Peserverance(40), Yell(45), Hot Blood(40), Flash(10), Awaken(100) Squad Leader Skill: Weapon Range +1 (Not including MAP or range 1 weapons) Name: Killey Gagley Skills: None Seishin: Invincibility(20), Accelerate(25), Snipe Attack(35), Sure Hit(20), Direct Attack(25), Flash(15) Squad Leader Skill: None Name: Remi Shimada Skills: None Seishin: Lucky(40), Concentrate(15), Iron Wall(30), Hot Blood(45), Yell(50), Exhaust(35) Squad Leader Skill: None Name: Sabaras Skills: Leadership, Suppport Attack, Extra Attack Seishin: Surveillance(1), Flash(10), Confusion(70), Resupply(60), Trust(20), Yell(40) Squad Leader Skill: None Name: Leonard Medich Bundol Skills: Leadership, Support Attack, Extra Attack, Potential, Morale+(Accuracy), E Save Seishin: Surveillance(1), Sure Hit(10), Mercy(5), Bless(20), Direct Attack(20), Soul(50) Squad Leader Skill: Attack Power against Male Pilots +20%, Attack Power against Female Pilots -20% Name: Sugney Kuttnel Skills: Leadership, Support Attack, Extra Attack, Potential, High Spirits, E Save Seishin: Perseverance(20), Invincibility(20), Accelerate(20), Hot Blood(40), Sure Hit(20), Force(70) Squad Leader Skill: Counterattack Power +20% Name: Yatar La Kelknuckle Skills: Leadership, Potential, Support Attack, Counter, Morale+(Damage), High Spirits Seishin: Great Peseverance(30), Accelerate(20), Iron Wall(30), Sure Hit(20), Yell(40), Hot Blood(35) Squad Leader Skill: Attack Power +20%, Damage -10% ------------------------------------------------ Gaiking ------------------------------------------------ Name: Tsuwabuki Sanshiro Skills: Potential, Counter, Supernatural Seishin: Sure Hit(20), Great Peserverance(35), Invincibility(15), Snipe Attack(30), Hot Blood(35), Vigor(70) Squad Leader Skill: Accuracy Rate +20% Name: Pete Richardson Skills: Poteential, Support Attack, Supernatural Seishin: Sure Hit(20), Peserverance(40), Iron Wall(30), Yell(40), Hot Blood(40), Snipe Attack(30) Squad Leader Skill: Damage -10% Name: Fujiyama Midori Skills: None Seishin: Surveillance(1), Trust(30), Aid(30), Bless(50), Accelerate(5), Awaken(100) Squad Leader Skill: None Name: Fan Lee Skills: Supernatural, Support Attack, Counter Seishin: Concentrate(15), Trust(25), Accelerate(25), Friendship(45), Sure Hit(20), Hope(80) Squad Leader Skill: All Squad Members get A rating in Air Name: Yamagatake Skills: Potential, Support Attack, Supernatural Seishin: Great Peserverance(30), Iron Wall(20), Hot Blood(40), Sure Hit(20), Accelerate(25), Rally(45) Squad Leader Skill: All Squad Members get A rating on Land Name: Hayami Funda Skills: Potential, Support Defense, Supernatural Seishin: Peserverance(20), Aid(25), Concentrate(20), Accelerate(25), Sure Hit(20), Confusion(70) Squad Leader Skill: All Squad Members get A rating underwater ------------------------------------------------ GaoGaiGar ------------------------------------------------ Name: Shishiou Guy Skills: Brave Hero, Potential, Morale+(Accuracy) Seishin: Sure Hit(20), Invincibility(10), Yell(35), Accelerate(25), Hot Blood(35), Direct Attack(25) Squad Leader Skill: Squad Movement Range +1 Name: Hyouryou Skills: Brave Hero, Potential, Support Defense Seishin: Concentrate(15), Flash(10), Sure Hit(25), Yell(45), Hot Blood(40), Resupply(55) Squad Leader Skill: Experience +20% Name: Enryou Skills: Brave Hero, Potential, Support Attack Seishin: Concentrate(15), Flash(10), Sure Hit(20), Yell(40), Hot Blood(35), Rally(45) Squad Leader Skill: Credits +20% Name: Choryujin Skills: Brave Hero, Potential Seishin: Sure Hit(25), Invincibility(15), Accelerate(25), Friendship(50), Hot Blood(35), Awaken(100) Squad Leader Skill: Experience +20%, Credits +20% Name: Volfogg/Big Volfogg Skills: Brave Hero, Support Attack, Assisted Attack Seishin: Surveillance(1), Concentrate(10), Accelerate(20), Confusion(45), Hot Blood(40), Flash(10) Squad Leader Skill: Squad Movement Range +1, Evade Rate +10% Name: Goldimarg Skills: Brave Hero, Potential, Morale+(Damage) Seishin: Great Peserverance(30), Iron Wall(10), Sure Hit(25), Snipe Attack(25), Hot Blood(35), Vigor(70) Squad Leader Skill: Melee Weapon Damage +20%, Damage -20% Name: Pizza Skills: Potential, Support Attack, Assisted Attack, Morale+(Accuracy), High Spirits Seishin: Accelerate(10), Sure Hit(20), Hot Blood(40), Friendship(60), Direct Attack(60), Vigor(80) Squad Leader Skill: Evade Rate +30% ------------------------------------------------ Brain Powerd ------------------------------------------------ Name: Isami Yuu Skills: Antibody Reaction, Sword Cut, Morale+(Accuracy) Seishin: Concentrate(15), Flash(10), Yell(40), Hot Blood(35), Sure Hit(15), Soul(55) Squad Leader Skill: Evade Rate +10% Name: Utsumiya Hime Skills: Antibody Reaction, Sword Cut, Morale+(Evade) Seishin: Concentrate(15), Aid(25), Bless(40), Hot Blood(40), Rally(40), Love(75) Squad Leader Skill: Support Defense Damage -20% Name: Kanan Gimos Skills: Antibody Reaction, Sword Cut, Support Defense Seishin: Concentrate(15), Iron Wall(30), Great Effort(30), Snipe Attack(30), Hot Blood(45), Love(80) Squad Leader Skill: Support Attack Power +20% Name: Lasse Lunberk Skills: Antibody Reaction, Sword Cut, Assisted Attack Seishin: Accelerate(30), Concentrate(15), Great Peserverance(30), Direct Attack(35), Hot Blood(45), Love(80) Squad Leader Skill: Weapon EN Usage -20% Name: Nanga Silverley Skills: Antibody Reaction, Sword Cut, Support Defense Seishin: Iron Wall(25), Concentrate(15), Trust(30), Hot Blood(45), Yell(40), Resupply(55) Squad Leader Skill: Weapon Range +1 (Not including MAP and range 1 weapons) Name: Higgins Sas Skills: Antibody Reaction, Sword Cut, Assisted Attack Seishin: Accelerate(30), Concentrate(115), Invincibility(20), Yell(35), Hot Blood(40), Love(80) Squad Leader Skill: Support Attack Power +20% Name: Jonathan Grein Skills: Antibody Reaction, High Spirits, Morale+(Accuracy), Support Attack, Assisted Attack, E Save Seishin: Concentrate(10), Flash(10), Perseverance(20), Confusion(70), Direct Attack(50), Soul(60) Squad Leader Skill: Accuracy Rate +20%, Evade Rate +20% Name: Quincy Issa Skills: Antibody Reaction, Morale+(Evade), Sword Cut, Support Attack, Assisted Attack, Abandon Seishin: Accelerate(20), Flash(10), Great Effort(20), Concentrate(15), Direct Attack(25), Love(70) Squad Leader Skill: Counterattack Power +20% Name: Shira Glass Skills: Antibody Reaction, High Spirits, Morale+(Damage), Support Attack, Support Defense, Guard Seishin: Accelerate(20), Sure Hit(20), Invincibility(20), Hot Blood(35), Resupply(55), Friendship(60) Squad Leader Skill: Evade Rate +20% ------------------------------------------------ Banpresto Originals ------------------------------------------------ Note that all main characters' seishins are given assuming you use the default birthday and bloodtype combinations. Name: Zengar Zonbolt Skills: Potential, Sword Cut, Counter Seishin: Sure Hit(20), Yell(40), Flash(10), Accelerate(25), Hot Blood(25), Direct Attack(30) Squad Leader Skill: Melee Weapon Damage +20% Name: Kusuha Mizuha Skills: Psychic Energy, Potential, Support Attack Seishin: Sure Hit(20), Great Effort(20), Invincibility(15), Yell(40), Hot Blood(40), Awaken(100) Squad Leader Skill: HP & EN Recovery +50% Name: Brooklyn Luckfield (Bullet) Skills: Psychic Energy, Potential, Support Attack, Counter Seishin: Sure Hit(20), Yell(35), Great Effort(20), Accelerate(25), Hot Blood(35), Direct Attack(30) Squad Leader Skill: Movement Range +1, Accuracy Rate +10% Name: Arad Balanga Skills: Support Attack, Support Defense, Strong Luck Seishin: Concentrate(15), Flash(10), Snipe Attack(30), Hot Blood(40), Accelerate(25), Soul(60) Squad Leader Skill: Experience +20%, Gold +20% Name: Zeora Schuvitzer Skills: Support Attack, Support Defense, Extra Attack, Assisted Attack Seishin: Concentrate(15), Accelerate(25), Flash(10), Hot Blood(35), Bless(40), Soul(60) Squad Leader Skill: Weapon Range +1 (Not including MAP and range 1 weapons) Name: Ivis Douglas Skills: Support Attack, Counter, Support Defense Seishin: Concentrate(15), Flash(10), Accelerate(25), Hot Blood(40), Direct Attack(30), Soul(60) Squad Leader Skill: Evade Rate +5% before mission 31; Squad Movement Range +1, Evade Rate +10% after mission 31 Name: Tsugumi Takakura Skills: None Seishin: Surveillance(1), Trust(30), Aid(40), Friendship(50), Rally(60), Hope(90) Squad Leader Skill: None Name: Suray Flesti Skills: High Spirits, Morale+(Damage), Guard, Abandon Seishin: Accelerate(25), Sure Hit(20), Flash(10), Snipe Attack(30), Hot Blood(40), Direct Attack(50) Squad Leader Skill: Counterattack Power +20% Name: Retsuel Fainshmegar Skills: Sword Cut, Support Attack, Support Defense, Assisted Attack Seishin: Concentrate(15), Accelerate(15), Sure Hit(15), Flash(10), Hot Blood(40), Direct Attack(20) Squad Leader Skill: Squad Movement Range +1 Name: Viletta Badem Skills: Psychic Energy, Support Attack, Support Defense, Assisted Attack Seishin: Concentrate(15), Flash(10), Accelerate(20), Sure Hit(20), Hot Blood(40), Bless(35) Squad Leader Skill: Experience +20%, Critical Rate +10% =============================== 10)Robot Skill List =============================== In here, you'll find a list of every robot skill in the game, and what they do. You can access this menu in the game either by choosing the third-last option in the intermission menu, then pressing R1 to go to the third section, or by going to the second option after pressing Circle on an empty square in battle, then pressing R1 to go to the third section. If you do it in battle though, you will only see the Robot Skills of those you have deployed in that battle, whereas doing so in the Intermission allows you to see the Robot Skills of all the pilots in your roster. The skills will be arranged as they are shown in the aforementioned menu. ------------------------------------------------ Beam Coat ------------------------------------------------ Decreases Beam Damage by 700. If activated (i.e if the opponent uses a Beam weapon), uses 5 EN. ------------------------------------------------ I-Field ------------------------------------------------ Decreases Beam Damage by 850. If activated, uses 10 EN. ------------------------------------------------ I-Field Delta ------------------------------------------------ Decreases Beam Damage by 900. If activated, uses 10 EN. ------------------------------------------------ I-Field X3 ------------------------------------------------ Decreases Beam Damage by 900. If activated, uses 10 EN. ------------------------------------------------ Protect Shade ------------------------------------------------ All damage below 1600 is nullified. Uses 5 EN, and requires 100 Morale to activate. Also affects the whole Squad, so works excellently against ALL attacks. ------------------------------------------------ Chakra Shield ------------------------------------------------ Decreases all types of damage by 700. Uses 5 EN, and requires 100 Morale to activate. Also affects the whole Squad, and is somewhat better than most other types of shielding if the damage is high, although if so, absorbing 700 is a little small considering. ^^; ------------------------------------------------ Psychic Field ------------------------------------------------ All damage below 1300 is nullified. Uses 5 EN, and requires 100 morale to activate. Unique to the Dragoner Machine and Dragon-Tiger Lord, who doesn't really need it that much since it can dodge pretty well anyway. ^^; It only affects the Dragoner Machine or Dragon Tiger Lord though, and not the members of the squad its in. ------------------------------------------------ Neza Barrier ------------------------------------------------ All damage below 1300 is nullified. Uses 5 EN, and requires 100 Morale to activate. However, this does NOT affect the whole squad of the unit, so be forewarned. ------------------------------------------------ G Territory ------------------------------------------------ All damage below 1500 is nullified. Uses 5 EN, and affects the whole squad. Basically a slightly weaker version of Protect Shade. ------------------------------------------------ Protect Wall ------------------------------------------------ All damage below 1800 is nullified. Uses 5 EN, requires 100 morale to activate, and affects the whole squad. Basically an improved version of Protect Shade, and similarly as good. ------------------------------------------------ Shield Attachment ------------------------------------------------ If Defending attacks, take 40% damage instead of the normal 60%. Also, allows the Shield Defense pilot skill to be used. ------------------------------------------------ Sword Attachment ------------------------------------------------ Allows the Sword Cut pilot skill to be used. ------------------------------------------------ Resupply Unit ------------------------------------------------ Resupplies any unit in the Resupplying unit's Squad, or any unit in Squads directly adjacent to the Resupplying unit's Squad. Resupplying a unit will recover all its EN and weapon ammo, but decrease the pilot's morale by 10. More useful however, is the Resupply Unit's ability to regain 10% EN of all members of the Squad its in at the beginning of every turn, meaning that putting a Resupply unit will give the Squad Leader permanent EN regeneration on top of whatever EN regeneration skills it has. Extremely useful for EN-eating robots, and generally excellent everywhere else. ------------------------------------------------ Repair Unit ------------------------------------------------ Repairs all units in the Reparing unit's Squad, or all units in Squads directly adjance to the Repairing unit's Squad. The Repair Unit also allows a Squad to regain 10% HP at the beginning of every turn. Not as useful as the Resupply Unit in my opinion, but still worthy to put on Super Robot Squads who get hit often. ------------------------------------------------ Split Image/Afterimage (Buushin) ------------------------------------------------ When Morale reaches 130, if the enemy attack would successfully hit, there will be a 50% chance that the robot uses this ability to dodge the attack completely. Unsurprisingly very useful on pretty much anything, although it'll see most use on Super Robots. ------------------------------------------------ HP Regeneration (Small~Big) ------------------------------------------------ At the beginning of every turn, regain a certain percentage of HP. If the amount is Small, the percentage is 10%; if the amount is Medium, the percentage is 20%, and if the amount is Big, the percentage is 30%. More useful for Supers than for Reals again, although Reals might like it to allow it to regain HP it might lose from lucky attacks without having to stop and heal it directly. ------------------------------------------------ Mazin Power ------------------------------------------------ When Morale reaches 130, all attack damage is mulitiplied 1.25x. This is more or less the entire reason to use Mazingers regularly; the damage boost usually lets you perform the highest-damage attacks in the game, and the damage boost helps in taking out the smaller fry in lesser hits too. ------------------------------------------------ Zero System ------------------------------------------------ When Morale reaches 140, Accuracy and Evade are increased by 20, while Melee, Shooting, Defense and Skill are increased by 10. There's no real need to wax lyrical over how good this skill is; it's plain and simple to see, and makes the Wing Zero Custom one of the most dangerous Robots in the game. ------------------------------------------------ Vital Jump ------------------------------------------------ If the unit is the Squad Leader and has reached 120 morale, it "teleports" when moving rather than physically moving to grid squares. This has the advantage of being able to move through rough terrain much easier, or completely bypassing obstacles or enemies in your path. Additionally, you lose no EN from moving while performing a Vital Jump. Similar to the Boson Jump abilities of the Nadesico robots in Super Robot Wars Impact, and just as useful here. ------------------------------------------------ Transform ------------------------------------------------ Allows the unit to Transform, whether it be to a Mobile Armour, or to a nearly entirely different robot altogether. =============================== 11)Squad System =============================== The Squad System is the new system in place for every new SRW game, but it's definitely anything but obligatory, and may drastically change the way you play and strategize. The Squad System now allows you to bring in several more units than ever, forces you to think about how best to attack an enemy squad, heavily emphasizes the use of support seishin, and generally makes SRW Alpha 2 a far more strategical game than its predecessors. In this section, I will go into great detail into the Squad System, and how to use it effectively. ------------------------------------------------ Making a Squad ------------------------------------------------ First off, every unit is worth a certain number of "points"; anywhere between ½ a point, such as the Gulver FX II or Ready Command, and 3 points, the titanic Daitarn 3. Squads are made up of either 4 units or 5 points, whichever is more restrictive. This means that it's extremely hard to put Daitarn 3 in a 4-member squad, while squads whose total points is less than 4 is usually a waste. The number of points a unit holds is shown as a 5-bar gauge, with the amount of points the unit is worth shown by the amount of bars highlighted. During the first few stages, it's highly unlikely that you'll have enough units to make several squads, but in the later stages, you'll have them coming out of your ears. To make squads, go to the 4th from top option in the intermission menu to go to the Squad Management screen. You will then see several 4-square grids signifying Squads; some may have units already in them, some may have none. Units in the first square(the lower-right one) are designated as the Squad Leader. Squads with "EV" next to them are Event Squads; they are needed for the next mission, and cannot be modified. Other 4-square grids can be chopped and changed at your will. To do so, press Circle on any 4-square grid; the squad will then be shown close-up, and you use another menu to manage the squad. The first option in this menu is to place units into the squad, chosen from a different list which you see often when you check your unit's status. The second option is used to remove units from a squad. The third option is to re-arrange the members of the squad; this is mostly used to designate a new leader for the squad, while the order of the other three doesn't matter (although the second (lower-left) unit is the only one who has a battle quote besides the squad leader). The 4th option allows you to rename the squad to whatever you like, to give it a personal touch, and the final option allows you to undo any changes you made to the squad. ------------------------------------------------ Squad Specifics ------------------------------------------------ Now you've finally made your own squad, but there may be certain variables that are easy to overlook. The two most important are: Squad Movement Range: The movement range of the squad is calculated by taking the average movement range of all the members of the squad, then the value is _rounded down_. This means that a squad with, say, 3 units who have a movement range of 8, and 1 unit who has a movement range of 7, will still move only 7 squares thanks to that 1 unit. Try to ensure movement efficiency by equipping Boosters, Mega Boosters and Apogee Motors if a squad is only one or two unit movement ranges away from increasing the entire squad's movement range. Squad Terrain: Calculating the terrain rating of a squad is simple; if there's even one single unit who cannot fly, then the squad is a ground unit, plain and simple. That isn't really a huge problem by itself; land-bound squads can still be very useful. However, the trouble starts when you have units who are supposed to be only able to Fly, forced onto ground by land-bound units. When this happens, you get a heavy movement penalty, which really hurts the squad in general. To check whether this problem inflicts any squad of yours, check the first bar of the bottom half of the squad menu; it details the squad name, squad movement range, squad terrain rating and squad cost. If none of the Japanese Kanji that make up the terrain ratings are highlighted, then it's time to make some modifications. Additionally, even if you have all units that are capable of moving on land, they'll still suffer heavy movement penalties when traversing through rough terrain; however, if they have even just one unit who is capable of both flight and land travel, then all movement penalties from rough terrain are nulled. This obviously doesn't apply to rough terrain in space maps, though. Items that help you adjust to these effects are the Minovsky Craft and Drive, the Dust Adapter and the Screw Module. All squads function perfectly in Space terrain. ------------------------------------------------ Squads In Battle: Attack Methods ------------------------------------------------ So now that you've made several squads ready to kick ass, how DO they kick ass anyway? Here's where you can find the details of how squads work in the thick of battles. First, you'll notice that when using squads, and when you actually attack an enemy, you usually have at least two, or sometimes three choices; these are in order, Supported Attack, Squadron Attack and Direct Attack. Supported Attack: To perform this attack, a squad whose squad leader has the Support Attack skill must be adjacent to the squad actually performing an attack. If you've played the previous versions of SRW games, you will know how the Support system works; after you launch your own attack, the support attacker will come in and launch his own attack. Similar restrictions also apply; the supporter must have a weapon that has enough range to hit the targetted enemy, and the supporter must be able to access the same terrain of the main attacker; a little quirk about that is that it takes only the terrain ratings of the supporting squad's leader, so a land-bound squad can support a flying squad as long as the supporting squad leader is capable of flight. When hitting a squad with a Supported Attack, you can only target the Squad Leader; if the enemy squad has Support Defense, then the main attacker's weapon will hit the support defender, while the supporting attack will hit the leader directly. Combination attacks can also use the Supported Attack method. Squadron Attack: This attack uses all your squad members who have a PLA, or Platoon attack. When you use this type of attack, the entire squad will attack, your squad members using the PLA attacks and your squad leader using whatever attack you chose. The platoon attacks are similarly restricted in terms of range; you can't have a point-blank attack with a platoon Beam Rifle that's 2-4 squares, so only the point-blank attack will hit. The squad member(s)'s attacks will also do 40% damage of what they normally do, unless they have the Assisted Attack pilot skill, which ups that to 60%. Squadron attacks can only be performed on squad leaders; support defenders will eat the platoon attacks, while the main attack will hit the opposing squad leader directly no matter what. Finally, Squad Leaders get a 20% increase to hit rates when you perform a Squadron attack; very useful for Super robots. Direct Attack: This attack uses only your Squad Leader to attack, but to make up for that, the attack can be directed at any member of the opposing squad, as opposed to only the squad leader. Damage is normal, but this type of attack is weak to squads with a generous amount of Support Defense. It is mostly used in missions where you have to leave the squad leader alive, or for when you want to attack squad members directly to deprive the squad leaders of their support defenders. Also the main method of attack for single-unit squads. ------------------------------------------------ Squads In Battle: ALL and MAP weapons ------------------------------------------------ Finally, a quick note about two types of weapons: ALL weapons, which are signified by an ALL mark on the weapons page, attack the entire enemy squad and ignores support defenses. You can only perform a Direct Attack when you choose an ALL weapon, and the attack will do 100% damage if there is one member in the enemy squadron, and progressively less damage for every extra enemy squad member; not less enough to prevent it from being economically effective in dealing with enemy squads, though. If your squad gets targeted with an ALL attack, the AI will then choose the method of defense for your squad members depending on their evade rates, and you are free to choose whether to counter or defend for the squad leader. However, if you are COUNTERED by an ALL attack, your squad members will not dodge or defend at all, so be careful about that situation. Lastly, MAP weapons are similar to the MAP weapons of old, with one crucial difference; the MAP weapon now hits -all- members of all squads in its area effect, without any damage penalties. This makes MAP weapons -excellent- for clearing out masses of enemy squads. =============================== 12)Walkthrough =============================== The format of the walkthrough is as follows: ------------------------------------------------ Mission number, and character or route name ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads: The squads that are event squads for the mission, as well as the amount of squads and battleships you can deploy. The name on the left is the default name of the squad, while the names on the right are the units that make up the squad, with the first name the leader. This name scheme is kept for the next three sections as well. Reinforcement Squads: The reinforcement squads that will appear for your side, and under what conditions they do appear. Starting Enemy Squads: The enemy squads that you will face in the mission. Enemy Reinforcement Squads: The enemy reinforcement squads that will appear, and the conditions on which they appear. AP Condition: The condition to receive the AP. Successfully getting APs will give all pilots on the map 5 extra PP, and will shift the difficulty towards the Hard spectrum. Notes: The strategies and general thoughts that I suggest you employ during the mission. For the walkthrough, the first 19 missions are different for each character, but after that, almost all the missions are the same; thus I will cover the first 29 scenarios for each character in order, then combine them all for the rest of the walkthrough, splitting up into character-related paths for the rest of the protagonist-specific stages, 31 and 37. ********************************* Zengar Route ********************************* Zengar's a pure bruiser, as evidenced by his stats, with an obvious focus on melee attacking; his Squad Leader skill is the epitome of this, which increases Melee attack damage by 20%. His first unit, the Grungast Sanshiki, is a fairly versatile one, with a nice range 4 P attack, an ALL attack and a nice, meaty finisher; it's only problem is its lack of range, and a bad Platoon attack. The Daizengar, on the other hand, is all about power, power and more power. Every one of its attacks are Melee-based and based off the Zankantou, and is one of the biggest damage dealers in the game. However, it loses its ALL attack, which is a rather big blow to its versatility. Zengar also has a very vanilla seishin set, with all the typical offensive and defensive seishin. Grungast Sanshiki cannot fly, by Daizengar can, so you should give him an S terrain rating in Air even if he can't use it yet. Otherwise, I'd suggest Guard, E Save and a morale-boosting skill for him (Evade if you plan to use him in a G Territory or Protect Shade squad, or Damage otherwise). Support Attack is also a good choice, since the more times he gets to attack per round, the far better, and SP Recovery is always good. Don't bother increasing his natural skills, since they all reach Level 9. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 1 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Zengar -- Grungast Sanishiki Reinforcement Squads 1 turn after Kukuru retreats: Daikuu Maryuu -- Daikuu Maryuu Sanshiro -- Gaiking Fan Lee -- Skylar Yamagatake -- Pasolar Funda -- Nezar Deployable Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads Haniwa Genjin 1 -- Rucon Haniwa Genjin 2 -- Garuga Kukuru -- Ma Garuga (Retreats after Haniwa Genjin 1 and Haniwa Genjin 2 are destroyed) Reinforcement Enemy Squads After Kukuru retreats: Superhuman General -- Almighty Fortress Mikross (Retreats turn after your reinforcements appear) Mikene 1 -- Gogura[Dual Sensor] Mikene 2 -- Gogura Mikene 3 & 4 -- Glacios AP Condition: Clear the map within 6 turns inclusive. Notes: Not too hard a first stage, and will be a good time to get acquainted with the fact that most of the enemies can take down your Supers in 4-5 hits, and your Reals in 2. >_< Regardless, Zengar starts with 120 morale at the start of the stage, which makes it even easier. The AP condition isn't too hard; attack the Rucon with Drill Boost Knuckle, which should kill if it hits critical. If it doesn't, then kill on the second turn, and counter the Garuga with Drill Boost Knuckle, and kill it on turn 2. After this, watch the kick-arse scenes, at which point the Mikene enemies show up. The Mikross will retreat before you can even hit it, so don't worry about it; have the Daikuu Maryuu squad take care of the two enemies closest to them, while Zengar can probably handle the other two by himself. From now on in the walkthrough, when I say "within x turns", it means that amount of turns inclusive. I'm just too lazy to keep on writing that constantly. ^^; ------------------------------------------------ Mission 2 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Tetsuya -- Great Mazinger Jun -- Venus A Boz -- Boz Borot Reinforcement Squads On Turn 2: Daikuu Maryuu -- Daikuu Maryuu 2 Squads After Kukuru Appears: Zengar -- Grungast Sanshiki Starting Enemy Squads Evil Spirits General -- Almighty Fortress Mikross (Retreats after Kukuru and Zengar appear) Mikene 1 -- Psycho Bear Mikene 2 to 5 -- Skull Reinforcement Enemy Squads After Mikene 1 to 5 are defeated: Kukuru -- Ma Garuga (Retreats below 4000(?) HP) Haniwa 1 & 3 -- Rucon[Magnetic Coating] Haniwa 2 & 4 -- Garuga AP Condition: Clear the map within 6 turns. Notes: I'm not covering the first part of the stage in the stats above, but just here. You start with Tetsuya in a interesting scenario, where he gets attacked by Kouji, Jun and Boz. Mazinger Z has 55,000 HP, so don't even bother trying to dent him; it's entirely possible to kill the other two who have around 4000 HP, but it's actually a losing condition to do so. Simply run away from them for three turns. On turn 4, Tetsuya will snap out of the illusion made by the Psycho Bear, and Jun and Boz will join up. Too bad Boz is nearly useless here, since all the starting enemies are airborne...^^; On turn 2, the Daikuu Maryuu squad shows up, a bit far away from the action; send them to the southeast corner instead, in anticipation for more enemies. Those enemies won't appear until you defeat all the enemy grunts though, and Tetsuya generally can do it by himself. Throw him into the mess of Skulls with Iron Wall slapped on, and he should be able to wipe them all out within 2 turns thanks to his Squad Leader Skill. The Psycho Bear is a slightly tougher prospect, but three good hits from Tetsuya should take him out as well. Once you do so and Hadias retreats, you have more pathetic Haniwa enemies to deal with. Since Kukuru retreats at such a low HP level, it might be possible to defeat her outright with a Sanshiki Zankantou supported by Daikuu Maryuu's Dragon Cutter, but setting that up would probably cost you the AP. In terms of the AP, the time limit isn't as depressing as it looks; the turn count is reset after you get out of the illusion sequence, so you have 6 turns to deal with the enemies, not 3. ^^; ------------------------------------------------ Mission 3 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Miwa -- Big Shooter Reinforcement Squads On Turn 2: Wild Base Squadron -- Kotetsu Jeeg, Big Shooter On turn after Kukuru appears: Zengar -- Grungast Sanshiki Daikuu Maryuu -- Daikuu Maryuu 4 Squads Starting Enemy Squads Yamada Kingdom 1 -- Rucon Yamada Kingdom 2 -- Guraga Reinforcement Enemy Squads After initial enemies are destroyed: Ikima -- Yamada no Orochi[Chobham Armour] Kukuru -- Ma Garuga Yamada Kingdom 3 to 5 -- Rucon Yamada Kingdom 6 to 8 -- Guraga AP Condition: Prevent the Yamada No Orochi from attacking the base. Notes: More Haniwa enemies, and Jeeg makes his first appearance. There may look like a lot of them, and Jeeg tends to suffer from a 40% evade rate on most grunt enemies, where two good hits can take him out, again. Use Concentrate for the first few turns to help him survive. until your dudes arrive and get their metallic butts to where Jeeg is; they start at the western area. In terms of the AP, fortunately Ikima won't make a STRAIGHT dash for the Wild Base; he still prioritizes attacking your dudes over it, so send Jeeg over to the south part to distract him while you clean up the rest of the small fry. Don't forget to cast Aid on whoever defeats him. Note that once you defeat Kukuru, Zengar's unit will become unusable, so try to save that for as late as possible. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 4 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Hyouma -- Combattler V Reinforcement Squads On Turn 3: Kazuya -- Daimos, Garuda FX II On Turn 4: Daikuu Maryuu -- Daikuu Maryuu 4 Squads Zengar -- Grungast Sanshiki Starting Enemy Squads Bird General -- Almighty Fortress Mikross[Booster] Mikene 1 to 3 -- Toruken Mikene 4 to 10 -- Ovelius Reinforcement Enemy Squads: None AP Condition: Defeat the Mikross, which retreats below 5000 HP. End of Stage: 2 Repair Kits, 2 Propellant Tanks, 2 Cartridges Notes: At first, it's Combattler VS a whole mess of Mikenes; I don't suggest taking them all on yet, although doing so now may give you a slight advantage; instead, just hang around the Daimohick, or even better, the western area of the map and let the enemies come to you. Daimos appears on Turn 3; if you had Combattler pound the enemies around a bit, he'll benefit from a Great Peserverance immediately after. At this point, its probably a prudent idea to retreat Combattler to the two aforementioned areas, since Combattler still can be nuked in 4-5 hits. Move Daimos to wherever Combattler is as well. Your own dudes show up on turn 4, again at the western area. Either move them to the Daimohick, or stand your ground, depending on where Daimos and Combattler are. For the AP, your best bet is either Daimos's Reppuu Sekken Zuki or Combattler's Chodenji Spin, supported by Daikuu Maryuu's Dragon Cutter. I'd suggest Combattler's, since its easier to get the morale up for him as the enemies seem to prioritize attacking him over others, and Chizuru has the Lucky seishin. Don't forget the Aid or Great Effort either. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 5 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Zengar -- Grungast Sanshiki Reinforcement Squads On Turn 2: Kouji -- Mazinger Z Sayaka -- Diana A Ryouma -- Black Getter On Turn 4: Miwa -- Big Shooter Hiroshi -- Kotetsu Jeeg Starting Enemy Squads Radora -- Sieg(Retreats on turn 4) Kyoryuu Empire 1 -- Bird Kyoryuu Empire 2 -- Zai Kyoryuu Empire 3 -- Zuu Kyoryuu Empire 4 -- Saki Kyoryuu Empire 5 -- Giro Kyoryuu Empire 6 & 7 -- Kyoryuu Jet Unit(2) Kyoryuu Empire 8 to 10 -- Kyoryuu Jet Unit Reinforcement Enemy Squads On turn 4: Zanki -- Zen 2 2x (Kyoryuu Empire -- Bird, Kyoryuu Jet Unit(2)) AP Condition: Defeat all other enemies before defeating Sanki. Notes: At first, it's one-man army Zengar against a whole bunch of Kyoryuus. The odds may look bleak, but unsurprisingly, reinforcements come in the shape of the good ol' Mazingers and Getters. I'd suggest rushing Getter towards Radora as fast as possible; you need Radora to initiate a battle with him if you want to convince him later. On turn 4, an event occurs where Radora blows up the barrier holding the lava from the town. At this point, you have to keep 4 units in the 4 highlighted squares by the time the Enemy Phase comes around, or its game over. Fortunately, Jeeg and Miwa come in to help; you can put any 4 there, whichever you feel are the least helpful in combat. For me, it was the Black Getter and Sanshiki which got clean-up duty. The AP is easy enough. Once again, Bless and Aid on whoever kills Zanki. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 6 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Daikuu Maryuu -- Daikuu Maryuu 6 Squads Reinforcement Squads On Turn 2: Kouji & Sayaka -- Mazinger Z, Diana A Ryouma -- Black Getter Jeeg & Miwa -- Kotetsu Jeeg, Big Shooter Zengar -- Grungast Sanshiki Starting Enemy Squads Yurishiza -- Almighty Fortress Mikross Mikene 1 & 2 -- Gogura Mikene 3 & 4 -- Glacios Mikene 5 & 6 -- Toruken Mikene 7 & 8 -- Ovelius Mikene 9 -- Psycho Bear[Chobham Armour] Mikene 10 & 11 -- Skull Reinforcement Enemy Squads On turn 3: Commander of the Dark -- Commander of the Dark(Retreats on Turn 6) 3x (Mikene Empire -- Gogura) AP Condition: Defeat all other enemies before defeating Yurishiza. Notes: A relatively standard scenario; you finally have a decent amount of units to use. Send most of your units to the east to deal with the threat there, and when your reinforcements arrive just south of the Big Falcon, Send them west to deal with those enemies. On turn 3, the Comannder of the Dark appears with a few more standard Mikenes. Unfortunately, the great general is far from standard himself; he weighs in at a whopping 130,000 HP, and considering the AP condition, things may look fairly bleak. Thank goodness for you though, he retreats on turn 6. The AP is easy enough. Just make sure you don't accidentally kill off Yurishiza before the Dark Commander retreats, like I did. ^^: ------------------------------------------------ Mission 7 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Good Thunder -- Good Thunder Shingo -- Goshogun Reinforcement Squads On Turn 3: Daikuu Maryuu -- Daikuu Maryuu 10 Squads Starting Enemy Squads Kelknuckle -- Kelknuckle Ship[Booster] Dokuga 1 to 6 -- Debiza, Impactor(2) Dokuga 9 & 10 -- Impactor(3) Dokuga 11 to 14 -- Impactor(2) Reinforcement Enemy Squads On turn 3.5: Kuttnel -- Kuttnel Ship[Kuttnelizer], Impactor(2) Dokuga 15 & 16 -- Debiza, Impactor(2) Dokuga 17 to 19 -- Impactor(3) AP Condition: Clear the map within 7 turns. Notes: As you can see from the enemy list, the amount of stuff you'll have to bring down is impressive. Fortunately enough, most of them are weak little 1400 HP Impactor ships, which die in pretty much any ALL attack, and luckily enough, both the Good Thunder and Goshogun posess them. They should be able to take care of the riffraff that surround them from the get-go until your own dudes arrive. When they do, I suggest sending two or three fast-moving Squads to the Good Thunder crew, since they'll likely meet Kuttnel on the way. The rest of your squads should intercept the enemies moving from the east; don't forget that all enemies will prioritize the Good Thunder over your dudes, so don't expect them to rush you like every other enemy. The AP can be a little hard, mainly because Kelknuckle doesn't move from his spot until turn 5. If you have several flying units, its entirely possible to take the battle to him before he starts moving; if not, you'll have to plan carefully to lure him to the shore, and take him down on turn 7. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 8 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Hime -- Hime Brain Reinforcement Squads On Turn 2: Daikuu Maryuu -- Daikuu Maryuu Miwa -- Big Shooter Zengar -- Grungast Sanshiki On Turn 3: Jeeg & Miwa -- Kotetsu Jeeg, Big Shooter Starting Enemy Squads Yuu -- Gran Cher Kanan -- Gran Cher(Retreats below 1000 HP) Reinforcement Enemy Squads On Turn 2: Jonathan -- Gran Cher(3)[Dual Sensor] Shira -- Gran Cher(3)[Magnetic Coating] Reclaimer 1 to 12 -- Gran Cher(2) AP Condition: Defeat all enemies within 8 turns inclusive. Notes: Your first meeting with Brain Powerd enemies, and the first time where you will probably have to make dedicated use of the Sure Hit and Concentrate seishin. Them Gran Chers can get devillishly hard to hit, especially non-generic Reclaimers. Anyway. At first, it's just Hime with her Brain alone. You can't actually attack Yuu or Kanan even if you wanted to, so just head northwards in anticipation of the Daikuu Maryuu. On turn 3, a waifish little girl will wail for help near the western corner. Hiroshi tries to save her after some prodding from your dudes, but ends up needing Zengar to save his ass anyway. At this point, you get Jeeg, who Miwa joins up with, as well as the Sanshiki on the western point of the map. This allows you to perform a pincer attack of sorts on the masses of Gran Chers. The main problem on this stage would be Jonathan, who has dodging rates on par with most Aura Battler bosses. Yuu and Kanan aren't nearly as much of a problem, and can be blown up at your leisure since they start closer. I'd suggest a few ALL attacks to get rid of the supporting Gran Chers (even if the attack won't hit Jonathan), then a nice big finisher to do the job. Don't forget about the Chakra Shield though, which pretty much neutralizes any sort of Squad Attack. All the units will eventually start rushing you, thankfully; remember that most of them have extremely long range weapons though. The large amount of enemies mean that the AP is relatively difficult, but as long as you make good use of your Seishin and ALL attacks, it should be fine. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 9 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Guy -- GaiGar Reinforcement Squads On Turn 2: Brain Powered Squadron -- Nanga Brain, Lasse Brain, Hime Brain When EI-02 is defeated: Good Thunder -- Good Thunder G Thunder Team -- Goshogun Daikuu Maryuu -- Daikuu Maryuu 12 Squads Starting Enemy Squads Zondar -- EI-02 Reinforcement Enemy Squads Bundol Ship -- Bundol Ship, Impactor(2) Dokuga 1 to 4 -- Debiza, Impactor(2) Dokuga 5 to 12 -- Impactor(2) AP Condition: Defeat Bundol. Retreats below 7000 HP. Notes: Introduction of GaoGaiGar, and the Zondar enemies. The first turn is GaiGar VS Zondar, and just form looking at the stats, it'll be pretty obvious that its a battle you can't quite win yet. I suggest having Gai cast Invincibility, then trying his best to dodge whatever the Zondar throws at him. The Brain Squadron shows up on turn 2, and start at 120 morale; have them mosey towards the Zondar, but don't bother damaging it too much; the Zondar will use Great Peserverance if you knock its HP low, so don't have your BP dudes waste -too- much EN on it. On Turn 3, you can finally reduce the Zondar's HP to 0, after a sweet FMV. Do so, and watch the fireworks. After the show, the ever-fruity Bundol makes an appearance, as do your dudes; he's brought more Tokuga enemies with him, which shouldn't really be a problem by now. The AP, however, might. 7000 HP will be a lot if you haven't been upgrading properly, or haven't gotten Support Attack for your SR pilots. If you have Support Attack for Kazuya, a good finisher supported by Daimos Kick should do the job, but if you don't, well, good luck. ^^; ------------------------------------------------ Mission 10 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Daikuu Maryuu -- Daikuu Maryuu 12 squads Reinforcement Squads On Turn 3: Mother Vanguard -- Mother Vanguard Space Pirates 1 -- Crossbone Gundam X1, Zond Ger Space Pirates 2 -- Crossbone Gundam X2, Dagi Irus Starting Enemy Squads Shire -- Samus Gilly[Apogee Motor], Zond Ger(2) Dorel -- Belga Dalas[Apogee Motor], Belga Giros(2) Samus Gilly 1 to 3 -- Samus Gilly CB 1 & 2 -- Belga Giros, Zond Ger(2) CB 3 & 4 -- Belga Dalas, Zond Ger(2) CB 5 -- Dagi Irus, Zond Ger(2) CB 6 & 7 -- Tenan Zon(2) CB 8 & 9 -- Elbad, Badara(2) CB 10 & 11 -- Bez Badara(2) CB 12 to 14 -- Badara(2) Reinforcement Enemy Squads: None AP Condition: Clear the map in 6 turns. Notes: Besides the Gran Chers, this will be your first encounter with Real enemies, and fortunately enough, they don't dodge nearly as well as the Gran Chers. They can still be a pain though, given their numbers. Once again, good use of ALL attacks is the order of the day. A couple of "hidden" faces show up to help you on turn 3, but they're easily recognizable (that is, if you at least know the series list. ^^;). They'll be the first Real robots you can control, and can (obviously) dodge far better than your Supers. The AP may seem slightly hard given the large amount of enemies, but all you really need to do to clear the map is to defeat either Dorel or Shire; all the other enemies will retreat after you do so, clearing the map. Consequently, you can only kill one of the two, and not both; if you have the time, Shire's battleship obviously rakes in more cash. Both ways, you should destroy as much as possible before you land the final shot, of course. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 11 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Daikuu Maryuu -- Daikuu Maryuu Kazuya -- Daimos 12 Squads Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads Richter -- Garunroll[Hybrid Armour] Barubas -- Dali, Spinzar(2) Desmond -- Grodector(Retreats on turn 2) Dankel -- Grodector(Retreats on turn 2) Belgan -- Skullrook[Booster], Boazan Fighter Ship(2) Balm Army 1 & 2 -- Dali, Spinzar Balm Army 3 to 5 -- Spinzar(2) Dark Horror Army Corps 1 & 2 -- Black Monster, Red Balom(2) Boazan Army 1 -- Desla, Boazan Fighter Ship(2) Boazan Army 2 -- Ocosenia, Boazan Fighter Ship(2) Boazan Army 3 & 4 -- Boazan Fighter Ship(2) Reinforcement Enemy Squads: None AP Condition: Clear all enemies within 7 turns. Notes: A familiar Daimos scenario to anyone who's played the earlier SRWs. Surprisingly, the starting forces may look big in number, but eventually thin out and most of them are weak in HP. It'll be entirely possible to finish this within 4 or 5 turns, if not for that one Dark Horror enemy who seems to go in no direction whatsoever...but I digress. On turn 3 (or was it 4?), the order goes out that your dudes have to evacuate Small Balm within 4 turns. Immediately after, Kazuya finds an unconcious woman on the ground near the center of the map; no guesses as to who it is. The AP is easy, as already previously mentioned. Just make sure those Dark Horror monsters don't run away too far from your sight. At the end of the stage, you receive 1 Propellant Tank, 1 Repair Kit and 1 Cartridge. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 12 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Mother Vanguard -- Mother Vanguard Space Pirates 1 -- Crossbone Gundam X1, Zond Ger Space Pirates 2 -- Crossbone Gundam X2, Dagi Irus Daikuu Maryuu -- Daikuu Maryuu 12 Squads Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads Jupiter Satellite -- Thousand Jupiter Jupiter Empire 1 -- Elbad[Magnetic Coating], Bez Badara(2) Jupiter Empire 2 & 3 -- Elbad, Bez Badara(2) Jupiter Empire 4 to 6 -- Bez Badara(2) Jupiter Empire 7 -- Bez Badara, Elbad(2) Jupiter Empire 8 & 9 -- Bez Badara, Badara(2) Jupiter Empire 10 to 15 -- Badara(2) Reinforcement Enemy Squads: None AP Condition: Fufill the winning conditions within 6 turns. Notes: You get to see your previous helpers from 2 scenarios back unmasked; it's Seabook and Cecily, or Kinkedou and Bella as they're now known. They then radio their help for your mission; to reduce the Thousand Jupiter to below 7000 HP. It's unlikely that you'd have the firepower to outright kill it, but anyway, it's a standard scenario with more Crossbone enemies to mash up, although the earlier story events between Tobia and Kinkedou spice things up a bit. The AP is easy enough as long as you rush the satellite. It starts with 30,000 HP, so you'll have to whittle it down slowly. Don't forget to kill as much as you can besides it, ------------------------------------------------ Mission 13 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Daikuu Maryuu -- Daikuu Maryuu Mother Vanguard -- Mother Vanguard 13 Squads Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads Richter -- Garunroll[Anti-Beam Coating], Spinzar(2) Raiza -- Garunroll(Retreats on turn 2) Barubas -- Dari, Spinzar(2) Balm Army 1 & 2 -- Dari, Spinzar(2) Belgan -- Skullrook, Boazan Fighter Ship(2) Boazan Army 1 -- Desla, Boazan Fighter Ship(2) Boazan Army 2 -- Ocosenia, Boazan Fighter Ship(2) Boazan Army 3 to 5 -- Boazan Fighter Ship(2) Black Horror Group 1 to 3 -- Black Monster Reinforcement Enemy Squads: None AP Condition: Defeat the Skullrook, which retreats below 6000 HP. Notes: Another face-off with Balm and Boazan enemies, and their numbers are again relatively small. You've done the routine before; just follow the standard squad tactics to win easily. On turn 2, Erika makes off with a Gulver FX II, but gets caught by Raiza and disappears anyway. Kazuya does move a bit towards the South and gets out of position because of that event, so don't rely on him too much. Surprisingly enough though, he doesn't lose any morale. This AP should be easier than Scenario 9's, especially since you've had more time to do some upgrading in terms of weapons and skills. Hopefully at least one of your Super pilots has Support Attack by now, which will make it easy. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 14 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Tobia -- Zond Ger Daikuu Maryuu -- Daikuu Maryuu Mother Vanguard -- Mother Vanguard 12 Squads Reinforcement Squads When 3 or less enemy squads are left: Albion -- Albion Kou & Keith -- Gundam Stamen, GM Cannon II Burning & Monsha -- GM Custom(2) Beid & Adel -- GM Custom, GM Cannon II Starting Enemy Squads Zabine -- Crossbone Gundam X2 Samus Gilly -- Samus Gilly, Elbad(2) Death Gale Squadron -- Kuabase [Multi Sensor], Arpeggio, Totouga Jupiter Empire 1 & 2 -- Elbad, Bez Badara(2) Jupiter Empire 3 & 4 -- Bez Badara(2) Jupiter Empire 5 & 6 -- Bez Badara, Badara(2) Jupiter Empire 7 to 9 -- Badara(2) Reinforcement Enemy Squads When 3 or less enemy squads are left: Rezun -- Gira Douga[Thruster Module], Gira Douga(2) Neo Jion 1 -- Gira Douga, Gelgoog M(2) Neo Jion 2 -- Gelgoog M, Rick Dom(2) Neo Jion 3 to 5 -- Zaku II F2 Production Type(?)(2) AP Condition: Defeat the Crossbone Gundam X2. Notes: More Crossbone enemies to mash up, but more importantly, Zabine defects with the X2, AND you meet the Death Gale Squadron, who are about as hard a boss squad as you'll come across. Not to mention you're in bad terrain which both limits your movement, and gives the enemies nice defense bonuses. First things first though, and the AP isn't hard if you've been upgrading or had the sense of mind to check where your squads will be placed before sortying. Put your two best squads, preferably with Acecelerate, at the two positions nearest to Zabine, and move them out and hit Zabine with your best, Sure Hit-aided attacks (as far as Morale allows, anyway...). If you can't finish him by turn 1, turn 2 should be a certainty. For added drama, have Tobia or Kinkedou off him. ^^; After showing the traitor who's boss, you have the little matter of several more mobile suits, a few battleships and the Death Gale Squadron to deal with. The first two aren't much of a problem, but the last, especially Gilly's Kuabase, are pretty much the most mobile units you've come across so far, AND the support defenses of the other two characters are highly annoying. You practically HAVE to use Seishin to defeat them; since the whole squad retreats once you kill Gilly, I suggest taking out the other, less mobile units first by attacking them directly, then spending your Sure Hits and Flashes or Invincibilities on Gilly. All that and I haven't even touched on the reinforcements. They appear to the south, where likely only the Mother Vanguard can lend any sort of support fire. Fortunately, the 0083 crew and their ALL attacks are more or less capable of handling themselves; just make sure to cast defensive Seishin like Iron Wall just in case. Rezun herself is a slightly tougher cookie, since she takes damage very well, but continuous barrages of attacks should wear her down. After the scenario, you'll receive GP-01 Full Vernier. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 15 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Gundam Team 1 -- ZZ Gundam Gundam Team 2 -- Hyaku Shiki, Gundam Mk II, Mega Rider Puru & Puru Two -- Qubeley Mk II(2) Duo & Wufei -- Gundam Deathscythe Hell Custom, Altron Gundam Custom Quatre & Trowa -- Gundam Sandrock Custom, Gundam Heavyarms Custom Tobia -- Crossbone Gundam X2/Zaku II F2 Production Type Reinforcement Squads: None On Turn 3: Heero -- Wing Gundam Zero Custom Starting Enemy Squads Jupiteris 9 -- Jupiteris 9 Samus Gilly 1 to 3 -- Samus Gilly Jupiter Empire 1 & 2 -- Elbad, Bez Badara(2) Jupiter Empire 3 & 4 -- Bez Badara(2) Jupiter Empire 5 to 7 -- Badara(2) CB 1 -- Belga Giros, Belga Dalas(2) CB 2 & 3 -- Belga Dalas, Zond Ger(2) CB 4 -- Dagi Irus, Tenan Zon(2) CB 5 -- Tenan Zon(2) CB 6 -- Zond Ger(2) Reinforcement Enemy Squads On Turn 1.5: Death Gale Squadron -- Kuabase, Arpeggio, Totouga On Turn 3: Zechs -- Tallgeese III Neo Jion 1 to 5 -- Gira Douga(3) AP Condition: Defeat the Death Gale Squadron within 5 turns. Notes: Again, I'm not covering the first part of the mission in the stats up there, but down here instead. It's a colliseum battle between Rosemary in the X2 and the rather outmatched Tobia in a Zaku II F2 Production Type. It's more or less a story event though; the first two turns, you have a very low hit percentage, and should just concentrate on dodging Rosemary's attacks. On the third turn though, the Wing boy's sabotage will take place, then Tobia will gain 30 morale and automatically have 100% hit and dodge rate on the X2. What's important here though, is lowering the X2 to critical health WITHOUT actually killing it. In my case, I was lucky enough that two Zaku Machine Gun attacks lowered her to double digit HP, but if your Tobia's better levelled, you might have problems. If that's the case, then try your very best to land a weak Heat Hawk during the first two turns, in order to try and force the X2 into critical HP with just one attack. If you don't feel bothered enough to do that though, don't worry; you'll still go to the second part regardless of whether you destroy the X2 or not, but if you destroy it, you lose the X2 forever, and it is quite a nifty little unit. Whatever happens, after Tobia escapes, the Wing and ZZ team make their appearances. From the enemy numbers and the lack of battleship reinforcements, you might be tempted to think the map is a lost cause; technically it is, since the goal is to either defeat all enemies, or reach the edge of the map (i.e run away), and the whole crew shows up on turn 6 to whisk your guys away from battle anyway. This basically means you have 5 turns to "kick" as much "ass" as possible; the truth being that the latter is more likely, as the enemies have rather good hit rate thanks to their 20% bonus from Squad Attacks, and your Gundams can only really take 1 or 2 hits before they blow; don't forget that it's a losing condition to let -any- unit die. As for the AP, you'll have a much harder time with the Death Gale Squadron now as opposed to the last time, not only because your resources are smaller, but mostly because only two of the pilots out there know Sure Hit; Tobia and Trowa. Abuse that, as well as their (or one, if you didn't get the X2...) ALL attacks, as much as possible in order to put some damage on the Death Gale Squadron, which should be chasing Tobia around the map anyway. Once you've destroyed the Arpeggio, go for the Totouga with direct, range 1 attacks to save yourself from counterattacks, then finally take out Gilly with whatever seishin and weapons you have left. Don't forget on every turn after turn 3 to use Concentrate for everyone, since it's far harder to survive the onslaught if you actually throw yourself within it...^^; ------------------------------------------------ Mission 16 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Ral Kairam -- Ral Kairam Keyla & Bilgeet -- Mass Produced Nu Gundam[I], Heavygun Emma & Katsu -- Super Gundam, Heavygun Reinforcement Squads On Turn 3: Albion -- Albion Daikuu Maryuu -- Daikuu Maryuu Mother Vanguard -- Mother Vanguard 12 Squads Starting Enemy Squads Reulura -- Reulura, Gira Douga(2) Mazaka 1 to 3 -- Masaka, Gira Douga(2) Gyunei -- Yact Douga, Gira Douga(2) Neo Jion Squadron 1 & 2 -- Gira Douga(3) Neo Jion Squadron 3 to 6 -- Gira Douga(2) Neo Jion Squadron 7 -- Gelgoog M Neo Jion Squadron 8 to 10 -- Rick Dom(3) Reinforcement Enemy Squads After AP condition is fufilled: Char -- Sazabi(Retreats on turn 8, or below 2/3rd HP) AP Condition: Decrease enemy squads to 4 or less by turn 7. Notes: At first, this scenario doesn't look too hard. The only halfway-troublesome unit would be Gyunei's, and even his falls to a few Sure-Hit attacks. The AP is easily gotten, and if it wasn't for the 90,000 HP that the Reolura possesses, it would probably be very much possible to clear everything out by turn 7. ...Except that once the number of enemies drop below 5, Char comes out to make up the numbers, and he's worth pretty much 10 enemy squads. He has an extremely dangerous Funnel Attack that can decimate any squadron in 2 hits, and has 99,000 HP. Fortunately, all you really need to "do" is to survive his onslaught until he retreats himself. If have visons of grandeur and Char's head on a platter in your mind though, you're trying a bit too early; Char will also retreat if you lower him to below 2/3rds HP, and I don't think anything even with full upgrades have the capability to do 66,000 HP damage in two hits. ^^; After the mission, you receive 1 Minovsky Craft, 2 Dust Adapters, 2 Screw Modules, 1 Propellant Tank, 1 Repair Kit, 1 Cartridge and 1 Mass Produced Gundam F91. Also, Amuro, Camille and Fa join your team (finally). ------------------------------------------------ Mission 17 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads: Getter Team -- Getter Rygar, Ready Command Reinforcement Squads On Turn 2: Enryou -- Enryou Hyouryou -- Hyouryou On Turn 4: 1 Battleship 12 Squads Guy -- GaoGaiGar After EI-07 is attacked, or on turn 5: Brave Hero Robo -- Choryuujin Starting Enemy Squads: Belgan -- Skullrook, Boazan Fighter Ship(2) Boazan Army 1 & 2 -- Desla, Boazan Fighter Ship(2) Boazan Army 3 & 4 -- Ocosenia, Boazan Fighter Ship(2) Boazan Army 5 to 8 -- Boazan Fighter Ship(2) Balm Army 1 & 2 -- Dari, Spinzar(2) Balm Army 3 to 5 -- Spinzar(2) Reinforcement Enemy Squads On Turn 2: 3x (Balm Army -- Spinzar) On Turn 4: EI-07 -- EI-07[Screw Module] AP Condition: Clear the map within 7 turns. Notes: Don't even TRY to take on the massive(well, to your puny Getter Squadron...) forces with just your two little units; you'll die -very- quickly, especially since you can't transform Getter Raigar, and are thus near-useless against air enemies. Retreat towards the southwest part of the stage, since that's where your dudes will show up (eventually). Before that though, the quarelling AI show up on turn 2 to deal with some naughty Spinzars playing around with the G Island City residents. They can easily handle the three Spinzars on their side of the map; I suggest moving them away from the action once you finish them off though, or other enemies might give their unwanted attention to the brothers. On turn 4, your dudes arrive, and it suddenly starts looking like a standard anti-Boazan/Balm scenario. Guy and the EI follow hot on their heels though; the former to the north of your arriving squads, and the latter a bit more to the northeast. The goal then changes to defeating the EI-07. To help facilitate that, Hyouryou and Enryou fuse into the Choryuujin a turn later and rushes over near the Zondar (assuming you didn't attack it before). For the AP you'd want to send the majority of your squad towards the Alliance, but send 2 or 3 Squads to weaken the Zondar too. You'll have to kill it with GaoGaiGar's Hell And Heaven ONLY; anything else means a Game Over. Of course, try and clear out all the alliance enemies, including Belgan himself, before then. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 18 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Daikuu Maryuu -- Daikuu Maryuu 1 Battleship Kazuya -- Daimos Hime -- Hime Brain 12 Squads Reinforcement Squads: On Turn 2: Yuu & Hime -- Yuu Brain, Hime Brain Starting Enemy Squads Shira -- Gran Cher(3) Kanan -- Gran Cher Reclaimer 1 -- Gran Cher(3) Reclaimer 2 to 6 -- Gran Cher(2) Reinforcement Enemy Squads After initial enemies are defeated: Jonathan -- Gran Cher[Organic Bit], Gran Cher(2) Edgar -- Gran Cher, Gran Cher(2) Reclaimer 7 -- Gran Cher(2) Reclaimer 8 to 12 -- Gran Cher After Jonathan is defeated: Raiza -- Garunroll[Bio Sensor] Halleck -- Dari[Hachimaki] Balm Army 1 & 2 -- Dally, Spinzar(2) Boazan Army 1 -- Ocosenia, Boazan Fighter Ship(2) Boazan Army 2 -- Desla, Boazan Fighter Ship(2) Dark Horror Army Corps 1 -- Black Monster Dark Horror Army Corps 2 -- Kabtongar Dark Horror Army Corps 3 -- Sasorinka AP Condition: Defeat Jonathan within 7 turns. Notes: It's back to those ever-annoying BP enemies, as Yuu tries to bargain using his info about Orphan. Your dudes start pretty far away from the starting Gran Chers, although Hime hurries over right from the start. Send your dudes after her; even the slow and non-flying ones, to prepare for reinforcements. On turn 2, Hime joins Yuu's squadron, and they start kicking ass with Chakra Extension. It now suddenly becomes much easier to fight off those Gran Chers, especially since Shira's squad will be hurting from the business end of a Chakra Extension; throw another one her way for the finishing touch. After you defeat all the initial enemies, more Gran Chers led by Jonathan appear at the southern edge of the map, which most of your squads should be around if you were moving towards the initial enemies. It's more typical anti-Real strategies; Jonathan and Ega are slightly harder, but they still shouldn't be that much of a problem, making the AP pretty easy. After you clear out the Gran Chers, it's time to change your battling strategy again, as the Balm-Boazan alliance performs its umpteenth attempt to kill your dudes. This time, there's an interesting rebel in Halleck, who challenges Kazuya to a duel; you can either accept or deny, but both ways, Kazuya and Halleck end up having their duel in the northwest corner of the map anyway. You should accept, as it'll unlock a secret later. As long as you make good use of Kazuya's seishins, it shouldn't be hard to destroy Halleck; one or two Reppu Sekken Zukis with a few normal hits, should be enough. If you do though, all the other Alliance squads will retreat, so it'll be preferable to destroy all of them first, and use Kazuya's Invincibility seishin to hold Halleck off meanwhile. When you do finish him off, enjoy the further double/triple/lost count crossings that ensue. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 19 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Zengar -- Grungast Sanshiki Jeeg -- Kotetsu Jeeg Miwa -- Big Shooter Reinforcement Squads After Takeru is reduced below 50% HP: 1 Battleship 12 Squads Starting Enemy Squads Takeru -- Takeru Kukuru -- Ma Garuga Reinforcement Enemy Squads After Takeru is reduced below 50% HP: Amaso -- Yamada no Orochi Yamada Kingdom 1 -- Girala, Rucon Yamada Kingdom 2 -- Girala, Garuga Yamada Kingdom 3 to 9 -- Rucon, Garuga Turn after player reinforcements arrive: Zanki -- Zen 2 Kyoryuu Empire 1 -- Bird(3) Kyoryuu Empire 2 & 3 -- Bird(2) Kyoryuu Empire 4 -- Zai(2) Kyoryuu Empire 5 -- Zuu(2) Kyoryuu Empire 6 -- Saki(2) Kyoryuu Empire 7 -- Giro(2) AP Condition: Clear the map within 8 turns. Notes: A fairly novel way to start a mission, with the game practically telling you to match up your available units with their respective enemies. It's not a bad idea to do so, although Jeeg might have slight problems dodging Takeru's attacks. Zengar though, should be able to make mincemeat of Kukuru, with the help of Flash and morale gained from your reinforcements' killings. Speaking of which, the main force should take on the main body of enemies; the Haniwas, and the Kyoryuus that appear shortly after. None of them are anything you haven't seen before, so rush in and apply standard squad tactics. Even the bosses are relatively easy to deal with, making the AP easy. Supposedly, if you destroy Takeru using ONLY Jeeg, you can get him in stage 22. I didn't, but that may be because I let Miwa attack him once to see whether it'd initiate any conversation. ^^; You may not be allowed to use Squad attacks either. Also, you will need to attack Zanki with Getter Dragon to convince Radora later. This ends the first 19 Zengar-specific missions. You can now proceed to the main route; to do so quickly, do a Ctrl+F for "@: Main Route". ********************************* Kusuha Route ********************************* Kusuha's the strongest link between this game and the first in the series, being one of the 4 possible choices of a female protagonist back in Alpha 1; the game assumes you chose her as your main character, with Brooklyn Luckfield (aka Bullet) as her significant other, on the Super Robot route. Kusuha has fairly standard super-robot stats; in other words, horrible compared to most pilots, but made up for by the Godliness of their unique units. Despite this, you may want to consider giving her Abandon as a skill, since both the Dragoner Machine and Dragon-Tiger Lord are fairly adept at dodging (for a Super Robot, anyway), and Kusuha could really use the +10 bonus to Accuracy. Other possibilities for slots include the ever-useful SP Recovery and SP Up, perhaps Extra Attack since for quite a bit of the start of the game, she'll be the main supporter, Guard a mainstay for most Supers, and perhaps Sword Cut since both of the units she pilots possesses a sword. Her seishin is a pretty standard set as well, save for the Awaken seishin; that's really better used for Support pilots though. You don't get Bullet till mission 31, but he's unsurprisingly significantly better that Kusuha in terms of stats; apparently all the main characters' partners/rivals follow that outline. ^^; He also pilots a unit that can dodge very well for a Super Robot, so Abandon is a very good choice for him. His last slot should be one of the usual mainstays; don't forget that the Tiger-Dragon Lord has a sword too. His seishin is a bit too similar to Kusuha's, but he does have a slightly cheaper Hot Blood. As for their respective units, Dragoner Machine is a decent Super Robot; it has less HP and Armour than your typical Super, but has decentish Mobility to somewhat make up for that. The weirdest part about the Dragoner Machine is that while its two P attacks are Melee based, its ALL attack is considered Shooting based, which can confuse people on which damage stat to upgrade for Kusuha. I definitely suggest increasing her Melee though, for the Dragon-Tiger Lord, which makes a return from Alpha 2; this time all 3 of its strongest attacks are Melee based, including its ALL attack. The main problem with the Dragon-Tiger Lord though is that Mountain Pressure only has 3 shots, and both its finishers require quite a bit of morale, so you have to rely on the Shooting based attacks at the start. Another problem is that besides Mountain Pressure, all its attacks takes up a surprisingly large amount of EN; you can fix this with an EN-Recovering item, or EN-Recovering squad members, or better yet both, since Kusuha's Squad Leader Skill greatly increases its effects. The Tiger-Dragon Lord has less of the Dragon-Tiger Lord's EN problems, and also manages to be a Super Robot who dodges regularly. It's main weakness is its lack of range, with its longest-range attack being 4 spaces, and also its weakest; I'd suggest sticking on a range-increasing item to help that out. All the Tiger-Dragon Lord's attacks are Melee based as well, so there's no problems on what to upgrade for Bullet there. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 1 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Guy -- Shishio Guy Volfogg -- Volfogg Reinforcement Squads On Turn 2: Kouji -- Mazinger Z Sayaka -- Diana A Boz -- Boz Borot Starting Enemy Squads Tiger Lord Machine -- Tiger Lord Machine(Retreats on turn 2) Reinforcement Enemy Squads On Turn 2: Badara -- Almighty Fortress Mikross[Chobham Armour] Mikene 1 to 3 -- Ovelius AP Condition: Defeat Badara within 6 turns. Notes: Not an easy mission to start with, but not an exceedingly hard one either. Despite the Tiger Lord Machine just being there, and won't counter or attack you, don't bother attacking him; instead, move Guy and Volfogg west to prepare for the Mikenes to come. When both sets of reinforcements arrive, have Mazinger Z move as close to the enemies as possible and use Rocket Punch to damage the nearest Ovelius; Volfogg will likely be in range of the Ovelius from the start, so have Guy kill it with support from Volfogg, then have Volfogg attack any of the other Oveliuses once. On the enemy turn, all of them should aim for Mazinger, counter the Oveliuses with more Rocket Punches, but likely you'll have to defend against Badara's attack. On the next turn, have Kouji cast Great Perseverance, and finish the weaker Ovelius, while Guy and Volfogg SHOULD be able to take the other one by themselves. After that, it's just Badara to deal with; 3 Breast Fires up his ass, with a little support from Guy and Volfogg, should finish him off. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 2 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Good Thunder -- Good Thunder Goshogun -- Goshogun Reinforcement Squads On Turn 2: Hyouma -- Combattler V On Turn 3: Kouji -- Mazinger Z Sayaka -- Diana A Boz -- Boz Borot Kusuha -- Dragoner Machine Starting Enemy Squads Kelknuckle -- Kelknuckle Ship[Booster] Dokuga 1 -- Debiza[Kuttnelizer] Dokuga 2 & 3 -- Debiza Dokuga 4 to 9 -- Impactor Reinforcement Enemy Squads: None AP Condition: Defeat all other enemies before defeating Kelknuckle. Notes: The majority of the enemies are weak little Impactors, so don't be too frightened by the sheer number of them; Goshogun and the Good Thunder can easily handle them. Combattler shows up on turn 2, and the rest of your forces, along with your shiny new Dragoner Machine, shows up on turn 3 to make things even easier. Besides the Impactors, the Debizas are standard Super enemies who actually pack a fair bit of a punch, but the hardest enemy by far on this stage is Kelknuckle, who can really run up some major numbers on your units with his strong ram attack and Squad Leader Skill. Use whatever defensive seishin you have at this early point in the game and throw everything you have at him. After the mission, you receive 2 Propellant Tanks, 2 Cartridges and 2 Repair Kits. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 3 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Guy -- GaiGar Reinforcement Squads On Turn 2: 4 Squads After defeating the EI-02: Good Thunder -- Good Thunder G Thunder Team -- Goshogun Starting Enemy Squads Zondar -- EI-02 Reinforcement Enemy Squads After defeating the EI-02: Bundol -- Bundol Ship Dokuga 1 & 2 -- Dogap Dokuga 3 to 5 -- Impactor(2) Dokuga 6 to 8 -- Impactor AP Condition: Defeat Bundol, who retreats below 3000 HP. Notes: More GaoGaiGar goodness here, as you get GaiGar VS EI-02 at the start. As with the other main characters' routes, don't bother attacking the EI-02 much at the opening stages; you can't really do more than a couple of thousand HP damage to him anyway, and once you ping him too hard, he gains it all back. Instead, I'd suggest caasting Invincibility, moving Guy to one of the building squares to increase his defensive stats, and dodging everything the EI throws your way, until turn 3 comes along and Guy Final Fusions into GaoGaiGar. Although your forces show up on turn 2, they start all the way to the southeast, and likely won't be much of a help against the Zondar. Regardless, keep moving them westwards anyway. The fruit makes a much earlier appearance in this route than in others, and the AP condition is scaled down to make up for it. This time though, you already have a great supporter in the Dragoner Machine, so either Breast Fire, Chodenji Spin or Go Flasher with support will do the job easily. The rest are really just cannon fodder to gain morale; there aren't even any Debizas around. After the mission, you recive 1 Kenta's Pokecon and 1 Ova's Croquette. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 4 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Daikuu Maryuu -- Daikuu Maryuu Sanshiro -- Gaiking Bunda -- Nezar Yamagatake -- Bazolar Fan Lee -- Skylar Reinforcement Squads When 10 enemy units are defeated, or on turn 3: 5 Squads Starting Enemy Squads Dark Horror Army Corps 1 & 2 -- Black Monster[Dual Sensor], Red Balom(2) Dark Horror Army Corps 3 -- Black Monster Dark Horror Army Corps 4 -- Red Balom(3) Dark Horror Army Corps 5 to 7 -- Red Balom(2) Dark Horror Army Corps 8 to 10 -- Red Balom Reinforcement Enemy Squads When all initial enemies are defeated: ??? -- Tiger Lord Machine AP Condition: Defeat 10 or more enemy units by turn 2. Notes: The AP condition looks exceeedingly hard, considering you've only got 3 weak units and 2 slow units to kill 10 enemies within 2 turns, but Skylar will be your best friend here. The general strategy is to prioritize hitting the 3-unit and 2-unit squads on your turns, both because you can kill the 1-units squads easily on counters, and that it makes it easier on your units if the enemies don't get +20% hit bonuses, as your main three units in this stage will be ever-so-slightly low on vitality. Skylar will be the main counter unit due to its speed and mobility; have it hit the 3-unit squad on the first turn, then move to the furthest 2-units squad on the next turn. The Nezar and Bazolar should focus on cleaning up the mounds of stuff the Skylar leaves behind, and as long as you counter everything possible and be wary of the range of the Black Monsters, you should just about be able to swing the AP. Of course when your dudes arrive, the mission suddenly gets so much easier... assuming you haven't bogged every squad down into land, that is. ^^; With the increased firepower, you can now retreat your little animals back to safety and let the bigger boys do mop-up. ...And BOOM, there's Tiger Lord Machine. -_-; You have to lower it below 20,000 HP to make it retreat, and it instantly aims for Kusuha, so have her pre-cast Sure Hit if you can, since the Tiger Lord Machine has an insane movement range. Assuming you kept most of your force together, after the Tiger Lord Machine launches one attack on the Dragoner Machine, you can then focus all your Supers' Sure Hit attacks on the Tiger Lord Machine until it beats a hasty retreat. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 5 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Hime -- Hime Brain Reinforcement Squads On Turn 2: Daikuu Maryuu -- Daikuu Maryuu Kusuha -- Dragoner Machine Nanga & Lasse -- Nanga Brain, Lasse Brain 6 Squads Starting Enemy Squads Yuu -- Gran Cher Kanan -- Gran Cher Reinforcement Enemy Squads On Turn 2: Edgar -- Gran Cher[Magnetic Coating], Gran Cher(2) Reclaimer 1 & 2 -- Gran Cher(3) Reclaimer 3 & 4 -- Gran Cher(2) Reclaimer 5 to 9 -- Gran Cher AP Condition: Fufill the winning conditions within 5 turns. Notes: Your first encounter with the ever-annoying Gran Chers; I hope you've given all your squad leaders at least one squad member, to take advantage of the 20% hit bonus; you most definitely need it to get a decent hit percentage on the S-Size Gran Chers. Besides them, the most immediate concern is the AP, and fortunately enough that's pretty easy to get; you have 4 turns to get Kusuha to the designated spot, and the 6-square movement range of the Dragoner Machine allows you to get there within 3. Have the other squads run interference for her while she moseys her way over. Once Kusuha actually gets to the point, the girl still continues to freak, and then we get a newtype moment, and suddenly the girl decides that she's been waiting for Kusuha. ^^; At any rate, the winning conditions change, but you still get the AP; now you can focus on mashing up the rest of the Brains, which is no easy task with Edgar anyway; don't forget that his Chakra Shield protects his squad members as well, which takes a lot of the edge off ALL attacks. I'd instead suggest a direct assault with Sure Hits and squad attacks to ward off Support Defense(if he has them ^^;). ------------------------------------------------ Mission 6 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Daikuu Maryuu -- Daikuu Maryuu 8 Squads Reinforcement Squads On Turn 2.5: Hyouryou -- Hyouryou Enryou -- Enryou After Kuttnel retreats or is defeated: Guy -- GaoGaiGar After EI-07 is attacked: Brave Hero Robo -- Choryuujin Starting Enemy Squads Kuttnel -- Kuttnel Ship[Kuttnelizer], Dogap(2) Dokuga 1 & 2 -- Debiza, Dogap(2) Dokuga 3 & 4 -- Dogap, Impactor(2) Dokuga 5 -- Impactor(3) Reinforcement Enemy Squads On Turn 2.5: Dokuga 6 to 8 -- Impactor(2) After Kuttnel retreats or is defeated: EI-07 -- EI-07[Screw Module] AP Condition: Destroy Kuttnel, which retreats below 5000 HP. Notes: It's more Dokuga goons back for a thrashing, and this time its the tranquilizer-cocking Kuttnel out for your hide. Of course, it's never quite that easy, and the Impactors that appear and play havoc with G-Island City backs that ideal up. Fortunately enough, Hyouryou and Enryou appear to save the day, and pretty much any of their attacks can take out the Impactors (heck, a good shot from a civilian's pistol probably could...); you just might need to throw on a Concentrate or Sure Hit to make absolutely sure of hitting them. At the main force, the enemy units are surprisingly few in number; the bigger problem here may be garnering enough morale to unlock your best attacks to get the AP from Kuttnel. Again, a good finisher from any of the big three of Mazinger Z, Combattler V or Goshogun supported by Dragoner Machine should be sufficient in dealing upwards of 5000HP damage combined. And then an EI comes out to make more trouble, and of course Guy then appears, wounded and all, yet still with 150 morale (masochist...?). When you actually attack the EI-07, it's discovered that it's carrying a rather large gasoline load in essentially a kamikaze mission. This spurs the AI brothers to reach 100% Sync, and perform Symmetrical Docking into ChoRyuuJin. Unfortunately, he's way too far away to actually help you defeat the EI-07. ^^; Regardless, don't forget that it's a losing condition to defeat the EI-07 with anything BUT GaoGaiGar's Hell & Heaven attack, so make sure Guy lands the finishing blow. When he does, he removes the Zondar Core, and ChoRyuuJin contains the subsequent explosion with the Eraser Head, and all's well in G Island City...for now. ^^; ------------------------------------------------ Mission 7 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Hime -- Hime Brain Hyouryou & Enryou -- Hyouryou & Enryou Daikuu Maryuu -- Daikuu Maryuu 8 Squads Reinforcement Squads On Turn 1.5: Yuu & Hime -- Yuu Brain, Hime Brain Starting Enemy Squads Shira -- Gran Cher[Magnetic Coating], Gran Cher(2) Kanan -- Gran Cher[Dual Sensor] Reclaimer 1 -- Gran Cher(3) Reclaimer 2 & 3 -- Gran Cher(2) Reclaimer 4 -- Gran Cher Reinforcement Enemy Squads On Turn 4.5: Zanki -- Zen 1[Chobham Armour] Kyoryuu Empire 1 & 2 -- Kyoryuu Jet Unit After destroying all Gran Chers: Jonathan -- Gran Cher[Organic Bit], Gran Cher(2) Edgar -- Gran Cher[Booster], Gran Cher(2) Reclaimer 5 -- Gran Cher(2) Reclaimer 6 & 7 -- Gran Cher AP Condition: Defeat Jonathan within 9 turns. Notes: Make sure before this stage that your biggest hitters either have Accelerate, or have squad members that possess that Seishin; you have a LOT of ground to cover in this stage, which is already obvious from the very start; You have to practically move across the map just to get to the starting enemy Gran Chers, and Hime standing there and taking the attacks rather than letting the Gran Chers move towards the rest of the force doesn't help very much. Still, Hime's a good enough pilot to take care of herself and perform a few good hits while she's there, and she's soon aided by Yuu; you then have the ability to send some Chakra Extensions down that annoying Shira's throat. Of course, while all this is happening, you should be rushing the rest of your squads towards the rampaging pair, even if it looks futile. The Kyoryuu enemies that appear nicely decide to rush you, and are few in number anyway; Zanki himself isn't even that much of a threat for a non-generic character. Still, you should handle him quick, keeping in mind that you have to defeat all the Gran Chers to unlock the second set of Gran Chers and FINALLY see the AP condition. Now aren't you glad I had you rush all the way across the map? ^^; Even if you get there though, Jonathan is the best dodger you've encountered so far; Sure Hit is the order of the day here, both for him and for Edgar. You should try and kill as much as you can before you off Jonathan, but if you're a stickler for APs, rush him if you're hard-up on time. Everyone else retreats once he goes down. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 8 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Hayato -- Getter Rygar Michiru -- Ready Command Reinforcement Squads On Turn 2: Ryouma -- Black Getter On Turn 4: Daikuu Maryuu -- Daikuu Maryuu 8 Squads Starting Enemy Squads Zanki -- Zen 2[Solar Panel], Zuu, Saki Kyoryuu Empire 1 to 3 -- Zuu, Saki Kyoryuu Empire 4 & 5 -- Zuu, Zai Kyoryuu Empire 6 & 7 -- Zai, Saki Kyoryuu Empire 8 to 10 -- Saki Reinforcement Enemy Squads: None AP Condition: Defeat Zanki within 6 turns. Notes: Just looking at the starting enemies, and your starting units, the one word to follow is SURVIVAL. Even after Ryouma appears to back you up, you still can't transform Raigar, and you'll get surrounded rather quickly. Cast Flash, defend if the percentages and health don't look good, and cast Great Perseverance at the start of every turn. Ryouma should also be casting his cheap Invincibility every turn; have the Ready Command focus on healing Ryouma when needed. Fortunately, if Ryouma gets hit alot, then Bunshin will only take effect that much faster and start saving your hide. Survive for 4 turns and the calvary arrive. Assuming you're going for the AP, make sure your biggest hitters can fly, since you start in water terrain. You basically have to rush Zanki right as soon as your forces arrive, while holding off as best as you can with your two Getters; unless you're God, or possess a GameShark, or both, you're not going to be able to kill everything in this stage, so aim for Zanki to force all the other units to retreat; killing as much as you can before, of course. After the stage, you receive 1 Propellant Tank, 1 Cartridge and 1 Repair Kit. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 9 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Tetsuya -- Great Mazinger Jun -- Venus A Reinforcement Squads On Turn 2: Daikuu Maryuu -- Daikuu Maryuu 9 Squads Starting Enemy Squads Radora -- Sieg[Hybrid Armour] Kyoryuu Empire 1 to 3 -- Zuu, Saki Kyoryuu Empire 4 to 6 -- Saki, Zai Kyoryuu Empire 7 & 8 -- Bird Reinforcement Enemy Squads On Turn 1.5: Mimashi -- Yamada No Orochi[Magnetic Coating] Yamada Empire 1 to 4 -- Rucon, Garuga AP Condition: Force the Yamada No Orochi to retreat within 4 turns. It retreats below 7000 HP. Notes: Tetsuya and Jun can basically handle themselves pretty well at the start; you might want to have Tetsuya cast Iron Wall just in case, but its not really neccessarily to deal with the initial Birds that assault you. The Yamada Empire and your own dudes join in the fun on the next turn, and you get to see the AP condition. Unless you're on a repeat game, you likely can either go for the AP, or destroy the Yamada No Orochi, but not both; there isn't enough enemies to gain morale from for your final attacks within 4 turns. It's up to you whether to decide whether the AP or a Magnetic Coating is more helpful to your cause. Besides the addition of the Yamada Empire, it's a fairly standard mission against the Kyoryuus at first; have Ryouma defeat Captain Radora as a step to convincing him later. After you defeat all the enemies, you'll have to evacuate the Kyoryuu fortress; simply move all your units to the edge of the map to do so, and within 4 turns. Just make sure that any units with movement ranges less than 6, or units who suffer from bad terrain, are near the edges when you kill the last enemy. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 10 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Miwa -- Big Shooter Reinforcement Squads On Turn 2: Jeeg -- Kotetsu Jeeg, Big Shooter 1 turn after defeating initial enemies: Daikuu Maryuu -- Daikuu Maryuu Kusuha -- Dragoner Machine 10 Squads Starting Enemy Squads Yamada Empire 1 -- Rucon Yamada Empire 2 -- Garuga Reinforcement Enemy Squads After destroying the initial enemies: Ikima -- Yamada No Orochi[Learning Computer] Yamada Empire 3 to 5 -- Garuga, Rucon(2) Yamada Empire 6 to 10 -- Garuga, Rucon AP Condition: Destroy all other enemies before destroying the Yamada no Orochi. Notes: After the last mission's introduction of the Haniwa Genjins, you get an even ruder appearance here, as Kotetsu Jeeg makes his first showing, and you get two weak little Yamada Empire enemies to take down; Jeeg's no monster himself, but at least his Squad Leader Skill will help in taking them down. The enemies still geet a rather decent hit percentage on Jeeg, so you may have to cast Concentrate to let him survive. Reinforcements for both sides appear shortly after defeating the initial enemies; now would just about be a prudent time to retreat the overmatched Jeeg back a little to let your incoming forces cover for him, after which it becomes a by-now standard mash-everything mission, saving Ikima for last for the AP. Don't forget that getting the Wild Base blown up is still a losing condition though. ^^; After the mission, you receive 2 Thruster Modules, 1 Propellant Tank, 1 Cartridge, 1 Repair Kit and 1 OVA's Croquette. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 11 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Daikuu Maryuu -- Daikuu Maryuu Trowa & Quatre -- Taurus(2) 10 Squads Reinforcement Squads When Trowa & Quatre reaches the Musaka: Heero -- Wing Gundam Zero Custom Duo -- Gundam Deathscythe Hell Custom Trowa -- Gundam Heavyarms Custom Quatre -- Gundam Sandrock Custom Wufei -- Altron Gundam Custom Starting Enemy Squads Musaka 1 & 2 -- Musaka Neo Jion 1 -- Gelgoog M(3) Neo Jion 2 -- Gelgoog M(2) Neo Jion 3 to 5 -- Gelgoog Neo Jion 6 & 7 -- Zaku II F2 Production Type(3) Reinforcement Enemy Squads When Trowa & Quatre reaches the Musaka: Zechs -- Tallgeese III[Large Scale Generator], Gira Douga(2) Neo Jion 9 & 10 -- Gira Douga(2) Neo Jion 11 to 14 -- Gira Douga AP Condition: Defeat Zechs, who retreats below 2000 HP. Notes: You're off to space, and its time to help the Wing boys retrieve their Gundams from the Neo Jion forces. All this basically entails is having the 2 Taurus Squadron get next to the nearest Musaka ASAP; 3 turns is the time limit. There are some mobile suits running intereference, but your Super Robots should be able to easily handle them; just make sure Trowa concentrates on dodging if they decide to target him. Once Trowa does reach the Musaka, it's time to retrieve your Gundams... unitl some Rick Doms show up from nowhere to surround the Tauruses, along with Zechs and his Neo Jion forces. Heero then saves all their asses though, so it's fine. ^^; The AP is a little on the generous side, especially if you manage to lure Zechs out of his defensive terrain; any finishing move from your Supers should do the business, and all the other enemies are nothing different. Just be careful, since they appear to the north and you still have forces to deal with at the west. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 12 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Daikuu Maryuu -- Daikuu Maryuu Kazuya -- Daimos Banjou -- Daitarn 3 Kenichi -- Voltes V Ruu & Four -- Re-GZ(BWS)(2) 11 Squads Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads Desmond -- Grodector(retreats on turn 1.5) Dankel -- Grodector(retreats on turn 1.5) Belgan -- Skullrook[Chobham Armour], Boazan Fighter Ship(2) Richter -- Garunroll[Multi Sensor], Dari(2) Boazan Army 1 & 2 -- Boazan Fighter Ship(3) Balm Army 1 to 3 -- Dari, Spinzar Balm Army 4 to 8 -- Spinzar Reinforcement Enemy Squads: None AP Condition: Destroy all enemies within 7 turns. Notes: You get your first taste of Balm and Boazan enemies here, as well as the inevitable double/triple/whatever backstabbings and crossings that occur whenever they show up. Besides that, it's a standard Super scenario, with most of the enemies spread out along the south to southeast. The most immediate concern is the closer Richter in the Garunroll, who starts with rather high morale, while you have to take him with only a few Daris and Spinzars around for morale. Kazuya does start with some extra morale too though, so you can have him take on Richter almost from the get-go. Otherwise, it's fortunate that the Garunroll doesn't have too much HP, and concentrated, if weak attacks will do it in fairly quickly. Because of this, you shouldn't commit all your forces to Richter; send a few southeast towards the main bulk of Boazan enemies, especially important if you're going for the AP. Don't bother sending Kazuya that way, though. After the slight problem of Richter, the rest is almost cake, assuming you split up your forces evenly. Belgan's in a similar type of battleship, but poses less problems thanks to his horrible stats. On Turn 3, Kazuya will find a girl lying around in the town, and will go horribly out of position if you sent him with the Boazan forces. Besides that, you also have a 7-turn time-limit, so take out all the enemies before the 7 turns are up for the skill point. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 13 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Daikuu Maryuu -- Daikuu Maryuu 13 Squads Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads Barubas -- Garunroll[Booster], Dari, Boazan Fighter Ship Balm Army 1 to 3 -- Dari, Spinzar Balm Army 4 to 6 -- Spinzar(2) Boazan Army 1 to 3 -- Desla, Boazan Fighter Ship Boazan Army 4 to 6 -- Boazan Fighter Ship(3) Reinforcement Enemy Squads: None AP Condition: Clear the map within 7 turns. Notes: Despite looking about as attractive as Richard Simmons, Barubas proves that he's actually a pretty decent guy; as decent as an someone on the opposite side can be, anyway. Regardless, you still have to battle him and a rather paltry Alien force, in the very essence of a What You See Is What You Get mission. If you've gotten through the last mission, this will be cake comparatively; Barubas is the only half-decent enemy, and you can lessen most of his danger by attacking from the Garunroll's ALL weapon's blind spot. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 14 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Mother Vanguard -- Mother Vanguard Banjou & Noin -- Daifighter, Taurus Space Pirates 1 -- Crossbone Gundam X1, Crossbone Gundam X2 Space Pirates 2 -- Zond Ger, Dagi Irus Reinforcement Squads On Turn 2: Daikuu Maryuu -- Daikuu Maryuu 9 Squads Starting Enemy Squads Jupiter Empire 1 -- Bez Badara[Thruster Module], Badara(2) Jupiter Empire 2 to 4 -- Elbad, Badara(2) Jupiter Empire 5, 7, 9 -- Elbad Jupiter Empire 6, 8, 10 -- Badara(2) Jupiter Empire 11 to 14 -- Badara Reinforcement Enemy Squads: None AP Condition: Destroy all enemies besides the Thousand Jupiter before fufilling the winning condition. Notes: Your first taste of Gundam goodness in the guise of the modified F-97 and F-98, or the Crossbone Gundams. Sadly, you can't seperate them into two different squads here; you probably wouldn't want to use Zabine much anyway, for obvious reasons. ^^; The starting enemies are fairly large in number, but Daitarn can handle itself quite well with a bit of support from Noin; I'd actually suggest keeping Daitarn in Daifighter mode, to take advantage of its ALL attack and S weapons in Space. The Crossbone Gundam team also won't easily be hit, while the Mother Vanguard has enough HP to survive several attacks; only old man Umon and Annamarie are in any danger, and you'd best cast Concentrate on stuff them into the Mother Vanguard, as we all know how much enemies like attacking weak units. Your 4 squads should concentrate on surpressing the forces in their immediate area, which should be plenty anyway. The calvary arrives at the southern end of the map on turn 2, and the mission becomes depressingly simple. It's a matter of clean-up before fufilling the winning conditions if you want the AP, and the Thousand Jupiter is a typical battleship; you don't even have to kill it anyway, considering it's a losing condition if you do. ^^; After the mission, you receive 1 Cecily's Bun and 1 Gundam F91. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 15 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Daikuu Maryuu -- Daikuu Maryuu Mother Vanguard -- Mother Vanguard 11 Squads Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads Richter -- Garunroll[Anti-Beam Coating], Spinzar(2) Raiza -- Garunroll(retreats on turn 2) Belgan -- Skullrook, Boazan Fighter Ship(2) Balm Army 1 & 2 -- Dari, Spinzar(2) Balm Army 3 & 4 -- Dari, Spinzar Boazan Army 1 to 3 -- Desla, Boazan Fighter Ship Boazan Army 4 to 6 -- Boazan Fighter Ship(2) Reinforcement Enemy Squads: None AP Condition: Defeat the Skullrook, which retreats below 6000 HP. Notes: Now that enough time's past to allow Kazuya's relationship with Erika to blossom, of course it's time to lose her, and that event happens on turn 2.5, with Raiza going over to pick her up. Kazuya also rushes back, once again likely putting him horribly out of position as the rest of your squads brave the meteor shower terrain to reach the enemies. The meteor terrain right smack in the middle of your two forces is a real pain; unless you're patient enough to wait for all the enemies to cross the terrain for you, you'll have to slog your way through and likely face a few Deslas with enhanced defensive capabilities while you're at it. Besides the rough terrain though, it's another Alliance scenario with nothing you haven't seen before. The >6000 HP damage required to off Belgan for the AP generally "just" requires any finisher supported by any finisher; you don't even need to buy Support Attack for anyone, since you already have an excellent one in Kusuha herself. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 16 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Albion -- Albion Camille -- Z Gundam, Metas, Gundam Mk II Burning Squadron 1 -- GM Custom(2) Burning Squadron 2 -- GP-03 Stamen, GM Cannon II Amuro & Keyla -- Mass Produced Nu Gundam(F), Mass Produced Nu Gundam(I) Bilgeet & Katsu -- Heavygun(2) Beid & Adel -- GM Custom, GM Cannon II Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads Mazeran Kai -- Mazeran Kai Saramis Kai -- Saramis Kai Yazan -- Hambrabi[Cost Down], Bazam(2) Ramsus -- Hambrabi[Dual Sensor], Bazam(2) Dangel -- Hambrabi[Magnetic Coating], Bazam(2) Yazan Squadron 1 to 3 -- Bazam(3) Yazan Squadron 4 & 5 -- Bazam(2) Reinforcement Enemy Squads: None AP Condition: Defeat all other enemies before defeating Yazan. Notes: WYSIWIYG again; this time though, you're forced to use nearly all the Gundam series characters you haven't yet encountered, against the remnants of the Titans, led by the cockroach with eternal life, Yazan. Cue more arguments between him and Camille. ^^; Your most manuverable units by far are Camille in the Zeta and Kou in the Stamen, with Amuro a little ways behind thanks to his inferior MP Nu. However, as valuable as these units will be in this mission, they lack one major facet; ALL weapons, which fortunately the rest of the laggers have to make up for their lack of dodging prowess. The general strategy would be to use whatever ALL attacks you have from the start to decimate as many enemy squads as possible; the Albion is excellent at this, thanks to it's LL size, and the Heavygun squad is quite good as well, as its ALL attack can be used after moving. After unleashing the ALL attacks, use your ace pilots to attack any enemy squads within range to weaken the lead unit, using Squad Attacks to bypass Support Defenses, and finishing up with whatever weaker squads which weren't within range of ALL attacks. This strategy works for pretty much the entire stage with the possible exception of Yazan, where attacks from anything besides your aces simply won't hit, and the battleships, which require some time to take down. The AP simply requires you keeping Yazan alive for slightly longer while you destroy the battleships behind him. He doesn't have any squad-killing ALL attacks thankfully, so you can just continually use the Trust seishin, or the Metas's Repair ability to continously heal whatever unit he targets until you've finished off the battleships, and can finally off Yazan. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 17 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Daikuu Maryuu -- Daikuu Maryuu Mother Vanguard -- Mother Vanguard Tobia -- Zond Ger 13 Squads Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads Zabine -- Crossbone Gundam X2 Death Gale Squadron -- Kuabase[Bio Sensor], Arpeggio[Booster], Totouga Samus Gilly -- Samus Gilly, Belga Dalas(2) Jupiter Empire 1 -- Belga Giros, Bez Badara(2) Jupiter Empire 2 -- Dagi Irus, Bez Badara(2) Jupiter Empire 3 & 4 -- Elbad, Tenan Zon(2) Jupiter Empire 5 & 6 -- Belga Dalas, Badara(2) Jupiter Empire 7 to 13 -- Badara(2) Reinforcement Enemy Squads: None AP Condition: Defeat the Crossbone Gundam X2. Notes: Took a while, but Zabine finally shows his true colours by abducting Bella and Belnadette; thankfully his subordinate doesn't think on the same wavelength. ^^; At any rate, you'll have him and some typical Jupiter Empire cronies to deal with, with the very notable exception of the Death Gale Squadron, who you'll quickly learn to hate. The most immediate concern, for AP goers anyway, is the chicken-like running of Zabine from your group. Fortunately, he's a long way away from the edge of the map, so you can (relatively) take your time and Accelerate and Sure Hit/Concentrate your attacks onto the traitor's ass, for the AP and a large amount of self-satisfaction. After the game of tag, you have the rest of the Jupiter Empire fodder to blow up, with the Death Gale Squadron causing plenty of problems; unlike the other routes though, by now you should have plenty of experience in dealing with highly mobile units with support defense, and tons of weaponery to put in their face, so it should be considerably easier than in the previous routes. Just be sure to at least ice Rosemary before Gilly, in order to yoink the Booster she holds. After the mission, you receive the GP-01 Full Vernier. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 18 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Judouu and Iino -- ZZ Gundam, Mega Rider Beecher and Elle -- Hyaku Shiki, Super Gundam Puru & Puru 2 -- Qubeley Mk II(2) Reinforcement Squads When 8 enemy units are killed, or on turn 3: 1 Battleship 12 Squads Starting Enemy Squads Rezun -- Gira Douga[Chobham Armour], Gira Douga(2) Musaka 1 & 2 -- Musaka, Gira Douga(2) Neo Jion 1, 2, 7 -- Gira Douga(3) Neo Jion 3 to 6, 8 to 12 -- Gira Douga(2) Reinforcement Enemy Squads: None AP Condition: Destroy 8 enemies within 2 turns. Notes: Puru 2 tries to convince the Neo Jion forces led by Rezun that she's holding Puru captive and wants to rejoin them; Rezu sees right through them of course, and it's eventually revealed that the whole thing was a cracked-up ploy of Beecher's, and arguments ensue. Judouu eventually sorts them out, and Beecher gives out the order for the next, far more logical plan; run like hell. Unfortunately, AP goers can't follow his plan, and instead have to throw themselves into the thick of things to try desperately to destroy 8 units with three squads, with all the enemy squads save one having Support Defense. It isn't easy at all, but I can give you a few hints; Judouu and the Purus are by far the best at dodging attacks, so they should be the ones thrown into the fray in general. Elle should lead the other team as she has the better stats and mobile suit, while Puru 2 should lead the Qubeley team as she has the VERY helpful (for this AP, anyway) Support Attack skill, and slightly better stats than Puru. The basic strategy is to first throw Judouu into the middle of the mess and counter the subsequent turn with as many Double Beam Rifles as you can handle, then on the next turn, retreat Judouu back a bit, hopefully allowing him to kill something on the way, and move Puru 2 forward instead, who should have enough morale to use the Funnels. Both ways, the most important thing is to make sure to counter as many enemy attacks as possible, as it allows you a good hit not undermined by Support Defenses; for the first turn, this means positoning the Qubeley team VERY carefully, since all the Gira Dougas have a maximum range of 6, while the Qubeley's Beam Gun reaches 5 squares only. Oh, and don't forget to cast Concentrate for everyone and Invincibility for Judouu on every turn; it greatly enhances your chances of survival. ^^; After you've hopefully received the AP, the calvary arrives, and the mission then falls into the standard mash-them-all scenario. Retreat your likely spent Gundam Teams, push forward your main force, and finish them all off. After the mission, you receive 1 Minovsky Craft, 3 Dust Adapters, 2 Screw Modules, 1 Propellant Tank, 1 Cartridge and 1 Repair Kit. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 19 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Yuu & Hime -- Yuu Brain, Hime Brain Kazuya -- Daimos 1 Battleship 12 Squads Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads Raiza -- Garunroll, Boazan Fighter Ship(2) Halleck -- Dari Boazan Army 1 to 3 -- Ocosenia Boazan Army 4 to 6 -- Boazan Fighter Ship(3) Balm Army 1 to 3 -- Spinzar(2) Reinforcement Enemy Squads: None AP Condition: Defeat all other enemies before defeating Halleck. Notes: Wow, doesn't Kanan look 50 times hotter in a kimono and her hair done in a ponytail? ^^; Anyway, excusing my lecherous tendencies, the scenario, after a Brain Powerd event where Shira blows up Kanan's Gran Cher (ARGH HATE KILL), and turns tail as soon as the main force arrive; fortunately enough, your dudes don't come for nothing, as more Alliance enemies then pop out. They're led by Halleck, who challenged Kazuya to a 1-on-1 duel; you can choose to accept or decline, and there's no real reason to decline since you end up doing it anyway. ^^; Not to mention that accepting it is the first step to getting some secrets later on. The AP condition is what greedy players will do anyway, as all enemies retreat once Halleck is destroyed. Have your flying squads take care of the enemies above water terrain, and rush your way to beat up the Garunroll, all the while having Kazuya smack Halleck around a bit and casting Invinciblity every turn. Eventually you'll take them all down; enjoy the further backstabbings that ensue. This ends the first 19 Kusuha-specific missions. You can now proceed to the main route; to do so quickly, do a Ctrl+F for "@: Main Route". ********************************* Arad Route ********************************* Arad is very average in many respects. His piloting statistics aren't bad, but they're not very good either; both his machines are your average Reals with not very much power, while his personality, as well as that of Zeora's, is about as cookie-cutter as you can get. You get to use the Huckebein Mk III extremely early this route though, which will keep fans of the Ace Attacker very happy. Although it was one of the most kickass units back in the day, this Mk III has been underpowered somewhat, and is barely on par with most series main Reals. Fang Slasher is nice as a P "finisher", but it just seems a little underpowered in general. The Bruger is a considerable improvement on this, with nice attacks and mobility, but suffers a lot in terms of range, with his longest range attack at range 5; I suggest giving it some range-increasing items when you get it. The Falcon is a pure long-range shooter, although it has a pretty sweet Beam Sword animation. It's quite good for what it does, and is far more versatile than the Bruger with range and a decent ALL attack; where it suffers is that while its Okstan Rifle W is shooting, the combination attack between it and Bruger is considered Melee, so you might be confused on which to upgrade for Zeora (I personally went for both ^^;). Arad has no such problems; it's Melee all the way for him. Arad has a Squad Leader Skill, natural skills and seishin fairly befitting of his general happy-go-lucky character, although the addition of Snipe Attack is a little interesting considering the poor range of the Bruger. I'd suggest giving him the usual Real mainstay Abandon; E Save might be an okay idea since Fang Slasher, Victim Beak and Twin Bird Strike all use EN, although most of his other attacks don't. There's also the usual SP Recovery and SP Up, and both the Mk III and Bruger also posesses a Sword, so Sword Cut is a possibility. Zeora is practically the same, although her natural Extra Attack and Assisted Attack abilities make her an excellent supporter. Any of the usual skills can go into the remaining two slots, although E-Save will only work for Twin Bird Strike. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 1 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Yazan Squadron 1 -- Hazam(3) Yazan Squadron 2 -- Hazam, Zaku II F2 Production Type Heero & Wufei -- Taurus(2) Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads Grapp -- Grapp Camille -- Z Gundam Emma -- Gundam Mk II Fa -- Metas Kou -- Gundam Stamen Keith -- GM Cannon II Reinforcement Enemy Squads: None AP Condition: Fufill the winning conditions within 5 turns. Notes: Well HERE'S an interesting starting mission. Arad and Zeora both start on the side of the Titans, and your first mission pits you right against the members of the old Lond Bel. Yazan along with his flunkies, as well as Heero and Wufei are along for the ride as well, and you'd best relish quite possibly the only chance you'll ever have of blasting Kou into space dust. ^^; Anyway, of the starting enemies, Camille, Kou and Emma pose the most threat, but surprisingly enough, most of your own forces, supplanted by Concentrate, can get very good dodge and hit rates on them; Heero is especially good at this, having the best stats, although note that Zeora's a better pilot than Arad, so keep her as the leader. Yazan's not a bad pilot, but you'll want to keep him from killing too much stuff, since it's pretty obvious you won't keep him. Of course if you want, you can simply ignore all the Lond Bel members and aim straight for the Grapp to destroy it and finish the mission. The AP condition is exceedingly generous here; if you rush your three squads in with Accelerate and concentrate all your fire on the Grapp, you can easily destroy it by turn 2, aided by a critical or two, without any of the Lond Bel members landing a shot on you. The 5 turn limit seems to be a message to tell you to take your time and kill off your future comrades though. ^^; ------------------------------------------------ Mission 2 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Yazan Squadron 1 -- Hazam(3) Yazan Squadron 2 -- Huckebein Mk III, Hazam Heero & Wufei -- Taurus(2) Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads Albion -- Albion(retreats on turn 3.5) Beid -- GM Custom(retreats on turn 3.5) Adel -- GM Cannon II(retreats on turn 3.5) Burning -- GM Custom(retreats on turn 3.5) Monsha -- GM Custom(retreats on turn 3.5) Reinforcement Enemy Squads On Turn 3.5: DF 1 & 2 -- Gelgoog M DF 3 to 7 -- Rick Dom II AP Condition: Clear the map within 6 turns. Notes: The majority of the "enemies" start practically on the opposite side of the map from you, so it's going to be a fairly long trek there. You may want to keep from using your Accelerate seishin if possible, since AP goers may need it for the events that happen after. Regardless, unless you're on a replay game and gave SP Ups to Zeora and Wufei, it's unlikely that you can destroy more than the closer Beid and Adel before they all retreat. You've got bigger things to worry about anyway; the reinforcements that appear are sizable compared to your piddling forces, appear right smack in the middle of the map, and generally don't budge; AP-goers will be in trouble if they've spent up their Accelerate seishin before then. But with advance notice, you should probably ignore the Immortal 4th Platoon altogether and head straight for the center of the map. Note that the Rick Doms can outrange all of your units with their Bazookas, so you'd want to keep within at least 5 squares of them. After the mission, you receive 1 GP-01 Full Vernier and 1 Zaku II F2 Production Type. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 3 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Albion -- Albion Heero & Wufei -- Taurus(2) 4 Squads Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads Yazan Squadron 1 to 9 -- Hazam Reinforcement Enemy Squads After all initial enemies are defeated: Saramis Kai -- Saramis Kai Zeora -- Hazam Yazan Squadron 10 to 16 -- Hazam AP Condition: Defeat all initial enemies within 3 turns. Notes: AP goers might find the initial stages rather difficult; you have three turns to take out 9 units, but only Heero's squad is in an attacking position from the start, and the others will take at least a turn before they can get their licks in. First things first, you should have Heero's squadron head north a little and concentrate on the few Hazams there, casting Concentrate if you need it. For the other squads, since you were able to make squads just before, I suggest putting your two Accelerate people (Beid and Keith) with Camille and Kou, to hurry them towards the Hazams ASAP, and switch the Zeta to Waverider mode to increase the squad's movement range. With two good Mobile suits bearing down, assuming you counter everything(don't forget that the Hazams, with their 5-square range beam rifle, can outrange the Zeta's, if you don't want to waste EN yet), you should be able to achieve the AP. When you do, Yazan pops out again, oddly enough helming a battleship, with more Hazams for you to clear out; most interestingly, Zeora is among them, while Arad whines about not being able to sortie by Yazan's order. Regardless, things become fairly easy for your dudes by now, now that you can take your time. If you're on a repeat game, it's probably possible to defeat Yazan by fully upgrading the Z Gundam's weapons, and giving Camille large boosts in his Shooting skill; the Saramis always defends on your turn, so you'll have to counter with a Hi-Mega Launcher, aided by Camille's +20% Counterattack Power skill to do the job. When you lower Yazan's ship below around 5000 HP or Zeora's Hazam below ½ HP, the story events start coming in thick and fast; Heero aims either at Zeora's Hazam, or Yazan's Samaris covered by Zeora's Hazam, and tries to destroy it, and Arad goes all hero-like and takes the hit, damaging the Mk III. Yazan then orders a retreat, and the disabled Hucky with its comatose pilot is recovered by the Albion. Arad finally wakes up completely weirded out that his supposed enemies didn't kill him on sight, although Heero tells him that it was only the armour of the Mk III that saved his hide. Arad asks "Duo" to explain to him why he saved him, and the only thing Heero will reply with is his real name (^^;). After the mission, you receive 2 Propellant Tanks, 2 Cartridges and 2 Repair Kits. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 4 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Albion -- Albion 4 Squads Reinforcement Squads On Turn 3: Arad -- Huckebein Mk III Mother Vanguard -- Mother Vanguard Space Pirates 1 -- Crossbone Gundam X1, Zond Ger Space Pirates 2 -- Crossbone Gundam X2, Dagi Irus Starting Enemy Squads Shire -- Samus Gilly CB 1 -- Belga Giros[Magnetic Coating], Tenan Zon CB 2 -- Belga Giros, Tenan Zon CB 3 -- Belga Giros CB 4 to 7 -- Tenan Zon Reinforcement Enemy Squads On Turn 2.5: Bug 1 to 10 -- Bug AP Condition: Defeat the Samus Gilly, which retreats once all Bugs have been defeated. Notes: Before the mission starts, Kou and co (hahaa i kill myself again) do a quick interrogation section on Arad, who's by now finished three helpings of rations(^^;). They try to convince him to fight for their cause, and greatly alienates Arad's Titans-influenced view of their intentions and certain events. Just when Arad is beginning to consider things, battle sirens come out, and Kou tells Arad to stay where he is. (as if. ^^;) It's the Cosmo Babaronia led by Shire, accompanied by meagre mobile suits. They're not much compared to most of your aces, although you get to fight a few squads for the first time; simply move all your squads downwards all the time and countering every shot. On Turn 2.5, the Bugs come out, leaving most of your dudes alarmed; to add more oil to the fire, Arad deploys as well, but moves away from the Albion and towards the colony, thanking your dudes for their hospitality but wanting to return to the Titans. Your guys try to explain to him about the Bugs and ask him to help exterminate them, and Arad gets caught in two minds about returning and saving innoncent lives. On Turn 3, Arad recalls what Zeora used to tell him, and makes his decision, moving over to the colony to defend it. He can't really do that much himself; fortunately, some half-masked pirates appear near him and radio their support to Synapse. You have at least 6 turns to destroy the Samus Garu, since your Bug-exterminating squads need one turn to move towards the Bugs before they can start kicking ass. You should be able to begin earnest attacks on the Samus Garu by turn 4 anyway, and even if you're slow, you can just use your 4 squads to completely surround 1 Bug to keep it from moving towards the glowing space while you wail on the Samus Garu. Just be careful of its ALL attacks and you should do fine. Once you do destroy all the Bug squads, the pirates vanish into the darkness, but not before one of them confuses Camille by calling him by his name. ^^; After the mission, Arad finally relents and joins the rest of your dudes. You also receive 1 Thruster Module. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 5 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Heero & Wufei -- Taurus(2) Albion -- Albion 5 Squads Reinforcement Squads: When Heero reaches the Musaka: Heero -- Wing Gundam Zero Custom Duo -- Gundam Deathscythe Hell Custom Trowa -- Gundam Heavyarms Custom Quatre -- Gundam Sandrock Custom Wufei -- Altron Gundam Custom Starting Enemy Squads Musaka 1 -- Musaka(retreats when Heero reaches Musaka 2) Musaka 2 -- Musaka[Chobham Armour] Neo Jion 1 -- Gelgoog M(3) Neo Jion 2 -- Gelgoog M(2) Neo Jion 3 to 5 -- Gelgoog M Neo Jion 6 & 7 -- Zaku II F2 Production Type(3) Reinforcement Enemy Squads When Heero reaches the Musaka: Zechs -- Tallgeese III, Gira Douga(2) Neo Jion 9 & 10 -- Gira Douga(2) Neo Jion 11 to 14 -- Gira Douga AP Condition: Defeat Zechs, who retreats below 2000 HP. Notes: Your dudes start in some rather rough terrain, and although you may be tempted to stay in it for defensive cover, you have to push forward anyway as Heero and Wufei have to reach the Musaka within 3 turns, and will need support from your other squads to make it there safely. Once Heero reaches the Musaka, the Wing boys finally get their Gundams back; and right on cue, here comes Zechs as well, just a little south of where your own forces started (now aren't you glad you pushed out of that meteor shower? ^^;). At this point, I'd suggest heading even further north and out of the meteor shower altogether, taking out the rest of the initial Neo Jion forces in the meanwhile, and taking the reinforcements on normal terrain instead. This means that you have to wait a while for the reinforcements to make their way through, but also makes the AP considerably easier, as you can inflict more damage on Zechs. If you still can't do enough damage though, you can always have Arad support with Fang Slasher for more, but it's a kinda crappy attack that can't do 2000 damage, even considering Guard. ^^; After the stage, you receive 1 Thruster Module. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 6 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Daikuu Maryuu -- Daikuu Maryuu Albion -- Albion Kazuya -- Daimos Banjou -- Daitarn 3 Ruu & Four -- Re-GZ(BWS)(2) 8 Squads Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads Desmond -- Grodector(retreats on turn 1.5) Dankel -- Grodector(retreats on turn 1.5) Belgan -- Skullrook[Anti-Beam Coating] Richter -- Garunroll[Dual Sensor] Boazan Army 1 & 2 -- Boazan Fighter Ship(3) Balm Army 1 to 3 -- Dari, Spinzar Balm Army 4 to 8 -- Spinzar Reinforcement Enemy Squads: None AP Condition: Clear the map within 7 turns. Notes: The typical Mars double-crossing scenario that happens on every route; it happens earliest on this one though, so your forces might be a little weak to start with, although you get your first influx of Super Robots with Daitarn, Voltes, Daimos, Gaiking and the Daikuu Maryuu itself, which helps that problem considerably. Don't rely all THAT much on Daimos though. Your first main worry would be Richter right smack in front of your guys; however, I suggest splitting up your forces a little, sending all flying squads towards the remainder of enemies at the southeast while your land-bound squads deal with Richter in order to achieve the AP easier. Additionally, don't bother sending Daimos towards the further enemies either; he should be perfectly comfortable dealing with his series rival, especially since on turn 4, he finds an unconcious lady while the order goes out to escape Small Balm within 4 turns, and gets himself out of position anyway. Richter's quite tough to beat, since he starts with rather high morale; fortunately Kazuya does too, and repeated barrages of attacks should wear his 17,000 HP down. Just make sure to either attack close-range, or only attack far range with squads of 3 units or more, so that he doesn't completely annihilate you with his ALL attack. Belgan follows the same logic, except has a harder time hitting your guys, and has a far more dangerous close-range attack. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 7 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Mother Vanguard -- Mother Vanguard Space Pirates 1 -- Crossbone Gundam X1, Crossbone Gundam X2 Space Pirates 2 -- Zond Ger, Dagi Irus Banjou -- Daitarn 3 Reinforcement Squads On Turn 2: 1 Battleship 9 Squads Starting Enemy Squads Jupiter Fleet -- Thousand Jupiter Jupiter Empire 1 -- Bez Badara, Badara(2) Jupiter Empire 2 -- Elbad[Thruster Module], Badara(2) Jupiter Empire 3 & 4 -- Elbad, Badara(2) Jupiter Empire 5, 7, 9 -- Elbad Jupiter Empire 6, 8, 10 -- Badara(2) Jupiter Empire 11 to 14 -- Badara Reinforcement Enemy Squads: None AP Condition: Defeat all enemies except the Thousand Jupiter before fufilling the winning conditions, which is to reduce the Thousand Jupiter below 10,000 HP. Notes: It's Daitarn 3 and the pirates who helped you before against the Jupiter Empire; the pirates also finally become unmasked, revealing themselves to be Seabook and Cecily, comrades in the previous Balmar War; or Kinkedou and Bella, as they're now known. Unfortunately you're stuck with both of the kickass Crossbone Gundams in a single squad; then again, you probably wouldn't want to use Zabine that much anyway. Half the enemy squads consist of more than 1 unit, so I suggest switching Daitarn to Daifighter mode to access its ALL attack to make cleanup a little easier; The others should also focus on reducing all the squads around to 1 member to void the 20% hit bonus they might get, which is crucial when you're relying mostly on a few Reals to pull their weight. You won't have to rely on them for very long though, as the main force arrives at the south on turn 2, and then the mission looks very standard, with your Reals easily dodging their attacks and your Supers (relatively) easily taking them. The AP condition is easily fufilled as well simply by being greedy and getting all the cash and EXP possible before fufilling the winning conditions. After the mission, you receive 1 Propellant Tank, 1 Cartridge, 1 Repair Kit, 1 Cecily's Bun and 1 Gundam F91. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 8 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Daikuu Maryuu -- Daikuu Maryuu 1 Battleship 11 Squads Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads Richter -- Garunroll[Hybrid Armour], Spinzar(2) Raiza -- Garunroll(retreats on turn 2.5) Belgan -- Skullrook, Boazan Fighter Ship(2) Balm Army 1 & 2 -- Dari, Spinzar(2) Balm Army 3 & 4 -- Dari, Spinzar Boazan Army 1 to 3 -- Desla, Boazan Fighter Ship(2) Boazan Army 4 to 6 -- Boazan Fighter Ship(2) Reinforcement Enemy Squads: None AP Condition: Defeat the Skullrook, which retreats below 6000 HP. Notes: A huge meteor field seperates your two forces, and is generally a bigger pain for you than for your opponents, since you're expected to go on the offensive; the main enemies will wait ages for you if you don't go for them pre-emptively. Hopefully you have people with Accelerate in quite a few squads now, to make the tedious moving process a little faster. Don't bother moving Kazuya around too much; on turn 2.5, he Erika bails out in a Gulver, and Kazuya moves over right next to her and pretty much destroys any attacking position he had, so he won't be much of a help in this scenario. Pity really, since his P ALL attack would be really useful against the Boazan Fighter Ship squads stuck in the meteor field with the rest of yourforce. Your main problem is again navigating and fighting your way through the meteor field with likely 8 enemy squads benefitting from defense boosts. The two battleships on scene are ones you've already faced before; in terms of the AP, a good finisher with good Support should do the job; I suggest Chodenji Ball V Slash, as it's the strongest non-range-1 finisher you have, and can be supported by Huckebein Mk III's Fang Slasher if you haven't yet given Support Attack to anyone else. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 9 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Mother Vanguard -- Mother Vanguard Tobia -- Zond Ger 1 Battleship 10 Squads Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads Zabine -- Crossbone Gundam X2 Death Gale Squadron -- Kuabase[Multi Sensor], Arpeggio[Booster], Totouga Samus Gilly -- Samus Gilly, Belga Dalas(2) Jupiter Empire 1 -- Belga Giros, Bez Badara(2) Jupiter Empire 2 -- Dagi Irus, Bez Badara(2) Jupiter Empire 3 & 4 -- Elbad, Tenan Zon Jupiter Empire 5 & 6 -- Belga Dalas, Badara Jupiter Empire 7 to 13 -- Badara(2) Reinforcement Enemy Squads: None AP Condition: Defeat the Crossbone Gundam X2. Notes: Man, all the tail-turning and backstabbing are happening really fast in this route. ^^; This is the hardest of all the Zabine-defecting scenarios in all the routes though, as Zabine not only starts very far away from most of your units (with the exception of Tobia), but right smack in the middle of a meteor field too, making bridging the gap between your forces and the X2 a far harder task. You might actually find it easier to work your way north and west around the meteor terrain, and intercept Zabine from there; Tobia can put around 2000 damage on him with 2 Heavy Machine Gun and 1 Shot Lancer attack, so you don't need a huge amount of support from there. The main problem is that if you do decide to head north and west, you'll come under heavy fire from most of the other Jupiter Empire forces, including the first appearance of the Death Gale Squadron. I suggest dividing your force into two; a small advance force of 2 or 3 fast moving squads(6 or 7 movement range and Accelerate) whose goal should be to intercept the X2 before it reaches the north part of the map, and the rest run inteference and face the main bulk of enemies directly. The most troublesome enemies here by far are the Death Gale Squadron, with units who can actually dodge and dodge well, and one of the first squads you come across with dedicated support in defense, and the ever-dreaded 20% hit bonus on squad attacks. You'd want to save most of your Concentrates and Sure Hits for this team; don't forget that Rosemary holds a Booster though, and thus you should pop her before you pop Gilly, since the whole squad retreats once the leader is defeated. Other then them, it's a fairly standard scenario, albeit with somewhat greater numbers than you've faced before. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 10 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Tobia -- Crossbone Gundam X2 Judouu -- ZZ Gundam Reinforcement Squads On Turn 3: Puru & Puru 2 -- Qubeley Mk II(2) Beecher -- Hyaku Shiki, Super Gundam, Mega Rider Starting Enemy Squads Rosemary -- Arpeggio[Apogee Motor], Badara(2) Jupiter Empire 1 -- Elbad, Badara(2) Jupiter Empire 2 -- Elbad, Badara Jupiter Empire 3 & 6 -- Bez Badara Jupiter Empire 4, 5 & 7 -- Badara Reinforcement Enemy Squads When nearing the designated point: Barns -- Totouga[Chobham Armour], Badara(2) Jupiter Empire 8 -- Bez Badara Jupiter Empire 9 -- Badara(3) AP Condition: Defeat all enemies. Notes: Welcome to SRW Alpha 2's only indoor/corridor mission. Fortunately, there's no time limit unlike previous SRW's versions; in fact this one is a cakewalk compared to some of the older indoor missions, with two great units against a host of standard grunts at the start. Judouu and Tobia will likely only face the single-unit squads, as Beecher and the Purus pop out in the southwestern exit to help, and Rosemary and the two nearest squads will head straight for them; Judouu and Tobia need no real assisting, but you might have some trouble with the others. I suggest having Puru 2 lead the Puru team since she has the Support Attack skill, which Beecher's squad can make great use of. Have Puru 2 in front of the other squad, hopefully attracting most of the hits since she has the greatest piloting stats of the two squads (don't forget to cast Concentrate!), and counter with Beam Guns and once you can use them, Funnels. Beecher's squad's main role is to let Puru 2 land another hit usually. Rosemary is still rather tough to hit, but save-restart can help with that quite well. Most of your damage on her will be done via counters, since all the members of her squads have Support Defense. Once you cleared everyone out, it's a matter of reaching the designated point, although once you get close to it, here's Barns. Although he's on defensive terrain and won't budge an inch, he doesn't bring very much support with him, and he's actually far easier to deal with than Rosemary because of unwillingness, to move an inch; you can easily attack him from his two blind spots, range 1 and anything range 6 and above. The trouble here is actually getting the AP, as Barns brings two Support Defenders with him, and you have to kill them before taking down Barns to get the AP, and Barns still has that annoying Support Defense skill as well. I suggest using the ALL attacks of the Hyaku Shiki, X2 and ZZ (even if the latter puts you in range for a potentially painful counter) to exterminate the lower-HP squad members before putting the finishing touches on Barns. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 11 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Albion -- Albion Arad & Tobia -- Huckebein Mk III, Crossbone Gundam X2 Reinforcement Squads When the GP-02 has been reduced to below 2500 HP: 1 Battleship 12 Squads Starting Enemy Squads Monsha -- GP-02 Reinforcement Enemy Squads When the GP-02 has been reduced to below 2500 HP: Mazeran Kai -- Mazeran Kai Saramis Kai 1 & 2 -- Samaris Kai Yazan Squadron 1 -- Hambrabi[Bio Sensor], Hambrabi(2) Yazan Squadron 2 to 6 -- Hazam(3) Yazan Squadron 7 to 9 -- Hazam(2) Yazan Squadron 10 -- Hazam AP Condition: Clear the map within 7 turns. Notes: Arad and Tobia get called out to do some training with Monsha, who's in the GP-02; Arad freaks a little after remembering that it's nuke-capable, but Monsha tells them to relax since that function's been disabled. In other words, it's a straight out fight with no silly mass destruction weapons to worry about. Of course, a unit stripped of the one thing it was designed for leaves very little to worry about, and either Arad or Tobia can handle him easily. It's how fast you can take him that matters; try and do it on the first turn, although two is acceptable, to give yourself more leeway for the AP. Once you reduce the GP-02 below 2500 HP (or destroy it, on a replay game ^^;), the shit goes spraying everywhere as the watching battleships turn out to be Titan warships, and send out Hazams to capture the GP-02. Your dudes sortie a little too late to prevent that, but you can always take your anger out on the poor Hazams and Yazan still hanging around. Arad and Tobia likely won't help much, unless you've given Arad a birthday with early Accelerate, since they're stranded a long way from the action. The majority of the enemies are in squads, so ALL attacks are the order of the day. Yazan's group is somewhat similar to the Death Gale Squadron of 2 missions ago, but Yazan isn't quite as good a dodger as Gilly and their units have less HP, making them considerably easier to lay waste to. With Accelerate and 12 squads on the go, the AP should be easily fufilled, especially if you sortied on turn 1. Once you finish the mission, Zeora pops out with the Wild Falcon, and then realizes the Hucky Mk III's on the battlefield; of course she assumes that the Lond Bel just killed its pilot and used his machine. She's all ready to extract some revenge on it, but before she can and actually find out the truth, Yazan orders her to retreat with her mission objective already fufilled, which she unwillingly does so. Arad then gets to angst a little. ^^; ------------------------------------------------ Mission 12 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads 1 Battleship 14 Squads Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads Rezun -- Gira Douga[Magnetic Coating], Gira Douga(2) Reulura -- Reulura, Gira Douga(2) Musaka 1 -- Musaka[Solar Panel], Gira Douga(2) Musaka 2 & 3 -- Musaka Neo Jion Squadron 1 & 2 -- Gira Douga(3) Neo Jion Squadron 3 to 8 -- Gira Douga(2) Reinforcement Enemy Squads When the AP condition is fufilled: Red Comet -- Sazabi AP Condition: Destroy 17 or more enemy units within 6 turns. Notes: This looks like a fairly standard mission against Neo Jion units, with the exception of the 90k(!!) HP Reulura which you should more or less ignore anyway. The main difficulty at the start is the usual problem of having to navigate through meteor fields and the defensive boosts they give to enemies inside them. You can get your fill of enemies for the AP just from the Gira Douga squads, you don't actually need to mess with battleships or face characters to receive the AP. It's not too hard to take down everything except the Reulura within the time limit you have anyway; the only "slightly" difficult problem is the appearance of Char, who's far more powerful than your piddling force at this stage; you'd do well just to survive his ALL funnels without having a unit destroyed. Make sure to cast Trust or Friendship (Iino has this early) on the poor squad Char decides to target. Your goal is to survive for a set number of turns, although on a replay game, you can "just" lower the Sazabi or Reulura to below 2/3rds HP to end the mission prematurely. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 13 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads 1 Battleship 14 Squads Reinforcement Squads On Turn 2: Nanga & Lasse -- Nanga Brain, Lasse Brain Starting Enemy Squads Jonathan -- Gran Cher[Cost Down], Gran Cher(2) Shira -- Gran Cher(3) Reclaimer 1 to 4 -- Gran Cher(2) Reinforcement Enemy Squads When all initial enemies have been defeated: Raiza -- Garunroll, Boazan Fighter Ship(2) Halleck -- Dari[Hachimaki] Boazan Army 1 to 3 -- Ocosenia Boazan Army 4 to 6 -- Boazan Fighter Ship(3) Balm Army 1 to 3 -- Spinzar(2) AP Condition: Defeat all initial enemies within 5 turns. Notes: You have 14 squads to deploy here, but chances are you won't be using more than half of them, at best; this is because the stage is HEAVILY waterlogged, with only small pieces of land where most of your units start. This gives a heavy importance to any flying squads you have, since they'll be your main attacking force for this scenario; land-bound squads will be more or less useless, since even the enemy reinforcements appear towards the southwest far away from your starting point; pretty much all your land-bound squads will be good for is seishin support. Having said that, it's fortunate that the starting squads aren't that hard, although it's your first time dealing with the Aura Battler-esque Gran Chers. These are high-mobilility units with their speed enhanced by their S size, but the same statistics make them exceedingly easy to defeat; Supers can take them with one hit, while Reals just need a couple of squad attacks to weaken them enough for the kill. You may just need your Supers to throw on Sure Hit to actually hit the buggers; this is especially true for Jonathan and Shira, who will most likely have their Chakra Shield activated. Chakra Shields decrease damage by 700, and affects the whole squad; thusly you shouldn't try using ALL attacks, instead focus on strong, Sure Hit attacks with squad attacks to ward off the Support Defenses. Assuming most of your flying teams also have Accelerate, and assuming you have at least 4 or 5 of them (not counting the Battleship), you should do okay, not even counting that Nanga and Lasse appear to help you on turn 2 anyway. Once you do finish off the initial forces, it's the Alliance enemies again, but this time there's a bit of a wildcard in Halleck, who challenges Kazuya to a 1-on-1 duel. You can either accept or decline; there's no real reason to decline, since in both cases you end up doing it, and you need to accept it to unlock a secret later anyway. The two martial artists move to the north side of the map to have their duel, leaving the rest of your (flying) forces to deal with Raiza and the Alien mecha at the south. Unlike the similar missions of the other routes, it's actually pretty hard to take down all the Alliance enemies before Halleck goes, since there's quite a few of them compared to your likely meagre flying army, and a few of them are waterlogged as well; if you want to just finish things relatively quickly, you might want to "just" take out the flying Ocosenias, Boazan Fighter Ships and the Garunroll before you have Kazuya destroy Halleck, and watch all the double crossings and backstabbings that will become commonplace whenever you see the Balm/Boazan alliance enemies. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 14 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Goshogun -- Goshogun Good Thunder -- Good Thunder Reinforcement Squads On Turn 2: Kouji & Sayaka -- Mazinger Z, Diana A Hyouma -- Combattler V Starting Enemy Squads Kelknuckle -- Kenknuckle Ship[Chobham Armour], Impactor(2) Dokuga 1 -- Debiza[Kuttnelizer], Impactor(2) Dokuga 2 & 3 -- Debiza, Impactor(2) Dokuga 4 to 8 -- Impactor(2) Dokuga 9 & 10 -- Impactor Reinforcement Enemy Squads: None AP Condition: Defeat all other enemies before defeating Kelknuckle. Notes: You've got a couple of Super Robots and a rather weak battleship against the Dokugas, who fortunately are even weaker than your paltry forces. Only the Debizas and Kelknuckle himself will cause any sort of problem; the Impactors will struggle to do more than 500 damage to your Supers, and make good fodder for morale boosting anyway. The Debizas aren't that much better either, although they have a decent amount of HP and relatively strong attacks. The biggest problem is of course Kelknuckle, who boasts a great Squad Leader Skill of 90% damage and 120% attack power, which when coupled with his ship's ram attack, can take an extremely large chunk out of your Supers. Use defensive seishin to the max, hit him with as many of your finishers as possible, and don't forget to use Lucky and Great Effort on whoever deals the finishing blow on Kelknuckle. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 15 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Hime -- Hime Brain Reinforcement Squads On Turn 2: Arad -- Huckebein Mk III 1 Battleship 12 Squads Starting Enemy Squads Yuu -- Gran Cher(retreats below 1/3rd HP) Kanan -- Gran Cher(retreats below 1/3rd HP) Reinforcement Enemy Squads On Turn 2: Edgar -- Gran Cher[Booster], Gran Cher(2) Reclaimer 1 & 2 -- Gran Cher(3) Reclaimer 3 & 4 -- Gran Cher(2) Reclaimer 5 to 9 -- Gran Cher AP Condition: Move Arad onto the predefined square within 5 turns. Notes: It's a Brain revival from a Plate, which Hime feels a strange connection to, and then starts babying it (^^;). Yuu and Kanan can't stop the Plate from undergoing revival, and try to order it to stand down, but Hime isn't exactly going to listen to any talk from Gran Chers scaring her poor baby. Regardless, Hime can't attack either units from the start; move her south to hook up with the rest of your forces arriving on the next turn. When they do, more Gran Chers pop out as well, and a little girl is detected in the town, who apparently didn't evacuate fast enough; Arad is commissioned to saving her while Heero and the others distract the Gran Chers, since the Hucky is one of the fastest in your force. Even given that though, it'll still take every one of those 5 turns to reach the designated spot, unless you equipped the Hucky with some movement-increasing items beforehand, or have Accelerate on him. Meanwhile, the rest of your force should concentrate on dealing with the Gran Chers, who aren't much different from the ones you faced back in mission 13; Edgar is also similar to Jonathan and Shira of that mission, so follow the same basic tactics. Note that Yuu and Kana both retreat, but don't harbour any decent items anyway, so do with them as you wish. Once Arad reaches the designated point, he tries to get the girl to go inside the Mk III, but the girl resists, apparently still in shock from the combat. Arad then tries to tell her a joke to calm her down (Gee-emm!~), but she doesn't really get it; it has the effect of calming her down anyway, and she willingly enters the cockpit. Now all you need to do is finish off the remaining Gran Chers and Edgar. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 16 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Guy -- GaiGar Reinforcement Squads On Turn 2: Brain Powered Squadron -- Nanga Brain, Lasse Brain, Hime Brain Once EI-02 has been defeated: Good Thunder -- Good Thunder G Thunder Team -- Goshogun 1 Battleship 10 Squads Starting Enemy Squads EI-02 -- EI-02 Reinforcement Enemy Squads Once EI-02 has been defeated: Bundol -- Bundol Ship[Dual Sensor] Dokuga 1 to 3 -- Debiza, Impactor(2) Dokuga 4 to 8 -- Impactor(2) AP Condition: Defeat Bundol, who retreats below 7000 HP. Notes: Exactly like the GaoGaiGar TV series, it's Guy in the GaiGar against the EI-02; not quite exactly like the GaoGaiGar TV series, the Brain Powereds arrive to help, bringing Hime's Brain with them. They all start at 120 morale as well; if you're on a repeat game, it's actually possible to bring the EI-02 to 0 HP at this point with the Brain Powereds, but it still recovers all its HP; just wait till turn 3 when GaoGaiGar emerges before you start laying some righteous smackdown on the EI-02 with Hell & Heaven. Once the EI-02 is down for the count and the Zondarized human is back to normal thanks to Mamoru, it's time for your once-a-route infusion of vitamin C, as the ever-fruity Bundol pops up and makes trouble. Fortunately enough, both the Good Thunder Team and your own dudes appear at this point, making the firefight a lot easier. The only problem you might have would be with the AP, as 7000 is quite a bit to do on an LL size machine. Hopefully you've bought Support Attack for at least one of your Supers now in order to have a Super finisher supported by another Super finisher; otherwise, the Hucky's Fang Slasher might be the back-up choice once again. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 17 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads 1 Battleship 12 Squads Reinforcement Squads On Turn 2.5: Hyoryou -- Hyouryou Enryou -- Enryou After Belgan is defeated: Guy -- GaoGaiGar Starting Enemy Squads Belgan -- Skullrook[Large Scale Generator], Boazan Fighter Ship(2) Boazan Army 1 & 2 -- Desla Boazan Army 3 & 4 -- Ocosenia Boazan Army 5 & 6 -- Boazan Fighter Ship(3) Balm Army 1 -- Dari, Spinzar(2) Balm Army 2 & 3 -- Dari, Spinzar Reinforcement Enemy Squads On Turn 2.5: Balm 4 to 7 -- Spinzar(2) After Belgan is defeated: EI-07 -- EI-07[Screw Module] AP Condition: Defeat the Skullrook, which retreats below 5000 HP. Notes: All the initial enemies start at the southwestern area of the map, and unsurprisingly, you should send most of your force there; the slowest ones though should instead head north from your southeast starting position, to assist Hyouryou and Enryou later. Besides that, it's a fairly standard scenario against Boazan and Balm enemies; reinforcements appear on turn 2.5 to play havoc with G Island City, but Hyouryou and Enryou appear to help out, and backed up by one or two of your own squads, should be able to handle the enemies there easily. Belgan is a slight problem, if only because he starts above water; as long as you have at least 1 flying squad with a Support Attacker though, it's easy enough to get the AP. All enemies retreat once you defeat Belgan, so you might want to take out everyone, including the Spinzars to the northeast, before you take Belgan out. Once you do, EI-07 appears, and Guy does as well, putting his life on the line to protect the people of G-Island City; only he can defeat the Zondar with his Hell & Heaven attack, and this is further emphasised by it being a winning condition (and logically, everything else being a losing one). Additionally, once the EI-07 is attacked, a large amount of oil is detected; once its destroyed, it'll cause a massive explosion that'll blow up the entire city. Hyouryou and Enryou then emphasise their mission goals as the same as Guys, and perform Symmetrical Docking into Choryuujin. Once you defeat the EI-07, Guy grabs the Zondar core, and Choryuujin uses the Eraser Head to limit the destructive energy and send it somewhere in space. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 18 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Hime -- Hime Brain Brave Hero Robo -- Hyouryuu, Enryuu 1 Battleship 12 Squads Reinforcement Squads On Turn 1.5: Yuu -- Yuu Brain, Hime Brain Starting Enemy Squads Shira -- Gran Cher[Booster], Gran Cher(2) Kanan -- Gran Cher Reclaimer 1 -- Gran Cher(3) Reclaimer 2 to 6 -- Gran Cher(2) Reinforcement Enemy Squads After initial enemies are destroyed: Jonathan -- Gran Cher[Organic Bit], Gran Cher(2) Edgar -- Gran Cher(3) Reclaimer 8 to 12 -- Gran Cher AP Condition: Defeat Jonathan within 8 turns. Notes: Yuu tries to do some bargaining with the GGG using information about Orphan; before talks can get too protracted though, a chase force led by Shira appears, and declares Yuu a traitor, which Kanan still finds hard to accept. Hime then remembers Yuu from their previous skirmish, and races over to help him. You then get a turn of not very much you can do, until turn 1.5, where Shira destroys Kanan's Gran Cher thinking that she's siding with Yuu; Yuu then gets pissed and Shira meets the business end of Yuu and Hime's Chakra Extension. Throw another one her way on the next turn to finish her off. Despite how far away your main force is from the Gran Chers, keep moving them all towards them rather than just the fast-movers; another squad of Gran Chers appear once you defeat all the initial ones, and if you took too long to deal with the initial Gran Chers, your chances of getting the AP become heavily decreased, thus having your whole force there still helps a bit. Jonathan and Edgar are the usual high-dodging buggers who are sorted out by a Sure Hit finisher; once you destroy Jonathan, everyone retreats, so do the usual if you want all the cash and EXP. When you do defeat him, Yuu sends him back to Orphan to act as a messenger boy to tell Orphan that what its doing is wrong, and he won't be their puppet anymore. Before any celebrations can ensue though, a giant tidal wave is detected and about to wash over G-Island City. (Those residents should move to a safer place, really...) In a kickass map sequence, Yuu and Hime use their Brains' Chakra Shields to hold off the tidal wave, while Choryuujin removes it completely using the Eraser Head, with the brains Vital Jumping out of the way at just the right moment. Enjoy the ripped BP anime scenes after. ^^; ------------------------------------------------ Mission 19 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Miwa -- Big Shooter Reinforcement Squads On Turn 2: Wild Base Squadron -- Kotetsu Jeeg, Big Shooter On player turn after all initial enemies are defeated: Hyouma -- Combattler V Mazinger Team -- Mazinger Z, Diana A, Boss Borot Getter Team -- Black Getter, Ready Command Starting Enemy Squads Yamada Empire 1 -- Rucon Yamada Empire 2 -- Garuga Reinforcement Enemy Squads When all initial enemies are defeated: Ikima -- Yamada No Orochi[Hybrid Armour] Yamada Empire 3 to 5 -- Garuga, Rucon(2) Yamada Empire 6 to 9 -- Garuga, Rucon AP Condition: Defeat all enemies before defeating the Yamada No Orochi. Notes: Da, da-da-da-da, da-da-da, da-da! Okay, I'll shut up, but you finally get introduced to Jeeg and his amazingly (and annoyingly) catchy theme song here. As a unit though, he's sorta lacking; he doesn't really have the stats of a Real ace, but has even less armour and HP than your typical Real. You'll probably need to throw on a Concentrate on every turn he's in combat to help him survive. More enemies come after beating up the first two, and this time, their numbers are far more intimidating. Fortunately enough, the Super Robot team also appears to help soon after, and they can readily take advantage of both the Garuga and Rucon's lack of range 1 air attacks. Note that all the initial enemies make a beeline for the base (with the exception of Ikima, who makes a beeline for Jeeg); if the base gets destroyed, it's game over, and it can only take 3 or 4 hits, so be careful about that. Ikima's a pretty crappy pilot; his ALL attack can't get a decent percentage on Jeeg OR Miwa, which is pretty sad. Just throw on a few defensive seishin before you attack him just in case, and make sure you've defeated everything else before (which shouldn't be hard, since Jeeg can just sit there and dodge him all day). This ends the first 19 Arad-specific missions. You can now proceed to the main route; to do so quickly, do a Ctrl+F for "@: Main Route". ********************************* Ivis Route ********************************* There's no real kind way to put it; for the first 30 or so missions, Ivis plain sucks as a pilot. Her stats are about on par with your average support pilot, and doesn't really do justice to a kicking unit like the Alterion, and her Squad Leader Skill is piddling compared to most others as well. Be as it may though, you're stuck with what you got; during the first few missions, it's practically vital to upgrade Alterion's mobility at least a few blocks to be able to dodge with any sort of regularity. Ivis is also one of the few pilots which I recommend getting S terrain ratings for before pilot skills, since she can REALLY use the dodging bonus involved with them. On the other hand, Ivis has insane morale gains at this period; she gains -3- morale for every successful dodge, and 1 for every successful hit. Thankfully though, on stage 31, Ivis receives a massive boost to her statistics, still putting her a fair bit below most ace pilots, but with the hardware to keep up. Her Squad Leader Skill also becomes one of the most useful in the game. You lose the crazy morale gains, but it's a good tradeoff in my opinion. In terms of skills, Abandon is vital to help her horrible stats at the beginning, and slightly mediocre ones after stage 31. As usual, SP Recovery is good if you can afford it, and SP Up is a cheap solution meanwhile; a morale increasing skill may also be a good idea, as though she doesn't really need it at the first half of the game, it will still help, and becomes more important at the last half. Both Alterion in DF mode and Hyperion possesses a Sword, so you might want to give Ivis the Sword Cut ability; just keep in mind she doesn't have it naturally, so unless you have a ton of PP, you likely won't be able to max it. When you get her, Suray's a amazingly good pilot; she has stats about on par with most Newtype aces, and a potentially useful Squad Leader Skill. Her natural pilot skills are a little odd though, and seem to point more towards the Super Robot side for some resaon. ^^; For the two empty slots, SP Recovery or SP Up is always nice, especially since it'll help her supply the Hyperion with more Hot Bloods or Snipe Attacks; you may also want to give her Assisted Attack, for the few times you want to use Alterion instead of Hyperion. Ivis has a typically Real pilot seishin list, although Soul is always nice. Tsugumi on the other hand also has a typical support seishin list, but the bad part is that it's -really- expensive, with the most expensive Aid in the game. Still, she has no other use for seishin, and her Hope SP cost is acceptable. Suray's seishin list on the other hand fully emphasizes her role as a co-pilot, with Accelerate, Sure Hit, Snipe Attack and extra Hot Bloods to support Ivis. The Alterion and Hyperion are both quite similar in terms of weapons and skills; the main problem is that of the four P moves both have, the one you'll use most often is sadly the Gravity Guidance (or GG) Cannon, as the Spiegel missiles only have 2 Ammo, and the Sonic Saber takes up EN(and too much of it in the case of the Hyperion), and is the only melee attack, and the GRaMXs is obviously saved only for bosses, since it only has 3 Ammo. Otherwise, they're very nifty little units, which are nearly impossible to hit thanks to high mobility and Bunshin, and good range on most of its attacks. I suggest equipping weapon range-increasing items, since none of the Alterion's attacks are point blank only. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 1 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Silver Shooting Star -- Alterion(DF) Reinforcement Squads When 2 enemy squads have been defeated: Gurap -- Gurap Space Pirates -- Gundam F91, Heavygun Starting Enemy Squads CB Battleship -- Babaronia Vanguard CB 1 -- Belga Giros[Booster] CB 2 -- Dagi Irus CB 3 & 4 -- Tenan Zon Enemy Reinforcement Squads: When 2 enemy squads have been defeated: CB 5 & 6 -- Tenan Zon AP Condition: Clear the map within 5 turns. Notes: This is actually a relatively hard starting map, but that's mainly a result of having only Alterion at the start, which despite being a Real robot, doesn't get that good dodge or hit percentages on the starting enemies. If you don't want to rely on excessive luck to survive, you best have Ivis cast Concentrate for the first two turns, and send her right in the middle of the enemies. It doesn't really matter which you target first; The Dagi Irus has the lowest HP, but anything on the map should be blasted in two hits anyway. Once you've killed two enemies, which should be doable by turn 2 by attacking on the first turn, countering at least two enemies and killing one, then finishing off the second, the space pirates appear, and you get to use Alterion in its CF mode instead, which has the G Accel Driver as a P attack. Kinkedou in his Gundam F91 can also dodge considerably better, so move him into the fray as soon as you can; the Alterion will probably be out of position. You have 6 enemies to deal with within 5 turns for the AP; as long as you counter almost every enemy attack, you should be able to fufill it easily. Don't worry about the Babaronia Vanguard, as the winning condition is to defeat all enemies besides that. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 2 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Mother Vanguard -- Mother Vanguard Space Pirates 1 -- Crossbone Gundam X1 Space Pirates 2 -- Gundam F91/Heavygun, Alterion(CF) Reinforcement Squads On Turn 2: Black Force 1 -- Belga Giros, Dagi Irus Starting Enemy Squads Black Force 1 -- Belga Giros, Dagi Irus Black Force 2 -- Belga Dalas[Magnetic Coating] Black Force 3 -- Belga Dalas CB 1 & 2 -- Tenan Zon CB 3 & 4 -- Zond Ger Reinforcement Enemy Squads On Turn 2: Dorel -- Belga Dalas[Chobham Armour] CB 5 to 7 -- Zond Ger AP Condition: Defeat all other squads before defeating Dorel. Notes: Your guys start in defensive terrain, which is rather hard to move in; I suggest moving both your squads to the very edge of the meteor field in order to get the best percentages while not letting the enemies do so as well. You also receive the Crossbone Gundam X1; you can choose during the intermission whether to put Umon into the F91 or the Zond Ger for this mission (what a tough choice. ^^;). On turn 2, Dorel appears with a few more reinforcements; however, Zabine and his subordinate defects from the enemy to join the pirates as well. If anything, at least that takes out one of the major threats on the map; the only other one which might cause a headache would be Dorel, who has surprisingly good dodge and hit rates at this point, and 8300 HP; you should probably save Concentrate seishin for him, as Zabine and Kinkedou can easily handle the small fry without seishin assistance. The AP is easily achieved as Dorel starts a little behind the rest of his forces anyway. After the mission, you also receive the Crossbone Gundam X2, which Zabine is assigned to. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 3 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Banjou -- Daitarn 3 Ruu & Four -- Z Gundam, Re-GZ Reinforcement Squads On Turn 3: Daimohick Squadron -- Daimos, Gulver FX II Starting Enemy Squads Death Gale Sqaudron -- Kuabase[Dual Sensor], Arpeggio Unknown Affiliation 1 & 2 -- Elbad Unknown Affiliation 3 to 6 -- Badara Reinforcement Enemy Squads On Turn 3: Unknown Affiliation 7 -- Bez Badara Unknown Affiliation 8 & 9 -- Badara AP Condition: Clear the map within 6 turns. Notes: Your first ever meeting with the Death Gale Squadron; or two thirds of it, at least. They're as annoying as all get-out; extremely high dodge rates, and decent amounts of power, enough to put a large dent on Daitarn 3. Your immediate concern, though, is the nearer set of enemies. You probably want to change Z Gundam into Waverider mode, as Rue isn't that hot of a pilot; the Waverider's S terrain status in Air gives it a better dodge rate, and as the Re-GZ is air-only, leaving the Z in its MS form will give you movement penalties. Of course, you COULD seperate the Re-GZ into MS mode, but that's a different story. ^^; On turn 3, enemy reinforcements attack from the east; fortunately, Daimos is on hand to deal with it, although he'll probably take quite a few big hits doing so. Meanwhile, Banjou, Ruu and Four should've finished up, or are finishing up the small fry, and getting ready to move on to the Death Gale Squadron; I hope you haven't spent any seishin on either, because you'll need Banjou's Sure Hit and Ruu's Concentrate to get decent hit rates on either the Arpeggio or the Kuabase. If you're still struggling, go ahead and send Daimos to help them out after it's finished its work. All the advice above is mainly for just clearing the stage; if you want the AP though, it suddenly gets a lot harder. You should still start the same way, but have Banjou more on the eastern side of the enemies for faster access to the Death Gale Squadron once you're done with them. By turn 3, you practically have to move Banjou over to start attacking the DGS; you can either use the ALL attack of the Daifighter, or attack the Arpeggio directly using Daitarn Javelin. Try and get hit as often as possible with Daitarn 3 too, in order to boost your morale up enough to eventually be able to use Sun Attack. Ruu and Four should finish off the grunts by turn 4, and have them rush over to lend some Hi Mega Launcher support; you'll also probably need to have Nana cast Trust on Banjou a few times, as the DGS will likely prioritize attacking him. For me, I eventually had to rely on a non-Sure Hit Sun Attack(at 36% ^^;) to apply the finishing touch; hopefully it won't have to come down to that as long as you know what to expect. After the mission, you receive 2 Propellant Tanks, 2Repair Kits and 2 Cartridges. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 4 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Mother Vanguard -- Mother Vanguard Space Pirates 1 -- Crossbone Gundam X1, Crossbone Gundam X2 Space Pirates 2 -- Zond Ger, Dagi Irus, Artelion(CF) Banjou -- Daitarn 3 Kazuya & Kyoshiro -- Daimos, Gulver FX II Ruu & Four -- Z Gundam, Re-GZ Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads Jupiter Fleet -- Thousand Jupiter Jupiter Empire 1 -- Elbad[Solar Panel], Bez Badara Jupiter Empire 2 -- Elbad, Bez Badara Jupiter Empire 3 to 6 -- Bez Badara Jupiter Empire 7 & 8 -- Badara Reinforcement Enemy Squads: None AP Condition: Fufill the winning condition, reducing the Thousand Jupiter to below 20,000 HP, within 4 turns. Notes: Your two forces from the first three missions join up, and your enemies are pretty much more of the same. The new face is the Thousand Jupiter satellite, which starts at 35,000 HP, so AP-goers will have to budget enough time to remove 15,000 HP from that; likely about two turns, if you play your cards right. This is also the first mission where the grunt enemies use squads, so you might want to practice squad tactics here. It goes without saying that you should clear out as many enemies as you can before disabling the Thousand Jupiter; especially make sure to nab the Solar Panel off the Elbad holding it. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 5 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Silver Shooting Star -- Alterion(CF) Tobia -- Bez Badara Banjou -- Daifighter Reinforcement Squads On Turn 2: Mother Vanguard -- Mother Vanguard 3 Squads Starting Enemy Squads Barns -- Badara[Learning Computer], Badara(2) Jupiter Empire 1 & 2 -- Elbad, Badara Jupiter Empire 3 & 4 -- Bez Badara(2) Jupiter Empire 5 & 6 -- Badara Reinforcement Enemy Squads: None AP Condition: Defeat all enemies. Notes: Interesting story scenes at the start, as a few of your force try to bluff their way into a Jupiterian base to extract information. Unfortunately, they get noticed all-too-soon, and Kinkedou gets shot in the arm. Your dudes do escape at least (with Ivis cutting short Banjou's spiel ^^;), but Kinkedou can't be sortied owing to his gunshot wound. Your starting enemies are more of the same, although Barns' customized Badara is a little tougher. When the calvary arrives on turn 2, you can then escape the map by moving all your units to the northern line of the map, but the enemies really are simple enough to defeat without needing any silly "escape" ploy anyway. ^^; Just be careful, as the enemies will usually target either Ivis or Tobia, both of whom probably won't have amazing dodge rates, so you'd probably want to throw Concentrate on them to survive the turns. After the mission, you receive 1 Cecily's Bun. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 6 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Mother Vanguard 2 Squads 3 Squads(if you chose second option) Reinforcement Squads On Turn 4: 3 Squads(if you chose first option) Starting Enemy Squads Jupiter Empire Battleship 1 -- Samus Gilly[Chobham Armour] Jupiter Empire Battleship 2 & 3 -- Samus Gilly Jupiter Empire 1 & 2 -- Belga Dalas Jupiter Empire 3 & 4 -- Badara(2) Jupiter Empire 5 -- Elbad[Magnetic Coating], Bez Badara Jupiter Empire 6 & 7 -- Bez Badara Jupiter Empire 8 -- Elbad Jupiter Empire 9 to 11 -- Badara Reinforcement Enemy Squads On Turn 3: Jupiter Empire Battleship -- Samus Gilly Jupiter Empire -- Belga Giros 2x (Jupiter Empire -- Tenan Zon) Jupiter Empire -- Dagi Irus AP Condition: Defeat all enemies. Notes: Before the mission begins, you get to choose whether to perform a diversionary attack (first option), or attack as one whole wave (second option). I generally recommend the latter, since there's no penalty to it, and it makes surviving the stage that much easier. For once, you've actually got a decent amount of enemies to fight, including 4 battleships (including the reinforcement one). Fortunately for you, all of them are piloted by grunts, so they're not very effective at all. Don't forget that enemy squads performing squad attacks still get a 20% hit bonus on you, which can mean trouble for your Real pilots; try and focus on reducing squads to 1 member instead of completely destroying them. The AP condition is relatively easy, as long as you don't accidentally fufill the winning condition; moving a unit onto any of the base squares. 4 battleships is still a lot of HP to take down, but you don't have any time limits, so simply chip away with your Reals if you need to. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 7 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Daikuu Maryuu -- Daikuu Maryuu Mother Vanguard -- Mother Vanguard Daimos -- Daimos 8 Squads Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads Desmond -- Grodector[Retreats on turn 2] Dankel -- Grodector[Retreats on turn 2] Belgan -- Skullrook[Booster], Boazan Fighter Ship Richter -- Garunroll[Hybrid Armour] Barubas -- Dari Dark Horror Army Corps 1 & 2 -- Black Monster, Red Balom Boazan Army 1 -- Desla, Boazan Fighter Ship Boazan Army 2 -- Ocosenia, Boazan Fighter Ship Balm Army 1 -- Dari(2) Balm Army 2 & 3 -- Spinzar(2) Reinforcement Enemy Squads: None AP Condition: Defeat all enemies within 7 turns. Notes: It's the requisite Erika-finding stage that appears on all routes; on this one though, it's your first encounter with non-Crossbone enemies, which is a nice change, especially given that they have far more trouble hitting your Reals than the aforementioned Crossbones. ^^; Unlike the similar missions of the other routes, there's practically a pre-defined path for you to follow through the mission; first clear out the Balm forces in the northwest, then move on to the Boazan forces further northeast. Richter's Garunroll is still tough to deal with this early, and is especially cruel on squad members who can't dodge. A constant barrage of attacks will eventually bring it down though. The Skullrook is considerably easier, as Belgan is a pretty crappy pilot. To get the AP, you have to kill off everything within 7 turns, whereas the time limit for the mission is 8. Also don't forget that on turn 3 (or 4...), Kazuya will move the Daimos away to recover Erika and consequently move him rather far out of position, so don't rely on him too much. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 8 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Tobia -- (Whatever you put him in) Mother Vanguard -- Mother Vanguard Daikuu Maryuu -- Daikuu Maryuu 8 Squads Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads Zabine -- Crossbone Gundam X2 Samus Gilly -- Samus Gilly Death Gale Squadron -- Kuabase, Arpeggio, Totouga Jupiter Empire 1 -- Belga Giros, Bez Badara Jupiter Empire 2 -- Dagi Irus, Bez Badara Jupiter Empire 3 & 4 -- Elbad, Tenan Zon Jupiter Empire 5 & 6 -- Belga Dalas Jupiter Empire 7 & 8 -- Badara Reinforcement Enemy Squads On Turn 4.5: Rezun -- Gira Douga[Dual Sensor], Gira Douga Neo Jion 1 & 2 -- Gelgoog M, Rick Dom II Neo Jion 3 & 4 -- Zaku II F2 Production Type(2) AP Condition: Defeat the Crossbone Gundam X2. Notes: The traitor Zabine makes his second double-crossing in this route, and makes off with Bella and Belnadette; Annamarie eventually has a change of heart and escorts Bella back, but the Mother Vanguard will still remain unmovable throughout the mission, so your lone battleship support will come from the Daikuu Maryuu. The first object on the agenda is obviously to show Zabine what happens to traitors; he always defends, so make sure that before you sortie your squads, check to see which places are the closest to him, and sortie your strongest hitting and/or Accelerate squads in them, to catch up with him and nail him quick. He still dodges incredibly well though, so you'll need either Sure Hit or the magic of Quick Save/Reset to take him down by the first turn; if you're a little slow though, don't worry, just make sure you off him before he leaves the map; squads with Accelerate easily beat his 7-panel movement range. After dealing with Zabine, you've got the "little" matter of taking on the full Death Gale Squadron, a battleship and more assorted Crossbone enemies, all in defensive terrain. If you're patient, I suggest staying near the Mother Vanguard and letting them come to you instead, as the Death Gale Squadron can be an absolute bitch to fight when it has defensive cover; not to mention that setting up shop around the disabled Mother Vanguard also makes it slightly easier to deal with the enemy reinforcements arriving on turn 4.5. If you can't be bothered with that though, you can still just rush in and beat on them, with both sides enhanced by defensive terrain; you'll almost certainly have to use accuracy-boosting seishin just to have a good chance of hitting the Kuabase in particular, and when Gilly's Guard activates... The enemy reinforcements appear a fair distance west from the Mother Vanguard; usually, most of them will head for the bulk of your force, while maybe one or two squads approach the Mother Vanguard. The Mother Vanguard can take care of itself quite easily, and only Rezun is any problem from the enemies, as she can take damage quite well. Throw whatever you have left at her from your battle with the Death Gale Squadron; fortunately she doesn't dodge nearly as well as Gilly, so it'll be considerably easier. After the battle, Tobia also ends up getting captured by Karas; consequently, you won't be able to use him in the next scenario. Additionally, Ivis and Tsugumi will be asked whether they wish to leave the Mother Vanguard; you can either stay silent or do so voluntarily. As far as I know, the only difference is that the first one has more conversation with Kinkedou, while the second has more conversation with Ruu and Four. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 9 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Albion -- Albion Kou & Keith -- Gundam Stamen, GM Cannon II Burning & Monsha -- GM Custom(2) Beid & Adel -- GM Custom, GM Cannon II Reinforcement Squads On Turn 4: Mother Vanguard -- Mother Vanguard Daikuu Maryuu -- Daikuu Maryuu 8 Squads On Turn 4.5: Silver Shooting Star -- Alterion(CF) Starting Enemy Squads Satellite (Structure)[Large Scale Generator] Delaz Fleet 1 to 3 -- Samaras Kai Karius -- Gelgoog M[Magnetic Coating], Gelgoog M Kelly -- Val Varo[Apogee Motor] Delaz Army 1 & 2 -- Gelgoog M, Zaku II F2 Production Type Delaz Army 3 & 4 -- Rick Dom II(2) Delaz Army 5 & 6 -- Zaku II F2 Production Type(2) Satellite Missile 1 to 7 -- Satellite Missile Reinforcement Enemy Squads On Turn 4.5: Nightmare of Solomon -- Neu Ziel AP Condition: Defeat the Neu Ziel within 7 turns. Notes: A 0083 scenario to keep things fresh, and it's the immortal 4th Squadron against the remants of the Delaz Fleet. The forces may look intimidating, and indeed they ARE, but thankfully all the major enemies have battle damage, including the satellite structure itself. Kou will also snap out of his Gato fixation on turn 3 and gain some nice morale; however, the main initial problems are still the relatively large amount of enemies against your small numbers; the Satellite Missiles are especially annoying, have the Albion take the hit if at all possible. In fact, the Albion will probably be your strongest initial unit, with its LL size and fairly strong ALL attack. Despite the obvious outnumberings though, I suggest rushing forward right into the meteor storm and using it as defensive cover while taking on as many enemies as possible and casting defensive seishin. Aim for the Satellite Missiles first, since they'll likely be the first to meet you anyway. The Mother Vanguard and Daikuu Maryuu arrive to the east, and generally nearer to the majority of the enemies as the 0083 enemies; rush your squads in, and the mission will suddenly seem a lot easier. On the enemy turn immediately after though, Gato appears from nowhere and launches a sneak attack on your battleships; fortunately enough, Ivis pulls the same trick and starts you on equal footing again. And FINALLY, the AP condition is shown to you. The enemies, as stated before, all have significant battle damage, so its not quite as hard as it looks. The biggest problem is most obviously Gato, and you have to nail him relatively quickly to get the AP. Kelly is also dangerous with his MAP attack, and don't overlook that you have to defeat all enemies within a certain time frame as well. After the mission, you receive 1 Propellant Tank, 1 Repair Kit and 1 Cartridge. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 10 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Tobia -- Zaku II F2 Production Type/Crossbone Gundam X2 Gundam Team 1 -- ZZ Gundam, Mega Rider Gundam Team 2 -- Hyaku Shiki, Gundam Mk II Puru & Puru 2 -- Qubeley Mk II(2) Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads Jupiteris 9 -- Jupiteris 9 Shire -- Samus Garu Samus Gilly 1 & 2 -- Samus Gilly Jupiter Empire 1 & 2 -- Elbad, Bez Badara Jupiter Empire 3 & 4 -- Belga Giros, Bez Badara Jupiter Empire 5 -- Tenan Zon(2) Jupiter Empire 6 & 7 -- Bez Badara(2) Jupiter Empire 8 & 9 -- Zond Ger(2) Reinforcement Enemy Squads On Turn 2.5: Death Gale Squadron -- Kuabase, Arpeggio[Magnetic Coating], Totouga AP Condition: Destroy the Kuabase. Notes: The first part isn't covered in the statistics above, and in this stage, the first part is a straight showdown between Rosemary in the Crossbone Gundam X2 and Tobia in a Zaku II F2 Production Type; what a fair fight, eh? Fortunately, the Wing boys pull some sabotage which occurs on turn 3, so just survive till then; when turn 3 comes around, Tobia lands a good hit, the X2 will have engine failure, and Tobia will automatically power up to full morale. At this point, Tobia will also have 100% hit and dodge rates on the X2; the big problem here will be lowering the X2 to critical HP without actually killing it. If after the events, two hits of either of the Zaku's weapons destroy the X2 no matter what, you may want to reset back to the start of the stage, and try your best to land a Heat Hawk in the first two turns to get the X2 to critical HP with just one hit after. Unfortunately, this only has a 20% or so chance, so you'll probably need to quick-load a lot. Alternatively, you could just skip all this trouble and destroy the X2, but then the latter part of the stage becomes harder, and you'll lose the X2 permanently. Regardless of the outcome, Tobia escapes with the Wing boys, and are quickly backed up by the ZZ Gundam Teams. The Wing boys then escape towards the eastern side of the map; the rest of your dudes should follow up too, since you're rather heavily outmatched in this scenario, and no reinforcments are coming to save your ass. The AP is tied only to the Kuabase, and not the entire Death Gale Squadron thankfully. Tobia in the X2 will start with 130 morale, so he can activate the Buster Launcher immediately; if you wish to take out the other squad members as well, that's probably your best choice. On enemy turns, the Death Gale Squadron will almost always attack Tobia, so make sure he has Sure Hit or Concentrate casted, and counter with the Beam Zanba or Sun Buster. The other three squads have squads, so the squad leader can directly attack the Kuabase; it's likely that Judouu in the ZZ and the Qubeleys will be helpful in that regard, as the others are sorta useless. Regardless, as soon as you take out the Kuabase, its time to hightail it out, since you'll probably be heavily damaged from the assault, and its a losing condition to lose ANY unit. It's actually possible to destroy all enemies if you're on a repeat game; this entails fully upgrading X2's weapons, and perhaps Mobility though. Keep on using the unlimited-ammo Beam Sabers to cut things up, and the Death Gale Squadron will likely be much easier too; Tobia can literally take on the whole Jupiterian forces by himself with a souped up X2, but the Thousand Jupiter always defends and retreats below half of its 150k HP anyway, so don't bother with it. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 11 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Daikuu Maryuu -- Daikuu Maryuu 1 Battleship 10 Squads Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads Richter -- Garunroll Raiza -- Garunroll Barubas -- Dari[Chobham Armour] Belgan -- Skullrook, Boazan Fighter Ship(2) Balm Army 1 & 2 -- Dari, Spinzar Boazan Army 1 -- Desla, Spinzar Boazan Army 2 -- Ocosenia, Spinzar Boazan Army 3 to 6 -- Boazan Fighter Ship(2) Dark Horror Army Corps 1 to 3 -- Black Monster Reinforcement Enemy Squads: None AP Condition: Defeat the Skullrook, which retreats below 6000 HP. Notes: And some time after the requisite Erika-finding stage, we get the requisite Erika-losing stage. It's your typical battle against the Balm-Boazan Alliance otherwise, with a bit of Zera thrown in as well. On turn 2, Erika makes her escape in a Gulver FX II and gets picked up by Raiza, and Kazuya becomes horribly out of position(again) and goes down to 50 morale; you can pretty much leave him there after that. ^^; The AP condition is easier now that you do have a decent Support Attacker in Ivis's Alterion; of course, if you've given something else like Banjou Support Attack already (somehow), you could use that too. Your best bet will probably be either Sun Attack or Chodenji Ball V Letter Slash, supported by G-Accel Driver(in CF for Daitarn, DF for Voltes). The latter is the better solution for romantics, obviously. ^^; ------------------------------------------------ Mission 12 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Mother Vanguard -- Mother Vanguard Silver Shooting Star -- Alterion(CF) 10 Squads Reinforcement Squads When Alterion reaches the Musaka: G Team 1 -- Gundam Deathscythe Hell Custom, Altron Gundam Custom G Team 2 -- Gundam Sandrock Custom, Gundam Heavyarms Custom G Team 3 -- Wing Gundam Zero Custom Starting Enemy Squads Neo Jion Fleet -- Musaka Neo Jion Squadron 1 -- Gira Douga(2) Neo Jion Squadron 2 & 3 -- Gira Douga, Zaku II F2 Production Type Neo Jion 4 & 5 -- Rick Dom II Federation Army 1 to 8 -- Mass Produced Gundam F91 Reinforcement Enemy Squads When Alterion reaches the Musaka: Zechs -- Tallgeese III[Multi Sensor] Gyunei -- Yact Douga, Gira Douga[Thruster Module] Neo Jion Squadron 6 & 7 -- Gira Douga, Gelgoog M Neo Jion Squadron 8 & 9 -- Gira Douga, Zaku II F2 Production Type Neo Jion Squadron 10 & 11 -- Rick Dom II(2) AP Condition: Have the Alterion reach the Musaka within 4 turns. Notes: This time, it's the Neo Jion forces who're clamouring for a clash; at least Banpresto are mixing up the enemies around a bit. ^^; You also get to fight several of the Federation's MP Gundam F91s, but they're lone squads, and are killed rather easily in a single squad attack. Harrison in his customized black MP F91 is only slightly better, and the rest of the starting forces are just your typical Real Robot grunts. The AP condition simply requires you to have the Alterion move its full range every turn, and you can get next to the Musaka in 4 turns easily. You may have to clear some of the traffic with your other squads first, but squads with Accelerate should be able to even outpace the Alterion anyway, and should be effective enough in clearing a straight path for the Alterion to rush to. Once you do regardless of whether enemies remain, the Wing boys bust into the catapults and emerge with their respective Gundams; Zechs and Gyunei come out quickly after, and of course whenever you see Zechs, you can expect Heero to be around, in his Wing Zero Custom. Both Zechs and Gyunei are considerably tougher cookies, with Zechs having a rather strong ALL attack in its Mega Cannon, and Gyunei being one of the best dodgers around. Sure Hit remedies this quite nicely though, and now might be a good time to practice using defensive seishin on non-active squad members to survive ALL attacks. Zechs also starts getting extremely hard to take down as the battle goes on, thanks to his Guard ability, so it's recommended to take him down first, Gyunei soon after, then it's just cleanup from there. After the mission, you receive 1 Minovsky Craft, 2 Dust Adapters, 2 Screw Modules, 1 Propellant Tank, 1 Cartridge, 1 Repair Kit, 1 Mass Produced Gundam F91 and 1 GP-01 Full Vernier. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 13 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Silver Shooting Star -- Alterion(CF) Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads Scarlet Comet -- Vegarion Reinforcement Enemy Squads: None AP Condition: Don't let Ivis get defeated. Notes: A pretty unique mission; Suray makes her first appearance, and after some angsting about her dead brother, demands Ivis to surrender the Alterion; you can either do so or not, with the only difference being that doing so lets Ivis be berated by Tsugumi some. Both ways, it ends up being a fight between the Silver Shooting Star and the Scarlet Comet, but it's not exactly a very fair one; Suray starts at 150 morale, and the Vegarion has the annoying Bunshin ability, while Ivis is limited to 80 morale and cannot gain any more even if you gave her morale boosting skills, not to mention not being able to use any seishin. Your main goal is simply to survive the 4 turns that this mission lasts without letting Ivis get defeated; move the Alterion near one of the battleships to benefit from its leadership aura, and simply quick-save and dodge every turn. Once again, if you're on a replay game, it's entirely possible to destroy the Vegarion; you'll just have to be relatively lucky, since unless you modified Ivis's stats heavily, she'll only get a 40-50% hit percentage on the Vegarion, and factoring in Bunshin, that's a pretty low chance of successfully hitting. With fully upgraded weapons though, you only need to hit 3 or 4 times to destroy it, and you get at least 6 chances not counting quick-save. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 14 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Daikuu Maryuu -- Daikuu Maryuu Kazuya -- Daimos 1 Battleship 12 Squads Reinforcement Squads On Turn 2: Nanga & Lasse -- Nanga Brain, Lasse Brain Starting Enemy Squads Jonathan -- Gran Cher[Dual Sensor], Gran Cher(2) Shira -- Gran Cher(3) Reclaimer 1 to 4 -- Gran Cher(2) Reinforcement Enemy Squads After all initial enemies are defeated: Raiza -- Garunroll[Booster] Halleck -- Dari[Hachimaki] Balm Army 1 to 3 -- Dari, Boazan Fighter Ship Boazan Army 1 -- Desla, Spinzar Boazan Army 2 -- Ocosenia, Spinzar Dark Horror Army Corps 1 to 3 -- Black Monster Dark Horror Army Corps 4 to 6 -- Kabutongar AP Condition: Destroy all initial enemies before turn 4. Notes: This will be your first encounter with Brain Powered enemies, or Gran Chers as they're known. They're not the main problem in this stage though; the main problem is the incredibly water-logged stage, which the flight-capable and amphibious Gran Chers are completely oblivious to, but chances are your force will be struggling. Before the mission starts, try and make as many flying squads as possible; you'll need at least 5-7 if you're aiming for the AP. All of the Gran Chers start at the west, and these are S-sized, highly manuverable units; if you're using Super Robot leaders (which is likely, since they're some of the few units you have which can fly), you'll probably have to throw on at least a Concentrate to get a decent hit percentage on them. Since Jonathan and Shira also gain morale pretty fast, by the time you deal with their flunky Gran Chers, they've probably amassed enough morale to activate their Chakra Shields, which practically makes ALL and squad members' attacks useless. Of course, it doesn't need that much mentioning that both the face characters have far better stats than the average Reclaimer pilot as well, and you'll almost certainly need a smattering of Sure Hit to take care of them. It's really fortunate that they have relatively poor armour and HP, eh? The AP basically means that you have to rush your way through quickly; killing Shira and Jonathan will make their squads retreat as well, so don't worry about them. On turn 1.5, Yuu and Kanan show up in Gran Chers, but rush away from the battle; on the other hand on turn 2, two Brains send from the Novis Noah arrive to help your guys out, and stick around even after all the Gran Chers are defeated to combat the Alliance reinforcements that show up in the northeast. When these Alliance enemies DO arrive, Halleck is among them, and challenges Kazuya to a duel; you can either accept or decline, and you might want to accept, as it might change a plot point later. Regardless of what you pick, they end up having their duel anyway in the southeast corner of the map. Halleck is in a 12,000 HP Dari, but still dies to a couple of Reppuu Sekken Zukis (you DID upgrade Daimos's EN, right? ^^;). When you kill him, though, all the other Alliance enemies retreat; if you can afford it, try to have Kazuya block or use the Invincibility Seishin to neutralize Halleck's attacks, while you deal with the rest of the Alliance enemies first for the EXP, money and, item. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 15 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Good Thunder -- Good Thunder G Thunder Team -- Goshogun Reinforcement Squads On Turn 2: Kouji -- Mazinger Z, Diana A Hyouma -- Combattler V Starting Enemy Squads Kelknuckle -- Kelknuckle Ship[Chobham Armour] Dokuga 1 -- Debiza[Kuttnelizer], Impactor Dokuga 2 & 3 -- Debiza, Impactor Dokuga 4 to 10 -- Impactor(2) Reinforcement Enemy Squads AP Condition: Defeat all other enemies before defeating Kelknuckle. Notes: You're forced to use Super Robots against a whole mess of Dokugas; anti-climatically, they're mostly weak Impactor ships, which can be destroyed in nearly any ALL attack, and both your starting units have them. In truth, this is a logically simple scenario; you have 4 squads, lots of weak enemies, and one really strong enemy. Kelknuckle is the only real problem, as his Ram attack with his Ship can easily halve any of your Supers' HP, so you'll have to use defensive seishin to the maximum to survive; not to mention that he has an annoying Damage -10% Squad Leader skill too. Regardless, a continued barrage of defensive-seishin-enhanced attacks should slowly but surely take him down. The AP isn't a problem either; it'll probably be really difficult to actually take Kelknuckle before any of his flunkies, since you NEED the morale from defeating them to combat Kelknuckle. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 16 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Hime -- Hime Brain Reinforcement Squads On Turn 2: Mother Vanguard -- Mother Vanguard Silver Shooting Star -- Alterion(CF) 12 Squads Starting Enemy Squads Yuu -- Gran Cher Kanan -- Gran Cher Edgar -- Gran Cher, Gran Cher(2) Reclaimer 1 to 9 -- Gran Cher(2) Reinforcement Enemy Squads After a reclaimer squad is destroyed, for 6 reclaimer squads: Reclaimer (9 + x) -- Gran Cher(2) When Ivis reaches the predefined point: Scarlet Comet -- Vegarion[Booster] AP Condition: Defeat 6 or more enemy squads before fufilling the winning conditions. Notes: At first, it's Hime Brain against...well, nothing. You can't attack either Yuu or Kanan, and the others are way too plentiful for Hime to fight by herself. Just head a little north and await the reinforcements to come. When they do, you have to let the Alterion reach the pre-defined point, in order to save the little girl there. If you don't care about APs, you can pretty much just rush her over there and force the retreat of all the Gran Chers then; if you've got patience and skillz though, you can try and defeat -all- the Gran Cher Squads, up to 18 of them not including the non-generics. The Gran Chers are more or less the same as the ones you've fought two missions ago, and should be dealt with accordingly. Once you reach the designated point, Ivis manages to coax the little girl into the Alterion (and you finally get to see Ivis smile ^^;). Suray then shows up to spoil the moment, and you have to fight her again with Ivis down to 80 morale; fortunately, you have all your other squads this time to help destroy the Vegarion easily. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 17 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Guy -- GaiGar Reinforcement Squads On Turn 2: Brain Powered Squadron -- Nanga Brain, Lasse Brain, Hime Brain On Turn 3: Guy -- GaoGaiGar When EI-02 is defeated: Good Thunder -- Good Thunder G Thunder Team -- Goshogun 1 Battleship 10 Squads Starting Enemy Squads Zondar -- EI-02 Reinforcement Enemy Squads When EI-02 is defeated: Bundol Ship -- Bundol Ship, Impactor(2) Dokuga 1 to 4 -- Dogap, Impactor Dokuga 5 to 13 -- Impactor(2) AP Condition: Defeat Bundol Ship, which retreats below 7000 HP. Notes: The first introduction of GaoGaiGar and the Zondar. The GaiGar is unsurprisingly outmatched at first, and when you knock the Zondar below a certain amount of HP, it casts Great Perseverance on itself anyway, so I suggest having Gai cast Invincibility just in case, then try to dodge the Zondar's attacks. On Turn 2, the Brains show up to help; they face the same Great Perseverance problem though, so it's not advisable to ping it too hard. Finally on turn 3, GaiGar fusions into GaoGaiGar, and you can finally damage the Zondar without worrying about its regeneration. After you kill it and watch the pretty colours after, it becomes a Dokuga scenario quite similar to the one you faced 2 scenarios ago, except that you have far more resources at your disposal this time. The enemy commander this time is the ever-fruity Bundol, who's about the only dangerous enemy on the stage, with his ALL attacks and his interesting Squad Leader Skill, which does +20% damage to males and -20% damage to females(^^;). Even then, it's easy to make him retreat using standard tactics. If you want the AP, you by now should've purchased Support Attack for at least one of your Supers, so two finishers in a row should do well over 7000 HP damage. After the stage, you receive 1 Kenta's Pokecon and 2 Ova's Croquette. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 18 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Wild Base Squadron -- Big Shooter Reinforcement Squads On Turn 2: Wild Base Squadron -- Kotetsu Jeeg, Big Shooter One turn after initial enemies are defeated: Mazinger Team -- Mazinger Z Mazinger Team -- Diana A Mazinger Team -- Boz Borot Getter Team -- Black Getter Getter Team -- Ready Command Hyouma -- Combattler V Starting Enemy Squads Yamada Empire 1 -- Rucon Yamada Empire 2 -- Garuga Reinforcement Enemy Squads When initial enemies are defeated: Yamada No Orochi -- Yamada No Orochi[Hybrid Armour] Yamada Empire 3, 5, 7, 9 -- Rucon Yamada Empire 4, 6, 8, 10 -- Garuga AP Condition: Prevent the Yamada No Orochi from attacking the Wild Base. Notes: Your first introduction to Kotetsu Jeeg, and it's a relatively simple one. Miwa doesn't have to face the initial two enemies herself for very long, but she could probably take both anyway; having Jeeg just makes the process go much faster. Once the initial enemies are defeated, reinforcements on both sides come; you're still forced to use mostly Supers, and Jeeg doesn't really have THAT good a dodging percentage against most of the enemies, but at least you get two healing units to go around. The enemies are also single units only, so they're easily dealt with; this is practically a scenario straight out of another SRW, with lack of squads and all. ^^; The Yamada No Orochi practically makes a straight dash for the Wild Base, so you'd best surround it with 4 units before it gets within firing range. Once you do, standard tactics, albeit this time with limited resources, will win the day. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 19 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Brain Powered Squadron -- Hime Brain, Yuu Brain 1 Battleship 12 Squads Reinforcement Squads After several Gran Chers are destroyed: Hyouryou -- Hyouryou Enryou -- Enryou One turn after Hyouryou and Enryou appear: Yuusha Robo -- Choryujin Starting Enemy Squads Jonathan -- Gran Cher[Organic Bit], Gran Cher(2) Shira -- Gran Cher(3) Kanan -- Gran Cher(3) Reclaimer 1 to 7 -- Gran Cher(2) Reinforcement Enemy Squads After several Gran Chers are destroyed: Edgar -- Gran Cher[Bio Sensor], Gran Cher Reclaimer 8 to 11 -- Gran Cher(2) AP Condition: Defeat all initial enemies within 6 turns. Notes: It's the Gran Cher fest, with tons and tons of Gran Chers to take down. Also, Yuu joins up with your group with his Brain, and unlocks the Chakra Extension combination attack with Hime. Most of the Gran Chers start pretty far away in the southeastern area; go ahead and rush your forces their way, but flying squads will have a major advantage, since city terrain is rather harsh on land-bound squads; if you have a generous amount of flying squads, you'll probably want to send all your flying squads to combat the initial Gran Chers, while the rest hang back a bit for the enemy reinforcements. Speaking of them, they show up after several Gran Cher squads have been blown up, towards the east; rather far away if you'd sent everyone towards the initial enemies. Hyouryou and Enryou show up to help cover that side though, and 1 turn later, form into Choryuujin; back them up with whatever squads you left behind, although it's actually possible to defeat all the Gran Cher reinforcements with just Hyouryou, Enryou and later Choryuujin alone (like I did ^^;). After cleaning up the Gran Chers, a giant tidal wave is detected heading for G Island City; the Brains and Choryuujin then perform a improv combination attack in a kickass map sequence. Enjoy the scenes after; when they rip off anime scenes, they REALLY rip them straight off...^^; This ends the first 19 Ivis-specific scenarios. You can now proceed to the main route; to do it quickly, well, just look down. ^^; ********************************* @: Main Route ********************************* ------------------------------------------------ Mission 20 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Nana -- Gulver FX II Reinforcement Squads On Turn 2: Kazuya & Nana -- Gulver FX II, Daimos On Turn 3: Daikuu Maryuu -- Daikuu Maryuu 1 Battleship 12 Squads Starting Enemy Squads Balm Army 1 -- Dari, Boazan Fighter Ship Balm Army 2 & 3 -- Spinzar Boazan Army 1 -- Ocosenia, Boazan Fighter Ship Boazan Army 2 -- Desla, Boazan Fighter Ship Boazan Army 3 & 4 -- Boazan Fighter Ship(2) Reinforcement Enemy Squads On Turn 3.5: Belgan -- Skullrook, Boazan Fighter Ship(2) Raiza -- Garunroll, Boazan Fighter Ship(2) Balm Army 4 to 6 -- Dari, Spinzar Boazan Army 5 -- Ocosenia, Boazan Fighter Ship Boazan Army 6 -- Desla, Boazan Fighter Ship Dark Horror Army Corps 1 & 2 -- Black Monster Dark Horror Army Corps 3 & 4 -- Kabtongar Dark Horror Army Corps 5 & 6 -- Sasorinka On turn 5: Balm Army 7 -- Klein AP Condition: Defeat the Skullrook. Notes: Don't even try to take down that group of enemies with just Nana. Although she's not TOO horrible a pilot, there's no way you'll have the firepower from the Gulver alone to take them all down. Instead, wait for Kazuya to make his appearance and talk some sense into the little whiner, and then you can actually start putting some damage on the Alliance enemies. One turn later, the calvary show up to make things look even easier. At this point, you should start sending the majority of your dudes to the northwest if your main character is Ivis or Zengar, or eastwards if your main character is Arad, or southwest for Kusuha, once again in anticipation for reinforcements. When the enemy reinforcements arrive, it's Erika and Hainel! Well, obviously not, but those silly Gou brothers and Kazuya seem to think so. Unfortunately, this also allows Belgan to use some sort of device that lowers everyone's morale by 50 points, and disables seishin. Although this means that the damage you can do is lowered rather drastically, I still suggest heading towards the enemies, and taking out whatever you left behind with the squads you left behind. I do however suggest switching all your Squad Leaders to Reals, since Supers will take a LOT more damage from the morale decrease, and dodging prowess isn't affected. Survive up to turn 5, and three vaguely animal'ish robots appear and hit Belgan for... rather paltry damage. Fortunately though, this has the effect of destroying the device, and all your dudes regain the 50 morale they lost, which would make this another standard scenario. That is, until the Klein appears, which is a crazy little teleporting mecha, but more importantly, holds both Halleck and Erika, and has to be reduced to below 1000 HP within three turns of it appearing. It appears right next to Kazuya, who should be able to handle him fairly well; the big problem is not accidentally killing it. In other words, if you have Mercy, use it. If you were perpetually moving your dudes in their subsequent direction the entire time, you should be able to reach Belgan and Raiza well before the time limit for the AP. Commence the fireworks, disable the Klein, and watch the drama. After the mission, if your main character is Zengar, you receive 1 Minovsky Craft, 1 Dust Adapter, 1 Propellant Tank, 1 Repair Kit and 1 Cartridge. If your main character is Ivis, you receive 1 Minovsky Craft, 3 Dust Adapters, 2 Screw Modules, 1 Propellant Tank, 1 Cartridge and 1 Repair Kit. If your main character is Arad, you receive 1 Minovsky Craft, 1 Dust Adapter, 1 Propellant Tank, 1 Cartridge and 1 Repair Kit. If your main character is Kusuha, you get the short end of the stick with 1 Minovsky Craft, 1 Propellant Tank, 1 Cartridge and 1 Repair Kit. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 21 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Guy -- GaiGar Hyouryou & Enryou -- Hyouryou, Enryou Volfogg -- Volfogg 1 Battleship 12 Squads Reinforcement Squads On Turn 2: Gai -- GaoGaiGar 2 turns after EI-20 appears: Goldimarg(Joins up with Gai) Starting Enemy Squads Zondar 1 -- Dari, Rick Dom II Zondar 2 -- Gelgoog M, Spinzar Zondar 3 -- Zaku II F2 Production Type, Saki Zondar 4 & 14 -- Black Monster, Zaku II F2 Production Type Zondar 5 -- Bird, Dogap Zondar 6 -- Desla, Impactor Zondar 7 -- Zuu, Kabtongar Zondar 8 -- Gira Douga, Ocosenia Zondar 9 -- Rick Dom II, Zai Zondar 10 -- Giro, Dari Zondar 11 -- Dogap, Rick Dom II Zondar 12 -- Spinzar, Gira Douga Zondar 13 -- Saki, Gelgoog M Zondar 15 -- Bird, Dari Zondar 16 -- Zaku II F2 Production Type, Desla Zondar 17 -- Zai, Kabtongar Zondar 18 -- Impactor, Ocosenia Zondar 19 -- Rick Dom II, Giro Zondar 20 -- Zuu, Dari Reinforcement Enemy Squads On Turn 2: EI-15 -- EI-15[Learning Computer] After EI-15 is defeated: EI-20 -- EI-20 [High Powered Radar] Zondar -- Dari Zondar -- Spinza Zondar -- Saki Zondar -- Black Monster Zondar -- Dogap Zondar -- Impactor Zondar -- Rick Dom II Zondar -- Giro AP Condition: Clear the map within 7 turns. Notes: Well, here's a change. Instead of fighting tons of Super Robot enemies, or tons of Real Robot enemies, you get to fight them all at once. ^^; As you can see from those stats, the sheer number of them is impressive, and the squads mean that your Reals are in more danger of being hit, thanks to the 20% hit bonus. Besides that though, it's really basically one giant melee between your force and the Zondars. on turn 2, Guy manages to fuse into GaoGaiGar manually, and even drags three of your Squads with him to the eastern part of the map. This generally leaves them slightly better placed to strike at the enemies. I suggest approaching mostly from the east and southeast, so that all your forces can fire upon them from the same place; it's not a good idea to split up, since a massive wave of attacks can wear down even the toughest of Supers, or nail a few hits on the fastest of Reals. As long as you attack as a group and focus all your attacks on one Squad at a time, you should do fine; even the EI-15 should be no problem. Just remember using Hell And Heaven is a losing condition here, so don't try to be TOO much of a romantic. ^^; If you're aiming for the AP, try to at least kill the EI-15 by Turn 5. The real problem comes after you defeat EI-15. When the EI-20 shows up, it uses yet another magical wave that completely disables every one of your units. You can dodge and defend, but not attack or move or even use Seishin; as with the previous mission, I suggest switching your Squad Leaders to Reals, and dodging everything that's thrown your way. Survive this onslaught for two turns, and Goldimarg slams into the EI-20 to disable the wave. At this point, you can use Hammer Hell And Heaven. Weaken the EI-20, destroy the squad if you wish, and watch the adrenaline-pumping Hammer Hell And Heaven in action. After the stage, you'll receive 1 Repair Kit, 1 Propellant Tank and 1 Cartridge. The GaoGaiGar units also join your squad permanently. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 22: Super Robot route ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Wild Base Squadron -- Kotetsu Jeeg, Big Shooter Guy -- GaoGaiGar Daikuu Maryuu -- Daikuu Maryuu 12 Squads Reinforcement Squads: On enemy turn after enemy reinforcements appear, and if you fufilled the conditions: Takeru -- Takeru Starting Enemy Squads Mimashi -- Yamada no Orochi[Chobham Armour], Gyao(2) Yamada Kingdom 1 -- Gyao(2) Yamada Kingdom 2 -- Girala(2) Yamada Kingdom 3 -- Gyao, Girala Yamada Kingdom 4 -- Girala, Gyao Yamada Kingdom 5 -- Rucon(2) Yamada Kingdom 6 -- Garuga(2) Yamada Kingdom 7 & 9 -- Rucon, Garuga Yamada Kingdom 8 & 10 -- Garuga, Rucon Yamada Kingdom 11 -- 60% HP Garuga Yamada Kingdom 12 -- Rucon Reinforcement Enemy Squads After Mimashi attacks/is attacked: Ikima -- Yamada No Orochi[Hybrid Armour], Gyao(2) Yamada Kingdom 13 -- Gyao, Girala Yamada Kingdom 14 -- Girala, Gyao Yamada Kingdom 15 -- Garuga, Rucon Yamada Kingdom 16 -- Rucon, Garuga AP Condition: Defeat all enemies within 7 turns. Notes: Hiroshi shows his roots by going all OYW Amuro whiny about being a Cyborg. And ironically, it takes two other fighting machines, Guy and Heero(^^;) to snap him out of it. Some nice WAFF between Heero and Relena is thrown in too, for those who like that sort of thing. The mission itself is really pretty standard. The reinforcements show up to the east, but you should already be heading in that general direction anyway. Apply your standard tactics to win; apply them fast to get the AP. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 22: Real Robot route ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Wild Base Squadron -- Kotetsu Jeeg, Big Shooter Reinforcement Squads On Turn 3: 1 Battleship Heero -- Wing Gundam Zero Custom 12 Squads Starting Enemy Squads Mimashi -- Yamada no Orochi[Chobham Armour], Gyao Yamada Kingdom 1 -- Gyao(2) Yamada Kingdom 2 -- Girala(2) Yamada Kingdom 3 -- Gyao, Girala Yamada Kingdom 4 -- Girala, Gyao Yamada Kingdom 5 -- Rucon(2) Yamada Kingdom 6 -- Garuga(2) Yamada Kingdom 7 & 9 -- Rucon, Garuga Yamada Kingdom 8 & 10 -- Garuga, Rucon Yamada Kingdom 11 -- Garuga Yamada Kingdom 12 -- Rucon Reinforcement Enemy Squads After Mimashi attacks/is attacked: Ikima -- Yamada No Orochi[Hybrid Armour], Gyao(2) Yamada Kingdom 13 -- Gyao, Girala Yamada Kingdom 14 -- Girala, Gyao Yamada Kingdom 15 & 16 -- Rucon, Garuga Yamada Kingdom 17 -- Rucon Yamada Kingdom 18 -- Garuga AP Condition: Defeat all initial enemies within 7 turns. Notes: Basically the same as the Super route, except the main force doesn't arrive until turn 3, the enemy reinforcements are slightly larger, Takeru is impossible to get, and Heero is an Event character instead of Guy. Even the enemy positions are more or less the same, and the strategies are standard. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 23: Super Robot route ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Getter Team -- Getter Dragon 2 Battleships 14 Squads Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads Gallery -- Guda[Bio Sensor] Bat -- Sori[Booster] Radora -- Sieg Zanki -- Zen 2[Dual Sensor] Kyoryuu Empire 1 & 3 -- Zai, Zuu Kyoryuu Empire 2 -- Zuu, Zai Kyoryuu Empire 4 & 5 -- Saki(2) Kyoryuu Empire 6 & 7 -- Giro(2) Kyoryuu Empire 8 & 9 -- Zen 1, Bird Kyoryuu Empire 10 to 12 -- Kyoryuu Jet Unit(2) Reinforcement Enemy Squads: None AP Condition: Defeat Gallery and Bat within 6 turns. Notes: Time to take down Machineland. If you've played SRW Alpha Gaiden Hard mode, you know what to expect; the Magma Cannon, which targets 4 random squares at the start of your turn after turn 1. If they do hit, they'll damage the whole squad for half HP; if you're unlucky enough to get hit by it, use the Friendship Seishin just to make sure that they won't get completely nuked on the next turn. ^^; The dialogue is also especially funny, as everyone taunts the Kyoryuu force about how they know about the Magma Cannon, and that the Kyoryuu have no future. The enemies are standard either extremely low 2500 HP ships, or high HP and Armour mechasauruses. They're pretty standard enemies, but the AP may be of some concern, since both start pretty far away from your forces. Constant use of Accelerate should leave you within fighting range by turn 4 though, leaving you a couple of turns to destroy the Kyoryuu generals. Additionally, if you've fufilled all the other requirements for convincing Radora, you can then persuade him with Ryouma. He won't join you, but you can defeat him afterwards safely. After you beat up the Kyoryuu, Gol shows up and shows off his hostage; the Getter team try to sacrifice themselves in exchange for the hostage, but of COURSE there's no way the villain would leave the proposal as simple as that. ^^; Your dudes are forced to retreat after, leaving a disabled Getter Dragon behind... ------------------------------------------------ Mission 23: Real Robot route ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads 2 Battleships 15 Squads Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads Kyoryuu Empire 1 -- Guda[Bio Sensor] Kyoryuu Empire 2 -- Sori[Booster] Kyoryuu Empire 3 -- Sieg Kyoryuu Empire 4 -- Zen 2[Dual Sensor] Kyoryuu Empire 5 & 7 -- Zai, Zuu Kyoryuu Empire 6 -- Zuu, Zai Kyoryuu Empire 8 & 9 -- Saki(2) Kyoryuu Empire 10 & 11 -- Giro(2) Kyoryuu Empire 12 & 13 -- Zen 1, Bird(2) Kyoryuu Empire 14 to 16 -- Kyoryuu Jet Unit(2) Reinforcement Enemy Squads: None AP Condition: Defeat Gallery and Bat within 6 turns. Notes: Practically the same as the Super route, except that the Getter Team isn't an event character (and you don't have them anyway ^^;) and the ending is slightly different. Follow the notes one scenario above for this scenario. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 24: Super Robot route ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Getter Team 1 -- Getter Dragon, Michiru Getter Team 2 -- Black Getter Guy -- GaoGaiGar, Goldimarg 1 Battleship 12 Squads Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads Emperor Gol -- Invincible Battleship Dai[Large Scale Generator], Saki(2) Gallery -- Guda[Solar Panel], Bird(2) Bat -- Guda[Apogee Motor], Bird(2) Radora -- Sieg, Bird(2) Zanki -- Zen 2[Multi Sensor], Saki(2) Kyoryuu Empire 1 to 6 -- Sori Kyoryuu Empire 7 & 9 -- Zai, Zuu Kyoryuu Empire 8 -- Zuu, Zai Kyoryuu Empire 10 & 11 -- Saki(2) Kyoryuu Empire 12 & 13 -- Giro(2) Kyoryuu Empire 14 & 15 -- Zen 1 Kyoryuu Empire 16 & 17 -- Bird, Kyoryuu Jet Unit(2) Kyoryuu Empire 18 to 20 -- Kyoryuu Jet Unit(2) Reinforcement Enemy Squads: None AP Condition: Destroy Bat, Gallery and Gol within 8 turns. Notes: Once again, I'll only cover the first part here. It's an obviously impossible situation anyway; Musashi in the Black Getter and Michiru in the Ready Command VS fifty bajillion Kyoryuu squads. You CAN actually take down a few of the Jet Units if you wish, but it's not really worth it. Just survive for two turns, and you get a sweet map animation of Musashi performing the Dai-Setsu-Ran-Oroshi on Gol using the Black Getter, and Guy using the Dividing Driver immediately after. And then the real mission starts. It's an all-out mano-el-mano firefight between you and the Kyoryuus; your forces occupy the southern area, and the Kyoryuus most of the north. I suggest splitting your force into two groups, one handling the western enemies and the other handling the eastern ones, then both of them converging onto the Soris and Gol. If you've followed the conditions, you should send Getter Team 1 to the west; have Ryouma fight Radora once to initiate another conversation, and leave him alive after. Bat and Gallery are easy enough to dispose of, as are their flunkies. Gol, predictably, is a different cookie altogether. 50,000 HP combined with extreme armour and the easy ability to wipe any unit of yours out in one single hit. Fortunately, almost all your Super pilots and most of your Real pilots should be learning Hot Blood by now, which will help greatly in defeating Gol before he can put TOO much hurt on your dudes. Just don't forget the defensive seishin either...^^; Depending on whether you convinced Radora correctly, the ending to this scenario will be different. If you didn't, Musashi will stay behind and sacrifice himself to defeat Gol (and you get to hear Ryouma scream his name ^^;). If you did, both Getters will stay behind and perform a combination attack to defeat Gol, but Radora drags them both back. Unfortunately, Musashi will only be a permanent co-pilot of the Ready Command, but you can still have Ryouma use the Black Getter if you wish, and you get an EXCELLENT support unit in the process. After the stage, you'll receive 1 Minovsky Craft, 1 Propellant Tank, 1 Repair Kit and 1 Cartridge. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 24: Real Robot route ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Getter Team 1 -- Getter Dragon, Michiru Getter Team 2 -- Black Getter Guy -- GaoGaiGar, Goldimarg Tetsuya & Jun -- Great Mazinger, Venus A 1 Battleship 12 Squads Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads Emperor Gol -- Invincible Battleship Dai[Large Scale Generator], Saki(2) Kyoryuu Empire 1 to 6 -- Sori Kyoryuu Empire 7 -- Guda[Solar Panel], Bird(2) Kyoryuu Empire 8 -- Guda[Apogee Motor], Bird(2) Kyoryuu Empire 9 -- Sieg, Bird(2) Kyoryuu Empire 10 -- Zen 2[Multi Sensor], Saki(2) Kyoryuu Empire 11 & 13 -- Zai, Zuu Kyoryuu Empire 12 -- Zuu, Zai Kyoryuu Empire 14 & 15 -- Saki(2) Kyoryuu Empire 16 & 17 -- Giro(2) Kyoryuu Empire 18 & 19 -- Zen 1 Kyoryuu Empire 20 to 22 -- Bird, Kyoryuu Jet Unit(2) Reinforcement Enemy Squads: None AP Condition: Defeat all other enemies before defeating the Invincible Battleship Dai. Notes: As with the previous two missions, the Real route is basically the same as the Super route; the main difference is the impossibility of convincing Radora, which the different AP condition also reflects. The enemies are also slightly less, but are concentrated on one side rather than split up, which may be easier or harder depending on your own squads. Otherwise, everything said in the above notes also apply. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 25 ------------------------------------------------ Choosing the first option: Starting Squads Wild Base Squadron -- Kotetsu Jeeg, Big Shooter 2 Squads Reinforcement Squads When Girala is destroyed: Daikuu Maryuu -- Daikuu Maryuu 10 Squads Starting Enemy Squads Ikima -- Yamada No Orochi[Dual Sensor], Gyao Amazo -- Yamada No Orochi[Booster], Gyao Yamada Kingdom 1 & 3 -- Gyao(2) Yamada Kingdom 2 -- Rucon(2) Yamada Kingdom 4 -- Garuga(2) Yamada Kingdom 5 -- Girala Reinforcement Enemy Squads On enemy turns until Girala is destroyed: Yamada Kingdom -- Rucon OR Garuga When Girala is destroyed: Mimashi -- Yamada no Orochi Magnetic Coating], Gyao Yamada Kingdom 6 -- Rucon(2) Yamada Kingdom 7 -- Garuga(2) Yamada Kingdom 8 -- Gyao(2) Yamada Kingdom 9 -- Girala(2) One turn after player reinforcements arrive: Gorgon -- Almighty Fortress Mikross[Ultra Alloy Z](All Mikenes retreat) Mikene 1 -- Toruken, Ovelius Mikene 2 -- Psycho Bear, Skull Mikene 3 -- Dolrac, Glacios After 5 or less enemy squads remain: Himika -- Yamada No Orochi[Hachimaki], Gyao(2) Yamada Kingdom 10 -- Gyao(2) Yamada Kingdom 11 -- Girala(2) ------------------------------------------------ Choosing the second option: Starting Squads: Daikuu Maryuu -- Daikuu Maryuu 12 Squads Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads: Ikima -- Yamada No Orochi[Dual Sensor], Gyao Amazo -- Yamada No Orochi[Booster], Gyao Mimashi -- Yamada No Orochi[Magnetic Coating], Gyao Yamada Kingdom 1, 5 & 9 -- Gyao(2) Yamada Kingdom 2, 6 & 10 -- Girala(2) Yamada Kingdom 3, 7 & 11 -- Garuga(2) Yamada Kingdom 4, 8 & 12 -- Rucon(2) Yamada Empire 13 & 14 -- Girala Reinforcement Enemy Squads: On enemy turns before Giralas are destroyed: Yamada Kingdom -- Rucon Yamada Kingdom -- Garuga After Giralas are destroyed: Gorgon -- Almighty Fortress Mikross[Ultra Alloy Z](All Mikenes retreat) Mikene 1 -- Toruken, Ovelius Mikene 2 -- Psycho Bear, Skull Mikene 3 -- Dolrac, Glacios After 5 or less enemy squads remain; Himika -- Yamada no Orochi, Gyao(2) Yamada Empire 15 & 17 -- Gyao(2) Yamada Empire 16 & 18 -- Girala(2) ------------------------------------------------ AP Condition: Defeat all other enemies before defeating Himika. Notes: You get to choose the attack method on the Yamada empire before the stage starts; either you send a recon force of Jeeg and two other Squads, or send the whole force at once. The first option covers the former, and the second option covers the latter. The only real difference is that the number of enemies are slightly more if you choose the second option. Regardless, it's the final(?) battle with the Haniwa goons, and they're STILL as weak as ever, having some of the lowest Armour for super robot enemies. Still, you have to be a little careful not to receive a game over; you have to defeat the Girala(s) within 4 turns or its zee endo. If you're playing the first option, then simply rush one squad towards the Girala to finish it; it defends on your turn, but attacks on the enemy's, so it shouldn't be too hard. If you're playing the second option, you'll have to split your forces AND rush the two Giralas on the opposite sides of the map. Make sure that Jeeg is in the stronger party, since the reinforcements for the enemy generally show up near him. Once it, or they, are down, Gorgon makes his appearance, along with a few Mikene flunkies, and Himika appears after you kill too many of hers. If you chose the first route, you can just converge on them as one massive wave of destruction, but if you chose the second route, it's probably more efficient to have the squad that took out the eastern Girala take out Gorgon, while the western squad prepares for Himika. Both ways, the real threat is Himika herself; she has 70,000 HP, insane aiming and power, and can fry squads rather easily. Once again, save up your best Hot Blood hits for her, and remember to kill everyone else off first for the AP. Note that all the Mikenes will run if Gorgon is defeated, so if you're a perfectionist, save him for second last. After the intermission, you'll get to choose whether to help the Novis Noah (first choice) or combat the Neo Jion forces (second choice). They both essentially go through the same stages, except you get certain things earlier on different routes, so go ahead and choose whichever one you want. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 26: Novis Noah route ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Albion -- Albion 1 Battleship 12 Squads Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads Jonathan -- Gran Cher[Mega Booster], Gran Cher(2) Shira -- Gran Cher[Magnetic Coating], Gran Cher(2) Reclaimer 1 to 3 -- Gran Cher(3) Reclaimer 4 to 6 -- Gran Cher(2) Reinforcement Enemy Squads On Turn 2.5: EI-07 -- EI-07[Learning Computer] Zondar 1 -- Ovelius, Impactor Zondar 2 -- Bird, Gyao Zondar 3 -- Dogap, Dari Zondar 4 -- Kabtongar, Ovelius Zondar 5 -- Dari, Bird Zondar 6 -- Ocosenia, Gyao Zondar 7 & 8 -- Zuu On turn 3.0: Edgar -- Gran Cher[Bio Sensor] (All Gran Chers retreat) AP Condition: Destroy all enemies within 7 turns. Notes: Jonathan and Shira show up again to bother your guys even more. The starting forces are obviously far too little to not expect reinforcements; don't send too many squads to the northwest. I generally suggest sending your land-bound squads northwest, and having the rest move southeast, once again in anticipation for the Zondar forces that appear soon after. Edgar appears in the northern area of the map on turn 3, and almost made me think he was going to Hyperize. ^^; Thankfully he doesn't, and his Gran Cher isn't that much more different than Jonathan's. It still has more HP and Edgar starts with lots of morale though; regardless, the land-bound squads you sent northwest-wards should be able to deal with her. You've already faced the EI-07 before, and its really no more difficult now. The AP is also easy if you split up your forces like I recommended. After the mission, Higgins and Kanan witness the birth of the Brain Children, and become their pilots. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 26: Neo Jion route ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads 1 Battleship 12 Squads Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads Cima -- Garbera Tetra, Gira Douga(2) Neo Jion 1 to 3 -- Gira Douga(3) Neo Jion 4 & 5 -- Gira Douga, Gelgoog M(2) Neo Jion 5 to 8 -- Rick Dom II Neo Jion 9 to 11 -- Zaku II F2 Production Type(2) Reinforcement Enemy Squads On Turn 3: Quincy -- Gran Cher[Mega Booster], Gran Cher(2) Reclaimer 1 to 6 -- Gran Cher(3) Reclaimer 7 -- Gran Cher(2) AP Condition: Defeat Cima before she leaves the map. Notes: A different AP to aim for for once; then again, it's a surprisingly simple one. Cima takes up to 3 or 4 turns to reach the northern edge of the map, and although your land-bound squads will find it difficult to move through the terrain, your flying squads(well, I HOPE you have them ^^;) should be able to catch up with her by turn 2. You'll have to absorb the shots of the grunt mobile suits while charging towards Cima, but they aren't hard to dodge, or for your Supers to take. Besides Cima, the other Neo Jion forces are standard stuff that you've dealt with several times before, and the same can be said of the Gran Chers that show up in the northwest corner of the map afterwards. Quincy has a head-achingly foreshadowish conversation with Yuu after, assuming you deployed him of course. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 27: Novis Noah route ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Daikuu Maryuu -- Daikuu Maryuu 12 Squads Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads Balm Army 1 & 2 -- Dari, Spinzar Boazan Army 1 & 2 -- Ocosenia, Boazan Fighter Ship Dark Horror Army Corps 1 & 2 -- Black Monster, Red Balom(2) Dark Horror Army Corps 3 & 4 -- Kabtongar, Red Balom(2) Dark Horror Army Corps 5 & 6 -- Sasorinka, Red Balom(2) Dolion -- Dolion(Chobham Armour), Dolion Reinforcement Enemy Squads After clearing out initial enemies: Belgan -- Skullrook, Ocosenia, Desla Barubas -- Garunroll, Dari(2) Balm Army 1 -- Dari, Spinzar(2) Boazan Army 1 & 2 -- Ocosenia, Boazan Fighter Ship(2) Dolion -- Dolion(2) Dolion -- Dolion(2) Dark Horror Army Corps 1 -- Black Monster, Red Balom(2) Dark Horror Army Corps 2 -- Kabtongar, Red Balom(2) Dark Horror Army Corps 3 -- Sasorinka, Red Balom(2) One turn after reinforcements appear: Zonekaiser -- Zonekaiser AP Condition: Clear initial enemies within 4 turns. Notes: The initial enemy squads are spread out all around the Big Falcon; it's generally optimal to split up your group once again into two squads, one which handles the western enemies, and one which handles the eastern side. Of course, your Flyers could also use the Big Falcon for some recovery should they need it. The AP condition is easily fufilled this way. When the reinforcements come, you get a nasty, if familiar surprise; all your units get their morale decreased to 50. A few units are unaffected though; mainly the Gou brothers in Voltes V and the AI-powered units like Volfogg, Goldimarg, Hyouryou and Enryou; this is because Belgan uses Boazan poison, which Boazans are immune to (and obviously AI can't be poisoned). Despite this, it's actually not impossible to still kick a fair amount of alliance ass; you just have to be more careful with your attacks, and again, Reals as Squad Leaders rule the day, especially since all the damage-reducing barriers require 100 morale. Unfortunately, once the Zonekaiser appears and attacks one of your squads, a bunch of story events occur; basically, the Zonekaiser takes no damage from whatever attack you used, then Kazuya gets overconfident and gets his ass kicked. The AI brothers then attempt to take it down since they're one of the few unaffected by the poison, and get their ass kicked as well, but somehow manage to damage the Zonekaiser. Shishiou that gets an idea, and forces everyone to retreat(couldn't you let us finish everything ELSE off first?...). You can actually sidestep this entirely as long as you don't let the Zonekaiser show off its special armour and kill everything else off first, but it happens within a set number of turns as well, so don't dilly-dally if you're heading for that route. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 27: Neo Jion route ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Albion -- Albion 12 Squads Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads Kinberlaid 1 -- Zaku F2 Production Type[Hybrid Armour], Zaku F2 Production Type(2) Kinberlaid 3, 5, 7 to 14 -- Zaku F2 Production Type(2) Kinberlaid 2 -- Zaku F2 Production Type[Chobham Armour], Zaku F2 Production Type Kinberlaid 4 -- Zaku F2 Production Type[Magnetic Coating], Zaku F2 Production Type Kinberlaid 6 -- Zaku F2 Production Type[Booster], Zaku F2 Production Type Reinforcement Enemy Squads On turn 3.5: Kinberlaid 15 to 20 -- Zaku F2 Production Type(2) On turn 4.5: Kinberlaid 21 to 26 -- Zaku F2 Production Type(2) AP Condition: Defeat all enemies within 7 turns. Notes: Yes, you read those stats right. It's your force against a whole army of those brave, indomitable Zakus. I'll give you a couple of minutes to laugh like an evil maniac. Now that you're back, this mission is actually far harder than it looks and sounds. Although Zakus are almost invariably weak mobile suits, these ones are pumped up further than you can imagine. For one, they all have S ranks on land, which makes a rather big difference; they actually get 40+% hit rates on your Reals(thanks to the Squad Attack bonus), and can take out most Reals in two hits. They also do acceptable damage to Supers, and Supers even with the 20% accuracy bonus from Squad Attacks may still find it reasonably troublesome to hit those buggers; less to be said about your squad members. Most annoyingly, all the starting Zakus have Support Defense, which makes it -rather- hard for you to nuke them in one hit while you're still at low morale. My advice? Don't skimp on the seishin. Cast Concentrate on every turn for your Reals that they may have lots of fire coming onto them; use Sure Hit for your Supers and even some of your Squad Members if that's what it takes to nuke the Zakus in one hit, and use as many Hot Blooded ALL attacks as possible to nuke those squads of two Zakus quickly and painlessly. The reinforcement Zakus show up on both of the rock outcroppings on the map, three each; prepare for them in advance by pre-casting Concentrate or Iron Wall or whatever defensive Seishin you have handy. On turn 4.5, Peter also decides its a good idea to rush you, and the otherwise-unmoving Zakus near the rocket start moving towards your group. For just clearing the map, I suggest sending some of your strongest groups towards the northwest perpetually, gaining morale when they can, and casting defensive seishin on nearly every turn, while the remainder of your forces hang back just a little and perform clean-up, as well as dealing with the reinforcements on turns 3.5 and 4.5. You should be able to reach Peter by turn 5, or 6 at the very least; concentrate your squads on him, and when he goes down, the mission ends. Of course, if you want the AP, you'll have to clear every one of those damned Zakus before you destroy Peter; use a good ALL Attack to take out the ones supporting Peter. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 28: Novis Noah route ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Daimohick Squadron -- Daimos, Gulver FX II Reinforcement Squads After Zonekaiser is defeated: 1 Battleship 12 Squads Starting Enemy Squads Zonekaiser -- Zonekaiser Reinforcement Enemy Squads After Zonekaiser is defeated: Aizam -- Gimeria[Hybrid Armour] Richter -- Cobrad[Multi Sensor] Balm Army 1 -- Garunroll[Solar Panel] Balm Army 2 -- Dari[Magnetic Coating], Dari(2) Balm Army 3 & 4 -- Zonekaiser Balm Army 5 to 7 -- Dari, Spinzar After Aizam is defeated, or when three or less enemy squads remain: Desmond -- Grodector Dankel -- Grodector Asimov -- Grodector Killer -- Grodector Belgan -- Skullrook[Booster] Dark Horror Army Corps 1 -- Sasorinka(2) Dark Horror Army Corps 2 -- Kabtongar(2) Dark Horror Army Corps 3 & 4 -- Black Monster, Red Balom(2) Boazan Army 1 & 2 -- Ocosenia, Boazan Fighter Ship Boazan Army 3 & 4 -- Desla, Boazan Fighter Ship AP Condition: Defeat at least three of the Grodectors, all of whom retreat at below 10,000 HP. Notes: It's time to put a sock in that cocky Richter's mouth, and you can do that right from the very start by destroying the Zonekaiser. The ease of this depends on how much you've spent on Daimos' weapons and EN; if you have fully upgraded EN, there's practically no worry, as you have the luxury of taking your time since you have 4 shots of the new Reppuu Sekken Zuki Kai, which is the only thing that can damage the Zonekaiser. Once you're done with that, Aizam becomes the next person to challenge Kazuya to a duel. His Gimeria is a little tougher than the Zonekaiser, and similarly can only be damaged by the Reppuu Sekken Zuki Kai, but thankfully Daimos's HP, EN and Kazuya's Seishin are completely refilled. He should be able to easily take Aizam, while your squad has the "little" matter of dealing with Richter and his 65000++ HP Cobrad, with rather low morale to start with. As soon as you finish off Aizam, you should rush Daimos back to the rest of your forces; they would probably need the help with the Cobrad at this point, and you acn't really take all the Dark Horror forces that appear soon after with just Kazuya anyway. After you deal with Richter though, it becomes a (admittedly missing in recent scenarios) Super enemy scenario again, with only the Grodectors any real threat. Even those "only" top up at around 28,000 HP, and as long as you had the presence of mind to save SOME seishin for them and not use it all against Richter, a Hot Blooded finisher supported by a decent attack should be enough to finish all 4 of them, getting the AP in the process. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 28: Neo Jion route ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Daikuu Maryuu -- Daikuu Maryuu Kazuya & Kyoshiro -- Daimos, Gulver FX II 1 Battleship 14 Squads Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads Sea Snake(Structure)[Solar Panel] Desmond -- Grodector(Retreats on turn 2) Dankel -- Grodector(Retreats on turn 2) Asimov -- Grodector(Retreats on turn 2) Killer -- Grodector(Retreats on turn 2) Raiza -- Garunroll, Dari(2) Barubas -- Dari, Dari(2) Belgan -- Skullrook[Dual Sensor], Boazan Fighter Ship(2) Garunroll 1 & 2 -- Garunroll Balm Army 1 & 2 -- Zonekaiser Balm Army 3 & 4 -- Dari(3) Skullrook 1 & 2 -- Skullrook Boazan Army 1 -- Dolion, Boazan Fighter Ship(2) Boazan Army 2 -- Ocosenia, Boazan Fighter Ship(2) Boazan Army 3 -- Desla, Boazan Fighter Ship(2) Boazan Army 4 to 7 -- Boazan Fighter Ship(2) Reinforcement Enemy Squads On every enemy turn until the Sea Snake is destroyed: 3x (Missile -- Missile) After Sea Snake is destroyed: Richter -- Cobrad[Hybrid Armour] Balm Army 5 & 6 -- Zonekaiser Balm Army 7 -- Gimeria AP Condition: Clear the map within 8 turns. Notes: The first thing you'll notice about the map is how much WATER there is. There's practically only two very small bits of land, towards the east; this means that your squads that can't fly are basically useless, since you need to have all 4 members good in Water in order to move freely through it, and that's generally far less likely than having 4 members who can fly. In other words, you need lots of preparation if you want the AP; having at least 6 to 8 flying squads help immensely, and of course, the more the merrier. Both ways, you're facing the alliance once again, and most probably unlike your own forces, the majority of their squads can fly. ^^; It's most of the Boazan to the east, and most of the Balm to the west; you should send a stronger force towards the west, not only because the enemies there are somewhat stronger, but because you'll have to face the reinforcements there later too. It's also most preferable to send the Daimos squadron with the western forces too, for reasons to become obvious later. On every enemy turn, the Sea Snake spits out 3 missiles. These are suicide missiles who explode upon impact, and are actually pretty weak, but shouldn't really be bothered with, since they have 10,000 HP, too much to really deal with especially if you're aiming for the AP. Instead, just rush your battleships forward and let them take the hits, as the missiles are invariably attracted to them like flies to honey. You shouldn't forget that the main goal is to destroy the Sea Snake. It has around 50,000 HP, but fortunately, it won't hit back and has poor armour. Once you DO destroy it, the annoying missiles stop regenerating, but more importantly, this forces Richter and his guardians to come out to play. The Gimeria here can only be damaged by Daimos's Reppuu Sekken Zuki Kai, which is why I suggested you send him with the western force originally. The Cobrad is slightly more worrying, and you'll know why if you read the notes for the other route; 65,000 HP, and takes hits rather well, and can dish out the damage. Fortunately, unlike the other route, your dudes should have the morale to execute their best attacks and take him out far quicker. 8 turns is pretty steep if you don't have many flying squads, but if you prepared for it beforehand, the AP shouldn't be as hard as it may look. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 29: Novis Noah route ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Mother Vanguard -- Mother Vanguard 12 Squads Reinforcement Squads On Turn 3: Banjou -- Daitarn 3 Starting Enemy Squads Quincy -- Gran Cher[Apogee Motor], Gran Cher(2) Shira -- Gran Cher[Dual Sensor], Gran Cher(2) Reclaimer 1 to 3 -- Gran Cher(3) Reclaimer 4 to 6 -- Gran Cher(2) Reinforcement Enemy Squads On Turn 3: Henmel -- Megaborg Henmel Sandrake -- Megaborg Sandrake[Chobham Armour] Death Spider -- Death Spider Meganoid 1, 3, 5, 7 -- Aiai(2) Meganoid 2, 4, 6, 8 -- Aiai(3) On Turn 4.5: Queen Mantha -- Queen Mantha[Anti-Beam Coating] AP Condition: Defeat Henmel, who retreats below 10,000 HP. Notes: It's MORE annoying Gran Chers to face. The starting forces are cake compared to what you've already faced before. Quincy has the same conversation with Yuu as in stage 26 of the Neo Jion route, although this time Kant helps the talk along a little. Even the Meganoids who show up later aren't much cop; they mostly consist of the weak Aiai ships, with only the Death Spider and the Megaborgs themselves proving any sort of stability. If you've destroyed Quincy by the time they come around, Yuu will rush over to the western area where Banjou shows up; you can then launch a two-pronged attack on the Meganoids, with Banjou's leadership skill proving very useful in this stage. The AP is easy, even though Henmel has a damage-reducing Leadership skill; Banjou's +40% Attack Power against him easily overrides his +10% Defense. ^^; As far as anyone knows, the Queen Mantha isn't obtainable, unfortunately. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 29: Neo Jion route ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Kanan & Higgins -- Brain Child(2) 1 battleship 12 Squads Reinforcement Squads On Turn 2: Banjou : Daitarn 3 Starting Enemy Squads Jonathan -- Gran Cher[Apogee Motor], Gran Cher(2) Shira -- Gran Cher[Magnetic Coating], Gran Cher(2) Reclaimer 1 to 3 -- Gran Cher(3) Reclaimer 4 to 6 -- Gran Cher(2) Reinforcement Enemy Squads After initial enemies are defeated: Henmel -- Megaborg Henmel Meganoid 1 to 8 -- Aiai(2) Budagiln -- Budagiln Enemy turn after Henmel appears: Edgar -- Gran Cher[Bio Sensor] After Henmel attacks or is attacked: Queen Mantha -- Queen Mantha[Anti-Beam Coating] AP Condition: Defeat Henmel. Notes: You get your first introduction to the Brain Children on this route. They're of slightly different design than the Brains you're experienced with, but function the exact same. Regardless, you've got more Gran Chers to deal with, and they're as easy to deal with as ever. I do however suggest that you don't kill the last enemy squad until you're good and ready, with a few good squads in the northwestern corner where the Gran Chers started, and maybe a few other squads in or near the southwestern corner. When you're ready, deal the finishing blow, and Henmel and friends come out. By now, you should be perfectly ready for them and the Budagiln that shows up; The objective of the mission becomes to destroy the Budagiln in 5 turns, and you should be able to do so in 1. If you wish though, go ahead and finish off Henmel first for the AP, take out some of the Aiais and the Queen Mantha, and maybe wait a turn for Edgar to come out, to get the Bio Sensor he holds. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 30: Novis Noah route ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Banjou -- Daitarn 3 Tetsuya -- Great Mazinger Wild Base Squadron -- Jeeg Head, Big Shooter Reinforcement Squads On Turn 4: Wild Base Squadron -- Jeeg Panzaroid, Big Shooter On Turn 5: Daikuu Maryuu -- Daikuu Maryuu 10 Squads Starting Enemy Squads Koros -- Budagiln[Haro] Meganoid 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17 -- Aiai(3) Meganoid 4 to 6 -- Death Spider, Aiai(2) Meganoid 9, 12, 15 -- Aiai(2) Reinforcement Enemy Squads On Turn 5: Mireze -- Megaborg Mireze[Hybrid Armour] AP Condition: Defeat all enemies and save Banjou's assistants before defeating Koros. Notes: Koros opens up some odd dimension-based weapon that traps the training Hiroshi and Tetsuya, along with Banjou, into another dimension. From here, she then wussily retreats to the southwestern corner and leaves your guys to their own devices. Figures. Your opening opponents are Aiai squads, and Great and Daitarn can easily take them by themselves, especially Great with his ALL attacks. It's a little tougher for the Jeeg Head to be competitive, since it doesn't posess any attack that can kill an Aiai in one hit, which is pretty damn bad. ^^; If you're brave, you can still have him take one of the three nearest groups of enemies; you will probably have to cast plenty of Concentrate for insurance, though. An alternative would be to have him support Banjou, to clear out that squad of enemies faster since the Daitarn 3 has no ALL attacks, and the Dai Fighter's ALL attack is only range 1. On Turn 4, Jeeg will suddenly become a lot more useful when it switches into Panzaroid mode. At this point, Great should be done with his squad, and should be either working on the squad you ignored, or helping Jeeg anyway. By turn 4, you should be able to defeat all the initial 9 squads of Aiais nearest to you. And right on cue on Turn 5, your dudes show up. Megaborg Mireze also does, and reveals that all of Banjou's assistants are being held captive in the Death Spiders; you have to reduce them to below 1000 HP without killing them, or its game over. Extensive use of Mercy, or well-managed Squad Attacks and mid-game saves help tremendously here. Otherwise, Koros in the Budagiln is actually somewhat troublesome; it's no worse than the Cobrad you've faced though, and should be approached as such. Once again, Banjou's Leadership skill can really put the hurt on Koros, especially if you upgraded Daitarn's weapons. For the AP, simply do everything before taking out Koros. Not very hard to do, since Koros tends to hang back anyway and will likely be the last opponent to actually approach you. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 30: Neo Jion route ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Banjou -- Daitarn 3 Kidogar -- Megaborg Kidogar Reinforcement Squads On Turn 3, or after 3 enemy squads are defeated: Daikuu Maryuu -- Daikuu Maryuu 12 Squads Starting Enemy Squads Sundrake -- Megaborg Sundrake[Chobham Armour] Death Spider -- Death Spider Meganoid 1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10 -- Aiai(3) Meganoid 3, 4, 7, 8, 11, 12 -- Aiai(2) Reinforcement Enemy Squads After Banjou attacks the Death Spider: Koros -- Nibelgen[Haro], Aiai(2) Mireze -- Megaborg Mireze[Hybrid Armour] Meganoid 13 & 14 -- Death Spider, Aiai(2) Meganoid 15 to 17 -- Aiai(2) AP Condition: Clear the map within 8 turns. Notes: The first, uncovered above, part of the stage is a straight-out fight between Daitarn 3 and Megaborg Kidogar. You're actually allowed to lose this fight, which is likely if you haven't bothered upgrading Daitarn 3, but if you've given him some standard upgrades, then it's very much possible to destroy Kidogar for the cash, and it doesn't affect what happens after. Regardless of what happens, Koros then appears and traps both you and Kidogar using the same dimension weapon in the other route. Kidogar is then usable for a few turns; I suggest moving him far away from the Aiais as possible, while rushing Daitarn 3 towards the Death Spider and destroying as few of the Aiais in your way as possible. Transform Daitarn 3 into the Dai Fighter as well, for more movement range and the ALL attack. Your goal is to attack the Death Spider with Banjou, in order to free his assistants trapped inside(yes, it's almost the same as the other route). Likely before that can happen, turn 3 comes around along with the calvary, and Kidogar will "retreat". When Daitarn 3 actually does attack the Death Spider though, Kidogar will re-appear right next to it and launch a surprise attack. He still retreats afterwards after being damaged by Mireze, though. As for the AP, send a few squads with good ALL attacks a little northwards to deal with the hordes of Aiais that Banjou left behind. This also has the added-on effect of huge morale gains for the rest of your team, making it that much easier to lay waste to the rest of the Meganoids. To make it even easier, all of them rush you once you save Banjou's assistants, so the AP is easily obtainable. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 31: Zengar route ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Daikuu Maryuu -- Daikuu Maryuu Albion -- Albion Mother Vanguard -- Mother Vanguard 12 Squads Reinforcement Squads After all enemies are destroyed: Zengar -- Grungast Sanshiki Retsuel -- Huckebein Trombe 1 turn after all enemies are destroyed: Zengar -- Daizengar Starting Enemy Squads Amazo -- Yamada No Orochi Mimashi -- Yamada No Orochi Yamada Kingdom 1, 2, 5, 6 -- Gyao(2) Yamada Kingdom 3 & 4 -- Girala, Guraga Yamada Kingdom 7 -- Garuga, Rucon Yamada Kingdom 8 -- Girala, Rucon Battle Beast 1 to 4 -- Dolrac Reinforcement Enemy Squads After all enmies are destroyed: Kukuru -- Ma Guraga[Bio Sensor], Girala(2) AP Condition: Destroy all enemies within 6 turns. Notes: I kept the results of the Novis Noah route when going on with the walkthrough. Don't be fooled by the pre-battle intermission screen; you DO have to sortie squads out in this mission, so don't go slacking on squad maintenance if they need it; although thereotically if you wanted too, you could go out with a half-assed force and still easily win the day against the (relatively) measly enemies. The only big thing to note about the enemies on this stage is that some of them possess the Support Defense skill, which makes them slightly more annoying to kill, but still easy all the same. Zengar and his Grungast Sanshiki won't be available for this mission; that's because after all the initial enemies are cleared out and everyone inside the motherships ready for entry into space, Kukuru shows up to spoil everyone's day. Zengar comes out to combat her, and gets the captains to launch without him; he then takes on Kukuru alone, but isn't much of a match for her, and gets his beloved Zankantou shot far away from him, and his Sanshiki disabled. It all looks bleak, doesn't it? Then enter Elz...ahem, Retsuel, who manages to run a distraction ploy on Kukuru at least. You then have Retsuel in his Huckebein Mk III Trombe, and a useless Zengar against Kukuru and her Giralas. Unfortunately, the Support Defenses of the Giralas mean that it's basically impossible to do any sort of damage to Kukuru, and even if you could, her Machine Cells would heal them anyway. Just have Retsuel survive a turn. And when you do, Robert and Viletta launch the Dynamic General Guardian for Zengar to use against Kukuru. Of course, being the simplist he is, Zengar decides the name is too long and decides to call it by the first three syllables of each word: "Dai Zen Gar". Oyyyyy. ^^; Even after all this posturing though, Zengar is STILL unable to get the Daizengar up to speed, and has to spend another turn in useless mode, and Retsuel has to hang on for another turn. On the next turn, it's obvious that the DaiZenGar needs some weapons, and in a wickedly-cool map animation, Retsuel rushes off the map, and returns, throwing the forgotten Zankantou towards Zengar, which he catches and neatly poses with. Now you can wreak some REAL destruction; I first suggest having Retsuel do a direct attack on one of the Giralas, to use up the other Giralas' support defense; then have Zengar use his strongest move on the same Girala, which should kill it. On the next turn, have Zengar do the same for the other Girala, which will remove Kukuru's Support Defenses. Finally on the turns after, you can attack Kukuru directly; two good Hot Blooded attacks, even factoring in the bit of healing she gets in between, should do the business. After the mission, you receive 1 GS Light. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 31: Kusuha Route ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Kusuha -- Dragoner Machine Retsuel -- Huckebein Mk III Tronbe Viletta -- Huckebein Mk III Reinforcement Squads After Tiger Lord Machine is reduced below 3000 HP: Kusuha -- KoRyuOh Starting Enemy Squads Bullet -- Tiger Lord Machine Reinforcement Enemy Squads After Tiger Lord Machine is reduced below 3000 HP: ??? -- ???[Bio Sensor] AP Condition: Defeat ???, which retreats below 7000 HP. Notes: The ??? up there is really ??? according to the game, since you're not supposed to know what it is, Just FYI. ^^; Anyway, Bullet in the Tiger Lord Machine comes to bring Kusuha back to his "master", and almost manages to succeed in convincing her to come with him; that is, until Viletta and Elzam come in to break the quasi-mind control Bullet was using, and help you with taking the Tiger Lord Machine down; or rather, taking out its T-Link device by lowering the Tiger Lord Machine down below 3000 HP. Viletta and Elzam aren't actually that much help with this; your main damage dealer will likely be Kusuha, and go ahead and use up all her SP on doing as much damage as possible to Tiger Lord Machine, with a little support from Elzam and Viletta. Once you do, the Tiger Lord Machine seems to have powered down, and Bullet's mask cracks open; then it all starts going to hell as the Custos appear and this time personally invites Kusuha and the Dragoner Machine to join it; Kusuha refuses though, stating that the Ryuohki had ran away from it, and there had to be a reason why that happened; she'd rather believe in the Dragon Lord Machine than some giant tiger thing! Too bad it's just about ready to take the Dragoner Machine by force anyway, and attacks Kusuha, which somehow paralyzes both Huckebeins in the process. Kusuha is already stunned from the attack, and consequent attacks have her screaming out in pain, and eventually becoming chillingly silent, while Viletta and Elzam plead their machines to move. Things don't look very good at all.. ...But of course everyone forgets the wildcard Bullet, who finally manages to break out of his hypnosis. He attacks the Custos and breaks up the barrage of attacks, proclaiming that he's sick and tired of being its lap dog, and that his real place belongs with Kusuha and the rest of the partners he fought alongside in the Balmar War. He then tells Kusuha to show it the real power of the Tiger and Dragon machines, which they duly do as they combine. At this point, you can finally use the Dragon-Tiger Lord and Tiger-Dragon Lord once again, and you get to test it out on the poor Custos in the way. A good Hot Blooded attack from the high movement range Tiger-Dragon Lord will take a nice large chunk out of it; remember that it retreats below 7000 HP though, so don't ping it TOO hard. Either of the finishers aided by Hot Blood should be well enough to do over 7000 damage, and you can have Viletta cast Bless on them for added cash as well. Enjoy the hiliarty after the battle. ^^; After the mission, you receive 1 GS Light and 1 Organic Bit. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 31: Arad Route ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Arad -- Wild Bruger Viletta -- Huckebein Mk III Reinforcement Squads On Turn 3: 1 Battleship 12 Squads Starting Enemy Squads Zeora -- Wild Falcon, Gira Douga(2) Yazan Squadron -- Hambrabi[Bio Sensor], Hambrabi(2), Gira Douga Endora 1 & 2 -- Endora, Rick Dom II(2) Neo Jion 1 to 3 -- Gira Douga(3) Neo Jion 4 to 6 -- Gelgoog M, Rick Dom II(2) Neo Jion 7 -- Rick Dom, Zaku II F2 Production Type(2) Neo Jion 8 to 10 -- Zaku II F2 Production Type(3) Reinforcement Enemy Squads: None AP Condition: Defeat Yazan within 6 turns, who retreats below 3000 HP. Notes: Arad is sent with others on surveillance duty, and wouldn't you know it, once he ends communications with the Albion, here comes Zeora, who still thinks that some Lond Bel scum is using the Mk III; a quick shout from Arad fixes that skewed notion, and Zeora is greatly relieved to see him still alive. Then shocked when Arad refuses to go back to the Titans with her. Arad tries to tell her about all the incidents like 30 bunch and that the Titans were wrong in taking credit for the Balmar War and Aegis, but Zeora won't have any of it and starts believing that Arad is under mind control (look who's talking -_-;). Just as the war of words is starting to escalate into threats, that bad egg Yazan pops up and targets the Mk III; Zeora starts getting freaked that Arad would die (again), and tries to stop Yazan, but he tells her that this is war, Arad is her enemy, thus Arad must die. Before he can pull the trigger though, Retsuel and Viletta pop up and interrupt, with Retsuel using the Wild Bruger to intercept and beat off Yazan. Retsuel then tells Arad to take the Mk III, while he takes the Mk III to somewhere else to get it repaired; he complies, and he and Viletta get ready to face down a whole host of Neo Jions, including the still-resistant Zeora. Although you look heavily outnumbered, there's actually very little the majority of the enemies can do to hit you, as long as you throw a Concentrate on both Arad and Viletta on every turn; Yazan always defends, so Zeora is the only one who can get decent hit percentages on either of your units. I'd more or less suggest completely ignoring Zeora for now, since all the units in her squad has Support Defense, and your two single-unit squads aren't really enough to pierce through it; instead send your two units forward, Viletta leading as she has the slightly larger range, and take care of the Zakus who lack Support Defense, while countering the squads who do posess them. Once the calvary arrive on turn 3, move them downwards as fast as possible; your main goal will be getting the AP, and you'll need to move full throttle southwards all the way in order to land some hits on turn 6. Of course, make sure to take care of Zeora while you're travelling south. Although the AP looks relatively easily at 3000 HP, you have to factor in the 4-man squad, and the fact that Yazan and his flunkies always defend no matter what. Even given that, any decent attack with Hot Blood should be able to easily do the job; of course you could use Arad to do it for added drama. After the mission, Zeora is put in confinement due to her hesistance in killing her enemies, where she gets to angst a bit about what Arad told her before. You also receive 1 GS Light and 1 Organic Bit. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 31: Ivis Route ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Silver Shooting Star -- Alterion(CF) Guy -- GaoGaiGar Volfogg -- Big Volfogg Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads Pizza -- EI-05 Zondar 1 -- Bird, Impactor Zondar 2 -- Ovelius, Boazan Fighter Ship Zondar 3 -- Black Monster, Red Balom Zondar 4 -- Impactor, Gyao Zondar 5 -- Red Balom, Dogap Zondar 6 -- Ocosenia, Boazan Fighter Ship Reinforcement Enemy Squads On Turn 3.5: Scarlet Comet -- Vegarion AP Condition: Destroy all other enemies before destroying the EI-05. The Vegarion is not included. Notes: It's mere minutes to launch time, and it all goes to hell as Zondars show up to interrupt. Guy and Volfogg are on hand to help, although they'll get left behind; Ivis also launches with the solution, as the Alterion is capable of entry into space, and can drag the other two with it. You can't let any of the battleships be damaged, or worse, destroyed for three turns, though. The situation isn't quite as bad as it looks, as most of the Zondars have problems hitting all the units you can use. Pizza is the obvious exception, but that's what seishin is for, is it not? ^^; Regardless, you still have to protect the three battleships from being damaged during this period, so rush your three squads forward to give the Zondars something else to think about. Just before the battleships get ready to launch, the Vegarion tries to damage their boosters; Ivis manages to interrupt Suray, and gets the Alterion damaged in the process of fending her off. The battleships do eventually head for space, and encourage Ivis not to lose her fight against Suray, and that they'll see her in space again. Unfortunately, it's still not looking too good for Ivis, with a weakened Alterion; then a Custos comes to save the day! ...Well, except Ivis won't let it; she then implores the Custos not to get involved, as everyone believes in her, and she has promises to keep; she can't let anyone but herself win this battle! Oddly enough, the Custos appears to understand what she says, and disappears; at this point, you FINALLY get back to the mission, and you have to survive one enemy turn of the Vegarion's and Pizza's attacks. On Turn 4, the Alterion is still in pretty bad shape; Ivis then tells Tsugumi to prepare for manuever GRaMXs, which involves releasing the limiter Tsugumi placed on the Alterion; she does so, and Ivis performs the -kickass- GRaMXs manuever perfectly on Suray, who unforuntately casts Great Perseverance immediately after. At this point, Ivis's statistics receive a massive boost, and her Squad Leader Skill changes to Squad Movement Range +1 and Evade Rate +10%; the Alterion also gets a mobility upgrade, the Bunshin ability and when in CF mode, can perform the Manuever GRaMXs attack. Finally, Ivis gets a new pilot potrait, where she actually smiles (nice smile, ain't it? ^^;) The only tradeoff is that Ivis's crazy morale gains are lost and now become significantly more normal, but I'd say that's a pretty good deal. ^^; Anyway, back to the mission. You still have Pizza and Suray to dael with; likely most, if not all of the rest of the Zondar enemies should be defeated by then. I suggest rushing Ivis over to help Guy and Volfogg, since you can leave the Vegarion alive and still gain the AP; you can have the high-mobility Alterion show Pizza who's the true boss in air combat, then have Guy and Volfogg give Suray a taste of the Sure Hit seishin. ^^; Once you finish the mission, Guy and Volfogg hang on to the Alterion, and blast off to space after the rest. After the mission, you receive 1 GS Light and 1 Organic Bit. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 32 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Ral Kairam -- Ral Kairam Harrison -- Mass Produced Gundam F91 Reinforcement Squads On Turn 2: Mother Vanguard -- Mother Vanguard 12 Squads Starting Enemy Squads Gyunei -- Yact Douga[Apogee Motor], Gira Douga(2) Quess -- Yact Douga[Psycho Frame], Gira Douga(2) Neo Jion 1 & 2 -- Gira Douga(3) Neo Jion 3 & 4 -- Gelgoog M(2) Neo Jion 5 & 6 -- Rick Dom II(2) Reinforcement Enemy Squads When 3 or less enemy squads remain: Death Gale Squadron -- Kuabase[Multi Sensor], Arpeggio, Totouga Zabine -- Crossbone Gundam X2 Kai[High Powered Targeting Device], Belga Giros(2) Shire -- Samus Garu, Tenan Zon(2) Rafflesia -- Rafflesia 10x (Bug -- Bug(2)) Jupiter Empire 1 & 2 -- Elbad, Bez Badara(2) Jupiter Empire 3 -- Bez Badara(2) Jupiter Empire 4 & 5 -- Belga Giros, Tenan Zon Jupiter Empire 6 -- Dagi Giros, Zond Ger When a Bug squad is destroyed, and the Rafflesia is alive: Bug -- Bug(2) AP Condition: Destroy the Samus Garu, which retreats below 10,000 HP. Notes: It's back to space, and it's back to mobile suit smashing. The starting squads are once again just appetizers for the main dish; even Gyunei says so when the rest of your force arrives. ^^; Regardless, their starting forces are still more numerous than yours, but I suggest moving the Ral Kairam forward anyway; it's ALL attacks can make mincemeat of most of the enemy squads pretty quickly. Save Harrison for support work, but make sure he's never in the firing line, since enemy squads are rather quick to pick on the weak fry. When your dudes arrive, have theem rush north and east as fast as possible. Once you lower enemy squads to three or less, the rest of the force comes out, and they're far more menacing AND annoying; the annoying bit coming from the Bugs squads, as for every one squad you kill, another one will regenerate from the Samus Garu. You then have to prevent ANY of the Bug Squads to proceed across the lines that the game shows to you; the Ral Kairam will also move to defend that line, and can't be moved after. Fortunately enough, Bug Squads can be easily taken down with practically any ALL attack, and the number of Bug Squads aren't infinite; there's still plenty of them though, and you might find it easier to simply destroy the Rafflesia to stop the supply. After that, you have relatively standard enemies to face, with the exception of everyone's favourite traitor Zabine in the Crossbone Gundam X2 Kai, and the ever-annoying Death Gale Squadron. Save up most of your Sure Hits and Hot Bloods for those two. The Samus Garu is just your typical battleship, but being LL size, can take hits relatively well. A Hot Blooded, supported attack should do well over 10,000 damage to it, though. After the stage, you receive 2 Propellant Tanks, 2 Repair Kits and 2 Cartridges. If your Wing boys have a total level of 170, you will also receive the Wing Gundam ver. Ka. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 33 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Kou -- GP03 Dendrobrium 1 Battleship 10 Squads Reinforcement Squads On Turn 3: Tobia & Judou -- Crossbone Gundam X3, ZZ Gundam Starting Enemy Squads Cima -- Gabera Tetra[Learning Computer], Gira Douga(2) Musaka -- Musaka, Gira Douga(2) Neo Jion 1 to 3 -- Gira Douga, Gelgoog M(2) Neo Jion 4 to 6 -- Rick Dom II(2) Jupiter Empire 1 to 3 -- Elbad, Bez Badara Jupiter Empire 4 & 5 -- Belga Giros, Belga Dalas(2) Jupiter Empire 6 -- Dagi Irus, Tenan Zon(2) Reinforcement Enemy Squads On turn 2.5: Tetenis -- Elgolera[Bio Computer], Elbad(2) Samus Gilly -- Samus Gilly[Chobham Armour], Elbad(2) Jupiter Empire 7 & 8 -- Elbad(2) AP Condition: Defeat all other enemies before defeating the Elgolera. Notes: Shellington, a cousin of Bella's, attempts to try and convince Bella to return to the Jupiter empire, and embrace the power of newtypes. When Bella flatly refuses, of course she then decides to take the Mother Vanguard by force. -_-; Because of this, although the Mother Vanguard is on the map, you won't be able to control it; not that you really need it anyway. The enemy squads are spread out both southeast and northeast; I -don't- suggest splitting up your forces, instead move as one large whirlwind towards either force. This is due to the enemy reinforcements appearing near the southeastern corner as well, and you either want your whole force to be there, or none to be there at all, to force them to meet you on your own terms. On Turn 3, Judou and Tobia manage to convince Shellington that Newtypes aren't the Gods she thinks they are(including a cool scene where Tobia dares her to shoot him ^^;), and deploys in the new Crossbone Gundam X3. At this point, the winning conditions also change to "save Tetenis", but all that really means is to have Tobia attack the Elgolera once, to unmask who really is piloting it; the old geezer Dogachi. The mobile armour is a bit of a combination of the stability and firepower of battleships with the agility of mobile suits, but doesn't really function that well as either, and with only 35k or so HP, is taken down easily enough. Make sure you have Tobia deal the final blow though, if you want the Full Armour parts for the ZZ Gundam. After the mission, you receive 1 Propellant Tank, 1 Cartridge, 1 Repair Kit, 2 OVA's Croquettes, 1 Cecily's Bun and 1 Megarider. Additionally, after the intermission, you get to choose whether you head towards the Moon or towards Axis. Basically, the Moon route has more focus on Gaiking, while Axis has more focus on ZZ. Choose whichever series you like best; the Moon route is better for items, though. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 34: Moon route ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Preventer -- Taurus Reinforcement Squads On Turn 2: Heero -- Wing Gundam Zero Custom Kou -- GP03 Dendrobrium Camille -- Waverider Silver Shooting Star -- Alterion(CF) (If Ivis is your main character) On Turn 4: 1 Battleship 10 Squads Starting Enemy Squads Zechs -- Tallgeese III[Hachimaki] Yazan Squadron -- Hanbrabi[Booster], Hanbrabi[Magnetic Coating], Hanbrabi[Dual Sensor] Scarlet Comet -- Vegarion (If Ivis is your main character) Musaka 1 to 3 -- Musaka Jupiter Empire 1 -- Elbad, Bez Badara(2) Jupiter Empire 2 -- Belga Giros, Belga Dalas(2) Jupiter Empire 3 -- Dagi Irus, Zond Ger(2) Neo Jion 1 & 2 -- Gira Douga(2) Neo Jion 3 & 4 -- Gelgoog M, Zaku II F2 Production Type(2) Neo Jion 5 to 7 -- Rick Dom II(2) Reinforcement Enemy Squads On Turn 5: Mazeran Kai -- Mazeran Kai Federation Army 1 to 3 -- Mass Produced Gundam F91(2) Federation Army 4 to 7 -- Hazam(3) AP Condition: Clear the map within 9 turns. Notes: This scenario is slightly different if you choose Ivis as your main character; if you do so, she'd be an event character, and launches with the Gundam Team, and Suray shows up on the opposite side as well. Noin may look a little outmatched by herself against so many Jion suits, but as long as you cast Concentrate on her every turn, she's nearly impossible to hit for those poor Rick Doms and Gelgoogs. The slightly bigger problem is of course Zechs, but even then, he's surprisingly poor aiming wise, and you generally get a pretty good dodging percentage. Noin doesn't have to be on her own for very long, as the Gundam team arrive to help, and best of all, they all start at 130 morale, activiating Abandon if you have it, and Heero only needs 10 more morale to activate the Zero System. Heero and Zechs do have their usual face-off, in which Zechs will cast Invincibility on himself; I don't suggest taking him on, and rather move him perpetually northeast along with Camille and Kou, since none of them have Accelerate, and most of the enemy forces will come from there. The rest of your force arrive on turn 4 at the same place your Gundam team did, albeit at normal morale. Have a few of your squads chase them, but leave 3 or 4 Squads with ALL attacks; on turn 5, more enemy reinforcements show up just a little west of your own position, and ALL attacks can really rip them up, being weak mobile suits with a lone, slightly-stronger battleship. The somewhat bigger problem is to the northeast, with Yazan's squadron ever annoying in having plenty of Support Defenses to spare, and 3 Musakas to destroy. Fortunately, the 9-turn limit for the AP is exceedingly generous, especially if you've already slapped on some upgrades. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 34: Axis route ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Noin -- Taurus Reinforcement Squads On Turn 2: Sanshiro -- Gaiking Kazuya -- Daimos On Turn 4: Daikuu Maryuu -- Daikuu Maryuu 10 Squads Starting Enemy Squads Killer -- Grodector[Large Scale Generator] Dark Horror Army Corps 1 -- Black Monster(2) Dark Horror Army Corps 2 -- Kabtongar(2) Dark Horror Army Corps 3 -- Sasorinka(2) Dark Horror Army Corps 4 to 6 -- Red Balom Reinforcement Enemy Squads On Turn 4: Desmond -- Grodector[Hybrid Armour] Dankel -- Grodector[Bio Sensor] Asimov -- Grodector[Anti Beam Coating] Dark Horror Army Corps 7 & 8 -- Black Monster, Red Balom(2) Dark Horror Army Corps 9 & 10 -- Kabtongar, Red Balom(2) Dark Horror Army Corps 11 & 12 -- Sasorinka, Red Balom(2) Dark Horror Army Corps 13 to 15 -- Red Balom(3) Balm Army 1 & 2 -- Zonekaiser Balm Army 3 & 4 -- Dari, Spinzar(2) On Turn 5: Moon Condor -- Moon Condor AP Condition: Destroy all Grodectors within 8 turns. All Grodectors retreat below 8000 HP. Notes: Unlike in the other route, Noin can't quite hold her own as well in this scenario despite the dodging bonus from the terrain; her Taurus's weapons just isn't enough to pierce the (relatively) tough-armoured Alliance enemies, enhanced by the defensive terrain. Regardless, you should still cast Concentrate every turn and do as much damage as you can with her Beam Cannon. Although Sanshiro and Kazuya come to help on turn 2, they're rather badly positioned, and their mechs' low movement range and lack of Accelerate means that they're most likely even worse-placed than the reinforcements that arrive on turn 4. For a cute little trick though, let the neutral Garunroll get hit below 9000 or so HP, and Kazuya will rush over to defend it and casts Love on himself, getting himself into a better position to attack. ^^; Your dudes arrive at turn 4, but so do the 4 dark kings, who proceed to perform the Death Cross formation on the Daikuu Maryuu, immobilizing it and lowering it to critical HP. You can still deploy squads at least, but don't count too much on the Daikuu Maryuu to provide support. On turn 5, the Kings release a new enemy that critically damages Gaiking as well; he returns to the Daikuu Maryuu though, and gets a new weapon; the Ultra-Weapon Head. Take out the Moon Condor rather quick, though, as it can get within range of the vulnerable Daikuu Maryuu rather quickly. The AP simply involves rushing and forcing a path through to the kings; 8000 HP should be paltry to you by now, but you still have to take out at least one of them per turn, so don't get too cocky. Defeating all of them will cause all enemies to retreat, and force Desmond to send a kamikaze Black Monster onto the Garunroll; and who should come to stop it, but Prince Hainel. Since I took the Novis Noah route, the conversations might be a bit different if you saw him in the Neo Jion route. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 35: Moon route ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Daikuu Maryuu -- Daikuu Maryuu 12 Squads Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads Killer -- Grodector, Red Balom(2) Belgan -- Skullrook, Boazan Fighter Ship(2) Dark Horror Army Corps 1 -- Black Monster(2) Dark Horror Army Corps 2 -- Kabtongar(2) Dark Horror Army Corps 3 -- Sasorinka(2) Dark Horror Army Corps 4 to 6 -- Red Balom(3) Boazan Army 1 -- Desla, Boazan Fighter Ship(2) Boazan Army 2 -- Ocosenia, Boazan Fighter Ship(2) Boazan Army 3 -- Dolion, Boazan Fighter Ship(2) Boazan Army 4 & 5 -- Boazan Fighter Ship(3) Balm Army 1 -- Zonekaiser Balm Army 2 & 3 -- Dari(2) Reinforcement Enemy Squads: None AP Condition: Destroy all enemies before they can touch any of the "base" squares on the map. Notes: This is one of those very rare SRW scenarios where What You See Is What You Get, and honestly, what you see is nothing new at all. It's just another bunch of Alliance enemies to mash into the ground, and the AP simply means that you should mash them fast so that they don't even get a chance to move. The only interesting parts are the story events after. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 35: Axis route ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Ral Kairam -- Ral Kairam Silver Shooting Star -- Alterion(CF) (If Ivis is your main character) 1 Battleship 12 Squads Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads Zechs -- Tallgeese III[Hachimaki], Gira Douga(2) Yazan Squadron -- Hanbrabi[Booster], Hanbrabi[Magnetic Coating], Hanbrabi[Dual Sensor] Scarlet Comet -- Vegarion (If Ivis is your main character) Musaka 1 & 2 -- Musaka, Gelgoog M(2) Jupiter Empire 1 & 2 -- Elbad, Bez Badara(2) Neo Jion 1 & 2 -- Gira Douga(3) Neo Jion 3 to 5 -- Gelgoog M, Rick Dom II(2) Reinforcement Enemy Squads After all initial enemies are defeated, or on turn 5: NT Squadron 1 to 3 -- Germark NT Squadron 4 -- Germark, Mass Produced Qubeley(2) NT Squadron 5 to 10 -- Mass Produced Qubeley(3) AP Condition: Destroy all initial enemies in 4 turns. Notes: If Ivis is your main character, Suray shows up among the enemy forces as well. The starting enemy forces are similar to the ones in Moon route 34, and should be dealt with appropriately. Once again, the only real problems are Zechs and his ALL Mega Cannon, and Yazan and his seemingly unlimited number of Support Defenses. Besides them though, the number of enemies to face is less than usual, and achieving the AP should be no problem whatsoever as long as you have at least one person with Accelerate in every squad. Even though the reinforcements are those scary Enhanced Human things, the only really scary thing about them is their range; they can easily snipe your dudes, especially the Germarks who have range 11 weapons. The obvious solution would be to split up into three groups, one slightly stronger one going straight up against the Germarks, and the other two taking the three Squads of Qubeleys. Be wary of the Support Defenses though; that and the surprisingly high HP of these mobile suits means that likely it'll take you a while to actually kill all of them. Of course, if you're a wuss, you could always just hightail the Ral Kairam to the eastern side of the map. ^^; ------------------------------------------------ Mission 36: Moon route ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads 1 Battleship 12 Squads Reinforcement Squads On Turn 4: Daikuu Maryuu -- Daikuu Maryuu Sanshiro -- Gaiking Starting Enemy Squads Dankel -- Grodector[Bio Sensor], Red Balom(2) Asimov -- Grodector[Anti Beam Coating], Red Balom(2) Dark Horror Army Corps 1, 4, 7 -- Black Monster, Red Balom(2) Dark Horror Army Corps 2, 5, 8 -- Kabtongar, Red Balom(2) Dark Horror Army Corps 3, 6, 9 -- Sasorinka, Red Balom(2) Garunroll -- Garunroll, Spinzar(2) Balm Army 1 & 2 -- Zonekaiser Balm Army 3 & 4 -- Dari, Spinzar(2) Reinforcement Enemy Squads After initial enemies are defeated, or on Turn 4.5: Desmond -- Grodector[Hybrid Armour], Red Balom(2) Erika -- Devil Jaguar[Cost Down] Dark Horror Army Corps 10 -- Moon Condor, Red Balom(2) Dark Horror Army Corps 11 -- Kabtongar, Sasorinka Dark Horror Army Corps 12 -- Sasorinka, Kabtongar Dark Horror Army Corps 13 to 15 -- Red Balom(3) AP Condition: Defeat all enemies within 7 turns. Notes: The Daikuu Maryuu is on the map, but immobile due to Sakon going Psycho-n (haha i kill myself). You don't really need his help anyway; the map is similar to the previous mission, and the enemies again occupy the eastern side, and again they're nothing you haven't faced before. Rush your way down and take them out, using your ALL attacks to make mincemeat of the hiding Red Baloms, and employ your standard rush tactics you've probably refined to a T by now. No matter how much you rush though, it's quite unlikely that you finish all the enemies on Turn 4, when the Daikuu Maryuu starts up again; Sakon then pulls a fast one on the Kings, and Gaiking receives his Ultra Weapon Head attack. The enemy turna fter, or after you destroy all the enemies, the rest of the Kings show up in the northeastern corner, along with a couple of new enemies; the Moon Condor and the Death Jaguar, but both aren't much stronger than the average Super enemy. Saunter your way over and destroy once you're done with the eastern force. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 36: Axis route ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Ral Kairam -- Ral Kairam 1 Battleship 14 Squads Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads Iria -- Germark[I Field Barrier], Mass Produced Qubeley(2) Sataran -- Sataran Endora 1 to 3 -- Endora, Gelgoog M(2) NT Squadron 1 to 4 -- Mass Produced Qubeley(3) Space Wolf 1 -- Dobenwolf[Solar Panel], Dobenwolf(2) Space Wolf 2 to 4 -- Dobenwolf(2) Hamaan Squadron 1 to 3 -- Gelgoog M(3) Hamaan Squadron 4 to 6 -- Rick Dom II(3) Reinforcement Enemy Squads On Turn 5: Hamaan -- Qubeley[Cost Down] Bodyguards 1 -- Germark, Mass Produced Qubeley(2) Bodyguards 2 -- Germark, Mass Produced Qubeley(2) AP Condition: Reduce Qubeley's HP below 45,000 within 6 turns. Notes: It's the ZZ fest, with tons of ZZ mobile suits to bust up. The Qubeleys will still pose the most non-face character problems, since their pilots have Support Defense; the non-generic characters themselves aren't that hard either, having barely better dodging and aiming stats than generics; they still do pack more of a punch though, so don't underestimate them TOO much. The main dish is of course Hamaan in her 90,000 HP Qubeley. She's just about as troublesome as Char in his Sazabi; excellent dodging and aiming and painful ALL funnel attacks. If you rushed your way through, you should've managed to destroy everything except perhaps the Sataran by turn 5; you can then spend turn 5 putting the finishing touches on the Sataran, and killing off Nii and Lance with good ALL attacks, and save your last AP-condition turn for Sure Hit, Hot Blooded finishers on Hamaan. If you're on a repeat game, it may be possible to defeat Hamaan if you've spent the majority of your PP on Melee stats for Zengar. Possible choices are fully upgraded Zankantou Unjou no Tachi, Great Booster, Goldlion Hammer and any combination of the three. According to some GameFAQs message board regulars, most notably Dragoon T who told me about it over AIM, she drops a Cost Down, but I haven't confirmed this myself yet. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 37: Zengar route ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Zengar -- Daizengar 1 Battleship 12 Squads Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads Musaka 1 -- Musaka[Learning Computer] Musaka 2 -- Musaka Neo Jion 1 to 3 -- Gira Douga(3) Jupiter Empire 1 to 3 -- Elbad, Bez Badara CB 1 & 2 -- Belga Giros, Belga Dalas CB 3 -- Dagi Irus, Zond Ger(2) Reinforcement Enemy Squads When all initial enemies are defeated: Kukuru -- Ma Guraga AP Condition: Defeat all initial enemies within 4 turns. Notes: The starting enemies are simply weak, no meandering about it. Don't worry too much though, as its basically the preview for the main dish to come in the next scenario. The AP itself is easy as well, even for non-upgraders. The only thing to keep note of is to try not to spend any of Zengar's seishin during the first part. The main story events come after you clear the initial enemies, when Kukuru shows up and Zengar once again hurries the rest of the force towards Fifth Luna and takes Kukuru on himself. The only difference between this scenario and the end of scenario 31 is that you don't have Retsuel to help, but she doesn't have any irritating Giralas Suport Defending her either. It's simply a 1 on 1, and with the help of seishin, there's nearly no way you can lose. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 37: Kusuha Route ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Kusuha -- Dragon-Tiger Lord 1 Battleship 12 Squads Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads Musaka 1 -- Musaka[Learning Computer] Musaka 2 -- Musaka Neo Jion 1 to 3 -- Gira Douga(3) Jupiter Empire 1 to 3 -- Elbad, Bez Badara CB 1 & 2 -- Belga Giros, Belga Dalas CB 3 -- Dagi Irus, Zond Ger(2) Reinforcement Enemy Squads When all initial enemies have been defeated: Shark -- ??? AP Condition: Defeat all initial enemies within 4 turns. Notes: It's a fairly standard battle against Neo Jion units, and the AP condition is fairly generous; on a replay game, I defeated all of them within 2 turns. ^^; It's just a couple of battleships and a small force of mobile suits, definitely nothing 12 squads of death can't handle. Do note that Heero, Wufei, Yuu, Hime, Retsuel and Kenichi all start at 150 morale to make it even easier, thanks to the after-effects of Kusuha's "health" drink. ^^; The interesting bits happen after the battle, when the order goes out to chase after the rest of Neo Jion, Bullet requests that he and Kusuha stay behind, as the Dragon-Tiger machines aren't functioning very well. Banjou and the rest accept this and leave first; Kusuha remarks that he knew Bullet didn't want to cause the others trouble, then they start to sense "it"; it's the Custos, this time the Shark one. There's a LOT of story conversation about the history of the Dragon, Tiger and the rest of the Super Machines in general, as well as the motivations and goals of the Custos, but I didn't really understand it too well; it didn't help that I was skipping through the dialogue at 3 AM. ^^; Anyway, the basics was that the Dragon Lord Machine and Tiger Lord Machine betrayed it, and Kusuha and Bullet believe in the machines, saying that there must be a reason why they did so. You then get to take on the Shark Custos, but it retreats below a certain amount of HP; you don't really get anything for killing it anyway, so leave it be if you want. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 37: Arad route ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Arad -- Wild Bruger 1 Battleship 12 Squads Reinforcement Squads 1 player turn after enemy reinforcements appear: Arad & Zeora -- Wild Bruger, Wild Falcon Starting Enemy Squads Musaka -- Musaka[Learning Computer], Gira Douga(2) Neo Jion 1 to 3 -- Gira Douga(3) Reinforcement Enemy Squads After initial enemies are defeated: Zeora -- Wild Falcon Yazan -- GP-02, Hambrabi(2), Gira Douga Musaka 2 -- Musaka, Gira Douga(2) Neo Jion 4 to 6 -- Gira Douga(4) Neo Jion 7 & 8 -- Gelgoog M, Rick Dom II(3) CB 1 & 2 -- Belga Giros(4) CB 3 to 5 -- Belga Giros, Dagi Irus, Tenan Zon(2) AP Condition: Defeat Yazan, who retreats below 7000 HP. Notes: Zeora continues to ponder about her and Arad's role, and the teachings of the School and Titans; she can't help but agree with some of his views, yet... then Yazan's flunkies come to tell her that she's out of confinement, and will be involved in the next mission, which she guardedly follows. Initial forces are extremely weak, even moreso than usual. 1 Musaka and 3 Gira Douga squads are an obvious distraction from what should be the main push, but your dudes have no real choice but to bite at it anyway. If you have problems with the initial enemies, how did you even get this far anyway? ^^; Once the distractions are eliminated, here's Zeora; she mumbles her way through an obviously pre-mediated stand-down offer, which most of your forces can't decide how to take. Eventually she gets a grip on herself and tells them to run; and here comes Yazan again, this time in the GP-02, and there's a nuke loaded into it. Yazan berates Zeora for not playing her part well (if at all), and casts her aside, leaving her stuck in the middle; she's still an enemy for a turn, but if you defeat her during then, it's a game over anyway. Just hold your ground for one turn. Once you do, Arad still angsts about Zeora, then everyone else starts berating HIM; if he wants to convince her to join him again, he'd better do it now! The former enemies Four, Puru and Puru 2 also emphasize their support, as well as those who still have supposed friends as their enemies like Kazuya. Now with the backing of his comrades, he tries to tell Zeora that she should join him, but she's too busy angsting to herself that she doesn't belong anywhere; she betrayed the Titans, and has fought too much with your guys to be accepted among them. But Quatre tells her that she's wrong, and the others chime in that they've accepted several former enemies like Yuu into their battalion. Arad finally breaks down her resistance by telling her she wants; no, NEEDS her back as his trusted partner. She gratefully thanks Arad, and Retsuel and Viletta then tell them that together, their machines can execute code TBS: Twin Bird Strike. Now on to the actual mission, this will be the second mission where you see 4-unit squads, but its the first time you've seen so damn MANY of them. Every one of the squads except the Musaka is a 4-unit one, so Hot Blooded ALL attacks are definitely the way to go, especially since most of them have Support Defense. The slightly trickier prospect is Yazan, since letting him use the Nuclear Bazooka is a losing condition, and by the time you blast your way to him all the way to the northwest, he's probably reached the required morale to unleash it. You have two options here; if you've been using Goshogun a lot, then Remi will probably have Exhaust, and you can use this to spike Yazan's morale to keep him from using the Nuclear Bazooka. If you don't have that option, you have to make sure that you don't get within range of the Nuclear Bazooka, which has a weapon range of 1-6, and a radius effect of 4 squares. Stayat least 11 squares away on your turn, let him move forward, then on the next turn quickly rush forward and destroy him and his flunkies before the next enemy turn comes around. Don't forget that fufilling the AP condition on this stage is also the method to receive the GP-02 later, if you need more incentive. For added effect, you can always use Twin Bird Strike to add a very satisfying finishing touch. After the mission, Zeora tries to apologize, but everyone else cuts her off saying that there's no need for explanations; most of them have gone through it before, and Irui also pops in and starts calling Zeora Arad's... and he shuts her up before she can go on. ^^; Later, Arad again confirms that he won't back down on what he said before, and Zeora happily calls him a big idiot again. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 37: Ivis route ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Silver Shooting Star -- Alterion(CF) 1 Battleship 12 Squads Reinforcement Squads After defeating the Vegarion: Viletta -- Huckebein Mk III Retsuel -- Huckebein Mk III Trombe Starting Enemy Squads Musaka 1 & 2 -- Musaka Neo Jion 1 to 3 -- Gira Douga(3) Jupiter Empire 1 to 3 -- Elbad, Bez Badara(2) CB 1 & 2 -- Belga Giros, Belga Dalas CB 3 -- Dagi Irus, Zond Ger(2) Reinforcement Enemy Squads Afte defeating all initial enemies: Scarlet Comet -- Vegarion After defeating the Vegarion: Endora -- Endora Cima -- Garbera Tetra (All enemies retreat) Neo Jion 4 & 5 -- Gelgoog M(2) Neo Jion 6 & 7 -- Rick Dom II AP Condition: Defeat all initial enemies within 4 turns. Notes: It's a pretty standard scenario against Neo Jion units; only Ivis being an event character gives any indication of further developments, which becomes even more protracted on turn 1.5, when Tsugumi detects a certain signal... regardless, the focus is on the current Neo Jion and CB enemies, and they're really nothing to worry about at all. Even the two Musakas can be taken out quickly, and with 12 rampaging squads, it's entirely possible to fufill the AP condition within 3 turns even though the enemies start relatively far away. After you defeat all the initial enemies, the order goes out to chase the rest of the Neo Jion forces; Ivis then says that the Alterion has problems and can't chase effectively, and that they should go on ahead. Burning accepts this, but Kinkedou sees right through her smokescreen and tells her not to lose(^^;). The main force then leaves, and unsurprisingly, the Vegarion shows up right after, with Suray still desperately clinging to her ideals. Ivis then strikes a deal with her; if Suray can beat her, she'd surrender the Alterion, but if she beats Suray, Suray has to listen to what she has to say (some terms. ^^;). At this point, it becomes a straight-out fight between the sister machines; effective use of Seishin should see you win easily, especially if Ivis is levelled enough to learn Soul. Once you beat Suray, Ivis is about to convince her not to fight her anymore, but of course more Neo Jions show up to ruin the touching moment. Tsugumi then decides to take matters in her own hands, and activates code Hyper-77; the combination between Alterion and Vegarion, which forms into the Hyperion. You can now start to lay massive waste to Neo Jion forces with your shiny new robot, but before that, Viletta and, RETSUEL show up to help as well. Cima's the most dangerous, if by dangerous you mean "slightly worrying". A Hot Blooded or Souled Manuever GRaMXs right down her throat finishes her easily; just try to take out everything else before you do, since she brings everything down with her. ^^; ------------------------------------------------ Mission 38 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads First Strike Squadron -- Wing Gundam Zero Custom, Tallgeese III Reinforcement Squads On Turn 3: Ral Kairam -- Ral Kairam 1 Battleship 15 Squads Starting Enemy Squads Gato & Karius -- Neu Ziel[Mega Booster], Gelgoog M Kelly -- Val Varo[Booster], Gelgoog M(2) Gyunei -- Yact Douga, Gira Douga(2) Quess -- Yact Douga[Psycho Frame], Gira Douga(2) Rezun -- Gira Douga[Dual Sensor], Gira Douga(2) Yazan Squadron -- Hanbrabi[Multi Sensor], Hanbrabi(2) Musaka 1 & 2 -- Musaka Neo Jion 1 & 2 -- Gira Douga(2) Samus Gilly -- Samus Gilly, Badara(2) Jupiter Empire 1 & 2 -- Bez Badara(2) Jupiter Empire 3 & 4 -- Elbad, Badara CB 1 & 3 -- Belga Giros, Belga Dalas CB 2 -- Dagi Irus, Belga Dalas Reinforcement Enemy Squads On Turn 3.5: Red Comet -- Sazabi[A Adapter], Gira Douga(2) Nanai -- Reulura, Gira Douga(2) Shire -- Samus Garu[I Field Barrier], Belga Dalas(2) Dorel -- Belga Dalas[Hybrid Armour], Belga Giros(2) Zabine -- Crossbone Gundam X2 Kai Karas -- Samus Gilly[Minovsky Drive] Death Gale Squadron -- Kuabase[High Powered Radar], Arpeggio, Totouga Neo Jion 3 & 4 -- Gira Douga(2) CB 4 & 5 -- Belga Giros(2) CB 6 & 7 -- Elbad(2) AP Condition: Reduce enemy squads to 5 or less by turn 7. Notes: You may need to do some preperations before this mission starts if you want access to tons of secrets. If Camille and Judouu aren't in the Z and ZZ Gundam respectively, you probably want to put them back in their respective signature mobile suits (unless you've already gained the Hi Mega Cannon Full Power while taking the Axis route). Also, Amuro should go back into the RE-GZ; don't worry, it's just for one stage. ^^; Additionally, you might not want to put Kinekdou in any important squad, and keep him in the Crossbone X1. For the first two turns, it's Heero and Zechs against some of the best of what Neo Jion has to offer. It's not as hard as it sounds, though; both of them are fairly adept at dodging, start at 130 morale, and you can switch squad leaders regularly between them to use their EN-sucking attacks in succession. The main problem will be Quess and Gyunei, who can dodge like the dickens; don't bother even trying to hit them with either Wing pilot right now, since you likely won't get any better than a 20% chance. Your own dudes make their entrance on turn 3; the majority of them should join the battle happening at the center-north of the map, although you might want to send Judouu's and Amuro's squad towards the bottom-center, since Char and friends show up around there. Meanwhile, Heero and Zechs should retreat a little to join the main bulk of your force again. When the enemy reinforcments do come, Kinkedou, if he's sortied and in the X1, will rush along with Zabine to the south-eastern corner of the map to have their requisite duel. Meanwhile, the rest of your force gets to deal with a second helping of Char, as if the first time wasn't enough. He also brings several more face characters in the fray with him. For once, you may actually have trouble just surviving in this mission; the sheer amount of enemies, especially those who can actually hit and hit hard, are outstanding. Foremost is of course Char with his ALL Funnels, which can easily decimate an entire squad in a couple of shots; Gyunei and Quess aren't quite as destructive, but are still near-impossible to hit without the help of the Sure Hit seishin; the Death Gale Squadron and Yazan's Squadron are as irritating as ever thanks to their seemingly-inifinite amount of Support Defenses, and Gato may not be quite on par with the newtypes on show, but he still packs a big punch. Not to mention that you'll have to do a LOT of stuff in this mission to unlock secrets, AND if you're aiming for the AP, you have to rush and not be thrifty with the seishin. You need every drop of it to beat up as many face characters as you can, almost all of whom drops nice items, and still take the AP. As for the events, the checklist is as follows; attack Yazan with Camille, attack Char with Amuro in the RE-GZ MS mode, attack Char with Judou(if he hasn't yet learned Hi Mega Cannon Full Power), reduce Zabine to below half HP with Kinkedou, have either Kinkedou or (most likely) Bella attack Dorel, and reduce the Sazabi's HP below 50,000. The first three are relatively self-explanatory, although good luck in having Amuro's squad not be totally decimated. An interesting thing about the fourth is that it's actually quite possible to defeat Zabine entirely; a Beam Zanba, followed by a Soul-assisted Beam Zanba (Continous Attack) should finish him off. The outcome will be the same regardless; They both cross swords, and the X1 has its head sliced off, and falls to the earth. You can actually delay this outcome by a scenario though either by not sortying Kinkedou at all, or not letting him lower Zabine's HP below half. Reducing the Sazabi's HP below 50,000 will also actually mean sacrificing the AP, as the mission will end right there with more than 5 squads remaining. If you're well-prepared though, you can accomplish both at the same time by using a MAP weapon that both reduces Char to below 50,000 HP and destroys an enemy squadron; I suggest leaving one of the Gira Douga squadrons that come with Char alive for that, and use Inspire if needed. Besides all that, it's still your typical squad and battle strategies, except tested to the very limit. Attack intelligently and keep all squads' HP high, and you should come out with few, if any, casualties. Just make sure to get all the good items and only leave some of the generic pilots for the 5-squad limit. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 39 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Daikuu Maryuu -- Daikuu Maryuu Mother Vanguard -- Mother Vanguard Ral Kairam -- Ral Kairam Albion -- Albion Kinkedou -- Crossbone Gundam X1 (if he wasn't defeated last scenario) 12 Squads Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads Zabine -- Crossbone Gundam X2 Kai (if Kinkedou wasn't defeated last scenario) Defense Squadron 1 to 3 -- Elbad(2) Defense Squadon 4 & 7 -- Bez Badara(2) Defense Squadron 5 & 6 -- Bez Badara(3) Reinforcement Enemy Squads On Turn 2: Dark Horror Army Corps 1 & 2 -- Sasorinka, Red Balom Dark Horror Army Corps 3 & 4 -- Kabtongar, Red Balom Dark Horror Army Corps 5 to 10 -- Black Monster, Red Balom AP Condition: Clear the map within 4 turns. Notes: Just as you need a warm-up before the main event, you get a cool-down as well. None of the enemies on show are particularly new or challenging, although the Crossbone enemies have suddenly gained a surprising amount of HP. Besides that, it's as standard a scenario as you can get. The reinforcements show up at the eastern side; you should've taken out at least half of the initial forces by turn 2, and can leisurely take out the rest, since most of them rush you. If you didn't lower Zabine's HP below 50% with Kinkedou in the last map, he shows up here as well like a bad egg. This time, you HAVE to kill him, as its a mission objective to do so; and this time, Kinkedou definitely gets his ass kicked as the headless X1 falls to earth, with slightly more drama. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 40 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Main Character(s) -- Main Character(s) Mecha Brain Powered -- Yuu Brain, Nelly Brain Reinforcement Squads On Turn 3: G Thunder Team -- Goshogun Guy -- GaoGaiGar 2 Squads Starting Enemy Squads Jonathan -- Baronzu(All Gran Chers retreat) Reinforcement Enemy Squads On Turn 2: Reclaimer 1 -- Gran Cher[Organic Bit], Gran Cher(2) Reclaimer 2, 3, 5, 6 -- Gran Cher(2) Reclaimer 4 -- Gran Cher(3) AP Condition: Destroy Jonathan's Baronzu within 5 turns. It retreats below 7000 HP. Notes: The Brains are literally useless in this scenario thanks to Jonathan's attack, so it's your main character(s) against Jonathan at the start. No matter which route you took though, it won't be easy, especially since you start at normal morale. You should mostly just try to chip a bit off Jonathan on the first turn, then concentrate on getting Morale by defeating other Gran Chers on turn 2. On turn 3, some of your guys arrive; you get to sortie two squads, so make sure that they can either fly to take care of some of the Reclaimer squads themselves, or have several good support spells, like Inspire, Friendship, Hope, etc. You need to cast some of these on your main character to give him or her an easier chance at defeating Jonathan. For the AP, you'll need to weaken Jonathan regularly after you've gained enough Morale (you should have enough for your stronger attacks by turn 3, turn 4 latest), lower him as low to 7000 as possible without accidentally pinging him too hard, then finish with the hot blooded finisher of your mecha, perhaps aided by Inspire. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 41 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads 1 Battleship 14 Squads Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads Gorgon -- Almighty Fortress Mikross[Ultra Alloy Z], Dolrac(2) Superhuman General -- Superhuman General Yurishiza[Hachimaki] Mikene 1 -- Gogura, Glacios(2) Mikene 2 -- Toruken, Ovelius(2) Mikene 3 -- Psycho Bear, Skull(2) Yamada Kingdom 1 -- Yamada No Orochi[Chobham Armour], Gyao(2) Yamada Kingdom 2 -- Girala(2) Yamada Kingdom 3 -- Rucon(2) Yamada Kingdom 4 -- Garuga(2) Kyoryuu Empire 1 -- Sori, Bird(2) Kyoryuu Empire 2 -- Zen 1(2) Kyoryuu Empire 3 -- Saki(2) Kyoryuu Empire 4 -- Zai(2) Kyoryuu Empire 6 -- Zuu(2) Kyoryuu Empire 7 -- Giro(2) Reinforcement Enemy Squads When Gorgon attacks or is attacked: Commander of the Dark -- Commander of the Dark[Nejiri Hachimaki] AP Condition: Destroy all other enemies before destroying Ankoku Daishogun. Notes: A pure Super Robot scenario, a rarity for awhile. Your force starts in the eastern side, while the Mikenes and other assorted races take up most of the southern edge. Don't forget at the start to sortie Boss and bring him near his house for a Cost Down. The enemies here are somewhat upgraded compared to their previous incarnations, but shouldn't be too much of a problem regardless. Yurishiza is quite a bit more of a problem; don't be afraid to spend SOME seishin on him to take him out that much quicker, since he takes damage rather well, especially if he decides to move onto defensive terrain. The real meat of the scenario comes when Gorgon inevitably snipes one of your lingering squads, and the Commander of the Dark comes out to meet your forces. Unlike 35+ scenarios ago, he won't run away this time, and you'll need effort from every one of your squads to whittle away his 120,000 HP. Be wary of his ALL attack, and his rather strong Dark Saber; now's a good time to practice having your squad members use defensive seishin to survive, and to praise the glory of the Brains and their Chakra Shields. The AP is as easy as most of its type, except perhaps for Gorgon who tends to hide behind the Commander of the Dark like the little wuss he is. Speed around the great general and take him out before focusing your energies on the first 6 digit HP enemy you've come across. Once you do, yet another familiar face pops up; it's Dr. Hell, back from the dead and now known as Jigoku Daigensui, or General Hell. Your dudes are pumped up and ready to kick his ass, until he reveals his trump cards; the Mazinkaiser and Shin Getter, piloted by their respective professors. This forces your group to retreat and give up the Photon Power Laboratory, much to their (especially Kouji's and Ryouma's) chagrin. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 42 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Mazinger Squadron -- Mazinger Z, Great Mazinger Getter Team -- Getter Dragon 1 Battleship 12 Squads Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads Bird General -- Bird General Badara[High Powered Targeting Device] Mikene 1 -- Toruken, Ovelius(2) Mikene 2 -- Gogura, Glacios(2) Mikene 3 -- Psycho Bear, Skull(2) Kyoryuu Empire 1 & 2 -- Sori, Bird Kyoryuu Empire 3 & 4 -- Zen 1, Bird(2) Kyoryuu Empire 5 -- Saki(2) Kyoryuu Empire 6 -- Zai(2) Kyoryuu Empire 7 -- Zuu(2) Kyoryuu Empire 8 -- Giro(2) Reinforcement Enemy Squads On Turn 3: Shin Getter -- Shin Getter 1, Bird(2) Mazinkaiser -- Mazinkaiser, Glacios(2) After disabling Mazinakaiser and Shin Getter: General Hell -- Invincible Fortress Demonica[Mega Generator, Ultra Alloy New Z] Mikene 4 -- Toruken, Ovelius(2) Mikene 5 -- Gogura, Glacios(2) Mikene 6 -- Psycho Bear, Skull(2) Kyoryuu Empire 9 & 10 -- Sori AP Condition: Destroy all other enemies before defeating General Hell. Notes: The start of this mission is almost the exact same as the previous, except Gorgon's not around, and instead of the Superhuman General, we get the Bird General to play around with. Your guys start at the center of the map, near the Big Falcon, while the initial forces show up at the southwest. Go ahead and meet them there, since you don't have to prtect the Big Falcon from enemy attacks. The trouble starts when Mazinkaiser and Shin Getter appear again on turn 3, with the professors still inside. By then, most of your force should be at the southwestern area, and they'll make their way towards you; go ahead and wait for them there, taking out the remainder of the Bird General's army, and of course the Badara himself, while you're at it. Both the Kaiser and Shin Getter provide a unique problem; you have to somehow disable them without destroying them, and killing the professors within in the process. This is done by destroying their squad members (most probably with strong ALL attacks), then reducing them to below 1,000 HP. Mercy is REALLY useful here, but even if none of your squad leaders have it, careful planning with Squad Attacks and the quick-save+reload should save the day. You can also do them seperately, despite their HP regeneration; you can happily take Mazinkaiser down, let it regenerate back to full HP, then disable Shin Getter and still fufill the winning conditions, ironically. Once you disable both the God-machines, Kouji and the Getter Team hurry over to save their respective professors, but get attacked back; General Hell then shows up, and cackles at how he purposely made the machines stop temporarily to give them false hope that their plan might work. The order then goes out for your force to head back to the Big Falcon, then the little bitch Miwa orders them to destroy the machines, which eventually Tetsuya complies to, although vehemently denying that Miwa's opinion is worth anything to him; he's doing it because it's what the professors request. Before he can even land a blow though, the Custos make an appearance(haven't seen THEM in awhile), which causes the God-machines to go berserk and shake off the control that General Hell has over them. The Mazinger and Getter Team then manage to save the professors, and send them back to the Big Falcon. At this point, the Custos also become NPCs; they have tons of HP, but are actually a little weak power-wise. Regardless, it then becomes a race to make sure that the Custos don't steal any of your cash or experience. ^^; General Hell starts all the way at the southern edge of the map, so the AP is easily fufilled. He's not that hard either; the Demonica only has a "paltry" 60k HP. Take him down, then bask in the power of the Final Dynamic Special in action. After the map, you receive 2 Propellant Tanks, 2 Repair Kits, 2 Cartridges and 1 OVA's Croquette. You also receive Shin Getter and Mazinkaiser, and Mazinger Z gets a new weapon. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 43 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Daikuu Maryuu Mother Vanguard(if 1st option is chosen) 12 Squads Reinforcement Squads After lowering Gorgon below half HP, and choosing the first option: Kinkedou -- Crossbone Gundam X1 Starting Enemy Squads Evil Spirit General -- Evil Spirit General Hardias[Bio Computer] (All enemies retreat) Ikima -- Yamada No Orochi[Ultra Alloy Z], Gyao(2) Amazo -- Yamada No Orochi[Apogee Motor], Gyao(2) Mimashi -- Yamada No Orochi[Solar Panel], Gyao(2) Mikene 1 -- Psycho Bear, Skull(2) Mikene 2 -- Toruken, Ovelius(2) Mikene 3 -- Gogura, Glacios(2) Yamada Kingdom 1 -- Girala(3) Yamada Kingdom 2 -- Rucon(3) Yamada Kingdom 3 -- Garuga(3) Kyoryuu Empire 1 & 2 -- Zen 2, Saki(2) Kyoryuu Empire 3 -- Zai, Zuu, Giro Kyoryuu Empire 4 -- Zuu, Giro, Zai Kyoryuu Empire 5 -- Giro, Zai, Zuu Reinforcement Enemy Squads After defeating Hardias: Gorgon -- Almighty Fortress Mikross[Zolmanium Alloy], Dolrac(2) Kyoryuu Empire 6 & 7 -- Sori, Zen 1 Yamada Kingdom 4 -- Gyao(3) Yamada Kingdom 5 -- Girala(3) After lowering Gorgon below half HP, and choosing the first option: Missile 1 to 8 -- Missile AP Condition: Defeat Hardias within 6 turns. Notes: I'm assuming you followed the requirements for getting X1's Screw Whip; this mission may be different if you didn't follow it. Before the scenario starts, Bella angsts about Kinkedou's continued MIA status. Tobia, Mikoto and Bernadette eventually manage to cheer her up, and during a meeting on the attack plan on the Mikene base, you get an option whether to have the Mother Vanguard join the attack(first option) or defend from outside (second option). The second one ends earlier and is slightly easier, but the first one has more drama. ^^; Whichever you choose, the mission then starts. If you chose the second option, the Daikuu Maryuu and 12 squads will attack from the north; if you chose the first option, then it will be the Daikuu Maryuu north with 6 squads, and the Mother Vanguard south with another 6 squads, performing a pincer attack. Whichever way you choose, the initial enemies are the same; occupying almost the entire western area, and again nothing you've not expected. The three Haniwa generals are still as useless as ever, although Hardias is a little tougher; he has the standard 60k+ HP, AND Afterimage, which fortunately doesn't seem to activate nearly as often as it used to. Go ahead and spent some Sure Hit seishin on him to ensure that you don't waste that Hot Blooded Great Booster. Once you kill him, Gorgon appears again with a piddling force; if you chose the first option, I suggest letting the Mother Vanguard force handle him. The big trouble happens when you take him below half HP. If you chose the first option, several missiles are released and are about to blow the whole base apart; Kinkedou then makes the requisite SRW "back from the dead" appearance with his X1 and a spiffy face mask, and takes out one of the missiles. You still have 8 more missiles and a full-HP Gorgon to deal with though, so have the Mother Vanguard-led forces take Gorgon on, while the Daikuu Maryuu-led forces, assisted by Kinkedou, deal with the missiles. If you chose the second option, then you just have to kill off Gorgon after you take him down to below half HP, and the Mother Vanguard and Kinkedou will appear shortly after. An interesting tip as well: if you manage to kill Gorgon the first time by killing him without letting him go below half HP (i.e deal 27,000+ damage with one battle), the rest of the events play out, and Gorgon resurrects again, but you still get a Zolmanium Alloy for defeating him the first time; thus, by killing him twice, you can get 2 Zolmanium Alloys out of him, which your Supers will be very happy about. ^^; After the stage, Kinkedou will bring gifts from the Yugo with him; if you fufilled the conditions for them, that is. The checklist includes the Full Armour parts for the ZZ Gundam, the Hi Nu Gundam, the HWS parts for the Nu Gundam, and the GP-02 Physalis. You also receive 2 Propellant Tanks, 2 Cartridges, 2 Repair Kits, 1 Super Repair Kit, 1 Cecily's Bun, 1 Victory Meal, 1 Mass Produced Gundam F91 and 1 Mass Produced Nu Gundam. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 44 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Albion -- Albion G Thunder Team -- Goshogun Yuu & Hime -- Nelly Brain, Hime Brain Nanga & Lasse -- Nanga Brain, Lasse Brain 1 Battleship 11 Squads Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads Quincy -- Gran Cher[Psycho Frame], Gran Cher(2) Jonathan -- Baronzu[Bio Computer], Gran Cher(2) Shira -- Gran Cher[Multi Sensor], Gran Cher(2) Reclaimer 1 to 7 -- Gran Cher(3) Reinforcement Enemy Squads On Turn 3: Kelknuckle -- Kelknuckle Ship, Debiza(2) Kuttnel -- Kuttnel Ship[High Powered Radar], Debiza(2) Dokuga 1 to 4 -- Debiza[Kuttnelizer], Dogab(2) AP Condition: Defeat Kuttnel and Jonathan. Notes: Orphan is the main setting this time, as it prepares to head into space. You get the typical BP enemies to deal with from the start, except Jonathan in his slightly stronger Baronzu; but in the end, it IS still a Gran Cher, so it's not something to be horribly worried about; simply slam on a few Sure Hits and Hot Bloods to emphasize your point to Jonathan. The Dokuga comes on Turn 3, at which point the winning condition becomes to get the Good Thunder Team and Yuu and Hime onto the two glowing squares within 5 turns. You will want to expand every one of those 5 turns; not because the enemies are particularly difficult, but because Kelknuckle here is a gold mine. Everyone of the Dokuga except Kelknuckle rushes you, and are fairly easily beaten off; Kelknuckle stays where he is though, and defends almost all the time, only attacking you during the enemy phase. However, although he takes some time to be defeated, he always "revives" immediately after, allowing you to kill him again...and again...and again, until you're forced by the time limit to complete the mission. You can get about 14,000 credits with Lucky for each Kelknuckle kill. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 45 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Mother Vanguard -- Mother Vanguard G Thunder Team -- Goshogun 1 Battleship 12 Squads Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads Bundol -- Bundol Ship[A Adapter], Dogab(2) Kuttnel -- Kuttnel Ship, Dogab(2) Kelknuckle -- Kelknuckle Ship, Dogab(2) Dokuga 1, 5, 9 -- Debiza(2) Dokuga 2, 6, 10 -- Dogap(2) Dokua 3, 4, 7, 8, 11, 12 -- Impactor(2) Doshard 1 & 2 -- Doshard(2) Reinforcement Enemy Squads On Turn 2: Zondar 1 -- EI-15 Zondar 2 -- Kabutongar, Glacios Zondar 3 -- Gira Douga, Desla Zondar 4 -- Bird, Ovelius Zondar 5 -- Garuga, Heavygun Zondar 6 -- Skull, Rucon On Turn 2.5: Goknuckle -- Goknuckle When initial enemy squads fall below 5: Koros -- Nibelgen[GS Light], Aiai(2) Henmel -- Megaborg Henmel, Aiai(2) Meganoid 1 & 2 -- Death Spider, Aiai(2) Collection 1 -- Zaku II F2 Production Type(3) Collection 2 -- Rick Dom II(3) Collection 3 -- Gelgoog M(3) AP Condition: Defeat all enemies. Notes: A very interesting introduction to the stage, as Irui has a dream about her "mother", and when the mission starts, you get to hear Nina scream in horror as Kou almost says the forbidden "G" word. ^^: Despite the hilarious introduction, the mission itself is pretty standard. There admittedly is a large number of enemies, but they're still nothing you haven't faced before, and the Dokuga ships still have only puny 15-20k HP. The Zondar reinforcements show up at the southeast, and the Meganoids at the northwest; fortunately, all of them will be attracted to the Good Thunder like flies to honey. The only really noticable enemies are Henmel and his annoying Damage -10% Squad Leader ability, and Koros in her high HP Nibelgen, although she gives you a very nice GS Light. At the end, Irui disappears from the ship; some think to search for her mother... After the mission is finished, you receive 1 Ova's Croquette and 1 Kenta's Pokecon. Also, after you finish the intermission, you have to make a choice whether to combat the Zondar in Japan(first option) or attack the Mikenes (second option). The first option is generally easier, but the second option allows you to use Pizza for one scenario, and whichever choice you make, you still have to combat the other one later in the game. Pick your poison. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 46: Japan route ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads GGG 1 -- GaoGaiGar, Goldimarg GGG 2 -- Volfogg/Big Volfogg, Hyouryou, Enryou 1 Battleship 12 Squads Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads EI-05 -- EI-05 EI-15 -- EI-15 EI-20 -- EI-20 3x (EI-02 -- EI-02) Zondar 1 -- Ovelius, Impactor, Spinzar Zondar 2 -- Kuabase, Saki, Rick Dom II Zondar 3 -- Dari, Kabutongar, Red Balom Zondar 4 -- Desla, Zuu, Zaku II F2 Production Type Zondar 5 -- Debiza, Gelgoog M, Heavygun Zondar 6 -- Hazam, Toruken, Boazan Fighter Ship Zondar 7 -- Spinzar, Gelgoog M, Sasorinka Zondar 8 -- Kabutongar, Aiai, Bird Zondar 9 -- Skull, Giro, Impactor Zondar 10 -- Boazan Fighter Ship, Zonekaiser, Ocosenia Zondar 11 -- Giro, Zaku II F2 Production Type, Zuu Zondar 12 -- Boazan Fighter Ship, Skull, Zen 1 Zondar 13 -- Gyao, Gira Douga, Dolion Zondar 14 -- Girala, Rick Dom II, Glacios Zondar 15 -- Dogab, Red Balom, Saki Reinforcement Enemy Squads After destroying 8 units: Zondarian 1 -- EI-26[High Powered Targeting Device] Zondarian 2 -- EI-27[Mega Generator] Zondarian 3 -- EI-28[Ultra Alloy Z], EI-29[Zolmanium Alloy, Ultra Alloy Z] AP Condition: Clear the map within 7 turns. Notes: Once again, your forces are split into two; 1 battleship and GGG Team 1 with 6 squads at the south, and GGG Team 2 with 6 more squads at the north. Your north team will probably be a little overwhelmed; the majority of the enemies are closer to the north team, and likely Volfogg and Choryuujin aren't too levelled, so deploy your strongest squads towards the north. Despite the large numbers, including a few EIs to combat, there's still nothing you haven't really seen before...until the Zondarians show up, that is. They're considerably tougher than your grunt units; all around 50k HP, while Pizza can dodge surprisingly well, Penchinon takes damage like a tank thanks to his -20% Damage ability, and you have to break through 3 Support Defenses to get to the husband-and-wife team. If you're a romantic, be sure to take them down with their respective GGG rivals. In the middle of all this chaos, don't forget that one of your mission objectives is to have a unit land on one of the glowing squares. I suggest having a battleship do it, since they'll likely be some of your least important members. Get someone there, and finish off the 4 Great Kings, to finish the scenario. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 46: Mikene route ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Daikuu Maryuu -- Daikuu Maryuu 1 Battleship 15 Squads Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads Ikima -- Yamada No Orochi[Ultra Alloy Z], Gyao(2) Amazo -- Yamada No Orochi, Gyao(2) Mimashi -- Yamada No Orochi, Gyao(2) Yamada Kingdom 1 -- Gyao(3) Yamada Kingdom 2 -- Girala(3) Yamada Kingdom 3 & 4 -- Rucon(3) Yamada Kingdom 5 & 6 -- Garuga(3) Kyoryuu Empire 1 -- Sori Kyoryuu Empire 2 & 3 -- Sori, Bird Kyoryuu Empire 4 & 5 -- Zuu(2) Kyoryuu Empire 6 & 7 -- Zen 1, Bird(2) Missile Batteries 1 to 3 (Structures) Reinforcement Enemy Squads On every turn while Missile Batteries are intact: (Number of Missile Batteries)x (Missile -- Missile) AP Condition: Defeat all enemies within 6 turns. Notes: Almost a WYSIWYG mission, except for those annoying missiles that pop out every turn. They're exactly the same as the ones in Mission 28 Jion route, and you should just let them explode into your battleships for trivial damage. Besides them, your force starts in the northwest, and the Mikene forces occupy pretty much the entire southeastern half. They're still standard enemies though; even the Haniwa goons aren't much cop, still in their crappy ol' Yamada No Orochis. If you want a quick and easy mission, rush forward and take out the missile batteries first, then from the center, take out all those around you. A dangerous approach, but fun all the same, and almost ensures the AP. ^^; ------------------------------------------------ Mission 47: Japan route ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads GGG 1 -- GaoGaiGar, Goldimarg GGG 2 -- Volfogg/Big Volfogg, Hyouryou, Enryou 1 Battleship 12 Squads Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads EI-01 -- EI-01[Ultra Alloy New Z, Nejiri Hachimaki] Reinforcement Enemy Squads When any squad gets near EI-01: EI-05 -- EI-05 EI-15 -- EI-15 EI-20 -- EI-20 9x (EI-02 -- EI-02) AP Condition: Defeat all enemies, including EI-01, within 7 turns. Notes: Unsurprisingly, this is mostly a story-based battle. It appears to be 15 squads of death against a puny EI-01. Surely you shouldn't believe that's all that happens, and sure enough, when you get close to EI-01, it fires off some anti-G Stone wave that reduces everyone's morale to 80 (except for the GGG guys, whose morale goes to 50), and removes some of their EN and HP. At least the EI-01 then nicely provides you some other EIs to deal with while you kill time waiting for the eventual power-up. On Turn 3, the operators at the G Island City will release the Shell X, at Guy's request. You then have to wait one turn for it to land, then another turn while the two GGG squads charge up inside it. While you do, take on the grunt EIs; just remember that 80 morale means that you most likely won't receive the benefits of any barriers, so Reals rule the day again. I can't recall if EI-01 actively attacks you in this scenario, but if he does, ALWAYS defend and heal immediately after, even if you're forced to change your Squad Leader to a healer unit to do so. Once turn 5 comes around, you should have dealt with almost all, if not all of the EIs save EI-01. At that point, you get to see a wicked GGG scene, and you get some service in the terms of 36,000 HP damage on EI-01 in one attack from Guy's Drill Knee. Don't think you can do that insane amount of damage all the time though, but the GGG dudes do start with 300 morale at least, making their attacks more damaging than usual. The Shell X also refills everyone's HP and EN, so it's the "simple" matter of ganging up on EI-01 to reduce the 140,000 or so HP it has left, and enjoying the heartwarming scenes after. The AP is also easy, since you have three turns to kill of EI-01, which can be easily done in 1. Don't forget that you have the chance to get the Stealth Gao II parts here, if you have GaoGaiGar go below 500 HP and have Guy's terrain ratings all be S at any time in this scenario. It's probably easiest to do before the Shell X sequence, since then Guy won't have the Protect Shade to help him; at that point though, Guy will probably die in any hit from Pasta unless you really upgraded his Armour and HP fully. If you didn't, you'll probably have to use one of the other EI's attacks to ping GaoGaiGar's HP to below 500. After the mission, you receive 2 Propellant Tanks, 2 Repair Kits, 2 Cartridges and 1 Super Repair Kit. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 47: Mikene route part 1 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads 2 Battleships 15 Squads Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads General Hell -- Almighty Fortress Mikross Superhuman Army Corps 1 & 2 -- Gogura, Glacios(2) Bird Army Corps 1 & 2 -- Toruken, Ovelius(2) Evil Spirit Army Corps 1 & 2 -- Psycho Bear, Skull(2) Kyoryuu Empire 1 & 2 -- Zori(2) Kyoryuu Empire 3 -- Zen 2 Yamada Kingdom 1 -- Girala(2) Yamada Kingdom 2 -- Gyao(2) Yamada Kingdom 3 -- Rucon(2) Yamada Kingdom 4 -- Garuga(2) Reinforcement Enemy Squads When General Hell is defeated: Mikene 1 -- Balkania 2x (Mikene 2 -- Gogura, Glacios(2)) Mikene 3 -- Gold Phoenix Mikene 4 & 5 -- Toruken, Ovelius(2) AP Condition: Clear the map within 6 turns. Notes: Yep, it's a scenario so big, it needs two parts to cover it. Fortunately though, the first part is rather simple; it's a firefight between your groups against the usual SR enemies, which are surprisingly weak in both upgrades and numbers. You might actually find it hard to activate your SR's finishing moves because there are so few enemies to kill, which may make General Hell slightly harder. Even so, simple rushing and mashing will rule the day. Once you take out General Hell, you get to see a few new enemies appear in the same crevice as General Hell, who try to delay you as the Mikenes launch attacks on Japan. They actually have pretty good HP for grunts, but that just means that they take two whole attacks instead of one to kill. ^^; Once you're done with them, hopefully within the AP limit, it's time to rush your battle-weary force over to Japan. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 47: Mikene route part 2 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads 2 Battleships 15 Squads Reinforcement Squads On Turn 2: 3x (??? -- ???) [Retreats after the Dark Emperor appears] Starting Enemy Squads Commander Algos -- Invincible Fortress Demonica[Zolmanium Alloy], Dolrag(2) General Hell -- Invincible Fortress Demonica[Ultra Allow New Z], Dolrag(2) Superhuman General -- Superhuman General Yurishiza[Mega Generator], Gogura(2) Bird General -- Bird General Badara[High Powered Targeting Device], Toruken(2) Evil Spirit General -- Evil Spirit General Hardias[Ultra Alloy Z], Skull(2) Mikross 1 to 3 -- Almighty Fortress Mikross Superhuman Army Corps 1 & 2 -- Balkania, Gogura Superhuman Army Corps 3 & 4 -- Gogura, Glacios(2) Bird Army Corps 1 & 2 -- Gold Phoenix, Toruken Bird Army Corps 3 & 4 -- Toruken, Ovelius(2) Evil Spirit Army Corps 1 to 4 -- Psycho Bear, Skull(2) Evil Spirit Army Corps -- Skull Bird Army Corps -- Ovelius Reinforcement Enemy Squads After all enemies are defeated: Dark Emperor -- Dark Emperor[Nejiri Hachimaki] AP Condition: None Notes: Your dudes rush over to Japan, to find it under heavy bombardment from Mikene forces. It's up to your dudes to repel them, but it's not going to be easy; not just from the pure wealth of enemies around, but from the battle damage of your squads; all your units have 70% HP, 70% EN and worst of all, 50% SP. This ensures that you really can't just rashly use seishin now; you have to choose the right time to use the right seishin. I suggest sending 4 or 5 Squads to the west, to deal with Hardias' group; you don't need to many squads there, since the Custos comes to help you one turn later, and those squads should focus most of their SP on taking down Hardias and his goons, and use whatever remains on Badara's forces if they can. The rest of your force should head south and deal with Yurishiza, Argos and General Hell. Yurishiza is in defensive terrain, and can be extremely hard to damage, but be thrifty with your seishin. Both Argos and Hell are in Demonicas, and are the only Mikenes with ALL attacks; this may actually work to your advantage, since the Chakra Shields and G-Territories then saves you from using too much recovery or defense seishin. Regardless, they are still your main threats; use whatever you have left to kill them once and for all, prioritizing using your seishin for good damage rather than ammo or EN. Most likely, Badara and his flunkies will approach this group over the western one as well; he can be easily beaten without seishin, since he doesn't have particularly tough armour like Yurishiza, or Bunshin like Hardias. When you finally finish off the Mikene forces, the Dark Emperor makes his entrance and uses his supernatural powers to show off how elite he is. The Custos attempt to take him on, but your guys tell them to back off, since its their fight; they comply, and give you a nice present by refilling all your SP. You WILL need this refill; the Dark Emperor has 200k HP, one of those rare ALL attacks that are powerful AND can be used point-blank, extremely tough armour combined with the Damage -20% ability, and to top it off, he has Bunshin. About his only weak point is that he can actually eat up his EN pretty quickly, as he "only" has around 400 and his main ALL attack takes up 30+ EN. There really isn't any cure-all advice I can give for defeating him; you need to pull out all the strategies you've learnt for killing bosses from previous games, and multiply by 2. Use all support seishin to their fullest(including Exhaust, which REALLY helps to spike Bunshin), and throw last bit you have at the Dark Emperor to finish off the Mikene Empire for good. Don't forget that you can earn the Stealth Gao II parts here by reducing GaoGaiGar to below 500 HP and having all of Guy's Terrain Ratings be S. It's far easier to do it in this route than in the previous route, since now there are plenty of Mikene generals who can get a decent hit rate on Guy without completely demolishing him. After the mission, you receive 2 Propellant Tanks, 2 Repair Kits, 2 Cartridges and 1 Super Repair Kit. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 48 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads G Thunder Team -- Goshogun Good Thunder -- Good Thunder Dakuu Maryuu -- Daikuu Maryuu 1 Battleship 12 Squads Reinforcement Squads One turn after missiles appear: Bundol -- Bundol Ship Kuttnel -- Kuttnel Ship Kelknuckle -- Kelknuckle Ship Starting Enemy Squads Bundol Ship -- Bundol Ship, Dogab(2) Kuttnel Ship -- Kuttnel Ship, Dogab(2) Kelknuckle Ship -- Kelknuckle Ship, Dogab(2) Dokuga 1 -- Doshard(2) Dokuga 2, 4, 9, 11, 17, 19 -- Debiza(2) Dokuga 3, 5, 10, 12, 18, 20 -- Dogab(2) Dokuga 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23 -- Impactor(2) Dokuga 16 -- Goknuckle, Impactor(2) Reinforcement Enemy Squads On Turn 2: ??? -- ???[First part ends if falls below 30% HP] After reducing Dokuga enemy squads to 6 or less, or after 6 turns: Neutron Missile 2 to 15 -- Neutron Missile AP Condition: Reduce Dokuga enemy squads to 6 or less within 6 turns. Notes: More Good Thunder antics, as you face the Dokuga Generals for the last time. They all have considerably upgraded battleships now; 50k HP instead of the old 15-20k. Besides that though, they're still the same old as ever, with Kelknuckle's being the most dangerous, and all the other generic Dokugas not really being much of a threat. Simply send 4 or 5 squads across the ocean to meet Kelknuckle's group, and the rest head south to take on Kuttnel and Bundol. Remember that after the number of Dokuga squads is brought to 6 or below, the rest will retreat, so leave a few Impactor squads alive while you deal with the higher-money monsters. On Turn 2, another Custos appears and, worryingly enough, starts attacking the Good Thunder. It doesn't really do that much damage, but can be annoying all the same. You can kill it if you want to; a supported fully-upgraded attack should do the job. If you do so though, then the scenario shifts immediately into the next sequence and robs you of the AP, and you don't really get anything special for destroying the Custos. After the story events, you then get 15 Neutron Missiles to deal with... well, actually 14, since the Custos will destroy one for you. Note that they always defend, so you may have to put in some extra effort to destroy them totally. The baka generals will show up to help, but they're really not that helpful, since they start all the way to the east, and don't have any good P attacks. The group you sent to combat Kelknuckle should be able to take the eastern missiles by themselves, while the rest handles the other missiles. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 49 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Ral Kairam -- Ral Kairam 1 Battleship 12 Squads Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads Dark Horror Army Corps 1 -- Grodector[Mega Booster], Black Monster(2) Dark Horror Army Corps 2 -- Grodector[Ultra Alloy Z], Black Monster(2) Dark Horror Army Corps 3 -- Moon Condor, Black Monster(2) Dark Horror Army Corps 4 -- Black Monster, Red Balom(2) Dark Horror Army Corps 5 -- Sasorinka, Red Balom(2) Dark Horror Army Corps 6 -- Kabutongar, Red Balom(2) Boazan Army 1 -- Skullrook, Boazan Fighter Ship(2) Boazan Army 2 -- Dolion(2) Boazan Army 3 -- Desla(2) Boazan Army 4 -- Ocosenia(2) Boazan Army 5 to 7 -- Boazan Fighter Ship(3) Balm Army 1 & 2 -- Garunroll Balm Army 3 -- Zonekaiser Balm Army 4 & 5 -- Dari, Spinzar(2) Reinforcement Enemy Squads After reducing initial enemy squads to 6 or after turn 4, AND if you choose not to make peace with Hamaan: Hamaan Ship -- Sataran, Mass Produced Qubeley(2) Royal Guard -- Germark(3) Space Wolf -- Doben Wolf(3) Cima Squadron -- Gerbera Tetra, Gelgoog M(2) Hamaan Squadron 1 to 6 -- Mass Produced Qubeley(3) AP Condition: Reduce initial enemy squads to 6 or below by turn 4. Notes: The title of this scenario is "Decision", and it's rather aptly named, as we'll see soon enough. First though, it's those ever-annoying SR enemies ready for another beating. There's a lot of battleships and high-HP enemies, but again, nothing you've not faced before. The regulations for the previous mission in terms of the AP apply; leave a few Boazan Fighter Ship squads or Red Balom squads around and hit the targets that reap you higher rewards. When you fufill the conditions, or on turn 4, Hamaan and her Neo Jion army appears. At this point, she gives you an option to accept a ceasefire with her; choose the first option to accept, and the second to decline. Accepting and declining not only has obvious immediate impact, since it then decides whether the mission ends there or whether you fight Hamaan's group, but it also shapes the next 6 scenarios; if you don't accept, Char will drop Axis on earth, while if you do, he tries to drop Orphan instead. If you choose not to accept, then you'll have to fight Hamaan there and then, which isn't really as hard as it sounds. You know a set of Real Robot enemies are pretty pathetic if among them, the battleship has the best evade rate. ^^; Don't underestimate the Sataran, since Hamaan can actually make it dodge quite well; spend most of your seishin on her. After the mission, you receive 2 Propellant Tanks, 2 Cartridges, 2 Repair Kits and 1 Super Repair Kit. If you chose to make peace with Hamaan, then you also receive 1 Doben Wolf, as well as receiving 2 Mass Produced Qubeley Mk IIs and Dorel Rona with his Belga Giros if you met their respective conditions. From now on, I will refer to the route where you make peace with Hamaan as the 'A' route, while not making peace with Hamaan is the 'B' route. Additionally, if you chose the Tokyo path earlier at mission 45, then follow the '1' routes, else if you chose the Mikene path, then follow the '2' routes. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 50: A route ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Kazuya -- Daimos, Gulver FX II Hyouma & Kenichi -- Combattler V, Voltes V Daikuu Maryuu -- Daikuu Maryuu 1 Battleship 13 Squads Reinforcement Squads On Turn 4: Richter & Hainel -- Gimeria, Guardian Deity Godol Starting Enemy Squads Balm Army 1 to 4 -- Garunroll, Dari(2) Balm Army 5 to 8 -- Zonekaiser Balm Army 9 to 11 -- Dari(3) Balm Army 12 to 17 -- Spinzar(3) Reinforcement Enemy Squads On Turn 4: Sandar -- Attack Warship Sandar[S Adapter], Dari(2) 2x (Balm Army -- Cobrad) 2x (Boazan Army -- Skullrook, Dolion(2)) 2x (Balm Army -- God Armon[Bio Sensor]) AP Condition: Destroy the Attack Warship Sandar within 7 turns. Notes: Before the map begins, you save Barubas's skin from the fury of Small Balm's Photon Cannon. Your dudes eventually decide to help him to free Small Balm of the tyrannical Orban, and doing this requires a massive energy output from Daimos and the Chodenji brothers to disable to protective shield around Small Balm. This means that although they ARE on the map from the start, they're completely unusable; even seishin are disabled for them. The rest of your 13 squads and 2 battleships should then focus on the enemy straight ahead, but beware the Photon Cannon; it fires at the start of every enemy turn, and hits 3 squads, reducing all members of that squad to 50% HP. This means that you have to heal the squads affected on every turn so that the roll of the dice doesn't get the same squad twice in a row and completely demolish it. ^^; Of course, if one of the affected squads has a healer in it, it'll be alright to leave it alone, albeit still a little risky, since if it does get hit a second time, all the members will have 10% HP thanks to the 10% recovery per turn of the recovery units. Besides the Photon Cannon, it's an otherwise standard scenario. Note that the Squad Leader Daris have 12,000 HP and not 6,500 though, and that the Garunrolls prioritize rushing the two disabled squads rather than attacking your dudes. The Chodenji robots and the Daimohick squadron will finish charging on turn 4; you don't HAVE to destroy all enemies before that, but it'll certainly help if you can. Regardless, most of your force should emphasize moving towards the southwest corner of the map after dealing with the initial enemies. After the story events, you can finally use the Combattler, Voltes and Daimos again, and they start at 150 morale. Also appearing are Richter and Hainel, who are actually pretty good fighters if you're playing a no-upgrade game. On the other hand, the reinforcements that pop up are among the strongest you've seen so far; the Skullrooks are by far the easiest, with the Cobrads a huge problem before, but less of one now, and the 90k HP God Armons taking a LONG time to whittle down. If you're playing a no upgrade game and going for the AP, it'll probably be a good move to just ignore the Armons and maybe the Cobrads, and strike at the 120k HP Sandar immediately, although the Armons drop some fairly good items. The Sandar itself actually isn't much of a problem; it's piloted by the inept Belgan, who makes killing it far easier than it should be. Regardless, it still has mounds of HP, so hit it with your best shots. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 50: B1 route ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads 2 Battleships 13 Squads Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads Yamada Kingdom 1 -- Yamada No Orochi, Gyao(2) Yamada Kingdom 2 -- Yamada No Orochi, Gyao(2) Yamada Kingdom 3 -- Yamada No Orochi, Gyao(2) Yamada Kingdom 4 -- Gyao(3) Yamada Kingdom 5 -- Girala(3) Yamada Kingdom 6 -- Rucon(3) Yamada Kingdom 7 -- Garuga(3) Kyoryuu Empire 1 & 2 -- Sori, Bird(2) Kyoryuu Empire 3 -- Saki(3) Kyoryuu Empire 4 -- Giro(2) Meganoid 1 -- Nibelgen, Aiai(2) Meganoid 2 & 3 -- Death Spider, Aiai(2) Alien Mecha -- Zonekaiser, Dolion, Kabutongar Dokuga -- Doshard, Dogab, Debiza Mobile Suit 1 -- Doben Wolf, Belga Giros, Gira Douga Mobile Suit 2 -- Elbad, Belga Dalas, Bez Badara Missile Batteries 1 to 3 (Structures) Reinforcement Enemy Squads On every turn while Missile Batteries are intact: (Number of Missile Batteries)x (Missile -- Missile) AP Condition: Destroy all enemies within 7 turns. Notes: Very similar mission 46 Mikene route, with the only thing different being the layout of the enemies, and the slightly larger amount of enemies. None of them are still much cop; the only face characters are the ever-crappy Haniwa generals, and the AP can be done easily by simply splitting up your forces into two groups to deal with the enemies left, right and eventually center. Usually the left group can will take on both the center and left enemies, so you might want to make that force a little stronger. The missile batteries are also the same as they were in stage 28 Neo Jion and stage 46 Mikene; let them suicide onto your battleships for puny damage and morale gains. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 50: B2 route ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads 2 Battleships 13 Squads Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads Koros -- Budagiln, Death Spider(2) Meganoid 1 & 2 -- Nibelgen, Aiai(2) Meganoid 3 to 11 -- Death Spider, Aiai(2) Mobile Suits 1 to 3 -- Doben Wolf, Belga Giros(2) Alien Mecha 1 -- Zonekaiser, Dolion, Kabutongar Alien Mecha 2 -- Moon Condor, Black Monster, Ocosenia Alien Mecha 3 -- Dari, Desla, Sasorinka Dokuga Mecha -- Doshard, Dogap, Debiza Reinforcement Enemy Squads After reducing the Budagiln to below 50% HP: Don Saucer -- Don Saucer AP Condition: Defeat Don Saucer within 6 turns. Notes: A space mission against Meganoids, and Meganoid battles usually mean Megaborgs. Only one shows up though, and it's Koros, in the Budagiln. It's about the only dangerous enemy you can see, with Koros's Squad Leader Skill meaning that you probably should take her out FAST when she gets within range. You should generally be moving fast anyway; you start relatively far away from the bulk of the enemy forces, with your guys in the southeast corner and all the enemies in the center, and there still is a fair number of them to defeat within the AP condition turn limit. Don Saucer makes his ever-retarded appearance after his poor li'l Koros gets beat up too badly; surprisingly enough, he actually has less HP than the Budagiln, but his Damage -20% ability easily makes up for that. If you're really pressed for time, throw everything at him and forsake the rest of the money-rich enemies, but if you have the time, you know what to do. As a warning though, Don Saucer casts Love on himself when you defeat Koros, so make sure you have a squad prepared to take the hit. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 51: A route ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Daikuu Maryuu -- Daikuu Maryuu Richter & Hainel -- Gimeria, Guardian Deity Godol (If you unlocked them) 1 Battleship 14 Squads Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads Desmond -- Grodector[High Powered Targeting Device], Red Balom(2) Dankel -- Grodector[Ultra Alloy New Z], Red Balom(2) Asimov -- Grodector[Zolmanium Alloy], Red Balom(2) Killer -- Grodector[Zolmanium Alloy], Red Balom(2) Dark Horror Army Corps 1 to 3 -- Moon Condor Dark Horror Army Corps 4 & 7 -- Black Monster, Kabutongar, Sasorinka Dark Horror Army Corps 5 & 8 -- Kabutongar, Sasorinka, Black Monster Dark Horror Army Corps 6 & 9 -- Sasorinka, Black Monster, Kabutongar Dark Horror Army Corps 10 to 15 -- Red Balom(3) Reinforcement Enemy Squads When 5 or less enemy Squads remain: Darius -- Great Emperor Darius[Brave Hero's Crest] 4x (Dark Horror Army Corps -- Moon Condor, Black Monster(2)) AP Condition: Clear the map within 8 turns. Notes: The 4 Great Kings start the battle by pulling the Death Cross formation on Small Balm; Richter and Hainel then mount a kamikaze attack on two of them, breaking up the formation(unless you followed the steps to unlock them, of course. ^^;). Your force then shows up, pissed and ready to take out their anger on anything in their way. Unfortunately for them, what's in their way is pretty piddling. There's the usual pathetic Zera enemies all huddled up in the northeast corner; the 4 Great Kings have pulled a Dokuga though, and suddenly have had their ships upgraded to 50k HP and have stronger weapons as well. They're still not a particularly big problem; the person who fufills that description is Darius, who appears at the northwest corner, along with a few flunkies, once you reduce enemy squads to 5 or less. Darius is quite the monster; 200k HP, tough Armour and the -20% damage Squad Leader skill, not to mention a rather high Sword Cut level which can make some weapons useless. Unless you've been upgrading madly, you'll need 2 turns to take him down, so make sure to budget that amount of time if you're aiming for the AP. Try to take down the Grodectors if you have time as well; they produce some very nice items. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 51: B1 route ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads 2 Battleships 15 Squads Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads General Hell -- Invincible Fortress Demonica[Ultra Alloy New Z], Dolrag(2) Mikross 1 & 2 -- Almighty Fortress Mikross, Ovelius(2) Superhuman General -- Superhuman General Yurishiza, Gogura(2) Mikene -- Balkania, Gogura 2x (Mikene -- Gogura, Glacios(2)) Bird General -- Bird General Badara, Toruken(2) Mikene -- Gold Phoenix, Toruken 2x (Mikene -- Toruken, Ovelius(2)) Evil Spirit General -- Evil Spirit General Hardias, Skull(2) 3x (Mikene -- Psycho Bear, Skull(2)) Koros -- Nibelgen, Death Spider(2) Meganoid 1 & 2 -- Nibelgen, Aiai(2) Meganoid 3 & 4 -- Death Spider, Aiai(2) Mobile Suits 1 & 2 -- Doben Wolf, Belga Giros(2) Alien Mecha 1 -- Zonekaiser, Dolion, Kabutongar Alien Mecha 2 -- Moon Condor, Kabutongar, Ocosenia Dokuga -- Doshard, Dogap, Debiza Reinforcement Enemy Squads When Koros is reduced below 50% HP: Don Saucer -- Don Saucer When Don Saucer and General Hell are defeated: Dark Emperor -- Dark Emperor[Brave Hero's Crest] Argos -- Invincible Fortress Demonica, Dolrag(2) 3x (Mikross -- Almighty Fortress Mikross, Dolrag(2)) AP Condition: Clear the map within 10 turns. Notes: It's the last battle with the Mikene in this route, and you've got the tag team of them and the Meganoids to deal with. You'll also see some new 20k HP grunt enemies from the other route back in scenario 46, but they're still not much cop. Just rush your dudes from the southeast of the map to the center, and open fire. Lots and lots of fire. As in the previous scenario of the other route, Don Saucer appears once Koros goes below 50% HP, and as in the previous scenario, this is fortunately the weak Don Saucer(as opposed to the ARGH STRONG one you'll see later), with a "piddling" 70k HP. Don't forget that, similar to the other route, he still has the Damage -20% ability and casts Love when Koros dies; on the other hand, if you kill him first, all the Meganoids immediately self-destruct. Your choice whether to forsake the money for ease. ^^; The rest of the Mikene Generals are nothing new; Badara is still the easiest of them with nothing really special, Hardias may still require Sure Hit to ease stress, and Yurishiza isn't nearly as tough without defensive terrain to back him up. You've even fought the Demonica before already, and with 60k HP, can be dealt with relatively easily, even though he still packs quite a punch. You should be prioritizing saving EN and HP over seishin, so cast as many Hot Bloods, Sure Hits, Flashes and Invinciblities as your SP allows. Once you've defeated both of the honchos, the Dark Emperor shows up; the events are almost exactly the same as the Mikene route from stage 47, except that instead of appearing by himself, the Dark Emperor brings Argos and a few more grunts with him. This DOES have the side effect of him getting free hits on you as you deal with the flunkies, but as long as you defend his attacks, it shouldn't be TOO harsh. You deal with the Dark Emperor the same way as you should deal with him in all other routes; Lots and lots of your refilled seishin, Exhaust or Sure Hit, Hot Blood, Spirit, Confusion, defensive Seishin, the works. You'll again probably take two turns to finish him off barring use of Awaken, so AP-goers should budget for that. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 51: B2 route ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads GGG 1 -- GaoGaiGar/Star GaoGaiGar, Goldimarg GGG 2 -- Volfogg/Big Volfogg, Choryuujin 2 Battleships 13 Squads Reinforcement Squads 2 turns after EI-01 appears, and if requirements for getting Pizza is fufilled: Pizza -- EI-26 Starting Enemy Squads Pizza -- EI-26 Penchinon -- EI-27 Pironess -- EI-28 Primada -- EI-29 EI-02 -- EI-02 EI-05 -- EI-05 EI-07 -- EI-07 EI-15 -- EI-15 EI-20 -- EI-20 Zondar 1 -- Ovelius, Impactor, Bird Zondar 2 -- Doben Wolf, Saki, Dolion Zondar 3 -- Dari, Kabutongar, Rick Dom II Zondar 4 -- Hazam, Toruken, Zuu Zondar 5 -- Spinzar, Gelgoog M, Impactor Zondar 6 -- Kabutongar, Aiai, Zai Zondar 7 -- Giro, Zaku II F2 Production Type, Rucon Zondar 8 -- Zonekaiser, Boazan Fighter Ship, Skull Zondar 9 -- Gyao, Debiza, Gira Douga Reinforcement Enemy Squads On Turn 3: Don Saucer -- Don Saucer When you defeat Don Saucer and the 4 Great Kings: EI-01 -- EI-01[Brave Hero's Crest] 2x (EI-02 -- EI-02) 2x (EI-15 -- EI-15) AP Condition: Fufill the winning conditions (defeat the 4 Great Kings and Don Saucer) within 5 turns. Notes: If you've seen the notes for the Tokyo route back at scenario 46, you know what to expect; this is basically a combination of both scenario 46 and scenario 47 of that route, with the wildcard addition of Don Saucer, who's far harder than in the previous scenario; basically the same stats, except for 100k more HP, nullifying his only weak point previously. The 4 Zondarians are still around as well, and are about what you expect from boss-class units; at least Pironess and Primida are seperate this time, and thus far easier to kill. If you're going for the AP, this may actually be a fairly difficult scenario. You should first split into two groups and take out the grunt enemies ASAP; within two turns is best, three is a little shaky. You should spend your third turn taking out the few grunts that remain, and then start dismantling the Zondarians one-by-one. By the 4th turn, you should have finished off the Zondarians, and placed yourself ready to strike at Don; on the final turn, throw absolutely everything you have at him, and hope it's enough. Throw in some Exhaust if you wish, too. Don't forget that if you want to use Pizza later, to take him out using Guy, and that whichever of the husband-and-wife team you kill first, the other will cast Love. After you take out the Kings and Don, EI-01 appears, and the Shell X sequence from the previous scenario starts. You only have 4 other EIs to play around with, but at least you don't have to wait as long either. When the Shell X does activate, it once again refills all your HP and EN, and it MIGHT refill your seishin as well (don't really remember ^^;). At this point, Pizza shows up to help if you fufilled the conditions for him. If you've been thrifty with your seishin before, now's the time to use it all up on Pasta and finish the Zondarians once and for all. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 52: A route ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Mother Vanguard -- Mother Vanguard Hamaan Squadron -- Qubeley, Mass Produced Qubeley(2) 1 Battleship 14 Squads Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads Death Gale Squadron -- Kuabase[Psycho Frame], Arpeggio, Totouga Jupitoris 9 -- Jupitoris 9 Jupiter Empire Battleship -- Thousand Jupiter Jupiter Empire Battleship 1 to 3 -- Samus Gilly Jupiter Empire 1 & 2 -- Elgolera, Elbad(2) Jupiter Empire 3 & 4 -- Kuabase, Bez Badara(2) Jupiter Empire 5 to 7 -- Elbad(2) CB Battleship 1 -- Samus Garu[Giga Generator], Tenan Zon CB 1 & 2 -- Rafflesia, Bug(2) CB 3 & 4 -- Belga Giros, Belga Dalas(2) CB 5 -- Dagi Irus, Belga Dalas(2) CB 6 & 7 -- Belga Dalas(2) Reinforcement Enemy Squads On Turn 2: Karas -- Nautilus[Hyper Jammer] Zabine -- Crossbone Gundam X2 Kai[Bio Computer] After the Jupiteris 9 is defeated: Dogachi 1 to 7 -- Divinidad After defeating 4 Divinidads: Dogachi -- Divinidad[G Territory] AP Condition: Defeat the Dogachi 1 to 7 Squads before defeating Dogachi. Notes: Now that you're finishing off series by series, it's time to take down the Jupiter Empire. Hamaan is on hand to help you out, albeit as a neutral; she doesn't really do THAT well damage wise, but you can count on her not to be a liability, having 90k HP and all. Dorel also shows up in this mission as an enemy if you didn't recruit him. The enemies are all the standard Crossbone enemies, including the Death Gale Squadron who aren't really as dangerous as they used to be, the ever-insane Zabine, and Karas in his Nautilius. Surprisingly, of the initial enemies, Karas is probably the most troublesome; he has evade on par with most of the other newtypes on the stage, yet has 70k HP. You'll likely be spending quite a few of your seishin on him; to make up for it, try not to use seishin on the two battleships, which are fairly easily defeated without them; it just takes awhile. ^^; WHen you take the Jupiteris 9 down, Dogachi appears; or more accurately, 7 Dogachis appear. They're all boss-class units, with the HP of a high-class grunt, thankfully. A couple of good attacks should take one down; if you want to be careful, try to take 3 of them down, then reduce the others to low HP before killing them. Once you take the 4th one down, the real Dogachi, all 140k HP of him, appears. The AP condition is shown to you at this point; given that there's a time limit of three turns, aren't you glad you weakened the other Divinidads now? ^^; The real Dogachi is similar to the others, except just tons more HP. Throw whatever you have left at him (which should still be a lot, really) and finish the mission. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 52: B route ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads 2 Battleships 15 Squads Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads Quincy -- Gran Cher Reclaimer 1 to 15 -- Gran Cher(3) Reinforcement Enemy Squads After Quincy is defeated, or initiates battle with Yuu: Quincy -- Baronzu[Organic Bit] Jonathan -- Baronzu[Organic Bit] After both Jonathan and Quincy are defeated: Baron -- Baronzu[Cost Down] AP Condition: Clear the map within 8 turns. Notes: It's the final battle with the Reclaimers, and they're out in full force; a very nice 45 normal Gran Chers for you to clear out. They're relatively hard to hit, but you can generally go ahead and use your seishin to aid you if you want; this scenario isn't very long, thankfully. Once Quincy is defeated or attacks Yuu, with the latter being far more likely given that she makes a beeline for him from the start, the king and queen (*cough*) of Orphan appear in their respective Baronzus. Jonathan's Baronzu is still pretty wimpy at around 25k HP, while Quincy's is tougher at 50k, but both are in the end Gran Chers with more HP. If you can, try and snipe them from far so that they can't use their ALL attacks. Once you defeat both of them, you get to take down ANOTHER Baronzu, this time piloted by Baron. "His" Baronzu is higher in stats than the other two (especially HP, damn him), but as a trade-off, his stats are actually lower than his subordinates, and should be just as easily dealt with, only taking slightly longer to do so. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 53: A route ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Ral Kairam -- Ral Kairam Yuu & Hime -- Nelly Brain, Hime Brain 1 Battleship 15 Squads Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads Reclaimer 1 -- Gran Cher Reclaimer 2 to 14 -- Gran Cher(3) Reinforcement Enemy Squads After Quincy and Yuu engage in combat: Quincy -- Baronzu[Organic Bit] Jonathan -- Baronzu[Organic Bit] After all enemies are defeated: Baron -- Baronzu[Cost Down] After Baron is defeated: Reulura -- Reulura, Gira Douga(2) Char -- Sazabi[Psycho Frame], Gira Douga(2) Gato -- Neu Ziel, Gelgoog M(2) Gyunei -- Alpha Aziel, Gira Douga(2) Quess -- Alpha Aziel, Gira Douga(2) Kelly -- Val Varo, Gelgoog M(2) Space Wolf -- Doben Wolf(3) Cima -- Garbera Tetra, Gira Douga(2) Rezun -- Gira Douga, Gira Douga(2) Musaka 1 to 5 -- Musaka, Gira Douga(2) Neo Jion 1 to 6 -- Gira Douga(2) AP Condition: Fufill the winning conditions. Notes: The first part is practically the exact same as the last one I covered in the other route, except with one less Reclaimer squad. Everything else said there applies, except that you should be far, far more thrifty with your seishin; try not to use ANY Hot Bloods at all to take all the Gran Chers and Baronzus out. This is to prepare for the Neo Jion reinforcements who appear to the southeast, and boy do you have a fight on your hands. Besides Char himself, the obvious threats are Gyunei and Quess as usual; this time they're in Alpha Aziels, which despite their L size, can still dodge amazingly well, and have ALL Funnels, which are murder on your squad members, and can be used point-blank. Fortunately, they don't have TOO much HP; take them out as fast as you can, and use defensive seishin if you need it. Next on the troublesome list is Kelly, mostly because of the Val Varo's map weapon, if you're not prepared for it. Gato is like the Alpha Aziels except far weaker point blank, while the other face characters are cake comparatively. Once you attack any of the Musakas, it's revealed that they're carrying a nuclear payload and heading for the Orphan; you have to destroy them before they get there, and the winning conditions become destroying all Musakas, or defeating the Sazabi, OR defeating the Reulura. The last always defends except during it's phase, and drops nothing good, so count that out; the Sazabi is more trouble on your battle-weary (by now) force, but needs to be defeated if you want to see the Nightingale later; and the Musakas are by far the easiest of the lot, but also the least rewarding. Doing any of them immediately ends the mission, so pick your poison. Doing any of those will also earn you the AP; you only can't get the AP if you let one of the Musakas land on the womanish figure of Orphan. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 53: B route ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Kazuya -- Daimos, Gulver FX II Hyouma & Kenichi -- Combattler V, Voltes V Daikuu Maryuu -- Daikuu Maryuu 1 Battleship 13 Squads Reinforcement Squads On Turn 4: Richter & Hainel -- Gimeria, Guardian Deity Godol Starting Enemy Squads Balm Army 1 to 4 -- Garunroll, Dari(2) Balm Army 5 to 8 -- Zonekaiser Balm Army 9 to 11 -- Dari(3) Balm Army 12 to 17 -- Spinzar(3) Reinforcement Enemy Squads On Turn 4: Sandar -- Attack Warship Sandar[S Adapter], Dari(2) 2x (Balm Army -- Cobrad) 2x (Boazan Army -- Skullrook, Dolion(2)) 2x (Balm Army -- God Armon[Bio Sensor]) AP Condition: Destroy the Attack Warship Sandar within 7 turns. Notes: Almost exactly like Mission 50 A route, except with a few map changes. Instead of one whole force, the enemies are split up into two groups, one in north and one in the south; all this means is that you should split your own dudes up into two as well, then once again converge on the southwestern area to handle the reinforcements coming later. The second part is exactly the same, with the extremely high HP "grunt" enemies and Belgan in the Sandar. The strategies are also the same; power up with seishin and mow down everything in your way. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 54: A route ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Ral Kairam -- Ral Kairam 1 Battleship 12 Squads Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads Char -- Sazabi/Nightingale[Haro], Gira Douga(2) Reulura -- Reulura Gato -- Neu Ziel[Minovsky Drive] Gyunei -- Yact Douga, Gira Douga(2) Quess -- Yact Douga, Gira Douga(2) Cima -- Gerbera Tetra, Gira Douga(2) Rezun -- Gira Douga(3) Space Wolf 1 to 3 -- Doben Wolf(3) Musaka 1 to 3 -- Musaka Neo Jion 1 to 5 -- Gira Douga(3) Reinforcement Enemy Squads: None AP Condition: Clear the map within 7 turns. Notes: It's Neo Jion part 2 inside Orphan, and for once, it's a WYSIWYG mission; what you see is also rather weak compared to what you've just faced in the previous mission. The Yact Dougas are far less intimidating and damaging than the Alpha Aziels, and Gato doesn't quite benefit from both him and his Neu Ziel having A in Air terrain, as opposed to S in Space. The other non-generics are as weak as ever, and there isn't any nuclear payload to worry about this time; even Char in the Sazabi has been fought several times before. Char in the Nightingale, of course, is a different kettle of fish altogether, and even if they aren't as hard as the previous mission, they still take time to kill, and if you're going for the AP, you don't have that much of it, especially since none of the enemies will move an inch from their starting position. Before the mission, try and set your squads up to have as many flying squads as possible without skimping on power. When you start, move quickly towards the remants of the Neo Jion forces, storing your land-bound squads into your battleships for now. You should be able to land a few hits on turn 2, and start earnestly attacking on turn 3. I suggest aiming to take out the Gira Douga grunts by turn 3, and put some damage on Gato; by turn 4, you should finish Gato off, as well as as many of the non-generic characters you can handle. Turn 5 should see you cleaning up the remnants of the face characters, and starting attacks on the Musakas; Turn 6 should finish off the Musakas and damage the Reulura severely, if not killing it; and turn 7 to kill off Char, which will be much easier in the Sazabi, but should nevertheless be handled the same even if he's in the Nightingale. The Nightingale has some kickass stats, and 140k HP, but it's still a Real in the end; just an extremely manuverable one. The ALL Funnels are also 4000 in power and S on most terrains, so you practically HAVE to use defensive seishin if you want your squad members to survive. Besides that, it's still in the end another gangbang boss battle, except with the need to use Sure Hit far more often. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 54: B route ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Daikuu Maryuu -- Daikuu Maryuu Richter & Hainel -- Gimeria, Guardian Deity Godol(if you unlocked them) 1 Battleship 14 Squads Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads Desmond -- Grodector[High Powered Targeting Device], Red Balom(2) Dankel -- Grodector[Ultra Alloy New Z], Red Balom(2) Asimov -- Grodector[Zolmanium Alloy], Red Balom(2) Killer -- Grodector[Zolmanium Alloy], Red Balom(2) Dark Horror Army Corps 1 to 3 -- Moon Condor Dark Horror Army Corps 4 & 7 -- Black Monster, Kabutongar, Sasorinka Dark Horror Army Corps 5 & 8 -- Kabutongar, Sasorinka, Black Monster Dark Horror Army Corps 6 & 9 -- Sasorinka, Black Monster, Kabutongar Dark Horror Army Corps 10 to 15 -- Red Balom(3) Reinforcement Enemy Squads When 5 or less enemy Squads remain: Darius -- Great Emperor Darius[Gravity Territory] 4x (Dark Horror Army Corps -- Moon Condor, Black Monster(2)) AP Condition: Clear the map within 8 turns. Notes: Just as the previous B mission was almost the exact same as mission 50A, this mission is almost the exact same as mission 51A; the only difference is that instead of the initial Zera enemies starting in the northeast corner, they start in the opposite southwest corner instead; Darius and his flunkies still appear in the northwest corner though, so there's little difference in terms of distance. Darius is still as hard as he was in the previous mission, but the initial enemies seem slightly easier; perhaps because they start a little closer to you. Both ways, it's still a relatively easy mission that soon becomes another gang-up-on-the-boss mission. This time, the AP is definitely doable while still beating up the 4 Grodectors, so grab the items they have. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 55: A1 route ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Daikuu Maryuu -- Daikuu Maryuu 1 Battleship 16 Squads Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads Yamada Kingdom 1 -- Yamada No Orochi, Gyao(2) Yamada Kingdom 2 -- Yamada No Orochi, Gyao(2) Yamada Kingdom 3 -- Yamada No Orochi, Gyao(2) Yamada Kingdom 4 & 5 -- Gyao(3) Yamada Kingdom 6 -- Girala, Rucon(2) Yamada Kingdom 7 -- Girala, Garuga(2) Kyoryuu Empire 1 -- Zen 1(2) Kyoryuu Empire 2 & 3 -- Sori, Bird(2) Kyoryuu Empire 4 -- Saki(2) Kyoryuu Empire 5 -- Zai(2) Kyoryuu Empire 6 -- Zuu(2) Kyoryuu Empire 7 -- Giro(2) Meganoid 1 to 3 -- Death Spider, Aiai(2) Balm -- Zonekaiser, Dari, Spinzar Boazan -- Dolion(2), Ocosenia Zera -- Black Monster, Kabutongar, Sasorinka Dokuga -- Doshard, Dogap, Debiza Mobile Suits 1 & 2 -- Doben Wolf, Belga Giros(2) Missile Batteries 1 to 3 (Structures) Reinforcement Enemy Squads: On every turn while Missile Batteries are intact: (Number of Missile Batteries)x (Missile -- Missile) AP Condition: Defeat all enemies within 8 turns. Notes: Similar to mission 50 A1, but most like mission 46 Mikene, since the layout is almost exactly the same; your dudes in the northwestern, everything else occupying the southeast half of the map. The main difference between this and mission 46 Mikene is of course the greater number of enemies, but the AP is extended by two turns to account for that, and you can deploy one more squad as well. In other words, it's another pathetically easy mission; the only face characters are thre three Haniwa goons who are STILL in 17k HP Yamada No Orochis, a cakewalk compared to what you've already faced in just this route alone. The missiles are still annoying, but still trivial; rush in, mash up, and finish off. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 55: A2 route ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads 2 Battleships 16 Squads Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads Koros -- Nibelgen[Ultra Alloy New Z], Death Spider(2) Meganoid 1 & 2 -- Nibelgen, Aiai(2) Meganoid 3 to 10 -- Death Spider, Aiai(2) Mobile Suits 1 to 3 -- Doben Wolf, Belga Giros(2) Battle Beasts -- Gogura, Toruken, Psycho Bear Mechasaurus -- Sori, Zen 1 Alien Mecha 1 -- Zonekaiser, Dolion Alien Mecha 2 & 4 -- Moon Condor, Ocosenia Alien Mecha 3 -- Zonekaiser, Kabutongar Dokuga Mecha -- Doshard, Dogap, Debiza Reinforcement Enemy Squads After Koros is reduced to below 50% HP: Don Saucer -- Don Saucer[Soul of Steel] AP Condition: Defeat all other enemies before defeating Don Saucer. Notes: Still inside Orphan, and this time the coffin you're about to drive a nail into has the Meganoids' name on it. There are a lot of enemies to deal with, but they're just rehashes of what you've faced before, so there's nothing particularly difficult abuot this mission, save perhaps Koros in her 90,000 HP Nibelgen. As in ALL the other routes, once you lower Koros to below half HP, weak Don Saucer comes out (weak as in 70,000 HP weak, that is ^^;), and will also cast Love once Koros is defeated. You COULD just finish Don off first to forgo that, but then you lose money AND the AP, so that's your choice. When you kill Don Saucer though, the Zondarians arrive and practically emcee for the final battle. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 55: B route ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Ral Kairam -- Ral Kairam 1 Battleship 16 Squads Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads Axis (Structure) Reulura -- Reulura, Gira Douga(2) Sataran -- Sataran, Gira Douga(2) Jupiteris 9 -- Jupiteris 9 Jupiter Empire Battleship -- Thousand Jupiter Gato -- Neu Ziel[Giga Generator], Gelgoog M(2) Gyunei -- Alpha Aziel, Gira Douga(2) Quess -- Alpha Aziel, Gira Douga(2) Kelly -- Val Varo, Gelgoog M(2) Space Wolf -- Doben Wolf(3) Cima -- Gerbera Tetra, Gira Douga(2) Rezun -- Gira Douga(3) Iria -- Germark(3) Dorel -- Belga Dalas[Psycho Frame], Belga Giros(2) Zabine -- Crossbone Gundam X2 Kai[Bio Computer], Belga Giros(2) Karas -- Nautilus[Hyper Jammer], Elbad(2) Death Gale Squadron -- Kuabase, Arpeggio, Totouga Samus Garu -- Samus Garu, Belga Giros(2) Musaka 1 to 3 -- Musaka, Gira Douga(2) Samus Gilly 1 & 2 -- Samus Gilly, Belga Dalas(2) Neo Jion 1 & 2 -- Queen Mantha, Mass Produced Qubeley(2) Neo Jion 3 to 5 -- Gira Douga(3) CB 1 & 2 -- Rafflesia, Belga Dalas(2) Jupiter Empire 1 -- Elbad, Bez Badara(2) Jupiter Empire 2 & 3 -- Elbad, Badara(2) Reinforcement Enemy Squads After either the Reulura or Sataran is reduced below 50% HP: Char -- Sazabi[Psycho Frame], Gira Douga(2) Hamaan -- Qubeley[Haro], Germark(2) AP Condition: Defeat the Sataran and Jupiteris 9 within 10 turns. Notes: Ohhhhh boy. If you want a big-arse battle, you've got it here. You've got two battleships and 16 squads against the combined forces of the two Neo Jions and the Jupiter Empire, and the enemy list practically reads like a who's who list of Gundam villains. Not only that, but you have to face 4 of the most dangerous right off the bat, AND you have a time limit of 10 turns to take down the Axis structure. It's time to buckle down for one of, if not THE hardest mission of the game. The most immediate concern is the quartet of Gato, Kelly, Gyunei and Quess right in front of you. You can try to circumvent them and go the long way around by heading west and north around the meteor field, but that really hurts your time for the AP. If you rush your force straight forward, you'd most likely fall prey to Kelly's MAP weapon and get several squad members demolished. It's a rock and a hard place; so obivously you carefully manuever yourself between both, by checking the range of Kelly's MAP weapon, which is range 5 and has a area effect of 3 squares, and have your opening moves be most of your squads inching forward just enough without getting in the range of that map weapon, with the possible exception of one or two hardy squads who can take the hits, and won't incur the Val Varo's MAP since it's just one squad. On the turn after, you should have all your units still alive; rush in and take down the Val Varo ASAP, then concentrate on either of the Alpha Aziels while they're still at low morale; try not to spend TOO much seishin, but use Sure Hit and Hot Blood if you really need it. By turn 3, the quartet of doom should be defeated, and you then have another choice to make; whether to go northwest for the Jupiteris 9 and most of the o ther enemies first, or to head straight north and take down the few non-generics and the Sataran and the Reulura. The Jupiteris 9 is obviously further, and will most likely take more time than heading straight up and taking out the closest, but if you do choose to take down the Sataran and Reulura first, you'll likely trigger Char and Hamaan coming out, and with most of the CB and Jupiter forces chasing you from the west, you're going to come under a LOT of heavy firepower with likely (relatively) low morale. Take your choice; just remember to hit on Axis for a bit when you cross over to take out the other set of battleships, and finish it once both groups are down. The Reulura runs to the northeastern corner of the map when you defeat it, and always defends on your turn, so it's not really worth destroying more than once. Char and Hamaan are practically similar; high dodging and ALL Funnels = death for squad members, and similar amounts of HP. Most of your seishin will probably be spent on them and Kalas, who's still in his highly manuverable 70k HP Nautilus. Zabine isn't a slouch in dodging either, but fortunately his Crossbone X2 is a piddling 19,600 HP, while the Death Gale Squadron should be far easier than they were before, now that you have access to powerful ALL attacks. Basically, this mission will test everything you've learnt from SRW, from rushing bosses with low morale to damage control to ganging up on bosses to seishin management. Use every bit of experience you have to get yourself through this mission relatively unscathed and with the AP. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 56: A1 route ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads 2 Battleships 16 Squads Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads General Hell -- Invincible Fortress Demonica[Ultra Alloy New Z], Dolrag(2) Mikross 1 & 2 -- Almighty Fortress Mikross, Ovelius(2) Superhuman General -- Superhuman General Yurishiza, Gogura(2) Mikene -- Balkania, Gogura(2) 2x (Mikene -- Gogura, Glacios(2)) Bird General -- Bird General Badara, Toruken(2) Mikene -- Gold Phoenix, Toruken(2) 2x (Mikene -- Toruken, Ovelius(2)) Evil Spirit General -- Evil Spirit General Hardias, Skull(2) 3x (Mikene -- Psycho Bear, Skull(2)) Koros -- Nibelgen, Death Spider(2) Meganoid 1 & 2 -- Nibelgen, Aiai(2) Meganoid 3 & 4 -- Death Spider, Aiai(2) Mobile Suits 1 & 2 -- Doben Wolf, Belga Giros(2) Mobile Suits 3 & 4 -- Elbad, Bez Badara(2) Alien Mecha 1 -- Zonekaiser, Dolion, Kabutongar Alien Mecha 2 -- Moon Condor, Dari, Ocosenia Dokuga -- Doshard, Dogap, Debiza Reinforcement Enemy Squads When Koros is reduced below 50% HP: Don Saucer -- Don Saucer(All Meganoids retreat) When all initial enemies are defeated: Dark Emperor -- Dark Emperor[Soul of Steel] Argos -- Invincible Fortress Demonica, Dolrag(2) 2x (Mikross -- Almighty Fortress Mikross, Dolrag(2)) Mikene -- Balkania, Gogura(2) Mikene -- Gold Phoenix, Toruken(2) Mikene -- Psycho Bear, Skull(2) AP Condition: Defeat all other enemies before defeating the Dark Emperor. Notes: Yeah, it's ANOTHER final battle with Mikene, and actually, it's very similar to mission 51 B1, except with some more enemies to deal with. It should be dealt with similarly. Unlike 51 B1, though, you should try to conserve as much of both SP and EN as possible, since you're not getting any free refills this time around. The Don Saucer that appears YET AGAIN once you lower Koros to below 50% HP is the strong 170,000 HP one, which means major problems. Thankfully there's no AP condition attached to him or Koros, so you can take him out directly without having him cast Love by defeating Koros. As a nice bit, all the Meganoids will self-destruct once you kill Don Saucer too. Besides them, it's the usual useless Mikene Generals and Dr. Hell, who you've fought several times over by now. Once you kill everyone, the Dark Emperor appears, but so do the Good Thunder and Isabel who proceeds to show everyone around the earth cheering your dudes on, and fighting off the Mikenes by themselves as well. You can then start your assault on grunts before the Dark Emperor to gain the AP, and hopefully you've saved up enough seishin and EN to finish the job. Of course, both can be made up for somewhat with the Hope and Resupply seishin, but still... After the mission, your force escapes from the Mikene Fortress and watches it collapse from the outside; then the Custos, this time accompanied by a beautiful lady appear, and wonders of wonders, it's Irui, all grown up. She then reveals that she's the protector of the earth, and your dudes were her sword, so to speak. She then proceeds to seal up the earth to prevent any outside influence; your dudes obviously won't stand up for that, so it's time to head to Baral to stop her. After the mision, you receive 1 Victory Meal and 1 Super Repair Kit. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 56: A2 route ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads 2 Battleships 16 Squads Reinforcement Squads 2 turns after EI-01 appears, and if requirements for getting Pizza is fufilled: Pizza -- EI-26 Starting Enemy Squads Don Saucer -- Don Saucer Pizza -- EI-26 Penchinon -- EI-27 Pironess -- EI-28 Primida -- EI-29 EI-02 -- EI-02 EI-05 -- EI-05 EI-07 -- EI-07 EI-15 -- EI-15 EI-20 -- EI-20 Zondar 1 -- Moon Condor, Bird, Dari Zondar 2 -- Impactor, Zonekaiser, Boazan Fighter Ship Zondar 3 -- Dogap, Ovelius, Black Monster Zondar 4 -- Doben Wolf, Zuu, Hazam Zondar 5 -- Guraga, Belga Giros, Zuu Zondar 6 -- Kabutongar, Red Balom Zondar 7 -- Germark, Aiai Zondar 8 -- Bez Badara, Gelgoog M Zondar 9 -- Giro, Girala Zondar 10 -- Glacios, Heavygun Reinforcement Enemy Squads When the 4 Kings and Don Saucer have been defeated: EI-01 -- EI-01 2x (EI-15 -- EI-15) 10X (EI-02 -- EI-02) AP Condition: Defeat all other enemies before defeating EI-01. Notes: Your forces start split up into two groups, and logically you should send each group to their nearest respective enemies. You probably want to send Guy with the eastern group so that he can have his showdown with Pizza. The starting of this mission is similar to that of two missions ago; load up your non-flying squads into the closest Mothership, and fly your way to the nearest enemies before unloading by turn 3, preferably turn 2. The enemies are also split up, and on the surface, Penchinon and Pizza's side are harder than Primada and Pironess. Don't forget though that whenever you kill either one of the husband-and-wife team, the other casts Love on itself, and with your seperated forces, you'll have to plan carefully and make sure you have squads available to attack the team to ward off the Hot Blood and Flash so that one of them don't completely decimate a squad. If you want to use Pizza, don't forget to use Guy to take him down. Once you finish off the Zondarians, it's time to converge on the retard Don Saucer. This is the hard Don Saucer though, with 170k HP and that ever-annoying -20% damage Squad Leader Skill. Throw your best attacks at him, but try to save up on seishin a little; make sure you leave enough for at least one Hot Blood or Spirit for your squad leaders, although you can feel free to exhaust your squad member's defensive seishin if you wish; it's not very easy to do that anyway. Once Don Saucer goes down, EI-01 and some more EI flunkies show up, and the usual 50-morale-reduced-EN-reduced-HP-locked-seishin event happens. Fortunately for you though, EI-01 will refrain from taking advantage of your weakened state by not attacking you throughout, so you only have the EIs to fend off, and even with 50 morale, it's not that hard. Just make sure that your Squad Leaders have good enough dodging prowess to avoid the rather damaging attack, or that the attack will definitely kill off the enemy. Concentrate on the EI-02s, since they have 10,000 HP, and usually only require two squads to deal with per. On the next turn, the Good Thunder sequence from the other route takes place, and has the nice effect of restoring your units' morale back to 100. HP, EN and seishin are still handicapped though, and Guy then requests the Shell X to fix that problem. The Shell X sequence from the other routes then takes place; the only difference is that you have to wait 1 turn instead of 2, and should take out the lingering EI-15s meanwhile. Once the Shell X activates, it's (Goldlion) hammer time. Your GGG dudes don't have 300 morale, but 150 morale and refilled HP and EN is by far enough to lay a righteous smackdown on the gooey ass of Pasta... as long as you took my advice and saved at least one round of seishin anyway. ^^; After the mission, the ending combines both that of the Shell X ending and the Irui sequence from the other route. It's time to take over the role as the protector of the world. You also receive 1 Victory Meal and 1 Super Repair Kit after the mission. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 56: B route ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Ral Kairam -- Ral Kairam Mother Vanguard -- Mother Vanguard 1 Battleship 16 Squads Reinforcement Squads: None Starting Enemy Squads Char -- Sazabi/Nightingale[Soul of Steel], Gira Douga(2) Reulura -- Reulura, Gira Douga(2) Musaka 1 to 3 -- Musaka, Gira Douga(2) Neo Jion 1 to 3 -- Gira Douga(3) Neo Jion 4 & 5 -- Queen Mantha, Mass Produced Qubeley(2) Neo Jion 6 to 8 -- Doben Wolf(2) CB 1 to 3 -- Rafflesia, Bug(2) Jupiter Empire 1 to 3 -- Elbad(3) Jupiter Empire 4 & 5 -- Elgolera, Elbad(2) Reinforcement Enemy Squads On Turn 1.5: 7x (Dogachi -- Divinidad) After defeating 4 Divinidads: Dogachi -- Divinidad[Minovsky Drive] AP Condition: Clear the map within 8 turns. Notes: After the adrenaline rush of the previous mission, this one is almost a letdown comparatively. There's only two initial face characters; Nanai in the Reulura, who is not even slightly dangerous although she'll still take some time to take down given her 90k HP and Damage -10% Squad Leader Skill, and Char in the considerably more troublesome Sazabi or Nightingale. Besides them, there are only the standard Neo Jion and Crossbone mobile suits and mobile armours to deal with, which aren't much of a problem; it's practically a crash-and-mash scenario, albeit one with a 10-turn time limit. If you play it smart though, it's very easy to finish it within 8. Dogachi turns up to make things interesting almost immediately though, and just like in mission 52 of the other route, there's 7 of his clones to contend with. You have to be slightly more careful in this route though, since there's a rather large possibility that a squad will come under fire of both Char and several of the Dogachis at the same time, which is practically a death knoll for that squad. I suggest taking out the Dogachi clones ASAP first, since a Dogachi clone has far less HP than the Sazabi or Nightingale, and most likely you'll meet the Clones first anyway since they rush you from the start. Just like in mission 52 as well, once you defeat 4 of the Dogachi clones, the real McCoy shows up. This time he starts a little far away from the action though, so you should probably handle the rest of the Dogachi clones and Char before taking him on. Char himself is your standard boss, except don't even think of getting a decent hit rate without the help of seishin. To make up for this, he has far less defense than the average hard-shelled boss, so although you have to spend more seishin, he also goes down faster. Dogachi is more like your standard Super boss weighing in at 200k HP, but he doesn't have any damage-reducing skills, making it that much easier to take him down. Just go mondo with whatever seishin you have left on him, and finish off the Spacenoid alliance for good. After the mission, the Good Thunder sequence happens again, while your dudes desperately try to push away Axis, and Orphan comes in at the end and saves everyone's butts in a very deus ex machina fashion. Right after that, the Irui sequence from all the other routes happens. The next battle will now shape the destiny of the Earth. After the mission, you receive 1 Victory Meal and 1 Super Repair Kit. ------------------------------------------------ Mission 57 ------------------------------------------------ Starting Squads Ral Kairam -- Ral Kairam Mother Vanguard -- Mother Vanguard Daikuu Maryuu -- Daikuu Maryuu Albion -- Albion 18 Squads Reinforcement Squads On Turn 3, and if you fufilled the requirements: Richter & Hainel -- Gimeria, Guardian Deity Godol On Turn 4, and if you fufilled the requirements: Reclaimer -- Gran Cher(3) On Turn 5, and if you fufilled the requirements: 3 Dokuga Generals -- Bundol Ship Starting Enemy Squads Gun Eden -- Gun Eden 7x (Kanaf -- Kanaf Af) 7x (Klen -- Klen Af) 7x (Zanav -- Zanav Af) Enemy Reinforcement Squads: None AP Condition: None Notes: It's the final battle, and your enemy is the Custos that have helped you so many times before. Although I put 7 each of the Kanafs, Klens and Zanavs in the enemy statistics, 6 of them are actually "fake" ones, and have 15-20k HP, while three are the real ones with 6-digit HP. The general idea is to take out the fake Custos, either take out the real ones for morale or ignore them, then focus every thing you have onto the Gun Eden. Note that the stage is actually half space and half land; when your squads reach the solid ground of Baral, you'll have to manually set them to fly if they can. Before the mission starts in earnest, you get a choice on whether to save Irui or destroy the Gun Eden. If you choose the latter, you can just destroy without worrying too much abouy anything else; you'll get a different and "worse" ending though. If you choose the former, you'll have to go through a slightly tedious convincing process, but get a better ending. The main problem you'll have on this stage is not the Custos, nor the Gun Eden itself (although that's definitely a very, very big problem); rather, it's amassing the morale that's sufficient to defeat the Gun Eden. With only 21 enemies to defeat, 3 of which are extremely hard to, You'll have to excercise Morale management for the first time really, and try other methods to gain morale; for example, have your Supers take as many hits as possible, since most of them gain 3 morale for taking damage, and use all the Morale+ skills you have to their fullest extent; the High Spirits skill is VERY useful here. Real Robot fans unfortunately get the short end of the stick here, since most of them gain no morale for what they specialize in doing (except for the crazy ones like Ivis of course ^^;), and you'd be well-advised to stick pilots with Rally in their squads. Fortunately, most Real Robot weapons aren't too dependant on Morale, but the stats increase of Abandon and such can still help a great deal. Regardless, you have a choice to make; whether to take down the real Custos or to leave them alone. Taking the latter course of action is generally more dangerous since then you'll likely come under ALL attack fire from all 3 Custos AND the Gun Eden, which most likely means death for the poor squad picked. On the other hand, if you take those high-HP Custos down, you're still exposing yourself to heavy fire, but will probably have to use up some of your seishin as well. I usually use a poor compromise; try your best to take down the Custos using very little, if any seishin from your Squad Leaders or any Robot that has a strong attack, but don't spare on the defensive seishin for your squad members or the EN for your best attacks, since likely you'll have plenty of that to go around. Casting Confusion on every turn of engaging the Custos in combat also helps, as does luring them away from the Gun Eden so that it can't snipe you while you deal with them. Once you take the Custos down, it's time to finish off the Gun Eden; all 500k HP of it. Yes, 500k; more than twice than anything you've ever faced, not to mention Guard and IMMENSE Armour, the most powerful enemy ALL attack in the game (and possibly the longest in the game, period), humongous range of 15 for one of its attacks, 150 morale, EN Recovery, and power all around. Before that though, if you chose to save Irui earlier, you have your chance now. First, you have to persuade Irui with your main character; after that, you then have to persuade Irui with any 5 main characters from series, like Kouji, Hyouma, Judouu, Camille, Kinkedou, Tobia, Shingo, Banjou, etc. After this, then you can commence your assault on the Gun Eden in earnest. The Gun Eden fortunately DOES have a few weaknesses; it's very easy to run it completely out of EN, since its strongest attack requires 40 EN, and the only point-blank attack it has requires 8 EN; force it to use up its EN to the point where it has less than 8, and anyone range 1 or 2 can hit the Gun Eden without any fear of retaliation. If you're a masochist, you can also try to run the Gun Eden completely out of it's last, 99 Ammo attack by plonking a highly manuverable unit like Nelly Brain or Hi Nu Gundam just within range 15 and waiting 99(...) turns, although I most definitely don't recommend it. It's other weakness is that it actually has pretty poor morale gains; none for hitting or missing as far as I remember, and only 3 morale for getting hit. This means that the Gun Eden is very susceptible to Exhaust; get her down to 50 morale, and it's unlikely that she can get back to the maximum morale before you destroy her, which says a lot considering she has 500k HP. Spiking her morale also has the effect of deactivating her Guard skill, which greatly helps in damaging the Gun Eden decently. If you exploit these two weaknesses to their fullest extent, the Gun Eden suddenly won't seem as intimidatingly hard as it looks. You'll still take at least two turns, and likely 3 or 4 (or more if you're playing a no-upgrade game) to finish it off, but it won't be able to hit you too hard, and it should be a relatively easy battle. After you defeat her, enjoy the ending, and don't forget to save after the credits roll! ^^; =============================== 13)Secrets =============================== All these secrets have been confirmed by myself unless otherwise noted. Secrets are arranged according to the earliest step needed to unlock them. ------------------------------------------------ Radora, Musashi, Black Getter and Sieg ------------------------------------------------ Not available on Arad and Ivis routes. For Zengar, on stage 5, have Ryouma enter a battle with Radora to start a conversation. On stage 19, have Ryouma fight Zanki. On stage 23, Ryouma should be able to persuade Radora; destroy him afterwards. On stage 24, have any of the Getter Team fight Radora, then leave Radora's unit alive while fufilling the winning conditions. For Kusuha, on stage 8, have Ryouma defeat Radora, then follow the same procedures for stages 23 and 24. Radora will join up with his Sieg, Musashi will become the co-pilot for the Ready Command, and Ryouma can use the Black Getter if you so wish. ------------------------------------------------ Lieutenant Barns and Totouga (Unconfirmed) ------------------------------------------------ Only available on Ivis route. on every stage that Barns appears, make sure that Tobia attacks him at least once. On stage 52 if you accepted Hamaan's peace offer or stage 55 if you didn't, the Death Gale Squadron will be an enemy; defeat Gilly and Rosemary, and leave Barns alive while fufilling the winning conditions, and he will join. It is possible that he is only obtainable if you decline the peace offer. Note that this is HIGHLY unconfirmed. Most of the steps are not exact, and the last step is pure speculation on my part. Dragoon T has confirmed that following these steps still doesn't unlock him, but I'll leave it here just for the possibility, as I've heard official Japanese guides and seen Japanese pages that say he's recruitable. ------------------------------------------------ Crossbone Gundam X2 ------------------------------------------------ Not available on Kusuha route, and automatically received on Arad route. For Ivis, on stage 10, have Tobia weaken the Crossbone Gundam X2 to critical HP without killing it. For Zengar, follow the same procedure, except on stage 15. ------------------------------------------------ Richter, Prince Hainel, Gimeria and Guardian Deity Godol ------------------------------------------------ On a certain stage for every character (18 for Zengar, 19 for Kusuha, 13 for Arad, 14 for Ivis), there will be a conversation mid-battle where a person called Halleck will challenge Kazuya to a duel; accept this duel. Before stage 26, you have to choose between going to help the Novis Noah, or fighting the Neo Jion forces; choose the latter, and have Kazuya fight Richter on stage 28. Before stage 33, you have to choose between going to the Moon or going to Axis; choose the latter again. If you've done it correctly, instead of launching a kamikaze attack on the 4 Grodectors on stage 51, Richter and Hainel will simply destroy the Death Cross devices, and will aid you for the rest of the scenario. They leave after that scenario, but also show up as reinforcements on the last stage. There are supposedly other methods to unlock this secret which does not force you on certain routes, but I have not confirmed them. ------------------------------------------------ Takeru ------------------------------------------------ Only available on Zengar route. On stage 19, have Kotetsu Jeeg and ONLY Kotetsu Jeeg attack Takeru. Takeru will show up as a reinforcement on stage 22, and join up after. ------------------------------------------------ Jonathan, Quincy and Shira ------------------------------------------------ On stage 26 of Neo Jion route, or 29 of Vital Net route, make sure Yuu is deployed and alive when you defeat Quincy. On Stage 53, have Yuu defeat Quincy. They will appear on the last stage to help you in their Gran Chers. Although I defeated Quincy with Yuu, you may only need to have Yuu fight Quincy once, according to the GameFAQs message board regulars. ------------------------------------------------ Wing Gundam (Katoki Design) ------------------------------------------------ By the end of stage 32, the combined level of all the Gundam Wing boys should be above 170. If this requirement is achieved, you will receive the Wing Gundam immediately after. ------------------------------------------------ Full Armour ZZ Gundam ------------------------------------------------ On stage 33, have Tobia deal the finishing blow on the Elgolera. You will receive the Full Armour parts for the ZZ Gundam after stage 43. ------------------------------------------------ GP-02 Physalis ------------------------------------------------ On Arad route, on stage 37, fufill the AP condition by defeating Yazan in the GP-02. For all other routes, Kou must have 80 or more kills before stage 38. You will receive it later after stage 43. ------------------------------------------------ Z Gundam's Hyper Beam Saber and Waverider Attack ------------------------------------------------ On Stage 38, have Camille in the Z Gundam, and fight Yazan Gable. Assuming both units survive, Camille will learn both attacks immediately after. Note that the Waverider Attack is only available when the Z Gundam is in Waverider mode. ------------------------------------------------ ZZ Gundam's Hi Mega Cannon (Full Power) ------------------------------------------------ In the conversations before stage 34, you have the choice of either going to the Moon or to Axis. If you decide to go to Axis, on stage 36, you will eventually fight Hamaan Khan. Have Judou in the ZZ Gundam, and engage her in combat. Assuming both units survive, Judou will learn the attack after. Alternatively, On Stage 38, have Judou in the ZZ Gundam, and fight Char Aznable. Assuming both units survive, Judou will learn the attack after. ------------------------------------------------ Crossbone Gundam X1's Screw Whip ------------------------------------------------ On Stage 38, have Kinkedou in the Crossbone X1. After a story event, he will run off after Zabine into the southeast corner of the map. Reduce Zabine below half HP, and a series of events will take place, where you'll lose both Kinekdou and the Crossbone X1. On stage 43, they will return, and the X1 will have gotten the Screw Whip. Supposedly if you don't sortie Kinkedou in Stage 38, he becomes an Event character on stage 39, and the same events automatically happen anyway, making this a bit of a non-secret. ^^; ------------------------------------------------ Hi Nu Gundam ------------------------------------------------ On Stage 38, have Amuro in the Re-GZ. During the battle, have Amuro fight Char in the RE-GZ MS mode, NOT the BWS mode; in other words, you'll have to seperate the RE-GZ early on, and both units must survive. You will then receive the Hi Nu Gundam after stage 43. ------------------------------------------------ Dorel Rona and Belga Giros ------------------------------------------------ On Stage 38, have either Kinkedou or Bella fight Dorel once to initiate a conversation. On stage 49, if you choose to accept the ceasefire with Hamaan, he will immediately join your party. ------------------------------------------------ Nightingale(Enemy) ------------------------------------------------ On Stage 38, force Char to retreat by lowering his HP below 50,000. If you choose to accept Hamman's ceasefire offer on stage 49, then on Stage 53, fufill the winning conditions by defeating Char instead of defeating all the Musakas or the Reulura. If you chose to decline Hamaan's ceasefire offer, this step occurs on Stage 55. On the next stage, instead of sortying in the Sazabi, Char will sortie in the far-more-dangerous Nightingale. There is no known way of receiving the Nightingale as a usable unit. ------------------------------------------------ Extra Cost Down ------------------------------------------------ On stage 41, make sure Boss is in one of your squads, then move the squad containing Boss in it on one of the beach squares next to the rickety old house that your force starts near. You will receive the Cost Down after some conversation between Boss and his lackeys. ------------------------------------------------ Nu Gundam HWS ------------------------------------------------ Before stage 43, upgrade the Nu Gundam's weapons 5 times at least. You will get the HWS parts for the Nu Gundam after the mission, and can equip it onto the Nu Gundam on the intermission before stage 44. ------------------------------------------------ Pizza and EI-26 ------------------------------------------------ Only available if you chose the Mikene route at the start of mission 46. If you chose to accept the ceasefire with Hamaan, on stage 56, defeat Pizza with Guy. He will appear in the EI-26 later to help you defeat EI-01, but will not stay after. If you chose not to accept the ceasefire, the same events will happen, but instead of stage 56, it occurs on stage 51. ------------------------------------------------ Star GaoGaiGar ------------------------------------------------ On stage 47 of Japan route, or stage 47, part 2 of Mikene route, you must have all of Guy's terrain ratings be S, and have the GaoGaiGar fall below 500 HP at least once in the scenario (you will not get any conversation or any sort of prompt to show you that you've done it correctly). You will then receive the Stealth Gao II part for the GaoGaiGar; if you played Japan route, you will receive it immediately after stage 47, while if you played Mikene route, you will receive it just before stage 48 starts. ------------------------------------------------ Bundol, Kuttnel and Kelknuckle ------------------------------------------------ On stage 48, you will be fighting the three Dokuga generals. After you defeat or force them to retreat, several missiles will be released, and the three generals will help you destroy them. Keep them alive during this period, and they will join you in the last stage, albeit all in Bundol's ship. ------------------------------------------------ Doben Wolf ------------------------------------------------ On stage 49, accept the ceasefire with Hamaan. You will receive the Doben Wolf immediately after. ------------------------------------------------ Mass Produced Qubeley Mk II ------------------------------------------------ On stage 49, accept the ceasefire with Hamaan, and have the Purus have 30 kills each. For each Puru with 30 kills, you get one Mass Produced Qubeley Mk II. ------------------------------------------------ Hamaan Khan and Qubeley ------------------------------------------------ On Stage 49, accept the ceasefire with Hamaan. On Stage 52, Hamaan will be an NPC. Complete the stage with her alive (which isn't too hard, considering her Qubeley has 99,000 HP...) and she'll join your party with her (unfortunately downgraded) Qubeley. ------------------------------------------------ Nuclear Missile MAP and ALL attack for Ral Kairam ------------------------------------------------ Follow the steps to recruit Hamaan, and you will get the weapons on the same stage that you accepted the ceasefire. If you do not accept the treaty, you will get the missiles on stage 55. ------------------------------------------------ GP-02's Nuclear Bazooka ------------------------------------------------ On Stage 49, refuse Hamaan's ceasefire. You will receive the Nuclear Bazooka for the GP-02, assuming you received it, on stage 55. =============================== 14)Miscellanous Notes =============================== A little section where I'd place anything notable I've found out in this game. -Leadership auras are NOT stackable. Units only take the biggest bonus they get from a single leadership aura. In other words, if a unit is right next to a unit with Level 4 Leadership, and 2 squares away from another unit with level 3 Leadership, it only gains the bonus from the Level 4 Leadership aura. -Giving a pilot a skill using your Pilot Points (PP) is stackable. For example, if Amuro has a Sword Cut level of 5 and you give him Sword Cut +1, you'll have a combined Sword Cut level of 6, over two skill slots. You can continuously add to the slot containing the Sword Cut +1, to make it Sword Cut +2, Sword Cut +3, etc, which will all stack up with whatever Amuro has naturally. Similarly, if Amuro has a Support Attack level of 0 (i.e he has no Support Attack skill), and you give him Support Attack +1, his total Support Attack level will be 1. -If you try and use the extra skill slots to increase a pilot's natural skills, you might find that sometimes the additional skill doesn't go very high at all; Using the same example, Amuro currently has Sword Cut level 2, but the game doesn't allow you to add more than Sword Cut +3 in an extra skill slot. This is because the game takes in the maximum potential of the pilot's natural skills, then adds any additional bonuses from the player, and ensures that the level of these skills can't go above the level 9 cap. In other words, since Amuro's maximum natural Sword Cut level is 6, the most number of additional Sword Cut levels you can add to her is 3, to make 9. You can't go above level 9 for any skill. -Some pilots who can learn Sword Cut and Shield Defense may appear to have no use for them. This is because the skill upgrades factor in whatever units the pilot can use as well, thus you can stick the Resupply Device pilot skill on Kouji just because he CAN ride the Boz Borot, even though no one in his right mind would put him there. ^^; -The formula for computing the amount of cash and PP that carries over from finished saves is: n/(n+1) where n is the number of times you've finished the game. As an example, if you have finished the game with Arad, and throughout the course of the game, you earned 900 PP for him (including those you spent on skills). Thus when you start a new game using Zengar, he will start with: 1/(1+1) =1/2 Half the PP Arad had earned, or 450 PP. If you then earn another 750 PP while finishing the game with Zengar, totally 1200, then start a new game with Kusuha, the amount of PP you'll start with will be: 2/(2+1) =2/3rd Two thirds the PP Zengar had earned, or 800 PP. Cash is carried over using the same formula, and also factors in the cash you spent on upgrades. -Criticals do 1.25x damage, the same as in Super Robot Wars Reversal. -The list of upgrades that carry over for units are: Qubeley Mk IIs --> Mass Produced Qubeleys All Main Character's Mechas --> All Secondary Main Character's Mechas Black Getter --> Getter Dragon --> Shin Getter Mazinger Z --> Mazinkaiser Arad's Huckebein Mk III --> Viletta's Huckebein Mk III & Retsuel's Huckebein Mk III Trombe Yuu Brain --> Nelly Brain GP-03 Stamen --> GP-03 Dendrobrium Hyouryou <--> Enryou --> Choryuujin -Size plays a much larger role in damage than in previous SRW games; LL size battleships do considerably more damage than S size Brain Powerds, even if they use attacks with the same base power. -On that note, Battleships this time kick major ass. The Mother Vanguard isn't the most powerful, but the LL size helps a lot and can actually dodge, while Shield Defense makes it potentially the most durable. The Daikuu Maryuu has a powerful and relatively cheap final attack in Giant Cutter, and a large array of moves otherwise, as well as Pete having the useful Damage -10% ability to go with the damage reduction bonuses of LL size battleships. The Ral Kairam is THE most powerful of the lot, with easy-to-use MAP nuke missiles and an extremely powerful Nuclear Missile ALL attack, although suffers a little from lack of ammo. The poor Albion kinda gets shafted though. ^^; -Mucha and Suke only get their seishins at level 80, so be prepared to use the Repair/Resupply level-up trick often to get there. -There's a fairly well-known bug that involves the transferring of bonus PP from finished game saves; basically that sometimes, Benkei, and/or Musashi and/or Volfogg might not have their PP carried over as a bonus on replay games. The cause is unknown; Gundamtotoro suspects that its something that only occurs when playing Zengar's route, and it's also probable that you have to remove Big Volfogg's parts to change him into Volfogg at the last stage if you want his PP to carry over. -In Zengar's stage 31, there's a short period where you have a disabled Daizengar without its Zankantou. During this time, it has two weapons you won't see otherwise; the Dynamic Knuckle and General Blaster. If you gave Zengar the Support Attack pilot skill before the stage, you can actually see the Dynamic Knuckle in "action" by having Zengar support Retsuel. The problem is that the programmers at Banpresto obviously didn't expect this, as the Dynamic Knuckle's "animation", if you could call it that, is extremely glitched. It starts as a fairly cool scene where two circles appear at the ground and one like a targetting cursor right before Daizengar, then the game freezes for a second. The scene then switches to Kukuru's side, where you'll see the Daizengar suddenly appear next to the Ma Garuga, and the game sorta freezes again, except for three multicoloured bars, the lowest one covering Daizengar and constantly fading to the background. Eventually the game will stop freezing, and the Daizengar will slowly inch towards the Ma Garuga until they touch, then you see damage inflicted, and the Daizengar just disappears into thin air. Not to mention that throughout this whole period, there's no battle quotes; not even if you kill Kukuru with the attack. Lazy lazy, Banpresto. ^^; -For some reason, Heero Yuy appears to have the most number of non-generic battle quotes. This includes at least 2 against Lond Bel members(at the first two stages of Arad's route), several against Zechs, a couple against Titans, Jion and Neo Jion soldiers, a couple against Mechasauruses and Battle Beasts, two against battleships, one against Haniwas, one against Newtypes, one against Hamaan Khan, one against Char Aznable, one against Yazan Cable, and at least two against Gun Eden. Not bad for someone who epitomizes the meaning of the word "brevity". -All stats cannot be increased beyond 400, manually or naturally. =============================== 15)Credits =============================== Games/Companies/Sites: Banpresto ( For making the Super Robot Wars series. GameFAQs ( For accepting this FAQ, of course. Jim Breen's WWWJDIC ( Helped me with translating some spell and skill names. People: Dragoon T: For doing a buttload of corrections and confirmations, and telling me about several of the Miscellanous Notes that I either forgot to mention, or completely didn't know about. This one's for you, wherever you are. Everyone at the GameFAQs boards: For help and people to talk about this game. Special thanks to JL Lee his Zengar route topic which he "let" me, post my own Arad route help in. Gundamtotoro: For information about the Benkei/Musashi/Volfogg PP bug. Daba Mylord: I took the translations for Force and Inspire from his Seishin FAQ. I hope you doesn't mind. ^^; Alaster and Ryuu Kaze: For being the only SRW Fans at RPGamer Pokeboard. Ah hell, the whole Pokeboard while I'm at it. ^^; See-Saw: For providing me many hours of musical bliss while writing this FAQ. Myself: For actually completing an FAQ published on GameFAQs. Whoo! =============================== 16)Contact Information =============================== Comments? Compliments? Complaints? Death Threats? E-mail Bombs? Wedding Proposals? Send them to I'm kinda; I mean, VERY slacky about checking my mail though, so if you don't receive a reply within a few days, it's likely my fault. ^^; You can also (preferably) contact me via AOL IM at Llnk85(Two Ls) but be warned, I have no qualms about putting you on ignore should you act like an idiot towards me. =============================== 17)Disclaimer =============================== This FAQ is for private use only. This FAQ may not be used on any website unless I give them permission. It may not be sold or used in any way to make a quick buck. I have no association or affiliation with Sony or Banpresto. All trademarks are respected. © Copyright 2003 David Seo