SUPER ROBOT WARS ALPHA 2 Walkthrough by Mark Neidengard ( version 1.0 Please report all errors to me ^_^;; This FAQ is intended to be one (and a half?) steps removed from a line by line translation. I hope it will help people who enjoy this game's strategy to appreciate the plot behind it too. Welcome to SRWA2, the latest installment in the extremely long running series of anime-crossover Turn-Based Strategy games. If you're new to this series, this game has an extremely rich set of features, some of which may bewilder people who haven't "grown up" with its predecessors. This game is the sequel to SRW Alpha Gaiden, which is in turn the sequel to SRW Alpha... it is _not_ part of the SRW Impact chronology, nor is it part of the original SRW series... or SRW 64 etc etc. For those who have played at least SRW Alpha, this game has a number of alterations and new features. Among them: - The Platoon System (aka squads, etc). Rather than each entity on the battle map being a single mech, it is now a collection of up to four mechs: one squad "leader" and zero or more additional "members". The game features a whole pile of new mechanics for how to organize and reorganize squads, primarily available during the Intermission screens. Some facts: 1. Every vehicle has a Cost, and the total cost of the squad cannot exceed 5 units. Items called "Cost Down"s can reduce a given unit's cost. 2. You can switch which unit is the squad leader from the pop-up menu on the map. 3. Only the squad leader can take direct actions (attack, heal, resupply, etc.) Any squad member can use Spirit abilities. - The existence of squads opens up the floor for squad combat. Squad members follow the lead of the squad leader, both doing and sustaining a fraction of the damage they would if they were leaders themselves. Additionally, squad members can only squad attack with their weapon labeled "PLA". Note that when squad attacking, any usage restrictions the PLA weapons might have otherwise had (can't use after moving etc.) are void. - Squad members that have Cooperative Defense can cooperatively defend their squad leader. Additionally, some units have special defensive abilities (Chakra Shield etc.) of the type "wide area". Such abilities will defend every unit in a squad struck by an attack. - The magic system incorporates a number of changes, especially to the spells Friendship and Love. Like SRWAG, this game depowers or removes some of the most powerful spells from SRWA. When you start your game, you will discover a choice among four main characters: male and female for Real and Super robots. Zengar Zonbolt, formerly lackey of the late Meigas, is the male Super pilot, and apparently does not have a significant other. Kusuha Mizuha is the super robot pilot, with boyfriend Britto and the incomparable Ryuu-Ko-Ou to pilot (sort of). The Real robots have pilots too. This walkthrough follows Kusuha's route for now - maybe sometime I'll go back and document the other routes. Enjoy the game. Stage 1. Ryuuko Gekitotsu ("Dragon-Tiger, Charge!") "This happened a little while after the end of the conflict called the 'Balmar War'. Back the, I was..." Viletta tells Kusuha to live a life of freedom, saying that it's all she and hers can do to atone for their past sins towards Kusuha. Perhaps they'll one day meet again. "So, Britto and I became free. And as time passed, we..." Kenta is about to head out, and so is Kusuha, who's headed to the library to get in a bit of studying towards her eventual goal of becoming a doctor. Kenta figures that's pretty important, given all the earthquakes and tidal waves that've been hitting recently and that the war damage isn't fully repaired yet. Kenta wonders whether Kusuha used telepathy or something to figure out that he's fled the house out of his dislike for studying - this was no great deduction considering that the robot OVA is following him. OVA rather curtly tells Kenta to mind her until the master comes home, reminding him that she _is_ his tutor. She then confides rather contritely to Kusuha that Kenta's father is about to return after his long absence in America, noting that Kenta's been doing nothing but goofing off. Kenta for his part isn't worried about his father's reaction, saying that the job of all children is playing. Moreover, Kusuha's lover is also in America - and she guesses she won't be able to see him for a while yet. Just then a peal of thunder can be heard, despite the blue sky... which has suddenly darkened. As Kusuha wonders if it's about to rain, her Psychodriver [ooh, do you remember that stuff from Alpha? ^_^] powers inform her that something wicked this way comes. Whatever it is is making Kusuha scream a lot, and that goes for Kenta too. It is in fact none other than the Ryuu-Ou-Ki, badly damaged - what the heck is it doing here?! Worse, the Ko-Ou-Ki has followed it, piloted by some shadowy figure who isn't planning on letting the Ryuu-Ou-Ki escape. Whoever it is claims to serve the "guardian". As Kusuha yells out to whoever's piloting the Ko-Ou-Ki, that person tells the Ryuu-Ou-Ki to remember the duty of the Choukijin. The Ryuu-Ou-Ki is just not prepared to serve whoever this strange master is, and as the Ko-Ou-Ki's pilot is about to strike the final blow a third party intervenes: Volfogg and a certain someone from the GGG. Volfogg is quite surprised to see these two machines, who supposedly fought to save humanity, fighting here - the details will have to wait though, since letting them fight will surely damage the city. Volfogg's commander is hesitant to let him join the fight, and warns him not to overextend himself. While the battle is about to be joined, OVA tries to get Kusuha and Kenta to retreat, which Kusuha can't do - she can't stand to abandon the machine which fought alongside her all that time... On the second turn, a bunch of new enemies appear, lead by Bardlar. They've been looking for the Choukijin it seems, and Volfogg reads in the database that this is one of Mikeene's seven generals, commanding a group of bird- shaped reconnaissance beasts. That a commander would appear himself is pretty impressive - apparently while Bardlar isn't afraid of the humans, his plan is to get his hands on the perpetual motion machines that power the Choukijin and offer them to his Emperor as a way to curry favor. Bardlar claims that he'll allow the Choukijin to live if they come to him willingly, but the pilot of the Ko-Ou-Ki says that he serves but one master, whose purpose is to protect this planet. He reminds the Ryuu-Ou-Ki that it can't escape its destiny of protecting the world, and conveniently disappears. Fortunately, the GGG already have been sent the data, and should be able to follow where it went using their satellites. As Bardlar is about to content himself with the one remaining machine, Kouji shows up to get in his way along with a couple friends. Apparently Kouji knew very well that the Mikeene would be causing more trouble, and now extremely pissed off vows to settle the score this time for good. Kouji and crew are, however, very surprised to see the Ryuu-Ou-Ki, and quickly realize they've got to protect it at all costs. For a skill point, defeat Bardlar within six turns. Kouji's pretty sure that he won't even need Tetsuya for this one, though Bardlar has other ideas... He's astounded that someone would take him on without a mecha, and wonders what the hell Volfogg is talking about about collecting his data. He's worth a Chobham Armor. After the battle, it seems that Volfogg has overexerted himself after all - Gai tells him to return to GGG HQ immediately... but first, there's a very distraught Kusuha trying and failing to tend to Ryuu-Ou-Ki's terrible wounds. Kouji and the crew belatedly recognize Kusuha, who it turns out has been going to the same school as Boz's new circle of friends. They've been worried about what became of her, but right now the Ryuu-Ou-Ki's wounds come first. Gai tells them to bring the thing to GGG, and FAST - else it's going to die. At G Island City, the battle is on to save Ryuu-Ou-Ki's life. They inject G liquid, fearing a rejection response but, happily for Swan and the crew, it seems to work. Shishiou notes that it uses a different type of Overtechnology from the Galleon - more precisely, lost technology. He figures that the only option is to look after it for a while, despite possible objections from Chief Miwa at the Far East Branch. He figures that for the most part it should be like caring for a lion or a dragon - all that's left is to fix up the parts that it's missing... which, given that it's already got parts from the Grungast installed from the previous war, shouldn't be too much of a problem. As he reminds you of all the eminent minds that performed this engineering feat, Entouji tells him that the other Choukijin's whereabouts have been lost - looks like the Satellite System still needs some kinks worked out of it too. He tells Entouji to work on fixing Volfogg, prohibiting him from moving until he's fixed. Still, why have the Choukijin, hidden for so long, shown themselves now, and fighting amongst themselves to boot? Noone is sure, but it can't bode well. The Galleon may well be needed again. Kusuha is very grateful that the Ryuu-Ou-Ki has been saved, though Mikoto rather ashamedly tells her that Gai won't be available to thank for a while. Just then Taiga shows up to explain where everyone now is - the secret defense agency created by the Federation after the last war: the Gutsy Geoid Guard, or GGG's headquarters. Taiga introduces himself as the supreme commander of this facility, despite his public persona as director of a space development concern - camouflage for the GGG's real purpose. Kusuha explains that she and her boyfriend had been in the custody of the Titans, who were questioning them pointedly about how they were able to move the Choukijin. After the Titans were dismantled, Viletta managed to save the two of them, and at Oomiya's advice the two of them hid themselves for a while instead of getting right back in touch with the others. Unfortunately, Britto, who has remained behind at the Tesla Raihi lab in America, has been out of touch for the past few days. She's not sure if this has something to do with the black Ko-Ou-Ki, but she does know that that machine felt different than it used to; she's pretty sure that Britto was not piloting it. Taiga tells her that Oomiya is scheduled to arrive here any moment, and suggests that she ask him about Brooklyn Larkfield directly. So many questions, so few answers... Stage 2. Goshogun, Gasshin Go! It's the return of Robert and Eri, two great scientific minds who make science great together! Or stuff. Anyway, Robert and the crew have reached the conclusion that the only way to truly rehabilitate the Ryuu-Ou-Ki is to add on more Grungast parts and make it reborn as a totally new machine - the "Ryuu-Jin-Ki". This machine will have a new body but inherit all the Ryuu-Ou-Ki's abilities, as well as its "soul". Shiba is worried about the Ko-Ou-Ki, which had never shown hostility towards its fellow Choukijin before - what could possibly have motivated this conflict? In any case, further investigation is clearly necessary, since the Choukijin surely conceal more secrets than have yet been revealed. Looks like Kusuha may get drafted to pilot the Ryuu-Jin-Ki once again... Unfortunately, both Gai and Volfogg will be out of action for a while yet - which is bad due to the evil Docougar forces (led by the Mikeene) who are now on the move. Until the Far East Base's Taikuu Maryuu Sentai is ready to launch, the GGG have to somehow hold the fort. Fortunately, Kouji (and friends) are on the scene to help out in just such an emergency. Taiga is glad for the help (even from the undependable Boz), but doesn't want to be dependent on their help forever. Moreover, there seems to be a bit of bad blood between Kouji and Chief Miwa... and Hyuuga hasn't helped things with his hot temper showing to Miwa either. SOMETHING has to be done to counter the Docougar and the so-called Reclaimers, and Shishiou has a suggestion... Kusuha learns that Viletta and the other SRX pilots have all gone missing, Viletta only once getting in touch to say that they're all safe. Meanwhile, Britto has gone off into the mountains to train himself to use weapons other than the sword - fitting apparently for the former pilot of the Ko-Ou-Ki. This is apparently typical for this guy, who seems to have some strange ideas running through his head. Robert is fully expecting to hear Britto contact him in a few days with stories of fighting bears in the Rocky Mountains or some such. Oh, and something strange happened when they were retrofitting the Ryuu-Jin-Ki: some of the armor they attached turned white. The only thing Kusuha can think of is that this might be an attempt to remind Ko-Ou-Ki what its original color scheme was before it turned black. Just then Taiga calls Kusuha in, and hesitantly asks for her help as the Ryuu-Jin-Ki's pilot. He's rather surprised when Kusuha accepts immediately; she's been prepared for this moment ever since the previous war... Elsewhere, Masada is pondering the recent activity of Getter Rays and Beamlar, something that could usher in a new stage of humanity if understood. Too bad for him a group of androids breaks in at that moment, led by the piratical Kuttner. Kuttner informs Masada that he's just enlisted(!) in the Docougar, that mysterious syndicate that controls the world economy from behind the scenes. Apparently Masada's brain and research are valuable enough to the Docougar that they'll spare his life if he cooperates. He's not very intimidated by this, and points out that if they kill him they'll never learn the secrets of Beamlar - and orders Kuttner to think up a better threat next time. Kuttner, furious, tells him that it's only his _brain_ they need intact, not the rest of his body...or perhaps he'd prefer Kenta to take his place? Masada realizes that no struggles of his will avail anything, and summarily decides to self-destruct himself to take Kuttner along with him(!!!) Meanwhile, Kenta wonders who the people coming up to his house are - maybe his dad? Well, what used to be his dad is now a giant smoking crater, and Kernagul is immensely pissed off that Masada was allowed to die. Sadly, Kuttner survived the blast - and tries to brush off the "single-braincelled" Kernagul with the explanation that his brilliant deductive powers led him to suspect that the results of the Beamlar experiments were hidden in the huge space beneath the Masada mansion (in fact, he just found that by mistake). Kuttner doesn't make the most convincing would-be child kidnaper as he tries to lure Kenta to come with him, especially considering the patch on his eye and the crow on his shoulder. Still, he almost manages to grab Kenta until Savalas(@_@!!!) intervenes and leads Kenta to safety. As Kuttner and Kernagul bicker, a giant mecha emerges from under the wreckage of the Masada house. Kernagul wants to know what the hell it is, and won't accept Kuttner's explanation that it's the result of all the Beamlar research - any idiot can see it's just a garden-variety run-of-the-mill mobile fortress ^_^ ^_^ An entity called "Father" announces that the Good Thunder is now online and linking up with the Teleportation Energy Beamlar. From out of nowhere, Shingo and his crew pop out in the Goshogun, though due to "technical difficulties" the Trithree's introduction gets skipped. Shingo explains to a somewhat irate Remy that the times have changed and that speed is at a premium in this kind of stuff. Remy can already foresee that fighting alongside these guys is going to build up stress, though Kiry hopes only to build up money. Time to go to work as heroes and heroines - preferably not tragic ones. For a skill point, shoot everyone but Kernagul down first. On turn 2, Hyouma and crew show up in Combattler V to put a stop to all this - provided Hyouma can get the name of his adversaries right. He's at least quick on the draw at getting Kosaku to explain who the Docougar are, and Remy helpfully points out that her people are Allies of Justice(tm) fated to fight against them. Hyouma's prepared to trust them at least for this battle until things get sorted out. On turn three, the rest of your people show up. Kusuha is very glad Kenta's safe, and the Combattler crew notice very quickly that the Ryuu-Ou-Ki is back in action, sort of. The lengthy reunions will have to wait for later, and the bad guys figure that the reinforcements won't make any difference. Apparently Kernagul's name sounds enough like a certain fried chicken chain to distract things momentarily, until Kouji vows to fry Kernagul's chicken _Japanese_ style! One of the bad guys has a Kuttneriser. Savalas will refuse to hand over the Good Thunder to the bad guys, saying that it would mean the end of the world. When Shingo gets into the act, he informs the former boxing champion Kernagul that boxing skills (or frying skills, for that matter) avail very little when piloting a battleship. Though, he'd love to see Kernagul _try_ to float like a butterfly and sting like a bee... Kusuha for her part is very pissed that Kernagul and his cronies wiped out Kenta's father's house, after the debt she owes him. Kernagul is worth a Booster. Before your dudes can investigate the mysterious Goshogun, Savalas orders Shingo to return to the Good Thunder over Remy's objections. At least Remy gets in her trademark "see you again". Kosaku detects an unknown energy emanating from the strange fortress, whose occupants don't seem to be the kind to say "thank you" for the help in battle... The fortress has completed connecting with the Beamlar, and begins its "long journey" with a teleportation. Your people've never seen this technology before, and Kusuha wonders if Kenta was on the ship when it warped away... Meanwhile, the Good Thunder has warped its way to Tibet. Savalas explains to Shingo that his father has died at the hands of the Docougar. OVA vows to stick by Kenta's side no matter where he goes - and that will be a long, long journey. according to Savalas. He then proceeds to introduce the Good Thunder Team. Conveniently, only these five people can fit aboard the Good Thunder when it teleports, and Savalas says that until the day when those people trying to steal the teleportation system are gone from this world, the crew's job is to run. Possibly forever. Which would be a good idea to start now, except for the small detail that after every warp the Good Thunder can't move for a while since its teleportation system isn't perfected yet. Moreover, the thing can't even teleport outside a small range - this is why beta testing sucks. Interestingly, Goshogun is more than just the knight that protects this somewhat fragile mythical boat - its body houses a great secret. Which Savalas will reveal when the time is right. Time for Kenta to go on the great journey of his life. At Docougar HQ, Neo Neros isn't pleased to hear of the failure of his henchmen. Bundorl isn't impressed in the slightest, saying that he should have been sent instead of those two, whose blood's circulation is variously too poor or too good. Bundorl is then entrusted with the recovery of the Beamlar and the Good Thunder, which Jeter is ordered to find on the radar and offered the chance to study if the thing is captured. Neo Neros ponders what the alien attack, surfacing of Orphan, and the Beamlar incidents could mean. Whatever it is, it's bound to be big... You get two Propellant Tanks, two Cartridges, and two Repair Kits. Stage 3. Yuusha-Ou, Tanjou ("The Birth of the King of Heroes") Pasdar calls forth the four Divine Emperors of Machinery... who are a rather creepy-looking lot. He informs them that a form of energy that can evolve organic life has appeared - his people have got to Zondar-ize this planet before that energy reaches fruition. He offers his power to the weak-hearted ones... Elsewhere, the mere sight of Mikoto's smile is enough to make Hyouma and the crew forget all their fatigue. Hyouma's been searching for signs of suspicious dudes in Kyuushuu, and while he hasn't found any there _have_ been some nasty landslides in the Katouzan area, the result of earthquakes felt all the way at G Island City. These are either the prelude to a volcanic eruption, or the work of the Reclaimers - not that it's _their_ fault so much as the result of Orphan surfacing. For that matter, it _could_ be the Mikeene or the Kyouryuu Empire, who Tetsuya and Jun are investigating. Unfortunately, since they're under the command of Miwa at the Far East Branch, you're not likely to hear about their findings unless it's something major. Apparently Hyouma and Miwa didn't get along well either, leading to Combattler V basically getting chased out of the Far East Branch. The more scholarly dudes debate why the Mikeene were after Masada: surely, those robots. Shishiou figures that the technology that responded to the unknown energy they detected is comparable to the G Stones. In Tokyo, some serious sightseeing is going on... or _was_, until a bad feeling strikes. That would be occasioned by the Galleon beginning to move on its own inside the hangar. Apparently the Galleon wants to go outside - but where? Facing the prospect of it simply wrecking the gate, the GGG personell elect to open the door and let it out. Hyuuga then calls in from the aforementioned sightseeing trip with some startling footage: something much like the thing that appeared two years ago. That footage, taken from the crew trapped atop the Tokyo Metropolitan Govt. Building, is of a giant monster made out of garbage. The fact that the kids are there sucks, since it means that the GGG can't attack (what about the rest of the people in the building??) There's only one person they can count on in this situation: Gai! Gai's heard the whole thing, and is eager to spring into action (and even has a full tank of gas!) The kids love getting rescued by this cool-looking dude, whose plan is to distract the encroaching robot while the kids flee. The bad guy has an electromagnetic cannon for measuring range - guess it's a "domestic particle cannon" or something. Just then Galleon shows up, having come to Gai's aide. Unfortunately, the bad guy regenerated all the damage in about ten seconds flat. This bad guy is just like what happened two years ago, and has now been named EI-02. Shishiou tells his commander that there's a 99.9% chance of fusion, but without any actual data to go on it's not absolutely guaranteed... Taiga decides to try anyway, and gives his authorization. Gai then fuses into Gaigar, and tries to start wrecking. On round two, reinforcements show up just as Gai was starting to worry. Your people are momentarily impressed by Gaigar's appearance, then wonder where this enemy made out of household appliances came from. Kusuha wonders if someone is inside that thing. When you damage the Zondar Man enough, it regenerates again - the thing is apparently immortal, in addition to the Barrier it apparently has. On the next round, the signal comes from Gaigar that it's ready for Final Fusion... although the probability of that working is nearly zero. Taiga figures that all it really takes is a bit of courage to make succeed - and a very nifty FMV is triggered: miraculously, Gaogaigar, the Hero King, is born. Hyouma almost isn't sure what to think about a robot that's got a lion on its chest and a Shinkansen as its shoulders. The kids at least figure they're safe, though Mamoru has gone off somewhere. He is in fact watching the battle despite his fear, feeling a strange sense of obligation. When you take down the Zondar, it regenerates AGAIN, causing Gai to resort to drastic measures to defeat it. He manages to pull out the monster's nucleus: apparently some creature not of this earth. Unfortunately Gai's adrenal glands begin to overexert, making Gai come close to losing himself. As things are about to boil over, Mamoru intervenes and yells out to Gai not to break what he's aiming at. Kusuha feels something very peculiar, which might have something to do with the fact that Mamoru is glowing and floating through the air. In fact, the "alien" turns out to be Kodamayama Kinzou, positively an Earthling. Mamoru vanishes quickly from sight. Taiga calls for Gaogaigar to be quickly recovered, leaving Kusuha to wonder who the boy with the strange powers was. Unfortunately, now is not the time to relax, as the Good Thunder makes its reappearance. Despite this apparently negating the whole point of going to the Himalayas, coming here was Father's decision. Kusuha and Kenta wonder if each other are present (making Kusuha sneeze), but before they can make contact some unusual music starts playing: "Blue Danube", not a bad song but not one Shingo's heard before. As Bundorl revels in the beautiful waltz music, the Goshogun folks sortie, even more beautiful than he expected. He, Leonard Medici Bundorl, considers it his job to complete its beauty by wreathing it in flames. Remy remains pleasantly not taken in by Bundorl's fine words, but Kouji just figures the guy has no sense of where he is. Bundorl is even more impressed at the fusion of elegant style and archaic smiles found in the Ryuu-Jin-Ki, making Kusuha sneeze again and convincing her that she's come down with a cold. For a Skill Point, take down Bundorl (he runs at 3k HP). The guy is some aristocratic fop, right down to his throwaway lines as he retreats. Savalas has new orders for the Goshogun team - join GGG and leave behind defense of the Good Thunder for now. He tells them to take Kenta and OVA along, despite their objections that this wasn't precisely what they were hired for. Apparently, this was part of the plan, though the plan has gotten accelerated somewhat. Savalas will contact them at a scheduled point later, and asks them to look after Kenta until then. Shingo leads the group in accepting this odd babysitting assignment like the professionals they are, and Kenta inwardly vows to keep proceeding on this journey his father wanted for him. You get Kenta's Pocket Computer and OVA's Croquette. Kiry confirms that they've been sent by their employer to work with the GGG, rather than fighting evil for the sake of Justice(tm). Remy doesn't think that sounds so bad, and Shingo figures that the occasional fight to preserve peace on Earth doesn't sound so bad. The GGG people have looked into these three's backgrounds, which all make them incapable of living normally in society. The good news is that they've got a sponsor who took them in... though Shingo also has a personal grudge against Docougar. Taiga decides to accept their assistance. Meanwhile, Gai has apparently recovered from the stress-induced low blood pressure he had suffered. Shiba opines that they shouldn't have sent Gai out: there are too many unknowns about the G Stone embedded in his body. Shishiou figures that Shiba's words are quite reasonable - but to save Gai's life back then, the G Stone was the only option. He explains to Kusuha that Gai had been a pilot for the Space Development Squad until two years ago, when the experimental shuttle he was piloting crashed into a mysterious object. Shishiou used cyborg technology to save Gai's life. Apparently that object was not of Arrowgater origin, but some other extraterrestrial intelligence: codenamed EI-01. It's not surprising Kusuha's never heard of it, since it was kept top secret and the thing that Kusuha and the crew just tangled with is only the second in the "series". Apparently EI-01's whereabouts have been unknown ever since it crashed in Yokohama. That was the same time that they were gifted with the Unlimited Seihou Circuit, the G Stone, as well as the Galleon. It seems that the Galleon came from space, and was the one who brought Gai to the GGG near death. The gleaming green G Stone not only preserves Gai's life, but is the very power source for his cybernetics - an unlimited one. It also powers Gaogaigar... though the damage to Gai's body from the fusion process is very hard to gauge. Gai's in no condition to be up and around, but he isn't in a mood to keep shoveling the job of protecting the place to Hyouma and the others. He wants to be of use to protecting people, since his own life is effectively over already. Gai's father Shishiou asks him to be patient for now, saying that the day when he'll be of use to others will come. Reluctantly, Gai accedes. It's interesting to note that the boy who calmed Gai's adrenaline had green hair, just like the G Stone. The boy's surely the key to this EI-02 business, and Taiga wants Entouji to get the intelligence branch on the case. Just then Miwa contacts Taiga, asking after the mysterious enemy. Miwa, hearing that GGG has an investigation underway, decides to entrust both this new foe and the Reclaimers to the GGG and Novus Noa. Miwa also informs Taiga that the Taikuu Maryuu will soon be ready to sortie, meaning that the Far East Branch's plans to strike the subterranean foes are nearly ripe. As a result, Miwa would like Mazinger and Combattler V returned to him, though Taiga points out that the GGG's own warpower is far from complete. Miwa responds that by fighting so many enemies on so many fronts, it'll be impossible to actually defeat any of them - but gathering all the super robots to him will let him start by taking out the underground foes first. Taiga accedes politely to this, though Hyuuga is more than fuming as soon as the somewhat snobby Miwa hangs up. Taiga explains that guys like Miwa require a certain amount of careful handling... and that this isn't the time to start internecine power struggles. The good news is that Gaogaigar will be staying with the GGG, following the letter of Miwa's directive to confront the EI and the Reclaimers. Both Shishiou and Taiga are hoping that Gaogaigar ends up working for Bright Noa or for Professor Daimoji instead of for Miwa. Elsewhere, Mamoru returns home to his joyful parents. He doesn't let on his momentary fear over the strange power within him... Stage 4. Tobidate! Taikuu Maryuu Gaiking! Kusuha is overjoyed to see that Kenta is okay. He's more than a little surprised to hear of Kusuha's exploits in the previous war. Shingo and the crew then introduce themselves to Kusuha with more of their usual witty repartee, including a warning from Remy that her two male partners are real lady-killers. As Kenta happily hurries off to work on maintenance, the adults ask Kusuha to keep looking out for Kenta; they don't want to come on as heavy- handed in being his guardians. The preparations Kenta was referring to were for dispatch to the Taikuu Maryuu squad, which Remy is trying to hurry her compatriots off to to avoid getting yelled at by the Far East brass. Elsewhere, Juuzou mentions that Tsuwabuki Sanshirou the Red Sun has had to withdraw to an injury: someone attacked him and compound-fractured his left arm. Recovery looks bleak. It turns out that the Red Suns are a pro baseball team, and Tsuwabuki is a famous pitcher with a demonic disappearing fastball. Such a shame that his career appears over. Taiga then comes to see them off, thanking them with some impressiveness for all the help they've been to the GGG. At the Far East Base, Daimoji explains that the Taikuu Maryuu squad is nearly ready for its first test flight. He's even found a pilot for Gaiking, who is headed to the base at this very moment. Miwa is expecting big things from the squad and its operation to destroy all the subterranean threats. Daimoji is still worried about the defense of the base itself, but Miwa curtly brushes his concerns aside, saying his predecessor Gou focused too much on that aspect and as a result failed to stop the enemy warpower on Earth. Besides, the Arrowgaters are toast and the giants are out in deep space - what's the worst that could happen? Daimoji tries to protest, saying that the Reclaimers are still active, and even attacked the pilot for Gaiking that he selected. The disdainful Miwa is not to be persuaded, saying that between the Lond Bel in space, the Preventers on Mars, and the Icarus Base in the asteroids, there's no cause for concern... Just then, Sakon announces that Tsuwabuki has arrived - Daimoji tells him to introduce Tsuwabuki to the Taikuu Maryuu team for now. Fang Lee is showing Sanshirou around the base, and Sanshirou is far from happy to be here and not on the baseball diamond. He angrily asks who the people were who attacked him, and Daimoji steps in smoothly to answer. Sanshirou is curious to know the reason he's been called here, and Daimoji explains that the people who attacked are thought to be lackeys for a new set of alien invaders. Sanshirou had thought that all the aliens were wiped out in the last war, but Daimoji explains that space is far vaster than that. This squad was formed in secret on the hunch that more invaders would be coming, and that hunch as proved correct due to the indications of scout ships that intelligence has caught. Given that the people who took out Sanshirou's left arm had _wings_, he realized they weren't mere humans, but... In fact, Sanshirou was not the only "gifted" person who the aliens have attacked; Daimoji would like to put Sanshirou's talents to use defending the Earth by having him pilot the special mecha he's made. Sanshirou agrees fairly readily to this, both out of a desire for revenge and out of a desire to avoid more casualties like himself. Just as Daimoji had predicted. The tour continues in the main control room, where Sanshirou gets to meet the other members of the Taikuu Maryuu squad. Introductions are going smoothly until captain Pete Richardson comes up, who seems determined to treat the former ace pitcher like a rookie. Daimoji informs Sanshirou that he'll need training before he can pilot Gaiking, and Pete challenges Sanshirou to live up to his bravado and go ahead with trying to pilot the thing. Daimoji decides that hands-on experience may be the best way to train Sanshirou, and orders the Taikuu Maryuu to launch - Gaiking will do a docking test as soon as it's aloft. After launch, Sanshirou is more than a little curious how Gaiking works. Daimoji explains that Gaiking is composed of three parts: Part 1 being the arms, Part 2 being the legs, and Part 3 being the torso. Sanshirou is in the head, which apparently will combine with the legs by remote control if everything goes well. Sanshirou is in charge of docking the head with the arms, which depends on reading the instruments and getting the timing down. Sanshirou hasn't felt this nervous since special training for baseball, but he's determined to see the docking through. Although it makes him sweat more than a bit, he pulls it off without a snag - Pete seems happy that Sanshirou isn't all rookie talk and no action. Unfortunately, an atmospheric irregularity chooses that moment to strike near Big Falcon. It's lots and lots of red machines that are clearly not of Arrowgater or subterranean origin. They are in fact the recon craft from the aforementioned aliens, and Miwa is flabbergasted that the bad guys slipped past all the defenses and caused the exact scenario that Daimoji foretold. Unfortunately, as the rest of the Taikuu Maryuu launch, the Pollution Protect kicks in and prevents Sanshirou from returning to base. He hastily asks what Daimoji wants him to do - fight and save the earth from the bad guys. After a moment's hesitation and more prodding from Pete, he gets down to business. For a skill point, take out ten enemies within two turns. After ten enemies go down or two turns elapse, reinforcements arrive. Very late, according to the irritable Miwa. After the usual banter, your people get busy protecting Big Falcon. One of the enemies has a Dual Sensor. You've gotten lucky - the enemies only seemed to be watching you this time around. Pete cautions Sanshirou not to think all the enemies will be this easily routed - now that they know of the Taikuu Maryuu, the enemy will surely send stronger troops next time. Daimoji plans to take your people directly aboard and commence the main plan. Kouji's grateful that he won't have to see Miwa face to face, and Kusuha wonders if he's really that bad a guy. He most definitely is, according to Sayaka. Unfortunately, you're not _quite_ out of the woods yet... Kusuha senses something coming towards you, and what should appear but the Ko-Ou-Ki. Your people are still confused over this former ally, and demand to know what it wants. Its mysterious pilot says that it's here to pick up a comrade, and as such has no plans to fight the rest of your people: no reason to fight people with a common objective in mind. Kouji has more than enough reason to fight however, seeing that the Ko-Ou-Ki's pilot attacked Kusuha and her machine, his comrades. Camaraderie is in fact what brought this guy here: returning his comrade and himself to their former form: the singular Choukijin. He explains to Kusuha that he attacked the Ryuu-Ou-Ki because it refused its original purpose and refused to come to its rightful master. Kusuha figures that Ryuu-Ou-Ki must have had some reason for not obeying, and if that's so, she won't heed the Ko-Ou-Ki's summons either. Looks like you'll have to settle this by force. To win, reduce the Ko-Ou-Ki to less than 20,000 HP. This should be a piece of cake. The mystery pilot is impressed at your strength, figuring that his master hasn't placed his hopes on you in vain. He reminds you all that his objective is the same as yours, and vanishes from sight. Daimoji and your people make introductions. This mothership is _huge_ considering it's docked all the super robots with room to spare... plus it's got all the creature comforts. Things get totally hilarious when Hyouma points out how _similar_ certain characters sound to each other, including a demonstration from Shingo. The world of seiyuu is a small one indeed. In any event, it's time for a test of the ship. Kusuha is worried about this "master" of the Choukijin, wondering what his purposes may be... aren't the Choukijin supposed to defend the Earth? As she ponders the secrets the Choukijin hold, she's startled by Kenta. He has only one thing to say: mecha have hearts too! [Oh, how _sweet_. -_-] Meanwhile, outside lunar orbit, some rather testy aliens are pondering the destruction of their first wave. The first one of them is quite disdainful of the Earth's mecha forces, and the other agrees that it wasn't much of a fight given it was merely an information-gathering mission. In fact, their plan seems to be to migrate to the Earth, which has just been confirmed as a suitable homeland for them - just as Bergan said. Even better, no interlopers from other planets are on the scene. Guess it's time to report back to His Majesty, Emperor Darius and Olban, especially since those pesky folks from Barm should be arriving at this solar system any time now... Stage 5. Shinkai Kara no Raihousha ("Visitor from the Deep") Sanshirou has been training hard, and Pete's been riding him even harder out of concern for the squad's performance.... or maybe he's just a fan of one of the Red Suns' rival teams ^^ In any event, Sanshirou vows to master his machine soon, since times seem as dangerous as they've ever been since the Aegis Project finished. Meanwhile, Sakon and Pete are reporting in to Daimoji with results of all the tests going on. Pete is pessimistic about Sanshirou's ability to master his mech in time for the coming showdown with the enemy, but Sakon believes Sanshirou's learning is within forecast limits and that he should be ready. Pete tries to contradict him to his face, calling it "optimistic" instead of "forecast", but Sakon says that both his intuition _and_ the Taikuu Maryuu's main computer concur on this one. Pete grumbles that it's unlike the analytical Sakon to trust to "intuition", to which Sakon replies that intuition and inspiration are utterly indispensable to a scientist. In fact, Sakon believes that Pete has already recognized the potential within Sanshirou, which is motivating his harsh training methods. Pete won't directly contradict this assessment. Just then Novus Noa contacts the crew, wanting to come alongside. Daimoji knows that Novus Noa is a ship created to counter the Reclaimers, and like the GGG bypasses the military chain of command... then why would they contact a military vessel like his? Pete figures they're short of warpower and want the Taikuu Maryuu's help, and didn't want the headache of going through Miwa. Sakon sees in this a good opportunity to learn more about Orphan, a threat that this team can't afford to ignore. Daimoji decides to take them up on their offer. Upon rendezvousing, commander Winston Gaybridge welcomes the team to the Novus Noa and introduces Captain Anoir McCormick. Gaybridge explains that Orphan is a gigantic ruin sunken to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. The so-called Reclaimers are those scientists who entered it to study its contents. Sakon has heard that their aim is to bring Orphan back to the surface, which should result in nothing other than a gigantic tidal wave. Gaybridge is suitably impressed with this question from the famous scientist - and in fact, bringing Orphan to the surface is expected to eradicate all life on Earth. That's right, ALL. This would be because Orphan absorbs "Organic Energy" from living beings, according to the general scientific consensus. The Federation government and top military brass aren't buying it. Thus, the Novus Noa's mission is to keep an eye on the Reclaimers with its Brain Powerds, and prevent Orphan's resurfacing. This Orphan problem just moved itself right to the top of Daimoji's list. Unfortunately, an emergency transmission from Miwa makes Daimoji hurry back to his ship. Miwa is angrily and impatiently trying to get the Taikuu Maryuu to return to base, and heatedly tells Daimoji to leave Orphan up to Novus Noa and the GGG. Daimoji counters that this is no time for a pointless war of words, but Miwa only yells more, saying that he won't tolerate military discipline being further disrupted as it was back in the days of Gou's leadership. In fact, the Mikeene are already sending advance units, and Daimoji is about to return to Big Falcon when an emergency message comes from the Novus Noa: a "Plate" has emerged from the ocean and is heading towards Japan at high speed - in particular towards Masada's lab. Sakon predicts that Reclaimers will appear and pursue the Plate - and perhaps there's some connection between the Plate and the subject of Masada's studies. Daimoji, realizing this is inevitable, prepares to sortie your dudes alongside the Novus Noa's Brain Powerds, as Midori conveniently tunes Miwa out. Yuu notes that the plate seems to have settled down finally. Both of them had a rough ride, but the objective is to collect all Plates, be they B or otherwise. Yuu asks if Kanan's devotion comes from a desire to be praised by Orphan, and she replies that she's proud of her position as a Granger pilot. Their conversation is interrupted by some people coming near the plate, despite the supposed state of emergency after the Docougar incident. Hime demands to know why the Plate wants to come any closer with an apparent disregard for things like how tiny she is compared to it. She's heard of "Revival" from watching TV, and wonders if an Antibody is about to be born from the Plate as it begins to make noise. The thing that emerges doesn't look like the Granger units, but rather something else. Apparently its eye looks gentle to Hime, who goes right over and starts patting it and stuff. And gets inside. This might be unwise, but the Brain sends words into her head, asking what it should do. She responds by asking it what it wants to do - surely it must have something in mind, something that motivated its birth. Hime seems to really enjoy encouraging this rather odd "infant", but Kanan reminds Yuu that their job is now to destroy the newborn Brain Powerd since it's already Revived. Yuu starts berating whoever is riding the new Brain Powerd for getting without knowing what they're doing, and tells her that she mustn't use things like that. And then attacks, which the Hime Brain deflects with its Chakra Shield. Kanan is amazed at this new living thing, since the Granger machines are just soulless puppets. Hime yells back at Kou: thanks to him, this walking, flying newborn is all scared. Just who does Yuu think he is? A Granger, the manifest will of Orphan. Hime doesn't buy it, figuring that Orphan is some ruin at the bottom of the sea, with a woman's face, that's gonna wreck the world. Yuu tells this talkative girl to shut up already, and with reinforcements coming from the Granger this could get messy really fast. Hime can't attack, but she can keep parroting back to Yuu what the news media _doesn't_ know about what the Granger are up to. The only reason Yuu can give for being "imprisoned" by the Granger is to express the will of Orphan. Yuu is starting to wonder how Hime can control a newly-Revived Brain Powerd - it ought to be just an incomplete Antibody. As Kanan wonders if Yuu is still suffering from "rejection", Hime's Brain tells her that something is coming: a LOT of Grangers. It'd Edgar Brankan, who figures Yuu is disgracing the name of the Isami family with the trouble this single Brain is causing him. Yuu yells back that this has nothing to do with his parents, and Edgar orders him to get out of the way so he can wipe this Brain out. Just then, the good guys arrive, including a huge howling (mechanical) beast. Daimoji orders the troops to help out Novus Noa and attack the Grangers. Kusuha feels a very strange sensation from the Brain Powerd, and the other Novus Noa pilots want to know who the heck is piloting this newborn mech. Apparently the Hime Brain is a bit worried about the Ryuu-Jin-Ki, which is faintly worried back. The Novus Noa pilots call out to their newfound fellow (and ally, since she's not working with the Granger) to come with them if she cares for her machine - Hime figures she can trust these words right away. Unfortunately, there's a certain girl who didn't run away in time - and it looks like it might be too late to save her. Pete tells an impatient Sanshirou to think of a plan before charging in, and the Ryuu-Jin-Ki is reacting to her somehow. Kusuha feels somehow that she's got to save that girl at all costs. The rest of your people quickly realize that they've got to support Kusuha on this one. Edgar could care less that there's a civilian in the way - when Orphan surfaces all weak life will die anyway. Plus, Yuu certainly won't be able to explain to Quincy how he let a Brain escape and a Plate remain unrecovered. Yuu, with little option, decides to attack your mothership in the hopes of making you withdraw. When you shoot down Yuu, he feels more of the "rejection" reaction and bails. Kanan figures she can't afford to lose her Granger here, and bails too when shot down. Edgar is worth a Magnetic Coating. Get Kusuha to the stray child within five more turns for a Skill Point. You should not only be able to do that, but also to wipe out all the enemy units, within four more turns. ^_^ Unfortunately, as Kusuha gets near to the girl to rescue her, the girl becomes terrified and begs her to stay away. As Kusuha wonders if the girl is afraid of the Ryuu-Jin-Ki, something psychic and strange passes between her and the girl. The girl, glassy-eyed, then says that she's been waiting for you all, and that she'll come with you. With the rescue complete, Daimoji orders all your units recovered so he can withdraw back to the Novus Noa's position. Hime seems to have digested the crew's explanation pretty fast [despite her otherwise miswired personality O_o;;] Gaybridge asks Hime to join the Novus Noa's crew with her Brain Powerd, to help unlock the secrets of Orphan. She'll get the chance not only to fight other Granger units, but also the other enemies now threatening Japan and the rest of the world. She agrees, and Irene Carrier volunteers to look out for the kids with Hime in return (though Anoir is a bit taken aback at the thought of having kids aboard her ship). The plan is for the Taikuu Maryuu to escort the Novus Noa to the GGG, in part to deflect criticism from Miwa. The pilots don't object to that one bit. Kusuha is worried about the girl she saved, who OVA brings in at that moment. The girl has lost her memory, and no custodians are anywhere to be found...just like Britto once was. Hyouma is quick to volunteer your people to look after the girl until her memory returns, noting that he knows what it feels like to lose his parents and grow up in orphanage (so does Kiry, for that matter). As Kiry uncharacteristically offers to clear things w/ the leaders, the girl reveals her name to be Irui (something she didn't remember even just a moment ago). She then smiles and haltingly thanks Kusuha for saving her. Kusuha is left to ponder Irui's words of "waiting" for your people... Stage 6. Sono Na wa Chouryuujin Your dudes are marveling over their first close-up view of the Brain Powerds. Hime explains that it felt warm and gentle the first time she got in the cockpit. She adds that it feels somehow like a child: one that responds when she talks to it, and conveys its own feelings back to her. In fact, the Brain scares Boz by moving its figure, which Kouji figures can't happen since noone is piloting it and it's not alive. Kenta disagrees - this mecha is very much alive, and even has a "heart". Kosaku is inclined to believe this, given that the official documents about the Antibodies refer to them as living machines - not made in a factory, but "born" from the Plates during Revival. Hyouma enthusiastically calls upon Kosaku to explain further, which Kosaku protests isn't really his role until Hime asks as well. "Antibodies" refer generically to the class of mecha like the Granger and Brain Powerd machines, which are thought to exist to protect Orphan from external invasion. The Orphan side seems to regard Brain Powerds as defective Antibodies, and use their own "Granger" Antibodies to fight them. Further, the Plates are something like Antibody eggs, and the process of birthing is called "Revival". The problem is that nobody seems to know whether a given plate holds a Brain Powerd or a Granger, sort of like an unopened birthday present. Hime's very glad that her mech turned out to be a Brain. The kiddies meanwhile are scurrying around and making themselves useful "massaging" the Brain Powerds with deck-cleaning brushes. The Brains don't seem to be objecting. Kenta and Kosaku decide to help too, and pretty soon everyone gets into the act. Elsewhere, the Amami parents are worrying about how unsafe their town has become. They're recalling an incident eight years ago where an Arctic lion carried their son off - maybe it's back for him again? As they contemplate taking Mamoru and evacuating, Mamoru comes in ready to go to the Space Development Squad for his out-of-class study day. His father happily offers to drop him off in his car, along with Mamoru's "girlfriend" Hana. At the base, Taiga happily greets Sakura, determined to have at least a pleasant morning amidst all his problems... The GGG are poring over the data on the EI-02's nucleus, who seems like a totally ordinary guy. A construction worker in Tokyo who's recently been unemployed due to irregular attendance, which led to him becoming homeless and living in a garbage dump. Perhaps he was trying to destroy the Tokyo government buildings out of revenge? Swan tried to use regressive hypnosis to look into his past, discovering four androids who told him "If you want revenge, we'll grant you the power." It's seeming clear that someone or something amplified this man's hatred and turned him into the EI-02, and the key lies with those four androids, and with the boy who returned Kinzou to normal. Just then, Swan detects a number of Docougar units in the skies near G Island City - it looks like they're trying to beat the Taikuu Maryuu back in the hopes of taking the GGG hostage while its defenses are still incomplete. It would _really_ be best not to sortie Volfogg and Gai, though fortunately the good guys are due to arrive in about a minute. Taiga orders all personell and civilians to head to shelters at once. Hyuuga asks about scrambling the GS Rides instead, but they're not up to their target power yet. Maybe this is as far as Earth technology can go in copying them. Makoto is proudly explaining how his father works on plans for launching the Space Shuttle in this building. Unfortunately, the kids once again get caught in the middle of the enemy attack. Kuttner has ditched Kernagul and Bundorl and plans to have the glory of obtaining the Beamlar all to himself. The good guys have made it in time, though, and start marveling at the stick- toitiveness that the Docougar are applying to try to get this Beamlar stuff. Jokes aside, Taiga asks you to hold the battle back from the central GGG building, where evacuation is still underway. Take Kuttner down for a Skill Point; he flees at 5000 HP. On round 2, the kids are still stuck in line filing into the shelters. Reiko isn't worried, figuring that the noble Gai will come and drive off all the enemies. Makoto's intuition tells him that something very bad is coming, just like the last time. In fact, more bad guys appear and start trashing the city on purpose, since Kuttner knows you hate him doing so. He says that he will stop at everything to obtain his objectives, which goes to show that either his grasp of tactics or of the Japanese language is sorely lacking ^_^ As your people struggle to divide forces and counter this second threat, Makoto shouts out in fury at the bad guys, which causes Irui to suddenly take notice. Something is happening to the Hyouryuu and Enryuu in their hangar: they're outputting a massive amount of energy. Taiga realizes that this is his chance, and orders them launched. Hyouryuu questions Enryuu's actions on analytical grounds, and Enryuu says that calculations mean nothing in the face of fighting spirit. Hyouryuu finds this a highly illogical statement coming from an AI, and wonders if Enryuu is broken, until Enryuu points out that they're twin AI's, and that if he's broken he's not the only one. Apparently their AIs are advanced enough to quarrel like real human brothers, but Taiga stops it by asking them what their purpose is: to protect peace for humanity! Looks like there's no real problems after all. If Kuttner fights Sanshirou, he'll allow him the chance to be taken prison with his life guaranteed, in recognition of his promising baseball career. Kuttner is quite outraged that Sanshirou has never heard of him, and Sanshirou spits back that he'll do some research after he's killed Kuttner dead. Kuttner is worth a Kuttneriser. Unfortunately, you're not out of the woods yet - after Kuttner and his men withdraw, Makoto senses something weird. Penchinon figures that all the obstacles are now gone, and Makoto figures he's got to hurry off to somewhere. You're now facing a Tanker Monster, and all the Brain Powerds are somehow afraid of it. Hime somehow knows that it's not an Organic Machine, and Entouji concludes that it's more or less the same as the previous beast. This means that there's another human inside it, and Gaigar suddenly pops out to try to save that person with Heaven and Hell (despite the strain it will put on his body). Entouji calculates that there's only a 30% chance of Final Fusion under these circumstances - and if it fails Gai and all the other machinery will be blown completely away. Taiga, agreeing with Gai that there's no time, decides to entrust everything to him and authorizes Final Fusion. This works, and the Ryuu brothers are glad to see their captain in one piece. Penchinon seems mildly surprised to see the relic of Cain before him, but is sure that it won't win this time. Gai plans on breaking out the person inside this EI, and really hopes that the boy from before will appear to seal the deal. Your victory condition is to take down the monster with Hell and Heaven. After your first attack, something very unpleasant becomes clear: the monster really is an oil tanker, and should the petroleum inside it be ignited everything within a twenty kilometer radius will be obliterated. [It must be nuclear petroleum then -_-;;;;] Penchinon thinks he's one, but Taiga thinks that this may be the time for the Dividing Driver, aka the Eraserhead. Unfortunately, for that to work the Ryuu brothers need a Sympa-rate over 100. Gai tells everyone to stand back while he pushes the monster to the bottom of the sea before Hell and Heavening it. The bad news is that Gai will be defenseless, and even if the armor holds the shockwave will kill him. Despite pleas from everyone else, Gai figures there's no time to wait - he'll throw the core as high as he can once he's wrenched it free. The Ryuu brothers, speaking in unison, declare they're not programmed to take that kind of orders, and their Sympa-rate reaches 100. Taiga has them perform Symmetrical Docking, creating the Chouryuujin! Your people are once again flabbergasted by all the neato tricks the GGG mecha can perform. Shishiou tells Gai to leave the explosion up to the Chouryuujin, and to concentrate on pulling out the nucleus. The EI-07 is worth a Screw Module. Once you execute Gai's attack, Hyuuga calls for the Eraserhead to be sent to the Chouryuujin, a phenomenal weapon that seems to erase the enemy and the explosion right off the map. What it actually did is send the blast outside the atmosphere, and happily it hasn't damaged anything in space. Not only is this the birth of a new hero, but also a good indication of how accurate GGG's math is not to accidentally beam that blast at something by accident. What amazing advance planning, a lesson Kiry figures his leader could learn from. As the brothers try to apologize for breaking orders, Gai won't hear of it - he thanks them for their help and says that they're the greatest AIs in the world. However, he's about at his limit - and fortunately a certain glowing boy shows up to finish the job, a boy which Irui somehow recognizes. The Brains seem to like the boy, and miraculously Gai's condition stabilizes - something beyond the reach of human technology. The boy vanishes without revealing his name, but the day is saved anyway. Miwa miraculously decides to leave the Taikuu Maryuu in the GGG's hands, even giving Taiga temporary command authority in the event of an enemy attack. It seems that Miwa likes having the Docougar and EI's attention focused on the GGG and away from him, though it is a great help to the GGG having the additional troops around anyway. Gai's _still_ unstable, and it'd be best not to sortie the Gaogaigar for a while. The green-haired boy is still a mystery, and Entouji wonders if the Ryuu brothers synchrony was also thanks to him. Shishiou has read secret intelligence that places the boy near the scene, but realizes that even if they brought him in it's unclear what the boy would do next - would he or would he not help humanity out? Penchinon has learned that the Antibodies issuing forth from Orphan are indeed a type of mechanical life... but that they're organic. Primada is hardly impressed, but Penchinon points out that the large amount of Organic Energy within them could be useful. Pasdar decides to leave them alone for the time being, though he eventually plans to put them to use for their plans. Those plans amount to making this blue planet a world of machines. Elsewhere, Gallery is addressing his emperor Goll, who got smacked around by Getter and Mazinger and the crew back when. Bat managed to carry his body back to Machineland, and Gallery deployed the full scientific might of the Kyouryuu to bring him back to life. Goll realizes he must revive, so he can wipe out the monkeys and return control of the Earth to the reptiles. Goll arises to massive cheering. They report to him that after deflecting the gravity shockwave, the monkeys have increased their warpower and are laying plans to wipe out the subterraneans, led by a new Getter Robo. Of course, the Taikuu Maryuu is also involved with the plan, so Goll orders his men to test its power. Zanki asks that this task be given to him, and is quite positive he will not only test it but wipe it out entirely. Bat tells the youngster not not to get carried away, but Goll agrees to give Zanki the Megazaurus Zen #1. Zanki figures if he does a good job here he can even supplant Bat in the pecking order... Stage 7. Hikari wo Motomete ("Seek the Light") Yuu doubts anyone remembers it's his birthday. He wonders what kind of girl that Utsunomiya Hime person is, and mulls over how he's just turned seventeen. Kanan probably won't like what he's about to do... Elsewhere, Isami Kensaku suspects a connection between Orphan becoming more active and "that energy": the stuff that Gavanar called "Beamlar". Kensaku suspects that Beamlar is something different from Organic Energy, and figures that whatever it is will bear investigation sooner or later... before things on the surface get any more chaotic. Apparently Orphan has been affected by a number of things in the last war, including the giant Jupiterian Psycommu device that fell into the sea near Japan, and the Vital Globe discovered back then. Just then Yuu comes in with a gun, demanding to know whether all of mankind will die of Orphan surfaces. His mother points out that he's been a Reclaimer for seven years working for that resurfacing, and he snaps back that both his mind and body are in anguish from trying to conform to his Granger in order to become an Antibody. He's more than a little pissed at how his mother and sisters are little more than antibodies for Orphan as a result of his father's research. Just then Quincy, who would like to claim that she's not one of the Isami kids, breaks in and starts shooting at Yuu for his betrayal. Yuu takes the opportunity to flee, leaving the parents to wonder if this is the will of Orphan. Yuu has a chat with his Brain, which he figures wants to see the sunlight as much as he does. Yuu knows very well that his Brain doesn't like being in Orphan, and urges it to flee with him before they both get made into gold plated statues in this, the garbage bin for Brain Powerds. Yuu makes good his escape... Meanwhile, the kiddies are struggling to pry loose a bit of extra cake from the robots trying to ride herd on them. It takes some of your other dudes to step in and start the chastising. Sanshirou is inclined to go easy on them, and even offers to teach them how to play baseball (though he warns them that practice is pretty rough). Kusuha is impressed by his facility w/ kids, but the mood is suddenly dampened by Irui saying that _something_ (she doesn't know what) is coming. That thing is of course Yuu fleeing Orphan for the Novus Noa in his Brain Powerd. Since IFF is rather confused by this, Daimoji orders everyone sortied to be on the safe side. Yuu realizes that this Brain suits him, and that the stuff his dad and friends are up to is wrong. Your people all hurry out onto the battlefield, all wondering where this unfamiliar Brain is from. Taiga countermands Hyuuga's orders to hastily disarm the thing, opening a channel to Yuu. Yuu, no great diplomat, demands that he hand all research data regarding the B Plate the GGG has...and he knows who Taiga is by name. Yuu knows a great many things about the Novus Noa and the GGG it seems, which makes sense given that he's a Reclaimer. Hime meanwhile is sure she's met this guy before, and hurries over to talk to him. But, why would a Reclaimer be piloting the very Brain Powerd they're supposed to be trying to destroy? Just then Shiela leads a squad of Reclaimers in pursuit of Yuu, with Kanan ordered to support her. Yuu had already told Shiela his viewpoint on things, but she has no interest in joining him in defecting, nor does Kanan for that matter. Since the city is about to get trashed again, Taiga has no choice but to try to repulse the Reclaimers. On round two, Kanan demands to know why Yuu didn't consult her first. Yuu _did_ consult her, but says that she was too self-absorbed to listen... ever since she met the Brain Powerd way back then. He tells her that she'll never be happy in Orphan, to which she says that she merely doesn't want to regret being born. Typical Tomino BS. Yuu says that's all the more reason to leave Orphan, but Shiela figures that Kanan shouldn't listen to someone tainted by a Brain Powerd. Yuu figures that Kanan is all obsessed with the fact that nobody loves her, and Kanan hotly states that nobody loved her even before she was born. Yuu then comes up with a daring (read: ludicrous) plan and grabs onto Hime, holding her tightly to him. Shiela figures on killing the two of them together like that, but Yuu has other ideas: the Chakra Extension Shot! Everyone is minorly dumbfounded by this expression of the Brains' Chakra Wave Motion power. Kanan is worth a Dual Sensor. Yuu thinks that she shouldn't be going back to Orphan, but with him. Shiela is worth a Magnetic Coating. On the following round, Zanki and his stooges show up. This is most upsetting since the Kyouryuu Empire was supposed to have died out with Goll during the Balmar War. Guess some of them survived, and your people are all clued in enough to realize they'll have to take out Goll again at some point. Zanki will talk all kinds of trash while fighting with your dudes and trying to gather data about the Taikuu Maryuu. He's worth a Chobham Armor. Unfortunately, after brushing off Zanki's reconnaissance raid, it's time for a second wave of Reclaimers, led by Jonathan and Edgar. Jonathan is amazed that Yuu's done this much damage to his forces with such an unstable Antibody, and Yuu warns that fighting him won't accomplish anything. It seems that Jonathan has bought into the "Orphan is mankind's future" propaganda a bit more deeply than Yuu had, saying that mankind's DNA will live on within Orphan and the Grangers even if the rest of humanity is wiped out. Edgar plans on killing you all here anyway, but Irui gets a premonition of something terrible about to happen and screams out for everyone to run away. For a skill point, you must kill Jonathan within nine turns of this point. Edgar is worth a Booster. He's worth an Organic Bit, and is MOST surprised that the Brain Powerds can use Sword Extension. When Yuu cuts his hand, he goes somewhat berserk. Yuu tells him to go and tell his parents and sisters that they're not on the side of justice by staying with Orphan, and Yuu will personally see to it that they don't use Orphan to kill off humanity or to reduce the Earth to a planet of death. Apparently Jonathan must be rather "hard of hearing", since Yuu tells him to pass his message along several times in a row... at least he's smart enough to realize when Yuu leaves him alive to be his messenger boy. Any remaining Granger units will withdraw at this point. Your people notice that all these enemies seemed very quick to run away - they may have had some ulterior motive... Meanwhile, there's still whatever caused that earthquake to run away from. Or more precisely, there's a TIDAL WAVE to run away from, which will be here in 320 seconds and which you can _not_ evacuate all the civilians from. Taiga will not give up even at this: he orders the emergency alarms to be sounded, and has the Taikuu Maryuu head to the beach to try to weaken the tidal wave even if only a little. All the other mecha scurry to get picked up, and things are looking pretty grim - but Pete won't give up either, and orders all the mecha with barriers or anything that can be used as a wall to get in front. This gives Yuu an idea about what to do with his Chakra Shield. He asks Hime and all the other mecha with shields or just simply size on their side to help him. As people begin to see the plan, Shishiou asks for authorization to use the Eraserhead, planning to send all the water into the space the moment it hits your barrier. This example of extremely quick thinking works perfectly, and everyone is quick to thank the Brain Powerds. But when Hime asks to see Yuu's face, he up and kisses her. She's outraged for about a millisecond or so, then somehow takes it as a compliment to her Brain Powerd [@_@;;;] The Goshogun team figure they'd better do more so as to not get left behind, and take _some_ comfort in the fact that youth isn't everything in these matters. Meanwhile, Quincy is demanding that Orphan's defensive squads be strengthened against Yuu's guaranteed revealing of Orphan's weak points. Kensaku doesn't see the point, since all the power on Earth won't matter once Orphan surfaces. Quincy repeats that Yuu knows all of Orphan's weaknesses, and her father demands to know if she intends to defeat her own brother. She retorts that all outliers must be eliminated - after all, what would happen if he got his hands on a B Plate?! Kensaku sternly reminds her that the powers and even existence of B Plates are still merely theoretical. As Quincy once again tries to remind her father of her name change, Jonathan thinks that someone is going to have to prove to the Isami family that Orphan isn't their personal property... But if he's to have his revenge on Yuu, the Orphan's defensive squad _will_ need to be fortified. Kanan meanwhile figures that if Yuu won't come back to Orphan, she'll just... Yuu passes his medical exam - apparently even his DNA hasn't been altered. Komodo knows that he's from the same family that's pulling the strings of Orphan, but Anoir insists on doing the questioning. She tells Yuu that she doesn't completely trust him (he's not surprised), and asks why he betrayed the Reclaimers. He responds that, as that tidal wave proves, Orphan is beginning to surface - and the Novus Noa's crew should know what it would mean if the thing surfaces entirely. Yuu perceives that the Novus Noa isn't yet capable of opposing the Reclaimers by itself (hence its alliance with the GGG and the Federation Army) - the Reclaimers have a _lot_ of information about the good guys. Irene wonders inwardly if there's a leak somewhere... When Komodo questions what good Yuu and his single Brain are to stopping Orphan, he tells her that the Novus Noa is basically a life boat: insignificant next to Orphan, which is in fact a galactic Ark. The GGG folks are impressed by the capabilities of the Brain Powerds, realizing that they need to totally recollate all their data about them. Hyuuga is glad that Isami Yuu has decided to help the good guys, and Shishiou figures that Hime's magnetic personality may be to thank. He also says that the Ryuu brothers need some adjustments to make their Symmetrical Docking even better. Taiga tells him to get on it right away. Gaybridge informs Daimoji that he's sending him the Brain Powerd squad, including Yuu - the reason being that the Novus Noa itself is more built for reconnaissance than actually _stopping_ the Reclaimers. He figures that the Reclaimers probably won't attack the Novus Noa itself for a while, so the loss of warpower shouldn't pose a problem - Daimoji wonders how Gaybridge can come to that conclusion. Kouji meanwhile is pondering the Kyouryuu... the fact that they've reemerged in _this_ age means that the future has been altered! What happened to all your friends in that other time [see Alpha Gaiden for the story of who those friends are...] Sakon, who's read reports of your people's trip to the future, figures that they should be okay. One theory has it that the flow of time has infinitely many points of divergence - and one of those points separates the future your people went to from this timeline, in which the Aegis Project succeeded. In essence, they're living on in a different time stream... Sakon hopes. Even the possibility that they're still okay, and that all you did for them hasn't been for naught, is enough to make Kouji and Sayaka feel better. Sakon realizes, however, that now _nobody_ knows what the new future will be like in this timeline... Bat meanwhile is berating Zanki for running his mouth, losing Zen #1, and then crawling back home. Zanki figures he's fulfilled Goll's orders to the letter, having collected plenty of data about the Taikuu Maryuu. And he doesn't see the Zen #1 as any great loss, seeing that Gallery focused on its anti-aircraft capabilities. Gallery demands to know if Zanki is complaining about his mecha - Zanki says that he certainly is and that if he were in charge, Zen #1 would be focused on terrestrial combat. With such a machine, Zanki plans to attack the Photon Power Lab and wipe out Getter Robo in short order - he figures that terrestrial combat is the best way of eliminating the Kyouryuu's arch-foe. Bat reminds him that Getter is capable of combat on land, air, and sea - sticking to the ground won't work. Zanki smugly tells his uncle that he's got a plan that'll work perfectly. Goll finds this interesting, and tells Zanki to try his little plan out, promising to elevate him from captain to his personal staff should he succeed. As Gallery wonders if Zanki is trying to show him up, Zanki has a request for him - he'd like to borrow one of Gallery's Neji high performance time bombs: the Zero. The idea is to use it on the inhabitants of the Photon Power Lab, and Goll commands Gallery to comply. Zanki is pretty sure he knows what he's doing... Stage 8. Mou Hitotsu no Getter Robo At an unknown location in Japan, the Getter team are trying to enjoy the nice weather. Benkei would like to be taking part in the fighting, but Getter is being adjusted right now and Shin Getter is Somewhere Else(tm). Hayato and Musashi figure that they'd may as well relax while they can, since things are sure to get quite busy soon enough. Apparently that Somewhere Else is the Kami Heavy Industries Consolidated Getter Research Lab, somewhere that Hayato may or may not have connections to. Interestingly, today is the day when Hayato's sister is coming back to the lab from study abroad (and she's somewhat late). Just then an old man (and not Hayato's sister) shows up, demanding passage from the Getter folks. Musashi isn't just going to let him pass, but the old man easily avoids Musashi's attempt to throw him. Elsewhere, Kouji is relaying news of the Kyouryuu to the lab. Saotome notes that this is sooner than expected, and agrees with Ryouma that final testing of Getter must be hastened to let them join up with the Taikuu Maryuu squad. There shouldn't be any complaints from the Far East Branch, who already have their hands full trying to beat back the subterranean menace...and since Miwa seemingly doesn't care about Shin Getter. Saotome really hopes that you don't have to use Shin Getter against the Kyouryuu, since it's power still far exceeds your control - which is why it's been sealed away at a DIFFERENT location. Fortunately, the improvements made to Getter-1 should be more than adequate to face the current troubles. Those modifications had been made at the Kami lab, and the upgraded Getter should be dropped off at any moment... Saotome muses over the Far East Branch's failure to pinpoint the location of Machineland, which Ryouma figures only someone of Tetsuya's caliber could manage. In any event, _this_ time the score must be settled with the Mikeene and the Kyouryuu once and for all. In fact, the guest come to meet Ryouma is none other than his father, Ryousaku. As indicated in the letter he sent, Ryou's mother is sick, and his father tells him to return immediately to Kyuushuu to help out with the school. He's even taken the liberty of filling in all the school transfer paperwork for Ryou. Ryou is in fact worried about his mother, and believes he should return for a while, but says that he can't at the moment. He hesitates to tell his father what he's actually been up to all this time at the lab instead of attending to his studies. This man, a teacher and kendou master, is clearly not someone to be trifled with. Fortunately, Saotome plans to try to persuade Ryou's father, noting that things would be _bad_ without a pilot for the Dragon. He informs Hayato that his sister has arrived. The two are glad to see each other, though things quickly turn sour when the subject of their father comes up. Asuka intuits that Hayato hasn't forgiven their father for "causing their mother's death", without dying himself. She points out to Hayato that their father too is exerting himself to the fullest with his work on Getter research for the sake of world peace. After a pause, Hayato tells his sister that he expects to have to leave in a day or so, but asks her to stay in the meantime. Saotome is showing Getter Robo to Ryousaku, explaining that Ryou has become its fabulous pilot. It appears that Ryousaku has grasped the value of Saotome's work, telling him to keep up the good work defending the world while he continues working with the children. Unfortunately, he still wants to take Ryou home with him, saying that Ryou should leave the rest up to all the wonderful people working at this lab. He tells the flabbergasted Saotome that raising the next generation is every bit as important as defending the world - and he wants to teach the importance of teachers to Ryou. He informs Saotome that he'll take his son home by any means necessary... Unfortunately, it seems that Asuka is under Zanki's thrall. He tells her to go to the Photon Power Lab and plant two of the Zero timebombs: one on Getter Robo and one the lab itself. After all, that's why Zanki captured her... Ryou has in fact gotten carted off by his father. Saotome hadn't expected the old man to be so stubborn, and figures that convincing him will take time... plus there's the matter of Ryou's ill mother to consider. Hayato is confident Ryou will be back in short order. In the meantime, the three remaining Getter pilots will just have to pilot Getter Dragon. And in fact they'll have to do so right now, since a bunch of Megazauruses are on the inbounds. Saotome orders the tests going on to be scrubbed and has the three of them launch. Hayato hasn't seen these bozos in a while, though Zanki announces himself as the Kyouryuu Empire's Amazing Guy. Given that all the enemies are ground- based, Hayato has decided to keep Getter in Raigar mode... which is also good since Musashi isn't used to piloting Dragon mode. Zanki figures that you're playing right into his strategy, which Hayato is surprised to learn a mere lizard could even concoct. Zanki recognizes Asuka's brother (startling Hayato), and tells him that he's about to lose the ability to run his big mouth. Just then Hayato's machine blows up, followed in short order by the laboratory itself. Ryou sees the blast, and stands up to his father's insistence that he no longer has anything to do with the people of the lab. He tells his father that while studying is important, without peace the children won't even be able to study properly. Ryou figures that creating such a world is his duty! Just then the transport plane comes in, landing nearby... Michiru can't contact the lab, and a shaken Hayato reports that Raigar can no longer transform. Zanki asks Hayato how he likes the taste of his sister's bombs, and gleefully recounts how he hypnotized Asuka to do the deed. Furthermore, he explains that he chose terrestrial machines to attack with so that Raigar would be the form that emerged, and got stuck - Raigar, the weakest Getter form in terms of attack power. This means easy pickings for Zen #2. Or not, according to Hayato, figuring that this is about the best strategy a lizard could concoct. He says that Zanki should have just blown Raigar completely away with the Zeros, but Zanki counters that his victory will be even more complete if he can bring back Hayato's head intact. Time to prove how fatal that kind of greed can be. Take down Zanki within six turns for a Skill Point. Zanki tells Hayato that he can't win against the overwhelming numbers facing him, and tells him to just stick out his head to be cut off already. Hayato tries to tell the others to get off, so that in case something happens to him they can reform the Getter Team with Ryou, but neither of the others are willing to abandon their teammate. Ryou figures that that's the spirit, and shows up in Black Getter, newly back from Hayato's father making modifications to it. When Ryou fights Zanki, he vows to demonstrate to both him and his father how important it is to fight to save the world. The cavalry arrives the following round. Zanki figures this is a chance for even greater glory for him, but Kouji points out that all that'll actually happen is that he's about to get demoted. Among other things, the Combattler crew notice that the Zen #2 has been deliberately modified so that it can't fly - what kind of idiot would do that? Zanki is worth a Solar Panel. He vows to not give up, even as he turns tail and flees. Saotome is, happily, unharmed even though the lab took quite a beating. If this mess has a silver lining, it's in the fact that there were few wounded, and that Shin Getter isn't in the area. Unfortunately, Raigar isn't likely to be fixable any time soon. Asuka tries to apologize for this, but Hayato smiles and tells her that it's not her fault. Saotome sets about contacting Kami, both to thank him for his work on Black Getter and in the hopes of keeping Asuka here for a while. The bad news is that the Getter Team now can't rendezvous with the Taikuu Maryuu squad, but the good news is that Ryou and Black Getter can. He's sure that his father will understand if he doesn't return to Kyuushuu for a while. Said father is already gone, having left Ryou a letter. In it, his father writes that he left early rather than face the prospect of a shouting match. He tells Ryou that he'll look after Ryou's mother, and instructs Ryou to travel the path he believes is right. Ryou vows to return home after fighting alongside his comrades of the Taikuu Maryuu squad... Zanki still harbors dreams of grandeur, even after all the disgrace he's brought upon himself. Over Bat's objections, Goll decides to let Zanki off the hook this time for at least badly damaging the Saotome lab. Bat reports that things are proceeding smoothly for setting up a forward base beneath Japan, and Goll orders Radora to lure the Taikuu Maryuu there and wipe them out, sacrificing the base itself if need be. Goll tells him that if he succeeds, he'll receive glory - and if he fails, he'll be executed. You get a Propellant Tank, a Cartridge, and a Repair Kit. Stage 9. Kodai no Onryou ("Ancient Ghosts") Sakon is explaining that the Taikuu Maryuu is designed to be the ultimate battleship for fighting the subterranean and alien bad guys. It's got nuclear power as well as Photon Power and Ultramagnetic drive - it's capable of every sort of transportation, combat, and sublight travel. Ryou wonders why it looks somewhat like a Megazaurus, as Musashi thought when he first saw it. Sakon hadn't thought of that, and Sanshirou figures that its form is probably a ploy by Daimoji to strike fear into the hearts of opponents. In any event, given that the Far East has so many different, unique mecha, the Taikuu Maryuu was designed to be able to carry them all. Clearly, ships like the Ral Kairam (designed for Mobile Suit use) wouldn't fill the bill, and a certain ship with an entire city inside is now somewhere far out in space. More surprising yet is Orphan, itself supposedly a spaceship roughly the size of Shizuoka Prefecture [equal to the 2.5th smallest state in the U.S.]. Yuu walks in on the conversation and says that it's Organic Energy that lets something that enormous fly. This is energy that comes from living beings, and Orphan itself could be said to be alive: it can eliminate pathogens, and there are fish that it eats as food. It is, in effect, a living Machineland... and also the greatest threat to life on Earth right not, not the Subterraneans or alien invaders. Ever since it landed, the Earth was fated according to Yuu to become a dead planet, all its Organic Energy used up. The problem is that it's not a simple matter of wrecking Orphan: even the Reclaimers have no idea what might happen as a result. Sakon appreciates this abrupt speech of Yuu's for what it is: a warning not to fight with the Reclaimers unawares... Just then an emergency transmission comes in from Great Mazinger. He seems to have found the bait about the Kyouryuu Base being built beneath Kyuushuu, and thought to warn Daimoji before informing Miwa. Daimoji intends to hurry to the scene, and Tetsuya figures that he and Jun will wipe out the bad guys before Daimoji even arrives. Daimoji yells at him to wait, but Tetsuya isn't to be dissuaded. Pete is not impressed with the ability of Lond Bel members to follow orders, and the Taikuu Maryuu rushes to the scene... Radora is glad to see your guys showing up right on schedule, and an underling tells him that the timer has been set. Tetsuya isn't surprised to see this big ass base here, since the Kyouryuu have had some time since their previous defeat to build. Of course, he plans to wreck the whole thing now that he's found it. On round 1.5, Radora urges your dudes to show up and give their lives for his glory. However, the newcomers who appear aren't the Taikuu Maryuu! Mimashi notes that quite a few different people have popped up during his people's slumber. And apparently have the temerity to invade their holy precincts. Mimashi decides to test your people's strength before reporting this to Empress Himika. Radora tells his underlings to focus on the Taikuu Maryuu - there's no call to cross swords with these newcomers, especially since all of them will get immersed in magma anyway. Tetsuya figures he can't turn tail now, and plans to take _all_ the bad guys on. Mimashi tells him to bring it on, and to burn the name Great Jama Empire into his heart. For a Skill Point, you must make the Genma Yousai Yamato-no-Orochi retreat within four turns (by reducing it to 7000 or less). Your dudes show up on turn two, not really able to blame Tetsuya for wanting to get started on this fight early (especially in the interest of keeping Miwa out of it). Mimashi recognizes the Choukijin, and various members of your dudes ponder what this new, ancient subterranean foe might portend. It turns out that these are indeed the folks behind all the earthquakes happening lately: they're the proof of the revival of Empress Himika. They also claim that they want to take the world back from the humans, and return it to being their homeland. By excellent play, you can _shoot_down_ the Yamato-no-Orochi instead of just repulsing it - it's worth a Magnetic Coating and the warm fuzzy feeling that comes eviscerating your worst high school enemy in front of the entire school _and_ avoiding prosecution on a plausible self-defense plea. Mimashi will be, in a word, *peeved*. In any case, you can't pursue him as he runs away - taking out the Kyouryuu base comes first. Radora is worth a Hybrid Armor. He tells you however that he won't simply go down in defeat - why do you all think he lured you here? Looks like Radora has found glory in death: the "two choices in one" that Goll offered him. That is unless you had Ryou deal the final blow, in which case Radora is _prepared_ to give his life, but Ryou lets him (more like yells at him to) go. Either way, geysers of magma begin to fountain up - everyone now has four turns to exit the map. Kiry asks Shingo to hurry - he really doesn't feel like becoming fried chicken here. LET ME REPEAT: YOU HAVE FOUR TURNS TO REACH THE EDGE OF THE MAP FROM RADORA'S DEATH. MAKE SURE YOUR SLOW UNITS AREN'T STRANDED UNLESS YOU RELISH REPLAYING THIS MAP! Your people manage to use the Freeze Rays to stop the magma from welling up with no effects on the surface. Pete chalks the enemy's willingness to sacrifice an entire base to how desperate they are - meaning that if your people don't use their own heads, they'll end up worse than burned. If you shot down Radora with Ryou, Pete then takes him to task for not finishing the job, saying that that cold-blooded reptile will surely forget about Ryou sparing his life right away. Ryou knows this, yet still couldn't muster the desire to kill him, after Radora had lost all ability to fight. Pete finds this sort of thinking incredibly naive, pointing out that it was Radora who nearly killed you all. Tetsuya intervenes, saying that it's also his responsibility for rushing in heedless of the trap and getting everyone into this mess in the first place. Tetsuya is prepared for any sort of punishment, on the condition that Pete cease his criticism of Ryou. Pete plans to hold him to that, and tells Sanshirou that he's speaking out of concern for keeping the crew of his ship out of danger. Daimoji steps in at this point, quoting the principle of "hate the sin, not the sinner". The upshot of the battle has sent matters in a good direction; therefore, he doesn't plan on holding Ryou or Tetsuya responsible - which Pete accedes to. The real problem is that the Kyouryuu are moving faster than your people expected - Ryou says that you've got to find Machineland as quickly as possible. Oh, and there's the Jama folks to worry about, plus the heretofore unseen Mikeene menace. The Subterraneans have far more warpower than you all thought... Goll is furious at Radora's failure, saying that he seems to have chosen death over glory. Radora asks him to wait, saying that he feels his fight isn't finished due to being forced to retreat. Goll agrees to give him one last chance, telling him to withdraw and wait for his next audience. Goll figures that there are any number of ways to use Radora's resolve. Gallery has deduced that the Jama were some power in the ancient days of Japan, and Goll figures that they, like his people, have awakened from a long slumber to try to take over the world. Gallery wonders what should be done about them, especially since the Mikeene are beginning to act as well. Goll tells Gallery to merely continue his investigations - eliminating the monkeys in Japan comes first. He figures that the control of the underworld will fall to whoever acts fastest, and hopes that the Mikeene and Jama take their good sweet time. Stage 10. Hiroshi yo Tate! Yuu is quite disconcerted at first to find out that the Brains like being brushed. He thinks to himself that his Brain is opening its heart too easily to these kids - he figures he's only here because he has no other choice. Hime tells him not to sweat it, and then yells at him not to get so close to her: she doesn't want to be kissed again. The kids are amazed to hear the word "kiss", but Yuu says that all he did is "greet" her, which Hime quickly agrees to. Hime asks if Yuu and his Brain are used to the ship - Yuu again tries to insist that he's not here to get "used to" being here. Hime can't stand how all guys seem to have such trouble being honest, and asks Irui to back her. Yuu senses something unusual about this girl, and Irui thanks the other kids for treating her so nicely. Irui tries to get Yuu and Hime to stop quarreling, seeming almost like a normal child... could it be that Kusuha imagined her predicting the tidal wave? The GGG people then start puzzling over these mysterious Jama Empire folks, apparently a different threat than the reptiles and the Mikeene. Taiga isn't entirely pleased to hear of a new enemy at this stage of the game, and asks Yasunishi if she knows anything about these folks. She figures that Shiba knows more than she does, and remembers him publishing a paper about a culture with similarities to the Jama. Shiba has apparently been dreading this, but can avoid it no longer. He bids farewell to Shishiou and plans to head back to Buildbase to check up on something concerning the Jama Empire. He declines escort, saying that he'll be meeting someone partway along the trip. Along that trip, Shiba runs into a mysterious figure, Ikima, who figures Shiba should know who he is: one of the three top commanders of Himika's army. He wants Shiba to show him the location of the bronze bell which Shiba professes no knowledge of. This item is indispensable to the revival of the Jama, and to their domination of the entire world. Shiba plans not to reveal its location even if it means his death, in order to defend the world's peace. As Ikima gives Shiba his last chance, something unintelligible happens that causes Ikima and his lackeys to withdraw and head for Buildbase. Mitchi sees the car drive off, but of course the professor isn't in good shape... Back at the ranch, Shiba's family is waiting for his arrival. His son Hiroshi doesn't seem to believe in his father's word very much, saying that his father values his research over his family. Just then Mitchi hurries in with Shiba in tow, badly injured. Shiba stops Mitchi from calling a doctor, saying that he's beyond aide. With his final words, he gives Hiroshi a glove and a pendant, but can't manage to tell him what their significance is. Just then Dairi calls in, saying that the Buildbase is under attack. Shiba had foreseen this, and he tells Mitchi to grab Hiroshi and head there immediately. Hiroshi wants to know whose this "Jama Empire" is, and whether they're the ones who killed his father. Mitchi says she doesn't have time to explain what's going on, and Hiroshi doesn't want to go to the place where his father does his research... He runs off, and Dairi tells Mitchi to head back herself while he readies the Big Shooter. Hiroshi is more than furious with his father for dying and giving him the glove and pendant, but his father's voice comes to him, telling him clearly to go to Buildbase. Dairi launches the Big Shooter, telling Mitchi to keep the Haniwa Gennin away from it. On turn two, Ikima works on pressing the assault on the base. He then sees Hiroshi heading towards it, and has his troops blast him. Miraculously, Hiroshi is okay, and Ikima orders his people to attack again. Hiroshi is damned if he'll die without knowing what's going on, and a vision of his father appears, telling him to put his hands together and shout "Koutetsu Jeeg!", at which point that's what he'll turn into. Hiroshi wants to know what the hell is going on around here, but Shiba tells him to obey unless he wants to see his mother and sisters fall to the Jama as well. He turns into Jeeg, and Mitchi reminds him that he can only be at full power when he's supported by Jeeg Parts from Big Shooter: don't stray outside its radius. Once you wipe out the initial enemies, Ikima gets pissed and vows to wipe out Build Base with his Yamata no Orochi. Hiroshi wants to know how to fight all these enemies, but his father tells him not to spout such weak stuff - from now on, he's got to live as a warrior. He's tired of being lectured, but Dairi says that Buildbase can withstand a certain degree of enemy attack - all you've got to do is take out the enemy before the base is destroyed completely. For the Skill Point, destroy all other enemies before the Yamata no Orochi. Reinforcements arrive on the next round. As your people unhappily recognize the Jama forces, Kouji wonders why they've come all the way here - could it be they want something inside of Buildbase? Hiroshi is plainly unhappy to see your forces here, and rapidly gets into an argument with Hyouma. He apparently figures he can take out these enemies on his own... Ikima is worth a Study-type Computer. However, after Ikima pulls out, Kusuha detects something else coming: it's the Ko-Ou-Ki! Moreover, it's being driven by Britto! He confesses to carrying out all the attacks on her to this point, but says that he's just trying to bring the Ryuu-Jin-Ki back, not fight with the rest of your guys. Ryou asks what's been happening to Britto in all the intervening time - well, doesn't seem to be suffering from amnesia, since he remembers fighting alongside you all before. He repeats his claim that he's trying to save the world by bringing Kusuha and the Ryuu-Jin-Ki to his lord (here he begins to sound somewhat mechanical). Worse, he seems to almost be able to mind control Kusuha until Irui intervenes. She pleads with Britto not to take her away, and he flees. Just what is going on around here? After the usual exchange of thanks for the help in battle amongst the scientists, Hiroshi is still curt and wants to know what the hell is going on. To explain, Dairi shows Hiroshi to a computer that Shiba put all his memories into in case something should ever happen to him. It all started 25 years ago, when he deciphered the ancient writing on the bronze bell and something terrible happened. Once Japan was ruled by the Jama empire, whose Empress Himika ruled using alternate-dimensional technology. The bronze bell foretold Himika's revival after a thousand and several hundred years of sleep, to try once again to rule Japan. To oppose this plan, Buildbase was created. Unfortunately, Hiroshi is still critical of his father, and plans to protect his family and let the rest of the crew protect the world. His mother interrupts him, telling him that his contrariness towards his father is making him lose sight of what he should do - and he's using his family as a mere excuse. Hiroshi is beginning to listen, and his father tells him to join the Taikuu Maryuu and fight to save the world and so forth. Hiroshi's family will move to Buildbase, which should be save since the bronze bell the bad guys are searching for won't be there. Shiba can't tell Hiroshi why the bad guys want the bronze bell, saying that he'll eventually understand and that it would be meaningless to him now. Hiroshi isn't happy about his father's words, but plans to fight for the sake of his family anyway. It's not clear that Britto has become your enemy per se, though he may still be under someone's control. The question is, who the "lord" is that made the Choukijin or whatnot. Kusuha is glad that Britto at least remembers her... Or not. Irui tells her not to cry, though she's not sure precisely how she saved Kusuha. Remy tells Kusuha that occasionally men feel a need to be away from their women, so the next time she sees him she should just slap him and bring him back... and she'll help. Himika vents her fury for Ikima's failure upon him for a while. It turns out that there's a secret on the tablet that will let them revive the Lord of the Underworld, the best way for them to take over the world: a monster that will lead everything to ruin. Himika commands her commanders to find out where the bronze bell is, and put the fear of death into anyone standing in their way... You get two Thruster Modules, a Propellant Tank, a Cartridge, a Repair Kit, and an OVA's Croquette. Stage 11. G Dakkai Sakusen Miwa is shocked at news from Adenauer, passed along from Staff HQ on the Kreuz base on Mars - Daimoji appears to have been right all along. As a result, Adenauer wants the Taikuu Maryuu to be sent his way, causing Miwa to doubt his sanity and point out that it's an obvious trap. Adenauer says that Staff HQ has already handed down this decision, saying that careless action when there's so little information should be avoided. Miwa favors simply charging in and wiping out these "obvious" invaders, though Adenauer points out that they've attempted to open negotiations - does Miwa really want another Balmar war? Miwa counters that Staff HQ are the ones who didn't learn from the war, but Adenauer says that whatever the aliens' objectives are it's necessary to stall for time. Miwa heatedly tells Adenauer to send the Lond Bel to Mars instead, but he replies that the Taikuu Maryuu is the only ship capable of reaching Mars in a short amount of time. Besides, the Lond Bel are busy with the remnants of the Neo Jion, who seem to be acting up lately. To soften the blow to the anti-Subterranean activity, Adenauer will send the Hejim squad as replacements. Miwa doesn't seem to regard aliens as anything but the enemy... Meanwhile, eminent scientists from throughout the Federation are meeting for the first time since the Balmar War, joined by Riliina. They've all been sent with the Taikuu Maryuu as representatives of the Earth in meeting with the new aliens on Mars. According to Preventer information, these folks call themselves Barmians - not a planet that any of your people have heard of before. It's unclear whether these are the same aliens you've crossed swords with, and Riliina figures their objective in coming to the Solar System won't be clear until you talk to them in person. Sending these three people was a mutual decision by the Federation government and the military staff HQ, and even Miwa apparently caved in to the request in time. Daimoji is willing to undertake the journey when he hears that GMs are being sent to replace his forces. Your pilots mull these new developments. Tetsuya mentions the possibility that these negotiations are trap, which would fit with the daunting array of firepower (Voltes, Daitarn-3, etc.) already on Mars. Yuu wants to know why the aliens have come all the way out here, and is rather doubtful they simply want to be friends. Hime isn't so sure, saying that in this wide universe there may well be some aliens who are simply lonely. This is an interesting viewpoint (if optimistic). As for what to do about Orphan in the interim, the Novus Noa is still around, plus whatever help the Federation may or may not be willing to provide. At least Yuu figures that the Brains should function in space, since they're already capable of shielding themselves against the pressures of the deep sea - plus, if Orphan really is a space ship, it's all the more likely that they can work in space. Boz points out that if worse comes to worse they can just wear space suits. Your people are approaching one of the Lagrange points, and Daimoji has everyone on alert against possible Neo Jion attack. Hyouma wonders if Camille is doing okay at Londinion - your people haven't seen him since "that incident". Just then someone codenamed "Prince of the Beach" contacts you, asking to come alongside. This is the code for Quatre, and Daimoji has him come aboard. It seems Duo is with him - it's rare to see them acting in concert. Trowa is there too, saying that they'd all been sent to scout out some Neo Jion activities. Wufei is there too, but apparently Hiiro is not. Remy likes all the bishounen who've just joined the party, making Shingo faintly envious. When Hachirou says that he's having a good time, Shingo warns him of the dangers on Mars of Meganoid revolts and alien attack. This could get ugly, but at least Remy has a chance to do some serious macking on the G Boys. Hiiro is apparently missing, which might have something to do with the fact that the G Boys had their Gundams _stolen_ by Neo Jion survivors. It seems that although the Gundams were launched toward the sun after the Balmar War. Nobody outside the Preventers knew of this plan, much less had the wherewithal to pick them up. Rasheed explains that his men followed the block containing the Gundams on Quatre's orders, but found no Gundams inside it. When Quatre started to investigate the Junk House and other pirates, he got a strange message from an anonymous sender, detailing the route Neo Jion was using to transport the Gundams. This seems like an obvious ploy to lure the Gundam pilots into a trap, but Hiiro is probably off tracking the Gundams down on his own... The worrisome part is how the Neo-Jion knew about the garbage block containing the Gundams... odds are good that there's a mole in the Preventers. Actually, Quatre would have preferred that to what his investigation turned up: the Neo- Jion have a new leader: Mineva Zabi, or rather Hamarn Kahn. Or so Quatre thought at first, but something seems different than the previous Neo-Jion activities. It couldn't be Anavel Gatou, since he didn't know about the Gundams... that leaves only one possibility, which Quatre really hopes is wrong. To find out one way or the other, the G Boys want to try jumping into the trap and getting their Gundams back. Daimoji quickly decides to help them out, since it's on the way and since the Gundams would be a big addition to your warpower. Cima is certainly surprised to see your people, and hardly pleased either. She can guess who leaked her whereabouts to the Federation. It looks like the information Quatre received was accurate so far - now to see if they've actually got your Gundams. Quatre is pretty confident that whoever sent the information wouldn't yank their chain about that... Pete tells Quatre to contact the enemy Musaka within three turns, lest enemy reinforcements appear. Get the G Boys to the Musaka 2 within three turns. As the G Boys try to break into the cargo hold a bunch of Jion mecha appear and surround them. Worse, more enemies appear and surround your entire crew... lead by Zechs in the Tallgeese III. He deflects Cima's question about whether it was he who leaked the Gundams' whereabouts, and Cima is willing to accept his help in this battle regardless, since his presence here has to be on orders from Above. Cima in fact retreats, leaving your people to try to rescue Quatre and the others... until a MS-sized object approaches rapidly from outer space, and wipes out a bunch of the enemies with a long-range beam. There's only one person who could do that, and he pilots an angel-like Gundam. The Goshogun pilots thank their lucky stars that Bundorl isn't around to see this flashy machine. It is in fact Hiiro, who stole his own Gundam back before the others were sent away. Hiiro realized Zechs' treachery right after Zechs disappeared on Mars. After all, there are only two people not actively in the Preventers who knew of the plan: one was Zechs... and the other is... In any case, the G Boys are back in action. Zechs feels no reason to explain why he's on the Jion side, and says that its time for both the G Boys and their Gundams to leave the stage now. Duo points out that they just _took_ the stage, and according to Zechs' script no less. Hiiro doesn't care if Zechs doesn't answer, but if Zechs plans on getting in the way, he'll Kill Him(tm). Zechs asks if the Zero has shown Hiiro Zechs' future, and Hiiro says there's no need to even ask - the future of those who would plunge the Earth Sphere into chaos is foreordained. Zechs cautions that his actions now are according to his own will - Hiiro shouldn't hold back. For a Skill Point, take down Zechs, who flees at 2000 HP. Zechs is worth a Large Generator. If you have him talk to Duo, Duo says that he's the true Grim Reaper to those who would betray him. Zechs replies that he's now known as the "Lightning Count", and that he won't lay down his life so easily. Zechs compliments your people on their victory, and withdraws. Surely this is no ordinary betrayal - there must be some reason behind it. Well, you _did_ get the Gundams back, though it's an open question whether Zechs leaked the information, or... Hiiro explains that he didn't grab the other Gundams because he judged that he could make it back to the Earth Sphere fastest if he only took the Wing Zero. Trowa is impressed with Hiiro's logicalness, and the G Boys can't really quarrel amongst themselves for long. The bigger problem is Zechs, who's gone back over to the bad guys' side. Quatre is positive that Zechs is the one who leaked the information... but he senses that someone else is involved as well. Hiiro wonders if Riliina knows of all this, and she walks in and says that she foresaw it all. Hiiro seems satisfied that nothing bad has happened to her, and she says that while she's sure her brother has something in mind, she doesn't have time to worry right now about what. She's got to fulfill her duties as representative and attempt to guide talks with the Barmians in a good direction. Hiiro vows to accompany her to Mars and protect her, saying that if her brother should stand in their way he'll be sure to be the one to defeat him. Boz's crew all have to wear spacesuits, since the Borot is _absolutely_ non- airtight. Of course, the same can be said of Diana, which has a _bike_ for a cockpit. As Boz and Diana bicker, Hiroshi realizes that he didn't need a spacesuit at all. Even with the Jeeg transformation and all, he wonders if he's somehow different from the rest of your crew... With all preparations complete, the Taikuu Maryuu heads off for Mars. Stage 12. Gunjin ga Wazawai wo Yobu ("The God of War Summons Misfortune") Your people have just made it safely to Mars orbit. There's a large artificial object ahead - apparently the Barmian spaceship. This thing is larger than a Space Colony, and capable of interstellar travel... and if it also serves as a battle station, it seems that the Barmians have _very_ high technology. Just then something heads your way: Daitarn-3! Your comrades are fine but very busy, and Banjou leads you to the Kreuz base. There, Noin is very surprised to hear of Zechs' defection. Lady Un knows nothing of what might have precipitated it, though Noin has some idea. Quatre figures that "that person" was responsible for the Gundams being findable, and doubts that Zechs simplemindedly betrayed you. Noin says this is just like Zechs, who must have some duty important enough to keep him from saying plainly what he's up to. She's planning on waiting until the time is ripe for him to fess up, the way he always works. Lady Un tells Quatre not to worry about it more than necessary since the peace talks come first... and those talks are slated to begin in five hours, here in the Kreuz bass. From casual inspection, it appears that the Barmians have numerous mobile weapons: Mars probably would have fallen had the Barmians chosen to attack. Said Barmians haven't done anything since arriving in orbit except routine surveillance - they haven't done anything concrete to indicate an intention to invade, which is promising. Still, even without the previous war as an example there are numerous hurdles to overcome before the peoples of two different planets can join hands. And at least the aliens started by requesting the meeting... It seems Mars recovery has been a high priority since the previous war, and with the terraforming in progress the first wave of genuine colonists is already here. The various girls on the crew get reacquainted and start the guy gossip in earnest, as well as some newcomers from Deimovic, the base that Yotsuya was working on: Ryuuzaki Kazuya, space pilot and karate expert; his "sister" Nana; and Yogetsu Kyoushirou, some guy who got stuck with them. It turns out that Kazuya is Ryuuzaki Yuu's son, and Kyoushirou suggests that Kazuya have a look at the rumored Deimos before the conference starts. Garrison then returns, saying that there's no sign of anyone approaching within 100 km in any direction of "their" destroyed base. Unfortunately, it was the same the previous time with "them"... and given that the Jupiterians are still alive, "they" may be too... Ken'ichi is glad to see his father again, though his mother is still back at Deimovic helping Hamaguchi and Yotsuya research Deimolite. It seems that Deimos itself is in very good order thanks to help from a bunch of the folks stationed here. Kazuya is also glad to see his father, and just to be on the safe side wants him to check out the Deimolite power regulator. Just then Tobia comes in, impressed with the huge "trailer" he sees. It turns out he's a Mechanical Engineering student member of the colonists. Kyoushirou seems genuinely impressed with this kid's guts, coming all the way out to a distant colony like this. Tobia's got a lot of love for life on the frontier, saying that he _really_ wanted to go to Jupiter, but that's been incommunicado since the last war. Just then Kalas shows up, asking Tobia if preparations are complete for moving the solar panel in hangar four. This somewhat sinister figure calmly introduces himself as one of the instructors, and gently reminds Tobia that interrupting work isn't a good thing. As the two of them withdraw, Kyoushirou notes that Kalas hid his presence as he approached: this is no mere instructor... Kouji is getting tense in this atmosphere, like unto that before a big school test. Hiroshi rather bluntly puts a stop to the attempted levity, saying that this whole thing is obviously a trap by the aliens. Ryou asks him why he thinks that, and Hiroshi says that with the huge enemy fortress right overhead, the enemy could attack any time they felt like it. Ryou counters that had the aliens wished to attack, they would presumably have done it from the outset. Hiroshi says that car races aren't necessarily won by driving flat out right from the start, and figures that the aliens are scoping your people out: when they get their chance, they'll strike without warning. Pete realizes he was thinking the same thing, and Daimoji orders everyone to level one battle stations. All preparations are complete, and all you have to wait for now is the Barm representative to show up. The Barm send over a shuttle, and Daimoji hopes everything goes smoothly... It seems Rion, the Barm representative, is looking for someone to take in a *billion* of his countrymen who are currently in artificial hibernation aboard his ship. Kentarou understands this, but says that accommodating all those people on the Earth would prove quite difficult. Rihitel demands to know if that constitutes a rejection, but Rion tells his son to mind his manners during these negotiations. Kentarou explains that not all humans are of one mind, and not everyone would be willing to openly accept these newcomers. Rihitel is surprised to hear that the "ruling classes" on Earth are weak enough to permit that kind of dissent, and Kentarou can do nothing but agree. Rihitel has heard enough, and tells his father that such imperfect beings aren't fit to share the same table with his people. Geroiyar agrees, but Rion tells his people not to force their problems onto the Earthlings. Rion tells the Earth delegation that he hopes for some kind of resolution to this, and is prepared to wait while both sides work to bridge their differences. AND is prepared to withdraw entirely should this prove infeasible. Rihitel is inwardly fuming that his father would be willing to continue his people's life of drifting, but Yuu opines that the Earthlings should accept the request now. Obviously your people can't solve the acceptance question in the short term, but he says that it ought to be possible to direct the military and government in the proper direction over time. And he thinks: why does mankind hold such limitless dreams about the universe, if not to make contact with others like the Barmians? Now that they're _here_, it would be only proper to stretch forth your hands to them. Kentarou tells a grateful Rion that the Federation government will require some time to officially approve the move, given the unfortunate past history of alien attack. Riliina pledges that these representatives will do their utmost to press the Barmians' case, and Rion praises the god of his people that such a hospitable place as this Earth lay at the end of his people's long, long journey. While Riliina and friends go to contact the government, they offer the Barmians a chance to rest and Earth food, though Kentarou isn't sure it will agree with the Barmians' palette. Geroiyar is "glad" to hear that his people have been saved, and chuckles as he offers his king a glass to drink from. Rion falls immediately unconscious, and Geroiyar hastily accuses the Earthlings of poisoning him. An enraged Rihitel starts blasting away, shouting out that the Earthlings won't escape alive from this. Yuu gets shot, but Hiiro protects Riliina and tells her to run away. The conference is nearing its scheduled ending when a huge explosion rocks the conference hall. Hiiro radios in, saying that someone has poisoned Rion and that he's in combat with the Barmians, though he's managed to protect Riliina and Kentarou. Kazuya wants to know what became of Yuu, and when Hiiro won't tell him he bursts out in Deimos to search for him himself. Just then, vast numbers of Barmians show up to protect Rihitel, who announces himself to all the foolish humans who assassinated his father. Your people obviously don't buy that your peaceloving delegates tried to assassinate anybody, and Rihitel says that he executed Yuu in the name of justice. And that won't stop here: your people are about to feel the full brunt of Barm's fury and grief. Kazuya has some grief of his own, and tells the Barmians that THEY are the ones who won't walk away from this alive. Daimoji, with no other choice to protect the colonists and base personell, orders your people to sortie. Looks like Shingo's misgivings were right on - jinx's really suck, as Remy knows firsthand. The Goshogun crew notices that the enemy got here _awfully_ fast, as though they _expected_ this to happen... or else had it planned this way from the start. The Voltes Team recognizes someone on the bad guys side: Bergan in his Scarlook: a Boazan military machine. Looks like the Boazan survivors have hooked up with the Barm... or perhaps these are new folks from the Boazan homeworld, according to Ken'ichi's and his brother's stories. With the Arrowgater hold over the Boazan homeworld broken, there's no telling what they may be up to now. Wipe out all enemies within seven turns for a Skill Point. Good players should be able to do it in as few as four. ^_- On turn 1.5, Desmond grudgingly admires Geroiyar's plan. Dangel figures that they merely need leave it up to the Barmians and Boazans. Desmond decides to withdraw and report to Emperor Darius that the plan has succeeded. Pete restrains Sanshirou from following, since you've got to buy time here for forming real battle plans. Banjou figures out fast that talking to Rihitel will accomplish nothing, and Kazuya's insistence that his father would never have tried anything like assassination doesn't pan out either. And he won't tell Ken'ichi why the Boazan are fighting by his side. Rihitel is worth a Multisensor. He vows to take revenge on you for his father's death sooner or later. On turn three, Daimoji is in the process of pulling all the colonists and noncombattants out of Mars, followed by your personell. Kazuya doesn't want to just leave, saying that it would make his father's death meaningless and that he hates just running from Mars. Banjou has been there, done that, and bought the T-shirt, and tells him that what's important now is to stay alive and let the people on Earth know what happened here. As he is accepting this bitter pill, he discovers a girl collapsed in the residential section. She's unconscious, and he has no choice but to take her inside Deimos. Bergan is worth a Chobham Armor. He grudgingly admits how strong you all are, but says that now that his objective is fulfilled, there's no more point in fighting you all. After the battle, your people immediately depart Mars. There's no trace of pursuit from "Little Barm", so it looks like you should be able to break away cleanly. At least you were able to save all the colonists and staff from the base... That's scant consolation considering that another war just like the previous one seems about to start. Riliina is sad she couldn't do anything to prevent the fighting, but Sakon points out that it's not her fault - there is some evil plot behind this, especially given the speed with which the Barm deployed their troops. And whatever this plot is, Rion was presumably unaware of it. It's also suspicious that the Boazan were somehow involved. In fact, there looked like at least three distinct cultures at work on the bad guys' side: Barm, Boazan, and some _other_ heretofor unknown culture whose mecha are totally different than the Balmar. Under these circumstances, Daimoji's only available course of action is to return to Earth and regroup. Olban is addressing the troops, pledging to take revenge on the Earthlings for murdering Rion and to colonize the Earth according to Rion's wishes. Plus, the Zaylans are there to help them: there's nothing whatsoever to fear! Olban has made Rihitel general, and has him order the troops forward. The lives of one billion people are riding on this. This looks like it's gonna get ugly... Stage 13. Shinobiyoru Rinjin ("Neighbors Creeping Closer") Rihitel has just heard that his little sister Erika is missing. Balbas apologizes and says that she seems to have strayed outside during the meeting on Mars and gotten caught up in the fighting. Raiza figures that the Earthlings must have captured her, and Balbas figures that that means she should still be alive... but Rihitel the Short-Tempered tells him to shut up, demanding to know why Balbas even expects her to live longer in the hands of the miserable Earthlings. He's sure that Erika, a proud Barm woman, would have taken her own life rather than suffer the indignity of being captured by the humans. Rihitel orders Balbas to forget about his sister, but Margarette intercedes, asking if Rihitel really intends to abandon his only sister. Rihitel will hear none of it: his one and only great duty is the invasion of Earth. She finds this greatly lamentable, wondering how sad the late Rion would be at those words. She then asks how borrowing aide from unfathomed allies like the Zayla and Boazan constitutes "Barm pride", and Raiza tells her curtly that even though she's Rihitel and Erika's mother she's going too far. Rihitel claims to still be worried about Erika, but his duty comes first - and he trusts that Erika would understand that. Raiza reports that the Earthlings seem to be engaged in combat near their homeworld, which Rihitel sees as a good chance to attack. He orders Raiza to cooperate with Bergan and hasten readiness of the first invasion wave, and has Balbas pursue the Earthlings' ship. Margarette can only pray that Erika is alive and well... Lo and behold, Erika turns out to be the girl that Kazuya rescued (blossoming tragic romance alert!!) Wouldn't you know it, Erika has amnesia and can't remember much more than her name, but Kazuya stops her panic and tells her to rest easy and recuperate from the shock she's had. He tells her he'll be back to check on her later. He then has OVA look after her as he breaks the news of her condition to the others. Yuu, ever suspicious and observant, isn't necessarily buying the amnesia story. He points out that the Barmians sent more than just the negotiators to Mars, and there _was_ a lot of confusion when the fighting started: there's certainly no guarantee that this really is amnesia. Kyoushirou likes that idea, though all the colonists aren't accounted for yet... this pretty girl could be a Barm spy (after all, roses have thorns). The Goshogun team is about to start up the usual levity, but a distraught Kazuya seems very sure that Erika's no spy. He admits that he has no basis for saying so, but he just can't see her as a spy. Kyoushirou wonders if this is a case of "Love is Blind", and it takes Ken'ichi to stop a full-blown argument from breaking out - he points out that all you have to do is actually _investigate_ this girl to find out what she's about. Kazuya runs off, distraught both over this woman and over the loss of his father. Shingo points out that Erika _was_ discovered near the meeting hall, an area supposedly off-limits. Her clothing was clearly non-military, making it all the more suspicious. It's certainly true that Erika doesn't have the wings that other Barmians have, but Yuu points out that if those could somehow be removed the Barmians are indistinguishable from other humans. Hime wonders if Yuu is being too suspicious, but he says that when people are happy drawing class distinctions and discriminating by them, trust shouldn't be given lightly. And that goes double for aliens. Kazuya goes to see Erika, who hasn't changed much since the previous scene. As OVA goes back to hang out with Kenta, Kazuya gives Erika a present: a flower from the Taikuu Maryuu's gardens. Erika marvels at how pretty it is (and Kazuya does the same for how pretty she is). Kazuya says he's glad to finally see her smile, and while she's very touched by his kindness she sees a loneliness in his eyes. Kazuya admits that his father was killed on Mars, by the Barmians... and angrily says that he'll never forgive the Barmians who killed his peace-loving father as a treacher. He tells her that her amnesia is also a result of the Barmian attack, and he intends to fight and defeat them. Erika asks if that would truly make his father happy, saying that while she doesn't know the circumstances of his father's death, a _peace-loving_ father might not be overjoyed at the thought of revenge on his behalf. Kazuya, amazed, realizes that she's right on the money: in his rage he had almost lost sight of all his father's teachings. Erika apologizes for saying so much, but had been unable to bear the sight of the sadness in Kazuya's eyes. Kazuya thanks her instead, saying that he feels as though her words opened his eyes - of course his father wouldn't approve of him fighting for revenge. Being with her has made him feel honest with himself for the first time in his life, and Erika inwardly feels the same about him. Very odd feelings to be sure... Riliina is explaining to Daimoji that Rion's death was clearly a plot from the Barm side: the Earthlings have no reason whatsoever to pull something like that. And the only one with the opportunity to actually poison the drink were the Barm delegates. Meaning that whoever the plotters are simply used the conference as an excuse to foment the war. It would be quite reasonable to assume that there are Barmians opposed to peace talks in the same way that Miwa is... Unfortunately, a nearby Jupiter fleet transport ship has just come under fire from the Barm - and all ships are supposed to be staying away from Mars airspace. Daimoji can't ignore the call for aide, and Pete orders all noncombattants into the central block in preparation for the battle. Something weird is going on - the Jupiter ship isn't responding to your hailing, and doesn't appear to have deployed its defensive Mobile Suits. Balbas thinks he can take you all down without any help from Bergan. Kazuya won't let that happen, informing Balbas that your people never intended to fight the Barmians from the outset... but if they _insist_ on fighting you, he'll go on fighting not to take revenge for his father but to protect his comrades and the Earth. Balbas is fine by this, saying that by taking you all down he'll make reparations for Rion's death. This pisses Hiroshi off, who accuses the Barmians of being the ones who planned the assassination themselves. Balbas [apparently not one of the conspirators] says that his people were the ones in the first place - why would they then assassinate one of their own? Hiroshi points out that had the talks failed or not happened at all, your people knew the Barmians would attack in full force: your side had no reason to want the talks to fail! Balbas actually manages to grasp that concept, and Kazuya opines that his father and Rion were killed as part of some internecine Barmian plot. Balbas figures that noone would ever want to assassinate someone so upstanding as Rion - but Yuu points out that it's precisely that upstandingness that put his life at risk. Yuu says that there are plenty of people who would manipulate nobles for their own ends, and all the more so if they can grab power for themselves. Kiry tells Remy that it's unlikely to be Rion's successor, who doesn't seem to be one for sleight of hand like this. Balbas, unfortunately for him, is just dumb enough to figure that you all must be at fault somehow... Take all the bad guys down in seven turns for a Skill Point. Good play should be able to do it in more like *four*. On round two, Erika recognizes the Barmian robots... but she can't remember clearly, or rather, doesn't _want_ to remember. Balbas is worth a Booster. Your people still have received no response from the Jupiterian ship, and since your people never called for one it must have been sent from the Jupiter side. Daimoji decides to pull away from it and send some people in to investigate. Banjou will conduct the search (after he manages to get Tobb to stay behind), and takes along Noin, Hiiro, and Duo. Just then Kalas shows up (in this restricted zone) and offers to come along as well. Banjou wants to know his reason. He says that in his youth he once boarded a Southerns Jupiter ship, and is offering his knowledge of the ship's layout should anything go awry. Banjou agrees to this person's help... Stage 14. Sono Yami no Na wa Mokusei ("That Darkness is Named Jupiter") Duo wonders if Banjou is really better off being in the Daifighter, and Hiiro isn't worried, on the principle that "good things come in small packages." Duo is more worried that your people are being overcautious, and Banjou certainly hopes he's right. Noin has finally made contact with the ship: it appears to be load with Jupiterian refugees. This is very fishy, considering they didn't answer your hailing when the battle with the Barmians was on. Kalas suggests that you're overthinking this, and that if they wanted to attack they'd have sent out their mobile suits long ago. Banjou prepares to head in, asking Noin to take care of the rest. Meanwhile, Tobia has snuck aboard the Daifighter, noting how cramped it is and realizing that if he's discovered he'll positively get sent back. He figures he's got to be patient until he can see this vessel from Jupiter with his own eyes. Just then someone _else_ who's stowed aboard the ship lets Tobia know he's there, saying that both of them had better be careful lest their objectives for being here go unfulfilled. The captain claims that his people have no connection to the former Jupiterians, and wants your people to stop suspecting him. Banjou says that in that case, he should have no objections to him opening his ship's hold. The captain says those contain nothing but helium-3 tanks, which he has no need to show your people. Hiiro asks whether the captain would be in trouble by showing them to your people - for example, maybe a new mobile suit is hidden there. Kalas tells the captain that if he wants to clear his name, he'd best show your people what they want to see - and the captain, seemingly recognizing Kalas, hastens to comply. Tobia's now seen what he wanted to see, and is heading back to the shuttle lest he get left behind. Just then he gets spotted by one of the crew, who announces that there's an intruder on board and proceeds to try to shoot him on the spot. Actually, it was Bernadette who was spotted, who runs into Tobia and begs him to save her. Introductions get cut short as space pirates apparently start opening fire on the ship... or more specifically, the Crossbone Vanguard. Banjou announces that his people are withdrawing to the Daifighter, since there's no longer any time to check the hold. Banjou heads out, trusting Garrison (the old guy who Tobia ran into aboard the Daifighter) to take care of the rest. Banjou tells Noin that things are about what he expected, including Kalas bugging out. The pirates are fast on the way, as is the Taikuu Maryuu. Tobia meanwhile has taken Bernadette and boarded a certain mech he found inside the hold. He's surprised to see a Gundam outside the ship, and attacks immediately. Aboard that Gundam is no mere pilot, someone named "Kincaidu" [blame Tomino!] (aka Seabook) who hoses Tobia's machine and tells him to jump off while there's still time. The rest of your people certainly recognize this new Gundam's movements: if Hiiro's memory serves him, its pilot was once posted to the Lond Bel. Tobia wonders why this pirate didn't kill him, as a LOT of new units show up: looks like both sides have shown their true colors. Vera (i.e. Cecily) announces herself as the Crossbone Vanguard, the ones who strive to overthrow the enemies skulking in the darkness of Jupiter. She's rather go by Vera Rona right now simply because it suits her objectives better. Kincaidu would prefer to preserve the evidence, and asks that Banjou not destroy the transport, but Banjou says that he's already taken the appropriate steps. Kincaidu is happy to see that Banjou's on top of his game as usual, and Banjou notices that a former enemy of your people is among the Crossbone Vanguard: Zabiine. Zabiine tells him that he reconsidered his past actions and came to serve his rightful lord: Vera Rona. Banjou gravely says that he'll accept that explanation for now out of respect for Vera and Kincaidu. Vera commands her troops that their mission is depriving the transport of its warpower, not sinking it. Your objective is to reduce the Southerns Jupiter to less than 14k HP. Wipe out all other enemies first for a Skill Point. Your dudes show up on turn 9. The Goshogun crew ponder these pirate Gundams, wondering what's next, a Ninja or Knight? Banjou hastily informs your people that _these_ Crossbone folks are on your side. Your people aren't really getting this, but they press on with the battle anyway. One of the bad guys has a Thruster Module. Once you achieve the goal, your dudes break into the Jupiterian ship. As Tobia and Bernadette desperately seek a way to get out of this mess, they run across the aforementioned tanks - except they're not helium-3, they're poison gas! Kalas shows up, saying it's a simple labeling mistake. He tells Tobia to try opening one of the valves if he doubts him: he'll be able to feel what it feels like to go to heaven. Kalas, finally(?) showing his true colors, points a gun at an incredulous Tobia and instructs him to die. Tobia wants to know what his teacher is up to [other than attempting to take his life, I suppose O_o]. This is apparently a plan for revenge on the Federation, executed by the remains of the Jupiterians, overlooked by the Aegis project after their army was destroyed. Kalas can't just let one little kid like him, or those pirates for that matter, get in the way. His infiltration of the Federation, sneaking onto Mars, and all that was for this plan: the will of Cranks Dugachi - killing off everyone in the Federation and seizing mother Earth for the Jupiter empire. Just as Kalas is about to fire, Garrison shoots him first, lamenting that his marksmanship hasn't entirely failed him yet. Kalas is more than furious that Banjou's butler has snuck aboard this ship when he wasn't looking. Maybe both these guys are losing their marbles? Furthermore, Kalas is thunderstruck to see a certain personage (i.e. Bernadette) aboard this ship, but the conversation is broken up by the arrival of certain Mobile Suits on the scene. Kincaidu gives Tobia a choice. One path is to return to Earth, forget everything, and close his mouth like a clam. The other is to join your dudes and stand and face the truth. Kouji's feeling a bit uneasy on the bridge of the Mother Vanguard - something feels out of place from before. Well, that's only natural considering that Cecily is now a _pirate_captain_, although Seabook says that that's camouflage: it's not like they're searching for buried treasure or anything. For all that, the cloaks on their Gundams seem to be pretty piratical ^^ Vera gets around to explaining that these new Jupiterians, like the old ones, are trying to take out all the Earthians. The leader of the so-called Jupiter Empire, hadn't come to the surface in the previous war, but he was the main reason the Jupiterians had so much warpower. Instead of psychic waves, they seem to be in the poison gas business now, which if nothing else is vastly easier to make. And thus that much more likely to succeed. Yuu goes on again about how humans are all like this, willing to use class distinctions to their advantage and whatnot. Hime protests that she never experienced anything like that where she grew up, but Yuu says that she was just lucky. Hime is beginning to understand from Yuu's words that his parents didn't love him, and Banjou recalls how he's got quite a bit of "parents" and "family" stuff in his past... as does Vera. In any case, Vera first found out about the Jupiter Empire when she assumed control of the Crossbone Vanguard after the previous war. Banjou is frustrated to admit that neither he nor the Preventers had any idea this Jupiter Empire existed, and Seabook says that he and Cecily took on their Vanguard persona so as to get closer to the Empire people. Having Vera as a figurehead helped gather those sympathetic to her cause in the ensuing internecine strife. Unfortunately, when all this was going on the Lond Bel and Preventers were busy with other matters on Earth, and Cecily had no way to ask for aide... and, she was determined to settle the matters her family had started by her own hand. Vera is very glad of Banjou's offer of help now, and no longer plans to return to Jupiter since the Jupiter Empire's main fleet is now heading this way. You've got to stop them at all costs... Back on Mars, a certain LARGE lady is working on a new plan now that the time has arrived, for the sake of her beloved's dreams and for the future of mankind... You get a Cecily's Bread and the Gundam F-91. Stage 15. Akumu! Watashi no Ani wa Chikyuu no Teki! Bergan is recommending against an outright attack on the Earth, saying that the humans have surely learned from their experiences in the previous war and fortified their defenses. Moreover, some unknown adversaries exist inside the Earth itself: carelessness could multiply the number of foes to be fought. Rihitel seems genuinely insulted that Bergan thinks his people could be defeated by the lowly Earthlings, but Bergan points out that Oreana of Campell, and Hainel of Bergan's own army, once expressed such sentiments... and look where it got them. This gets Rihitel's attention, and Bergan recommends that Rihitel use whoever he can while he can to strengthen his own army's position. Rihitel after a moment expresses his gratitude that Boazan has led his people to this star system. Bergan merely says that he's overjoyed to be able to further the Boazan-Barm alliance, but Rihitel angrily requests that Bergan take off his mask as a show of equality. Bergan complies and apologizes, but Raiza is sure that Bergan isn't sharing all his counsel with the Barmians. She realizes that she'd better keep an eye on his, and the Zaylans', actions. Balbas then announces that if his ships maintain course they'll make contact with the Taikuu Maryuu. Bergan reminds Rihitel that their ultimate objective is taking over the Earth itself: changing course would be advisable. Rihitel doesn't see it that way, however, and decides to take this opportunity to attack the Taikuu Maryuu. Bergan carefully inquires if this move is motivated by a desire for revenge, and Rihitel says that he has no intention to command this ship with emotionality - but, the Earthlings need to be dealt with sooner or later anyway. Raiza gives the order for the army to make ready their attack, and Bergan himself is willing to heed Rihitel's orders as well (though he inwardly curses Rihitel for the fool he is). The Mother Vanguard will be accompanying the Taikuu Maryuu: a very welcome addition to your firepower. Todd is worried that your people may become suspected of piracy as well, but Sanshirou points out that a gigantic dragon isn't going to get any more suspicious with the addition of a pirate ship or two. Sanshirou knows that Pete's objection is to the enemy Rona symbol, and suggests that your people just pretend that they've captured the pirates and are bringing them in for justice should the Federation threaten to attack. Pete is plainly dubious that that would work, but Daimoji has already cleared the whole thing with Major Bright of the Lond Bel, who have now begun acting in earnest. Sakon has completed his regularly scheduled checkup of Hiroshi, whose body appears to be in perfectly good order. Hiroshi asks him how long these exams have to continue, and Sakon says that Shiba wanted them to continue at least until you all return to Earth. Hiroshi wants to know if Sakon knows whatever secret is within his body - why can he transform into Jeeg, or rather, is he even human? Sakon says that yes, he is, despite the fact that Hiroshi can survive just fine in space without a space suit. Sakon explains that before Hiroshi transforms into the Jeeg Head, he puts on a strengthening suit: it's due to that that Hiroshi can withstand vacuum. Hiroshi then points out that he _also_ withstood getting hit by a car, before he knew about Jeeg _or_ put on any kind of suit. Sakon realizes that it's only natural Hiroshi would notice this stuff, and just as Hiroshi asks again what's going on with his body Kusuha brings in a bunch of data from the Ryuu-Jin-Ki. It appears ready to surpass the Ryuu-Ou-Ki on all fronts, and Kusuha says that ever since it met the Ko-Ou-Ki its powers have been steadily growing (and perhaps that has something to do with meeting Irui as well...) Sakon says that her piloting is also to thank, but Kusuha in turn thanks all the scientists who worked on her machine, including Hiroshi's father. Hiroshi is a bit surprised that his father would help anyone other than himself, but Kusuha thinks he's going too far. After all, his father also helped look after Shishiou Gai - someone who, in Sakon's words, shares the same destiny as Hiroshi. Just then, Erika brings coffee - she's up and about, though her memory isn't entirely recovered. She leaves the coffee on the table (enough for Hiroshi and Kusuha as well), and apparently she's very handy at making it. She claims she was merely imitating Ropet, which Hiroshi is surprised to learn is a coffeemaker... Erika is then startled at the picture of the Barm combat robots that Sakon has been examining. Erika, flustered, quickly withdraws, which piques Sakon's interest... Again, Erika recognizes them, but can't or rather doesn't want to remember fully. She's sure that when she does... She runs into Kazuya, and tells him that she's extremely afraid of her memory coming back. Kyoushirou's not surprised, saying that she might just find herself surrounded by enemies when she does. Kazuya wants to know what he means by that, and Kyoushirou reminds him that although Erika has received permission to travel freely throughout the ship she's not yet cleared of suspicions of being a spy. As another argument looks like it's brewing, Kyoushirou tells Kazuya that he clearly isn't going to be able to get through to him under the circumstances: as Marx said, "trust noone". Erika begs Kazuya not to fight for her sake, but he says he can't stand people being suspicious of her, and he's prepared to fight the entire world if need be to end it. Kyoushirou tells Kazuya to knock off the knight schtick, since he doesn't have enough lives for it. Nana vaguely says that her "brother" fighting like this is Erika's fault - her presence is what makes her brother this way. She shouts at Erika not to take her brother away and runs off. Kazuya tells Erika not to take Nana's words to heart, but Erika says they're true: why does Kazuya protect her and hurt himself? Why is he so nice to her? Kazuya says that he can't bear to leave her alone, but Erika tells him he's merely pitying her. Before they can hash that out, the enemy attack. This will be the first time the Crossbone Vanguard has crossed swords with the Barm. Hiiro and the G Boys realize that the enemy didn't go out of their way to find you here: they and you were heading to the same place. If that's true, you absolutely have to stop them here. Rihitel orders his men to make mincemeat out of you all as the first step to invading the Earth. For a Skill Point, defeat the Scarlook, which flees at 6000 HP. On turn 1.5, Erika somehow gets into the bridge and recognizes the enemy mecha. Since it's no longer safe to get her to the central block, Daimoji orders a seat made ready for her here. On the next round, Rihitel issues you all a "final warning". At the sound of his voice, Erika begins to tremble and moan - looks like her memories are about to return. Rihitel orders all of you to surrender in the interest of giving his billion comrades a safe home. Sanshirou demands to know what right Rihitel has to break into someone else's house and then demand they hand over the deed. Sanshirou vows to fight until the utmost bitter end to oppose that, and Rihitel sniffs that he'll show you fools just how big a gap in warpower exists between his people and yours. Rihitel says that if you won't heed his final warning, he'll heap this place with your corpses. Erika, having now fully recovered her memory, yells out that he mustn't do that. Some of your people are more surprised to learn that she's Rihitel's sister than others, and Daimoji has to yell at Pete not to shoot her on the spot. Just then she sprouts wings, and somehow manages to flee the bridge. A furious Pete orders everyone not to let this spy escape, but Erika manages to swipe one of your spare ships and bail. Kazuya really wants her to tell him this is all some kind of mistake, but she openly admits to him that she's Rihitel's younger sister. She tells him however to remember this: she only just remembered it all, and never intended to lie to him. She tells him goodbye - they really _weren't_ meant to be together after all. As she flies off, she wonders why she fell in love with him... Kazuya yells at her to wait - his feelings for her have nothing to do with revenge for his father. She tells him that those words are enough for her, and Rihitel impatiently tells her to get her butt back to his ship already. She apologizes to him in turn, saying that Erika is dead already. But as Erika tries to commit suicide or something, Raiza comes over and apprehends her, telling her not to be selfish when her brother is fighting. On Rihitel's orders, she then takes Erika away from the battlefield. As Erika gets hauled off, Kazuya yells out that he loves her, and several of your dudes have to speak up to prevent him from dashing off in hot pursuit. Rihitel imperiously says that you fools, who can't even unify the governance of your own planet, can never hope to beat him. Zabiine is inclined to believe this: from what he's seen, the Barm are governed by a meritocracy: something the Earth lacks. Seabook notices his doubts, but doesn't take any action. Rihitel is worth an Anti-Beam Coating. Well, at least you beat back all the enemies for now. It seems that the Barm _and_ the Jupiter Empire folks are heading to the Earth, and you've got no time to waste: you need to get back to Earth _fast_. Kazuya wonders if he'll ever see Erika again... Meanwhile, Rihitel is attempting to ask Erika why she was with the humans so long. Margarette is just glad to see Erika again, and tries to tell Rihitel that it's just as she said: she had suffered from amnesia. Rihitel tells her to butt out, and when Erika makes no response yells at her to just spit it out already if she's done nothing wrong. Bergan now tells Rihitel to stop, saying that he should already know the reason for her silence. Rihitel informs him that this is his problem and tells him to butt out, but Bergan doesn't agree. After all, Rihitel's sister has developed forbidden feelings towards the enemy, and should word of it circulate throughout the troops morale could well suffer. He would prefer if Rihitel took a more delicate tack with his sister, and Rihitel yells back that he doesn't need him to tell him that. Bergan figures that this plays into his hands: Rihitel protecting his sister is a weakness he can exploit. Erika attempts to speak to her brother, but Rihitel yells at her to shut up, that her love for the despicable enemy has made her no longer a Barmian. In fact, he plans to chop off her head on the spot, which she will make no resistance to if that's what her brother wants. Margarette then moves to protect Erika, and Rihitel furiously orders her to move, saying that she can't comprehend the hatred of one who's been betrayed by his own sister. She tells him again to stop - should his father see this scene...! She refuses to move, and tells him that he's got to kill her first if that's what it'll take to calm his anger. She screams out that her care of Erika was deficient, and yells for him to send her to Hell or to wherever he wishes. Rihitel must kill _her_ for Erika's momentary mistake, not Erika herself. Rihitel, apparently disgusted with the whole affair, tells her to do whatever she wants - BUT, Erika, as a traitor, will never set foot outside the dungeon again until she dies a traitor's death. He tells all around that Erika is no longer any relation of his - she is dead, DEAD! Erika resolves herself to never see Kazuya again, though she'll pray for his safety from afar. Kazuya is NOT happy with what Pete calls the natural act of shooting an enemy spy on the bridge during combat: just because she's a Barmian doesn't automatically make her a spy! Pete tells him he's incapable of rational thought right now, and tells him to go outside the Taikuu Maryuu or something and cool his head. Megumi has to step in to stop Kazuya's response, which is to punch Pete. Pete sniffs that punches from someone who's blood has gone to his head don't affect him, and poo-poo's Kazuya's karate. NOW everyone in the vicinity is required to restrain Kazuya, and Ken'ichi has to tell him that going berserk here will solve nothing. Kazuya demands to know if Ken'ichi doubts Erika too, and Ken'ichi points out that, whether or not she's a spy, she _is_ a Barmian - and does he think that trying to solve this by force would really make her happy? Kentarou concurs, telling Kazuya that if he believes in her it's all the more reason to stay his hand... because violence not only injures others, but also one's own heart. Daimoji says that there's not enough information available to settle the question of Erika's guilt. However, violence against other crew members is inexcusable, and he orders Kazuya to reflect on his misdeeds in his quarters. After Kazuya walks off, Sanshirou tells Pete that he went to far. Pete informs him that information about the Taikuu Maryuu has now leaked to the enemy, but Sanshirou counters that, had she been a spy, shouldn't something more substantial have happened? Pete is caught off guard by this, and Sakon recalls that except for the spare Galvar that Erika escaped in, the Taikuu Maryuu has sustained no damage. Pete figures that a Galvar is more than enough, and says that all aliens are untrustworthy. Ken'ichi tells Pete that he's being too nearsighted: being born on different planets doesn't erase the fact that people are still human. Megumi realizes that Ken'ichi, as a half-Boazan, half-Earthling child would like to believe in Erika too, and Pete says that if the Earthlings show pity to the aliens, they're the ones who'll lose the fight... shouldn't Ken'ichi know that as someone who fought his way through the Balmar War? Ken'ichi says that even he doesn't expect to be able to get along with all the aliens out there, but the Barm had come right to the stage of peaceful talks together. Although an unfortunate incident occurred, he doubts that the two sides are totally incapable of accepting each other. He actually thinks that Erika might just be the bridge between the Barm and Earth... Stage 16. Titaanzu no Bourei ("Ghosts of the Titans") On Londinion, Anaheim seems to have sent less than half of the parts that your people ordered, stranding Kou in the Stamen for a while. Fa wonders if it'd been better if Anaheim simply didn't send the Orchis or the nu-Gundam at all then, and Camille reminds her that Amuro and Nina had said they wanted to make final adjustments to them on the moon. Unfortunately, aliens have appeared on Mars, plus the Neo-Jion and Jupiterian remnants are getting frisky. Londinion is to become the center of a new Federation force, just like the last war. Fa and Camille manage to start arguing about Fa's complaints about the war and Camille's feelings for Four, but Ema manages to interrupt them with some actual business. The advance elements of the Federation fleet are nearing Londinion, and Amuro and Katsu are among them. This means that all the members who had headed to Anaheim are back, and more besides... though _not_ Quatro. Bright is breaking the news to his men that he's being replaced as head of the Lond Bel, which seems unthinkable to everyone except the top Federation brass, who don't seem to like Bright very much. Keith is frustrated at the injustice of it all, but Burning says that complaining at this point will accomplish nothing - you can do nothing but prepare for the upcoming showdown with the Jion and Jupiter Empire forces. Keith isn't exactly convinced, and really wishes that Quatro was around to help out. Burning has his men monitor the space around Londinion in preparation for the new folks to arrive. Keith wonders why this kind of guard is necessary for the Lond Bel's home base, but Kou reminds him of the little incident at the Trinton base. Keith says that things are different now (for instance, the GP-02 has been dismantled), but Kou says that his heart will never rest until he settles the score with That Man. Although Kou agrees with Keith's warning not to get too obsessed, Burning figures that obsession is only natural: the Nightmare of Solomon hasn't ended yet. Burning confirms for Monsha that Bait and Adel are coming back, and Monsha doesn't want them to know a little something - but Bait appears and has heard it all long since: how Monsha lost not only the piloting job of the -01, but the -03 _and_ its beautiful systems engineer as well. Looks like the immortal Squadron 4 is back together at last, for all the tough love they seem to have for each other. With them is something that superficially looks like the nu-Gundam, except for its coloration and use of the Incom System - it's the mass-production nu. Camille is overjoyed to see Amuro again, and Katsu is impressed at Camille's identification of the mech on sight only. Katsu is about to tell him how the plans to mass produce the nu-Gundam and others are well underway, but Synapse asks them to hold their reunion off until everyone is docked. Synapse can see through Burning's greeting that he's not happy about command of the Lond Bel changing, but things are further interrupted by the arrival of the second wave of Federation ships... earlier than expected. Synapse orders their ID codes rechecked and has a message sent to them to wait until Synapse's units have docked. He has Burning and Amuro wait in case a manual check with mobile suits is necessary. Keith is dismayed that Synapse suspects a ship from his own army, but Burning says that Synapse is a very cautious man, who expects the unexpected. An lo and behold, the bad guys pop out and start blasting, led by former Titan Yazan. Camille is astounded to see him still alive, but this shouldn't mean the Titans are still around. This doesn't seem like the work of a mole, or some attempt by the top brass to get in the Lond Bel's way - Amuro figures it's some third party, one who needs money and information, and _not_ the Jion. And not the Docougar either - someone closer: could it be Anahe...?! For a Skill Point, take down all other enemies before Yazan. When Amuro fights Yazan, he realizes that mere survivors of the Titans couldn't build such a thing - Anaheim must be behind it. Yazan isn't saying, but he does note that he'll use anything and everything he has to to get the job done. Yazan tells Camille that he doesn't give a damn about rebuilding the Titans - Jamitoff and Scirocco's ambitions mean nothing to him. He only wants revenge on Camille, who weakened his powers. Once he defeats the Lond Bel, he doesn't care what happens afterwards. Yazan will tell Burning that he's one tough bastard, and when Kou says that he's surprised Yazan is still alive, Yazan informs him that he's not the only person Kou will end up saying that too... Dangel is worth a Magnetic Coating. Ramses is worth a Dual Sensor. Yazan is worth a Costdown. When you take him down, he tells his people that he's bought enough time here, and when Camille protests his running away he tells him not to worry - he'll torture him slowly, just like last time. Amuro wonders what kind of time-buying is going on, and has the bad feeling that this is a foreshock of "that man" swinging into action. Saegusa announces that everyone has been added to the staff. Someone had hacked the enemy ship's IFF code it seems. Bright is worried about remnants of the Titans, but more worried about the remnants of the Neo Jion. Despite Federation surveillance, they still have Axis as the heart of their power... plus a few fleets here and there (like the Delaz Fleet). At the very least, Hamarn Kahn's faction at least seems to be quite alive and well. Ema then escorts Colonel Synapse and Captain Amuro in, to whom Major Bright formally introduces himself and transfers command. However, Synapse tells Bright that he'd prefer to leave that command transfer as a formality _only_. He explains that he's a mere ship's captain, and someone discriminated against by the upper brass as a member of the Gundam Project. He has no intention of displacing Bright as the commander of the Lond Bel, and will even take Bright's orders. He wryly notes that both Burning and Amuro highly value Bright's abilities - there's no call for him to stick his nose in. He cites the Lond Bel's legendary deeds to forestall Bright's objections, and notes with some irony that those accomplishments can't be good for Bright's family life with all the getting sent to the front lines. Bright finally smiles and says that his family has been placated by the long "vacation" he got after the Aegis Project was over. Synapse tells Bright to be sure to value his family, which makes Burning get introspective... Amuro asks Bright if Quatro's whereabouts have been discovered yet, and when Bright replies in the negative Amuro figures that it's only a matter of time until Neo Jion swings into full gear. Synapse figures that it's time to act first then, announcing that he'll pursue the Neo-Jion remnants while Bright is to assemble a fleet here on Londinion. Amuro likes this plan, which should draw the Neo-Jion's attention at the front and let the rest of the Lond Bel move more easily behind Synapse's shield. Amuro is planning on sortying himself, since presumably "he" wants it that way. Synapse is hoping that your people can rendezvous with the Taikuu Maryuu and figure out a way to stop the Neo-Jion and Jupiterians in one fell swoop. Elsewhere, a shadowy figure is thanking Yazan for his work - things should be off to a great start. Whoever this man is wants Yazan to gather some info about Neo-Jion and the Jupiterians, which makes Yazan scoff: he's heard some rumors about this guy and some dealings he had with Cima in the previous war. Yazan doesn't like the way the man professes no knowledge, and tells the man, who's done a bit of checking around himself, to keep his quest for extra money under control... lest he get burned by something far worse than the GP-02... Yazan is willing to put up with all of this in order to get back at Camille. Stage 17. Futari no Himegimi ("Two Princesses") The Taikuu Maryuu has made it back to Earth, and is about to rendezvous with the Albion. Pete asks what should be done with the civilians aboard the Mother Vanguard, and Garrison offers to send them to Earth in his Masa'a Rocket. Pete wants the ID of the civilians checked again, lest more spies like Erika slip through. Midori tells him that he's harping on Erika too much, but Pete says that it's an undeniable fact that Erika was from the enemy side. In addition, although Vera Rona seems to be in command of the Crossbone Vanguard, there could be something of a revolt should her control over them falter. Daimoji makes no response, and the rest of the crew figure that their lack of further enemy confrontations are scant comfort. There's still the subterranean enemies to worry about, as well as the off-world threats, plus Orphan. Most of your people are very glad to meet up with Amuro and the Lond Bel crew, but Pete worries that that joining up will lead to even further increases in the number of enemies you face. The female crew members, meanwhile, are marveling in the Taikuu Maryuu's bathhouse, richly appointed. Kusuha takes a bit of ribbing for the long baths (i.e. _two_ to _three_ hours) she takes, and the ladies insinuate that taking baths that long in combination with a certain time of the month is a sure formula for passing out (Irui is pleasantly clued out). Meanwhile, Sanshirou and the kiddies pile in, rather sweaty from a bout of baseball practice. It seems that wherever the kids go, the adults try to put them through the works, so Kusuha offers to loan them her EXTENSIVE (and likely pricey) array of exercise gear. As the boys resolve to get themselves into shape, Irui tells them not to push too hard - looks like she's getting more sociable by the day. Tobia is getting defensive at Noin's efforts to investigate Bernadette's past. Noin patiently explains that all the civilians are getting checked, given the examples of Erika and Kalas. As Tobia continues trying to protest, Bernadette thanks him for his efforts, but says that as a Jupiterian it's only natural that she'd be suspected. She agrees to undergo the same background check as everyone else, and goes with Noin to Vera. Tobia realizes full well that this isn't the sort of circumstances where people can pussyfoot around this kind of issue, given the impending Jupiter Ian attack. But was his saving of Bernadette mere self-righteousness? If so, the same goes for the crew of the Taikuu Maryuu, and Zabiine shows up to agree with him. While he concurs with Vera's plans to strike the Jupiterians and plans to go along with your people's operations, he doesn't like the overall strategic direction the conflict is taking. Tobia is rather disconcerted by this, given that he never _spoke_ any of this. Zabiine tells him that if he really wants to end this war, he should strike the enemy decisively, and without delay. This would also have the effect of minimizing the damages. As Tobia runs off, Zabiine figures that if he's going to restrain Vera and that girl, now is the only time. Hiiro and Trowa have caught the scent of something about to happen. Hiiro asks Kincaidu who's with Vera right now - Umon and Quatre at the moment. Trowa tells him that something isn't right aboard the Mother Vanguard: several people are away from their posts. In fact, Zabiine and said people mutiny. He tells Vera that he's not betraying her: his objective from the very outset was reestablishing the Cosmo Babylonia royal line. In fact, if anyone is doing the betraying, Zabiine figures it's her, for using her royal heritage as an excuse to mobilize resources without any intentions of reestablishing the nation. While she may have seen it as fighting fire with fire... she cuts him off, demanding what he intends to do, hijack the Mother Vanguard and fight both the Jupiterians and the Federation? Zabiine says that if he made the Jupiterians his enemy defeat is assured, and his wishes won't be fulfilled. Instead, he intends to drag Vera along and take over the Jupiterians... and he doesn't care if he has to kill Quatre and Umon to achieve it. Moreover, he approves of what the Jupiter Empire is doing, since from his perspective the Federation has to be defeated sooner or later anyway. Zabiine has been impressed by how well the Jupiter Empire soldiers follow orders, how readily they risk their lives, how close their society is to a true aristocracy... and any small deviations from that ideal can be fixed once he gets inside. Though Vera isn't down with being an empress, Zabiine informs her that there are very many people willing to lay down their lives for her in battle: that's the very definition of an aristocracy. As Scirocco once said, she's the sort of woman fit to rule the new world order. As Vera pooh-poohs this notion, Zabiine tells her that he'll take his time and gradually change her mind. He then has her follow him... Rasheed notifies Daimoji of the Zabiine-led revolt, and Daimoji has the Taikuu Maryuu sortie people immediately. Kincaidu blames himself for letting this happen and not being able to prevent it, and Tobia demands that the two girls be given back. Vera says that she's more than enough and demands that Bernadette be released, but Zabiine has a reason he brought her along. Hiiro wants to surround Zabiine's mech before anything messy happens, since he surely hasn't done this without some kind of plan. When Vera tells Zabiine that the Jupiter Empire will never accept him, he informs her that their minimum condition for doing so was handing over Bernadette. Just then lots of Jupiter Empire forces appear. This is doubly bad because it means that not only has Zabiine planned this well, the Jupiterians have already infiltrated the Earth Sphere. And hey, maybe the Neo-Jion even helped them out. With that, Zabiine prepares to take these "two princesses" back to the Jupiter Empire forces, telling your people to back off if they want them to stay healthy. Anna Marie asks if Zabiine really intends to go through with this, and whether or not Vera is the summit of aristocracy isn't about to see him hand them over to the Jupiter Empire. She tells a surprised Zabiine that the Jupiter Empire might well destroy the Earth itself, not just its governmental system, and she'll be damned if she'll help with something like that. Zabiine figures there's more to it than just that, and thought he already taught her that humans who can't control their emotions are mere trash. Anna Marie tells him that he, a dreaming fool who's would rule mankind under some trumped-up title is in no position to say that to her, and he resolves to try his utmost to steal the princesses back. Tobia isn't about to let that happen, and it appears that he can actually anticipate Zabiine's moves. Vera orders Anna Marie to leave this one to Tobia and return to the Mother Vanguard at once, which Anna Marie crisply complies with. Kalas is not too happy with this failure to haul in Vera, and Giri, who figures everyone other than Jupiterians are worthless, wasn't expecting much anyway. Kalas would be satisfied if Lady Tetenas is safe, and Giri decides to buy time with his "Death Brigade" - which will also fulfill their promise to the Neo-Jion. Zabiine is now actually pissed off, but Kalas tells him to withdraw to protect the princess and the information he carries. Zabiine figures he has no other choice... For a Skill Point, shoot down Zabiine. When Tobia fights Zabiine, he tells Zabiine to go to the Jupiter Empire alone if he wants, but to give back Bernadette. Zabiine asks if he knows who Bernadette really is: someone far beyond Tobia's reach! When you take down the X2, Zabiine realizes he has no choice but to flee for now, but he tells Kincaidu that he'll settle the score with him sooner or later. If Kincaidu fights Giri, he'll get told that he's shown too much of his fighting style to the Jupiter Empire forces. His and his companions mecha were built from studying how Kincaidu and the Crossbone people fight. Rosemarie is worth a Booster. Giri is worth a Biosensor. When you down him, he figured this was a good test of his side's mecha. He hopes to see you again - if you live long enough. There's no more sign of the enemy, including the X2. Pete is convinced this happened because of letting former enemies into your confidence. Tobia is most sad that Bernadette has been carted off, but glad that Vera at least is safe. Just then the Masa'a Rocket and the Albion show up... Anna Marie tells Vera that she had known nothing of the mutiny beforehand: she was merely following Zabiine's orders. Umon wants to know from Anna Marie why Zabiine betrayed them, given that she's been his subordinate since the Cosmo Babylonia days. Anna Marie can say only that her former captain couldn't bear the collapse of the nobility system, and Vera won't press the topic. She values the fact that Anna Marie chose your people's side over Zabiine, and hopes that she continues her good work as part of Vera's crew. However, Vera strictly prohibits any attempt to pursue Zabiine individually - he's far too dangerous during his current singleminded pursuit of his ideals. Anna Marie knows nothing of Zabiine's reason for taking Bernadette other than that he called her a "princess" - Umon wonders what this could mean, though Vera has a suspicion. Tobia is doing the best he can to handle Bernadette's disappearance, and Kincaidu tells Tobia that if he wants to get Bernadette back with his own hands, he'll gladly drill MS piloting technique into him. Vera is worried about dragging yet one more child into this war, but Tobia notes that he's already in this far - backing out would just make things worse for him. Vera tries to tell him to return to his family, but Tobia says his adopted parents won't mourn for him overlong, especially with their son Gil. Some of your pilots are scoping out the Crossbone Gundam, a rather impressive beast that came at the price of more work for the pilots on the remaining mecha Anaheim wasn't servicing. There are even rumors that Anaheim gave some MSs to the Neo-Jion, which Katsu says aren't just rumors. The two sets of pilots then have their reunion, although Amuro says that it'll still take some time before your warpower is what it was during the previous war. He tells Kincaidu that Judou and friends are out scouting Neo-Jion's movements - by themselves. Amuro figured it was either let them go, or risk them simply making off with a Gundam without telling him. The news gets broken to Tetsuya that Quatro really has gone missing. Noone can discount the possibility of him having returned to Jion... in which case the Red Comet might be back for revenge. Four and Camille meet for the first time since the Balmar War, though Fa's [stoned-looking] gaze is apparently putting a damper on the reunion. In any case, Synapse passes down the suggestion that your new, unified squadron needs a new unified name. Something that rolls off the tongue better than Taikuu Maryuu, Lond Bel, Space Pirates and Associates, Incorporated, in any case. ^_^ Banjou speaks up to make sure the new name doesn't turn out to be Kouji and his Merry Men, which apparently Kouji was _actually_ thinking of. As many of your people demonstrate all their bad ideas, Tetsuya proposes "Scramble Knights", which Kouji likes though he suspects he's heard it before. Amuro says that he's so used to "Lond Bel" that he can't think anything else up. Kincaidu comes up with "Alpha Numbers", which Pete condenses to "Alpha Squadron", wanting to know what "alpha" means. Kincaidu says that it means a "great, awesome first step", as well as a quantity of unknown extent. Banjou likes this, and suggests that you pick it absent any other suggestions. Kincaidu suggests that you check with Kusuha first, who's been quiet all this time. Unfortunately, Kusuha has been so busy listening to everyone else that she hasn't thought up anything herself. Under the pressure of the moment, she mentions the name of some exercise gear she's always wanted, and the rest of the pilots tell her to take her time. You get the GP-01Fb, and the opportunity to name your team. Under this name will you fight all the enemies of the Earth. Synapse is counting on everyone in what promises to be an increasingly fierce battle. Elsewhere, beyond the Moon's orbit, Dugachi has comprehended the motives of a certain shadowy figure, and as promised will offer the Jupiter Empire's full support. He wonders, however, what his former comrades on the tenth planet will think once they learn that this figure has stood up as representative. The figure says that if Dugachi doubts his resolve, he'll nullify the alliance on the spot. Dugachi explains that he was joking, having come to doubt the doings of others in his old age. The figure wants to get ready to assume control quickly, since in his experience all these different adversaries converging is the prelude to something big. Dugachi will take that under advisement, as the figure ends the transmission. Bernadette thinks she recognizes the speaker, and Dugachi asks if she's feeling poorly. Bernadette has no use for dolls, and tells him to bring out her real father. He tells her that he _is_ her real father, and defies her to prove otherwise. Or rather, or rather, can she discern between the multiple robotic copies she sees before her? They collectively explain that they all are Cracks Dugachi, or more properly something closer to the real him than his fleshly body. There are in total nine of them, asking her what she wants of them - freedom? She asks them to stop the invasion of the Earth, saying that even if the invasion is motivated by the desire to give the Jovians a genuine homeland, it can't be correct. The copies of her father laugh mockingly, noting that she apparently didn't understand the conference call she just saw... but her reaction is not surprising, considering that that's what all the Jupiter Empire people have been taught. Dugachi then asks her what she's breathing right now - what she drinks when she asks for a glass of water. There is not a _single_ thing here brought from Earth: _everything_ can be made synthetically. In which case! There isn't much point in messing with the Earth, is there? Dugachi tells "Tetenis" that he neither loves her nor cares where or how she dies. However, without her by his side, certain people would start getting suspicious... and Dugachi commands her not to stray. She asks him what he's trying to do, and he impatiently reminds her that, as he said before, the rulership of mankind has nothing to do with the Earth. Stage 18. Ososugita Oiuchi ("Pursuit Too Late") Riliina tells Hiiro that she's returning with the Martian refugees, to help them and to make sure that relations with Jupiter don't stay as they are now. Hiiro tells her not to overdo it, which she responds back in kind. Once the Masa'a Rocket is on its way back to Londinion, Synapse orders the Alpha Numbers to begin its mission of taking out the remainder of the Neo-Jion survivors. Judou and the others have missed a regularly-scheduled contact point, and Amuro wonders if something has happened to them. Puru2 is negotiating with the bad guys, claiming that she's been held hostage by the Lond Bel all this time, and has finally run away now that the Neo-Jion are in action. And she's brought a dowry of sorts: her Quberay Mk.II. Judou wants to know why she's betrayed you, and Puru2 claims to hold the real Puru hostage as she tells Judou to stay back. Rezun isn't impressed, and tells you all to cut out this elaborate ruse. As lots of bad guys show up, Beecher's rather foolish plan to infiltrate the Neo-Jion seems to have crashed and burned. At least nobody is trying to blame Puru2 for bad acting. Beecher reminds everyone that he's the leader that Bright chose for this mission, and at Judou's insistence tells everyone to attack since there's no way to run away. Rezun warns her men not to wipe the kiddies out until their prey comes and takes the bait. For a Skill Point, take out eight enemy units in two turns. This is the first Skill Point in the game that truly require some finesse - feel good about yourself if you can nab it. ^_^ (And in fact you should be able to take out more like ten enemies by the end of turn two...) When you get the Skill Point or at the beginning of turn 3 a battleship approaches the battle. It's in fact Amuro and the crew to the rescue, and for some reason Rezun thinks she's got you where she wants you... Rezun is worth a Chobham Armor. Judou is very grateful for you all saving his ass, though he notes that Sea- he means Kincaidu have aged since he saw them last. He notes that, what with the dragon and pirate ship and all, the Lond Bel have become more like some traveling circus. Kincaidu says gravely that the visual "Impact" is more important than it might seem at first, and Duo quickly sees through the faulty plan of Beecher's to infiltrate the Neo-Jion. In fact, about all they learned is that the Neo-Jion have made contact with Jupitoris. Judou isn't sure why this gets your people worked up, but as they're about to explain to him Umon comes in with some dreadful news: Char Aznable, the Red Comet, is broadcasting an address to the whole Earth Sphere. Coming live and direct to you from Side 3, Sweet Water Colony, it's Char Aznable! He explains that taking over Sweet Water was not intended to cause more chaos in the Earth Sphere, but rather to save all the refugees made by the last war and grant true independence to all those oppressed by the Federation government. As a first step, he requests the right to self-governance from the Federation. In return, he promises that the Neo-Jion will serve as the vanguard of the Earth's defenses - and to make such arrangements, he wants the Federation officials to come negotiate with him as equals. He says that his people are prepared to enact their demands by force should the Federation not accept them outright. Tetsuya explains to a frantic Kouji that Quatro was the forgotten shadow of Jion Daikun - and now he's returned to his proper place. Or rather, as Camille points out, he's no longer Quatro at all, but rather Char Aznable, the leader of Neo-Jion. Synapse receives confirmation that this broadcast really is coming from Sweet Water... meaning his attack against Neo-Jion came too late. Amuro knew this day was coming ever since Char's disappearance, and Char's curiosity about the internals of Federation government and his desire to stop mankind repeating its past mistakes are well known. But why _now_, and why Jion, Kouji wants to know. Amuro says that Char has chosen a different path than your people to prevent the tragedy ahead, and at least Char presumably believes his path has a higher chance of success. That path amounts to the elimination of Earthnoids, which means that you've got to stop him... that's the bottom line, as Amuro explains to Kouji. Ryouma wonders if Char really wants the peaceful talks he mentioned, and Amuro figures that he at least halfway must. But given that Char has claimed the name of Jion for himself, he must be prepared for the absolute worst. And unfortunately, the cards aren't right for you to just attack Sweet Water now: doing so would turn public opinion against your team, given Char's ostensible request for peace talks. Amuro explains to Keats that the Federation doesn't have the guts to stand up to Char's demands at the moment - and Char, knowing the aliens are coming, is also unlikely to expend his warpower needlessly. As such, your team should fortify itself while it can, against the eventual showdown when things fall apart. Synapse agrees entirely, and directs the fleet to return to Londenion for resupply. Amuro thinks that Char is in too much of a hurry to find his answer... and your people can't all his resolution to prevail. Char thanks Gatou for taking over Sweet Water. Gatou is grateful for the props, but says that he's been devoted to the Jionian ideals ever since before Delaz picked him up at A Bao A Qu. However, he wants to hear Char's resolve with his own ears: the use of the former Titans, Jupiter forces, etc. etc. has him plainly worried, and he's not afraid to say so to Char's face. Nanai is about to upbraid Gatou for his rudeness, but Char says his doubts are quite reasonable. He explains to Gatou that during his time in the Lond Bel, he saw firsthand how the Federation government runs things, and concluded that the Feds are incapable of guiding the Earth Sphere in a positive direction. Thus, he plans to sever everything that weighs human souls down, and plans to stop at nothing in achieving that goal. He's even willing to assume the weight of his father's legacy, saying that when the time is fulfilled he's sure he'll be gathered to where his father is. Gatou is more than satisfied with this, and pledges himself fully to his new leader, for which Char thanks him. Zechs realizes that if Char wasn't serious about this, he wouldn't be able to stir the hearts of men like Gatou. Moreover, he took Zechs in, and gave the Gundams to Hiiro and the others... it seems he really does intend to settle any and all remaining scores. You get a Minovsky Craft, three Dust Filters, two Screw Modules, a Propellant Tank, a Cartridge, and a Repair Kit. Stage 18. "Kaerubeki Basho" ("Somewhere to Return To") Adenauer is having you all head to Japan, since Miwa claims to be short-handed against the advance elements of the Barm who have landed there. This sounds like big trouble, and Daimoji wants to know how the heck the Barmians pulled this off without registering on your sensors. Apparently even the Albion is to be sent to the scene, since Miwa has made things sound like an emergency. Synapse doesn't like being used as a bargaining chip by people who value their position over military expediency. Bright wishes Adenauer luck in negotiating with Char, and Adenauer tells him to leave it to him. Adenauer thinks he should have no problems with char, and tells Bright that, unlike you people, he actually has plans beyond just making war. Your people aren't thrilled to get sent away from Londenion so quickly, and are also not very enthusiastic about the peace talks with Char. Amuro figures that with the aliens on the scene, Char should try to stall for time as well - there should therefore be some time before Neo-Jion does anything else. But when he _does_ act, it will presumably be with something very definitive - like the orbital bombardment, mass hypnosis-inducing Psycommu, or colony drop incidents from before. Since Bright won't be part of the dispatch to the Earth, Amuro tells him that he'll go and try to do whatever he can to help until Char's motives become clear. Bright gives him a message for his wife, to "please look after the kids". Rihitel has set up a base on the ocean floor, and informs his lord that he's preparing to strike one of the vitals points of Earth's defenses: the Far East. Olban isn't happy to hear that things are behind schedule, and when Rihitel tries to explain that there's a large, mysterious object on the ocean floor that's held things up Olban replies curtly that he doesn't want to hear anything but a message proclaiming victory, especially over that Taikuu Maryuu. Rihitel buys this, and starts yelling at his subordinates to find out what's going on with the Taikuu Maryuu. Balbas informs him that it's landed on the ocean near the Far East - great timing as far as Rihitel can see. Bergan offers to conduct the cleanup, as do Balbas and Raiza, but Rihitel has already summoned the person entrusted with that responsibility: Garnier Hareck, the martial arts instructor. Rihitel's subordinates are plainly dubious that this guy can cut the mustard, but Rihitel tells them to shut up: who do they think is in charge? He further demands to know whether Balbas thinks Barm weaponry is inferior to Earth stuff, and when Balbas stammers "no" he says that he must therefore conclude that the Barmian losses are due to differences in the skill of the pilots. Bergan realizes that Rihitel plans to go from automated weapons to manned ones. Rihitel asks whether Hareck loves Barm, and asks him to devote his martial arts skill to the cause by piloting Barm's greatest combat robot. His mission: take out the pivot of the enemy's warpower: Deimos [GOD is this guy delusional if he thinks that POS is the center of my operations]. Hareck accepts, though under the condition that, as a warrior, he plans to fight fair and square. Rihitel is satisfied with this, and tells him that should he win he'll be made Rihitel's second in command. Hareck refuses that, saying he wants nothing more than for his people to be happy. Rihitel finds Hareck's lack of ambition very inspirational or entertaining, and commands him to go forth. Raiza is quite worried that her job is up for grabs, but Bergan tells her that he will personally make her worries go away. Jonathan has heard that the Taikuu Maryuu, and thus Isami Yuu, are back on Earth. Quincy says it's obvious what to do next: the traitor must be eliminated. She orders the Grangers to be sortied, but her father tells her to wait: there's also reports of an alien space ship touching down in the Pacific Ocean. He tells her to avoid unnecessary waste, and to continue guarding Orphan. Quincy demands to know how Kyuusaku intends to explain Yuu's reappearance to Governor, and he informs her that his words also reflect Governor's decision. Kanan meanwhile is being sent to pick up a certain something: a datafile in bottom of a drawer in her house back in Japan. Misa doubts anyone would have found it in such an old, plain-sight kind of hiding place. Misa tells Kanan that she can take any clothing she likes from the dresser in the process. Jonathan realizes that Yuu may show up at his old house too, and decides to have Shiela follow Kanan. Your ships have arrived safely on Earth, and Daimoji orders course set for the Far East base. Kentarou plans to head to Deimovic first to take care of some adjustments and to pick up a new weapon that Sakon was working on. He turns down Ken'ichi's offer of escort, saying that it would never do for Voltes not to be able to sortie. Yuu meanwhile has secured Daimoji's permission to go back to his house. Hiroshi isn't impressed with what he calls a bout of homesickness, and trusts that Yuu isn't planning on ditching you all there. Yuu points out that had he intended to do so, he'd have done it before going to Mars, and inquires if Hiroshi isn't the homesick one around here. He calmly tells the volatile Hiroshi that his family won't be waiting for him: with the exception of his grandma, all of them are in Orphan. Plus, Yuu says, Hiroshi isn't the only one subjected to his parents' whims. Hiroshi digests this, and finally smiles and apologizes for his unkind words. In any event, Yuu's going home to fulfill a promise - and NOT a promise to Kanan, as he heatedly tells Hime. In which case, Hime says that she'll accompany him - she's curious about the place he grew up, and figures it'll be safer in numbers. Hime is impressed with Yuu's hometown, which doesn't seem to have been caught up in the fighting yet. Yuu realizes that Orphan must know of the Alpha Numbers' return to Earth, in which case Kanan will too. As Yuu notes that nothing has changed at his home since back when, he detects Kanan's Granger's signature approaching - she did remember the promise with him. There's lots of vegetables here, but they haven't been tended - something must have happened to Yuu's grandma. Kanan finds the file she was looking for, but upon going through Misa's clothes notes sadly that they don't feel like those of a "mother". Nonetheless, the clothes themselves had once encircled a woman's body... reminding her again that she's never been loved, since birth. Hime and Yuu note that nobody seems to be home - Yuu's grandmother cleared out two months ago. Just then, Kanan appears on the scene in a traditional kimono, and Yuu asks if she's remembered her promise. Kanan says that she's here on Orphan business.. plus, this isn't quite the agreed-upon meeting spot. Yuu once again urges Kanan to leave Orphan, saying that all the others are even more ensnared by it than she is - just like little kids. Kanan asks if leaving home because you didn't get your way isn't even more childlike, but Yuu says that he's realized the fallacy of Orphan: that only the chosen can survive. Surely, surely it can't be right for only the Reclaimers to survive what is to come. Yuu realizes the first time he piloted a Brain Powerd, when whatever wasn't working right for him at Orphan worked correctly. Kanan says that, unlike him, she has nowhere else to return to... just then Hime interrupts, demanding to know what Kanan is to Yuu: his sister? His lover? Just then, explosions interrupt their quarrel. It's Shiela, who doesn't seem to realize that this is no place for a fight. Kanan and Shiela start arguing immediately, with Kanan claiming that she was trying to bring Yuu back. Shiela tells her that Yuu is in her and Jonathan's way, and that orders Kanan to die along with him. Yuu finally raises his voice, yelling at Kanan that *this* is what happens to the residents of Orphan. Just then, Kanan's Granger freezes: the Rejection that Yuu had faced before. Shiela triumphantly exclaims that she's been cast off by her Granger, and proceeds to blast her Granger to smithereens. Yuu tries to force his way past Shiela and go to Kanan's rescue, but Hime makes it first. Actually, it was her Brain that did it: it's telling Hime that Kanan isn't a Reclaimer. Shiela is still determined to take Yuu down, but the arrival of the rest of your crew makes that somehow unlikely... In fact, she flees outright (disappointing Kazuya), and Kanan agonizes to Yuu that she doesn't know what's right. Yuu tells her that before she worries about right and wrong, she's got to think about what the meaning of the world itself is. Kanan wonders if he's talking about stopping beating herself up inwardly over her lack of motherly love, but Yuu says that simply meant that he's very happy for not having had to fight her. She goes "duh" and says she's happy too [who writes this junk? Oh, Tomino? Figures.] As Yuu drops Kanan off in your mothership at Kazuya's suggestion, the Barm attack. The first things Hareck does is contact Kazuya and challenge him to a duel, one on one. You have the choice of whether or not to accept. If you accept, the two combatants go where the won't be disturbed. Hareck thanks Kazuya for accepting the challenge, though Kazuya is planning on taking him down so he doesn't need the thanks. Raiza, seeing that Hareck will get rid of Deimos, orders her forces to attack everyone else. She's slightly worried that Bergan is off on his own - what could he be scheming? The Skill Point for this match comes from taking everyone else down before Hareck. As Hareck and Kazuya fight, they both compliment each other on their fighting skills, Hareck praising the god of battle for the chance to face such an opponent. Hareck is very impressed that you've managed to beat him, but it's not over yet. Raiza, noting that the operation has failed, orders her troops to pull out. Just then the Scarlook appears and blasts Kazuya from behind - was this really a trap after all? Hareck orders Bergan to stop, saying that he lost fair and square and that he won't allow Bergan to lay a finger on him. Bergan says that victory is all that matters, and that there's no better time to attack Deimos after the wounds he sustained fighting Hareck. Hareck is furious at this gross disregard for the hearts of warriors, but Bergan tells him that if he interferes he'll take him down too, as a traitor. In fact, he goes and shields Kazuya from Bergan's attack, getting badly damaged in the process. He tells Bergan that he'll be damned if he lets Bergan soil the manly duel that he and Kazuya fought. Bergan resolves to take them both out at once, but Hareck says that he won't allow Kazuya to be killed, and _rams_ the Scarlook. Bergan, astounded, has no choice but to pull out. Your people marvel at this display of valor and chivalry, even from the enemy. Kazuya calls Hareck a true samurai, and then notices something. Hareck managed to eject, and Kazuya goes over to him in Deimos. After names are exchanged, Hareck tells Kazuya that the two are enemies: kill him, capture him, do as he pleases. Kazuya will do neither, since their duel has been interrupted. Besides, he has to thank Hareck for saving his life. Hareck says that that's his line, but Kazuya's companions are coming. Kazuya tells Hareck to leave this to him and flee, promising to finish their duel one way or another next time they meet. Kazuya smiles and tells him to heal his wounds by then. Hareck really likes Kazuya's spirit, and can now understand full well while Erika fell in love with him. Hareck leaves with a promise to repay this debt, and Kazuya looks forward to their next battle. Kazuya will not deny his deed to Pete, saying that he can't treat someone who saved his life as an enemy. Besides, he was a proud warrior - he would likely choose death over revealing information during interrogation. Pete yells at him to open his eyes - sympathy for the enemy aliens is nothing but fantasy. Kazuya acknowledges that his father was indeed killed by the Barm - but he can't see all of them as being bad. Pete, upon hearing that Kazuya still loves Erika, furiously demands to know if Kazuya showed the same pity to the alien who just fled, and Sanshirou interrupts, telling him that this is something people outside the one on one duel wouldn't understand. Pete yells at him in turn to cut out the irresponsible crap - doesn't he realize that he's a warrior supposed to protect the Earth? Sanshirou says he damn well does, and he doesn't need Pete to tell him it either. He then questions Pete's indiscriminate branding of all aliens as enemies, noting that that makes Pete no better than those same aliens who indiscriminately attacked first. Pete digests this for a moment and then says that talking to them is a waste of his time, and he'll report all this to Daimoji. Kazuya tells him to go right ahead - he doesn't think his actions were wrong. Fang Lee notes that both sides are right in this case, and thus friction is inevitable. Kanan has been considerably strained by the Rejection, and will require quite a bit of rest. Yuu tells her that she doesn't have to go back to Orphan or ride in Antibodies anymore. Kanan can understand how Yuu would want to get away from his parents once he got his free will back, but what about Orphan's objective, to make all mankind obey it? And yet, it was the only place that Kanan felt at peace; she was anxious everywhere else she went. Yuu tells her that that was her mother's anxiety speaking - she ought to live under her own will. She figures there's no way she can do that, but Yuu disagrees, saying that that was why he acted. He tells her that the Novus Noa would surely take her in - he himself intends to continue working with the Alpha Numbers as the only way to stop the Reclaimers. They think that genes and memories are everything, why then do people value the world? Kanan notes that Orphan is supposed to correct that mistake, but Yuu says that that's wrong - there's some sort of curse on Orphan. In any event, she should take her time and think about where she can return to. Outside the room, two of the kiddies are satisfied that everything is okay, and take off running, prompting a round of commentary from the two other Brain pilots. Raiza is most displeased with Bergan's actions, which caught someone on their side up in the fighting. Bergan asks if that wasn't in fact her wish - given that Hareck threatened her second-in-command position. He tells her that she's beautiful when she's angry - this is far more "her" than the warm glaces at Rihitel he sees her casting. She furiously asks if he's insulting her, but Rihitel shows up and tells them that if they've got time to quarrel, they'd better get to work on the next operation. Just then, word comes in that Hareck has returned. Bergan is surprised that Hareck survived the blast, and even more surprised that he managed to make it safely back from the battle zone, and Rihitel orders Balbas to bring him here immediately. Rihitel is glad to see Hareck back, but Hareck immediately begs Rihitel's forgiveness for his failure and disgraceful return. Rihitel has heard of Hareck's valor from Raiza, and tells him not to worry about it... nor will he hold him responsible for the incident with Bergan. Rihitel tells him that he'll have another chance to take Kazuya's head eventually, and has him go and rest himself for now. Hareck has a request before he complies - stop the fight with the Earthlings. Surely, the Earthlings will listen to reason, and he implores Rihitel to treat with them once more. Rihitel calls him a fool and punches him, daring him to say that again. Hareck will say it as often as Rihitel wants: there are other ways besides hating and killing each other. Rihitel demands to know how Hareck can say that in light of what happened to his father, and and Hareck says that at the very least not _all_ Earthlings are like that, and that goes for Kazuya too. He openly tells Rihitel that Kazuya is enough of a man to merit Erika's attentions towards him. Rihitel can't believe that Hareck is spouting this stuff too, and orders him thrown in the dungeon as well, never to appear or even be mentioned to him again. Erika has meanwhile been locked away in the dungeon long enough to lose track of time, thinking only of Kazuya. Just then Hareck knocks on her cell, introducing himself. He tells her that it would take too long to explain why Rihitel through him, a trusted friend, into the dungeon, but tells her that he met Kazuya. Kazuya is the greatest man that he's ever met, and is sure that Kazuya won't be defeated easily. Hareck thinks that if the Earth's nobility were like Kazuya, this battle would be over by now. Erika agrees, but there's little they can do while they're in the dungeon. Hareck, with a big debt to repay to Kazuya, vows to bring Erika safely to him - so, she mustn't throw away hope. Erika agrees, saying that she'll keep praying for him until that day. Stage 20. Bokoku no Hokori wo Kaketa Yuushi ("A Hero who Risked the Pride of his Motherland") Kusuha remembers back to the last time she saw Britto. He was planning on heading to Tesla Raihi to get Oomiya's help in understanding more about the Choukijin. Those two machines have been under military lockdown since the Balmar War, but according to Britto they up and disappeared one day. Kusuha is impressed that neither they nor the Titans know of the Choukijin's whereabouts, and that's why Britto wants to know more about their past; why they were created. He feels that if he can found out even a little bit more he'll be able to see them again. Britto tells Kusuha to pursue her dream of being a doctor, but promises her that he'll come and pick her up should anything happen - with the Choukijin in tow. Actually, it's Britto remembering that. Apparently whatever brainwashing has taken over him since meeting the black Ko-Ou-Ki and coming to his "lord"'s place isn't entirely complete. Whoever that lord is tells him not to doubt, for he is the protector of the Earth. And Britto, having inherited his strong will, is one of this protector's chosen few. He commands the many swords to gather unto him, that the world may be protected. His power is for you all. His power is to protect the planet. Britto can't seem to resist... Balbas has some very bad news for Rihitel: minister Melby has been sent from Little Barm to the undersea castle. This is Olban's nephew, and it's highly unusual for him to show up without advance warning. Perhaps he's here to observe on behalf of Olban, who may be getting impatient with the slow pace of the invasion. Bergan figures that that's his roll, and ponders how the only rumors he's heard of this Melby describe him as a good-for-nothing drunkard - if so, why is he here? Melby does in fact seem rather drunk, and when Rihitel asks politely why he's come to Earth, Melby tells him that he's forgotten. This predictably pisses Rihitel off, but Melby tells him not to look so angry, unless he's got something to hide from Olban. Rihitel asks if he's drunk, and Melby says that drunkenness is only natural after drinking alcohol... or does Rihitel plan to tell the nephew of their nation's leader that he can't drink? Bergan figures that this guy is even more of a jackass than what he'd heard - someone not worth suspecting as a member of "that" organization. Melby then wonders where Rihitel's beautiful sister is, and figures he'll go say hi while he's on Earth. Rihitel tells him that his people are in the midst of operations to take over the Earth - if Melby has no worthwhile business here, he is to leave. Melby shrugs this off, saying that he'll then spectate on the Barm army's operations and offering to prepare a victory toast. Despite how lame this guy seems, Rihitel figures he can't just send him back to Little Barm lest Olban become further enraged by the lack of progress. Bergan asks if Rihitel fears Olban's wrath that much, and Rihitel angrily says that the only thing he fears is the danger threatening the billion of his countrymen in hibernation. In which case, Bergan offers to take Raiza and make Rihitel's worries go away. He claims to have a plan equal to his show of confidence, but says that his next plan involves using someone from the dungeon. Rihitel figures it's Hareck, and tells Bergan that the disposition of a traitor like that is up to him. Bergan won't forget those words, as Rihitel tells them to get to it. Raiza inwardly begs for Rihitel's forgiveness... Daimoji is explaining to Miwa how combat with the Barm and Reclaimers has delayed his people's return to the Far East Base. Miwa is more than impatient with this, saying that the subterraneans are starting to act up now. Daimoji understand this, but wants to do something before returning to base: swing by Deimovic to undertake Deimos' final adjustments. Miwa tells him to do that at Big Falcon, but Sakon informs him that that would interfere with Miwa's operations. He explains that maintenance on such a specialized machine requires considerable effort - and should presumably be left up to people familiar with it. Miwa then grouses that Deimos alone should be sent to Deimovic, but Sakon says that the rest of the mecha need work to, and so as not to strain the Far East Base's resources, all of them will get serviced at Deimovic. Miwa is somewhat pacified by this, but orders Daimoji to make it fast. Sakon explains after hanging up that Miwa is still the sort of person one can get through to if they understand what's important to him. Besides, Big Falcon wouldn't be able to do jack for your mecha without its key scientists anyway. With that, your people head to Deimovic. The Deimos crew get a warm welcome from Waizumi. After Kazuya recalls his resolve to bring peace to the Earth (it's Erika's dream too), the scientists have him bring Deimos to the underground hangar so they can adjust its Deimolite controller and power it up... or at least try. Kazuya really hopes this is possible, since without more power he figures he won't be able to stop the Barm or rescue Erika. Moreover, Getter Dragon is finally back from repairs, along with its full team. Hayato tells Ryou that the subterraneans have had many small skirmishes with the Far East Base's forces, but so far nothing big. Prof. Saotome suspects that they're planning something very big. But hey, surely things will work out with all your people joining forces. Musashi gives back Getter Dragon, and gets to ride in Black Getter instead. Hamaguchi meanwhile has built the combat machine to Sakon's specifications - all that remains is to test it in battle. He finds Sakon's ideas very interesting, and is looking forward to seeing how they work in battle. Just then Kyoushirou comes in looking for Nana, who has been scarce lately. He suspects he knows the reason why, though he claims his concern is merely to keep the Deimos repairs from getting distracted. Sakon and Midori then have everyone who's finished with their maintenance start looking. Kusuha and Irui are out on the beach, and haven't found Nana there. Irui says that she doesn't mind the walk - in fact, she loves being with Kusuha, her kind and strong-hearted savior. Unfortunately, the happy mood is pierced as Irui senses that something is coming. Meanwhile, Nana is pondering why Erika is the only one in her "brother's" heart. It's not fair, especially after Erika left him! Four finds her just then, and tells her to come back. After all, she loves Kazuya, doesn't she? Of course, and enough so not to lose to Erika! [yeah RIGHT!] Nana more or less wishes Erika was dead, but Four tells her not to be foolish. She understands something of Erika's reasons for wanting to leave - she didn't want to be a burden to Kazuya... and thus tried to leave herself behind. Nana then figures that it's her fault, for saying what she did to Erika. Oh no, she's done something irreparable to both Erika and Kazuya, she thinks. Just then the air raid sirens go off, and there's few machines which can sortie. Nana decides to launch in her Galvar, saying that since Erika was willing to risk her life for Kazuya, she can too. It'll take three turns until all the Alpha Numbers can sortie to meet this Barm threat. Nana then blasts off, saying that she can at least buy some time and promising to protect her "brother" in Erika's place. They hastily agree to stop the work on Deimos and sortie it too. Deimos launches on turn two, demonstrating once more that Banpresto's FMV's need serious help =( Kazuya tells Nana to _think_ before blasting off like that - all she's done is inconvenience others. Nana agrees, saying that she's nothing but a burden to everyone, especially since she made Erika leave the Taikuu Maryuu. So she's at least got to try to do this much, she thinks. Kazuya then shields her from enemy attack, and Nana asks why he bothered when it's Erika he loves. Kazuya tells her to stop being stupid - like he could leave her alone at a time like this! He continues that it's not her fault that Erika left - it's the fault of all of you for not stopping the war. Does that mean he loves her? He's now furious, telling this bitch that someone who didn't love her would never put himself through this shit to save her. The cavalry shows up on turn 3, with Pete thanking them for buying time. Sanshirou's got a new weapon which he can only use when he's close to the Taikuu Maryuu, the Miracle Drill. On 3.5, the main enemy force shows up - man, it's hard being popular. That this many Barm are on the scene suggests that they've got some kind of forward base on Earth. As Ken'ichi is about to lead your guys into battle, a voice tells him to stop. It's his brother Hainel's voice, and boy are your people surprised to see him. He's come as a representative of Boazan and Barm to treat for peace. He wants to correct the error made on Mars, and stop all this profitless struggle. The newbies on your team are very dubious about all this, but Ken'ichi is sure that with Hainel in the mix things can be worked out. Pete notes that Kazuya seems not to be the only alien-lover around, but Ken'ichi points out that fighting here will accomplish nothing more than a repetition of the past. Talking things out is more important right now. Amuro understands Ken'ichi's feelings, but says that these are circumstances where suspicion is appropriate. He tells Ken'ichi to think rationally - it seems unlikely that Hainel's people could actually bring about peace under these circumstances. Kazuya agrees, figuring that Rihitel would never go for this. Amuro realizes that the Boazan army loves to use imposters to try to trick you - but why would they come here, knowing you'd see through their ploy? Moreover, Erika is on the scene too, imploring your people to listen. As your people hesitate, Raiza has finished fine- tuning a new weapon targeted at your pilots' brainwaves, and Bergan figures the time has come. Ropet detects a directed hypnosis wave, which Bergan says he fine tuned for each pilot while you were taken in by the fake Erika and Hainel. Bergan says that this sympathy for the enemy is your weakness, and he'll send you all to where Hainel is. Your people can still move, but this looks like it's going to be rough. Rough as in, you can't use magic, and your Morale has been reduced. For a Skill Point, shoot down the Scarlook. Two turns later, Bergan turns up the hypnosis wave - your people can barely even move their fingers now. Just then, something very strange approaches (and Irui can sense it ahead of time). It's Britto, plus a gigantic bird, plus a giant shark and cat. They don't seem to be enemies though - have they come to help you? The Brains are reacting too, and Bergan is astounded to see machines like this that aren't from his or the Black Holler Army's forces either. Britto mumbles something about how everything is to protect the Earth, and the giant bird (a phoenix?) goes and wrecks the hypnosis device. Remy expects these machines to join your forces according to the usual pattern, but Britto says his role is over (breaking the pattern) and decides to pull out. Your people thank them first for helping out. Unfortunately, you're not quite out of the woods yet: Bergan dispatches his trump card, the Combat Robot Klein. And it can teleport! This could suck, although Kazuya says you've just got to strike it when it appears. Bergan shows Kazuya what Klein's head contains: Erika, and Hareck. These are presumably not imposters, and Hareck tells Kazuya that the thing is loaded with explosives. This could be a ploy to seal your hands, OR as Kazuya perceives Hareck could have been imprisoned along with Erika. Pete is sick of hearing this, but Sanshirou thinks that Kazuya may have the right idea. He tells Pete that _if_ the bomb story is true, defeating the Klein would be precisely what Bergan wants. Pete isn't going to stand by and see Deimovic get destroyed, but Daimoji notes that whatever the truth may be the Klein is positively rigged to explode. He tells everyone not to touch it until he can figure out what's really going on. Raiza figures that if her side can buy time until the Klein explodes, they can defeat the Earthlings. Besides, Erika's ongoing existence would eventually taint Rihitel's name. She inwardly begs Rihitel's forgiveness, for becoming a devil in order to protect his honor and position. As Klein attacks, Hareck says that it's being controlled by computer. Pete says that he's not soft like Kazuya and Sanshirou and that that excuse won't work on him, but Daimoji yells at him to stop since you don't know what's going on yet. Kazuya wonders what the hell he should do under the circumstances, and Nana calls him a coward. After all, Erika risked her life for him once - now it's time for him to do the same. But should he go try to save Erika, knowing it could be a trap? Nana says that if Kazuya believes in Erika, she will too. This has cleared up his doubts, and he tells Erika that he'll believe in her even if the rest of the world won't... because she's the only person in the world he loves! The rest of your team is suitably impressed by this, and Amuro gives the order to wipe out everyone else. Hareck says that your only choice is to stop his machine moving, since Erika and he are tied up and can't get at the controls. Moreover, the bomb has a timer - you've got three more turns. Hareck is sure that Kazuya can read the Klein's subspace movements. To win, you've got to reduce the Klein to less than 1000 HP without actually killing it. Taking out the Scarlook should actually be rather easy... The Klein is set to appear near Deimos - that shouldn't be so hard for your people to follow. When you win the battle, Hareck thanks you for believing in him. Unfortunately there's no more time to disarm the bomb, though the time Kazuya bought him let him get free. He throws Erika from the mech and moves away from the base, saying that he's now repaid his debt to Kazuya. As Kazuya tries to go to Hareck's rescue, Hareck tells him to stay away: he can't let a brave man like Kazuya, so indispensable to peace between their two peoples, die. He entrusts this peace to Kazuya, Erika, and all your brave warriors, and says that he's returning to his home, far beyond the stars of the galaxy. He teleports away and the bomb detonates. Sakon realizes that he knew from the start that the bomb couldn't be defused and planned to do this from the start. Pete is astounded that such a man existed among the aliens, and Kouji notes that he really has gone to his homeland now. Unfortunately, a Barm vehicle appears on Melby's special orders, to "save" Erika. Kazuya can't reach her in time, and the resulting angst is immense. Rihitel demands to know why Bergan used Erika in his plan, and Bergan informs him that he already received Rihitel's permission. Rihitel doesn't remember authorizing that, and Bergan says that unless his memory is faulty Rihitel permitted him to use anyone in the dungeon for his operation, that the disposal of traitors was up to Bergan. He asks if Raiza knew of this, and she begs his forgiveness while saying that Erika was threatening to stain his name, and would eventually bring catastrophe upon him. He cuts forth her obsequiescence, telling her that he never recalls being sympathetic towards his sister. Bergan assumes that Rihitel will therefore not hold him responsible using his sister then - given that the operation was made _purely_ with the best interests of Raiza and Rihitel at heart. Rihitel insists that he has no sympathy left for Erika, but orders her brought before him at once. That won't be possible given that she was lost in the battle, but when Rihitel hastily orders her found and retrieved Melby says there's no need. He's of course responsible for her safe return, and hopes that Rihitel shows a little gratitude for it. Melby tells Erika that she looks more beautiful than when he last saw her, and asks if she's fallen in love or something. Rihitel yells at Melby that Erika is a shameful traitor to the Barm, and noone worth saving. When Erika attempts to talk to him, Rihitel tells her to shut up and says that this time he'll execute her himself. Melby isn't having that, saying that he won't hand her to Rihitel... given that she'll become his bride. THAT was his true reason for coming to Earth. Rihitel won't permit it, saying that he has total authority over her. Of course, that's no way to talk to Olban's nephew, and Melby says that if Rihitel will simply give his permission he'll depart from the Earth at once. Rihitel gives his permission after a moment, and Melby resolves to take along Margarette as a lady in waiting. Melby tells Erika that she's his now, and that it's to him she should direct her smile. Meanwhile, Kazuya angsts over Erika, resolving to use Deimos to fight for peace between the two peoples, accepting the soul of Hareck. The other pilots watch and note that he's not that depressed - looks like "Romeo" is taking strength from "Juliet"'s plight. Even Monsha, who has no sympathy for Kou's situation, feels a bit for Kazuya's. Kusuha is sure that everyone's strength combined can get Erika back... and the same goes for Britto. Your people are still feeling the aftereffects of that hypnosis wave, mostly lightheartedly. However, the eternally scowling Hiroshi seems to be the only one feeling no ill effects - something _is_ different about his body. He thought that the glove he got from his father is what let him transform into Jeeg, but... could it be that he's not human? Pete then confronts Sanshirou, telling him that Hareck taught him that there _are_ aliens who would risk their lives for peace and the future... and that there are other ways of solving things besides combat. He, like Kazuya, is now inclined to believe. He then passes along a warning about the Miracle Drill: if Sanshirou isn't more careful with his timing, the drill will punch right through Gaiking. Sakon meanwhile figures that the odd mecha you saw are most likely some kind of self-controlled half-living weapons. Meaning that noone was piloting them. There's too many questions about where and by whom they were made, but their concept is vaguely similar to the Arrowgater mecha. It might be natural to think of them as alien in origin, but somehow Sakon can't see that - maybe they're more like the ancient Mikeene or other old Earth technology. Whatever is responsible, it's nothing you've seen before, Banjou figures. Will those three mystery mecha be your allies, or enemies? You get a Minovsky Craft, a Propellant Tank, a Cartridge, and a Repair Kit. Stage 21. Kin-iro no Hakaishin ("The Golden God of Destruction") Shishiou is examining the Zondar Metal which had fused the human who became the core of the EI-02. This stuff has the ability to fuse with machinery and expand infinitely. Sakon senses in this and in the other events befalling you an evil will - one that thinks nothing of exploiting the weaknesses of human hearts. In that sense, it's something similar in function but opposite in purpose to the Antibodies: the Zondar Metal is alive, and if so its purpose becomes clear. The goal of all living things is to perpetuate themselves, and if more EI's based around this stuff get loose there's going to be big trouble - the entire world will get Zondarized by the Z0 (Zed Zero) particles the Zondar Metal releases. In small doses they're harmless, but in large enough doses they can actually make humans into EIs. Fortunately, that mysterious boy has the power to return such humans back to normal, a phenomenon that the GGG has taken to calling "Cleansing". Sadly, their scientists haven't been able to recreate it yet - meaning that boy is the key to saving the world. Unfortunately, said boy just sent in some distress call from Hokkaido, where Z0 emissions have been detected. Worse, the area it's from (Isolde) has something that Yumi and Saotome have gone to keep an eye on. If something happens to either of them, you are *screwed* The GGG rushes to the scene, despite Gai's incomplete adjustments. Your people arrive at Isolde, marveling at how big it is. Kosaku explains that it's a huge particle accelerator, or as Hyouma puts it, a racetrack for particles. A rather nonplussed Kosaku says that, while it _is_ about as dangerous as a regular racetrack, the purpose of this thing is to generate large amounts of energy. You get no response from it, and Kouji is getting itchy to rush in and rescue his father. The Ryuu twins will start by surveying the exterior of the facility, keeping watch on two of the four gates. One of the remaining two will be held by the intelligence division, and the fourth will be Gai, assuming his body holds out. Hiroshi volunteers to go to in that case, saying his fortified suit will stop any small stuff and that he's worried about Gai. Gai isn't feeling very well at all, but figures he's got no choice but to go if the EI are in Isolde. Mikoto has heard that if Gai uses Hell and Heaven once more, there's no guarantee he'll survive, and begs him to stop fighting since she couldn't bear it if something happens to him. Gai thinks of his body as something granted to him by God to save people the world over. He promises her that he'll be back. Just then Hiroshi comes in, saying he's got business with Gai. Gai's not doing very well at all, and Hiroshi says that he'll accompany him, since both of them seem to have been subjected to their parents' whims. Gai actually is grateful to his father for this body, and for giving him a reason to live. That's why Gai feels he has to go, even if his life expires. Hyouryuu reports in, he's almost reached the space beneath Isolde. Hyuuga orders him to prioritize recovery of the two scientists above all else when he finds them. Enryuu hasn't found them either, which means they must be at either the north or south gates. Gai and Hiroshi are pressing ahead, and Gai seems to be feeling better. Gai realizes that Hiroshi doesn't yet know about his body, and they both notice someone up ahead. That someone is impressed you noticed him: Pizza, one of the Four Heavenly Lords of Machinery. Which means that his comrades are busy dealing with the rest of the "rubbish". Gai tells Hiroshi that he'll take this guy on while Hiroshi rescues the professors. As Pizza transforms into some kind of monster, Hiroshi finally heeds Gai's words and heads ahead. Unfortunately, waiting ahead is Penchinon, who can tell that Hiroshi is no mere human. Too bad his plan to kill Hiroshi is foiled by Volfogg's interference. He takes over this fight, and orders Hiroshi to head onwards and save the professors. Hiroshi is getting the hang of this, and hurries forward. Happily, it appears that he's succeeded in rescuing the profs, and Gai sends Galleon to take them somewhere safe. As your people retreat, Primada figures that her people have bought enough time here to give rise to a new Zondar. Penchinon vows to make this place your grave, and a lot of mobile suits and Megazauruses appear, plus Docougar mecha - this means that the original Zondar has been copied, although this time there isn't a person inside. Only a Zondar could gather as many different mecha made with so many different technologies together to fight for it, unless of course you count your own people. This means you're in for a big fight, though your pilots are determined to prove that copies can't beat your originals. Shishiou says that the Zondar in charge of all these mecha must be around somewhere. Until you take it out, you won't be able to get this facility back. Pizza is far from impressed at seeing Gai, the despicable remnant of Cain, and figures to bring his power to an end here. Clear this map in eight turns for a Skill Point. On turn two, you detect a human near the entrance to Isolde: Kenpeizaki, the former systems engineer of GGG. Could it be that he resents Entouji? He pops out in the Zondar, which seems to be a copy of Gaogaigar made by hacking the data and combining it with the Zondar part. Gai resolves to get rid of this copy, and asks Mikoto for Final Fusion. Mikoto worries that Gai will die at this rate, but he insists he'll be okay. Mikoto finally believes in him and prepares to do fire it, but Pizza won't let her: he wrecks Gai's guide beacon for the fusion. If the Fusion is allowed to continue, both Gaigar and the Gao Machines will be destroyed. Hyouma tells Gai not to give up: if he can't combine on Auto, he's just got to do it on Manual. This comes as some kind of revelation to Shishiou, who hops in with Hyuuga and Ushio. Whether this works or not is up to Gai, and as the quibbling about what percent success rate it'll have, the rest of your people say that they'll buy Gai the time he needs. Gai pulls it off, a victory for spirit and resolve as Hyuuga would have it. Shishiou is most pleased, but warns Gai not to use Hell and Heaven - doing so would kill him this time. He tells Gai to let the others pull out the Zondar core this time, and to believe in his plan for what to do next. The map clear condition is taking down the EI-15. It's worth a Study Computer. After you waste the Zondar, Volfogg manages to pull out its core. Entouji murmers that Kenpeizaki always overlooked something important, that there are things that originals have and copies don't: the "proof of heroism". The mystery figures commend your people, admitting that mere copies could never beat the Relic of Cain. Primada figures that it's her turn, and a leading scientist in the field of gravity control, also appears to be a Zondar. And she does something that glues all your units to the ground. Entouji detects an increase in Nix particles in the region beneath the Unitality Threshold [wow, technobabble galore!] This abnormal gravity will crush all your people flat... except for the plan that Shishiou's got up his sleeve. The enemy aren't impressed, and dispatch more bad guys. You still have to clear the map in 8 turns, but now you need to shoot down the EI-20. Get used to not being able to move or attack for a while. All things considered, good play can beat this mission in seven turns total. After two turns, Shishiou is wondering where the thing he's sent for is. Primada is impressed at how tough you all are, but decides to end it here. Her plans to see you as metal scrap are foiled as Goldymarg shows up, apparently very powerful and very full of itself - much like Hyuuga. Hyuuga gets very upset at the notion that there's anything wrong with it, and Shishiou explains that since he didn't have any time to properly raise this A.I., he copied and transplanted Hyuuuga's personality into it. He then yells to Gai that Goldymarg will give Gaogaigar a new power - the ultimate G Tool, the Goldion Hammer. This is good news, since it'll reduce the stress on Gai when doing Hammer Hell and Heaven. EI-20 is worth a High-Powered Radar. When you take out the EI-20, it doesn't seem to die, until Gai auto ass-rocks it with his Goldion Hammer. The bad guys are somewhat dumbfounded, Pizza resolving to remember Gaogaigar's name [like he didn't know it already!!!] Unfortunately, Gai's G-stone is losing power: at this rate his life support systems will fail in short order. Fortunately, glowing boy is on the scene, telling Gai that he'll make him feel better and take care of the Zondar. Today, said boy isn't going to run off anywhere - he feels like he's got to help out your people. He wonders if God gave him this power to help all the people in the world out - which is what Gai figured too. It's surely the beginning of a beautiful friendship. The two eminent scientists have more or less figured out what the four bad guys were up to inside the particle accelerator. Yumi figures that those four "Zondarians" were trying to get their hands on a powerful energy source. And using that source, they wanted to turn Isolde into a Zondar Metal-making plant. Apparently, that was also why they were interested in Photon Power... but not in Getter Rays, which means that Saotome would probably be dead now if not for your help. They seem to regard Getter Rays as their enemy, and Sakon notes that the energy that causes living beings to evolve might well seem abominable to those machines. In fact, this might have something to do with the increase in Getter Rays these past several years. In any event, high-energy facilities should now be considered Zondar targets - and the best way to counter that threat is to post GGG's forces to the Alpha Numbers. Mikoto gets to come along as well, since Gaogaigar requires an operator to work properly. Moreover, the green-haired lad will be going along as well, and Taiga tells Shishiou that he'll take full responsibility for his posting. Your people get introduced to the Big Order Room, which among other things has seats for the robot members of your crew to sit in. The robots look like they'll fit right in, including in the kiddies' massage regimen... Taiga confers with Mamoru, promising to persuade his parents without revealing his powers and making them worry. Taiga tells him that he'll take the task of lying, since he doesn't want to see Mamoru himself have to start. He in fact goes to his house, telling his parents that he's starting a space physical education program and wants Mamoru as a monitor for it. Gai is a little sad that he had to deceive his parents, but vows to protect them all as they give their permission for him to go. You get a Propellant Tank, a Cartridge, and a Repair Kit. Stage 22. Mezamero Jeeg! Ikari no Hangeki! Erika informs the still drunken Melby that she won't marry him, despite his insistence that she smile like a bride is supposed to. In fact, she up and threatens to commit suicide if he gets any closer to her - she's no doll, and she both thinks and acts under her own will. Moreover, there's only one person in the universe she loves... and Melby asks her if she's prepared to lay down her life for that person, Kazuya. He says that she'd have no regrets, and after a brief faceoff Melby bursts out laughing, saying once he's finally collected himself and cast off his drunken appearance that Erika has proven herself truly worthy of being an envoy of peace. He summons Dange over, who's choice of her seems to be right on the money. It seems that Dange was once the shogun of Boazan's armies - now he's one of the people among the Barm- Boazan-Zayla Peaceful Liberation Front. Melby explains that it's an organization of peace-lovers who'd like to make peace with the Earth. Ever since Rion's death, the doves have been oppressed fiercely by the military, but with a bit of help from Melby he's managed to make it to Earth to help out. As it happens, beneath Melby's drunkard act he's in fact the leader of the Front - which shocks Margarette due to Melby's blood ties to Olban. Melby states flatly that blood has nothing to do with it - as a thinking being, he considers Olban's actions inexcusable. He explains to Erika that he saved her to gain her aide as the peaceful Rion's descendant - and because her love with Kazuya will be the key to peace with the Earth. That, and Melby figured that Erika had to learn of the truth behind her father's assassination and Olban's plots. Unfortunately, the military has fiercely opposed any attempt to reopen negotiations with the Barm, and the Federation government has caved in. It seems that the hawks, starting with Miwa, have the upper hand for now. Riliina wonders inwardly to Hiiro if she can do no more - do these times require might more than conversation?) Just then, Ikima, the general of the Jama armies, shows up[!!!] He's petrified the sentries, lest they raise a fuss over him [!!!], though he tells an irate Noin that he hasn't come here today to fight. He's here on Himika's orders, and tells them to accompany him if they value their lives... of course, that would mean back to his kingdom. Himika introduces herself with much impressiveness as the rightful ruler of Japan, but Riliina isn't impressed and asks Himika politely but firmly what she wants. Riliina has steeled herself for this kind of thing long since, and Himika figures that someone like her is actually possible to negotiate with. She tells Riliina that the Jama Empire once flourished side by side with nature in Japan. But that peaceful existence within the cycle of nature was abruptly broken one day, the very existence of the empire threatened by barbarians from abroad. To counter that threat, Himika's people used their interdimensional science to venture far underground and slumber. And now, the Jama have awakened, and Himika would like Riliina to inform the humans that this country is theirs. Riliina inquires why Himika's people didn't elect to negotiate in the first place, which draws an angry reaction from Amaso and Mimashi, who say that the rightful owner should have no need to announce himself to interlopers. Himika tells them to stand down, saying that Riliina's words are most reasonable. She tells Riliina that her people have realized their mistake, and should the fighting continue Japan itself would get destroyed, setting them back to square one. She asks Riliina if they've already passed the point of no return - if there's no other path than mutual bloodshed. After a moment, Riliina says that she, as one who loves peace, will believe the empress' words. She will talk to the Federation and attempt to set up a time and place for negotiations. She tells Riliina that Shiba of the Buildbase should know quite a bit about the Jama, and should be able to assist her. Riliina promises to ask him forthwith, and Himika offers to send Riliina straight there. Riliina, no fool, realizes she's got to tell the Alpha Numbers about this right away... Himika's chuckling probably doesn't bode well though. Riliina has conveyed Himika's message, which is certainly the last thing your people were expected to hear. Before the question of whether _you_ should believe it, the Federation government, or rather Miwa, are unlikely to buy it. Shiba says that the Jama's statement is nothing more than the rationalization of an invader - a selfish notion they're trying to foist off on others. Hiroshi asks if his father is in a position to say that, and he replies that this is no time for verbal sparring. Synapse cuts Hiroshi off when he won't take the hint and starts asking about his body, and Shiba figures that Himika's request must be some sort of trap. He concurs with Riliina's noble love for peace, but says that between the Jama and you can be nothing but perpetual war. Riliina realizes that her ideals are just that, ideals, but she would hate to see this chance wasted, especially since they (the ones who started the fighting) are offering to bring an end to it. With little resolved, Synapse and the crew withdraw to their ships to guard against enemy assault. Shiba asks Hiroshi and Mitchi to stay behind, though this has nothing to do with the new Jeeg Parts. Hiroshi has little patience for his father's lectures, but he's willing to listen if his father will discuss the secret of his body. When his father asks what secret, Hiroshi says that he's not dumb: he knows he's abnormally tough and that his "protection suit" is abnormal. Besides, the Zondarians and Mitchi seem to know something about him, as does Gai. He yells for his father to tell him convincingly what's going on with his body, and that he doesn't want to fight any longer without knowing the truth. Shiba had held him back for just this reason, and tells Mitchi that there's no longer any point in trying to hide things from him. He explains to Hiroshi that his body is not human, but cyborg. The bronze bell that he discovered long ago had inscribed on it the secret of the Jama Empire - and he couldn't let that bell fall into Himika's hands no matter what. It was to protect the bell and to fight the Jama off that he modified Shiba's body. Hiroshi freaks out over the notion that he's not human, yelling at Mitchi not to touch him and demanding to know how a father who could do that sort of thing to his own son could even call himself human. Shiba concedes that, as Hiroshi can see, he _is_ no longer human either: all was done to protect the surface world from the Jama. Hiroshi is unconvinced, but Mitchi heatedly asks him why he can't understand that even if his body is cyborg, his heart is human. He still can't equate being a cyborg with being human, and Shiba tells him that his power is there to fight the enemies of mankind, starting with the Jama. Hiroshi yells at him to shut up, saying that he refuses to go on fighting and become his father's lackey. After he stalks off, Mitchi offers to go and persuade him, but Shiba tells her not to bother - until Hiroshi accepts the facts, there's no way he'll be able to survive the battles that lie ahead. Just like Gai. Riliina figures that even though she failed to persuade Synapse, she mustn't give up. Abolishing all fighting is a tall order, but she figures she should at least be able to diminish it. Unfortunately, the Jama have sent an envoy who would like an answer right now - and Mimashi isn't surprised when he learns that she's failed. All that remains is for him to find out the location of the bronze bell. WHICH of course was their plan all along. Gai wants to know where Hiroshi thinks he's going - as Gai can see, Hiroshi is leaving the Taikuu Maryuu before anyone can do something else to his body. Hiroshi is grimly amused to be in the same boat as Gai, and Gai tries to get Hiroshi to stop and listen. Unsuccessfully, since Hiroshi was _made_ a cyborg against his will. Just then, Mimashi announces that he's grabbed Riliina, ordering your people to tell him where the bronze bell is if they want to see her stay alive. Mimashi informs Riliina that of course they never intended to negotiate: why should they, when Himika is the rightful ruler anyway? Riliina herself is prepared to lay down her life - but Mimashi wonders if the rest of your people will see it that way. Hiiro is in fact nowhere to be seen, which Duo figures is normal and means that everything should be okay. Pete is sure that there will be more bad guys than just this one man, and asks Daimoji for permission to sortie. Daimoji hesitates to do that while Riliina is held hostage, and Shiba tells Mimashi that he doesn't have the bell, making his hostage-taking useless. Hiroshi asks if Shiba is trying to get Riliina killed, and Shiba says that he's doing nothing of the kind. He tells Hiroshi to save her, and Hiroshi refuses to take orders from him like a machine. Shiba reminds him that a life hangs in the balance - if he doesn't do it, who will? Hiroshi still has utterly no intention to become his father's lackey, until a gunshot rings out. It's Hiiro, without a mech, facing down Mimashi who calls him a fool for not appreciating his disadvantage. Hiiro tells Riliina to believe in him, and shoots Mimashi quite handily. Too bad that bullets won't go through his skin, and Mimashi, gloating, goes and prepares to manually break Hiiro's neck. Which is just what Hiiro wanted, since in order to kill him Mimashi had to leave Riliina behind - AND, parts of Mimashi's body are still organic and quite susceptible to Hiiro's gun. Gai tells Hiiro to leave the rest to him, and lashes out with his Will Knife. He safely rescues Riliina and forces Mimashi to flee. Riliina thanks Hiiro for once again saving her life, and Hiiro tells her that as long as there's fighting, he'll protect her, even if he has to go back to what he was like in his past, when he was just a mere fighting machine. THAT gets Hiroshi's attention. Mimashi, meanwhile, is quite pissed off and calls up reinforcements. Gai tells Hiroshi to take Hiiro and Riliina to safety while he buys enough time for the Alpha Numbers to sortie. Hiroshi wants to know why Gai goes that far, and Gai yells out that no reason is necessary to save human lives - he never remembers throwing out his human heart along with his human body! Shiba tells Hiroshi that humans can risk their lives for what they believe in - what they love. Flesh and blood or machine matters not; what matters, is the heart! Hiroshi finally gets his head straight, and the two cyborgs start rocking ass. Mitchi tells Hiroshi that he can now use a new weapon, the Mach Drill. This thing will fly towards him at very high speed and is still under testing, but Hiroshi should be able to merge with it now. For a Skill Point, defeat all enemies within seven turns. Good play can do it in more like five. On turn 3, Amaso shows up to, in his words, help the incompetent Mimashi out. Ikima is on the scene too, and determined to recover the bronze bell at all costs. Ikima is worth a Hybrid Armor. Himika is most pissed off at her subordinates for bringing her plan to naught and coming back without knowing the location of the bronze bell. What they do know is that the bell isn't at Buildbase - either it's hidden somewhere else unlikely to fall into the hands of the Jama, or it's already been destroyed. Himika figures it can't be destroyed, since the humans would find it a valuable source of information. Even if it were destroyed, there should be a copy or something - and suddenly she has an idea. She commends Shiba for finding her blind spot: the one place most difficult for her people to reach. That would be: inside Jeeg's body! More precisely, its data has been implanted in a microcapsule inside him. Shiba tells Hiroshi that he doesn't mind if Hiroshi hates him, but tells him that the secrets the bell contains were _that_ important for him to protect. That secret is said to be an incantation which can call forth the kingdom of Hell. What it _actually_ is is unknown, but the godlike being which ruled over ancient Earth is... Hiroshi has figured out that the Jama want to call forth whatever that kingdom of Hell is and use it to rule the Earth, and his father tells him that the enemy probably know of the capsule's whereabouts: should he fall, the enemy will get their hands on the bell's secret. And at that moment, the kingdom of Hell will be reborn on the Earth. Hiroshi is determined to fight, but tells his father hotly that it's not because of him - it's because he, Shiba Hiroshi the human, has decided to on his own. As Hiroshi heads out with Mitchi, his parents confer: Hiroshi isn't the only one with a cruel destiny to bear, and that other person has probably figured it out by now. Shiba tells his wife that Hiroshi, having awakened to his will to fight, has positively gone up a rung as a warrior - surely Jeeg will come through. Your people are musing over Hiroshi being a cyborg. You now see why he was called "Hiroshi the Immortal" in his auto racing days, since he never got hurt in even the worst accidents. Banjou then steps in and recommends that everyone shut up about Hiroshi's body. Hyouma wants to know why, since he's not thinking of Hiroshi in a bad way because of it, but Banjou points out that Hiroshi didn't get that body because he wanted it... your people should be a bit more considerate of people in such circumstances. Just then Hiroshi comes in and reassures Hime and the others that it's okay - he's gotten the initial shock out of his system. Plus, if he moans about it he's sure Gai would just laugh at him, and he still has his human heart. Banjou inwardly agrees, noting that he and Gai aren't like the Megaborgs whose human egos have been amplified. He's sure that the two of them will continue trying to be human. Riliina is resolved to go off, even though she suspects that things will continue to end up as they just have. She figures she can't discard her destiny - believing that there still must be some path forward, she will continue to fight her fight. She's sure she'll see Hiiro again, and heads off. Duo asks Hiiro if he wouldn't worry less by being by her side, and Hiiro says that she didn't need his help back there. Her resolve is already set, and his being by her side would only soften that resolve. Just as Noin and Riliina are about to take off, someone named "Erika" asks to speak with her. Meanwhile, the Jama's main base's location is now clear, thanks to the emergency transponder Riliina had with her during her visit there. The signal vanished somewhere in mid-trip, but by combining the data they did get with the rest of their information up until now it is now 91.4% certain that their base in the mountains at point CK3224. Shishiou is glad to see a probability this high, since up until now some kind of kekkai has been preventing tighter localization. Just then Miwa calls in and tells you to get to Osaka on the double: the main force of the Kyouryuu has appeared and are on the rampage - something believed to be their mobile fortress has appeared in the center of Osaka. Miwa says that this happened because you all didn't follow his orders, and once again orders you to get to Osaka IMMEDIATELY. Stage 23. Mashiinrando Fujou ("Machineland Surfaces") Numerous Megazauruses are spotted in the city: the center of town has been all but ravaged by the bad guys peeling the Earth aside. Daimoji orders Pete to charge right into the center of the fray. Bat meanwhile is satisfied that the first stage of the plan is complete. Gallery notes that the monkeys would have had no way to anticipate their electroshock operation, and Bat tells Zanki to go and tell the emperor that this area belongs to the Kyouryuu. Zanki points out that only the first stage has been completed - until Getter and the Taikuu Maryuu are defeated, matters certainly can't be called complete. Bat doesn't need to be reminded of the failure of two years ago, and he and Gallery are sure that by surfacing Machineland they'll surely get the better of the monkeys this time. Your people show up, noting that the bad guys seem to be serious enough this time to risk sending their main fortress to attack you. That said, your people aren't going to back down - and Kouji says that it's time to settle the score in _this_ age [as well as in the future]. Bat laughs and says that his people never taste defeat twice, and Amuro realizes that they're up to something: all the plants around Machineland have grown abnormally. THAT seems to be their true intention, as Mikoto announces: the heat and CO2 content of the area around Machineland is rapidly rising. The bad guys are trying to modify the atmosphere to one more hospitable to themselves, and if this keeps up not only you but all the refugees won't last an instant. Daimoji orders you all to destroy Machineland, and Shishiou orders Mikoto to contact Taiga - they may have to use "that". If you let Radora live, he's still on the scene, though something seems abnormal about him. Bat informs you that Radora is being punished by the Kyouryuu in a manner far worse than death for his failure. Gallery and Bat are controlling Radora's will, turning him into a mere combat machine. Bat orders Radora to go forth and take on Shin Getter Robo, to obtain victory and glory. Is there no choice but for Ryou to defeat him? Shoot down Gallery and Bat within six turns for a Skill Point. Good play can do it in four. On turn two, the bad guys decide to use their new weapon: the Magma Cannon, which some of you might remember from Alpha Gaiden. Your people certainly do, as they gleefully inform Gallery. If you've met the conditions so far, send Ryou to Persuade Radora. Even Radora's memories seem under control, meaning you have no choice but to wreck his mech. Then have Getter take Radora down - he begins to remember who he is, and Bat recalls his mech in panic. Zanki is worth a Dual Sensor. Bat is worth a Booster. Gallery is worth a Biosensor. After the battle, a certain voice begins to laugh - it's Emperor Goll, who turns out to be very pissed off after tasting unending death in the regenerative vat. What he cooked up during that time is never-ending wrath and hatred, and tells you all to listen up: all the monkeys are about to get wiped out by Machineland as the Earth becomes his! Your people tell him to stick it in his ass, noting that a fortress or two won't stand in your way. Unfortunately, Goll has hostages - both military and civilians. Your people ponder how you can't lift a finger now, nor can you just leave things be. Goll is unreceptive to Musashi's call to fight fair and square, and is trying to decide which hostage to massacre first as Ryou volunteers to trade places with the hostages. This intrigues Goll, and in fact the whole Getter team volunteers to go along. That is except for Musashi, who the three Shin Getter pilots tell has to protect Saotome and Michiru. Goll tells Gallery to free _half_ of the hostages, and tells his men to blast the other half of you with the Magma Cannon. Amuro thinks for a moment, and tells everyone to pull out of this area at once. He tells your incredulous crew that if all of you fall here, who will rescue the hostages? Amuro says that you've got to regroup, and that he won't tolerate any dissension - this is WAY strong for him. As your people exit, Goll figures he's finally won - and Japan is now _his_. You have about an hour until the atmosphere becomes harmful to humans. You've got to figure out how to both destroy Machineland and rescue all the hostages. Gai says that he and Volfogg will see to the hostages, since that's up their alley, and Hiroshi figures that he'll help out too. Banjou, who specializes in infiltration, will go along too - he tells Hiroshi that he breathes differently than normal people... Shishiou is opposed to Gai leading the mission - if "it" arrives on time things could be quite different. Just then Miwa radios in, telling your people to pull out of the area. In one hour, a "scientific weapon" will be deployed to Osaka. This is a type of anti-reptilian poison gas that should work wonders on the subterraneans. Of course, this will poison all the hostages as well - does Miwa intend to abandon them? Kazuya demands to know how Miwa can call himself a soldier with a plan like that, and Miwa tells him as a civilian to butt out - he's going for the ultimate victory for mankind. Kazuya demands to know who will rejoice over a victory like that, and Miwa furiously orders him to shut up: at this rate, the sacrifices will only increase. Tetsuya tells him he's not inclined to heed that order, and Kouji tells Miwa to go splash some water on his face or something. Synapse understands what Miwa is saying, doublechecking that the weapon will be deployed in one hour. He then tells Miwa that your people will free the hostages and destroy Machineland in less time than that, and when Miwa demands to know if you're disobeying his order Duo's hand "slips" and hangs up on him. In any event, Synapse says that the responsibility is all his - but now, you can't back away anymore. Nobody plans to back out, and it looks like freeing the hostages will boil down to a diversion. Which, Shishiou has already taken care of: a new Tool for Gaogaigar that Entouji is bringing over - the Dividing Driver... Stage 24. Teiou Gooru Kesshi no Mouhangeki ("Emperor Goll's Fierce Counterattack, Determined to Die") Zanki detects something approaching. It's Musashi, who is more than prepared to take on the bad guys by himself (well, he's got a little backup). As the Kyouryuu generals ponder how this might be a trap, Zanki demands to know what they're so scared of - just kill Getter along with the hostages! Bat then tells Zanki to go do it, and Zanki figures there's no better opportunity to show his valor to Goll. Michiru warns Musashi that the enemy seem to have accepted the challenge, and Musashi vows that whatever else happens to him, he will protect Michiru. On turn two, Musashi keeps yelling at the lizards to come and get him. Gallery still suspects a trap, and Michiru figures that they've got to hold out until Goll himself shows up. On 2.5, Goll shows up in person to execute Musashi, in deference to his monumental stupidity. He then shows Musashi a crucified Getter, and tells him not to move lest Getter and the hostages die. Well, they're going to die anyway. Now's the time for Musashi to act, but he trembles in fear for a while before Michiru's words restore his courage. He then goes over and Daisetsuzan-Oroshi's Goll, telling a shocked Goll that he's won. Gai then shows up, saying that he'll pick up where Musashi's courage has left off. Using the Dividing Driver, he slices the land in half, leaving Goll wondering what the hell just happened. Shishiou explains about the special field it creates and the special combat subspace everyone has just been whisked away to: a "ring" that will keep all damage from reaching the outside world. Goll tells you not to get cocky since he's got hostages, but they have all in fact just been released now that all the bad guys are gone. Goll, now peeved, tells his troops not to falter - there's no way the monkeys can beat them. The rejuvenated Getter troops tell him that's not going to work on them, and Goll finally agrees that this will be the battle to determine which is superior, monkeys or lizards. For a Skill Point, take down Bat, Gallery, and the Dai within eight turns. This should be doable in five or six turns with good play. Zanki is worth a Multisensor. He's astounded, saying he can't die here since he's destined to be a general, and Musashi tells him if he wants to be a general so badly to do it in the Afterlife. Gallery is worth a Solar Panel. He as a scientist won't accept the fact that his science has been beaten by the monkeys. Benkei tells him that your people are not to be defeated by SCIENCE(tm), either now or in the future. Bat is worth an Apogee Motor. Bat is very upset to beaten by you not once, but twice - are reptiles fated to lose to monkeys!?!?! Hayato corrects him, saying that this is actually the third time your people have beaten him. Get one of the Getters to fight Radora, but don't shoot him down before clearing the board. Goll is worth a Large Generator. He's a pouty, unbelieving loser too. Actually, he's not quite dead yet, and with very bad timing the ship's power plant is about to go out of control. Goll is in fact feeling fine despite losing - maybe he'll go for a walk and die like an Emperor should. He plans to take you all with you, and at this rate the field will collapse before the ship's explosion is contained, resulting in everything in a five kilometer radius being obliterated. The Eraserhead can't make it here from GGG headquarters, but the power of Getter Robo can neutralize all the energy. Hayato realizes what Ryou plans to do, and agrees with Ryou that nothing is impossible for Getter. Kouji asks if he's REALLY telling the truth when he says leave it up to him and to evacuate everyone else, and Ryou says of course he is. Amuro after some hesitation decides to believe in the Getter team, and orders everyone to pull out. After everyone goes, Ryou says the plan is to use Getter to blow the Megazaurus completely to smithereens before it explodes, though he's not sure if it'll work or not. In fact, he did lie slightly to get everyone else to get the heck out, but the Getter Team as a whole is willing to go through with it. Not that Ryou plans to die here anyway. Goll mocks their attempts, saying they don't understand the true terror of Getter Rays: they're not only energy that evolves living things, but also destroys them. Benkei doesn't believe him, but Goll asks why else the monkeys evolved into humans while his own kingdom fled to the Magma layer? Getter Rays chose humanity, or rather imprisoned it. In fact, if something better comes along, Getter Rays will wipe out mankind too! Ryou doesn't buy this, and says that the future of everyone is alongside Getter Rays, and it's time to see who's got the right idea! Musashi tears out his Getter Reactor to get things going... The Orphan crew detects a large explosion of Getter Rays, which seems responsible for Orphan restarting to surface. At this rate, it'll emerge above the waterline in two weeks. Isami figures that it'll be time for a new step for mankind soon - time to acknowledge what Kant Kestonar theorized. Meanwhile, Savalas has observed that all the Getter Rays got sucked underground, which something assumes is a result of interaction between the Getter Rays and Beamlar. In fact, the Beamlar's reawakening should go even faster now, which should be a next step for all mankind. Savalas asks if that would make this disorderly battle the "chaos" that exists before Creation: yes, all these fights are part of a larger flow, and that flow will help Kenta mature along with it. Thanks to the Getters, the Dividing Driver's field is repaired, Goll's mech is toasted, and Machineland is more or less wiped out. There's no trace of Getter activity, but a very angry Kouji won't give up and leave this place without the Getter team. He wants to go and search, and as others volunteer Irui tells Kusuha that Ryouma is alive. She can't say how she knows, but just then a Megazaurus emerges, with something clinging to it. It's Radora, who tells you that he's positively brought back the two Getter Robos. This would be if you took the steps required to get him - and some other NEATO stuff below. After losing consciousness and receiving medical care, Radora explains that he saved them because he owed you one and because you taught him what a human heart is worth. He says that now that he's lost a place to call homeland, he plans to gracefully exit like a defeated warrior, but Ryou tells him that he _does_ have a home - here! Ryou asks him to lend your people his strength, if he understands human hearts. Radora is amazed that you'd extend that offer to him, a former enemy, but Hayato says that yesterday's enemies are frequently tomorrow's friends within this unit of yours. PLUS, Ryouma figures there may be some meaning in Radora's remaining alive despite his exposure to all those Getter Rays. Radora agrees to this, seeing as how he has nowhere else to go anyway. Musashi has sustained enough injuries that he'll have to stop piloting for a while. Michiru will then switch to Red Command, to support Ryouma and the other remaining team members. Sakon has modified Black Getter so Ryou and the crew can pilot it, "just in case". Just then Miwa calls up and thanks you for your hard work in destroying one of the subterranean threats. Based on that, he won't press charges of insubordination for what it took to achieve. He reminds you however that the Jama and Mikeene are still around - and orders you to head over and attack the Jama's main base immediately. When Daimoji begs for a chance to rest and replenish from the attack, Miwa won't hear a word of it: does Daimoji intend to see the same thing that happened to Osaka happen again? Daimoji agrees finally, and after Miwa hangs up has the message relayed to everyone else that you're going to attack the Jama base forthwith. You get a Minovsky Craft, two Propellant Tanks, two Cartridges, and two Repair Kits. Stage 25. Hirakareta Jigoku no Tobira ("The Gates of Hell, Opened") Hiroshi has been quiet, and when Mitchi tries to ask what's wrong he asks her to leave him alone. She won't do that, seeing as how she's his partner, and tells him that he's got to keep his act together given that the showdown with the Jama Empire is coming up soon. He tells her that it isn't _he_ who has to keep his act together - it's Jeeg. He then stalks off, bumping into your other pilots who wonder why he's so pissed. Kouji tells him that if he's worrying about something, he should tell your people - they just might be able to help. Hiroshi says that it's nothing to do with your guys, and Tetsuya tells Kouji to let Hiroshi be - after all, this isn't the first time he's been antisocial. After a moment, Hiroshi has a question for Ryou - why did he save the rest of your people back there? Facing Goll, there was no guarantee that Ryou would come back alive. Ryou asks if he needs a reason to save his comrades, and Hiroshi tells Mitchi that he hasn't become scared of fighting: he's started to feel that it's all in vain. Once this fight is over, he feels that he'll be nothing more than an unneeded cyborg - he can't recover his former happiness as a human any more! He tells Mitchi to stop trying to comfort him, figuring that she, like everyone else, wants the machine him to fight and will the promptly discard him afterwards. Tetsuya has about heard enough of that kind of talk, and Ryou has to stop a fight from breaking out. Tetsuya stays his hand, telling Hiroshi that they'll finish this after the showdown with the Jama, and warns Hiroshi not to try to run away from him. He leaves Hiroshi with one final word before the battle: whether Hiroshi becomes nothing more than a mere fighting machine or not depends solely on him. Maybe that got Hiroshi's attention finally? Himika is informed that your dudes are on the way, and that Jeeg is among them. Himika likes the sound of that, and orders all her people to prepare to attack with full force. Gorgon wants to help out in this battle, in particular to take out the Mazingers. Himika certainly seems to think this will help save her ass... Your people begin planning the assault. Synapse announces that the Taikuu Maryuu will lead the charge, and tells your people that the enemy are believed to know of your advance and are presumably preparing for battle. He wants your opinions on the two possible battle plans. Burning describes plan one, which involves sending in a recon group followed by the main force. The other amounts to a unanimous charge. Really, it boils down to general danger for everyone, or reduced danger for the main force and elevated danger for the advance elements. Your people predictably split between the bull-rushing, comrade-favoring plan B and the information-o-centric plan A. The deciding vote comes down to Hiroshi. I chose Plan A. Hiroshi thinks it'd be wise to figure out what Himika is up to - plus, he knows she's after him - he can serve as a decoy. Tetsuya is glad to see that Hiroshi is beginning to see the light, and Synapse says that this dangerous mission would certainly be quite helpful to the rest of the squad. Hiroshi says that that's what Jeeg's around for. Hiroshi says that the scenery in this enemy HQ is pretty grim, and when the bad guys pop out they've got your people surrounded. Ikima figures that Hiroshi just did the whole "moth to a flame" thing, and Amaso tells Hiroshi to prepare to be killed so the secret of the bell can be his. Hiroshi tells Mitchi not to worry - these few enemies are nothing to him. On 1.5, some enemies appear right out of the ground. Hiroshi gets impatient with this on turn 2, and tells Mitchi that he'll take care of the enemies underground. Mitchi tells him that that's too dangerous - the bad guys will surely have reported to their friends of your position - probably a certain enemy who hasn't been moving. You've got to defeat that enemy and then report into the Taikuu Maryuu... within four turns. Ikima is worth a Dual Sensor. When you take out the enemy sentry, Hiroshi has Mitchi contact the rest of your forces. Ikima figures that there's nothing left for it but a full frontal assault. But so do your dudes - meaning that it's time for a frag down. Amaso is worth a Booster. Mimashi is worth a Magnetic Coating. On turn five, the Mikeene show up and trade a bit of trash talk with the Mazinger pilots. Once you defeat enough of the Jama, Himika appears herself. She commands your people to submit, and when they don't she summons up some lightning. Tetsuya is not impressed by her sorcery, saying that Great Mazinger can pull that trick off too. He tells her that if she wants to surprise your dudes, she needs something minute like what Borot can do. For the Skill Point, take everyone else down first before the enraged Himika. If Tetsuya fights Gorgon, he'll demand to know why Gorgon joined forces with the Jama. Gorgon will only say that if he gets his hands on the bronze bell, it'll spell the beginning of the true resurrection of the Mikeene. He's worth a Super Alloy Z. Your people will be a bit surprised at how quickly he pulls out. Gorgon in fact is glad he's "helped out" here, and merely waits for Himika to get the bell... Himika is worth a Hachimaki. She, like all great super robot villains, can't seem to accept the fact that she's been killed by you. If it only weren't for Shiba and Jeeg, she'd have gotten her hands on the secret of that bell! She says that as she dies, she'll use all of her witchcraft against you. She then wreathes Jeeg in flames, vowing to burn his heart to a crisp. But in fact, there is no heat signature - this is a spiritual attack. Tetsuya, realizing this, tells Hiroshi to strengthen the power of his heart - these flames are nothing but the enemy's illusion. Tetsuya reminds Hiroshi that all humans have hearts - and he has got to use the power within his to fight! Himika thinks she's won, telling Hiroshi that as a mere made-up puppet he has no way to elude her enchantment. Hiroshi disagrees, telling her that even more than being Jeeg, he's a cyborg with a human heart: Shiba Hiroshi! Himika isn't gonna win this one, but just then a huge earthquake begins. Daimoji orders everyone to pull out, and tells Hiroshi that he doesn't intend your people to share the same fate as the Jama Empire... your fight doesn't end here! Your people rapidly flee, and Gorgon realizes that he's about to get buried alive too. Just then Himika's voice comes to her subordinates - though her fleshly body is about to crumble, she's been able to enter Jeeg and get the secret of the bell. Time to revive the lord of Hell... When said lord comes forth, Himika asks it to take her life in exchange for wiping out mankind and granting eternal glory to her kingdom. The lord of Hell begins to chuckle, finally awakened from its long, long slumber. It informs Himika that its names is the Emperor of Darkness, the ruler of Mikeene. Himika has realized her error faaaar too late... Himika's lackeys figure that Gorgon is behind Himika's death, but he informs them that Himika gave her life for this new Emperor to be reawakened. When Mimashi wonders where said emperor is, Gorgon informs him that He has gone to his rightful place - the Mikeene Empire. As the three of them are about to turn on him in wrath, he asks them if they _really_ want to make the entire Mikeene Empire their enemy. Their enemy should be his enemy: they humans who brought their kingdom to ruin. Surely they want to get even for what became of their Empress, and Gorgon will even lend them a hand for what they've done for the Mikeene. Gorgon goes so far as to tell them that they won't even be Mikeene slaves, but allies on equal footing - and hell, depending on how they play their cards, their own empire might even get reborn after all. The three of them buy into this plan, which Gorgon figures makes them as even more manipulable, simple-minded dolts than before... Though Hiroshi's official reason to fight is now over, he tells Tetsuya that he plans to stay with the Alpha Numbers. Hiroshi realizes now very well that there are many more battles to fight and enemies to defeat than just the Jama. As Tetsuya walks off, Jun explains to Hiroshi that Tetsuya was quite worried about him - seeing in Hiroshi his own former self before Kouji made him realize that he was more than just a trained combat machine. While Hiroshi still doesn't like being lectured, he freely admits that he couldn't have taken down the Jama without Kouji and Tetsuya's help. Now, it's his turn to help them. Looks like Mitchi and Jun both have stiff-exteriored partners to deal with... The Mikeene emperor is back, with one goal: total domination of the Surface. He commands his subordinates to confer swift death on any who should stand in the way. The idea is to wipe out humans and make this planet theirs... Stage 26. Your mecha are about thirty minutes away from maintenance being completed. Taiga contacts Synapse, congratulating him on the subterranean victory. Synapse notes soberly that the Mikeene are still around - the fight has likely just begun. Taiga breaks the bad news that Orphan has just resumed surfacing: it's expected to break the surface of the Pacific in a few days. The calamity of it fully surfacing (especially given its Organic Energy) would be heinous beyond compare. Novus Noa is working on ways of stopping the darn thing, and Taiga would like Synapse to help out if the other enemies aren't doing anything. Synapse agrees to rendezvous with the Novus Noa for the time being. Their plan is "simple": to use the Organic Energy from the plates to trap Orphan in a "Vital Net". This is an intriguing, if not exactly elementary procedure: Orphan is over 150 kilometers long. Gaybridge explains that if they can just keep Orphan's "head" under water, the energy Orphan gives should backfire, and make the thing sink again. Basically, they want your people to support the Novus Noa in the likely event that the Reclaimers try to interfere with the Vital Net, and Synapse agrees to help so long as no other problems bring your people away. Your people muse over their long-awaited return to the Novus Noa. Hime is still apparently jealous of Kanan, but Gaybridge forestalls any argument by presenting Yuu's grandma. More or less, the Isami family is actually two lineages, and she was the one looking after Yuu and his sister before they went to Orphan. Gaybridge personally admitted her to the ship, saying that she's an old acquaintance of his (Rasse figures this means they were once lovers). Synapse is still not a firm believer in Organic Energy, but is going along with the plan as the highest-probability way of winning. Just then Kobayashi Hayato calls in from the Preventers. Synapse has heard quite about him from Bright, and Amuro jokingly asks in surprise if he's gotten even fatter. Hayato's wife is doing fine, and asks Amuro to pass her regards to Katsu. The small talk gets cut short, and Hayato tells Synapse that the Neo-Jion have sent several mobile suits to North America. Their number isn't many, but Hayato figures it's a prologue to Char doing something again. Hayato would like you to go check it out, but says if you're tied up with the Novus Noa's work he'll send the Preventers instead. Here the game splits in two - the Vital Net side will be marked with a V and the Neo Jion pursuit side with a N. Stage 26V. Aiirenu Sonzai ("Mutually Exclusive Things") After Synapse decides to prioritize the Novus Noa stuff, Amuro asks Hayato to contact your people as soon as he knows what's going on with the Neo Jion units. Meanwhile, Anoir is reiterating her less than complete trust for Yuu, the former Reclaimer. Gaybridge and Yuu's grandma both plead his case, and Anoir relents. She is not entirely easy about the notion that this conflict will turn father and son, brother and sister against each other. Apparently, she's feeling rather powerless compared to the metallic Brain Powerds.. Apparently you've got a new Brain Powerd person on hand: Higgins. She asks if there's a Plate aboard the ship (there is), and wonders if it might not Revival upon seeing her. Elsewhere, Hime asks why Yuu doesn't talk with his grandma, despite being so happy to see her. He testily tells her it's none of her business, and she really gives him a tongue lashing about both his grandma and Kanan, challenging him to shut her up with a kiss or something if he still disagrees, like he did before. Yuu is in the process of protesting that he's not that base when a gaggle of kiddies wander on deck, along with Gai. Apparently, their presence here will increase the chances of the Vital Net working - since kids are "purer" than adults but especially since Mamoru has his special power. Mamoru is actually a bit surprised when Gai tells him all he has to do is hang out on the ship - and to try not to get in the other people's way. Something bad is afoot, when Irui shows up at the bridge. She's been forced to do so by Jonathan, apparently an old acquaintance of Anoir's. She had no idea that he had become a Reclaimer, but he tells her to stay back, lest the explosives he's carrying blow away the entire bridge. By old acquaintance, we apparently mean "mother and son". He reminds her that she's a woman who threw away her son, and demands she transfer command to him. He observes angrily that it must have been hard for a woman who couldn't nurture love for a man to nurture a son either - so hard that she abandoned him and hid in her work. She tells him that she loves him, and flips an emergency switch that will now require her voice authorization for anything to happen on the ship. All this really seems to accomplish is that Jonathan takes both her AND Irui hostage. Jonathan tells the kids to be patient a bit longer, but Anoir tells him to let her become his only hostage. Jonathan figures that she plans to shoot him as soon as the kids are free, but she tells him she has no intention of shooting her son. He's not buying it, and figures that she's led him to this armored part of the ship to minimize the damage from his explosives. In fact, he figures that giving birth to him was also part of her plan, since that's the kind of woman she is. Yuu then runs up, and Jonathan tells him that the two of them are different - to achieve his goals, he won't hesitate to kill his own mother. As your people digest this, Kusuha begs Jonathan to release the hostages - and Yuu asks Jonathan when he became such a small man that he had to take hostages. Jonathan tells Yuu that he won't succumb to that kind of provocation since he, unlike Yuu, faithfully carries out his missions. Anoir tells Jonathan that he carries the DNA of a truly great person - he should understand how foolish his actions are. Jonathan isn't pleased to hear that she values DNA over guy/girl emotions - did she in fact purchase some genius's sperm and become a "single mother"?? Is his (questionable) personality not then the result of those very same genes?! Anoir then blames the fault on her own DNA, not on the sperm - in which case, Jonathan says, she should never have had kids. He demands that she never claim to be his mother again, but Shouko points out that the only reason he can run his mouth like this is because she gave him birth. Jonathan demands to know how a woman incapable of loving even a single man can call herself a mother. Gaybridge tells him that she actually loved Maihi, but Jonathan yells back that that kind of one- sided love could never rub off on a child. This apparently strikes a chord with Irui, and just then Kumazou asks if Jonathan wants his mother's breasts: he figures that sucking on them must be why Jonathan came here! [@_@!!!!! Who the fuck writes this stuff?!?!?!?!] Jonathan straight loses it at this point and beats Kumazou to the ground, promising in rage to blow his face off. Anoir orders him not to touch the kid, which Jonathan is hardly in the mood to heed, and Kumazou tells him that if he goes through with it he'll never get his mother's breasts. Anoir asks if he knows who he's dealing with - if he doesn't stop, she, his mother, will kill him. Just then Juuzou comes out of nowhere and shoots the gun out of Jonathan's hand, as promised. Apparently Jonathan still has his explosives, but Shingo shoots and severs the detonator cord. Anoir now demands that Jonathan give himself up, promising not to harm him - which he figures is a lie that she's been saying all these years. She is in fact the one who's betrayed him, even if she denies it. He begins to recount all the Christmases she never gave him a present, or even a card or telegram. Will she now give him a bullet instead of those presents?! Yuu yells at Jonathan to accept his fate, but Jonathan isn't planning on that. He tells Kumazou that he knows when to pull out, telling Kumazou that he's a very respectable little kid. He offers Kumazou a Granger if he comes with him to Orphan, which Kumazou refuses. He also apologizes to Irui for all the fear he's caused her, and runs off. No surprise, here come the Grangers. Jonathan tells Yuu that he's someone who plans ahead - PLUS, he wouldn't have any fun if Orphan got ensnared in the Vital Globe netting. Yuu asks him if this is just more bile towards his mother, and Jonathan says it's impudent of that little ship to try to stop Orphan. Just then Mamoru tells Gai that there's a Zondar on the scene. For the Skill Point, clear the map in seven turns. Good play can do it in more like four. Shiela is worth a Magnetic Coating. On turn 2.5, Penchinon appears and starts commenting on all the abominable forces arrayed before him (living machines, organic machines, etc. etc.) He decides to wipe you all out, and Zondar appear. The Brians get very upset, and Jonathan refuses to heed Yuu's warning to escape. Jonathan figures that they're Anti Organic Machines, and that fighting them is his job as a Reclaimer. Penchinon likes the thought that you humans will kill each other off, and figures that after all of you are dead he'll take Orphan over to use as a Zondar Plant. On turn three, a very unbalanced Edgar shows up to take out the traitor Yuu. Something is strange about his Chakra light, and Edgar seems to be going out of control. This is likely to get ugly, and Amuro tells everyone to concentrate on taking down Edgar and the Zondar (i.e., it's your victory condition). Jonathan is worth a Megabooster. Edgar is worth a Biosensor. He demands to know what's wrong with his Granger - it's got power, doesn't it? Even power to not lose to Jonathan? Isn't that what it told him, that together they'd take out Jonathan and make Orphan theirs? Yuu is appalled by that kind of daydream, and Camille realizes that this is the fate of all those who get sucked in by Orphan. Yuu wonders if this was Rejection, or if it has something to do with coming in contact with the Zondar. The Zondar is worth a Study Computer. As the battle seems to be over, Irui and Mamoru sense a Brain somewhere nearby - maybe one just Revived near you? The Plate does indeed seem to be reviving - but something is taking oddly too long. Yuu is positive that a Brian Powerd and not a Granger will come forth, and he's... half right. There are _two_ "Brainchilds" that come forth: twins! They look respectively at Kanan and Higgins, and Yuu tells Hime that twins, triplets, etc. never once happened among the Grangers at Orphan. The Brains look at the sensitive kids as though to say thank you for noticing them, and Irui feels like the Brains are smiling. Yuu wonders if _this_ is the sort of effect Irene figured organic things would have, and ponders the Rejection Edgar suffered taken together with the children finding new Brains. Kanan is marveling at how this new Brain seems "used" to her already, and isn't draining her life energy away. Looks like Yuu's father's theory was wrong after all, which Yuu is hardly surprised at. This is why it's dangerous to leave Orphan in his father's hands. Just then Gaybridge has received orders from the Federation to halt the Vital Net operation. It seems the Federation government has revised its view of just how dangerous Orphan is, figuring it as just some harmless relic. Shishiou knows that only the very highest level of the Federation government, the Governor, could hand down such an order without going through the GGG first. This "Governor" is a mysterious figure who controls the Reclaimers, who even Yuu has never met. Apparently this person's governmental and military influence is enough to have convened some meeting to discuss the issue further, where the representative for the Reclaimers will be Yuu's father. Yuu figures this is a transparent attempt by his father to buy time for Orphan to surface, but in this Shishiou sees a chance... a chance to gather information about Orphan. Note that you now have the two new [powerful] Brainchild units to use... Stage 26N. Sakuryaku no Daichi ("Land of Intrigue") When Synapse agrees to go to North America, and Hayato sends some protectors to help out at Novus Noa. Unfortunately, by the time your people reach Preventer HQ it turns out that the advance Jion forces have disappeared. This suggests that they've got some outside help, and Hayato figures that it could only be the Reclaimers given what the Antibodies can do. Burning doubts that the two groups would work together, but Sally figures that it could happen if there was someone who could bridge the differences between the two camps. After all, both groups are after the elimination of Earthnoids. Synapse notes that whoever this unifying figure is, he'd have to be someone of immense power: someone with both political and military influence. Amuro is lost in thought, and Hayato asks him what he thinks. About that unifier, or about Char's stratagems? Hayato asks for both, and Amuro says that while he has no guess about who the unifier might be, if they've lent a hand without understanding Char's plans, they must be a _considerable_ idiot. And if they _do_ understand his plans, they're someone irrational - and therefore to be greatly feared. As for Char's plan, Amuro believes the advance group were sent to acquire some sort of "trump card" for the upcoming conflict - and that trump card is probably nuclear. Amuro notes that Char wouldn't use any sort of half-assed method to reach his goal of Earthnoids elimination, and as Sally notes there _are_ nuclear weapons situated in North America as an emergency means of combating the alien and subterranean threat. Synapse figures that the guard of these weapons must have been fortified after the theft of the GP-02, but Amuro counters that things are quite different if the Reclaimers are involved. Hayato asks Sally to match the Neo Jion units' trail against known nuclear locations, and Synapse hopes to ask Gaybridge to check up on anyone within the military who might be helping the bad guys due to his former military connections. Amuro inwardly doubts this will be enough to predict Char's plans, and Hayato tells him not to put too much pressure on himself. He tells a startled Amuro that looking at him now reminds him of Amuro's old self; Amuro responds that he's not the person he once was. He won't give in to Char's Pressure ever again...! Duo is hard at work maintaining his mech, drawing admiration from some of the other young guys. Tobia wonders if it's really okay to be hanging out here, and Duo points out to him that your people have to "cook before they leap". Volfogg sneaks up, telling the smug Duo that it's actually "look before they leap", and Duo compliments him on actually eluding Duo's notice. This would be do to Volfogg's holographic camouflage, and Volfogg actually has a request for Duo, whose Deathscythe is, like Volfogg himself, specially optimized for covert operations. Volfogg's idea was to join Duo in sniffing out the enemy's movements, but just the the alarm goes off and cuts them short. The Neo Jion are on the move in Arizona - a long way from here. It could even be that the bad guys have been informed of your position, but Volfogg has an idea... So much for the fortified guard: the bad guys have stolen both nuclear fuel and nuclear warheads. The base commander wonders how the hell they managed to circumvent the defense system, and Cima seems preoccupied as she orders her subordinate to notify HQ that the operation succeeded. She's remembering the poison gas attacks she participated in during the One Year War, thinking that this time the WoMD of choice is nukes. Suffice it to say, she's not happy about her role in all of this, and figured that the Red Comet could probably care less. Kou recognizes Cima in her Garvela Tetra - your dudes aren't happy to be fighting her squadron - especially since they've already purloined the nukes. Cima orders her men to put up a good fight - at least until reinforcements arrive in two turns. For a Skill Point, defeat Cima before she reaches the North edge of the map. This should be doable in, like, a SINGLE MOVE, though you may want to take out her escorts first just for the XP and money. She and anyone with her will flee on the spot, daring anyone else to try to chase her. On turn 3, a bunch of Reclaimers led by Quincy show up. Quincy is glad to see the sun again after so long, thinking that she'd love to show this to Yuu and wondering where he's gone. When Yuu sees her machine, his Brain begins to act up, and Quincy notes dryly that the Alpha Numbers are the ones who act all aggressive first at the mere appearance of her people. Predictably, she and Yuu start to argue immediately. She won't tell Yuu why the Reclaimers are helping the Neo Jion. Quincy is worth a Megabooster. Her machine becomes difficult to control, and Yuu hastens over to her, telling her that her actions will amount to nothing. His mech begins to glow - is this light Organic Energy? Quincy doesn't seem to know where she is, and Hime tells Yuu to look around him: green grass and flowers are growing, and glowing. Quincy asks Yuu if he remembers when he gave her flowers, when they were little kids still living with their grandma. That present, for Quincy's birthday, made her extremely happy Yuu doesn't remember, and that seems to prick Quincy's mood, since she starts up again with the "betraying the whole family" bit. Yuu disagrees, saying that even Quincy seems to understand what he's saying when she's away from Orphan. Yelling that Yuu will hurt Orphan, she flees the area. Yuu, rather pissed by now, wants to know what Quincy finds so bad about this world. Looks like both the nukes got stolen and the enemy captain got away. Tobia wants to pursue right away, but Kincaidu restrains him: plans for pursuit are already underway. He tells Tobia that he'll see when he gets back to base. Does this mean some kind of tracking device? No, something even more reliable than that, and the Gundam Wing boys expect a contact any moment now. It's Volfogg, who's been trailing the bad guys who, as expected, are preparing to leave North America. Duo is with him too, who's glad to be doing small unit ops again. Gai notes that the team of the famous Sweeper and the ace of the GGG's intelligence division is the strongest pursuit squad around. Volfogg is certain the bad guys are headed for Africa, presumably for a discreet launch back into space after rendezvousing with some of the Jion survivors. Your people will go at meet them shortly, but there's still the problem of the Reclaimers. Yuu suddenly realizes that the Governor must be involved in their alliance with Neo-Jion: a shadowy figure he's never met, but has heard wields considerable influence in both the government and military. Yuu sardonically says that the Neo Jion, who will happily use nukes, and the Reclaimers, mere husks of human souls, make a fine pair. Banjou is worried about this new puppet master, whose aims he can't fathom. Yuu begins to head off, hotly telling Hime that he can't let the Reclaimers get ahead of him - he's going to participate in the Vital Net operation and sink Orphan by his own hand. Hime tells him to settle down - the Novus Noa should already have things under control. He demands to know how he is supposed to settle down when even his own sister is on the front lines, but Amuro tells him that Hime is right: the Reclaimers aren't your only enemy. Yuu retorts that he left the Reclaimers for the express purpose of sinking Orphan, and says that he'll do as he pleases, but Amuro counters that he's now a member of the Alpha Numbers: selfish actions won't be tolerated. Besides, he and his Brains power are needed for the attack you're about to mount. Yuu demands to know what Amuro intends to do then: imprison him like a good military man would? Yes, if necessary. The two exchange stares for a moment, and then Yuu relents. He realizes that Amuro himself has put his personal duel with Char Aznable on hold to work with the Alpha Numbers - he's not the only one with irritating stuff to deal with. He walks off, with Hime trailing behind trying to get him to stop, which Banjou figures is par for the course for Yuu. Amuro realizes that young people always think they can do things by themselves... and that excessive confidence and rage inevitably causes damage to people around them. Banjou likes the weight of experience he hears in Amuro's words, having heard from Katsu quite a bit about Amuro's deeds during the One Year War. Amuro isn't entirely pleased to hear that, but Banjou tells him not to worry - he's now a fine adult, and a good example for Camille and Yuu. Amuro hopes so, and prays that Hime is able to guide Yuu in the right direction without his having to meddle. This is the sort of thinking Banjou loves to see in a leader, though Amuro and he both agree that Char wouldn't be satisfied with this level of leadership. He seems to want to guide all of mankind, and Amuro figures that Char has finally shaken off his numbness and stood up directly. Little by little, Amuro is finally beginning to see how Char thinks, and thinks to himself that as long as Char continues to fixate on him, Char's talk of fixing the world is nothing more than a personal duel. He inwardly tells Char not to disappoint him. Stage 27V. FARUKON Hametsu no Kiki ("The Falcon Faces Destruction") The Four Celestial Generals of the Zayla army have come to Rihitel's underwater base. Rihitel notes that he's been left in command of the forces from Zayla, as well as Barm and Boazan... that being the case, why have they come to his base unannounced? They bring word that Olban isn't satisfied with the lack of progress here, and have brought Rihitel's replacement, an old friend of Rihitel's as it turns out: Aizam. Rihitel is, to say the least, outraged over his command being revoked, saying that even on Olban's orders there are some things he won't do, and foremost among them is forsake his quest for Barm vengeance on the humans. He demands that Aizam draw his sword and duel him to determine whoever the next commander of this base is, and Aizam responds by instructing Rihitel to kill him, his friend. Rihitel can't exactly do that either, and that's why Aizam wants to work _with_ Rihitel to see that his wishes are done. Bergan claims to be moved himself by this show of beautiful friendship, offering to loan them a newly developed secret weapon. Rihitel tells Aizam that he's about to challenge the Alpha Numbers to a fight to the death in order to lift the stain from his name - and Aizam agrees that Olban will surely acknowledge Rihitel's power should he win. With this new ally on his side, Rihitel figures your people are as good as road pizza. Kanan is looking at her Brain, wondering if it's taking the cockpit equipment that's been added to it okay. Rasse then shows up, claiming he's not particularly keeping her under surveillance so much as wanting to know how it differs from a Granger. Basically, the twins nerves are a lot rawer than the Brains the others drive, so she's staying by its side to try to get it used to her. Rasse had wondered if it wasn't more that she wanted to be close to her younger lover, but Kanan maintains that Yuu and she aren't like that at all. Keith and Kou have receive a half-watch off, and Keith wants to go somewhere and have fun. Kou, typically, wants to work on backing up the Stamen's data instead, so he can give it to Nina eventually. This is what passes as a "love call" for those two it seems, but Monsha shows up just then with "orders" for the two of them to sortie - to a bar, to drink with Monsha and the crew. Kou is rather surprised, noting that it's still the middle of the day, but the older pilots to a man insist that this is the way pilots have to live: taking their rest when they can get it. Meanwhile, Kouji offers to drop Mamoru and the crew off in town on his motorcycle. Boz manages to challenge Kouji to a race, though Boz's friends really hope Boz doesn't manage to injure himself on this rare time off. Hyouma will be in on it too, though OVA is far from convinced that this unsafe activity will be good for the kids. OVA finally relents, but on the condition that she(?) come along too. Hiroshi and Mitchi are about to go to town as well, to get some auto parts, which Tetsuya intervenes and tells him he's got training to attend to. But he shouldn't worry - Tetsuya will be right there by his side, while the girls go to town. Hiroshi would almost rather be on dispatch at this rate... Kusuha meanwhile is hard at work cooking something secret, which she'll let Irui try if it turns out okay. Just then a bunch of the other female pilots show up, marveling at all the weird training equipment lining Kusuha's room. They manage to quickly get her attention by mentioning that there's a very unusual bath house nearby, which triggers Kusuha's otaku genes immediately. Irui is going to come to, but of course the aliens choose that moment to attack Big Falcon! Your people are in high dudgeon over this, especially Kusuha. "Grudges over baths aren't pretty." Miwa is yelling in anger that he'll never let the bad guys take over while his eyes are black, but they start blasting his ass and possibly making him reconsider. Of course, when your dudes show up he orders you to get rid of the aliens already, without a word of gratitude. Somehow, some enemy manages to pop out of the water and blast the Taikuu Maryuu, though your people can still sortie. Hiiro finds it odd that there's so few of the enemy: there's no "commander" or "mothership"-like units in evidence. This may be some kind of trap to lure your people in somehow - which would mean that the raid which just struck you is very fishy. Duo points out that you don't have time to debate right now - taking out the enemy comes first. Wipe them out. All of them. Within four turns, if you want a Skill Point. Good play can do it in half that. One of the enemies has a Dual Sensor. Another has a Chobham Armor. Yet another has a Magnetic Coating. Your people are nonplussed at how easily the enemy caved in - you may have fallen for some kind of... trap! And sure enough, there it is. It's Bergan, with another device designed expressly to skew the game slightly less against the bad guys' side. More like some kind of poison gas or something that seems to have been introduced in that previous attack. Ken'ichi is the only one who seems unaffected. It is in fact the Boazanelia fungus, which has just stricken everyone else with some kind of plague that noone but the Boazan residents have an immunity to. So, except for the three V pilots, everyone else is in deep shit (defined as, Morale 50, and no magic). You could concentrate on defense if this worries you. After a couple turns of this, Miwa wants to know how come your dudes aren't attacking. Balbas for his part doesn't like this way of doing things, but Bergen tells him he's in no position to talk since "fair and square" combat got Balbas nowhere. He orders Balbas to use "the item", which turns out to be some mech named Zonnekaizer that Balbas figures is a fitting agent of your valiant people's death. The bad news is that any attempt by your people to harm it outright doesn't work, which a triumphant Balbas ascribes to hyper-elastic alloy that will absorb everything your weapons can dish out. Kazuya either didn't hear him or didn't believe him, and waltzes over and decks the damn thing. This accomplishes nothing other than reducing him to 5% of his HP, but fortunately Shishiou knows the way to destroy soft things. He demands that Daimoji have all your dudes retreat immediately as part of his plan - besides, unless something is done about that fungus your people are all toast anyway. Miwa demands to know if you're planning on running away from here, and Shishiou shouts back that if Miwa has time to yell, he'd best use it to run away too! Miwa yells back if Shishiou expects him to abandon the base he's commander of, and Shishiou counters that if he doesn't hurry he'll abandon his life too. As Miwa reluctantly orders the retreat, it sure looks like the Barmians have won, which Balbas says is all thanks to the mighty Zonnekaizer that Aizam lent him. Rihitel can't thank Aizam enough, but Aizam simply ascribes this victory to the friendship they share. Rihitel gets to enjoy a bit of vainglory and maniacal laughter... Darius hears the news of the defeat by fungus and that hyper-elastic alloy with some interest, noting that his Four Lords didn't have to lift a finger after all. He orders his Lords to stay at the undersea base and keep an eye on Aizam and Bergan. This is a precaution against Olban, who is undoubtedly dissatisfied at all the help he's had to ask from the other races. Darius is sure Olban will turn on them as soon as he's done taking over the Earth. As the Lords accept this order, Darius muses over his homeworld's impending demise at the hands of a black hole. He's only got months left to take over the Earth and move all the Zaylans here. When the news of the rout reaches Erika and the crew, Erika has to be bodily restrained from running off to Kazuya's side. Melby points out to her that running to Kazuya would solve nothing... which Riliina agrees with! Riliina says that it's not the right time to contact the Alpha Numbers, since their peace movement would be a hindrance to them and since they themselves would make an easy target. Erika sees the wisdom in this, and is very glad she invited Riliina here. Melby is very glad to see such level heads prevailing, figuring that they may yet be able to bring about peace with such women as the symbols. Melby then asks his general to deliver a little something for him, which will help guide the Alpha Numbers to victory... Stage 27N. Nessha no Kagerou ("Mayflies of the Burning Sands") The robots are having an argument, and your crew rapidly tell them to take it outside or something. They finally explain that the argument is about the conflicting requirements to serve humans and to fight against enemy mecha with human pilots aboard. This is stressing their AIs, or as Gai puts it "hesitancy" or "pangs of the heart". Gai, as their captain, considers their statements, and at length tells them that it's up to them whether to participate in the next operation. The robots thank him and leave, and Gai explains to your dubious pilots that the robots, huge as they are, are like newborn children inside. It will take them some time before they can overcome all the conflicting emotions inside their hearts - not that Hiroshi can't sympathize. Tetsuya notes drily that going easy won't work on your next opponents, ghosts of the Jion from the One Year War era. Keeping the lid on this one will take more than a single rope. Cima meanwhile is chatting with the commander of the Kinbareid base, which is in poor repair to say the least. They can't even offer her a glass of wine [they haven't had that spirit there since 0079 ^^;;;; ], and commander Peter says that the place has basically had no maintenance ever since the war's end. This would be to ensure that the base can serve as the absolute front line for the offensive on Earth, a very long-standing order Cima is surprised to hear is still being carried out. She asks if his men have forgotten how to return to space, and chuckling he concedes that they may have - their souls have been caught in the Earth's gravity far too long. However, they're about to be set free: a report has just come in of an approaching Federation battalion. Cima has just found out to her displeasure that the escape from Arizona failed to elude pursuit, and prepares to go out and face the enemy. Peter insists on handling your people, and Cima won't hear of it - Zakus would stand no chance against your mass of Gundams and other heavy hitters. When she tells him to support her from within his burrow like a good mole should, but Peter is determined to do everything in his power to see that Cima's assigned mission is carried out. She tells him he can keep his shit-eating "mission" - she does things her own way. Peter observes that her "independence" seems to have started after the Jion Revolution, when in her words she learned all too well how she herself was the only person she could trust. Peter notes that the scars from the nightmare of January Third are deep - the day when the One Year War began. Cima asks him if he knows (he keeps quiet), and admits to him that she was the one who led the squad who dispersed the G3 gas into the colony. Her men perpetrated the largest act of mass murder in history. Peter had heard that Cima had been told that the gas was non-fatal sleeping gas, but she says that the deed could hardly be undone. She was instantly branded a war criminal, and her squadrons denied entry to Axis, which led to her actions to gather Jion stragglers at Kalama Point. She offered them the choice between continuing the fight for the Earth Sphere and fleeing to Axis, but of course that latter option wasn't even available - she and everyone under her lack even the right to choose how to live. The fruits of her strict devotion to her duty turn out to be violation of military law and humiliation heaped on the Jion name, and that's why she drifted through space until meeting up with Delaz. As your forces break through the first defense line, Cima once again wants to head out. Peter won't let her, not out of "duty" but as a request from all the men and women of the base - lest everything all of them have done until now be for naught. Cima considers this long and hard, and finally smiles and accepts, saying that though she's received many orders, he's the first one to ever "request" something from her. At the last, she asks him a question, since he's lived on Earth so long: has he heard of some kind of insect called a "Mayfly". Peter tells her it's a kind of moth with transparent wings - and a lifespan of only a few short days. This brings a bitter smile to Cima's face, as she confides to Peter that "The Mayfly of Space" is the nickname she's been given... Everyone is in place, and Pete tells his soldiers that as soon as the operation is over they're to surrender the base. This brings protests, but he tells that their role will be over if they lose mobile suits in this fight. He thanks them for their efforts until now, and says that their fight will be taken up by a new Operation Stardust. They should all think of this day as the single purpose they've all fought so long and hard for, and Pete muses to himself that if Cima is the "Mayfly of Space" his men are the "Mayflies of the Burning Sands", whose short lives will all be staked on this day. Your people for their part are quite startled to see nothing but Zakus, relics from the One Year War by the look of them. These really are Jion ghosts, and Katsu thinks that such obsolete equipment surely can't stand in your way. Other members of your team aren't so sure, and Simone detects the impending HLV launch, nine turns away. Synapse orders your people to wipe out the defenders around the launch bay, as quickly as possible. You've got to wipe out the Jion forces in 8 turns, or in 7 for the Skill Point. You should actually be able to force an ending (see below) in four, or end with the Skill Point in five with good strategy. One of the bad guys has a Booster. Another has a Magnetic Coating. Another has a Chobham Armor. Imagine this, an ambush on turn three. Two of them has a Dual Sensors. More bad guys show up on turn four. Gai yells out that your people all have something worth protecting. He tells the robots to engrave the pain of killing the enemies into their hearts - THAT is the wall your people have to somehow scale. He screams out to them to win, for the sake of everyone depending on them. Peter is worth a Hybrid Armor. When you shoot him down, he stages a suicide attack on the Albion, getting in the way of the main cannon shooting down the HLV. It appears that your people... lost, AND allowed Char to get hold of nuclear weapons. The base then surrenders, summarily ending the map. Cima makes it safely to space, where preparations are already made for the next operation. She's told that Peter was KIA, and the rest of the base's soldiers have surrendered. Char himself is pleased, but... has passed word that Cima is not to show her face at Sweet Water. This operation will be treated as an independent action by a military faction, which Cima is all too used to by now. Cima inwardly laments the futility of dying in battle, telling the departed Peter that she's made it to space all the same, with a nuclear weapon and the wishes of his men as her cargo. Meanwhile, Kou in particular is quite upset after having seen the pride of the Jion so abundantly displayed before his eyes. He wonders if your people can really defeat the pride of such warriors, so committed to their ideals. Amuro tells him that Char is currently supported by many people like that - if you can't defeat them, you can't stop what Char's going to do... or would Kou rather accept a revolution that will kill countless people? Kou won't do that - your people have their own pride after all. The AIs agree, saying that if the enemy is resolved, you've got to be resolved as well. They tell Gai that they've discovered the thing that everyone else has already faced and beaten within, and resolve not to lose to it in the future. Miwa is on hand with more of his usual insults for your letting the Jion escape, though he figures it's not worth expending any further warpower to take revenge for the North American Base. Pete inquires whether the situation has now exceeded the level a single military branch can adequately handle, and Miwa furiously tells him, a mere soldier that if he wants his strategic input he'll ram it up his ass first. Even Pete is now wondering how the hell this guy got to be the commander of the Far East base. Miwa then orders you to head to a point in the Pacific Ocean where some Barm have just landed, apparently near their undersea base. Your mission is of course to take out that base, though Sakon points out that your people are somewhat depleted after the continuous combat. Miwa is aware of this, and tells you two swing by the various labs along the way to pick up some new weaponry. Pete is pissed at the selfish way Miwa has been ordering you all around, but Sakon and Daimoji point out that this is a very good chance to bring the fighting on Earth to an end. Stage 28V. Waga Ken ni Inochi wo Kakete ("Entrusting My Life to My Fists") Bergan notes that the Federation army has Big Falcon under observation, and will presumably try to come and reclaim it. That said, all of Japan is basically theirs. Rihitel wants to check something first - he's heard that Bergan used a powdered fungus in the previous battle. When Bergan confirms it, Rihitel heatedly asks if that sort of unfair tactic is the standard Boazan way of doing things. After a moment, Bergan asks if that kind of thinking really befits a military commander, pointing out that losing in fair and square combat makes the combat itself meaningless. Bergan sees in Rihitel's actions the same weakness that plagued Hainel, the bastard son of a traitor who not only lost a lot but even cast off his pride as a Boazan noble. Rihitel has heard that that was all too free his planet from the grasp of the Balmar forces, but Bergan mumbles some nonsensical bit about how the Boazan only temporarily allied themselves with the Balmar, and that they've restored their own rulership over their planet - in short, Hainel ended up being nothing but a pawn of the Boazan nobility. In any case, "winning is everything", and Bergan cautions Rihitel that if he doesn't cast off his obsession with fair and square fighting, it will bring him harm sooner or later. Balbas yells immediately that that sounds like a threat directed at Rihitel, and Bergan tells him he can interpret it however he so chooses - and excuses himself to oversee the transfer of the undersea forces to this new base. Rihitel ponders Bergan's example, wondering if he really is a commander in name only. Aizam reassures him that that isn't so - after all, he's the one who defeated the mighty Alpha Numbers [like hell he did!] - now all he's got to do is kill them once and for all. Aizam is in fact glad to help Rihitel, and will shortly finish a new mecha warrior to assist further. Rihitel orders everyone to sortie and strike the Alpha Numbers as soon as this new machine is finished. Aizam, in fact, knows that he has very little time left to him [some tragic, hidden illness??]... Kentarou has managed to cure your Low Morale and Inability to Use Magic *ahem* your dreadful fungal affliction with serum made from his Boazanian blood, but there's still the problem of that hyper-elastic alloy. Apparently that's going to be harder to defeat than you'd like, since "that" damage still lingers. Meanwhile, Sakon tells Kazuya that the _way_ to defeat the alloy has been found: something quite simple, in fact. Since it's still an _alloy_, all you have to do is disrupt the cohesion between its constituent parts. Kosaku knows what this means: alternating exposure to extreme cold and extreme heat is the simplest and most effective way. This is simple enough that even Hyouma has grasped it - or maybe not, given the simplicity of his "hot bath after a cold swim" analogy. Unfortunately, it's likely to take more than _just_ that to prevail, meaning you can't count on the Twins alone. Because of the self-healing power of the alloy, it would take Enryuu and Hyouryuu something like ten turns of continuous attacking to destroy the thing at their current strength. Fortunately, you can hasten the process by attacking while the temperature is shifting - and only Deimos can achieve this by upping its Deimolite output to 200% This will allow Kazuya's fists to pummel this shit out of the thing. The Deimolite itself actually has the potential to do this, but it will require some other ultraparticle to actually attain that potential. That particle's existence has been theorized, but how to manufacture it is still being researched. Meaning, you've got jack shit right now. And wouldn't you know it, here come the bad guys! Well, one of them, which Kentarou recognizes from his time on Boazan. He thinks he knows who's aboard it, but it deposits a capsule and takes off again. Your people confirm that the capsule is safe and look inside, finding flowers and a ring. The flowers are the same kind that Kazuya gave to Erika - and only he and Erika know about it. Which means that Erika is alive and responsible for the capsule getting delivered. The ring, meanwhile, has a special kind of microfilm in it, and Sakon is thunderstruck to discover that it contains the method for generating the ultraparticles you need! Sakon figures that whoever came up with the means of generating these so-called Izalon Particles must be a frighteningly powerful intellect. Sakon and the other scientists hasten to upgrade Deimos, and Fang Lee suggests starting training right away on the new deathblow. Tetsuya will help out, saying that it's gonna be pretty rough given the short time available. That suits Kazuya great, who doesn't care how Erika got the flowers - he's overjoyed to know that she's still alive. Your people manage to interrupt another of Rihitel's excessive patriotic speeches with their approach to the base. It's Deimos, who Rihitel looks forward to slaughtering gloriously. Aizam doubts your people would show up without some kind of plan, and Rihitel orders the Zonnekaizer into battle. Kazuya should be able to handle this, and should he fail mankind may be toast. You've got to take down the bad guy, and obviously the Hissatsu Reppuu-ken-zuki Custom is the only way to do it. This should be easily doable by the first half of turn three. The bad guys will of course be astonished at this, and Aizam wonders in shock if "that" is why Deimos is so powerful. Aizam then sorties himself, telling a startled Rihitel that it's only natural, farcical in fact that the Zonnekaizer was defeated. He recognizes Deimos's powerup as the work of Izalon Particles, which in fact Aizam was in fact researching. He warns Rihitel that their opponent is no longer some vulgar Earth robot, but a mighty foe enhanced with his own knowledge. Aizam then tells Rihitel that the flames of his life are about to expire, and that the fight can no longer be stopped. Rihitel wants to know why Aizam didn't tell him - Aizam says that telling him would have accomplished nothing. His ailment was caused by his own mistake, an accident during his Izalon research. Aizam, however, is content with his life, though he's sad that he won't be able to cheer on Rihitel's victory. Meanwhile, your dudes show up, and Kazuya tells you to be careful around the new adversary. Kazuya has in fact heard Aizam's conversation, and Aizam has heard rumors about Kazuya. After all, half of his reason for coming to Earth was to take him down. He isn't planning on dying without making good on that, and tells Kazuya to fight him. Kazuya will meet Aizam's resolve with his fists, and Aizam is glad to see that Kazuya has the guts to accept his challenge. Rihitel then pops out, saying he'll keep anyone else from interfering. Raiza begs him to wait until the reinforcements arrive from the undersea base, but he yells at her not to butt in on his friendship. Balsam is smart enough to sortie too and help Rihitel out. The enemy seem to have more of the Zonnekaizers, but Shishiou says that only Aizam's mech seems to be outfitted with it. Go kick ass. Aizam tells Kazuya that he's got an anti-Izalon cannon: it is in a word the Deimos's greatest rival in the world. Not that Kazuya will lose on account of it. Balbas is worth a Magnetic Coating. Raiza is worth a Solar Panel. Have Hyouma fight Rihitel and Rihitel will blame this war on your people, who attacked peace-loving Barm first. Hyouma is getting sick of telling him that this is a plot by some third party - Rihitel is just a puppet to those people for spreading this war further. Hyouma has a promise to keep to a certain someone, to keep others from fighting without understanding the reason why. Have Ken'ichi fight him, and Rihitel will demand to know what it felt like fighting his own brother. Ken'ichi is surprised that Rihitel has heard about that, and tells Rihitel that in the flames of that battle he learned how foolish both sides were, and gained a hatred for the things that caused their fight in the first place. AND, he and his brother both wished that one day their planets would both know peace. Ken'ichi demands to know if Rihitel can comprehend that, and all Rihitel can seemingly comprehend is the fight between his people and the filthy humans. Ken'ichi reminds him that Kazuya and Erika certainly didn't have problems joining hands, and tells him if he can't comprehend that then your people are going to take him down. Have Kazuya attack him and he'll ask Rihitel where Erika is. Rihitel tells him that she was kicked out of the undersea castle as a traitor, and Kazuya vows to take out Rihitel since this is your people's notion of how to reach peace. When you kill enough of the bad guys, the Four Lords decide that Rihitel's usefulness is at an end. They tell him that he'll only remain commander if he can win this fight, if not, he's toast. You've got to shoot down at least three of the Grotector mechs, which flee at 10k HP... Aizam is worth a Hybrid Armor. Aizam can't believe that he's lost to Deimos, and then realizes that it was not so much him as much as his science that lost. He asks Rihitel's forgiveness for not being any use, telling him that he was the only friend he ever had. As he dies, he tells Rihitel to beware of Bergan and the Four Lords. Rihitel tells him to rest in peace, and vows to carry out Aizam's wishes. Bergan is worth a Booster. He's satisfied that he's overseen Rihitel and the crew losing power... Well, you took down Rihitel. Banjou then gets the news that the Federation army has retaken Big Falcon. Guess Miwa's men managed it after your people took out the bulk of the bad guys. Amuro figures that about half of the aliens sent to earth are now taken out - but will the Earth begin to settle down? Your people are all complimenting Kazuya on his brilliant display of punching the shit out of the the opposition. Kentarou now suspects the identity of the one who dropped off the capsule: "Dange", a Boazan general and a former comrade of his. Which means that he, like Kentarou, was Boazan nobility, but cut off the horn on his head which signifies it. He in fact fought alongside Kentarou to overthrow the aristocracy (this strikes a chord with Kincaidu), and the Gundam Wing boys are quite impressed with the sort of resolve that could make someone cut off their own horn. Kincaidu puts the pieces together, and figures that Dange, who is supposed to be a fugitive from Boazan, must be starting some operation while gathering like-minded people. And hell, maybe that group were even the ones who rescued Erika... or perhaps that group is actually trying for a peaceful solution, one that cuts across the cultural differences of the various planets involved. Your people hope that this rosy interpretation is what's really going on, and Kazuya thinks to Erika that both of them have a long road ahead of them on the way to peace. The Far East Base's command and control system will take a while to straighten out, but there's barely any damage outside the base itself. Apparently Miwa is in an absolute rage, but Synapse tells everyone to leave him be - it's not that you all are fighting to attract his praise. Amuro asks Simone about the Neo-Jion units that landed - the Preventers are still in pursuit, but no word has come back yet. Amuro clearly doesn't like the sound of that, but Synapse tells him that there's nothing your people can do now. Your people are headed to the G Island City to participate in the anti-Orphan planning... Rihitel is facing the music, begging Olban for just one more chance. Olban furiously tells Rihitel that he's betrayed his expectations, and Rihitel implores him to let him go to Earth once more, even if he has to go alone, which would include trying to take revenge for his friend Aizam. Olban won't have it, and orders Rihitel to get confined to quarters here on Little Barm. Rihitel is, in a word, *aggravated*, and Olban orders Geroyier to drag Rihitel from his sight. Rihitel won't forget this outrage, or Geroyier's part in it, and Olban thinks to himself that Rihitel is dangerous. Should it come out that _he_ and the Zaylans were behind the assassination of Rion, Rihitel could cause all kinds of trouble. Just then Darius calls in, having heard that the Barm forces got their asses kicked back home. Darius uses the situation to give his Four Lords command of the front lines, which Olban accedes too. Darius then orders Little Barm to head to the Earth Sphere, which Olban ineffectually protests will put the Barm citizens in danger. With little choice, he finally accedes to that too, as Darius offers his assurances that his Four Lords will surely prevail. Not surprisingly, Darius is planning inwardly to be the sole recipient of the Earth... Stage 28N. Kaiteijou! Daikougeki Kaishi ("Undersea Castle! Commence the Great Attack") Commotion ensues at the undersea base when Aizam shows up, obviously fatally wounded. He is in fact at the point of death, but he's glad he's met Rihitel before he passes on. Rihitel demands to know who hurt him, and Aizam tries to tell him who the _real_ enemy of Barm is, but expires first. The Four Lords are on the scene, and Rihitel furiously demands to know if it was them who shot Aizam (he doesn't care who they are). They ask him what he'd do if it was them, and he says that he'd never forgive them, even if they are from some allied planet. Dangel tells him to calm himself, since all they've done is dispose of a traitor. When asked how they can dare to call him a traitor, Kilar tells Rihitel it's only natural, since Aizam had plotted to kill Olban. That plan of course failed, and Aizam fled Little Barm here, with the Four Lords in hot pursuit. Rihitel has just enough brain cells to realize that something is wrong with this explanation, but the Four Lords tell him that it doesn't matter if he doesn't believe them: either way, he's to be hauled back to Little Barm to face the music from Olban and Darius for not getting anything done around here. The Four Lords have been given command, and are quite glad to see Rihitel out of a job. Bergan is glad that Darius is finally taking some action, and of course Rihitel isn't going to just accept this without a certain amount of ranting and raving. He tells them shortly that he's heading out for his final battle as commander of the Earth invasion - he won't hand over the leadership until then. The Four Lords accept this, allowing Rihitel his pride as a warrior for one last battle. Rihitel orders his people to surface the undersea base, thinking that while he has no way to confirm what Aizam was trying to tell him, he _will_ see the Barm victory that Aizam wished for. Mitchi has a new part for Jeeg, the evidently odd-looking (and oddly named) Parnsaroid. Hiroshi plans to use it to help pulverize whoever is obstructing Kazuya's romance with Erika, and shrugs off the difficulty of actually combining with the thing. Kouji's sure it'll work out, just like him and the Jet Scrander, though he recommends that Hiroshi talk to Tetsuya if he really wants to learn how to do things right. Tetsuya's aerial combination is a joy to behold, and Hiroshi is interested enough to go take a look. Meanwhile the Izalon Particle generator has been successfully integrated into Deimos, making it substantially more powerful. Apparently these are some kind of particle even cooler than tachyons, and capable of making the Deimolite express its full potential, or twice its current output. Sakon knows the method being to generate the particles is nothing of Earth origin; where did Waizumi get it from? Just then word comes in that the enemy base has surfaced. Federation forces are skirmishing with it, but are in general receiving an ass-whuping. Daimoji orders everyone to finish modifications ASAP and sortie. Meanwhile, the Four Lords are complimenting Rihitel on how efficiently he's wrecking the Earthlings. This is only natural given that the fortress is in fact a battleship, but Rihitel says that their true enemy is... He pauses, wonder who the true enemy _is_ anyway, when your dudes show up. The Four Lords look forward to this battle, with the full force of the Undersea Castle on display. But who will prove stronger, the Earthlings or Barmians? Your people are impressed by the size of the enemy fortress - you've got to pinpoint its weak spot or it'll just turn into a war of attrition. Daimoji orders everyone to concentrate on the enemy command center, and Pete says that you should prioritize mechs with long range attacks. Your people recognize the mystery third power's ships from Mars. Time to get seriously serious here ^^ For a Skill Point, clear the map (by wiping out the fortress) in eight turns. You should be able to do it in seven (or less?) with good play. Rihitel has a nasty surprise for you: missiles, which won't let up until you take out the bridge. Unfortunately for him, the Four Lords pull out the next round, saying that all they've done is grant him one final chance; they're under no obligation to help. Your people ponder the meaning of them pulling out, and Sakon realizes that this may indeed be some kind of internal strife. More missiles come out on every subsequent turn. Balbas is worth a Magnetic Coating. Raiza is worth a Study Computer. Bergan is worth a Dual Sensor. He inwardly tells Rihitel to die spectacularly as he bugs out for safer locales. The undersea fortress itself is worth a Solar Panel. Rihitel gets pissed (of course) and comes out to settle this in person. He tells Kazuya and the rest of your people that this land will be the site of the final battle. For the fight with Kazuya, Rihitel has a mech that his best friend Aizam made [this make a bit more sense on the other path...] Send Kazuya to fight Rihitel, and he'll ask where Erika is. See the other path for the full scoop. Afterwards, have Kazuya take down the Gimelia, which he can only hurt with his new attack [see the other path for the reason why]. Rihitel is worth a Hybrid Armor, and when you take him down he says that it's not the end. He plans to take the Taikuu Maryuu with him in death, and Pete shouts out that no goddamned zombie is gonna take down his ship. Unfortunately, someone gets in the way of the battle - a mysterious person in a robot Hyouma recognizes! It is none other than Hainel, who saves Rihitel. Ken'ichi is sure that Hainel, who knows the meaninglessness of fighting, hasn't become your enemy - he must have some reason for bailing Hainel out, since he'd never turn against you! Hayato cautions Ken'ichi to keep his cool, and says that you all need to head home and consolidate all the information before reaching any conclusions. Ken'ichi wonders why Hainel has reappeared on Earth, brooding over what this could mean... The word reaches Melby and the others that the undersea fortress and Rihitel have been defeated - guess the little item Dange sent must have come in handy. Melby realizes that now a new commander of operations on Earth will come from either Boazan or Zayla. Erika is worried about her brother, but Riliina steps in and tries to allay her fears. She, for her part, figures she must oppose her own brother's ideals - bearing up underneath the anxiety within until the day peace arrives. Erika smiles and says that she was right to invite Riliina here. Melby meanwhile has received word that Rihitel was saved at the last moment, via a "very reliable source". He's inwardly impressed at "that man's" skill, and Erika hopes again for peace so she can see Kazuya again. Rihitel is very upset at being interrupted in the middle of dying, but Hainel [we know who the hell it is -_-;;] tells him that, although by dying Rihitel might have absolved himself of all his burdens, that would have been an error. He reminds Rihitel that he does not yet know his true enemy - thus, him dying there would have been unpardonable. Rihitel remembers Aizam's last words, and implores Hainel to tell him their meaning - who or what is his real enemy?! Hainel tells him that he can ascertain that with his own eyes and ears, and as Rihitel's underlings approach excuses himself. Rihitel tells him to wait, and asks why he's acting apart from Bergan despite being a Boazanian. Hainel states bluntly that Bergan is the shame of his entire planet, and being of the same race as him is loathsome in the extreme. Rihitel doesn't comprehend this, but Hainel tells him that if fortune smiles they'll meet again one day - until then, he tells Rihitel to find his path. The doctor congratulates Kazuya and the others on kicking the aliens out of every corner of the Earth. Kazuya says it's all thanks to his new weapon, but Sakon astutely asks to know how it was invented. Waizumi is impressed at his acumen, and Kentarou tells your people that it was apparently dropped off by his old friend and former Boazan general Dange. Moreover, some flowers were left as well - flowers that Erika and Kazuya exchanged (and which no one else knew about). This can only mean that Erika is alive and well. Kentarou recounts how Dange, a Boazan noble, cut off his own horns and joined the resistance movement to overthrow the aristocracy. This adds up to Erika being with whatever guerilla group or underground peace movement or whatnot that Dange's currently a member of, some group whose aims transcend the various world involved in this war. Kazuya hopes this is true, and can't wait for this war to be over either so he and Erika can be peacefully together again. See the other path for Rihitel's audience with Olban, and Olban's audience with Darius... Stage 29V. Ikari no Nichirin ("Furious Circle of the Sun") Garrison has presented Banjou with the final piece of information, and the picture is grim. Docougar has made an even bigger mess of things than Banjou had expected. Both militarily and economically, they're a major threat - especially where food production is concerned. Garrison recommends that Banjou return to the company for a bit, which is close to G Island City. Banjou decides to do so with the time left before the anti-Orphan conference, which Garrison will pass along to Synapse. Meanwhile, Captain Anoir has disappeared after the Novus Noa arrived in port. Rasse strongly suspects the incident with Jonathan is to blame, and Komodo and the others are out searching for her. Nanga and the others take Yuu along to the conference center.. Taiga has just finished presenting the theory explaining how Orphan will drain everyone's Organic Energy, as well as the way it was calculated. He reminds everyone that the calculations are absolutely not pessimistic, and says bluntly that Orphan will destroy every living thing worthy of the term on the planet. Miwa yells out that the obvious course is to blow the thing to Kingdome Come with nukes or something, but Taiga notes that the Federation government has decided that Orphan is safe - eliminating that option. Miwa wonders who the hell claims the thing is safe when in fact it threatens all humanity - and that person turns out to be Isami Kyuusaku, the acknowledged leader of of the Orphan researchers. Miwa yells out that there's no need to hear this Reclaimer's story, and orders him arrested at once. Isami says that he's been granted special amnesty by the Federation, and doesn't have to take any such treatment from him. Taiga confirms that that's the case, and invites Isami to present his side of the story. His first two points are that Orphan is not impossible to control, and that the destruction of mankind is impossible. Shishiou inquires how Isami views the threat of Organic Energy depletion, and he responds that this theory would have been correct as of a year ago. But Orphan seems to be undergoing subtle changes, which he claims render Orphan harmless. Miwa demands proof, and some newcomer named Kant Kestonar shows up to explain. He's apparently a hyper-ultra genius who got his Ph.D. at age ten by publishing a thesis on Organic Theory. Kant considers the increasing activity of Orphan as something connected to vegetable reproduction, which he believes is also influenced by Organic Energy being that plants are, like animals, alive. This theory predicts that all the greenery on Earth is about to burst into life, in time with Orphan's increasing activity. In short, Orphan is stimulating life in Kant's view, which he was very moved by when he first realized it. He thinks of Orphan as a means of purifying the Earth that mankind has stained, even when mankind itself had abandoned that hope. However... he isn't convinced of one aspect of Isami's statements. Orphan's overall power source is something like the sun - there's no way humans should be able to control it. Isami's people once thought likewise, that Orphan's surfacing would utilizes all the Organic Energy on Earth. But that theory is controverted by the increase in plant growth that Kant mentioned. Kant figures that Orphan is showing pity to the Earth, and Isami cannot help but concur. Shishiou checks to make sure that that's the guarantee of safety that Isami has to offer (it is), and Daimoji inquires by what means Orphan flies - is it solely due to the Organic Energy within Orphan? Isami predicts that it uses some supplementary energy source to fly through space, and Yuu is more than a little pissed at his father for leaving something important out of his statements. Gaybridge tells him to settle down and listen to Isami's statements to the end, and when asked why everyone is letting Isami speak tells Yuu that it's because he came through proper channels as a scientist to come to this meeting. He tells Yuu to face the facts, such as the fact that some Reclaimers were among the funders of the Novus Noa's construction. In other words, people who want to save themselves by buying themselves a ticket aboard Orphan - and should those people get upset, the Novus Noa won't be able to move further. At worst, the fallout could even interfere with the Alpha Numbers - and Yuu is _not_ happy to hear it. Isami claims that this other energy source is still under investigation, but claims that that energy is surely for the purpose of inviting mankind to journey with the Orphan through space. Daimoji has some idea of what that energy could be, and a mysterious blond woman is very glad she went to the trouble of attending this event. Upon hearing of this energy that will advance humanity to the next step, plus a ship to carry them, she decides she needs to set her next plan in motion. Elsewhere, Irene is being propositioned by some disreputable types, who want to get aboard the Novus Noa. She is resisting, saying that the Novus Noa isn't hers, and that no amount of money will get them aboard. Sandrake asks to speak directly to the captain, and Irene says that the captain is currently absent - and she's the person in charge. Benmel tries to pay her directly for the Novus Noa then, which she is growing increasingly resistant to. Benmel claims to be an eccentric, wealthy collector, and wants the ship because it's the first Earth ship to use Organic Energy. Apparently he is a very _well_ informed collector, and feels a need to own anything there's only one of in the world. Sandrake for his part is here to see a certain man, though he's impressed by Irene's good looks too. That man of course is Hazan Banjou, and just then an enemy attack breaks loose. It's the Grangers, led by Quincy who, once again is glad to see the sun and would love to show the sight to Yuu. Isami is wondering why his daughter is here, since he told her not to do anything during the conference. Vera commands your units to go forth and face the enemy. Yuu and Quincy immediately begin to quarrel, and Amuro tells everyone that protecting the conference comes first. Shiela is worth a Dual Sensor. On round three, Benmel notes that your people have as impressive a collection of machines as rumored, and Sandrake notes that Banjou doesn't seem to be among you. Just then Banjou shows up, shoots Sandrake (to Irene's astonishment), and demands to know why Sandrake is here. It looks like _they_ have resurrected. He tells Irene that if Sandrake dies, he'll happily admit to having committed a crime, but if he lives... if he lives, inquires Sandrake. Banjou is furious that Sandrake had the nerve to show himself before him - or rather, Command Sandrake, of the Meganoids. Sandrake hastens off in some kind of giant mecha, and Irene watches in horror as the people grow to giant size. Banjou mutters that Commander-class Meganoids have permission to become Megaborgs like that, and very uncharacteristically Banjou flies into a rage, ready to rip the Meganoids a new asshole or several. Banjou then summons Daitarn 3, and Benmel tells him that it's time for the Meganoids to take out the grudge against him. He counters by telling them not to expect to walk out of here alive, and explains to your people that these are the basest, worst cyborgs ever devised by mankind. He tells Gai that the Meganoids are demons, cyborgs who cast away their human hearts and granted themselves undying bodies to satiate their lusts. Banjou had supposedly defeated these guys once already, but apparently they repaired themselves within their sealed base on Mars... or perhaps... Benmel tells Banjou that there's no need for him to know, and Sandrake is here to eliminate Banjou as an irritant to Kolos. Banjou notes that the despicable ego of the Meganoids hasn't changed at all, and Sandrake counters that there's no way Banjou can defeat the "super humans". Banjou furiously tells them never to say that even as a joke: Meganoids are less than robots, the worst demons of mankind. Sandrake then offers all your people a chance to become Meganoids themselves, along with limitless power, beauty, freedom from worries, etc. Kusuha knows that granting that sort of thing would avail nothing, and can't see a lifestyle after casting off a human heart at all wonderful. Of course, that means that they'll have to kill you all along with Banjou here. Banjou tells the Meganoids to remember the words he's graven into the back of their skulls: "For the world, for the people, Daitarn 3 shall crush the ambitions of the Meganoids! Should they not fear the Circle of the Sun, come and get him!!!" Your people are somewhat aghast at the depths of Banjou's hatred for the Meganoids, and Tetsuya thinks that this may be the real Banjou. Quincy, if she's still around, is mentally retarded enough to think that continuing to attack your people is a wise idea even under these circumstances. Yuu tries to tell his sister to get her head out of her ass and skeedaddle, but she snaps back that no traitor could be any brother of hers. She is worth an Apogee Motor. Her machine goes out of control, but Kant comes over to check something, telling Yuu not to worry about him. Yuu yells at him that the thing is a Granger, but Kant tells him that this is very important and asks him to please shut up. He asks the Granger to share some of its power with a flower he has, and that flower starts glowing with Organic Energy. Quincy is bemused by this, and asks Yuu if he remembers giving her a flower way back when they were little kids at their grandma's place. She was very glad about it, but Yuu doesn't remember. This gets Quincy upset again, noting that someone who betrayed his whole family couldn't be expected to remember something like that. Yuu says that she's got it wrong - when she's apart from Orphan she can suddenly understand his words, but she yells that Yuu will hurt Orphan and flees. Yuu demands to know what his stubborn sister thinks is wrong with this world. For a Skill Point, take out Benmel (who flees at 10k HP). When you fight Benmel, he sends out a replica from his collection: a Queen Mantha! Judou is furious that Benmel would are bring something like out in front of the Puru sisters, and Benmel figures that it's worth it just to learn of the Mantha's backstory. Judou isn't going to let this slide, but Banjou tells him to stay out of his fight. He yells out that the Meganoids are always like this - pain caused to others means nothing in the face of satisfying their own desires. Banjou screams that he won't forgive the Meganoids, or even tolerate their very existence!! The Queen Mantha is worth an Anti-Beam Coating. Sandrake is worth a Chobham Armor. He's astonished that his immortal body could be destroyed here, and Banjou tells him that his body, which he he received from the Devil, is a fake - and the Circle of the Sun burns away all falsehood! Banjou yells that Sandrake's false life ends now, and isn't at all placated when Sandrake goes kablooie. If Benmel fights Amuro, he recognizes the White Comet, and plans to add him as a decoration to his collection... a posable one! Amuro of course has no plans to go along with this doddering nonsense. He'll be extremely sad to have to defeat Daitarn 3, so a towering symbol of beauty and strength. Banjou vows to take out all Meganoids, including his collector's soul. Benmel tells Banjou this meeting will cost him dearly... Benmel's impervious collector's soul will live forever! After this, a transmission comes in from Kolos, congratulating Banjou on his splendid victory. She notes drily that he doesn't seem too surprised to see her, and he impatiently tells her that noone if not her could be responsible for bringing the Meganoids back. He then wants to know what she wants - to laugh at him for his failure to wipe them out entirely? No - she's called to announce the start of a new plan to Meganoidize humanity, which Banjou also expected. She tells Banjou that humans are far too weak for the voyage they are about to embark on into space. Meganoidizing is the only hope for mankind to evolve and survive. Banjou tells her to cut the bullshit - she and her people and their swollen egos are nothing like a new mankind - merely demons! Kolos observes that these three years don't seem to have changed Banjou's mind any, but the plan has already begun. Should Banjou not bow before them, he will be eliminated. Banjou dares her to come and try it - when she does, he'll settle the score once and for all. Kolos bids him au revoir, and Banjou now knows clearly what he has to do... Kyuusaku tells his mother-in-law that he won't reconsider. He didn't reawaken Orphan to be an enemy of mankind, nor would he let his daughter do such a thing. The proof is that he came to this conference today, but Yuu has other ideas. Kyuusaku asks if Yuu would like to return to Orphan, since his mother is worried. Yuu demands to know who this "mother" person is, and after Kyuusaku leaves he tells Hime that that guy isn't his father or anything else either. The counsel has officially decided to simply monitor Orphan, and your people probably have no choice but to comply. Your people have to carefully consider the report that Isami gave, light on data as it is, and incorporate Kant's theory in your calculations. That, and you have to worry about the mysterious energy that lets Orphan fly. Taiga says that you may have to revise your views about Orphan... Gaybridge notes that Isami has returned to Orphan, and Vera asks why Anoir left the Novus Noa during the battle. Shouko says that Anoir seemed to be deeply worried about something, and hopes she's okay. Since Anoir's whereabouts are still unknown, Gaybridge has no choice but to acknowledge Irene as the interim captain and order her to continue surveillance of Orphan. Irene is surprised that he won't wait for Anoir to return; he does feel it's a shame, but he can't let this operation falter because of one person. Gaybridge himself will be leaving the ship to report about Orphan directly to the Federation government. He says that the fight is about to shift to the political arena, and he intends to do what he can to politically protect the Alpha Numbers' back. He requests that Shouko accompany him, which she agrees to. Stage 29N. Chikyuu Buttakiri Sakusen See the other path for the news getting broken about the Vital Net plan being cancelled at the Governor's behest. Same for the argument about Yuu's relations with Shouko and Kanan. Except this time, Kanan steps in and tells him that his emotional volatility hasn't changed a bit. She and Higgins have joined as pilots of the "Brainchilds", twin Brain Powerds who got their name from being on the small side. Kanan explains that she too has been accepted by a Brain, and credits Yuu's words that she'd be freed of her curse if she parted from Orphan. Yuu is glad that his leaving had value then... Meanwhile Anoir has summoned Banjou to meet a certain member of an environmentalist group interested in Organic Energy. This person had requested a meeting with the head of the Hazan Conglomerate, and Banjou hopes this won't be some weirdo. It turns out to be something worse: Milane, who says that it's an honor to meet the man who successfully suppressed the Meganoid uprising. Banjou asks if he's met her before, since he recognizes both her face and name. She inquires if this is how he greets all ladies, and he says that he knows several people like her by way of apology. She asks what sort of people these would be, and he responds that they're demons in human form. This shocks Anoir, but just then the enemy attack. Milane has heard that the Novus Noa is opposing the Reclaimers, and requests an evacuation there. Banjou tells a hesitant Anoir that he'll secure permission himself, which she thanks him for. Your people marvel at the Brain Child as the Novus Noa makes it to a safe distance away. Your people wonder where Banjou is, figuring that he may be tied up entertaining some woman (as he usually seems to be). At least the Goshogun guys claim to be happy with their angelic, no, GODDESS-like female copilot. When the enemy show up, it seems that Jonathan is among them, taunting Yuu about Quincy. Something odd happens on round two - Banjou shows up at long last, not sounding quite like himself. Nanga asks Banjou (a four-star General it seems!) to keep it together - things would suck if all of you got offed before the conference. Milane thinks that her chance has come with Banjou now on the field. Shiela is worth a Magnetic Coating. Jonathan is worth an Apogee Motor. Yuu is thinking that it's a typically Jonathanian retreat, but Hime wonders if he was watching something... such as the anti-Orphan conference, or... Milane thinks that the Alpha Numbers have their guard down now, and decides to spring. Banjou however has other ideas, and tells her not to move. He also tells her not to be surprised that he's there, and that this isn't even the beginning of what he's going to do now that someone supposedly dead has appeared before him. She asks why he pretended not to know her when they first met, and Banjou says it's obvious that she wouldn't have resurrected alone - so, he bided his time. She says shortly that he never changes, and Benmel pops out of nowhere to pick her up. All that remains now that she's gathered information is to kill off Banjou himself. Benmel for his part vows to take Banjou out, and Banjou yells to Garrison to come and give him the controls. [For the full depths of Banjou's ranting, see the other path] This time Benmel brings out the Butargirin, with a very devious plan. It dispatches a bunch of drills and begins boring them into the Earth. Very soon magma will begin to pour forth, and worse - if it continues, the Earth itself will be cut in half! To say that Benmel's reason for doing this makes no sense is the understatement of the millennium, and Milane retreats to report in to Kolos. The long and short of it is that you've got five turns to prevent the Earth from getting ruined. To make matters worse, Edgar pops out the next round, determined to kill off the traitor Yuu. He's going totally bonkers, and massive amounts of Chakra light is emitting from his Granger. He's worth a Biosensor. Yuu is amazed at the phenomenon it just caused, and Camille wonders if this is the fate of all those caught by Orphan. Take out Benmel for a Skill Point. Like the other battle, he'll send out a Queen Mantha when you fight him the first time (which is worth an Anti-Beam Coating). In addition to the usual "I'll be back" BS, he tells you that defeating him isn't enough to defeat his machine. Said machine is worth a LOT of cash. Defeating it will cause any remaining Meganoids to run away. After the destruction, Kolos contacts Banjou to congratulate him on his victory. See the other side for the details, but Banjou is about to run off to take out the Meganoids on the spot, claiming this is his greatest and only duty. He actually disappears, much to Amuro's surprise. That the Meganoids came back without you catching even a trace of it while on Mars sucks. Shishiou figures they were here for information on Orphan, possibly to use it at their own spaceship for after they've Meganoidized all humanity. In any case, time to beef up security for the conference even more. No word has come in yet from Banjou... Cut to the whole Jonathan hostage crisis from the other path, complete with deranged Freudian problems gone nightmarishly wrong for Anoir and her badly-in-need-of-a-haircut son. As Jonathan flees, things fade to intermission... Stage 30V. KOROSU wa Korosenai ("Kolos Can't Be Killed") Garrison brings Banjou his favorite coffee, black. Banjou has been poring over some paperwork, which he gives to Garrison - instructions for how to dismantle the Hazan Conglomerate. Banjou had planned on doing this after taking out the Meganoids anyway, but Garrison and the girls found out something after returning to New The City after their long vacation: something about Banjou's new lifestyle. Banjou states flatly that that's trivial now that the Meganoids have revived, and announces that he plans to leave the Alpha Numbers to concentrate on hunting down the Meganoids. When Garrison agrees immediately, he asks Garrison why he isn't trying to stop him. Garrison says that he abides by Banjou's decisions, and advises Banjou to drink his coffee before it gets cold. Garrison then breaks the news to your pilots that Banjou's decision is firm. Your people have been with Banjou for a long time, but have never seen him like this before. The Puru sisters are certainly sorry to see this man, who normally shines as brightly as the sun depart, and Ryouma wonders if you all have depended on Banjou too much. Benkei wonders if Banjou, who was primarily responsible for holding your people together after the Titans' dissolution, was never really one of your companions after all. Hayato tells him to cut it out, but Banjou's assistants hear it anyway. Beauty isn't offended, and Reika is sad that now, even they as Banjou's assistants don't seem to be of any use to him. As they go to was Daitarn 3, your people muse that they've never seen Banjou become clouded before... Meanwhile, Kouji has just received an upgraded Great Booster from his father in Tetsuya's stead. Tetsuya's busy drilling Hiroshi, and Jun says the two seem to be getting along quite well. Sayaka wants Kouji to hurry up and try to change Banjou's mind, but Kouji isn't going to try, saying it wouldn't do any good. Sayaka huffily drags Jun off to try on their own, and Kouji thinks that Sayaka really doesn't know Banjou that well... Hiroshi meanwhile asks Tetsuya if it's okay to leave Banjou alone - the rest of your people seem to be in a considerable uproar. Tetsuya admits that he is concerned, but says that all the commotion your people can raise won't solve Banjou's problem. While this seems cold, Tetsuya says that any real man could recover under their own power - or so he believes. Hiroshi says that he sounds like the voice of experience, and Tetsuya abruptly Atomic Punches him, noting that if Hiroshi can't handle something like that he surely won't be able to handle docking with his new parts. Hiroshi is determined to do it on the first try, but before Mitchi can launch them the bad guys show up. It's Milane, who is ignoring the sparring group entirely. She doesn't have to wait long for Banjou to show up, saying she's here on orders from Kolos to take Banjou down. Hiroshi says he'll help out, but Banjou tells him to stay out of his fight. Milane is impressed with this show of resolve, but says that she's not Banjou's only opponent. Kolos herself is on the scene, and Banjou is looking forward to settling the score here and now. Kolos cautions him to say goodbye to the world first. There's a strong magnetic field emanating from Kolos's ship, and everyone is abruptly sucked away to subspace! This is bad for Jeeg, who can by no means combine with the Jeeg parts due to all the EM interference here. Kolos tells a shocked Banjou that this is a dimensional rift, as well as his graveyard. She points out all the scrap floating around here, and tells Banjou he's about to become part of it. Hiroshi meanwhile is determined to merge with the parts anyway, but Mitchi only has one more set - if this fails there won't be another chance. Tetsuya tells Hiroshi to wait for his chance, which he reluctantly agrees too. On round 3, Milane tells Banjou to stop resisting unless he wants to see his comrades die. She exhibits Banjou's crew, and tells him she'll unleash the Death Spiders if he does anything funny. Reika tells him not to worry about them and gets nearly blasted for her pains, and Kolos tells Banjou that, as he can see, she's serious. He thinks for a moment, then asks what of it - does Kolos think that actually taking hostages would slow him down? He tells her that his objective is taking down the Meganoids - nothing more, nothing less. Hiroshi asks if Banjou intends to watch his comrades die, and he replies that he can't forgive his father or the Meganoids his father made - no matter what sacrifices must be made. Banjou's female assistants agree, hating death far less than the thought of Banjou being forced to do Kolos' bidding. Tobb for his part says that as a man he's made his peace long ago, and Banjou says that he's not cool enough to both save his friends and take down Kolos. Plus, he can't let this chance slip by, and he tells his friends that he'll make sure to kill them quickly, so they won't suffer. Milane is amazed that Banjou doesn't care about his friends lives, and Banjou yells out to Kolos that this isn't a game: if she's going to kill them, she'd better do it quickly. Kolos is taken aback by Banjou's power, and refuses Milane's request to kill them as an example. Instead, Kolos has the machine that they're aboard ordered to attack. Banjou tells her that that won't work on him, and yells out his oft-repeated slogan. Hiroshi can't believe that Banjou is serious, though Tetsuya can. He tells Hiroshi that the Meganoids exploit weakness in the human heart - therefore, one must become emotionless to beat them. Hiroshi wonders if the friends' life or death is up to Banjou, but Tetsuya points out that it's actually up to _he_ and _Hiroshi_. They've got to get rid of all the enemy support, and bring the Death Spider they're aboard to a halt. For a Skill Point, you've got to rescue the hostages and take out all other enemies before taking down the Butargirin. The following round, Hiroshi tells Mitchi to release the new parts. He tells her that instead of waiting for a chance, he's going to make one. He tells her that as dangerous as the combination is, it's even more dangerous as he is now. He asks her to believe him, and vows to Build Up for Tetsuya and Banjou's sake. Of course it works, and it's time for Hiroshi to turn the tables. Milane is astonished that he's pulled off the combination, and Banjou tells her that this is how the Meganoids differ from humans: unlike Meganoids who only have predetermined abilities, humans have all sorts of untapped powers within. It is the heart, in other words human power, that makes that possible. Hiroshi tells the Megaborgs, who have lost their human hearts, not to think they can defeat him. Milane is... not thrilled. On the next turn, the Taikuu Maryuu shows up. Hiroshi is very glad of the help, and Banjou seems almost surprised to see everyone here. Your people explain that it was simple to figure out what dimension the Meganoids made and pry open an entrance with the Dividing Driver. Kolos tells Milane that she seems to have underestimated the humans, and Milane assures her that she's prepared to fight herself. She and Banjou trade high faloutan challenges, and your people tell Banjou not to try to thank them. While they have no right to stop him, they _do_ have the right to help him, their long time confident and comrade, out in a jam. Banjou accepts this after a moment, and Kouji is glad to see there wasn't anything to worry about. He's even brought the new Great Booster, which Tetsuya is very glad to have. When you rescue Banjou's assistants, they're all glad that he's found himself again. Banjou admits that as a hero he wasn't quite as cool as usual this time around. Milane is worth a Hybrid Armor. She's impressed with Banjou's power and before the battle offers to make him her slave if he just takes a nice bath in her hypnosis ray. He answers "no", drolly saying that he's not interested in women who force others to their will. When Banjou fights Kolos, she tells him that humans are cruel, unfair beings who should only exist under the care of the Meganoids. Banjou demands to know who decided that, and she says that while humanity is nearing a major change, the steps of its evolution are far too slow - mankind is trapped in an effectively infinite dungeon. Banjou tells her that if the Meganoids will then claim to be some kind of "new" humanity, he won't stand for it - there's no way in hell beings who have lost their human hearts could be superior to humans themselves! Kolos is worth a *HARO*!! (and a shitload of $$). Banjou figures what can happen twice can happen thrice, and doubts we've seen the last of Kolos. What he can't figure out is why she didn't kill Reika and the others... Banjou tells Garrison that he's going to remain in the Alpha Numbers: the resolve that his assistants showed, and the fact that everyone came to help him out forced him to realize something anew: he's not the only one fighting, and it's only thanks to everyone else that he can be himself. Garrison is glad to hear this, having delayed word of Banjou's departure in the hopes that Banjou would find his answer. Banjou is wryly glad of this, though he has Garrison continue gently dissolving his company, saying that it's too great a burden for him to bear. And, he has Garrison prepare a little party for everyone by way of his apology combined with the farewell to Earth. Garrison's already got everything ready ^_^ Everyone, including the robots, are at the party (though Banjou is the only one in a tux) and glad to see Banjou back to his old self. Banjou leaves the toast up to Synapse, who many suspect is nervous. Synapse's words are halting, which he finally explains as him not wanting to ramble like an old man. Though, he can't help but adding provisos like "no underage drinking" and "don't drink so much you can't scramble at need". After the toast, he encourages everyone to drink up and enjoy the food that Garrison and OVA have prepared by hand. During the banter, Tobia savors some bread that Kincaidu informs him was baked not by Garrison but by Vera, who until high school had worked at the family bakery. He somewhat grimly explains that Vera bakes whenever she needs to blow off stress, but then smiles and says that this bread surely bears the taste of life in the old days. Tobia opines that this is thanks to Kincaidu, who won't NOT take some credit. ^_^ Hime meanwhile is scolding everyone (including Yuu) to balance what kind of food they eat. The "adults" of Goshogun and the mobile suit squad watch this with some envy, and Remy has to turn down an proposition from Bait, saying it's her policy not to get involved with soldiers or spies. She prefers someone like an artist she wouldn't have to fight along side of, and Bait perceives that there's some history there. She agrees to at least join the boys for a drink or several, which Shingo is quite happy with. Rasse likewise offers to help Kanan adjust to these unfamiliar surroundings. We get to see again that Kou dislikes carrots, while Gai likes himself a good beef bowl. Mikoto points out that Gai also has a food he hates: konnyaku! Mamoru seems to be just happy to be going to space for the first time, which the other kiddies can get behind. As the hilarity continues, and Kou summons the burning heart to eat his carrots, word comes in from the Preventers. The Neo-Jion units that landed have stolen a nuclear weapon from Arizona, which had been stationed there as a last resort against the aliens or subterraneans. Amuro is not happy to hear that Char really is pulling out all the stops... You get two OVA's Croquettes and a Cecily's Bread [imagine that...] Stage 30N. Karei Naru See the other path for Kanan and Rasse's conversation. Anoir's disappeared, and Daimoji has no time to wait around for him. Your people then muse about Banjou much like on the other path, except that he's gone and not merely thinking about leaving. Banjou has actually been at corporate HQ, and has the conversation about dismantling his company from the other path. What's different is that Banjou gets a letter from a certain person from his high school days. Insert the whole anti-Orphan conference, with a different Meganoid about to do the reporting. Kidogaa meets Banjou - it seems there were adversaries back then, and Kidogaa has practiced all this time just to challenge Banjou once again. Banjou says that he's got no time for that, and asks instead about what Meganoid-related information Kidogaa has - and why he knows about the Meganoids at all. Kidogaa has been checking up on Banjou, and out of some kind of inferiority complex has had himself made _into_ a Meganoid! He's captured Banjou's assistants and hypnotized them, having them aboard a Death Spider. Banjou points out to him that this is a decidedly second rate way to force him to accept the challenge: the moment he took the hostages was the moment he inwardly accepted that he couldn't beat Banjou fair and square. Kidogaa starts feeling miserable that he hadn't thought of that, but Banjou says that if he's a Meganoid, the hostages matter not. He summons Daitarn 3, and Kidogaa plans to beat him and prove that he's first rate after all. Meanwhile your other people detect the Megaborgs (apparently come to disrupt the conference), and sortie everyone. Or try to anyway, until Banjou tells them that this is his fight, and outside interference is not welcome. The trash talking begins in earnest when they fight, and Banjou who had considered this guy a friend of sorts says that he certainly won't acknowledge any friend of his being a Meganoid. When Banjou wins, Kidogaa is actually going to be a good loser and tell Banjou about the Meganoids' new plans, as well as free the hostages. But Sandrake isn't having that, nor is Milane, OR Kolos. This battle is basically like the other path except your people initially aren't here. Kidogaa pleads for the chance to finish the duel against Banjou by himself, not letting anyone else interfere. Sandrake figures that makes him even a second-rate Commander, but Kolos lets him do as he pleases. Banjou doesn't care about the duel, only about taking Kolos down. Finish the map within eight turns for a Skill Point. Your dudes show up on round 3. See the dialog from the other side, but this time Kidogaa vows to rescue the hostages, who he took in the first place. Banjou tells him that this is the difference between second and first rate: the first rate person does what they have to. Kidogaa promises to make good on this. To win, Banjou has to take down the Death Spider. Kidogaa manages to pop up and rescue the hostages when you have Banjou get in combat with the Death Spider. Milane is furious at this and blows Kidogaa away, preparing to take on Banjou next. From here on out it's basically identical to the battle on the other branch. The banquet is too, with the exception that Kidogaa survived the explosion and is now hanging out with your people. It's the mark of an extra first class person that he not only survived but hooked up with your people. He's lost his Meganoid powers, but he figures that puts him back on equal footing with Banjou. One day, he hopes to resume their duel, and Banjou promises that your people will make sure that that day comes. Like the other branch, you get two OVA's Croquettes and a Cecily's Bread. Stage 31. Ware NI Teki NASHI ("No Enemies Have I") Some mysterious figure intones that the Earth is going to rot... and to protect his children, a trusty sword is necessary. Britto, hypnotized as usual, mumbles that that sword is the Choukijin. The figure says that the time has come for him to choose what to protect. Britto seems to finally resist this process, but is eventually compelled to chose to protect his mother planet. The figure tells him never to forget that his power exists to protect that planet. The figure once again calls upon all the swords to gather unto it... On Von Braun, a certain Viletta has returned from goodness knows where for the first time since the Aegis Project. Apparently with certain restrictions, she can no move "freely" again. When Kirk asks, she tells him that the other four members [of the SRX project] are doing fine, though they're busy with some other mission. She waxes surprised to hear Kirk ask something like that, and Kirk says that, after all, those four _are_ necessary for their plans. He asks what brought Viletta all the way to the moon, and she says she wants to borrow a Personal Trooper, to replace her dismantled R-GUN. She wants it to protect Kusuha, the Psychodriver pilot of the Choukijin, saying that her debt to "those two" has yet to be repaid. Kirk agrees, saying that a machine has just returned to base that he can set up for her. That machine would be the Hukebein Mk.III, which Retzer Feinshmecker has been using. He offers Viletta what he calls his belated thanks for her helping him out in the past. It seems she was an old subordinate of hers, and is using a false name: both of them have pasts they'd rather not have brought up it seems. That's fine by Viletta, who's more than a little impressed that he managed to find the Mk.III. This is a twin of a machine which failed operational testing in the previous war, AND lacks AM parts - but depending on how it's maintained, it should be viable. Viletta vows to protect this important machine, especially in deference to its former operator. Meanwhile, Yasunishi has found out something about the animal-form robots your people have been seen: a giant bird of prey, a pellaginous fish, and a giant carnivorous beast. That is, an eagle, a shark, and a panther. Shishiou makes an offhanded comment about those being three likely creatures to chase the sun, and Robert explains that these three machines are acting independently of any known organization. They probably are self-organizing AIs, if not actual intelligences unto themselves. Much like the Choukijin, which makes sense since they appeared along with the black Ko-Ou-Ki. The leading theory is that these three new machines were made by whatever ancient civilization created the Choukijin as warriors. This would mean that their purpose is presumably be protecting the Earth, which explains why they helped your people out. However, there's one problem: if they are in fact such guardians, they shouldn't be so reclusive, especially given all the things threatening the Earth right now. Shishiou figures that they've certainly got their own schedule to keep, but Robert says that that's the point: the only time they've ever appeared is around the Alpha Numbers. There are no other records of their activity anywhere. It's as though they're trying to save you, people with similar objectives - or that there's something among you that draws them. In any case, more research is necessary, but for the time being you decide to call them "Custos" after the Latin word for "guardians". Meanwhile, your pilots (including the robots) are all busy with a _lot_ of cargo hauling. Lucky for them the kiddies bring in some food for them to replenish their strength (though they're getting sick of nonstop curry rice). Unfortunately, Irui collapses in the process of giving Tetsuya his orange juice. A very anxious Kusuha is told later that there's nothing physically wrong with her - apparently she just up and fell asleep. Some of the other women promise to look after Irui, and tell her that the scientists are calling Kusuha. They inform her of the mysterious Custos, whose leader is probably the lord that Britto spoke of. The troubling things are why the Ryuu-Ou-Ki refused this lord's directives, and why the Ko-Ou-Ki turned black. Eri actually has the notion that this Custos is not the rightful lord of the Choukijin... It's common enough among humans for people with similar ideals to still be opposed. She suspects that somehow the Ryuu-Jin-Ki discovered the Custos' true nature and objectives - and for all anybody knows, it may be some enemy from the Choukijin's past. This would of course mean that Custos has obtained Britto's cooperation by force - and controlling a Psychodriver would require someone with immense mental powers or their equivalent. Of course, this means Kusuha is at risk for being controlled too. If Custos' objective was the destruction of the Earth and eradication of humanity, Ko-Ou-Ki and Britto should have resisted... but if Custos' ultimate goal was the same and the methods were merely different, it may have been able to gain a foothold. This would certainly explain why Ryuu-Ou-Ki came to Kusuha to help her, and if it were not for the GGG and Mazinger both Kusuha and the Ryuu-Ou-Ki might well have been hauled off to Custos long since. Eri cautions Kusuha that while Custos is not currently your enemy, Kusuha shouldn't count on that forever. The good news is that it should be possible to break whatever power is controlling Britto - which is up to Kusuha and Ryuu-Ou-Ki. Wouldn't you know Britto shows up with 60 seconds left before the Taikuu Maryuu launches. Kusuha sorties to hold Britto off, telling everyone not to try to help her. After all, it's her that Britto is after. Your people of course don't want to abandon her to this fight alone, but she stalls for time, vowing to follow your people up into space later. Tetsuya points out to Kouji that if you abort the launch here your plans to fight Neo-Jion etc. will be late - your people mustn't waste Kusuha's resolve. Plus, Tetsuya believes that Kusuha, who fought her way through the Balmar war, will also be alright through this mess. Kouji makes Kusuha promise to follow your people into space as the countdown reaches zero. Britto tells Kusuha that this is her last warning - if she doesn't go to his master, he'll destroy Ryuu-Ou-Ki. Kusuha tells him no, having decided to get him and the Ko-Ou-Ki back. He asks her if she intends to defy his lord, and she says she does. He calls her foolish, but she asks him why he's become the way he is, and why the Ko-Ou-Ki turned black. He himself should realize that he's not the real him, and the black Ko-Ou-Ki isn't the real mech either. Britto tries to force her not to doubt, but she yells back that Britto is the one being controlled. Having grasped her thoughts, he announces his decision to destroy the Ryuu-Ou-Ki, and tries to psychically suppress Kusuha, but the Ryuu-Ou-Ki itself seems to tell her not to give up. Looks like the two will have to fight, but Eri says there's hope. Britto must be being controlled by some kind of device, like the T-Link System. Wreck that, and he should be free. Entouji has the data about how the T-Link was installed, but he's worried that things may have been altered since the data was taken. Taiga has him send the data to Kusuha anyway, and Kusuha realizes she has to take out the T-Link system. Britto says he won't let her, and goes over to wreck the Ryuu-Ou-Ki. He then tries to force his will on her once again, and although Kusuha reminds him of his promise to come for her with the Choukijin he blasts her machine almost to pieces. The rest of the staff can't do much to save her, but someone shows up in a black Hukebein who can. It's both Hukebein Mk.IIIs, and Viletta encourages Kusuha to hurry up and take out the T-Link system. You have to reduce the Ko-Ou-Ki to less than 3k HP. Unfortunately, that won't entirely rescue Britto, and the Ko-Ou-Ki heals itself. That means he's being controlled by something else. To make matters worse, the Panther Custos shows up. Whoever is behind it tells Kusuha that he is the one who has chosen her and conferred upon her his strong will. It keeps calling for the various swords to gather to it blah blah, but Kusuha isn't having it. She knows there's a good reason the Choukijin didn't want to obey whoever Custos is, but Custos keeps calling to her machine to return to him. The panther then goes and frags her machine, and somehow paralyzes the Hukebeins. There's lots of exploding and lots of people not being able to save Kusuha, but Britto finally gets his act together. Custos asks why Britto is opposing him, the guardian of the Earth, and Britto says that he's fighting for the sake of the many human lives on Earth... which is thanks to the many people who fought alongside him before, and especially Kusuha. Britto vows never to be Custos' lackey again, and that this time he'll show him the true power of the Choukijin. He and Kusuha then combine to form the Ryuu-Ko-Ou. Britto seems to be okay, apologizing to Kusuha for all the trouble he's caused. In any case, you've got to now take down the mysterious Custos mech. The thing flees at 7k HP, and you've got to kill it to get the Skill Point. It's worth a Biosensor and a METRIC FUCKLOAD of money. The Custos will vanish on the spot, such that your people can't track it. The Ryuu-Ko-Ou meanwhile has recovered over 95% of the way, and all the parts that were added to it seem to have been assimilated just fine. What a victory for self-healing machines! Britto meanwhile feels terrible about what he's done (despite everyone telling him not to sweat it). All he knows about the Custos is that it's the thing that captured him, claiming to be the lord of the Choukijin. It wants to gather all the strong warriors like the old Lond Bel to it, and Yasunishi realizes that it hasn't told Britto any more than it needs to. The troubling thing is that the Custos aren't actively opposing the Lond Bel yet. Maybe all it really wanted _was_ Kusuha's Choukijin, on the theory that the Custos' ends are the same but the means different than your people. What that difference might be is something your people need to investigate. Kusuha for her part is determined to oppose the Custos, even fighting them if need be, since she and Britto have their Choukijin to believe in. Viletta then comes in to tell them that the shuttle is ready to take them to join the Alpha Numbers. She and Retzer will be along for the ride, and Kusuha, surprised, asks if Retzer is somehow related to Rai... He is impressed at her intuition, and tells her that "for now" he's Retzer. Further, he tells Robert that there's no need to tell Rai of his actions for now: Rai has his own strong companions to help him. Your people greet Britto and the returned Ryuu-Ko-Ou warmly, *very* warmly in a teasing way in Remy's case. When the talk turns to Kusuha taking a "bath" with Remy, Britto's nosebleed becomes severe enough for him to pass out on the spot [@_@], which Tetsuya ascribes to Britto's rich powers of imagination. Kusuha and Kouji take Britto to sick bay, where Irui happily greets them. As introductions and congratulations get passed around, Kusuha is about to serve Irui some "Chougou", a special nutritional drink that she makes. Britto seizes the drink from Irui, vowing to drink it all himself. He explains that while it _is_ very nutritious, the taste is... a... bit... *thud*. You get the Auxiliary GS Ride and an Organic Bit! Stage 32. Moushuu no Youka ("Beckoning Blossom of Delusion") Synapse contacts Bright at Londenion, apologizing for being absent for so long with affairs on Earth. After thanking him for his efforts, Bright says that the Neo-Jion and Jupiter Empire haven't been attacking lately, which means that they're presumably amassing their forces. Adenauer is busy preparing for talks with the Neo-Jion, which has gotten considerably complicated by the theft of the nuclear weapon. Unfortunately, all Char's people have to do is claim that they have nothing to do with the old Jion command structure, and your side will lose all diplomatic leverage. At worst, the Federation may use Axis itself as a bargaining chip, which would be good for Char since space at Sweet Water must be getting rather tight by now. Of course, actually giving the Neo-Jion Axis could just embolden them further - and preventing that is what Bright sees as the Lond Bel's duty. Further planning will wait until the Alpha Numbers arrive. Chain is looking forward to seeing Amuro again, worried about Amuro's thoughts about Char. She says that during his time at Anaheim Amuro was prone to moaning in his sleep, and doesn't want to do anything that will force Amuro's hand unnecessarily. Thus, she'll postpone her announcement about the nu Gundam for a while. Unfortunately, a fleet of ships without IFF signals starts approaching from 2 o'clock - and they appear to be Neo-Jion in origin. Bright realizes that they intend to strike first, and orders everyone to level one battlestations. Gyunei notes that without their main forces, even the Lond Bel aren't much to write home about. Quess agrees as Bright tries to force the bad guys away from Londenion. Quess is showing her usual penchant for hurrying ahead, which Gyunei is anything but happy about since she's working for him again. She says huffily that she didn't return to him, she came back to Char. Gyunei wonders who the hell Quess thinks she is, but is willing to let it pass in the interest of his mission, which is to take down the Lond Bel and to quiet any anti-Jion colonies. Taking out the Ral Kairam is his idea of setting an example. The cavalry show up on turn 2. Quess is surprised to see Amuro, and Gyunei tells her that the Jovians are coming in two or three turns... if they're not stopped, they'll kill off everyone in the colony. You can send Amuro to Persuade Quess. He asks her why she's with the Neo- Jion; does she have any clue what Char is trying to do? Amuro tells her that he won't let her get away with being a selfish little kid, but Quess yells back not to yell at her like that. Char never talks to her that way - *he* understands her. Quess is worth a Psychoframe. Amuro will lament how she's succumbed to Char's magnetism. Gyunei is worth an Apogee Motor. He orders his troops to flee as soon as the Jovians appear. They will appear when there are fewer than four Neo-Jion squads left. Giri notes that the Neo-Jion's Fortified Humans suck pretty hard if they can't even scratch the Ral Kairam. He doesn't care that the Neo-Jion flee, saying that battling isn't about romance or ideals, only about results. Burns doesn't seem to like this operation either for that, but he says that as a Jovian soldier he'll follow his commander's orders. Giri figures it's time to introduce two special guests: Zabiine, and his maniacal laughter. He's heard of her deeds on Earth, which befit her place as the summit of true nobility. However, he tells her that all she needs do is confer her influence from on high, and let him do the dirty work. In fact, he's brought the Raflesia with its Bugs, to try to kill off everyone in the colony. Guess this is what happens when the Jovians hook up with the Crossbone Vanguard. Bright orders the Ral Kairam to shield the colony, and asks Vera to take out anything that tries to get near him. Vera, unfortunately, is a bit shocked at seeing the incarnate form of Iron Mask's twisted designs blooming once again in space. Kincaidu tells her not to be deluded by a ghost from the past, and demands to know why Zabiine is going along with this when he opposed Iron Masks's methods. Zabiine says that he hasn't changed: all this is for Vera's sake. He figures culling the overpopulous human herd is the duty of the nobility. As your people start fixing to break every tooth in this maniac's grin, Giri orders his people to support the Bugs. Bright lays out the final defense line, and Vera vows to pull herself together and cut herself free from the ghost of Iron Mask. For a Skill Point, take out the Zamus Gal, which flees at 10k HP. When you kill a certain number of Bugs, more will appear. You need to concentrate your firepower on the Raflesia. Zabiine is worth a High-Performance Targeting System. He vows that he'll come for Vera sooner or later, and leaves his duel with Kincaidu until later. Kincaidu for his part will be damned before he lets Zabiine mix Vera up in his insanity. The Raflesia is worth a Hybrid Armor. Duo is glad to see the thing gone, though Quatre realizes that if the Raflesia project is still going, this probably won't be the last one. Giri is worth a Multisensor. If you want to recruit Burns, get Tobia into combat with him but don't kill him off. Quess made it to Londenion, but it seems she doesn't have much of a way of getting back. She's looking for a transport or something when Amuro runs into her. He tells her that he's been looking for her, and asks her to come back with him to Adenauer - her father. She pouts and won't go back to him. Amuro points out to her that she won't be permitted to go back to the Neo-Jion either. She tells him that he, a mere pilot, has no right to say that to her. He asks what she's saying, and she tells him what Char told her, that Amuro is an unfair man who has power but doesn't use it. She tells him to leave behind all the idiots on Earth if that frustrates him, and if not he should just shut up and watch what Char does. Amuro muses over Quess finding the place she belongs at Char's side, and doesn't seem terribly pleased to hear Char's words, coming from her mouth. Adenauer thanks Synapse for his work on Earth and in saving Londenion. This should prove a big bargaining chip in the upcoming negotiations with the Neo-Jion. Bright angrily asks if Adenauer intends to keep ignoring the Neo- Jion, which provokes a rebuke from him. He says that while the Federation doesn't intend to leave the Neo-Jion be, a lofty governmental decision has been handed down that the time isn't right to lift a finger against them. Bright says that that's precisely what he's talking about, and Vera says that this battle should have proven how strong the link between Neo-Jion and the Jovians is. Will the Federation army remain still despite this? Adenauer is hardly moved by this, feeling secure in the "ace" the Federation holds against the Neo-Jion. Synapse asks if that ace is Axis, which Adenauer surprised, denies outright by saying that the Federation has no intentions of letting them have it. Synapse counters by observing that the Federation surely has no plans of letting their opponents move to the Earth either. Adenauer realizes he can't fool your people, and lets you in on the Top Secret information - the Federation _will_ give them Axis on the condition that they disarm and surrender all their weapons. Axis will then become their new homeland. Bright confirms his suspicion that it was the Neo-Jion who brought up this idea, and tells Adenauer that he doesn't know what kind of man Char is really like. Adenauer forestalls Bright's argument by telling him that steps have already been taken to ensure that Char can't threaten the Earth from his new home. In other words, your side has a power capable of opposing Char working for it. This makes your commanders nervous to say the very least, but Adenauer is done talking and tells you all to concentrate on those pesky aliens. Kincaidu is impressed to see the new mass-production F91, whose pilot Harrison is in turn surprised to see Kincaidu among the space pirates. Looks like the start of a nice, manly friendship. Meanwhile Chain presents Amuro with the freshly tuned up nu-Gundam. The Orchis is running a bit late and will be sent afterwards Chain says that thanks to Nina's hard work the Orchis will be ready soon, and Amuro says that the same goes for Chain and the nu. How well he does with it is up to his own skill, and he confirms for Chain that he plans to settle the score with Char once and for all this time. Char should be the one who leaked the Psychoframe information to Anaheim: he's trying to cause you something more than Pressure, and Amuro can't give in to that. If the average level of your Gundam pilots is 34 at the end of the battle, they'll find a new surprise: the Wing Gundam! Or... something like it. This is the exact machine that Hiiro used in Operation Meteor. He's, in his own way, glad to see this machine again. You get 2 Propellant Tanks, 2 Cartridges, and 2 Repair Kits. Stage 33. Shounen no Mukau Mirai ("The Future the Boy Faces") Vera learns that Chelindon is coming your way, bearing the Orchis and some other new Gundam. Vera explains to a confused Tobia that Chelindon Rona is her cousin, from one of the houses that those trying to resurrect the nobility after the last war tried to turn to their ends. This means that Chelindon, like Vera herself, was one of the Crossbone Vanguard's "princess" figures. Your folks have to explain to Tobia what an "aristocracy" is: a small group of "gifted" people leading the mundane masses towards a better society. Umon explains that the "gifted" aristocrats aren't so much chosen as self-declared, and when Tobia recalls that aristocrats are of some kind of noble blood spanning generations, Umon points out that those bloodlines had to start _somewhere_. He figures that the aristocracy movement is a response to the absolute democracy of the Federation outliving its welcome - far easier to have a system where the "noble" people are noble and where everyone simply does what the nobles tell them to. Tobia realizes that there's no guarantee that people who _claim_ to be noble actually are, and thinks something is wrong with founding a society on that, but Vera cautions him that all the crew aboard Chelindon's ship believe in that fervently. Tobia could get himself killed if he carelessly let such thoughts slip. In any case, Kincaidu doubts that Chelindon is here as a mere delivery girl, and Vera agrees to talk to her and try to find out. She has the ship stay on alert as a precaution, and Kincaidu has Tobia help Judou and the others prepare to receive the guests. Kou is glad to finally have the Orchis back, and it looks like Nina and Mora are here too. She figures the Dendrobium will take quite a bit of looking after, to say nothing of the new Gundam. Kou's hesitating a bit due to the whole Gatou incident, and Nina blames herself for not telling Kou sooner. In fact, the real reason she's here is Kou, and... Judou bursts in, marveling at the new Crossbone Gundam, the so-called "X3" whose maintenance got delayed from the other two. Tobia's impressed by it, and when he asks Nina says it's not yet been decided who'll pilot it yet. Judou, ever perceptive, cuts things short there and steers Tobia away to give Kou and Nina more time to themselves. Nina tries to return to the previous topic, but Kou is already running through the X3's features aloud. Nina notes sadly that some things never change. Judou and Tobia meanwhile are looking at this big-ass sword that seems to be one of the X3's weapons. Just then Chelindon comes up to them, wondering happily if they might be "genuine Newtypes". The two of them manage to introduce themselves, and she looks forward to talking to them again later. Judou is wondering what that means... It seems that Chelindon has come here to persuade Vera to order the Alpha Numbers to stop fighting. She says that fighting gives rise to nothing, and says that if Vera wants to bring a stop to Cracks Dugachi's invasion of the Earth she should treat with him across the negotiating table. Vera says that she understands Chelly's point of view - but things have progressed past that stage. Vera sees in her words a knife held behind her back, ready to take by force, but Chelindon believes that at this rate mankind is doomed. Even should your people beat off the Neo-Jion and Jovians, the same sort of thing will just recur - and the fighting will never end. This is because humans are fundamentally flawed - mankind itself must be altered. And for mankind to obtain true peace, they must wait for the age of a new mankind, a new age of Newtypes, when there are enough of them to overwhelm the ranks of old mankind. She doesn't know how far in the future that will be, and doesn't want the Earth Sphere, where all humans come from, tainted until that day. She would like Vera to choose the path that would result in the least contamination to the globe. Vera asks if she's asking her to do so regardless of who the ruler of Earth would be - does Chelindon want her to just hand the Earth over to the Jovians? She would, if that was the way to minimize conflict. This gets Vera upset, and she tells Chelindon that she has no time to go along with dream fairytales like this. For starters, there's no guarantee that the sort of humanity the Jovians wish for are the sort that Chelly envisions. Chelly figures she has no other choice, and has her men take over the Mother Vanguard's bridge. Apparently Tobia and Judou have been captured and kept in a different room - Chelindon explains that the two of them have immense potential as Newtypes, though they don't yet realize it themselves. She's sure that raising them by her side will result in them awakening to their true nature. She has her guards stay and has her ship depart from the area, telling Vera that she really does want everyone to simply sit down at one table and negotiate one day... Your pilots are in an uproar, realizing that the bad guys wanted to capture Judou and Tobia from the outset. The Neo-Jion are on the scene, and your people wonder if this was all their doing. Cima says that her people don't pull crap like that - she prefers to thrown down BIG. In fact, she's glad to see Kou and his big-ass Dendrobium, and the two get a bit of quality trash talking in. Kincaidu figures that Chelindon plans on just watching this fight: you should be able to just leave that ship alone. Judou of course isn't all that crazy about being locked up like this... On 1.5, Chelindon asks Vera to make everyone to stop fighting before needless bloodshed occurs. Vera refuses, saying that "peace" and "not fighting" are similar but different things. Chelindon asks why Vera won't understand her feelings, and Vera responds that as long as there are people who haven't forgotten in their heart how to fight, your people cannot choose a peaceful solution. Chelindon now realizes how hard it is to persuade her sister, and goes to entrust the future to the boys instead. A turn later, Judou figures that there's only one way out of this mess: breaking down the door. To his surprise, the door opens and Chelindon appears to pick them up. She tells them they don't have to fight anymore, just be true Newtypes by her side. She says that this is both for their sakes and for the sake of mankind. Judou says that they have no time for this and prepares to leave, but she says that going isn't possible. Even if the Alpha Numbers win today, they'll eventually lose - this she knows, since she's a Newtype (or so she claims). Judou tells her to knock the selfish crap off - his people have fought their way out of all sorts of trouble by never giving up. When he tells her that she's got no right to talk to your people like this, she claims that she's simply elucidating the Truth. The defeat she's talking about isn't loss in battle - it's the eventual ruin of people who don't try to solve things except by fighting. She figures this is inevitable, and believes that her Newtypes powers have been given her by God. A ray of hope, to save mankind who would otherwise face destruction. Judou asks dangerously if she doesn't care who gets hurt by his people's inaction, and she says that no, she doesn't in fact care from the standpoint of the final outcome. Judou knows someone with much the same philosophy as her - someone who thought they could become the leader of all mankind. Chelindon says that her actions aren't prompted by any sort of desire to rule the world, but to Judou's [Newtype] eyes her gaze looks exactly the same... in the sense that she'll merrily trample anyone's happiness underfoot she pleases to satisfy her own rationale. Chelindon maintains that she's not like that person, and turns to Tobia. He asks if she's telling him, as one of the chosen, to leave the not-chosen out to dry. Ever since he realized that Vera always fights in such a way to prevent unnecessary bloodshed, he figured that he was being foolish... but he still feels LIGHT YEARS better than Chelindon! He orders her out of his way, and when she won't move and tells him to listen to her, he shouts that he's a human - and that's all he wants to be! She threatens to shoot if he goes, and he dares her to try it, saying that if she does she'll understand that the same red blood flows in everyone. Judou gently (under the circumstances) tells Chelindon not to limit other people's future possibilities with her own private thinking - this is the time for ALL humanity to start from scratch and hopefully get things right. There's something wrong with the notion that all will be well if only a single bunch of Newtypes live through. Judou believes in human possibility, and says that his place isn't by Chelindon's side. Things get complicated, however, when Dugachi pops out with Tetenis in tow. He dispatches her in a mobile armor set to full automatic. She doesn't have to do anything except hold the stick. He figures this will be the sort of episode the democracy-loving fools will love, wherein the leader's own daughter strikes down his enemies. AND, should she just happen to die in battle, it'll just make the people that more eager to go to war. Tetenis wonders if he's really okay with that, and says that he's definitely changed. He tells her that were he a normal person, that might persuade him - but he's the distillation of everything Dugachi wanted from the bottom of his heart. He figures she's too much like her mother, which doesn't bode well for her. Tetenis prays for Tobia to save her, and Tobia can sense which machine she's in. Judou is with the program, and tells Tobia to hurry so they can enlist *everyone's* aid in rescuing her. For a Skill Point, take everyone else down before rescuing Bernadette. Tobia and Judou pop out on the next turn in the X3. Your people learn of Tobia's Newtype intuition about where Bernadette is, and everyone agrees to help out. Cima is worth a Study Computer. She notes on the way out that this is the last job she ever does for Char. When Tobia firsts fights the mobile armor, you find out very quickly that one of the Dugachis is aboard it, actually controlling the thing. Dugachi dares Tobia to try to attack when his daughter is in the palm of his hand. This pisses Tobia off mightily, and he demands to know how Dugachi can call himself human like this. He scoffs at Tobia, saying that there's nothing nice about battle. Parents and children kill each other all the time - any "parental ties" are just crazed ramblings. This is what humans, and battle, really are! In fact, putting his wife or daughter out as hostages or bait is quite normal for him, though in this case it's a bit different since Tobia is hesitating to attack for the sake of a girl he's never even bedded once. Bernadette begs him to stop, but of course he doesn't, telling her that he's in the middle of a battle now. Tobia deflects his attempt to chop him into little bits, and tells Dugachi that he himself doesn't think he's battling at all!! As Dugachi realizes his Mobile Armor is the less powerful, Tobia now knows where the cockpit is. One of the bad guys has a Chobham Armor. When you take down the mobile armor, Tobia demands to have Bernadette back. Dugachi says that she's not his, in which case he vows to, like a good pirate should, take her by force! The armor is worth a Bio Computer and experience galore. The rest of the enemies will withdraw at this point (if there are any left), but Kincaidu reminds everyone that you only just defeated part of Dugachi... Everyone is glad for Bernadette and Tobia, but Bernadette is worried about something: could it be that by sending her to the front lines her father actually deliberately let her get away? She realizes that to outsiders the guy just seems like the sort of cruel bastard who would use his own daughter as a hostage, but... Tobia says that he doesn't know what kind of person Dugachi is in private, but since Bernadette knows the guy better than anyone, he believes that she's closest to the truth. Meanwhile, Chelindon has freed Vera, deciding upon watching Tobia and Judou that she needs to spend more time understanding human possibilities. So that she can do so, she grants Vera time by leaving in her ship to watch from afar. Vera asks if she can interpret that to mean that they're not enemies, and Chelindon agrees. In fact, she'll even give you any information that happens her way. In return, Vera too will believe in the future that the kids have chosen. You get a Propellant Tank, an Cartridge, a Repair Kit, 2 OVA's Croquettes, a Cecily's Bread, and a Megarider. Stage 34. Nina compliments Kou on his usual skill at getting the most out of the GP-03. He in turn thanks Nina for her maintenance. Both of them seem to have improved, although Kou still doesn't like carrots... Elsewhere, Bright and the other captains are late in breaking up their meeting. This would be because your group has been made "independent", and have to tread with extra care around the upcoming Neo-Jion negotiations. Camille figures that your next destination will either be Axis or the Moon, where the factories that fuel the Jovians and Neo-Jion are. Kincaidu is asked for his opinion: the moon, or Axis? The moon route will be M, the Axis route will be A. The Axis route is worth on average more money, by the Moon Route contains a Cost Down and a Solar Panel. Stage 34M. Operation Apollo As Kincaidu worries that terrible things could happen if Anaheim fell into Neo-Jion hands, report comes in that that's just what's in progress! It seems this is a Neo-Jion trap, which Zechs is along for the ride on. Zechs clearly has reservations, but informs Yazan that it's neither cowardice or distaste for fighting his former allies. Yazan figures he'll find out what Zechs really wants, and says that if Zechs tries any funny business he'll shoot him himself, even in the back if need be. Zechs tells him that cuts both ways, doubting a former Titan would help the Neo-Jion out of the goodness of his heart. Yazan tells him not to get the wrong idea: Yazan doesn't care about the Titans _or_ Char - all he's doing is taking the best chance to get even with the Lond Bel for what they did to him in the previous war. Zechs has heard that this Operation Apollo was proposed by the former Titans - by Yazan himself in fact. It was the sort of plan that Nanai was likely to jump on, and was tempting enough to get him his own fleet. Of course, *actually* attacking Anaheim could be a pain in the ass, so that fleet is merely pretending. Zechs is inwardly rather unhappy at being hauled around as part of the Alpha Numbers hunting party, and figures it as a sign that he hasn't yet earned Nanai's trust. Your people are briefed that the Neo-Jion landing forces are held up near Epsilon City, near Von Braun. You can assume that they're really after Anaheim Electronics. The plan is to send your fast units on ahead to slow the bad guys down until the main force catches up. Those pilots are preselected, and the mission begins. What appears on the scene first is not the Alpha Numbers, but Noin. She tells Zechs that she's here to pick him up now that Riliina has decided what path to take. She says that she'll now have him choose his path. He warns her that he won't hold back, and she says that she's ready for that. Wipe out all enemies within 9 turns for a Skill Point. With good play it should take more like 7. Your advance dudes show up on turn 2. Yazan thinks he's in luck now that the Zeta and Camille have shown up. Just then Zechs moves out of position, explaining to Yazan that he's got an arch-enemy on your team too. Yazan reminds him to shoot down the Gundam if he doesn't want to get shot in the back, and Hiiro goes straight over to fight him. This is the way Kou wants it, so he and Camille can concentrate on the other enemies. When Hiiro Yui fights Zechs, Zechs confirms that he realizes what Char is up to - that's precisely why he's there in fact. Zechs is worth a Hachimaki. When you take him down, he yells out that he can't die here. He tells you all that you don't see Char's real motives, but Noin rushes over to prevent him from leaving. Zechs doesn't hesitate to pull the trigger and blast her almost to smithereens. He tells her that this is the path he's chosen, and disappears. She's damaged badly enough that Kou orders her to leave the battlefield. Hiiro realizes that Zechs must be trying to get close to Char so that he himself can learn Char's true motives. On the next turn, a bunch of apparently Federation forces show up... but not to help you. These appear to be genuine Federation troops who are Char sympathizers. Bad news. One of them has an I-Field Generator. Dangel, Ramses, and Yazan are worth a Booster, a Magnetic Coating, and a Dual Sensor. After the mission is over, Erika hears that Noin has safely rejoined the Alpha Numbers. Riliina thinks letting her go is the least she can do to thank her for her protection all this time. She knows that Noin loves her brother Zechs, and figures that Noin may be the only person who can ascertain Zechs' true intentions. Riliina tells Erika to have faith in your people (especially since Hiiro's around), and both of them resolve to win more allies in their fight for peace. Noin fills your people in on the peace movement. As Hiiro realizes that that's how Riliina is fighting her fight, a message comes in from a "Camlan Bloom", which Amuro recognizes as Mirai's fiancee (and a high ranking government financier to boot). Bright tells Camlan that he hasn't seen Mirai lately, since she stayed on Earth. Camlan then has some news for you, which he claims to have agonized over for some time before filling you in. It seems Adenauer has had a face to face meeting with Hamarn Kahn, which Camlan attended due to his position in the government. It seems that Hamarn has just *bought* Axis - she is the power that the Federation hopes to counter Char with. Amuro realizes that the rift between Hamarn and Char is deeper than your people thought, and figures that Char's pride would never allow him to join forces with her. This "fighting fire with fire" strategy shows what could be called an *ASTOUNDING* amnesia towards what Hamarn did in the previous war, and even in the final battle of the previous war Hamarn said that she hasn't given up on wiping out Earthnoids. Congratulations: you just got _another_ enemy. About the only good to come out of this is that your people have just been bought some time. Camlan promises to send any new info your way, saying that he learned the value of people like you who don't give up when the battle for Side 6 raged right before his eyes. He doesn't fear what could happen to his political position as a result. As you say goodbye, Amuro wonders how Char will react to Hamarn's move... Hamarn, replete in upgraded headgear, is thanking Cima for all the information she's provided about the Neo-Jion operations. Cima is bright enough to realize that Hamarn has no intention of kowtowing to Char, and has to hand it to Hamarn and her charisma for assembling this much warpower without the backing of the Zabi House. To be sure, from Cima's viewpoint it seems more like stubbornness towards an old flame... In any case, Hamarn has Cima patrol the area around Axis. Iria voices opposition to using Cima after she leaves, but Hamarn tells her not to worry: a little show of good will and Cima will make a fine pawn. She orders Iria to hurry up with the defenses: Hamarn knows full well that she's just returned to the battlefield in the face of two very formidable enemies. She's determined to find out precisely who will become the leaders of future mankind... Stage 34A. Itsuka Mata Deau Hi no Tame ni ("For the Day We Can Meet Again") Kincaidu figures it'll be Axis, since the Federation would really be in a jam of the Neo-Jion somehow took it over first. Of course, that's how Bright sees it too - Axis will be the pivot of the upcoming battle. Up ahead Daimoji detects a battle in progress: a Barm ship is being chased by some other aliens. There's some possibility that the ship being pursued is from the faction that has Erika, and your people head to the battle zone in any case. The only way for Kazuya and everyone else to know is to mix it up with the aliens... Of course, it is the good guys being pursued - including Melby. The aliens spout the usual "death to the traitors" rhetoric and Noin volunteers to hold the enemy off until the ship can break through. Your folks arrive on turn 2, quickly figuring out that it is indeed the good guys you just rescued. Kilar for his part is determined to show your people the power of the Four Lords to get even for what you did before, and has word sent to Desmond. The rest of the cavalry appears a couple rounds later. Unfortunately, the Four Lords take the chance to strike, and Daimoji orders the Taikuu Maryuu into Pollution Protect mode. The Four Lords go into "Death Cross" formation, and appear to be generating a micro black hole. The Four Lords are faintly staggered by the fact that a weapon exists which can withstand their Death Cross, deciding to pull back and reconsider their strategy. Mind you, the Taikuu Maryuu took something of a pounding, but you can still sortie your people. For the Skill Point take down all Glowtectors within eight turns. They flee at 8k HP each. Even if you want all the kills, good play should be able to do this by turn seven. On the next turn the Four Lords get impatient and send out the Moon Condor to finish off the Taikuu Maryuu. Sanshirou finally decides to be useful and gets in the way, almost paying for his life. The bad guys are a bit peeved that he isn't dead, and vow to send both him and the Taikuu Maryuu to hell in one more swift stroke. Sakon tells Sanshirou to hurry back to the ship, saying he'll explain later. It turns out that Gaiking has some new parts, making it studlier in every way. Sakon tells him that this is the best he can do - it's now up to Sanshirou. Asimov is worth an Anti-Beam Coating. Kilar is worth a Large Generator. Dankel is worth a Biosensor. Desmond is worth a Hybrid Armor. When you take out the fourth Lord, Melby realizes that this is his only chance to escape. Your people are surprised that they're leaving without even making contact, and the Lords send forth a Darkness Beast to ram the ship. Your people have no way of reaching it in time, but then a mysterious figure appears and chops the bad guy to bits. Your people recognize the Go-dor, meaning it's pilot is Ken'ichi's brother Hainel. It looks like Hainel just saved Erika's shapely little ass, meaning he's on your side... which means...! Noin fills your people in on what Riliina's been up to with this interstellar peace group. Hiiro, unlike the rest of your people, isn't the least bit surprised by this. Noin explains that there are two reasons they left before making contact with you - the first being that conflict with Neo-Jion is nigh. They don't have any specific information, but it's clear that the Neo-Jion are working on something *big*. Kazuya knows the other reason - Erika is risking her entire life fighting for peace. He says that she can't see you under those circumstances, and Noin is suitably impressed that Kazuya is living up to Erika's high estimation of him. They believe in each other despite being apart, and that prompts Noin to ascertain Zechs' true thoughts by doing... Hainel isn't a registered member of this group, but Hiiro says that people traveling on the same road eventually meet each other. You'll see him sooner or later. This is very cheering to everyone except Amuro, who has a REALLY bad feeling because his Newtype abilities are strong enough to let him guess at the upcoming plot! What a guy. ^_^ He's worried in particular about whatever the power Adenauer spoke of that can keep the Neo-Jion in check... Stage 35M. Taikuu Maryuu, Kiki Ippatsu ("Taikuu Maryuu on the Brink of Disaster!") Darius is interested in the Four Lords report that the Alpha Numbers are wasting warpower and resources fighting other Earthlings on the moon. This is about the only chance to attack, since Little Barm is about to arrive in the Earth Sphere from Mars, and the Zayla homeworld is about to be swallowed by that black hole. That means the Zaylans have to take over the Earth by then, though it's clear that simply mounting a frontal assault isn't the way. The other Lords remind Kilar that Rihitel, a commander of some skill, was toppled by your people - but this time, Dankel as a two-level plan for success. Your people have some time off, though a few folks are stuck minding the store. The prospect of your team running around on all these different combat errands isn't the most appetizing to Kiry, but Remy reminds him that Allies of Justice shouldn't complain. At least Sanshirou has some job satisfaction fending off the bad guys... And look, said bad guys just showed up. Kilar is still simmering of Dankel's vaunted plan, figuring that if he can just take down your dudes it won't matter. Bergan tells him to go right ahead - HE will follow the plan as drawn up. He's inwardly intrigued that the Four Lords aren't all paragons of military might. For a Skill Point, keep all the bad guys out of Epsilon City. Bergan is worth a Solar Panel. Kilar is worth a Large Generator. Once you get ride of all the bad guys, another pops up and tries to ambush Epsilon city. Daimoji has the Taikuu Maryuu ram the thing, managing to wreck it. There are some injured from the damage to the buildings, but no major casualties. Daimoji has everyone recalled to the ship to help tending to the wounded. Sakon seems a bit worried... The robots are majorly helpful in putting out fires, rescuing trapped people, etc. Sanshirou discovers a rather unexpected person trapped inside on of the buildings. This woman asks why "Stall" is here, apparently mistaking Sanshirou for someone else. After a bit of medical care, Sanshirou is able to tell her that he's not Stall after all. That makes sense, since Stall was killed by Earthlings some time ago. Sanshirou is a bit bashful at receiving her thanks, mainly because she's so pretty, and she tells him at length that her name is Erika. Sanshirou is mildly surprised to happen upon another "Erika", telling her that the other Erika is the girlfriend of one of his companions - this one, in Sanshirou's opinion, is far prettier however. He tells her that she can stay here during the Taikuu Maryuu's stay at Epsilon City, and says he'll check in on her later. ...Of course, she is the saboteur that the Four Lords sent, and she now goes about fulfilling her mission. Meanwhile Sanshirou has this big grin on his face as the rest of the crew wonder how things are going with the girl he saved. He tells Kazuya that he now knows how Kazuya felt when he rescued (the other) Erika. Your people are indeed surprised at the naming coincidence, but Kyoushirou is uncharacteristically silent instead of warning people that this may be an enemy spy... for some reason, he can't bring himself to suspect this person this time: it would be FAR too unartistic for the enemy to send a spy in that way. He doesn't plan to cast aspersions on other people's romances, but leaves Sanshirou with Shakespeare's proverb "Those who try love fall in love at first sight". Banjou points out that love or otherwise, your people can't let their guard down. Erika thinks about her lover Stall participating in the Earth assault and being killed. In fact, she volunteered to become a saboteur to get revenge, but... Sanshirou then comes to check on her, with a bunch of other people who wanted to see this rumored beauty with their own eyes. Among them is Kazuya, who of course is connected to the "other" Erika. He tells this Erika that even though they're apart, he believes that one day they'll be back together again. Erika is already wondering if your people suspect her of being a saboteur as Kiry quizzes her on her former love. Sanshirou won't have much of this, and the rest of your people get shooed out the door fast. After your people are gone, Erika notes that they seem like a very cheerful bunch, but is sad that they're fighting the aliens. Sanshirou is too, saying that your people have to stop the invasion as quickly as possible so peace can return. Erika says that they're not invading because they like doing so, though she quickly passes that off as feminine intuition. Sanshirou says that whatever the reason may be, its his people's job to brush aside the falling embers. The subject gets changed quickly to Erika's pretty pendant, which Stall gave her long ago. Sanshirou then asks her to be his friend, though he's already decided to be hers. Sakon then comes to call Sanshirou to the meeting - he says that he'll be right there and asks Sakon to make an excuse for him. He introduces Sakon as the "brains" behind the Taikuu Maryuu, and Erika realizes that this man is one of her targets. Erika hides her scrutiny behind pretending to be tired, though she tells Sanshirou that his words to her have made her very happy. Erika gets to angst about what a great, open-hearted guy Sanshirou is - it's just like being with Stall again. But she, the Zaylan saboteur, has to take your people down: her final sorrow. She's planted a time-bomb on the Taikuu Maryuu's main computer, but is interrupted by Sakon coming in and telling her to remove whatever she's plugged into the Taikuu Maryuu's computer. He's already removed the bomb itself, telling her that he figured the enemy operation the other day was nothing if not a feint. She inquires what he, the ship's brain, intends to do to her. He tells her that if she takes the bomb and departs, he'll do nothing at all. She can't believe this, telling him to his face that she's a Zaylan spy: now he knows what the third home planet among the bad guys is. He tells her that he doesn't want to do anything that would hurt Sanshirou, who thinks so much of her - and, in his judgment, she thinks so much of him too. He informs her that he's the only one who knows of her origins, and he's prepared to keep it that way. She admits defeat to his brain and his heart, but says that she can't retreat... and her duty includes eliminating Sakon himself as a threat! She tells him to regret the foolishness of coming there alone. Alarms go off as both the Taikuu Maryuu's head and computer room get bombed. Some other Zaylans come to thank her for her work and to receive Sakon. She asks what will happen to him afterward, and is told that she has no need to know. She's about to continue with her mission when her controller asks her a question first: how does she explain destroying only part of the Taikuu Maryuu and not the whole thing. She explains that Sakon interfered, but of course she had more time after capturing Sakon. In short, it was a mistake, and her controller says that mistakes aren't forgivable: he prepares to execute her on the spot. She attempts to flee, saying that she can't die here, now. As she worries about Stall and Sanshirou, a mysterious ship comes over and rescues her... Stage 35A. Tamashii, Juuryoku ni Hikarete -Zenpen- ("Souls Bound by Gravity - Part 1") Erika is lamenting how weak she is - even though she had resolved not to see Kazuya again until peace returned, the sound of his voice and his image on the screen made her nearly lose it. But at least she now has courage to equal her loneliness... Meanwhile Zechs is not surprised to hear that your people are headed for Axis. He tells his men that that pan is to head your people off, and his subordinate is very eager to see the power of the Lightning Count on display. Zechs for his part realizes that he was posted here because the Alpha Numbers' moves were expected - should he take this as a message from Char, or... Yazan seems a bit annoyed at playing decoy in place of the vanished Cima, though if he can fight with Camille it'll all be the same to him. The two then trade the dialog about shooting each other in the back from the other branch. Camille and Wufei spy Yazan's Hammurabi and Zechs' Tallgeese III. Noin tells Zechs that she's come to get him now that Riliina has chosen her own path - she will insist on him choosing his own path now. It comes as little surprise that your way to Axis is being blocked - even though the Federation still theoretically controls it, it's a crucial strategic site for the Neo-Jion. No way Char would let you just waltz up to it. That said, these bozos are probably not the "counterbalancing" force that Adenauer spoke of. Both Judou and Camille feel a huge Pressure, and not from among the opponents before you. Whoever it is is watching you. Even the Puru sisters are perturbed, and Banjou wonders just who the hell could be responsible. Defeat all enemies within four turns for a Skill Point. You should be able to do it easily in three. Zechs has much the same battle as the other branch, and is worth a Hachimaki. Yazan's group have a Dual Sensor, a Magnetic Coating, and a Booster. Beating the bad guys provides no relief as the Pressure continues to mount. Showing up next on the scene are a bunch of Quberays and Germarks: a squadron of Newtypes. Whoever they are begin to have some kind of effect on the Puru sisters, and the fact that there are _mass_produced_ Quberays is a bad sign. Amuro yells to Judou to have the Puru sisters retreat ASAP, which is matched by a portion of the opposing force pulling back. Amuro tells Bright that fighting this bunch head on is dangerous - and you need to get to Axis, even if it means circumventing these folks. Bright realizes that it'll be easier on Judou and Camille that way, and orders everyone to leave this area, making heading for Axis the top priority. As the line for escape is drawn, Camille realizes what he doesn't want to admit: "she" is back. For all that these bad guys are supposed to be so dangerous, they die rather easily. In fact, if you kill them all the mission is over. After making your way through, everyone realizes that their worst fears are confirmed: Hamarn Kahn is back, and behind the Axis incident... Stage 36M. Namida no DEBIRUJAGGAA ("The Tearful Deviljager") The bombing of the head and computer room mean Gaiking can't be sortied now [not that I was planning to sortie that Scrapheap anyway!] Worse, Sakon is missing, and although Shishiou and the others are working on repairing the main computer there's no ETA for repairs. Unfortunately, the Taikuu Maryuu is effectively powerless on only its subcomputers. Sanshirou wonders where the hell Sakon is at a time like this, and Kyoushirou angrily points out that Erika vanished around the same time. He tells Sanshirou to ask himself what this fact means, and notes that he's got his hands full with the Barm incident already. Sanshirou is bright enough to realize that Erika may be responsible! No surprise that Melby was the one who fished Erika #2 [as I'll call her from now on] out of certain death. Erika #2 very much doesn't trust Melby, who blasted her comrade Zaylan's vessel, but Melby asks her if she can actually call someone who spreads their own wars onto other people's planets for no good reason, and even points weapons at their supposed friends, her "comrade". She doesn't get his drift, and he points out to her that this war is being staged by the top leaders of the three planets - the people on the front lines have become merely their pawns. In fact, Erika #2 has heard of Melby's group of "traitors" and their activities, and furiously tells Melby to shut up: she won't be part of any of his machinations. At that point Erika #1 comes up and says that a bit of female togetherness might solve things [DON'T WE WISH!...] and Melby leaves it to her to try. Erika #2 has heard of Erika #1 and her story, and is surprised to say the least to find her here. And she's NOT favorably disposed to this traitorous woman who would have dealings with Earthlings. In fact, she's rather furious at Erika #1 for actions that disrupt her own kind's struggles against their own destruction. Erika #1 after a moment says that she'll accept the label of traitor, but points out to Erika #2 that she's fighting for the sake of her people right now. Just because their people face annihilation doesn't give them the right to steal another whole planet's happiness. In fact, the offworlders had better hope that the Earthlings flourish if they want any hope for their own people - WHICH is why this little interplanetary peace front exists. Erika #2 is amazed to see an Earthling working with a Barm, but Melby says that there are in fact representatives of all FOUR planets in on this one. They have but one goal: peace among all the worlds. This is word Erika #2 has all but forgotten, having basically died along with her Stall. Erika #1 figured that out upon first glance, and Erika #2 wonders how the heck Erika #1 can go on living like this. #1 explains that there is someone who taught her the meaning of bravery and gentleness, someone who too has devoted his life to the struggle for peace. Thus, Erika #1 will walk the same path. Erika #2 "knows of" Kazuya, being scared to tell Erika #1 how she put his life in danger. Now begins the "oh if only I'd met Sanshirou sooner, I'd never have gone so far wrong" angst, figuring that it's too late for her. She tells Erika #1 that she can't walk the same path, and asks her to execute her or whatever since her life now belongs to Erika #1. #1 decides to set her free, although that would reveal the group's position to the Zaylan forces. Erika #1 believes in #2, and #2 murmers her thanks, telling #1 that Kazuya is fighting because he believes he'll see her again. Erika #2 entrusts Erika #1 with her own hopes, praying that she'll be happy one day. Matilda wonders as Erika #2 leaves if it's too much to ask for a soldier on the front lines to understand their ideals. Riliina figures Erika #2 understood just fine: her eyes were full of sadness and resolve as she left. The Four Lords of course have brainwashed Sakon, planning to use him to destroy the Taikuu Maryuu with his inside knowledge of it. This gadget is how they keep control of all rebels, and are QUITE SURE that noone can withstand its power and retain themself. As they question Sakon and see that he now views the Taikuu Maryuu as his Enemy!, word comes in that Erika #2 has returned. Desmond knows that she was supposed to have been executed for failure in her mission, and orders the messenger to dispose of her. She tells Desmond that if he wants to kill her, he should kill her heart instead with his machine. This would be both for the good of her people and for the good of she herself. The Four Lords are intrigued that she'd choose brainwashing herself, figuring that she's finally realized how filthy and worthless all this talk of "love" and "hearts" is. She says that at the very least, such things are in her way currently. Desmond thinks this is resolve worthy of a Zaylan, and Erika #2 prepares to become totally an enemy of Sanshirou. She prepares to forget Sanshirou's warm smile, praying for a swift victory for Erika #1... Sakon turns up, having been found unconscious in the lower levels of Epsilon City. He doesn't remember who the saboteur is, be it Erika #2 or otherwise. Daimoji asks Sakon to hurry and fix the main computer, so Gaiking can at least be sortied again. Sakon tells everyone else to hurry and face the enemy assault that just occurred while he works on fixing the Taikuu Maryuu. Your people have to protect both the city and the currently busted Taikuu Maryuu. The Four Lords are waiting for their plan to come to fruition, and order their men to tie your troops up. Defeat all enemies within seven turns for a skill point. Sanshirou is getting very impatient to help out, and goes to check on Sakon on turn 2. Of course what he finds on turn three is a Sakon who seems to have gone into full zombie mode. The Four Lords phone him to see why the demolition is taking so long, and he promises to finish it as a member of the Zaylan military ASAP. Of course, Sanshirou now knows his identity, and Sakon can't let him out of the room alive. Sanshirou is going to face him, and he tells Sakon that as a former pitcher he doesn't even need a weapon: only something to throw. He demonstrates by throwing one of his legendary "disappearing fastballs" and konking Sakon on the noggin, but the guy won't go down so easily. In fact, he then takes down Sanshirou, and when the Four Lords call back he announces it to them, convincing them even more that the brainwashing worked. He then recommends that they add the Gaiking, which no longer has a pilot, to their arsenal: they already know its power. He agrees to steal the Gaiking and then blow up the Taikuu Maryuu. Rather than destroy the Taikuu Maryuu however, he fixes it, and sends Sanshirou out to do battle. Sanshirou gleefully informs the bad guys that they fell for Sakon's acting. It seems that his fabled fastball was even stronger than the dreaded Zaylan brainwashing machine. MOREOVER, the net effect of that brainwashing machine was to actually boost Sakon's IQ to well over 340! This is flat out astounding, but there's still no way he could have *fixed* the Taikuu Maryuu's main computer in such a short time. Dankel realizes what's happened: Sakon is acting INSTEAD of the main computer! Sakon's now plugged in (don't ask how), and leaves the rest up to Sanshirou! Asimov is worth an Anti-Beam Coating. Dankel is worth a Biosensor. Once you defeat the current crop of bad guys, more pop up, including Erika. Desmond is worth a Hybrid Armor. Erika is worth a Cost Down. As she dies, she murmers for her Stall and her Sanshirou... As your people are being congratulated for their efforts, Sanshirou finds Erika's pendant lying on the ground - what's it doing there? Kazuya asks him what's wrong, and after a moment he replies only that there are many strange wonders in the world... Your people are soon to leave the Moon to attack the Neo-Jion. Sakon has fully repaired the Taikuu Maryuu from backups - he won't have to play computer any more. Kyoushirou quips that going back to the regular computer may still be a "version down", and though Sakon points out that his increased IQ is "damage" from the brainwashing device, he says that the information he gained while in the Zaylans' hands should come in handy with planning future strategy. When Sanshirou asks about the person who bombed the Taikuu Maryuu and kidnapped him, Sakon claims that lingering damage from the brainwasher keeps him from remembering. Sanshirou is holding the pendant he picked up on the battlefield, and Nana (unknowingly) says that its pretty design would suit Erika perfectly. Sanshirou smiles and agrees, and heads on ahead. Kazuya asks Sakon if things are really best this way, and Sakon says that the truth is not always the right thing to tell - this way, Erika can live on inside him as beautiful as ever. Kazuya slowly agrees... Stage 36. "Tamashii, Juuryuoku ni Hikarete - Gohen" ("Souls Bound By Gravity - Part 2") Iria reports to Hamarn that Axis has now been occupied. As she orders her people to stay on alert, the Federation captain wonders why the hell he was attacked when Hamarn's people would have gotten the place back even without a fight. But the ships that arrive are the Alpha Numbers, who Hamarn Khan greets. She confirms for Judou that she hasn't thrown in the towel yet, still trying to wipe out life on Earth. She says that he showed her one possible future in the previous war, BUT when the gravity wave threatened the world the world allowed the Titans and other bad influences to seize control of the government. She concludes that your people can't show her any sort of new future for mankind: all your "peace" will produce is a cycle of stupidity and conflict. Which is in fact why Char and Dugachi are around. She informs Amuro that she doesn't intend to tread Char or Dugachi's path: she's the ruler of the rightful Neo-Jion, and Char can't lead mankind towards a better future. In the final analysis, it looks like there's no hope but to duke it out after all. The Puru sisters resolve to fight here, saying there's nowhere left to run to. Rakan is worth a Solar Panel. Iria is worth an I-Field Barrier. Once you wear down the flagship enough, Hamarn herself will decide to come forth, hoping to discern what sort of power your people have gained after so many battles, and whether that power can show her the future. Amuro is somehow surprised to hear her use the word "discern", and Judou says that if there's truly no choice, he'll have no choice but to defeat her here. You must reduce Hamarn to less than 45k HP to win. Do so in under six turns for a Skill Point. You should be able to do it in five. Have Judou fight Hamarn, but make sure both live through the encounter. He demands to know why she and he, who understand each other, have to fight. Hamarn tells him that mutual understanding does not automatically imply mutual acceptance - there are times when fighting is the only way to proceed forward. If so, Judou vows to take her down right now and end it all. He then says that he thought Hamarn coughed up all her hatred the previous time: she had, and that's the only reason why she's here today. Then why fight: there must be other ways to change the world than war! She tells him that the same foolish mistakes will continue as long as human souls are bound by gravity: isn't that knowledge what drives Judou to cast his body into the flames of battle? He says he only does so because Hamarn's people try to solve everything by fighting, and his mech starts to glow. He tells her that in the end she's no different than Char and Dugachi: she restricts everyone else's possibilities because of her own thoughts. No one human can amount to anything - no solitary human can change the world! He yells that she's too impatient for results, leading to her extreme methods: that's no revolution, just an outpouring of hatred! She counters that that hatred is devouring the world: there _is_ no time left! Judou says that your people know there's time left: thus, he can't let any further mistakes happen in the here and now. If Hamarn fights Amuro, she asks how miserable he feels to be betrayed by Char. Amuro says that he feels neither misery or hatred: he's been long since prepared for the mistake that Char made. Hamarn openly doubts this, perceiving a whole host of emotions roiling beneath Amuro's exterior. Amuro perceives the same in her... Hamarn is impressed that you can "take down" her Quberay, saying that she's seen the power of your wills. Unfortunately, a boatload of new enemies appear on the scene - you seem to have no choice but to retreat. Making matters even worse, some *Federation* vessels appear, commanded by Adenauer who orders you all to immediately stand down. Your people can't believe that the Federation intends to negotiate, and Cima apologizes for the armada being delayed by all the red tape. Hamarn is happy that she'll be able to legally get Axis, and Amuro and Bright are *NOT* happy about being made to participate in this farce. Kamlan checks to see that all the money is there (it is), and Adenauer will permit Hamarn to retain her forces until Char surrenders. Kamlan can't believe that Hamarn isn't being made to disarm as well, and Adenauer warns her that the Federation army will be keeping an eye on her as stipulated in the contract. Hamarn testily checks that someone _other_ than the Alpha Numbers will be handling that, and she and Adenauer discuss how if she disarms after Char's surrender she'll be granted perpetual rights to Axis. Adenauer will even throw in some Federation aide, which she says will be a big help to her men. Adenauer seems to think he's got Hamarn cowed; she seems to think that he's a total moron. Afterwards, Bright wonders if Adenauer *seriously* thinks Hamarn will accede to simply keeping Char in check for the Federation. Adenauer says that Staff HQ has judged that Hamarn would never join forces with Char, but Synapse points out that if she, Char, and Dugachi were to join forces, it'd be a bigger threat than Jion ever was. Adenauer irritably reminds him that this isn't the One Year War, and says that by latching onto the _other_ worries of the bad guys (like feeding their noncombattants) they should be easily held in check. Vera politely reminds him that these are people who were perfectly self- sufficient while living in the asteroid belt: a simple food embargo seems unlikely to have much effect. Adenauer tells her that these people abandoned that life to return to the Earth Sphere, but she asks what would happen if they felt they didn't need the Earth: what would he do if they wanted to wipe out all the gravity-bound souls, along with the Earth itself? Well, that's why your people have all kinds of special rights and privileges, now, isn't it? He breaks the news that your people don't even get to check up on Hamarn, and orders your people to leave the Axis area immediately. God this sucks. Bright furiously wonders if Staff HQ is even trying to protect the Earth at all. And things only look grimmer should Char and Hamarn actually reach some sort of accord... See the other path for Hamarn's chat with Cima. Stage 37. Choukijin no Shukumei ("Destiny of the Choukijin") The mysterious Custos says that its Shrine Maiden's awakening, and its resurrection, is near. Its power is for the sake of its children, for protecting the Earth. It summons the Choukijin of the Four Gods, its servant the Ryuu-Ko-Ou back to it... Char is blandly digesting the news that Hamarn now owns Axis, figuring that it's a fairly clever plan for the Federation - or perhaps Hamarn came up with it herself. Nanai further reports that it was Cima who acted as intermediary, and Gatou burns with righteous anger, asking Char's permission to take this treacherous vixen down once and for all. Char refuses, saying that her role ended with the theft of the nuclear Gundam - besides, she doesn't know _everything_. Nanai asks what to do now that Axis is off the bargaining table: this is a major setback for "that plan". Char notes that his people aren't Hamarn's only enemies, and decides to let her keep watch over Axis for the time being. He expresses doubts that Hamarn can perceive his true intent, and Nanai wonders if Char is somehow sympathizing with her. So, is the "Earth Winterizing Operation" to proceed as scheduled? Yes, especially since all the attention on Axis will make Fifth Luna that much easier to steal. Char gives Gatou command of the task force, telling him to go and make Delaz's wishes come true. Gatou is most eager to revive Operation Stardust with his own hands... Meanwhile, your crew are having a merry arm-wrestling tournament. Britto bests Boz handily with a little encouragement from Irui, but it seems that Hiiro took first place, followed by Wufei who feels like Joe Schmoe #1. Apparently the GW boys are a lot stronger than they look, and Kusuha has some refreshments for all. She allays their fears by saying that she diluted her usual beverage with grapefruit juice. Watching your other people scramble to avoid drinking it is pretty comical, and when some people finally drink it it makes a few of them actually pass out (Hiiro wasn't particularly perturbed). Retzer begins rattling off the ingredients, which read like the scariest health drink you've ever heard of. Kusuha is amazed that he managed to get every one of the numerous ingredients right, and confesses to buying all the ingredients via mail order. He gently suggests to her that she might want to consider a little extra sweetner to take the edge off... Meanwhile, a Neo-Jion fleet is shadowing you, not yet moving to strike. Amuro opines that attacking it from your side might be a good idea, especially to gain any clues about what Char's next move might be. Bright concurs and orders everyone to alert. Apparently this is what the Neo-Jion wanted, in order to slow you down. Amuro wants your people to take out the bad guys inside four turns, and the people who drank Kusuha's drink are actually feeling really good at the moment... Take out the bad guys within four turns for a Skill Point. Good play can easily do so inside two turns. ^^;;; One of the enemies has a Study Computer. After the bad guys are defeated, Britto asks everyone to head on back first since there's some trouble with the Ryuu-Ko-Ou. He turns down Banjou's offer of a tow, and after everyone else is gone it's clear why... Out again comes the tired cliche of "we can't trouble anyone else", as the Shark Custos shows up. The Custos is up to its usual games, calling its "children" back to itself psychically, it's the Lord of Swords, blah blah. Britto isn't buying the argument that it's only natural for servants to serve their master, and asks why the Custos is trying to force their loyalty by power: why it's trying to destroy the Ryuu-Ko-Ou. Eventually, it answers and says that evil once lurked on this planet - and to destroy it, the so-called Choujinki were created. Wiping out evil is the Choujinki's destiny. Many Choujinki in fact served the Custos, but some were led astray by evil, leading to the "Great Choujin War". The king of the Choukijin, "Shirei" ("Four Ghosts"), and his servant "Shijin" ("Four Gods") fought against the evil "Shikyou" ("Four Disasters" and "Shizai" ("Four Sins"). Shijin of course refers to the Ryuu-Ko-Ou, meaning that you really _did_ work for the Custos at some point! Actually, there's more - of course there should be _four_ of the Ryuu-Ko-Ou, and it turns out that the Ryuu-Ou-Ki and Ko-Ou-Ki turned on their brethren the Jaku-Ou-Ki (i.e. "sparrow") and the Mu-Ou-Ki ("warrior"), striking them down. The Custos says that treachery will not be tolerated twice, and repeats its call to the Choukijin to return to it. Britto gets sick of hearing this after a while, and tells the Custos to stuff it - he believes in the Ryuu-Ou-Ki and Ko-Ou-Ki, your companions through the last war. There must be some reason that they struck down their companions and left the Custos - and in fact, given that the Choukijin exist to protect the human world, when it comes to wiping out evil, the Custos itself seems to be an Evil too! Kusuha realizes that he's hit the nail on the head, and Britto says that if the Choukijin are _really_ the servants of the Custos, there should be no reason to force them to obey. In fact, the Custos is not only evil, but will surely bring calamity onto the world of man some day! This is sounding like a great Hong Kong flick by this point, and it's time to show this uppity Custos who's (not the) boss! When you spank the thing's ass, it vanishes abruptly. Unfortunately, the pilots realize that the Custos isn't going after anyone other than they themselves - this is a problem they can't let hurt anyone else. Of course, Char's men have meanwhile started attacking Fifth Luna, a mining asteroid. Amuro ponders this a moment, and then yells out to Bright that he's read Char's intentions: the fleet needs to get to Fifth Luna RIGHT NOW. He realizes that Char wants to dump the damn thing on the Earth!... Stage 38. Hoshi no Kuzu, Futatabi ("Stardust, Again") The nuclear pulse engines are already pushing Fifth Luna towards the Earth. Bright orders the thing destroyed if you can't divert it, and Amuro is more than annoyed that Char chose this moment to strike. Bright is counting on Amuro to take out the soldiers protecting the thing - Amuro for his part will be damned before he sees everything go Char's way. Camille can sense Char's approach, and he's not at all calm about it. He's adamant that your people have to stop this man who would ravage the Earth. Hiiro meanwhile plans to head ahead in his Gundam, on the strength of the words of Zechs who said your people have yet to fathom Char's true motives. That turned out to be true, which should mean that this time Zechs is fighting all alone: thus, Hiiro is going to help him. Zechs is in fact raising hell, provoking Gatou to say that there seems to be more insects among the lions than just Cima. Gyunei wants to know why Zechs leaked word of the plan to the Federation, and he says that they would have found out anyway sooner or later. In which case, the sooner the better, so the damage at the point of impact can be minimized. Plus, he has no further desire to be used as a tool to further swell Char's desires. Gyunei says that revealing his true nature now will be the death of him, and Zechs says that he cast his life away long ago, along with the name of the wind [err?]. Gatou is impressed with this show of resolve, and determines to shoot Zechs not as a traitor but as a bona fide warrior. Zechs wonders how long he can last against these impossible odds when Hiiro shows up, having expected this sort of thing from Zechs. Zechs responds that there are some things that can only be seen by standing in the enemy's shoes (which he did), and Hiiro notes that Riliina doesn't want Zechs dead. Besides, Zechs has a duty to see Riliina's fight through to the end, and Zechs resolves to borrow Hiiro's strength. When your people show up on turn two, Kou and Gatou trade some fine trash talking about whether or not he'll be able to see Operation Stardust through to its finish. It turns out that Fifth will land on Rasa, whereat lies Federation HQ. Amuro tells Bright to issue evacuation orders immediately, which Zechs says is unnecessary since the evacuation should have already begun. Quess is worth a Psychoframe. Gyunei is worth a Biosensor. On the next turn, Char comes. Amuro demands to know why he wants to make Earth uninhabitable via nuclear winter. Char has proclaimed death on the Earthlings because they care for nothing other than themselves. Amuro says that man has no right to judge other men like that, and he claims that he's purging them. Amuro yells out that that's egotistical, and Char wonders why Amuro, who's fought through the same battles he has, doesn't realize that the time is coming when the Earth won't pull through. As long as souls are bound by gravity, as long as the Earth exists, the renewal will never come even in millions of years. He tells Camille that he's going to change history: there's value in people stretching forth their hand to do so. Camille counters that there's something deeply wrong with doing so at the cost of innumerable lives, but Char says that at this rate the entire Earth Sphere will be consumed: thus, he's going to cut the problem off at the root. More or less, your people are infuriated and prepared to stuff their weaponry as far up his puckered little ass as they can, and he welcomes them to try. Of course, Kincaidu will have to face laughing maniacal boy Zabiine first. He goes off to the side, making for an interesting little side duel... This battle will end either when there are five enemy squads left, or when Char is reduced to less than 50k HP. Do the former within seven turns for a Skill Point. Kincaidu is now sure that Zabiine is just like Iron Mask. Zabiine still claims that this is all for Vera's sake. This dirty work is his role, and his fondest wish. Rezun is worth a Dual Sensor. Kelly is worth a Booster. Have Camille fight with Yazan, and make sure both of them survive. Yazan is having fun fighting Camille, and tells him that the only meaning battle holds for him is defeating the enemies immediately in front of him. After the combat, Camille will tell Yazan to get out of his way so he can conduct his business with Char. He asks Char if he _really_ wants to go down as the greatest villain in history via this act. Char says that that's why he's here: he's no more or less than Char Aznable (not Quatro). Camille refuses to honor Yazan's directive to watch Fifth fall from the afterlife, demanding to know what he saw in the Titans. Does he intend to keep up the killing?! Camille isn't doing this for fun like Yazan is, and Camille mech starts brimming with the energy of life: life that Camille won't see disappear from the universe for the egotism of one man! Camille is going totally bonkers now, both he and his Gundam crying from the collective thoughts of many people he's gathered. Camille yells out to Quatro that whatever rationale he tries to use, Camille won't forgive him. Yazan's crew is worth a Multisensor. If Kou fights Gatou, he'll point out to Kou that you can no longer stop Fifth. Kou responds that if he doesn't stop Gatou here, the fighting will only spread - and defeating Gatou's people and stopping the fighting is his fondest wish. Gatou is worth a Megabooster. Kalas is worth a Minovsky Drive. Giry is worth a High Powered Radar. Send Vera or Kincaidu to fight Dorel. Dorel is just carrying out his ancestors wish of thinning out humanity, but Vera asks where the justice is in that. She tells him to open his eyes: right now he's just possessed by the ghost of Iron Mask. Dorel is worth a Hybrid Armor. Have Amuro fight Char *in the MS form of a Re-GZ*. Char will belabor the "souls trapped by gravity" bit to death. Have Judou fight him in the ZZ as well, only to get told that unlike Hamarn who wants to rule humanity, Char is fighting to save the future. If you haven't gotten the High Mega Cannon Full Power, you'll get it now. When Kincaidu takes down Zabiine, Zabiine gets furious, blaming the whole thing on Kincaidu and on Vera for stealing his heart. Or rather, it's all Kincaidu's fault as a commoner for making Vera turn her back on the nobility. Kincaidu is in fact singlehandedly responsible for wrecking Zabiine's dream of an aristocracy, and somehow slices the head off Kincaidu's mech. It falls to Earth without an answer to Vera, and Zabiine decides he's got no further business here. He promises to come and get Vera sooner or later... Take Char to less than 50% of his HP so that you can face him in the legendary Nightingale later in the game. For now, he's impressed at how well you all have done: you're worthy to be his enemies. Char is about to leave, and when Amuro tells him that their duel isn't finished yet Char replies that unlike Amuro he can't afford to be a mere pilot. He orders all his people to pull back. Amuro can't believe that your people failed to stop the drop. But it's not over yet: you've got plenty of machines that can withstand reentry - you've got to do your utmost to destroy the thing even until the bitter end. Your people follow Fifth Luna into the atmosphere, and the kiddies are pretty jumpy. Kenta says that he can sense the very grass and trees of the Earth trembling in fear. He's hearing "many voices", but Mamoru is absolutely sure that your people can pull this one off too. This rallies the rest of the kids, who all believe in you... Stage 39. Zetsubou to Naraku e no Kouka ("Descent into Despair and Hell") The base is nearly evacuated, and the commander is clearly skeptical that the Alpha Numbers can do anything to stop the asteroid. Moreover, the Subterraneans have chosen _this_ time to stage a raid - a raid ALL OVER THE WORLD. An all-out battle has started in all the crucial bases and capitals everywhere... Meanwhile, the Brain Powerd pilots are mulling over the coming dispatch in the heat of reentry. Kanan is worried that Rasse seems to be in a hurry to die, and after a moment he decides to heed Kanan's warning. After she leaves, it turns out that Yuu has seen the whole thing. Rasse confesses to him that he has leukemia, and hasn't sought treatment - this is because he truly loves the Earth, and would rather die in battle than watch from a hospital somewhere as unknown invaders trash it. The good news is that meeting Kanan has made him less eager to waste away to his eventual death: he wants to live long enough to love Kanan back. Both pilots caution each other not to die in battle... Meanwhile, Vera would really like her subordinates to let her go and try to find Kincaidu. She recalls how it was he who gave her somewhere to go after leaving Cosmo Babylonia. Bernadette tells her to believe in Kincaidu's well being: he fought to protect her, and it's unimaginable that he'd be gone now. Vera takes a moment to steel her nerves, and then resumes her command. You've got to destroy Fifth Luna before it passes the point of no return. There are some automated machines lingering around to hold you off. It's impossible to tell through all the EM interference if anyone else is coming. You have six turns before it will no longer be possible to keep up the pursuit. Bright tells everyone to take out the defenses within five turns, and spend the sixth concentrating fire on the asteroid itself. Take out the bad guys within four turns for a Skill Point. Good play can do it in three. On turn two, the Four Lords show up to try to get into the asteroid and change its course to hit Japan. Apparently what they want is the Earth itself, uninhabited, and are sure their science can repair any damage they do to it. Life is sucking pretty hard, since Fifth is going faster than you planned and since the frictional heat is shielding it from your attacks. Your people aren't going to give up so easily, so they can prove to Quatro that, in Kouji's words, not everything goes his way. As your people prepare to attack, Gatou shows up and fires some nukes, in the hopes of speeding the damn thing up. The plot prevents you from doing anything to stop him. What happens next is somewhat unclear. Hamarn learns that Fifth Luna has fallen to Earth. She tells her subordinates to assume battle stations: the aliens are probably coming after the colonies now. She thinks to absent Judou and the Alpha Numbers that it isn't over yet... Darius hears that the Earth has been dealt a catastrophic blow, albeit one that won't hinder the Zaylan colonists. The Four Lords promise to kill any survivors, and Darius tells them to use "that plan" against Little Barm as well. Whatever this plan is seems to involve nearly infinite warpower... Nanai informs Char that Fifth Luna fell "more or less" on schedule on Rasa. Apparently that means that the Alpha Numbers managed to reduce its mass by about 20%. Char muses that your people resisted to the end, and Nanai says that the damage to the Earth is still about what was expected. Char is glad that at least this one milestone has been cleared, but falls silent when Nanai tells him that the Mikeene staged their own attack during the drop. Looks like life is REALLY sucking for those on Earth right now. Just then Dugachi calls up to congratulate Char on his plan. When Char refuses praise, Dugachi asks him to get moving with the next phase of the plan. Apparently he's got enough nukes stored on Jupitoris 9 to reduce everything on Earth to ash. Char after a moment says that now is not the time for that: he wants to wait until he's made all the human souls trapped by gravity see the error of their ways. Dugachi wonders if Char is losing his stomach for this fight, and smugly questions how long Char's margin for error will last... Char realizes that the aliens are liable to act up now that the power balance on Earth has been smashed, and figures he has no choice but to ally himself with Dugachi for now, even though Dugachi can be counted upon for treachery at some point. Between all that and Hamarn, Char muses that he won't have time to savor his little victory. Well, he may have a _bit_ since the highest ranking soldiers are waiting to toast his victory. Char thinks to Amuro, if he's alive, to feel his will: this fight is going to proceed to the next stage, along with the renewal of humanity... Stage 40. "Nelly - Revival" Somewhere, Yuu is being woken up by his sister, to have tea before it gets cold. Yuu is mildly surprised to see that his parents are both there too... He is of course dreaming, and wakes up in the company of Nelly, somewhere where it's snowy. It seems that she's got a Brain of her own, which is keeping Yuu's injured Brain company. Yuu starts with the torrent of questions about what's going on and all, which amuses Nelly since she's not been around people much of late. Nelly ushers Yuu into her hut against the coming blizzard. It seems she lives all alone... Meanwhile, a reporter for Palermo Radio is broadcasting a tale of more enemy forces in the sky than he's ever seen before. Does mankind have nothing to counter this? He manages to bid the world farewell before being messily disemboweled by a Battle Beast. Kusuha and Britto are listening to this unhappily: Kusuha is feeling powerless about not being able to help out against this ill-timed assault, but Britto is determined to fight on, even if he's the last human on Earth. As he apologizes for his outburst, Nelly(!) comes over and tells them to be patient: their machines are working as hard as they can to heal their wounds. Besides, her Brain is interested in the Choukijin - maybe these fellow Organic machines are affecting each other favorably. In any case, your people are glad to hear that Yuu is awake now... After the blizzard, Nelly and her Brain are out *ice-skating*. Yuu is very happy at the sight, though he turns down her offer of a ride, saying that her Brain probably wouldn't like him inside. Nelly is happy too, since her Brain wants to play: Yuu muses that these Antibodies may have been born to play. Yuu is regarding Nelly, who reminds him of someone he knows - not her face or her carriage, but something about her "atmosphere", something about the way she talks to her Brain is exactly like someone from his past. Yuu admits to her that he can't really hear his Brain's words, but she doesn't buy it: his Brain protected him after their fall despite its own dreadful wounds. Yuu recalls what Hime says about being able to understand her Brain without words, and how her Brain is always happy when his Brain talks. Nelly suggests that maybe Yuu has simply never tried listening: Yuu has probably noticed that his fiery personality has softened as he stayed with his Brain, and observes that this "Hime" must be more important to Yuu than he himself admits. She tells him that everyone has someone "important" to them, else life becomes a painful, frightening thing: and that goes for organic machines like the Brain Powerds too. Yuu realizes that his sister actually is in touch with the feelings of her Granger, and asks where Nelly's important person is. Nelly says that they split up - she elected to stay here with her Brain. She had hoped that the two of them could live here in peace - but that's not possible: she and her Brain were both born into this age for a purpose. Yuu's Brain then gets up, but quickly heeds Yuu's warning to rest up some more. Nelly assures Yuu that Brains like him, and that he'll eventually come to understand his Brain's feelings. As the conversation continues, it's Nelly's turn to open up. She has a degenerative disease and should be dead now, killed when she was present for her Brain's Revival. Of course, it didn't kill her, and she's had her hands full just helping her Brain to play. She says that she can't show her Brain its true potential, though perhaps Yuu can. This all has the other two pretty sad, but Nelly isn't sad herself - she's glad she met you all before the end. She's also glad to know of the Choukijin, which carry within them the memory of their comrades of old: memories that they won't let die easily. She tells your people to remember that, no matter what else happens, they're not fighting alone. It looks like the Choukijin are healed, and it now depends on Yuu's Brain. Yuu tells Nelly that your people have to leave here, which she foresaw due to your part in the larger flow of destiny. The fall of the asteroid greatly influenced Orphan and another "great entity", which Britto realizes may be the Custos. Nelly doesn't know precisely what this slumbering thing is, but she does know that it's about to wake up. Just then Jonathan shows up, and not an illusion but the genuine article. Yuu tries to fight, but his Brain isn't in any condition to face Jonathan's Granger. Yuu them implores his Brain to flee, and Jonathan says that his life isn't a total waste now that he's seen Yuu and his Brain in tears. As Jonathan gets that gleam in his eye and decides to bring an end to the Isami Family, Nelly intervenes. She accuses Jonathan of bringing evil to her forest, and tainting the Vital Net. Jonathan tells her to shut up: this is his and Baron Maximillian's business. Nelly tells Max that what he's doing with his Granger is wrong, and that if he doesn't withdraw she may just self- destruct her Brain: in which case she would be a sinner as well and suffer punishment along with him. Jonathan wants to punish Yuu, but Nelly warns him that he doesn't have as much power as he thinks he does. She tells his Baron Zu to return to being a Brain, and it actually hesitates. Yuu's Brain isn't in good shape at all, and is more or less going down in flames. Yuu demands if this is really the way his Brain wants it to end: not able to save or even be saved. Suddenly, he hears its words, thanking him for taking it away from Orphan. Telling him how happy it was to live in sight of the sun and the stars. He tells his Brain to _do_ something if it's frustrated, and when Kusuha and Britto come over to hold Jonathan off, he warns them that Jonathan is _not_ normal. Max then warns a rather carefree Jonathan not to underestimate what cornered people may do... Defeat the Baron Zu in five turns (it flees at 7k HP). You should be able to do it in more like three, or four if you want to take out all the Grangers first (downing Jonathan will end the battle). Life starts to suck on turn 2 when a bunch of Reclaimers show up. Britto reminds Kusuha of Nelly's words: however many enemies there may be, they're not fighting alone. Once you damage Jonathan more than a little bit, he gets pissed that you're taking so long to kill. He gets more pissed when more of your dudes show up to help. Apparently Kenta somehow knew that your people are here, Kiry opining that Kenta should set up shop as a fortune teller when this is all over. Gai is glad to see Kusuha okay, and tells her that the rest of the Alpha Numbers are already regrouped elsewhere: your people are the last to be collected. Note that you can now use Magic again! One of the bad guys has an Organic Unit. When you take down Jonathan, Baron holds him back from going any further, saying that he's not able to fully draw forth the Zu's power. Jonathan simply won't give up on going after Yuu, and Nelly furiously demands to know what Max is thinking helping out Jonathan in his evil deeds. She then points out to Jonathan that his wrath is merely being manipulated by the Baron and his Granger. Jonathan isn't listening, and tells Yuu that he'll suffer less pain if he lets him strike the final blow right now. Yuu tells his Brain that he doesn't care what it wants to do: whatever it is, he'll go along for the ride. The Brain then Revivals, and Yuu tells Nelly that he's prepared himself: she's got to run away. She in turns says that she's prepared herself to protect him: she knows that he's someone who can raise Brains to be stronger than her. She tells him to live enough for her too. As Jonathan wonders what the hell is going on, Yuu's Brain continues to Revival again, Nelly saying that this is necessary because his Brain isn't complete yet. Max commands Jonathan to let him ride in the Zu's hand: if this is what he fears it is, he's going to need to get back to Orphan post haste. Jonathan doesn't want to obey, but Max finally persuades him. It seems that Yuu's Brain is becoming one with Nelly's. She says that it was to meet someone like Yuu that her Brain didn't want to leave here. She tells Yuu that he's got to search for whoever gave life to all of this in her stead. Her Brain will join him in the search, lending him its power to protect those people important to him. She asks him at the end to remember not to fight only out of hatred: unless he does so, Orphan can't be stopped. Nelly thanks him for helping her be not alone in her final moments. Your other people then show up, wondering at Yuu's new Brain. Yuu tells his Brain not to cry anymore... Yuu buries Nelly's bracelet, noting that Nelly's Brain should treasure the many memories of her it has inside rather than some external trinket. He tells the Brain that Hime is a good girl, which Hime thanks him for but says that she doesn't like people who can't love others. Yuu tells her after a moment that Nelly feared Jonathan and the Baron entering Orphan. He tells her that for that reason, for the fight, he's sealing away one of his memories... Irui is glad to see everyone back again. She assures Kusuha that it's not her fault for their promise being broken: it's all the fault of the Neo-Jion and the aliens. She uncharacteristically says that if only they hadn't come... The GGG people then fill you on on what the last ten days have held: in addition to Rasa being obliterated, the Mikeene have been attacking all the key sites on the Earth at once. The Federation is hanging by a thread, and should the fighting continue it'll fall. Things are getting even worse as Orphan continues to surface. The Jovians and Neo-Jion are in "watching from on high" mode right now, and the Federation army brass are going berserk, realizing that they may be the next recipients of an asteroid from on high. Your people are beginning to seriously wonder if Char is right about the shortsightedness of souls trapped by gravity. Moreover, Orphan is about a week from surfacing completely: i.e., it's surfaced partially already, adding to the panic with the Organic Energy depletion it causes. Not that your people are planning to quite. Shingo explains how Kenta can now talk to all the trees and grasses and junk to find out where you all were: nature spirits and whatnot. So can Makoto and Irui, and Yuu isn't surprised: pure children can be expected to hear Organic things more sensitively than the not-so-pure adults. Kiry explains that you'd all best return to the Good Thunder before it warps off somewhere again: that's where Kenta is talking with his computerized father, in much the same way Hiroshi can chat with his departed dad. Everyone except for Kincaidu is gathered - and Kincaidu is the only person that Kenta couldn't find. Shinda explains to Savalas that Kenta's development is connected with the Beamlar's awakening, which in turn has ramifications for Kenta's friends. He explains to Kenta that your people have many trials still ahead of you: but if you can overcome them humanity will take its next step. He says that although humans have ventured to outer space, they're still immature: to truly leave the next, they need to leave their guardian. Kenta wants to know what Beamlar has to do with this, and Shinda tells him that he'll understand in time. And when he does, it will be the beginning of both his and mankind's journey. He then returns to his slumber inside the computer... Stage 41. Kyoufu! Nihon Seiatsu Sakusen - Zenpen ("Terror! The Japan Subjugation Operation Part 1") Algos reports to his emperor that the blitzkriegs are going very well, likening the chances of human survival in the face of the seven Generals and their armies of battle beasts to that of a flame in the wind. The emperor cautions his subordinate not to toast the victory before it's achieved, but Algos is sure he can take out not only the humans left on the Earth but the ones who fled to space too. The emperor can't believe there are humans stupid enough to harm their own planet, and wants to know what the Great General of the Dark is up to. He seems to be in the final stages of his plan to take over Japan, leading the charge himself in typical fashion. The emperor notes that he's sent a trump card to Japan, but at this rate probably won't have to use it. He won't tell Algos what this card is, but decides to kick back and wait for word of the battle... At the Science Laboratory Fortress, the surviving professors are lamenting how most of their fellow labs have been taken over by the Mikeene - the north half of Japan could be said to be totally under Mikeene control. The Federation certainly can't be counted upon to help with their chain of command in a mess,and both Saotome and Yumi are missing to boot, although their staffs have been evacuated here. Kenzou has to reassure the kiddies that they mustn't give up hope until the very end: Kouji and the others are surely alive. And whether they are or not, every last one of the people here has to fight: peace won that way has value. In fact, it appears that the time to do so is fast approaching! Kenzou has the kids go to the shelter, saying that it's not yet time for _them_ to fight, and resolves to take command of the combat. He's resolved to hold off the enemy until Kouji and Tetsuya and the others show up. He informs his troops that if this lab fails, the next to fall will be Big Falcon: failure is not an option. The profs are annoyed at the realization that the Mikeene have rounded up the survivors of the Jama and Kyouryuu empires. In fact, these bad guys are led by the Great General of the Dark, leader of one of Mikeene's seven armies. He tells Kenzou to surrender, since with the death of the Alpha Numbers there's no strength in humanity left to oppose him. Kenzou of course refuses, saying that as long as people love peace and freedom he'll never surrender. The General is actually pleased to hear such words: it was worth him coming himself... that said, he plans to send Kenzou and his pride to hell. Unfortunately, Ulyceasar, leader of the giant-shaped battle beasts, goes and shoots down the Photon Power missiles Kenzou responds with. Moreover, Gorgon tells Ikima and the others that it's time to pay back the generosity that the Mikeene showed them. Life is sucking given that the Thunder Beam Rockets can't be used now, and Kenzou orders Dairi to take all the evacuees and flee. Kenzou figures that he can no longer count on everyone else to save his bacon, and launches the control tower of the base: he plans to give his life in exchange for taking out the bad guys. Fortunately, someone shows up at the last moment to stop this. It's your people, back to their old allies of justice schtick. ^_^ Your people acknowledge the massive power of the General, Mikeene's supreme forward commander and one of the most dangerous people in the whole Balmar war. Insert plenty of trash talking. By the way, in this map is a building called "Boz's Hut". Move a squad with Boz in it next to it and you'll get a Cost Down. After you wound the flagship, the General can no longer contain his warrior's blood calling and comes out himself. He praises you all for making him stand on this battlefield, but declares that he'll risk his title as general and his sword on this fight. He can encourage the troops too, which sort of sucks. Time to see whose resolve is stronger... Defeat all other enemies before the General for a Skill Point. Ulyceasar is worth a Hachimaki. When you take him down, the General orders him to retreat, saying that there are still things left for him to do. Gorgon is worth a Super Alloy Z. Ikima is worth a Chobham Armor. If/when Gorgon fights Tetsuya, he tells Tetsuya that it's time to end their long, adversarial relationship. Tetsuya has trained for this day since childhood: this is his destiny. Gorgon is worth a Nejiri-Hachimaki and truly monumental amounts of XP. He tells you to not think that you've won - even though he falls here, someone will follow in his footsteps and lead the seven armies to victory over the surface of the Earth. What he needs now is a song to give him courage to endure the sufferings of hell. Tetsuya has to admit that although this guy's path was the wrong one, he was one hell of a general. Gorgon gets outright terrified at the General's defeat, and orders a general retreat. However, his orders are countermanded by someone whose voice Kouji recognizes quite well: Doctor Hell! Or rather, the Grand Marshal of Hell as he's known now: a devoted servant of the ruler of the Mikeene Empire. Although you defeated him back when, his lord granted him new life and a body of iron. Gorgon can't believe what he's seeing even though his men were the ones who recovered Hell's corpse. In short, he's a monster come back from hell for revenge on you all. Your Newtypes can feel the immense Pressure of his rage and hatred: he's cast off his human heart along with his body. Kouji thinks it's convenient that this guy has joined the Mikeene: it makes for a nice two-birds-one-stone setup. Hayato figures that this guy is suicidal if he thinks he can take you with one machine, no matter how cool it is. Kouji is bound and determined to weight Hell down so much that this time he'll stay stuck in Hell. Unfortunately, it won't be that easy. He's brought along Shin Getter and Mazinkaiser [which your dudes were to LAME to be using from the outset!! >_<##]. He wonders if you can actually beat these: the two greatest of the so-called demons, but Kouji and Tetsuya tell him that he never seems to learn. Ryou reminds him that those machines only have power because of their pilots! But Hell seems to find this quite funny, which doesn't bode well. What he's done is grabbed the two scientists behind the mechs, and made them the pilots. Both doctors tell you all to retreat for now and regroup: if you don't give up hope, you'll surely have a chance to win. Seeing your rage and grief is just what Hell wants, and he tries to press his advantage, but Kenzou tells everyone to pull out. Not only can you not win under the dark clouds now hanging over you, but you'll probably just kill the profs by mistake as well. He points out that the lab can be rebuilt: but not the human lives in danger. Your people pull back, and Hell muses that killing your people quickly isn't any fun anyway. As he gloats over how much hell he'll make you taste, Gorgon thinks to himself that Hell is pretty scary even on the same side of this war... Hardias has come back from the European front because he could believe the reports he's heard. The other generals are in similar disbelief, but Ulyceasar swears that it's true, apologizing profusely for allowing the General to be lost. He tells the Emperor that the General was a warrior to the last, full of pride even as he fell. The emperor figures that that's what the General wanted anyway, and vows not to waste his death. As the other generals squabble over who should get the honor of avenging the General's death, Hell steps up and claims the job as his own. He is in fact the "trump card" the emperor spoke of, and tells the other generals to obey him as soon as the emperor officially delegates him the revenge assignment. The other generals have no objections, but Gorgon seems a bit unsure. When the emperor senses this, Hell says that Gorgon is an old acquaintance of his, and asks for him as his second in command. Gorgon's commander Algos won't object to this, figuring that Gorgon should love the chance to take revenge. The emperor orders Hell to attack the last Japanese stronghold, Big Falcon, using the two devils and all the other resources at his disposal... Stage 42. Kyoufu! Nihon Seiatsu Sakusen - Zenpen ("Terror! The Japan Subjugation Operation Part 2") Miwa is giving it to your guys with both barrels about your (very recent) string of failures. Your people don't have much of a rejoinder, except for Hiroshi, who tells Miwa that if your people are good-for-nothing, he's a total incompetent. Kazuya then adds that the retreat was for the good of the to professors, who Kouji says your people plan to get back, and without any help from him either. Miwa expresses doubts that your people can do such a thing after your string of failures, which Ken'ichi doesn't want to hear that from someone who gave up the Far East base. Bright now chimes in, saying that Miwa's long-running torrents of words don't befit a commander, but Miwa says that victory is everything; ideals are nothing if you lose. Kyoushirou says that Miwa has a point, and Miwa sniffs and goes off to plan countermeasures against the Mikeene, ordering you all to protect Big Falcon. He leaves it up to your discretion if the enemy uses the professors as shields again. As Mitchi tries to cheer up the two girls whose fathers' lives are in danger, Hiroshi asks Tetsuya if Shin Getter and Mazinkaiser are really such fearsome opponents. He tells Hiroshi that their potential dwarfs that of Great and Dragon, and Hayato explains that the technology they're based on can't be controlled only part-way: if their limiters are off, they'll be totally unmanageable. Jun wonders about the weaknesses that let you steal Kaiser back in the last battle, but Kenzou says that the profs fixed all such weak spots: he can't think of any "weak spot" worth the name in either machine. Plus, there's every chance that Hell has prepared even more unfair trickery: remote control bombs in the cockpits. This is looking pretty desperate, and the question is really: what if you can't halt their movements head-on? Of course the enemy attack just then, and Bright orders everyone to their posts. He tells you all not to give up, even if Shin Getter and Mazinkaiser are among your foes. Your people don't immediately see the two stolen mechs, but you do see Bardlar, who vows to take revenge for the General. Hell and his weapons show up on turn 3. Hell's not one to put himself in danger directly, and decides to watch from elsewhere while his mecha do the dirty work. He's enjoying the curses your people level at him, and informs you that he really has set bombs in the cockpit. To win the battle, take out the other machines in Shin Getter and Mazinkaiser's squads, and reduce them to under 1k HP without killing them. When you attack Mazinkaiser, Yumi tells you that now this powerful force of good has had its limiter cut and is now the servant of evil, it's only right that your people destroy it. Kouji refuses, saying that his grandfather wouldn't be happy to see it destroyed while still on the bad guys' team, and vows to both reclaim it and save Yumi's life. When you first attack Shin Getter, Saotome cautions Ryou that it's on the brink of total riot. If combat continues, a Getter Ray overload will occur: he wants Ryou and them to take Shin Getter out before that happens. Ryou tells Saotome that he's even more important to them than Getter, and vows to save both him and Getter. Unfortunately, once you stop the two mecha, something "unfair" happens. Hell merely made it _look_ like the mecha were out of action, and not so he could catch you off guard: he wanted to see the look on your faces as the victory you thought you had grasped slips through your fingers. As the stolen mecha form up with Hell's group, Kenta says that they're crying, shedding tears over being used for evil. Makoto can hear it too. Miwa gets back on his "just destroy the damn things already" kick, and after a moment Tetsuya resolves to actually destroy them, but not on Miwa's orders: he's doing it because that's what Yumi would want (and Saotome too, as it turns out). Tetsuya tells the others not to interfere, that this is his role. Just at that moment, three Custos units show up, apparently causing Hell to lose control of the stolen mecha. Or rather, it seems that they're moving to attack the Custos of their own volition! Ryou and Kouji take the opportunity to grab their respective stolen mecha and try to calm them down. The resulting resonance seems to power up the machines you've already got. Now that Hell is no longer in control, the professors are asked to retreat to the safety of Big Falcon. Hell is royally pissed at the machines which screwed up his plan, and your people plan to pay him back in full for the underhanded stuff he's pulled. For a Skill Point, take down everything except the Demonica. Bardlar is worth a High Performance Targeting System. The Grand Marshal of Hell is worth both a Megagenerator and a Super Alloy nu-Z. Gorgon will point out to him that further combat is impossible, and Hell furiously retreats, saying that his vengeance isn't yet complete. Your people aren't going to let him get away, and team up for the Final Dynamic Special attack. He still manages to escape, and can probably be counted upon for an even more hateful appearance at some point. The mysterious Custos, so helpful in saving the professors, then leave. Nana thinks they may be real servants of God, but Banjou has his doubts. Cue the happy reunion. Gai is wondering what magic the Custos used to save the profs, and Banjou would really rather not believe that it's really the power of God at work. Kenzou then explains to Kouji that some near gear inspired by Kaiser in Mazinger Z seems to have resonated when Kaiser came close, powering it up. Of course, Kenzou leaves Kaiser with the Alpha Numbers too, to use as you see fit. Meanwhile, Ryou is still scared of Shin Getter, saying he lacks the confidence to pilot it. Musashi feels like he learned something from the Getter Ray bath they all got: he can't explain it like Saotome could, but he feels like the Getters are trying to guide you. He can't say if this is a new evolutionary step or something, but he feels like he wants to see whatever future Getter is trying to show. Ryou muses that what both he and Musashi fear may be the unknown, and then makes his decision. He wants to see with his own eyes what Getter is trying to make mankind do, which Hayato smiles and says is his thoughts exactly. Benkei and Musashi are in too, and depending on circumstances the Getters may have to get split up amongst them all. Ryou thinks to himself that he believes in whatever future the Getters have in store... You get 2 Propellant Tanks, 2 Cartridges, 2 Repair Kits, and an OVA's Croquette. Stage 43. SUUPAA ROBOTTO Gundan - Ikari no Daihangeki ("The Super Robot Army's Furious Counterattack") It's been two weeks since Kincaidu went missing, and even the children's powers can't locate him. Maybe he really is dead. Tobia breaks Vera's reverie by calling her to the strategy meeting. Before she goes, she confides to them that during her childhood on Side 4, there was a hill and lake much like this one, where Seabook used to take her boating. Now Vera's recriminations begin in earnest, as she recounts how when Seabook cast off his real name and vowed to fight with Vera in her fight against the Jovians, he never told her why. Even though the two of them had been together in everything she'd done since, she's beginning to think she wasn't as close to him as she thought. Tobia nervously confirms that Kincaidu was Vera's lover: Vera smiles and says that they did spend one night together, long ago. However, she's been so busy as a captain that they haven't had any time together since. Tobia hadn't meant it that way, and tells Vera that Cecily Fairchild, her assumed name, is what Seabook probably thinks of as her "real" name. This temporarily lifts Vera's spirits, but as she begins to lapse back into depression Tobia is adamant that it would take more than this to kill Kincaidu. Mikoto joins in, telling Vera to believe in Kincaidu more, and to look forward to the things she's still got to do. This finally snaps Vera's funk, and Tobia thinks to himself that Kincaidu's "stage name" is probably necessary so that after all this is over, the two of them can return to a normal, quiet life. It looks like if you add up all the territory the Mikeene have under their control, it's about a fourth of the Earth. Tetsuya notes that the Mikeene forces in the Balmar War were a mere advance brigade compared to this, but Taiga says that not giving up even in the face of tall odds like this is what makes humans strong. There are guerilla forces opposing the Mikeene all over the globe, which includes the Preventers and other old companions of yours. Yet other people are chipping in with food and supplies. Among those "fighting without weapons" is the group Erika's with, which suitably impresses Kyoushirou who wasn't sure Erika had that in her. It seems that Chelindon is even in on the act. It's interesting that Zechs is hacking away on the front lines while his sister is bringing up the rear with humanitarian aide: Hiiro wills Riliina to continue her fight while he eliminates all your common enemies. Anyway, it seems that the Mikeene are fixated on Japan, the most crucial point on Earth [of course ^^;;;], not in the least because you took down the General. The strategy will therefore be to liberate the rest of Japan and raise the lantern of victory to embolden the hearts of others elsewhere on Earth. Volfogg has even found the enemy's forward base: the underground void left by the surfacing of Machineland: in Osaka. This of course upsets Juuzou, who's from there... Synapse then explains what the plan will be. Starting at 1000 tomorrow, all the Federation bases in Japan will begin a simultaneous revolt. When the enemy HQ sends troops to quell it, your people will strike the depleted force at 1500. This is the same plan you used when the Photon Power lab was attacked during the Balmar War. Hiroshi likes this plan as one suitable for turning the tables this drastically, and Ryou is looking forward to taking the terror other people have been made to feel and ramming it down the bad guys' throats. Sakon has fortified the Taikuu Maryuu's defenses, and the other flagships are to hold back and attack any escaping bad guys. The concern is raised that it may be dangerous for only a single flagship to enter the enemy base, and Vera has the chance to choose which role to assist with. If you choose for her to go to, your forces will be divided in two. If not, you'll get a single force. If you have her go along, everyone is happy to see that the blues are now gone. In any case, this hard battle is your chance to really stick it to the bad guys and get momentum back. The bad guys get word of the human revolt, and Hell resolves to head north to quell the fighting. He leaves Gorgon in charge of the base, giving him Hardias and his men to help out. Gorgon is grateful for this important assignment, and Hell tells him that he hasn't forgotten the debt he owes Gorgon from the time he was human. Gorgon is still concerned about what would happen if the humans attack while the defenses are thin, and Hell promises to leave him a trump card should the need arise for its use. As he promises to fulfill his military duty, Gorgon is thinking that fate hasn't entirely abandoned him, though Hell's silence may portend something different... As the Alpha Numbers spring their plan, Gorgon is smart enough to realize what has happened... but not smart enough to call for assistance, fearing that that would make him a laughingstock. He orders Hardias into action, figuring that he could rise even higher if he stops your people here. As your battleship(s) enter, your people sortie and you confirm that the other battleships are ready outside. Hardias isn't going to let your people just walk over his army, and Gorgon is quickly getting into bossing people around, including Ikima and the crew. For a Skill Point, take out Hardias within six turns. Good play can do this easily within four. Mimashi is worth a Solar Panel. Ikima is worth a Super Alloy Z. Amaso is worth an Apogee Motor. Hardias is worth a Biocomputer. When Hardias gets defeated, Gorgon berates him for his incompetence. Hardias tells him to shut up, saying that noone would want to fight under _his_ command. He then pulls out, pissing off Gorgon even more and making him decide to come out in person. All this really earns him is some nifty trash talking at the hands of your dudes. Once you wound Gorgon past a certain point, he decides to use the trump card Hell left for him. He pushes the switch that should mean the end of you all. Unfortunately, even Gorgon doesn't know what the switch does! A projection of Hell shows up, asking Gorgon if he's had his fun. He explains that this is in fact the plan to wipe out the intruders: taking out the two pillars that support this cavern will cause the entire base to be plunged into the depths of the Earth. Gorgon protests that that would bury him alive too, and Hell says that such a grave would be far too good for him. Hell hasn't forgotten Gorgon's actions in the final battle: ALL of them. Hasn't forgotten how Gorgon disappeared from the battlefield without warning, and how Hell's own forces collapsed without Gorgon's support. Kouji and Tetsuya aren't the only objects of Hell's revenge: Gorgon is included too! Gorgon barely gets to protest that Algos ordered him to do so when Hell tells him to lodge his protest in front of Brocken in Perdition. The missile to deal the final blow appears, and although Vera orders her own people to get in its way, noone can reach it. Just then, a new mech appears, piloted by a certain person with a bandage over one side of his face who wrecks the missile to shreds. Your people are glad to see him and demand to know why he didn't contact you: it's a simple matter of being unconscious for 34.5 days. ^^;;; Hell is undeterred, saying that there's quite a few more missiles left where that came from. He tells Gorgon that if he wants to be forgiven, he'd better defeat the Alpha Numbers. Gorgon is worth Zolmanium Armor. He can't believe that your people can defeat him, but Kouji says that it's only natural: there's no way a villain like him can win. Gorgon is sure his emperor will take revenge for him, given how legendary he is as the emperor of hell and all. Hiroshi's not pleased to hear about this, hearing from Gorgon what Himika did with her final strength. As he dies, Gorgon tells you to write in your fear... The place is in fact about to collapse, and everyone flees on the double. Vera and Kincaidu have their tearful reunion. Britto figures he should take lessons on how to support his partner through thick and thin like that, and Viletta tells him that Kusuha can fight plenty well with him by her side. She's seen very well with her own eyes that it's thanks to him that the Choukijin recovered their former powers... Kincaidu's survival is thanks to him using his Beam Shield to reenter instead of the usual Waverider approach (this has happened before). He's feeling pretty lucky to be alive given what he and his mech endured, although he notes in amusement that his scar makes him look more piratical. The Preventers helped nurse him and his mech back to health, and Hayato has sent something of a care package along. If you met the conditions, you now get the ZZ's Full Armor Parts, which apparently Chelindon chipped in to the war effort. Guess she was more taken with Judou and Tobia than it at first seemed. If you met the conditions, the Hi-nu Gundam is also included, built on the data from Amuro's nu-Gundam and the mass-production types. Amuro is glad to see that October worked so hard, but Chain has heard a disturbing rumor: a new machine ordered from Anaheim from the Neo-Jion side. Looks like Char wants himself a better mech as well. This is also where you'd get the GP-02, if you fulfilled the conditions. And ALSO where you get the Heavy Weapon System for the nu-Gundam (albeit unheralded). Overall, you get 2 Propellant Tanks, 2 Cartridges, 2 Repair Kits, a Super Repair Kit, a Cecily's Break, a Victory Feast, a Mass Production nu-Gundam with optional Fin Funnels, and so forth. Stage 44. Kotaeyo, ORUFAN ("Answer, Orphan") Kernagul is telling Kuttner how good of a sweat he worked up fighting the Mikeene in Africa. Bundorl begins to chastise him for not understanding how important this fight is: to the winner, goes the blue orb of the Earth. And to the loser, endless despair and ruin - what could be more beautiful. Kuttner ignores the poetry and notes that the economics of conflict are certainly beautiful to the Docougar, especially all-out war. Neo Neros then reminds them that dominating the world's economy isn't their only goal: the theft of the Beamlar is the Docougar's true objective. Bundorl hasn't forgotten about this, and reports that Professor Jeter is almost done with a radar that can actually track the Beamlar... and the Good Thunder along with it. Neo Neros says there's not enough time for that, and Bundorl then offers to lure the Good Thunder out of hiding instead. Kuttner asks what stealing the Beamlar will get the Docougar, and Bundorl agrees, saying that teleportation has already been brought to fruition... surely the Good Thunder's power isn't wholly taken up by that. Neo Neros cuts them short, telling them that they merely have to obey his orders, asking if they've got any complaints as they stare back in silence. The three don't _precisely_ disagree, so long as their individual personality quirks are being satisfied. As Neo Neros hangs up, Kernagul demands to know how the hell Bundorl intends to lure the Good Thunder out - Bundorl apparently thought his plan up while Kernagul was out rampaging in Africa. He says that everything revolves around the Beamlar and the goddess who is in contact with it, and gets irritated when the poetry of this is lost on Kernagul. He decides he doesn't care quickly though, and tells Kernagul to go for broke when carrying out the plan. Hayato is still okay, and the war seems to be going better now that word of the Alpha Numbers' deeds is spreading. Unfortunately, the problems that threaten the world's peoples aren't just military: inflation and other economic ills are proving rather obnoxious too, which seem to be the work of some cabal manipulating things behind the scenes. This would be the Docougar, and Bright is pissed that someone could be so self-centered in times like this. He gets even less thrilled when Hayato tells your people that the Docougar have actually deployed their warpower in North America. Beltorchika has the report, and should be with your people any moment now barring flight problems. Lest the people fall into trepidation, Banjou figures your people should meet the Docougar's considerable warpower head on. As Beltorchika's plane arrives, Taiga tells your people to be ready to dispatch against the Docougar if need be. Beltorchika has it from a "reliable source" that the Docougar are after Orphan. Remy is openly skeptical that the Docougar would let their plans be known so easily, and Beltorchika tells your people to question that source yourselves: it's a woman named Isabelle Cronkite, a journalist. As the Goshogun team start bantering about this new arrival, she seems to know their identity already from her father Art's notes on the Docougar, his life long journalistic obsession. Her story is that she's here to do a story on you all in your fight against the Docougar, hoping to thereby further turn the world against them. Amuro takes a little persuading to go along with this, but finally accedes to help this non-combat form of fighting against the enemy. She requests that the Goshogun team be the ones to look after her while she does her reporting, claiming to have been taken with them ever since seeing her father's files. They hesitantly (or eagerly, in Kiry's case) agree to this. Kiry is working on his autobiography (and failing spectacularly) when Akari and Kumazou bring Isabelle to his room unannounced. She claims that noone out of the assortment of great interview prospects on the team consented to give her an interview. She then manages to see the draft of the autobiography, and gushes about the fabled "Bronx Wolf"'s ongoing fight for justice. Kiry tells her what he, the Bronx Wolf, wants: either for her to leave right now, or to stay and enjoy some "morning coffee" with him [this being Japanese innuendo for hitting the sack with him in the meantime]. The kiddies are just young enough to not know what this means. It _appears_ that Isabelle agrees... Vera commends Irene on her transition to full-fledged captain. Irene gives all the thanks to the crew. This is of course because Anoir is still missing. She explains that Orphan surfaced at the same time as the asteroid drop. Kant is on the scene as well, and tells a rather skeptical Yuu that his theory about Orphan being good for the world has turned into a conviction now that he's been aboard the Organic Energy-powered Novus Noa. He shows a course of Orphan's movements since surfacing, leading to it surfacing in Eurasia. It seems to be heading for Rasa in Tibet, the very spot where the Neo-Jion asteroid fell. Kant is sure that Orphan is trying to heal the damaged Earth, and sure enough all kinds of greenery has sprouted up vigorously in its wake. Shishiou notes that Orphan's boosting of Organic Energy seems undeniable, and Kant thinks that Orphan's flight is surely not a negative for the world. Yuu seems unconvinced, but when Hime reminds him about how his and Nelly's Brains merged, he realizes that not everything about the Earth's problems and Orphan is a negative. Both of them reach the (totally illogical) conclusion that, because their Brains can fly, everything will be alright in the end. Shishiou and Irene would both like to believe in this conclusion as well, and Irene figures that the thing to do now is to remove the Reclaimers from Orphan, since Orphan's safety is now evident - the idea is that Orphan should be treated as as much a part of nature as the mountains and seas. Vera and your people then resolve to go to Orphan, to see it, and the Earth's future, with their own eyes. Your people are shocked at the sight of Orphan, a mountain-sized object many times larger than a colony. You can detect nothing else besides you and Orphan in the area - apparently you got here before the Docougar. Hime points out all the flowers growing near Orphan: looks like it really is healing the world and stuff. Just then, out come the Reclaimers, including Jonathan's new white Antibody. Your Brain pilots can feel his madness from here. Synapse broadcasts to the Reclaimers that your people have come here to talk, and asks them to respond. Jonathan amusedly asks why the Governor doesn't respond already - could it be that he is hesitating to fight his former comrades? The Governor, apparently Gaybridge, says that your people's way of doing things can't save the future - that's why he's returned to Orphan. Yuu's grandmother is there too, feeling sorry for Yuu and Hime. Synapse, receiving no response, orders your people to sortie. Isabelle is quite happy to have this chance to report on the mysterious Orphan, and Beltorchika tells Isabelle to get a scoop that'll tell the whole world what Orphan is really all about. Synapse warns the Granger once more to respond; if not, he'll have no choice but to attack. It's then revealed that Gaybridge is the Governor, the leader of the Reclaimers and controller of Orphan. This greatly upsets Hime, and Synapse asks one question: why didn't Gaybridge consult your people before doing this. He says that such a conversation would have been futile: your approach will never let mankind get through to the next stage. Just then the Newtypes start feeling a pressure that rivals Char's, which Gaybridge muses over. He says that the notion of moving mankind to the heavens to renew them isn't mistaken, though he can't agree with Char's method of destroying the Earth in the process. Apparently he's decided that people don't always get their way - he figures that at least with the power of Orphan he can change society. Your people demand to know if Gaybridge means to make the Earth a planet of death - and whether Orphan itself would want that. He then commands the Grangers to attack and to wipe out your people, since your strong will gives humanity hope. Naoko demands to know what Gaybridge thinks life is, to which he replies that this is the only way to clear the eyes of mankind who blindly believes in culture. He asks her if she thinks he _wants_ this role, and tells her that he's never changed: he's always wanted to revolutionize society. And if that requires mass murder, he's prepared to bear the blame for it (if he hasn't already taken it). He says that Orphan's actions so far have led toward mankind's destruction, but he doubts Orphan means to wipe out all life entirely. He had wanted Naoko at least to comprehend his feelings. Naoko [for no apparent reason] says that she'll say no more, and not part from his side. As Synapse tries to decide what to do, Hime asks him to let her talk to Orphan. She's sure that what Gaybridge just said is merely him being selfish, and the psychic kiddies agree (having snuck aboard the Goshogun). Shingo points out to them that what they want to talk to is a _mountain_, if not an entire _island_, but Yuu agrees with what the kiddies (who are swarming all over) have said. If what Gaybridge has said is indeed the will of Orphan, Gondor will see it done [JA NAKUTE! ^^;;] your people will have to destroy it. But maybe Hime and the others can negotiate[?!] with it. You've basically got to get Yuu and the Goshogun to the illuminated boxes. Rasse for his part tells Kanan that he won't do anything rash in escorting them: he wants to live with her too. Gaybridge is okay with this fight being broadcast to the world, figuring the world will get to see the last of the Alpha Numbers, but Max tells them not to underestimate you. Gaybridge seems to have some plan up his sleeve... On 1.5, Kenta asks why Irui is trembling - is she frightened of Orphan? She asks him what he intends to do when he meets hit. He happily says that he hasn't thought about it... but if feels like Orphan has been calling your people. As though it wants to tell you something, as a friend. On 2.0, Isabelle who hasn't been in real combat before is very grateful for Kiry's gallant vow to protect her. The Goshogun crew have to tell her that, no, they're not heros from some sci-fi movie, although the rest of your team may be. The explain that they got into this line of work to flee from their past... and with the world like this, what _can_ they do but fight? This doesn't make Isabelle happy, since it turns out her parents were both killed by the Docougar and beneath all that journalistic vigor she wants some vengeance. She denies this, sticking to the "allies of justice" angle, but the Docougar crew tells her not to stress herself out. People fight for many reasons - and for every person like them who fight to put food on the table, someone out there truly fights for their ideals. And that would include the Alpha Numbers. Isabelle seems downcast about this, but Shingo tells her not to worry: since she's spilled her guts to the Goshogun crew, they plan to help her until the very end. This gets her spirits back up, and the battle proceeds. Once you get close enough to Orphan, the Docougar show up and immediately start quarreling over how to take it over and lure out the Good Thunder in the process. Isabelle is dutifully reporting this to the world. Synapse tries to tell Gaybridge that he's got bigger problems to deal with than fighting with you, but Gaybridge doesn't see any big difference between your two sides. He tells you that he'll begin the final assault in five turns and orders his men to keep the Grangers away from Orphan. Yuu says you can't pull out now: you've just got to force your way through. NOTE THAT you can do this on the very first turn by using the Reawakening spell. You probably don't want to however... This event will happen by itself on turn three in any case. You've now got five turns to get Hime and the Goshogun to the spots. For a Skill Point, take down both Kuttner and Jonathan in the process. Shiela is worth a Multisensor. Quincy is worth a Psychoframe. When you take down Kernagul the first time, he comes back with full health, just like a wild animal. The Goshogun team figure they aren't going to risk tangling with him, and resolve to finish their mission first, like the pros they are. * In fact, Kuttner seems to infinitely regenerate his HP. You can keep killing him time and again until the mission is over. READ: INFINITE MONEY AND XP that you don't have to restart the map to get! ^_^ Four of the enemies have a Kuttneriser. Jonathan is worth a Biocomputer. He intends to continue fighting, but Max tells him that now is not the time for him to lay down his life. Kuttner is worth a High Powered Radar. He decides to exercise the better part of valor, and bugs out. When your people reach Orphan, they're overawed by it: Hime says that it's as big and as intrinsic as the clouds and sky and sun. Yuu says that it looks totally different than when it was on the bottom of the ocean, and Hime is sure that this is a goddess, one which dons wings and flies throughout space. Yuu can't disagree with that assessment, though he inwardly thinks that Hime may be the goddess here at this rate. Hime then calls out to Orphan (in a very pedestrian fashion too!), asking it if there isn't something wrong with the fighting between your two sides. Kernagul gets even more pissed off watching (nope, he's _still_ not dead) this, and despite Kuttner's objections fires his secret weapon: several nuclear missiles! Kuttner is aghast, and Kernagul tells him to get his ass out of the way less he get caught in the blast too. The Reclaimer staffers watch as nuclear Armageddon flies their way: Gaybridge expects Orphan to get damaged but to be still capable of space flight. Furthermore, he plans to use this event to his advantage: he has Isami hack into Isabelle's broadcast gear and makes the proclamation to the world that YOUR people are the villains who have launched an unprovoked nuclear strike against them. Kuttner, not wanting to be used as propaganda, orders Kernagul to cancel the strike - unfortunately, the missiles can't be stopped that rapidly. Yuu figures that the Reclaimers are confident they can withstand that strike... but the land around Orphan will get ravaged. As Hime and the kids here Orphan and the surrounded, Yuu makes a decision. He orders Rasse and Nanga into a triangle formation, planning to use Chakra power to halt the blast. Amuro has everyone take cover behind the Chakra Triangle, and Rasse protests that with just three of them the can't cover all the nukes. They don't have much choice but to try anyway, and Yuu has everyone spread out wider to cover Hime and the rest. Just then, three Reclaimers show up, prepared to bury the hatchet and help out with what turns into a Chakra Hexagram. It turns out that Jonathan is helping because, although he recognizes the Governor's plan to murder the Alpha Number's public image, he doesn't feel like letting the Governor have his way. The Brain pilots are having a very strange experience. Quincy is even crying. Hime then meets a little girl, who she tries to coax out of the "lonely box" inside which people can do nothing but cry. As the girl brightens at Hime's name, she tells Hime that she's been waiting for her a very long time. Hime realizes that this gentle Orphan would never do anything to harm the Earth, and is shown a vision of _two_ Orphans fighting. One of them falls to Earth, and the other one's whereabouts are unknown. The Brains and Grangers turn out to be the children of the two Orphans. She thanks Orphan for this revelation, and tells it that it's no shame to be lonely. She wakes up at GGG headquarters, having been carried here by her Brain. Apparently the power of the Chakra Hexagram literally stopped the missiles: they simply halted in midair and fell to the ground unexploded. The footage of this has labeled the Alpha Numbers as saviors of Orphan, and the Docougar, now seen as villains, were forced to flee. Hime says that Orphan promised to treasure the thoughts and feelings of those living on the Earth, and it turns out that everyone who was there felt for a moment some connection with Orphan. Even the robots felt some strange connection with Orphan's main computer, and according to Amuro the whole thing was much like the way Newtypes can feel each other's hearts. This is not to say that Orphan has been labeled "safe", and Yuu certainly doesn't want to see Gaybridge have his way. Both your people and Orphan itself will have to give it their all... and in fact, Orphan seems to have started already, by beginning to rise! Amuro sees Beltorchika to near the closest city, where the two mean to part ways. She notes that Amuro is very kind to her, and wonders if this is how he treats Chain as well. She knows that his duel with Char comes first right now, but tells him not to forget that the one to shoot down Amuro Rei will be neither the Red Meteor nor Chain, but she herself. Amuro will remember that. The Goshogun crew say goodbye to Isabelle too, congratulating her on showing the evil deeds of the Docougar to the world. She plans to use her journalistic skills to continue fighting everything that threatens humanity even though her revenge is complete - this time, it'll be for her herself. Kiry promises to give her his memoirs if he lives through the war, which Remy realizes is much more serious than Kiry usually gets... Stage 45. BIMURAA no Ishi ("The Will of the Beamlar") Some great, fiery presence is addressing its Shrine Maiden, who just happens to be Irui [anyone who this surprises, raise their hands]. It calls her its child and tells her to awaken: she, God's child and inheritor of his strong will. It directs her to come to Paral, the Promised Land, and Irui gets a brief moment of the No-Pupil effect before... waking up from her dream. Neo Neros is not terribly thrilled that Kernagul and Kuttner attacked Orphan, and Bundorl even less so. Neo Neros will let it slide, however, since it worked to his advantage in the end: the Good Thunder has in fact emerged. Apparently this confirms Isami's theory, and as long as the Beamlar ends up in Docougar hands. Also, Neo Neros figures that he now knows what Savalas is up to: he sent the Goshogun to the Alpha Numbers so that he could distract Neo Neros from finding out about the "Soul". He orders Bundorl to meet up at once with Kuttner and Kernagul and steal the Good Thunder and, in the process, kill off Shinda Kenta. Bundorl is rather surprised to be given such an order, and figures that Kenta must be somehow connected to this "Soul" business. Meanwhile, Kiry is freezing his ass off as your people travel to meet the Good Thunder. Remy isn't willing to "warm him up", saying that Isabelle would never let either of them live it down. The Good Thunder is stuck out here as usual because once it teleports it can't move again for a while. Juuzou comments that all your people's coming and going is getting to be like a game of Whack-a-Mole, and Shingo hopes that sooner or later octopus-head will pop up so you can beat the game. Remy hopes that calling Savalas that won't decrease their fee, and and Shingo hopes that the only thing that decreases around here is Kiry's luck with women. Kenta figures that maybe you've been summoned because it's finally time to find out about the Beamlar, and this makes OVA strangely sad, though she hurries off to prepare dinner before the others can say much. Elsewhere, Kusuha is hard at work trying to perfect her nutritional drink. Retzer obligingly tastes the concoction, which has lemon juice, tomato juice, and _balsamic_vinegar_ in it. He warns her that any normal person would positively faint from something like this, and Kazuya wonders what the heck she's doing. Yuu cautions that there are some things in this world best left unknown, and then notices as OVA comes in that she seems to be depressed. It seems that Yuu has actually acquired some of the same sensitivity that Hime and the kiddies have, possibly thanks to Nelly. Yuu, rather uncharacteristically, gently presses OVA to tell everyone what's wrong, and OVA eventually confides that she feels like Kenta is going to leave her soon. As your people ponder the feelings of impending empty-nest syndrome, Retzer points out that seen from the other direction, these feelings are proof that Kenta is growing up. OVA is feeling better, but as Britto rushes in, Kusuha starts feeling worse: Irui has collapsed again. Irui seems to be okay now, having just woken up. She apologizes for all the commotion, and says that she had a dream about her mother, or at least about hearing what she thinks is her mother's voice. Unfortunately, she can't recall what it said, and she somewhat anxiously asks if Kusuha will stay with her forever. Kusuha promises to stay by her side and protect her always, as does Britto. This makes Irui very happy, but she subsides into sleep again. As your people decide to let her sleep, the alarm goes off and your people are ordered to battle stations in preparation for the rendezvous with the Big Thunder. The Alpha Numbers won't arrive for several turns, and Savalas will have to hold out until then. Bundorl gushes over the beauty of the Good Thunder sinking into an abyss of white despair at the end of its long voyage, and his two counterparts want to ask him something before the battle: how will he take responsibility for the messy battle that Bundorl's previous plan got them into? He points out to them that the only reason they found the Good Thunder is because of the attack on Orphan - Bundorl's plan was, ultimately, successful. Kernagul bitches that his forces took a hell of a beating, and Bundorl patiently explains that that's why he's lending a hand now - and without much thanks, he might add. Kernagul still isn't satisfied, and Bundorl says that he'll settle for protecting the Docougar base: Kuttner and Kernagul can go get all the glory. He tells them to hurry, saying that time is more precious than diamonds... but it seems that all this chit-chat has frittered those diamonds away! Both the Goshogun and Docougar people trade silly banter until the actual battle ensues. Bundorl is overcome by the beauty of your people's charge, but Kuttner rightly notes that your people are going to be very tough to beat. Bundorl responds that the beautiful should fight the beautiful, and cues the music while sending forth his Doshards. These have a tricolor paint job and facial antenna... they look a lot like Gunda- and Nina won't let Kou finish the statement [maybe this is to avoid the curse that anyone who has ever said "Look, it's a Gundam!" in battle has died messily...] As the Goshogun team readies for battle, Savalas cautions them that they can't use Goflasher right now: the reason for which will become clear in a few turns. On turn two, Penchinon and a bunch of Zondar show up, aiming for the Beamlar. Primada is there too, saying that the energy that allows organic lifeforms to evolve must not be allowed to exist. Savalas will tell everyone what this means when the fight is over. The Goshogun team resolve themselves to the fight for now, but Banjou cautions that if the Beamlar is acting as bait, there may be other dangerous foes still lurking behind the scenes... This battle will be over on turn 7. Destroy all enemies before then for a Skill Point. On 2.5, Jeter calls up Kernagul and says that he's already sent in the new mech that he'd ordered. Whatever this new robot is, it's in shockingly bad taste according to Bundorl, including its drunken color scheme, unoriginal design, and meaningless decorations. Primada loves the thing for all those very same reasons... Kernagul is very proud of his anti-Goshogun, the Gonagul, though the Goshogun team are less than thrilled (but at least they're big enough to have imitators now!). Bundorl is worth an A Adaptor. When you kill him off, who should appear but Kolos! Of course, they're after the Beamlar too (so that Kolos can make Don's dream come true), and of course Banjou and your people aren't having it. The Zondar are overjoyed to see Kolos, someone similar to themselves. If you have Banjou fight Kolos, she tells him that she hasn't changed in these three years: she exists only to fulfill Don's dream. She won't tell Banjou whether or not Don is alive though, on the principle that Banjou is about to die anyway. Kolos is worth an Auxiliary GS Ride. She orders all her troops to pull out, saying any further losses will damage their future plans. As Banjou prepares to not let her escape, she asks him if he really thinks that the humans are the chosen of the Beamlar. Surely, none but the Meganoids are its chosen ones. Bundorl commends your people on your beautiful victory, but cautions that the moment you're drunk on your victory toast will be the moment your lives end. He sends forth another vehicle, which scores a direct hit on the residential block. Just then some kind of earthquake begins, and Savalas asks Father to prepare to receive the Beamlar. It receives this strange energy that seems to have a mind of its own - your people are astonished, and Bundorl is overcome. Strangely, Getter just responded to the Beamlar, and Savalas tells Shingo that he can use Goflasher now. This is what Shingo has been waiting for, and he uses it to wipe out the upstart bad guy... or tries to anyway. You hit, but did nothing, and Kenta can sense something inside that robot, though he can't make out the words. It's saying "no, I don't want to fight, I wasn't born for fighting... I'd rather die than fight". The mech then appears to self-destruct but tells Kenta to have Shingo fire the Goflasher once more. Shingo, rattled, complies, and the powerplant of the Docougar base begins to go berserk. Noone has any idea what's going on, although Bundorl says it _is_ clear that their base is about to meet its end. As the Docougar flee, Penchinon notes that the Beamlar seems to have lent its power to the Goshogun - this energy which furthers maturation and evolution is even more dangerous than he thought. He's smart enough to realize that he needs to report this to Pasdar ASAP... Kenta's father then tells your people what's really going on with the Beamlar, what its "will" is. Ryou is observant enough to know that the Beamlar is sentient energy, and Shinda adds that it's an energy which has existed within the Earth since long before the dawn of human civilization. Shishiou wants to know what the objective of this sentient energy is, and Shinda says that it wants the evolution of life forms. In that sense, it's very similar to Getter Rays - and therefore Shinda figures that it, like the Getter Rays, comes from space. Which means that the evolutionary goal it's steering life towards is sufficient sentience to venture out into space. The teleportation it makes possible is surely a facet of that. Kenta doesn't understand how space travel equals evolution, but Shinda says that the various sentient life forms in the universe can't really be said to evolve if they're stuck on their own planet. It's only by venturing through the vastness of space, meeting each other, overcoming challenges, and achieving coexistence that true evolution can occur. Banjou realizes that the Meganoids' ultimate goal is heading out into space, which is why they want the Beamlar. Amuro wants to know, if evolution is pointed at venturing into space, i.e. freeing souls from gravity, whether the appearance of Newtypes is also thanks to the Beamlar. Shinda says that the Beamlar cannot currently effect evolution on that wide a scale: it's just one of the forms of energy affecting life, just like the Getter Rays that heralded the rise of the mammals. This also explains why the Beamlar and Orphan influence each other: both of them are geared towards flight in space. Hime hopes this sort of cooperation produces good results, and Yuu wonders if the Beamlar is the "great being" that Nelly spoke of. Shinda tells Camille that the Beamlar became active _now_ in response to the series of dire threats to Earth [as in, the previous few games]. Shinda built the Goshogun and Good Thunder in obedience with the Beamlar's will, and tells Kenta that he too is an inheritor of its will. So, Kenta like Mamoru is a crucial key to events. It turns out that in sync with Kenta's maturation, the Beamlar too has matured (and powered up Goflasher in the process)... which means that the Docougar mech had actually been granted its own will by the Beamlar. THIS takes your people some time to digest. The fact that Kenta can hear all the voices of nature is further proof that he's progressing as the incarnate form of the Beamlar, the "Soul". That power was what woke up the will of the enemy mecha, and is also what apparently roused the Docougar power plant to go nuts. Unfortunately, until the Beamlar wakes up fully, you can't count on what happened today recurring. Kenta asks his father what he should do now, and Shinda says that the Beamlar will mature in synch with him. He's got to keep a correct heart and continue to walk with the Alpha Numbers - if so, the Beamlar will surely grant its power to mankind, and the day when Kenta's true journey as Soul will come. Shinda will stay with the Good Thunder and help Savalas act as a decoy. The bad news is that Irui is gone, apparently around the time of the Docougar attack. Your people searched but can't find her anywhere: the odds are that she left of her own accord. Hime wonders if she's gone off in search of this "mother" she heard in her dream, and Yuu notes that it's very weird that she wouldn't say anything to the rest of your people first. Kusuha now gets back in with the self-recriminations, but Britto says that Irui surely didn't hate being with her, else she wouldn't have made that promise. Unfortunately, you can't stay here any longer lest you suffer another Docougar attack, so Quatro has his men look for her again. Neither Kusuha nor Britto are very happy at this stage... Neo Neros is getting the postmortem from his men. Hearing how Beamlar can animate inanimate objects, he wants the stuff more than ever. He finally steps into the light, and tells the three of them that the next battle will probably be the final one. The three of them vow to win next time and obtain the Beamlar for him, and Neo Neros figures he's the only person on Earth worthy to control the stuff. The Custos seems to be running out of original lines, telling Irui that it's the Guardian of Earth and calling once again for the Many Swords to gather unto it. It tells Irui that her power exists for it, and its power exists for her. You get an OVA's Croquette and a Kenta's Pocket Computer. Stage 46. Daimoji tells your people that the war with the Mikeene is stalemated, which is better than what it used to be. Guerilla activity is to thank, but Bright says that the longer things are allowed to drag on, the more time Neo-Jion will gain. Unfortunately, now is not yet the time to leave the Earth with the Docougar, Zondar, and Meganoid problems still lingering. You need to wipe out at least one of these organizations all the way to the roots, that is, its leadership. Daimoji has some information about the Mikeene: this Great Emperor of the dark turns out to be what the Jama called the Emperor of Hell. Moreover, Shiba has found some old inscriptions regarding the Mikeene. This would mean that now is a great time to strike the Mikeene, except that they still have a hell of a lot of warpower at their main base. Synapse says that it's probably better to show up in Japan, especially since Miwa has requested your presence at a strategy conference that's going on. The reason you never heard of this important event is simply because Miwa gathered all his sympathizers to hear his baseless ranting. Some of your professor friends are in attendance to try to reign him in, but they probably can't do much. On the other hand, returning to Japan may bring you useful information. Looks like you've got to choose between returning to Japan and attacking the Mikeene main base. Japan is the J numbers, and Mikeene is the M numbers. I should note that the choice you make here will have lingering effects all the way until the final battle. Although you must eventually take down all the major enemies, the timing and circumstances of them will be significantly different... Stage 46J. Dai-Toukyou, Shoumetsu - Zenpen ("Greater Tokyo, Annihilated - Part 1") Your people decide that it's better to pool information about this Emperor of the Dark than to rush in headlong. Besides, your people would really love to stop Miwa's rampage. Just then, word comes in from Taiga that Tokyo is under full-scale Zondar attack. The commanders order their ships to make for Japan with all possible speed... Starting at 9am, a wall of light abruptly appeared around Tokyo Tower. This has put 23 wards, or almost all of Tokyo, into Zondar hands in an instant. You can't even tell if the people inside are alive or dead, and that includes the "conference" Miwa was holding. Apparently the circular wall of light follows the highways and rail lines that ring the area, and the area around it is filled with ZO particles: anything that gets near will be Zondarized. Taiga figures this is the Zondar's final operation, and only the Alpha Numbers can stop it! Bright vows to do this even if it kills you all, and Synapse urges speed in the interest of saving any of the people who are left in the area. Your people are dismayed by the sight of Tokyo being eaten by machines whose malice is palpable. The center of this desperately-recorded footage is Tokyo Tower, where some people are trapped inside. And lo and behold, Makoto's friends are among them! [natch] Taiga will allow Makoto to come along on the operation, but asks for his power in return. The plan is to attack Tokyo Tower from two directions, with the Eastern squadron based around Gai's group. Hime momentarily protests Makoto going along, but is persuaded that he's no longer a child but rather one of your full-fledged companions: one who chose this fight by themself. Taiga will personally command this operation, and your people head out. Pasdar tells his four generals that the time has come for them to push their powers to the fullest. Pizza reports that Boronezu and Primada have already begun preparations to build a Plant. He and Penchinon are prepared to fight directly if the accursed remnants of Cain show up. Pazdar figures that if the Beamlar really did choose this planet, it's necessary to Zondarize all life forms without delay. Pizza is pretty sure he can take your people out. Your people deploy, appalled at what was once Tokyo. Yuu notes that this area must be crawling with Zondar the way the Brains are reacting. There are so many in fact that the Z-sensors are useless, but Makoto can sense a presence far more horrible than anything before, centered at Tokyo Tower. Shishiou asks if Taiga remembers the incident from two years ago, and Taiga says that there's no way he could forget: this nightmare you face now started back then. There's a high likelihood that what you face now is EI-01, which slashed down near Yokohama and then disappeared somewhere underground. Just then the bad guys emerge in large numbers: large enough numbers that it takes your people a while to muster their reserves. The bad news is that this is only the advance guard: the Four Celestial Lords of Machinery aren't here yet. Gai leads your people on a hack-n-slash campaign to reach Tokyo Tower as Taiga urges you on: the ten million residents of Tokyo and indeed everyone on Earth is depending on your performance here. For a Skill Point, clear the map within seven turns by moving one of your units to Tokyo Tower. You can in fact beat this map in *three* turns. The bad guy leaders show up after you do enough damage to the robots. They taunt you with the notion that they're going to Zondarize the whole planet, but your people, as usual, don't buy it. They in particular don't flinch in the face of Pizza's rhetoric, causing him to revise his opinion of you; that said, he plans to force the relic of Cain and all its friends to capitulate anyway. Primada loves the faint lingering smell of exhaust, and is all hot and bothered as she prepares to take on your people... You now have to both take out the Four Lords _and_ get someone to Tokyo Tower. On turn 1.5, Miwa sticks his head outside, seeing the Alpha Numbers and intending to let them know he's here. The scientists try to prevent this, saying that it's far more likely he'll get himself shot before the Alpha Numbers can make it over. Kentarou tells him that they should gather up all the survivors and prepare to evacuate, but Miwa furiously tells this "alien" to shut up and not try to tell him, the commander of the Far East base what to do. As the trash talking ensues between the GGG and the Zondar, the kiddies trapped at Tokyo Tower wonder if they'll ever make it out of this. Pizza is worth a High Performance Targeting System. As Gai tells him that he's not the only one who can fly, he goes over and crashes into the building where Miwa and the others are hold up. Erika and the crew spirit them away to a safe location, promising to explain later... Boronezu and Primada are worth two Super Alloy Z and Zolmanium Alloy. Primada can't believe that she's losing to the likes of your robots here, and Boronezu tells her to leave this to him and retreat. Penchinon is worth a Megagenerator. When you take down Penchinon, Volfogg feels a strange bond with this longtime foe. He bids his misled archrival farewell, thinking to remember this day for the rest of his life. When you get someone to the Tokyo Tower, Taiga orders the Hero robots to follow suit. What waits for Gai and the others underground is the cause of all this upheaval of the past two years: EI-01! The kiddies meanwhile are glad that you won, but the earthquakes in the area are getting steadily worse. Tokyo Tower itself may collapse, but Mamoru shows up to lead everyone to safety. Hiroshi is with them, and tells them all to move their butts before it's too late. They make it outside, and Hana is very glad to see Mamoru again. The feeling is mutual, but Mamoru knows he's still got a job to do. She promises to wait for him, and then hurries off with the others to evacuate. Just then, a badly wounded Primada finds Mamoru. Boronezu is with her, and informs the shocked Mamoru that the Zondarians have unkillable bodies. Well, at least in Primada's case she's used up too much energy to regenerate completely. Primada finds Mamoru adorable enough to kill, but Boronezu tells her not to touch him carelessly. She doesn't listen, and Mamoru's powers kick in, eroding her body. Before she dies, it seems for a moment that she returns to some former self that recognizes Mamoru, and Boronezu softly curses her foolishness. Mamoru wonders why she collapsed instead of returning to being at peace, and the same thing starts happening to Boronezu. A man stands in his place, thanking Mamoru but saying that it's a bit too late for him. He simply disappears just before Volfogg comes to report that everyone has been evacuated from Tokyo Tower. Unfortunately, the plot isn't going to let them escape so easily... Pizza is at least partially alive, having separated himself before being destroyed totally. He doesn't want to admit defeat on this backwater planet, but just then Gai and Galleon find him. Some of your other people are on the scene too, and it's clear that Pizza is in no position to fight back. Nonetheless, he's prepared to bar your people's way forward, saying that he's lived as a warrior, and will die as one. He realizes fully that he's the last of the Four Lords left, but vows to defeat you or die trying anyway. Gai then tells everyone else to go on ahead: he's planning to fight Pizza one on one, opposing Pizza's fire with everything he's got. Pizza is grateful that this cyborg would show him that courtesy... Mamoru has now appeared before Pasdar, who calls him a "machine of destruction" that Cain created. Pasdar says that even if he can't touch Mamoru, he _can_ seal him away. If two fellow anti-energy beings touch each other, whoever's power is lower will be eradicated first. Pasdar doesn't intend to lose that, but also realizes that he can't afford to waste energy pointlessly now. He tells Mamoru that he'll shortly remake this world into a planet of machines, but Mamoru figures that won't happen as long as the Alpha Numbers are around. Just then, Gai, much banged up from fighting Pizza, shows up. Pasdar greets the bearer of the Relic of Cain, telling him that he's going to remake the world. Gai of course won't permit that, but he doesn't have much energy left after the fight with Pizza... Pasdar is about to strike the fatal blow when Pizza shows up and gets in the way, saying that he's done so because his duel with Gai isn't over yet. Pasdar pooh-pooh's Pizza as one more weak-hearted being, but Pizza says that what he's done is choose the place of his warrior's death. He thanks Gai for making him remember something important, and then makes to attack Pasdar. As he does so, he says that that's not his real name. His real name is.... Pizza remembers the sky above, how grand it is, and wishes that he could die under its expanse. Just then Pasdar comes to grant fear to the weak-hearted beings... Stage 46M. Totsugeki! MIKEENE Teikoku - Zenpen ("Charge! Mikeene Empire - Part 1") Letting the fighting continue surely can't be good for mankind, and despite the danger a victory here could really swing things in your favor. Shiba gives you the location of the main Mikeene base: a volcanic island in the Mediterranean Sea. Hiroshi is looking forward to whacking the king mole really good, but your people will have to be careful - the bad guys have a lot of warpower left, and you don't even know what the Emperor of Hell can do. Hiroshi promises his dad that he'll win this fight, and Kenzou tells Kouji and Tetsuya that it's their duty to strike the final blow in this fight. Algos tells the Emperor that of the Seven Generals, four remain and continue to fight in Asia, Africa, and Oceania. The Emperor tells Algos to order them to prioritize exterminating all humans on Earth above all else. If circumstances require it, he'll dispatch Ulyceasar, Bardlar, and Hardias to support them. Algos isn't worried, but the Emperor tells him not to underestimate the Alpha Numbers who took out the General. Unless they can take the Alpha Numbers out, there's no way to set up another base in Japan. In fact, the Alpha Numbers have left Japan and are heading their way. The Emperor has some plan, and tells Algos to lure your people here, using the Jama survivors. The Emperor can just imagine how surprised your people will be... The Jama survivors are prepared to take revenge, asking Himika to grant them strength. Your people show up and survey the situation: before you is the entrance to the fortress itself. You now have no choice but to fight your way forward, and do it fast before reinforcements arrive. You've got eight turns to finish this else you be defeated. For a Skill Point, kill everyone off in six turns. Good play can do it in three. On 1.5, the enemy fire several very large missiles at you. This doesn't change anything other than mean you've got a few more things to shoot at... You need to take out the missile launchers before the torrent of missiles will cease. Ikima is worth a Super Alloy Z. When you off the last bad guy, Hell congratulates you on your victory: your skills are certainly adequate to make you all his arch enemies. He offers to guide you to the final battleground below ground: the headquarters of the enemy where Hell will grant you terror and despair, and death. That the bad guys have chosen their own base as the site of the "final battle" means that they must be pretty confident... in fact, it's presumably some kind of trap. Nevertheless, your people have to go at it anyway, for the sake of everyone on Earth and in particular Irui, who's probably in some kind of danger right about how. Tetsuya vows to show the Grand Marshal of Hell what hell is _really_ like [which seems somehow... redundant]. Algos reports that your people have entered the base, and the Emperor makes sure that all is in readiness... Stage 47J. Dai-Toukyou, Shoumetsu - Gohen ("Greater Tokyo, Annihilated - Part 2") Your opponent is apparently none other than the Devil himself, Satan. Satan stands over 300 meters tall, and was responsible for the mess two years ago that killed off Mikoto's parents (and many other people as well): EI-01. What has happened is that all of Tokyo [presumably, everything inside the Yamanote rail line] is now _floating_in_midair_, and is apparently now part of EI-01. This is less a fortress and more a spaceship, which Satan aka Pasdar is trying to flee to space in. This will of course spell certain doom for everyone who's still stuck in Tokyo. Amuro orders the Alpha Numbers to take down EI-01 and save for Tokyo City [bonus points to anyone know knows where that phrasing is from!], and Gai has Makoto go back to the battleships where it's "safe". Taiga tells each and every one of you to hang on to hope for the Earth. You've got to stop Tokyo within eight turns or it'll go too high for people to survive. When you move close to him, EI-01 says he's been waiting for this day and does something to all your machines. He's emitting energy on the same wavelength as Zondar Metal, and Shishiou explains that this is the energy war of attrition [that Pasdar mentioned in the previous stage]. The effect only directly hits the Hero robots who have GS Rides, but the quantity of energy is so great it's even affecting your other mecha. If your people don't do something _fast_, people like Gai who are powered by the GS Rides will die. EI-01 rubs it in a bit more by dispatching some henchmen, but your people can't die now. For a Skill Point, take out all other enemies first, then EI-01. At some point during this map, get Gai's HP below 500 as another step to getting Stealth Gao II. On turn 2, Miwa wonders what your group of good-for-nothings is doing. The scientists point out to him that that light is sapping the strength from all your bodies. Erika tells everyone to believe that the Alpha Numbers will win, but Miwa tells this alien to shut up and not think that he's in her debt just because she saved him once. At least the kiddies and scientists believe in you. It looks like EI-01 is still going at it: Taiga can't believe that it's willing to stage such a potentially suicidal attack. Gai says it's time for "an eye for an eye", which Shishiou realizes means the "X" Munition. Kouji has no idea what this thingie is, but says to use it quick if it's some kind of trump card. Time is running short [well, one turn shorter anyway], and Gai says that as the strongest cyborg mankind has created he promises to come back alive. Hiroshi realizes that the X Bullet will probably cost Gai his life... The transmission power is falling off, and voice contact with GGG HQ is lost. Shishiou implores Taiga to use it, and Taiga decides to stake everything on the Heros, who have caused so many miracles until now.... The thing will arrive in one turn, which Gai says will at least let him fight reasonably for a change. EI-01 means to kill off Gai first, but the Custos intervene and absorb the Zondar Metal. They leave as quickly as they arrived, and with EI-01's energy this low it shouldn't be able to fire that attack again: now's your chance. The X Bullet arrives on turn 3. The Heros hurry inside it, and Gai tells everyone that he needs only one turn. This will be the longest turn your people have ever faced by all accounts... It's pretty self-evident what the X Bullet does, boost the power of the G Stones past their limit, producing incredible energy output. The point of this is that Gai can now (in principle) win the energy war of attrition. EI-01 is worth a Super Alloy nu-Z and a Nejiri Hachimaki. Tokyo begins to descend after EI-01 falls, but your machines stop working due to overload. This is bad for all the Heros, who don't seem to be responding. In fact, all the G-Stones have dropped to energy zero - recovery is impossible. Perhaps Gai knew this would happen from the very outset, and Banjou says that this sacrifice to win may have been too great. Fortunately, Makoto still believes in Gai and the others, screaming out in anguish for them to answer him. A burst of energy comes forth, and Gai tells him not to cry. This is a bona fide miracle, and Taiga says that this is what makes heros heros: doing the impossible. Today, the Heros won! Everyone is very happy to see Tokyo back in its rightful place except Miwa, who curses the Alpha Numbers for having trouble with an enemy that weak and wondering why they haven't come to pick him up. The Barmians with Erika's group start tending to the wounded, which Miwa doesn't want to accept since it's "pity" from the aliens. Erika tells him that planet of origin is unimportant: she wants to save as many people as possible. Miwa tells her to shut up: she needs his permission as the person in charge of the Far East base before doing anything. Erika sternly asks him if his job isn't saving lives, and Riliina tells Miwa that this peace front is here to start talks with the Barm. Miwa then starts yelling up a storm, demanding that they be arrested as spies on his personal authority. Miwa actually tries to shoot Erika, and a Barm soldier takes the bullet for her. Miwa thinks this is some kind of act, but Riliina yells at Miwa to stop immediately: it's this kind of self-righteous pistol waving that's caused all this fighting in the first place. She tells him to shoot her if he wants to: she's already prepared. THANKFULLY, Hiiro steps in, shooting Miwa first. He tells Miwa to try pointing a gun at HIM instead, and Miwa furiously tries to at least kill an alien or two. Hiroshi tells Erika to run, saying that he'll take over here and that she should continue her fight. He assures her that they'll meet again if they both stay alive, and she flees. Miwa then accuses Kazuya of being a spy, which Kazuya furiously points out is no way to talk to someone who just saved his life. Miwa says that there's nothing wrong with shooting an alien, and Kazuya screams at Miwa to know how Miwa can still call himself human. He decks Miwa in the jaw, yelling that Miwa's rank or station don't matter: Miwa is the lowest scum of the universe!!! He demands that Miwa stand before him so he can teach him the true meaning of the word "pain". He pummels Miwa repeatedly, but Ken'ichi steps in and says that Miwa isn't even worth hitting. Miwa vows to make you all regret defying him, but Kazuya dares him to try, saying that your people won't cave in to him. Just then, a certain person walks up and tells Miwa, no longer a base commander, that it is he who is under arrest. It's Megumi's dad, Gou, who's just returned to Japan. After rattling off a long list of offenses against the military, the Federation, and the people, he puts Miwa under arrest. He tells Miwa to save any complaints for his court martial, and your people figure that Miwa has just been served his just desserts. It turns out that Gou, a flag officer, had been off acting as a field operative for Military Intelligence [remember, he IS the successor to the Koga Ninja clan!] His work all over the world brought him in contact with the peace front, and he has very high hopes for the front's upcoming operations. That plan involves the assassination of Olban, the person who's seized control of the Barm. It's quite clear that he's the one responsible for Rihitel's father's death, and indeed is responsible for the entire war between Barm and Earth. Melby, the front's leader opted for assassination since he judged that peace talks could never resume so long as Olban holds the reins. Lady comments that although they're accepting Earth help, the Barmians want to solve this problem under their own steam. The fact that Gou is back means that the Federation wants to avoid spilling any more blood, which is good. What's bad is that Little Barm has almost reached the Earth Sphere. Gou asks Bright to leave Earth to him, and take his team to space. Bright rapidly agrees. Meanwhile, Melby's people are reminding Erika that she may not come back alive from this operation. She knows that, and says that when she saw Kazuya briefly he told her to keep fighting her fight. She's now enveloped in happiness that Kazuya understands what her fight is and is fighting towards the same objective. She says that she won't return to Kazuya's side until peace has arrived between their two worlds. Margarette is overjoyed to see how Erika's love for Kazuya has made her grow, and says that Rion would be most happy to see it too. As thanks Melby for his people's help and retires to her room, Hainel asks Melby if Erika is indeed Rion's daughter. Melby tells him that Erika is the front's hope, and symbol. Melby asks Hainel, who has helped their cause countless times, if he'd like to join the front. Hainel is grateful for the offer, but says that his hands are stained with too much blood for the purposes these people possess. This means that Hainel will go his own way once everyone reaches Little Barm, in order to take care of the unfinished business surrounding the Boazan emperor Zu Zanbajil. Hainel says that as long as that man refuses to give up on being the ruler of the galaxy, no peace can come to Boazan. Melby deeply respects Hainel's resolve, and wishes him fortune in his upcoming battle. Hainel pledges to do whatever he can to advance Melby and his people's ideals... Your people are very happy to see Gai in once piece, especially Mikoto. Hiroshi in particular is very glad to see that the self-proclaimed "world's strongest cyborg" didn't die in the line of duty. Gai even gets his favorite food, beef donburi to eat [and it looks like one of the seiyuu was involved in a real-life beef donburi ad...] Shishiou then comes and tells Gai that while the other Heros aren't exactly "A-ok", they'll pull through. If you followed instructions, this is where Shishiou says that Gaogaigar is where the major damage was done. But hey, this is a good chance to upgrade the damaged parts by putting in the Ultech engine: the upgrade being to the Stealth Gao designed for the still-remaining fight in space. Sanshirou is amazed that Shishiou had time to cook all this up, and Shishiou merrily laughs and says that he won't easily be bested by Daimoji, Sakon or Kosaku. Properly speaking, the new gadget is the Stealth Gao II, and when fully combined the result is called Star Gaogaigar. Gai is very glad for the upgrade, and Shishiou says ominously that he's not sure that we've seen the last of the Zondar. For example, in some unknown location, and unknown person is greeting the king of the mechanical world. It quickly becomes clear that the speaker is Kolos, who welcomes a being similar to herself. She wants him to loan her his immense power... ELSEWHERE, the Custos tells Irui that her chosen Sword has obliterated another peril. However, many perils still linger over this planet - and it's the job of the Guardians to protect the world from perils coming from all sources. It tells her to awaken and unleash her strong will, to protect the planet and those she loves. He tells her that the lord of Paral, Mashiaf, will become the protector of the world... which is in fact Irui herself, who abruptly changes music and hairstyles. She then apologizes to her three servant creatures for making them feel so lonely, and then takes up the whole "Many Swords, gather unto me, to protect the Earth" chant. She seems to be self-possessed though, and mentions Kusuha by name... and then says that she'll be the lord of them all!... You get 2 Propellant Tanks, 2 Cartridges, 2 Repair Kits, and a Super Repair Kit. Stage 47M. Totsugeki! MIKEENE Teikoku - Gohen ("Charge! Mikeene Empire - Part 2") Your people now know what the First Ward of Hell looks like, and despite being the Grim Reaper Duo doesn't like the sight one bit. Amuro says that all the negative emotions bottled up here are creating tremendous Pressure, and your people call the Emperor out... repeatedly since he seems to be somewhat shy. The Grand Marshal comes out first to trash talk a little, and Kouji decides that if the boss won't show up your people will just have to kick his ass first. Hell figures that that proves just how stupid your people are, and Tetsuya notes that something is wrong - there should be more people guarding this place. Is it an ambush, or...? For a Skill Point, clear the map by defeating Hell within six turns. This should be _quite_ doable in three. Kouji and Tetsuya are convinced that they haven't taken out the real Hell - his hatred for your people must surely be greater than that. The question is, why would he use an imposter now? Just then, the Emperor himself appears as, as Kouji puts it, an ordinary fireball. Your people are almost disappointed until Amuro says that that's not the Emperor's true form. Your people tell him to stop beating around the bush and face you, but he says that the main part of him is currently heading for Japan: yes, your people's home base. In fact, he's abandoned this base here, saying that if he can claim the Surface it'll be no big loss... especially considering that this burnt-black land is no place for his people to live anyway. Realizing that you've been had, Kouji wants to hurry to Japan, but the Emperor has prepared some opponents for you to prevent that. Not that they put up more than token resistance, but hey. You're going to be several hours behind the Mikeene by the time you get back to Japan, and Banjou sure hopes the Federation can hold out that long... It's not looking promising, and the scientists at Miwa's little conference are urging him to evacuate the civilians first. Miwa won't hear of it, still deluded by images of beating down the Mikeene here. Yotsuya and the others are genuinely losing their patience with this guy, who is in turn wondering what the hell the Alpha Numbers are up to. The three generals are meanwhile having a merry time wrecking the place, until your people show up... They figure you for huge idiots for trying to fight them despite being depleted after the previous battle, and Tetsuya cuts Kouji's rejoinders short - he's tired of hearing the bad guys run their mouth and plans to end it today. It's pretty simple now - wipe them out: all of them. As in the other path, reduce Gai to less than 500 HP to get the Stealth Gao II after this path. On turn 1.5, Miwa sticks his head out and sees that the Alpha Numbers are on hand. The scientists are still trying to get him to evacuate the civilians, but he says that evacuating him comes first - should anything happen to him it'd be a great loss to the Federation. Yotsuya gets furious at this but Kentarou tells Miwa to stay here and await rescue: he is going to rescue the civilians and tells Miwa that they'll meet again if they both live. The rest of the profs follow suit, and Miwa demands not to be left alone. The first enemy to be downed after this triggers events similar to the other path where Erika rescues Miwa's butt. The second one will crash near Makoto's friends, which causes Makoto go over and try to rescue them. On turn two, the three Custos show up. Banjou realizes that they only appear around you, and wonders what amongst your group is responsible. Amuro tells everyone to ignore them and focus on the Mikeene, and Kusuha realizes that they seem to be here to help instead of hauling her and Britto off. Ulyceasar is worth a Megagenerator. Hardias, as he promises to haunt you forever, is worth a Super Alloy Z. Bardlar, stopped one breath from regaining the open skies, is worth a High Performance Targeting System. Algos is worth Zolmanium Alloy. Hell is worth a Super Alloy nu-Z. He can't believe your people beat him, and Kouji and Tetsuya tell him that this fight wasn't about revenge, it was about the difference between the living and the dead. As Hell goes kablooie, Kouji hopes he never comes out of hell again. Once all the bad guys are dispatched, it's tempting to say that you won, except that the Emperor is still around. He comes forth in his full glory, to repeat his ancient role of guiding all living things into despair and darkness. Yuu at first thinks that it's a soul of energy, but Amuro notes that it's more like malice incarnate. Whatever it is, it's pissed off and starts calling down numerous lightning strikes. He tells your people, who now fear its power a bit more, to think of all their hopes as null and void now that you've seen it in person. The odd thing is, the Custos go over and start throwing down with it, and not faring too well either. Your people implore them to fall back, saying that your people will shoulder the burden instead. As they seem to understand you and comply, Banjou says that unless humans win this fight, it won't mean anything. The Emperor doesn't think that a few wounded humans can do anything to hurt it, but the Custos up and heal everyone before leaving completely. When you fight the Emperor for the first time, Miwa is once again impatient about your people having difficulty taking down a single enemy. He doesn't want to hear the aliens telling him to help the hostages, and Riliina shocks him by stating that she's going to stay and help the refugees. Even if Miwa doesn't believe in you, the rest of the folks seem to. The Emperor of the Darkness is a genuine menace. It's worth a Nejiri Hachimaki and metric long shitloads of money and experience. When you finally take down the Emperor, who's been alive for tens of thousands of years, he can't quite believe it's lost, and especially to mere humans. Tetsuya tells the Emperor to return to the darkness, if that's where it's from. Kouji adds that the Earth is not his, but rather belongs to every individual who loves peace. The Emperor manages as it dies to say that it'll exist as long as the darkness... exists... This is the end of the long battle Tetsuya and the others have fought against the Mikeene, but of course there are still other enemies left to face. But hey, at least peace is one step closer now. Cue the Makoto rescuing his friends bit (with Tokyo in somewhat better shape this time around). Cue the "Miwa's Last Stand" scene too, followed by Gou's explanation of the plot to assassinate Olban. And the scene Melby and Margarette and Erika and Hainel. AND with Irui. You get 2 Propellant Tanks, 2 Cartridges, 2 Repair Kits, and a Super Repair Kit. Stage 48. Kessen e no Byouyomi ("Countdown to the Final Battle") If you pursued the Mikeene and fulfilled the conditions to get the Stealth Gao II, Gai receives it now. If you got it, equip it before the battle starts unless you like casting pearls before swine. Something interesting has happened: Robert and Eri have _no_ information to offer about the Custos. This is interesting because they've pored over ALL kinds of records and scrolls and whatnot from all over human history, and can find _no_ mention of them before now. This seems to suggest that the Custos machines are not kin to the Choukijin, but are rather of some third (fourth?) party's making. Banjou recalls that the Arrowgaters had some mobile weapons like unto Earth life forms, but Viletta is pretty sure these aren't of Arrowgater origin... else, they'd hardly be expected to help your people out the way they do. In other words, you've got no clue. Just then, word comes from the Good Thunder in the Sea of Japan that the Docougar are at it again. Bundorl is determined to ignore the failures of the past and make _this_ the true decisive battle. The three of the are able to report to Neo Neros that they've got the Good Thunder completely surrounded. Apparently the Beamlar detecting radar that Dr. Jeter invented is finally proving some use. Kernagul grouses that that radar has delayed the new mecha he's ordered: an astonishing *35* mecha combining into one "God Neros". Kuttner doesn't even want to think about that, but Neo Neros tells everyone to keep on their guard. If the Alpha Numbers show up, he himself may have to sortie. Savalas isn't pleased to hear this, and tells Father to inform him as soon as he's pinpointed Neros' location. Your people arrive just then, ready to wipe out the Docougar so you can go to space with a clear conscience. Kenta, aboard the Goshogun, has some strange reservations he can't put into words. Bundorl kicks off the music for this fitting finale, and the three Docougar muse that it'll almost be a shame when this battle is over. Watching Kernagul steal Bundorl's "beautiful" line is worth the price of admission alone ^_^ For a skill point, reduce the Docougar to six squads or less within six turns. When you do so the remaining units will run away, so keep in mind which units you want to kill while attacking. On turn two, Kenta is hearing someone calling his name, and it's not anyone aboard the Good Thunder... On turn two, a Custos shows up, and promptly starts taking pot shots at the Good Thunder. Kenta can somehow tell that the Custos is serious, and your people will have to seriously shoot it down too. Kenta can't understand why this would be happening... If you should shoot it down, it'll end this stage of the battle as well (with no Skill Point to show for it). Bundorl is worth a High Performance Radar. When you take the Docougar down to six units, Father detects a Docougar ship approaching rapidly. Savalas has been waiting for this and orders the Good Thunder to teleport the bridge there at once. Bunta realizes that Savalas is trying to settle the score himself... Neo Neros isn't what you could call glad to see him, and Savalas tells him to give it up already. The Soul has already been born he says, but Neros notes that Savalas himself is supposed to have been that Soul: Savalas, Neros' own "son." Savalas says that as one of the test subject that Neros created, he's far from qualified to be the Soul. Neros notes caustically that Savalas' flight ended up with all the test subjects ending in failure, meaning he couldn't get his hands on the Soul needed to control the Beamlar. Savalas says that it can't be called a complete failure since he himself is here to defeat Neo Neros: doing so will mean that he'll finally be free. Neros says that he's existed a very long on this Earth, which is his: rather than let anyone else have it, he'd rather see it destroyed. Unfortunately, Savalas isn't able to scratch Neros, who claims to have been alive for millions of years. He further claims to be a god or demon, the incarnation of the fear and rage humans bear for other humans. The combatants reappear on the map, and Kenta seems to know all about who Neo Neros is. Kenta says that he now knows that he and all his friends have come here to finish this, and has Shingo pull Goshogun over to the combatants. He then starts glowing just like Mamoru, and Neo Neros figures he can just wipe out Kenta and take the Beamlar for himself. Kenta doesn't want to harm any further mecha, and has Shingo fire the Goflasher. Like before, this makes all the other mecha sentient, and they cry out that they'd rather die than fight other fellow robots. He says that there's no need for them to die though, and rather than order them around he tells them to fight as they see fit. They all up and run away, leaving a peevish Neo Neros to take down. Kenta yells out at this Docougar to begone from this world, striking what appears to be a fatal blow. Not that anyone else knows what the hell is going on. Neros is understandably upset to be defeated, but says that the time he is destroyed is the time that the Earth itself will be destroyed. Hyouma figures this is just the kind of throw-away line that a major villain would use, but it seems that it's not entirely a bluff... a swarm of neutron missiles, supposedly prohibited by the Antarctic Treaty [just like nukes -_-;;] appears! These are supposedly worse than fusion weapons [though in fact the so-called neutron bomb is actually a very _low_ powered fusion munition in real life...], and they're aimed at every major city in the world. A single missile will reduce said city to ash. Predictably, your people have to go over and shoot them down, led by the example of that pesky Custos. Kenta will keep the warheads from exploding, so all your people have to do is frag the missiles themselves. The next turn, who should appear but the Docougar guys! Your people have an awful lot of trouble believing that they're now going to help you, and are rather surprised that Kernagul has a wife in New York he's trying to protect. Daimoji at length decides to accept their help, and Bundorl goes as far to say that it's an honor to fight by your side. Your people should be able to shoot down the missiles easily. There's no radiation, and Savalas thanks you all for helping to totally wipe out the Docougar. The Docougar people are planning to retire and go back to their previous lives: martial arts in Kuttner's case, the fried chicken restaurant in Kernagul's case. Bundorl is going to simply go into hiding like a true flower blossoming in the darkness, and since Remy won't tell him "see you again", he tells her as much on his own. The Custos even departs then, leaving your people to wonder why it turned on you temporarily. Banjou would like to think it was merely some kind of mistake... At least your people can now head to space with a clearer conscience. Shinda tells Kenta that Neros was but one obstacle to the Beamlar maturing: there's still a long way to go before it's fully reawakened. He tells Kenta that the Beamlar wants everyone to peacefully coexist in space - while mankind continues to fight amongst itself, it isn't fit to truly inherit the Beamlar's powers. Kiry isn't impressed by this, but the rest of the team wants peace not for the Beamlar, but for their own and all mankind's sake. In short, only when you've kicked the ass of all the outstanding enemies will the Beamlar fully manifest... that's also the time when a journey to outer space will begin, probably borne by Orphan at this rate. You've got some REALLY tough hurdles to overcome between now and then, but Shinda believes mankind has the power to make the leap. Shinda then begins to fade from the monitors, saying that he'll be leaving Kenta for a while, erased entirely from Father's memory banks. He tells Kenta that mankind will eventually become masters of time: when that happens, Kenta will probably see him again. Kenta resolves not to cry, saying that he believes in the future the Beamlar is showing. Shinda then tells Shishiou that everything will be clear at the end of this battle, and the fate of all mankind is at stake. The clock is now ticking down to the final battle. As Shinda fades out, the Goshogun team commend Kenta on his growing maturity. Savalas plans to wait for the final awakening of the Beamlar aboard the Good Thunder, saying that he probably won't see you again until mankind sets forth on its journey. [At this point, the game bifurcates highly. Based on whether you pursued the Mikeene or the Zondar, future missions will fill in the other half of the story. Additionally, whether you decide to join forces with Hamarn or not will further compound the multiplicity. In the interest of time, I'm only going to take the Cooperate with Hamarn route following the pursuit of the Mikeene.] Stage 49. Ketsudan ("Decision") Synapse reports that Little Barm has just reached the Earth Sphere, having destroyed the advance Federation units sent to meet it. Given that those forces were supposed to be able to withstand full-scale alien assault, it seems that Little Barm is less an artificial moon and more a gigantic battle station. Their battle plan seems to be to attack the moon first and then the colonies. This seems to indicate that Erika and the others failed to assassinate Olban. That would be why you all have come to space - in fact, it's why both Jion factions AND the Federation are combating the Barmians right now. In fact, the bad guys are heading your way now, proof that they see you as quite a threat. Time for some serious payback for before. Bergan for his part is impressed that you all managed to survive the asteroid drop. The Four Lords are feeling pretty confident anyway, especially since if Olban sticks to the plan there will be several times the warpower on their side. The number they've already got indicates they're serious, which is just great by Tetsuya: coming all the way to Earth just makes them that much easier to shoot. Kazuya thinks to Erika that if her plan has indeed failed, he'll fight Olban himself. For a Skill Point, take the enemy down to less than six units in four turns. On 1.5, Judou senses something that he'd like to believe is his imagination. Kilar is worth a Super Alloy Z. On turn 4.5, or when you fulfill the Skill Point condition, it's unmistakable that Hamarn is here! As your people stare in amazement, Desmond informs the other Lords that he has a plan, and tells them to all pull back to Little Barm: apparently Hamarn's forces have been mistaken for some kind of reinforcements. After the bad guys pull out, Hamarn explains to Judou that space is too noisy for her to be sleeping on Axis. Amuro asks if she's brought all that warpower to attack the aliens, to which she replies that she can't just let the aliens attack the Colonies. When Bright asks, she says that she's determined to do so apart from the Federation, at least until the Federation redoes its political structure. Bright tells her that your people intend to strike the aliens and not her forces; though if she insists on fighting you'll have no choice but to respond in kind. Hamarn playfully wonders aloud what she should do, and Judou reminds her that the two sides came to an understanding during the Balmar War - is there no other choice but to continue the fighting. After a moment, she tells Judou to rest easy: she didn't come here to fight your people: she's got bigger fish to fry than your people as representatives of the Federation. Amuro realizes that she's talking about Char, and she compliments him on how perceptive he is... perceptive enough to understand her feelings now. She accuses Char of trying to lead mankind to Renewal while he himself is attempting to retreat from it. She finds this unfair, and Camille asks if she's actually offering to help you overthrow Char. Hamarn wouldn't mind that so much, saying that she can't agree with Char's attempt to renew humanity by wrecking the Earth. On the other hand, it could be said that that's better than what the Federation is doing. She then asks you: would _your_ people have her? She tells you that if you don't accept, she'll sign an alliance with Char... not precisely a threat, as such. She notes with some amusement that it was partial your people's doings in the Balmar war that made her think this way and return from the asteroid belt to Earth. [You can choose either to sign a cease-fire with Hamarn, or refuse her. I chose the former for now.] Yuu doesn't take Bright's decision to accept Hamarn lightly, but Nanga points out that Bright made it despite having crossed swords with Hamarn many times before. Amuro adds that while he understands Yuu's feelings, doing nothing but fighting isn't the road to peace. Every last piece of warpower to oppose the Neo-Jion and Barm is what you need right now. Camille points out that Hamarn isn't motivated by emotion - she should be trustworthy. Yuu finally relents, and Bright requests permission to come aboard Hamarn's ship to plan for the upcoming battles. She agrees, saying that she's interested in seeing a few old faces herself (i.e. Judou...) Nani wants to know what to do now that Hamarn has joined forces with the Alpha Numbers - should she send forces to try to capture Axis after the aliens are dealt with? He tells her that there's no need to be fixated on Axis, especially not when he's got Jovian nukes on his side. He seems determined to press forward with other plans and not dwell on Hamarn, so Nanai prepares to test "that plan". Should "it" fall, it'd wreak even more damage than Axis, and Nanai says that it'll be a worse act than any one person has ever perpetrated before. He of course isn't planning on backing out now, and Nanai wants to know why EVERYONE including Dugachi has their souls so bound by the Earth's gravity. Char figures that humans may just be programmed that way: the Earth is rich and beautiful, and venturing forth from it may just be some terrifying, despair-filled journey. Indeed, "somebody" may even have somehow instilled fear of leaving the Earth into the bottom of human memory, and according to Char somebody has to shoulder the burden of making all mankind into Newtypes and ending that fear. Nanai isn't so sure: she thinks Char has made up this plan just to get back at Amuro, saying that Amuro is a man who mistakes gentleness for one of the Newtypes' weapons [huh? O_o] She figures that although a woman could forgive Amuro that, Char himself can't [HUH?!? O_o] This makes Char stop and wonder if that's why Lalah tried to reach Amuro's heart back then, and he tells a puzzled Nanai that what this really means is that Amuro and he are too much alike, and therefore naturally hate each other. Lovely. Hamarn greets Judou for the first time since the conference during the Balmar War. Judou starts by thanking her for protecting Liina when she was injured at Axis. She tells him that no thanks are necessary - Liina belonged by her side anyway. She then informs Bright of Axis' strength: 48 battleships and around 3600 mobile suits. This is less than Synapse expected, and Hamarn notes that the ongoing strife with Jupiter is to blame. This surprises Bright, who thought that Hamarn's forces were still in a standoff with Neo-Jion. She replies that while Neo-Jion and Jupiter have formed an alliance, Dugachi seems to have his own schemes and his own ways of carrying them out separate from Char. That said, the two sides aren't yet antagonizing each other: both share a common goal after all: making Earth into a dead world. Given that Axis is out of the picture, your people all expect this to come in the form of a massive nuclear strike. Hamarn notes sourly that Char seems to be in ever more of a hurry to find his answer after making himself her enemy after the Balmar War: it's almost comical. She then notes that she's not the only one opposed to what Char and Dugachi are up to, and tells Vera that she's got someone for her to meet: it's Dorel Rona (assuming you met the conditions to recruit him). Vera is surprised to see him here, and he tells her that she can laugh at him if she wants: he's now neither the leader of the Crossbone Vanguard or even the head of the Rona House. He's lost everything with the death of his father Iron Mask, and left the Crossbone Vanguard of his own will: he's smart enough to realize that now isn't the time for political debate with aliens attacking and all. Besides, the nobility are supposed to be the sword and shield of the people in times of trouble... but Zabiine and Jire found out what he was up to before hand, and that was the end. He reminds Vera that he was merely adopted into the Rona household... thus, now that he's lost everything, he wants to try to find his own ideals as a single warrior. Kincaidu is glad to see Dorel finally free of Iron Mask's curse, and he tells Vera that he'll help out as the one and only thing left for him to do. Synapse tells Hamarn that your people are planning on a pinpoint strike to take out Olban, the leader of Little Barm. Hamarn plans to shield the colonies, and sneak around to provide you reinforcements. Amuro makes sure once more that he can trust her, and she repeats that he should be able to understand how she feels, not as fellow Newtypes but as fellow victims of betrayal by a certain person. Amuro thinks about this for a moment, then smiles and admits that they do seem to have something in common now. Hamarn smiles too, saying that Char wants to setting things with Amuro... but not if she settles Char first. More or less, whoever lives through this mess gets to take Char out, and Hamarn gives you some mobile suits and nuclear missiles to help out (she's confident that you'll figure out how to use them as more than mere weapons). After the conference is over, Four and the Puru sisters find Hamarn. She recognizes them as the fugitives from Gremy's Newtype research program at the Murasame laboratory. Puru tells Hamarn not to use her sisters in battle, and Puru2 tells her that she's aware that her sisters are aboard the black Quberays. Hamarn then asks them what they're fighting for, and when Puru falters Four answers so that no more children will have to be born as tools of war, as well as eliminating that war itself. Hamarn digests this, pointing out that to end fighting, power is needed - and Hamarn definitely gave the girls power. However, she hasn't interfered with their hearts: in short, their reason for fighting is the same as your people's. She smiles and tells them, Judou's "little sisters" not to die, less their Quberays be sad too. You get 2 Propellant Tanks, 2 Cartridges, 2 Repair Kits, a Super Repair Kit, a Dobenwolf, and two Mass Production Quberays. Assuming of course that you got the Puru sisters enough kills... Stage 50. Shou-BAAMU no Taikoubousen ("The Great Struggle for Little Barm") Rihitel is stewing in jail, basically wondering whether his people have won or not and not much else. Just then Raiza shows up, telling him that the prison guards are now elsewhere. She informs him that she and Balbas had been prohibited from boarding their ships, but with the final offensive coming she and he have been restored to command. Rihitel is glad to hear that the time has come to wipe out those pesky humans... until Raiza tells him that Little Barm is currently in lunar orbit. He's appalled at the danger this puts all the cold-sleeping Barmians in, and wonders what the hell Olban is thinking. Raiza has heard some bad rumors about Olban, that he's sold the people of Barm to Darius of Zayla. Rihitel is predictably skeptical of this, but Raiza says that there's more: Olban is rumored to be behind Rion's assassination. He wants to know where that rumor came from, and Raiza thinks it started with members of the Peace front among the civilians. Rihitel is surprised to learn of that organization's existence, and Raiza says that their objective is to topple the Barm and Zaylan leadership responsible for the war and resume peace talks with the Earth. Rihitel can't believe that Raiza herself is being taken in by this, but she points out that _Olban_ is the one who stuffed Rihitel into this dungeon: surely there's some dark secret going on. Apparently, the front has already tried to assassinate Olban, but were somehow found out beforehand and all imprisoned by Geroyier... and their leader was none other than Erika. Furthermore, Melby (who took Erika away from the undersea base) was the leader of the whole Front. Rihitel figures this for more of Erika's shameless behavior, but Raiza keeps quiet, finally saying that she and Balbas will eventually rescue Rihitel when the time is right and asking him to be patient a while longer. Rihitel, short on brain cells as usual, vows to oppress the Earth before the so-called Peace front has their say. Balbas tries to tell Raiza that it'll all be okay: if they as Rihitel's subordinates do well in battle, Rihitel will surely be let off the hook. Raiza isn't so sure, thinking that things run deeper than that. Just then a soldier comes in rather unexpected, spooking Raiza and nearly getting Balbas to summon the guards. The soldier has something to show them first... Geroyier is meanwhile preparing to do something horrible to another one of the Peace front soldiers, who is pleading that he doesn't want to fight any more. Dangel is in cahoots, and somehow turns the soldier into a Dark Birdman. It appears that the experiment was a success. Desmond asks "Number 803" who the greatest god in the universe is, and receives the answer "Desmond". Dangel asks 803 who the god that he will swear fealty and lay down his life for is: again, Darius. This is in fact the footage that the Barmian is showing to Raiza and Balbas, figuring that they've already heard the rumors. Balbas furiously demands to know if this is one of the Peace front guys, but just then one of the birdmen shows up and figures them _all_ for traitors. Raiza tells Balbas to take the man and run... Your people see Little Barm as currently quiet. Are they waiting to attack you inside, or is this a trap, or...? Synapse says that there's no time to hesitate, and your people hurry forward, only to get zapped by "Pyramid Power", another name for a strong plasma attack. This seems to be what took out the advance Federation elements, and Olban shows up to gloat a bit. Just as your people are about to withdraw, the Barmian, Balbas in tow, leaves Little Barm to entrust your people with the mission of assassinating Olban. Balbas protests that the humans are the enemy, but the Barmian points out that Olban himself is a traitor: if there are bad humans, there must be some good ones too. Daimoji orders Pete to shield the ship from the Barm fire, and your people hastily rescue the ship and bail. Olban tells Geroyier to let this apparent Peace front fugitive go, and Geroyier figures he can find out all about whoever it was from "her". Raiza for her part apologizes in advance for probably not being able to fulfill her promise to Rihitel. It turns out that this is the same Barmian that Miwa shot: that wound, plus the damage he just suffered, will probably prove fatal. He tells Kazuya that he owes him his life, and pleads with Kazuya to hurry: Olban's ambitions have reached the final stage. And, to squelch the rebellious, he's soon to execute Erika. The Barmian tells Kazuya to get all the details from Balbas, asking and all the Alpha Numbers with his dying breath to restore peace to space. Some of your people aren't particularly thrilled with the prospect of helping out this Barmian general, who in turn isn't planning on asking for the help of his enemy to fix Olban's wrongdoing. Kazuya asks Balbas what he _is_ planning to do, and Balbas says that while he would normally challenge you all, he is forced by the resolve his fallen comrade showed to asks you all for help in toppling Olban. He makes it perfectly clear that he's not planning on lowering his head to you: this is all for the billion Barmians in cold sleep. Your people figure they can trust this guy, but the problem is how to get into Little Barm. The scientists have a way, though it's pretty risky. Your people would rather be taking the risk than spending time debating it, and Shishiou says that it all depends on Deimos and the V's. This will CERTAINLY put their lives in jeopardy... Geroyier isn't impressed with the fact that your dudes are back. Apparently the plan is for Deimos to go to full power, converting it and everything nearby to energy. The V's will then synchronize their ultramagnetic energy with Deimos, sending the four machines inside Little Barm's barrier. They will then disable the barrier from within. Of course, should your people mess up the timing the machines which have become energy will never be able to rematerialize, doomed to wander space for all eternity. The pilots don't mind, having already said their prayers and such. Kazuya for his part is urging Balbas on, saying that it's all for the sake of returning peace to Barm (this impresses Balbas). It will take those machines 3 turns to charge their energy, during which point they'll be immobile. The rest of your dudes will of course hold off the bad guys until then. On 1.5, Geroyier decides to demonstrate how invincible Little Barm is by firing the Plasma gun again. It should be quite doable to take out all the bad guys within two turns. Geroyier is astounded. You still have to endure another round of bombardment. On turn four, the energy is charged and ready to go. Chizuru has momentary second thoughts, but gets over them fast. With much bravado, your people power up, of course making it inside. The V's set out to take down the field generator, and Deimos is sent to rescue Erika. The plan is to meet up at Olban's treasury. Meanwhile, a certain person shows up to get Rihitel out of the area. He tells Rihitel to hurry, and to see the truth with his own eyes. Olban at that moment receives the report of the humans getting into Little Barm and taking out the Plasma Generator. Erika is glad to hear the Alpha Numbers are coming, and Olban figures that Erika's lover must be here. Erika tells Olban to say his prayers, and Olban seems to think that that courage and beauty make her suitable to be his bride. Erika tells him to shut up, demanding to know who would marry the killer of their own father. Olban figures that executing Kazuya before her eyes should be enough to win her heart [O_o] Fortunately, Kazuya shows up to demonstrate that things won't go that easily for him, and to hold him responsible for fomenting the war between the Earth and the Barm. Kazuya's friends are of course there too, as is Balbas, who has finally come around to the truth. All Olban has to say to Balbas' accusations is "...So?", and Kyoushirou advises against wasting words on this dude. Geroyier figures that Kazuya and the crew are fools to come here alone, figuring the guards will stop them at any moment... except the guards never show up. Of course, the V's have taken care of that little problem. Well, there's one MORE little problem left: Olban still has Erika. Olban tries to use this chance to shoot Kazuya, but Balbas takes the bullet, saying it's his turn to save Kazuya. Kazuya vows to not waste Balbas's resolve, and defeat Olban and Geroyier with his own hands. Geroyier figures Balbas for a fool for giving up his life defending a human, and the V pilots shout that these beings who look like men are in fact demons in human form. Olban furiously shouts at them all to shut up - HE is the ruler of Barm! Before he can fire another shot, Hainel intervenes, yelling back that Olban is by no means fit to rule anyone. Ken'ichi is very glad to see his brother, who in turn had been quite sure Ken'ichi would make it this far. Geroyier is astounded that the Boazan would go back on their alliance, and Hainel furiously accuses people like him for why there's never any peace for the people. In fact, he has no intention of forgiving these evildoers, or the emperor Zu Zanbajil either. Hainel says that the very fact he was able to set foot upon his home planet again is due to the protection of the god Goldor. Olban angrily points out that it was Zu who pointed out the Earth to the Barm, which Hainel explains as a ploy to have the Barm subdue the Earth's militaries and deliver them to Zu's own hand, so that he could become the ruler of the entire galaxy. This is of course no different than the Ze Balmariy empire, and is exactly the reason Hainel returned to Earth. He then tells Rihitel to settle this matter by his own hands: Rihitel will recall the kindness Hainel has shown to the end of his life. He starts by apologizing to Erika and his subordinates, and says that he's definitely seen Olban's evil firsthand. Surely his sword will make clear the fury of Rion and of the Barm citizens. Unfortunately for Rihitel, Olban's throne is surrounded by a defensive screen. Unfortunately for Olban, Raiza takes the bullet that was meant for Rihitel. Just then comes the sound of the Birdman modification facility blowing up, just as Hainel had planned. Olban and Geroyier than hurry outside, planning to murder all the people there. Raiza gets to die in Rihitel's arms, saying that it's only natural she lay down her life for the person most important to her. Melby then shows up, saying that all the others have been saved by the Alpha Numbers but that Olban has just sortied in a huge battleship. As the V teams prepare to head out, Hainel tells Ken'ichi to pursue the path he feels is right... and should that align with his own, he'll gladly lend a hand. Melby meanwhile says that he'll take care of evacuating Erika and the noncombattants, and tells Rihitel to lead his people against Olban. Rihitel then tells Kazuya that all his rage towards him is based on a misunderstanding, and asks permission to fight alongside him until he can make that wrong right. Now it's time to resume the THROW DOWN. Olban shows up in the Zandar, which Zu gave him himself. Of course, the Four Lords aren't showing any signs of showing up to support him, and of course Olban isn't about to let that slow him down. Bergan now realizes that Olban is too stupid to realize when he's been abandoned, and figures that he was VERY incorrect to come all the way out here to Earth, even if on Zanbajil's orders. Just then the V's, Deimos, and if eligible Hainel and Rihitel show up too. The trash talking ensues, leading up to Olban figuring that the common people exist only to be used for the whims of their ruler. For a Skill Point, take down the enemy flagship in seven turns. You should be able to wipe out everyone in more like three. Two of the enemies has a Biosensor. Olban is worth an *S-Adaptor*. Olban can't believe that you took out him, the ruler of a billion Barmians. He figures that Earth will now destroy the Barm, but Kazuya vows that as long as your people are around that will never happen. Banjou joins the shouting match, telling Olban not to think that everyone in space is self-righteous and profit-driven like him. Hime yells out that your people are prepared to listen if the other side is prepared to talk, and Ryou yells that people like Olban who only think of themselves don't deserve to live in this universe. After Olban falls, Rihitel tells Kazuya that he can do with him as he pleases. Unfortunately, at that moment someone starts attacking the area from long range. It's the Four Lords, who of course were aiming for this moment, and figure that they can just build another conversion machine to replace the one you broke. Your people are pretty beat up, but Melby calls in and asks you to return to Little Barm to regroup and strategize. This is no longer an Earth/Zayla or Barm/Zayla conflict: it's everyone who loves peace versus Darius! Daimoji agrees, ordering everyone to regroup on Little Barm in preparation for the final battle against the Zaylan Black Holar Army. Stage 51. Ankoku no Shihaisha ("Ruler of the Darkness") The Four Lords are reporting to Darius that, according to plan, the Earthlings have killed Olban and Bergan. Now all they've got to do is take out the depleted Alpha Numbers, and the Billion Barmians are theirs to use as soldiers. They figure that you all are shaking in your boots about Little Barm, and figure that all they've got to do is just smoke you out. Darius is glad to hear that he's about to no longer have the Earth to fear, and plans to head to Little Barm himself. His orders: eradicate the Alpha Numbers before he shows up. Every mechanic in Little Barm is working on fixing your mecha, but it's far from clear that Little Barm will last long enough. Wouldn't you know it, but Hainel and Rihitel have headed out first... The Four Lords are busy making black holes with their Death Cross Formation. Rihitel and Hainel have a clear purpose: take out at least two of their machines so they can no longer use that attack. Hainel is determined to buy time until the Alpha Numbers show up, and explains that he's trying so hard to defend Little Barm out of a sense of penitence. Not so much because his people were trying to use the Barm, but in deference to some larger sense of... justice. When Rihitel seems dubious, Hainel tells him that he'll understand eventually. They handily take out the black hole generators, and the Four Lords withdraw slightly to let their troops do the talking. Happily, your dudes are now repaired and ready to go. For a Skill Point, clear the map in eight turns. It appears that when you reduce the bad guys to less than six units, Darius himself shows up. Darius is in fact a giant machine, made by the Zaylans to withstand and bring forth the power of black holes. Mind you, Zayla itself was consumed by the black hole, and the Zaylans became space refugees. Ken'ichi demands to know why Darius didn't try to use peaceful means to secure a new home for his people, and Rihitel figures that trying to manipulate the Barm, even for the same objective, is unpardonable. Much trashtalking ensues, and defeating Darius is the victory condition for the battle. Dankel is worth a Super Alloy nu-Z. Desmond is worth a High Performance Targeting System. Kilar is worth a Zolmanium Alloy, as is Asimov. Darius is worth a Yuusha no Rakuin. Darius can't believe he's about to lose, and Sanshirou tells him that evil losing to good is the immutable law of the universe. The problem is that he's determined not to die alone - he plans to take out Little Barm in the process! Rihitel and Hainel aren't about to let that happen, resolving to guide the guy to Hell themselves if that's what it takes. As Ken'ichi calls out to his brother, Hainel says that being recognized as their sibling means he has no regrets: he entrusts his mother planet of Boazan, and his father, to them. Kazuya implores Rihitel to come back, but Rihitel says that Kazuya is a hero among heros, saying that he intends to apologize for all the Earthlings whose lives he's taken with his own. He entrusts Kazuya with those billion Barmians, and Darius gets taken away to explode. All three of their machines disappear, and though this marks the end of the war with the aliens, the sacrifices were not small. Ken'ichi is trying not to cry, believing that Hainel isn't really dead (after all, he lived through the fires of the Balmar War just fine). He quickly recovers, telling his brothers that there's no time to be sad - the fighting is by no means over. Kazuya meanwhile is trying to quiet Erika's tears, saying that crying doesn't befit the new peaceful start that Rihitel wished for the Earth and Barm. He tells her to listen, and she hears the cheers of Barm newly awakened to peace, just as Rihitel would have wanted. Melby introduces himself as the representative of the peace front, whose actions your people have found both profoundly helpful and instructive. And it's all thanks to Kazuya and Erika and their love that crosses planetary boundaries. Melby wants to resume peace talks, but understands that they'll have to remain on hold until the fighting on Earth reaches what should now be its inevitable conclusion. As your people reflect on the nature of love (Tetsuya still doesn't get it), Kazuya has to cut short his happy reunion with Erika. Kazuya promises to return, bearing victory, and asks Erika to send him off with a smile (she does so). Elsewhere, Dugachi is addressing his imperial troops, telling them that now is the time to kill off the parasites on the universe known as the Federation given the alien menace is ended. Given that the Neo-Jion isn't acting, it's time for the Jovians to act on their own! He seems very happy about the fact that what he has planned will kill roughly 60% of the Earth's surface, saying that though this prospect may sadden some it's the only way to uproot the Federation. He views this as the only way for the peoples in space to gain any legitimacy, and Barns seems ready to believe that this is the only way for the world to progress. The plan seems to be to count on the other 40% to be bountiful and bless the Jovians, and Dugachi instructs his people to be angry: what summoned this destruction is none other than Federation incompetence. The Jovians' final operation begins here... Stage 52. Ketchaku wa Ningen no Te De ("Settling the Score by Human Hands") The Eos Niyux (Chelindon's ship) is sending a distress call: according to Hamarn, the Jovians have just swung into action. Kincaidu is surprised to hear that Hamarn and Chelindon have been in in touch, but Chelindon says they both want peace in space and notes that Dugachi seems to have decided not to wait around for Char before acting. Hamarn's forces have left Axis to try to put a stop to this, and your people are of course going to go and participate in the fight. Chelindon asks Vera to have Judou and Tobia come to her after the fighting, so that their abilities can be awakened and they can become powers for ushering in a new age. She says that she'll permit their powers to be used for fighting this once [@_x;;;;] Tobia isn't having it, mainly because he wants to see how far he can go without officially becoming a Newtype. Judou thinks this is just fine, noting that Newtypes are people too [^^;;] and saying that any new age should be made not by one Newtype but by the power of all the people. Bernadette is somewhat morose, wondering if her father is already dead. She figures her father must already be dead, and his automatons giving the orders, on the theory that her own father wouldn't do something so terrible. She asks Tobia to stop this madness, lest her father's wishes go any farther astray. Somehow or other the Jovians have all but wiped out Hamarn's and the Federation fleets. Hamarn caustically praises Dugachi for staging a blitzkrieg when her forces were still depleted after the alien fighting. Dugachi figures Char is just some young whelp, and says that once the Earth was slated for demolition that demolition should be carried out swiftly. Hamarn is not precisely impressed, and notes that her role is over now that the Alpha Numbers are here... Judou realizes that he needn't have worried about Hamarn's safety [^_^], and Vera demands to know what Dugachi thinks making the Earth a dead planet will accomplish (well, only 60% dead, but who's counting besides Barns?) Dugachi finally reveals his true objective: total annihilation. Nothingness. Kaputification! He wants the Earth so dead that it's even deader than that. The goal seems to be to make mankind that much easier to govern, by pulling the strings on the colonies that would become the sole suppliers of everything mankind needs. The debate seems to center around whether mankind can progress or even endure if deprived of its mother planet, and Giri figures that if nothing else this is a good way to bring about eternal peace. Tobia isn't going to let that slide, but Karas actually invites him to join the new imperial guard that'll be necessary to keep the colonies in line after the Earth is razed. Tobia refuses, and your people wisely observe that the state Giri has described isn't peace, but rather soullesness. Karas tells his men to try to force you to understand by nuking you, and Amuro tells Hamarn to retreat. She's not about to retreat in the face of bastards like the Jovians, and Judou and the Puru sisters plan to make sure that Hamarn doesn't lose her life on this one, since she's now a friend. Hamarn seems actually touched by this, and Vera says that your objective is Jupitoris 9: you shouldn't care about the small fry given that any number of hidden tricks may be coming your way. Tobia asks God, if He really exists, not to lend a hand - to let humans settle this one by themselves. When you down Giri, he notes that he can no longer go home. He was supposed to be the most gifted Newtype in Dugachi's service... but now that he's failed, he's worthless. He intends to die with his machine, and bids Tobia the pirate boy farewell. Fortunately for him, his ejection seat is smarter than he is and fires anyway. He's worth a Psychoframe. On 1.5 Kincaidu wonders where Zabiine is - he wants to settle that score too. On 2.0 Karas presses Dugachi to let him go to the front lines, which Dugachi permits. Dugachi also tells Zabiine to be of some use to him, and then asks what his objective is. It's the foundation of an aristocracy, and Zabiine madly figures that the power Dugachi is about to display is proof of his nefarious right to be at the top of the social order. Zabiine is in fact overjoyed to be used by the strong, and figures that history will long remember Dugachi's deeds today. Karas comes out and hails Tobia for making it this far as his pupil - it's now time for his final exam. Kincaidu has nothing to say to Zabiine, other than that he's going to kill his ass once and for all today. Dorel, if you've got him, says that should Kincaidu fail, he'll finish Zabiine off. If you have Kincaidu fight Zabiine, Zabiine will unstably ask why he's still here, saying that Kincaidu is already dead and claiming that dead men can do nothing. When you off him, he starts babbling about how Dugachi promised to give him the world to aristocricize as he sees fit. Kincaidu points out to him that the woman he claims is most suitable to rule that world, doesn't want to rule it: if the most suitable rulers don't want rulership, it means that those who want them to rule are unsuited for being ruled. This evidently means aristocracy is inherently flawed... (Oh, and Zabiine is worth a Biocomputer). When you take down Kalas, he congratulates Tobia on being the victor, and tells him, like the victor he is, to surpass Kalas. He's worth a Hyper Jammer. Jire is worth a Gigagenerator. He notes that the fall of his Zamus Gal means the failure of the Raflesia Project. Dorel quite agrees, saying that aristocracy shouldn't be founded by such means. He cries for the old blood to be laid waste, vowing to take up the ideals of Cosmo Babylonia. When you down the Jupitoris 9, the Jovian Fleet commander reports that its reactor has taken a direct hit. He asks Dugachi for orders, and after a moment Dugachi says that _he_ will sortie: he can no longer count on his worthless underlings. Tobia is very glad that Dugachi is toast, but all the bona fide Newtypes can still sense his hatred... very much alive! Kincaidu realizes that this dude is very dangerous, and wonders why Dugachi wants to destroy the Earth so badly... What emerges is a giant mobile armor, of a sort your people haven't seen before. In fact, seven of them all told, with nukes strapped to them to boot. No doubt any one of them could easily pollute the world: you've got to stop _all_ these demons. When you off the fourth Dugachi, Tobia senses that something is wrong. He remembers the other Newtypes saying that Dugachi is a soul filled with hatred, and realizes that he can't feel hatred emanating from these mecha. He hastily tells everyone that the real Dugachi is still around somewhere, which the other Newtypes already know: a cold, dark Pressure is coming from somewhere nearby. Your people figure out where he's really at, and Dugachi angrily tells Tobia not to get in his way. Tobia demands to know if Dugachi is really no longer human, no different than some space monster from outer space - is he really not Bernadette's parent?! Dugachi yells at him to get out of the way again, and Kincaidu can tell that this is the genuine article. Just then, word comes in that Orphan is beginning to rise under its own will. Will it drain all the Earth's Organic Energy?? Dugachi thinks it too is despairing of the Earth. In any case, you've got three turns until the Dugachi's enter the atmosphere. Take out all the copies before the original for a Skill Point. Once you damage Dugachi past a certain point he starts explaining why he's doing what he's doing... or, tries anyway. All alone!, he emphasizes, all ALONE he's come to make the Jupiter Sphere bigger. Jupiter would be that big gas giant thingie incapable of making breathable air and whatnot. He roundly accuses the Federation of withholding food, water, and whatever else they felt like, and says that FINALLY he's in a position to make Jupiter something like it's own nation. Of course, those ideals made him leave his wife on Earth, pissing him off further. Medically speaking at least, they are Bernadette's parents, and perhaps this all could have been averted if Dugachi simply hated his wife, but instead he loves his wife, loves the gentleness that only one raised on the rich lands of the Earth could have. This guy has ISSUES. Tobia isn't quite sure how to respond to Dugachi's tirade, except finally to ask if that's "all" the reason it took to foment the war. If you have Amuro fight him, Amuro says that he understands why Dugachi broke ranks with Char: he doesn't want a renewal of humanity, only its destruction. Dugachi says that the scars on his heart are too deep to heal, but Amuro says that that's just being egotistical - and he won't let any egotistical bastard wreck mankind's future. When you take down Dugachi, he madly dreams of the Earth going down in flames. Kincaidu, understandably peeved, informs Dugachi that he's not allowed to see even an illusion of such a thing, and smacks his ass around a bit more. Dugachi is worth a Gravity Territory and the usual obscene amount of money and XP. Zechs provides a bit of insight as to why Dugachi didn't just attack the Earth with all 8 of his mobile armors at once: he hesitated to really wipe out the Earth like he claimed to want to do. Loving to the point of hate - both the Earth and his wife... guess Dugachi was human after all. Banjou notes that Dugachi's undoing may have been his inability to trust others. RIP and whatnot. Tobia seems genuinely happy that all this hatred and suffering were in the final analysis a human's fault... he thinks that this must be one of those tasks that humans have to accomplish before they can move forward into a new age. The [utterly nonexistent] remnants of the Jovian army then surrender, and Vera declares the war with Jupiter over in her name. Of course, it's not quite time for her and Kincaidu to get their real names back... Char takes the news of Dugachi's and the Jovian army's collapse calmly, figuring that Dugachi was only human after all... and his soul was still caught in the Earth's gravity despite being in Jupiter's gravity well [um...] Char happily proclaims that it's all the more reason to free all those souls from gravity so that such tragedies aren't repeated, and after a dubious pause Nanai confirms that the Final Operation(tm) is still on despite the loss in warpower. Apparently the plan requires some mysterious object (Orphan?) which has been reported to be in action. Char gives the order to all the troops to sortie and destroy the Alpha Numbers in the upper atmosphere as the prologue to plunging the Earth into nuclear winter. Judou once again compliments Hamarn on living through the previous battle, and she smirks and sniffs that she won't die until after settling the score with a certain man. She's fairly sure that Char should swing into action now that Dugachi is kaput, fulfilling both his duties as commander of Neo-Jion and in an attempt to put paid to everything in his past. That would entail killing all your people and making the Earth a dead world. Hamarn then announces that she'll be staying aboard this ship, drawing protests from some of the pilot girls that they need more time to prepare their hearts. Hamarn smirks and says that she wants to try breathing the same air as Judou and Camille for a while. Amuro smiles too and says that she's quite welcome, cautioning only that if she jokes too much she may make people jealous. ^_^ Meanwhile, Orphan is hanging out in the jet stream, having climbed faster than expected. Yuu wants to know why Orphan hasn't waited for the awakening of the Beamlar - is the thing back to the old "drain the Earth's Organic Energy" bit? Not according to Novus Noa at least... While it seems unlikely that Gaybridge is behind this, your people can't allow the possibility that Orphan _does_ use all the Organic Energy on Earth to get completely out of the atmosphere... and it will fall to Yuu and Hime to settle the score when the time comes. Stage 53. Hito no Kokoro no Hikari ("The Light of People's Hearts") Char is fretting over how the Alpha Aziel won't get retuned in time, but Nanai figures that there should be no problem if they let Quess run its real battle test. Char notes that that sounds somehow mean-spirited, and Nanai asks if Quess has complained about her to Char. Nothing other than the usual "too strict" childishness bit. The plan is to send both Quess and Gyunei, along with Gatou in the Neue Ziel, as the vanguard, despite the emotional enveiglements Quess seems to have for Char. Nanai for her part repeats that she follows Char's orders, as long as Char will love her for it. She asks Char, or rather Caspar Daikun, if he's tired from the legacy of his father's name, and Char claims that the burden is easier to bear with her here. Char is expecting the next battle to be his last, and Nanai tells him to rest while she issues all the necessary orders... Amuro meanwhile is busy being haunted by the ghost of Lalah Sun. He angrily tells her not to expect to be able to make him and Char hers. She replies that having ones consciousness exist for eternity is torture - all she wants to do is watch the two of them. Amuro calls that egotistical, and she says that she wants to be between him and Char forever. Char's likeness appears, and Amuro yells at her to reject Char. She says that Char is "pure", which doesn't sit well with Amuro as he wakes from this vision. Amuro has been having this dream a lot it seems. Chain calls in to summon Amuro to the anti-Orphan planning meeting, and after a moment tells him not to strain himself just because the final battle with the Neo-Jion is near. Amuro thanks her for her concern, but says that he won't begin to be able to die in peace until Char is dead. Chain tells him not to say such unlucky things, but Amuro is merely speaking from his own resolve. At the briefing, but Hime and Yuu are adamant that Orphan isn't an enemy. The rationale used by the Reclaimers is just drivel from people who want to flee everything around them. Yuu asks everyone to consider why Orphan needs the Antibodies when it's clearly capable of space flight under its own power - why it permitted the Reclaimers inside at all. Quincy noted before that the Grangers have emotions just like the Brains, and it could be that Orphan somehow "needs" mankind. In fact, Orphan itself should have emotions, and Yuu has sensed that it should be possible to talk with it. Hime in fact heard the voice of Orphan as a crying little girl, and even saw it briefly. She figures it wants company, which Shishiou figures is what the B Plates were originally supposed to be (though _what_ the B Plates really are nobody knows). Orphan is, in short, a little lost child in the big, bad universe. The question is, how to stop the thing. Even if you attack and cause the Grangers to come out, and defeat them, there's no guarantee that the thing would in fact halt. Kenta is sure that that won't be necessary and that talking to it will work, but Shingo notes that gambling on an adversary whose thoughts you don't know is a pretty risky bet. Remy asks Kiry if he plans to fold, and he answers that who else but he is willing to do crazy stuff like this. Orphan has just now surfaced to the point you can see it, so it's up to Yuu and Hime to negotiate... Amidst the vastness that is Orphan your people spy "the Figure", a giant woman-shaped thingie that's the center of Orphan's capabilities. Just then the Grangers emerge, and Bright testily tells Gaybridge that your people have no intention to interfere with Orphan's departure. BUT, if Organic Energy drain occurs, your people will have no choice but to forcibly stop Orphan. The Baron tells your people that Gaybridge is no longer in command, courtesy of a coup d'etat that has put Jonathan in command. Kensaku reminds everyone that even though the Reclaimers have been unified, Orphan is still in command of Orphan, but Max claims that Jonathan is merely acting on the side of Justice by circumventing Orphan's will. Survey says: blast them all. When you take down Quincy, she vows to protect Orphan anyway. Yuu points out to her that Orphan is brave enough to fly by itself. Quincy says that Orphan needs her, which Jonathan encourages by calling her Orphan's queen, but Yuu tells him to butt out of family matters. As the two of them argue over Quincy's identity, Quincy gets something of a splitting headache, and a Plate inside Orphan begins to Revival... but will it be a Granger, or a Brain? Quincy manages to say that all she wanted to do is protect her family, and now upon feeling cast off by that family manages to Revive a Baron Zu, with shockingly poor taste in red paint according to Hime. Isako, aka Quincy, has just made a *very* unwise decision, but Yuu isn't going to let it stand. As Hime apologizes, Jonathan tells the Baron that this voyage across the galaxy will require a Queen, since no King can move the hearts of the Reclaimers. This is just the sort of thinking the Baron had hoped for from this "knight" he's selected, saying that he had shared the same sort of painful memories on Earth that Jonathan had. Both of them get to exchange manly friendship as their Baron Zu's take them away from their futile worlds. Jonathan then comes out, having gone from "average headcase" to "stark raving lunatic extraordinaire". Gaybridge is lamenting why this battle had to happen at all, and the Baron says that battles are sometimes handy ways of weeding out the lame-asses from the military. On 1.5, Amuro gets a very nasty premonition: Char is coming! Banjou points out that there's very little point in doubting this, and Bright sensibly realizes that they'll probably show up once the Reclaimers are toasted off. When you have Yuu fight Jonathan, Jonathan tells Yuu that it's too late for whatever he tries. Yuu tells Jonathan that all this time Jonathan has been running away from fighting and living on his own. Jonathan is worth an Organic Bit. He can't believe is Zu would lose, and the Baron calls him back, saying that he can't afford to go down yet. Quincy is also worth an Organic Bit. She tells Yuu that she's not going to stop until all the Brain Powerds are gone. Hime tells her that she's thinking too hard: Orphan is the one who can manage to go things alone here. Hime says that Orphan doesn't need to be protected, but it would be sad to leave it all alone either. Orphan seems to agree with Hime's version of events and not Quincy's, and actually _absorbs_ Quincy's Baron Zu. What has happened to Quincy herself? Well, the maniacal laughter isn't a good sign... Bright then orders all the Reclaimers, who are now leaderless, to disarm. Gaybridge is resigning himself to waiting for the Beamlar to reawaken before his voyage, but the Baron claims that Orphan's premature flight is also a reaction to the fact that human egos are too strong. Gaybridge figures that the Alpha Numbers and their strong egos are in the way of spreading Orphan's will to a larger group of people, and believe that Orphan is upset at your people to boot. Misako felt no hint of that despite being imprisoned within Orphan's "nerve center", but the Baron figures that that's just because Orphan chose her. The Baron seems to be happy that the number of people, and human egos to supply Organic Energy, that can fit aboard Orphan are limited, and some gibberish argument ensues about how the Baron can't comprehend Gaybridge's desire to save mankind. As the argument continues, the Baron himself comes out, about to add to his long list of sins by trying to kill off Yuu and his Nelly Brain before Orphan's eyes. Kenta wants to know why the Baron is fighting so hard on Jonathan's behalf, and OVA has an idea, though she quickly passes it off as a bug in her programming. As you continue to chip away at the Baron's mech, Amuro observes that its power seems like that of the other Grangers who went berserk. The Baron tells his mech that its powers are infinite - if not, it wouldn't have Revivaled to answer his dreams. Yuu realizes that the Zu is in fact draining the Baron's energy, telling him that if he doesn't rein the thing in he'll be finished. He doesn't care, so long as he can take down the Alpha Numbers and grant Jonathan's wish. I swear these guys are bed-buddies or something, as Baron resumes prating about granting Jonathan's wishes. Actually, it turns out that the Baron is Jonathan's *mother*, meaning they must be even more than bed-buddies [bed-buddies says you, incestuous mental patients says I ^^;;;] Amuro tells Yuu that if he wants to save Anoir, he's got to concentrate and take down the Zu before it absorbs her completely. Anoir is worth a Cost Down. Jonathan starts giggling like a cretin and wonders what his mother is doing as the Baron. Anoir murmers about wanting to do something for him, wanting to be by his side, but Jonathan says it's too late: she's already deceived and betrayed him. As she trails off with something about him being such a healthy child, Jonathan yells at her to wake up - he's still got a LOT to say to her. Yuu suggests to Jonathan that he forgive his mother, but Jonathan tells him to butt out and fetches Anoir inside Orphan. It seems the Reclaimers are done for, and Yuu really wants to fetch his sister from out of Orphan, but Char shows up and puts that on hold. He greets your people, then tells his warriors that this is the beginning of the final battle of the Neo-Jion. The plan: wipe out all the humans living on the Earth, the source of all conflict. As your people note how many disparate stragglers Char has gathered, Zechs realizes that Char isn't after your people - your group is at best a hindrance to his true objective. The problem is, even Zechs doesn't know what Char is planning, since the plan to drop Axis on the Earth is apparently kiboshed. Bright orders everyone to aim at the Musakas, and Amuro furiously demands to know what Char is scheming. One turn later, Yuu senses that the Musakas have nukes on them, roughly one tenth the amount that the Dugachis had. The plan is to nuke the Figure and make Orphan crash back to Earth. Orphan, of course, is FRIGGING HUGE, and Kosaku calculates that the thing crashing back to Earth would produce a nuclear winter. Orphan has about used up all its internal energy: it can't run away. You get a Skill Point for fulfilling any of the victory conditions, which are a) shoot down Char, b) shoot down the Reuroola, or c) shoot down all the Musakas. When Amuro and Char fight, Char demands to know why Amuro can't grasp that the surfacedwellers are just pawns - Amuro responds that those "pawns" are living beings too. Char offers a back-handed compliment of sorts: that Amuro won't stop fighting even at the end is the mark of a good rival. Char is worth a Psychoframe and HUGE amounts of loot. Taking him down is also necessary to see the dread Nightingale in the next battle. Unfortunately, the Musakas manage to make it to the Figure and detonate anyway. The Reclaimers think all is lost, and Char figures he's won, but Amuro tells him that things aren't going to go his way. Char watches incredulously as your people go over and support Orphan. If you can't stop it from crashing to Earth, you'll at least slow it down. Your people are displaying the very human trait of "not giving up until the bitter end" - Judou furiously says that UNLIKE Char, your people never assume that the future of people or of the Earth will end. Amuro vows to show Char the power of the humans he's turned his back on. Yuu tells everybody that Orphan needs something Organic, and all your dudes concentrate their energies onto Orphan. Char is astounded as the fundamental energies of life coalesce into a ring of light: Organic Energy incarnate. Yuu takes the lead, vowing to save both Isako and Orphan. Hime tells Orphan that she's giving it her most beloved person, and Yuu finds Quincy somewhere within Orphan. He tells her that he's not here to hurt her anymore, but rather to bring her back. She says sadly that noone understands her - noone wants to stay with her. Yuu says that he's trying to give her a chance to start over again, and to free herself and Orphan. Yuu offers the two of them instead of the B Plates, in exchange for Orphan leaving the world alone. Within Orphan's light, Jonathan tells his mother that this is a warm light, a light that acknowledges everything they've done. Char for his part still can't believe that this light dwells in people's hearts - and is more amazed yet that it's a light without fear. Now he sees the light, so to speak, but is still tormented by the notion that the bearers of this light, humans, are also in the process of destroying the Earth. He pleads with Amuro to understand that... Amuro _does_ understand, and says that that's all the more reason why everyone on Earth must be shown this light. Yuu seems to have pulled through okay, as has Hime. The Alpha Numbers are all fine but a bit weak from all the energy they gave Orphan. Orphan seems to be showing you all once again how beautiful the Earth is. Mind you, there's still people like Jonathan and his mother to save, and Hime asks Yuu if he plans to give up just because his Brain can't stand up anymore. Hime then spots a vision of Nelly, exchanging greetings and telling Yuu that Nelly wishes her and her Brain well... Stage 54. Gyakushuu no SHAA ("Char's Counterattack") It seems that Orphan has touched down in the Pacific Ocean, causing almost zero damage. It's a good bet that everyone in the world saw the gentle light shining forth from Orphan which neutralized what would otherwise have been a ludicrously large amount of energy: this is the answer that Cant has been expecting. Irene certainly can't dispute this, and Taiga calls up to make sure that the Novus Noa is okay. He has it head to where Orphan has spat out the Reclaimers, wrapped in balls of light during the descent according to the Alpha Numbers. It looks like a good bet that Orphan doesn't want the Reclaimers along on its journey to space - which would be because its voyage is NOT any sort of "fleeing" the Earth. The Novus Noa will handle mopping up the Reclaimers, but the Alpha Numbers themselves aren't done fighting: the Neo-Jion followed the Alpha Numbers down to Earth. Your people must defeat the Red Comet and his henchmen to prevent the Neo-Jion from simply making Orphan their base of operations and setting the stage for a siege. Things are in enough of a mess that Taiga can't send any support, but he BELIEVES in the Alpha Numbers' chances for victory. Your forces aren't exactly mighty, but luckily the Neo-Jion aren't here in that large a mass either. Camille senses that these are the only Neo-Jion with any remaining will to fight. Nanai is apologizing for all the soldiers who broke ranks and aborted their reentry, and Char figures it's only logical given what everyone has just seen. He knows full well that without his nukes the only option left is to occupy Orphan. However, he's not willing to admit defeat, even to Amuro, and says that this is a person-to-person duel he's about to do. Gatou is already set to die here, and both Char and Banjou are agreed that whatever the future may hold, this is the place for everyone to seize it with their own hands. For a Skill Point, clear the map in 7 turns. By this point, a mighty squad can do it in five. Quess, ever the annoying twit, doesn't get the message and ends up possibly becoming "another sacrifice" in the war between Amuro and Char. Gatou is worth a Minovsky Drive, an obvious loser of the battle between his ideals and Kou's resolve. Kou in fact resolves to carry out those ideals, though in a different form than Gatou was thinking of... Nina has a moment of sorrow for Gatou too. Amuro tries to point out to Char that the intelligencia are always trying to revolutionize the world - but because their ideas are fantasy and not reality, they can only proceed by extreme measures like this. And even should the revolution succeed, the ideals behind it quickly get swallowed by the urge for power and the blaise masses. This in turn alienates the intelligencia, who withdraw from government and the body public and become self-exiles. Char yells back that he's not trying to revolutionize the world and points out that Amuro is talking like just a tool of the government. Why can't he understand what Char is trying to do now that he's seen tens of thousands of years into the future?! Amuro fires back that that's merely one of countless possibilities - the future ought to be built bit by bit by everybody's hands. Amuro furiously yells that he's neither in as much of a hurry as Char, nor as pessimistic about mankind's future. Once you down Nanai, Hamarn calls her a fool, but scowls and says that by sticking close to Char and trying to make his dreams come true, she may have been happier than Hamarn herself. Hamarn will angrily tell Char that it's all over, sneering that she'll set him free from the "abominable memories" he carries. Char, once all his "ideals" are proven to be false, is worth a Haro and what could be called a *preposterous* amount of money and XP. Amuro tells Char to eject, and he asks your people why you aren't using your power for the world since you've got so much of it. Amuro points out that your people ARE fighting for the world and for humanity, as Char should know quite well. He says that temporary victory isn't enough to lead the people, and Ryou demands to know if mass murder in the name of changing society as a whole is supposed to be somehow better. Hiiro notes that that's not an act for the world or anything else except destruction, and Tetsuya adds that because he's not as smart as Char, he never gets lead to the wrong answer like Char does. Banjou says that your people have no intention of rushing to conclusions like Char, and are prepared to fight for years to come if that's what it takes. Your people are sure that the fighting WILL eventually end, and in fact that you all _will_ end it... and even without being forced mankind WILL be Renewed, though it might take another millenia or several. Judou demands to know how Char ended up this way after coming so far by your people's side, and Char finally wonders if he's been in too much of a hurry. He asks Lalah to give him an answer, as his mech explodes. Now that all traces of the Neo-Jion are gone, Bright orders everyone to set about picking up any survivors. It's taking Bright a while to come to grips with the notion that the war with Jion is now finally over, some 8 years after it began. The only really sad part is that the overall fighting isn't yet over... Your people get to ponder soberly whether the lot of you CAN in fact lead humanity in the right direction, now that Char is dead and gone. The good news is that you've still got the Meganoids and Zondar to concentrate on fighting. Yuu tells Orphan that it's up to it when it wants to fly off to space. He thanks Orphan for striving so hard on the Earth's behalf, and even saving the lives of his relatives. He vows that your people will now defend both Orphan and all the brave people who will one day fly to space in it. Hime asks Orphan to rest a while now. Hamarn is now trying to decide what to do, telling Camille that with Char dead she's got no reason to stay with you. Judou points out to her surprise that she has no reason to leave either, and Hamarn slyly asks if your people are trying to keep her prisoner so as to gain leverage over the fleet at Axis. Kouji is his usual bumbling self around the beautiful Hamarn, but Banjou and the others point out that, having killed off Char, your people must now accept some of the responsibility for mankind's future. Hamarn asks if you all want her to participate, and Banjou says of course - and suspects that she's already got some ideas about that. He asks her to keep those ideas inside long enough to help your people win the rest of the war, and after a long pause for thought she accedes. She decides to order her fleets at Axis on standby while she helps you wipe out the remaining enemies of mankind. As she agrees with Judou that it's now "us" instead of "you all", she thinks to herself that she doesn't know if the light of Orphan is the "light of people's hearts" that Char was seeking. Therefore, she'll search for that light from within the Alpha Numbers... in Char's place. Stage 55. Kikai-jikake no Sekai Zenpen ("Mechanical World, Part 1") Kolos is lamenting how her defeat by Banjou on Mars is bugging her more than she expected. Kolos recalls how her beloved Don once told her that with Meganoid power, mankind could progress beyond the Earth, and live in peace for eternity. However, the Beamlar did not choose the Meganoids, to which Don makes no discernible answer. Kolos knows that in just a short amount of time, Don's powers will be fully recovered. Kolos expects the Zondar to buy them the time they need, which she puts down to "feminine intuition" and says that she'll do whatever it takes to help Don. She asks Done to be patient just a little longer, and promises to settle the scores for him. Gou is thanking Daimoji for all his good work in space: all the assorted enemies up there are now dealt with. That includes Hamarn's forces, who Banjou doesn't expect to do anything unexpected for a while. The remaining problems are the Meganoids and Zondar, though Pete recalls that neither group has much cohesion. He wonders if the remnants of the Mikeene pose a greater threat, but Gou says that the scenario is about to change. It seems that someone is pulling the strings for those stragglers, causing them to engage in basically random acts of chaos. Almost as though that "someone" (presumably _not_ any of the real Mikeene leaders, who should all be dead) is trying to divert your attention. Who else but the Zondar or Meganoids would be in a position to do that? Sakon knows that either the Zondar with their Zondar Metal or the Meganoids with their mind control and mechanical know-how could take over the half-living, half-machine Battle Beasts in this fashion. Daimoji wants to leave Orphan to help quell the chaos, but Gou says that that chaos is precisely why you should stay put - the Meganoids and Zondar will SURELY show up there. After all, it's an almost unlimited energy source, AND a vehicle capable of interstellar travel. You don't have much to do but sit tight and wait for the inevitable axe to fall... Your people are unsurprisingly finding it tough to sit tight. Mikoto has the very sensible worry that the Meganoids and Zondar may join forces, but the group consensus is that she's worrying too much. Garrison meanwhile is on the scene with the full-blown high tea, which he merrily says is the perfect way to stay calm under these difficult circumstances. Banjou is about to dig in when the alarm comes: the Meganoids are approaching, and in greater numbers than ever before. Banjou promises Garrison that he'll win this fight, and tells him to keep the tea hot for him. Garrison agrees, though he says that when Banjou comes back it won't be tea, but a victory toast that he'll have waiting. The Meganoids show up, and they've got a variety of mecha from other enemies under their control. Kolos tells you all to cease resisting and hand Orphan over, which of course isn't going to happen. Banjou says that the Meganoids don't deserve to be the ones flying off to space, and Kenta says that people who have forgotten the gentleness of the human heart don't deserve either Orphan or the Beamlar. The trash talking ensues in earnest as both sides rush into battle. [I must editorialize. The previous climactic battle with Char was "not especially difficult", depending on just how much trouble Char's mech gives you (i.e. next to none in my case). This battle is "PATHETICALLY easy", and can be finished easily in three turns with good play. My god the Meganoids go out like the oversized bitches they are.] The first time you damage Kolos, she claims to see that there's no point in fighting you. Your people point out that it's a little late and say that they aren't letting her run away, but she offers you a deal: she'll stop attacking mankind if you let her have Orphan. Banjou flatly refuses, seeing Kolos' plan: to claim to be the savior of mankind when in possession of Orphan. And, as admission to Orphan, a "lifeboat" for the Earth, Kolos would require everyone aboard to get Meganoidized. Kolos tries to turn the tables on Banjou, demanding how he intends to save the world from its pollution and from the flaws in human nature - what's wrong with the eternal peace her way affords? Banjou almost gives into her arguments until the rest of your people give him a sizeable pep-talk about how, unlike the Meganoids, the rest of humanity has yet to succumb to their own egotism. Finally, Banjou responds to Kolos, saying that he won't see the Meganoids stain the courage Orphan possesses. Besides, the "danger" mankind faces that Kolos speaks of is something that each and every human must confront, together. The strength of humanity is drawing power today from the mistakes of yesterday. Gai and Banjou then double-team a special version of their battle challenge. Once you get Kolos down to 50% of her HP, she stammers and asks Banjou why he won't understand Don's heart. Banjou says that he will never forgive his father for creating the Meganoids, and especially not for killing his mother and older brother while experimenting on them. He loathes how Kolos and Don claim the name of Meganoids for themselves and claim to be superhumans. Kolos claims that those superhumans are necessary in the age when mankind is about to venture to the stars, and Banjou says he'll prove that mankind can manage the journey _without_ such assistance. He continues that that the Meganoids have no future: for example, Kolos has lost sight of everything out of her so-called love for Don. Banjou will never become such a Meganoid, but just then a voice promises to punish those who would hurt Kolos. It's Don, who says haltingly that while he hasn't gotten all of his powers and consciousness back yet, he's more than enough to hurt those who would hurt Kolos. Don tells Banjou not to think that this will go down the same way as it did on Mars three years ago, and Banjou replies that if Don is different from what he was back then, so is Banjou. For a Skill Point, take down Don last. Kolos is worth a Super Alloy nu-Z. As Kolos buys the farm, Don vows to return all the pain she's suffered on you all, casting Love. Don is worth a Soul of Iron. Don's functions halt, and Banjou assures everyone that he isn't going to quit here - as he's said before, he's got other enemies besides the Meganoids. Just then, Mamoru senses a HUGE Zondar coming, larger than any before. The Four Lords of the Zondar show up, saying that they're all prepared for the final battle with you, as soon as their Lord arrives. Mikoto detects something immense on the Z Sensors... Stage 55. Kikai-jikake no Sekai Gohen ("Mechanical World, Part 2") GGG HQ has traced the giant EI that just left Tokyo heading for Orphan (we knew that). Apparently this giant thing was lurking under Tokyo Tower: the start of the Zondar Nightmare from two years ago. This is the EI-01, which crashed in Yokohama and then promptly disappeared. That it's appearing now can mean only one thing: the Zondar are going to try to make Orphan into a Plant for them ("Oh! Jesus", Swan says). Word just then arrives from Gou that all the remote-controlled mecha the world over have begun attacking simultaneously. This not only proves who was controlling them all, but also makes it impossible to send help to the Alpha Numbers. Taiga tells his troops not to falter: the Alpha Numbers do not know defeat, and everyone must concentrate on what they _can_ do, while believing in the Alpha Numbers with all their heart! It's beneficial to start Gai on the Eastern group, for reasons explained below. Not surprisingly, we find out that the Zondar have gone inside Orphan and are trying to take control. Doing so will neatly let the Zondar suck out all the Organic Energy from the planet, AND power the mechanization that will follow. The Four Lords are prepared to kill you all off before their boss shows up, triggering the usual round of trash talking on both sides. Your people are so determined that Pizza actually apologizes for the "foolish and weak" bit, acknowledging you as true warriors. Not that that will stop him from trying to kick your ass. Unfortunately, at that moment Don revives, having absorbed the Zondar metal as his own blood and appearing at full strength. It seems you've got ten turns until the Zondar infection of the Figure is complete. Take Pizza down with Gai. Gai tells him that he's not the only one who can roam the skies, and Pizza says that he's a warrior, and wants to die as such. Except... his fight as a warrior isn't over yet! He flees off the map... Taking out either Boronezu or Primada will cause the other one to scream out for their beloved and cast Love. When you take down Primada, she'll go over to Mamoru and try to kill him for how cute he is. When she touches Mamoru however, her body begins to crumble, and despite the fact that she's a Zondarian and not a Zondar-ified human, she actually returns to some humanoid form, lamenting her lost lover once more before dying. Shishiou figures that she's been merged with the machinery too long to return to human form, and when Gai tells Mamoru to return to the ship Mamoru asks Gai to be sure to take out the bad guys so this never has to happen again. Even when you take Don down, he still seems to be alive, telling Banjou to taste with his body the punishment he deserves for causing Kolos such sorrow. He yells out to Kolos to watch the end of the man who has caused her pain, but then a voice tells her child Banjou that he can win: the mechanical beings have granted Don nothing but temporary strength. Banjou wonders if this is some illusion caused by his father as some sort of penitence, and Banjou yells out that he doesn't need his father's strength: he, and the Alpha Numbers, can win on their own! Banjou then pulls off a super mighty Sun Attack, and tells Don to begone, along with the memory of his father. Your people demand that the remaining Zondar come out and face them, lest they drag it from Orphan themselves. The Zondar seems amused that you all would refuse the mechanical world and hurry towards your own deaths. The Zondar indeed emerges: over 300 meters tall. This is without question the EI-01, Pasdar. As the trash talking ensues, Pasdar seems sure that he can beat all your people, tired and weak at heart from all the fighting that's been going on. Of course, he's full of shit, but he DOES pull out something very annoying in the process: he weakens all your machines with the standard "50 morale and no magic" curse. Shishiou explains that this burst of light, tuned to the Zondar Metal, has caused it to reach its full power. This is causing the G Stones, which are an opposing energy source, to be neutralized: an energy war of attrition. Not only is the EI-01 able to draw reserves from Orphan (and therefore the rest of the Earth), but if the powering down continues all the Heros will run out of energy and die. For a Skill Point, take out EI-01 last. On the next turn, Pazdar makes as to emit the burst of light again, which will surely spell the end of all the Heros. The Custos interfere however, and somehow absorb some of the Zondar Metal. Looks like Pazdar wont' be able to use his little trick again. Your people then ask the Custos to leave this to you - your people are determined to overcome your problems by themselves. EI-01 can't understand why you would turn down help, especially if it may be stronger than you yourselves, but of course it's all about the value of doing things yourselves. Savalas then shows up to demonstrate that you're not the only ones fighting. This looks like a futile gesture until Isabel speaks up, saying that she's brought something for you. She tells you to listen, and you hear voices - the voices of all the various families and friends back at their respective ranches. Everyone has words of encouragement and thanks, and it seems that the light of people's hearts has helped unify everyone after all. All of this pisses off Pazdar to no end: he can't believe that the chaos he planned hasn't taken root. Tetsuya, finally sick of being called a "weak-hearted one", informs Pazdar that he's sadly underestimated your folks. Savalas, and the Custos, leave again, and your people are now free, though still locked in mortal combat with the EIs. The problem is that your people are still in bad shape, especially the Heros. Gai asks Taiga for the "eye for an eye" strategy: Bullet X. Taiga is astounded, and Gai implores him to use it, saying that there's no other chance for victory. Hiroshi realizes that whatever this thing is, it'll probably cost Gai his life. Shishiou adds his support, telling him to believe in Gai and the other Heros. Taiga agrees, saying that with all the miracles the Heros have brought about so far it's time to see if they've got one more left! Bullet X will arrive in one turn, and your people resolve to hold out for that one turn no matter what it takes. This may be the longest one turn of your lives. [Or not. The bad guys should be no match for your ravening hordes, but hey.] Bullet X arrives, emitting a burst of light that puts your mecha back into operating shape for a change. Moreover, this light has unsealed the energy inside the G Stones, causing it burst forth explosively. This is power beyond the limit, the last and final Miracle Machine. Gai goes over and smacks around EI-01, with Shishiou saying that now YOU are on top of the power attrition battle. If you had Gai take down Pizza before, he comes back to help you, saying that his duel with Gai isn't over and that, as a warrior, HE (not Pazdar) will chose the manner and place of his death. He thanks Gai for reminding him of something important - his real name. And he'll stake that real name and his damaged mechanical body on the fight against Pazdar... as well as his pride as a warrior. Pazdar can't believe your people beat him, figuring that his mechanical body is immortal. He's wrong. Pizza figures that this fight is over, and disappears. Looks like the world is saved. OR, perhaps not. In fact, it seems that all your mecha have simultaneously burned out due to the influence of Bullet X. Your people have no regrets about your machines supporting you until the very end... until you realize that all the GS-powered people are, well, defunct. See 47J for what happens next. Mamoru revives not only Gai, but all your other mecha as well. This is not a "miracle", but rather the power of the victory your people have seized for themselves. The fight is over. Unfortunately, a certain someone has arrived to agree with you that your fight is over. It's the Custos, along with Irui. Irui informs you all, the "Many Swords", that your power has saved the world and opened the door to a new era. Your people are quite shocked to see the true form of "Irui Gan Eden", the "Guardian of the Earth"... also known as Mashiaf, the guardian of Paral. She explains that she assumed a child's form to enter among you and find out if you have the proper kind hearts to protect the Earth. She's seen you pass your numerous trials and display your love and kindness, and has apparently been watching over you via her Guardians. She thanks you for becoming the sword and shield to protect the Earth in her place. As she finally repeats that your fight is over, Kusuha can feel Irui's psych growing ever stronger. She announces that it's now _her_ turn to protect the Earth... by sealing it forever. This entails erecting a kekkai centered at Paral which will totally isolate the Earth from the outside world, making it the last true paradise in the universe. She tells you that she is both your guardian, and now your lord, for all time... You receive a Super Repair Kit and a Victory Feast... Stage 57: FOREVER and EVER THE FINAL BATTLE! *confetti* *ticker tape* *mass orders at coffin shops* Gan Eden issues the order to seal this, the last paradise, the paradise of those who have escaped calamity, which must never be lost. In a new wrinkle, Gan Eden and Irui seem to be two separate people... Irui regards gentle Kanaf, brave Keren, and innocent Zanav, telling them that their brethren's roles are about to be over. She expects your people wont' accede quietly, and will be counting on their help when the time comes. As she prepares to surface Paral, the Gan Eden figure orders the "final program" to boot. Taiga reports that at 4:34 Japan time, a roughly 1 kilometer long stone object has appeared in the skies over the Northwestern Arabian peninsula. Apparently this is the "Garden of Paral". It does seem to be a garden in midair, and satellite photos show it to be full of giant statues and other ruins. No duh that it's the home base of the Custos. The thing is quite stationary, presumably preparing to erect its kekkai. It's a delicate question of whether Irui is friend or foe, but at least several other things about the Custos are now clear. For example, the Custos only appeared to you because their lord, Irui, was among you. As for why there are no legends or stories about them, they were presumably asleep, or else sealed, inside Paral. That they became active at all must be connected to how you and they have a common interest in defending the Earth. The question then becomes, why did they attack the Good Thunder? This kekkai Irui spoke of is presumably some kind of immensely powerful barrier, capable of keeping even subspace and extradimensional travelers out. Naturally, people inside couldn't get out without permission... and given that the Beamlar is supposed to help people get to outer space, it now makes sense why the Custos should target the Good Thunder! Attacking the aliens was a way of stopping their invasion from outside, and attacking the Subterraneans is simply a form of defending the Alpha Numbers themselves. Also, traveling with you allowed Irui to see the entire planet, planning for its eventual disposition. It seems reasonable to assume that Irui was nothing more than a single terminal for the immense Gan Eden system. The little girl form was to affect you all mentally, and if Sakon is correct Gan Eden itself is presumably some Earth Defense system made by some ancient civilization... or else is something sent from deep space to watch over and/or seal humankind. Your people are slowly realizing their danger: you'll become enemies with Gan Eden as soon as you try to venture away from the planet, which of course everyone agrees is necessary for humanity to continue to thrive. Your choice is therefore this: be content to get shut away inside the kekkai, or wipe out Gan Eden by your own hands. The decision is to do the latter, though your pilots are understandably upset with the prospect of having to go to war with Irui. There's also the immense power that the lord of the Custos must wield. Hime wants to try to save Irui, and Shishiou would too, but poses the question of what would happen if Irui turns out to be nothing more than a fabrication calculated to arouse your sympathies. Your pilots still want to believe in Irui, and note that it would kind of suck if all your efforts so far become null and void at the hands of Gan Eden. Amuro figures that Irui's real nature needs investigation at the very least, which Vera and Kincaidu agree to. Shishiou happily notes that you are all hopeless for picking option number three, and everyone resolves to fight Gan Eden (the Choukijin's destiny, Kusuha figures) and save Irui. Time to RUMBLE. Before the rumbling starts however, Irui shows up to welcome you to Paral. She says that momentarily she'll erect the kekkai, and you as her chosen Swords will dwell with her forever in this paradise. Amuro asks her who gave her the duty of guarding the Earth, and upon receiving no response asks her what Gan Eden is - where did she and the Custos come from. She says that the wishes of ancient people gave her form. Gan Eden is an artificial god, and Paral its treasury. She explains that Gan Eden was created in ancient times to defend against calamity from beyond the skies. Looks like Shishiou's "defense system" theory is right on the money. She recalls a time of demons and destroyers who threatened all that lived, saying that Gan Eden exists so that the living could survive such dangers and exist in a sheltered paradise. She goes on to explain that the result of all the riches travelers from space, Orphan, Beamlar, Getter Rays etc. have brought was the Balmar War, which put the planet in danger of immediate destruction. She says that all these various wonderous powers have been accompanied by misfortune, pointing out that you all are no exception. Banjou impatiently says that you know all this already, saying that this is precisely why your people are using their power to protect themselves and all their comrades in space who love peace. The problem, as Irui sees it, is that your very existence seems to summon conflict. What if your powers should fail in battle, or if some force superior to you should appear? It would spell the end of this paradise, though your people seem to feel that it's _impossible_ that anything should surpass their strength. Irui is not so sure, saying that your lives are, after all, finite - what will happen after you are dead? Camille counters that people's wishes live on in successive generations, sure that someone will inherit your mission after you all pass away. Irui admits that she understands that too, saying that she inherited Gan Eden's powers and will from someone called Augustus. NOT the first sovereign emperor of *Rome*, but rather the first example of what you all call "Psychodrivers", a "Kyounenja" - one who draws power from human will. This makes the main characters akin to Irui, and Amuro figures that Gan Eden appears to be the "original" for all the Psychodrivers. This gets Viletta's attention as "another" example of... something or other. Irui explains that once there was a person who used Gan Eden to bring together the blood of Psychodrivers. That person assumed the role of defending the Earth in place of Gan Eden and its three servitors. However, as time passed, his bloodline grew weak... and his eventual descendents are Kusuha and Britto (and the SRX folks). Irui, as the strongest descendant, was selected as the "maiden" of Gan Eden... meaning that she was NOT created by Gan Eden itself, but a human just like the rest of you. Suddenly, it sounds like you've got a much better chance of success, until she tells you that she's doing this of her own free will. She tells Kusuha and Britto that their fearless determination to fight to defend the world will eventually lead to greater misfortune. Hence, she plans to seal the planet. And she starts by blasting the hell out of Little Barm and the colonies, plus the moon. She says that such attacks are only natural...since Gan Eden is ONLY meant to protect things actually living on Earth. Ooh, time to PAY like a motherfucker says I. She figures that the Spacenoids are no longer Earthlings, and doesn't plan on letting any more Cranks Dugachis or Char Aznables appear. She rejects Tobia's claim that not all Spacenoids are bad, saying that every last one of them is an abnormality that must be eliminated. In fact, if you, her Swords, continue to resist, she'll have to eliminate you too AND the horse you rode here on... which means that she's now blasting Orphan as well. You now have a choice: save Irui, or destroy Gan Eden. The latter gives a somewhat "worse" ending, so I'm picking the former. Kusuha vows to save Irui, meaning that Kusuha isn't content to be Gan Eden's lackey. It seems that Kusuha's promise to protect Irui also only applies to the little girl version, and for a change Kusuha actually starts using her Psychodriver powers to wake Irui from her stupor. The little Irui is telling the big one that Kusuha is actually a nice person, which is why the Tiger god is giving her strength. Big Irui can't believe little Irui is around, and commands her to begone. Since your voices are no longer reaching Little Irui any more, the plan for now is to wipe out Gan Eden before it wipes out all the people you've fought to protect. Shingo notes that your people don't actually need a guardian god anyway. And even if Gan Eden _is_ a god, says Hiiro, if it intends to disturb the peace... wait for it... wait for it... he will kill it. [And the crowd goes wild!] Irui then decides to take you all out, appearing in person for the first time. Amuro notes that in order for Irui to recover herself, you've got to take down the Gan Eden system first. Nobody has any objections, and Kusuha finally realizes that freeing her is her destiny, and the destiny of her mecha. Everyone has to pitch in their support too. There is no Skill Point. If you recruited them, Rihitel and Hainel show up on turn three (apparently still alive). Looks like the Guardian is going to have to fight more than just the Earth to put up her kekkai... Send Kusuha to Persuade Irui. She says that putting up a kekkai isn't likely to fix anything - it's just an example of running away from scary problems. Doing so will eventually just ruin humans. Humans grow by overcoming the various trials and hardships they face, moving forward in the process. But what Gan Eden is trying to do will just make everyone come to a standstill. Now Kusuha understands why her Choukijin fled from Irui's presence - they realized that the kekkai would eventually destroy mankind. Kusuha doesn't want to have their determination come to naught, nor the feelings of all the people she's fought alongside of. That's why she's fighting to defeat Gan Eden and get Irui back. Irui then begins to waver, with the Little one crying out for help. She's effectively being pulled in half, and Gan Eden begins the moral suasion directly, as it has been doing throughout the game. Gan Eden tries to then force Kusuha and Britto to comply, but the Choukijin fully awaken, and offer to help directly to save the world of men. The spirits of everyone who has ever piloted the Choukijin offer to help too. What you need now is for five of the "main characters" from each series to Persuade Irui too. On turn five, the Docougar folks show up to help to (violations of Bundorl's artistic sense and all). After the final Persuasion, Little Irui gets separated from Big Irui, and Gan Eden begins trying to erase her because she wants to return to your people. She has but one request for you: destroy Gan Eden and her along with it. Your people are dismayed that it's come to this, but Shishiou says that there's still a chance to save her, though it's risky. What you have to do is halt Gan Eden and rescue Irui at the same time, much like with Puru and Four. Time is short, but if you don't do this there's no future for mankind at all. Irui is a nightmare incarnate, but Like every nightmare she can be woken up from. She is in fact emblematic of all the things that make this SRW game easier than many of the ones before it. Were this the original Alpha (or the dreaded SRW3), Irui would retain her *500k HP*, but also have small HP Regen (making her nearly unkillable), in addition to some mysterious free full healing powers and a high-powered, multi-use circular map weapon. In fact, aside from her mountain of HP and high hit percentage she's every inch a garden variety bump in the road to victory. Perhaps out of a sense of mercy, the designers have made it very easy (well, from my POV anyway) to simply run her out of energy. When _that_ happens, you can have your way with her as though you were playing the original To Heart video game and not watching the animated version. In any case, just exercise a little Morale management, and remember that if some of the bench-warming, Gatorade-refilling, headset- cold-hording cannon fodder this battle begs you to bring along should happen to get shot down in battle, all your remaining squads get a Morale Point apiece. Hey, their ejection seats are all in good working order. Just an observation. Just be patient and play your game, and you WILl prevail! When you strike the final blow, Irui thanks you all, saying that she can now finally sleep. Not surprisingly [to me], Paral begins to crumble, and Irui tells Kusuha to stay back. She says that if she is removed from Gan Eden now, all the accumulated psych would explode forth and enclose the world in a psychic kekkai. She plans to use what strength she has left to neutralize that psych, and go to sleep along with "her". Does this mean that your people's actions are all in vain? Not at all, since you saved the planet from the curse of its artificial god. She tells Kusuha not to be sad, saying that she's got to pay for the sins that Gan Eden has committed... and give the planet back to you all. She's glad she met you all, glad that she learned about the bravery needed to protect the things one cares about, and about love... She asks you at the end to let her fulfill her duty - her duty to protect the planet. Daimoji yells for all of you to retreat, telling you not to make her resolve end up in vain. Your people pull out, but Kusuha can't bear to see Irui lost like this. She's got her own promise to keep, and reemerges in her mech - and she's actually used her head enough to think of using her own power and Britto's to restrain Gan Eden's energies. Viletta doesn't think she can manage it, but Kusuha says that she'll never know until she tries. As explosions rage, the Choukijin eject the two Psychodrivers, telling them "farewell". This is a good thing, since there is a VERY large explosion... At Preventer HQ, Isabelle has just finished typing up her story. Or what she can of it - there's too much for her to summarize properly. Beltorchika tells her not to rush things - it's only been a week after all. Isabelle responds that that's the point: timing is everything where accuracy is concerned. Lady then breaks the news to her that the Federation has decided to censor most of the information pertaining to the war. Hayato can understand the government's reasons, though he doesn't buy into them, saying that there's a lot of things that the public needs to here. That's why Isabelle plans to keep writing, against the day the truth can finally be told. Gou then announces the dissolution of the Alpha Numbers, returning them back to their previous state and their new missions. That includes repairing the Colonies, getting rid of space debris, terraforming Mars, etc. When Daimoji asks what is to be done with Mother Vanguard, Gou "professes" no knowledge of it. Tobia gets all the Gundams he wants, though Kincaidu tells him to leave the X1 behind for the Lond Bel to gather data from. Tobia figures that, since he's presumed dead, and the Mother Vanguard is presumed not to exist, he may as well lead a life of space piracy. Just kidding. He actually plans on accompanying the Crossbone Vanguard into space to see once more with his own eyes if people can coexist with space. Bernadette will be going along too, and might just be suitable as the new captain. Umon wonders what that leaves for him to do - chief science officer seems good, given his knowledge of mobile suits. As for Kincaidu, he plans to get out of his pirate getup and hike the mountain trails, tasting the rain in the air, hold the woman he loves close, and then think about the question of why humans exist. Cecily and Seabook tell each other a VERY long-postponed "welcome back". Elsewhere, the crew of the Taikuu Maryuu are about to get VERY busy, with basically no vacation, using their miraculous ship in all kinds of helpful jobs all over the Federation. Not that Sanshirou is going to back away from his part in all of it. The Gundam pilots don't get much of a break either, although at least they'll be on the Earth for a while, helping repair Rasa from that little itsy bitsy rock that got dropped on it @_@ Kou wants to go there and think long and hard about what Gatou and Char's actions have brought to mankind. As for Camille, he thought about quitting MS piloting altogether, but decided to stay in the Lond Bel... if for no reason than to forestall Judou and the others trying to stay in his place. Additionally, he doesn't want to regret not being able to do anything when the inevitable changes to the world arrive. Keith notes that you all will be split up, but Four points out that it's not as though you'll never see each other again. As farewells are said, Camille says he'll try to take the time to think slowly and carefully about what the Light you all saw means to mankind. Kazuya has good news for Erika - Little Barm's propulsion systems have been repaired. It seems that, with a little help from the Zaylans, they are the ones who will be terraforming Mars into an inhabitable planet. Erika can only imagine her father and brother's joy at the news that their dreams are becoming reality, and Kazuya ponders how both Rihitel and Hainel haven't been seen since the final battle. Erika is sure that he's watching over the two of them, somewhere, and Kazuya is glad that his father and Rion, and all the other peace-loving folk made this day possible. Erika thanks Kazuya for giving her the courage to go on fighting, and Kazuya playfully points out to her that the struggle is still on going. Kazuya hopes that the terraforming can be over quickly, so that he can... propo- But Margarette interrupts right then... ah well, what are friends for ^_^;;; The Voltes team is slated to go to Mars too, while the Combattler team will help to guard Little Barm. But once the terraforming is settled down, Ken'ichi wants to go to Boazan with his father and Dange, hoping to free that planet from the tyranny of Zu Zanbajil. The Combattler team will therefore stay on Earth to defend the peace, but Hyouma promises to come warping to Ken'ichi's rescue if he ever needs him. Kouji now has something he's curious about: where the hell did the Getter Rays, Beamlar, and Gan Eden come from? That's why he and Michiru are going to be going to the Space Development Group. The other super pilots are surprised that Kouji has such an intellectual interest, though Tetsuya and Kenzou both tell him to go with a clear conscience, leaving the Earth's defense to them. Besides, they'll just be at G Island City, not some foreign country. And besides, Tetsuya has Hiroshi to help him out. Even Hayato's difficulty talking to his parents seems to be lightening up some. Just then Ryou's father shows up, saying he's got something to say to him directly: his mother's illness has turned around, and she's no longer in any danger. He also thanks Ryou for protecting the future of all the kids on Earth. Ryou says there's no need for thanks - that's simply the path he walks. The G Boys won't be throwing their Gundams into the sun this time: they'll presumably be needed until people truly cast off fighting. Trowa figures that day may not be so far off, given how many people saw that light. Each of the G Boys will split up and carry out his own mission, but Hiiro has accompanied Riliina to G Island City. Orphan meanwhile is simply floating on the Pacific Ocean, having apparently chosen to live alongside you all. There's a rumor that it may solve the world's energy crisis, but you'll have to wait for the (former) Reclaimers to figure out the answer to that one. Hime runs up to say that preparations are complete to head to G Island City to see "that child" off. Whoever it was said that they don't need a sendoff, but don't count on your people to honor that. Heck, even the Brains want to go. Judou is late getting up, and is hastily getting ready to go at his sister's insistence. Judou had called her here from Shangri-la to see his friends off, and she asks if he too will be going on some journey at some point. If so, she promises to send him off with a smile. Judou is grateful for this, but says that he'll consider the Junk House with Beecher and the others for a while longer. He figures there's more to be done before heading off to space, and suspects that Hamarn feels the same. Mamoru hurries off, leaving his mother to wonder what kind of friends he's seeing off to space and worrying that one day he will do the same. His father feels the same, but says that when that time comes they've all got to see him off with a smile... The GGG folks are reporting that the Good Thunder is in place. No enemies are to be seen, though there's a lot of old friends... not all, however, since everyone has their own duties to do. Shishiou has rigged up a special broadcast though, so all the former Alpha Numbers will be able to see this, another "small step" for man. Kenta feels someone calling him in the supposedly empty space beyond the Pleiades. He wants to see this world with his own eyes, and nobody is going to stop him anymore. The Goshogun pilots see him off, passing along a farewell message from the Docougar folks as well. The kiddies say their goodbyes too, and Kenta tells Mamoru, who's blushing a bit over Hana, to be sure to introduce her next time as his "girlfriend". Among the well-wishers is none other than IRUI, who is finally able to be up and around a little with help from Volfogg. It's time for Kenta to go, but he won't say "farewell" on the theory that he'll see everyone again later. Your people muse that Kenta is the representative of all your human hopes, and new possibilities. Banjou is forced to wonder if the rest of you watching his departure have advanced any, and Yuu figures that Orphan's acceptance of you all is proof that you have. Hiiro adds that humanity as a whole has just slipped another of its moorings. Nothing for it but to face whatever lies ahead with courage. As the Lond Bel dock, Amuro thinks about Gan Eden. Rather than being a shield for mankind, he thinks of it as a chain around their ankle. He's been pondering for a long time why such a tremendous thing had stayed hidden through all the planet has been through, and yet appeared now. Evidently humans didn't reach its warning threshold of maturity before, but now they can produce Light from their hearts and even get Orphan's cooperation. Though he hates to admit it, Char's actions seem to have been the trigger for mankind's advancement after all. And it's the Lond Bel's job to make sure the sort of calamity such powerful people could cause gets averted. Heck, Irui was saved after all - anything is possible. Our Heros(tm) are going to the Tesla Raihi lab to continue research on the Choukijin. Kusuha hasn't given up on her dreams of becoming a doctor, but she wants to know more about the Ryuu-Ou-Ki and Ko-Ou-Ki, thinking of it as her memorial to the two of them for saving her. In fact, she believes that they're still alive, to appear again if the world is ever threatened. Viletta and Retzer plan to split off here, and Viletta asks the two of them to look after Irui, since that's what's best for her. - ROLL CREDITS - THE END, and make sure to save your game so you can replay later if you want to.